#that's just pure poetry
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simmyfrobby · 2 months
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I will not be great / but I'm grateful to get through / the feeling came late / I'm still glad I met you
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istayawakereading · 26 days
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So this is what we were all picturing when Fabian and the hangman finished off the hydra and bowed to each other right
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woonwijken · 7 months
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collection of things that are connected to me
The Glass Essay - Anne Carson / Boot Theory - Richard Siken / I Like To Collapse - Joseph Ceravolo / Cain - José Saramago / Suzanne - Leonard Cohen / Take Me to the River - Talking Heads / The Cold Song - Klaus Nomi /
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a letter of love
ellen bryant voigt / peter gizzi / frank o’hara / reginald shepherd / kay ryan / amber flora thomas
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the book of night women - marlon james // bloodsport - yves olade // olivia cooke on alicent and rhaenyra's relationship
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aureentuluva70 · 4 months
Christmas Poem
T'was a night very dark and dim, 
The wind did wail and howl, 
the seas did roar with fury grim, 
And mournful sang the owl. 
Dark clouds cloaked the starry skies, 
Hindering heaven’s light, 
The air was rent with sorrowful cries
That split the dreary night. 
But then the wailing wind was stilled, 
The awful storm did cease, 
And all things on earth were filled
With a strange yet wondrous peace. 
In amaze Men paused to listen, 
But for what they did not know,
And wonder in their eyes did glisten
like moonlight on the snow. 
Then there stirred in every mortal heart
A whisper, small and still, 
Yet it pierced the soul like a fiery dart
And with wonder their hearts did fill. 
Then suddenly the silence was broken
with a sound sweeter than song of bird, 
for in darkness a light was awoken
and a baby’s cry was heard. 
The dim-lit roads of Bethlehem
Echoed softly with that sound, 
Of the newborn child of David’s stem, 
And about the streets it wound. 
The dark clouds faded and fled away, 
And the skies were suddenly rent
With radiant light whose heavenly ray
Pierced the firmament. 
Twas a star that shone in heaven high, 
And Men marveled at the sight
And gazed ever upwards to the sky
Whence came that unearthly light. 
And in the distance, a celestial song
from high above came streaming
like rain upon the earth, the throng
of Heaven was heard singing. 
Over all the marveling world 
Sang the countless, holy legions, 
and their white banners they unfurled
Over all the earthly regions. 
Those angels’ song like dawn burst forth,
Sure and strong and true, 
To the East, the West, the South, the North, 
And like a wind it blew. 
In blessed music the earth is drenched, 
and all desires, cares and fears, 
are in one single moment quenched
as that song reaches Men’s ears. 
Oh, what marvelous, divine splendor
In those angels’ hymns of delight
did pour out over all, so tender, 
In glory pure and bright!
The sorrowing earth sighs with relief, 
Then laughs loudly for joy, 
Breaking forth into tears, not of grief, 
But happiness, for that boy, 
that boy, O Jesus Christ the Lord, 
the Great Immanuel, 
O Child Divine, O Prince adored, 
Born on earth to dwell,
To dwell among the Children of God, 
And to redeem them from the Fall, 
to bow beneath justice's rod,
to at last save us all. 
Then at last the children weary
Fall into blissful sleep
And dream of light and places cheery
In slumber buried deep. 
And high above the star still streamed
upon the tranquil earth below. 
Proudly it still brightly beamed 
in defiance of mankind’s foe.
And then the voice was heard once more
Still and small yet clear, 
And glad tidings that angel bore
in starry midnight sheer: 
“Lift up your head, be of good cheer, 
For behold, the time is at hand. 
For Heaven’s Prince of Peace so dear
Has descended to mortal land. 
A Light, brighter than any star
In a world long marred with sin, 
The Son of God is born in lands afar
To save his earthly kin.
On this night is Jesus born, 
The Lord of all Creation!
Weep no longer, no longer mourn
For here is Man’s Salvation!”
And thus on that marvelous night
In Bethlehem, House of Bread, 
Christ was born, the Living Light,
To save both living and dead. 
The veil between heaven and earth was torn
As with a shining, sharpened sword
On the night that He was born, 
At the coming of the Lord. 
Sing to our Lord praises undying
With the songs that angels sing, 
For in that lowly manger was lying 
Earth and Heaven’s King. 
“On this night is Jesus born, 
The Lord of all Creation!
Weep no longer, no longer mourn
For here is Man’s Salvation!”
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anotherrantinghoe · 4 months
I want a love like that of beavers,
cause they are the ones who mate for life.
A love like that of leopard seals,
whose eyes close upon every kiss, like a high.
A love like that of macaroni penguins and bald eagles,
who keep returning to thier one single mate for the rest of their life.
A love like that of the Wolves,
from the millions of books I've read.
A love like that of the lovebirds,
as I for sure will go erratic without you.
A love like the sea horses and swans,
like sea otters who hold hands to never drift apart.
But most of all,
I want a love like that of You and I.
A story that makes people cry,
not because it's agonising with tragic ends,
but cause it's so content
that it seems almost unachievable.
I want our love to set the bar so high,
even the greatest lovers of all time roll in their grave and cry.
A love that inspires artists for the greatest art creations in history,
one that's a poem I always wanna read.
Love like that of a drug,
that heals all wounds.
A love so free
as if agony never existed for me.
A love like a fantasy,
that reality may never be.
A love like that of a flower,
that blooms only in the happy sea.
A love greater than our human selves,
like a memory written in the nature;
like oxygen in the air,
hydrogen in the water,
like stars in the universe
and the sun's light reflected on the moon.
As every event experienced in the past,
that exists still as history
Then even in death,
we live on.
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gunkbaby · 4 months
Shuu making a ghoul book club and no one shows up bc he alienated everyone around him
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oflights · 1 year
The Two-Headed Calf
Tomorrow when the farm boys find this freak of nature, they will wrap his body in newspaper and carry him to the museum.
But tonight he is alive and in the north field with his mother. It is a perfect summer evening: the moon rising over the orchard, the wind in the grass. And as he stares into the sky, there are twice as many stars as usual.
Laura Gilpin
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I love when Walter decides to enlist in Rilla of Ingleside. Just—the answering to the call that sets him free in a way the fear of it never could.
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itscrystql · 10 days
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i wish i were kidding you when i say these are the opps and their looks arent the most interesting about them and they dont have to try very hard are naturally feminine elegant eloquent and emotionally intelligent and humorous and also cunning and witty and hurtful with all the inexplicable empathy and daydream of a girl .
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fated-normal-767 · 5 months
I’ve realised that if I want to listen to a poem read exactly how I hear it, I must unfortunately Read It Myself. tragic..
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cardworksartblog · 1 year
Last night, I heard your terrifying howling. I felt the earth tremble, as if to shake me awake as you let loose the enchanting song of demise you sing when you catch someone in your woods.
It was followed by the townsfolk pounding at my door in a panic. A child had stumbled into your woods at sunset, and had yet to return now at midnight.
Your howling had convinced the useless brutes who guarded the village that you'd claimed the child as a casualty in your forest, but the villagers had managed to convince them to let me investigate first.
Thank the sun they had.
As I ran down the path to the fields, I saw you in the moonlight. In the middle of the wheat field, standing, with a dove pale as the purest white paints in your jaws. The brutish guards had followed me, and panicked, readying arrows and shouting for the rest of the village as I ran toward you.
Then, the child peeked out from behind your hulking form, looking up sleepily as if they were not standing by wilderness incarnate. The villagers chastised the brutes angrily, the child's mother running down yelling for them as your gaze pierced straight through me.
Toward the brutes.
You dropped the dove into my hands, black ichor staining my palms as you turned and nudged the child forward into their mother's embrace. When their mother asked the child why they'd taken so long to come back with you, they'd told her that something bad had tried to eat them after they got lost.
But then the angel, the child had pointed up at you with wonder in their eyes, had saved them. You glared at the brutes, and I shared your baleful gaze. Their disrespect would not have been tolerated if the child had not been present.
You bow and snort playfully at the child as a farewell, taking the dove in my hands back into your jaws before running off back to the forest. Your home.
I help the child's mother up from the ground, and carry the child up the hill. They're tired, it's past their bedtime. The brutes stare at me incredulously as I glower at them while walking past.
I spend the night awake after that. The scentless ichor that dripped from the dove's wounds, the visceral unsettlement I'd felt while holding it, how its figure had shifted unnaturally in my hands and your jaws keeping me from resting.
That was an angel. They'd sent an angel to kill that child in your forest.
Such a tiny child, incapable of doing any wrong, and yet they'd been all too willing to sacrifice them to instil the fear of the wild, the fear of you, back inside this village. After all the good you'd done, the successful hunts you'd sanctioned in the hunting grounds of your home....
I grasped my bone-steel knife you'd made for me after I'd helped you bury one of your kin, infused with your very power and strength. It's stayed under my floorboards for months now, I've not had the heart to use it. I felt as if any usage of it would be of disrespect to you.
But now, as I steel myself and begin gathering salt, candles and half of my money from where I store it? As fury burns inside of me like a pyre at the utter guts they had to try and kill one of my own to prove naught but a silly little argument that they were too stubborn to admit they were wrong about?
I feel a wild energy pulse through the knife as I stare out my window, gritting my teeth as I think of plunging the knife I clutch in my hand into the chest of a bastard who ruined my life before and seeks to do it again. I think of watching as black ichor streams out of their wounds as you and I raid their sacred halls of false innocence and purity.
This use for our knife is a compliment to you.
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glassiewithab · 1 month
when someone says "president xi imma be real with you fire when ready" but victor jara said "Tío Ho, nuestra canción / Es fuego de puro amor / Es palomo palomar / Olivo de olivar / Es el canto universal / Cadena que hará triunfar / El derecho de vivir en paz"
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honestly if all the people over my many years of living were in fact correct in their horrible horrible assumptions I was the most evil despicable inhuman person.
I’d still not care,
does the dog that bites because it’s only known pain evil?
Is the cat that kills a bird to show you it’s love evil?
is the plants that grow through the pipes in the ground cracking and puncturing them evil?
is the curious shark evil for taking a inquisitive bite?
Are the strikes that take the young and skewer them on thorns evil?
are the parasites that depend on its host evil for having no choice?
Am I evil or unsavory, who knows.
but if people wish to dehumanize me I shall make myself happy with the creatures you call evil, the ones who are scary and cruel the ones who hurt and chew and claw.
for we are one in the same, and I will happily accept that from you.
#-pop#Blep. Don’t mind me just poetry hours#why am i like this#shout out again to everyone who’s been dealing with death threats and hate speech recently#I’ve just been called horrible horrible things like I always do lol. So poetry time#bah. I wish I didn’t care as much but sometimes it hurts if I am evil let me be the kind that patches up your wounds and sings sweet-#lullabies.#as I laugh and laugh and cry#I’m human#I’m not infallible and I’m not perfect I’ll never be. I gave up on symmetry as soon as I learned I’m asymmetrical#I’m not pure or beautiful I’m rotten and foul. I’m scarred by things outside of my control and with a heart empathic and apathetic#So I am covered in blood and gore and scars and tears. I’m not perfect or just. I am me and me is enough#if I am a monster I still deserve love. Because even the worst monsters can love#I’m just a guy who exists and tries to love all. And it’s hard because I try to assume people want to love first. When they only want -#blood spilled.#I try and that’s all I have#and my best is horrible and my worst is a nightmare#but even through all this I still care and I still am kind#so be it if people label me a monster I shan’t be one to be loved by all for that is a fools errand. But I can try to be kind#well life is life. And people will try to label me things I;m not#I am a coward I am an idiot and maybe I am a monster#but I try to be kind. And that’s all I can do in the end. All anyone can do. I hold no malice but loss at the people and friends I could-#Have gained. Maybe a heart that’s so broken can only love in pain. Who knows I don’t
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