#i plan on making a way better version once the shows over along with others!
cozystars · 1 month
ur keep up edit of chilchuck has changed my life in the best way possible I keep thinking about it.... hes built like bilbo baggins, truly........
i was not ever expecting this sort of response from yall and I feel like I should've Known, ever since the anime folks fucking love chilchuck. I'm glad it intro'd so many people to karma carr n I hope she releases more songs like this one. he is truly built like bilbo baggins. o7
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ms-scarletwings · 3 months
Irken Zim’s 8 biggest fans
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For funsies! As we are well aware, this guy has a lot of gut-haters and censurers across the galaxy. Over his long years of life, he’s gained a proud infamy from every corner of the Irken empire, all the way to the fringes beyond, and the number of critics snapping at his heels only grows with every adventure. Whole civilizations sit at their seat’s edge waiting for this invader’s downfall, but what of those who defy all odds, expectations, maybe even logic? Even devils somehow find worshippers, even criminals get fan mail, and even Invader Zim has someone rooting for him within the 4th wall. Weirdly quite a handful of them, actually, let’s recount.
8. Table Headed Service Drone Bob
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It’s humorous, how odd circumstance can make for strange advocacy. The show’s universe operates on the rule of funny, and Bob just so happened to be in the right place and time to comedically become the only Irken alive with something to gain from Zim’s success, and so much to lose for his failure. The sheer unfairness of what the Tallest put him through along with Zim serving some hope for a miracle ticket out of his low standing seemed to snap something in him, even if just for an episode. It would make sense for anyone in his position to have a much more dampened love for their society and leaders, to the point where cheering on its greatest enemy would be preferable than another moment of being a doormat. An underdog rooting for an underdog, even if for purely selfish and coincidental reasons.
7. The Judgementia Control brains
Even more deliciously ironic, isn’t it- That Zim’s praise was be sung once from the very bottom rung of Irken society and then again from the highest spike? What better to follow up poor Bobby than another victim of astronomical circumstance, or rather, three victims together? The nutshell recap of “The Trial’s” plot climax spells out the tragedy of, what is basically Irk’s highest court officials, to become he first ever victims of Zim’s malignant code becoming a contagion. They’ve joined the Fanclub, even if against their will, and all the better for Zim this time to have support from such a high place, seeing that it literally saved his hide in this instance.
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6. Dib Membrane
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Yeah, that’s freaking right. He’s on the list. You think being a hype man and a mortal rival are mutually exclusive? You either haven’t been watching enough DBZ or you haven’t been watching enough Hellsing and should fix that. Anyway, and I’m speaking within the actual canon dynamic of these two… it is very important to Zim that Dib is perceived as a formidable opponent to bluster his own ego, and vise versa. Dib is not in any self-serving position to accept what an actual mess Zim’s operation is, even though he has more evidence of the alien’s horrible tactics, nonsense plans, failures, etc. than anyone else on the planet. Gaz can see Zim for exactly what he is and why fighting him doesn’t have to be this 24/7 urgent priority. Dib refuses to get that because stopping Zim’s pop-up schemes only keeps the score tied for them. They’ve both been at this long enough to get incredibly frustrated with the lack of progression regarding the big picture goals, taking over the world, and exposing a live alien to the world, respectively. I don’t think he has to keep describing this space goblin as some ultra-cunning master of villainy, or GIR as this nefarious minion because that’s what he actually thinks of them, but because if he admits otherwise, that’s not a great reflection of his own merit for the obvious reasons. Just the presentation of another dimension’s version of himself succeeding against Zim before him causes a spiral of self doubt, just as it can bring Zim to a minor panic watching other invaders leaving him in the dust. Dib wants this guy to be a challenge worth the victory lap when he finally gets what he’s been fighting so hard for.
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When Zim is getting on some truly idiotic antics, Dib doesn’t actually revel in his disorganized stupidity, but meets it with a baffled or annoyed disappointment. Like me watching a character I thought was super badass suddenly do something that reveals them to just be utterly lame. Too often he almost comes off like he is critiquing Zim’s performance as a villain rather than,, you know, the fact that Zim is a villain in the first place. It more than once has led to accidentally giving the guy new ideas or pointers on how to do his own job better once in a while. If I were in Dib’s place I would under NO circumstances be giving Zim advice or corrections on what he’s doing “badly” when it comes to the invader thing, but, whatever makes you feel cool & smart, you little dork. There’s also the whole “Dib’s hatred for Zim belies his geeky fixation with aliens broadly” angle I’ve mentioned here or there before, and don’t mind to again. Studying/stalking Zim is only partially about defeating him. His curiosity over Irken tech, biology, etc. is still coming from a place of genuine scientific passion, as literally all of us know. And of course, on occasion the two make for unlikely allies against much bigger shared enemies.
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5. Minimoose
Oh come on, how much could I even have to say about this moose-weapon? He has two fathers and is fully aware that Zim is one of them. Assuming we all here know about the cute Florpus quote; no need to recap the whole existence of the lil guy.
4. Invader Skoodge
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Now this guy… this guy ain’t right. Exactly here, at this (I say with love) loser of an invader, we reach two tipping points when it comes to Zim-affinity. One, the tipping point where Zim ceases to ask for and ceases to appreciate the toadying. Two, the point where I actually kind of struggle to find any rational explanation for the toady’s behavior. Like I’ve tried and I genuinely don’t know how to put together how Skoodge keeps jumping into this position other than ‘it’s that funny’ or some weird familiarity from smeethood factor. All of the invaders know what Zim has done and what he’s capable of. He’s a consistent terrorist of his own kin and defamed as the greatest disgrace to the Empire. The two options for how to feel about Zim as any random Irken soldier are fear, and/or loathing. If Skoodge were just neutral or indifferent of Zim, that’d be pretty freaking odd. But Skoodge interacts with Zim on the level of at least a lukewarm acquaintance, readily even deferring to his command, despite the fact that he nearly dies every single time he does so. He survives miles of being chased by a monster on Hobo-13, he makes it to the finish line, and his first reaction is to let Zim know he’s made it in one piece. He decides to lay low and slack off after getting fired (into the blighted surface of Blorch) and out of the entire universe to choose from, he decides to go hole up at Zim’s place and stay conveniently out of the way for some time. Dude finally shows himself in the unfinished scripts, and it’s to motherfucking help Zim troll around with Dib. I’m up at night wondering what is going on in Skoodge’s head because he’s n o t an idiot. He’s a real invader in all other respects, just as competent and nationalistic as the rest of them. Easily suggestible, yes, but not stupid. There’s basically no way for him to be ignorant of the big lie the Tallest sold Zim, yet he chooses not to utter a peep on the matter. Pity? A bizarre sense of solidarity?? A delusional one sided friendship??? Don’t look at me like I know other than the fact that he’s on our protag’s team, in spirit. The wannabe Irwin to Zim’s Billy, essentially.
3. Keef
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So yeah of all things to blow Skoodge’s unhealthy attachment clean out of the water, we stumbled into this freak of a human child. Keef is a loyal compadre to a fault. A huge, creepy fault. Kid was originally supposed to make a return as well, wherein he was no less of a stubborn stalker than already proven once. And extra points for the irrational selflessness. Even while demonstrating an understanding of what Zim did in Dark Harvest, possibly even with the memory of that whole squirrel incident, he still wishes nothing but for the ability to put a smile on his green friend’s face.
2. The Amoeboid Cult
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And when none thought that the scary conviction Zim garnered on Earth could be his biggest fans, you find this little ditty in the comics, and it starts turning into an irresponsible god analogy fairly quick. The short recap is that following a crash on a strange planet, the Voot Runner starts leaking fluids that inadvertently spark abiogenesis, which results in the creation of a rapidly evolving race of blob-things. Seizing an opportunity, Zim at first demands their followership, and then shortly after gets fed up with it as he did the previous fanatic on the list. Nonetheless, the cell people continue to reproduce and age thousands of years their time in the span of a couple minutes, never losing that zeal for their unintentional creator, even going so far as to repair the cruiser despite Zim’s rejection of them. Out of what little they gathered about him during his short visit, they correctly learned he’s a destructive god who planned to abandon them as soon as he could. Their last wish as a civilization? For this god to also obliterate them, as final treat. Such was their devotion that it even left Zim himself completely baffled for a moment when its full depth was revealed.
1. GIR
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You watch this show, right? Yeah? Henchman and sidekick number one? Chaotic thing this whole fandom can’t decide to perceive as an adoptive child or a talking pet? He may not be as competent in pleasing Zim’s wishes as minimoose, or as focused, but his heart and loyalty are ultimately with their intended master, unconditionally and for as long as this setting has continued.
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missezramay · 1 year
ted lasso, post-finale thoughts.
I went into the finale thinking yeah, if the writing serves, I can accept any outcome even if it's not exactly what I want. Instead, I was hit with a plethora of mixed emotions I didn't expect to have. Confusion, anger, hurt, annoyance, small bursts of joy in between, and just deep sadness. Almost 20 hours later and I'm still incredibly dissatisfied and processing. For the most part, finales should provide a feeling of celebration and relief. I... don't feel any of that.
I'm just really trying to pinpoint why I'm so sad.
Of course everything inevitably has to come to an end. Of course Ted was always going to reunite with his kid. Of course it's not about winning or losing. Of course Tedbecca can remain platonic if that was always the plan. Of course that's the way life goes, but...
For a show (and this season particularly) that constantly encouraged us to 'believe' and 'hope' in the idea that 'everything will work out', all those 75 minutes did was take me on an unsettling, emotional journey for no concrete reason other than to mess with the audience (the opening scene was just adding salt in the Tedbecca wound I've had since S2). Because everything in a macro sense, "worked out". But the WAY it "worked out" does not sit well with me?? And it's supposed to? For a lot of people (on Reddit/Facebook, lol), it was enough?? Richmond not technically winning and Ted leaving like that without so much as a tear? What am I missing??
When I tell you I'm trying to embrace the good parts, I'm really trying. Yes to KBPR & the women's team, Yes to Colin kissing his fella, Yes to Rebecca & Mae & the guys owning the club, Yes to Roy becoming Manager.
So... why am I still so upset? Hmm, let's see.
The boys' musical number? The cutest. Ted didn't think so.
Nate's apology? Heartbreaking. Ted didn't bat an eyelash.
Rebecca begging twice for Ted to stay? Ted, absolute silence.
Beard staying/getting married in London to his toxic gf? Comic relief, haha, fine. Except Ted wasn't there as Best Man.
Don't even get me started on the huge disservice to the Roy/Keeley/Jamie triangle.
Now listen, I get that he misses Henry & Henry misses his dad. I'm not that cold. A father/son's love is important. It was always the catalyst for this show; for him to work on himself so he can be a better father unlike the one he grew up with. That's fine.
But on this particular week. His last week with his Richmond family. There was NO sense of him being sad to leave them. He can be sad about missing Henry but he can ALSO be sad about leaving. No, he just completely checked out. He let everyone pour out their hearts (Hannah's getting her third Emmy, mark my words) to him, and he just stone-faced the entire time.
The argument is that he was internally processing, he was overwhelmed, he was trying to distance himself so it would hurt less. Fair points, okay. But this is a television show, moreover, A FINALE. TV characters, while relatable, are heightened versions of ourselves, there so we can better process our emotions and learn to handle things better in our real lives. Ted deserved MORE dialogue and displaying MORE emotion than whatever this was.
We're never going to see him again. We're over here crying along with Rebecca, Nate & Beard, but he didn't sob once. Even though he spent three years building a family with them. I even thought, hey at least he left his legacy with Trent's book but newsflash, he wanted his name taken off that too! Complete erasure.
I just feel so robbed of better moments. Like there were nice moments here and there. But they could've been BETTER. Honestly, Nate & Rebecca's breakdowns were close to perfection, so much love there. But the lack of dialogue and Ted not reciprocating? Broke ME.
I just cannot. understand. this. choice.
Massive sigh. I'm just truly baffled by the way everything wrapped up and not getting the satisfied feeling that one half of the viewership got. Maybe I'm in the minority, but that means something. It carries weight. Also, for a "three-season arc" that was planned well in advance, why all the rewrites and parallels and fakeouts... it's just cruel. But as the theme says (and maybe this was a warning all along), yeah, I guess this might well be it.
This show has given us so much and the last season flailed for the most part. I don't want to disrespect the show by being negative and cynical (looks like I failed!!) or cast blame on anyone in particular. The cast/crew are amazing people and I'll be grateful for being a part of the journey but I'm just so sad and this feeling sucks and I will never get over it.
Going to miss them. x
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hugsandchaos · 2 months
Magical Meal
Summary: As the second day progresses, Danny and the Chain have two questions regarding Danny’s situation. Is he going to be sick? And how bad is it going to be?
Word Count: 5,291
(I apologize for deleting the previous version of this chapter. I’d forgotten about a couple paragraphs that took place in the morning, but now I’ve corrected that mistake. Other than that, not much has changed. Thank you all!)
Jazz pressed the red button to open the Fenton portal and took a few steps back as the metal doors split in two. The eerie green glow of the portal shined onto the ship used to travel in the ghost zone. Inside, sitting in the pilot seats, were Sam and Tucker.“If you don’t find him by 11:00 tonight, come back. We’ll have no choice but to let my parents know.” Jazz said, raising her voice a little so she was sure that she was heard.
She really wanted to go as well, but some of the ghosts knew Sam and Tucker better than they knew her, and someone had to make sure her parents remained calm until they confirmed that Danny was indeed missing and not just in the ghost zone for some reason. Still, it upset her that she couldn’t join the search. Already, before Sam and Tucker had even left, Jazz wanted to receive a text from one of them saying that they found him and that he was alright.
The two nodded with determined expressions and turned the ship on. If Jack and Maddie weren’t having a breakfast date, she’d worry about them being heard as the engines fired up. She watched as the ship began to hover off the ground, then before long, flew right into the portal.
As a sort of mini celebration that the school year was finally over, the three of them had planned a sleepover at Sam’s house, but Danny never arrived. The last message they’d gotten from him was that he was heading towards an abandoned house they’d stumbled upon a while back for a little bit. When he didn’t arrive for hours and didn’t answer his phone, they texted Jazz asking if she knew anything. She texted back saying that she thought he’d gotten there by now. That immediately caused intense worry on both sides.
The duo immediately went to the abandoned building, despite how late it already was. After all, the service was bad out there, so that could be the reason why their messages weren’t even delivered to his phone. They didn’t find a single trace of him. Several more attempts to contact him later, each one slowly growing more and more desperate, they told Jazz about the situation. Despite the growing anxiety in each of them, they did a surprisingly good job at keeping level heads and came to the conclusion that he might be in the ghost zone.
Jazz was told that Frostbite, one of their allies in the ghost zone, had explained to the young trio that portals between the two realms can naturally open up and close. That, along with how the ghost zone is constantly shifting and cellphone service isn’t exactly the best in there, made the idea that Danny could simply be in the ghost zone and likely heading towards one of the lairs of their allies to find his way back not too hard to believe.
Still, the fact that he’s been gone since last night was worrying. Thus, Sam and Tucker showed up at the house the next morning after Maddie and Jack left saying they were going to the ghost zone. Jazz tried to convince them to wait a little longer since he could show up at any moment or at least let her go, but after another thirty minutes, there was no more stalling them.
Once the ship went through, Jazz closed the portal and frowned.”Please just be a little lost.” She murmured hopefully.
~~~~~(Back With The Chain)~~~~~
When the sun climbed higher into the sky after breakfast, so did the anticipation for what might happen to Danny. Nothing yet, though. Still, Hyrule didn’t want to assume that he’d be completely alright. Not when he ate something that no one, not even Danny himself had any clue about how it would affect him an hour or two ago. Hyrule had practically given him a mini lecture about letting him know if he started showing any symptoms of anything.
He knew from personal experience how badly eating something completely new could go, and Twilight having that one incident with eating too much magic in one meal combined with the fact that pretty much everyone in the group was stubborn to admit when they’re hurt or sick made Hyrule really worried. The sun was getting pretty close to its peak, and by now, the forest was awake. Animals chittered and chirped away as they left their nests and burrows to start their day.
Danny politely assured him that he would tell him if he started to feel sick and thanked him for his worry, but if the traveler was being honest, Danny was being more confident about this than he was. Hyrule was split between feeling like he was going to be as alright as he claimed since he’d actually handled everything that’s occurred in the last 24 hours better than most people probably would and had shown himself capable of handling his own wounds, and being a bit doubtful because of some certain eight heroes being so stubborn in the past.
Even making their health worse a few times.
The rest of the morning was slow and calm compared to yesterday’s events. Perhaps as a chance for everyone to calm down, including Danny. There probably wasn’t a single person there who didn’t notice how he’d grown a little nervous when Wind asked what his world was like. Like he didn’t want to answer it. Then he got distracted by simply glancing at the stars. The way he looked at it with pure admiration and wonder almost tricked them into thinking that it was his first time seeing them.
It would’ve been an extremely concerning piece of information about their temporary member, because like the rest of the group, Hyrule jumped to the conclusion that this being his first time seeing the night sky would mean he’s been kept inside his whole life. Possibly even locked down, held against his own will, but Danny sheepishly explained that because of the amount of lights used for the many roads in his village, it wasn’t the easiest to see the stars at night the way he was seeing them now.
Hearing that was a relief to all of them, and seeing how it helped him relax, they let him return to his stargazing and enjoy the moment before it was ruined for him. He was practically in a trance well past everyone had went to sleep.
Now, Danny seemed to be finally waking up as he wrote down probably everything that Warriors, Legend, Twilight, and Wind were telling him about the most common monsters in a “spiral” notebook. It was hard to tell since his alphabet was completely different. The heroes kindly gave him his personal space, but Wind still sat to his left while Twilight was on his right. Warriors and Legend both remained in their spots on a boulder as they chimed in at random points. Hyrule was watching with Time and Four.
As planned earlier, Sky and Wild had left for Skyloft an hour ago. Danny hardly seemed surprised by their method of traveling, only joking about how they must not get altitude sickness.
“And this is a keese. They’re not very dangerous, but they bite and are very annoying.” Wind said, showing Danny a drawing of the monster in question in the dirt. Danny looked at it slightly puzzled, probably because of its appearance.“Fire keese can set you on fire, though. They’re easy to spot, they’re on fire themselves.” Wind added.
“So they decide to make me suffer with them? Rude.” Danny said half jokingly. Wind smiled and nodded as the human who looked to be only a few years older than him started writing again.
“Very rude.” He agreed.
“There are also ice ones.” Twilight said. Danny nodded in acknowledgment as he wrote.
When he was done, Wind decided to ask the question Hyrule himself would like to know the answer to.”So if you don’t have monsters, you just have animals?” He asked.
That seemed to be better than his first question about Danny’s world since all he did was nod again.“Yeah. We don’t have Keese, we have bats.” He replied. He looked up from his paper expectantly, but Wind and Twilight seemed to be wondering the same thing.
”There are tons of different species, and most are insectivores, but there are some bats that eat fruits. There’s one called the vampire bat that drinks blood, but mostly from sheep and cows. Their bodies are also pretty tiny, anyways, so I doubt they pose any threat when feeding. Sometimes I wonder if they even notice the little guys on them. They kind of look like that drawing, but I don’t have any pictures to show you.” Danny explained. He flipped his notebook over onto a new page.”A lot of them look kind of like this.” He said as he started to draw.
Wind and Twilight both leaned in a little to try to get a good look at the drawing, but didn’t try to get up and move closer. Legend almost stood up, presumably to get closer, but changed his mind quickly and sat back down. Hyrule felt himself lean forward as well, just as curious as the others. After a few minutes, Danny put the pencil down on his lap and held it out to show both heroes on either side of him first.
“It looks like it has the head of a puppy.” Wind pointed out.
Danny nodded.“Some do. That’s why they’re nicknamed “sky puppies” by several animal lovers. Except the biggest one, which I think lives in the Philippines.” He turned the book to show it to Twilight.”They’re nicknamed “flying foxes” because of their face, size, and the orange fur on their bodies. They’re fruit bats, by the way.” Danny said, turning the book to then show the rest of the group.
The drawing looked a lot like a Keese, but as Wind had mentioned, it looked like it had a puppy’s face. The wings also looked bigger, maybe a little too big for its body. A drawing mistake maybe? Or maybe it wasn’t a mistake and that was the actual wing size. Who was the traveler to decide when he’s never been in Danny’s world?
Although, if he really didn’t have monsters in his world, none at all, then he might be completely new to the concept of having to kill something to defend himself. He might not have gone on some adventure like the rest of them, not one where the world was at stake and left every member there with scars. Both physical and ones that no one really likes to talk about.
The traveler looked down at the ground while the rest of the world carried on without him. Hyrule didn’t think what he went through was anything bad compared to the others, but now he was worried that Danny might return to his world with bad memories.
The traveler didn’t want that. He wanted this young stranger to return home, safe and sound, with no regrets or memories that would infect his dreams. To maybe one day be able to tell his loved ones about his experience with a smile on his face and excitement and fondness in his voice. There was no doubt about it. Just like Sky said, they were going to protect him, but they were still going to teach him how to at least use a sword as a precaution once his injury is better. Speaking of his injury...
“Hey, Danny? How’s that injury doing?” Hyrule asked, looking up from the ground and smiling.
Danny perked up and looked as if the traveler had accidentally woken him up or snapped him out of a trance, ceasing his repeated pencil tapping instantly.”Oh, it’s healing well, thanks. Should be completely healed by the day after tomorrow.” He replied. Hyrule’s eyes widened a little. He’d seen the injury, and he’d seen Danny stitch it up and wrap bandages around it. A cut like that would take a lot longer than that to heal without any sort of magic to help speed up the process!
“That fast?” He asked, keeping most of his surprised out of his voice. Danny looked at him weird, as if it was common sense, then his expression shifted. He must’ve not realized wounds don’t typically heal that fast until now. Then again, maybe wounds do heal that fast where he’s from.
“I.. guess?” Danny said.
“Do all humans heal fast?” Wind asked. He glanced between Danny and Twilight.
“I’m not sure if it’s considered fast, but a wound like this should take anywhere between 3 to 18 days to heal, so I’d consider myself pretty lucky.” Danny said.
That was a slightly surprising bit of information, but it wasn’t too different from how hylian wounds heal.“Oh, then that’s good to hear.” Hyrule said. Danny nodded, probably agreeing that it’s a good thing, and covered his mouth with a hand when he yawned. He looked back down at his notebook and flipped it back over. He picked up the pencil with his right hand and started shaking it and tapping it against his middle finger again. He looked down at the notebook and used his left hand to hold the side of his head, waiting for the next monster to be described to him.
Warriors decided to take the lead for this one.”Another really common one is the Deku Baba. It’s a carnivorous plant that’s as tall as Time and a head that’s pretty much just one big mouth. The ones in my world are poisonous, and the best way to defeat them is to stun them with your shield and then slice their stem in half.” He explained. Danny wrote everything down.
After that, he moved his hand to press it against his forehead. He started to lean on himself and closed his eyes.“Uh, what else is there? Are those all the most common?” He asked. It was a little hard to tell if he was actually going to be paying attention or not. Was this the magic causing something? Or was Hyrule already looking too far into things?
“Your face is turning a little white there. Are you okay?” Four asked. Okay, so Hyrule wasn’t the only one who thought that.
Danny opened his eyes again and brought his head back up. He looked at Four.”Come again?” He asked.
~~~~~(In The Sky)~~~~~
Sky smiled feeling Sun’s arms wrap around him and returned the gesture practically on instinct. Her yellow hair, which smelled of sunflowers and felt like a smooth, thin veil when he pressed his head against her’s, stood out against the blue sky and endless sea of clouds behind Sun. He felt her head rest sideways on his shoulder. She was trying to enjoy every second of their last hug for a while, just like he was.
“Come back safe again.” She said softly. Sky nodded.
“That’s the plan.” He joked.
“If you two are done being lovey dovey, I’m ready to interrupt and give my “see you later”s too.” Groose chimed in.
The mood immediately lifted from something soft and bittersweet to a feeling more lively. It could be described as the moment suddenly becoming less of a potential farewell before Sky went into what could potentially end his life if he wasn’t careful, and more like he was actually about to go somewhere less dangerous and just really far away. Sky almost laughed a little at it and regrettably ended the hug.”Yeah, you can say your-- Wait, what did you say?” He asked.
Groose clearly held back his laughter, probably caused by the way that Sky’s face flushed with embarrassment when he finally processed what the tall redhead said. To make it worse, Wild snickered from the edge of the wooden platform extending a short distance off the island.
Well, Sky wasn’t amused one bit.
“We weren’t being lovey dovey.” Sky said annoyed.
“We weren’t?” Sun asked with a feign innocence. Sky whipped his head towards her so fast that he thought for a second he’d accidentally snap it. Wild cackled at this, and Groose’s shoulders shook with muffled laughter, as well as Sun’s.
“I’m just joking.” Groose said, letting a small laugh escape his grasp when he started speaking. He stepped forward and pulled Sky into a hug. Sky was lifted off the ground a little, but that wasn’t the point right now from his perspective.”In all seriousness, I agree with Zelda. Please come home in one piece, and without new scars. As cool as they look, getting them isn’t fun.” Groose said.
Sky let out a dramatic, angry groan and hugged back. He wasn’t acting upset about the hug. It was the teasing, and he was happy everyone knew that. Groose hasn’t always been the best with social cues and hints.”I don’t want scars either.” Sky said. He was promptly put down and almost stumbled getting his footing back. He felt a hand pat his shoulder.
“It’s a deal, then.” Groose said.
Sky nodded and smiled as he started walking towards the wooden platform where Wild was. He felt almost refreshed and was now a little more determined to finish this journey.”Alright. See you two later!” Sky called out. Instead of doing some cool jump, Sky walked straight off the platform and knew that Wild had followed close behind. Sky grabbed Wild’s arms and brought him closer so he could grab onto his back, then brought his fingers to his mouth and let out a loud, sharp whistle.
Flynn let out a loud squawk before he came up from beneath them both. With practiced ease, Sky held onto his loftwing, careful not to pull his crimson feathers. Wild swayed a little, but remained on the large bird, which was a big improvement from last time. The wind grew louder and blew past them stronger as Flynn flew towards the opening in the clouds.
As they approached the opening, Flynn dove down closer towards the clouds below. Sky slowly, but confidently stood up and held a hand out for Wild. The less experienced hero gratefully accepted and stood up, but was even slower and shook a little with unease. Sky smiled and waited for him to be upright.
“Ready?!” Sky yelled over the wind.
Wild gave him a slightly nervous, but very determined and excited smile.“Ready!” He said with a nod.
When they were almost right above it, they both jumped and reached for their cloths. Sky looked up at the opening as he fell through, the circle quickly growing smaller as he fell.”I’ll see you soon, Flynn!!!” He yelled to his bird. The responding squawk was just loud enough for Sky to hear.
“How sweet.” Wild said teasingly.
Sky rolled his eyes and gripped the corners of his sailscloth, which he used as his cape.”Oh, shut up.” He said. He and Wild both looked down at the ground and waited until they were a little closer to the ground to raise their items above their heads.
The sailscloth and glider carried them calmly towards the camp. Both let go and let themselves fall the rest of the way when they were close enough, rolling as soon as they touched the ground in order to lessen the impact. They stood up and walked towards the camp.
“We’re back!” Sky announced. When they got close enough, the two quickly noticed something was up. The temporary member was sitting against a tree in the shade, with his bag kept close to his chest as if he was holding it protectively while his head rested sideways on it. Hyrule was leaning on the same tree, but on a different side, and occasionally glanced at Danny with worry.“Is everything okay?” Sky asked.
Time turned to them.”Most of us think so. Hyrule, probably not as much.” He replied. Sky and Wild noticed Warriors and Twilight were sparring a few paces away from the camp, and Legend was watching them with Four. Wind was sitting next to Time, doodling in the dirt in boredom, and Epona was laying down nearby.
“Danny started showing symptoms about an hour ago. He swallowed something that he said should help him and moved to sit in the shade. I honestly think he fell asleep.” Wind explained.
Now that they knew what was going on, both felt more at ease with the situation. Wild took a double look at the slate to make sure that he had all the food they’d gotten from Skyloft.”So I’m guessing we’re waiting until he’s better to look for the portal? I vote for it, traveling while sick is never fun.” Sky said.
“When have we not stopped when a member was sick?” Time asked. Wild walked over to the now extinguished campfire and relit it to start on lunch. Funny enough, a small growl was heard from Wind’s stomach. The poor sailor’s face grew a little bit red in embarrassment.
“Fair point.” Sky said. He walked over to where Danny was sitting. Hyrule perked up a little seeing him come over and put a finger up to his lips. Sky shook his head and knelt in front of the dark haired human. Under the shade, it might look like it blended in from a distance, but since it was darker than the shadow cast onto him, it stood out up close. His face was also a little pale, but other than that, he seemed alright. Hopefully whatever medication he had for himself will work.
Despite the traveler’s disapproving look, Sky reached out and lightly tapped his shoulder.”Hey.” He whispered. To his relief, it was enough to wake him up. Unfortunately, his face wasn’t the first thing the young human saw and when he registered his hand on his shoulder, he smacked it off. Sky quickly retracted his hand and Danny looked up at him as his bag fell off his lap and landed sideways from the movement.
Danny squinted his eyes at him for a second before his eyes widened a little and he seemed to recognize him.”Oh, I’m sorry.” He apologized.
“It’s fine. How are you feeling?” Sky asked.
Danny made a noise and shrugged, grabbing his bag again.“Not the best, but definitely not the worst. What about you?” He asked. He put the bag back in his lap and rested both arms on it. He seemed ready to go back to sleep, a feeling Sky was very familiar with. And he totally wasn’t jealous that Danny got to nap and he didn’t. What are you talking about?
“Good. We grabbed some food that doesn’t have as much magic in them.” Sky said. Danny gave them a thumbs up and a small smile.
“Thank you for letting me know.” He said, sounding more tired than grateful, but the gold light that glimmered ever so slightly above his head told Sky otherwise.
The hero smiled.”No problem.” He said. He then stood up to go to Wild and see if he wanted any help.
~~~~~(Slight POV Change, Because No One Likes Not Being Given A Warning)~~~~~
Over with Warriors and Twilight, Twilight had managed to throw Warriors over his shoulder and held his sword next to his opponent’s head. It obviously wasn’t a real threat, but it was also obvious that Twilight won. Warriors looked up at him and let out a tired breath. Twilight’s stoic expression, which was honestly sometimes scary on the kind ranch hand’s face, lightened up into a smile. He put his sword away and walked around the captain. As Warriors sat up, Twilight held out a hand.
At the same time, a smug Four accepted a blue rupee from Legend, who looked less than pleased.
The two silently parted ways, with Twilight walking over to join Time and Wind and Warriors going to sit with Four and Legend.
“Seriously? You lost me a blue rupee.” Legend complained.
“And I lost a sparring match.” Warriors said.
With Time and Wind, Twilight was met with positivity more than negativity.”Nice.” Wind commented.
“Thanks.” Twilight said with a nod. He walked past both of them and sat down next to Epona. When he came closer, Epona perked up and watched him, but she wasn’t on alert. She was happy. When he sat down, Epona seized her opportunity and shifted her position to lay her head down on his lap.
Twilight raised his arms up in surprise when he notice her begin to move. He kept his arms up, palms facing down, and once Epona had her head resting in his lap, she took a deep breath before closing her eyes to relax. The ranch hand’s eyes widened slightly and his mouth was agape.
Twilight was shooketh.
Epona’s head was a little heavy on his legs, but it wasn’t a kind of heavy pressure that was uncomfortable. This one was soothing. It was always more comforting and tolerable when it wasn’t an object leaning on Twilight, but a person or animal. He often felt like he could just shout in pure happiness when an animal chose to use him of all choices as a pillow or place to rest on for their nap, as odd as it may be. And right now, a moment that didn’t happen as often as one would think, especially in a situation like this adventure, he thought he was going to explode.
Twilight practically forgot about the rest of the world as he slowly lowered his arms and used one hand to gently pet her. He only remembered to close his mouth when he smiled.
~~~~~(Slight POV Change + A Short While Later)~~~~~
Wild finally finished with lunch, egg tarts for everyone, and only had to stand up straight for it to be silently announced to all. He took his plate first and walked away from the food before it could be practically swarmed. Wind was second to get his food, followed by Four, Legend, Warriors, and Hyrule, who grabbed the extra one made for Danny. Finally, Time stood from his seat after he knew everyone got their food, and the only one aside from him who didn’t was going to be a while.
“I don’t think Twilight’s going to join us for a minute.” Time said. He pointed behind himself with his thumb, and the rest of the group turned to look past him.
Twilight looked up from where he was seated on the ground with Epona’s head resting on his legs. One of his hands had been petting her, but he stopped when he looked up.
Some of the members couldn’t help but laugh a little at how he’d been so focused on Epona that he probably didn’t even notice that lunch was done.
“That’s sweet.” Hyrule said.
Wind looked up at Wild.”Can we document this?” He laughed. Wild wordlessly pulled out his slate and held it up, but instead of saying no or hiding his face in embarrassment, Twilight smiled for it and even gave a thumbs up.
Everyone was unanimously quiet for the click that signaled that the moment had been captured, then continued laughing.“Does it look good?” Twilight asked. The fact that he was going along with everything and even posed for the picture made the whole thing even better. Wild nodded and was soon crowded slightly by Wind and Legend. He didn’t mind much, though, and happily showed them the picture.
“Oh, yeah. It’s a good picture.” Legend said.
The grand finally came soon after everyone’s laughter had died down. Twilight seemed alright waiting a while before getting up so Epona could enjoy her nap. The camp was relatively calm with a hint of new liveliness in the atmosphere, when it was interrupted by a stomach growl coming from Twilight. Epona woke up when she heard it and began to sit up.
“No, wait!” Twilight muttered. His voice had sounded so small and defeated that Wind almost choked on the piece of egg tart in his mouth. Four, Wild, and Legend tried to stifle their laughter. Wind managed to swallow it before laughing again. Twilight’s heartbroken expression made Hyrule feel a little bad for wanting to laugh, but Wild just patted his shoulder and handed him a small plate. Twilight accepted it.”Thanks, cub. The world can be a cruel place.” He said.
“And you guys call me dramatic.” Warriors commented.
Only a few steps away from the camp, Hyrule knelt in front of Danny. Now that he was close up, he realized that he didn’t look as pale as before. In fact, he looked a lot better! Hyrule smiled a little. Having seen how Sky handled it earlier and how it turned out, he decided he’d try just talking first.“Danny.” He said.”Hey, Danny. Hey.”
Surprisingly, and thankfully, that’s all it took before he started to stir. Hyrule smiled a bit as the human opening his eyes.”Hey, Wild made lunch. It doesn’t have any magic this time. I hope you’re hungry.” He said.
Danny stared at him pretty blankly for a moment, but that hardly mattered. He was most likely still waking up and was just taking a moment to process what Hyrule had just said and decide on an answer. After a moment, he nodded.”Yeah, I could eat. Thank you.” He said. Danny stretched his arms up and rubbed his eyes.
“Alright.” Hyrule said. He set the plate down next to Danny, then stood up and took a seat leaning against the same tree, but on the right side. Well, right if you count Danny as straight ahead and use the tree as the center. Danny yawned and briefly covered his mouth with his hand, then looked down at the plate of food and picked it up with the fork.
“Never had it b’fore, actually.” He said. Hyrule glanced at him. From what he was told, egg tart was a pretty common dish in most... well, Hyrules. Then again, maybe he didn’t live there, like Twilight and Wind.
After another moment, everyone just enjoying their meal, Danny spoke up again.”How long was I asleep for?” He asked.
“Not too long. Probably an hour, and then another thirty to forty minutes after Sky woke you up.” Hyrule replied. Danny hummed in acknowledgment.
“...Which one is Wild again? The one wearing blue and that short, grey-ish cloak?” Danny asked.
“Yeah, that’s him.” Hyrule replied, taking another bite.
A few seconds later, Danny spoke again.”This is great. Thank you.” He said. After that, the camp finally dipped back into silence. Well, as silent as it could be in the middle of a forest.
Once everyone was done, the group returned to their own thing and Wind approached Danny.”You’re looking a lot better. Do you feel anything?” He asked. Danny smiled a little.
“Yeah, I’m feeling a lot better. Thanks for asking.” He said.
“That’s good to hear.” Twilight commented.
Danny turned around, probably to say thanks or something, but stopped when his eyes fell on Epona.“Is that a horse?” He asked.
Twilight nodded and almost laughed. Danny’s reaction was pretty similar to Wind’s and Sky’s reactions. Danny realized he asked a stupid question and his face turned a tiny bit red.”Yeah, Epona’s a horse. Is this your first time seeing one?” Twilight asked. Everyone was less awkward about the question knowing how insane other worlds could be.
Danny lifted a hand, palm facing the ground, and shook it side to side.”Sort of? I’ve seen them in pictures and such, but not in person. That’s probably the fourth most ridiculous thing I’ve ever asked.” He replied.
“Don’t feel bad. Wind and Sky never saw a horse until we met, so we don’t think it’s weird.” Legend said, hoping it would help. Danny jumped a little, probably having not noticed him until now, but took his word for it and nodded.
(“You guys put together two protests in one night?”)
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lucy90712 · 6 months
omgg girl YOU HAVE TO DO this enemies to lovers fic with pedri where they're lowkey known to hate eachother in school but then one day the reader comes out of the classroom and and has blood on her face and is crying becasue this one dude messed with her and hit her and pedri sees her and is furious and asks her "who did this to you" and the reader refuses to tell him but then eventually gives in because of how mad he is and pedri beats the dude up like really bad, then the reader and pedri are at the nurses office and she asks him why he did that and pedri finally confesses his feelings for her and so does she and they like kiss in the end ?
you're writing style would slayy this prompt soo muchh so pleasee do write itt!, anyways take care of yourself!!, love youu
A/n: I changed up the idea a bit but I really like it so I hope you do too
WC: 2.2k After going the whole year waiting and celebrating all my friends birthdays it's finally my turn as it was my birthday during the week so now my friends are hosting a party for me at one of their places. All week I've been looking forward to this party as I haven't been out in a while because I've had other things to focus on with school and work. I went out and brought a new dress for tonight and everything because I want to look and feel amazing. I'm always the friend that just wearing casual clothes as I'm always too busy to get dressed up but not tonight I'm going to be the one getting all the stares and attention tonight. Usually I would say I don't care about getting attention from guys but tonight I want to prove someone wrong.
Pedri. That asshole football player. I met Pedri when I first moved to Barcelona as he was friends with the friends I made and ever since he's been around. He's like a fly that just won't leave you alone every time I think he's not going to show up he sneaks up on me and my night is ruined. I know for a fact that he will be there tonight because he's part of the friend group and everyone else is always trying to get up to get along but we just don't. For whatever reason Pedri took an instant dislike to me, to begin with I thought he was attractive but any feelings for him other than disgust quickly went away. He's always calling me names or just generally saying awful things to me but to everyone else he's an angel and the sweetest guy ever. The last time I saw him I had gone straight from an 8 hours shift with 4 hours of classes before and I heard him say to someone else that I never look good which is exactly why I want to prove him wrong tonight. 
This morning I took myself to get my nails done and I got my hair cut for the first time in a while and now I've just got out the shower after having washed my hair and shaved. I feel like a whole new person and it feels amazing I don't know why I didn't make more of an effort sooner. The first thing I did was put my dress on then I did my hair and makeup which took a while as I wanted everything to be perfect but eventually I did it and everything couldn't look better. Looking in the mirror I almost didn't recognise myself but I lied the version of me I saw much more than the usual tired mess I usually see. My friends were all going crazy over the picture I sent in our group chat which gave me the boost in confidence I needed to go along with my new look. 
Seeing as I plan to drink tonight I got a cab to my friends place where their party was happening. I purposely arrived a bit late because I want to make an entrance seeing as it's my birthday party and I put all this effort into my appearance I want everyone to notice well I want Pedri to notice. The door was unlocked so I just opened it and walked right in straight away everyone turned to look at me it felt like I was in a movie and for once I was the main character not a background actor. All of my friends immediately made their way over to shower me in compliments but all I was interested in was Pedri. It took me a second but I eventually I caught his gaze and I could see his pupils were dilated and his jaw was slightly open but as soon as he noticed I was looking he turned away. My mission for tonight is already complete now it's time to have fun and channel my hatred for Pedri into the best night of my life so far. 
My best friend got me a drink and then took me off to go and dance with her. She made a playlist of all my favourite songs which she put on and we started dancing together. As we were dancing I had another drink or maybe two so I was definitely on a high but I wasn't drunk nowhere close to it. Somehow I lost my friend and ended up just dancing on my own which was fine until I guy I hadn't met before came over to talk to me. At first he was nice but then he got overly flirty and I just wasn't feeling it, I didn't come here to go home with a guy I just wanted to have fun and let loose. 
Despite my best attempts the guy would not leave me alone and he was really starting to test my patience. His hands were all over my body which made me really uncomfortable but every time I tried moving them his hands went back to where they were if not lower. Once he started squeezing my ass that was enough for me I pulled away but the guy grabbed my arm and held it really tightly. I could tell it was going to leave a bruise but that's was the last of my worries all of a sudden all I could feel was intense panic flowing through my veins I felt as though I hadn't had a drop of alcohol I was so aware of every little touch on my skin. I've never been so scared in my life I've never felt this weak either, usually I'd stand up for myself without any hesitation but right now I can't get any words out and I can't make my body move even an inch. My whole being is now controlled but the fear of what this guy is going to do to me.  
"You know you look super sexy in this dress" the guy whispered in my ear as he put a hand around my throat 
"G-get off m-me" I managed to choke out 
"What you don't want me even though you are practically begging for attention dressed like that" the guy taunted 
That was enough for me I managed to free myself from his hold but I wasn't able to move quick enough to avoid him slapping me for presumably not wanting to sleep with him. I flinched at the pain but I also braced myself for more but it never happened. Suddenly there was someone else stood in front of me who punched the other guy just as I looked up. Everything happened so quickly but time seemed to slow down as I watched the guy that has been harassing me get punched in the face multiple times, even though it wasn't me doing it I felt great knowing someone had my back. 
Once time went back to normal speed and the guy was finally escorted out of the house I finally got to see who had come in to protect me. That someone who I was thanking in my mind just a few seconds ago was Pedri. For once I saw a different look in his eyes instead of disgust and hatred I saw concern and worry. He cared although he has never acted like it he cares about me. That thought sent butterflies through my stomach, for some reason owning that deep down Pedri didn't really hate me made me feel relieved happy even. 
There was a lot of thoughts swirling around in my mind not just about what happened but also about my feelings for Pedri. I was soon brought out off of my spiral though when I noticed Pedri turn towards me and reach his hand out to touch mine which sent a shiver down my spine. I could move as he looked at my wrist which was already starting to bruise and then studied my face which suddenly made me aware of the fact that I could feel something running down my face. 
"Are you ok?" He asked 
"Yeah I'm fine" I replied 
"We both know that's a lie now come with me I'll clean you up" he said 
He offered me his hand so I took it and he lead me through all of the people around who had just gone back to doing whatever they were doing before after watching what unfolded just a few minutes ago. Pedri lead me to the bathroom upstairs which was empty luckily so we went straight in and he locked the door behind us which made me a little nervous all of a sudden. As Pedri looked for the first aid kit I just stood there watching him as I was starting to realise that maybe my attraction towards Pedri hadn't disappeared and had just been buried deep down inside me instead as I was starting to feel the nerves I felt when I first met him again. 
After a while of just staring at him Pedri finally found what he was looking for and turned back to me. He told me to sit on the counter in front of him so I made my way over ready to haul myself up on the surface but instead Pedri put his hands on my waist and lifted me into the counter. Having his hands on my waist felt weirdly comfortable it was as if this had happened a million times before I felt safe almost with his hands on me. He kept one hand on my waist as he gently cleaned up the cut I had on my lip which stung but every time I winced Pedri just squeezed my waist and apologised which somehow made it all better. As he worked to put cream on my lip and wrist I was completely captivated but the way he was sticking his tongue out fully concentrated on making sure he did everything he could to make me better. 
This was the first time I noticed how perfect his face was. His hair, his eyes, his lips and his stubble that was beginning to form were all just so perfect. His hair looked so soft and fluffy. His eyes looked so caring and kind. His lips looked so kissable. Those thoughts had never crossed my mind before but thats simply because I wouldn't let them, I've always been attracted to Pedri but I didn't allow myself to feel these feelings as until today I thought he simply just hated me but this situation has made it clear that he doesn't hate me quite as much as I first thought. 
"There we go, does that feel any better?" He asked 
"It feels a lot better thank you" I replied 
"Now tell me how are you actually feeling and please be honest" he said 
"I'm ok still a bit shaken up but I'll be ok" I said 
"I'm sorry this happened to you that guy was wrong to do that don't think for a second you deserved it because you don't no matter how beautiful you look" Pedri said which took my by surprise as I never expected him to call me beautiful 
"Thank you it means a lot hearing you say that" I said 
"I have to ask why did you help me I thought you hated me" I said 
Pedri just stood there for a few seconds which made me regret actually asking him and not just thinking about the many possible answers. All of my anxieties quickly disappeared though when Pedri closed the gap between us and attached his lips to mine. The feeling of having his lips on mine was out of this world I don't know how to even describe it it almost felt like a void was filled that I didn't know was empty before. Where my lip is cut it definitely stung kissing Pedri but it was so worth it and I'd deal with much more pain if it meant I could kiss him again. Sadly the kiss eventually came to an end but Pedri stayed close to me and wrapped his arms around me even after he'd pulled away. 
"I'm sorry I should've asked you first before doing that but I just couldn't resist" he said 
"It's ok I enjoyed it but you didn't answer my question" I teased 
"I never hated you I hated the fact that I found you so beautiful I told myself that I needed to focus on football and not dating so when we first met I thought it would be easier if I just acted like I hated you but it really didn't help and I just can't pretend anymore" he admitted 
"Well I'm glad you don't hate me as that would've made this all very awkward" I laughed 
"I know I've been awful to you but can we start over?" He asked 
"Of course all is forgiven especially after you helped me out there" I said 
"How about we get out of here and maybe we can talk over some ice cream" he suggested 
"I like the sound of that" I replied 
With that Pedri gave me another kiss which he apologised for as he realised it probably hurt me which it did but I happily kissed him again as he grabbed my hand to lead me outside to his car. I felt a bit bad for leaving my own birthday party but at the same time getting to know Pedri and exploring these newfound feelings sounds a lot more fun. 
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crabdrabbles · 6 months
Graves + Shadows Headcanons Part 3 [Part 1] [Part 2] Words: 766
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Praise for DAYS. Did Shadow 5-8 get a good shot on the target? Punch in the shoulder at the end of the mission and a bright grin “That’s what I’m talkin’ about, 5-8!”, 
“Atta’girl, 6-12, I couldn’t’ve done that better myself.”
“Keep it up, 10-4!” Reaches over and brings them into a side hug and ruffles their hair like a proud dad. 
Coming back to Graves having a lot of respect for his soldiers, remember that scene in SWCW where it's like
"We're clones, sir, we're meant to be expendable..." "Not to me."
Yeah that's Graves.
He has kept every set of dog tags that belonged to Shadows that died during missions. They’re kept locked away in a box, safely tucked away.
A lot of Shadows were previously mercenaries, even criminals, but they are good at what they do which is why they get hired in the first place. Not to mention that Graves sees hiring them as a way to give them a second chance at life. 
Shepherd has learnt that the way to make Graves do what he wants is by threatening his Shadows. He could very easily dissolve the entire company in a day and expose Graves for technically harbouring wanted criminals.  
Yes, Shepherd called him a ‘dog with a bone’, but he’s more like a Dragon with a hoard. His hoard being his soldiers.
Some rando who was visiting the base once snapped at a Shadow, calling them a ‘stupid fucking mercenary’. That was his mistake when Graves had to be restrained by 3 of his own men. 
“What the fuck did you just say to them? You’d best walk outta my base before I make you leave in a goddamn body bag!”
As shown above, he goes absolutely feral if someone ever insults any of his soldiers.
“Be quiet, sergeant, your betters are talking.” Said some hoity Commander who hasn’t stepped foot in a battlefield in over a decade. Suddenly, it feels like all the air in the room has been sucked out like a vacuum. All eyes go to Graves as he glares long and hard at the man. 
“Apologise. Now.” “What–” “I said: apologise, ‘fore I show you my own version of ‘southern hospitality’.”
Compulsory language lessons. Every Shadow has to know at least 2 languages, English and another language of their choosing. Missions sometimes rely heavily on communication, so fluency in different languages is important.
Graves knows several languages himself, but his pronunciation is downright awful. Sometimes he makes his accent worse because it’s funny watching the horror in people’s eyes when he speaks. 
One of his Shadows has a tendency of crawling around in the vents in the base and because he’s not really harming anyone, Graves lets him do as he pleases. Because of the habit, however, and the fact he’s somehow able to go around almost silently through the metal vents, he’s earned an affectionate nickname amongst the Shadows; Roach. 
Graves doesn’t get along with family. Don’t get him wrong, he has some semblance of respect for his Momma cause she taught him good manners and other things like how to cut hair and how to cook a hearty meal for 12 people, but she was a narcissistic bitch when it came down to it and he took a lot of pleasure cutting her out of his life the second he was able to. 
He never met his father, and doesn’t much care for him, either. 
Paid leave/Holidays? Check. Paternity/Maternity leave? Check. Bed ed and board? Check. Medical and dental plan? You know it. Any possible benefit that can come with a job, being a Shadow has. 
No matter what they’re doing, if Graves does a run up to them, they will always catch their Commander. 
Is the first or last port of call when a fight/argument breaks out. It depends on how out of hand it's gotten in the space of about 15 minutes. Usually people don’t want to interrupt whatever the Commander’s doing and invoke his wrath.
“They started it!” “Well I’m endin’ it!”
Has the type of authority that if he were to suddenly yell at a recruit “Drop it. Now!” Everyone in earshot would absolutely drop whatever they were holding even if the comment wasn’t directed at them. 
There’s a Shadow that’s the largest of the entire company– but he is the biggest scaredy cat and coward anyone has ever met, which makes people wonder why he’s even in Shadow Company. The reality is that, despite being a coward, he’s damn intimidating. Perfect for him to shadow hover behind Graves during mission briefs and so forth.
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kimtaesss · 2 years
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Summary: being friends for 10 years means nothing, especially when he betrays your trust so easily.
Pairing: Jungkook x reader; Taehyung x reader
Genre: angst, fluff, friends to (?)
Warnings: Jungkook being a dumbass and jerk; random people making fun of oc; Taehyung being that supportive friend!; jungkook thinking with his dick; slight smut (jungkook not oc); broken promises; there’s some moments even I cringe (sorry!)
Author’s note: hopefully it’s posted as the revised version because I can’t possibly remember everything that gets deleted once I publish it.
masterlist → I loved you | 01 | 02
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“Ma’am, we really need this table. Are you sure your friend is coming?”
“Yes I’m sure, he’s… just in traffic” you argued back, while stuffing yourself with bread. Bread, that soon will run out, seeing as you haven’t stopped shoving it in your mouth every-time a waiter would stop by and ask the same thing.
You couldn’t help it, whenever you happen to be nervous or embarrassed, you would eat anything.
“For 3 hours?” The waitress sassed, as if it were in their job description. Especially with the way she stared at you, up and down. She was looking at you from head to well, whatever she could see.
“Yeah! He lives far away, okay?” You snap, annoyed with the questions that have such obvious answers.
Your worst nightmare has started to become your reality. You were being stood up, and by your friend! It was just too embarrassing to fully process, and confess especially since he made the reservations, as a way to make up for flaking every single time you both planned something together.
It seems like he never learns. You wanted to get up from this uncomfortable chair, but your legs forbid you from doing so. Not because they were tired, or asleep but because they had too much pride. Your legs didn't allow you to admit that you were friends with someone, who clearly did not prioritized or cared for you. Seeing as he didn’t even try to call or text you, to let you know that he was in fact not showing up.
And the staff, that kept bugging you with their stares, and whispers, that were incredibly loud, and cruel.
“Yeah, she’s clearly lying. I mean she’s been sitting for 3 hours! it’s quite pathetic” the brunette, green eyed girl, laughs. Her annoying, identical co-workers followed along. It looked like they were in choir, they harmonized every time they made a joke about you.
“There must be a rule about kicking people out after a certain amount of hours” the taller one interjected.
“Or a rule about employees gossiping rather than doing their actual job” Jungkook chimed in. His face was red with anger, and exhaustion from the lap he had to do to get here on time or well just arrive in general.
“Oh! We weren’t-“
“Doing your job? Yeah, I noticed” he scoffed.
“I apologize sir” the brunette hair girl, slightly bowed hoping this would excuse her poor behavior. She kept looking at Jungkook, to see if he was willing to show her mercy. She side glances the other coworkers, and nudges them to also ask for forgiveness.
“Yes! We are extremely sorry” they harmonize again.
“Yeah, well you shouldn’t apologize to me. I’m the asshole who showed up 3 hours late. The one you should apologize to, is over there looking beautiful” he points towards you. The girls eye each other, trying their hardest to resist rolling their eyes.
They simply nod and walk towards your table.
You noticed them all come together like a flock of birds. You reach out to the basket for the bread, and notice that you have already finished all of it again.
You attempt to sit up, trying to fix your posture. Especially since these girls are making you feel inferior, as if they were better looking than you. The worst part was that they were.
“Good evening ma’am. We would like to apologize for the words that came out of our mouths”
You turn your head left and right, and try to spot any cameras or microphones. Were you being punked right now? Because it sure felt like it.
But through your inspection, your eye caught a man with a smile to die for. His bunny teeth softened his look, especially since he had just finished his meeting, meaning he had his well ironed suit on. There’s no doubt that the clothes someone wears helps their appearance, but with him, it was slightly different. It didn’t matter what he was wearing, because his face and body made him rock anything.
You try to fight back the smile that was about to sprout. You almost want to wave the waitresses off, but by the looks of it, this was Jungkook’s doing.
“And what exactly were the words that came out of your mouth? You know, to be fully aware of what I should be accepting forgiveness for” you make an insane amount of hand gestures, because that’s just how you express yourself.
You felt in an oddly satisfying way, proud and confident. There was just something about karma. You hated it when it meant you getting the short end of the stick, but right now, it was the best thing ever made.
Everyone stayed silent. No one had the courage to admit to what they had said. It made no sense, not even a minute ago they were tearing you apart and now they couldn’t think of a single thing?
“Yes?” You questioned. “Did you need me to remind your boss? Because I can easily give them the list of horrible things you said to me. I mean I was just minding my business, and there you were” you glanced towards the area where they had their “meeting”.
“No! It’s- we are very sorry for calling you pathetic, a liar and….loser”
You nod your head, while your lower lip is tucked behind your upper lip. The employees continued staring at you, and you couldn’t resist it anymore. You burst in laughter, and you hear that deep but gentle laugh getting closer. The vein on your forehead was becoming visible, and that just meant you could hardly breathe.
Jungkook grabbed the chair, and moved it backwards to give himself enough space. He stared at your hysterical state, and couldn’t help but laugh along with you. This was not a joke, but it was so damn hilarious.
“You guys can leave” you shoo them away. “So you won’t tell on us?” They instantly questioned.
You and Jungkook gave each other a look and shrugged.
“Nah, you work at a minimum paying job, I shouldn’t throw you more obstacles by getting you fired” they all growled at your accusations. They were doing fine, so who gave you the right to tell them they weren’t?
“I would leave if I were you. She’s hungry and angry, it’s not a good combination” Jungkook whispered, as a wide smile began to spread.
You were sure that they wanted to cuss you out instead of walking away, and they might even possibly spit in your food but you didn’t give a fuck. You had a splurge of energy, confidence. You felt like you were on top of the world.
But your eyes caught a glimpse of the reason for your current outburst of confidence. You fiddle with the spoons, as you prepare for Jungkook’s lame excuse.
“I really didn’t forget about you!” He waved his hands in front of you. His eyes filled with terror, they widen the second you were alone.
“Look. I might not have called you out in front of them, but I’m over it— this. Jungkook you can’t keep promising something, and then breaking it like nothing” Your voice sounds more like a whisper, due to the exhaustion of reminding someone everyday to do better, and instead receiving worse.
“Do you think I want to break my promise? Answer honestly, I won’t get mad” he clenched his teeth, already showing you that he was preparing to get angry.
“I don’t know,” you mumble. “But it doesn’t seem like you care too much for it. I mean you break them every single time. I can’t remember a time where you actually followed through” you shake your head, annoyed at the fact that you actually couldn’t  remember the last time he actually did something for you.
“Y/n…” he tried grabbing your hand, and you pulled away instantly.
“Don’t… if you can’t keep whatever comes out of your mouth, then don’t” you nibble on your bottom lip, attempting to hold the cries that are trying to break out.
“I’ll change. I will”
They shouldn’t hold any significance to you, especially when he hasn’t given you a single reason to believe in them. Yet still, you interlock your hands with his, and give him a gentle smile.
He knew he wouldn’t, you knew he wouldn’t,but still you both chose to lie.
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The hardest part about loving someone or more like loving him was that he didn’t love you back.
You could give anything-everything, and still you came out shorthanded. The worst part was that you blame yourself, over and over again. Why did you keep failing? Why didn’t he love you back?
“She’s gorgeous” he introduces his devilishly handsome, and perfectly angled smirk, his wine glass slowly reaches his mouth, while his hand, his veiny hand wraps around the cup. He sips his drink as if he were some rich man, pfft he was anything but that.
You knew he was allowed to feel the way he did. After all, who were you? Just a friend, a friend he relied on or more like used but you let yourself so, can you really blame him.
“Yeah she is” you play with the handkerchief that was handed to you seconds ago, due to your random nosebleed. Maybe, it was the loss of blood that made you feel all jiggly, or maybe it was the fact that his attention always lands his eyes on some beautiful, tall and thin lady, even her tan was perfect.
Your nose bleeds kept streaming down, and straight to your mouth, but still the main attraction of that night was that beautiful, or gorgeous lady as Jungkook said. His eyes were only focused on her, and she knew it as well. In fact, she kept bending down, her back— or more like her ass— was facing Jungkook, and it was clear to anyone with eyes that she was doing it to grab attention.
You couldn’t help but scoff and roll your eyes at her attempts, and yet it bit you back in the ass when Jungkook fell for every single one of her attempts. He stood up and walked directly to her, despite asking you not even a second ago if you wanted to leave and take care of your nosebleed.
The worst part of this night was the humiliation you had to face. First, he arrives three hours late, which made the waitresses laugh right in your face. And sure he defended you, but what was the whole point of doing that, if he was planning to ditch you the whole night. He ended up proving them right and you wrong.
He also kept making up the worst excuses possible to leave you, and then come back marked up, and not in the mood to even talk or respond to you.
“Where are you going now?” you stare at him, as you spin the wine in your glass.
“The bathroom?”
“Again?!” you answer louder than you intended, gaining you a couple stares of the couples, and people in that very room.
“Yeah?” He laughs it off.
Guess it’s another night where you walk home, while he takes the random beautiful girl home.
Maybe someday you’ll be his first option
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“Did he actually show up?” your coworker asks. It wasn’t even you who told him about your friends' occasional absences, he witnessed it himself.
“Yeah, he did” you respond rather quickly, to avoid suspicions. However, you might have answered too quickly, Taehyung brings his eyes closer together, squinting, and observing your facial expressions.
“So why are you moody”
“I’m not moody!” You argued immediately.
“You can lie to yourself all you want! But to me, that’s just messed up” he pouted, saddened by the mistrust and lies you were trying to feed him with.
“Okay! I’m sorry. It’s just— never mind it’s stupid”
You shouldn’t say it.
“Well, when you put it like that” he rolled his eyes.
“Okay, if I tell you, you have to promise me to listen and not talk” you raise your pinky, getting ready to avoid all the voices in your head that tell you to stay quiet.
“Give me more realistic options”
Just like that you were regretting your choice. Your face went blank, there was not a single emotion present. But that’s what happens when someone tries to be funny, and doesn’t succeed.
You glared at him.
“Sheesh, eat bread or something”
You glared again.
“Fine! I’ll shut up” he ran his finger across his lip, ‘zipping’ his mouth completely shut. He even threw the fake key, to show his determination.
You nod along and continue speaking. “So after we talked everything out, he kept paying attention to anything but me,” Taehyung nodded along as you told your story. “Like out of nowhere, he just kept going to the bathroom”
“Food poisoning? That’s the story you’re giving me?”
“Just shut up and listen,” you continued.
“Well, the first couple times I tried convincing myself that it was that. But then he started coming back with hickies, and his zipper was always undone”
“This is getting interesting! Let me serve myself some wine, you want some?”
You immediately agree.
He pours you some, then him. He went to his sitting form, which was just one leg over the other.
“Anyways, back to the story. Every time he left to “pee” he started to take longer to come back. I was obviously annoyed, because I had already waited 3 hours for him” you put three fingers up, emphasizing the wait time.
His eyes darted between his phone and you. He wanted to be a hundred percent present, but his phone kept buzzing and steering him away.
“What happened next?” he sips on the wine.
“He never came back,” you groaned. You cover your face with your hands, as you bend down, attempting to cover every piece of you. It was far too embarrassing.
You get splashed with wine all over your face. Spit landing inside your wine glass, and well practically all over you.
“What?! He didn’t?”
“He didn’t” you continue to drink the wine because at this point you could care less about anything.
“Have you texted him or called him?!”
“Why would I? He ditched me, if anything he’s the one that should be contacting me”
“Has he?” He crossed his arms, while his left eyebrow arched, and slowly the right one followed along.
Taehyung couldn’t explain it himself but he was filled with anger. He wanted nothing more but to beat the living crap out of Jungkook.
You look down, and shake your head.
“He didn’t” you shrug. “It’s nothing new so… It’s my fault, I shouldn’t have expected anything else”
“You shouldn’t have to expect something from him. He should just be a good friend, and have human decency”
“Yeah…. well” you drag on while looking away.
You knew if you admitted that Jungkook had anything but human decency, you’d be in another lecture. And the lectures always consisted of things you knew, but don’t plan on changing anytime soon. So what’s the point of telling him?
Except Taehyung wasn’t an idiot, and because of that he always knew what to ask.
“Tell me, how did you get home?”
“It was perfect weather for a walk” you commented, or more like tried to joke. The joke being that you were in fact forced to walk all the way back while your friend was god knows where.
“He made you walk?!! Oh he’s done for” he shouted.
His whole face looked like it was about to explode. The redness scared you, it almost looked like he couldn’t breathe or was out of air. He was angry, and well he had every right to feel that way but still, you didn’t want to hear it.
“Taehyung! Taehyung!”
He ran out the door. You could have easily ran after him, but your feet prevented you from doing so. You had finally come to terms with what happened last night.
He broke another promise. You expected it, so why did he hurt so bad?
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“Your friend won’t tell, right?” She heavily breathes, as she attempts to take off her extra small, and extra tight shirt.
Jungkook knew it was wrong of him to keep leaving you alone every given time, but he couldn't help it either. His dick was doing all the thinking, which clearly was none.
He was already hurting you by paying attention to a different woman, but if you knew who he was hooking up with now, you’d be wrecked. Only he could be turned on by the waitress that was laughing at you, not so long ago.
“Nah, she’s over it” Jungkook places kisses on her neck, leaving love bites behind. He was able to take in her perfume. The scent of flowers came to mind, and he was stuck in a trance. He knew he had to go back to you, but it was so hard to do so, when he was hard himself.
“But I was very bad” she raises her pitch, and attempts to speak seductively. She bites onto her lips, almost ripping off her skin. It was not a pretty sight, but if Jungkook closed his eyes and pictured  her body, her smell, and eagerness to fuck him, then he had created the perfect balance.
“Turn around” he speaks in a lower tone, practically growling at her to listen to his command. And she does, faster than she could say his name. Which she was planning to do, a lot.
“I’ll teach you to behave better” a huge sound was heard. He had just slapped her butt with all the force he had, he had promised to punish her, and that’s exactly what he was going to do.
His mind was engrossed in sex and more sex. He didn’t care nor think of what you were doing, or thinking. It sounds horrible, but he knew you’d forgive him and for that reason, he chose sex over you.
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You tried calling Taehyung, and every time it went to voice mail. It was simply unimaginable. The scenarios that you were created in your mind, that is.
‘Pick up!’ You voiced.
You wanted nothing more than to confirm that they were both okay, and have not been hurt.
But it felt like you were running out of patience and silly reassuring words, because at the end of the day you didn’t know shit.
You place your phone in your pocket, and start putting your thinking cap on, because anything is better than staying still waiting for a response.
Maybe you should just drive to Jungkook’s place? But.. you didn’t want to see him, you simply could not face him after his little act. Still you managed to convince yourself knowing that this was the only way to confirm Taehyung hadn’t done something dumb and in the process hurt himself.
You hadn’t even stepped out of the car, and you had already witnessed this altercation between the two men you love the most.
You immediately put your car in park, and practically run out of that car, causing you to lose your balance here and there.
“Guys! Stop!” You wave your hands in the air, crossing them in the process.
They both stop and look at you, but when Taehyung was just staring at you, Jungkook uses that opportunity to shove him. He loses his balance instantly, and ends up falling backwards, scraping his elbows in the process.
“Dick!” Taehyung shouts, while rubbing his now scratched elbows.
“Jungkook, what the hell!!”
You run towards Taehyung, and when you’re close enough you reach down to him, stretching your arms out, to give him a lift back up.
“I’m okay, it’s just a little scratch” he softly smiles, in hopes it gives you some reassurance and takes the worried look off your face. He hates nothing more than to see you hurt and worried, because he feels this responsibility of making sure you always feel comforted and safe.
“You’re taking this loser's side” Jungkook scoffs, while crossing an arm over the other. He shakes his head repeatedly to express his anger towards you. Especially since you’re supposed to be his best friend, and you’re taking the side of whoever that person was in front of him.
“Well you shoved him” you snap back, still remaining close to Taehyung.
“Typical” he scoffs. “Well then, I’m glad I chose her over you”
You knew you were never his top priority, in fact he’s made that clear himself. Yet still you convince yourself that deep down he has a soft side for you, that he didn’t just have the title of your best friend but also had actions and words to back his position. But instead you were proven wrong time after time.
You couldn’t even form any words, instead your eyes landed on his. You couldn’t help that your eyes were glossy, and filled with tears. But again it’s nothing that should surprise you.
“You know what, just don’t even bother answering me y/n, stay with him! I’ll just go to her, someone who can truly make me happy!” He spit out with pure venom. It felt poisonous the way it killed you deeply and instantly.
The worst part was, you wanted to hate him but you couldn't do. In fact, you were more in love with him than before. It didn’t make sense to you, and you didn’t want to make sense of it either. You loved him and that was it.
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Tag list: @mwitsmejk @bambamsthings @belovedsthings @jamlessstars @bjoriis @jeonzll @oxzie @whipwhoops @driftapart @taeriffic @laylasbunbunny @ellesalazar @boredcatto @bunbunbunnykoo @taeees-world @rainfprest @sparklingprimrose @jossabelle88 @bloodline1632 @neg-l3ct @bbtsficrecs @bloopkook @petalsofink @bliss-1111 @linours @crissteetee67 @starbtslove @laurynne5 @hollyweird0 @fragmentof-indifference @kooliv @halesandy @bloodline1632 @sukunasrealgf
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flower-boi16 · 2 months
The Duality of Luz and Hunter's Mental States in Thanks to Them
Hollow Mind is a pretty big turning point for both Luz and Hunter's characters, as they are both faced with traumatizing revelations that follow them for the rest of the series. But something that I find interesting is how both characters go in exact opposite directions in terms of their mental health after Hollow Mind.
It's no secret that, prior to Hollow Mind, Hunter was stuck in an abusive environment, never being able to make any friends or have much of a social life due to being isolated from kids his age by Belos as a way to keep Hunter close to him, so Belos could keep on manipulated and lying to Hunter, making him think he's doing the right thing.
In Hollow Mind, Hunter is faced with the truth that, Belos, the person he looked up to his whole life, was secretly a terrible person who was just using him all along, an never truly cared for him, that he's only just a clone intended to be a "better" version of his brother, Caleb, one that wouldn't betray Belos and stay loyal to him. Oh, and that he also cloned and killed his own brother over and over again. Hunter is obviously traumatized by this, having his whole worldview flip on his head and having to come to terms with the fact that his whole life and everything he knew was a lie.
But...after this, Hunter's well-being and mental health actually change for the better. Obviously, he's still traumatized by these revelations, but he's also now officially out of the abusive environment that he was stuck in for his whole life, now surrounded by people who support him fully. He has real friends now that he can rely on too now, no longer being isolated for his whole life.
And, while he hasn't fully healed from his trauma, and still has to keep his secret about being a grimwalker, Thanks to Them shows him healing from it due to being in a much more supportive environment. He's allowed to actually...be a kid for once, obsessing over sci-fi books with Gus and having fun with his friends during the summer. Thanks to Them shows that Hunter, while still traumatized and not fully healed, is on a road to recovery due to him escaping the abusive environment he was trapped in for years.
Luz, meanwhile, is the exact opposite. Luz's was doing well mentally up until Hollow Mind, where, she's faced with her traumatizing revelation that she helped Belos meet the collector, meaning she had some part in Belos' plan for the day of unity. After being hit with this, Luz's mental health slowly begins to go on a downward spiral, as she blames herself for the day of unity happening, believing it's her fault due to helping Belos. It begins her depression arc where she falls into a pit of self-loathing.
Her mental health only gets worse from this point onward, as in King's Tide, Luz fails to save the Boiling Isles and is separated from King and Eda, not knowing if they are even alive or not while there's god child running around causing chaos.
Thanks to Them shows Luz at her lowest point. She's now completely gone into a depressive state, no longer being the happy-go-lucky, bubbly Luz she was before. She still feels immense guilt over helping Belos and her self-loathing only seems to have gotten worse. She thinks that she'll lose all of her friends if she tells them what she did, believing that they'll never forgive her, showing how much guilt Luz feels over helping Belos and how much she believes it's her fault.
Luz even thinks that, throughout her whole time in the demon realm, she did nothing but make mistakes that ended up hurting others she cared about, and that her friends are all better off without her because she thinks she does nothing except make things worse for the people around her. The episode even goes as far as to give Luz flat out suicidal thoughts, as she says that it would be better if she never existed at all.
Thanks to Them shows Luz and Hunter's contrasting mental states after Hollow Mind, one closing off and becoming more depressed while the other gets in a more supportive environment and is healing from his trauma.
Just an interesting thing I noticed.
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glindaupland · 5 months
The Phantom of the Opera | Seoul, South Korea | October 8-14th, 2023 [REVIEWS]
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Wow it's about time I posted these reviews that I kept lying about (this week! tomorrow! in 10 years!) Better late than never?
In this post I'll drop a few general things about the production, but the performances are analyzed in my reviews linked here. I recommend reading those all in order since I revisit points about actors I've made previously along the way to avoid repeating myself. Also leaving a disclaimer that these performances are from October so there are some changes in what the actors are doing now (with the exception of Jeon Dong-seok since he left in November) Apologies in advance for my wordiness, but this is more of a "release my feelings for my sake and if anyone else likes it that's cool too" kind of thing? Listen - I wrote a lot of notes on my performances there. So just go in knowing this is the more coherent version of my insane looking notes app!
Before I start I want to thank a few lovely friends who helped me out with this trip because it wouldn't have gone as well as it did without them!
Thank you to @lucygold95 for helping me so much with planning over the past months and for giving me the best time in Busan. Thank you @capitanogiorgio for all the shenanigans we went through and the most special time going to the 1500th and meeting Yoon Young-seok. Thank you to @fadinglandtragedy for the fun talks and the good advice before my trip! The best part of things like this is making friends of course! : )
| October 8, 2023 | October 11, 2023 | October 12, 2023 | | October 13, 2023 (M) | October 13, 2023 (E) | October 14, 2023 |
This was as close to the original staging as possible. So I was able to take it in one more (or I guess 6 more?) times post-Broadway closing. The Charlotte Theater is a lot smaller than the Majestic so every view was pretty solid in my opinion, even the second to last row. I took a video of my view from 4th row under the chandelier during the exit music on October 11th so you can see! The angel and chandelier are shown halfway through. I'd say 5th row was almost the cut off for the chandelier drop (that was my spot next day) Broadway seats in this area were always too expensive for me so I'm glad I was able to grab these spots for this production
There were photo zones you can take pics at which you've probably seen. One was a large rose wall, the other was the cute statue of their mascot 오유령. People also take forever lining up for the cast boards for photos and yes I was one of those people. Here's a comparison of the cast boards from the second season (pictures I found when reading old reviews on Naver) and the cast boards now (I forgot to take a photo of one on the top floor though)
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I found this review where someone took more detailed clean photos than I did if you're curious about the layout and decorations!
The tickets had these designs! If you booked on Yes24, you received a special envelope and a ticket holder with the face of the Phantom performing for that show
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I only didn't receive a second Ju-taek because that was booked on another site - Interpark (bottom middle ticket). I also received paper masks with printed autographs every day I went to commemorate the 200th performance of the run/100th for Seoul and the 1500th overall Korean performance. We used them for the curtain call photos on those two dates (with Jeon Dong-seok then Kim Ju-taek). There are multiple versions of the program book and at the time of writing this I have all except the Daegu one. The first Busan program book was pretty bare and only had the teaser pictures - the same was the case for my Les Mis program book in Busan. -There are different photos in each one, so to me it was worth grabbing them all. My third version signed by Kim Ju-taek is currently on display as you can see below! (The writing says "내 노래를 날게 해 주오 - Make my song take flight") Once again thank you to Lucy for this! 🥹❤️
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Here's some of my POTO merch (including a spare cupsleeve from the coffee shop next door, I also had a keyring, but I forgot to show it) RIP to the second program book I sacrificed for scans I still have the pages stored/displayed though! I'm not wasteful! I'll have more to post soon after sharing these reviews
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Let me emphasize this: my Korean abilities are limited, so don't look to me as the expert on this at all. But I'll still share my notes and perspective as an outsider who's studying The lyrics have changed quite a bit since 2001-2. There are still lines kept or songs that are mostly similar. MOTN had a lot of similarity to 2009-11 even with its changes, STYDI was identical to 2009-11, but Angel of Music was pretty different from even the last season, etc etc. The Phantoms all have unique lines sprinkled here and there, mainly in MOTN (this happens sometimes in Korean musicals). You get some things like random single line changes in some parts depending on the actor or different order/wording of the same lines as well. Just tiny diversions from the script. This is the case for the Christines and Raoul to a lesser extent. Additionally, actors are often permitted to do some occasional improvisation/ad libs. Some unique lines are pretty normal parts of their interpretations now, some appear depending on the feeling of the performance, some are one time only events. I'll mention some of the actor-specific ones and such in their actual reviews, but I have been trying to mark down all of the differences like these for example
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Of course, some things obviously have to be adjusted to make sense because of cultural / linguistic reasons. So one example would be the "Wrote...written" line in Notes I. Firmin speaks rudely and informally, but quickly tries adding a more respectful ending particle 요 after Raoul and André give him a shocked 'what did you just say?' kind of look. So "대체 뭘 썼다고 하는 건데...요!" is pretty much like "What the hell are you saying I wrote?" André would look so embarrassed by this each time 🫣
Stage door doesn't really work the same as it does in places like New York, London, etc. Most of the time if an actor comes out it's more like a quick greeting or chat with the fans. Some actors (not in this case) might sign or take photos in designated spots, but it really depends and it's not so common. It's gotten more restricted ever since COVID as well. 퇴근길 -> "way home from work" is literally what this is called. Dong-seok did wave at us a few times happily after the 200th performance, Gun-ha briefly came out to thank fans after the 1500th while Ceci and I waited to meet Young-seok who had agreed to meet us. I did not have the time (or strength) for the Seung-woo mob, but he usually greets fans after shows.
I literally asked Yoon Young-seok directly on Instagram if Ceci and I could meet him and give him gifts because I figured it didn't hurt to try! When he agreed, my anxiety was not necessarily about meeting an actor, but more about my ability to express my thoughts in another language. But he was truly the sweetest guy and incredibly patient. I think he got that I understood everything he said, but that replying was a whole other challenge. I'm glad I was making enough sense that he was able to get my points and helped me finish sentences if I looked stressed about it 😂 I basically told him I had been planning this trip since the cast announcement because it was too perfect to miss and that I came for 6 shows. I really like to listen to his Phantom on the cast recordings and I thought he made the shows I had seen so far so much fun.
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We both said where we were from (the US and France) and he was amazed. He was also shocked when I pulled out my original Korean cast recording (I still laugh thinking about the way he said "와, 세상에!" like "Wow, oh my god!" and enthusiastically took it agreeing to sign when I was mid-way asking him haha) I also thought it was funny when he asked Ceci if she saw his Phantom last season. We wish! But she mentioned she had gone to Busan a few times and he looked very touched and appreciative that we went to multiple performances 🥹 This poor man was tired he signed our things with November (11.13) though and he also spelled Ceci's name wrong first time, but it was the 1500th show though okay. And if he says it's November...who are we to question him? Ceci should also legally change names so he isn't wrong. Anyway, ramble over you can find the art we made for him in this post
Here's just bonus fun I had that I will manage to connect to POTO despite it not being POTO because I love doing that. I mean I went because I like these musicals as well (otherwise I would've been foolish enough to go see Ben-Hur but I have, uh, standards for my plots sorry to Park Eun-tae 😭), but it's fun to point out these things. I'm happy to share my show experiences in a different post if anyone's interested in my thoughts on those
I went to see Rebecca, mainly focused on seeing a scheduled date for 이지혜 Lee Ji-hye (Ich) and 장은아 Jang Eun-ah (Mrs Danvers). The whole cast was fantastic. Some Korean musicals have special encore bits they do where the leads sing a part of a song from the show during bows so that was really fun. Unfortunately, we don't get to have fun at POTO like that haha
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Lee Ji-hye was in Y&K Phantom as Christine in the same cast as Jeon Dong-seok (Erik), Yoon Young-seok (Gérard Carrière), and Lee Sang-jun (Cholet). Two other cast members in Rebecca were in Y&K as well - 에녹 Enoch (Maxim) who was Philippe and 신영숙 Shin Young-sook (Mrs Danvers) who was Carlotta. Sadly, they had such few shows this season due to a busy schedule, so I couldn't see them (when will trot give Enoch back to musicals). Original Korean ALW Raoul and Y&K Erik 류정한 Ryu Jeong-han was also on rotation as Maxim, but I picked another day for my show so I didn't see him either
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Les Misérables
I went to opening night of Les Mis in Busan! It was the Dream Theater, same place POTO played at before. As many of you already know, Choi Jae-rim is playing Jean Valjean at the same time as the Phantom.
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I could recognize him easily as the Phantom, but honestly when he appeared at the very start of Les Mis it took me a minute to process that it was him! While I did enjoy his Phantom a lot, I think I enjoyed his Valjean performance a little more. It was only opening night, so curious to see how things develop!
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The actor who played Javert that night, 카이 Kai (stage name), was a former Y&K Erik for two seasons too. So many Phantoms!
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On the last day I got to see Dong-seok and Ji-hye once more in a concert for the musical Frankenstein which they have been in together. So have some pics I took without a mask blocking his face!
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Ending Note
Thinking back to December 2022 when I said: "Maybe I'll go to Seoul and see Dong-seok once or twice and that's it, I can have my first international POTO" That was funny. That was really very very funny and silly of me to say. 9 performances and 6 of those were POTO! But I'm so grateful and I have zero regrets about it. This is one of the best experiences I've had even if it might look ridiculous to some people to do something like this...I don't care! I hope my crazy essays can help paint a good picture for you!
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orbmanson7 · 1 year
Has anyone considered a theory of Generation Loss being....well, about the process of generation loss?
So, let's say...Ranboo, the one we see in episode 1, is not the original version of himself. Let's say he was real outside of this show that Showfall is putting on, but inside the show? That Ranboo is a copy! The first generation, you could say.
However, that Ranboo believes it is still the original, as it was made from the original so it has no reason to really think otherwise, right? But now, as part of whatever Showfall is doing here, this Ranboo copy is going to be a character in a show, so Showfall needs to get this Ranboo to play the right role - The Hero.
The Hero has to have a particular mindset, so maybe they need to change things up a bit. A little mind control here, a little disillusion there, all to keep from startling this Ranboo too much and be more willing to accept his new reality, right?
You can't just throw him into this new place and expect him to be okay with what's really happening, you've gotta soften out the edges, keep him calm so he's easier to control and so the audience can have fun, too, right? Once he's gotten more used to it, he'll play along.
Now, I have no idea what the original Ranboo's goal is in this, or if they even entered a copy of themselves into the show willingly in this theory. And I don't know if the hacker is trying to actually help him or not, but they keep insisting on ranboo playing along, don't resist but don't conform. That means there's definitely a plan here, but that plan involves playing Showfall's game, being their puppet and giving them what they want, which is clearly dangerous.
Anyway, fast forward, let's say things go well, let's say this Ranboo copy gets out, figures out what's happening and survives to take down...idk, the Founder of it all? Destroys this thing from the inside or something?
But then what? If this Ranboo that makes it is just a copy, what are even the chances they can succeed? Can they even survive outside of the set they were in? What if this Ranboo doesn't make it out? What if he fails or dies here?
Well, if he can't survive, maybe another Ranboo can! If he makes another copy that can be sent along (or, connected) to the next round, maybe that one will be more successful!
But that would make him a copy of a copy. Generation two, in fact.
He'll be hindered by previous experience within Showfall's game but maybe he could use it to his advantage, so he might know how to see the clues that were in plain sight all along, or maybe be able to help someone else and not just play along the whole time? Or maybe do a better job playing along so Showfall won't suspect anything and intervene like they have been?
And if that's the case, what does that say about the other characters? They may very well also be copies, specifically of popular streamers that the audience will know and love! But who knows how far along in their generations they are, or what kind of characters they are meant to portray. How good have they gotten at no longer believing they are human and instead fulfilling their role?
But, remember what the process of generation loss can do! As more copies of copies are made, generation loss occurs, stripping away parts, distorting others... Things begin to fall apart.
If what Jerma said in episode two about doing this for "thirty years" is true, it could explain why he looks the way he does. He's been distorted and changed over time. And he's successfully fulfilling his role, he's The Puzzler!
While it doesn't explain why Showfall may be doing this, it could mean that the Ranboo we have seen so far in the show might be truly trapped there now because he chose (for whatever reason) to go in, be it to save someone or find the founder or try to stop Showfall from doing this more and more...
The best we could probably get is for Ranboo to survive by making a new copy...and hoping that the next one succeeds. But after too long, after enough copies, will he still be the Ranboo we knew?
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weirdbeancurd · 2 months
Not so Scary- An ATSV Tickle Fic
Michelle is my OC who is basically a more upbeat version of miguel from another universe. They have a sibling relationship and love bothering each other lol.
@cantsaythetword I finished the fic yippee
I took a small break to work on an article, but I realized it's gonna take a LONG time, so I'm still gonna be writing other stuff in between. We out here multitasking lol
Michelle sighs fondly from the sidelines, amused with Miguel and Miles antics. The two have been getting along better lately, but it was clear the kid still had his qualms with her "brother," which was more than fair. He could be intimidating, sure, but he's a kind person at heart. Anyone could tell that he has a fondness for children, especially the arachkids, as they called themselves.  Man, if only there was a way to show him Miguel's just a big 'ol softie, she thinks. Her attention is pulled back to the present as Miles shies away from Miguel's touch, thinking he was about to subject him to another round of tickles. Suddenly, an idea pops into her head. A mischievous smile forms, resembling the one worn on her mask. Oho, this is gonna be good.
Michelle makes her way over to the two boys, who are still too focused on their own conversation to notice her approaching.
"So, you two having fun? I didn't think you were one for horsing around, Miguel."
Said man looks away abashedly, a slight blush spreading across his face.
"Aw, don't be like that. I was just messing with you." She playfully punches his shoulder and turns to Miles. "Hey little man, wanna see how it's really done?" The boy's eyes light up with excitement.
"Uh, yeah! I wanna see Miguel get knocked down a peg for once. No offense. Sir."
"None taken, but don't be too sure she'll win this match."
"Nah, Miles knows what's up. Come on Mig, don't hold back on me now." Michelle stalks over to the sparring grounds, Miguel in tow.
"Only if you don't either," he replies.
Miles watches as the two circle each other like sharks, posture predatory in nature. His heart thuds in his chest from anticipation; it wasn't often that he got to see some of the top spider society members in an everything-goes type of match. Michelle huffs, narrowing her eyes.
"Wasn't planning to; you look like you need a good whack upside the head."
Somehow, Miles senses him rolling his eyes even with the mask on. Their circling stops, sizing each other up and looking for weaknesses. A tense moment passes where neither dares to breathe. Suddenly, Michelle pounces, making the first move.
Miguel easily evades the attack and counters with a kick aimed at her turned back. His shin meets the back of her forearm, stopping any damage from occuring. Still crouched, she sweeps his legs in one swift motion, knocking him to the ground. Michelle aims a punch at Miguel, only for him to roll out of the way at the last second and strike her in the shoulder. 
"Kick his ass, Michelle!"
"Language!" They both shout.
He watches as they exchange a flurry of kicks, punches and claw swipes that are effortlessly blocked by the other. Their fighting styles are very similar (they are the same person after all), but there are a few stark differences. Michelle moves with confident grace, not quite cocky, but sure of herself nonetheless. She weaves in and out of the way like she's dancing to some unknown tune. Miguel fights with the same assuredness, but trades a bit of elegance for unrelenting ferocity. He keeps his head low like he's ready to launch himself at his prey. They're both apex predators, and blood is in the water. The speed at which they trade blows makes Miles' eyebrows raise in awe. Damn, I hope I get that good one day, he thinks.
Michelle, meanwhile, is carefully analyzing her counterpart for an opening that'd let her turn the tide of the battle. She's playing more defensively to give herself time for analysis, something Miguel takes note of.
"I thought this was supposed to be a spar, not just me wailing on you until one of us gets tired." 
She side steps a lunge, noticing a falter in his footsteps: an opening. 
"Well if it bothers you that much," Michelle says, tackling him to the ground. "I'll stop pulling my punches."
Normally, Miguel would've been able to escape her hold, but she has a couple tricks up her sleeve. Michelle jabs him in the side, causing him to squawk and lose his balance. Hey, he said it himself, tickling isn't cheating.
"Gah! Michelle, what are you-" He crosses his arms over his torso to protect himself. In response, she webs his wrists together and manages to wrangle his arms over his head after a series of distracting pokes to the ribs. Michelle halts his defiance with a couple more well-placed webs. He attempts to scooch away from his assailant, but only succeeds in shifting to a more vulnerable position, his arms folded behind his head like he's lounging at the beach. By the end of it, his face is flushed from the sheer ridiculousness of the situation. 
Miles looks on with amused curiosity. He sees the crooked smile her prodding provokes and puts two and two together. No way, is he- 
Michelle pinches at his ribs, pulling a string of giggles from his throat. Miguel's face is turned away, likely to hide his embarrassment. Oh my god he actually is. The scary ninja vampire is ticklish.
"See, kid? Migs is just one big, ticklish teddy be-"
"Dios mios, shuhut uhup." She glares at him, squeezing his hips rapidly. He cackles and scuffs his heels across the floor, feet failing to find purchase on the slippery sparring mat. 
"What was that, Miguel? I couldn't hear you over all your laughing. Maybe you should tap out."
"Oho, screw yoHOhou!" 
Miles has to admit, the infamous spiderman 2099 looks a lot less intimidating when he's giggling and squirming on the floor like a worm. It's hard to believe that this is the same man who hunted him down on all fours just a year ago. He's torn from his thoughts by a shriek piercing the air. His eyes settle on the sight of his boss desperately thrashing around. Michelle is skittering her claws over his stomach, which is an apparent weak spot. 
"Gehet ohohoff mE! Wait nOHOHO!" Michelle runs her claws over the soft bit of skin on his lower stomach, watching with a smug grin plastered on her face. After a couple moments, she stills her fingers, giving him a much needed period of respite. After all, he's going to need it for what she's going to do next.
"Now Miles," She turns to the boy, moving to sit between Miguel's legs, facing his feet. "I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. You can make him do pretty much anything you want, including tap out, if you just do this~" Michelle hooks an arm over the bend of his leg. Miguel instantly knows what she's plotting and snaps out of his laughter-induced daze, pleading for his life.
"Waitwaitwaitwait Michelle doHOHON'T! MIERDAHAHAHA!" She mercilessly claws at his thighs, making him wheeze helplessly. He's brought his elbows together, shielding his eyes, but not hiding his grin in the slightest. His fangs now look less like weapons of mass destruction, and more just like an adorable part of his smile. 
"Language, Miguel!" Miles teases. 
In the chaos, one of his claws manages to slice the webs holding him down, but he still can't escape. She has his leg in a headlock, and the tickling has sapped all his strength. He settles for draping an arm over his eyes and using the other to take turns either pounding the ground or thumping at her back.
Sensing that's the closest to a forfeit she's going to get, Michelle releases his leg, letting him curl up on the mat, still giggling. Miles rushes over, giddy from this new discovery.
"Oh, man. No one's gonna believe that the Miguel O'Hara is ticklish. I feel like I've just learned classified information." Michelle grins.
"It is classified information, but you've earned it. Don't think I haven't seen the great work you've been doing on missions." She winks. It's true, Miles was making spectacular progress in terms of combat and stealth skills, quickly climbing the ranks. He beams with pride.
"O-oh. Well, thank-"
"Michelle, you are dead to me," Miguel interrupts.
"Wow, rude. You should be glad I didn't tell him that you can purr."
"You can purr?!" 
"N-no! Shut it." He covers his face with his hands, still sprawled out on his back. Suddenly, he turns and points at Michelle, leveling her with a menacing glare.
"You have ten seconds to run."
Her heart sinks. She knows all too well that Miguel is one for revenge. Maybe it was a bad idea to poke the sleeping dragon. 
"Uh, Miles, it looks like I gotta dip. I'll see you late-"
A web tacks itself to the back of her suit, pulling her towards Miguel, reeling her in like a fish. 
"AH! W-wait, Migs, don't get ahead of yourself, now. We can tahAHAHA-" 
Miles chuckles to himself. It's nice to see the more human side of his boss. He certainly seems like less of a monster now that he's seen him let loose, though he's definitely a utterly terrifying tickle monster that he'll need to worry about in the future. But for now, he'll sit back and watch the show.
"Hehehey, you ahahASS! Wait, not tHEHEHERE! MIHIHIG!"
Feel free to give feedback, I love comments and reblogs :0
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
no bond is stronger than the one between a batkid and his corresponding speedster
Literally, there's a speedster to compliment every bat
Dick and Wally have the classic brolationship—they have their own partners but that won't stop them from sleeping in the same bed, ordering one milkshake, or sharing custody of Zitka. They have the comfort of knowing that in every life, they have each other. Plus, Babs and Linda already have their bredding (bro wedding) planned out.
Hear me out: Jason's speedster is Owen Mercer. Owen, who's the second Captain Boomerang with short bursts of speed, can act as both the hero and the villain in different narratives. Unlike his predecessor, his alignment shifts to suit his needs but he's more good than bad, which makes him a prime Outlaw candidate. Also Jason wants to set the record for most redheads collected.
Tim has Bart. A lot of fan portrayals have Bart as tertiary to Tim and Kon (it's even a point of contention in canon). However, I think of Bart's mentality as the antithesis to Tim's. Tim mulls over strategy while Bart chooses to act first. They both have a stubborn righteousness, but Tim is jaded with experience compared to Bart, who maintains a youthful sense of optimism and ambition. They're both geniuses, but Bart is far more in touch with emotions and can call out when something isn't right in a relationship.
Damian has Wallace II. Canonically, they butt heads before coming to the realization they have to team up. Rather than being the opposite, I think Wallace's defiant attitude mirrors Damian's. They've both been let down by the adults in their lives and prefer to take things into their own hands. They both have childish egos that have been subdued over time, which can be both a common ground and a clashing point that keeps their relationship interesting.
I was initially gonna pair Jesse with Babs, but I think there's more growth potential with Steph. They're fast learners who aren't afraid to let themselves feel, and sometimes they're in over their heads. Jesse feels like a future snapshot of Steph. I can see Jesse showing Steph how to channel her passion and energy not just in being hero, but also becoming a better version of herself.
Duke and Cass share Avery. Compared to Duke, Cass and Avery have been around more. I can picture them taking him around the world on new adventures and teaching him tricks that Bruce wouldn't have. Avery switches between places pretty often, which makes her a reliable point of contact outside of Gotham. Also I wanna see Duke and Avery combine their powers.
Babs and Danica are the "let people underestimate us because of our disabilities" duo. While Babs is on the home front as Oracle, Danica is the speedster no one expects because her inhaler throws off all suspicions about her identity. While Danica doesn't quite fit with the Birds of Prey, she still makes a valuable ally.
Thaddeus possesses a cynicism akin to Cullen Row, although Thad is more unhinged. I can see them connecting over their resentment and without anyone to keep them in check, that can be dangerous. However, Harper is more grounded and draws clear moral boundaries, so she acts as a counterbalance that turns a destructive relationship into a productive one.
Jess and Carrie's nonbinary asses would definitely get along. They both have fun personalities and creative ways to navigate situations where not many tools are provided. They can be loud and attention grabbing when they want, but they also know the advantages of being in the background.
Kate and Max are similar in that they're mentors, but they're also not. They're the ones who step in when the usual mentor figures (Bruce and Barry) fall short. They have a distant exterior but provide lots of love and support once someone gets through to them, and they're not afraid to call out their counterparts.
Alfred and Jay have plenty of experience under their belts and don't let their age keep them from the action. It's abundantly clear that they care about their families, and it hurts when they can't protect them from everything. Jay has a more American Grandpa sense of humor while Alfred has the dry British wit, so together they're unstoppable.
John Fox barely shows up in the comics, but when he does he's doing what he thinks is best only to land in trouble. Selina would relate to the messy history and moral ambiguity where actions don't match intentions. They also both have a knack for disguises and can exchange tips.
Bruce has Barry, obviously. Their relationship is similar to Tim and Bart's. Bruce definitely lets the grimdarkness seep into how he sees the world, whereas Barry can step back and look at things from an objective lens. Not everything need a complicated plans with a thousand contingencies, so Barry is like the common sense/Occam's Razor. Plus, we all love how he and the team mess with Bruce—it's what Bruce needs.
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kittyt-hexxed · 1 year
Write Your Name
Tattoo Artist! Abby Anderson x POC! Reader [Modern AU]
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This image was created by @abbystanaccount! Please go show them some love because all of their content is amazing!
Warnings: Established Relationship, Tattoo Needle, "Succubus" Womb Tattoo, Sex in Tattoo Shop, Semi-Public Sex, Fingering, Praise, Teasing, Abby calls you a "good girl" and "naughty girl", showing off a tattoo, sexy bikini, pool party, alcohol
Summary: You decide to surprise Abby with your new tattoo idea - a stylized version of her name... that you want to be tattooed over your womb. And, you want her to do it. Afterward, Abby shows you her appreciation for you getting it done.
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“You want me to… what?” Abby blinks, her eyes widening as you hold up the paper with your idea on it. You spent ages sketching out your plan, looking up references, and doing your best to make it look beautiful. You’ve always wanted a tattoo like this, and you love Abby’s work so who’s better to tattoo it on you other than your girlfriend? Abby had closed the shop early for today and you had immediately sprung up from your seat in the back to show her your idea. You wanted to catch her before she started putting her things away.
“Tattoo a womb tattoo on me.” You grin mischievously, watching as Abby practically shortcircuits. She glances out into the shop as if she’s embarrassed to answer. Nora is the only person in here, lounging with her feet up on her desk as she scrolls through her phone. She normally did that to make sure there are no cancellations for tomorrow. 
“That’s my name.” Abby points at it, getting a nod from you.
“Yes.” You hum, grinning wider.
“You want to get my name tattooed… over your womb.”
“Yes.” You nod. The image in discussion is heavily stylized after a Succubus’ womb tattoo. Abby’s full name - Abigail - had been incorporated into the hearts and horns. It took you forever to figure out how to do it in a way that didn’t make the name jump out. You had to actually look, tracing the lines with your eyes to spell it out. But, you knew your girlfriend would find her name with her attention to detail.
“Y/n, I-” Abby licks her lips, struggling to find the right words, “Are you sure?”
“Yes. I’m more than sure.” You brush a strand of her hair behind her ear, “I really want this and I wouldn’t ask anyone else to do it. I want my girlfriend’s art on my body.” A soft pink appears on Abby’s cheeks as she takes the paper from you.
“You want it exactly like this?” Abby wakes up her tablet screen, her computer monitors waking up along with it, “Or am I allowed to adjust things?” You squeal softly, plopping down in the chair next to her in excitement.
“You’re absolutely allowed to adjust anything you want.” You tell her, getting a chuckle in response. You watch as she takes a picture of it, pulling it up on Procreate to look at it much closer.
“Let’s see what we can do.” Abby smiles at you. She takes the time to go over the design with you, pointing out places where she could make a change or add to it. You discussed what colors you wanted to do - choosing to go with a neon red and pink style. Abby’s shoulders had tensed when you brought it up but she agreed with it and said that she liked your vision of it. Once she had it confirmed - she asked you ten times if you wanted it tattooed - she got it ready on the transfer paper.
“Hey, you two lovebirds!” Nora grabs your attention, slipping on her coat, “I’m leaving you to it. I expect a picture of it once it’s done.” She grins, pulling her bag onto her shoulder.
“You’ll be the first to see it!” You wave at her as she heads to the back of the shop. Abby leads you into one of the private rooms used for tattoos like this. Although you are the only two there, it still offered a feeling of privacy.
“Okay, babe.” Abby nudges you, “Pull your shorts down a bit, and get your cute ass onto that bed.” You get up and do as you’re told, flinching when your back touches the cold leather. You turn your head to look at Abby as she comes to stand over you. Your girlfriend practically looms over you from your position and you feel your cheeks heat up. She is wearing a tank top that has her muscular arms in full view, her arms covered in ink. You enjoy tracing her tattoos, including the little cartoon bee she has on her inner wrist. It was one of the many bees she had.
“You’re staring.” Abby gives you an amused smile, making you blush harder, “Now hold still so I don’t mess up the stencil placement.” You practically stop breathing as she lays the stencil over your womb, firmly pressing it into place with her hand. The feeling of her pressing down on your abdomen makes your body tingle as you’re reminded of the way she holds you in place during sex. You’re silent as she carefully peels the stencil back, observing how it transferred to your skin. She reaches down and holds up a mirror so you can see the placement.
“Is this where you want it?” She asks. You look at it and nod, getting an eyebrow raise from her. ‘Right. Verbal confirmation, even if I’m her girlfriend.’
“Yeah, it’s perfect. I like the way the points curve up over my hips.” You smile, feeling excited about it.
“Good.” Abby grins, patting your thigh, “I’ll grab the ink and we’ll get to work.” It doesn’t take too long before Abby takes a seat, giving you a silent question as she positions her arm over your lower body. You give her a nod and you hear the high-pitched humming of the machine as she puts the needle to your skin. At first, you're vividly aware of the needle going in and out of your skin but that gets sidelined in favor of something else. Abby.
Her arm is resting across your left thigh, warm against your skin as she stabilizes herself with your body. One thing about your girlfriend is that she’s pure muscle and that’s all you can feel. It doesn’t help that you’ve squeezed that arm between your legs too many times. Your mind starts to drift and you’re thinking about her touching you before you can stop yourself. You can feel your heartbeat pick up as you imagine her fingers brushing over your clit through your shorts. It was something she loved to do to tease you when you wore them. Ironically, they were the only ones you could wear and be comfortable in for this.
“Baby.” Abby’s voice snaps you out of your thoughts, “Don’t be so dirty when I’m trying to focus.”
“Huh?” Your voice comes out a little higher than usual, “I didn’t say anything.” You hear Abby chuckle over the sound of the machine.
“I can tell what you’re thinking about.” You two make brief eye contact, then her attention is back on what she’s doing, “Your thigh tensed.”
“Ah.” The words die in your throat. There’s no way for you to tell her that she’s wrong, because she isn’t. 
“You find this attractive?” Abby questions teasingly, “Me tattooing my name on you?”
“If I’m honest, I wasn't thinking about that. I was admiring your muscles on display.” You feel your body warm, “But, now I am.” It’s unfair that she’s so attractive. She could be describing how the sky is blue and you’d be falling all over yourself to listen. You added her name because you knew she’d like it, even if she wouldn’t say it out loud. And, knowing that her name is mixed into such a scandalous tattoo makes you very horny. She’d see it every time you were intimate or even just getting changed.
“Well don’t get too excited, or I’m going to have to hold you in place.” Abby warns you, “You fidget when you’re really turned on.”
“I won’t.” You say, but that’s not what happened. Abby seemed to make it her mission to test you. She flirted with you as she worked, saying the things she knew you’d like to hear. 
“You’re being such a good girl and staying still.” Abby praises you. All you could do was try to respond verbally, forcing your body to stay still as your girlfriend continued. The praise made your heart soar and your head spin. There was nothing you loved more than being good for her, especially when she acknowledged it. At some point you did twitch, and true to her word, Abby’s hand firmly held your hips down.
“Baby, you don’t have to do that.” You whine, “I won’t move.”
“You said that earlier, princess.” Abby tsks, “I can’t have you moving and messing up the art.” You can hear the grin in her voice.
“You’re the worst.” You let your head fall back, slightly regretting your decision to have Abby tattoo you, “The worst.”
“Am I?” Abby asks, raising an eyebrow, “I guess it doesn’t matter what I do then, since I’m the worst.” That response made you nervous. She was going to make you regret those words. And, well… she did. The real test for you was when Abby shifted her arm and purposefully pressed it against your clit. You tried not to acknowledge it, to not give her the satisfaction, but you lost. She would stop applying pressure only to casually do it again a minute later. Her actions made your clit ache for attention. So the next time she did it, you couldn’t stop the soft moan that leaves your lips.
“Are you okay, baby?” Abby asks, pretending she doesn’t know what she did.
“Abby.” Your voice comes out breathy, “How much longer do we have?” You don’t know if you’ll be able to lay here much longer. You need her to touch you. She is infuriating in the best way possible.
“About ten minutes.” Abby hums, “Think you can be a good girl for me and get through it?” Your mind goes blank for a moment as you take in what she said.
“Y-Yeah.” You squeak, your face feeling like it’s on fire, “Yeah, I can.”
“Mmm, that’s my girl.” Abby pauses for a moment to press her lips to your thigh, “You’re so good for me.” You close your eyes and try to count down the last ten minutes. Each minute feels like forever as she continues to tease you.
“Aaanndd, we’re done.” Abby says, the sound of the machine turning off, “You can open your eyes now, Y/n. Do you want to look at it before I bandage it up?” 
“No. I already know it looks amazing.” You open your eyes and watch as she wipes the skin, before applying some kind of ointment to it. 
“You have a lot of faith in me.” Abby chuckles, bandaging it up with a smile.
“I do. I did just get your name tattooed.” You giggle, continuing to lay down to give your body a chance to regulate itself before you get up.
“I’m glad you do.” Abby kisses your forehead, “I’m going to clean up. You can either stay here or wait for me in the office.”
“I’ll stay here.” You hum and tuck your arms under your head. You lay there, resting as you hear Abby move around and put things away. You are being patient but your body is tingling with need.
“You’re a naughty girl, you know that?” Abby purrs, making you open your eyes, “You knew I’d like this.” Your breathing hitches at her lustful gaze, and she reaches out to caress your thigh.
“I did.” You swallow, feeling excited in a different way, “You’ve always reacted when I’ve jokingly mentioned getting it done.”
“I should reward you for this.” Abby leans down, her lips brushing over yours, “Would you like, baby?”
“Yes, please.” You whisper, separating your thighs. Abby tugs down your shorts more, her hand slipping between to rub you through your panties. You let out a shuddering sigh, finally getting some relief.
“Can I finger you?” Abby asks. That makes you smile. She was always asking for your consent in sneaky situations like this. 
“You can.” You smile at her. Abby tugs your panties aside and puts two of her thick fingers in. You gasp, feeling her stretch you out after you’ve been so tense.
“You’re so wet, baby. I really riled you up, didn’t I?” She coos, working her fingers against your g-spot.
“Yeess!” You moan, “Yes, you did.”
“I couldn’t help myself.” Abby playfully pouts, “You got my name tattooed on you. I have to show you how much I appreciate that.” She picks up the pace, keeping her fingers pressed to your g-spot as she uses her thumb to rub your clit. You moan, your body twitching from the intense pleasure as she brings you closer to release. You knew you shouldn’t be doing this in her shop of all places, but neither you nor Abby would be able to wait. And hey, disinfecting the bed wouldn’t be an issue.
“Abby!” You gasp out her name, “I’m going to cum!” You warn her.
“Cum for me, baby.” Abby purrs, kissing you. You moan against her lips as you cum, your walls clenching around her fingers. She gives you a moment to relax, affectionately kissing at your collarbone before removing her fingers. You watch contentedly as she walks around you to the sink to wash her hands.
“You really love that I got your name tattooed that much?” You question, feeling happy about it.
“I love it so much that I’m fucking you with the strap when we get home.” Abby says seriously, making you giggle.
Once the tattoo was healed, Abby would not stop touching it. She’d caress your abdomen with her thumb when cuddling, kiss it before going down on you, or trace it after sex with her fingers. It meant a lot to her that you’d do something so serious. She didn’t need it to know that you loved her, but it meant a lot regardless. Tattoos don’t come off, and with the style you requested, a cover-up would be very challenging. It really touched her heart… and she found it incredibly sexy on you. Even more so knowing that people wouldn’t notice the thorny print held her name. 
A few months after getting the tattoo, you were invited to a pool party with the crew. You had told Abby you weren’t going to show it off - a little lie so you could surprise her. You and Nora went shopping for swimsuits the day of and she helped you pick out one that would clearly show it off. She was the first person you told, and when you said you wanted it to be a surprise she was all for it. So you ended up with a sexy two-piece white bikini with high-cut straps. It perfectly framed the tattoo and made it stand out. You couldn’t wait to surprise Abby with it.
“Y/N! NORA!” Leah screams when she sees you two walk out to the patio. Everyone except for Abby - who is pouring something at the bar - is in the pool. The boys are playing volleyball at one end while the girls are hanging out at the other. ‘Yum.’ You eye Abby who’s wearing swim trunks and a bikini top. You really loved seeing all of her tattoos. 
“Hey!” You wave at them, “Sorry we’re late! Nora wanted to pick up some more beer.” Nora lifts up the extra case to show them, getting a cheer from the group. The guys tended to stick to drinking beer and Manny could put away a whole case on his own. While the girls drink beer too, they preferred mixing drinks most of the time.
“Hey, more beer is a perfect reason to be late!” Owen calls.
“Now, what are you doing with your clothes still on?!” Manny jokes, hitting the volleyball back to Nick, “Take them off and get in here!”
“Only for you, Manny!” Nora jokes back, getting laughs in response. You take the case from Nora and head over to the bar where Abby is. She looks up at you with a smile, pouring mango juice into the cup she had gotten you for your birthday.
“Awe, honey bee! You’re making me a drink?” You put the case down and give her a kiss on the cheek, “You didn’t have to.”
“I’ll drink it if you don’t want it.” Abby says, lifting the cup to her mouth.
“No, no, no!” You grab the cup, making Abby laugh, “I want it!” You take a drink from it, pleasantly surprised by the various fruity flavors. Abby reaches over and tears the box open, and you step out of her way. 
“Does it taste good?” She checks, taking the beer out and putting it into the fridge.
“Yeah, but not better than your pussy.” You joke, getting a dramatic gasp from her.
“Y/n! Language!” She smacks your ass, making you laugh. 
“Oh, come on! You’ve said worse!” You wrap your arms around her waist, getting on your tip-toes to whisper in her ear, “Besides, it was a compliment.” You kiss her shoulder and walk around the bar.
“Y/n! Abby!” Mel shouts, “Come on, you lazy asses!”
“Coming!” You and Abby chorus. You throw Abby a wink and walk over to the lounge chairs by the girls. Everyone has their own assigned chair with a towel so that no one gets confused with the others’ things. Nothing is more awkward than using someone else’s towel! You put your bag down and start taking off your clothes. A loud wolf whistle comes from the pool, “DAMN Y/N! THAT’S A WHOLE LOT OF ASS!” Nora screams at you, making you laugh.
“YOU GO, GIRL!” Leah joins in and soon everyone is hollering at you. You shake your head with an amused smile and take your shirt off. You’re careful to keep your back to them as you grab your sunscreen.
“I’ve got that, cutie.” Abby takes it from your hands. You let her rub the sunscreen onto you, relaxing as she works over your muscles to give you a quick massage in the process. She comes around to your front and does the same, playfully wiggling her eyebrows when she goes over your boobs with it. You giggle at her antics, noting that she takes extra care with your tattoo, and puts the bottle down.
“I thought you weren’t showing your tattoo?” She mutters, trying to keep her volume down. You give her a cheeky smile.
“I changed my mind. It’s the one time I get to show it off.” You wink at her and turn around, “I’m coming in!” You call you, getting the group’s attention as you walk to the edge.
“WOAH!” The group chorus’, surprised expressions on their faces.
“Surprise!” You shout, laughing at their reactions, “I asked Abby to tattoo me!”
“We’d know her work from anywhere.” Jordan snorts.
“Wait.” Mel squints, swimming over to you, “Come closer.” You sit down, letting your legs go into the water as she comes over. ‘Of all the people to notice it first, it would be Mel.’
“Is that… Abby’s name?” Mel gasps, looking at you with wide eyes.
“It is.” You smile, over at Abby as she sits down next to you, “When we first started dating I joked that I wanted her to write her name on me… and, she did.” You nudge her.
“It was a complete surprise to me.” Abby chuckles, brushing her fingers over it, “But, it was a happy one.” You two meet eyes and she leans in and kisses you softly.
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jalwoorideul · 2 years
Just Soonyoung and Haneul things
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synopsis: just a compilation of hoshi and heaven's (oc) dynamic
a/n: will write a more detailed version of some of these in the future hehe. feel free to send in asks or thoughts !!
SLOOOOW BURN. You wouldn't imagine the sigh of relief their members let out when they finally got together
The "He's shy and gets flustered easily while she's shameless and unintentionally makes him blush" trope.
First interacted when Heaven was an MC at a music show during his debut and she saw how nervous he was and cheered him on
She praised him when she saw seventeen do a cover of Dumb Dumb during their rookie days
Gets more interactions whenever they bump into each other at music shows and award shows
Became closer when Yeri and Chan became friends
Only got their numbers by the third year they've met each other
Began texting each other frequently ever since
Sends each other memes and words of encouragement
Soonyoung attempted to ask her on a date multiple times but he kept chickening out on the last minute
Wants to go on a date with him too but she saw interviews and videos where he says that he wants to focus on his career first
He does but he's also interested in her
Sees each other as friends but everyone knows they want it to be more
Yeri and Chan pulling their hair out over how much mutual pinning they have for each other
Heaven eventually tried giving up on him because she genuinely thought that all he wants to be is just friends and that she doesn't want to get in the way of his career plans so she started seeing other people
When Soonyoung finally got the courage to ask her on a date, she was already going on dates with someone else
Took him another while to get the courage
He also thought that maybe he doesn't really stand a chance so he just kept it to himself for at least another year.
Her and the guy eventually called it off. They both thought it wasn't going anywhere and that they're better off as friends. Their dating life ended in 2 months.
Soonyoung didn't know this though. By the 6th or 7th month since he found out he still thought they were dating because they had a good break up and are still civil with each other.
Only found out when Chan asked Yeri and Yeri clarified it for him.
Her feelings for Soonyoung were still there but she didn't know what to do with them.
Her feelings for him just increased when Red Velvet started touring for Redmare and they began texting again more frequently
Until Heaven couldn't take it anymore and decided to confess first
Confessed right after their tour ended when she asked him if they could go eat together somewhere because "she missed eating at Korean restaurants" when in reality she just wanted to see him
Hoshi was speechless. Literally. Couldn't get a word out when she confessed that she likes him.
She thought that she ruined the friendship. Scared for a moment because she thought he doesn't know how to reject her.
Then he asked "Are you for real? You aren't lying are you? Because I really want to kiss you right now and I can't do that if you're joking."
Didn't make it official until after Hoshi's Ode to You tour and La Rouge tour because they said that they might miss each other more once they did.
They just didn't have a label but they've actually been acting like it ever since the 1st date.
Yeri and Chan said that they deserve some credit for their love life
Something about them them being their bridge
Wonwoo and Joy were the first ones to find out. Best friend privileges
Seventeen and Red Velvet weren't surprised
They words, "It was bound to happen at some point" and "Finally! What took you guys so long?" were mentioned along the way
VERY CLINGY with one another
The kind of couple that everyone loathes because they're so cute all the time
But no one really hates them together because they're just so in love they just let it slide
Speaking of the L word. They didn't drop it until they became offical even though it was obviously there during the months they started seeing each other
They both don't have a dating ban so their managers and staff know
But they made them all swear that no one else should find out because they wanted to keep it a secret first and enjoy each other's company without the public knowing just yet.
Dropped subtle hints but the fans just thought they were being friendly TT_TT (they are more than friendly tbh)
Still very much in love after being together for almost 2 years.
When the news came out that someone leaked info on their relationship, it only made them stronger
Held onto each other for support
It made them nervous at first but they aren't afraid to talk about each other in public now
They will post each other on their instagrams and mentions the other in interviews, lives, and videos.
Fans want a collab but they're still thinking about it because working together as a couple might be difficult but they are open to the idea. Probably just a small collab, like a dance video or and song cover.
I love them so much, i love writing about them :<
Invited her for their Be The Sun Concert in Seoul
Carats freaked out when they realized that they were sitting next to Heaven
She was holding a caratbong and even has a Hoshi photocard chained to her bag 😭
Sang along to their fanchants
During one of their ments Seungkwan mentioned that there were a lot of special guests that attended. (there really was, my multifandom heart was so happy when I saw the list of everyone who attended)
Then the camera panned to Heaven who was minding her own business while watching the concert.
Her eyes grew wide when she realized she was on screen and she started waving her caratbong and greeted everyone with a bow
Hoshi was caught giggle into the mic and called her cute (in his defense he didn't notice that he was holding it that close to his lips)
The other members went WILD
Carats had a field day of teasing Hoshi for being extra energetic during the whole concert
Had special backstage privileges (of course)
Haneul could not let go of Soonyoung after the whole concert because she was just so proud of him
Lots of kisses and hugs backstage
Lots of teasing from the boys too
But they love their pair nonetheless
Haneul posted concert pictures on instagram and IG story. Captioned it "Seventeen is the best 🫶"
Went on bubble to gush about her boyfriend after the show
"Hi (y/n) how is everyone? I went to a concert tonight"
"Yes I went to see Be The Sun hehe"
"They're so cool"
"My seventeen bias is Wonwoo"
"Haha just kidding please don't tell Soonyoung he'll get sulky hehe"
Definitely missed him more when he began touring
But he didn't fail to send her updates every now and then
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tiredcowpoke · 11 months
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Pairing: Arthur Morgan x Fem!Reader Request: Not a request. Previous part: [X] Blurb: You had always assumed the stories of time travel in your family were just that. Stories. At worst, maybe an inside joke. However, your world starts to shift when your grandfather leaves his home to you in his will. The old Sinclair house, one that has been passed down for generations. Taking up the task of moving into and upgrading the home, a man dressed like he just stepped out of a western arrives, unconscious, on your porch with a letter in his hand. Warnings: Death, existential themes, angst.  Note: Catching up Tumblr to the AO3 version of this since I plan on trying to pick this back up. Sorry about that.
Between the driving and the late night chat from the night before, you found yourself carrying a sluggishness that you couldn’t shake off.
Thankfully, the roads weren’t too crowded as you drove up toward Beaver Hollow, Arthur sitting quietly in the passenger seat as he watched the trees pass. You tried not to show it, but you could feel yourself gripping the steering wheel a little more tightly than you needed to. You couldn’t help it–this situation was so strange. You were about to bring a historical figure to his last known location and eventually his own grave. Sci-fi was not your usual choice of genre, but you were sure there were probably some movies about why this was a bad idea.
Or nothing would happen. You really didn’t know. You weren’t Francis, who seemed to have the answers you needed. Some of them, at least.
The forests up near Roanoke Ridge were always a little foreboding, and Arthur had remarked that it was worse back in his own time. He didn’t elaborate any further, but you could imagine. There hadn’t been a ton of development in the state, but it had a few old towns and the mine served as a historical landmark. Aside from lumber, the tourist-y nature of the area must have given the residences enough to survive. Somewhat jokingly, you almost offered up going to the mine instead, but knew better.
This was for Arthur. He believed he needed it, and you supposed it was your job to go along with that.
Finally, you arrived at the small, dirt paved parking lot. You had no issue finding a spot, considering there seemed to be only one other car there. Cutting the engine, you let out a small sigh before glancing toward Arthur in the passenger seat.
“Last chance to turn back,” you said, meeting his gaze with a small grin.
“Came this far,” Arthur remarked, holding your gaze for a moment before he huffed, “‘Sides, it looks like you’re the one who’s more worried ‘bout this.”
“I don’t know,” you replied with a small chuckle, turning to glance out the windshield, “I mean…I figure there’s got to be some sort of…time travel rule against something like this.”
“If ya got them rules written down somewhere, I’d love to read them,” Arthur commented, finally releasing his seat belt before opening the passenger door, “C’mon.”
You stared at him from your seat for a few moments, almost wanting to laugh. For once, it seemed he was encouraging you to try something instead of the other way around. His relaxed nature about this whole thing was a little odd, but you figured he either hid his worries really well or maybe you really were worrying over nothing. Not that there weren’t a number of concerning things about the situation.
Finally, you got out of the car, shutting and locking the doors behind you before turning to head toward the opening of the site. The place seemed quiet, and you figured the early morning was a good choice to make sure there wouldn’t be too many people around. Someone recognizing Arthur…well, you had to assume their first conclusion wouldn’t be ‘time traveler’ but you didn’t want to risk that.
It was just you, Arthur, and a tired looking ticket sales assistant. She wasn’t exactly chatty, but she didn’t regard either of you with more than a somewhat sleepy glance before taking your money and pointing toward the entrance of the site. You led Arthur toward the area, stepping through a small, wooden gate before the replica of the camp stood before you.
It hadn’t changed much since you were a high-schooler. The wagons were worn, looking a little older than they did in your memory and in the pictures you saw on the website. There was a small campfire in the middle, surrounded by chairs. The replica of Dutch’s tent near the mouth of the cave, a few ropes and guiding signs leading down into the depths where you knew an exhibit on the Murfree Brood was. You shifted, glancing toward Arthur as he stepped by you, walking slowly forward a few steps before looking around. You watched him carefully, but he was difficult to read at that moment.
“Looks…” he started after a few moments, clearing his throat somewhat before continuing, “strange like this. Empty.”
“Yeah. They try to put everything how it was, but with how untouched everything is…” you replied, stepping forward to stand beside him.
“Pearson’s wagon is in the wrong spot,” Arthur commented, gesturing toward where a small info stand was, “It’s supposed to be there. Horse posts a little up toward that fence…”
“Can’t get everything right,” you said, “Most of it was based on your journal. I think your wagon has more information on this camp and the other ones you stayed in.”
“Who took my journal?” he asked, sounding vaguely offended, which made you hold back a small chuckle.
“I think a museum in New Austin has the physical rights to it, but they let affiliate sites use a virtual copy of it for research and reconstruction like this,” you explained, “I…I guess it’s weird to have your personal thoughts just out in the open like that, but it’s a good source of information.”
“Whole thing’s strange,” Arthur commented, finally shifting to move toward some of the wagons.
You trailed after him, not too sure what your role was in all of this. You figured you would just try to answer whatever questions he might have and just let him explore what was left of the camp. Plus, it was still an interesting site now that you weren’t an impatient kid just wanting to move on from the educational portion of the trip.
Arthur didn’t say much for a while, walking carefully as he took in the wagons and tents. He pointed out little inaccuracies in the layout, but otherwise he just seemed to be taking it in. You didn’t really want to press him for his thoughts, but it was interesting to see him take it in. Naturally, your curiosity got the better of you and you stepped under the tarp of the replica of his wagon, peering over the small table near the cot. Of course, the top of the table was encased in glass to avoid damage to the items there, but you curiously looked them over.
Some books on plants and nature, a cigarette carton with a brand that you were unfamiliar with, some everyday items–tonics, mostly.
“Did they get your favorite genre right?” you asked when Arthur finally joined you, peering over your shoulder for a moment.
“More or less,” he muttered, letting out an almost bitter huff, “Guess they didn’t know enough ‘bout my mama’s flower to try to recreate that.”
“Yeah,” he confirmed with a nod, “I, uh…used to pick a fresh one whenever we’d be out near California and put it in a jar. Always kept it on or near this table.”
You nodded lightly at that, taking in the rest of the wagon. They had a few other personal items–the photos you saw on the internet when you sought them out that first night while he was passed out in your living room. For a moment, you grew nervous that somebody might put the pieces together like you did if you stayed too long. Still, the area seemed quiet enough for now that you figured you could take the drive up to his grave and you could spend as much time as you wanted there. Most people preferred the little historical sight and exploring the cave at Beaver Hollow.
Still, it was odd to hear Arthur talk about his space in his own words. The familiarity and intimacy clearly lacked in a place like this, but he seemed to take in the photos on his wagon with an unreadable expression before he stepped back to wander toward the center of the camp.
“Don’t know why they decided to preserve this,” Arthur said after a few moments, gesturing around him, “There’s plenty of places we stayed in out east and more out west that ain’t Beaver Hollow. Ain’t got good memories here.”
“Well…” you started, tucking your hands into your pockets as you approached him more. Really, you weren’t too sure how to put this without sounding harsh. “It’s not everybody, but a lot of people are…curious about the downfall of the Van der Linde Gang. Being able to stand in their last known location where they were…sort of whole…it appeals to a lot of people.”
“It appeal to you?”
“Not particularly…” you replied, taking in his expression. Arthur was keeping his face even, but you could tell there was something in his eyes. “I was more interested in the middle ages, anyway.”
Despite the heaviness to this whole experience, your statement managed to pull a smile from him but otherwise he didn’t say anything for a short while. He didn’t move any further to take in more structures, though you noticed how his gaze lingered on Dutch’s tent–his and Arthur’s were the closest replicas the park managed to make, according to their own statements about their park anyway. Yet, Arthur couldn’t seem to bring himself to look inside it, but he did stare at it for a few moments.
“Guess I seen what we came here to see,” Arthur spoke up after the heavy silence, glancing back toward you, “This place…just feels weird, anyway.”
“I know they let you down into the cave,” you said, gesturing toward the mouth of said cave at the back of the camp, “I think they got an exhibit on the Murfree Brood.”
“I seen more than enough of them bastards in my time,” Arthur replied, turning to head back toward the gates to the historical site. Given the dismissal, it left you to awkwardly follow him back out to the parking lot.
You weren’t too sure what to say to him–how to comfort him, if he needed it. While you were never the quickest to offer your shoulder, you felt a little helpless in the face of…all of this. Still, Arthur seemed adamant about seeing his own grave. After his demeanor in Beaver Hollow, you weren’t sure what to expect with that.
Despite the questions and comments he had been making, Arthur was nearly silent on the drive up toward his grave site. It wasn’t a terribly long drive from Beaver Hollow, which added up with his escape from the camp at the end of his life. At least, the end of his life up until now, you supposed. As much as questions swirled in your head, how much you wanted to ask if he was doing okay, you decided to let him have his thoughts. As much as you were living together, and not exactly under circumstances that were decisions of yourself or Arthur, you didn’t want to push him. You didn’t know if you had the right to, if you even wanted to.
There were a few signs put up by the park that pointed you toward the grave site, the roads getting more winding and twisting the closer you got to your destination. The feeling in your gut almost matched the layout of the road before you, that nervousness returning. More so for Arthur than being seen by other people. You didn’t want to just lead him into a mental breakdown.
You let out a breath, deciding to break off the silence as you pulled up toward another small dirt parking lot next to a small hiking path.
“I know I sound like a broken record–that I’m repeating myself, but…are you sure about this?”
“Yeah,” Arthur replied, not meeting your gaze as you pulled into a space and parked the car, “Came all this way, didn’t we?”
“The day’s still young,” you replied, “We could head into Annesburg, go explore the mine…”
“I don’t want to see no mine…” Arthur muttered, pushing open the passenger door before stepping out. Your brow furrowed as you watched him, but otherwise you cut the engine and stepped outside to join him.
You led the way up the path, knowing it was still a couple more minutes away but Arthur otherwise didn’t make any other conversation and you were a little too nervous to try to do so. You could feel the morning sun on your skin as you continued up the path, feeling your exhaustion and the fact that you hadn’t packed any water for this. It was a beautiful bit of country, at least. Less so the tourist trap that was Beaver Hollow and more so like a quick stop you’d make off the side of the road on a trip.
Eventually, you reached the grave. There was a small sign with an inscription explaining what you were looking at and who Arthur was. It was brief with general information–the year of his birth and death, his role in the gang, and a mention of his battle with Tuberculosis near the end of his life.
The headstone itself was faded and in need of repair, though you could make out Arthur’s name and part of the scripture that had been inscribed on the cross. There were some ropes around the site to keep people from both falling and stepping on the grave itself, not that it stopped people from trying to dig it up over the years. Looking for buried money or even morbid curiosity. Yet, you held back that remark from leaving your mouth, as you doubted it would be all that nice of him to hear.
“Here it is…” you said once Arthur stepped up beside you.
“...Nice country out here. I can think of worse places I could’ve been buried,” Arthur commented, “You know who did it?”
You had to think for a moment, crossing your arms over your chest as you tried to pick your brain for some of the stories your father and grandfather told.
“I think it was said in one of Jack’s books that his father mentioned it being Charles Smith,” you replied, finally turning your head to glance toward him.
Arthur nodded lightly, a small, tight grin crossing his face. “He’s a good man. Always has been. Or…well, y’know what I mean.”
You had immediately caught onto his use of present tense when talking about him, but apparently Arthur caught it too as he tossed his arm up in frustration as he backed away from his grave a few steps. He leaned against a nearby wooden pillar that closed in the small grave site on the cliff, staring at his grave for a few moments. The look on his face pulled at you–the lost look in his expression, the tension in his face from holding back what you assumed was some sort of grief. How could he not be feeling that?
“Arthur…” you started, but he spoke up before you could form a sentence in your head.
“This is…this is it, I guess. All that’s left of me. Never wanted some damn legacy, but guess it’s…strange to know.” He paused, letting out a heavy breath as you took a couple steps toward him. “Everybody I ever known. Just…gone. Lived out their lives, some of them probably a hell of a lot better than me…”
“I can’t even imagine…” you offered up in the way of condolences, Arthur removing his gaze from the grave and met yours.
“Why me?” he asked, putting a heavy feeling in your gut. “Could’ve been any of us. Jack, Mary-Beth, Tilly, Karen–hell, even those who died ‘fore the gang fell. Hosea. Sean. Lenny.”
“I wish I had an answer. I truly do,” you said, looking down at your shoes for a moment, “Francis…he made this decision. He’s the only one who would know, and I doubt he left anything for me to piece together about why…”
“Feels more like a punishment than a reward for helpin’ him,” Arthur muttered, making you nod lightly. You could see why he’d feel that way, especially with the scene in front of him. The reality he found himself in.
“He did give you a second chance…” you started, finally moving to lean against the fence he was situated against, “Might not seem like all that great of a gift he gave you right now, but…I mean, you can live a better life here, right? Could settle down with someone, find a job you enjoy–hell, you could even just enjoy the wonders of modern medicine.”
“I didn’t ask for no damn second chance,” Arthur stated, pushing himself off the fence.
“I…” you started, finding the words falling short. Really, you had no idea how to handle this.
“Can we head back into town?” he asked, glancing back at you, “I’ve seen all I wanna see and I’m starvin’.”
“Yeah, of course.”
You pushed yourself off the fence as well, lingering by his grave as you watched him start to walk back down the path. You let out a slow breath, wanting more than anything to give him some comfort. Yet, you wouldn’t even know where to begin. To even fathom the idea of losing everybody you ever loved seemingly overnight, losing the life you had previously, the land you once knew suddenly foreign and thrown centuries into the future. What could anybody say to help in that situation? You had no damn clue.
Letting out a heavy sigh, you shook your head as you started to follow down after him.
“Thank you so fuckin’ much, Great Uncle Francis,” you whispered.
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whiskeysmulti · 7 months
It Makes You Look Stupid (5986 drabble)
The full version of this ask! Cut for a character death warning! Pairing: 5986 (Hayato x Haru) Word Count: 521 Warnings: MCD (Major Character Death-Gokudera)
'In all the years I'd known her, I'd never been happier. I always called her stupid, but she was. She was stupid for falling for a guy as reckless and hotheaded as me. Even when we fought I wouldn't have traded those moments for a life of peace and happiness with anyone else. We both knew the risk we were facing before we even fell. But it happened so fast neither of us could stop it.'
He'd never planned to fall in love, but somewhere along the way they did. Through all the fights and glances that lingered longer than intended something happened. Something changed the way the Storm perceived her. Haru had always come across annoying to him, but that was out of jealousy that she'd noticed Tsuna first and not him.
He always worried he was too rough for her, even though she always said she liked someone dangerous, not once in his years had Gokudera dreamed it would be him. And now just as fast as they'd gotten together, the inevitable happened. His only dying regrets were that he didn't have more time. He'd have done anything to go back now and meet her when they were even younger if he had to just to have her in his life longer.
He'd noticed her all along, even those moments when they were just two stupid kids, tempting their fate and challenging each other's patience, there was never another girl he'd dare to spend that time with. She was his one and only and always would be. However that future he'd planned for them had just been ripped from his grasp.
In spite of everything he'd put her through, the only thing Gokudera ever wanted was for her to be happy, with him or not. He'd always questioned what she could have seen in him, but he was always grateful that she saw something deeper there when others couldn't look past the surface.
There never was and never would be any other woman for him, stupid one or not. And now in his final moments, all he could do was hope she could move on with her life without him.
His breath grew shallow. 'If I had a chance to do it all over again would I? As long as she's by my side, absolutely. My only regret was that I wasn't better for her. She was a saint for dealing with my temper and insecurity. Always the hot head, running straight in without thinking and always second guessing myself. We were both stupid kids when we met. Two stupid kids with unrealistic dreams of our own, dreams we never thought we'd see achieved. That girl you were, I hurt her along the way and if there's any regret that I have right now, it's that I don't have more time or a second chance to do it again. Because I'd still choose you. I love you, Haru. I always did, even if I sucked at showing it. Take care of Uri for me…she always liked you best, and quit crying so much... it makes you look stupid.'
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