#still stuck at the king tho </3
cleverxne · 7 months
[ threads later maube ;3 ]
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atopvisenyashill · 7 months
What if Aegon the unworthy had been born a girl?
Aemon the Dragonknight is Crown Prince Aemon, and is married to his older sister (Viserys, Naerys, & Daeron all go for very old fashioned Valyrian names, so I imagine a girl Aegon the Unworthy is named something like Rhaella, Daenys, some other -aenys name we haven’t heard yet). Probably makes things easier in some ways - he & Baelor seemed close enough, I imagine he would want to honor Baelor’s peace with Dorne, and there would be no Great Bastards because Aemon isn’t as likely to parade his mistresses around. I think it’s equally likely that Naerys is married off unhappily for politics by her father as it is that she’s allowed to enter the faith and become a Septa.
Similar to the “what if Aerys II was a girl” question, or even the “what if Daemon was a girl” thing, how erratic Aegon gets depends solely on Aemon. A woman would not be allowed to openly keep lovers, have bastards, and since there’s no dragons there’s no women warriors so Aegon is not fighting in Daeron’s conquest or threatening war against Dorne. That doesn’t mean she can’t be deeply unpleasant and violent if (to use kind of a nasty term but idk how to phrase this delicately) and only if Aemon gives her a long leash. Look at Cersei. Look at Visenya. Hell look at Barbrey and Serala and Genna.
Does Aemon care enough about his wife’s inclination towards violence to do anything to stop it? I’m betting only when it comes to Naerys. I imagine it would be something like a Rhaenys-Visenya-Aegon issue, where Aemon favors his younger, sweeter sister and the older, harsher sister resents him for it. The problem here is that Viserys is not gonna give a fuck if Aemon likes Naerys more; like Tywin and Jaehaerys, he sees his family as chess pieces and extensions of himself, and he expects them to do what he orders and never takes their personal feelings into account. It may well cause an extreme enough rift between Aegon & Aemon that you have these king v queen political factions spring up like you see in AGOT, and I think it’s possible that a girl Aegon would feel Some Type Of Way about Daena. Aegon being Queen rests on Baelor & Daena never having children & yet Aegon may sympathize with Daena’s captivity and see it similar to her own unhappy marriage to Aemon OR see her as a threat to her own power. Meanwhile, is Aemon going to keep Naerys close, perhaps make her resentful of his feelings for her? Would she encourage them, in some sort of attempt to get out from under the thumb of her father? Would Baelor lock NAERYS up in the Maidenvault for being a temptation?? If he does, I think it’s almost a guarantee she enters the faith alongside Rhaena.
Point being, I think we’re in for a very tense political period if Aegon is a woman. The peace with Dorne is still new, the Dance and the dying of the last dragons is still within memory (it’s like 14 years from the end of Aegon III’s reign to the beginning of Viserys II’s), and the current King is in a marriage to a woman he’s not really suited to. Aegon certainly makes things WORSE, and Aemon is almost definitely a step up from there bc anything is a step up from there, but we’ve seen how a queen with a tyrannical bent can be a menace and if there’s one thing I have faith in, it’s the ability of a determined Targaryen woman to become an absolute menace to the men in her family and all unsuspecting smallfolk everywhere.
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i dont know much about trigun but i think it would be silly if vash and knives (they are brothers?) or vash and wolfwood (lovers? enemies? idk) were drawn like that barbie and ken mugshot meme. From what you post Mr Vash Stampede just seems like ken. little silly guy
YOU HAVE THE MOST PERFECT TIMING WITH THIS EVER I'm literally in the middle of drawing a picture of knives and vash that looks like this.
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theyre brothers your honor
#i would draw the whole meme but i simply do not have the energy for it tonight#the phrase mr the stampede has been stuck in my head all night hehe u just reminded me of it#drawing vashs tristamp hair is soooo painful to me. i miss the spikey. unfortunately i am doing a style swap thing with this so i have to#sigh </3#hiiii louis this made me smile hehe thank u#also ive seen like 3 ppl do that meme with vashwood already so the fact that u included knives makes me happy :]#(<< guy who is having a category 12 emotional about millions knives moment tonight)#theyre BROTHERS. theyre brothers.....#i love the idea that after canon knives calms down and stops trying 2 kill everybody bc he realizes#oh i dont want to commit genocide actually. i just need therapy.#but like. he and vash are still both wanted criminals because. gestures at the events of trigun. all that#so its just. silly antagonistic brother adventures. i keep thinking abt that one drawing someone did of them comparing wanted posters#its so silly and its so important to meeeeeee.#knives just needs to smoke some weed and play Minecraft for a few hours and he'll calm down.#hes just got undiagnosed autism and a metric ton of childhood trauma. its fine#sorry i kind of went off on u there. I'm having trigun emotions tonight. if u couldn't tell#making this unrebloggable because its a wip <3 sorry kings#my sketches are sooooo ugly . u get the idea tho#asks#friends!!!#din0draws#shrimp fried rice#also. other file names blurred bc its a spoiler for another ask I'm answering soon. lmao
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dante-mightdie · 6 months
bluecollar!simon as your boyfriend
mentions of: sex, smoking, swearing
he met you on a night out, invited you back to his one bedroom flat where you chainsmoke cigarettes and drink cheap alcohol in his room
eventually you started spending so much time there so simon basically just told you that you live with him now bc he ain’t moving and you ain’t leavin
very handsy. always slipping his hand under your clothing to touch you
i’m sorry but he definitely does that thing that men do where they just casually sit there with their hand in their boxers
with a beer and the footie on &lt;3
king of grey trackies. he’s always sat on the sofa with his legs spread, dick print prominent
bally stays on during sex!!!
he’ll have you on your tummy, pillow stuffed under your hips as he rails into you from behind. hands gripping your ass cheeks and squeezing
miserable fucker. but in a hot and charming way. rolls his eyes when you complain about him tracking in dirt on his work boots. grumbles under his breath when you ask him to fix the leaky sink on his day off,
“for fucks sake…”
wants you sat in his lap for every football match he watches. saved up and bought you matching shirts that say ‘Riley’ on the back
you’re not married but you are
acts like you’re his wife of 20 years
“nah, not tonight lads, the missus wants me home for dinner…”
hear me out… he smokes roll ups. imagine him rolling his cigarettes, baccy pouch in hand and filter between his lips
big fan of old school eminem. he wants superman played at your wedding
loves you so very much. which is why he takes the piss out of you constantly
always laughing at you when you trip over. still helps you up tho!
let you walk around with toilet roll stuck to your shoe for 20 minutes.
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ciozio · 28 days
Hello welcome to my horrible new AU.
ISAT Happiness AU !!
The AU where everyone is happy..
Yippee !!!
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Nothings wrong.
Summary of the AU !!
Still needa add and develop more, but heres the basics ✨️
The King is looping people in a small period of time. When someone is stuck, they're reliving a moment over n over.
It's so they're at their happiest forever. Vaugarde in its perfection.
They're basically broken records / movie clips.
The party has seen people in conversations rehearsing the same lines again and again.. and such.
Sadnesses don't exist in this au. They're happinesses now !
The Happinesses of this au are the fake joys of the people stuck in these miniature loops.
The freezing tears are replaced with musical notes. They're magical and seeable. When you get close, there's a specific tune unique to each one.
Touching one will loop you in that moment.
You're stuck in the same thought and action. Doing it over n over again.
For Siffrin, he does it until the universe (his looping) takes him back due to him not progressing by being looped in such a small timeframe.
The Happinesses sing instead of cry.
The King though cries and sings. I can't not make him cry lmfao. He's still King.
I say they're more joyful tears tho, cuz he thinks he's winning.
(Some Main Game Spoilers down here!!)
Siffrin declines into insanity bc they start seeing King's pov. Doing good things right.. the smiles on his party's family member's audience's faces..
The main wish is the same. He wants to stay with them!!
But it morphed into "they'll only stay with me if they're happy."
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shadowqueenjude · 6 months
Who pulls the most bitches?
So I saw someone do something like this and I kind of wanted to do my own version with sjm characters. They get no bitches (besides that one girl who's a sucker for losers): Tamlin, Hunt, Ithan, Declan (only bc he's gay not for lack of game; he pulls ALL the men), Tarquin They get more than none but less bitches than you'd expect: Fenrys (bc he's with Maeve, poor boyo), Tharion (bc he's stuck with the river queen's daughter, oof), Aedion, Mor (because she has to hide her sexuality, rip) Now let's rank the remaining: Rhysand: for the supposedly most powerful fae guy to ever exist, he gets a surprisingly low amount of bitches. Perhaps it is due to his creepy evil reputation and the hatred for him within his own court: turns out a pretty face a male does NOT make. Even gold-diggers have standards! Cassian: I turned this over in my mind many times, but I realized Cassian pulls less bitches than Azriel after the line "I don't need to resort to poetry." He gets plenty of bitches because he's a bigass dude with muscles, but his shitty poetry is a turn-off to most eligible ladies. Azriel: he doesn't need to resort to poetry; he's a pretty boy with a cut body, but points have to be deducted for lack of game and pining over Mor for 500 years and being obsessed with having a mate (yuck). Dorian Havilliard: Come on, guys! He's a hot prince! Of course, he gets all the bitches. He's a little immature but he grows out of it! I mean he pulled the fucking man-eater, for God's sake. Points deducted for falling for Celaena wayyyy too fast (and getting rejected) and for his healer girl getting decapitated (rip Sorscha). Rowan: we KNOW this guy gets aaaaaaaalllll the bitches. Come on, he's Rowan-rutting-Whitethorn! Points were deducted for the whole Lyria thing AND serving Maeve for so long. Lorcan Salvaterre: He gets even more bitches than Rowan because... "Battles, riches, females- Lorcan always won, at any cost." And it's even said Rowan often allowed him to win. So yeah, he pulls a lot of bitches and participates in crazy orgies with his homie Rowan. Points deducted for being Stockholmed by Maeve (poor Lolo). Ruhn Danaan: I mean we already know the man's got game (evidence: CC2 chapter 3 plus all ruhnlidia chapters). He's also a young (by Fae standards) prince who lives in a fucking frat-boy house. And that sad-boy thing he's got going on? Girls love that. Eat it up. All the bitches wanna sit on him to take away his sorrow. Points deducted for crushing on a lesbian (oops). Tristan Flynn: Man gets even more bitches than Ruhn because he's just hornier and he's obsessed with his hair. Also, did you see the fire sprites becoming his cheerleaders? King shit. Points deducted for failing to rizz up Ariadne. Eris Vanserra: Come on, he's an Autumn Court male. Plus he's a Vanserra! It's practically in his blood! Points deducted for being rejected by Mor and Nesta tho. Chaol Westfall: Man gets a shockingly high number of bitches despite being a human character who until Dorian became king had a pretty lowly position. I mean, there was a literal PRINCE and his cousin hanging out and the girls were all drooling over Chaol. When he had a disability (which unfortunately due to prejudices that exist, often make you "undesirable" in the eyes of many) and he rizzed all those women, including Yrene, harder than Kashin. EVERY. GIRL. CHOSE. CHAOL. OVER. A. LITERAL. PRINCE. Both in Adarlan AND the southern continent. You're telling me he doesn't have the rizz??? A half a point deducted for being too hung up over Celaena (I don't blame him but still). But still, he pulls sooooo many bitches. Lucien (Vanserra? Spell-Cleaver? Cunt-Server?): Come on. Is there anyone else fitting to be number 1???? Man's got EVERYTHING Chaol has, PLUS he's the son of a High Lord and he's got that Vanserra rizz. Fuck it, he wouldn't stop at bitches. He'll pull every mfer to ever exist. If it breathes, it's into Lucien Vanserra. He is THAT guy.
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azulock · 7 months
shidou and aiku NSFW headcanons??
Oh boy, my two faves, thank you for this ask, babe <3
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Ryusei Shidou NSFW Headcanons
⟳ Switch king, big time kinky, not even afraid of showing it. He knows what he wants and he can be pretty straight forward about it. Will be noisy about asking you what you like and want from him too. Big into communication, aggressive communication maybe, but still.
⟳ He really is whatever on the whole dom or sub thing. By his choice he will be changing up pretty constantly, but he can adapt to your rhythm. Shidou is pretty flexible on what role he is playing and how he is doing it. Though, be it dom or sub, he will be teasing you, he can never stop running that fucking mouth.
⟳ Tits man, and it doesn't matter if it's muscular manly tits or soft femme tits, just tits, this man loves sucking on them. Wanna see him crazy? Wear something with a low neckline, show some cleavage and he'll be running up walls. Might just have a lactation kink.
⟳ Loves getting his hair pulled, likes pulling on yours too but really into getting his hair pulled. That's an easy way to get him hard pretty much straight away, just tug on his hair. But watch out: he moans loudly when you do that, so maybe don't do it in public.
⟳ Pretty loud in general, what to expect from a guy who starts his day screaming naked from the balcony? If he is subbing you can try to put a gag on him, or wrap something around his mouth, but otherwise, good luck.
⟳ Likes biting, and leaving hickeys all over you, and he likes receiving both of these as well. You'll be left with a ton of bite marks, but if you ask him not to mark certain spots he will respect.
⟳ Will cross dress for you if you want him to. Tho if you think he will do it as a sub you are very wrong. You can get him into a maid dress but he is going to hammer you to the bed with force while dressed as a maid. The frilly little dress won't stop him from drilling into you brutally until you are a crying mess. He likes the mixed signals this gives, it's fun.
⟳ Is a "try anything once" type of guy, and honestly he can do a lot, though his limits are hard limits, he knows very well what he doesn't like. But here is a incomplete list of things he like: free use, bondage, sensory play, overstimulation, edging, ruined orgasm, cumplay, body writing, primal, anal play, dacryphilia, somnophilia, intox, role play, the occasional threesome, etc.
⟳ Walks around naked in the house. Not even sexually, tho he is going to fuck you into every piece of furniture he owns, but he just likes being naked. So, if you have a problem with casual nudism, you'd better lose it. Like, for a guy who can be so sexual he also has a very "a body is just a body" approach to being naked. He likes taking showers and baths together too, doesn't even need to fuck just likes to wash you and for you to wash him, especially his hair.
⟳ He is clean shaven, which just makes it even more obvious that this motherfucker is hung. Has got fucking undoubtably great length, not too thick but thick enough to feel good and look proportional. Not really veiny, keeps more or less the same thickness all over the shaft, more of a shower than a grower too, so he is always stuck with a bit of a bulge. Also I like to imagine he has a Jacob's ladder.
Oliver Aiku NSFW Headcanons
⟳ Slut, we know he got around, so he has enough experience to know what he is doing. Which is worse cause he is hot and a good fuck, simply unfair. You are guaranteed satisfaction and a good fucking time, but not much more than that.
⟳ A dom, and mostly a pleasure dom. Doesn't mean he is gonna be all nice and soft, but even when he is mean he is driving you insane with pleasure. He can be a bit of a tease but you're guaranteed a lot of praising, and all of it spoken in this smooth and deep voice.
⟳ Very vocal, not loud but vocal. Lots of grunting, groaning, growling, moaning and even some whimpering. He is a talker too, be it muttering curses under his breath or saying something nasty to you. Worst part is that the bastard knows he has a sexy voice and will use it in his favor.
⟳ An ass man, a lover of tiny shorts, tight pants, mini skirts and anything else that can put a nice ass on display. He is a very touch oriented person so expect groping, slapping, and for Oliver to just generally have a hand on your ass on any way. Loves hitting it from behind cause that gives him a nice view, loves seeing an ass jiggling as it bounces on his cock.
⟳ Loves getting scratch marks on his back, he takes them as positive reviews, so you can go crazy on that. You'll end up with some finger shaped bruises tho, cause he loves some manhandling and his hands are pretty strong, so he might bruise you without even noticing.
⟳ Thigh riding, thigh riding for days. He has got massive fucking thighs that are pretty much all muscle and he loves to have someone riding them. Will manhandle you through that if he needs to, holding onto your hips dragging you over his thigh until he is satisfied.
⟳ Contrary to fuckboy expectations, not the type of guy to be in a rush. Likes to take his time, start of slow, kinda edging both himself and you with that. Not tat going slow makes him go easy, it's slow and hard, slamming all the way in with force, but not speeding up until he feels like it. Might have you begging him to go faster, his reaction will depend on his mood, he might keep it slow to tease you or give into your pleas.
⟳ Loves oral, both giving and receiving, though he knows receiving can be a bit hard cause of how thick his cock is. But he really loves giving, not afraid to get down and dirty, thing that if he doesn't end up with half of his face sloppy he didn't do a good job. And good thing he is like that too cause once again his dick is thick, so it's important he can do a good prep.
⟳ Has got a big free use kink, he has a pretty high sex drive, which leaves him horny all the time so its useful too. Loves the freedom of being able to just come up behind you and bend you over, already grinding his hips into yours or getting down on his knees to give you some head. Or maybe even coming up to you when you are sat down on the couch, his pants with a big and clear bulge that he is almost rubbing into your face the minute he finds you.
⟳ Somno, it comes with the free use really. Oliver is a morning person, and sometimes he doesn't want to disturb your sleep when he wakes up hard but he still wants to fuck you. So why not just let him fuck you in your sleep? He promises to be nice about it too, always has a bottle of lube on his bedside table so he is gonna make sure he is covered in it to slide in nice and easy. Or even if he doesn't manage to get in, he'd be happy to just fuck himself with your thighs until he cums between them. He likes the idea of coming inside you, or on you, while you sleep, leaving a surprise for when you wake up.
⟳ He keeps himself trimmed rather than clean shaven cause he likes the visual of the happy trail, it leads very nicely into that big ass cock he has. He is in the longer side of the spectrum, but not the longest of the bunch, tho he more than makes up for it in girth. Sure he is long but the standout feature is just how thick he is, that thing is gonna give you a stretch that you'll feel the next day (and maybe the day after). Is thicker in the middle, and the head is small, which makes him look even bigger, pretty damn veiny too.
now a word from our sponsors: @wishiknewwhatiwasdoingwithmylife
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okay. So I've finished book 1 of keeper of the lost cities for the first time. And I'm loving this keefe dude already?? Like I never thought I'd like a fictional character so quickly. All it took was like one page for me to fall for him, I am aware that keefe is one of the most loved characters in the fandom, and I can see why (correct me if I'm wrong).
Also the book is a solid 9.5/10, the only thing I was frustrated about was probably the slight info dumping about the whole blackswan thing towards the end? because it took me like 3 reads to understand the whole situation, of course, we could just narrow it down to me being slow too, lol. But I'm VERY excited to continue reading the rest. So while we're at it, I'll put in my first impressions of the characters, so I can look back on it after I've read all the books, to see how much my perception has changed of them.
Sophie- i like her, she's really mature for her age, I keep forgetting that she's like 12 lmao. But she's well written, her emotions seem very raw and natural. Of course, she may seem overpowered but, I think that's the whole point of the story, she is supposed to be overpowered, so I don't mind and i wouldn't call her a Mary sue. Overall great protagonist, my girlie deserves a break tho, she got dumped in the hospital atleast 6 times lol.
Fitz- i actually think he's cool. I liked him better in the beginning of the story tho, I feel like afterwards, the dude kinda just disappeared a little? Keefe and Sophie seemed to have more private interaction than those two, and keefe literally only came by in the middle. But yeah, I feel like he had more of a personality in the start. Keefe and Dex, in my opinion had more personality in 5 minutes than fitz did the whole book, but I wouldn't judge so quickly, it's only the first book after all, Hopefully he'd have more page time in the later books. I still like him tho, just not as much as keefe.
Dex- Yeah he is such a typical best friend, I love him. His beef w the vackers is so funny lol I was relieved when Sophie stuck with him even after she became popular tho, also, he seems to have a crush on sophie right? It's kinda obvious, but overall friendship goals 10/10. I vocally "AWW-ed" after he said "are you kidding, i can't wait to tell everyone that you're my first friend" like I need a guy bestie like him :(
Alden- honestly, my heart warmed so much with his father-like dynamic with sophie tbh. He seemed to genuinely care about her well being, but I don't want to get too attached to him tho, just in case becomes a traitor or some shit later on, you can literally never tell with the adults lol. I've read enough books to back that up. But yeah, i really like him and della, the amount of reassuring hugs he gives sophie really heals me :(, They're like sophies 2nd (well, in her case, 3rd) parents. The amount of effort and lengths Alden put to get her out of trouble is actually sweet.
Elwin- This guy is such a W. He is like an adult keefe tbh. He is probably my favorite adult so far lol.
Cassius- I'm sorry, but Mr jerk face over here reminds me SO much of Lucius Malfoy??? Like ?? I feel so bad for Keefe, like poor baby leave him alone smh. I really wanna deck his royal highness in the face tbh.
Biana- absolutely loathed her in the beginning, she gave off such bad snob vibes lol but I love her now. I like the trope of two people forced to be friends w eachother by someone actually end up becoming friends. It's rather uncommon as far as I've read, atleast.
Grady and Edaline- is it bad that i thought they were going to be evil? Yeah I have so much trust issues, it's concerning. But yeah, they're both big W's, their backstory, their temporary contemplation to reject sophies adoption, everything aligned well with their backstory. Greatly written characters.
And last but not least, the king himself, Keefe- okay, he's like added to my list of fictional crushes now lol (along with Percy Jackson, Jason grace, Steve Harrington, chat noir, Eugene fitzherbert, edmund pevensie and Ravi singh ofc). How does sophie not have a fat crush on him, like- ma'am if you don't want him, I'll take him. But jokes aside, he feels like the most authentic character out of them all, tbh. Epitome of great writing. He was inserted to the story as this random dude that sophie runs into, and becomes an og in like 5 minutes. He is like a mix of Eugene from tangled, Kristoff from Frozen and chat noir from mlb all at the same time?? I cannot wait to see more of him and his backstory, especially with his parents. I know alot of people dislike the humorous guy with depression trope since it's overused, but I like how it played out on keefe, he uses school as an escape, which is very relatable.
Also, bonus, i LOVE the world building, the light leaping and all, very creative. I cannot wait to get my hands on book 2
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emelinstriker · 1 year
Nezha ♡ A Special Stranger
Just a short one-shot of how you met Nezha. c:
Also, Honkai: Star Rail came out and now I'm stuck at TL41 with SU World 6 done and am still stuck on FH 11 cuz I only can make one team side work well. Got basically no other content besides that anymore and speedran 3 other accs to TB15 in under 3 hours each out of boredom. I'm a proud E1 Gepard main tho. :D
♡ Part 1 | ♡ Part 2 | ♡ Part 3
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♡ ~ Fluff ~ ♡
You actually met your boyfriend on accident. The Monkey King apparently stole a very important item from the Celestial Realm, and said item was being guarded by Nezha. He never told you about what exactly went down, just that he was basically hunting him down for a while over some set of rings.
Either way, he ended up at Lantern City and knew Sun Wukong would be there. But he didn't want to garner attention or cause a scene with all the mortals around, so he slipped into the crowd with a cloak, waiting for an opportunity to confront the Monkey King... Honestly roaming the streets of the city was a little unnerving considering most of the merch they had was related to Sun Wukong in some way...
But then he bumped into you. Or rather, the side of your backpack. You were enjoying your time as tourist and weren't alarmed at his cloaked look. You were able to still see his handsome face after all. "Sorry...", he said before slowly trying to walk away again. However, something told you to strike up a conversation with him, so you did.
"H- Hey! Wait up!" Nezha stopped in his tracks as he turned back around to face you. "Are you a local? Do you know about any sights here other than the giant lantern?"
And that's when you both got caught up in a conversation. Oddly enough, the people around you were loud, yet Nezha had no problem ignoring the sounds to solely focus on you. He didn't seem interested in talking to you at first, mainly due to him being on a mission. But then you brought up the topic of how you were a fan of stories about the Celestial Realm. The way you got excited about this topic piqued his interest... You could tell based on how he suddenly started talking a lot more. You did find it interesting how he knew about even more stories than you though. He even added in more details to moments you only vaguely knew of.
Apparently his talk with you was so fun and distracting that he didn't even notice Sun Wukong suddenly being on stage: Until the pig holding the mic started singing so loud you had to cover your ears. It wasn't exactly the volume itself that got to you, it was mainly just the sudden volume change without warning that hurt. People closer to the stage even seemed to have been blown away by his voice... literally. Nezha took notice of your discomfort and looked over at the stage, now taking notice of the nervously smiling Monkey King. He glared in his direction before making his decision.
The Lotus Prince put one hand on your back and started to lightly push you away from the stage and away from the crowd. "C'mon", he mouthed over the singer's voice as he lead you to a more quiet area. You were still able to hear the stage rather clearly, but your ears were no longer in pain. He made sure you were okay first before telling you that it was getting late and he slowly needed to go. You asked him if you'd see him again, and he couldn't stop himself from smirking.
"As much as I'd love to see you again, I don't think my job allows me to have the time to look for you..." You tilted your head in confusion, prompting him to continue. His mouth formed a straight line. "...Let's just say I'm a guard."
You let out a quiet 'Oh, okay' before your disappointed gaze avoided eye contact. Nezha sighed, placing one hand behind his neck. "Look, you're nice to talk to, but we're both tourists here and would have to part ways anyway. I'm just your average stranger, after all."
Now, that just gave you a funny idea.
You took off your backpack, placing it in on the ground between the two of you before pulling out a cap that was white on the front half and red everywhere else. Afterwards you pulled out one of your pens and started to write on the front. Then you handed the cap to the cloaked Lotus Prince. "Here you go!"
He looked at you in confusion after reading out the words you wrote on it. "(Y/N)'s Special Stranger...?"
"We may have to part ways, but that doesn't mean I can't give you some sort of souvenir... If you think this is kinda funny too, that is. You can just get rid of the cap if you don't want it... I haven't been able to use it much anyway", you commented. However, instead of throwing it away or handing it back to you, the stranger let out a chuckle in amusement.
"Well, it certainly is funny. Thank you, (Y/N). I'll keep it, don't worry", he said as he gave you a small smile. But it was enough to make the rest of your day all the better. However, you decided to ask one last thing with a grin...
"Before you go, what's your name, dear special stranger of mine?"
He rolled his eyes with an amused smile before answering with a name that surprised you, as it seemed very familiar.
"So that's why you're wearing this thing", the Monkey King connected the dots in his mind as he looked at the words written on the Lotus Prince's newfound cap.
He sadly wasn't able to wear it during the time the entire Lady Bone Demon crisis happened, but now he finally got to wear it in peace... for the most part. Because Sun Wukong came to visit him and immediately had to tease him over the obvious claim written on his friend's new hat by a mortal.
The simian gave him yet another smug grin. "Are you going to try see them again? Your lovely stranger~?"
Nezha felt his cheeks heat up as one of his hands moved to lower his cap in the front a bit, seemingly trying to hide his face... and failing. "I already told them I can't. The Samadhi Fire's map may have probably been the most important item I was supposed to guard, but there are still other items I was tasked to watch over."
Wukong's expression then quickly turned into an unamused one. "Seriously? You're not even trying to look for them on the side for like five minutes a day?"
"How would I be able to find them within five minutes? I don't even know where they're from!"
"Fine then! I'll find them for you-" The Monkey King exclaimed before suddenly grabbing Nezha's cap, ripping it off his head before placing it on his own, smiling brightly with his thumbs up. "Take my help as a little gift for your love life. See you in a bit, Nezha!"
The simian then quickly summoned his cloud before zooming off into the skies, leaving a completely red-faced Lotus Prince behind. Whether the red colors came from pure rage or pure embarrassment was hard to tell. It seemed to be more of a mixed case. He cursed under his breath before using his own abilities to go after the monkey.
> Masterlist <
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intuitively-her · 1 year
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What are they hiding? 💗trigger warning💗
Pile 1-(The Sun rx, The Hanged Man rx, Death rx, The Magician rx, King of swords, 5 of pentacles, 3 of pentacles, 9 of pentacles, Page of pentacles, 10 of pentacles) 🩷zodiac confirmations: aquarius, 5, venus
This could be an off-and-on connection. I'm gonna be honest, this person feels stuck in this connection or like they can't escape you. You could feel the same. There's something here about money that they're hiding. Were you supposed to receive a gift from them? This person hasn't been very forthcoming with their feelings, even if it seems like they have. I feel like this person can be manipulative at times, and this causes a lot of miscommunication between you two. They may be a bit more detached as of late. For some of you, this person may be planning a way to escape this connection for good. For others, they could be spending their time with someone else.
Pile 2-(King of wands rx, The Lovers rx, The Hierophant rx, The Devil rx, Knight of cups, The Moon rx, Ace of swords, Justice, The High Priestess) 🩷zodiac confirmations: gemini, 12, sun
This could be a friend that you have a crush on. This person might come off to you as a prince charming. In reality, this person doesn't want you to see through their cracks. I'm reading the justice card and the girl is literally wearing a blindfold in the picture. This person may have certain interests or hobbies that you would probably be turned off by. You wouldn't be very impressed with who they really are. I get a very obsessive energy from this person. They may have violent tendencies as well. They've definitely got some skeletons in their closet. I feel like this person likes to keep a string of partners. Like they can't settle down to save their life. Honestly, this person is nothing but trouble. They know you're not a dummy tho. So, they know it's only a matter of time before you truly figure them out.
💖channeled song: in this darkness by clara la san
Pile 3-(10 of wands, 5 of wands, 4 of cups, 2 of cups, 5 of cups, 5 of pentacles rx, 2 of swords, Queen of pentacles, 3 of swords rx, 6 of cups, The Devil) 🩷zodiac confirmations: cancer, 4, saturn ⭐angel number 555
This could be a situationship. Your person views this connection as a burden. They could be starting arguments with you or flaunting other romantic connections in your face. This is all for your attention babe, especially if you've been ignoring them. Your person is disappointed in the way this connection turned out. I think they expected things to go farther between you two. There's a lot of contemplation. Like "should i stay or go?" Ultimately tho, I think you both know that nothing will really blossom from this connection. Also, this person is still heavily attached to their past. It seems like there's a specific person or even people that they're still not over. For some of you, your person is even holding out hope for their ex to return. You should also know that this person falls into temptation pretty quickly. They likely succumb to their desires with no regrets. Very much like they wanna have their cake and eat it too with you. Watch your back with this one.
💖channeled song: like a tattoo by sade
Pile 4-(6 of cups, 6 of swords, 8 of cups, 5 of cups, 2 of cups rx, 9 of cups rx, 7 of swords, 10 of swords rx, 9 of swords, Ace of Wands rx, 5 of swords rx, 6 of pentacles, The Fool rx, The Hermit) 🩷zodiac confirmations: pisces, 4, jupiter ⭐angel number 666
This is definitely someone from your past. For some, this was an off-and-on relationship. For others, this was a situationship. Ya'll could live at a distance from one another. This person really wants to repair and make things right with you. They want to come and see you. I see that they're in a lot of despair over the connection. They wish to come back and have a more balanced relationship with you. But they also know they really fucked up with you. This person could've been really sneaky with you or they put you in a lot of messed up situations. It seems like they were just very mean to you at times. This person feels guilty for how they treated you. They literally sabotaged the connection tho...repeatedly. You might've said or done something that really humbled this person. It's forced them to do a lot of self-reflection. This person feels like they've lost their mojo. They're not passionate about what they love anymore. I'm gonna be honest, this person may try to come back because they're bored and they need that spark back. They feel like they will benefit from your energy. Pls leave this person in the dust pile 4, they deserve it. 🙂
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everywishway · 6 months
Headcanons for Junior Year
Cassandra still has Kalina as a familiar. I have two ideas for this
Number one is Kalina was hurting the whole time due to being a literal plague and she was also under the influence of the Nightmare King's power so she's better now. Still standoffish and a trickster but in more of a "tired, goth older sister" way
Number two is that she's a grouchy house cat and is stuck in this tiny body that has a love/hate relationship with the Bad Kids (especially Riz). Like one day she's wrapped around his neck till she claws his nose and runs off. She can't talk either so all that pent-up anger is in a tiny body
I just want more Riz and Kalina pls! They were so good together SY
Garthy Obrien and Aguefort have a nice, long "chat" behind closed doors… It ends up with the both of them deciding how they are going to Co-parent Ayda but Aguefort does end up with a scar in his abdomen.
Ayda substitute teaches a Magical Theory class Adaine and Fig have to take when the teacher leaves for maternity. Hijinx ensue.
Fabian and Aelwyn break up or have already broken up by the time JY starts (i love how most of the fandom doesn't like these two together, lol)
Kristen and Tracker go on break while Tracker is away and Kristen is suffering in silence while Tracker is partying and having a lot of fun (same vibes as Priya and Pete)
All of Fig's Dads (Jawbone, Gilear, and Gorthalax) go get drinks every other month, one-month Sandra-Lynn and Garthy come and drink them all under the table (Sandra-Lynn was banned after that. Garthy still occasionally comes around)
When those nights happen all of the Bad Kids have a giant sleepover and completely take over the first floor of Mordred Manor (Jawbone proceeding to play hopscotch around them to not wake up his spare children)
Nobody actually addresses the Night Yorb during Junior Year and if somebody does Brennan goes in his true New York accent "what Night Yorb?????"
Fabian and Zelda go to both dance classes and kickboxing together, becoming friends around the winter of Sophmore Year
Fabian and Sam do not get along well. Mostly due to the fact, they are both dramatic rich bitches who are fighting over Zelda but also over the fact Sam is mean to Gorgug and Fabian goes "only I am allowed to be a bitch with my friends? Fuck off, Nightingale."
Antiope and Riz shared some sort of stealth elective class and accidentally became good friends? Like, they both watch their gangs of idiots tiredly and corral them up and take them to get ice cream.
On the other hand, Kristen kinda dreads her religious studies course due to Ostentasia being loud and snarky but also kinda appreciates it? Like, you know those class clowns that get on your nerves but they state the obvious when everyone is done with the teacher's shit? Yeah, that's their relationship
She does chill with Yelle tho, like they both smoke weed then go to pet stores and animal shelters and play with animals until they pass out on the floor.
Penny and Adaine are both nerds and Penny is Adaine's tutor when it comes to the history of spells, who made them and why (because Adaine is a practical caster <3)
I have way too many ideas, some of them are on the bingo board :)
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pansy-picnics · 3 months
No idea if they would since they all live in a castle but how do you think the uknighted parents each would deal with empty nest syndrome?
ukd are very adamant on giving their kids the freedom they never had growing up, so as long as they’re managing their own duties they’re basically free to do whatever (though eugene can be a Little overprotective sometimes he means well). of course bc ilmari’s adopted and isn’t of any royal blood they end up being the first to leave the nest… i’ve already discussed that vaguely here, so this time i’m gonna talk more abt ryder!!
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being the eldest of the twins ryder is technically supposed to take on the throne to corona, and people have a LOT of high expectations from him, especially other nobles/those who were….less than pleased with rapunzel’s approach to ruling. he’s basically seen as the “light” of corona and has been held on a pedestal since he was very young, which leads him to repress himself and puts a lot of strain on his relationships for many years- especially with alina who’s often left in his shadow (and he doesn’t mind it per se!!! but he does feel like her life is pretty directionless, and she’s always been rather dependent on ryder bc of it).
all this to say, eventually on their 18th birthday everything boils over and leads to a nasty fight between the twins. they both kinda realize that they need to grow up and branch out in their own ways- and ryder in particular realizes that he rlly just needs to get Away for a while. so going to help edmund in the dark kingdom seems like a pretty good way to gain some new perspectives!!
after all the pressure she was under herself, rapunzel understands this more than anything…..but that doesn’t make it any easier for her (or cass and eugene, for that matter) to accept. :’3
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idk if any of you guys watched steven universe future, but i think they’d all be like this final scene like. ALMOST WORD FOR WORD LMFAO
in fact as soon as ryder even suggests the idea to rapunzel shes awkwardly slipping out of their painting session and running to cass and eugene in TEARS and they cry for a good 3 hours but obviously they want to be SUPPORTIVE and STRONG for their BOY!!! so they pull themselves together and when he brings it up again at dinner they’re like. “omg thats great!!! ^_^” and ryder is just like ?????????
and ryders almost a little hurt that they seem so unfazed so he tries to prod them like. Aren’t you guys upset. but they don’t budge. and so obviously right at the end as he’s saying goodbye to everyone and they’re STILL nonchalant abt it he just bursts into tears like “WHY AREN’T YOU GUYS SAD IM LEAVING :(“ and IMMEDIATELY the three of them all jsut run to him BAWLING
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ryder rlly enjoys his time in the dark kingdom actually. obviously edmund and the brotherhood have a Lot of flaws in their approach to ruling….but that’s not rlly what ryder needs anyways. i think they’re very goal oriented and focused on what they can do as a unit rather than what other people think of them, and that’s a lesson ryder definitely needs to learn. not to mention he brings a lot of color to the place (both in a literal and metaphorical sense).
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alina pretty much stays in corona tho…which her parents certainly aren’t complaining about. i think he really needs some time to stand up and take on more responsibility without ryder stepping in for him. the twins wont be taking on the thrones anytime soon, but i think when they do, they’ll end up switching- so ryder will be the king of the dark kingdom, and alina will take on the role as queen of corona. alina’s always had deeper ties to her kingdom than ryder did…not to his fault, but the pressure he’s had put on him just made it hard for him to focus on the things that Mattered, yk? he’s ended up being very stuck in his status, while alina has been a lot more down to earth and has always felt a closer connection to the public, if that makes sense… :3
but ryder and ilmari still visit all the time, and ilmari will take over the library one day too…like, raps, cass and eugene haven’t been Perfect parents by any means, but they’ve never failed to make sure their kids know just how strong, capable and loved they are. even though it hurts to see them go (and poor alina definitely has to deal with their theatrics and coddling for YEARS while her older siblings are gone), it’s very clear that no matter where they go, their kids will always know their home is with them, yk??? they love their parents so much and it just makes me so emo😭😭😭
additionally, i think uknighted dream kind of do some equivalent of fostering long after their own kiddos leave the nest… the three of them do a lot of community work, they have a lot of programs instilled for struggling families and kids alike. they end up helping pretty closely with a lot of the orphanages, not only with funding but also by putting in their own work. they visit a lot, come to tons of events…they end up forming a lot of bonds with the kids individually, or occasionally take them in when there isn’t anywhere else for them to go.
sometimes they know these kids for years, sometimes only for a few weeks…but they always try to stay in contact with them regardless. and even when that isn’t possible, they never forget about any of the kids they’ve met….so by the time they’re all old and grey, they basically have hundreds of pseudo-kids and grandkids all across the seven kingdoms, and in a way, their nest never really feels completely empty 🥹🫶
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mielkexnn-miraculous · 10 months
A. Agreste (aka Chat Noir) Headcanons <3
Kind of a lot tbh—just headcanons that I like to apply in my AUs when they don’t clash with their particular premises. It’s just a hot mess under the cut yeah? Cool.
He was actually in ballet classes as a kid—the same ones as Chloé.
What’s funny is that Marinette was there too. However, boys and girls were kept separate and so he only really knew Chloé.
He only found out when he was going through his closet and found a shoe box with his old shoes and a bunch of class photos; he noticed Marinette in the corner of one.
He’s still really flexible though.
He actually used to go to see a live rendition of The Nutcracker each Christmas.
He wanted to play the Rat King rlly badly.
He’s got a killer steady hand that makes for rlly good cursive.
He has the neatest handwriting in the class, and takes rlly good notes too—particularly in physics.
He’s also got terrible sense in fashion. He knows good stuff when he sees it, but doesn’t know bad stuff is bad at all.
He really likes milk; in some horrible twist of fate, he’s also lactose intolerant.
He’s totally touch starved and rlly touchy feely w/ certain people.
He refuses to kill bugs. He once screamed and lifted Alya up off her feet for trying to squash a spider in the middle of science class.
He put it in a cup before disappearing for a good five minutes so he could walk all the way over to the park to release it where it would be safe.
He’s English and French.
He really likes gelato—specifically passionfruit; peach is a close second tho.
He knows how to run in heels; has a subtly burning hatred for them.
He really likes light up sneakers though and always wanted a pair.
He knows Morse code.
Rlly ticklish.
Sneezes super loudly.
Really crappy immune system thanks to never being allowed outside his castle walls; he got sick like three times within the first two months of school.
He really likes Piano Man by Billy Joel and can sing and play the whole thing.
Honestly his music taste consists of five types of music: Heavy/classic rock, classical/classical-style music (In The Hall of The Mountain King slaps ok), Billy Joel, chill-somber-sad-theatric-feels-y, and whatever the heck that migraine-inducing bs he’s got stashed in the back is.
His Spotify is a hot mess tbch; lots of spontaneous playlists depending on how he felt at the moment. The titles are usually smth along the lines of “ifykyk”, “vibe”, or “yeah”; either that or just the playlist #.
He has like five that are nice enough to send ppl, and those are the only ones he’s listened to more than twice. They’re called “Classical Vibes”, “Cheese Demon”, “Billy Joel Aesthetic”, “sad”, and “Spontaneous 2am Dance Party OST”.
He’ll literally save recommended playlists and never listen to them.
He never bothers to clean it up though, and has 600+ playlists sitting around.
Also he used to drink a ton of pediasures as a kid and his father doesn’t let him drink them anymore bc he’s not a little kid anymore obviously but he would kill for a muscle milk.
He’ll throw up if he ever tries to eat kale again; it’s a trauma response ok.
Emotion smart but social dumb.
Honestly kinda yandere ngl.
I mean have you seen this man?? Cheez-its man, chill.
He resists when in civilian form but once he’s transformed it’s Full Gremlin Mode activated.
He’s not good at drawing but he does try; he does a lot of blob style digital and is slowly getting better.
He overcomes his feelings of being stuck and not knowing what to do in life as seen in wish maker when he spends time with the Dupain-Chengs and realizes that that is what he wants. He then dreams of working in the bakery one day.
Cannot for the life of him resist eating the batter, ok. He needs it. He’s gonna get heckin’ salmonella one of these days and it’s going to have been worth it.
He gets really good at frosting “flower” cupcakes. He switches to succulents pretty easily after learning how to airbrush. They’re adorable.
Also really good at modeling lil fondant animals and things.
He’s developed separation anxiety surrounding both ladybug and Marinette—he rlly just wants to have both of them in one place at once and he’s rlly sad that it somehow never seems to happen; he’s rlly happy post-reveal.
He rlly loves babysitting; like honestly he loves kids, so so so much; if he weren’t thinking of taking over the bakery (and/or tied down as Chat Noir), he’d probably become a pediatric nurse or a daycare attendant or smth bc 💞💞💞
He’ll leave the press to Ladybug so he can talk w/ the akuma victims and make sure they’re okay.
He’ll escape out his window and climb to high places when stressed to pace.
Once lost a Chat Noir look alike contest.
Has referred to his civilian self as, and I quote, a “dipshit boytoy” whilst en costume.
He became a total night owl thanks to his miraculous but he’s just rlly good at pretending to not be tired.
He’s more cat than he’d like to admit:
He’ll react to catnip when transformed;
He’ll also chase laser pointers;
He subconsciously stares at birds;
Once a bird got stuck in the classroom and everyone was freaking out trying to catch it in a wire trash bin and stuff but it kept evading them so Adrien looked up and pulled out his music, watched it for a second, and then caught it by the feet mid-flight;
He brought it closer to himself and calmed it down as best he could, petting it as he walked over to the window to let it out;
Everyone was flabbergasted but no one said anything as he went back to working and by the time anyone could speak it was kinda late for questions;
He gets the zoomies at the most inconvenient times;
He’s made incredibly uneasy by dogs despite actually being more of a dog person.
Also more destruction powers seeping in alongside the cat attributes:
When he’s is in a funk, there’s crappy cell service, lights flicker, machines go haywire and burn out;
If he’s REALLY upset, drinking glasses and crystal can spontaneously combust;
His powers trickle over into when he’s a civilian;
He just keeps getting more and more frustrated with his computer as it begins to function less and less and keeps giving increasingly worse error codes;
He’s in a funk for the first half the day at school and for some reason the wifi is down;
His mood is lifted after a good lunch break and all of a sudden the computers are working super fast;
Though it frustrates him at first, Adrien learns to hone his powers and either repress or, if needed, direct them.
That’s all I have for now! Feel free to adopt/modify any of these as you please :)
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turtlesocksv2 · 5 months
Liveblogging Dead Friend Forever ep 3
It's Saturday and you know what that means! That's right, it's time for our weekly look at Gay Teens Stuck In A Cult Murder Woods While A Serial Killer Who Might Be A Ghost Is Out To Get Them!
In the recap I JUST noticed that Phi is the one like "Nah you're friend probably just moved! :) It's Fine :)" before he convinces them to remake the movie and I just....Sus King.
Phi doesn't want Top to go for help alone and like...he's right! Not only is Top a coward who will probably abandon them, it's also just a dumb idea! There is a serial killer out there! If Top is alone, he is going to Get Got. Phi is being smart, actually! And Tee just straight up asks Phi if he wants Por to die and my poor Sus King stays silent. I support your murder agenda!
Tan getting Top to spill some secrets! So Top and Non had issues, you say? 👀 And the road to town is conveniently blocked you say? 👀 i feel the killer getting closer lmao RIP Top you will not be missed.
Fluke is the only one who realizes that they shouldn't disturb a crime scene. Tee is the one who says "well then let's just burn it and get rid of the evidence!" and like....what on earth did y'all do three years ago. you absolutely killed someone for the Forest Cult didn't you.
Oh ewww i really didn't need the random dog licking the corpse with gross noises. but also, don't shoo away the dog! The dog can alert you to the killer lurking! The dog will be your friend! Nothing better happen to the dog or Be On Cloud and I are gonna have Words
White didn't even want to come! He wasn't supposed to be there! It's supposed to be his day off! I like how Phi tells White to stay behind while they go try to rescue Top and Tan - because White's not involved in this. It also keeps one of the non-involved trio with Fluke, One with Top and Phi has the other group. Each group has a non-involved person to keep an eye on their shady, potentially Non-Murdering asses.
Tan made it all the way back to the Valley Mansion by himself? 👀 Ok, Sus King, we still on board the good ship Phi And Tan Are The Killer.
LOL Tee really keeps calling Phi out, it's so funny.
Tan must have hit his head or something for them to but the "by the time i got up Top AND the motorbike were gone!"
Fluke you KNOW you cannot be shaking Por like that. You are absolutely trying to kill Por before his dying guilty conscience spills the beans on what you guys did to Non. And Ooooo White stealing the hard drive with the movie on it because Fluke made him suspicious. Way to go, pulling the innocent act. You might just survive. Ah, but it's broken.
The shrine and al lthe blood is very well done very creepy. Tan's asthma is absolutely gonna get him killed tho.
Oooooh White found a gun under Por's mattress. Interesting. and he's keeping it because he doesn't fucking trust Fluke which is so smart of him.
Lol love them quadruple-teaming the masked killed. like, yes! there's way more of you than of him! But then they run away like...no! just tackle him and unmask him! there are four of you!!!
dying at Phi and Jin trapped in the box/coffin together and Phi saying he'll protect Jin.
"it's nothing why would you want to watch it hat much" because you are SUSPICIOUS as FUCK, Fluke and White is not actually stupid maybe??????? Fluke has lost his damn mind.
So we have confirmation that Por took money from someone he shouldn't have - Non, probably? Weird.
Por's rich ass family has a mansion in walking distance to the Cult Murder Shrine. So Theory: Por's rich ass family are cult members who sacrifice people. the friend group got sucked into three years ago and tried to sacrifice Non, who thought he was their friend but was basically their bullying victim. Non escaped and is now Out For Revenge and I am eagerly awaiting Unhinged Barcode. Pretty sure Phi and Tan are also Team Revenge, but it could also just be that they and Phi especially are Nosey Bitches. I support them either way.
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m0ch1nut · 1 year
After Sukuna spills the beans, YN says that theyd been looking at a Heian artists painting of his curse form to associate Sukuna with that visual rather than Yujis looks, and even piles up blankets/pillows around themselves so its like his 4 arms are hugging them. Sukuna kinda just goes 🥺 (or as close to it as he can lol) at how accepting they are before kissing YN for the first time. Sorry this is so long and detailed, I just thought it was precious! No pressure tho <3 (no part 3, it all fit!)
Okay I don't know if I can put both parts of the ask in one post so I'll summarize,
Sukuna struggles to be physical with his s/o because he's uncomfortable doing so while still being in Yuji's body. While he's not insecure about his true form, he's still unsure if his s/o will still find him attractive since his true form is more monstrous and "creepy". Eventually, they discuss it (and the rest is continued in this ask).
Now I'm kind of stuck on how to write for this. I know you might be expecting the full story but I, just like Sukuna in this situation, am uncomfortable with the idea of Sukuna still being in the body of a teenager. This is why I write strictly for his true form or an AU. However, I still think this idea is really adorable so I want to add to this in a way I'm comfortable with.
Communication has never been Sukuna's strong suit. He believes any problem that can't be solved with power and strength isn't worth his time. This "actions speak louder than words" attitude has never failed him, (mainly because he's shit with words) but then again he's never been in a situation as difficult as this. At some point, you became very important to him. Ever since you accidentally stumbled upon his domain within a dream, Sukuna was intrigued by how you continuously managed to return. For some reason, your humanness piqued his interest; the fact that you were physically attractive was just the icing on the cake.
Being stuck in Yuji's body had its pros and cons, but mostly cons. The damn brat was able to maintain control over his body, forcing Sukuna to spend the majority of the time stuck within his domain, all whilst remaining the spitting image of Yuji. As Yuji goes about his daily life as a high school student, Sukuna is constantly reminded that although he is hundreds of years old, his physical form is still similar to that of a child.
At first, he's able to keep his frustrations hidden. Anytime you arrived in his domain, he told you stories of his prime, his views on the world, and anything else he was willing to share; all while you sat politely, listening in awe and wonder. For a while, this was enough to hide his inability to act on his attraction to you. However, your impatience began to show, with each visit you sat closer and closer until your chin rested on his knee; looking up at him with love and admiration.
As the King of Curses, Sukuna's not used to difficult situations where things can't go his way. He knows he should talk to you, but doing so requires being vulnerable and weak. So unfortunately for you, Sukuna dragged you into one of his long-time habits: taking his frustrations out on others. He became short-tempered, quick to snap and force you out of his domain the minute you got too close.
You weren't stupid, you knew something was wrong but couldn't put your finger on it. Sukuna wasn't the easiest to read either. You knew from his stories that he's had no issue being physically affectionate with humans in the past, and his words showed no indication that he was upset with you in particular. It takes night after night of pestering to get Sukuna to talk about his feelings, and its... adorable? Seeing him stumble over his words and avoid your gaze makes him seem almost human; that is until you see the paintings of his past form.
Fearsome, ravenous, and powerful; every painting depicted Sukuna in ways you should've feared, but all you saw was beauty. His familiar tattoos wrapped around his larger form, except now the black bands circled twice as many arms. A rough mask stretched over half his face, the name Ryomen now making more sense. One image, in particular, caught your eye, depicting Sukuna towering over the remnants of a village. The image was still, motionless, and yet the flames seemed to dance around him; bathing his muscular body in shades of red and orange. Compared to his true form, it made sense now why Sukuna would feel uncomfortable in Yuji's body.
Some time had passed since he last saw you, and embarrassingly, Sukuna was starting to worry he'd scared you away. He decided to pay you a visit. This was rare since you had never actually told Sukuna where you lived, he found you on his own. He concluded that regularly visiting you outside of his domain could make you a target for local sorcerers. Yet here he was, seated on the roof of your home, gazing into your bedroom window. The room was dark, it was late and you'd already fallen asleep. Sukuna didn't notice at first, but after his eyes adjusted he noticed the mountain of blankets and pillows wrapped around your resting form. Were those... arms? Was that supposed to be him? The realization hit Sukuna like a truck, for once he was actually caught off guard. Waves of different emotions coursed through his mind, relief? Sadness? He was glad you weren't frightened by his true form and actually embraced it. You looked comfortable and really fucking cute. Unfortunately, he's stuck in this body for now. A reality where he could hold you like that, if at all possible, was not promised. As he made his way off your roof and back towards the school Sukuna thought about how disgusted he should've been, the mere sight of you like this was so cheesy. To feel like this for a human was almost nauseating. He ultimately pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind, deciding he could work through those feelings later. For now, he was allowed to be happy.
The next time he saw you, things would be different.
Again, I'm sorry this took longer to write than I had originally promised, but I hope you like it! This idea was so sweet and I had a lot of fun writing it.
I'm glad to be back :)
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9800sblog · 8 months
it can be a change of mind tho maybe he doesn’t want to share anything at current time i don’t know. but i wanted to ask if you could ask him how he feels these days? if he replies, is there a change of mind or he just being himself and wants to stay private? nothing serious, or is changed? just a check on his current situation. him being totally private kinda worried me. because i feel like san is a very strong soul spiritually as well. -mel
san tarot reading
energy check-in
do I have his energy permission to do and share this reading? the star
san reinforced that I have to reassure fans that nothing is too bad, there's no need for desperation or heartbreak, he's a regular guy and he knows it's scary to see trouble and not know what to do, but he is really ok. (3 of swords, knight of wands reversed, ace of wands, king of cups)
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hi mel 👋👋 love seeing you around, I've been well! sorry for the delay, it just didn't feel right before.
like me and other readers have noticed, ateez are just tired and don't have much time to think about their troubles, which makes them last longer than need be. I feel like we often feel closed off to their energies, because they like/need to use all their alone time to really renew and do a bit of soul searching. I think currently there is nothing for fans to really worry about with members.
4 of cups, judgement, 3 of wands reversed
me and other readers have seen similar things in all/most ateez members for a few months now, their present time is just not what they expected, planned or hoped for as teenagers (when they started). I think this is a common thing, it doesn't seem like something to intensely worry about, it seems like usual young adult crisis, like most of us are having (same feelings and thoughts, just a different reality). I know he doesn't have a religion but he may be relying a lot on some sort of spiritual thing, may even be someone who is spiritual. san is very introspective, trying to figure out who he is, what he does and doesn't like, what fits into his life, but it's difficult because he's still so young, his life is planned out for him, he feels like he doesn't have much control of his own choices and personality. ateez are naturally introspective and soulful people but they don't have much restful or alone time to really pick their brains, it's like procrastinating healing and soul searching that we all go through at their ages. he has suffered big disappointment and is trying to grow from it, but he has no option but to stay grounded and stuck in a mediocre reality. like mingi has said, he's looking for small happiness in daily life, to not think "I'll be happy once I have this". ateez is in a limbo state currently, they're not small or beginner celebrities but they're also not big or experienced enough to control their own careers/lives. it's a weird stage but he's taking his time with it, san is very smart and he's got people that understand him by his side, helping him, "saving" him. he's learning how everything and everyone is interconnected, how small details and choices can have a lot of power, learning when to accept and offer help, etc etc.
body/physical reality
10 of pentacles reversed, queen of pentacles reversed, 2 of cups reversed
his work responsibilities are fucking him up. queen of pentacles always make me think of fandom, and in reversed makes me of fanatics, manipulators, stalkers, etc. he's really really busy, not seeing his family who he loves deeply (his little cat 😭). san has been procrastinating his need for big changes, he may be instantly overwhelmed with the idea and since he has no time to think deeply, he just ignores it. he needs a break from work and selfish "supporters", be physically closer to those he is emotionally close to (like even his members seem to have little time together). he's living a money obsessed lifestyle when he is just a family guy.. he may be in autopilot mode a lot when in front of camera and not know how to turn it off when he gets home. his body may feel constantly tired and have muscle pain, maybe stomach/digestive issues as the cards suggest.
the hermit, knight of swords, page of pentacles reversed
lightest part of the reading, san has a strong, powerful, incredibly smart and thoughtful spirit. san is currently feeling amazingly grateful for the success he has found early in his career, he's thankful to his members and staff for making this process easier and the goal achievable. he's grateful to himself specially for trying so hard, going after what he wants and not being afraid to dive deep into his soul when he needs. his soul is earning for change and action in his immediate life, earning for rebellion, a cause for riot. deep down, he knows other members would go with him to war (no soldier fights on their own), but his mind is a little slow and is still trying to figure out the best plan.
bottom of the deck
10 of cups
he's fine, he is so more than ok, there is nothing to worry about, at the end of the day, san is always deeply happy and grateful. not in a toxic positivity type of way, he's just got a good family, he's picked good friends, he lives in a good house, he's excited for his future and he sees a really bright one ahead of him. he's able to see the good in every situation and grow from things that sting him. oh he's so ok, I feel like, even if there's shocking news or something, he'd be like "hey! this just wasn't the ideal situation for me so I changed it, it's not a problem, I got this!". also, he looks like this emoji: 😼
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