#their only crime was being not human and fucked up! not their fault!!!1!!1!11
dykebluejay · 3 years
hi i’m fucked UP thinking about mag36 again... they just wanted to learn! they were so polite! they said thank you! cmon dude!
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hpkinktober · 4 years
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Almost a month after HP Kinktober ended, I have finally created a complete masterlist of the wonderful Drarry works we were gifted with from this astoundingly creative community. Since I am only human, please let me know if anything is wrong with this post (broken link, mispelled author name, etc). 
Day 1: Foreplay 
Love Me Like Red Wine by @triggerlil​ (M, 290) 
Harry prepares a meal, but Draco can't focus on the food. It's not his fault that Harry's so damn attractive.
Foreplay by @ladderofyears​ (E, 100)
In which Draco wears sky-blue, lacy bikini knickers. 
Kiss Him All the Way Up by @chuckweasley​ (M, Digital Art) 
Is Harry into feet? Does he want to kiss Draco on every square inch of his body? Is he kissing a trail from his toes up? You decide!
Water Spirit by @laurisophi​ (E, 703) 
Harry wants to surprise Draco for their anniversary and show more of himself.
"You look like a lake spirit, bath by the moon, covered in green.” He kisses your shoulder and one hand slides over your back, your side, your hip.
A ficlet for the first day of HP Kinktober 2020: foreplay.
Day 2: Instant Darkness Powder 
Under the Cover of Darkness by @manixzen​ (M, 2k) 
Thanks to Pansy, Draco's stuck at a party with a whole bunch of drunk Gryffindors. And now they want to play party games. If only Draco can slip out unnoticed before this gets any worse.
Instant Darkness Powder by @ladderofyears​ (M, 116) 
Auror Partners Harry and Draco are trapped in the dark. Flirting ensues.
A Smoke Afterwards by @chuckweasley​ (M, Digital Art) 
I wonder who’s holding the lighter...
Day 3: Polyjuice 
Prompt: Polyjuice by blackswingsblackwords (T, 349) 
In which there is (supposed to be) roleplaying.
Polyjuice by @ladderofyears​ (E, 100) 
Harry takes Polyjuice Potion so Draco can fuck himself. 
Polyjuice by CuriousEmWanders (E, 985)
In which Draco lets his curiosity and obsession get the best of him. He just needs to know what Harry looks like. How else is he supposed to find out?
Day 4: Amortentia 
Occupational Hazard by @ladderofyears​ (E, 100)
Potions Master Draco has been brewing Amortentia. 
Prompt: Amortentia by blackwingsblackwords (T, 463)
In which there is a secret relationship. 
Smells Like You by CuriousEmWanders (E, 3.1k) 
Draco may not smell anything in his Amortentia, but that doesn't stop him from taking it to help him submit to his Dom de jour. 
Day 5: Spell Play 
A Magic Number of Orgasms @ladderofyears​ (E, 100) 
Harry and Draco experiment with a sex spell. 
Just Let Go by @manixzen​ (E, 3.4k) 
Draco struggles with letting go of his need for control, both at work and at home. Harry can help.
Prompt: Spell Play by blackwingsblackwords (T, 1.1k) 
In which an exhausted dad dates a smitten hero.
Day 6: Parseltongue 
Lucky Bloody Serpent by @ladderofyears​ (G, 100) 
When Harry gets a pet snake, Draco gets (a tiny bit) jealous.
a simple thank you can go a long way by @crimsonhead-ache​ (E, 2.7k)
The one where Draco needs to thank him and Harry allows him.
Also Parseltongue.
And dicks.
Draco’s Favorite Thing by CuriousEmWanders (E, 1.2k)
Draco has a thing for when Harry talks to him in parseltongue, and he's glad Harry doesn't know. Or does he?
The Hottest Parselmouth by @chuckweasley​ (T, Digital Art) 
Draco cannot handle how hot Harry is when he’s speaking parseltongue, even though he has no idea what Harry’s saying.
Day 7: Creature!Fic 
I’ll Huff, And I’ll Puff, And I’ll Blow Your House In... by @ladderofyears​ (M, 100)
There’s a Werewolf on the loose and he’s out to get Draco! 
Thirst by @fluxweeed​ (E, 4.4k) 
The path of Malfoy’s scent is obvious; Harry hasn’t fed for days, so his senses are sharp. Deadly.
And Malfoy smells so good.
Day 8: Imperius
Imperius by @ladderofyears​ (E, 100)
Harry and Draco are put under the Imperius Curse.
Non-con warning 
Day 9: Legilimency 
Legilimens by @ladderofyears​ (E, 100)
Draco shares his sexual fantasies with his lover Harry. 
Day 10: Dark Magic Ritual 
Reanimation Ritual by @ladderofyears​ (M, 100) 
Draco performs a Dark Magic ritual to bring his dead lover Harry back to him. 
A Moment of Intent by @manixzen​ (E, 4.6k) 
Auror Harry Potter and Curse Breaker Draco Malfoy are on another case, this time a Dark Arts Ritual gone wrong. Surely, they won’t botch up yet another crime scene.
Day 11: Invisibility Cloak
Tryst Behind The Tapestry by @ladderofyears​ (E, 1k)
It's Eighth Year and Harry and Draco enjoy some very sexy - and very invisible - fun after dark has fallen at Hogwarts.
Invisibly Arouse (E, Digital Art) by @chuckweasley​
The boys get frisky under the cloak!
Day 12: Duelling
Duel by @ladderofyears​ (M, 365) 
Harry and Draco practice duelling and things get a little heated.
Prompt: Dueling by blackwingsblackwords (T, 534)
In which a lesson is learned.
Cut Me Open (and use me) by @triggerlil​
Draco is the heir to the throne of England. Harry is a nobleman who wants to reclaim his honour. Somehow, these two things are intimately linked. Enter a sword, a dagger, and the hands of God, and you have a story about two men with tongues like knives, learning to lick love off sharp edges.
Day 13: Mirror
Deep Dark Truthful Mirror by @ladderofyears​ (E, 2k)
Draco shows Harry a very old, very powerful magical object: a mirror that will show his deepest, darkest sexual desires.
Getting Ready for Harry by @chuckweasley​ (G, Digital Art) 
Harry likes Draco in glitter and cozy sweaters...don’t we all?
Day 16: Magic Sex Toys 
hot damn, hot water, hot shower by @crimsonhead-ache​
Harry was more than ready for a long soak, a nice glass of firewhiskey, and twelve hours of sleep.
Too bad life never works out the way it's planned, or is it?
Colour, love?  by @choulatte​ (E, 7.7k) 
Holding Harry’s gaze, Draco took out the lube and let his fingers dance over the golden cockring he'd previously kept hidden, liberally coating it in the slippery substance. He watched how Harry’s eyes followed his movements, a desperate groan escaping the other man when he finally recognized his fate.
Draco merely smiled.
Both by @chuckweasley​ (E, Digital Art) 
Harry knows Draco likes to be filled.
Day 17: Room of Requirement 
No Fantasy Required by @manixzen​ (E, 4.1k) 
The Room of Requirement has never quite recovered from the war. It seems hell-bent on fulfilling every need of students and faculty alike, in or out of the room itself. Professors Potter and Malfoy really wish it would stop trying to do the students’ homework, though.
The Room Of Requirement Always Provides by @ladderofyears​ (E, 100)
Just a hundred words of Draco and Harry having some smutty fun in the Room of Requirement.
Day 18: Herbology 
Knowledge by @ladderofyears​ (E, 100)
Harry and Draco inhale sex pollen.
Day 19: Hair Pulling 
Yeah, Pull it Harder by @chuckweasley​ (E, Digital Art) 
The sex is very good. 
Day 20: Veritaserum 
Neither Of Us Have To Say A Single Word by @ladderofyears​ (T, 365) 
When Draco is being badly bullied, Harry steps in and looks after him. Pre-slash.
A Bit of Honesty by @manixzen​ (E, 3.6k) 
A Hogwarts ball, a spiked punch, Professor Potter and Professor Malfoy on chaperone duty… what could go wrong?
Day 21: Dragonhide 
Dressing Up by @ladderofyears​ (T, 333) 
The Potter-Malfoy family negotiate the tricky issue of Halloween costumes.
All Wrapped Up by @chuckweasley​ (E, Digital Art) 
The boys take care of each other the best they can. 
Day 22: Gillyweed 
The Shape Of Love by @ladderofyears​ (E, 200) 
Harry and Draco take Gillyweed and make love in The Black Lake. 
Day 25: Tattoos 
Tear it down piece by piece by moonstruckmuse (E, 7.8k) 
Draco just wants to get rid of this stupid Dark Mark. Why is this so complicated?
His to Adorn, to Cherish, & to Keep by @maesmora​ (E, 1.4k) 
Draco Malfoy is many things: calm, collected, in control. At least until Harry Potter gets his hands on him, and those aren't the only things Draco lets Harry put on his body...
Day 26: Exhibitionism 
how can anybody have you and lose you and not lose their mind too? by @crimsonhead-ache​ (E, 3.8k) 
As soon as he received that letter in the post last week from Potter’s boyfriend, he knew he would be in for it. 
Day 27: Formal Wear 
I guess that’s just me, honey, I guess that’s how I’m built by @crimsonhead-ache​ (E, 4k)
The way they adorned Potter’s body like they were made for him made him want to kiss his seamstresses’ feet. The lines, the colors, brought out his skin tone like nothing ever could.
Well, except perhaps the ropes Draco keeps in the bottom drawer of his bedside table.
Harry Potter and his Great Big Suit Kink by @swisstae​ (M, 2k)
Harry really doesn’t want to say it. Not because he thinks Draco will judge, mind you, but because it’s so embarrassing. Harry Potter—Saviour of the Wizarding World—turning into an incoherent mess at the sight of his boyfriend wearing a suit.
Waste Not, Want Not by @dragontamerdame​ (M, Art) 
Harry may have gone a bit too far. 
Day 28: Floo 
the rush I get touchin’ you is somethin’ else by @crimsonhead-ache​ (E, 3.1k)
Harry frowned though; instead of feeling his joggers that had adorned his lower-half, now he felt the air hit his bare legs.   He was going to murder Draco.
come through the fire my love by @triggerlil​ (T, 534) 
Harry prepares for date night with Draco... until the man calls him through the floo to tell him he'll be late. Draco's just lucky Harry has a thing for fire.
Day 29: Wandless Magic 
Without a touch by moonstruckmuse (M, 207) 
Learning to do wandless magic. 
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agaybird · 3 years
big tw: transphobia, terfs, violence, and assault.
tumblr wont let me reply, so let me make one (or many) things clear:
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all of you who left replies such as this on my post are so fucking ignorant. so i wanna bring up a couple of things.
1. you are watering down the meaning of rape.
you say this is "rape by deception" but if you can't tell the difference in the genitals, what is the difference? you surely can't tell the difference if you say you are being "deceived". you not sleeping with them at that point simply means you're transphobic for no reason.
this isn't at all comparable to men taking off their condoms (aka "stealthing") before finishing. see, that is a form of sexual assault. it also isn't equivalent to someone having an STD and not telling their potential partners: being trans isn't contagious nor inherently dangerous, despite the talk of trans panic that you all clearly believe.
if the people are, say, just hooking up, neither are drunk, and there is consent from both parties... then how is it rape? the answer: it isn't. they literally both consented. also see above paragraph.
2. you are attempting to label all trans people as predators for not outing themselves immediately.
most, if not all, of the trans people in these situations are stealth. this means that they can't out themselves for their own safety. it also means they pass as cis. trans people outing themselves has consistently lead to hate crimes including injury and death; especially the trans women you keep citing as predators.
even if trans people aren't stealth, outing themselves to strangers is incredibly dangerous. trans people still deserve good things (including but not limited to sex) despite and including the fact that they are trans. Yes, sex should be fully consensual. And yes, nobody needs sex. however, if you think that trans people should just stay indoors or else risk hate being literally hate crimed while hooking up, you're crazy. you will always encounter people you don't like when hooking up. but you don't ask the included parties their political beliefs beforehand, do you?
in relationships i do believe that trans people should at least know their beliefs on trans people, not for the cis person's comfort, but for the trans person's safety.
may i also remind you all that there are trans minors, including teens and children. labelling them predators is really fucked up actually.
in fact, trans people are far more assaulted by cis people, whether that be by "corrective rape" or otherwise. this blog post states, "...TERFs trying to ban trans women from women’s bathrooms are essentially demanding that they compromise their own safety by forcing them to use men’s bathrooms, which puts them at risk of assault by transphobic men who don’t like the idea of “men wearing dresses.” This sort of violence isn’t imaginary. These assaults really do happen. (And it’s not just cis men who are the attackers; several days ago two cis women were charged with sexually assaulting a trans woman in the bathroom of a /North Carolina bar.)"
3. trans people can be bad people, but that doesn't mean all trans people are bad.
anyone can be a bad person. anyone. but you don't fault all women when one happens to become a predator or rapist: you fault that one woman. it's also not equivalent to being afraid of men, because in that case, every 1 in 4 men has either attempted or completed rape between the ages of 11 and 17 years old just in the united states, which is a significant amount: significant enough to be cautious of most men. especially considering that almost every woman i know has been assaulted by a man in some way. in comparison, almost no trans people have been reported to attack people (specifically in restrooms) in the united states. trans people, in fact, are four times more likely to be victims of violent crime, such as rape, than cis people.
the "trans people" you all love to source are, spoiler alert: not actually trans! pretending to be a gender you aren't to manipulate someone and being trans are completely different..... being trans has to do with your personal identity, and you transition for yourself. pretending to be a gender you aren't is just that: pretending. it is done to manipulate people. someone cited this article and this article about the same person. as far as i can tell, the only thing this person did was have sex with the woman with a strapon? she was under the impression it was his real penis, but it wasn't. apparently he also shamed her for not getting pregnant. and yeah, that's shitty, but it isn't rape. there was absolutely no harm done to her as far as i read in the articles, and there was both no risk of the woman getting pregnant or getting an STD. she also apparently couldn't tell the difference between a penis and a strapon... yikes. how is this rape? again, it's definitely shitty, but saying it's sexual assault is completely stretching it. this dude was a shitty person, but you all seem to cite the same shitty people in regards to your "justified" transphobia.
i trust other trans people far more than i trust cis people. you know why? i never felt in danger in the presence of a trans person because they are trans, but i have felt unsafe in the presence of cis people because they're cis. i and my loved ones have been put in danger many times because someone perceived me as trans, or i was outed. without having expressed any of my opinions. my existence is inherently political, and that makes me a target.
there is a lot more to discuss, but this is what im putting out there right now.
you seem to forget that we're actually human beings. you dehumanize us and spread lies to be "gender critical" or a "feminist", but you refuse to acknowledge all those who are caught in the crossfire, and those actual human beings you're hurting and killing. fuck yall.
im not even going to mention the amount of cis people ive been assaulted or near-assaulted by compared to trans people, because it's practically 1000:1. that's hardly an exaggeration. get your heads right.
tip jar
my trans-run shop
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asimawv · 4 years
I write and conceptualize story to music, so I’ve compiled a playlist of 30 Darkest Dungeon-specific songs that I listen to when writing (and subsequently re-writing) in no particular order, which I hope will help you set the vibe too. :+)
Names in bold are links for easy listening - tons of Hozier and Of Monsters and Men up ahead, five minute warning.
1. ‘Fire and the Flood’ - Vance Joy
If you listen to nothing else on this list, listen to this one - it’s the kind of song that’s made for movies about yearning. Folk influences, choruses of trumpets and vocal harmony, and instruments that are layered for a rich, resonant sound. This is the song I imagine Dismas and Reynauld horse-racing through a crowded outdoors market in the hamlet to, and the song I listened to nonstop freshman year when I first started writing The Myth of Sisyphus.
You're the fire and the flood And I'll always feel you in my blood Everything is fine When your hand is resting next to mine Next to mine You're the fire and the flood
The chorus is built around biblical allusions to the fire (the burning bush signifying first contact) and the flood (destruction of the first world), the beginning and end. Every line is similarly evocative of Darkest Dungeon in their simplicity (“I’ve been getting used to waking up with you,” etc.)
2. ‘Soldier, Poet, King’ - The Oh Hellos
By the title alone you can guess who this is for. Even the Guild quote for the Leper approaches these three things as the defining parts of his character (specifically it’s “a ruined man, a warrior, and a poet.”) This song coincidentally has an old world influence to it, with a Medieval Renaissance style from a guitar playing a lute-adjacent melody.
There will come a ruler Whose brow is laid in thorn Smeared with oil like David's boy, oh lei oh lai oh Lord Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh Lord Smeared with oil like David's boy, oh lei oh lai oh Lord
To be smeared with oil is to be anointed by a prophet and thus chosen by god himself to be king, just as David was and his boy after him (presumably Solomon). There’s something strangely wistful about the imagery, which is just how I like my songs about bygone kings.
3. ‘Exit Hymn’ - Bear Attack!
This song is about the end of the world in a version where everyone simply stands together in silence watching, rather than having the masses swarming in panic.
Lovely shapes to the world descending, Brothers and sisters. Lovely shapes to the world descending, Brothers and sisters Mute.
It defies Lovecraftian horror, which is based on the premise that “common human laws and interests and emotions have no validity or significance in the vast cosmos-at-large” - it flies in the face of existential nihilism and the despair that it should bring us. That’s why I like this song for deaths in the end-boss fight; it also has a special place for other death-related ideas, like full-party wipes - entire teams of people vanishing into the dungeons, gone insane, holding hands while the darkness surrounds them.
It’s a bare song which has a sanctity to it, mostly just piano and rain and human voices. Just what you would hear at the end of the world.
More under the cut:
4. ‘Pursuit of Glory’ - Jhameel
This song is laid-back. It doesn’t have the Homeric intensity that some of the other songs here do - it’s a guy with a guitar and vocal harmony. By god is it a great piece of writing though (all of Jhameel’s older songs have that quality to them), and all of it is evocative of Darkest Dungeon.
So many eyes set on the path to glory Too many ties, friendship is for the lonely Can't still my heart, my tongue has tasted folly Thirsty for art, hungry for power and money
This is a song for everyone in the barracks, especially the ‘laundry list’ of people and their approaches to the pursuit of glory.
5. ‘Good Old Days’ - Macklemore (feat. Kesha)
This fucker put a Macklemore song in here. I did, yeah. It’s not even the only song with Kesha in it here (I’m sorry.) 
It’s a sentimental pop song, and I am sentimental to a fault. This is Darkest Dungeon AMV material, and I always mishear one of the lines as “we were underground, loaded mercs in that 12-passenger van” so it’s here.
We've come so far, I guess I'm proud And I ain't worried about the wrinkles around my smile I've got some scars, I've been around I've felt some pain, I've seen some things, but I'm here now Those good old days
6. ‘Past Lives‘ - Kesha
Here it is, the other Kesha song - this was introduced to me by a good friend, also in a Darkest Dungeon context. There’s just something about the lovers spanning time trope and finding each other in one life to the next that is irresistible (for the obvious reason in the context of Darkest Dungeon.) It’s a soft song, totally out of place in Kesha’s typical discography, and has a line about losing someone to the crusades, so... you know.
There's just somethin' about you I know Started centuries ago though You see your kiss is like a lost ghost Only I would know But I, I keep on falling for you Time after time Time after time
7. ‘Viva la Vida’ - Coldplay
You cannot fight this. You know that this is the song for King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem, you know it is. Did you know the official name of this genre of music is “Baroque pop”? Yes, that means more songs like this exist. You will live with this information now.
Don’t fight it. Just let it wash over you.
I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing Roman Cavalry choirs are singing Be my mirror, my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field For some reason I can't explain Once you go there was never, never an honest word And that was when I ruled the world
Mirror, sword, and shield, the three other members of his party, his missionaries in a foreign field. Thinking emoji. I typed that out so I wouldn’t have a repeat of the crab emoji incident.
8. ‘The Boxer’ - Jerry Douglas (feat. Mumford & Sons, Paul Simon)
Partly inspired by the Bible, Simon & Garfunkle’s ‘The Boxer’ is a folk rock song about poverty, loneliness, and homesickness. It’s written and sung in a style that’s strongly reminiscent of older times, and the final verse about its eponymous boxer is particularly powerful:
In the clearing stands a boxer And a fighter by his trade And he carries the reminders Of ev'ry glove that laid him down Or cut him till he cried out In his anger and his shame "I am leaving, I am leaving" But the fighter still remains
This is what I use for Dismas’ life leading into organized crime and his foolish abandonment of stable job prospects in a half-baked bid for fame, as well as being punched down over and over again but with nowhere else to go. That last part is widely applicable across the cast.
9. ‘I Will Wait’ - Mumford & Sons
I am but a simple man. I see 'folk rock' and add it to my Darkest Dungeon playlist. This song I use for Reynauld - it has that sort of “salt of the earth,” somewhat biblical humility in its choice of words and style. 
Raise my hands Paint my spirit gold And bow my head Keep my heart slow
10. ‘Little Lion Man’ - Mumford & Sons
Have we not beaten this song to death yet? Can you blame us? This is the people’s song. We reserve it for all of our favorite fuck-up characters, as primal as Saturn devouring his son. We love this song. Jesus.
Tremble for yourself, my man, You know that you have seen this all before Tremble little lion man, You'll never settle any of your scores Your grace is wasted in your face, Your boldness stands alone among the wreck Now learn from your mother or else spend your days biting your own neck
The line about learning from your mother in particular is why I think of this song for Dismas’ introspection, but I also associate it with the Hellion.
11. ’From Eden’ - Hozier
There’s too much Hozier in my playlists. There is so much of it, and it’s all important to me, says the hoarder. There’s something about profoundly intimate folk music that I love, and god put folk, R&B, blues, and alt rock into a Vitamix for 45 seconds to make Hozier.
Honey you're familiar like my mirror years ago Idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on its sword Innocence died screaming, honey ask me I should know I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door
‘From Eden’ is, according to Hozier, about idolizing someone from a distance, written from the perspective of the devil “looking longingly at something he desires - for everything that he does not have.” I associate this song with the Grave Robber for its playfully nihilistic tone - Audrey does say something to the effect of being left for dead by high society and the affectionate bordering condescending address is on-brand.
12. ‘Cherry Wine’ - Hozier
‘Cherry Wine’ is unabashedly about domestic violence, and its sincerity is heartbreaking, the sanctification of the blood spilled in the name of keeping her.
The way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine Open hand or closed fist would be fine The blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine.
This song is strongly tied to the Vestal for me.
13. ‘Work Song’ - Hozier
A song about unconditional love - heaven and hell were just words, indeed.
When my time comes around Lay me gently in the cold dark earth No grave can hold my body down I'll crawl home to her
I think of this song for both Dismas and the Abomination - it’s a song about love transcending spiritual and even physical need, complete devotion, but something about it is also not quite right. It’s morbid and excessive, self-pitying, and almost ugly in its sincerity.
14. ‘Sunlight’ - Hozier
The strong gospel influence with the choruses, church organ, religious fervor - I think it makes a great song for traveling scenes and church/altar scenes.
I had been lost to you, sunlight Flew like a moth to you, sunlight oh sunlight Oh, your love is sunlight Oh, your love is sunlight (sunlight, sunlight) But it is sunlight
15. ‘Arsonist’s Lullabye’ - Hozier
The gospel this time is paired with electric rock instrumentation. Something about the lamentation is unapologetic and matter-of-fact in its disturbing inclinations - this is Paracelsus’ song. Arguably representative of Bounty Hunter and Flagellant as well.
Now that I think about it, it’s great for Abomination as well. Damn.
All you have is your fire And the place you need to reach Don't you ever tame your demons But always keep 'em on a leash
16. ‘We Sink’ - Of Monsters and Men
Of Monsters and Men are closer to the indie rock/pop spectrum with influences of folk, with much less biblical influence and more folklore-inspired lyrics. They make for great trailer and action songs.
We are the sleepers, we bite our tongues We set the fire and we let it burn Through the dreamers, we hear the hum They say come on, come on, let's go So come on, come on, let's go
In Lovecraft’s Cthulu mythos, dreams are how the Old Ones commune with humans on the earth’s surface while they slumber in the ocean depths (Cthulhu fhtagn meaning “Cthulhu is dreaming”); I like to think of the ‘sleepers’ as the heroes being tasked to “set the fire” and the ‘dreamers’ being the Heir and Ancestor driven by some unseen force to unearth the antediluvian underground.
17. ‘I Of The Storm’ - Of Monsters and Men
Very somber song, overwhelmingly piano and snare drum and vocals. Also a great death scene song, or for introspection around the campfire, or played to reveal a major event.
If I could face them If I could make amends With all my shadows I'd bow my head And welcome them
18. ‘King and Lionheart’ - Of Monsters and Men
My favorite OMAM song - it’s clearly written about two children, kind of reminiscent of ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ in its fantastical nature, and very upbeat about the end of the world.
His crown lit up the way as we moved slowly Pass the wondering eyes of the ones that were left behind Though far away, though far away, though far away We're still the same, we're still the same, we're still the same
This part is reminiscent of the Leper’s journey, but the mentions of taking over a town, howling ghosts, the end of the world, a black sea and creatures lurking below, etc. are all evocative of Darkest Dungeon.
19. ‘Little Talks’ - Of Monsters and Men
Also very upbeat for its subject matter - according to OMAM, it’s a narrative of a woman speaking with the ghost of her dead husband, or going insane and believing that she’s speaking with her dead husband.
Some days I don't know if I am wrong or right Your mind is playing tricks on you, my dear 'Cause though the truth may vary This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore
The call-and-respond style of the song is haunting. I like this song for expeditions and afflicted heroes.
20. ‘Wolves Without Teeth’ - Of Monsters and Men
Suitable for both Occultist and Abomination, being consumed by an unseen and otherworldly force that inhabits them - well, maybe just rarely seen, in the Abomination’s case. Special mention to OMAM’s ‘Human,’ same conceptual backing but more raw.
You hover like a hummingbird Haunt me in my sleep You're sailing from another world Sinking in my sea, oh You're feeding on my energy I'm letting go of it He wants it
21. ‘Desierto’ (Original Motion Picture Score) - Woodkid
This is a full album, because all of it is dark orchestral cinema music described as ‘unsettling,’ with the sole exception of ‘Land of All,’ which has vocals to it. I reserve this album for writing fight scenes and for particularly unsettling events because it’s tense and wordless. I read Junji Ito to this soundtrack too, it’s insanely high-strung and discordant.
22. ‘Iron’ - Woodkid
‘Iron’ qualifies as Baroque pop - you might recognize this as the Assassin’s Creed: Revelations song. The large-scale, cinematic style of it and thematic lyrics make it great for writing about dramatic encounters or brigands.
This deadly burst of snow is burning my hands I'm frozen to the bones, I am A million miles from home, I'm walking away I can't recall your eyes, your face
23. ‘Never Let You Down’ - Woodkid (feat. LYKKE LI)
Another somber song, orchestral with some industrial noise in the mix - another great introspection song, or one for a scene with some hard decisions to be made.
Will you come along cause I'm about to leave this town In my eyes, a waterfall, all I can hear, a siren call Could you be waiting by the shore, oh I could drown without you Will you be holding out the line when I fall?
24. ‘Run Boy Run’ - Woodkid
Church bells, fast percussion, strong orchestral presence. For chase scenes, obviously, but great for fast-paced sneaking scenes as well. Also has a strong quasi-Medieval fantasy setting style to it.
Tomorrow is another day And you won't have to hide away You'll be a man, boy! But for now it's time to run, it's time to run!
25. ‘I Love You’ - Woodkid
Don’t let the scream effects and aggressive percussion at the beginning deter you (it kind of took me by surprise the first few times too) - it soon fades into more of the church bells and melodic string accompaniment.
Oh yeah, unrequited love song? It’s free (mental) real estate, baby.
Is there anything I could do Just to get some attention from you? In the waves, I've lost every trace of you Where are you?
26. ‘Vagabonds’ - Grizfolk
A rare departure from folk! Grizfolk is alt rock/indie pop. Stylistically it doesn’t match the feeling of Darkest Dungeon, but lyrically it’s almost 1:1 to arrival in the hamlet and the subsequent expeditions. Good song for writing about recruits bonding.
Oh this careless ground, guessing this is home now Oh in no man's land, at least we're still standing And we're all just fighting, some of us will not return And there's no redemption in trying to find your way out
27. ‘Everybody Wants To Rule The World’ - Lorde
Great trailer fuel, if you’ve seen the AC: Unity E3 trailer with this song - I listen to an extended version when writing fights in the Guild, especially one where two heroes are beefing. It’s got a primal kind of thing going on. I also associate this song with the Arbalest - lyrically, it fits her backstory like a glove.
Welcome to your life There's no turning back Even while we sleep We will find you
Acting on your best behavior Turn your back on mother nature
28. ‘Torches’ - X Ambassadors
More alt rock/indie pop - kind of a rallying song for dark expeditions, hopeful but still somber in nature - some gospel elements. X Ambassadors’ more popular ‘Renegades’ is also a fun tavern song.
Come on, carry your flame Carry it higher Leave it in the darkness Carry your torches
29. ‘Passing Afternoon’ - Iron & Wine
This is a song I use for reconciliation or domestic scenes - Dismas with Junia in the garden, for example. It’s soft and kind of meandering, and features vintage piano - you know, the piano you heard in the basement of your church turned community center as a child.
There are times that walk from you like some passing afternoon Summer warmed the open window of her honeymoon And she chose a yard to burn but the ground remembers her Wooden spoons, her children stir her Bougainvillea blooms
30. ‘Some Nights’ - Fun.
You know this song, your mom knows this song, everyone knows this song from like, middle school. Thought it’d be fun to end this list on an uplifting and very popular song. This is the song that a Disney adaptation of Darkest Dungeon would use in the Training Montage™ - from the point of view of Reynauld. It hits all of the points - being their commander rather than their equal, his stern and antisocial zealotry with no true ideology behind it, the ghost of his wife.
Verse 2, starting with “Well, that is it, guys, that is all / Five minutes in and I'm bored again” is where I see it transitioning to Dismas.
Well, some nights, I wish that this all would end 'Cause I could use some friends for a change And some nights, I'm scared you'll forget me again Some nights, I always win (I always win) But I still wake up, I still see your ghost Oh Lord, I'm still not sure what I stand for, oh What do I stand for? What do I stand for? Most nights, I don't know
Well that’s all from me! Feel free to leave your own recommendations in the replies, and I’d love to know what you think about my personal picks. :+)
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dawnscngs · 3 years
mun questions — accepting — @florabled 
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5. Have you ever RP’d with someone simply because of their character’s faceclaim, even if you did not like their character’s personality?
     Definitely not. Choice of face claim has got me interested in some blogs before, but like. I don’t have enough energy to write with partners I don’t like writing with dfghjgsfjdh.
6. Is there a character that the rest of your fandom adores that you just don’t like/are indifferent to? Who is the character and why?
I MEAN... not that I can think of?? My main fandoms right now are Yuumori, VnC, and Psycho-Pass and I don’t think I dislike anyone from Yuumori (other than Milverton and like, the assorted nobles), and in Psycho-Pass I think I’m more on the side of ‘problematic faves’ rather than ‘disliking popular characters’, and for VnC, I think I dislike the Normal Characters to dislike. I guess the best I can answer this would be if I went into BSD and revealed my all-consuming hatred of Dazai. 
This isn’t anything against any Dazai muses, of course, love my friends who write Dazai, but Canon Dazai makes me want to actually never read BSD again djhfgfjsd.
7. List three honest flaws your favorite character has and talk about how those flaws make them problematic.
Ok I’m gonna take one from each of my main fandoms so strap in. I could go easy mode here and use William, Vanitas, and Shogo but I’m Not Going To.
Mycroft: 1. He’s the sort of person to see a problem that could be solved by honestly talking things out and being vulnerable and he will veer full-speed towards being The Worst on purpose to push the other person so far away that they don’t want anything to do with him (see: his entire relationship with his little brother). 2. His loyalty is in ridiculously short supply. He’s not completely loyal to the crown or to the lord of crime. If you look close enough, it’s clear that his loyalty only lies with his own family (or those he considers to be of the same value, like with his ship with Paris’ Louis). 3. Smug Bastard Energy.
Olivier: 1. First of all there is so much anger contained in this very pretty package, you would not believe. He has a very short fuse and goes beyond savage when he fights, to the point that the viscera of his enemies literally jams the mechanisms of his chainsaw-sword thing, so you know. Yikes. 2. He’ll hate things about the church and disagree with what they do, but he’s not the sort of person who will openly stand against it because he doesn’t want to risk the consequences it might bring on him or those he cares about. 3. This bad boy can fit so much vanity in him. No seriously, he’s very aware that he’s gorgeous and it’s definitely a situation of ‘flattery will get you everywhere’.
Ginoza: 1. Again, very angry, but he keeps it buried so deep that it just builds and builds until it explodes. He’s spiteful and bitter and it’s cost him so much in the past, some really irreplaceable people that he pushed away and took for granted until they were gone. 2. He drinks to dull the pain. 3. He tends to take everything onto his own shoulders, no matter what. If there’s something he can shoulder so that someone else doesn’t have to, then he’ll put the fault on himself. He’s also the worst overthinker and worrier you will ever meet. He’ll agonize over possibilities for so long and it’ll end up holding him back from being able to actually do anything.
8. Out of the really popular pairings in your fandom, what’s your nOTP?
So in Yuumori, this doesn’t apply because the only Popular pairing is Sherliam and I love them, so. Yeah. For VnC, I really dislike Vani.tas/Jea.nne. I’m aware that canon is a thing but for me, they just feel more like. a case of comphet + ‘this is the first person to treat me like this so it must be love’. and idk It’s just not my jam! To each their own though! And for Psycho-Pass, I really don’t like the Aka.ne/Gin.oza ship. First of all they meet when she’s not even 21 and he’s almost 30 so like, already I am iffy on that grounds alone, and second like I just don’t see romantic feelings there, it feels familial to me, personally. They are, platonically, the light of my life but I REALLY don’t like them as a romantic ship.
9. What has been the biggest mistake you’ve made since you started RPing?
Uhhh oh man, um. Probably that time I tried twitter rp. It was a mistake because I write too much and really hate twitter as an environment.
10. What’s something you really hate seeing on your dash that seems to be popular with almost everyone else?
I don’t really have anything like that because my dash is only people I’m friends with and I never hate seeing anything from them ever.
11. What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to RPing?
Uhhh idk, just drama in general I guess. I really don’t have time for that? I also really hate being approached ONLY because someone wants a specific ship from me. Like :/ I auto ship with my close friends only because we’ve definitely discussed our ships on discord already, but like. that means if you want ships with me, we Need To Discuss it.
12. What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to the fandom you RP in?
Ok so right now I don’t have any because the three I’m in are literally just. Me and my close good friends. But for the like. month that I wrote in the Gen.pact RPC, I have never felt worse ever in my life. Like idk what it is but that whole fandom’s energy is rancid and I decided I wanted nothing to do with it like Really Fast dshjfgsdjh.
13. Who is your least favorite character in the fandom you RP in? List three admirable traits about them.
Haha oh man uhhh. So for Yuumori, that’s Milverton I guess and he’s a fucking trash man. But I guess he’s a good villain? Like you really love to hate him. and he’s clever, I guess (not clever enough, but). And he knows what he’s about. Like. He doesn’t think he’s good or anything, he knows straight up that he’s human garbage, but he vibes with it, so like good for him. Rest in pieces, nerd.
14. Without naming anyone specific, have you ever avoided someone simply because they RP with one of your RP partners? If so, why?
???? No??? People do that? How do you make friends other than through osmosis of your friends’ friends????
15. Without naming anyone, have you ever refused/simply avoided another RPer in the fandom because of things you’ve heard others say about them, or because of their popularity? If so, why did you feel the need to?
I don’t make decisions solely based on that sort of thing, but I’ve gotten bad vibes from people and then been told stuff about them. But I already wasn’t interacting with them anyway, so like. Doesn’t really matter to me, I was avoiding them already because of my own intuition, y’know? I prefer to make choices based on that rather than whatever anyone else says about them.  As for the popularity thing, I have avoided interacting with really popular blogs before but it’s not really them that made that happen? I just like to stay small and unknown or I get overwhelmed so writing with really popular blogs makes me nervous and I tend to avoid it.
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backtobackbakubabe · 4 years
Baby its Cold Outside (PART 3)
Bakugo x Reader 
Snuggles fix everything right? 
Angsty fluff? Idk. 
Words : 1703
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Telling your hero agency wasn't as bad as you thought it was going to be. Apparently this happened pretty often. In fact your boss looked almost bored as  you told him. You had built a pretty close relationship with him since getting to the agency, giving him the loving nickname boss man. 
“Congratulations Bakugo... you finally found someone who could tolerate your bullshit.” He turned his attention to you, “And y/n my deepest condolences to your eardrums. As I’m sure you already know those temper tantrums of his aren't exactly quiet.” 
You gave him a knowing smile, “Oh sir I’m very aware. I’ve been at the receiving end of those tantrums for years.” 
You could see Bakugo’s ears tint pink as he rolled his eyes, “Yeah yeah, I yell, whatever. What about our patrol assignments? Will we be assigned new partners?” 
Boss man narrowed his eyes at you both... “No I don't think I will..” He ignored Bakugo's startled expression. “And I’ll tell you why. See Bakugo while you are likely the most talented hero at this agency you aren’t exactly a people person. In fact the only person you said you’d be willing to work with on your intake form was y/n. And luckily she has more patience in her pinky than most do in their whole body because she puts up with you. She keeps you centered and you keep her motivated. We’d be crazy to split you two up.” 
You gave him a smirk. See you and Bakugo had been adamently opposed when it came to splitting up as partners. You thought it was a stupid idea and Bakugo while he hated the idea of not being there to protect you, he also thought it was the only way he could focus and do his job. 
Katsuki stood up from his chair, fists clenched. “Sir with all due respect... WHAT THE FUCK!” You slipped your hand around his wrist trying to get him to calm down. His eyes met yours and he did seem to reign it in a bit. “Sorry what I meant to say is... please reconsider. I honest to god cant focus on anything besides her safety when were out there. That has to be a conflict of interest!” 
Boss man scoffed, “That right there is why I cant split you up.You start to blow up and all she has to do is touch your hand and you become a reasonable human.” 
You could see his shoulders tense up as he was bracing himself to lose this battle. He gave you one last last pleading look that tugged oh so hard on your heart strings. 
Sighing, “Listen Boss man, I understand why you want to keep us together. Really I do. I don't want us to split up either.. but if this is what Bakugo wants then I think you should at lest consider it. You say he has the most talent in this agency right? I’m sure there’s tons of better suited partners for him than me anyways...” 
Boss man knit his eyebrows together, “Now I won't have any of this self depreciating bullshit y/n. We’ve had this talk before and I think you are incredibly gifted...” He pinched the bridge of his nose as if trying to fight off a headache, “But if this is truly something both of you want... than I guess I’ll fill out the paperwork.” 
Bakugo’s eyes widened, not expecting you to step up to help him. But before he could say anything you gave him the ‘we’ll talk about this later’ look. 
The walk home was quiet. Bakugo could tell you were upset and he was still new at the whole being nice to others thing so he didn't know how to handle it. He finally settled for holding your hand. You usually talked his ear off, but now you wouldn't even look at him. You couldn't possibly be mad at him could you?Hell you even had his back in the meeting... He will never understand women. 
You both stepped into the elevator and to his surprise you hit the button for your floor. 
“Oi what gives? You just did laundry I know you don't need clothes..” 
Pulling your hand out of his, “What I need is space Katsuki... Before you freak out... I’m not mad at you. I understand why you don't want to work with me anymore. But you have to understand that I am very sad right now. I just need some alone time.” You gave him a gentle peck on the cheek before exiting on to your floor. 
Fuck... he didn't like this. On one hand he thought you were being ridiculous. You will still see him every day! You practically live with him for fucks sake. But on the other hand he knows you’re upset and he knows that he's the reason why. He hates it. 
He practically slammed his door after entering his apartment and threw his keys harshly at the couch. How was he going to fix this. He walked over to the freezer to see if he has any ice cream. It was something he only started buying once you two started dating. It seemed to be a staple in your diet. He pulled out a tub of cookies and cream and spoon not bothering to put it in a bowl. 
He walked back to the main room to binge eat and mope when he heard that precious sound of air whooshing in. He turned the corner to see y/n in one of his shirts curled up on the couch, “I was alone for maybe 5 minutes before I remembered how much I hate being alone... So can I be alone... but like with you...?”
His nose scrunched up, “What the fuck does that even mean?” He handed you the ice cream and sat next to you pulling your feet in his lap.
You accepted the ice cream greedily, “Exactly what we’re doing now, except we turn on the tv and just like don't talk to each other... Just give me some time to process that we’re no longer partners...” 
He pulled a blanket over the two of you and handed you the remote. He knew you'd end up picking something awful like a Disney movie or a romantic comedy but if this is what you needed then he’d do it. 
Three hours and eight episodes of Avatar: the last Airbender later you were passed out. Sometime between the third and fourth episode you had decided you wanted your back scratched so you scooched over and without saying a word laid on top of Katsuki, picked his hand up and placed it on you back and moved it back and forth until he got the idea. 
That leads him to now. You were asleep with your head on his chest. You were so cute when you were asleep. He was content. He could have fallen asleep himself. He probably would have too except his phone buzzed in his pocket. It took some expert maneuvering to get it out of his pocket without waking you up but he managed. 
He had received an email from the agency with a list of available heros for the two of you to choose from. He opened it up and low and behold the first available hero was fucking Deku.. well that was enough for one night. He closed the email before looking at any other candidates. 
There was no way in hell he would ever work with Deku... but maybe... maybe he’d let you. As much as he hates to admit it, Deku wasn't the weak ass nerd he used to be. He knew first hand how powerful he was, but more importantly he knew how loyal he was. 
He threw his head back exasperated. Was he really considering this. It’s not like he had the right to pick his replacement, that was totally up to you... but maybe he could ask. Fucking Deku... 
He could feel you stirring awake so he put his hand in your hair and ran his fingers through it, earning him a soft moan of approval from you. 
“I think I’m ready to talk about today.” 
You didn't make any move to look at him and he didn't make you, “Oh yeah?” 
You nodded and rubbed your eyes trying to wake yourself up. “But I only want to talk about the positives. Like for example... apparently you requested to work with me on your intake form?” 
He could feel your soft giggles vibrate against his chest. Usually he’d be annoyed but knowing this made you happy was enough to make him get over it. “I knew that didn't slip past you. And just so you know... I didn't request you... I said I don't work with anyone and then in parenthesis I said (but if I absolutely have to then I’ll only work with y/n.)” 
“Oh so it’s your fault that we got paired together! And here I thought you hated working with me all this time.”  
He kissed the top of your head, “I did at first. But not for the reasons you’d think. I hated that you never looked before running into things. I hated that your costume was so tight and every guy we walked past got to see you in it. I hated that because of your quirk you could always beat me to the scene of a crime, meaning for a few minutes you'd always be alone with a villain without me there to help. But most of all I hated how every day it got harder and harder to pretend that I actually didn't hate you at all.” 
“PPPPPFFFFFFFFT” You couldn’t help it you just started laughing. 
“What the fuck it so funny eh? I’m pouring my heart out over here and you’re fucking laughing at me?” 
“I’m sorry babe! Its just that sounds like the speech from one of my favorite movies and its totally a rom com so I know there’s no way you’ve seen it but it’s still just so funny!” 
So then you just had to show him 10 Things I Hate About You, and to your surprise he actually enjoyed it. 
Thanks for reading! I know this chapter was kind of slow but shit gets real starting in part 4! Buckle up! 
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moist-astronaut · 4 years
things my friends and I have said over the last year
“I’m verbally illiterate” “Isn’t that called dyslexia”
“I’m going to chemistry and I’m gonna light myself on fire” “No” “Damnit let me burn like the witch I am!”
“Don’t worry it’s not anti-Christ it’s just anti-government”
“I’ve been getting migraines everyday and I’m considering chopping my head off” “But that would kill you” “Two birds one stone!!”
“I swear to god I will hug you” “My house is 5 miles away and my doors are locked” “Your locks are FEABLE”
*writing an email* “Bitch comma”
“Ok but I could be a top” *laughing* “What I totally could be!” *laughing and crying for literally 6 minutes straight*
*on a group call, friends cat misha walks into the room* “Tell misha I would live and die for her, whichever she prefers” “She says thank you” *cat noises*
*joins discord vioce chat at 11:26 pm* “You guys are gae but I love you” “Thank you saeren very cool” “Goodnight” *leaves chat at 11:28pm*
“Jake jake jake jjjake -j-jaaake hey jake” “W H A T” “Can I eat your pens” “I literally have a restraining order against you”
“I’m educatn’t”
“Me calling you to dumb to be a slytherin is payback for you leaving multiple handprint bruises on my legs” “It’s not my fault your skin is weak”
“He’s rolling so that we can walk” *rolling in the grass and collecting leaves on his jacket* “I’m rolling for your sins”
“There are 7 of us so we can each be a deadly sin” “I wanna be Ross” “You mean wrath?” “No that dude from Friends”
“Ok but other than his strict attraction to women, his multiple wives, his hatred of gay people, and the fact that he is dead, what is standing between me and Joseph Smith the All American Hottie from being happy together”
“Consider: Mullet” “No”
“I do my homework while loudly eating a pop tart asmr”
“No no listen, he’s my brother, he’s a bastard of my dynasty…I might just ransom him off”
“These Norwegian bastards indroduced a fucking PLUAGE to my COUNTRY”
“Ooooo meth”
“Half of my life is me resisting the urge to sing the zaboomafoo themesong, the other half is me actually singing the zaboomafoo themesong. So either way my entire life revolves around zaboomafoo.”
“I just don’t think I would hire a gay man-wait no I’m not homophobic”
*chucks half a gallon of milk in a gas station* “-ah- got milk?”
“Gimme your sternum boy”
“Nooooooo he stole my sternum!!!” (Side note these were two separate occasions)
*being force fed milk duds* “No!! This is the worst way to die!!”
“Hey babe come over I have a hammock and a heated blanket”
“Be afraid, be prepared- IN THE WORDS OF SCAR”
“Stress eating stress gummies Stress eating stress gummies Stress eating stress gummies stress eating-”
“I thought to myself ‘Y’know if I die today this is how I want to be remembered- a leather skirt and leg warmers’”
“I think I’m telling you to go to sleep” “You’re gonna have make me” “I can’t tell if this is cry for help or flirting” “Yes”
“This is at best cannibalism and at worst being straight”
“Oh look Percy Jackson’s here now, ooh they replaced every character’s face with Mr. Bean. I hate it”
“You can’t be mean to me! I’m gay AND a woman! That’s a hate crime!” “Yeah well I’m brown and Muslim! Square the fuck up bitch!”
“Babe it’s not very metal to be afraid of your hair dresser” “It’s not very metal to have a hair dresser and yet here we are” “It’s fine you’re into glam metal”
“Hey augie, got any grrrrrrapes?” “I’m doing IXL :(“
“Can I come?” “No” “What if I bring watermelon?” “You can come, leave the watermelon, then leave” “:(“
“What in the jersey shore”
“Ok but consider: Mullet-hawk” “I can and will divorce you”
“Dee-vorce 👏 Just to 👏 re-vorce 👏 👏 “
“Ah yes, that’s why I’m fat…for combat reasons…”
“You fool I consent!”
“My Boston fern is being a bitch but that’s because it’s winter and that’s BITCH season”
“You walk through the rest of the house and it’s like ‘ooo witchy and aesthetic’ then they’ll get to the guest room and it’ll just be a tacky twink Fever dream”
“Who needs a scalp”
“HeHe, sexing”
“Council has decided, your vibes are rancid (and not the band)”
“You’re never to young to hate women”
“Look at me I did the dishes I’m a 1950s housewife with a strangely new jersey accent and affinity for lesbianism”
“Well look who has the table now”
"contrary to popular belief, fuck you"
"There's nothing here that requires whisking, i'm just problematic"
"If you could go anywhere in the world with two people, who would you choose?" “New Orleans!”
"So he proceeded to bite me on the butt...like, really, really hard."
“I don’t cheat, I win. It’s not cheating if it’s consensual.”
“My mouth, my choice”
“Do you like my ombré of a tan"
“Who’s the cutest in the chat right now then?” “It’s Paige!” “No, it’s obviously Augie.” (paige's boyfriend)-said by a straight man
“Francis is just a one and done.”
“Would you ever have a threesome?” “...yes...” *To Francis* “Sure!”
“How do you feel about anal sex?”
“Of the people in this room, who would you most want to make out with?” “Augie” “The answer is yes, but only if it’s 6 feet apart.”
“Square, flat, and overcooked.”
“The virus would be over if everyone would breathe underwater for 5 minutes.”
“I have daddy issues, but not with my father.”
“You’re a ladies man but you have two boyfriends.”
“That means lesbian in sign language” “No, that means fuck boy in American”
“I’m like a parasite, you can’t get rid of me. I’m here forever.”
“You’re like my long term hit man”
“Is it Jake?” “No, why would the evil Russian man be Jake?” “Because he would never hire a gay man and you don’t look like a gay man”
“Jake is homophonic, Augie is racist, and Francis is a woman hater!”
"Grew a korean radish, 1 star"
"I've got more cause i'm a rich boy, and by that i mean my father sometimes buys avocados. And that's on what? Upper middle class"
"Tell your good for nothing boyfriend to stay away from my mom"
"It's not inciting violence it's just ~inspiring it~ "
"Listen bitch just because you have avacados and a roomba doesn't make you better then me"
"i would totally let narthex ruin my life. and that's on what? daddy issues and bisexuality"
"who is titty"
"how is he racist" "he hates the french and russians right?" "don't forget italians" "that's just self loathing"
"This is the last time i wear a thong- it's for educational purposes"
"babe come over i'm a burrito"
"he put bread with milk. luckily he passed away"
"you touched my wiener!" "you offered it!"
"i took a shower and realized the floor doesn't bounce"
"i love ass whoooaaaaaa i meant cassie"
"Rosalie you're the deciding vote. Be decisive." "Dude i'm bisexual and a gemini. what're you talking about?"
"Okay so to recap: jake is homophobic, augie is racist, francis is a woman hater, and now paige is a bunny abuser?"
"Just bring a watermelon keychain and it'll be fine" "Whooaaaa i'm gonna need a big key then"
"If you were blind what would you even see"
Post Traumatic Youth, plus D for danny's disorder"
"i think she's past the phase where she likes people just because they're russian"
"francine is a lesbian, but only during quarantine"
"don't be a home wrecker!" "i can't help it!"
"we are not doing coed tents" "i wanted to go purple-ing though"
"if it's not perfect i'm gonna through hands" "with who" "i don't know, the CEO of stupid"
"don't make me feel guilty for bullying you"
"it doesn't look very cash money cool but okay"
"slinky cat" (ferret)
"The pond behind my house didn't freeze all the way through this winter, so i couldn't go ice skating" "okay, so i have an idea. we can go to walmart and get-" "ANTI FREEZE!" "well, yes- wait, no. No, the more i think about that definitely no."
"The amish will win, the amish will prevail" "the amish will conquer us all!"
"He do be kinda mafia doh"
"i'm being sneaky sneak. stairs go creaky creak. and i need. DRUGZ"
"brain on shutdown, power saving mode"
"Somebody go tip her, she's dancing like a stripper" "thatd be nice- oh wait no!"
"fellas, is it gay to lick your homies eyeball?"
"it's not racist if you're only targeting one group of people" "that literally racism" "but what if they're french"
"i'm not racist yet but the option is available, and it's good to have options"
"they don't call me Mr. Steal Yo Boy for nothing!" -a straight man who has a girlfriend
"i think he has a bad habit of not dating girls"
"kinda hot tho 🥵 in a Santa Claus kinda way...hoe hoe hoe"
"i'll be your hot jacuzzi bubble dealer"
"when deceit and doubt fills you up, you cleanse your mind through creative activities, such as making organic soap"
"friendly reminder #4: you're never to old to eat a freezie-pop"
"sorry i'm just nervous" Chinese Teacher: (Waving her hand in front of her face) “Just pretend I’m cabbage.”
"me when my dads name is publicly broadcasted on the radio for his 14 felonies and assorted war crimes"
"<@!523669420435046401> I sentence you to a solid nine by the banhammer. For your crimes against Humanity, God, Satan, and Matt Frank. See you in hell."
"Danny, just because you're playing *Just Cause* doesn't mean you need to Just Cause our friendship!"
"Silly Matt! You fell for the ole’ Heimlich maneuver!”
"i got a bunch of new shirts over quarantine" "you would"
"Ok, there's a 32 year old doctor in new Jersey dying right now" "Yeah, but to be fair everyone in new jersey has a pre-existing condition"
“This is the longest period of time we’ve had without a Nintendo direct” “Maybe they’re gonna make a Nintendo indirect?”
"you’re looking extra white today.” "thanks i've been practicing"
"do you have any batteries" *looks inside shirt* "not yet"
"let's go colonize the middle school!" "yyayayyayayay!!!" " wait I gotta ask my mom first" What happened next is know called the *Juniors burden*
"oh so you're a DOWNSTAIRS milk kinda guy"
"you are literally the human embodiment of crumbs in a bed"
"The Berk-ey Creamery isn’t a place, it’s a people!”
 "He shoved a floating joy-con straight up his flux-capacitor.” "great! now it's paired"
"No, that isnt armor, the real armor are the friends you made along the way"
"This one goes out to all my lady friends out there *proceeds to kill himself in game*
"i'm a coward" "that's what a coward would say!"
"rest is for cowards and fools"
"every time you speak you take years off my life"
"Shark dick hoo ha ha"
"Me and the boys brushing our teeth at 3 AM"
"remember if you kill yourself the fascists win"
"The Beatles aren’t real. Have you ever seen a beatle? No? Exactly." "Babe” "Shut up I’m right."
*reading over these quotes* "god i hate that" "you said that!"
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f4liveblogarchives · 3 years
Fantastic Four Vol 1 #227
Thurs Apr 30 2020 [06:34 PM] Wack'd: Another story catalyzed by space objects falling to Earth [06:35 PM] Wack'd: This time a meteor lands in a lake in Pennsylvania [06:36 PM] Wack'd: One of Reed's science friends calls Reed and is like "hey, I know you're big into meteors, wanna come do science and hang out" [06:37 PM] Bocaj: Space needs to stop dumping its junk in our yard [06:37 PM] Wack'd: I mean hey, we do it too. It's reciprocal pollution [06:37 PM] Umbramatic: The Great Space Junk Exchange [06:38 PM] Bocaj: When has a thing earth sent v'gering into space ever caused a problem [06:38 PM] Umbramatic: ...what the fuck were the dinosaurs polluting space with to get what they did [06:38 PM] Bocaj: Its not like we send a hulk of stuff and crash it into gladiator planets [06:38 PM] maxwellelvis: @Umbramatic Tobacco [06:38 PM] Wack'd: @Umbramatic : *Land Before Time* videocassettes [06:38 PM] Umbramatic: dbtgfrh ojgifmhk  hjnl;.'; [06:38 PM] Bocaj: Ha [06:39 PM] maxwellelvis: The real reason the dinosaurs went extinct. [06:39 PM] Wack'd: So anyway the team is going on vacation! Johnny wants to get a tan and Sue is like "let's bring the grill" and I'm like "you're. You're going to Pennsylvania" [06:39 PM] Wack'd: Like yes the caption specifies it landed at a resort but like, c'mon [06:39 PM] Bocaj: CAN Johnny tan? [06:39 PM] Bocaj: He's exposed to heat and light every day of his life [06:40 PM] Bocaj: Can Johnny Storm get a sunburn? [06:40 PM] Bocaj: Also: why isn't his name Blaze? [06:40 PM] Wack'd: Maybe he can choose to but it's unpleasant to use his powers for it and he prefers the old-fashion way [06:40 PM] Bocaj: Hm, acceptable handwave [06:40 PM] Wack'd: Like there's a difference between being exposed to solar radiation from billions of miles off and setting yourself on fire [06:41 PM] Wack'd: Ben is grumpy because Alicia is bogged down with work and can't make it, and his only other friend will be busy with science [06:41 PM] Wack'd: (You'd think he could hang out with Sue and Johnny and Franklin but whatever) [06:42 PM] maxwellelvis: Sandman stopped taking his calls? [06:42 PM] Wack'd: Sandman tries to beat him up on the regular, what're you talking about [06:42 PM] maxwellelvis: Ahh, right, you're not reading Two-In-One. [06:42 PM] maxwellelvis: Okay, there's ONE thing in Marvel Two-In-One that causes an actual change to the status-quo in Marvel; there's an issue where Ben goes to a bar and finds Sandman is also there. So he sits down with him and they talk. [06:43 PM] Wack'd: "Yer off yer meds again, aren'tcha, Flint" [06:43 PM] Bocaj: One of my favorite scenes in the DCAU [06:44 PM] Bocaj: Get rekt that scene of Batman talking to Ace, psychic meltdown [06:44 PM] maxwellelvis: By the end of the issue, Sandman has gone legit, and for like a decade, he stayed so, until eventually some Spider-Man story needed him back on the Sinister Six. [06:44 PM] Bocaj: (Because it implies that Only Batman can human at people is why) [06:44 PM] Wack'd: Decade does seem to be where Marvel status quo changes top out sadly [06:44 PM] Bocaj: I think it was after the clone saga [06:45 PM] Bocaj: During the panic mode 'shit roll it back roll everything back fuck fuck fuck' kneejerk [06:45 PM] Wack'd: Gotta remind people of the good ol days after that stinker, yeah [06:45 PM] maxwellelvis: Then it was close to like, two decades or something. [06:45 PM] maxwellelvis: That's an astonishingly long time in comics. [06:45 PM] Wack'd: Oh wow [06:45 PM] Bocaj: Funfact: Sandman was an Avenger [06:45 PM] Wack'd: Huh! [06:45 PM] Bocaj: Reserve, but still. [06:45 PM] Bocaj: Nice [06:46 PM] Wack'd: If nothing else the idea of him as a sympathetic crook seems to have stuck [06:46 PM] Wack'd: Which is not nothing [06:46 PM] Bocaj: Sam Raimi intensifies [06:46 PM] maxwellelvis: Marvel Two-In-One Vol 1 #86 is the relevant issue. [06:46 PM] maxwellelvis: So it hasn't happened yet at the time you're reading, is the other reason you hadn't heard about it. That issue was in 1982, so about a decade and a half, give or take. [06:47 PM] maxwellelvis: And you weren't far-off with that JLU joke, @Wack'd, says here that a big thing in the issue is Sandman dealing with the trauma of having been merged with Hydro-Man. Which is probably why he's receptive to the idea of going legit. [06:48 PM] Wack'd: Alright then [06:48 PM] Wack'd: ...anyway Sandman isn't. In this one. So [06:49 PM] maxwellelvis: Yeah, this was a lot more explaining for a dumb joke than I anticipated. [06:49 PM] Wack'd: Back to the story at hand [06:50 PM] Wack'd: Ben decides he's gonna go fishing. He's got a floppy hat and a vest and everything. Also: more womanly stereotypes!
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[06:51 PM] Umbramatic: i love ben's fishing outfit [06:52 PM] Bocaj: He looks so happy [06:52 PM] maxwellelvis: Fishing hats like that always make me flash back to that M*A*S*H episode where Col. Blake salutes while wearing his hat and hooks his finger on it. [06:52 PM] maxwellelvis: "What are you trying to DO to me?!" [06:52 PM] Bocaj: Oooow [06:52 PM] Wack'd: They fly into Pennsylvania and things have. Escalated.
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[06:52 PM] Bocaj: "I don't want to hoard gold, I want to turn people into dinosaurs" "HE KEEPS SAYING THAT" [06:53 PM] Wack'd: For the record earlier cutaway panels show this is a bird that got mutated by the meteor but I got distracted and forgot to post it [06:53 PM] Umbramatic: that pterosaur's wings make me viscerally angr--AND THAT MAKES IT EVEN WORSE [06:53 PM] maxwellelvis: Somewhere a paleontologist is weeping [06:53 PM] maxwellelvis: OR [06:53 PM] maxwellelvis: Oh cool, I didn't know the writers of *Dino Squad* ghostwrote this issue [06:53 PM] Umbramatic: that's me, i'm the weeping palentologist [06:54 PM] Mousa The 14: The bird didn’t mutate, it simply regressed to an earlier form [06:54 PM] Bocaj: HROINK! [06:54 PM] Umbramatic: if it did that it'd be more like a velociraptor [06:54 PM] Mousa The 14: Hroink indeed. Hroink indeed. [06:55 PM] maxwellelvis: Pterosaurs and birds are completely different groups of archosaurs, that's a mutation, Mousa. [06:55 PM] Umbramatic: YES [06:55 PM] Wack'd: Not really sure why this merited a silent panel
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[06:55 PM] Bocaj: Just put up an invisible force slide [06:55 PM] Mousa The 14: Artist showing off [06:56 PM] Wack'd: How bad he can draw children? [06:56 PM] Umbramatic: i dunno which makes a better reaction image, franklin's face or the pterosaur's [06:56 PM] Mousa The 14: Or to show Franklin is about to use. THE POWER [06:56 PM] Bocaj: Its not the worst tiny adult i've seen in comics [06:56 PM] maxwellelvis: Unless it leads to another god-child moment, it's a rather pointless reaction image. [06:56 PM] Bocaj: I'm not saying that its all Franklin's fault but I blame Cable on him [06:56 PM] Bocaj: God-child arms race [06:57 PM] Wack'd: So the monster explodes, and Reed collects its gem--EUGH
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[06:57 PM] Bocaj: I don't like this. [06:58 PM] Wack'd: Ftr Gideon Carruthers is Reed's science friend. We already have a Gideon so I'll call him Carruthers [06:58 PM] Umbramatic: -screaming- [06:58 PM] Wack'd: To disambiguate him from the rich doofus [06:58 PM] Bocaj: I'd laugh my ass off if he looked just like gideon from gravity falls [06:58 PM] Bocaj: or even gideon from Scotts Pilgrim [06:59 PM] maxwellelvis: I know there's some sci-fi parasite this reminds me of, but I can't think what. [06:59 PM] Bocaj: Captain N mother brain? [06:59 PM] maxwellelvis: Parasite [06:59 PM] Bocaj: She was a parasite on my peace of mind [07:02 PM] Wack'd: Sue takes a moment to check that Franklin isn't traumatized but he's like "we fought and won, just like in the comics!" And then uh
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[07:02 PM] Wack'd: Were comics caught up in the Satanic Panic or whatever? Like [07:02 PM] Umbramatic: -screams- [07:02 PM] Wack'd: Seems more like a 50s thing [07:02 PM] Wack'd: Also yeah that sure is a Franklin [07:02 PM] Bocaj: I think Wertham argued that kids couldn't distinguish comics from reality and yeah that was way before this I think [07:03 PM] Bocaj: I think in his book he cited an incident that I don't know if legit or not where a kid tied a blanket around their neck like a cape and jumped off a roof [07:03 PM] Wack'd: Eesh [07:04 PM] Bocaj: Not sure that could be laid at Superman's feet. He very clearly says 'I have alien powers from being an alien' [07:04 PM] Wack'd: Can't wait to see this kid's mutt mutate into MCGRUFF, THE CRIME DOG
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[07:04 PM] Bocaj: Duff Dog Oh Yeah [07:04 PM] Bocaj: Suds McDuffie [07:04 PM] Wack'd: This is cool too I guess
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[07:05 PM] maxwellelvis: I was going to say, I think a dire wolf is more likely. [07:07 PM] Umbramatic: awoooo [07:07 PM] Bocaj: Werewolves of Slyvania [07:07 PM] maxwellelvis: I really wish the LOTR movies had modeled the Wargs more on dire wolves than hyenas. [07:08 PM] Wack'd: Okay I think we can safely dismiss the idea of these mutations having some kind of basis in scientific reality
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[07:08 PM] Wack'd: Paleontologists rest easy [07:08 PM] Umbramatic: FOREHEAD BEAM [07:08 PM] Bocaj: You've never seen a dog shoot a laser? [07:09 PM] Umbramatic: pidge shoots lasers all the time [07:09 PM] Wack'd: Anyway this time instead of the monster exploding Reed spots the parasite on the back of its neck and grabs it before self-destruct is triggered [07:09 PM] Wack'd: Kid gets his dog back and dog stops being a fiend [07:09 PM] Umbramatic: we have to prevent her from doing it to the neighbors [07:09 PM] Bocaj: Duffer... will live [07:10 PM] Wack'd: Reed I, uh, think the forehead laser puts a serious hole in your theory!
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[07:11 PM] Wack'd: Also the fuck is the "evolutionary agent"? Is he claiming we have, like, an evolution gland that pumps evolution juice into our bodies that makes us not be weird history monsters? [07:12 PM] Wack'd: Okay so Reed elaborates that the forehead laser is because the parasite gives its hosts psychic powers to make them more powerful so they can steal gasoline to eat [07:12 PM] maxwellelvis: Well, sure, I can see how that- huh? [07:13 PM] Wack'd: "It makes a bizarre kind of sense," says Carruthers, who is also identified as a geologist and so I guess is just rolling with this [07:13 PM] Bocaj: Carruthers: "Its not a rock so i don't fuckin know" [07:14 PM] Wack'd: Sue is upset that Franklin is in danger and weird shit keeps finding them and Reed is like "we do have some quiet times, they just happen off-panel" and Sue is like "you're right, I'm sorry I snapped" [07:14 PM] Wack'd: And she wants a normal life and yadda yadda [07:14 PM] Bocaj: Like that time she played horsey [07:15 PM] Bocaj: REMEMBER THE HORSEY TIMES SUE [07:15 PM] Wack'd: Sue, hold on to your memories of like the first two pages of each recent arc [07:15 PM] Bocaj: Yeah! [07:16 PM] Umbramatic: thbijgthp oknjlph;[m'n [07:16 PM] Wack'd: So they send Ben down in scuba gear to get the meteor which does actually kinda look like it could be a Steven Universe corrupted gem. Unfortunately he brings something back with him
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[07:17 PM] Wack'd: Remember: if a character says they want to go fishing in act one they need to catch a giant sea monster by act three [07:17 PM] maxwellelvis: Shai-hulud [07:17 PM] Umbramatic: poor ben [07:17 PM] Umbramatic: he just wanted to turn fish in to blathers [07:18 PM] Wack'd: Reed, being the smart intelligent thing he is, puts this round item down on the floor of a rocking boat [07:19 PM] Wack'd: It cracks open and [07:19 PM] Wack'd: And then Sue was the reverted evolution thingy
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[07:19 PM] Bocaj: So whats the 'reverted evolution' of Sue [07:20 PM] Bocaj: Issue 1 Sue where she didn't ever contribute anything? [07:20 PM] Wack'd: Uh. Angry, I guess?
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[07:20 PM] Bocaj: My idea was funnier and plausibly unfair [07:20 PM] Wack'd: True [07:21 PM] Bocaj: Hope this isn't another situation where Reed is justified in belting her [07:21 PM] Wack'd: Also Reed opens the cracked egg and finds five grooves for parasites to be in like seeds [07:21 PM] Wack'd: So after Sue there's one unaccounted for [07:21 PM] Bocaj: Dun dun dun [07:22 PM] Wack'd: Immediately resolved by it dropping out of a tree and on to Carruthers' neck [07:22 PM] Umbramatic: oh [07:22 PM] Bocaj: Whats tension anyway [07:23 PM] Wack'd: Hm. Reverting made his skin darker. Don't like that
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[07:24 PM] Bocaj: I do like the resigned "Yep -- I wuz right" from Ben [07:24 PM] Bocaj: Don't like "uglier than the hulk" paired with the thing you said [07:25 PM] Wack'd: Anyway Carruthers goes after some oil because these things eat oil remember, so Johnny blows up the oil and Carruthers goes flying like in an action movie or a Looney Tune [07:25 PM] Wack'd: Thus knocking him out so Ben can get the parasite off him before he explodes [07:26 PM] Bocaj: Yaa~aaay [07:26 PM] Wack'd: Oh. Oh fuck [07:27 PM] Wack'd: I've been sitting here thinking "but why are the monsters blowing up anyway? How does that benefit the parasites? Surely they'd want to keep the host alive to keep collecting oil" [07:27 PM] Wack'd: Adding to that, Reed postulates time is a factor as to why some explode and some don't [07:28 PM] Wack'd: But, uh. I thiiiiiiink it might be a lot simpler than that
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[07:29 PM] Wack'd: If I'm right, Franklin blew up the dragon and the sea monster. He wasn't around for the dog and Carruthers [07:29 PM] Bocaj: Dun dun DUUUUN [07:29 PM] Wack'd: (And probably wouldn't have blown them up if he had!) [07:29 PM] Bocaj: Geez Franklin, geez [07:30 PM] Wack'd: And now he's like "do I...blow up mommy? No, right? I feel like that's probably a no" [07:32 PM] Wack'd: Anyway Sue is not entirely mutated, just got some weird facial deformities and is a little out of it. Reed says its maybe her cosmic ray blood [07:32 PM] Umbramatic: *screams* [07:32 PM] Umbramatic: @ the franklin face [07:32 PM] Wack'd: Haha! VINDICATED
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[07:33 PM] Wack'd: Honestly kudos to Moench here for successfully constructing a mystery I didn't know was a mystery until the reveal happened [07:33 PM] Wack'd: That's some good writing right there [07:34 PM] Wack'd: Less good writing: this
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[07:34 PM] Umbramatic: so nice work [07:35 PM] Wack'd: Anyway Franklin blows up the parasite without hurting Reed or Sue and is very proud of himself [07:36 PM] Wack'd: And Reed concludes "uh maybe we should figure out exactly hat Franklin's deal is" before the whole team hightails it back to New York [07:36 PM] Wack'd: A happy ending maybe
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[07:37 PM] Bocaj: OR IS IT? [07:37 PM] Wack'd: Nope, turns out they have another son [07:38 PM] Bocaj: Benjamin Jonathan Richards you were named after the two bravest men I know [07:39 PM] Wack'd: LETTERS! Everybody loves some letters [07:39 PM] Wack'd: Eric L Watts wants Johnny to fall in love with another superhero and Ben and Alicia to get married. I like one of those ideas [07:39 PM] Bocaj: Is that the one what did happen eventualy? [07:40 PM] Wack'd: I mean both of those happen eventually [07:40 PM] Bocaj: Or is it the one, due to the vagaries of gendered language, that has Johnny come out as queer? [07:40 PM] Wack'd: Ha [07:41 PM] maxwellelvis: Lyja isn't a superhero when she and Johnny meet, though. [07:41 PM] Wack'd: Someone wants to know how Sienkiewicz is pronounced! It's sinKEVitch [07:41 PM] Wack'd: @maxwellelvis He does also date Medusa, so [07:41 PM] Bocaj: He's dated Crystal and Medusa [07:41 PM] maxwellelvis: Good golly [07:41 PM] Bocaj: He dates Nova, not that one, who probably counts if Silver Surfer do [07:42 PM] Bocaj: Huh. This list of romantic partners I've found for him is shorter than you'd expect [07:42 PM] Wack'd: People are kind of tetchy at how much Reed stretches now. Two different letter writers are like "He's not Plastic Man!" [07:42 PM] Bocaj: Hah. [07:43 PM] Wack'd: And people really like the more domestic stuff, specifically how Sue is written [07:43 PM] Wack'd: I'm sure the fact that all the letter writers are dudes is a coincidence [07:44 PM] Bocaj: I'm kind of but not really but a little surprised that Carol and Johnny haven't gone on at least one date. They have a venn diagram social circle and Carol dated Spider-Man briefly which is a similar kind of energy [07:44 PM] Wack'd: Oh hey, look who's making her *Fantastic Four* debut
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samsbastardzone · 4 years
Hey, you know that 35 d&d questions ask meme? I answered all of them.
This is a long ass post. Be warned. It took up seven and a half pages in google docs. Original post here.
1. A favorite character you have played.
Would have to be Zize Fortier, dragonborn gunslinger. Their tag on this blog is #zize and you can find their bio and info on my character page. Love that bastard!! He’s sweet and bratty and a total delight to play (we are such an OP party, y’all).
2. Your favorite character that someone else has played.
UM UM gonna talk about a few here. To be fair to people I play a *lot* of games with, I’m only gonna  talk about one PC per person.
- The bastard trio in my Wildemount game– @toomanyorphans ’s Nakoria, @overplannedbutunnamednpc ‘s Zier (also an NPC in the campaign Zize is in), and @glasyasbutch ‘s Nissy. They all really suck so bad but in SUCH funny ways. They’re varying degrees of self centered and awful, but we trust each other in this campaign, and those 3 players are SO funny in their RP.
- (RIP) Avri in my Wildemount game. They and Bly named each other,,,,  they were parent and child…… VERY sweet. huge goliath with tiny bird in backpack.
- @bekahdoesnershit ‘s Raini. Zize’s BFF, and her tag on that blog is rich. She’s SUCH a bitch but we love her.
- @bhissar ‘s Saela. She is a dream character for me to DM for– very little fleshed out backstory with room to explore, with still-concrete events in it. Consistent character choices and personality, to the point I can sometimes predict what she’ll do. Very cool aesthetically. And overall? EXTREMELY sweet. Baby, baby bird.
3. Your favorite side quest.
Either the one going on right now in amnesia, where we have to collect brain matter from big powerful elementals, or the stop we made at a family of vampires in Acarnya (the one I played Osfyr in).
4. Your current campaign.
There are five of those, with two on hold. 
-Wildemount, aka the Frozen Sick module from Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount (we’re almost done with that, my PC is Bly). 
-Amnesia campaign aka high level campaign: we woke up in hell with no memories! PC is Zize. 
-Hoard of the Dragon Queen module, near the beginning of that, PC is Pointy. 
-Horror campaign, only two sessions so far, but we’re trapped in an alternate dimension carrying out tasks for a creepy dude. PC is Vinny. 
-Kithan, where we’re high level monster hunting guild members searching  out ancient artifacts of the gods (campaign based on the Monster Hunter games), PC is Topaz.
-Silas, party is currently trying to help dragons free themselves and stop a… dude? No spoilers! I DM. On hold because I had too many campaigns going at once.
-Silas v2: extremely vaguely based on the plot of season one of the web series Carmilla. A tweaked version of the first arc the Silas party went through. On hold because it was played in person at school.
5. Favorite NPC.
I don’t really have any NPCs in my campaigns that I’m super attached to, except– Nikeo, a goliath rogue PC in Silas 1, had many adopted children. Three of them– kobolds– sometimes stand on each others’ shoulders, put on a long coat, and help out around their parent’s store. They’ve named themselves Koby.
As for favorite NPCs in campaigns I’ve played, I can think of… a lot. The first is Laurel, a blue dragonborn loner type who followed Osfyr and friends in Acarnya. They were kind of broody and dark, but they really drew me in. They were the first NPC we really talked to– they were sitting on top of the post office laughing at the mob scene of people protesting not getting their mail delivered.
I’d also pick Osfyr’s partners in that campaign– Yelkian, a backstory love interest I came up with, a flamboyant soft sorcerer. Jupiter, politician’s niece, who took pity on Osfyr’s attempts to seduce information out of her and let them succeed on both counts (seduction and information). Xerxes, extra AF rogue with a big loving family, who swept in after a fight on the back of an eagle-wildshaped Brysth (npc druid). 
There’s a blue dragon in the HOTDQ campaign that we don’t know much about. I really enjoyed the way @dungeonsanddraconicqueer played him. He’s just a dude! Lex’s warlock made a Deal with him to leave the town alone. We still don’t know the implications of that. It’s fine, guys.
And then, there’s Stewart the Skin Steward, a servant of False Mystra. Fun dude.  Very cavalier– nigh, enthusiastic!– about the fact that his entire city was made of skin. Something of a skin connoisseur, in fact!
6. Favorite death (monster, player character, NPC, etc).
Saela, hands down. She got breathed on by a dragon, yo. We then had to stop playing for 4-5 months because a player lost access to the Internet. I wrote a vision/speech from her warlock patron, the Raven Queen, the night she died, and basically didn’t touch it until I read it out in game. It involved a confession that the Queen was  tired of being a god, and showing Saela all the lives she’d touched. Then we used Matt Mercer’s rez rules for her. She came back– but it was her choice.
7. Your favorite downtime activity.
Fucking tinkering dude!!! I don’t get to do it enough as Zize and that is entirely my fault. @ morgan, eyes emoji
8. Your favorite fight/encounter.
I LOVE creepy shit. There was a train car with people dancing in it, and party members got enchanted to dance along and eat the food,  and the revelers were clearly in pain, and snuffing out a candle caused a reveler to disappear. Creepy shit!
In Kithan, we had to climb a staircase, and we timed it with produce flame which is a 10 minute duration cantrip, and we were climbing for 50 minutes. We started to see things in the edges of our vision. Then someone realized it was an illusion, and it all vanished. It freaked me out so bad.
In amnesia campaign, at level 19, we were traversing a cave, and our shadows started dripping the same black goop we were there to investigate. We killed one and it took down the max hp of the person whose shadow it was, and then they straight up didn’t have a shadow until they long rested. It really freaked us out, realizing the shadows were actually creatures, but they were like CR 1. Really effective use of a low level monster.
9. Your favorite thing about D&D.
The way it has something for everyone… the way it’s brought me so many friends… the way it’s inspired my OC creation like nothing else.
10. Your favorite enemy and the enemy you hate the most.
I’m not sure if this is asking about NPCs I’ve had as enemies, or any monster in D&D canon? The longest campaign I played in didn’t have long term enemies  per se. I’d say I was frustrated with the cultists that ambushed us last session in HOTDQ,  but I didn’t hate them! I just couldn’t seem to hit or dodge them. As for a favorite… probably False Mystra: the demon lord Orcus who’d taken over  the position, and therefore the duties, of Mystra, the god of arcane magic.  We killed it,  but then whoopso!! Our wizard lost her powers.
11. How often do you play and how often would you ideally like to play?
I play an ideal amount, honestly: four times a week, for about 2.5-3 hours a session. HOTDQ Tuesdays, Kithan and horror campaign switching off Wednesdays, Wildemount Thursdays cause we miss CR, Amnesia Sundays.
12. Your in game inside jokes/memes/catchphrases and where they came from.
Amnesia: Yocheved, the party barbarian/full time fish, has a secret third arm and/or a prosthetic ass. Cylthia, the druid, does arson (but actually). Relentless is a Crown paladin, so she puts her fingers in her ears when we do crime/lie. She also has a rod of lordly might that, immediately post amnesia, she made into a 32 foot climbing pole. Yocheved eats pounds and pounds of raw fish for every meal.
Wildemount: just the shenanigans and sabotaging each other that the Bastard Trio get into. Example: Nissy was tasked with buying Zier a cloak for cold weather and purposely got him an  ugly one. Zier then prestidigitated it to be a nicer color.
13. Introduce your current party.
Oh boy, I have 6 of those. Here goes. Keep in mind many of these characters are played and games are DMed by my friends who have OC blogs of their own: Raini and Ayen are bekahdoesnerdshit, Ezra, Nissy, and Roona are glasyasbutch, Horror DM, Lent, Eve, and Nakoria are toomanyorphans, Wildemount DM, Saela, Daecyne, and Cylthia are bhissar, HOTDQ DM is dungeonsanddraconicqueer, and Amnesia DM, Zier, Nyxi, and Sarril are overplannedbutunnamednpc. Not an OC blog, but Yocheved, Avri, Arbor, Thraf, Nikeo, and Whisper are mickgoesabsolutelyhamforbarbie.
Amnesia (Zize): Lent, tiefling paladin, former crownsguard who “fell” (became an oathbreaker), then un-fell when we lost our memories. Cylthia, tiefling/elf druid who can shift between tiefling and elf forms and loves setting things on fire. Yocheved, 14 foot tall nereid (fishfolk) barbarian with a dry sense of humor, is the party parent. And Raini, aasimar wizard, sass machine and Zize’s bff.
HOTDQ. My PC is Pointy. Ezra, quiet human paladin. Theata, moon elf rogue. Freya, sweet (human?) light cleric who sometimes misreads situations. Eve, 13 year old (!!) human warlock who kinda sucks, but like, she’s 13. Nyxi, motherly gnome bard who Is going to adopt Pointy. 
Wildemount (Bly): Alene, human barbarian. Quiet and with somewhat of a parent instinct. Some sort of Mysterious Backstory. Delta, aasimar rogue, similarly shady backstory? Unclear. Sticks with Alene. Nissy, drow rune knight, sucks. Zier, drow sorcerer, also sucks. Nakoria, dragonborn warlock, ALSO sucks. (Those three make up the Bastard Trio.) Avri (F for them), goliath bard and Avri’s guardian, died last session by falling on a floor full of knives. 
Horror campaign (Vinny): Roona, halfling bard, very impulsive, eats exclusively with her spoon that says ASS, and chills in Vinny’s fanny pack. Ayen, elven teenage warlock with a dark backstory. Sarril, Ayen’s not-dad, half elf beast barbarian who got it from his wife. Arbor, dryad  monk, who wears an all white plague doctor outfit at all times.
Silas v1 (DM), Original party before 1 left and 1 died: Hacka (RIP), human luchador-styled drunken monk. Nikeo (left), goliath rogue with so many adopted children. Inferno, fire genasi paladin/phoenix sorcerer with anger and impulse control issues. Saela, babiest aarakocra warlock of the Raven Queen. Hacka’s player now plays Voda, a stoic water genasi tempest cleric who cast Raise Dead successfully on Saela. Nikeo’s player now plays Whisper, a tabaxi astral soul monk.
Kithan (Topaz): Thraf, monsterborn (universe-compliant dragonborn) barbarian. Very social, very outgoing, very stupid, and very traumatized. Fucks majorly. Daecyne, sweet tiefling druid and Topaz’s good friend. Viosa, aasimar homebrew class I forget the name of, uses her small stature and allure to her advantage. Damur, half-orc eldritch knight, the party’s only braincell.
14. Introduce any other parties you have played in or DM-ed.
Acarnya. My PC was Osfyr. Soraphine, traumatized halfling bard. Azalea, human fighter. Durzuell, haughty high elf sorcerer. James, nerdy half elf wizard. Drago, erratic Russian dragonborn monk. Kairon, slightly edgy ranger/paladin (but we love him). 
Nordenheim. My PC was Cap. I will admit: we only played 2 or 3 sessions, so I don’t really remember  most of the other party members except Rory, a fire genasi ranger who almost burned to death.
Silas v2 (hopefully will continue; I DMed): Kysseris IV. Half-elf paladin, uptight. Tower 1-6, warforged wizard who crawled out of the desert and is looking for info on how he was made. Mae “Pock”, gnome rogue, very small and  sweet. Josh, human trickery cleric, kind of an asshole, but in a way that’s funny and hasn’t bled over into IRL annoying.
[school] West Marches campaign (Ner): by the nature of West Marches, there was never a consistent party, but a few stood out to me. Red Foot, a hyperactive kobold sorcerer who’s level 8 against all West Marches odds. Lyra, Great Old One warlock of Tzee’Mhor, an abomination goat that a party I was in accidentally created. Fildo Baggins, divination wizard who can only affect allies whose toenail clippings he has in his vial.
15. Do you have snacks during game times?
Hell yeah babey!!! I mostly play digitally, especially during COVID, and I need something to munch after DMing for a while. Shit’s exhausting.
16. Do you play online or in person? Which do you prefer?
Welp! Online mostly, since everyone I want to play with has the audacity to live far away, and now exclusively online because of COVID.
17. What are some house rules that your group has?
Our Amnesia party is so rich that we just don’t keep track of money. In Kithan, a lot of rules that make characters less powerful are just… abolished (like the bonus action spell rule). (The DM likes super OP characters so she can throw SUPER OP monsters at us.  My character has a necklace that gives 5 additional uses of channel divinity.)
18. Does your party keep any pets?
Nope. No opportunities for them. Zize’s party has a little water snake on the druid’s arm but I doubt that will last very long.
19. Do you or your party have any dice superstitions?
Absolutely. Cursed dice get j a i l.
20. How did you get into D&D? How long have you been playing?
Acarnya got me into d&d, it was my first campaign, and it was happening at the place I lived. I’ve been playing almost 2 years. (Critical Role inspired me to DM)
21. Have you ever regretted something your character has done?
Not sent a fucking letter to say goodbye to their boyfriend before the world-fate-deciding bullshit that was gonna happen and possibly destroy shit. It was fine in the end though!
22. What color was your first dragon?
Red. Man, that guy sucked, he almost killed Osfyr. We were investigating a monastery secretly run by dragons disguised as humans.
23. Do you use premade modules or original campaigns?
Original campaigns. I’ve never run a module before! I’m not opposed, but most of my campaigns came from ideas  that I had. I’ve never been short on ideas for a game.
24. How much planning/preparation do you do for a game?
As a player, I just open my character sheet and get out dice. As a DM, I try and think about what material I want to get through this session, and write some narration and/or stat things out if I feel like it.
For DMs
25. What have your players done that you never could have planned for?
A lot of times, Inferno has rushed into battle from what I’d built as a stealth mission, and gotten her ass and sometimes the party’s asses kicked. I should really have learned by now.
26. What was your favorite scene to write and show your characters?
Definitely Saela’s resurrection ritual and vision.
27. Do you allow homebrew content?
Yes! I’ll check it first,  but I’m all for expanding the boundaries. I homebrew items and monsters all the time, why shouldn’t my payers get to homebrew their shit?
28. How often do you use NPCs in a party?
Too often in my first arc. I had like 7 NPCs running around at all times (they were Carmilla characters). Super not recommended. I have 0 right now.
29. Do you prefer RP heavy sessions or combat sessions?
I’m still finding my groove with RP as a DM. I like encouraging my players to RP amongst themselves. I consider myself fairly good at combat on both sides of the equation, DM and player, so that’s always fun to me, especially when my players enjoy it too.
30. Are your players diplomatic or murder hobos?
I have one actively reforming murder hobo player, the rest are diplomatic. (The character, Inferno, is having a great growth arc. I’m super proud.)
For Players
31. What is your favorite class? Favorite race?
I fucking love genasi as a concept. Favorite class would have to be rogue or cleric, but gunslinger’s up there too.
32. What role do you like to play the most? (Tank/healer/etc?)
I  honestly don't have the patience to not play DPS. I love doing lots of damage. Healing is satisfying, support is satisfying, but there’s a reason I picked rogue twice and tempest cleric over other domains.
33. How do you write your backstory, or do you even write a backstory?
Sometimes the backstory is part of the character concept– especially for Pointy, because I had the name first, then went hmm why would she have this name. Almost always, though, more backstory gets written during the campaign when I have an idea. Sometimes a character will act in a way I don’t expect, and it’s fun thinking of a justification to fill backstory gaps.
34. Do you tend to pick weapons/spells for being useful or for flavor?
Mostly  usefulness honestly. I’ll make choices among several for flavor, but I’m a big proponent of using mechanics to build character. What I mean is, think about Magnus in TAZ Balance– his protection fighting style contributed a lot to the way Travis played him as a protective person. I love that shit.
35. How much roleplay do you like to do?
I like to do a lot, but unfortunately my  energy is pretty down lately so I haven’t been doing as much.
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roseamongroses · 4 years
W.A.L: “Fly Me to the Moon” Part One (22)
s u m m a r y:
Eden was the lowest of the low, a monster, hardly human, and was set to be executed. Roman was on trial, perpetually stuck in time until it was time to atone for his families sins.
Neither cared much for staying trapped.
So when a Stranger offered freedom, offered peace, offered power, it was hard to say no.
Even if it put them on the wrong side of history.
v i b e s :
time is irrelevent, homophobia who?, magic and beasts, demigods
w a r n i n g s
Imprisonment, Mentions of execution, Blood/ injuries,  Mentions of past Death, minor character death/suicide,  repression, cursing,
c h a r a c t e r s
Deceit(Eden) Sanders, Remy Sanders, Logan Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Patton Sanders, Roman Sanders, Emile Picani
Ship: Roceit
1) (2)   (3)  (4) (5)
(6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
(12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
“Are the rest of the brats getting ready?” Roman asked, picking up a comb and a jar of moisturizer.
“Uh-- I think so?” Lauren winced sitting back, “I wouldn’t know, Kai’s being… weird,” Roman ran their hand experimentally through the now kinkier coils in her hair, the light tugging of her scalp painfully nostalgic.
She’d always prefered her hair straight, but she never went so long without taking a break. It was mainly luck that she hadn’t had any major heat damage, but even that fear didn’t make the idea any more appealing.
You could say she was avoiding it in a way.
Her mom had always insisted on braiding Lauren’s hair herself, so the act was tangled with her in every way. Doing it by herself now only made her mom’s absence louder, but having Roman here made it better.
“Weird how?” Roman asked, detangling her hair, “Is he getting pissy about getting his ass kicked?”
“No…” She said, bracing herself, “That’s why it's weird. He’s not complaining, he’s avoiding me,” She sighed, feeling strangely annoyed. It wasn’t like she liked the constant arguing, but this was just odd…. Did she do something wrong?
Why does she even care?
Roman’s hands stopped mid braid, “Oh,” he hummed before resuming, “Maybe he’s just in a mood,” he said, a laugh peeking through his tone.
“What?” Lauren demanded.
“Nothing, nothing,” Roman snickered, “I’m just thinking about how pretty you’re going to be in that dress,” he cooed, pinching her cheek and effectively smearing whatever moisturizer he was using all over her cheek.
“Gross,” Lauren scowled to keep the smile from her face, “Anyway you’re too calm about this,” she said, her worry bubbling at the thought of just… walking into Council territory, “Do you really believe Drak’on’s going to play fair?”
It could go a lot of ways.
Logan was fair to a fault, so she wasn’t worried about dirty tricks from him. But he was predictable in a dangerous way. He had a never ending consistency that tended to wear people down. Roman wasn’t as unpredictable as Remus, but he had a similar quality. He couldn’t afford to trust that his body and magic would perform the same way every time, so he had to be creative, and more than often had to run himself ragged.
“Are you worried?” Roman asked, but it was more like an observation.
“You should be,” Lauren grumbled.
“I’m not,” Roman said.
She was oddly comforted by the finality of the promise.
Upon opening the letter, they were taken in a flash of light.
They first saw a glittering series of arcs that were almost translucent. It was as if the towering structure was merely ideas carved into the stars, but it solid beneath their feet. Deceit wasn’t sure how he was breathing with the world so far beneath him, with the stars so close.
The Offerings were a series of events, of elaborate ceremonies, of balls. A celebration at it's finest, but preformative grief at its core. Councilmen decked out in elaborate gowns and ancient suits milled inside the glittering gates, magic flowing from people’s tongues as easy as they laughed.
The brats were pretty much gawking, but thankfully they didn’t wander off.
Roman’s face betrayed nothing but unapologetic decadence. Their hair braided high before exploding into a fire of curls and flowers. All signs of exhaustion were wiped clean behind rosy lips and impossibly dark lashes that were stark against his eyes. Roman was in his element to anyone with eyes, but his death grip on Deceit’s arm told another story.
Which to be fair, was expected. They were deep in Councilmen territory, with their invitation only being allowed due to the technicalities of their situation--i.e all the alleged crimes not being directly linked to anyone, but The Stranger-- and Drak’on’s disturbing amount of influence.
Still Deceit knew that wasn’t it, “Roman?” He said, the question hanging in the air between them as they handed off their bags.
“The curse,” Roman sighed, “Even if I have temporary immunity, I keep expecting to...It’s more mental than anything,” he explained, low, “It shouldn’t be a problem, but...forgive me if I’m a bit more clingy,”
“That’s it?” He said scrutinizing them. They'd gotten better at actually vocalizing their limits lately, but Deceit knew he’d be more willing to cover it up in order to not cause a scene.
“E… Darling... tonight will be fine,” Roman promised. He tilted his head, horns catching the light and his eyes having a hungry glint, “You trust me?”
Deceit was breathless, “Something like that.”
Virgil stirred the brothy, something, in front of him, mildly impressed by how shiny the utensils were, but mostly getting sick by how rich everything tasted. It wasn’t like he wasn’t used to eating “good” food, in fact from what he could remember he was most likely used to it, but there was a different level of luxury here. It was almost irritating.
Actually a lot of things were irritating, the key one being that his supposed date fucked off to schmooze with rich bastards, but the most alarming part of that was that Virgil wasn’t sure he wanted to talk to Logan at all right now.
It was all duel this and duel that lately. About how this is what he always deserved, how he’ll somehow become better--how everything will become better once he finally puts this to rest and claim his rightful place. Virgil’s beginning to suspect that Logan didn’t even realize how obsessed he was getting with it.
In fact, Virgil suspected that Logan’s always been obsessed with this, but Dr. Picani never let him fixate on that need entirely. Even if Dr. Picani was low-key just as dysfunctional as his Apprentices, the man was disgustingly determined to create a somewhat functional life for them.
But Dr. Picani was gone, even if they found him-- his consciousness had yet to return. All they had now was Ms. Annalise Drak’on, someone who apparently had no issue with feeding Logan’s obsession.
Virgil felt sick.
He stood, not caring about how loudly he dropped the utensils or about the dirty looks sent his way as he pushed his way through the crowd. The band was some pseudo-jazz, a thundering accompaniment to his rising anxiety and the dazzling lights were getting too much and--
His spiraling halted upon catching the faintest blue flash in the corner of his eye. Turning around he met Patton’s eyes. Virgil flinched and for the briefest moment Patton’s brow furrowed, before smoothing into his normal dazed expression, “You’re alone?”
Virgil wanted to scowl, but he couldn’t. He was alone and he wasn't sure how long its been draining away at him.
Patton nodded at his non-response, “You need air,” he said, before turning on his heel and disappearing into the crowd. It took a few seconds before Virgil realized he was meant to follow.
Virgil somehow found himself out of the crowd, feeling the cool air first, and the relief of being away from all of those people all at once. Patton was already there leaning against the balcony, the translucent beads of their gown soft against the blue of the distant earth.
Patton turned his head to acknowledge him, “Is this better?”
“I think so,” Virgil sighed, slumping against the balcony, “Uh… thanks, I guess,” Patton laughed, an off colored chirp that normally unnerved Virgil, but now only made him blush, “What?”
“I don’t scare you anymore, do I?” Patton said, covering his mouth.
“I was never--” Virgil winced at the lie, “Was I that obvious?”
“Yes, but…” Patton started, trailing off, “I didn’t mind completely,”
Virgil frowned, “You didn’t mind me being an asshole?”
“I minded,” Patton said, “But at least you didn’t hide it,” he shrugged as if that explained it all, “I knew Logan and Emile cared about me, but… it was like they were afraid to admit that they didn’t always feel safe,”
“...Should we feel safe?’ Virgil said, twisting and untwisting the loose hair.
Patton didn’t respond immediately, tracing the rail, “I wish you could, but I…” he sighed, “Watchdogs aren’t meant to be outside the colonies for long without a bond...we aren’t built for that. When I’m home I can feel-- I’m in control,” he said, “But here, it feels like all I can do is take orders and hope, there’s nothing else there,” His face twisted unnaturally, but his eyes remained blank.
“Why…” Virgil tore his gaze away, “After Remus….Why didn’t you go to Roman?” he asked. It seemed simple, just go to another Sanders, a legal, full magic Sanders--
“I wasn’t in love with Roman,” Patton said, with no theatrics, but the simplicity throbbed with something intense, “Why didn’t you die in the river?”
“I-” Rushing water, blood everywhere,it was only supposed to be a game, it was a game it was a game, it was a game, “I didn’t want to die.”
“You’re lying,” Patton said, matter of fact.
Virgil blew out his cheeks, “I got lucky,” he admitted. Lucky that he wasn’t deemed enough of a threat by the other two. Lucky that the vial seared in his hand instead of in his eyes or down his throat. Lucky that at the end of the day, he thought it was a just game. Something stupid to do before church.
If only he knew that it was The Stranger’s Game he was playing.
“Well...I’m glad you were lucky,” Patton said quietly, “I wouldn’t have met you and I certainly wouldn’t have stayed for as long as I did without you two…”
Virgil’s throat tightened, “I…” he wiped his eyes, “Why do I feel like that’s a goodbye?” he choked out a bitter laugh.
“It doesn’t have to be,” Patton smiled, “You could always visit the colonies,” he said wistfully, and Virgil swore he glowed a little bit brighter, “I might be a bit...different there, but it's a good different,”
“...Can you tell me more about it?” Virgil asked.
Patton did.
He told Virgil about the fountains-- how water dripped like fire, but was icy to the touch. He talked about how young watchdogs burned holes in their cribs and terrorized their families. About the family dinners, with plates overflowing with food--how each story and laugh was never the same.
He told Virgil about how the community grew closer and took care of each other in spite of the stricter regulations. About how they’re even planning to build their own schools instead of relying on council tutors. He told Virgil about his mom and dad, about how they missed him, but understood he wanted to see his friends. He told Virgil about everything he missed and hated and seemed to glow a little bit brighter with each second.
Virgil doesn’t know why, but it felt nice. It sounded nice--talking to Patton was nice in a way that Virgil didn’t even know he missed. It's been awhile since he just...had fun.
The music changed, to something delicate--a soft piano, followed by a low, breathy voice. Patton’s voice trailed off and he closed his eyes swaying to the lullaby.
Virgil asked him for a dance.
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murasaki-murasame · 5 years
Thoughts on Sarazanmai Episode 11 [Finale]: “I Want To Connect, So Sarazanmai”
Do you ever just watch an anime episode that’s So Much in so many different ways that it makes you immediately want to lay down and sleep for a hundred years, but in like a good and hopeful way?
It’s very fitting that the final episode title is technically self-referential nonsense that in practice makes complete emotional sense and leaves everything feeling neatly tied together. It just Works [tm].
Thoughts under the cut.
Even though they were in like 5% of this episode I just wanna immediately point out that Reo and Mabu are ALIVE and IN LOVE and my SKIN IS CLEARED. It didn’t exactly happen in the way I expected, but I was hoping that they’d get revived, and here we are. The finale gave absolutely no shits about actually explaining any of the lingering mysteries about them, but I can’t fault them for it when they gave them such an unambiguously happy ending together. And in practice it perfectly fit the dreamy, surreal, intensely emotionally-driven vibe of the whole finale. Seeing their connected rings morph into them flying through the air while holding hands and the sheer power of their gay love literally paving the way for the main trio to finally connect was one of those moments where you just gotta sit back and accept that Ikuhara’s throwing at you, lmao.
Realistically I thought they might get left off on a pretty bittersweet note like a lot of Ikuhara characters, but nah, they’re just straight up back to being alive and happy and they pretty much got to attend their daughter’s magical furry wedding, lmao. They didn’t even get their memories erased like I thought might happen, so the whole confession scene from ep10 is still perfectly intact and now that the whole otter thing’s dealt with, we can probably safely assume that the two of them made up and are back to being The Ultimate Couple. It also looks like the two of them and even Sara and Keppi are still hanging out in the human world, which is kinda unexpected. I thought that even in the best case scenario they’d all just head back to the kappa kingdom, but I guess since that doesn’t really exist anymore they’re just gonna stay in the human world. Reo and Mabu seem to be working as rickshaw drivers now, which makes it even more clear that they’re probably back to being more or less regular people and being part of regular human society, and they’ve probably given up their jobs as cops, which is nice.
None of this answers the still lingering question of ‘how the fuck does the manga even fit into the timeline aaaaaaa’, but I don’t care as much about finding out the answer to that after this finale, so it’s not a big deal. I guess we’re meant to think that it happened before the anime, though. My best guess is that Sara was intentionally sent into the human world as a baby to protect her from the kappa/otter war, or something, and then Reo and Mabu raised her, she magically turned into her teenage/adult self [in an instantaneous fairy tale-y kind of way], then she went back to the kappa kingdom for a bit, and I guess she arranged things with Keppi and had them get recruited into the kappa kingdom? I still think they’re humans that got roped into this like the main trio, so I think that makes sense to me.
Even more so than with the main trio, I think that those two getting a 100% happily ever after with no caveats or drawbacks really spells out how fundamentally optimistic and hopeful this series is, and how they were one way or another victims of a harsh system that didn’t deserve the shit they went through, and so they got given a happy ending. It’d be understandable if people feel upset that they got such a happy ending after having done undeniably awful things, but I don’t mind.
And on the topic of the main trio, hoo boy they sure were the main focus of this episode, lol. And by ‘them’ I mean ‘Toi’ because let’s be honest he was basically the actual main character of the show by the end, and the finale was like 99% focused on his character development specifically. Which isn’t a bad thing. Kazuki’s whole deal had already been more or less resolved by the end of ep6, so it makes sense that the second half in general focused more on Toi.
On the flip side, Enta kinda got the short end of the stick in terms of screen-time and development, and things end in a sorta wishy-washy way in regards to his feelings for Kazuki. It makes enough sense that his whole ending was about choosing not to drown himself in fruitless delusions, even if it feels kinda lame and disappointing compared to the more climactic and intense resolutions that Kazuki and Toi got.
Though tbh a big part of why I don’t feel too negatively about how Enta’s crush on Kazuki kinda fizzled into irrelevancy is because Reo and Mabu got their happy ending that preserved all of their character development, with the obvious implication that they’re back to being in a happy and stable romantic relationship. The fact that there’s at least one happy gay couple at the end of all this makes me much more willing to forgive Enta’s story being handled a bit differently. I mean, that’s part of the whole reason why diversity in storytelling is so important. When you include multiple different gay characters/relationships in your stories, you have the freedom to do different things with them, instead of having all the narrative burdens and expectations being placed on just one character/relationship. It’s annoying when the ONLY gay character in a show ends up having to repress and move on from their feelings, but it’s fine when there are other gay characters who get to have their own happy relationships.
Anyway, I really liked how Toi’s story wrapped up here. A lot of what actually happened in the finale was full on bizarre dream logic nonsense, but the emotional undercurrent of Toi being faced with the prospect of effectively committing suicide in order to free himself from the pain of human connection once and for all, and him coming to the realization on his own terms that he doesn’t want to let go of those connections, got through perfectly clearly. They actually went a lot further with his story than I expected. Literally further, in that we had a whole timeskip epilogue detailing how after the main story ended he went to juvie for a few years and then reunited with Kazuki and Enta when he returned. I’m going to assume that he turned himself in, since there shouldn’t have been any concrete evidence tying him to any of his crimes, except for maybe him shooting Reo [though even then, Reo’s corpse immediately transformed into one of those rings so I don’t think that counts as lasting forensic evidence, lmao]. It was definitely the most brushed-over part of the finale, but it didn’t need to be focused on that much, since the more important part was him reuniting with the other two afterward.
And in terms of timeskips and whatnot, I really loved the whole potential future flashforward sequence showing a what-if scenario of the three of them becoming professional soccer players and being slowly torn apart by interpersonal drama, while the different episode title cards are re-used in this new context to show how their emotional issues and hang-ups might lead to that sort of negative outcome. It did a really nice job of illustrating how they’re willing to face the possibility of future pain in order to hold onto their connections with each other. Which is what the entire show had been building up to, really. It was all about them becoming able to face the harsh realities of being known in order to lead fulfilling lives with meaningful personal relationships.
I do kinda wish their older selves looked a bit more distinct from their base designs, though. Aside from the difference in outfits you can barely tell that they’ve grown up, lol.
I was initially planning on rewatching episode 1 after this, but honestly after what actually happened I don’t really think I’d actually get anything new out of episode 1 now. The very first scene of the show is still a bit of a mystery, even though it’s obviously based around a lot of visual imagery and cinematography from the finale, and the whole deal with the ‘A’ signs is still up for interpretation. But I don’t really think it’s super important one way or another.
I’m actually very happy that the ending didn’t involve any sort of time travel, and that that’s not what the first scene of the show was hinting at. Especially with how this finale really hammered in the importance of living with the consequences of your actions and accepting the future for what it is, it would have felt very cheap if anything got reset in the end.
I guess it’s also worth noting that, at least with the main trio, there weren’t any romantic developments, which I think was fine. With how the story had been building up to this point I think it was fairly obvious that their ending was gonna be more about friendship alone. Which might disappoint some people [and the whole topic of Enta’s unrequited crush on Kazuki is it’s own whole thing], but at the very least, Reo and Mabu got their happy romantic ending together, so I don’t feel like I’m missing out, lol.
Part of me wants to be disappointed that we didn’t really learn anything new about Sara, and that she didn’t exactly, uh, DO anything even in this final episode, but honestly I feel like that’s kinda ‘the joke’. Like, she and Keppi come across as a super tongue in cheek joke about the fairy tale concept of princes and princesses. Sorta like how the Utena movie made the ‘prince’ into a complete joke, Sara and Keppi are just there to be funny plot devices, and their big ending is that they have a big fat furry wedding and that’s that. And honestly that’s fine by me. I feel like Ikuhara’s whole artistic career has involved him becoming more and more flippant and dismissive about the concepts of princes and princesses and how much importance is placed on them in fiction, and that’s valid. It reminds me a bit of how all of the actual major characters are all queer dudes and their relationships with each other are the actually important part of the narrative, whereas straight characters like Sara and Keppi and all the different faceless kappa zombie dudes are mostly just joke characters. There’s something both deeply amusing and deeply vindicating about how this show turns the tables like that, with how it frames different types of love and relationships.
The main trio’s story ended up being not super tied into what the show has to say about sexuality in general [and overall the show is less specifically ‘about’ that than Yuri Kuma Arashi was, from what I understand], but there was definitely a whole lot of social commentary about homophobia going on with Reo and Mabu, and thankfully that part of the narrative came to a satisfying and genuinely subversive ending, with them overcoming the death imposed upon them and regaining their happy lives together. 
Now I’m hoping that Ikuhara will ‘complete the set’, so to say, and have his next anime be about trans/non-binary characters, especially after how Kazuki’s whole cross-dressing thing ended up being kinda unimportant and not about gender identity to begin with. Which is still kinda disappointing to me, but oh well.
Overall, this ending was almost aggressively happy and optimistic compared to what I was bracing myself for, so thankfully it’s left me feeling warm and fuzzy and content. All in all, it was a surprisingly straightforward story in terms of it’s central messages, in spite of it’s over the top and abstract framing, and I think it really benefited from that inherent simplicity, especially in this finale, which was so singularly focused on it’s central trio [and mostly just Toi’s perspective alone]. I was a bit worried the finale might turn into one of those things where a deeply personal conflict gets blown up and tied into literally world-ending stakes, but thankfully they didn’t go unnecessarily far with it. Even the kappa/otter war resolution barely involved the main trio themselves.
At least in hindsight, I think the anime was very tightly woven and was paced surprisingly well for it’s short episode count, and it’s hard to imagine how they could have spent much more time on the main trio, but now that we have a better idea of the timeline of the series, I really think that episode 6 should have been followed up by an episode that basically adapted the ReoMabu manga, plus parts of the twitter account, and the short chapter from the first light novel volume about how they met. That way it would have ended up with a nice round 12-episode length, and I don’t think it would have ‘spoiled the surprise’ of the later reveals and developments with Reo and Mabu. I just think it would have been really good to actually cover that in the anime itself, especially since even in the finale, the whole fact that they literally raised Sara as a baby never got addressed, so it feels like anime-only viewers are missing out on a big chunk of their story. But it’s not a huge deal.
I guess at the end of the day my feelings about the finale boil down to ‘Reo and Mabu are alive and happy and that’s literally all that matters to me’, lol.
I was really worried about how I’d be left feeling after this, but I’m happy that I’ve been following this series ever since it was first announced. This is the only time I’ve watched an Ikuhara show as it’s come out, and oh boy has it been an emotional roller-coaster. The fact that it ended in a satisfying way makes it all feel worth it, though.
I probably won’t get to it immediately since I think my brain needs time to recover from this one, but sometime soon I want to finally get around to watching Penguindrum and then Yuri Kuma Arashi. I don’t think I’ll liveblog them like I’ve been doing with Sarazanmai, though, if only since I’ve already been spoiled on bits and pieces of what happens in them, but we’ll see how it goes.
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mitchsmarners · 5 years
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summary: “I think we’re all going to have do some pretty terrible things,” Eddie said quietly. His hand came to wrap in Richie’s shirt, trying to burn out the violent grip of his father’s from earlier. “None of us have a choice in anything anymore. Whatever happened at Greta’s tonight-“ Eddie’s voice broke and he felt Richie press a kiss into his hair. “There isn’t a good and a bad anymore. There’s just die or don’t.”
[or: after the gruesome murder of his younger brother, Bill Denbrough is determined to bring about the end of the string of crimes in Derry no matter the cost. As stories unwind and fall apart, there’s only more questions as everybody’s lives hang in the balance.]
chapter count: 18/21
chapter warnings: graphic depictions of violence, mentions of past character death, mentions of past sexual abuse, major character death....? 
Taglist: @honkhonkrichard, @hufflepuffkaspbrak, @emmieliabedelia, @reddie-for-anything, @reddiesetrichie, @beepbeepbitchard, @lemonadeandrice, @mirandosky, @lunacuore, @fivxharmony
[Prologue] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17][Read Full Story on AO3] [Playlist]
Richie wasn’t sure he’d even fully regained consciousness yet when hitting his head on the hard ground threatened to knock him right back out. He could vaguely hear Beverly arguing about something, her voice going high pitched in the way it only ever did when she was truly scared. Richie groaned, feeling as though his brain was vibrating inside his skull and fought to open his eyes.
“You’ve got to  be kidding me,” Beverly was almost screeching, and Richie crinkled up his nose. Why did she have to be so fucking loud? Didn’t she know Richie had a headache? He tried to roll further onto his back but found his hands bound together and holding him back from full movement. 
“What, Marsh?” The male voice hit Richie’s ears and he knew if his brain was functioning anything close to its average speed that he’d know it. “You might not have known where this was all heading, but I did. Considering how quick you were to flip back over, it’s probably best that-“
“I was never on your side!” Beverly cried, sounding tearful. “The Tozier were always my true family… you guys tricked me… you promised! And Richie… why Richie…”
“He’s brought this on himself,” the man said, sounding bored. “If Tozier had just managed to keep his cock in his pants, then-“
“If I’m going to be murdered,” Richie grumbled, eyes still shut tight. “Can we get the fuck on with it? I’m fucking cold over here.” He managed to wrench his eyes open, world spinning for a moment and giving the distinct urge to throw up everywhere. Beverly was staring at him with horror-filled eyes and by her side was none other than Patrick Hockstetter. “Yeah…” Richie laughed through his dry throat. “That just figures, doesn’t it? How ya been, Hocky?”
“Been better I’ll admit,” Patrick laughed darkly, waggling his brow at Richie. “I don’t want to do this, Tozier. You know that, right?”
“You don’t want to kill people?” Richie challenged, brain fuzzy and all his defenses down. “I find that hard to believe.”
“I don’t want to kill you,” Patrick clarified with a shrug. “Hitting a man when he’s down? It’s not my style, but we’ve all got our orders. It’ll be over soon.”
“How come our lovely Miss Marsh isn’t all fancied up down here with me?” Richie asked, eyes fluttering shut. Light flashed behind his eyes and Richie must have faded away for a moment because once he tuned back in, Patrick and Beverly had once again lost interest in one another and were bickering with each other. “Hey! Hey! I’m not dead yet! Can somebody please tell me what the fuck is going on?”
“Richie, Rich, Rich,” Patrick chuckled, grinning wolfishly down at him. “Don’t you already know? You staked your life on a liar.”
Beverly made a wounded noise beside him as Patrick told hold of her arms and began to bound them behind her back as well. Beverly didn’t put up any fight, but there was a deep anger written all over her face as Patrick forced to the ground beside Richie. Patrick grabbed hold of Richie and yanked him into a seating position, Richie unable to hold back his exclaim of pain as his head was rattled.
“Did you tell Tozier about how you were bringing food and water to little Janie Jane the whole time we were holding her?” Patrick asked as he played with a  long strand of Beverly’s red hair. The fire in the middle of woody floor was making her hair burn like the winter camp fires they used to hold out in these same woods, when life was easier. “All while keeping her chained up to the wall?”
“He knows… that I had part of it,” Beverly said, looking at Richie with wide, wet, pleading eyes. Richie squeezed his eyes shut, seeing the flashing lights once more, and stomach swooping horribly. “I don’t know what you’re trying to do, Hockstetter…”
“Does he know that it’s your fault we had to kill her?” Patrick asked in a sickeningly sweet voice, a voice dripping in Californian summer venom. “That Janie figured out where we were keeping her? That she asked you, because even through everything, she trusted you? And that if you’d only kept those little facts to yourself, she would have lived? That we really would have let her go once this was all over- just like promised. But you had to blab.”
Richie was definitely going to throw up now. “That’s… that’s not true,” Beverly sobbed out. “You… She saw all of us!! You wouldn’t have let her live!”
“You’ll never know if that’s the truth.” Patrick chuckled. “Is that just what you tell yourself, Bevvy? Make yourself feel better? Keep that guilt of the little girls death off your conscience?”
“I’ll carry that guilt with me until I die,” Beverly spat at him. “I’m not some fucking sociopath like you, who can kill his own best friend and feel nothing.”
“I didn’t kill Henry,” Patrick said. “I just dropped him off where he needed to be. Job was already done when I got him.”
“Oh, please-“ Beverly rolled her eyes. “She never would have killed somebody herself. She always got somebody else to do it.”
“She killed Georgie Denbrough herself,” Patrick countered and Beverly bit harshly down on her bottom lip.
“WHO did?” Richie finally shouted, trying to ignore the sharp, throbbing pain in his skull. Beverly and Patrick both held long eye contact before Beverly sighed.
“Richie… you don’t want me to tell you,” she said softly. “I promise you don’t.”  
Richie shook his head, looking away in disgust as Patrick turned his predatory gaze back onto Beverly. “$3,000 for the prize of the life of a thirteen year old girl. Was it worth it, Bev?” Suddenly he was knocking into Richie and fumbling with the pockets of Richie’s jeans. Richie let out a soft shout, eyes dropping shut as he was jostled around once again, but managing to hold himself conscious as Patrick waved Richie’s cell phone in Beverly’s face. “What if we called dear, sweet, Stanley Uris and let him know just what exactly he helped you cover up?”
Incoming call from Richie Tozier <3
Eddie’s heart stopped for a good thirty seconds in his chest as he stared at his ringing phone. He then turned rapidly on his heel and rushed back to the group of makeshift friends in the living room, forgetting all about the intent to chase after Bill. “Guys…” Eddie wheezed as he slid into the room. “It’s… Richie.”
Stanley’s eyes flashed. “Answer it.
Eddie nodded, oxygen being just a little hard to get into his lungs at the moment. He hit accept, and wheezed only once before getting out actual words. “Richie… Richie, where are you-“
“Try again, sweet cheeks,” the slimy voice came through the speakers and Eddie’s heart fell right out of his body. In that moment, Eddie was sure he’d completely forgotten how to be alive and was being carried through human existence by pure will of the universe. “Eddie, baby, put it on speaker!”
With shaking hands, Eddie did as he was told. He held out the it out towards the room. “Losers!” Patrick called joyfully to them all. “Everybody listening?” Patrick laughed through the phone line. “Is Stanny boy there? Put him on, got somebody who wants to speak with him.” Beverly’s screaming voice, probably words but too far away to make out anything besides high pitch shouts, came through the line.
Stan stepped forward and took the phone from Eddie’s trembling hands. “Patrick let them go,” he said calmly, holding the phone up towards himself while keeping it on speaker so the full room could hear. Ben’s arm slipped around Aurora’s back, and Mike pulled a shaking Patty into his chest. Eddie stared, unblinking, at his phone while it counted how long the conversation had been taking place.
Patrick makes a sighing noise, and the sound of what was likely his hand running across Beverly’s face echoed across the line. Eddie squeezed his shuts and Aurora cupped a hand over her mouth. Richie could be heard shouting towards Patrick, but even from the distance Richie must have been from his phone, Eddie could hear that his words were slurring.
“Stan, Stan, Stanley…” Patrick hummed. “You know, maybe after tonight you’ll finally be the lone wolf you’ve always claimed to be? Patty’s there, too, isn’t she? Hiiii, Patty!”
“Patrick, you bastard!” Patty shrieked, loosing herself in a way Eddie had never heard before. In a way he didn’t even know was possible. Mike’s arms came out to grab at her hips, pulling her to him as though she could physically fight Patrick Hockstetter through the phone. Eddie wished that she could.
“Patrick, where the fuck are you?” Stanley practically growled, his voice the perfect picture of rage but just looking at him, Eddie could see the truth. The sickly pale of his face, the shaking of his hands and bottom lip. Stanley Uris was terrified, maybe more so than he’d ever been in his life. “I swear this isn’t fucking funny, you better tell us where you are. Now.”
“I don’t take orders from you, Uris,” Patrick snapped, then there was round of hushed whispers across the line then Patrick’s voice was back to its psychopathic cheery tone. “Is Kaspbrak still there? I’ve got somebody who has something to say.”
Eddie’s heart clenched as the broken voice came over the speaker. “Eddie…”
He grabbed the phone back from Stanley, entire body trembling now. “RICHIE! Oh my God, do you know where you are? Are you okay? You don’t sound okay, Richie… Richie, please, where are you?”
“I’m….” Richie swallowed audibly. “Eddie… please don’t look for me, okay? Stay inside. Okay? Don’t do anything stupid. Please.”
“What?” Eddie asked, tears burning into his eyes. “No, Richie! We’re going to find you! I promise, okay? We won’t let anything happen to you, everything is going to be fine. We’ll fucking find you.”
“No…” Richie said, sounding like he was crying… sounding like he was broken. “Please, don’t, Eddie. I don’t want anything to happen to you, you… looking for me isn’t going to do anything, okay?… Baby… Eds…”
“Don’t call me that, Richie,” Eddie said, fully crying now and putting nearly all of his thought process into getting the words out. On trying to breathe and speak. He couldn’t let himself listen to how Richie was crying, how Richie was implying it was hopeless. He couldn’t see anything around him; couldn’t see the sympathy on Mike Hanlon’s face, how Patty had turned away from them and pressed her hands up over her ears.
“Eddie, you know I-“ Richie paused, seemingly trying to figure out how to finish. While it was still thinking it over, a loud gun shot rang out. Beverly’s screaming of his name was cut out as the line beeped then went dead.
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gaasaku-fanfests · 5 years
Toda una vida (A whole live)
Title: Toda una vida (A whole live) Author: arethaatrahasis Rating: K+ Word Count: 4228. Summary: A whole live between Gaara and Sakura. Warnings: Fluff, Mental Diseases. PWP Author's Note(s): Hi! :) I hope you like this OS, first of all I tried to stuck with your prompts, but English is not my mother tongue and with some of the prompts I got scared, so I decided this (?) I don' t know if you would like this, if yes YAY! and if not lie to me please, but a read a OS that was about 50th prompts written like this one and I thought: that will do. So, I tried to include as much prompts as I could that you gave to me, and the others I invented them. I'm not sure that this whole thing has a plot, and I hope, really hope, to not deceive you. While you read, I’m sure that you will find some mistakes, grammar and vocabulary, but I'm human and I'm not perfect (and a terrible procrastinator that has some social problems that don' t allow her to ask for a much needed help).
(Additional note: Mild SasuSaku. Eventual character death. But not tragic. @arethaatrahasis​ As promised, I edited it for you; you should see the differences clearly.😊💕)
Prompt chosen: AU (in order of preference: career (adult), college, high school) Partner: darkcivet [pinch-hitter]
 #1. Highschool.
The first time they see each other it’s in high school. People says that the first impression is what matters. Well… Theirs wasn’t the best.
 #2. Scared.
Sakura was really scared. She was fourteen years old, she was young, innocent, and scared as fuck.
She was watching her best friend, Naruto, fighting with Sasuke, his platonic love, another guy. He came from another high school, in Sunagakure.
They were in an exchange… In an exchange of fist.
Sasuke was knocked out and Naruto couldn’t hold it for much longer, but also the other guy seemed pretty bad up. So, she did the only thing that she could do, call a professor.
 #4. Cry baby.
The pink haired girl was a cry baby.
Gaara was starting to get sick of her. Crying won’ t solve anything, and the horrible noise of her sobs was starting to get on his nerves.
He detested to agree with the Uchiha boy, but god was she annoying…
 #5. Birthday party.
The next time they see each other was in Naruto’s sixteenth birthday. She immediately recognized him, how could she not? The red hair, his eyes declined with kohl, the weird tattoo on his forehead… She had to warn Naruto.
“Hey, Naruto. Naruto… ¡Hey!”
“Hey Sakura- chan, what’s up?”
“I think someone sneaked in your birthday party.” Naruto looked at her and blinked in confusion.
“That boy over there, the one with whom you get into a fight with Sasuke- kun two years ago, do you remember?”
The blonde looked at the same direction as her and when he spotted the intruder he started to laugh.
“Sakura- chan, he didn’t sneak in, I invited him.”
“What?!” Asked her louder than she intended. “Why?!”
“Easy he shrugged nonchalantly. He is my friend.”
“He is your… What?”
Sakura couldn’t understand why Naruto would befriend someone that that had wanted to punch him to death. However, she didn’t have the time to tell that to Naruto, because he, quickly as lightning, grabbed her by the arm and started to pull her towards de red-haired guy.
“Sakura- chan talk to him! You will see that he is really a nice guy!” She preferred to be burned in hell.
 #6. Sorry.
Sakura was her name. Honestly, he didn’t remember much about her, only that the fight started because he pushed her and that she couldn’t stop to crying.
He sighed and looked at her, she was visibly uncomfortable standing there with him, he could swear that she was here against her own will, Naruto probably compelled her to be there, and she was desperately looking for an excuse to get the hell out of there.
She was polite enough to not run away without a plausible excuse.
“I apologise.”
For the first time in that party, she looked at him intently in the eyes, he could appreciate confusion and curiosity dancing in her orbs.
“What for?”
For the fight of two years ago, and for having pushed you. I shouldn’t have done that. So, I apologise.
She bit her lower lip, clearly insecure of what to say, or what to do. But finally, she spoke.
“Why did you do that?”
He knew that she deserved some answers, however he wasn’t ready to tell the whole truth, not yet at least.
“I had anger issues.”
“And how did you solve it?”
“He couldn’t tell if she was just curious or nosy.”
For his surprise she laughed, not at him, or for what someone had said about him, she laughed because of him, for something that he had said. He was startled… and amazed, that felt… nice.
 #7. Message.
Hi Gaara- kun! :)
It’ s me, Sakura. I asked Naruto for your telephone number, I hope you don’ t get angry with us :P By the way, if you are free tomorrow afternoon we can go to the Science and Natural Museum here in Konoha.
If you want, you can ask Temari and… uh… Kankuro? if they want to come too. I won’ t ask Naruto because the last time I visited a museum with him we almost got banned from there for life.
If you can’ t because you are returning to Suna have a safe trip!
See you soon XOXO
 #8. Awkward.
He felt awkward.
He was enjoying himself quite a little in the museum, but his new acquaintance didn’t stop talking. And he didn’t know what to do, was he supposed to talk back? To ask her questions? To tell her to shut the fuck up?
However, her explanations were interesting, she knew a lot. And he was enjoying that she treated him like a normal person, like if that incident of two years ago didn’t even happen.
But he was amused. He liked how her eyes sparkled when they saw the dinosaurs’ skeletons, or when her nose wrinkled when she didn’t like the Neanderthal part for being “too poor and bad explained”, or when she watched for a solid thirty minutes a giant pendulum clock that worked thanks to gravity.
He discovered that they have interests in common, like reading, she liked romantic novels, but like him, she also read historical, science- fiction and crime.
He felt a nice feeling, different of the one that he felt towards Naruto, but it wasn’t disgusting at all. maybe it was because it was a girl, or because she was different from his blonde friend. Who knew. So, he finally decided to not overthink about it and flow with the conversation, situation, her and everything else on that afternoon.
Nevertheless, he still felt awkward.
 #9. Time.
They barely saw each other in two years. They kept in contact thanks to messenger and another social apps.
And in that period of time, they finally thought of each other as friends.
 #10. Accident.
Naruto and Sasuke had had a terrible accident, they were both in the emergency. All their friends and families were in the hospitals’ waiting room. He came all the way from Suna only to support Kushina and Minato… And for Sakura too.
She was a mess, she couldn’t stop crying, he was afraid that she will collapse in any moment.
But he couldn’t do anything, he could only wait, wait for news, for the doctor, and pray, pray to a God, who he didn’t believe at all, that his best friend will be safe and well.
He needed comfort as much as she, so he slid his hand and grabbed hers, she didn’t reject him, and squeezed his right hand letting him know that she was thankful and that in her way she was also there to offer him support, comfort and shelter.
He sighed. It would be the longest hours of their lives.
 #11. Confession.
It wasn’t a normal accident.
Sakura needed to confess this, and she knew that Gaara will be the only one who won’ t run with the juicy gossip.
“I mean… Yes, they were both riding a motorbike and something happened and that’ s why they are here but… It was Sasuke’ s fault… He… He has been frequenting bad companies lately. Naruto and I tried to stop him… But it was useless, he won’t just listen to us. And… And that   night Naruto and I tried to confront him for the last time and… And everything went so… so wrong…”
She started to cry again, however Gaara didn’t make a move to comfort her. He already knew all of this, not thanks to her, but yes from Naruto, he had helped him to investigate Sasuke’s new friends. But he couldn’t tell her that.
“It was my fault… All my fault… If I haven’ t pressured Naruto to go and confront Sasuke anything of this would have happened…”
He exhaled and refused to look at her, he felt as guilty as her for Naruto having lost his right arm.
 #12. Beginning.
They were in another party. But this time Sakura and Gaara chatted freely and there were no bad vibes at all. Naruto and Sasuke had left the hospital a few days ago, and their families decided to throw them a welcome party.
Gaara was happy for Naruto, despite losing one arm he was still as cheerful as always, and that nearly close to death incident had helped him to start dating Hinata Hyuuga.
He was happy for him, but he thought that Uchiha Sasuke didn’t deserve all of this.
“Hey guys I have the biggest announcement ever!” Cried Naruto who was standing on a table
“You all know that Hinata and me are now dating, but there’ s a new couple in town! Finally, Sasuke and Sakura are dating!”
All the crowd cheered while Sakura blushed and Sasuke seemed as emotionless as always. No… Gaara thought, he didn’t deserve this too.
 #13. Pub
“I hope Uchiha- san would have come with you guys too.” Gaara tried not to laugh at how false Temari sounded.
He still has a lot of rehabilitation to do… Besides, in his… rebel phase he really skipped studies, so he has a lot to catch up to…
Sakura didn’t explain anything further, and they didn’t ask.
A few months have passed since that party where Naruto announced the happy couple. Nevertheless, the communication between the pink haired girl and he had abruptly been put in a limbo, they speak but not as frequently and freely like before the accident, and Gaara suspected that Sasuke and the insane necessity of Sakura to please him had something to do.
He didn’t want to be here, he didn’t feel so well, he was afraid that he could snap in any   moment, Shukaku didn’t shut up.
He shouldn’t be there in the pub… The lights were annoying him.
 #14. Snap.
It was like seeing a blood lust monster. Sakura couldn’t understand what she was seeing. Gaara, the boy she came to know, the one that didn’t think less of anyone, who was respectful, patient, whose hobbies were doing puzzles and yoga, that boy was trying to kill three boys.
She didn’t know why he was doing this, or how this happened, she wanted to cry, to cry, run and hide from everything and everyone, but he was her friend, so she decided to be brave and save him from getting in jail.
 #15. Avoid.
“Sakura- chan is persistent.”
Naruto was in his room looking through the window. He understood that after one episode he needed time to recover and readjust to the world that surrounded him.
Now Temari and Kankuro knew how to treat him after one of those, so Kankuro didn’t shout or made any loud sound, and Temari brought him a bowl of boiled rice, a cup of orange juice and his pills.
“I don’t want to talk to her right now.”
He closed his eyes and started to feel how the pills made their magic. He barely could hear him. He heard how Naruto sighed and he heard how he moved uncomfortable next to the window.
“Gaara… She tried to stop you.”
“I remember everything, Naruto, it’ s not how it used to be. I don’ t snap so often anymore and I can remember almost everything when I have one of my episodes.”
“Please Naruto…just… Just let me sleep… I’m tired…”
The last thing he thought before he felt into unconsciousness was that Sakura couldn’t be present if he snapped another time.
 #16. Look at me.
“Gaara… Gaara! Sabaku no Gaara look at me!”
He stopped dead in his tracks and looked at her. The crazy woman was shouting in the middle of the street. Everyone was looking at them, and she seemed furious, this time it was him who was scared.
“Why the fuck are you inviting me?”
Oh… She was really angry, she was swearing, she never said the four-letter words if she wasn’t furious or scared as fuck.
“I’m not.”
He was lying, and she knew it, she looked at him and bit her lower lip.
“You are afraid to hurt me like the other time, don’ t you? I understand, but if you would listen to me…”
“No. Listen you to me, Sakura. I’m schizophrenic, Sakura, schizophrenic. You cannot get in middle every time I have a crisis, on a day I might kill you. I appreciate your necessity of saving every fucking living shit that crosses your way, but this is the real live and you are not prepared to control me when I’m having one of my episodes.”
He could see how she shifted uncomfortable and he saw the marks of his finger in her pale neck. He would remember for the rest of his live how he tried to strangle her.
“You still don’t know which business I do have here in Suna, do you?” He blinked confused for the abruptly change of subject.
Then go to the stadium at 6 p.m., don’t be late. And if after what you see you still want to put some distance between us, I will not argue, ok? I think it’ s better if you see it.
He didn’t understand a thing, but if with that she would act with more common sense around him, he would be there gladly.
 #17. Boxing.
Holy shit Sakura practised boxing. When she said that she had come to Suna because she had some business, he didn’t think for a second that her business was competing in the Suna’s boxing tournament.
He was amazed, she almost won. She arrived at the finals, but the other competitor was better, it didn’t matter anyway, the next year surely she would win.
“You stayed ’til the end.”
He was waiting for her in the exit. Nobody but him went to cheer her, maybe she wanted to keep this a secret.
“You did great.”
That was his response, he indulged himself to smile a little, and she sat down next to him.
“I understand what you were saying earlier, but about last night… I wasn’t prepared, I admit that I don’t know how to act when you have a crisis, but I’m strong enough to not get killed.”
“I know.”
They were in silence for a few minutes before Sakura started to speak again.
“Then, this crap about distance and not wanting me to get hurt is over, isn’t it?” He laughed and looked at her.
“Fine, because if you turn to do something like that again te voy a a dar una ostia que te va a molestar el cielo pa’ dar volteretas.”
He didn’t understand a thing, but he could feel the threat in her words.
 #18. Demon.
“I call him Shukaku.”
They were having dinner and finally he was being honest with all his problems, only Naruto and his brother and sister knew that the voice had a name. Yes, he was schizophrenic, but if he took his pills and followed all the instructions that the psychiatrist had told him, he wasn’t dangerous at all. Of course, he had good and bad days, but like everybody.
He calls himself the sand demon. Sakura swallowed and smiled.
“It’s fitting, since you live in the desert, you know?”
She laughed, and he couldn’t stop to notice that even with a purple eye and hers lips broken she looked beautiful.
 #19. Congratulations.
Congratulations for having entered in the medicine school. But it’s not necessary that you send me a picture when you start practising with corpses. Thanks.
I will try to visit you this summer, Temari thinks that we don’t know that she is dating Shikamaru. I hope that she will stop pretending because she will stop being so grumpy.
 #20. Break up.
Sasuke and I broke up.
Sakura was sad, but not as sad as she should feel. She knew that she had been pinning after Sasuke for ten years, however after two years almost dating, she couldn’t stand it anymore, her relationship with him wasn’t what she was expecting absolutely. She tried to feel bad, but she couldn’t.
“I feel so guilty…”
“I already told you,” Sakura Gaara spoke from the phone trying to not sound as pleased as he was for the news. “You can’ t save everyone, as a future doctor you have to learn how to live with this, there will be times that you won’ t be able to save someone. And that’ s fine, you are a human after all.”
“I still feel bad, what can I do to ease the feeling?”
She tried hard not to cry, but some treacherous tears slid down her checks.
“Talk with me.”
She laughed and so she did.
 #21. Spanish.
“I have really humble origins. I studied in Konoha’s high school because of a scholarship, my parents couldn’t afford pay it.”
“Is that where you learned how to speak Spanish?”
They were on the phone, they almost talked every day, and that one he decided to ask her what she said that night after the boxing’ s tournament.
“No, I’m pretty bad at learning languages, I know how to speak Spanish because the woman who used to take care of me was from Spain, it’ s been almost four years that she retired and returned to her homeland. She did swear a lot, gods, what was really useful because neither my parents or teachers never knew what I was saying.”
They both laughed, and Sakura continued speaking.
“The exact translation of what I told you that night would be: I will blow you so hard that the sky will bother you to do somersaults. It sounds more threatening in Spanish.”
“I agree.”
 #22. Move.
She was complaining that she had no one in Konoha, that all her friends seemed to leave her behind, and she hated that. All of them had already finished their degrees and now they were looking for a job, working or starting they knew family, Ino and Sai were expecting their first child.
And she was stuck in the longest degree of all, she loved medicine, but she felt alone. So, the suggestion come easily to him.
Why don’t you move to Suna and end your studies here? You won’t need to pay for rent, you can stay at my place, you know the house is big for the three of us.
She thanked him and said that she appreciated the offer but that moving won’t solve anything. Despite all of this she called three days after asking if the offer was real and that if he and his siblings were ok with that the following semester, she would be doing it in Suna.
 #23. Wedding.
Temari and Shikamaru were marrying. Sakura was happy for them, they were meant for each other. It was hard returning to Konoha after almost one year of studying abroad, but she didn’t feel as bad as she thought she would feel. Sasuke had a new girlfriend, Karin, and honestly, she was happy for him, for the first time in years he seemed genuinely content.
When the music started to sound, she got up and looked to the church’s entrance were Temari, Kankuro and Gaara were standing, the blonde woman decided that her two brothers will accompany her down the aisle.
Temari was beautiful, but she couldn’t help to blush fifty shades of red t how good Gaara looked with his tailored suit.
 #24. I love you.
It was rain season in Sunagakure.
Sakura thought that she would never come to love the desert, however she was deadly mistaken. She adored the desert, because love… She was in love with Gaara, and it was then that she realized it.
They were sitting comfortable on the sofa, she had a cup of hot tea in her hands and he was just showered and his hair was still wet. They both were reading, and only the noise of the rain could be heard, Kankuro wasn’t at home, they were alone.
She said the words without giving it much of a thought.
“I love you.”
 #25. First.
Sakura was his first in everything, he was a virgin a terrible inexperienced, she was not.
Their first kiss was in their rooftop while they were seeing the sun setting in the desert. The first time they hold hands as a couple were when he took her to a concert, she didn’t want to lose him in the crowd, their first date was in Suna’ s greenhouse…
Gaara was amazed at how wonderful his life had become since Sakura was his girlfriend.
He knew he sucked the first time that they made love, she simply smiled and said that he only  need to gain experience, and he told her that if she was up to teach him, that he wasn’t really a good student, but for her he would make the effort, she laughed and kissed him, she laughed at hers unique and amazing way, the one that used when she was with him. And was then when Gaara said the words for first time.
“I love you, Sakura Haruno.”
All their first times were amazing for both of them.
 #26. Elope.
They eloped.
Temari and Naruto were terribly angry about it, but they did anyway. As natural as Sakura had been saying “I love you” the first time, the “yes” had come also naturally when Gaara proposed.
“Let’ s elope.”
She just licenced and had two weeks until she had to start her stage in Suna’s hospital. They had money, and they wanted, they didn’t need anything else.
They travelled to the Land of the Rivers, she bought the first white dress that she saw in a store, and he wore his favourite jeans. The rings were bought in the cheapest jewellery, and nobody aside of them, the officer and God were witness of their wedding.
The honeymoon was there too. They did some sport, they laughed, they made love, they shared silences filled with love, they started to plan their live together, and on top of all they were happy.
 #27. Children.
It’ s Gaara who after three years brought up the subject of having children of their own. He finally had a steady job, as did she. They have compatible schedules, so they will both be able to take care of the child, Kankuro finally moved out and they had some savings, he really wanted to have a child.
And again, without thinking much of it, she said yes.
 #28. Fault.
She, they, tried to get her pregnant for a year, but they didn’t succeed. She felt like a failure. She cried every day, she barely sleeps nor eat, she was losing weight and Sakura started to only get off their home only to get to work. Gaara was concerned, so he suggested that they went both to the hospital and made a prove, to see what was happening.
“I’m fine! Shouted her when she received the inform. I’m perfectly fine! Then why I’m not conceiving?!”
“I know Sakura, it’ s not your fault, calm down, it’ s not your fault. It’ s mine, I’m sterile.”
 #29. Adopt.
After that they didn’t talk about children for a solid month, until Sakura came up with an idea.
“Why don’ t we adopt?”
 #30. Shinki.
His name was Shinki, and he was the oldest boy in the orphanage. He had autism and that’ s why nobody adopted him, it wasn’t a severe case, but it was obvious that the child had something, and nobody wanted to adopt him.
However, Gaara and Sakura were different, they weren’t like everybody, and after four long months, they finally and officially become Shinki’s parents.
 #31. Family.
They become a family, a family of three, they thought about adopting another kid, the world was full of kids who needed love, but finally they decided to not to. Instead of this they gave money every month to the orphanage and participated in the public events that it organized.
Sakura found that this wasn’t the family that she had planned having when she was a child, but she wouldn’t change a think all that she had overcame had brought here to this point, where she was happy with Gaara and Shinki, they were the love of her life, and she was theirs.
Everything was like it had to be, it was perfect.
 #32. Part.
They grow old together, they had fights, they had love, they had crisis, they had a family, they had everything they ever needed.
Shinki left home and married a man, they always supported him, and he had the job of his live, he was a biologist that studied the fauna’ s desert. And he also adopted two beautiful little girls from his same orphanage.
Gaara and Sakura grow old together, and with old it came also death, Gaara was the youngest of them both, but also, he was the first to part away. He did in his sleep, Sakura woke up one autumn morning and realized that Gaara wasn’t breathing, she cried because her best friend, the love of her live, had gone without her.
It was between sobs that she noticed that there was a fine smile in his lips, and for the first time in his life Gaara seemed to be, finally, completely, at peace.
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Modern AUs I Wouldn’t Want to Be Responsible for Writing, Part 1: Pillars of Eternity
@bloodilymerry, this post is your fault. So, we got to thinking about how we would populate a modern AU of the Pillars of Eternity series—and by modern AU, I mean one taking place in the contemporary or near-contemporary real world, with no or minimal fantasy elements, because that’s the most difficult kind to make workable and therefore the most fun puzzle to solve. Ideas below the cut.
Consider all of these to be footnoted with “research well, and tread lightly”; the games touch on some heavy issues to begin with, and without the fantasy setting to give us some distance from them and make them easier to bear, we can end up in some really sensitive territory. Hence why I wouldn’t want to be in charge of actually writing any of this—getting this stuff right would be a heavy responsibility.
Aloth: Educated but didn’t have the connections to get a job in his field, so we may find him working a menial job (or indeed several part-time ones) to get by. Depending on exactly when and where our AU starts and what his standing with the Leaden Key is when we meet him, he’s either still with the cult he joined to get away from his abusive family or beginning the process of extricating himself.
Edér: Can stand largely as he is, as a farmhand and war veteran. This is going to end up touching on geopolitics as well as more personal issues like family tensions and PTSD, especially since 15ish years before the present day would put his and Woden’s military careers in the years after 9/11. I leave how to wrangle their ethnicity and religion and the relation of those things to The War as an exercise to the reader.
Sagani: Oof. The obvious choice is to make her Inuit, isn’t it, or if not that then from some other indigenous group. Which’ll mean she’s affected by some serious issues and prejudices. (For one, the settler state considering her fitness as a mother suspect.)
Hiravias: Either indigenous or a poor Gaelic or Welsh speaker from the areas where those languages are hanging on. Oh, and the “wandering druid” thing translates into him being homeless.
Grieving Mother: Needs some changes if we’re stripping away the fantasy elements. Perhaps she was recommending substances or methods to her patients that were leaving them or their babies seriously ill or worse, and she had some kind of breakdown from the guilt and isn’t terribly functional when we meet her. (The exact words I used when spitballing this may or may not have been “woo-peddling hippie”.)
Durance: That asshole who’s constantly bragging about how many of Those People he was instrumental in shooting/torturing/blowing up during his time as a military contractor. (In front of Edér, too, who comes from a community of Those People and is already kind of conflicted about his military service.) In between the misogyny, racism, and generally being abhorrent. Should probably leave at least some characters and a decent chunk of the audience wondering why he hasn’t been hauled in front of a war crimes tribunal yet.
Pallegina: Her godlike body dysphoria is too good a metaphor for transness to not just make the modern version trans and have done with it. Beyond that, she’d be embassy staff from some country in the southwestern quarter of Europe.
Kana: A grad student from somewhere in the Asia-Pacific region—probably Japan, judging by some of the linguistic and cultural coding of Rauatai—born to Polynesian immigrants. He’s studying something about the ancient world (perhaps he’s a classics student, if we run with the Engwithans being fantasy Greco-Romans), and whatever it is turns out to not be what he was expecting.
Maneha: Well, she’s from the same country as Kana, clearly. I’m not sure the regular military is a good fit for her character, so who’s she running with? A private security contractor? A gang?
Zahua: Could go a few ways—monk, traditional shaman, modern occultist. Either way, he’s retreated into overdone asceticism and spiritual pride to deal with trauma in his past. What exactly that trauma is and what to make of his origins (the obvious choice is some Mexican or Central American Native group) I again leave as an exercise to the reader.
Devil of Caroc: Well, the obvious change is that she’s still human. She can stand as a serial killer out for revenge against the people who committed violence against her community during The War. She’s alive and out of prison only because she was released into an experimental program administered by Galvino; he gets away with treating her horribly because no one around them wants to be seen caring about a serial killer.
Serafen: Grew up desperately poor in gang- or militia-held territory. He’s still running with them when we meet him, though they send him forth with a job to do.
Tekēhu: A sheltered member of the native elite in whatever country the Ruas came from. Coasting through university on brilliance and no one being bothered to really make him work at it. A party boy with an eyebrow-raising number of sexual partners. And hey, are we still doing the “godlike = trans” thing? Fuck it, make him trans. It'd explain why his love interests feel the need to ask him about his junk, too.
Maia: Can stand as she is, Kana’s sister who joined the military.
Xoti: A missionary (she’d probably have to be Christian) from the southern US. Her bisexuality, Mexican heritage, and inordinate fondness for Santa Muerte make her kind of suspect in the eyes of her fellow missionaries. There are probably rumors of her being a crypto-Satanist or something.
Ydwin: Not an actual vampire, just creepy. Can probably stand as she is otherwise (I imagine she’d be from one of the Nordic countries).
Fassina: A grad student from the same country as Pallegina, studying something obscure with a deeply shitty professor.
Konstanten: Was in the military in his younger days, stationed somewhere that he was able to get up to a lot of mischief. The rest of his story can stand, both the rural origins and the post-military career as a massage therapist.
Rekke: I’d need more information about him and Yezuha to really do him justice, but a dry, mountainous country in the east? Sounds like somewhere in Central Asia to me. Something happened, probably involving those buildings that caught fire, and he had to get out in a hurry; he’s barely learned a word of English when we meet him.
Vatnir: From the same Nordic country as Ydwin, I suppose. Chronically ill, maybe not cis either, and ended up in a leadership position in a cult through a series of ill-thought-through decisions despite not really believing in their tenets. Whoopsie.
Mirke: Come on, drunks who get into fights a lot are everywhere.
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sherlolo-land · 6 years
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Okay, we’d like to go over some of our favorite parts of this post. Now, we’re not here to tell you that you absolutely have to hate Mary with every fiber of your being, because that’s an opinion for each person to decide on their own. We are just here to talk about why some of the reasoning in this particular post is laughable.
1. Right off the bat, it compares Johnlockers to the obnoxious boy in the scenario raising his voice at someone who disagrees. Lmao. We know what you guys think of Johnlockers. We don’t need to waste time proving that the hate against us is both hypocritical and blown out of proportion. For more info, simply search this blog. It’s just funny how ya’ll can never make any arguments against us without resorting to ad hominem attacks at least once. Or in this case, from the very beginning.
2. Mary’s “unforgivable sins.” The examples you give of us searching for any reasons to demonize her are…. not the best. You picked examples that made it easiest for you to say “See, look how reaching your arguments are!” You basically said we think she’s evil because she playfully teases Sherlock, tries to keep her family safe, and doesn’t reveal her identity right away. I think you know that there are much better examples to argue that Mary is not a good person, but you intentionally didn’t use them. You went for the smallest points in our argument instead and presented it like it was the core of it. To me, this shows that even you see the weakness in your own argument. And regarding Mary’s abandonment, John himself thought it was incredibly selfish of her to run off instead of working things out with him. His words, originally, not ours.
3. Mary’s smile. Now its my turn to call the argument reaching. I’d say, claiming Mary was smiling just so Magnussen wouldn’t have another pressure point on her is one interpretation you could use if you were desperately trying to make her actions in these scene less detestable. If you love Mary and want to think this to make yourself feel better about her, go right ahead. Make it your fanon. But claiming that it’s a cold, hard fact? Nope, nice try. There’s nothing in that scene to suggest that that smile was only for Magnussen. That’s your personal headcanon, and there is a difference between that and canon.
4. “A large number of people claim they hated Mary before His Last Vow…However, if she was disliked before she actually deserved that, what does it say about those fans?” It’s not a crime to dislike a character. Johnlockers are held to this ridiculous standard of not being allowed to speak a single negative word about any character (esp. a woman). Why aren’t other fans held to the same standard? Why is it okay for Sherl0llians (and sometimes Adl0ckers too) to vehemently and openly hate John with everything in their soul? They are never accused of hating someone for getting in the way of their ship or being biased in their opinions. On the flip side, how come no one is making this same argument about ppl who loved Mary? There are people who loved her right from the start, and throughout everything afterwards (the assassin reveal, the shooting, the lying, the abandonment, the belittling, the selfishness…), she remained a saint in their eyes. How is this different from someone disliking Mary from the start and holding onto that opinion no matter what?
5. “Nothing an antagonist can do to be redeemed, it seems. I don’t want to say a female antagonist, but I am thinking that (Irene Adler, for instance, is still described as a villain.)” *claps for you* Omg what an original argument to make against the big, bad misogynistic Johnlockers! I’ve never ever heard that one before! … Shucks, and here I was thinking I was reading a well-written, organized post that for once didn’t resort to calling Johnlockers sexist for no reason. And about Irene, she may not have necessarily been a villain, but she was an antagonist. She was a force working against Sherlock throughout ASiB. She worked for Moriarty. She was a adversary for him. Does that make her a horrible, evil person? No. But don’t act like it’s a crime to call her what she is. An antagonist. And chances are, if someone uses the word “villain” instead of antagonist or adversary, it’s probably just a word preference. It’s not that deep fam.
6. “It’s best, I believe, to look at the facts and try to be objective.” Okay, then let’s look at all her crimes and despicable acts that you left out of your earlier arguments. Wait… but that would tear apart the point you’re trying to make.
7. Before she shot him, she clearly warned him not to come closer and expressed her remorse. Aka: It’s okay to shoot your friend (who is offering to help you) in the chest just because they bet on you having a conscience and decided to take a step closer to you. And afterwards, it’s best to express your remorse by threatening to shoot them again when you think no one is looking.
8. “Sherlock clearly forgave her and they remained friends” See here’s the thing. We were never actually shown this. We were shown Sherlock escaping dying at her hands a second time, then John making up with her with that ominous, carefully worded, possibly double-edged “The problems of your future are my privilege.” Then Sherlock shot Cam to keep John and Mary safe (yes, John too). Then we got TAB, where Sherlock solved the mystery of a bride who shot people and envisioned John’s marriage going downhill. It was sublte, but throughout all that, there was always the very plausible possibility that there was something more going on. After all, it would’ve made a much better story than Mary trying to kill her supposed friend twice and John forgiving her, despite that decision going against all his previous character development. So yeah, it’s not a surprise (nor the viewer’s fault) for scratching their head when TST aired and Sherlock and Mary were suddenly besties. Something else to understand here re: s4: The question isn’t whether or not he forgave her. They made that pretty obvious. The question we simply have is why?? It’s not a crime to wonder about this instead of just accepting whatever the writers give us, especially when it has no consistency or sense behind it.
9. “She’s been criticised for her sass in HLV, after the shooting, when she dared not to grovel at John’s feet, begging for his forgiveness.” Ask yourself, does her little quip in HLV make you see her as a funny, quirky badass? Why? Genuinely ask yourself why. Why shouldn’t she ask his forgiveness for trying to murder his best friend in cold blood, and apologize like any semi-decent human being would have done? Why is it so “uwu cute and badass” that all she had to say about the situation were some snarky sarcastic comments? See, this is an example of Mary being able to do literally anything, and still be worshipped for it. She’s a woman and can therefore literally commit murder and its uwu so cute. I don't understand how saying “omg wow she tried to kill her friend and DARED to not apologize for it, you go girl!” is helping your argument that she’s really not so bad of a person. (It does, however, help the argument that she would have made an incredible, very interesting, and entertaining villain, so thanks for that).  
10. “Regardless of Mary’s actions and her motivations, she was bound to be hated, simply because she was in a relationship with John.” *claps again* Ohmygod wow you are so smart, I have never heard anyone say that before. Jesus, can ya’ll simply make your argument for once without resorting to calling us sexist? Or insulting our intelligence by implying that we can’t tell the difference between someone getting in the way of our ship and someone being a despicable person who should not be worshipped and praised? And it’s  funny cause i double some of ya’ll would love and stan her so much if she wasn't in a relationship with John. You guys just love being able to use that excuse. You love that she blocks Johnlock and you love her for existing to do just that. If she was just a random side character who shows up in S3, makes some snarky comments, becomes friends with them, and then tries to kill Sherlock, I doubt you guys would still feel the same about her.
11. “But when people demonise her and twist her every word to make her look like the evilest woman on earth, I have to disagree.” / “Mary is not as evil as some people think.” Listen, I agree. I don’t think every single thing she does is horrible. People can often be unfair when talking about her. Both in defending everything she does, and villainizing everything she does. I get it. But hating Mary or interpreting her as a villain is not a fucking crime. There are numerous reasons to support this reading, as you said yourself. I personally don’t see any redeeming qualities in her that make her a character worth forgiving or liking. If you want to argue that she’s not so bad of a person, go right ahead. But seriously, if you’re going to try to justify your reasoning for doing so, try to come up with some better reasons, because these are weak. As I said before, I don’t think every single thing she does is horrible. But I do think that, objectively, the bad about her far outbalances the good. Just try making a simple good/bad list of her traits and actions, weigh them fairly against each other, and tell me what conclusion you come up with. It’s really not a surprising thing (nor a crime) to dislike Mary or see her as a bad character. It’s common sense. At least that’s how I see it. But I’m just a stupid Johnlocker who is only interested in seeing dicks touch. What do I know
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here’s a very long d&d story about the time my party used volleyball skills to become a god.  for @komodoclassic, because she asked
this is a story in three parts
part i - a brief introduction of major characters and setting
okay so this was our big sophomore year campaign that lasted from first semester on over into part of second semester
really good campaign, our DM put a lot of work into it and we love him, but we had so many players that we had to split into two groups who both played the same world on the same timeline which was a huge fantastic mess
it ended bc the group I was in got a total party kill fighting a lizard with a magic eyeball (a totally different story - I was playing a hot tree and I might have killed him on my own after the rest of the party died if he hadn’t had that fucking entourage) and the other group killed the interdimensional asshole/refugee guy my party was actually trying to help
anyways, important characters in this story:
our DM, who I will not refer to by name even though I do tag him by name sometimes. I love to be inconsistent 
me, playing my first character for this campaign (who did survive! she had to be retired before the lizard TPK for other nonsense reasons), a dwarf paladin named Taxes
Taxes (real name: Ataxite Tellus) was from a family of swindlers and petty criminals and was forced to leave her life of burglary and scamming when her parents got paid off to have someone take the fall for murdering The Very Important Mayor Of The Big Island Of This Archipelago Country and decided to frame her for it
instead of going to jail like she was supposed to, she was like “fuck this” and fled to a different island where she dyed her hair and put on a bandana like an old west outlaw and spitefully decided to dedicate her life to Not Being A Huge Asshole 
obviously the way to do this is by taking some (k)night classes and becoming a paladin
Taxes is not a very good paladin
her god is Deimos, who does fire and war and justice and out of all the gods we met during the campaign (which was honestly a shocking amount) he was the nicest to us
our DM said he (Deimos) got briefly famous on the d&d reddit - partially because of this story and partially because of the stunts we were pulling immediately before it
anyways it’s important that you know that Taxes is from a family of criminals and just genuinely not very good at her job
one of my roommates, playing an elven wizard/lich whose name was Faenor but went exclusively by Gregg
good things to know about Gregg: she and Taxes had a classic straight man/banana man dynamic where she would try to do terrible ridiculous criminal things and Taxes would loudly protest but do very little to stop her
a friend, playing a dwarf paladin/cleric named Yule Marbles
Yule also followed Deimos and she and Taxes had an elaborate prayer handshake that they’d made up that gave them DM-sanctioned bonuses to religion checks
our party prayed basically exclusively to Deimos and eventually gained new player characters who ALSO followed him so after a point we just kind of paraded around the world as Deimos’ Favorite Idiots
part ii - volleyball
alright those are the people you need to know, let’s set the scene
our party needs to flee Dinosaur Hell Island where we have just solved the mystery we were summoned to help investigate and also accidentally started a war
quick trivia: Taxes (me) got mocked CONSTANTLY through the campaign bc she kept ACCIDENTALLY STARTING WARS
but I did get a joke proficiency in starting wars which I later convinced the DM to let me use to benefit the party, so who’s laughing now, motherfucker
(the final count was that at LEAST three (3) legitimate, real-ass wars could be traced directly back to my actions as Taxes, as well as a couple other events that I would prefer to call “skirmishes” or “battles” that happened more indirectly.  I refuse to count Malcolm’s not-so-legal battle for the deed to hell because 1) I did NOT help that guy, I just said I would, and 2) that was his problem and he started it)
we are leaving without telling anyone what we’ve found out
because they’re going to kill us, probably
you know. because of the war. that we started. on their already incredibly politically fraught island
the point is that we solved the goddamn mystery despite being absolutely terrible detectives and we FINALLY get to leave
we’ve been playing this part of the campaign for weeks and we’re all very tired of it
also the player who was intended to take point on the investigation (her hot mentor/maybe boyfriend? was the one who had called us there) had died pretty early on doing a pretty risky stunt involving a shark and an underwater cave, so we were just muddling through it
and we kept “”accidentally”” insulting people by stealing things (dinosaurs) and getting caught trying to break into things (sacred temples) and just generally being rude (Yule REALLY didn’t like the fey and I was briefly cursed by a swamp hag)
and, again, we started that war
we really need to skip town
a very unfortunate ship had crashed on the island a couple days previously and some of the people on it are very powerful sorcerers who we (really just Xenon, the half-orc fighter and everyone’s very best friend) have convinced to teleport us off the island
we just need to hide out on their beach and kill some time until the teleportation circle is ready
“do you want to take a rest?” the DM asks
“we should play beach volleyball,” someone else says, at the exact same time
resting is for suckers who are afraid of the very angry lizard people who want to kill us
we vote unanimously to play beach volleyball
the DM graciously decides that, in the interest of comedy, we have all the materials we need and won’t have to, like, sit down and weave a net
we break into two teams of four. team names are quickly decided to be The Hotdogs vs. The Hamburglars 
after the party split our group retained “hamburglars” as our group chat name because our threshold for what entertains us is embarrassingly low
there are eight of us, so we’re playing four-on-four
the makeup of the teams isn’t important (and I can’t remember them), but know that we’re a half-orc, a tiefling, a middle-school-age human girl, an adult human man, two dwarves, an undead elf, and a fishperson
we spend a decent amount of time coming up with rules necessary to let us play volleyball
it’s mostly dexterity checks and rolling a d4 to see what quadrant of the court the ball lands in
some of our group doesn’t know the rules to actual volleyball and they have to be explained
listen. this is possibly the nerdiest thing I’ve ever done. I’m willing to acknowledge that, you don’t need to tell me.
anyways, ultimately the outcome of the game doesn’t matter (the Hamburglars won) and neither does how good or bad anyone was at rolling for imaginary volleyball (we fucking crushed the Hotdogs)
the point is that we played it and were so charmed by it that we would not forget about our new skills. we would remember them in our hour of need.
part iii - now I am (accidentally) become (NOT ACTUALLY A) god, destroyer of pirates
imagine there’s a timeskip
like, uh, two weeks later in game time at MOST
the group has split in real life, so my group is now Taxes, Yule, Gregg, Roswell (delightful fishperson), and another guy who stopped coming regularly and then was later replaced by another guy who doesn’t really become important until later, when we try to help a dimension-hopping dicklick by killing a lizard and stealing his eyeball
his character’s name was Yashirou and he’s not in this at all but it’s important that you know that by the time he died he had been partially transformed into so many different things that he was achingly close to being classified as an abomination and also was probably going to be fired from his job as a space cop
anyways, it’s a new day and a new session
actually, it’s probably like 11 pm. this will be relevant later
Taxes, Gregg, and Yule are the only player characters present because Roswell was busy or something
we’re on a new continent, hanging out with Taxes’ younger sister, Olivine
Olivine has also split from their parents and now runs an all-female gang of pirates who steal from the two much BIGGER gangs of pirates and also the trading federation and then sells whatever they’ve captured to the anti-government faction of the civil war that’s currently happening on the continent
this civil war is the only war currently going on/about to start where the root causes are NOT my fault in any way because when the thing that caused the circumstances that are creating unrest happened, Taxes had her hands over her ears and was humming loudly bc she knew she’d be morally obligated to do something if someone told her what was going on
right now, both major gangs of pirates and the trading federation are also all currently at war with each other
this is my fault
nobody but Gregg and Yule know it’s my fault, though, so I’m only in danger of being mocked for it
anyways we’re hanging out with my sister
doing crime
well, Gregg is doing crime.  Taxes and Yule are paladins so they’re just protecting their good friend Gregg from people who might try to do her harm.  it’s an airtight excuse, thank you
we’re actually on the continent because we’re traveling to visit Yule’s wife and son
so my sister and her gang (and us) have recently stolen a bunch of supplies from a guy named Scipio who is, we’ve been told, a Huge Asshole
Olivine’s gang is going to pay some local sailors to run the supplies up to the northern part of the continent which is both where the rebels are based and where Yule’s family lives
so ofc we’re on one boat (chock full of magical items we have recently lit a perfectly nice wizard on fire to steal) and two of the girl gang members are on the other (full of, like, food I think) providing security and acting as Olivine’s representatives for the deal they’re trying to make with the rebel camp
things are going well
we’re just sailing, no big deal
except, you know, like the first rule of d&d is Never Get On A Boat
and we are definitely on a boat
undeniably on a boat
on a boat full of MANY stolen goods
so ofc a couple hours into our trip, a bigger, faster ship sails up behind us. a bigger, faster ship with very official looking flags
it’s a gang of pirate enforcers (from one of the big two gangs) and they are presumably here to rob the shit out of us
“oh shit” we say, and look over at the other boat where the only NPCs who can help us also appear to be mouthing oh shit
“well,” someone says (me), “I think we can talk our way out of this”
I like to think I’m optimistic (and sometimes I find combat boring)
I prefer to try to lie my ass off to get us out of bad situations
we let the pirates board
things to know:
previous to this adventure on this continent, Taxes had gained the ability to see the names of everyone she meets, Death Note style
also she has a new helmet
more on the helmet later
Yule, who had been wearing Custom Order Rose Gold Plate Armor with the symbol of Deimos (god of LAW and JUSTICE) inscribed in the front and a cake recipe on the back, had been persuaded to take it off and hide it below decks so she looks less like the paladin/cleric she is
Gregg and Taxes look sketchy as hell all the time so they’re not worried
“hey, uh, what’s the plan?” someone asks, moments before the pirates climb onto our ship
“we are also pirates now,” Taxes says
“we are specifically the same sort of pirates they are because they’re not going to rob one of their own boats,” Taxes says, because she has the actor feat and is willing to use it
“alright, sounds good,” Gregg says, because she loves deception and can just blast the shit out of anyone with her wizard powers if things go south
so we let the pirates board
guy #1 (the only important pirate in this story) is obviously in charge and probably wearing an outfit that makes him look like a douche
he’s a huge douche which we find out immediately and also again later
you’ll see
he starts in on us, threatening everyone, asking our business and clearly winding up to start demanding that we put our hands on our heads and show him where our gold is
“Harrison,” Taxes says
she can see that his name is Harrison with her magic eyes
“Harrison, please, you’ve got the wrong boat”
Harrison - and everyone with him - about swallows his tongue in surprise that she’s addressing him by name
later we find out from the DM that at work he goes by something incredibly silly like Inflammis or Incindior or Combustus or something
none of the other pirates know his name is really Harrison
“who the fuck are you” the pirates, rather reasonably, want to know
“representatives of Lady Blackwing herself,” Gregg says, because we have a hold full of treasure we’ve literally just stolen from this exact group of pirates the day before and nothing to lose
Gregg is basically impossible to kill and should not be allowed to make decisions for the party, but we never learned
we attempt to convince Harrison that we are, in fact, pirates and that we do, actually, work for his boss (Lady Blackwing)
our story is that we’re secret profiteers who are selling things on the black market to both armies in order to fill Lady Blackwing’s pockets with gold
I’m sure you remember there’s a civil war about to get started
“what the fuck is a secret profiteer?” Harrison wants to know
“well,” we say, “we’d tell you, but how do we know you’re high enough up in the organization to have clearance for that information?” heavily implying that he’s a chump for not recognizing us
oooo, burn
Harrison is, of course, not fooled by this
so we send Yule down to the hold to get something to prove that we have our own cargo (that we definitely didn’t steal from them)
Yule comes back, arms full of Custom Order Rose Gold Plate Armor with the symbol of Deimos (god of LAW and JUSTICE) inscribed in the front and a cake recipe on the back, and we roll JUST barely high enough to convince him that we have our own goods and we might, in fact, be pirates who are on his team and he probably should try not to rob us 
so Harrison, a little dazed and definitely pissed off (we were not very polite to him), goes back to his ship
the pirates who have boarded the other vessel also go back to their ship
we start trying to sail the hell out of there as fast as possible
the other boat we’re traveling with sails up next to us and our NPC friends wave us over
“what the FUCK did you tell them?” hot girl gang member who can, like, literally smite things (she was clearly the muscle of the group) asks us 
“we convinced them we were also pirates,” we say
“oh shit” she says
their boat has convinced the pirates that they’re just merchants
turns out the pirates really are looking for the people who robbed them yesterday
for revenge
that’s us. they want revenge on us.
we decide to sail faster
it’s too late, though, because the pirate ship is sailing after us again and we already know they’re capable of catching us
“should we fire the canons?” someone asks, unsure if our boats even HAVE canons
“you should roll initiative,” the DM says, not at all like it’s a suggestion
we’re in combat
on Harrison’s first turn, he hits us with a level 7 fireball
turns out he’s a wizard and he’s very mad at us
Infernus, his work name was probably Infernus
we’re understandably furious about being on fire
there is some shouting that he probably cannot hear
now we get turns
two of us are paladins who don’t really have ranged attacks, and the other one of us is Gregg
the NPCs can do some cool shit but this has dragged on long enough so I will not mention them
“hm,” Gregg says, and tries to light them on fire back (it doesn’t work)
“oh dear,” Yule says, and attempts to fire a canon at them (turns out we do have them)
“I’d like to use my magic hat,” Taxes says, because she REALLY doesn’t want anymore 7th level spells being thrown around and now seems like a good a time as any to figure out what the hat does
“oh my god,” says the DM
“oh my god, really?” he looks delighted
this is the first inkling we get that Taxes’ magic hat is maybe more powerful than any item we ever should have been given
previous to this adventure (after Dinosaur Hell Island), Gregg went house shopping and we ended up stealing a fortress carved into a meteor (located in a plane I think our DM might have made up that was basically space) from a Beholder 
after clearing the Beholder and most of its minions out from our future home, we went through it and found a whole bunch of loot.  most notably a rock with a weird marking on it, a shield, and a helmet
the rock went to Gregg who owned the house and when she picked it up the markings moved to her arm and gave her sort of a sick sleeve tattoo that I think boosted all her necrotic spells or something
goth as FUCK
Xenon, the fighter and our very good friend, got the shield and I honestly don’t think we ever figured out what it did
Taxes got the Helmet of War
she’s a paladin of the god of war (and justice and fire), so why not
it’s just a normal-looking helmet and it gave +1 to armor class and our DM had me roll a d4 to see how many charges it had
the helmet had 4 charges, and we did an arcana check but all we learned was that it would summon “an avatar of war”
cool, I thought, like a spirit or something that can fight with me in battle
we didn’t bother to investigate any further
“I’d like to use my magic hat,” Taxes says, thinking that an avatar of war might be able to fly and go attack Harrison from a distance
“oh my god,” says the DM, and from the light in his eyes you’d think one of us had just gotten down on one knee for him
“are you sure,” he asks in the DM Voice, and Taxes just shrugs because even if it doesn’t work, at least they’ll know what the hat does, right?
“yeah,” Taxes says, “I activate my magic hat”
“oh my god,” the DM says, and starts furiously writing something down
we wait with interest because we’re starting to get the feeling that the hat does something cool
who’d have thought
“okay,” he says, after a minute
“Taxes starts to glow and she steps off the ship,” he says
“what,” I say, because I’m wearing plate armor and don’t trust myself to roll high enough not to drown because of it
“a giant, 50 foot tall, glowing Taxes forms around her”
“what,” I say
“you’re standing on top of the water, piloting this giant spectral form from the inside”
“what,” I say
“your strength and dex are both 30 and you have 100 additional health,” he says.  “it’ll last for 10 minutes or until the 100 health are depleted”
“what,” we all say
“what would you like to do, avatar of war?” he asks
oh, I’M the avatar of war
THAT’S what the hat does
Taxes raises her arm and points at the pirate ship
HARRISON, she yells, in a voice that’s 50 feet tall and also glowing
the intimidation roll is a nat 20
Gregg does a perception check and the DM assures us that Harrison has peed himself
we all feel very smug
“I want that ship,” I say to the DM
“you- what?” he asks
“I want to have that ship. I’m going to pick up it up,” I say
“oh my god,” he says
“roll strength for it,” he says
Taxes rolls a nat 20 to pick up the ship
the second nat 20 in a row
all four of us are literally shaking with excitement
she scoops up the ship with one huge, glowing hand, and heaves it up to eye level
down on our boat, Gregg and Yule are going absolutely ape
Gregg is screaming encouragement, Yule is on the verge of ecstatic tears
this is also exactly how we feel in real life
“what do you want to do with the boat?” the DM says
“uhh,” I say, because I hadn’t thought that far ahead
we all contemplate the situation
“you could dropkick it,” someone says
“oh my god,” I say
we look at the DM
“roll something,” he says, because no one wants to see what’s about to happen more than he does
natural 20
the third one
in a row
this will probably never happen to me again, ever, in my life
all four of us are shouting at once, we’re on the verge of hysteria
I’m in tears
it’s nearly 1 am and we’re acting like we’ve won the superbowl 
this is the best possible outcome the magic hat could have had
“how do you want to do this?” the DM asks, which is his special ‘I’m going to give you gays everything you want’ phrase that usually means we get to decide the finishing blow for an enemy
“actually,” I say, “can I jump serve it?”
“oh my god,” someone says
that’s right.  beach volleyball, motherfuckers
“yes,” he says
50 foot Taxes tosses the boat into the air
takes a beautiful run-up
and spikes a boat full of pirates so hard that it soars over the coastline and crashes well inland
“wow,” the DM says.  “I’m gonna need some time to figure out how much experience this get you”
later, once he’s got it figured out, it will be enough to give Taxes two levels instantaneously as well as giving Gregg and Yule one each
Taxes goes back to the boats she’s been traveling with
EVERYONE on board is losing their goddamn minds
Yule and Taxes decide to ride the high and take a moment to make an extra big prayer to their god to thank him for the magic hat because it’s so incredibly baller
the roll is not a nat 20, but a holy fire descends upon Mega Taxes and the symbol of Deimos appears over her huge, spectral breastplate
Attack of the Fifty Foot Taxes decides to just pick up the ships she’s traveling with and carry them as far as her remaining 9 minutes of avatar time will get her
“what day is it,” I ask the DM as we’re doing this, because we’re tracking exactly what day it is in-game and it’s fun to know
“june 21st,” he says, after flipping through his notes
“huh,” someone says, “that’s the summer solstice”
“oh my god,” he says
you’ll never guess which patron deity’s major holiday is celebrated on the summer solstice
that’s a lie, you get one guess
it’s Deimos, god of fire and justice and war and being AWESOME as HELL
a giant, glowing figure of a dwarf in battered armor with the symbol of Deimos blazing on their chest was seen walking across the ocean just offshore of a major continent that is currently on the cusp of all-out civil war on the morning of Demios’ holy day
it’s just Taxes, who really only does these things on accident or on impulse in the heat of the moment
but the people of the continent don’t know that 
soon, after reaching our destination and starting off on foot towards the village where Yule’s wife lives, we start hearing rumors about the return of Deimos, the Real Ass God
this is what makes the third war my fault
the rumors are never disproven and people continue to believe that Deimos Really Did That until the day we called it quits
“oh my god,” Taxes, a very grudging paladin, says in horror, adjusting her bandana more firmly over her face
“oh my god,” says Gregg, who knows exactly how she’s going to be introducing her friend to the next person they meet
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