#the only thing is I don’t know if I could restrict myself to one type
pkmn-smashorpass · 1 month
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I feel like I’d be an early gym leader that’s easy to beat. Help guide early trainers and hang out with my team
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15minlatewithbatbucks · 5 months
untitled janet/talia, Bruce's bio kid Tim AU pt. 1 (NOW no choice but to love you)
AO3 Link (a little behind, but better edited)
Janet scheduled her appointment with Bruce Wayne for a Tuesday.
Mondays were for business matters that came up over the weekend, easing back into the daily grind, and not much else. Wednesdays were notorious for dragging on and putting everyone in a poor mood. Thursdays were basically the weekend and Fridays for men like Bruce Wayne were simply not.
It had been a struggle to get such a short notice appointment, but she was wily and knew how to sweet talk assistants and secretaries alike and as such she earned herself her preferred time.
Tuesday morning at 9:30 am.
Sitting in her car at 8:53 am, Janet could only continue driving herself mad with her own swirling thoughts and recriminations. On one hand, she could leave and say “fuck it” to all of her hard work getting this meeting with Gotham’s unofficial official prince. Who would know? Not Bruce Wayne or the paparazzi, that’s for sure.
Unfortunately, she’d learned the hard way that avoiding this particular problem hadn’t made it go away. No, something had to give and she knew it was going to have to be her.
The thick stack of divorce papers on the passenger’s seat said as much.
She wasn’t much for dithering, not really. She’d gotten her crying out in the shower this morning like an adult and she wasn’t keen on revisiting it. She would have to redo her whole face, probably while walking through Wayne Enterprises to avoid being late. She could only imaging what the soulless corporate drones would think of her.
She let herself wallow until the clocked ticked over to 9. Then she killed the engine and climbed out, smoothing her business casual blouse and skirt. Checking her reflection in her side mirror, she fiddled with her ponytail and squinted over her eyeliner – was it uneven? Oh well. There wasn’t time to fix it now.
Before she walked away, she grabbed her purse from the backseat and checked its contents.
This was a first for her, she thought with a humorless smile; one of the most important business meetings of her life and she was walking into it armed only with a child sized toothbrush and a hairbrush. She would have to stop for replacements on her way home and thought that maybe Tim might like to go with her. The toothbrush was from a passing interest in dinosaurs and these days he was more of a superhero type kid.
The young woman at the front desk – the girl, really, was Bruce recruiting out of middle school? - rattled off a list of rules and restrictions for visitors as she efficiently issued Janet’s visitors pass. Tacked on at the end, she gave impressively detailed instructions on how to get the elevators and which one to take.
Janet nodded easily and was just about to move around to the plainly visible elevators behind the desk when a man appeared and slid into the vacant chair beside the girl. He gave her a little paper cup and kept the other one for himself.
“Sorry,” he said with an easy grin. “You treating our guests right, Becca?”
“I did the badge all by myself,” she confirmed, a slight smile peeking out from behind her general teenage apathy.
“Sorry,” he said again, turning his attention to Janet. He glanced over her pass quickly. “It’s bring your kid to work day, but you don’t need to worry about that if you’re visiting Mr. Wayne. His kids don’t like coming here any more than their daddy does. And the littlest one isn’t going anywhere soon!”
Janet’s answering smile was glass.
“My son actually loves coming to the office with me,” she said, choking back heavy guilt. She never should have come here. She should have made different choices ten times over, never should have dragged her son down with her. “He thinks shuffling paper is the single most important thing any businessman can do. I think he likes the sound of the paper on wood.”
“And he’s right as far as I can tell,” the man – his name tag read “Ron” – agreed easily.
Janet faked a laugh and extracted herself with a friendly shrug before bee-lining for the restrooms. She found a stall and firmly locked herself in before her face screwed up in misery. She shook her hands out, wanting to press them into her eyes or grip her hair, but she couldn’t ruin her mascara or her ponytail.
She forced herself to stop and took her phone out instead. Her phone background was a breathtaking view from a rented home in Tambobamba. She felt, if possible, shittier. Other mothers had their children as their background or lock screen.
Turning her screen off and then on, she stared judgmentally at the picture there of her and Jack. She would have to change that soon.
Then, just because she was deep in her self-loathing, she clicked through into her photo gallery. The last picture she’d taken of Tim was almost a week old from when the two of them went for ice cream after she’d fought with Jack – it had been a desperate grab for normalcy and she’d immediately posted it to her social medias, desperate for someone to see how hard she was trying and-
And what? Praise her for doing the bare minimum?
Tim was a cute kid, he was. But he was so sticky and clingy and he always talked too loud and after Tim fell asleep in his car seat on the way home Janet had cried herself nearly sick.
Janet swiped back to the home screen to search what she’d originally intended when she took her phone out.
Talia al Ghul due date
From the gossip rags, it looked like Talia would have a late summer baby. A son. Bruce Wayne’s “first” blood son.
Just after Tim’s birthday, she thought. Which was... just over two weeks away at this point. She had nothing planned yet. What did people do for sixth birthdays?
…Hiring a clown was probably out.
Janet didn’t sigh, very aware that there were other people coming in and out of the public restroom. She double checked that her phone was set to silent before stowing it away again. Not that many people were clamoring for her time, not anymore. She was viciously glad of the fact. Let Jack choke on all the emails he couldn’t bother reading for all she cared.
Janet slid the lock and stepped out into the fray once more.
She still washed her hands because she wasn’t a savage and quickly exited the bathroom. Now that she knew to look for it, a few of the people she saw around did look too young for the workforce. Stepping into the elevator she needed, she was joined by a couple of employees dressed smartly and a girl around Tim’s age in a shimmering mermaid tail dress.
This had to be a punishment. This was as close to Hell as she believed in.
The little girl chattered happily up until the 21st floor when she was pulled out of the elevator by her mother. The other employee got off on the 25th and Janet rode nearly to the top all alone.
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questionablyrhetoric · 5 months
tricks i use to not die
(will be updated from time to time)
1. walking. obviously you always get the whole “walk it’s so good for you,” but walks can often suck. if you play a high intensity sport like i do several times a week, doing intense workouts outside of that is very detrimental and you WILL burn out. walking helps burn calories, get steps in, and overall makes you feel better.
2. eat serving sizes. it’s specific, but then i know exactly what i’m eating when i’m eating it, especially when it comes to unhealthy snacks. (plus those are often very small serving sizes)
3. waiting. when i want to eat i always wait 15 minutes before, so i can really think on my decision and it’s not a spur of the moment choice.
4. this may only work for some, but tell yourself you can eat. you see a snack you can say “oh that’s perfect! i’ll eat that later.” but as time goes on you lose interest and don’t end up eating it. restrict your food, not your mind.
5. stay out of the house. currently for me it’s difficult because it’s winter in canada, and i want to stay warm, but i try to get in at least a walk a day and spend time downtown or with friends. (this works because my best friend also doesn’t eat a lot and has a gluten intolerance like me, so our outings rarely revolve around food)
6. focus on nutrients. everyone says this, but it’s true. think how what you plan to eat will do for your body, and if you want to actually gain nutrients from this.
7. get in a routine. for me i wake up at 5:00, have a shower, do a few easy workouts, do some stretches, get homework done (if needed), and then get some rest time before i start getting ready. my mornings are beneficial to me mentally for lots of reasons i won’t list, and a routine will give you something to rely on.
8. never have a “fuck it” mentality. you ate chocolate? that’s fine. enjoy it. but don’t believe your day is ruined and then binge. people slip up, they go over limits, and that’s okay. don’t make it worse.
9. find something to do. take up a new hobby, or learn a new skill, or work on a project. find something you genuinely enjoy and work on it. your mind will stay occupied.
10. if you use it, find th1n$pø that looks like you. i could never get behind the skinny asian girls who are about 5’0 and 70 lbs. for me i personally just want to look like a skeleton, so i prefer the more 🦴spo type. but if you’re going for more realistic goals, find photos that are similar to your body and build. you can’t change your skeleton. i’m sorry.
11. if you happen to be poc or have really curly hair, get it done. i spent eight hours in a hair salon getting braids. easiest fast of my life.
12. this is a habit i still struggle with, but try not to weigh/measure obsessively. if you weigh yourself multiple times a day you’ll get discouraged. i aim for about twice a week, and try and focus on subtler things (my rings being lose, my clothes looking bigger, making a new hole in my belt, etc). it keeps optimism going.
13. if you can, join a sport. i play hockey and i burn between 700-900 cals from one practice, which is only an hour. incredibly helpful and fun all at once.
14. i’m so going to hell for this, but romanticism. you think i’m enjoying this? fuck no. but by imagining the little things and romanticizing my little disorder, i’m keeping myself in a decent enough headspace to keep going. (i think i’ll make a longer post on this topic later)
15. this is incredibly difficult, but act. lie your ass off. do your homework, smile, make jokes, socialize. don’t change immediately and try and act as everything’s fine, people won’t catch on for a while if you do.
16. have a goal that is for you, but not just about looks. this is a little tricky. most often i see people either doing this for a) to look more attractive. b) so the object of their affections will reciprocate. or c) to get revenge on those who’ve body-shamed them. my current goal is to fit the part for the role i got casted in, more to embody the character. obviously i do this for looks as well, but mainly it’s so i can kinda method act. find something specific to work towards alongside your other goals.
17. water. i’m personally not one of those people who chugs litres daily, but i try to drink at least one water bottle full daily. if you find yourself hating the taste of water, get some of those 0 cal flavourers. mine’s berry pomegranate.
18. become loyal to your brands. i only eat two kinds of protein bars, only drink coke zero or diet dr. pepper. this could just be me, but experimenting doesn’t make me feel very safe. i like to know what i’m eating inside and out.
19. always, ALWAYS keep something on you. i’m not joking. if you’re going out after three days of fasting get a fucking cereal bar or something, because you can easily get faint and risk it. i’m not telling you to eat, but always keep food on you for emergency.
20. spend time alone. don’t completely isolate yourself, but be alone when you need to. it gives your mind a break from the stresses of social life and allows you to just get some good thinking in.
21. get used to small portions. if you go out for a meal, get a small salad instead of a large, small coffees, forgo snacks, stay with water instead of getting a drink. this both gives you less food and has you not spending so much money.
22. go to bed early. we all probably know by now when you don’t eat you have insomnia, so by going to bed at say nine, if you spend maybe, three hours awake, you’re still getting roughly 6-8 hours of sleep depending on when you wake up. if you had gone to bed at midnight, you’d have gotten about 3-5 hours.
23. i cannot stress this enough. IF YOU ARE DRINKING, FOLLOW THE RULES. drinking on an empty stomach is dangerous enough, remember to wait 30 minutes between drinks, drink water, never accept rides from drunk people or drive yourself, etc. we’re already risking our lives, no need to get worse.
24. take good care of myself. although i look like i’m rotting away, i’m incredibly intense when it comes to personal hygiene. it’s easier for me personally to exist when i’m clean and fresh, and spending time doing my hair or makeup helps distract me.
25. cook your own food. i understand a lot of people may not have the time or money to afford cooking for themselves, or maybe they just don’t like cooking, and that’s fine. but if you have access to a kitchen and ingredients, look up some recipes! spend time learning! it’s so much fun and gives me a way to both pass the time and know exactly what i’m putting in my food.
26. if you wish, go vegan or vegetarian. i’ve been on a strict gluten free diet for a few years now due to an intolerance (so against my will), but i’m coming up to a year being vegetarian by choice. not trying to preach this lifestyle onto you, but if you want to eat more vegetables or have an easier excuse for just getting a salad when out with friends, there you go.
27. do things you actually enjoy. i’m not going to force myself to run because i fucking hate running, but i’m perfectly comfortable going for a bike ride or long walk. i’m not one for soccer, but i’ll play hockey and ski. if you’re exercising, don’t force yourself to do something you hate. do something fun and enjoyable, and everyone’s different so don’t feel pressured to be “better.”
28. (i sound like such a consumer) go shopping. seriously. going to a mall will get you thousands of steps and thousands of dollars in debt but fuck it we ball.
29. try to be mindful. lately i’ve been getting into journalling again to try and get off screens, and also been doing puzzles to stay relaxed and focused. it’s tempting to just scroll eternally, but spending some uninterrupted time to just think and exist is quite beneficial to your mental health. and considering you’re on this side of tumblr, you need it.
30. get outside. even if not to exercise, if it’s just to sit on the curb or feed birds, get outside. it’s just so good for your mental health and seriously you’ll feel better.
this post is very long, but i still plan to update it.
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Expense, recast rant, grown-ass people behaving badly
‘Legit dolls are too expensive.’ I call BS, there are plenty of nice lower price dolls that everyone welcomes within this hobby. Most people also have a lot of respect and admiration for hobby skills and are happy to see cute dolls regardless of the cost of the base doll. Yes, it may take you a long damn time to save for a more expensive type or to have the collection of multiple dolls that you may crave but you can either wait and save or get a less expensive starter doll in the meantime and both are ok. Everyone plays at their level in life. I bought a house and a car that are reasonable for my income, I don’t make myself miserable always chasing something more because that’s a never-ending battle, there’s always something better, something more. I budget my extra money in a way that makes sense for my lifestyle, neither over-spending nor being a miser. I have established a reasonable savings and investment plan because I know unplanned expenses can be devastating and because it’s very satisfying to invest and watch my money earn more money. But all of that is just normal adulting stuff so my big point here is that it’s questionable that anyone but a younger teen wouldn’t have learned all of this too and behave accordingly - buying the legit dolls that are within their means also. So that’s why I’m really surprised to see grown-ass people acting crazy over insisting that they are entitled to these bootleg dolls and that others are big meanies for saying ‘Hey, don’t post those here, don’t bring those in - they aren’t part of our hobby.’ Do they also think they can bring their fake Gucci bag to the luxury handbag forum, their rowboat to the yacht club and their KIA to the BMW road trip meets? Usually not, they know better, right?.
Many people are always going to have more dolls, more expensive or rare dolls, more traveling time and money to attend doll events and meets, maybe more stuff for their dolls, possibly more room and a better camera too, the list goes on. But if they are buying within their budget, then that’s the right level of spending for them. Mine is going to be different, maybe a lot more than some people but probably always far less than others so comparisons aren't really even useful. If something doesn’t fit my budget or my life, I need to work around it. Not try to unfairly game the system (buying cheap recasts so my collection is bigger and seems better) or take unethical shortcuts (cheating doll artists out of their fair earnings because I want their thing but won’t actually pay them for it so I go pay for a cheap stolen copy). That’s just bad and wrong thinking. 
And yet here we are, still dealing with having to push back on people who buy recast dolls after all this time. It hasn’t blown over or gotten any better. The hobby at large needs to take a better ‘no bootlegs’ stance and actually condemn this behavior. There’s no real neutral, the jury is in, recasts are a blight on the hobby, they make legit prices go up, drive hobby artists out of business or into a mode of releasing in a more limited and controllable way. The issue itself creates division among the members so if you tolerate them, if you were one who thought you could remain neutral, you see how they have now bloomed up like weeds into a multi-million dollar business for just one recast company, right? That overshadows almost all of the legit companies but maybe Volks and probably tops over the income of all the solo western bjd artists combined. This will only become worse if we continue to tolerate the recasts, as the western economy heads into recession, as doll artists continue to quit, restrict their production, raise their prices. 
It’s also a giant social pain in the ass. Friend gets a recast? Either the friendship is now fucked if you stand your ground and actively uphold your pro-artist only values or now you are called on to compromise those values, become recast neutral and to not criticize their doll, to be tolerant of their bootleg choice, and that’s both in your friendship and also within your hobby space. And of course they will talk about it because you are doll friends, right? So now a recast shares time and takes up space within your shared hobby. And since it’s now fine to have one, your friend will probably collect more (you notice they rarely stop at one, right?) and now the friend may attract another friend or 2 who may also have a shared recast sculpt, you get the picture. But most people are ‘too nice to say no’, and so that’s how they end up sliding down into a group full of recast owners if they don’t take a real pro-artist stand. Even worse if you are an artist yourself and you keep silent, if you don’t speak up and advocate for your fellow artists. We’ve even seen other artists buying recasts now. What level of diseased thinking is that? Bad enough to have these little bands of thieves lurking in their bootleg groups but when another artist joins in, that’s some next level ish.
Ok, I’m done. If you are legit-only, what’s your response to your doll friend buying a recast. Has it happened to you? 
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neddea · 3 months
Polaroid Go tips and tricks - I really love this camera!
This is basically the post I wish I had read before and after I bought the Polaroid Go. I haven’t been able to find much info on tips and tricks, so I’m gonna share what I’ve learned, also with the intention of getting some feedback and hopefully more knowledge from the community 🙏🏻 Also, beware of the long post, I guess!
(NOTE: This is about the 2nd Gen Go, idk anything about the 1st Gen version).
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The reasons I bought the Go instead of any other Instax or Polaroid camera:
☑️Analog camera instead of digital (I wasn’t sure about many other instant cameras). I wanted to restrict myself and not even have a screen to be able to tweak things or choose which picture I wanted to print. The goal for me was to learn photography in itself by using the “simplest” tools. If the picture turns out well, it’s because I’ve understood how to use the tools and how to get the most out of them (and sometimes I’m just lucky, let’s be honest!)
☑️Easy to carry around. I have ADHD, so I know that I will never do something if it feels like a bit too much work to get started on (for example, taking pictures outside if carrying it is a hassle). The Go was by far the best one in that sense.
☑️The film is cheaper than the other Polaroid films (at least that I’m aware of). This is huuuge for me, since I wanted to take as many pics as I could and not feel as bad if I “wasted” film with experiments and trials. Still not as affordable as Instax film though, but closer than other types.
☑️It has filters. I know, this might seem like a dumb reason, but I really wanted to get into this hobby because I wanted to relearn photography and go back to that feeling of physicality that used to inspire me back in college. I wanted to experiment with cellophane paper and with the chemistry of the film itself and whatever idea came to mind, and the filters added to that goal. Some instax cameras have unofficial filters, but they didn’t seem as… sturdy? Properly made? Idk, looks deceive and they could be great for all I know (if anyone has experience with them let me know, I’m curious!)
☑️Double exposure and flash On/Off options. Two other huge reasons why I chose this camera! For the same reasons as the one before: I wanted to experiment and be able to control the tool to take the pros and cons to the extreme.
☑️Accessories to carry it around and keep it safe (although I have things to say about some incompatibility issues).
That being said, things I don’t like as much:
🔻Can’t control exposure times and diaphragm aperture (sorry if the terms are incorrect, English is not my mother tongue and I learned the basics in Spanish). There are only two options and they’re automatic, so it’s a bit difficult to get it right. You can half press the shutter button to lock focus distance and light sensitivity though, but I haven’t mastered it quite yet.
🔻Polaroid film is not the most stable (I find it difficult to put this as a downside, I’m actually quite happy and even grateful that it works like this to the point that I count it as an extra tool and a huge part of the artistic process. Then again, sometimes you want things to work as you planned, so I’m guessing this can be a bad thing for many people).
🔻The film is still expensive, especially if you add shipping expenses. There aren’t nearly as many options as with other Polaroid cameras, the only available editions are the white frame and the black frame. I’d love to be able to use the peach frame, or a monochrome film, or the Bowie edition… but it seems like Polaroid doesn’t pamper the Go as much as its siblings
🔻Pictures tend to not be as sharp as the bigger films or it’s harder to get them right.
🔻Too much contrast between shadows and lights.
All in all, I’m really, really happy with it! I think it was the perfect choice for me, and I’m sad to see it isn’t as loved in the community (I’ve read though that the 1st gen wasn’t great, so that might be one of the reasons).
I also wanted to share my tips and tricks for different things!
🔳Double exposure: I'm still figuring things out, but so far my best takes have been in total darkness with very intense and direct light sources (a phone's flash directed to the camera, for example). For anyone who has never tried or doesn't know how this works: think of photography as painting with light on a black canvas. Total darkness means total lack of light, so you're not painting anything, right? This is especially useful for double exposure, which basically means taking two pictures in one. If you have absolute darkness with one small source of light and you take the first exposure, you still have plenty of "blank" canvas left, so the second exposure's lightened parts are gonna superimpose over the darkness of the first one. For example, in the first pic below the first take was for the two lines and circle (with the blue filter) and the second was for my friends' portraits (with a yellow filter). Play around with the shadows and lights, you can for example give some texture to the shadows of an otherwise well lit figure. For this reason I don't recommend using the flash, but hey, there's probably a good way to use both!
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⚠️BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE TO IT. You wish you could take more than two exposures?? YOU ACTUALLY CAN. I just discovered this and I'm over the moon: double tap the flash button to turn on the double exposure mode, take the first one, turn the camera off; turn it on again, double tap for double exposure, AND THERE YOU GO, you are gonna take three exposures now. Do this ad infinitum if you want to (probably not the best idea for the film though). I'm so happy about this, you have no idea.
🔳Filters: I’m still getting used to them so I might be wrong, but generally speaking they reduce contrast. Pure blacks and whites will still be there if it's a well lit place, but you get more details on parts that would be otherwise slightly overexposed, and the middle tones don't get as dark. I also have a feeling that the flash works wonders on closer shots, tinting that plane more strongly with the filter, but as the flash reach fades into the background, the filter is not as visible (again, I'm basing this in just one picture that looks like that, I'll have to do more research). Another rule of thumb: yellow is the lightest color and blue is the darkest, so use them wisely. The blue filter is probably going to make the shot look a bit darker, and the yellow one might make it look too bright. I want to hear how anyone else feels about them, I might be completely on the wrong track with these!
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🔳Incompatibilities between accessories: This one is annoying. I bought all together the hard case, the silicone skin, the travelling bag, the mini album, the wrist band, the bigger band and the filters. The main issue is the silicone skin, since if used the camera doesn't fit inside the hard case, AND you cannot add the filters to the camera because there's no window for it. I had to cut the frontal part of the skin so I could fit the filters, which is not ideal. I don't know how Polaroid has overlooked this particular thing, but yeah, be aware of that. The bands and the mini album have a ring with a clamp that allows you to attach them to each other or to other bags pretty easily.
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🔳Using the countdown to get sharper pics. If your pulse is as unstable as mine and you're shooting a picture under dim lighting circumstances, I'd advise you to use the countdown tool to avoid any blurriness and shakiness. At least for me, when I click the shutter button I end up moving the camera slightly, which has slightly ruined some pics (this is not just Polaroid, it's just a general photography thing, but heavier cameras are not as sensitive to movement, I think. Physics, idk). So to avoid that, I just press the flash button for several seconds until a LED light lights up on the front of the camera. When you press the shutter, it counts down to 9, I think, and then takes the pic.
🔳Film temperature and development: Listen. Some people might complain about this, but I actually see it as another tool to take the shots that I want. I feel it's more impressionist-like than any other kind of photography, since it captures not just what the eye can see: it also kinda captures the impression and feeling of the moment. I've taken several pictures of my hometown, and it was around freezing temps outside, so when I took the first pic of course the shadows came off looking blueish and greenish, and they didn't get too dark at all. At first I was confused and a bit disappointed, but after two or three more shots I was ecstatic about it. It reminded me of the blueish greys Monet used in his paintings. I made some experimentation with the amount of time the pics developed in the cold and it's just so much fun. So yeah, id say use it in your favour! Remember to keep it close to the body in the cold to avoid it, and maybe some insulated pockets for the heat (Polaroid sells a bag for the camera with one such pocket, but I feel it doesn't work too well against the cold, would have to try in hotter temps). ALSO, sometimes it will take several days for the shadows to get as strong as they'll get! Especially if the pic developed in cold temps.
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🔳Let entropy be part of it. Just experiment with the camera. Take lots of double exposure pics to try specific things without wasting as much film. Remember: sometimes the pics won't come out as perfect as you'd like, but often enough the reason might be something you might have done wrong; other times, it's just bad luck with the film or something else. Sometimes those imperfections add to the feeling of the picture. And sometimes you half-assedly take a shot and it turns out to be especially interesting. It can feel like every pic is a conversation between you and the camera (as cheesy as this might sound), and some things that you find compelling the camera might not be too thrilled about; sometimes you can convince it, and sometimes it shows you the beauty of something you didn't pay too much attention to. Take all of the pictures as learning opportunities, adapt to the tools you have. This camera can be really good for what it is, but it has its own personality (and so does the film), and sometimes it takes a while to warm up to new people, right? (Instead I feel like I just found my new best friend right off the bat LMAO)
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🔳Finally, Polaroid's app isn't necessarily created for the Go, since it doesn't have any Bluetooth tools, but it does help with scanning. I'd recommend giving it a Go (pun intended), since it already crops and fixes the perspective of the image to show just the frame and photo. I normally have to edit it so that it looks a bit closer to the physical picture, but that's just me going the extra mile.
I think that's it! I'm still thinking about how to store or showcase the pictures in a nice way, do you guys have any ideas? How do you do it? I'm also saving all the used film cartridges (is that the right word?), I don't know what for but I want to do something with them! I've seen people displaying pictures in them though... Any ideas?
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk (I’m so sorry for this stupidly long post)
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oraclekleo · 2 years
Kim Min Gyu (Seventeen) Kinky* Reading
Hello and welcome!
I’m Kleo and I’m here to present some k-pop related tarot readings to you.
I would like to state that all these readings have a purely entertainment nature and their purpose is to bring some fun into my and hopefully yours lives. I have never ever met any of the idols / actors / celebrities in my readings, I don’t know them personally. Tarot reading isn’t an exact science and I can never guarantee any of it. Most of it is my intuition mixed with fantasy. Don’t take these readings seriously and don’t base any important decisions on tarot readings only, use your common sense.
If you wish to request a tarot reading, please read the pinned post on my profile first to see the instructions on how to request. I only do readings for idols / actors / celebrities of 18 years of age or older. Requests for readings including younger people will be automatically dismissed. If you feel uncomfortable with these tarot readings, do not engage in reading my posts. Thank you for understanding.
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Deck: E. A. Poe
Spread: Kinky*
Turn On
Dirtiest Secret*
Full Name: Kim Min Gyu
Stage Name: Mingyu
Group: Seventeen
Masterpost: Seventeen
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Kim Min Gyu
Mingyu (Seventeen)
Deck: E. A. Poe
Spread: Kinky*
Position - IV The Emperor
Mingyu can’t really go any more dom than this. He’s likely a caring dom, though. While he likes to be respected (called ‘sir’ or ‘master’ or whatever dom pet name he’s currently into) he’s not likely to manipulate or trick his lover. He’s openly assertive and powerful and will be the driving force of the relationship.
Libido - VI The Lovers
While he’s a dom, he’s not a sadist or anything near that. Mingyu is a romantic kind of guy and will enjoy love making fully and without restrictions on his side. He’s likely to truly enjoy kissing immensely and he’s absolutely incomparable when it comes to this skill. He’s passionate, sensual, his kisses are deep, hot and reaching the very soul of his partner. He’s also likely to become handsy. He likes physical contact, likes to feel his lover’s skin against his. Mingyu is actually more likely to enjoy making out than sex but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t want it. He does want it and he wants it a lot. The making out sessions nearly always escalate into nights of passion.
Turn On - VIII Strength
Mingyu is a dom but he has his mischievous and bratty side to him. He likes to play and become the teaser once in a while. And he looks for a lover who could easily tame him at times like these and handle his bratty side. He’s not looking for another dom, more like a person with wisdom, courage and gentle way of disciplining him. He’s looking for someone smart enough to grasp when he wants to play games and join him in this endeavour but won’t try to boss him when the game is over and Mingyu takes the dominance back.
Kink - 5 of Cups
Mingyu might have a thing for water. He’s likely to enjoy showering together with his lover (pressing them against wet tiles and taking their breath away from them in a steamy shower), or taking a bath together (being ridden while water splashes around) or even swimming naked at night together, getting frisky in the water, waves being the background noise for moans and sighs. Oof! I should stop before I need a cold shower myself here. You get the idea.
Dirtiest Secret* - King of Wands
Mingyu is likely to truly enjoy love making outside in nature. We have already mentioned naked swimming at night but Mingyu will like any kind of dirty ride when surrounded by nature. Picnics are never dull with this guy as he’s pretty inventive with strawberries and whipped cream. He’s likely to enjoy the thrill of being caught as well. Imagine this: Mingyu and his significant other attending some family or friends event, at one point they sneak out and find the thickest tree in the garden just for Mingyu to first inspect his lover’s tonsils thoroughly with his tongue and then start undoing his pants and ask his lover to drop on their knees with a cheeky wink. Okay… the cold shower seems like a good idea now.
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*Cough, cough!* You're not helping, man... 🥵
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cloudmancy · 11 months
I’ve honestly been thinking about how to reconcile actually seeing problems with CR content policy and all that stuff with those people being close friends and collaborators with people from D20.
( Especially that I do consider myself the CR fan, I like watch the streams which feels a bit hypocrytical but I giess I could have worse hyperfixations lol; to clarify I am also a D20 fan and been before even I have started watching CR)
Obviously I am of the opinion that glamourizing and putting creators and artists of any content we like is dangerous (and seeing them as our allies or friends in some capacity) - and we as fans don’t really know those people and shouldn’t base our moral judgement as ours.
But like I still wonder, how do people like Brennan think of CR and their policy, especially considering Brennan frequently praised Matt not just as a creator but as a person
I am curious on your thoughts, not trying to start any discourse here, just thinking
great questions! I want to start off by saying that I really don't care to speculate what brennan's opinion on the policies are: firstly because I don't parasocialize people like that, and secondly because he would not be in charge of any content policies for dimension 20 even if he felt some sort of way about it. I think if you want to reconcile liking CR while having issues its content policy, we need to look at what the issues are first.
as much as I've dunked on CR's content policy, it is nothing unusual for shows to want to protect their own IP. the terms of copyright in there are pretty standard for any form of media (even if I think it's pretty ironic that critical role is itself derivative of another franchise). the only reason dimension 20 doesn't have anything similar is because they're not at the point where it's profitable for people to sell knockoff merch or make knockoff mobile games using their characters yet. I think you need to prepare yourself for dimension 20 eventually reaching that level of success too.
dimension 20 from the start has and always WILL market itself much more as a product than critical role. it explicitly is one of the few things that kept dropout going through the bankruptcy of collegehumor as a parent company, it treats its audience like paying customers and respects audience feedback accordingly, and that's fine! I like that about it! it means that we get sensitivity consultants and production value, because we are customers paying for a product and there are now standards on how that product is delivered.
so yes, I do think dimension 20 will, at some point, implement their own content policy. they already have copyright over their works and properties, even if it's not stated anywhere on site. I have asked about the validity of fanworks before, and gotten this as a response:
For copyright protection reasons we are obligated to protect our IP in instances where we see it being monetized / exploited (the legal meaning) by non-official sources, and sanctioning monetized fanworks in an official sense could create a situation where our copyright becomes compromised on a legal level (without that sanctioning being a long legalese-ful document filled with caveats).
so we're at the same place that critical role fans were five years ago - it's not technically sanctioned, but dimension 20 has been turning a blind eye and even supporting some of the charity endeavours that involve the use of their IP. what remains to be seen is what happens when D20 eventually does put a content policy of their own in place, and which types of fan content will be restricted.
my issue with critical role's content policy is and always will be how they choose to reinforce it, and the way CR itself still markets itself as a small game between friends and refuses to acknowledge how corporate it has become. they may not be explicitly allowed in their policy, but imo they should only come into play when there's actual scammers using copyrighted logos or copyrighted images to sell products.
a content policy for CR was inevitable. there will be one in the future for dimension 20 too. but there is no reason that CR should have been striking down charity projects and fanzine productions, from members of their own community and official artists no less. I can only hope dimension 20 will not go down the same route in the future.
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gurugirl · 2 years
The Tiffany Club Part 7
Summary: Camille is a sex club worker living in NYC. She meets Harry, a private equity CEO millionaire one day and they realize they like each other. A lot. But will Harry be willing to overlook Camille’s career choice?
AN/Warning: I will have a * by the parts when smut is included. This warning list is comprehensive for all parts, not all contain smut or listed warnings. NSFW, smut, oral (male and female), 18+ only (as always), angst, dom & sub themes, sex work, light alcohol use, mentions of disordered eating and food restrictions
Pairing: Sex club worker Camille x Harry Styles
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Part 6
Part 7
When Harry told me he had been seeing someone else I can’t say I was too terribly surprised. I barely know the guy and he’s gorgeous and rich. Of course he’s got some woman somewhere he’s fucking. Looking the way he does it’s impossible for him to be single.
His explanation for everything seemed legit and then he called her right in front of me, put the phone on speaker, and broke up with her. I’ve never had a guy so desperate to prove to me he was breaking up with a girlfriend. Or, well, not girlfriend according to Harry. But still. Same thing as far as I’m concerned.
Is it shitty of me to expect a guy I want to date to be single? I don’t think it is. Yes, I might have a monthly session where I’m getting paid to have sex with a married man, but that’s work. I don’t have feelings for Edmond. The money is too good to pass up, though. I get a minimum of $10k a month from one man. Sometimes he gives me more, depending on what he wants. But even with that, I consider myself single. Some guys really think that they can date me and see other women at the same time, but I don’t deal with that. My job is separate from my personal life and I won’t be working at the club forever. I have standards and if the guy I’m seeing has a job like mine, then of course I wouldn’t mind what he did at work as long as he’s not seeing other people on his off hours. I need to be the only one.
I was surprised, though, that Harry called her right in front of me. It made me feel a little better about his situation. Then, the more I thought about our situation I realized he’s right. We had just met. If what he’s telling me is true about intending on breaking up with her before he met me then I can understand. Plus, after hearing Lindsay on the phone with him, yeah, she sounds like a true bitch.
I really did want to have sex with him. It’s been a while since I’ve had really good sex with a man so attractive. I’ve been a little desperate lately, actually. And Harry looks the type that he can give what he says he can. Plus, when I was straddling him and kissing him (he’s a phenomenal kisser by the way, already a good sign) I could feel the thick bulge in his pants. And I do mean thick-thick. I even got a little glimpse when I moved off his lap. The crotch of his pants was tight and he’s got some length to him as well from what I could tell. But a big dick does not mean a good fuck. However, just his admission of being good at cunnilingus made my mouth water. He could be all talk, though. The last guy that went down on me was a clueless prick. I had to ask him for it, first of all (bad sign), and when he did go down on me he was only down there for like five minutes before he thought that was good enough to try and fuck me. I was barely even warmed up. His lack of enthusiasm was obvious and he barely licked over me, mostly used his fingers. I don’t know if he even made contact with my clit. Because after five minutes of hard labor down there he acted like I must have been ready for him to put his dick inside of me. I kicked him out before we got that far. I asked him why he stopped and he really had the gall to tell me it was difficult eating women out and he found women preferred him to just fuck them because he’s better at that. I laughed in his face and pointed to the door.
Harry’s flirtatious and confident attitude has me turned on, though. Part of me regrets telling him he needed to take me on a date first. Like, I could really use a good orgasm. And not one that’s brought on with my vibrator. Like, I need a good old-fashioned dicking from an attentive man. Harry fits the bill pretty well, or perfectly actually. I have no doubt he could show me a good time in the sack.
When we finish eating I wrapped up the rest of the pizza and Harry washed the plates we ate off of. He insisted on washing them and part of me swooned over it. God, am I that hard up that a man who washes the dishes makes me wet? Yes. I am in fact. When that man continues to promise me how good he can make me feel, when he touches my hip and looks into my eyes the way he does, when he grins deeply, causing his dimple to appear and he looks like a god doing it… Yeah. Oh yeah.
I’m not ready to kick him out but I don’t know what I want as we sit back on the couch. Do I want him to stay a little longer and we can talk (yes, I do) or do I want to wrap this up and then change into my pajamas and watch Netflix with Barry and smoke weed (yes, I do).
“Uh… do you want to watch something? I’ve got Netflix and regular cable.” I shrug as I turn the TV on. Now commence the awkwardness.
“Sure. If you don’t mind. I don’t want to be a bother. I can leave if you need me to. But I haven’t got anything else going on today, so…” he looks at me with his big green eyes. His lips are pink and ready to be kissed. His hands are placed over his lap while he’s got his legs spread wide, which draws my eyes toward his crotch again. He’s not hard anymore but there’s a sure bump where I know his prick must be. Even when he’s soft he’s prominent under his pants. I quickly look back up to his eyes and he’s smirking at me. I watch as he looks down between his legs and back to me. He licks his lips and draws them into his mouth. He’s waiting for me to respond but he’s caught me ogling his crotch.
“You can stay. I didn’t make any other plans today. But only if you want.” I try my hardest to keep my eyes on his eyes. But Harry is suddenly dragging his gaze over my body, slowly, and then back up to meet my eyes. Probably as a way of telling me he knows what I was doing and he’s not ashamed to respond in kind.
“I’ll stay then. I think I quite like your company, Camille.” He smiles sincerely at me this time and I return the smile. I begin flicking through options for us to watch as we discuss what we’re in the mood for. We decide on something easy to watch so we can talk if we want. It’s something we’ve both seen already and Harry insists he doesn’t mind watching.
About 15 minutes into the show I realize I’m not paying any attention. I’m so focused on Harry next to me on my couch in my small apartment. The handsome man next to me is drawing my attention without doing a damn thing. He’s literally just sitting on the couch, one leg folded over the other, an ankle over his knee and his arms spread over the backrest of the couch. If he were to move his hand forward just a hint, he’d touch my shoulder. I can feel the heat emanating off his hand, it’s that close to my shoulder. I sigh and pretend to be engaged with the TV but I’m feeling buzzy and a little horny. Now that Harry has agreed we won’t do anything sexual it’s like I want him more. I internally scold myself for being so desperate but I can’t stop my hormones from responding to this man. I squirm a little and cross my legs together, squeezing lightly as I reposition myself. My heart won’t stop hammering and I realize my breathing is a little ragged as well. I need to pull myself together.
“Y’okay?” Harry’s deep voice startles me. I look over at him and he appears genuinely concerned, not overly but there’s clear care etched in his features. I laugh a little and nod and Harry’s smile deepens in response, his dimples displayed. The attractive fucker. 
“Uh, yeah. M’fine.” I don’t look away from him as his eyes are still on mine. He drags his eyes down over my thighs and back up to my eyes and gives me an approving nod and hums in response before turning his attention back to the TV. Fuck if I didn’t want him to make some kind of move but I have a feeling he’s keeping in place the boundaries I just set and I want to stab myself for telling him we should hold off. But, the wait will be worth it, right? Like I shouldn’t be jumping into bed with him so fast. I know that. However, having him be so understanding with my request makes me want to tear him apart and fuck his brains out all night. Just imagining his hands on me makes me squirm again, repositioning myself.
When I’ve re-crossed my legs and settled down into a similar but new position as I was before I feel the burning weight of one of Harry’s fingers on my shoulder since my repositioning allowed me to get closer. I swear it was subconscious. I didn’t do it intentionally. I keep my gaze on my TV, not knowing what’s happening with the group of characters having a somewhat dramatic moment. Harry chuckles at the show and I realize, he knows what’s going on and he’s paying attention. That means he’s not as bothered by my presence as I am by his and it makes me feel even more frantic in my horniness. God, there’s something about a hot man ignoring you just enough to make you wet. Or is that just me? I think I've some serious issues. I try and laugh a little bit as well at the TV and watch Harry from the corner of my eye to make sure I was laughing at an appropriate moment. Then I feel his finger drag lightly over my shoulder. A quick press and caress of his finger to a small part of my shoulder has made me smolder even more and I gulp thickly at the barely evident contact. I pause all my movements so I can feel his finger on my clothed shoulder.
“This okay?” Harry’s voice startles me again. I realize he’s asking me if it’s okay that he’s touching my shoulder. He’s not even got his whole hand on me, literally just a finger smoothing over a small square inch area and he’s asking me if it’s okay. I turn my head to look at him and smile, trying to act nonchalant.
“Oh yeah. Barely noticed. Sure…” I turn my head back to the TV and roll my eyes at myself. Barely noticed my ass. My panties tell a completely different story right now. Harry continues his light strokes over my shoulder and I melt into him slowly. I even lean my head back slightly without realizing it at first. When I move to recross my legs and reposition my bum comfortably I have made myself a few inches closer to him. Now Harry has a little more access to my shoulder and even my neck if he wants. I’m hoping he does something about it.
When I hear Harry hum and take a deep breath I turn my head to look at him. He’s still looking at the TV when he speaks, “You sure you’re okay, there? Seem a bit restless to me.” He turns his head to look at me and smirks and then his hand is moving toward my neck, light, delicate rubs that send me soaring into my thoughts. “Y’keep crossing your legs and you don’t seem to be paying any attention to the show. S’it boring to you? Should we try another one?” I can see the challenge in his eyes. He knows exactly what’s going on here and what its doing to me, his cocky smirk indicates as much.
“Uhhh…” I think about how to answer. I want to move things forward with him because now I’m so horny my panties are wet and he smells so good, and I haven’t had sex with a man I was interested in for nearly five months. I swallow while I consider how to approach this. Harry’s hands scratch up the nape of my neck and he repositions his legs so that he’s angled toward me now, giving me his full attention. The delicate touch of his finger tips on my bare neck cause my brain to blank out. I don’t know what to say or how to say it. I’m not usually like this with men. If I want something I say it, but in this instance, I’m at a loss.
When I feel Harry’s fingers wind into the hair at the nape of my neck he pulls lightly, causing my head to pull back and he directs my gaze to him. I nearly lose it, my mouth parts and eyes widen at his gesture. It’s not aggressive but it’s dominant and I want him now.
The look on his face is serious as he licks over his lips before speaking, “I asked if you were okay. Are you?” His brows furrow slightly and he directs his attention to my lips and over my neck then back up to my eyes as I gulp. My heart is pounding and I want to tell him to fuck me right now and right here.
I clear my throat because I would have spoken in a croak if not and take in a breath before speaking, Harry’s hands still I my hair, keeping my head tilted toward him, “I… I am okay. Yes. I just… think I haven’t been with a man I’m interested in for quite a while and right now I have one in my apartment and it’s distracting. That’s all.” I take another deep breath and let out a small laugh but Harry’s demeanor doesn’t change. He’s still looking at me with a serious gaze, but there’s something else there. He looks hungry but he’s not going to indulge until I give him the green light.
“I see. Well, like you said, next time I take you on a date we can break your dry spell, I guess. That’s what you still want, correct?” Our eyes are locked and I swallow again before shaking my head as much as I can with Harry’s hands holding me in place by my hair.
“Maybe we could… I don’t know." I sigh and close my eyes before finding the confidence to speak what I want, "Forget I said that.” Harry releases my hair and removes his hand from me completely, his expression giving nothing away about how he’s feeling. His jaw clenches and he leans in closer to me.
“Forget you said that…” Harry hums and then looks down toward my thighs again and then back up to me, cocking his head slightly, “...you’ll need to expand on that thought for me. Tell me what you want.” His presence is hard to escape. His eyes locked on mine make me feel brain dead. My heart is throbbing and I’m uncomfortably horny. Harry seems so composed.
“Fuck.” I groan and uncross my legs so my thighs are flat on the couch and I rub my palms over them a couple of times to somehow bring my soul back into my body, to ground myself. “Yeah. I want to forget I said that. I think I changed my mind. I want… to kiss you?” I sound unsure but I know I want him. For some reason he’s got me feeling coiled up tightly and it makes me anxious with my voice coming out unsure.
Harry finally breaks his serious façade and he laughs, breathing out through his nose as he does so. He seems to have moved in closer to me now and he brings just a thumb to my knee. He watches me closely. Like he’s waiting for me say something else. I look down to where his thumb is rubbing small circles over my clothed knee and then back to his eyes and I nod. I don’t know why I nod but I want him to keep going. Keep touching me. Do more. Yes.
He licks his lips and looks down to my thighs and smirks, “Bet you’ve got yourself all wet for me, now, haven’t you? Can tell just by the way you can’t stop fidgeting.” He chuckles before placing his full palm over my knee and rubbing up my thigh a few inches. He brings an arm up over the backrest again, while his other hand remains on my thigh, “So, you want to kiss me? You have my permission, darling. If that’s what you want. In fact, I give you permission to do anything you want to me. Green light right here. Ball is in your court.”
His eyes drop to my lips then back to my eyes. I pause for a minute to collect myself. He’s so close and so warm. I decide to get on with it. He’s given me the “green light”.
I slowly lean in toward him as I bring a hand to his shoulder, my other on the couch between us, near his thigh. As I get closer to him, he leans toward me to make my task easier. When I finally press my lips to his my mind once again clears itself of thought. It’s only lips, and saliva, tongues, noses, moans and hands. Harry’s soft lips on mine, his harsh grip on my thigh, breathing heavily through his nose, his hand over my neck drawing me closer. I move my hand to his thigh and scoot in closer to him. He welcomes my nearness. I want to straddle him again, sit on his lap to make this easier but his grasp on my thigh has me unable to easily do so. I moan into his mouth and he returns the noise. He begins to drag his lips over my jaw and down to my neck and I gasp when I feel him suck on my pulse point. His hand moves further up my thigh, closer to my zipper and I’m spinning. I move my hand close to his zipper and when Harry moves his lips over my neck to the other side and back over the other jaw he closes his lips back over mine and squeezes the back of my neck. On instinct I bring my palm over the crotch of his pants to feel him hard underneath and he gasps, pulling away from me. His smile is naughty, dirty, his lips parted, nostrils flaring.
“You don’t just want to kiss me do you? You want more?” He removes the hand he’s got over my thigh and brings it up to my face, both hands cupping my cheeks and drawing me back into him, his lips caressing mine slowly, sensually, sloppily. He pulls back again, “Ask nicely and you’ll get anything you want.” He puts his mouth on my neck and I draw my head back to give him access to anything he wants. I moan out the word yes and then I allow myself to feel his lips draw kisses over my hot skin.
After a moment I find my voice, certain of what I want from him, “I want to feel you, taste you… make you come.” The words fall out in a breathy moan that sounds desperate.
Harry lifts his lips off of my neck and pecks a kiss to my lips before he says, “As long as I can make you come too, then your wish is my command.”
Part 8*
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bardicbeetle · 1 year
screaming about SitD - ramble on moral grey areas and vampirism and blood
Content Warnings: mention of drugs both use and dealing, and murder, that… is honestly about it. The murder bit is par for the course but I don’t usually dig into Moira’s list so obligate drug mention warning.
Additional reminder that I am writing fiction, character belief to author belief is not a 1-1 ratio.
Friend wanted to know about why my vampires were okay with killing people but not okay with stealing blood if that was a viable workaround to murder. This brought about via some previous conversations surrounding Isaac’s relationship to Alex and also the vamp!house as a whole. Brief interlude about the Lost Boys since they are the original blueprint for what my vampires eventually became.
Donated blood specifically within the confines of We-took-this-from-hospital = bad
Donated blood acquired via the chaos trio that is Isaac Carrie and Tom = good
And within that, the reason they Don’t Do that is primarily because Daniel takes issue with it and as far as the remaining Vamp!House is concerned, he’s as much in charge as it gets (which to be fair, is Not Much, but it’s not Nothing either). I’m just realizing that oddly enough 2/3 of the Chaos Trio blood they do take comes from Isaac and Tom who could not donate blood normally anyway because of MSM restrictions. There is also the argument to be made for taking a non-lethal amount of blood from someone and then messing their memory around until they won’t have questions about it, but again, Daniel is more against the whole Mind Fuckery shit than he is against murder at this point.
Re: The Lost Boys you can be mean about my bastard children I don’t care I used to have auditory hallucinations of Paul as a young teenager that annoyed me so much I threatened to kill him on a regular basis. But yeah they are, cavalier is a good word, indiscriminate is another but also it doesn’t quite fit to me just because as far as in-universe goes we only see them kill people who have fucked with them in some way or another. First being the security guard who kicked them off the boardwalk, second and third being the Surf N*zi’s who were fucking with them on the carousel and who the book confirms they have additional shit with already. But yeah. The boys don’t care about human life enough for people like Star, Michael, etc. We never see Max kill but I do not doubt that a lot of the missing posters aren’t just from the Boys.
point at hand, they have reasons. not necessarily good or good or morally correct reasons, but such is unlife.
Daniel is… more than a little desensetized at this point. He did so much worse under Amalthea that a single death every other week or so does not weigh heavy on him. For the most part. There are days it’s too much. There are moments his own cowardice gets to him (is it worth living for all this ruin?). But there are people relying on him staying alive. That comes first (they come first).
Jesse and Moira are a touch different in that they have… a handful of rules followed more often than not. Piled up justifications or excuses or both. Call them what you want.
Jesse is a constant case of weighed options. He’s the one keeping an eye on bigots and hate crimes and going “Hmmm. Okay, too many. You’re done.” is the bar of what constitutes “too many” constantly changing? Yeah. Is too many One more often than not? Also yeah. He keeps a list. It’s sometimes disheartening that it never really gets shorter. Moira joins him on this a lot of the time.
Moira isn’t entirely apart from Daniel’s mostly indiscriminite if unlikely to be investigated murder, but when she is there are specific types she’s going after. This kinda came up organically when I was moving the story to central VT for the sake of my own location-knowledge— Moira knocks off drug dealers, mainly those putting out heroin and fentanyl because those are the things that hit home for myself and the people I’m close to. If someone is lining their pockets with death, as far as Moira is concerned they’re getting what’s coming to them. It’s a smaller list than Jesse’s, but it’s something she keeps an eye on.
This method of theirs has on occassion gotten the household into hot water when someone who is actually avoiding arrest ends up dead falling off the face of the earth. That’s partially why the household has the arrangement they do with Jonathan Davies, if someone goes missing who needs to properly turn up dead, they work that out with him and Theo.
I’ll keep Alex somewhat brief as we explore their reservations about murder… a lot in the actual text. Immediately post-killing their parents they subsist mainly off of blood donated by Isaac. They know that by no means does the rest of the household just kill innocent people all of the time, but that doesn’t mean they don’t. It takes some adjusting. Eventually they fall into a routine that mirrors their arrival, they walk at night, they let someone try to hurt them, and that doesn’t go so well for whoever tries it.
Re: Vent Art
Moira does art constantly, I mention in one of Alex’s first scenes at the house that the living room is essentially wall-to-wall paintings all stylistically different from each other, only linked by Moira’s little gold MH signature in the corner. She fucks around in every medium she can get her hands on. Sometimes it’s vent art, sometimes it’s not. There was a period shortly after she made the decision to become a vampire that it was entirely vent art because she missed the sun so fucking badly. Later on she just decides to be up during daylight anyways, wrapped in a blanket cocoon and watching the light out the windows until her eyes hurt. The first time she discovers that new england cloud cover is heavy enough in the wintertime to feel like daylight when it’s snowing is like coming alive again. (It’s also a really sweet moment for the whole house as that’s the first time Daniel has seen daylight in decades)
Jesse writes. He’s a little… hmmm, less affected by the whole thing, I think, than most. But I think that’s mostly because what he got out of this was the chance to live and also the love of his life? He’s a little bit biased. And again, he has set out pretty specific rules for himself as far as who dies. That being said, he’s a writer, things spill over. I speak from experience both in that things you think aren’t an issue weave their way into your writing, and that Jesse and I are similar enough that writing is his default coping mechanism when things are Affecting Him.
Moira and Jesse make a comic together.
A lot of comics together.
Jesse considers writing an instant gratification art form, and Moira is the one with the actual patience to deal with his mess of ideas and help get them to a point that makes sense in a visual medium.
AddiHart Comics is their project baby. It’s the origin of me calling them the Vamp!House because that’s what they call themselves there. They write silly little slice of life shit that would be 90% the same as every other iteration of that except for the “Oh by the way, vampires”. They have yet to tell Daniel about this, it’s been ongoing for about half a decade. (In truth, he found out about it through Sarah, but he’s not going to spoil the “secret”)
I like having a little in-universe nod to their backstories.
Daniel doesn’t really make vent art, but Daniel also has approximately 0 healthy coping skills and is only in the last decade or so getting better about not Fully Shutting Down any discussion of the Horrors that live in his head and his heart. He does read though. Like, a lot. An alarming amount. He’s a sucker for his silly little pile of romance paperbacks. There is a reason his “bedroom” is wall to wall bookshelves.
So, yeah.
An amount of information probably larger than intended.
Which may or may not actually be coherent.
@cjjameswriting / @falling-rivers / @maabonwrites / @blve0 / @inexorableblob / @blueberrypoptart / @betwixtofficial / @drowsy-quill / @ezwriting / @ofinscriptions / @vaguelyhumanekid / @meatandboneasmr / @h-faith-marr-writeblr / @necros-writings / @poetinprose / @flyingbananasaur / @oldestenemy / @multi-lefaiye / @dotr-rose-love / @abalonetea
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Remember to Breathe
Pairing: Tasm!peter x reader (or any peter would work)
Summary: Reader recalls their first time experiencing a panic attack with Peter around to help.
Warnings⚠️: Angst, Fluff, Panic Attacks, Depression and References to Depression, definitely some good old Hurt/Comfort, brief mention of suicide, Peter being an angel (I think that counts)
Notes: This is not beta’d all mistakes are my own.
Feedback is greatly appreciated. This is based off of my experience with a panic attack which is not going to be the same as everyone. I tried to keep the reader gender neutral. This also has a past tense view as reader recalls the event.
Italics: inner monologue
Bold red: intrusive thoughts
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I still don’t know what was really going through my mind that evening. I can only recall the emotional and physical pain pulsing through my body in random outbursts.
I. Need. Oxygen.
In my chest, a knot tightened around my lungs, pulling tighter and tighter until I had no control over my own body. As the knot restricted my lungs and chest, the rope spread out to tie new knots around my head and limbs. The room started spinning and blurring together while I tried to force air in and out. But all I could manage were little gasps and hiccups as I began to sob uncontrollably. My hands were clenched tight, restricted by the ever growing rope residing in my body. Something heavy settled in my stomach and helped my body wage war on itself. I dropped to the tiled bathroom floor. Fear set in, and I couldn’t find a way to stop it.
I know I need to breathe to avoid passing out!
I need to let this attack happen. I need to feel something again—but this is bad. I shouldn't be feeling this way.
I need help.
No, I’m just asking for attention.
How can I be asking for attention when no one is around to see me fall apart? I don’t want anyone to see me like this. This time is too bad. I might accidentally hurt myself if I can’t get a grip on reality.
I know, but I’m going to die. I can feel it. I can feel the lingering doom. Something’s going to get me.
Something is going to get me?
Something’s going to happen. I'm in danger!
I’m in my basement! Why am I so paranoid?
I’m in danger!
This is safe. I’m safe.
No! I feel death, and it’s coming for me.
I’m not going to die.
Yes I am!
No I’m not. No I’m not! This isn’t right. Nothing is going to get me. Something is wrong. What's the number of the hotline?
No! Not that one! They’ll contact the police or Peter. Isn’t it for suicide only? I’m not suicidal, and I can’t be a burden.
The anonymous crisis line. I can text it.
What’s taking so long? This system is a failure. I shouldn’t have to ask others for help.
This time, I will.
I tried to grab my phone, but uncurling my hands is like trying to unwind a tight rubber band. Pins and needles took over my nerves as I forced the movement. I took my time typing and retyping at least four times until I had got it right. I couldn’t call them; it would've been too real for me, so I texted instead. The volunteer for the crisis hotline introduced herself as Sara. She guided me through breathing exercises and asked me about my mental health history. I told her about things no one knew at the time.
“What could have triggered this feeling for you?” she texted me.
“I was diagnosed with depression and general anxiety a few months ago. I've been seeing a therapist since tenth grade. It got so bad my family and friends finally began to notice.”
I continued talking to her and she asked me to describe my symptoms to her .Then she proceeded to ask why I had texted. After going over the symptoms including my hyperventilating, numb hands, shaking, and fear, she revealed that I was having a panic attack.
I still can’t get air. How do I calm down? The breathing method isn’t working.
That’s okay I don’t care. I’m just overreacting to all of this.
It’s all in my head.
Damn right it is! It’s not going anywhere! No one can help. I can’t even help myself. No one even noticed my withdrawal or overall irritability. My parents didn’t care until it affected them, and I told them I thought I was depressed. Peter hasn’t notice and he never will. HE CAN NEVER KNOW.
MY ENTIRE PERSONALITY CHANGED, AND THEY DIDN'T EVEN BLINK. They didn’t notice, and they still don’t care.
They do care! Peter cares! This is serious. I need help. Therapy isn’t working anymore. Why can’t I feel genuinely content for once? Why is it always anger or sadness? Isn’t that the whole point of therapy—fuck therapy—to help me feel again? I need more help. I can’t be alone right now—but I am alone!
I am alone and no one cares! Why doesn’t anyone care? Can’t they see I’m suffering? Can’t they see my fight to do basic tasks? I break almost every night, and does anyone ever notice?
No! They don’t understand; they'll never understand. I don’t want their fake sympathy!! How can they tell me they’ve been where I’m at?! This is torture. This is hell!
No, it’s not. So many people have it worse—but no one will save ME!
Nobody even knows I’m suffocating in my own head. They don’t see my constant struggles and daily battles to get up out of bed. It’s a never ending war and no one wins, so who could possibly help?
Peter, he’s the only one who might understand. Close out of the hotline’s website.
For the second time I attempted to use my hands again, but they just wouldn’t cooperate. I pressed each button carefully with my knuckles as my thumbs had completely locked up. Eventually, I made it to Peter’s contact in my text messages.
“Can you please come over it’s an emergency”
“What’s going on??! Are you okay y/n?”
“You have to come over, it's an emergency.
I’m having a panic attack I can barely text, but it's not 911.
“Okay hold on, wait for me. I’m on my way!”
I need to pick myself up off the bathroom floor.
Clothes. I need clothes and not this old itchy brown towel. He can't see me like this.
If I go get clothes, I’ll have to try to walk. I can barely type!
I’ll go slow. I have to open the window for Peter.
That’s a bad idea.
Yeah, I know it is.
I pulled myself up off the cold tile floor, and slowly walked to my room from the bathroom. On the way I shakily open the fire escape window, I don’t know when Peter will arrive, but I can’t let him see me like this so I continue to my room.
I get my clothes and grab an oversized white t-shirt I stole from Peter a couple weeks ago; it’s got black lined sleeves and a black collar. I took my nearest pair of pants; soft and fluffy white pajama pants with Care Bears on them. I stumbled a bit, struggling to get my hands around the fabric while shaking violently. Eventually, I succeeded in getting them on and I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.
I look like a mess.
I could dry my hair. Put some makeup on. Change again. Stop. Crying.
No, I’m tired of pretending. He's going to be here soon, no point in trying to cover up the truth. This is real and I can’t be fighting it alone.
No one needs to know I’m struggling.
Someone needs to know if I want to get better.
Fine, but I look terrible.
I know.
I returned to the safety of the isolated bathroom in hopes of sheltering myself from reality. I sit waiting while the tears fall down my flushed cheeks. When Peter got there he knocked on the door and came in to see me sitting on the bath rug covering the cold floor, tears streaming down my face as I began to regret my decision. I curled further into myself. I couldn’t stop the shaking and panic that took over me.
He's going to judge me! I just lost my boyfriend! The love of my life! Look at his face! I scared him. How could he possibly want to be around me anymore after this?
I had called him there to help me. I couldn’t be alone in the midst of my world seemingly crumbling around me. I feared he would tell me it’s all in my head. Tell me I’m not actually sick. Tell me I’m making it up, but as he got closer he did the one thing I didn’t expect him to do. Peter quietly made his way onto the small brown bath rug on the floor, grabbed my hand, and wordlessly pulled me close so he could hug me. I couldn’t stop the new wave of tears spilling out and clinging to my eyelashes.
He knows. He understands. I am not alone anymore. It’s okay to break, he’ll pick up the shattered pieces and make it whole again. I am safe right now.
He sat there and let me cry while he encouraged me to breathe with him. Slowly my lungs began to do as they were told. My hands were still clenched, but no longer numb and tingling. My mind stopped telling me I had to be strong. I wasn’t alone. I finally reached out like I should have.
“Shhh y/n, it’s okay. I’m here and I love you. I need you here with me, and I know you’re scared, but I’m here for you. Remember to breathe.”
I love him with all my heart. If it wasn't for him I doubt I could’ve made it. I may never truly win the war with myself, but I won this battle, and that’s all I needed to do. I just needed another soldier to give me direction.
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hasellia · 10 months
Happy non-binary awareness week everyone! Last night I revealed to my mother that I don't fully identify with being a man, and before I go into how that went, I wanted to type up how I got here.
I knew I was different to most kids growing up. When I wanted to play, they would go away, and when they wanted to play, I would go away. I was diagnosed with autism at a very young age, so any differences I saw between me and them were always blamed on that. “Oh, I like long hair and they don’t, must be because I’m autistic” “Oh they like athletics and I like drawing, must be because I’m autistic”. Any such difference. I’d come to learn such stereotypes of even cis neurotypicals aren’t true though. Eventually I found happiness by isolating myself, and my parents knowing that the usual parenting techniques wont work on me decided to lean into that. I had a very isolating childhood. My only friends being one other kid forced into the relationship and those constructed either in my head or by parasocial tactics by C list internet celebrities. Eventually though, I realised that I couldn’t spend my life solely living on someone else’s labour and decided to integrate into the community.
Then the pandemic happened. Then restrictions lifted. As I slowly teetered into the community, I noticed an uncommon reaction I was getting. People started confusing me for a woman. Not even necessarily mean spiritedly but genuinely caught off-guard when people close to me correct them “Actually, he’s a man.”. This was odd to me, after these interactions I noticed something else. “I’m not a fan of men, but you’re different.” “You’re not like the other men.” And such things were said constantly by my family. Even my 80 year old wannabe-nun grandmother said “Young men a such troublemakers, but you’re not like most men Hasselia. You’re something else.” Going into the community I could somewhat see what they were saying. I didn’t have the same attitude or likes as most of the ‘regular’ men I saw. But at those times, I just thought they were neurotypical. But then I realised even the neurodivergent men I’ve met were different. They didn’t feel the same need to be quiet or thoughtful as I did and just generally went about things a bit differently… But one person with autism is just one person with autism, right? Nonetheless I decided to ask someone about what they mean when they say, “you’re not like the other men.” “I dunno, you’re just different. You just move and speak and carry yourself differently. When women are around you, they seem to feel safer with you then the other men. You’re like a boy sometimes but you’re not immature. And sometimes you’re just… You. There’s no other way to describe it.” That was essentially what I was able to get out of them. I’m still perplexed by the movement and speech thing, but I realised I still hadn’t quite got enough of a reference to understand what they were saying. Eventually I met more nice men, bad men and those in-between and I realised even more how I’m just not like them. So, I started some soft research and a lot of internal searching. At first, I thought, “maybe I am a woman after all”. However, I found that those incidents of being believed to be one to be more distressing then I had hoped, so I stopped trying to see myself as one. Then I started being more strictly non-binary and… Ok not really. At the time I thought I’d be carrying the attitudes and beliefs instilled in me by my surrounding culture even if I transitioned. But now I realise I can’t quite fully separated my self from my assigned identity. I was confused on who exactly I was. A gender non-conforming man? A non-binary? Something in between? Maybe I really was a woman and I’m just had some unseen hidden internalised self-hate? What changed though was I saw a post on Tumblr about Therians / Otherkins.
The post went along the lines of “How cool is it that some people look inside themselves and see a black hole or wolf or something?” The way it was phrased just made somethings click in my head. I needed to look inside myself. And when I did, I didn’t quite see a man. I saw something resembling one, made from glass, housing diatomic white sand that hid a secret beauty until closely inspected. In an odd way, that was what I needed to really understand myself. I could call myself a man, as what was needed by society, the situation or just how I felt at the time. But I know that isn’t just what I am, both as a person, in society as well as in myself. And I’m not JUST gender-nonconforming, there’s more to it than that, something I still can’t quite explain. Some people look inside themselves and just see something else or a man, or a woman irrespective of their biology or assigned gender. I’m still not sure what exactly to call my degree of gender, all of this is still rather new to me and I don’t really have someone to hold my hand. Part of me feels like an uncertain fraud, because of my social isolation I never really had to deal with any dysphoria or confrontations about my presentation until recently. Some people go their whole lives struggling to define themselves, but I at least had a convenient excuse with autism. Even my birth name, although it's though it's masculine I've never met anyone else with the same name so it feels like it was almost made just for me. As an AMAB my identity may not be the most flashy or hyper-radical but they’re mine. I’m fully happy to call myself a man, non-binary and a non-binary man. My name is Hasselia, my pronouns are he/they and I'm a non binary man.
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ack4rwoman · 9 months
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note: i don’t mean to make this restricting, but if this blog is supposed to be a safe place for everyone (including myself) we might need some ground rules about what can and cannot happen here :)
you can ask for small drabbles to do with fictional characters you might be interested in. has to have a prompt, of course, so i know what i’m writing about
no [nsfw] content. the only thing that borders it slightly that is allowed could be random thoughts or head canons you might have of a particular character (in short, i still want you to be able to express random, funny thoughts you have because at the end of the day, we’re all simps for these fictional characters and completely down bad lmfao)
the awkward thing about requests is when someone asks you to write about a particular character that you dislike or despise. in order to prevent this, i’ll quickly jot down characters i like/dislike <3
i only write for fem!readers seeing as all my fics and works are self indulgent. that being said, in terms of what the reader is described as, my works are friendly for any and all skin types and hair types! :) (i try to make it so that it is, if you spot anything that you feel isn’t poc friendly, don’t be afraid to send me a message about it so it can be corrected!)
fandoms i write for:
aot and jjk
other mentions:
in the nicest way possible, i don’t want criticism on anything i write. i make fics for my enjoyment, to please myself and indulge for me. i only aim to do this with you all, not for you all.
on the contrary, i do like feedback on my writing. as long as it is polite, i’m okay with any other comments. i enjoy reading your thoughts!!
no hate comments will be tolerated in the comments or my inbox. i’ll respond to them if i feel the need to, and then straight after that, you’re getting blocked bcz you are a stranger on the internet - i truly do not have time for your ass lmao
if you support israel, get the fuck off my page and never return. you’re not welcome here, don’t stay where you’re unwanted. #freepalestine
why i might have blocked you:
i don’t block anyone at all, but if i have, it’s probably due to 2 reasons: 1. because of an interaction you’ve had with me that wasn’t pleasant. in other words, it wouldn’t have come out of blue. i’m never part of any drama lol, so you most likely won’t have to worry about this part (though it is safe to keep this up just in case)!! :) or 2. your posts with ships that i simply dislike (and/or hate) have come up on my feed a frequent number of times and i’m just tired of seeing it. this doesn’t mean i have any ill intent towards you when i block you, i just want to enter the app without seeing things i don’t exactly want to see! :)
who can interact?
anyone and everyone!
however, do not interact if you come under the following: racist, islamaphobic, misogynistic, anti-semetic, zionist, etc.
people under 18 can interact! this also includes ageless blogs :)
protection of my writing:
one thing that makes my writing specifically known as mine is the way i write y/n or the plot — usually follows a more comedic/crack type of story rather than an actual… story, lmfao?? i will not allow for anyone to take certain scenes i’ve written (and i’ll know, trust me, bcz i come up with them as they’re all inspired from IRL events of my own life) and then incorporate them into their own story. in short: i will not allow plagiarism, stealing my ideas, taking inspo from my writing without credit, and so on.
anything ranging from copying my stories to translating my work in another language is definitely not allowed.
i am certainly not against anyone promoting or recommending my story on their social media! i think it’s cute and incredibly wholesome <33
aot characters i am not willing to write for:
floch and zeke
jjk characters i am not willing to write for:
mahito and kenjaku
rules last updated:
14th of april, 2024
that’s all!! enjoy your stay <3
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bonesandthebees · 10 months
So Everything else has gone wrong is giving me major Pogtopia vs. Manburg vibes. It’s always fun trying to spot the events and relationships referencing canon in AUs. The crimeboys be doing crime, but they aren’t the only ones. They are just slightly better at it because of some supernatural abilities. And I love how that is 1. Not a common thing at all, which explains all the secretly having to switch you could just take as trying not to be seen because Wilbur’s being cased.
2. It seems to be a hard magic system. Wilbur can’t just change into anyone, he has to constantly consciously keep the change in position. Because of that he has to know what the person he shifts into looks like, and I love that how well he knows a person affects how fast he can shift into them. On top of that there’s some serious painful drawbacks and a clear limit on how long he can keep going (which depend on how often his shifts and how much energy he has).
Tommy seems to have the same thing. I don’t know what things clairvoyance is capable of because I don’t think I know what the word means in English, but it seems to be some combination of telepathy and being all-knowing, but in a way where you have to focus to do it. So obviously Tommy uses that to always bet on the right outcome. Also, his drawbacks seem like shit.
Gotta love all the references to backstory such as whatever happened between Niki and Schlatt as well as Quackity, Schlatt and Wilbur. It’s a nice example of showing vs. Telling. We are technically told what happened between Niki and Schlatt (though it’s vague enough to not feel like exposition and it’s done by a character talking). We are very clearly told something happened between Schlatt, Quackity and Wilbur, but then we are shown how close they were via Wilbur knowing him well enough to know he’s not bluffing and the touching knees. Also, Quackity not selling Wilbur out mainly because Schlatt’s a bitch but also a little because Wilbur indirectly says he deserves better than Schlatt. (though Schlatt not believing him is a very good point.
Also, gotta love self-sacrificial Wilbur. Though he does have a much better chance at getting away with it and Tommy has the money on him, but it’s more protective older brother than common sense. Still, it’s a solid plan, it’s just a shame he overexerted himself by running and shifting and couldn’t hold on until he was actually safe. Also, that he didn’t think of Niki because that held him up and made him have to shift longer.
As you can tell, I’m mild obsessed with this concept. I love the worldbuilding. It’s very intriguing and fun.
YEAHHHH the dynamics were definitely inspired by pogtopia vs manberg. I love including loose parallels to dsmp events I feel like it's just such a fun thing to base conflict on
yeah I wanted to make crimeboys abilities not be a normal thing in the world bc i see so many aus where 'powers' are considered the norm. and that's all well and good I've written those myself, but I just wanted to try something different. so yeah the general public does not know those abilities exist at all, hence why wilbur and tommy have to keep it a secret.
I wanted wilbur's shapeshifting to feel realistic. I had to think to myself how I wanted it to function—whether it was more of an illusion-type thing where wilbur can just project an alternate image to everyone around him, or if he's actually physically changing his body. I went with the latter because I felt like it had a lot more restriction to it, which made it more interesting for me to work with. technically he doesn't have to personally know someone well enough to shift into them, but he has to have spent a LOT of time observing them which is almost only going to happen when he, y'know, hangs out with someone a lot. like could he stalk a stranger for days on end and be able to shift into them really well without saying a single word to them? technically yes. but it's just easiest if he knows the individual personally.
clairvoyance is defined as 'the claimed psychic ability to gain information about an object, person, location, or physical event through extrasensory perception.' it can also be described as being able to perceive future events 'beyond normal sensory contact'. it's kind of a loose term when it comes to describing psychic abilities, but for tommy specifically I decided he's got three main things he can do. 1) he can remotely view a location or person he's not physically near. technically, he can only do this to a limited range, so if he's inside a building he'll just be able to look out onto the street but not go much further than a block or two. but because of the psychic link he and wilbur have, he can remotely view wilbur and the area he's in up to way greater distances, so that's what he's doing for most of the chase scene. 2) he was able to form that psychic link with wilbur, giving them the ability to communicate telepathically (not technically part of clairvoyance but it's just a bonus I gave him). wilbur didn't do this at all, that's not in his wheelhouse. tommy bonded them. 3) perceive future events but only in a very limited sense. this is how tommy was good at gambling. he can see what's going to happen right in front of him in the next few minutes. it tires him out to do this because it's an ability he has to 'activate', and he can only see what's going to happen around him specifically, hence why he doesn't use this during the chase. but if he's about to bet on a dice game or a roulette wheel, he'll be able to see what the winning number will be before it happens
I had so much fun indirectly explaining the backstory between those four characters (wilbur schlatt niki and quackity). especially with the 'niki' and schlatt interaction. it's such a unique perspective to get for a convo like that (schlatt thinking he's talking to niki but he's actually talking to wilbur), and I had a lot of fun playing around with how I'd imagine wilbur would act pretending to be niki while also setting up schlatt and niki's dynamic in this.
and then of course quackity. ah, tntduo. they gotta have something going on in every universe lmao
yeah while wilbur's plan was him pulling a self-sacrificial move it was also the best option for their situation. they were going to be way slower running through that crowd together, so getting tommy away was the priority. and what better way to do that than by tricking the guys following them? yeah, it exhausted him, but if he had chosen someone other than niki to shift into after tommy then he would've gotten back to tommy way faster. it was only bc pulled that stupid move that he was delayed talking to schlatt and overexerted himself so much.
i'm so glad you enjoyed!! i had so much fun with the worldbuilding and dynamics of it all
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
I have an idea for a sub Mouse x dom reader writing piece but I need some advice.
The reader is a tall, commanding, high-ranking officer from the Norwegian Special Forces. she is like 6'4" and a friend of Will Halstead (maybe thats how Jay knows her) and she comes to visit Jay after she came back from a terrorism prevention job in the North Sea. She's friendly with Voight and they need some extra man (woman) power on a huge case, like the Yates one. See where is goes from there...
I was planning to write this but I'm really sick lmao (bronchitis or pneumonia) and I'm exhausted. I guess I'm tired of trying to find fanfics about rare (so to speak) characters that don't have the cliché sub female reader who's short and a pushover. I need a second opinion/POV.
Either way, I love your writing style and I know you don't like being restricted creatively (same), I was just wondering if you could write some sort of dom female military leader x sub Mouse one-shot. Kinda like inspiration points so I could see another writers POV on a topic like this so my writing doesn't end up dry and full of plot holes. I also just need reassurance that people will want to see something like this because at this point it's just for me. Mostly because my tastes and preferences are stupidly out of the gender "norm" and hard to find.
Thanks so much, let me know what you think (if you want!).
So full disclosure this is not something I am going to write as it is very much out my wheelhouse - I have virtually no knowledge/experience of the military life esp command positions.
From my experience people love seeing their fav guys in a sub position, I have requests for Sub Will and Sub Connor and Sub Otis all the time. The trick is figuring out what makes them need that dynamic for it to come across as genuine.
An example is for Connor, he doesnt feel like he’s worthy of love, he needs someone to express it, to take care of him and make him feel like he is worth something to someone. The dynamic works for him on that level as it's the only way he can 'ask' for it.
With Will, he is so in his own head about his decisions, the choices he makes. When he has a bad day it's hard for him to get out of his own head, sometimes to the point where he simply cant speak and he needs his lover to bring him back to himself, to take control of the situation to vent his emotions.
With Brian he's more able to ask for what he needs but he craves someone else taking control because the decisions he makes endanger people, he needs someone else to take responsibility for a while. He needs to not have to think.
This will help you determine the kind of dom you are playing with. So usually I go soft Dom for Connor. A bit harder for Brian and Wil,l I feel like could flip flop either way.
Another thing you will need to consider in my opinion is Mouse's PTSD and how he would respond to certain dynamics. As someone who has been diagnosed with it twice for two separate issues I am very aware that there are certain situations and environments I wouldn’t put myself in again. - this is why I feel the way the show wrote him out was unbelievable.
So if you are planning to use terms like soldier or Sarge, which I believe was his rank, consider that these could be triggering. He has come along way in his experience with mental health, I would consider playing into that.
As for the character you are discussing. I feel Mouse would love how safe she would make him feel.
If you look at my writing over the past six months I don’t inc physical desc when it comes to female body type as I know it comes in all shapes and sizes, it's more appealing to your readers as they can imagine themselves or a char. I do add tattoos or scars because for me as a writer it helps me develop aspects of the reader character.
I hope all of this helped!
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yami-the-outcast · 2 years
It is late af but I am still up despite telling people I would be asleep an hour ago.
So here I am
Posting more stories. 
This has some fatal noms, so don’t like then look away now!
A short little story I typed up involving mama bear Bruno and Enzo getting himself into some biiiig trouble. 
Enzo was not one to stray far from the members of his odd family, finding comfort in the humans who had saved him from his former life and given him a far better one where he was free to taste the fresh air and flop down into soft grass whenever he wanted.
While he may have been small and prone to asking for tummy time, Enzo was not what most predators would deem to be easy prey.
Not because he wasn’t appealing; after all, it wasn’t often one got to get their hands on a naga small enough to curl around your wrist, but rather because he was of the venomous variety. One bite had most large creatures slumping to the floor as all of their muscles relaxed at once, leaving the little naga free to slither off and either hide or find someone bigger and stronger who could deal with the situation.
Some predators, however, seemed to take this risk as a challenge.
Though, the small naga had dared to sneak out for a very special reason, a top-secret nobody-can-know-a-thing kind of reason! He needed the perfect gift for today, and he was not going to take the chance of his surprise being ruined by telling anyone about it! 
Surprisingly, his venture out had been fairly successful for the most part. 
Enzo had managed to slip past various people and make his way to the shop where his target was located, slithering inside with all the sneakiness of a snake to quickly gulp down his target to keep it safe in his upper belly until he could get home and hide it.
The little naga wasn’t completely bad, however, and made sure to leave a carefully collected stack of coins in exchange for what he'd taken.
Did it add up exactly? Probably not, but there was no reason for a tiny naga to understand currency, so in this case, it was the thought that should count…
Enzo was extremely proud of himself as he slipped back out onto the street, purring to himself as he went to make his way back home, content in the knowledge that he'd successfully pulled off a hell of a shopping trip for someone his size.
So focused on what he would do when he got home, how clever he'd been, the small naga failed to notice that the sheen of his black-and-gold scales had been caught by a predatory eye.
He'd gotten used to a life where he didn't have to worry about predators, kept safe by his human caretakers and his own venomous bite, so upon finding his secret hidey-tunnel back inside the hideout blocked by a boot coming down a hair's-breadth away from his face the little naga's first reaction was to freeze in confusion.
An angry hiss soon followed when thick fingers plucked him from the ground, instead of grabbing him around the waist like so many before had though this hand knew just where to grab him to make sure the small naga couldn't sink his teeth in to skin, lightly squeezing Enzo's head between two knuckles as they brought the naga up to look him over.
"Looks like I've got myself a rare tasty treat then.. Don't often see noodles like this outside that shop downtown… And here I am, getting to enjoy such fine cuisine for free."
They laughed as Enzo whined and hissed, squirming and thrashing for all he was worth, but a squeeze from the fingers gripping him was all it took to restrict his airflow and cause him to still.
"Now come on.. I'd hate to lose the best part of one of you guys.. I hear the wriggling inside is absolutely delightful," his would-be predator grinned before sticking out their tongue to drag the naga's face over it, humming in apparent delight over the taste.
"Oh, now you are a snack I would just love to savor…," they purred out, only to make an annoyed sound as Enzo began to fight again, the naga's struggles accompanied this time by a series of high-pitched whines and odd clicks.
They squeezed their catch once more, tempted to save themself the trouble of handling an annoying snack by removing the naga's head entirely.
Would be so easy… a simple tightening of their fingers and…
Ah, no need.. It looked like the naga had gone still in a daze from lack of oxygen… eh, best to gobble down this treat and be done with it then…
Enzo's world had since gone blurry from being roughly handled yet again, and just as everything seemed to snap back into focus, he found himself unceremoniously shoved into the warm dampness of his captor's mouth. His tail furiously lashed even as he felt the hand holding him curl his lower body around their fingers.
A sense of hopelessness swept over the small naga as a thick gulp echoed around him, the thick muscle under him pulling him downwards, his head slipping into the abyss of the throat from which he knew he wouldn't return. Unlike the other times he found himself in this position, this body would show him no kindness once he was inside, the stomach would not be gentle as he was made into nothing but nutrients for the body he was sinking into…
Tears stung his eyes as he tried to find purchase on the slick flesh around him, certain his fate as food was sealed.
Then, muffled through the layers of flesh around him, he could hear something. Someone.. someone shouting at his predator and, for a moment, hope was alive again in his chest. His cry had been heard! He would be okay! 
But as soon as the thought crossed his mind, another heavy gulp sent heavy walls crushing down around him, Enzo slipping fully into the warm and deadly insides of the hungry predator.
If he wasn't so worried, Bruno might have been impressed by Enzo's ability to slip away unnoticed.
Six people, including himself, and not one of them managed to catch sight of the little naga as he slipped out? It's astonishing, really, especially as his colors didn't exactly blend into his surroundings. 
Bucciarati had been sweeping the streets since he noticed their smallest member's absence, completely unsure of just how far a naga of Enzo's size could have gotten when a familiar sound caught his attention, turning his worry up to an eleven. 
While trying to learn more about the small naga, a rather.. An interesting bit of information had come to light in regards to how he called for his fellow teammates. While the standard clicks and chirps for nestmates was used for the majority of the gang, it seemed little Enzo had opted to use specific calls for the older members of the group… Specifically, the ones used for a parent, reserved only for Bruno and Leone…
It was that familiar cry, cut off mid-squeak, that sent Bruno running as quick as he could for the alleyway outside the hideout, stopping at the one way in to face the person at the far side.
Their back was to him, but their hands were by their face, and he was quick to shout, "What do you think you're doing?!" 
For a moment, they froze, clearly not expecting to be caught, before slowly turning around.
The sight made Bruno's heart leap into his throat… this… this bastard… There was no mistaking the black-and-gold scales of the tail dangling from the predator's mouth, squirming and thrashing madly.
His voice took on an edge, cold and threatening as his hands clenched into fists, "if you know what's good for you.. You'll drop the snake and walk away now…"
He wanted nothing more than to lash out, but with Enzo's current position he couldn't risk throwing a punch in case this bastard bit down and hurt the little naga… the second he was free though, oh this so-called predator would learn why it was a poor idea to mess with his little gioia…
For a moment, they looked to be contemplating, eyes scanning the man threatening them as Enzo continued to squirm desperately.
Then, to Bucciarati's utter horror, instead of doing as they were told, the predator instead took a final hefty gulp, teasing the man before them as they slurped down the little naga like he was nothing more than another tasty snack.
"Ah.. Were you hoping to get a taste of that little noodle?" They chuckled as they licked their lips and gave their middle a pat, no doubt relishing the panicked struggles of the naga within, "unfortunately for you, I'm not so inclined to-"
They didn't get to finish their teasing, Bruno's punch silencing them as the cappo launched his fist across the alley with Sticky Fingers, sending them back into the wall at the far end. He called for his stand again, ignoring the confused curses and groans from the would-be predator as they tried to make sense of what had led them to suddenly gaining a mouthful of broken teeth, a zipper appearing on their abdomen which Bruno was quick to open and reach inside.
Though it had only been a few moments, the predator's stomach had clearly been eager, Enzo whimpering and sobbing as he was pulled from the acidic environment. The poor little naga's skin was red and irritated in large patches, his sweater completely destroyed, and the scales of his lower body looked irritated and painful where the acids had stung him.
The moment he was in Bucciarati's arms, Enzo cried and shivered, burying his face in Bruno's chest as he whined and whimpered pitifully.
"Shh, shh, my little gioia, you're alright now. I've got you; you're okay..," Bruno whispered as he gently ran two fingers along Enzo's head, not wanting to risk hurting the naga by touching his irritated skin, "you're okay, it's alright, they're not going to hurt you again, nobody's going to hurt you…"
And as if to seal the deal he returned his attention to the dazed and confused predator, cradling Enzo close with one arm while he grabbed them with his free hand, soon left with a shrunken and now alarmed predator in his grasp.
Usually he'd leave it at that, maybe bring them back to hand off to Abbaccio, but he needed to show his frightened little snake that he meant his words, that nobody much less this person would harm him again… so to his mouth they went.
No teasing, no listening to their feeble attempts to beg for forgiveness as they realized how badly they'd screwed up, Bruno simply opened his mouth and gulped them down like they were any ordinary mouthful of food. Their struggles were.. less-than-appreciated, his throat not happy with the scratchy clothing and the rough pressure of little hands and feet pushing against his gullet. This is why he usually had Abbaccio do this, the big man had more experience and a much better tolerance…
Enzo's sobs grew quieter as the little naga heard his would-be predator be subjected to the same fate as him, his body untensing slightly when the faint screaming traveled past his ears on the way down to their final resting place.
Bruno sighed once his meal settled into his stomach, not caring much for the thrashing and furious kicking that he was sure could be seen even from outside his body, but he could handle it if it meant the little naga felt safer after this horrible experience. 
"Hush gioia, let's get you home… I'll get you cleaned up and we'll see if Giorno can't do something about those burns," He gently hushed Enzo, who nodded ever-so-slightly in response as his tail curled around Bruno's arm.
There would be no scolding, no telling the naga he shouldn't have wandered off, no harsh words… they were completely unnecessary as Bruno returned home with the shivering ball of scales.
It was during the bath, the bathroom sink filled with warm water for the small naga to rest as his scales and skin were cleansed of stomach gunk and remaining acids, that the reason for Enzo's sneaky trip came out.
Literally, as the naga coughed up the item he'd gone out to "buy" when Bruno had grown curious and concerned at the odd shape in his middle.
Enzo hadn't wanted to present it like this, but nothing had gone like he'd wanted so far, so there was no reason to hide his little gift at this point.
So into Bruno's hand went the small, glittering silver fish-shaped pendant, the capo pausing to look over the little charm before glancing to Enzo. For all his burns and pain, the naga was only concerned with the other's reaction, worry and fear present in his big gold eyes as he stared back at his caretaker.
Bucciarati was tempted to ask where this had come from, what Enzo had done to get this, but now was not the time for such things. Whatever he'd done, today had been enough of a punishment for the little naga, so the cappo simply offered his charge a soft smile and a gentle pat on the head as he pocketed the gift, "it's beautiful piccolino, thank you. Once I get you cleaned up and settled, I know just what to do with it."
Enzo smiled brightly back, happy even as his body showed how tired he was after the events of the day. 
Once he was washed and dried, it was off to see Giorno about those burns, the blond boy clearly concerned as he used Golden Experience to replace the burned skin and scales. He didn't voice his questions aloud, a look to Bucciarati telling him he would learn more later on once the smallest of the gang was healthy and asleep.
By the time Enzo curled up on Bruno's middle to lay down to rest, there was no sign that whatever the capo had eaten had ever been alive, the sounds of a full and content belly the only indication that the idiotic predator had ever existed at all. Well, that and a few sore spots Bucciarati was sure he'd be dealing with for at least a few days, but it was a small price to pay to ensure the littlest members of the group would be safe in the future.
Usually the dark-haired man would be hesitant to let any of his younger companions close while he was like this, but given what had happened today he didn't have the heart to pry the small naga off as he laid down with him.
Enzo purred as he nuzzled up to his self-proclaimed parent, content in the knowledge that even when things didn't go according to plan, he'd always have the humans around to help him out, even if he might get in trouble later… 
He fell asleep like this, content and warm, Bruno gently cupping a hand over him as the sounds of his would-be predator being churned away lulled him into dreamland. 
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bloodletterepicness · 2 years
Brothers until the END...
I was seething on the inside and it hopefully would work in my favor. I didn’t have the full scope of my powers. The bleeding out was definitely depleting them. And my hostess had set herself up on a satin settee with a drink. She was splitting her attention between watching me and her phone. 
There was no fucking way I was going down like this. I wasn’t about to let a damn stranger come in, play up in my head and then drain me…Nope. My brain refused to accept that conclusion. And I didn’t even want to think about what Devina had planned for my Brothers. Yeah, this wasn’t working for me. But I was limited on what I could do. Movement was obviously restricted but I did what I could without alerting the bitch. I felt as if I was not moving at all but I did manage to shimmy my glove down from my wrist and press the bare spot against the bonds holding me. The pain was instantaneous and I welcomed the burn of the leather and chains against my skin, melting becoming one. Right now it was imperative that I could feel anything. My teeth clamped down as metal liquified and then all hell broke loose. The second that first bond was stripped away, I was free falling, forcing the almost dead weight of my body to flip around and hope like a motherfucker that my feet would support me as I landed. 
‘You have got to be kidding me. I do have other engagements!’
She was shrieking at me as she stood up from her settee and I was still trying to see if I was standing at all.
“For fucks sake…shut the hell up.”
My head was pounding and this Bitch was not just the cause but also making it worse. I rolled my icy eyes and shook my head some. I took the first full breath that I had in hours, straightened my shoulders and slid my glove the rest of the way off as I stood there in leathers, boots and nothing else but savage bite wounds with dried and fresh blood.
“If I’m dying, you’re going with me.”
I was as ready as I was ever going to be with the situation at hand. Life and death, those are the only two guarantees anyone gets. I fought my way through every night of living, and I would battle my way into a bloody death. I wanted…needed to feel my fingers around the petit chords of her throat. It was almost a walking hardon to think about her taking that last breath while her pulse faded ever so weakly against my palm, while she fought for every painful gasp of air that I allowed her to have. I could feel the savage need embedded in my marrow. 
It was an old fashion standoff, the demon bitch in all her satin and lace, with me just a mere seven feet away, barely standing and looking like I was put through a cheese grater…Okay so I guess it wasn’t really something you see in a western, but you get the damn point. 
‘I was enjoying you, Vishous. I don’t know why you had to ruin things.’
And there she was pouting again. 
“Well ya know, I was bored.”
I used every valuable second that Devina ran her mouth to get as stable as my unstable body could manage. She would hit hard and fast, and truth be told, I was fucked, without spit. I knew it. I felt it. Then as if I had been token on some Red Smoke for the past hour, the air in the room stilled, all sounds seized, not even that of my own ragged breathing could be heard by my vamironic ears. Much later I would wonder if I had been tripping on a more halucient type of drug.  Because the shit that took place before me was something out of Jurassic World and Merlin. 
That familiar beastly snarl of Rhages’ filled the void of silence first before my pale eyes saw his massive form charging directly behind the witch. She had no time to react before he tackled her small frame, engulfing her completely. I was still registering what the fuck when Devina shape shifted right fucking there under Rhage, becoming an exact replica of the Beast. If I had any common sense, I would have pissed myself right fucking then and there. The ground shook from the battle that took place. This was some straight prehistoric shit and I was way out of my element, but leaving wasn’t an option. 
It was all a blur as I got knocked out of the way by the entangled duo while they ripped into one another. I slip and slide on deep pools of fresh blood while I get back on my feet, cursing all the while and no sooner do I turn around to face the wrestling match, then one wraps up around the other and slams them both to the ground, knocking me flat on my ass again from the rumbling and shattering of the walls and floors. 
I was grumbling and feeling like a damn mouse being batted around. “Fuck you both…” 
My hand made contact with the floor and I had just pushed myself up, to witness who I now know is Rhage, take a fucktastic bite out of the bitch and then she was gone…as if she had never been there. It happened so suddenly the Beast faceplanted into the pavement, sending another series of vibrations through the foundation. There was a growl right before the damaged scales started to shade back to that of my Brother. Instantly I was beside him, rolling him over and dragging his large upper frame to rest on me.
“I have you…I’m going to give you about sixty seconds to catch your breath and then I have to haul us out of here.”
I looked around skeptically at the nearly broken down walls.
“We won’t have much longer than that before this place falls down around us. But don’t worry, you got us here…” I snorted. “I’ll get us out of here, and then we are going to discuss getting you one of those fucking helmets wrapped in aluminum foil. It might protect your brain.” 
It was easy to joke right now. We both felt like literal shit, but the alternative was way fucking worse. We didn’t technically win this War, but neither did she. What we did manage to do, was survive another battle and to live another night. I’ll fucking take it.
I crouched down, blew out a long breath before wrangling the larger than life body of Rhage, getting him over my shoulder and pushing myself to stand back up. Thank fuck for my Mhis. I sure as fuck would cause a stir walking out in public, even at night wearing only leathers, beat the fuck up, carrying a blond naked giant…Yup that’s my life.
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