#i wasn’t even aware most of the time but that entire month was just awful idk what was in the summer solstice water but good riddance.
metagalacticx · 10 months
there’s so much going on this week today specifically and tbh im not sure how to deal with it but i feel like im going to end up doing something i wouldn’t normally
like im not stressed at all im super chill but in the way any material is before it explodes does that make sense anyway im also really happy. i guess im experiencing a range of emotions and i don’t think i have a handle on all of them but im very happy so does any of the rest of it matter really
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fantasylandloser · 1 year
Cuddle Buddies
pairing: rafe x reader
Summary: reader is afraid of storms and seeks out rafe one night
Word Count: 3.1K
A/N: Don't we all need a little soft Rafe for Valentines day
Warnings: mentions of sex, what is proofreading?, what is editing?, Ward bc he's a loser but he's not bad in this,
Staying with the Cameron family was like paradise. There was non moldy food, an entire library that you had access to and no financial stress. Ward only asked a few things of you and they were all doable. 
The only problem you’d had so far was Rafe. He hated having you and John B there and he made sure you knew it. And for some reason he paid extra special attention to making sure he gave you the most hell. Probably because John B was dating Sarah and you’d seen her go toe to toe with him before.
It’s mostly small annoyances. He’ll get in the shower before you get the chance and stay in there for an hour just to use up all the hot water. He would eat the yogurt that Rose would buy just for you, even though he didn’t like it. Sometimes he’d even blast his speakers with that god awful shit he calls music. But even though all of this inconveniences you, you still liked living here better than John B’s. 
You had only Your mom comes and goes as she pleased and eventually the bills became too much for you and you got evicted. You hadn’t seen her since and DCS had been on you and John B’s case at the same time. So when Ward offered you sanctuary you jumped at the chance and you try to do everything humanly possible to keep him pleased.
It was one of ten thousand reasons Rafe hated you so much. Everytime he turned around his dad would be praising you for being such a hard worker, such a smart girl, so sweet, so kind, so caring. It never stopped. Ward  had not offered Rafe a kind word in months, but had nothing but good things to say to you. And with that, you were a pogue. So Rafe was able to justify why he treated you the way he did for months. 
Today Ward had decided to take the whole family fishing and he wanted to welcome you and John B, even though he already had. Wheezie was reading a book. Sarah and John B were nowhere to be found. Rose was already drinking even though it was seven in the morning. Rafe was on a chair with his eyes closed, you knew he wasn’t sleeping though because every few minutes he would open his eyes, glance at you like he was waiting for something and then close them  back. You knew Ward would be coming out in a few minutes and you wanted to look useful so you got up to grab the bait. Almost as soon as you lifted the heavy cooler, Ward appeared.
 “Rafe!” He exclaimed. “What’re you doing, you see a girl lifting heavy stuff, you pick it up for her.” He threw his arms out gesturing to you. “I mean what do you do all that working out for? For show.” Ward scoffed, muttering “Jesus” under his breath. 
You see Rafe’s face visibly darken from being reprimanded. As he huffs out a sorry to his dad that he definitely didn’t look like he meant, as he got up to help you. He easily snatched the heavy cooler from you. “Try not to do that all day.” Rafe told you, his tone low. And even though you feel bad that you got him yelled at, you can’t help but return the attitude. 
“Do what?” You ask, your head jerking  back at his tone. Rafe rolled his eyes like you knew exactly what he was talking about.
“Pick up heavy shit when you see my dad coming. I don’t care what you’re trying to prove, but you’re getting in my way.” He tells you, his tone condescending. “The helpless act doesn’t work for pogue girls.” Rafe finishes, his attitude more prominent than before. You scoff at his audacity ready to go in on him, walking behind his muscular figure as he moves the bait.
“First of all, nobody is trying to be helpless. Second of all, if you weren’t always sitting on your ass then maybe he wouldn’t feel like he needed to say that to you.” You clapback, fully aware that he probably wasn’t going to let that slide.
You see the wild look in his eye when he turns to look at you, it makes you nervous because sometimes Rafe could truly be mean.  Luckily for you, Ward had called him and he had walked away.
You and Rafe hadn’t had any more unpleasant interactions for the rest of the day. Actively avoiding each other, to not cause trouble even though that was Rafe’s default. Ward had called it a day pretty early after learning that a storm was rolling in. and knowing he didn’t want to be in that kind of weather. 
By the time you got home, it had started raining heavily and everyone was off to do their own thing. You went up to your room and after taking a shower and cleaning up some, you allowed the rain to lull you to sleep. 
It was the middle of the night when you woke up again. The loud crack of thunder disturbing your sleep and your peace. Usually when it was thundering like this, JJ would stay with you until you fell asleep because he knew how scared you were of storms. But as of right now he was on the other side of the island and you’d have to be a crazy person to go out in that storm. When you checked your phone the clock read one a.m and you knew it would be a while before you fell back asleep. There was also a missed call and a text from JJ checking to see if you were alright. And you really weren’t. 
You didn’t know what it was about storms that got you but fear gripped you every single time, there was more than rain. You laid there for about thirty minutes, willing yourself to go back to sleep, but your attempts were a failure. After one particularly loud crack of lightning that appeared really close to you, you’d went to look for John B. But he wasn’t in his room and you knew that meant he was in Sarah’s. And you didn’t want to walk in there because who knew what they could be doing. 
Shamefully, you stood outside of Rafe’s door contemplating whether or not you were going to knock, before you heard lightning strike again. Without thinking you didn’t knock, just entering his room, knowing he would hate that. Only to see him sleeping peacefully in his bed. His covers lowered to his hips, and not a single thread of clothing present on his chest.
‘Rafe” You called, your voice hushed and almost a whisper. He stirred slightly but didn’t wake up, forcing you to call him again. He looked confused as he opened his eyes, blinking for a second. When his eyes finally focused on you. He groaned, rubbing his eyes. 
“What could you possibly want right now?” He asked groggily. 
You take a moment to swallow your pride, knowing there was an eighty percent chance that he kicked you out, and a ninety-eight percent chance that he held this over your head. 
“It’s storming.” You say dumbly. Rafe’s face scrunches up at your obvious statement. “Thanks for stating the obvious. “ He scoffs. “Get to the point, I’m tired.” He hurried you along.
“Can I sleep in here?” You whisper, your face heating up in embarrassment. 
Rafe almost laughed, as he prepared himself to say no, but when he looked at you in your cute pink pajamas and the way you were holding onto yourself. He’d always thought of himself as a protector, and obviously you thought so too if you came to him while you were scared. He knew he had to protect you, even if it was just from a stupid storm. 
Grumpily, he threw a pillow at you, and scooted closer to one side of the bed. “Stay on that side.” He tells you, closing his eyes back. You were shocked for a second, but you wordlessly climbed into the other side of his bed, trying not to further inconvenience him. Settling into his warm bed felt weird but also right, his bed was comfortable and it smelled like him, and even though you hated to admit it, Rafe smelled good. 
Your comfort only lasted for a minute before you were jumping at the sound of a branch hitting the window. Rafe groaned behind you, irritated. His arm circles around your waist and he yanks you closer to him, almost roughly. “Go. to. Sleep.” He punctuated. The weight of his arm pushing down into you. Comforting you, you realize. And before you know it, you allow yourself to be lulled to sleep, your breathing syncing up with Rafe’s.
Rafe and you had continued on with the regularly scheduled programming after that. Getting into dumb fights, him being petty all the time, but surprisingly never bringing up that night. When the next storm rolled around, and you knocked on his door. He wordlessly let you in and it had become a routine. Rafe even started to find himself looking forward to storming nights, even after arguing with you all day.He liked that you needed him to feel safe. No one had ever needed him before. 
The mornings had never been awkward; you'd wake up before him and leave because you were naturally an early riser and that was that. Until one particular morning, you had just been extra tired and happened to sleep later than usual. When you woke up you found your head buried on Rafe’s bare chest, which happened often and was another thing you didn’t talk about. His strong arm wrapped around your body holding you close to him, but none of that is why this was awkward. When you looked up Rafe was looking back at you. He was holding you and he was awake? He was holding you and he was conscious. He was holding you on purpose. 
He looked embarrassed to have been caught, and he was. He was just used to you already being gone when he woke up. He never got to see what you looked like when you were just laying there peacefully, not bitching, not being a kiss ass to his dad. Just sweet, and cute, a pretty girl that was laying on his chest. 
Rafe cleared his throat, letting you go as he saw the look on your face and realized how weird this was. “You snore.” He tells you, trying to deflect his embarrassment.
“No I don’t!” You scoff, rising up slightly. 
“Yeah you do.” Rafe laughs. “I thought you were choking.” He exaggerates, and you can’t help but think about how boyish he looks when he laughs. Not as calculating, or mean. 
“Whatever, I don’t snore.” You say rolling your eyes.
“Sure you don’t.”  A swift silence settles over you and Rafe is still smiling for a second. Until a knock comes to Rafe’s door, only for it to be pushed open a second later. 
“Rafe your Dad said-” Rose stops talking the minute she sees the two of you. Her eyes widen and you immediately know what it looks like. Rafe isn’t wearing a shirt, and you’re dressed in your shortest shorts, and sitting in between his legs. There’s no universe where this doesn’t look bad. It doesn’t help that both you and Rafe look like you got your hand caught in the cookie jar, faces reddening, and eyes widening and for some reason frozen.
“Oh..” Rose gasps. “I’m just gonna-” She blinks, obviously still shocked, especially with the way that the two of you stay at each other's throats. Without even saying anything else she simply closes the door leaving you two sitting there dumbfounded. 
“Okay guys…”Ward starts. “I called this family meeting because it has come to my attention that we need to talk about the rules in this house.” Your face reddens as Ward gives you a pointed look. John B and Sarah look confused, but Rose and Rafe look just as embarrassed as you feel. 
“I know you guys are attractive young adults living in the same house and that makes avoiding …temptation much harder.”  You sink into your chair, wishing a hole would swallow you up the more he continued to talk. “But I think you can do it. Now we’re all close here so I think I can speak honestly. Right?” He doesn’t wait for an answer before he continues on. 
“John B no more sneaking’ into Sarah’s room before seven a.m and I want you out of there by ten every night. You copy?” John B flushes lightly, thinking he’d been stealthy before nodding. Even though Sarah protested. “Dad, come onnn.” She whines. 
“That’s the end of it Sarah.” Ward dismisses, before looking at you and Rafe, much to your dismay. “Now I don’t know what the two of you have going on, and I’m not sure I want to know-” Sarah gasps loudly at this new information, only for Ward to raise his hand up quickly to silence her for a second. “I know you’re both old enough to make these decisions-” Rafe is radio silent and you were hoping he’d speak up so you didn’t have to. “But as of right now this is the house rule, no spending the night in each other's bed, unless you’re married.” He finishes.
“Mr. Cameron, it's really not like that.” You try your face flushing. “Me and Rafe are just-” Rafe clasps his hand over your mouth, much to everyone’s shock. “We hear you Dad. Loud and clear.” He says not wanting you to tell everyone that you’re cuddle buddies or whatever the fuck you were going to say which would have ranged on the same level of embarrassing for him. You look at him in shock, pushing his hand away, but not even bothering to further embarrass yourself. Rafe saw how mad you were though, your arms crossing over your chest, and you turning your legs away from him. He also couldn’t ignore the small pout that had possessed your full lips.
“Well okay, this has gotten weirder.” Ward said,  mostly to himself, while Rose nodded in agreement. “So how about we just remember the rules, and hopefully we’ll never have to talk about this again.” Ward proposed, trying to air out the awkwardness. Everyone nodded immediately which caused him to get up, wiping his hands off on his pants. 
“Come here, son. Let me talk to you really quick.” Ward gestured to Rafe. Rafe resisted groaning and followed behind him leaving you to the questioning looks of John B and Sarah. “Rafe? Really?” Sarah asked, laughing a little. 
“It’s not like that!” You exclaim, your face heating up. 
“It looked like it was like that this morning.” Rose joined in, much to your shock. John B joined the teasing with a gasp. “How scandalous!” Sarah was laughing so hard tears started to come out her eyes.
“Guys stop!” You say embarrassed, but not saying anything else because it seemed like Rafe didn’t want anyone to know.
“Okay fine. You’re no fun.” Rose tells you, picking her drink back up and sipping with a grin on her face, leading John B and Sarah to leave you alone as well.
You hadn’t even glanced at Rafe in three days. You were irritated with him for making it seem like you were doing what they thought you were doing. Sex. And he felt like he’d been paying for it. He liked having your attention. Even if you were arguing with him, rolling your eyes at something he said, anything really. So to be deprived of it for three days was driving him insane.
 He looked up the weather forecast at least six times a day, praying for a storm to roll through. When he finally got lucky and heard thunder crackle down, he was bouncing with anticipation, waiting for you to show up at his door. 
When you didn’t he went looking for you, only to be surprised that you weren’t in your room. He started to check everywhere. When he couldn’t find you he swallowed his pride and opened John B’s door to ask if he knew where you went, only to see you in there, in his favorite pajama set of yours, it was silk with cherries on it. You lay in between John B and Sarah, ironically watching a scary movie. 
Everyone’s eyes diverted to Rafe. Confused as to why he was standing at John B’s door, knowing he’d never gone near there since he started staying here. “It’s after ten.” Rafe points out. Feeling jealousy stirred at the fact that you went to someone else. 
“Dad approved since she’s scared of storms.” Sarah tells him, sticking her tongue out only for him to roll his eyes. He watches you and the way your eyes went back to the TV, continuing to ignore him. Rafe didn’t think he could take being ignored by you, while you were in another guy's bed, wearing his favorite pajamas, on a stormy night. Which were his nights. 
He entered the room standing at the edge of the bed, right in front of the TV, making John B groan. He’s shirtless, it was the first thing you noticed when he opened the door. Only clad in plaid pajama pants. 
“You’re still ignoring me?” He asks, only for you to not say anything back. He hated that. It was one thing to ignore him when you were by yourselves, but it was an entire different thing to ignore him in front of other people. Especially when your relationship was so weird. Nothing spoken on, or reassured. 
“M’sorry, okay?” He mumbles. Embarrassed he had to humble himself in front of idiots like John B and his sister. This piqued your attention, never hearing Rafe apologize before, your eyes meeting his. You’re shocked. 
“Come on, don’t you think they wanna be alone.” He tried guilting.
“We’d love to be alone.” John B weighed in, leading Sarah to reach over you and smack his chest. He winced. 
When you didn’t say anything, Rafe got impatient pulling your leg, so that he could reach the rest of you better, as the rest of your body reached the edge of the bed. 
“Rafe!” You exclaimed. Surprised by the fast motion of it. He didn’t say anything, he just hoisted you over his shoulder. “We’ll talk about it in my room.” He said, not wanting to let his sister, and her loser boyfriend in anymore of his business. But truthfully you didn’t need to talk about it, because this was the first time he’d ever come to you. All was forgiven the moment you’d seen him at the door.
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dyadicjustice · 8 months
can u do like a hazelxreader best friends to lovers
like they’ve both been secretly in love with each other and pining for years but were too scared to say anything (and maybe smut if u write that but if not that’s totally good)
ooooh let me see what magic i can work, bestie. aged up the characters to be in college, so rockbridge falls high is now rockbridge university. unfortunately no smut this time because i am awful at it 😅 but i hope you enjoy this little blurb instead
ao3 link for if u prefer to read there :)
At 11:30, Professor G's class let out without anyone having learned anything actually in the syllabus. But for you, there wasn’t much room in your mind for history lessons anyway. You were too distracted by Hazel sitting next to you, scrolling on Twitter and excitedly showing you every adorable cat meme she came across. 
You’d known each other since the 3rd grade, and it was safe to say that some things never change— especially not your love for one another as best friends. At least until the end of Senior Year, when you’d started to realize that change was inevitable, and you’d fallen hard for her.
You’d been overcompensating these past couple months. You’d purposely try to fly under the radar, so she wouldn’t notice you pining or the countless lingering looks and lip biting. Desperation was heavy in your bones, settled deep in your core. So when you finally return to your shared dorm, she asks, “Seriously y/n, it seems like you’re not even here most days. What’s going on?”  
You know you can’t lie to her. You can’t lie to those dazzling grey eyes, so warm and sweet and sincere. So you sigh and admit, “Are you ready to receive some potentially devastating information that could change the state of our friendship forever?”
She blinks and lets out a quiet chuckle, “Uh, no promises, weirdo. What’s up?” 
“Hazel, I’m being serious. It’s like... important,” you whine.
She hikes an eyebrow at your nervous demeanor, taking a beat to take in your features. She’s suddenly fully aware you’re uncomfortable when you start to wring your hands a bit. To calm your fidgeting, she slips her hands in between them and intertwines your fingers. You feel her sweet gesture start to soothe you, like when puppies snuggle up to you to help you stop crying.
She whispers, “What’s wrong, bean?”
Your eyes start to water at the nickname. “You have to promise you won’t get upset”, you choke out.
She wraps her arms around your neck in a comforting embrace, and whispers in your ear, “I promise. You can tell me, only if you’re comfortable and ready.” And her considerate nature makes you want to cave and sob right then and there.
“I love you, Hazel. But, I also… I just… I’m in love with you.” You can’t even meet her eyes out of pure embarrassment. You feel her fingers snake beneath your chin, and she gently tugs until you’re looking into her eyes. She stares into yours, into your soul, really. She whispers, “y/f/n, I’ve been dreaming of hearing you say that for years.” You both giggle. You joke, “That’s such a fucking relief because I would’ve shat myself if you rejected me.” 
“I could never reject you, bean! Thank you for being brave enough to tell me.” You can hear the smile in her voice. “But I am curious, when did you realize you felt that way?”
You sigh, “Honestly? I knew I was sure when we went to Senior Prom together, so 6 months maybe? But I also would say, I’d felt something since we were like 10. I just hadn’t realized how deep my love was back then.”
Hazel murmurs, “You made Prom Night so magical. You looked lovely. Not to mention, you just had this magnetism to you that had everybody staring. I was fighting the urge to kiss you the entire evening. It was hardest during the slow dance.”
You admit that you had felt similarly, explaining, “It was hardest for me to resist when you had that little bit of whipped cream stuck on your lip when we went to Denny’s after. I wiped it away with a napkin, but I wish I’d just gone for it.” 
You stare up at her lovingly as a subtle silence emerges between you, your eyes scanning her features before dropping to her lips. Without saying a word, you crash your lips together. Hers taste like… well, like nothing and like everything at the same time. Just chapstick and love. 
And it’s not your first time kissing a girl by any means, But you can already tell it’s your favorite after only ten seconds. 
Hazel pulls away, breathless, “So just to be clear, what does this make you and me?” She smirks.
You hold her cheek with one hand and hook the other around the back of her neck, scratching the back of her head. Her jaw goes slack and her eyes flutter. You reply, “Horny, Hazel. It makes us really fucking horny.”
She smirks, “Maybe we should… do something about that. Your place or mine?” She dopily wiggles her eyebrows. It’s made even more ridiculous by the fact that your beds are just feet away from each other.
You shoot back, giggling, “Yours. I don’t wanna fuck up my sheets right now.”
She scoops you up bridal style and sets you down on her bed. Those months of pre-season training for rugby had made her insanely strong despite her short and lean figure.
She kisses your forehead and replies, “Whatever you wish, Your Majesty.”
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tangledinink · 8 months
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I told y'all I was still working on this project! >:3c Chapter 26 of I'm Sorry, Teenage Mutant What Now? is out! Thank you so so so much to everyone recently who's taken the time to comment/send asks/etc etc etc, it makes me very happy... ; w ; The Hamatos are slowly improving upon their ninja skills, and the latest mission goes off without a hitch...! Mostly...? Read it on ao3 or below the cut.
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If you had tried to describe this scene to April a few months back, there’s no way she would have ever believed it. Hell, if you had tried to describe it to her a few weeks ago, she still probably wouldn’t have believed it, because the concept was just so… alien. Even after she knew about her brothers’ ‘mutant origins,’ it still felt alien. She couldn’t help but see them as anything but… people! Those were just her brothers. And the right way to see them was just the way she had always known them; as humans. And seeing them in ‘turtle mode,’ as Mikey had taken to calling it, felt so strange and uncomfortable. Not just because she wasn’t used to it, but because she knew that they weren’t used to it, and the way they had held themselves just always seemed so… unhappy. Like their own skin was burning them. She couldn’t help but look at them and the way they moved and how they held themselves and think, oh my god, they’re sick. Something is wrong. I have to help them. I have to take care of them. 
But jesus, the way Mikey moved now? It was the most natural thing in the world. It was like he had been this way his entire life, and he couldn’t possibly seem more comfortable or at ease. All April could really think was, wow. He’s in his element, isn’t he?
She had been vaguely aware of this new ‘thing’ the guys were working on for a while, but this was the first time they actually tried it out for-real-for-real, out in the field, on some low-stakes outing. There wasn’t even a Dark Armor piece here or anything; they were just staking the place out because Foot Shack merchandise trucks came in and out of this parking garage a lot, and they were looking into it, just in case. Just practice, more than anything, with Raph leading the way and Yoshi once again on standby…
It was just so fluid. April watched in silent awe as her littlest brother slipped in and out of two different bodies like water, seamlessly transitioning from one to the other as he moved. Five fingers would be conjured to undo a latch on a grate, and then tucked back away again as if they had never been there. He’d flit from form to form to match each shadow and blend in. 
At one point, even, when they were ascending a fire escape, making their way up to the roof to get a bird’s eye view, Mikey misstepped and he slipped-- and he fell. Every single person had jumped for a moment, and April could tell that all her brothers were about ready to dive after him. She was, too.
But they didn’t need to.
He was tucked into the safety of his shell before he even hit the ground.
And by the time the hard carapace was bouncing back up after smacking against the pavement, eliciting only a short clack with the impact, he was a human again, his feet under him, jumping back onto the fire escape to catch up again as if nothing had ever happened.
Raph and Leo were doing it, too, but… God. Not like Mikey.
But April had to admit-- even Raph and Leo were beginning to get the hang of it. They all were.
Well… All of them except for Donnie.
“You know,” she mumbled at some point once they got to the top of the roof, heaving her way upwards. Donnie reached over to grab her arm, helping hoist her the rest of the way up. “If either of us fell, we’d be totally screwed.”
“Yes, well,” they muttered in a deadpan. “Just trying to offer some solidarity to you, our sole human team member. I know it must be very difficult to be a minority.”
April scoffed softly, but didn’t push it.
Leo grinned big, stretching his arms over his head as the whole group made their way up to the rooftop. “Okay, uhhh, I don’t wanna jinx it--”
“Then don’t--” Donnie hissed.
“But this is actually going, like, really well?”
“Why would you say that?” Donnie sighed deeply, shaking his head. 
“Oh, psh. As if you believe in all that, anyway,” Leo scoffed, waving him away with a flick of his wrist. “I’m just saying, like, we’re kind of being badasses!”
“All we’re doing is sneaking around an empty parking garage,” Donnie pointed out dryly, quirking a brow as he crossed his arms over his chest. “It’s not exactly high stakes.”
“See, Dee, this is your problem,” Leo sighed, shaking his head as he placed a hand on his hip. “You’re always focused on the negatives…!”
“Both of you shut up,” Raph said. “Leo is right--”
“HAH! Suck it--”
“Shut up,” Raph pressed, smacking a large palm over his little brother’s face in order to quiet him. “He’s right that we did good. Or. Well. We’re doin’ good so far. And Dee, nice job figurin’ out the bracelet thing! It’s way easier to swap back and forth without having to actually take it off.”
Donnie puffed up his chest a bit, seeming smug. “Yes, well, it isn’t a terribly complicated mechanism, it just took a bit of studying for me to unravel, truly no great feat--”
“Don’t get carried away,” April mumbled, leaning over to hip-check her brother briefly. Donnie huffed.
“Sooooo… now what do we do?” Mikey asked, turning to glance over the side of the roof, resting his elbows on the ledge. “‘Cause, uhhh, no offense? But this place is… suppperrrr boring!”
“Well,” Raph said, seeming a bit unsure of himself. “We, uh… We didn’t find anything evil or anythin’. Which is good! So I guess we…”
“Document the hell out of everything!” Donnie declared happily, moving to join Mikey’s side with a grin. “Snag pictures of the layouts, all exits and entrances, stairwells, and anything else that may be pertinent, and I can reverse engineer blueprints of the entire place with some beta software I have back home-- this would be the perfect chance to try it out. And then, if anything evil does ever happen here, we will be completely prepared!”
“Uh, yeah!” Raph agreed after just a beat of hesitation. “What Donnie said! That’s what we’re doing.”
“Impeccable leadership as always, dear Raphala,” Donnie sang, wasting no time at all in slinging his backpack from his back, beginning to unpack a cacophony of tech. “Now, I have HD, nightvision, two different drones, one macro and one micro, body cams, magnetic sonogram machines, patent pending, and a RED, which no, Mikey, you may not touch--”
“Aw, what!? No fair!”
“Ask Dad for your own!”
“But you already have one--”
April sighed deeply, rolling her eyes and resisting an exasperated smile. Oh boy. Donnie came prepared prepared.
That meant… This might take a while.
Casey had been told her entire life that she was too loud.
So she was well aware of the fact.
Her mother had told her, back when she was in contact with her. Her teachers had told her, back when she went to school. And her Senseis had told her, too, over and over again, gently informing her each time her volume got away from her that she needed to dial it back a bit. She was aware. She knew she was too loud.
But no one ever had anything to say when she was quiet.
Because she was capable. She had dedicated years of her life training to be a ninja-- obviously, she could be quiet. And really, she had always known how to be quiet. She had been good at it ever since she was small. 
It was just that when she was quiet, no one ever had anything to say.
No one ever looked at her when she was quiet.
She’d fade away.
So it was easy, really, to find hiding places around the Foot’s hideout any time she had free time on her hands to burn away. She was quite good at tucking herself into little cracks and crevices, and always had been. The layout of their base really only lent to this. And she had only gotten better at it as time passed.
Perched up on the catwalk, curled up small and bent over, she could watch members of the Foot returning from their latest mission, greeted excitedly by the rest of their clan. They had been gone for some time now-- one of the many elite strike teams sent out to fetch more far-flung armor pieces. They weren’t all just conveniently clustered in New York, after all. 
They had started sending these teams out months ago. And now, one by one, they all slowly returned, each with another piece of the armor in hand to add to their growing collection.
Every day, they got closer. She could feel the energy in the air, ever pitching higher and sharper the closer they got to their goal. Even her senseis were infected by it, brighter than she had ever seen them before.
And that was amazing. That was wonderful.
She remembered the praise she had gotten after that one mission-- after she faced down the Hamato Clan in a department store of all places. How pleased they had been with her. And god, that had been amazing.
But now she simply resented its absence. 
And even though she had always known that there wasn’t really any chance that she’d be sent to join any of these special teams-- to be sent out to join them in the field and contribute to something greater, to be a true part of the clan and show them what she could do… 
Every time another came back, it just sealed the reality of the matter that that door had closed. And she wasn’t going anywhere.
“Donnie, seriously--”
“What!? Do you want the 3D model to be accurate, or don’t you!?” He cried, whipping around to face her, and April groaned loudly, dragging her hands down her face.
“Why do we need a 3D model again!? Just make a blueprint!”
“Ah, yes, well, I could…” Donnie said, spinning on his heels with a grin. “But why have an inferior, two-dimensional recreation of a space when I could make a far superior, three-dimensional recreation!? That’s a whole entire other dimension!”
“Donnie!” April barked, scowling. “We have been here for hours. Do you have any idea what time it is?!”
“No, not really.”
“Well how about you check!?”
“Fine, fine, yes, the time is approximately-- Oh, sweet Galileo. Is it actually that late?”
“Yes!” All four of his siblings chorused, and Donnie scowled, a little pout blossoming on his face.
“... But… My model…”
“Donnie, you’ve already documented nearly every square inch of this place--”
“I’m sure the model will be fine, Purple,” Yoshi’s voice crackled over the radio. “It is time to go home.” 
Donnie sighed deeply, giving a dramatic heave of his chest… but he reluctantly began to pack his gear away. “Okay, okay, fine. I will concede. But if there comes a time when we are in desperate need of a one-hundred-percent accurate third-dimensional model of this establishment, I hope you will all be prepared to eateth thy--”
“Shush. We’re on a stealth mission, remember?” Raph muttered, swiping at his head lightly. “C’mon, you guys. Leo, wake Mikey up, let’s go.”
Leo sighed, allowing the video he was playing on his phone to wrap up before he pocketed it, beginning to nudge his younger brother, curled up and slumped against him.
“C’mon, Angie, we’re going home,”
“Whaaaaa…” Mikey mumbled, blearily beginning to open his eyes-- blinking away the few stray rays of orange light that fluttered around his eyelashes even when he was just dozing. “Did we… win…?”
“Yep, we totally won. C’mon. Get up.”
Raph sighed deeply. “Do you want me to carry--?”
“No! I can do it!” Mikey woke up properly now, quickly scrabbling up to his feet. 
April sighed deeply. “My parents are going to kill me for being out this late,” she grumbled. “And when they kill me, I’m killing all of you, just for the record!”
“Don’t kill me! Kill Donnie!” Leo protested.
“Oh, like any of you were keeping track of time and keeping him from going totally Donnie about this whole thing!”
“Neither were you,” Mikey pointed out, and April scowled, grinding her teeth.
She hated when he had a point. 
“Whatever. C’mon, let’s get out of here,” she said with a huff. “You good, Donnie?”
“All set,” he replied, tossing his bag back over his shoulder. “Let us bounce.”
And so they did. 
The good news was that Leo was getting a lot better about this whole portalling thing with the help of the weird mystic sword he had! Which was cool, so the commute home? So do-able! 
The bad news was that it was still way past her curfew. She quietly cursed herself for letting them be out so late. She hadn’t even realized the time until she glanced at her phone and noticed all the texts… and the missed calls.
“You good, April?” Raph questioned, frowning a bit as she hurriedly gathered her things, having traded her certified Ninja Gear for street clothes, quickly shoving things into her bag and toeing on her shoes.
“I’m fine, it’s all good,” she muttered.
“Do you want me to walk you home…?” Yoshi questioned, his brows furrowed. “I’m sure I could talk to your parents--”
“It’s fine, Yosh. Don’t worry about it. They’re chill! They probably, like… barely noticed I’m late!” She said, forcing a smile.
“Alright, well, if you need anything--”
“Right! Got it, thanks, bye!” She chirped, throwing herself out the door and slamming it shut behind her before she could look at their sad, guilty faces any more. Ugh. It wasn’t their fault, really. I mean, it was, but no more than it was her own. 
I should have set an alarm, she thought bitterly.
On a stealth ninja mission? So it can go off in the middle of you trying to sneak past a bad guy or something? Yeah, brilliant plan, she thought immediately after.
When April quietly crept back into her own apartment, slipping her key into the side door, the house seemed quiet. The kitchen lights were off, and there was no screaming or yelling right off the bat. That was a good sign.
The living room lights, however, she could already see from here… were on. That was a less good sign.
Drawing in one last deep breath, she darted the rest of the way inside, bumping the door closed with her hip.
“Hey, guys, I’m home…!”
“April!” Her mom responded to the call almost immediately, and half a second later, April was no longer alone in the kitchen. Warm yellow light flooded the space as a light switch was clicked on, and April winced slightly, blinking a few times to adjust. “There you are-- where in the world have you been?! Do you have any idea what time it is?!”
“Uh, yeah, my bad!” She laughed nervously, throwing her hands up as if to surrender. “Kinda lost track of time, uh, I was just over at the Hamatos doing homework and stuff…”
“Oh, were you?” That was her dad, now, and April winced a tiny bit at the tone he used, which meant that she had fucked up. “Because we went over knocking on their door ten minutes ago to come and get you, and no one answered.”
Oop. Fuck. 
“Oh, yeah, we ran over to the corner store to get some snacks, so…?”
“In the middle of the night? By yourself?” Her mom protested, and April huffed softly, rolling her eyes.
“Uh, no? I literally just said that I went with the Hamatos--”
“Hey! Watch the attitude, miss,” her dad immediately cut in, and April winced. “I don’t think you have any room to be being huffy at us when you’re coming home two hours past curfew, and wouldn’t pick up your phone… Do you have any idea how many times we called you!?!”
“I’m sorry!” She said, throwing up her hands. “I forgot I had it on silent, I just, I wasn’t looking at the clock…!”
“For two hours?” Her mom cried. April bit the inside of her cheek, feeling her stomach flip-flop in response to the slight crack in her mother’s voice. “April, baby, you-- you can’t do that! This isn’t okay!”
“It was an accident--!”
“You can’t just disappear!” She continued. “You can’t just leave us not knowing where you are, we can’t--!”
“I know! I know, I’m sorry, okay? It was an accident!” April pressed, her face flushed. “I know, okay? I really, really didn’t mean to…! I just… I wasn’t paying attention. Okay?”
She frowned, wrinkling up her nose and glaring at her feet.
For a few long moments, the kitchen was silent. 
Her father heaved a long, shuddering sigh.
“No more phone on silent,” he finally said. “When we text or call you, we expect you to answer right away. Understood?”
“... Yeah. Okay,” April grumbled softly, kind of toeing at the kitchen tile. She was sure Donnie could help her… figure out a way to make that work when they were out on missions and stuff… 
“And this is the last time you miss curfew,” he added in, his eyes narrowed. “Full stop. We are not doing this again. Understood?”
“... Yeah.”
“Yes. Understood, Dad,” she sighed loudly, tilting her head back and resisting the urge to roll her eyes, frustration prickling at her stomach. 
“... Go to bed,” her dad finally said, his arms still crossed over his chest. “And you come straight home after school tomorrow.”
“Wha-- but Dad! I was gonna--”
“Do not argue with me April O’Neil,” he snapped. “Bed. Now. We’re not discussing this any further.”
April really, really thought about discussing it further.
But she didn’t.
For a lot of reasons. One being that she valued her life and freedom.
The other being that she couldn’t stand to look at her mom’s face anymore. Not when she was staring at her like that.
It wasn’t like she had never lied to her parents before. Of course she had! What teen doesn’t? She had fibbed about plenty of things before. Yes, I did brush my teeth already. No, I didn’t unlock all the parental controls on the computer. Yes, I am going to Bailey’s to study for chemistry and not anywhere else or for any other reason. Etc. etc. etc. 
But she had never lied… like this before.
April ground her teeth, kicking her door shut as she threw her bag down, flopping down onto her bed and burying her face into the nearest pillow with a scowl. She suddenly felt unwelcome tears pricking at the corners of her eyes, and she tried to will them away, though with mixed success. 
A little part of her thought, they’d understand if you explained everything to them.
But a much larger part of her said, are you literally insane? 
Because, really… how do you explain something like this? How would she even begin? What would she say? And even if she did try, even if she did think it was a good idea, even if she did want to, she…
She couldn’t.
Because it wasn’t her secret to tell. 
April had known Raph, Donnie, Leo, and Mikey since she was six. She used to go over to their house every day after school until her parents came home. Their families went on day trips together. They celebrated holidays together. Her parents knew the Hamatos nearly as well as they knew her. They had always had this… weird, amazing blend of Hamato and O’Neil, pressed close in such a way that it was hard to see where one started and the other began sometimes.
And she had always loved that. She had always adored this.
But she had never felt a pull like this before.
She had never felt like she had to choose between being an O’Neil or a Hamato before.
“Daddy!” April shrieked.
She waited a moment, pausing to see if she’d get a reply, but after five seconds passed without a response, she breathed in deep, repeating the call with the volume cranked up.
That one worked. Her dad’s head popped out from the apartment a moment later, peering through the door that was always kept propped open when she played in the alley like this. “I’m comin, I’m comin, baby, hang on--”
“Come look!” April bade, waving her arms hurriedly. “Hurry up!”
“I’m hurrying! I’m hurrying!” Her dad laughed, quickly toeing on some sneakers before venturing out into the concrete jungle, half-jogging his way over to where she was crouched in the alley, moving to squat down next to her.
“What? What is it?”
“Lookit what I found!” She squeaked excitedly, pointing to a single feather resting on the asphalt. “Look! A feather!”
“Oh, wow! Good find, sunshine.”
“Can I pick it up!?”
“... Yeah, okay, so long as you wash your hands afterward.”
April absolutely wriggled with excitement, immediately snatching the feather up from the ground, turning it over in her hands a few times to examine. One side of it was this pale, cloudy gray, all fluffy and soft, but the other side was a sleek, shiny shade of cobalt blue. Just holding it made her grin, and she looked up at her dad with wide eyes.
“What kinda feather is it?”
“I dunno,” her dad said, shrugging a bit, resting his elbows on his knees. “But I bet we could find out.”
Casey whined softly, curled up a bit further under the covers. Was it time for school already…? But she didn’t wanna get up…
“Hey. C’mon, Casey. Wake up.”
Wait, wasn’t it a Saturday…?
“What’s wrong, Case?”
“I’m sleeping, Daddy…”
“Oh, you’re sleeping?”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize,” her father exclaimed with faux surprise, drawing back slightly. “Well, if you’re sleeping, and you don’t want to go hiking up on Newton Hill with me--”
Casey’s eyes shot open.
“You’re going out into the woods?!” She gasped, immediately upright in bed, her eyes wide.
“I am,” her dad confirmed, this big, wide grin growing on his face. “I was hoping you’d come with me, but, I mean, if you’re still sleeping…”
“No! No, I’m awake!” She squeaked, just barely managing to contain herself and keep her volume down. She threw her covers back, scrambling quickly from bed. “I swear I’m awake! Please can I come hiking with you?!”
Her dad laughed.
“Ah, how can I say no to that face?” He teased, reaching down to ruffle her hair. “Hurry up and get dressed, sunshine, and let’s get out of here.”
April gasped, jumping over her dad’s arm so that she could point at the screen of his laptop.
“That one! That’s the feather!” She exclaimed. “It looks just like ours!”
“Hmmm…” Her father hummed appraisingly, leaning into slightly to squint, before he gave a firm nod. “I do concur, April, I think that is our feather! Here, let’s double-check. Are the colors the same?”
“Yeah!” April said, grinning wide as she held the feather up. “Look! It’s the same blue.”
“And the same shape, right?”
“And we measured it--”
“And it’s twelve centimeters! Look, Daddy! It’s this one!” She insisted, and her father laughed. 
“Yeah, okay. You’re right. Definitely our feather.”
“What bird is it!?”
“According to this, it’s a mallard feather.”
“A mallard?” April echoed. “What’s that?”
“It’s a type of duck!”
“A duck!?” April cried, her eyes widening, holding her prize up in amazement. “This is a duck feather!?”
“It sure is, sunny girl.”
“Whoa! That’s so cool!” 
“You know,” her dad said. “I bet if we went down to the park, we might be able to find some more feathers…” 
Cassandra was absolutely alight with energy, bouncing from foot to foot as she scampered around, practically doing laps around her dad. The drive over had been equal parts exhilarating and tortuous, with Casey wriggling in her car seat the entire time, her face pressed up against the window.
This was her favorite thing in the world.
She loved Newton Hill.
“Daddy, I wanna go all the way to the top!!!” She exclaimed, bouncing up and down, grabbing onto his pants leg to yank at him.
“All the way to the top?” He echoed dramatically.
“Alright, you got it,” he hummed, fishing something from his pocket before kneeling down next to her. “All the way to the top. I think we can do it.”
“We can,” Casey agreed excitedly, leaning against his knee and leaning over slightly so she could peer at the item in his hands.
“Alright. Let’s do it,” her dad enthused. “But first-- I have got a job for you, Casey.”
Casey blinked in surprise as her father pressed the stopwatch into her palm, tilting her head slightly to the side.
“I have a job?”
“You have a job,” he confirmed. “You are gonna be in charge of timing us.”
“Timing us?”
“Yep! Here, you press this button to start the time-- and this button to end it. And you--” He pointed to her decisively, this big, mischievous grin on his face. “Are gonna find out how long it takes us to get from here to the top of the trail.”
Casey tilted her head to the side.
“Because,” her father declared, his hands on his hips as he rose back up to his feet. “David from work bet that I couldn’t get all the way up to the top in four hours. So now I’ve gotta prove him wrong.”
Casey stared at her father for a second.
And then she gasped.
“He bet we couldn’t do the whole trail in four hours!?” She shrieked in offense.
“He sure did, Case.”
“HOW DARE HE!” She wailed, throwing her head back.
This was the other best part of Newton Hill. She could be as loud as she wanted out here.
“Exactly!” Her father sighed, throwing out his hands with a dramatic shake of his head. “I knew you’d understand. So obviously, we have to show him up! You up for the challenge, sunshine?”
“Yes!” She cried, immediately setting off-- hesitating only long enough to run back, grabbing onto her dad’s pants leg and yanking at him. “Come ON! Hurry up! We are gonna WIN! Let’s GO!”
“Come on! Hurry up! Let’s go!” April squealed, yanking at her Dad’s hand impatiently. “Look! I see one!”
“I’m coming, April, I’m coming!” Her dad laughed, jogging slightly to keep up with the enthusiastic five-year-old. “Hang on, sunshine.”
April darted across the lawn, hopping over wayward twigs or stones until she got to the water’s edge, waving her arms excitedly as she knelt down to pluck the feather from the ground.
“Look!” She said, beaming as she turned to show her dad. “Do you think it’s another duck feather?!”
“Might be. Or it could be a goose.”
“I hope it’s a goose,” April said, scampering her way back over to her dad, who knelt down to hold open the ziploc baggie for her. April deposited the feather inside, along with the several other specimens they had already collected. “We already have a duck feather.”
“Yeah, but maybe it’ll be a different kind of duck,” her dad countered, zipping the baggie back up once their prize was safe inside. April paused at this, tilting her head to the side slightly. Oh! Another kind of duck? She hadn’t even thought about that!
“Well, then, I hope it’s a different kind of duck. Or a goose,” she declared, grinning big. “When we get back home, can we show Mommy all the feathers?”
“Of course we can,” her dad said. “I’m sure she’ll be thrilled for you to show her. Especially if you can tell her which feather is which!”
“I will. I’m gonna look it up. I’m gonna do research,” April declared proudly, grinning as she spun around on her heel. “Come on! We gotta find some more. I wanna have a bunch for mommy.”
Casey froze in place, her body going rigid as a tiny little gasp caught itself in her throat.
“Daddy!” She whispered, her voice hushed, but fervent. “Daddy, lookit! Under the rock!”
After hiking for two hours now, Casey only occasionally electing to ride on her dad’s shoulders rather than racing up the trail, poking at every leaf, stone, and mushroom they came across, the pair had finally elected to take a break, settling down on the stones of a creekbed to rest and munch on the snacks her father had packed along. The stopwatch she was wearing around her neck was still ticking away-- but they were making good time. Certainly enough time to catch their breath.
And it was here that Casey spotted a tiny black-and-yellow snake-- just barely poking its head from beneath the shadows of a stone just inches away from them. Its little pink tongue flicked out a few times as it examined the world hesitantly, turning its head from side to side, as if checking for something.
“Whoa!” Her dad breathed, keeping care to keep his voice soft once he spotted the creature. He slowly moved to place a hand on her shoulder, patting her gently. “Nice eye, Casey.”
“It’s a real snake!”
“It is.”
“What kind is it?”
“Probably a garter snake, I’d bet,” he whispered, grinning ever so slightly. “I bet he wants to come out and sun himself on the rocks.”
“Reptiles are cold-blooded, Casey. They’ve gotta warm themselves up with the sun, or else they get too cold.” 
“Oh,” she said, her eyes wide. “... He’s so cool…”
“He is,” her dad agreed, shooting her a small grin. “Good job, sunshine. I never even would have noticed that little guy! I would have totally missed him.”
Casey absolutely beamed. “Really?”
“Yep!” He confirmed, chuckling softly, leaning over to ruffle her long black hair, carding his fingers through it briefly. “But you’re so smart, of course you saw it… Alright. You ready to get moving again? I bet that little dude would be pretty excited if he got to come out in peace and warm himself up.”
She nodded excitedly, wasting no time at all in beginning to get herself back to her feet. Despite all the running and jumping and climbing she had already done, she was suddenly filled with energy once more.
“I’m ready, Daddy!”
“And this one is a pigeon…”
“And this is a pigeon…”
“I see…”
“And this one a pigeon feather, too…”
“And this is a starling!”
“And this is a pigeon!” April exclaimed excitedly, spreading the feathers out on the paper towel slightly, grinning big. “... There are a lotta pigeon ones.”
“That does make sense,” her mom said, smiling a tiny bit. “Thank you so much for showing me, baby! This is so impressive! I can’t believe you found all of these all by yourself!”
“Nu-uh!” April protested, turning to grin big up at her mother. “Daddy helped me! Except for the first one. I found that one all on my own.”
“Well, then, good job to your Daddy, too,” her mom remarked, and April just caught her shoot a smile across the kitchen to her dad, who was busy preparing dinner. He smiled a tiny bit, too. 
“I’m gonna make a chart for them and stuff. In a book,” she declared proudly, beginning to climb her way up into her mom’s lap, absolutely beaming as she did so.
“April, sweetheart, you need to wash her hands--”
“Will you help me make it? Pleasseeee? I wanna make it look cool.”
Casey was so tall. 
Every time they got all the way up here, to the very top of the hill, up as high as they could go, she would always think, wow. This is the tallest we can get. This is so tall. 
And then every time, her dad would pick her up and put her on his shoulders, and then she’d be even taller.
And it had only taken them three hours and forty-two minutes to get here.
“There’s not even any clouds!” Casey marveled, eyes absolutely sparkling as she leaned back slightly, clinging to her dad’s head to keep her balance. “It’s just blue!”
“Yeah, it’s a nice day, isn’t it? Perfect for hiking,” he declared, grinning. “Can you believe David said we couldn’t make it!?”
“David is WRONG!” She declared, just as loud as she possibly could, and she grinned at how her voice carried. It made her feel all shimmery. Her dad laughed.
“You wanna yell?”
“YES!” She gasped. “You do it, too! I wanna do it together!”
“Okay, okay. We’ll go on the count of three. You ready?”
“Okay. One… Two…”
Casey took a deep breath in.
Throwing her head forward, her eyes shut tight and her hands balled into fists, Cassandra reached as deep into her little six-year-old chest as she could possibly reach, and she dredged up the biggest, longest, loudest howl that she could possibly conjure. It always hurt her throat a little, but it never hurt more than it felt good. It made her entire body vibrate. And her dad was screaming, too, holding onto her hands with his own big ones, the two of them harmonizing together as they screamed out into the woods from the top of the hill, their voices echoing out into the sky.
She kept going until there was no more left in her, running out of air entirely and left with just shaking, heaving breaths, her shoulders trembling as she panted.
And for a second, both of them were both quiet. And then finally, her dad chuckled, tossing his shoulders a few times to jostle her slightly.
“One of these days, you’re gonna shatter my eardrums, sunshine. I hope you know that,” he laughed, and Casey just grinned, hanging onto him.
“I like yelling,” she hummed.
And for a bit longer, it was quiet again. 
Just the two of them on the top of the world.
And then Dad’s cellphone began to ring. 
Casey paused, frowning slightly as she watched her father fish the device from his pocket, glancing at the screen and scoffing in such a way that Casey already knew who was on the line.
“Damn. Too bad we still have service up here, huh?” He tsked, and Casey frowned.
“Don’t be mean to mommy,” she muttered petulantly. “I don’t like it.”
“Sorry, Casey. My bad,” he sighed, crouching down so he could ease her down off his shoulders and back onto her own two feet. “Here. Just gimme two seconds to talk to her, okay?”
“Can I talk to her when you’re done?” She asked, and Dad hesitated.
“Uh, maybe! Lemme just talk to her real quick first and see what she wants. I promise it’ll be fast. Here, hang on. You can time me, okay?” He said, returning the stopwatch back to her hands. “Think you can do that?”
“Good girl. I’ll be right back,” Dad said, offering her one last crooked smile before turning away, looping off a few paces before finally picking up his phone.
“Yeah, I know.”
“No, we just went up hiking--”
“I know that, but it’s just one day. Yeah, I know that… I’m going to!”
“She loves it up here!”
“I will, just-- Could you please just listen to me?-- No, I didn’t--”
Casey frowned. She settled down to sit in the grass and hit the ‘start’ button on the stopwatch.
[ next ]
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smallestapplin · 1 year
So a cute (and a possibly horny) idea just me.
Emmet x Galvantula hybrid! Reader and him trying to woo them and much to everyone's surprise (and slight horror (due to most males being eaten)). It works (and Emmet somehow makes it out alive and in one peice).
Hybrid reader my beloved-
- when you walked into the train station, he knew, his brother knew, all the dept agents knew. Emmet approached you, at first you thought it was because of your…less than savory hybrid mix.
- But you’re in shock at this small human, swooning over you. He gushed above how lovely you look, how strong you look, and just how adorable you are.
- Your face is flushed a deep blue by the time he’s done. He can’t he’ll himself! You’re such a large, beautiful thing!
- He picks up on your squirming, how your eight legs tap against the ground.
- It gave him an idea. He knows exactly how to court you.
- Against the advice of Ingo and the entire subway, he makes it his mission to make you fall for him.
- Emmet is always the first to greet you, talking to you, trying to learn more about you.
- He even starts meeting you outside of work, eventually being allowed to see the cave you call home.
- It’s hard to speak, as everytime you look at him, he’s gazing at you with such a love struck heart felt expression.
- Making you stutter and blush. Emmet finds it adorable, even cooing at you while you do so, making your stuttering worse.
- It took several months of him constantly being at your side, for him to feel confident enough.
- You stare in awe at this human’s little tappy dance, much like a Galvantula courtship. Emmet doesn’t have as many legs to do it all completely, but you understood.
- You spent the rest of the night holding him, clicking happily at your new mate. He was thrilled you agreed, even as he lays here in your arms, relishing in your kisses.
- Ingo wasn’t surprised to hear about the courtship, just warning Emmet of the dangers.
- “They are a lovely person, but I know how you are, and I’m aware of how they’re…mating, behaviors can be.”
- “You worry too much!”
- Emmet knew what he was doing.
- Unaware that some depot agents were already waiting, it was only a matter of time.
- you even warned him yourself. Crying about how you never want to hurt him, you love him too much!
- But he assures you, he’s fine, he knows what to do! It took him weeks to reassure you, that he’d be just fine during your mating season.
- And by the time that rolled around, he was determined to prove himself.
- He offered you quite a bit of food, waiting for you to be full and settled before beginning.
- Emmet found himself tangled in your web, whining at the overstimulation. You just keep fucking his cock! Like he’s a living toy for you! He loves it, he begs for more, use him!
- He’s a good mate for you! Oh fuck he’s cumming again! He trembles, crying out as his hot cum fills you again.
- Tears fill his eyes feeling your cunt milk him, it feels so good!
- In his haze, he hadn’t realized what you’re doing. Leaning over him like this.
- Once he collects his mind he looks up, realizing you intentionally bit the sticky part of your web, just so you wouldn’t run the risk of hurting him.
- He trusts you.
- He always will.
- You don’t have to do such things, silly mate.
- Though everyone is surprised to see him, walking through the subway doors.
- Emmet’s neck is littered with bite marks, your venom as you two found out, is a great aphrodisiac to humans.
- He might have had too much fun with that.
- He looks relaxed, yet so tired. You kept him up, not that he’s complaining.
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brighttears · 1 year
Joel Miller x reader
No physical description, no use of y/n, gender neutral 
Summary: Now that Joel had discovered what he was missing, he can't get enough of you (you turn Joel into a soft and squishy mess)
Word count: 783
Warnings: mention of sex, kind of pet name? (Puppy)
A/n: I got an ask about love languages and I’m going to do a full thing for that but I’ve had this lil thing lying around for a while and it hits a lot of the bases so i figured i’d post it on its own
Physical affection is not something people associate with Joel. He hadn’t either, until you—he hadn't realized that he'd been deprived of it until he drank your water. Like anyone dying of thirst, though, he needed to start slow. First, just with a few drops on his lips, then sips, and then he could have as much as he wanted. 
His first few drops were nothing more than the sight of you, taking you in every chance he got. As soon as he got that taste, it was over. The air is thicker in your atmosphere, any sound other than you is dulled, he cannot multitask when you’re in the room. It took him an unusually long time to talk to you and he’d never approached someone with such nervousness, but it was impossible to stay away. He sipped in your voice, your laugh, the way you said his name, he savored your every word. He swished the memories of you in his mouth in between your meetings, organized just for you and him because he needs you entirely and all to himself, also because he was starting to get looks from Tommy and Ellie, who’d spotted the change in his and your body language. Joel wasn’t ready for anyone else to know, he wasn’t ready for the purity of the relationship, and the time he owned to think of you later on, to be spoiled with pokes and teasing. 
And then, you were his, as he was yours. He had belonged to you from the second he saw you, but now he could tell you. Once the dam was broken the desire to swim in you filled him up. That’s when he learned about touch.
The first time was scary and unsure and you let him take his time. You only waited for him to submerge himself, but it didn’t take him long. 
A quick stroke of your cheek moved into circling thumbs on your hands, locking pinkies, then to soft embraces, then longer ones, then the lips, and then he put them all together and it was off to the races.
He let himself dawdle on you, often stalling, asking “one more” for every 5 goodbye kisses. He needed the extra seconds to make up for the time had to sit on his hands when you were in the company of others, which was his own fault, but still, after months, he wasn’t ready to share the You that belonged to him and the time he spent with you. 
You’d found a private spot where you could lounge in grass under stars. You also found that this was the best place for your secret sex. It was the most romantic thing Joel had ever experienced. Sure he’d cleverly organized dates for some private time in his youth, but they’d never been like this, because he’d never been in this kind of love. 
You made sure to let him know that every inch of your body, heart, and soul were his and only, and he couldn’t help proving to you that he was yours just the same. The first time he told you he’d follow you to the ends of the earth, you’d begged the star that hung above you that it was true.
It takes a few long, regretful moments for Joel to drag his hand from yours, savoring the curves and creases of your palm on his fingertips. He gets so caught up in you every damn time you meet, and leaving, even if it's just across the way and only for the night, still hasn’t gotten any easier. He can never get enough of you.
“I’ll see you in the morning, Joel.” 
“I’ll see you in my dreams.” At any other point in time, Joel would have guffawed at the notion of such a cliche sentence leaving his mouth in full seriousness, and he was aware of this, but what could he say? You’d turned him into this soft mess, and he loved it.
“Aw shucks, puppy, you kill me when you tell me things like that.”
“Well don’t make me say somethin’ cornier than ‘see you in my dreams’ or I’ll puke. One more kiss before I go, though, darlin’.” 
“Just one more.” he adds after five. You give him an extra two. 
“Ok, I’m shutting the door, go get your beauty sleep.”
Once again, he could come up with the most sickeningly corny reply but your lips have put him in a daze, so all he says is “Goodnight.” and sways on your doorstep with a plump and red cheeked smile.
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katealpha · 1 year
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Raya simply couldn’t believe it had really worked on her. After her idol and best friend Sisu ate a dragon gem and became pregnant, she felt the urge to join in and help grow the dragon population since all in Kumandra was well. For the most part at least. Sisu took out a little bit of her rain magic and formed it into a gem, the size of a gum ball, and gave it to Raya. With a glass of water, she gulped the solid dragon magic down, and waited.
Nearly nine months later, after Sisu had already given birth to her litter, Raya was now a month away from when she would be bringing her own baby dragon into the world. The princess of Heart wobbled slowly through the forested gardens behind her palace home, rubbing the small of her back as her blue dress swayed in the nighttime breeze. Below her ample chest, her belly stuck out between the curtain-like parting of the dress’ midriff like a sore thumb, bare to the cool air and swollen like an overripe jackfruit.
With a grunt, Raya found her favorite place to sit down out here, the big rock just at the edge of the fish pool. After resting her bosom on the stone, she leaned back some with her left hand to balance herself. Raya finally let out a sigh and looked down towards the water which caught her reflection. She was in awe every time of how she’d transformed over the months. Raya had gone to one of the most athletic women warriors in the entire land of Kumandra, to having to waddle about her home with a baby dragon in her belly. It was a magical miracle that Sisu’s magic not only responded like this within her, but so effortlessly formed a brand new dragon inside the body of a human.
Seeing in her reflection, she saw a paw gently push out above her outtie of a belly button before receding back inside. Her right hand moved to rest upon her tummy as the little baby dragon inside wiggled around within, making several bumps about the belly they held it safely. Her hand rubbed up and down the upper regions of her gut, trying to keep the upbeat unborn pup calm.
“Woah, alright you little swimmer, calm down before you ram into my bladder again. That was not a fun time…” Raya couldn’t help but chuckle. As much as she didn’t expect to become pregnant from her and Sisu’s experiment, she felt incredibly special and lucky to be the first human to ever carry and give birth to a baby dragon. Once again, she was making history, and her clan practically worshiped her with the same reverence given to the dragons that lived among them. To Kumandra, she was a dragon in all but outward appearance.
Raya had studied up on the pregnancies of dragons and got inside help from Sisu and her family on what to expect now that she was expecting a dragon (or two) of her own. How it would effect her body was still a mystery. She was nearly at what would the final month of a human pregnancy, and she looked the part to be sure. However, Sisu’s pregnancy lasted 12 months. An entire year, spent half the time in her human form. The princess wasn’t sure if the same would apply to her, and she wasn’t even sure if she was even carrying just one dragon pup. Sometimes when she felt movement, whatever was inside didn’t move as one.
So here Raya sat in contemplation before she’d head back inside for bed. Her mind wandering about what the future held for her and the life growing within her. Would she go into labor in a few weeks, or four more months. Would she keep growing, or stop soon? Would she keep having the urge to grab the carp swimming in the pool in front of her and eat it raw? Only time would tell, and all she could do now was trust in her family, her friends, and now the passenger that stirred within….
Hello everyone! I really hope you enjoyed this one, featuring the first (and certainly not the last) human character to be featured on my account in a pregnancy scenario. I’m aware the movie has issues, but Raya and the Last Dragon holds a special place in my heart. Just like with Diane, I’m thinking I’ll make this into a three part little series, though this time we’ll definitely be seeing Raya having a growth spurt between each part. The art of course shall be done by the amazingly pleasant and talented Julius-Rocks. All the credit for this image goes to them.
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andromedagarcia · 8 months
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‘Your mum came by. We had a very nice talk! She left a note for you.’
Surprise that left her blinking a couple of times in awe, unable to find the words. Her mum did… what? Andrómeda knew she was the only one out of the three siblings that lived in New Atlantis, and that her parents missed Hérc and Cass to death, but this was too much. With a strained smile and burning cheeks –she was only able to blush when it came to María and Fernando García–, she grabbed the slate her colleague was handing her and put it in one of the many pockets of her cargo trousers.
‘Thank you, I’ll… listen to it later. I have work to do.’
If the work consisted of boring patrols in the Well and it was an excuse for her to not immediately listen to whatever her mother had to say, nobody had to know.
This was Andro’s least favorite part of the city; the subterranean one.
A place filled with noise and people, most of them living in quite poor conditions. Like Cydonia, but on a different planet. Like Cydonia, if around thirty-five percent of the population was rich and able to live on the surface, while the rest of society didn’t even get to enjoy the rays of sun on their skin.
So, worse than Mars, even, and that was saying something.
Most people in the Well acted as if the Security Officers from the United Colonies didn’t exist. And that was alright with her, honestly, because she sort of also pretended to not be aware of… them. When she was in her nice, fancy apartment in the Mercury Tower, enjoying a cup of Terra Brew coffee. When she spent an amount of money that was, definitely, much more than those people earned in an entire month in a dress. When she went to expensive restaurants with her friends once her shift ended.
It was… uncomfortable, to say the very least. She had tried to get her supervisor to give her anything, any other assignment, but…
‘You recently got injured. The doctor said your rib dislocated and punctured your lung. You are healing nicely but you can’t be on the field yet, Andrómeda.’
And there she was. In the Well. In the year 2330. Stuck in a small planet while there were over 120 systems, 1,700 planets and moons in total.
But some people had it worse.
Like the Martians.
Her dark eyes traveled around Jake’s Bar, in which people were drowning their sorrows in beer, whiskey, or other liquors. There were also a lot of wannabe pilots, weapon specialists and shields engineers, hoping that some captain would give them a place in their crew. She would have to ask Cass, if she required any assistance…
There were also two men, drawing attention to themselves because they were laughing. Laughing out loud, in fact. A sound that wasn’t that popular underground. Most people avoided them, as if they were spreading radiation with that simple gesture, as if they had a deadly illness like the plague had once been on Earth. Her father, a history professor, had taught Andrómeda that much.
No doubt, something had happened to them. Something joyful, exciting. The taller one, a long-haired monster that was certainly over two meters and with muscles like those of a bull, had an arm around the shoulders of the shorter one, also muscular, but leaner. He was saying something, with a deep voice that reverberated in the entirety of the bar, but that Andrómeda still couldn’t hear because of the volume at which Jake kept the music.
His green eyes encountered hers. And they seemed to watch her intently, although the young woman was quite sure he couldn’t quite see her face with the helmet she was sporting, especially not from a certain distance.
Was she supposed to say something? No. She was here to check for criminal activity, for people in danger. She couldn’t simply approach two middle-aged men because they were laughing.
Maybe one of them had just become a dad, or something.
No, he wouldn't be so happy, then. Not if he lived in the Well.
‘You are going back on the field.’
John Tuala –John for friends, family members and absolutely anyone after a couple of drinks–, leader of the Vanguard in New Atlantis, had called Andrómeda to his office. And there she was, sitting down in a chair, with a straight back and hands over her knees, trying to be the image of good behavior. Something that had made John laugh, but he hadn’t commented on it; there were more important subjects at hand.
‘Really?’ Andrómeda was wary. She didn’t want to get her hopes up and then… it hadn’t been the first time they had considered putting her back out there. But it had never been John to tell her. Usually a nurse, or a doctor, or some low-ranking member that should be answering to her, instead of the other way around…
‘Really. Two reasons: you’re accompanying Diplomat Airi Takahashi in Neon. Be ready to leave in a few days. She will give you the details of her mission, if she so desires, when you get there. Once you land the planet, you will act as her bodyguard. No, better yet, her shadow. Attempts on her life have been made, as you very well know.’
Andrómeda pursed her lips.
Of course she knew.
She had been the one to stop quite a few of them.
And still, she was excited. She liked Airi, a lot. They had quickly become friends, even if what had brought them together was Andrómeda’s work and Airi’s need for protection. But they were like-minded spirits, twin souls, people who were born of the same stardust. She couldn’t wait to see the Diplomat again.
She nodded firmly, for John to continue. If there were any questions about the assignment, she could ask them after he was done. He had, after all, said there were two reasons…
‘We are looking for a man. Goes by Vessel.’ Andrómeda raised an eyebrow, but remained silent. ‘An ex-member of the Crimson Fleet.’
That did it. ‘How do you exactly leave the Crimson Fleet?’ The Martian blurted out.
They hadn’t really become a problem until recently. A few years back, when Andrómeda was a kid, they were nothing but a loose confederation of individual parent captains; now, however, they were more or less an organized entity, that had expanded way beyond Kryx (what used to be their main base), all the way to Sagan, Cheyenne, Lunara and Narion.
‘Apparently, by hiding in between the cargo of a merchant’s ship and making your way to the next port.’
She was impressed (not so much with the tactic itself, but by the fact that a plan as simple as that had worked – and that still nobody, not even the faction he had once belonged to, had managed to find him) but she tried not to show. John, however, saw right through her, laughing as he said his next words:
‘That’s why we need you. You’re one of the best – if someone can bring this man to justice, it’s you.’ He rounded the table, to come closer to her and be able to look her straight in the eye. He did that when he wanted her to really see him, usually when he was asking her to take on a very demanding mission. Andrómeda had been slightly near-sighted when she had first joined the Vanguard; not anymore. She had had eye surgery years ago, but some things never changed. ‘The Crimson Fleet is also looking for him. You have the right to kill those who stand in your way.’
‘I will bring him to justice.’ Andrómeda declared. It was not the first time she had been sent in one of these missions. She had a reputation, and before she had gotten injured, her name was one of the favorites to become John’s second-in-command. She wanted those rumors, those whispers, to start again.
‘I expected no less from you.’ A proud smile, almost like that of a dad, even if John wasn’t much older than her. ‘Of course, if you ever need help…’
‘Can’t trust the Neon City Guard. Maybe the Rangers, but not likely. Safest bet is to try and contact any UC ships that are in orbit.’
‘Exactly. And now,’ John clapped, stretching his neck and back, rotating his shoulders. ‘Enough about work. Want to go get a Terrabrew and catch up?’
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angelholme · 11 months
V, V, V — Day 22 : Muppet
I’ve never entirely understood why muppet is used as an insult, because ever since I was a kid (which, lets be honest, is almost since the dawn of time — I am surprisingly old and while I know the universe has been around a lot long before I was born it does, sometimes — when people ask things like “what was life like without the internet?” or “what’s an LP?” or “did phones really have those wheels on them?” it does feel like I have been around since before the flood, or at least like I could have attended the crucifixion) the Muppets have been a guiding force in my life.
Not Sesame Street — I think because of the whole being British thing, we had far more Muppet Show than we did Sesame Street.
No — mostly we had The Muppet Show, which was typical Sunday night (or more accurately Sunday afternoon) viewing.
And it lead to the films, which is where I think I depart from typical wisdom, because I didn’t really like “The Muppet Movie” as a film, and as songs go, I don’t like “The Rainbow Connection” or “It’s Not Easy Being Green”.
I mean — don’t get me wrong — they are not truly awful songs, but if there is something you will have learned about me by now (and hopefully after three weeks of entries you have learned more than one thing, otherwise you may have to go straight to jail, do not pass go, do not collect 200 Galleons) it is that I am not that big a fan of sentimental schmaltz. And if there is one thing you can say about “It’s not easy being green” and “The Rainbow Connection” is they have schmaltz by the bucket load.
But other songs — Mah-na Mah-na, Simon Smith, Upidee, The Rhyming Song, Lady of Spain, Happy Feet (who doesn’t love a frog tap-dancing on a CD?) — these are songs that speak to me, even as a kid.
And then you have the Muppets themselves. We’re told they are family entertainment — and they do pass themselves of as such, given they are in a theatre, putting on a variety show.
However the entire premise is that they are anarchists (which, for reasons I am not certain of, I always tend to read as anti-christs). They rebel against the owner of the theatre, they rebel against each other and their entire purpose is to cause as much mayhem and chaos as possible.
And this is the management — once you get into the acts (who regularly eat the guest stars) it just gets even more entertaining and even more anarchic.
I am not entirely certain if my parents knew what the values they were teaching us when we were watching this — if they believed they were just showing us “good, wholesome family entertainment” or if they knew they were teaching us how to (basically, for all intents and purposes) rebel and blow shit up. And I mean that quite literally because…….. I mean — just look at Gonzo. And Crazy Harry. They live for blowing shit up.
Also the “house band” — I admit I didn’t entirely get this at the time, but Floyd and Janice were most definitely…….  well I think their watches were set at 4:20 for most of the time, if you catch my drift.
Then finally you come to Waldorf and Statler. Two old fashioned gentlemen who were the height of respectability and who spent their entire time mocking the performers.
Again — this wasn’t something I was aware of at the time, because it was something that filtered into my brain via osmosis rather than direct learning, but I think that seeing two old men mocking the performers gave me the idea that a) it was fine to be cynical, sarcastic and generally snarky about almost anything in life and b) having respect for one’s elders was not something I needed to do because one’s elders were twats.
So as a result I grew up being cynical, sarcastic and snarky about almost everything in life, and having very little respect for my elders (at least by default) because of what I learned from The Muppets.
I know I have said this a lot this month, but The Muppets had quite an effect (affect?) on my personality growing up. (To be fair the reason I have said it a lot is because I am writing all about me, and so most of what I write about are things that have quite a big affect — effect — on me so really is it any surprise that most of them wrote themselves into my DNA?)
They also had quite an impact on my humour as well — Diana Rigg’s line from “The Great Muppet Caper” is one I’ve used over and over, as is Kermit’s from The Muppets Take Manhattan.
There are other works from the late and truly great Mister Henson that changed the way I look at the world — and changed the way I look at the people in the world.
“Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered…….”
“When single shines the triple sun…….”
When I was a kid, you could generally complete one of these two speeches, but not both. And  (weirdly) — more girls could complete the first, and more boys could complete the second. Sounds odd, but it was true. Not sure if that is the case now, but back then I am pretty sure that was the case.
And, of course, one of the greatest and wisest beings of the time was….. a muppet. Even if he couldn’t talk proper. (Talk proper, he couldn’t).
For me, calling someone a Muppet is possibly the highest form of praise — they are the greatest heroes of our time. Better than the Avengers, better than The Justice League. They will live forever and when the world needs them they will be here to save us.
They are all we need. And perhaps — maybe — the vampire from Sesame Street.
Although, on reflection, they probably don’t need his help. So he doesn’t count.
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razorblade180 · 2 years
OC test:Confessional pt1
[Warning: It’s depressing]
In the spirit of Mental Health Awareness Month, everyone shall confess a deeply personal thought to one other person not from their universe. It’ll just be those two people in the room.
Lucas:Uhh hey. Color me shocked. Why me?
Mona:I don’t know. Why not? Honestly not quite sure what to say. I’m pretty numb by most things or have aired out my baggage. I was groomed and sexually abused. Big whoop. That’s no secret.
Lucas:…That must’ve been a lot to deal with.
Mona:Not particularly. The only silver lining of it happening so young is most of what happened was too big to really comprehend entirely. It’s fucking awful for sure but better than…hmm. *sits down* …..Heh.
Lucas:*sits* Found something?
Mona:Not many know this but I’m not an only child. I have a little sister. Has to be twelve by now.
Lucas:Why isn’t she here?
Mona:If she was, Ahlai wouldn’t say anything. She’s broken. Like…shattered. Dear old mom just never let up for anything. By the time she turned seven, Ahlai was already gone. Hardly blinked let alone ate. I only remember that because it’s the reason I gave myself to leave her behind when I finally ran away. I was fourteen.
Mona:I’ve never pretended or acted like I’m a good person, but every time I think about that, I can’t shrug off how fucked up that was of me. Maybe that’s why I like sticking my neck out for street kids?
Lucas:Not sure how far a fourteen year old girl would’ve gotten if you had grabbed her. Sounds like an un-winnable situation. If it makes you feel better, escaping at all is a feat.
Mona:Heh, I knew I was right to pick you.
Sienna:Hey Frosty.
Summer:That’s…surprisingly a new one. Why me?
Sienna:You’re pretty gentle, like a snow rabbit.
Summer:Thank you? Well, I’m no stranger to therapy. I’ll listen to you.
Sienna:I can’t remember my real name, and that gets to me sometimes.
Summer:…..Sienna isn’t your real name?
Sienna:Hehe, no. It’s what Adam gave me, or…the name I gave myself? My memories are pretty hazy around that time and everything before. Not just my name, but family too. I remember the mines, bits and pieces anyways. I also know…I killed my brother. No face, voice, or even how, but I know it was me.
Summer:That’s…a lot to take in. I’m sorry you went through that.
Sienna:Anytime I try remembering, or even think about asking anyone who does know, my head starts feeling like it’ll split open. My heart races and I can’t stop shaking. Wearing jewelry freaks me out too; my body remembers those days vividly. Just not my brain.
Summer:Our minds can block out traumatic experiences as a way of protecting us. I only recently went back to the lake I nearly died. Immediately had a panic attack, my head remembering the moment I fell in. It was terrifying and I had to leave. There are times our body knows what’s best.
Sienna:Isn’t that just a nice way of saying we’re too weak to handle the truth?
Summer:…Sure feels that way sometimes, doesn’t it?
Canary:I take it you’re no stranger to Ruby drama?
Carmine:I could write a book about it. Rant.
Canary:When I needed a hero, a person who truly understood my sorrow, Ruby Rose wasn’t there. Not only that but she took away other people with her! I didn’t have to be a girl with limited memories of her dad and no scythe knowledge. I don’t even blame her for the death. I just….it would’ve felt like he was still there if she stood by me. *rubs eyes*
Carmine:Mo- Ruby is never at her best when she’s highly emotional. Sadly, being a mother, daughter, niece, anything of the sort is ripe with emotion. Ironically, it makes her the best hero for everyone else because she understands the weight of those familial ties.
Canary:I don’t hate her or anything. It just sucks. They say never meet your heroes. But when your hero is family…
Carmine:Disappointment comes with it. Yeah, it’s the worst. It’s ironic. You would think out of anyone it would be her family that sees her through rose tinted glasses.
Nick:Hi Yujin.
Yujin:What are the odds? I was gonna pick you too. Heh, same brain cell. *smiles*
Nick:Ha, guess so. Honestly I don’t have many things I haven’t aired out before. I’ve actually gone to therapy, so that helped. *lays on his back*
Yujin:I’m sensing a “but” is on its way.
Nick:Heh, but, I’ll admit I’m pretty upset with myself. I wish I could be rude. Like unapologetically rude. It’s annoying how many people look up to me or expect things. I’ve been surrounded by hundreds before but felt completely alone.
Yujin:I get that. *sits* I can’t count how many times someone said “Yang’s daughter” and I wanted to scream. Not our parents fault that they’re amazing, but it can blow.
Nick:How do you deal with it?
Yujin:It helps when my parents are there watching me do something. Yeah, I am Yang’s daughter, and she’s currently losing her mind over it. I love that.
Nick:Hmmm never looked at it quite like that. It is always nice seeing mom and dad cheer. Can’t undo blood. Guess it really is about changing perspective.
Yujin:Also I’m pretty sure anyone who actually cares about you would understand if you asked them to leave you alone. Anybody else are the actual rude people.
Nick:What’s your confession?
Yujin:Truthfully? I feel like a brat. Always have. People try consoling me and I’m aware bigger things in the world take priority, but I still get upset. I feel like I’m making things a hassle a times. What’s worse is when I’m ignorant about information so now I don’t know I’m making things rough. I want to be better than that.
Nick:Unfortunately…I’m just as lost as you are on that front.
Yujin:That’s okay. Thanks for listening to me. I appreciate it.
Aero:Of all the people to call…
Jael:You seem like a straightforward individual. Kinda like my sister.
Aero:Oh. *red* Thank you. Also I’m terrible at advice so…sorry in advance.
She leans forward until her forehead of his chest.
Jael:It’s alright. Neither is she. My sister lives a life of secrecy to the point she doesn’t actually exist, fake name and all. Mom is maiden and her family is gone, so she’s off the grid. Then there’s dear old dad, who officially dead more than two decades ago. The only person who really exists is me, and I’m basically on borrowed time.
Jael:*tearing up* If I don’t make something of myself, it’ll be like my family never existed. The name Taurus will remain infamous. *crying* It’s not fair. Not when so much more has happened.
Aero:*pats head* My mom believes things happen for a reason. If I were to guess, I’d say you’re on borrowed time because the world knows it’s still more than enough to leave your mark. So don’t sweat it. You’re ahead of schedule.
Tenzen:Helping people is hard.
Sparrow:Truer words have never been spoken. I take it you help a lot of people?
Tenzen:I try to, but I never really feel too good at it. I always feel like I don’t really understand their pain and it only makes things worse. I’m always outside looking in.
Sparrow:Kid, you have your entire life ahead of you. You’re not supposed to have all the answers and solve everyone’s problems. If it comes from a place of sincerity and love then you’re doing the best you can. I’m sure Yujin thinks you’re doing just fine.
Tenzen:I didn’t say it was-
Sparrow:Didn’t have to.
Jackie:What’s with the face?
Sparrow:I was just here. I must be popular.
Jackie:I can’t burden kids with my hang ups! You’re the obvious choice.
Sparrow:Do you have hang ups? You seem pretty put together.
Jackie:At my point in life, only one thing troubles me, my family. Each one of them as their own personal demons in one way or another. I’m doing my best to help them. Together we’re pretty happy. But…eventually we’ll all be apart. It scares me to think that if I were to get hurt and go away to soon, they wouldn’t handle it well. I made a home filled with love. What happens when I can’t give them it anymore?
Sparrow:…Well, did you forget your mother’s love?
Jackie:….*tearing up*
Sparrow: *smiles* That’s the thing about parents. Kids never forget them, for better or worse. You built a home with what you remembered love felt like.
Jackie:I’ve made so many mistakes. I wasn’t a good person for awhile. That love she gave didn’t stop the anger. My demons, they’ve done things.
Sparrow:So you’re just like my mom then and if your kids take after you, they’ll find their way eventually. Right back to the love.
Jackie:….Can I cry?
Sparrow:Heh, you need permission?
Jackie:No. Just giving you a heads up.
Sniffles turn into whimpering as Jacquelyn starts crying softly. Sparrow was kind enough to offer her a warm hug in her moment of stress. He really was raised well.
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paperphobe · 5 months
Fanfiction authors don’t get enough credit for the amazing work they do. I’ve written in the past so I’m somewhat aware of how much of a commitment it can be and the fact that so many people spend time and energy writing these amazing, well written stories and I get to read them for FREE is insane to me. The fact that so many of these authors will take requests too is even more insane and I feel the need to express my gratitude for fic authors.
I started reading fanfiction when I was 9 and it’s been a continuous source of comfort, entertainment, and for me education. I was never taught to write in English properly and now I’ve won awards for essays and stories that I learned to write from reading to many fanfiction. I have had brutal medical issues for the past few months and no matter where I am or how drained and sick I feel I can just turn on my phone and there’s an entire story about my favourite characters available for me. Genuinely I spent 8 hours in the emergency room because I had a surge of symptoms and morphine just wasn’t doing it for me anymore. And I spent all eight of those hours of desperately trying to get signal so I can get on Ao3 to read hotch fics. truly eternally greatful for hotch and cm authors for my primary source of entertainment rn. The doctors ran a million tests and then basically told me to cope and seethe for a month and a half until they do another test (and hearing the words “and that really sucks but…” sarcastically coming out of a residents mouth in response to me saying that the symptoms keep me home and I won’t be able to get into the university programs I want and will have to take another year in between almost sent me into a fit of violent rage) but remembering that though my quality of life is awful I can just spend all day reading fanfiction made me feel better about it. Really and truly even if they aren’t as frequent of a fanfiction consumer as I am, people take these authors for granted so often and I (likely influenced by the mass amounts of painkillers and narcotics in my system) feel the very strong need to make sure that I express how incredibly grateful I am for them!! All of them even the ones who write stuff I’m not interested in or who’s stories I don’t read because that’s sick asf that they wrote a whole ass story but ALSO they’ve provided so many people with amazing free stories and I love them for that. Thank you fanfic authors I love you guys so much. Especially hotch writers, I love you the most.
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zivazivc · 3 years
Pinocchio AU
Okay people want the explanation for this comic so here it goes. It’s long and complicated and MESSED UP because of course it is, this is me. I’m going to write in points because my small tired brain can’t handle good english atm but basically to sum up the Adrien was a sentimonster theory or Pinocchio AU as I like to call it:
Young married Emilie and Gabriel can’t have kids. Gabriel reluctantly accepts this fate and even brings up adoption as a possibility once, but Emilie doesn’t want to hear any of that. She’s a bit of a Marinette in the sense that she pictures this romanticized ideal life for herself and a child—her flesh and blood—HAS to be in it.
They keep trying to get a baby while other young families Emilie knows keep growing. She feels left out and hurt and depressed, then her newlywed twin sister announces she’s expecting a baby too and something within Emilie just unhinges.
She eventually lies to some of her friends, who she was out for coffee with, that she’s pregnant too. She mostly does it just to see their reaction and feel what it would be like but it quickly spirals out of control where she just starts pretending she’s pregnant until you can’t even tell if she believes it herself.
Gabriel is confused at first because he hears the news second hand (a friend/family member congratulating him) so he’s apprehensive when he approaches his wife but she convinces him that they really are getting a baby and Gabriel is ecstatic.
It’s only later at a doctor’s check up that Gabriel learns that she indeed is not pregnant. The doctor even speaks to him alone explaining that his wife is in denial and that he should make sure she goes to see a psychiatrist, something she definitely wouldn’t do alone.
Gabriel is unsuccessful with that because he’s not entirely persistent, doesn’t want to be the guy with the crazy wife having to tell everyone she lied about being pregnant, and hopelessly believes she’ll just get over it eventually.
That is until her “pregnancy is near due”—her sister already had Félix in England a few months ago—and he stumbles on her transformed with her peacock miraculous (they already have both of them) creating a sentimonster newborn.
They have a huge fight about it but because Emilie refuses to destroy it, won’t tell Gabriel where the amok is, and Gabriel can’t just hurt the baby with his hands, Emilie just… wins. Fucked up, yeah?
Now she tried creating kids before this one, using her imagination to try and blend her and Gabriel’s looks but it just wasn’t working. So she decided to copy of photos of baby Félix because he already looked almost like a copy of his mother, and Amélie and Emilie already looked alike so it’s not so weird?—is what her mind was telling her.
She didn’t dare alter his looks but she decided to give the baby Gabriel’s eye color to include the “father” in some way. (Yes in that comic I made I gave Adrien a mix of green and gray but that was mainly to get the point across to the perceptive readers)
Now we got Adrien, a normal baby boy to the whole world except for Gabriel who’s forced into his wife’s fantasy through social expectations.
Why are we only at this point and this post is already so long AAAAAAAA!!!
Adrien physically basically grows in a way where Emilie just keeps changing his appearance to match what Félix looked like a few months prior.
Mentally he’s like a robot just taking in information without really needing to learn it. So Emilie decides when he says his first word, she decides when he learns to walk,… He knows how to walk, he just wasn’t given the command to do so yet.
But even so he does develop a personality over time, just slower, because unlike a normal child who’s always testing his boundaries, how far they’re allowed to go until they’re in real trouble, Adrien just can’t misbehave. At all.
But he does have his favorite foods and favorite toys, and jokes that make him laugh the most. The problem is just that Emilie could just decide that his favorite food is strawberries and he’d just start acting accordingly, rewiring his belief. 
He also isn’t allowed to argue or be mean to others which is why Félix thinks he’s a goody two-shoes weirdo while Chloé the brat adores him.
This behavior isn’t so hard to hide with a toddler who’s fickle but it’s harder and harder as the kid grows. Which is why the family becomes very secluded over time.
Gabriel always keeps distance with his “son”. He’s not Dad, he’s Father, he doesn’t do hugs and cuddles, he doesn’t say I love you. But Adrien knows he loves him because his mom told him so and he loves him back unconditionally because Mom said that’s what families do.
Now even though Gabriel is traumatized by this whole ordeal and knowing Adrien “isn’t real” freaks him out he does soften a bit over time. I’m going to give an awful example but like someone who hates cats softening for a cat that their partner/roommate decided to get/had from before. Continuing with this example: But still becoming appalled when the cat starts acting odd/unusually.
Okay I think you get the gist. Let’s move on…
Emilie loves her son more and more as he grows and his sentimonster behaviours start bothering her more and more too. She hates being reminded that he’s not a real boy by people mentioning he looks young for his age because Emilie forgot to make him grow for a while. She hates when he does everything like he’s told. She hates that he has no real friends because they’re afraid to expose him to the outside too much and without supervision. She hates to think about his future.
Her desire for him to be real keeps growing and is what drives her to search for a solution in the miraculous spellbook.
She cracks the script after years, when Adrien is nearly a teen, and finds a way to transfer the creators soul into a sentimonster.
It’s a long process that takes time and while she falls ill to everyone around her, Adrien becomes more real.
Gabriel starts realizing what’s happening when he notices Adrien hesitate for a second when he’s playing a video game and Gabriel wants him to do something, groan when he gets bothered watching TV, huff, complain, have slightly opposing opinions to his and Emilie’s, when he argues with his mother when she tells him she’s feeling fine; when he notices his son’s eyes are greener. Or is it all in his head?
He confronts his wife too late, when she’s extremely ill already, her normally vibrant eyes dulled match Adrien’s bluish gray, and he pieces together in his head what she’s doing.
Before Gabriel could properly think what to do to stop the love of his life from turning into a lifeless doll, in a fit of panic he tries to take her wedding band (where he knows Adrien’s amok is) to get rid of Adrien instead, but is unsuccessful in getting it off her so he snatches her peacock brooch instead (which she needs to complete the spell obvs) and breaks it. (Heyoo! broken peacock miraculous. things are coming together)
Because the spell was almost complete anyway it’s Emilie who falls unconscious. But she doesn’t disappear because she’s not a real sentimonster, she just becomes dormant like one.
This is the point in the story where Gabriel makes it seem like Emilie ran away or something like that—basically disappear. Now he’s living knowing he has an almost sentimonster wife in the basement, knowing he almost killed his son (or her), and having to care for a son that suddenly became much more alive, questioning, arguing, angry, screaming, not accepting, crying, grieving, staring at him with Emilie’s eyes.
Instead of becoming a real parent, Gabriel shuts him out.
Soon Adrien evolves desires for socializing, company, getting away from the suffocating home which eventually leads to him going to a public school.
He slowly starts to live life freely without the restrictions that were put around his thoughts.
Gabriel has an even stranger relationship with Adrien now because he still loves him in a way but also holds resentment toward him. But mostly he sees him as something valuable.
The show happens here…  And now finally we get to the comic…
Gabriel gets a hold of the ladybug and black cat miraculouses. (There’s no epic fight in his lair as you see there’s no Ladybug in the comic but that’s not really important)
What’s important is that Gabriel had deciphered the miraculous spellbook with the help of Emilie’s notes and had decided to use the unification’s “wish” power to awaken Emilie.
He’s aware he’ll need to sacrifice something for the wish to come true and he’s certain Adrien should be enough because the soul inside him is literally the one thing Emilie is missing.
✨Adrien (poor boy just lost his miraculous) is taken to Gabriel’s lair, where he finds out his father is Hawk Moth, sees his mother, learns he’s a sentimonster, and that he’s going to become a sacrifice ✨
Of course the last part is not what happens. It’s Gabriel who ends up being sacrificed.
I can’t decide if Gabriel ends up sacrificing himself because he changed his mind in the last moment while Adrien was screaming for him to stop, OR  because he didn’t love Adrien enough for him to be considered an equal exchange for his wife… O.O
But anyhow…
Emilie wakes up with Gabriel’s soul within her (hence the bluish gray eyes in the comic).
Adrien is traumatized for life.
This took me hours to write… I knew there was a reason why I didn’t want to do it. I hope I didn’t forget anything and my brain made sense of it all
Well there you have it, peeps. The Pinocchio AU. It’s as messed up as my sleep schedule. Good night. 
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clacing · 3 years
what i love about sasha is that you can never really tell when she’s being genuine and when she’s faking, so you never quite know what her true intentions are - and the best thing is, she probably doesn’t know it herself. 
you get the feeling pretty early on that she’s a bad friend because of the way anne talks about her, and prison break seemingly confirms that assumption by painting her as a deeply manipulative person, who’s even smug about how manipulative she is, and who jumps at the chance to hold even more power by being grime’s second-in-command.
but in the last few moments of the episode, when she’s sure no one is looking, she takes out her group picture and touches it so carefully. she talks to her friends and promises she’ll find them soon, that she’ll get them home, and she sounds so gentle and unlike anything she’s shown up to that point.
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and then the mask goes back up, and that sasha is quickly gone, and you have to wonder if she was ever even there.
the same thing happens even in reunion, where sasha’s treatment of anne is arguably at its worst. this is the first episode you get to see anne and sasha interact one-on-one, and sasha spends most of that time being awful, controlling, and condescending, so you cheer for anne when she finally stands up to her.
but then toad tower falls, and sasha chooses to fall with it, because she refuses to drag anne down with her. she realizes anne is probably better off without her, and she cries as she lets go of anne’s hand.
and to be clear, this isn’t me arguing that sasha’s secretly a good person and so all the bad things she’s done don’t matter. what i am arguing is that she’s an incredibly complex and contradictory character, and that the writers have gone to great lengths to show her to be capable of change. whether she wants to is another question entirely.
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reunion shows her being aware of her toxicity for maybe the first time ever, and it wouldn’t have happened without anne straight up telling her she wasn’t going to stand for it anymore. though sasha isn’t in a position to do anything about it just yet, and though she spends the next few months doing absolutely everything she can to avoid thinking about what happened and to prove to herself that she’s fine on her own, the decision she makes to let go of anne’s hand is made for anne’s own benefit. she doesn’t know how to fix things or how to be better because no one ever expected that of her, so she does what she thinks is the next best thing and decides to remove herself from the situation entirely.
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which, on a much smaller scale, is exactly what she does in battle of the bands. sasha recognizes her need for control is ruining everyone’s fun, but she doesn’t really know how to stop doing it or if she even should, and so she leaves the band - not out of pettiness or out of yet another attempt at manipulation, but because she thinks that’s what’ll get everyone what they want.
except, of course, sasha ends up figuring out that she wants something else.
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except, of course, that if it was just control she wanted, surely an army and a kingdom would be enough.
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except, of course, that wanting to be with anne and marcy seems to be her greatest catalyst for change, and to trigger most, if not all, of her moments of self-reflection.
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anne and marcy’s friendship is ultimately beneficial to sasha’s development, but it’s only beneficial because of the boundaries that were set. it’s only beneficial because it forces sasha to figure out for herself what it is she cares about, and what she’s willing to do to keep it. and i think that’s the only thing what will convince her to take a risk and give change a try.
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yanderecandystore · 3 years
Could you please do a fanfic for a male version of Yandere! Lady Dimitrescu (from Resident Evil Village game) with the reader.
I really like the Resident Evil franchise but I'm too lazy to know what the hell is happening in the older games XD I'm so sorry about that-
I loved watching playthroughs of Resident Evil Village (can't buy the game ;-;), but I felt like it was a bit empty, idk- I felt like the lords weren't really explored enough.
Also the Duke is the best husbando in the whole game- Fight me! >:3
TW/Tags: GN = Gender Neutral, I normally forget to properly name it when it's gender neutral, most of the time I just say "reader" // maybe ooc // lazy genderbent, I'm terrible with names // size difference // servant reader // mentions of gore/cuts/bruises/blood and deaths (and torture- I'm so sorry-) // reader gets hurt // mentions of vomiting
It's Dinner Already [Yandere!M!Dimitrescu x GN!Reader - Short Fanfiction]
It's dinner time already, unfortunately for you, of course.
It feels almost like a routine at this point- Which in a way, it is! You always take care of your tasks during the day, while dreading the inevitable time for dinner to arrive again.
Everyday, at this exact same hour, you and the other servants would prepare a meal for Lord Dimitrescu and his lovely… Sons…
As someone who has started "working" for their family only a month ago, you can positively say: Starving in the cold woods next to your village would have probably been a more merciful death than the ones you have witnessed at this place. You weren't as accustomed to such brutal executions at your village, actually you hardly even witnessed so much death, at least not so up close.
When you came here, you didn't expect to be instantly comforted and treated with respect- You were a commoner looking for an possibility to thrive in a noble's house, you were basically an easy target for any entitled selfish lord to easily belittle you and make you work for them until your hands would turn to dust. Yet nothing could have prepared you for such an odd situation.
Vampires. Monsters. Fiends if you were bold enough to insult them. You weren't exactly welcomed as much as you were snatched in and now forever trapped inside this castle. You can still hear their laughter… Their insane expressions of pure glee, the way they have bursted into maliciously laughing at your pain as you screamed for help trying to open up their door again and be free from that nightmare.
The chase didn't last even a second, they stabbed your legs with their scythes and brought you deeper inside this hellhole, as you cried your eyeballs out. The sons had brought you back inside so their father could take a look at the "intruder".
An absolute titan amongst the mortals. His height was only a sick reminder of how much power he had over the castle, over his sons, and now- Over you.
He may not have been as massive as he was threatening as you remind him to be, but at the time you were just in awe of his height considering you have never seen someone as tall and as mighty.
Then again- You have never seen vampires as well. Were they the same vampires as the books you've read as a kid? You weren't so sure of it…
You were hoping that if you begged for life and for forgiveness for having disturbed their peace, that they could spare you and let you go back to your village. Sadly enough, you commented on how you were only trying to look for a job as a servant.
You probably shouldn't have given them ideas, but it's too late to think about your mistakes now, however.
The sons begged to see your blood spilled, yet Lord Dimitrescu was merciful enough to grant you your "wish", as he said.
It has been a month ever since you were trapped inside and forced to work as a miserable little servant, and even if you didn't suffer the worst forms of punishments that they had in-store for you, you couldn't help but fantasize about just running away and never turning back.
You're so tired of this castle, of the smell of carnage, of the undeserved and over the top punishments, and especially of the people who would subjugate you to such things.
But at last, it's dinner time already, and you can't keep them waiting.
You feel your hands shaking as you walk out of the kitchen and into the dining room where the masters of the castle were so graciously waiting for you. You know what they're waiting for- But you can't let them distract you, for those that commit accidents are faced with fates worse than death.
Although you would rather do this process quickly, you can't afford mistakes to happen, so you take your time to set not only their meal in front of each one but to also pour "wine" into their glasses. You do all of this without looking directly into their eyes, only bowing down to each one and saying "excuse me"s in what they would call a "decent tone", as the smell of their disgusting beverage starts to irritate your nostrils. If you didn't know the main ingredient to Sanguis Virgins is, you probably wouldn't have this immense disgust over it, but right now just the thought of it makes you want to gag.
Only villains could so easily drink blood, and still make a living out of it.
Your internal thoughts of pure hatred against this whole situation almost completely blinded you to the fact that they were eerily, very quiet.
On most nights they would be talking with each other while occasionally making comments about you or your presence. Obviously they were all pretty nasty comments that they somehow expected you to back it up in some way or another, it's when they try to insert you into their conversation that makes you hate this occasion so badly, but it normally ends as quickly as it begins.
But as you are pouring wine to Lord's Dimitrescu, you notice that they haven't said a single thing while you were there. You stop what you're doing as you realize that they were silently observing you this whole time, and as you look into their expressions you come to think that maybe you have messed up-
Somehow, in some way or form, you may have messed up- And the fact this mistake could cost your head only agitates your already very worried mind.
A small moment of silence continues before the middle son, Cassandro, starts to chuckle in an almost innocent way- As if he was a kid who just said a bad word for the first time- And as he bursts into sudden laughter, Daniel leans towards Bello and loudly whispers:
"- I told you, they do this every time." To which Bello only replied with:
"- It's almost like hypnosis in a way."
The three sons were mesmerized by your ability to trap yourself in your own mind. They're probably aware that you do this as a defensive mechanism but they still find it comical in a weird way. You feel yourself get more tense as you look up at Lord Dimitrescu and see him staring back at you, with an unreadable expression across his face.
Before you could come up with an excuse to whatever you may have caused to disturb their dinner, the Lord himself spoke.
"- How inappropriate. As my sons, you three should know better than to laugh at our servant's airheaded mind-"
And as he said that, their smiles begin to disappear and be replaced with frowns and a bit of shame as they become stiff at their father's words.
"- And how inappropriate of you, too. To be so distracted in the presence of your masters, that's quite rude don't you think?"
But as he continued their bodies begin to relax once again as they realize he wasn't focusing on them- He was focusing on you.
Words have completely disappeared from your vocabulary as you start to think that maybe you won't be able to see another day after their meal is over. You try to mumble some possible responses before getting interrupted by him once again.
"- It's very rude, so very rude in fact that I think we deserve some answers. What were you so distracted about? What were you thinking that could have possibly taken over your small little head?"
Right now, he was sounding a bit condescending, thankfully not as angry as he would have been with the other servants right about now. Every little mistake was used as excuses for punishments- And if you were walking on thin ice before, right now you are one-step closer to breaking this entire lake and getting yourself killed by the freezing temperatures of the water below you.
Thanks to your luck (or maybe lack thereof, depending on how you see this) Daniel came to "your rescue" by coming up with an excuse for you.
"- Maybe they were hungry." He said without any indications of it being a joke or a lie- As the youngest yet craziest of the bunch, he always had that weird "naive yet dangerous" energy coming from him. He was naive enough to make that statement when it's very clear that you actually despise being near them, but he still was a son of Dimitrescu.
You know better than to underestimate any of these people.
The Lord didn't seem completely convinced as he side eyed Daniel who was blissfully eating his meal without acknowledging his dad's glance or his brother's looks of disapproval.
Without a warning you were pulled closer by your wrist and forced into sitting next to the Lord, who made a sign for another servant to bring you your food. This… Doesn't feel right at all, you're waiting for the worst to come yet you don't feel like you can ever prepare yourself enough for what they have in store.
"- M-My Lord- This isn't needed, I'm fine. I'll just continue my duties, if you can excuse me-" You plead, while trying to get up from your chair.
"- Oh but what host would I be if I didn't take better care of my guests? Poor thing, you must be starving if you can barely serve us wine-" And as his tone gets progressively more sarcastic and a bit louder, you can hear his sons snickering from the other side of the table, but you can't see them since you can't take your eyes away from him.
You're worried that if you look away for just one second, that you may not be able to see ever again.
"- It's so sad when one of our guests feels hungry- What's worse is when we are also very, very hungry."
"- Thirsty, even!"
"- Oh, I can feel my throat drying just at the thought of such misery!- Our dinner seems to be ruined."
You hear their whispers, you hear how they are clearly joking about this- How overly dramatic they're being over something so miniscule as you just- Ignoring them.
Let me remind you this is all because you refuse to look them in the eyes, that you refuse to give them any satisfaction for the heinous things they have done! You've seen so many people get hurt inside this castle only for their sick and twisted thirst and entertainment.
"- Indeed, my boys. My appetite is ruined, though dinner is not over yet-" Lord Dimitrescu spoke as he looked at his sons clearly enjoying your inevitable pain, but before he could continue he turns himself to you again, putting a hand on your arm and saying:
"- Wouldn't you agree?" Loud enough so that his sons could hear it, but soft enough to send the tiniest shivers down your spine.
"- …!"
"- No, no- Please, not again!-" He wouldn't dare do this, would he??
But before you could react he had already done it, you barely noticed how fast he had grabbed that knife to slice your wrist- His hand firmly gripping your arm as he made a deep enough cut so that your blood could be easier to access.
It somehow hurts just as badly as the first time his sons have stabbed your ankles and dragged you across the floor- At least you're not bumping into things like before, and even if it's a deep cut it's not as big as it could be if he used his claws to actually do this.
Oh, oh those claws- You almost thought he would use them on you… Those were something else. You can't remember exactly what happened, and why it happened, but you remember seeing him use those on another servant who may have crossed the line at some point.
Well "crossed the line"- More like "casually inconvenienced him". Lord Alcino may act like an incredibly high noble but he acts so childishly and in such an egotistical manner that you are surprised he can even have a castle like this in the first place! You don't remember what the servant has done to be so cruelly dismantled, but you don't doubt that it was for a stupid reason!
You miss that servant actually- Probably the only person who you actually talked with, and the first one to actually taught you how to do your job… You two could have been friends if he didn't intervene.
You briefly remember those moments before getting to experience the most weird sensation of all- Having your bloody cut be licked and sucked on. It hurts and it stings in a way that not only makes you want to cry but to also gag at the thought of you feeding this monster.
You refuse to look at him even in this scenario, you refuse to see him feeding off your blood… Sometimes you wish you were just as poisonous as some species of frogs, poisonous enough to make his mouth burn so he can experience a fraction of the pain he causes to others.
You tried fleeting away, you tried getting up and moving away but his grip on your arm only helped you in getting closer to him- You have your eyes closed as your only option is to cry and muffle your agony.
But as always, he is not satisfied with you just ignoring him. This was supposed to be a lesson, yet you're clearly avoiding your teacher as best as you can- But not today, little flower, you're not getting out of this so easily.
This is the first time he ever got to really taste your blood, as normally you would be behind the other servants while trying to learn how to please him, the only moments where he gets to see you is when it's dinner time, but oh- You're just so cruel!
Escaping inside your own little head while he has to content himself with just your image. Your presence is very much appreciated around this hour, little one-
He has noticed this before, of course, but it was only when he noticed his son's curiosity over the way you behave around them that made him organize this little trap. He didn't have everything planned actually, his plan only involved getting to this moment no matter what- And oh boy, has luck been on his side!
Your blood tastes better than expected of a commoner, your delicate and fearful whines of pain are just as delightful but what really gets him is this tough persona you try to convince everyone you have- You despise him, and it's clear to see why- But he knows his charms will probably work on you one way or the other.
He gripped your face trying to make sure you'll get to him in the eyes as he has a taste of you. Absolutely delicious, especially after you so gracefully "ruined" their dinner.
His sons were just watching as they continued to drink from their crimson glasses. They were just enjoying the show, as everything seems to easily amuse them- Their father was just showcasing how they were so much better than the common folk, and they have no other option but to take notes and to remember what they have to do if they ever feel ignored by the servants in the castle: Show who are the true masters of this place.
None of them were really interested in drinking from you, considering how all three seemed to recognize how their father has taken a liking towards you. No one would dare mess with their father's prey.
If you had enough strength in you, you would start vomiting as soon as this has started, but the more he takes from you the more you feel like you can barely stay conscious.
He wasn't supposed to take so much, at least not so soon- He wanted to just take a sip but he can't deny the fact he would rather drown himself in your blood than to let go.
He sighs, as he notices that you're slowly getting less and less aggressive, getting more and more tired as he drains you from this cut.
You're not unconscious yet, just barely stable enough to understand what's going on.
"- Sigh… Now that was a decent enough meal." He can't praise you for being tasty, can't have you being cocky around him.
"- Here, since I'm done here I'll take you to the servant's living quarters- And because I'm so kind I'll make sure that wound is safely secured and cleaned, so here- Come along now."
And as he stood up he offered you his hand so you could get up yourself, but you don't have enough energy to walk yourself to your room, thankfully you're already ready to go to bed and wish to never wake up again.
And as the nightmare never ends, he decides that if you are going to be difficult then you leave him no choice but to carry you there. How much has he taken from you?? Jesus, he should learn some self-control before doing this again- The absolute brute that he is.
Your vision may be a little screwed over because of the lack of red cells running through your body at the moment- But you have a weird feeling that you two aren't heading towards the servant's living quarters, as you feel like you two are quite literally going in the opposite direction.
Oh but it's fine- Right?
It'll be fine. Surely. After all, he already took what he wanted from you, and he doesn't seem to need more so- You probably won't have to worry about anything right now, dinner time is already over, you can finally relax now….
So I'm sick again- Sorry y'all, I just have a horrible immune system and I really don't understand what is wrong with me-
I'm sorry if you didn't like this boo :(
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The Gentle Heart of the Monster
Alcina Dimitrescu x female reader 
Bela, Cassandra and Daniela Dimitrescu 
Summary: Lady Dimitrescu and her daughers take care of a very pregnant reader. 
Warnings/tags: pregnancy, slight pregnancy kink, talk of impregnation, some sexiness, Lady D and her daughters are so caring, personal attention, caring for a pregnant woman, wholesomeness
A/n: For the sake of the fic Alcina carried and birthed her daughters so she has extensive knowledge on vampire babies/pregnancy. Let’s say they are fraternal triplets to make things simple. No father involved just witchy baby magic just let me have this please! 
y/n=your name
b/n=future baby’s name 
“Ugh! You’re close to overstaying your welcome b/n!” you groaned as b/n gave your ribs a firm kick. You were seven months pregnant with still two months to go and you were over being pregnant. As if being pregnant wasn’t hard enough, having a human-vampire spawn growing inside of you was an entirely different animal. Alcina had come to you with the request of you carrying her next child a few years after you had come to live in the castle. You started as a servant, then her personal hand maid, then her lover and now her brood mare. Lady Dimitrescu would have trusted no one else to carry her next child. You had initially refused her request. You deeply loved Alcina but not enough to have some Dimitrescu man rut you like a rabbit in heat. Lady Dimitrescu had laughed, given you a very sly look and then explained how the conception would happen. You had listened mouth agape closing it after Alcina was done explaining. When you were told SHE would be the one impregnating you your decision instantly changed to a resounding yes. The rest was history. 
“B/n hurting my dove again?” Alcina cooed kneeling down to take your shoes off. You grumbled in response. You had spent most of your pregnancy in one of the lounge rooms upstairs. It had the most comfortable chairs in the castle accompanied by equally comfortable foot rests. It had a fireplace and an adjacent balcony with a lovely outside dinette set. The doors leading to the balcony were made of glass so you got plenty of sunshine and had easy access to fresh air. Lady Dimitrescu had joined you every day as often as she could in your little sanctuary. She would often read in the chair across from you, rub your feet, neck, shoulders and back or you would curl up in her lap so you and her could caress your growing bump. Even the first two months your pregnancy had been challenging due to the circumstances. You had been around countless pregnant women in your old village and none of their pregnancies resembled yours, in some aspects yes but most aspects no. 
“B/n, you little shit, stop hurting your mother,”Alcina chastised the baby inside you. You chuckled. It always made you laugh when Alcina and the girls would talk and vaguely threaten b/n. Alcina sat on the floor, placing your shoes to the side and began rubbing your feet with her inhumanly strong hands. You sighed in relief. You settled further into the chair placing your hands on your stomach as b/n continued their assault on your insides. 
“Ow fuck!” you cried as b/n dragged their foot along the length of your stomach as if they were trying to rip your skin. You sat up doubling over. 
“My dear sweet y/n,” Alcina said placing a comforting hand on your head stroking your head. She glared at your stomach and as if the baby could see her terrifying glare b/n finally settled and stopped moving. You lifted your head and slumped back into the chair. Alcina gave you a delicate smile and continued to rub your sore feet. 
“I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up my lady,” you confessed tears forming in your eyes. 
“I know I know dear one. Growing a vampire baby is a daunting task. The girls were fist fighting even in the womb and look at them now! Ah, but alas my body was more than equipped to handle the pregnancy.” Alcina admitted. She had been in her same form she was now when she had been pregnant with her triplet girls. You however, were still a feeble human so just one vampire-human baby was more than enough for you. 
“I’m so weak and fragile I’m too-” you were cut off by Alcina placing a hand on your stomach. 
“My dove don’t start...” Lady Dimitrescu trailed off. You simply nodded in response wiping your eyes. You hated how emotional you had become. Alcina hated when you tore yourself apart especially now since you were carrying her fourth child. Alcina and you had discussed the mechanics of what a vampire pregnancy would entail making sure you were fully aware of what was ahead of you. You accepted the task because you would literally die for Alcina Dimitrescu. You had also discussed that if b/n were to almost kill you coming out she would turn you no questions asked. 
“Would you like me to rub your neck and back draga mea?” Alcina asked breaking your recollections. You nodded leaning forward as Alcina moved behind the chair. She could fully sit on the floor and still be tall enough to reach your neck and back comfortably. “You look so beautiful cel mic, I love how you look with your child growing inside you, our child. I must admit I’m going to miss you looking like this when b/n arrives,” Alcina fawned as you gave her hand a quick squeeze. “If you weren’t hurting sweet one I would take you right here and now,” Alcina purred into your ear. You twisted your neck meeting your lips with hers. During the first few months Alcina hadn’t held back making love to you in your early stages but now you were too sore to entertain the idea.
“You flatter me so Alcina,” you said licking her lips before deepening your kiss. Alcina reached down snaking her hand over your belly rubbing it softly. She moved her hand and ever so gently touched your swollen breasts. “Oh my dear lady,” you moaned into her lips. Lady Dimitrescu moved her hand down your stomach again and was just passing your hips when the doors to the lounge room flew open. You and Alcina jumped apart breaking your tender moment. 
“LUNCH TIME!” Bela announced pushing a tray full of delicious food and snacks. Her sisters followed in behind her pushing another tray of herbs and drinks. 
“Oh thank you my loves,” you thanked as Bela, Cassandra and Daniela presented the spread to you. Cassandra began mixing the herbs into a liquid which she poured into your tea. It was mix of supplements and pain relievers. You gladly gulped the tea as the almost instant effects settled into your aching body. 
“I have water, more tea, juice and milk,” Cassandra offered. 
“Thank you Cassandra just set it down for the moment,” you said. 
“So you have bread, that’s...feta and brie cheese, tomato slices, ham, salami, fresh basil, I picked it myself,”Bela boasted.
“But I have grapes, strawberries, almonds, roasted chicken and chocolate cake,” Daniela boasted back glaring at Bela. Since you had been pregnant the girls had been competing to see who could take care of you better. 
“You’re feeling better aren’t you y/n because of my herbal mixture right?” Cassandra asked pushing past her sisters. 
“I can rub your feet!” Bela offered kneeling down and getting right to work. 
“Well I can rub your neck and shoulders,” Daniela barked bulldozing her mother out of the way. Alcina looked sternly at her daughter in response. 
“You two didn’t ask her what she really wants! What would you like me to do for you and b/n y/n?” Cassandra asked sweetly. Alcina could see her daughters were overwhelming you. 
“GIRLS!” Alcina bellowed making all three girls freeze. “You’re going to make y/n go into early labor if you don’t quiet down.” Alcina continued in a low and deadly voice. You spoke up to diffuse the situation. 
“My lovely caring girls. All three-four of you,” you started looking up at Lady Dimitrescu, “are doing a wonderful job taking care of me and b/n. You all have made this pregnancy so much easier for me and I don’t know how I’ll ever be able repay the countless hours you’ve devoted to us.” You finished eyes welling up with tears for a different reason this time. 
“AWE Y/N!” The girls squealed in delight as they gathered around you hugging you lovingly but gently because they knew if they were the slightest bit too rough with you mother would have their necks. You gave them each a kiss on their heads eliciting even more squealing. You glanced over at Alcina who had a single tear running down her face. She quickly wiped it away and cleared her throat. 
“I can clearly see you and b/n are well taken care of here so I’m assuming I’m not needed,” Lady Dimitrescu teased. You rolled your eyes as the girls removed themselves from you. 
“Oh no my lady, you’re job is to be the most beautiful view for me,” you teased back as Alcina leaned down kissing you chastely. “Now my angels you can each take turns rubbing my feet and then when I’m finished eating you can take turns rubbing my neck, shoulders and back. Does that sound like a good plan to all of you?” You finished with a feigned tone of exasperation. 
“Yes!” The girls said in delight and just before they could bicker about who was to go first you exclaimed “Bela you can be first, then Cassandra and then Daniela and that was the order that popped up in my head,” you assured before any of their feelings could be hurt. Bela knelt down again as her sisters sat on the floor waiting their turn. Alcina walked over to the chair opposite you and picked up her book from where she had left it the other day. She took a seat admiring the beautiful picture of her pregnant lover and her three daughters so eager to attend her. 
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angeli-marco-writes · 2 years
Bucky Barnes - Just You
A/N & WC - I wrote this when it was my time of the month and I couldn't get out of bed. Periods suck :). I do not own the character of Bucky. 2k.
Warnings - roommate!Bucky, fwb, periods and menstruation, cramps and pain, lowkey toxic situation, allusions to sex. 16+
Summary - It's your time of the month and Bucky is clueless and cocky. As a man from the forties you don't expect much, especially not for him to realise his mistake.
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Getting Bucky as your flatmate when you advertised in the local post office was a literal dream come true. Handsome, house trained, hot… and he’s useful and sweet as well, but that’s not why you gave him the room.
He paid the rent and wasn’t always around. Perfect.
Everyone says ‘don’t shit where you eat’ which, yes, is a very fair point, but you work on opposing schedules a lot of the time with your varying fields of work, and he’s away a lot.
So you did exactly what you weren’t supposed to do. And you did it a month into his living with you.
“I’ve been waiting for you to do that, doll,” he purred.
You shut him up and showed him who was boss… for all of five minutes.
Still, it’s been almost six months since then, and you’ve got a pretty good, mutually-beneficial, flatmates-with-benefits thing going. It makes more sense: he could hear your vibe through the wall anyway.
However, thus far you’ve been pretty lucky as far as Lucifer's waterfall goes. It’s fallen exactly when you’ve had a busy stint at work (not exactly great but doable) or when he’s been travelling or fighting space mutants or whatever it is he does, or even when you two haven’t really been in the mood.
Today, though, it’s hit you like a tonne of fucking bricks. And it’s a bad one.
Y’know the ones that are worse than most? The ones that feel 1000x worse than a sledgehammer picking away at your uterus? Plus the cravings, the headache, the stomach pain, the nausea, the awful mood swings, the excess grease that makes you feel like you’re drowning, the hormones… Just everything worse.
You texted Bucky with a shopping list and asked him to stop at the convenience store on his way home just to grab a few things you’ve been craving but there are none in the flat.
He’s supposed to be a while, so you crawl under the shower, wash your hair, and then just lie back.
It’s times like these and only times like these that you’re glad the flat has a bath-shower, since you’re able to sprawl yourself out over the entire thing, bending your knees to lie your feet flat against the wall so the water hits on your lower belly, pelvis and upper thighs, easing the pain and flushing away your worries for a little while.
However, being in the bath with the water thundering down means you don’t hear him come home early.
And Bucky being Bucky takes the sound of the shower, and your faint groan as an invitation to traipse through the flat with his clunky boots still on, and join you.
He’s developed a bit of a reputation as a ladies man since he started pleasing you. Not that he wasn’t in the forties, or that he wasn’t aware of his skills, but he hadn’t been with anyone for quite a while before you. And now he knows your reaction, it’s definitely gone to his head more than a little. He wears that signature cocky smirk more than he wears clothes.
He’s done this so many times now that he doesn’t bother knocking. You’ve had words with him about it before, but when he’s horny, all logic evaporates. And usually you’re fine with it. But today?
After kicking the bathroom door open, the last thing he expects to find is you laying there on your back with your legs propped wide open against the tiled wall, the shower jetting down on your lower belly, but as Bucky notices, just there as well.
He’s a man. Don’t expect him to understand.
Though he tries to hide it, he blushes a little, knowing he’s caught you in such a way, small moans spilling from your lips as you lie there, water falling in droplets over your torso.
He also gets an idea.
Swaggering across the room and toeing off his boots, he purrs, “Couldn’t wait for me to get home eh? Well, let me help.”
You scream ferally. A piercing shriek that shoots through him the second his boot lands on the tiled floor and his deep voice penetrates your daydreams.
You sit bolt upright, feeling dizziness swirl around in your head as the bath gapes open beneath you, or so it seems. You crawl up into a ball and force yourself under the showerhead, shivering, your back facing Bucky.
The water bounces off your back as you cover yourself. He managed to scare the living bloody daylights out of you. You hadn’t heard him come home so naturally his presence would cause alarm.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, suddenly scared, stopping dead in his tracks.
Irate, upset, in pain. You tell him what he needs to hear. “Just fucking leave.”
“Christ, y/n,” he grumbles. “What the fuck is up with you? You’ve been in a foul mood for days. I thought you’d wanna have sex to ease the tension but fine.”
“Oh!” you cry out suddenly, your voice hoarse, breaking as all your rage and temper build up, accompanied by your petulance due to menstruation and mood swings. “That’s fucking rich. You’re allowed to act like a butt-hurt prick whenever something goes wrong in your life but the second I’m feeling shit you’re allowed to have a go at me because I don’t want to sleep with you?”
All you hear is silence. Bucky doesn’t even breathe, doesn’t move: nor do you. You zone out so much that you can’t even focus on the steady pounding of the water as another cramp gripes at your lower belly and has you grimacing, barely suppressing a pained groan.
Bucky undergoes an internal debate, you can feel it, and he evidently makes the wrong choice.
“God, sorry,” he snarks. “I just thought I’d finish the job. If you don’t wanna fuck me anymore just tell me. You don’t have to be a bitch about it.” With that he goes a step too far, wincing at his own words.
And that’s when the waterworks begin, before he can apologise or try to take it back.
He starts murmuring incoherently to himself unsure whether to leave or stay as you hesitate, turning your head shyly towards him. “—I wasn’t... yknow.”
“What else could you possibly have been doing then?” He deadpans, but takes one step closer to the bathtub and sees flecks of blood in the water going down the drain.
He catches a glimpse of your pained expression, sees the tears streaming down your cheeks, watches every muscle in your back tense. Fuck, Bucky. You’ve really done it this time.
“It helps with the pain,” you mumble, forcefully swiping the tears away with your thumb, “gonna make fun of me then?”
“Course not, doll,” he tells you, kneeling by the bath with his elbows on the edge, though with his eyes averted. He proceeds to stutter and stumble over his words in a very contradictory and endearing way that almost passes for an apology in your mind. “You want me to do... anything?”
You shrug, murmuring, “I wasn’t done doing anything in here.”
You relax a little and let the shower hit your pelvis, relieving a knot of pain building up to be a killer cramp there.
But while you’re doing that, in what seems to be a blink of the eye, Bucky is naked but for his boxers, and is sliding in behind you in the back of the bath-shower.
Tentatively he wipes your final tears away, your sniffles quietening down, and says, “Women didn’t talk about this in the 40s. It’s all new. Tell me if I do anything wrong. Just tell me what you need tonight.”
“Just you, Bucky.”
Loofah in hand, he slips his arms under yours and lets you fall back against his strong chest, his warmth bleeding into you. He starts to clean you tenderly, rubbing your stomach in gentle circles as he goes, using his flesh hand only to massage.
You could swear you fall half asleep while he does that, finally catching some sleep between the gruelling agony and fits of nausea.
He helps you out of the bath when your skin starts to prune and he wraps you in a plush towel, the ones you insist on tumble drying to keep them fluffy. He then helps you get dry before you offer him a half smile to tell him you’re okay.
When he heads off to prepare dinner, you get into your comfiest pyjamas and slob around. He delivers you a hot water bottle that you cradle close to your stomach.
This is the most intimate Bucky and you have ever been. Yeah, sure, being flatmates and sleeping together means you see the worst parts of each other. Bad habits, no makeup with bedhead, wearing three day old clothes with food on them (Bucky only).
And yeah, sure, you’re friends as far as that measure goes. And you do bicker. And you do treat one another and do cute things sometimes, like watch a film under a blanket together.
But he’s never climbed into the shower with you to help you ease your period cramps.
In all fairness, and however bad it sounds, you expected him to be, well, not good about it. But once he worked it out, you could see the ruefulness flash over his face. He’d never call you a bitch unless something was going on with him as well.
So the fact he sacrificed getting his anger out to sit with you and tenderly massage your stomach, acting like a boyfriend, is a big step. And it could mean a lot of different things.
“Dinner’s ready!”
This domesticity is normal. You take turns cooking and he’s actually really damn good at it. However when you stumble into the kitchen-diner, it’s different somehow.
The table is laid out for two, a mug of milky tea in your space with pain meds and headache relief and miracle oils nearby.
You sit down, stunned, and your jaw drops open a little when this gorgeous man serves you up a plate of—
“Mashed potatoes. I used the internet thingy and it said somewhere they help with cramps.”
“Really?” you croak, overwhelmed with emotion. “You did this for me?”
“Of course. And the nuggets are in the oven, spaghetti hoops on the hob.”
A moment later he dishes it all up and pretends to enjoy eating it, smiling at you, asking if he can do anything to help.
“This is plenty,” you tell him.
He doesn’t believe you.
He helps you to the couch and lets you choose the movie for the night, loading the dishwasher in record time so he can join you. He slips beside you and opens his arms wide, letting you get comfortable and cuddle him whichever way is best for you.
He refills your hot water bottle, keeping the heat. He gives you a massage. He feeds you chocolate and all the junk food your heart desires.
And when you fall asleep on the couch, he doesn’t wake you. He just holds you.
Maybe he can’t make your period go away, and he has no idea how to make it better, but he spends his night the way he aims to continue, and reads articles on menstruation until the early hours.
You stir around then, pleasantly surprised by his arm comfortably around you and the fact he’s thrown a blanket around.
“Buck?” you murmur.
“Hey doll, what do you need?”
“The loo…”
“Of course. Did I wake you?”
“Hmm no. I’ll be back in a minute,” you say, and start to clamber up, wincing at the pain.
Bucky leaps up to attention, steadying you and helping you to the bathroom where he leaves you to refill your hot water bottle once again and fetch some more chocolate and pain meds.
He meets you when you come out, and helps you back to bed, asking tenderly after tucking you in whether you want him to stay.
You nod vehemently, naturally, and fold the corner of your duvet back for him. His smile is soft as he slips in next to you.
“Do you need anything before you sleep?” he asks again, a note of work in his deep voice.
You smile, and tusk his arm around you, savouring his warmth. “Just you, Bucky.”
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