#the hero public safety commission
girlatrocity · 1 month
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kill to save
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itsnothingofinterest · 8 months
I actually find it funny when people will say the heroes need to kill more villains instead of arresting them when, from where I'm looking, every instance of the heroes killing a villain(s) has led to some consequence that would've been avoided had they just been taken in alive. (Which evidence has often shown them quite capable of doing.)
Lady Nagant was made to kill loads of people, driving her crazy and leading her to kill her boss and deprive the hero side of one of it's best. Her case feels like a big reason why killing on the regular would be incompatible with the rest of the hero shtick; 'cause it turns out people with lots of blood on their hands have trouble using them to then shake the hands of children.
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People say All Might should've killed AFO; but you can tell both from All Might's dialogue in Kamino & from how AFO regrew his head that that's exactly how their first fight ~7 years ago ended. AFO's brains met the pavement that day. And I can only assume this allowed his body to be easily recovered & revived, letting him lay low for the next 6 years to mould Tomura into a successor and orchestrate a good portion of the conflicts we've seen in this series. Just saying, that sounds much harder to do from Tartarus. And at least the heroes knew when he broke out of jail way faster then when he broke out of the grip of death. Heck, it could easily be argued he only broke out of jail thanks to that 6 years of set-up.
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Oh and where to start with Hawks killing Twice? Maybe how it enraged Toga & Dabi to make them more crazy & dangerous, maybe how it affected people's trust in heroes? Oh but the big one has to be how leaving Twice as a corpse let his blood be collected for Toga to get a parade off anyway; one the heroes were unprepared for too, which distracted a lot of the pros meant to keep AFO in Gunga. All of which could've been avoided if Hawks had just taken Twice in alive. (Which I must reiterate he easily could have done; I mean his quirk was shown pretty easily countering a Parade.) The heroes wouldn't have had to deal with a Parade in this war at all if Twice was sitting pretty in a jail cell next to Compress & Geten.
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I can't help but think those last two cases could be a surprisingly common occurrence too if heroes killed as much as some readers say they should. Like, could you imagine if every dangerous villain in Japan's history was killed and then just dumped somewhere for a guy like Dr. Garaki to get his hands on them the same way he got Shirakumo?
So anyway, between the mental health issues it causes, combined with how villains keep finding ways to perform necromancy; I'm just not seeing a lot of evidence that things go well for the heroes when they kill villains, or that they'd go much better if the heroes were kill-happy soldiers of the war on villainy all the time.
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thyandrawrites · 2 years
I wonder if people realize that the reason why the League was allowed to exist for as long as it did without violent suppression from the HPSC is only because of the threat of the noumu
So. We know from Nagant's backstory that anything capable of shaking up the status quo was quickly and covertly executed without much fanfare:
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In fact, the Commission was so indiscriminate in applying that rule that both villains and heroes are said to have died under her rifle.
The reason why not even heroes were exempt from this ruthless retribution is simple. The Commission, as an institution born to regulate the spreading phenomenon of vigilantism and the chaos that follows, wasn't created with the purpose of administering justice, but rather to do just that: regulating society. They're not cops. They're an odd mix between politicians and spin doctors. On one hand, their official role is that of overseeing heroics as a whole—issuing hero licenses, coordinating pro heroes, analyzing and administering the data that goes into the hero rankings, that sort of thing. But on the other hand, their less official and more prominent role is that of puppet masters of the hero narrative. They feed a favourable (for the heroes, that is) interpretation of events to the media, and have done so for years, in order to protect the citizens' faith in the status quo.
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This is why, for example, the truth of who Nagant actually killed to get thrown into jail isn't public knowledge. Letting the citizens know that she'd offed the Commission President would raise question. People would wonder why a fairly beloved heroine would turn against the institution that trained her. They'd want to know the motive behind the murder of such a prominent figure in the industry. In other words, revealing any specifics would not only expose their internal disputes to the public eye, but also, and most importantly, instill doubt.
That's what it always boils down to. The Commission exists for one purpose: protecting the hero system from anything that might make it crumble—be it doubt, social unrest, and last but not least the worst case scenarios themselves, mistrust for heroes and the reign of terror of villains.
The current arc gives us a bit more insight into that. What happens when the citizens stop trusting heroes as protectors? And what happens when villains shake up the population so much that hope and faith in things ever getting better starts to sound like a child's tale? Lawlessness is what happens. A second coming of the vigilantism era, where untrained and unregulated civilians take matters into their own hands to feel less vulnerable, to retain some control in the face of such uncertainty.
So we come full circle: all of this is why the Commission acted around the law so much, and sent Nagant against anyone who so much as thought of endangering the status quo, corrupted heroes included:
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Prehemptive killing for the greater good was not above them, either. Nagant says it best: it's a system with two sides to it. The "good" side, the glorious one that gets the spotlight, made of heroes as saviors and cool fighters who protect people from the bad guys... And then the dark side, the ugly truth that for such neat labels to exist, anything blurring the lines or threatening that artificial peace had to be violently shot in the head for appearances sake. So much so, that even "starting to talk about it" is considered a life sentence.
Enter the League.
This is where things get interesting, because the Lov seems to challenge everything I just went over, at least on the surface.
If it's true that even voicing discontent about the current state of things warrants a quick and covert execution... how come Shigaraki&co could merrily call themselves The League of Villains and put out a whole Manifesto of Everything Wrong with the Hero System without getting their throats cut by a featherblade two days later?
At face value, it might seem like such suppression methods are a thing of the past. They were true once, but now things aren't as dire as they used to be.
Except... This isn't true. It's become a lot subtler than a gun-themed heroine shooting people in the head, true, but... *gestures at Hawks and Twice's subplot* this is still very much a thing. Twice was killed for the threat his quirk at full power posed to hero society.
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He wasn't arrested and thrown into Tartarus. He was murdered on the spot for the crime of possessing a dangerous quirk. Not even using it. Possessing it. It couldn't get more obvious if it tried: it's a blantant parallel to Nagant executing that guy above. Again, not for the crime of acting on his subversive ploys. But for discussing them.
Let me clarify that I'm not digging this back up to spark another debate on Ethics and Choices. This fandom has seen enough essays on that already. I'm bringing up the example of Twice specifically because Twice was killed by Hawks, a Commission operative, on Commission's orders. This is significant because it's meant to say more about the institution that regulates heroics more than it does about the victim of their brainwashing.
It's an established unspoken rule that heroes don't kill. The story goes above and beyond to state this. No matter how vile villains are, under normal circumstances they're always captured alive. Take for example All For One. He's arguably much more dangerous than Twice. While it's true that Twice's quirk could potentially overthrow an army and thus throw the nation into chaos, the more doubles he makes, the frailer they become. His strength lies purely in numbers, but a single skilled pro hero was enough to overpower him and render him harmless. AFO, on the other hand, has his finger in every pie and doesn't just rely on a quirk (or five or a dozen) to be dangerous. He has a network of loyal henchmen, he has enough charisma to draw followers to him, and his power extends beyond Japan. It reaches all the way across the ocean and into America. He's feared on a woldwide scale. Yet, he wasn't assassinated on the spot. He was thrown into Tartarus, despite how clear it's now become that keeping him alive was a huge faux pas for the heroes. So why did they?
The reason is simple. It was All Might who brought him in, and not the Commission. We know that they too had their eyes on him,
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and it's not hard to guess what Nagant was asked to do if she were to find him. But All Might is no hired gun, and he doesn't answer directly to the HPSC. Thus, AFO got to live, unlike anyone else the Commission deems "a threat."
Now, while Hawks has less of a double life than Nagant, he's still expected to carry out orders for what the Commission decides is the greater good. Just like his predecessor. Since he was taken in as her replacement, the truth of the matter is that he inherited her role as the Hand of the Commission. He handles their dirty laundry, oftentimes against his will,
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because it is "necessary" to bring peace.
The only real difference between them is that unlike Nagant, his talents lie more in the reconnaissance and intel gathering fields, so we don't see him act as a hired assassin more than that single time. Yet, I want to underline that the spying he does is still on Commission's orders, and as such, it is instrumental to the Commission's agenda as much as Nagant's assassinations. Besides, the fact that Hawks struck to kill despite his private desire to save Twice further emphasizes that the HPSC hasn't changed overnight simply because their President changed. When an individual becomes too dangerous, too much of a threat to what they've built, the killing order can still be issued—and it has been.
But over time, their need for manifacturing an illusion of peace lessened. I'm not sure how Kaina's and Toshinori's timelines intersect since we aren't given clear ages for either... But... with All Might's rise to the top, organized crime took a beating and dropped at historic lows. As such, I assume there were less and less potential threats to the status quo, and society thrived in actual peace without a need for the Commission to kill people in the shadows.
In fact, organized crime is so outdated that when Shigaraki comes around and starts recruiting allies, what he gathers is a bunch of uncoordinated small fries.
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As usual Viz phrases things with zero sympathy for the villains and waters it down to "kicked around" but both the og Japanese and the official Italian translation here say "oppressed". These 72 people followed Shigaraki because they felt the allure of lashing out at hero society. It was a suicide expedition, attacking a school packed with pros, but they still did it. All of them except Shigaraki and Kurogiri were apprehended, with most of them swiftly defeated by a bunch of high school freshmen. We could go as far as calling this first attempt at a villain group disorganized crime.
So between Nagant's and All Might's combined efforts, people who are dissatisfied with hero society have all but stopped gathering together to express those complaints, or to plan an effective way to change things. Either by choice or by force.
This of course doesn't mean society naturally evolved into something everyone's satisfied with. We know from many characters' backstories that despite the front as an utopia, hero society is not devoid of flaws. Inequality and discrimination run rampant, and with them, an anti-establishment sentiment from all those people oppressed or overlooked by it. But by the current point in the story, when the League is officially created, the Commission successfully achieved their goal: making those sociopolitical fringes of the population so small and quiet—as opposed to the all-encompassing faith in heroism—that they've basically become irrelevant. A minority that still exists, but that can be silenced easily with the iron fist of the law if need be.
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But then the League went and ruined that. They not only succeeded at spreading fear amongst the population, but they've also exposed all the cracks in the system, rendering it vulnerable. Where fear festers, doubt seeps in. And we've seen what happened when the League was left to grow stronger and stronger. They've eventually gotten strong enough to level cities alone, and they've put enough of a dent in that faith that civilians don't trust heroes by default anymore.
So why are they still breathing? Why did the Commission take the risk of letting them be, allowing them to gather more and more allies and cement themselves as the rulers of the underworld until they became strong enough to potentially destroy the hero system itself?
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The noumu. I'm telling you, it's because of the noumu.
No, but seriously. It's really because, at least at first, the League was a relatively small fry, compared to the threat of bioengineered superhumans. Shigaraki didn't leave enough of an impression on the police working on the case to suggest they believed he would make it far. They labeled him an unstable manchild, someone more fearsome on accounts of his ability to just throw noumu at problems than because he was fearsome himself. The only serious threat the League posed at USJ was thanks to that single noumu. Then there's Hosu, and Shigaraki only appears to unleash several weaker, white ones to wreack havoc.
By then, the Commission starts taking an interest in the Lov. We are told that Hawks was supposed to take part in the Kamino raid,
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but didn't because he couldn't make it on time.
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But interestingly, they also hint that this entire operation was rushed. Storming the place before they could get more intel on the League and on the noumu wasn't the plan. But a student was kidnapped under the pros' noses, and the school was in hot waters with the media for it.
Now, let's consider for a moment UA's status. As one of the most important hero schools in the country, and as the sole one that televises its sport festival every year as a big spectacle on par with the Olympics, UA has both prestige and power. Probably more than other schools, in fact, considering they're always everyone's first choice both when it comes to enrolling in it and when pros needs interns and manpower to thicken their ranks. UA is the dream of many starry eyed kids who hope to make it big in the industry.
Yet, all that prestige and status doesn't stop them from becoming a target for public blame. The fact that the media put the school under scrutiny for how they handled the crisis at training camp is not just bad press for the school. It's also bad press for heroes in general because UA is widely regarded as the pinnacle of the hero industry. They train the best students to become top of the food chain once they reach pro. There's a reason why Bakugou, obsessed with being the best, wanted to enroll in UA and not, say, Shiketsu. UA's name itself is a pun on the Japanese word for "hero" (UA, read as Yuuei, is eiyuu, hero, backwards).
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So a failure of the school is a failure that is capable of shaking the trust in heroism itself. And that's precisely what worries the Commission.
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After all, we know from later arcs that they don't actually care about endagering students at all. In fact, they're perfectly fine letting kids be on the frontlines of a war without even informing their parents of where their kids are being sent to. So, to tie this back to the question by the journalist above, the Commission isn't interested in reassuring the families of their students that the kids are fine. All they care about is what they've always cared about: spinning a narrative where faith in heroes is justified by results. Since heroes always return from a mission with a victory in the bag, the trust that the public puts in them, and thus the HPSC by association, is well-placed and needs not be questioned.
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So when the attack on training camp happens and the heroes face one of their first real losses���26 wounded, 1 kidnapped—the Commission scrambles to fix this PR disaster. Despite the sparse intelligence they have on the League, and despite their own reticence, they greenlight the Kamino raid anyway. They think that what they have is enough to sate the angry media into trusting them again. They'll rescue the kid and thus save face. And if in the process they can apprehend the League and destroy a noumu lab all at once? Even better. But publicly, it's for the kid.
Except, it turns out that the lab was a decoy, and not the original place where the noumu come from. It was planted there as a distraction, or possibly as a storage unit for Shigaraki to use freely, but disposing of it doesn't neutralize the threat of the noumu science itself. And indeed, AFO'S appearance soon after proves just that. He comes with more monsters in tow, and has his own teleporting quirk to move them around. Basically, AFO was playing two moves ahead of the HPSC. And I think Kamino is where the Commission finally realized that, too.
So what do they do next? They show us their real agenda for the first time and plant a mole in the League's ranks.
The primary goal of Hawks' infiltration was always that of finding out the true location of Ujiko's lab. Getting close enough to the League to better get the jump on them when they're vulnerable was only secondary. The proof is that the raid only gets a green light when Twice makes the mistake of mentioning the hospital to Hawks.
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And Hawks dutifully relays it to the Commission. Thanks to this intel, they track down the clinic, send an undercover agent, snap a pic of one of the little noumu, and deduce that's where the secret, underground villain lair was all along. And the operation—which is notably issued by the HPSC itself, which entrust it to Endvr—is a go.
And you know what's even more telling? That once Ujiko is safely in hero custody and can no longer make minions for AFO... All the pro heros finally get the authorization to kill the League on sight.
So yeah. That was a really roundabout way of saying that the times where the Commission assassinates its enemies in cold blood are far from over. The League were just lucky to have AFO behind them to buy them time. But eventually, even that ran out, because the HPSC is not, and has never been, sunshine and rainbows and second chances
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hollowtakami · 1 month
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CONTENT: heavy angst, hurt w/ no comfort, implied ptsd/anxiety attack, corrupt hpsc, references to child abuse, power imbalance + implied beatings
AUTHOR NOTE: this is a very heavy (vent) fic - please do not read if you know this will trigger you (will be tagging this as nsfw on my masterlist bcs of its content). be safe, remember that you’re loved.
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Keigo hunched down onto the sofa, his skin finally remembering what its fabric felt like. Sinking into the plushness of the cushions, the avian sighed.
His eyes closed before he could stare at the ceiling. Instead, he’d stare at the abyss inside of him for hours.
He could hear his own breathing. Laboured, short. His chest felt heavy, the blood that circulated his body, nothing more than erroneous liquid.
His wings were made up of a few tattered secondaries and coverts, his primary feathers would need days to recover. His clothes stuck to him like a leech, the glue of his own sweat making his skin crawl.
A vibration in his trouser pocket brought him back to life. Keigo shot up, picking out his phone with a swift hand, his eyes strained by the painful white of the screen’s light.
The smartphone rang in his hand, shaking just like him. Keigo answered and felt himself sweating a little more.
“Hawks. You’re needed for a last minute patrol.” A gruel voice barked out an order from the other end of the line.
“Madame President,” Keigo swallowed the spite stuck to his tongue, “With all due respect , you did just dismiss me, and I’m sure there are other heroes available to fill in for me!”
He did his best to spoil his voice with sunshine, but was met with nothing but silence.
His fluffy eyebrows furrowed at how loud the emptiness felt, not a single drone of white noise came from the other end.
“You’re to report to my office immediately, Hawks,”
The call declined and the phone lay dead in his hand. Keigo’s fingers tightened around its frame, threatening to crack - whether the phone or his fingers would crack first, he wasn’t sure.
Tattered feathers sharpened in fear and Keigo’s face fell white. He had exhausted his body all day, fighting back whatever force the world threw at him. From the crack of dawn until the rest of the world fell asleep, he zipped around the city.
All for the greater good, he was always told.
And now, he was being told to report to his superior for - no doubt - a rather harsh scolding.
Peeling his clammy body from the sofa, Keigo made his way to his apartment’s door, leaving behind his jacket that he’d slung over a chair. His boots echoed footsteps and bounced them off the empty walls. Not looking back, not bothering to take in what he could of the only place he wasn’t watched.
They’d have cameras in here by the time he got back, anyway.
Walking down the street, Keigo was met with a black sky. Clouds hid away the beauty of the stars, the moon crying behind their mist. His feet slid across the pavement, too tired to put one in front of the other with the grace of a hero.
Keigo could fly and be there in a moment, but he’d sold his soul for a bit of cheap praise from people he knew couldn’t give a shit about him.
He’d reach the entrance of the HPSC eventually, the skyscraper sticking out of the gum of the ground like an ugly tooth. Greeting the receptionist telling her he’d been called for, he smiled with his teeth and trudged towards the nearest elevator and punched the button that would fly him up to Madame President’s office.
He stood still the whole ride, the eye of a camera burning into the back of his head - probably gawking at the laughable sight of his wings.
So much for the Winged Hero, Keigo thought.
Keigo went on autopilot as he sauntered through the empty floor of office cubicles until he reached the windowless room that was the sanctuary of his superior.
Bracing himself with a silent, short breath, Keigo rapped his knuckle on the door.
“Enter,” a low voice beckoned him forward.
Keigo pulled the door handle and slowly extended his arm inwards, met with the light of the office. The avian closed the door behind him and felt his wings shiver when he heard it auto-lock.
“Sit down, Hawks,” Madame President gestured to a lonely chair in front of her desk, smiling with hidden malice.
Keigo obeyed, lowering himself down and making sure he didn’t slouch.
“You asked for me?” He dared to speak.
“I don’t like attitude, Hawks,” Madame spoke, blunt as ever, “When a handler orders you to do something, you are expected to do it,”
Keigo felt his blood run cold at her words. She didn’t bother to blanket her intentions. He would be lectured, and then sanctioned. For the greater good.
“I understand, Madame,” Keigo squeaked, eyes down like a sheepish puppy.
“Look at me when I’m speaking to you.”
Keigo pinned his eyes to hers and didn’t dare break eye contact for a second. For a moment, he was a child again; a huddle of skin and bones on the floor as his father kicked in his stomach for leaving the house.
“Yes, Madame,” his voice barely scratched its way up his throat.
“For your outlandish behaviour against a handler, I’m sure you’re aware you will need to be sanctioned,” Madame President repeated Keigo’s thoughts.
The avian nodded, the corners of his lips quivering into a meek smile. His feathers ruffled, his heart threatening to burst from his chest.
Keigo felt sick.
For the greater good, his mind barked at him.
The days of his ‘special program’ ran through his mind. That poor boy, he had no idea what kind of machine they were going to turn him into. They were gentle at first, using blanketed words to coax him forward to their goal.
They used to be gentle to that baby bird. When it was time to pick through his pin feathers, they only tore them out.
“Follow me to the rehabilitation hall, Hawks.”
“Yes, Madame President.”
His superior ushered Keigo to the room he remembered all too well, watching him with the eyes in the back of her head.
The walk was quick, Keigo blinked and he was already locked in with the same man he’d known from his boyhood.
“Hawks.” He spat at the avian.
Hawks didn’t say anything. Like a whimpering dog, he inched forward to the man, awaiting his sanction.
The first punch was always the worst.
But, it was for the greater good.
When it was all over, they’d half-ass bandaging him up and covering up his bruises with makeup.
For the greater good, a hero must always look his best.
A hero must always obey his handler, no matter what. That’s what they’d told Keigo Takami when he was a little boy, right before they’d tell him that everything from this point onward;
For the greater good.
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barid-bel-medar · 1 year
Thoughts on how I write the Commission and their views on Quirkless heroes
I like writing the Commission as not actually caring if there's a Quirkless hero, because I view them as being more interested in having someone easy to manipulate, rather than even necessarily their Quirk. Let's look at for example the two heroes we know were Commission-controlled. And well, then at why they'd be fine with it.
Lady Nagant's Quirk would have some pretty negative connotations. We see her in the flashback where the Commission is making her the offer that her rifle arm is wrapped up. Japan has very stringent gun laws and her Quirk would have a negative association to it (versus the US for example, were it would have had a positive association since Second Amendment). That makes her easy to manipulate, because the Commission is making her an offer she didn't imagine possible; they're going to support her to be a hero. They're not going to treat her like just because her Quirk is literally a gun (note that with Snipe's Quirk he likely *could* use a different weapon than a gun, but if he's younger than Kain [very possible since she's in her late thirties] then the stigma isn't there quite as much for a gun user) she's a future villain or shouldn't be allowed near heroics. Instead they're going to support her, but there's just this one other thing they need her to do...
With Hawks he gets scooped up super young. Like I think we gloss over the fact sometimes he likely wasn't even ten when everything happened. He already had very heroic tendencies, but he was also the son of a villain. His mother and he after his father got arrested (and even honestly before) were extremely impoverished. They were in a garbage situation. Then the Commission comes knocking an offers them a way out, the funds to support themselves and all Hawks has to do is something he already wants to do; to become a hero. He's going to be Commission trained and controlled, but he's also going to get his dream. He's not going to be held back for being the son of a villain, his identity is as good as private, and he's going to be able to do what he's always wanted.
A Quirkless hero!Izuku (or even another person who wants to be a Quirkless hero) is someone who they would view as easy to manipulate. It's unlikely they'd have prior support, it's unlikely that they'd be able to get the sort of mentorship or access to training someone who had a Quirk could have. They could be viewed as being able to have good PR or make for a good story (look! Even if you're Quirkless you too can be a hero!). Yes Quirkless people are a steadily decreasing minority, but it also doesn't really effect the Commission's bread and circuses. If anything it allows for greater distraction, and may even give the Commission a PR boost (look at how supportive we are!).
So yeah, I know a lot of people go with the idea of the Commission being anti-Quirkless hero, but I'd actually argue for the reasons mentioned here that it's just as likely they'd be fine with it.
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unnamed-idi0t · 3 months
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@poppy5991. Based on this post they made :3
og picture:
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natedogx15 · 2 months
Elite of the Hero's Academia
So, this is a bit of a twist on the All For One decendent au ideas.
The H.P.S.C. discovers a descendent of All For One after the massive battle between him and All Might. Worried about the future of Japan after the symbol retires and in need of someone to replace Lady Nagant, they decide to train this child with/instead of Hawks.
For years, the H.P.S.C. has been secretly bringing corrupt or annoying heroes in and having the descendent take their Quirks while training said descendent to wield them to become the perfect weapon. Eventually, the descendent has a chance to escape their control. This could be someone in the H.P.S.C. going behind their back to enroll them in U.A., a high-up hero finding out and stopping it, or possibly Nezu pulling some strings.
Whatever way, the descendent, whether it's Midoriya or not, gets to experience a relatively normal high school life at a hero school. While there, they cause an uproar due to having multiple Quirks and All Might finds out who they may be.
Things they could do is, demonstrate the efficiency of their power in the Sports Festival by stealing the other contestants' Quirks before giving them back, taking Muscular's Quirk during the training camp, or (if Midoriya isn't the descendent) bringing Midoriya back in an intense fight between the new generation of All For One and One For All.
Things could be really interesting if Midoriya isn't the descendent and actually bonds with them. Since the previous wielders and All Might could try and get in the way due to their dislike for All For One and most may not trust the descendent.
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o-corpse-o · 22 days
I think Mitski's songs suit her
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gothibara · 1 year
i did the math and nagant has been in tartarus for 17 years and given how tartarus is known for the multiple human rights violations i dont think she shouldve changed her mind bc of deku. i think she shouldve killed more people. as a treat.
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vampyrsutton · 1 year
DabiHawks~Over Stimulation/Cock Warming
Hawks is a very busy bird. Dabi really doesn’t give a shit.
Ao3 Tags:
Overstimulation, Cock Warming, Exhibitionism, Semi-Public Sex, Office Sex, Multiple Orgasms, Dabi is Todoroki Touya, Hero Public Safety Commission Bashing (My Hero Academia), Fuck 'Em Honestly, Villain Takami Keigo | Hawks, Kinda, He's Tired of the Commission's Shit, Takami Keigo | Hawks Acts Like a Bird, My Favorite Tag for This Ship, Dick Piercings, Biting, Pet Names, Kinktober 2020
“Come in!” Hawks called to the knock on his door, not bothering to look up from his paperwork. “Whatever it is, make it quick. I have a meeting in twenty.”
“That why you’ve been ignoring my texts?” A familiar voice rasped from his office door.
Hawks’ head shot up in shock as a feather shot out to pull the villain into the room and another to slam the door shut behind the raven. “What the hell are you doing here, Dabi?!” 
“You weren’t answering your phone.” Dabi shrugs, unbothered. “I told you answer when I call.”
“So you thought it was a good idea to just casually stroll into the office of the number two hero as a highly wanted criminal? Are you insane?”
A smirk displaying just that tugged at the villain’s staples. “Pretty sure we’ve established that, pretty bird.”
Hawks tried to stop the color that rose in his cheeks as he glared at the fire user. “What are you doing here, Dabs.” Already knowing based on the pet name alone. 
Dabi shrugged, slinking over to sit on the hero’s desk. “I can’t just casually visit?”
The blonde sighed. “Again. Number two hero.” Pointing at himself. “Number two hero’s office.” Gesturing to the building around them. “Top ranking member of a highly wanted villain organization.” Pointing at Dabi. “Pretty good way to get some cuffs slapped on you is all I’m saying.”
Another smirk tugged at the villain’s staples. “Kinky.”
Hawks groaned, dragging his hands down his face. “Just admit you were horny. You only call me cute nicknames when you want something that would get me in So much trouble.”
“Smart little bird aren’t you?” Dabi hummed, sitting on the hero’s desk so the hero was sat between his legs. “So?”
“As much as I would love letting you fuck me against my office windows until we forget our old names, I just told you I have a meeting in...fifteen minutes and despite how you look, you’re not exactly quick. “
“You don’t seem to complain.” Dabi smirked, tilting his head tauntingly as his boot trails up Hawks’ leg. “Where’s the meeting?”
“Just over video call, but it’s not like I can have you in here during it,” Hawks shrugged. 
“You have Bluetooth earbuds, right?” Dabi shrugged, hopping off the desk so he was standing in front of Hawks now. 
Hawks swallowed, knowing where Dabi was going with this. “You can read lips.”
“What if I stayed where I couldn’t see the screen?” Dabi hummed, petting his fingers through wild blonde locks.
A happy chirp left Hawks at the petting. “...Like staying by the window?” 
Dabi chuckled lowly as he sank to his knees between the hero’s. “Or under your desk maybe?”
Hawks flushed at the idea but didn’t stop calloused hands from working his belt open. “They’ll notice.”
“Not if you act natural.” The villain shrugged, pulling the hero’s pants down.
“You have sucked my cock enough times to know that is physically IMpo-possible!” Hawks groaned. 
Dabi licked a strip up Hawks’ half-hard cock. “True. Hmm...I’ll just have to get you off before they call then.” Dabi decides before taking as much of the hero as possible down his throat in one go.
Hawks is glad he hadn’t taken his gloves off for paperwork as one hand grips into surprisingly soft black locks and the other grips the arm of his chair. Last time he didn’t have his gloves on and he had to clean blood off Dabi’s scalp from his talons. He’s pretty sure Dabi had never come faster though, but that would be hard to explain on camera. 
Dabi groaned around the cock in his mouth as Hawks tugged the strands with each hard suck. 
“D-Dabiiii~” Hawks groaned, trying to stay still and not thrust down the other’s throat until the raven okays it. “Pleease~ Hurry~”
Dabi would smirk if he could as he taps Hawks thigh to let him know its okay to thrust as he bobs his head up and down, sucking hard at the tip before burying his nose in blonde pubes. 
A texts tone pings from Hawks phone that he has set specifically for the Commission.
[We’ll be calling in five]
“Fuuuck~ Dabii we-we’ve got four minutes” Hawks pants, thrusting to meat Dabi’s bobs. “Fuck your mouth! So hot”
One of Dabi’s hands travel soft to fondle Hawks’ balls, letting out a low groan to send vibrations down the hero’s throat that had his grip tightening in raven hair. 
“Shit, Dabs your mouth~ So good~” Hawks groans, chasing his own release and coming hard down Dabi’s throat just in time for his work computer to light up and the Commission’s call jingle to play. 
Hawks groaned, trying to pull himself together only for his eyes to widen when a scarred arm reached up for the mouse and hit answer, mouth never leaving the blonde’s cock.
‘What the fuck is this asshole doing?!’ Hawks glared under his desk before adjusting the camera to give the Commission one of his literally award winning smiles. 
“Good afternoon, Hawks.” A very monotone voice drawled through the speakers. Hawks didn’t even have to look down to know Dabi was rolling his eyes.
“Good afternoon, everyone.” Hawks smiled, waving off the earbuds Dabi tried to hand him and biting his lip when this earned him a confused hum around his dick. “What’s the meeting about today?”
“Just wanted to get your progress on how your infiltration of the League is going. Any new info?” 
Hawks felt the heat around his cock increase so he took a glove off out of frame to lightly scratch Dabi’s scalp in hopes of calming him down enough to at the very least not light his cock on fire if not listen. 
“Unfortunately I have nothing new to report. As you know they’re gathering allies, but that’s been deemed out of my pay grade so to speak.” Hawks shrugged. 
When he glanced under the desk he saw blue eyes staring back at him in utter confusion. As Dabi’s boy toy he had access to meetings that not even noobs did so had at least some info to spill that would at most inconvenience the League while being close friends with Twice gave him access to info that could badly cripple the League. 
Hawks chose to share none of it.
“They pay their members?” A commission member scoffed.
“That is not at all important, Tanaka.” A woman rolled her eyes. “We know they have connections to some informant, they probably take jobs from him.”
Hawks just shrugged, petting dyed locks just out of frame. “I have no idea anyway, but they’ve gotta eat right?”
“Haruka is right, Tanaka. They’re pay rate doesn’t matter so much as their payroll. Whatever the case, however, this won’t do at all. Hawks this is the fifth week in a row you’ve had nothing to report. You had more to report when you were first assigned this mission so what did you screw up for them to stop trusting you?” 
‘Wasn’t so much what as who.’ Hawks thought with a smirk under his desk as he shrugged. 
“Who can say. You know me.” Hawks narrowed his eyes a bit. “I’m nothing but a stupid bird brain after all.”
The tips of Dabi’s fingers heat up on Hawks’ thighs as he runs them up and down the muscled thighs. Hawks glanced down when he felt a soft suck around his already rehardening cock and was met with furious blue eyes, but he knew they weren’t directed at him based on the fact he wasn’t currently on fire. 
“Oh we’re well aware, but we’ve spent way too much on you for these to be the results. Do you need more training, Hawks?” The big wig glared in clear warning. 
Dabi and Hawks both tensed at the mention of training, but Hawks maintained his smile, petting Dabi’s hair once more. “No need for that. I’ll work harder to gain their trust.”
“You better otherwise your handler will be paying a visit for further training.”
Hawks folded his fingers to make his hand look like a phone out of frame and he felt Dabi shift under the desk. “I will Shizaya-san.”
“Good. Now let’s talk about your image recently. What have we told you about keeping your fangs filed? You’re lucky it’s close to October and people have just assumed the pictures are edited.” 
Hawks flinched before sighing in relief when his phone started playing some old Paramore song. He pretended to widen his eyes in shock and scramble for the phone. “Crap, sorry that’s my connection to the League. I have to take this before he gets angry. Great talking to you! Bye!” He rambled before hitting the end button on the call and slumping back in his chair. 
Hawks looked down to his lap at  the villain who had for some reason decided to act as a literal cockwarmer for the meeting and gave him a lopsided smile. ���Thanks for getting me out of that.”
Dabi pulled off the hero’s cock, giving the head small kitten licks as he put his phone away. “You lied to them.”
Hawks nodded. “Yup.”
Blue eyes met gold as Dabi stroked the hero’s cock. “Why?”
Hawks sighed, shrugging. “Well we were in the middle of something.” 
“They said it wasn’t the first time though.” His thumb flicked over the slit.
Hawks gasped at the feeling, a shiver traveling up his spine. “Do we have to talk about this now?”
Dabi squeezed the base before traveling back up and giving the head a lick. “Speak, bir-...Keigo.”
Hawks moaned, shuddering at how soft Dabi’s voice got. This was important to him.
“You guys are right.” Hawks relents. “You just heard how they talk to me. That’s been my life since I was like eight or nine years old, but I didn’t realize how fucked it was until I met you all and actually learned your stories. The Commission was going to take my intern originally, but I couldn’t let a fellow bird go through that. He wouldn’t look like himself by the time they were done with him and sure as hell wouldn’t act right.”
“Is he why I can’t have Black Parade as my ringtone?” Dabi scoffed.
Hawks laughed lightly. “You can pry that tone from his cold dead hands.”
Dabi huffed. “Stupid brat. So we’re inadvertently responsible for another hero then?”
“Yup, but he’ll be a real hero. I have no doubt of that. You can’t break him out of his emo phase let alone his values.” 
Dabi nodded sagely. “Good kid then” 
“You’re just say that cause you tried to barbecue me the one time I offered to buy you a makeover.”
This earned Hawks a toothy smirk. “Damn right.” Before Dabi turned serious again. “So you’re actually joining now?”
Hawks nodded. “If you’ll let me?”
“You have had some pretty good info lately…” Dabi hummed before nodding, a wicked smirk over taking his features. “I believe this calls for a celebration.”
Hawks furrows his brows in confusion before crying out when the scarred villain took him down his throat in one go. “Dabiiii~!”
Dabi bobbed up and down the hero’s cock, obviously trying to get him off fast as a hand fumbled in a coat pocket.
“Ahhh~ Dab-Dabiii~ Ahhhh~! Please Ahhhh~!” Hawks rambled, not noticing Dabi pull lube out of one of the pockets of his leather coat until there was a lubed finger prodding at his hole and he chirped in surprise. 
“There’s my pretty bird.” Dabi hummed when he came up for air for a second before taking him whole once more and pushing his finger in.
Hawks’ wings puffed in pride at being called a pretty bird as various pleased bird noises left him with his moans.
Dabi pumped his finger in and out as he listened to the beautiful birdsong above him. He almost wished Hawks hadn’t hung up so the quirkist assholes could hear how pretty his little bird sounded. ‘Making him file his fangs. Fuck that, I oughta burn the place to the ground.’
The fire user slipped a second in and hummed around the blonde’s cock at the pretty whimpers he made. He could tell the blonde was close to coming again, and he planned to fuck one more out of him after that. Make him forget all about that stupid commission. 
Hawks had his head thrown back, hips twitching to meet each thrust of fingers and bob of head as he continues to moan and chirp his approval, keening when a third finger was added and he came down Dabi’s throat again. 
“Such a responsive birdie.” Dabi hums before licking up the vein on the underside after he swallowed. “Clear everything important off the desk. The rest is getting thrown on the floor.”
Hawks whimpers in sensitivity, whining when Dabi’s fingers are removed. 
Dabi chuckled at the sight of the trembling bird, giving him a chance to get up before just pushing the papers off the desk, having the decency to at least place the computer on the floor rather than break it. Better safe than sorry where Hawks’ wings were concerned.
Hawks gave an annoyed squawk at the mess Dabi made before flushing when he was pulled out of the chair and pushed chest first onto the desk.
“Dabiii~ No more~” He whimpered half heartedly, but made no real move to actually end things.
“Hmmm, sorry birdie. You don’t sound very convincing there.” Dabi smirked as he pulled his cock out of his tight pants.
Hawks pouted over his shoulder before moaning into the desk when he caught sight of Dabi’s cock resting on his ass. He never could quite believe Dabi’s cock belonged to the skinny twink of a man when its destroying his insides, but there it was in all its Jacob’s Laddered glory and Hawks had no more refusals about having it inside him, over sensitivity be damned. 
“God, Dabi,” Hawks breathed out causing the villain to smirk.
“Like what you see, birdie?” Dabi teased as he lubed up his cock.
“Fuck yes. Come on, Dabs~!” Hawks groaned, presenting himself for Dabi as his wings ruffled in interest.
Dabi blinked, still not used to someone being this interested in his crispy, trauma filled appearance as he groaned. “Fuck, birdie. If you insist.” He half-chuckled, pushing the tip in and relishing in the low whine he received as he pushed in slowly. 
“Dabiiii~” Hawks moaned, the talons of his ungloved hand clawing into the desk. “Come on, Dabs~ Move~!”
Dabi slowly bottomed out, trying to give the bird a chance to adjust but barking out a laugh when his courtesy was met with impatience. “What happened to ‘No more~’, aye?”
A gold eye glare at him from around red wings and Dabi’s next taunt was cut off by a choked noise as Hawks clenched around him. “Move, Bacon Bits.”
“R-right,” Dabi swallowed, pulling almost all the way back to thrust back in fast. 
The quivering of Hawks’ feathers paired with his low moan gave Dabi the encouragement to pick up the pace, fixing the angle every few strokes until Hawks cried out to notify Dabi he found the pretty bird’s prostate which he then proceeded to abuse.
“Come on, pretty bird. Sing for me. Let this whole damn building hear your pretty sounds.” Dabi smirked, slamming repeatedly into Hawks’ prostate.. “Such pretty moans. I wonder. Is it my size? How its filling you up so good? Or maybe how it hits your prostate Every. Single. Time?” He made sure you punctuate each word with a thrust that drew another cry from the pretty hero under him. “Or maybe it's the drag of each piercing against your walls and the pull of them against your rim, huh pretty bird?”
Hawks was trying to stay quiet. He really was but between the things listed off and him listing them off in the first place, the low rasp of his voice, the hero had to bite into his coat in a desperate attempt to not alert the whole building that the number two hero was getting his brains fucked out by one of Japan’s most wanted. With how easily his fangs tore through the fabric, however, he was beginning to question if maybe the commission was right only to have the thought thrusts right out of him by the Prince Albert abusing his prostate. 
“DaAaabiiii~ “ Hawks practically sobbed. He had already come twice and had no time to recover from either as he clawed ribbons out of the wood of his desk. “Pleeease~AhhhhHHhhh~ Just cum already please please AHHH~ PLease~!” Hawks blabbered
Dabi groaned low in his throat at the tight heat squeezing him and the voice crying out begging for him. “God, Keigo…”
Hawks keened at the use of his name, arching into the desk, the sight making Dabi cursed. 
“Fuck, birdie.” Dabi growled as he pulled Hawks off of himself. “Flip over.”
Hawks whined at the loss and it took him a second to process the villain’s order before he scrambled to obey, letting his wings hang off the desk as he hooked his legs around Dabi’s skinny waist to pull him closer. “Please,” he breathed out.
Dabi groaned at the sight. “I figured you’d be the death of me, but I didn’t think I would enjoy it so much.” He breathed out as he lined back up and continued his earlier pace, holding Hawks close this time. 
“Feel free to bite, pretty bird. I know how you love doing it, and I don’t think there’s any skin left to truly daAamage anyway- fuck, birdie.”
Hawks had needed no further prompting, biting into the scar tissue of Dabi’s shoulder as soon as he had the go ahead, the action muffling his chirps and moans nicely while also arousing Dabi to no end.
Dabi didn’t last long after that nor did Hawks. Within a few more thrusts Dabi found Hawks’ prostate again and Hawks’ own precum to stroke his still overly sensitive cock. 
Hawks cried out, biting Dabi’s shoulder once more as the overwhelming sensations sent him over the edge once more as he squeezed around Dabi.
Dabi grunted as Hawks’ own release sent him over the edge as well, spilling hard into the trembling birdie beneath him as he stroked Keigo through his orgasm and thrusts through his.
A few moments later had Hawks whining in overstimulation as he bat Dabi’s hand away and tried to squirm away from Dabi’s cock. “No more,” he mumbled.
Dabi was panting as he leaned over Hawks, trying not to collapse. “Yeah. Fuck. Yeah, no more.” He muttered, pulling out and picking Hawks up to collapse back in the hero’s chair with him..
Hawks breathed out a laugh as he leaned on his elbows. “For such a big bad villain you sure are a cuddle bug.”
“Fuck off, you didn’t get hugged enough as a child either.” Dabi definitely did not pout as he leaned back in the chair and buried his face in the hero’s bird’s nest that he called hair. 
“Fair enough,” Hawks sighed, snuggling into the warmth that radiated from the villain. “Feel better?”
“Mhmm,” Dabi hummed, intent on falling asleep right there. “What about you, pretty bird?”
Hawks cocked his head at the villain in confusion. 
“From what the suits said,” the raven clarified.
“Oh,” Hawks hummed before nodding, “You’re dirty talk includes a lot of fluffy pet names.”
“Damn right. Telling you to file you fangs. I oughta burn the place to the ground right now.” Dabi snarled, glaring at the computer on the floor.
“There are kids there.” Hawks sighs, knowing that will stop the secret softy.
“Why the fuck are there-” Dabi’s eyes snapped back open, filled with fire. “No.”
“More future heroes , yeah.” Hawks hummed, not lifting his head from the villain’s shoulder so not seeing the fire in his pretty blue eyes.
Dabi shifter until he could get his phone out of his pocket, much to Hawks’ annoyance. “Fuck UA, I’m texting Shiggy right the fuck now-hey give that back!”
“Shhh. Nope. Afterglow time. Not villain time. You can be a secret softy later. You pulled me into this cuddle, you’re gonna finish it.” Hawks mumbled, drifting off into the contrasting temperatures that was Dabi.
“But what about-”
“You’re not getting them out right now without a plan. I’ll help you guys draw up maps later. I promise.” Hawks sighed, slipping Dabi’s phone into an inside jacket pocket.
Dabi glared at his sleepy bird, but ultimately relented, relaxing back into the chair. “Yeah, alright. Do you wanna move over to the pull out couch?”
Hawks hummed, nodding as he lets some feathers move under his butt to help Dabi carry him across the office before wrapping his wings around them both. “G’Night, Hot Stuff.”
“G'Night, pretty bird. I’ll wake you up if anyone comes to the door.” Dabi sighed, grooming red feathers.
Hawks hummed his thanks before drifting off. 
Maybe he should have warned Dabi that Tokoyami could use the window now too.
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transhawks · 1 year
hpsc: yes you will commit state-sanctioned murder under our program and orders but you must also be sexy while doing it.
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itsnothingofinterest · 3 months
I think that the LoV deserves to win in the Final War because if they win, they will be able to create a world for themselves. The Heroes never meant to deserve to win at all considering the fact that most of them are morally corrupted (like the HPSC) and they are more interesting when they lose all the time.
If Spinner were able to win against Shoji, that would prove that his point will be always right and he would be able to save Shigaraki. If Toya succeeded, it would be the punishment that Endeavor deserves for abandoning his eldest son. If Toga succeeded, she would be able to do anything she wants. If Tomura Shigaraki wins against Deku and destroys Deku along with the entire Hero Society, Tomura Shigaraki would be able to have peace with his friends.
If I may be allowed the opportunity to rant: I'm sure some will say this is crazy at this juncture of the story but honestly? I get where you're coming from. Or at least 90% of it.
I mean for starters, I sympathize with the League far more than the heroes (no surprise from a villain fan). I think they’ve earned the happy endings they want after how hard they’ve struggled against the towering odds they’ve faced, an area which I feel they far surpass the heroes. I want them to win, I want them to prove the strength of their bonds, all that fun stuff for them.
And just logically, if you look at the worlds both sides are trying to make…the villain's world kinda seems better? Because after all, isn’t the plan to just take the current world, tear it down, and rebuild it without a whole bunch of its glaring flaws? The easy world Toga wants where kids like her don’t fear for their lives. Where corrupt heroes like Endeavor and bigots like the CRC aren’t left to their crimes. In a warped way, they’re almost like young All Might.
Compare that to the status quo the heroes want back, the very one that brought us here, which I don’t see much reason to root for. I mean even if you say “but all the people who’ve died”; first off, I swear mha civilians frequently act like horror movie victims so I can only care so much for them. But if I did, they want back the very status quo that led to all that death in the first place so…it feels like it’ll just lead back here again. A return of the status quo? This chaos is part of the status quo by now, you sure you want it back?
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(Granted this is all hampered a little bit by Shigaraki’s sudden decision to sink the country and really where did that come from? Did Tomura just say that to appear more inhuman? Did Hori make him say that to appear more threatening? Because that kind of interferes with a lot of the League’s goals y’know. Sure he doesn’t want to give the status quo loving heroes a chance to rebuild what he destroyed, but society still needs replacing as part of the plan. The PLF are still supposed to rebuild according to their desires. I may make a post about just this plot point soon.)
Not to mention that I totally get what you mean about the heroes not narratively earning a permanent win here. Not only have they as a whole not really developed and surpassed their old flaws, but just the fact that they’ve been doing their own war crimes in this arc (when you’re really supposed to stick to your morals and beat villains by the book against make-the-world-better-by-extreme-measures-type villains) really makes me think they just don't deserve the win because they kind of can’t be trusted going forward. I mean the final arc's supposed to show where everyone is ending up; how they'll be in the future. And the impression being left is that the heroes, even the kids to enough of an extent to worry, have shown the same corruption we know the HPSC for.
About the only thing I disagree with out on is that I don’t want Deku specifically to die. He can be, to put bluntly, a self-righteous moron about things he doesn't understand at times, and can be a bit of an AM clone a lot of the rest of the time; but I'd hardly wish his death for just that. Especially since it seems any hope for the heroes side not repeating their mistakes rests on him pulling his head out of his arse and getting a clue on how to be better than All Might. Not that I think that'll happen anytime soon, but that's why I keep insistently hoping for an MHA part 2.
(Sorry I took so long with this. Mix of being busy with real life and being in a writing funk. Which is why this may not be my finest post either. Hope you understand.)
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epickiya722 · 1 year
Yeah, I have been thinking (which all I really been doing nowadays, but that's for another time) and I came up with the relationship between Miruko and the Hero Public Safety Commission (HPSC).
Alright, so... Miruko should be #1 or at least #2. Sure, she's my favorite and I definitely will stand by this but, without even being a fan, think about it.
She managed to take out several Nomus and a High End ON HER OWN using just her strength and speed. A tiny (she's 5'2") rabbit woman managed to take out several opponents and hold her own for a while. Meanwhile, two of the top pros had trouble dealing with one. (Which happened to be the same one Miruko once met some years back. Ain't that something?)
Yes, at the time Hood was flying around and causing chaos. So of course, Endeavor and Hawks would have trouble.
But Miruko was able to take out one High End permanently just by realizing "He's not good at close combat" in moments while fighting other High Ends with a missing limb? In a more compacted area underground opposed to open air?
All in that first half of that second episode, we see that Miruko is fast, strong and a quick thinker.
And even injured she still went after Garaki and let's be honest, if she didn't bust that capsule Shigaraki was in, his body would have fully developed and there would have been a lot more chaos that would be happening in the current anime arc.
(Sadly, the anime didn't show that bit but I digress.)
Now, you're probably wondering why I bring up her rank.
Well, let's talk about her history.
Long story short, Rumi was a bit of a wild child as a middle schooler. Somehow always barging into underground fights. She did it so much, she became known for it. Eventually, she had been taken into custody, expelled and her middle school was exposed.
This where Theorist Kiya came in.
Off rip, you cannot tell me her actions did not catch the eyes of the HPSC. Middle schooler manages to find underground fights and crash them every single time to the point she was known for it in Hiroshima (her hometown)?
Wouldn't that spark some interest from the HPSC?
Especially, since after she was expelled, she "disappeared" and got enrolled into a hero school.
Of course, it wouldn't be Yuuei since it's the top hero school, but it's a hero school no less.
What if the HSPC pulled some strings for Rumi and got her into one because they saw her potential, hm?
It's implied, if not clear, that people with "tarnished" backgrounds aren't necessarily "hero material". Even Bakugou points it out whenever he scolded those other kids about wanting to go to adult places and smoke.
So how did Rumi get into a hero school even though she is a known fighter, a troublemaker? Well, I ask again, what if during her "disappearance" is when the HPSC got a hold of her? As they did with Hawks when he was a kid and Lady Nagant (as you'll see later)?
What if the HPSC at least attempted to turn Rumi into their perfect little hero?
However, they couldn't because Rumi is Rumi. She is a fighter, she's stubborn.
She actually operates a lot more different than other Pro Heroes. It's why I think while she may be an employee and has to listen to HPSC, she still a lot more freedom than other Pros and therefore, the HPSC doesn't have complete hold of her.
She works alone, she goes from place to place, she doesn't have her own agency. Miruko possibly doesn't even have her own PR to do interviews or photoshoots because she doesn't want to and doesn't have to.
And the HPSC can't even tell her so because she is one of the best they have.
Now rounding back to her rank.
I also want to bring up that that Miruko works alone and moves from place to place. What if she actually scores a lot more rescues than we're lead to believe? And she's fast, strong and a quick thinker. She's also gorgeous with a rabbit quirk. Yes, that's important because if it wasn't, Hawks wouldn't have his own fanclub due to his charms. Mt. Lady wouldn't be ranked so high despite being a new hero.
It's not even an attitude problem because Endeavor was ranked at #2 before All Might's retirement and he doesn't put on a fake smile or anything to please people. They're aware he's mean, even his own fan points it out that he's known for it.
So why isn't Miruko a higher rank even when she has the capability of being in one? (For goodness sake, rabbits are cute. You cannot tell me that alone doesn't boost up her status a bit.)
Because of the HPSC.
Remember, they oversee what the Pro Heroes do. Hell, they make the Heroes.
They oversee the rankings. What if they place Miruko at #5 where she's still ranked high to appease the public and so it wouldn't be too suspicious, but not too high as a way of "keeping her in place"?
But the joke's on them because Miruko actually doesn't care. So she keeps doing her own thing.
She might even have some stuff on the Commission and they don't even know yet.
To put this whole mess of a post simply...
The HPSC may have made Miruko into a hero and she didn't mind it because she got to fight bad guys and she's about that action. However, unlike with other Pros, they don't have that complete hold on her so she still does what she wants.
I just wanna say I am not some analysis/theory/meta blogger. I just got a lot of thoughts.
This post serves... let's say a headcanon. Just a big one kinda? This is just mostly me rambling and no I'm not looking for any debate. I know how this fandom gets. Some of you really can't help but argue with people and get your panties in a twist when the initial post is a headcanon or something. For real, chill, damn it.
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grimalkinmessor · 1 year
I think Hawks has a skewed idea of what abuse is and how it generally should affect those in power. As someone who was abused himself, not only by his own parents but further by the Hero Commission, you'd think he would know that what Endeavor did to his family is bad. And I see a lot of people like "He just looks up to Endeavor, he knows Endeavor is trying to change"—
But I don't think Hawks does know that.
Endeavor hasn't specifically said anything like that to him, and Dabi and Shoto also sure as hell aren't singing his praises, so I have to wonder if Hawks just... doesn't register what Endeavor has done as abuse. As something bad. Hawks knows that other people are angry about it, that other people see it as something bad—but I don't think he views it that way himself.
This comes back to the fact that Hawks himself is abused. Granted, he doesn't act like it. The differences eclipse the similarities between Hawks and someone like Dabi, because from what we've seen, Hawks seems to harbor absolutely NO bitterness towards his family or the HPSC at all. Which is fucking weird.
The Hero Commission bought a child from his family, trained him vigorously from a young age, and monitor what he says and does closely. Hawks even says in S5E3, "That's mean, making it sound like a choice when we all know it's not". They took Hawks' desire to be a hero and turned it into a chore. And though Hawks has expressed a desire to slow down and take things at his own pace, he also doesn't seem willing to go as far as one would think for it.
He doesn't see the Commission as something to revamp or take down, and whether this is because Hawks is content to use them for his own goal or because he's just painfully optimistic like Midoriya is remains to be seen.
For some reason, Hawks is not being written as a victim OR a mindless soldier, even though Horokoshi has canonically dropped hints that the Commission turned Hawks into a child soldier. He didn't even go to school and yet he doesn't have any will to go against the Commission. He doesn't think for himself. He recognizes the people around him and their need for help, but doesn't seem to realize he needs help.
I wonder if that will be a plot point in the coming arc. I wonder if it will come up when he and Dabi are pitted against one another again on the same battlefield as Endeavor.
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barid-bel-medar · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Iida Tensei | Ingenium & Iida Tenya, Midoriya Izuku & Yagi Toshinori | All Might Characters: Iida Tensei | Ingenium, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Kizuki Chitose | Curious, Hero Public Safety Commission President (My Hero Academia), Iida Tenya's Parents, Midoriya Izuku Additional Tags: Tensei being a bit of an idiot Summary:
The issue is this; think before you speak, even if you think you’re defending a loved one. Or, the first day of training goes very wrong, Tenya is very badly hurt, and Tensei complains to the media.
This does not go the way he hopes.
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j-a-n-e--d-o-e · 11 months
So this is all bullshit but I've been hyper fixating on mha for months now to the point of having read and watched almost nothing else ( probably obvious given the state of my tumblr ) but what if the reason the hero rankings in MHA are effected by popularity and not just your stats is because The Top 10/20 are meant to act as a balance /overseer to the Commission?
Like we all know the hpsc are a shady organisation with no real public or gov. oversight, but what if that wasn't always the case? What If the Top Heroes were meant to be that oversight with public approval affecting rankings because that meant the top 10 better represented the views and beliefs of the general public. However, over time, as the hpsc grew more corrupt, they suppressed this information, buried the bi-laws related to it & altered hero school lessons so it was forgotten.
Heroes usually die young, rarely living to retirement age, and in the span of a single generation, the most important aspect of being a top 10 hero was completely forgotten. It went from being an important sociopolitical role to a mere Status symbol, and the hpsc were free to do as they please.
I just feel that it makes sense, especially as it feeds into the idea that the way their society is structured has been failing for a while now. The Hpsc Is super corrupt, and in my mind, they're the true evil within MHA, but I doubt they started out that way.
The idea that no one considered the HPSC going rogue when it was founded and raising child soldiers or profiting off what it was meant to stop is insane to me. I mean, they were dealing with the aftermath of societal collapse and government failure.
Bitter, traumatised people and you want me to believe they never worried? never doubted what it was they were doing?
No. They had to have known it was a possibility.
In my mind, the state of Japan in MHA, once you notice the cracks and shit is much more insidious and terrifying if there were checks and balances in place to prevent this outcome, they just weren't enough.
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