#im looking at it now and that may not be true.... or it depends on the actual degree
lokh · 4 months
heterogenia linguistico is so interesting...
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todostiddies · 4 months
Eren Boyfriend Headcanons pt 2
Modern Eren headcanons for GNreader, a continuation of pt 1
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Texts you goodnight and good morning without fail, but sometimes the good morning texts come at like 12am bruh
He will buckle your seat belt for you
He will open the door for you and if you forget to buckle right away he'll just tell you to scoot over and do it for you before buckling his own
Thinks it's funny to tighten your hood around your face randomly
Absent-mindingly tracing hearts and shapes on you while cuddling
Will call you brat, which he started as a joke to make fun of Levi and now it is unironically a part of his vocabulary much to his dismay
He thinks you being hangry is the adorable even if you're a total demon because of it, in fact, the meaner you get the cuter because he can just poke all the more fun at you when he buys you food and you immediately switch up all sheepishly (which he also loves)
An extra careful driver with you in the car which can then lead to some road rage towards others who aren't, but it never goes past a mean look, the bird, and a couple insults in the privacy of the car. He also deffo does that hot arm hold to you when he brakes too hard and he'll give a little cheeky smile and apology after
Will play Pokemon Go with you and go on Pokemon Go dates where you guys walk the routes and go on hikes or walks around the city to catch pokemon and he always buys you snacks and lunch/dinner during srry but im still in my pokemon go phase
His favorite pokemon is Psyduck
yknow that video where some womans boyfriend/husband was covering the sharp edge of a table while she was on the verge of bumping into it all distracted?? Yeah, that's him. He will cover corners for you and always makes sure you won't clumsily hurt yourself and will watch your step for you depending on how clumsy you are
but at the same time he is constantly trying to trip you and shoves into you with his whole body while walking and tries to push you into puddles like a child
He is fiercely loyal of all of his loved ones and has/will fight anyone on sight for them, as we all know, but he is also very protective of their dreams
He keeps tracks of all his friends and familys most treasured goals/dreams and behind the scenes he is also helping make them come true if he can and/or congratulating them on their progress that no one else may notice and he even will send related things to them like articles or posts
so naturally, things you're really passionate about he will look into and maybe even get into it too
I feel like his mom would have enrolled Eren and Mikasa as junior life guards, she did amazing and really liked it and Eren had fun and was good but didn't care to do it again. Armin went to the wave/beach every day just to hang out with them still, and sometimes Eren abandoned duty or snuck away during a lesson to pick seashells with him
Speaking of, Eren has a mini seashell collection from him and Armin picking them together. He dates each seashell and has given you a couple that he thought you'd like
Because of the whole lifeguard thing, he knows CPR and some basic first aid and the friend group always goes to him if they need extra medical help and he goes straight into his rare mom mode
Him and Mikasa kissed once in a 7 minutes of heaven game in freshmen year of high school, and afterwards decided they were better as friends and never even told Armin until a drunken night of confessions between the three senior year, the night before graduation
He will and has sacrificed himself in little ways for his friends and family, and would do so in bigger ways if the situation ever called for it
He LOVES kissing you
Kisses every morning, before leaving, coming home, when he's bored, when he's excited, when he's sad, all of it. He could be leaving from the dinner table to go to the bathroom and would still kiss you goodbye
He loves making out with you and puts on a romantic playlist he made when you guys hang out and make out in his car he's so cheesy but in a cool way
He thinks you don't realize it's the same playlist but it only has like six songs that just repeat and you have to wrestle him to make you a partner on the playlist so you could add more
When a song you added comes up he'll stop whatever yall are doing just to tell you it was a good choice lmao
He likes flavored Chapstick, but his favorite is vanilla
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Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed!!
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agirlwithglam · 28 days
✨Time for Vanilla’s Opinion 🍰
Edition #1: thoughts on hate & caring about what others think of you.
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Regardless of what people think of you, you need to understand that it only matters/ means something if you decide it to. What i mean is that i know lots of people say “you should only care about your opinion. Others opinion of you dont matter” but that’s only true if YOU DECIDE IT TO BE TRUE. I will say this again: this is your life!!!!!
If you choose to accept and believe the nonsense that others will think/ say of you, then you are saying “i dont have the confidence and self love in myself to only accept my opinion, so im going to give you the power over my emotions and how i act :)” do you really want to do that? Because that’s what you’re doing when you start acting based on how you think others are gonna think of you and what their perception is.
Remember: what other people think of you is just THEIR PERCEPTION. Stop making your personality & yourself dependent on what another person thinks of you!!
And also, some people will literally just hate on anything because of how sad their life is. I mentioned this before, and im gonna mention it again: there could be a video of CATS PLAYING on YouTube and you’ll find someone criticising and hating on that. That’s how sad some of these people in life are. So stop trying to or thinking that since you love yourself and you’re “perfect” that everyone should/ would like you because THATS NOT TRUE.
I read this quote once: “you could be the most juiciest, yummiest apple in the world, yet there would still be someone out there who doesn’t like apples.”
“So then.. what do i do if I receive hate? It’s still mean and hurtful.”
WHY does it still hurt??? WHY are you giving that person ANY control over how you feel???? If this person is someone who’s your friend or close to you, when they do it, TELL THEM THAT YOU DONT LIKE IT!!! Without communication and understanding, you will only start to build resentment for the other person, creating a toxic relationship. Comunícate your boundaries clearly by telling them that firmly, NOT in a joking manner, that you don’t like it. Now ofc if they do it once more, remind them again. Most of the time, if this person really cares about you, they will respect your feelings and stop doing that. But if it happens more times, you’ve gotta stop giving your energy to them. Reserve that for something that actually matters.
You may or may not have noticed that i did not write “just cut them out” because i know how difficult that can be, especially if you’re a kid still living with your parents. Because at some times, you’re stuck in the situation you’re in for a while (for example: a workplace, living at home, in 1 class at school) so its not as easy to just “cut them out”. And that’s why i wrote “stop giving your energy to them”. Because THATS what the parasites are feeding on! Your energy and attention! Take that away from them and see what happens.
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know that what I’m NOT saying is to be a stone-cold bitch who doesn’t care at all about others or their happiness. (Because honestly, doing that shows me that you’re a lot more insecure) A lot of people now would be like “but it’s not my responsibility to ensure they’re happy. They are their own person in charge of their own actions and feelings!” Sure, ok. But then don’t come whining to me about how you have no friends and how you feel so lonely and sad. ‘You’re your own person and in charge of your own feelings’, remember? So if someone decides to leave a relationship (whether it’s a friendship, or with romance) with you because you don’t make them feel happy, then don’t be surprised about that because ‘they are their own person.’
But look, i completely agree with the fact that you and every individual indeed are in charge of their own feelings and actions, but just stop and think about it for a sec; would YOU want to be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t give a hoot about your happiness? Yuck, no!!
So to put it in more simple/ plain terms: be KIND to people, bring smiles to peoples faces when you can (give them a compliment, help them out, listen to them, offer advice, etc.) but don’t something that compromises your own wellbeing and happiness. Cus like, how is complimenting someone’s hair or eyes gonna hurt you? If anything it would just make you happier. But also don’t live your life constantly on the edge, afraid of what he’s gonna think of you, what shes gonna say about you, etc. etc.
I guess that’s pretty much it. <3 anyyywayys i hope you enjoyed the 1st edition of the series! If you have requests, comment on this post of send an ask using the ‘tea’ button ☕️
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Xoxo, Vanilla
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anemoiashifts · 2 months
persistence, the self concept & phrasing in reality shifting. (& manifesting).
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i brushed on this a few posts ago & wanted to expand upon it. what you need to understand, you are not trying to convince yourself that you have shifted or have manifested something. you already have your desire. you don’t need to think about how or when your going to shift because you already have.
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“Creation is finished…all that you have & will ever be — in fact, all that mankind ever was or ever will be, exists now.”
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when you’re trying to convince yourself, what people tend to do is look for exterior confirmations instead of looking inward. if this is you, you don’t have that sense of knowing & are depending on the 3d to validate your desires. you’re waiting until you see those sublimonal results. you’re waiting until you see your desired reality bedroom. you’re waiting until you’re offered that position you’ve been wanting. the mistake you’re making is that “waiting period”.
before i go any further, i acknowledge doubts are normal. in fact , i struggle to believe in shifting & im not saying you have to 1000% believe in your ability every second. i did a survey on people who have shifted vs people who haven’t shifted yet & it came out that there was no really no difference between the two. while this may not be everyone’s case, this information can still benefit.
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♡ persist.
to persist means to push through something even through challenge. in this case, it’s until your desired outcome materializes. if you’re willing to be persistent in the feelings that you’ve received your manifestations, you’ve pretty much finished half the battle.
i see this sometimes on the r/subliminal subreddit. someone makes a post saying “ive been listening to ___ sub for a while & i haven’t gotten results”. then, someone asks op “how long have you been using it?” to which the original poster says “i month on and off.” subliminals work different for everyone, yes, but consistently & making sure you don’t fall out of “the wish fulfilled” mindset is so so important. that’s apart of persistence.
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♡ self concept.
“Healthy, wealth, beauty & genius are not created; they are manifested by the arrangement of your mind — that is by the concept of yourself.”
how one views yourself does play a part. a while ago i saw someone say something along the lines of “shifting is my only escape from this life”. while i felt for that person, that mindset may be holding that person back. manifestations are able to materialize from that internal sense of knowing. all manifestation is, is the 3d mirroring your inner world — what you already know. if your constantly thinking negative, you will notice more things “wrong” with yourself, the world. your brain is only conforming what you already know as your body likes to be proven right.
if you have a higher, more positive, outlook on yourself, in turn the world will become a more positive place. an example, let’s say if you live your life smiling at everyone you see on the street. chances are you’ll get smiles back at you in return because you smiled rather then if you didn’t. the world has become a more positive place for you.
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♡ self talk.
“I will (be) is a confession that I am not”.
this ties into mindset & self concept. you are making assumptions based on past experiences & patterns. you don’t see your dr around you, so logically, you think you haven’t shifted.
this plays on our assumptions. if you’ve been trying to shift for a long time without “success” it’s no surprise you may feel that trying to shifting is hopeless because you will not shift, based on prior experiences.
for example, 2+2=?
you probably just said “4” in your head because that’s what you’ve been taught & thus have just made an assumption.
comparing this to saying things like “i am ugly” or “i am bad at singing” you believe that to be true about yourself through experience or perspective. our experiences shape us. if we can get a hold of our outlook of our experiences we can change our perception & re-shape those memories to be a positive; to find the good that might have come out of it.
when applying this to shifting, looking at every “failed” shifting attempt as “i am one more night/day closer to my desired reality” or “another version of myself shifted & tomorrow night i am shifting tonight.”
changing your self concept & perception of past experiences, without making assumptions, begins with self talk & being aware of how we speak to ourselves everyday.
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gravytrainnaturebornn · 4 months
the power of self-talk in the fight against self-sabotage (for binge-eaters and ppl who have never been skinny🫶)
disclaimer: this is not proana. this is for people who struggle with binge eating as a form of self-sabotage, emotional comfort, self harm, etc. overeating can cause just as much harm physically and mentally as undereating. please be safe. now, on with the show!
weight loss, but specifically extreme weight loss, equals change. change equals discomfort, so people tend to subconsciously avoid change. this is why starting to see progress on the scale or your body can trigger the urge to self-sabotage that progress and binge eat.
for people who have been big their whole lives, that fear is heightened by the fact that being thin is completely uncharted territory. by following through, youre entering a new world that youve never navigated before. your brain might get scared, say its much too big a mountain to climb, and tell you to give up. its easier to say fuck it because for most people, unhappiness is a comfort zone. if youre used to hating your body and wanting it to change, then actually *changing* it poses a very serious threat to your comfort and the lifestyle youre used to.
questions like: "what if i reach my goal and im still unhappy/unattractive?" "what if i dont look like myself?" "what if i reach my goal, cant sustain it, and then i gain it all back and humiliate myself?" can all make someone feel anxious about succeeding in their weight loss journey. and for people with overeating issues, this is a big trigger for binge episodes.
so how do you combat this instinct to self sabotage? well, im not a psychologist so take this with a grain of salt, but for me it helps to soothe these subconscious fears and train the brain to fight these urges. self-talk and thought-correction play a HUGE role in rewiring the pathways in your brain that lead you to bingeing. truly, practice and consistency are the only things that are going to cause a big change, so stick with it !
correcting problematic thoughts *immediately* when they form is key to preventing problematic behavior in the future, and that starts with being able to identify those thoughts. the moment you catch yourself thinking about food, cut yourself off with a correction. maybe even think about food on purpose a few times to practice recognizing and correcting it.
for example, if you just ate an hour ago, chances are youre not actually hungry yet. tell yourself that as soon as you realize youre thinking about food. i like to tell myself "i dont need to eat, and im not gonna sabotage myself by eating that." by acknowledging it and calling it what it is--literally an attack, by my brain, on my own progress--i immediately attach a sense of accountability to the actions that follow. there's no deniability. its no longer a passive choice. theres no mindless eating or "i wasnt thinking about it." if i eat after acknowledging the act of eating as self-sabotage, then that is me *actively* choosing self-sabotage over self-control. accountability alone can change a lot if you let it.
what i tell myself changes depending on the situation, but i find that repeating some of these phrases throughout the day helps to fight urges in general, and certain ones help for specific cravings and situations.
below are some examples of things i tell myself that have helped me fight the urge to self sabotage. they dont all have to be true when you first say them, the point is training your brain to think a certain way. it may feel unnatural at first, but the more you say them the more natural it becomes, until eventually it becomes apart of the way you actually think and you dont have to work so hard at it. remember: consistency. is. key.
okay ill stop blabbing! here:
•i allow myself to be thin.
•i accept the change that comes with losing weight.
•i am ready to see myself differently and cope with any complicated feelings that may come with it.
•i am prepared for my body to change.
•i will deal with my wardrobe when the time comes, and im not afraid of dressing differently for my new body.
•i will adjust to my new dietary needs and appetite when i reach my goal weight. i will not always be hungry; eating less will be my new normal, and i will be okay.
•i am not afraid of being hungry.
•food does not comfort me, nor does it solve my problems or make me feel better.
•i am ready to navigate a life that looks different to the one im living now.
•i am not afraid of reaching my goal. if i do feel afraid, i am confident in my ability to work through difficult feelings and continue towards my goal.
•im not going to sabotage myself by eating that.
•i accept that people will perceive me differently, and i am ready to navigate that change.
•i am prepared to receive comments about my weight loss.
•i am not afraid of getting what i want.
•i believe i deserve what i want, and im dedicated to working towards getting it.
•i am capable of adapting to new routines and habits.
•fear is not a reason to give up, and i will continue to work even if the possibility of change makes me uneasy.
•i am prepared to face the future, even though i do not know what it looks like.
•i allow myself to make mistakes, and i will not use them as an excuse to quit.
•my long-term satisfaction is more important than what i want in this moment.
•i am in control of my actions and i am capable of resisting the urge to binge.
•i allow myself to have the body i desire.
•i allow myself to change.
•i allow my life to look different and i am not afraid to see a new person in the mirror.
•i am excited to reach my goal, and prepared to navigate any changes that come with it.
•i am ready to meet and introduce others to the new me.
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sixx6secs2love · 10 days
Hi I was wondering if you make GNR fics and if you do can you pls make one of Izzy being mean to his girl or something and if you don’t write gnr fics can you do Vince or Nikki being mean to his girl thank you!!
word count: 678
warnings: manipulation, drugs, alcohol, nikki being an ass
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ok so just to start things off I don't really know whats going on with like mick and something about nikki sueing him or something and it kinda sucks. but if Nikki would do that to his “brother” now then imagine what Nikki would do to his girlfriend back then.
don't get me wrong, he loves you to death and he shows it, but there's a lot of reasons as to why he would be so toxic or mean.(drugs, alcohol, pressure, and i'm sure in a relationship like this the lack of love he got as a child would probably come into play.)
He does love you though. Sometimes he can just be an asshole. but not so much physically if he's being mean just to be mean but more emotionally if that makes sense.
There can be a number of reasons why Nikki could be mean to you. It could be from drug-induced behavior, especially if he's feeling aggressive or paranoid from being high.
It could also be if he's feeling insecure or threatened in some way, and his default response is to become defensive and lash out. Another possibility is that he's simply being a dick, and he's not thinking deeply about his behavior, but rather just reacting negatively.
he would probably be really passive-aggressive like the silent treatment or just act cold and ignore you. He would also make mean comments, either outright or in a snide or sarcastic way and harsh with his words and demeanor, saying hurtful things to you in order to hurt you and make you feel bad about yourself.
He's the type to go for sensitive points and use them as a weapon, knowing that it'll hurt you even if the criticism may be accurate or true, but if you do it to him hes shutting it down immediately, like getting in your face telling you to shut up or knock it off.
now if you were like in front of people like the band or something, he wouldn't wanna embarrass you or him, and he doesn't wanna hear shit from the guys or get looks from people if he were mean to you, so the most he would do in public is like get real close to you and tell you to leave him alone then walk away.
but if he were just mad or being a dick he'd still act like a boyfriend I guess, but wouldn't talk much. but while he's in this pissy mood he wouldn't try and solve it or apologize.
maybe he would after he got something good out of it but most likely not. maybe he'd disappear for a while then come back with his stupid smile like nothing really happened.
I'm telling you this man is a manipulator and gaslighter! there's no way he's not.
Nikki can manipulate in several ways. He might use emotional manipulation to play on your feelings and make you doubt yourself or your own thoughts and opinions.
He could use intellectual manipulation, where he uses reason and logic to get you to agree with him. He could gaslight you, where he alters reality and convinces you that your own memory of an event is wrong. He could even use guilt or fear to get you to do what he wants.
Overall, he uses his intelligence, charisma, and your feelings towards him to manipulate you to get what he wants.
If Nikki ended up making you cry, he would probably feel guilty and try to make amends after he came down from his aggressive or mean behavior.
He might apologize and try to make things better between you two, it depends on how far he took things, but he would likely feel regretful for making you cry and wouldn't want to see you upset. he'd probably say things like “I didnt mean it like that” in a slight pissy tone but hugging you at the same time.
but he doesn't ever really wanna make you cry. it doesn't bring him pleasure and he always ends up feeling guilty.
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sourcengine · 1 month
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tumblr is NOT letting me answer this ask directly for some reason so i screencapped it HDFHDG anyways here goes
i vagguelly knew abt otherkin stuff beforehand but that was like. very vague and more in the lense of "eww cringe" bc that was all that was talked abt it
fast forward to me being 16 or so (maybe 17?) and i decide that today on www.tumblr.com im gonna go through the werewolf tag, and between all the art and poems abt werewolves i view a few werewolfkin posts and i go "huh.. thats interesting" bc i only vaguely heard of it but never really looked into it
so i dip my toes into it, and fall into the lake completely, and now im here
from which i will give some advice:
disclaimer: most of this advice comes from a psychological kin perspective, for spiritual stuff i can gather some info if you ask me but overall im not spiritual kin
1: sometimes the answer is not too clear, being alterhuman can stem from many reasons and overlap with many other things, furryness, autism, psychosis, spiritual beliefs, familiarity and importance to an animal or myth, a lot can play into it! for some beings, the experiences are very separate from each other, for others, they may cause each other or be linked or overlap, it can all depend and change around, so dont stress too much on whats what, but if you wish, you can play around and see what belongs to what, ive had the fact im a furry sometimes overlap with the fact im otherkin, and even fuel each other, but i still see them as separate identities, its all a big complicated soup. and i will say to just fuck around and see what labels you see fit
figuring out your kintype can take a while, and its not uncommon that what you first consider to be your kintype may not be the one that you actually feel you are. for example my first through upon discovering kin stuff was that i may be a cat, ive loved cats since i was practically born, ive always wanted to be a cat and themed myself around cats, hell my fursona is a cat! turns out im not one, ive tried and figured stuff out and experimented and well a cat just wasnt it. from this i'd just say to explore different animals or mythic beasts or types of robot etc etc
from that, what has helped me personally to figure out kintype stuff is to see what you desire feel and act, what kind of environment do you crave for? forests? mountains? deserts? theres a lot! what do you wish your body looked like? everyone talks about wanting claws and fangs and such but really think about it, what do you want for your body? what would make you happier? what would make you see your body more as your true self? any particular diet you have or wish to have? any behaviors you've derived from a being? maybe you hiss maybe you bark maybe you knead. do you feel limbs that arent there? such as ears? tails? horns? just look around outside and inside to see what you crave what you do what you want and such
one thing that i did while trying to figure out kin stuff was to just. draw how i view myself in my mind, and not concentrate on design or what i like and dislike on character designs, just like, draw what comes to mind on an "ideal body", you shift around features from the vague idea of who you are in your mind, draw different tails draw different snouts draw different body shapes, and see what fits and sticks, sometimes you can land on yes "thats exactly me", sometimes you can land on "its a vague idea of me but can aid me in figuring it out". thats kinda how it lead to me figuring out im primatekin, i had multiple different attempts and sketches of what i think i look like in my mind, and i just kept going until much trial and error later i found something. it went from "humanoid?" to "halfly animal-like" to "has a long tail" to "small and expressive" and eventually to a primate! (and thats how my mizamonkey design came to be QSHFHD). again for some this may bring a concrete design while to others it may be just a vague guide, not every tip works for everyone.
despite a few points ago where i stated that being obsessed with an animal or myth doesnt always equal to it being your kintype, it sometimes can be! and its sometimes how kintypes can originate to people (if we're taking the psychological otherkin route, this doesnt work too well with spiritual otherkin). sometimes youre just so obsessed and interested with an animal or myth or fiction trope that your brain kinda, adopts it for your identity. this is what happened to me for werewolves, since i was a wee lad ive been OBSESSED with werewolves and i read about them and drew about them and made stories about them that my brain has seemingly just. grabbed it and went "thats you". so look into your childhood or current state of living and see what animals and beings and such you connect with! again just as a few points ago, it doesnt always mean its your kintype, but it can be!
being alterhuman is different for everyone, i sometimes still think of this message i saw ages ago that went "ask 10 therians what being a therian means for them, and you get 11 different answers", so just because this otherkin experiences xyz, doesnt mean everyone does, and vice versa! i used to have a lot of stress about this bc i felt like i was a faker bc i didnt experience like others but after a while i managed to mellow out on it and its making me feel better!
related to that i would be careful about the resources you seek out bc from my experience seeking out resources has been a very 50/50, some tips and advice is great! while others are just why would you follow that. use your critical mind and see what suits you and what helps you.
this is more a personal opinion but i feel like the whole "choosing your kintype" debacle doesnt have a correct and concrete answer. to me if you were to just choose whatever kintype you want it may not actually be the kintype you feel like you are. i would absolutely choose to be a wolverine if i could! but it just doesnt align with my kintype and i cant force it as my kintype even if i tried. i would say that you can "try out" kintypes to see if it fits, its all about experimenting after all. its just that for most, its not as easy as pick and choose. its mainly bc your freely chosen kintype may just not be who you are, if you wanna choose a kintype either way, the community has adopted the term "copinglink" for such. for most alterhumans they did not choose their kintype. again its about trial and error
overall its going to be a lot of trial and error to figure stuff out. it took me 2 years to finally land on my proper kintypes! you may find kintypes and you may drop them. you may find yourself to not be otherkin after all! if you want more personal tips and questions you can message me here or on discord! (but i prefer discord bc tumblrs dm system is kinda cramped and buggy).
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histrionicfit · 6 months
piece of advice for those <15 looking into if they have a personality disorder: stop doing it.
now that that got everyone's attention, let me elaborate. if you're experiencing mental health issues, that is 100% valid and i believe you. but personality disorders are very serious, and do not fully manifest until young adulthood. they're also typically only dxed in those 18+, unless a professional deems the symptoms severe enough to give an early diagnosis.
does this mean you definitely don't have a personality disorder? no! it means you should wait before you start jumping to labels which might not apply in a couple years. fun fact: your brain isn't fully developed until 25 years old*. that's why patients are observed in adulthood before given a pd diagnosis.
anecdotal example: my mom had been diagnosed with bpd as a young teenager, but by the time she reached adulthood, the diagnosis didn't fit at all. that's because she was given a diagnosis that was more accurately explained by environmental and developmental factors.
so what should you do then? don't try to hunt down a label for your symptoms. just make a list of them. determine how badly each effects you. think about what experiences could have led to those symptoms. look for coping mechanisms for those symptoms. if you can, seek out a mental health professional. generally, talk to an adult in your life you feel comfortable sharing with.
final disclaimers: i don't think you need to be over 18 to have a personality disorder, im 17 and have a personality disorder (not self dxed). ive also had symptoms for as long as i can remember, but they never got better with age, they've increasingly gotten worse. this could also depend on the type of personality disorder, i largely had cluster b in mind when creating this post as that's the cluster i frequently see tweens and young teens self diagnosing with.
*have been made aware this fact isn't true, but i don't really know how to omit/replace it. basically my point was your brain is extremely mushy as a teenager and your brain's development may be very different once you're an adult
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devil-doms · 1 year
Forbidden (Satan)
CW: GN!MC, Maid/Butler!MC
You decided to help out Satan. You walk to his room and knock lightly on his door, before entering, "Hello Satan, it's MC...I was just checking around, do you need help with anything?”
“Actually, I’m looking for a specific book, would you like to accompany me?” He asks, putting on his jacket.
You nod. You both make your way to the library. It was quite late, the air was cool, you were surprised that the library would still be open at this hour.
Satan opened the door for you and follows you inside, “The book Im looking for is called Thousands of Ways to Prank with the Most Annoyance.”
“Attempting to prank Master Lucifer again?”
Satan avoids the question, motioning for you to follow him, “I like coming to the library at this hour, there’s almost no one here. The book should be somewhere in this section. I’ll check a few rows down.”
You watch him turn around and disappear into the rows of books. You then begin your own search for the book. Occasionally Satan would walk past your row to check in on you.
“Any luck?” He places his hands on your hips and whispers in your ear.
“No, Sir.” You turn to look at him, your faces barely an inch apart.
“A shame, I’ll check in on you again…” His hands linger on your hips until he walks away.
You face feels warm and you try to keep yourself from smiling. You skim through the books, shelf after shelf, looking but your mind was now a little fogged up, so you weren’t paying
“Find it?” Satan asks, coming around the corner.
“No, sir, my apologies.”
“It’s no problem. I didn’t have any luck anyways. It may have been rented already.” Satan sits on the floor behind you.
“That is true. I wish I was able to be of help for you.” You now join him on the floor, sitting across from him.
“What all are you able to do for Lucifer?”
"Oh…well i can do anything he orders me to-" You start saying.
"Except have sex with him? Yeah? Sexual relations between master and butler/maid are forbidden." Satan says, “Lucifer made sure we knew that.”
"Y-yes…relations are rather frowned upon." You say, your face growing warm.
“He made it a rule, to make sure we didn’t have sex with our butler/maid.” Satan got closer to your face, "Can I have sex with you? Right here? Right now? Mark you up to piss off your Master?"
Your face becomes warm and you start playing with your fingers, "Depends…is this an order?" You ask.
"…Yes…" Satan says.
"Then yes."
Satan smiles and takes your hand, leading you to a hidden corner behind a bookshelf. No one could see you guys here.
He pressed the front of your body against the wall, he grabbed your hips and started to slowly grind against you. You feel his cock grow harder by the second. It was turning you on as well. You hear him undo his pants, then pull your own pants down, "Do you want to do this?"
"Yes." You whisper.
Satan slowly pushes his cock into your ass. You hold your breath, trying to be quiet. After a few seconds of him slowly entering you, he begins to fuck you. He grips your hips tight, pounding into you hard, it’s so tight that it may just bruise you.
You breathe heavily into the wall as Satan slows down to put his mouth on your shoulder. From your shoulder to your neck, Satan left a trail of hickeys. You bite your tongue holding back moans.
Satan begins to pick up pace again, you could feel your orgasm building up, "I'm…cumming!" You whisper.
"Me too…me too!"
You keep your ass pressed up against his pelvis. You feel him cum inside you, squeeze your eyes shut as you cum as well.
Satan slowly moves you to the desk on the right of you, bending you over it. He pulls your shirt up over your head and drags his nails across your back, leaving the marks.
You clench and tighten yourself around Satans cock. He covers his mouth, trying not to moan. He leans forward, biting your other shoulder and leaving a hickey. He really wanted to rub this is Lucifers face. You clench around him again from the sudden bite.
He whimpers into your ear before cumming in your ass again. He pants, "You’re the best I've ever had…" You smile in response, also trying to catch your breath. He continues, "You should help me piss off Lucifer more often…" He slowly pulls his cock out, and you gasp at the sensation.
You make yourself back up to the standing position. You legs a little wobbly. You try to fix yourself up the best you can, Master really isn’t going to like this. Satan picks a random book off the shelf, "Hey…I found the book.”
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badchoicesworld · 9 months
Okay could. I order a fic with The Spot who met the Reader via LITERALLY FALLING INTO THEIR HOUSE. Entered their universe and fell directly into the livingroom. Thing that sets this universe apart? It's a universe where people have wings! Reader is based on a cockatiel, grey wings with a white patch! Either first time meeting or maybe reader asks him to help preen their wings? Gender neutral!! Tysm I love being specific grgrgrgrrggr <333
the spot falls into winged readers home !
RAGAHAGSGAHAGGRRAGR GRGGRRAGAGRG i’m foaming at the mouth *leans on expensive car* heyyyy 🤭 I FUCKING LOVE WINGS GRGAGRGAHRA ok rq, im an artist and also just obsessed with wings and i curse god everyday that we didn’t evolve with them, i instil the fear of god into people when i explain accurate anatomy if people had wings and actually could fly cause there are characteristics you need like hollow bones and all the muscles that go into functioning arms- you’ve unleashed something powerful, okami
please . talk to me about this . if you would like to . *poses in front of expensive house*
warnings: none, i may rant throughout about wings im sorry
pairing: the spot x gn!reader
requests: refer to the masterlist
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★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
imagine ur surprise when a black hole suddenly opened up in your house and a guy fell through it ! how strange !
your wings fiercely tense up in an intimidating way while you watch the strange figure fumble to stand up, despite being on solid ground it looks like he has sea legs
“Oh- oh god, I am *so* sorry,” he’s baffled himself, as he puts it: “i’m still getting used to my holes”
aren’t we all 😪
it’s takes him a little while to notice all the subtle differences in your home to the typical house in his dimension; the way that doors are taller and there’s a lot more accommodation to winged individuals, which he then noticed you are
you see that weird hole in his face narrow as he studies you from a distance, like a true scientist
i think he’d be really interested in your wings at first, from a scientific view
asking you all sorts of questions while slowly backing out of the room “I like your wings, by the way! they’re very.. anatomically correct”
he’s clearly intrigued, but also trespassing and he truly didn’t mean to
depending on your own response depends on his urgency
“Wow! that’s great- is everyone here like that or is it some kind of mutation? It doesn’t matter, let me get out of your wings- hair!” the whole time he’s doing all of these wild gestures with his hands while his long ass legs carry him towards the exit, his joints stiff while he attempts to evade a confrontation
“They’re very beautiful,” is the last off handed thing he says before pulling your door open to leave your house
now, if society is accommodated to a civilisation of people with wings, there may very well be a very large drop from you home that most people can easily pass over with wings
but spot doesn’t have those
cue him almost plummeting to his death ? but a hole opens up and it open right back into your home, resulting in spot falling into your living space once again
“Oh, would you look at that! trespassing, again!” he curls in on himself in a very pathetic way before getting up again (ily spot)
you’ve just kinda tolerated his presence while all this goes down
but i don’t think you guys are new to the whole stranger danger thing, so you don’t befriend spot immediately
but imagine this becomes a stupidly common occurrence throughout the weeks
every once in a while, he drops by and each time you get a little more tolerant of him, he’s a little funny and also silly
you eventually get on name basis, and you can see he’s getting better at controlling his holes
sometimes he literally just drops through one hole and falls straight through the other, it’s a very short exchange
“hi y/n” and he’s gone
but say it’s ever gotten to the stage where you guys are actually equated, he may one day fall into your home while you’re struggling to preen your own wings
an honest struggle, not a chance i could stretch far enough w my bones popping at minor movement
he’s even started to land on his feet sometimes, and he’s very proud of himself
“ta-da!” he lands, arms outstretched while he still stumbled a little
“oh, are you preening?” most genuinely interested and curious tone ever
he approaches like a fucking rat, a little hunched over with his arms mimicking a t-rex
you can decide how significant your wings are, if they’re a big part of ur culture and ur a bit reluctant to let spot touch them
which i honestly think he’ll respect
“oh, nono! it’s okay,” will keep his distance but now is stood a little awkwardly
but if you’re chill with him touching your wings, man’s thrilled
might whisper something silly like “oo, science!” as he approaches with an outstretched hand
and hey, if you go the extra step further and let him preen you, go ahead
does he know what he’s doing ? no, and he’s confident he’ll fuck it up somehow
please show him and/or give him instruction that include when to breath and blink please
admittedly is staring more at how your wings connect to your back more than anything else, he’s very intrigued in your anatomy
would never say that out loud, dear god
but once you’ve given him instructions, he’s on that shit pretty attentively
he’s a scientist, he’ll figure it out
it’s a sight and a half though, it looks like monkeys grooming each other lmao
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
i genuinely think of a reality all of the time where society had wings and relied on that for travel instead of cars n shit- would we need a licence to fly out in public like dbz ? would the type of wings you have be native to the birds from the place you were born, are the genes recessive from your parents n shit- how disability would be handled and how things would be accessible to people who can’t fly im going insane
i shit you not my spidersona has a few concepts, he’s a character i’ve had for a little while from an mnm campaign- he’s a mutant that has accurate bird mutations so tail feathers and wings and i thought it might have been too cliche for me to like say “he’s spiderman in a dimension where society evolved to have wings!” and it felt mary sue and i was afraid so i took his beautiful wings away hem hem whimper
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k, m, n, t for pd and/or suck!!! >:33333
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
-> you know i gotta say wiwi. i have to. that character was Made For Me i swear to GOD . genuinely i cannot think about prime defenders season 2 episode 39 without feeling physically sick bc i love it so much. its the only one i havent relistened to since i heard it the first time. i KNOW its gonna make me cry again so i genuienly have not touched it even though theres things in there i need to hear again for character research. his arc is so like. narratively satisfying in a way that hits me so fucking deep to my core in an extremely personal way. and like. there were definitely some Decisions that i was REALLY ANNOYING about hating when they were brought up because im used to media with bad storytelling/creators that do not care about their characters but. looking back on it i would not change a single thing about it. i love you wiwi so much.
-> FOR SUCK.... its not over yet. so i cannot definitively say. campaign finale comes out tomorrow so my answer may change depending on that but for right now i think i gotta say arthur. i joke a lot about hating arthur for no real reason in particular but. man his story is just REALLY good. not going 2 give you suck spoilers (hehe) but i also really like how shilo has grown through the campaign. hes my little guy :]
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
-> TIDE. TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TIDE TIDE TIDE I LOVE TIDE SO MUCH. thats my dad thats my best friend i love tide so much dude. every time he is mentioned or on screen i am just like :D HI TIDE I LOVE YOU TIDE
-> grefgore :] light of my life this is how i feel anytime i think about grefgore
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N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
-> CHARACTER STUDIES. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. I LIKE A GOOD SHIPPING FIC AS MUCH AS THE NEXT GUY BUT PLEASE GOD WRITE THEM IN CHARACTER. EXPLORE THEIR THOUGHTS AND EMOTIONS AND WHY THEY MAKE CERTAIN DECISIONS THE WAY THEY DO. this doesnt even go for just pd and suck this is like. true for every single fandom ive ever fucking been in. do you know how hard it is to find character studies in the danny phantom tag on ao3. nobody has even fucking watched the show how are they going to write character studies they just want (<< i cannot legally finish this sentence without getting in so much trouble) I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING MY FUCKING SELF AROUND HERE. ALL I EVER WRITE ARE CHARACTER STUDIES BC THATS THE WAY I THINK ABOUT CHARACTERS. I LOVE THEIR MOTIVATIONS I LOVE TO GET INSIDE THEIR BRAINS LIKE A LITTLE PARASITE AND IT IS ALWAYS SURPRISING TO ME WHEN OTHER PEOPLE DO NOT THINK LIKE THIS. (edit im just now reading through this and realized the question says three things. i did not process that. my three things are all more character studies please)
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
-> oh dude i have so many hmmmmmmm how to choose just one. i have a LOT of feelings about wiwis original death and i might write something about that when i can get over my shrimp emotions about him. dakota cole audhd truther but that ones pretty much canon anyway so i dont think it counts. vyncent and his relationship with growing up in fantasy world and then being thrown into prime and how he adjusted to that. I think he really lies shitty syfy channel type horror movies that are so stupidly bad. and also plays a lot of video games but again i think thats mostly canon already. i think tide listens to dad rock but also like. ocean man by ween. you already know about my william and ashe being each others emotional support at concerts. i think william and ashe should hang out and do emo kid things more. i also have a lot of feelings about ashe and coping with the crippling loneliness of basically growing up alone and how the pd becoming like INSTANT best friends was so much for him in sooo many ways. you already know how i feel about mark i am in the middle of dissecting him like im in a high school biology class as we speak. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i know im gonna think of something really good after i hit the post button so stay tuned
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xiphiaarts · 11 days
Okay, so i've got the fic brewing in my brain. Definitely want it to be Papyrus centric, but I'm considering maybe adding in a love bug Sans as well. Whether Sans is infected or not, I like to imagine that they would have a sibling bond (happy sibling relationship go brrr). That does the raise the question, if both ends of a soul bond are infected, what happens?
OhmygoodnessSSS listen I am not normal about any papyrus (or any sans so either way I'd be insane/POS)
OKAY OKAY SO IM GOING TO GIVE TWO EXAMPLES OF THIS, a romantic affection one based around my selfshipping and a platonic one based around Sans and papy
Two infecteds together in romantic aspect is the perfect and the worst possible couple you can imagine. A lovebugg can't infect a pat (what I call my sona) but pats have their own virus called LuvSick, a relationship between LuvSick and their pat is more controlling than the symbiotic relationship between a skeleton and their lovebugg parasite.
That being said, it makes a pat as obsessive, violent and possessive of whoever they're bonded to, and should they be bonded to an infected skeleton the two (or three in the poly aus) if them will be on top of eachother constantly. They're dependant on eachother for sustenance and are fine living their lives attached at the waists, though they have a tendency to shut down or freakout if their bonded is not around. The relationship is full of the reassurance and affection that both parasite and virus need to survive, but also may result in social isolation or the possible deaths of people around them. They're feeding off of eachother, consistently, to the point where they become more addicted to it than usual and would rather sit in a dark room with eachother than do any thing else. This is also true for parasite infected x parasite infected relationships, say, if you were a sansxsans/papxpap shipper
Now a sibling bond if two infected's is different, and it's likely that one sibling infected the other. Papyri are also alot more susceptible to infection because the parasites that latch onto their souls have more 'bugs' than they're able to give out, so in a house full of papyri they'd all get sick at a much faster rate. (This is because I hc papyrus as just a general power house with more magic than the average monster, so this also translates to his parasite)
A sibling bond would relate to them having a similar relationship to that of a sort of 'hive', they don't even have to look at eachother for their prime directive to be the same and they work together to achieve goals flawlessly, they feed off of each other's bond so they make sure to keep eachother alive and functioning properly, and are quick to ward off threats to their family member. Papyrus would be the hives mobility; carrying sans around, walking/driving places etc, and sans would be the meerkat/turret scouting out danger and destroying it accordingly. Sans Still makes his bad puns that papyrus pretend gets on his nerves, and papyrus still chastises his brother for his laziness at times, but they're basically psychically linked and cling to eachother when their romantic bonded's are non existent or not around. Keeping sick!siblings together is also a way to keep the skeletons off of a romantic bonded's back, but it may backfire and they may both hunt you down to smother you in their joined affections
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I don't know if this one is hard enough, but... For both twins, if there was no other option... would they ever betray each other? How far would they be willing to act against the other's interests?
ohhh this is horrible..... ohh tyy so much! really putting them under the microscope for real... 10/10 for both of them they do not like this question.
[sorry it took so long bit cecio wouldn't stop talking and then celia wouldn't talk] warning in celias section for the death of the narrator
[i answer triangle questions on the premise of the characters have to answer truthfully & i often use a veiwer stand ['you'] in as a narrator and so i played with that in celias section]
"Would I betray Celia?" Hes shaking already, fists clenched, at one small question- so unlike his usual collected self.
"Betray my only blood left, betray my older sister who raised me into the man i am now-" His anger reaches its peak, handsome face warped with ugly wrath. Then something breaks, his voice going quiet "-for better or worse?"
Silver eyes turn away from you, internal conflict written all over his face. if you had to chose you think you would say the winning emotion is shame, but before you can justify that choice, his face is wiped blank of emotion, returning to a plain stony mask, but this time there is no false humor or kindness in those silver eyes, and in the moment the blue sheened silver seem more like steel.
"i would never betray my sister, sell her out for my own gain. i may be a selfish monster and unashamed of it, but i will never tear down my family for coin or reputation, and if i was forced to, my dear sister would be last on that list. To betray my sister would be to betray myself, because her interests are my best interests."
his overly careful intonations seem to betray his true emotions, but it is not anger that threatens to overwhelm him, not anymore. eyes squeezed shut, he massages his temples with his fingers and as the fight leaves his body he sighs in defeat
"If there was no other option? if i had to chose? then it would depend on who im betraying her for. if i had to chose between Celia and the rest of our family- well, its what she would want me to do. we need Celia, but shes stuck in so many ways, and she knows it. the right answer is that if i had no other choice i would betray her in exchange for the safety of the rest of us, sacrifice Celia for Ramettos future, god knows the rest of us don't have a chance to change either."
"but that's the right option, the one she would want me to take, even as she hates me for having to be the one who makes that decision." hes leaning back in his chair, and you could swear he starts smiling as he continues talking, "for all my work is separated from my sisters i don't think i could every be forced into an ultimatum without her knowing- hell i don't think i can do much of anything without her knowing- and im sure whatever i do against her orders is allowed by her as she knows i wouldn't do so without my own reasons."
"that all is to say, i would never be in the position where i am forced to betray her because she would rather betray herself than put me in that position."
he grows quiet again, what little pride he could take in his sisters likely actions falling into melancholy.
"what am i do do but as my sister, my leader wishes, what she says is best for me?"
he looks to the side, eyes avoiding your gaze, eyelashes fluttering closed.
"I would betray her and hate myself for the rest of my life- and with that betrayal, that choice, i would understand my sister in a way i never would have be able to if i did not stab her in the back with the sword she gave me."
Celia stares, eyes glowing in the dim light, written on her face confusion at the question, at the audacity in questioning how far her love for her brother goes.
Gold stained lips move slowly, enunciating the word with force,
Something glimmers in her hand, a glimmer of light arcing through the air towards you. Its surprisingly painless, even as the floor slams against your body, deep bruises the least of your worries. as your vision fades you see her stand to loom over your soon to be corpse, and you can almost hear the rest of her answer-
"I would sooner betray myself."
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ystrike1 · 2 years
Never Ending Darling - by Woollee (9/10)
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A yandere mad scientist? Nice. In a modern setting? Nice. The plot makes sense and it moves quick? Nice. This one is almost too good to be true. It's brand new and I hope it keeps moving fast. This is a thriller that delivers on every level. It's psychologically and visually horrifying.
Ha-Im lives a simple life. She graduated but she can't work yet, because she has to care for her sick mom. Her mother has late stage stomach cancer. It's incurable...but then one day it isn't. A brilliant scientist named Geunhu has perfected body cloning. It's not legal to clone the brain, but everything else can be replaced. You can have a fit body. A slim body. You can pay to get your disabilities fixed. Police don't have to worry about dying as much. Most fatal wounds and diseases that don't affect the brain can be wiped away with a new copy of your own body.
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There are little hints about the madness that is coming. People are a little more violent now. Streamers cut off body parts for money on camera, because they can afford to replace those parts. A physical limit has been removed, and now humanity is changing permanently. People are meaner, more careless, and obsessed with staying young and beautiful. Nobody goes to the gym anymore. Why would you? Buying a new body is fairly easy and cheap.
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Geunhu is her boyfriend. He was a nice, quiet guy. They had a ton of fun together. Geunhu never wanted to be apart from her, even for a day. He was corny and loving. They were a really great couple, but then Ha-Im hit her head. She fell into a coma and her brain could not be saved. Geunhu backed up her memories, and he cloned her brain. Nobody can stop him. He's one of the most powerful people in the world right now. Humanity is now dependant on his technology. Doctors, cops, and politicians all love it. Geunhu can do whatever he wants.
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He wants his life with Ha-Im to be perfect. He wants her to adore him as much as he adores her. He wants perfection. He clones sakura trees for his cheesy marriage proposal. They used to go to the sakura festival every year when they were in university. It was their first date too. Ha-Im is touched, but something feels wrong. That festival was special because it happens once a year. Guenhu wants that feeling every day, but that's not how a relationship works. Every day can't be a perfect sakura festival.
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Ha-Im gets suspicious, and her instincts are correct. Guenhu is not as loving as he used to be. She keeps seeing weird messages everywhere. Messages written in her own writing. Those messages tell her the truth. She's a clone. The real Ha-Im died of brain damage a long time ago, and Guenhu is nuts. He kills her when she finds out. He kills her whenever she gets mad at him. His quest for perfection has made him an abusive monster.
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Geunhu does love her, in a twisted kind of way. There is a penthouse full of shell bodies for her. If she ever gets hurt again he has twenty back up bodies ready to go. He shows them to her. He worked tirelessly to effectively make her immortal, because he loves her so much. She's afraid. She screams and cries. Existential horror grips her. Guenhu has been cutting out certain memories. She doesn't know if she loves Guenhu anymore. Her memories don't belong to her. He controls what they are. I'm pretty sure one of the plot twists will be about the original Ha-Im. The original Ha-Im may have fallen out of love with him, but he erased those memories.
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He proposes in front of the wall of shell bodies. She says no. She tells him this is too much, and she's afraid. He's playing god. He's turned into a narcissist. He experimented on her without her consent, and he killed her before. She saw a body that looked like her in his bathtub. He can kill her and reboot her anytime. She cannot trust him, so she tries to break up with him.
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He shoots her, and he cracks. Guenhu starts complaining. Her whining ruined his awesome sakura proposal. He doesn't like her attitude. She should be happy to be loved so wholeheartedly by such a rich man. He worked so hard to become the best husband ever. If she can't see that he doesn't want this ungrateful version of her. He shoots her, and shoves her happy memories into a new shell while she is dying on the ground.
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Ha-Im has an ally. Her best friend is a cop, who is a really good person. Guenhu threatens her, but she doesn't give up. Ha-Im teams up with her, and they try to take Guenhu down. They're alone. Guenhu is universally beloved. He literally cured cancer and ended the obesity epidemic. The world wants the mad genius to keep creating more miracles for them. Nobody cares about his girlfriend. Nobody cares if he abuses her. Especially not the police commissioner.
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Ha-Im has to act like she's in love. Her life depends on it. She can't report Guenhu to the police. She has to get creative. He proposes and she accepts. She tries on a wedding dress for him, and he cracks even more. Guenhu has become a typical unbearable rich guy. When a tailor accidentally spills water on her he tries to get the woman fired. Ha-In loses her shit and calls him an unbearable narcissistic rich prick. He almost kills her right there, but she kisses him and acts dumb to stay alive. The gun in his back pocket proves that he doesn't really love her. He just wants a picture perfect marriage with his university sweetheart. Also, he wants her to be completely dependent on him. Red flag. Guenhu used to be a good boyfriend. Ha-Im feels betrayed and she wants revenge. I don't know who will win. Geunhu is a genius, but he's very stupid and unstable around Ha-Im.
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qbebou · 4 months
ok not to be like he’s just like me fr…. but chayanne is just like me fr…..
i’m also the oldest child with one younger sibling who needed a lot more care when we were kids and therefore was deprived of certain needs in favor of my brother. i also had a parent that was missing a lot and depended almost solely on my dad. obviously tallulah needs more help than chay, with her asthma and lesser fighting skills, not to mention she had only been playing minecraft for like a month? or two before wilbur found her. and chay knows that! he knows that she needs more help than he does he knows he’ll do anything for her he knows he has to be the strongest to protect her. my brother and i are only a year apart but i was forced to grow up very very quickly bc i was on my own a lot as a kid while my brother was sick. phil doesn’t worry abt chay when he runs off bc he doesn’t need to, chay can take care of himself. hell, he took care of all the eggs when they first left. but at the same time, it’s comforting to know ur parent is looking out for u even when u don’t need it. phil’s not a smothering parent, he’s attentive, but not smothering. but let’s be real he can also be emotionally constipated LMAO but that leads to situations like the argument and frustration between chay and tallulah when dapper was kidnapped. in his defense, he’s never been a parent before and had 2 children thrust upon him to raise on his own. he didn’t have a lot of time to adjust to parenthood like ppl in real life do, he suddenly had 2 children who had their own thoughts and opinions and emotional needs, he didn’t get the time it takes to LEARN abt how to provide that specific care and while some ppl have that innate knowledge there is a lot of learning and navigating when it comes to emotional vulnerability and regulation esp when it comes to children who are figuring it out as well. i feel for chay when he thinks he needs to be the strongest. i feel for chay when he had to make the decision to gather the eggs and leave. i feel for chay when he had to take blame for bad things happening. and i feel for chay when he realized tallulah doesn’t need him as much anymore. my brother and i are both adults now and we had a …… tumultuous relationship as teenagers for reasons that were both our own and caused by problems outside our control. but i still remember exactly how devastating it was the moment i realized that he was fine on his own. that he didn’t need me anymore. and it caused a rift between us; on my end bc i was frustrated and felt tossed aside and on his end bc he NEEDED to be independent to keep growing. i see so much of myself in chay and i desperately wish he and tallulah had a better mediator for their argument, or at least someone who could truly understand why they were so upset. i don’t think phil clocked that tallulah was so upset and adamant abt looking for dapper bc it was just her dapper and ramon surviving on their own. just bc phil didn’t witness it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen and it doesn’t mean that they don’t have a much tighter relationship than they had before purgatory. and when chayanne said everyone was blaming him for the decisions he made phil was quick to tell him that no one was blaming him but also phil doesn’t know that! he doesn’t know if any blame was put on chayanne when it was just the eggs together. chayanne made the decision for the eggs to run and they trusted him bc he’s the oldest and he’s strong and he can be a leader but by running he also put the eggs thru a lot of pain and fear that they may not have gone thru if they stayed with their parents. and even if the eggs didn’t explicitly say that they blamed chayanne im sure he blamed himself for every little thing that went wrong. we’ve already seen him open up a tiny bit abt how he was questioning his decision to leave. but phil told him that chay made the best decision he could have given the information he had at the time which is true! but when ur the oldest and everyone is looking to u, all of the responsibility lies on ur shoulders. chayanne has been carrying SO much weight on his shoulders for so long it breaks my heart.
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lonewolflink · 4 months
- keep asking about 2yeon
the fluffy blonde hair was. wooh boy. on one hand. little mushroom. on the other hand. hi hello hiiiii jeongyeon. fancy mv chaeyoung is SO. the fact that she pulled that outfit off amazes me daily. though i have to say i think black hair chae may be my favorite
michaeng, dahmo and 2yeon are some of the big ones, yeah! some people consider them outdated but they’re just haters. the sana…..ooooooooh im giggling i love her so so so much. heart pounding thinking abt chapter 3. if sana and jihyo interact then idk ill probably explode into a million pieces
the sketches are sketching so 🫡🫡 1-7 days depending on how busy school keeps me, probably.
also the planning documents r so funny. its very nice to see someone else be an insane planner bc i have like. room layouts and maps for my fics. i have personalities for characters who will never appear. i have the ikea furniture page open so i can make sure that the furniture im describing matches the realistic budget they would have. it never ends and that is why it takes me 5000 years to write anything, so i think its deeply impressive that you’ve got actual things happening!!! like wow!!!! the hyperfixation note is also so true, sometimes they really just. grab you by the throat and go “Now. The Thing. You Must.”
-wsc’s #1 fan (official title) hambbyong
(sidenote, i genuinely thought ddeongies and snowddeong were the same person for like. the entire time ive been in the itzy fandom. just now realized they weren’t. crazy.)
ok first of all i have to say thank you again for your chaeryeong wsc art i literally can't stop looking at it and i'm obsessed with it i love it sm
(do keep asking about 2yeon, i'll do it eventually. i've possibly even already committed to it emotionally...)
fluffy blonde jeongyeon bro i. god. we're not getting into chae bc i don't think i can handle it emotionally so we're just gonna end this topic with these photos
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i think you will enjoy all the twice moments i have planned for wsc...every member is going to get some real screen time and pretty awesome moments on and off the ice :)
(one of my personal favorites is a small but awesome dahyun moment that comes during act 2, it's not like super plot heavy or anything but i love it so much because of how it marries something very particular to actual dahyun with something incredibly niche even within hockey that i personally love)
"i genuinely thought ddeongies and snowddeong were the same person for like. the entire time ive been in the itzy fandom" i love this so much and will leave it here for them to take joy in themselves ahahaha
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