#rule of wolves fic rec
thecrxwclub · 2 years
zoyalai fic rec list because i’m always in my brainrot era for these two and there aren’t enough fics about them 
i will continue to update this because i’m always finding new fics that i want to tattoo in my brain
dedicated to feentanz for making up like 80% of the ao3 zoyalai tag i’m your biggest fan
Ocean Eyes by feentanz (T) 2.6k
“You know,” he said into the silence. “With all those suitors now asking for your attention, I could begin to feel slightly neglected.” Zoya raised her head, narrowing her eyes ever so slightly. “I think your ego can handle it.” “My ego perhaps, but what about my poor heart?” She smiled at that, brushing some hair back from her eyes while she approached him. He still hadn’t quite gotten used to this version of Zoya, the version who wasn’t hiding from him, who didn’t have to pretend.
wondering if you knew by tsaritsas (NR) 1.5k
Zoya tells Nik how she knew she loved him.
Dearly Beloved by storm_dog_pirate (G) 5.1k
So what should he give to a woman who already had everything? He found that it was difficult to answer. Had he still been a king, he would have offered her plenty, and those words and sweet nothings wouldn't have been empty promises. But he was just Nikolai Lantsov now, barely having anything in his name besides the former royal title and the scars and nightmares he bore.
Zu Ende by feentanz (T) 1.9k
And so she rolled her eyes, following the king into the parlor. “You really like losing, don’t you?” Zoya commented, sitting down at the table where Nikolai had already set down the chessboard. She refrained from commenting on that. He was smirking, sitting down across from her. “Only to you, Nazyalensky,” he replied, and Zoya felt a weird sense of hurt at those words. “Then I hope your wife doesn’t know how to play,” she said, already moving her first piece.
The place in our hearts where we hide by disjointed_scribblings (M) 5.5k
"Someday we’ll see an end to war, and then you and I will take a nap together."
In the days after the peace, four beds where Nikolai and Zoya nap (or "nap").
in the tongue and teeth of old by peterpan_in_neverland (E) 1.2k
“I’ve had an illustrious life, Zoya,” she tells her. His hand skates higher, brushing the conclusion of her sternum, and it makes goosebumps break out between her breasts. “I once slept in wildflowers. A whole field of them.”
The thought of it sounds nice, but admitting that to him feels too close to telling a secret, and she is not yet there; he has her heart and her ribbon in wholes, but the rest of her is coming slowly. She is revealing herself in ebbs and flows like the tide.
“I can't imagine the bugs,” she says.
Somehow We’ll Get There by orangeslices4scott (NR) 1.2k
In the aftermath of the civil war, Nikolai’s injuries take their time in healing.
When the Party’s over by feentanz (T) 1.4k
Nikolai still looked unbothered, her words failing their mark once more. His calmness made it even worse. He didn’t even care enough to react. He didn’t even care enough to explain himself to her. “I thought we were a team,” Zoya added under her breath, despising herself for the weakness. For even saying those words out loud. For even bothering. Apparently he didn’t return the sentiment.
mornings like these by noorakviigmohn (G) 1.1k
Nikolai sighed dramatically and rolled over to the side, so that they were laying side by side again. He threw his arm over his face and groaned. "I need a fucking break."
or, a domestic early-morning scene for our favourite royal couple
Emerald by orangeslices4scott (G) 1.5k
Zoya brings Nikolai back after an episode, but the demon doesn’t want to give up his host.
I Do Aim To Please by StripeySocks (E) 1.5k
Zoya tells Nikolai she's had better lovers. He's determined to give his Queen the ride of her life.
ribbons in her hair by bendingwind (T) 4.2k
Nikolai was laying on the floor in a pool of light, face turned to the ceiling and eyes shut against the sudden intrusion of light.
She stepped inside and shut the door.
Zoya's POV of the cargo hold.
as the morning comes by awanderingtortoise (G) 1k
"Nikolai, at this moment, has decided on two things: the first being that he is a hopelessly lost cause for Zoya Nazyalensky, and the second being that he does not think he will ever stop smiling again."
POST-KoS (before the release for RoW)
our first lifetime  by laurore_stormwitch (NR) 1.9k
Nikolai reflects on the aftermath of the war, enjoying a peaceful moment with Zoya, and finds the courage to voice his hopes and dream for the future.
Too Afraid by feentanz (T) 2k
The bed moved as Zoya shifted beside him, some of her hair brushing over Nikolai’s arm. He felt his entire body tense at the touch, not even quite certain why. How had he ended up here? To be precise, he did know how. Nikolai and the Triumvirate had been on a mission to Northern Ravka when a nearby village had been attacked, and his general had very recklessly decided that she should be the one to defend it. Without an army, just her alone. Naturally Nikolai had followed her, and so they had ended up here, in a small cabin in a deserted village, caught up in a snowstorm. And the small room only had one bed, and no heating.
This is me Trying by feentanz (T) 5.2k
“Nikolai-” she began, but the music had stopped, and everyone around them had stopped moving. There was something on his face that she couldn’t quite read, something that looked almost like… longing. But then Ehri was there, and Kirigin was back at her side, and the moment was gone. 
Nostalgia Cycle by feentanz (T) 2.9k
She raised her head now, seemingly waiting for a reply. Her hand was still resting against his chest, and yet her face was now directly in front of his own, her eyes imploring. “Don’t tell me you don’t have a plan,” Zoya said quietly, voice barely more than a whisper. “I expected better, Your Highness.” A small smirk played around her lips, and she looked so beautiful that Nikolai could barely breathe. “I like to improvise,” he replied, but his voice was raw and didn’t sound like his own. He couldn’t look away, couldn’t break eye contact. He almost wished Zoya would turn away, putting him out of his misery. He didn’t wish to long for something he could never have. 
This is me Trying by feentanz (T) 5.2k
“Nikolai-” she began, but the music had stopped, and everyone around them had stopped moving. There was something on his face that she couldn’t quite read, something that looked almost like… longing. But then Ehri was there, and Kirigin was back at her side, and the moment was gone.
all i ask by awanderingtortoise (T) 2.8k
Bravado comes easier than honesty, though tonight the late hour and glasses of wine make the latter seem far more real a possibility than should be. He suspects he’s had a bit too many drinks; head light and lips loose and an excess of truth brimming in his throat.
Capital Letters by feentanz (T) 3.7k
Genya is doing her very best to bring Nikolai and Zoya together, of course unaware that they are already secretely seeing each other. Until something goes wrong, and the secret dares to be exposed.
Nostalgia Cycle by feentanz (T) 2.9k
She raised her head now, seemingly waiting for a reply. Her hand was still resting against his chest, and yet her face was now directly in front of his own, her eyes imploring. “Don’t tell me you don’t have a plan,” Zoya said quietly, voice barely more than a whisper. “I expected better, Your Highness.” A small smirk played around her lips, and she looked so beautiful that Nikolai could barely breathe. “I like to improvise,” he replied, but his voice was raw and didn’t sound like his own. He couldn’t look away, couldn’t break eye contact. He almost wished Zoya would turn away, putting him out of his misery. He didn’t wish to long for something he could never have. 
How to be a Heartbreaker by feentanz (T) 8k
As Head Girl and Head Boy of Slytherin, Zoya and Nikolai are used to working together - although it is different, once they have to attend the annual Yule Ball together. Although of course, neither of them is interested in the other. Right?
Ne bis in idem by ThisQueenShallConquer (E) 7.3k
Working side by side with him was a difficult thing at the best of times, but there would be moments where he'd roll his sleeves up his toned forearms, or undo the first few buttons of his shirt, and she would find her self-restraint slipping.
Or, a Zoylai Lawyer!AU where everyone's sleep deprived and Zoya really deserves to get laid.
Cruel Intentions by feentanz (E) 8k
Nikolai stopped in front of her, resting his arms on either side of her head. Zoya’s gaze was resting on him, that dangerous spark still in her eyes. “Scared?” she commented, pursing her lips. He couldn’t think straight like this. Nikolai stepped away, already opening the door to the cage. “No one has ever won against me, Nazyalensky.” Zoya rolled her eyes dramatically, slipping into the fighting ring before him. “Always so cocky,” she drawled, turning around to face him again. Some strands of dark hair had fallen into her face, and he fought the urge to tug them behind her ear. 
like real people do by storm_dog_pirate and wafflesandkruge (T) 20.2k (5/15)
Paris, 1961.
Zoya Nazyalensky was left with no choice but to work for the organization that held her family's fate in their hands. Even as she rose through the ranks and gained respect, failure was still inevitable. And when she happens to blow one crucial mission because of her poor judgment, the reputation she’d worked so hard to build crumbles to nothing.
Nikolai Lantsov prided himself as an expert of "complicated acquisition", until he was caught by the CIA and offered an ultimatum: work for them or spend his life behind bars. But after failing the last mission that would have finally let him walk free, his contract with them is extended.
Coffee At Midnight by herewego19 (G) 1.3k
Nikolai takes Zoya on an adventure.
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start-with-words · 3 months
CHARLATAN (noun) - a person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill.
The only thing I’m sure of is that you’re a charlatan and no servant of the Starless One.
- Rule of Wolves, p. 369
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primrose19 · 10 months
Ok so
I was looking through my history for a very specific Zoyalai fic but I found a bunch of deleted works in there and it may have been one of them
So maybe (by some fucking miracle, even though my luck is terrible) someone on here downloaded it (or if it isn't deleted and I'm fucking blind someone recognizes this). It's an extremely long shot, I know
I know almost nothing about the fic (author, title or plot)
What I do remember is maybe the secret relationship trope because I remember the scene towards the end where Zoya and Nikolai were still in their night clothes and people started barging in one by one finding out about them. Also there was a bet involved (the only reason why I remember this is because I thought as I was reading it "hey this would have been infinitely times better with a bet" and then there was a bet. Also I'm 99.9% sure I left a comment on there along those lines)
So yeah
That's it
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stromuprisahat · 2 years
Just wanted to ask- do you have any fanfic recommendations that are basically a fix-it of RoW? You know where Zoya and the others actually get called out on their shit and the situation is dealt with more realistically?
None that I can remember.
To be quite honest, I stopped reading fics with plot a while ago. Partly, because I got tired of starting a story, only to find out few thousand words in, that it's one of those "The Darkling admits he was wrong" ones. It’s mostly plot-light porn these days. It’s kinda bizzare, how a lack of decent canon makes me wanna read plenty of often kinda gross smut...
That aside, I’m happy to reblog again with with some recommendations, so go ahead, kids! The assignment is:
Fix-it of RoW, fuck the Righteous Gang and their plot armour! Viva la realism!
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*These weren’t necessarily written and/or posted in November, but that’s when I read them 😊
🔥 - explicit/mature content
Star Wars
🔥Kinktober Day 30 (Cunnilingus) (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @eyelessfaces
Healing Love (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @dailyreverie
Pumpkin Patch and Everything Nice (Poe Dameron x Reader - Modern AU) - @dailyreverie
Melt (Part of the Your Wish is my Command universe) (Poe Dameron x Solo!Reader) - @dailyreverie
🔥Morning (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @reallyrallyauthor
🔥Noon (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @reallyrallyauthor
🔥Night (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @reallyrallyauthor
🔥Facefucking (Poe Dameron x Reader) - @dameronscopilot
🔥Brat Taming (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @dameronscopilot
Ambrosial (Din Djarin x Black!F!Reader) - @spacecowboyhotch
🔥Boob Drunk Poe (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @dameronscopilot
Unremarkable (Poe Dameron x Reader) - @the-little-ewok
blood will have blood (Part of the better safe than sorry universe) (Poe Dameron x Reader) - @eyelessfaces
Moon Knight
Falling Like Rain (Steven Grant x Reader) - @dailyreverie
Sugar Rush (Jake Lockley x Reader) - @dailyreverie
Pumpkin (Marc Spector x Reader) - @dailyreverie
Chain 'Round My Neck (Steven Grant x Reader) - @dailyreverie
🔥Chain Reaction (Jake Lockley x F!Reader) - @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
🔥Sweet Tooth (Part of the Dancing With Wolves series) (Werewolf!Marc Spector x F!Reader) - @hon3yboy
🔥friendly favors (best friend!Steven Grant x Reader) - @runa-falls
🔥Honey (Steven Grant x F!Reader) - @juneknight
🔥Night Desires (Dark!Steven Grant x F!Reader) - @lunalockley
🔥he smells like flowers (Steven Grant x Reader) - @runa-falls
Protected (Jake Lockley x F!Reader) - @romanarose
Triple Frontier
🔥Kinktober Day 23 (Dirty Talk) (Santiago Garcia x F!Reader) - @eyelessfaces
Breaking the Rules (Santiago Garcia x Reader) - @reallyrallyauthor
Jingle Bells (Santiago Garcia x Reader) - @ivystoryweaver
🔥Kinktober Day 2 (Public) (Frankie Morales x F!Reader) - @youvebeenlivingfictional
🔥Kinktober Day 4 (Sex Pollen) (Santiago Garcia x F!Reader) - @youvebeenlivingfictional
Sucker Punch
🔥Kinktober Day 21 (Hate Sex) (Blue Jones x F!Reader) - @eyelessfaces
Inside Llewyn Davis
🔥Kinktober Day 24 (Lingerie) (Llewyn Davis x F!Reader) - @eyelessfaces
🔥Kinktober Day 26 (Face Sitting) (Llewyn Davis x F!Reader) - @eyelessfaces
Ex Machina
🔥Perfect Fit (Nathan Bateman x F!Reader) - @ivystoryweaver
🔥Fuckin' Stupid (Nathan Bateman x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
🔥The Beauty of Imperfection (Nathan Bateman x F!Reader) - @missdictatorme
🔥The Empty Room (Nathan Bateman x F!Reader) - @reallyrallyauthor
The Card Counter
🔥Losing Hand (William Tell x F!Reader) - @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse
🔥(pumpkin) cream pie (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @runa-falls
Daisy (Mechanic!Frank Castle x Sunshine!F!Reader) - @fandxmslxt69
🔥Kinktober Day 1 (Overstimulation + Impact Play) (Frank Castle x F!Reader) - @youvebeenlivingfictional
Thank you to all the wonderful writers for sharing their stories with us 🥰❤️
*For more recs, please feel free to check out my fic rec tag.
**If you’d like to have your fic removed from the list, I completely understand, just let me know
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dunefandomhub · 2 months
Fic Rec Friday!
Each week I rec 3-4 fics from across the Duneverse featuring a different ship or theme each time!
I am open to taking suggestions/reccomendations at any time! Feel free to send an ask!
Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen X Reader Fics
Turn the Inner Eye by @barbiedragon
Feyd-Rautha x Concubine!Reader
The Bene Gesserit trust in you to fulfill the prophecy
one-shot 1.8k words
Rated E
Thrown to the Wolves Series by @sansaorgana
Feyd-Rautha x fem!reader/Atreides!OC
After receiving the news from the Emperor about moving to Arrakis, Duke Leto suspects the upcoming war with the Harkonnens. His daughter's marriage with the Baron's heir is supposed to create an alliance and ensure his family's safety. Previously sheltered and protected Princess Atreides must now face the harsh reality on her own.
9 Parts
Diplomatic Relations by @lady-phasma
Feyd-Rautha x GN!Reader
No physical description of reader. Feyd is on a diplomatic tour of an unnamed planet (not Caladan) under Harkonnen rule. You catch his eye, smuttiness ensues. Plot if you squint.
one-shot 4k words
Princess by @valeskafics
Feyd x Corrino!Reader
Feyd Rautha makes it his mission to seduce you, the innocent younger sister of Princess Irulan.
one-shot 3.5k
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allwaswell16 · 5 months
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A fic rec of One Direction fics that have an ot4 or ot5 pack dynamic component as requested in this ask. If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writers! You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
— Louis/Harry —
🌕 Angels Fly by LilyBlue28
(NR, 203k, pack alpha Louis) A magical love story featuring a generations long grudge, a menacing curse, and secrets that keep pulling them apart. Will they be able to find a way back to one another through the dark?
🌕 You Smell Like by mystic_believexx
(M, 185k, human Louis) Ever since Harry left town, Louis’ found himself with the role of pack Alpha, despite being human. So he can’t wait to hand over the reins when Harry returns. Except, it’s not quite that simple…
🌕 Rogue by Laventriloque
(NR, 95k, rogue omega) Louis is a rogue Omega who's suffered through rejection and abuse for the biggest part of his life. He stumbles onto the Styles pack, quite possibly the kindest one he's ever met.
🌕 Shadows Come With The Pain That You're Running From (Love Was Something You've Never Heard Enough) by hlftanna
(E, 51k, tour) a Band AU in which Harry isn't allowed to be who he really is and the North American Tour might bring some unexpected truths into the web of lies and also a bit of heat that has very little to do with the summer in the US.
🌕 Canyon Moon by delsicle / @eeveedel
(E, 40k, Lion King au) For as long as Louis has remembered, he has been promised to be mated to Harry, his best friend and the future pack alpha. But Louis’s heart belonged to the forest and to the hunt more than he could ever imagine it belonging to Harry.
🌕 Burning Soul by LarryAlways28
(E, 39k, omega Louis) Louis is a rogue Omega wolf, all he wants is a new start. Will he allow himself to fully embrace what awaits him, or will he run again, too damaged by past hurt?
🌕 All Your Mates Are Here by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup
(T, 36k, uni) A new pack, a new house, and two new roommates with personal space issues... Plus exams, of course.
🌕 Follow Your Arrow by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13
(T, 36k, touch deprivation) They said Louis playing alpha wouldn’t affect anything. It was the best thing for the band, so he doesn’t really regret it except deep in the dead of night, when he bites down on his knuckles to swap the echoing ache of depri for a sting of pain.
🌕 Mark my word (we gon' be alright) by harioandlouigi
(E, 35k, friends to lovers) an A/B/O AU featuring an oblivious Harry as the pack leader, a pining Louis as his second-in-command, and an entourage of friends and family who are a little too good at keeping their mouths shut.
🌕 Compass to my Soul by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup
(T, 31k, touch deprivation) Louis Tomlinson, omega, is 1/5 of world famous boy band One Direction. He spends his time hoping his bandmates don’t notice him.
🌕 It's always darkest before the dawn by @marchessa
(E, 15k, human Harry) the one where Louis saves Harry's life by biting him, but the younger man has to pay the price for it.
🌕 good enough (for you) by localopa / @voulezloux
(G, 8k, competition) omega louis is next in line to rule the pack. in spite of the rule saying he needs an alpha to rule, he creates an impossible olympics to find a worthy mate.
🌕 Count The Wolves And We'll Sleep Tonight by scribblewrite
(M, 4k, established relationship) Louis's the Alpha of a powerful pack and Harry's his omega. When Harry's taken by rogue alphas, Louis will do anything to bring him home safely.
— Rare Pairs —
🌕 a sunflower soul with rock n’ roll eyes by sideofzemblanity
(E, 57k, OT5) Louis is forced to be the weeds when all he wants is to be the sunflower he really is.
🌕 Like A Bullet In The Dark, by TylerM
(T, 27k, OT5) the one where Zayn, Harry and Louis are alphas in a pack with omega Niall, and Liam is a beta. Until he actually isn't and shit hits the fan.
🌕 a dark world aches for a splash of the sun by calums
(T, 18k, OT5) Being the only Beta in the world's most famous band should be easy, right? Well, not when you're on suppressants and pretending to be a Beta when in fact, you're an omega. Lo and behold, the life of Louis Tomlinson.
🌕 He Carries The Key by @lululawrence
(NR, 8k, OT5) Niall was mostly home, ready for a shower and a chat with Louis, when suddenly Niall was flooded with emotions from the pack bond.
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nouies · 5 months
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hello and welcome to the last fic rec of the year featuring my favourite works from what i’ve read during the past weeks. as always, please check tags before reading. if you liked the fics please reblog their posts, leave kudos and write a nice comment. happy reading! rec tag | more rec lists
— harry/louis —  
໑ A Christmas at Home by @parmahamlarrie (T, 3k, established relationship, nurse louis, kid fic, christmas fluff) After meeting his boyfriend in the emergency room, not having Louis home for Christmas Eve (and his birthday) was not a big surprise to Harry. What he didn't expect was just how hard that would be on his six year old son, Arlo.
Or, the one where Arlo wants nothing more than to celebrate Louis' birthday with him, and Harry hates having to be the parent who says no.
໑ Could Be Kissing my Fruit Punch Lips by thecheshirepussycat / @the-cheshire-pussy-cat (E, 4.5k, strangers to lovers, college au, camboy louis, pining harry) Harry happens upon a porn site that specializes in live videos and sort of falls in love with the cute boy he only knows as Kitty.
And then he gets the surprise of his life when he finds out Kitty attends his university…
໑ Your name is tattooed to the bottom of my heart by @meloummy (E, 6.6k, canon au, established relationship, ass tattoo, light dom/sub) Prompt 114: a PWP where Louis gets an arse tattoo with Harry’s name for his birthday.
Or where Harry likes to mark what is his and receives a very special surprise fulfilling one of his fetishes; to see Louis marked for life with something related to him and in one of his favourite places.
໑ with gilded wolves on the wall by bruisedhoney / @yvesaintlourent (E, 13.3k, enemies to lovers, a/b/o game of thrones au, arranged marriage, fantasy) The Game of Thrones ABO AU where Harry is of the North, and Louis cannot be burnt.
໑ Wedding Bells Will Never Ring For Me by @lousmoonshine (E, 14.8k, exes to lovers, champagne problems au, famous louis, non-famous harry) After a failed proposal a few years back, Louis gets an unexpected invitation to his ex - Harry’s – wedding.
໑ play by the rules by @shimmeringevil (E, 21.8k, established relationship, bdsm, soft dom harry, read tags) Fed up with the excess energy that’s wreaking havoc on his personal and professional life, Louis asks his boyfriend to dom him in the hopes that it’ll help him relax. Unfortunately, Harry is a bit of a disaster when it comes to being a dom. So, Louis decides to get creative to try and encourage the dominant side out of him.
໑ tell me that your sweet love hasn't died by punk_pillow_princess / @punkpillowprincess (M, 27.4k, established relationship, happiest season au, movie inspired, hidden relationship, coming out, christmas) Louis and Harry have been in a relationship for a year. While on their way to Harry's parents' house and his family's legendary annual Christmas party, Louis discovers that Harry has not yet come out of the closet to his family, who are also full of secrets, fears and afraid of a bad reputation in town.
໑ Snow In Love by @lululawrence (NR, 33k, friends to lovers, advent fic, fake/pretend relationship) Harry and Louis are best friends and have been for basically as long as they can remember. For the first time since middle school, they are both single for the holidays leaving them with the brilliant idea to take each other as their dates to work events. To make things easier they will pretend like they’re dating. But then they learn something funny.
People thought they were already dating. Weird.
໑ Heart Beat by @allwaswell16 (E, 33.4k, acquaintances to lovers, advent fic, small town au, teacher harry, single parent louis, kid fic) Hideaway Haven is the place that Louis has always called home. It's also the place that Harry had tried to leave behind him. When Harry returns to start a music academy in his hometown, he finds himself face to face with his high school crush—and his charming daughter who wants to learn to play the drums.
— rare pairs / categories —  
໑ Chaos by @haztobegood (louis/omc, M, 100, canon, fitf tour, bodyguard) Against the barricade, it’s complete chaos.
໑ Fine Line by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13 (louis/nick grimshaw, G, 1k, established relationship, canon compliant, relationship reveal) Telling his family was always going to be a big deal, but doing it alone was a sacrifice he could make. He never thought they’d fall about laughing.
໑ Daydream by @allwaswell16 (girl direction louis/zayn, T, 2k, strangers, coffee shop au, university student louis, farmer zayn) Every Thursday, Louis nods hello to her fellow regulars at Horan’s Cafe, one of whom is the woman of her dreams.
໑ Baking Memories by @haztobegood (louis/jack cochrane, T, 2k, canon compliant, kitchen chaos, christmas baking) After a long day of songwriting, Jack convinces Louis to bake mince pies together.
໑ say yes to heaven by edensrose / @holdingthornsandroses (louis/ethan hawke, M, 2.8k, strangers to lovers, 90s theatre au, references to shakespeare) Later when he’s back at the apartment with Oli, as Louis is somewhat dreamily waxing poetic about Ethan, Oli interrupts.-
“Does he quote Shakespeare when you fuck?” he asks, poking at the sizzling eggs on the stove.
Louis’ cheeks turn suspiciously pink.
Oli peers at his face. “Oh my god, he DOES. I KNEW IT.” He triumphantly brandishes his spatula in the air.
໑ Two Stars Passing By by Stria (Asia117) / @nooradeservedbetter (niall/lewis capaldi, G, 2.9k, established relationship, a/b/o au, domestic fluff) “I’ll have you know, I’m perfectly comfortable not looking and acting like a traditional alpha.” He needs Lewis to know that, for some reason.“Sure, mr feminism,” Lewis snorts. “Come on, we’re missing the game.”
(Or, fluffy slice-of-life moments in Niall and Lewis' relationship)   ໑ One by @allwaswell16 (louis/tommy shelby, E, 4k, one night stands, pack a/b/o au, peaky blinders au, historical, pregnancy) When omega Louis Tomlinson becomes pregnant after an unexpected encounter, he decides his only option is to flee his pack. But Tommy Shelby, pack alpha of the Peaky Blinders, might not be willing to let him go so easily.
໑ it's a holidate by @disgruntledkittenface (harry/nick grimshaw, M, 4.3k, strangers to lovers, american au, company holiday party) When Nick meets Harry at his company holiday party, he never would have predicted that he’d met his match. Luckily, he’s been known to be wrong on occasion.
໑ a silent night with you by edensrose / @holdingthornsandroses (louis/lee pace, M, 7.8k, strangers to lovers, christmas au, writer louis, fake relationship louis/omc) Louis Lane. Popular British columnist and cook extraordinaire. He has a fiancé and and a sixty acre farm. Except Louis Tomlinson has none of these things. Guess who’s coming to dinner.
໑ Jump! by @reminiscingtherain (louis/tommy longhurst, M, 15.8k, strangers to lovers, canon, touring life) He let out a noise of surprise as his arms were suddenly full of a sweaty body, as Tommy threw himself at Louis and held on tightly.“Thank you so fucking much,” he muttered against Louis’ shoulder, squeezing a little. “You have no idea how much this means to us.”Louis softened a little, gently tapping Tommy’s back.“I absolutely know what this means, lad,” he replied, his voice gentle and supportive. “The way you’re reacting to being out there? That’s exactly why I chose you for the support slot.” He gave a reassuring squeeze. “You deserve this, okay?” He pulled back a little, gripping the back of Tommy’s neck and looking him in the eyes. “You deserve this.”
໑ 'tis the damn season by YesIsAWorld / @louandhazaf (girl direction hl, E, 17.9k, friends to lovers, advent fic, returning home) Harry returns to her small hometown over the holiday season and starts to think about the road not taken.
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wangxianficrecs · 2 years
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MOAR Wangxian Rec Sources!
Hi, I’ve made 13 Wangxian collections on Archive of Our Own, based on special themes/tags. Feel free to use them for your own search/library activities. I love your blog, keep up the good work 💪~ @hhtopblog
Oh, thank you so much for telling us about your curated collections, my dear;  this is so useful.  I notice that they’re Open... does that mean others can make suggestions or add their own bookmarks?  (It’s absolutely fine if not, I’m just clarifying).
Here are the 13 collections, for y’all’s reading pleasure! These are Bookmark collections, rather than Works collections, so be sure to go hunting under the right tab! How wonderfully organized! 
⚫The Untamed Alcohol Effect -- "A drunk man’s words are a sober man’s thoughts" or: the alcohol effect in MDZS/The Untamed.
⚫The Untamed Brothers and Beasts -- Enchanting Wangxian fics where Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian are bonded as rabbits, wolves, foxes, dragons, demons or other magic creatures
⚫The Untamed Epistolary Edition -- Fics about Wangxian getting together in series of letters, e-mails, social media, vlogs, online games
⚫The Untamed Great Pretenders -- A collection of Wangxian falling-in-love-fics while faking their identity, relationship or marriage
⚫The Untamed Green-Eyed Kunze -- This collection is about jealousy, mostly Lan Zhan's. His critique on Wei Ying is secretly meant as a warning for himself. “Shameless”, because he loves Wei Ying more than the rules. "Ridiculous", because Wei Ying doesn’t love him, he only likes to tease. “Boring”, because he just knows Wei Ying will leave him one day for a more interesting person, right?
⚫The Untamed Kinsey Reports -- The ultimate Untamed collection on 'Sexual Behavior of the Human Male' as mentioned in The Kinsey Reports (1948): masturbation, pre-adolescent orgasm, biting, seven grades of sexual orientation, marital coitus, sadomasochism.
⚫The Untamed Love Has No Ending -- Real love has no ending. The best Wangxian fics about mutual pining, grief, getting together or getting back together.
⚫The Untamed Love Thy Neighbor -- A fine collection of Wangxian AU fics where Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian fall in love as they share a room, building, campus, office, or whatever.
⚫The Untamed Medics Portal -- Wangxian Sick-Fics where Wei Wuxian or Lan Wangji are either patient or doctor waiting for their soul mate.
⚫The Untamed Rules of Seduction -- Great fics about mutual attraction between Lan Zhan and Wei Ying; their strategy to seduce each other, unconsciously or intentionally.
⚫The Untamed Sporty Boys -- Modern Wangxian fics where The Untamed cast gather at sport clubs, events, or the local cultivators gym.
⚫The Untamed Time Travel Edition -- Enjoy Wangxian fics where Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian meet each other in different eras, universes, like themselves, aliens, androids or otherwise, to reach that same happy ending.
⚫The Untamed Wangxian Retellings -- The lovestory of Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian retold in the format of other well-known novels, movies, tv series, fairytales or legends.
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ihni · 3 months
Fic rec tag game
(And yes, I'm making a new one because I feel like it)
Rules (more like "guidelines" ...): Rec some fics that fit the categories below (feel free to skip some if you want)! Maybe tag some people if you want. And if you see this and think this looks like fun, consider yourself tagged! :)
I'll start. And I have read a LOT so I'm gonna say right now that it's gonna be difficult to pick just ONE fic for each category ... (Also if I mention your fic in this, yes you're automatically tagged)
Fic that made you laugh: Play with me (Stranger Things) by @sanguine-tenshi In which Tommy, Billy, Steve and Eddie are trapped in the Upside Down for a while, and do what bored boys do when they're bored. No, not that XD "Boys being boys" at its best!
Fic that made you cry: panache (Stranger Things) by zoetropes In which ... I can't even explain it all. Just. Prom, guys. All you need to know is that I ugly-cried at chapter 17 and that I love it so much that I learned how to animate gifs simply so I could express my emotions over it. (When this fic is done I wanna print it and eat it)
Fic that made your heart melt: Prince Among Wolves (Teen Wolf) by Wrenegade (Wrenegadeone) The one where Derek has twins and work too much with his important work, and Stiles is the most awesome babysitter ever. I just ... melt over this one. And to think that once, I foolishly believed I didn't like kid fics ...
Fic that made you have to take a break while reading (perhaps you had to get up and walk the room for a bit): Third Person Singular (The Hobbit) by Wealhtheow21 Companion piece to another fic, "To Find Our Long-Forgotten Gold" which is also so good. Written from Kíli's POV, with language so CHOPPY and ... poignant? That it sometimes felt like a punch to the throat.
Old fic that for whatever reason stayed with you over the years: Responsibility (SeaQuest) by Jules In which everyone gets sick and Lucas has to take care of everyone and everything and whoopsie, some baddies are trying to take over the ship. I haven't read it in forever, I can't find it anywhere now, but I remember loving it. Lovely, lovely exhaustion fic.
Fic that inspired you to do something in real life: The Garrison Reserve (The Musketeers) by chapstickaddict and readwing In which they're all running a restaurant together. This fic combines my love for fic with the love for food, and made me buy wine for the first time in my life so I could make a proper risotto. (It was so good, too)
Fic that inspired you to do some kind of fanwork (+what that fanwork was): Words Left Unsaid (Stranger Things) by @lemonlovely In which the boys get to know each other and grow closer. I will forever subscribe to this fic <3 (And it inspired a rhyme: "Another boy's mother")
Fic that introduced you to a favorite trope: Persistence Hunting (Guardians of the Galaxy) by grocketinmypocket In which Peter proves that humans are indeed terrifying creatures. I read it for the first time ten years ago. Got me into the whole humans-are-space-orcs thing. Love it.
Fic that you'd consider a guilty pleasure (bad term for it though, no fics should make you feel guilty because fanworks are life!): Rich Man's World (The Flash) by @robininthelabyrinth Accountant!Len. Whenever I need a pick-me-up, I can always fall back on this random, but utterly lovely fic.
Fic with a ship you didn't really consider until this fic: Secrets Make This Town (Stranger Things) by @thingsalexwrites In which ... you know what? Read the summary. It's Billy/Steve/Hopper, and it's so soft and sweet (despite being basically porn).
A WIP you love: In Your Reflection (Stranger Things) by @stuffinggroves / Timetravelersunited In which Billy deals with hunger. Which I am so weak for in fics! Love this fic so far, it brings me joy.
An all-time favorite fic (AN, note that I wrote AN ... not THE): Grievance (Thor) by @peaceheather In which Loki is promptly and publicly adopted by a capable and caring Tyr. It's amazing. The whole "Odin's son, Tyr's son" series is amazing. I have it printed.
And, just 'cause, let me tag some people (feel free to ignore, of course): @dragonflylady77 @callieb @weird-an @desperate-not-serious @robthegoodfellow and uuuuh I'm too tired to add more - if you wanna do it, please do it :) I wanna see your recs.
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Okay folks, I’m stuck at home with Covid. I haven’t read a new Larry fic in years .
So let’s go, tell me which one I should read (maybe from the last 2-3 years?)
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(thank you all for the recs ! I’ll update as long as I get them)
- Of Mates and Men :  In which, Louis and Harry meet as best men for their best friends' wedding... well... sort of. Or, the one where Harry's just moved back from New York and Louis doesn't believe in romance. Or, I guess... the one where Zayn and Liam are getting married.
- Darling, so it goes : Harry Styles is a world-famous actor at the height of his career but a personal low point when he meets His Serene Highness Prince Louis of Monaco by chance. He doesn’t think they’ll ever see each other again, but after striking up a correspondence, it turns out they have more in common than he thought. Then they start to fall for each other. Louis is different from anyone Harry has dated before and their relationship moves fast as Harry realizes he’s ready for a change. Soon Harry finds himself adapting to an entirely new life, in a country where he doesn’t know the rules, the customs, even the language. Harry is used to people underestimating him, and he’s more determined than ever to prove them wrong. He just needs Louis to meet him halfway.               Grace Kelly AU.
- love is a word, you gave it a name : After two decades in brutal show business, Louis Tomlinson is trying to restore his tranquility of mind in the peace of Northern Europe where the sun barely sets, Maria’s bar is always open, and young Harry has an irresistible spark in his eyes.
- Bloodsport :   The Unbelievers Story from Harry’s point of view.
- Alien Roadtrip! : roadtrip with desert feelings, too much snack food, and empty motels. Harry is definitely absolutely not an alien. That would be ridiculous.  
- Ace of Spades  : Living as a sheltered omega in a farming village has not prepared Harry for life aboard the most notorious pirate ship to sail the Atlantic.Or Louis is a pirate, Harry is his captive, and no one is who they say they are.
- Beautiful War  : An FBI-Clairvoyant AU
-  Ever Since I Tried Your Way : In 1949 Harry left his bride at the altar, running away from the only life he'd known. When a kindhearted farmer offers him a ride in his truck and a place to sleep the two find themselves inexplicably drawn together. Isolated on Louis' farm with nobody but a field of dairy cows to intrude, the men are finally able to explore the parts of themselves they've spent their lives hiding away.
- Truebonds  : Or the one where Louis is an omega in need, Harry is an alpha for hire, and destiny presents them with a fate they never saw coming.
- Full Moon Dreaming : Every month, Full Moon Dreaming reveals a person’s soulmate. Sometimes it’s an object or a place, or for the lucky ones, the love of their life.Louis has given up hope of dreaming of a person, resigned to living a life devoid of that kind of all-consuming love for another and receiving the same in return.But when a new neighbour descends on Louis’ beloved Hanson Bay and moves into the other beach house, could all that be about to change?
- No Hold to Hold Onto : Injured after being thrown from a bronc, Harry doesn’t know if he’ll ever compete again. His only hope is a man called Tommo, a world champion rider who retired at the top of his game. When Harry goes looking for help learning a new way to rope and ride, the last thing he expects to find is love.
- All Your Mates Are Here  : Like every werewolf does when they get to a new town, Harry joined one of the many local packs when he started university. Now, three years into his program, he's hit with the news that his pack is giving up, going their separate ways. In the wake of the holidays, the three single wolves from the Majestic pack are pointed in the direction of a new pack to join; one that's got struggles of its own.A new pack, a new house, and two new roommates with personal space issues... Plus exams, of course.
- In A Twinkling : Featuring Niall and Liam as Louis’ childhood friends, Harry as the painfully perfect man of Louis’ dreams, Zayn as Harry’s very protective best mate, Louis’ Nan as a well-meaning matchmaker, and Louis as a guy who thinks he’s happy with his life, until a certain someone shows him what he’s been missing.
- Nothing But You On My Mind  : Louis Tomlinson is a PR manager hired to improve the image of royal bad-boy Prince Harry Styles. Unfortunately for him, that means being faced with the Prince's constant innuendos, incessant dirty jokes, and relentless flirting. Louis just wants to make it to Princess Gemma's coronation; once she's crowned Queen, his contract is up and he never has to see the Prince again.
- From Dust to Lust  : From the moment Louis set eyes on the gorgeous stranger across the airport terminal, he knew the guy was trouble, which was the last thing he wanted. He wouldn’t have thought spending two days cooped up in a car travelling from the Australian Outback to the East Coast would change his mind. It’s funny how things work out.OR the one where Louis and Harry are fly-in-fly-out mine workers, coincidences are totally a thing, karaoke is an underrated form of foreplay, and the universe most definitely works in mysterious ways.
- Tired Tired Sea     : As a B&B owner on the most remote of all the British Isles, Louis Tomlinson is used to spending the coldest half of the year in complete isolation, with his dog and the sea as sole companions. Until, one day, a mysterious stranger on a quest to rebuild himself rents a room for the winter.
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start-with-words · 3 months
RAMSHACKLE (noun) - (especially of a house or vehicle) in a state of severe disrepair.
The Grand Palace hadn’t even been built then, only a ramshackle castle of rickety wood and ragged stone.
- Rule of Wolves, p. 366
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nnschneider · 29 days
Username Fic Game
@wurzelbertzwerg tagged me for this so I'll give it a whirl. Just an aside that it's a little intimidating to recommend stories to the void, to pick a list that is varied across different fandoms and
Rules: Take each letter of your username and rec a fic whose title starts with that same letter! Then feel free to pass it on to your friends.
I think we can tell that I don't recognize the authority of whoever established the rule to this game. I used my AO3 name -- snafsnaf -- so I'd have fewer letters to recommend for and then I totally substituted the letter sometimes when I really felt like it, which was a lot.
S - Stronger than we are by wurzelbertzwerg: Northanger Abbey AU with vampires! Catherine! Henry! Gothic thriller! This one has a body count.
N - Ouroboros: the Endless Cycle by WANMWAD: yeah, yeah, this isn't really an "N" titled story but allow me to recommend it anyway. It's Zootopia as a Meso American fantasy.
A - Anthophilia by fortinbrasftw: a Good Omens Human AU from 2015 that made me want to get an AO3 account just so I could bookmark it.
F - Five Times Frederick Wentworth Had the Breath Knocked Out of Him On the Ice (and one time he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding) by amarguerite: a modern , Canadian, Figure Skating AU of Persuasion. The slow burn is already baked in!
S - In Favor with Their Stars by mxmollusca: the last word in the title begins with "S". Our Flag Means Death,,, in space! But not space pirates.
N - Gentle Antidote by x_los: this has 2 Ns in the title and neither is the first letter of a word. It's a Peter Wimsey/Harriet Vane soulmates AU. I read soulmate AUs but I don't bookmark them, except this one.
A - Anywhere, I would have followed you (Say Something) by Indygodusk: angsty Miraculous Ladybug. I watched my inbox religiously for updates when it was coming out.
F - Fear of Wolves by untoughphotoreceptor: Dramione reimagining of Little Red Riding Hood.
I really am terrible at ending these and passing them onto someone else so I'll just offer this up to the universe. Are you reading this? Tag, you're it!
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dimilixweek · 1 year
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Are you getting ready to celebrate with Dimitri and his right-hand man? His confidant, his best friend, his silly rabbit? Bring your fic, art, essays, fancams, playlists, drabbles, cosplay, graphics, edits, a rec list of your fave fics—but most importantly, your love of Dimilix!!!
Day 1: Feb 14 Lost - Confessions - Shakespeare(an) AU BONUS: Valentine’s Day
Day 2: Feb 15 Rumors - Dancing - Teacher AU
Day 3: Feb 16 Journeys - Ribbon - Supernatural AU
Day 4: Feb 17 Tea Time - Ghosts - Customer Service AU
Day 5: Feb 18 Wounded - Midnight - Fairy Tale AU
Day 6: Feb 19 Rituals - Lions & Wolves - Tumblr AU
Day 7: Feb 20 Found - North Star - Another Time & Place BONUS: Felix’s Birthday
Day 8: Feb 21 Free Day
While we run this event primarily on Twitter, we will also be tracking the tag #DimilixWeek and will be happy to help you cross-post if you get in touch with us. For general details, rules, and posting guidelines, please see dimilixweek.carrd.co. And if you have any questions, our ask box is open!
Dimilix Week runs February 14-21, 2023, and we can't wait to see you there!
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shealwaysreads · 2 years
Self-Rec Sunday
I was tagged by my darling @tackytigerfic to play a little self-rec game! (Have a peep at their post here, and 100% read all of those fics!)
The rules: Recommend us 3 of YOUR fics: 1 that is “most popular” and 2 that are “hidden gems.” Then tag some folks.
Here’s my offerings ♥️ and I’m following tacky’s lead and sharing wee excerpts!
I think my most popular fic is If An Injury Is to Be Inflicted, which I’m sort of surprised by because I wrote it for @hd-hurtfest and expected people to be put off by the tags. But I’m genuinely delighted people have read and enjoyed it, and I’m so warmed by the response in comments and bookmarks—it’s a fic I loved writing, and still feel proud of (even if it is a little bit of a departure from what I think my regular style is?)
The Manor was silent when they arrived in the foyer; no sound of waves, no scent of salt in the air, just the still quietude of marble and stone and silk and the gardens beyond. Sisley was waiting for them, her house-elf magic alerting her to her master’s return almost before his feet hit the ground. Potter finally looked away from Draco's face, and his jaw clenched as he took in his surroundings. Draco braced himself for an outburst and loosened his grip on Potter’s still-shaking hand around the Portkey. 
Quick as a serpent—just like in the fighting arena—Potter moved, and Draco found himself slammed against the tapestry-covered stone wall with Potter’s forearm at this throat and his wand-hand crushed against his own chest. Potter seemed to have dropped the wand Draco had stolen for him; Draco saw it sitting on the black and white tiles of the entry hall, inert wood without the touch of a wizard. But Draco was acutely aware that Potter didn’t even need a wand. He could curse Draco right now—he could probably do it wordlessly, too. Potter leant his weight forward, and Draco could smell the blood on him, the sweat and the bonfire smoke of his magic, and he idly thought that Potter wouldn’t even need a spell to kill him now. He could just press forward a little more, and watch as Draco choked.
Draco’s cock was half-hard and aching in his neatly tailored trousers.
“I thought that Bombarda injured you,” he said.
“As you said, not enough to stop my brain working. What do you want, Malfoy?”
“A great many things, Potter. But right now? I want to show you to your rooms.”
Potter’s frown was fierce. “What the fuck?”
“Is this about the life debt? Because—”
“Oh, we can say it’s about that, if it makes you feel better about things.” With that Draco pushed Potter away; slow, but firm, and fully aware that if Potter didn’t want to move, he wouldn’t.
Potter opened his mouth as if to speak, but was seized with a sudden hacking cough. His hand came away from his face shiny and red, and there was blood on his mouth, darker than the petal pink of his lips. His whole body was shaking now, and he held himself stiffly; shoulder uneven, his left arm unconsciously cradling his chest. Before Draco could reach out, Potter collapsed to the floor with a gurgling sigh.
Draco sighed, eyeing the pulse at Potter’s red-raw jugular; alive. 
“Sisley, take our guest upstairs, if you will.”
In terms of ‘hidden gems’ I’ve simply picked fics I loved writing and would love to share again!
Number one is Veðr, my little sojourn into the past with drarry. I still think about this little fic at odd times, and imagine what happens next.
He tilts his head, and the beads woven into his hair catch the sunlight. Silver, he has silver in his hair. A rich warrior then. “Harry Jamesson,” he nods to himself; maybe they commit people’s names to memory before they kill them. “You say ‘was’. They are dead?”
I nod, and he dismounts with a lazy competence. He’s tall, taller than me, taller than my uncle was. “You are alone. Why?”
“Everyone else ran away from you.”
“Your kin left you to the wolves?” His lip curls. “But you are no warrior; why are you here?”
I grit my teeth; even a barbarian understands what my uncle didn’t. Shame curls hot in my stomach, and anger too. “This is my home, I have nowhere else to go. And they aren’t my family.”
It’s a warm day, but a sudden wind whips around us, and I close my eyes against it. This is what happens when I let myself get angry. Once, the wind blew so hard I ended up on the thatched roof of the barn, and Geoffrey ended up in the stream. He nearly drowned, and my uncle took me to the churchyard and thrashed me. I don’t want the Norseman to thrash me, and I don’t think I want him to drown in the stream, either.
“What is this?” he asks, and then he touches my face. 
His thumb traces my brow; he’s seen the scar. Usually my hair covers it; I keep it long for that exact purpose. It’s ugly, and it proves the whispers true.
“I was a baby,” I say, and I think of lying, but if they are to kill me here on the land my mother was born on then I will not die with deceit on my tongue. “My parents were killed, I was taken, but lightning struck me. It killed the Dane who murdered my parents, but I survived.”
He’s still touching me, carefully tucking my hair behind my ear, and his eyes are sharp. He is all angles; straight brow, long nose, and hard, unshorn jaw. He watches me, so I watch him, too. 
“If you are going to kill me, please make it quick.”
He smiles, and it does something to his face, softens it into something less like a blade. “I am not going to kill you, Harry, son of James and Lily. I am going to take you with me.”
And number two is Summer-heart, which I wrote with a bit of winter in my heart, and is full of things I wish for Harry in his life post-war.
Draco arrived in the summer, too. He was freckled and golden, and his hair was short, and under a blue sky his eyes were almost violet. He’d been travelling with Luna for a year, and he just smiled indulgently when she told everyone at the pub about the flock of golden snidgets they had followed across the continent.
Harry felt bad for a bit about how much he liked Draco, but then Ron did one of those speeches that masqueraded as a casual chat over a pint—he was going to be such a good dad—and reminded Harry that he didn’t owe the world anything, and he only owed himself happiness. Draco did make him happy, and he stuck around, too. Long after the summer warmth had passed.
They talked about the war, and about winter, and about how it took Draco a year to be able to sit next to a fire without flinching. So Harry used Lumos instead of candles, and he learned to make it golden like sunlight instead of the cold blue glow that they were taught in Hogwarts. Draco was brilliant at warming charms—said Harry would have hated the Slytherin dorms and the frigid mornings in the Manor—and had a knack for making soups on the days when Harry felt the coldest.
I’m tagging anyone who see’s this to take part! But also @maesterchill and @the-starryknight and @slytherco and @moonflower-rose and @sweet-s0rr0w ♥️
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juuls · 2 years
Juulna’s 2021 Multi-Fandom Fanfiction Rec List - Part Six
(Yes, I realize this is a year late, but this year's been a bit nuts. I still hope you enjoy these fics anyway!)
Based only on what I’ve read with my own eyes this year!
Follow me on my journey into what, at times, was…
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…actually rather calming! Perhaps you can find some comfort and entertainment, fluff and angst and romance and friendship, smut and a distinct lack of it, space adventures and fantasy and modern adventures, serial killers and good guys, redemption and reconciliation and learning to become someone completely different — there is so much here I read that stuck with me over the past year, and the 2021 Fanfic Reading Challenge ( @fanfic-reading-challenge ) allowed me a new way to keep track of all of my favourites. So props to that event! Definitely participating again (considering I run the event, yeah, that's probably a given lol, but full disclosure).
Without further ado, here were my 2021 fic favourites!
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six
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Fandom: GoT/AsoIaF
Names in the Snow by OperaPhantom
“It’s a punishment,” most whispered. “Punishment from the Old Gods for betraying them for the Seven.”
A few others disagreed. “A gift from the Old Gods to the eldest Stark daughter,” they said. “Or a gift to the North.”
~~~~~~ Sansa Stark receives the Gods' Gift, the mark that identifies her soulmate, only to find out it's what no one, not even herself, expected it to be. But sometimes, surprises can be sweet.
For the February 2021 Pack Prompt of "unexpected".
I'm not a princess (this ain't a fairytale) by K_R_Closson
After Joffrey beheads Ned Stark, and his engagement to Sansa is broken, he decides to host a tournament, with the prize being Sansa's hand in marriage. When Jaime Lannister shows up at the last minute to win it, she's afraid she'll be stuck in King's Landing until Joffrey's cruelty does her in. But Jaime made a promise and, one way or another, Lannisters always pay their debts.
Bequeathed from Pale Estates by Author376
In a Westeros where Soulmates are bound and Marked by the Gods to bind Houses together and pay blood debts, Lyarra Snow and Oberyn Martell are about to get a shock...
and no net ensnares me by thimbleful
Since Jon left, Sansa has struggled to keep things together and she longs for his return. However, when he does return things only become worse. Jon learns about his parentage and doesn't know how to make sense of anything, how to fix the inevitable mess the reveal will create, or how to protect the people he loves. But at least, after all these years, the pack is finally back together. Then, one day, Sansa disappears. Post season 7 fic.
His Winter Queen by @tm-writes-blog
A rewrite of the show's last seasons and how Jon and Sansa forged a true ruling block to challenge the Dragon Queen and defeat the Night King.
There will still be major character deaths, but some very different choices greatly impact the story.
we are buried in broken dreams by Anonymous
Prompt: Sansa and Jon sleeping together before he goes to Dragonstone and when he comes back he finds out she is pregnant.
A full on s8 fix-it fic at this point.
Like winter we are cruel by @ferrame
Winter has come to Winterfell, Jon expects a war north of the Wall, and Littlefinger is brewing one inside the very castle.
you are my sun, my moon (and all of my stars) by Goodforthesoul
When the white wolf came, the Lord of Winterfell had no choice but to give him his eldest daughter. Eddard Stark had grown up on legends of wolves, on the stories of bargains made by the First Men, on the knowledge of the price that he and his family might one day be forced to pay.  His father had explained the reason their house had taken a wolf as its heraldry and “Winter is Coming” as its motto, a reminder of a promise to honor, a recognition of a debt owed that would need, one day, to be paid. Ned had breathed a sigh of relief when his sister’s twentieth winter arrived and the beast had not. And he had watched the dawn sky for the first signs of the snow that would mark that his daughter, too, might also be spared, might escape the fate that had been handed down by their ancestors. But no man could be so lucky. 
Sansa, too, had been born with the North in her blood, had been raised on the stories of white wolves, had lived her life with the knowledge that one might come for her.
if you try to break me, you will bleed by @dialux
It had been a slash across her chest from a White Walker’s sword that finally ended her life. Sansa’d landed in a puddle of her own blood, and she’d died quickly, quietly.
And then she’d awoken with a gasp, trembling, in a bed that had burned under Theon’s betrayal.
The pursuit of non-bath time happiness by Queenofthebees
After Jon refuses Gendry's ask for Arya's hand, citing the fact Sansa was not yet betrothed, Rickon observes and, with the help of Shaggydog, Ghost and Arya, comes up with a plan to have Jon realise he should court Sansa himself. And if it were to result in Jon being less strict about bath times, that was totally coincidental!
The She-Wolves of Winterfell by @vixleonard
The pack survived. So has the Stark habit of keeping secrets.
and in the night, you'll hear me calling by @lesbiancerseilannister
When you met your soulmate, touched them for the first time, you would see everything in all its colorful glory.
Brave, Gentle, Strong by @jonsainthenorth
The Night King is defeated, the battle is ended, the dead heroes are burned, but the song is not yet done.
Now, Dany must grapple with the news of her newfound family and the possibility for the Targaryen line to continue beyond her. . . and beyond her brother’s son. She offer Sansa an impossible choice, one that will destroy the Lady of Winterfell's independence but grant her heart's desire and protect the North in perpetuity. Jon is caught between the two halves of himself, between two Queens, Targaryen and Stark, Fire and Ice, Dragon and Direwolf, honor and dishonor...
Sanberyn, Brandon Stark/Catelyn, minor Rhaelyanna, Jon/Cersei:
The Road to Victory by writing_as_tracey
Too late in preparing for the Night King and the Long Night, the last stand at Winterfell is close to falling. Bran takes desperate measures to ensure victory, and Jon, Sansa, and Arya pay the price for it in a time unfamiliar to them, on the cusp of another war. [GoT, time-travel fix it]
A Winter in Braavos by Silberias
Sansa escapes to Braavos with the Dornish.
Desert Winds Rather Than Mountain Air by Silberias
Catelyn Stark leaves King's Landing telling even her old friend Petyr Baelish that she is taking her daughters back to Winterfell. Instead she takes them, without telling Ned, to Dorne because if anyone will believe a tale of Lannister treachery it will be the Martells of Dorne.
She realizes, as she reaches the gates of Sunspear, that she is really no better than her father was all those years ago.
Clinging To The Wild Things That Raised Us by TheSweetestThing
If the Martells demanded the traitor Sansa Stark’s hand in marriage in return for peace throughout the Seven Kingdoms, then so be it.
For Fear Tonight Is All by Silberias
Tyrion knew, as he gazed up at the dark skinned Martell man that this was perhaps his only chance to spirit Sansa out of King's Landing and away from his father's greedy fingers. Tywin Lannister would have married the girl himself if he felt he could have gotten away with it, and so Tyrion knew his own marriage was no protection to Ned Stark's daughter whatsoever.
"Invite her, demand her, steal her--whatever you choose, Prince Oberyn, choose it soon. Else my lady wife shall break into more pieces than the stars."
a sad tale's best for winter by @branwyn-says
Oberyn and Ellaria visit the finest brothel in Oldtown. One of its most alluring attraction is the harpist, a girl with dyed brown hair.
She's still a maid, the brothel-keep assures them.
in this expected country they know my name by @lesspopped
At the wedding feast, Oberyn and Ellaria are approached by the Master of Whisperers, who begs they indulge him with a discussion of clothing — specifically, Lady Sansa Stark's. Very fine, they all agree...but what a shame, Ellaria tuts, she has lost an amethyst from her hairnet.
So when Joffrey begins to cough, they follow her, and find her in the godswood.
I See The Stars In Your Eyes by @themistressmaster
She feared that she was just like her aunt, a wreath of winter roses bestowed upon her at a tourney.
Dornish Customs by @framboise-fics
Sansa escapes from the Eyrie to Castle Black after being accused of the death of her late husband Harrold Hardyng, arriving just after Jon has been resurrected. The two of them decide to flee South together and after journeying for many moons, they arrive in Sunspear and find sanctuary with Prince Oberyn and his paramour Ellaria Sand.
But neither of them have escaped from their pasts unscathed, and during the sweltering days and long sultry nights of Dorne, tensions boil over in unexpected ways.
Sansa deserves a good man guarding her, an honourable man, and she has put her trust in Jon, who is not an honourable man at all. Perhaps he came back wrong, he thinks sometimes, perhaps this sickness is something the red priestess gave him.
Half of Winter by @manic-intent
Stannis Baratheon has survived wars, sieges, pitched battles and skirmishes and worse, but nothing has made him feel as lost and out of place and unnerved as this very moment.
The little pink infant in the crib sleeps peacefully, wrapped in furs, and her wrists are innocently blank. For an irrational moment, Stannis envies her, then he straightens up and turns away. Winterfell is warm, somehow - some sort of piped system, apparently - and his gloves are tucked into his belt, baring the pale silver script on the underside of his right wrist: Sansa Stark.
Wolf's Blood by @manic-intent
"Ser Davos tells me that my brother Robb has done something rash," Sansa cuts in hurriedly, before Stannis rebukes Davos. "Is that true? He has broken his word to the Freys?"
"Aye, and Lord Walder will not so easily forgive that," Stannis looks over to the Twins where they are marked on the huge table that forms the centerpiece of the Chamber, and behind him, sleek and voluptuous in her sheer red dress, Melisandre smiles with her full, crimson mouth. "Your brother is a gifted commander, but he is still a very young boy. Still," Stannis adds, with a lift of a shoulder, "Older men than he have sundered far more over women. I should know - I was part of the last war that broke out over a woman. Your aunt."
Queen of the Seven Kingdoms by @sarahtheblack
Ned doesn't go to Cersei with a warning. He goes to Dragonstone.
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