#night's dark terror
1-50thofabuck · 5 months
Sometimes I created animated GIFs as virtual "handouts," by taking black and white drawings and coloring them and then altering or combining them with related ones, such as the "before and after" image I used for the nymph/hag here, which I put atop some generic forest image I found. I created it when I ran Nymph's Reward, a Dungeon Magazine adventure, which is also the source of the two drawings. The Eye of Fear and Flame, to the right, is a monster I added to Night's Dark Terror, as I'm a sucker for the Fiend Folio. I basically followed the description that you couldn't really see its face until it threw back its hood.
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As an aside, when I ran Nymph's Reward it was as a one on one adventure, and the player was extremely suspicious from the start. He refused to believe there was a nymph named "Butternut."
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emacrow · 22 days
Alfred's new ward making sure everyone is having great day during their day off from crime whether they want to or not.
Previous original post
Damian knew from day one of meeting alfred's new ward that he was going to be trouble..
He may have been stalking the kid doing alfred's work while alfred sat down in a comfy couch with a plate of fresh jasmine tea, his prescription medince bottle at ready and a raspberry strudel to nibble on.
He ain't going to replace his favorite Butler, not now, not ever. So Damian got Tim and Dick to help sabotage this heathen from taking over...Not knowing this kid was expecting their over the top sabotages. They tried scaring him with Titus but the little traitor lay there on his back getting belly rubs like it was heaven itself.
Changing the plumbing in his shower to freezing cold, but he walk out there refreshed. Tim trying to look of anything to blackmail him only for the batcomputer to go off the frizz with a virus.
Alfred did make sure to have his work sort out alphabetical because he is the Glue that keep these Wayne Manor going and everyone living in it not because caveman style creatures of the night.
Danny made sure Bruce didn't escape to his batcave on his supposed day off after 96 hours without sleep and spite driven nature, and don't even come with Justice never sleep excuses is going to run by him. He got Alfred's speical Bruce's tranquilizer gun at ready and he is not hesitating to shot you Bruce.
He does kept Tim from overdoing with the coffee addiction, giving him a better offer of coffee as long as he goes to sleep. Dick will still talk about Saturday night when Tim tries to sneak out to do some more investigating in the batcave only to see Danny dragged a unconscious Tim back to his room, a two tranquilizers to the back and one of his arm, though he didn't mention the Danny's glowing cat light green eyes that shine in the dark.
Danny's funny puns neon ghost stickers made dick's days, every morning as he goes to get his lunch, and he really want to know where he get them from.
Danny did actually helped a lot with the Wayne Manor as it never been cleaner before, Jason visited one time even mentioned that the chandelier never feel so clean to hang on from, not a speck of dust on it.
Damian getting a new animals book/documentaries, a new knifes for the collection or art supplies that match his demands in a way that keep his stabby nature at sate and bay for now.
Barb, Cass and Duke are amused by the fact that Bruce, Tim and Damian are having a little mid crisis that danny making them have day off on certain days such as holidays.
All this free time actually had alfred's going back to old hobbies that were nearly long forgotten such as conversations with old dear friends, practicing his old shooting skills, and having well deserved rest. Once his arm was healed, he stil did his duty along side with Danny as it was much quicker to do together as two people at hand.
What they will probably find out later on in the future that danny is actually Bruce's great grand uncle from his older sister side, and that he had disappeared when he was 20 years old in a old spooky town that vanished and still on today uneXplained series after his great grandmother moved to gotham. (But that another story for next post)
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gravemud · 9 months
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There You Are
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Art by Lucas Garcete
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hellenhighwater · 14 days
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shawnfreki · 1 year
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Artwork by Igor Kieryluk.
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cronicas-de-garoto · 8 months
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blacksyllables · 2 months
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Art by Lucas Garcete
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romangoldendreams · 8 months
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dark smile only for you
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goryhorroor · 1 year
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80s: the decade of stupid good horror
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shoulderholsterfreak · 8 months
Another random couple thoughts with Freak:
So, obviously Chiss with their glowing red eyes wandering around in the dark has GOT to be a chilling experience, but what about the reverse?
Imagine you’re Thrawn and your brand new roommate wakes you up when he makes noise at 2 AM to go to the fresher, and when he comes back and before you remember “alien biology, duh!” you realize his eyes aren’t glowing. I feel like that could be nightmare fuel right there. No comforting eye glow of a living person, just a black void in the visual spectrum. A void that thankfully has body heat, but still, I feel like if I were Thrawn, seeing an “eyeless” dude wandering around in the blackness might give me some zo’mbie movie flashbacks XD.
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1-50thofabuck · 7 months
Main Page | Mystara: The New Age | Obsidian Portal
My second campaign in Mystara, which took place roughly 20 years before the previous one, used this site to track NPCs and places until I fell behind in doing so. It's still the third result on Google in a search for "Mystara Sukiskyn," among other things.
You can see references to NPCs that the characters never managed to discover more about, such as Yrch, whose image is now missing, but which I've added here. Had the PCs continued to pursue this character, they'd have eventually learned he was not an orc at all.
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Books of 2024: NEVER WHISTLE AT NIGHT: An Indigenous Dark Fiction Anthology, ed. by Shane Hawk and Theodore C. Van Alst Jr.
This has a bunch of authors I already love in it (Stephen Graham Jones, Darcie Little Badger, Waubgeshig Rice, and Rebecca Roanhorse!!), and several authors I've been meaning to try (like Tommy Orange, Nick Medina, and Kelli Jo Ford, to name a few), so I'm really hyped for them all to be together in one volume! Plus dark fiction is very much my jam (especially when it comes in a bright and colorful package).
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elderidgeart · 15 days
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Sweet Dreams part 1
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Art by Lucas Garcete, Contemporary love
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bellatwinz · 2 months
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Trish Stratus and Chris Jericho defeat Miss Jackie and Rico in a tag team match. Monday, 1 December 2003. RAW.
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