thepersonalwords · 29 days
They oppressed us but unable to kill our spirit.
Lailah Gifty Akita, Think Great: Be Great!
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reality-detective · 2 months
Cultivate your consciousness 🤔
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jameslmartellojr · 3 months
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dailyeffectiveprayer · 4 months
February will be filled with prayer. February will be filled with healing. February will be filled with blessing. February will be filled with love. February will be filled with peace. February will be filled with joy. February will be filled with hope. February will be filled with faith. February will be filled with strength. February will be filled with restoration. February will be filled with goodness. February will be filled with peace. February will be filled with JESUS.
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phoenix----rising · 4 months
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holystormfire · 3 months
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theawkwardvirgin · 7 months
Just remembered something that baffles me about secular media. They insist on framing spiritual warfare (and specifically exorcisms) as something that’s like…. “old church”, something that “oh well we used to do that, but not anymore, that would be silly to do that now in our ✨enlightened age✨”.
I’ve seen it in Criminal Minds and in Supernatural and I think in Lucifer as well?
And it’s just such a confusing choice??? Like, where did these people get this idea???? Why is it so wide-spread??????
Every diocese that’s big enough to support them has an exorcist. We’re not told who that exorcist is, but we have one.
One of my religion professors shared a story with us from a few years ago when he had traveling exorcist visit his class! The guy was based at the Vatican iirc and traveled around as needed. He was on sabbatical for a break.
I get that part of it is ease of plot and getting side characters out of the way do the MCs can do their thing, but even then I do not fully understand it because the truth is so much more interesting!!! You’re telling me you’d rather have Dean and Sam be shut down by a skeptical old priest who insists they don’t “do that anymore” when a real priest would be like “don’t do anything until I call up the exorcist and get a proper investigation going”?????? Now that’s new. That’s interesting and a new kind of challenge they haven’t faced before.
And I can’t help but think that part of it is because our belief in the spiritual and spiritual warfare makes people uncomfortable. It’s all hunky-dory as long as they can dismiss us as being “those Jesus people who have too many rules”, but the second we start showing a true belief in the supernatural, a supernatural that can and will TANGIBLY affect us, they lose their nerve and start watering it down.
I’m reminded of an episode of Buzzfeed: Unsolved where Ryan and Shane went to a Catholic priest before going to their one demon location a season. It was obviously for a joke, but the priest took it dead seriously, and I think it really threw the guys off. It was very entertaining, and a much more realistic example of what would happen irl.
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pax-romana200 · 15 days
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༼⁠;⁠´⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຶ⁠༽ anyone else or just me?
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walkswithmyfather · 8 months
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angeltreasure · 5 months
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Saw this on one of the facebook pages I follow. I think all of us can relate to this experience, perhaps even more so these past couple years.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
FUCK would vaggie's Spear! kid have dreams of all the battles she took them into? would the baby cry and cry and when chaggie finally figures out how to, like, use a magic thing to figure out what's wrong- it just projects these shadows of carnage- and vaggie RECOGNIZES all of it- and, she was holding the baby but hands them off to charlie before leaving the room... and the moment charlie's the one holding the kid and singing to them, the crying stops.
vaggie. just on the other side of the door, hearing this. sliding down to sit on the floor and Not Cry over how she brought a life into the world by taking other's lives, and this isn't even just her own thing to bear- just being HELD by her is enough to make the baby remember all the times when she was using them as a weapon..
charlie, alone in the room now, holding their kid a little tighter and singing with a little tremor in her lullaby, scared vaggie maybe ISN'T right on the other side of the door listening to them... or that she won't be for much longer
oh i hate this au now. bad. cursed
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gxlden-angels · 9 months
I love getting my silly little dose of validation whenever I explain something as small to my childhood as "yea they taught us to be prepared to be soldiers in spiritual warfare between angels and demons from a young age" and having my therapist or a friend respond like
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reality-detective · 9 months
These Illegals Pouring In Are Being Provided Money, Food, Clothing, All They Need To Live So They Can Battle Against Us
Wake up!👀Prepare!🛡️Pray!🙏Be Strong!⚔️
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jameslmartellojr · 3 months
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dailyeffectiveprayer · 2 months
Dear God, today I woke up. I am healthy, I am alive. Thank you. 🙏
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nestedneons · 12 days
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A big thank you to whoever bought Purity Warrior and Street Meditation from my Shamanic Ninja collection
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