#not related to game development
rorah · 3 months
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The mentally stable Dimitri Fire emblem 3 hopes.
It surprises me that there's still ppl claiming so, but then I remember we're talking about 3h interpretations and I have to make peace with it.
But that doesn't stop me from venting a little bit in this little space I have lol. Actually, it dries me and makes me feel bad to bring this up because I will have to talk bad about Dedue, and I don't want to talk Bad about Dedue. He's a genuinely good boy. But "Human" nonetheless, which means Flaws. I like Felix too but he's become some sort of a clown that doesn't make me feel too bad. I like Felix tho, In a different way.
Mostly talking about these two because the take that "Dimitri has better support system" baffles me because, technically, these two are his support system in HopesVerse. The persons who Dimitri relays on and seek solace/advice/support. The rest doesn't really tackle any of his personal struggles (aside from the Mage!Mitri frustrated dream, but that's out of the bad equation in our 'mentally unwell' set of pixels, and Shez only has a glimpse). Contrary, to Houses verse where the whole blue lions cast knew about his shit, didn't know what to do, but didn't leave either.
I tackled this topic with other person on Twitter who was (or still is) on board with this take and the phrase they used was They contained him better, which of course I agree and remarked that was exactly the problem. Contain him is gonna be contra productive. I used a water dam analogy, where the structure of such dam is damaged, and the pressure of water keeps accumulating. Causing a foreseeable damage for the dam itself and the surroundings. You don't need to be a genius to understand it, you need experience or knowledge for mental ill topics tho.
I really don't want to extend so much on here because it's mostly just, rant format more than a proper analysis so I just want to point out these two things in their support conversations.
First, Dedue. Encourage him to keep on the vengeful path. Which we know was the final goal of Azure Moon and if you payed attention to 3 houses message. The whole Vengeful argument was something Bad, to keep it simple. Despite Dimitri actively looking for answers/guidance for something that, in a rational state he can see clearly like vengeance will consume his life (also Shez and Felix called out this behavior). Dedue answer only encourage him to keep on that path, because he would do that 💔. Presenting 2 oposite views is a great formula for confusion and disorientation. Now, Dedue's role is primary SUPPORT, not guidance nor orientation. He will support his shit no matter what, and we are quite aware of that if played Houses.
Second, Felix. Felix is a special case. He is smart but also an idiot lacks A LOT of soft skills to actually be of help. He's the only one who knows in this verse about Dimitri having a mental issue. In their A support to say the least, so they don't close or solve anything. What makes it more worrisome is the fact that Felix conceals the issue as a secret.
"So try to keep that whole "removing their heads" thing in check, yeah? We can just call it our little secret."
this extract here makes me feel so unwell 😭help
The whole burden falls over him and his lack of skills and wisdom on the matter will be too much for him later on. He at least, will be able to recognize that the problem is beyond of his capabilities and will look for help. Felix himself has his own issues and journey where he needs to learn. He's forced to get pass beyond some of his angry teen behavior but hasn't completely get over it.
There is a lot more to tackle, but that requires more work and time. What are the topics some of you think is important to cover around understanding the Hopes verse resolution? Dimitri's route? something? Do you think the route without Byleth is better? With that being said, I would like to delve deeper into character analysis, and the role each played for the Lords too. That also requires to talk about the Byleth and needs a whole analysis on their own, which requires time (which i don't have much lol) To end this vent, I would like to encourage people to do a little research for the terminology they're using like "Support System". Who makes it up and how it operates successfully. The fact that ppl saying "he has better support system" only because he didn't go feral on the run alone is not entirely valid. A reminder that people can feel alone with or without people around them. And containing the issue within doesn't solve any problem. At best, it's presented later. At worse, it gets worse.
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crimescrimson · 2 months
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Chloe Price and Max Caulfield in Life Is Strange (2015) [5]
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omeletcat · 2 months
I keep seeing youtube video's with the title's saying "THIS IS WHAT *insert video game or tv show* DID RIGHT WITH *insert topic*" and every time i think "ah yes, i also want to do that think right." so i click the video but its just soooo boringggg and then when i don't click it i think "what if this is like my canon event??? and this is why my game became shit because i didn't know why *insert video game or tv show* was amazing in *doing very specific thing*" i am plagued by these thoughts daily
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poorsapadvocate · 1 year
So remember how the Netflix adaptation of A Series of Unfortunate Events went out of its way to work out some of the more problematic elements of the series? Like the Henchperson of Indeterminate Gender went from being a collection of transphobic (and fatphobic!) tropes to scare the kids to being a normal androgynous person that would actually exist in real life. but they also become one of the more sympathetic characters, get some of the best jokes in the show, survive the fire that killed them in the book, and go on to have one of the more unambiguously happy endings? Or how Charles was re-contextualized to be queer for the show, but rather than that just being used for cheap diversity points, he actually gets to escape his abusive relationship with Sir and find happiness with Jerome?
Remember how Lemony Snicket and his “editor” Daniel Handler really only had one chance to adapt his works for a larger audience (the feature film came out before the books were finished, and by all accounts they hate it) but we keep tripping over ourselves to give JK Rowling more and more chances to turn her works into vehicles for transphobia?
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papermint-airplane · 11 days
I was tagged by *inhales* @faeriefrolic, @nocturnalazure, @treason-and-plot, @drawing-way-outside-the-lines, and @anamoon63. I love you guys! Thank you for remembering me while I was taking an unexpected hiatus! 😭💖
I don't remember if I've done this one or not for any of my main three RT characters and I'm not going to go back to look right now because I'm lAaAaAzY today so I'm going to do this one for a slightly older character. Viridia. No reason. I just think people need to keep Viridia in mind. For no. reason.
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OC Deep Dive Questionnaire Tag
A set of 20 questions to get to know your OC!
What uncommon/common fear do they have? Viridia is the daughter of a witch and a witch's thrall, so not a whole lot scares her. She's seen her share of spooky things growing up. That being said, she suffers from ephebiphobia, the fear of teenagers. It's not like she'll run screaming from them, or anything. She just doesn't trust them. Not one little bit.
Do they have any pet peeves? Oh a lot. Stuck up people, overly cheerful people, rules, being asked if she's an alien (she's half toad), not getting her way, libraries, and restaurants with a dress code.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom? Handcuffs, those little nose strips that stop you from snoring, and a grimoire. Viridia doesn't have any magic herself, she just likes reading spells to lull her to sleep at night.
What do they notice first in a person? Their reaction to her. Viridia is aware that she's...a lot and that her personality can be a little polarizing. So if people are flinching away from her or giving her a wide berth, those are the people she's the most interested in. What? I said she was aware, not that she was introspective.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance? 4. She seems like a badass, but she's a total marshmallow.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? Fight mode. Which makes the previous fact all the more hilarious. She's the walking personification of "can dish it out but can't take it".
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person? Viridia is the only child of a witch and said witch's toadified thrall.
What animal represents them best? I Googled "loudest land animal on Earth" and got "The loudest land animal is the bulldog bat, whose sound registers at 140 dB." So that one.
What is a smell that they dislike? Men's cheap cologne. I don't think I have to explain that one.
Have they broken any bones? Like, in her own body or in someone else's? Be more specific.
How would a stranger likely describe them? Loud. Hot. But loud.
Are they a night owl or a morning bird? Viridia is more of an "I'm awake when I'm awake and you just have to deal with that" bird.
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love? Viridia hates black licorice, which is the only correct opinion to have about black licorice. Her favorite flavor is black currant.
Do they have any hobbies? Viridia likes bar games. When she was in college, she hung out at bars a lot because she got a student discount and she discovered a talent for various bar games. Darts, pool, beer pong, poker. Anything she can hustle you at, basically. And she will. Don't put money on any game Viridia suggests.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? Loudly.
Do they like to wear jewelry? Viridia's not the biggest jewelry girl in the world. She likes to make a statement with her clothing, but she doesn't accessorize too often.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting? Viridia has Viridia handwriting. She tends to bear down on the pen, making bold lines that really make an impression...on the next six or seven pages underneath the one she's currently writing on. It's neat enough to be legible, I suppose, but that's not really what you're focusing on when you read it. Pens don't last long around her.
What are two emotions they feel the most? Lust and annoyance. Do with that as you will.
Do they have a favorite fabric? Lycra.
What kind of accent do they have? See this one is tricky because I don't ever really think about my characters having accents. I guess you could argue they have my brain's accent when I read what I wrote for them back. I don't know. I tend to focus less on their accent and more on their affect, like Aiden stammers a lot and Viridia screams at the top of her lungs all the time...that sort of thing. I guess what I'm saying is you can headcanon my characters to have any accent you want and you're technically correct.
I'm going to tag...uh...let's see...probably everyone has done this by now...
@happy-lemon, @bool-prop, @pralinesims, and Idk who else. I've been slacking on my Simblring so I haven't caught up on my dash in a while. I don't know who has done what. I'm so sorry. 😭😭
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thegenderfluidgokenin · 10 months
The feeling of existential dread when you're designing a game and everything's looking good and then you test it, only to see something's gone wrong, but you look back at everything and it SHOULD work, so you just keep testing and looking to see WHATS THE PROBLEM.... And then it's something really stupid.
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theramblingvoid · 11 months
I think the biggest thing about Sunless Skies that gives it a different feel than Fallen London (other than the obvious gameplay differences) is the position of your player in the universe. In Flondon, your character is important and singular. The storyline is oriented around mastery and influence: starting from the bottom and climbing to the top, gaining recognition and reach as you unravel the world's secrets. While social play is encouraged, there are few in-game characters comparable to the PC, and in many plotlines the idea of being the only or the first one to accomplish a certain thing is specifically emphasized. The story is about what path you take to Make Your Name.
In Sskies, that goal is not absent, but there's a sense of...fleetingness, that never quite leaves you. There are many others like you. You see their entries in the cache logs, they are mentioned in the ports and pubs, you find their frozen bodies littering the open void like stones. It is the very first thing you know when you start: you are a Captain filling the shoes of a predecessor, and in all likelihood simply keeping them warm for the next to come after you, and the next. Your time is limited. Your significance to the wild, vast, ancient skies is negligible. The drive in the story comes from this: Your space in this universe is small and hard fought. Make it count.
#fallen london#sunless skies#i would say I like the sskies version better but honestly I think they both work great for their own applications#both in setting and for the way the games are played#I've seen the flondon fame gathering thing criticized occasionally but honestly I've always read it as like#a tongue in cheek parody on rich Victorian ego#as well as being inherently flexible,because of how players tend to treat the stories#for some it will be about doing Everything,but for most it's about getting a wide choice of what to focus on and how to specialize#in a character development sense#and also the story really is about How you get there and who you are while doing so#what with the quirks and everything#that's a mechanic that's notably absent from sskies#probably because your character is meant to be less permanent and less noticeable as an individual#most of the in-game character defining you do relates to building out their past with facets#because their present and future are so tentative and so embedded in the bigger picture#I really really like it. it's almost like the world is more the character#but ALSO the feel of like. the game does not treat loss lightly. there are Implications and narrative even for the loss of unnamed crew#it all also plays in so so nicely to the switch from flondon's tightly controlled sheltered chaos#(enclosed in a cave,tightly governed by the Bazaar,the sense of a new world building itself on top of older ones)#vs the Reach being so open and fraught and wild and legitimately teetering on the brink in every way#the way the characters are treated fits so so well into the political landscapes too#like. sskies is wartime.#the messaging that you the individual is fleeting and disposable and that it's what you donate your effort to that matters is Constant#so it works really really well there#oh now I want to go on again about how well the flondon way works in a meta sense for gameplay and community building#because it's emphasizing individuality while also paired so heavily with social actions and -#ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu#hey gang have i mentioned. I like fallen london a lot. hey have i mentioned yet that I like flondon A Lot#voidrambles#<- It Sure Does
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midnightfangz · 11 months
You know. When i started playing skyrim, i expected to get stuff like exploring a vast open world for hours, long and useless fetch quests, a handful of funny glitches here and there, a decent storyline.....
In a way, i got all of that and yet. It gets boring pretty quickly and the worldbuilding is kinda lacking so i padded out the lore w my own headcanons and interpretations in the more important parts to entertain myself, but uh.
Is the intense and long lasting Cicero obsession supposed to be a part of the whole playing experience, too, or
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greyias · 1 year
SWTOR Short Stories (and In-Universe Documents)
I know someone else has already done this work elsewhere, but for the life of me I couldn't find it. So, I've put together a comprehensive list of all of the devblog short stories and in-universe epistolary-type documents (documents, journals, dossiers, missives, personnel files, communications, etc). Short stories are bolded and marked, in case you're only looking for those.
2.0 - 7.2
SIS Intel Report: Key locations overview of the planet Makeb
Imperial Intelligence Report: Persons of Interest on Makeb
Facilities: Take a Virtual Tour
A Letter from Special Executive Rasmus Blys
CZ-198 and the State of Czerka Corporation
CZ-198 – Meet the Staff
HoloNet News Exclusive Interview: Baron Deathmark
HoloNet News Exclusive Interview: Baron Deathmark, Part 2
A Record of the Dread Masters
The Search for Oricon
HoloNet News Exclusive Interview: Baron Deathmark
Additional Personnel Files
Four More Picks for You
RE: Kuat Drive Yards
EMERGENCY ALERT: Rakghoul Plague Outbreak on Alderaan – AVOID ALDERAAN!
State of the Galaxy
Since KOTOR: Manaan
Lana Beniko’s Journal: Darth Arkous
"Surface Details" (short story)
"Remnants" (short story)
The Revanites’ Ascendance
"Bedtime on Concordia" (short story)
Rishi: Places of Interest
Raider’s Cove: Persons of Interest
"The Price of Power" (short story)
"One Night in the Dealer’s Den" (short story)
"The Final Trial" (short story)
Go Big, Go Small, Go Nowhere
"Regrets" (short story)
"The Sixth Line: Part One" (short story)
"The Sixth Line: Part Two" (short story)
"Vacation" (short story)
"Brothers" (short story)
"A Mother's Hope" (short story)
"Trading Scars" – A Short Story on Umbara (short story)
"Copero Short Story Blog" (short story)
Jedi Under Siege: State of the Galaxy
Dantooine Tactical Report
"Quite A Story To Tell" (short story)
"Seeing Red" (short story)
Intelligence Report: Historical Analysis of Manaan
Mission Abstract: Investigate link between Darth Malgus and the planet Elom
"All That’s Left" (short story)
"Bottled Fury" (short story)
"Snare" (short story)
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mitsurugi-may · 3 days
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another gloomy night
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qwertyprophecy · 3 months
Ever wanted to try your hand at giving an evil monologue at your captured nemesis before feeding him to your pet sharks? Boy, have we got a game for you! Featuring unrepentant puns and shark karaoke!
Made at Finnish/Global Game Jam 2024.
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sharkdays · 2 months
been meaning to mention this but i kept forgetting: i think it's interesting how most of the characters have some signature catchphrase when they tera
for friede and lizardon it's "surpass your potential"
for amethio and ceruledge it's "follow your own path"
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focsle · 1 year
Man, dishonored*….what a game. Target audience: me. I remember losing my shit when I saw the trailer. I remember when I’d explain to people why I thought Dishonored was so good I’d lead with ‘okay so it’s set in a gloomy industrialized whaling city—’ and everyone would be like ‘okay I already understand why it’s your favorite’.
When it came out I was in college and was going home for a long weekend to visit my mom and she was like ‘I saw this game that just came out that reminded me of you idk if you’ll like it but I bought it for you’ and Of Course it was dishonored because Target Audience: me. So I consumed it for a weekend, and then I went back to my Videogame-less dorm many an hour away.
And then hurricane sandy hit as soon as I got back and I lost power for a week and everything was wet and I was existing by candlelight and people were like ‘hmmmm watch out for all the displaced rats coming out of the drowned subways, hmmm watch out for hantavirus’ and I was like ‘wow……steeped in vibes…..’ My entire sense memory of that game is linked to the weekend before and then that week.
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papermint-airplane · 1 month
💚🌠📎💥 for Aiden :з
Oh wow! I've never seen that particular emoji ask post before but that is so detailed and amazing!!!
Ok let's do this. 😎
💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food?
I feel like I've answered a question similar to this before but I can't remember what I said so this is going to be a test to see whether or not I can remain consistent with my own characters. It really depends on what upset him in the first place, I think. Sometimes, he wants to hunker down in a blanket fort, sometimes he wants you to rub his back and hold him, sometimes he wants to get lost in a few dozen surprisingly strong fruity cocktails. He probably tries the blanket fort first every time, though. There's few things a blanket fort can't fix.
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
If you assume he's kind of an emotional mess, you're correct. I feel like that's less of an assumption than an observation, though. I think an assumption a lot of people make about Aiden is that he's weak. And, yeah, I get why you would think that because he's so fragile but somehow, some way, he always manages to put himself back together. Despite popular belief, he doesn't let his anxiety ruin him. He fights back against it. Just not always in the healthiest ways and not always in the most visible ways. The lil guy is tougher than you think!
📎 PAPERCLIP - a random fact.
Aiden is an animal lover! No matter what planet he finds himself on, he will manage to find an animal to love somewhere. Birds, reptiles, fish, mammals, hell, even insects in some cases. He just loves learning about them and watching them live.
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
ALL OF THEM! 😭😭😭😭😭 I think the one he can never fully express, though, is anger. I think in a lot of ways, his anxiety is anger. He's angry at the world for hurting him, angry at himself for being hurt, angry at his own anger. But he was never allowed to be angry growing up so it just turns into fear and sadness. Maybe instead of trying to make him happy all the time, the right person would give him the space to be angry. Hmm. Worth thinking about. 🤔
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thegenderfluidgokenin · 6 months
Just started GODOT 4 and i never knew that literally just rendering a camera and a sprite with a png would feel like winning Iwo Jima
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ell-arts · 1 year
Sometimes I think back on the 9+ years I've been a fan of PMATGA.
With so much time that has passed, I've come to terms with the fact that the show is never coming back to continue its run. I've made peace with it and know that the chances of Namco picking it up again are next to none because of the show's poor ratings during its run.
It hasn't stopped me from being a fan though, and I can still appreciate its influence in my childhood while acknowledging that the show's over and it's closed its chapter, both in my life and just in the animated series sphere in general.
...BUT THEN sometimes I look back and nostalgia and fixation hits like a runaway brick train and all I can think of is DAMN YOU NAMCO PLEASE BRING IT BACK 😭
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