#needing to give little knives a hug is just me needing to give little me a hug
arkhamjack · 2 months
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Knowing that what he's saying to Vash is one massive projection……. fuck...
Knives feeling hurt (by literally everything), betrayed and lied to (by Vash and humans), humiliated and treated like an animal (the inherent experience of being other), stolen that which was dearest to him (his innocence and sense of safety), having his every word questioned and laughed at while being dragged through the dirt (invalidation and internalisation)
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EDIT: Yes Knives is a hypocritical loser I’m not excusing his actions at all‼️ He’s an overpowered princess with a disorder like!! He’s very sensitive and emotional, in fact BOTH he and Vash are very much so - the difference is Knives is selfISH and he knows what he’s doing is wrong HE JUST DGAF bc staying on the same path and not making an effort to change and grow and mature from his childhood self is just EASIER (he’s like too far gone or whatever but actually not bc blank ticket yada yada ), compared to Vash whose sensitivity, in contrast, manifests itself more as selfLESSNESS☝️ I could say so much more I need to stfu ok bye
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lialacleaf · 10 months
A Touch Too Personal
Chapter 1
Simon Riley x Reader
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Summary: You had a crush on Ghost since you started working for Price in communications, but the gruff, reserved Lieutenant only acknowledged your existence on the job. That starts to change with a simple, thoughtful gift.
Warnings: Fluff, Simon is bad at processing emotions, past trauma
Chapter 2
You cared deeply about every single one of your teammates. It didn’t matter that you were sitting in an office talking to them over the radio, you were still providing them with intel and directions that kept them alive.
They were like a second family, and so Task Force 141 slowly began to feel like having a lot of older brothers.
Johnny was your go to partner in crime when it came to making mischief, and you knew he was always down for a good prank.
Kyle on the other hand was good for having deep conversations and was the one you always went to for advice.
Ghost…well ghost was a bit different. Your feelings towards him weren’t exactly that of a sibling. Maybe it was because he was more reserved than the others, a mystery or puzzle that you couldn’t quite figure out, but you couldn’t help but feel warm inside on the rare occasion that his intense gaze did linger on you.
Which lead to your current dilemma.
Every time you went home, you made sure to bring one of the boys a gift when you returned to base.
Being that Price was like a father figure, you brought him a handcrafted mug from your hometown’s local pottery festival. Soap had gotten a pocket knife with his call sign engraved on it, and Gaz had received a baseball cap with a hand stitched 141 on the side in his favorite color.
However, now it was Ghost’s turn, and you were at a loss. What would he even like to have? You knew he had an array of tactical gear, you’d seen him knit pick through it on occasion, but you didn’t know enough about working in the field to know kind of tools he’d like. He had so many knives already, that it felt redundant to get him another.
What on earth were you supposed to give this man?
“Maybe you could make this Ghost fella something yourself?” Your mother suggested as you sat in your parents living room to ponder the issue.
Your mother liked Ghost’s nickname, and laughed whenever you brought it up. You could only assume she was picturing a little boy in a Scream costume, and you had to admit that was a little funny. Ghost was the only one to not have shared his real name with you, and thus always ended up being teased by your family, not that he was aware of that.
“Like what?” You asked.
“I don’t know, but I’m stopping by the craft store, how about you come with me instead of sulking in the living room?”
You watched your mother peruse through the holiday decorations and shook your head. That woman was amassing quite the Christmas village collection.
You wandered through the store with dwindling hope until you saw it. It was in the fabric section that you found the most perfect pattern for your Lieutenant.
The fabric had a black background, with white Ghosts all over it. You picked up the roll with a brilliant smile on your face, and ran over to one of the fabric department employees.
“I need some of this,” you said, giddy and bouncing on the balls of your feet.
“How much do you want?” The woman asked, preparing her scissors.
Ghost was a pretty large man, and you took a moment to think about just how much fabric you were going to need.
“Uhhh, a lot.”
“Lass! How was the family?” Johnny asked, pulling you in for a tight hug as you pulled your luggage into your room on base.
“It was good, ate a lot, took my cousins shooting, family stuff,” you said with a grin. “I gotta show you something,” you insisted, pulling him inside your room.
“Oh? What’s that?” He asked curiously.
“You know how I always bring back a surprise?” You began, a grin on your face.
“Who’s the lucky winner?” He chucked.
“You tell me.” You beamed at him as you pulled out the larger than life knot-tie blanket you’d made, and Johnny’s jaw dropped.
“You did not!” He gasped, chuckling at he inspected it. One side was the Ghost fabric you’d found, and the other was made from the softest army green material you could find. In the top corner. You’d stitched in a small British Flag patch, and each corner has a sandbag sewn in.“You made him a bloody weighted blanket? What gave you that idea?” He asked.
“We’ll I couldn’t find anything I thought he’d like at first, but then I saw the fabric and it just fell together so perfectly!”
“Oh man, I would kill to see his reaction to this,” Johnny said, giving you a pat on the shoulder.
“You say that like we ever get to see his reaction to anything,” you stated. You’d never actually seen him without some sort of face covering.
Johnny tisked softly and shrugged. “Alright, you got me there,” he admitted. “He’s in his room now, probably as good a time as any.”
You couldn’t help but grin broadly. “Perfect.”
You felt a lump form in your throat as you approached Ghost’s door. You knew it was just the nerves that came along with your little crush on the Lieutenant, but it still made the task at hand a little daunting.
You took a deep breath, knocking softly on the door. Maybe you should have wrapped it for him. What if he didn’t like it? How were you supposed to react if he just brushed you off.
The door opened before you could rethink your decision. It always came as a shock how large Ghost was, no matter how many times you stood mask to face.
“You’re back.”
You felt your heart rate spike. He had noticed you were gone? Had noticed you? Of course he had noticed, it was his job to notice, it didn’t mean anything.
“Yeah,” you said, waiting for him to ask how your trip was, or if you were glad to be back. He didn’t.
“I got you something!” You said suddenly, holding the folded blanket out to him, and his entire body seemed to freeze. He stared at it for a moment or two, as if he were slowly processing the object.
“What is it?”
Your smile faltered. “It’s a weighted blanket,” you said as he inspected it as if it were some kind of trick. “It’s a weighted blanket,” you said as he took it carefully from your hands.
“Where’d you get it?”
Shit, he hates it.
“I- Uhm. I made it,” you admitted, your cheeks blazing. This was stupid. You were stupid.
He looked between you and the blanket in his hands, and nodded. “Thanks,” he said before stepping back into his room and closing the door.
You pressed your lips together firmly in an attempt to not start bawling. You walked off on shaky legs, taking deep breaths. At least he hadn’t told you he didn’t want it.
Simon sat on his bed, his thumb brushed over the small flag patched into the corner of the blanket. The fact that you had made him a gift by hand had his stomach in knots. He knew about your little gift tradition with the rest of 141, but he hadn’t expected to be included, nor did he expected you’d go to such trouble. The two of you weren’t even very close.
He swallowed thickly as tears pricked his eyes. This was the nicest thing any teammate had ever given him.
He brought the fabric to his face and gave it a deep whiff. It smelled fresh, like laundry detergent. You must have washed it before you gave it to him.
Simon spread the blanket carefully over his cot, admiring how the fabric felt against his hands. It didn’t catch on his calloused fingers, and wasn’t too fluffy.
It was large too, as if you’d taken his massive size into account. He was certain he could easily caving himself in it. His bottom lip wobbled slightly, and it was an effort to hold his tears at bay.
That night, Simon slept soundly, wrapped in your carefully crafted gift, and you were the only thing on his mind.
AN: Let me know if you'd like to be tagged!
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sweetwriter · 4 months
Mafia Toji x black fem reader
Black Reader loves to cook 
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YN isn’t stupid, she’s been with Toji for a while. A bunch of big scary men that have records- c’mon now. She knew, but that doesn’t mean that she can’t still be loving and caring.
“Love, the men are coming over for a meeting- just wanted to let you know.” He said while coming up behind you to hug your waist. 
Toji has wanted this for- forever. Growing up in an abusive household he learned to lick love off of sharp knives. YN was different; she gave love so freely. She inadvertently taught him that real love has boundaries, fun moments, and tough ones. She was willing to stick by him during the tough times and the good ones. 
“They are? What for? Bad deal?” She said hovering over the kitchen, “No, we have a new guy coming in.” YN let out a shriek, “REALLY- oh my gosh, I need to go to the store, I don’t have enough ingredients. I’m making pot roast, make sure to post up my menu on the counter so they can be ready.” Toji watching as YN rushes around checking the pantries for whatever ingredients she needs. Toji always thought that she was cute like this. The kitchen is her home inside of her home. 
Whenever he gives her his black card all the transactions say “William Sanoma” “Farmers Market” “Fish shops” She of course buys nice clothes, but any kitchen store, she’s in. 
“Where are you going, take Megumi with you”
“Meg baby come on youre gonna come with me to the store.” Little Megumi waddled over to her smiling about the store. 
YN always said adventures for kids can be anywhere as long as you have the excitement for it; that’s why Megumi loves going to the store with his mom (found mom). 
As YN helps Megumi put on his shoes she grabs her list and gives it to Megumi, he’s her little checker- to make sure they have all the ingredients. 
Toji watches them walk out when he hears Gojo come up behind him, “Where did Ms. YN go?” 
“The store” Toji said with a chuckle, gojo chuckles.
“Finally some good food, Ms YN ruined fast food for me.”
"What- so my takeout isn't good enough for your spoiled ass?" Toji sneered.
"No need to get all riled up bossman, everyone knows Ms YN knows how to cook up a storm."
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callsign-rogueone · 3 months
all the small things - g.t.
Garrick Tavis x gn!reader 💌: …would you consider writing something for Garrick that explores some of the little intimate, familiar, or caring details he would do for/with the person he’s in a relationship with? words: 1.1k 🏷: no book spoilers! NSFW at the end, because it’s Garrick and I had to. just some thoughts about Gare being soft and cute (and a little sexy) with his partner. I managed to make this gender neutral. I’m trying a list format this time bc that flows better than a dozen little scraps lol
I feel like Garrick is a quiet partner, that he shows his feelings for you in a lot of little ways that you might not even notice.
He’s just always there.
If you’re studying, he’s studying with you, or working on something else quietly, sharpening his knives, etc.
While you’re chatting with a friend, he’s sitting a foot or two away, slicing a clean dagger through an apple, cutting off a small piece and extending it to you silently.
He is absolutely not afraid to use his stature and his scary reputation to his advantage when it comes to protecting you. 
Some guy made you uncomfortable in the laundry room? Well, now every Thursday night is laundry night for both of you, and he’s gonna stand behind you the whole time, brooding at anyone in the room Xaden-style and making sure they leave you alone.
Your safety is his number one priority.
We all know Dain’s philosophy — I’m going to do everything I can to keep you out of harm’s way
Garrick’s is a bit more nuanced — Harm is going to come to you no matter what, because the world is cruel and we’re literally preparing for war. While I’ll still do everything I can to protect you, I’ll also do everything I can to teach you to protect yourself.
He’s strict about keeping your training routine, giving you extra practice sparring near-daily. He knows when you can handle it and when you can’t. On days when you’re truly exhausted, injured, or at your limit, or something really upset you etc, you’ll spend training time resting — cuddles!
I know this man is an amazing cuddler. All that soft, warm muscle… big hands… strong arms to wrap around you… there’s no escape. Not that you’d ever want to leave lol
… Where were we?
He takes responsibility for your safety (as much as he can in this very dangerous school) while still letting you handle yourself.
That said, he’ll take matters into his own hands for small situations. He will not hesitate to pull you out of the way if people run by and might bump into you, etc. (plus it’s an excuse for him to hug you in the middle of the day lol)
He grabbed you by the back of your shirt once to stop you from hitting the ground when you tripped over your own shoelace — he then proceeded to set you upright and kneel down to tie said shoelace for you. 
Xaden never lets him hear the end of that. (“How come you never tie my shoes for me, Gare?”)
Big acts of service guy.
He’ll fill your water bottle in the morning, and he expects it to be empty at the end of the day or he will make you chug it because hydration is important. He ignores any eye rolls or complaints — you both know that he does this because he loves you.
He makes sure you’re eating, knows your favorite and least favorite foods, and will wordlessly move things on / off of your plate at meals, because you’re sitting directly next to him, of course. You know he wants you close and that’s a way you show love back to him. You also give him your leftovers sometimes. The boy can eat; that's half of how he put on so much muscle.
If you have long hair, he’ll keep one of your hairbands or pins etc in his pocket for whenever the need arises. He likes helping you with your hair, too. He's not the best at braiding or doing other hairstyles, but he’s trying and he’s improving! He also absolutely loves it when you sit in front of him and let him brush your hair / detangle / condition it etc.
He will always take the opportunity to wash your hair. He's super thorough with it and it feels so nice and relaxing.
As Ilya Kaminsky wrote: “Soaping together / is sacred to us / Washing each other’s shoulders. / You can fuck / anyone— but with whom can you sit / in water?”
Garrick. Garrick is whom. he loves showering with you after a long day, washing your back or places you can’t reach, being super gentle with any injuries you have, kissing every bruise and scar.
aaand this is getting nsfw, because it’s Garrick;
Don’t get me wrong though — he loves showering with you for other reasons, too. He loves seeing you naked, obviously, loves gliding soapy hands over your skin, kneading the softest parts of you, massaging gently and getting you all pliant and relaxed for him…
He’ll never pass up an offer to press you against the tiled wall and fuck you until you need to take another shower.
Speaking of fucking… Garrick fucks. 
He took his sweet time with you in the beginning, when your relationship was just starting, because he wanted to make you feel loved and safe with him of course, but also because he was studying.
He’s learned almost everything about your body. He knows what feels good for you, and recognizes all the signs that you’re about to cum — the cute sounds and expressions you make, the way your breathing changes and you grip his hand a little tighter… 
King of praise btw. The boy cannot shut up between the sheets. always telling you how pretty you are, how well you’re taking it, that you deserve to feel so good, just relax and let it out…
But it isn’t all soft and sweet. He's strong, and you’ve put that strength to the test multiple times. He's more than able to pin you down, to keep your legs spread, to hold you in all sorts of positions while he does what he does best.
Being an executive officer comes with a lot of paperwork, and he often gets stuck doing Xaden’s too (they really need to stop using that as a betting chip), but if you sit on his bed all pretty and keep quiet while he works on it, he’ll make it up to you by bending you over the desk when he’s finished.
Remember what I said about keeping you out of danger? There's gonna be consequences if you do something reckless in training or out in the field… That’s all I’ll say on the subject for now 🤭 
I got a little carried away there… Can you tell I’m currently working on three different Garrick smuts? gonna be exploring some of those things in more detail ^^ 👀
all in all, Gare is an amazing boyfriend and he loves you so much 🥺 big strong boy is just so soft for you and only you, and wants to take care of you all the time and make you feel loved and protect you from the cruelty of the world. ❤️
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tomssexdoll · 2 months
Tom 2010 x fem!reader, they were fighting about something and then rough fucking
yesss! ofc ofc
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PAIRINGS: Tom 2010 x Female reader CONTENT: ANGST (quite long sorry i love writing angst) + SMUT + FLUFF SYPNOSIS: You and Tom have been having a pretty rocky point in your relationship for a while, when you try to fix things all your attempts are shut down by him, you're sick of how he treats you and leave, 2 days later you're back with him and get freakyyytehehehr A/N: IM SO EXCITED TO WRITE THIS WARNINGS: tom!dom, reader!sub, p in v (missionary and cowgirl), degrading, arguing, nipple play
I've been trying to fix Tom and I's relationship for weeks, getting him presents, cooking him dinner, planning dates, trying to initiate sex. Yet all my attempts were pushed away, I was convinced he was cheating on me because he NEVER missed an opportunity to fuck me. He's just been acting so weird, I don't know how it got to this point.
We've been dating for 3 years, we've always had a healthy and happy relationship but these past few weeks changed drastically.
One day he came home super late again, this was the 5th night he came back at 2 in the morning, I was pissed when I heard the door open. I was on the couch, waiting all night for him to get home, not only was I furious but I was also worried. He came in, a smug look on his stupid face. I decided I was done with his bullshit, I needed to confront him.
"Where the fuck have you been?" I called out to him, not turning my head. He grunted and took his shoes off, "work..just..let me sleep" he groaned, "well 'work' doesn't keep you out this fucking late!" I yelled, he turned his head to me and glared deeply "shut up! just shut up!" he raised his voice. I stood there shocked, he had never raised his voice at me ever. He didn't even apologise, he just walked off to the bedroom.
I ran after him and grabbed onto his arm, "you don't get to just walk off! I'm trying to talk to you about this!" he roughly pushed me away "there's nothing to discuss" he said coldly, "tom! stop!" I choked out a sob as he spun around, facing me "you wanna know why I'm never home? Huh? Cause i'm fucking sick of you! Sick of all of this!" he screamed and slammed the bedroom door.
My heart skipped a beat as he said that, tears welling up in my eyes, I ran to the couch and started sobbing. I couldn't believe what just escaped his lips, such mean and kniving words.
A few hours later I felt Toms arms wrap around me, I had cried myself to sleep. I lifted my head and looked up at him, "im sorry for what I said baby..please..forgive me" he pouted, I was going to give in when I saw the large tent forming in his pants. I scoffed and pulled him off me, standing up.
"You know what? I'm done" I said, not even raising my voice, I was so calm that it was terrifying. He looked at me confused, "what? didn't I just give you what you wanted?" I couldn't even believe the words coming out of his mouth, such stupid words. "Fuck you Tom, I'm leaving" I grabbed my phone and purse, walking out the front door and slamming it behind me before I could hear what he had to say.
I called Bill, Toms twin brother and decided to stay at his house for a while.
Toms pov: As she left I yelled profanities loudly in german, hitting the couch violently. "Scheiße!" I started to cry, realising what I had done, the ways I'd been mistreating her all because of work.
I needed to get her back, in any way that I could.
Y/Ns pov:
After days of Tom calling me and texting me non stop I decided to go home and address the situation, I wanted Tom to feel bad for what he did and realise what he lost but not to the point where he went crazy, I still wanted my Tom back.
As I arrived back home I opened the front door, I saw Tom on the couch sobbing, my heart broke a little but I told myself I needed to act tough. He turned around and saw me, his eyes widening.
He got up and ran towards me, engulfing me in a hug. Part of me told me to push him away but the other half told me to let him do it. He needed it as much as I did.
And that's what I did, I let him wrap his strong arms around me and kiss me on the head repeatedly. "Baby...schatz..I'm so sorry for how I behaved, I don't know what got to me I was just stressed with work and I didn't mean anything I said..I don't want to lose you, you're the love of my life" he sobbed, nuzzling his head into my shoulder.
I sighed "it's ok Tommy.." I pulled away from his hug and set my things down on the counter, only to be met with a dozen roses, chocolates, all my favourite snacks and a really cute teddy bear.
I chuckled at all the things he got for me, he walked behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I'm so sorry baby.." I turned around and looked up at him, kissing him passionately, he returned the kiss a bit more roughly, biting my lip.
As we pulled away I looked into his eyes, lust flashing over them. I leaned in and whispered in his ear "I need you..." he nodded and picked me up, rushing to the couch and plopping me on there. I layed back on the couch as he climbed on top of me, kissing down my neck to my breasts. He took of my pyjama top to reveal my hard nipples, he groaned and latched onto my boob, sucking and biting it softly. I moaned and rubbed my knee against his clothed erection. He moaned softly and continued let go of my boobs.
"Fuck..need you so bad.." he groaned, reaching down for my shorts and pulling them off, along with my panties. He leaned down and kissing my pussy softly "you're so wet shatz.." he smirked and came back up, pushing his boxers down to reveal his hard cock. It slapped against his abdomen, standing perfectly and throbbing.
I bit my lip, the burning in my heat becoming more apparent. "Please.." I looked up at him, begging for him to put me out of my misery and fuck me as hard as he could. He alligned himself with my entrance and pushed in slowly, once he bottomed himself out he started at a fast pace.
Thrusting in and out of me hard and fast, slamming his hips into mine. I moaned loudly as I felt his tip hit that gummy spot in me, grabbing onto anything I could. "fuck..so good" he moaned lowly, grabbing onto my hips tightly and leaning down, kissing my neck softly.
He continued to drill himself into me, beginning a punishing rhythm that left no doubt who was in control right now. "That's it baby..take my cock like the good little slut you are" he grinned, pounding into me without mercy.
Each thrust caused my whole body to shudder with pleasure, a knot forming in my stomach, the way he looked at me while his cock was sliding in and out of me was mesmerizing. His tip kissing my cervix. I rolled my eyes back, wrapping my legs around his waist to bring him in more.
"Fuck! I'm gonna cum!" I screamed out in pleasure as my orgasm crashed down, cumming all over his cock. He chuckled and continued at his pace, eventually cumming in me with a loud moan.
As he kissed my neck again I felt the cold metal of his piercing grazing against me, making me shudder again. "You like it when I'm rough, don't you shatz?" he gripped my hair tightly, yanking my head back to expose my neck further, sucking and biting on it harshly, leaving dark purple marks peppered everywhere.
I whimpered as he found my sweet spot on my neck, continuiously sucking and kissing it. "You like that, hmm?" he smirked, I nodded "mhm! so good!"
"Cmon baby, ride me" he sat back on the couch and I got up, crawling into his lap. I hovered over his cock as he positioned himself with my entrance, slamming his cock back in, "fuck!" I yelped.
This new angle made it feel like his cock grew by 2 inches, hitting my g spot violetly. As I started to ride him he threw his head back, groaning lowly. "mm! Fuck!" I cried out, moving my hips and bouncing up and down.
As I continued to ride him my legs got tired and he noticed this, he stopped me mid bounce "let me do the work baby.." he smiled and kissed my cheek, pulling me forward onto his chest. He rammed his cock into me, continuing his brutal pace from before.
I moaned loudly and held onto him tightly.
He grabbed my ass roughly and slapped it, causing me to jolt a bit. He chuckled "sorry prinzessin, you're just so sexy i can't help myself" kissing the top of my head.
"M'gonna cum baby, cum w'me ok?" he moaned, grabbing onto my ass tighter and pounding his cock into me, I nodded slowly, his cock putting me in a dumbed out state.
We both moaned loudly as we came, he shot his thick cum into my hole, coating my walls and I came all over his cock, drenching it in juices.
He fell back a little and panted, we both tried to regain our breath. "Holy fuck..I don't think we've ever fucked that hard ever.." I blurted out, my heart beating at lightning speed. "Mhm.." he replied.
After a few minutes of chilling out, Tom grabbed a blanket that fell on the floor earlier, covering us in it. "Rest liebe, I love you so much and I'll do everything to make it up to you.." he kissed the top of my head and I smiled, his cock still deep in me. 'We'll just stay like this for a while ok?" he lifted my chin, I nodded and kissed him softly.
E/N: this was so long you guys better have read it all 😔😔
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finn-writes-stuff · 7 months
Jack of All Trades (pt 2)
A follow-up to -this- post, with the rest of the party. The Original Request: Hello. If you're willing and have the time, I jumbly request a TLOVM headcannon for the team having an s/o who steals their weapons and tries to figure out to use them. What would their reactions be and would they/how would they teach them to use the weapons?
Percy, Vax, Scanlan & Grog x Reader
Fandom: The Legend of Vox Machina/ Critical Role
Format: Headcanons
Gender Neutral Reader
Some credit to my lovely partner for giving me accurate info about their specific weapons. As well as a discussion on whether or not you can say Percy or Orthax invented Guns. -Finn
With anyone else in the party, there's a good chance you may have used a weapon like theirs before. But not Percy and his guns. These are his own inventions, new to Tal'Dorei completely.
They are also powered by exploding gunpowder. He is a little bit worried about letting you handle them.
Hearing a gunshot when he isn't causing it is a deep cause of concern for him, please don't steal his guns, just ask.
Percy will absolutely teach you! It's a chance to have his arms around you as he steadies your aim and stance.
He's a very...specific teacher. You have to make sure he doesn't get too wrapped up in the fine details. Keep him on track with how to shoot and he won't get way into the actual mechanics of the hammer of the gun.
Let him watch you shoot after you get the hang of it. He'll start to understand why you like watching him so much.
This man owns so many knives. He has a full-out collection of daggers. Hugging him is a dangerous prospect because you never know where one is hiding.
And with all the different daggers, it can't be that hard to steal one or two of them. How could he even notice?
Stealing them proves to be surprisingly hard. He doesn't store many of them, they always seem to be on his person.
But once you manage it, it's quite a lot of fun to handle a truly well-made dagger. In a fantasy world like this, every adventurer has held a dagger, but Vax turns it into an art and his tools reflect that.
They are also insanely sharp. Don't get too cocky with them.
He swipes them out of your hands when he finds you with them, and it's obvious just how experienced he is with handling knives. He can twist and spin them without a glance or a nick.
"Well, well, someone's got sticky fingers, hey love?"
He'll teach you how to throw them accurately and how to spin them without hitting your fingers. He will also tease you while you practice before you get the hang of it.
Scanlan doesn't particularly use a weapon! He's fairly strictly a spellcaster.
That being said, his instruments are likely the next best thing, particularly his lute. And that is his baby, best of luck stealing it.
If you ask him, he'll let you play it and he'll teach you during downtime. He will also serenade you for demonstrations.
He'll be annoyed if you take it without asking though. His music is a source of safety for him as much as a source of joy.
Let him teach you songs around the fire at night and serenade him in return. He won't stop smiling for ages.
Grog has had some...questionable weapons. Perhaps don't borrow Craven's Edge.
But borrowing his axe or his gauntlets is a world of fun. Even if they might not be well weighted for anyone who isn't as strong as he is.
You will quickly realize how much work goes into swinging his axe and it puts his effortless attacks into a very different light for you.
Grog laughs out loud when he sees you using his weapons, but it's full of fondness and affection.
Even if he isn't exactly academically clever, this is his skill set, he knows how to fight and he does it well. So he's a really good teacher as he corrects your stance and grip.
His teaching method also includes encouraging you to just swing at him, so you'll need a bit of courage and faith that you won't hurt him.
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fanficshiddles · 1 month
The Redbridge Hunts, Chapter 53 (Final Chapter)
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It was the day of Loki’s birthday and his party.
Loki was woken up, not so rudely, to Claire under the blanket giving him a blowjob. She then gave him his other presents, even though he joked that was more than enough.
She’d gifted him a scarf, a new briefcase for work. He’d been going on about wanting new knives in the kitchen for cooking, so she got him a brand-new set that was quite expensive.
His favourite present from her though was a history book he’d been looking for, there was only fifty made in the world and he’d been trying to get it for years. It even had a letter of authenticity along with it.
‘How…’ He was speechless and just kept staring at the book in shock.
‘I had a lot of help.’ Was all Claire said.
‘I am forever in your debt for this.’ Loki said as he grabbed her in a big bear hug, making her laugh.
‘Says the guy who got me a bloody car! A book doesn’t compare.’
‘It so does. You have no idea what I was prepared to do or sell for this book.’ Loki said seriously.
‘I dread to think, so I’m not going to ask.’ Claire dismissed and rushed to the kitchen.
She came back ten seconds later with breakfast she had prepared for him, but he was nose deep in the book already. Even placing the food down right by him didn’t get his interest.
In the end, she had to pluck the book out of his hands to get him to focus.
‘Sorry, darling.’ He chuckled.
‘I’m glad you’re so excited about your present.’ Claire laughed.
‘I'll try and leave it till tomorrow.’ He said, though did glance longingly at the book on the table.
‘I’m sure I could leave you alone for a few hours upstairs while I prep down here for the party.’ She teased as she sat down next to him.
‘No, I’ll help.’ Loki said as they began to eat.
‘You will not! You’re not preparing your own party. I’ve got Jessica and Louise coming to help.’
‘Oh?’ Loki raised an eyebrow.
‘Yeah. I figured it would be good getting Louise over early, so she can at least meet Jessica first. Then when people start to trickle in it might be easier for her. She hasn’t been in a room with more than like three people for years. I’m not sure how her confidence will be.’
‘Ah, of course. That’s a good idea. Let her know she can go upstairs whenever she needs, if she wants some time to herself at any point.’ Loki said.
‘I will.’ Claire nodded.
When Jessica and Louise arrived just after lunch time, Claire shooed Loki upstairs with his book. Which he didn’t put up much of an argument over.
Jessica and Louise instantly clicked, which Claire was so glad of. She had a feeling they would though. The three of them had a good time setting everything up for the party, including a few glasses of wine of course.
When people began arriving for the party, it wasn’t long before music was turned up and drinks began flowing. Claire had managed to get Loki downstairs without much of a fuss, especially when she teased him with the fact she wasn’t wearing knickers under her dress, then coaxed him downstairs.
When Matt arrived, Louise was speaking to Loki. Claire took Matt straight over to introduce her to him.
‘Matt, this is my sister, Louise. Louise, this is Matt.’ Claire grinned and motioned to Louise.
‘Hi, nice to meet you.’ Louise said with a smile.
She was nervous being around people she didn’t know, but she knew she was safe with Claire and of course with Loki. Meeting everyone as they arrived was easier than walking in to a bunch of people already there.
‘Nice to meet you too.’ Matt put his hand out towards her.
She hesitated, but then eventually did put her hand into his to shake hands, though it was a very quick hand shake before she retracted her hand. Loki internally cursed at himself for not pre warning Matt that she might be a little unsure around him at first.
Claire introduced her to all the others as they arrived too. So it wouldn’t seem obvious she was trying to hook them up. Though she did make sure they ended up back by Matt, so they could talk.
‘Remember, if you need space just say. You can go upstairs.’ Claire whispered to Louise.
‘I know, thank you. I’m fine, honestly. I know I’m safe with you guys. And everyone seems really nice.’ Louise assured her.
Louise, Claire, Loki, Matt and Spencer were together talking casually, when Louise became distracted looking over Claire’s shoulder. Claire saw her eyes widen.
‘Who is that?’ She asked in a little awe.
Loki and Claire turned around to see Chris entering, heading right their way.
‘Ah… That’s Chris, Loki’s brother.’ Claire told her.
Chris was halfway across the room towards them, but his eyes were locked on Louise, he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. As he drew closer, Loki saw his nostrils flaring as he took in her scent.
‘Chris, this is my sister, Louise. Louise, this is Chris.’ Claire quickly introduced, though she wasn’t sure if he heard her or not because he was so focused on Louise.
Louise’s cheeks turned red as Chris stood on front of her, looking completely in wonder, Loki had never seen him look at someone like that before.
‘It’s lovely to meet you.’ Chris eventually spoke, his voice low and smooth.
‘Lovely to meet you, too.’ Louise squeaked out, she put her hand out towards him straight away without hesitation.
Chris took her hand in his and felt electricity shoot through his veins. He slowly lifted her hand and dipped his head down to kiss the back of her hand when she didn’t pull away.
Louise couldn’t take her eyes off of him, Loki sensed her heartbeat spike, but not in fear. He also sensed Chris’ heartbeat spike too. He looked at Claire and she looked at him, both sharing the same look.
‘Brother, I need a quick word.’ Loki said as he put his hand on Chris’ shoulder.
Chris only just managed to tear his eyes away from Louise to glance at Loki, Loki motioned towards the kitchen with his head. Chris reluctantly agreed and let go of Louise’s hand.
Louise’s skin was tingling where he had kissed her.
Loki dragged Chris into the kitchen and shut the door so they could have a little bit of privacy.
‘Please tell me what I think is happening, is not happening.’ Loki whined.
‘She… She’s my soulmate! I can feel it.’ Chris said breathless, unable to get his mind to work properly.
Claire entered the kitchen and shut the door behind her, to see Chris looking like he’d just found gold and Loki with his face in his hands.
‘Is she your soulmate?’ Claire squeaked.
‘This is not happening.’ Loki said firmly. ‘Not Louise! Anyone but her!’ He groaned.
‘She’s beautiful.’ Chris said, his voice was a little high, like he was in a trance.
‘To be honest, you are totally her type. Tall, dark, handsome, tattooed. Plus being a vampire… Heck, I’m surprised she hasn’t spread her legs for you already.’ Claire teased with a laugh.
‘We are trying to hook her up with Matt! Not whore her out to my brother!’ Loki argued.
‘Not going to happen.’ Chris growled low and turned to head back through to the living room.
‘Oh no… no, no, no!’ Loki chanted in a panic and darted after him.
Claire, however, had a huge smile on her face and she felt fuzzy in her heart for Louise and Chris.
Perhaps her match-making hadn’t worked out exactly as planned, but it seemed that her sister was getting a match anyway.
‘Oooo, we could double date!’ Claire said excitedly to herself as she rushed after them.
NOTE: There is a sequel! There's so SO much more to go with these guys. Instead of making it a super long fic, I thought a sequel would be better, which will become apparent why when I post the first chapter next week.
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galactiquest · 10 months
I just adore your blog! Something about it and your imagines are just so sweet and homey 🥺 Could I please request some headcanons for Vash, Woowoo and Knives with a reader who loves to draw and is really passionate about it? I mostly have general sketching/figure studies in mind but you can do whatever is easiest for you! I hope that you have a good day and your blog continues to prosper <3
Thank you for the compliment 🥺!!! I'm so glad it feels homey. I try to make things like a home here... after all I LIVE HERE... thank you I hope to keep this blog going for a while after trying to revive it like twice before!
I think this request is so cute, I'm an artist too (have been for like, over a decade ^_^) so I've got lots of ideas in that aspect. I tried to keep to general sketching/traditional stylings of art but I think a lot of these can be applied to other art areas too!!
Vash, Wolfwood, and Knives x Reader: Artistry
Content Warnings: None! Reader doesn't have a specified gender, and some parts of the imagines are a little romance-oriented but this could also be interpreted as a strong friendship. Also this is my first mutli x reader so I hope the formatting's alright. No version was in mind for any of these so take them as you will!
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Oh, he is definitely excited about this.
Vash is a bit of an artist, himself. He can do those super-complex technical drawings, and he really likes making art of machinery and stuff like that. There's a lot of diagrams of his arm lost in a notebook somewhere.
He loves to see your style and interpretation of the things around you. Seeing the world through your eyes, even for just a moment, is like heaven to him.
If you ever give him some of your art as a gift, he keeps it hung up on a wall or wherever he can stay for a while. (If he's in a more permanent place, his walls are covered in your art. He just loves it that much.)
The ones that are most special to him, he likes to keep in his pockets, so he can look at them whenever he needs a morale boost. Like, this is what he's fighting for: a world full of love and peace, a world that's able to keep creating beautiful art like this for years to come.
One day, the two of you get to draw each other as a sort of practice. Seeing each other through the others' eyes... again, it feels like a dream. Vash draws all the parts of you that you weren't always confident about with such care that you feel truly loved by him in that moment.
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"Oh, yer an artist? ... Can ya draw me?"
Yes he will absolutely pull that stunt at least once or twice, if only to get a hilarious dirty glare out of you. If you do actually take him up on this, he might let out a nervous "Haha... I mean, ya didn't have ta' do it, but..." He'll be really charmed.
Though his hands are strong and nimble from doing all those flippant tricks with the Punisher, he's entranced with the way you're able to use yours to create, to draw.
He's always sneaking you extra supplies, like pens, pencils, and paper, whenever you least expect it. You never have to ask for any of those things anymore, or even shop for them--they just happen upon your desk whenever you think you're running low.
One day, he takes a piece of your paper and a pen and doesn't let you see what he's doing until he's all done. He's a little dodgy about showing you, eventually he does. It's a crude scribble of the two of you, though you can tell he really put his all into it.
It's your most prized possession, and you give him a big hug for it.
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Much like Vash, he's actually an artist himself--but doesn't really call himself one, rather saying that he's... capable of copying something he's seen part-for-part. So, his drawings are more like pictures or prints. They're exact. Eerily so.
The art that you make gets a half-hearted snort of approval from Knives, which is basically one of the highest praises he can offer in his own sort of language.
Though normally he'd want to give some sort of unwarranted criticism for a drawing looking wonky or off, he saves you from it. He doesn't want to break your passion--but he's not going to admit that outright.
If you do ask for criticism, though, he's very thorough while keeping you on the road to improvement. If you're studying a specific style, he's reading up on it. If you're trying new materials, he's making sure you have all the tools necessary for it.
And speaking of materials, he's able to secure uncommon colors and rare tools for you to use for art. He's making sure that everything you create is of the highest quality.
One day, you drew a portrait of him and presented it to him as a gift. He gave out that little snort of approval and maybe even a a tiny "Thanks..." as he wandered off. He secretly keeps it close to look at it in his private time, tracing his fingers over the ink marks and recalling your movements.
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I think we should throw the two twst French men into a room and observe how they interact 😳 👉👈
I FULLY AGREE WITH THIS… Let them congregate 😤 for French-on-French violence science!!
P.S. I think Rollo should speak full-on French just let me have this 😳 (Shoutout to @pointedly-foolish, who generously translated my English dialogue to French for this post~)
Like Fire, Hellfire.
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Another school day was drawing to a close.
Rollo had settled into a comfortable routine by now. Keep his head low, avoid eye contact, speak little, stick to his textbooks and hug the quiet corners. In this manner, he avoided incidents with the NRC students.
His peers had filed out of the classroom long ago, racing off for extracurriculars, their friends, their dorms. They had places to be, people to be with. He didn’t.
… Good riddance. Rollo released a sigh as he retrieved his staff. Already, his mind was making a pass through a checklist. He had to hurry back to his temporary housing, prepare his usual dinner, cleanse himself of grime—
The classroom door suddenly swung closed right in front of him. A gloved hand on it, keeping the exit sealed off.
Rollo froze when he sensed a warm body behind him—from where the gloved hand had extended. A terrible realization sunk in: he had been caged, trapped between the door and some stranger.
Just his luck.
He glared over his shoulder, glimpsing his captor. It was a man in a golden bob, his vest a deep violet and his armband bearing the sword-strikeb apple emblem of Pomefiore. A hat with a generous brim shadowed piercing green eyes and a smile sharper than knives.
“Roi du Mouchoir,” the blonde man greeted with the tip of his feathered headwear, “bonjour.”
“You are Rook Hunt, if I’m not mistaken. I remember you from the... masquerade.” Rollo’s voice was tight. “Do you care to explain why it is that you’ve cornered me like this?“
“Désolé!! Pardon the intrusion.” Rook’s cheery tone seemed to indicate that he was, in fact, not sorry at all. “I consider myself a huntsman—and as it just so happens, I’ve found quite the fascinating quarry. Can you guess who it is?”
“... I have no quarrel with you, but I am not a wild beast to be hunted down. You wicked NRC mages seem to rely on the basest forms of amusement." Rollo folded his arms. "Kindly remove yourself—you're impeding my schedule."
“It will only take but a moment of your time!”
“I haven’t a moment to spare. Find another subject to amuse yourself with.”
« Non, non! » Rook wagged a finger and winked, sending a chill down Rollo’s spine. « Mon vœu n'est que de mieux vous connaître. »
I want to get to know you better.
Rook's words were sweet and low and intimate, like a lover's croon. The familiarity with which he spoke made everything in Rollo shrivel up and die. Disgust rose up like bile.
« Et j'aimerai être loins, loin de cet endroit damné, » Rollo snapped, his tongue laced with venom, « mais lamentablement, on ne peut pas tout avoir, n'est-ce pas? »
And I want to be far, far away from this wretched place—but I suppose we can’t all have what we wish for, now can we?
Rook didn’t miss a single beat. He held up an index finger.
« Auriez-vous l'obligeance de me donner un sourire? C'est tout ce que je demande! »
Would you be so kind as to give me a smile? That’s all I ask!
« ... Pourquoi? »
... Why?
« Je ne vous ai pas encore vu dans toute votre sincerite. Ta beauté. »
I have yet to see your most genuine self. Your beauty.
The phrasing of it rubbed Rollo the wrong way. His patience at last caved, and his tongue switched back, unleashing irritation unfettered upon the huntsman.
"Enough of this charade. You know perfectly well what sort of man I am. There is no need for you to play ignorant. To you villains, I am nothing more than a monster. That is the end of the story.”
"Ah, you speak of the portrait of a city dyed in crimson." Rook's eyes held a playful twinkle. "And you, its artist, driven by despair to bring about the end of the world as we know it."
"If you are going to waste my time, at least be more succinct with your blabber."
"Bien sûr." Rook chuckled and held out both hands, palms facing up. "That is only but one side of you: your lowest point. What I seek is a full spectrum of oneself, its mirror. A Roi du Mouchoir at his most jubilant and most radiant, emotions unclouded. Smiling."
Rollo scowled.
"It is physically impossible for me to force even a fake one when I am surrounded by blithering oafs," he shot back. Like yourself, he silently added. "Not to mention these grounds are infested with sin. How is anyone meant to be smiling in this scenario?"
Rollo, of course, discounted the stupid grin currently on Rook's face. Idiots didn't deserve the consideration.
Frustration curled at his temples all the same.
He could not understand it. Pain, suffering, loss—were those not shared experiences of the human condition? Yet here was a fool who seemed to take it all in stride, laughing as he winded down the path of life and smelled the roses that peppered it.
Saw the fairness of the world when Rollo could not.
Embers sparked under his skin, as if summoned up by a struck match. Rollo clenched his jaw. He didn't like it—didn't like that this buffoon and his flowery prattle were getting to him.
Rollo took a sharp breath in, then released it.
"... Move. You've held me up for long enough."
With the butt of his staff, he prodded Rook back, releasing his hold on the door. Rollo yanked it open, not even bothering to toss one last withering look back at the huntsman before passing through.
"Roi du Mouchoir!!"
Rook was likely at the doorframe now, calling after him.
"Do NOT follow me under any circumstances," Rollo said without looking, "or I will report you to the proper authorities for violating my personal boundaries."
It’s a wonder why he hasn’t been already.
“Fufufu. A strong rebuttal… however, I won’t admit defeat!” Rook continued, undeterred by the vitriol. Rollo could hear the smile in him. “I promise you, I will capture your smile someday. Le Chasseur d’Amour down not give up on the hunt quite so easily!”
Tch. What a meddlesome man.
Rollo grimaced into his handkerchief as he hurried down the hallway. With each step, Rook’s voice grew fainter and fainter until it disappeared entirely.
Clearing the courtyard, a sense of filthiness set in, clinging to Rollo’s robes like patches of a broken web. Cleaning off the day would have to come second to expunging the memory of the huntsman. The proximity of him.
Rollo wanted to retch all over again.
Rook was of sight, perhaps, but not out of mind.
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fruitsoxs · 1 year
hi socks just wanna let u know i have been thinking about those vashwood as roommates headcanons and i always come back to it cz it’s somehow??? so comforting??? 10/10 chef’s kiss thank u!
it's honestly my comfort au-- so here's a part two ! (here's part one)
Having Vash and Wolfwood as roommates would include(part two);;
warnings;; I included some nsfw headcanons this time. they're at the end and have a warning. This also has a bit of fighting/angst that ends in fluff notes: i have a couple of fics in the work for this au. let me know if there any big moments you would like to see written out into a full fic! (also possibly a knives spin off??)
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Their jobs/majors
I kind of feel like Vash is studying in the science department. Specifically something that has to do with plant science? Botany, Environmental science, maybe even biology? I know it’s a little on the nose but I really do think it would work perfectly for him
Maybe he even opens up his own little flower shop in the future??
No matter what he has a lot of labs and he is always tired after them.
He probably has a part-time job as a barista at a little cafe on campus
No thoughts just Vash in a cute little apron
He’s a fan favorite among the college kids. They say he makes the best coffee, and he sometimes gives people little freebies when they look sad
His manager Meryl actively yells at him for it, but she doesn’t actually care that much.
He ALWAYS will give you freebies if you come in to visit him. He gets a free drink as an employee, and he’ll save it for you just in case you come in. Sometimes he’ll even take it to go and drop it off for you
Wolfwood gives huge phycology vibes. Mans had a messed up childhood and wants nothing more than to help other people through that stuff
Either that or he’s an art student. I can see that too
He takes school very seriously, but he is horrible at math. He cannot divide to save his life. He’s had to retake his math class like three times
His job? Well nobody knows and at this point everyone is too scared to ask. (He’s a security guard lol)
Whatever it is, he hates it. He comes home grumpy and needs lots of hugs and kisses.
He’ll be all pouty and pissed off, and then you’ll give him a little kiss on the cheek and a small smile will break out 
Bonus; Knives is on the track to becoming a surgeon. I will die on the hill that he is going into the medical field. (he’d look so good in scrubs) and i know McDonalds knives is kind of funny, but I'm thinking he’s actually and EMT. Imagine getting hurt and having Knives be your first responder (id die on the spot)
First Date
It’s not really a date- well you don’t call it a date. Vash just walks in with a couple of free tickets to a haunted house event thing  and asks if you and Wolfwood want to come
You’re like hell yeah
The drive there is like the calm before the storm. You listen to some music, seated in front with wolfwood driving. He definitely has his hand on your thigh. Vash is super excited about finally doing something that isn’t getting high and playing games
You all thought it was gonna be some dumb little spooky house. They’re never that scary. It’s just fun to see all the decorations and actors
Oh boy were you wrong
It’s so well put together. The actors are really into it, and they have amazing make up. When you’re standing in line, some clown girl walks up to Vash and you watch the regret build up on his face. The guy is already terrified
The first hallway is pitch black, and you have to rely on a feeling your way through it. Vash is mumbling about how much he hates it the entire time
Wolfwood is like “Don’t worry guys I’ll protect you.” And then proceeds to let out the loudest scream when the lights come on and there’s a girl dressed up as a ghost standing there
Soon all three of you are huddled up, holding hands, and shaking
These things should not be that scary!!!
It’s Vash who gets you kicked out
He gets so spooked that he runs into a bunch of boxes and knocks one of the fake walls down. The entire thing has to stop to fix it
You’re all banned
After that you go eat pancakes and complain about how scary it was
When things get tense
Fights can happen sometimes
None of you are perfect, and those boys have gone through some shit
Vash tends to shut himself away from you when he’s upset. He doesn’t come out of his room, and when he does he pretends like he’s fine. 
He doesn’t like burdening other people with his problems.
Eventually it just starts to feel like he doesn’t trust you enough to let you in. SIt gets really bad when he tells you to go away one day, and you watch Wolfwood walk into his room 30 minutes later
It doesn’t really turn into a fight. You just get sad, and even a little insecure. So, you avoid him back. Not because you’re vengeful, just because you feel hurt
A few days of the two of you not talking and Vash is in tears by your door
He begs for forgiveness and explains why he’s like this
You tell him it’s okay, but what he does really hurt you. He promises to work on it, and he does
That night the two of you make up for loss time
Wolfwood and you fight a lot more
Most of the time it’s silly little arguments that you solve pretty fast
Wolfwood is bad at communicating in general. But especially when it comes to his feelings
He has really bad days sometimes, and he can get grumpy really fast these days, and one day you really piss him off
He won’t tell you what you did though, he just gives you the cold shoulder
That pisses you off because you’d so be willing to talk it out and apologize, but he won’t tell you what you did 
So you’re mad now too
Things are tense between you too, and it all comes to an end on movie night when you start arguing about what movie to watch
You want to watch one of your favorite movies from your childhood and he says that it’s a stupid movie
Things get heated fast, while Vash just disappears into the background. He that the two of you need to workout your problems on your own (but he really wants to intervene) 
When the tears start falling, Wolfwood immediately stops
He takes a breath, and the two of you sit down and just talk. 
You talk ALL night about what happened, and what the two of you could have done better. In the end, you fall asleep on his chest while he plays with your hair. 
You have movie night the next night to make up for it, and he puts the movie you wanted to watch in before you can even talk about it ( he ends up loving the movie and after that you two watch it all the time)
Id have to make an entire other thing for when Vash and Wolfwood fight because it’s no fun for anyone
NSFW stuff
After the three of you finally get past the awkward stages and start fucking, you find out these two are…horny
They’ll grab you and go to town any time
They really like to share you, but there’s no jealousy in the relationship so it’s okay for one on one time as well!
Wolfwood will pull you into steamy make out sessions whenever. He’ll do it out of nowhere. I imagine he just really likes you, and can’t get enough
He’s very handsy. He’ll constantly have his hand on your hips, or your thigh, and your waist. He likes touching you
He’s the type to sneak risqué touches in public. He like watching you struggle to not let anyone else know what he’s doing
Quickies everywhere with Wolfwood
Vash is a lot more loving (not that Wolfwood isn’t loving– he probably has cried during sex) 
Vash takes his time though. He wants every moment with you to be special. He likes to do stuff like rubbing your back, and peppering kisses down your shoulders. He’ll run his hand up your shirt, and kiss your neck softly. He builds up to it
He really likes shower/bath sex. It’s intimate and relaxing
He also like when you take control (i know he’s a whimperer)
He is so bad at any type of public sex though. He gets embarrassed way too easily (and i think Wolfwood has fun with that) 
When the three of you do it together it’s fucking electric 
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letsquestjess · 4 months
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Books and Roses - Part 1 (Hunter x GN!Reader) | A usual day at your job in the library turns into a fateful meeting with Pabu’s newest resident.
Books and Roses - Part 2 (Hunter x GN!Reader) | (18+) You and Hunter go on your beach date where your feelings are brought out into the open.
Rinse and Repeat (Hunter x GN!Reader) | (18+) When Hunter gets injured and needs a little assistance, you help him dry his hair and make him his favourite soup to cheer him up.
One, Two, Throw (Hunter x F!Reader) | (18+, smut) You look incredible throwing Hunter's knives, and he decides to show you just how irresistible you are.
Push and Pull (Hunter x F!Reader) [Request] | (18+, smut) After spending the evening teasing Hunter with your outfit, he shows his appreciation when you return home.
Something Sweet (Wrecker x GN!Reader) | While waiting for Wrecker to return from a mission, you decide to use your baking skills to make him a cake. Needless to say, he’s delighted when he sees it.
A Thousand Dances for the Stars to Watch (Echo x GN!Reader) | Having spent all day teaching the Batch how to dance, you finally get to dance with Echo and make him a promise you never plan on breaking.
The Call of Home (Crosshair x GN!Reader) | (18+) When Crosshair comes home after another fight, you make a decision that will change your lives for the better.
To Be Held (Crosshair x GN!Reader) | Crosshair struggles with the tremor in his hand, but you are there to comfort him.
In the Middle (Crosshair x GN/F!Reader) [Request] | Tensions run high after Crosshair returns, and after listening to enough bickering, you decide to take matters into your own hands.
My Symphony - Part 1 (Tech x GN!Reader) | (18+) After Tech hears you playing music, he can't help but listen, slowly falling for the musician tugging on his heartstrings.
My Symphony - Part 2 (Tech x GN!Reader) | (18+) Following your blossoming relationship, Tech takes up the cello and grapples with composing a piece for you.
First Flutter (Tech x GN!Reader) [Request] | Tech's first kiss with you comes as a bit of a surprise, but not an unwelcome one.
A New Kind of Understanding (Tech x GN!Reader) [Request] | When Tech notices you mumbling to yourself, he starts to listen to see if he can find the cause.
Your Hand in Mine (Tech x GN!Reader) [Request] | Tech misses Echo, and all you want to do is offer him some support.
Protective Measures - Part 1 (Howzer x GN!Reader) | During diplomatic talks on Ryloth, Howzer is assigned as your security. In the weeks you spend together, unfortunate feelings begin to bloom.
Protective Measures - Part 2 (Howzer x GN!Reader) | (18+) After an assassination attempt, you and Howzer face your feelings for each other before you must inevitably part ways.
Protective Measures - Part 3 (Howzer x GN!Reader) | It has been too long since you last saw Howzer, and after his escape, the first thing he wants is to see you.
Buy Me a Caf and We'll See (Wolffe x GN!Reader) | After a visit to a late night caf shop, feelings develop between you and Wolffe.
The Bad Batch and Gifts | You decide to treat the Batch to a gift.
The Bad Batch and Wanting Hugs | The Batch want hugs and you're more than happy to give them all the hugs they want.
The Bad Batch and Showing Affection | The Batch all have their different ways of showing you their affection.
The Bad Batch and Sketching Them | You love sketching the Batch and they love seeing what you've drawn.
The Bad Batch and After a Nightmare | After a nightmare, the Batch are there to help you.
The Bad Batch and Reading to Them | The Batch love to hear you read to them.
The Bad Batch and Watching a Sunset |  Sunsets can be pretty romantic and the Batch enjoy watching them with you.
The Bad Batch and Reuniting After Time Apart | It is inevitable you will have to spend time away from the Batch, but time apart makes your reunions all the sweeter.
The Bad Batch and A Day at the Beach | (18+) What could be more perfect than a day at the beach with the Batch?
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gethooked · 5 months
Having my baby ~ HOOK imagine
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Hook and reader having their first child together - requested by @carlybow
Having a baby with Tyler in the beginning of your relationship was not what you expected on your 2024 timeline. It all started after HOOK defeated Samoa Joe for the AEW world championship. The night and the whole morning before your flight you guys celebrated if you know what I mean. A month later you realize you missed your period. You thought nothing of it as you always had irregular periods.
You told HOOK this and he told you, “You should take a pregnancy test just to make sure, we’ll handle the results as they come.” You were still unsure if you wanted to take the test but his reassurance helped you get through the period of waiting for the test result. After the 5 minutes of stalling you finally looked and it read “PREGNANT!” Once you read it you started bawling. “He’s gonna leave, he’s not ready to be a dad yet, his career just started!” you said.
After a little bit he knocked on the bathroom door, “Are you ok Y/N, what are the results sweetie?” said Tyler. You opened the door with tears all over your face and handed the test to Tyler to see the result himself. As soon as he read it, he brought you into a big bear hug playing with your hair, “It’ll be alright we got this!” he said. After that you really knew he was ready to be a dad. At your first appointment he made sure he had the day off of work so he could be there with you.
As soon as they started the ultrasound and found the baby he started tearing up this would be a recurrence at all of your ultrasound appointments. When he heard the heartbeat he started bawling like a kid if someone stole candy from them. “That’s our baby sweetie!” he would say every time he would hear the heartbeat. Whenever he would walk by you he would rub his hand all over your belly with a big smile on his face. When you get your cravings no matter how weird it is he would get it right away no matter what time of day or night it was.
One time you woke up at 3 in the morning for a craving of cheesecake with nacho cheese sauce on top. I know it's weird you have not craved anything like that before. You woke Tyler up and right away he went to the store and got you your cravings. “Here sweetie, I think this is the weirdest and nastiest craving you have ever had but I got it for you anyway.” Tyler said. You would sit in bed eating it and he would just stare at you with a smile on his face like the first time he knew you were the one.
As your bump got bigger it became harder for you to sleep due to your back hurting and the baby kicking all night. At one point he realized and ended up talking to the baby. “Look baby Senerchia it's time to go to bed, Mama is already in a lot of pain you kicking is making it worse. Give her a break. I love you, goodnight baby Senerchia.” Tyler said. After Tyler got done talking to the baby and kissing your bump the baby stopped and was calmed down. “Thank you,” you would say and give him a kiss on the lips before you got comfortable and fell asleep.
You guys decided that only you two wanted to know the gender so you did your own gender reveal. You guys decided on the cake reveal. You both were so nervous. As you guys both cut a piece and pulled it apart you both saw blue. You guys stopped what you were doing and dropped the knives and he pulled you into a big bear hug and kissed you on the head as you were crying from the excitement.
“Why are you crying?” Tyler said. “Their happy tears, leave me alone.” you would say. The day you hit 9 months is the exact same day you went into labor. Luckily Tyler didn’t leave for work yet. He rushed you guys to the hospital.
Once you got there you were admitted. After 16 hours of labor they decided you needed an emergency c-section. You were nervous and Tyler knew this, hell he was nervous himself. The best way he could reassure you was giving you kisses and telling you everything will be ok. As soon as you both heard your son cry you both started crying.
“That’s our boy!” you guys both would say at the same time. He would send you a big smile, give you a big kiss and go on to take pictures of your guy's son. Once you guys got home from the hospital he made sure that you guys and everything you needed or wanted. You needed to get something he would get instead of you having to get up and wake up the baby. You guys were the happiest parents on planet earth with your son.
You were just glad Tyler stayed with you and you guys had a very healthy baby boy. “I love you Y/N, I don’t know what I would do without you or our son.” said Tyler.
Taglist: @99hook @carlybow
(See my pinned post for requests, taglist, and Masterlist)
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
Hello I was wondering if you’d be able to write a Ranboo x Gender neutral reader that’s struggling with self harm/depression (only if you’re comfortable with writing something like this, I’d not I completely understand) :)
hi!! thank you for the request! ; and I'm totally okay with writing this, considering I'm fully healed from my very depressive middle school state and the only things bothering me haven't hurt me that much in a long time 🫶 I hope that you're doing okay anon 🫶🫶🫶
RANBOO ; it's okay to not be okay
summary ; ranboo does his best to help you while you struggle with depression
warnings ; language, talk of self harm & depression, talk about relapsing, mentions of ED
genre ; angst/fluff
word count ; 627
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he'd known for a while that you were struggling and even suggested taking a break/breaking up if you needed it as to not overwhelm you with managing a relationship
obviously you didn't want too
but that came with a negotiation that he was going to genuinely help you no matter what
literally came over after a stream, like 9pmish and went straight to your bathroom
they got a little trash bag and threw out all the razor blades in your house, like looked everywhere, tore the whole place up to even get secret stashes
you followed and watched them do this, fearing they'd yell at you afterwards because they were totally silent while doing so
they also stashed the knives in a drawer with a child lock which you genuinely couldn't open, using the smart logic to use a butter knife if you needed to cut something up
if you were making food and needed to cut up meat, call him and he'd open it for you, considering you lived like 5 minutes away from each other
after he threw all the razors and pencil sharpeners and anything you didn't need that could hurt you away, he sits you down on the couch
you have a long talk about how you need to stop hurting yourself and you talk about safe self harm
from coloring on your body, listening to music really loudly, experiment with guided imagery, holding ice, punching a pillow/cushion instead of yourself, eating sour/spicy candy, etc
they're just trying to give you safe alternatives to substitute the actual harming tactics because they know you won't be able to quit immediately
every week you have a long talk about your feelings, how you're doing, etc so ranboo can determine how to help you/get an idea of how you've been doing
you talk to him frequently that you're worried about relapsing and hurting yourself somehow, from cutting to slapping or punching yourself
if you run to him thinking you're gonna hurt yourself, he wraps you in a hug and doesn't let you go until you feel more calm
frequently sends you texts to uplift you a bit and make you smile
sometimes you'll just have tight hugs on the couch where he just talks to you to get your mind off of everything and make you a little happy and joke around
usually takes you on long walks to clear your head if you express being stressed or very upset about something
he gets you on a nice healthy diet and helps you not under/overeat and possibly give yourself an ed
also helps you get into a routine to feel more clean and organized
refers you to therapy and towards yoga/working out
they'll happily do yoga or work out with you, 100%
anytime you smile, he just looks at you with like love in his eyes because he's clearly doing something right
loves taking you out into nature to listen to the birds singing and smell the fresh air, he can tell it does wonders for you
loves bird watching with you too
he'll find a show with like 7+ seasons for you to watch together so you can get interested/fixated on something and think about that more then your fear of hurting yourself or relapsing
in general they'll do whatever it is to help you cope, knowing they can't magically make you feel any better
so supportive as well
when you reach sobriety milestones (a month, two months, three months, six months, a year etc) he throws a little party
over time all your friends get more and more proud of you and show that well
ran however is definitely the most proud, seeing as you'd found a way to overcome the pain that tormented you
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
Updated slashers comforting their S/O when they come to them  crying
I’ve been feeling like shit for a good while now man. It sucks super hard but writing does make me feel better. This honestly kinda helped me. I hope this helps some of you guys too :) probably gonna be a part one tbh. 
Includes: Brahms Heelshire, Sinclair brothers, and the Sawyer brothers
Brahms Heelshire
When he finds you crying he’s gonna be so worried about you. 
His first instinct is to assume you’re hurt or in physical pain. When you explain it’s emotional he won’t totally understand. 
But he’ll still be there to help comfort you. 
He’ll hold you close and tight and bring you his doll, a comfort item for him. He won’t let you of you until he’s positive that you’re ok and that you’re not upset anymore. 
If you’re like really crying like ‘Hereditary’ levels of crying he’s gonna get stress and to be honest cry too. 
If it’s really intense he’ll take off his mask and just press his forehead on yours, wiping away any tears on your face. 
After crying you’re getting put on watch for awhile until he knows you’re fine. Also probably tea or hot chocolate or whatever drink you want. 
Vincent Sinclair
When you come to him crying he’s dropping whatever he’s doing to rush over to you to make sure that you’re ok. 
He’s checking you all over for anything and sitting you down. 
Once you explain it’s mental and or emotional he’ll understand. 
He’ll try to get you to get the emotions out by writing or making something. If you don’t wanna do that he’ll offer you art he’s made when he’s sad in hopes you can relate to it. 
He’ll have you lay on his chest and let you cry your lungs out into his sweater, not giving a shit about the tears. He’ll stroke your back and make sure that you’re comfortable. 
Once you’re done crying you’re getting water and something to eat. He’ll sit with you until you at least take a small sip of water. 
He hates it when you cry so he’ll make sure to let you get it out fast. 
Lester Sinclair
He’s not gonna know what to do. He’s always been the one running to Bo and Vincent when he was in tears so someone crying to him is gonna be new. 
The worry will grow when it’s not physical pain you’re dealing with. He’ll quickly sit you on the couch or on the bed before doing anything else. 
He’ll try to make a few light jokes to see if that works. Even a small smile is a win to him. 
He’ll call you every pet name under the sun and keep his hands and or arms on you all the time. 
He’s gonna hug you while you cry. Holding the back of your head and making sure you don’t feel bad for doing this with him. 
“It’s ok darlin. I’m here for ya. Just cry as much as ya need.” 
Once you calm down Jonesy is gonna be with the two of you, just for extra support. 
He’s gonna double up the affection for the next few days just in case. But he already gives you so much love you don’t know how much more he can give you. 
Bo Sinclair
Oh boy he’s gonna feel awkward. He doesn’t know how to deal with his emotions too well to be honest so helping you is gonna worry him. 
After identifying what it is his first idea will be to get you to do what he does when he’s angry and that’s go into the woods and throw knives at a little target he set up himself. 
If you’re not feeling that he’ll sit there quietly while you lay on his lap and sob it out. He’ll stroke your back or your hair while you cry. 
He hates seeing you like this. He hates when anyone he loves cry’s to be honest. When victims do it he honestly kinda likes it. But seeing his lovely S/O crying pains him. 
“Ya know I wish I knew what to say to help ya. I’m not real good with words sometimes. But I do love you darlin. Cry as much as ya need to.” 
Once you’re done he’ll wipe away any remaining tears, kiss your forehead and get you some water. 
After you come to him the first time he’s gonna ask his brothers about how to help you next time you come to him crying. 
The Sawyer brothers
Bubba will run up to you and hug you tight when he sees the tears in your eyes. Nubbins will sit next to you and Bubba and also hold you sort of while you cry. 
After you tell them whats wrong Nubbins and Chop Top are gonna try to empathize with you on your issues. 
They might not use the best words to describe it but they’ll try. 
Bubba will bring in one of his emotional support chickens for you to pet and Nubbins will pay you lots of compliments. 
“A pretty person like you shouldn’t be sad. You shouldn’t have to feel this bad.” 
For once Chop Top will shut up and be quiet. He’ll offer soothing strokes on your back and try to tell you some of the dumbest jokes ever. Even dumber than the concept of nft’s. 
Nubbins and Chop Top will find little things around the house to try and cheer you up. I think there’d be lots of like teeth, marbles and coins. 
Once you’re done crying Bubba will wipe away your tears and the twins will find something to help you stay in a better mood. Probably find a movie for you to watch with them. 
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jasntodds · 1 year
Caving In [Book 1 End]
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Pairing: Gar Logan x Fem!Powered!Reader, Jason Todd x Fem!Powered!Reader
Words: 15,158
Chapter Warnings: Swearing, angst, canon violence, blood, mentions of injuries (bruising, being shot with a tranquilizer), canon character death, fluff, mentions of torture, mentions of being brainwashed
Summary: ❝Tell me Atlas: What is heavier, The world or its people’s hearts?❞ You never expected your life to end up this way, turned upside down by an infamous Gotham villain. It’s been a living hell, every single day, until Dick Grayson brings you to Titans tower where you meet Gar Logan and Jason Todd.
A/N: Uh, hi!! It’s the last chapter of book 1 and I just wanna say a very big thank you to all of you who’ve been reading 😭 Your comments have literally kept me posting and have meant so much to me!! I really hope you guys like this chapter!! I will have chapter 1 of book 2 up in 2 weeks and then weekly after that!! lol There’s a longer author’s note at the end about this book and book 2!! You can add yourself to the tag list below, ask me to be tagged, or you can follow my library blog @jasntoddslibrary​ and turn on notifications if you prefer that!!
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The women and you go back to the tower. Donna and Dawn explain what the man told them. They’re planning something, that’s more of the information they got from the guy they “spoke” to. So, the only option, at the moment is to wait and try to come up with a plan to storm CADMUS before they can execute their plan. But, you’ll still need more help because Donna, Dawn, and you don’t have nearly enough power or resources to get you all in and out of CADMUS alive, so you’re all back to waiting.
You spend a lot of the time in the training room throwing knives as you wait. Waiting has to be the worst part of this whole thing. The longer you wait, the more Gar is in danger. Donna and Dawn tried to reassure you that if CADMUS is planning something, that means Gar is at least alive. Sure, that’s good, of course it is but what are they doing to him while he’s alive? As someone who’s been tortured twice, you know that it’s a hell of a lot easier wanting to be dead than tortured. Gar is strong but it’s not fair. It shouldn’t have been him.
After a few hours, you take a break and head to the kitchen, hoping for an update from Donna and Dawn, but as you walk in, the elevator doors open revealing Jason. A rush of relief floods you as a warm smile splits your face with the sight of him. You waste no time in walking up to him just as he exits the elevator. Jason can’t help the smile that comes to his face as he sees you. He can’t even believe how much he’s missed you. It’s been a week. But, you wrap your arms around his neck and he feels warm again. The hollow feeling in his chest starts to fill with adoration as he wraps his arms around your waist. Jason Todd is not much of a hugger but he’d take a hug from you any day.
“Miss me?” Jason quips as you pull away, his eyes landing on the bruise on your cheek. It looks a lot worse in person.
“Eh, a little.” You shrug one of your shoulders, looking to the ground and back to him. “Thank you for coming, Jay.”
“Yeah,” Jason’s eyes look up and back to you. “You’d do the same for me, so would Gar.”
“You came.” Donna states as she comes around the hall, Dawn on her right.
“I’m here for Gar.” Jason’s tone switches and he’s, rightfully, still a little bitter about what happened.
“Thank you for coming, Jason.” Dawn offers him a kind smile and Jason just nods, looking back to you.
“Well, I’m gonna go fill him in.” You give the women a gentle smile. "Unless...there's an update?"
"No," Dawn shakes her head sadly. "You can fill him in."
You let out a sigh, nodding your head and chewing the inside of your cheek. You grab Jason's hand and tug him along with you, passing past the women, and head to the training room. Jason catches you still limping slightly and he figured the fight with CADMUS was bad but you clearly got hurt. He kind of gets why you were so insistent that night with Deathstroke. It’s different seeing each other injured at the hands of someone, now that you know each other.
You take a seat on the floor and Jason follows your lead, just as you both did that night just a few months before. You extend your legs in front of you while Jason extends his left leg, his right leg bent up and his foot planted on the floor. Both of your hands rest on the floor behind you.
It feels a little weird being back. The tower is feels empty, sure, but it’s kind of like it’s haunted. A cruel reminder of everything Jason isn’t, of everything he could have been but failed at being. It’s not reassuring or comforting or welcoming, but he looks at you, and he’s glad he came, if only for a night or two.
“Spill your guts.” Jason grins at you because of course, he remembers what he told you that night.
“Ha-ha, you’re hilarious.” Your eyes widen before your sad smile drops. “Well, CADMUS attacked and we did not stand a chance.” You let out a dry laugh. “Like, they just kept coming in. Gar transformed and uh, we were in the kitchen so I started grabbing knives, got a few of them.”
“Good.” Jason scoffs.
“Yeah, but uh, they shot me with a tranquilizer?” You roll your eyes. “I don’t really remember much. Just, Gar in front of me and not a tiger anymore. I woke up and they were gone. I called you, then Dick, then Kory. Then everyone else, but Donna was the only one that called back. She showed up a few hours later. Then she got a call from Rachel saying she was in danger or something so we went to this diner? Bruce showed up?”
“Why the fuck was Bruce there?”
“I have no fucking idea? He set it up, I guess? I have no idea. So, uh, Dick got himself arrested.”
Jason lets out a booming laugh. “No shit? Goody fucking toe-shoes Dicky Grayson got arrested?”
“Yep! So, Rachel wanted to rescue Dick first and I wanted to rescue Gar first.”
“Why the fuck would you rescue Dick? He put himself there.”
“That’s what me and Donna said!” You yell dramatically. “So, we argued about it and she made me really mad so I punched her in the face.”
Jason has a smile of disbelief crossing his lips. He would never hit Rachel outside of sparring, especially after she almost killed him but he’s surprised you did. He knows she must have really gotten under your skin if you’re the one throwing punches first. And, he is very curious what exactly Rachel could have said that finally got you to snap especially since you said you aren’t normally the one to throw punches.
“Over Gar and Dick?” Jason questions with the nod of his head.
“Well, I--no, like there was more to it. I don’t know. She was throwing shit in my face and I said she was a wounded puppy.” You start explaining, Jason unable to control his laughter. He knows it’s true but he would have killed to have seen the look on Rachel’s face. “So, she said that I was because I was mad about the stuff that happened with you and this was after she tried to tell me what I was going to do, save Dick and not Gar.” You roll your eyes as Jason’s laughter subsides and it clicks.
The last straw for you was a comment about him? He knows he means something to you because you’ve said it a thousand times and you make it so obvious, even Jason can’t miss it. But, he didn’t think you’d still be fighting over him when he’s not around. It means more to him than he’ll ever say.
“You punched her because she called you a wounded puppy?” Jason raises his brows.
“Well….” Your eyes look to the side and then up, as if to be in thought before you land back on Jason who has one of his devious smirks. “Yeah, I guess. Like, she was so…” You scrunch your nose as you shake your head. “She also implied I was self-absorbed.” Jason’s face scrunches and he swears you’re one of the least self-absorbed people he’s ever met. Has Rachel not met the rest of the Titans? “And then!” You say dramatically. “She kept going after I punched her. She said that Gar deserves better and that you left me and for 'Deathstroke’s daughter'." You mock the way Rachel said. “It was so fucking stupid.”
“That’s fucking shitty. Who the fuck does she think she is? She chose Dick over Gar but he deserves better than you? There’s no one better than you.” The comment leaves Jason’s lips so quickly he barely even catches he said it. You eye him carefully but choose to brush over the comment. It’s not right to dig into that right now.
“I mean, she has a point and I told her that.” You let out a laugh. “It’s true, I’m not delusional enough to think otherwise but, that’s not the point. It’s not her fucking business.” You shake your head. “And you left for your own reasons and it was shitty to say like you weren’t even there.” Your brows raise as your eyes go wide. “So, her and Kory went to break Dick out of prison, I guess and we came here to come up with a plan to save Gar, Conner, and Krypto. That’s what ya missed.”
“Shit, fuck Rachel. She's not even worth it.” Jason lets out a huff. He really did miss a lot. “You guys think of a plan?”
You shake your head. “Donna and Dawn have the blueprints to CADMUS but they haven’t figured out how we’re going to break in and then out without getting ourselves killed.”
“Yeah, I’m sure they have security up the ass.” Jason sighs. “Could Trojan Horse it.”
You let out a laugh. “Yeah? And how do you suggest we pull that off?”
“I have no fucking idea.” Jason laughs with you. “It’s better than nothing.” Jason leans forward slightly, extending his arm dramatically.
“Right, but we don’t wanna die tonight.” You shake your head. “I don’t know, we’ll figure it out though.” You suck in a breath.
You furrow your brows with the shake of your head and talking about Gar, the lack of plan, it’s making things a little too heavy. There’s the guilt of it all and the trauma still haunting the back of your head because of Jerry and Deathstroke. You feel like Gar might be going through worse right now and it’s a little much. You’ve had nothing to do for two days now besides think about it. You’re tired of thinking. And you’re tired of the guilt wrapping itself around your bones like barbed wire. A distraction would be nice right about now.
“Can we…talk about something else? Just been thinking about what they could be doing to Gar and it’s just…” You look at Jason and you don’t have to say it. He knows.
Jason’s worried about you. When Dick brought Rose back, you had a nightmare, that’s why you ended up in Gar’s room. You were weird, you said it was too much that brought everything back that you had went through. It made it all real again. Gar just got kidnapped and you’re worried he’s being tortured. Jason can only imagine the hell you’re putting yourself through because of it and the hell your own mind is putting you through bringing all of that shit back up again. So, he’s worried you’ll be the next one on the ledge.
“How’re you and Gar? Well, before this shit happened.” Jason asks, picking a topic he thinks might cheer you up. Maybe you’ll have a story, something fun that happened.
“Um…” You look down and back to him, shrugging a shoulder. That’s not what you want to talk about either but you’ll go along with it for now. “Like, we’re…friends.” You nod at him and Jason’s brows furrow.
He thought for sure one of you would say something to each other, especially with you being alone here. He expected Gar to say something, not necessarily you. But that does explain, kind of, the lucky comment from earlier.
“Did you pussy out of--”
“Shut up.” You groan. “No,” You shake your head, eyes narrowing at him. “I…I don’t know.” You chew the inside of your cheek and you don’t know how to explain you and Gar aren’t a thing because you chose Jason. That it’s him and it always has been. Jason just had this thing blow up with Rose and Gar is in trouble. Having some discussion about that, does not seem very fair. And Jason is watching you with a brow knitted inward, knowing something is going on. It can’t be that complicated of an answer. So, you pick a different direction that isn’t a lie, really. “I don’t think we’d work and I’m not gonna do that to him or me.”
“Why not?” Jason asks. “That you wouldn’t work?”
He’s confused. The two of you were fine, seemed like you might go for something when he left and now, nothing. It seems a little weird to him and he thinks you would work. Why wouldn’t you? And he hates that a part of him might even be relieved by it. It might be a little selfish, but it’s true.
“Gar is ya know, Gar. It’s like…nothing can ever keep him down. He’s always happy and kind and fun. Always and I am not those things, which is fine. It’s not me. But, because of that, even as friends, sometimes I feel a bit like a burden to him.”
It’s not a lie because it’s true. You know Gar isn’t making you feel like a burden, but you feel that way anyway. You’re really different and that’s fine and great, it’s one of the reasons you work as friends. He mellows you out. But, it is one of the reasons you know you like Jason more. On top of your feelings for Jason, it wouldn’t be fair to try and see where it goes with Gar if you’ll always feel like a burden to him. It’s not fair to either of you.
Jason shakes his head. “You’re not a burden.” His words are slow and he still has a look of confusion.
He still has no idea why that change happened in the last week and not...any other time before that. The only thing that happened in that time, aside from the attack, was the stuff with him and the other Titans. And maybe he’s actively convincing himself that is just a coincidence. 
“Yeah, but it feels that way because it feels like he’s sorted through all of his trauma and then I still have this shit I didn’t deal with. And I can’t…do that with him because he talks and that’s great, right? It works for him and it helps me but….I also sometimes can’t talk about it. You get it and I know you do. I’m reckless and despite what we learned from Deathstroke, I gotta feeling that’s not always gonna stop me from doing something insane later. It’s…I feel like he wants to fix me but not that it’s anything that he’s doing or saying or anything like that. It’s a me problem, not a Gar problem, like, maybe he thinks sorting out my shit will make me better in a way that I’m not meant to be. It happened and I think I’m permanently fucked up from it. I know he is not trying to fix me but I feel that way anyway. I don’t know, feel a bit like damaged goods.”
Jason gets it. His entire life he’s felt like damaged goods but he’s looking at you with a deep bruise you’re only wearing because you’d go to war for people you care about. That’s not someone who’s just damaged goods. And Jason swears he’ll do everything in his power to make sure you know that.
“You’re not damaged goods.” Jason states and he doesn’t have his signature smirk. “Going through that shit doesn’t make you damaged or some shit. You’re still you.”
“Mmm.” You hum and you gain this sad smile, dodging his eyes. “Yeah, but, uh, it-it, uh it feels like it anyway.”
“Not to me.” Jason shrugs and he said it on purpose. It doesn’t matter to him what you go through or that you’ll always be reckless, always looking for the next thrill because he’ll always do the same. You’re not damaged goods, not to him.
Your face softens and your stomach flips. That’s why it’s always been him. You don’t feel damaged with him. “That’s awfully nice of you, Jay.”
Jason gives you a cheeky grin. “I can be nice.”
You let out a laugh and you swear everything is a little bit better with him around. “Yeah, you can be.” You offer him a thankful smile. “Thanks for coming.”
“You and me.” Jason repeats what you normally say to him and you swear your heart is about to burst into flames.
“You and me.” You let out a sigh, looking down and then back to him. It’s enough about you. “Seriously, you okay about Rose? I know you really liked her.”
Jason knows Rose is going to be a sore spot for a little while. He just feels so betrayed. He doesn’t know what he did to deserve it or why she wouldn’t have just told him. Had she just told him, maybe he wouldn’t have been nearly as mad or upset about it. So, it sucks but he knows he’ll be fine. He has been with every other person that’s betrayed him and mistreated him. He’s used to it.
Jason nods. “Yeah, I’ll be alright. Just fucking sucks. Got me feeling a bit like damaged goods.” Jason lets out a laugh, an almost teasing grin tugging at his lips before it falls. “Ya know, like, I tried really hard with her. Taking her out, showing her that school I told you about, acts of service type shit.” Jason’s eyes widen. “And she treated me like shit, pushing me away, lying to me, using me. Sleeping with me and knowing she was fucking lying the whole damn time.” Jason grits his teeth getting angry about it all over again. “Nothing I did was fucking good enough even when I tried.”
You were hoping you were wrong about Rose. Truly, you didn’t even dislike her until the day they left. It was a bad day for everyone but you were right and you wish so badly you weren’t. Jason doesn’t deserve any of that. He’s already gone through too much shit, especially over the last two weeks.
“You don’t deserve it. You put in a lot of effort, you trusted her. That shit, that’s on her. She gets to live with what she did to you. She doesn’t deserve you. She gets to live with the fact she’s the one that fucked it all up, not you. You deserve so much fucking better, Jay. It was enough, she just fucking sucks.” You let out a scoff before looking back to him. “And you’re not damaged goods.” You give him a kind smile. “Not to me.” Jason could never be damaged goods to you.
Jason chuckles softly, his cheeks starting to tint a faint shade of pink, his heart throbbing into his vocal cords. “Thanks.” Jason smiles softly at you and it should have been you he left with. “You’re good at that.”
Your brows furrow. “Good at what?”
“Knowing what to say.”
Your cheeks start to burn. “Just being honest with you.” You rub your eye, wincing from the pain.
Jason scoots closer to you, you keep your hands firmly on the ground, watching him with suspicion. Jason reaches forward, turning your head as he holds your chin to get a look at the bruise and your skin is on fire, tingling under his touch. Your heart is in your throat and your breath is caught right at the base of your throat. This is new. And Jason just wants to look at it, make sure your cheek isn’t broken. He’s been a hit a time or several there and it’s always unpleasant. And this bruise looks really deep, he tells himself he’s just making sure you’re actually okay. Physically. But it gets his blood warming with the idea another person caused it.
“What’d they hit you with?” Jason’s voice is lower this time, dropping his hand.
“Butt of a gun, fucking assholes.” You scoff, your voice on the verge of breathy as you try to ignore the fire in your stomach. “Shit hurt.”
Jason chuckles softly, leaning back on his hands. “Yeah, that’ll do it.” He shakes his head. “Sure it’s not broke?”
You shrug. “I have no idea. Probably not, my face isn’t deformed or anything. Doesn’t hurt that bad.”
“Did you ice it?” Jason asks and you find it a little cute and very cute he’s asking about it.
“No,” You laugh and Jason groans. “I was icing my damn leg. That is the shit that hurts.”
“Yeah, what’s that about? You’re the one limping now.” Maybe he regrets leaving. Maybe he could have helped, in some way.
“That’s where I was shot with the tranquilizer.” You roll your eyes. “The bruise is like half the size of my thigh.”
Jason cringes at the thought of it. “Ouch.” Jason shakes his head. “You sure you’re alright?”
You smirk at him and he’s cute when he’s being protective. He should do it more often. “You trying to take care of me, Jay?” Maybe you’d let him if he offered. You take care of him.
Jason's cheeks shoot red as his eyes look to the ceiling and back to you, doing his best to ignore his heart in his ears. “Someone should.” Jason lets his words out sarcastically but of course he is. Always.
You suck on your teeth and you’re trying so hard not to give him the satisfaction of a genuine smile, but you can’t help it. You fucking missed him. “Yeah, same for you.” Your eyes widen at him as you rest your head on his knee. “I’m fine, thank you though. Honest, just hurts still. How’s your leg?”
“All good.” Jason smiles down at you and he swears that can’t possibly be comfortable. “Doesn’t hurt anymore.”
“Good.” Your smile is soft and Jason swears the ache in his chest from Rose doesn’t hurt so much with you.
Jason debates in his head. He’s not gonna say anything, that is for certain. He thought Rose wouldn’t be like that. Rose went through some really horrible shit, her own dad cut out her eye. Jason kind of thought because of that, she’d get him…kind of like you do. He wouldn’t feel less than or not good enough because she’d get it. But, she…treated him like everyone else but worse because he really, really let her in ways he doesn’t normally. And she screwed him over anyway. Everything with them was actually fine at the tower but they get away from it all, from the Titans and people, it’s just them and then…she keeps lying to him and using him. You are not Rose, but, there is a part of him that thinks maybe the same exact shit would happen because why wouldn’t it?
But, his mind wanders back to you kissing him anyway. Maybe it’s an easy distraction from worrying about Gar. But, he thinks about it and his reasoning of not wanting you to die for him and ruining you like he ruins everyone. And you’re looking at him with soft eyes he doesn’t think he deserves it because he left. Because he turned you down. Because he tries to pushes you away, even if he isn’t very good at it. And he debates if any of that was ever the right decision. So, he decides that testing the waters a little, will ease his mind.
“So,” He furrows his brows and dodges yoru eyes for a second. “You and Gar, just…not gonna be a thing?”
You smirk at him, picking your head up and he’s got that coy look he gets when he’s trying to play something off and failing miserably. “Why? Does that pique your interest, Jay?” You’re back to the asking game and that feels comfortable. There’s no pressure in it.
Jason shrugs one shoulder. “Nope.” He tries his best to wipe the grin from his face but he can’t help it.
“Mhm, okay. Whatever you say, birdboy.” You lick your lips. “Nah, not gonna be a thing.” You want to mess with him a little. You’ve missed that a lot. “Kind of into someone else anyway.” You scrunch your nose and Jason snaps his eyes at you, a devious look in his eyes.
“Yeah? And who's that?” There's a teasing smirk on his face while his tone is taunting, as if knowing you’re not going to tell him or that you’ll have some bullshit answer just to mess with him.
You shrug dramatically. “We should join the others.” You have an uncontrollable smirk on your lips and Jason is ready to burst.
“You’re not gonna fucking tell me? Just gonna leave me hanging?” Jason chuckles, his eyes wide.
“We don’t always get what we want, Jason Todd.” You let a laugh fall from your lungs and Jason swears it should have been you.
“Yeah? And what do you want?” Jason cocks his head to the right, taunting you.
A part of you almost blurts it right out, get it out in the open despite better judgment. A part of you almost blurts out to see the look on his face. He’ll get flustered and red will creep from his cheeks down to his neck. His muted forest green eyes will suddenly be a shade closer to the northern lights and you’ll have a good laugh and maybe you’ll get what you want. But, you can’t bring yourself to do it. He just had that with Rose and is still hurt by it. You both have Gar to worry about it and you think it might be shitty if you show up to rescue him and you’ve had this inevitable conversation. And what if he’s fucking with you? Like always. What if, despite everything, he still doesn’t want you? You want him, and you swear you probably always will, but what if he still doesn’t want you? That’s gonna hurt, too. So, you shake your head and decides you’ll tell him but not now. You do, however, decide to have a different conversation.
“Okay, seriously,” You drop the smile and Jason leans forward slightly. “Been thinking about it a little, between worrying about Gar and stuff, the Titans leaving and shit.” You start and Jason is hanging onto every word. He has no idea where this is going. “I wanna go home.”
Jason freezes, the conversation taking a turn. Home? “Like Gotham?” His brows shoot up and he’s not even sure why he’s surprised. You always call Gotham home.
You nod your head softly, chewing the inside of your cheek. “Yeah, uh, I haven’t said anything to anyone. But, yeah. I miss it and honestly, I think it’s just….I like it here and everything. It’s just…I would like to go back and kind of figure out myself. Dick rescued me and I’ll always appreciate that and never forget it. He gave me a shot here and that’s awesome but, I was thrown into this and I think I just…need to go back and find a part of myself again.”
“What do you mean?”
Between everything that’s happened, being here is a lot. At the end of the day, this is the city Jerry bought you to and kept you locked away, tortured you. This is the city that gave you powers you don’t even want. This is the tower that saw you paranoid, waking up screaming from nightmares. Burning Gar. This is the city where you were kidnapped and nearly murdered by Deathstroke. This is the tower that was supposed to be safe, but was attacked anyway. There is so much hidden in these walls, beyond just you that’s impacted everything. You like to run when things get hard and things are really fucking hard right now. You want to go home, a place that you know like the back of your hand. Gotham is always going to be Gotham, but it’s where you’ve always felt the most comfortable and…somehow, safest. And Gotham holds parts of you that are not here. You believe that home is where the heart is but you left part of your heart in Gotham and you want that back.
“I will never be who I was before. But I would like to find some of those parts again. My mom is buried in Gotham. I was…happy there though. Despite fucking everything, I was still happy. And…I…I don’t know.”
“Are you not happy here?”
“No, I am but…it’s different. It might just be the trauma.” You let out a scoff. “But, I was happier there and I just…want to go home. So fucking much,” Your breath is shaky as your brows furrow. “So fucking much has happened in this city and….honestly, I only stayed because I couldn’t abandon Gar. I couldn’t leave him alone and I thought not running, for once, would be good but….” You look to the ground before pulling your legs to your chest, wrapping your arms around your legs and then looking back to Jason. “More shit just happened and…” You let out a breath. “I’m tired, Jay.”
You look tired. You aren’t smirking or grinning at him. Your eyes are dull and you literally look tired and sad. Jason’s chest aches looking at you and he worries a little bit more about you. The ghosts that roam the tower, do more than affect the original Titans. They affect everyone who lives here, on top of their own ghosts that want to follow and taunt them. If anyone in this place deserves to be happy, it would be you.
“Where would you go?” Jason questions and he knows you’re impulsive but he's got a feeling this is something you’ve been thinking about over the last week.
You shrug. “Figure it out.” You let out a broken laugh. “Did before and CPS can’t do shit now, so.” You let out a deep breath, tugging the sleeves of your hoodie over your hands.
Jason would be lying if the thought of asking you to come to Gotham with him didn’t cross his mind when you said you and Gar were a no-go. It was less than a split second but he knew he’d never be able to ask. There’d be no way he’d put that on you, going back to the shitshow of Gotham. But, if you want to do it anyway…
Jason pulls his other leg to his chest, resting his forearms on his knees. “Okay, are you really wanting to do it? Like, no bullshit or whatever. You wanna go back to Gotham?”
You nod. “Mhm. Too heavy here right now.” You dodge your stare to Jason’s hands, catching a glimpse of faint bruising on his knuckles.
Jason gives you an understanding nod. “Want me to talk to Bruce?" The words flow from his mouth like a gentle river, easy and smooth.
Your heart stops in your chest as you snap your eyes to Jason’s. “What? Talk…to Bruce?”
Jason nods. “Not letting your ass go back to the streets. If you’re fucking serious about going back to Gotham, I can talk to Bruce. I know you don’t like him, but it’s a roof over your head, a warm bed, food. In Gotham.”
You adore him. That’s the only thing that’s running through your head. It’s running over and over and over, on loop like a broken record. You adore him for everything he is and everything he isn’t. Asking Bruce, is something you never thought he would do. That is his thing. More so than even reading seems to be because that’s where he’s Robin. But, he offers anyway.
And he offers because he’ll always take care of you. And keep you safe. No matter what.
“You’d really do that?”
“Hell yeah.” Jason gives you a grin, the beating of his heart stutters. “Be more fun if you were there anyway.” Jason shrugs.
“Thank you, Jay.” You smile softly. “I’d really like that.”
“I’ll talk to him, sure he’ll be fine with it. You know he likes strays.” Jason gives you a cheeky grin and you let out a laugh, looking down and then back to him. Jason is relieved you’re okay with it. Maybe even a little thrilled.
“Yeah, when are you gonna start plucking strays? Bruce then Dick, you’re next Batboy.” You point a finger at him and you think he might be good at it, better than Bruce and Dick.
Jason lets out a groan, tilting his head back. “That's the meanest shit you’ve ever said to me.”
Your laugh booms off the walls and Jason’s heart nearly melts through his ribs. “I think it’s probably their best quality!”
Jason’s never felt this before. Not exactly the heart thundering and stuttering or the clammy hands or cheeks aching from smiling too much. But, the comfort he feels with you. The ease of how the conversation moves between you, how it goes from serious to banter to serious, so easily. He’s never had that with anyone before. You’re both worried about your best friend but with each other, you find your own way to deal with it and handle it rather than training yourselves into the ground while waiting. Jason has never felt so comfortable in a place he does not feel welcomed and it’s because of you. He is so sure of that.
Just then, Donna walks in, gathering yours and Jason’s attention.
“Kory and Rachel are here, we’re gonna try to come up with a plan.” Donna states.
“No Dick?” You ask and Donna shakes her head, a look of annoyance on her face.
“Do not say anything.” Donna warns and Jason gains a grin before getting to his feet. “Either of you, please.”
“I won’t, just asking.” You defend while Jason extends a hand to you.
“I don’t have shit to say to her.” Jason lets out a scoff.
You grab his hand and get to your feet. The two of you follow Donna to the kitchen where Dawn and Kory are standing at the center counter and Rachel is seated on the same countertop. Jason and you head to the opposite side of Kory while Donna stands between you and Dawn.
“You’re back.” Rachel states with confusion as she looks at Jason.
“Was told you guys needed the help.” Jason deadpans and he also doesn’t want to deal with Rachel right now.
“Okay, well, we have news about Dick.” Kory states before Rachel can respond.
Rachel and Kory go off to explain that Dick wasn’t in his cell. He must have escaped with the other prisoners or something. Again, you sit there thinking about how you were right and Rachel was wrong about this. Dick could handle himself. He went off to wallow in his own self-pity and now he’s free. It’s like you thought would happen. But, you listen anyway as they get to the weirder stuff about Dick writing on his cell walls that Jericho is alive.
“Well, one thing’s for sure. He’s clearly lost his mind.” Donna says.
“But, I keep having these dreams about Dick being killed by Deathstroke.” Rachel says as she’s seated with her legs crossed on the counter. “And they’re going away. We need to do something about that.”
Jason shifts his weight to his left leg as he crosses his arms. You watch his jaw clench and you know he wants to say something so you move a little closer to him, your arm resting against his. When he looks at you with a quirked brow, you offer him a faint but calm smile. It’s not worth it. You have Gar to worry about not Rachel’s dreams and Dick escaping prison. He’ll be fine.
“I believe you.” Donna says. “But we have bigger problems right now.” Donna flips the case of the iPad open, showing blueprints of the CADMUS building.
“Okay, what’s the plan?” Rachel lets out a sigh and you bite your tongue.
Now that Rachel got to do what she wanted, now she’s on board with saving Gar. You can feel your blood wanting to boil. It’s just so ridiculous and it’s not even like you can say anything because you’ll just argue again and you’re tired of arguing and fighting. So, you bite your tongue and Jason catches you stiffen next to him. It’s his turn to give you a nudge and shake his head. You grin at him and jerk your head toward the women where you stand Donna and Dawn, furthest away from Rachel so you can still see what’s going on.
"Well, the main CADMUS building closes at 9 and security drops down to 10. There's two at each gate and then six roaming inside." Kory explains.
"Okay, what about the lab?" Donna asks as she zooms in.
"Whole different story." Dawn says. "It's a twenty-four-hour operation and in the last week, they've doubled up the guard. Four six-hour shifts, 10 bodies around the clock. Sounds like that's where the party's at."
"Okay, well, let's crash it." Donna says.
"Finally." You let out a sigh.
"It's about damn time." Jason lets out a scoff.
"Oh, so we're just gonna break in CADMUS and get Conner and Gar out of there. Just the six of us?!" Rachel questions.
"Do you have a better idea?" You quip, unable to hold your tongue.
"We don't have a choice right now, okay?" Donna states. "But, between you and Kory, we have plenty of firepower. At least to get us through the front door."
"About that, I've got some bad news." Kory says, gaining everyone's attention. "My powers have vanished."
"Yeah, that tracks." You mutter and it's just one thing after the other here.
"What do you mean?" Donna asks.
"I don't know. I don't know what happened. But they're gone and I haven't been able to get them back." Kory states, frustration in her voice.
"Well, that's fucking great." Donna sighs. "What about you?" Donna asks Rachel.
"Fully loaded but I can't promise that I....won't go a little bit overboard." Rachel rushes her words slightly. "Um, things have been getting a little...dramatic."
Donna looks to you. "How about you?"
"All good and ready to go." You offer her a thumbs-up.
Just then, there's an alert on the iPad. Everyone who can see the iPad starts reading.
"A disturbance at Golden Gate Park. Units responding." Kory reads out loud. "People are injured. Reports of a wild animal."
"Phase two." Rachel states, her voice uneasy. Donna had texted Kory with updates on what they found out from the CADMUS guy and their lack of plan. "It's already begun."
The room falls silent for just a few seconds before everyone starts moving. Jason, Donna, and Dawn grab their suits, you grab a backpack and a change of clothes for Gar, while Kory, and Rachel head downstairs. It only takes you, Jason and the other women a few minutes to get ready and meet at the elevator. Jason hands you one of his helmets and you almost laugh as you take it from him. Of course, you're taking the bike.
"We'll follow you guys." Jason states, getting on the bike, kicking the kickstand up while you get on the back.
"You sure?" Donna asks, the other women already piling into the SUV.
"We'll be fine." You assure her, popping the helmet on, Jason doing the same and sliding down the face shield.
Donna doesn't say anything else before walking off to the SUV. Donna starts driving, moving past Jason and you.
"Hold on." Jason states and you grip his waist tightly before Jason shifts the bike into first and pulls the throttle.
Jason and you follow the SUV closely, keeping the drive silent despite the com system that’s also connected to the SUV. You're both on edge going into this. Gar is your friend. Neither of you want to hurt him. You know you will not do it, no matter what. He's a tiger. All of you together, should be able to stop him without any major problems. But, you’re worried anyway and Jason knows there's a chance you won't have a choice. Bruce trained him and Dick to be prepared if they get brainwashed. Bruce went over what can happened, what being brainwashed can make them do. It can be nearly impossible to stop someone. The last thing Jason wants to do is hurt his friend, again. But, if you're all given choice he knows he'll have to be the one to do it because he wouldn't let you. So, you both stay in your heads until the SUV comes to a sudden stop with an explosion, Jason almost running right into it as the bike swings sideways.
"What the fuck?" Jason yells out.
"Deathstroke. Get down!" They can hear Donna yell through your com systems.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" You groan, ducking into Jason as the sound of constant gunfire echoes around the alley.
Jason looks over at you and for a second, he thinks about leaving. He could get you both out of there completely unscathed. You're hidden behind the SUV and you're not too far into the alleyway. You could take another alley safely, get to Gar. Jason debates it, knowing that with Deathstroke's constant firing, none of you will be able to get close anyway. But, that's backing down and you're supposed to be a team. But, then he come back to you whose grip on him in nearly suffocating and he hears a yelp from in from of you. Jason peaks up to look inside the SUV, seeing Kory's the one who was just shot.
"We have to do something, Jay. We're literally sitting ducks." You yell over the gunfire.
"I know!" Jason yells back and he swears if it weren't for the whole Deathstroke dropping him from a skyscraper problem, he'd have a decision already and you'd both be fine. But, ever since, his head isn't in it and he can't think straight in these situations. The fear of it is almost paralyzing.
"Y/n, Jason, are you two okay?" Dawn yells over the gunfire.
"We're fine." You say back. "Besides the gunfire. What do we do?"
But then, someone jumps from a building and onto the roof the SUV, the gunfire coming to a halt. You and Jason look up to see some random person in a blue and black suit just standing there.
"Who the fuck is this freak now?" Jason sounds absolutely exasperated.
The two of you watch as he flips dramatically and effortlessly off the car.
"You can take the boy out of the circus but you can't take the circus out of the boy." You mutter and you hear Jason chuckle softly, looking back at you.
"He just flipped off the car to Deathstroke, I mean."
Of course, it's Dick. For some reason, that makes perfect sense in the world of insanity you're all currently living in. The two of you flip your face shields up, leaning up to watch through the back of the SUV. Dick starts fighting Deathstroke and holds his own just fine now. Everyone watching is stuck in a state of confusion watching this whole exchange happen. How did Dick even know where to find all of you?
"Who's been hit?" Dick asks.
"Kory." Rachel says.
"You take care of her. I'll take care of him. Jason, Y/n, you two get out of here and get to Gar and Conner. This is my fight." Dick says.
Jason looks back at you and he is not a fan of listening to Dick but, you are sitting ducks back here and at this rate, you'll never make to Gar. So, he puts down his face shield and you follow his lead, gripping his waist tightly before he swings the bike around and peels off in the opposite direction.
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When you arrive at the carnival, it's absolute chaos when you get there. Some people are intrigued by a green tiger and others are seeking shelter by leaving or trying to hide out. The two of you spot injured people trying to flee as fast as they can. There’s a sense of unease as you make your way traveling in the direction of the screams. It’s just the two of you, knowing you have to face Gar, your best friend. That’s not something either of you really want to do, ever.
You and Jason spot Gar and Conner from a few yards away. Gar starts attacking Conner, latching onto his arm and Conner is completely unphased. The two of you have a sense of dread. Of course, you knew the report was true. Gar was attacking people but maybe you both had a little bit of hope it wouldn't be this bad. But, for Gar to attack Conner, shit is very not good. And Jason's jaw clenches because he's worried he's too far gone. Gar doesn't eat meat, he doesn't hurt people. And here he is attacking someone who's supposed to be his friend, according to you. And you watch as Conner throws Gar effortlessly twenty yards away and into one of the rides.
"You get Gar." Jason looks at you taking a few steps forward.
One of you is going to need to deal with Gar while the other handles Conner. You can’t solely focus on one of them until the other Titans show up. Jason at least has the experience. And you know about animals.
"Are you insane? He's half Superman." You groan. With Dick showing up and having the other Titans, surely the fight with Deahtstroke can’t take too long and they’ll be here soon.
"Yeah? The fuck you think he's gonna do? Just let Gar go? Not finish him off? You go and I'll distract him."
You shake your head and you hate the idea. You aren't sure how you’re supposed to unbrainwash him. No one exactly prepared you for any of this. And Jason going against Conner sounds terrible. Conner had no issues throwing Gar like a ragdoll and he's at least a tiger and a meta-human. Jason, while he might be Robin, is still just human.
"Look," Jason walks over to you, putting his hands on your shoulders. "Bruce said we need hear traumatic shit to pull us back. That's how he trained us." Jason explains and you want to know who the hell is letting Bruce Wayne train kids? Letting them relive their trauma. "Not sure if it'll fucking work because he should be listening to himself say all that but," Jason shrugs. "Worth a shot." Jason looks over to Conner and then back to you. "If shit gets messy, do something. I trained you, you'll be fine." Jason offers you a smirk that doesn't have the same snarkiness behind it.
"Not me I'm worried about."
"Robin, yeah, yeah, yeah." You roll your eyes. "Don't do anything fucking stupid, Jay."
Jason gives you a grin, pulling his hands away as he starts walking backwards. "I never do anything stupid."
You nod your head, blinking your eyes slowly at him. He's gonna get his ass handed to him.
You reluctantly let Jason do his thing while you make your way over to Gar. You’re not willing to start telling him stories about the shit he's been through, not without trying something else. If hearing it from himself is supposed to work but not hearing it from you, maybe you telling him good things will work. The opposite.
"Gar?" You kneel down in front of him and you swear your mom is screaming at you from beyond the grave. Tigers are wild animals, not pets and they will eat you. But, this is Gar.
Gar growls at you, lifting his head weakly.
"It's me." You’re cautious. "I know you're in there." You avoid looking directly into his eyes, unsure of how his animal instincts work, especially right now. "Remember when Dick brought me to the tower? You were the first person I talked to and you were so excited because I was watching The Goonies?" You give him a smile. "You brought me pizza. And you, uh, you walked with me around the tower when I thought Jerry was there. Remember when we had a Nerf war against Dick and he got us back? Or that time Jason turned him blue? Or when I beat you at Mario Kart because I messed up your controller? Or when you showed me Resident Evil and you rambled about it for 2 hours.” You let out a soft laugh as you try to think of more things that have happened as quickly as possible.
You aren’t exactly sure what else you’re supposed to tell him, how many things you’re supposed to list. But, he has stopped growling at you.
“You've been there for me through almost every nightmare I've ever had and you were there for me when I completely lost it because of Deathstroke. You're the nicest person I've ever met and you're strong as fuck so I know you're in there somewhere." You scoot closer to him and cautiously and gently, put your hands on either side of his cheeks. The fur is soft under your hands. He growls again but you don't jerk away. "I'm not scared of you. And I know you won’t hurt me." You rest your forehead against his and in tiger form, it feels weird because his head is so much bigger than yours. But, it's soft and warm. "I know you’re in there and I believe in you."
You suck in a breath, closing your eyes. Despite the constant pessimism that seems to be intertwined in your blood, you’re positive this has to be working. He isn’t growling anymore and he’s not trying to eat you. Gar is in there somewhere then, Gar starts to transform back into human form. You can feel his face shift under your hands as you pull away, a gentle and relieved smile pulling at your lips. His eyes flicker at you as a sheepish smile comes to his face. You saved him.
"Hey." You smile widely at him and it's the softest smile you’ve ever given him.
"Thank you." Gar's eyes are tired as he lets out a breath. How did you know to do that?
"You don't have to thank me." You laugh softly. "Here." You pull the backpack off, handing it over. "Grabbed some clothes for you."
"Thank you." Gar lets out an awkward chuckle while you stand up and turn around so he can put the clothes on. He’s surprised you even thought to do that. That you were positive you would be able to get him back and he would need his clothes. Gar will be eternally grateful for you.
"Are you okay?" You ask, still with your back to him. You can't believe it worked and you’re so happy it did. The world is a cruel place, but Gar does not deserve that cruelty. 
"Uh..." Gar stutters. Okay? He knows he just hurt several people, he was brainwashed. He is physically in pain. "Yeah."
"Are you lying?" You question, sticking your hands in your hoodie pouch.
"Yeah." Gar clears his throat, walking up to your side. "Just, a little sore." Gar’s voice is low, a little rough and Gar? Not talking about something? That’s new and you do not like that. But, you won’t push because you still have other problems to deal with. That’s a Tower conversation.
You nod your head softly, brows knitting together. “You sure?”
Gar gives you a fake smile. “Yeah, uh, thank you.” Gar furrows his brows, nodding.
"Of course." You nudge him with your arm. "Come on, we should get over there. We can talk at the Tower if you want?"
Gar nods. "Yeah, thank you."
"You'd do the same for me." You interlock your arm with his and the two of you walk, unsteadily towards the other Titans.
"When did Dick get back?" Gar asks, seeing Dick stand near Conner as Rachel uses her powers to encompass them both.
"Love that you're just used to Rachel doing that." You state. "Uh.... twenty minutes ago, apparently. He saved our asses from Deathstroke."
"Deathstroke's back?" Gar groans. What has he missed since being with CADMUS?
"Assume they took care of him since everyone is here now." You shrug. "It's been a few days." You laugh softly. "I'm just glad you're...okay." You smile softly at him before looking back to the Titans, scanning over everyone.
Donna has her rope around Conner while Rachel is using her powers to hold Conner still so he can't move. Rachel has powers surrounding Dick, fully encompassing him. You’re positive you will never get used to that. Dawn, Hank, and Kory are standing behind them, watching. You can feel your heart in your throat until you spot Jason standing a little off to the side of Hank, holding his arm. You let out a breath at the sight of him.
"Jason's back?" Gar questions, seeming to have noticed him at the same time.
"He came back to help." You answer proudly.
"Got the whole team back together." Gar offers a genuine smile.
"Yeah," You feel a warmth in your chest with the idea of everyone sticking around, even if it won’t happen. "All to save you."
Rachel suddenly stops using her powers, releasing Dick and then Conner. Donna releases her rope and Conner seems to be back. He looks around for just a second in horror at the mess. But, then, he looks towards the CADMUS vehicles and starts walking fiercely towards them, you and Gar moving quickly out of his way and towards the others. CADMUS starts firing their guns at Conner which is just a waste since he's literally bulletproof. And none of the Titans are going to stop in to stop him. This is now Conner's fight.
"Nice to have you back, man." Jason gives Gar a nod as he approaches the both of you.
"Thanks for coming back."
"Don't mention it." Jason lets out a scoff, offering you a smile.
"You okay?" You ask, taking a quick glance over him.
"Yeah, all good." Jason nods at you, cocky grin dancing across his lips.
Everyone gathers around as Conner comes back. He stands in front of everyone, getting a better look at the damage caused before he puts the blame on himself. He says it wasn't him but he still did it. Donna is the first one to tell Conner that it's okay and everyone is just glad to have him back.
The people at the carnival then start to come out of hiding, cheering for the Titans. That's a bit surprising but it is kind of nice. Everyone collectively smiles and waves softly. You aren't sure how you feel about it. There's a lot of attention on all of you but it's nice the people appreciate it, rather than hating all of you. You feel a little too exposed but you smile anyway, trying to deal with it because that's what Titans do.
There's a little girl who points out her doll stuck on a ride. Dawn sees the little girl and grabs the doll before walking the doll back to the little girl. But then, everyone hears electricity cackle from above. One of the electric light displays starts to tilt towards Dawn. She rushes as many as she can away, telling everyone to get back before Donna runs and catches the piece of equipment before it falls onto the innocent civilians.
She holds it above her head as it electrocutes her. Every one of you watch in a state of horror, unsure what to do and if any of you can even help. She’s Wondergirl but that doesn’t mean she’s immune to electricity especially that much and for more than just a few seconds. But, there’s nothing any of you can do and after just twenty seconds, Donna goes limp and falls onto the beam.
Dick runs to her and holds her body in his arms. No one says a word, everyone just stands there and watches. How did that kill Wondergirl? Of all things, how? At a carnival? Your heart breaks with the sight and you really liked Donna. You looked up to Donna. Gar hangs his head and you reach down to hold his hand while Jason puts a hand on your shoulder. It's just not fair.
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The team goes back to the tower, Hank carrying Donna's body. The tower feels emptier than it ever has before. It's darker than usual, completely silent. It feels like the Reaper is actively looming over the entire Tower, haunting every single one of you. You all lost one of your own tonight, and at a carnival. It wasn't Deathstroke or Dr. Light. Just a piece of electrical equipment that never should have fallen to begin with. And it was Donna. Wondergirl. The reality of it is too heavy for any of you to carry. So, the you all go your separate ways through the tower.
You go off to your room to change and figure you'll check on Gar right after. You’re sad about Donna, despite everything you looked up to her. And it's rough that of all Titans, she's the one killed. And saving people. It hurts through every part of your body and you’re tired of loss. But you focus on Gar because dealing with those feelings isn't something you really want to do. It hurts and when things hurt, you run from them. Avoid them. And Gar just went through something traumatic and now he has to deal with the loss of Donna who he knew a lot better than you did. You focus on your best friend because his feelings about everything just happened are far more important.
Apparently, Jason had the same idea because when you leave your room, Jason was already making his way to Gar's room. Rachel, though, is already leaving Gar's room by the time you join Jason.
"He's not in there." Rachel lets out a sigh.
"Training room?" Jason questions, looking to you.
"Probably." You sigh and the three of you let your bitterness go between each other to find Gar.
The three of you head to the training room where you find Gar sitting alone on one of the benches with his head hung. The three of you pause, your hearts aching for your friend but then move forward. Rachel sits to Gar's left while you sit on his right, Jason standing in front of you. You and Rachel wrap your arms around Gar to hug him while Jason rests his hand on Gar's shoulder. Gar basically collapses into you and Rachel and you both hug him tighter, squeezing him against you to try to offer some type of comfort to the gentle boy who deserved better.
Gar's let out a whimpered cry, Jason giving Gar's shoulder a squeeze and he didn't think he'd see his friend like this. Jason doesn't let people see him as anything less than strong and sturdy, besides you. But, he admires Gar in a way because Gar doesn't really either but he puts on a smile instead of relentless sarcasm. He smiles and then offers kindness and help to others instead of collapsing. There's something admirable in that but he's crying now, breaking and it hurts Jason to see his friend like this.
"It's my fault." Gar lets out a soft whimper.
"It's not your fault." Rachel says quickly.
"None of this is your fault." You assure right after.
"I was the one brainwashed and that got Donna killed." Gar whines while you and Rachel pull away, Jason taking a knee in front of you.
"But, that's not your fault. That's what CADMUS did." Rachel says, her words slow.
"Yeah, that's on CADMUS. Not you." You state.
"CADMUS got her fucking killed, not you, man." Jason assures him.
"But she died because I didn't call Bruce about Conner."
"Look, I said it then and I'm gonna say it again, you did what you thought was best. None of this is on you." You state, getting a look of confusion between Jason and Rachel. Call Bruce? "Bruce probably wouldn't have showed up in time anyway and all this shit would have happened. Not on you."
"Yeah..." Rachel nods in agreement, unsure of what any of that means but is certain none of this could possibly be Gar's fault.
"It's not fair." Gar's voice is so small.
"It's not." Jason shakes his head. "It's fucking bullshit. But, that's not your fault." Jason lets out a sigh. Jason has no idea how to offer comfort to anyone besides you. One of the only people he’s ever been good with is you but, he does know that escapism is Gar’s thing. He likes movies and he likes video games. Jason can’t offer comforting words, but he can offer a movie. "Hey, man, why don't we go...watch one of your movies or something? Like we used to." Jason offers and the offer caches all three of you off guard but you and Rachel say nothing, instead you wait for Gar to talk.
"Not really feeling it, Jason." Gar lets out a huff.
"So?" You quip. "You like movies and you don't deserve to drown yourself in the guilt of everything that's not your fault."
"Exactly. I can make us popcorn and order from that pizza place you like." Rachel offers Gar a gentle smile and you let the anger for Rachel fade just a little. You’re not sure what was up Rachel's ass last night, but she does care about Gar and it's very obvious now.
"Come on, man." Jason groans and gives Gar a grin. "All of us getting along, watching something again?"
Gar lets out a weak laugh, you and Rachel smiling softly at each other. "Okay, okay, yeah." Gar nods with agreement.
Jason smiles proudly, getting to his feet and offering Gar his hand. Gar takes his hand and stands up.
"Uh, can you guys give us a second? We'll meet you out there."  Rachel asks, Sam snapping her attention to her.
Jason eyes the two of you suspiciously, not sure if leaving you both alone is the best thing to do but he nods anyway and Gar smiles softly, leaving with Jason.
"I wanted to talk to you." Rachel sucks in a breath.
With everything that's happened tonight, Rachel wants to get everything out in the open and squash everything. It's been bothering her a little bit since last night. Rachel never had many friends. This is the first time, she has more than one and it sucks fighting. Even if she knows her own feelings were valid, she knows yours were, too. So, she'd rather get it over with now rather than wait.
"I gathered." You nod your head.
"I'm sorry for what I said last night."
The apology catches you by surprise but you’re glad this is where this conversation is going. "Yeah...me, too." You swallow your pride and honestly, life is too fucking short. At the end of the day, you're in this together. You're Titans, together. Doesn't matter where you are or if you get along, you're in it together.
"I was...Dick is like an older brother and the dreams make everything feel so real and sometimes it is. Not having dreams about Gar, made me think he was okay. But, with Dick..."
"It felt like he really was in more danger?"
"Yeah, it was never that I was choosing between them or that I don't care about Gar."
"I know." You nod your head quickly. "I was just so mad about everything. I mean, I'm still dealing with Deathstroke shit and honestly, maybe I was a little...” You scrunch your nose. “Hurt that Jason left...with Rose. Then, getting attacked, not feeling good enough again. I took a lot of that out on you because I was still mad at you for Jason."
"I should have talked to him. I never meant for him to spiral like that. I didn't think the other Titans had stuff going on. It was just me and I thought it had to be him." Rachel admits and truly, she never dreamed Jason was in that bad of a headspace. Rachel can explode just like everyone else, but she’s not cruel.
"I just wish you would have listened to me at least. Jason, fine, I get that, but we're supposed to be friends so. I just...I was mad. And...." You pause. "Scared, honestly. Jason wasn't answering me, Gar was kidnapped and hurt. Those...they both mean a lot to me and it was a lot."
"We were both just scared for everyone."
"Yeah," You laugh softly. "I am...sorry I punched you. Especially hearing this side of it. Give you shit for not hearing Jason out only for me not to offer you that kindness. I'm sorry."
"Thank you." Rachel smiles softly. "I will apologize to him, too."
You smile kindly. "Thank you. He'll probably yell at you but I'm serious, just let him yell." You scrunch your nose. "He'll be fine after he yells." You laugh softly.
"I will." Rachel assures you.
"Hey, he's leaving anyway so...it won't be too bad."
Rachel's face falls. "He's leaving?"
You nod sadly. "Mhm, he's only here for Gar and then he's gone. Back to Gotham, back to Bruce."
"Are you okay? I know what I said but..." Rachel offers a sympathetic look.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay." You give her a fake smile and you decide not to tell Rachel.
You’re willing to move on from everything, especially if she apologizes to Jason. You were both just stressed and scared and worried. It was a lot for the both of you. But a part of you is a little worried that if you tell Rachel, she might tell Gar before you can. You know you’re going to stay here for at least a little bit to make sure he's okay and you aren't sure when you'll tell him. You don't want Rachel thinking you’re withholding the information on purpose or Rachel accidentally letting it slip. So, you sit on it and assure Rachel you’re okay.
"We're all good and I know Gotham is his home."
"Okay, if you want to talk.." Rachel smiles softly.
"Thank you. I'm sorry again for all of that shit. Are we okay?"
Rachel leans forward, pulling you in for a hug and you freeze for a second. And then you hug Rachel back.
"Yeah, we're okay." Rachel pulls away and gets up, offering you her hand. "Let's see what movie Gar picked."
The two of you make your way to the living room where you see Gar and Jason seated on the couch, an open space between them. Dick is just walking in with two bowls of popcorn, Kory holding a few drinks. You and Rachel look between each other before giving the older Titans soft smiles and taking your rightful seats on either side of Gar. Conner and Krypto are next to join as Gar scrolls through the movies and lands on one he's seen a handful of times.
"What are we watching, Gar?" Dick asks, passing one of the bowls down the couch to younger Titans.
"Ready Player One." Gar offers a soft smile as clicks the movie, the room not knowing anything about it.
"Spielberg, come on guys." You look around.
"That explains absolutely fucking nothing." Jason chuckles with the shake of his head.
"It's a video game movie, kind of." Gar explains, clicking the movie.
"That makes sense." Kory laughs softly.
Gar turns on the movie with a soft smile and the room falls silent. Dick and Kory saw Jason and Gar walk in, plopping on the couch. When they asked what they were doing and Gar said watching a movie, they offered to join. Dick would join every once in a while anyway and he just lost his best friend tonight. It was more so Kory's idea but Dick went along with it. The four of you are still his responsibility and maybe this isn't such a bad idea.
"What's going on?" Hank asks about half an hour into the movie, Dawn right at his side as they see the living room filled with Titans.
"We're watching a movie." Kory offers him a smile. "A video game movie."
Gar offers Hank a smile, the indicator it was clearly his choice. Hank chuckles softly while Dawn reaches down for his hand and walks the two of them into the living room to join the group of you, picking up two of the only open spots left.
The room falls silent as the movie plays, the new Titans sharing a bowl of popcorn (and maybe tossing a piece to Krypto every now and again). Gar explains every movie reference that shows up to everyone who hasn’t seen it which is almost always Jason and Kory. All of you just let Gar explain it and hear him get excited again, and for that short time during the movie, the grief of losing Donna doesn’t hurt so much. For that two and a half hours, you all live in peace with each other and every one of you needed it.
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Two days later, the entire team meets up at a private airport, everyone dressed in black. You’re all sending Donna off in a casket back to Themyscira and her people have come to take her back. To say it was depressing would be an understatement. It was hard for every single one of you. Despite any problems the Titans had, Donna meant a lot to all of you and it's agonizing officially saying goodbye. And that's when Rachel decided to tell everyone she'd be going with. She wants to try and resurrect her. Something in her believes she has the power to do it, or at the very least try. You find it admirable.
Bruce flew in to see Donna off, too. And Rose showed up at the tower the day before, wanting to try out being a Titan for a little bit until she figures out what she really wants to do. Especially with having Jericho's consciousness. That was a little awkward for Jason and you. But it was nice seeing Bruce show up and maybe he's not all too bad. He gave you a pair of gloves when he showed up, explaining Jason and Gar had called him with the idea. Made with zylon fibers. Not only was it nice of those boys, but it was really nice of Bruce to go out of his way to do that.
Everyone got to be Titans that night, too. There was an alert of a problem happening and everyone, one by one, got up from the table to get suited up (or changed) and head out to fight for the first time as a full team. It went off without a hitch, too. You were a large team and it felt so good to be out there, doing exactly what the Titans are supposed to be doing. Saving and protecting people who cannot do it themselves.
Jason and Bruce flew out the following day. Saying goodbye to Jason, this time, didn't hurt nearly as much. You knew you'd be back in Gotham soon enough and he wasn't leaving over horrible circumstances. He wasn't leaving because he felt like he had to anymore, as if it was forced on him. It was a little sad, but you both knew it was not permanent.
Within a few days, you get a call from Jason giving you the all good. Bruce said you’re welcome to stay as long as you like. You said you wanted to give it a little longer, to make sure Gar is okay especially with Rachel leaving. Dawn and Hank also were very clear on them not staying very long. So, you owe it to him to make sure he's okay before you take off, too. He won't be alone this time. He'll have Dick, Kory, Conner, and Krypto but you owe him.
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Over the next month, you hang around Gar, making sure he’s okay. At first, it was his turn to suffer from nightmares about being brainwashed and killing the Titans. Those were rough nights but Gar is resilient and he talks. He talks through all of it then escapes into video games until he’s ready to talk again. The whole time you offer him the listening ear, and assure him that everything was CADMUS’s fault. The talking and video games and friendship helps. Gar picks himself up pretty quickly, swinging back into the routine of things and it helps that you’re all actually being Titans now. You’re actually accomplishing missions and working together which is making everyone feel useful for once.
And over that month of being there for Gar, you feel yourself deteriorating. It’s easy to avoid feelings and problems and trauma when you’re focused on someone or something else. But, Gar gets better and you get worse. It’s as if your flight or fight has been kicked into overdrive the whole time but now with things getting, somewhat back to normal, it’s crashing.
The nightmares are consistent and at this point, you swear you’ll never get a full night’s rest ever again. The paranoia is back, more so than it was even with Jerry. The attack on the tower made it feel not safe. Even with the other Titans around, it doesn’t feel safe anymore because that bubble was popped. You weren’t the one kidnapped that time, but it lingers in the depths of your mind anyway and you’re always waiting for something like that to happen again, looking over your shoulder. So, you don’t sleep for more than two to three hours and you train. You’re always found either with Gar or in the training room running yourself to the ground. And you know that with Gar doing okay, it’s time because you can’t live like this anymore and there’s a place for you Gotham.
The problem is that you definitely haven't told anyone. Every day, you swore you would do it. You'd get up the courage to do it. And instead, you'd train and avoid it. You'd dodge questions about Jason. You'd bury yourself in your scrapbook. The idea of telling them, wasn't a good one. You ran from the conversation but, you can't do that anymore and you know you can't. So, you find yourself in the display room, trying to muster up the courage to tell Dick and Gar.
Dick walks in and he's had a suspicion. He's seen that look before. He has worn that look when he decided to leave Gotham and go to Detroit. You’ve been a bit spacey lately, too and at first, he thought it was everything that happened. You’ve been the main person looking after Gar but he watched the security footage back. He knows you were attacked and fought just as hard. You lost Donna, too. But, as the days went by, something seemed off. Dick is a detective and since finally coming to clean about Jericho, his head is far more clear and he's picking up on a lot of things a lot better. You haven't done anything new to your room or asked for anything. You’ve picked up extra chores and then there’s the training. Dick just knows.
"You're leaving, aren't you?" Dick asks, standing beside you, keeping his stare at the displays.
You turn your head, the sad smile growing as you nod. You aren't going to lie. You need to tell him and he figured it out but it hurts to confirm it anyway. "Yeah, I am."
Dick nods, his expression sad as he looks at you "Can I ask where?"
"You've gotten a little better at asking things, Dick Grayson." Your voice is soft but holds your signature sarcasm. You shake your head, sticking your hands in the pouch of your hoodie before sucking in a breath. "Gotham." You look to your shoes, knowing you can end the conversation here but decide to try not to run from this one thing. You owe Dick that much. "It's home, ya know?" You look up at Dick and he nods.
"Yeah," His voice is understanding as he puts his hands in his pockets. "But, it doesn't have to be."
"I know." You answer. "But..." You pause, looking back to the display columns. You love to give him shit because he makes it easy and he’s he oldest. He’s basically everyone’s older brother. But, you owe him the explanation because he has done a good job here, especially after confessing the stuff about Jericho. You never want him to think you leaving is because he failed or something. "Um...a-a lot happened here, this Tower, this city. It’s a lot for me and I don’t know if I can handle dealing with all of that here. Gotham though, it might be a mess, but it’s home. I was happy there.” You let out a scoff, chewing the inside of your cheek. “More shit just keeps happening here and I need to find that part of myself that can be happy despite the bullshit. I don’t think I can find that here. I left some of myself in Gotham and I just want to see if I can find some of that again, get over some of this shit. I don’t know.” You shrug your shoulders. “Gotham is home, probably always will be and I...wanna go home.”
"I understand." Dick's voice is quiet and he's sad to see your leave but he understands. Finding himself was the hardest thing he ever did but it was worth it. He doesn't like the idea of you going to Gotham, not with what Gotham does to people but if it's what you need to do, he can't stand in your way. "Where are you gonna stay?"
You give him a dry chuckle. "With Bruce and Jason." You shake your head again as you roll your eyes. "I understand the irony in that."
"Jason pull some strings?" Dick is a little relieved that you won’t be homeless in Gotham, not he ever thought Jason would let you.
"Mhm." You hum. You don't want to get into it. Dick does not want to hear about that one.
"Have you told Gar?"
You shake your head and the very mention of his name makes you want to run out of the display room and away from this conversation. "No. I will." You say quickly. "You just asked first."
"Tell him soon." Dick says. He has a lot to say but he doesn't want to sway your decision or guilt you about it. He took you in, took Rachel in, and he’s watching you both go off on your own to do your own thing. Maybe he’s a little proud, too.
"I will when we're done." You let out a deep breath. You turn to face him completely this time and you hate to admit, but you'll miss him. "Thank you for letting me be a Titan."
The corner of Dick's lips tugs into a sad smile. "You'll always have a place as a Titan, okay?"
You nod. "So, I can come back when I figure my shit out?" You hope one day you’ll want to. You do like being a Titan, using your powers for good. But for now, it’s not healthy for you.
"Of course." Dick smiles at you. "Go talk to Gar." Dick sucks in a breath and he's let so many people down. He's let you guys down and he won't do that again. "Hey, be careful, okay?"
"Because Jason." You state and the two of them actually worked out some of their shit while Jason was here. Dick actually apologized but you suspect that's what he means anyway because Dick will always think Jason is reckless and impulsive and a bad influence.
Dick shakes his head. "You two have that figured out." Dick lets out a chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck and you raise a brow at him. "With Bruce."
You offer a singular, large nod. "I will, I see how you and Jason turned out. You don't have to worry. If...shit hits the fan though...I can call, right?"
"Of course. We'll all be there."
"Thank you. I'm gonna go talk to Gar." You turn to leave. "Hey," You turn back around. "Keep doing this, you're getting a lot better at it."
You head to Gar's room next, deciding to rip the band-aid off. You do feel a little better after talking with Dick. It didn't go terribly wrong which means it should be okay with Gar. You knock on his door quickly, before walking inside. Gar is sat on his couch playing Resident Evil and he looks over his shoulder quickly, offering you a kind smile. The guilt floods back into your blood like a dam's just broken. He looks so happy and content and you’re about to break this to him.
"Hey." You say quietly, taking a seat beside him.
"Hey." He offers you a smile, pausing his game. "What's up?"
"Um..." Your brows furrow as you tug your sleeves over your hands. The action does not go unnoticed and Gar knows something’s up. "I wanted to talk to you about something."
"Is everything okay?" Gar asks, hesitance in his voice.
"I-I, uh, I'm....leaving." You get the words out but it feels like your vocal cords are short-circuiting.
It's as if Gar can feel the last of his heart breaking. Everyone is leaving and he's gonna be left here. Sure, he has Dick and Conner and Kory and Krypto but...what about everyone else? His best friends?
"Why?" He asks, his voice cracking.
"I....I-I-I I just....I need to figure out who I am now. I'm....not...I'm not who I was before and..." You choke down the lump of guilt clogging on your throat. "I need to go back to Gotham and find me and....just figure out my fucking shit."
"Why can't you do that here?" He asks and he's so sad, you can see it in the way his eyes dodge yours
You shake your head, offering him full transparency. "I fucked up. I couldn't save Jason and me. I have these powers and they were fucking useless. I couldn't talk him out of it, hell, I went along with it. I never would have done that before. But...I felt like I had something to prove to myself. That I'm strong and I'm not as weak as Jerry made me feel but then I was dropped from a fucking skyscraper with my best friend and we almost died. And then........." You keep your eyes on him because if you’re going to do this, you owe him that. "CADMUS attacked and I couldn't save any of us, or myself." You scoff. "Then, Donna." You shake your head. "I just feel useless and not good enough and...scared. I'm so sick feeling that way and running myself right into the ground over it. I never had healthy coping mechanisms but..." You suck in a deep breath. "I don't sleep and I train all the time. I need to leave and get away from the this city, figure out who I am outside of a Titan because I was thrown into this. I chose it, but thrown into it and I need to just get away for a little bit. Gotham is a shitshow, but it's fucking home."
"Gotham?" Of course, it's Gotham. Where else would you go? But, it hurts anyway. That's literally across the country.
"I know." You nods softly. "It's....it is my home, Gar. I was born there and raised there for almost my entire life. My mom is buried there. I need to go back. It's....I always felt like I belonged there"
He nods, not knowing what else to say. He won't convince you to stay, it's not him. He respects you and your decision even though it hurts. Even though he's upset. It hurts. Everyone is leaving again.
"You're not useless." Gar gets out. "And you are good enough. I know you don't believe it but it's true."
You nod. "Yeah, it just doesn't feel like it and I need to not feel like this anymore."
"I understand." Gar offers a solemn nod.
"I'm so sorry."
"You don't have to be sorry." Gar forces a sad smile to his face. "It's what's best for you. If it's going to make you happy, it's the right thing to do."
"Thank you." You swear you have no idea what you did to deserve his friendship.
"Where are you gonna stay?"
You let out a soft laugh. "That's the irony. With fucking Bruce Wayne and Jason, of course."
"You're gonna live with Batman?" Gar's eyes widen and it makes you laugh.
"Mhm, can you believe it?"
"Do...do you think you'll see the Batcave?"
Your nose scrunches as you lets out a laugh. Of course, that's what Gar is interested in. "I hadn't thought about it, Gar."
"It's Batman's Manor." Gar's eyes are wide with excitement.
"If I see the Batcave, I'll let you know." You shake your head. "You could come visit and you're a Titan so like...maybe you'd convince Bruce to show you anyway."
"That'd be so cool." Gar beams.
"I kind of just wanna throw a Baterang."
"You would." Gar chuckles softly. "Jason though." Gar shakes his head and he's also kind of waiting to see when that's gonna happen. He's pretty sure everyone kind of is at this point.
"One of the free perks of living with Bruce Wayne." You state and Gar groans. "What?"
"Nothing." Gar shakes his head. You and Jason will figure it out. "When do you leave?"
You offer him a yikes expression before giving him an awkward smile. "Two days."
"You waited until now to tell me?"
"Yeah, I'm gonna try to work on that. I was scared." You shrug. "It seems easier not to tell you."
"You can always tell me things."
"I know." You let out a soft laugh. "Did...you wanna play some Mario Kart though? We have two days to still play." You’re ready to be done having the conversation. It’s not easy for either of you and you’d rather be enjoying the time you have left rather than talking about it.
Gar lets out a laugh, a toothy smile landing on his lips. "Okay, yeah, grab the controllers." Gar states, saving his game while you grab the controllers from the switch.
It's gonna be weird not having you around. But, Gar understands it's what's best for you. He'll never stand in your way just like he didn't with Rachel or Jason or anyone else that's left. If he's learned anything, it's that the Titans do come back together eventually. Gar has hope you'll be back so he'll enjoy your last two days like he has been.
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The next two days go by in a blur and soon enough, it's time for you to leave. You look around your room with a backpack on your shoulders. You give the room a sad smile and you swear you'll be back one day. You do love being a Titan but you need to figure you out now. It's time and you'll be back one day. So, you walk towards the door and close it behind you.
You walk out into the kitchen where Dick, Kory, Gar, Conner, and Krypto are seated around. You offer them all a sad smile. Kory is the first to say goodbye, offering you a hug and telling you not to get into too much trouble. Conner is next, also offering a hug and saying it was nice getting to know you. You make him promise to send you Krypto updates. Gar is next and he wraps you in the tightest hug he's ever given you.
"You'll keep in touch right?" Gar pulls away, eyes sad but filled with hope.
"Of course." You laugh softly. "You're my best friend, always." You flash him a toothy smile
"Good because I'm really gonna miss you."
"I’m gonna miss you, too. I'm just a phone call and flight away." You assure him. "Come visit."
"Will do." Gar offers you a sheepish nod, stepping back so Dick can say goodbye.
Dick stands in front of you and offer you a handshake.
"So fucking professional. You know, you took me in for no reason at all."
"You were injured."
"Yeah, but you could have brought me to a hospital." You quip. "Thank you for everything you've done for me, Dick." This is the most sincere you’ve ever been with Dick. "Thank you for looking out for me and saving my life, more than once. One hundred points for you." A confident smile comes to your lips.
Dick lets out a laugh. "You were really keeping a point system?"
"Well, I was joking but you seemed so surprised, I needed to commit to the bit. So, congrats on your win."
"Thank you." Dick's eyes widen with sarcasm.
You close the distance between you and hug him. It catches Dick off guard but he hugs you back.
"Listen to Kory, don't get into too much trouble."
"Have no worry, Dickolas. I've grown." You say as you pull away.
"You have." Dick nods at you.
"Well, I'll be back and I'll keep in touch." You offer all of them a last smile before walking over to Gar and giving him one final and long hug. You'll miss him the most.
You pet Krypto and give him a kiss before you head to the elevator. Everyone heads to the hallway to watch you leave and the doors shut. This is it, you’re really going home. After over a year, you’re finally going back home and it might be a little bittersweet but you’re so happy. Gotham is a shit show but it will always be home. You miss it.
You exit the building and right outside, there stands Jason with his motorcycle, one helmet on the bike and the other in his hand. He gives you a wide grin. He didn't tell you he was coming. You were given the address for the private landing strip where Bruce would send his private jet to pick you up. You were okay with that actually, just some time to be alone. But now you’re looking at Jason you’re so relieved to see him.
"Miss me?" Jason quips as you get closer.
You scrunch your nose, shrugging your shoulder. "Nope, not even a little bit."
"Alright, fuck you." Jason chuckles, looking to the ground and then back to you. Maybe this has been the longest month of his life.
"I don't think Bruce would appreciate us joining the mile-high club in his jet." You quip, Jason gaining the devious smirk that makes fireworks explode through your heart.
"He doesn't have to know." Jason quips right back.
"No!" You shake your head, a booming laugh escaping your lips. "Shut the fuck up." You close the distance between you, bringing him into a hug and you didn't think he'd actually come just to fly back to Gotham. But, you’re so happy he did. "You didn't have to come. I could have flown alone." You pull away, the biggest smile Jason has ever seen splits your face.
Jason shrugs. "Yeah, but that's not very fun. Thought you'd like some company."
"Thank you, Jay."
"Anytime, babe." Jason hands you a helmet.
"Can't just take an Uber like a normal person?" You quip while the two of you get on the bike. You put the helmet on while Jason gets ready.
"Nope, this is faster." Jason taunts you, looking back at you.
"Okay, Fast and The Furious." You roll your eyes as Jason slides his face shield down.
"Ready to go home?" Jason asks, looking back at you.
"Hell yeah." You slide your own face shield down, wrapping your arms around him before Jason kicks it into first.
The city goes by in a blur as Jason zips between traffic and you have a smile under your helmet. Every piece of you that might have been second-guessing this decision washes away. You’re going home and having Jason be the one that's there, makes the whole experience a little bit better. And you’re so excited to get back to Gotham, see what it will bring you this time around. And Jason is thrilled to be bringing you back home. It'll just be the two of you in Gotham. No Titans, no Deathstroke. Just you. It's you and him.
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A/N: Book 1: Okay hi, so I know I skipped over quite a bit but this was already so long lmao and I didn’t wanna break it up. If y’all want an exert from anything I skipped over, just let me know!! Thank you guys again for reading. It truly means SO much to me 😭
Book 2: First of all, I get to the point EARLY in book 2, I promise!!!!! I literally have that already written lol Chapter 1 of book 2 will be out in 2 weeks!! I’ll try to stay posting on Wednesday/Thursdays!! Book 2 also follows canon pretty closely so look forward to that angst lol But, yeah I’ll be part with chapters in 2 weeks!! Thank you guys!! 😭
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spahhzy · 7 months
A sunny dragon comes to town~
Yang: Jaune, my man!
Yang grabs Jaune into a headlock, much to Jaune's dismay.
Jaune: Hello, Yang how was your trip?
Yang: Not bad. Mom teleported me roughly past Mt. Glenn, the drive to Vale was nice on Bumblebee.
Yang let go of Jaune before looking around.
Yang: Annnd, where is the miniscule mute?
A muffin hit Yang on the head.
Yang: Ah, there you are, shrimps!
Yang said, walking over to the sitting Neo, who was trying to act like she was doing something important, but Yang just picked her up and gave her a big hug before bonking Neo on the head.
Neo: Ow! What the fuck you big boobed bitch!
Yang: That's for tossing a muffin at me.
Neo: Next time, it will be a pie with knives in it!
Yang: Clown tactics, now we just need you to play the part.
Neo just gave her the finger before giving a smirk and hugging Yang.
Yang: Funny, I also thought Jaune would have knocked you up by now.
This caused Jaune to blush and sputter, while Neo blushed as well before shattering away in embarrassment.
Roman: Ah, is that the wonderful sound of a soul being embarrassed I hear?
Yang: Rome!
Yang ran up to the man and embraced him in a hug.
Roman: Jeeez what kind of training has your mother been putting you through?
Yang: Ah, you know tribal stuff. She also said for me to tell you that she expects a visit from you, to chat and catch up as she puts it.
Roman: Once this little heist of ours is complete, that will be the first thing I do.
Yang: Right, so infiltrating Beacon, huh?
Roman: It's ingenious! Plus, I knew your mom would love it if we could stick it to Ozpin again.
Yang: You said you got everyone fake transcripts right?
Roman: Everyone excluding you, I figured a bit of 'legitimacy' would do us well, sides you were going to attend Beacon anyways right?
Yang: Yeah, that was the plan, even though mom is totally against it.
Roman: I don't blame her, but if things go perfect, we'll steal whatever it is he's hiding, gloat before selling it too, whoever is willing to meet our price!
Yang: It sounds good in practice, Rome...
Roman: Have faith! With Neo, Jaune, and You, this plan will be foolproof!
Jaune had already excused himself to let the two catch up as he went to find Neo. He caught her back in her room as she was looking at an old photo.
It was Him, her, Roman, and Yang with another Woman, she looked like a carbon copy of Yang but had black hair and red eyes.
It read: 'Thick as thieves'.
Jaune: Penny for you thoughts?
Neo: Just a penny?
Jaune walked up behind her before giving her a hug, Neo leaned in and enjoyed the warmth.
Jaune: C'mon spill it...
Neo: Just...nervous.
Jaune: You? The Neopolitan, nervous...I thought such a word didn't exist in your vocabulary.
Neo: kiss ass.
Jaune: Heh.
Jaune sighed as he rested his head onto of her head.
Jaune: I'm nervous too, a lot that can go wrong... but I will do my best to ensure that you and Roman will be okay.
Neo: Hey, don't sell yourself short. Without you, our trio ain't nothing, we need you...I need you dummy.
Jaune: Awww, Neo all sentimental, I need a camera.
Neo smirked before suddenly Jaune was sprawled out on the bed with Neo strattling him, a hazy look in her eyes.
Jaune:Heh, I'm in danger.
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