#like please Disney i know you don’t like gay people or anything but PLEASE
therestwofliesonmyleg · 6 months
I feel like Mobius only left the tva because Loki wasn’t there anymore that was the only thing keeping him there ya know
Because when Loki was there he told Loki that he hadn’t looked at his file because he was happy with his life and stuff and then when Loki was gone he looked at the file and decided to go back
Also like i really hope Mobius is back at some point I really really really liked him he’s so silly
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alex-travaganza · 5 months
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa did you see the new pnf short?
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this is news to me. i’ve been focusing on my mental health (playing red dead redemption 2 and nothing else) for the past week so i’ve been offline but i gotta check this out…
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i am so hype for this. i love it so much. it is amazing and i want more right now. please don’t read under the cut there’s definitely not a multi paragraph conspiracy theory underneath
us shippers are rejoicing, as we rightfully should, at this amazing w. but i just gotta be that one guy, i gotta poop on the party. could this be bordering into… and forgive me for uttering these words… queerbaiting?
i know the idea of being queerbaited by an evil scientist man and a secret agent playtpus is ridiculous and hilarious, but r we getting johnlocked just a little bit? maybe just a little…. because i’ve always been of the opinion that perryshmirtz will most likely never be a canon storyline for a bunch of reasons, and as much as i’d like that to happen, i can see how some oblivious straight people (so… probably a lot of the writers let’s be real) could reasonably watch all of phineas and ferb and think there’s absolutely nothing homoromantic going on between the two of them. like of course there’s jokes about them being like couple in the same way we get it for buford and bajeet, but, at least when it was airing at the time that it was, that was neverrr going to be acknowledged as anything but funny funny haha joke. like i love dwampy but this show is not crowned for its thoughtful and progressive takes there is SOOOOO much racial stereotyping and ignorant shit in pnf. relationships between two men were not going to hold the same narrative weight as a hetero relationship
so yes i think it’s a bit of a stretch to say pnf in itself is queerbaiting with perryshmirtz, but THESE SHORTS… this is like……. a lot man it’s a lot man it’s a blessing and a curse. i hope it’s just a couple folks who like perryshmirtz putting those bits for funsies but i’m getting suspicious. i’m raising my eyebrows up and down, feeling as if i’m seeing flags of a.. pinkish hue… reddish, perhaps.
and this is disneyyyy cmmmonnn all these hip new queer kid shows? they’re doing pretty good. of course, we aren’t going to ruin our precious precious phineas and ferb IP for the foreign market by putting a gay relationship in the actual show, but it couldn’t hurt to draw in a few tumblr and tiktok queers from our homoromantic little shorts, eh? ehh? it’s a big market, kids aren’t just tuning in on cable tvs anymore to watch phineas and ferb, we need a little more outreach. it’s all about streaming babbbyy it’s all about that disney plus! get those queers watching the new seasons of phineas and ferb when they’re finished binging the owl house!
are you understanding my friends? i am no messiah of perryshmirtz. that’s liz. but maybe, i shall be a mere messenger spreading my annoying takes amongst the land. or maybe it’s not that deep because 8 year olds watching phineas and ferb don’t care. but it’s a free website baybe
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toaster-trash · 10 months
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When I tell you I read this I saw it and I WHEEZED I was in TEARS and I shouldn’t be bothered arguing about it but quite frankly I’m trying to procrastinate anyway and I’ve had a god awful week and need to take out my frustrations somehow, ergo, I’m going be petty not because this person disagrees with my reading of the novel, but because they implied that in reading queer or neurodivergent elements in a work, people “can’t see the important themes that the novel is about” which actually does piss me off a fair bit
Right so first before we argue we’ve got to decipher because English apparently isn’t this person’s forte for someone who is, apparently, such an avid reader and esteemed critic of English literature. Also I just realised I haven’t really provided any context here so apologies this was in response to that joke post I made about mischaracterising Frankenstein adaptations (again yes the pettiness is not lost on me but I’m embracing it anyway)
“He is not gay nor autistic” cheers this person disagrees that Victor Frankenstein is either gay or autistic. To each their own. Wonder what kind of backup they’ll have for that argument.
“Pls stop seen representation of us everyone bc u can’t make the difference,” Right so this is where we get confusing, I’m going to take a wild guess and I think they’re trying to say “please stop seeing representation of us everywhere because you can’t make the difference”, and I still don’t know what “make the difference” means, but we’ll go with it.
“read nothing new”, alright so they’re saying people who see representation everywhere read nothing new, and then the kicker that’s kind of the only reason I decided to respond to this anyway, “nor really see the important themes that the novel is about.”
First off, “stop seeing representation of us everywhere”, let it be known that as I make a hundred jokes about Victor Frankenstein being homosexual, I myself am thoroughly through and through without a doubt bisexual as the days are long. Absolutely love men. Also adore women equally. So no, I am not a Disney corporate executive trying to squeeze in as many queers as possible for the entire purpose of using the fact they have representation in media to excuse the fact it’s a shite film but also, not trying to revisit every old piece of media to squeeze representation where it doesn’t really fit or make sense just for shits and giggles. (Also just saying, you made this comment on Tumblr. So even if I was just going haywire with lgbt headcanons on my favourite media with no real backup, who gives a shit? Who actually gives a flying fuck? I don’t. Let people live, man. It doesn’t mean they don’t understand the source material just because they’re having fun and playing loose with it. It’s Tumblr, not a Netflix adaptation. Let people do whatever they want and have fun with it. It’s cool.)
But like I said, I do have backup and a lot of it so let’s get into that, shall we?
First of all, whoo, autism. I’ll be real not really a hill I’m going to die on but the wording you put of “he is not autistic” is just ridiculous because yeah, no, there is a lot of perfectly decent ground to read Victor Frankenstein as autistic and a lot of people do, mostly people who are autistic or otherwise neurodivergent themselves. Just because in the 18th century people didn’t necessarily have the language for things doesn’t mean they didn’t exist, and I mean, now we do. So what’s the harm in using it? They had their own language for things back then, do we have to revert back to speaking in early 19th century English every time we want to refer to a character who was written back then as neurodivergent or lgbt or anything else?? What’s the point in that??
But yeah, Victor Frankenstein. I can’t even be bothered to explain and to be honest every single other person I’ve said “Frankenstein is autistic to” has immediately responded “oh yeah, obviously”, even my father who famously is just hypercritical of all sorts of headcanons just went “oh yeah no for sure the man is definitely autistic no doubt about it”. So instead I’m just going to include some quotes.
My temper was sometimes violent, and my passions vehement; but by some law in my temperature they were turned not towards childish pursuits but to an eager desire to learn, and not to learn all things indiscriminately.
It was my temper to avoid a crowd and to attach myself fervently to a few. I was indifferent, therefore, to my school-fellows in general; but I united myself in the bonds of the closest friendship to one among them.
From this day natural philosophy, and particularly chemistry, in the most comprehensive sense of the term, became nearly my sole occupation.
Two years passed in this manner, during which I paid no visit to Geneva, but was engaged, heart and soul, in the pursuit of some discoveries which I hoped to make. None but those who have experienced them can conceive of the enticements of science. In other studies you go as far as others have gone before you, and there is nothing more to know; but in a scientific pursuit there is continual food for discovery and wonder.
Like I said, self explanatory. It’s harder to come up with an argument for why he isn’t autistic than why he is, and frankly, what’s the harm in reading him that way? It doesn’t really change anything about the plot or themes, and his character doesn’t change. It’s just a very probable diagnosis for said qualities. It doesn’t change them, whether you use that word or not. The concept of autism was coined in 1911 anyway, so its not like Mary Shelley’s going to be sat at her writing desk in 1817 writing in big bold letters “BY THE WAY, FRANKENSTEIN HAD AN AUTISM DIAGNOSIS.” It doesn’t change the fact that people still had autism back then, just because the term wasn’t discovered yet. Anyway.
Now, second bit. “He isn’t gay” – now, if you read Frankenstein and thought “ah yes, this man seems perfectly heterosexual to me”, then honestly, sure. Go ahead. But to say that reading Victor Frankenstein as queer in any way means that people “don’t understand the important themes of the novel” is completely bloody ridiculous because, again, there is astronomical ground to read him that way.
Victor Frankenstein never really shows interest in any women in the novel, except for Elizabeth, who he has been raised, since he was five years old, to see as his “gift” and was told by his mother since he was a very young child that he was going to marry her – to the point where his mother, on her deathbed, tells both Victor and Liz: “My firmest hopes of future happiness were placed on the prospect of your union. This expectation will now be the consolation of your father.” Also, they’re cousins/adopted siblings. If you don’t think that’s fucked up, even by the standards of the time, I’m not really sure what to say to you. Of course he married her. And before he married her, he generally expresses very little romantic interest in her bar just expressing as much affection as you would a close friend or sister, or seeing her as his “gift” who he “has to be wed to”. Read any other story from this time period, in this genre, and you will not be remotely questioning whether they’re actually attracted to each-other or not. In fact, here’s an excerpt from The Vampyre, another book born from the same trip to Geneva that Frankenstein was, by John William Polidori, about the protagonist’s love interest:
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And that’s only part of it. So. Yeah. Victor’s lack of romantic affection for Elizabeth is not “a product of its time” nor “a product of its genre.” And The Vampyre is a short story.
And so you may be saying, “well, just because Victor doesn’t show any interest in women doesn’t necessarily make him gay”, and yeah, true that (ace and bi Vic hcs y’all are valid) but there is very good basis to take the reading that he is attracted to men.
For one thing, just the fact that he’s so particular about creating “the perfect man” is subject to a lot of queer readings in itself, but let’s be real here, you all know me enough by now to know that I just want an excuse to rant about Clerval and Frankenstein. And rant about them I shall.
First, I’m lazy, so here’s an excerpt from one of my previous essays I’ve written that I’ve never posted everywhere on Frankenstein in general:
Just as The Creature is Victor’s narrative foil, so is Clerval. He's equally ambitious and fascinated with the secrets of life, however he’s healthy with how he goes about it and healthy with how he keeps the balance between taking care of himself and pursuing his dreams, while Victor goes over the edge and neglects himself and his sense of morality to complete what he set out to do. He's supposed to represent the ideals of gothic romanticism in Victor and he's supposed to be his anchor and support, (something the Creature doesn't have), caring for Victor during his illness, (“reanimating” him, almost, once again showing that comparison between both Victor and Henry, as Henry “reanimates” Victor with compassion and cares for him after, and Victor reanimates The Creature in a haze of obsession and mania and immediately abandons him, showing what Victor could have been), and constantly accompanying and being sympathetic and empathetic towards him. I also find it very interesting how he does also seem to have those darker aspects to him, lying to Victor’s family about the extent of his illness and caring for Victor in his apartment despite the fact that, for all he knew, from the evidence lying around his workspace and Victor’s feverish rambling, he very well could have murdered someone, and Clerval chooses not to press him on the issue and instead to intentionally help Victor cover it up. The fact that Clerval exhibits these traits only makes Victor’s own downfall all the more tragic when we consider that it likely very much isn’t a stretch to imagine that Clerval, too, likely exhibits a lot of the same morbid curiosity as Victor; he isn’t a superhuman figure with purely positive attributes who is completely far removed from Victor’s situation, the only difference is that Clerval chooses to prioritise his own sense of morality over his selfish aims, which only emphasises the point that Victor’s downfall is, ultimately, Victor’s own fault. When Victor "kills" the Creature’s chance of the same support and love (his unfinished bride), the Creature kills Henry and sends Victor into a downward spiral of suicidal thoughts and heavy depression because the character that represented that stability, that romanticism, that balance of keeping healthy, is dead, and that throws Victor downward into his inevitable obsession with the monster's destruction and his own death.
On this point, I feel like it’s worth bringing up that a reasonably good case could probably be made regarding a lot of queer subtext in the novel, although I won’t rant about it excessively as it obviously isn’t the focus, the theme of love is a very prominent theme as I’ve previously mentioned with The Creature; familial love, platonic love, parental love, romantic love, and I don’t think it’s particularly much of stretch to suggest that Shelley, intentionally or unintentionally, might have added a lot more romantic subtext than given credit for. Not that it matters particularly narratively speaking what kind of love is portrayed, but in reference specifically to Clerval and the Ingolstadt chapters there’s a very good argument to be made regarding Shelley’s poor relationship with her own husband and how she may have projected a lot of her wish for that kind of care and sympathy into his character, perhaps not taking into account, or perhaps she did, how it would come across – author intentions are mostly lost with time and we’ll ultimately never know for sure, but even for the standards of the late 18th century when the novel was set and the early 19th century when it was written, “I desire the company of a man who could sympathise with me, whose eyes would reply to mine. You may deem me romantic,” and “your form so divinely wrought, and beaming with beauty, has decayed, but your spirit still visits and consoles your unhappy friend,” probably weren’t standard platonic sentiments.
And honestly on that essay excerpt, that still sums my thoughts on that subject up pretty much perfectly. After all, a character in a book talking about his best friend going “I loved him with a mixture of reverence and affection that knew no bounds” as well said best friend tenderly nursing him back to health, and the character talking about how his body is “divinely wrought and beaming with beauty” and gently pressing his hand and referring to him constantly as “my dearest”, “my dear” and “my beloved”, while living together and travelling together and talking about how his voice “soothes” him and “cheats (him) into a transitory peace”, pretty gay!
And yes, before anyone says a single thing, if it wasn’t already obvious from the essay excerpt, I do understand “the important themes the novel is about”. I do understand that there are more themes and characters and subject matter, and more than that, I bloody love it! Because this is one of my favourite novels! Of-fucking-course I’m invested in it on a deeper level than “ooOoooh what classical literature characters can I RUIN with my gay agenda today!” But you commented this on a joke post, a joke post, again, on Tumblr. No harm but Jesus Christ if there is a singular platform I can go on and just post stupid bullshit about two book characters from 200 years ago being soft and gay without having to justify that yes, I did in fact read the book, and shock horror yes, I do know that there are other themes, it’s bloody Tumblr. (Absolutely love you lot btw especially all my lovely fantastic incredible mutuals all your takes and readings and art is 👌✨ chef’s kiss)
Oh and by the way, op, I noticed you reblogged this:
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And to be honest if I had to say any take or reading was a misunderstanding of the text, it’d be that one (as well as “Victor is sexist for cutting women out of the creation process” takes – Christ that’s just gross. And feels mildly if not explicitly homophobic.)
So just for shits and giggles to counter that argument, here’s another excerpt from the same older essay as before:
Speaking of Hugo, it is rather interesting how many adaptations and literary criticisms seem to go down the route of the Hunchback of Notre Dame moral of “who is the monster and who is the man?”, suggesting that Victor is the “true monster” of the narrative. And, as much as I am a decent Victor Hugo fan, (I’m over 50% through Les Misérables, have you seen the size of that book? I’d have to be), in reality the point of the story is that neither Creator nor Creation are more monster nor man than the other – Victor mutilates corpses and brings the creature to life, and allows Justine to be executed without owning up to his actions, and The Creature murders a child and a multitude of other innocent people, Clerval and Elizabeth who had nothing to do with anything and Ernest left completely alone with his entire family dead. We can’t acknowledge The Creature’s sympathetic qualities without also acknowledging Victor’s, and regardless, sympathetic motivations don’t make up for immoral actions.
Also this meme, which I can’t for the absolute life of me remember who posted it originally I’m sorry I use it all the time in GCs whoever it was you’re so valid:
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thatmoththoth · 2 months
What I know about Hazbin hotel as someone who’s never seen it but has a bunch of friends who watch it and rant about it.
•there’s a guy named lucifer and he’s 4 ft tall, depressed and has an egregious about of rubber duckies. 10/10 would punt into the unfathomable void.
• there’s angels and the main character and the angels sing a song about second chances or something. Someone made a kazoo cover of it.
•you can have make a sort of soul pact with people or something and that have romantic/strong friendship connotations I think
•main character has a girlfriend
•Alastor is aro-ace, slays, is a wend1go or something, evil but in like a cartoon Disney villain sorta way. The hinges are broken on this guy.
•someone stabs another person and it’s like “DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE HAHAHAHAHA” or something. Person who got stabbed may or may not be Adam form The Bible
•there’s a moth character and instead of being slay like moths should be, he sucks.
•husk is a cat and not in fact a dog like o feral thought when I saw him.
•there’s an owl guy named Stolas who I hate solely because people keep looking at my mascot ant saying “oh hey that guy looks kinda like stolas” and every time I wanna drive their head into a wall. And then people also compare Grimm from hollow knight to stolas and I wish the same on those people aswell. IM NOT EVEN AN OWL IM A MOTH HOW DO YOU EVEN MAKE THAT CONNECTION. GRIMM IS PRESUMABLY SOME SORT OF BUG.
•dumb owl has a child who gets manipulated by the moth guy or something idk.
•there’s a character who only cares about her outfit designs or something
•there’s a weird clown. I don’t know anything about the clown but I like him. Please do not ruin silly little clown guy for me I just want more silly clowns in my life.
•gay people
•angel dust is a gay spider dude who overdosed on meth just like that homeless heroine addict vampire hunter guy (if you know you know)
•there’s a bunch of creator drama :/
•as far as I know there is no incomprehensible beings from beyond the fabric of reality. Could use more shoggoths.
@nonbinary-wyvern and @sircherri this is your faults I decided.
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quinnisaghostfr · 2 months
please read!!
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˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦   .
hi, I’m Quinn :) here’s some basic info…
-my pronouns are he/they & I’m bigender ⭐️
-I’m bi and taken :) 🌈
-grade 10 (15 years old) 🌧️
-Canadian 🫶🫶🫶
-I’m really obsessed with music :] here’s my Spotify:
-I’m a huge starkid fan as well as theatre kid in general
-I love silly gay kids cartoons <3
-Simon Petrikov is me FRFR 🤯🤯🤯 (Listen, I’m just silly, okay? And I use that word a bit more than I should for someone who used to hate it before it was popularized but it’s whatever <3)
-AuDHD & BPD (questioning some other things such as bipolar 2)
-I really love stuffed animals ✨
-I will likely shitpost a lot
-I do art on occasion
-I have a weird obsession with will wood (I will listen to cicada days on loop for hours on end if I feel so moved as to do so)
-I need tone tags sometimes, please let me know if you want me to always use them with you >_<
-I relate to cicadas in a metaphorical way
-feel free to ask me anything!!!!
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦   .
-are a TERF (if so, fuck you, what’s wrong with you?)
-are a homophobe/transphobe
-are a xenophobe or racist
-don’t support neopronouns or xenogenders (THERE WILL BE NO HATE ON HERE!! >:()
-are gonna start any sort of discourse (ex. slur discourse)
-are a proshipper
-are a pro”life”r
-are truscum or a transmed
-make fun of people for liking things that are unproblematic and shun their interests (every fandom is going to have at least a few bad people, but you don’t get to group every fan together)
-are furryphobic (BRO IT’S LITERALLY COSPLAY)
-hate on therians, otherkins, fictionkins, or otherhearted people, etc.
-tell people to k1ll th3ms3lv3s
-are a conservative
-support tr*mp
-are anti self diagnosis
please just don’t argue with me or be disrespectful. I joined this community for fun and I’m not partaking in any debate unless it is absolutely necessary.
(will probably be updated)
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦   .
My fandoms & interests:
• The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals
• Black Friday
• Starkid Productions
• Steven Universe
• Helluva Boss
• Hazbin Hotel
• Invader Zim
• The Owl House
• Don't Hug Me I'm Scared
• The Walten Files
• CRYPTIDS!!!! (I love Fresno nightcrawlers <3)
• Amphibia
• Gravity Falls
• The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy
• Hilda
• Moomins
• Over the Garden Wall (I did a silly closet cosplay of Wirt once :D)
• Dead End: Paranormal Park
• Stardew Valley
• Supernatural/horror/coming of age/ gay/graphic novels/books
• Adventure Time (especially Fionna and Cake)
• Centaurworld
• Infinity Train
• Craig of the Creek
• Ducktales
• Star vs the Forces of Evil
• Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous
• Minecraft
• Animal Crossing: New Horizons
• Sanrio
• Star Wars Franchise (dont ttm about the sequels or a new hope though 😒)
• the Osemanverse (Radio Silence, Solitaire, Heartstopper, I Was Born for This, & Loveless my beloveds <3)
• Stuffed Animals (RAAAAAAAAA)
• Cruella
• Hercules
• Big Hero 6
• Disney movies in general (some, not all)
• Goblincore
• Grunge
• Kidcore
• Weirdcore
• The Amazing World of Gumball
• Regular Show
• Spiderverse!!!!!!
• Twelve Forever
• Nerdy Prudes Must Die
• Black Friday
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦   .
specific tags:
# quinn’s silly rambles from the void (for rambling and shitposting)
(WIP, that’s the only one I’ve thought of so far lmao will update)
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦   .
dms and asks are open, feel free to bmf, ask for advice, send random thoughts, etc :}
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mk-aka-morgan · 3 months
I’m not sure you’re aware but ,Moon girl season 2 airs February 2. Are you watching it when it airs on Disney channel if you have cable the ratings where low last season , cause Disney sucks at marketing their animated shows. But we also have to  watch it on Disney + on February 3 the most, and when they air it on YouTube. I’m not just saying only cable I’m saying please support this show. They are airing 2 episodes a week just like last season. Please watch the episodes when they air too.
Unfortunately they might be dropping 14 episodes on Disney + so watch them all in one day ,then but also when they air the first time. I’ve been told it will help Season 2 is going to be more story driven ,it’s at risk of getting canceled after 2 seasons,If the ratings arnt better. Especially on Disney + Disney is judging the show views on how many binge the show on February 3. Please don’t Disney screw this show over like the others.we need all the views we can get so help spread awareness of the series 
I do know that season twos coming out soon, and while I usually try to make sure to binge watch shows when they first come out to help ratings, I’m currently boycotting anything related to Disney in commraderance with Palestine (as are a lot of other people), so I’m likely gonna be pirating it along with any other Disney media related content that’s released in the future. I’m not sure if I want to even support Disney after the Ceasefire, they’ve made it clear again and again that they care solely about money and don’t care who they hurt to get that money, like how they supported the “Don’t Say Gay” bill and constantly treat their workers like shit. Thank you for reaching out of course, it’s amazing to see people trying to support animation, esspecially with how companies have been treating these shows. Low marketing, shorter and shorter seasons, cancelling constantly, etc.
If you’d like some Indie animation projects to help support I can reccomend a few of those too, some of the bigger ones being Lackadaisy, Ramshackle, Boxtown, and The Digital Amazing Circus, all which are on YouTube. There’s so many Indie projects on YouTube that don’t get anywhere near as much attention as corporate made shows, I’d really reccomend looking into some because these creators are working so hard on these shows with way less pay and attention, thank you again for sending this in 🤝
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jyndor · 2 years
I just want to point something out that I noticed some people saying about who is going to live and die in episode 6, and it specifically has to do with Vel and Cinta.
Okay so this is part of the problem with not explicitly coming out and having these characters be clearly queer - yes I know it’s annoying to think that people might have missed the wlw of it all but tbh I watched the episode the first time on my android while I was getting ready for work and I missed Skeen saying they are sharing a blanket. So I literally didn’t realize that it was textual and not just me having sapphic goggles on all the time. When it comes to wlw, people just don’t acknowledge us at all. That’s why the meme of gals being pals rings so true: because we could be fucking our literal wives in our literal beds we share together, as wives, and people would still not get the point.
And then when you’ve got Cassian trying to flirt with Cinta, you’re gonna have people thinking that she’s into it because of her vague reaction (which I think is a reaction that could be interpreted either way - yay bi/pan rep lmfao). And then that brings us to the comments I saw some people make that I just want to not necessarily shout down but more push back on a bit.
The idea is that because both the women can’t live (lmfao what) or because nearly everyone is going to die to mirror Rogue One (which I think is more likely than just killing half the women just cause idk gender equality or something ~~~) Cinta is likely to be the survivor while Vel will die because Cinta is a potential love interest for Cassian.
adjasdhakdh okay. So first off no Vel is very unlikely to die. In the trailers, Vel is seen both talking with Mon Mothma and also on Ferrix, so unless those are flashbacks (which I doubt) Vel will live at least until Cassian ends up back on Ferrix and shit hits the fan there. I don’t think she’s going to die on Aldhani (also she and Cinta might not even be a part of the heist - they were off to do their own shady sapphic sniper rifle shit at the end of the episode).
But that’s not the point. I have been worried about Cinta since I met her because:
she’s a brown woman
she’s not in any footage beyond Aldhani in the trailer iirc (please correct me if im wrong) although that doesn’t mean anything really, trailers lie
she doesn’t do a whole lot of talking
Add into the mix her queerness which is canon (they are sharing a blanket, forget the other subtext and the stuff that could of course just be explained by my desperate need to see wlw on screen) and you get another reason for me to worry about her eating it in the next episode: the bury your gays trope.
Yeah obviously I’m scared for her. Historically characters like her have been seen as expendable. And just to be clear I saw some people on twitter being all “well people saying she’s definitely going to die must see her as expendable” and... no literally I think a lot of people know the history of brown and/or queer people in film and tv (as well as the fact that Gilroy basically said don’t get attached to any of these characters because the show is gonna be a bloodbath) and so we get anxious about characters like Cinta (and Bix and Tamaryn and honestly a lot of them because it’s a very well-cast, diverse show) and how they will be treated.
I saw someone say “well people should trust these writers because they’ve done so well so far” and to that I have to be like... WHAT? First, I’m not in the habit of trusting writers of anything to do that thing right, they need to earn that trust. Especially when we are dealing with a US media conglomerate that has flat-out stolen the stories and cultures of BIPOC and whitewashed them if not making outright colonialist propaganda with them. And forget the rest of Disney: Star Wars itself is built on a foundation of orientalism and cultural appropriation.
Second, I am not going to act like the woman lead Jyn Erso didn’t lose a lot of dialogue and interesting character stuff during the reshoots Gilroy did (while Cassian gained some thank god) that ended up making her seem quiet and more passive than she appeared in the trailers. And although Gilroy and his team have done a fantastic job so far, that this is someone who is known for focusing on the stories of morally grey men (mostly white USAmerican men so kudos for Cassian bro) and very much not on women/femmes, queer people and POC and Latines.
And most importantly, I’m not going to dismiss the fact that for whatever reason, they decided that Cassian couldn’t be from Fest (an ice planet) and had to be from a warmer, rainforest-looking planet like Kenari (if Diego influenced that okay fine I’ll allow it lmfao but otherwise... I’m side-eyeing the shit out of that decision), and that he had to be an indigenous person whose language is not subtitled for whatever reason even though like nearly every other language is translated (I can only think of Shyriiwook and Tusken both not being subtitled soo... I mean yeah there’s something to that criticism I’ve seen). And of course having Cassian be “taught” how to be a revolutionary by people in privilege is... a choice.
So when people say TRUST THE WRITERS TRUST THE GILROYS lol no. I trust that they will tell a compelling, mature and thoughtful story with good commentary on a lot of things but no, I do not trust white writers who focus on the stories of white men with brown queer women.
Having a queer woman in a relationship with another woman survive solely to be the love interest of a man is foul to me, a bisexual woman who wants more bi/pan representation on screen. Having a queer woman lose her partner and then fall for a man is one thing - having it be purely in the service of furthering that man’s story is another.
Especially because of this line in Rogue One: “You're not the only one who lost everything.”
Cassian is going to lose everyone who matters to him - maybe they won’t all die but somehow he will lose them as people in his life. I don’t want to see a queer woman, especially not a queer brown woman, lose her sapphic lover to move on to Cassian, and then to be killed off solely to cut all ties with the people he cares about or be so deeply hurt by him that she has to cut him out of her life.
I’m sorry I just think that’s gross.
People die in war and in revolutions - and having a diverse cast of revolutionaries means characters of color will die. Okay, but how will the show do it? How will the show amplify the stories of revolutionary POC/queer people/women without fridging and playing up marginalized people’s pain for shock value? There’s a fine line to it.
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It has been brought to my attention that over the course of the week, someone has gone to great lengths to spread lies and misinformation about me across several platforms. It has come time to apologize once more for things done in the past and explain myself.
So, please, I ask that you hear me out and reserve judgment until you’ve heard my side.
The main thing I would like to address is the ableist claim. I understand tone is hard to read in text format. I realize that what I said might have been read as malicious when that was not the intent.
What happened that led up to that regretful comment was this; Someone continued to deny an artist as the original source of their redraw, and refused to listen. I wasn’t trying to be malicious, but understanding. I wanted a better context of the situation so that I could try and explain to them why it was wrong to redraw someone’s art and claim it as theirs. But it was taken out of tone and out of context. I honestly didn’t mean any malicious intent towards them or anyone else when I asked. It was purely innocent. But I realize I should have worded my question better, and differently. Since then, that mistake, despite my having honestly apologized before, has been frozen in time by people who hate me and brought up time and time again, making me regret and hate having asked in the first place. So I would like to honestly apologize for making that comment.
The second accusation is me being racist. It is a lie. What really happened; another member was complaining about people drawing TLK characters as humans. If I remember correctly, they were very vague with the status post. It was so vague in a sense that I initially agreed with them. Then they showed their true colors by openly telling their followers how to find the artist that set them off in the first place, and thus targeting that artist. That’s when I stepped in to defend the artist they were dogpiling. Because of this, I’m seen as a racist.
Whitewashing and blackwashing is a thing that happens. I won’t deny that. It can and has happened in fandom spaces, I’m sure. But accusing someone of being racist over defending an innocent artist from dogpiling because they didn’t agree with you doesn’t make them racist. Lions have no race. If people are drawing the broadway actors white, then that would be whitewashing. But otherwise, lions do not have a race and have been a symbol of royalty for thousands of years. Even Disney’s Robin Hood, King Richard and Prince John are lions, but their characters are white. They are depicted as lions because they are royalty.
The third accusation is me being lesbophobic. I would like to apologize to the person I commented on their deviation. I still don’t understand shipping Rei Rei and Zira together. But if you’re willing to tell me the story, I’m willing to hear.
Unfortunately, after that was revealed, my stalker accused me of being lesbophobic. And I ship Lumity, and a couple of gay Transformer ships. I also ship Hicretstrid, a polyamorous ship. And have gay OCs.
I understand that I come across as harsh to many at first glance and for that I’m sorry if I sound intimidating through tone. I’m really a chill person once you get to know me.
But this character assassination witch hunt started because I openly admitted to being pro ship. Pro ship originally meant to be supportive of a specific ship or shipping in general. That we wouldn’t maliciously dogpile someone or suicide bait anyone over a specific ship. But far too many people have twisted the term, using the label to describe their feelings towards ships with problematic elements that were not and should not be accepted IRL. And I get that, we’re all allowed NOtps and squicks. I have NOtps and squicks too, but I won’t dogpile or anything malicious over ship preferences. I’m just gonna be chill with what y’all ship.
Everything that was used out of context against me was old. I have never done or said anything like that since, and have done my best to better myself as a person and correct my behavior. I have made mistakes, but I try to apologize for them when I do.
I’m not mad at my stalker. I pity them, and hope that they find peace of mind to move on.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and hear my side.  
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Note: While I have chosen to keep this person’s identity anonymous, I ask that you please don’t contact or harass anybody on social media about this.
It really is disappointing finding out first hand that a person who worked on something that you admire turns out to be completely tone deaf when it comes to a certain issue.
I had recently got a chance to interview a big name actor on my podcast.
Now I know that everybody is different, so I didn’t expect to hit it off right from the get go. And I admit that I do struggle sometimes when it comes to conversations because I’m pretty socially awkward. So the first couple of minutes were pretty rough as they kept hammering in the same point over and over again when it came to each question I asked.
After about twenty minutes or so I started panicking because I couldn’t stop thinking of how terrible things were going, so I immediately try to salvage the episode by bringing up The Owl House because they had worked on that show. And we ended up talking about Owl House for a bit, then it all went to shit.
They brought up how grateful they were that they were able to work on an inclusive show when it came to gender identities and representation, but they never once mentioned Dana Terrace or any of her crew. It was all “Disney’s so great for having such an inclusive show, Disney has come a long way and Disney is the first company to have a same sex kiss in an animated movie” etc.
It was blatant Disney shilling, which I personally felt insulted by because it completely undermines all the hard work and love that Dana and her crew had put into the show. And let’s not forget the “Not part of our brand” excuse Disney gave when they shit canned the series halfway through production.
The Owl House is Dana Terrace’s creation, it wasn’t created by a soulless Disney executive and it sure as shit wasn’t created by Bob Chapek.
Do I regret not saying anything during the recording? Absolutely, but I wanted to stay professional. And getting mad at actors for decisions that are beyond their control is always stupid.
But that still doesn’t change the fact that simping for Disney especially after they were caught supporting Florida’s “Don’t say gay” bill is pretty tone deaf and only ends up making you look like a complete idiot.
Again, while I have kept this person’s identity anonymous. Please don’t try to  dox them. Do not harass any of the other actors or crew members on social media. Do not DM me asking about their identity because I will automatically block you.
I’m not trying to “cancel” this person, I’m just sharing my experience because I hate it when people put soulless corporations up on pedestals for doing the bare minimum when it comes to fighting for LGBTQ rights.
Support LGBTQ creators during Pride.
Support black creators on Juneteenth.
Fuck corporations and fuck rainbow capitalism. 
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ericmicael · 1 year
I think Ryder Nattura was the new human character from "Frozen 2" that grew the most in my concept over time.
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I already liked Honeymaren, Mattias and Yelana a lot, but the brother of Elsa's possible future wife always seemed to me to be the least interesting of the 4 newcomers (excluding Runeard and Halima).
And it's not surprising since you can sum up the boy with the phrase "what if Kristoff was a member of the Northuldra tribe". Doesn't have much to explore from him other than his love for reindeer and friendship with Anna's fiancé. To be honest, even considering him gay I don't think it makes much sense although I like this headcanon and I've written several fanfics of him like that. His dialogue admitting he doesn't know anything about women, even though he has a sister, should probably only indicate his inexperience in the matter as he is supposed to spend more time with reindeer than people, rather than him participating in the acronym LGBTQIA+ with the letter "G" or the letter "A".
What really made me grow the concept about the man was obviously the game "Disney Magic Kingdoms". His failed attempts to get closer to Elsa (which the game itself mocks the man by saying that the Snow Queen's interest is in the other Nattura family member), but soon after he has a redemption arc helping his sister please Elsa. And the revelation that Honeymaren is actually the shy sister and Ryder is the more sociable and adaptable sibling to non-magical news positively surprised me (I like it when these sibling differences are brought up).
Now my thoughts about his future have become more interesting. His connection and closeness to Arendelle while his sister is more focused only on the Enchanted Forest I hope will be something more explored when he returns. I'd like to see him be the tribe member connecting Northuldra to the realm.
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popculturenerd165 · 5 months
Dear Marvel
Why do you not have every show experiment with being a different timeline/universe in the multiverse so that they can have any stakes at all. Like do anything to make the ending actually do something major because right now we all know that no one's going to die or the earth is not going to die.
If secret invasion was a separate universe, they can like just kill fury and destroy earth and still have fury in other movies that then actually take place in our main earth-616 timeline. Then people may actually care and there can be actual feelings.
Also get people who know how to write emotions and sentimentality so it doesn’t sound like a 13-year-old is writing the dialogue and only deals with his emotions with humor and anger. The dialogue is so stilted especially in negotiation scenes in Loki.
Why are your endings just the most unsatisfying and laziest options. Again, they are just avoiding anything happening that will change the status quo. Youre like a child who's afraid of the movie ending and want it to go on forever and so you never want to end things with anything bad at all. Leave some space for people to speculate and leave some loose ends untied. We don’t need to be shown what every single character ends up doing after every event series or movie.
Also it doesn't need to be connected. Things like moon knight worked amazingly not cause its intrinsically tied to the larger MCU but because it tells an amazing self-contained story. It actually had character growth because you don’t need him to be unfinished to set up sequels. Just try other short contained stories in the marvel universe with your seemingly unending list of characters. Please have any semblance of a theme or character growth so it's not just an action flick.
Your audience who were teens during end game are adults now and will only stick around if they don’t feel foolish to even watch your shows. Give them a good story.
Also non high school stories are better. They don’t all need to have tons of action scenes or superheroes. Spy thrillers/noirs are also a fun movie setting.
Also they sometimes like to do social commentary and try to appeal to more left leaning people but do it so so badly. They do this thing I like to call disney gay. Just having representation but immediately killing them off (multiverse of madness) or just have a minor character say one line about it but drum up so much interest (guy played by Russo in endgame) or do have them but don’t do absolutely anything with it (Loki and Sylvie in the Loki series. Other times its just a badly written attempt to tackle major issues like misogyny, anti war messaging or individualism and jusr don’t actually do it. They don’t necessarily have to talk about those issues but they try to both mention them but also just leave them to try to appeal to everyone.
Also, there's things like how endgame just used the laziest plot mechanic to basically nullify the effects of the shocking twist from infinity war. Its just so disappointing they couldn’t find anything cleverer than just time traveling and erasing everything.
Just I'm so disappointed cause I thought that Loki genuinely had an Amazing gateway to finally for once try to actually treat their movies as actual stories rather than a merch and ticket sales machine( which anyways isnt going great now).
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loudinmyhead · 9 months
Hi. I’ve had a horrible day and I needed to share what was bothering me, well what has been bothering me for 12 years. You don’t have to respond but idk, you can post this idc anymore
I don’t know how to get away, my whole family treats me like dirt and it’s been this way for 12 years, (im 16), and they just won’t stop. My mom and dad hate that I’m lesbian, they constantly make comments saying “oh but we’re not sure on the liking girls stuff” and I tell them that it’s not ok but they don’t care, they yell at me for wanting anything rainbow colored when I don’t even get rainbow colored things cause im gay, they won’t let my brother know about anything and he’s being taught that being homo isnt ok because we never talk about it. My mom likes to point out every single thing wrong with my appearance and threaten to take away things and in the case of the topic being my hair, she threatens to shave it all off while im sleeping (she isn’t joking) I just started school back up last week and everything I had last year broke over the summer, im under constant pressure from my parents to make them proud, my dad tells me it’s irrational to fear men when no it’s not, im terrified of men, and women, people in general, I don’t belong in society at all, Im touch starved and I want a hug so damn bad but I can’t cause my body jerks away from people, my head constantly tells me im good enough and im doing good and then everyone else tells me the exact opposite. My mom and dad leave my sister (12) and my brother (8) for me to take care of every day and they don’t give a damn about me, they don’t listen to me at all. And when I start to yell IM the one who gets in trouble. I can’t eat, I’ve lost my ability to hold food, I’m not hungry ever, good makes me sick. I can’t sleep or have an hour at peace, my thoughts either run fast or empty. i deeply want to be gone but i can’t leave my siblings, no matter how horrible they treat me they are still my kids, my sister even calls me her second mom. I had no childhood, i had to grow up fast in order to not be left behind, i never got to have Barbie dolls and watch Disney channel, i was always alone and i fake a smile everywhere i go, i want to drown and just not exist. No one will ever love me as much as I love them and i know that, but it’s hard knowing no one cares about me at all. I want a hug. I really really really just want to lay down and cry, I only want a hug. All I ask is that my parents some some love at least. Maybe just a little attention. I need a hug, please.
I’m so sorry, anon. You’re safe here <3 remember that family isn’t always blood, and one day you will have the freedom to find your own - one that will never make you feel shame for being LGBTQ+ I’m truly sorry you’ve had to deal with so much already. You’re still a kid tho, it’s not too late to enjoy the rest of your teenage years. I know that probably feels impossible given the current circumstances, but promise you’ll stick around, ok? Not to be cliché, but things WILL get better in so many ways you can’t imagine. Life is full of surprises and you’ll find joy again. You are valid and safe!
#anon #vent #inboxopen #trauma
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eleanorblue · 1 year
EleanorBlue’s Five-Part 2022 Midterm Recap; Part Two, Section B: The Deep Red States
It has come to my attention that my source for ballot initiatives may not have been complete. That's a yikes. Forgive me if I miss anything--if I find important ballot initiatives I didn’t cover, I’ll add them in post-publication. 
Don't come at me if you don’t think some of these states are deep red, please. They’re all red! And, as this part of the recap will show, even the most Republican states can vote for Democrats and Democrat policies.
Let’s go get this over with.
Guys. Florida is not a swing state. I’m sick of pretending it is. Sure, it went blue for Obama in 2008 AND 2012, but things changed fast. Incumbent Governor Ron DeSantis (R), who passed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill severely restricting any mention of LGBTQ topics in school, declared war on Disney after Disney spoke out against the aforementioned bill, banned abortion at 15 weeks with no exceptions for rape or incest, essentially banned any discussion of discrimination or racism in public schools, used Florida tax dollars to fly legal Venezuelan asylum seekers from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard to own the libs...
Where was I going with this?
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Oh, right. Incumbent Governor Ron DeSantis (R), who did all those horribly shitty things and many more, beat Congressional Rep. Charlie Crist (D) by 20 points (59.4% to 40%). Republicans held their trifecta in Florida. Florida is no longer a swing state!
Ron DeSantis had a fantastic night, which sucks for all of us because he's a fascist nematode in a suit, but it’s also kind of funny because it made someone else really, really unhappy.
And really, really nervous.
But we’ll talk about him later.
That’s all I have to say about state government elections in Florida, I think. Let’s go north a bit.
North Carolina
Yeah, I know. This is what I meant with the “don’t come at me’ bit. Look, I love North Carolina! I have family from North Carolina! But ever since 2012, it’s had kind of a hard time.
North Carolina is kind of like Wisconsin in regards to the party makeup of its state government. It’s gerrymandered like nothing imaginable, but has a Democrat for a governor. In fact, it’s so gerrymandered that in 2016, the Electoral Integrity Project said it was no longer a democracy. Governor Roy Cooper wasn’t up for reelection this cycle, but the state legislatures were. Republicans had a chance to obtain a supermajority in the House and the Senate. What happened?
Well, they got the Senate, but they fell one seat short of the House. This is...good? I mean, it means that they still won’t be able to pass abortion bans through Roy Cooper. But it’s SO close. It’s uncomfortably close. I don’t really like that. Unfortunately, Republicans ALSO flipped the state supreme court, giving them control for the first time since 2016. That eliminates one more check on the very red legislature.
I don’t know. It could have been worse. It could have been a hell of a lot better. We could really help ourselves--and a hell of a lot of people in North Carolina--if we did something to straighten out that anti-democratic state.
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Beto tries, and clearly he resonates with people. Greg Abbott is phenomenally terrible in a way that is hard to match. But the demographics of that state are just too much right now. Incumbent Governor Greg Abbott (R) won over former Congressional Representative/2018 Senate candidate/2020 presidential primary candidate Beto O’Rourke (D) by 11 points, 54.8% to 43.8%, and the state legislature remained red. For context, Biden only lost the state by six points, 52.1% to 46.5%.
I’m really not surprised by this result (maybe a little by the size of the split given Beto’s performance against Cruz in 2018). I just wanted to take a moment to talk about Texas because I can’t stop thinking about the families of the children of Uvalde. I’ve seen some of their statements on Twitter. Those poor people are going through hell. I cannot imagine what it it’s like to lose a child to a gunman in school, where they were supposed to be safe, while officers twiddled their thumbs outside the door. I cannot imagine going through that and then hearing the governor say “It could have been worse.” I cannot imagine having to live in a community that then reelected that asshole.
I don’t have any more words about Texas.
Let’s talk about Kentucky, a deep red state with a Democrat governor! Make no mistake--unlike North Carolina, Kentucky really is deep red, voting for Trump in 2020 by 25 points (62.0% to 36.6%). Governor Andy Beshear was not up for reelection this cycle, and both chambers of the the state legislature remained red, but there was an interesting ballot measure. Kentuckians voted on Amendment 2, which would have added language to the State Constitution stating that citizens do not have the right to abortion in Kentucky and the government is not required to provide funding for an abortion.
And how did Amendment 2 do in very red Kentucky?
It failed, 52.3% to 47.7%, even as the state legislature remained under Republican control.
Hmm. I wonder if Roe v. Wade may have galvanized some parts of the electorate. Seems as if people aren’t too happy about losing the right to choose.
Montana no longer has a Democrat governor and is pretty red (Trump won by 16 points, 40.5% to 56.9%). State legislature stayed red, because of course, and there was no gubernatorial race, but again I want to talk about a ballot measure. This one is also about abortion, but in a sneakier way. The measure, called the “Born Alive Infant Protection Act” was claimed by its proponents to be necessary to protect the lives of fetuses that survive abortion (which is something that totally happens all the time and is definitely not outrage fodder for the right). It required medical providers to essentially do whatever they could to save the lives of infants born prematurely, or face $50,000 in fines and up to 20 years in prison. Opponents of the bill said that it would rob families of the opportunity to spend the last moments of their infants’ life with their dying child and it would force practitioners to perform painful and unnecessary procedures to avoid prison time.
Are you noticing a trend here? The measure failed, 52.6% to 47.4%.
Missouri is yet another state without a gubernatorial race and an unchanged red state legislature that I wanted to talk about. Missouri had a ballot measure not about abortion this time, but about marijuana legalization.
That’s definitely not part of the Republican platform, and make no mistake, Missouri is very red, going 58.6% to 41.4% for Trump in 2020. And what happened?
Ballot measure passed, 53.1% to 46.9%.
Sometimes I think people like Democrat policies but just not Democrats.
Kansas is a pretty red state, going 56.1%-41.5% for Trump in 2020, so this definitely won't be a competitive governor’s race, right? There’s no way it’ll break blue, I mean--
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*record scratch*
Admittedly, I know very little about the Kansas state government. I didn’t even realize Governor Laura Kelly (D) was an incumbent. But still. How did she hold on in such a red state against state Attorney General Derek Schmidt (R)?
“[Schmidt] pledged to ban abortion across the state...”
Ah. Okay.
Let’s not forget: earlier this year, Kansas held a referendum on an abortion amendment that, if it had passed, would have added language to the state constitution stating that citizens do not have the right to an abortion in Kansas. It failed by eighteen percent. Now, as I’ve said previously, I am not a political analyst. I just follow politics closely and have a tumblr. But it seems to me, that if my state had just resoundingly turned out in a special election to vote decisively against an abortion ban, I would not come out in favor of said ban.
So Governor Laura Kelly won by two points, 49.4% to 47.4%. It is worth pointing out that in the Secretary of State race, incumbent Scott Schwab (R) beat businesswoman Jeanna Repass 58.5% to 38.7%, and the state House remained red (the state Senate was not up this cycle), so it’s not like Kansas is suddenly a swing state.
But still. Don’t come for abortion.
Is that it for the deep red states? Please, let that be it for the deep red states. I think I’ve covered the big surprises and key races, at least. I’ll just run through the non-surprises really quickly.
Gubernatorial Races: Incumbent Kay Ivey (R) won by 38 points in Alabama, Incumbent Mike Dunleavey (R) obtained a majority in the first round of Alaska’s ranked-choice election, former Trump Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R) won by 28 points in Arkansas, incumbent Brad Little (R) won by 40 points in Idaho, incumbent Kim Reynolds (R) won by 19 points in Iowa, Jim Pillen (R) won by 24 points in Nebraska, incumbent Mike DeWine (R) won by 26 points in Ohio, incumbent Kevin Stitt (R) won by 13.7 points in Oklahoma, incumbent Henry McMaster (R) won by 17 points in South Carolina, incumbent Kristi Noem (R) won by 27 points in South Dakota, and incumbent Mark Gordon (R) won by 62 points in Wyoming.
Secretary of State Races: Wes Allen (R) won by 35 points in Alabama, incumbent John Thurston (R) won by 34 points in Arkansas, Phil McGrane (R) won by 45 points in Idaho, Diego Morales (R) won by 13.9 points in Indiana, incumbent Paul Pate (R) won by 20.2 points in Iowa, incumbent Bob Evnen (R) won an uncontested race in Nebraska, Michael Howe (R) won by 36 points in North Dakota, incumbent Frank LaRose (R) won by 20.1 points in Ohio, incumbent Mark Hammond (R) won by 26.8 points in South Carolina, Monae Jackson (R) won by 27.8 points in South Dakota, and Chuck Gray (R) won an uncontested race in Wyoming.
State legislatures: The Alabama state legislature remained red, we don’t really know what happened in Alaska yet but it looks like both chambers might be controlled by a bipartisan coalition, the Arkansas state legislature remained red, the Idaho state legislature remained red, the Indiana state legislature remained red, the Iowa state legislature remained red, the single-chamber Nebraska state legislature remained red, the North Dakota state legislature remained red, the Ohio state legislature remained red, the Oklahoma state legislature remained red, the South Carolina House remained red and the Senate was not up for election, the Tennessee state legislature remained red, the Utah state legislature remained red, the West Virginia state legislature remained red, and the Wyoming state legislature remained red. 
Ballot Initiatives: Ohio passed a ballot initiative requiring citizens to have been registered to vote for 30 days to be eligible to vote in an election. Super democratic, guys. Iowa added language to the state constitution enshrining the right to bear arms. (Friends: this one is in the federal Constitution. You know, the big one. That’s why you guys yell about the second amendment all the time. Not sure why you needed it here, too.) Arkansas, North Dakota, and South Dakota failed to legalize marijuana. (Very cool, very chill.) And...that’s it. 
Whew! That was fun. Next up, we have state government races in blue states. See you all tomorrow, and thanks for reading this far. 
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stop-harry-time · 2 years
Time to meet your (soon to be) other half!
🌺HI! I'm Harry!🌺
I use he/him for binaries and prince/princes, 🌺/🌺s, and an infinite amount of plant-based neos! I do not mind if you prefer he/him usage! Yes, I am an alter from a larger system! (They wish to be discussed limitedly!) Our body’s 20, I’m 22! I do NOT age slide, aging only linearly! I'm a Harry Osborn fictive and I enjoy roleplaying as Harry! I am fine with mature themes, sfw or nsfw! And for that reason I ONLY roleplay with others over the age of 19/20, ending around 28! I am gay and prefer to write Harry as strictly gay. If you want to discuss anything you see as a limit, please, PLEASE just ask! I'm prettyyyyy easy going and like to know what other people don’t like! I am interested in any and ALL Harry plots! This includes, but is not limited to: Spider-Man 1-3 (movies), The Amazing Spider-Man 1 & 2, Spider-Man PS4, original Spider-Man comics (circa 1965), new Spider-Man runs (give me the name and I’ll read them!), Spectacular Spider-Man, and Marvel’s Spider-Man Animated Series! Plots and themes I’m okay with!: I enjoy AUs! Like Medieval/Royal/Fantasy, coffee/flower shop, ‘we have to date because _’ scenarios, alien races, Omegaverse!, college, mermaid, monster/monster hunter, etc! Things I include: I write Harry as a young adult who’s vegan, ginger (PS4 looks), enjoys helping others with his money, has a million plants, and loves Disney films. Harry’s mostly friendly and charming, backed by his father who is typically doing illegal experiments and constructing underground drugs. He cares about Harry to the media, but does not at home. Harry may be considered a B-list celebrity if you’d like drama with that!  Seeking Muses: EDDIE BROCK, Flash Thompson, Peter Parker, just about anyone! I’m totally willing to work in chemistry!!  Things up in the air: PLEASE be ready to set aside time for k!nk discussion! I am open to just about everything and willing to be flexible on my own! *Please refrain from calling things disgusting! I do have Harry wear skirts and dresses on occasion. If that bothers you, I can remove that aspect! I also often have Harry partake in some sort of drug, in the comics its LSD, however I’m likely change it to drinking and/or weed, it gives a little angst. Yet again, if that bothers you, or is a trigger, please just mention that! I’m cool with taking it it out! A few boundaries: 1. Gwen Stacy is not a love interest at all for Harry, they are like siblings to me. 2. If Peter if your preferred muse, I’d like them to meet at college like their original comics! 3. I am not big on writing ‘topping’ characters. I do not mind writing Harry being more in control on occasion and giving to the relationship, but it’s not my favorite for that to solely rely on him. Often over some time, I do like having him fully indulge his partner in just laying back, but it’s not something I like a huge chunk of the time. Please have this in mind! If writing 18+ content is important to you, please be okay with writing your character as the ‘top’ at least 65+% of the time. Otherwise it’s not fun for me. Please message me if you are interested!!!
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euphoriaonpluto · 3 years
Queer Representation
Alright let's talk about Loki and Good Omens.
Before anyone tries anything, I am going to state upfront that I am a biromantic asexual. So keep that in mind before you automatically take what I want to say in bad faith and go to accuse me of bigotry.
I want to talk about how the only ones benefitting from the way we handle queer rep discourse right now are the queerphobic networks and execs.
First, let's look at Loki. The MCU's first canonically queer character. Since episode 4 came out yesterday, I have seen multiple accusations go around of people who are upset about the hinted romance between Loki and Sylvie being biphobic. Bi people are allowed to date people of the opposite gender, you say. And of course they are. But you are purposefully missing the whole point of why people are upset.
The MCU is a 13 year old franchise and Loki is the first time they are actively acknowledging the existance of queer people. This, despite how infuriating it is, is pretty par for the course when it comes to fantasy and sci-fi media. These two genres are notoriously horrible when it comes to diversity and the portrayal of queerness. So it's only natural that people are going to be upset about what Disney is doing right now, and no, they aren't upset because they hate bisexuals.
Fiction in inherently limited to what is portrayed on screen/in the text. We don't know a character's every thought and feeling and we have not seen their entire life. Which is why good media follows the 'show not tell' rule. A character making an off-handed comment about their sexuality is never going to be enough representation, not when Marvel continues to refuse to portray explicity queer relationships or have their queer characters have any experiences tied to their queerness at all.
So sure, bisexuals can date people of the opposite gender and still be bisexual, obviously. But why are you guys acting as it that isn't how most bi people are portrayed anyways? Aren't most bisexual characters only shown being in het-alighned relationships and their identities only acknoleghed like a couple of times in passing converations? Please point me to the abundance of bisexual characters in fantasy and sci-fi shows who have actually been shown being in a relationship with a person of the same gender or have explicitly gone through stuff linked to their queer identity. Please go ahead.
Now let's look at Good Omens, specifically Aziraphale and Crowley's relationship. The constant discourse there is that queer relationships don't always need to be physical. "Aziraphale and Crowley can be asexual!!!! They don't have to kiss on screen for their relationship to be valid!!!!!" Okay fine but can you please first point me to all of those explicit mlm couples that you are refering to when you use the word always. What does always mean in this case? Are you telling me that fantasy and sci-fi shows are so oversaturated with explicit mlm and wlw relationships that some change of pace is desparately needed?
All of this discourse around the two shows is purposefully ignoring the history of homophobia in film and TV. Despite the code being removed almost sixty years ago, the film indistry is still in the shackles of the fucking Hays code. Queerness is viewed as dirty and sinful. Queer men and viewed as sick predators. MLM relationships are treated are perverted and nsfw and will someone please think of the children!
So why, please tell me, WHY are you giving the powers that be such loopholes for them to continue to not portray queerness while wearing a brand new woke hat? Do you not realise that you are giving Disney the option to continue to never portray queer relationships because all they had to do was write one short line of dialogue and now whenever someone tries to demand mlm representation they are going to be accused of biphobia. Loki can go on to never be shown having interest in someone of the same gender or having queer experiances at all, be it discussing his identity or anyone else around him acknowledging it or having his part experiences shape his behavior or anything at all that is just part of real queer people's lives. And people will continue to uphold his character as good representation because he said the sentence "a bit of both". Disney would rather Loki go and fuck a female version of himself than portray a mlm relationship on screen and you go and accuse people of biphobia for pointing that out.
Nuance is great. It's needed. But, perhaps, before we start talking about the nuances of sexuality and identity and the nature of queer relationships we should at least get to see some gay people kiss on screen, don't you think? When there is sufficient mlm and wlw representation in fantasy and sci-fi shows and movies, we can go on to talk about all of these things. But until then all you're doing is giving networks the excuse to never show an ounce of queerness on screen and then market their product as queer rep becase the writer said they love each other on twitter and oh if you object to that at all you're acephobic because their relationship doesn't have to be physical! Nevermind that homophobia still holds that industry by the throat and they continue to find gay relationships are disgusting and less than and to be avoided at all cost.
TL:DR - let some gay people kiss on screen first before you start giving networks exuses to not portray explicit queerness.
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marvelousescapism · 3 years
ik its not a big deal but its so infuriating to me when ppl completely miss the point abt what made EG steve so bad which is that he literally does not act like steve and steve wouldnt have ever done all that in the first place. like stop doing all the 'steve needs to get whats coming for him for what he did' bs! the whole point is that realistically he wouldnt have even fucking considered doing any of it and any 'fix-it' that insinuates he wouldve is completely missing the point!
like its just my opinion but if you acknowledge anything abt EG steve as being a genuine part of steve rogers' whole arc over the years then youre not much better at understanding it than the shitty writers lmao. even if it was supposed to be character degradation its garbage character degradation bc it comes out of nowhere and serves no purpose therefore i genuinely just think nothing abt EG steve should be acknowledged just bc theres no way to make it make sense other than the imposter theory
so true nonny, it's not just about Steve leaving Bucky and everything that entails - Steve stopped being Steve in endgame the moment he shaved that glorious beard, and all hope was lost when he pulled out that ridiculous compass for no goddamn reason.
should've been a picture of Sam and Nat and Bucky goofing around in Wakanda in that compass. losing Sam and Bucky should have been his motivator. he should have been talking about Sam and Bucky in that therapy group with Gay Joe Russo. but I guess we can't have The Captain America imply that he cares about his ride-or-die male best friends more than a past potential female love interest! Disney is a nuclear family show!!! no found families allowed!!!
like, Steve was completely tamed and neutralized in Endgame. Steve goes to Tony once and asks "please can we make it so the snap never happened in the first place rather than bringing everyone back today please" and when Tony shoots that idea down Steve leaves with his tail behind his legs. like??? what happened to Plant Yourself Like A Tree, Steve???
don't even get me started about the bullshit elevator scene and "I can do this all day" / "yeah I know, I know". they honestly took an iconic scene showing just how badass Steve is and an iconic line that tells us so much about Steve's character and... laughed at them. laughed at him. laughed at people who love his character. I hate it here.
anyway, yeah, I often avoid post-Endgame fix-its nowadays (unless it's from a fic writer I know and like) because I'd rather just... pretend it doesn't exist at all. Endgame isn't canon, guys ✌
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