#slight cannon
catyo90 · 1 year
Starstruck: Elendil x GN!Reader
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Anonymous Request: Short Drabble
The stars were high in the sky as they danced around the moon as you looked over the horizon seeing the sun setting over the waves making the waves look like shattered glass as they crashed along side of the ship. The ocean made you feel at home the most, you’d spent a lot of your time on the beach as a child. Despite having a great love and desire for the ocean, there was always a small hint of fear of the deep and because of that, you were a little afraid having been at sea for so long.
It had been weeks since the faithful set sail for middle earth. You were part of Elendils crew and had somehow been separated from Isildur and Anarion ships during a horrible storm that caused the ships to go in opposite directions. Now with Numenor gone Elendil decided it was best to make straight for the lands otherwise the others would run out of food and fresh water before they arrived. 
The last you saw of your home was the great wave taking the island back into the sea as flames of Sauron's temple to his master Melkor extinguished into nothing but mud and ash. As the screams of those who stayed behind echoed on the waves reaching no help. You recalled the sight of the Queen Regent being taken by the sea as her cry to Valar fell silent. You closed your eyes in pain from the memory of seeing her fall into the depths below. The weeks before the ships left you begged her to flee with you, but she would not. She was a Numenorian, she would not leave her home no matter how much it had defiled.
 Now you had no home and only the hope of you and your family would reach the northern shows of middle earth where Elendil had confided in you that the people would rebuild. However the days had now stretched into weeks as no land had come into sight. In truth you felt it was not to be for the ships to reach the land.
“Surprised to see you up so late Y/n”
You turned around with your journal and quill in one arm as you looked at him as he looked over your shoulder to see you writing the accounts of the days before.
“It is best not to dwell on the past.” He said as he stepped forward leaning over the railing looking outward across the sea rubbing his hands together. You saw his worry for his sons. You closed the journal and placed it down on the deck bringing yourself to stand next to him placing a gentle hand on his shoulder causing him to look at you for a moment before smiling a half hearted smile as he placed a hand over your own.
“They are strong and stubborn boys Elendil, I believe they are safe. It is us that I worry more every day. No birds for days and no sight of land either. Perhaps it would be better to make a floating city on the ocean itself.”
Elendil chuckled to himself for a moment as he sighed. You smiled only for a moment hearing him chuckle. It had been so long since you heard him laugh or at least so himself in any sort of relaxed manner. 
“I would not blame you, you know, if you decided to simply leave to find your sons in the south.”
Elendil looked at you with a slightly hurt look.
“You think I would abandon them in search of my own?”
“Not abandon. Just...at least find something to give you hope. After all no one would blame if you did. Any parent would understand.”
“My sons can handle their own, they have each other and their families. Its time I focused on helping those who need me more.”
He stopped for a moment as he looked down at you. You couldn’t help but admire the silver hue of his eyes. They were not common in many Numenorians but only in those who had more blood of Elros in their families. Even his name meant both ‘lover of stars’ and ‘elf friend’, clearly truth in both ways to him. You had always admired him not just a a captain of the guard but also just as he was.
“Your not wrong, as long as I have known you and your sons, they somehow always managed to get into and out of trouble seemingly okay.”
Elendil smiled and noticed you were rubbing your hands against your arms shivering at the cold ocean air. He walked over to the side of the ship and grabbed a small fur cloak and walked over from behind placing it on your shoulders and clasping the pins to your guard uniform. You smiled at the gesture as you clung to the cloak a little tighter. You saw him offer his arm out for you to take.
“You need all the warmth you can get.”
You feel your cheeks flushing slightly at this, but you take hold of his arm and just hold on step a little closer to him. You stay close to his side, clutching his arm with yours wrapped around his back.
You looked up and noticed the stars appearing out of the sky more and more. The sight of constellations you had never seen before made you smile. Elendil looked up and leaned over to you and pointed up just a bit to the side.
“That one is Telumendil.”
You saw it was quite beautiful with five small stars connected to one very bright star, you looked at Elendil and smirked.
“Telumendil huh? I have a sneaky suspicion that means something close to your own name.”
“Well your not wrong, it means ‘Lover of the Heavens’
You smiled to yourself as you saw the last of the suns light recede away and the moon started to show more clearly. 
“Such a beautiful sight.” He said looking out onto the ocean. You snuck a glance out of the corner of your eye to look up at him and smiled to yourself as you thought that he was actually what made the night even more beautiful. 
After an hour you felt yourself starting to feel a bit drowsy as you wiped your eyes trying to keep them open. Elendil had noticed you yawn and gestured for you to go downstairs to retire for the night.
“Oh no, I’ll be alright. I still have so much writings to record. Besides someone needs to keep a look out.”
“Y/n, your chilled and clearly need rest. I’ll have one of the others to join me to finish up for you.”
You hated when he was right, you trying to recount everything for the records and history of those who would come after. You felt it was your only way to keep those who had died back in Numenor from being forgotten. You leaned down and grabbed the journal you had earlier and nodded to him in agreement. You were starting to feel your exhaustion coming along quicker than you expected as you grasped the side of the railing. Suddenly you felt two arms around you, one at your shoulders and one under your legs lifting you into a bridal style. You couldn’t help but gasp at the gesture as you turned your gaze up to him with a small blush on your cheeks, secretly you were thankful the night was hiding it.
“There’s no need for that Elendil. I’ll be alright to get to my room on my own.”
“It’s alright Y/n, besides you’ve been up for three days straight. Better safe than sorry.”
You simply nodded in agreement as you walked both of you down the stairs. You felt so warm being held by him in such a way. You could smell the scent of sea salt on him but also a hint of pine which made you sigh a bit making your whole body become more and more relaxed. Even in your groggy state though you had sensed that you both at reached the side of the far back room as you felt him sliding the door away. Elendil saw the room was filled with unfinished scrolls and books open with notes written in the margin. Even some of the candles you had lit earlier still dripped some wax onto the small desk you usually would be found at. The bed to the far right was perhaps the only thing not covered in work.
“Hard at work I see?”
You lightly tapped at his chest but you were too tired to even come up with a remark. In truth you had wished you knew he would ever see your room, if you had you would have cleaned it up. You felt him walk over to the side of the bed lowering you down into the soft sheets as he look the journal from your hand and placed it on the nearby nightstand and the quill back in the inkwell. Elendil turned to face you to see that your breathing was slower and a bit steadier knowing that soon you really would be asleep for the night. He sighed at the sight of your sleeping form. He looked down at your feet and gently took off the boots you wore and placed them down by the side of the bed and unpinned the heavy cloak from your back and draped it over your lower body knowing it would keep you warmer that way.
“Get some rest Y/n”
He said as he stood up and was about to blow the nearby candle out but was stopped by you gently taking a hold of his hand that was at his side.
“Elendil...How have you kept your faith?”
He sat down on the edge of the bed and gave you a slightly puzzled look.
“During the great wave?”
You shook your head.
“No I mean now...Our home is now nothing but ruin, Your sons are so far away from you and the people are looking to you everyday for guidance. How...how have you not lost faith?”
He was silent for a moment before he spoke looking down at you.
“Tar-Miriel told me once that the faithful must suffer many losses as a test. I thought years ago I had lost my son when we first ventured to Middle Earth. I thought right then and there that my faith had failed me. But when he returned. I understood what she meant when she said that. Even her last words to you were of complete faith that our home would survive.”
He looked down at you and smiled to himself at the sight before him. Your hair was pressed into the pillow with your arms across your torso loosely as the sleep in your eyes could not hide the beauty of your own. It was always his eyes that captivated him every time he saw you. He enjoyed your company far more than many and felt a way around you that he had not felt in a long time. He took his hand to lay on top of yours and smiled to you.
“I have you Y/n...Not many are lucky enough to have someone like you with them.”
You gave a weak smiled as you felt your body relax more and more into the bed. You squeezed his hand in yours and spoke once more before you truly were taken by sleep.
“You always....will.”
Elendil smiled to himself as he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss to your forehead taking a moment to himself as he carefully moved his hand from yours and took a gentle grasp on the blankets to the side and covered you. He sat off the bed and stood up to walk over the desk and snuffed out the rest of the candles as he walked over to the doorway and looked over at your sleeping form once more before gently closing the door.
You felt your body gently being nudged as you opened your eyes to see Elendil’s silver ones meeting yours. 
“Y/n... We’ve landed”
Your eyes went wide as you quickly stood up from the bed walking past him forgetting about your shoes as you walked up the stairs and saw the ship had indeed anchored to see deep woods stretched over the mountains to see the others walking off the ship as the families wept with joy knowing they had arrived safety. You turned to Elendil and couldn’t help but smile at him as you walked you off the ship. You smiled as you felt the sand underneath your feet as birds flew above you whistling as the warmth from the sun made your skin feel warm even against the cold sea breeze. You turned around to Elendil smiling at the fact that after reaching shore after an extremely harrowing past few days/weeks. Suddenly you saw him step onshore and collapse to his knees on the sand, utterly exhausted. 
You kneeled next to him and saw him bring a hand to his eyes and you saw him weeping. You took your arms around his neck and held him close. You knew what he was feeling, everything that had happened and the stress of it all had hit him. You gently spoke his name and as you rubbed small circles on his back. After a few moments, he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as you saw him slowly compose himself. You stood back from him and offered a hand. 
“I’m here with you...” He looked at your hand and took it to as you helped him stand. You smiled as you held his hand  a bit tighter as you leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his cheek causing him to look down at you. He was given no time to process what had just happened before you walked off to help the others. All he could do was smile at the realization that he had a chance to be with you.
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mothsakura · 5 months
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my gossip girly <3
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rennorthernlights · 5 months
The World We Knew
Chapter 1, Chapter 2: Take a Trip Down The Lane, Chapter 3,
Warnings: Cannon typical violence, Zombies, Zombie Death, mentions of family death
August ish, 2023. Time??? Location: outskirts of Navasota, Texas.
“Gaz, you almost got it fixed, yeah?” The voice calls out making Gaz jolt. Too lost in his world to realize that his Captain was peering over his shoulder. Gaz has been working on it since Soap managed to nab it back when they were passing College Station. Soap got a massive earful from Ghost and Price considering he almost become zombie fodder.
“Aye, sir, almost got it.” It’s been driving Gaz mad for the last couple of days. The man has nearly lost his patience on it more times than he can count and that’s saying something considering he has the patience of a mountain… sometimes. “Bugger just won’t—“
A muffled voice that slowly becomes clearer as the radio tunes into the signal. “Oh and you won’t believe what I did today,” Gaz and Price freezes as they hear a woman’s voice on the radio. They share eye contact as they listen in. Hoping that it’s not a hoax or a figment of their imagination. “Managed to nab a blanket for once. Sometimes Texas is warm and other times is— BZZZ”
“No, no, no,” Gaz says as he angles the radio to try and listen to her speak again. Price sighs and claps a hand on Gaz’s shoulder. A firm squeeze as he looks at his Sergeant. “It works, Gaz,” he says as he looks at Gaz frantically trying to get it back. “Gaz, hey,” Price says as he tries to get him to look at him. “Kyle!” He yells and Gaz’s shoulders slump.
“Gaz, you got it to work. We’ve had it for weeks now without a single peep but you got it to work. That’s all that matters.” Cupping the back of Gaz’s head with a light squeeze. “Go help Soap with a perimeter check. Let me see if I can take a crack at it, yeah?” He offers as he knows Gaz needs a break, giving him a tender kiss on the forehead. Gaz’s shoulders relax and he mutters some reluctance before he stands and leaves. Price takes his spot and he rolls his shoulders. The stress of it all weighing just a bit more now that he knows the radio works. It’s gonna plague Gaz for a while and Price needs his head on straight.
“Alright, let’s try it,” Price cracks his knuckles and works on it. Been almost a year since the world went to shit. Last year he was getting Soap and Ghost out of the military base in Las Almas and now he’s somewhere in Texas. They tried to convince Rudy and Ale to get on board with going with them to Fort Sam Houston. The Mexican Colonel was vehemently against leaving Las Almas even Rudy didn’t think it’d be a good idea. Took Soap speaking to them and then finally Ghost putting his two cents in to convince. “Safer in numbers,” He remembers Ghost grunting out only for Ale to argue that he and Rudy are needed with the Los Vaqueros. As he works on the radio, he thinks back on what eventually set them down the path they are in.
“I’m not leaving my men, not after what that cabrón did.” Spitting on the ground as the fire from the tank that Graves was in is still going. It’s been a couple days and there’s already been reports of this disease. At first Price didn’t want to believe it, hell, no one wanted to believe it. Man eating disease? Sounds like something out of a horror novel. “Colonel Vargas, the sooner we get to that Fort the sooner we can bring back whatever cure they have to your men.” Price steps forward, eye level with Vargas, as his arms cross over his chest. Beard crinkling as his lip twitches.
“We need all the help we can get and you and your Sergeant Major would expedite the process of that.” Vargas sighs, his hands on his hips as he turns to Rudy whose been silently listening. They speak fast in Spanish, both have different expressions as they talk it over to each other. Vargas mutter a curse, that one Price can understand, and Rudy then steps forward. “We are needed here. We can’t let Las Almas suffer, this is our home and we will stay. With or without a cure.” Rudy states and Vargas nods in agreement. Price sighs and a faint smile graces his face as Soap clasps a hand on Rudy’s shoulder with a “be safe, hermanos” in his Scottish accent.
Took a days time to gear up and pack the necessary essentials they’d need. The whole world has been put on a pause and no planes go in and out especially when news came around that the President of the United State’s plane had sick people get on board. Secret service is still trying to find the rest of the plane since it nose dived somewhere in Philadelphia. Price only knew about the Fort from Laswell when she gave him a call. She didn’t have much time to speak on the phone before it blacked out with the insistent beep of the call disconnecting. Didn’t matter how many times he tried to call back.
When she last called she sounded out of breath like she’d been running a marathon. Speaking fast with her words, “M’glad you’re safe, John. It’s been hell here.” Shots firing in the background as he can hear screams, “Place is a lil crowded for me right now but listen!” She pants as sends him the information to his phone with shaky hands. “Fort Sam Houston is researching and performing experiments for a cure. Get there and keep the scientist safe. Fuck!” She curses as she now sounds far away. Someone is shooting again. He calls her name urgently but the phone disconnects as he punches the wall with a yell.
That phone call was 2 days ago. Soap still tried to convince Ale and Rudy but they held firm to their decision. The most Colonel Vargas could do was gift them a military vehicle and a decent number of guns, supplies, and preserves. A month. Should just take a week to get up there anyways. Provide protection for the scientists. Once they’ve made a cure then they can head back and then everything will hopefully go back to normal. That should be enough time to get up to the base and back. If everything goes smoothly that is.
Even though Price wanted to believe it even back then he knew that it would take more than a miracle for this to actually work but… He trusted Laswell, trusted her judgment with these things. He just wishes he could hear her speak again. He knows she’s resourceful, she’s probably with her wife right now hunkered down somewhere safe… hopefully.
“Are we ready?” Gaz calls out as Ghost loads up the last bag. Vargas was overseeing the load out to make sure they had everything for their mission, he even triple checked for them. Few sightings of the sick people have been roaming the streets. Mexico City is going dark as they get ready to head out as they speak. The Mexican military is deploying every able-bodied soldier at the moment and yet it isn’t enough. Too many have gone radio silent. Vargas and some of the Los Vaqueros plan on scouting there to see what’s going on as soon as the 141 leave. “Let’s load up!” Vargas yells as he hands Price a couple CD’s for the music player. Vargas may or may not have had that installed when he was tinkering with the vehicle weeks ago…
“Figured you Brit’s—,” a quick Oi from Soap, “AND Scot,” an amused glint in his eyes as he winks, “would prefer if I left some CD’s, si? Gives Soap enough time to work on his Spanish.” A Cheshire grin on the man as he leans an elbow against the door.
“Fine by me, s’long as Ghost ain’t driving and Soap can fix up on his Spanish,” Gaz remarks and Ghost levels him with a glare. “Gonna tell me I’m wrong, Ghost? Soap told me how you drove getting out of Las Almas.”
“My bad, next time I’ll put my blinker on,” Ghost grunts out sarcastically as Soap clasps a hand on Ghost shoulder with a belch of a laugh. Bantering back and forth as Price and Gaz sit in the front. Gaz acting as the map since the wifi has been acting stranger and stranger. A wave goodbye from the Colonel and the Sergeant Major as they drive off. A month. That’s all they’ll need and it’ll go back to normal.
The days quickly turned into months. Barely crossing the border of Mexico into the US it started becoming one shit show after another. Far too many close calls that definitely made Price age more than he already is. The main roads were clogged with people trying to get in and out of of major cities. It was madness, the people were everywhere. Screams and yelling as people tried surviving. Rudy kept talking with the men from where he was in Las Almas. Their radio working pretty well considering the long distance. Rudy and Ale would talk and give regular updates day in and day out until it stopped. Soap tried everything to get the radio working, thinking that the wires were crossed or something but… to no avail. They couldn’t even turn back considering how far they were, all they could do is push forward.
Ghost and Soap went through a rough patch, arguments and spitting curses in left and right. Ghost saying that they shouldn’t go back because “choices have consequences” only for Soap to angrily disagree. It took Gaz stepping in to act as a buffer while Price had to put his foot down on the matter.
“We can’t go back. We gotta keep moving, Johnny.” A sad look on Price as he places a hand on the Scott’s shoulder. He’s knows Johnny will take the blame and guilt himself into thinking it’s his fault for not convincing Ale and Rudy better. Didn’t help that when they stayed at an apartment complex someone stole their vehicle when they got pass Laredo, Texas. At least they had the weapons and supplies that Ale gave them in the apartment they’re hunkering down in, small mercies.
Derailing most of the plan and making tensions so high that Ghost could’ve cut it with one of his knives. It got even worse when Gaz couldn’t contact his mother anymore, barely a month in as the group walked more on foot from place to place. Gaz shut off completely for a week, not even Soap could ease him out of it. Took Ghost sitting next to Gaz on a warm night in an abandoned gas station for Gaz to finally cry it out. Ghost, never being one for soft words, held Gaz close to him, not saying a word but just being a comforting embrace for Gaz to fall into.
When they finally got a car it went a little smoother, Price scouted it at a JoeVs. He won’t talk about how he knows how to hotwire a car much to everyone’s annoyance and amusement. Soap was able to get a few phone calls from his family until it just stopped coming altogether. Phone calls making a “We’re sorry, the person you have dialed is not able to come to the…” Soap could only hear it so many times before he threw his phone against the wall causing it to crack and break.
Soap leaned more on Gaz for help since he understands more about it. A silent comfort that they had each other to work through it. Ghost took on more of the load since he knew that Price couldn’t carry all the weight. Especially since their Sergeants were going through it emotionally. Ghost’s only family was the men in the car so he didn’t have much to worry or cry about. Price was an only kid and with parents already in the grave. They really only had each other to lean into, all of them did.
The team went through a list of names to call the sick during the quiet nights they had. It all came down to a vote for “Z-Fuckers” since it was funnier hearing Soap call’em that in his Scottish accent.
“Z-Fuckers!” Soap said it experimentally and Gaz has to cover his mouth as he nearly choked on some beans. Ghost having to aggressively pat his back as even he started laughing. Price tried to be stern about being quiet but even he gave into it when Soap kept saying it. A lil calm in their storm, for once the night feels normal.
“It’s like that Romero movie, m’serious Gaz.” Soap grins as they sit next to each other in an office building they’re hiding in. The other in different spots of the room as they chatter back and forth like it’s a normal 141 mission. The Z-fuckers, as Soap so lovingly calls them, are outside on the streets. Moaning and groaning as they search for something breathing and living to sink their nasty teeth into. As they were looking for a place to stay earlier, Ghost narrowly got bit when he pulled Price back from the exit only for Price to punch the shit out of the dead woman making her stumble. Gaz was quicker with stabbing her in the head and then the zombie went limp.
When they finally settled for the night Soap spoke up again to Gaz and then to the rest of the group. “It’s the brains. I dinnae think it’d be but it is.” Soap says outloud and Ghost agreed to it, “Aim for the head.” Become the motto of the group.
Took 5 months in total, a few near misses, a couple of shit shows after the other, and finally they’ve made it to Fort Sam Houston.
“Jesus Christ.” Gaz whistles out as he looks on the binoculars. “Sore sight that’s for damn sure.” Soap makes a grabby hand motion and Gaz obliges him. Blue eyes widening as he looks to Price.
“You’re out ya damn mind if ya think anyones livin.” It’s definitely not a pretty sight. Too many deads, blood smeared on the outside walls of the building. Body parts on the ground. “Pretty sure that’s guts on a car…” Like a horror show from the looks of it. Especially with the broken glass and some of the cars in the parking lot being overturned.
Arms crossed and jacket pulled tight as Price levels him with a look. “We’ve a mission, Sunshine. Don’t tell me you’re nervous.” Soap snorts and keeps looking through the binoculars. “Ghost, you see anything?” Turning to look up as Ghost is laying on a rundown car. His rifle in hand as he looks through the scope. His eyes flickering as he searches and looks for movement.
Price tilts his head expectantly, and finally Ghost speaks, “I see lot of z-fuckers roamin. There’s movement in the building, too fast for a Z so it’s possible but I can’t get a clear view.” The older man nods and rolls his shoulders.
“Alright, let’s gear up.” A circle movement of the arm as he’s as satisfied as he can be with that answer. Not like they have a choice anyways.
They, thankfully, still have their comms and good enough gear on hand. It’s not the best and Price would’ve definitely lectured all of them if they were on a mission, but beggars can’t be choosers. “Soap and I will take the first. You two will take second. Comm for assistance.” His voice naturally moving into the tone that’s been honed over the years as Captain. “Don’t get hurt and don’t get killed.” He pats on Gaz’s chest since he’s the closest. “Don’t become a meal either.” Simple enough as is. Get in, find the scientists, and get out. Pretty clear cut. What could go wrong?
“Price you’re gonna have to think of something! Gaz and I are about to get cornered!” Ghost yells into the comm as he quickly tries to find a room to try and hide him and Gaz in.
Ghost slams against the door and throws Gaz inside. Shutting it quickly as the screech of a dead alerts more to where they are. “Fuck,” Ghost curses as he grabs whatever is heavy enough and barricades the door. The wood of the door being slammed against by the mindless drone of the zombies. He pants hard as presses a hand on the back of his head. His fingers flexing against his mask. His mind working overtime to think of a way out for the both of them.
His eyes searching for an exit as he spots a closet and windows. “Can’t break it. Might be more out there..” muttering as he taps once and then twice on his comms but it’s no use. He slammed too hard against the door, it probably messed with his comms somehow. At least they’re on the first floor. Far too many zombies on second that they had to turn back. Tapping the back of his head with his fist as he thinks of a strategy.
He pauses as he hears anxious muttering. Turning his head a lil he notices his Sergeant gripping his head. He takes a step closer, worried when he finally hears what Gaz is saying,” We’re not gonna make it.” Gaz repeats it again and again.
“Gaz” he says softly, trying to get his attention.
“Oh god, oh god, oh god.” He’s spiraling as he tries to breath. Tries to keep calm, he’s been trained for torture, trained to handle the extreme but this is different. It’s a hopeless feeling being trapped in a room with no way out. He lost his gun when he tripped down the stairs. Ghost probably only has a clip left. It’s hopeless.
“Garrick listen to m-“
“I didn’t get to say goodbye to John or Johnny.” His hands shake as he tries and tries to breath. To calm down but he can’t focus. His ankle hurts, it’s definitely sprained from when he fell down the stairs. He didn’t mean to fall but a crippled zombie reached its hand through the bars of the rail and grabbed him. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen Ghost so… scared when he called his name out as he killed the zombie when it crawled on him.
His name being yelled is what pulls Kyle out of his spiral. The shuffling of fabric is heard as Kyle breaths in and out. The throb of his ankle momentarily fading as he turns and looks at Ghost. His eyes widen as Ghost isn’t wearing his mask anymore. It’s clenched in his gloved hand as he comes to Kyle.
“You’re not gonna die. Its not gonna happen.” Ghost says it so sternly, so assuredly that Kyle stammers a response back.
“There’s too many outside the door. They’re clawing to get in, Gh-“
“Want you to call me, Simon.” The bigger man says as he steps closer. His gloved hand reaching out and cupping his face as Kyle looks dumbfounded and confused. His breath hitching as he stares into Gho- no Simon’s eyes. Lost in thought as he looks at every crease, every little scar that Simon has. Has he always had such pretty brown eyes? “You’re gonna hide in the closet and I’ll give’em something to chew on.” He murmurs softly.
Something to chew on? What does that mean? Wait… he can’t possibly be meaning what he thinks he’s meaning. That makes him tense as he shakes his head. “No, no-“
“Kyle,” he starts but he gets cut off fast.
“No! I’m not… I can’t just… no!” He steps back but Simons hand grips him a bit harder. Months ago he wouldn’t even think about yelling back to him but he doesn’t care. He’s not going to let Simon die. Not because of him. A battle of wills while the zombies growl outside the door.
“I love you.”
Kyles shoulders slack, his mouth parted slightly as his heart pounds from adrenaline and fear. Eyes glassing over as he says, “y-you what?”
“I know it’s taking me a while to say it. I’m sorry but I do. I love you” Simon looks down as he says it, like it’s a secret that wasn’t supposed to be said but also a yearning to be spoken about. “I’ve lost a lot. I’ve buried too many.” He laughs sadly, “Maybe Johnny was right that I’d need to be put in these types of situations to say it.”
“But Johnny, you love Johnny.”
“I do. Figured it out in Las Almas. Doesn’t mean that I don’t feel for you or… John.” Slowly pressing his forehead to Gaz. Ignoring the pounding hands of the dead on the door that could break at any minute if it wasn’t for the desks in front of it. Simon looks at Gaz like he’s the only thing here. The only important thing in this room right here and now. “The dead outside this door isn’t gonna stop me from protecting what’s mine.”
“We can both hide. We can…” he tries to offer, tries to think through the emotions bubbling up in his chest.
“Kyle, you’ve a brilliant mind. Best on par with John but you know as well as I that the dead won’t stop till they have something to sink their teeth into.”
“No, no you can’t just confess. You can’t just tell me you love me and then die!” He yells and something fierce is in Gaz’s eyes. “You don’t get to leave.” Hands reaching out and grips the collar of Simon’s shirt. The one that Johnny got for him when they were running through a Walmart. A determined look in his eyes and something even more as he glares at his Lieutenant, his Simon, his.
Planting his feet as he ignores the pain in his sprain. “You don’t get to die on me Simon Riley. Not now. Not ever.” Leaning up and kissing him as Simon’s eyes widen. Shaken up as he clearly wasn’t expecting Kyle to kiss him or even reciprocate it. Maybe he also needed to be put in this situation to realize it as well that he loves Simon too.
“Dead’s be damned,” he breathes out as he knocks his forehead to Simon’s. “Our guys will get us. You know they will, don’t try and die on me.” Nose brushing against each other. The cracking of the wooden door pulls them out of the moment. Simon stepping in front of Gaz fast as he widens his stance and grabs his gun. The barricade in front of the door won’t last long. Simon eyes the closet door and then behind him to Gaz.
“I have a clip left. I ca-“ a loud sound outside makes the building shake and he can think of only one person that would make such a loud noise. Just as he’s about to laugh about the odds of who it is. A buzzing noise on Gaz’s comm comes to life as Johnny is speaking hurriedly, like he’s running. Telling them that he and Price are making noise on the east side of the building and to head towards the exit.
“Come on, Kyle,” He places his mask in his pocket, moving the barricade from the door away. Quickly surveying the hallway before he moves and hauls Gaz’s arm over his shoulder. “Our guys got us after all, huh?” His other hand gripping his gun as he keeps a constant watch. Determined to not let anything harm the two of them.
“Was there ever any doubt?” Kyle grunts out when some of his weight is on his sprained ankle. Ghost noticing as he nearly lifts him off the floor as his hand grips at his waist. Shouldering the weight of Gaz as they get out.
“Maybe a lil,” he grins and Kyle finds that he likes the way Simon grins. All teeth in it as he helps him out. Price is already providing cover fire as soon as they both make it to the exit. Soap coming around and helping Gaz so they can get away faster. The building becomes a distant dot and blur of a memory months later, maybe even a laugh at the odds and luck that Gaz has.
Back to the present day as Price smiles softly while working on the radio. From that point on everyone’s been closer, nearly losing Gaz and Ghost was a wakeup call that they all desperately needed. They’ve had near misses but never like that. Never to the point where it felt like the end. Now no one goes anywhere without letting the group know and they have to have a buddy with them at all times. It’s typically; Price and Gaz. Ghost and Soap. Sometimes they’ll switch up but they’re always communicating. Hell, there communicating better than when they did when they were on mission.
Bzzzz… Crchhhh “-nally saw a deer again. That was nice. Last one I saw had bite marks on it. Really, really, hope it was a dog and not a dead fucker.” The mystery woman chuckles, and Price can’t believe his luck. He calls hurriedly to the other men to come over as the woman keeps speaking. “Would kill for a burger from Whataburger, you think they’ll have the ingredients there? Man o man-“
“The radios working?“ Ghost says, stunned that it’s actually working. The radio keeps going as the woman keeps talking unaware of her listeners. “Gaz and you finally got it to work. Guess I can stop railing on Soap for grabbing it.”
“Knew it’d work, ya just dinnae believe me, Si.” Elbowing the big man as Soap steps closer, “Sounds like pretty lil ‘o bird. Gonna speak back, Captain?” Soap inquired as Price holds his finger over the button to speak. For once Price feels… nervous. The first human voice in nearly a year and he’s unsure about it. The number of pros and cons already playing out in his head.
“It might scare her off.” He moves his finger away as they listen to her speak about something that sounds mundane but is everything to the men in the room. It feels normal. “Let’s wait it out a bit. See where this goes. Don’t speak on the radio unless necessary, got it?” Price orders and they all agree. As much as Price wants to speak to the lady… he also wants to protect his men and keep them safe. Who knows who she is or if she’s even alone? The risks outweighs the benefits of a potential alliance for now.
Listening to her on the radio has slowly become a part of their routine. Sometimes in the morning or afternoon she’ll speak. Talk about her day, what she had to eat, commenting on her place of choice for the night, etc. The men would huddle around the radio so they could hear her and her “Talkshows” as they’d call it. Some of them wonder what she’d look like, what she’d sound like in person, how old she was, Soap even placing a bet that she wore glasses while Gaz placed a bet that she didn’t. It became part of their routine to check the radio everyday for her voice until one day…. She went silent.
She didn’t say anything in the morning and then the afternoon rolled by and no response. “We need to reach out and talk to’er.” Gaz said almost insistently when the second day rolled around and still no voice from her. The feeling that she could be a dead becoming ever present on their minds. Price holds the radio in hand, a crease of his brows as he thinks it over.
“Lemme speak to’er, doubt she’ll be spooked if she hears a ‘funny’ accent, yeah? Might make’er talk a bit since I sound like Shrek.” Soap says and holds his hand out. Price takes a second before handing it to him. An encouraging nod from him as Soap breaths in and says, “This is Sergeant Johnny “Soap” MacTavish, Taskforce 141 operative. I’m trying to get in touch with the woman that regularly speaks on this line.” different murmurs from the men as they hope and beg that their lady is around to hear them.
Bzzzz… crchhhhh… He tries again, a worried feeling creeping up in his chest. His words more insistent. “This is Sergeant Johnny “Soap” MacT-“
“H-Hello?” She says softly. A nervousness in her voice and the men all sigh in relief.
“You had us worried, Bonnie.” Soap says as he breaths out a low sigh. His hand unclenching since he had it balled from how nervous he was feeling.
Their eyes widen as they hear the fear in her voice. A curse from Ghost as Soap scrambles to speak, “Me and some of my group have been listening to your talks. We… We just wanted to make sure you’re alright.” The silence on the other radio is deafening and they all suck in a breath. Soap tries to coax some words out of her but to no avail.
She didn’t speak on the line anymore, but they held out hope. Johnny and Kyle started taking turns speaking on the line, talking about their day as the 141 sat around waiting for her to say something back. They were about to give up since a couple weeks go by with no response. And then finally, the static on the other side comes to life.
“… Hi,” the radio crinkles and buzzes with a soft noise, “I’m not going to give you my name or location but I..” the radio shorts out and the men wait on bated breath for her to speak again. “But I want to talk. I’m sorry it’s taking me so long to speak to you.”
“We’re here, Sunshine,” Gaz says softly as he takes the radio, “This is Kyle, do you remember me? I’d’ve spoken more to you whenever, Johnny,” glaring lightheartedly at the Scot, “would stop hogging the radio.” He chuckles softly. “We’re glad that you’ve decided to speak again. We want to talk to you as well, if you’ll let us.”
“I want to talk but… don’t tell me your name anymore, please.”
“…Alright,” he murmurs softly, “we won’t say our names anymore.” The men in the room all look confused about her request but they don’t say anything else about it to keep her talking. “Call me whatever you’d like, Sunshine.”
TAGLIST TWWK: @wrathofcats
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that-one-drunk-gay · 4 months
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Me and @painywainy as Vox and Alastor from Hazbin Hotel
Because it makes them mad
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radiantmists · 9 months
okay i guess they're making lanfear sturdier somehow but it would be extremely funny if moiraine killed her with a fucking sword in season 2
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grasstimes · 11 months
More doodles again!
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portalsofatheria · 2 years
~Stones and Glass Houses~ Marvel x DC fanfic (Damian Wayne x Stark!Reader)
~Book 1~
Brooklyn Stark, was born in the Red Room and trained to be the perfect Black Widow until she escaped at the age of 7. Now at the age of 16, she is the only biological daughter of Tony Stark, a Shield agent, and an Avenger in training. She has opened up her heart to a new family made up of superheroes and new friends that she never expected to have. The one thing Brook’s life lacks is love, which in Brook’s case is a blessing. Romantic love is for fools, and she has enough on her plate trying to traverse this new life without it. Damian Wayne, now 16, is the only biological son of Bruce Wayne, the feared Batman. He is an ex-assassin and the heir to not only the Wayne fortune, but also the League of Assassins.
Damian has turned his back on the League and all it stands for, fully embracing what it means to be a superhero and wearing the Robin insignia. He has a loving family that tends to smother him, few friends, and animals that he cherishes. Despite his outward uncaring aloofness, Damian is content with his life and his future. He doesn’t need romantic attachments like the majority of his siblings, and unfortunately, his father have succumbed to.
Hero and vigilante masks aside, the Waynes and Starks are known for their epic rivalry and hatred of each other that has only gotten worse from generation to generation, so it is no surprise that it is hate at first sight between Brook and Damian when they finally meet.
However, the two teens keep finding themselves thrown together as they, along with every other superhero in the world, try to keep the streets safe from new dangerous alien weapons and crazed supervillains. The two heroes discover that they have a lot more in common than they first thought, but is this newfound bond worth their parents' wrath? Can hate really turn to love?
AO3 link here.
Released Chapter Count: 98 (09/07/2023)
Word count:  774,792
Status: COMPLETE (undergoing revisions)
~BOOK 2~
AO3 link is here
Released Chapter count: 51 (09/07/2023)
Word Count: 444,052
Status: Ongoing
(Please don’t plagiarize my work)
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writingsboring · 8 months
Prompt: 1. it's not too late, lets go
Fan fiction: Twisted wonderland pet au, by twst drabbles, this is not cannon!
Rating: G for general
Warnings: small mentions of blood and burned possessions
Yuu sat there, the entire house was burned to a crisp. They felt tears rush down their cheeks and a buzzing sensation on their shins. They assumed the burnt wood and metal were digging in their skin leaving splinters and bruises, but their brain hadn't registered..or maybe they simply ignored it. “...everything, they took everything” Yuu whispered to themselves as if trying to understand the horrific scene in front of them, they sat there for what felt like years just staring, they hadn’t even felt Crowley's hand on their shoulder until he gave it a light shake. When they turned around they were faced with a familiar bucket, the said bucket had thousands of scratches and bite marks, Yuu felt the need to throw up. “It's not too late..lets go” Crowley whispered helping them up, their knees now bruised and bloody. Crowley threw his arm over their shoulder helping them walk, yet Yuu’s eyes never left the rubble.
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xtarart · 1 year
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Apparently you guys really liked my drawing of the OG Toa as lego minifigures on here and that really motivated me to keep working on these Bionicle minifig ideas for these designs, so i drew more! heres my versions of the Toa Inika/Mahri!
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grongle9001 · 2 years
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Bam hunter I think some of these I haven't posted so
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isabeauwolf · 2 months
Are shifters, vampires considered quirkless or no?
If supernatural creatures like werewolves, vampires and other shifters existed before quirks popped up in mha, would that be considered a quirk? Yes or no?
I'm trying to piece everything together for my shifter halfbred villain x Overhaul fanfic. He's still human, but he's her "fated mate" as her grandfather and Pops join their Yakuza groups into an arranged marriage. He feels the longing and undeniable pull, her grandfather gives him financial aid and men for his quirkless bullets and serum, in exchange for marrying her and continuing the royal bloodline.
As both Overhaul and Silver bonds grows stronger and stronger, Shigaraki and Dabi trying to become mate candidates in the shadows.
What does everyone think? Too much? Interested?
I've had this idea for months, piecing together dialogues, connecting our villainous birdman yakuza leader to my yakuza assassin wolf woman oc. A twisted kind of love between two villains in a world of quirks and heroes, who knows the dark truth in the underground, a fight to win the next King of Japan after All For Ones downfall, every King needs a Queen.
On another note, I could be getting back to my Skyrim fanfic, but no... Overhaul's been tempting me for months. Can you blame me? Seriously, look at this handsome birdy!
This idea honestly started out as a Overhaul x OC originally, of course, Shigaraki's gonna be all jealous and huffy since our birdman challenged him in the "Game of Thrones of MHA", then boom, Dabi shoved his way in! I don't know how? XD
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badasseryandriversong · 11 months
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diagoose · 1 year
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been on a twilight princess kick, have some sketches of an under-utilized villain <3
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Ranboo: Honestly, I don't even play an active role in my life. Shit just happens and I'm like "oh this is what we're doing now, okay."
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Heartbeat 1/3
Summary; you had know Aaron hotchner since university, and ever since the first day of knowing him you had the biggest, fattest, most overwhelming crush on the guy. But for some reason he never knew, or even noticed. You had eventually learned to push the feelings away trying to figure out your own problems, focusing on yourself. Then, years later when you joined the bau after getting transferred... Things seemed to go downhill after reuniting with Aaron. But there's a bit of a romance twinkling between you and one of your new coworkers.
Aaron hotchner x nb!reader (past romance)
Spencer Reid x nb!reader (SLIGHT romance)
bau x nb!reader (platonic)
WARNINGS; you do ALMOST die at the end :P it's angst. There's canon levels of violence but may or may not be a little more violent, there's mention of unrequited love, you don't kill yourself but the unsub almost kills you , this also may Incudes a few adult rated scenes and language.
(Now a psa, the reader aka you in this story is a bit fem presenting and gets along better with the gorls. There's mentions of typically "girl" related things like makeup n stuff. Just a psa)
You had been transferred from the DEA of Virginia to the BAU of Virginia. Your old unit cheif thought you had a lot more potential in profiling than you did with taking down drug cartels, which you appreciated to the point you brought your unit cheif a parting gift. (Even if she tried to talk you out of it.) So now you're standing in the building, walking to the offices. You had absolutely no clue if they knew you were coming today, or if your late. You haven't a clue about anything.
So you spoke to the first friendly face you saw, it was an energetic woman in full pastels and a matching pair of glasses.
"Hey, do you know where The unit cheif might be? I'm the new transfer and I just have a few questions.." you ask and the womans eyes lit up.
"Oh my goodness! you must be (F/Name) (L/name)!! Oh from what they described I thought you'd be scary but your adorable- sorry, my naeid Penelope Garcia, in the resident technical analyst, it's niceto meet you, and hotch won't be here for anothr thirty minutes" she spoke quickly, you smiled at her warm welcome. "Don't apologize for talking, it's nice to meet you Penelope.. what do you do as a technical analyst?" You asked, curious as you weren't ever the brightest on this part of the FBI. Penelope seems to brighten up and the two of you talk for the next thirty minutes.
When the two of you stop talking it wasn't on your own terms, but rather a guy with glasses and a mess of brown hair walked up.
"Hey Gracia? Do you know where Gideon is?" He asked as you looked at him little too intensely. Which clearly caught his attention. "I'm afraid I dont know- oh! Reid this is our new coworker!" Penelope smiled and you stook your hand out. "my name's
(F/Name) (L/Name), it's nice to meet you" you spoke shakily. He seemed to notice your nervousness and smiled shaking your hand. "Spencer Reid, its nice to meet you as well, where were you transferred from?"
"The DEA, I used to work with drug cartels and stuff... My old unit cheif thought I'd do better here than there." You explained, you clearly seemed upset about being transferred but not opposed to it. Before Spencer or Penelope could speak Aaron hotchner walked into the room. And your heart dropped into the pit of your stomach.
The two of you stood there like deer's in the headlights. Both remembering the argument that ended the friendship you both had.
"Your the new transfer? (L/Name)?" He asked and you simply nodded. "Yes, I'm the new transfer from the DEA." You respond swiftly. Unaware of the confusion your two friendly coworkers had.
"Well then. Welcome to the bau, come to my office I do have to speak with you on a few things." He said with an odd look, a look you knew all to well as his discomfort. It was such a rare expression that not one of his coworkers could pinpoint his emotions in those few moments.
You gave a nod before bidding a temporary farewell to Penelope and Spencer.
You were now sitting in Aaron hotchner's office quietly as he sat there at a loss for words. It felt like forever, which was only about two minutes s you spoke up.
"Soo... How have you been?" You say cringing slightly and he looks up from his desk with a squinting look of 'what the fuck?'. "fine, I am fine. Look, did you get transferred here to mess with me? If so that's very unprofessional-"
You interrupted him. "no, I did not get transferred to the bau to mess with you or bring up the past. My cheif at the DEA thought I had more potential in profiling. She also saw that my coworkers generally made me uncomfortable. So no I didn't get transferred here for that. Also I had no idea that YOU'RE the unit cheif. However I enjoyed taking down drug cartel and trafficking. And I feel I really excelled at my job." You spoke with a confidence that puzzled Hotch. He hadn't ever seen you so confident in yourself, but then again he hadn't spoken to you in going on seven years. Not after that night.
"I see, well from what your old cheif sent, I can see your very good at your job, better than your other coworkers. I'm sure you'll fit right in with h rest of the bau... It's nice to see you again (L/Name)" he looked to the thick file he had received from your old cheif.
"Thank you, It's nice to see you again as well Hotch" you smiled slightly.
When you got back out to the main office you met the others, Morgan, Gideon, Reid (again), Garcia ( yet again), JJ, Elle, and you had already talked to Hotch.
JJ and elle seemed very excited to meet you, being excited to have someone join the bau who wasn't a guy nor a girl. You were the middle ground, so naturally they seemed to have many questions for you.
"So you just dress however you feel that day?" Elle asked and you nodded. "mhm! Like today I was feeling a little more on the masculine side so I wore this!" Your outfit did look masculine, and you pulled it off very well.
"Thats really cool" JJ smiled and you thanked her.
Then you felt a pat on your shoulder, turning you aw your old unit cheif. You let out a small gasp before you hugged the woman who chuckled lightly and hugged you back.
"I just wanted to bring you your coffee cup, I know how much you love it." She smiled handing you to yellow snoopy themed coffee cup. Which you smiled happily at. "thank you Gomez- Naomi.. thank you Naomi" you corrected yourself. You remembered that before you left your cheif had told you th next time she saw you to just call her Naomi. The gray haired woman just smiled and ruffled your hair. "it's nothing if I get to see my favorite kid" she teased and you gave a look of betrayal. "Miss Ma'am. I am only three years younger than you! But thank you for bringing me my mug..." You say a little saddened, it reminded you a lot of the DEA, it was nice being there and fun at times even if the team there didn't particularly see you as apart of their little family there. Even if Naomi made sure you were always included and was your only real friend there.
"Alright, well I've got to go, I'm taking Gabriella to the doctors. You should stop by sometime kid. Your always welcome in the Gomez household." She smiled giving you a tight hug before she headed off.
"Well that was something" Elle said and your face tured beet red. "oh my god- I'm sorry I- she's my old unit cheif.." you stammered, Elle just gave a small laugh and "it's fine (L/Name), I understand you were probably close. Especially since she invited you to her home. You guys must've super close" Elle smiled and you nodded.
"Yeah, we are."
-end of chapter one-
This chapter is pretty short, also I didn't edit this like at all sorry-
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renee-writer · 2 years
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I Loved Her First Chapter 13 A Slight Misunderstanding
“Sooo now that we have settled everything, well settled it as well as it will be, do you mind if I go to town to get some school items?”
“No, just be sure to drive carefully.”
“I will.” She pressed a kiss to her Papa’s cheek and gathered her papers. 
Jamie dismissed his daughter and groaned as he sat down in the chair once she was gone.
He looked at Claire with a slight smirk on his face.
“So, was this type of thing normal in your time Sassenach?”
Claire sat down in his lap and kissed his lips gently.
“Not at all, there were jokes about it, but no one really thought that…” She shrugged.
“Honestly Jamie, they seem to like each other. Ian hasn’t asked to court her yet, so maybe we just let this be for now, see how it plays out.”
He said nothing for a moment and then nuzzled her neck.
“I saw them. Outside the window, the way he had his hands on her, very improper, I decided Ian bore watching. But I didna even consider Faith.”
Claire smiled and kissed his lips. “Sometimes it’s the quiet ones.
He puffed out a breath and looked at Claire, some pain in his eyes.
“I just got her back, I didna think I would lose her so soon.”
“Well, we haven’t lost her at all yet. She is not getting married next Tuesday, and Ian hasn’t even asked to court her yet. You’re not going to put a gun in his back to walk him down the aisle, are you?”
Jamie was silent for a long moment.
Claire tilted his head up. “Jamie…”
“No, no of course not.”
“Then don’t worry.” She pecked his lips gently, once twice, and then deepened it.
They were in that position when the door opened.
“So here you two are! Ye spent the night rutting like two wild beasts, no caring if the whole house heard ye! And then didna even decide to show your faces at breakfast!”
The pair broke the kiss and looked up at an irritated Jenny.
Claire rubbed her hand on her kiss swollen lips.
“Ahem, Morning Jenny.”
“Morning?! It’s nearly dinner!”
Jamie shifted his wife so he could see his sister. “Is there a reason you are shouting so Mrs. Murray?”
Jenny narrowed her gaze at him. “Very funny James. I sent Jeremiah and Brianna berry picking. Mrs. Crook wants to make Cranachan for after dinner. Faith went to town; I told her to take a companion. She said she already had one selected, but thanked me.”
Jamie stood up so fast Claire spilled out of his lap like a sack of potatoes.
“Ye did what?”
“A young woman shouldna be traveling to Inverness alone ye ken.”
Jamie didn’t even let Jenny finish the sentence, before he was running out of the Laird’s Study.
Jenny looked at Claire and helped her to her feet.
“What on Earth?”
Claire huffed out a breath. “Sit down Jenny, we have to talk.”
Faith held the reins in her hands, the horses that were harnessed to the cart were very gentle. Her Uncle Ian had selected them for her, saying that Posy and Rose would get her to Inverness just fine.
She looked over at her companion and smiled.
“Thank you for accompanying me.”
Her companion smiled sweetly. “Thank you for inviting me.”
She smiled and pressed a playful kiss to his cheek.
“You are going to be very helpful with getting supplies.”
“I don’t know if I can carry everything.”
“Well, you don’t need to really carry-”
The rest of her words were cut off by the sound of loud hoofbeats, and then a loud thump.
Faith shrieked; her companion grabbed her arm trying to steady her as she got the horses to the side of the road.
She turned around and looked in the back of the wagon, half expecting to see a mountain lion or a bear.
Instead, it was her Father.
“Daddy! What the h-heck! What are you doing?”
“I came to stop him, yer going to town. Ye could get married! I had to stop ye-”
He looked up, expecting to see Ian’s eyes on him, but it was the dark eyes of Michael.
“Michael?! You brought Michael?”
“Well, I- y-yes. I needed the size of his hands to measure the items I need to get the younger children. For the older kids I can use my own hands…I-”
Her voice trailed off as her Father got to his feet and hopped out of the wagon to fetch the Horse.
He bowed to the pair politely, got back on the Horse, and road back toward Lallybroch.
Faith said nothing for a full 10 seconds before she sighed.
“That was weird.”
Michael nodded, his eyes wide.
Faith clicked her tongue to get the horses moving.
“Well, either way we have to get to town.”
“Aye Faith.”
“So that’s the gist of it.”
Jenny stared at Claire, her mouth hanging open.
“I know this was not what you were expecting, but as I told Jamie, we should see how this works out. They may not end up being interested in each other.”
Jenny rubbed her hands together and stood up to pace.
She looked out the window and puffed out a breath.
“I agree with you.”
Claire was surprised by this omission.
Jenny nodded. “Aye. Tis not common, but it has been done. And, you are right. We don’t know what they want. Shall we cross each bridge?”
Claire smiled.
“Sounds like a good plan to me.”
The pair hugged and Jenny smiled.
“If your daughter hurts my son, I will kill her.”
Claire smirked. “Same.” 
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