#imagine how he must have felt while saying those things to her
More Knock Knock Boys Thoughts
After re-watching the first two episode, I am starting to come around with Peak sister theory from @respectthepetty.
Latte remains the best boy, I love him with all my heart, he is stupid in the best way possible.
Thanawa and Peak are already very cute and well on their way to be in love. Their montage was very cute and it def made me hungry.
Almond is not as innocent as the boys think he is, that boy must have read/watched his fair share of porn to be able to accurately imagine all those toys in his head. I like that just because he is a virgin and a bit spoiled they aren't making him totally innocent.
This is just me, but the thing with them having to leave their belongings in the onsen and go home like that while funny felt a bit unrealistic, at least I hope it's unrealistic.
The boys are already so comfortable with each other physically, I love that. There is such a natural friendship between already. Some BLs present us with friends and it's not very believable. But this one managed to already make strangers feel closer and comfortable with each other.
So far I like the show approch to the shipper character, I have seen people comparning her to Zo from Why R U and I have to say so far, I like this more, it feels a little less invasive like Zo came across. Her friendship with Latte is very cute.
I am very curious about that they will do with all the characters, and when the stuff from their past is going to come back around creating chaos.
I loved seeing the scene with the sex shop, toys getting mention. If Latte does make good on what he said and takes Almond there one time on screen that would be amazing. It also made me a bit hopeful that this show will at least hint at lube being used during sex.
I really like this show. How love how their writing their characters, the set ups feel very well handled, and the dynamic are super interesting. I like the fact that there is a good balance between Adults and Uni students.
@callipigio <3
I'm happy more people are watching this show. It 's great.
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toobusybeingdelulu · 3 months
forever thinking about the single tear when vecna forced him to say “you have sometimes wished to follow me”
The tear has always been a way for Dacre to show that, even during the possession, Billy was still there somewhere. Now… if the theory according to which Billy and Max’s souls are trapped inside vecna’s mind together is true, it means that Billy couldn’t think about Max wanting to die because of him and his sacrifice without crying, even while being under vecna’s control.
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galedekarios · 5 months
gale & curing the orb - early access
writing my current series of cut content from early access made me think a lot, especially about how curing gale of the orb might have originally worked out if larian had kept to what had been set up in early access. it's no secret that a lot of things were changed or cut entirely, big and small, like for instance halsin's involvement with ketheric's fall, isobel and the shadow curse.
gale's condition, too, seemed different then.
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what exactly was different in early access?
while only a few body models were unique in early access, gale's key art showed his left arm in bandages.
in early access, auntie ethel had vicious mockery lines, which hinted what might be beneath those bandages:
Auntie Ethel: I can smell what's under those bandages, wizard. You're all rot and ruin. Come to greet death early? You'll be a lovely spectacle.
we also had information from gale directly as to what happened to karsus in the aftermath of casting his spell:
Player: I was wondering about that “mighty lord” you told me about in your story. Gale: Ah, yes. Karsus Karsus was perhaps the most powerful wizard that ever lived. The child-who-would-be-a-god, the elves called him. And he tried. With a spell of his own devising he endeavoured to usurp in one fell swoop the power of the goddess of magic.  Mystryl, she was called then. Imagine what it must have felt like. To be a god. To know yourself to be untouchable. To be mistaken. As Karsus aimed his spell at her she began to unravel, and with her, the entire Weave. Too late did he realize what he had unleashed. It would have been the end of everything had not Mystryl sacrificed herself.  Gale: The goddess of magic is all magic. By dying, the entire weave was lost, and the spell that challenged a god failed. It was the end of Mystryl, the end of Karsus, and the end of an entire civilization. As the child-who-would-be-a-god was turned to stone, his empire came crashing down around him. The floating cities of Netheril were no more. An event that came to be known as Karsus’ folly.
which is in accordance with the lore:
Unfortunately, his choice was a terrible mistake, for one of the responsibilities of the deity of magic was to regulate the flow of magic to and from all beings, spells, and magic items in the world. Lacking the ability to do so properly, magic surged and fluctuated. With her last remaining bit of power, Mystryl sacrificed herself to block Karsus's access to the Weave, causing all magic to fail. The flying cities of Netheril plummeted to the earth. The severing of the link also killed Karsus and transformed him into stone, and the last thing he saw was his entire civilization being destroyed because of his actions. This was to be known as Karsus's Folly. The stone form of Karsus eventually landed in a part of the High Forest, now called the Dire Wood. The city of Karse was built around its base. Karsus was never accepted as a petitioner by any god, nor did he go to the Fugue Plane when he died. Instead, his soul was bound to the Material Plane. Those with experience in pact magic could call up his vestige, where he appeared as a giant blood-red boulder, like the one found in the High Forest where his petrified form landed. Blood burbles up from the top of the stone, trickling down the side facing the summoner, pooling at the base. When he spoke, the pool fountained upwards, its height varying on the volume of his voice.
the netherese orb then seemed to have a immediate visible physical effect on gale, in addition to the ones that carried to the full release version of the game.
so putting these clues together, i think it's safe to say that the orb caused gale in early access to be afflicted with some form of corrupted petrification, which makes sense given that it's a piece of magic unleashed during karsus's folly.
at that point, this corruption seemed to be affecting his left arm the most, perhaps either from opening the book containing the netherese magic with it, or trying to shield himself with it - but that's just speculation on my part.
so what did the early access set up in terms of curing gale from his affliction?
gale in early access showed a great interest in the astral plane, especially in the absence of time there. he has several banters with lae'zel, which are still in the game now and showing his vested interest in the astral plane as well as any knowledge or insight lae'zel might offer on it:
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Gale asks Lae'zel about the Astral Plane. Has she been there? Gale: Tell me, Lae'zel, what is it like on the Astral Plane? Your home realm intrigues me. Lae'zel: Githyanki lay their eggs on other planes. They cannot mature in the Astral. Lae'zel: I will only be welcomed once I obtain a mind flayer's head.
lae'zel notices gale's interest and initiates a banter of her own:
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Lae'zel asks Gale what his interest is in the Astral plane, and he equivocates Lae'zel: Tell me, Gale: what is your interest in the Astral Plane? Gale: Time. Or rather: the absence of it. In the Astral Plane, everything is eternal. Lae'zel: It will be my home soon enough, should Vlaakith will it.
in addition to these banters, which clearly show gale's interest in the astral plane - which now in the full release seems merely academic - hinted at another solution to ridding himself of the orb.
what points to that quite conclusively is gale's dialogue when he reveals the truth about the orb to the protagonist.
this reveal differs quite significantly from the full release version. most notably, the protagonist was able to ask him about his own ideas for a what might be able to cure him from the orb.
gale had something very interesting to say to that question:
Player: What would permanently rid you of the orb? Gale: The orb was kept safe and inert in a pocket of Astral Plane, suspended in time. If I can somehow manage to expel it from my body while in the Astral Plane, it will be rendered inert again. Alternatively, I could learn to control it’s chaotic magic, that is; to succeed where I failed before. But without Mystra’s favour, I don’t see how that may come to pass. Of course there could be different answers as well. Faerun brims with more magic than any one wizard could fathom, let alone comprehend. Who knows what outlandish solutions may yet present themselves?
so what does this all mean?
in conclusion, i believe originally there were either more ways to cure gale from the orb - or maybe even in a different manner entirely - than there are in the full release version of the game (begging mystra to remove it, ascension, or accepting/keeping the orb).
perhaps even one that would circumvent having to beg mystra for forgiveness entirely, without gale having to sacrifice his mortality to do so.
i think these banters and lines of dialogue show that the astral plane, which would have rendered the orb inert and stopped the corrupted petrification of his body, would have played a bigger role in gale's quest.
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thatsmybook · 3 months
Just rewatching the documentary and just before 4 mins in, Lisa is explaining to Omar her thought process for what will be the main dilemma/ crux of the show, and it made me realise what exactly Simon was saying when he broke up with Wille at the end of Episode 5. He was saying: I've seen what the monarchy does to you and how it hurts you, I've experienced it myself, so I have additional empathy for how that must feel for you. Also, I, too, am being hurt by it (see all of season 3 when he's not smiling with Wille). I thought I could try it out for your sake to see if I could handle it because you're worth it.
But after spending the birthday day with Prince Wilhelm and the Royal Court, he sees that it will continue to hurt both of them, and there will be no respite, things will only get worse. He has seen Wille get worse right in front of him on that day. It is poisoning Wille, and he is becoming someone he doesn't recognise. Simon decides that he does not want that to happen to either of them. The only thing he can do is leave the system so it can stop hurting him. Unfortunately, because Wille is entwined with Prince Wilhelm, it means he has to leave Wille too.
To me, by staying with Wille, Simon is condoning bad behaviour or the status quo by just going along with everything the Royal Court says while they both slowly deteriorate. So though he leaves Wille to save himself, he is also saving Wille because he is showing Wille that this is not alright, boundaries have to be put in place somewhere and Wille needs to start setting some boundaries for himself too. If Wille thought that Simon would stick around to support him and occasionally be someone he could lash out to, then he may not have felt the need to save himself from the monarchy. Because Simon is around to hold him up.
So for King Wilhelm truthers, Simon is required to know his place as an aid to the King, whilst suppressing his own pain and never putting pressure on the King by asking for help with his own issues. There is never a time when they would be equal in their relationship, even in private, because everything about Simon's values, ambitions, and passions would have to be deleted. King Wilhelm's needs would come first. This is what class does. It sets up hierarchies of certain humans' needs being more important than others and even that certain humans are superior/supreme to others. Therefore, to function, it needs lackeys who know their place to serve those on top. Hillerska, as an institution, is a mirror of Simon's relationship as a partner for the next king. Hillerska being closed is the equivalent of Lisa abolishing the monarchy. (By the way, there's a real-life incident of the 16 year old Prince of Denmark having to be removed from his elite school when issues of sexual abuse and other scandals came to light. This happened in 2022).
On a side note, this made me think about the Duke's role as consort and imagine that that would be Simon's role to model himself on. If we want Wille to remain as a Crown Prince and have his boyfriend, do we want Simon to become as bland and ineffective as the Duke is, where all of his focus is solely on the Queen's needs. Smoothing over any rough patches with innane conversation and totally neglecting and not 'seeing' his child. Simon deserves to be himself, as does Wille.
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princesachicana · 10 months
𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 pt.2
a/n: it's finally here!! how long has it been?! first things first i want to say thank you to everyone who's been rooting for this fic!! I honestly hit a huge writers block and had no motivation to write!! but all the sweet messages from people saying they enjoyed my work has made me so happy!!! SO ONCE AGAIN THANK U AND I HOPE U ENJOY!! I tried my EXTRA HARDEST SO I HOPE THIS GIVES U THE CLOSURE YALL WANTED I LOVE YOU SM! ALSO THIS IS NOT PROOF READ SO PLEASE EXCUSE ANY MISTAKES!! I JUST WANTED TO FINALLY POST FOR U GUYS!!
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It took a lot out of you not to stay in bed the next morning. The softness of your bed wrapped around your body gives you some sort of comfort. But of course, staying in bed would only make you feel worse. At least if you got up it would be easier to fake happiness. To no surprise, your phone was flooded with missed calls and texts from both Steven and Belly. Of course, you only responded to belly telling her that you'll explain your reasoning for ditching your "date" with Steven later.
Why did Steven even bother leaving you so many texts last night? If you were such a bother to him? Annoying. That's what he thinks you are. And what if you never heard those disgusting things he said about you? and went on the date with him? Would he just continue to lead you on?
Steven: waiting for you by the pool.
Steven: ur late
Steven: u look pretty even though i can't even see you. pls im starving
Steven: is belly holding you hostage?
Steven: it's been 18 minutes cmon.
Steven: the guys are going to laugh at me for being stood up I'm getting nervous.
Steven: did something happen are you okay?
Steven: belly is worried as well lmk.
You laughed at the messages blinking back angry tears that threatened to fall. Gosh! he was so fake. You could only imagine how relieved he must have been to not hang out with you.
Belly: have funnnn
Belly: no funny business!!
Belly: wait where did you go?!
Belly: Steven keeps pacing back and forth waiting for u
Belly: what’s going on?
Belly: just let us know ur okay
Belly: y/n ??!?!??
Y/n: hey, something came up last night sorry I had you worried. can u come over?
Belly arrived 20 minutes later. You spent the time together watching reruns of your favorite Disney show. “Do you want to talk about it?” Belly asked after a while, noticing something was bothering you.
“I overheard the guys talking about me last night.” You fiddled with the throw blanket that was on your lap. “At first it was just them teasing Steven about our date or whatever.” You took a deep breath upset that you felt like crying. “But Steven only agreed to hang out with me…” You paused blinking back tears. Belly moved closer immediately pulling you into a hug. “He only agreed to hang out with me…so I could stop annoying him! I honestly don’t know what I did wrong?” You pulled away from belly’s arms wiping your tears that had fallen.
“Maybe I was too forward? but I just wanted to see if he felt the same way…it was dumb.” You shrugged. Belly shook her head “Nope my brother is a fucking idiot!” she stood up taking your hand in hers and pulling you up. “I won’t let you mope around all day because of him!” You sighed “I don’t even have a choice do I?” Belly laughed shaking her head. “What do you say we go to the boardwalk? Taylor’s coming in today too” she smirked.
“And maybe someone would be happy to see you I don’t know” she whispered with a grin. “What are you talking about?” You questioned. “Well you know Xavier..the one that works the lemonade stand?” You nodded your head yes. “Well, he totally has the hots for you.” You cringed at her word choice. “He does not!” You laughed. “Oh, he does! you were too busy ogling my brother last summer you didn’t notice him ogling you.” she poked your side teasingly.
“Now let’s go!”
“Stay still before I poke your eye out” Taylor groans finishing up your eyeliner. You were now at the Fisher’s beach house getting ready to go down to the boardwalk. You laugh pulling away “I think that’s enough…if you make my eyeliner any thicker I’d cry!” Taylor playfully pushes your head away. “Sorryyyyy i want to make Xavier fall to his knees when he sees you!” You frown when she brings that name up. Sure, Xavier was a nice guy…and he was cute…but he wasn’t Steven.
You’d always imagined Steven being your first everything. First kiss, first date, first time. It was something you’d dreamt of all this time.
“Yeah…im going to get a snack before we head out do y’all want anything?” You ask heading towards the door. Both girls gave you a sympathetic smile shaking their heads no.
As you reached the kitchen you stopped in your tracks. Steven turned from looking into the fridge. You made eye contact for about 5 seconds before you beelined for the cabinets. “Hey,” Steven broke the silence as you pulled out a granola bar. You felt the warmth of his stare and turned finding him now leaning against the counter. “Hey…” you whispered looking anywhere but his face. “So you gonna tell me what happened last night?” Steven crossed his arms around his chest.
“Just didn’t feel up for it anymore ..” You shrugged nonchalantly. “That’s it?” Steven scoffed. “Yeah…that’s it” you whispered about to walk away. “What’s going on? I’m like so confused right now.” Steven gently gripped your arm. “Nothing just forget it…it’s not like you wanted to go anyways.” you rolled your eyes. “And what makes you think that?” He muttered eyes scouring your face for the truth. “Um, I don’t know let’s see …you quite literally ignored me this entire week!” You responded sarcastically.
“I didn’t mean to. I had a lot of shit on my mind alright?” Steven uttered softly. It almost felt genuine. The words he spoke just last night almost became liquid. “Yeah like what?” You whispered eventually looking into his eyes. “You can tell me..” You spoke gently stepping into him closer. No matter how much he’s hurt you. Steven would always make you melt. “Nothing let’s just forget about it…he pulled away opening up the fridge once again.”
It was like a switch was flipped. How he went right back to that cold shoulder he had been giving you all week. “You're a fucking asshole” You spewed, already ready to walk out of the kitchen. “Where are you going?” He abruptly spoke again. “The boardwalk…you know? so I won’t annoy you here.” With that, you left a confused and remorseful Steven behind.
“Hey, look y/n why don’t you go get a lemonade?” Belly suggested with an eyebrow raise. Shit. you were hoping they forgot about that. “Guys I don’t feel up for this..” You pouted looking between both Taylor and Belly. “Noooo go talk to him! you look hot as fuck.” Taylor gently grabbed your face giving you a mini pep talk.
“What if Xavier wants to hang out..I cant just ditch you guys?!?” You were stalling and they knew it. “We’ll be here waiting for you” Belly smiled. “Just try to have fun alright? But hey if you don’t really want to do it …we’ll back off” She narrowed her eyes at Taylor. “No…I’ll go” You laughed giving both of them a hug “Thank you guys.i really appreciate this.” You’d definitely still be moping around in your room about Steven if it wasn’t for Belly and Taylor. They both wished you luck as you headed straight for the lemonade stand.
As soon as he spotted you. The biggest smile spread across his face. “y/n? damn, it’s been so long” Xavier greeted you with a hug. “It’s only been a year!” You playfully ruffled his curly hair that sat atop his head. “That’s way too long…I enjoy seeing pretty girls year-round.” He spoke smoothly, he definitely knew how to talk to girls. “Shut up” You laughed pushing him away with not that much force.
“I have an hour lunch break…you up for arcade games?”
“So…you seeing anyone?” Xavier asked as he ate a scoop of his mint chocolate chip ice cream. You thought about it for a moment. Technically no you weren’t seeing anyone. But you knew you were still hung up on Steven. A day at the boardwalk with Xavier wouldn’t change that. “It’s complicated…I guess” Xavier sighed “I've been there…it’s rough” You nodded you were curious as to what he meant but you didn’t want to be nosey.
“Hey, look they have street fighter..” Xavier smirked. “Want to go a couple of rounds?” You nodded immediately pulling him towards the game. “Mhhm loser buys the winner a funnel cake!” You suggested with a chuckle. “Ouuu im so down y/n” Xavier squeezed your hand that held his quickly striding towards the arcade game.
Just two more steps, Just two more steps and you’d be fine. The rowdy yelling completely threw you off. You stopped in place looking behind you where the voices were coming from. You had no time to move out of the way, no time to prevent this from happening.No time to stop the trio of boys that you knew all too well. Suddenly a body collided with Xavier, the force immediately making your intertwined hands lose. “Dude, what the fuck?” Xavier groaned. It was then that you snapped back into reality. Eyes wide when you noticed Xavier’s ice cream now all over his shirt.
“What’s up? how are we doing?” That voice full of humor made you scoff. Steven stood tall a smile on his face. You hated that it kind of made your heart flutter. “Steven, what is your problem?” You gestured towards Xavier’s now ice cream stained shirt. “He’ll be fine y/n it’ll wash out.” Steven laughed, but once he noticed you didn’t find this funny at all he frowned. “I’m sorry man, I just came over to say what’s up..” You ignored Steven’s apology not believing he meant it. “Hey want me to help you get cleaned up?” You asked Xavier voice full of concern.
“No.I got it…I’ll see y’all later.” Xavier spoke nonchalantly as he walked away. When he was out of eyesight you brushed past steven heading out the door.
“Y/n” Steven immediately followed behind you. His long legs make it easier for him to catch up with you. “You embarrassed me” You stopped outside the arcade, letting him pull you to the side. “Embarrassed? sorry to interrupt your little date” Steven scoffed. “It's not a date we were just hanging out, why do you care?” You groaned running your hands down your face. “Maybe because just yesterday you were supposed to hang out with me?” Steven spoke definitively.
“Oh my god, just earlier you agreed to forget about it,” you said with an eye roll. “It was dumb, stop acting like you care just go home Steven I did you a favor.” He shook his head “What are you talking about right now?” Steven pulled you in closer, one of his hands placed on your waist. The other coming to the side of your face, willing you to look at him.
“I heard you.i heard everything,” you spoke up voice hoarse. Steven’s heart carried pain at the tears that stood brimming in your eyes. The realization was clear when he made the connection. “And you know..who cares what Jeremiah and Conrad think! what hurt the most was you.” You shrieked. You hated that you were crying in front of him. You hated that when he hauled you against his chest you felt secure.
“I'm sorry baby... I'm sorry” Steven sounded voice vulnerable. Leaving kisses atop your head. “Why would you say that?” you sobbed breaking down in front of the boy who caused it. “I didn't mean any of it” Steven brought your face between his hands once again. “But you said it..it still fucking hurts Steven.”
You wiped your face getting prepared to pull away and walk back home.
“Wait, please let me talk to you.” Steven begged. “okay” you replied being prepared to cry all over again. “My head has been all fucked up..and that isn't an excuse I know” Steven looked down as if he couldn't construct the next words. “Please don't shut me out.” you pleaded gently. “I want you...i have all this time.” Steve confessed for the first time.
“—And I didn't want to fuck anything up we've..been so close all our lives if I ever messed that up I would never forgive myself.” It's as if you were dreaming, the boy you loved stood in front of you disclosing his feelings for you. “And what? this whole week of you acting cold towards me, were you trying to avoid your feelings?” Steven bobbed his head “Yes, if I lied to myself it would make lying to everyone else easier because the fucking truth is I want you so bad” You didn't tell him but at that moment you forgave him.
“And you called me the annoying one?” You giggled pushing on his chest gently. “Right now we could have been making out on the beach….but noo you had to be a brooding boy” Steven tickled your side, causing you to squirm in his arms. “Yeah, my fault can I kiss you now? been practically wanting to my whole life.” Steven threw his head back fake pouting setting one hand over his chest. You figured you'd throw his words right back at him. “You're so desperately desperate”
Steven smirked “Yeah for you? I am” Those words welcomed a whole lot of beautiful feelings. At that moment is when Steven bent down bringing his lips down onto your own. As your lips moved together, butterflies erupted in your belly. You smiled against his lips when you both needed a breath. “Hey, by the way, your not off the hook.. I'm still sort of pissed at you.” You declared pointing a finger into his chest.
“Yeah, I figured” He laughed wrapping his arms even tighter around you. “How about I make it up to you this whole week? I'm taking you out on dates…ill even get on my knees if I have to. I'm going to follow you around like a puppy.” Steven rambled on. You laughed out loud covering your mouth with your hands. “Oh, it's funny?” Steven raised an eyebrow suggestively. “Yeah, you're such a loser.” You joked.
Before Steven could respond you tugged him into another kiss. Perhaps everything wasn't one hundred percent fixed. But you and Steven were finally here together. You and Steven were finally in each other's arms that's all that mattered. You’d figure out the rest together.
tags 🤍: @gillybear17 @snowsharkk @tesssastle @conradsupporterr @alyssa-cabrera @eranthisphiny @xoxoloverb @lostaurorax @lanisdreams @alexzluvz @lalaland-notfound @liltimmyst @unsaidjaelineose @buckys2thicc @lilygreennn @t8lzw @medusaslilsister @1-800-stilinski @yazmi710 @j-brielmalfoy @ashcannotwrite @colbysbrocks @exonct07 @multilover19 @mimisparkle12
@littlefreaksatellite @vintagebitc @lexi-2004 @melllinaa @xcallmetaniax @brizzlessizzler @haroldpotterson @livinginaglasspalace @delicatekidpeanut @queenanababy
@drinkawinchester @sarahbutnot @salvatoremikaelson54 @furiouscopsherduniversity @marrigold-2002 @angeliquelunasstuff @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @daphnen21 @ietss @imanaforever @itsreynasworld @she-is-a-happy-girl @joeybandthings
@kateisintrouble @stvrdustalexx @fictionisjustbetter @whezzy223
@conradssupporterr @clubmeredith13 @fatduck45 @trampstampz @fangirl-kimora
@just-let-me-fangirl-in-peace @reenfluffmarshmallow @kaz-mf-brekker
@yazmunson @bookg1rl @hockey-lover86
@just-a-pink-lady @moo-b1tch
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haitani-maki · 2 months
𝙳𝚘 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚁𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝙼𝚎?
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•Rindou Haitani mild ANGST, betrayal (by Rindou), slight mentions of alcoholic beverage (Rindou), he is a loser
•English is not my first language
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Who would have thought that of the Haitani brothers, Rindou would be the one who would betray his partner?
But what did you expect, he was always out drinking or in clubs. And he didn't keep good company...
You trusted, of course you did. He was attentive to you, he was a good listener and took time for you
He was soft with you making you feel safe.
A year of dating and you thought everything was going well while Rindou had been seeing someone else for 3 months...
Everyone knew except you. Why would anyone tell you? You were the joke of the group.
But someone was starting to get tired of it.
Once again your boyfriend spent the night out, it had been hours since you had heard from him
You thinking he must have come home drunk and gone to sleep… How innocent you are.
It was already afternoon when you received some messages, taking out your cell phone excitedly thinking it would be Rindou
It's ironic that this happens on a good day for you.
An unknown number sent photos and videos of Rindou and another person, the most recent photo being of him sleeping in the same bed as her.
She was wearing the same shirt he wore last night, the same one he had on when he went to see you before heading to the club.
A feeling of pain burns throughout your body, your world has fallen apart.
Your eyes filling with tears, you didn't want to believe it. Even though the evidence is there, how could you believe it?
Someone who was good to you wouldn't do that, would they?
You've analyzed every damn photo and every damn video, finding out what day some of those things happened.
Uncovering why he made up some excuse not to do something with you
Uncovering that right after you leave, the other one arrives and then you become the laughingstock of the people gathered there.
What an overwhelming feeling to hear those jokes and laughter.
At night you felt exhausted, your eyes burned and your throat hurt from crying, you ignored any messages or calls after that
You didn't want to see or talk to anyone, least of all Rindou.
Unfortunately, your doorbell rang once, twice, three times and you already imagined who it was. Why of all people, did it have to be him? If there was ever a time when he should be away, this would be it.
But you get up, you open the door for him and you don't say anything, he was the only one speaking
You didn't want to listen to him but you needed to put an end to this fake relationship.
He talks, asks questions but you don't answer
How can he be there in your living room, in front of you after everything he's done?
What did you really mean to him? Was everything he told you a lie?
And then you finally speak, you let out all your doubts even though you know the answer will hurt
At first he denies it and then you show him the messages
Then he blames it on the drink, but how could it be the drink's fault if they were together even when Rindou was sober?
And then he confesses, he tries to blame it on you, he tries to make you feel bad. You were nothing more than entertainment for him, you would never be like her.
He tried to blame you but it wasn't your fault, you tried to get along with his friends, you tried to get along with his brother
You tried not to smother him, you didn't want him to feel bad, you have been a good partner.
Yes, you were good, he was the one who didn't deserve you.
Rindou leaves leaving his heart torn
You collapse into tears
You find yourself in a shitty position
You hate him
Dark days and difficult months
You will gradually overcome
There was no more news from him and you really didn't want to know, you blocked him from everything and got rid of his stuff
You are finally moving forward while on the other side things are getting worse.
The person Rindou was seeing cheated on him with some of his friends, the same ones who were laughing at you
Was it worth it?
Was she everything he expected?
She broke up with him a few months after what happened between you two
Rindou was her fun.
He became the joke of his friends
He remembered you and realized the mistake he made, Rindou finally realized how he felt about you and how good you were to him
How ironic
Now he's the one who finds himself in a shitty position.
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©Reblogs are welcome, do not copy or translate
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honeydippedwaffles · 9 months
Smallest Drop - Part 4
Summary: Tav isn't sure how honest she can be with Astarion when any form of genuine emotion startles him into running away from her while he tries to figure out what more they can share beyond sex.
There will be a part 5. Astarion needs to learn to handle this new situation.
Content Warnings: She/Her Tav
Word Count: 2.5k words
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They walked on a knife’s edge. It remained clear as day to her even if Astarion held the title of least forthcoming person in the world. A minor miracle given she spent so much time of her time trying to work out what Shadowheart’s situation entailed.
But Astarion trusted her with almost nothing and she didn’t have any certainty it would change.
She accepted it. The only problem she found dogging her was she understood almost nothing about what he wanted.
His teasing was obvious; honey words with so much falsity, they could drown her if she let them. She may have accepted his offers to spend the night tangled together had it not been for his expressions. His heart wasn’t in it and so she thought that too came of lies and mere fun.
So, she turned him down with just as much laughter.
Wyll warned her about it before she realised for herself. He commented while they shared a drink and she waxed her usual poetry about Astarion’s eyes.
“You must be careful,” Wyll said. “I’ve known plenty of men like him and they hide their emotions well but it makes it no less real. He’s going to think you’re not interested in him anymore.”
“But after what happened the first time, he’s the one who didn’t have fun.”
“Doesn’t matter. In his mind, you slept together once and just became what? Flirtatious friends? Without any definition, he’s going to think you didn’t enjoy it or presume you found a replacement.”
“Oh, that’s not what the problem was and you know it.”
“I do but he doesn’t.”
She pouted over her wine.
The night had been memorable for sure: his words sweet and his technique perfect but something ripped her away from it. As good as he was, nothing felt real. He moved with practised ease, forgoing any playful teases or comments she expected and replaced them all with generic compliments about her body.
When his teeth sunk into her neck, sharp and icy as they had been the first time, she’d seen a little more of him. He slowed down, stopped overwhelming her with sensation, and just existed. But when he’d moved away and she moaned his name softly, it sent him spiralling straight back into the act again and the compliments returned to lines from a script.
But she wasn’t exactly about to go and tell him she didn’t have fun. It would be a lie either way. She just saw no reason to rush into it once more.
Not until she understood him a little better.
“Can you imagine what he’d say if I brought something like this up? The thought of it alone provides enough anxiety to keep me quiet.”
Wyll chuckled. “I’ll tell Karlach for you. I’m sure she’ll happily proclaim the situation to the entire camp and the next city over.”
She rolled her eyes and drank from her goblet. “Don’t you dare.”
Without any events like the party though, she saw no opportunity to bring the problem back up and instead just returned his flirtations in kind. It worried her but she could find it in herself to break their little game with a topic as sensitive as emotions. Those were some of Astarion’s least favourite things.
Yet Wyll’s prediction appeared doomed to fruition and late one evening after she retired to her tent, she found herself wholly unable to sleep thanks to incessant whispering.
Not from her own mind (thank the gods) but from the only other tent close enough to hear into.
“I know vampires have no need of rest,” she said after skulking over, arms crossed over her chest. “But if that infernal book doesn’t keep quiet, it will likely drive me to madness.”
Astarion’s eyes darted up to her, smiling over the top as though he had no realisation of what he’d been doing. She adored the way the torchlight flickered over his skin and humiliated herself with how quickly irritation waned under his gaze.
“My apologies,” he hummed. “I’m so close to uncovering its secrets. I couldn’t bear to put it down yet.”
Sometimes, she wondered if she made the right decision handing the book to him instead of Gale. Though the wizard may have consumed the weave within, she likely would worry a little less.
“What are you hoping to gain from reading it?”
He traced the outside cover thoughtfully. “Books like this always hold power. With how well-guarded this one is, I can’t imagine what secrets it contains.”
“Seems dangerous.”
“Aren’t we all?”
He tucked the book back into a chest in his tent and lounged backwards on his bedroll, gesturing for her to join him. She did, sitting close but not quite touching, cross-legged instead of sprawled over the ground as she did when she invited him to stargaze with her.
If she had been more awake, she’d probably worry about accidentally upsetting him in any way. His voice soothed her usually but now it only put her on edge.
The perfect smile, composed through masterful talent and designed to make her happy, graced his lips. She knew she likely fell for his falsities more often than she thought but he wouldn’t catch her now.
She sat up straighter and waited, allowing him to speak first.
Eventually he did with a dramatic gesture. “I’ve finally figured you out and I must say, you surprised me. I’m impressed.”
“Thank you?”
He laughed but she didn’t join. “Normally, I’m incredibly good at sensing when people have, shall we say, other interests, but you managed to keep it quiet for longer than I thought possible.”
“I’m not sure if it’s the sleep deprivation but I really need a better explanation.”
He sighed, put out by her naiveness perhaps. “I overheard a comment from our resident cleric and I learned why our late-night trysts have come to an end. A pity. They were the one thing I looked forward to with perpetual doom looming.”
Her blood ran cold and she sat up a little straighter. “What?”
Astarion smiled as though they were merely friends gossiping about her newest fling. “Don’t worry, I’m happy for you, you know. What we had was a great deal of fun but that’s really all it was. I think it’ll be good for you to find your footing with something a little more permanent.”
Unsure if she was still half-asleep or not, she shook her head to try and understand. “Was that all I was to you?” she asked. “Fun?”
“Oh no, not at all. I mean, you were a lot of fun, but I understand even the best entertainment can get boring when you find somebody else.”
“Who else could I be sleeping with?”
“I don’t know if it’s gone that far,” he said with a chuckle. “Wyll’s rather stuck in the past, in more ways than one. He seems the type to really hold himself to a standard for the first time.”
Wyll? She glanced towards his tent on instinct, confused by the comment. The Blade of Frontiers certainly got along brilliantly with her; they’d made fast friends between shared stories but she held as much physical attraction to him as she did towards any of the others.
Though admittedly he hadn’t offered to taste her sweat yet so that gave him a small edge over certain friends.
“Astarion,” she said, making sure she didn’t falter when he answered her with the cutest hum. “I’m not doing anything with Wyll. He’s my friend but nothing more and even if you were right… I don’t think there’s anybody I would choose over you.”
“What? Why?”
“You must be blind if you’ve missed how I look at you.”
“I mean, obviously I’ve noticed your interest. If you didn’t like me, it would say everything about your taste but we had our fun. I really don’t mind so long as I can keep all those delicious memories of the time we spent together.”
“I mind dating Wyll though?”
“Really? He’s handsome enough for a fiend, don’t you think? And he certain suits your whole hero complex.”
“Hero complex?”
Astarion rolled his eyes. “Don’t take it personally, darling. Everybody loves your whole commitment to doing good deeds and I’ve almost developed an immunity to it. Almost. Regardless, Wyll suits you awfully well. Your future could be written into the history books, legends of saving poor, innocent puppies and then, when you get bored of your domestic life… well, I’ll definitely never oppose a quick, dirty affair.”
Her mouth tasted bitter at the idea.
“Well, you can imagine your fantasy however you want but I’m not going to be sharing anything more than a bottle of wine with Wyll.”
He appeared genuinely irritated at her insistence. She’d noticed his habit of baring his fangs when something annoyed him, often wanting to gently touch them. Why did this matter so much at him?
“Oh,” he finally said. “Glad to have cleared it up. You may want to tell Shadowheart before she blurts it to the entire Sword Coast.”
Shadowheart likely said nothing of the sort. None of her companions missed the small flame she held for Astarion.
None except him, it would seem.
“Are you upset because we haven’t slept together recently?”
The question caught him off-guard but he recovered quickly, smiling a familiar coy smirk as he answered. “I do admit, I’ve been worried for your mental health. They say it’s very bad to sleep alone, you know.”
Okay, so it had been related. She’d hoped he realised by himself that she wasn’t trying to slight or disregard him.
“Is it important to you?”
His smirk faltered, incredulous and confused. “Is what important to me?”
She gestured at the space between them, trying to convey herself as clearly as she could. “Fun, or whatever you keep calling it. Is that like a super big thing for us to do?”
Maybe she could make it all about her for now. She could pretend the problem came from her side rather than admitting to the truth.
He looked incredibly bored when he answered. “Why wouldn’t it be?”
“As great as you are at everything, I don’t know, I was thinking we could share a relationship that’s a little more than just fun.”
“Unless you’re not comfortable with it.”
She had genuinely confused him and he took a few seconds to think about it, gaze drifting off and over her shoulder to something else. When he looked back at her, his expression was unreadable.
“We… we can try for more,” he said. “If you want. You know, if that’s what was keeping you from enjoying the finer things of life, you needed only to say. We could have started on this whole ‘more’ thing days ago and then you can enjoy all of me, guilt-free.”
“Strangely, I enjoy more about your company than how talented you are in other fields,” she said, sarcastic. “If all I wanted was sex, I could have ditched you lot in the first town and hired a brothel. The heavens know I have enough gold.”
He scoffed. “You wouldn’t have half of it if you didn’t have an uncanny knack for finding merchants who will buy your junk.”
“And I wouldn’t have half the junk I do if not for the rogue I drag to every chest,” she teased.
“Ah so it’s not because of my talents, it’s because you don’t know what a lockpick is.”
She would laugh if she didn’t fear he may genuinely think that to be a reason she wanted him around. He may have pushed aside their earlier conversation but the worries lingered in her mind.
She’d spent too many hours with this man to have him believe she didn’t genuinely just enjoy his personality. She’d sketched his laugh lines, listened to the way he teased their friends, dragged him closer to the group so he stopped hovering in the darkness.
“Astarion?” she said and she ran her fingers over the back of his hand so he’d look at her. “Is it really so hard to believe I drag you around to these places because I like spending time with you?”
He chuckled. “Of course not. Have you met me?”
“As long as you know.”
He tilted his head towards her, red eyes burning through her with an unreadable emotion. “It’s the type of noble thing you do. You collect all these crazy people from their situations to save them. They might not be helpful to you in the future but maybe you can be their hero.”
“Come now, nobody else would gather this little ragtag group just because we share an eye infection.”
“The only person I can think of who might’ve needed saving is Gale and I didn’t really do it because I wanted to be a hero,” she said. “And I suppose I tried to help you but you asked for assistance first and I wasn’t about to abandon some random vampire in the sun.”
“Well, you didn’t know I was a vampire then.”
She hesitated. “I really did. The eyes could have been drow parent or something but the fangs and the scar really gave you away.”
He chuckled so she hoped her words didn’t offend him. She didn’t know how he even felt about appearing so obviously like a vampire. If his appearance didn’t give him away though, she’d known the second he grabbed her and she felt the chill of death on her skin.
His lack of ability to lie when they found the boar made it even more clear.
She wanted to lace their fingers together but he’d moved his hands away, not even fully focused on her. Something in their conversation had confused him more than he cared to admit.
“You really are beautiful,” she chose to say. “I think it every day when I look at you.”
“Obviously,” he said. “Though it wouldn’t hurt for you to say it a little more. I’ve only heard those words from your mouth about four times which is nowhere near enough.”
She laughed. “Well, you are stunning. I can appreciate it even without our midnight visits.”
He sighed dramatically. “You know, with how against sex you are, I’m going to start to think you didn’t enjoy yourself at all.”
“I did but I just know you didn’t.”
He went still and she cursed herself for the thoughtless comment. She’d gotten too used to defending herself to the others by pointing it out that she spoke without intending to.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” he said. “I’ll never forget our night together. It was one of my favourites.”
Should she apologise? She wasn’t sure but before she could, he got up from his bedroll and smiled. After a moment of consideration, he pressed a light kiss to the side of her mouth awkwardly.
“Right,” he said. “I need to hunt before tomorrow. You should catch up on that rest.” And he left her alone, fingers brushing against the spot he kissed, wondering how she could fix this one.
Taglist: @cassiopeia-adaar , @yikes-buddy
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kaizdreamz · 9 months
Let the magic linger... just a moment longer. ༉‧₊˚.
Spoilers for: Fontaine, Lyney's Story quest.
please have had finished the archon quests and lyney's story quest before reading!
🕷Content warnings:: smut ; masturbation ; nsfw thoughts on lyney's part. ; possible ooc lyney. ; gn terms for the traveler [they/them] ; mild angst (lyney thinks you dont trust him) ; possible ooc lyney ; a bit of a slow burn to smut ; EVERYONE IS 18+. . . 🕷
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"I bid you both, goodnight..." Lyney says as he parts ways with you and Paimon. The flowers feel warm in your palms as you hold the stems.
"Goodnight Lyney," Paimon says, you nod your head as Lyney walks back to the Court.
Paimon and You walk towards the court too, after discussing everything that had happened, Lyney must be at his home with Lynette and Freminet by now. You glance up at the moon, it shines brightly as you think of the Magician again, recalling Charlotte's fun fact about rainbow roses; your face heats up as you push that thought to the back of your mind.
You sigh as your back rests against the mattress of the cheap hotel you booked a while back at the start of your stay in Fontaine.
"Today was surely rough... maybe tomorrow will be fun, Ooh! we could try all those new pastries at Café Lucerne." Paimon says as she rests her head on the pillow next to yours.
"yeah.. maybe," You mumble as you think of the way Lyney fell through the air, and bloomed into thousands of petals in front of everyone, how Lyney looked as he was speaking with Jemma. how easy it is for him to flick cards between his fingers.
Lyney... your eyes widen and your face blushed as it finally clicked. Were you perhaps... in love? or perhaps it was a spur of the moment.. all of this romance talk and in the city of romance and drama, it must be doing things to your head.
Lyney's laugh... his grin when you seem interested in his tricks, his tone shifts when he speaks with you...
Man.. whats up with me.. this isn't right. he. ugh.. i need air... you sit up, paimon fast asleep, you sneak out of the hotel room. pushing the heavy doors open and take a deep breath, letting the cool air of the now quiet city calm your head.
ೃ⁀➷ . . ✧.* || Lyney's POV ||
His mind raced as he finally let himself breathe, his heart pounding and his face red. he pushes his hair back as the cool water of the faucet runs over his skin. his hands trembled as he can't seem to forget your eyes, your smile, your scent... you.
He hoped you wouldnt had noticed why he gave you that Rainbow Rose... "passion and romance", isn't that what Charlotte said...
Romance.. what a peculiar thought for the magician, no one has ever seemed to warm his reserved and defensive heart until he met with you. his chest felt so warm and fuzzy, his mind longed for you, he wishes you'd trust him more... maybe after tonight's performance, you finally trusted him again... maybe.
He closes his eyes as he let his mind wonder. he imagines how it feel to hold you, his lips against your cheek, or perhaps on the back of your hand. maybe if he took you out to a fancy dinner, or perhaps a walk around the Court of Fontaine... no no, that's too cliche.
what am i thinking?? as if they would even let me take them out in a romantic sense.. perhaps if i played it off as friends instead?
images of your face flash in his mind as he washes his hair, soon enough it changes to images of your back in front of him, your hair soaking wet, your skin absorbing the water from the shower's faucet. your embarrassed expression as you let him wash your hair.
The magician still has his eyes closed, running his fingers through his own hair to rinse the shampoo out. his face flushed and his brows furrowed. he imagines what it'd feel like to kiss your exposed neck, wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. your hair slicked back and the heat from the water warming both of your bodies, his finger tips dance against your skin.
he imagines what you'd say to him, if he were to kiss your lips; catching you off guard. how cute you'd look as he holds your hand and brings your palm to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to the skin.
he wonders... would you ever look at him with such romance and yearn?
his heart skips a beat as he thinks of intimacy with you. his lips meeting yours, his hands interlaced with yours... pulling your arms above your head. putting his knee in-between your thighs your legs separating around his hips. your gentle whines and gasps as he moves his lips away from yours and kiss your chin, your neck, and nibbling your collarbone.
Lyney feels a twitch in-between his own legs, the shower's water feeling warm and pleasant against his thighs. he lets out a faint and breathy moan as his fingers touch the tip of his dick, he whines as he begins to tease himself, rubbing his fingertips against his tip. thinking of you touching him.
he opens his eyes, his violet eyes swirling with lust and need. he wraps his hand around his shaft, pumping his cock slowly. his body feels like it's on fire.
"Ah.. oh, A-Archons.." he whines slamming his palm against his mouth, his eyes flutter close as he feels pleasure wash over him as he jacks himself off.
he imagines you behind him, wrapping your hand around his shaft, kissing the shell of his ear or perhaps biting his earlobe and neck. maybe even whispering sweet things in his ear, praising him for being so good for you.
"nmmhh, aa..ah, darling.." he whines, imagining you pumping his cock faster, biting his shoulders rubbing his nipples.
A coil builds in his tummy, the warm water of the shower head hitting his back. He's so close, he can feel his release soon. He stumbles forward, leaning his head against the shower's wall, his breathy moans barely audible from the water meeting the titled floor.
His heart pounds against his chest, his breathing erratic and his body trembling as he continues to touch himself. He imagines your lips against his skin, taking his lips with yours, hushing him from making such lewd and provocative noises. His hips jolt as he thinks of what you would do to him, push him against his bed, kiss down his chest to his navel maybe.
He slams his eyes closed, his climax rocking through his entire body. His cock twitching in his hand as he tries to push himself through his orgasm, his mind is only filled with lewd thoughts of you as he sees white. Painting the walls of the shower with his release.
He pants as he lets go out his- now, semi flaccid cock, his eyes fluttering open. He glances at the mess he made and his cheeks flush with embarrassment as he quickly cleans it... finishing his shower in the process.
"that's.. so embarrassing.." he mumbles slipping on his clean clothes, brushing and drying his blond hair. You're still on his mind as he opens the bathroom door and steps into his room, finally getting ready for bed.
Directors cut ;;
Sooo, he has me in a choke hold ehe... soft lyney go brrr ;; Neuvillette and lyney >>>>
This is kind of short, I didn't know how to end it but I hope you liked it nonetheless!! 🎩❤️🖤
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brokemypen · 2 years
Use Your Words
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove x reader
Summary: Reader is a shy girl who gets too embarrassed to talk dirty. Billy’s going to get it out of her one way or another.
Warnings: Pure smut!! Minors do not interact!! Swearing, dirty talk, light mentions of oral (fem receiving), fingering, p in v, unprotected sex, dom! Billy (kinda mean Billy).
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: ((This is not my gif, all credit goes to the owner.))
This is between two consenting adults, I just want to make that clear! This is also a revision of what I posted last night, which is my first smut ever. Please go easy on me. Anyway, hope you enjoy! <3  -P
It had  been five days since Billy touched you and it was driving you absolutely crazy. The days were growing and so was the heat between your legs. 
You started imagining the way his hands felt wrapped around your body. How his hands could be both cruel and sweet to you. How one minute he could be gently caressing you and then marking you up with them the next.
Billy knew what he was doing, barely kissing you when he greeted you. Letting you sigh in frustration and not doing a damn thing about it. He could see just how crazy he was making you. How you rubbed your legs together when he was around because you couldn’t help it. But he felt it necessary. 
He desperately wanted you to talk, to tell him where you wanted to be touched, he wanted you to beg for it, cry for it. He wanted to get you so worked up that you’d have no choice. He had been nice for too long, slowly trying to get it out of you, but your shy disposition kept getting in the way. 
You knew what you wanted to say but you felt embarrassed and the words seemed to stick to your throat. Like when he had you on his kitchen counter, his lips wrapped around your clit, he thought he had you then. 
“Tell me, baby. Tell me how good it feels.” His eyes staring up at yours, waiting for your response.
All you could muster enough courage for was to grab on to his hair tighter, staring back at those beautiful hazel eyes that made your knees weak and whimper for him to continue. But at that point he was angry with you.
“I’m not going to touch you again until you use your words.” He said, rising up from between your legs, and tossing your panties back at you.
And true to his word, he kept that promise. Barely acknowledging your existence except to pick you up for school and walk you to class.
It frustrated him deeply, wanting to hear you be vocal. The thing with Billy though, is he knew exactly how to touch you, how to make you whimper and cry underneath him, but that wasn’t the point. He wanted to hear the words come from your sweet mouth. He needed to dominate that part of you and while it was driving him crazy, he had a point to prove.
So when he told you, before dropping you off at your calculus class, that he was going to take you to the drive-in for a date, you felt confused. Because every time he took you there, you always ended up in his backseat. And at this point you were surprised he was even speaking to you. 
Your stomach flipped as you realized he must have a plan. 
Billy honked his horn as you finished getting ready. You quickly ran down the stairs, slightly tripping because your legs felt like jello. You were so nervous, but you desperately wanted to be in close proximity with him. “Pull yourself together.” You whispered to yourself as you opened the front door. 
You were greeted by Billy who was leaning against the passenger side door, a cigarette hanging from his mouth. 
He was wearing a white cut-off sleeve shirt and those jeans that made your throat close up. Clearly he did have a plan here and you tried very hard to keep your breathing under control.
He didn’t say a word as he opened the car door, motioning you to get in. He had a grin on his face, flicking his cigarette as he slammed the door behind you. Once he got in he quickly turned the ignition, peeling out of the neighborhood. 
You two were a little late, but luckily the turn out was small and like normal, Billy made sure to park at least four rows away from everyone else. Your stomach turned again, your heart beginning to race. He said he wasn’t going to touch you again until you talked so what exactly was he planning here? 
He shut off the ignition, setting the keys on the dashboard. Usually by now he would have already had his lips on your neck, whispering dirty things into your ear, making a mess of your panties. Instead, he crossed his arms and his eyes stayed glued to the screen, completely ignoring your presence. 
So first he wasn’t touching you, now he wasn’t talking to you either, or looking at you for that matter. 
The tension quickly filled the car. What you didn’t know however is that this was his plan, he knew this was how he was going to break you and he smiled to himself seeing it was working.
You were in the passenger seat staring at him, your chest heaving up and down. He could almost hear your heart beating out of your chest.
“Billy.” you whispered, but it came out more like a whine. 
You were slowly losing yourself to him, desperately wanting any kind of notion that he still wanted you. 
He met your needy eyes, a smile starting to grow on his lips. There it is, he thought to himself.
“You need something?” he said, eyeing you up and down. 
Instead of talking, you put your hand on his thigh, rubbing in small circles like you normally did when you wanted him. 
He quickly grabbed your hand, pulling it off him. “Uh uh.” He laughed. “I guess I didn’t make myself clear enough. I said I wasn’t going to touch you until you used your words. That doesn’t mean I gave you permission to touch me.” He turned back to the screen leaving you even more desperate and frustrated.
At this point you could feel yourself coming undone, your blood boiling. You felt like you were on fire, liquid courage coursed through your veins. Before you could think, you were pulling yourself on top of him, straddling his lap. 
This shocked Billy causing him to grip your hips, an erection growing in his pants, but he wasn’t going to give in so easily. He gripped your face before you could continue, pulling it close to his. 
Each word he said very carefully, making sure you would get the message. 
“Use your fucking words.” He practically spit, his eyes wide with lust and anger.
 You didn’t want to give in either, but you were giving up. You just wanted to feel his hands on you. Wanted him to make you scream his name. You were bucking your hips on him, wanting to get him as worked up as he was making you. That’s when he went back to gripping your hips even rougher, stopping your movements. He leaned in close to your face leaving little to no space between you.
“You never do what you’re fucking told do you?” he seethed.
“Billy, please.” You whimpered, unable to look him in the face.
“Billy, please.” He mocked. “Please what? I’m not going to tell you again.”
You couldn’t take it anymore. You felt like you were going to go crazy. The words practically came pouring out of you, whining as you said it. 
“Please, please, Billy I need you so bad I feel like I’m going to explode. Please fuck me. I need it, so so bad.” You begged, repeating please over and over again, still trying to grind down on him to get any friction.
The biggest smile spread across his face. He finally had you where he wanted you. Desperate and needy. 
“See, was that so hard?” He said smacking your ass and gripping it with his large hands.
He was looking up at you, your lip pouted. Oh, how he loved seeing you a mess like this. He couldn’t wait to have you writhing underneath him. The idea made him even harder.
Billy put his hands around your face, pulling it to his lips, kissing you soft at first, then deeply. You moaned into his mouth, loving the way his lips felt against yours. He tasted like mint toothpaste and cigarettes and it was intoxicating.
You could feel his hardness on your core, and you thought you were going to lose your mind when he gripped your ass again to push you down as he pushed his hips up into you. The noises you made were music to his ears.
“Get in the back.” He said, pulling his mouth off of you, his chest heaving. 
You scrambled as fast as you could, giddy with excitement. You were on your back, him following suit and he wasted no time slotting himself between your legs. 
“Oh baby, look at you.” He whispered, nipping at your neck as you panted. “You’re a mess aren’t you? So desperate.” He was grinding into your clothed core, earning whimpers from you. God, he loved having you this way. Like you were addicted to him, like he owned you and could have you whenever he wanted.
He continued his bites on your neck, sucking at your pulse points, leaving beautiful purple bruises. He started lifting your dress up slowly working his way down towards your breasts. He gripped the covered mounds, pushing them together and kissing the tops of them. You moaned at the feeling of his lips on you, grabbing at his hair so he wouldn’t stop. 
“What baby? You want me to kiss these beautiful tits of yours?” He snickered, biting into the left one, causing you to gasp. 
“Yes, please.” You sighed.
He wanted more out of you, but he knew he could work it out of you now. He continued the kisses, reaching behind you to unclip your bra. Once they were free a moan slipped from his lips. You had the most beautiful tits and he swore he could spend all day between them, worshiping them.
Slowly he started licking your peaks, leaving a trail of spit that he then blew his breath on, making your nipples incredibly hard and sensitive. He then kissed each one, while gripping and rubbing the other. Then you felt his teeth as he bit at one and sharply pulled one into his mouth, earning a gasp from you. He did the same motion over and over again moving from one breast to the other. 
Then slowly, his mouth moved up, leaving a trail of open mouthed kisses along your chest and neck. Stopping only when he met your lips, kissing them and nipping at your bottom lip, only to go back to your neck. 
He had his hands on your hips. You could feel yourself melting, not sure how much more you could take. This was perfect and exactly what you wanted, but you wanted more, needed it.  You didn’t realize you were whimpering his name until he lifted his head to stare at you. 
“Tell me what you need, baby. I want to hear you say it.” He whispered. 
Your heart was racing and while you were still nervous, any and all embarrassment left you. 
“Please touch me, Billy, please.” you whimpered. 
He chuckled at your desperation for him. “I will, but you need to tell me where.” He plucked at the band of your panties, riling you up even more. 
“Come on baby I know you can do it, let me give you what you need.” he whispered to you, bringing his lips to your neck again. 
The frustration was building inside of you. Tears were streaming down your face. 
“Fuck.” you whined, bucking your hips against his. “Touch my pussy please.” 
He smiled against your lips, happy to give you exactly what you wanted. He stared into your eyes as he slipped his fingers past your waistband, groaning as he felt how soaked you really were.
“You’re drenched baby, is this all for me?” He smirked, trailing his fingers slowly through your folds and circling at your entrance.
You moaned as he easily slid a finger in you. He was moving in slow strokes, wanting to drag your patience out as far as he could. You felt like you were going to come undone right there, already tightening around him.
“Yes Billy, it's all for you. Just please, I need more.” You were moving your hips trying to follow his fingers as he kept moving at an agonizing pace. 
“Good girl.” He whispered, slipping in a second finger making you feel even fuller. 
Your back arched as you all but screamed as he pumped his fingers into you, moving faster than he did before. He was so good at this, you were seeing stars. You began tightening around his fingers as he began curling them, coaxing moans and small, whispered “fucks” from you. You felt so close, but you didn’t want to be there yet.
“Fuck, please Billy I need you inside of me. Need to feel you so deep.” You sobbed. 
He slowed down and stopped, ending his delicious torture on you. Once his fingers slipped out of you, he immediately brought them to his mouth to taste you.
“You taste so good, I’ve missed it.” he groaned, releasing his fingers from his mouth.
He sat up, his hands moving to his belt. Once he had it open he was ripping his pants down, just far enough to free his aching cock from his jeans and boxers. He was good at hiding it but he needed you too. Wanted to feel your walls tighten around him. 
He slowly rubbed his throbbing member as he hovered above you. Slowly sliding your panties to the side, he started rubbing it between your folds, gathering your wetness and slowly pushed himself in. He kissed you, groaning into your mouth as he bottomed out. Your slick making it impossibly easy. 
You gasped as you felt that familiar stretch and pressure in your stomach. He started moving, sliding out just to the tip and then slowly pushing himself in. Your hands trailed up his shirt and your nails dug into his back. This made him pick up speed as he felt you flutter around him. You wrapped your legs around his hips, gripping his shoulders to hold on for dear life as he pounded into you.  The sound of his hips smacking the back of your thighs and your cries filled the car. 
He pulled himself up, hovering over you on his forearms so he could watch your face. It already looking dumb and fucked out, exactly the way he liked it.
“You’re such a good fucking girl taking my cock like this. Who owns you, baby? Say it.” He purred. 
His words making you writhe under him and your moans loud enough for people to hear, but  in this moment you didn’t care. 
“You, Billy. You own me, I’m all yours.” You sobbed, gripping your tits in pure ecstasy as he continued, filling you deep with his cock.
He could feel you falling apart, whimpering more and more as he felt you pulsing around him. 
“Go on baby, come for me. I want to watch your face when you do.” He thrusted harder, repeatedly whispering how much of a good girl you were. 
Then, without warning, he wrapped his hand around your throat, squeezing to cut off some blood flow. This caused you to fall off the edge. Your face twisted as you exploded around him, your vision going black as your orgasm ripped through your whole body. You were screaming his name, your hips moving to meet him. 
He continued his movements, pushing even deeper as he felt his own orgasm following. You were slowly coming down as his hips began to stutter. Finally pushing one last thrust, he grunted and cursed as he emptied himself inside of you. 
He immediately fell to your chest, still inside as your hearts raced. You both took a minute to catch your breath before saying anything.
“That was so fucking hot.” He murmured against your soft chest. 
He then sat up softly kissing your lips, and pulled himself out of you. He tucked himself back into his jeans and looked out the window. 
“Holy shit.” He laughed, turning to you. “Pull your dress down and look.” He said, motioned his head towards the window. 
You did what he said and sat up. You laughed too when you saw what he was talking about. The entire lawn in front of the screen was empty. 
Your eyes grew wide with panic. “You don’t think people heard us do you?” You asked, turning to Billy.
“Baby as loud as I had you screaming, I’d be surprised if they didn’t hear you in the next town over.” He laughed, causing you to blush a deep shade of red.
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My Interpetation of The Southern Raiders: Part 1 – A\ang
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Warning: The views expressed in this analysis will be very critical of Aang. If you aren't critical of him in this episode, you aren't going to enjoy this post. This is your chance to leave. I probably won't have a debate for personal reasons.
The Southern Raiders is probably one of the most discussed episodes in the fandom. Everyone knows Zuko Alone is great, but the discussion surrounding this episode is a war zone. In this essay I will try to answer every question posed in the discourse. This is part 1 out of three. In this part, I will discuss A\ang. I believe that understanding both Zuko and Aang's decisions in this episode will give us great insight into Katara's. Because the this episode is hers.
1. Is Aang's philosophy of forgiveness valid?
(1) "Revenge is like a two-headed rat viper. While you watch your enemy go down, you're being poisoned yourself".
(2) "You do have a choice: forgiveness". // "It's easy to do nothing, but it's hard to forgive". // "Forgiveness is the first step you have to take to begin healing".
This philosophy is indeed morally sound. Revenge comes from rage, a negative emotion that causes harm in the long run. Forgiveness is letting go of that rage, which is healing. I cannot write a full thesis, this essay is not about that. But on paper, I do agree with A\ang. He's right to say that letting go of rage is a better alternative than getting consumed by it. (However, his philosophy might not help some).
2. Was A\ang being insensitive when talking to Katara?
First I must reiterate, a lot of people frame the conflict of the episode as one regarding the ethics of murder. In my interpretation, it is not. During this episode Katara was in a deeply emotional place. Her rage stemmed from intense grief and those around her should treat her as a mourner - with great sensitivity.
Now, was Aang being this sensitive with Katara? Well, in my opinion, very much so.
Imagine a scenario where A\ang just happens to meet Haru, and he's about to go on a quest to find revenge on who imprisoned his father. He tries to help him with the following sentences:
(1) Um ... and what exactly do you think this will accomplish?
(2) Wait! Stop! I do understand. You're feeling unbelievable pain and rage. How do you think I felt about the sandbenders when they stole Appa? How do you think I felt about the Fire Nation when I found out what happened to my people?
(3) I don't think so. I think it's about getting revenge.
(4) Haru, you sound like Jet.
(5) The monks used to say that revenge is like a two-headed rat viper. While you watch your enemy go down, you're being poisoned yourself.
(6) Haru, you do have a choice: forgiveness.
(7) No, it's not. It's easy to do nothing, but it's hard to forgive.
(8) You did the right thing. Forgiveness is the first step you have to take to begin healing.
Everything makes sense, right? The pieces fit.He just talks about his cultura\personal values, nothing about what Katara needs at the moment. He could have had this exact conversation with Haru without changing a thing.
Therefore his lines are impersonal and thus preachy. In this conversation he doesn’t show signs of trying to convince Katara not to end her mother’s killer because she is, fundamentally, a good person and couldn’t live having committed murder. He shows signs of trying to make her obey his cultural ethos. This is highly insensitive. Katara was in a very emotional place, filled with rage and grief. And his response was, intentionally or not, to impose his own cultural principles onto her.
But his lines weren’t insensitive just because they were preachy, some of them were judgmental and even harsh. When A\ang is first confronted with Katara’s intentions, he says:
A\ang: Um ... and what exactly do you think this will accomplish?
You can tell from his tone and how the rest of the conversation plays out that he does know what Katara thinks this will accomplish. He asks the question as a form of disapproval - that he thinks that going after Yon Rha won’t accomplish anything. He’s not being genuine, he’s casting judgment on her. He’s almost looking down on her and Zuko, looking down from a moral high ground and sarcastically interrogating the two. Another line that sticks out is
A\ang: Katara, you sound like Jet.
He says she sounds like the man who wanted to flood an entire village full of innocent civilians. He’s insulting her, and greatly so, all the while wanting to keep a moral high ground. This is incredibly rude and condescending.
In the next scene, right after the intense argument concludes, it appears as though A\ang comes around to the journey Katara was about to go through.
A\ang: I wasn't planning to. This is a journey you need to take. You need to face this man.But when you do, please don't choose revenge. Let your anger out, and then let it go. Forgive him.
While he’s still discouraging Katara, it’s not outright condescending. But it’s as clear as day that he’d just preferred if she didn’t go on the journey at all. When he sees Zuko and Katara taking Appa to find Yon Rha, he says:
A\ang: So you were just gonna take Appa anyway?
Clearly disapproving of Katara. He doesn’t want her to go on the journey to find inner peace, he wants her to forgive the man who killed her mother right here and right now. He couldn’t change her mind on the subject, so he’ll advise her the next best thing. It is worth noting that in the beginning, before he advises her, he cracks a joke.
A\ang: It's okay, because I forgive you. [Pauses.] That give you any ideas?
Overall, A\ang’s behavior is unsympathetic and callous.Instead of placing his focus on Katara’s wellbeing, he preaches about Air Nomad teachings and goes as far as insulting her. Even when he comes around, it’s not because he realized his mistakes, it’s because he knew he couldn’t change her mind. And then he makes a humorous remark while giving him his supposed new found advice. The answer is: Yes. Aang was very insensitive when talking to Katara.
3. Did A\ang know what Katara needed?
I don’t think he did. A\ang thought Katara needed to forgive Yon Rha, and as we previously established, without going after him. But even if we look at his second advice, she still doesn’t follow it.
A\ang: This is a journey you need to take. You need to face this man. [Katara situates herself on Appa's head.] But when you do, please don't choose revenge. Let your anger out, and then let it go. Forgive him.
Katara explicitly didn’t forgive Yon Rha, and yet the whole point of the ending is that she’s in a better place now. No matter what Zuko says, A\ang didn’t know what Katara needed. And considering that his lines in the episode were as impersonal as they were, it isn’t a surprise.
In conclusion, A\ang’s behavior in The Southern Raiders is questionable at best. He might have had pure intentions, and had a good message, but the way he put out the message was degrading and preachy. And in the end, he didn’t know what was the right thing for Katara.
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luvghostie · 2 years
{𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘨𝘦, 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵, + 𝘴𝘦𝘹𝘶𝘢𝘭 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴}
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• Millie is all about cuddling, even bringing the action up beforehand
•She'd love to brush your hair if you felt comfortable with it as she puts your consent above all else
•After brushing your hair she'd whisper sweet things in your ear:: "Doll, remember you're absolutely amazing." and "I don't know what I'd do without you."
•Millie and you would take turns being big spoon and little spoon. Most times though Millie takes the bigger role
•If anyone interrupted your time together Millie would no doubt throw something at their head
•Most times it hits them
•Millie would fall asleep holding you in her arms. She's a very sweet S/O and puts you before the likes of herself. If you cry she's there with tissues, if you don't eat she won't either, and if you feel angry she'll give you the space you need
•When you wake up in the morning breakfast is already prepared and on the nightstand
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•Poor Moxxie wouldn't know what to do if you asked for cuddles
•He'd be more than happy to do so, however, the poor IMP would be shy
•Most times while cuddling you'll be a big spoon since I can't imagine Moxxie being that type
•"Y/N, do you think I'm useless?" he'd ask you while nuzzling into your neck. He constantly thought bad about himself and it made you upset
•"Of course not Mox," you'd say kissing his forehead. "I think you're far more than enough."
•Moxxie would eventually get used to the feeling of cuddling and embracing you. All his life he was constantly put down by others. Millie and you are the only two that cared enough to stand up for him.
•At times you might think he also likes Millie because of the bond they share. Regardless, that's not the case. Moxxie is very verbal about his attraction to you despite how others may see it.
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•More than likely Blitz has had a bad/long day at work. So if you asked him to cuddle 100% of the time the answer is, "I would love to!"
•Blitz would wrap his tail around you subconsciously. He wants you close, his mind finding ways to make sure you won't up and leave
•You like to touch the white spots on him, outlining the various shapes
•Eventually, you get sad, remembering all those white spots are from him getting hurt
•"Y/N, that tickles" he'd say laughing in between the embrace you two shared
•Big spoon, little spoon, no spoon. Fuck Blitz didn't care he just wanted you to be there for him and love him for the way he is. Just as he loved you for you.
•Yes, he can be an ass at times but he has problems just like everyone else
•And you adore them
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•"You want to cuddle... Me?" Loona would have a look of confusion on her face with red on her cheeks
•You may think she lost interest because of the way she acts but that's not the case my friend
•Definitely big spoon
•Loona would hold you against her fur not saying anything for a while. When she finally got the courage to speak she'd say, "ya know, you're the first person to make me feel like this."
•You must remember the remarks and insults she gives you most of the time are a form of love. Loona doesn't like to seem weak, especially in front of you
•More than likely if she catches you upset or down by something she said get ready for apologizes and love when you are alone
•"Hey, you know I didn't mean what I said right?" she whispered into your ear, never moving her position from beside you
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•This man is touch starved so when you bring the idea up there's no turning back
•"Oh, my dear! Why didn't you say so sooner?!"
•Big spoon when he's happy and little spoon when he's sad (Stella more than likely being a bitch)
•Stolas would hold you so close that he could feel your heartbeat. In exchange, you could feel his blush practically spreading.
•"I love you so much Y/N, please never leave me." he would say in a somber voice. "Stolas, I don't want anyone else besides you." you'd remind the owl.
•Some nights you guys would fall asleep while a romance movie played in the background.
•But there are other nights you two get a little freaky if you catch my drift;)
•Honestly, you know many people are against Stolas but to you, there's no one else like him
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•Verosika is painting her nails when you ask for cuddles. When she hears you say the final word, a smirk would form on her lips
•"Aww, does my baby want loves?" she'd tease
•Verosika is the most dominant in the relationship taking the form of big spoon. Although, if she had a bad day or was feeling self-conscious you'd step in
•When cuddling she'd play with your hair, twisting it around her slim fingers
•Verosika would most definitely take photos of you and post them on her social media. The captions would be things like, "better than my ex" and "no one comes close to my beauty as they do."
•Self-confidence is important in your relationship. If you're down because of someone, Verosika wouldn't hesitate to beat a hoe.
•The girl would probably claw the shit out of them ngl
•"You're the cutest thing to walk hell!" she'd tell you, going back to looking through her gallery while you drifted off to sleep.
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•"Fizz, can we cuddle?" you'd ask the male
•He looked at you very confused, you two were basically cuddling already. "Y/N, I'm literally sitting on your lap... How much closer could I get?"
•This bitch is lowkey a little baby but would make sexual remarks while cuddling
•Little spoon for sure and he would never disagree with that
•When you guys do cuddle (him not sitting in your lap) you'd listen to his puns and jokes
•Fizz finds your stomach to be soft and the perfect place to lay his head. When he's not there the next place he'll lay is on you. His legs tossed over you, head resting on a pillow, and his hands holding yours firmly
•There's a good chance he'd force you to fall off the bed when sleeping because of the amount of room he hogs
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sxxythingz · 11 months
Double Fantasy
Neteyam Sully (22) x Lo’ak Sully (21) x Omatikaya reader (22)
Taglist: @savvysscandles this too foreverrrr, I know but here it is!!! I hope you like it! 🥰
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Warnings: smut, threesome, cursing, cream pie, aged up characters, a tad bit of dom Neteyam, p in v, oral (m receiving), losing v card/first time (f)
Summary: The Sully brothers both are attracted to a girl, one more willing to own up to it than the other, and they both decide to try their luck 😏
WC: 3.6K
“Bro. Just look at her, she’s the sexiest woman that I’ve ever seen.” Lo’ak nudges Neteyam as they both watch you intensely while you sharpen your knives, not even noticing that they’ve been watching you for the past hour. “You say that about every woman that you see, baby bro. What makes her different?” Neteyam chuckles at Lo’ak’s repetition, earning an eye roll from him.
“I’m telling you bro. She’s just different, she’s innocent and hasn’t fucked anyone yet and that’s so rare to find around here. She’s just so different bro.” Neteyam didn’t want to let Lo’ak know that he felt the exact same way about you, but instead he silently agreed with his eyes never leaving you.
“Bro… imagine if she lets us be the first to fuck her. Do you know how amazing that would be? I bet she’s better than all of these girls here, and I’m about to go find out.” Neteyam wasn’t really listening to Lo’ak, but his attention averted straight to him once he spoke those words, his heart dropping in his stomach as Lo’ak begins to walk towards you.
“Lo’ak! Get back here! Why are you- ugh!” Neteyam attempts to protest as he follow Lo’ak but you weren’t that far away from them so they get closer to you, making Neteyam quiet down so that you don’t catch on. Deep down, he wanted the same thing as his brother, but he didn’t want to come off as disrespectful towards you so he always refrained himself.
You finish sharpening your knife and take one final 360 look at it before standing up from your squatting position and sliding the knife into its holder on the right side of your hip. You dust your hands off on your loincloth and look up to see both Neteyam and Lo’ak standing a few feet away from you, looking as if they are almost in a trance.
“Hi guys!” A smile spreads across your face as you throw your hand into the air, waving at both of them. They seem to snap out of their trance as you quickly head towards them, or at least Lo’ak does. “I didn’t notice you guys standing here. What have I missed?” You ask them, furrowing your eyebrows at Neteyam, who seems to be stuck in one spot as he looks at you.
“Oh nothing, w-we just seen you here and we figured that we should come and talk to you, right bro?” Lo’ak looks over to Neteyam who doesn’t say a word and nudges him, making him look over to Lo’ak quickly before nodding his head in agreeance. “Well don’t be shy! Both of you come with me to my hut, let’s catch up since I haven’t seen either of you in a few days. You must have so much to tell me!” You grab both of their hands and begin to walk towards your hut, making both of them glance over at each other with no resistance of following you.
Once you arrive at your hut, they both come in with you and sit on your woven counter that you made as you sit on your cot facing the direction of them. “So… where have you guys been? And what’s been going on?” You smile at both of them as you cross one leg over the other, looking from Neteyam to Lo’ak as you wait for a response.
“Uh well we’ve had training for the past days so we’ve been really bus-“ Neteyam speaks but is quickly interrupted by Lo’ak’s sudden intrusion. “Fuck the small talk. I have a question Y/n.” You furrow your eyebrows at Lo’ak as he slowly cascades over to you, sitting next to you on your cot.
“Don’t take this the wrong way but… are you a virgin?” The words shock Neteyam as he loudly coughs, making you look at him before returning your gaze back towards Lo’ak. “What do you mean Lo? What does that mean?” His eyes widen as he looks over to Neteyam who looks just as confused. “I-I mean have you ever had sex with anybody?” Your eyes quickly glance around the room before shaking your head no as your answer. “Have you ever kissed anyone before?” He asks you another question, earning another silent shake of your head once again.
“Have you even been touched by a man before?” Neteyam butts in as you turn your head towards him and shake your head once again. “I mean I’ve heard stories from my friends about their experiences, and they say that it feels good but I’ve never had those experiences. I would like to try it one day maybe.” You watch them both look at each other, communicating with only their eyes so you would be clueless as to what they’re thinking before Lo’ak speaks to you again.
“Yeah it does feel good. Would you like to try it now?” He asks you, making your heart sink with his words. “I- I would have to choose between one of you though. Wouldn’t that be awkward?” You whisper to Lo’ak as he laughs. “What if you didn’t have to choose between one of us? What if you could get double the pleasure?” You bite the inside of your lip nervously, yet it was as if your body was deceiving your mind. Secretion taking over the seat of your loincloth at the thought of having both of them.
“I-I don’t k-“ You feel Lo’ak’s hands caressing your thigh as he looks over to Neteyam, signaling for him to come sit down on the other side of you and he obliges. “It’s ok. Just give it a chance, baby. It’ll feel so good, just trust us ok?” You watch his eyes glance from your own lips back to your eyes as you slowly nod your head.
His face slowly moves closer to yours until you feel his lips on yours, butterflies eroding through your stomach at the feeling. You feel Neteyam’s hand slowly moving up your thigh as he watches you kiss Lo’ak, his long fingers massaging the inside of your thigh, making you moan into Lo’ak’s mouth. Lo’ak softly wraps his hand around your throat, dominating your mouth with his tongue. You feel Neteyam’s hand continue to move upwards, spreading your legs with every inch until he reaches the wet spot in between your legs.
“Fuck.. she’s so wet.” You hear Neteyam say as you let go of Lo’ak’s lips and look over to him. Neteyam crashes his lips into yours, taking you back as his fingers rub circles over your clothed heat. Lo’ak takes advantage of your exposed neck, licking a long strip up to your ear as you continue to kiss Neteyam. You could clearly tell that they’ve done this before with different girls, but knowing that they already had the experience just made it that much more exciting for you.
Lo’ak reaches to the side of your loincloth, pulling at the string that’s keeping it on your hips and loosening it to drop off of your body. Your heart races as the cool air hits your wet core, making you inhale deeply. You feel the absence of Neteyam being next to you as he gets on his knees in front of you, opening your legs enough to slide himself in between them.
Lo’ak reaches behind you, untying your top to let it fall into his hands where he throws it across the room, leaving you completely nude in front of the brothers. Their eyes scan your body like they’re hunters and you’re the prey. Your chest heaves as you try to cover up, but Lo’ak grabs your hands, bringing them down by your side.
“Relax, we’re gonna take care of you. Just lay back and relax.” You look into Lo’ak’s eyes, then Neteyam’s for reassurance, making both of them smile at you. You take one last deep breath before laying all the way back onto your cot, completely entrusting them with you. Neteyam massages your thighs once again as you feel his hot breath on your pussy, leaving shivers down your spine.
Your anticipation comes to a halt when you feel Neteyam’s warm mouth latch onto your pussy, making your back arch off of the cot with a deep inhale. Lo’ak lays down with you, massaging your boobs and taking your nipple into his mouth to gently suck it. Neteyam draws circles around your clue with his tongue, placing his entire mouth over it to suck gently.
“Fuck..” You moan out, reaching your hand down to grasp Neteyam’s thick braids and pull gently until his entire face is in your core. Lo’ak softly bites at your left nipple, pulling it in between his teeth as your body jerks from the double pleasure. You only ever played with yourself once, even then you had no idea what you were doing, so having both of the boys pleasure in this way is overwhelming.
You grunt and moan as you grind your hips against Neteyam’s face, feeling a blissful sensation spread throughout your lower abdomen like wildfire through a forest. “That’s it baby. Cum for us, you’re doing so good.” Lo’ak unlatches from your nipple to whisper in your ear, taking the lobe into his teeth, your eyes rolling with your lip in between your teeth. “Fuck, I-I think I’m about cum!” You yell out as you try your best to push Neteyam’s head away from you, but Lo’ak quickly grabs your hands and restrains them to keep you from moving any further.
“Let it happen, don’t fight it. We got you princess, be a good girl and cum for us.” His words sending you over the edge as you feel your entire body shaking, Neteyam moaning into you as you paint his tongue with your cum. You ride out your orgasm, your hips staggering as Neteyam licks you clean before standing up to wipe his mouth with a wide smile on his face.
“You taste so good, baby. Want a taste?” Before you can answer his question, he firmly grips your face into his rough hands, pulling your lips to his, instantly opening his mouth and forcing his tongue past your lips for a taste. You moan into the kiss at the taste of yourself on his tongue, you never knew you could taste so good.
You feel as if there is a fire starting between your legs through the kiss. That orgasm isn't enough, you need more. You weren’t so sure at the beginning of this, but now all you knew was that you needed both of them more than anything.
“I… I need more guys.” You break the kiss, panting hard and earning smirks from both of the brothers. “We know, baby. We’re going to try something different, ok?” Lo’ak states, removing himself from beside you to stand up and rid himself of his loincloth, his dick bouncing out leaking precum from the tip. You look over to Neteyam who removes his as well, your eyes bucking at the sight of both the brothers' large sizes.
“Just lay back and relax, ok princess? We’re about to take care of you.” You nod your head at Lo’ak’s words, your heart thumping through your chest at his reassuring words. He drags his rough hands along your thighs, massaging them as Neteyam did as he pulls them apart further. He get in between your legs, fitting like a missing puzzle piece in the space. He gives himself a few more strokes before he looks into your eyes one last time.
“Ready?” His raspy voice rings in your ears, you inhale deeply before nodding your head. You close your eyes, feeling pressure in between your legs as Lo’ak slowly pushes himself into you. You squeal loudly, scrunching your face up and attempting to close your legs around his small waist.
“It’s ok, yawne. You can take it, be the good girl that we know you can be for us.” Neteyam comforts you, lifting your head up to sit himself underneath it, then placing it into his bare lap. He caresses your boobs, gently squeezing them as you breathe out. You see him give Lo’ak a silent nod to continue and with that, he places his hand on your knee, making sure that he has a hold on it before he pushes further into you.
“Fuck! It hurts!” You scream out, your hands flying from your side to push Lo’ak in his chest but before you can even reach him, Neteyam tightly grips your wrists, pulling them up over your head. “Take it, princess. We got you, just trust us.” Your chest heaves up and down in frustration, wanting to remove your wrists from Neteyam’s grip, but loving the way that both the brothers make you feel.
The feeling of Lo’ak being in between your legs, eyeing your every movement, Neteyam holding you and reassuring you that they’ve got you. It’s almost like a dream that you never in a million years would have dreamed. A dream come true.
Lo’ak bottoms out inside of you, you hadn’t even noticed him moving for being too busy staring into Neteyam’s beautiful eyes. The domination of having you under both of their control taking over his eyes, painting them a dark golden color that shimmers in the sunlight that peaks through your hut. The look making you wetter by each second that goes by, making it easier for Lo’ak to stroke into you.
He retracts his hips from you, nearly pulling completely out before snapping his hips back into you earning hisses from both of you. “Fuck, you feel so fucking good. Way better than I imagined.” He whispers into your ear, making you moan at his words. The muscles in your pussy contracting, eating a groan from Lo’ak as he continues to gently stroke in and out of you.
He pulls himself nearly out of you once again, this time ramming his hips into you making you scream out as you ball your hands that are still in Neteyam’s grip into a fist, digging your nails into palms of your hands. “That’s it, you’re doing so good baby. Keep going.” Your eyes roll at Neteyam’s words, feeling your orgasm approaching you quickly.
“I-I c-can’t, fuck! It f-feels so good!” Your voice cracks with every syllable that comes out of your mouth, the warm feeling in your womb taking over your body as Lo’ak seems to hit all of the right spots. You feel your back lifting off of your cot, an arch that almost seems as if you could snap in half. Your eyes rolling to the back of your head, your womb feeling as if it might just burst.
“Oh my- I-I think I’m cumming!” Every stroke that Lo’ak gives you pushing it further and further out of you, making you go crazy. “That’s it baby girl, let it out. Cum all over this dick, give it to me.” Those were the words that sent you over the edge, a pornographic moan escaping from your lips as your breath hitches in your throat, your mouth wide open but with nothing coming out of it.
Your breath finally breaks through your throat as you calm down from your high, Lo’ak pulling out of you before planting a kiss on your lips then getting off of your cot. You quickly avert your head up, watching Neteyam remove himself from underneath you. “Your turn bro.” Lo’ak mumbles to him, his chest heaving up and down with sweat beads pouring down his toned abs.
“Y-Your turn?!” You yell out, you didn’t know if you would be able to take another orgasm after both of the intense ones that you just had to overcome. You hear the brothers chuckle as Neteyam gets in front of you, placing both hands on your waist and flipping you over so that you are on your knees and hands. Lo’ak kneels in front of you on your cot, his dick dripping precum as it comes face to face with you.
“We’re going to try something a little different princess, ok? You’re going to suck his dick while I fuck you.” You hear Neteyam’s voice from behind you before he slides his tip up and down your folds, collecting your slick onto him as you moan and jerk your body forward. He chuckles once again, firmly grapping your waist, giving your ass a hard smack and pulling you back onto him as you gasp loudly.
“Don’t fucking run. As long as you do as I say, I won’t be rough with you. But if you try to run, I’m not going to be easy on you anymore, ok princess?” The authority in Neteyam’s voice earning a loud gulp from you as you nod your head. “Now let me see you suck his dick while I fuck you baby.” You open your mouth, sticking your tongue out, shifting your eyes up to look into Lo’ak’s as he smirks. He slaps the tip against your tongue before he slides himself into your mouth, making you wrap your lips around him.
“That’s it. Good girl.” Neteyam groans from behind you, rutting himself into you, not giving you any time to adjust before he continuously slams his hips against your ass. You bob your head up and down on Lo’ak, moans and whimpers coming out of your throat and sending vibrations through Lo’ak’s dick. “Fuck! You’re so good at sucking my dick baby. Are you sure you were a virgin before us?” He moans out, grabbing your braids into his hand to prevent them from being in your face.
Neteyam continues to ram into you, causing a ripple effect on your ass, his hands firmly placed around your waist. He slows down, pulling himself out and slamming his hips back into you as hard as he can. You remove your mouth from Lo’ak, screaming out and attempting to quickly move up from the pain, but that only adds more fuel to Neteyam’s fire as you hear him laughing.
“Didn’t. I. Fucking. Tell. You. Not. To. Run, hm? Can you not follow directions princess?” You feel a slap to your ass with every word that he speaks, but you knew that if you didn’t take it, there would be worse consequences. “I-I’m sorry Neteyam! It was an accident, I didn’t mean to, I promise!” You screech out, hoping that it would make him give you mercy. “Too late princess. I’m not slacking up, and you’re going to continue to suck his dick. If you stop, it’ll only get worse for you.”
Without warning, he slams back into you, almost seeming as though he reaches your cervix this time. You quickly place your lips back around Lo’ak, knowing that if you didn’t, you would be screaming from the mixture of pain and pleasure all at once. His strokes before were softer, almost as if he was only trying to pleasure you, but this time they seem to only be for pleasuring him.
You can’t lie and say that the simple thought of him using you to pleasure himself wasn’t making you wetter by the second, bringing you closer to your third orgasm of the day. Lo’ak reaches his hand around the back of your head, pushing you all the way down on him as he throws his head back, small grunts falling from his lips. His hips jerk as you gag on him, tears threatening to fall out of your eyes.
You feel him twitching in the back of your throat, signifying that he was close. The rough breaths from both of the brothers making your stomach twist in the best way, you were so close to finishing and you knew that they were too. “Shit! I’m about to cum!” “So am I!” You hear both of the brothers growl, in that moment you decide to perform a movement that Neteyam didn’t expect.
You grind your ass into his hips, sending him over the edge as he digs his fingers into your soft skin, you feel the warm liquid seeping into your womb, feeling you up. As if on cue, Lo’ak releases his cum down your throat, and you drink it up as if it’s the last drink that you’ll have.
Feeling both of them release inside of you pushes your orgasm out of you, your legs shaking as your eyes rolls once again, this time seeming as though they would get stuck. This was the most intense orgasm of the three that you’ve had today. Lo’ak and Neteyam both finally pulls themselves away from you, making you fall flat on your cot as you catch your breath. Your limbs seem to have given out on you, not even being able to pull you up so you could put your cloth back on.
The brothers both laugh as they stare at you laying there, out of breath and tired. They wanted to wear you out and they both knew they had done just that. Lo’ak puts his loincloth back on and so does Neteyam before he finds a piece of your cloth used for cleaning yourself and wiping you clean with it.
They both help you slip your loincloth back on, your legs feel almost numb as you can’t seem to move them so they do the work for you. Neteyam lies down on your cot, laying you on his chest as he rubs his fingers through your soft braids while Lo’ak lies on the opposite side of your cot, a big grin taking over his face.
“You really did amazing, Y/n. You surprised both of us at how well you took us considering this was your first time.” You hear Lo’ak’s voice ringing in your ears, making you confidently smile as you look over to him. “Both of you were fucking awesome. I loved it and it was a lot of fun.” Your gaze goes from Lo’ak to Neteyam as you assure them of how well they both did.
“So that means you enjoyed your first time then, hm?” Neteyam asks you, making you look into his eyes. It feels like a switch just flipped on you as you feel the seat of your loincloth getting drenched once again at the mere thought of what just happened, and how much you want to do it again.
“Enough to do it again right now.” You smirk at both of the brothers, making them look at each other, a tired look in both of their eyes.
They have no idea what they just started, but they’re both in for a long night and you’re just getting started…
A/N: Ok so I literally just got a sudden wave of energy to perfect this and go ahead and post so that’s why I’m literally posting at almost 3 A.M. 😭 but thank you guys for being so patient with me, I just started a new job and it’s literally Monday-Friday so I have been drained! But now that I’m used to the schedule, I can get back to posting every 4-5 days! Anyways, you’ve read enough so I hope you guys enjoyed and thank you guys for the likes, it means so much! 💖
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ensn4r3d-d0ve · 1 year
Reader trying to get Leon to sleep with her but he’s not getting the hint. Instead of Ashley being the one getting saved it’s reader. Till Luis starts to tell Leon if he isn’t gonna take a hint he’ll have sex with her.
But what if i switch it up ay the end where leon gets a little possessive over the reader?? 🤭
Sub x Dom dynamic w Re4r Leon and the fem! Reader
Summary: He’s saving you (instead of Ashley & your his mission) you are the president’s daughter, and giving him hints you wanna be with him but he doesn’t get it, so Luis tells him that you wanna fuck him although you just want to get together w him basically bf and gf!
— Needy Princess
Since the mission of saving you, the president’s daughter, even started Leon has been extra protective over you and determined to keep you safe. Besides the point you are very restless and sore from running all this way, fighting, and even meeting new people like luis. It is also obvious how tired you are since Leon has to carry you to the nearest save room, you have flirted with him countless times and even gave him hints having still never taken a hint. You invited him to lay next to you as you pat the bed beside you.
He can only shake his head while he stares at you with shining eyes ‘Can’t slack off on a mission, sorry y/n’. causing you to frown and nod at his own wishes right now, luis comes in walking up to you as your sleeping, leon walks closer to luis and pushes him against the wall pinning him there in frustration “What do you think your doing?!” He asks luis who just shrugs at him, a look Leon gives can easily make someone die.
Luis said crossing his arms against his chest “Maybe if you took the subtle hints Y/N gave you we wouldn’t be in such a situation. Jeez she clearly wants you, so if you can’t take the hint, I’ll just have sex with her!” The brunette says cockily, causing Leon’s cheeks to flush with anger but at the same time he could feel himself getting turned on by luis bold statement about Y/N, making him chuckle darkly “No way, no way are you going to sleep with her, I want her. So shut your mouth and go away.”
With those words Leon pushed luis out of his way making the brunette glare at Leon but not before mouthing “I’m still waiting for my turn, you don’t have a claim yet and she’s mine.” and then walking down the hallways to continue the mission. It makes Leon feel weird, it made him uncomfortable that luis seems to want you and not him. Leon shakes his head and goes back to check if you woke up, which you did but then again you weren’t really awake since you were half asleep.
Leon gently touches your forehead to wake you up a bit more when you start to stir, and you blink up at Leon before you smile softly at him and give him a little peck on his cheek “Good morning Leon” you mumble softly.
“Morning, how do you feel?” He asks.
“Better actually, I haven’t felt as tired for days” You answered.
“That’s good. How long ago did you take to wake up though?” Leon asks and your face turns red a bit, he must notice your expression, because Leon laughs lightly at how cute you looked embarrassed.
“Y/N, what happened? You know that I love you right?” He says and you nod hesitantly and very slowly.
Did you hear that correctly or are you just imagining things?
Leon leans down slightly and puts his lips against yours and kisses you sweetly “And I’m going to protect you always.” he finishes and you smile shyly at him “Leon… You’re going to get sick of carrying me around!” You say and you lean up to kiss him again but it didn’t last very long “Don’t worry, that doesn’t mean I won’t carry you around” Leon says with a smirk before planting kisses on your neck.
You blush profusely but then laugh softly when Leon starts to leave butterfly kisses around your throat making you giggle “mmh!” you let out an unexpected whper. You can’t really hear yourself but just Leon laughing “Sorry princess, I didn’t know I was that good at kissing.” Leon says with a smug grin and licks at your earlobe and you giggle again “Mhm! Just like what I imagined” you whisper to Leon who smiles at you warmly and kisses you once more before laying you on your bed and climbing on top of you.
He leans down and whispers to you “Do you wanna stay here or go upstairs?”. His voice is husky and low and sends goosebumps all over your skin. Your breath hitches as you gulp before replying “Uhh….” You mumble, you’re blushing hard and your voice comes out in a stutter so that makes Leon chuckle quietly as he leans down to your lips. He captures them with his own one, moving slowly LG and giving you time to react but you don’t. All you can do is moan into his mouth when his tongue slips into your mouth. Leon chuckles and wraps his arms around your waist pulling you close.
He presses a lingering soft kiss to your temple as he pulls away from you, looking at you intently “Is that better?” he asks in a huskier voice.
“Much” you whisper to him lovingly.
“Good. Now let'me show you what I'm capable of, princess” Leon whispers back and he lifts you up, pressing you against him as he climbs off the bed. His hands are under your thighs making it easy for him to pick you up bridal style, he carries you to the door and heads to your bedroom where he lays you onto the bed.
He stands up as he looks at you for a moment before leaning over you taking a few moments to admire the way your body is exposed to him and your red face is hidden behind your hands, “Please be gentle...” you say shyly. And Leon nods before bending down to kiss your forehead tenderly, making you shiver a bit “Will be princess~.” He whispers before leaning down again pressing his lips to yours and this time, his kisses are passionate and possessive.
This time, you can’t help but gasp and squirm under his touch as he pulls apart from you, his hands roaming over your curves. Leon smirks at your reactions and kisses his way to your neck “Are you ready, princess?” he asks huskily against your earlobe. A shiver runs down your spine and you nod eagerly.
He places another kiss on your mouth as his hand slides down to caress you through your dress, “Then let’s see if i can make you come.” he murmurs as he moves to pull away. However, he gets pulled down instead by you who immediately latches on his mouth again in order to try and keep him down “Don’t go yet~” You whine. Leon groans as he pulls you close to him, holding you against his torso as you straddle him. “But princess~” he moans against your neck as he kisses you deeply. You can feel his erection rubbing against your ass through your dress, you feel like you might lose control any second.
“Please Leon, stop teasing” you whine, Leon just chuckles softly and kisses the side of your neck again “Only when you tell me to~” he replies between kisses and bites, causing you to whimper “I will...but not until you give me some attention~” You admit. Leon raises an eyebrow and hums softly, his gaze becoming heated “Alright, alright, I’ll listen.” Leon replies while he kisses along your jawline, trailing down to the curve of your neck leaving wet marks as he goes down to your breasts “Mmf!” You gasp out as you feel his wet kisses down your chest.
As he keeps licking and biting down at your nipples, he grabs your left arm and hooks his fingers on the wristband to lift it. Your other hand goes to grab at him as he starts sucking on your breast as well, causing your hips to start bucking against him. When you reach for him and tug at his hair with your left hand, you let out an involuntary noise when he bites down on your nipple, making you arch your back slightly.
Leon takes the opportunity to press his body against yours, feeling his bulge brush against your center. “Oh God please don’t make me cum like this!” You plead with him, you wanted him but you needed to hold on for just a little longer so that you won’t come too soon. And he just laughs lowly “If only I could. Then I would” he says and you can feel his hardness pressing against your core. You bite your lip and try to hold back a moan as you feel him rub against you, making you feel even more aroused. Leon notices your struggle and stops teasing you, he pulls away from you and looks at you with lust filled eyes “I’ll give you whatever you want, baby~” Leon says as he cups your chin softly and brings your lips together in a hungry hungry kiss, his mouth slanting across yours.
It’s hot and rough and everything you have ever dreamed about. And Leon never fails to surprise you. “…Want you..want you inside me.” You manage to say, He breaks the kiss suddenly after you beg him to enter, breathing heavily “So impatient princess~” he says amusedly before continuing to pound against you. After what felt like hours of fucking, Leon lets out a breathless pant before pulling away from you “Damn you’re tight, (y/n)..” he pants as he continues to pump himself against you.
“Warmth..warmth inside me..” you breathe and moan loudly when he finally slams himself into your core. Your hands were gripping the sheets tightly enough that it was white and it would definitely tear anytime soon. But that didn’t matter anymore, your mind was focused on Leon’s thrusts and moans which are coming out as shaky breaths, they sounded sexy and desperate.
The pressure builds up within you and you feel your orgasm coming closer, your legs tighten instinctively as you start rocking against Leon’s member. “Ah~!~ I’m gonna cum, Leon! Don’t stop! Ah~~ Mnn~!~” you shout in pleasure and you feel a sudden warmth spreading through your body as you came and came hard and fast. Leon grunts as his seed fills your insides.
He holds you close, resting his chin on top of your head, his hand playing with your hair gently, kissing your skin lightly. He was panting too, but his breathing calmed down quickly. You both lay there in silence for awhile, listening to each other's heavy breathing and relaxing completely. You move in the crook of Leon' s arm so you're laying next to him instead of hovering above him. “Thank you…” you murmur sleepily. “Anytime, sweetheart..” Leon mumbles as he pulls you closer and nuzzles your hair lovingly. You snuggle into his embrace as the two of you fall asleep in each other's arms with a blanket over both of you. Luis leaning against the doorframe smirking and saying ‘I knew it.’ with a smirk
The next morning you wake up early with a yawn as you glance around the room. Your eyes widen and your heart skips a beat when you realize you weren't alone, Leon was still sleeping beside you, still hugging you close and smiling sleepily. Your blush creeps up to your cheeks as you watch him sleep, enjoying the sight of him. You smile softly and lean forward to kiss his cheek, whispering “Good morning!”. Leon stirs a bit and opens his eyes, blinking a couple of times before he smiles at you and kisses your forehead.
“Morning, princess” he whispers back. You smile and snuggle closer to him “How long have we been asleep?” you ask curiously. Leon doesn’t reply straightaway as he runs his fingertips lightly down the side of your stomach, tracing patterns on your bare skin “Well…it must’ve been late” Leon answers casually.
“And the sun hasn’t risen yet...” He adds, giving you a peck on the forehead before sitting up and stretching, “We should get dressed princess, it’s too dangerous for us to be out here naked” Leon says sternly, giving you a look as he reaches over and tugs on the hem of your skirt. He puts back on his gear and bulletproof vest before he grabs his backpack and turns back towards you “Do you need some help princess?” He offers. He picks you up bridal style and cradles you close to his chest as he helps you put your clothing back on and buttoning it all up neatly.
“Now let's continue the mission of getting you home.”
……………………………………. …………………………………
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periprose · 8 months
Angsty/Sad imagine idea for insomniac!peter parker
Reader dies in his arms or he visits her grave for the first time and he says something like "we weren't supposed to end like this" and its just sad....
😭 this ask made me sad but also excited to write! Thanks for requesting it.
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"How is Spider-Man supposed to reach us in time?" The woman tied up next to you quivered in fear. "Those assholes having been taunting their guns for the last twenty minutes... oh God..."
You never worried if Peter would show up to rescue you in time. Ever since Fisk had gotten jailed, multiple up-and-coming criminals had taken this as their chance to shine.
Unfortunately for you, that meant being kidnapped or harassed, and often you'd get out of those situations thanks to the police- but being Spider-Man's girlfriend sometimes had it's privileges, namely that you could text him discreetly for help and he'd be on his way.
You always felt bad about it. You knew there were worse, harsher things happening out there. But Peter always insisted that you ask for help.
Usually it would end in a quick brawl, and you'd be safely thwipped into his arms, no harm done as you'd swing back to your apartment in safety.
This time, though? It's a lot more serious. These thugs want to "directly send a message to Spider-Man", and it's by poor luck that they've discovered your connection to him.
Every once in a while, they taunt you, but you're sure Peter will rescue you. You've sent him a text and he's read it- he must be frantically swinging right now.
"He's coming, don't worry." You try to comfort the woman beside you, but to no avail- she mutters that Spider-Man doesn't deserve a girlfriend if this is what happens to her, and that you need higher standards.
"This one's getting too confident, boss." One of the thugs kicks your side after hearing your remark, and you wince. "Being pretty won't save you now, bitch."
The woman next to you shrieks in fear- but she suddenly gasps in relief, and you see him, red-and-blue Spider-Man saviour swinging directly to the intersection you're currently kneeling at.
"I've got you, stay down!" Spider-Man shouts at you and the other hostages. He doesn't have a hint of his usual, tension-breaking humour, and it fills you with dread.
The pavement hurts your knees, but you stay down, not wanting to draw attention now as Spider-Man attacks and webs up your kidnappers. He's putting a lot more emphasis into his punches- it seems like they've really ruffled his feathers this time.
Of course, Peter's actually furious- he doesn't know how they figured out your connection to him, and he's desperate to take you away and hide you somewhere safe.
He wonders if he can convince you to move to New Jersey.
After a blur of punches, Peter sees that there's just one more guy to defeat- he swings forward, the guy shoots his gun, a flurry of bullets ricocheting everywhere, and Peter doesn't care about the sudden searing pain in his side- he takes him down.
He turns- hoping that you're still okay to go home now- but the woman next to you is crying hysterically, pointing to your slumped over body.
Oh no. Oh no. No, no, no.
Peter starts running, not with the confident poise of Spider-Man, but with the fear of a young man about to lose the one person he truly, truly cared about.
He scrambles over the pavement, where you're lying in a pool of your own blood, gunshot wounds scattered across your body- it just seems unnecessarily unfair, so needlessly cruel that the universe decided that you would take all those bullets. They should've hit him- he would've gladly taken every single shot.
"No, no. Please-" Peter squeezes your hand, as you look up at him, tears falling out of your eyes. Your face is ghostly pale, you're shuddering- but you still have enough time to say something.
"Keep... going..." You try, because you don't want Peter to blame himself for your own stupidity.
"No. Please, somebody help her!" Peter shouts, gritting his teeth, and there's nobody left here but him and you. Everyone else has ran off- and Peter's too shaken to call an ambulance at this moment. "I don't know what to do, don't- don't-"
You know what he means, and you're trying. You're using all your might to not die here, to let yourself be rescued and healed. But you can't let Peter stay agonized like this, not when he means so much to people, not when he protects so much more than just you, so you use your last reserve of energy to speak, even though he tries to shush you.
"New York... needs... you."
"I need you!" Peter yells, and you can tell he's crying under the mask. "It should've been me, I could've taken it- please don't-"
But Peter's luck always runs out, and it seems like the universe wants him to lose even more than he ever has. Your grip loosens from his hand, your eyes glaze over, and even though he sobs, clings on to you even more tightly- you just aren't there to hug him back this time.
It's been a month since Peter lost you so unceremoniously.
He stares at your gravestone in disbelief. None of this feels real- he was sure that if anyone in this world had to die from random criminals, it should've been him.
All the time, he feels like he's waiting for a phone call from you. He still swings by your apartment- your things have been removed, he can see that through the window.
Even though he saw your body being taken away into the ambulance, where you were immediately proclaimed dead, and he was at your funeral. It's like the reality of the situation is refusing to sink in his mind.
Even worse, he's taken out his rage on every petty criminal that comes his way now, as Spider-Man. J. Jonah Jameson loves it, calls him even more of a vengeance on the city, and that he should be behind bars.
Peter would be behind bars gladly if it meant you would've been safe. Maybe being Spider-Man was a mistake.
But he can't forget your last words. The last thing Peter would ever do is disappoint you, and he knows what you wanted. That he would keep protecting the city, that he would keep going despite it all.
Damn it, he hates you sometimes. Hates that you still know how to inspire hope in him, that you're such a significant presence in his heart that you're permanently etched there now. He hates how much he loves you, and how he's going to forever listen to you.
He just wishes you were here to see it through.
"We weren't supposed to end like this. It was supposed to be me and you, together, living a full life." He whispers. "It... it was supposed to be us, and our kids, our grandkids, hell even great grandkids, and then, only then, would I accept it. That we would be allowed to-"
He still can't bring himself to say die. So he lets himself swallow the agony, the sobs that always threaten to ebb out of his throat, and rests another bouquet of flowers at your grave.
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ghostfanwriter · 1 year
✨🔥 Safe 🔥✨
Part two
✨ Pairing: Raider!Joel Miller x afab! Non-Innocent reader
🔥 Synopsis: Your group gets surprised by Joel's, and when one of you refuses to give when what they want, Joel takes all of you back to his base, keeping you to play housewife in his house.
✨ Features: 🔞 Age gap (Joel in his early 50's, reader in her mid 20's), kidnapping, teasing, a bit of exhibitionism (just for him, though), oral sex (m receiving).
🔥 Word count: Over 3k.
✨ About this: This is the first half of a two part story. I wanted to explore Raider!Joel meeting a non innocent reader, because let's be honest here, we eat this shit up, so we wouldn't be exactly sad if that man did it to us.
🔥 Author's note: This one also took me forever to figure out. I wanted him to have a kinda toxic but soft vibe. Like, he's not forcing you, clearly, but he also touches and undresses you before you ever give him any clear sign you're okay with it. He's gross but in a delicious Joel Miller way.
Good reading ✨🔥
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You know it's wrong to enjoy this, God wants to believe you know it. But you can't help yourself.
You and three others from your group were on a run for supplies when three cars full of men surprised you. They were armed and said you just had to give them all your supplies and no one would get hurt.
When one of the men with you didn't want to cooperate, things went south and the leader of the group got out of one of the cars. He shot a warning shot and yelled. All of his men went quiet and gave him space to talk to your people.
The second you saw the man you had to swallow back a moan.
His broad shoulders, huge hands — God if your fingers felt good, imagine those —, his God-like sculpted face and nose, his fluffy hair, his belly showing through his shirt.
Everything your eyes land on make you feel more dizzy.
Your thoughts must have been painted all over your face, because the second the man looked at you, he smirked.
You didn't look away, though.
You held his stare, smiling back, forgetting for a second the situation you were on. The fact that his men were looting your group. The fact that he was the type you usually shot right between the eyes without faltering.
You were more focused on him, on his face, his smile. His figure. How much the big men around him respected him.
Shooting his pretty face was the last thing on your mind.
He looked at all of you again, making himself loud and clear while sounding assertive and calm. His voice making you lightheaded.
"Now, we were going to take your stuff, maybe punch one or two of you on the face — not you though, sugar." He says, turning to point and smile at you. "And then leave and let you go." He says looking back at everyone.
"But when you point a gun at my men? That fucking destroys the deal, man!" He — sounding surprisingly calm — tells the man who denied to give his men your supplies.
"So here's the thing. We're gonna take you back to our place and we'll keep you there with us for a while. You'll work for us and then maybe, if I feel like you deserve it, I'll let you go." He looks at you again, analyzing you, up and down. Then stopping at your face. "I'm sure you'll all have great use for us." He says with a warm smile. Your eyes falter and your cheeks burn.
They blindfold you, so you don't see where their base is. And the big man is the one doing it to you. Your heart beating all over your body when you feel his warmth and his chest on your back.
He definitely did not need to be this close to you to do this.
"This is just a formality, alright, darling? Just to be sure." His hands are rough, but his touch is soft against your skin. He carefully wraps the fabric around your face, "Is it too tight?" he whispers low and breathy on your ears.
You hate it, but you let out a weak and pathetic moan, almost giving in and letting your body melt back against his chest. "Mmn. Huh hm. It's fine."
You can fucking feel his smirk on the back of your neck. "Good."
On your ride to his base you feel his hand on your thigh, just to keep you steady, according to him, and you hear him humming some songs from time to time.
On the darkness of your blindfold, all you could see was him, his face, his hair, his broad chest and back. You were going over the whole situation again, paying attention to the image your brain painted of him, hoping he'd look just as good when you saw him again.
Hoping your brain didn't lie to you, and he was actually all that.
You didn't see the way to their place, but honestly you also don't remember exactly how you ended up here, on this specific situation. Standing on the entrance of his bedroom, watching him put your backpack down near his bed.
All you know is that you're here. And your people are somewhere on this same place.
And you need to keep them safe.
But they're fast to flee your mind when the man starts walking towards you. His gaze dark but soft at the same time. He pulls you softly by the forearm and closes the door behind you, standing at arm reach.
You feel like your heart is making cartwheels all over your body.
"I meant what I said, sugar. You'll all have to work here before I can let you go." You nod, looking up at him and doing your best to not bite your lip. "Tell me, what do you think you can do to make yourself useful around here?"
Now that he's closer, his smell finds it's way back to your nose, and you're pulled out of your brain immediately.
He looks bigger now so close to you, and you can't help but think about how he would feel like on top of you. His weight and his warmth pushing you into the mattress and... he's squinting his eyes, as if trying to read your thoughts, that damn smile on his lips again.
"Anything." You manage to say when you snap back. You're holding his stare the whole time. Not to appear tough or anything, you're just trying to memorize his face.
For later at night, when you're not with him.
"Anything can be many things, sweet thing." His hand comes to your hair, pulling it back and away from your face. An unexpected tenderness to his touch, and you feel like you could just melt right into his hand.
"Anything you want me to do. Anything to be useful for you." His eyes get darker and falter at your words, and you smile softly at his reaction.
His hand comes to your jacket, pulling it over your shoulders and off you, and part of you wished he didn't stop at it.
"Alright. Why don't you start by getting yourself clean and comfortable, then? You've had a stressful day, I'm guessing. Do you have any clean clothes?" he asks. "Uhum", you nod, "On my backpack."
"Bring it over to me." You walk towards it and pick the backpack up, handing it to him. He points you to the bathroom. "You'll find a clean towel there, I'll sort your clothes for you."
You find him sitting on the edge of his bed, by a small pile of clothes when you come out, wrapped in his towel. "You understand I just can't let you go after your people pointed a gun at my men, don't you baby?" His voice is lower and more breathy than before, and God... You could listen to it all day.
All night.
"I do. I would do the same if it were the opposite. We'll cooperate and no one will get hurt." You say, looking into his eyes, watching him get up and walk towards you.
He's not used to people sustaining his gaze. All the huge and muscular men surrounding him too afraid to do it, and none of the women he's found along the way would dare to try.
But not you.
You like his eyes, you like that he doesn't drop his gaze, he doesn't hide his thoughts, and he's liking the same about you.
"Smart girl." He says, pulling the towel and carefully removing it from you.
He takes a step back and throws the towel on the bed, his gaze locked on your body. Analyzing your skin, your curves, your scars and marks. You notice a growing volume on his pants, and when you look back at his eyes, you find them already on yours, a cocky and so goddamn beautiful smile on his lips.
You just can't physically not respond his fucking smile.
"How about you start by grabbing that towel for me, baby? Don't want to sleep on a wet bed." He says, mentioning his bed for you. When you walk past him, he turns, taking a good look at your back, and you make sure to softly sway your hips for him.
You notice the towel is on the other side of the bed, and, instead of walking to the other side to grab it, you look at him over your shoulder, finding him on a stiff posture, eyes fixated on you, his fists tight by his sides.
You turn back and kneel on his bed, his teeth pressing onto one another so hard they could break, and his gaze weakening for a beat. You get fully on all fours and reach for the towel, making sure to lift your ass. A soft and wet, barely audible sound escapes from your pussy when you bend over and your folds get parted.
He grunts and you look back over your shoulder again, smiling at him. "Got it!" you say cheerfully, lifting the towel over your head and coming back, getting off his bed.
You roll the towel around yourself and look at him. "I noticed you have a lot of dirty clothes on your bathroom. Also I don't believe you cook a lot? Maybe I could help you around your house, you know. Make myself useful for you", you offer.
If you really had to stay over and work, you wouldn't mind if you got to spend the whole day on his house.
With him.
The next day you went all over his house, cleaning what was dirty and planning what you could cook for him. It wasn't so bad after all. You just weren't as close to him as you thought you'd be, since he's spent the whole day away, keeping a few of his men surrounding his house all day to watch you.
You were cooking dinner when he arrived home. "Did you have a nice day, baby?" He asked, getting behind you and smelling your neck. His beard scratching you and sending a shiver down your spine, going all the way until pooling on your pussy.
"Just felt a bit lonely, but it was alright." He hums, running his hands on your hips. "A pretty girl like you should never feel lonely." You're wearing a dress he got you this morning, and he can feel that you're not wearing anything under it, groaning and lightly squeezing your hips.
You told him he had time to take a shower before dinner and he went to his bathroom.
When he comes back down, you're by the table; a few pots, a bottle of some alcohol he had, one cup and one plate on top of it.
"Where's yours?" He asks. His hair is wet and combed back, he looks clean and pretty, and you felt like somehow you were already used to him, to his presence. You spent your whole day thinking about him, counting the seconds to see him again, to feel your belly get all happy to see him.
"Oh, I, hum. I thought you'd like to eat alone." You say and he laughs, grabbing a plate and putting it across from his. "Been eating by myself for a while, angel. Want you to eat with me."
You sit down when he does and serve both of you, his eyes fixated on you while he pours both of you some of his drink. "Can I ask you something?" You ask when you start eating, and he responds without looking at you, only lifting his brows, as in 'go on'.
"Where is the rest of my people? What are they doing?" He doesn't get fazed by your question. "What are you doing here, peach?" He asks sipping on his drink.
You think for a beat. Was it a trick question?
"Honestly? Not sure. You said I'd help you, but I'm not sure with what." He looks at you. "Remember what you said? 'Anything'. Right?"
"Right. Anything. But I've only cleaned and cooked so far." He reads your face. His heavy eyes focused on yours.
"Is there anything else you wanna do, sugar?" He asks leaning back on his chair, chewing on his food. You foot looks for his legs, and he looks down when you touch his thigh.
"I thought you needed me for other things. Things more fun than what I did today." His breathing gets heavier, his brows lower and his voice somehow deeper.
"I can't, baby." Your own brows furrow.
"Why not?" You ask and he adjusts himself when your foot reach his crotch.
"I promised I'd let you go. If we do this, I won't ever wanna let you go. Then your people will come for my people, and I don't want to deal with that."
You sighed in an attempt to hold back a moan that still made its way out. You know it's wrong, God wants to believe you know it's wrong, but you can't help it.
You'd love to fucking see it. To see him fight over you, to see him do things for you. He must have done somethings before for his men to respect him so much, and you kinda hoped he'd do them because of you one day.
You press your foot on him.
"You don't think I'm worth it?" You tease, sweetening your voice and innocently looking at him, pouting your lips.
"That's exactly my problem, baby. I know you will be. That's why I can't." You almost feel bad for him, you can feel him hardening under your foot, but you can see he's doing his best not to give in.
"It's a paradox then. If I help you with it, you won't let me go. But if I don't help you, I'm not doing my job, so I can't leave either way. Guess we don't really have a choice here." His eyes find you again and he grins, grunting when you roll your foot over his cock.
He scratches the back of his head, removing your foot.
"Now, I don't want to force you to do anything, right, angel? That's not how I work around here." You nod, convincing him was easy enough.
"But you're gorgeous. And I haven't seen a pretty girl like you in ages, maybe never before. So if you really want to help, you can just be a good girl for me and let me look at you, alright?" He says, palming himself. "Anything to be useful." You repeat, and he smirks. "Alright. Just take your dress off and be pretty, huh? Shouldn't be hard for you."
You smile and get up. You see that he's stroking himself through his jeans and you bite your lower lip, unbuttoning your dress slowly, letting it fall down your shoulders before bending over to take if fully off.
His eyes are locked on your body and against all odds, you don't feel any shame.
Being on full display for him just makes you feral, like you could attack the poor man at any second.
He unbuckles his belt and unzips his jeans, setting his cock free and sighing at the feeling.You have to clench your jaw so it doesn't drop.
He's big.
Big, thick and he looks so fucking deliciously heavy. His tip is glistening and swollen, leaking with his precum. You lick your lips at the sight, moving your chair away from the table to give him a better view and sitting back down.
He watches you and laughs. "You know, most girls would be all scared and shy on your position." He starts stroking himself, slow and deep, rolling his palm around his tip and going back down. He grunts while doing it, looking at you.
You scoot forward and lift your legs, bringing your knees close to your chest and spreading yourself for him. "But not you, right, baby? You liked my attention this whole time" He says, a hint of almost pain in his voice.
"I like how you look at me." You say with a smile, his eyes roaming your whole body, stopping at your pussy, already wet and glistening. "Oh, I can tell from here how much you like it, pretty."
You're already naked, already fucking soaked, and already on this situation. The man is already giving you his undivided attention, his dick is out, and the tension between you two is making it hard for you to breath. So why not fucking float along with his tide and enjoy yourself?
You mention to get up, but he shoots you a look. "No. You stay right there. Just sit and be pretty, remember?" He says in a stern tone hasn't used with you yet.
You pout, but sit back down.
"Let me see her again, baby. So pretty all wet for me." You get up and move your chair closer to him, his eyes following you like a hawk.
You sit down and spread yourself, gathering a bit of your leaking arousal and spreading it over his tip, earning a hiss from him, your soft hand a stark contrast to his rough one, distracting him for a beat. He lets you stroke him for a second, thrusting his hips slowly into your hand before snapping back and removing your hand.
He keeps stroking himself, eyes locked on your pussy, faltering when you start touching yourself, running your fingers through your folds and circling your clit, moaning softly.
He pushes his chair back for his hand to move more freely, his eyes fixating on yours. He looks good, so fucking good it makes you want to stay with him. To make sure he's okay, well taken care of, well fed.
Well fucked.
He drops his head back and you know you won't have a better chance of touching him again.
You drop to your knees, licking your lips while taking a better look at his cock. But you probably stare for too long, because after a while he groans, making you look up, finding his eyes on you.
"You're so fucking bad, angel." He pants.
"Uh um, I'll show you how good I can be for you." You say looking him in the eyes, your low and aroused voice surprising your own ears. He smiles and keeps stroking himself.
You look into his eyes and he puts his dick closer to your mouth. You lick his tip, just the tip of your tongue, just the tip of his cock, light enough to just taste him. You whine when he pulls away, pouting and furrowing you brows.
"You're gonna take what I give, huh? Tongue out." He says, that fucking stern tone back, just a little sweeter this time.
You do what he says and he slaps his tip on your tongue a few times, a wet sound filling your ears as your tongue numbing with his weight hitting it.
It was like he wanted you to do it, but he was doing his best to not let you. Sometimes he'd touch your tongue for long enough for you to lick him, or roll your tongue on him, and he'd furrow his brows in response, pulling away.
He grabs another bite of his food and moans when you roll your tongue around his tip, running his fingers through your hair. He didn't pull away this time.
"Shit. A man could get used to this really fast, angel." You smile and he grunts when you swallow his tip. "Fuck, baby, there you go, so good." He lets go of himself and his dick stays there, fully up and hard, his tip inside your mouth, all of his length pulsing for you.
He distracts you again, but eventually you grab him and notice how heavy he is — just like you knew he'd be —, so heavy you moan when you hold him. He runs his fingers through your hair, pulling on it. "C'mon, baby. Treat it real nice."
"You know I will."
You lick his tip, once again rolling your tongue around it. Then you lick underneath his tip, trying to touch every little corner of him with your tongue. You lift his dick and lick it from the base up, wetting your tongue as you go, keeping it spread and watching him as his eyes close shut.
You suck his tip into your mouth, sucking on it for a bit, enjoying the soft and wet texture on your tongue, moaning and moving your hips, looking for something to relieve the burn you felt between your legs.
You take more of him in, drooling on his length, slowly swallowing him. You do it carefully, but passionately, sucking hard and squeezing what you couldn't yet fit in your mouth with your hand.
His grunts and moans serving as fuel to you as you took him all the way, opening your throat to accommodate him and swallowing around his length, his fingers tightening their firm grip on your hair.
"Fuck, right there, wanna — grunt — be right there for a bit." He holds you in place, and you do your best to hold your gags back, but some pass and he groans when your throat convulses around him.
"So good, baby. So pretty all full of me like this." He says, and you manage to look up, finding his eyes hooded and filled with lust.
You moan around him and he lets you go, pulling out all the way back to his tip, taking a second to breath while you suck around it again, hard while you stroke him, turning your wrist as you go up and down, moaning at how his skin moves under your hand, at how soft his skin is, and how hard he is.
After a while you go back, swallowing him all the way and coming all the way to his tip, rolling your tongue around it and earning a groan from him. He holds you by your hair, keeping your head high as he starts thrusting inside your mouth. Slow and careful at first, but hard and rough once he finds less resistance.
Your hands go to his stomach and chest, to help you support yourself. You run them over his belly, indulging in how big and strong he is, in how you can feel his muscles flex to fuck your mouth.
"You don't let anyone else do this to you, you hear me? This mouth is mine, only I can be inside it, only I can have fun with it."
You moan in agreement. You don't want anyone else, you don't think anyone else will even look appealing to you anymore. He's burned himself as your favorite even before he looked at you, as soon as he walked out of that car, as soon as you landed eyes on him.
"Don't let any boys do this to you after you leave, baby. Would hate to know you had someone do this to you besides me. Only I can fucking use your pretty face like this."
You moan again, felling your arousal leak from your pussy. He stops and you sit back on the floor, recovering your breath for a second. He leans forward, fixing your sweaty hair and kissing your forehead, stroking himself once again.
You open your legs, and he looks at it. "Fuck, so fucking wet, baby." He says, panting.
"All ready for you." You say, tangling your words with a moan.
"All fucking ready for me, bet you feel so good. Would squeeze me so fucking nice, baby, would get fucking lost inside you, wouldn't wanna leave anymore."
You giggle, "Would be so happy being all full with you all the time." He smirks.
"Get back here, baby, this mouth making me happy enough for now." You do so, getting up with your mouth already open and your tongue already out, like you're starving and he's the best looking meal you've ever seen. When you're at his reach his hand comes back to your hair, guiding you to his dick.
You take him all the way, deep, hard and fast, properly fucking him with your mouth. His grip on your hair both forces you down on him and helps you stay steady while you focused only on making him cum.
"You're just trying to help your people, huh?" he laughs when you pull away, catching your breath. "Anything for them, yeah. Only thing on my mind right now." you respond his laugh.
"Oh, I know of better things for you to keep in your mind, pretty." he says in a sigh when you roll your tongue around his tip again.
You keep going, hard and deep, and soon enough — too soon, almost. You could keep going all day long — you feel him start to twitch inside your mouth, his chest losing its rhythm and his grunts getting louder.
You wrap your lips around his tip and suck him nice and hard, pumping him deep and fast with both your hands, twisting your wrists to increase the friction for him and looking into his eyes.
"Fuck — shit. Gonna, fucking — grunts —cum, baby. You're gonna take it for me? Huh?" He asks, and you smile, nodding and furrowing your brows when you taste him flooding your mouth. His hand pulling on your hair as he grunts and groans loudly, his hips instinctively thrusting into your mouth.
You keep sucking him for a while, your mouth full of his spend when he pulls your hair. "That's it, baby, thank you. Too fucking good for me." He says and you pull away, swallowing his cum and sitting back to breath a little. His hand once again comes to your hair and pushes it back, away from your sweaty forehead.
You get up and grab your plate, putting it on the fridge. "You're not gonna finish your food, baby?" He asks, finishing his pants, watching you pick up your dress.
"Already full, thank you." You say as you go upstairs, naked, making sure to sway your hips for him.
Now this should be more fun than just playing housewife.
✨🔥 Coming up: You understand why his people respect fear him so much, but it's a good thing if it's used to protect you. Right?
Hope you liked it, stay tuned for the next part 💝
Part two
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baby-beelzeburger · 1 year
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The brothers finding you asleep in their bed [Part Two]
➳ Summary: The brothers come home late to find MC sleeping in their bed. When asked, MC admits that they missed them while they were gone.
➳ Content info: MC is gender neutral.
➳ Characters: Leviathan and Satan
➳ Word Count:  Leviathan- 2,047 // Satan- 1,444
Part one
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Being an otaku was exhausting work. This, Leviathan knew well. But his hard work was worth it all as he walked through the empty halls of the House of Lamentation with a limited edition Ruri-chan figurine within his grasp. He had spent hours of the early morning, lined up with other super fans in order to get a chance to score such a precious item. There had only been a small amount of this special figurine. Not wanting to take any chances, Levi had set out the night before, eager to be as early as possible to the event. He had spent much too much time in the outside world, social battery drained just from having to spend so long packed in a line full of others. But at the end, it was worth it.
Despite his fatigue, excitement coarsed through his veins as he thought over all the places he could put this precious new addition to his collection. He knew she had to be front and center! She deserved no less. He wanted absolutely everyone to see this masterpiece! Not like... anyone really went into his room. But you did, and he just knew you were going to love her! So he had to make sure she was in a nice spot.
Just as he pictured the cute smile you’d give him when he was finally able to show off his new prize, he opened the door. His entire body felt like it was melting in relaxation at the sight of his room. He could already feel his energy meter beginning to fill again as he took a step inside, calming blue lights welcoming him in.
And then, he froze as movement from the corner of his eye drew his attention. Movement specifically coming from his bed. Upon closer look, he saw a lump underneath his covers where a lump should not be.
Frightened out of his mind, convinced some terrible creature had snuck it’s way into his room (after all, he had just played a new horror game the night before,) he hugged Ruri-chan tight to his chest. He took one more careful step into his room, craning his neck as far as it could go to see over the edge of the bathtub.
The lump moved again, and Levi jumped back in surprise. He yelped at the movement, only to hear a quiet voice mumble in response.
Wait. That sounded a little bit like.... MC?
Hah, no, that was silly. As if someone like you would ever want to sleep in the bed of someone like him. It was absolutely more likely that the scary monster from his game was under there, not you. He was completely imagining things.
Except, as his strained eyes continued to stare in fear, a head popped out from under the blankets. A head with a pretty face attached to it, a face that looked just like yours. and it looked incredibly adorable snuggled tightly in his bed. Your eyelids fluttered just a bit, showing him those gorgeous eyes he could get lost in forever. And then, he knew for sure.
You mumbled something incoherent, then your eyes slid back shut.
It was unmistakably you. He could never, ever forget your face! Or your voice, even when he couldn’t really understand what you were saying. And the monster from his game wasn’t a shapeshifter... so it really was you? But, why?
A lightbulb went off in Levi’s mind. This all must be a dream. The best dream of his life, for sure. It was the only way to explain how he managed to score such an incredibly rare item, and the only reason that the person of his dreams would be laying right there in his bed.
Levi stood there for a moment, taking it all in. If this was really a dream, then he wanted to soak it all in for as long as he could. He held Ruri-chan close to his chest. But even then, even as he wanted to revel in both parts of this increible dream, he couldn’t really take his eyes off of you.
That’s okay, he thought. This was enough to make him happy. He’d treasure the memory of your dream self snuggled up like this forever.
With a sigh and a firm nod to himself, he decided that he should wake up now. Enough relishing. Although, now that he thought about it, he never really checked if it was a dream. They say you can’t feel pain in your dreams, right? You’re supposed to pinch yourself to check. That’s what he’s heard, at least.
Leviathan tucked Ruri-chan underneath his arm- even if it was all a dream, he could never just drop her, or put her on the dirty ground!- and dug his nails into his flesh.
He yelped once again, this time in pain. He put his all into that pinch, convinced that it wouldn’t hurt. Now he had deep crescent shapes marked into his arm, irritated and beading with blood.
Wait... so was this honestly real? All of this? That meant that he really did get this awesome Ruri-chan figurine! Yes!
And, that meant that you were really sleeping in his bed...
Levi’s head shot up to look back at you, panic now erupting through him at the confirmation that this wasn’t all in his head.
Oh no, his head felt light. Was he about to faint?
Okay, okay, think Levi, He thought as he braced himself against the wall, This must be some trick of the mind. Lack of food, and water, and sleep. Yeah that’s it! Gotta be it. Don’t freak out.
But that wasn’t it. That became increasingly clear as you started to stir, the bright light shining in through the crack in the door becoming irriting to your sleeping mind.
He barely noticed at first that you started to return to reality. Not when your eyes started fluttering back open, fully awake this time. Not when you pushed the covers away from yourself and stretched out your arms with a little yawn. Only when you fully sat up to look at him from over the lip of the tub did he notice, and he jumped yet again.
You smiled a cute, lazy smile as you rubbed your tired eyes. Goodness, you even looked perfect straight out of bed, sleepy and a bit disheveled.
He started stuttering your name. It was all his brain could really muster in the moment. He couldn’t really think of anything other then you right then, and his panic was making him do a bad job of speaking.
You giggled. He felt mortified by the possibility that maybe you were laughing at him.
“Levi, you’re here. Welcome back.”
How could you be so casual about this!? You were sleeping in his bed! What are you even doing there!?
Wait, shit. Did he say that out loud? Why were you smirking like that?
“Mm... I just missed you is all.”
His heart was about to burst right out of his chest. You were literally about to kill him, did you even realize that!? You- you were trying to kill him, you must’ve been! This was an attempt on his life!
But completely oblivious to the hammering beats against his ribcage, you pointed towards Ruri-chan, still tucked underneath his arm.
“You got it!” You said, excitement in your voice.
That eased him up, just a bit. He knew you’d be excited...
All he could do was nod though, holding the box up in his hands for you to see.
“She’s so cute,” You said with another giggle, pulling yourself up and out of his bed. You stepped onto his cold floor, stretching out your legs this time, “I told you that you’d get her. Where are you going to put her?”
He felt happiness bloom across his chest, even in his anxiety-ridden state. This is why you were his best friend. You always engaged in his intrests and passions. You always cheered him on, even when no one else did.
Except... why did it feel so weird to call you just his friend? Especially after what he’d seen? That panging in his heart over seeing you in his bed... was that a normal thing to feel towards a friend?
Best friends sleep in each other’s beds when they miss each other, right?
Sure. This was normal.
Levi tried to take deep breaths to calm himself down, just like you’d taught him. This panic was over nothing. This was normal!
“I’m not sure yet. Do you maybe want to- um... do you wanna help me choose a spot?”
You nodded, even despite the fact that you looked so tired. Even through your fatigued eyes, you looked more then happy to help him.
The two of you spent the next few moments discussing which shelf she would look best on. You helped him rearrange some things to fit her in, treating each piece of his collection like a precious artifact. And that’s why you were the only person he’d let help him do this. Because he knew you were the only one he could trust to treat them- and by extention, him- with respect.
Once that task was completed, you both looked upon your work in triumph. She looked perfect there, the spot you chose was the best one in the room. He knew he could rely on your opinion.
After just a moment of observing, a yawn escaped your lips, drawing Levi’s attention back to you. You smiled sheepishly.
“I should probably head back to my room for the rest of the night. I’m still sleepy.”
“Right, uh... Sorry I woke you up.”
You laughed, shaking your head.
“No worries. Goodnight, Levi.”
His eyes never left you as you made your way to the door, trailing after you the entire time. He was thankful for it when you turned to look behind your shoulder as you reached the door. You sent him a wave. In a daze, he waved back. Then the door was shut, and you disappeared behind it.
Leviathan took a deep breath of relief, feeling the tension start to dissipate. With nothing left to do, now exhausted from both his excursion, and his panic of the evening, he begun his nightly routine to get ready for sleep.
Though, once it was time to get in bed, he hesitated. He wasn’t sure what he was so anxious of. Somehow, sleeping in the same spot that you once had felt strange. Wrong. Even when it was his own bed. Like you had blessed it with your pure pressence, and he would taint it the moment he touched it.
Eventually, the call of his soft blankets and pillows drew him in. And he was so glad it did.
It wasn’t until he rested his head onto the pillow that he realized his bedding smelled of you. The pillows he lined the tub with, the blankets, and sheets, all of it. The smell of you invaded his senses in the best way, and he felt his entire body ease.
You were so strange. You made him so nervous. You made him feel so tense, in an odd way that he didn’t understand. And yet, even the very thought of you, the very scent of you relaxed him. You were an enigma. A paradox. How could both things be true at once? It made no sense.
Despite this, he snuggled into his bed, into your scent, as much as possible. He felt so relaxed surrounded by you... so comforted. Almost like you were still there, laying next to him. Holding him in a gentle hug...
He shook his head, as if he could shake the thought right out of his brain. Maybe that was another thought for another day, as his swirling thoughts of you were starting to trouble him. He could think on it another time. Or he could avoid it, and loose himself in video games instead. It was a choice for future Leviathan to worry about.
One thing was true for certain, however. Levi got the most comforting sleep that night. More comforting then he’d had in a long time.
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On days like this, Satan was rather greatful for the exsistence of libraries. Not only for the wealth of knowledge right as his fingertips, but for the silence they offered him in times of distress. A library was like a sancuary to him, where the chaos of the day could melt away, and the wrath that boiled just below his skin could be temporarily forgotten.
Just that morning, Satan had once again lost his temper towards Lucifer. Over what, he could hardly remember. But he remembered exploding, his words flying from his mouth a mile a minute. And what made it worse was that Lucifer had barely even reacted. He just kept this annoying, stoic expression on his face, and that only served to piss Satan off more.
That bastard really thought he was perfect, acting like nothing had any effect on him. But Satan yelling at him must’ve upset him! It must’ve!
Satan had ended up storming out of the house in his distress, warning everybody to not follow after. The library was where he retreated to, as usual. But even as nice as the stillness of it was, he couldn’t help but wonder why, for the first time, it felt so lonely.
It wasn’t until late at night that he dared return home, but even then he still felt tense. Asmo greeted him at the door, expressing worry but clearly treading carefully in case he was still in a bad mood. Satan made an attempt at assuring him otherwise, but he knew his dialogue still came off as stiff. Asmo left him alone rather quickly, at least reassured that Satan was back home, but not wanting to set him off again.
Satan took a deep breath, then sighed it out slowly. It was a long day, and he was looking forward to falling asleep in the comfort of his bed.
He made the trek up the stairs, thankful he had yet to come face to face with Lucifer again. Though he was calmed down considerably, he wasn’t sure if seeing the demon’s face would set him off once more. Better safe then sorry.
Satan’s jaw was still clenched, and his eyebrows still furrowed, but even with the tension still lingering in his body, it felt like it all melted away the moment he opened the door to his bedroom. There, laying in the bed right in front of him, was you. It was hard to miss, the way the stacks of books littering his room framed you perfectly. Not to mention the moonlight that filtered in through the window behind you, acting as a spotlight to you and your peaceful rest.
How precious, he thought as he stepped inside, closing the door as silently as possible. He skillfully stepped around the mess of books to get to you, and with each step the frustrations of the day became further and further away from his thoughts.
In your hands, he noticed a book hanging from limp fingertips. A book from his own collection, he believed. Seems as though you’d helped yourself as you waited for him. A luxury granted to you and you alone, so long as you were mindful of the cursed and forbidden tomes hidden amongst the piles.
He couldn’t help but smile as he slid the book from your grip and set it aside, sure to save your place with the bookmark on his bedside table so you could pick up where you left off later.
He shed his jacket, kicked off his shoes, then crawled in bed with you. He dare not touch you, not wanting to cross any unknown boundaries. But he laid there beside you, and that was enough. He felt so at ease just being next to you. He fell asleep in no time, thanking you for being his most effective stress relief.
In that moment, just before he was whisked away into a dreamless sleep, he felt so silly. Just that morning, he had been so caught up in his rage he had forgotten that you, too, were his sanctuary. Even more precious then any word on a page. Had he remembered that this is how wonderfully being in your pressence would go, he would have sought you out, not gone to some stupid library.
The last words to drift in his mind before his eyes slid closed for the remainder of the night were accompanied by a soft smile.
I’d be wise not to forget it again...
When he awoke the next morning it was to the sight of you, rather frazzled. It seemed as though you had become a lot closer in the night, you with your head on his chest and him, with his arms holding you with no soon intent to let go.
He released you the moment he had become aware of it however, not wanting to make you uncomfortable. You let out a relieved breath and scooted away just the smallest bit, but he still noticed your slight hesitation the moment before you parted from him.
He apologized, feeling bad that he had indeed crossed a boundary, despite his own wishes the night before. He supposed even in his sleeping moments, he wanted to be near you as much as possible.
You took it in stride, not worried or upset. Simply a little flustered to have woken up in such an unexpected way.
“I hope I didn’t have you caged in for too long,” He said, a grin forming on his lips. Now knowing that you weren’t upset, it meant that the situation was open for teasing. Of course, he was also keenly aware of the fact that he were the one to hold you in the first place. He was just as open for teasing as you.
“No, don’t worry. I woke up just before you did...”
He nodded, and a silence began to settle over you. Normally, Satan would enjoy the fact, not because he grew tired of you speaking, but because it was the state he found most peace in. Your times together were often like this. Silent, simply enjoying one another’s pressence.
He was rather aware of how... cat-like that was. Especially when you teased him so much for it.
However, in that moment, Satan had one more question on his mind. He would have to set aside that moment of silence for just a minute longer.
He called your name, softly. Your head rose to face him again, still flustered. Adorable.
“Not that I’m complaining at all, but why exactly are you here?” He wondered.
“Well, you weren’t answering my calls yesterday and I was really worried. And I... I...” Your voice trailed off, the rest of your sentence turning into mumbled words he could no longer understand.
He leaned in forward and asked, “Sorry, what was that?”
“I said I... I really missed you.”
Satan felt like his heart was suddenly soaring through the bright, starry Devildom sky.
Yet even with all these soft feelings swirling around his chest, he couldn’t help but show something else on the outside. A teasing, smug smile formed on his lips.
“Is that right?”
“I- I did! You left in such a hurry and I didn’t know when you were going to come back...”
He sighed, the smug smile falling from his lips. He found his hand raise to cup your chin, guiding your gaze upwards to meet his own. He hoped you could feel the sincerity within his eyes.
“I’m sorry I worried you, MC. I feared that if I responded to your calls then I would end up taking my anger out on you."
He really hadn’t meant to upset you. He hadn’t even been thinking that clearly. All he knew was that he needed to be alone, away from everything. To know he worried you in the process made him feel terrible. Never did he want to be the cause of your bad feelings.
Seemingly gaining some sort of courage, you gave him the meanest face you could muster. It wasn’t all that mean, nor that threatening. It was actually rather cute. Like a kitten, trying to prove that it was scary. He didn’t say that though, keeping in the adoring smile that threatened to grace his face.
“Well next time, you be sure to at least let me know where you’ve gone, got it?”
With a nod, Satan let his hand trail up from you chin to hold your cheek instead. Hid thumb brushed against your cheekbone, and your “mean” expression melted.
“Got it,” He agreed, his voice light. Warm, “Now, would you mind coming back over here? I’d like to spend a bit more time with you before I have to face Lucifer again.”
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