#kam’s works
kamwashere · 4 months
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Read Chapter Two here!
Other links:
all the skeleton you hide (show me yours, i’ll show you mine)
part two of new york isn’t new york without you love
previous work: my heart is wild (and my bones are steel)
A wave of affection and longing almost makes him stagger on his feet. Just seeing him in that suit—looking less than impressive, scratching his butt—makes him realize just how much he missed him. He missed his loud, annoying voice, how easy it seemed for him to read Peter’s mind, and how he never missed their nightly rendezvous on top of rooftops.
“Wade,” he inwardly cringes at how his voice catches, “Hi.”
Peter, fresh out of his multiversal escapades, gains a new perspective in life. One that includes a certain mouthy mercenary, perhaps?
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kingkrakie · 4 months
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it's an au of some sort 🤩🤩 (I'll figure it out) pt. 1
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the-names-kam · 9 months
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i’ve had an epiphany
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epitomereally · 1 month
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psalm 40:2 by unicornpoe
Dean meets an angel who says he's from the future. It all gets a lot more complicated from there. Supernatural, Castiel
Here is my bind for @no-name-publishing in a Renegade Mini-Exchange! This is such a wistful and tender story about learning to accept and love yourself, even when you feel unlovable, and I was absolutely ecstatic when I peeped it on his wishlist.
Lots of firsts for me this bind: first time working with leather, first time CHISEL-TRIMMING (:elmo fire emoji: insert here please), only second time power sanding (which I love tbh), first time BEADING a cover. I absolutely loved working with leather and the effect of beading, and wish I could take a video to show how sparkly the beads are in the sunlight! I also used ~ * f a n c y * ~ endpapers by Claire Guillot that I just knew I had to have for this bind the second I saw them, and will absolutely be returning to her for future binds.
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All the typesetting choices are inspired by the 1611 King James Bible, as well as the beading which forms a cross when the book is fully opened. It's my first Supernatural bind—what's a girl to do besides make Biblical references? (jk, @clovenhoofbindery made a totally non-Biblical bind of the same fic and I have been LOSING MY MIND at how perfect and gorgeous it is)
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Leather: Siegel leather pre-pared leather in espresso
Title font: KJV1611
Body font: Adobe Jenson Pro
Dropcap: Goudy Initialen
Decorative images: King James Bible 1611 (Wikimedia Commons)
Some more details, just for fun :)
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maygrcnt · 2 days
can’t stop thinking about this line i once read in a fic
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gaylittleeddie · 2 years
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no because guys you really do not understand.
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malewifemammon · 5 months
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don't listen to him man i think it's great
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sexynetra · 3 months
The people have been reacting well to cunty dame so have some more :)
All this to say – Nicky leaving was putting a major crimp in Dame’s lifestyle. She plucked a glass of champagne off a tray, taking a long sip and surveying the room from her perch near the window. Tia and Kam were deep in conversation next to the food table, while Nicky — as the guest of honor — was in the middle of the room, surrounded by a gaggle of their coworkers.
Kam walked over a moment later, a small plate of hors d’œuvres in hand. “So, are you planning to go talk to your girlfriend?” She asked conversationally.
Dame rolled her eyes, plucking a canapé off of her best friend’s plate and popping it into her mouth. “Nicky’s not my girlfriend.”
“Try telling her that,” Kam retorted, giving Nicky a polite wave and a smile. Nicky smiled back at her before turning her gaze to Dame, smile softening.
“She knows,” Dame said. “I’ve told her. I’m not the girlfriend type. It’s just a bit of fun, nothing more.”
“Yeah well, the trail of brokenhearted girls you leave behind shows that well enough,” Kam shoved her playfully.
Dame pursed her lips to hide her smile. “You’re just jealous,” she teased, finishing off her champagne flute and stepping forward to greet Nicky who had made her way over.
Dame leaned over, placing a ghost of a kiss on each of her cheeks. “Nicky,” she murmured. “Lovely party. Shame it's goodbye.”
“It doesn’t have to be. You could come back to Paris with me.” Nicky looked up at her hopefully.
Dame plucked another flute of champagne off the tray of a passing server, letting out a noncommittal hum as she looked away, meeting eyes with the Spanish woman who worked in reception, flashing her a wink and a smile. “Better not, I’m quite enjoying London,” she said flippantly.
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movedtodykedvonte · 11 months
Although I have not seen the Barbie Movie, from clips I’ve been spoiled Allen could easily be a representation of lumping an oppressed group with the oppressor due to their proximity to them along with his clear representation of allyship.
It’s like when the phrase “Kill All Men” or just “All Men” comes around and women point out they include Trans Men in not accounting that trans individuals are equally oppressed by men, trans-men were raised as girls and socialized under the female gender roles in society along with being ostracized in male spaces due to their inherent relation to femininity and womanhood in the eyes of the patriarchy.
Most trans men do not benefit from patriarchal standards unless they pass and are discreet about their identities and thus are barred from the safe space women provide each other as they aren’t one but cannot rely on men cause they often aren’t seen as a complete one like Allen preferred the Barbies but is inherently lumped with Kens, somewhere he doesn’t fully belong or agree with despite a desire to be there.
This also factors in to men of color or queer men who while benefiting from the patriarchy and misogyny to an extent, are still oppressed individuals compare to their straight white counterparts. In the case men of color (especially brown and black men) are often treated worse due to their position in what is considered an ideal patriarchal social hierarchy.
This is no way to diminish struggles of women or the ideals and message of the film but I’ve been seeing KAM go around again and must remind those that the phrase lacks nuance and is pretty bare bones and detrimental in relation to actual feminist ideals.
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oneofthosevilradfems · 3 months
so disgusting to me that there are men who prey on hypersexual teenage female rape victims and ask them to do disgusting things because they know they will. after being raped, i spent a lot of time online, started using snapchat a lot, and made loads of online friends. but then i met loads of horrible men, who wanted stuff, and i know there are pictures of my underage body out there online because some guys offered me money for it. i know there’s a guy who pretended to be a woman with a penis who has a picture of my genitals. like isn’t that deranged?? isn’t that unbelievable? they all knew i was 15. too young to really understand what any of it means.
i don’t really get anxious about it much, but sometimes i get so scared those pictures will come back to bite me. they wont, and i know that, but to know this is the lived reality of so many girls and that ai is going to make it even worse… jesus
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kamwashere · 2 years
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guide me towards salvation —— chapter eight, by kamwashere
chapter preview;
“They could hurt the people you love.”
The other man is silent, but then he humorlessly laughs, “No one to love, Tinsley.”
Tinsley nods sympathetically. In a way, they’re the same. They both have nothing to lose.
fic summary;
C.C. Tinsley is a resigned private investigator plagued by the past. He reinvents himself in a quiet, little town—confident that nothing will ever disturb the life he’s trying to build. Then comes Ricky Goldsworth, who keeps trying to make his way through Tinsley’s life, one injury at a time.
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kamil-a · 2 months
in honor of boop day everyone go read what is unironically one of my favorite webcomics of all time.... i have read it many times and always walk away with more to think about. this + homestuck made this world podcast combined showed me a new way to view fiction and fictional characters- not as an intrinsically "existing" spirit that can be "violated" by disrespectful or ooc fanwork/canon material that goes against "who they are" but as groups of recognizable symbols that we decide facts are true or untrue about to suit our needs. the question arises then, who is allowed to decide those truths? what do the needs for the truths we tell say about us? etc. this sounds like i'm being fake cuz it's april fools but i promise I'm not i genuinely unironically LOVE this comic about betty boop being someone's wife. it's also hysterical, alec robbin's way of phrasing things and sense of comedic timing is really really delightful to me.
it is also !!!!!!extremely!!!!! explicitly sexual click at your own risk!!!!!!! let this be your warning!!!!!!!!!
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abubble125 · 1 year
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what do you mean britishly isn't a word
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bitzsims · 7 months
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The plan today is to go out sightseeing and then going out to have fun at night.
but first... breakfast.
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writerlyhabits · 1 year
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Main Masterlist | library & notifications ↦ @writerlyhabits-library
Requests: closed 💛
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Sept 21, 2023 Small life update + hiatus status
Dec 28, 2023 Edited the ending of Neighbors Chapter 16: Backwards
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Bucky Barnes:
Neighbors Ch. 17: Date Night
Blue is for Ben Ch. 3: Casual Friday
Din Djarin:
The Bounty Hunter’s Wife series (show rewrite; working title)
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whoslaurapalmer · 8 months
thinking about, beatrice and lemony just taking turns wearing bertrand's glasses
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