#if I find the right distraction for long enough I know my brain will shut up about that specific trigger but it's still a nightmare
blessedwithabadomen · 4 hours
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in love with the mess - day fourteen
summary : Aubrey is going on tour and, for once, she's decided to focus on having as much fun as possible. Oli can be a little shit but he does nothing short of adore Audrey and... well, maybe Noah a little, too. Noah likes the flirting, as long as no one gets too close, emotionally. But what will happen when the three of them take it too far?
content : angst, fluff, overthinking, mentions of drinking, mentions of throwing up
length : 6k
tags (let me know if you want to be tagged!) : @veronicaphoenix @cookiesupplier @lma1986 @jilliemiw86 @bngurngheart @lacktoesandtoddlerants @narcissisticbehavior81 @flowery-mess @shilohrosechicken @justeli6 @starvingarsyn @floatinglikeaswan @blacksoul-27 @somebodyels3 @kageyasma @spikeisdaddy @broken0mens @sunsshinesunny
a/n : sorry about the delay!!! I'm going on holiday and it was all very stressful and hectic and then we had to figure out how to get to the airport tomorrow morning because the trains are suddenly not running lmao but here it is!!!
day fourteen
“You… you told-”
Noah didn’t even manage to say it out loud. He didn’t need to. Oli and I were just as aware of the fucking blunder we’d just made. The one that might change everything now.
We should have told him earlier. We should have told him, period. Not risked letting him find out. We’d truly fucked up. Too wrapped up in our own happiness and love to really grasp the consequences. How ridiculously selfish of us.
The room had fallen awkwardly silent, or maybe the ringing in my ears was simply tuning out everything else. Either way, there were still people around us, people who had no business listening in to this, people who didn’t need to know anything about our situation. I wasn’t actually sure if anyone even cared - but all the people running around us were distracting at best. Oli seemed to think the same.
“My dressing room, now,” he simply said, no harshness in his order, yet none of us would have dared to decline.
No more words were exchanged as we made our way through the labyrinthine hallways of the arena. We didn’t touch each other, suddenly hyperaware of every single one of our movements, as if they would be watched and analysed and scrutinised. All of us kept our heads down as we passed by a multitude of people and the general vibe we were giving off seemed to do enough to keep everyone else away. We weren’t in the mood for small talk. Or any talk at all that didn’t include just the three of us.
Oli held the door open for us as we passed him, then shut it after he had entered himself. I’d never felt this out of place in my life. The chaotic, stuffed dressing room that had started to feel close to a second home, even if the actual location kept changing, now did nothing but suffocate me. All of us lingered in the middle of it. No one sat down. As if comfort wasn’t allowed.
“How long?” Noah’s voice seemed painfully loud in the quiet dressing room. The door shut out the noise from outside remarkably well.
“Two days ago,” Oli answered, as if it was no bother at all, as if this wasn’t potentially the most crucial conversation the three of us had ever had, but I could see it in his eyes, in the way he tried to hide his hands fumbling with nothing in particular. “I didn’t mean to say it, then. I mean, I love her, but it just tumbled out of my mouth, really.”
“We didn’t mean to keep it a secret from you,” I added. My whole body ached to reach out to Noah, but the fear of how badly the rejection would sting kept me frozen in place. “We meant to talk to you, there just… We didn’t know how or when. I know that’s the shittiest excuse ever. We should have made the right moment to tell you.”
“So what does that mean now,” Noah all but interrupted. His eyes were flicking back and forth between Oli and me, restless and nervous. He didn’t even seem to process any of the information we’d just told him, even if his brain was probably going a hundred miles an hour. “You two are… a thing. And you still fucked me this morning. Why?”
It was my turn to be stunned. Did he really not know? Was he so completely unaware? Or was he simply trying to shield himself, ignore everything that had happened between the three of us in the past two weeks? Because in my mind, there was no way he didn’t know that this was more than just the three of us fucking around. Or me and Oli getting together. In all the ways that we had complicated and confused this whole thing, it had always been about the three of us. Surely.
“Because we love you, you fucking idiot!”
The outburst pierced the silence painfully but it wasn’t until Noah and Oli both stared at me in shock that the realisation dawned that it had been my outburst. I was the one shouting these words. But as soon as it sunk in, I knew I wasn’t done. Some invisible dam had burst - I was going to speak my mind and I was going to speak it now. No more holding back for the sake of others or blindly agreeing for fear of rejection or letting anyone else take the lead.
“This wasn’t just some weird ploy to get Oli and me together and you get stranded on the sidelines. This has been about the three of us from the start and you know it. So what if Oli and I got there first. I’ve been ready to shout about my feelings for you from the rooftops for days now, Noah. But I didn’t. Because I knew it would scare you away. And I was desperate, Noah, desperate for that not to happen.”
I took a breath, trying to keep a hold of myself, trying not to unravel. I willed the tears in my eyes to disappear but all that happened was that one escaped me and dramatically slid down my face. Noah, somehow, was the first one to react, wiping it away so softly that another immediately followed.
“Every time Oli and I are alone, it feels like a part of us is missing. Like the bed is too big, even when it really isn’t. Or there’s a remark hanging in the room that you would make but you’re not there to say it. I don’t want to do this without you. I want you. I don’t know how this is going to work and I don’t really care because I know we’ll figure it out. I’m in love with you, Noah.”
I couldn’t deal with the way he was looking at me. Especially because I, for once, felt so completely, wholly unable to analyse it at all. Was it pity? Oncoming rejection? Insecurity? Love? I could only hope for the latter, but my emotions were running amok in my body and there was no certainty in anything anymore. In anything but the fact that I was so in love.
Noah was still standing in front of me, but his hand wasn’t on my face anymore and I missed it dearly. All I wanted was to throw myself into his arms and beg him to give the three of us a chance. But this was on him, and him alone.
“She’s right, you know?” Oli piped up next to me. He was much braver than me, pulling Noah close, putting his hand to the other man’s neck and letting their foreheads rest against each other. “We’re not complete without you. I… Noah, I’m in love with you. And, fuck, I never thought I’d say that to a man, but here we are.”
He kissed Noah then, deeply and passionately. It was all he could do. I only hoped it would be enough.
“We don’t want to rush you, Noah. But that’s where we’re at and I… I would hate for this tour to be over with unspoken things lingering between us. So, I don’t know, take some time, talk to us or don’t if you need to be by yourself, whatever you need. But, please, think about it. About us. It’s the only thing I’m asking you for.”
Noah nodded, keeping his head hanging low and staring at the ground now that Oli wasn’t holding him up anymore. I let my hand drift to his jaw, making him look at me. I simply needed to press a kiss to his mouth. The chances that I might not get to do it again were too high.
He felt sweet against me, reciprocating the kiss with a familiarity I had grown so accustomed to. But he didn’t initiate anything else. I let go of him and stepped back.
“I’ll give you an answer. Tonight. I promise.”
Believing in him was all Oli and I could do.
It felt wrong to sleep alone. If I’d already been lamenting the fact that Noah was missing when it was just Oli and me, I’d completely forgotten just how awful it would feel to have neither of them next to me in bed. The cold was seeping into my bones, one that couldn’t be fixed with any number of blankets or heating in the room. I missed feeling their bodies around me, feeling the mattress move every time they shuffled. Missed their hands on me, their chests pressed against my own and my back. Their slowing breathing filling the room with the slightest noises that had me drifting off to sleep so easily. Now I was too cold and the room was too quiet and my brain was too loud.
We had tried to be reasonable about it, really. We’d gotten a ride back to the hotel together and while I tried to savour every moment with them, it had been the most awkward situation we’d managed to find ourselves in just yet. When we had lingered in the hotel hallway, unsure of how to proceed from here, Noah had said that he needed some time to think, alone, and that it would probably be for the best if he just went back to his room with Jolly. We’d bid him goodnight, not attempting to kiss or hug him or initiate any other physical contact, and he’d ended up waving before walking down the corridor. Like a stranger.
Then it had just been Oli and me, again. I’d made him hold me, for a while, needing the closeness and the reassurance that we could somehow be fine whatever happened now, but we didn’t talk. Only to agree that we should sleep separately for once. It simply felt… wrong to allow ourselves to spend the night in an attempt at what would hopefully become a steady relationship when Noah was still struggling and confused and neither part of it nor outside of it. Plus, I knew fully well that we would end up talking the whole night, not getting a wink of sleep and instead stressing ourselves out even further.
Not that I was getting much rest on my own now.
Picking up my phone, I once again, for what felt like the seventieth time that night, opened our group chat. There wasn’t very much in there to be honest. Most of the time, it was easy enough to locate each other in the venues or their rooms. And if I was looking for someone specific, I usually ended up texting just that person. The other one was probably with one of us already anyway.
My fingers hovered over the screen. And then they typed, before I could stop them. I clicked the sent button as soon as the last letter had appeared. Just to make sure I wouldn’t back out again. Then I chucked the phone as far away from me as I could while still being able to hear my alarm in a few hours and turned around, hoping for sleep to come, hoping for my brain to give me some peace for at least a while. Hoping those two men would feel the same way I did when they read my message.
I miss you already.
I ended up running late which was something that rarely happened and tended to be in my top ten most stressful situations in life. I had been so preoccupied with leaving on time or at least not too late to make my flight to Dublin that I didn’t even remember to check my messages until I was in the car to the airport.
Noah Can we talk tonight? The guys want to go out but maybe after?
There was about an hour of nothing in the chat, I presumed Oli was asleep or simply not checking his phone at that time, before another message from him came through.
Noah I miss you too Both
Then silence, again, for a few hours. Oli had apparently gotten up earlier than I had and, somehow, had been more organised. Or at least enough to text.
Oli Think everyone’s keen on going out tonight We can meet up at the hotel afterward? My room? Please don’t make me stay on my own again, I couldn’t even get any rest without you (Aubrey) clinging to my shirt until it almost choked me and you (Noah) terrifying me with your sleep talking in the middle of the night
I wasn’t going to cry in the cab. Even if I did end up clutching the phone to my heart as if it physically held the people I loved and not just the messages they had left. Maybe it was going to be alright after all. Maybe we could make this work. Maybe, even tonight already, we would be right where we were supposed to be - next to each other.
I didn’t get a chance to reply as the driver pulled up to the airport. But I would get to talk to them later tonight, at the very latest. And that made my heart that little bit lighter.
“I’ll let you know that I was only slightly panicked about you missing the flight,” Becky said as I reached my gates, mere moments before boarding was about to start. I huffed at her, pretending it was because I was shocked at how little faith she had in me, not because I was legitimately out of breath.
“Which would have been annoying but not the end of the world, pretty sure there's more fights from here to Dublin than just this one today.”
“Not if they all get cancelled because of the storm.”
I felt the blood drain from my face. “Storm?”
“Yeah, it's pretty windy already so it's not clear whether later flights will go ahead. Wait, you don't look too well - are you- are you afraid of flying?”
“I'm afraid of turbulences,” I admitted.
“Well, then,” Becky said, reaching into her bag as she ushered me towards the counter where they'd just started boarding. “Here's to hoping your surprises will keep you occupied!”
“Wait- plural?”
She didn’t feel the need to answer me as she instead pushed me forward to get my ticket checked and then ushered down the way toward the plane. I was already on the aircraft when she caught up with me, briefly waiting as I took my assigned seat in the middle, which was only bearable because the window seat was taken by Noah. He sent me a tired smile, making me wonder how much rest he’d gotten during the night, as I slid into the row.
“Have fun!” Becky squealed, putting a folder in my hands and vanishing down the aisle of the plan before I could stop her. I briefly looked from the now vacant spot to the folder to Noah, who had a small but knowing smile on his face.
I quickly stored my luggage and got comfortable - as comfortable as possible on a flight - and only got briefly interrupted when Oli walked down the aisle next to me, throwing a kiss in my direction the way he had done the night before, then throwing another to Noah, who accepted it with the blush I had grown to love so much on his cheeks.
“Do you know what this is about?” I asked as more and more people filled up the plane, boarding finally finishing and the crew getting ready for takeoff.
“Maybe,” he chuckled, giving me one more look that I couldn’t quite get a grasp on, then busying himself in the comic in his hands, one I recognised he’d bought on our trip to Forbidden Planet a while ago.
Realising I wasn’t going to get any more information out of him, I decided I might as well try to preoccupy myself with figuring out what exactly Becky had given me during take off. It was the worst part of the flight anyway. Well, minus the landing. And any turbulences.
However, there simply had to be one more interruption.
“Is this seat taken?”
Confused, I looked up from the folder, already questioning what sense that question could possibly make on a fight with assigned seating, when my eyes spotted-
I tried to jump up but the seatbelt I'd already buckled painfully pulled me back. Noah quickly reached over to undo it as I stood up, folder almost crashing to the floor, my arms wrapping around my best friend as if I hadn't seen her for years. It felt like it.
A stern look from one of the flight attendants had us sit down immediately, getting settled and ready for take off.
“What are you doing here? I don't understand!”
“Did you know Becky is super nice and also definitely able to bully people into giving her my number and telling me to get my ass here?”
“Wait, so-”
“Well, apparently Oli requested my presence too,” she continued, completely unfazed by my questions, “and we both know he's asking for you and not because he loves me so much. Also the hotel had a free room for the next two nights, how handy, right? So here I am, taking you out drinking tonight and trying to punch some sense into all of you guys. Hi, Noah!”
Noah waved awkwardly and then handed me back the folder I had almost forgotten about. He just have caught up when I'd almost dropped it.
“Have you read it yet?” Lia asked, almost jumping in her seat. I shook my head and then buried it in the papers in front of me.
Nothing made sense.
I skimmed through the pages, then back to the first one, as if it might just have been my English skills inexplicably leaving me, but no. I was seeing - and reading - correctly. With a frown so tight it almost hurt the skin on my forehead, I read through the contents, properly now, absorbing every word.
I wasn’t sure how long I took, flipping through the pages, back and forth, just to make sure I was reading correctly, that I wasn’t hallucinating these words, that this was for real.
“This- I mean… I-”
“You're getting an apprenticeship, Aubrey!” Lia shouted so loudly that someone from the row in front of us turned around with a frown. “Becky asked the company she works for and they're offering it to you. Said that the past two days were basically your try-outs. You're gonna be a sound technician! Well, if you accept, of course.”
“Oh my god,” I mumbled, flipping through the pages again, and again. This whole thing felt like a fever dream I was not ready to wake up from. “And in a few days I would-”
“Come on tour with us and shadow Becky,” Noah completed my sentence. “Not the most conventional way to start learning the basics, but when have any of us ever been. Conventional, that is.”
I didn't have time to think about the implications of his words or how they could translate to a completely different issue too. All I could do was put a hand over my mouth in shock and cease to fight against the tears that were starting to spill down my cheeks in abundance. Both Noah and Becky hugged me as much as they possibly could with all of us stuck in our seats. Even the turbulence couldn't faze me anymore.
Life might actually be looking up.
If there was one thing Lia knew how to do, it was how to keep me occupied and distracted. We spent most of the day chatting, which included a lot of me rambling about my chaotic love life - I only cried once - and her fawning over her wife and how she needed a change of occupation too. On top of that, we decided to have lunch at the hotel restaurant, where we promptly bumped into Becky, who allowed me to ask all the questions about the internship offered and then almost bowled me over in my chair when I asked the waiter for a pen to sign the contract straight away.
Since all of us had the night off, we ended up agreeing over several different group chats to go out big style - crew, Bad Omens, Bring Me The Horizon, well, and Lia. Even though she had a room of her own, she’d practically gathered half her suitcase and made a home in mine as we got ready together.
Yet, all she seemed to do was veto every outfit I showed her until we finally landed on an oversized pullover I used as a dress (just about sexy enough for her, comfortable enough for me, who wasn’t actually looking to attract anyone new that evening) and a pair of fishnet tights that would do nothing at all to protect me from the January cold but would hopefully look less out of place once we were inside again.
“So, what’s the plan with Noah, then?” Lia asked as she dropped down on my bed, spilling some of the setting powder in her hand and then trying to rub it into the duvet as if I hadn’t seen. “Because all I see right now is you and Oli sitting around waiting.”
“What else is there to do?” I sighed. I genuinely felt at a loss. We’d put the ball in his court. We’d told him how we felt. We left the decision up to him. But would all of that be enough?
“What’s the biggest issue right now? Like, what’s his fears?”
“Probably that Oli and I have a stronger connection with each other than either of us has with him. That we already know each other so well that he’ll be the one left out.”
“Sounds like you guys need more time together. The three of you. Completely ignoring what you and Oli might know about each other from before and just focus on finding yourselves in this relationship now.”
The silence lingered for a moment as both of us got lost in our thoughts, the mascara I was in the middle of applying now forgotten in my hand. I stared at myself in the mirror, made up and dressed up, and wondered who I was. Someone in love. Someone who was willing to fight for it. I was so over being passive.
“What can I do?”
“Well, first of all, put mascara on the other eye too because you look very asymmetrical.”
I rolled my eyes but did as she said, knowing that if I got too carried away, I’d completely forget about the rest of my makeup anyway.
“Give yourselves more time?” Lia offered.
“Tour ends tomorrow,” I thought out loud. “The Bad Omens tour isn’t until the 27th and the flight to Berlin is on the 26th. Now, I know Oli is completely free the next few days and I can ask around again but I’m pretty sure Noah has a break until then as well.”
Lia simply let out a hum in the background of my monologue, just to let me know she was still listening as I started scrolling through my phone, typing and searching.
“Fuck it,” I decided. “I’m booking us a family room for the next few days after tour. Nice hotel, just outside of Dublin. No distractions, no one else we know around us, no shows, no appointments, nothing. Just the three of us. There. Booked. Do you think the hotel can print something for me?”
Lia looked at me like a proud parent which was unnerving at best but I ignored it.
“I’m sure Oli would love to go and ask with you,” she grinned as I pulled on my shoes and was already halfway out the door, jacket and bag at the ready.
“Meet you downstairs in a few?”
“Will do! Don’t get distracted by Oli’s dick!”
“What if he doesn’t even notice?”
“Of course he’ll fucking notice.”
“You don’t know that! He might not look this way and then just stumble over it!”
“What if we knock?”
“But we’re supposed to drop it off without him seeing!”
“Fine. I’ll knock and we’ll run and hide around the corner.”
“What are we, five?”
“Yes. I’m knocking now.”
I quickly dropped the printed paper along with the post-it stuck on top to the floor as Oli all but pounded on Noah’s hotel room door before bolting down the hallway with me and stopping just around the corner, pulling each other to safety and then peeking around just as we saw him step out, confused. We stayed hidden until we heard the door fall back into its lock and then spared another glance to make sure he had picked up our notes.
“You think he’s going to do it? Come with us for another few days?”
“Well, a luxurious hotel and both of us, he’d be stupid to refuse,” Oli chuckled, but I could tell the anxiety weighed on him just as heavily. There wasn’t much more to do, really. We’d told him about our feelings. We wanted to spend the small break that all of us had together, no distractions, just getting to know each other better and figuring out how this could work. It was truly his turn now.
“Come on, stop worrying that pretty head of yours so much,” Oli said, pressing a kiss to it. “Let’s get Lia and see what Dublin has to offer, yeah?”
I simply let myself fall into his arms a little as he led us toward the lifts, ready to forget about the ache in my heart just for a while.
The night ended up not being all that wild, after all. Everyone was feeling the exhaustion from the past two weeks on tour. It didn’t mean that the pub we had all gathered it wasn’t in danger of running out of spirits, though. The mood was high and the volume in the room seemed to be getting louder by the minute. I’d already saved various people from Lia various times because if someone didn’t know how to shut her mouth when intoxicated, it was her. I’d currently lost track of her once again which was slightly worrying, but the more drinks Becky was providing me with, the less I cared. Her husband wasn’t back company either, although he seemed ever so slightly overwhelmed with the rowdy crowd around us.
“Are you excited to go on the Bad Omens tour then?” He asked, an arm around Becky, who was currently distracted by someone else who was telling her about some sound system or other, and I only briefly let myself fall into the yearning of having that kind of stable relationship, the kind of love that people would see from miles away without any of us doing anything, the kind of connection that shone through even when we weren’t talking.
“Did everyone but me know about this?”
“Well, yes,” he laughed. “As far as I know it was a joint venture, Becky, Lia, Oli and Noah all huddled together to make this happen. I guess you’re very loved.”
“God, don’t make me sappy now,” I chuckled but it was nothing but an attempt to keep the tears at bay. I’d been crying entirely too much lately, for a number of reasons, and I was getting a little tired of it.
I excused myself momentarily, citing a bathroom break, but found myself standing outside the pub instead. The cold air sent shivers up and down my body, but I didn’t mind all that much. It was a nice reminder that I wasn’t only in my head. That I was here right now. I flinched when a hand landed on my waist, a gesture so strangely intimate I knew it to be Noah before I registered anything else.
“So you two really want to spend more time with me alone after this tour?” he asked, jokingly, but he couldn’t fool me. I could see the insecurity in his eyes, in the way he stood, in the way his hand lingered on my body without quite grabbing it.
“Noah, love, I’ll always want to spend more time with you.” My hand was on his chest now, hard and lean under my fingertips, and it took all the strength I possessed not to pull him in and kiss him stupid. “If your tour wasn’t coming up so soon after, I’d probably have booked us in for a month.”
His fingers ildly played with the fabric of my makeshift dress. “Maybe-”
The door from the pub banged open with more force than it should have been able to. A rather tipsy Lia stumbled out, obnoxiously pointing at Noah as she came over.
“You! Folio threw up on the bar and they’re kicking him out and I’ve been told you’re the one to bother. He needs to get back to the hotel and you guys are sharing right? Come on. I’ll help.”
Noah sighed, deeply, but looked at me once more before turning away. “Can we talk later? The three of us? Not in my room though, for obvious reasons.”
“Sure,” I chuckled. “Oli’s room later? We can shoot you a text.”
“Perfect,” he said and then he bent down and pressed a soft kiss to my lips and I could really believe this was going to work out.
The night was dying down earlier than I would have expected, but both Oli and Mat kept loudly complaining that they were not 25 anymore after all. I bit back a comment about how that luckily hadn’t impacted Oli’s performance in bed. As more and more people started leaving, Oli clung to me, leaning his body on me with much more force than necessary, then giggling at the way I almost buckled under his weight. He was a little tipsy, just on the verge of it, and it made him all kinds of needy and whiny. Although I wasn’t quite sure if that was actually down to the alcohol or if he was simply in a mood.
“I want Noah,” he mumbled into my ear as he rested his head on my shoulder. It seemed horribly uncomfortable with the height difference, but I patted his hair in what I hoped would be a calming and reassuring gesture anyway. “I miss Noah.”
“I know, baby,” I cooed. “Do you want to go back to the hotel? I can shoot him a text.”
The cold outside seemed to wake and sober him up considerably as we got into a cab to get back to the hotel. He immediately pulled me into the middle seat, claiming the distance was simply unacceptable.
“Thank you for helping with the job situation, by the way,” I whispered, as if it was a secret, just for the two of us. “The job, offering me a place to stay, getting me on this tour in the first place… I really don’t know how to ever thank you for everything you do for me, Oli.”
He grabbed my face then, gently, so I would look at him. Then he kissed me so deeply that I was getting lightheaded, all sensations swimming through my brain in one big mush as I allowed myself to drown in them, knowing he was holding me and keeping me safe.
“You could keep on loving me, that’s all I’ll ever ask for.”
“Well, that’s going to be very easy,” I giggled, pressing a kiss to his nose right as the driver announced our arrival.
The hotel was quiet as soon as we left the reception area. I wondered if Noah was still busy taking care of Folio. If I should text him immediately and ask him to come over. If he wanted to talk to us yet. My train of thought was interrupted when we arrived on our floor and none other than Lia left Noah and Folio’s room, quickly running over to us as I shushed her for being too loud in her heels.
“He’s finally stopped puking,” she gleefully announced. “I’m off to bed now. Noah… Well, get to your room. He’ll get in touch?”
“He’ll- what?” I asked, but Lia was already bouncing down the hallway again, refusing to stop for clarification. Oli simply shrugged his shoulders as he unlocked the door and held it open for me.
It only took a few moments.
The knock wasn’t as much as a surprise, considering we were basically waiting for Noah, but the fact that no one was there when we opened it felt a bit comical. Especially when we realised a folded up piece of paper was on the floor in front of us.
“This feels like payback,” Oli laughed breathlessly, quite obviously just as nervous about this as I was. I refused to let the overthinking get the better of me though as I bent down to pick it up and unfolded it while Oli closed the door again. When I saw the amount of text, I ushered him in the direction of the bed so we could sit on the edge and read it together. He had to help hold onto it so we could still be make out the words amid my shaking.
Aubrey, Oli, my loves.
I’ve spent the last day doing very little else but think about everything. I’ve been trying to find a winner in the war that kept waging in my head but it seemed impossible.
Well, Lia didn’t allow that. She’s quite a force, isn’t she? As soon as Folio was in bed, she basically held me at gunpoint (figuratively) while she told me what she thought about the situation and how much of a “fucking useless idiot” I was being. Then she made me write a pro and contra list on the back of this page because apparently that’s what she does when she can’t make a decision. I’m not sure if buying a new phone quite compares to this, but I humoured her. And I think it helped. Just don’t tell her that.
There was a slightly messed up heart drawn next to it. The hope was rising up in my throat like bile, threatening to make me throw up just from the sheer terror and excitement about what was happening. We were so close to an answer. This was the moment.
Oli nodded at me to turn the paper over as soon as he was also done reading. He looked white as a sheet and I was sure my own face mirrored it. My shaky fingers only got worse when I flipped the page over.
There was indeed a list in front of us. Lots of entries on the “pro” side. Ranging from “They make me laugh” to “I feel safe with them” and “They know I’m scared and they don’t mind”. The contra side was shorter, but still held a few bulletpoints. “The distance”, “Third wheel” and “How to make this work??” were scribbled there.
But none of that was the important part.
The important part was that the list had been crossed out, liberally, with a massive “x” over the whole page, making it a little harder to read some of the points. And in the middle of it, almost from one corner to the other, covering even more words, he had written one single sentence. One sentence that seemed to count more than all the others. That made everything else not matter. That made clear that he had come to a decision.
31 notes · View notes
thethingything · 2 years
I woke up feeling really ill after 4 hours of sleep and immediately got our OCD triggered and had to avoid completely freaking out, then saw something that triggered some memories from June that will absolutely make me have a breakdown if I remember them in even slightly more detail than just acknowledging that "oh yeah a thing happened" so that's how we're doing today I guess
1 note · View note
mooshywrites · 2 months
May I request a short fic of Halsin and Tav discussing their kinks with Halsin admitting to having a breeding kink? Thanks, love :*!
Rutting Season
Fem!Reader x Halsin
Art commissions
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A/N~ ofc bb I’d love to <3
Word Count ~ 3.5K
Warnings ~ NSFW, MDNI, smut, breeding kink, slight size difference, established relationship, vaginal sex, fingering, creampie, outdoor sex
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“Do not tease me with such things my heart.”
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“I think you already know everything about me, my heart,” said with an exasperated smile.
You snorted and rolled your eyes, maneuvering to sit up on your elbows.
The sun washed across your back like a warm blanket, the grass rustling next to your picnic blanket in a comforting sort of song. It was a beautiful day today, one you were happy to spend with your Druid.
Even if he was refusing to be an interesting conversationalist.
“There has to be something about you that you haven’t told me,” you complained, giving Halsin a pleading stare.
“I’m quite sure there isn’t. I’ve told you everything. Even down to my favorite jam,” he chided.
You twisted to lay on your back, shutting your eyes against the glare of the day. Birds chirped in the distance, momentarily distracting you from your annoyance. A gentle breeze cooled you as you thought, wracking your brain for anything else you hadn’t asked Halsin.
An idea finally hit you, one eye popping open with a mischievous glint.
“Well, have you ever been in love, Halsin?” You inquired with a cheeky smile.
Halsin furrowed his eyebrows as if you had just asked the strangest thing one could utter.
“Aren’t I in love with you, little duck?” He prodded, ignoring your flurry of giggles.
“I suppose you’re right. Let’s see,” you shot back, settling in under his affectionate gaze.
He leaned down, planting a soft kiss on your forehead, chuckling along at your playful mood.
“I don’t think you could think of something you haven’t already asked me if you tried,” Halsin challenged, his voice soft against you.
With a halfhearted glare, you could feel the competitiveness start to rise in your bones. Was it a series conversation? No, absolutely not. The two of you had long since run out of questions for each other in this little game that you played. But for him to have the gall, the absolute nerve to challenge you?
Absolutely not.
There had to be something you didn’t know about the man.
“I know,” you started slowly, your smile already growing wide across your face. “What’s something unusual you like to do in bed?”
“Sometimes, if I’m especially tired, I’ll bring dinner to bed,” Halsin responded nonchalantly. “That wasn’t that impressive of a question, my heart.”
You stared up at him, your eyes wide. Surely, there was no way in hell he mistook your meaning.
Halsin just stared back, confusion etching across his features as he tried to understand what was wrong.
Finally, his cheeks flushed brilliantly, realization finally dawning on him.
“Oh you meant, as in,” he stuttered. “As lovers.”
You burst into a fit of laughter at Halsin's flustered realization, his embarrassment only serving to fuel your amusement. His cheeks remained flushed as he struggled to find the right words to explain himself, his typically composed demeanor crumbling under your relentless teasing.
After a moment of reveling in his discomfort, you finally composed yourself enough to speak.
“Oh Halsin, you truly are a light unlike any other,” you managed to say between giggles. "But I must admit, bringing dinner to bed is rather endearing in its own way."
Halsin let out a sheepish chuckle, running a hand through his hair in an attempt to regain some semblance of composure. “I suppose it's not quite what you were asking for,” he admitted, a playful glint in his eyes now that he had recovered from his initial embarrassment.
Your laughter gradually subsided, leaving behind a warm fondness as you gazed up at him. The sunlight danced across his features, highlighting the faded scars on his face.
“Is that still a question you want an answer to?” Halsin murmured, his gaze flitting away.
You shrugged, trying not to let the blush that was creeping into your face betray the nervousness you suddenly felt.
“I suppose so.”
Halsin sighed as if he was coming to terms with what he was about to say.
“I have a thing about breeding,” He said simply.
“A what?“ you snorted. “Is that not just regular ol’ sex?”
Halsin went quiet for a moment causing you to peek up at him, worried you might have offended him by laughing. He held your gaze, a sly smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
“It’s a little more than that,” he murmured. “It’s the idea of filling you with my seed. Watching you swell with my children.”
You felt your cheeks grow hot, unable to speak with how blunt Halsin was being. Or the way his jaw ever so slightly strained when he admitted his leanings.
A mischievous glimmer danced in Halsin’s eyes as he watched the array of emotions crossing your face. The vulnerability in his confession was a stark contrast to his usual composed demeanor. You felt a rush of heat spreading through you, a mix of embarrassment and something else you couldn’t quite place. His words hung heavy in the air between you, stirring something deep within your chest.
A feeling that was quickly settling just below your stomach.
The silence stretched on, charged with words you didn’t quite know how to say. Finally, you found your voice, the words tumbling out almost without conscious thought.
“I’ve never… I’ve never done anything like that before,” you confessed.
Halsin’s smile softened, a tenderness in his gaze that made your heart skip a beat. “It’s alright,” he murmured, reaching out to gently tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “We don’t have to rush into anything you’re not comfortable with. I was just answering your question after all.”
You leaned into his hands, letting your eyes flutter shut. You weren’t quite sure you could handle the expression on his face with what you were about to say next.
“What if,” you whispered, your voice airy with the breathlessness the how conversation had rendered you . “What if it was something I wanted to try?”
You heard Halsin’s breath hitch slightly at your words and you couldn’t help but crack open an eye.
His own eyes were wide with surprise, searching your own for any sign of your usual joking manner. The air around you crackled with newfound anticipation.
His hand trembled slightly as he cupped your cheek, his touch gentle as if he were trying to hold something back.
“Do not tease me with such things, my heart,” Halsin whispered lowly.
“Who said I was teasing?” You retorted, your voice barely audible.
Halsin’s expression shifted, a blend of desire and uncertainty flickering across his features. His thumb traced along your jawline, his touch sending shivers down your spine.
“You’re sure?”
You nodded, unable to tear your gaze away from his intense stare. The air between you seemed to be laden with electricity, tension waiting to be snapped.
Without another word, Halsin closed the gap between you, his lips meeting yours in a tender yet urgent kiss. It was if a dam had been unleashed, a flood of desire pouring into your touch. Your hands instinctively found their way to his back, fingers curling into the fabric of his shirt as you pulled him closer.
Time seemed to stand still as you lost yourself into the kiss, your mind becoming less coherent the more you thought of his words.
’Filling you with my seed.’
You pulled back for a moment, breathless from the kiss.
“Is that something you want? To have children with me? Right now?” you questioned.
It was something the two of you had talked about before, but not at length. More of the casual discussions of the future and not set in stone plans.
A growl reverberated deep in Halsin’s chest, rumbling against you. “I would want nothing more, my heart.”
The intensity of his promise hung in the air, mingling with the lingering taste of his kiss on your lips. Your heart raced with a heady mix of lust and hesitance as you searched his eyes for any hint of doubt. But all you found was unwavering conviction, like it was something he had long since decided.
It didn’t take more than a split second for your conviction to match his own, your lips meeting his for another searing kiss.
Passion ignited between the two of you, the sound of the field drowning out in favor of the sound of Halsin’s breathing becoming heavier.
You couldn’t help the way your hips shifted against him, already seeking relief from the desire beginning to pool in your core. Halsin groaned in response, the sound cutting straight through your chest.
It suddenly felt like there was far too many layers between the two of you, your fingertips clawing at the hem of his shirt. You wanted nothing more than to feel his heated skin against your own, feel his calloused touch against you.
“Please,” you whimpered, your voice already tinged with a neediness that otherwise would have had you embarrassed.
But his confession, the thought of following through with his desires…
You needed him now.
Halsin’s eyes flared with lust at your shameless ask, his gaze never leaving yours.
“Demanding, aren’t we, little duck?” He whispered, his voice a shade darker than it was moments ago.
You could only manage a weak glare back, tugging expectantly on the edge of his clothes once more.
Halsin smiled back as he reached for the ties on his shirt, his movements slow and teasing. He undid each knot with calculated precision, revealing hints of his tanned chest beneath the fabric.
Your gaze locked with his as he slowly peeled the shirt off his chest, exposing the tawny brown hair that dusted his skin. You couldn’t help but trace the lines of his muscles with your eyes, taking in the hard lines of his abdomen.
“You really want this, my heart?” Halsin murmured, his voice a low, heated rumble.
You nodded, unable to tear your eyes away from the sight of him bare before you. The desire to touch him washed over you, all consuming.
Your fingertips found their way to his skin, tracing featherlight over scars and muscles. Halsin stayed perfectly still, watching you as you admired him. You put more pressure into your touch, your nails scraping ever so lightly against him.
His gaze darkened before fluttering shut, his breaths growing heavier as your hand continued to explore. He let out a low groan, his own hands finding yours and guiding them down to the waistband of his breeches.
You smirked, taking your time ignoring the growing bulge before you. Halsin may have been the one in charge through and through, but you quite enjoyed torturing him every once in a while. Idly, you traced the outline of the Druid’s length, refusing to acknowledge his annoyed growl.
Slowly, you cupped your hand around him, looking up to give him an innocent smile. As you gave a gentle squeeze, you couldn’t help but flit your eyes back to the hard member.
Was he bigger than normal?
You looked back up at Halsin, your eyes locked onto his as you began to stroke him gently, keeping your movements slow.
“You’re very hard,” you teased, watching the way his eyes narrowed and jaw clenched.
“Careful.” He whispered, his voice a low growl. You couldn’t help but feel yourself growing more aroused at the tension in his tone. “You’re playing with fire.”
“Am I?” You asked, sliding your hand up and down his length, reveling in his growing impatience.
He was right, you were playing with fire. But it was a delicious, exhilarating fire that you couldn’t seem to resist. The need to watch him become undone. The need to see how much his admission really affected your time together.
With a final squeeze, you sat back. Your gaze met Halsin’s eyes with a smirk, seeing nothing but flaming desire mirrored back at you.
Gods above, he really seemed to want this.
You slowly pushed the sleeves of your dress down, letting the ties fall free as it fell to your waist. You sat for a moment, bare before him and feeling your body tremble with anticipation.
Halsin’s eyes raked over your body and he swallowed hard, clearly taking in every inch of you.
“Oak Father, preserve me, you’re more and more beautiful every time,” he whispered, his voice thick with lust.
You blushed slightly at his compliment, feeling a wave of shyness wash over you. Your hands came up to cover your chest and the soft curve of your stomach, your gaze dropping.
Halsin reached out, gently pulling your arms to the side. You heard him move forward before your breath caught in your chest, taken aback by the feeling of his lips brushing against your collarbone.
“You’re beautiful,” he whispered again, planting another kiss an inch lower.
His touch was slow, tender, and filled with reverence. You could feel the heat radiating from his skin, feel the composure he was truing to keep as his lips wandered across your chest. A shiver ran down your spine as his mouth continued its journey.
When he finally made it to the soft swell of your breast, he couldn’t seem to help nipping at the skin slightly. The feeling of his teeth against your skin caused a moan to tumble from your parted lips, unable to hide your growing desperation.
Halsin looked up at you, his eyes dark with hunger and anticipation. You could see the intensity in his gaze, the way that tiniest of sounds was pushing him further to a breaking point.
You arched your back, pressing your chest closer to the Druid’s mouth. He gave you a wry chuckle, finally taking your nipple between his lips in a gentle kiss.
His tongue flicked against the sensitive skin, sending a delicious shockwave through your body. You groaned, your hands falling to his hair, pulling him closer. Halsin hummed in response, his own eyes fluttering shut as he continued.
You could feel your heart pounding in your chest, the feeling of his lips against you making it difficult to sit still.
You couldn’t help but moan, leaning back against the blanket with the Druid quickly following. His arms caged you under him, his torso settling between your legs as he switched his attention to your other breast. He was lost in the task, nipping and kissing like it was the last time he’d ever witness you.
Halsin’s hand glided up your side, leaving a trail of fire in its wake. His fingers danced across your waist, finally tugging your dress the rest of the way down your legs.
You kicked them off easily, gasping as the cold air hit you. Halsin’s body quickly returned against you, masking the cold air with his feverishly hot skin. The fabric of his pants scratched against your thigh, earning another moan from you.
Your hips bucked forward, seeking more of that friction. Halsin groaned, moving forward to rest his forehead against your own. His expression was almost pained as his hand pinned your hips, like he was trying desperately to hold onto a thread of sanity.
“Please,” you begged yet again, your voice shaking with desperation.
Halsin inhaled deeply, his jaw tightening again. He finally opened his eyes, looking into yours with a searing look of lust.
“I’ve wanted this for so long. Wanted you like this.” he admitted, his voice rough. “But I can’t deny that I fear losing control.”
You smiled softly, warmed by his concerned. “I trust you, Halsin. I know you’d never hurt me.”
He hesitated for a moment longer, uncertainty flickering in his eyes. But then he leaned down, his lips brushing softly against yours. The hand that pinned your lip let go, moving to undo the ties of Halsin’s pants.
In your lust clouded state, you didn’t even recognize the movements. That is, until Halsin’s hips shifted against you, his hardened cock slipping against your folds.
You gasped at the sensation, your breath hitching in your throat. You always had to adjust to him in the beginning, his impressive length being a lot for anyone to handle.
But impossibly, he seemed to be even more to handle today.
Halsin froze for a moment, his eyes searching your face knowingly. But then he leaned down again, his lips claiming yours in a deep affectionate kiss. His hand slid between your legs, his fingers brushing against the sensitive bud of nerves. Your hips bucked upwards, seeking more contact.
“Let me do this for you,” he murmured against your lips, his voice comforting. “Let me help you adjust, my heart.”
You nodded, too shot with lust to say anything coherent. Halsin pressed two fingers against your entrance, running teasing figure eights around where you most wanted him. Your hips shifted helplessly, trying to catch his calloused touch. Finally, they slid against your entrance slowly before sliding inside.
Your muscles clenched around him, earning a groan from the Druid. You whined in response, the little sound from his lips going straight to your cunt.
Halsin slid his fingers in and out of you slowly, gently stretching and preparing you for what was to come. Your hips strained against his hand, the friction leaving you panting and desperate for more.
You arched your back once more, wanting to feel more of him against you. Halsin’s eyes locked onto yours, his expression dark and intense. He moved his fingers faster, teasing the your sensitive nub with his thumb.
“Halsin,” you whimpered, your voice strained with need. “Please… I need you.”
The Druid, still looking deeply into your eyes, shifted his body and pushed his hips forward, the tip of his cock barely pressed your entrance. You whimpered breathlessly, looking up at your lover.
Halsin stayed still, looking into your eyes for some sort of confirmation. You let out an annoyed growl. You should’ve been happy he was being so courteous, but mostly, you just wanted him drilling you into the ground this instant.
`“For gods’ sake, Halsin,” you whined. “Breed me!”
Halsin’s entire demeanor changed as you watched his resolve snap suddenly, a growl ripping through his chest as he plunged forward, impaling you fully in one swift motion.
You cried out in a mixture of pain and pleasure, the subtle sting of his girth mixing deliciously with your lust. He gave you no time to adjust as he began to move inside you, his gaze firmly stuck on yours.
“Silvanus above, you’re so tight,” he groaned, his hips firmly thrusting into in a rhythm that had your thoughts clouded and hips jerking up to meet every thrust.
“Halsin,” you moaned helplessly, your hands gripping his upper arms.
Halsin complied with your wordless begs, his movements becoming more frantic, his fingers digging into your hips as he surged into you. His breath was ragged, low grunts escaping him as he continued to take you.
“I’m going to fill you, my heart,” He promised lowly, “Fill you with my seed.”
The weight of his words sent heat straight to your core, your entire being shifting as Halsin’s promise of breeding you sparked red hot desire. You felt yourself clench tighter around Halsin’s length, your nails digging into his arms.
Your legs wrapped around Halsin’s hips, locking him and trying desperately to pull him deeper into you.
His name was a plaintive wail on your tongue, your voice rising and falling with each thrust, each grunt, each cry echoing through the clearing. Your hips shook wildly against him, each movement in a desperate attempt to cling to him.
Halsin’s movements began to stutter, your own coil of desire tightening beyond belief in your stomach. You knew he was close, his breaths sharp and quick against your neck, and you felt your own body react in tandem.
“Fill me, Halsin.” You moaned in a stutter. “Breed me.”
Your walls tightened around him, beckoning him to fulfill his promise, to breed you and give you what you both so desperately craved. Your nails reached up to dig into the Druid’s back, leaving scratches that would heal with time. You felt his body tense, a feral growl reverberating in him.
Then, with a final shuddering thrust, Halsin filled you completely. His seed spilled deep within, coating your insides with his warm essence. Your walls tightened around him, milking ever last drop. He collapsed against you, his breath ragged and his heart pounding against yours.
You lay there for a moment, your bodies locked together, both utterly sated and completely spent. Halsin’s fingers brushed the hair from your forehead, his gaze softening as he looked into your eyes.
“How I love you, my heart,” Halsin whispered, his voice tender with emotion.
You sighed closing your eyes as you basked in the afterglow, feeling him still inside of you. “I love you too.”
As his breathing began to slow, you both lay there, entwined in each other’s arms. The sun filtered through pillowy clouds, warming your bare skin in a warm kiss.
Halsin’s voice cut through the moment of tranquility, his voice lighter and teasing.
“I suppose it’s my turn to ask a question, then, little duck?”
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bunny584 · 2 months
A/N: Quarterback Itadori with #20 on his jersey realizes he has a little (big) problem with a certain cheerleader turned Chem tutor (who also happens to be just a little bit older 🤭). Anon this one is for you! I hope you enjoy 💋
S/N: I’ve never giggled so much writing a piece. This one was so funny to me.
C/W: Aged up characters (19+), college AU, Mature, 18+
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Oh for fucks sake.
Yuji can’t drag away from the pyramid of cheerleaders right of center field.
His teammates erupt in a chorus of laughter. Coach Yaga is an ass.
But he is also living, breathing, comedic relief.
“I would coach, but they aren’t my type!”
Yuji yells back, eyes still lasered to your back. He knows it’ll sear Yaga’s skin right off the bone.
What’s a few more seconds, right?
You are just so…hot.
In a mind-bending kinda way. An optical illusion. Or desert mirage.
A fresh water oasis in a destitute wasteland. Always just a few more steps away. No matter how long he’s been crawling on his knees.
His knees.
He’d kill to be on his knees for you. Diving head first into—
“Yes sir!” Times up.
“Dude, she’s a smoke show.”
The team’s starting running back (#14) rests his arm on Yuji’s shoulder. Just as four bodies fling you so far against gravity it is questionable whether you’ll come down.
“She’s perfect.”
“And a junior.” #14 reminds him, tugging his helmet back over his head.
“Okay, freshmeat. Someone’s got mommy issues.”
Yuji bursts into full belly laughter. Stealing one last glance at you before pulling his helmet on.
His teammates never fail to remind him that he’s the only freshman in Tokyo University history to make starting lineup.
Not to mention quarterback.
Yuji promptly takes position at center field. He knows better than to push his luck. Two-a-days are already brutal enough, he has no intention of making his life harder than it is.
But you do.
You are setting flames to the hoops Yuji has to jump through to get through study hall and afternoon practice.
Why else would you wear those yoga pants?
They’re a second skin, for Christ’s sake.
Might as well be body paint. Outlining every tantalizing, serpentine curve. Pretty, full hips. Plump, tight ass. The mouthwatering, puffy rose between your legs just begging to be watered. By his tongue.
Yuji’s palm digs into his crotch. Trying to force his pulsating length from tenting up into the table. Cursing himself for changing out of his compression shorts.
“Hello? Yuji?”
Your dulcet voice echoes between his ears and curls around his dick. Jerking him back down to earth.
“Y-yeah? Hi.”
Yuji forces an acknowledgement through the sharp edges of his voice box. Sitting fully erect in his seat. Scrambling to find the pencil that was supposed to be mirroring your work on the whiteboard.
Because not only are you a perfect 10 on and off the field; you are a prodigy when it comes to chemistry.
And currently in the middle of trying to diffuse some of your excess knowledge into his very deficient head.
You toss your head back. Your laughter is definitely why tales of fishermen being lost at sea exists.
Soprano crescendo that’s rutting against the few folds in his brain.
“Why are you so distracted today, Yu?”
“Distracted?” His voice cracks.
“Ha—no, I’m not distracted. Sorry, walk me through it again.”
But before Yuji can retreat back into his daydream, you catch him in the Venus fly trap of your gaze. Tilting your head slightly.
Yuji swallows thickly. Frozen in place. Hand pushing down on his cock with all his might. As if you could see through the table.
Did you know he was staring at your ass? Can you tell how hard he is? Is there drool on his face? Shit, there must—
“Woah, the way the sun is catching your eyes right now, Yu.”
You take a half step to the side, allowing the full beam of light to caress Yuji’s already hot face.
A shaky hand swipes along the back of his neck.
“Your eyes are so pretty. Warm. Like hot chocolate with cinnamon.”
Your full lips curl into a soft smile. And Yuji bites down a pitiful whine.
“I—thanks.” You don’t hear him. Because he whispers through a wired shut jaw.
Yuji lets his erection tent up, grazing the table. He fists his base through his athletic pants. Ears fiery hot with embarrassment. His hand glides up and down his clothed cock without his permission.
Did you know?
That you snapped his self-control in half?
And shoved him into the darkest recesses of his mind?
Where his most depraved thoughts (and the King of Curses) lives?
Because all Yuji can see is the way your ass ripples and bounces while you scribble hieroglyphics on the whiteboard.
His mind’s eye is currently picturing him fucking you dumber than he is.
Fist full of hair in one hand. Both of your wrists behind your back in another. Mesmerized by the way your plump, fleshy mounds slam against his hips.
Maybe he’ll fuck you in front of a mirror?
So he can make you repeat how pretty you think his eyes are while he brands the shape of his cock into you.
Then he’ll tell you how pretty you are. Creaming all around his length. Drool raining down from your lips in sync with his thrusts.
Maybe he’ll stick a dildo on the mirror so he can watch your mouth get stuffed while he violates your insides?
You’ll look so pretty. When he fills you up with something warm. A little thicker than ‘hot chocolate with cinnamon.’
“Yu? Are you okay?” Genuine concern knocks his lust-drunk thoughts loose.
Yuji blinks himself back to this dimension. Chest heaving. Cramps blooming from his fingertips to his biceps from grasping his sex so hard. He doesn’t need a mirror to know he’s stained blood red. From chin to hairline.
“I-uh. Sick. I’m—I feel sick. Be right back.” He takes off to the male locker room at inhuman speed.
Yuji nearly doubles over the porcelain sink, glaring at his blown out pupils. Olive skin flushed like he just finished a marathon.
He can’t believe he was just groping himself like that in public. In plain sight.
All because you complimented his eyes?!
Who the hell is he?
“Sukuna, give it a rest.”
Yuji hisses poison at his curse. Because he surely wasnt responsible for those lewd actions.
“Oh, I’ll rest you PERMANENTLY you asinine little b—“
“I’m serious. Quit it.”
Yuji darts around the empty locker room. Accidentally raising his voice.
“Quit what, brat?”
“Quit…making me think..things like that.”
Sukuna’s bellowing laughter sounds like nails on a chalkboard. Deafening between Yuji’s ears.
“That’s all you kid. I’m only 10 fingers in. Don’t have that power…yet.”
Sukuna retreats to Yuji’s subconscious. Leaving him stunned. Disbelief crashing into him like tornado winds.
Yuji has never been a pervert.
Sure, he’s had crushes. But he knows how to control his impulses.
He might be dumb like one, but he’s not an actual dog…right?
Yuji dives into an empty stall while his teammates file in. Study hall is complete and afternoon warm-ups are starting soon.
And his neglected, weeping sex is clamoring for attention.
Missing it’s muse — your soft, curvy frame and the ways he wants to fill you.
One hand clamps over his mouth. While the other one tugs his pants down. Thick, heavy length springing free. Sticky and slick with his precum.
His head meets the cool wall. Hips thrusting against his fist. Broken whimpers pushing through the web spaces of his fingers that are digging into his cheek. Choking himself quiet so no one hears his pathetic hormone driven state.
“Mnnhgh f—fuck.” Muffled curses slip past his hand.
His cock is red and engorged. Angry from his abuse. But his hips can’t stop rutting into his hand. Picturing abusing your pretty, swollen cunt.
A hot tear rolls along his cheek, between his fingers. Salty on his tongue.
Curtains start to shade his vision and Yuji’s hands move to cup his bulbous tip. His muscular core tenses and strings of warm, thick seed fills his hands.
The world slowly starts to piece together. His heart rattling in its cage comes to a normal pace. Choppy, incomplete breaths gradually replaced with deep, relaxed ones.
He’s in trouble.
Because he needs to pass chemistry to play football. And he needs you to pass.
But he can’t ever look you in the eye again after this display.
After one measly compliment.
How will he act if you bend over in front of him?
Or lean over a little too far?
God forbid you touch his arms or brush against him.?
Then a lightbulb goes off.
Yuji has the perfect solution.
He scrambles to clean up. Putting on his street clothes. Ignoring the quizzical looks from his teammates. He’s going to fix his little problem.
“Coach Yaga?” Yuji is met with an open office door and his coach’s nostrils flaring. Vein along his temple pulsing.
He draws in a steadying breath.
“I can’t play football anymore coach. I quit.”
“….YOU WHAT?!?!”
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steddieas-shegoes · 25 days
i wanna make your heartbeat run like roller coasters
for @subeddieweek day one with the prompts manhandling and accidental subspace
rated e | 3,520 words | please check ao3 for tags
Eddie gets pushed against a lot of lockers.
It’s rarely accidental.
It’s always painful.
He doesn’t exactly have a lot of meat on his bones. Every hit leaves a bruise.
So when Steve fucking Harrington does his own dirty work for once, even though he graduated the way Eddie was supposed to, it’s just a bit embarrassing that it doesn’t hurt. It feels…kinda like he should be on his knees.
Which is really not something he wanted to think about when Steve’s got a hand on his shoulder, gripping hard enough to bruise, and something like fear in his eyes. Why is he scared?
“Did you sell weed to Robin?” he asked, teeth clenched.
Jesus fucking Christ. Steve’s got himself a band nerd girlfriend. How the hell did that happen?
“No, I sold to her friend. She waited by the treeline talking to herself the entire time.”
Eddie could hear his own voice shaking, but he wouldn’t back down. Black eyes were kinda metal weren’t they?
“Which friend?”
“Dude, I don’t even know. Someone else in band.”
The hand on his shoulder tightened and he barely bit back a whimper.
Steve’s eyes were very pretty this close. They were pretty from far away, too. Honestly, having Steve this close was probably rewiring something already broken in his brain. Having Steve’s hand on him like this was making his brain do somersaults trying to stay focused.
And then his hand was gone.
Eddie breathed in, breathed out.
“Sorry. I-” Steve shook his hands out and backed away. “Sorry.”
Eddie ignored whatever the fuck was happening in his stomach. It shouldn’t be happening so it isn’t, simple as that.
“Maybe you should ask your girlfriend if you’re so worried about her buying drugs.” Eddie should learn to shut his mouth at some point. “I only sell to the people who come to me first.”
“Yeah, yeah. I know. I remember.” Steve wiped his hand down his face. “Sorry again.”
Eddie looked him up and down, taking in the fact that he was genuinely apologizing. No one ever apologized for knocking him around, not even when it was on accident.
“You good?” He eventually asked.
“Yeah. Just, she’s been through a lot. I didn’t really want her to get pressured into buying something,” Steve sighed. “Has she come out of the band room yet? I’m supposed to bring her to work.”
“Uh, yeah man, everyone left an hour ago.”
Eddie watched Steve’s face fall as he checked his watch and must’ve realized the time.
“Shit. Okay. I must’ve lost track of time.”
Steve looked pitiful. Eddie’s seen dogs in alleys who looked less beaten down and neglected than Steve currently did.
“I can help you find her?” Eddie offered for some unknown reason.
Well, he knew the reason, but he was choosing to ignore it.
“She’s probably already at work. It’s my day off so I ended up getting distracted with something and didn’t realize it was so late,” Steve admitted, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck. “Thanks, though.”
Wayne liked to tell Eddie he was too nice to undeserving people. Lord knows he gave his dad too many chances and got let down every time. He even tried to be friends with Tommy Hagan in middle school because he could sense something was going on with Tommy’s dad much like his own.
But Eddie liked to remind Wayne that Eddie is often considered undeserving and he took him in and gave him multiple chances regardless.
“You wanna smoke?” Eddie asked, despite knowing he barely has anything left after the long week of midterms for students. His busiest times of year were right before school breaks, midterms, finals, and graduation weekend. He usually stocked up, but with Rick being in prison again, he had to try to stretch what he had out.
“Uh…smoke what?”
“Weed.” Then it hit Eddie that maybe Steve was into harder stuff. But he hadn’t ever even bought from him in high school. Tommy had, Carol had, almost everyone at his parties had, but Steve never did. “I have regular old cigs too if you prefer.”
“Yeah, man, cool,” Steve sighed with relief.
“I got a spot behind the cafeteria if you wanna…”
“Sure, yep, let’s go,” Steve nodded, gesturing towards the double doors that led outside to the cafeteria and auditorium buildings.
As they walked, Eddie’s mind raced with thoughts of being alone with Steve, Steve’s arm brushing against his, Steve pushing him against the wall of the cafeteria, of Eddie dropping to his knees and unbuttoning Steve’s pants and-
“I’m really sorry about what happened back there.”
Steve’s voice shook him from his thoughts, but his dick didn’t quite get the memo. When did he even start getting hard?
“No worries, dude.” His face scrunched in disgust at calling Steve dude. What was next, the bro pat on the back? A fist bump? “Kinda jealous of how protective you are of your girlfriend.”
Okay, actually, what the fuck? Eddie needed to shut his fucking face, right the fuck now.
“She’s not my girlfriend, but uh, I don’t think you’re really her type either,” Steve gave him a look, one Eddie knew well and one he couldn’t quite believe he was seeing on Steve’s face right now.
“Right, right.” Eddie wouldn’t make him say it, especially if it was actually the look he thought it was, but maybe he could offer a little something in return. “Yeah, she’s not really my type either.”
Steve stopped just before they reached the hidden area behind the dumpster and picnic table for staff to smoke.
“Really?” Steve’s eyes were wide. “So you’re more into…someone like…me?”
Eddie was actually leaking into his goddamn boxers. Why was he getting turned on just talking to Steve?
“That would be one way of saying it,” Eddie said. Still easy enough to back out of it, at least. Could just say he likes women who wear polos and use more hairspray than Melvald’s has ever carried at any given time.
“Huh,” Steve continued walking to the picnic table, sitting on top of it and kicking some dirt off the bench by his legs for Eddie to sit. “So those rumors were true?”
“That depends on if I’m gonna make it back home to my very loving uncle if I say yes.”
Steve rolled his eyes. “Obviously, I’m not gonna judge you about it when my best friend is-” He cut himself off and Eddie had to give him major credit. The Steve he used to know never would’ve cared if he outed someone, or at least never would have realized that was wrong. He coughed and then looked down at the bench. “You gonna sit?”
Eddie sat down on the bench, extremely close to Steve’s legs. Almost touching. Was that heat coming from his body or was Eddie just extremely warm?
“Did you actually wanna smoke or did you just wanna get out of the hall?” Steve asked after another minute of awkward silence.
“We can smoke.” Eddie reached into his pocket, hating how tight his jeans were in the front, and grabbed his lighter. His pack of cigarettes were usually stored in his van because he rarely smoked them, but luckily he’d brought them with him all week to sneak smokes between classes. He pulled one out and handed it to Steve.
He started to light his own when Steve leaned down, his face right next to Eddie’s, breath hot on his neck.
“You aren’t gonna light it for me?”
Eddie whimpered.
He would deny it a million times over if anyone asked. He almost had himself believing he imagined it.
But Steve laughed and backed away, pulling out his own lighter and giving Eddie a second to catch his breath.
What the fuck was that? Did Steve know he was making Eddie’s brain flatline?
He watched Steve take a long drag out of the corner of his eye, his mind shuffling between ‘what if he fucked me right here?’ and ‘get the hell away before your dick pops a hole in your jeans.’
Steve’s lips were so pink, and looked so soft, and just wet enough from licking his lips before taking the next drag, and Eddie was really going through it right now.
He’d gone through his Steve Harrington phase just like everyone else, thought it was over when he graduated. Had avoided the mall all summer when he heard he was working at Scoops so he didn’t have to see him in those tiny blue shorts. Had even gone so far as to avoid being around when the kids were being picked up from Hellfire because Dustin mentioned Steve was his ride.
Out of sight, out of mind.
Except for Eddie’s imagination was impressive, and his late night thoughts turned into very vivid scenes of Steve working him to the edge and making him beg, or pushing him against a locker and making him take his cock with barely any prep, or-
“Dude, anyone ever tell you you’re kinda space-y?” Steve’s voice once again lifted him from his thoughts, though he felt a bit hazy.
“Think I’m comin’ down with something,” Eddie squeaked out. All he was coming down with was a sickness deep in his chest: Harrington Heart-itis.
“Did you hit your head?” Steve sounded concerned now, setting his cigarette in the ashtray left on the table and moving so he had one leg on either side of Eddie. His fingers landed in Eddie’s hair, pulling his head closer and inspecting it for injury. “I didn’t think anything but your shoulders hit, but maybe-”
“No,” Eddie gulped. He should pull away. “Didn’t hit my head.”
Steve’s fingers tightened, not quite painfully, but enough of a bite to it that Eddie whimpered. Again.
Steve’s grip loosened, but his fingers stayed buried in his curls, and Eddie felt pressure guiding him to rest against Steve’s thigh.
“You eat today?” Steve asked, though his voice sounded kinda far away, like he was above the surface of the water and Eddie was sitting at the bottom of a pool looking up at the sun. “Eddie?”
“Hm?” Eddie blinked up at Steve. “I ate.”
“When?” Steve’s hand was cupping his cheek. “Lunch?”
“Mmm, no,” Eddie shook his head, blinked. “Breakfast? Cereal.”
Steve cursed under his breath.
He was so pretty. Had he been told how pretty he was? Surely when Nancy was with him, she told him.
Even if Robin liked women, she had to at least notice how pretty he was, right?
Steve’s sharp intake of breath somewhat centered Eddie.
“I’m gonna drive you home, okay?” Steve whispered, leaning down so his face was only inches away.
Eddie could kiss him. It would be the easiest thing in the world to lift his head the final two inches to make their lips meet.
“Eddie, eyes open,” Steve’s fingers tightened again, gaining Eddie’s full attention. “Should I call someone? Are you dynamic or something?”
Eddie’s brows furrowed. What did that even mean?
“Like the sugar thing?” Steve continued.
“Diabetic?” Eddie still felt a little hazy, but he was starting to come back to it with Steve’s hand migrating from his hair to his shoulder. “No, my sugar’s fine.”
“I’ve got some soda in my car. I can drive you home and then bring you to school in the morning. You probably shouldn’t drive like…this.”
It all came crashing down when Eddie realized how vulnerable he’d just been, how he’d actually lost track of time, not sure exactly how long he’d been sitting between Steve’s legs with his hands in his hair before he started coming back to earth. He stood up, maybe a bit too quickly, rocking a bit before finding his balance.
“Woah, take it easy.” Steve held his hands out, grasped his biceps to hold him steady. “You were pretty far out of it. Don’t rush it.”
How fucking embarrassing.
Eddie had only gone down that far one time with someone and they got freaked out when he was giggling and couldn’t walk on his own because his legs felt like jelly. But that had been on purpose. This was- Steve didn’t– Jesus Christ.
“I’m fine now.” Eddie was not fine. He knew what would happen if he left right now. Aftercare was a major part of this whether Steve was prepared for it or not. “Just, um, walk me to my van.”
Steve looked like a kicked puppy, but Eddie didn’t have the time to explain all of this to him.
Steve Harrington didn’t know how much of a freak Eddie was even if he did know he was gay. There’s no way Steve participated in any type of BDSM with the many girls he slept with in high school.
There was absolutely no fuckin’ way Nancy Wheeler let herself get tied to a bed and get fucked by Steve.
He shook his head at the thought.
“I’d feel a lot better if you let me drive you. I promise we don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.” Steve sighed. “I just don’t know if you should drive when you went down so hard.”
“You have no idea what even happened,” Eddie argued, pacing back and forth. “I can drive. I just need to walk it off.”
“You don’t walk off subspace.”
Eddie froze. Steve was standing right in front of him now, concern in his big, stupid, adorable eyes.
“How do you even know about subspace?” Eddie whispered.
“I slept with half the high school and two guys in Indy. I know what subspace is, Eds.”
Eddie must still be in space. Or maybe another galaxy.
“Sorry, did you just say you slept with two guys in Indy?” Has Steve seriously fucked more guys than Eddie has? Eddie, the resident gay man of Hawkins, has only been with one man in his entire life and Steve has apparently slept with two?
“Well, I wasn’t gonna sleep with two men in Hawkins!” Steve threw his hands up before putting them on his hips. “I hit up a gay bar and didn’t realize it doubled as a BDSM club until I was already in it and then a nice guy showed me the ropes. Literally. There were ropes involved.”
Eddie snorted. Steve was pretty and funny. Great. Just what he needed.
“I have a quick recovery, so I’ll be fine to drive home,” Eddie tried, though even he could hear his voice still shaking.
“No one is that quick,” Steve wrapped an arm around his shoulders, tugging him into a hug. “Has that ever happened before?”
“Not like that.”
“We should probably talk about it.”
The last thing Eddie wanted to do was talk about how someone playing with his hair and moving his head around while showing the bare minimum of care was enough to send him into subspace, but he had a feeling Steve wasn’t gonna give up easily.
“Fine. What should we talk about? How no one ever touches me gently so the moment someone did, I slipped? How I’ve been avoiding seeing you anywhere in public because I knew it would make my crush come back full force? Oh, I know!” Eddie laughed hysterically as he pulled away. “Let’s talk about how I still think about you in your stupid basketball shorts when I’m fucking myself on four fingers, which is never enough because I can never reach the spot I need to. Or how I once cut out your yearbook photo to keep for jerking off material because my mags weren’t enough. Could even talk about how earlier I wanted you to put your leg between mine so I could rub off on you. Or maybe the weather if you’d prefer that.”
Eddie was panting, could feel the heat on his face rising as he realized everything he’d just said, admitted, to Steve.
He’d never said any of that out loud. Shit, he’d barely said most of it in his own head.
Steve’s arms were pulling him in and Eddie let himself have it, let himself feel small for just a moment. If Steve wasn’t completely disgusted by what he said, then he would at least accept this offering of kindness for now.
They stayed like that for a while, long enough that Eddie started to wonder if he could just live here, right in Steve’s arms.
“It’s looking a little cloudy,” Steve said quietly, hands still rubbing Eddie’s back slowly.
“What?” Eddie still felt a little out of it, but that was entirely out of left field.
“You said we could talk about the weather.”
Eddie snorted. “Oh my God, you’re so-” Eddie looked up at Steve, who was smiling down at him. He felt off-kilter, being the object of that particular Steve look. “Stupid.”
It was fond, probably too fond for someone who needed to protect himself from whatever the hell was happening. He needed to shut this down.
“It’s been mentioned,” Steve’s eyes flickered down to Eddie’s lips, then back up to his eyes. “You good to head out?”
Eddie started to nod, but stopped.
This was his only chance. He wasn’t dumb enough to think he’d ever be alone with Steve again. If he was gonna kick start a spiral over feelings, he might as well go all out.
He stood at his full height, almost eye level with Steve, and leaned in.
The kiss was not even close to perfect. In fact, as far as kisses go, it was probably in the bottom three for Steve. Eddie chose not to think about how he screwed it all up.
But once the initial shock wore off, and Eddie put his teeth away, Steve’s hand cupped Eddie’s cheek and he licked past his lips.
Leave it to Steve to turn this around, make it something worth the risk.
Their lips moved in sync, both of them deepening the kiss without making it too wet, too filthy for a public space.
It was, dare he say, romantic.
Most kisses Eddie had managed to have were dirty and rough, hidden away in dark bars and alleyways, not exactly prime teen romance.
Of course Steve was good at this, of course he made Eddie melt against him, and of course Eddie was going to start writing hearts around Steve’s name in his notebook as if they were high school sweethearts.
When they pulled apart, it took him a minute to open his eyes. How stereotypical.
Steve was already looking at him, softer than he probably deserved.
“You’re pretty good at that,” Eddie breathed out.
“It’s been mentioned.” Steve’s lips turned up in a smirk before he pulled away completely. “Let’s go.”
They walked back through the school, stopping at Eddie’s locker to grab one of his textbooks as if he actually would use it. By now, he didn’t really need the textbooks to get his work done. And he was actually committed to getting it done this time around.
They were quiet as they continued out to the parking lot, only a few cars belonging to teachers left, maybe a few students stuck here for football or basketball practice. Steve’s car was towards the back, but Eddie’s was almost all the way in the grass field by the main road. It was less risky leaving it further away, less likely that anyone would slash the tires or key the side.
“You’re sure you can drive?” Steve asked as they stood outside his car.
“Yeah. Only five minutes to the trailer. It’ll be fine.” Eddie shrugged like it was nothing, but he was actually a little worried the kiss set him too off balance to focus on the road. Fuck the subspace, Steve’s lips were like discovering a new galaxy.
“Can I call you later? To check on you?” Steve seemed hesitant to ask.
“Uh, yeah? Do you…have my number?”
Steve shook his head, opening the door to his car and reaching into the glovebox to find a pen and an old receipt. As Eddie wrote down the number to the trailer, he thought about how much worse this would be tomorrow, how shitty it would be to have had this absolutely out of this world experience with the one person he never thought he could and then be left with scraps for the rest of his life.
“You uh, you don’t have to call, man. Don’t feel pressured. My uncle will be home so it’s not like I’ll be alone.”
Steve took the paper and pen back, folding the paper and putting it in his pocket and throwing the pen back into the car.
“I’m gonna call.” Steve moved a piece of Eddie’s hair from in front of his face. “You got a phone in your room?”
“No, but the one we have reaches to the bathroom?” Why the hell did he need one in his room?
“Good. Need you to be alone.”
“Steve, what the hell does that mean?”
“How else am I supposed to tell you what I wanna do to you?”
Well, fuck.
Day two: ao3 | tumblr
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help-itrappedmyself · 2 months
Dead On Main part 7
dedicated to @cervinebotanist and @leafyeyes417 for responding so quickly and with such enthusiasm to part 6. Thank you for the encouragement and support.
Danny takes a deep breath. He can hear scrambling from somewhere else in the car, but he can’t pay attention to what’s happening as he focuses inward. He closes his eyes, and reaches inside himself.
Jason has a tiny baby core! Danny almost coos at it, but it’s so underdeveloped that he’s sad instead. Danny can feel ectoplasm in himself, in Jason’s body. But it isn’t enough. This ectoplasm has been reused, reduced, recycled one too many times. It’s got barely enough to stay alive left in it. Jason is mostly being sustained by his human half right now. It feels like play-doh that turns to dust where it should stretch, dried-out and old. It makes him even more sad. And slightly ill. But the sadness makes the rioting ectoplasm calm back down inside him.
Danny opens his eyes. He’s slightly disoriented, but calm now, eyes no longer glowing. They had stopped the car. He looks at Tim, who is leaning against his door and braced against it and Dick’s chair, giving Danny as much space as possible. His hand is almost on the door handle and his tablet on the floor. Dick and Bruce are exchanging panicked looks in the front seat, both now unbuckled for some reason and completely turned to face the backseat.
“Hey, speaking of ectoplasm, this body really needs some.” Danny informs them. “If it doesn’t get some new ectoplasm soon his core is going to cease functioning, and that would be really bad, and possibly irreversible.” 
“Uhhh.” Dick’s panicked look is turning straight to confusion, as is everyone else’s. “What?” 
“I didn’t realize that Jason was, I mean he had mentioned he died, but he- well, I guess I didn’t want to talk about it over the phone either. Does make it easier to talk about since we’re the same, but of course we couldn’t have known yet. But his core needs some help, do you not have access to ectoplasm back home?” Danny is rambling, brain spinning at the thought of how much he and Jason have in common. This big thing that no one else would truly understand by each other. And Vlad, sort of, but nobody likes Vlad. “It’s amazing that we ended up soulmates. He’s only the third person in the world I’ve even heard about with this condition. How long has he been without ectoplasm? Is he having trouble finding any, or does he not know he needs it? Either way, I’m giving him some as soon as possible.” Danny doesn’t know whether he should freak out over that fact that his soulmate is as dead as he is, that he’s currently dying from lack of ecto, or that his soulmate’s entire family is probably going to end up learning about him and ghosts, or the fact that he is currently taking another body that the GIW is going to want to study straight to them. All of these things seem like great reasons to freak out on their own, so all together he is just panicking.
Danny doesn’t seem to be able to breathe. 
“Hey, come on, that’s fine, you can totally give Jason some… ectoplasm.” Dick says.
“Danny, you have to breathe, okay.” Tim is much calmer than Dick, so Danny focuses on him as Bruce and Dick whisper in the front. “Danny, match my breathing.” Danny stares at Tim, who is making very exaggerated breathing movements, and tries to time his breathing to match. “We’ll figure everything out, but we don’t need to do it right now.” Tim is still helping Danny, talking calmly, but he says this with enough force to distract the two in the front seat enough for them to shut up for a second. Danny appreciates the bit of silence.
“You need to start driving.” Danny, tells Bruce. “Right now, his human half is sustaining the rest of him almost entirely. If Jason doesn’t get more ecto soon, his other half will die, and I’m not sure what will happen to his human side if that happens. He may die again completely.”
There’s a beat of silence in the car. Bruce stares right into Danny’s eyes.
“You are saying there is an active threat to my son’s life, ” Bruce asks, voice hard. 
Danny nods. Then everyone is buckled back in and Bruce is pulling them back onto the road. 
“You know what’s happening and how to help him?” Bruce asks, voice steady but Danny can sense all the emotion underneath. Bruce is really worried right now, he looks around the car and realizes that Dick and Tim are as well. They both have phones out, but are tense, tuned into his conversation with Bruce.
“Yeah, It’s a simple enough fix, I’m just worried because he’s really…” Danny takes a moment to think of the right word. “Ecto deficient? His core is definitely malnourished, and his body and mind definitely need it. They are being sustained with human stuff for now, but eventually that won’t be enough.” 
“How urgent is this?”
Danny feels for Jason’s core, feeling like he’s invading his privacy, but without other options to check. It’s not cracked, but it’s not fully formed either. Half starved baby core, not even strong enough to present. Its link to an obsession is strong, but frayed enough that Danny can’t tell what it is. The core is not strong enough to produce it’s own ecto, even in response to the obsession being fulfilled. Everything is stable, but strained.
“I’m not an expert, but he’s sustained himself this long. And we’re already on the way. We should be fine, but I’ll keep an eye on it just in case.”
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doki-doki-imagines · 4 months
Hello <3 I have an idea for a request. Linkuei trio (and if you want other characters too) are having an argument with the reader, but suddenly she gives them a kiss to silence them. How would they feel or react? Sorry if this is stupid, I saw it in a novel and I liked it 😔
author note: this is not a stupid request, you idiot(lmao)! It is a scrummy idea that oiled my brain gears, so thank you🫶🏻. One last thing, the reader is already Tomas s/o in his part.
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-Sektor, your friend, finally has a date with his crush. Honestly you are happy for him. It's already a miracle someone could suffer him for more than 12 hours and still wanting to kiss him dumb. -But between him and his date there is an obstacle: Bi-Han, your boss. -Your work is pretty different from theirs, but Bi-Han saw in you a precious resource, so he decided to keep you after Sektor brang you to him. -Being a precious resource means that you also have to hear him yap and throw a tantrum in your and Sektor shared kitchen, walking left and right like a madman waiting to block the scientist from his romantic date. -"They aren't right for him." "I should be his only thought." "They aren't even Lin Kuei!" -You listen to him, his words entering from an ear and exiting from the other without being elaborated in your brain, your ass sit tight on the chair with no real intention of standing up to calm him down. -It's unbelievable how you got a crush for this man-child. -"Why can't Sektor be happy? Having a distraction is nice, plus his brain can have more stimulus interacting with someone else." Bi-Han opens his mouth and you are sure he tells you something but your brain shut down the moment his lips open, not being ready to hear another chant of "No Lin Kuei" "He cannot-" and blah blah blah. -But you have a mission, one that you accepted after seeing Sektor getting on his knees and begging for your help. "Please distract Bi-Han while I run out from the house." -Clock is ticking, and you know the hour of the date is approaching. You are already tired, the flood of words from the usually silent grandmaster filled your ears for the year to come. -Then you decide to act. -"Plus they can't be good because-" Words hang in the air. You finally lift yourself up from the chair, just to grab the collar of Bi-Han uniform and kiss him, or better kiss his upper lip since his mouth was wide open. -You break the touch, hoping that now his scolding will be directed to you long enough for Sektor to escape. -What you don't expect is to see the kitchen twirl, and to find yourself cornered between the fridge and the kitchen island, back on the cold wall, front against a even colder chest, icy mouth sucking yours, teeth playing with your lower lip. -His fingers grip is hard, leaving indents in the back of your thighs trying to pull them up, around his hips. -You follow his implicit order, like a doll in the owner hands, his crotch now dangerously close to yours, tongue overpowering yours, their dance played in your warm mouth. -Bi-Han end the kiss, his thin lips just an inch away from yours, a heavy breath coming out from his nose. "You are not doing this to distract me from Sektor, right?" You try to look around, then your eyes land again on his face, on his dark and deep eyes. "Totally. Do you wanna stop?" "Absolutely not." His lips are back on yours, devouring you as a delicious meal. -Sektor is able to sneak away, between your shared groans and mewls, a smirk on his face. He is happy that his friend was finally able to get with Bi-Han. -Do you have a crush for Bi-Han? Well, you will be astounished when you'll find out he has been obsessed with you for far longer.
Kuai Liang:
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-"Liang listen to me!" "No! I've already decided." -You follow him through the chambers of his mansion as best as you can since he is almost running. -"It is an important package, and I'm the only one free that can deliver it to Lord Liu Kang. Let me-" "For the last time, no." Liang finally turns around, eyes firm and eyebrows furrowed, making you take a step back for how big and imposing he looks right now. -"But why…I know I'm not a strong warrior but-" You feel your voice breaking and you hate it, but as a side effect Liang expression softens up. His hands that were tight on his side now reach for your cheeks. "Don't cry." "I'm not. But the world is at risk Liang! My life has no value compared to-" -You can't finish the phrase, your grandmaster soft lips shutting you up. Liang removes himself immediately, your kiss lasting as long as a blink of an eye, his soft black eyes looking at you. -He even crouches a little, waiting to understand your reaction, his thick fingers drawing circles on the apple of your cheeks, removing some tears that slip your eyes. -Liang decides to be the first to talk, breaking the silence. "There is no world for me if you aren't in it. No world matters if you don't live in it. Don't go 'till I get back." His forehead knocks against yours, eyes now closed, and his feelings for you now clear. -You gasp, no words leave your mouth, no muscle moving. Not until Liang opens his eyes again, and finally, your body works. -And Liang sees it, the same fire that burns him alive every time he looks at you, that turns to ashes any thought that isn't you, monopolising his entire being. -This kiss is way more intense, your hands grip his collar, pushing him close to your body, not a single gap for air. His right hand rests tight on the back of your head while the other slips lower, massaging and groping. -If only he had a bit more of time… -"I have to go now, fireball." Liang whispers to your lips. "Don't go until I'm back. Be good, and we will be able to do this and much more." He smirks, eyes full of mirth. -You nod. This time he won.
Tomas Vrbada:
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-"You are wrong and being stubborn." "I know what I'm talking about. You are being contrarian!" -You both are walking at Madame Bo restaurant, customers long gone, just the two of you arguing. -Why? Who remembers, you just know you want to be right and Tomas is on the same wavelength. -"You know I am right. You are just being childish." He tells you, with that damn finger pointing at you. Of all the habits he could take from his big brother, the finger-pointing one irate you like nothing else. -You look at him, Tomas looks delightful, cheeks slightly red from anger, his eyes magnetic, and he reeks confidence. Maybe you don't mind this side. -"You always want to win. You are such a younger brother." You can't hear it, but you see something snapping in his brain. You struck a nerve, and his mind is ready to throw a reply that will literally devour you. -But your mind is faster, finding a solution that won't make you win, but also won't make Tomas explode. -Your lips push against his ones, and after a second of surprise Tomas reciprocates, much angrier than you, much more forceful. -You soon find your back against one of the wooden tables of the restaurant. Tomas grips an angle of tablecloth and pushes it down, the tableware following, breaking into pieces. He doesn't seem to mind, breaking the kiss just to push you on the table. -Madame Bo will kill both of you. -Tomas starts to kiss down your neck, kisses soon turns into small bites. "T-Tomas." He looks at you, mouth still dangerously close to your neck. "Do you even remember why we started arguing?" His smile wicked, his usual angelic face looking devilish. "Fuck no. For sure, it wasn't as good as this-" You gasp, Tomas teeth sinking into the skin of your throat. "I agree with you." "Then come back here, I haven't finished kissing you." "Yes, ma'am." -Fingers skillfully untie the strings of his uniform, your pants being pulled down as quickly. -You are right at the end. The method of fermentation of Tomas' favourite radish isn't as interesting as this.
Anon don't gatekeep, say the name of the novel.
No fr I'm curious.
Maybe if I read I can also yk, improve lol.
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strawberrysturniolo · 3 months
never grow up part three
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summary: following chris and sunny's fight, he escapes to LA and falls into his bad habits as he tries to cope with his loss. smut, high chris, drunk chris part two part four
Chris’ POV
My life has been somewhat like a blur over the past few days.
I left my best friend’s house after she demanded we start a relationship, which clearly threw me for a loop. I probably looked at her like I had five heads, but in reality, I just didn’t think she had really thought that all out. 
Then she accused me of just wanting sex with her, which is not true, and even when I told her I did want her, she shut me out and left me in the dark. To which, I got up and left.
I remember coming back to Boston so excited. I was on my way back to my roots after months of my absence. I couldn’t wait to see my family, my friends. But her? I felt sick and she was the antidote. I had been needing her for months.  
I left that night, and we haven’t spoken since. 
I flew back to LA, still not a word exchanged between us. It’s crazy that I was going to Boston on such a high, knowing I was surprising her, and now I’m back in LA, trying to wipe her from my brain. Not entirely, just everything after us kissing. 
I’ve been kind of quiet towards everyone. I had a meeting when I got back, almost immediately after. Luckily, Nick excused my silence as me being tired from the long day of traveling, which was partially true. I was mostly just mentally exhausted after fighting with her and continuing to fight with myself. 
It’s stupid, really. We both want each other. We just can’t get over the idea of us being anything more than friends, even if we both want it. We haven’t known a life without the other person there, and maybe that’s what makes it so scary. There hasn’t been a risk until now. 
The risk scares me more than any idea of hope that we would be okay. I can’t bring myself to feel nothing but this anger and desire for her. I keep going back and forth. I keep thinking about what the right decision is. But every time I pick up my phone to call her, I remember how she let me leave. She didn’t fight for me. She didn’t argue her truth. She didn’t call or text or say she needed me. 
She let me go.
The days rolled by and I found myself back in my old routine, late nights spent making content as I slept the day away. I’ve managed to stay off my phone though. Seeing constant reminders of her was the last thing I wanted. 
Seeing her name under posts she had liked, seeing things she shared to her story. These were all things I used to see and smile to myself, knowing she was still there. Now, I’m trying to pin the blame on someone. 
Who kissed who first?
She kissed my cheek, that stupid goodnight kiss she’s done since we were kids that led us to fall.
This is her fault. 
I started drowning myself in work to counteract my drowning in her. It worked as a distraction that I could count on. Not to mention that I could actually find ways to get shit done in the process. 
When I got word of an event we had to attend, at the last minute, if I may add, I was pissed. The last thing I wanted was to go out. I had been so exhausted and just wanting to be alone, and now I have to present myself in a certain way so I don’t look like a dick in this industry. 
I threw on a black t-shirt and a zip up hoodie, along with a pair of baggy jeans. I clearly can’t be bothered to dress up.
As the night rolls on, I find myself leaning on my brothers to do the work for us. All the talking, socializing, mingling is handled by them. I stand at their sides and fake a smile so I can get out of sharing my own thoughts other than the simple thanks of gratitude for being invited to the event I couldn’t give less a shit about. I don’t even know what this is for. 
My head turns at the sound of a girl’s voice. I manage to stay focused enough on what she’s saying, and somehow, I’m inviting her over to my house. 
Everything else is a blur.
She brought weed and alcohol with her, clearly anticipating spending more time here than I did. I didn’t care about that at the moment. I just needed to put my mind on someone else. Someone who wasn’t going to expect more or less from me. I needed someone who I could be on the same page with. 
Her hands tugged through my hair in ways I’ve never felt as I laid her on my bed. Her legs wrapped around me and created the slightest friction, making me groan. 
Everything about this girl is so different. She’s the complete opposite of Sunny in every way. 
My lips find hers in a kiss full of nothing. I don’t even know her name.
I sit myself between her legs, kissing down her chest as she lifts her hips enough for me to grip the back of her leather pants and peel the tight material off her skin. 
They find a home on my floor, along with the rest of her clothes and my own. 
She takes my dick in her mouth before we do anything else. Her lips wrap around my shaft as she messily bobs her head, smothering my cock in spit as she tries to take as much as she can. 
I hold her hair back in a makeshift ponytail, trying to help her out.
Once my dick is slobbered in her saliva and I can use it as lube, I lay her down on the edge of the bed, letting her head hang upside down, looking up at me. I hold her neck, lining myself up at her lips. 
I let out a loud groan as I push myself deeper, fucking her throat. She continues to gag, but we agreed that she’d smack my thigh if it got to be too much, so despite the gagging, I know she’s fine.
Her hands hold my balls, trying to rub them as I dominate her. Her legs are open, and from this angle, I can see how wet she is. I dip my fingers into her dripping cunt, then smack my hand over her clit. She gasps, smacking my thigh. I pull out of her mouth, and watch as she catches her breath before taking me again. 
I fuck her mouth as I lean over her, rubbing her clit and watching her squirm. It gives me a sense of control back. When it feels like I’ve lost everything else that matters to me, at least I have this. This isn’t confusing at all. 
We stay in this position until she cums in my hand. I suck my fingers clean and let her regroup before climbing on top of her, grinding my still throbbing cock against her. 
I tease my tip at her entrance as I dig around for a condom.
“I’m on the pill,” she tells me. 
“And I don’t give a fuck,” I snap back.
No way in hell am I doing this with someone I just met without a condom.
“I’m clean–”
“Can you stop?” I interrupt her, my tone making her face drop. “I said I don’t care. If you want me to fuck you at all, keep your mouth shut. I’m not fucking you raw.”
She nods, laying her head back on the pillow as she opens her legs for me. I put the condom on and push into her without a warning, listening to her cry out beneath me.
We settle for missionary until she’s used to my length, taking me whole as I press her knees into her shoulders.
This girl might have a mouth, but she’s pretty hot. 
Eventually, we switch so she’s on top. She rides me like a goddess, nothing I’ve ever had before. Her ass is moving in ways that has my vision blurring. Her tits bounce in my face, and I keep my mouth open and tongue out in front of her nipple, letting it hit my mouth as she rides me. 
When Sunny and I had sex, I kept her in missionary. We held each other the entire time. We didn’t want to let go. We stared in each other’s eyes as the love we held for each other all these years in every conceivable way came out of us. She looked beautiful underneath me. Her big eyes staring at me as those lips of hers moved when she begged me to touch her. 
What the fuck am I doing?
“Chris, I’m gonna cum!” she screams, snapping me back to reality.
I try to keep myself from going soft, as if I hadn’t been daydreaming about sex with someone else while I’m fucking a different girl.
I slap my hand to her ass harshly.
Would Sunny let me do that?
Get out of my fucking head. 
Her cum drips around my dick, pouring out onto my pelvis as she pulls herself off of me. 
“Did you finish?” she asks awkwardly.
“Mhm,” I hum, ripping the condom off and tossing it in the trash as she tries to cuddle with me. “What are you doing?”
“Cuddling,” she replies simply.
“Yeah,” I nod, pushing her off. “I’m not that kind of guy.” She looks up at me with a blank expression. “Listen, you came here to fuck. We did. You brought weed and alcohol, so do you want to cuddle or get high?”
She pulls her underwear back on, tugging a shirt back on as I let myself get dressed. 
I would say I excused myself to the bathroom, but I didn’t. I got up and left and didn’t say a word. 
Luckily, when I came back, the joint was already rolled. 
We smoked together, passing some drinks back and forth as music played. We didn’t talk much, but when she tries to start getting personal and intimate with me, I’ve had enough.
“You should go,” I say. “I’ll call you an Uber. Just… you need to go.”
She doesn’t argue with me. I think she’s embarrassed. She just gets her shit then leaves. 
I lay in my bed, my thoughts foggy. It doesn’t help that I’m now crossed.
The bright shades of my LEDs are blinding, so I stumble up the steps to my brother’s room.
I don’t bother knocking on his door to let him know I’m there. I opened the door and fell to his bed.
“Hey, guys– I gotta go,” he tells whoever he’s gaming with. He takes off his headset and stands in  front of his bed. “You good?”
I nod.
“Did you drink?”
“You smell like weed.”
“Dude,” he sighs. He sits next to me. “What’s going on?”
Everything’s fucked up, but I can’t get the words out.
I settle on, “I’m in love with her.”
His eyes go wide, thinking I’m talking about the girl that came over.
“Sunny,” I clarify.
“Oh,” he says, clearly shocked. I never told him about what happened in Boston. He doesn’t know any of it. “I always just thought–”
“We had sex,” I interrupt him. His eyes go wide. “Then we cuddled all night and every time we told each other we love the other person it obviously meant something else. I can’t give her what she wants right now, and she got scared, and I got mad, so now I’m here, we aren’t talking, I had sex and thought of her the whole time, got high, then drunk, now I feel sick in every conceivable way and I hate myself for doing this.”
Matt stays with me as he digests my word vomit. He nods as he listens, and when I’m done, he puts a hand on my back.
“I always knew you liked her,” he mumbles.
I nod at him, tears welling in my eyes. “I fucked up so bad. I feel awful. I left. I didn’t tell her anything–”
“You were overwhelmed,” he reminds me. “Yes, you shouldn’t have left her in the dark like that, but it’s nothing that can’t be fixed without a conversation. Just talk to her, Chris.”
Just talk to her.
We’re in love.
This is going to be fine.
“You guys are meant to be together,” Matt adds.
Fuck yeah we are.
And I’m not living another day without my best girl.
tag list: @secret-sturniolo @chrisloyalgf @strnilolo @qwertytit @55sturn @sleepysturnss @creamoncreamoncream2 @sturnvvz @swaggygirlboss123 @angelworldspost @patscorner @ducksturniolo @mattitties @luv4kozume @mbbsgf @freshloveforthefit @ripmattitude @gamermattsgf @strniololoverr @urmom2bitch @sturnitup @luvmila444 @st7rnioioss @sturniolosreads @pepsiskiess @alorsxsturn @sturniolopepsi @sturnsgasoline @sturns-posts @sstvrnioloo @strawberrymilk4k @nickmillersn1gf @milesfordays11 @l9vesick @mattsturnzzz09 @mattnchrisworld @sturniolovoid @aerunn @sturniolosmind @oliviasturniolo21 @carolsturns1 @scarssturniolo @stuniolobbg @sturniolowhore @christurniolomyman
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riality-check · 11 months
Steddie with "Is this okay?" or "I saved you a seat." for the i love you without saying it thingy, please...if you're still doing it. :)
I'm super late on this, but here we go, anon! Is this okay? was done here, so I'm doing I saved you a seat.
"In the back, Henderson," Steve calls.
Dustin kind of hates that Steve isn't a loser anymore. He's back to his cool self, which means he's wearing sunglasses and doesn't look away from the road as he talks to Dustin.
He sputters. "Why? I get shotgun!"
"You get shotgun unless we're picking up Max."
"Are we picking up Max?"
"No," Steve says, finally turning to look at Dustin over the frames of his sunglasses.
Dustin wants to break them, but if he does that, Steve will probably stop driving him around.
He kind of needs Steve to keep driving him around. His mom is busy, and God knows Mr. Wheeler won't do it anymore.
"Get in the back or don't get in at all," Steve says.
Dustin rolls his eyes and gets in the back of the Beemer. Steve doesn't even ask if he's good to go before he pulls away from his house and down the street.
He doesn't usually, but a little warning would have been nice.
"I thought we were going to the arcade," he says.
"We are."
"No, we're going in the wrong direction."
In the rearview mirror, Dustin can see Steve sigh so heavily his shoulders move.
And he says Dustin is dramatic.
Steve flips his sunglasses onto his head, pushing his hair back, when they get to shadier streets. "I'm doing someone a favor, then I'm dropping you at the arcade to hang out with your friends. That okay?"
Dustin isn't really listening, not as Steve turns the car into Forest Hills. "I thought you said we weren't picking up Max."
"We're not."
"I know you're not very verbose, but could you give me answers that are more than two words?" Dustin snaps.
Steve parks the Beemer in front of Eddie's trailer and turns back to face Dustin. "Is this answer enough?"
He beeps the horn, and thirty seconds later, the front door slams open. Eddie nearly trips right out of it, all black-clothed, gangly limbs, enough metal on his outfit for Dustin to hear him jangling before he even gets in the Beemer.
"Saved you a seat," Steve says as Eddie opens the passenger seat door.
It takes Dustin a full ten seconds to realize that the smile Steve has on his face is the same one he'd use on girls at Scoops.
"Thanks, Stevie," Eddie says, words as rushed as he seems to be. "I don't know when my van is going to get out of the shop, and Wayne needs the truck-"
"It's no problem," Steve says.
Dustin, for once, is speechless. The way Steve drives with one hand as Eddie takes his other one and starts toying with it has something to do with it.
When his mouth can finally catch up to his brain, he asks, "How long have you two been dating?"
"What?" they say.
Eddie drops Steve's hand like it's burning him, and Steve nearly brake-checks them in the middle of Main Street.
"We're not-"
"Why did you-"
"He doesn't-"
"Arcade, Henderson!" Steve yells, cutting off the conversation completely. "Get out, have fun with whatever quarters your mom gave you, get a ride with someone who isn't me, thanks!"
"You aren't-"
"Get out or I will keep driving this car with you in it," Steve warns.
Eddie stares, dumbfounded, between Dustin and Steve. His eyes move like he's watching a tennis match.
"Okay," Dustin says, throwing his hands up. He gets out of the car, and not five seconds after he shuts the door, Eddie and Steve start talking.
He'd stay, but he's already late.
He goes into the arcade, straight to the Dig Dug machine where the rest of the party is waiting.
"Dustin, where were you?"
"Did you guys also think Steve and Eddie were dating, or was that just me?"
Max looks away from the machine, causing her to die in the game. "They're not?"
"When did you find that out?" Lucas asks, looking a little distracted.
"About a minute ago."
"I think things might have changed since then," Lucas says, pointing to the window.
All of them rush to it and look outside. The Beemer is still in the parking lot. Eddie and Steve are still in it, and they're-
"Oh, God, no."
"This is like watching my parents kiss."
"Why Steve?" Mike moans, letting his head drop against the windowpane again and again. "Why did he have to pick Steve? I thought Eddie was better than this."
"It's kind of sweet."
They stare in silence. It's like a car wreck. It's impossible to look away.
Max shakes her head. "You guys made me waste a quarter on Dig Dug. I'm going back to playing."
"Hey, wait up!"
The rest of them rush back. Dustin is the last to look away.
And he laments the fact that he's never riding shotgun again.
Prompts here.
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onlycrystal · 10 months
nanami brain-rot
cw! professor!nanami x student!reader (age gap; reader is in her 20s, kento in his 30s), ddlg, sexual content (im too lazy to write allat)
not proof read, I wrote this in like 30 min at 1am im sry if it aint too good
currently thinking about professor! nanami...
who is sitting at the coffee table of his cozy, charactered apartment. he reads the latest newspaper and sips his earl-grey tea, relaxed, much unlike you. finals are coming up, and since you can barely understand general chemistry, your procrastination gets the best of you. you’re seated on nanami’s sofa, wearing one of his oversized collared shirts. he always thinks its so cute how they completely engulf you in fabric. however, 7 unfinished, late assignments from professor suguru’s class, are all due in a week.
you groan and bury your face into the palms of your hands, “you will not pass my class if you dont submit those assignments” you mock your professors words, and stare back at the unfinished work. suddenly, you realize that you’re in a relationship with a professor. he can help you, right? i mean, he may teach biology, but the man is smart.
“namiiii~” you whine as you look at the blonde, stoic main across the room from you with doe eyes. he replies without looking up from his newspaper, “yes, doll?” 
“i dont get this, can you pleaseeee help me?” sighing, nanami gets up from the coffee table and approaches you. “you know how much i hate doing work in my free hours” nanami slightly grumbles as he sits next to you, attaching his long, slender hands to your hips. he slightly picks you up, and moves you between his legs so you're sitting in his lap. “...but for you, ill make an exception.” he rasps against your ear and kisses it. his actions makes you blush, but no. you needed to focus on your work.
“i just don’t understand all these theorems and laws” you whine and shift in his lap, feeling defeated from how deep you've gotten yourself in this shit. you realize you shifted a bit too much and blush hard at the feeling of hardness start to develop from underneath you. nanami leans forward, which brings you to rub against him harder. you blush even harder, and he just points at the paper and begins to explain, “lets start with boyle’s law, darling. you use it when...” you drone out his voice, and embarrassingly enough, find yourself start to heat up down there. you rub your thighs together only slightly so he wont notice. feeling him so hard down there is so distracting. you just wanna forget about all this work and f-
“babygirl, are you even listening to me right now?” you dont even realize he's talking until he speaks that last word, which brings you to snap out of your dirty day dreams and look up at him. you meet his gaze to be acknowledged with a cold gaze. “y-yes! yes, im listening” you stutter out, gulping.
he shuts your notebook a bit harshly and slides it across the table without getting up. he puts his dainty hand on your chin, and forces you to look up at him. “recite boyle’s law.” he says, slightly smirking as he slowly starts to piece together why you weren't listening. your eyes shoot across the room nervously “ummm... i-its.. uh...” you trail off.
he removes his hand from your chin. his large hands meet your hips again, as he moves you closer to him. soon enough, you’re pressed up against his chest and crotch. “aww, is my little girl so desperate she couldnt focus away from daddy?” he whispers in your ear to be met with no response.
he slightly thrusts towards your lower body, earning a sweet whimper to fall from you lips. “asked you a question, baby” you nod your head yes hesitantly and are suddenly turned around. your eyes widen at how close your faces are, and the intimacy of the whole situation. nanami crashes his lips onto yours, which forces a muffled mewl to fall from your lips. his hands travel up and down your body before they meet your chest and begin to fondle your breasts. your whines and whimpers aren’t censored anymore when nanamis lips move onto your neck, sucking at the sensitive skin and turning you into a moaning mess. your hands meet his hair and tug slightly at his blonde locks. his touch was just so satisfying. your body continued to grind on his crotch with was now fully hard, causing you to moan sweetly and kento to groan onto your neck. in desperation, you frantically unloosen his tie and start to undo the buttons of his chemise before he grabs your wrists and stops you. “ah, ah, ah”
he chuckles when he removes himself from your neck and looks at your face. you look desperate; big eyes, pouting lips, lip tint smeared, and hickies on your throat. that said, he wasn’t looking as uniformed as he did. you had messed up his neat hair, got some of your lip tint on his lips so they appeared more kissable than ever, along with his shirt barely even being kept on. grinning, he removes his glasses from his face and cleans them with his shirt. looking down as he cleans them he says, “maybe i gotta fuck some knowledge into my little princess, isn't that right, dear?” he teases, but desperate as you are, you nod without shame. he chuckles at you again, contributing to your embarrassment before putting his glasses on you. “even wearing my shirt, baby, so cute” you blush, and he abruptly hooks his finger around your underwear and tugs them down. 
nanami rubs circles you on your clit and teases a finger at your entrance. “d-daddy...” you mewl which only makes him grin harder. “gonna make my baby smart.” he says before he jams 2 digits into you. you throw your arms around his neck, tugging hard at his hair as you’re reduced to moans. he continues fingering you, as he uses the thumb of his other hand to continue rubbing circles on your clit. you squirm in his lap as your orgasm approaches, sweetly moaning as you release all over his fingers. he hums as he stares you in the eyes, licking your slick off his fingers clean.
“since you’ve been so obedient, ill let you ride me.” he says curtly. you blush hard, but the thought of his dick sends butterflies to your stomach. you shyly zip down his pants and bring down his boxers, letting his fully erect cock spring free from his pants. you align yourself with his dick, and slowly let yourself down on his length, inch by inch. you whine at the stretch, and hear nanami let out a low moan. “fuck, you’re so tight” he tilts his head back slightly. finding yourself now comfortable to his length, you slowly start to bounce up and down on his cock. he lets out groans and moans, his hands stay glued to your tits, fondling them with every bounce. you lose your composure, getting even dumber, chemistry the farthest thing from your mind, as his glasses start to go crooked on your face. he looks at you and chuckles “daddy’s cock fuck you even stupider? its okay baby... you feel so fucking good” you whine at his dirty talk, hands gripping his shoulders tightly as you bounce relentlessly on his dick. “n-nami~ gonna- c-cum~” you moan loud as his length hits you in all the right places. he moans into your ear “princess~ fuck” he releases into your pussy as you cream all over his dick. you pant hard as you stay close to his chest, basically hugging him. you face him as he plants a kiss on your cheek and pats your head.
“’ts okay, honey. i have an idea... how bout now i only let you cum if you answer a question correctly?” you gulp, you sure were in for a long afternoon.
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lovelybeesthings · 6 months
Quick like a bunny Ch 2
Coriolanus Snow x reader
Warnings: none I think
Word count: 1.8k
Ch 1 & 3
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Why did he have to say such hurtful things all I’m trying to do is to care for him is that not enough? What does Lucy Grey have that I don’t she's a poor tribute form that distracts 12 from what he's doing he can end up killed or hanged! *I cry into my pillows as I try to find a way to release my feelings and emotions as tears find a way to escape from my sniffs and efforts push them away* “Yvanna dear come down for dinner!” *I hear my mother call as I get up in my pink pastel long puffy Lacey dress with my hair in curls*
The next day I attended the Academy sitting threw my classes and lessons with focus but I couldn't help but look at Coriolanus his beauty his curls his looks- I stopped myself from looking and continued to focus on ways to take advantage of the games. As the lesson soon ended I came across my tribute as we practiced one-on-one trying to think of how I could better his odds even though he has the brown I would like to give him the brain.
I shortly walked away to get some Items to see how Reaper works with them and I soon came across a tribute his features were beyond what I'd seen from the Capitol his eyes sea green, his hair bronzed color his skin the color of gold if possible whatever he came from they had been keeping him well.. I felt a rush of warmth from my cheeks this tribute quickly noticed my luring eyes. “Fenwick Odair District 4” his smile was a bright pure one he knew he was handsome and showed it* “Did I scare you little bunny?” he said as I quickly regained my thoughts and answered “No, I was just impressed I believe you have a good chance of winning I think the odds are surely more in your favor” he looked at me hand on his chin smirking “That so little bunny?” “Better watch out then this bunny is quick” I smile as I flirt a bit with him and quickly return to Reaper to continue our training.
Unnoticeable to me Coriolanus was watching our interactions on his way to Dr. Volumnia's lab he felt his heart clench with bitter thoughts surfaced in his head what did he do to that tribute from District 4- no what did he think he was here to learn more knowledge to find a better way for Lucy to better her odds for his odds.
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After hours
I spent my time brushing my silky (c/h) as it didn't have any tangles or any worries in my long healthy hair as I think about my encounter with Fenwick his love is his charms make me blush still, I hope he wins the game is know I should try to win but Id like to spend more time with him.
I heard a sudden knock on my door and I got up from my vanity in my pink lacey nightgown opened the door got my candle lamp to see who had visited my room in such late hours Maye a maid “y/n” Coriolanus speaks I'm shocked to see him here this light at night “what happen why are you home are you alright is Tigris okay?” I say confused and worried soon his cold hands reach my face and hold my chin I look completely lost to his sudden affection.
He pushes his way inside my room and preps me down on my bed I'm blushing and not sure what he's planning to do “What are you doing Coriolanus?” I say as his piercing blue eyes look at mine like a wolf looking at a poor rabbit to slaughter in minutes, his response was his lips on mine I'm surprised I mean this man was my fiance but he never really showed me an ounce of affection like that and since our last words, I wasn't sure he wanted to be in my life.
I respond with his kisses as he’s on top of me vulnerable to his lips how could I shut him down his mop of white blinding curly hair he just does it for me though in the back of my mind I think of Fenwick and gently push snow off “what are you doing..?” he looks at me a bit surprised and confused “What do you mean y/n I'm showing my affection and love for you” he looks at my eyes then lips then back up to my lips “No this doesn't feel right you don't….Are you okay this doesn't seem like something you think about clearly” I know I want his attention and his kisses but it feels like he's thinking of someone else..not someone Lucy..
“You don't want this you think you do but you love her..” I say “Right now you don't know what you want to be what makes you happy” *I say as I hold a smile and angle face holding tears back pushing the one I want to be happy “Lucy will cherish you as much as I will” he nods and slips out of my room my house like he was never even there the only reaches left were the stolen kisses of mine.
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How do we think about this chapter? Is it good for your guys' standards I'll try to make the third one a time skip to after what goes down in the book and snows return back to the Capitol.
please like 😘
SHOUTOUT TO @edb954 for some of the inspiration and @watercolorskyy
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moodymisty · 9 months
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Author's Note: Loosely based off my personal experience struggles learning Spanish and Portuguese. I wanted to do something sfw to work on König's character and get a feel for things with CoD. I'll make some filth soon lol
Any German used is one or two very easily understandable words, and anything more in-depth is just implied via italics. Far easier than making an arse out of myself with Google translate because we all know how that works.
Summary: You've been studying German in secret from König for weeks now, hopefully it pays off.
Relationships: König/Fem!Reader
Warnings: I do not know German so I apologize, Fluff, Reader is implied foreigner but from where is not specified, Fluff without plot
Word Count: 2016
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Closing the book in your lap you take your hands away from the pages and rub them over your face, feeling the way your eyes almost burn from overuse. Squeezing them shut helps, but it almost seems like the letters are burned into the back of your eyelids.
No more information can be shoved into my brain; Not tonight.
It's late- the sun has long since set and if you start another section, you might end up hearing the birds outside start chirping by the time you finish and go to bed. With König gone and it being the weekend you can at least sleep in, to cover up your late night of studying.
Getting up off the couch and taking your notes and textbook, they both come with you to the bedroom; Where you hide them underneath the cushion of the window seat. It was a place that he would never look, at least not without good reason.
That was part of the plan after all, for him to be surprised by all this.
As for all the time you've known König his mother tongue has remained a mystery to you, unable to understand whenever he mumbles it under his breath while fixing himself something to eat, or yelling at a door frame he hit with his shoulder or head by accident. Which happens frequently, as unfortunately the apartment isn't exactly built for a man of his size.
You’ve picked up words and small sentences over time; Maus, danke, bitte, ich liebe dich; Scheisse as well, much to König's playfully faked distress. He's always tried to refuse teaching your swears, but you've picked up on them anyways. He thinks they sound too cute to take seriously when you say them. They just make him laugh.
But none of it is enough to hold any length of conversation. König is sweet and always helps whenever you need something translated, but you know sometimes words just don't cross over one to one. Not to mention you don't want to always rely on him. So you decided to learn as much as you could, but keep it a surprise. At least for a bit. There was only so far you could get without speaking it, using it- but for now you could at least try and listen.
''Can you help me?' You stumble out in practice before sighing, slipping into your nightclothes as your bed remains unmade and calling out to you.
Could really use some of that right now.
You keep mumbling to yourself, the words floating through your head, hoping they'll stick to the image of an object or scene that follows in tandem. It's such a silly, impossible goal, but you want to impress him. You slip into bed and begin relaxing, hoping you'll be able to sleep before light starts bleeding through the curtains.
The ring of your phone however distracts you from any further thoughts, grabbing it off the bedside table where it had been charging. Only one person will call this late, and since you’re already in your nightclothes, you answer without even checking the caller id. It would just say 'Unknown' anyways, if it was him. You answer and speak up.
"Good evening. Or morning? Afternoon?"
König chuckles and even if it's hundreds or even thousands of miles away, it still makes you smile. When he's gone you usually don't hear much from him at all, so it's always a wonderful treat when he does manage to find a moment.
"Evening. The sun is just about to set." You're sure he can hear you rustling of the blankets as you pull them over your body, laying down with your phone on speaker right in front of the pillow.
"Keeping busy, Liebe?"
"As busy as I can, it's really late. Was just about to sleep." König hums, and you can hear the scratch of him rubbing his head.
"Ahh, am I keeping you up? I don't want you tired because of me." Just as you go to answer him back someone must enter the room, asking him something. You can hear the question and König's extremely curt and irritated response to it, and it's a struggle to not laugh when you realize you understood enough of it to put the pieces together.
So all this studying wasn't for nothing!
It's nice to finally see that you've been making at least some sort of stride. Once he finishes grumbling a reply at whoever had interrupted him- ignoring how cute you find it that he's so feverishly defending what tiny bit of time he has to talk to you- You answer back.
"Don't worry, I want to stay up; I miss you. I miss hearing your voice before I go to bed." You hear König let out a shy cough, rustling around. Sometimes he still gets a little bashful when you're particularly overt with how you feel about him.
"Then I will stay with you as long as I can." You know that's asking a lot of him; To even get a few moments time while he's deployed in the middle of god knows where is asking for a miracle. A damn good miracle at that.
"I miss you too, liebling."
His voice sounds so quiet when he speaks; You don't know if it's because of there being someone else in the room with him, or that he's just still not used to saying things like that.
The bed is warm and the blankets are soft, but it's still nowhere near as pleasant when König is here beside you. Neither of you have any idea how long he's going to be gone this time, but you always prepare as if it's going to be a long while. Hopefully however, it wont. You're not going to last very long without having him here with you. Just the feeling of being stuck in his arms because he's dead asleep and his grip is so strong- you miss it. You miss him kissing you on the cheek to wake you up in the mornings, and the feeling of his hand on the dip of your waist. His voice always sounds so gruff and sore in the mornings, whispering in English or German or a mix of both as he hides his face in your neck.
The sudden increase in background noise from the other side of the call jolts you out of any sort of fantasizing you were in, thankfully before it went down a path perhaps a bit more appropriate for such a late hour. König speaks up before you have a chance to ask if he needs to leave.
"I have to go; I promise I will try and find another moment to talk to again, ok?" You can hear the sudden rustling around in the background; Some of it from him, some clearly from elsewhere in the room.
He whispers again; Unsure under his breath 'I love you', the words still a bit shy and experimental on his lips. You return it quickly before the line goes dead. You have to reach a hand from under the blanket to lock your phone, staring at the lock screen for a moment.
Now the room feels almost, eerily quiet.
You turn over to set your phone down on the nightstand and turn off the last of the lights, heading to closing your eyes and trying to get some sleep.
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When König returns, it's usually not without a fair share of eventfulness.
Normally he spends a day or two somewhere else first before coming back to you, which you understand; He doesn't want to bring 'that side of him' back home. Doing what he does isn’t a 9-5, and it’s not something that’s easy to leave at the front step.
After having a bit to decompress he's finally returned, having just closed the front door. He finished unlacing his combat boots and putting them beside your own shoes, as you shuffled off to get him something to drink after already tackling him. You had nearly jumped on him the moment you hear his key hit the lock, feeling him mumble a surprised but happy greeting against your lips.
Leaning over he goes to pick his pack back up off the ground to move it, but it either gets hooked on something, or the fabric finally gives. Either way the contents then spill out all over the floor, from clothing to whatever else he has stuffed inside.
"Damn it! You fucking piece of-"
The stream of swears he lets out makes you nearly winge, between about how he's going to damn the thing to Hell or set it ablaze. Either or. You try not to smile and quickly go to help him clean up the mess of his belongings that's now scattered all over the floor. You shoo his hands back a bit.
"Here, let me help, instead of you yelling about trying to set it all on fire."
König quickly stops what he was doing, and watches as you come closer. He looks confused for a moment, brow furrowed as if trying to see if you’re just being silly, or got lucky guessing what he was saying.
“...Did you understand me?” He experimentally says; As If in disbelief. You can’t help but smile and respond back.
“Are you surprised?” You cover your mouth and laugh, while cringing.
"Oh god my accent must be terrible, I haven't spoken it to anything other than the-" König bursts up from his awkward squat on the ground and wraps his arms under the crease of your bottom, lifting you off the ground. "-Wall!" Your arms wrap around his neck trying to keep yourself upright while he eagerly kisses your cheek. Over and over again, until it’s nearly red.
"Meine Liebe you sound perfect, how long have you been keeping this from me?" In any other context he probably would've been upset you were keeping secrets from him, especially big ones, but he seems too happy with the outcome to even care.
"A couple months. Long enough that I was scared you might catch me." The idea of him 'catching' you seems to make him laugh, but he still refuses to put you down.
"You made my terrible day so much better, I hope you know." He gives you another kiss this time on the lips, made easier from you being lifted to his height. Your arms snake loosely around shoulders as you giggle against his mouth, fingers tangling in his messy, soft hair. He's long since abandoned his mess on the ground at his feet, finally putting you down only to awkwardly bend over with you and kiss you again. His lips feel soft against yours and his hands cup your jaw so gently, before his lips leave yours with a soft pop.
"I hope you know you don't have to do this for me, liebling."
His eyes are tired from spending so long awake, hair messy and unkempt. You know the moment the excitement is all over he's just going to want to take a nap.
"I know, but I wanted to." You awkwardly try to hug him around the shoulders. "You're dedicated to helping me now, though." König lets out a quiet laugh.
"Of course, but can we take a nap first?" He always says we, as even though you're probably not tired in the slightest, he quietly hopes you'll join him for his own piece of mind. You help him sleep better, he confessed one night.
"Go lay down; I'll pick this all up." Listening to you he leans up to his full height and sluggishly walks off, retreating to your bedroom as you pick up his belongings. You stuff them all in the bag for him to go through himself later, before you follow and find him already face down on the mattress. He barely even bothered to change; Only his trousers are swapped to something more comfortable.
The moment you climb onto the bed with him he's trying to drag you into his arms, wrapping them tight around you and tugging you close to his body like some sort of stuffed animal. He feels so warm, your hands softly laying against his back.
You hear him mumble sleepily; Something about you being his little 'stuffed bear', before he's out like a light.
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c0la-queen · 3 months
Turn the Noise Off | Eddsworld Tom x Reader
HELLO, HI OH MY GODS!!! I am BEYOND happy to provide more Eddsworld content for you!! They've been one of my longest and most present hyperfixations for years, those four boys bring me so much serotonin. Since I don't write for him as often as I should, here's some Tom content!! I hope you enjoy and please feel free to ask for more!! Waking up to your request made me feel so so nice!
Warnings: Comfort, Fluff, Astraphobia, Tom is a big softie and I'm RIGHT
Words: 2.3k
Fear can be irrational.
You know that. That's why children and even adults can be scared of silly things that reasonably can't hurt them.
Clowns, darkness, dentists, enclosed spaces…
You weren't sure why exactly you were scared of thunderstorms. It had been like this since you were little. The moment you noticed the faintest flash of lightning, you'd rush out of your room and wiggle your way into your parents' bed, fearfully awaiting the booming noise that followed. Now, as an adult, you can handle it in minor doses. Light rain, faint thunder; it made you apprehensive, but you could distract yourself enough to stay calm. It was the stronger storms that set you off.
Like now.
It was probably around 6 or 7 p.m. The sun had set half an hour ago, leaving the sky outside the window an inky black. You were alone in the house - the boys had left to go shopping and pick up dinner. Knowing them, they'd probably be gone for another hour or so.
Normally, you wouldn't be so bad. You were an adult. You can handle a silly storm.
Not this time. Not tonight.
Your noise cancelling headphones were dead.
Sure, you could stick them on the charger easily. But they would take too long to charge. The storm would probably be gone by the time they finished. And in the meantime, you would have still been stuck in this same position. Besides, your brain was running off anxiety, you weren't exactly thinking clearly.
You were in the living room, since you had been watching one of your favorite shows on TV previously. The storm had interfered with the connection, so you couldn't continue watching it in the time being, even if you wanted to. Feeling antsy on the couch, and not being able to find a comfortable position on the soft cushions, you had slid yourself down to the carpeted floor instead. It was soft, but the texture was still a little rough against your skin. It kept you grounded slightly. Enough to know you were there, in your body still. Legs pulled up to your chest, you hid your face in your knees, eyes shut tight. You listened to the torrents of rain crash against the roof, the walls, the windows, battering at the house like an intruder attempting to break in. The thunder rattled the earth, shaking the ground with the power of its volume. Despite the little voice in your head telling you that the storm would pass, you couldn't help but be afraid.
You were going to die. You were going to die. You were going to-
You flinched when something touched the top of your head. With a wet gasp, your head shot up. Was it really an intruder, entrance hidden underneath the violence of the storm?
No, it was… Tom. Dressed in his normal hoodie and a pair of sweatpants. He knelt on the floor in front of you, making sure he was level with you. Even though the black hue of his eyes made it impossible to see any emotion in them, you saw that his lips were bent into a soft frown. Concern. His lips moved, going to speak, but his words were drowned out by a crash of thunder. You involuntarily whimpered, unable to hold the noise back from your throat. Burying your face back in your knees, you missed the way Tom's eyes widened as he realized what was happening.
The hand on your shoulder slid down to your bicep. You could feel the warmth of his skin seep into your bones as his fingers wrapped around it. He pulled -
-and then you were surrounded by the warmth. Your face pressed into something warm. Solid. The familiar scent of coffee and something woodsy with the faintest hint of smoke - fire or cigarettes, you could never figure out - completely filled your senses. It was Tom. He had pulled you into a hug.
You felt your muscles go slack. Pulling your face from his chest, you peeked up at him. He was already looking down at you. Still no emotions in those eyes. But you felt his hands cup your cheeks, gently, as if you were made of glass. His thumbs swiped away the tears that you hadn't even noticed were spilling. They stung your cheeks.
His voice was soft, like he was speaking to a frightened animal. That's what you felt like at that moment.
"Talk to me, sweet girl."
Something in the back of your brain slid into place at the name. An instinctual piece of you that melted into his arms, knowing you were safe right there. You fought past the thick lump of saliva in your throat to speak. Voice raw from tears and anxiety.
"It's just.. the storm."
"I gathered that much. What is it the storm itself? Or something about it?"
There was no malice or bite in his voice. Only tenderness and worry. Care.
"It's, um, the thunder? Or how- how loud it is. And how the rain is loud. It's stupid, I know…"
You sniffled and looked down at your lap, fidgeting with your fingers. Tom said nothing. It scared you for a moment. That fear intensified when you felt him move, beginning to slide you out of his embrace. Your fingers flew up, curling into the fabric of his hoodie as you clung to his shoulders. He did think it was stupid. He was going to leave you all alone, make you get over this by yourself-
"I'll be right back, baby. Gotta let me go get something."
Finally, you relented. He set you back on the carpet, standing up. You stared at the floor, listening to his socked footsteps fade away. You silently counted the seconds until his footsteps returned, his legs coming into your field of vision. Something fell onto your head before you could look up at him. It was fabric, and carried that woodsy scent of his. Your hand curled into the fabric, pulling it off your head and into your lap. Even in the limited light, you could identify the blue color. It was his hoodie.
Eagerly, you slipped it on over your t-shirt. He wasn't too much taller than you compared to the others, but the material still swallowed you in a way that you loved. It was like a safety net for your brain. When your head finally emerged through the hood, he was already sitting back down in front of you. The smile on his face made your heart skip a beat. It wasn't often you got to see him being so soft.
Tom reached forward, slipping something slightly heavier onto your head. When it was over your ears, you felt all the noise in the room disappear. You looked up at him in awe, making his smile stretch further. He had brought you his own noise cancelling headphones.
With the sounds of the storm cut away, you focused in on his appearance more closely. Since you were wearing his hoodie, he was left in a t-shirt. His hair was mussed, strands of it out of place. You figured he had recently gotten out of bed. When Edd had announced to you that they were going out, you assumed he meant all four of them. Tom must have chosen to stay behind. You weren't sure if it was because of a simple lack of desire to leave the house, or if he didn't want to leave you in the house by yourself. The idea of the latter option made your heart speed up, even if it wasn't true.
You noticed he was looking at you expectantly. When your head tilted in confusion, his shoulders shook. He was laughing at you. While the rare sight warmed your cheeks, you pouted at him in embarrassment. Why was he laughing at you?
Your eyes followed his when he motioned down. His phone was in his hand, screen towards you as it sat open to Spotify. Your gaze raked down the playlists on display. The Best Ska, Quiet Rainy Days, Shut the Fuck Up, Tord-
This were his playlists. You looked up at him in shock. To some, this may have seemed mundane. Unimportant. But you knew better.
In a house with boys who had never known conventional forms of affection, you had learned to spot the little things. To read between the lines of their words and actions.
Music was one of Tom's love languages. It was no secret to anyone that the man loved music, playing bass was his joy and passion during the moments that he didn't have a camera in his hands. For him, sharing his music with others was a show of affection, a glimpse into his brain through lyrics and instrumentals. And right now, he was letting you look through his Spotify playlists and choose one to listen to. Sure, you had listened to his music before in the car, when he had control of the aux. But during those times, he picked the playlists. Now, he was giving you control. It felt… vulnerable, in a way.
Carefully, hands trembling lightly, you took the phone from his hands. You could swear that from your peripheral vision, you caught him grinning. Almost like he was amused with how reverently you treated this act.
Then, you focused your attention on the playlists. There were a lot of them, you realized as you scrolled. Some of the names made you laugh softly. But then, one playlist caught your attention.
She's Standing Outside the Bar with Me while I Smoke
That was way too specific to not be something important. The playlist cover was a picture of a blurry figure standing outside of a building, looking up at the stars. Smoke from somewhere off camera gave the picture a hazy filter. With a jolt, you realized it was a picture of you. You recognized the building, it was the bar in town that Tom liked. The memory hit you suddenly.
It was Tord's birthday, and the boys wanted to go out drinking to celebrate it. Not wanting to miss out on the celebration, you had tagged along. None of them minded.
The bar was nice. You saw why Tom favored it. The décor was all dark wood and dark accents. It was crowded that night. Judging by the big group at the corner of the place, it was likely some kind of party. Maybe a bachelorette, or someone else's birthday. At some point, it had gotten too loud. Even from your little booth on the other side of the room, the music pulsed loud enough that you felt it throb in your head. To try and lessen the inevitable headache coming your way, you followed Tom when you noticed him slip out of the booth and through the front door. The night air had been a comfort to your senses. Tom had seemed surprised to see you, but didn't complain about the company. The two of you stood on the little wood ramp in a peaceful silence. At some point, you had gotten distracted by the night sky, spotting Orion's belt. He must have taken a picture of you during that time, between puffs of his cigarette.
Your cheeks heated up. That meant… this playlist.. was made for that memory. For you. You clicked on that playlist.
Tom must have noticed your blush, because he raised an eyebrow questioningly at you. Shyly, you showed him the playlist he selected. It was his turn to look away, flustered. But, you spotted a smile on his lips.
You set the phone on the ground between the two of you, focusing on the song that was playing. It was slow, calm, and so very Tom. The lyrics made something tight press against your chest. This was how Tom felt about you. This was a hint of how he saw you. You could feel his eyes on you, trying to decipher your reaction.
Taking a deep breath, you opened your eyes. He looked more antsy than you had ever seen him. It was important to him that you liked it. You made sure that your eyes held all the adoration you felt for him. It must have worked, because you noticed the faintest hint of a blush on his cheeks. His chest moved in what you recognized as a huff, then he reached an arm out, pulling you into his arms once again. All over again, your body melted into his hold. You closed your eyes.
No storm could reach you here.
You were safe.
Edd huffed as he opened the front door, shuffling in to try and escape the rain. Tord and Matt followed behind him, holding the grocery bags while Edd carried the takeout they had gotten everyone for dinner.
Just as Edd was about to call out, announcing their presence, Tord's elbow jabbed into his side. He grunted softly, then glared at him. Before he could snap, ask what the hell that was for, Tord pointed off to the side. Edd's gaze followed that direction.
Sitting on the living room floor was Tom, his back pressed against the couch. You were in his arms, face buried in his chest, wearing his hoodie. Edd recognized the black and white checker pattern on the headphones you were wearing - they were also Tom's. Both of you were fast asleep, chests rising and falling evenly.
Edd felt all his annoyance with Tord bleed away into tenderness at the sight. Joy filled his chest. He just couldn't help it as he shuffled the takeout bags onto one arm and pulled out his phone, snapping a silent picture of the two.
Muffling little giggles, Matt quickly ushered Tord and Edd into the kitchen, leaving you and Tom to sleep undisturbed.
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apomaro-mellow · 9 months
Guitar!Steve 1
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“You already had me, you know.” Sweetheart reached out and grabbed Eddie's hand, turning it over in his own. "I can't believe I get to touch you now, instead of the other way around."
It took Eddie a moment to find his voice. "W-well believe it, gorgeous."
And damn if it didn't look like he was preening under Eddie's praise. Okay, he had to come up with a plan. Strategize. Figure out what's what. And do so with a clear head. Eddie pulled Sweetheart along back to the bedroom and shut the door.
He sat Sweetheart down on the bed and tossed the blanket over his lap to keep him decent.
"Alright, so I made a wish on this rock", Eddie took it out of his pocket again. "And you came to be."
Sweetheart nodded.
"This is some INCrediBLE magic. Like you have no idea how much this is blowing my mind", Eddie said as he paced about in front of the bed. "But also, the laws of the universe dictate that something like this can't be permanent. Not unless we do something to seal it. If...if that's what you want."
"If I stay human, there's more that I can do...but if I'm not your guitar then..."
"Hey, hey, what's wrong?", Eddie asked when he saw how heartbroken the other was.
"You won't be able to hold me like you used to."
"No", Eddie said as he sat down on the bed next to him. "But I can hold you the way I'd hold another human." He put an arm around the man's shoulders.
Their faces were so much closer and Eddie found it frighteningly easy to get lose in those dark brown eyes or get distracted by every mole, or even appreciating the slope of his eyebrows. Jesus, did wishing stones just have male models on reserve?
"I'll miss the way your hands played me." He grabbed Eddie's hand again, then rubbed it on his face and neck. “I love your fingers. They always know how to touch me just right.”
Eddie didn’t know how many times his brain could melt before it was literal goop, but this guy seemed intent on doing so.
“You can’t just-just say things like that.”
He smiled, like he knew just what he was doing to Eddie. "Show me?"
"Show me how humans touch. You've made a lot of music with me. I think I know what you want."
Everything about this man was a dream come true. And Eddie just couldn't help himself.
"I think you know exactly what I want."
Eddie kissed him hesitant at first just in case he was reading this wrong but his sweet Sweetheart kissed back eagerly. And as strange as it sounded, Eddie did know right where to touch him.
His hands dug into his hair, soft tresses that he could touch forever. His Sweetheart let out a soft moan as his scalp was massaged. Something deep and warm that reminded Eddie of how he sounded during a warm up.
Eddie kissed down his neck, feeling the vibrations with every sound he let out. It hit him then that he was about to fuck his guitar. He was really about to fuck his guitar.
The breathy sigh knocked Eddie from his thoughts. No, right now Sweetheart was more than just an instrument. His wish had turned him into something greater.
Eddie obeyed his request, his lips trailing across his collarbone. Eddie pushed him down onto the bed and got on top of him. The blanket fell away from his lap and Eddie got a real sense of the difference between them. Him, fully clothed while his Sweetheart was completely bare. It made him feel...made him feel...
"Eddie", his Sweetheart moaned as he grabbed him by the collar and pulled him in for another bruising kiss. His hips started to rut up towards his.
Eddie broke the kiss and let out a gasp, his head falling onto Sweetheart's shoulder. "Fuck."
"Hurts", his baby whimpered.
Eddie opened his eyes long enough to realize that his poor baby was grinding against his jeans.
"'Course it hurts, Sweetheart. Let's fix that." Eddie sat up to open his pants, letting out a sigh and then immediately biting back a groan when he saw the other's face.
Eddie had hooked up before but never had someone looked so...enraptured with him.
"Keep touching me", Sweetheart whined.
"So high maintenance, baby." Eddie pushed his briefs down just enough to free his cock. He knew that about his baby already though. He always took longer than necessary to warm up or restring him. "I think I've spoiled you."
And by the stars, he gave the most heart-stopping pout. Eddie tossed out any bravado or hesitation. He pressed their bodies fully together and kissed him like he was the air he needed. Eddie pushed his hips down and they both moaned into each other's mouths at the friction.
"Eddie, Eddie..."
His Sweetheart was a natural, undulating his body, giving back what he got, trying to cross the finish line. He reached up into Eddie's hair, his other hand going under Eddie's shirt to claw at his back.
"I finally get to touch you", he whispered, sounding almost reverent.
And if that didn't do something to Eddie's ego. He already felt like a god whenever he was deep in the zone. Here this beautiful angel was, looking at him with such desire. Eddie wanted to give him everything he asked for. Starting with his first orgasm.
Eddie could feel both hands getting tighter, both in his hair and on his back. His baby was almost over the edge. Sweetheart wrapped his legs around Eddie's waist, clamping down hard as he came. His moan was so loud and pornographic, Eddie would've thought he was faking if he was a normal guy.
Being squeezed in more than one way, it didn't take Eddie long to follow, sweat beading up between them and he was sure it was running down his back.
Sweetheart's hands were on Eddie's face now, giving him soft but weak kisses like he just couldn't get enough. Eddie was tempted to do the same and spend the night doing so. But tomorrow they had to get answers.
"Let's get some sleep now, darlin'. Me and my beautiful lips will be here in the morning."
"Promise?", Sweetheart asked through a yawn.
Part 3
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luimagines · 1 year
Tending to Temptations
A commission! They asked for Time and for me to do my worst.
And well.... who was I to deny them? :D (I have no idea if this counts as my worst but I wanted to push the boundaries of what I typically write for this blog, still not NSFW but suggestive to an extent)
Content under the cut!
Time didn’t know what to expect exactly. He was entirely blinded at the moment. His good eye had been crusted shut. Somewhere along the line, he had gotten a head injury and the blood had long since dried over his good eye. He couldn’t open it if he tried and he wasn’t about to use his armor to scrape it off. He knows it would do more harm than good.
He hears a gasp and freezes.
“Link.” It’s you.
He relaxes and waits for more movement. He receives it when you more or less collide into him.
“Oh- oh my god- your eye. Are you ok? Of course you’re not ok, you’re bleeding. Don’t answer that. I”m going to help you, ok? Let’s sit you down over here.” You begin to ramble but he follows you dutifully anyway.
Time has never been so happy to hear your voice. He had heard you scream earlier and it was enough of a distraction for him to get hit the way he did. He thinks he might also have a concussion but he’s not in a place to figure out what’s wrong with him to begin with. Time was attempting to find the group and his sight went from bad to worse.
You sound scared though.
Time clears his throat. “I didn’t lose my eye, if that’s what you’re really concerned about. As you can imagine I have no idea what I look like but this is from a simple head injury just about it. My eye itself isn’t damaged.”
His voice is rough and it takes more effort than he wants to admit to simply swallow his spit. But your voice calms down as well as a result so Time is glad and relieved as well.
“Ok… Oh thank god, ok.” You take a breath. “Let… let me go get a cloth or something. I’m going to clean it, ok? Just stay there. Don’t move.”
Time smiles at last. “I’ll wait for you as long as I have to.”
You move away from him and he can hear something ripping. Time can hear you move closer again, this time with water sloshing around somewhere. Time thinks you’ve gotten your canteen out. Your fingers cup his jaw and tilt him gently.
You move closer to him and he swears he could feel the very warmth of your presence in front of him. “I’m going to be as gentle as I can. But tell me if you’re in any pain at all, ok?”
“Mhm.” Time hums. Vaguely, he realizes that your fingertips are within kissing distance. Forget his injuries and forget his inhibitions, this is something that he can do right now. You are right there. Do it, Link. Do it. 
The cloth glides over his eye. It’s cold. Colder than he originally thought it would be His breath hitches and the injury begins to sting.
“Sorry, sorry.” You whisper. “I know it hurts. I’ll try to make it quick.”
“No.” He says stiffly. “Just cold.”
“Ah.” Time thinks he can feel your breath on his cheek. You’re closer than he thought as well. Maybe he could kiss you instead. Are you close enough? Can he tell? “I can’t do much about that though. Sorry.”
“I’m fine.”
You’re so gentle with him, his brain supplies. You’re so tender in everything you do. Even in the way you don’t hesitate to look after him and help him.
Time can feel his saliva thicken in his mouth. He wants to do something reckless. He wants to take your hands and throw them into his hair. He wants to feel their pull. He wants to have you in his lap. One hand on your hip and the other in your hair- keeping you in place as he uses his lips to memorize every one of your features. He wants to mark you. He wants to make you his and his alone. He wants you to be by his side and to kiss you until you only have his name on your tongue. Speaking of your tongue-
“I think I got most of it.” You whisper. “Can you open your eye?”
Time’s fantasy shatters in an instant and he clears his throat once more. He opens it with surprising ease. Your face lights up in front of him and he smiles pleasantly in return. 
“There you are!” You cry joyfully.
“Hello there.” He replies.
You grin and reach up into his hair- just brushing over his injury. Time hisses and recoils against his will.
You pull back as if you’ve been burned and hum. “It’s still tender.”
You reach up once more and try to clean the blood out of his hair. You're merely brushing over it but the pain finally settles against him. Time does his best to not make a sound even as his nails begin to dig into his palms. Right. He’s still injured. It’s best to not entertain reckless and runaway thoughts.
You reach around into your bag for a moment giving him a small break. You pull a small bottle. Time can recognize the red liquid sloshing around in there.
He reaches out and puts a hand on top  of yours. “Don’t. Save it for something more important.”
You brush him off and barrel on through anyway. “It’s my potion. I can do whatever I want with it.”
How can he argue with logic like that?
You pour it directly onto his wound. Slowly, you card your fingers through his locks, making sure the potion is absorbed and that it does as it’s supposed to. The pain lessens each and every time you pass through. Time would rather say it’s your magic touch than the work of the potions.
“Thank you.” He says at last.
“You’re welcome.” You step back once more, just out of his reach.
Time shakes his head a bit. It only registers after that it should have had instant repercussions but no pain follows it. He smiles and looks at you gratefully. Only for his smile to fall flat off of his face. You’re also bleeding and had torn your shirt to clean his face. He can clearly see the lacerations against your otherwise unblemished skin.
Rage and protectiveness flare up in him. He grabs your arm and pulls you closer. Unthinkingly, he lifts your shirt a bit to get a better look at the wound.
“Ah-! Uh- Time- Link- Oh, oh no. Ok. I can explain.” You scramble for an explanation and try to get out of his grip. He doesn’t wish to hurt you further but he’s not inclined to let you go just yet.
Time glares at the cuts. Perhaps if he glared any harder the wounds would instantly cauterize. But no such thing happens. Time’s thankful that they are otherwise shallow. Merely skin deep. But whatever caused it was sharp and hurt you.
“Who did this?”
You freeze.
He hadn’t intended for his voice to carry so much power but when his one eye flickers to you, he thinks he can see your knees go a bit weak. Interesting.
Not about to wait and see you fall over, he picks you up and carries you away from the site.
“Link.” You gasp. “Link, wait. I’m ok. They don’t even hurt.”
“They can get infected.” He places you closer to a small creek. He takes out a small bottle of mead that he carries. He doesn’t want to carry anything stronger (or else the Captain might steal it) but this’ll have to do. 
Time is more prepared than you are and has a spare cloth that he can sacrifice to clean you up. “This is going to sting more than the water.”
He goes to reach for it, but you flinch away before he makes contact. Time raises an eyebrow. You can’t look him in the eyes and your cheeks are pink. You’re embarrassed.
Undeterred, Time scoops you up once more and places you in his lap. Now this is where you belong. 
Your blush deepens. “This isn’t-”
“It’s your turn.” He says simply.
You quiet and let him work. One of his hands rests on the small of your back and he gently brushes over the cuts. Your hands are awkward at first but the more he passes over you, the more he can see it’s irritating you more than you want to admit. He tries to be more gentle with the disinfectant but there’s little else he can do. Your hands land first on his shoulders, then around his neck and then into his hair- just like he wanted.
You lean into him, opening the cuts marginally. Crimson blinks up at Time at the movements and he knows you’ll need a bandage or two to catch it before it heals completely. Unlike you, he has no potions so the old school fashion has to pay off.
You hiss and hide your face just behind his ear. He can feel your breath pass just shy of the shell and your little hitches and hisses will haunt him for weeks.
Time fishes out the bandages and wraps them tightly around your midsection. “Almost done, Sweetheart. You’ve done well.”
You relax and slowly pull away. Time knots the bandage roll and drops it. Time’s hand drops from your back to your thigh, holding you against him still. “Where do you think you’re going?”
Your face explodes with color and you cough. “Thank you… but you can put me down now.”
Time smirks and leans in. “No. I don’t think I will”
This is incredibly close to what he was imagining earlier. Why shouldn’t he indulge in it some more? 
You look away for a moment before snapping back to his face. “Don’t make me do something stupid.”
“I might beat you to it.” His voice drops. You both lean in.
“The others will find out eventually.” You try to reason. “What if they see us?”
“Let them.” He tilts his head. A hand comes up to guide your jaw. So close. So close.
You’re teasing him. He can feel your fingers play with the baby hair at the back of his neck. You’re not going to let him have it all, aren't you?
Just a hair breath away from each other. Time can feel his fingers twitch with the need to close the distance. Silence weighs heavily on the both of you. Neither wants to admit defeat nor admit that it’s happening to begin with.  
Time’s smirk and confidence only grow the more you don’t pull away. You’re waiting for him to make the first move. With a delicious bite to your lip, you pull his hair and say, “Just kiss me already.”
And how is Time going to say no to that.
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stayandot8 · 1 year
Pieces of Light
Genre: Fluff
Relationship type: established boyfriend/girlfriend
Important Contents: contains a letter that I wish I could read to him, gets very sappy, soz not soz
WC: 3.2k
The sun was very rudely peering through the curtains and directly into my eyeballs. The other disturbance that woke me was the absence of my boyfriend's warmth against my back. I roused myself awake enough to turn my head to face the cold side of the bed in time to see Chan coming out of the bathroom, showered, dressed, and putting on shoes that indicated he was leaving me for the day. I waited until he saw that I was semi-awake to pull my arm out from under the blanket to reach for him. He chuckled and moved back to the bed and leaned down to kiss my face. 
“You’re so cute when you just wake up.” He whispered against my cheek, moving from my forehead and making his way down. I grumbled. 
“Then I must be downright adorable.” I couldn't help the smile as his lips attacked my face. I had to physically push him away. “You have work to do, sir. Bring me Wolfchan and be on your way.” He laughed as he brought the plushie to me and tucked it in beside me. He kissed me once more. 
“I shouldn’t be too long today. Just some finishing touches. I don’t know who all will be home. Enjoy your day off, baby.”
“I’ll enjoy it more when I’m sleeping again.” I closed my eyes and rolled to my side, facing the door. I could tell by the sigh he let out that he was still in the doorway. I peeped an eye open to see that I was right. I opened both eyes to glare at him as a giggle escaped my lips.
“Okay, okay, I’m going!” He closed the door behind him, leaving me to dream of him in peace.
The apartment was quiet when I finally dragged myself out of bed to satiate my grumbling stomach. I was eating my leftovers from the night before on the couch, watching something stupid when Hyunjin walked through the door. I craned my neck to see who it was and when I saw, I immediately noticed his demeanor was solemn, more so than when he was just tired. 
“Hey Jinnie.” He merely nodded in my direction before opening the fridge to grab a drink. He closed it, leaned against the door and took a long swig of the plastic bottle. His eyes were shut as he sighed deeply. “Is something wrong?” I questioned.
“There is but I don’t know what. I’m not hungry, I’m not sad, I don’t know what it is. I just feel off. I couldn’t get all the moves right at practice and my vocals were just off when I was trying to record. Han sent me home, told me to reset myself and we would try again tomorrow.” 
“Is there anything I can do to help?” I chirped, racking my brain for my Jinnie survival guide. Offering help was one of the steps other than just leaving him be. 
“I may not know exactly what’s wrong but I know that the thought of being alone doesn’t sit right. Can I join you out here? I might need to just distract myself and not think about it too much.”
“Of course you can. Go change into something more comfortable, get out of your work clothes. We can find something for you when you get back.” He nodded and left the room, taking his bag off as he disappeared through the hall.
This wasn’t not like him, but this kind of off wasn’t like him at all. Most days it was one or the other. The more I thought about it, he did seem awfully tired lately. It seemed like he only slept for a few hours a night but I assumed it was normal. Seemed like the dancing weasel had just worked himself too much. Luckily I had a suggestion ready for when he came out. 
“Come sit in front of me.” I threw a pillow in between my legs on the floor in front of the couch where I wanted him. His brows drew together as he followed the pillow, the side eye he gave me equal evidence of his confusion. “Just trust me.” He sat as I brought my legs up to make room for him. I handed the remote to him. “If you can’t decide or don’t feel like deciding, I’ll do it for you.” He nodded again and flipped through the streaming services to find what piqued his interest. I waited until he was properly distracted to run my hands through his hair.
“Wha-” He sharply turned to me, squirming away from me. “Geez, give me a warning.” He scooted back as I laughed at his sharp reaction and positioned him back to where he was. I started running them again all around wherever I wanted across his scalp. I saw the tension in his shoulders relax the more I did, his head lolling back into my lap as his eyes closed. He stayed there a while, content. I watched the stress in the corners of his eyes smooth away. I thought he might fall asleep this way. 
“Jinnie, don’t fall asleep.” I warned him. 
“But you have magic hands, I can’t help it. How dare Channie-hyung keep them all to himself.” I lightly slapped his cheek as he finally let out a laugh. I shook my head in exasperation. I gathered some hair to his side and rolled his head to get better access. I started braiding as I gathered my will to break his relaxation. 
“Hyunjin.” I nudged him with my knee. This was my evil way of keeping him awake for the time being. 
“Hm?” His eyes remained closed. 
“You still have to pick a show.” He grumbled as he patted his hand around his immediate vicinity, trying to find the remote without opening his eyes.
“Too far…” He mumbled with a sigh as he settled back down into the pillow he was sitting on, a small smile appearing on his lips. 
“Oh whatever, you drama king.” I laughed along with him as I continued to run my hands through his hair until the front door opened again. 
“Hi Binnie.” My words were drowned out by the shouting that followed the closing door.
“Hyunjin-ah! Come with me to the gym. It’ll get you out of your funk.” Changbin throws his studio bag onto the kitchen counter. The disgust on Hyunjin’s face caused me to snort-laugh. Loudly. 
“I think I’ll pass.” Hyunjn grabs his drink off the table. “I’m going to go draw or something. Thanks for that.” He gives me a soft smile before he disappears down the hall to his room. My eyes follow him then landed on Changbin’s frown as his eyes did the same. His shoulders dropped as his pupils roamed until they landed on me. His smirk appeared shortly after as he tilted his head in question. It took me a moment before I understood what he was implying.
“No. There’s no way. There is no way you’re dragging me to that death trap of metal and sweat. No way.”
“You better be paying at least.” Changbin chuckled at my quick remark, setting down his last set of dumbbells and strolled to his water bottle in the corner of the gym. He was sweaty from his workout, the towel he wiped said perspiration on in the corner. The bench I was laying on had grown warm from my own body heat. I was there so that he didn’t have to come alone. He didn’t like going to the gym alone if he didn’t have to and when he saw me, he wasn’t going to give up. The final blow was the lunch I was promised when he was done. Which he said he would be a half hour ago. 
“I am. I promised, didn’t I?” His stroll over to my bench was more of a saunter, grabbing his phone to check his notifications. 
“Let’s go to that place Jeongin told me about last night. You can cook me some pork since I’m paying.” He peeked his eyes over his phone to giggle at me. I narrow my eyes at him in challenge. 
“In your dreams.”
“But I’ll burn the place down if I try to do it! Don’t you remember last time what happened when we went out with Chan-hyung? You almost caught on fire. I think it’s safer if you do it. For your own sanity.” That stupid smirk… I had to roll my eyes at him. My retort was interrupted on the way to my mouth as the gym door squeaked open. We both turned to who was pushing his blonde head in to find Felix, not looking surprised in the least to find Changbin in the gym. But when his eyes landed on me, his brows shot up in surprise then crinkled. 
“What on earth are you doing in here?” He said as he came into the room fully and shoved his hands into the pockets of his practice pants, his loose tshirt visibly damp from sweat. 
“I was dragged here under the promise of food but SOMEONE is taking too long with his workout so I might just leave without him.” I finally sit up properly, straightening my black Stray Kids hat on my head and glaring at the dark haired buff man wiping down his equipment. 
“Oh good! I was coming in here to see if Changbin wanted to eat but now we can all go together if you’re up for it.” Felix was impossible to say no to when he got excited about something, his eyes got big and his smile showed all of his perfectly white teeth. When he got really excited, he started bouncing on his toes in anticipation, his fluffy hair bouncing with him up and down. 
“I think that’s a wonderful idea. Let’s go.” I beamed at him, Changbin following close behind me.
“Yongbokie, you have to cook the food now!” He shouted in glee as the gym door closed behind him. My eye roll was audible. 
That restaurant didn’t know what hit them as our trio left, stomachs full and our chattering growing in volume by the minute. As we strolled back to the building, Felix made a stop in a product store nearby. 
“It’s Hyunjin’s birthday soon. He’s been saying that he wants this new hair product for a while. I’m just going to check if they have it for him.” And with that, he left me and Changbin outside on a bench nearby, the breeze brushing Changbin’s cologne in waves across my nostrils. 
“You know, your cologne smells really nice. I’ve been wanting to get one for Chan but I never know what kind of smells he likes.” I had been thinking about it a lot lately, what kind of gift I could get that he would actually use. He was showering me with anything I could possibly want or need and I was having trouble finding anything that I could get the man who wouldn’t buy anything nice for himself. I was starting at the top of my list, fishing out his members for what he could want. 
“I don’t know that he likes things like that. He’s always buying things for other people.” Changbin’s tone was light, but the words hit me harder than they should have.
“I know. That’s why I want to get him something nice just because. He’s always buying things for me and I always thank him but I want to get him something he wouldn’t buy for himself.”
“That’s pretty much anything. Maybe something practical? He needs a new headset for his home studio.”
“No, I don’t want to get him something for work. He spends too much time working anyways.” Changbin nodded aggressively in agreement before letting me continue. “He spoils me and everyone around him so much. I just want to get him something nice, something he would use. He does so much for me and I just want him to know that I appreciate him for it. I want to make him feel special like he does for me.” Looking at the trees around us, I didn’t notice the soft smile that slid across Changbin’s face as he watched me. When I turned back, I finally noticed it. “What?” A nervous giggle escaped me as his eyes saw right through to my thoughts. 
“I’m just glad he finally found someone who deserves him.” 
“He’s special. It’s my job to make sure he knows it.” The flush in my cheeks was hot from his stare, still not letting up. I had to force myself to look away from him. “How about a letter? I think he’ll like that, right?” A small giggle escaped his lips and his eyes wandered around the nature around us, not quite focused on what he was seeing. As if reliving a memory. 
“Yeah. I think he’d love that.”
Felix came strolling back up to us, bag in hand. “You guys ready?” We nodded, standing to return home, the air a little heavier than it was before we left. 
Finding a physical piece of paper and a pen was harder than I would’ve ever imagined in an apartment full of boys. But after pestering Hyunjin for a nice piece and one of his better pens, I finally sat down at Chan’s desk in his room. Staring at the blank paper, I couldn’t help but think of all of the memories of the past months with him. I zoned out on the blank sheet as floods of laughs, tears, late night cuddling sessions, and beautiful words filled my senses. How am I going to put all of this into words? I figure the best way to start was to just start writing, the words coming to me as soon as my pen touched down. I hadn’t realized how long I had been writing until I heard my favorite voice hit my ears.
“What are you doing over there so focused?” I whipped my head around to see him standing by the door with a big smile on his face. I couldn’t help the grin to match. 
“Just a little something for you, my love.” I said as I turned back to the paper to fold it up so he couldn’t see. The shuffle of his footsteps halted. I turned with raised brows to see him mid-step, staring at me dumbfounded. “What? What did I do?” It took him a second to speak, his gears still processing. 
“‘My Love’?” His chest was rising and falling quicker now, his eyes never leaving me. My pulse jumped. The smile replaced the one before was bigger, his affection palpable through his gaze. He ran to me to throw his arms around me, suffocating any doubt I ever had that he cared for me as much as he was capable. Smothering me in his lips, he kissed everywhere he could reach, his words being broken up only by his adorable attack. “That is.” He kissed my forehead. “The only thing.” My left cheek. “You are EVER.” My right cheek. “Allowed to call me.” My nose. “Ever.” He finally touched my own lips with his in a sweet kiss. His hands grasping my own head on either side, holding me and rubbing his thumbs on my cheeks. I could feel my own heart swell and threaten to suffocate my lungs with how much love radiated off of him. 
“Deal. Now I’m going to make myself some tea. Here.” I handed him the folded paper with my remaining confidence. “Read this while you’re waiting. I’ll be back.” I got up from his chair to do just that as he replaced my spot and opened the letter and started to read.
Growing up, I always idolized what love could be. From all of the greats, there was always something missing from their stories: a dose of reality. I always wanted an intellectual and interesting love like Mr. and Mrs. Darcy. Or full of Romeo’s devotion to Juliet. There will always be the Jacks and Roses of the world, love fast and all-consuming. I didn’t think a love as powerful as that had any chance of being real. My own skeptic mind was always telling me that real love had to be hard and full of its own challenges along the way. I never believed love could truly just be fun, light, and full of pure and simple fondness. Until you.
You have made me into a person that I never thought I could be. Someone who believes in love in its truest and most pure form because I see it with my own eyes. I see it in you. You are the purest form of love a person can have the pleasure in this life to experience.  Simply the joy of knowing you is in itself a form of love. You transform everyone you encounter. Your being encourages the other to raise themselves to be better. You are an authentic vessel of the universe’s care for the human soul. Even during your darkest days, your most horrific moments, there is still a light that cannot be ignored. You simply shine.
You have this way of making whoever has the privilege of being around you feel like they are the most special to you. It is a hard task to make people feel like physical sunshine inside and out. The butterflies you so freely give stay with them as if they were permanent attachments. Pieces of yourself, your light, find their way in and settle into whatever place they are needed most. 
You have made me your own in every possible way. Your eyes are full with silent declarations that have no need of verbalization. If eyes are the windows to the soul, then, my darling, I can think of no better view. You have fixed the most broken parts of me. Some I was aware of, most I was not. You came into my world when I needed you most and decided that it was a place you wanted to stay. For that, I will always be grateful. 
My soul is yours. Now and Always. 
I waited in the kitchen, too scared to see his real-time reaction happening right in front of me. My mug was half empty as I leaned against the counter. I heard the shuffling shortly after, my boyfriend appearing with eyes misty and unfocused. 
“Chris?” My voice seemed to cut through the voices in his head as he finally looked at me. I placed my cup back on the counter, still warm. He slowly crossed over to me, close enough that I could see the tears that had already been wiped away. His voice was hoarse when he finally spoke. 
“Do you mean it?” The hope in his eyes was enough to make me break into many pieces. 
“Every word.” He rested his forehead on mine, his breath mingling with my own as his eyes closed. 
“There’s no way I’m letting you go now.” He shook his head to further make his point. I smiled and breathed him in, this man that I was so truly in love with. 
“I sure hope not. You have completely ruined anyone else for me. You’re all I want or will ever need.” He sniffled and I brought him closer, letting my arms find their usual place around his waist. He wound his arms around my shoulders and held me close, repairing every last sharp edge that remained in me.
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