#oc: astrophel
m-s-ka · 4 months
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bunch of mistletoe kisses i did with friends over the holidays🥺
prompts are from @Bettsyversum@twitter!
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psychedelicsees · 8 months
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OCtober day 1!!! Favourite oc... I think its a tie between Clover and astrophel but I draw Clover all the time so here's Astrophel (minus his bigass wings cause they tend to block his silhouette sorry man!!)
This is a little out of my comfort zone so idk how ill feel about it in a few days but rn I feel ok on it 👍
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shatteredlocke · 2 months
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This is very them core tbh
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bugshome · 2 months
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ouu my first post to tumblr in a long time, this is my dnd oc astrophel, whose design is (clearly) heavily influenced by the game ultrakill lol.
his toyhou.se!
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taxkha · 2 months
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I revisited my ocs today and refined their designs a little. I've been redesigning these over and over since the last 4 years. Not quite there yet and maybe I will never be completely happy with them but they have come a long way.
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rongrii · 10 days
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Mermay is coming to it’s end but I only now remembered to draw my oc as mermaid
Drawing water was hard, but I’m glad I finished this artwork, it came out very cool :]
Reblogs share my art unlike likes! Thank you!
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vimeddiart · 11 months
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They went to see it
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galaxyhanart · 2 days
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trying to kill each other? kinda fruity if you ask me
lucky (the girl with wings) belongs to @sketchyskittles-png
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hauntingjasper · 7 months
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Meet ★ Astrophel The Wishmaster! ★
My newest Fionna and Cake oc! And probably the start of a Fionna and Cake AU,, , Because the F&C universe already had Spectra as their wishmaster and now their world is a mundane world but I'm still drawing their magical selves so uhhhh Yeah this is going to be some kind of AU, if that makes sense.
Also Astrophel goes by any pronouns.
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James: @sunboy
Remus: @notnearthemoon
Sirius: @ziggyplayedguitar
Peter: @cheese&crackers
Lily: @Lillypad
Mary: @gilmOregirlsfan
Dorcas: @doratheduck
Pandora: @flowerpanda
Regulus: @thebabystar
Evan: @dissectingrabbits
Barty: @getinloserweregoingshopping
Frank: @franklyurwrong
Alice: @bookstorecoffie
Harry: @notthatgoldenboy
Luna: @lunarmoon
Reggie: @notreginald 
Ace: @theprettytwin
Astro: @theother51
Elio: @boysdontcry
Ginny: @fireboltlilsister
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juicenjamtime · 4 months
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fankid doodles
necklaces are place holders for their eventual medallions and i'll figure out outfits later, but I like how their color schemes are working
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kelly-clickspring · 5 months
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I always forget how fun it is to paint space! Astrophel here is basically a living nebula, and I've never drawn him as such (I've done humanoid projections, but never actually explored this idea where he's more than a hallucinatory avatar). I couldn't not write a little scene to go with this, so read a short, fun little snippet under the cut!
As the ship helplessly drifts into the gravity well of the collapsing star, the captain and crew hold each other. Crying out goodbyes as the plating of the hull begins to singe: heat and radiation finally breaching the shields. Until suddenly, the relentless pull of the star ceases, as if it were gone. The ship lurches to a complete halt, leaving every crew member breathless and confounded in their expectation of death. 
“Oh my stars: brand new space explorers! I’m so glad I, uh, happened to be in the neighborhood. Can’t let this little incident stop you short of the stars,” the voice is everywhere at once, but comes from no one. The tones are ethereal and smooth as velvet, suggesting peace but giving unease as it somehow consumes all other sound to clearly resound in each crew person’s brain. 
The bridge crew sits awestruck as the fiery storm ahead of them suddenly disappears into a haze of green dust, and as if by magic, the ship materializes well outside the clutches of the powerful gravity well which nearly crushed them all into fiery oblivion. The captain’s cat-like ears bristle as they take a fiery jaunt around the bridge, searching for some source of this bizarre trickery on hundreds of monitors and feeds while the crew struggle to collect themselves. Some machinery is fried, the rest babbles garbled data which doesn't make a lick of sense. Where is the ship, the satellite, anything? They're in some cloud of unidentifiable substance drifting through space, full of strange, fluctuating energy signatures that baffle the sensors.
“SHOW YOURSELF!” The captain demands. 
“My, aren’t we brave? Giving orders to an extraterrestrial who is, well, a lot taller than you, and can project thoughts directly into your little brain is a bold move captain.” 
The furry creature’s jaw drops at the banter. Flustered, they resume their captainly facade with a huff. “Where is your ship? Where are you? And what is this nonsense?” 
“Peek-a-boo!” The voice prods with a mirthful tone, giggling at the captain’s serious insistence. 
The entire bridge crew is slammed dumbstruck at the sight that emerges from the darkness of space. The dust parts into what is the most massive eyeball any crew member has ever laid eyes on: big as the entire bridge and playfully glancing through the heavy composite view port right in front of the captain’s now stock stiff form. It's a gorgeous verdant green that glows softly, casting the bridge in otherworldly luminescence. Every crew member’s jaw is agape, and their rapidly beating hearts feel like they’ve sunken to their stomachs. In an incongruously smooth and gentle motion, the eye recedes to reveal an entire massive face, apparently made of celestial stone that softly glitters in the light from the now distant star. They’re literally in the hands of this creature: held up like tiny a toy and completely helpless. The glittering face shifts into a disgruntled expression. 
“Come now, you don’t get to be afraid after I saved you from certain doom. If I wanted you all hurt I’d have just left you to your own devices, that star could have chewed you up perfectly well if I hadn’t intervened,” the massive creature teases, it's mouth not moving at all as it speaks.
The crew loosens up ever so slightly until the massive face cracks into a playful grin, revealing astronomically large teeth like the beak of a squid. Imposing towers of stone that could pierce the hull as though it were made of bread. The sinking of dread is overturned abruptly as a soft tickle of euphoria wraps around each crew member’s consciousness. Not enough to challenge their lucidity, but calming their nerves like the beginning of an alcohol fueled buzz. 
“Gracious, I’m the first new life form you all have met if all your projected thoughts aren’t confused. Let’s skip the frightfulness, it makes me feel ill. I will make you feel better so we can have a pleasant chat,” The creature gives a playful wink. “I am Astrophel. Promise I won’t tell anyone about your little debacle, and you can test your instruments on me if you’d like! You can relax now, you’re out of harm's way. I’ll keep you safe until you’ve done necessary repairs and can get back on your way. We’ll be fast friends, and that’s exactly how I like it!”
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shatteredlocke · 2 months
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Something really funny to me is that out of my main dnd/bg3 ocs two out of three of them are southern
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taxkha · 1 year
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Felt like drawing this OC again :~) __ Prints available: here
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rongrii · 2 months
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Happy international asexual day from my oc Azzie!
You are not wrong, you are not broken and you are not a stone without feelings. 🖤🤍💜
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upwards-descent · 5 months
Please reblog to enhance sample size! I don't have any gifs of my OCs so have this seal
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