#that’s literally like half of angsty fanfiction
broodpuff · 9 months
quinn literally gets in a wreck because she stomps on her beliefs to be there for her and you’re going to tell me that’s not gay?
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burningvelvet · 3 months
once again living vicariously through writers, artists, performers, adventurers, fictional characters, historical figures, and anyone else who has ever done or is doing anything even remotely interesting, etc., because i have no energy to participate in life myself and it's easier to maladaptively daydream my days away instead
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iron-niffler · 7 months
just one more chapter then ill go to bed :)
*one 70k word fanfic later*
many, many mistakes were made
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kitthepurplepotato · 5 months
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Chapter 11 - The falling of the Number One
WARNING! This chapter ends with a cliffhanger and it’s really angsty for 2 more chapters. If you are sensitive, please wait until Chapter 14 is out.
18 +, please check the warnings.
Also: The beginning is really suggestive so please keep an eye for the red warning and skip that bit until you see the green writing!
Warnings: Suggestive then… uhm… Near-death experience, description of major injuries, mentions of blood, cliffhanger. I know, funky combination.
First Chapter Master List
“I just read a fanfiction where you cheated on me with Pro Hero Shouto. What’s your opinion on that?” You look up from your phone with a grin. Izuku rolls his pretty eyes with a cheeky smile on his face and doesn’t respond for a second - probably have taken the question a bit more seriously than it was originally intended to be - as he sits on the sofa next to you in his pretty little glasses, which you can’t wait to ruin later. Well, that sounded like a threat but after the first few times you two ended up in a heated make out session while he was wearing it you decided to keep some spectacle wipes on the coffee table. It runs out as quickly as the milk in the fridge.
“Hm. While I’m quite certain I am a straight man, Kaminari said this to me once: You can’t call yourself straight unless you’ve tried both. Well, I haven’t tried both hence why there is a possibility that maybe, the fact that he’s a man wouldn’t be as much of a problem as it seems to be in my head. Although…” Izuku strokes the non-existent beard on his chin as he keeps pondering. Izuku can’t grow a beard by the way. He tried it once and ended up looking like a 14 year old. He literally had 10 little hairs on the two sides of his chin and a really thin “mustache” and that was it. Katsuki laughed his ass off that day. “Shouto is one of my best friends but if it comes to his personality, I’m not sure if I would be able to… think about him like that. I mean, can you even imagine him in bed with that face? Or kissing him and when you move away it’s just… his deadpanned face? Right in front of you? I would cry, Y/N. You know how much reassurance I need. I can’t see him clocking that there is a problem with me. He’s just… a little bit… emotionally constipated?”
“Wow. That was a really detailed response, thank you.” You gawk at your boyfriend who looks extremely happy from pleasing you. “So if you would need to choose one guy, who would you choose?”
“I would probably give Kacchan a chance.” Izuku blurts out without even thinking. Damn. “Not the old Kacchan, but this one. But I would miss being romantic and cheesy. I don’t think he does that too much. Then I have a friend, Rody, from Otheon. We got along really well while I was on a mission there. While he’s not the most honest person in the world he has a bird called Pino who’s basically connected to his soul and his real emotions are mirrored in the bird so for instance, let’s say he says something super happy but if he’s trying to hide that he’s sad, Pino will cry for him. It’s fascinating, really. But I don’t feel like I would be as happy as I am now with anyone else, to be honest. Man or a woman, it really doesn’t matter because even if you would leave me I would only look for you in everyone but there is no one in this whole wide world who would be able to be even as half as good as you are, so…” Izuku shies away from your gaze, his cheeks dusted pink. Your heart makes a somersault in your chest from his words; sometimes, it’s still unbelievable that this moment, here and now, is actually real and not just a daydream.
There is one thing weighting you down when it comes to this current situation though; the weird feeling in your stomach like everything is too good, too perfect and everything that’s this good must have an end date.
You read a lot of drama fanfictions before you actually ended up to be a main character in one and there was one recurring event in all of them; pro hero Deku dying. For you, for your country, from exhaustion, from an old, untreated injury… the list is endless but since you two got together you couldn’t even look at those stories without feeling sick. Izuku is a hero, one of the best ones at that, but being the best also means he’s the one fighting the most complicated battles, ones no one else can or no one has the guts to, depending on the situation. But it’s really hard to think about these dark, deep thoughts when Izuku slowly looks up, waiting for your response at his impromptu love confession, eyes bright and full of childish glee.
“What about you, Sweets?” Izuku asks cheekily, slowly crawling closer to you; he puts his cheek on your chest, snuggling into the soft bits, warm and content.
“Honestly? Call me a real fanatic but I never really wanted to date anyone else but you.” You admit sheepishly. “I did find Pro Hero Shouto handsome, I did like Katsuki’s bad boy vibes but… it was always you. Your kindness, your pretty little cheeks, the freckles, the curls, the way you go all shy when people ask you about love in interviews. You are so… pure, almost angelic. Even through the screen, you felt like someone I could trust with my life, not just as a hero, but as a person, a human being. You just feel… safe. Like the kinda person you want to marry and stay with forever. And now that I got to know you… I want nothing else but all of that, tenfold.”
“You want to marry me, Sweet Pea?” Izuku smiles with a tiny blush on his face as he sneakily pulls the strap of your camisole out of the way with his finger so he can pepper kisses all over your collarbones. Your whole face erupts in flames.
“Well… uhm… one day, yes, of course…” You mumble, a barely audible sigh leaving your lips as Izuku wets his own to make the seductive slide on your skin even more enjoyable.
“What else do you wanna do with me, Sweets?” Izuku sneaks further up, his kisses wet and so full of emotions your whole body trembles under him as the soft plush of his lips reaches your sensitive neck.
Warning! Cheeky
“Wh… Izu?” You try to look into Izuku’s eyes but your whole body freezes from his lustful gaze; his eyes are dark and there is something new sparkling in the depth of them, his eyelids fallen to half-mast as he gazes at your lips, soft but hungry and he takes a deep breath, tries to school his features but it’s way too late; his gaze is etched into your mind now, living there rent free for the rest of your life.
“Was that too much?” Izuku tries to pull away but you grab the back of his head, fingers clutching into the soft curls, keeping him in place and Izuku keens, a hiss leaving his mouth which ends up sounding like a moan by the end of it.
“I want… I want to go hiking with you again.” You mumble and you can barely hide your smile as Izuku looks up at you, utterly confused by the dramatic difference between your touches and your words. “I want to bathe with you in the river when no one is watching. Maybe find a secluded area, somewhere further away so we can… fool around until we have nothing to give to the other.”
Izuku’s breath hitches.
“Uhm…” Izuku tries to respond but you grab into his hair again; Izuku’s hips make a dive towards you, the touch featherlight and probably unintended but you can’t help but bite into your lips to muffle the moan that’s trying to erupt from your chest at the motion. Izuku doesn’t miss the tiny whimper though; you could cut the tension between you two right now, the air so hot and heavy you kinda want to breathe through Izuku’s mouth to soothe your stinging throat.
“I want to show you how much you mean to me in every way possible…” Your other hand snakes under Izuku’s shirt, caressing the skin on his back until the soft touch isn’t enough; you scrape the soft skin on his back with your nails and Izuku’s eyes fill with tears, but not from the pain. “I want to kiss every single freckle, every single scar, every bump and every crevice because you deserve it, Izuku. You are the sweetest, most caring person in the world and you make me happy so… whatever you want, you can have it. From a cheeky ice cream at 2AM to me pleasing you until the end of dawn, you can have all of it. You deserve all of it.”
You swear you can hear the snap of Izuku’s self-restraint, the sound loud and echoey as Izuku looses his composure and attacks you hungrily, his tongue barging into your mouth with a strong lick.
“I love you.” Izuku mumbles, his breath hot against your lips as he takes and takes and takes, until your whole world turns upside down again, the wet sound of your lips against each other the only sound in the silent room.
“Show me… how much…” You whimper, back arching from the sofa subconsciously.
“Fuck.” Izuku whimpers back, his arms snaking around your middle, pulling you flush against his growing erection and you can’t help the tiny yelp leaving your mouth as the hero takes you in his arms, bridal style, and RUNS into the bedroom with One for All crackling around his body to get there quicker, the motion making you dizzy for a few seconds.
Izuku puts you down with so much care, moving slowly as he settles on the top of you, hips flush with yours as he mutters to himself quietly, probably trying to calm himself down enough to be able to be to remember your first time for the rest of his life.
“Are you okay?” He mumbles hazily. There is a moment when everything freezes; Izuku looks deep into your eyes as though he’s trying to see what’s behind it, to see your soul, your heart, to see and experience everything that is You through one simple gaze and you can’t help but want more than that look; you find the bottom of his shirt and yank at it in a silent plea and Izuku responds by tossing the fabric to the other side of the room. His arms snake behind your back, pulling you up from the bed a little bit, manhandling you like you are weightless; he slowly rolls your top up, his movements slow and careful in case you want him to stop but needless to say there is nothing in the whole wide world that could make you stop right now; you’ve been waiting for this moment for so long, it was almost excruciating in the last few days and now, Izuku is finally yours, just yours.
“You are so pretty, Sweets.” Izuku puts you back on the bed and slides his finger over your skin from your neck to your lower belly, then he stops there, playing with the hem of your shorts, as he moves his upper body up and his hips down to grind between your legs while he stares at your naked chest with lustful eyes.
“Closer.” Is all you mumble between two muffled whimpers as you pull yourself up with your hands on Izuku’s back and kiss the biggest scar on his chest. Izuku’s eyes tear up again, choking on a sob as he slowly slides your shorts down, you doing the same with his joggers, fingers slightly shaking when the soft fabric passes the tent in his underwear, his arousal loud and clear. “Izu…”
Izuku’s high tech bracelet suddenly screeches, the annoying, high pitched sound ruining the mood completely.
“No fucking way.” Izuku mutters, so fucking frustrated he’s about to yank the fucking thing out of the window. He straddles your hips as he fumbles with his phone. “Not now, not fucking now!”
He’s a few seconds away from crying. It actually breaks your heart.
“Izuku, love, it’s okay. Everything is okay. We can finish this another time. Or we can… just fool around? If you uhm… want me to help?”
“It’s… this massive case we’ve been working at.” Izuku sighs, given up. “They’ve been lurking in the shadows for several weeks now and this is their first time coming to the surface hence why I was notified. I could technically ignore, but…”
You can’t help, but smile. This is Japan’s number one hero to ya’.
“… you don’t want to. And that’s why I respect the shit out of you, pro hero Deku.” You mutter while your hands caress the sides of his hips soothingly.
“I’m sorry.” Izuku lies on top of you for a second, stealing a few more kisses before he stands up and starts getting ready. “This will probably take a while, so… don’t wait for me.”
“You know I will, anyway.” You smile, but knowing how sensitive Izuku is, you decide to continue. “I have some commissions to do, don’t worry. I’ll keep myself entertained.”
“I love you. Thank you.” Izuku gives you one last kiss before he jumps out of the window and the flat is silent again, cold an empty without his warmth.
You sigh into the cushion then take a few deep breaths to calm yourself down. Maybe, a cold shower would be a good idea, so that’s what you start with.
Izuku wasn’t lying; he’s been out for several hours now. You turned the TV on in case they decide to show the fight, a bad habit Izuku always begs you to stop with but you just… can’t. It might be painful sometimes, seeing your loved one getting hurt while you sit on your sofa, safe and sound, drawing stupid fanarts for a living, completely helpless in case shit hits the fan but at least you can see him this way, know where is is, what he’s up to, know he’s alive and breathing.
It’s enough to soothe your troubled soul, the fact that there is nothing in the TV, that the situation isn’t dire enough for them to interrupt the broadcast for it, so you start on your commission, the TV nothing but a quiet background noise.
It all happens really quickly, in only a second which somehow still seems to stretch on for an eternity; the broadcast is cut off with a buzz, the tv making a low pitched, humming noise, grey, black and white dots fuzzily zigzagging on the screen right before it connects to another broadcast.
You don’t need to be a psychic to know what you are about to see on the screen; you had a feeling for a while, a terrible, dark feeling, a constant, unwelcome weight on your shoulders you tried to ignore and almost succeeded at it while Izuku held you in his arms, but once he left, deep inside, you felt something lurking in the shadows; you somehow felt like the next time he comes in through the door or the window he won’t be the same but you pushed the thought down so well it never even came to the surface during your emotional goodbye, it just kept lurking, somewhere between your heart and your soul, close to the edge but too far away for it to reach your actual brain and form words inside your head.
Maybe if you would have embraced your thoughts and followed your instincts… Izuku would have never left.
You can’t help but laugh at your own, silly thoughts; Izuku staying home because of her paranoid girlfriend instead of saving hundreds of people from a tragic death? Good joke.
But maybe… he would have been more careful. Less… self-sacrificial. Maybe, if you would have said something you wouldn’t need to watch Izuku running into an obvious trap just to save a child from the massive gang of villains. Maybe, you wouldn’t be forced to watch him fall LIVE, on TV, broadcasted through the whole country.
“The urge to save everyone and everything is what makes us heroes but that urge is also what makes us weak; one day, we might jump into our deaths to save that one person who was left behind. To be honest with you, I don’t mind dying that way.” - Deku had said in an interview a few months back. Now the words haunt you, letters jumping in front of your eyes as the battle on the screen escalates; Izuku jumps right in front of a massive explosion which was initially heading towards the small, terrified girl. Katsuki and Kirishima yells, their hero persona long forgotten as they both run as quick as they can after the the number one hero but none of them are quick enough to catch up with him before the explosion hits Deku right in the chest, his blood splattering on both of his friends as they stand frozen in one place, their faces white as a sheet.
Katsuki falls on his knees as the remaining of the building crumbles right on top of Izuku after he throws the girl towards Luna and the rest of his team, making sure the girl is safe and sound even if it costs him his own fucking life because that’s who is; an undeniable hero, the symbol of hope and peace.
His best friend is rendered broken and useless even without being physically hurt, just yelling and crying on the floor while Kirishima pats his lover’s back a few times and says something you can’t decipher from so far away; after a few seconds he makes a beeline towards the battle field, throwing massive pieces of cement into the air as he searches for his friend; the villains are nowhere in sight now, they evaporated into thin air, literally, with a massive smirk on their faces. Their plan worked. They won.
After years of constant winning, for the first time in the last 10 years, the villains have won.
Katsuki still haven’t moved from the floor. He stares at the small splotches of blood with disgust, then a loud sob emerges from inside of him. Eijirou is still searching, yelling Izuku’s first name as tears streak down his hardened face, arms working as quickly as humanly possible until he finally finds something; he sobs and yells and pats Izuku’s face a few times but he’s unconscious, arms dangling in an unnatural way, chest so bloodied its impossible to see the real damage behind it but by the constant stream of blood on the floor as Kirishima makes his way towards the first aiders is anything to go by, the situation is… dire.
Right now, in this moment, just a few hours after you two almost had your first night together, Izuku is dying in his friend’s arms and you can’t do anything but cry, useless and broken while the whole world prays for Deku with tear stained cheeks and broken hearts, rendered speechless as the Number One Hero disappears inside the first aid tent.
The whole world goes silent after that.
… Next Chapter!
IMPORTANT: GUYS! You know me. I won’t kill him. Don’t worry too much. The next 2 chapters will be angst, I’m not going to lie, and I hated every second of it but it’s already written and I can 100% tell you that :
1. Izuku will wake up in the next chapter.
2. He’ll get better eventually.
3. There is at least one scene that’s less depressing in every chapter. Or at least I tried to write it that way but @porusuniverse would probably say otherwise 😂
Thank you for your patience and if you need reassurance or feel too overwhelmed due to the topic just send me a message and I’ll tell you more about what’s gonna happen. 💜
Potato ramble:
- I hope you guys are okay! Sorry for the cliffhanger, but trust me, you need a bit of a break before this shit escalates 😂
- I got so mad at this fucking angst that I wrote 15k words while working full time and finishing late every day just to get it out of the way. 😂 please don’t hate me, I’m also hurt by my own cruelty.
- Also, if you are a Shouto fan, don’t hate me! I don’t think he’s uhm… unattractive nor uncaring. I have a Shouto x Reader one shot up on my page, I love him with my whole heart btw and he was my first MHA crush so if you wanna read it, go into my masterlist and check it out!
- I stand by what Kaminari said though. 😂 don’t judge until you’ve tried both HAHA
- I will be honest, I’m glad they were interrupted because the cheeky bit of this chapter was a little bit uhm… too hot. I think Izuku wants his first time to be a bit more mild than whatever was going on before the phone call.
- HAVE A LOVELY WEEKEND, GUYS!!! I hope I haven’t ruined it too much! See you next week!
TL: @garfieldthomas @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @aei-sedai-moiraine @aymasakusa @katsuari @kenzie-deadly @shiviwrites07 @lukerycyja-reblogs @cloroxisadelectabletreat @coffeent @kisskissshutmydoor @bobcar1 @yazminetrahan @cringefan @ronimacaroni77 @thekookiecorner @dangerousluv1 @emperatris-rinaka @shotos-angelic-whore @angelsdemonsmonsters @norvacaine @rei165 @unofficialmuilover @yao-ai @happydragonfrog @eeerreehhh @vinivave
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quotidian-oblivion · 1 year
Wouldst THou be okay with questions???
What’s your favourite thing to do at 2am (follow up question, fic recs??????)
'Course! I has puts blanket permission it on le pinned post.
Read/write fics. Unquestionably. And eat junk food (like ferrero rochers *cough cough*). If i was alone in the house at 2 am, i would probably be singing out as loud as i could.
But *sigh* I end up doing schoolwork half the time. The other half I'm laying in my bed, and sleep-deprived me takes over and magically produces a fic and its outline leaving daytime-me to write it out and expand on it.
Fic recs... hmmm... Lemme go visit my bookmarks and link the links here.
Okay, so Repletion by sardnoic-sprite is rlly good. Actually lol, im providing analyzations + some minor info and ideas on the 2.0 version of the fic to sprite rn. In this one, Uncle Edward does exist and is a certified asshole and abuser. He tries to control Tim and keep him away from the Bats and threatens to hurt Tim real bad if the Bats try to contact him.
Zugzwang by sardonic sprite is rlly good too! Very hurty. Much angst. Ra's captures the batfam and challenges Tim to a game of chess. Each move is dangerous. A small mistake puts any of the Bats at risk. And Tim has to predict which batfam member will get hurt depending on which chess piece he moves.
And the whole series of Celebrity Batwaynes by sardonic-sprite is rlly good too! It had me cracking up so much. But ofc there's angst there too, but mostly crack and i adore this series with my life. It's about the Gotham vigilantes, some rogues, and the Waynes doing internet challenges like Buzzfeed quizzes and other stuff too.
My Mummy Has Tattoos by I_is_a_fangirl_yee is v v angsty. And yes, im being prejudiced rn but what im not being prejudiced abt is the fact that i screamed out loud in class while beta-ing this fic.
Now, The Dream Of Flight by A_Canceled_Stamp is an excellent fic I will never stop yakking about. The plot is literally just Tim falling off a building. But the writing? The emotions captured within the writing, the pure act of storytelling through actions described by text is something out-of-the-world.
I adore Instead Of All The Colors I Saw by SilverSkiesAtMidnight. It deals with Tim dealing with the aftermath of Titans Tower and his relationship with Jason and oof- the angsty dialogue is PEAK.
All of Vamillepudding's works. Well, at least the Batman ones, those are the only ones i've read. But they are all. Just. So. Good. The writing and oh- the ideas especially. Definitely some of the greatest Tim joins the batfam early fics to ever have existed.
Living Dead Boy by Terranphuem. *SCREAMS*. This fic. Let me tell you, this fic. It reached into my heart, grabbed it and teared it out then bandaged it and put it back in again. It's about Tim encountering Jason from when he just rose from the grave. And Jason's catatonic and everything and Tim helps him all by himself (with special help a little later) to make him "good enough" to return back to Bruce. SUCH A GOOD READ ISTG.
untitled titan's tower fic #89268439 by Ashynarr. It's, as the title says, a TT fic, but in this one, Jason finds Tim's old fanfiction account and tortures him by rereading some stuff from there to Tim XD Doesnt get the attention it deserves imo.
come back home please by PurpleHeartsOne. Gosh, the writing in this one... it is Up There with the Greats. I love how the emotions is captured so well here and also how smoothly the progression of chapters goes! The character development and- oh! The character reveal! Ahhhhh! Please do mind, it is still incomplete 8/10 chapters rn.
sipping the piping hot tea by BlueTee. In this one, Tim sips tea and destroys Jason instead of Titans Tower happening. Gosh, i loved the nonverbal reactions so much 😂
Conference Room 2B by motelyfam. It's part of a series, but it's so good, it deserves its own special appearance. Big bro Jason Todd! And theater kid Jason Todd! They're both in here!!
of crime lords and literature by adelfie. Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! The writing! The fucking- *slams table* THE WRITING!! It's a TT AU where Tim asks help from Jason for English h.w. There's more obviously, but that's where the plot starts. It is. so good.
don't drop the baby (i'm the baby) by Ms_Trickster. I will never ever ever shut up about this. I read this twice and both times I teared up. Both times. This fic means a lot to me on a personal level. Basically, Tim accidentally time-travels and meets a baby version of himself.
Late Night encounters by paperxcrowns. Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh! I adore this fic! Not only is the writing especially good, but the story line, the slow and smooth and excellent progression of events and character! Ahhhh! It's about Tim meeting Jason accidentally at a cafe and him somehow accidentally helping Tim with his homework and becoming friends.
just be there by TaraLaurel is so so good. I wrote a fic inspired by it (it's Shiver btw, the title of the inspired fic). Heck, I love all the batfam fics written by them (I haven't read the other fandom fics). This one is touch-starved tim drake and who doesn't love touch-starved tim drake! But more particularly, the writing. The fucking- writing. I'm like, the person who reads fanfics, but the ones with good fucking writing become my favorite cuz then i can kinda read it again and learn from it yk? It's like, looking up to people. And I look up to this author. How they describe emotions through nonverbal actions and verbal actions and subtle actions but also the inner monologue as well. Love it all.
Lastly, I've been saving this for the end. Rebel Without A Clause by DangerBeckett. This fic covers topics like classism and has Deep Stuff in it which is so so fun to read! I started commenting from the third chapter. Then by the fifth chapter, my two-sentence comments turned to two-page comments. As did with so many other commenters. I love the author and their writing. It is truly top tier. I love the character development going on too and the retrospection of topics and events through fiction and fandom. Truly excellent. Honestly. I can go on and on. And I have! It's about Tim meeting the batfam through galas and slowly getting adopted by them. It's in-progress still.
Those were too many fics probably lol. But I kept going through my bookmarks like "Oh! I forgot about that one! It was so fun". Happy reading! Thanks for the ask! ^^
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heavilykaffeinated · 1 year
Okay I’ve had a good day to contemplate this shit- let’s do this. I’m going to start with the fact that I found tsats aggressively disappointing- if you have an issue with that, leave now.
Addressing the highly debated concept of Will and Nico being incredibly OOC- I 100% agree. That doesn’t mean that teenagers don’t change, but they took away so much of both Will and Nicos personalities. Will genuinely lost so much- he used to be a very fun and honest enjoyable character even under stress, but we didn’t get any of that. While I like the concept of Will being rather uninformed and having a really hard time in the underworld, it was overdone and Shoved Down Our Throats from the beginning. That whole scene when Will was talking to Persephone??? (That’s an ENTIRE other post lmk if you want that) He just kept being like ‘ew this place that’s clearly special to you? Yucky.’ He insisted on going on a quest with Nico (which other people were clearly more well suited for,) then proceeded to insult Nico’s second home quite often. It’s like Riordan and Oshiro squished his character and made him two dimensional.
As for Nico, he’s missing a lot. I understand coming to terms with some trauma and your personality changing, (which is literally what the entire book is about) but it’s so extreme. They took the Nico out of Nico. This boy would never come out to an entire camp in some huge display to ask a boy out. Come on.
Uhm PERCY AND ANNABETH??? Bruh what was that scene??? Though the whole page 69 thing was amusing- they were just like Oopsie Poopsie We Fucked Up but you get to deal with it have fun 🤩. (Again, that whole scene was really OOC and an entire other post)
Uh oh the big one- the really weird queer rep. Before y’all come at me, I’m gay as hell, this shit isn’t new. Anyway, it felt really forced. The queer rep in ToA was amazing because it was casual and normal- this was not that. Why were demons coming out to them. Tf. The acceptance subplot is amazing in theory, but again, it was Shoved Down Our Throats. It’s like they slapped a rainbow sticker on the book and suddenly it’s supposed to be amazing. It felt shallow and artificial.
What on earth was Will doing down there??? Think about it- we have Hazel, Reyna, and a few other characters who were either not mentioned or barely mentioned who would have been better suited to the underworld.
Will and Nicos relationship felt really toxic and superficial- I get that it’s their first relationship and it’s not going to be perfect, but they were arguing the whole time, they had no chemistry, and they seemed like they hated each other.
On a similar note, this book lost the whole Acceptance thing from the other people Nico loves. HAZEL??? REYNA??? APOLLO??? They were all left out, and any mention of them felt like a rushed afterthought.
Another big one- the trauma motif. (Again speaking as a biatch with ptsd) Nico was scarily self aware- this whole book is supposed to be about Nico growing and being a kid, yet it was always Trauma Trauma Trauma Childhood Trauma, and he was aggressively self aware- there was no growth there. Things like that take time- and that wasn’t represented. It was like somebody snapped their fingers and Nico became a really angsty self aware therapist.
The conflict of the book felt half baked. Literally why did Nyx care. I don’t know. Does she? There wasn’t much action. (except for the dream sequences, those were good.) Tartarus didn’t feel dangerous or scary. I liked the idea of the Cocoa Puffs, but that also felt half baked. Instead of being like ‘these are literally you’ Nyx was like ‘these are your children lmao 🫃👶👶👶’ that storyline had so much potential but it didn’t really work out.
The whole damn thing read like fanfiction. It felt like Twitter fan service
Also Will was ignored??? This book was supposed to be about Nico and Will, but it ended up being just Nico. I wanted to see anxiety Will :(
Rick Riordan has done really well creating engaging middle reader books in the past, but this felt very Fourth Grade Learn About Gay People And Trauma.
Overall, there were good parts to the book, but I didn’t like it. The entire thing felt half baked and two dimensional. I’m going to reread some of Riordans work, and read some of Oshiros books to try to find the disconnect.
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The world needs more Foggy Nelson fanfiction. How about the prompt 'you’re looking at me but you’re not seeing me.  do you know how that feels?  just see me.  please.' with Foggyxreader. Maybe something around the time he's getting back together with Marci?
Please and thank you! 🥰
Word count: 735
Warnings: angst?
Anon, I am so sorry this took so long. I think this is literally almost a year later....my bad. I don't know why my Foggy fics are always angsty, but here we are.
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You had hoped that he would have picked up on the hints you'd been dropping for the last twenty minutes. But Foggy Nelson was anything but observant - at least when it came to you.
He was getting back together with Marci, again. And you would be there to pick up the pieces again. Because you were absolutely and hopelessly in love with him. In fact, you had been for years, but he had never bothered to pay attention, and you, well, had all but given up.
If you heard Marci's name one more time, you swore you were going to walk right out the door.
"Hey, are you still listening to me? Or did I turn into one of the grown ups in Charlie Brown?"
He was grinning widely at you, half leaning on the counter of Josie's bar.
You did your best to smile back, "Sorry, just a little lost in thought there."
Foggy's smile faltered just enough to make you shift in your seat. He was looking at you know, in a way that made you feel like you were caught doing something wrong.
"You sure?" He placed his hand on top of yours. "You know you can tell me anything right? I mean you know I come to you for everything, I want you to know you I'm always here for you too."
"I know, Foggy," you said gently, your eyes fixed on his hand on top of your own.
"Look, what do you say we get outta here? Get something to eat at a place where we know we won't catch something. No offense Josie."
Josie merely grunted in response, eliciting a laugh from you.
"There you are," Foggy grinned proudly. "We can-"
His voice was cut off by his cellphone. "Hey, Marci."
You were sure your smile could not have left your face sooner. Without another word you grabbed your things and headed for the door.
"Hey! Wait!"
You picked up the pace, making your way down the street.
"Hey, Y/N!"
Foggy rounded you off, standing in front of you. He grabbed gently onto your shoulders.
"Do you want to tell me what the hell that was about?" He was nearly panting now, out of breath and clearly distressed. "Did I do something back there? Or-?"
"I don't want to do this right now, Foggy." You tried to side step him, but he wouldn't let you.
"No, come on. I swear sometimes I feel like you're more stubborn than Matt."
You rolled your eyes at that, turning your face away from him.
"Just- what is it? What can I do?"
You took a deep breathe. "Stop," you said sharply.
"Stop what?"
"Talking to me about Marci. I can't do it anymore Foggy."
"Marci?" He balked. "I don't - what can't you do anymore?"
"God, Foggy. Do you see me? Really see me? Because most of the time I feel like you're looking at me, but you're not really seeing me. I wish- God, I wish you would just see me."
Foggy dropped his hold on you. "Of course I see you."
You could feel the tears coming, the lump in your throat growing bigger.
You nearly gasped, "But that's not true, is it? Because if it was you would see just how long I've been in love with you. You would see how much it's killed me to see you with her, and have to hear about her. I love you, Foggy. I always have."
Foggy's mouth was trembling slightly as he searched for his words. He hadn't thought - he never dreamed. He was at a loss. It left him feeling like an idiot. He hadn't paid attention. Matt had even asked him about a a few times, but he had laughed it off. Because it had seemed crazy at the time. Now? Foggy never felt like such an oblivious fool.
Foggy watched as you held his gaze, your expression becoming more somber the longer he took.
You let out a breathy laugh that broke Foggy's heart. You shook your head slightly.
"Bye, Foggy," you said curtly. You walked right past him, not looking back once.
"I love you too," he whispered as he watched you walk away. "I just never thought you'd love me too."
Foggy ran his hands furiously along his face.
"Oh, I fucked this up."
Foggy would fix this. Whatever it took he would fix it.
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catsandgoodbooks · 3 months
20 Questions for Writers
Tagged by @bleue-flora (I am sorry it took so long it's been like a month I was procrastinating)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
22, because my brain hates to stay focused on one idea at a time and I just have to make everything worse. I've got a lot more half-formed ideas and three-paragraph beginnings of fanfiction too <3
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
124,920 - that's...a lot. And it's only been about a year, so yay!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Dream SMP. I'm lurking in a couple other fandoms (mostly the Locked Tomb and Dragon Age), but I haven't written anything for those yet.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. Off the Planned Course
Not that surprising because it's one of the fics I've been writing the longest, is the longest of my actual stories (so not counting Whumptober stuff), and it also has the most people reading it (I blame including the Syndicate for that). It's probably my favorite too, so the validation is really nice (even if I keep getting writer-blocked by it).
2. Unfortunate Circumstances
Also one of the long ones, so it makes sense that it's on this list. Also, literally the second Dream SMP fic idea I ever had, so it's great that it's still going.
3. Easier Said Than Done
This one I kind of feel bad about - I decided to change a few details a while ago and I'm still not done with editing the old stuff so I can start on new chapters, so I really haven't been writing much for it recently (i.e in the past six months). Maybe this will get me to work on it again but I wouldn't hold out hope. It's not abandoned, but it's still basically on hiatus.
4. Shared Scars
I really like this one, but I didn't really expect anyone would read it because it was just a random AU with no basis in canon about two side characters, y'know? It's just really fun to write.
5. Dive Deep Into The Dark
This one is the one that surprised me, because it's just a collection of Whumptober oneshots that I wrote in like an hour each. But, hey, apparently people liked that, so yay?
5. Do you reply to comments? Why or why not?
Whenever I can, because they're taking the time out of their day to read my stuff and going the extra step of leaving a comment, and because I just like talking about my stories and stuff <3
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Okay, this and the next question are kind of difficult because I am allergic to finishing anything, ever, and that means I have to stick to oneshots, but I'd say either everything I've ever written for a Whumptober prompt (because those are all terrible, basically) or Old Habits Die Hard (Old Reliances Die Harder) because it's an angsty canon-compliant (ish) oneshot where nothing is resolved and everything is just terrible. In my longer fics, I don't really plan for tragic endings, because the ending should be happy even if the journey there wasn't, or else the whole things sad and there's not really any point.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Again, only oneshots count for this, so I'd probably say burn the scorecards, balance out the scales, because the ending is hopeful and probably the best possible outcome via rivals duo.
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
Not really, which is great. The most I ever get is a confused comment or someone making assumptions, and that's all fine.
9. Do you write smut?
No, and I don't plan to.
10. Do you write crossovers?
No, but I have some ideas I might write that involve crossovers and I might write them eventually.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, I have not <3
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
No, but I would like to in the future.
14. What‘s your all-time favorite ship?
Drunz, for sure. It's the ship that really got me into the fandom and I've always liked that sort of toxic codependence even though they're terrible for each other.
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
All of them? Well, besides that, I'd probably have to say Off the Planned Course, because, although I really love it, I have no idea how to end that thing or when.
16. What’s your writing strengths?
Absolutely no idea, maybe internal monologues? It's hard to evaluate your own writing.
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue. 100% dialogue. I get in my head about if it sounds natural or if anyone would ever say that or if I'm writing a character right and then it turns about clunky because I'm too busy worrying about it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don't have a problem with it, but you should provide translations in that situation so the readers have context and know what's going on.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Dream SMP
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Probably Off the Planned Course, there are some chapters were I was just having the time of my life writing that thing even if they were immediately followed by two months of struggle.
Not tagging anyone because it's been ages and I'm bad at doing anything quickly so yeah. Also, it's my birthday today and time is really fucking weird <3
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icepopstar5105us · 1 year
So, I just watched Owl House and after like two hours of scrolling through fanfiction/fanart I have an Angsty Theory™️.
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Okay, so, things you need to keep in mind for this theory.
1) Belos is absorbing Palismen
2) Hunter is a Grimwalker.
3) We see in a book that Grimwalkers are made from Palistrom wood
4) Belos killed or possessed all the other Grimwalkers
5) Palismen are made from Palistrom wood
I think you might be able to see where this is going: What if Belos absorbed at least some of the Grimwalkers?
Now, I know we see bodies in his lab in S3E2 (I think that was it?), but 1) those could just be from the ones he possessed or who he didn’t absorb for one reason or another. Maybe they’re failed experiments.
Or the one I actually think is more likely: the bones wouldn’t get absorbed.
Palismen are entirely made of wood, but Grimwalkers are not. Maybe the Palistrom is the only part Belos can absorb. So he absorbs the Palistrom and then just leaves a pile of bones. From what I can tell, the Palistrom basically acts as Keratin (which includes skin and some tissue) so in theory, palistrom is like the container. It’s the lining and it holds everything together. If you just suddenly sucked all that away, I bet the Grimwalker would just fall apart and leave a skeleton and maybe a small pile of other ingredients.
It looks like Belos has to break the palismen before he can absorb it. I don’t know if tearing a person in half is really something Belos could do. Small little Palismen are np, but this guy is literally falling apart. I doubt he could actually do that as easily, but then again… he does seem very capable in a duel, so maybe I’m just overthinking that… (But still, imagining Belos trying to rip someone apart and then his arm just coming off instead… it’s kind of funny in a twisted sort of way. Either way, I figure that as long as he has his hands on the palistrom during the death of the being that he can still absorb it. Maybe if they’re still alive, they have to give consent. Or maybe he has to be the one to kill them and hold them after. Idk. Point is, he probably doesn’t have to break them in half, but he doesn’t seem able to absorb flapjack right away. Or maybe he tears their head off or something… Yeah, okay, that’s really disturbing to think about.
Maybe Grimwalkers have to be broken a different way — a more emotional one? So maybe Belos manipulates them so much so he can destroy them eventually? (That’s a stretch — mainly so I don’t have to picture Hunter torn in half and Belos just sucking up his corpse — but, oh my god, the storytelling potential…)
Maybe he didn’t start out intending to use the Grimwalkers this way or maybe he doesn’t do it often and it’s a desperate moment things… but I think he probably did it at some point. I mean, he’s kind of crossed every other moral line at this point. If he’s half decomposed and one of the Grimwalkers fails or a newer golden guard (so he didn’t need a body at the time) made him angry… yeah, I would not put it past him. He would totally do something like that if he had the chance and with the amount of golden guards he must have had… he probably had at least a couple moments where it came up.
Or maybe that’s even how he found out about Grimwalkers? He got in a fight with one and then absorbed it.
It’s all horrifying to think about, though.
Belos is out here making children/clones from his brother’s corpse (a brother he supposedly loved and then murdered) and then killing them and basically devouring their remains to further his survival — while also possessing one of the clones so he’s basically eating both his brother (as both Caleb’s brother & a clone of Caleb eating a clone of Caleb), son/father (Clones could be seen as both Caleb and his son at the same time, but even if you don’t agree with that... Belos makes these things and raises them. He’s a father figure. That counts.) & his nephew (as Belos himself eating a clone/child of Caleb).
Also, can you imagine the Hunter angst potential? He’s already traumatized from seeing Belos absorb the Palismen. Imagine if he found out that Belos could literally absorb him at any moment the same way… Yikes. He’d be terrified and rightly so. That’s the stuff of nightmares right there.
So yeah. I think Belos absorbed at least some of the Golden Guards and you can’t convince me otherwise.
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late-to-the-fandom · 1 year
which obscure Media would u recommend to another empty fandom collector such as yourself?
You ask an intriguing question! I mean, there is so just so much to choose from and I have no idea where your interests lie to guide you better. So here are all the tiny fandoms I am proud to have been too late to join or remain the only member of (in a variety of media):
-The Engineer Trilogy is a book series by KJ Parker that has, as far I know, no fandom at all. It’s just me and a thousand fic ideas I will never really finish because no one will ever read them. Which is a shame because the series really lends itself to fanfiction (literally every single character is a poor little meow meow). But despite having no fandom, these books are probably objectively some of the best, most ambitious books ever written and the reason I maintain that the best books are never appreciated in their time.
-Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke is the other best book of all time that I can’t get anyone to read because they’re just not ready. It at least has a small fandom because they made a BBC miniseries of it a few years ago that was actually quite decent and had the added benefit of casting some very attractive actors. Definitely worth a watch and if you like it, 100% worth the read (this book is my Bible)
-Laurie R. King, the Patron Saint of fanfiction, whose Sherlock Holmes and Mary Russell series survived the great Mary Sue hate of the late 90s early 00s, and who is actually a wonderful author in her own right. She used to have her own very small fandom site where people posted fanfiction and art but not nearly enough and it’s not active (at least that I can tell; I came in - you guessed it - late)
-Deadwood, that will always be one million times better than Game of Thrones to me, never had the fandom Ian McShane it deserved. Again, late so idk if there was a lot going on for it at the time but it certainly didn’t leave behind much fanfic for us stragglers
-Labyrinth, which I hesitate to include here because its not obscure and truly does have an insane amount of fanfiction but its fandom is mostly old (like me) and inactive (tell me I’m wrong and point me in the right direction!). Probably because the movie isn’t very popular anymore. However, it’s a great example of a tiny half-dead fandom with more fanfiction than it knows what to do with (even I haven’t read through it all).
-Watchmen (the graphic novel, NOT the new series). This did get a nice little surge of fans with the movie that came out and was probably the only time in my life I was there waiting for it. Ah the glory days of soaking up Rorschach/Night Owl fanfics on the ground as they came out… but it’s dead now, the book very close to cancelled and the fans mostly in hiding. There’s still a good bit of great fic out there if you love angsty slash pairings
-and last but not least, if you’re interested in random fandom-light video games, I can recommend several World of Warcraft fanfics that are absolutely lovely (and only some of them are mine 😅). I write for one minor-ish character in a now out-of-date expansion, as do @shipping-through-eternity and @mousterian-writes and @mysdrym to name a few. But all of it is lovely in their own different styles and genres, so if you have need of a dying video game fandom in your life I highly recommend!
Let me know if any of that helps, or if you have any recommendations of your own!
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20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag dear and talented @aftergloom ! Tagging @jawanaka @andordean @poetikat @stardustbee @storm89 @ro-the-bard-writer @wholelottatiffy @grinningnexu @botherbother-blog @eloquentmoon and/or anyone who’s interested.
1. How many works do you have on A03?
2. What's your total A03 word count?
153,256, discounting a fic translation. 😬
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The Witcher (books & game), Cybperunk 2077, Star Wars
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
By kudo ratios i think it’s: the stars are not there, Await the Dawn, The Path of Aloneness, Seeking Resonance, Half Moon, Full Circle, something like that I don’t want to calculate everything 😂
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! To show my appreciation to the commenter, make friends, gush over blorbos. When commenter comments on many chapters I tend to reply in conclusion-ish to one or few of them, because I don’t want to flood threads with my own comment, perhaps out of an ingrained false sense of modesty?
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
…I’m not sure 😂 All of fics are angsty fics, but with a sense of emotional catharsis at the end so I’d hope none? I recall some comments pointed out certain level of heartwrenchingness at Regis/Queen of the Night ficlet, and a little bit with Takemura’s ficlet. I think Blood of Emerald might be the angstiest ending when it’s done (no getting around it there hehe)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Seeking Resonance! But even then readers also pointed out sad sentiments 😆 It’s a fluffy ending imo
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet :)
9. Do you write smut?
Yes! Not very adept but I’m learning.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Sort of. One Witcher x Cyberpunk 2077 long before the game was out.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes and not sure 100% which one (i have no memory); think it’s the Regis Professor AU fic?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No but would like to.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Hard question. I’m a multishipper. Maybe Geralt x Yen? Cerys x Ciri x Tankred? Judy x V?
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Aside from one abandoned sequel to my first fic, I don’t think there will be unfinished WIP. I’m just slow at em.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Psychology. Environmental storytelling. Some level of symbolism and metafiction employment. For fanfiction, maybe my close observation and portrayal of canon characters, i dunno; I do go a little lotho-minor-maul method before I can write anyone.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Oh boi. I’m still quite a novice, so basically everything aside from the few strengths. Especially with structure. Also dialogue. Also visualization of scenes (strange yes, but I am unable to see scenes most of the time, about short of aphantasia). I have great difficulty in writing long works.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
If there’s a purpose, whether for worldbuilding inside fiction or cultural reasons in real life. But sometimes it can be the bad kind of jarring. I remember personally opt to not use latin directly for star wars fic, for example (even tho translation sounds stoopid).
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Witcher! My Once and Future.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Seeking Resonance I suppose. It’s soft and brought soft feelings to others on bad days. I loved that.
A bit cheating here since I haven’t finished, but I think really it will be Blood of Emerald. It’s basically original fic given the amount of worldbuilding and characters I have to do on my own, and the story is from a legend the length about 2 pages in canon ending with everybody dying (sad, angsty, violent deaths). Rare character, obscure material. I’m writing a full-length fic literally for myself and maybe 2 other people in the entire fandom. It gives me ulcers and insomnia. “odi et amo, nescio” 😂 Jks aside, I think for me there’s the allure like that of Matters of Britain retelling. The ending is set in stone, no one ever gets to know the whole truth. And it’s not even about the “how we got here.” A blink of light long gone by the time it reaches the eye. But for some reason it must be told.
I like Await the Dawn, too. And the stars are not there. Discovering the fun and love for OC first time here huehuehue
Somewhat relevant ramble: reflecting on what aftergloom mentioned in her experience, Q.11 (stolen lines and fics)—my writing is usually detached from my life, and I made a point to myself and closed ones irl that I would be extremely cautious in using real life material in my fiction. But there is a bit of that “grain of truth” in the stars are not there. My childhood crush had an unusual dream about me and I kept the sentiments while writing Maul (it is hard not to write a bit of myself in this character; The Wrath did a good job evoking some memories…). I found it to be a valuable exploration in my approach to writing. I think I would feel ambivalent to stolen lines, as it is hard to keep track of where “originality” begins and ends, but it would be quite an interesting experience indeed if bits of real-life event is written by someone else. ==
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devinwolfi · 1 year
ohhhh my god ok pls keep in mind that i watched angel one (1) time ????? years ago (more than 10, time is fake, etc) and immediately turned off the tv at the end like “wow what the fuck was that. anyway” so lots of this may be misremembered or made up so please accept this salt shaker 🧂 and let’s fucking goooo
so this happened in one of the later seasons iirc? 4 maybe? anyway cordy and angel either had a big dramatic breakup or he cheated on her, i can’t remember. but either way he fucked (drum roll) darla??? yes that darla, his sire who for sure died in buffy s1, but we don’t deal in continuity here, this is angel. so she’s??? back??? somehow??? and they fuck which ok whatever except!!! she gets pregananant! which again, theoretically not possible, but this is basically fanfiction so what the fuck.
so she’s knocked up with her vampire zombie spawn thing, and i can’t remember if she sticks around for a bit while the baby cooks and ups the angst factor with cordelia? or it might just be a magical uncle ben’s 2 minute baby situation. either way she dies in childbirth (like she dusts out and there’s just?? an infant???) so angel is left to raise this monstrosity alone. sad.
but then! the babby! is…kidnapped. to hell, for some reason? unclear. so angel has to go to hell to get his child back, except OH NO time dilation shenanigans, the baby is all grown up now even though he was just born last week! he’s a moody teenager and angel is a deadbeat dad, oops
so he brings this understandably angsty and resentful teenage boy (i wanna say connor? don’t quote me) home to his weird bunker thing with all his monster hunting friends, which like. good job, a+ parenting. and it’s rough and the kid hates him for abandoning him in hell (fair) and it’s all very the first half of a steve martin movie where the divorced dad tries to bond with the kid he doesn’t know, yk?
but then. THEN. cordelia decides this is her moment. her friend/ex/whatever is struggling! he is trying to bond with his child! cordy can help! by….fucking him. yeah, she fucks this traumatized 16yo monster baby who was literally born last week, because that’s a responsible adult choice. reliving her queen of sunnydale high glory days??? literally who knows
and if you think that’s the worst bit about this nightmare plotline, strap in! we’re not done! guess who else gets pragnet? that’s right babeyyy, cordelia is having *checks notes* angel’s grandchild????
who turns out to be, i shit you not, gina torres. fully grown gina torres who is also god, for some reason? and this whole thing starting with darla mysteriously coming back from the dead all the way to connor being raised in hell (where angel couldn’t influence him to be uhhhhh a normal well adjusted child ig??? didn’t seem to be a huge risk all things considered but what do i know) was part of the great ineffable plan to get cordy to give birth to gina torres in white robes and return god to the world
except she turns out evil (obv) bc she’s like some alien thing idk and they have to kill her. but yeah. that’s the most fucked up thing i remember from angel? also the only thing rly. pretty sure cordelia and angel get back together in the end? there might be another love triangle with spike, which like, can a guy catch a break? goddamn
what in the twilightriverdalesupernatualvampirediaries
the only part of this that makes any sense is gina torres is god bc that just feels right
but seriously every modern monster show wishes they were buffy(& co(angel(through gritted teeth))) no one will ever have what they had
also assuming xander has been brutually killed by this point which, i hope so, i wonder how he feels about cordy and angel bc his type in women is women who are into angel
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nights-like-this17 · 1 year
Tagged by the one the only @thatbluelight
Writing questions tag game
What is your absolute all-time favorite idea you’ve ever had?
Probably “Can I Break Down Your Walls?” as a whole story arc, all the crazy shit that happens and how each chapter added more to their relationship. It was the first time I felt really connected to an idea. Most of the beginning stages actually came to me in a dream so I could always go back to that.
What is your favorite part of being a writer? Which parts could you take or leave?
I love connecting with people and making them feel/process their emotions. I’ve definitely met ppl through it or at least communicated with them enough to know I’ve had a positive effect which is all I’ve ever wanted to do with my writing. I feel like it’s a roller coaster of a process to write, I’d probably leave behind the bouts of writer’s block or spells of no motivation, but still they’re a part of the journey.
What is your greatest motivation to write/create?
I first started writing to create the stories that I wanted to hear, to fill in the blanks of what wasn’t said or shown in the media I loved. Now I feel like write to further extend a safe space or give people the opportunity to escape reality.
What do you wish you knew when you first started out writing?
I wish I knew how therapeutic it would be. I’ve been writing since I was very young because I had nowhere else to express my emotions safely, but writing fanfiction now allows me to establish my own worlds around characters I connect with, get things off my chest through the scenarios I’ve built.
What is your favorite story you’ve written to completion? Link it if you like and can!
Probably “Purple hurts, but Blue stings worse”. I’m a sucker for a soul mate fic. This was probably the most thought out story I’ve written.
What is your favorite out-of-the-box quote?
I had to did deep for this but
“This,” Becky starts dramatic as usual before Sasha can even ask, “is your pretty lesbian who’s gonna help you with your little problem” she offers like this is the end, the only choice, the standard for making Sasha’s experience one to remember.”
Really any time characters are being extra. I also really love in Purple Hurts when Becky and Seth are in a bet to see who can go longer eating specific colored foods…but I’m not searching through 20 chapters for that.
which of your characters would you say has the most controversial mindset? why do you say so and how do you personally feel about their ideals?
The first thing that came to mind was Finn in “Can I break down your walls?” Cuz he’s literally abusive and ends up in prison for aggravated assault…
But also Trina’s mom in the power ranger soulmate fics when she tries to rub her soulmate mark off with windex cuz she’s a homophobe.
if you, when you first started writing, met you now, what would younger you think?
Half of me thinks she’d be proud of how much I’ve actually written and that people actually read it and enjoy it. The other half thinks she’d be stunned that I’m still using writing as a coping mechanism, that I’m still living through a lot of my trauma and that I’m not over this shit yet. She’d also be concerned that I have run from fandom to fandom over the years, where is my loyalty?
This was fun, and deeper than I thought it would be, but two(2) people tops are gonna read it. But imma keep it here just for me that’s fine too.
If you have made it this far, go read my FreenBecky fic…it’s very angsty and very gay.
Retagging @theworldisrough because I don’t know anyone else. did you do this yet sis? I just wanna bother you lowkey. HELLO. If u have not been tagged and wanna be my writer friend, the applications are open.
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 1 year
Stay By My Side
by W3llthatsprettyironic
“Please, darling, only a few more steps,” his brother begged, arm held as stability beneath his shoulders, half dragging him away from the dark alleyway. “We’re so close. Please, just a little more, I promise.”
Tommy whimpered in pain as he clutched at his bloodied side, dagger dug deep into the skin of his upper leg. The slightest movement made it tear further into flesh, blood dripping down and just barely staunched by the deadly metal. Even taking a stabilizing step brought forth a flame that traveled through his every nerve, tears pouring down his face as the strike of nerves as Wilbur clutched him to his chest.
or, Tommy, an avian, is injured by a group of hunters. Wilbur comforts him and helps him through it because I have brainrot
Words: 1803, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 7 of oh my god im writing angsty fanfiction about literal block men instead of attending therapy
Fandoms: Dream SMP, Minecraft (Video Game), Video Blogging RPF
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen
Characters: Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF)
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Winged TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Human Wilbur Soot, Alternate Universe - Urban Fantasy, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Torture, Avian TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit is Not Okay (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit are Siblings, Platonic Relationships, Platonic Cuddling, Platonic Kissing, Protective Wilbur Soot, Murder, look tommy gets hurt and wilbur does not like that, its rough at first but then its just some fluff, Fluff, Injury Recovery, Author has writer's block, No beta we die like JuanaFlippa
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on-a-sunbeam · 1 year
Hi guys I'm going insane thanks for asking!!!!
I'M SO SORRY BUT OKAY FIRST OF ALL so I got like two weeks of stuff done in like. A day. Which meant I had two days where I literally had nothing to do besides watch this and lose my mind SO. I have THOUGHTS.
Elias is back!! Elias lore!! Elias getting his half-brother to kill his dad!! Also he Said the Thing heh!!
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(For. For reference. Because that is a joke that is maybe waaay too specific)
The guys just. Acquired a baby. Okay. Sure. Why not, I mean. There doesn't even need to be fanfiction at this point they're just doing it for us. Like the fact that this is a real thing that happened is wild to me but MOVING ON.
Eeexcpet I'm just moving on to Identity Crisis. Do you. Do you understand how incredibly normal I'm being about this entire thing? :) I JUST. So Reese has been trying to spy on him! (And like, rightfully so, kinda, because if I worked with someone who knew everything about everyone but learning their favourite colour was like pulling teeth I'd be a whole lot curious too) He's even got Fusco helping him and everything, and then he gets a chance to actually learn stuff and he doesn't. Which like, low bar, maybe, not asking people personal stuff when they're out of it, sure. But I'd also argue that there's a lot you could ask that like, reasonably wouldn't make a difference to Finch. (except it WOULD, and that's the thing, isn't it! He's a very private person!) But he doesn't and I just. HMM. I HAVE SOME THOUGHTS. ANYWAY. (oh ALSO I thought that the big twist reveal was going to be that he wasn't actually still affected by the drug. That he'd gotten over it and he just wanted to test Reese and see what he'd do. But no!! He says goodnight Nathan and I'm even more insane about that!!)
Reese lore!! Finch lore!! Finch was engaged and then faked his death??? Also, was Jessica a number and Finch just couldn't save her or what was going on there? Because HOO BOY the angsty potential if true!!
ALSO IS THE MACHINE ACTUALLY GOING TO LIKE BE A CHARACTER??? Because I was joking before but I am SO down for that please. And also the ENDING I'M SCREAMING. Who. Who was on the phone. Inquiring minds want to know. (also I literally love how Reese's thought process went: Friend is gone. This is bad. Maybe the god machine knows?? I'm going to threaten a camera into helping me. Like alright buddy you have no basis for thinking that'll work but I love it)
And ROOT??? Excuse me??? So I had it on very good authority that Amy Acker's character was going to be good but I. Um. Did not know that she was Root. I thought that was going to be two separate people. Whoops. But Root is back, kids!!! And she called the hit on herself what kind of Irina-esque crap is that!! Girl what!!! Can't wait for her and Finch to get into a fistfight or whatever worthy opponents do with each other!!
Also Nathan built the backdoor? That's actually so interesting like if Finch was okay with letting the irrelevant stuff get deleted then did he change his mind after Nathan died, like an 'oh this is what you would've wanted' kind of a thing? And also do we know how Nathan died, and I just forgot? Because I very much do not remember. But if he got killed, let's say, because they all think he built the machine, then is that why Finch let him take the credit for it? Like sure just being bad at human interaction is also a valid reason because same, buddy, but that's a lot more sinister if he just actually suspected he'd be killed and let Nathan take the fall. (Yadda yadda insert the fact that he says he knows what it's like to lose someone and I interpreted that as being Nathan at first but then we learn he had a fiance, Nathan saying 'oh no I'd know if you were seeing someone cause we're such good pals!! :D' And Finch just going ':) right.' More of my insane theorizing, yadda yadda...)
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Like BOY that's what I've been saying!!!
Anyway can't wait to go even more insane!!! Aren't you all excited? :]
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last July I decided to record my thoughts on the miraculous ladybug movie
, here you go
(prepare for the most massive text block of your life)
Why is the lighting so harsh all the time????Marinette's speaking v singing voice is soooo. Different
And also? Why do they have a ginormous portrait of them in MOURNING CLOTHES.
careless whisper playing as chat takes ladybug's hand is the most correct ever
Also, Adrian is me coded fr
Chat is chaos incarnate
Adrian get your life together why does a girl make you smile this much you JUST met her
stHAP WHY DID THEY MAKE ADRIAN SO BBGGabriel????? Singing?????
STOP it right now (his whole villain song is sendingggggg meede)
You know what I love how Marinette loves her dad
Marinette's emo song goes hard
I know this is, like, a show about magical powers and whatnot but I really like how they show the destruction of the fight and how, even while helping, damage is done
The banter as they fight is killing me oh my god
And before people ask who I ship in the weird love square, it's just the two of them with the banter ladybug and chat noir have.
IDK WHY IT GOT SO COMPLICATED BUT IT DID AND IM CONFUSED. they are LITERALLY the same people, different fonts.
*breath has been stolen from my body* THE WALL OTS LITERALLY FANFICTION WRITING ITSELF
Also, /gen, how old are they? Because I know in the series they're like 14-15, but in the movie the animation really does make them look younger idk. I think it's around the same?
GEEZE when Marinette claps back she does so brilliantly
$$$picture of dead spider, could have been spiderman$$$
If a) chat noir gets akumatized or b) they don't end up together I will riot I have seen both happen and I have already suffered!!!! I've paid my dues!!!
Also the earbuds?? As a symbol for Adrian's mental state??? Pretty smart ngl
There's only half an hour left Marinette needs to stop singing and get this fixed!!!
Why is hawkmoth like that???? He went from some silly goofy villain with a dark past to me angst machine who only cares about joining his wife like, yes that's his motive in the series but it's much more sane? I guess?
adrian oh my god stop being angsty AND DO YOUR JOB
Plagg has my whole heart fr
Sad we didn't get to see a slow transformation for chat tho
the suspense oh my god stop it
damn got them with the force
what the heck oh my god OH MY GOD THE REVEAL ITS TIME
literally only half of the mask is gone when he recognizes adrian this man needs to spend more time with his child.
If hawkmoth has a redemption arc I will be waiting in line to punch him. Take a number I will gladly do so. Just lemme at him.
How does his cat ears stay on?
why is the wife not in her glass case she's gonna decompose!!!!
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