#idk just wanted to draw him with an unusual expression
gemknightau · 1 month
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a rare reaction. congratulations!
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fraugwinska · 2 months
Dude, i had an idea out of nowhere, and in my head it's so funny for no reason ☠️☠️ So, you know that theres like, that canon drawing that Alastor made for Angel's birthday?
((https://twitter.com/HazbinHotel/status/1642135435085217793?t=U6Kzncfye-QAjtJYy8R23A&s=19) This one)
So like, imagine that is Alastor's S/o birthday, and he decided to make her a drawing like that ☠️ idk it's weirdly funny in my head
So - a few things need to be said.
1. I know that Alastor canonically likes to doodle, and ever since episode 1 we really know just how awfully funny these doodles are.
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2. what I didn't know was what the hell you were talking about, so I looked it up and... my god. The snorts I snaughted, the wheezes I whoze, the cackles I cuckled. He may be a 'gentleman', he may try to behave cordial and appear classy, but Doodle-Artist-Alastor is a fucking menace, no filter and so snappy, holy shit.
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3. Now, for my highly professional opinion (*cough cough*) of what would happen if you, Alastor's s/o, would get a picture like this as a birthday gift. In front of everyone.
❤️ You agreed on celebrating your birthday, as redundant as you thought it was, only under the condition that no one would buy you a gift. If they wanted to hand you a present, you wanted it to be a small, handmade thing, valuing their time and thought behind it much more than the actual thing.
❤️ Everyone would hold true to this request, and the gifts you get match the giver perfectly.
❤️ Charlie and Vaggie crafted together, handing you a bejeweled jewelry box covered in glitter glue and snippets of photos they had taken of you and the gang over the time you were guest in the hotel.
❤️ Niffty, being both skilled in sewing and the chaos gremlin she is, presents you with a abysmal looking pile of different, sewn-together fabrics. You turn and twist it in your hands, thanking her without knowing what it is, until you find a golden snap lock hidden in the masses of layers. It's a very inconvenient coin purse.
❤️ Opening Angels gift has everyone holding their breath - preparing for something phallic, kinky or lewd. instead, you squeal as you pack a crochet version of Fat Nuggets, including his stubby little horns. Angels smug expression at the sheer surprise at his very unusual (and unexpected) talent of the gang quickly turns to a sweet smile as you crush him with your hug, telling him how much you love it.
❤️ Husk's gift for you is nothing corporeal. Instead, he announces he'd teach you one of his many magic tricks he often did for your sheer delight at your many evenings at the bar. He blushes a bit when you thank him with a kiss on his cheek.
❤️ Alastor would wait to be the last one to present his gift - it's known the best is always saved for last. He hands you a large envelope. Curiously you open it, careful not to tear it, and pull out a thick sheet of paper
❤️ Five heads hang over your shoulder, five pairs of eyes widen at the sight: The paper is full of scribbled doodles, a crude, macabre looking version of yourself in the middle, around it splatters of what looks like blood, grinning faces, and scribbled words: cutie pie - talks in her sleep - MINE MINE MINE - I love Alastor (in a speech bubble over your head)
❤️ Reactions would be mixed, Charlie would find it weirdly adorable, Niffty would point out anything she likes with bashful giggles, Vaggie would be as disturbed as Husk, while Angel would make fun of it, laughing while mocking the quality of the drawing.
❤️ you however, would be torn between genuine laughter and earnest emotionality you've never received something handmade from Alastor. He'd often shower you in little tokens of care, a bouquet of flowers, a new necklace, a dress or a scarf he's seen at Rosie's. You found it not only endearing, the thought of him, dressed in his pompous attire sitting at his bureau, drawing this made your heart ache with affection.
❤️ Quietly staring at the picture, Alastor would interpret your silence as veiled ridicule, and vanish into shadows, retreating. He had failed, his gift shown to be juvenile and lacking. Sulking, he would avoid you for the rest of the evening, only returning to your shared room when night already fell and everyone was fast asleep
❤️ He would find you in deep slumber, cheeks a bit puffy and shimmering from trails of dried tears. He'd tilt his head in curiosity, wondering what would've possibly made you cry, then he sees it - his painting, clutched in your hands and pressed to your heart.
❤️ He'd hurry to change for the night, scolding himself for drawing hast conclusions - he should know you better. When he gently pulls the paper from you to set it aside, youd awake, reaching out to him, starting to apologize for not giving him an appropriate reaction.
❤️ alastor would shush you, slipping into bed with you, and give you your other, much more intimate present.
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clonerightsagenda · 6 months
It is Wolf 359 day (also known as Christmas for some) and since I saw a stoat photoset on my dash I feel compelled to post about daemon hcs.
Eiffel - Word of God is raccoon, and it fits. The poor thing probably looks like she has mange during the season 2/3 timeskip, since there's no way astronauts are stuffing their daemons in spacesuits - they must have to go through some kind of pre-mission training to lengthen their range. They are not trained to get blasted lightyears apart though, rip. That's gotta hurt. Once he's recovered from his ordeal though I'm sure he takes advantage of their massively extended range to cause problems. There's no way I stole those donuts from the Urania's stores, commander! I was here in the comms room the whole time.
Minkowski - white-tailed eagle. This bird is found in Poland, and some versions of the Polish flag have a white eagle. It's also similar to but not exactly like a bald eagle - showing how Minkowski aspires to assimilate into Americanness but can't completely abandon her Polish heritage. Plus pilot = bird, it tracks.
Hilbert - rosencrantz-draws-things did a series of daemon paintings for the characters and while I don't agree with all their choices, I did like chameleon for him. He changes roles and faces when he needs to, whatever helps him survive.
Lovelace - The painting series I referenced gives her lioness, which I don't hate, although the logistics are a bit messy for a space station environment. Given the backstory I've envisioned for her I kind of want to spend more time reading about Puerto Rican fauna and get back to you on this one. How does the daemon situation work with her being a surrogate? Unclear but it sure keeps her up at night!
Maxwell - Ferret! The wonder twins have mustelid vibes to me, and I am always charmed by the story of the ferret who cleaned out the tubing of a particle accelerator.
Jacobi - Stoat to match Maxwell. They are the mustelid twins now. It just feels right.
Kepler - idk I don't care about him.
Pryce - Coconut octopus. Something a little bit unusual and unexpected, requires specialized care and upkeep, and octopi are extremely intelligent, with this species actively modifying its situation via tool use. She can carry him around in his own special tank.
Cutter - I never settled (lol) on anything for him, but given I like the idea of him bodyhopping (this has been thoroughly debunked by Word of God but oh well) I imagine that he keeps around the old body's severed daemon as a smokescreen. This leads to a very animated, lively guy with a strangely inert, unfocused daemon which makes him even more unsettling to everyone. He's impossible to read.
Hera - I saved her for last because she's a special case. When AI reach sentience a block of code just pops up in their programming, and that's their daemon. They're not physical in the same way humans are - why would their soul be? However, product testing indicated humans preferred to see something daemonlike, so customer-facing AIs get holographic projections of cute, non-threatening animals like puppies or songbirds. Hera has a bird until Hilbert takes her offline. When she comes back, she has control over the projection and can make it look however she wants. It's not actually her daemon but she can use it to express herself in a similar way, including projecting her humansona, which scares the crap out of people the first few times they see a random stranger on board.
Daemons in microgravity would be their own headache. I imagine crewmembers get velcro pouches on their uniforms or toolbelts sized for their daemons to keep them from floating away. Smaller daemons are preferable in the same way that there's a height range for astronauts - this is why I'm conflicted about Lovelace. Also, you know I am a #hater of 'daemon touching = sex' in AU settings and believe there are multiple kinds of intimacy, and spaceflight involves everyone getting real cool about a lot of stuff real quickly, so I think by season 3 Minkowski and Eiffel at least are hanging on to each other's daemons when they're out on spacewalks both for convenience and emotional support. (Eiffel is still stressed out about it but more because he is really bad at holding a raptor and scared of getting slashed by talons.) Hera occasionally perches her projection on their shoulders which again doesn't mean the same thing to her but gets the message across. If Jacobi is working on something fiddly Maxwell will be wearing both their daemons around her neck, and vice versa.
Bob does not appear with a daemon while wearing his Eiffel suit. The alternative would probably be more upsetting.
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exharmonia · 2 years
repost from my ao3 to see if tumblr is my jam.
realised in the idk-how-long time between my first post and now that I’m actually insecure about my writing lmao. Cringe-fest or not, I hope you all enjoy.
Warnings: sex, break-ins, mention of homework lol, praise, dom Komaeda, knife use, slight self depreciation (nagito)
(Y/N) yawned, typing away on her laptop to try and finish her homework. She was home alone currently, her guardians having gone for a short holiday and her unable to attend due to her school schedule. She didn't mind though, she was old enough to be home on her own and take care of herself, plus the empty house gave her peace and some freedom. It was actually pretty fun.
Although she was rather surprised when she heard a loud knock at her door. She arched a brow, looking down at the clock on her laptop. It was gone eight in the night, so having someone at her door was unusual. She felt tension rise in her body, debating whether she should even answer the door. It couldn't be her guardians, they weren't due back for another few days and it wasn't one of her friends since they always text her before they came up and neither could it be the post, since it was too late. She pondered for a little bit and just convinced herself that her mind was playing tricks on her, sighing and turning back to her work.
She barely got in a single sentence when the door was knocked again, a loud noise resounding through her home. She froze up, now starting to feel a little scared. It was clear that the person at her door wasn't giving up anytime soon. Her phone was downstairs, so she couldn't even call anyone for help from her room. So she made the dire decision to sneak down her stairs.
She tried to be as quiet as possible, slinking down her stairs and taking careful steps. The handle of her door rattled, her stomach almost falling out of her ass until she remembered it was locked.
"You're safe... you're safe..." She mumbled under her breath, clutching onto the sleeves of her shirt tightly.
She gulped, crouching down and crawling in front of her door, peeking up to the window to get a glance of the person outside her door. Her plan was to not get noticed, but she was startled when a pair of grey eyes were staring right back at her from the other side. He grinned, noticing her apprehension and letting out a few giggles. (Y/N) stepped back from the door, shuffling back into the wall with a gobsmacked expression on her face.
Outside her home was the spitting image of Nagito Komaeda, a character from one of her favourite games known as Danganronpa. She would be lying if she said she wasn't a major simp for the man, her face red and body quivering in embarrassment.
"It's just a cosplayer... just a joke..." she told herself, taking deep breaths.
A hand slipped through her letterbox, pale skin with bony fingers. She jumped in surprise, hearing a raspy and familiar voice on the other side.
"Hehe... I know what you're thinking. Yes, I am the real Nagito Komaeda." He spoke as if he could read her mind. "So are you going to let trash like me into your home or not?"
"N-no, I don't believe you! Go away!" (Y/N) yelled, mustering up the little confidence she had.
"So feisty... that's understandable. I'd be a little shocked too if such scum turned up at my door. But I'm afraid..." He paused, putting her on edge. "If you don't let me in yourself then I'm just going to have to find my own way in. I'm pretty good at lock picking, I thought I'd mention."
She furrowed her brows; the last thing she wanted was for him to break her door. So she came up with a plan, hesitantly speaking back;
"No, that won't be necessary. Hold on." She spoke as calmly as possible, rising to her feet.
"Good girl~" He purred, causing (Y/N) to lightly blush.
'It's not real... stop being silly, (Y/N)!' She scolded herself, heading to her kitchen.
She pulled out a knife from one of the draws, hiding it in her pocket. She felt much safer with it by her side, taking it as a last resort if things went askew. She retrieved the house key, reluctantly placing it in the lock and opening the door with a click.
On the other side stood a tall, lanky man with untamed white hair which had pink accents at the bottom. His eyes were a greyish green and his skin was deathly pale. He wore the same outfit from the games; green jacket, white shirt, black trousers and those funky shoes. It really did look like Komaeda.
(Y/N) took a step back, allowing him to enter her home and closing the door behind him. She watched while he eyed up her home, humming to himself quietly before his eyes landed on her figure. She didn't look at him in the eyes, way too nervous as her palms sweated and body trembled.
"You have a lovely home, (Y/N)." He commented.
She snapped her head to look at him, eyes wide.
How the fuck did he know her name?!
He giggled at her reaction, tucking his hands in his pocket and his gaze fixated on her form.
The more she looked at him, the more she began to believe him. The hair on his head was definitely real, far too realistic to just be a wig and his eyes were natural; even with their strange grey tones. There was no way this was cosplay, but how on Earth had he got to her home?!
"Hehe... the fictional world is much more real than you think, (Y/N)~" She shivered as her name rolled off his tongue.
His eyes wandered down to the keys in her hand, analysing it for a small moment before he snatched them out of her grip. She yelped slightly, swiping to retrieve them but he just laughed, holding them above her reach teasingly.
"Now, now..." He taunted, using the keys to re-lock her door. "We don't want any intruders, do we?"
(Y/N) glanced suspiciously at him, finding his statement quite ironic considering he had just forced his way into her home.
"W-why are you here?" She stammered, cursing her nerves for making her seem weak.
"Awh, are you not excited to see me (Y/N)?" Nagito fake-pouted. "I'll tell you if you put away that knife."
He gestured towards her pocket, (Y/N) following his gaze and realising she had left the handle of the knife poking out her pocket. With a rush of adrenaline, she brought out the weapon and aimed it at him with the best 'angry' face she could do.
"No! This is my home, you'll answer my questions!" She warned, her voice quivering.
Nagito stared at her before erupting into raspy laughter, clutching his hair with his hands.
"How brilliant! How amazing!" He cried, his laughter dying down. "We both know that you don't have the guts to use that knife, (Y/N)... so hand it over."
His expression turned dark and he brought his pocket knife out, (Y/N) instantly panicking and dropping the knife in response. Nagito swiped it up before she could retrieve it, (Y/N) fearing for her own life. Nagito just giggled again, putting both weapons aside.
"That was entertaining but I'm not here to do you any harm, (Y/N). Quite the opposite actually." Nagito reassured, waving his hands. "So relax, okay?"
(Y/N) crumbled; she had to admit he had a rather calming voice. She relaxed her posture and just stared at him cautiously, awaiting a full explanation.
"I've heard a lot about you, (Y/N). Just like I am a fictional character in your world... you are a fictional character in mine." Nagito revealed. "And guess what?"
"...what?" (Y/N) responded, finding the revelation quite hard to digest.
"A little birdie told me that little (Y/N) has been having naughty thoughts about me~"
(Y/N)'s jaw dropped and her face burned in embarrassment, small noises of shock escaping her lips while she struggled to rebuke his statement. Mostly because what he said was the absolute truth. She had thought about the male in such ways, but she never expected him to find out, let alone be a real living person. He snickered, placing a hand on his chin and humming happily.
"So it was right then. Ah, how lucky for me~" He smirked, gazing at her with half-lidded eyes.
He started walking towards her, (Y/N) instinctively taking steps backwards until she was backed up against the wall. Nagito pinned her down with his hands on either side of her head and his knee placed in between her thighs. There was no way for her to get out of his grip. He leaned in closer to her and his hot and heavy breath danced on her skin. His hair tickled her skin, his lips being placed next to her ear.
"Someone like me lives to serve you symbols of hope, and I would be lying if I said I hadn't thought about you in a similar way~" He whispered in her ear. "So, what do you say? Are you going to let me have my way with you, or are you going to leave me to fend for myself?"
(Y/N) gulped audibly, his breath trickling down her neck and sending shivers down her spine. He kept his lips by her ear, his presence invading her every senses and her mind jumbled. She knew she shouldn't but she couldn't deny the arousal building up within her. This was the dude that she had grown to love after all, even if he was just a character on a screen. But now he was here, in the flesh and willing to be with her. Only a fool would say no.
"O-Okay..." she meekly responded.
His lips instantly attached themselves to her neck, causing her to gasp in response. He peppered the sensitive skin in kisses and darted out his tongue, licking the flesh and occasionally teasing the surface with his teeth.
"Let's go upstairs." He said breathily, grabbing her by the thighs and hoisting her upwards.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding on tightly while he carried her up the stairs and back into her room where he carefully laid her on the bed. He clambered on top of her, dipping his head back down to capture her lips in a gentle kiss. His hands settled on her waist, softly massaging her sides and bringing his body closer to hers.
His kisses got more desperate, pressing his lips against hers harder each time. He grunted in the kiss, beginning to drool as he got more turned on. He eventually started to prod at her lips with his tongue, encouraging her to part them and allow him to slip his tongue into her mouth. He groaned lewdly once he entered her mouth, exploring every inch and passionately making out with her. She felt him grind against her, his body radiating heat and lust. They had barely even parted for breath when Komaeda smashed his lips back onto hers, hungry for more and desperate for her. (Y/N) tried her best to keep up with his needy affection, the whole experience foreign to her. She tangled her fingers in his hair and tugged at the strands, eliciting groans of pleasure from the boy. His hair was very fluffy, just as you'd expect although it did have quite a few knots and tangles.
After what felt like forever to the girl, Nagito broke the kiss with a string of saliva snapping once they parted. His lips were agape while he panted, his cheeks dusted in a pink hue and his eyes gazing down at her in lust and adoration. (Y/N) looked back into his deep grey eyes, her face seared red and a similar look of infatuation on her face. She had never been so intimate with someone before.
"Nagito..." She breathed shakily.
"Mmh, (Y/N)~" He mimicked, grinning at her. "Such a pretty girl~"
He caressed her cheek with the back of his hand before his lips travelled back down to her neck and began licking, sucking and nipping at her skin in search of her soft spot. It didn't take long for him to locate it and once he did, he made sure to leave his mark on its place. She mewled softly while he did so, rolling her head back in order to give him more access to her neck. His hands wandered down to the bottom of her shirt, gripping the hem before pulling it upwards and off of her body to reveal her torso. Nagito stared down at her with famished eyes, licking his lips briefly before his deft fingers travelled to the clasp of her bra. (Y/N) was nervous but she arched her back to allow him to unclip the undergarment, falling loose around her body and being thrown onto the floor. Her chest was now completely bare, exposed to the white-haired male above her. He wasted no time in playing with the mounds of flesh, groping and squeezing at them while occasionally rubbing the nipples with the pad of his thumbs. Despite his inexperience, he seemed to be doing all the right things as soft huffs escaped the girl's mouth with her eyes closed in bliss. His head came down to kiss in between her breasts and then slowly meander down to her navel, stopping abruptly at the waistband of her bottoms. He glanced back up at her face, noticing the anticipation bubbling up on her expression with a wide grin on his face. But he got back up, sitting upright on her hips and bringing his hand up to his face.
"Mmh, you've got me all hot and bothered..." He stated, shrugging off his green jacket.
He crossed his arms and yanked his white shirt over his head, tossing it aside and leaning back down to the female. His build was quite skinny but well-defined, all in proportion with milky white skin. (Y/N) eyed up his frame, biting her lower lip in response to the sight in front of her. He grabbed her wrist and guided her hand to his chest, motivating her to feel up his torso. She obliged, rubbing her hands up and down his chest and abdomen, sometimes massaging the skin and listening to his sighs of pleasure. In an act of boldness, she bolted upwards to place a hickey on his collarbone, sucking the skin harshly in order to leave a bruise behind. Komaeda seemed to really enjoy this, pushing her head closer to his shoulder with his hand and groaning loudly.
She broke apart from his clavicle when she felt his hand start playing with the waistband of her pants, slithering down to rub her through the fabric. She gasped at the sudden contact, laying back down on the bed. Nagito removed her lower clothes, leaving her in just a pair of (F/C) panties beneath his touch. He bit his lip, letting out a shaky, whiny breath before he hooked his fingers under the underwear and swiftly removed them from her body. Now, (Y/N) was completely naked underneath him and he was obsessed with her body. Another guttural, shaky moan left his lips as he checked her out, his tongue hanging out slightly and his hips shuffling in want. (Y/N) shivered under his gaze, the way his eyes scanned her every inch and the sexy expression on his face; he looked starved.
He paused for a minute, just admiring her in all her glory until he hastily began to unbuckle his jeans.
"Not much time... I can't wait..." he muttered, wrestling his jeans and boxers off to reveal his cock. "Here I come..."
He definitely lived up to his title of the Ultimate Lucky Student. (Y/N) let out a choked gasp when he entered her fully in one thrust, his size stretching her out further than she thought she could go. He hushed her quietly, rubbing her stomach and kissing her face in an attempt to calm her down. It took a few minutes but eventually she adjusted to his length, hesitantly nodding to signal she was ready for him.
He started off slow, dragging his hips in and out while he kissed her on the lips. As he got more familiar with the action, he sped up and his thrusts became a bit more rough. (Y/N) wrapped her arms and legs around his body, trying to pull him in closer and generate more intimacy. He buried his head in the crook of her neck, hips snapping together. The sound of skin slapping and their moans filled the room, the stench of sex thick in the air.
"Mmh!~ Aahh!~ you feel amazing, (Y/N)!~ Hng!~" Nagito grunted against her skin. "Such hope!"
"Haah!~ Nag-nagito...~" (Y/N) mewled in response, struggling to formulate sentences.
She could feel him throb more as he got closer to his high, feeling her own orgasm approaching as well.
"You are so beautiful, (Y/N)- mmph~ s-so hopeful- gnh~ my hope~" He whispered in her ear.
(Y/N) tightened her grip around his body, digging her nails into his back while her body shook in pleasure.
"I love you so much, Nagito!" She blurted out as her orgasm rippled through her body, holding onto him like he was the last thing on earth.
"I love you too, (Y/N)~" He reciprocated. "Mm, gonna cum..."
Knowing that she had finished, he pulled out of her and brought his cock up to her lips. She gladly took it in her mouth, allowing him to use her mouth for his own pleasure and it didn't take long for him to start cumming in her mouth. (Y/N) swallowed the warm fluid, gasping for breath when he exited her mouth. She felt fatigue overwhelm her body, her vision spotting and fading with the voice of Nagito lulling her further.
"Sleep well, (Y/N)~"
Her eyes snapped open to the sound of her alarm, groaning as she hit the silence button on her phone.
"Thanks for ruining my lovely dream." She sarcastically grumbled, climbing out of bed with a yawn and stretch.
However, once she turned to exit her room she noticed a certain green jacket hanging up, a small slip of paper in the pocket that confirmed that it was more than just a dream.
'See you soon, (Y/N)  ~ N.K'
lol hope you had fun
~ e
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potatohater · 2 years
Fandom: Wednesday
Characters: Xavier Thorpe and Wednesday Addams
1.5k words
soo, this is like my second tickle fic ever so im actually sorry if this shit is so cringey and ☠️☠️ but i tried at least; and i didn’t want to do Wednesday like a super uwu girl but idk what is it (and sorry for all mistakes im not fluent in eng)
Weak moonlight crawled through the old windows of shelter. Two silhouettes were talking quietly, sound of silence and cracking leaves brought peace of mind. Xavier’s little workshop was filled with calm mumbling of him, teaching Wednesday how to draw certain things (she asked for art lesson because c wanted to draw a spider poster) but they mostly just talked about everything but drawing.
Her legs crossed on the floor full filled with canvases, paint and all this “creative” stuff that she could never reach. But she tried at least.
Boy’s hands moved slowly, showing how to colour the body and doing shades; eyes followed every movement. The night was really going.. well? At first he was surprised (actually very surprised) that she not just came to him, but asked for help in drawing something? Is everything was fine w her? But as it turned out it wasn’t something unusual, they became more closer after all this events, and they didn’t mind. At all.
“Are you sure you’re not a wizard, because honestly I have no idea how you’re doing this” she tried to repeat his movements but all seemed wrong. He chuckled. Dark eyes glanced at their canvases, comparing them, she sighed putting her work on the floor.
“I’m actually quite sorry for the last, not the whole thing, just about suspecting you thing” she continued, not a muscle moved on her face but her voice sounded pretty honest. Her hands embraced her knees and she sat with her back against the wall hugging them. Long braided hair and disappointed eyes complement the picture.
“Are you actually going to bring this up every minute we are alone?” He gave her a sarcastic look, playing with his eyebrows, but he knew that if he was her, it would be kinda hard to believe that anyone actually forgave you.
He glanced at Wednesday’s drawing and took another colour to do some corrections while she just sat there, looking at an infinite number of canvases and paints around the place.
“Come on, lets finish this shit” he poked her side, giving her canvas. She didn’t say a word, only twitched in the opposite direction, protecting her side with hand. Face was still without any hint on emotion. But he knew that there was something.
“Wha—“ His eyes met Wednesday’s.
“What?” She straightened up. Xavier was started to think that he made this up because of tiredness but one un-safe idea appeared in his head. Corners of his mouth moved upwards, forming a small grin; he just couldn’t help it.
He wanted to poke one more time but Wednesday grabbed his hand abruptly. She just confirmed his theory with out any words. Other hand tries to grab her side but she moved away. Again. Small grin re-formed into a playful smile, eyes filled with curiosity wasn’t the thing that Wednesday prepared for.
“I juhust can’t believe it” he giggled. Voice came across the room, banging on the walls and echoing in Wednesday’s ears. He moved his free hand to her stomach, doesn’t actually waiting for anything. Her other hand squeezed another Xavier’s arm. Results: Xavier in the full range of emotions, with two blocked hands, but has it ever stopped him? Ever? (Rhetorical question). Wednesday understanding that is no actually escape from this shit but murder. Has it ever stopped her neither?
Emotionless face made it really worse. Her insides were curving and dancing along when facial expressions said that she’d rather put bullet in her chest than show herself smiling or laughing.
Without a word her eyes narrowed at him. They took eye contact for a good three seconds until his hand spidered all across her stomach. She let go of his hands, trying to protect her own body from this.. strange, but familiar vibration. Like she wanted to crawl out from her own skin yk.
After all this years, it felt the same. All that childhood memories when she was a kid, and uncle Fester was an adult without any pity, he’d tickle her to death sometimes; not quite literal in this situation. He actually was the first who come up with that idea, but it’s a secret (for his own safety)
The familiar sensation come through her stomach, making her chortle with her own breath. She was trying to curl up, but his hands were too good for this shit. They quickly sneaked into her underarms, wiggling and dancing.
Yes. She felt like she was 9 again, because she had literally the same situation.
Back back in time uncle Fester came to Addams for some kind of holiday or what. It was the first time he met something like, her physical weakness?
She was too unemotional even for herself; there weren’t anything, not anger or grief. Just nothing. They sat alone in her room on the bed. He poked her a few times to catch her attention when she flinched from him, eyes widened that much that you could see an entire universe in them.
“Oh—” they said at the same time. “So you are” small grin cracked his facial expressions. He could see that she don’t even know what was it, and it was even funnier. He immediately crawled his hands into her underarms and that was it. It was half-choked laugh, maybe it was actually first and the last time she laughed in his presence, or at all. Her cheeks darkened when she heard her high, childish giggles. She tried so much to lower the corners of her mouth which formed a small smile. He retreated almost immediately of course, he didn’t want to kill the kid. (at least at first)
“Good spot. Noted” he fondly smiled at her. Their eyes met, when Wednesday was breathing heavily, protecting her underarms and sides.
After that he slept with one eye opened for good three month. It took her a few years to forget how does it feel, and she wasn’t sure if she was happy to bring these memories back.
She threw her head back, hitting the wall. Xavier chuckled at her, hands drooling her underarms even more. His eyes caught her smile. Not like smirk but actually smile. She actually tried to wipe off that smile off her face, or shook her head so he couldn’t see her smile; but he could. He saw that a bit crinkled eyes and up turned corners of the mouth, hidden by the long black hair. Her hands caught Xavier’s arms, trying to pull them away, but oh boy he was just starting.
“St-stop it” dangerous glint in her eyes had to warn him, but he just couldn’t help himself.
“You actually are ticklish)” but it wasn’t like he teased her with a shit-eating grin on his face, no. He said it with pure enjoyment or even happiness. Like he thought about it few times but it looked so unrealistic that he gave up. But look at this. The Wednesday Addams herself, cracking under Xavier on the dusty floor in his shelter.
“Oh come on”. he said, looking at her eyes and smiling. All the moments when you saw her emotions were so rare and imperceptible that the whole situation felt like a fever dream. And he didn’t want to wake up.
“Don’t keep it in yourself, set it free.” One of his hands crawled out of her underarm, and dug into her higher ribs. Jackpot.
A few light giggles slipped of Wednesday’s mouth. Xavier’s smile grew even more. She shrieked, flailed, and finally fell into helpless, quiet laughter. Eyes closed, she stopped shaking her head, so now he could see her whole face. His other hand came to her ribs, she squealed.
He just felt how his heart melted, it was first time he saw her so.. smiley, and happy. Her hands weakened, so it was just a grip on his arms which didn’t do anything.
“Is it a bad spot?” He moved his hands to her lower ribs. Giggles became a bit louder. She tried to gave him a “one more word from you mouth, and you won’t wake up tomorrow morning” look, but her smile and laugh kinda ruined the whole vibe. Yeah, and all this red cheeks face and heavy breathing didn’t pass the vibe either.
He tickled her ribs ruthlessly for a few more moments until he raised his hands up as criminals do, smiling. He obviously didn’t want to stop but everyone has their limits. And it looked like smiled 10 years ahead.
Her smile faded and eyes filled with curiosity, or it was disgust; he didn’t make out. Heavy breathing calmed down, and she looked at Xavier, waiting for him to say something. Silence was so loud for a few seconds, she even opened her mouth to say something when he handed hers painting, he fixed a few details.
“Come on, lets finish this shit” words actually sounded with a different intonation but she didn’t care. Wednesday took her canvas, and silently picked a brush from the floor to finish it. Xavier grinned at her, taking his drawing to finish too.
He won’t forget it. Never. And she knew it; he should probably sleep with one eye opened.
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vanillabeenflower · 2 years
Blush Blush Controversial Opinion ™️
The title is a joke, I don’t think this is really that controversial but I’m not sure
(Heads up for long kinda-ranting and long-winded nitpicking)
So I have gotten the news that Seth has been added as a dateable boy and I went to the Crush Crush wiki to look at the new info added on the pages and to also save some pictures for reference (I normally do this) and after a few days, I have come to a conclusion that idk if anyone else has about Seth, but I don’t think that his design is very… “demonic”, I guess?
I’m not saying his current design isn’t good, I LOVE his design and how cool it looks, and I think his animal form is one of the coolest looking in the game yet, it’s just that his fully changed form isn’t that demonic-looking at all. I have also had this thought when I did his Phone Fling, he just looked like a Regular Guy, and when he was added as a dateable character, this just confirmed that thought for me.
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His hybrid form looks more like a demon than his actual form!
I’m not in any way criticizing the artist for this game, they can draw things I wish I knew how to draw, and to be fair, it is an anime (?) game and they do have to make the boys look somewhat like that. I can just headcanon that this is just a form Seth takes on in the Overworld to avoid drawing attention to himself, but I also wanted to edit some things, just for me and for some practice on how to do this. I’ll just say that I made a form that he takes on at the house, where he is not as susceptible to being spotted by people. Keep in mind that you don’t have to agree with me on this, this is all just my thoughts on this.
So, I wanted to go over each feature that I thought needed some work in order to give a better understanding of the things I am talking about.
First are his eyes.
Seth’s eye color is pretty unusual for a human (red), but in this world humans can have any eye color including purple (Dmitri), yellow (Volks), and orange (Eli, although in some expressions his eyes are brown). At least I expected more unnatural eyes, like slit pupils. Nothing too extravagant, but at least that. I will add this to my comparison.
Second are his physical features.
There is nothing to know that he is a demon apart from his horns. Not even little things like making his teeth (or just his fangs) slightly bigger than normal or little details like that. If you took away the horns, you wouldn’t even know he was a demon, but I like the creativity that his hood has horns to hide his actual horns. The horns are a bit too small and almost look decorative, not like an actual part of his body. I at least expected a type of tail. I will once again headcanon this as he hides his tail when in public to reduce suspicion of him, but I will add the tail in my revision. I also made his ears pointier, which I thought was a hallmark of demonic creatures, but that’s probably just me.
Third is a major pet peeve of mine, the hair. (Oh my gosh, I need to put a small rant warning here):
I have noticed that this is a problem with almost all of the guys, the lack of almost any body hair. They all either have no body hair at all or when it is drawn, it looks like an afterthought. They all look completely hairless and weirdly shiny like they’re covered in oil, when skin usually has a matte texture (not shiny/glossy). Men have a higher amount of body hair, and I am not saying to just completely blanket them in hair, but at least add something like arm or leg hair or something. I have noticed this after a while and since then, and today, it looks weird every time I do. It’s like SPS is almost scared to add anything but facial hair to them. It can be a hard task to add hair to a character since it looks off sometimes, but you get better at it over time and it gets more natural every time you do it. I’ve been scared of adding facial hair and body hair in general because of how weird it would look, but I’ve gotten more comfortable with it. And idk if anyone has said this yet, but facial hair can do wonders in aging a character. Every male character I’ve added facial hair on immediately looked somewhat older. It sounds like I’m overreacting, but holy crap, it makes a HUGE difference. I know that everyone is not into body/facial hair, but it was just bothering me. Seth is a 918 year old demon, he should have some sign of aging! But then again, idk if his age in “human years” is something younger, since I assume demons are immortal, so this is just a speculation that he should look slightly older than he did look. I tried not adding too much hair on his body and face, and I tried following the male body hair pattern, but I’m still pretty new to this. I also fixed his head shape since I thought it looked kinda weird.
Here is my revision of Seth (I used the Lover event photo b/c it shows what I was talking about better). Idk if I overdid it or made him look too old or what, but I think I did pretty good overall.
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And here is a gif comparison between the original
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Feel free to tell me what you think!
Again, this is just my opinion on him. You do not even have to agree with me, I just wanted to share my thoughts and see if anyone else felt the same way.
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bus-stop-to-kpop · 3 years
Broken Mirror (Lee Seoho x Reader)
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Pairing: Lee Seoho (Oneus) x fem!Reader
Genre: idk really, a little bit angsty, but I guess it could count as fluff, it’s somewhat a Soulmate!au
Trigger Warning!!: Short mention of blood, death of a character (but they’re reborn)
Summary: Seoho finds a mirror in the attic that seems to show him the life of his soulmate. You come to find the man in the mirror after a long time.
Word Count: 2,508
A/N: I wrote this in February and now catch me fully believing I predicted the Black Mirror Comeback lol. Seoho is immortal in this fic, there is no actual reason for that, I just wanted him to. That’s the power I hold as an author, hehe. Have fun reading :) ~Admin J
Seoho loved exploring and adventure, ever since he was young he was always looking for some thrill in life. One of the places he loved during his childhood was the attic in the house his parents owned. They were part of the upper class and pretty well off, so there were a lot of treasures in the attic. It's where he found one of his most treasured possessions, a broken mirror. He remembered the day that he found this mirror like it was just yesterday. ~*~ Young Seoho was climbing up the stairs to the attic with excitement. Up there the sun was shining through the cracks in the wood and made the dust visible, but something made it seem magical to Seoho. He was debating where to look through today when suddenly he was blinded by light. He put a hand up to shield his eyes and searched for the culprit that was blinding him. A small mirror was laying on a crate and reflected the sun right into his eyes. Seoho was intrigued, he couldn't recall seeing this mirror before. Maybe his mother had brought it up here recently? The young boy decided to take a better look at the small  rectangle mirror. He picked it up and what he saw in there shocked him. Instead of his own reflection he was met with the figure of a girl. She seemed to be running as her hair was moving in the wind. Due to the shock of his unusual sighting the mirror slipped from his grip. It shattered into a few big pieces but all of them stayed in the frame. Seoho picked it up checking if maybe it had just been his mind playing tricks on him, but no there you were again. This time you were standing, head to the side smiling at someone. It seemed like you weren't aware that he could watch you and he felt awkward. He made his way down to find his mom to ask her about the mirror. "Mother what is this?" he asked showing her the small treasure. She inspected the mirror but didn't seem to recognize it "Where did you get this?" "I found it in the attic." His mother shrugged it was a simple mirror, maybe she forgot about it. "Do you not see the girl?" Seoho asked, staring at his mother with big eyes. "A girl? What do you mean? This is a mirror you see yourself in this." Seoho blinked confused, why did he not see himself, but a girl in this mirror? Most importantly, who was the girl he was seeing? Ever since then he had kept the mirror with him at all times.
~*~ Seoho quickly realized that time seemed to move differently for him. He turned older every year but is appearance never changed ever since his 25th Birthday. Many assumed for him to be happy about that, but living a life like his, was hell to him. He had no idea why he had been given immortality, but he hated it. It was a lonely life to live. His family and friends were all dying, but he had to stay on this world, all alone. The only person that was constant in his life was you, the girl in the mirror. Or at least that was what he thought. Occasionally he took glances into the mirror to see you, however it still felt like he was invading your privacy. Usually he looked, when he was sad or nervous, since you always seemed to be smiling, just living your life simple. He could tell your family was from the lower class due to your clothing, but he admired how you were still always happy. Until one day. He was feeling nervous the whole day, he didn't know what it was. Maybe because the country was preparing for a war or maybe it was the still unanswered letter he had send to his friend earlier this month. When he took his mirror, it almost slipped from his hand again. Instead of seeing you, he saw nothing. The mirror was black, completely black. No sign from you nor his own reflection. His heart sank to his knees, not knowing what was going on. Seoho could do nothing about it, but wait and see if the mirror would change and show you again. ~*~ Seoho had been recruited as a general, leading a troop in war. He felt pressure, not for himself, he was immortal after all, but he had the responsibility for a ton of soldiers. There were several other Generals with the same fate as him, they were six in total. The King had personally requested for them, to build an unkillable unit. The six of them grew closer throughout the span of war, Seoho even showed them his treasured mirror, which was still black. Even throughout the war he kept the mirror with him at all times, he looked into it every morning after waking up and every evening before going to sleep. Five years he saw nothing but black in it, until one evening before going to sleep, he could see the face of a baby in the mirror. He jolted upright in his bed, catching the attention of fellow general Youngjo. "There's a baby." he sprinted over to Youngjo holding the mirror into his face. Youngjo chuckled "I only see myself." After his words Seoho checked the mirror again, he could clearly see the face of a small baby. It made a sort of calmness rush over his body, he smiled and lightly stroked his finger over the mirror, as if he was actually stroking the baby's cheek. "Maybe she had a baby?" he lightly said to himself, still smiling. "I doubt so." Youngjo told him and Seoho's head whipped to look at him questioningly. "There is a war going on, almost all men are recruited." his older explained. "Have you ever thought that maybe the person you see in there could be the one your fate is intertwined with?" Youngjo suggested. Seoho thought about Youngjo's words for a while "So do you think she died and was reborn?" "Could be. I guess we'll find out when it happens again, for now just be happy your mirror is working again." It took Seoho a while to fall asleep this evening, but he was feeling happier and warmer than he ever felt in the last five years. ~*~ The war was tiring, no matter how many times they fought it seemed to never end. For years now Seoho had gotten strength from looking at the little child growing up. You had grown into a young teen and Seoho could tell that in this life you were a noble lady. Your clothes were very flashy and fancy. However Seoho could tell you weren't happy with your life. There was a heavy burden on your shoulders, you never smiled like you used to in your previous life. Being born a noble in times of war made you a target. After various long years the war seemed to finally come to an end, not only for Seoho's relief but also the other 5 generals were happy about this turn of events. When the six of them came back to the king they were honored and received a big piece of land completed with a big castle for them. Life in the castle was boring, sure there was a lot to explore but Seoho would much rather explore the mystery that was you. He spent his days painting you, not only the current you, but also the you that he remembered from your past life. "Is that her? The girl from the mirror?" Xion, the youngest of the generals, asked as he was coming across Seoho painting in the garden, while he was on his way to find some fruits in the garden. Seoho nodded, looking at his artwork with a fond smile. "She looks like a noble lady, but why is she wearing these clothes?" the young one asked, pointing to one of the pictures in which he had drawn your previous life. "She wasn't always a noble. This is her second life." Seoho explained. The next morning his heart dropped. When he looked into the mirror as every morning, he saw you cradling yourself with a pained expression. There was blood on you and an arrow stuck to your chest. Seoho wanted to help you so bad, but there was nothing he could do, he didn't even know where to find you. Your actions and cries seemed to die down with time, the color slowly fading from your skin. "Don't close your eyes!" Seoho called out but there was no way you heard him. As soon as your eyes closed his mirror went black again. There were tears streaming down his face, for the second time in his life he had lost the person that gave him strength unable to protect them. He felt like a failure. It took a lot of support from Youngjo and the other generals to get him out of his room after watching you die like that. ~*~ (the next part will be from your perspective and is taking part in the current time) "Y/N, honestly, I don't get why you're so obsessed with that myth!" your friend Jieun whined as you pulled her along to the museum. "It's not a myth, there are various evidences that the six generals were actually alive, technically that means they're still alive." you argued as you paid for two museum tickets. "Still, that was a long time ago, why are you so obsessed with them?" your friend asked, trying to break free from your grip on her wrist. "The drawing, I'm telling you it really looks like me." you beamed at her, remembering how you had went to the museum a week ago, because they were having an extra showcase on the six generals. As you had went through the exhibition you had found yourself in front of some drawings that were apparently  painted by general Lee Seoho and it looked exactly like you. The information given on the painting was that it was believed the lady was General Seoho's love, but there were no evidences for that, however it were the only drawings found by him. When you had told your friend about the paintings, she hadn't believed you, saying something like you were interpreting too much into it. But now that you had brought her in front of the drawings there was no way she could deny it. That was definitely you, just in clothes that fit the century the generals had lived in. "No way!" she stood astonished looking between you and the drawing. "I'm telling you, I think General Seoho is my soulmate." you said pointing to a drawing that had been made of the six generals, before they were send off to war. "He looks like that guy I keep seeing in mirrors, well his hair is shorter and he's wearing different clothes, but his face is the same." "But the generals haven't been seen for hundred of years, how could you even find him. There's no way he's the one." Your friend argued shaking her head, not fully believing your story. She had never seen the guy you talked about in your mirror, all she did was see herself, but the way you excitedly talked about him, there was no way you made this story up. Besides that, the world was crazy with soulmates finding each other in the weirdest of ways, so why not see your soulmate in the mirror, but a general? A general that no one even knew if he was still alive? Very Questionable. "They say that this castle was gifted to them after the war." you pointed to a map that was put up on the opposite side of the drawings, where the location of the castle was marked. "Didn't it burn down? I saw some pictures it looked pretty beat up." your friend asked reading through the information underneath the map. "That's what it says in a lot of books, but I found one where it said that even though everything around the castle burned down, the grounds that belonged to the generals were unharmed. I'm going to go there tomorrow." You told your friend. "Are you crazy? They're saying the castle is dangerous, what of you get squished to death by falling stones or whatever?" Your friend screeched, but she was well aware there was no way to stop you when you were this determined. ~*~ The next day you got ready early in the morning, you would be taking a bus that would take you the closest to the castle as possible. However the foot walk from the stop to the castle was still a long one, especially since you had to walk through a forest, without an actual road. You knew what you were doing was dangerous, but something told you it was the right decision. The little hand mirror you had brought showed, who you believed to be General Lee Seoho talking excitedly to someone outside of the mirror. Could it be possible he knew you were on your way? Your picked up your pace, but still careful not to trip on the uneven ground of the forest. The sun was standing high in the sky when you took a short break on a tree stump. After your small break you collected all your belongings and put it back into the backpack you were carrying. Back on your way the scenery in front of you started to flicker and for a second you thought if maybe you had been under the sun for too long. You rubbed your eyes and when you slowly opened them again, you found a long road out of small white stones leading up to an impressively big castle in the distance. It looked nothing like the pictures you had seen, there was no sign of a fire at all. You made your way up to the castle the stones making a little noise under your footsteps, however you stopped when you saw a figure come your way. He stopped in front of you and both of you stared at each other, not fully believeing that the person you had only seen in a mirror until now was actually standing in front of you. "It's really you? General Lee Seoho?" you asked with a wavering voice slowly taking a step forward, touching his face with your fingers to see if you weren't dreaming his face felt real and his eyes stared into yours as a smile spread on his face. "I haven't heard that title in years." he answered as he quickly engulfed you in a hug. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to protect you before." You felt his body shaking and tears streamed down his face. "It's okay. I'm here now." you smiled at him fondly, washing away his tears with your thumb.
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lixie-lovie · 3 years
{ Rogue princess | skz }
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l.felix x f!reader
Genre: ??? fluff, angst ig, royalty au, princess!reader, star child!felix, idk u tell me
Warnings: a bit angsty, bad relationships at the beginning, issues with parents, vague mention of past death, mention of animals, mentions of running away
((If anything needs to be added to warnings, lmk! I’ll fix it asap))
Word Count: 5.2k
Note: did I write this literally to comfort myself today? Yes. Have fun reading this reallllyyy self indulgent fic lolz. Hope anyone reading this has a good day! Ily
A throne made of gold and satin-like velvet, all tyrian purple. Too large this seat felt, as did the hall full of people standing under gilded light filtering through the large stained glass window. Here you sat, next to your father in an even more ornate throne, in front of a crowd of people who knew your name, your face, but nothing of your soul.
They couldn’t name that green was your favorite color because of the trees you would catch glimpses of through the windows of your tutors room, ever strong through the seasons never having to carry the weight of a kingdom. They would never be able to name why ships made you weary and claustrophobic or that your favorite flowers of springtime are those that bloom away from the castles gardens when eyes aren’t watching. They couldn’t guess your favorite piece of music, the one you never heard at those god forsaken balls. They never could place that instead your favorite would be the one that came ever so gracefully from under your mother’s fingertips at the piano that used to spark so much joy in the hearts of the people, but now sat lonely collecting dust. They didn’t know you longed to reach the stars someday, yearning for their delicate freedom in the inky black sky. They couldn’t tell that you wondered if they felt out of place too.
More so than anything else, they could never guess how much you hated staring at the men kneeling before you now, begging for a wife, a servant to their needs of pleasure, for the sake of “peace.” They would never know the disgust that sent a shiver down your spine at the twisted grin of these men that took your fingers in their too rough grasp and kissed that back of your hand, their sin tainted lips lingering moments too long. Their hands twitching at their sides with their sickening thoughts as they watched you stand from your throne, adjusting the circlet of silver adorning your perfectly crafted hair.
Your father, your king, grinned widely at the propositions made my these men, happy at the prospect of one of them taking your hand, winning your heart. Happy at the prospect of selling you away. A fair trade he’d call it. A duty.
He’d never understand, you came to realize. He was the man who had chosen your mother, the same way these creatures of lust in front of you are now. Readily ridding the world of her happiness and songs, harshly forcing her into a life of servitude, solitude, for the sake of duty.
“None of them would get it”
You’d say to yourself silently as you excused yourself to the washroom, wiping your disgraced palm clean of the suitors that you had been dancing with’s sweat, your nose scrunched in disgust. In the washroom you would stand, hands now pressed to the too warm mirror in that stuffy room, staring at your reflection. Your reflection stared back at you tauntingly, the flushed cheeks and too perfect hair, until your eyes got caught on the thin band gracing your head. The piece of metal that used to be the only thing tying you to your mother’s lineage, now was only an unwelcome reminder of your duties lined up in the other room, waiting for your hand in marriage. You sighed harshly, ripping the despicable band of silver off of your head, ruining the perfect waves your hair was lying in before. You laughed too hard, running your hands harshly over the layers of paint adorning your face. Your breaths became ragged as you tore the cloth sigil from the bodice of your dress, the only thing left showing your status in this deplorable kingdom and soon you realized, the only thing holding you back.
You stared at your own reflection, a haggard appearance of a forgotten princess staring back at you, and you smiled. Quickly, you rushed to the door, checking for footsteps, before finding your way to the nearest maids chambers. Stepping inside you grabbed a few essentials and a cloak as black as the night’s sky. Once you felt satisfied in what you had taken, you steeled your nerves before quickly and cautiously making your way to the stables, now abandoned with everyone attending the event.
Your eyes scanned the area quickly before settling on a horse with hair as white as snow and eyes the color of indigo. Your form slowed, your breaths coming out in soft pants as you made your way towards the creature in awe of its beauty. You reached your hand out slowly, to gain the trust of the majestic beauty. Suddenly and strikingly you heard a voice sounding from behind you.
“My lady! Where do you think you’re going?” A rough, calloused hand gripped your shoulder tightly, startling you. You turned around quickly, your arms raising defensively. As the offending party grabbed your wrists to gain your attention your excitement died down and your breaths came out easier when you took in the features of Changbin, your personal first knight assigned to you. Your expression became one of relief as you took in the worried, curious look resting on his angular features in the low light of the stables.
“I’m leaving, Changbin. I don’t know when I’ll be back, but I can’t go through with this. Please don’t try to stop me..” You said gripping his hands in yours, staring into his eyes hoping to portray the feelings pooling in the base of your throat, causing your words to come out choked. “I’ve already made up my mind.”
“I’m sure I couldn’t change your mind if I wanted to, princess. Here, take this.” He said, smiling softly. A gentle sigh left his lips as one hand reached into one of the many holsters on his person, while the other drifted to comfortingly rest on the crown of your head. His large, rough hands pressed a small holstered knife into your palm. “It’s a blade your mother used to use. I was supposed to give it to you tonight at the ball, but this felt like the right time.”
For the first time that night you smiled genuinely, staring into his eyes softly in thanks while turning to prepare the horse for your disappearance. Changbin’s hands found your waist, hoisting you up and onto the back of the horse before he quietly led you out of the stables, checking for prying eyes and quietly uttering you a safe trip. You made simple promises to return safely to him, unsure of how much truth they held, but sure of the comfort filling your chest with the smile gracing his face.
With that, you turned your head to the dark forest ahead and took a deep breath to steady yourself before going on this possibly dangerous adventure. Then, like lightning striking your nervous system, you heard a voice you had hoped to never hear again.
“Y/n!” Your father’s voice rang out over the courtyard causing you to gasp and whip your head in the direction of the sound. Changbin’s worried eyes stayed trained on your face as your indecision bubbled in your chest at your father’s commanding tone. Quickly muttering some words Changbin sent the horse off running in the direction of the forest, your confused mind allowing the actions to happen wordlessly as you watched Changbin draw his sword against his own king to protect you and allow you the freedom you had longed for. 
It had been moments, maybe hours, you were unsure. The sky bared no stars as you stared hopelessly heaven bound with your eyes blurred. The chilly air hurt your cheeks now dry from the rivers of tears at your actions. Your steed came to a slow, wearily looking around the dangerous wood. All that was to be heard around you were the low grumbles of the predators and the soft snapping of twigs. In the haze of your misery you were lost and cold, unsure of even your own safety as you whipped your head uneasily in every direction of unknown noises. 
It was then that a loud howl sounded from somewhere nearby, a chorus of others following suit. You tried catching sight of the beasts making the horrid sound, but soon it seemed as though the guttural growls were surrounding you, closing in on their next meal. You yelped loudly as the horse became unsteady and afraid, dashing off towards the nearest escape. From your lips feeble shrieks of protest left, but to no avail. The creature’s of the hunt followed suit, a game of cat and mouse. Suddenly, one creature, the largest, leaped out from beyond a too dark clearing in front of your path, baring its fangs and lashing out with its dastardly claws. The horse came to an unsteady halt, rearing back and knocking your frail form harshly to the ground. You inhaled sharply, rolling away, your limbs tucked inward, as fast as possible from the now trampling hooves and paws. You held your breath, covering yourself with your arms and you cried. Tears poured down your face as you waited for the steps of the animals to recede. You heard their noises of primal instinct and found yourself counting the minutes down until they were long gone and satisfied with their hunt. 
When your arms went numb and the tip of your nose was sufficiently frozen, you turned over in the dirt, wet with dew, to stare at the empty sky. Your tears came until they could no longer, your breaths uneven with bitter air exhaling harshly from your lungs, and as your eyes stayed trained upwards, you allowed yourself one prayer to any god that would listen. 
Please. Just let me see one star. One being from above that would understand. 
Abruptly you were taken aback by an unusually chilling wind blowing through the branches of the tall oak trees, causing you to wrap your arms tightly against your grimy, shivering self. Slowly you allowed the exhaustion of the night to take over your features, your eyes closing allowing sleep to take over your dirt ridden form. Finally, you felt some semblance of peace come over you as you drifted off, a prayer still sitting heavy on your pale, chapped lips. 
“You’re one weird human.” Your ears suddenly perked as a deep voice suddenly sounded from somewhere nearby. You screamed, scurrying to cover yourself with some kind of protection. Your eyes scanned the surrounding area frantically searching for the source of the voice. 
“W-who’s there?” You said with as little confidence as you could muster. You cursed your voice for shaking silently as you continued your frantic search for this possible danger. Your eyes landed on a large branch nearby and your legs moved on their own accord, sliding you harshly against the hard, cold ground to scramble to grip the branch tightly, turning and holding it out in a manner you could only hoped looked more threatening than it felt. 
“So silly..” The deep voice chuckled out from somewhere behind you. You yelped, waving the stick in the opposite direction, hoping not to lose your footing against any loose rocks or sturdy tree roots. Your dress was torn and soaked and the gentle breeze now moving in random intervals was jarring and dancing around your cloaked form, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. A sudden snapping sound from a branch above your head caused you to scream, throwing the large branch with all of your feeble might towards the offending sound. A larger breeze blew by, obscuring your vision with your own hair and you scrambled to remove it from your vision. As your finally were able to get a glimpse of a male slinking towards you another breeze blew harshly by causing your to sigh sharply, your hands flying back up to your face to remove the hair blocking your vision yet again. “Your gonna hurt someone throwing those things.” The voice sounded again, humor twinkling off of his lips with smooth curls of laughter. 
“Who are you? What do you want with me??” You said, your feet backpedaling as you finally removed your hair from your face again to take in the sight before you. Your eyes scanned the clearing of trees in the dim light unable to find the man you had been questioning and just as you began to question what was even real, you heard him again, your head whipping in the direction of the sound. 
“I should be asking you that, considering you called for me..” He said, the humor never leaving his tone. You began to feel embarrassed at the thought of this man laughing at your pitiful state. Your cheeks grew red and your ears felt hot as you began wondering why you didn’t feel as in danger as you had earlier that night, deciding to deem it all on how wild the rest of your night had already been. Instead of answering you simply furrowed your brow, scanning and searching with your eyes still trying to find the source of the inquiry. Out of the blue in the still night, yet another breeze blew by roughly, chilling you to the bone. A branch suddenly creaked above you and you scrambled back to get a view of what could be perched there.
“Looking for me?” What you found, illuminated by the dim white moonlight, was a boy, seemingly about your age, swinging his legs softly to the gentle sway of the winds. His hair was strikingly white, pure as snow. His pale skin shone softly as if covered gingerly in new born stars. His eyes held mirth, much like his cheshire smile, and his whole body was lax with amusement as he stared down at you. In shock you stumbled backwards, falling over yourself and landing harshly on the ground, yet again tonight staring up at the sky. You felt the wind tousle your hair, but you didn’t seem to have the energy to care much as your mind grappled with its own questioning thoughts. 
“Uhm..lady? Are..haha..are you okay?” His question, broken with impish laughter, felt comforting in a way as he leaned over your form, searching your face with curious eyes and a interrogative furrowed brow. You turned your head softly, staring into the now shocked eyes of the boy with the angular features and moon like eyes before suddenly your lips twitched, the corners of them quirking before a laugh began to bubble out of your chest. The laugh itself with incredulous and loud, joyous like a little kid finally discovering how something works. The boy looked back at you, tilting his head like a confused puppy as he watched you sit up slightly, leaning on your elbows. He didn’t make a move to back up or give you any space, instead leaning closer to examine you further. 
“Did you hit your head or something, funny lady?” He said, his deep voice and boy-like expression of wonder and frustrating confusion only spurring your laughter on further as you grappled for breath. The events of tonight were catching up with your exhausted state and you found yourself wondering if this boy who shone so brightly on this gloomy night was even real. 
Once you could finally catch your breath you sat upright and really took in the sight of him. He may have seemed young on the outside, but somehow he held a powerful aura, like he knew more then he let on. His smile was dazzling as he stared up at you with eyes that twinkled with a silent knowledge. You felt as though he was looking past your filthy outward appearance, and instead he was reading through your soul, listening silently to the story you couldn’t find the words to tell. 
He stood suddenly, as if he found the answer to the question that had been dancing around like the winds, curling through each of your minds. His smile became softer and more genuine as he looked down at your still seated self and slowly outstretched his hand. It was a gesture you were unfamiliar with. It wasn’t a sudden, demanding grasp of your non-consenting hand. It wasn’t rough and calloused, with a predator-like grin gracing his features, but, instead, as you slid your hand over his palm in a silent proclamation of trust you found yourself reveling in how silky smooth his larger, more slender hand felt wrapping around yours in a protective gesture. He glanced at you, a playful smirk playing on his cherry red lips. 
“Do you trust me?” He said, his deep voice breathy and patient, allowing you whatever amount of time you felt like you needed before you nodded slowly, hesitantly. He tilted his head in a munificent gesture, encouraging you to verbalize your thoughts. You felt the minuscule inkling of a curl to your lips forming, your eyes catching on how he seemed to be emitting light in this dim forest. The wind blew softly, ruffling your hair and caressing your now heated cheeks. He watched your features carefully as you bowed your head and giggled to yourself at the sensation of the winds dancing around the both of you. The chilly night felt warm as you turned your head slowly and methodically towards him again, your eyes glistening with an unreadable emotion and you breathed in deeply in a more relaxed manner. 
“I do.” You said, beaming up at him now, your small, frail hand squeezing his a little tighter. He smiled fully now and to you it felt like sunshine. He watched your face, entranced in your beauty taking not of how grateful he was to have answered your call tonight, vowing to bring that smile back whenever he could. Your expression grew concerned as the look in his eye changed and he suddenly pulled you towards him, wrapping one arm around your shoulders before taking off in a sprint. 
You tried to match his pace with a yelp, the wind now pushing you around forcefully. Your cries of protest were drowned out with his hysterical giggling. He forced you forward for a few more minutes as you began to question his strange motives before suddenly he came to a stop. His landing was much more graceful then your sudden stumbling forward, but as you gained your footing your objections died in your throat as you took in the sights around you. The forest behind you now, you stood in a clearing with grasses tickling your ankles, but the most impressive thing about this sight was the flowers. In full bloom, covering the surrounding area as far as your eyes could see were twinkling white flowers. Some stayed small and subdued, while others were larger, demanding more attention, but all of them shown with outstanding luminescence. Your breath caught in your throat as you stood completely rigid, taking in the sight. 
You then felt a soft breeze, pulling your out of your shock with a shiver before you felt an unexpected heat radiating from behind you. You felt a soft hand trace your jaw from somewhere behind as you held your breath expectantly. His hand moved from your jaw to trace the outline of your neck, gathering your hair lying there and tying it tenderly away from your face. Your sudden inhale as his fingers tickled the nape of your neck caused him to chuckle, his close proximity allowing you to feel his warm breath fanning over your shoulders. You suddenly felt balmy as he leaned his face closer, his breaths coming out in an intoxicating manner, dancing around the area where your neck meets your shoulder. 
“Look up.” He said, his voice coming out in a heady whisper. You gasped as you complied, your head whipping up too quickly, causing the male to snicker behind you. You couldn’t seem to care as you took in the sight before you. The once empty sky was now covered in brilliant gleaming stars, all feeling as though they were staring right at the two of you, encouragingly. You weren’t sure what they were encouraging, but just the silly thought itself had you laughing softly, your eyes slowly trailing over everything in front of you yet again. If it weren’t for the questioning hum the man had released you may not have even noticed the sturdy arms wrapped loosely around your waist or the cool skin of his cheek now resting on your exposed shoulder. You may not have even taken note of the breath now fanning comfortingly over your own blushing cheek of the look in his eyes as you turned slightly in his arms to get a better view of this new expression. 
He took in your overwhelmed face as you tried to form words for the thoughts racing through your mind and he laughed, his head tilted back and chuckles racking his toned chest. You took in the movement behind his green tunic, complimenting his pale skin and you blushed again, turning your face away sharply. He gripped your shoulder with one hand softly, making sure not to startle you, while his other hand outstretched softly to point towards the cushiony grass beside of you. You took the hint and made a move to sit and take in the view before you.
He giggled as he helped move the layers of your dress away so you could sit comfortably before taking his seat beside you. You found yourself becoming encumbered with exhaustion and slowly with the gentle breeze swaying the twinkling lights, you let your head pull to the side to rest easily on his shoulder. He moved slowly as to not jostle you allowing more comfort for your tired form.
“You know, lady. I never caught your name..” He said, a hint of gentle humor lacing his deep baritone.
“I’m sorry..” You hummed out, “I’m y/n. Supposed princess of this kingdom.” You said, your tone sounding harsh even to your own ears. “I’m not sure I’d like to even ask who you are.” You said, laughing to help lighten the mood.
“Hmm.. I don’t think I was ever given a name where I am from.” Your brow furrowed at his response as you moved your head from its resting perch to look up at his questioningly. He laughed again, his body folding as he chuckled at your expression. “A story for another time, y/n.” You accepted his response begrudgingly, distracted by the way your name sounded on his lips.
“So what are you going to do when morning comes, little one?” He said, no malice in his tone. You sighed harshly flopping backwards to lay in the soft grass fully, surrounding yourself in the perfumed scent of the fluttering flowers. He took that as an answer in itself as he watched you, amused.
“You need to go back.” You groaned loudly as these words left his lips and he laughed as he shushed you, pushing you softly causing you to dramatically roll over laying your head on his thigh, a noise of protest leaving your bemused lips. “Let me finish would you!” He continued, annoyance playfully covering the syllables while he ran his fingers gently through your messy hair. You smiled, appeased for a moment while staring longingly towards the stars above. The sky was lightening and you felt your smile slipping at the realization that they would be gone again soon.
He frowned watching your face grow frantic with concern before softly resting his cools fingertips on the bottom of your chin, non-forcefully turning your face in his lap to look at his own passionate expression. He tilted his head to match the angle of your, his silliness making you giggle softly before continuing.
“You may have to go back, but you can always come back here, it’s all for you.” He let his eyes slowly trail over you, landing on your hand twisting anxiously tearing up small strands of the grass without realizing. He slid one of his hands comfortingly down your arm, trailing his fingertips lightly over the back of your hands. It felt as if getting a sunburn, getting too close to the beauty of something terrifying. “Look to the stars, I’ll always be there, watching and waiting.” He finished, his voice getting deeper with each second he stared at your animated expression staring up at him expectantly.
You felt your eyes welling up with tears at the peace being here brought to you, knowing it would be ending soon. You tried forming words, prayers, but your lips were too wobbly and my voice was too weak.
“When will I see you again? Wh-what should I even call you??” You finally managed to squeak out, the thick, hot tears you felt curling down your cheeks didn’t sting nearly as much as the thought of leaving him here, only to return to the torturous duties lined up for you at your home. He smiled sadly at you, blurring your senses with how ethereal he looked. His hands twitched against your wrist as he continued his comforting path, avoiding your eyes as he furrowed his brow in thought. Without thinking, out of desperation for an answer, you swiftly intertwined your own fingers with his, your palms slotting together as if fitting missing puzzle pieces together.
“You’ll see me when you need me.. but I’ll always be there.” You pursed your lips in a pout and he smiled again, taking his hand once tangled in your hair and running it slowly, methodically over your furrowed brow, smoothing the skin there and allowing your features to find solace again. “and why don’t you give me a name that you like, y/n.” He offered, his voice softer than you had heard it before, no amusement, only timid hope.
A name. Something so uniquely human. Something lovingly crafted for an individual. Something that holds meaning and myth. Something totally your own. You frowned in thought for a moment and he watched as your eyes glazed over patiently. Suddenly, you sat up rigidly, turning to face him, leaning closer then you had ever been previously. The sudden movement startled him, causing him to laugh awkwardly, his eyes blown wide while staring at your expectant and excited face.
“I’ve got it! I’m going to call you Felix!” You exclaimed. He furrowed his brow, tilting his head and repeating the syllables slowly, testing the way they tasted on his lips. Then he smiled at you teasingly, taking your breath away briefly. You rushed to find some way to explain yourself before the heat fighting it’s way up your neck found your cheeks. You stared into his eyes determined before explaining. “It means happiness. I found happiness tonight, here with you, when I couldn’t back there. They may not ever make me happy, but I have you. My happiness. My Felix.” You finished, grinning widely, appeased.
His grin couldn’t be contained as he laughed softly at how cute you could be. As he let his grin take over his features he let his eyes drift over your close proximity. His fingers began to unfold from between yours, drifting their way up your wrist, feeling your rushing heart beat. They slowly danced over your shoulder making you shiver slightly, as he noticed his teeth took purchase in his bottom lip, the movement catching your eye. His fingertips barely tickled the skin of your neck, causing goosebumps to break out over your skin. Once his hand pushed your hair back, tucking it behind your ear you could hear your own breathing, practically panting at his gentle actions. The longing in your eyes causing his eyes to become hooded with a guarded emotion.
Slowly, his hand found its place on your cheek, his cool palm was in great contrast to your too warm skin. You reveled in the feeling, yearning to remember the way this solace felt in this moment. He smiled softly, a flash of teeth all you could see before he was leaning in tenderly. He allowed you to make the moves on your own as well, only continuing forward when you would and only you were both nearly touching, so close you were breathing the same air, he allowed himself a glance at your pink lips. His tongue darted out to wet his own lips before he pulled back slightly a serious expression on his face.
“Can I?” His voice came out breathy, heavy with something you couldn’t name. You smiled softly, pleased with his ability to ask, always thinking of your feelings first. You couldn’t even resist long enough to answer before you were wrapping some of your fingers around his larger wrist, tangling the others in his too pretty hair, pulling his face towards yours and connecting your lips together passionately.
This kiss was unlike anything you had ever heard of, instead of sparks and passion it was butterflies and subtle hints of laughter you could feel bubbling in your chest. The kiss was lingering and slightly bittersweet. You could taste the saltiness on your lips from your tears mixing with the sweetness of his lips on yours. It was perfectly melancholy and grossly beautiful. Tragedy in the form of serendipity.
As you parted Felix’s hands soothed your cheeks and wiped your tears, a smile playing jokingly on his lips. He poked your nose and leaned forward to kiss your forehead lovingly. You smiled through the onslaught of tears and gasped at the dawning sky above you now. Your eyes frantically searched for stars you knew you wouldn’t be able to see anymore, until they fell on Felix’s sad expression. He tried to smile softly for your sake as he stroked your cheek gently.
He then removed himself from you, before standing and helping you up as well. Once you were both standing, staring at each other with eyes full of unspoken words he breathed in deeply before leaning in to plant another swift, stolen kiss on your lips. You smiled as he pulled away, staring at the way his handsome features curled in amusement at your shocked form. He then, without your noticing, had moved his hand to the back of your head and with a soft mutter of words he knew you wouldn’t understand, you were suddenly unconscious in his arms. He lifted you, bridal style, and began walking back towards the forest where you had first met.
Once you all were back to the castle, a gentle breeze swaying the curtains, he laid you tenderly on your bed, smoothing your hair out around you and covering you with your own cushion-like blankets.
“Forgive me, princess. I usually would have asked.” He laughed quietly as you stirred in your sleep, as stubborn as you would have been awake. “I won’t be here when you awaken, but I’ll be back for you. You never have to be alone.” He slowly leaned forward, delicately placing a feathery light kiss on your lips. He made his way back to the window, tiptoeing as to not wake you, before turning to get one final glance at you.
“I’ll stay for you, y/n. Always.” He said, the ghost of a smile gracing his lips as a singular tear, the color of moonlight fell from his eye before all that was left in the room was a lonely princess and a gentle, light air dancing through the window like laughter and stolen kisses on a night only two will remember.
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thisaccisdead · 4 years
“Half Full” - Moceit Fic
Content/warnings: referenced past manipulation, alcohol, a lot of discussion of things the sides have done wrong, but none of them are intended as unsympathetic. they have done some b a d stuff but they’re learning and we love them all yknow?? (namely warnings for virgil being overprotective/lashing out, and me being on my bullshit anti-roceit agenda)
Notes: You all know I’m not a writer, but I had a thought about a?? Characterization for Janus?? Which as I reread this is kind of very OOC, but idk I just thought it was neat, and I do go crazy for moceit hurt/comfort.
Finding the moral side crying in the middle of the night was, all things considered, not too surprising. After all, Janus knew every time Patton lied about his happiness. However, he had suspected to find him with loud, messy sobs. With a tin of cookies almost finished. Not with a bottle of wine and a blank, tear-tracked face.
He didn’t even seem to notice Janus’ entrance until he cleared his throat.
“Oh,” Patton uttered, gaze flicking to the other side. His face didn’t gain any clarity of expression. He just started putting away the wine and finished off his glass, making moves to leave. “Sorry.”
Janus took a moment to hide his shock at the scene, and at Patton’s reaction to him. (What, had he thought the moral side would come running into his arms for comfort? He was being ridiculous.)
“Give that here, you imbecile,” Janus said, taking the bottle from Patton’s hands and pouring himself a glass. There was no bite behind his words, at least not in a meaningful way. He’d lost his edge. “So, you’re just up for fun, I assume?”
“Hm,” Patton failed to respond. “Are you going to stay up?”
“I’m sure I’ll be back to bed in a moment.”
“That sounds like a lie.”
“How out-of-character that would be for me,” Janus smiled.
Patton half-smiled back. “You wanna watch something?”
“What do you have in mind?”
“A documentary on Greek philosophers.”
Janus frowned at the dry film Patton pulled up. “You think you’ll enjoy this?”
“I think it’ll be boring as fuck,” he said, casually. Janus turned to him in mild shock, while he simply yawned. “But Logan wanted me to watch it. Maybe it’ll be more interesting with you.”
Janus nodded, careful to hide his smile behind his glass.
The movie was, as Patton had so eloquently predicted, boring as fuck. Also, quite hazy by the end, due to all the wine. They had been quiet near the beginning, but by the end they were talking over everything in hushed whispers and even a laugh from Patton, every so often.
The next day, when Janus walked in on breakfast, he swore Patton’s smile changed. From a brittle, stiff form--forced in the tense atmosphere--to something more relaxed. Relieved.
“Oh, hiya, Janus! There’s a seat here if you wanna stay,” Patton patted the chair beside him.
Janus stayed.
“...Janus is right.”
“Of course,” Virgil scoffed.
It was the first whole group discussion they’d had since the… wedding fiasco. And while Virgil didn’t seem surprised by Patton’s words, Janus most certainly was.
“Obviously, I am. I knew you would agree, Patton,” Janus lied.
Patton was too preoccupied to do anymore than hum at Janus’ statement, all concerned glances over at Roman. Ugh, Roman. Still all mopey after the last video, he was currently staring determinedly at the floor. Him and Patton should have let all of that go by now--the past was the past. Hadn’t they learnt about moving on?
“Are you sure, Patton?” Thomas asked. “I’ve always gone to this event before. And, I’ve always made it through--”
Patton shook his head. “You know there will be family members there who don’t respect you. And who choose not to learn. I know I’ve always been the one to say they deserve your love anyway, but… I don’t know if they do.”
All of the sides stood in shock for a moment. Janus schooled away a proud look. 
Logan was the first to speak, slowly nodding. “...Yes, well, Patton does bring up an interesting point. Thomas, you tend to give people the ‘benefit-of-the-doubt’, which can be a good thing, and has led to you improving relationships in the past. However, if the other people are actively refusing to learn, no progress can ever be made. And so the effort would be for naught.”
In no time flat, Thomas was coming to his big realization about not owing certain people certain things, yada yada yada, doing the outro, yada yada yada. Janus was about to sink out, with that new, odd, and decidedly wonderful vindication that he was right, when--
“Deceit, wait.”
Janus sighed, audibly, and made sure to put on his most sardonic smile. “Yes, Virgil?”
“What exactly do you think you’re doing?”
“You’ll have to be a little more specific, dear.”
“Don’t--” Virgil grit his teeth and huffed out a breath. “With Patton, I mean.”
“Hm. Really, Virgil, I wish I knew what you were referring to, but--”
“Oh, cut the bullshit!” He finally snapped. “I don’t know what you’ve been playing at with him, if you think you really like him, but you’re just gonna do to him what you did to Roman.” 
Janus cringed at that, though he tried not to. Virgil knew just how to get to him. “Well. Thank you for this conversation, Virgil. I’ll be considering it deeply,” he said sarcastically, before sinking out. Though, it wasn’t as much of a lie as he would have liked.
“Janus? What are you doing?”
Patton had found him pacing around the living room. And he hadn’t even had enough time to mask his aggravated expression when the moral side entered.
“Dishes,” he replied sourly.
“Right,” Patton said. “What’s wrong?”
“I’ve used that one enough to see through it.” He joked, smiling bittersweetly. It was such a sincere look he was giving, so ready to comfort. Janus wasn’t used to it. Whether the ‘it’ was sincerity or comfort he couldn’t say.
“It’s just--I don’t see why I should have to apologize to him,” Janus spat out.
Patton came over to the couch, motioning for Janus to join him. He did.
“Virgil?” Patton asked. Janus looked away. “...Ah. Roman.”
“He shouldn't have laughed at my name!”
“Yes,” Patton nodded slowly. “We've all done things we shouldn’t’ve.”
“...Are you implying something?”
Patton raised a brow. “Calling two sides evil for the price of one?”
“Oh, please,” Janus scoffed. “You’ve always thought Remus was evil.”
“...Yes. And I’m learning why that’s wrong,” he admitted.
That gave Janus a pause, but he quickly disregarded his surprise. “Well, I already reminded you, Roman started it.”
“No, he didn’t.” Patton looked away. He took a deep breath in, silent for a beat too long. “...I did. A long time ago.”
Janus narrowed his eyes. “What do you mean?”
“I told him he was dishonorable to side with you. That treating you as more than a villain was evil.” Each word sounded like it pained him. Each a confession, although Janus had been witness to all of it. “It’s all always been my fault.” Tears silently began to fall down his cheeks. He blinked, as if to somehow subtly dispel them, but they only fell harder. 
And, oh.
Oh no.
Janus really didn’t want to do this next part.
It would be so easy to let Patton believe that. He could even comfort the side, tell him he was forgiven, help him through--all without revealing anything. 
Save himself. It was what he was built for.
“Patton… it wasn’t all your fault, per say.” Patton glanced up at him, confused, and it was his turn to look away. “I quite blatantly flattered Roman. I manipulated him, used him--whatever you want to call it. All because I wanted his favor in... that case.”
“Well, I already knew--”
“Except, it wasn’t just that case,” Janus rushed out before he could lose his nerve. “It started when I first revealed myself to Thomas, remember? Really, I just wanted to test the waters, at first. See what I could get away with, and who I could get away with it with.”
Patton had a blank look as he sorted through his memory. “ ‘Love the outfit, Roman,’” he finally quoted.
“...Indeed,” Janus sighed. “It became clear that Roman would be the easiest to get to. Which makes sense from his need-of-praise mixed with lack-of-praise. And he is the romantic side. And I just knew, one day it would be useful if he was…somewhat biased, so if…”
“If you and him were a little… friendly?” Patton finished, sadly. Disappointedly. 
Janus nodded. Then, quickly, he rushed to add, “I mean, nothing that bad! I didn’t kiss him. We were never dating. I just may have implied--”
Patton’s face changed from disappointed, then. To something else. Something worse.“Right. No. Of course,” Patton said. “Not that bad at all.”
That lie from Patton’s tongue ached in Janus’s chest for the rest of the day.
Remus wasn’t in their side of the mindscape when Janus returned to it. Which he didn’t make too much of, sulking around and rewatching Good Place episodes, until Remus skipped in covered in… blood? No. Much more unusual--red paint.
“What have you been up to then, hm?” Janus asked, as polite as he was disinterested.
“Painting with Pat! Drawing with Daddy! Look!” He shoved a messy, still drying canvas in Janus’s arms. It was a finger painting of mutilated arm, rather tame for him, but perhaps that was because he made it with--
“That’s what I said! Geez, who stole your ears? Oh, wait, was it me? That sounds like me. But, of course, it doesn’t sound like anything to you!” He cackled.
“I still have my ears, you gremlin,” he hissed. “But you’re right, there’s nothing for me to be surprised about, since you and Patton are on such great terms.”
“Exactly!” Remus confirmed. “Wow, you heard about it quick, JJ! It was just this afternoon, he came up with those pouty puppy eyes, gushing apologies, asking me to be his wittle fwiend~” he batted his eyelashes mockingly. Heat rose in Janus’s chest at that, and he almost lept to defend Patton, embarrassingly, but luckily Remus continued before he could. 
“Which, was kinda stupid; guy made it sound like he had committed war crimes against me or some shit. Like, yeah, dude was a dick to me; I was a dick to him. That was meant to be our whole dynamic! Now whenever I scare him--what?--I’ll feel guilty, who wants that?! I liked being enemies. But maybe I’ll like being friends more.” He shrugged. “Time will tell, right? That’s a great idea, actually. I’m gonna go make some clocks that just scream every hour. Oo, or every minute! Yeah, that. Seeya, Janny Fanny!”
Janus gaped, left uncomprehending, while Remus sped off.
He tried to imagine it--Remus. With Patton. Chatting, smiling, joking. Remus would, of course, be able to bring much more reckless fun to the father figure than he might otherwise go for. Patton might enjoy some of Remus’s more childish humor. In an odd, backwards way they made a sort of sense.
The image made Janus’s blood boil. He should have been pleased for them. He knew that, but it didn’t help. And--what? Had Janus thought he was special? Fancied himself the singular, blessed demon chosen by an angel? Patton’s new bestest buddy?
No. He should’ve known that was never on the table. As it turned out, Patton was simply being polite to everyone now. That didn’t mean Janus had changed in his mind. It didn’t mean Janus had changed at all.
He was a villain. He had been going about this all wrong, trying to be more than he was made for. He needed to remember that.
“How the tables table, huh?”
“That is how the phrase goes,” Janus remarked dryly as Patton took a seat by him. Janus offered him the wine bottle, but he put a hand up and shook his head. 
“Well, at least I’m not crying,” Janus sneered. 
“No, wouldn’t want to ruin your dignity like me, right?” Patton half-joked. Half-joke, half-smile, half-truth. Nothing Patton did went full way. “Wanna talk about it?”
Janus scoffed, and went back to nursing his drink.
“Right,” Patton frowned. “Listen--Janus, I wanted to apologize. ...Again,” he added, with a half-laugh. Half-laugh, half-hurt. Whatever. “I shouldn’t have gotten so judgmental earlier. Morality and judgement tend to go hand in hand, even when they shouldn’t. And I got defensive on Roman’s behalf too,” he admitted. Janus grit his teeth, glaring at the wooden counter. Defensive over Roman. Friends with Remus. “Look--I’ve done bad stuff too. I had no place to judge you now, when it’s clear you have now learned.”
Janus laughed, suddenly, bitterly, at that. “Oh, have I, now?” 
Patton blinked, tilting his head. “...Yes?”
Janus rolled his eyes, and downed the end of his glass. “Listen, Morality, I’m not like you. I don’t need to go on some learning spree, down the path of beautiful ethics and self-improvement. I’m not meant to be a little, lovely side. Maybe learning my name made you forget; I’m Deceit.You heard Thomas yourself--I’m a flaw. So, I don’t do guilt. I don’t plan on too much learning. And I definitely won’t be spewing out apologies, like some sides I know,” he bit out each word. He wanted to make Patton leave. Maybe cry. Make him realize what Janus really was. But he just sat there with that stupid, sincere, concerned gaze.
“I’m not built for it!” Janus continued, growing more frantic at the lack of reaction. “...I can’t.”
Janus shoved his hand to his mouth in an attempt to cover the first sob, but it was too late. Soon his shoulders were shaking, his head in his hands, breaths unsteady. There were warm arms around his back, pulling him against a cardigan-clad chest, soothing whispers in his ears. He realized his hat had been taken off as he felt fingers run through his hair. 
“Janus,” Patton began softly, moving back slightly so that Janus could meet his eyes. “That sounded like a lot of lies to me.”
Janus shook his head firmly, fumbling to pull his gloves off and put his hands up. “Patton, I swear, that is the truth!”
Patton looked at him for a long moment. Then, he reached his hands out, and slowly took Janus’s. Janus let him. “You can lie to yourself, you know,” he said softly.
Janus’s eyes burned, and he had to force himself not to spill over the edge again. He was hyper-aware of their contact, now. The warmth of Patton’s skin against his was intoxicating.
Patton looked down at their hands too. He squeezed them lightly, a 3 beat pattern. “They’re so cold,” he frowned.
“Are they, now?” Janus aimed for sarcastic, but it came out unsteady. 
They were quiet for a long time. Unmoving. As if a word, a breath, could break them apart. 
“I’ll apologize,” Janus said finally.
“To Roman?”
“...Yes,” Janus agreed. “And to you.”
“What for?”
Janus looked down at their intertwined hands, waited for Patton to follow his gaze. “The things I want.”
“Oh,” Patton breathed. He rubbed his thumb along the back of Janus’s hand. “I… don’t think the things we want are so different anymore.”
“Hm.” Janus let go of Patton’s grip, just for a moment, in order to pull the other closer. Patton melted in his grip immediately, head laying on his shoulder. Janus returned the embrace. “Maybe not.”
112 notes · View notes
everybodyscupoftea · 3 years
idk you yet: next up forever
reggie peters x oc
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and if you’re broken. you’ll make your own thing
There was nothing quite like the rush of playing in front of a large crowd. Reggie loved the band’s chemistry in the garage they used to practice in or the energy of small crowds they played for in the back rooms of record shops while they were trying to make it big, but there was no feeling greater than playing a stadium full of people screaming their name.
Luke loved it too, he ate it up, and he was always on fire, always at his best, which in turn fueled Alex to match his boyfriend’s energy, and Reggie could just feed off of them. When they got signed to their first big label, Reggie could just remember Luke’s flushed cheeks, his, “This is going to be great, guys. We’re going to be great.” 
“Legends, even,” Alex added.
Which Reggie thought maybe was a bit much, they were still young, still largely untested, but he loved the enthusiasm. Bobby was a bit more chill, probably the most levelheaded of them all, and the least driven by emotion, but even he was vibrating with excitement.
Then they started planning for a tour. Reggie hadn’t even realized a national tour was possible while they were still teenagers. Hell, he didn’t even realize releasing a full album was possible.
“Boy bands do it all the time, think about One Direction,” Bobby told him quietly while Luke chattered on to Alex about songs he’d written that he thought were perfect for a first album. Reggie was grateful Luke wasn’t the one to read his facial expression that clearly was showing some sort of doubt.
The first tour was incredible, smaller venues, but they sold most of them out. Sunset Curve was new and people were curious. The second tour was where it all became insanely real. Reggie can remember the day Luke ran into the garage, beaming.
He flopped on the couch, which wasn’t unusual, and propped his head up on his hand, “So, I talked to Drew today.” Their manager.
Alex hummed, sitting down next to him, “What about?” If Luke had gone and made decisions without the rest of them, he was the most likely to react in a way that wouldn’t hurt Luke’s feelings, but would still remind him that they were a group.
“He thinks we should do a world tour after releasing our second album.”
Reggie’s eyebrows shot up. He knew they were big, he knew they were popular in a few countries overseas, but he didn’t know they were world tour big. The other two boys were also shocked into silence. Their second album was fairly close to release, they’d released a single for it the week before, but a world tour already.
“Holy shit,” Bobby mumbled, and then a few seconds later, “holy shit!” 
“Yeah!” Luke was practically shaking as he jumped to his feet and onto the table, “Guys, this is it. We’ve made it.”
Reggie snorted, “Okay, well, we don’t know that the tour’s going to sell.” 
“It’ll sell,” Luke clearly had the confidence to carry the rest of the group through it, which Reggie could get behind. He couldn’t quite shake one of his mom’s lessons growing up: temper your excitement because things rarely go as planned.
So they got to work. They put the finishing touches on their second album, which did extremely well, some of the songs flying up the charts to the number one spot for a few days. They announced their tour, a few weeks later the dates and locations. Some arenas sold out within minutes. When they found that out, Luke bragged, not hesitating to throw in, “I told you so,” every time it came up. 
They planned a show, put together a list of their favorite songs off both their albums, worked out effects they wanted to put on something fun for their fans. Reggie was a lot more hands on in that process, not the most gifted with tech, but was the most interested in actually looking impressive outside of just the music.
Then they had to find an opening band. Someone who they could get along with, someone smaller that they could help get exposure. Reggie found them first, on YouTube, a couple called Double Trouble, also based in Los Angeles. After watching a few of their videos, Luke approved wholeheartedly and got Drew to contact them. Double Trouble was ecstatic, and thus, the details were finalized.
And the tour was great, they started in the South and worked their way up the Midwest, hit a few cities in Canada, down the East Coast and ended up home along the West Coast for a few shows. 
Reggie was constantly exhausted, it felt like a daze. Travel, play, adrenaline rush, eat, crash, repeat. And everything was great, they played consistently well, and after a few shows, he thought they really got the routine down pat. It worked really well for them, and the boys were thrilled with all the choices Reggie made.
The only problem was that it got lonely. He felt like he was surrounded by couples. Luke and Alex, Julie and Flynn, Bobby and his girlfriend that showed up every so often when she could get off work. Reggie was truly the only one alone. Which was fine, they were busy, but sometimes, sometimes the loneliness was heavy.
It all built, crushing him slowly as they crawled their way through tour, more and more dinners after the show feeling like a double date he was just crashing while Bobby stayed in to FaceTime his girlfriend.
When it finally overflowed was after their show in San Jose. It sold out, most of their California shows did, and that one was especially incredible to him. The fucking SAP Center. He knew a lot of their fans were Californians, that’s where they got their start, but he wasn’t prepared for that. 
They went to a local place, something small that they likely wouldn’t be recognized much at, and once again, he got the double date vibe. The couples talking lowly amongst each other, relaxed and comfortable, while Reggie picked at the straw paper on the table and stuck it to the condensation on his beer bottle.
He wasn’t sure if it was the fatigue that made him snap or just that the weight of his loneliness got too much to bear, he was out of his seat before his brain caught up and mumbled for them to get him something takeout, that he was going back to the bus.
Luke started to protest, hopping out of the booth to grab his arm, but he must’ve seen something on Reggie’s face that caused him to reluctantly drop his arm. Reggie wasn’t sure what expression he had, but it must’ve been something raw to make Luke give up that easily. Eyes burning, he shoved his hands in his pocket and left the restaurant, desperate to crash in his bunk and sleep it off.
Shoulders slumped, Reggie headed back toward the arena, staring at the cracks in the concrete as he walked, not wanting to attract even the slightest bit of attention. That’s when it happened.
William pretty much kept to a routine. It was easier for him, especially during the season, and it kept his dog happy. There was something that night, some anxiousness about the upcoming season maybe, that had him out and about after dark, walking Luna down the sidewalk near the arena.
There had been more traffic than usual that night, he wasn’t sure why, maybe a concert at SAP, but he wanted to see it. Before fans flocked there, and before he was contractually obligated to show up and be on top of his game. 
It was something he did in college too, sat in the bleachers right before the season and soaked in the stillness of the rink. The calm before the storm. He couldn’t get into the big arena, not without keys and a certain level of clearance he didn’t have, but he could walk around, using the facade of taking Luna on a walk as his reason.
He almost ran into the boy, more focused on staring at the buildings around him than the sidewalk. It was late, he assumed no one would be out, clearly he was wrong. Luna barking and pulling on her leash snapped him out of his trance, confused as to why she’d be freaking out.
The boy obviously hadn’t seen him either, hands shoved deep into his pockets, staring at the ground, and giving off huge leave me alone vibes. William almost recoiled, he looked so sad. But maybe sad wasn’t the right word. Morose maybe.
Luna could tell too, he thought. She was pretty perceptive like that. William only had to consider for half a second before giving in. Dogs always cheered people up, right? He let her pull him over until he was right in front of the boy who stumbled back at his sudden appearance, startled look on his face.
“Sorry,” William said quickly, trying to look as apologetic as possible, “didn’t mean to startle you.” 
The boy shrugged, staring at him inquisitively, eyes narrowed as if he was trying to figure him out. It made him a little uneasy, but he figured maybe the boy was a hockey fan.
“Can I pet your dog?” he asked quietly, staring down at Luna where she was practically chomping at the bit to get to him.
“Yeah, of course!” 
William took the time to study him while the boy squatted down to pet her. He was cute, William realized, and looked slightly familiar, though he couldn’t quite place it. Maybe he was from the area or lived in William’s building.
The boy was gentle, murmuring quietly to Luna while stroking her head. He couldn’t be sure, but William thought his shoulders started to lower where they’d been defensively tensed around his ears before.
Luna jumped up, resting her two front paws on his knees, and licked his cheek, drawing a soft laugh. William immediately wanted to hear it again, he was entranced. Soon, too soon in William’s opinion, the boy was gently lowering Luna back to the sidewalk and standing back up.
He cleared his throat and gave William a small smile, “Thanks. Dogs fix everything.”
“I agree,” William answered quickly before taking his chance, “I’m William by the way.” 
“Reggie,” the boy answered, holding his hand out for William to shake. He did happily, trying to keep the shake out of his hands as excitement started to build.
“You from around here, Reggie?” he asked, genuinely curious and not wanting to let him go.
“Los Angeles actually.”
William couldn’t stop the frown, totally unsure why Reggie looked familiar. He hummed, “Sucks, NorCal is 100% a better place to live.”
Reggie laughed, “Oh yeah? Seems a bit biased.” 
“Totally unbiased,” William crossed a finger over his heart, “I’ve been there.”
“So you live around here?” Reggie crossed his arms.
“I do. A few blocks away.” 
“Seems a little late to be out and about.”
“Luna wanted a walk,” William told him, and in a rare state of perfect honesty, “plus was feeling a little anxious.”
“What about?” Reggie asked before flinching, “Oh God, I’m so sorry. That was super intrusive, feel free not to answer that.” 
William laughed, “Oh nothing, nerves over a new job.”
“Ah,” he nodded a bit knowingly, “stage fright.” 
Narrowing his eyes, William nodded slowly, “Something like that.” 
A comfortable silence lapsed, and Reggie’s eyes started to droop a bit. He blinked a few times and let out a sigh, “I should probably get going. It’s been a long night.” 
“Me too,” William smiled wryly, “should attempt to get at least a little sleep before I have to be up early.” 
“Feel that.” 
Just as soon as Reggie went to side step him, to walk away forever, William blurted, “Wait.” 
Reggie froze, head snapping up to meet his eyes, “Yes?” 
“Can I,” he drew in a breath and gathered his courage, “could I get your number?”
Tilting his head, Reggie looked him over, William could see the carefully masked surprise, “Um, yeah, sure.” 
William beamed, and held his hand out for Reggie’s phone. Eyebrows raised, Reggie passed it over. Typing in his number, William couldn’t help but add a shark emoji. Maybe it was a bit on the nose, but he thought it was at least a little funny.
Reggie wrinkled his eyebrows, but texted him to make sure William had his number too. His stomach swooped as it popped up on his screen.
Hey it’s Reggie
“Thank you,” he gushed, trying to mask his excitement a bit, “I’ll text you later.” 
Reggie smiled, and it seemed genuine, “I’m looking forward to it.”
Reggie was oddly nervous. He’d never met anyone quite like William, the boy who either didn’t know who he was or didn’t care. Laying in bed, he passed his phone back and forth between his hands, waiting for a text that didn’t seem to be coming.
Did he hallucinate William out of pure tiredness, he wondered, scrambling to check. Nope, he’d sent a text. Maybe William fell asleep as soon as he got home. Or forgot. 
A voice in his head that sounded oddly like Alex suggested, ‘text him’ which seemed a bit absurd at first, but the idea started to grow on him. Thumbs hovering over the keypad, he eventually came up with something simple.
Hope you made it home okay
The response wasn’t immediate, but came pretty soon after.
Just made it, was about to text you
Reggie smiled goofily, and stared at the message. Shaking his head, he knew he needed to respond.
Guess I’m just faster.
The next text from William was immediate.
Doubt it. Just more impatient.
Reggie snorted.
Also true.
The typing bubbles appeared and disappeared a few times while Reggie waited with baited breath. 
So what are you up to?
Reggie hesitated, should he tell this boy who he was or keep it vague?
In bed, probably going to sleep soon
He figured it was probably the right move when William texted back.
Same, got an early morning tomorrow. It was nice meeting you though, talk tomorrow?
Reggie’s stomach actually fluttered, he didn’t even know it could do that.
Sounds great
He fell asleep with a smile on his face and when he woke up, phone pressed to his chest, battery dangerously low, there was already a text from William and a picture of Luna attached.
Good morning, hope you slept well. We sure did.
Reggie sighed, thankful that it wasn’t all a dream.
I did, thanks. Good luck with your new job today
William didn’t text back for a while, but Reggie didn’t really expect him too. He knew not every job was like his, so he figured William wasn’t allowed his phone much at work. Which was fine, he’d just wait with a little ball of anxiety in his chest until he got a response.
It turned into a routine after that. William always responded at the weirdest times. Sometimes in the afternoon, sometimes at night, and sometimes in the morning. Reggie never could pin down his schedule, just went with the flow as they worked their way through the western states.
The boys were never really sports guys. If they did keep up with anything it was basketball. But one night, out of pure coincidence, Reggie found himself on a channel playing a hockey game. It looked interesting, and one of the teams was the Sharks which he faintly remembered played at the arena they’d performed at the night he met William.
Maybe he could talk to William about it later, he seemed like the type to be into sports. So Reggie settled in and texted him, unsure if he’d even get a response.
You a hockey fan?
And then a few seconds later after a brutal hit.
I wasn’t but this is kinda fun. I’m sure you’re a sharks fan, they look good
He took a liking to a particular player, number 23 that the announcers kept calling Harris. Reggie found himself at the edge of his seat as the other team started to come back, the Sharks struggling to hold their lead.
“Come on,” he muttered under his breath, nervously checking the clock, “so close.” 
He pulled his phone out as the other team called a timeout.
If you aren’t into hockey you should check this out, I’m so invested
The game started again and he put his phone down, paying full attention to the TV. He tapped his knee as the last minute of the game stretched out, totally confused why the other team’s goalie just dipped, but invested nonetheless.
When it ended, he let out a relieved breath as the Sharks managed to hold on and win. Reggie stood up, shaking out his fingers which he didn’t realize he’d been clenching into his pants. He walked away from the TV, needing a break, and went to find something to eat.
Their cabinets were sparse, so he left the bus, wandering to the nearest grocery store to pick something up. His phone buzzed a few times, no doubt William texting him back, and he juggled the items in his hands to fish it out of his pocket.
Hockey’s cool. Probably my favorite sport. Picked a tough game to watch though. Calgary is pretty good this year, but the Sharks will get it figured out
Reggie chuckled and typed out his response with one hand while he waited for the people in front of him in the checkout line to move.
You seem like you know your stuff
The typing bubble appeared and disappeared for a minute straight, oddly reminiscent of the first night Reggie texted him, before the next text finally came through.
Yeah, hockey’s been part of my life for a while
After setting the boxes down and paying, Reggie responded.
Long time fan then. Always liked the Sharks?
Reggie didn’t get another text for a few minutes and figured it was one of those nights William was working.
Nope, liking the sharks is a new development. Started when I moved here
Stirring the pasta, Reggie nodded and decided to text him back when he sat down to eat. It never happened. He’d left the TV on accidentally, and when he sat back down on the couch, the men on screen were breaking down the game.
“William Harris in particular was impressive tonight. He really stepped up on the penalty kill, that game would’ve been a loss if he hadn’t played like he did.” 
A picture of his William popped up on the screen. Well, Reggie was pretty sure. He didn’t quite look like he did when Reggie met him, and sure he’d only seen William that one time, but he was pretty fucking sure that was him.
Hands shaking, Reggie exited their text thread and was hitting FaceTime before even realizing what he was doing. It took William a few rings to pick up, and he smiled, looking a little surprised.
“Why are you on my TV? Or at least I think it’s you,” Reggie blurted, not even saying hello.
William blinked, surprised, “What?” 
Reggie flipped the camera to show where they were still talking about this Harris player he’d been enamored with during the game. He watched William’s face carefully and saw the resemblance to the guy on the TV. 
William winced and put on an apologetic smile, “Um, because I played well tonight.”
“Mhmm,” Reggie muttered, still shocked, “and you didn’t tell me, why?” 
“I thought you’d figure it out. That’s what the shark emoji was for.” 
Staring at William incredulously, Reggie managed, “In what world do I make that connection on my own?” 
William smiled sheepishly, “Maybe it was a bit of a long shot. But I mean, it’s not a big deal, right? I’m still William.” 
Reggie took a deep breath and relaxed back into the couch, “I suppose, yes.” 
“And by the way, you’re not off the hook. You didn’t tell me you were a famous musician.” 
“Oh God,” Reggie shut his eyes, “I totally meant to. I just couldn’t ever find the right time.” 
“How about, ‘hey William, I know I seem normal but I’m actually famous and definitely way out of your league’? That would suffice in my opinion.” 
Sitting up, Reggie glared at him, “Hold on, if anyone is out of anyone’s league, you’re definitely out of mine. A professional athlete, are you kidding me?” 
William scoffed, “And you have fans all over the world, I just have fans in the United States, mostly in San Jose.” 
“But you’re hot,” Reggie countered.
“So are you,” William argued and set his jaw stubbornly.
Reggie sighed, “Fine, we’re both hot. But, I’m not sure what this means.” 
“It doesn’t have to mean anything,” William sounded desperate, “we’re just two guys, right?” 
“And we like each other, right?” 
“Right,” Reggie repeated.
“Then let’s just be two guys who like each other. Not two relatively well known guys.” 
Letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, Reggie nodded, “Okay, I think I can do that.” 
William was silent, both of them soaking in it, and Reggie sat up, “You look exhausted, I should let you go.”
“Wait,” William protested, “I want to see you again. When are you free?”
“I probably can’t make it for a while,” Reggie admitted, “Maybe mid-November if you have some off time.” 
“November we have a homestand, I can definitely do that.” 
“I’ll send dates.” 
William blushed, “I’d like that very much.” 
“We should FaceTime more,” Reggie mused.
“We absolutely should.”
When they finally hung up, Reggie immediately hunted down his laptop to start googling hockey rules. If he was going to (hopefully) date a hockey player he should start learning about the sport. 
He didn’t think William would hold it against him if he didn’t, but hockey was clearly something the other boy was passionate about, and the least he could do was support him. Maybe the next day he’d be a bit embarrassed about the texts he’d sent, but for the night, at least he’d be preoccupied enough. 
Over the next few weeks, Reggie started to watch Sharks games, every one he could, and the ones he had to miss for shows, he’d watch highlights after, all the time looking for his favorite player. William was good, Reggie knew that from the praise he got in the media, but one night he started looking up William’s highlights particularly. Found some stuff from his stint in college hockey and fell down a rabbit hole. He pulled out his phone.
You’re like. Insanely good.
The response was quick.
Ha. Thanks
Reggie scoffed.
Not joking. I’m looking at your college stuff, you went high in the draft. Maybe I was right about out of my league.
William sent back screenshots of his playlist, a few Sunset Curve songs thrown in the mix.
I’m not the only one insanely talented.
Reggie’s cheeks heated up and his palms started to sweat.
Mostly my bandmates honestly
He could almost hear the tone William would use if they were talking over FaceTime, he’d used it many times before.
Lies and slander. I’ve watched videos too
Reggie got that fluttering in his stomach again, and he actually went to look at dates, something he’d been putting off, checking the Sharks’ schedule to see if there were any days that matched up.
Hey, how about November 14?
William FaceTimed him instead of responding. His cheeks were flushed, “Seriously?”
“Yes, absolutely. Fuck yes,” William breathed.
For the first time in a while, the loneliness crushing Reggie started to lighten. He knew his bandmates would start to notice, he knew Alex at least was confused about why the fuck he’d started watching hockey, but for the time being, William was his.
It wasn’t a secret really, not a dirty one. But Reggie shared almost everything, and he wanted something for himself. For once. With a happy sigh, he walked over to his bed and flopped down, smiling widely when one last text came in.
I can’t wait
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elles-writing · 4 years
When the worlds collide - Kili x reader - part II
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Pairing: Kili x reader
Requested: No
A/N: Second part, hope you enjoy. Also my school started, and we’re not really doing anything just yet. I also do have some imagines in drafts I’ve started writting, but I’ve never posted them, so idk if I’m gonna finish them and then post them at least once a week along with this series (once every two to three days I’d like to post parts of this series as a thank you for 30 followers!)...? Also, I’ve been thinking of maybe drawing some fan arts to this series? Also, I’m writting this in Word, and so far we are on a ten pages, so I’ve decided to cut the end of this one and post something else tomorrow.
warnings: Kili being jealous of Bilbo, some dwarves being a jerks
masterlist   part one  part three 
All of them looked at you with different mix of curiousity, suspicion and hope. You looked over to Gandalf with pleading look to help you, but he was already talking with some of the dwarves, from their angry tone you assumed they weren’t very pleased of where this was going, so you decided to talk, even through you were still a bit shocked, to some of whom weren’t in any discussion.
Which happened to be Bilbo.
He looked very lost and his face held sad and hopeless look. You sighed.
„I’m really sorry for you all, but you, Bilbo, got another shock, didn’t you?“ You asked that hobbit. He jumped up and when he realized it was you, he sadly with sad smile shook his head.
„Yeah, it’s been very...difficult to deal with leaving my home. I’ve been missing it all the time, but I got used to it.“ You offered him a warm smile and patted his shoulder.
„I belive you’ll see your hobbit hole again. I’ll try and help you.“ He gave you a weak smile and nodded.
„Thank you a lot, it’s really nice from you, miss...?“ He looked at you and you realized you didn’t even introduced yourself.
„Oh, my name’s Y/N. I’m Y/N.“
„It’s very nice to meet you, miss Y/N.“ You glanced over and noticed by the corner of your eye Kili’s expression.
Third person pov
Kili have been eyeing you since you’ve let him, Fili and Thorin inside and wanted to learn more about you, especially when you called him by his name. You knew him, but he didn’t knew you, for Mahal’s sake!
The clothes you’ve given to him was dry and comfortable, even if it wasn’t something he was used to back in Middle-Earth. He wanted to talk to you, not only because of being curious of where did you knew his name from – but also because he felt something and wanted, needed to be close to you.
When you started talking, he was watching you, every single move of yours – he could see you were nervous and still a bit pale from shock, but he was hanging on every single word you said (which, he knew, will Fili take advantage of and tease him on every single opportunity he will get).
When you said you thought about a way to explain why do you know all of them, Fili turned to him to affiliate him into discussion, but he noticed the way his brother’s jaw clenched and if looks could kill, Bilbo would be dead.
You and Bilbo were talking about his home and Fili noticed that when you assuringly smiled at Bilbo and placed your hand on his shoulder, Kili averted his gaze, but in a few seconds he looked back at you. Fili chuckled. He’s gonna be teasing him about being jealous of that halfling they were playing pranks at.
It seemed like Kili got back for his prank with horse hairs, which he rubbed over handkief, then gave it to Bilbo, whom couldn’t use it, because he was sneezing all the time.
Now that hobbit got not only your attention, but also you touched him.
Kili was now having a pouting face he did since both Kili and Fili could remember, and Fili chuckled to himself. Kili wouldn’t admit he was jealous, especially because of you and Bilbo talking. And Fili knew that.
He nudged him to ribs and murmed.
„I’m begging you, behave.“ Kili flinched, but his eyes weren’t leaving your face.
„I am behaving.“ Fili chuckled.
„If looks could kill, Bilbo would be dead. That is not behaving.“
„I didn’t do anything!“ He whispered-hissed-yelled. Fili chuckled.
„You look like you want to jump over the table and choke him. Tsk tsk brother.“
„What are you two talking about?“ Kili froze and Fili did too. It was you.
„I-uhm-“ Kili looked to Fili for help. He was doing this rarely, but if he did, Fili knew he was hopeless.
„It was nothing, really.“ He said and inhaled to say something else, but Kili was quicker.
„I, uh, you know my name, right?“
Your pov
„I, uh, you know my name, right?“ Said Kili and you nodded. He was your favourite character, even if you didn’t liked the moments when him and Fili made Bilbo to go against the trolls, or when they were pranking him and making fun of that poor little thing.
„Yeah, I do.“ An awkvard silence came up between you two. You shyly smiled towards him, finding him attractive, and looked over the table. You stood up again.
„Don’t be afraid. Only that...,“ you looked at Gandalf and he nodded.
„I’m not sure how are you going to take it.“ You went to your living room and pulling out a visibly readen book, The Hobbit. It was in the upper shelf, where nobody really paid attention to the books. This book was old and you couldn’t risk if somebody would lose it or destroy it.
You came back to the kitchen and inhaled deeply.
„This is the first thing, but before that I need you to tell me, honestly, what happened before you appeared in-or near-,“ you said, looking over the Durins,
„My house.“
„We were escaping from the Mirkwood,“ Thorin said with a glare shot to Thranduil, whom snorted quietly. Legolas furrowed his brows.
„We were on a feast of starlight,“ He said, being absolutely certain.
„Wasn’t it more of escaping from the goblins?“ Balin looked at Thorin sleepishly. This time it was Bilbo who furrowed his brows.
„I thought we were-“
„Bilbo!“ That was Kili.
„Kili!“ That was Fili.
„You two!“ That was Thorin.
„Dwarves,“ That was Thranduil and Legolas.
„Can you just calm down? Miss Y/N is trying to help us here and you’re making it more difficult than we need it to be.“ Bard got up from his seat. You smiled at him, thankful he stood up for you.
„Thank you, Bard. Okay, so you don’t wanna tell me that. Great. But you’ll understand why I was asking this question,“ you said mysteriously. All of them sat closer now, even if the dwarves would be still arguing it was true.
You sat down, opened the book, deeply inhaled and started reading.
They were shocked, to say at least.
You’ve red a first few pages and let them to ask questions. There was many of them, to say at least.
„How do you know all that?“
„How old is that book?“
„Where is it from?“
„Are you a magician?“
All of the questions, creating live and happy chit-chat, quickly shutted down by Thorin’s gaze, when he stood up and suspiciously stared at you.
„How do we know we can trust you?“ You opened your mouth to answer, but Thranduil’s eye-roll was quicker. You giggled.
„Well, I know your stories. And if you don’t believe me after you’ve seen and heard something from this book – I‘ve got a few editions of them, from different years – you are probably gonna believe me after you’ll see the movies.“ Thorin’s brows furrowed.
„A movies? What is it?“ Balin placed his hand on Thorin’s shoulder and murmed something, before the dwarf king sat down.
„Does she wants to offend us?“ Turned Dwalin (getting angry) to Gandalf.
„You have to believe her, Dwalin. She knows this world, and this is surely nothing that would have the intention to offend any of you.“ He looked also at Thorin while he way saying these words, and he looked back at you and you nodded. Meanwhile, Thranduil shot him a glare and turned to you.
„Alright, so are you going to show us, that, ehm, movie? What is it about?“ He asked the question that any of them was thinking of. You nodded and dramatically inhaled, overhearing Fili’s ‚Is she okay?‘ and smiled inwardly.
„It’s about an introvert being forced to go outside.“ All of their faces fell and you started laughing and shook your head.
„What is introvert?“ Kili asked, bit confused. You decided to tell them about this later.
„Well, actually, it’s about Bilbo, here,“ you patted his shoulder and the hobbit’s eyes grew wide.
„Who was sighed as a burglar by Gandalf to the company of Thorin Oakenshield,“ you looked over the table to find Gandalf nodding and Thorin looking slightely surprised, but pleased.
„To get back the dwarvish kingdom Erebor,“ You looked over the dwarves and noticed Kili’s eyes sparkling and your stomach did a backflip. Oh, these puppy eyes were always a thing you knew you couldn’t resist to.
„From dragon called...“
„Smaug,“ Kili and Fili said at once. You chuckled.
„Now, wait here and you can read the book, the movie is based on it. Just, please,“ You looked especially on Fili and Kili,
„be careful. It’s an old book, I found it in antiquarian bookstore, and red it way too many times, because it’s my favourite edition.“ And left to prepare living room for the movie.
Fili’s pov
„You were unusually quiet,“ I nudged Kili. He just shrugged it off.
„I’m not loud all the time,“ He tried to argue but I only chuckled. I knew him my whole life. I couldn’t unnotice his sudden change of behavior.
„Yes, you are, plus, you’re staring at Master Baggins as if you’d wanted to kill him, again. So, aren’t you going to tell me what’s going on, Kee?“ Kili shook his head and averted his gaze to the table. Then, he mumbled something and refused to meet my gaze.
„Oh, I see,“ I mumbled enough for him to hear it. I tilted towards him.
„You like her and you hate that she’s giving Bilbo more attention than to you.“ Kili did pouted his lips and still refused to meet my gaze. I chuckled.
„I knew, it, I knew it!“ I laughed and Kili was hissing at me.
„Shut, it, just shut up, Fili, she’ll hear-“
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funny-house · 3 years
Hey so um about Mirror Man theories / analysis I have finally decided to say something kinda important I think it’s fair I explain where my perspective comes from and at least tell you... something i’ve sorta been pushing down. like, i’m clearly doing that Thing again where i’m taking on everyone else’s perspective and forgetting to give my own so let me,, be honest
even though i think i’ve been avoiding it because i’m kinda outing myself on some personal junk but i feel like i need to explain and not just suddenly shut well intentioned people out for no reason
what I happen to have a lot of experience with is being with, or watching others be with a narcissistic abuser partially from personal experience with my weirdo family, but mostly because i used to attend a group that happened to teach about it. If someone was in that group for a severe relationship problem, being beaten or stalked or emotionally tortured--- odds are? they were dealing with a very specific kind of narcissist. So i overheard it again and again and again and again// I know the terms, i know the signs, i know the motives, i know the aftermath, blah
so despite how much i seem to be Excessively Fixated on this dumb mirror clay man-- there’s this barrier where i don’t want to feel too bad for him. I can totally.... cartoon-ify him!! and draw him, and talk about him in a very fictional way-- I treat him like a villain character. that’s why i outright call him a villain sometimes, despite him....... literally being a pretty realistic take on an abusive dad but i feel the need to keep this emotional distance from him and then i will absolutely vilify the guy the minute his relations with his family come up. Even though he isn’t..... real. lmao but when I’m asked to sympathize with him, even indirectly, as if he’s a realistic person? I do kinda get super uncomfortable. I’m way more comfortable when I speak about him in a way that reminds whoever's reading this that mirror man’s character is A Really Bad Dude even if it’s in a joke, like i just feel the need to passively remind over and over because that’s what i had to do when I was literally interacting with people who were in abusive relationships with narcissists. I feel responsible for my words, like if I say the wrong thing you might get the impression Mirror Man, a very vicious abuser who has hurt both his wife and his child, is..... “capable of being nice if you fix him.” .......  And then woops, they’ve run back to their ex.
and it’s not because you guys did anything wrong! I’ve literally told you to talk to me about it while at the same time i’ve been actively fighting this.... impulse to just ignore or be... not nice about the subject? idk I mean lmao-- i’m not a doctor but I am technically an adult, let me try to have some emotional intelligence and accept other perspectives here but--
i admit, it’s not a lot of fun for me because ummm I literally learned from being around groups like that to Never Show A Narcissist Sympathy Never Believe Them When They Say They’re Sorry Narcissist don’t change, they only pretend to learn, and they don’t accept criticism for ANY reason.
and i didn’t learn that from their words, i learned it from their stories. So I don’t agree that Mirror Man was ever apologizing, ever expressing remorse. I’ve SEEN that behavior. It’s a lie. The sheer complexity of this kinda guy’s manipulation tactics.......... it can’t be exaggerated. The way they laugh their apology and fall back on their mental health problems as an excuse- JUST in a single sentence? So fast you barely catch it? I’ve seen that, and i gotta say, i’d be surprised if Jack doesn’t have some sort of personal experience because that is spot on.
and that sticks with you yknow???  So I see Mirror Man and i’m just like OH HECK SOUND THE ALARMS  we got another one everybody!!! but i also love to write characters!! so i DO understand how he got that way, i understand what his thought process is, and it’s SO interesting to depict and write about
like, i could open a Mirror Man rp blog, and be totally ok writing him. but if I’m writing him, i’m comfortable because i can control the narrative, ofc,, so I can make sure he isn’t unusually nice, that he’s... villain-like
so idk.
this is a jumbled mess and i’m going to cry i don’t feel like i’m explaining myself well um because it’s not that i don’t love hearing about Mirror Man! lmao I clearly do, i sure talk about the video enough but i’m not sure...... how to explain what I don’t want to talk about. I just hope this gives you some vague idea?
so from now on if i ever don’t reply to something Mirror Man related you said? I’m super sorry, really i am but you might have said something to make me uncomfortable? and i’m just going to stop making myself uncomfortable for no reason like the dumbass doormat i am,,,
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julas-little-spot · 3 years
Some of my OC's
They're open for asks. They have their own stories that are still being created so no spoiler-related asks, please.
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Aight so, that's 17 out of... idk, 20? 30? Anyways-
Jula (my persona)
-loves art and onions. Even her hair looks like one, which is why she's always wearing the berret. (Her alias? Onion Gal. And she hates it)
-kinda a demon or some sort
Firaku (Just my Gacha Cringe comedian)
-Is actually a dragon, she just shape shifts
-When in shock, her mouth goes right below one of her eyes (similar to Undyne when she gets flustered. You can see her mouth at the bottom of her eye)
Jacky (my old persona duringmy first days in Wattpad)
-Originally was female, but ended up being rebooted and having them non-binary instead
-Xyra created them in their story
-Fun fact, their eye and facemark color (it's unclear, but it's on their cheek) changes by the color of their clothing
Koiji (Introverted little shit)
-Is Firaku's student
-Prefers being alone, acts like a jerk, has the looks (Wow, that's unusual for an introvert, ngl)
Mochi (Mochi)
-Can only say Mochi
-can change size whenever she wants
-Her facial expressions are shown by the paper covering her face
-Surprisingly enough, she's semi-mummified
Miou (Protagonist of Gacha Overkill, which I'll have to rename that AU as it doesn't fit anymore) (Gacha World)
-I think she's related to Dice? Who knows
-How can a freaking 9 year-old handle a magical bow and arrow?!
Arin (CCC and Government Agent) (Henry Stickmin)
-AMAB non-binary
-Their hair fades to blonde, to a little tangerine tint, then scarlet
-24 years old (heh, I know, they look 8)
Chihiro (Chop Chop Ninja)
-Hated child (I don't mean Gacha Stereotype kind of hated child. There's a story to it)
-stole the katana
Jamaika (Gacha World)
-Black and white, her entire (except her skin and inside of her ears) pallete
-Dual pistols because Jessa is her idol :>
Janice (Gacha World)
-hehe, drill hair go brrrrrrrrr
-gotta love seeing a flying cheetah, am I right?
Jj (my Gacha Summoner, from Gacha World)
-Queen of pranks (as she says so herself)
-The laws of gravity does not exist in her world
Jullika (Parasite)
-Apparently me but with longer brown hair (I have black irl) and pink glasses (Irl it's purple)
-Annoying parasite
Pestal (the Underground's entertainment) (my Undertale AU Storyswap!DR)
-A robot with bright rainbow colors as it reminds Dr. Toriel of her son Asriel
-He was made by Alphys, not Toriel. Since you know Alphys, anxiety and stuff (apparently Alphys is supposed to take MTT'S role, but I kept her original personality)
-Why are his eyes covered? There's gotta be a reason behind that
-He's actually genderless. He just prefers using he/him pronouns as he's more comfortable with them
Rosalina/Kiwi (This is actually my nephew's OC, but I still like her)
-Cute lil humanoid cat
-Her hidden powers are not to be spoken about
-Probably a demon
Mina Curtis (smartass) (Henry Stickmin)
-She isn't related to Burt! They just have the same family name
-High IQ, too bad she's such a badmouth, she needs to clean it with soap
Cherry Dazzle (My Little Pony, hehe)
-She's just humanized in the drawing
-Yes her cutie mark is the cherry with a star as shown on her sweater
-Earth Pony, lel
Xyra (Octopus girl)
-was the one who created Jacky
-sorry, I'm lazy to fix the tentacles
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rheawritessometimes · 3 years
Ooh matchups!! I am here lol 👀
May I get a romantic matchup w one of the adult male characters?
I come off as very friendly and sociable bc I'm too socially awkward to gracefully turn down a chat lmao. Don't get me wrong I do like talking with people but bc I'm too anxious to interrupt people when I have my own thoughts I often end up listening to the other person go on and on and it feels like they're just talking at me :/ I would very much appreciate someone who realizes this and actually pauses to ask for my opinion to make me feel included in the conversation
On the other hand, if the other person is willing to listen, I will ramble for hours about my own interests (and also go on like five tangents before I inevitably lose my original point lmao). I'm a biologist so point out any living thing to me and I'd probably have several fun facts ready to share
I almost always have a smile on my face when I'm out in public or anywhere I'd see another person. I just really don't want to come across as rude so I smile at everybody lol
This unfortunately has the side effect of making me hide my negative feelings from my friends. It's not that I'm actively trying to — if they caught me in the moment I'd at least be honest about my feelings — but I tend to push all the negativity to the back of my mind whenever I'm out with friends and only really address it when I'm alone at night. I also have a hard time showing any sort of weakness to anyone, despite my philosophy of "always talk to your friends about your problems." It's just that I'm supposed to be the one who has it together, so I feel like I have no one to go to when I need help. I'm trying to change this habit but it's been difficult lol
Communication is so important to me. As someone who's very nonconfrontational I try to do all I can to avoid an argument. And honestly, being honest with each other will solve like 99% of the misunderstandings that people regularly have anyway
I love pretty much all creatures (tho my favorites are cats and also dragons even though they're not real) prob bc as a biologist, I have an appreciation for all living things and the roles they play in the world. I'm the type of person to trap the spider and bring it outside. These little critters are just trying to live like the rest of us!!
As for dislikes, I'm not a fan of jealousy in a partner. I guess some people find it hot when your s/o gets possessive of you but I'd rather just trust my partner and have them trust me? And when you do feel jealous like,, talk to your partner about what's making you uncomfortable?? Idk maybe it's just me lol
I love drawing, writing, and piano!
I also love learning new things. Idk if it's really a hobby but I do enjoy adding to my collection of random trivia
My love language is quality time and physical touch
I tend not to pay attention to my day to day life so I end up forgetting a lot of details about what happened the past few days. If someone brings it up I'd be like oh yeah that happened!! But if they were to ask me what I did last week I'd draw a blank lmao
I'm pretty sure all the tall boys in Genshin are a good head taller than me so do w that what you will lol
I absolutely make kissy faces and baby talk at cats and dogs
I tend to be pretty awkward with kids bc I don't know how to communicate with them. I can't even talk to adults who can articulate their thoughts you think I'm gonna understand children??
Dskgjsjd okay this was,, very long I'm sorry ;; but I hope it gave you a lot to work with haha!! Thank you in advance :D
I match you with...
Diluc is the type to regularly ask for your input and opinions when talking with you. He’s very aware of the fact that if it’s just him talking, it’s not a conversation. Even with other people, if he feels like you’ve been ignored he’ll divert the conversation to you as smoothly as possible.
Listening to you is a way to get to know you better, he’s keen to store details about your interests in his mind. Will he write them down in a hidden journal to make sure he doesn’t forget the most important parts? Maybe.
If you’re just looking to ramble about your interests to someone, he’s happy to listen to you talk while he’s doing paperwork and similar activities. His full attention may not be on you but he retains some of the details and will perk up and comment on anything that he finds particularly interesting.
The juxtaposition between smiling you and broody Diluc as you walk down the street together is *chef’s kiss*. It’s not that he’s necessarily unhappy, it’s just kind of become his neutral look over time.
I’m gonna be honest, it takes this man a while to figure out that you tend to hide your feelings. But! Once he does figure it out he regularly asks you how you feel. He just wants to check up on you and if he can help you with something that’s bothering you, he absolutely will. He doesn’t think you should rely on each other, but you should absolutely support each other.
Diluc is a very honest man, but sometimes he can be a bit blunt in expressing himself. He doesn’t mean to come across as rude or anything, but he’s not always the most delicate when using his words. Diluc would say “This is bland.” rather than, “I think we can improve this by adding some spices. :)” He usually means well, though.
Entirely indifferent to animals but if it makes you happy he will move spiders outside instead of squashing them. Even when you’re not around.
Diluc isn’t exactly the jealous type when it comes to other people giving you attention but he does absolutely take notice and is paying extra close attention if someone starts flirting with you. He gets a little more annoyed if you’re actively interacting with him when it happens, but when you’re more on your own he can’t really blame anyone for taking interest in you. Diluc won’t do anything about it and will let you handle it yourself however you see fit unless the person starts getting pushy. Mostly just concerned for your comfort and safety.
This man absolutely knows how to play the piano. If you’ll let him, he wants to listen to you play and if you play the piano with him? Makes his heart so happy, his smile will be so soft. Absolutely thinks about proposing when you play together.
Something about being in the same room as you when you’re writing or drawing and he’s reading or doing work feels so right to him. Even if you’re not interacting, peacefully spending time together while being productive is time well spent, he thinks.
You being smaller than him isn’t something he really pays much attention to. It doesn’t make much of a difference. His thoughts on it are pretty much just, Well, it does make it easier to pull you out of danger. That’s good.
Diluc feels conflicted when you’re babying animals. On one hand, he finds it very adorable. But, it is one of the only times he feels moderately jealous over the fact a cat is getting your attention and not him. He doesn’t get jealous when you spend time with other people or even when you interact with animals in any way other than this. Why does he feel like this? Nobody knows. But it’s true, I feel it in my bones.
Equally awkward if not more so with children. Luckily for him, he’s ‘weird and grumpy’ so kids don’t really seek him out much. It might even keep kids away from you when you’re with him, unless they really like you.
It wasn’t often Diluc wore a pink shirt, actually, you were pretty sure he had never worn one. You don’t recall ever seeing one on him and it was hard to imagine him going out and making the purchase. The sight was unusual enough that when you saw him wearing the pale pink button-up while looking over a few papers in his study, you couldn’t help but ask about it.
“I didn’t know you owned any pink shirts. Is it new?”
Crimson eyes flicked up from the papers in his hand to you. He placed the papers down, leaning back in his chair. You could see his cheeks turning a bit pink, too. The pause he took and his flushed face made you think he was embarrassed about it.
“One of… There was a mixup and one of your red items got mixed in with my white clothes. I don’t have any other clean button-ups at the moment,” he told you bashfully. The bit of color was different from his usual black attire, but you didn’t think it was anything for him to be quite so embarrassed about.
“It looks good,” you assured him, “Maybe you should wear pink more often.”
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yourpakichic · 4 years
Episode 18 Thoughts
-Eda having to pull him together and telling him that they will figure it out TOGETHER.... my heart hurts and I’m not even 5 minutes into this episode.
-The little hint of happiness in Eda’s eyes when she proves that he’s innocent. She’s just so happy to prove to him that he didn’t make a mistake.
-Not at Eda thinking Erdem set up Serkan, lol girl it’s Erdem!
-MELO! I MISSED HER!-What’s Serkan’s play here? I’m confused.
-Alptekin does have a point. Aidan needs to take some responsibility. Both of them need to be parents to Serkan.
-I really don’t understand where this Selin/Eda fight came from. Like it doesn’t even make sense to me. First of all, Eda just downright saying that Selin is the culprit was just weird. And second, this fight and Serkan yelling at Eda for Selin. It all just doesn’t even seem right or true to the story. Idk, it just seemed like a weird turn to take at this point.
-If he takes that ring off because of what Ayfer said I’m gonna lose it! One thing, Serkan has always been kind to Ayfer regardless of the situations. He’s been honest and speaks to her with respect. He’s never avoided her confrontations or been dishonest or been disrespectful. He understands her concern as Eda’s guardian and takes it seriously and really listens to her requests.
-Okay say what you will, but the living together proposal between Engin/Pyril was cute! I know they are the most random couple and kind of weird but I actually love it! I wasn’t feeling it originally but I don’t know, I guess they are growing on me now!
-Aidan/Serkan scenes are my favorite! They just have the cutest mother/son relationship! Her gift to him is so adorable and heartfelt! As a child, there’s so much you being home and things you show your parents that you don’t think they will keep it or remember it. But the fact that she kept that drawing of his and other drawings just goes to show that she really loves her son.
-Melo trying to find a man on campus..... that is me.
-My jaw literally dropped when I saw Serkan show up at the library. My heart is already exploding!
-I SWEAR! The men on this show are so clueless about women! They share one brain cell! The way Ferit didn’t even pick up on Jeren’s mood, like bruh! I swear they are all useless! Jeren is a queen though for getting up and leaving rather than entertaining that conversation with Ferit!
-THE LIBRARY SCENE WAS EVERYTHING! I am so fulfilled! They gave me everything I wanted and more! Serkan trying to talk to Eda and Eda not having any of it and then Eda getting loud and confrontational while Serkan tries to get her to quite down! Only for him to get lost in her and observe her beauty and then getting kicked out! IT WAS PERFECT, PERFECT I SAY! Gosh I’m so happy! -The walking together scene was absolutely adorable! Eda always presents a new perspective to look at things and that’s what Serkan loves about her! His gift to her was very thoughtful! It seems very small and insignificant but it’s actually so thoughtful! It’s his way of showing his support in her educational efforts. It’s his way of expressing wanting her to have the best of the best when it comes to her career. It’s his way of saying he can’t wait to see her imagination come to life. ️
-I would have loved a longer walk sequence with them just walking in that beautiful atmosphere and talking about life as that beautiful background score plays on and on.
-The little smile Eda gives out after seeing their picture in the book. It’s like a reassurance that she’s still In his heart. That he still thinks of her. That he still remembers her. Because sometimes even when it’s all over, you hold on with the idea that you’re not forgotten. That parts of you might still be around. That the heart that was once open to you hadn’t closed yet. And maybe, just maybe, there is still a chance.
-Efe knows how to sweet talk and I can see him doing so and getting Selin to help him in his plans to take down Serkan.
-Ayfer/Eda/Serkan leaving the house scene was EPIC! JUST CANNOT HANDLE IT!
-Serkan’s reaction to seeing his mom in his house and the way he looks at Eda like a blessing he doesn’t deserve! THEY HAVE MY HEART.
-Aidan saying what we all were thinking! Girl go live in a hotel, why you moving into Serkan’s place!
-I REALLY THOUGHT THEY WERE GONNA KISS. The close proximity. The little tease smile from Eda. Serkan leaning his head forward. They really fooled me. My heart almost gave up!
-SERKAN NEEDS TO LEARN HOW TO SAY NO TO SELIN. Man really said yes let’s have dinner together. Because the love of my life already doesn’t hate me enough and suspects me, let me go have dinner with you in front of her! I swear to god. One brain cell. All the men share one brain cell. And right now, Ferit it the one carrying it around.
-Eda using her conversation with Efe to mess with Serkan was hilarious! And his jealousy was just clown behavior!
-As much as I hate Efe, his style is so cute! The way he dresses! I would love to see Serkan dress like that! Like the suits and the dressing up looks good but it’s be nice to see him in a different attire.
-Efe just confessed? Just like that? And that’s it? That’s all we get? Eda just saying okay. Eda made such a big deal at the beginning of the episode and knowing Eda’s character, she wouldn’t have just let him off the hook. It’s unusual that Eda tries to stop Serkan from being direct with Efe. I wanted more from this reveal. After all, Serkan has every right to be pissed and every right to go off on Efe. I know Eda is grateful to Efe for the opportunities he’s provided her but it just doesn’t make sense that she just let him off the hook that easily. It just doesn’t.
-Well that was very non-dramatic ending. 
Overall: Okay so like this episode definitely had some issues but overall it was still enjoyable! It didn’t have me at the edge of the seat the whole time but I enjoyed the seeing the progress in a lot of the relationships and dynamics of the show! I think in this episode, they strayed a bit from Eda’s character and I hope they get back onto the proper route!
Fragman: HOLY FUCK. The first scene in the fragman. My mouth dropped to the floor. I’m excited but I’m also nervous. I genuinely hope that Selin doesn’t find out the truth before Eda does because that would be unfair! Eda doesn’t deserve to hear the reason behind her breakup with Serkan in an accidental way and that too from Selin’s mouth. There’s clearly a big confrontation between Eda/Serkan which seems to heading in the way of Serkan telling Eda the truth and I hope it continues on that route. I would gladly just accept Serkan being honest with Eda about his feelings and reassuring her that there is nothing between him and Selin in this episode. I don’t want Eda to think that Selin and Serkan are a thing and then on top of that find out the truth. I think she needs to first be assured that Serkan love her and her only and then proceed with telling the truth. For some reason, I think Selin barging in like that between their confrontation will be the end scene. I feel like the truth might actually be revealed in the 20th episode of anything.
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burts-baked-bees · 4 years
{If The World Was Ending          You’d Come Over Right? }
Author: ohhey-mishamigosx
Relationship: Cas x Reader
Warning : Violence, swearing, ANGST, idk what else, its for big kids. 
Word Count :  4404
A/N: I’ve been meaning to post more stories on here cuz AO3 is trash. This song gives me major SPN vibes so I made this. Its divided into 3 parts. The male sung verse/chorus is Cas’ POV, the female sung is Y/n’s POV, the part sang together will be both of them!  This took me a while to write and I’m so happy with how it came out! So enjoy! 
Summary: (A story written to the song lyrics of “If The World Was Ending”by JP Saxe &  Julia Michaels) Castiel and Y/n have had a complicated relationship since day one, but now Chuck is wiping out the world they know, and Y/n is nowhere to be found. 
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                                                                         - PART ONE - CASTIEL’S POV - 
( Bold is Song Lyrics ) 
( Italics is Flash Back )
I Was Distracted, and In Traffic 
    The room was impossibly silent as a lone figure stood in a dark and dismal room, their head tilted to the heavens. Flashes of red were seen in the night sky, clouds outlined by the blood soaked light sending eerie shadows on the world below. The harsh flashes outlined the fabric of a worn trench coat and even older suit, the vessel wearing them was no stranger to the feeling of fear that filled his bones as the impending doom danced across the skies. He had been present for many of the earth's cleanings; from the Great Flood to some of his father’s more recent attempts at wiping the slate clean. But, in all those mass killings, those end of days times, he had never felt nearly as much dread as he felt in these very moments. 
I Didn’t Feel it, When The Earthquake Happened
As his blue eyes followed the red lighting across the ever expanding skies, he found himself thinking back to one singular person. 
   One small human of the billions on this planet had captured his mind and held it in bittersweet captivity. He just knew she was somewhere halfway across the country he was in, her eyes also fixated on the skies. And he, an angelic host of the Lord, prayed that she too was thinking of him, but he knew that to be far from the truth. He would know, he remarked, if she was sending out her thoughts to his almost graceless form. 
   The earth shook. 
   Castiel felt the very ground beneath his feet cry out in pain as a rumble filled his ears. He grabbed ahold of the wall next to him and dug his fingers into the plaster. He watched as dirt erupted from new forming holes and cracks in the surface of this once calm planet. He knew it was drawing to a close. He knew his father had had enough of the foolery of his creation, and now he was striking back. The end was near. 
   And he was alone. 
But It Really Got Me Thinking
“Well, look who’s back.” Her voice was soft, but bitter and it sent a shiver to the angels' very core. He turned his head from Elieen and met her gaze. The ghost of a smile was seen on his cracked lips as he took a step to face her fully. 
  “Hello Y/n.” He rasped, his blue eyes twinkling. Her expression didn’t change in the least bit as Sam came to rest behind her. He pursed his lips into a flat line and raised his brow at Castiel, making his confusion with her temperament known as well. Eileen signed something to Y/n and she responded quickly, too fast for Sam to see and unknown to Castiel. She stepped away from Sam and past Cas to lean her weight against the map table. 
  “What brought you back? Thought you and Dean were mad at each other again.” 
Sam looked to Castiel confused as the seraphim looked to his feet, then back at the woman across from him. 
   “I was told that Sam needed help with his….. Unusual wound ...” The words left his mouth like a plea for any form of relaxed conversation, but it met Y/n’s ears like a deflection of what she truly wanted him to say. She narrowed her eyes at him and smiled dryly while nodding. 
  “Yeah…” She pushed her weight off the table and brought her body impossibly close to his. Castiel felt his grace flare for a moment, the proximity of Y/n to him was affecting him in more ways than one. Her e/c eyes were fixated on his blue ones as he felt her body heat enter his own personal space. His Adam's apple bobbed as he tried his best to keep his eyes on her’s and not her weather beaten lips.  
      “That’s exactly what I thought you’d say…” Castiel felt like a spike of ice had entered his vessel. Her words cut him deeply as she made her way around him and out of the room. Sam, Eileen, and Cas watched as the hunter left the room with her arms crossed. The way she carried her obvious sour emotions resembling that of Dean, and giving Castiel yet another taste of the discomfort of being in the presence of this family. 
Were You Out Drinking?
Were You In The Living Room Chilling
Watching Television?
    The sky was growing darker and brighter all at once as the lone fallen angel made his way through the musty afterglow of the earthquake. His mind drifted to thoughts of Sam and Dean, and what they must be doing now. They always seemed to be at the center of earth shattering events, and this time must not be an exception. He imagined them throwing caution to the wind and pulling out all the stops in order to bring his father’s plans to its knees once again, like a never ending story book that had no definitive plot. He wondered however, as he looked to the rubble around him, if this time God had truly given up. If this was to be the ending to the creation he had hid from for so long. 
   “I’ve never seen this planet so calm.” His voice drifted over the restless land and floated into the air with no real destination. He wondered how Heaven and Hell would react to the coming end, and to add the Empty to the mix was a frightening thought. He had gone face to face with that entity before, and hated every minute of it. That disgusting abyss had taken more than one friend from him; from brothers and sisters, to the only soul that had ever come close to calling a son. He recalled the way Jack used to interact with Y/n. How he looked to her for comfort and compassion when the Winchesters lacked the knowledge of how to tap into those emotions. She was so kind to the young boy. She treated him like family, and Castiel couldn’t help but see him and her as the parents that Jack deserved. 
      There she was again.
    The world was crumbling around him and all he could bring to his mind was a girl that had rejected him long ago. She was all he could think of. Her world was coming to a close and he feared she may be alone in this chaos. He feared most of all that he hadn’t crossed her mind once. 
It’s Been A Year Now
  “You don’t get it Cas! After all this fucking time you still don’t get it!” Her voice was rough and raw as she screamed at the angel across from her. He stood rigid and tall, his suit jacket and trench coat were placed on the edge of her bed, his frame looking impossibly naked with his white sleeves rolled and tie loose. He clenched his jaw as the words left her mouth and he looked to the door before looking back to her; blue eyes ablaze. 
   “I am not some ignorant child Y/n. I may not be human, but I assure you I have a firm grasp on the nonsensical emotions you all seem to share!” His hand was raised and pointed at the door as if referencing the Winchesters just a step outside. She laughed dryly and with venom in her lips, she marched at him and got right in his face as he straightened up and met her gaze with a passion. 
  “You’re not a child Castiel, that much is true, but you’d be a fucking liar to say you weren’t ignorant.” She spat the last few words, and Cas felt each one strike him like a knife to the chest. She went to walk past him and out the door but she was stopped by his hand grabbing hers. She went to pull away when her eyes found his face. His blue eyes were fogged with tears and his brows were knitted together in what could only be pain. Her entire mood changed at the drop of a hat as she took in the look on his face. His messy hair was falling in his face from the heated fight just a few moments ago, and his chest was shaking from ragged breaths. 
   “Please…” He choked as Y/n stopped moving, “I Can’t do this….. Not with you…” His once strong and dominant voice was nothing more than a whisper now as a lone tear made its way down his cheek. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. The angelic beast once proud of his inability to feel, was forced into experiencing the most human of emotions. 
Y/n let her guard down and let a sob slip past her lips. Castiel looked up at her with a look of confusion, but relief all the same. She gave a hard tug on his arm and brought his body crashing into hers. Castiel deflated and let her hold him. He felt himself give into her completely as they fell to the floor in a mix of limbs and tears. 
I Think I Figured Out How 
How To Let You Go And Let Communication Die Out
“It’s a shame. Of all the ways for our father to dismantle this planet, he chooses earthquakes and fire from the heavens.” Castiel spun around, his shoes sending a groan through the gravel he was standing in, his angel blade dropping from his sleeve like an extension of his arm. “Well, nice to see you haven't changed brother.” The words left the girls mouth as Castiel sighed and lowered his weapon. 
  “Iaoth.” He breathed, “You caught me off guard.” The seraphim stiffened up upon seeing his sibling.
  “I’m surprised to see you alone.” She remarked as she brushed a bit of soot off her shoulder, “I’ve been told you’re very fond of humans. Seeing that you threw away heaven and all of us for them.” Her mouth was smiling but her eyes shot daggers, Castiel glared at his sister with a deep anger. Her emerald eyes darted around the torn and beaten landscape, “So after all this time, we finally get to see our mighty fathers breaking point…” Her hand reached to a decaying flower sprouting from the ground. Castiel watched her intently, his grip on the silver angel blade never wavering. She picked the rotting plant from the ground and crushed it in her hand. “His breaking point was his biggest mistake.” 
 “Why are you here Iaoth?” Castiel spat, his jaw clenched and eyes ablaze. She laughed at his demeanor and wiped her hands on her suit jacket. 
  “I could ask you the same thing ‘Oh Fallen One’.” She turned from his gaze to look upon the fire filled skies. “Heaven, as you know, is very much in shambles. You and I are some of the only ones left alive. Naomi is having a party up there with what's left.”  She looked to Castiel, her teeth barred in a sinister smile. Cas took a step to his left, circling her as she moved the opposite direction. “It’s so sad to see you like this brother.” Castiel could hear her wings ruffling, as if she was preparing to take flight; or fight. “I can almost smell her human vile on you.” Her wings extended to their full length, the lights from the sky illuminating the silken feathers. Cas felt a primal fear alight in his gut, this wasn’t the first sibling of his to try and kill him since this all began. So many seemed to blame him for the way things were coming to an end. His vessels hands were drenched in the blood of his fallen brothers and sisters, and his angelic form was scarred from the ending of his own kind. Iaoth’s words stuck Castiel to his very core as he allowed the human Iaoth spoke of to take shape in his mind; a misty form reaching out to him in the midst of chaos. 
 I Know, You Know, We Know        
        “The whole of the heavens is ending, your celestial home, where you were created and raised, and yet your mind is lingering on the vile mistake that is human kind?!” Iaoth’s words were strong and soaked in rage as she squared up the much smaller Castiel before her. 
  “Iaoth. I don’t want to fight you.” Castiel spoke, his deep voice unwavering. The woman's laughter flooded the air like a bolt of lightning, 
  “You really think you have a choice?!” She spat. “Look at you! A broken and grace stripped seraphim! You don’t stand a chance against me or my TRUE brethren.” Her wings were now fully visible. All six of the deep grey spans filled the air like dark clouds, and Castiel let his heart drop as he considered the condition his own wings were in. Iaoth laughed again as Cas allowed his own wings to spread out, the once proud black feathers holding more gaps than anything else, and scarred flesh beneath them. “All that…” Iaoth spat, “For humans. You must be so proud…” Her words dripped with sarcasm as she lunged at the fallen angel before her. 
You Weren't Down For Forever And It’s Fine 
The motel room was dusty and old, large pieces of dust hanging in the air were seen best around the yellow lamp light, setting a almost frozen in time feel about the place. Castiel looked ahead of him through drooping lashes as the frame at the foot of the bed unbuttoned the last of the flannel shirt that hid her form. The yellow light illuminated every inch of skin as she made her way up from the foot of the bed to mere inches from the angel's face. He could feel her breath fan over his face as she moved his hands to rest on her hips. He exhaled shakily as he closed his eyes, his fingers digging into the flesh of her hips. His own name filled his ears like a breathy sigh as he shot his blue eyes open to meet her e/c ones. 
  “Do you want to do this?” She asked, her voice barely above a whisper. He could see in her eyes that she was genuinely asking him, out of fear of frightening him away. He gave a smile and brought his face closer to hers, his lips ghosting over hers. She held back a low moan as he rested his forehead against hers, their noses brushing. 
  “More than anything.”  In an instant their lips crashed together, moans and staggered breaths filling the air of the motel room. Y/n straddled Castiel’s lap atop the bed and worked his white dress shirt off his torso. Cas brought his hands to her hips and brought her roughly down against his heating core. She let out a gasp and broke the kiss. With a smirk she reached for the bedside lamp and wrapped her fingers around the switch. Castiel grabbed her wrist and held her back from snuffing the light. She looked to him with confused eyes, only to be met by rough lips against her own. The stubble around his own face dragged down her neck as she let her hand drop from the light. 
  “Want to see you…” He growled as he pressed more kisses to her neck. With a smile she brought his eyes back to meet her own. 
  “Then let's get started.” 
I Know, You Know, We Know 
We Weren't Meant For Each Other And It’s Fine 
Iaoth spit a mouthful of blood to the cracked and dry earth as Castiel stood above her, his hand wrapped firmly in her hair bringing her gaze to his own blood splattered form. She laughed through red stained teeth and took a shallow breath, 
  “You pack quite the punch little brother.” Castiel brought the butt end of his angle blade down on her swollen face a few more times, the sick crack of bone filling the hot air. 
  “I’m not going to sit here, Iaoth, and watch you die but you should know that it’s out of pity,” He brought his face closer to hers in order to whisper the final statement, “And not because I consider you anything close to family.”  He released her hair from his fist and let her fall to the ground. His hands were red with the paint of war as he wiped them clean on his coat and began staggering away. Iaoth was on the ground on her back, sputtering blood as she cackled at seemingly nothing. Cas ignored the sound and kept walking, finished with the mere thought of her. 
   “She’s-- She’s going to die alone. On this forsaken slab of creation. Thinking of why you didn’t save her…” 
Castiel froze. His eyes were wide as he turned his head to the side, taking in the sickly form of his dying sister. “That human girl you bonded with like an animal,” Her words were choked, “The word back home is that Naomi is offering safe passage to a parallel world to the one who brings him her filthy head.” 
 “SHUT UP!” Castiel boomed, bringing his boot in contact with Iaoth’s jaw and sending her reeling to the ground. More broken laughter left the dying angels mouth as Castiel breathed heavy, his shoulders rising and falling in a dramatic manner. He stood over her, his eyes ablaze by her words,
   “That hunter whore is going to die drowning in her own blood and her filthy body is going to burn with the rest of this world.” That was the straw that broke the camel's back, with a deep guttural scream Castiel drove the shimmering blade in his hand through Iaoth’s chest. Her own scream ripped through the skies as her eyes and mouth broke forth with a bright glow, a small reminder of the grace that once filled her. 
  Once the screams died down, the dark haired angel stood from the lifeless body beneath him. He looked to the burned imprint of her wings upon the ground and wiped a spot of blood from his own face. His mind was reeling, wondering if what Iaoth said had been true. If there really was a price on Y/n’s head, as some sort of sick joke by Naomi’s hands, he had to find a way to get to her. 
    To warn her. 
   He wasn’t even sure if she’d want his help at all…
But If The World Was Ending You’d Come Over Right? 
Dean placed a hand on Y/n’s back as he helped her stumble to the car. His eyes were laced with concern as Sam opened the back door for her, worry upon his features as well. 
  “Guys, I’m really fine.” She slurred, her head spinning from blood loss. “You don’t  need to panic…” Her knees gave out as Sam jumped forward and helped Dean catch her. She chuckled a bit at her own expense and allowed the boy’s to help her into the back seat. Sam looked to Dean and they both decoded that he would ride in the back with her. 
  “Hey Y/n. Keep those eyes open.” Sam cooed as he brushed the side of her face. She smiled at him and scrunched her nose. 
  “Trust me Sammy, I’m not dying in the back of this car. That’s nor nearly exciting enough for me.” Sam laughed at her blind optimism and met Dean's eyes in the rear view mirror. 
   “You die in the back of my car, and I’ll kill you.”Dean joked, taking a glance behind him at her ever shrinking form. Sam felt her squeeze his hand and looked to her now closing eyes. 
  “Hey!” He shouted, “No, no,no,no, don’t go to sleep Y/n.” He shifted so his hands were holding her face. “Goddammit don’t go to sleep.” 
 Dean began to panic in the driver's seat as the sounds of Sam’s protests filled his ears. 
  “Dammit Sammy, don't let her sleep!”
  “I’m trying!” Was the angry response. Y/n shifted in Sam’s grasp as she forced out a few more words. 
  “You guys are such idiots…” Her eyes drifted closed. 
You’d Come Over And You’d Stay The Night?
Castiel practically flew down the stairs as the Winchesters came into view. His eyes were wild as he searched the room for any sign of loss or pain. Sam smiled at him and took a step forward. 
 “Hey, easy buddy.” He placed his hands on Cas’ shoulder and held him steady. Cas looked to Dean who pursed his lips, cocked his brow, and gestured to the chair Sam’s body was blocked from his view. Cas moved from Sam’s hold and froze upon meeting the gaze of Y/n, wrapped in one of Dean’s hoodies, and face littered with stitches and bandages; but still smiling. 
  “I lived bitch.” She spoke in a horse voice. Dean laughed out loud at her statement and sat down beside her, nursing a half empty beer.  Sam sighed and ran a hand through his hair,
 “Wow that was so sensitive, considering he thought you were actually dead.” Y/n shrugged and felt tears brim her eyes as Cas raced to her. He pulled the chair around and knelt down at her feet, taking her hands in his. 
  “I - I really thought I lost you.” He looked up at her with big blue eyes, also brimming with tears. Dean shifted away just slightly, a look of fake disgust on his face from the romantic display. “If you ever do anything like that ever again-” 
 “Oh, I guarantee you I will.” Y/n cut him off, “But we’ll be a bit more careful next time.”   
Would You Love Me For The Hell Of It? 
All Our Fears Would Be Irrelevant. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way about anyone before.” The words sailed off with the breeze as Y/n scratched an itch on her face. She glanced to the angle beside her, his body leaning against the tan car behind him. His trench coat was wrapped around Y/n’s shoulders, and she noted how utter naked he looked without it. “Sorry if that's too forward.”
  Castiel looked out at the sunset and sighed, his eyes soon traveled to the human beside him, wrapped in his essence. “Y/n…” He began. She looked to him with hopeful eyes. 
  “In all my eons of existence, watching civilizations rise and fall, watching your kind like a child watches a bee in the garden…” He looked to her, “I’ve never seen a more perfect example of the wonders my father is capable of making…” His hand wove together with her’s. 
                                                        “... Then you…” 
            If The World Was Ending You’d Come Over Right?
   The sky let forth a loud cry as the earth beneath Castiel's feet shook. He looked skyward and took witness as large chunks of flaming stone began falling from the heavens. He watched in the distance as the stone crashed to the ground and set a sick crack through the air. He watched as the sky began falling to the ground, and he was helpless to stop it. He swallowed hard as the soft sound of ringing filled his ears, and he reached for the almost forgotten phone in his inner pocket. 
  “Dean?” His voice bellowed over the sound of earth breaking all around him. 
    “Hey Cas! You seeing this?! Where the hell are you two man?! Me and Sam are dying over here!”  
Castiel furrowed his brow and shielded his eyes as dirt few up all around him. 
 “Dean? I’m in Montana! Are you two still at the bunker?” His voice met Dean’s ears like a long lost prayer and the hunter sighed. 
  “Yeah! How is Y/n?” Cas froze, his face scrunched up in confusion. 
   “What do you mean? I thought she was with you?!” 
  “Why the hell would she be with us?! Isn’t she your soulmate or whatever?” 
 Castiel felt his heart drop. 
The Sky'd Be Falling And I'd Hold You Tight 
And There Wouldn't Be A Reason Why 
“I wasn’t supposed to tell you…” Jack mumbled from his seat at the dinner table. Y/n felt a lump grow in her throat as she forced back tears. 
  “Don’t worry Jack, sweetheart…” She looked to the ceiling as she viciously fought her tears.
 “Castiel, he didn’t want to. But it was the only way. It seems selfish, but it’s not. He saved so many. I really wasn’t supposed to tell anyone. He made me promise…” Jack let his head fall to the table, his mind not at unease. 
 “I would have found out sooner or later.”  
  We Would Even Have To Say Goodbye
  “You are the biggest idiot I’ve ever met.” Y/n spat as she slammed the car door, the force shaking the whole vehicle. Castiel didn’t even flinch as he watched her walk from the parked car to the small lakefront just beyond the car. He felt his heart ache as she sat on a small bench and placed her head in her hands. 
  “I know…” He whispered to the empty car. 
If The World Was Ending You’d Come Over Right? 
“The Empty will take you.” She sobbed as she looked to the water in front of her. Castiel stood behind her, his own eyes filling with tears. “Take you the next time you feel joy.” She laughed, a last stitch effort to mask her pain. “How- How the fuck am I supposed to live with that?” She spun around to look at him, and he saw first hand just how much pain he had caused her. 
“But that was months ago Castiel.”  He tried to take a step towards her but she stood. 
“Months ago! And you're still here!”  She let a few sobs rack her chest as she looked down, tears falling like rain. 
 “So…  Since that day when you sold yourself over. Everything we’ve done. All the moments we had, that filled me with an immeasurable amount of love and joy… You’re still here. So...” She looked at him, her pain turning to hurt, turning to anger. 
 “You're not happy?” 
If The World Was Ending You’d Come Over Right?
Castiel held the phone to his ear, his mind blank. 
“Cas?!” Dean shouted on the other line, “Cas?!” 
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