#it is up to him to find healing potions in stores/off of corpses and use them him damn self
shaykai · 1 month
you make one bad choice in Hell/Bhaal's Realm and you're stuck with an evil alignment after. Just saying. Also if you finish that, then there's what comes After Irenicus. Heh.
I’m still a hero h a (accidentally saved over the save I had to maybe take up Sarevok’s offer to beat his face in, so I’m a good guy)
Side note- I’m a few hours into the Throne of Bhaal DLC and it’s willlllld
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mocketta · 3 years
Adventures of Terrimar Episode ???: Everything’s Better Down Where It’s Wetter... Until Your Charm-Free
Last time on the Adventures of Terrimar, the Defenders of Avalon had been separated, but thanks to aid from the king and a local shopkeep, Angus and Odarod were able to discover the whereabouts of their missing party members, Uruk and Darlynn. Angus and Odarod quickly set off to regroup with their missing friends. Thanks to the teleportation circle in Runner’s Keep, the journey time was cut significantly, and they were able to reach their friends within a few hours of losing them.
Whilst Angus and Odarod scrambled to reach Darlynn and Uruk, Darlynn and Uruk split up in Montley. Uruk decided to search for a magic shop whilst Darlynn waited at The Drowned Lady, a local bar. Uruk was able to find such a shop that appeared warmer and dryer than the other shops around it. And the golden letters on the storefront spelled out, The Broken Wave. Uruk entered the shop and inquired about fixing his magic item, a shark tooth necklace. After some discussion, Uruk paid the shopkeep – Bernard Bray – to fix his magic item and found a new bar close by to wait at. Whilst there, he helped himself to a few drinks to kill time.
Alone in The Drowned Lady, Darlynn waited for her friends to find her. However, before they could reach her, she was met by a lovely woman with golden locks. This was the woman Darlynn had seen in her dreams the night before. Instantly charmed, Darlynn sat down to discuss things with this woman – who later revealed herself to be Serena, a “friend” of their missing party member, Soulfire. Serena convinced Darlynn to take her party to buy water-breathing potions and to meet Serena on the beach as the sun was set to sink beneath the waves. Darlynn eagerly agreed and saw Serena off, only to be convinced that Serena’s plan was her own after Serena’s departure.
Angus and Odarod rushed from the teleportation circle in Brilla to Montley and met up with Darlynn at The Drowned Lady. Darlynn was where one would expect, curled up in the corner with her nose in a book. However, once Angus saw her, he ran over and embraced her, ecstatic to find her safe and sound. Darlynn was equally pleased to see him, as well as Odarod. As they regrouped – albeit still with a missing half-orc – Darlynn told them of what had transpired since she had left them, although her perception was skewed which caused both Odarod and Angus to be concerned. Something seemed off, but they decided to go along with her plan for the time being.
Before leaving The Drowned Lady, Angus eyed a unique instrument he had never seen before. He briefly rushed over to the man, Stevie, to ask about it. After some back and forth, the man revealed it to be a stretching piano until he found a better name that is. The Piano Man quickly renamed his musical instrument to an accordion after listening to the words of his friend Davey. Armed with this new information and filled with a bit of awe, Angus left Stevie and Davey to find The Broken Wave with Darlynn and Odarod.
It was around this same time that Uruk had returned to the Broken Wave to check on his magic item. And as luck would have it, the group ran into one another. Uruk quickly paid for his now fixed necklace whilst Darlynn began to inquire about water-breathing potions. She acquired ten of them and used the money Serena had given her to do so. However, that was not all that caught the party’s eyes. Along with the water-breathing potions, Darlynn purchased a Bag of Holding. Odarod purchased three Rings of Swimming, a Small Bag of Holding, and some normal arrows. Finally, there was Angus who purchased a Pearl of Power and three Potions of Greater Healing and helped finance Darlynn’s Bag of Holding after she had pleaded with him to do so. Although Angus was able to convince Bernard to give the group some generous discounts, they did spend quite a bit of gold at the shop, perhaps more than they should have. Regardless, they were now set to meet Serena at the beach.
On the way to the beach, Angus confronted Darlynn about a list of items she had shown the shopkeep. When asked about the list by her party members, Darlynn had said that she had written the note. However, Angus had seen Darlynn’s writing before. The writing on the note was not hers, and Angus wanted to know why she had lied. However, Darlynn wholeheartedly believed that she had written the note. She was confused, but the couple carried on as Angus dropped his line of inquiry.
Once at the beach, Darlynn gave each of her party members a Potion of Water Breathing and explained they were to swim out to sea to meet Serena to find Soulfire. Skeptical both Odarod and Angus began probing further, knowing something wasn’t right with Darlynn. She was not herself; she was far too chipper and enthusiastic about finding Soulfire. She had painted Serena in a positive light. These things were far from normal. Before this, Darlynn had no interest in Soulfire’s disappearance, and she was indifferent at best with most other people. So, on a hunch, Odarod cast Detect Magic and was able to discover that Darlynn had been charmed.
With limited options, the party decided to take drastic measures to free Darlynn from the charm. Some time ago, they had found a Life Force Pearl that could steal one’s life force only to store it within the pearl. This life force could also be restored on the command of the pearl’s owner, which was now Uruk. Angus gripped Darlynn tight as Uruk touched Darlynn with the pearl. Immediately she went limp, and Angus held her up. As she fell limp in Angus’s arms, her essence filled the pearl. Her essence was a deep, royal purple, but it wasn’t alone. A dark, red cloud had entered as well and was intertwined with her own essence.
Frightened for Darlynn’s life, Angus quickly cast Cure Wounds on Darlynn which brought her back, or rather brought yet another version of Darlynn back. This one was cold, snappy, and unfeeling. She screamed at Angus to let her go until he did. She brushed herself off as he asked her what they should do with her essence. To her, the only logical thing to do was to take it back since she was in a weakened state, and the quickest way to fix that was to reabsorb her lost essence.
With her essence returned to her, the normal Darlynn did as well. Angus attempted to hug his love, and Darlynn responded in kind, glad to be in his arms. A kiss quickly bestowed on her cheek, and one returned to his before Darlynn was able to clearly explain to the others all that had happened. With her mind no longer clouded, the whole truth was revealed, but it was too late as the sun had already set. The party was unable to plan their next step, as Serena and several other sirens had surfaced and began to sing their song. The melody had successfully charmed Angus, Darlynn, and Uruk, and the three happily joined the sirens in the sea. Odarod, however, was unaffected and was able to keep his wits about him. However, he decided it was best to follow suit and pretend to have been charmed as his friends had been.
About a mile off the shore, the Defenders of Avalon reached an underwater grove. There in the center lied Soulfire, motionless and severely injured. Odarod quickly moved to check on her. He cast Cure Wounds, only to find that she was not much more than a corpse now.
As Odarod did this, Serena began to explain how she needed the party’s essence to resurrect Soulfire and to turn her into something more, something better than before. As she explained this to the party, those that were once charmed were able to think clearly. They began questioning Serena until a battle broke out. The Defenders of Avalon weren’t about to be put to death by Serena’s hands, even if it meant Soulfire could live once more.
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iwritefanficion · 5 years
Sanders Sides Dating Headcannons!
Prompt/Summary: Fantasy Au (because I can), (fem)reader is a witch, meeting the sides. Medieval-ish setting, if you want a more in-depth explanation, just ask.
Characters: Roman, Patton, Logan, Virgil, Remus and Deceit
Warnings: Remus, sexual innuendos, some swearing, inappropriate language, non-graphic violence, mentions of wounds. 
-Prince Roman had set out to kill the supposed ‘wicked’ witch that lived in the enchanted forest. 
-When he actually got there, he was surprised to find not an ugly old wench but a lovely woman who opened up her home to him and offered him tea.
-You told him that sure, you were a witch, but you didn’t harm anyone. You mostly just made herbal remedies and potions to help others. 
-You traded plants, food and money for these concoctions and that's how you stayed alive. 
-Sure you could cast spells, but you rarely used them. There were wards around the cottage, and you did use your magic on your garden but you didn’t actually like hurting people.
-So, Roman apologized profusely. You accepted the apology gracefully and told him you were used to it. People often made assumptions about witches because of the bad rep they get from fables and actual wicked witches.
-You two spent the day together, just talking and laughing. Each asking questions about your respective lives. 
-”Is the castle as large as they say?” 
-”What kinds of things do you put in potions?”
-Roman had a fantastic time with you! Honestly, he knew he fell head over heels in love with you the first time he heard you laugh. You were so incredibly sweet and thoughtful he thought he would melt. 
-When the sun was beginning to set, he knew he had to go back. His subjects awaited his return. But, he did ask if he could come to see you again. 
-”Of course, my home is always open to a friend,”
-Patton was a healer. One sought out far and wide because of his amazing abilities. He did live with his friend, the Prince, at the castle because of the abilities but also had a store in town. 
-Though his magic could heal wounds, he couldn’t treat pain with his abilities. But, he worked with plants and herbs that had medicinal and pain-relieving purposes. Some even had magical properties but he couldn’t make potions. 
-But, when he was working on a certain herbal remedy, he realized he needed a rare plant that didn’t grow in the kingdom. 
-He asked around but all that anyone can tell him is it grows in the darker part of Enchanted Forest. 
-No one really goes there but he was never one to let someone suffer, so he decided to go there. 
-He quickly finds himself lost. 
-Like, he spends HOURS trying to either get out or find the plant, neither which succeeds. By the time the sun is setting, he’s so close to crying. 
-That is until a soft voice speaks through the darkness and fog of the mystical forest. 
-”Are you alright? You seem lost,”
-Patton cries in relief when he realizes someone is there. The figure steps out, shrouded in a long robe, a basket at their side. 
-He, through snot and tears, tells the stranger that he is lost and can’t find his way out. He begs them to help them. 
-The stranger reveals themself as you, a lovely woman, and you smile so sweetly at him. You tell him that you can help him get out. 
-He grasps your free hand as the two of you exit the dangerous forest, being extra careful to stay close to you. 
-For some reason, he feels safe with you, as if you could shield him from all the darkness of the forest. As if you were a bright beacon, banishing all the evil creatures that lurked. 
-You can sense his uneasiness and talk with him. Distracting him is easy, you ask who he is, what he does. Basically, you learn his life story by the time you’re both out of the forest. He actually starts making dumb little jokes that make both of you laugh.
-Patton takes a liking to you, not just because you saved him. You’re just so sweet and kind that he wants to get to know you more. So, he does feel a bit disappointed when the two of you are at the edge of the forest.
-Then he realizes he never got any of that plant he was looking for and he heaves a heavy sigh. That just ruined all the pleasantness of being around you. 
-You ask him what’s wrong and he tells you about the plant. He mentions he doesn’t want to go back in there but he really needs the plant. 
-You smile at him, like an angel from above he could swear. You pull out some plants from your basket and hand them to him.
-”I have too many, will you take some off my hands?”
-Logan was a wizard, one who worked with and under Prince Roman, someone he could call a friend, even if the prince exasperated him most days. 
-Books and knowledge were his specialties, and how he gained his many magical abilities and spells. He considered himself quite powerful, and so did many others. He was trusted by the Prince, even to join parties on quests or go alone on these journies. 
-On one of these quests, he was sent, alone, to take out some rogues in a village who were stealing valuables and money of the poor people who lived there.
-But, as he was travelling, it soon got dark- just not from the night sky rolling in but by grey clouds crowding the stary skies. Rain poured down heavily, soaking him in a matter of minutes. 
-The road he travelled was absent of any shelter, he picked it so no one would know he was coming. Since there was no cover from the rain, he kept walking, knowing he would get sick from being in the cold. 
-He was shivering, his steps slowing. The chilly air nipped at his skin, and the water soaked him to the bone. With bleary eyes, he saw a light only a short distance away. 
-Hoping it was some shelter, he ran to it, finding it to be a small cottage. 
-Relief washed over him as he knocked on the door, his hands trembling. 
-The door was open by none other than you, who took one look at the shivering traveller and ushered him in without another word. You set him on the couch, peeling off his drenched robes and wrapping a warm blanket around him. 
-You set a fire with a few words and a flick of your wrist. This man, who was saturated with water, felt like death, blue in the lips, and paler than a corpse, had to be warmed before he joined the dead. 
-Logan could feel the energy of magic flowing through the air, sparking him with familiar comfort. The house was filled with the aroma of herbs, especially sage, and the smoke of the fire. It wasn’t hard to figure out the woman was a witch.
-You made him some tea and hung his wet clothes by the fire. 
-You asked him his name, giving yours as well, and smiled when he told you. He also mentioned what he was there to do, and thanked you for letting him in.
-The rain doesn’t let up, so you tell him to stay the night, and he weighs the options before agreeing. 
-The two of you spend hours talking about different subjects, astronomy, magic, books. Everything and anything. Time just flies by until you yawn, then you both realize how late it is. 
-You allow Logan to take the bed and you take the couch. He tried to argue with you but you use logic against him, saying he needs a good night sleep to continue his quest. He can’t argue with sound logic.
-By morning, the rain has stopped and you give Logan back his now dried clothes. 
-”Come back at any time. I want to hear more about the stars,”
-Virgil is an angel who fell because he wasn’t angelic enough but wasn’t accepted into Hell because he wasn’t demonic enough. This lead to him just falling to earth, his wings burning as he plummeted to the ground. 
-Still (sorta) a celestial being, he could survive without food or water. But, he spent a few days unable to move or speak, his physical body weak and none of his abilities working. 
-He thought he was going to die from his injuries, some were severe and, because of the limitations of his body, were prone to infections. The days he spent on the ground was filled with agony, and his mind was still reeling in all that happened to make this occur.
-But, a stranger had come around, and as soon as they saw the fallen angel, a small shriek of horror left their lips. 
-Virgil, being anxiety-ridden, thought they were scared of him because of the burnt, black wings protruding from his back that would usually be an indication of a demonic presence. 
-However, he was not expecting to be picked up and carried bridal style. He would have done something to stop them but he couldn’t move or speak. So, he could only watch as they carried him off. But, they were mindful of his wings, so that was a good sign.
-Being held only added to his suffering, physically speaking. This caused him to pass out from the pain. 
-When he woke up, he was in a comfortable bed, in a warm house, that smelled of candles and sage. Coming from angelic past, he was able to sense the magic that stuck to the air. It was something peaceful and soothing, so he knew he wasn’t dealing with something malevolent. 
-The creaking of the door alerted him to someone coming in, and you did, in all your witchy glory. In your hands were a basket of ointments, herbal remedies, bandages and something to drink. 
-You told him who you were, and that you found him when out in the forest. He was badly hurt, so you brought him back to patch up. 
-He asked if you were frightened of him. He was a fallen angel, and angels who fell became demons, usually. 
-You told him you weren’t, you were a witch, you could feel the aura’s all beings give off. His was not evil nor wicked, and you had no reason to believe he would harm you. 
-You gave him the hot tea and asked if you could patch up his wings. You examined them when he was asleep and they were broken, badly scarred, and burnt. If he didn’t want to get an infection or if he ever wanted to fly again, she would need to fix them.
-Virgil was skeptical. Why were you being nice? Why would you help him? Was there something you wanted from him? However, he could get his answers later. The pain was unbearable and he did need them fixed. 
-So, you did. You used healing spells for the major wounds, healing the broken bones and fixing the majority of the burns. You used ointments and herbs on the minor cuts and bandaged any open wounds. 
-Virgil was in misery the entire time, his screams echoed through the house. He bit into your pillow to try and silence himself but it was useless. Even with the trembling and yelling, you managed to finish. 
-You apologized profusely when it was over, putting a wet cloth to his forehead. You told him the tea would help soothe him, ease the pain and make it easier to rest. He would need it.
-Before he did, he demanded to know why you were helping him. Everyone had an agenda, everyone wanted something to gain. So why help him? What were you after?
-You told him you wanted nothing from him except for him to feel better. 
-He didn’t believe you but decided that you would have to mention something sooner or later. So he drank the tea and immediately felt better. 
-Before he went to sleep, he asked you if you were going to take any feathers from his wings. He knew that angel feathers- or fallen angel feathers in this case- can be used for spells.
-You laughed softly and shook your head. 
-”Of course not. If I wanted angel feathers, all I’d have to do is pluck a swan and soak the feathers in holy water.”
-Deceit was a naga. A serpentine-like creature with scales and a yellow tail, long enough to wrap around humans and constrict them. Though, being a naga, he could turn himself human or transform into a snake. 
-He often tricked rich people and stole their belongings for his personal stash. Unlike his brethren, he didn’t like to kill all that much. He was more into deceiving people and tried to make people do the worst they’re capable of.
-It was uncommon for people to venture into the dark part of the Enchanted Forest, where he resided in. It was nearly unheard of one to come into his cave. 
-Yet, there you were, coming in. You looked so naive, so curious. You had no weapons, no sword or armour, only a bag by your side. A smile lit up on your face as you wandered the cave, lightened by the pools of water that made everything glow. 
-He watched from the shadows, waiting to strike, to deceive and trick you. He watched as you took an empty glass vial, round in shape, and filled it with the glowing water before placing it in your bag. 
-Then you began searching for something. Deceit believed you were looking for his treasures, why else would you come here? Why else would you come into a dark cave in the most treacherous parts of the Enchanted Forest? 
-Slithering out, he turned into a human. Black and gold clothes adorned his body, looking much like some kind of nobility or royalty. 
-”Looking for something, little rabbit?”
-You spun around, hand clutching your chest. When you saw that it was nothing more than a man, you let out a sigh. You told him not to sneak up on people, you could have hurt him!
-He chuckled at your ignorance. Then he apologized in a way that was charming but it wasn’t sincere. However, you didn’t seem to notice. 
-You said it was fine, and that you were looking for something. Then you asked him what he was doing in the cave. 
-He told you that he was looking for the naga’s treasure since he lived in these parts. He asked if you were looking for it too. 
-You shook your head, saying you weren’t. Treasure meant little to you, you were searching for a particular plant. You also told him if he was going to steal from a naga, he was writing his death sentence. And that you wouldn’t blame the creature. 
-He was a little bit stunned by your words. He thought you were lying to him, or that you knew he was a naga and were trying to fool him. But, he watched as you were looking near the water, trained solely on the ground. 
-The two of you chatted for a bit, talking about your lives and such. You gave him your name and told him how you lived near the forest. He told you his name was ‘Dee’ since he didn’t tell anyone his real name.
-You let out a little ‘aha’ when you found a bundle of a certain flower, plucking them and placing them in a box then in your bag. 
-You told him you found what you were looking for and would be taking your leave. You also said you would love to see him again if he didn’t get killed, that is.
-He didn’t know why but he almost wished you would stay. You had this warmth to you that a serpent much like him adored. But, your last words to him were anything but warm, and that made him all the more interested.
-”I’d wish you luck, but you’re stealing from someone, so I give you a warning instead: don’t do it.”
-This was so not your day. 
-First, you were forced out of your home by a fire started by royal soldiers. Then, said soldiers tried to kill you because you escaped. So, you had to wipe out the miserable little bastards. Then, there’s a bounty on your head, so you had to stay away from all towns and villages. 
-Oh, then there was the matter of all your stuff being burnt to a crisp. You managed to salvage some things, some books and vials of potions. Anything you could grab, basically. You could make new stuff and many of your most valued items were safe, but still!
-You had to hide, so the darkest corners of the Enchanted Forest was a good place. Sure everything there wanted to kill you but they were mostly just creatures and plants. Those you can deal with because sooner or later, they’ll get the hint. 
-You’re not to be trifled with. 
-However, as you’re searching for a cave to hide out in, you spot a dark tower in the distance. As you get closer, you can see how worn down it is. 
-The windows are cracked or shattered, the stones are crumbling, vines are invading the walls from below, the doors look like they’d turn to ash by being touched. 
-Despite being a powerful witch, a certain uneasiness grows in you. Something sinister lived in there. Was it more powerful than you? You didn’t know but you were dying to see what lied beyond those walls. 
-So, you started walking towards it, making sure to keep your magic at high alert. 
-That did not do much because the second you were close to it, slimy tentacles popped from under the ground and wrapped around your arms, legs and neck. 
-You grimaced at the wetness of the tentacles but otherwise, weren’t bothered by it, besides the fact that you couldn’t move. Sure, you could wipe these suckers out, by why do it now?
-The person living there would come out and not be on guard. If you did it now, they would know you had abilities. But, you could surprise them with your powers if they posed a threat. 
-So you waited for a few minutes before a cackling laugh echoed through the forest, coming from all around you. You rolled your eyes at such a cliche. 
-A man showed up, looking very similar to the goody-two-shoes prince of the land, besides for the fact that this guy had a mustache and a silver streak in his hair. 
-”Well, looky what we got here! What should I do with you? Maybe replace your fingers with your toes and your toes with your fingers?!”
-This guy threatened you with a few more very weird ideas but you weren’t scared. You were actually kind of amused. Sure, he had a wacky brain, but those are the best.
-So, you cut off his rambling by asking who he was. 
-He stopped talking, looked you up and down in more of a quizzical manner, before grinning. He did a bow, over the top and very dramatic, introducing himself as the Duke, but he said you had a face worth his tentacles, so you could call him Remus. 
-That’s when it clicked. Ah, the Prince’s evil (and demented) brother! He was mostly forgotten about after he escaped execution and all attempts to find him were unsuccessful. 
-Smirking, you told him it was nice to meet him, before saying your name. He was taken aback by your politeness to him, even after everything he’s said and done. 
-He whined that you shouldn’t be nice to him. He had you as his prisoner! You were supposed to be begging and pleading to be let go, as well as disgusted by his presence. 
-You shrugged at his words. Honestly, you’ve imagined worse than some of his ideas and after everything you’ve done, nothing really grosses you out anymore. You’ve stuck your hand up a dragon's ass. It doesn’t get much weirder than that.
-That’s when a mace just randomly appeared in his hands. It was just there. But you sensed no magic. Huh. Wait, was that a dead mouse on the mace? 
-”Well, if you’re not going to be any fun, no point in keeping you around. At least I can cut you up and start making a meat dragon out of you,”
-At that point, you let your magic flow through you, generating a skin of flames around your body that burnt the tentacles to a crisp and made calamari. With a wave of your hand, you melted the mace in his hands and stepped closer to him. 
-Next, you made stone hands rise from the earth and grip onto him, everywhere. They wrapped around him and held him in place. 
-”You were saying?”
-”Well, now I just want you to fuck me until I’m covered in sweat and come, so I can lick it off my body,” 
-You laughed at his words, again, finding him amusing. He had zero filters! You loved it, it was refreshing. 
-With a wave of your hand, the hands all crumbled to the ground. 
-You hooked arms with him, deciding you’re going to stick around with him for a while. Not like you had anywhere else to go. Then you ventured to his tower, saying a few words as your life changed. 
-” We’re going to be great friends, I can tell,”
That’s it for now! If you want another scenario with this au, just let me know! I’m going to be definitely writing some more! If you have any other ships, ideas not related to this au, or imagines you want me to write, don’t be afraid to ask! My inbox is always open!
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raevylle · 4 years
Chapter 6: Getting familiar
Session 6 - 16/02/2020
In-game date: September 10th, 36 TE. Early in the morning they packed their stuff and made some sandwiches to bring on-the-go. Alensta told them that if they were going to leave for the Capital she wanted to visit someone that owed her a favour; Marlenna. She had a small magic shop, hidden somewhere in Nightdark. They were conversing on where to go as they heard a town crier walk by. ‘’Dollondor Emporium ransacked by a female grey-skinned tiefling. Two guards were killed while she escaped. Later she was overpowered and her items were taken into custody. She will be trialed this evening. If found guilty, execution at sunset.’’ The party looked at each other with a face of recognition. A grey-skinned tiefling, that must be Bloodbender. If her belongings were held into custody until the trial, that must mean that she currently didn’t have the Ring on her. This was their chance, the window they needed to get access to the ring. They hastily made their way to Marlenna, maybe finding some useful magic items to help them with whatever plan they would come up with. Upon entering the shop, it looked very old and dusty. It certainly looked like a place that no one would really visit. It had all different kinds of vials, books, and trinkets lying around. A very small Mousefolk creature greeted the party on arrival. ‘’Marlenna, I have come to collect that favour I was promised,’’ said Alensta, walking up to the counter. ‘’I am looking for an item that could potentially cover myself from any divination magic, do you have that in-store?’’ she asked Marlenna. The small lady took out one of the heavy tomes from behind the counter and looked in her register. ‘’I am sorry, I have sold the last of those necklaces to a woman named Nethila Motin, roughly a month ago.’’ She places the register back underneath the counter. Alensta tapped her finger, looking disappointed that she had no way of protecting herself from Viktor now. ‘’Okay, do you happen to have any means of teleportation to the Capital?’’ Marlenna squinted her eyes to Alensta as she asked this. ‘’I do,’’ Marlenna answered. After haggling back and forth with some of her items, they finally settled on a final agreement. As part of the favour for Alensta they’d get access to the teleportation circle to Avarra & a wand of Magic Missiles. Including that they got a mystery item, which turned out to be a Supreme Healing Potion. Alensta bought two Locate Object scrolls and the party buys her whole supply of Healing Potions. Because Alensta is a good friend of Marlenna, they get a 10% discount on the potions. Raevyn stacks up on some of the supplies she needs for her spell casting and makes the agreement that they will be back somewhere in the evening to use the teleportation circle. Outside the store, Alensta mentions she knows the guards' captain Corym. If she could talk to him he might let her in the storage room where they keep the ring of Bloodbender. This sounds like a solid plan and Vieryn joins her inside the guardhouse. Raevyn decides that she would keep a different perspective of what was going on by going into her familiar sight. She summoned Jinx and turned her into a rat, something that was less noticeable than a raven. Arati sat next to Raevyn to keep an eye out on her and the building Vieryn & Alensta were in. The rat went inside and waited for the others to engage in a conversation, so it could sneak into the hallway. Alensta talks to the man at the reception, a guard named Samuel. She requests an audience with the captain, but he tells her that he is currently in a meeting with a noble lady. She’d have to take a seat in the waiting room. She starts to show off her status, as she was hired by the Luthien family, but the guard doesn’t seem to be impressed by this. No special treatment. Vieryn & Alensta sit down and wait for the captain to be done. Meanwhile, Raevyn’s familiar is walking down the corridor, looking into all the cells if she could spot the face of Bloodbender. No Bloodbender on the first floor. The rat makes its way to the second floor, but something looks off. There is a jail cell wide open. When getting closer she notices that the man in the cell has his throat slit. With a little bit of further investigation, she notices that most of the people on this floor are turned to the undead. At the end of the corridor is another door. Peaking in she sees the noblewoman, unshackling Bloodbender. ‘’You have failed me. I thought you were smarter than this, daughter. You are lucky I was around the area. I will take you out of here.’’ She rubs the cheek of Bloodbender and puts her nail deep in her skin. A drop of blood appears. ‘’I-I am sorry mother, it won’t happen again.’’ Bloodbender looks down as her mother takes the blood from her face and draws a sigil on her cheek. ‘’Don’t worry, you are my favourite child.’’ She mutters some words and the body of Bloodbender slowly transforms into captain Corym. ‘’Now, just get changed into the captain’s clothes and we should be out of here in no time.’’ Raevyn follows the gaze of the lady to the ground and sees a corpse on the ground. It looks like it was drained, like a mummified corpse. After seeing this, she places her familiar in the corner and breaks the connection. ‘’We need to go warn them, now!’’ Arati and Raevyn take off towards the building. Trying not to raise too much suspicion, Raevyn walked over to the man at the counter and leaned in. ‘’You don’t know me, but you know her-’’ she pointed towards Alensta. ‘’Downstairs there is a woman that freed the grey-skinned tiefling and killed the captain. She is currently transformed as the captain and putting on his clothes. We need to act as normal as possible, but know that they are not who they seem to be.’’ Vieryn with his high passive perception caught on to this and told Alensta about what Raevyn was telling. Raevyn tells them they have roughly about 10 minutes to come up with a plan. ‘’They are coming for their belongings and won't leave without them. We can’t let them have those items! We can take those items away from here and hide it.’’ She persuaded the guard to get items that were requested by Raevyn. While the guard went upstairs to get the belongings, the others downstairs came up with a plan. They were portrayed as friends of a prisoner and here to bail him out. Raevyn dismissed her familiar and summoned it in front of her again. She told Jinx to follow the man up the stairs and keep an eye on him. A couple of minutes go by and the ‘captain’ with the lady walking past the party, up the stairs where Samuel went. Raevyn was portraying to be asleep on Vieryn’s shoulder while looking through the eyes of the rat. She saw that Samuel had the ring in his hand but got interrupted by the lady and the captain. ‘’What were you looking for?’’ They asked him. Raevyn kicked Vieryn and told him that they were currently in the room with Samuel and that they had to do something. Vieryn leaned Raevyn against the wall instead of his shoulder and took Arati with him upstairs. ‘’Have you found our friend’s stuff yet?’’ Vieryn shouted up the stairs, hoping to distract them. ‘’Stuff?’’ the captain asked. Samuel stuttered for a bit. ‘’Y-yes, they are here to bail their friend out, I am collecting his stuff.’’ The captain looked annoyed at Samuel. ‘’And you didn’t ask me for permission? Did they pay for it? Where is the paperwork?’’ He got a bit feisty with Samuel. ‘’I will show you sir, just follow me downstairs.’’ He closed the drawer he was looking through and walked out of the room, slowly followed by the lady and the captain. He closed the door after him. They all made their way back downstairs to get the paperwork sorted. Vieryn paid the 50 gold for the random guy they were going to bail out. ‘’Well, with that sorted out you are free to take your friend with you. I have other stuff to attend to.’’ The captain and the lady said farewell to the group and made their way upstairs again. Meanwhile, Raevyn was still ‘sleeping’ against the wall. She was using the rat to get inside the drawer that Samuel just closed. There were a couple of boxes but she managed to find the box that held the ring. She took the ring and placed it around the neck of the rat. Hearing the footsteps and mumbling getting closer to the door. She quickly got out of the familiar sight and dismissed it back to its pocket dimension. She stretched and yawned. ‘’Oh I must have fallen asleep, shall we go now? I am hungry!’’ She jumped up and made her way towards the exit. ‘’But did you-’’ Alensta tried to ask her something but Raevyn interrupted her fast. ‘’I am hungryyyy - let's go!’’ The party took off and started to ‘walk with a purpose’. Not running, cus that would look suspicious. Arati looked confused and asked if Raevyn managed to get the thing. She summoned the rat back in her hands. The ring was still around its neck. She took the ring off and showed it to them. ‘’Yes, we got it!’’ quickly putting the ring in one of her pockets. Then all of a sudden they heard a banshee-like scream and all the windows shattered from the building they just came. ‘’WHERE IS IT?!’’ They heard. Not long after that, the undead corpses started to wander out of the building. ‘’Uhm that’s our queue!’’ Vieryn said as the group began to run towards Marlenna. A lot earlier than planned, the party knocked on the doors of the magic shop. ‘’Marlenna we are here to use the teleportation circle, if they come ask questions, you know nothing!’’ Vieryn said as he ushered the group inside. Marlenna looked curious but didn’t ask anymore questions. She prepared the circle as they were waiting. ‘’Alright, there you go. Teleportation circle to Avarra. Good luck!’’ She said. The party thanked her and jumped straight through. They landed in a room, underground. It was sandy and you could see the tree vines going through the wall. They had no idea where they got teleported to. They soon noticed that this place was heavily trapped. Vieryn and Alensta grouped up to dismantle most of the traps. They all looked very intrigued. Whoever had made these traps must have had a shit-ton of money. Arati tried to steal some of the parts so she could rebuild the trap but was unsuccessful. After getting rid of the traps, Vieryn saw a ladder that went up. He went first and pushed the hatch above him up. He could see some sort of garden around him. The coast was clear and he ushered everyone to get out of the hole really fast. As soon as Alensta stepped out, she tapped her armour and transformed it into some fancy dress. Vieryn placed the hatch back, which looked like a normal grass mat. It was very well hidden. Looking around the place, it looked very familiar to Vieryn. This must be the estate of the Longshore family. One of his former business partners. They used to smuggle and work in slavery. Vieryn told them to stay really quiet and slowly make their way out of the garden. But then they heard the sudden clapping of hands, followed by a man’s voice. ‘’Guards!’’ pairs of footsteps started to walk in and the port closed up. In front of them stood a man, Alexander Longshore. Someone Vieryn was very familiar with.
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ks-caster · 4 years
One Last
Fandom: One Piece
Characters: Tashigi, Zoro, Strawhats
Notes: This story centers on the idea that Tashigi looks like Kuina because she’s basically inhabiting her body - the corpse was reanimated through science. Discovering that she’s basically a zombie, Tashigi attempts to kill herself, only to fail repeatedly due to her excellent design. She is adopted/kidnapped by the strawhats and attempts to deal with her ensuing depression and identity crisis.
First chapter and outline are under the cut.
Roranoa Zoro was having a very bad day. He had gotten lost and had to ask for directions three times in the so far, as he wandered around on the rather uninteresting spring island, where they had docked to resupply. He had been searching for most of the morning, and still hadn’t been successful at locating a good bar that sold drinks for less than the ridiculous prices being charged everywhere he looked. He had run into Luffy twice, who was also short on cash, and looking just as unsuccessfully for cheap food. He had failed to convince Nami that three-hundred percent interest was unfair. He had been forced to knock out a troop of Navy goons and a police-man. He didn’t know what he wanted more: a drink or a nap.
Roranoa Zoro was having a very bad day, and in the course of half a second as he caught sight of a particular face, it got a whole lot worse.
“Hello Zoro,” Tashigi greeted him civilly, if perhaps with a degree of frostiness that he assumed meant she wished she has her sword with her. Her Shigure was nowhere in sight, and she was dressed in a pink and gold sundress that looked like it had been sewn out of an enormous handkerchief. It had one strap over her right shoulder, and came down to either just above or just below her knees, depending on which part of the uneven hemline was being measured.
She was wearing high-heeled strappy sandals much like Nami’s and she looked a lot prettier than he remembered. He blinked hard.
“Hello, Navy girl,” he responded a bit more waspishly than he had intended. She looked at him disconcertingly over the tops of her glasses.
“Are you busy?” she inquired unexpectedly. He shook his head, a bit thrown. She jerked her thumb toward a bar and grill behind her. 
“Come and have a drink with me then,” she invited, sounding rather offhand.
“Uh,” he started, unsure what to make of her weird change in character.
“My treat,” she offered, slightly altering the angle of her head and the shape of her eyes until her expression conveyed that she really did want him to have a drink with her.
“Alright then,” he responded guardedly, just as Nami and Robin strode up, arms full of shopping bags from clothing stores.
“Oh hey Zoro!” exclaimed Nami, “come over here and help us carry these!”
“Not now!” he shouted in irritation. 
“Oh, are you busy?” Nami all but squealed, noticing Tashigi for the first time, but apparently not recognizing her.
“We were just going for a drink!” Tashigi called to her. “Come join us, if you like. I’m buying.”
Nami did like; free drinks were always categorized under ‘like,’ and Robin brought up the rear as the four of them filed into the restaurant.
To general surprise, the rest of the crew was already seated at a large corner table, Luffy scarfing down snacks like there was no tomorrow, and Sangi flirting with a curly-haired barmaid. Tashigi strode over to them and plopped down in an empty chair, and Zoro, Nami and Robin took their seats as well.
“Hey,” Tashigi called to a man who appeared to be in charge. She handed him a stack of bills and told him to take anything they all ate or drank from that money until it ran out, and then cut them off. 
“Whoa, really?” exclaimed Luffy.
“When it’s gone, it’s gone though,” she warned him.
“Hey, thanks lady!” he said with a grin, and after that, there was a scramble of everyone placing orders so they’d get what they wanted before Luffy ate his weight in Tashigi’s gift money. Zoro wasn’t shy about ordering a whole keg; after all, regardless of her motives, he planned on having his much-wanted drink now that he had the opportunity.
 Tashigi didn’t seem to mind either, because when they had emptied the keg, she ordered another, and then a third. She, Zoro, Nami and Sangi all got rather tipsy, and Luffy Chopper and Usopp, though drinking soda, were acting equally silly, with chopsticks up Chopper’s nose as per usual, and Sangi trying to get Robin to drink more. Robin, oddly considering she was drinking the same beverage as Tashigi, Zoro, Nami and Sangi, did not seem any different than usual.
“So what’s with the free booze?” Zoro asked, much more warmly now that the party atmosphere had gotten into his blood with the alcohol. 
“I didn’t feel like drinkin’ alone,” the naval officer slurred as though it were the most obvious thing in the world, raising her mug a bit shakily to toast.
“And you’re not arresting us because…?” Robin prompted, sipping daintily at her drink.
“I’m on vacation,” Tashigi replied, waving her hand around nonchalantly, “so I don’t have to, and I couldn’t if I wanted to andIdon’twanttosothere! Cheers to the yummy food!”
“Here, here!” bellowed Luffy, Usopp and Sangi, and everything continued as before, with Nami absently counting up what their refreshments cost and wondering just how much Tashigi had forked over if they hadn’t been cut off yet. The only noticeable difference was that Robin suddenly seemed as drunk as any of them, and thus the one party-pooper was now part of the fun. 
Time flew by and the sun climbed to its zenith. Nobody asked what their balance was, though really, the money had to run out some time, didn’t it?
Did it?
Luffy was in the middle of stuffing his face when the bartender finally came over looking slightly uncomfortable. He hadn’t even finished speaking when Tashigi whipped out her wallet.
“Another round!” she bellowed, thoroughly soused, and rather shakily threw it, only to have it caught by Zoro.
“Hold up a minute,” he cautioned, his voice not entirely steady either, but apparently more able to hold his liquor than his companion. “Don’t spend every cent!”
“Why not?” she wined, face flushed and mouth firmly pouting. Her glasses were a little askew, and to Zoro’s surprise, he saw that a pin was lose in her hair, letting a long black lock fall down almost to her elbow.
“You have long hair?” he asked, distracted.
“Yup,” she replied, completely forgetting the matter of the money. “A bit bending of the ol’ regulations and all that, but…” her eyes drifted to Luffy and Chopper, who were dancing on the tabletop. “I didn’t see them drink at all,” she mused.
“They don’t need to,” Zoro groused. “Everyone on this crew can act drunk on a moment’s notice without drinking anything stronger than lemonade. Well, except Robin.” The two of them stared as Robin and Nami were trying to make a house of cards out of the menus, laughing madly and building more out of Robin’s hands than anything else.
“Huh,” Tashigi grunted. “Well, I bet no one’s ever bored, at least.” Abruptly she stood, handed the bartender a fat tip.
“Thanks for the grub and booze,” she said amiably, and turned to the pirate crew, who mostly acknowledged her, if perhaps distractedly. After deliberating for a time and starting and stopping a few times to speak, she finally came out with, “Enjoy the rest of the eats,” and swept quickly from the building.
Chapter 1) Tashigi’s last drink
Chapter 2) Attempted suicide
Tashigi attempts to shoot herself in the head
She wakes up the next morning and thinks she missed; she even finds the hole in her ceiling.
She goes to a seedy potion shop and buys poison.
She drinks the poison and is puking up her guts, but then her body metabolizes it and she’s fine.
Frenzied, she slits her wrists and runs, bleeding, off the edge of a cliff.
Chapter 3) Rescue
Zoro finds her while he’s lost trying to get to the ship. It’s raining so he has Kuina’s funeral on the brain, and he’s really freaked when he finds her in a pool of her own blood. He convinces himself that the only reason he’s so desperate is because of Kuina.
He (with Sangi giving him directions) takes her back to the ship where Chopper looks her over and sees that her wounds are healed. She has a fever though.
She wakes up and doesn’t remember anything besides “I want to die.”
Chapter 4) Waking Up
She bonds with the crew little by little; they all grow attached to amnesia girl.
She can’t get used to being called Tashigi, since it’s not familiar to her. Zoro somehow says “Kuina,” and she likes it a lot, so she decides to name herself that. She does ask his permission though.
A man claiming to be her father comes along and asks her to go home with him. (He is really the creepy doctor who created her.)
Chapter 5) Past
She says she doesn’t want to hurt him by refusing to come with him, but she doesn’t even know him, so she asks if he wants to do dinner or something.
They go out to dinner and Sangi follows them and makes a row in the kitchen.
The doctor eventually gets fed up with her continually suggesting that she stay with the pirates and loses his temper, first shouting at her, then proclaiming her status as his finest creation, his last symphony, his magnum opus…
Sangi senses a damsel in distress from several rooms away and runs to the rescue, followed by Luffy who came to eat and Nami who came to make sure the boys didn’t cause trouble and Chopper and Zoro who came to look after Tashigi and everyone else who just came. 
The pirates run the evil doctor off, but Tashigi faints.
She remembers everything.
Chapter 6) Truth
They bring her back to the ship and nobody knows she has her memories back.
She says goodbye to Zoro.
She leaves a note for everyone else.
They search for her but the trail goes cold.
Chapter 7) 
Eventually they find her by chance waiting tables in a restaurant, and Zoro chases her.
She tells him everything.
He says his bit about it’s her body now and her life to live and everything.
They come back to the others and Tashigi is welcomed back into the crew.
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grimaussiewitch · 7 years
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(I apologise if the colouring and/or shading isn't good. I'm still getting use to the art app I have. I have always drawn on paper so sorry if I'm not the best digital artist. Also, warning, long description.) So this is a side villain I created for a fantasy story i came up with. He's like the boss monster you vs in a side quest. His name is Alfred Mortem. I chose Alfred for it's European style name and Mortem comes from the word post-mortem, medical examination of a dead body of hoe the person died. Why post-mortem? The way he kills his victim. Alfred kills his victim is unknown as all that is left is most of the body, except for the head. Was it by decapitation? Or was the head removed after? No one knows. Alfred's age is unknown, but he appears to be around late teens, early twenties. He has a calm, humble but the suspicious personality. He shows high charisma to guests, possibly flirts with females. However, he claims he has no interest of friendship or romance. His friendly manner is only to trick his victims before killing them. Alfred secretly hates having multiple guests as it lowers his chances of killing a victim. He would stand at 6'0.5 if human, but is at 6'6 because of the spider limbs. Alfred's method of murder is anything below the body. The head must be protected. Why? He finds the best beauty lies in the face. Creepy. The head is then splashed with a potion to keep it from rotting. The head is then placed in a glass box for him to observe. The head is then placed in a locked room full with other heads. The rest of the body is either eaten or left at the crime scene. If the murder happens in his mansion, he would eat the body. If the murder is outside his mansion, he would most likely leave the rest of the corpse or take parts to eat. Although he is half spider, he does not use webs when attacking victims above ground. Any trace of webbing will lead people to believe the murder is a spider creature. That's leads them to his long cave a bam, he is dead. The location he is in is an underground mansion. The entrance to his home is through a long cave system. The cave is located a mile or two away from a small village. The village people do know about the murders, but not the criminal. Some have reported a tall man with multiple legs, but no one can be sure as kids mostly make up stores of seeing Alfred after the murders. No one goes down the cave system as they believe you will get lost forever. I did get some inspirations when creating Alfred. One was an image of a human-spider lady holding heads. That was the first inspiration. The motive apart from the heads was korekiyo shinguji from danganronpa v3. Korekiyo finds humans to be beautiful and Korekiyo also has a creepy tone. Keeping the heads was from diabolik lovers. In the anime, there is a scene with brides that were delivered to the boys in the past. Kanato also said to Yui about replacing her eyes with glass eyes. That gave me the idea of having the heads not rotting. How? Yui's eyes would rot over time, not the glass ones. The colour palette for his clothing is black, grey, white, purple and teal. I didn't went with the classic red and black for a human-spider, so I tried to find other colours. Purple suits for royalty (the European style) and teal, although not the opposite of purple, the colour does go well with purple. Abilities are normal human-spider. Spider abilities like webbing, climbing walls, fangs. Has stronger strength, speed and healing than a normal human. His normal weaknesses are just being cut off from needed organs, such as the heart and brain. Cut, stab, shoot, whatever the major organs and he is gone. That's about it. I might add later on or if I forgot something.
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nuzblog · 7 years
October 25th, 2017
Today (the day above, which was when this was written but not when it was published, with the exception of this parenthetical), I put a halt to progress specifically for the sake of this journal's pacing. Suffice to say, tomorrow will be Mt. Moon. I have to say that this has already been pretty challenging, and Mt. Moon is... well, it's pretty dreadful. It's the game's first long dungeon, and Team Rocket is pretty formidable - after all, I did get killed on my last attempt. Who knows what will happen now?
First things first though - let's talk Viridian Forest. This is the first area in the game with trainers other than yourself and your rival, and it is also the first dungeon of the game. It's a pretty simple maze, more of a meandering path than a labyrinth - however, it is downright deadly due to the presence of Pokemon that poison. Namely just Weedle. Even outside of a challenge run like this, Viridian Forest poses an interesting challenge, in its combining simple but Pokemon-infested and lengthy meandering paths, and the game's out of battle poison mechanics. Needless to say, the first thing I do is pluck the Antidote from the tree.
I meet my first encounter in the forest in the leftmost patch of grass beside the entrance, and am pleasantly surprised. While in later games the two would be of equal rarity, Pokemon Red and Blue feature Caterpie and Weedle as a sort of psuedo version counterparts; Caterpie's encounter rate in Red is 5% and in Blue is 50%, while Weedle's encounter rate in Red is 50% and 5% in Blue. I was all but banking on having a Caterpie, but, to my delight, my first encounter is a Weedle!
Bug is my absolute favorite type, for all sorts of reasons, and while I love both of these bug families quite a bit, Beedrill is far too cool to pass up compared to the relatively tame Butterfree. So even with the poison type redundancy (not that type coverage is something I'm in a position to be thinking about yet), I am pretty into this Weedle. I want it.
Of course, I now realize in retrospect, that using Rattata was my mistake. Had I used, say, Squirtle's Tackle, perhaps it would have worked. But Rattata's attack is too high.
Alas... I squished this poor Weedle with a single tackle. It was going to be my friend, and instead it was a corpse on the forest floor. My first potential catch casualty of the run, counter to my immediately prior luck.
Ah well.
Viridian Forest isn't really very eventful after that. I get poisoned, I use the free antidote. The bug catchers are pushovers.
Except that, oh yeah, Windy gets poisoned again by the last trainer.
Fortunately, I'm less than... let's see, she had 24ish HP left when she got poisoned, and the rate of poison damage out of combat is one per four steps, so... 96 steps? From Pewter City's Pokemon Center.
Unfortunately, that means I've already used the Pewter City heal. My team was looking worse for wear enough to justify it, but it does lower my options for grinding. I guess I could have gone and bought an Antidote? But... I didn't think of that. This is my first visit to any Pokemon Center (for healing). Neato, huh?
I fight Brock's gym trainer. He gives me more trouble than I wanted. Isn't it weird how the gym trainer uses two ground type Pokemon, even though Brock is a rock type gym leader? Eh, not really, Brock is also a ground type gym leader since both of his guys are ground type.
I go ahead and grind a little in the grass in Route 2 on the Pewter side of Viridian Forest. Oh, would that this be "Route 3", giving me another chance at... Caterpie, probably. Oh well. I grind for a bit, this time with the end point of "when everyone's health is low", rather than "when the team reaches such and such level." While grinding, Lemmy is on the opposite end of a critical hit... leaving him with one health. So clutch. It does mean his level sticks at 10 here, which is kind of a bummer. On my Satoshi attempt, I had to grind my Rattata up high to learn Hyper Fang to stand a chance against Brock. Fortunately, that's unnecessary here, since I have one of the two starters with a type advantage against rock and ground.
I heal at the Pokemon Center, using the leftover heal I earned from my encounter with Gary on Route 22, since it would be about to become null and void anyway. I deposit Windy and Lemmy in the box, and then, realizing that Windy has the uber-useful Sand Attack (and is the highest level of the group at 14), I swap Bebe out for Windy.
I enter the gym, and face off with Brock.
Aaaand basically sweep him right under the rug with Bubble.
I buy up some Potions and balls. About here, I realize that despite there being a young boy in the garden talking about how useful Repels are in this city, the mart does not stock them. (Does this kid walk to get them from like... elsewhere? Did he buy them in bulk at the Celadon Department Store? Does he have Amazon Prime? Did he just buy up all the stores stock?) This puts a severe damper on my plans to catch a Paras in Mt. Moon by repelling everything I can until I hit the bottom basement where Paras is most common. :(
The gauntlet of trainers right outside of Pewter is pretty tough. Obviously it's like... easy garbage for babies when you can run back to the Pokemon Center between every fight, but taken on its own, it is fairly challenging. I actually opt to avoid the trainer that you hop down to fight for now, even in spite of the clear benefits of XP and PokeYen.
When I reach the first patch of grass, of course, I stop to catch what I might find... and luck out tremendously yet again with the encounter rate. Jigglypuff appears! What a dang cutie.
At this point I am very very nervous that I am going to kill it. My Pokemon with the weakest attack - Bebe - is put to sleep, and I'm forced to use my second weakest physical attacker, Shelley. I do first attempt to throw a ball without weakening it - no dice. Low attack means little when the Pokemon is level 3 to my level 13, so I cross my fingers and hope for the best with a Tackle, praying against criticals...
And, huzzah! It weakens Jigglypuff without killing it to 8 hp, and it is captured easily! Welcome to the team, Randy! :)
Speaking of Jigglypuff - between Pound, Disable, Sing and Level 14, that Lass's Jigglypuff makes a nice "boss" for the route's trainer gauntlet.
I use the heal available at the Mt. Moon Entrance Pokemon Center, still holding onto my Brock heal - I expect to need to use it before I'm out of this place. And here I stand at the mouth of Mt. Moon, ready to face the horrors that lurk within. And by ready... I mean not ready at all.
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miss-dropbear · 7 years
The Adventures of Hanne the Mudcrab in Skyrim pt.3
When last we left off our valiant heroes had just slaughtered a camp of bandits and had headed down a trapdoor in the leader’s house... Upon entering the underground cavern filled with Eric’s worst fear, water. I jumped in the water like a Mudcrab and immediately discovered a locked chest. Like a total fool I decided that I wanted to see what was inside and nearly drowned trying to unlock it... For my troubles I found 40 gold and a potion that had begun to leak into the water. Coming up to breathe my face was met by a panicked Eric who was jogging in place from what I can only assume was anxiety. Swimming to the other side of the lake, I did a few other bobs under the water, searching for more loot but finding nothing. On the other side I did find a magical staff on some poor sods corpse, which I quickly picked up held in my left hand. Gesturing to Eric that it was safe, he jumped in after and followed me out of the cave. We ended up in a lake just outside the camp that would have been a lot safer to enter through... As they say though, hindsight is as much a gift as it is a curse. After finding our way towards the closest main road heading back to Morthal and fighting a few mudcrabs on the way, we encountered 2 mages fighting in the middle of the road. I heard him shout a last curse at his opponent before burning him to cinders and then turning to me, flames at the ready. Knowing that I wasn’t getting away from this crazed magician without a fight, I pulled out my newly acquired staff and my sword. I used the staff, not knowing what it did, and was pleasantly surprised as it shot out a small ball of fire at the wizard. Though it didn’t do seem to do much damage, I felt incredibly powerful and shot off 2 more before charging in with my sword. The battle was hard fought and I loathe to think what would have happened to me had the wizard not just been in a fight. By the end I was singed all over and my staff had run out of casts of whatever spell it was using but I stood victorious as Eric who had been mysteriously absent throughout this, showed up to marvel at my victory. Checking the 2 mages I found that the only thing I could salvage off it’s burnt corpse was some gold and another staff. Off the one I had killed I noticed a slight magical shimmer on his clothes and decided to take them off and hold them in my hands. I felt energised, like I could cast as much magic as I’d ever want to. Putting it on I experimentally used my flames spell and found that I was ready to cast it again much sooner than I was used to, maybe this is the reason why I could never really learn more than flames and healing when I was younger, I simply didn’t have the right equipment. Being totally out of resources at this point; hungry, thirsty and exhausted, we made once more for Morthal and arrived there without any real issue. Deciding that we still wanted to run some errands before days end however, ate and drank on the boardwalk with our legs gently dipping into the water as we munched and chatted. This town seems to have very strange people and even stranger customs... 3 people have walked into the lake and just stood there as if it’s some kind of public toil.... We both get up and move away from the lake to eat our food just to be sure. Some guards and other villages walk past and spout random statements or facts about their lives at us, as if that’s a normal way to start a conversation here. Honestly Joric, who we have discovered is the child that runs back and forth across the village constantly (as kids do), seems like the most sane person here; contrary to what his sister, who chases after him and who we met standing in the middle of a lake, tells us. Getting up we do a quick search around for a general store and find that this commune seems to be void of one and in fact the only building here that seems to have any indication of available merchantry is an alchemy shop that’s completely devoid of life, even though the shelves are chock full of potions. Frustrated and tired we head to the long house until a house at the very end of the board walk caught my eye. I’m not sure what drew me to it, for all intents and purposes it looks just like every other house in this village, certainly not at all like a store, but none the less I was drawn to it. Eric, divines bless him, was clearly confused but went along with me anyway, to make sure I was ok if nothing else. Reaching into my coin purse I count out half my coins by touch and hand them to Eric which he promptly put in his own, previously empty, belt pouch. Walking towards this unassuming house I knock on the door and hear a very strained sigh, followed by, “Come in.” Entering the house my eyes grew wide and my smile wider with the beauty and wonders I saw.
0 notes
nana-writes · 6 years
“I leave you alone for five minutes!”- session 1 recap
First session was today and it was super fun, literally my cheeks were hurting from smiling so much by the time I got back home. We are a relatively small group (tho two more might be joining us!) and one of us couldn’t be there today so it was a party of only two when session started, Lor (me) and Lizian. It was also a longer session than we will probably have from now on and I’m still figuring out how one does this whole recapping thing so this turned out a tad long, and also really informal. Feel free to give me any feedback.
Okay so, we start with a job from Markov Wolf, in the city of Talra, who promises us 500gp upon delivery of this sealed letter in Walsol, the city of Mages. (IRL we are meant to be three in the group, with more possibly joining us later, but it's just two of us today cause the other person has gone home for the weekend)
We are halfway through our journey when we happen upon an upturn caravan some ways up the road. Its wheels have been removed, scrap metal and old armour and weapons have been mailed to it and someone has dug a moat half of the way around it. Now we are not stupid and choose not to engage, electing instead to just sneak around the other side of the road, through the woods. I roll a high enough stealth check to do this successively; Lizian does not and ends up shot twice.
So we are now in combat. I leave Lizian to take care of himself - he has healing magic and there is literally nothing I can do for him - and start running up to the caravan, attempting to do so in a way I won't be seen. I manage and now I'm right outside the door to the caravan. Lizien heals himself again only to be shot once more. My turn again, I kicked down the door to the caravan only to find five goblins hiding there instead of the two I'd first assumed. Still, I go for it and attempt to hit them (twice cause I'm a monk and we get to do that :p). I fail both times and the goblins taunt me. Back to Lizien, he comes closer to the caravan and now that he is in range casts a spell. It hits the two archer goblins for some damage and rocks the caravan. DM rolls for structural integrity and gets a 1 - crit fail - so one of the metal spikes falls and hits a goblin, splitting him in half. Goblins turn, the two of them in front of me are gonna stab me. They both roll really fucking high and I'm down (it's only half an hour into the session xD)
Lizien keeps engaging with the goblins with some success and I'm just rolling death saves: I save, save again, and then roll a nat 20 which means I'm back up with 1 HP. This naturally freaks out he goblins who just saw my wounds stitch themselves close but Lor doesn't care and just goes to punch one of the goblins. I succeed this time and cave his head in, killing him
Lizien's turn once more, he just attempts to intimidate the only remaining goblin. He succeeds and the goblin flees through a trapdoor we've only just now noticed, which leads to a basement they've dug up
Out of combat now, I pile up the corpses of the dead goblins on top of the trapdoor so we have time to flee and scavange around for anything useful. I get a shortbow and 60 (!) arrows
For Lor that's more than enough, all they wanna do now is leave; they are chaotic neutral and not bright at all but pretty intuitive, all they care about is their basic and indicate survival; the immediate threat is taken care of so they are just gonna leave
Lizien has a different idea. There is a bunch of oil urns around, which they'd used to attack us but like, we both have fire resistance, as well as a small fire where the oil was being warmed up. He suggests that we torch the place. After a moment's hesitation Lor agrees
We clear the area before it explodes and just wait far away enough for the fire to die down (which it does unrealistically fast, as well as it very unrealistically does not burn just the whole of the forest) and now Lor is ready to go but Lizien suggests going back inside to forage for any more treasure
We do, Lor with their new bow already notched, and we find one goblin, very much alive and looking okay, sitting on a magical cube as if it's a throne. This cube is emanating some sort of dead zone for magic, somethign Lizien had noticed before and he very much wants that cube.
Lor is trying to talk the goblin into just letting them go; Lizien is mostly antagonising him. A fight breaks out and I put an arrow through his throat, almost killing him in one shot, and definitely killing him afterwards as I punch him, tho not before he stabs Lizien hard enough to KO him
And then - and hour and a half into the session - both Niels (playing Lizien) and I fucking fail our roles to attempt to save Lizien and so, in our very first session, not even two hours in, we have the first PC death
Now, if you remember Oriana's unfortunate end in Lor's backstory and remember that that would have been two weeks before this, you can reasonably understand Lor to be in a state of shock
Continuing on! They pray to their god - who happens to be the god of death, Aemhert - over their fallen comrade body and then burry him, alongside the magical box that they 1) have no use for since their knowledge of magic is literally -1 and 2) can't actually carry since their strength is also -1 oops. They do rummage through the caravan and through Lizien's stuff, mostly cause they have to find the letter he was keeping on him. They take said letter, his money, his matches and rope, and two music sheets that are written in odd red writing (which apparently has backstory attached to it I learn ooc so we'll see how tHAT goes)
They also find two fuckin healing potions which like fuck me, couldn’t I have noticed them before??
But yeah, all that done, they go on their way. The rest of the journey is uneventful except for a quick run-in with a caravan of merchants. They trade news and the driver gives them a pouch of coin for taking care of the goblins. As I walk past the DM decides to drive the knife in further and twist it by having me overhear one of them murmur "how odd, an adventurer on their own"
But yeah, I make it to the city, and I’m inside the walls in the evening. I get a room in a Inn on the cheaper side of things and a warm meal and strike up a conversation with the barkeep. I show him the symbol on the seal of the letter - a sketch I made of it - not the letter itself and he does not recognise it but tells me he thinks it's somewhat religious an suggest I check in the Guilds quarter of the city
And so in the morning I do so, wandering about a bit hoping to see if anything catches my eyes and when nothing does I bite the bullet and go into one of the churches dedicated to Aemhert (same as the monastery I left). I'm wearing my robes, which I've kept since I fled, hoping that would give me more credibility. They are a bit small on me cause like, puberty is a thing, but not too much cause they were pretty big on me when I left and I’m smoll.
The monks manning the church automatically recognise me for another one of them and one of them asks me how he can help me.
I ask him about the symbol and he looks real shifty, like he doesn't wanna answer me. I want an answer tho, and I stupidly forget that using magic is probably not the best idea, so I cast Friends on him.
He tells me the symbol is of the Snake worshipping cult that has no name and, having noticed my snake head tattoos peeking over my shoulders they tell me they are disappointed that I have abandoned the teachings of Aemhert.
I tell him I have not and ask if he knows where to find them. He says no so I thank him and start leaving
At which point the spell wears off and he starts calling after me; when that doesn't work, he calls for guards, so I double back and leave the church through a back window
I attempt to loose them and repeatedly fail to do so until a tiefling stranger pulls me into an ally and into a dumpster. When the guard lifts the lid of the dumpster they fail to see us - the stranger tiefling must have cast some sort of darkness or invisibility spell
The guards go on their way and we climb back out. We introduce ourselves and a lil bit of conversation later I tell him about the snake worshipping cult. He – Zalral – actually happens to know where they meet and offers to take me there
And so off we go
The Snake Cult meets underneath an underground illegal fight club. Zalral leads me down a spiral, creepy stairs and tells me they are just through the door. Having noticed their symbol is the snake I hand Zalral my cloak and adjust the monk robes so as to make sure the heads are clearly visible, hoping this will gain me some favour
The letter delivery goes pretty uneventfully. The dude compliments my tattoos and at the end asks me if I know where I am. I sincerely answer that I do not know since I do not know and he lets me go
Zalral looks genuinely surprised as he hands me back my cloak and closes the iron door - apparently people rarely come back from there.
After some more chatting he offers for me to stay at his instead of going back to an inn, in case the guards to around knocking. Since he has a point and seems genuine enough, I follow. We stop by his to drop some things off and then decide to go magical item shopping!
Now, I do not have the money for this but I decide to get a ring of protection - which runs at 1000gp in this store and I only have 500 on me. Still, through some sketchy math on my part and a random teaming up with a nervous looking tiefling kid I manage to get a deal of 750gp for the ring and a cloak, which is what the kid was after. He pays 250 and I pay 500 which means I effectively get 50% off while the teenage boy payed full price. (Lor is not a lawful or a good character so * shrugs *)
We get out of the shop and Lor places the ring on the string around their neck, next to the little piece of off red bone already there (see backstory). The kid happens to be standing next to us and obviously so is Zalral since he is with me so we are all hit by the explosion that brings down the front wall of the shop in that moment
It effectively knocks me out – I failed the roll to avoid the debris but also ic it makes sense cause they had their back to the building and were distracted with the painful memories the necklace brings + where about to turn to the new boy and ask about him
(oh also the boy is the other Player’s new character)
Zalral heals me back up and starts dragging me out of the road. I turn to his new character and yell "c'mon kid this is not our problem"
And so all three of us run down the road
In the shop there are 6 thugs, two of whom look like wizards. Four of them are putting everything in the store into bags of holding while one of the thugs is grappling the owner down and the last wizard is keeping an eye out. Said wizard sees us flee and shoots after us, but we've rounded the corner by now
Realising they seem to be coming after witnesses and that they have seen where we went we climb up the building, hoping to confuse them.
Instead we seem to have put ourselves into yet more danger cause a red shockwave goes through the building that almost cleaves it in half. We decide to attempt to jump to the other building so as to try and get away
New_kid manages fine, but Zalral goes next and fails, falling down in the street with a broken leg and making enough noise that the wizard now knows where we are. There's no way I could get to him in time, or that we would be able to escape, so instead I get my bow and prepare to shoot as soon as any of them are in sight.
I get the wizard on his shoulder as he is halfway through an incantation, breaking his focus and stopping his spell
Some back and forth between all of us, the thug mostly focusing on Zalral cause he's the only one not on top of a building and thus reachable for him, the wizard focusing on both me and new_kid
I get a bunch of arrows in the wizard, enough to piss him off and get him to turn on me (he'd been mostly focused on new_kid cause he's also using magic) and he gets me down with one spell (necrotic damage is a bitch). Zalral heals me once again cause he's an angel and when I get back I roll a nat 20 on hitting the wizard – double damage dice boo yeah
So that doesn't kill him but it gets close enough that new_kid can then finish him off. Zalral manages to traumatise the thug into running away (psychic damage for the win!). I still shoot him in the back once more but he manages to get away
We come down and I get Zalral into a sitting position against the wall of the building while I wait for him to come through more or less.
A bunch of guards decide to show up then
We paint an interesting picture, a male tiefling severely injured sitting on the ground, another one of indeterminate gender but smh in a pink frilly dress, covered in blood and ashes but looking remarkably healthy, crouching next to him and a skittish anxious looking teen tiefling just standing there, a wizard's corpse on the ground close enough to him.
Still the guards realise we are victims not perpetrators and suggest we get to a healers before moving on to investigate and secure the scene of the crime. I scavenge the wizard’s body, finding some coin, an eye tattoo in his back and a small, onyx sphere in his mouth.
(ooc I know exactly where this onyx sphere is going; IC I somehow don't cause I rolled really badly & Lor is really dumb)
I help Zalral up and the three of us find our way not into the next healer but to the one after, cause we all have a healthy amount of mistrust for law enforcement and would rather not be so easily tracked, either by the guards or the thugs.
The healers berate us to no end over how violence is not the answer and “did you at least try to talk to them first” and suggest that we should have run away instead of fighting. I attempt to explain we did try but it didn’t work but they aren’t taking it so as soon as Zalral is back on his feet I drag him and Straight Up out and away from the healers.
We left the healers place and headed back to one of Zalral's apparent many safe houses. Once there we had some food and recapped on the events of the day
Straight Up (the new kid tiefling/new pc) learnt about the snake-worshipping cult and was clearly uneasy.
I then asked Zalral about the eye tattoo we'd found on the wizards back - apparently the symbol of a massive and really well-organised crime syndicate, extremely efficient in their endeavours. Apparently, they steal a bunch of magical items ever so often, killing the store owner in the process, and said magical items never show up again (or at least no one has been able to trace them again) but they don't usually go after witnesses like they did today
And I ask him about the onyx stone/tooth found on the wizard's mouth - to which he tells me it's the secret symbol of another important gang, the Onyx gang (my character is so dumb jc this was obvious) and that that's weird cause 1) there is no history between the two gangs, of them working together or anything, and 2) the Onyx gang doesn't really have a presence in this city (Walsol).
My character gets all constipated at the mention of the Onyx gang and pretty much stops all conversation. Zalral obviously notices and asks them what's up, what's the beef that they have with the Onyx gang to which Lor says they don't have any beef but that the gang might (Zalral comments that that's the same thing, just a matter of semantics and tbh it is cause if the onyx gang actually set up Lor then Lor obviously is out for blood but eh, they don't know that yet) and says nothing else, thumbing at their necklace (in case you don't recall from the backstory, they have a piece of their dead girlfriend's horns on a string around their neck).
So we all go to sleep on that happy note.
Next morning, over some breakfast, we plan out our day – Zalral is gonna go and check with all his local sources to try and gather some info on what happened and Straight Up and I are gonna go offer our services to the guards
So we go and the guards outside the station tell us they will let us in once we have something concrete to offer, and so we head to the shell of the once magic shop
There we find nothing left – not even selling or stock records, nothing. I do, however, find another Onyx - this one with an eye engraved onto it.
We take that back to the station and ask to see the main investigator in this case and are sent to the main barracks. There we meet the investigator (& stupidly forget to ask for his name throughout this whole thing) and chat some. We learn that the body of the wizard we killed (the only casualty on their side) had been stolen from the morgue that morning by the troll's fang gang, before they could get in a necromancer to ask him questions and that all other perpetrators from last night have probably skipped town by now, like with every other raid this gang had led before.
We show him the onyx with the eye and he thinks it’s a misdirection & we try to convince him that it's not (we found one on the dead warlock as well after all)
We then leave, grab some quick lunch, and head to the poorer side of town, hoping to find some more things. After a little bit looking around we spot an inn that has an eye carved into the wood of its door and so we head inside.
We quickly notice a band of thugs with eyes tattoos on the back of their hands drinking in the back of the room so we grab drinks for ourselves and sit on the table next to theirs. I pull out a dice set and, on a nat 20 performance check, we put on a good show of faking it. We are talking in infernal, sure noone can understand us tho we do draw some weird looks. Eventually the other group receives a secret message, carved into the bottom of a mug of ale
We can't read it from where we are so I attempt to approach them, with a smile and easy attitude, and ask if anyone wants to play since "winning against my brother is getting boring" (nevermind we do not have the same skin colour, it's not like these thugs know or care enough). They are, of course, racist scum and tell me to “get out of here you filthy devil spawn".
This pisses Straight Up apparently and he decides to take matters into his own hands by conjuring the sound of an explosion from outside (with thaumaturgy). I use this as an excuse to jump as if I've been startled by the noise and 'accidentally' knock the drink with the secret message down on the floor.
These thugs are now even more mad but I act all innocent and offer to grab them another drink (which the DM allows me to have advantage on a deception roll) and succeed in my roll so I pay for the drink and we quickly leave
Once outside we sneak into an alleyway on the other side of the road and wait for the thugs to leave the pub.
Three of them eventually do, two of them going down the street and a third, with a pronounced limp (which made me ask if I recognised him since I shot the thug from the day before in the back of the leg before he got away but no, not the same. I was excited for a second) heading down another narrow road. We hedge our bets and follow the lone one
Turns out his limp was a fake and he slowly loses it and picks up speed, parkouring it all over the city and in a twisted and circular route to where he wants to get
We finally get there tho, and there is an abandoned five story building with a basement access on a side street
He knocks on said door the same number of times as the numbers listed in the mug (so that's what the message is) and someone let's him
Straight Up and Lor debate what to do and realise they can't do anything except wait and watch the door or go in. So I suggest splitting the party (cursed words in d&d lol) so that one of us can stay and watch and the other can run back and get Zalral
We figure that I would be better at finding my way back so Straight Up stats and I go for a 20 mins run there & back
Straight Up figures that climbing the opposite building will give him the best pov so he attempts to climb said building and... Crit fails the roll, making a shit ton of noise
He panics and pushes a bunch of crates that were just there laying around in front of the basement door, just in time for someone on the other side attempting to open it (and failing)
Straight Up then runs inside the building to wait it out. When the thugs manage to break through the door and the crates – spreading a bunch of flour everywhere – Straight Up uses thaumaturgy to lead them away by causing noise on the road on the other side of the building, as if someone is running away
When they rush after the noise, Straight Up comes back onto the side street and casts firebolt, aiming for the door. Now, and I didn't know this, but apparently fire & flour don't mix well (cause flour = bio matter), so this causes a massive explosion that levels not just the thugs secret hideout building but also the one across from it, that Straight Up attempted to climb earlier
Now such a massive explosion obvious makes the thugs turn back around and now they are in pursuit of Straight Up. Two of them stop to try and shoot him instead, managing to hit, but he's still running. He spots a healers centre and runs in, hoping for safe refugee
Suprise suprise it's the same healers as before - who made us promise not to come back (not to get in trouble) in the next week
So of course they berate & scold him
One of the thugs is still giving chase and he comes into the building and stops, ready to fire on Straight Up - except he never manages cause the magic of the place/of the healers stops him, by making him levitate in the air
In the meantime, I've reached Zalral's place and we are coming back. The healers, about half an hour later than when Straight Up had walked in, sees the two of us walking by and so finally stops chewing him out and heals him, sending him our way.
We are surprised to see him and I connect the dots and yelp at him "you did that?!" to which he just sort of shrugs so we take a slightly longer way around to try and access the situation before the thugs, if they are still there, can see us
We arrive to a fire in full effect, a bunch of guards standing around as well as some civilians.
And, more importantly, the two thugs still there, still with their shortbows.
I notice them noticing us and because I wanna avoid an all-out encounter and anyways rushing them would probably look bad anyways, I approach the guards, intending to make small talk and wait to see what the thugs will do.
Apparently, they really don't think any good of the police cause they see Straight Up and just shoot, both bolts hitting him and he's down and unconscious
The guards are startled, which gives the bad guys a round to get away, but they then pursue.
In that same round, I give Straight Up a healing potion and then we are following the bad guys, who have split and run in opposite directions. We’ve lost one of them already.
But the other is running down a wide road, two soldiers in his tail. The soldier’s kind of give up on catching him and instead attempt to shot him down. They manage to hit and he stumbles so I catch up to him. When he attempts to run away again I get an attack of opportunity and manage to grapple him and throw him on the ground over my shoulder, bringing him down to 0 hp (not dead just unconscious, I was clear before I attacked so the DM wouldn't just kill him off xD)
We restrain him and then Zalral heals him some so that he's no longer unconscious. I've got a knife to his throat when he comes through and because I've literally just thrown him down I get advantage on intimidating him
He gives us some info but he's mostly being really stubborn. We learn that the whimpering sound we could hear from the door? It was puppies they'd locked in a closed room
I nick him for that and while the guards look like they should disapprove of me harming a prisoner who is technically in their custody, they don't.
He's mostly done talking at this point tho, and he actually attempts to spit at me (rude) tho he fails
So Zalral casts charm person on him (which, once again, the guards frown on since it's illegal and all but say nothing, we are not the cops after all and this is far more info then they've ever gotten out of any of these thugs) and now he's far more friendly
He tells us about the Onyx gang and how they have joined forces with the all-seeing eyes gang and have expanded to this city for about a month now.
We ask him about other safe houses and he tells us of other two, one in another city (?) Talra, and one 36 steps away from that first one. He doesn't know the safe word/passcodes to either of them tho
He ask him about the troll fang gang and if they are connected. He says he doesn't know about them but that the Ten Eyes gang is a subsidiary of theirs
He alludes to his boss a couple of times and how she was still underground when the fire started but he can't confirm whether or not there is a second way out. He also says that there are at least three layers of bosses above him, the top one not actually being a gang member, but also isn't someone with public face
This is pretty much when he clams up tho cause, even with the charm person spell or my intimidation he's more afraid of his boss than he is of torture or death
So we haul ass back to the main barracks to go see the investigator and hand him the prisoner (I ask one of the guards the name of the investigator and we are told he's called Hendrickson so yeay, we finally know his name xD)
Oh before that I forgot! There's a bunch of things that the prisoner doesn't tell us, not because he doesn't know them (tho there's that too) or because he doesn't want to (charm person deals with that) but because someone has made him forget. We intend on telling that to Hendrickson and get him to get a mage on that; but I also recall the cube that I buried in the forest, which had an aura of no magic to it and thus maybe can undo magical effects
But yeah so we start heading back and on the way are attacked by two assassin's who ignore all of us and go straight for the poor dude. They manage to gut him and then attempt to run away. We all shoot at them and manage to injure one of them enough that when I try to catch up to him I manage. But, instead of running away and giving me an attack of opportunity like the thug did earlier, this assassin simply turns around and stabs me. His dagger is fucking magical or something cause of course, so one single stab gets me down, almost to immediate death as well.
Straight Up catches up to me and gives me our last healing potion, while one of the other guards shoots the assassin again. He's still not dead smh (I think he had like 60+ hp at the start??) but he seems to think he's not gonna get away – we’ve hit him quite a lot tbf) cause he basically detonates a bomb, killing himself
Everything, including his body, is destroyed - except for his dagger. I grab it and both Straight Up and Zalral do arcana checks on it. They find two enchantments, one that makes it really hard to destroy and another that allows for it to be tracked.
Now thank fuck he noticed that last one cause I was intending on keeping it. Instead we go to the barracks, tell Hendrickson all the info we learnt and leave the knife with him, suggesting he try and revert the tracking spell.
Then we head home and all the way there, I chew Straight Up out over being careless and a fucking pyromaniac.
And that's the end of our first, longass session! We all leveled up and honestly i can’t wait for the next session, I wanted it to be here already :P
0 notes
gruffud · 6 years
Thyntr, log 04
Varia never existed. I don’t know why my logs include a safir woman who doesn’t exist.
After a brief recuperation, which allowed me the time to conclude my most recent log, the party – that is, I, Lorewen, Malachi, Caleb, and the lich – searched the room as we waded through the liquefied corpse of the water weird. It was an ancient armory, all its contents ruined by time, but I saved two rusted daggers to use as tools in a pinch. We found a map of the swamp, and with it the path to the temple of Namhu.
We took the central path through the swamp, stopping to marvel at the impossibly large – and impossibly alive – tree in the center. It was surrounded by hostile boggles, and a good half-dozen charged us. They had the occult ability to summon both others of their kind, and one strange horrific ghoul to which I couldn’t put a name. Malachi and I, being the quickest, took care of most of them, but we all fought incredibly well. Malachi, I am loathe to admit, is a skilled fighter, and he has heart. I, on the other hand, still lack the control I strive for, striking one boggle with such a powerful spell that it exploded… and killed the one beside it with its gruesome shrapnel. They covered us all in putrid oil, and the lich… Mageva… she spared a spell to help me, of all, clean off.
I do not know her intentions, but I was unharmed. Still, she troubles me.
We skirted the rest of the tree to avoid further confrontation, and continued on the path to the temple which we sought. On the way, I thought I saw something, and something important, but suddenly it left my mind, and I could not for love or money tell you what it was. When we came to the temple, Namhu stood atop it, yelling – not much of which we could understand. He jumped down to meet us, but lacking in divinity, was hurt in the fall. I healed him and introduced us, but I cannot yet tell how coherent he is.
We tried to enter the temple and promptly failed… or rather, several of us failed. I was able to walk in uninhibited, but an unseen barrier blocked out some of my compatriots, Caleb and Namhu included. Instead, we tried to seek shelter elsewhere, coming to a locked building north of the temple. Inside a voice called out for help, and we broke open the door to find a Drider woman trapped inside. Akordia. Ye Gods, she was huge and gorgeous. We began to introduce ourselves (I’m sure I made myself a grand fool, fumbling for coherence in her presence) but were cut short by an old woman’s voice deep within.
We followed to listen, as she spoke with her companions, Bernard and Tony (who, as it would turn out, are a rat and a toad, respectively) about the soup she was making and the capital city – Titan’s Grave, colloquially. Suddenly she burst through the door beneath us and snatched Caleb in her giant arm and tried to prepare him for her soup.
The poor boy was in a panic as we all fought to free him. Eventually he slipped from her grasp with a spell, still crying and shaking. I held him for a moment, simply glad that he was safe, but we had to resume the fight, as she came at us blindly and took Mageva in her awful arms, crushing down on her tightly. We knocked her away, and eventually killed her, knocking some of her potions down atop her.
I was the only one who could heal Mageva. I don’t know that Lorewen trusted me not to hurt her. I don’t think anyone trusted me not to, myself included. I know that she would have been more injured by my holy spells, but that healing potions are often effective on the undead, so I gave her some of the ichor i had saved in my waterskin from the Solar in the mountain. It felt like a waste, giving something so precious to something so vile, but it also… felt like the right thing to do.
We had a brief moment of rest – only long enough to catch our breath, heal up, and loot around the hag’s kitchen. The homunculi continued cooking the soup the hag had started, And we looted the place for valuables. For myself, I found a poison staff, two minor healing potions, and several beads of nutrition, along with a dozen or so empty jars with which to fill with stew.
We were quickly interrupted in our looting, however, when we were assailed by a member of a dragon cult, who burst through the door at the top of the room and descended upon us, attacking Malachi and Caleb. Malachi was gravely hurt, and Caleb even more so, and fainted from the pain. Akordia moves to stand over him, protecting him from further damage.
We all fought to defend Caleb and Malachi and fight the strange man out of the hag’s den. Malachi, as is often the case, made the killing blow, and it turned to dust at our feet.
Lorewen healed Caleb, and I Malachi. I will admit, now that he is well, to using him as a Guinea pig of sorts, applying the slime I had stored from the cave outside Barome, as I was unsure what effect it would have on its own. Finding that it only cured physical wounds, without restoring much actual health, I gave him one of the healing potions I found as well.
Again my hand burnt then, worse this time than the last, like the skin would strip from the bones. I couldn’t stop from screaming. A mark has appeared in my paw — I don’t understand it, and it no longer hurts, and ye it feels like it ought to, and like it could begin again to burn at any moment. Have I done something wrong, touched something I should not have? Is this a punishment from Nature? From the Gods?
No matter, now. It was short lived. The homunculi, never having stopped cooking, sat us down to dinner. I introduced myself further to Akordia (a deathslinger, too!) and Caleb took Lorewen for a talk outside.
Upon their return they claimed, frantic, that we were being tailed by something gruesome. They wanted to leave immediately, but it was then quite late. The nearest town is a twelve hour walk from here, and we would be more unsafe trying to leave than trying to stay. Instead, Akordia laid a few traps with her webs and we all drifted into uneasy sleep in the barracks deeper within the hag’s home.
0 notes
rhawyr · 7 years
Session 2:  Kulches Field
They were floating in open waters in a goblin ship, anchored in the bay, at night, with 20 kidnapped children and three goblins who were at least temporarily convinced that Amalia is their new captain.
So of course, they spend an hour and a half determining how to get into the city, because the easiest things in the world cannot actually be easy.  Why would they be?
They worried that the town guard would stop them because of their corruption, which I guess makes sense.
At least one of the older kids recommended going to the Lord Mayor, but the players were like, "Naaaah" and wanted to go to the church instead.
So they EVENTUALLY went to the church, got an escort of clergymen, retrieved the kids (and two of the goblins) from the ship, and returned to the church after collecting the portly guard who had mentioned possible corruption last time (Deputy Emerson).  They got some weird looks from the guards, and even some concerned looks from the guards, but nobody tried to stop them.
Said portly, administrative deputy told them to talk to the Lord Mayor 'cause they'd "arrested" him on the pretense that he was implicated by the goblin slavers.
So Mouvais wasn't working out in his player's eyes, so Mouvais was swapped out for a new character (they haven't levelled yet, nothing is set in stone), a...wood elf named Borris (who is actually a Firbolg SHHHH DoN'T TElL ANyONE) while at the church.  Both are sorta clergy sorta (Mouvais is technically part of a weird church organization that hunts monsters and Borris is...supposedly a priest of Ledir and Ledara but he can barely remember the names of the twin gods) so this is fine.
They end up talking to the Lord Mayor, who pays them like triple for the slaver ring thing and tells them to go help the captain of the guard, Captain Jameson, who's in one of the outlying villages (Kulches Field) protecting it from some sort of issue.  She (the Lord Mayor) believes that the Captain will be extremely helpful in rooting out the corruption of the city guard and frankly they (the adventurers) can probably solve the issue anyway.
The players return to the church for the evening, get the goblins to tell of their "crimes," and then return to the ship in the morning with the goblins.  The three goblins are told to play cards to determine who gets to be the new captain, with the suggestion that they are to sell the ship and use the money to run a business or something.
The players then row up the river in a rowboat toward the village of Kulches Field...
...Where they find a village that looks like an invading army has recently gone through, with people hustling about looking at the sky and armored soldiers wandering around to various farmsteads.  They're told there are demons attacking the village and that the Captain is at the local Watering Hole (tavern).
Information they get from the captain (a tiefling man in a breastplate with a long scar across his face):  Demons are totes attacking the town, he has too few men to cover the entire village area (mostly adjoining farmsteads), the demons in question come in groups of 4 or fewer (usually 4) and take a dozen men to handle safely, there's an adventurer who wanders into the jungle a lot that goes by the name of Renzo and won't help him with his issue (his work is more important), the chapel up the hill can house them for the evening, and the demons are coming from the direction of the jungle somewhere.
Wik has, by this point, taken two steins of ale and they all leave the tavern to find a general store.  Wik has taken the steins with him, as an FYI.
At the general store, they purchase 2 nets, a sickle for cutting through the jungle, and Borris gives Wik his light crossbow.
The owner mentions a temple or pyramid thing in the jungle that the demons might be coming from (rumors and all), and when there are further inquiries, mentions she's never seen it herself but that they might be able to find a hunter who's found it before.  She points them to the chapel and to a local hunter (Billy Bob) who might help them.
Amalia convinces Billy Bob to help the adventurers, who says he'll meet them at the chapel in the morning, and the three go to the chapel to sleep.
The chapel is dedicated to the god Altinari, who's a god of the harvest, grain, fertility, and hearth.  He's depicted as an attractive young human man with a straw hat and a pitchfork, and is usually otherwise nude.  Such a statue is in the chapel, so they got a quick introduction to Altinari, and the statue had a lovely butt (which is the first question I was asked).
They spend the night, and Billy Bob is waiting in the chapel in the morning with his shortbow, handaxe, and hunting traps.
Billy Bob leads them through the jungle, and I had each member of the party roll a percentile dice to see if they came across anything interesting, like local wildlife that would either attack them or that Billy Bob wanted to hunt, or something like that.  Their trip was uneventful, and they arrived at the pyramid.
Anyway, Billy Bob notes that the door is open, and it's never been open before, and he leaves.  The players approach the top of the pyramid to find the door has been clearly tampered with (a lot).  They find a gap in the floor, and Wik casts a jump spell to get across, holding a rope for everyone to come over.  Once everyone's over, they examine the gap in the floor and drop a light, seeing a raised platform with a circular indentation..
The party descends the staircase in the room, seeing a bunch of statues, a corpse, a slightly glowing orb of eaclite (a stone from which all magic comes in this world), and a magma mephit.
They make fairly quick work of the magma mephit, but another mephit, this time a dust mephit, appears from the orb as it flashes a bright light.  Wik analyzes the orb very quickly and determines the best way to deal with this problem is to destroy the orb, and also realizes that dust mephits are vulnerable to fire, so he fires a firebolt at the mephit, which bursts into flame.
Borris, however, isn't very smart about this, and opens the door, seeing a fuckton of gold, jewels, treasure, etc on a banquet hall table.  He rushes to where he previously saw the indentation and finds the elven inscription, "Return to this place when your cup overfloweth, and you need refreshment."
Realizing that the orb apparently isn't supposed to go into the indentation, he makes his way toward the stairs at the other end of the room.  Amalia is hot on his heels after finishing the dust mephit (another magma mephit appears by the orb, and therefore Borris) and Wik is on his way out of the room.
Borris gets aaaaaaaaall the way to the stairway before Wik gets into the room, realizes he isn't destroying the orb, and shouts to destroy the orb once again.
....Which is when there's screeching from the floor below.
I had not foreseen the first orb not being destroyed and having the party fight 4 of them at once, especially fighting their way down the staircase to get to the other orbs on top of it.  Thankfully, not what happens, but still a much more deadly experience than I was expecting.
Borris heals himself and throws the orb to Amalia, who stabs at the cracks with her rapier.  Wik finishes the orb off, and the first mephit (a magma mephit at this moment) disappears.
Borris isn't doing so hot at this point, though.  Wik and Amalia run back into the room where the first orb was originally, and Borris eventually makes it over and inside the room and they slam the door shut.
The mephits then fly out the opening to the temple, allowing the players to safely descend the staircase and destroy the orbs in the storeroom below.
Speaking of the storeroom below, they also find several more corpses and a glowing door.
It's at this time that everyone looks around for treasure.  They're extremely wary of the banquet hall's treasure, but eventually determine it is safe to take, and then they solve the puzzle/riddle thing by placing the golden cup into the indentation and fill it with wine, causing a wall to descend into the floor and giving them access to three healing potions and a scroll (of mirror image).  Wik looked at the scroll and kinda said "meh" and Borris has it atm.
They loot and loot and loot, and find one of the corpses has a spellbook detailing a lengthy ritual that involves large eaclite orbs and portals to the elemental chaos.  Wik draws over it in charcoal and tosses it.  Borris has it atm.
That's about when they knock on the glowing door.
They hear two voices respond, who make mention of their hunger and speak a magic password that dispels the arcane lock cast on the door
The two wizards gladly accept food and leave the temple peacefully (Borris talks to a bird and tells it to guide them, but just cause he can talk to birds doesn't mean he's particularly persuasive, soooo...???) Within, they see a puzzle bridge thing and a door at the other end of a chasm, aaaand that's about where we stopped
0 notes