#sarcastic prompt
buckybarnessssss15 · 2 years
Random sarcastic dialogue
"You know, sometimes, I wish you'd choke on the shit you talk."
"Oh, you think I'm sarcastic? You should hear the things I don't say."
"Bitch, I don't want your boyfriend. Nobody wants your boyfriend. That's why he's with you."
{Youre ugly} "Bitch, please. My straightener is hotter than you!"
"The trash gets picked up tomorrow. Be ready."
"Sorry, no hablar fucktardo."
"Aww, you think I give a shit? How cute."
"From the bottom of my heart...I don't give a fuck."
"Stop calling yourself hot. The only thing you can turn on is the microwave."
"You look like you were drawn with my left hand."
"Excuse me, I think you mistake me for someone who gives a damn."
"Where were you born again? It must be on an accident scene."
"If you want to be a smart ass, first you've got to be smart. Otherwise, you're just an ass."
"I feel sorry every time you open your mouth to speak."
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sprout-fics · 9 months
Humbly requesting the stay the night prompt of “wait…you’ve been here all night?” Pairing whatever. Just wanting to see this written out 💜
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When you wake, the world feels like it’s trying to hammer you back unconscious. 
“Shit…” You say immediately following your groan, pressing the heel of your palm to your eyes to quell the horrible pulsing pain there. The headache feels like it’s trying to carve inside your skull, and you can taste bile still on your lips, tacky in your mouth.
The hell happened last night? You think blearily, blinking in the brightness of late morning sunlight that filters through your curtains. It’s too bright, but when you twist to try and draw them closed your body aches in protest. 
You try to recall the evening from the night before, recalling your giggling laughter as Soap slung an arm around your shoulder and dragged you over to the dance floor of the club. He and Gaz had belted out the lyrics to the songs, muffled by the pump of the speakers, had stumbled over to the bar and ordered more drinks. The rest is a dizzying haze of color and light, but judging from your clothes crumpled and the foul taste in your mouth, you can judge it didn’t go well. 
“Fuckin hell…” You groan at a fresh wave of throbbing at your temples. Yet your stomach rumbles, empty and biting at your insides, and at last it forces you from bed, stumbling down the stairs of your flat towards the kitchen.
Yet as you enter inside you’re startled to find a gigantic, looming figure in a dark hoodie, mask bunched around his nose as he sips from a mug that seems far too small for his massive hands.
“Ghost?” You squeak in surprise, bracing in the doorway with shock clear across your face. 
Ghost looks up at you, dark eyes not smudged with paint and clear behind his plain black balaclava. He doesn’t look surprised to see you at all, unlike you. 
“Was beginning to wonder if you were dead.” He remarks flatly, holding your gaze for a long moment, just enough to make your cheeks burn. You’re still dressed in your clothes from last night, hair messy and makeup likely smudged to shit. Yet Ghost appears entirely nonplussed, at last turning towards the kettle.
“You don’t remember.” He observes, and when you shake your head you groan, the motion far too much for your hangover headache. He glances over his shoulder at you, nodding with meaning towards a chair at the kitchen table. 
“Where’s Johnny…Gaz?” You ask as you gently lower yourself down, cradling your head in your hands. 
“Probably still bollocksed.” Ghost declares, turning and leaning on the counter as the kettle simmers behind him. “They were bog-faced by the time they called me. Said you were fallen from grace, from what I could make out.”
You knew that much, can tell from the way your stomach distantly rolls with discontent. It doesn’t explain why he’s here.
“So what?” You ask, rubbing your temples. “You helped me home?”
Ghost shrugs, mouth quirking with a hint of amusement in a rare glimpse of his expression. “Held your hair while you got sick, made you drink some water, kept you from texting your ex…joking.” He supplies at your aghast expression. “Settled down on your couch to make sure you didn’t wander out into the streets.”
You blink at that, raising your head from your hands and snapping to look at him. “Wait…you’ve been here all night?”
Ghost shrugs again, but this time there’s a strange ounce of guardedness to it, like he’s reluctant to admit he kept watch. 
“...and Soap and Gaz?” You venture, and that makes the wry, barely sinister smile return. 
“Told ‘em to bugger off. Might have to go hunting in some alleys for them later.”
You aren’t sure whether to laugh or be horrified with the dryness of his tone, half-convinced he’s telling the truth. Before you can ask, the kettle whistles behind him and Ghost turns, pouring the hot water into a second mug.
“Bloody sergeants.” He sighs, a little irritated. “Should have never let them take you out. Can’t be trusted when they’re sloshed.”
There’s a tone there that’s frustrated, and rather than it sitting unhappily in your chest it instead makes you smile. 
He was worried.
Ghost turns, sets the mug of tea on the table before you, his hand covering the top. Yet when you reach for it he doesn’t move, and you glance up to see his severe stare leveled down at you.
“No more getting pished.” Ghost tells you severely in a low murmur, and you grimace, duck your head in a rightful amount of shame. 
“No more drinking with the sergeants.” You recite dutifully, and Simon huffs a sound that almost feels like a chuckle.
He stands over you, arms crossed as you blow at your tea, watches as you finish it, and you feel warm under his gaze.
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Married hero x villain
When villain just comes to hero’s rescue right after they’ve been severely tortured by supervillain (or superhero, whichever one is fine), and hero breaks down bc they lost their wedding ring during the fight and villain is like “baby that ring is nothing compared to your own life and safety, plus I can always buy you a new one.”
“Fuck, your stats are horrible,” the villain noticed. They still stared at the calibrations their little device offered, refusing to believe that the hero was in such a bad condition and still conscious.
Then again, the hero wasn’t quite human.
“I’m so sorry,” the hero whispered. The tears wouldn’t stop and the villain’s heart splintered with every drop.
“It’s not your fault,” the villain said. They tried to be rational, to shut off their emotions and concentrate on the hero instead of their anger. The villain knew they would take care of the supervillain later and they knew it wouldn’t be pretty. Carefully, they wiped the tears and blood from the hero’s face. “You’re safe now.”
“I can’t really breathe,” the hero said.
“I know, your left lung collapsed.”
“Has that ever happened before?” the hero asked. The villain could tell they were in immense pain but refused to show it.
“Yeah, a few months ago. It wasn’t this bad, though. Now, come here.” The villain pulled up their spouse but they noticed too late the hero’s ankles were broken. The hero moaned — nearly screamed — and the villain picked them up immediately, just like on their wedding day.
The fabric of the villain’s suit twisted in the hero’s hand.
“Shit, I scanned you all over, how did I miss this…?”
“Scan probably crashed. Happened to me when I tried to scan a dead person. Too much info. They really messed me up this time,” the hero whispered. The villain felt them shake in their arms, felt blood soaking through their own suit.
“Hey, it’s okay,” the villain said. They tried not to hold their spouse too close. They didn’t want to cause any more harm.
But despite the villain’s plan, they felt their own sanity slipping away. They had to swallow a sour taste in their mouth, had to blink away tears.
The villain needed to be strong for their hero but deep down, they knew how this was breaking them. How all of this was made to break them. Stealing their spouse in the middle of the night, torturing them, hiding them, playing with them; all of it happened because the supervillain wanted to toy with them.
Panic was an old companion and the villain was sure they would meet them soon enough. And if that happened, panic would beat the living shit out of them.
“Let’s go home,” the villain said, their voice shaking.
“Honey, I need to tell you something,” the hero said and the villain held onto them a little tighter, protective and worried. Their spouse was doing pretty well for nearly dying. No doubt, their superpowers made them harder to kill, but the hero was dangerously good at pretending they were fine.
The villain risked a look down at them in their arms and there were even more tears on the hero’s cheeks.
“I’m so sorry,” they sobbed and the villain had a million horrible suspicions running through their mind. What had happened to their hero? What had they done to them? The villain was losing it, was going to murder the supervillain with their own hands. “They took my ring.”
The hero’s tears wouldn’t stop, in fact everything got worse. The villain could tell they tried to swallow their tears. But their lips trembled and their eyes were red.
“Honestly? I’m just glad you’re alright.” One crack, then two. The villain’s voice gave up and so did the villain. They let the little wall in their mind crumble completely and let emotions take over. Everything broke down and the tears followed. They held the hero close, shaking.
Likewise, the hero stopped pretending and let the tears fall.
It was a curse. Pretending to be alright, so you wouldn’t worry your significant other. The villain hadn’t planned this but they couldn’t help it. Maybe the hero was the only person they could be their rawest self with. Maybe the hero was the only person who truly, deeply knew them.
Someone who had seen all the ugly parts, all the disgusting parts, all the faults and mistakes, all the imperfections and unpleasantries. Someone who, despite all, stayed.
“Oh god, my love,” the villain sobbed between tears, “god, I thought you were gone.”
“You’re not mad?” the hero asked and the villain shook their head, lost in complete despair. They needed a second to gather themselves.
“It’s just a ring,” the villain whispered. The hero wiped tears off the villain’s cheeks and the villain had to smile softly. “Marriage is so much more than one ring. All I ask for is your safety.”
The hero leaned their head against the villain’s chest. They seemed calmer as their fingers went over the villain’s forearm.
“I can always buy you a new one,” the villain promised. “But first, we have to get out of here.”
For the next few months, the villain didn’t let the healing hero out of their sight.
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trusthevillain · 3 months
"I'm tired of being the bad guy, Hero. It takes too much energy. Teach me how to suck up like you so I can have a little break."
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writing-to-survive · 3 months
"I'm not too sure about this plan of yours anymore."
"Relax. The worst that could happen is that we die."
"Oh? Well then, let's go on three."
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prompts-by-anjali · 1 year
"You're three minutes late."
"Sorry, princess, I forget how it is with royalty sometimes. Do you also need someone to stir your tea for you or…?"
"Stop telling me what to do!"
"I'd be happy to, princess, but then I'd have to explain to the others why you died on my watch."
"What were you thinking?"
"I was thinking the jump wasn't too far."
"You could have -- you almost -- ugh!"
"Right, so you're upset. It's understandable. You don't want to explain why I, the weak link, died on your watch."
"No, I -- what? You're not the weak link. You never were. It's just -- you could have gotten hurt."
"I thought you left me here. I thought…"
"I wouldn't. Friends don't do that to each other."
"Friends? We're really friends?"
"Yeah? I mean, unless I'm too common for you."
"No! No, not at all. You misunderstand, it's just that... I've never had a friend before. It's nice."
"This is a stupid plan. Don't you dare get injured."
"Anything for you, princess."
"I'm sorry about your family's palace."
"Don't be. It's vindicating to know I'm never going to be locked up in that tower again."
"And what about you? Are you going to be okay, now that we've won and there's no one left to fight?"
"No one to fight? Does this mean you're going to let me be the little spoon?"
"What? No, definitely not, you little -- !"
And they all lived happily ever after.
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entomolog-t · 3 months
Valentine's Day Special- Conversation Hearts
Happy Valentine's Day! As a treat here's a not-currently-canon-but-maybe-future-canon short for INSTAЯ as a part of the G/t Valentine's Prompt List.
Bram find's a new way to get his messages across.
Word count: 759
(Bonus there is some that will accompany this short- I'd just like to get a little farther on GtWAC and my comissions before taking the time to finish)
“I know you washed your hands but there is something deeply wrong about that.” 
Bram pulls back his hand from the batter with a glare, chirping incomprehensible words, yet the cadence made it clear he was mocking me by mimicking my chiding. Below us, Honey whines, desperate for her share of Bram’s stolen batter.
I return his glare, though I can't help but chuckle at his disdain as I shoo him away from the bowl. His eyes narrow as he chitters some sort of grievance at me, Honey’s pleas going unanswered as he makes quick work of the batter coating his claws.
The sight sends a chill down my spine. 
Was that a tongue? I shudder, not wanting to think too long about the logistics of how his nightmarish mouth worked. I turn my focus away from what I'd come to recognize as his muttering and back to the task at hand, whisking in the pistachio cream and cardamom extract, the batter taking on an almost cozy scent. One by one, I fill the cupcake papers, a grin tugging at the corners of my lips at the thought of how nice the house would smell as they baked. The soft music playing nearly hid the sounds of his talons as they clicked across the countertop- thankfully, away from the batter.
It felt … good. 
Normal even. Just to be able to ease into something familiar again, if only for a moment. 
For just that singular moment, I could get lost in a fantasy where there wasn’t a tiny abomination trying to sneak a taste at the cupcake batter… A fantasy where Bram was… Bram and we were just a normal pair of people spending time together. 
My relief didn’t last long, as the unmistakable sound of a plastic bag rustling broke through the cozy ambience. 
I frown. 
He’d, quite literally, gotten into the Conversation Hearts Clyde had dropped off that I’d been planning on using as toppers for the cupcakes.
“You overgrown cockroach,” I scold, though the smile that tugs at the corners of my lips dulls any edge the insult carries, “You act like I don’t feed you.” 
The bag chirps with what I can only assume is some snide retort thrown my way. I sigh, smile still tugging at my lips as I move the tray to the oven. Had he always had such a sweet tooth, or was this something to do with - 
A sort of whistling chirp abruptly pulls me away from my thoughts. I turn my attention to Bram- a conversation heart in his main set of arms. As I’m about to make a comment about his digustingly sweet choice of snack, he holds the heart out towards me and I feel my own freeze in my chest. 
I stare at him for a moment. What could have only been a second seeming to stretch far longer than reality should permit. 
There was a dreadful feeling of both being caught off guard and knowing exactly where this was going- my brain rattling off various little sayings printed on those hearts. 
Be mine
You’re cute
Love you
I felt heat rise to my face. 
Kiss me
I swallow. I could only hope that my face didn’t show a fraction of the panic running full tilt through my mind. I mean, of course we’d grown to like each other's company- it’s not like there were any other options out here. All that time together… we’d grown closer but- How was I supposed to respond to this? If anything the majority of our time spent together was spent annoying one another- sure it had been teasing… but certainly not that kind of teasing! I chew on my lip, a strange feeling of dread brewing in my chest- would I break his heart?
Though another question seemed to itch the at the back of my mind, 
Did I have to?
My heart thrums loudly in my ears, each beat feeling all too much like gunfire. I reach my hand out towards him, and he hands me the candy heart, his tail swishing behind him in anticipation. 
I grit my teeth, mind reeling over just what I was supposed to say.
He chitters, and my brow knits together as I recognize the noise. Not nerves... The broken half chirps had become a familiar sound- laughter. As I read the tiny red text, the weight vanishes from my shoulders, a feeling of genuine relief accompanying the all too familiar sting of irritation. Irritation for both Bram and Clyde. 
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lindalofbroome · 7 months
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Roddacember 2023!!
Roddacember runs during December to celebrate all of Emily Rodda’s books. With a new prompt every day, make a piece of fan content of your choice. You can draw some art, write fic, make a playlist, rant about something, or whatever you vibe with! Remember to tag it #Roddacember 2023 so we can check it out <3 I’ve also created an AO3 collection for those who would like to write fics!
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This is my attempt at taking the best of the past years and bringing something for everyone. What I've come up with are three levels of abstraction that (hopefully) serve as different levels of difficulty. The first week-ish draws more from 2019's style, and the last couple weeks are the more recent style, with the middle being a segue between them. (i kinda struggled to make questions, but you're welcome to use the prompts as keywords for your own!)
A reminder that you don’t have to commit to every day. Take care of yourself. You can make it more manageable by skipping days. It’s also okay to alter the prompt slightly for grammatical purposes, if you so wish (e.g. growth –> growing) or to cut out irrelevant words (e.g. animal or monster -> animal). Feel free to interpret the prompts as metaphorically or as literally as you want! If there’s anything you are confused about, feel free to ask me in the notes or DMs or whatever. You can also check out what the fandom did previously at #Roddacember 2022, #Roddacember 2021, #Roddacember 2020 and #Roddacember 2019.
Prompts in text below:
Your Favourite
01. Character 02. Place 03. Animal or monster 04. Something you wish was real 05. Magic 06. People, culture, or tradition 07. Filli❔ 08. Relationship of any kind 09. Symbols or signs
Memorable Moments:
10. Epic 11. Courage 12. Deception 13. Power 14. Foreshadowing 15. Playful 16. Envy 17. Solution
18. Ripples 19. Design 20. Trade 21. Nurture 22. Technology 23. Intricacy 24. Mend 25. Twisted 26. Pathway 27. Watch 28. Growth 29. Time 30. Unity 31. Essence of Rodda
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aebock · 7 months
Sarcastic love prompts
Here are some sarcastic love dialogue prompts for characters with a witty edge: Character A: "You know, I tolerate you more than anyone else." Character B: "Aw, same here. We're practically soulmates." Character A: "You're not as annoying as usual today." Character B: "Wow, that's the nicest thing you've said to me all week." Character A: "I guess you're okay... in small doses." Character B: "Likewise. I can only handle your sarcasm in moderation." Character A: "I love how you never take anything seriously." Character B: "Well, life's too short to be serious all the time, right?" Character A: "You're like a fine wine – an acquired taste." Character B: "And you're like that rare, exotic cheese that nobody's quite sure about but secretly loves." Character A: "You're the least terrible option available." Character B: "I'll take that as a compliment." Character A: "You're the only one who can put up with my nonsense." Character B: "It's a special skill, really." Character A: "I guess you're not entirely insufferable." Character B: "High praise coming from you." Character A: "You make my life... slightly less unbearable." Character B: "Well, that's something, I guess." Character A: "You drive me crazy, you know." Character B: "Likewise. But it's a good kind of crazy." Character A: "You're like a sarcastic unicorn in a world of boring horses." Character B: "And you're the rainbow that follows me around." Character A: "I wouldn't say I like you, but I don't actively dislike you." Character B: "That's basically a love confession, right?"
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all-the-bones-ever · 5 months
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this hit me like a truck
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buckybarnessssss15 · 2 years
Dialogue prompts for a comedic/sarcastic character
"God, this door won't budge!" "That's because it's locked, dumbass."
"Do you think my crush notices me?" "With that hair? Absolutely not."
"Are you calling me a liar?" "Well, I ain't calling you a truther, bud."
"Life is short...And so are you."
"Why are you always drinking coffee?" "More espresso, less depresso."
"What are you eating?" "I'm eating spaghetti to forgetti my regretti."
"You want a good girl/boy? Well, I'm bad *smirks* At everything."
"Are you going to eat that?" "No, I'm going to wear it as a headdress."
"Why do you never talk to me?" "Because I don't like you."
"Keep rolling your eyes at me, maybe you'll find a brain back there. Highly unlikely though but at least you're trying."
"Keep talking shit. You'll say something smart eventually."
"Oh, my gosh, you're so fat!" "Hey, my weight can be fixed, unlike your ugly face."
"You're so ugly." "Yeah? Well, I used to believe in evolution until I met you. Humans really have taken a step back, haven't they?"
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agentsnickers · 2 months
I’m late but some race & spot from the star wars au? For the drawing?
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Mikey: "If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands ~"
Raph: *claps politely to satisfy Mikey's inner child*
Me: *silence*
Leo: "Someone's depressed, huh?"
Me: "You didn't clap either!"
Leo: *hisses* "SHUT UP!"
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trusthevillain · 5 months
"You know, I really wasn't planning to kill anyone on a Sunday but you people are really pushing it."
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Whump Prompt
cw: implied mouth whump, interrogation whump, defiant whumpee, demeaning language, knives, manhandling
“If you weren’t so stupid, this would be over by now.” Whumper turned their back on the captive, surveying the blades lines on the table in front of them.
Whumpee pretended they weren’t watching. But their eyes never left the long fingers trailing along the hilts of the knives. Fingers with rings and blood for decoration.
Whumpee shuddered. They tilted their head back to stare at the fluorescent lights. Better than staring at the interrogator.
“If,” they squinted at the ceiling, wishing their throat wasn't so raw, “If this was over, I think I could happily say I won’t miss you.”
“Don’t worry. It’s not.” Whumper had finally settled on a knife. “Should I start with your mouth? I don’t think you’ll be needing it for much longer.” They turned, smiling.
Whumpee closed their mouth with an audible snap, backing themselves further into the corner as Whumper approached, the knife a whirl of metal in their hands.
For once, all urge to be sarcastic left them. And cold horror seeped into their bones, cracking them in a hundred ways.
They crumpled. Silently. Eyes wide.
Their heart in their throat.
The cold walls offered no protection and Whumper easily hauled Whumpee to their feet, shoving their back up against the wall. With their free hand, Whumper grabbed Whumpee’s chin, tilting it towards them.
“I would say this won’t hurt. But,” again that insufferable smile. “It really will.”
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blenderfullasarcasm · 7 months
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Young Justice (Comics), batman: family
Relationship: Bart Allen & Tim Drake
Characters: Tim Drake, Bart Allen, villain OC
Additional Tags: no beta we die like tim’s dignity, deus ex bart, happy tim drake fucking struggles day, mr sarcastic, i microwave tim drake, Crack, crack taken literally
(emotional) blender
Tim was in the dumbest situation he had ever been in.
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