#russia storm
workersolidarity · 7 months
As a result of a storm that hit the Kuzbass region of Russia in southwestern Siberia, a business sign affixed to a building in Novokuznetsk was torn down and fell on a woman walking down the sidewalk as she exited the building.
The sign instantly crushes her under its enormous weight, however, with the arrival of help from some good samaritans, the woman survived and was transported to hospital.
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margocooper · 5 months
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За мгновения до грозы. Август 23. Moments before the storm. August 23.
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russian-aesthetic · 4 months
Meanwhile in Russia
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blueiskewl · 5 months
Big Bang Boom
Ukrainian forces striking the Novocherkassk, a Ropucha-class landing ship in occupied Crimea, with a Storm Shadow missile.
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2022dirt · 6 months
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The result of an ice storm in Russia.
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panimoonchild · 2 months
Russian culture is terror
Just another peaceful happy Sunday for Ukraine. This time, I didn't manage to sleep at all before the warning about the high level of danger. Iranian-Russian drones had already reached my region. 
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I would like to note that this next massive shelling would have been even more horrific if our strikes had not been launched from Crimea. Ballistics from Crimea would have been added.
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Glory to the Heroes!
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Here you can see how "all targets have been destroyed" according to the Russians. Thank our soldiers!
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Poland and its reaction are killing me. My cat and his eating time when missiles fly above my house.
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How close those cities of the Lviv region are to my home.
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Consequences of the night attack. Thank you for the defense of our warriors of the sky!
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Poland doesn't show the weakness to enemy. It is a very stupid thing.
The only right reactions of Poland people are:
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Second attack today.
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Same place. Double-tap tactic in the full glory as always. Thank you, without casualties.
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My cat Mambo. He doesn't get why he must not sit on the window while there are air alarms.
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Ukrainians are unbreakable. Kharkiv 🫂❤️‍🩹
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Ukrainians can't be themselves without jokes😅🤷
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And as this Ukrainian person pointed out, we go to bed knowing that Russian strategic aviation is up. For a Ukrainian, sleeping more than 2-3 hours is a record. You monitor the alarm, the phone falls out of your hands. You are sleep-deprived but alive. You still have time to sleep after the attack.
Please keep spreading our voices and donate to our army and combat medics (savelife.in.ua, prytulafoundation.org, Serhii Sternenko, hospitallers.life, ptahy.vidchui.org and u24.gov.ua).
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warsofasoiaf · 1 year
What army do you think is the most overrated in history?
As with all questions about "overrated" and "underrated," the question is, who is doing the rating? Being "overrated" or "underrated" means evaluating someone's judgment, while being "bad" or "good" means evaluating performance. The latter is far easier to evaluate.
Take for example, the Mongols. The Mongols were an exceptionally good army, one of the best in history for a whole host of reasons including their highly exceptional C2 system. But in "The Death that Saved Europe," Cecelia Holland argues that Ogedai Khan's unlikely death was the only thing stopping the Mongols from conquering all of Europe to the Atlantic Ocean, and this just doesn't stand up to scrutiny when evaluating their performance in Hungary and Poland. The Mongols struggled with European stone-walled castles, and moving further into Western Europe would only see the castle density increase. They're still incredibly good, but that's a clear case of overrating.
Or by contrast, take the Red Army in the Winter War. By all conventional metrics, the Red Army was absolutely abysmal in performance - poor tactics, poor leadership, poor equipment. Yet Adolf Hitler thought that they were so garbage that all he would need is a swift kick in the door for the rotten foundation of the Soviet Union to collapse like old scaffolding, and it very clearly did not. Clearly, that was a case of underrating the army. By contrast, modern non-military historians frequently overrate the performance of the Red Army in the Second World War to the point of parody, omitting the exceptionally high levels of unnecessary casualties stemming from poor military performance.
But if I had to pick, I'd either pick the Iraqi Army of Saddam Hussein or the current Russian military, which has largely inherited its weakness from the Red Army.
The Iraqi Army of Saddam Hussein was considered the 5th strongest army in the world, with a formidable array of tanks, aircraft, and missile defense systems. Using primarily Soviet equipment, it was believed to be by far the most powerful regional hegemon in the region despite it's rather lackluster performance against Iran during the Iran-Iraq War. In practice, the officer corps was extremely nepotistic and poorly-trained. The T-72 was shown to be an underperforming tank compared to modern Abrams, the Soviet missile systems proved unable to detect stealth fighters or handle Wild Weasel SEAD missions, and the aircraft were poorly maintained and their pilots even worse. At Medina Ridge and 73 Easting, Saddam's ground forces were poorly organized and sent into complete disarray. Far from being a million strong legion that could enforce its will on the region, it was a hollow, rotten tree trunk about to be struck by lightning.
I've already spoken at length about Russian weakness in the current Russo-Ukrainian War, but it's extremely indicative of systemic weakness when a so-called Great Power army is incapable of performing multi-theater combined arms warfare in the 21st century. This has been a staple of warfare and an overriding design feature of military equipment for decades now. Russia's much-vaunted hypersonic missiles are being intercepted by old Patriot AD systems, turning them into yet another Wunderwaffen. Their technology is not even comparable to last-gen systems and their troops incompetent. For a military that was vaunted as the second-most powerful in the world, its diminished capacity has shown it to be far inferior than numbers would suggest. Its vaunted tank fleet are vulnerable to old anti-tank weapons down to bargain-bin fwoop tubes. Its aircraft can't be stealthy and can't secure airspace even against a vastly inferior airforce. It's sole aircraft carrier is more of a floating environmental disaster whose maintenance log reads like an SCP entry. The T-14 Armata and Su-75 Checkmate are vapor-ware projects established primarily, it seems, to embezzle money for more dachas and yachts. Worst of all, its logistics corps are so deficient that countless Russian soldiers are dying from easily treatable injuries. This was supposed to be the mightiest army in Europe and the military leader of the non-Western world, the lynchpin of the "new multipolar world order," the army that was to defend the Motherland against NATO. It's losing badly to an army that wasn't even ranked in the top 20 by military observers using a combination of legacy Soviet equipment and the stuff that NATO found in the back of the toolshed.
Thanks for the question, Anon.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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rewritingcanon · 6 months
noooo way we gotta throw the whole security council away this shit is not working no more 💀
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
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Now you know why Russians were so intent on looting toilets from Ukraine. But given the mentality of the looters, they may have expected the toilets to work without being hooked up to plumbing.
Outside the large cities the poverty rate in Russia is high. That’s why we saw Russian invaders in Ukraine looting stuff like used underwear.
If Ukraine really wants to hit Russia where it hurts, they can use the Storm Shadow cruise missiles they’re getting from the UK to take out sewage treatment plants in Russian cities. 💩
UK confirms supply of Storm Shadow long-range missiles in Ukraine
The Storm Shadow cruise missile has a range of over 250km (155 miles), according to the manufacturer.
By contrast, the US-supplied Himars missiles used by Ukraine only have a range of around 80 km (50 miles).
The weapons will give Ukraine the "best chance" of defending itself, UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said.
They are fired from aircraft, so the longer range means Ukrainian pilots will be able to stay further from the frontlines.
Once launched, the Storm Shadow drops to low altitude to avoid detection by enemy radar, before latching onto its target with an infra-red seeker.
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cannibalguy · 5 months
Cannibalism News 2024: Putin pardons more cannibals
Another Russian convicted of murder and cannibalism has been pardoned by Vladimir Putin after fighting in the Ukraine. Denis Gorin (Денис Горин), from the city of Aniva, Sakhalin region, was recruited into a private military company after signing a contract with the Russian Ministry of Defence. He is known to have been convicted three times for murdering at least four people between 2003 and…
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solbit-fox · 5 months
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Cute Russian licensed G5 books by Lev/Lion (ex-Egmont) from a while ago ❤
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russian-aesthetic · 5 months
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blueiskewl · 9 months
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Russian Submarine Destroyed
The significant damage sustained by a Russian Navy Kilo class diesel-electric attack submarine after a Ukrainian cruise missile strike last week. The Kilo class boat, together with a Ropucha class landing ship, had been in dry dock in the Black Sea port of Sevastopol, in Russian-occupied Crimea, when it came under attack in the early hour of September 13.
The submarine in question is the Rostov-on-Don (B-237), an Improved Kilo boat, from the Project 636.3 class, which is capable of launching Kalibr land attack cruise missiles, of the type widely used against targets in Ukraine. This submarine entered service in 2014 and is one of four of its type with the Black Sea Fleet.
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wandering-aloneo-o · 2 years
things that have happened in the decade we call 2020
mass purchasing of toilet paper
that big australia fire
murder hornets
beirut explosion
the whole 2020 u.s. election mess
u.s. capital stormed
my cat died
russia invading ukraine
large baby formula shortage
roe v wade overturned
nasa's james webb space telescope
the whole uk government mess thing
queen elizabeth II dying 🦀
more uk government insanity
elon musk buying twitter
andrew tate getting arrested for human trafficking after getting owned by greta thunberg
x. just x. im never going to be able to look at that letter the same (which sucks because i think it's a pretty cool letter)
strikes strikes strikes!
i'm no longer updating this because looking at all this bad stuff has been bringing me down lately. feel free to continue this yourself if you're interested in it tho!
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taiwantalk · 11 months
There’s never been a full scale war being covered by msm or internet news portals since the internet age like this one with ukraine. It’s incredibly surreal. absolutely black mirror nightmares.
I cannot list out every single journalistic or oped trash but just to rant on this one article about how Russians might be able to reverse engineer storm shadow, it’s just pure scum writing.
It ain’t news that anyone can reverse engineer or copy any military secrets if enough time elapsed. That’s how the fuck wmd proliferated. That’s how stealth technologies are not exclusively American.
The writing is garbage because there is no option for ukraine to simply not use any top secret weapons for the sake of keeping it secret. Ukraine does not have such luxury. The world does not have such luxury.
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princelevmyshkin · 6 months
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