#nondysphoric trans safe
xqueerneurosisx · 1 year
Full offense, and sorry not sorry, but if a person tells you that they have an experience, and then they give you a name for their experience uh that’s all you fucking need*. Just call it what they named it.
You aren’t saving anyone or anything by trying to pick apart and redefine, or outright deny the existence of the name- you think you know something better about, for not your experience to begin with. In fact, that’s called gaslighting. You are gaslighting a random person based on your own ignorance. And yes, it is ignorant, because you didn’t fucking learn a damn thing about an experience- that again isn’t yours, if you didn’t fucking listen to the person who initially described it. Cut that toxic shit out!!
*Yes, I still do mean within safety/good faith reason.
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shaftking · 2 years
if u havent heard abt what this is refering to: basically hunter schauffer commented "!!!!" on a transmed post about how dysphoric people should be the face of the trans community instead of nondysphoric enbies (which. duh) and got a Ton of backlash because those types cant stand not being the center of the conversation
anyways- i hate this idea of like "middle upper class white trans women are the only ones who would ever need to transition, and theyre actually shitty terrible greedy people for not wanting to hsve to pay the whole thing out of pocket!!!1!1!1" like holy shit that was such a stupid as take i could barely finish the whole thing💀 its also so infuriating that these people genuinely dont consider the people that literally "unalive" themselves every fucking day because their dysphoria is that severe but they cant put themselves into thousands and thousands of dollars of debt. its just so self centered and idiotic that they cant even manage to consider how many lives would be saved if actual dysphoric trans people could safely transition because theyre too focused on making sure every nondysphoric assigned gender presenting enbie on this planet is palleted to 24/7
I think I heard something about this, yeah.
The fact that these people are seemingly incapable of stepping back and realizing that people who are actually struggling, which includes trans people who have or are receiving medical treatment, should be the focus and not how they’ve decided to stack the progressive pyramid this particular day of the week.
It’s really sad to me that what is basically a milquetoast take from less than a decade ago from a trans person who knows what it’s like to live and be out as as trans is being taken as this radical attack by people who very clearly need to understand that they are the problem.
It reminds me of that Blaire white clip from a few (?) years ago where she was on a trans interview panel and the moderator was putting the feelings of some sensitive nonbinary person as their priority while shutting down Blaire who was just stating objectively that she didn’t think that calling yourself nonbinary made you trans.
Guess I’ll have to pull out this classic again:
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possiblyscrewed · 2 years
I’m not really sure how to express this but I’m like, getting worried about how much pressure there is in the lgbtqia+ community to have the right politics and be inclusive of and working for everyone at once or gtfo. 
I feel like there’s this really black and white inclusion good exclusion bad thinking, which completely ignores the fact that too much inclusion becomes exclusionary. When you bring a coalition of people with as disparate experiences as our community together, it is impossible to be sensitive to every single identity with every single statement. We’re expected to be inclusive of literally mutually exclusive experiences, like dysphoric vs nondysphoric people and sexual vs sex repulsed people at the same time. The best solution would be allowing people to just speak on one subject and not have to explain how their statement also includes a completely different experience or be labeled an exclusionists. But instead the solution thus far seems to have been to decide that people with more historical representation in the community are the ones who are wrong.
And like, it’s fucked that it’s progressive to be a dick to anyone in the community, but especially so because the community was historically made up of people who had no other option. The trans community wasn’t historically made up of primarily dysphoric people because they all got together and decided to shit on and exclude nondysphorics. It’s because they lived in a society where the decision between coming out as trans or killing yourself could reasonably trigger a cost benefit analysis. Of course the people who did come out would primarily be people who had severe dysphoria and absolutely had to medically transition.
There was a time on tumblr when nondysphoric trans people would actively and intentionally seek to trigger dysphoria as a way to “stick it to the man” (trans people who were suffering more than them). I don’t know when or if that ended because as a result I unfollowed almost all the trans people I had previously followed, as well as a large group of cis people who would boost those fucked up takes in the name of allyship. But because being trans is a big part of my life and something I am still healing from, I still needed to interact with other trans people. So I found myself in a closed forum for transmedicalists or “truscum” (this was in like 2013). Aka people who to this day are told not to interact with basically anyone from the community because it’s supposedly so evil and exclusionary (but intentionally triggering dysphoria and making the community functionally uninhabitable for severely dysphoric trans people was inclusive and good). 
And yes, there were certainly trolls. But the vast majority of people I interacted with were people who had been and were hurting, and their ideology was based primarily on the (imo reasonable) question of “how can these people be a part of my community when they are intentionally hurting me?” They saw exclusionary politics as protecting themselves and their community. How can we be expected to embrace people who are proudly saying they can’t relate to our problems? Who see us as the enemy, when we are still healing from the pain that they keep triggering in us? How is it that we cannot have a safe space to discuss the very thing that we feel makes us trans?
And I guess the big thing about that experience is, I agree with transmedicalism. That is how I experience being trans. I don’t agree that it’s the only way to be trans. And I often wonder, if we as a community were better about allowing closed spaces, would it be possible for me to have a community of transmedicalists who feel similarly to me? Where we can meet in a closed space to discuss our experiences of being trans with people who understand, and trans people with different views on it can meet in their closed space and talk about their experiences, and then we can all meet in the big trans space and discuss only things that don’t pit us against each other. 
Like I said I don’t see a lot of trans drama on my dash anymore. I don’t know if that means it’s gone or it moved or I’m just avoiding it. But I see a lot of things that I find reminiscent. Ace positivity posts that are more about putting down/villainizing sexual people. Diatribes about how anyone who is bothered by the word queer is wrong and bad. It feels like every post about the historical community that I see is followed by a self congratulatory “see, this is why people who don’t like to be called queer are wrong.” Lots of people participating in “debates” that let them congratulate themselves for being enlightened, but about ideas that should never be legitimized by debate, like if aces belong in the community or whether it’s ok to say you wouldn’t sleep with trans people. (it’s ok to not sleep with trans people, it’s not ok to say it).
I don’t know how we get there, but to me a truly inclusive community would involve a lot of closed forums. There are things you can and should say to people who share your experiences that you absolutely should not say to your allies. It would involve more cracking down on exclusionary statements, but it would also require people to recognize that exclusionary statements are anything that makes people feel uncomfortable being in the community. That includes “white gay” posting. It includes anything that attacks any member of the community, even the ones you think are privileged. Even the ones you think have earned the attack. 
In my ideal community we would respond to those with “I’m sorry you’re still hurting, but what you’re saying is harmful to other members and this isn’t up for debate. It sounds like you would be more comfortable spending more time with people who share your identity rather than trying to police someone else’s.“ And we would all have to genuinely participate in some closed communities, to ensure that it’s not all just people who can’t handle the larger community.  
And idk if something like this is at all possible, but it feels so much better than the alternative where anyone who struggles is cast out. The less it is ok to express terf-like thoughts, the more it is necessary to become a full terf to be heard. The majority of conservative people in our community are young and were raised that way, and they’re trying to cling to their family and their experiences. And the more that the broader community becomes accepting, the more successful they’ll be at remaining conservative. 
We can’t thoughtcrime these things away. There are well intentioned people who have genuine struggles with what we’ve currently
termed inclusivity. And they absolutely don’t have the right to take that out on people who can be harmed by it. But if we want to actually be about building community then we have to work to build maintain and safe spaces for them to work through it. 
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wraithskin · 3 years
even if u don’t support nondysphoric trans people,, you should respect a person’s pronouns, name, identity, etc. regardless. it’s just basic human decency.. you don’t have to support someone to be respectful. i’ve had transmeds harass me bc i’m too feminine and “don’t pass”, but that’s because i’m closeted living in a transphobic household. I DO experience dysphoria, and even if I can’t transition atm, I still try to love myself. That’s why I try to be comfortable dressing in skirts and dresses and doing my makeup, because I want to learn to be happy with myself for the time being. Clothes don’t immediately equal gender, you never know a person well enough to say they’re “”faking being trans.”” It’s hard enough for trans people without us pitting each other against ourselves. Pls just be kind to your trans siblings. AND ANOTHER POINT, there is nothing that can/should invalidate a trans person. Whether it’s the way they present, their pronouns, their sexuality, it doesn’t mean anything. They are still trans and deserve your respect. You shouldn’t pick and choose which trans people are “good” and “bad.” 
this post was made by a trans man and a MINOR, radfems, terfs, exclusionists, gender critical dni
edit: didn’t think i’d have to include this but zoophiles, pedophiles, and anti neopronoun ALSO dni
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cptsdbaby · 3 years
“DNI: sysmed”
*bites tongue and hits block as not to start drama that other alters would have to deal with*
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spidermanbandaids · 5 years
I’m so happy to be trans!! Being trans gives me a unique experience as a human and gives me more incentive to examine gender and gender expression as a concept!!! Being trans is awesome and I encourage everyone, even cis people, to examine their gender at some point or another!! It makes for a good weekend!
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this blog is a safe space for
nonbinary lesbians/gays
he/him lesbians and she/her gays
people with xenogenders
neopronoun user's
microlabel users in general
non dysphoric trans people
bisexuals people under the bi umbrella that aren't bisexual
and all aspecs
this blog is a dangerous space for
and bigots
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wooblesnyamain · 4 years
Trumeds/exclusionists really be out here thinking cishet invaders are a huge issue as if THAT many cishets even understand the lgbtqia+ community enough to infiltrate it. No cishet I've ever seen cares enough to actually research it unless they're out to make fun of it.
Like seriously? How entitled do you have to be to believe you can tell people you barely know who they can and can't be?
How self important are you that you think you're god and can tell people who are just trying to be happy in this fucked world that they're not allowed to be something?
Stop licking the boots of our oppressors.
This community was meant to be a safe haven for those who do not fit into the cisheteronormativity of the world, not to be palatable to the oppressors.
We're here, we're queer.
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autumnleavessystem · 4 years
If you’re feeling dysphoric, or even if you’re not currently, here’s a soft reminder that the dysphoria will lighten up. Even if it’s not now, even if it’s not as soon as you’d like it to be, your dysphoria will be the last thing on your mind. The future will bring you happiness and comfort.
Love, your local trans guy!
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ur-fav-is-adt · 6 years
hey !!! requests r open and anons r on so go crazy !!!!!
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Rather fittingly given my blog title, I’m thinking about just how much discourse there’s been on this hellsite in just the four years I’ve been here that either was about or included rhetoric about who’s too privileged to belong/needs to constantly repent for their privilege over the rest of the community/just isn’t oppressed at all somehow.
The tail end of ace discourse (which, remember, also targeted arospecs), “aspecs aren’t oppressed or are but Just Not Bad Enough.”
transmedicalism, "nonbinary people and/or nondysphorics don’t count as trans in part because they’re not oppressed Like Us or As Bad and in part because of disgusting paternalist rhetoric that we’re going to pretend is okay.”
pan exclusionism, “pan people are in fact inherently biphobic for their identity, are trying to escape biphobia by throwing us under the bus, and while still affected by biphobia are absolutely privileged over bi people. somehow.”
transandrophobia, “by virtue of being men, transmascs are inherently less oppressed than transfems, and thus are their oppressors--and oh hey this framing is actually really convenient to rework to be even worse so transmascs are also actually cis women’s oppressors, and honestly probably aren’t even oppressed at all.”
And that’s just what’s new.
We’ve also rehashed old classics, either with slightly different rhetoric or the actual exact same as before:
“lesbians are uniquely capable of transphobia relative to any other demographic.”
“mlm are all predatory (which hasn’t boiled over into A Discourse like the others all have but has been a consistent low-level Thing the whole time I’ve been here)”
“biphobia is just misdirected homophobia/lesbophobia and bi people have no unique problems.”
I’ll honestly be surprised at this point if we don’t, in the next year or two, get a “transfems have male privilege actually” just to really round out the old-timers.
And, hell, I’m writing this at 4:24 in the morning in a fit of bitterness so I’m sure I’m forgetting some of the other all-stars, but the point is that the queer community will never be safe even from ourselves until we stop obsessing over who has the most privilege--and, conversely, that will never happen without us also ceasing to obsess over who’s the most oppressed. It’s seriously not going to happen.
There has absolutely been intracommunity violence that still needs to be talked about (the current big one is transandrophobia even from other trans people, and also like I said the whole “mlm are all predatory” thing has gone under the radar here for years, only facing a few failed challenges here and there), and being part of one section of the community doesn’t mean you can’t be in a position of oppression over another, but ultimately, no demographic within the community confers privilege and no demographic within the community is Inherently The Most Oppressed. Solidarity is the only way forward, and we need to stop cannibalizing our own.
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intersexfairy · 3 years
People shit on the split attraction model not just because they dont understand it, but also because aspec people theorized it. They don't see aspec people as inherently LGBT+, so they think this creation we made in our community is not only bullshit, but a threat to Real LGBT+ people... That if Real LGBTQ+ people are taking on this thing that the Acies UwU made, they must be fake and problematic too.
These people oftentimes see aspec validation as a threat to their own validation (due to wanting cisheterosexist society's approval). So anyone engaging in the split attraction model who isn't aspec must also be a threat to their validation.
This is to say that the split attraction model, something that is actually an incredibly valuable tool for both allo and aspec people, something that has the capacity to express sexuality and romantic orientation in a way unlike before... Has been delegitimatized, ridiculed, and blacklisted... Because the people who are claiming other people have internalized lgbtphobia are actually just projecting their insecurities - their internalized lgbtphobia. Like, you cannot sit here and tell me that so desperately wanting cishet approval to the point of harassing and cancelling your peers isn't projecting internalized lgbtphobia.
And now we all have to pay for their mishandling of their own emotions, because this sentiment is so fucking pervasive in the community. It isn't just the split attraction model.
It's everything. It's nondysphoric trans people. It's mspec gays and lesbians. It's nonbinary people. It's xenogender people. It's pansexual people. It's bisexual people. It's people who use neopronouns. It's transfeminines who are gay for men and transmasculine lesbians. It's gender nonconforming trans people. It's unlabeled and queer people. It's people who are still traumatized by the word queer being used against them as a slur.
We are letting eating ourselves alive trying to make ourselves understandable and acceptable to cishet allo people, instead of doing what genuinely makes us happy and identifying as who we are. Hurting ourselves in confusion, if you will.
And I know there are real tangible reasons for this, a lot of which isn't within our control, at least not easily. But we do have control over ourselves and our actions - we can learn to better better if we try.
There is simply no excuse for harming people. Bullying people out of their safe spaces. Making people recloset themselves. Making people hate themselves. These things all contribute to the high suicide rate in the LGBT+ community. Afterall, what's worse than having the people who are supposed to be your allies, fight for you, and support you... fucking hate you, tell you to die, tell you you're a horrible person, tell you you're not really LGBT+?
Those of you who are always viewing other LGBT+ people critically, especially those of you who harass others, need to take that criticism and look in the mirror. Ask yourself if you're happy. Ask yourself if you're doing this for people's wellbeing or for cishet allo approval. Ask yourself if you're putting more negativity into the community than your adding. Ask yourself if it would be a better use of your time to add positivity to your life and others instead of hurting already vulnerable strangers on the internet.
And be. Fucking. Honest.
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reblog this if you’re a trans person who has dysphoria and you completely support nondysphoric trans people. nondysphoric trans people, you are my siblings and part of this community, and this blog will always be a safe space for you, you are loved and supported here. i love you <3
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transmasc-wizard · 3 years
lmao an ace exclus enby exclus truscum just reblogged my period dysphoria names post
im an asexual nonbinary person who tagged the post 'truscum dni'
anyway theyve been blocked and id like to state that aces, aros, enbies, and nondysphoric trans people are welcome and safe on my blog
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jazztheaxolotl · 3 years
Pride has arrived!
Hey y’all! Happy first day of pride and may y’all be safe this pride season. But remember, we don’t need pride to be proud of who we are! We are proud 365 days a year! I am proud of all of you!
Happy pride to people of color!
Happy pride to people who break stereotypes!
Happy pride to people who fill the stereotypes!
Happy pride to people who are out!
Happy pride to people who are closeted!
Happy pride to people who plan on coming out!
Happy pride to people who can’t come out!
Happy pride to people who don’t want to come out!
Happy pride to people who were forced to come out!
Happy pride to older LGBTQ+ people!
Happy pride to younger LGBTQ+ people!
Happy pride to people who are gender variant!
Happy pride to people who aren’t straight!
Happy pride to people with uncommon or obscure gender identities!
Happy pride to people with uncommon or obscure sexualities!
Happy pride to people who can’t celebrate pride!
Happy pride to LGBTQ+ people who don’t want to celebrate pride!
Happy pride to people who identify with Xenogender(s)!
Happy pride to people who use neopronouns!
Happy pride to people who use multiple pronouns!
Happy pride to religious LGBTQ+ folx!
Happy pride to people who have been accepted in their families!
Happy pride to people who aren’t accepted in their families, we can we your chosen family!
Happy pride to people whoa re just starting their transition!
Happy pride to people who want to transition!
Happy pride to people who don’t want to transition!
Happy pride to people who can’t transition!
Happy pride to people who are farther along in their transition!
Happy pride to people who don’t feel ‘gay enough’!
Happy pride to people who don’t feel ‘trans enough’!
Happy pride to nondysphoric trans people!
Happy pride to dysphoric trans people!
Happy pride to all the systems and plural people out there!
Happy pride to the people who are only out to themselves!
Happy pride to the people with personality disorders!
Happy pride to autistic people!
Happy pride to people with mental illnesses!
Happy pride to loveless people!
Happy pride to ALL LGBTQ+ people!
But please remember to stay safe in this time of pride, celebration and remembrance!
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vampish-glamour · 3 years
Nondysphoric transwomen/enbies insisting that words like female, uterus or mother are making them uncomfortable and insist one should say birthing person or bleeder, get instantly triggered when biological women insist, they don't want to have a person with a penis around their safe spaces.
This is so hypocritical, those people could start identifying as "double-standard".
I never thought about it like that, but it is weird that they’re allowed to be uncomfortable by small things like women not being reduced to our bodies and reproductive systems (you know… like women’s rights advocates have been advocating for)… but women aren’t allowed to be uncomfortable with having some entitled non dysphoric waltz into a female changing room with their penis hanging out (I say non dysphoric because it’s hard for me to believe that any trans woman would do this, mostly due to dysphoria).
Lots of what they say is hypocritical, though. They practically embody hypocrisy.
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