#if you saw us post without the ask no you didnt
stinkykitty8 · 2 days
My beatiful boy Hanz
(Hanz belongs to me!!! Everything else credits to Gatobob!!!)
This post contains very heavy topics, nsfw, r@pe, 18+ stuff, and overall just not very good things. Do not read if you are sensitive to these things.
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Read warnings before pressing more please!!!
Hanz was conceived through rape. After Ren ran off Strade tried to find a replacement for him. The replacement being a very beatiful woman and yet another victim to Strade's doings. Unlike Ren, Strade never let her roam free to make sure she doesn't escape the same way Ren did. Instead she was locked in the basement 24/7 shackled and collared and checked daily to make sure nothing was lose or she tried breaking off. Thats where she stayed the entire time being with Strade as he abused, tortured, and r@ped her. And through all of this she had fallen pregnant which wasnt surprising. Strade was actually expecting it to happen. Strade decided to go along with it and make her have the baby. Almost like he wanted a kid. Shortly after Hanz was born Strade really didnt see any other use for Hanz's mom so he ended up killing her and burning her body to ash. The ash is currently burried in his back yard. Hanz will never find out what happened to his mom and if ever asked Strade would never say, change the subject, or just shrug it off and laugh. Hanz was a little spoiled rich kid growing up. He was sent with 20 bucks ince for snacks at school and hes seen as a rich boy. Strade never hit him once (even though he needs it) and the worst he probably did was just yell but that was it. Strade didnt really care when he got phone calls from school because of Hanz's behavior. If anything he found it funny and encouraged it as long as he didnt go to far to be kicked out. He especially found it funny when it came to messing with Yoki. After the first day of school strades interest was peaked after Hanz mentioned a certain orange tail and ear having freak from school. And after finding out that little beast belonged to Ren he just encouraged Hanz to fuck with her more. Basically using him to get to Ren. Although Strade never physically abused Hanz he mentally abused him without Hanz really even realizing or noticing. He raised Hanz "like a man" so most times it was just him telling hanz to suck it up or trying to make him have the mindset to act like a man and not give a fuck about much else. It made Hanz really treat women horribly at that time and even the smallest things like a dude having something pink he would call them gay. Even refused to hold a purse because 'it was to gay'.
Hanz was always seen as the tough kid in school, always threatening to beat kids asses or threatening them that his dad would take legal action if they hurt him. He was all bark no bite though. When put in an actual situation like fighting he would fold and pussy out. He got into a fight once with Yoki and she left without a scratch and he left with cuts and bites that later got infected. Strade was pissed, not because Yoki hurt hanz, but because she hurt his blood. And it was almost seen as a disgrace to him and would tell Hanz how disappointed he was. Hanz always tries to be perfect and make his father proud so of course he apologizes because he thinks he didnt do enough especially for that. Hanz would do anything to make his father proud even doing things out of his comfort zone.
Strade always kept a thick padlock on the basement door and because of the sound proofing nothing was ever heard down bellow. Hanz always thought he just wasnt allowed down because thats where Strade worked and it probably had a lot of tools or objects Hanz woukd hurt himself with. One day Hanz got a little to nosey and decided to explore the basement after Strade left to the store but strade forgot his keys and came back to see the basement door open and Hanz nowhere to be found. What Hanz saw down into the basement changed his entire view of life and his entire perspective of his father. He probably saw some very badly tortured woman tied to a pole bleeding and begging Hanz for help. Of course any young child would be horrified of this even though Hanz says he could take things like that. And so when trying to leave the basement strade was standing there up top glaring at him. Strade locked the basement door with Hanz in it and left Hanz in the basement overnight. Even though Hanz was kicking, hitting, and screaming at the door repeatedly apologizing, Strade did not allow him out until the morning. Even mocking hanz saying things like "I thought you were a man why are you crying?" Even though he was about only 12. Hanz learned very quickly not to snoop around again. After that he was very quiet at school and stayed to himself. Messing with people seemed to stop and he even went so far as to give shitty apologies to the kids he fucked with. He couldn't tell anyone what he saw or and learned so he kept it a secret and "maned up" like his father said. The strong live and the weak die. He pushed that mindset on Hanz so much he believed it and began thinking Strade was doing good by just getting rid of the weak and cleaning the world. Over time Hanz was forced to help with streaming until it was basically his new job. But over time it got a little easier for him since it became a normal thing, even though he still had an ick for it. But he had to do it to make his dad proud.
Over time he ended up starting to form a semi relationship with Yoki. Nothing serious. He never really knew much about Ren either at thay time until snooping on the web and checking out some of Strades older streams and seeing Ren in them. Of course recognizing it was Yoki's father he told Yoki about it and she just couldn't believe it until she saw it and then it brought out into a small fight that was settled. Hanz had always tried to be seen as some big hotshot badass but deep down hes really just a big softie. Especially when hes older. Hes still a prick sometimes but not to Yoki or Basil anymore. Hanz is absolutely majestic. Overall just being a better version of Strade looks and health wise (Strade doesn't understand why hes so good). Unlike Yoki he actually has his own credit card and him and Strade split the cash they make on streams.
(Hopefully this all makes sense XP)
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ask-kas-n-lamp · 2 months
are you guys britian
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💡: Quite a fine chewsday innit? care fuh the ol classic chinwag?
👾: oh why i'd be chuffed tew bits me ol muckah, aftah a quick elevenses!
💡: Righty-ho!
👾: yeah. we’re not british.
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erikatsu · 4 months
okay, i had my laughs last night but i feel like this needs to be said because im still a bit irate and this is serious. rant about plagiarism under the cut.
if you are going to accuse someone of plagiarism, you need to be 100% sure they actually did it. you need to have your proof ready before you even say a word. as someone who has had 4 different blogs + 29483929 urls, i have reposted some of my own works at least twice.
receiving a comment asking people to report my work as stolen nearly sent me into an anxiety attack my mind was thinking, “i wrote this fic a year ago and bc im just now reposting it, im going to be the one who gets the hit for plagiarism… not on my watch. i’ll call them out before they do it to me.” so i scoured ao3 for any trace of this fic and found nothing besides a toji fic with the same title but different premise, because the comment was made that it was originally on ao3. so i figured “what are the odds this ao3 poster has a tumblr” and went to the accusers blog. low and behold– and only after two minutes of scrolling– i find they had reblogged it when i had posted it on this account for literally an hour. i don’t even rmr why i posted and priv’d it that quickly but i did.
i originally posted this fic on. april 24th 2022 on my blog first nsfw blog, touyaphoria. reposted here when i was tumblr user bladiez, for a split second on august 1st 2023 (which i forgot until i saw their rb). i reposted and left for good on the 8th of this month on my now writing blog tomuras. it was stated in the final repost that it was a repost (i have since changed the note to specify which blogs it was posted on beforehand). and it would’ve taken them less time to realize both fics were posted by the same person had they scrolled their own blog instead of me figuring it out myself. it could have been totally avoided.
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now, i do appreciate someone looking out for my work like that, i really do. but on the other hand it felt so shitty to be somewhat publicly accused of something that i didn’t even do. and it felt even shittier that i received no apology for it. i didn’t even send them the pictures i posted here as proof, i sent them proof straight from google docs + my initial idea being discussed with a friend of mine and that seemed to be enough because they never responded and they never made a callout post like they said they would. the usual tumblr drama and discourse i can let roll off my shoulders. but an allegation like that is heavy and not just on tumblr. if an actual published author was accused of plagiarism the backlash would be outrageous and have extreme consequences.
tdlr: please heed the notes on posts, not just warnings. do your research before falsely accusing someone. or, if you can be bold enough to accuse someone, at least have the decency to apologize for it if you are wrong.
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tia-222 · 5 months
My void sucess story
HII TIA!!! I can barely contain my excitement as I type this but I got into the void and manifesting my dream life. You @gorgeouslypink and @charmedreincarnation are my absolutely favorite blogs, and I couldn’t have done it without y’all. I think charm and pink are on break so I’m gonna send this to you I hope that’s okay.
Quick backstory: I’ve been in this community since the OGs, angel, Cleo, maya etc. I’ve seen all the dumb drama, the liars, the successful people, the exposing, and etc. I’m just sharing this because people think having bad experiences can hinder you from getting your desires and I’m here to remind you nope that it can’t. Nothing can. I had a phase where I would ugly cry trying to make sure all the success stories are true….I became a cop and started looking for inconsistencies on pages and liars to help me feel better. Which it didnt, It drove me mad, and I lost faith.
Until… I read pink’s doubt post which was God sent. Her entire page is God sent tbh and I recommend it to everyone. After I felt better and realized outside of tumblr people have gotten into the void, I decided I’m gonna be the next success story. So I went on your lovely page because I don’t think there isn’t a method you haven’t talked about.
You’re so educated and conduct amazing research on everything, we truly don’t deserve you Tia. Thank you for all your hard work. Anyways I was feeling good! I had so many methods to choose from, I felt like a fat kid at a candy store. And I decided my logical brain needed a logical method so I went with lucid dreaming.
This is where charm comes in. I read her lucid dreaming guide and it is literally also God sent so thank you so much for that. She had a method I had never heard of called SSILD, and even made a post about that as well… like I felt like the universe was handing me everything on a silver platter. And I saw another post that her and pink talked about using a reclining chair. So I combined SSILD with that method to make an ultimate one. And on the second day of trying I entered a lucid dream, asked a dream character to take me to the void and then manifested my dream life.
What I manifested: my dream house, dream family, dream body and face, dream amount of money, money always coming to my family and I’s bank account out of nowhere (but it’s natural and normal ) socialite Status, 25k insta followers (my lucky number) famous loyal dream athletics boyfriend (I was so scared this wouldn’t work but it did!), master manifesting abilities, dream college acceptance, (future) good self concept, a great fashion taste, never gaining weight, clear glass skin, revising my abusive past, and so much more. My list was like a whole ass essay, I obviously can’t list everything but my life is perfect now.
This was last week and I immediately booked a trip to LA with my family to look at the USC campus because that’s where I want to go and where I will go next fall, (I’m a senior). I was also looking at apartments around my school and I found my dream one so I’m manifesting no one leases it 🤭
Quick note: a lot of my desires were weird or I wanted them to manifest a specific way, or they weren’t realistic to happen immediately so I was afraid it wouldn’t work out the way I envisioned. Not only did everything work out the way I envisioned but it worked out even better and exactly how I would want them to apply to life but in a realistic way. So if that’s something you worry about don’t worry, you are God, and it will work out perfectly.
Anyways, I just wanted to share this because I failed for a while and everyone on this app was so supportive. Tumblr is genuinely like a little magical family so now everyone will see my succeed… though this on anon mode bc people have been attacking success stories lately. And honestly it doesn’t matter bc I just want to live my new spoiled life but I want to express my gratitude because my life was in shambles and you three helped me so much. So thank you again and I hope everyone who read this. No, I know everyone who reads this will get what they deserve.
I'm very excited for you!!! And yes, void Tumblr has definitely changed rn and I feel there's many blogs on here that's good and no more liars. I'm so glad you gained faith back in the community and now you're living your dream life, love.
Aww pink and charm have the best posts on the void too <3.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Gorgeouslypink doubts post
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Charms lucid dreaming guide, SSILD method
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Gorgeouslypink recliner method
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memser · 4 months
mcr blogger dash in 2025
🪳 buggerard
still so much debate about sexualizing gerards moans in Self-Flagellant but no ones talking about why in that muffled intro mikey is asked to leave the studio??
#im telling you something happened #frerard solos dni
🌫️ coquettegee Follow
yes in the new doc lindsey had any pronouns on her intro card but so did gerard. i think they just used his as a template and its some sort of error
🔁 singleangelicnote
all your posts are still using he/him for gerard and this sounds terribly gendercrit get help op
🔁 coquettegee
i see him as more of a femboy type and i have since dd, don't try to police me
🔁 kondemnedkadaver
🐕 omgee
"november 22nd of 2024 right before the teaser dropped" uh oh guys
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Anonymous asked
when will you people address the themes of necrophilia in the limited vinyl comic
🪨 fyeahfoundationsofdecay
sorry i didnt have 200 dollars and i dont care
#the larger mcr conscious has forgotten he jerked it to horror movies
🌄 infectionpiece
a bralette and the comfort flannel
#i hauve
🧘 clergy-xxx
I have some. bad news. Frank did not
🤹‍♀️ cryptclown
✴️ grifties Follow
selling ltd edition frank iero binder!! it still has the skeleton decals and it still glows in most low light. from the first run with that chemical they had to recall so probably don't wear it without a shirt on top or if you don't have insurance lol. 30 bucks just dm me.
🦕 toro-saurus
October 25th 2022
🔁 toro-saurus
omg my old post i was so correct
#meeee when the new single dropped #how does he find the time truly
🤺 singleangelicnote
Guys since why does that new pope follow Gerard's private account on Globeus theres only like 80 people on there she HAS to know
🪳 buggerard
dude i lost my implant magnet 🥲 im using my old touchscreen to post on here
#gawd im having swarm tour livestream flashbacks
🧘 clergy-xxx
I actually went to a few shows during danger days and mikey would often just turn around during the destroya incidents. theres video on youtube if you can get past the ad walls
🤹‍♀️ cryptclown
oh okay super awesome!!! so mikey leaving during antics isnt new. did frank leave too?
🪨 fyeahfoundationsofdecay
does anyone remember when the heavn photos came out. i had a job then and i saw them literally a year later
🔁 buggerard
november 22nd of 2024 right before the teaser dropped
#wild night to be online tbh
🌬️ mesmer
i got concussed what happened sunday
🔁 mesmer
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wlntrsldler · 2 months
another fratboy! luke installment. percy comes to visit!
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 5 (final)
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tagged poseidonsfavchild and lukecastell4n.
yn_yln: baby bro came to visit so we showed him around 🏙️
poseidonsfavchild: you did not buy a single book in that bookstore stop cappin for the gram
yn_yln: 😐 go home
poseidonsfavchild: yw for the last picture
poseidonsfavchild: i couldve lived the rest of my life without seeing yall like that tho
bethchase: dont listen to him. he talks about how cute u guys are when ur gone
liked by yn_yln and lukecastell4n.
poseidonsfavchild: i shouldve pushed u in the water and let u drown when i had the chance
gr0verunderwood: me and bethchase gotta go with him next time!!!
yn_yln: yes!! i miss my kiddos 🥹🩵
liked by bethchase.
clarisselarue: u and luke are sickeningly cute bye
silenabeauregard: RIGHT
poseidonsfavchild posted a story!
y’all lukecastell4n and chrisr0driguez live like rats wtf is this?
location: kappa sigma house at umm.
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lukecastell4n replied to this story:
lukecastell4n: PERCY DELETE THIS
lukecastell4n: we haven’t cleaned yet :(
lukecastell4n: it doesn’t always look like this trust
lukecastell4n: we haven’t had chapter yet and we usually clean then
poseidonsfavchild: “it doesn’t always look like this trust” ive been here for three days and it’s looked like this the whole time
bethchase replied to this story:
bethchase: oh ew 😭😭😭
bethchase: boys are so dirty
poseidonsfavchild: don’t group me with them
bethchase: i once saw a week old pizza in your cabin that had mushrooms growing on top of the mushrooms
poseidonsfavchild: sorry i didnt have time to clean my room i was too busy SAVING OLYMPUS?!
yn_yln replied to this story:
yn_yln: this is why i dont sleep over the ksig house
poseidonsfavchild: I'm gonna stop u right there
poseidonsfavchild: i dont need to know any more about ur sleepovers
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tagged yn_yln.
lukecastell4n: recharging on a brunch date with my fav tridelt after the weekend we just had
yn_yln: hot
yn_yln: love you 🩵 spending time with u is a blessing
lukecastell4n: you’re the biggest blessing 🤍
silenabeauregard: AWWWW SHITTTTT
bethchase: CUTE
clarisselarue: KSIG PRES IS A SOFTIE
lukecastell4n: only for my girl 🤷🏻‍♂️
liked by yn_yln.
poseidonsfavchild: im having a hard time believing that hanging out with me for ONE WEEKEND warrants a “recharge” when ur partying every weekend
lukecastell4n: percy you almost fought the chipotle staff TWICE
yn_yln: YOU paid? 🤨
lukecastell4n: and the second time?
poseidonsfavchild: i didnt like their vibe idk
gr0verunderwood: percy 🤦🏾‍♂️
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tagged lukecastell4n.
yn_yln: being in love is fun when u dont have ur little brother in ur ear telling u it’s gross that you’re dating his idol
poseidonsfavchild: I CALLED HIM MY IDOL ONCE
poseidonsfavchild: i’ve grown. i’m no longer young and naive.
gr0verunderwood: LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER. he always asks what we think luke's workout is. he's tryna get like him.
liked by lukecastell4n.
poseidonsfavchild: I TOLD YOU THAT IN CONFIDENCE
lukecastell4n: i gotchu lil bro
poseidonsfavchild: don't ever call me that again.
lukecastell4n: i love you forever and ever
liked by yn_yln.
silenabeauregard: wait the second pic!!! where is that!!!
yn_yln: the museum downtown on 6th!
silenabeauregard: ty!!! charliebeck we need to go.
liked by charliebeck.
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shamelessfaceless · 1 month
Love, Pain, Death, Repeat II
Navigation | Marvel Masterlist | Part I
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Pairings: Dark!Wanda Maximoff x F!Reader, Billy and Tommy Maximoff x Mom!Reader, Agatha Harkness x F!Reader (platonic)
Summary: Why can't you understand? You were hers, and you will always be hers. You are her solemate. What you don’t understand?
Warnings: Dark!Wanda, mention of cheating, mention of death and suicide, stockholm syndrome (not sure about this one)
Wc: 1550
A/n: Im looking for beta reader (i dont have friends for this😔).
Btw If you saw other post i published before this.. NO YOU DIDNT. It was a dream, and lets keep it that way <333
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“Boys, go downstairs, I think mommy doesn't feel very well and I need to take care of her today.” Her voice is soft, opposite of what you heard last time you saw her.
Your kids, you assumed, get off you. One in a green shirt whispered something to the other one, and they started running. They looked like a perfect mix of you and your ex. Something you really wanted to have. Even as you were younger you always wanted to have your prince charming, and few kids. After a few years, the only thing that changed was prince to princess.
“Why I am here? Is this hell?” After learning that Wanda cheated on you, you started feeling like you don’t deserve love or even kids.
“Aren’t you happy? We can have everything we want here! No Natasha, no Vision, no other people we know.” You looked at her disgusted. She made you believe that you’re not enough, and now she wants to build a dream, more like a nightmare to you, about you and her and your kids.
“Why me? Why not him?!” In a second she was next to you, her hand on your mouth.
“Keep that mouth of yours quieter. We Don't want boys to be suspicious, right?” Her green eyes always made you melt, and she kept her hand on your face. You wanted to give in, but decided to push her away. “Behave” She mumbled sitting next to you.
“Tell me, why me? He truly loved you, as much as a bunch of wires could love someone.” She started stroking your hair.
“It was all just about mind stone, it was all that made me interested in him. I needed to understand this, you are my true love.” Tears falling from her eyes. You couldn’t decide if they were real, or she only wanted to make you forgive her.
You faced the wall not wanting to look at her any longer. She left without saying anything more, after a while she came back and left breakfast on the bed. You were scared to eat it. Who knows if she didn't poisoned it. After a few days of staying in the room and only going to the toilet you decided to finally go to the kitchen to fix yourself something to eat and come back to the bedroom. You started learning her routine, most of the day she wasn’t at home. Taking boys to the school, and going straight after that to work. Boys.. Tommy and Billy, you learned their names yesterday, are coming back from school by foot. Wanda always comes back in the evenings. You need to share bed with her. Feeling her hands on your body makes you feel disgusted and at the same time safe.
“Mommy! Do you feel better now?” Little boy asked. You feel teats building in your eyes, as you looked in his own, almost the same color as yours. Every look at boys is tearing down your walls. Every look at them makes you question what you protect yourself from?
“Yeah Tommy, Mommy feels better now. Do you and your brother want something to eat?”
“Mom was giving us money to buy food at and after school.” He confessed. “But.. Today I bought something else.
“ Tom…”
“But wait!” He runned to his room and came back as fast as he could. Holding something behind his back he looked at you with puppy eyes. “Please don’t be mad, I just… I wanted to buy you this! “He gave you a few flowers. Your favorite flowers. “I wanted to make you feel better, and mom told me you love these!”
You wanted to cry really hard. Feeling a knot in your throat you decided to kiss his forehead and take flowers. You put them in the first vase you saw and started searching for things for pancakes.
When Wanda came back home, the first thing that hitted her was the smell, and just a while later boys came running to her, mouths full of food, and telling her you made them pancakes. She smiled nodding at their words. Everything she could think of was you, and how close she must be to finally break you.
Day after day, you were getting closer to the boys. To Wanda you were closer to breaking point. You even started making dinners for boys. For them you even started learning how to cook. After a few weeks of making dinner only for them you also started leaving something to eat for Wanda. You could not talk to her, but you didn't want her to make herself food after a long day of work, and the voice inside your head wanted her to tell you how good your dishes are, how proud of you she is. Today you decided to bake pizza. Boys wanted to help you but it ended up in flour fight.
“And how will I clean it?” You asked looking at Tommy who has all his hair white, and Billy who has his face in white powder.
“Well, mom can help!” Said Billy.
“Well, maybe I can.” Her voice made you shiver. You looked at the clock, she was home earlier. “Boys, go clean yourself before you eat, maybe we can even watch something together.” They hugged her and speeded to the bathroom.
You wanted to call for them to come back. Staying with Wanda in one room was the last thing you wanted to do right now. After the conversation on the first day you woke up here, you never talked. You didn’t want to hear her voice, you were scared. Not only things she could say, but you could actually brake and fall in her arms.
“What do you say sweet girl, want my help?” She gets closer to you. “Or you maybe want to help you also with something else?” You felt her knee between your legs. Oh how long you weren’t touched down there. Knocking on the door saved you from answering. Wanda only huffed and went to see who disturbed her.
“Hey sweetie! I just wanted to ask if you have some sugar. You know, it's late, and all the shops are closed.” After a while an older woman came into the kitchen.
“Love, why don’t you give our neighbor some sugar.” Wanda said. You only nodded. After a few seconds you were handing a stranger a cup of sugar.
“Thanks honey, oh, i forgot to introduce myself, Im Agatha” She said sweetly. You felt hope, maybe she also knows this world is fake. Maybe if you and her get to know each other you could stop Wanda. You saw a spark of hope and didn’t want to give up not now. But Wanda answered faster than you could think about anything you could say.
“And that's Y/N, she's not very talkative, selective mutism.” She lied without stuttering. You hated her almost the same as you loved her. You couldn't fully hate her, everyone but not her.
You looked into the woman's eyes with a pleading look. You didn’t care Wanda could see that, you only hoped Agatha would understand you. Soon the dark haired woman left and Wanda was again next to you. Her face is millimeters of yours.
“What would you say If I give you another child, hm? You weren’t here when boys were small. “Her lips are almost touching yours.”
“Ew! Moms!”
You were glad Billy finally came back. Thanks to your luck for saving you from Wanda twice. Rest of the evening went nice. You fell asleep while watching a movie. Every night you hoped that she would spare you, she would finally give up and let you be free. Oh how wrong you were. Wanda had plans for you, she needed her pretty girl, and no one could change her plans.
Agatha came a few times when Wanda wasn’t at home. You talked to her trying to see if she also knows if this whole world is fake. When you weren’t sure and asked her about this, she said she knew very well about what Wanda did, she wanted to save you. And she tried. You had everything planned, everything seemed so easy. But one day Agatha disappeared. She no longer came to your house, she wasn’t at home. After a few weeks new neighbors moved in. 
And the day when you couldn't take it anymore came earlier than you expected. When Agatha wasn't there anymore you lost your last hope. No one could help you. There was no one else knowing about what Maximoff did. When you opened your eyes and saw the mother of your childs getting ready to work you had decided. Slowly going behind her you hugged her. 
“Thank you for what you did for us Wands”
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yawnjunn · 1 year
:*:✼ TXT attending your concert ✼*・゚
Woahh its been a while huh...got super busy with life, just failed my physics exam 😜✌️ and now im on my school break, i decided to write this post bcs im SUPERRR bored rn but anyways
╰┈➤ idol!ot5! txt x idol!gn!reader
╰┈➤ no warnings, just fluff
╰┈➤ quick guide : y/n = your name, y/g/n = your group's name, y/f/n = your fandom's name
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yeonjun(연준) :
☆ This man isnt afraid to attend your concert WITHOUT covering his face, yk how some artists covered their face and attend their friend's concert? yeah...not yj tho
☆ He might only bring a lightstick, not those extra banners or signs or whatever
☆ The only reason why he only brought a lightstick was bcs, he treats your concert like its his monthly/weekly routine
☆ Youre having a 2 day concert in seoul? You know damn right he'll be there despite his busy schedule
☆ Having a concert in japan? Finds a way to get to japan just to attend your concert
☆ so thats why he didnt feel like the need to bring extras cs in the end, yk hes gonna attend anyways
☆ but that didnt stop fans from screaming whenever they saw yeonjun
☆ he'd probably try to make a conversation with your fans while waiting for you to perform with your group
☆ "so how long have you stan y/g/n ?"
☆ "im a y/n biased, and you?"
☆ when you came on stage and during the breaks between performing, you called out yeonjun
☆ "yeonjun i know youre here somewhere, cameraman pls find yeonjun and point the camera at him"
☆ and when the camera is on him, hes smiling brightly and covered his shy face after getting those cheers from your fans
☆ you'd probably ask him to dance to one of your songs
☆ "yeonjun dance this song for me pls" then hes like shaking his head and all, refusing
☆ but the moment the music started, he danced so well that he literally became the hot topic of your group's show
soobin(수빈) :
☆ well soobin however, he'll come 2 hours early before your concert starts
☆ the reason he came early was because he was excited to give out his handmade freebies
☆ the night before, soobin had asked if he could hand out some freebies to your concert and you found this soooo cute that you told all your fans to find soobin for freebies
☆ he may be a little bit biased but all his freebies are just you.
☆ you wonder, what did he made? well...he made a banner, your photocard that he printed himself using his company's printer, candies of your fav and pastries that he had bake
☆ believe me or not, he woke up as early as 4 am just to make cute little pastries as your concert take place in morning
☆ he believed your fans wouldnt get breakfast, so he baked the pastries for them 😭
☆ as soon as your concert starts, he whipped out his phone so fast and record it and whenever you came on screen, hes like "wahhh theyre so pretty"
☆ when you start singing, he starts crying???? hes way too proud of you that he starts crying and vent to his friends sitting next to him
☆ "you know how hard my baby worked? im so proud of them, i remember them crying every night to me because of training and now look at them, theyre on stage now"
☆ his friend sitting beside him was like, soobin are u okay??? are u drunk?? but either way, his friend can only smile and nod while listening to soobin rant
beomgyu(범규) :
☆ idc what anyone says but this man will be fighting for a front row ticket
☆ literally camps outside the venue like..literally
☆ you had offered him to enter the venue earlier than anyone before the show starts
☆ but he refused this bcs he wants to get them freebies from your fans 😭 instead of giving them out, he wants the freebies himself
☆ goes from fan to fan, if he sees a fan handing out freebies? he'll be speed walking, another fan giving out freebies too? he'll be speed walking
☆ receives the freebies until it couldnt fit in his little bag that he brought with him
☆ as soon as the security lets everyone inside, he'll be running just to get close to the barricade
☆ since hes an idol, i know its ridiculous but he'll be surrounded by 2 of his protocol team 😭
☆ even though he had brought his 2 protocol teammates, he'd somehow make them enjoy your concert too
☆ like when your group tells the fans to jump, beomgyu would convinced his protocol buddies to jump aswell
☆ you spot beomgyu in the crowds and he'd wave you like crazy, like a fan boy 😭 ...does beomgyu knows that youre his lover???? 😭😭😭
☆ but anyways, he'll go on weverse and post the concert pics and take a photo of the freebies he received
☆ "what an amazing night, they look so beautiful tonight and thank you to y/f/n for giving out the freebies, i'll be keeping it forever"
taehyun(태현) :
☆ this man is quite lowkey but he is a hardcore stan of yours
☆ hes a bit dissappointed when he founds out that he wasnt the first one to arrive at the venue, he was like "2 hours before the concert starts, and theres alot of people waiting..." poor him, he thought he was the first 😭
☆ he'd show up with his mask on and a cap as he didnt want the fans to know he came to see you
☆ but that kinda failed as your fans started to notice his famous boba eyes in the crowds
☆ this made him open his mask, since theres no point in using it 😭
☆ as soon as y/g/n performs, yk damn well he'd be taking tons of videos
☆ he'd sing along to your songs and dance to some of it
☆ he memorised the fanchant too !!!
☆ bro got jealous when he sees y/f/n got the banners like...ugh he wants one too????
☆ he was like "see i knew i shouldnt have brought lightstick only"
☆ politely asks y/f/n for some extra banners
☆ believe me or not, he'd use those digital text on his phone that says, "y/n please notice me"
☆ luckily you noticed this and blew him a kiss and in return, he gave you a big heart which made you giggle on stage which also made y/f/n cheer louder
hueningkai(휴닝카이) :
☆ you think hes gonna go alone to your concert? nope
☆ he'll invite everyone he knows, his members, his family, his staffs. literally everyone to show how talented you are
☆ as much as you would love your boyfriend to bring in alot of people, apparently it has limits
☆ so in the end, he only brought his 2 sisters, lea and hiyyih
☆ dont worry, he paid for their tickets lmao
☆ LOVES receiving freebies from y/f/n
☆ when lea or hiyyih got your photocard from the freebies, he'd say smthn like "can i have that..?"
☆ not only he likes receiving freebies but hes also a merch buyer. sees a cute wristband for the lightstick? he'll buy. a cute shirt? he'll buy. a batch with your face on it? he'll buy.
☆ he'll buy everything that has your name or your face on it, until lea told him to stop unless he wants his bank account balance to be $0
☆ he'll do anything to get noticed by you, even tho he knows youre his lover
☆ before the concert, he texted, 'i'll be on the middle row, 3rd line from the front!!'
☆ but he decided to go extra as he thought you'd forget to see him so yk what he did? he brought glowing light sticks with him to make him more noticable 😭😭
☆ when you noticed him, you gave him a heart and him being a fanboy of yours, he started giggling and bragged to his sisters, "did you see that? they definitely gave that heart to me"
☆ after the concert ends, he'd ask one of his sisters to take photos of him doing cute poses whenever youre on screen, like him doing a big heart whenever you show up on the screen
☆ fans found this cute as they started uploading his leaked pictures doing those poses
☆ people may or may not label you guys as the couple of the year 🤭
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belovedmuichiro · 2 months
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I saw a post once that entertained the idea of Tsutako being in the background of Sanemi’s hometown in the anime, and it got me thinking about a sanegiyuu childhood meet cute.
- When Giyuu was 13, he took a trip with Tsutako to a neighboring city where her fiancé had come from
- Though Giyuu was a much friendlier person as a child, he was still quiet, reserved and nervous. As a result, being in a bigger city was overwhelming and he struggled to keep up with Tsutako as they walked
- Before they could reach her fiancé’s home, Giyuu was separated from her in a crowd
- Without any people skills to speak of or the confidence to ask for help, Giyuu let the crowd swallow him up until he found a small spot he could cower in
- He ended up hiding under the stairs of a shrine where nobody could see him. He cried so quietly, nobody could possibly hear him either, but a boy did miraculously find him
- The boy was strikingly beautiful with stark white hair and piercing eyes. His presence made Giyuu stop crying almost immediately, but only because he was mesmerized.
- When the boy spoke, he was blunt and sort of rude but Giyuu hung onto every word he said as if he was a kind spirit come to save him
- “You cry like my little siblings,” he observed. It was a simple, random sort of thing to say but it perplexed Giyuu so much that he didn’t cry any longer
- Giyuu learned that this particular shrine is where the boy would find one of his brothers hiding, so when he saw Giyuu curled up, he thought something might’ve happened to him
- Giyuu reluctantly explained he was separated from Tsutako while visiting. In truth, he wasn’t sure if he should trust a stranger but they were clearly of a similar age and that put him at ease compared to an adult
- The boy gave Giyuu a small canteen of water before they could continue because the crying had obviously overwhelmed him. He then asked for the fiancé’s name, which he scowled upon hearing, surprisingly knowing the person
- “Is that bad?” Giyuu nervously asked
- “He’s one of the sons of our landlord,” the boy explained, “He’s fine. His family’s a buncha dicks.”
- Profanities aside, Giyuu asked if he could lead him there, and the boy agreed
- “What did his family do?” Giyuu asked on the way
- “Their kid brother said some shit about my family bein’ too big and my brother got into a fight with him about it.”
- “How big is your family?”
- “Nine of us. I have six siblings.”
- Giyuu learned that his mother had just given birth, which prompted the rude comment from their landlord’s son. He also had a father who he didn’t want to talk about on account of him angering some violent people
- Though the boy didn’t seem terribly interested in prying into Giyuu’s life, he still asked, “What about you?”
- “I just have my sister. My parents died when I was young.”
- “Lucky you have a sister.”
- “Yes… I’m Giyuu, by the way.”
- For a moment, the boy looked hesitant to give anymore details about himself, but must’ve decided he doesn’t have much to lose.
- “Sanemi.”
- On the way to the landlord’s home, it began to rain so Sanemi pulled Giyuu aside near a food stall to wait it out.
- Giyuu, as luck would have it, did have a small amount of money on him and suggested they share a meal.
- Sanemi agreed, not letting on that he rarely has enough money to ever eat out. However, Giyuu became curious when Sanemi awkwardly held his food at his side and wouldn’t take a bite.
- He didnt want to admit it, but his plan was to pocket whatever Giyuu bought him to bring home to his family. He wasn’t going to tell Giyuu, but the boy’s earnest, honest face pulled it out of him
- In response, Giyuu bought him another and asked that he feed himself as well
- When Sanemi finally did eat, Giyuu smiled for the first time. It flustered Sanemi, who quickly learned he couldn’t handle a pretty face
- When the rain ended, people came flooding to the streets in overwhelming numbers that scared Giyuu again
- To reassure him, Sanemi grabbed his hand and returned his earlier smile, promising he’ll be okay as long as they stick together
- Giyuu took to Sanemi with awe. The crowd was still scary, but Giyuu grounded himself in the feeling of his companion’s hand and trusted his word.
- Eventually they did find themselves at the landlord’s house. Most of the family was out looking for Giyuu, but luckily Tsutako stayed and was there to greet him.
- This was also a relief to Sanemi, who wasn’t sure he would be able to resist driving his fist into the face of the boy who fought with Genya
- Sanemi intended to leave with no commotion, just an odd empty feeling at the notion of leaving his new acquaintance, but Giyuu stopped him
- “Thank you for helping me,” he said with much more confidence than the first time he spoke. “You’re very kind, Sanemi.”
- Sanemi, flustered, shrugged and promised it was no problem. “Couldn’t just leave ya there…”
- “Maybe we’ll see each other again.”
- When Giyuu said this, he held onto the hope that because Tsutako new husband had close ties to Sanemi’s, they would surely meet again one day
- It was hard to explain but Giyuu felt drawn to Sanemi, like he was a special person he was meant to meet
- Of course, he couldn’t predict the tragedy that would befall both of them
- Years later, long after Tsutako and the Shinazugawa family were murdered, Sanemi was welcomed into the Hashira and finally met Giyuu again
- Only this time, he was quiet and cold. He didn’t give any indication that he remembered Sanemi and didn’t have any of the kindness he was full of as a child. Sanemi decided that he must’ve turned into a conceited ass with no time for the little people, he probably didn’t even remember him.
- But it was impossible for Giyuu to forget who Sanemi was. Even under all the scars and curses, he was still the boy who saved him that day. But Giyuu knew they had fundamentally changed as people, and clearly Sanemi wanted nothing to do with him any longer
- Unfortunately for them, the draw remains there no matter how far apart they try to drift.
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celaenaeiln · 8 months
Just how true do you think the sentiment of “bruce was still a child who didnt get to grow up/move on until he met dick”?
Very true! Actually-Alfred straight up says it-true!
This scene is when Dick was accepted by Batman to become robin.
I was actually going to use this for another Dick and Alfred post but let me just drop it here that Dick cares about Alfred so much!!
Like this boy is the sweetest, most caring person ever. He asks the butler if it's okay for him to become robin-who does that?! Who would think of doing that?! He's the most considerate, softest baby ever! The tiny, nervous, shy smile on his face in the second panel <33333
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Here's the answer: "And while he most certainly became a man...I don't think he ever became an adult."
But Alfred says it twice!
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"But Alfred always used to say Bruce would have self-destructed if he hadn't met me and learned some responsibility."
My other post about Bruce and Dick has a lot of images that talk about this idea too
That's why I love Bruce and Dick's relationship so much. They are so codependent on each other. While Bruce saved Dick (not from being angry. He wasn't an angry robin, istg.), Bruce also would have died without Dick.
Before Bruce met Dick, he was on a one way track to his own ending. He was reckless, didn't take precautions, and was on the verge of being consumed by the darkness of which he was fighting.
At this time, a boy came along that shined light down upon him (literally because of the circus stage lights lol) and he was taken by him instantly.
With a new partner-a child-by his side Bruce was forced to take precautions, learn how to operate as a human being, and was just happy to have someone who bright and cheerful. He used Dick as an emotional crutch from losing his mind.
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"Still, the addition of Dick Grayson into the Master's crusade has made a difference in him."
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"I do believe I saw him smile. There have even been occasions in the pantry when I could just discern the muffled sounds of laughter echoing up from the dreadful cavern beneath the manor."
There are so many occasions where Alfred talks about how extraordinarily important Dick is to Bruce.
Dick raised Bruce.
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To borrow a lyric line that explains this:
"Take a broken man right in my hands And then put back all his parts"
Dick's "i can fix him" issues which are a massive part of his relationship with Deathstroke come from acting as a child parent to Bruce.
But the greatest part?
He still is.
Again and again and again. Dick is the only person Bruce relies on. He never tells anyone his secrets or worries unless that person is Dick. And often he bears the brunt of the work by his family. Both Tim and Jason have gotten angry at him for taking Bruce's side or supporting Bruce but the thing is, he's the only one who can next to Alfred. Tim has accused and praised him of being too much like Batman sometimes but when you raise a kid (adult-sized) I think you're bound to forgive them while also admonishing them for their mistakes.
They also use Dick as the unofficial spokesperson to talk to Bruce
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"Hey. Tim told me about Zur. Are you alright?"
Side note: Tim tried talking to Bruce earlier but Bruce kept ignoring his concerns.
For each robin, Dick acts as the emotional go between Bruce and them.
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Jason's sad face :'(
That moment meant so much to him
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Another reason why Dick and Tim are so close is because Dick acted like the parent during Tim's robin era. It wasn't until recent comics that they had Bruce actually even caring about Tim.
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Also Dick and Damian father and son moment <33
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Dick the fixer upper. Always fixing everyone's family issues. With each other or with Bruce.
Also the scene of Martha Wayne thanking Dick
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There's a comic panel where Bruce says "Dick is the glue that holds the family together."
Dick is literally the light of his life. Without him Bruce would've lost it. It was the perfect combination of Dick's cheerful personality, strong ethics, and tragic backstory that caused Bruce to take him in and it was these same traits that helped him grow. Because Dick's distinguishable trait is that he humanizes people. And Dick humanized and raised Bruce.
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alieeelinn · 18 days
Sandwich | Tyler Hernandez x fem reader
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Content: Tyler hernandez x reader
Summary: Tyler has been running errands for the whole day and just needs to rest for a bit
Warning(s): there's Tyler angst if you squint but this is just fluff, since it's my first post, I wanna be nice
A/n: the reader also goes to the phantom realm btw. This is my first post hope yall will like it! I kinda suck at writing though, but my requests are open if you feel like requesting, and if you do request it might be a while before I do it since I never know what school has in stock for me
Tyler had lost track on how long he had been running errands and chores for. He felt exhausted, and he still needed to study since mid terms were just around the corner. He sighed as he stared at the book and notebook infront of him.
Taylor went to Ash's place about 2 hours ago since they had a group project together. Tyler dropped his head on the desk and sighed, he let out groan and looked at the clock on the desk.
There was still a couple more hours before going back to the phantom realm. He didn't even realize that his eyes were closed until they shot open when he heard a knock on the door. He furrowed his eyebrows 'That's weird? Tay wouldn't be back in another hour or so' he stood up and opened the door to their shared bedroom.
Another knock was heard as Tyler mumbled some words under his breath "can't this person wait?" Another knock was heard and Tyler swore that if the person behind the door would knock one more time- "what?" all the anger that was bubbling in him faded as his face softened when he recognized the familiar face infornt of him.
"Hi Ty! Hope you dont mind me coming here without telling you" the girl let out a chuckle, and oh how Tyler would have loved to hear it again, it was like music to his ears a melody that he would chose to listen forever if he could "hope I didn't annoy you with knocking more than I should have" Little did she know that she did, but it was her so he didnt mind.
He stepped aside to let her in and closed the door once she was inside "before I went here I actually got some bread since I wanted to go to that new Bakery people were talking about, and I got us some cinnamon rolls to try!"
He watched her put the plastic bag on the dinner table as she took out the stuff she had bought. I raise my other eyebrow and looked at the different kinds of bread she was taking out "why did you get so many?" She responded with a simple 'hmn?' and put the plastic bag away once she took out all of the bread inside the bag.
I look back to Tyler once I put the empty plastic bag aside, and see him holding one of the loaf bread that i had bought. He lift his head up and looked at me as he rose both of his eyebrows waiting for an answer from his question, I let out a small chuckle as I went back to the dinner table "I wasn't planning on buying three, my original plan was to buy some cinnamon rolls and a plain loaf bread, but thenn"
He looked at me as I took the loaf bread out of his hand and took the other one from the table "I saw that they had different flavors" I lift my right hand and showed him, as if then - and only then he realized that the loaf breads didn't look the same "this one is purple yam and this one is cheese" I smiled at him as he shook his head.
"You still shouldn't have bought so many" I watch him pull a chair out for himself and sat down, as he dropped his head on the table, I cringe as I heard his head hit the table. I put the loaf breads down and walked to his side "You okay Ty?" I asked as I sat on the table and played with his hair.
Ever since his dad passed, he was responsible of taking care of his mom and sister he became the head of the house running errands and doing chores, all at such a young age, he was probably used to it but - he was still human. He eats, sleeps and breathes, he was no boy with super powers, he was just a child. A child that needed to be protected to be kept safe. He went through so much at such a young age, he didn't deserve any of that.
"How about we go sleep for a while hmn?" I continue to play with his hair as I wait for his response "we still have a few more hours before we go back to the phantom realm" He lift his head from the table and stared at me with tired eyes.
My eyes softened and my heart ached, it hurt to see him like this, I just wanted to hug him tight and tell him how much of a good job he's doing staying so strong for his family. He pulled me closer as he hugs my waist and rests his head on my lap, we stay like that for a few minutes in comfortable silence as I continue to play with his hair.
"Let's go to your room so you can properly rest hmn?" He squeezed my waist then let go as he lift his face from my lap, I hop off from the table and as if on que when Tyler was about to stand up from his seat, his stomach let out a sound.
I look at Tyler and laughed, he looked away clearly embarrassed of what just had happened "okay, okay - maybe you should eat first then we can go sleep" I took the four cinnamon rolls that i got earlier and went to the kitchen counter "do you want to try the cinnamon rolls now or do you want me to make you a sandwich?"
He stood up and walked up to me "sandwiches are fine" I smile at him and went to put the cinnamon rolls in the fridge "you can go sit down I'll make the sandwich" He rose an eyebrow at me and I scoff "goo, shooo" he let out a chuckle as I push him to go sit down.
I grabbed a plate from the cabinet to put the sandwich on and then took the plate and walked to Ty "here" I smile at him and placed it down, I pulled a chair out next to him and sat down - I looked back to Tyler and he looked at me with confusion on his face "what?" He made a face that said I had the nerve to ask him 'what?' "You didn't make one for yourself?"
I smile and lightly shook my head, to think he doesn't get the hint that I want to take care of him, that all he has to do right now is rest yet, he still cares and asks why I didn't make myself one "not hungry, I eat a few chips before I went here" He looked at me for a moment like he didn't want to believe me or was about to protest that I should eat.
"Ya know, you're making me look like I'm a greedy boyfriend that wouldn't care if their partner were starving"
I let out a dramatic gasp "I am not!" He smirks and I gave him a playful smile and rolled my eyes "just eat" he started eating as we told eachother about our day, well mostly me but I knew he didn't mind.
Once he was finished eating I took his plate and went to the sink to wash it, while I was washing the plate I'm the corner of my eye he leaned on the counter with his arms crossed as he watched me do such a simple task "what?" He gave me a soft smile and said nothing, I rinse off the soap on the plate and put it in the rack "Alright let's go?"
We went to Tyler and Taylor's shared bedroom as he went in and went to the upper bunk bed, I close the door and went up aswell, I crawled to the other side as he opened his arms as I went to lay down beside him, I let out a sigh as I close my eyes slowly drifting off to sleep.
"Thank you for making me a sandwich" he said softly almost a whisper as he pulls me closer, I hum in response as sleep overtakes the both of us.
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epione-xx · 1 year
WARNING. THIS. IS. A. SMUT!!!! And a fever dream. Idk what was happening when I wrote this but…eh.
CONTAINS: breeding kink, master/pet play, situationship, lingerie + nudes, unsafe sex (plz never do this in real life)
There also could be a pt2 if you guys want 👀
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
‘Lmao no, I’m with a guy’
Damian gripped his phone tightly in his hand and frowned, reading and re-reasing the text again before texting back himself, only using one word.
And when she didnt reply, he scoffed an threw his phone into his backseat. The crinkle of a bag signalling it had been caught and he hand taking it further than intended.
And then he tapped the wheel impatiently, thinning and thinking and…then finally turning around to grab his phone again to see if she had texted back, and seeing she hadn’t yet, he groaned and leaned back before grabbing the bag of his newly bought ‘essentials’.
Now these essentials weren’t really…well what you think. Instead it was a pack of condoms and other various things that ranged from a box of chocolates to a newly bought phone charger since he had forgotten his own.
He always forgot his charger when going to her house, being fair…most of the times he went there when he was frustrated with his father and then she would…help him through it…
And it started off like that. He had a fight with his father, stormed out and drove off in his car before remembering that he had forgotten any type of protection, which then lead into a trip to the store, which lead to him buying everything he thought was needed before texting his hook up to se did she wanted anything…
And that’s why the dreaded text came. The one that said she was with a guy.
Damian pursed his lips and decided to indulge himself in one of the chocolates he had gotten, unwrapping the shiny blue foil of it before popping it into his mouth and opting to scroll thought instagram for a bit.
His instagram wasn’t interesting per say. A bunch of art and a few posts from various friends here and there…it was all boring until he saw the little green dot under her photo.
Now was his chance.
‘What happened to the guy?’ He texts ‘wouldn’t be active on instagram if you ever evening fucked. We all know your not competent enough to do two things at once’
Rolling over her bed and pulling her pillow to her chest, Y/n snorted at Damian’s text and rolled her eyes, that mother fucker was just jealous.
‘Didn’t work out. He was way to kinky’
she was hoping for a rise out of him, something- anything, brining her lip she watched as the little dotted bubble pop up before going back down again.
Letting out a sigh she rolled over again and carefully looks to her wardrobe, maybe she had a good idea…
And so getting up, she carefully walked over. Careful to not make any sudden noise in hope she wouldn’t wake anyone up.
She dressed herself in a elegant green set of lace- a new one that she had gotten for Damian…using Damian’s card, being fair- he asked he too.
Soon y/n set up the camera and placed it close to her thighs, you couldn’t see her face- but that was the point. She knew Damian hates not being able to see her face…
And so she snapped a shot, sending it straight to him with the caption. ‘I feel so empty without you’
Damian stared wide eyed, his pants were getting tight and he could physically feel himself grow to be in more pain as he stared at the photo- how dare she do this to him!
And so he set the phone down and took a deep breath, trying to remain calm…before his phone dinged again.
And before he could eve consider what the text could be, he picked it up and hurriedly searched for her name.
Bingo, it was another photo.
This time it was in the same set but the camera was more focused on her chest, showing her boobs off proudly with the caption ‘id like to be fuller, please daddy.’
And Damian stared, and searched for words before texting one thing back.
‘What if I fill you with my cum? My heirs? You wouldn’t feel so lonely and empty then would you? You would be filled with your lord all the time…’
His pants tightened. He never realised that he could have a thing for her in that way…he never realised he had a breeding kink.
And so he set off to her place
The woman at the other end of the line flushed deeply at Damian’s words and squeezed her legs together, that had to be int of the most sexy things he had ever said to her…and imagining herself pregnant, full with his child…and even better, being claimed by him in that way…it excited her.
There were so many things she was thinking of now. Things she had never even dreamed off…it was like she was in a haze.
But knowing Damian, he was teasing her. He would never make any of that a reality…so she set off for the shower, trying to wash away the arousal.
…or so she thought, the bathroom door opened, Samoa standing there both flushed and hard as he looked at her.
“Damian!” She shrieked as she stared at him “what the hell! How did you get in?”
“Spare key” he stalked closer, a primal instinct in his eyes as he stared at her and slowly Pepe’s the glass door.
Her face flushed aa she stared at him, watching as he underdress himself. “What are you doing?” She asks, almost sounding meek.
“You think I was kidding?” He asks her, looking her body up and down before licking his lips. His cock growing even harder. “You think I was joking beloved?”
She felt herself grow wetter and she slowly nods “I mean, I guess I was?” She says. “I never pictured you as the da-“
She didn’t get to finish, Damian had turned off the taps and had picked her up. Throwing her over his shoulder before he set off too her bedroom. Placing her on the bed….right in front of her floor to ceiling mirror.
“Look at yourself” he set her upon his lap, fingers dancing across her stomach and chest “look at how pretty you’d be holding my heir, how beautiful you would look…” he sucked hickies into her neck.
“You would be so swollen, so needy..and I’d fuck you every single day.” He purred
Her head rolled back into his neck and she arched her back as Damian’s fingers went to her nipples and he pinched them lightly, rolling the buds between his finger tips before he grinds into her.
“Your beautiful tits…they would hold so much milk” he smirked “it would leak out of you as I fucked you, you wouldn’t be able to control it and if drink from you every day”
She shuddered and closed her eyes as she felt this hand move from her chest to her stomach, rubbing lightly before he dived the down and pulled her thighs apart.
“Would you enjoy having my baby?” He purred “like a good little slut?”
She gasps and nods in a hurry “I would, I would so much my lord. As long as you were next to me I would enjoy anything~” she clenched around thin air and moans.
He smirked and slowly began to rub her clit, making sure to tease her. “You would be so sexy” he hummed “so beautiful, I’d fuck you all throughout your labour”
She flushed even more “Damian!” She whines loudly “please~ please fuck me now. Put your baby in me-“
She gasps as she was picked up and throw onto the bed mercilessly, thought being opened by his rough and calloused hands before he looked at her “are you ready for my child? Or do you need me to put a condom on?”
She stared at him and felt herself grow hotter “I need your baby. I need to be pregnant with your baby…to be your queen”
He smirked and nods before he slowly thrusted into her, letting out a satisfied moan at how she clenched around him.
She gasps in pleasure and clawed at his back “just give me a moment”
In a sweet moment, he nods na splayed a soft kiss on her lips before trailing it down to her chest “why don’t I show you how good it’ll feel?”
She nods and moaned as his lips began to suck on her nipple, soon enough she was grinding on him- begging for more.
And that’s when he began to thrust. Lifting his head up and staring at her deep in the eyes as the bed creaked beneath them.
“Good girl” he groaned “such a good girl for me. You’ll be rewarded pet~” he moans as he kissed her.
She gasps and moans as she dig her nails into his back, wrapping her legs around his waist.
“Damian!” It was a sharp gasp, her toes curled as she came around his cock, which then sent him over the edge to cum inside her, burying himself as far into her as he could before he felt himself explode and paint her walls white.
She took deep breaths, heart beating out of her chest as she looked up at him “thank you master” she whispers
He also took deep breaths and pressed soft kisses to her hairline “thank you beloved” he says “please. Be my one and only…be my wife”
She smiles and nods “always”
Even if they had skipped a couple of steps…they were both happy in the end…and who knew what the future held.
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anantaru · 4 months
You think rape is funny? Maybe once you fucking experience it you won’t. Fucking cunt.
hello. so I'll just jump right into this. tw. discourse tw. mentioning r*pe.
@saetoru made this claim about me:
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saetoru, could you add proof at least? i can not remember a time where i would repost a joke like that so i'd love for you to show me proof please, this is all I'm asking.
also how was it on your dash, on your own dash and @dottores dash, when you have never followed me? + but maybe it was the for you feature that was the same for the both of you.
accusing someone without proof is not okay, again, i can not remember doing this so if you have a screenshot add it so i can remember and apologize, but i can't do anything because i don't remember saying a joke with SA in mind.
before that i just want to mention: i don't think r*pe is funny, i'm not a dark content blog either so i do not really reblog dark content things because i'm sure most of my readers don't want that + I'm just not into that as well. the only joke i was "called out" for once is when i used a "i want xyz character to smack their laptop on my face or tits" which i got from an andrew garfield interview where he read his thirst tweets out loud, at that time i just deleted it because it's alright.
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dottores, your mutuals, two of them to be exact, have sent me multiple of your personal blog hate posts about me and not once, have you made one where you talked about me saying an SA joke. you have only claimed that i am a cunt and that i am a gatekeeping bitch hence why i believed this must be the reason why you would suddenly hate me despite the fact we never interacted.
now, I want to address this next, this is from @dottores post which when i got it sent to me, i would've wished she just tagged me right away and said it with her chest, more so not let saetoru talk about her experience but just handle this with me.
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^ this is cat @dottores saying i got it wrong.
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^ this is why i believed she meant it just like i said it, why do you go through blogs that grow really fast's notes in the first place? where do you take the right to police other blogs like that when i'm sure your blogs aren't empty of blank blogs either. it is hard to get rid of all of them but i'm sure we all try at least, we don't need you to make us feel bad or come off as belittling, if you have found out a way to get rid of every blank blog, do enlighten us please.
+ at that time of this reblog icks?? post that saetoru added, my blog was blowing up so when a moot of mine (which was also theirs at a time) saw this, they had sent it to me.
"creators that grow really fast" and nowhere has she mentioned she only went through only her own moots notes, aside from that apologies but i still find this weird, i don't think you should invest so much time in other people's blog but this is my opinion.
this is the next thing she said:
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i don't know if dottores meant me there but i have never once harassed you nor sent you hate anywhere, again you cannot just accuse me of stuff like that when you have also never reached out to me. The things i claimed about you guys in your callout, i have text messages of the person (your moot) who sent it to me.
but back again, the only thing i did do was block dottores on tumblr and then later ao3 when i saw you in tags, which you made fun of me for later:
also i got this ask that time:
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"who blocks on ao3?" i do, ao3 is the platform i use the most so why is it funny when i use the block button? + i just like to point something out here, "they must've clicked to read and realize it was me" you can think that if you want i don't mind, but let me ask you this: i have seen you in tags hence why i was able to block you, but how did you notice i did? you can't see me in tags so surely you didnt click on my work, so you must've searched up my user for whatever reason?
and i know this is about me because she added the "this person called me chronically online" i couldn't find the post but what she was talking about is me calling other writers who reblogged that one "ick post" with not needed things such as "when writers cant characterize a character" or "when they only write headcanons", i have plenty of screenshots of that post but since i don't want to use up all my space here, i don't see why i should show their reblogs from this.
there were plenty of people like that, which reblogged horrible things there so i called everyone under that post chronically online, not just you dottores.
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yeah :) like people making fun of someone for blocking them for their own comfort. i just don't want to see you, that's all, but i have never send you hate asks nor harassed you, the only thing i did was block the blogs your own mutuals exposed to me.
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^ this is after i felt bad for you after the callout.
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this is coming from your own mutuals, i have never alone claimed you guys are jealous of me nor is there anything to be jealous about. i am just a blog, this here is not being popular, no one knows who i am and i do not need to pride myself in having a big blog on tumblr.com, and my readers know that. we are all the same here.
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i didn't mean you here saetoru but i understand that it sounded that way, the phrasing was a little off, for that i apologise that i made you upset with this, english is not my first language, i'm french, and when it comes to this callout post i was so fed up with it that i just posted it without looking for grammar mistakes etc. + this is about one of your friends who deleted their personal the second i announced i got their user, that was something with kaeya, when they sent me a hate ask. i won't expose it here but that person was also the one who blacklisted a friend of mine for liking itto.
i think there is a lot more but i will stop it there, this could've ended differently and i'm sad that it ended this way. I wish you all the best and i mean it, i hope we all can learn from this and move on, write on tumblr for our favorite characters because it's fun and stay away from drama. If you made it this far thank you 💓 — yoru
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rookiesbookies · 3 months
So im so upset, i accidentally deleted an ask.
Here’s the sex doll price fic I got asked for, and i outlined out they work my beloved anon, im sorry😭
So I saw your question and I outlined how it works more in this post (if you havent seen it) and Im getting ready to write the Konig piece, however I want to make it really special so im going to hype it up a bit more and here’s a Price one because I felt like writing him!
Price’s story of getting bought goes much like all the other’s. His lady is lonely one night, flips through some infomercials because there’s nothing good on and she figured they’d be entertaining she guessed? It was a better idea than Steinfeld reruns for the fifteenth time, and nothing streaming was updated or good. It was a rare mood.
It came on for the dolls and she fell in love with the way he moved, smiled, his eyes. It was like the tv knew how much she loved the soft eyes of an older man.
She slid off her couch and onto the floor before she punched in the number on the phone to call, saying she wanted Price.
It took time before he was there. She felt different, he has been marketed as a companion robot on the tv. One that could walk, talk, cook, clean. It would be nice having someone to take care of the house while she was at work.
When the mystery box was on her doorstep with the gibberish, she assumed what it was based on the size.
It took a long time of struggling to get it through the door. She tore into it almost immediately. She didnt even get him out of the box before she planted a soft kiss to his lips, just as the commercial said. His eyes fluttered open and she was met with the same soft eyes she first saw.
He was swift. Reconnecting his lips to her and moving out of his box without much effort. She slid back to make room for his large form, when she hit the wall he crawled over her.
“I was told you were a companion,” she said softly eyes, trained on his lips then flicking up to his eyes.
“Companions do lots of different things. There are plenty of different types of companions, love.” His rough hands came up to her face, thumb grazing over her lower lip. “It just so happens to be my directive to be a certain kind of companion.”
Her body felt like it was on air the whole time, like her nerves were cushioned by personal clouds as he worked.
He was swift, putting her on her hands and knees before working off her pants and underwear. His mouth connected with her lower lips and began work. He was delicate but hungry.
Once he got her what he deemed wet enough he used his knee to move her thighs apart, pulling his pants down.
“Breath, love.” He whispered sweetly into her ear after spitting into his hand, rubbing it over his cock, “remember to breath.”
He let it rest in her for a long time. She fell onto her forearms, debating letting her mouth hang open so drool could fall.
He was rhythmic and juicy. Everything she imagined. She was so high up she almost didn’t register she was about to cum until it happened. He didn’t seem to orgasm, surprisingly, but he didn’t seem to care, maybe he did - well she had no clue. He picked her up and wondered her home until he found the bathroom, drawing her bath before washing her gently and putting her to better not long after drying her.
Worth every penny.
Masterlist is pinned on profile as always, check out my AU list for more like this. Don’t forget to leave me a comment (i always try to respond) or a request in my inbox (i also try to respond to these when I can), a reblog, or even just a like to let me know what yall want to see!
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morwap · 2 years
𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘯𝘰 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘦 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺, 𝘪 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶.
brothers best friend!fwb!theodore nott x fem!reader
smut muggle au!, modern au!
nav • t.n m.list
dom!theo nott, sub!reader, b/n = brothers name, protected sex, p in v, fwb!harry potter x reader mention, mention of sending/receiving nudes, jealousy, lowkey toxic, fingering, handjob, oral f! and m! receiving, light praise and degradation, name calling, use of the word cunt, clit slapping, there’s a safe word in place,
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───────✧ 𓆩♡𓆪 ✧───────
your brothers friends were off limits, you knew that, and that’s why you were currently ignoring theodore nott for the life of you, or that was part of the reason you were ignoring him for and the other reason being that a couple weeks ago you saw theo and pansy making out at party on your brothers instagram story.
now that wouldnt be an issue if you hadn’t been fucking theo for the past five months, and your feelings for him grew without you noticing until you saw that god awful post. jealousy filled you and you were taken back by it, literally having to sit your phone down and take a minute. you felt betrayed, theo told you he wasnt with anyone else.
you came up with a quick plan, ghost him to get over him. not that easy since you two go to the same college but youd manage.
and you did, if he got too close you made sure to walk away and stop answering his texts or facetimes and theo noticed about two days into this plan. you expected him to just stop texting but it seemed like he texted more and more.
why arent you answering?
cmon y/n wtf
answer the phone
alr whatever
are you being fr??
those were the messages you got on the daily. you turned off your read receipts and just half swiped on snapchat and didnt check your instagram dms and letting your phone ring every time he called.
you fought yourself from answering his messages, you missed him, missed his touch.
you tried telling yourself it was the sex you missed. that once you fuck someone else you’d have no feelings towards him, and so you let harry potter go down on you but all you could think about was the first time you had gotten with theo.
it was cold, the breeze chilling your legs as you rubbed your hands on your thighs for some warmth in that area.
your date had gone sour, and what sucked was he was your ride home but you both had disagreed about something which caused him to leave. that and you were hoping to get laid but your fingers could get you off just fine.
you pressed your phone to your ear, calling your brother for a ride.
“b/n can you come pick me up? please?” you pleaded, teeth chattering. you would’ve gone inside the nice cafe but it had been closed.
“im at Blaise’s” b/n sighed. you groaned irritably. blaise’s of fucking course he was at blaise’s which was two hours away.
“i can ask theo to pick you up. that good? hes dorm” b/n suggested, you could hear blaise and draco in the background almost feeling bad for calling while he was with his friends.
“yeah yeah theos fine” you said taking up the offer, hell you wouldnt care if it was enzo that picked you up and you and enzo did not get along—he annoyed you more than your brother at some points in time.
b/n hung up and three minutes later you got a text from theo asking where you were at.
theo’s truck came into view and you hurried inside of it. shutting the door and relishing in the warm air coming from the vents. putting on your seatbelt then rubbing your hands on your legs to warm them up faster.
“thank you” you sighed happily, ready to go to your dorm and take a shower.
“no biggie” theo said and smiled softly at you before he started driving. rain started, theo went slower on the now slick roads. you couldn’t believe how dark it gotten even though it was only seven pm.
“so what happened?” theo asked, glancing over at you for a second, eyes taking in your appearance. you noticed a small almost not noticeable if you didnt look at him in time, a small and quick lip bite.
you laughed softly, leaning back against the leather seats. “date gone sour. he was my ride back to the dorms but we didnt get along and he left” you said summing up the experience for his sake or maybe for yours, rather just forget about it then dwell on it.
theo shook his head, “dickhead” was all he muttered and you laughed softly.
you stilled when theos hand reached your thigh, squeezing a bit. your eyes trailed from his hands—his perfectly sculpted hands to his bicep then to his neck then finally his face. a smug look on his face, butterflies filled your stomach.
was theo always this attractive? yes but did you truly see it before now? no he was just like all your brothers friends and he was the only one you could stand to be around more than five minutes other than blaise.
his fingers traveled up and up and up slowly, finally reaching your silk panties. his fingers grazed over your clothed slit, testing the waters, you let out a soft moan. watching his wrist disappear and reappear from out of your skirt.
moving your panties to the side. his middle finger grazed your clit as you opened your legs a bit for him. he smirked at this, a small chuckle coming from him as he continued to drive.
your clit continued to be toyed with by theo, sometimes moving his finger down to bring some of your wetness up to your clit. you moaned as he did as he pleased.
theos pants got tighter, you could see the print from where you were sitting. biting your lip before moving your hand that was gripping the edge of the passenger seat to his wrist, moving his hand away from you which made him glance over at you with a slightly confused face.
you looked around, the road was empty, not a car in sight. trees all around.
your hands went to his sweatpants, rubbing theos cock through the fabric before getting his cock out fully. theos breathing got quicker.
theo pulled over once you started to suck him off, relaxing into his seat as your tongue swirled around him. theo grabbed your hair, making sure it didnt go into your face.
“fuck—keep going, just like that” theo groaned, his eyes rolling back and his head pushed back onto the head rest a bit. theo pushed your head down quickly causing you to choke a bit. theo laughed a bit before you started sucking on his tip causing him moan mid laugh.
you bobbed your head a few times before theo pulled you off his cock, a string of saliva connecting you to his cock as theo muttered a quick “alright, up” and then the string was broken from him smashing his lips onto yours.
sloppy kisses as he leaned his seat back and guided you onto his lap. his cock pressed between his abdomen and your cunt.
you came at the thought of it which harry’s tongue lapping and sucking at your cunt. you had to hold back from moaning theos name. you went down on harry after then you two just started a little friends with benefits.
you still missed theo, missed sneaking into his truck in the middle of the night more times than you could remember during the winter break whether it was for sex or just to hang out. missed getting goodnight and morning texts from him.
missed sneaking around your brother even though it made thing difficult, you wanted to be able to tell people but you knew you couldnt but the sneaking around part was also exciting.
harry did help, he took your mind off theo at times. you and harry normally sent nudes and sexted but when he wasn’t busy with his school work or his track meets and when you were free, you guys would meet up and give each other head; not having gone all the way yet.
but now, it was spring break. no more having to be aware of where you were and were he was at all times just so you didn’t have a chance of bumping into him.
your parents were so happy you and your brother came home for spring break and not gone with your friends, draco,mattheo and blaise offered you and b/n to go on a road trip with them but you both declined.
three days into spring break and your parents went to your guys’ aunts house to help spring clean. they were going to stay for two nights and for you and b/n to be responsible and not tear up the house.
your phone buzzed, groaning as you moved your hand around trying to find it as you watched american horror story on your laptop. you moved your blanket and your phone finally was found.
cant come over :( ceds having diner with my parents
you sighed, reading over her message. now you had no plans, you were hoping she’d come over and now you were out of luck and didn’t feel like going out plus you didn’t have your own car.
have fun with ced ;)
tossing your phone down with a sigh, turning your attention to your laptop.
your phone buzzed again, you picked it up.
stop ignoring me.
you sighed again then tossed your phone somewhere on your blanket. laying your head down on your pillow then dragging your finger on the mousepad to skip the intro of the new episode.
you groaned as you woke up, it was now dark and “are you still watching” was on your laptop screen.
loud noises were heard from downstairs, you sat up and checked your phone. you had a few snaps from blaise, luna, ginny and ron and a message from theo hours ago just saying “ok” you furrowed your brow as you read it off your notification center.
you moved your laptop to the end of your bed. getting up and stretching before going to your drawer and pulling out a pair of cute pink panties and an oversized shirt.
leaving your room with your clothes and heading down the hall to the bathroom. walking past b/ns room, his door was open which was unusual unless one of his friends were over but no one was in there.
stripping off your clothes then getting into the shower, letting the hot water run down your skin. scrubbing your skin with your favorite body wash then rinsing off your body.
you heard voices, not just your brothers but someone else’s. your heart sank as you hurried and put on your clothes. quickly cleaning up water that had gotten on the floor with a towel then putting it into the laundry basket as your brushed your teeth.
finishing up in the bathroom, after putting on lotion and doing your skin care routine. you walked to your room about to open your door before you heard it.
a laugh, not just any laugh but theodore fucking notts laugh.
maybe it was your mind playing tricks on you. you tip toed to the stairs, taking a couple steps down then crouching to try and see without going all the way down the stairs. peeking through the railing, and there he was.
theo and b/n talking, you cursed at yourself in your head as theo glanced up at you. theo smirked.
hurrying up the couple steps then to your room. chewing on your nails, now you were just going to stay in your room til he left.
this was supposed to be a relaxing break in which you did not have to watch your back 24/7. you plopped onto your bed, groaning in the process. maybe theo was just here to hang out with b/n and that was it, you knew theo wouldn’t pull anything in front of him but it didn’t save you from the awkward tension, or seeing him when walking to the kitchen or bathroom.
just stay in your room and don’t come out, that was your plan.
you spent hours in your room, trying to watch show after show to keep your mind off theo being in your house but you couldnt he kept slipping into your mind and clouding it up with thoughts of only him and no one else.
staring at your ceiling, realizing your first plan was not working and you were not getting over him and perhaps the plan made it worse.
your eyes felt heavy and you started to drift off.
waking up thirsty in your dark room, rubbing your eyes before feeling around you bed for your phone. finally finding it and turning on your flashlight. finding your way to plug in your fairy lights.
now you could finally see. it was 1 am and you heard noises from b/ns room hoping they had moved in there to do whatever they do when they hung out so youd have a better chance of not seeing theo.
putting on a pair of shorts and then opening your door, looking towards your brothers door. hoping they were both in there. you headed to the kitchen, letting out a breath once you finally reached the kitchen.
grabbing a bottle of water, you flicked the kitchen light off before heading back to your room. you successfully got a bottle of water without seeing theo.
you took off your shorts before getting into your bed. checking your messages and scrolling through twitter, your back facing your door and head on your pillow as read tweet after tweet.
you heard your door click open, you put your phone face down before turning over.
“theo what the fuck are you doing in here?” you asked, your voice raising. theo shushed you, as he shut your door.
“shut up, do you want b/n to wake up?” theo scoffed, stepping closer to your bed. you shook your head no.
the tension was thick, watching him take in your appearance then you took in his own. you felt the urge to kiss him, your body longing for his.
theo huffed and ran his fingers through his hair, shaking his head a bit. “why are you in here?” you asked, sitting up in your bed. covering yourself with your blanket.
“you know why the fuck im in here y/n” theo said, getting even closer to your bed. you both looking into each other’s eyes, you sat up onto your knees. you hopped he was feeling the same way you were, missing you like you missed him and theo did.
theo had been going crazy since you started ignoring him, not being able to ask b/n about you or tell him too tell you to text him back. theo connected the dots on you viewing the video on b/ns story of him and pansy and then right after you started to ghost him, he knew the video is what caused it.
that was the only time him and pansy kissed, they were both drunk and it was just in the moment nothing more. pansy was strictly a friend, theo and her talked about it after they kissed that he had feelings for you and pansy promised not to tell. theo wanted to tell you in person but you avoided him.
theo leaned down locking your lips roughly, your hands went to his sides and his hands trailed up your hip making your shirt rise and a bit. he started to push you back a bit, getting off your knees and moving back to sit, letting him push you back.
both of you gasping into each other, hands gripping and fondling each other. your legs opened for him to rest between. “i heard you started fucking around with harry” theo said between kisses as his hand rubbed up your thigh to your waist then to your clothed cunt.
you moaned softly, his thumb grazing over your clit, moving up and down teasingly. “its nothing serious” you whined under him, his thumb adding more pressure.
“did he fuck you?” theo asked, looking down at you. you shook your head no, looking up at him. “say it out loud whore” he scoffed, roughly taking your face with his hand and pulling towards him.
“no” you mumbled, his thumb still working on your clothed clit taking away the slight pain from his grip on your face. your legs spread more, a small wet patch on your panties formed.
“good girl” he cooed, his fingers moved your panties to the side then running his middle finger along your bare cunt making you shiver. “my sweet girl” theo added sweetly.
you gasped as his hand lifted then landed on your cunt with a hard smack, your thighs quickly closed as you let out a soft hiss. “you’ve been so bad lately” theo sighed, gently spreading your legs, fingertips brushing over your thighs before smacking your cunt again.
thighs closing quickly, a whimper left your lips. theos grip still on your face, letting the sting calm as he rubbed your thigh. “ignoring me over a five second video we could’ve talked about” theo whispered, your eyes grew wide. theos hand moving your legs open again.
“m’sorry i should’ve talked to you about it” you admitted in a whine, as his middle finger grazed your clit softly. another slap, you moaned. your hand reached to cup your cunt to help calm the sting.
theos lips pressed against your forehead, “and we’ll talk about it later” he whispered, his hand pushing away your hand softly to rest on your bed then his came back to cunt with loving strokes on your clit.
“but for now i’ve missed your cunt” he whispered, letting go of your face and kissing you then trailing the kisses down to your neck, his hand moving from your clit to push up your shirt.
theo tossed your shirt onto the floor before his lips met your skin again, going down and down leaving wet kisses down your chest and abdomen then above your panties. looking up at you, then hooking his fingers around the thin fabric and pulling it down your legs and letting it drop from his hands onto the floor.
one hand pushed your leg back, holding at the bend of your knee pinning it to the bed. theos other hand came to cunt, running his finger along your slit a couple of times before spreading you with fingers. “you’re so wet” theo commented, his eyes trained on your glistening cunt.
“did harry make you this wet?” theo asked in a harsh tone, glaring up at you, theos finger slipping inside you. shaking your head ‘no’ as his finger pumped in and out. his fingers were big, much bigger than harry’s and your own. theos thumb found your clit and rubbed in circles.
theo removed his hand from you, then landing a slap on your clit. “what did i say about saying it out fucking loud” theo spat harshly.
“cmon you whore, tell me, did he make you this wet” theo said, your cunt clenched around nothing.
“no” you moaned out, his fingers finding you again.
“there we go, you can be so good for me when you try” theo whispered against your thigh, biting at your inner thigh as his fingers made you moan and whine out for him to keep going.
you looked down at him between your legs, “something you want princess? you’re gonna have to ask for it” theo teased.
“please, please” you mumbled, your eyes rolling back, clenching around his fingers.
“tell me what you want my love” theo said watching you, admiring you and your state. admiring the way your back arches at his finger tips and how you can’t think straight when he’s touching you.
you whimpered, the coil tightening and tightening. “your cock please theo, please” you begged, theo smiled.
theo kissed your clit before easing his fingers out of you, you leaned up trying not to think of how empty you felt. your hands pulling off theos shirt, then his sweatpants and boxers letting his cock spring out.
you leaned over, opening the drawer in your nightstand then feeling around and finally feeling the condoms you had.
taking one then leaning back to theo, going back to rest on your knees. leaning up and kissing him, taking the condom out of the wrapper as you kissed down his neck.
rolling the condom onto him, theo pushed you back down. theos hands moving your legs to his waist.
theo pulled back, taking his cock, teasing his tip at your entrance before pushing into you. “oh fuck” you moaned, gripping at the pillow above you. your eyes squeezing shut and your mouth fell open. theos hand gripped your thigh harshly, digging his nails into your skin.
theo wanted to tell you how good you felt but couldn’t form words, trying not to cum from just the first thrust in. having to take a minute for himself after being in you fully.
you clenched around him when you felt him start to pull out then push back in. theos hips going slow at first then getting faster and faster as he went.
his name falling from your lips as he continued to fuck you, leaning back and harshly pulling you to him.
theo leaned forward, his head finding its way to the crook of your neck. heavy breathing and theo groans and your whimpers filled the room, the both of you trying to stay quieter since b/n was across the hall.
“let me on top” you whispered, against his ear then a soft kiss followed.
a kiss was placed on your neck, “are you sure?” theo asked still thrusting at a quick pace. you nodded. theo pulled out of you, moving with occasional kisses as theo helped you get on top of him.
theos back rested against your head board, you glanced down, theo helped you line yourself up with him before pushing yourself down onto his cock. your eyes squeezed shut, head rolling back and theo kissed on your neck.
you lifted then went back down, moving on him, feeling him fill you up.
theos kissed went to your mouth as you got closer, your chests almost touching. moaning into each other as you rode him. moving in a way so that your clit would get friction.
his hands gripped your hips, helping you move on him. his cock throbbed in you.
“y’feel so good” theo moaned, he was close and didn’t know how long he’d last from now.
theos fingers went to your clit, rubbing, causing you to shutter against him and whimper loudly, “cum for me princess” theo demanded.
clenching around theos cock as he rubbed your clit faster, theo thrusted up a little. your legs shook, shuddering as you came on his cock.
moans and soft hums came from you as it became too much. theo moving you up and down as you came down, “mmh too much, too much” you whined, clinging onto theo. your head resting in the crook of his neck, his hands moving to your ass, guiding you up and down.
theo moaned as he came, filling the condom with a few thrusts.
your fingers traced shapes on his chest as his hands moved from your ass to your waist and one to your thigh, rubbing comfortably.
his lips pressed against your forehead before moving you off him gently.
theo tossed the condom into the trash, putting on his boxers. grabbing tissues and then coming to clean you up.
opening your drawers for a new pair of underwear and a shirt then coming back to your tired frames and helping you dress.
slipping into your bed, moving your blankets to cover the both of you. theo reached for your phone that laid behind you as you got comfortable with your head on his chest.
theo knew your password, unlocking your phone and getting on snapchat and sending a pic of you on his chest to harry then blocked him, going to messages and instagram and blocking him on there also.
going back to messages and turning on your read receipts for himself then sitting your phone back down.
“you wanna talk about that video now?” theo asked, his fingertips dancing along you back.
you hummed in agreement.
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t0rturedangel · 1 year
Can we PLSS get more of creek x child reader ?? I loved it smm it’s literally my life support 💕😭‼️
╭ ☆ ➛ Creek x child ! reader Ꞌꞌ : The little craig
━ warnings / notes ; this is kinda rushed since i had a very limited amount time to post this, pacing is bad too <33 also ngl south park did post covid craig so dirty 😭 maybe ooc
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" Honey ! " TWEEK mumbled as he called out for his husband, twitching slightly- something that has stayed with him even as he grew up. A head poked out from the kitchen and a voice spoke " Yes ? " " Uhm [ name's ] head teacher just called and- " " - and what ? " CRAIG asked, walking over- stretching and smiling when he heard the satisfying pops. The pair had been together since fourth grade, of courses with some in and out moments where they kept fighting of small petty things, breaking up then getting back together, it was a re-used cycle honestly, the last time they did repeat it was back in high school. Now the two of them are happily married with a little child they call their own.
" They want us to come to their office, [ name's ] in trouble " tweek sweat dropped, slightly concerned as to why their little angelic child got in trouble for the first time ever " Why do you think they are?- did they get into a fight??? did they- " " Baby- its okay, lets just go and we'll find out " Craig comforted his husband, ruffling tweek's hair and pressing a quick kiss to his cheek this did actually seem to calm tweek down letting him nod " Yeah- lets go "
Through out the ride Craig was making up excuses and apologies in his head- he knew exactly why you were in trouble and in hindsight he didn't want Tweek to why you were. It'd be the end of him if tweek did and while craig was mentally panicking- Tweek was physically panicking, all different scenarios running through his head- if you did get into a fight then you (and the child who fought you) would be in so much trouble he swore to god. Getting to the school didnt take long either, the pair rushed into the main office and were taken to the head master's office.
Entering, they saw you- who was giving the head master a little glare, your arms tucked together- and your headmaster who was staring at the two who came in, extremely serious " Mr and . . . Mr Tucker " They began " Please take the seat " Tweek sat down on the only spare chair next to you while craig stood behind you " What happened? " Tweek began " Your child- [ name ] had- " " - had what !? " Tweek's panic rose again only to be shushed by the headteacher, a glare was sent their way by you and craig " Your child has been- flipping children off for all of break time " .
" [ name ] ! " the head teacher's voice raised as you flipped them off for the umpteenth time " Stop flipping me off ! " " No! Fuck you ! I only flipped them off because they insulted me! " Craig was so dead. " [ name ] stop that. " Tweek spoke calmly, causing you to shut up instantly and craig to start inwardly crying. " Thank you for letting me know- i'll talk with them " Nodding at the head, the three of you left.
When the three of you were in the car, you and your dad waited for tweek to blow up- but fortunately or unfortunately- he didnt, only staring at the two of you, " [ name ]- honey, good job on standing up for yourself, but you're not getting your iPad for a week " an ashamed frown was quickly relpaced with a sweet smile , happy you got off without getting in too much trouble where as your other dad wasnt as lucky " Craig- i'll be talking with you at home about teaching our little kid to flip people off " " Tweek- babe- I just wanted [ name ] to be like a mini me- a mini craig ! " he tried to defend himself.
" Thats not going to save you " " hahahaha ! Daddy's going to get it now ! "
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