#moon lost all his citizens when he was very young
Wait wait wait wait wait
Titan!Mars is giving sentience to the drones?! So Opportunity, Curiosity, Sojourner and the others are all gonna be baby bots some day??
(Also if we're talking moons and planets being titans, there is a moon that literally named Titan - one of Jupiter's moons I think)
Yup they will. It will certainly take a hot minute to get there, but Mars is doing his very best to make it happen. They need protomatter and exposure to the Allspark to come to full awareness, but Mars is giving them all he can in the meantime. It is yet another reason he is so dead set on getting the Allspark back if no one else will. His citizens need it to come to full awareness. He is their father now. A father never abandons his children.
Mars liked to think that if given the chance, he would have the will to fight against the Unmaker and consequently, Earth. However, upon receiving his six gifted citizens, his determination was largely shelved. His citizens would be sad if their mother Titan were to be destroyed, and quite frankly, Mars didn't want to mess up the education he'd already given his little ones.
Let Earth, Moon, and Unicron duke it out verbally. They were all idiots anyway. Mars was comparatively very normal. All he was doing was giving his little ones sentience. Hardly worthy of note really.
Sojourner was old by the standards of his fledgling race. Mars had to be careful with him. Sojourner had to be gently imbued with the shards of a spark, and even then, Sojourner struggled to reach full sentience without his other half, Marie Curie. Often the new mind of Sojourner would wander to his companion still on Earth, and Mars could only hold him close and hope that maybe Earth would convince one of her children to send Marie Curie to him.
Spirit was an aggressive young mind and loyal to a fault. He was easy to bring to life. The care put into him by his human creators gave him the barest inklings of sentience, and that was more than enough for Mars to work with. Spirit remained within the section of Mars that the humans dubbed "Troy". The little thing was dead set on gathering information, just as he had been instructed so very long ago. Mars had and continues to support Spirit in his attempts to use his communication systems to reach NASA again with fresh data. Mars knows it is a risk on his end, but the ones who made his citizens are so loving. Mars is of the mind that they will be more interested in hearing from their wayward son than anything else.
Opportunity was almost eager to be given life. She endured many trials when she remained in contact with her makers, and the fact that she overcame them gave her the seeds of thought Mars needed to gift her the beginnings of a spark. Opportunity roams his surface with glee, and Mars fuels her travels with songs and gentle prodding. She too desires to one day regain connection to NASA to share her discoveries. Mars adores her desire to see and explore. She reminds him of Moon in a way. At least, the Moon when he was younger and filled with life, eager to please his young citizens.
Curiosity and Perseverance did not come to Mars at the same time, but they too arrived with the inklings of a fledgling mind. Mars accepted them with joy and did not impede them as they gleefully fulfilled their directives. He has slowly worked to give them sparks, but he will not directly interact with them until they inevitably lose connection with NASA. He wants them to know the love of their creators for as long as possible. Curiosity is more than happy to continue roving and fulfill her directive while also humming songs to Mars through fledgling EM bursts. Perseverance gleefully follows his older sister in her devotion to the task. Mars is very proud of them.
 Zhurong was different when he came to Mars. He was not from NASA, and that was new for Mars. Zhurong was a sweet mind though. He took longer to come to awareness, but Mars was glad to have him all the same. Being so young, Zhurong has yet to do much of note, but Mars encourages him whenever possible.
There were others too. Smaller minds send to Mars to observe and keep an optic on his surface. Phoenix, Viking's 1 and 2, InSight, Beagle 2, Mars 1, 3, and 6. They were all sent to him, but without any of the touch that gave the six life. Mars tends to them all the same. Maybe one day he will find a way to give them the touch that brings about thought and free will.
Mars loves his strange citizens, and he is hopeful that they may one day become Cybertronian given enough time and attention from him. Moon thinks he is weird for his obsession, as does Unicron.
Moon: Why do you care so much about the rovers? They aren't even proper citizens, much less Cybertronian in origin.
Mars: Shut your fragging mouth Moon. You don't get to talk when you ABANDONED your citizens back on Cybertron!
Unicron: Yes, destroy each other for my amusement.
Earth: Father, don't encourage them please. I don't want children's creations to die in the crossfire.
Earth is happy Mars loves her grandchildren, but she does worry about his interactions with Moon when they talk about citizens a a whole.
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ludoka · 1 month
On Sunday I watched the movie "The Dragon Pearl" with my mom and it has this scene where they open a secret passage with light reflected on a gem:
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Which reminded me that in The Avatar: the Last Airbender the firebenders and sun warriors use a similar mechanism:
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So I was thinking... What if Pandora was a key?
Let's imagine that the original legend spoke of a powerful Wizard who amazed people with his magic. He also helped people with it. There were thousands of rumors about said Wizard, but the one that resonated the most was that of his eternal youth. The man always looked young for his age, which led people to believe that he was immortal. Many, guided by these theories, turned to him in search of eternal youth. The Wizard always refused to tell his secret, until the people's insistence made him give in. He told them that it was thanks to magical waters. Thus, the magician allowed only a select group of people to have access to those waters. This caused quite a stir. Many people begged and demanded that the Wizard allow them free access to the waters. Some even went so far as to commit violent acts in order to scare and extort the Wizard. These damning acts provoked his anger. It is said that using his magic, he enclosed the power of the waters in a gem and hid it from the world. This did nothing to stop people. But rather the opposite. They called him selfish and persecuted him to reveal the location of the gem. He never told them. And to teach them a lesson, he cursed all the citizens and then disappeared. He never told anyone about the gem that was named Pandora. So it was lost, forever.
This is a fantastic story created from rumors, misunderstandings, superstitions and ignorance.
The real story is that the "Great Wizard" was actually an inventor who scammed people by pretending to do real magic.
The "magic waters" are actually hot springs. The guy found a couple of ponds hidden in a cave and kept the secret to himself. Just because he liked to enjoy them in his privacy.
When rumors started and people started asking, he decided to take advantage of this situation. He invented the story of magic water and allowed only people who paid him a lot to enter the cave. Some of these people were not trustworthy and began to lead others into the waters. They also scammed people to get them there. When the inventor realized this, he decided to hide the place.
He sealed the cave with an intricate lock that could only be found with a gem.
When people found out about all this they began to harass the Inventor. Out of spite, the man hid the gem and left.
Pandora has two functions:
First: It works as a map. Inside it has an old map that indicates the place where the hot springs are. This map is only seen when you put the gem in the light.
The second: It works as a key. The gem has to be placed in a specific place and must be illuminated with the light of the Moon. The reflection of light touches the lock and opens it.
Magic may exist in the world of MK. But the greatest attraction, in my opinion, that manga has is the ingenuity and the artifacts they use to create the illusions. So I like that Pandora follows this resource. It's fun and interesting.
It is also interesting to imagine how they find the gem. Maybe Kaito asks Akako (in a way that tries to be subtle but fails miserably) if she has ever heard of said gem. She would tell him no, she knows of the existence of many other magical gadgets that can work in a similar way but she has never heard of Pandora. Which would make sense, since Pandora is not a magical item. It's a scientific invention (or something like that). So the Witches never heard of her.
I am in favor of Hakuba being the one who finds out about the real existence of the gem or knows its location. Only he doesn't know his real function. How, his family owns this really ancient gem that has a very fanciful legend. But he notices the details about the moon and the light in the gem and questions if that's not what KID is looking for. Which begs the question "Why would Kuroba want that specific gem?" "Did he really believe in the magic he supposedly possesses?" "Or is there something else you're not seeing?" All of these questions end up with him keeping an eye on Kaito and trying to discern why that gem. Which bothers Kaito because he feels their gazes even more insistent and annoying.
I don't know, it's fun.
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dazzle-art · 5 months
Ashe/M!Shez wip for day 1 of fe rarepair week because life got in the way before I could finish so take this and go 💙💜
700 words
Prompt: Snow
Oh, snow.
Cold, glorious snow.
Painting the whole of Faerghus in beautiful white.
Tree tops, fields of flowers, the roofs of buildings.
Faerghus loved to snow all year round, but particularly, this was a truly beautiful late Ethereal moon.
Almost the end of the moon. It would be a new year quite soon the dawn of something brand new.
Ashe would have more to do at the start of the year, especially since he had been shirking his duties as of late.
But how could he help it? Special guests didn’t come around this often!
Even if they’ve been in Gaspard territory for quite a few moons now, lodging within his own manor.
But as as the new (ish) Lord, Ashe had an obligation to help his citizens and those in need.
Especially one that he served in war with.
War time, it is never pleasant. Painting the world in blood instead of sunlight, ripping life from flesh, tearing family from family, taking sons and daughters from fathers and mothers. A horrid time where soldiers are thrown at each other as “necessary sacrifices” for the “greater good”.
The death Ashe had seen just a few short years ago. It would live on with him forever, carved into his heart, etched in his mind, with him, always.
He would carry their names, carry their words, carry their breaths, always, with him, and until the very end.
Ashe was sure he would have lost his mind had it not been for the allies that had helped him along the way, friends he probably would not had met if life had gone differently when he was young.
But where was the use of dwelling on the ifs, the hows, the whats?
What was important was the here, and the now.
And the now?
Garreg Mach Founding Day.
Ashe hadn’t planned to do much. After all, he had only spent a few short weeks there years ago. But a certain violet haired man sleeping in one of the many rooms had urged that they should do something together.
Maybe a feast? Maybe a party?
Who knew?
Only Shez would.
And he was sure to keep Ashe waiting, sitting on the soft couch in his room, gazing out into the midmorning through the window, adoring the falling snow.
He remembered when snow fell like this, soft and careful. When a free moment was scarce, and had to be treasured. When worrying about what to do with your free time ate into it, devoured it whole. When war ran the people of the world ragged.
A large hilltop of snow, a single tree at the top of it. Running, leaving fresh prints behind in untouched white. Laughter from not just one, but two people.
“Come on!” Shez had called, gripping hard onto Ashe’s hand, his warmth seeping through Ashe’s gloves like sea water. “It’s just up here!”
“What is it you wanted to show me?” Ashe had gasped, trailing just behind his closest friend and ally. The man had come barreling into his tent just a few minutes beforehand, urging him outside at the beck of something beautiful to see. “Is it far?”
“It’s not much further now!” Shez had assured him, holding his free hand up to cover his eyes from the then-falling snow. “Look! That’s the hill!”
It was only one moment later when the pair came to a halt, causing Ashe to almost bowl over and fall into the snow. When he had situated himself he followed Shez’s gaze off into the forest.
Oh, the sight of it.
A clearing that they had once picnicked in, blanketed in perfectly untouched snow, undisturbed from people or wildlife, lacing the trees, freezing the river, laying of grass-blades, frosting the petals of flowers.
A sight that made Shez smile so brightly, bright enough to rival the reflections of pure white into is eyes.
“Let’s go make snow angels!” Shez laughed, taking a step forward, and bringing the silver-gray haired man with him. The snow was cold, frigid, freezing, but the warmth inside of him at the sight of his closest friend being so excited kept him warm.
How long ago was that now?
Too long.
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noveldivergence · 4 months
apostates short: the worm moon
A short from the Apostates-verse that I entered into a contest and won with.
Summary: Agent Tanner gets holed up in a seemingly abandoned hunting cabin when the search party gets sidetracked by an unseasonable snowstorm. He is not alone.
The wind howled its cold wolf’s song through the barren trees of the woodland. The search had been called off at sunset. The storm was closing in, its snow-silence suffocating the efforts of the party. The missing man was dead already, they were sure. He wouldn’t proceed to die more in the time it took to prevent more deaths, deaths of young foolhardy agents and volunteers who wandered off on hints and hopes.
Luther was very sure he wasn’t going to die. He was neither young, nor foolhardy, nor hopeful. He wasn’t even lost. A trail had laid itself out before him, which he’d followed right passed a hunting cabin and away from the rest of his group. He’d found evidence, though no body. It was good enough for now. The hunting cabin would also be good enough for now. 
The full moon, a Worm Moon, peeked through the clouds illuminating the path.
As he crunched through the gathering snow fall, socks soaked through shoes, he huffed a small laugh at the idea of this being good enough. Still, something had to be. He wasn’t ready to lay down in the cold and die yet, despite how sure he was that some of his superiors at the agency would enjoy that. 
He couldn’t die while he had evidence anyway.
The cabin had smoke and the soft call of warm light in it, and Luther hoped whoever had taken refuge there for the evening was obliged to share. He stomped up, all dress shoes in snow drifts, all tie, all sport coat under peacoat, all FBI agent, to the door. Snow cracked and snapped and crunched underfoot, pilling around his feet like a woolen sweater of harsh winter.
It was early March in southern Georgia. But then, ever since he’d gotten to this town nothing had seemed right. 
Clutching the evidence bag under his left arm, he knocked on the door jamb with his right fist, jostling loosely packed piles of snow from the roof, the dust of winter’s last gasp here and the proof of the cabin’s age. 
No answer.
The wind howled on.
With some trepidation--this was a hunting cabin, this was an unannounced visitor, this was rural Georgia--Luther tried the doorknob. The cabin seemed ancient enough that the door opening in the wind might give him some sense of cover, a bit of time to explain himself if the person inside were as armed and ornery as half the people he’d met down here already.
The door protested in its aged wisdom, creaking open at the shove but letting its thoughts be known loudly. Luther waited, the siren call of the fire in the hearth tempting him, but not letting foolhardiness overtake him. He understood the door, the cabin, the woods in winter. They’d all been weathered together by time.
When it seemed that no warning shot was about to be fired too close for comfort, Luther risked the chance of a sneak attack. If the hunter didn’t sneak up on him, the winter would kill with a presence known.
“If anyone is in here, I’m entering the room! I’m with the search party--FBI--but I just need a place to get out of the storm!”
He fished his badge out, hoping desperately this wasn’t some off-the-gridder sovereign citizen outpost bullshit. There were quite a few around here, he’d learned through research, before they’d been sent to investigate the murders and the missing persons. He was half-convinced they had something to do with all of this as well.
Holding the badge out in front of him, Luther entered the room. A cursory visual sweep showed that he was alone, and he sighed in relief. The wind still demanded against the now open door, dusting in little pills of snow-wool and dust. Luther shoved it closed with his good shoulder.
Luther leaned his forehead against the door tiredly, letting the cold of the hearth across the room ooze slow heat into muscle for a moment before he trudged back across the room to take full advantage of the fire.
“Take your shoes off before you lose a toe in them things.”
Spinning around so quickly he almost overcorrected and fell towards the flames, Luther quickly zeroed in on the source of the voice. An old man--older than him at least, by notable measure--sat concealed by shadow in the corner of the room. Darkness cast an eerie smile over a wrinkle-carved face as the man smiled in amusement.
“Now, now, I ain’t trouble, and I ain’t gonna kick you out neither, not in this weather. Just a bit of advice.”
Luther relaxed. The man looked ancient and friendly, despite the orange firelight and white moonlight mixing together oddly on his face. He couldn’t make out much about him, but the smile and lack of a shotgun across his lap was enough to keep Luther from wanting to brave the cold again just yet.
“I’m uh, I’m sorry about that, sir. Sorry to barge in too like I own the place, just--”
“Don’t you worry, I seen’t the storm coming. And I know you been out there searching for that fella. Don’t know much about him or bout all’s been going on down in the town, but I hear things sometimes.”
Luther nodded. An older shut-in up at the edges of where the county incorporated. Probably only heard something from one of the search parties. 
He shucked his shoes off, as he’d been told, and set them and his socks by the fireplace. 
“I don’t suppose you’ve seen anything odd up in these parts, sir?”
“‘Pends on what you mean by odd. I ain’t seen nobody much recently, ‘cept when they send the search parties up. Big woods, lotsa folks go missin’ in ‘em. You was with one of them search parties? You police? FBI?”
“FBI, yes sir.”
“That’s how I can tell you’s FBI.” The old man barked a brittle laugh. “Northern. ‘Yes sir’ like two separate words.”
Luther smiled a bit at the old man.
“Seems about right. Still getting used to things down here.”
“You ain’t never been down South of D.C. before, have ya’s?”
“No sir, can’t say I have, except on a vacation or two.”
“What’s your name? Or they take those for the gov’ment when they conscript ya?”
“Agent Luther Tanner, sir. We’re here investigating the missing men from down in the county. You happen to have heard anything about that?”
“Ain’t even gonna ask an old man’s name.”
“I’m sorry, sir I--”
The old man’s voice rang out in a peel of laughter.
“Don’t you worry. Man on a mission, I like that. Don’t see that too much in them young folks down in the city these days. Name’s John Crawley.”
Luther privately thought if John Crawley thought Besant was a city, then what would he think of Atlanta and how huge that had grown in the last decades. Still, he knew the town was growing. He imagined it was a curious sight to see it actually happen, rather than Luther coming in and seeing it as an outsider halfway through the process. Like a dog or cat or child in their awkward in-between stage, the walking ooze of what lay within the cocoon waiting to become something.
“A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Crawley.”
“Nah, it ain’t.” The old man smiled the warmth of firelight. “But who would have guessed a storm like this at this time of year? Well, even if it ain’t ideal circumstances, it’s nice to have a little company. Now, what’s all this ‘bout men disappearin’? That who y’all out here lookin’ for?”
“Yes, sir. There’ve been a few men that have gone missing recently that we’re…well, not hopeful to find really, considering the amount of time they’ve been missing, but we haven’t given up hope.”
“Those boys’ families ain’t I’m sure. I’m sure they appreciate you saying all that about hope too, even though you don’t believe a word of it. Them boys is dead, ain’t they?”
Luther sighed, rubbing his face with a slow warming hand, trying to get some feeling back into it. Just because he was a Northerner, as Crawley pinged him, didn’t mean he tolerated cold well, especially since he’d turned fifty more than a few years back.
He didn’t tolerate questioning too well either. But the old man was asking something fairly simple, and he’d opened his home for him in the quite literal storm. 
“We think it’s unlikely that all of them are alive at this point.”
“Now that’s a political answer.” The wizened smile had twisted to a skeptical smirk, but Luther supposed he couldn’t blame Crawley. “I do think them families likely know it too. What you got under your arm, Agent Luther?”
Luther didn’t bother to correct him on the name. He did shift the evidence bag further into his coat.
“I’m afraid I can’t share that, Mr. Crawley. Ongoing case, and all.”
“I see, I see.”
The snow was falling more slowly and the Worm Moon’s light became more visible through the window. The storm would be clear soon. Luther glanced at his phone and sighed at the sight of no signal. How could he expect otherwise, looking around at the mean little cabin, likely gone without update for decades?
“It’s a shame--how old them boys going missing?”
“Adults, just young to us.” Luther smiled a wry smile. “Between their mid twenties and early thirties. Youngest was 22.”
“So boys, but not little boys. Well, I suppose that’s better. Was a case few years back, well--don’t know it was much of a case. But some boys down by the river’s side of town went missing. Dunno you know bout that.”
“I didn’t, sir.”
“All of ‘em poor, most of ‘em black, but not all. But I know cause they was all poor, wan’t no men from the FBI come down for ‘em. These rich boys, Agent Tanner? They from the Warrens part of town?”
Luther hesitated at the perception, but that information was at least publicly available. Easy to guess too, were he honest with himself.
“Most of them, yes sir. The rich thing, at least. All but one were actually from out of town. We tracked their last known locations here. And uh…you’re right. I didn’t know about that other case.”
“Was a sad case.”
“I’m sure.”
“You get a lot of sad cases.”
Luther sighed and nodded, his eyes wandering towards the dancing flames in the fireplace.
“We do, sir, you’re right about that.”
“No, I mean, you, Agent Luther. You get a lot of sad cases. So many they’s startin’ to bleed together in that old mind of yours.”
“I think that’s true for a lot of agents my age.”
“This case make you think of Calvin, Agent Luther?”
He didn’t flinch, didn’t spin around. There was no critical moment of realization. He knew him. Luther knew Crawley knew him, knew his son’s name, though he couldn’t tell how, and the knowing of that set Luther’s nerves on fire.
“Whew dog, you feel like the devil’s pissing down your back right now, don’t you, boy?”
“I think I should leave.”
The command sat on his skin and shuddered throughout his spine. Luther felt stuck, as though he couldn’t move further than the space it took to turn around and look at John Crawley, really look at the bastard.
He couldn’t really look at the bastard. The realization struck him almost as strongly as the fact that the man knew his son’s name. In the mix of hot fire and pale moonlight, he’d excused the inability of his eyes to focus properly, but now…
The man was old. Old beyond measure. Luther’s eyes could focus on nothing else. Details he’d been trained for decades to pay attention to, such as height, weight, race, hair color, clothing,  all melted into puddles as his mind tried to make sense of what his eyes saw. He felt the same inexplicable dread he had when he was a young child discovering that there were animals who could see colors invisible to humans, and he’d tried and failed to imagine what they could be. He’d been overwhelmed. He’d wanted to cry. He only hadn’t due to the allegorical figure that was his father looming always in his mind, even now after death.
There was a man in front of him. He was ancient. He was ancient. Luther’s mind could make no more sense of that or anything else than he could see invisible colors.
“Who are you?”
“I done told you, boy. John Crawley is my name.”
“What are you, then?”
“A man.”
“Ain’t all men?”
Luther took a deep breath in, trying to let neither anger nor fear show in his voice.
“How do you know who I am?”
“You’re asking such boring questions, Agent Luther--”
“How do you know my son?” 
“There we are. Now, you’re asking something interesting.”
There was a ring of silence for a long moment afterward, a musical chime of soft winter noises that would inspire angels to dance on pinheads were Luther not so sure in the back of his mind that he shared a room with the devil himself.
It was broken by a laugh, a sudden vocal whip crack, wholly impure with the power of generations behind it. The quotidian horrors of the human imagination that Luther saw daily in his career suddenly seemed so painfully banal, so utterly without cosmic merit, that he almost collapsed under the weight of realization.
“Interesting, but not a whit of it worthy of answerin’. You all right, Agent Luther?”
The voice was teasing, not taunting; the type of vocal tic one might have when mocking a dog or a baby or something else utterly incapable of comprehending the level of reasoning the mocker was operating on.
“Been better.”
The whip of laughter cracked across the air again, and Luther forced himself to not wince, to not run out into the cold without anything on his feet and die somewhere in the cold night all blackened toes and animal-stolen tongue. 
“This is true. You always tell the truth, Agent Luther, even when it’s workin’ against you. An admirable quality for a man who ain’t much more than the suit and badge and gun.”
Luther’s fingers twitched towards the last thing, though he knew deep down that it wouldn’t have any effect. Shooting whatever this was, some animal part of him understood, would be akin to putting a bullet into the winds of a hurricane. Eyeshine sparked at him from the corner with a low, jaundiced glow.
“Now, now, we both know that ain’t working.”
“Would anything?”
“No. But it’s always damn funny to watch y’all try.”
“Why am I here?”
“Oh, well, ain’t that existential! I imagine it had something to with whatever happened 40 weeks before you was born, Agent Luther--”
“You know what I mean.”
“Hmm. I suppose I do. You burnt up them ants with glass when you was a boy.”
It wasn’t a question or an accusation; it was a statement. One that Luther was ashamed of for the truth of it. His older brothers had shown him how to, and he’d gone about it without a second thought.
“Ants are such tiny things really. You can’t be blamed for stepping on a few, for burning a few hills. Boys will be boys, ain’t that what they say? An ant can’t do the things you can or other humans can. Can’t even comprehend the way the world works.”
“Are you saying we’re ants?”
“No, no. You’re much more fun than that. But I am saying I’ve burnt more’n a few hills in my day.”
He felt himself unable to gulp. He wondered if it was because his mouth had gone dry in the fire’s heat or his body refused to obey any command not given by the figure across the room.
“What do you want from me?”
“Then why do this? Why bring me here to watch me squirm?”
“I didn’t bring you here, Luther, my boy. I just waited.”
“Still. You can’t…there’s no way you can be expecting something from me about this case?”
“You’re right.”
“Then why?”
“I done told you, boy. The same reason you lit up them ants. I wanted to see what would happen if I held you close enough to the fire.”
“Consider me unwilling to get too far burnt.”
“I reckon you might be.”
Yellow eyes danced in darkness beyond the last vestiges of firelight, and Luther fought his overwhelming nausea enough to step forward into still-sopping shoes. 
“You going back out there into the cold, Luther boy?”
“I’m going away from wherever this is. Whatever this is.”
“It could be a redemptive blaze.”
“It could be the portal to Narnia for all I fucking care. I’m done.”
Luther made towards the door, collapsing to his knees halfway there at the weight of sudden sensation. The evidence bag holding Anderson’s blood soaked shoe thumped to the ground beside him. There was a pressure in his skull accompanied by a fierce squeezing sound, a crackling, creaking noise that reminded him of a time he and Calvin fed lettuce heads to manatees on a trip to south Florida. 
The pain that followed was a blinding, yellow thing. His eyes faded into a sea of gold that he couldn’t rub away from his field of vision and his head felt like it would crack open just like those lettuce heads had under teeth and strong jaws all those years ago. He could feel his own teeth grind and his jaw clench and seize under the pressure. His fingers dug into his temples. 
Luther swam through the field of yellow gold, as it finally hazed into black and he, exhausted, collapsed.
The noise of voices and machinery woke him.
“-gent Tanner, can you hear me?”
Luther groaned in response, but it apparently satisfied whatever medical professional was currently harassing him with a flashlight beam in his eyes.
“He doesn’t seem to be concussed.”
“Good,” a familiar voice muttered. His partner on this case…had he found Luther? He couldn’t imagine Bell leaving him out in the storm even if Luther had thought he had a plan.
What a plan.
Dark hair and a wan face appeared in Luther’s slowly stabilizing field of vision.
“You gave us all a scare. Weren’t you the one telling me to not wander off?”
“Since when have I ever listened to my own advice?”
His voice sounded terrible, like he’d swallowed a whole gravel road since passing out.
“Where uh…how did you find me?”
“Search party volunteers went back out with me when you didn’t come back after a couple hours. One of them knew about this old burnt out cabin, though you might have holed up there. He knew what he was talking about. Found you passed out on the floor. Thought you were dead, Luther, you had blood all over your face, from your nose and ears.”
“That…explains less than I’d hoped.”
“Yeah, I uh…I was hoping you’d have some answers, honestly.”
“Unless you found an old man in the cabin with me, then I got nothing.”
Bell’s face twisted up in confusion, before he softened and huffed a small laugh.
“Only old man we found in that burnt out old shell of a thing was you, Luther.”
“Kinda figured.”
“...nothing. Don’t have an answer for that, I don’t think.”
“You should probably sleep, Luther.”
“You should too, Bell. You look like shit.”
“Thanks. Means a lot coming from you right now.”
The small huff of air that came from Luther made his chest ache. Road rash from the inside, raw hamburger meat for lungs. How long would this take to heal, this touch from the devil?
“Does Wendy know?”
“Don’t worry, we called her. Was weird. She’d been on the line with Cal. He said he thought something was wrong with you, and then I called.”
Luther sat silent, staring somewhere off in the middle distance at the white board on the wall. Nurse names danced in a jumble of letters in front of him. 
“...I’m gonna let you sleep. I’ll be back later, Luther.”
He muttered something in return. It might have been a simple “see ya, Bell.” Might have been the secrets of the universe. He didn’t know.
He didn’t know anything, save for one small persistent idea:
Not knowing would kill him.
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mountphoenixrp · 7 months
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We have a new citizen in Mount Phoenix:
          Kanaphan Tsukiko, a 24 year old son of Konohanasakuya-hime.           He is a nurse at Asclepius General.
FC NAME/GROUP: Kanaphan Puitrakul (First) / Actor CHARACTER NAME: Kanaphan Tsukiko AGE/DATE OF BIRTH: 3 September 1999, 24 PLACE OF BIRTH: Bangkok, Thailand OCCUPATION: Nurse (cardiac cares specialization) at Asclepius General HEIGHT: 178cm / 5’10’’ WEIGHT: 66kg / 145lbs DEFINING FEATURES:
Tsukiko is constantly followed by the perfume of cherry blossoms. The intensity of the scent can change depending on his emotions.
Piercings: left lobe, right daith.
Left tattoos: cherry blossoms behind his ear and on his hand (https://www.pinterest.ch/pin/421931058855818972/ & https://www.pinterest.ch/pin/421931058855818976/).
Right tattoo: interweaved sun and moon on a dark blue and yellow watercolor background inside his right wrist (https://www.pinterest.ch/pin/421931058855819268/).
PERSONALITY: Tsukiko is a calm person. Being the least favorite child of his father, he is used to being discreet and not make waves, preferring to stay in his little corner than mixing with others and their drama. He is gentle, nice and empathetic. Smart, skillful and patient in his job, he’s often very appreciated by his colleagues and patients.
Thanks to Sundrop, he learnt to open to others and truly enjoy life. He’s a good listener, always helpful and respectful. Due to his powers, he feels a deep connection to nature. He loves spending time outside, on his own or with friends when possible.
Unfortunately, his relationship with the doctor killed something within it. Tsukiko is now even more reserved, avoiding others as much as he can. He’s scared of love, thinking he’s not worthy of it and that all he deserves is blows and insults.
HISTORY: TW for abusive relationship and domestic violence, mentions of suicidal thoughts and dubious consent.
Tsukiko’s mother gave him life, a name and the scent of cherry blossoms before disappearing with a last cuddle. His father quickly put that episode of his life behind him, never speaking of it anymore. He loved his son but not enough to allow him to learn more about his mom and her culture or letting him talk about her and his divine identity.
The man soon married and went to have two more children, a boy and a girl. They went along with their older brother pretty well but though Tsukiko had everything he needed, it soon was more than evident that his dad preferred his other children. The young boy tried not to let it affect him too much, too busy learning the powers he had recently discovered.
When Tsukiko was twelve, his family moved to Chiang Mai, his stepmother’s birth city. He didn’t mind the change of scenery, especially not after meeting a boy of his age, Sundrop, who soon became his best friend. The two of them  were always together, exploring the city and the close countryside, spending countless sleepovers at Sundrop’s house. Their bond only deepened when they realized they both were children of goddesses.
The two friends peacefully grew together and so did their feelings. Nothing was said but first kisses and touches were secretly exchanged, until Tsukiko’s siblings found them and ran to tell their father. The teenagers were separated, an eighteen years old Tsukiko was sent to the USA for his nursing studies and contact was lost.
The nightmare started a few years later with a fairytale cliché, the young nurse Tsukiko falling for the handsome, talented and popular older doctor. Everything started well, the doctor covering him with gifts and flowers, bringing him to the most expensive hotels and restaurants before moving him into his luxurious apartment.
Tsukiko naively thought that the first slap was an accident. After all, he had contradicted the doctor and in front of a patient no less. It was forgiven with what he took for sincere apologies and a bunch of roses. But then it never stopped, blows falling on him for the silliest reasons. He forgot to close the toothpaste tube or food was served five minutes too late or he didn’t perform well enough in bed. There was no excuses anymore, only anger, humiliation  and degradation.
As his sweet scent of cherry blossoms declined with his health, Tsukiko could smell the perfume of others onto the doctor, the cheating adding to the pain her already felt in his mind and body. After a particularly violent night, as he laid on the bathroom floor and considered that death might be better than this life, he was surrounded by a strong scent of cherry blossoms and petals flew around him before settling down, spelling the words ‘Mount Phoenix’ and a map. His mother had been watching over him, finally stepping in to help.
A few days later, he was finally able to escape, taking with him all the money he could find in the apartment and the jewels he could sell. The time his absence was noticed, Tsukiko was on a plane to South Korea and soon crossed the bridge to his new life, leaving no trace behind.
PANTHEON: Japanese CHILD OF: Konohanasakuya-hime, Goddess of Volcanoes and Cherry Blossoms POWERS:
Can grow and manipulate cherry blossom trees and blossoms.
Impervious to burns.
Patient and caring.
Resilient but he doesn’t realize it yet.
Very loyal when he knows he can trust someone.
Hard-working, he loves his job and excels at it.
He can make a delicious cherry blossoms jelly spread.
Very low self-esteem and self-confidence.
Paranoid, he’s convinced that his abuser will find him again.
Scared of intimacy.
He’s afraid of loud noises and people raising their voices.
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garden-ghoul · 1 year
happy gushiwensday thursday!! Let’s have a look at Su Shi’s “Hunting in Mizhou.”
Give me a moment---let an old man talk about his wild years. Hunting dog at my left, goshawk at my right, my embroidered marten-fur cap. We rolled a thousand strong over the hills and flattened them. At my word the city overturned itself to watch me, their governor, shoot a tiger like young Sun Quan. Wine-drunk, bold-chested, free and open; a little white in my hair isn't a crime. I'll carry a seal west to Yunzhong, watch me--- another Feng Tang rides to their aid. My carved bow will become a full moon, point northwest, and shoot the Wolf Star over Xia.
notes and original text under the cut!
老夫聊发少年狂,左牵黄,右擎苍,锦帽貂裘,千骑卷平冈。为报倾城随太守,亲射虎,看孙郎。 酒酣胸胆尚开张。鬓微霜,又何妨!持节云中,何日遣冯唐?会挽雕弓如满月,西北望,射天狼。
This was a fun one to wrestle with because there’s a LOT of historical references in it. I went for a vaguely “Anglo Saxon bragging poem” vibe, because that’s the kind of bragging poem I know.
an old man --- He uses an old man pronoun 老夫 right off the bat here. Baike notes that he was about 40 when he wrote it, lol.
My hunting dog, my goshawk --- the dog is rendered simply as “yellow” and the hawk as “blue,” I don’t know if this is a common phrase or what. If we didn’t have annotations I’d be so lost.
and flattened them --- I think it’s actually referring to “flat ridges/hills,” ie not very tall, but the braggart vibe goes well with exaggerating the power of your hunting companions.
At my word --- 报 is an interesting word here. If you interpret it as “repay” it’s kind of a pious governor thing to do, looking cool so your citizens can be proud of you. If you interpret it as “announce,” it feels more like he’s making everyone watch him. I chose the latter interpretation, since nowhere else in the poem does he think of anyone but himself.
their governor --- 太守 is specifically a provincial governor, but all I can find is that he was a governor of several cities? Which makes me wonder if this poem isn’t actually about himself at all.
young Sun Quan --- we’ve seen an emperor referred to as “XXX-lang” once before, which is making me wonder if this is a Thing, possibly to indicate that it happened before he was emperor? Anyway, Sun Quan famously shot a tiger from horseback. He also worked for Cao Cao for a while as, yes, a provincial governor!
I’ll carry a seal... to their aid --- This whole bit is a reference to Feng Tang, who argued with Emperor Wen of Han to redeem the governor of Yunzhong, Wei Shang, who had misreported some battle statistics. It’s interesting that in this poem about hunting, shooting, and killing, his idea of heroism here has more to do with loyalty or faithfulness. He’s not casting himself as Wei Shang! BTW this poem was written about two years before Su Shi was exiled. Lol.
point northwest... Xia --- ASTRONOMY TIME. So in China, in a stunning coincidence, the star Sirius which the Romans knew as the Dog Star is... also a dog! 天狼 the Heavenly Wolf is just northwest of the tip of the arrow nocked on the Arc of 9 Stars (I THINK this is the Chinese name of the constellation? It shares a lot of stars with Puppis/Canis Major). It’s therefore also associated with conquest and punishment of criminals, and according to Baike it refers to Western Xia, which was actually quite close to Mizhou and probably a thorn in the side of the Song Dynasty.
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renaissancemuffins · 2 years
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Adoptable Pony characters for sale. Payments can be made via paypal. Message me for additional details if interested.
Some biography information under the read more.
A young, introverted alicorn pony whose main talent is making plushies and stuffed animals. She can usually be found in her room with a load of plushies and making more. Typically, they're ponies' pets and other animals that ponies would like. She even gets commissions from big name ponies like Luna, Photo Finish, and Rainbow Dash.
Sel Ene Tea
Quietly and assuredly, Sel will always settle down for tea in the middle of the night, expecting a visitor in her small and quiet home in the middle of the woods. Occasionally, Zecora has even stopped by for friendly chats. Sel has always admired the constellations and the full moon. Even commissioned a tea set that took after the theme. Her cutie mark even took after it as well.
River Light
An undertaker whose life has been filled with grief stricken citizens who had recently lost a loved one. His kind heart has often soothed others when he speaks to them. Often staying up late into the night, he builds coffins for all sorts and basically lives in the upstairs of the funeral home that he operates. He uses his cutie mark, a candlestick with a coffin shaped handle and an almost fully melted candle on top.
Brise Soleil
The tiniest architect, this breezy pony designs buildings that specialize in deflecting sunlight to reduce heat inside of the building. His tiny size often gives him the advantage of being able to inspect small discrepancies that may show up when the building is being built. It has been said that with his coat color, he has blended with the very blue prints that he’s created.
After the mane 6 had visited the Kirin village, Meridian, or Meri, once again found her love for the open waters and began to go about sailing in large lakes and the ocean shorelines. All the while learning about all the places that the Kirins had isolated themselves from. At the same time she found out that she needed a small set of glasses that would help her read tiny texts that she would sometimes come across. She also found a love for songs and cider.
Street Feather
Often found traveling the streets at dusk and dawn, Street Feather treads lightly along the city streets, lighting and snuffing the street lamps that politely line the wide stone roads. Always noted to step lightly wherever he goes, his duties often go unnoticed by the ponies of Saddle Arabia. Drifting quietly through the morning crowds and weaving through the busy afternoon.
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misflintchblog · 8 months
When a family experiences death, it is humbling when people come together to help the family of the deceased. This is the case for a Zimbabwean waiter found murdered in South Africa. For his final journey home, well wishers have raised funds to assist. Total costs are known and well over the required amount has been raised. The intention is to give the balance of the resources to his young son. This is so humbling. Although this act of kindness has only come to light through death, this is the Africa I would want to live in. where each person is there for the next. All the best on his last journey back to Zimbabwe.
Then the question what kind of Zimbabwe is this becoming? Why? The acts ongoing that aren't even political. Fine, scams online make sense and many get caught off guard. The natural barriers that make the region unable to access many online activities, protect many. However in Beitbridge a family has been left homeless and in debt after such a scam caught them off guard. Very unfortunate indeed.
In error a home for 43 years was used to acquire a loan in relation to the scam, a lottery win and this house was lost leaving the family sleeping outside. Then some days later the town began to show signs of the Zimbabwe I believe we can be. An effort to crowd-fund for the family has been successful. Well done Beitbridge.
In a sad incident in the same Beitbridge, a couple died on the rail way line. They were either love making or asleep. The train did raise alarm and try to stop but it was too little too late.
Then in Matebeleland investigations are ongoing over the death of a six year old found hung on some roof trusses. Scary indeed.
What gets one worried even more is a seventh grade student that committed suicide in Mutare. Whaaaat? What would posses a child to consider taking their own life. Even if the parent reprimanded them. Taking of one's life should not be the answer.
Then from Eastview a sister was abusing her sister's daughter. Why then would she offer to look after her niece? Tying her up and beating her for damaging utensils. Wow. Worse still even having the audacity to say a friend suggested it to her. Wow, such cruelty makes no sense.
Then from Gokomere high, a boy caught with 40 girls underwear. Huh? What on earth did he need so many of them for?
On the other hand, although it is not the best, a woman whose cellphone and 200 dollars was stolen was helped by fellow citizens. The cash was not recovered but the cellphone was. The thief received a thorough beating and was then taken into police custody.
Then as the president was away, his security team was asking for beer from a passerby. It initially was nice to see the human side of them, but the indiscipline, no, not right. Anyway this is the Zimbabwe we have in place.
Then you hear of a missing officer from the prisons and correctional facility. As a citizen, that gets me worried especially if I start to make assumptions. Could a former prisoner be the cause of the officer's disappearance? How then will officers trying to tame the traffic behave, if that is the case? They recently began an operation to do just that. This has left many having to walk into town. Quite unfortunate. Hopefully this will also help reduce the number of accidents being recorded. Over 22 thousands motorists have been found guilty of one thing or another, including not being adequately licensed.
The same police is being forced to intervene in Kariba. Armed robbers are stealing from the kapenta fishermen. Come on, why do that to hard working citizens? Kapenta fishing which is done 23 days at a time with breaks taken for seven days because of the moon cycle, is the source of livelihoods for many. A group of seven with two of them armed, are stealing dry kapenta, fresh kapenta and anything else that is available on boats. This is very disturbing.
On a great note, we will be represented in a chess tournament to be held in Mexico. From Mpopoma high school, Zimbabwe chess federation is proudly represented by a seasoned player. Wishing him and Zimbabwe as a whole the best.
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orginllazyblog · 8 months
The Only Sea Sepant: Leviathan
Mizuki Abyss Story
Warning: deaths, side characters u just meet leaves, negative parents
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Where should I start? I guess I'll start off my 1st life when I was the second eldest Imperial Princess. I was once adored by everyone by my natural beauty. One night, I was wandering around the Palace Garden until I encountered a terrifying demon. I thought those creatures don't exist. I remember like it was a never-ending nightmare.
"Your beauty is just like the moon. Skin so light, and your eyes shine like the stars. Won't you be my bride?~"
Of course, no! I have standards and my responsibilities as the princess. Eventually, the demon got so mad that I thought I was going to be a goner.
"You shall regret your decision. I place this powerful ancient curse upon you: You shall never receive love, and you'll die at a young age repeatedly."
The next morning, I was public executive by my envy elder sister. She was jealous not only by my beauty but that I had more love from the King and Queen and the people.
"She made a deal with a demon! I saw it with my own eyes!"
"The Eldest Princess is right! I saw it too!"
Well, she was right about me with a demon, but if she only witnessed me being cursed by the demon, then it was a misunderstanding. I wanted to yell, scream, and plead with my old parents that I would never do such a thing. All I saw was the disgusted face.
I died at the age of 15.
If I knew this was just a dream, then I wouldn't have rested. In my second life, I was reborn as an ordinary citizen. The parents... they were not very affection. With what's going on, a century has passed after I died as a princess, and a war has been going on for years. My secondary parents wanted a boy who would join the military, you know, all that wanting a boy because it's better than a girl cliché.
"If you were a boy, we could have a better life."
"I wanted a son, not a dumb girl. Who's going to take my place as the war general? Just get out of my sight!"
I wanted to cry, but that would make it worse. As I grew up a bit, maybe at the age of 10, I decided to take my old man's place. I cut my hair to disguise myself to be more masculine and work out to build muscles. I didn't tell them I was going to war, so when was 13, I took most of the food, clothes, boots, and lastly, old man's weapon. Did I leave a note? Nah! I learned that if I gave a little affection to them, I might die in the next minute. I wanted to live to at least above 15 years old.
I joined the army not only to end the war but to feel what it is like to be alive. I was then again the top and strong soilder the military has ever seen. I received jealous stares from the other soldiers, which I didn't care about. The only person who welcomed me was a guy who admired my strength. Terrance? Jeffery? I can't remember his name. I thought I got rid of this feeling, but I couldn't help but fall in love with him. He was cute, reliable, and honest. We were sometimes paired sometimes for quests, so we were able to hang out secretly.
What came to my mind was as long as I didn't confess this 'feeling' to him to remain friends. To twsit the curse. I was wrong.
Screams everywhere around the small town. People were running to the exit as the enemy was almost approaching. My crush was running the opposite, trying to find a lost child who was separated from their mother. I reached out to him to tell him we had to leave. This can't happen..why? Why do you have such a kind heart?
"####... you were a good friend. I just want to see my love who is waiting for me up there in the sky. Thank you, ####"
Not only I got friend-zone, I died again at the age of 15.
They say that a third time is the charm. But I was almost losing my mind of this never-ending nightmare.
In my third life, the time period is more modern than the previous lives. So I started off with a new mom and dad, but this time, a twin brother. I didn't know what to feel since I had a bad relationship with my older sister in my first life. This time, I'm the older one than him.
"Lisa! Can we go to the park?"
"Sure thing, Haneul. Let me ask mom first."
I had to remind myself that if I showed or had real love affection, then my death will come for me.
As I thought, there was another war, which led to another dispared.
"Big sister!"
My memory was blury as I can only recall my twin brother being taken away from me as soldiers were kidnapping us when we were just children. As for the parents, I believe they were already dead.
Years passed since that incident, I managed to sneek to a cruise ship to escape to a different country.
It wasn't because I didn't like my home country, it was because I was almost turning 15 years old. I was scared.
When I arrived to another country, I thought I could be safe this time, though this time I was a girl,again, which makes things worse.
If it weren't for the person who stood out for me, Esméralda, I would have been dead already by those men.
"Are you alright, child?"
"Um...yes, t-thank you."
"Hmm...do you have a family looking for you? I can help you find them."
"...I don't have a family...not anymore."
"Well, now you do. I can simply adopt you. I'm already at a age where I'm supposed to start a family of my own. Would that be alright with you?"
I didn't know how to tell them back then. Would they believe me if I was curse-
"I can help you lift off your curse."
So Esméralda took me to their house where its far away from cities. The house was indeed beautiful back to what I remember.
"What's your name, child?"
"I'm Lisa."
"Well then, Lisa. Can you tell me about your curse?"
I explain everything I can remember. I told them that a powerful demon placed this curse, which every time I felt true love either to family or lover, I die. I even told them I would die very soon by the time I aged to 15 years old.
"Lisa, remember this, I can only change a bit of this curse. Since this is a demon work, it would be difficult for me. Now, lay down on this couch."
I did what I was told. I lay down on the couch as 'she' did her 'magic'.
"Hac maledictione nova, antequam ad quadraginta annos perveneris, vives; Ut letalem hanc maledictionem frangas, te et socium verum amorem esse sentias. Si particeps tua idem sentiat, frangatur maledictio. Utrum corporis intimitas sit necne, libertatem senties."
("With this new curse, you shall thou live before you reach at the age of forty; To break this deadly curse, you and your partner must feel true love. If your partner feels the same way, the curse would be broken. Whether it's physical intimacy or ot, you shall feel freedom.")
Back to the present time
Mizuki: And that's how we both meet
Mizuki was explaining to the Ramshackle residents such as their old friend Esmeralda or Esme, now known as Yueme. The trio ghosts who were complete shock, and as for grim was holding back his tears.
Mizuki: I think my curse is gone as I would have been reborn to a human again.
Yueme: So what are now?
Mizuki: Hmm...
Mizuki: The current mom side of the family were the first generation of early sirens, and my old man is a literal demon.
Yueme: ???
Grim: ???
Trio Ghosts: ???
Mizuki: Yeah, I know. I'm some kind of hybrid. But as time went by, the noble demons noticed my abilities. Chernabog, the demon king, gave me the title of the new sin of envy; Prince of the Deep Abyss, Mizuki Abyss.
Grim: Myaah! That's so cool!
Trio Ghosts: This Chernabog person seems to be the chill guy
Yueme: So, does that mean?
Mizuki: Yes, I got the materials for the dorm uniform!
And that is how your twst oc's old bestie join you in Twisted Wonderland.
One thing I need to mention is that I used to be in Obey Me fandom way back in...2019 or 2020?
I left that fandom for one good reason: my phone broke, and I forgot the password of my obey me account. I HAD AT LEAST TWO OR THREE UR CARDS THAT WERE LIMITED
I was not going to redo the whole family drama story again.
Also, I'm going to redo Mizuki's design bc I realize the deep sea creatures are dull colors. I had them with white hair with light blue highlights, so it wasn't going to make sense.
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celestialarchon · 3 years
The Celestial Archon
Chapter Two: The Moonlight Phenomenon
Genshin Impact x F! Reader
Warnings: major Genshin Impact Spoilers! Possible grammar errors.
Tag list: To Be Added. (sorry it needed to be published!)
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With the return of a mysterious archon, celebrations began! The night was filled with laughter, food, and memories being made. One person was amiss during the celebration, Mona still found herself unsettled and unable to be as excited as the others. An eerie feeling of unrest and anxiety has settled over our esteemed astrologist as our beloved heroes celebrate.
“I’ve finally found you,” Mona’s intense astrology session was interrupted by a cheery high pitched voice.
“Hello, Seraphim.” Mona turned to greet the beautiful woman.
She nearly gasped as the woman walked in, her hair now styled and her eyes shining brighter than before, the mysterious tattoos seemed to have faded and though she was still striking she looked far more human than before. The Celestial Archon merely smiled at the woman’s surprise and stepped towards her, hand out.
“We should talk, my child. Fate had brought us together, an astrologist with a water vision instead of a celestial vision is strange enough.” The woman was calm but not cold as Mona took her hand.
Mona was warm as the gentle archon interlocked their fingers and led her to the corner of the room, sinking down into a comfy chair and pointing at the one next to her. Disappointment creeped up in the astrologist as her idol released her hand. It was quickly replaced with embarrassment and a soft flush across her cheeks. Mona was wholeheartedly captured by the mystery goddess.
“I’m sure you’re aware,” The bright eyes goddess sighed, “That my arrival in Teyvat has stirred up some trouble.”
Mona frowned slightly, “There was already trouble, your sudden appearance is not the cause of it.”
“That’s good, but I still feel that my presence is going to stir the pot a bit. I am connected to all the stars and spaces of this world, I can feel and see things so deeply and I am well aware that there are challenges coming. It’s annoying in some ways.” Her eyes were distant again.
Words were lost on Mona for a moment. She couldn’t begin to imagine how stressful it was to feel so deeply, to constantly be overwhelmed by information and one’s connection to the world. Every piece of text written about the Celestial Archon was very vague. Information on the god of stars was hard to find and many details had been lost, yet one thing seemed to stay the same in ever piece of information Mona had consumed.
Even when the world was teeming with elemental energy and gods were far more common, the goddess of the sky, Seraphim, was an oddity. Before the Archon war, Seraphim was a lone wolf being without many ties. The last god of stars kept to herself and had no desire to interfere with the other’s problems, despite knowing so much of them. It was incredibly lonely and sad.
“You said it’s strange that I have a water vision,” Mona finally spoke.
“Yes,” The archon clicked her tongue, “Had I been around, somebody like you would’ve received a vision from me. However, you did not receive one of my visions and ultimately that should’ve impacted your abilities over astrology but it did not. You are quite the gifted character, aren’t you Miss Mona?”
Mona’s face was tomato red at the words of the beloved celestial archon, “I am honored to be complimented by the goddess of stars.”
“You’re very formal,” The starry eyed goddess laughed.
“Excuse me,” the two were interrupted by none other than the acting grandmaster, “I would like a word with the Lady of the Stars.”
Mona was hesitant, not wanting her idol to slip away but nodded and escorted the woman to the door. She was a bit dissatisfied with the conversation they’d had, wanting to know more and more of her long awaited god. The woman turned back to Mona, eyes twinkling, and embraced her. The normally level headed and somewhat haughty astrologist stiffened in shock but returned the warm hug. A sigh escaped Mona’s mouth, but she didn’t mind. The goddess was warm and something about her affection put Mona at peace.
“I am so lucky that somebody as beautiful and gifted as you awaited my return, Mona Megistus. Until we meet again, my darling.” The woman’s grasp around Mona tightened as she whispered in her ear.
The water mage watched as the strange goddess gracefully glided away with Jean. She was ethereal with the moonlight filtering in from tall windows, her skin illuminated as she hung on to every word Jean said. Even the confident and ever busy acting grandmaster found butterflies swarming her abdomen at the sight of the goddess. Jean felt as if she could be swept away by the young woman.
A part of Jean felt guilty for several reasons. As acting grand master, it was her duty to know about the citizens of Mond, it was her duty to work without personal emotions interfering, and her duty to oversee the safety of all the wind borne citizens. The Celestial Archon was challenging all of these duties. It was only natural for an astrologist to be obsessed with a god of stars, and Jean had interrupted the conversation. The Dandelion Knight couldn’t help but feel an innocent sort of crush on the goddess, she was kind and beautiful and she really seemed to want to get to know everyone. Ultimately, Jean was also aware of the danger a new archon posed.
Even so, the beautiful knight couldn’t help but want to push all those thoughts aside and capture the attention of the goddess for hours. She shook off that thought, attempting to focus on her duty as Mondstat’s respected Grand Master. Jean explained the general politics of the city of freedom and the individual jobs of the knights of favonious. She even went as far as to explain the adventurer’s guild and the recent trouble with Storm Terror. The Celestial Archon hung on to every word, nodding and asking occasional questions.
Jean took the time to explain the place they were in, a place between Mondstat and Liyue, and the teleport points that marked both countries. She was diligent and had already prepared some documents for the 8th Archon, maps and other things needed in the world. Jean had even communicated with others to ensure each safe place for the archon was marked. The allied domain was the middle ground, but Mondstat welcomed the new Archon with a living place and much to do. Liyue had also prepared a small home in the city for her.
The archon stared in wonder at the map. The knights of Favonious had prepared a room for her in their own head quarters, even the esteemed Tycoon had set aside a room. Wangshuu Inn welcomed her and Liyue Harbor gave her quarters close to Rex Lapis. Small notes were written for her, both Xiao and Diluc noted the stars were best seen from where they were while the traveler and Paimon had starred their favorite places to eat.
“Ah, Master Jean.” The Goddess spoke slowly, bowing.
“Please, Seraphim, there’s no reason to be so formal!” Jean’s voice rose nervously, “You are an archon after all.”
“Yes, that’s true. You do not serve me though, please refer to me as my chosen name. Formalities aren’t my taste much.” The Archon remarked bashfully.
Jean nodded, rose dusting her cheeks.
“I,” The Archon sighed, “Really need an open space so I can, uh, deal with my weapon situation.”
“Oh, oh!” Realization hit Jean.
“Oh, I am so sorry,” Jean babbled nervously, “Here let us go out to the cliffs, it should be okay, right?”
“Mhm,” The goddess followed the knight to the exit.
Aether and Paimon were also by the exit, turning at the sound of approaching foot steps. Aether grinned and waved at the Celestial Archon, she waved back and beamed. Paimon immediately took off, throwing herself into the Archons arms as the woman giggled. Jean’s face was priceless, attempting to process how this small otherworldly creature could just tackle and archon without shame.
Aether and his companion followed the two women, curious about the weapon another archon would wield. The group made their way to the edge of the cliff, the stars seeming extra bright and the moon full. The goddess lowered herself, feet on the lush grass and put her hand forth, palm out. Swiftly, she struck the air in front of her with her pointer finger, an unfamiliar constellation connecting at each point.
“Return to your master, Destroyer of Divinity.” Her words were clear and calm.
The constellation burst into a ray of white light, Aether covered his eyes as Paimon whined. Darkness fell again and he opened his eyes, gasping at the sight in front of him. The goddess held a long weapon close to her body, above her shoulder was a large opalescent curved blade, below the hip on the opposite side, another shimmering curved blade could be seen. No weapon in Teyvat was even similar.
“I-Is is that a scythe?!” Jean sputtered.
“Aha, well yes,” The goddess blushed at their reactions, “Destroyer of Divinity is an unusual weapon, meant to slice through dimensional and spatial barriers. I didn’t mean to shock you.”
Aether stood, mouth agape, “Even its name is terrifying! What the hell?”
“Ahahaha,” the archon continued to laugh nervously, “Well, its existence is basically to bring judgement from the heavens upon those deserving so yeah it’s a bit intimidating.”
Aether nearly screamed. How could she say something so casually?
The traveler was feeling a bit nervous, as anybody would if an Archon decided to tag along for their daily commissions. Paimon and the Celestial Archon chattered away as Aether spoke to the Katheryne in Liyue. It did not help that the three had left before the others awoke and the Celestial Archon had left a note declaring it as a “friendly date.”
The last thing Aether wanted was to piss off literally any of the adepti, the Geo Archon himself, and even Jean who had taken a very noticeable interest in the goddess. A cloud seemed to look over the blonde but Paimon didn’t notice. The eighth Archon gave the teenager a sympathetic smile and put her hand on his shoulder, attempting to ease his nerves. Only one thing could make the situation worse, and unfortunately that particular thing was heading straight towards Aether.
“Let’s run,” Aether grabbed the startled archon’s wrist and dragged her to the teleport point nearby, ignoring the calls of a certain troublesome individual.
The archon chuckled, “I didn’t know daily commissions would be so exciting!”
Aether smiled sheepishly and let go of her wrist, trying to focus on which commission to start with. He was distracted by a sudden commotion, people yelled out as a hooded figure darted past the trio. Liyue Harbor’s guards thundered after the thief, knocking the poor panicked goddess off her feet.
The eight archon shut her eyes and prepared for the impact of the fall, but was yanked back by a pair of strong arms.
“Hey, girlie. Hold still.” A charming voice said.
The goddess watched as the lanky ginger haired man moved forward and shot an arrow, narrowly missing all the guard and hitting the suspicious character in the back. Aether’s eyes were filled with shock and panic at the sight of the man. Immediately, the goddess side stepped away from her hero, on high alert.
“Now,” He turned to her beaming, “What exactly is such a beautiful young lady doing with this kiddo?”
Her starry eyes met his azure eyes, “I’m just a new adventurer from Mondstat, learning the ropes from the best.”
“Hmm?” His gaze was questioning, “Well then, I’m Childe. Number 11 of the Fatui Harbingers. We should definitely get to know each other.”
The goddess moved to Aether in a quick swift movement. Suddenly, she wanted very much to escape Liyue Harbor. The Fatui were trouble, the goddess was new to the era but even she knew that they were dangerous. It was one of the first matters addressed at her arrival. She no longer knew the Cryo Archon, and this Tsarita sounded troubling.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” an annoyed voice chimed in, averting the red head’s attention.
A shorter man with a large hat and ominous aura stood behind the tall harbinger. Aether tensed up and the goddess wrapped her arm around his shoulder. Slowly, the trio made their escape at the expense of Childe. The older harbinger was chewing the younger man out for flirting and wasting time, both harbingers bickered as the traveler and his companions fled.
“You shouldn’t be wasting time on trying to get laid you, fool.” Scaramouche scowled, still ripping into his subordinate. “Especially not that woman, even from a mile away I can tell she’s trouble. You’re a harbinger not a host, get your shit together, Tartaglia.”
Childe smirked, looking down on his superior, “So you noticed her, too. I wonder what someone like that is doing with my favorite traveler.”
“We should alert the Tsarita of that girl,” Scaramouche mumbled, avoiding the earlier comment.
“I actually agree,” Childe’s eyes narrowed, “I was hoping to see for myself what she is, but that kid stopped me of course. There’s something strange about her but I can’t quite put my finger on it. Maybe I can charm it out of her?”
Scaramouche slapped his comrades back, “Let’s go you useless fucking playboy.”
Wangshuu Inn looked beautiful and the aroma of food was far too enticing. Aether sighed as he watched his small, chubby companion chase after the eighth archon. The woman was supposed to be divine, yet in some ways he reminded her of a puppy or a kitten. She was somewhat moody with her affections and spacey like a kitten may be, and still somehow clingy and energetic like a puppy.
Luckily for the two, Aether had a commission from Verr Goldet. The blonde tried to maintain composure as he saw a familiar dark haired yaksha speaking with the Inn Keeper, not wanting to admit he’d accidentally led the Fatui straight to the Archon. The traveler watched in fascination and amusement as Verr’s face twisted from composed to horrified when Xiao was knocked over by the goddess. The conqueror of demons merely grunted and stood back up, clutching the ethereal woman to his chest.
Xiao’s eyes were cold as they met Aether’s, clearly annoyed with the boy, but his expression softened at the yawning goddess in his arms. Once again, the traveler was overcome with curiosity at her behavior. Only moments ago the woman was bubbly and hyper, now her eyes were fluttering and she was snuggling up to one of the most dangerous beings in Teyvat. Without a word, the tattooed man spun around and carried the goddess upstairs.
“I’m here for your com-“ Aether began.
“Who was that?!” Verr Goldet burst out, “I’ve never seen Adeptus Xiao so damn agreeable. What just happened? Is this a dream?”
Paimon giggled, “He loooooves her! That person is the one we told you about before! Even Xiao can’t be in a bad mood around her, it’s amazing!”
“Oh,” Verr blushed at Paimon’s words, “She’s that person? No wonder he’s been so restless.”
“Wait, restless?” Aether questioned.
Verr Sighed and beckoned the two to a guest free area. The two followed her into a small back room, exchanging glances. The boss lady pulled out an old book and brushed the dust away. Aether and Paimon peered down at the book, puzzled by its appearance. It was a dark leather with carvings of the moon and clouds on the front.
Carefully, Verr flipped the book open and turned it to the two. Paimon shot up, shrieking. The book looked like a book you’d find in a library but was strange. Instead of ongoing text, the pages had scraps and pieces stuck on the pages with various notes scribbled around. Verr turned to the first page, placing her middle finger at the beginning text and giving Aether and expectant look. The traveler leaned down and began to read the text.
“The moonlight phenomenon: Legend of Liyue.
It is said that there was once a ruler of the stars, one who ruled over the sky as the Gods rule over our land. When tides of war overcame Liyue, Rex Lapis sought out the monarch of the sky to form a contract.
Seraphim granted Rex Lapis the moonlight phenomenon. Liyue’s skies were never to dim even on the darkest of nights, the moon and stars would remain as guides for Liyue always. It is said that this contract assisted in bringing the evil gods to their doom, the sky illuminating the way to victory for Liyue and all of Teyvat.”
Verr flipped the page as Aether exhaled trying to wrap his mind around the strange passage.
“The Contract: Seraphim and Rex Lapis.
The circumstances of the moonlight phenomenon still remain unknown. It is an ancient mystery that many still attempt to solve, what exactly did the Geo Archon barter for his people?
Nobody knows, still. However, the most common theories are that the contract has not been fulfilled or that there was no contract to begin with. Many believe that Rex Lapis and Seraphim were secret lovers, and this was Seraphim’s gift to her beloved. Others hypothesize that Seraphim’s wish was never fulfilled, as her death sealed the victory for The Seven Archons.”
Aether shuddered. People in Liyue believe that The Celestial Archon died in the Archon war? Verr flipped to a page in the middle of the book.
“Liyue’s Priestess Seraphim
It is said that a woman with eyes vast like the galaxy beyond and mysterious astrological powers once enchanted all of Liyue.
Seraphim, the last Celestial wielder was Liyue’s last hope. Though she is not honored as an archon, she is known vaguely as a priestess. The woman who captured the attention of the archon’s themselves and was adored by the Adepti. Few remain, but Liyue’s legends claim that the priestess of the stars was the lover of Rex Lapis, the lover of the Vigilant Yaksha, or the lover another adepti.
Even fewer discuss the devastation that occurred when she fell from grace. Her death was the catalyst of the only known battle between Liyue’s very own Archon, The Anemo Archon and his people, and the Adepti. A lesser known battle that almost forced both Mondstat and Liyue into Civil Wars.
When the dust settled, all that stood was the full moon. Many Adepti still honor the priestess under the moonlight by fighting evil spirits and demons.”
Aether’s eyes widened at Verr. She solemnly shook her head as the traveler’s face fell. Xiao, Ganyu, Zhongli, Venti, all of them suffered so terribly. It was confusing to the boy that every text described the Celestial Archon as deceased. His head began to hurt from the information. Verr sighed and led him back out.
“Once you finish commissions, why don’t you two stay here? I’ll prepare a room for you,” The boss was sympathetic.
Aether grimaced but nodded, leading Paimon out to finish their duties.
Somewhere in the shadows of Wangshuu Inn crept a Fatui agent, slipping away as the traveler set out. The shadowy figure grinned at the piece of paper in their hand.
“Protected by the traveler and the Adepti. Master Childe will be interested in this,” His eyes were dark as he approached his fellow Fatui agents, “She could be very useful to us, this (Y/N).”
The suspicious shadows began to slink away, overcome with desire to inform their boss of the new information. Only a few feet away, a strange creature ducked down to avoid being seen by the agents, fidgeting.
“The angel is here!” The creature shrieked as the cult like group left it’s sight, “(Y/N) will be ours.”
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darkmagickingdom · 3 years
How about some Oogie Boogie headcanons?
[cracks knuckles] Here we go
This is one I've shared before, but Oogie's one of very few villains who actually likes kids and is surprisingly good with them when he's not trying to scare them
His shadow actually has some magical qualities, but unlike Facilier's shadow, it can't act on its own. He pretty much just controls it and it perfectly replicates all the movements he makes
He can, however, do some neat things with it, such as making it appear in places it shouldn't be (like on the moon, apparently) and he can even make it turn solid to use as a decoy, though he hardly ever does this because it's hard to maintain
All of his supernatural abilities are pretty much just stuff that's meant to scare kids, since he's the boogieman
I have no idea how he does that Kirby thing, but he mostly uses it to eat or to stop people from fleeing
He's actually pretty intelligent as far as construction goes, and basically everything in his lair is something he built himself
His fixation with gambling was something he developed before he became Oogie Boogie -- he lived in a casino as an individual bug and became fascinated with gambling after watching the people who came there every day
His "brain" bug is an earwig, albeit one with unusually high intelligence to the point of having actually gained sentience, and the uncanny ability to control the minds and bodies of other arthropods
No one really has any clue why he can do this, but no doubt Dr. Finklestein would want to study him
He gets mad when people say mean things about bugs or squish them for no good reason
On the other side, he loves meeting people who like bugs, to the point where you could feasibly weasel your way out of getting eaten by him after he's captured you if you start saying nice things about bugs
He's fine with himself eating bugs however because I mean. bugs eating bugs is just nature
He has a sort of psychic link with the other bugs that make up his body, so if any of them get squished, he feels that
He uses different kinds of bugs for different purposes. Spiders and silkworms can fix holes in his body, venomous spiders and scorpions can sabotage his enemies, and fireflies can light up his surroundings
He originally took up singing and dancing as a way to kill boredom while banished, and got so into it that he created his own theme song
Since he was banished, most of the citizens of Halloween Town have forgotten he was real and he's become a sort of urban legend. Lock, Shock, and Barrel take advantage of this to get what they want and have made up a lot of things to add to the legend that Oogie can't actually do
Jack's one of the only citizens who actually knows the truth behind the legend. Even the Mayor only knows of Oogie via the trick-or-treaters' claims
He chose the name "Oogie Boogie" for himself and is super proud of it, which is why he refers to himself in the third person multiple times throughout the movie
The snake he uses as a tongue is not venomous, it's a kind of python native to Halloween Town. Basically a much smaller relative of the giant orange-and-black python that's used as a stocking during "Making Christmas"
The creature that lives in his dice often rigs the rolls in his favor, since he gets pretty mad with it if it gets him a bad roll
And some stuff related to the fan-Descendants
He gives really good hugs
He's one of the most loving and supportive parents on the Isle but you definitely wouldn't guess it from looking at him
This all stems from the fact that earwigs are one of those species of arthropods that actually watch over and protect their eggs/young
He "surprise adopted" Sam after seeing some of the other villains with their Descendants and feeling kind of left out of the whole thing
He's never disclosed exactly where Sam is from, but he's a full human with no biological relation to any of the other villains, so presumably he's from somewhere outside of the Isle of the Lost
Oogie getting his Descendant by kidnapping is a reference to the original myths of the Boogieman, in which he would kidnap children and throw them into a sack. This was also presumably the origin of Oogie's portrayal as a bunch of bugs in a burlap sack, since this legend lead to the Boogieman gaining a nickname that translates to "Sackman"
He got together with Facilier a little while after "adopting" Sam, but Facilier took to the role of Sam's other dad pretty well
He's really good at sewing and made a bunch of little toys for Sam based on different kinds of bugs -- that Sam still has because he's a sweetheart who loves his dad
He taught Sam how to talk to bugs and sometimes sends some of his own bugs along to school with Sam
He gets kind of cowardly when faced with someone who can actually defeat him, but he cares about Sam so much that he'll stand up for the kid against even the scariest villains
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I come with strong feels so buckle up folks
I imagine migraine is strong from arguing but what i believe sends Soundwave to the floor is the overwhelming love Earth and Moon have for each other(Earth is still young but witnesses a lot and no matter what has so much love to give)
He's used by now to war violence anxd pain but that love leaves him a sobbing mess he had love for his long gone minicons that he grieves over now he has one. He lays in this overwhelming love of two giants and holds Lazerbeak close as it washes over him. He cherishes his last and only one cassette
He is the only spectator of this act and he accepts his role of documenting it(he shows it to other Speakers ar one point and they become sobbing messes maybe) .. He may not be a Speaker but as a Telepath it makes him close enough.. And maybe just maybe he is one of many future potential citizens of Titan!Moon
"And the Universe said I love you because you are love" - End poem Minecraft
Soundwave was forged a Telepath. He hated the ability in the beginning. Always hearing the murmured thoughts of those around him was deafening. He didn't want to listen. He didn't want to know their deepest thoughts. But as he aged and found purpose, he learned to see his Telepathy as a tool. He used it to learn what his opponents were planning, to track their movements politically and in the arena. He took no joy in his ability to hear the screams of those weighed down by pain, sorrow, and grief. But he used it to his advantage.
When the war began, he saw his power as a weapon to be used. Gathering information on those around him, weeding out traitors and assessing Autobot plans. It was all required and he took pride in his abilities. And yet as the war dragged on and the thoughts of more of his symbiotes were silenced, he found himself hating his power once more. Megatron was forever weighed down with a deep sea of anger and confusion. The rest of the Decepticons were echoing their leader in their thoughts. Always angry, always lost, always so very tired. The Autobots weren't much better.
All the thoughts around him were grim and suffocating. He despised hearing it all. It was easier to stay sequestered away in his quarters where he could work without the worst of it getting to him. He thought the silence would ease him. Instead, it allowed him to sense something else.
There were new thoughts, ones he did not recognize. It couldn't have been the fleshies. He struggles to understand their thoughts on a good day. No, instead the flares of thought were coming from both the planet he walked and from the closest orbital body surrounding the world called Earth. He observed and he learned to listen. When he wasn't working, he felt the thoughts. They were kind, soft, and adoring. How long had it been since he felt such love from any one mind, much less two? He could hardly recall.
Years passed on Earth, and he learned her thoughts. He told no one as he came to appreciate the adoring thoughts sent between Earth and her Dear One. He did not know all the words, but each one he dutifully recorded. With every passing cycle, he understood them with greater clarity. He held Laserbeak close and shifted to the song of thoughts whenever they were exchanged. The Titan below his pedes and the Titan looming above were not aware of him, but he knew them. He knew their thoughts and he felt their love. They were a comfort, and he could not help but preserve their interactions in his memory.
"Dear One? Are you well?"
"Always. Always with you near."
He heard them, and he cherished them. He did not know their names, but their love was infectious. The war didn't ache quite so much when he felt their waves of adoration spread across the land and sky. It was its own form of torture when he could not longer sense their thoughts locked in the shadow zone.
Even long after the war ended and Soundwave was released from his prison, he still found himself coming back to Earth regularly in order to feel her and her Moon's love. Earth was so very young, and yet Moon, the ancient Titan, still adored her. Soundwave liked to linger, and if he felt the call to go to the Titan hovering above the world he walked...
There was no reason he couldn't set up a base of operations from which to hunt Megatron down from.
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nano--raptor · 3 years
Heart’s Desire
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (Regency AU)
Words: 1185
Warnings: Romance, courting, masquerade ball, softness and feelings, implied smut, soft and vague smut, kissing, and Bucky just generally being a dream.
A/N: Written for the @the-ss-horniest-book-club for the Regency Theme Day! I’ll be honest, I don’t know much about the era, and I haven’t watched Bridgerton, but I had fun writing this little romantic story anyways. I was inspired by the amazing edit by @nix-akimbo featured in the moodboard, doesn’t Bucky look so gorgeous and regal?
Anyways, thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy!❤ Divider by @firefly-graphics​
Please note, I do NOT authorize my work to be copied, translated or reposted in ANY way.
18+ ONLY. This post contains mature subject matter. By clicking ‘keep reading’ you agree that you are 18+. Please do not interact if you are under the age of 18.
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You smoothed your hands down your dress nervously, taking a breath before stepping into the room and meandering through the crowd. You exchanged pleasantries with some of the other patrons, tugging your gloves higher, thankful for the mask that covered part of your face. It was a nice way to mingle with many of the town’s socialites, a masquerade ball, and while it wasn’t the fanciest events with much of the pomp and circumstance of the royal families, many of the town’s upper and middle class citizens were able to attend. It was a nice escape from the drudgery of your uneventful, day to day life.
A passing attendant with a tray of champagne helped to calm your nerves, and you willed yourself to relax as the bubbles danced on your tongue. Would he be here? It was a silly question; of course he would. You were, however, starting to feel uncomfortable and a bit out of place, many of the other young women stood in groups with friends, or were paired off with other eligible bachelors for a dance. Just when you were thinking of finding a powder room to hide in, a warm hand settled on the small of your back, and you were swept into a man’s arms. Your heart skipped a beat at the sound of his low voice in your ear.
“May I have this dance?”
A smile spread on your lips as you turned to face him, his other hand taking yours as he pulled you close. 
“James,” you whispered. “You came.”
“Of course my darling, I wouldn’t miss an opportunity to see you.” His blue eyes danced behind his mask, eyes you would recognize anywhere. They seemed to gaze into your soul, as if it was wide open and he could see all your secrets and desires. You smiled, feeling heat creep up to your cheeks, biting your lip, your heart fluttering when he raised your hand to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss against your knuckles. 
James led you around the dance floor, twirling you around and dipping you low. A smirk spread on his lips and you knew he longed to kiss you, before pulling you up again, making you giggle. The masquerade dances were your favorite, everyone wore their very best, masks fancy and beautifully decorated, and for an evening it was nice to sink into anonymity, where social classes and family lineages didn’t mean a thing.
It was easy to forget for an evening that you and James weren’t supposed to be together.
From the moment you’d first seen him, you were smitten. If his gorgeous eyes weren’t enough to win you over, his smile was one of the most beautiful you’d ever seen. He made your heart flutter, made you melt the first time he looked at you. He’d kissed your hand and asked your name, and for a moment you couldn’t even remember. Over time you’d grown close, and knew you couldn’t imagine life without him. Your heart couldn’t bear the thought. And yet, the Barnes family was prestigious, you knew James’s father wanted his sons to marry strategically, and your family didn’t make the cut.
James, however, didn’t seem to care. He’d told you one night, in a hushed whisper, that it was you who held his heart, and he would keep fighting to be with you until his last breath. You cried that night when he had to leave. James held a piece of your heart as well, there were no other men for you. He was the only one.
He held you close for the rest of the night, your hand on his shoulder, head leaning against his chest. For a few moments the rest of the room faded away, and you lost yourself in his warmth, his scent. Lost in him was your favorite place to be. 
At the end of the night you snuck away with him, eventually ending up in his bed once again. Here there were no prying eyes, no judgement, no rules. Here you and James could be together, unabashedly, truly sharing your love and passion. His name fell from your lips as he took you apart, showing you love the way no other man had, the way no other man could. And you gave yourself to him, fully and completely. You were his and he was yours.
As you lay wrapped in his arms afterwards, skin flushed and warm, a delightful bliss spreading through your body, he hummed, stroking your hair and kissing the top of your head. He seemed to curl even more around you and you giggled, reaching up to kiss along his stubbled jaw.
“What is it, my love?” He was quiet for a moment, quieter than usual, as if thoughts clouded his mind. Just as you were about to shift in his arms and pry further, he spoke, a warm hand rubbing over your back.
“Never have I felt a stronger love for someone than I feel for you. You are my sun and my moon, my flowers in the spring and my snowflakes in the winter. I can’t imagine my life without you.” James pulled away slightly, tilting your chin up so he could gaze into your eyes once more. “I can’t wait any longer and have to ask you, will you do me the honor of being my wife?”
For a moment you couldn’t speak, words escaped you as a million thoughts and feelings ran through you at once. Your eyes grew wide and you simply stared at him until everything caught up and you gasped, a wide grin spreading on your face as you squealed.
“James! Yes! Yes, of course!” He grinned back, kissing you hard, a carefree, sloppy kiss, and you wiggled in his arms, squirming even closer and wrapping your arms around his neck. “Oh my gosh. Are you… you really want me to be your wife?”
“Of course,” his voice softened and he trailed his fingers over your cheek and along your jaw, running his thumb over your lips before gently kissing them. “I would love nothing more.”
“But your father -”
“I don’t care what my father says.” His eyes sparkled dangerously, and the smirk on his lips made you giggle. He kissed you again, rolling you over and kissing you deeply before pulling back to gaze down into your eyes again. You reached up to trail your fingers over his cheek now, brushing his hair out of his face and tucking the soft locks behind his ear.
“You know he won’t leave it alone once he finds out. He’ll do everything he can to stop it.”
“Let him try,” James replied softly, leaning into your palm and turning to press his lips against it. “But don’t you worry my love, I won’t let anything happen to you, and I promise you, we’ll have our happily ever after.” Again, he was melting your heart. You smiled, blinking back tears of happiness as you whispered more words of love, and he leaned down to show you again just how much he loved you.
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nagimitsus · 3 years
Title: somewhere along the line
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Synopsis: For all his delicate appearance, Venti has always been incredibly strong.
Diluc has known this from the start. Before the traveler entered their lives, before the battles, before he saw him standing in front of a dragon, ready to give everything in exchange for the freedom of another. And Diluc had thought, now that is how a god should behave.
That is someone I could believe in.
 [Read on AO3!]
For all his delicate appearance, Venti has always been incredibly strong.
Diluc has known this from the start. Before the traveler entered their lives, before the battles, before he saw him standing in front of a dragon, ready to give everything in exchange for the freedom of another. And Diluc had thought, now that is how a god should behave. 
That is someone I could believe in. 
It should come as a surprise, the amount of respect that he has gathered for the bard of melodious voice that makes himself at home only at his tavern. But it doesn’t. Maybe Diluc felt a pang of nuisance at first, when he thought of Venti only as a drunkard with too many stories to tell. 
That was before he came to know him. Before the nights when his smile became sad after too many bottles of wine, small and nostalgic and unfitting in such a bright face. Before he understood that there was still a raw wound behind those eyes of his, still bleeding as much as Diluc’s own. 
Diluc took the habit of offering him a glass of water and telling him to go home. The sensation of discomfort that nested his chest when Venti smiled up at him and asked what home was he talking about made Diluc wince.
At some point between that and the whole Dvalin situation, he stops asking Venti to go home and starts keeping him company until the silent streets of Mondstadt, illuminated only by the moon and the stars, call back for its bard. 
When Venti leaves, his smile is a bit more grateful and a lit less lonely, and Diluc tells him “I hope you find something more rewarding to spend your time on, tomorrow” but thinks See you later. 
Venti laughs. It sounds like a breeze. “What’s more rewarding than wine, I wonder?” he says, and has the audacity to wink.
Diluc sighs, because there’s nothing else he can do. 
The thing about Venti is that he doesn’t want to be worshipped. 
He doesn’t. It’s made clear in the way he behaves, the way he doesn’t stop too much in front of the church unless it’s to perform, the way he talks to the citizens of his country as if they were more friends than subjects. And it’s not because he likes the freedom that comes with anonymity, it’s not because of his own wants or needs. 
It’s because he wants them to be free, in this city where there are no tyrants and no gods. This city where they can follow the winds and their hearts alike, bound by nothing but their own ideals.
Diluc protects Mondstadt, fiercely. Because he loves everything it represents and everything it stands for. 
And likewise, he protects the god that gifted them all of this.
 Venti stops by the Winery of Dawn sometimes. Diluc finds him trying to steal wine or sleeping inside a barrel, and thinks: this is not a deity, this is a raccoon. 
Still, because he has a bit of faith left in him and because he used to go to church with his father back in the day, Diluc takes him by the back of his cape and into the house, where he makes sure he’s put to rest in one of their spare rooms, with enough water on his bed table to deal with the hangover. 
By the next morning he’s always gone, but the wind blows gently through the open window. 
Sometimes, if he’s still sober enough to string a few words together when Diluc takes him in, Venti laughs, and clings to his shoulders with both arms, and says things like “I can sing for you if you desire it, Master Diluc”, with that sweet voice blurry but cheerful. 
Diluc sits him down before the fireplace on those occasions, just so he can make sure that Venti drinks enough water and doesn’t do something like throwing up into his own mouth and suffocating on it.
What a troublesome bard, Diluc thinks. The thought is covered in affection anyway, and he has to sigh to himself at that. Venti blinks slowly at him, almost as if he could know what’s crossing his mind just by looking at him, and then he leans in his direction with a drunken smile that makes Diluc roll his eyes. 
“You,” Venti says, slowly but with intent, “are a very good person. Do you know that, Master Diluc?”
The reaction is immediate. Diluc can feel it start on his stomach and creep up until his head, his ears, his hands. It’s a fuzzy sentiment that makes home on his chest and purrs like a cat, a reminder of how good it is to be acknowledged. 
Diluc looks back at Venti’s eyes, clear even in his state. 
When he was young, he wondered how the truly religious felt. He asked Jean once, eleven or so, as little Barbara tried to sign in tone with the croaking of a frog. And Jean, always patient and warm, had said: I don’t think it can be explained.
But it can.
Diluc feels like he’s being hugged by a tornado and cradled by the breeze at the same time. It’s excruciating and infuriating and exhilarating, and it’s making a knot into his stomach, reddening his ears. 
He scoffs lightly, but his voice is not unkind when he says:
“And you are very drunk.”
Venti laughs at that, and the sound reverberates in the space of the room.
The only reason Diluc doesn’t leave is because he’s still afraid that Venti will throw up all over himself. 
(The traveler comes.
The traveler comes, they fight against Dvalin, and Diluc has to see Venti’s slender form fly across the battlefield when the dragon hits him once. Even when he gets up immediately, smiling through the pain, the knot that he made in Diluc’s stomach twitches and hurts. 
He makes sure to tell Barbara that the bard got hurt once they go back to Mondstadt, and ignores the perplexed look that he sends his way.)
Venti doesn’t come to the winery for a few weeks after the Dvalin incident, and they don’t meet up at the tavern either. Diluc would be worried, if he didn’t see him here and there, talking to Kaeya or playing a simple tune for Klee (who he seems to adore, if the warm look in his eyes as the little girl tries to harmonize with him.)
Diluc is not prone to lie to himself, so he doesn’t even try to deny that he misses Venti’s annoying presence. Still, since the traveler left for Liyue, the whole town seems to have subdued, its upbeat attitude turned into a dull sense of longing. 
Someone knocks on his door one night, almost sixteen days after he saw Venti for the last time. And of course, as fate would have it, it’s the bard himself who’s waiting at the other side.
Rain is not unusual in Mondstadt, even when they’re accustomed to a gentle drizzle, so most citizens have learned to take an umbrella with them when the spring is creeping on them.
Venti is dripping wet, and there’s something in the way his clothes cling to the line of his shoulders that make him straight up sad, almost pathetic. Still, the gleam on his eyes is a tell-tale that he’s been drinking, and the curve of his smile is too close to loneliness. It stirs something in Diluc, calls for the silent understanding of their nights in the tavern.
He doesn’t say anything, just takes a step to the side to let him in. 
The maids will find awfully unpleasant the wetness on the carpet, Diluc’s mind supplies, but it’s difficult to care when Venti smiles like rain and alcohol and apples, all mixed up. His mere presence tends to be intoxicating, with the way he takes so much space with his voice and his laugh and his music, but it’s even worse now. Maybe it’s because Diluc has become unaccustomed to it.
“Do you need somewhere to stay?” Diluc asks after a few seconds. Venti’s smile is still sad, but it’s there nonetheless. 
If this were any other person, the sound of the wind outside might have drowned their words. But Venti has never known how to be quiet, and so Diluc hears him without any trouble:
“You care about me, don’t you, Master Diluc?”
He sighs, and closes the door. The storm becomes a muted sound behind the wood and the steel, and somehow that adds to the intimate atmosphere that this scene carries. Diluc can feel it at his throat, the warning, the threat that comes with the closeness. He talks through it.
“I don’t think you’ve made all the way here just to point out the obvious, bard.”
He turns then, and Venti is still there, looking straight into him. In the pit of his eyes there’s an ancient kind of loneliness that makes him look terribly old. It’s in times like this when it becomes easy to think of him as a god. Again, Diluc thinks of what being religious means, thinks of kissing his temple and his hands until pink and red go back to his skin, thinks of drying his hair and lending him a bed.
That’s not the kind of devotion that a God requires. But for Venti, who would treat the cathedral built in his name just to see Klee smile, who dirties his hands helping Sucrose with her work and runs away from Diona between laughs whenever she gets angry at him, it might be enough. 
Venti laughs. The sound is enough to loosen the muscles of Diluc’s tense shoulders.
“I haven’t,” Venti says, and then he turns around and walks into the house as if it belongs to him. Diluc follows, waiting for him to go on. Since he doesn’t, he adds:
“I’m not going to serve you wine here,” just to make sure that’s out of the table. 
Venti hums, amused. He goes straight to the fireplace, sticking both hands in front of the flames. Diluc stops just three steps away from him, taking a few seconds to stare at the side of his face, shadows dancing over the curves of his nose, his eyebrows, his neck. 
“I lost something important,” Venti says at least, his voice soft, “and my power has decreased drastically.” 
Diluc frowns before he can stop himself. Venti looks at him with that same smile that doesn’t suit him, even as he’s winking, probably trying to downplay his own words.
“Worst possible time too, right?”
Diluc would know. The Abyss Order’s activity is still on rise, and the Fatui are getting bolder every passing day. He knows the Knights of Favonious are not good enough to keep them all at bay, not enough to protect all of Mondstadt, bound by the laws and diplomacy and their own duty.
Even so,
“I’m still here,” he reminds him, as if it was obvious. “And Jean will do everything in her power.”
Venti looks at him through the corner of his eye for a second before he’s turning his whole body, hands on his hips. He giggles again, and even though the sound is far off the usual, it doesn’t sound as tense as his last words.
“Are you saying you will protect me, Master Diluc?” 
Diluc doesn’t roll his eyes, because he’s not keen on the gesture, but he hopes that the expression on his face is enough to convey his feelings of fond frustration. One can’t be serious with Venti around unless someone is in immediate danger, it seems. 
“I am saying that if my actions can bestow some peace upon you, know that I’ll keep protecting Mondstadt.”
Venti takes a step in his direction, then another. When his hands close around Diluc’s white shirt, they leave wet marks that extend through the cloth under his fingers, cold against his skin. The flower on his hat has lost at least two petals in the rain, but his eyes are alive and  warm as they look straight into Diluc’s red ones.
He doesn’t feel the need to confess, doesn’t want to kneel down and ask for forgiveness for his sins. But he wants to keep Venti here nonetheless, in the intimacy of the room illuminated only by the flames. Maybe that’s a thought that needs absolution. 
“You,” Venti says, very slowly, “are a very good person. Did you know that, Master Diluc?”
He smirks, the little shit. Diluc doesn’t bother to answer this time, because he’s too busy trying to calm down the beating of his heart as Venti gets on his tiptoes, one hand going to his shoulder, the other remaining on his chest.
Diluc leans down into the kiss, and it’s impossible to think of a god when the laugh that he swallows in his own mouth it’s so undeniably Venti.
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lesbiancolumbo · 2 years
Paul Newman!
Since so many people all over the world found Newman so appealing, it matters very little that I am skeptical of such blue-eyed likability. He seems to me an uneasy, self-regarding personality, as if handsomeness had left him guilty. As a result, he was more mannered than Brando when young, while his smirking good humor always seemed more appropriate to glossy advertisements than to good movies. The crucial film in his career was The Hustler (61, Robert Rossen), in which George C. Scott surveys and dismisses him as a born loser, a flashy athlete without stamina or character. Repeated viewings of The Hustler only show up the “sensitive” muscularity of Newman’s part. Scott’s intended heavy grows in interest and appeal, and I find myself rejecting Rossen’s sentimental drama, barricaded as it is by billiard balls, and itching for Scott’s insight to be vindicated. Hawks, surely, would have stood The Hustler on end and rubbed Newman’s nose in the chalk.
A major star by the early 1960s, Newman worked hard to be something more than the vehicle for other people’s fantasies. In 1968, he directed his wife in Rachel, Rachel, a very creditable movie albeit made solemnly and ostentatiously to provide her with a decent part. After that, Newman also codirected Sometimes a Great Notion (71) with Richard Colla, and directed his wife again in The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds (72). As a director, he is full of good intentions, thematic gravity, and the wish to foster sensitive acting. But not much more; not enough, certainly, to prevent the feeling of a diligent, intelligent, reformed hustler trying to work for the good of the community.
That may seem an unkind characterization. But there were early and unmistakable signs of a young middle-aged man wondering what could replace prettiness. Just as his habitation of rugged “wild ones” was never totally convincing -- so, too, his “straight” parts seem neutered and derivative. Could it be that Newman was always uncomfortable with his natural assets—such handsomeness—and never convinced by them? That would account for the uneasy mixture of porous cockiness and mumbling naturalism, just as it fits with his urge to prove himself as a serious citizen.
When he died, it was as if strangers had lost a reliable friend—the stardom was never in question. In truth, he didn’t leave enough good films. But he was uneasy and he never told us why.
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toxicjayhoe · 3 years
We don’t have to dance
Shinso / Reader(OC)
M / F
Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot
I mean there's some plot in my head but y'all don't get to see that haha
Blow Jobs
Hitoshi is a good boy
he asks for consent
Oral Sex
Vaginal Sex
Unprotected Sex
Aged-Up Character(s) obviously
Light Dom/sub
He glanced across the overcrowded room, observing acquaintances and strangers as they socialized and sipped their drinks, swaying to the beat of the music. The open space of the hero office had been rearranged as to accommodate as many individuals as possible for this year’s Christmas celebration.
Shinso had never really been the type who partied, but he thought it was important to attend, if only for appearances sake. As a new Pro-hero, he believed it was a necessity to demonstrate he was a team player.
He took a mouthful of his cider, feeling it burn down his throat as he swallowed the effervescent drink. He never really drank either, but he enjoyed a nice glass every once in a while.
The couch he rested on was quite comfortable, he thought to himself as he settled back into it. He was more than content in just sitting here all evening until he believed it was acceptable to leave. He wasn’t interested in idle conversation about the weather or whatever these people were gossiping about to one another.
However, the universe had other plans for him it seemed, as Denki quickly approached him, shots in hand.
“Hey bestie, down this and let’s go get some ladies.” The blond handed the liquor towards him, urging him to take it, waggling his eyebrows and winking.
Shinso sighed, ignoring the offending alcohol currently being offered to him. “What ladies, Denki? We are at the bottom of the food chain here.”
“My dude, it’s a Christmas office party. Have you never seen a movie in your life? Things always get spicy at Christmas office parties.” He cackled, downing one of the shots and throwing the empty cup behind him. He pulled another from behind his back.
The purple haired man made a face, before chuckling quietly. “Where did that one come from?!”
Denki shrugged, shoving the two shots into Shinso’s hands. He rolled his purple eyes, giving in to maybe the only true friend he had.
He brought them to his lips, one after the other, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and placing the empty receptacles on the table by him. Of course Denki had chosen peppermint schnapps.
“I’m only going to be your wingman, and only because you could really use the support.” He said with a bored tone to his voice as he pushed himself up from the sofa. Denki whooped enthusiastically, rushing off to where Shinso could only assume the ladies were.
He unhurriedly trailed after him, making his way between the gatherings of individuals, being vigilant as to not come into contact with anyone as he passed them. He wasn’t fond of strangers to start, much less being touched by them in any way.
He was terrific at communicating when he was obligated to, which was merely when he was required to use his Quirk. He still had issues with it and, even now, citizens still told him it was better suited for a villain, but he’d come to terms with not being able to please everyone. As long as he did a respectable job as a pro-hero and protecting the populace, then he would be happy.
Once he finally made it beyond the crowd and to where Denki had run off to, said man was being rejected by yet another woman.
Jaw clenched as not to show any suggestion of a smirk, he clapped the blond on the back in sympathy.
“You’re aiming way too high, Denki. And you try too hard.” He said simply, unsure if it was the right thing to say or not. Nonetheless, the shorter man smiled up at him, seemingly undeterred by yet another loss.
“Let’s go play foosball!” Denki hollered, forcing him in the direction of the tabletop game, stealing two additional beverages as a waiter walked by them.
They played a few rounds, one versus the other. Shinso loathed to admit it, but he had struggled to keep up with the innate talent Denki appeared to have at the game.
Just as he began to genuinely start enjoying his night, Denki sprinted off, declaring he needed to piss. Shinso took the moment alone to survey his surroundings once more, taking in the sight of people’s inhibitions all but forgotten as alcohol started influencing their behaviors. He took another sip of his own drink, finishing it in one gulp.
If he was being honest with himself, he was also starting to feel the affects drinking had on his body and on his mind.
He leaned onto the wall behind him, arms crossed on his chest as Denki came into sight, marching towards him, arms intertwined with the two women at his sides.
One of them he recognized as Jiro, whom he was relatively convinced Denki had a major crush on. The other, however, he could not recall ever having the pleasure of meeting.
“Shinso, don’t be rude, say hi!” He rolled his eyes before nodding silently at them both. “Good enough. Okay! Me and Jiro against the two of you. Let’s do this.”
Shinso was sure Denki had let him win for some odd reason his mind could not fathom.
As the two of them argued over why they lost the game, he cleared his throat, offering his hand to the shorter woman by his side
“I’m Shinso. Hitoshi Shinso. It’s nice to make your acquaintance”
She smiled, giving him a firm handshake.
“I know who you are, Brainwashing Hero.” His eyes widened, astonished anyone, let alone an alluring young woman, would know who he was. Was she not frightened of his quirk like everyone else had been? “My name is Aruna Ai.”
He heard himself hum before the words spilled from his mouth like word vomit.
“The moon does not fight. It attacks no one. It does not worry. It does not try to crush others. It keeps to its course, but by its very nature, it gently influences. What other body could pull an entire ocean from shore to shore? The moon is faithful to its nature and its power is never diminished.” He finished, taking a deep breath after such a long-winded sentence.
“Did you just quote Deng Ming-Doa’s Everyday Tao: Living with Balance and Harmony at me?” Aruna stared at Shinso, brows furrowed as her lips quirked up.
His hand found the back of his neck as heat rose to his cheeks in mortification, unable to look directly at her.
“Sorry, I don’t know where that came from, heh.” He continued to look everywhere but her, feeling crushingly stupid. Aruna chuckled, placing the palm of her hand on his muscular arm and squeezing.
“Don’t worry so much. I’m already a fan.” An overwhelming sense of calm overtook him then, like something paranormal was causing him to relax.
“What’s your quirk?” He blurted. He scratched his skull, once again mortified that he seemed to not have a filter tonight.
She squeezed his arm again before dropping her hand to her side, smiling brightly up at him.
“Well aren’t you just the most perceptive man?” She crammed her hand into her pockets, rocking back and forth on the heels of her shoes, seemingly deep in thought.
He patiently watched her.
“I can manifest emotions in others if I have direct skin contact with them. My power varies depending on the cycle of the moon though.”
He felt his eyebrow arch in curiosity. It was sort of similar to his own quirk, when he thought about it.
“That is truly fascinating, Aruna.”
She huffed and laughed. “Not as fascinating as being able to brainwash someone. I wonder what it feels like.”
“Care to find out?” He couldn’t believe the words leaving his own mouth.
“I would love to.” No hesitation in her voice, only a slight blush stained her cheeks.
His eyes narrowed as he stared into hers. “Are you sure?” His voice low.
She rolled her eyes “Of course I’m sure, Shin-“ Her eyes glazed over as her mind went blank.
“Follow me.” Came the command.
Although she had no control over her own movements, her mind was still aware enough to realise what was happening.
She was led across the crowds and through the halls. He silently guided her into an unoccupied office, small cots lined up on the walls.
He released his hold on her mind, allowing her a moment to turn around and leave, if she so chose.
His gaze never left her face, eyes concentrated on the way her cheeks darkened. Mortified, no doubt.
They remained standing, unmoving for long moments. Hesitation welled in him for a second, unsure of himself. Aruna’s breathing came out in a sigh as she strode forward, toward him in quick steps. When she reached him, her hands grasped his clothed shoulders as she pushed herself up onto the tips of her toes, raising her lips to meet his in a sweet kiss.
Purple eyes widened at the unexpected contact.
“I just… wanted to do that of my own accord first.” She whispered as she stepped back, breathing heavier than moments before, smile on her lips.
“You look at me like you think I’m someone else.” He said simply.
Her eyes narrowed, a look he could not read painting her features.
“How do I say this… We don’t have to talk, and we don’t have to dance around it, we don’t even have to be friends. I’m attracted to you…I want you to brainwash me. And…” She paused as Shinso slowly approached her.
Eyes peered into hers, pupils dilated. “And?”
“And… I want you to use me as you wis-“ Her mouth hung open, no words coming out as Shinso gained control once again. If she could smirk, she would have.
“Come here.” Her feet pulled her to where he was now sat on one of the cots.
Large hands grasped hers. The softness of her fingers in comparison to his own, rough and calloused, felt like heaven.
Shinso had never done anything like this before and the thrill of it all made blood rush through his entire body, his heart hammering in his chest.
He looked up into her blank eyes, dick twitching against his slacks at the sight of her. He couldn’t wait to see her ruined by him.
He couldn’t get enough of her soft skin, gliding his fingers up her arm and to her neck while the other hand drifted lower, reaching under her dress.
A devilish smirk formed on his face when his fingers tightened around her throat, a soft gasp leaving her mouth.
Hiking her dress up, he dug his fingers into her hip, pulling Aruna closer, lowering his head to kiss just above his tight grip.
Teeth grazed against her skin, eliciting soft moans from above as he nipped and kissed and sucked, marking her. He hoped the resulting bruises would last weeks, reminding her of tonight.
Despite that most thought that, while under the influence of his quirk, his victims couldn’t remember what they’d done under Shinso’s control, it all depended if he wanted them to remember or not.
He most definitely wanted Aruna to remember tonight, needed her to feel and see everything he would do to her and have her do to him.
“Spread your legs.”
A hum left his lips as she did what she was told, legs far enough apart for his face to fit nicely between soft thighs.
“Good girl.” He whispered, looking up into those blank eyes, her pupils now dilated, a look of lust filling them.
He kept his gaze fixated on hers as he released her neck, hand gliding to her breast, squeezing it gently. Fuck, he couldn’t get enough of her body. Her soft curves and her even softer skin. The breathy moans that left her lips at every new sensation.
Perhaps she was the one ruining him.
Both hands were on her hips, fingers slipping under the hem of her panties, dragging them down her legs and around her feet. He placed them in his pant pocket. They were his now.
As he pressed his nose to her, he inhaled deeply, a groan ripping through his throat. Absolute heaven, the scent of her driving him crazy with need.
His tongue met her folds, licking up to her clit before bringing it into his mouth and sucking. He felt her knees go weak, the only thing holding her up straight now were his strong hands at her hips.
She tasted absolutely amazing. Shinso’s eyes squeezed shut as he devoured her. He was sure his fingers were leaving bruises. He hoped they were.
Leaving her pussy for air was torture, but he could feel his control over her slipping as he got lost in the taste of her.
“I’m going to let go of your hips now. Don’t fall.”
He wiped his chin of her juices with the back of his hand, tongue darting out to gather the droplets on his lips. He pressed his palm down onto his cock, needing some kind of touch to release the pressure building inside him.
Nimble fingers unbuckled his belt, releasing his cock from its confines. Aruna glanced down, eyes lidded.
Her own tongue slipped from her mouth, licking her lips at the sight of him slowly stroking his cock, tired eyes locked on hers.
“Come taste me.” The commanding tone sent noticeable shivers down her spine, clearly trembling where she stood.
She could feel herself resisting the request, his control wavering as pleasure began to overtake his senses.
“ Obey me.” Aruna’s knees hit the floor, palms resting on his thighs as she positioned her mouth over him.
One calloused hand cupped her cheek, guiding her lower, the other gripping the base of his cock.
The sound that rumbled through his chest was unholy as she took as much of him into her warm mouth as she possibly could, hallowing her cheeks the instant the head hit the back of her throat.
“F-fuck. Aruna” His fingers fisted into her hair, staring down at her as drool dribbled down her chin. He gently pushed her down on his cock, face fucking her softly. He didn’t want to hurt her, but fuck if her wet tongue across the underside of his dick didn’t feel like paradise.
She moaned around him as he thrust into her mouth, sending delightful vibrations through him, dick twitching in her mouth. He was losing control. He could feel it.
Her tongue swirled around the head of his cock and- he was sure it would be the end of him. This girl. How did he get so fucking lucky?
Aruna’s fingers dug into his thighs as she came up for air, his quirk weak enough from the pleasure to break out of it.
His eyes widened as she quickly rose to her feet, pushing his chest down as she settled onto his lap, sitting on his cock, sinking down on it in one swift movement.
Strong hands grasped her hips once more, furiously fucking up into her. Every moan from her lips sent heat through him.
“You like that, baby?” He asked, voice hoarse and husky.
“Y-yes. Hah. You feel so good, Hitosh-“ Her pussy tightened around him, losing herself to his control once more.
“Silly girl. Stick your tongue out for me, and don’t stop fucking yourself on my cock.”
Her eyes blank again, tongue sticking out, drooling down her face. It was absolutely stunning. So fucking beautiful, and it was all for him. He had never seen anything so breathtaking.
He stared into her face, bringing his thumb to her clit, gently pressing circles into it and watched as she shuddered, grinding on him harder, breaths coming out unevenly, whimpers escaping her lips every time he bottomed out in her.
“You’re so beautiful. Aruna. Fuck. The way I fit inside you, like we were meant to be like this.”
The words left his mouth, any shame he might have felt discarded, pleasure overwhelming his every sense. She looked amazing, tasted amazing, smelt amazing. She was perfect.
He grasped her throat again, other hand on her ass as he met her thrust for thrust. She was close, he could feel it in the way her walls clenched around him, in the way her eyes crossed, tongue still lolling from her delicious little mouth.
“Come for me, my lovely moon. “
She stilled above him, walls clenching tight one more time as her insides fluttered around him, sending him over the edge, cock spurting deep inside her, a growl leaving his throat, fingers tightening painfully around her neck.
She collapsed against his chest as he released control over her, breathing heavily in the crook of his neck as he gently caressed her back and played with her hair, calming her as she came down from her orgasm.
Shinso adjusted her dress to cover her body. His heart felt full for what seemed like the first time in his life.
“It’s so nice to meet you, Aruna.”
He felt her smile against his neck.
There was no point in saving the world if it meant losing the moon.
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