#lord im tired
skeledough · 2 years
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ace trappola has breached containment and is fuckin ballin on the school courtyard
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artxmisdream · 2 years
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practice w/ pretty boy jay
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Ok so uhh this was long and im so tired but i am much better at writing than drawing i think so here you go. Love Scars and Scales and love @intistone stuff. Salad family au fresh and hot off the presses for ya. Come get it!
Kinda warning for uhh biting, shocking, and beating. Most happening to a child fyi.
It was late, or at least he thought it was late since this place had no windows, when he decided to start making his move. He had been studying everyone around him to figure out what time would be the best time to make his escape. The guards would be switching soon and he thought it was late because all of the “doctors” (more like devils if you ask him) are never around. He was careful and spend days learning his way through the vents during this time. It was finally time for all his patients and hard work to pay off. Andy was the watching the one door he had to walk through and it was close to the end of his long shift so he was tired. Andy was the best one to try and escape with since he looked much smaller than the other guards and actually showed fear in his eyes whenever he saw them. Already scared, weakest, and tired, Eclipse wasnt going to get a better chance than now.
So he slowly lifted himself up into the vents and made his way to the door with the exhausted guard. It wasnt the shortest path but it was one that took him around all the other guards. He made sure to be quite but he didnt wanna risk any mistakes. He was getting out of here, tonight!
His injuries from the “test” ached horrible by the time he finally made it about the door guard. Now it was just to wait till.. a yawn from Andy, Eclipse didnt wait a moment more he pounced down from the vents. Andy didnt dven get a change to get to his weapon, let alone raise it, as Eclipse was already biting down on the mans good hand. Then he bit down on the mans thigh as hard as he could, he hated the taste that filled his mouth but he had to make sure he had a head start.
Satisfied with his attack he ran through door into the open outside. The sky took him by surprise. Still plenty of stars out but the sun was just about to start rising. Not quite daybreak yet.
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He was snapped out of his awe as he heard Andy shouting again for help. A quick shake of his head and he started running. He was running across concrete with weird lines in it, then he got to the grass but he didnt have time to stop and admire how soft it was. Later. He reached a tall fence. It had some weird wire at the top. Hearing voices he didnt have time to think about it and started climbing. At least he was very good at that. Not pausing when he reach the wire, he went to lift it out of his way to pass between it when he yelled and pulled his hand away. If not for his strong grip on the fence he would have fallen from the shock. He didn’t expect that but he was no stranger to this kind of pain so he takes a deep breath and quickly tries to push himself through.
He screams when hes halfway but doesnt stop. He falls limp to the ground unable to even try to climb down. He hits hard on his side. What little breath that was left in him is knocked out. He lays there a moment trying to force himself up. His whole body hurts. Slowly he gets his arms to move and start to life himself up from the ground. The voices are closer and he hears the whirl of a machine on the wind. Its approaching fast.
Looking around he finds himself in a field of sorts. The tree line if far off but he starts running. It hurts. His whole body hurts but he cant stop. The lights are closing in on him. Knowing right where he was thanks to his scream. He just might make it!
He trips. Falling on a rock with his arm. He screamed out once again. His arm alights with pain. He has to get up. His legs are wobbling. His good arm struggles to lift him off the ground. He has to get up. Slowly he almost stands but falls on weak legs as his knees buckle. He has to move. He cant stop. He hears shouting and a light lands on him from behind. A rush of adrenaline pumps through him as he gets to his feel and starts running again. He cant stop now. Hes so close. He hears the people behind him. They see him.
Right when it looks like hes going to make it he felt something stab into his arm. A hiss in pain as he looks for what is stuck in his arm. Asmall needle is poking out. He rips it out and keeps moving. But he noticed his arm going numb. Luckily for him is was the pained damage arm. Running is getting harder and harder but he cant stop. He can hear rushing water and makes a beeline for it.
He can see the river but something hits him in the back. Before he even has a moment to process he feels white hot pain from being shocked. A scream is once again ripped out of his throat. He falls to the ground panting. Hes so close he starts clawing at the ground to move towards the water when another wave of pain is sent though his back. Another scream as tears stream down his face.
Footsteps approach him as he gasps for breath. “Tsk tsk tsk what have we here” Eclipse shakily reaches his good hand out to the river. Another shock rips a scream from him. “Now what am i going to do with you” Eclipse had curled into himself from the pain. A foot found a home in his side. Kicking him to the side.
Hes waiting for another blow when something, lots of something actually splash out of the river. Hes spent though. No energy to even open his eyes. He lays there trembling and trying to breath through the throbbing pain of his body when he starts hearing angry shouts. To exhausted to listen to what is being said. Then the shouts become screams. Something, lots of somethings from the sound of it, had come out of that river and attacked the guards.
Softly he felt someone touch his shoulder. He tried to hiss at them but he came out weak. “Its alright little one we got you” they cradle him as they gently try to see his injuries. Hes too tired to fight them. Plus they are handling him much nicer than any of the people back at the lab had. They stroke his head to try and help calm him down while whispering soft reassurances to him. Finally he looks around to see an all out brawl. Whatever had come out of the river to save him was currently fighting against the guards. Why he didnt know. Well he didnt know until the once holding him said something about getting him to safety.
Slowly they lifted him off the ground, careful of his injuries and made their way to the river. Leaving the battle field behind. There are three of them with him and the rest are in combat. Hes so tired. He doesnt care anymore. He goes limp in their arms as they lower into the river. They shout out that their leaving right before they start swimming away. Powerful tails carry them away with the current. The last thing Eclipse remembers before passing out is someone telling him to rest well.
Oh geeze i spent way to long on the set up smh. SALAD FAMILY GET YA KID
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fatalrosecreations · 8 months
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Finally Got a Chance today to sit down at my PC and do some stuff. Didnt get a ton done but I figured id Share some photos <3
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I thought it would be really cool to make an alien abduction scene for blender so I went a little cooky with it xD Then I ended up putting together some poses to add some drama to my photos.
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Then I pretty much reached my capacity to sit up without getting faint and finished with 2 quick load screens. Not a lot but I feel like I accomplished something for the first time in days.
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whitleyschn33 · 1 year
Do plants have Aura?
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hotcocoabombb · 10 days
-check twitter
-insane sonic drama
-thats enough
i have not known peace on social media until i joined Tumblr lol
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blkwag · 1 year
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nibeul · 1 year
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the prince and the king
[id in alt] | inspiration for Aragorn's design comes from @/tzitzki
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threethousand5ive · 1 year
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You literally mind your own business but others drag you into stuff and it’s past ridiculous.
Now that Urban fan page on Instagram talking about Tumblr girls (why is she stalking your page)?!
That girl needs help though. Her daily post are getting crazier and anytime Urban is with a girl, she freaks the hell out and post crazy stuff. It’s past ridiculous and no room to tell anyone to stfu.
Girl, you have the patience of a saint.
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tsuyonpuu · 1 year
So excited to share with you my first Frodo and Sam mini Comic !!!
'As long as Sam Gamgee still talks about potatoes everything will be alright'
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This took me forever but i sincerely hope you guys like it !!
I always loved the thought of Sam being comforting to Frodo by simply just being there haha
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eliwithab · 10 months
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back on my falsettoposting grind 💪 (pls ignore how the chessboard isnt rendered at all i dont wanna talk about it..) kinda hate how this turned out but i spent way too long to not post it LOL
the quote is from floggeremoji on instagram! except i put the first part in past tense because i hate you all/j
also thank all of you guys for your kind reblogs and stuff!! i dont know how to respond to them but i've been reading them all and i appreciate each and every one of them 🥰
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y97dgu · 1 year
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“Uncle, did amad make you that scarf?”
“She did.”
Happy Holidays & New Year!
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squishybirb22 · 9 months
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Silver and his Sneasel
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southfarthing · 2 years
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happy hobbit day!!!!!!!!!! bilbo’s party + some of my favourite parts
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Biggest asshole alive x Pick me bitch that prevents them from getting themself killed
They. They dress the same. They literally dress the same I cannot stress this enough tHEY ARE WEARING THE SAME OUTFITS
Like Lute and Peepers even both have Slight Differences in their uniform to set them apart from the rest of the army so everybody knows they're Adam/Hater's #1
They're also all terrible people. Just absolutely the worst.
Commit war crimes on the regular
Hater and Adam both have their own rock band
Tell me Hater wouldn't guitar solo someone out of a room. Look me directly in my face and tell me with complete honesty that he wouldn't do that. I fucking dare you.
Highschool bully energy despite all of these people being very much adults
Peepers/Lute being pretty much the only people that Hater/Adam respect in any capacity
Charlie and Vaggie kinda have Wander and Sylvia vibes. Idk how much this contributes to the post but probably worth noting-
Like- this is the closest to Deathglare I've gotten since Goosepowers I think. And considering Vivziepop did an animation test or smthn of Wander years ago, there's a huge chance these two were actually based off of Hater and Peepers. Idk what to do with this information-
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