#this mad me sad
l1ttlelucy · 1 year
My mind is overcome with another Lucemond idea 🤭 unsure whether it should be ABO or not.
Rather than Lucerys going to Stormsend, it's Jace. Instead, it's Jace who is traveling the kingdoms to get alliances.
Luke is to stay behind due to being sick (or in ABO version, his heat struck unexpectedly and Jace offered to instead attend to storms end).
Jace should be gone for weeks, if not months on this mission. There should only be ravens on his accomplishments, and yet days later, they receive a missive on the remains of a dragon washing up on the shores of storms end. Vermax.
A note on how Prince Jacaerys Velaryon had arrived at Storms End, and Prince Aemond Targaryen had taunted him on the debt that the 'Lord Strongs' younger brother owed. That Prince Aemond should fly to Dragonstone and claim what's rightfully his. This had caused the two to clash, but before blood could be spilled, Prince Jacaerys was ordered to return to his dragon, and, Prince Aemond followed.
The family wails at the loss, overcome with grief, and they vow revenge.
Unfortunately, it also means a new heir.
Lucerys doesn't want it, it shouldn't be him. It was Jace's. Jace was supposed to be the heir. Not him. He hadn't even wanted Driftmark. And now, he was his mother, Queen Rhaenyra's heir, all due to his unattendance at Storms End.
Luke is overcome with guilt, as he was originally supposed to be sent as an Envoy. Luke should have been the one to meet the stranger, not Jace.
And now, he is forced to be heir to a throne he did not want nor deserve. A throne initially meant for his Older Brother who had died in his place.
I adore Jace, I love making that man the protective big brother and king because he deserves it. And yet the only way I could write Lucerys becoming heir is with my baby gone 😭.
It's just a dumb little idea where it all happens but Luke becomes heir, and the thought of ABO being included was because it was the only way I could make Lucemond happen with Lucerys being on the throne as well. They need heirs 😭
I got so many ideas for this 🤭
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bardofavon · 3 months
not to be controversial bc I know this is like…not in line with shifting opinions on fanfic comment culture but if there’s a glaring typo in my work I will NOT be offended by pointing it out. if ao3 fucks up the formatting…I will also not be offended by having this pointed out…
‘looking forward to the next update’ and ‘I hope you update soon!’ are different vibes than a demand, and should be read in good faith because a reader is finding their way to tell you how much they love it. I will not be mad at this.
‘I don’t usually like this ship but this fic made me feel something’ is also incredibly high praise. I’m not going to get mad at this.
even ‘I love this fic but I’m curious about why you made [x] choice’ is just another way a reader is engaging in and putting thought into your work.
I just feel like a lot of authors take any comment that’s not perfectly articulated glowing praise in the exact manner they’re hoping to receive it in bad faith.
fic engagement has been dropping across the board over the last several years, and yes it’s frustrating but it isn’t as though I can’t see how it happens. comment anxiety can be a real thing. the last thing anyone wants to do is offend an author they love, and that means sometimes people default to silence.
idk where I’m going with this I guess aside from saying unless a comment is outright attacking me I’m never going to get mad at it, and I think a lot of authors should feel the same way. ESPECIALLY TYPOS PLZ GOD POINT OUT MY TYPOS.
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dootznbootz · 7 months
It saddens me that Helen of SPARTA is mostly known as Helen of TROY. As if she wasn't born, raised, and most likely, died in Sparta. Yes, she was of TROY for a while...But she was able to go back home to where she WANTED TO BE.
(Edit: Hating on Menelaus is illegal)
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evyltalks · 2 months
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“That's Dorcas Meadowes, Voldemort killed her personally..."
A cute little dorlene series (a little bit more focused on Dorcas bc I love her so much) for #lesbianvisibilityweek and as we say in french bravo les lesbiennes !!
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daffi-990 · 2 months
Seeing comments on Facebook like “Buck was always a ladies man” or “he’s never shown any interest in guys before” is why this story arc is so important.
Bisexual people exist and so often get dismissed or told to pick a side or that they just can’t commit to being gay or some other shit.
Just because you show a preference to one gender doesn’t mean you can’t be attracted to another.
And you don’t have to have your sexuality figured out at a certain age! It’s fluid! It changes! You could not discover something about yourself until you are away from toxic noise and finally are in a place where you feel safe.
I’m just .. I’m so thankful for Oliver and Tim and how they’re wanting to tell this story.
Especially Oliver.
He loves Buck so much and he sees the bi community and he wants to give them the best representation he can.
just yeah .. this story arc is important and Oliver is cradling it so gently in his hands because he knows how precious it is
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redinthesea · 1 month
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The completely unnecessary sequel to my previous Nitori & Mamizou post.
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 7 months
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you’re watching the maury show on your computer when katsuki marches into your room without a word and flops down next to you on your bed.
“ hello to you, too.” you snort. his words are muffled by your sheets but you’re about 90% sure he told you to shut up, you ignore it.
he lays face down on your bed for a while not saying anything and you know he’s had a long day and wants to be close to you without actually talking. you don’t mind, you’ll give him his space until he reaches out himself.
and he does after a little bit, turning his head around to face you as he looks from you to your computer screen, eyes focusing on the woman screaming that the man she cheated on her husband with was 100% not the father of her baby, mixed with the cheers of the audience.
he looks at you and raises a brow “ what’s happenin ?”
“ lady cheated on her husband with his brother.” you respond.
“ his brother ?” he repeats. his eyebrows furrow and you know he’s hooked. if there’s one thing katsuki loves but will never admit he does, it’s trash tv.
you nod, grinning somewhat evilly “his brother. now they’re trying to find out which one’s the father.”
he hums, scooting himself closer to you so he can see the screen too. he flips himself around so his neck isn’t craned at that awkward angle anymore and settles himself down right next to you. hook, line and sinker.
he wraps his arm around your shoulder and shoves his head in your neck, breathing you in. you both don’t say anything. “do you want me to play it from the beginning for you ?” he shakes his head in your neck. you reach your hand up to scratch at his scalp and you smile when he sighs. he holds you a little tighter, pressing feather light kisses into your neck.
katsuki’s never been good at expressing himself with any other emotion that isn’t anger. it makes him feel stupid and weak and soft. he’s had a long fucking day and he doesn’t wanna talk about it, simply wanting to indulge in you but he can’t tell you that, can’t find the words to, so he tries to find other ways to tell you and he hopes you understand and you do.
katsuki’s thankful for you because sometimes he wants to talk, wants to open up about what’s bothering him but sometimes he doesn’t. he doesn’t and you don’t pry when you know he doesn’t and he’s so thankful for you. he presses kisses on your skin and soft bites at your flesh to convey just how thankful he is, how grateful he is for having you. he hopes every warm press of his lips against your skin can convey how much he loves you loving him. and it does, because you turn your head and kiss the side of his head so sweetly and he knows you’re it for him.
he’ll tell you all of this one day, he promises. he’ll tell you all the thoughts swimming around in his head one day, but he hopes this’ll do for now. and unknowingly to him, it absolutely does.
he pulls his head out of your neck and kisses you hard on the cheek one, two, three times and you giggle. you feel him smile into your cheek when he kisses you a fourth time.
“fuck’re they screamin’ about ?” he says and you turn to look back at the screen. the woman is yelling at her husband’s brother vehemently denying the possibility of him being her baby’s father. you feel a little bad for laughing. “ she says he’s not the dad” you answer.
he clicks his tongue “ why the fuck is she on the show then.” he says, turning his attention back to your computer but his grip on you stays secure. you press yourself a little closer to him.
you’re still smiling lightly when you look back at your screen, simply shrugging. “ she said something about her having more sex with her husband than with him.” you answer and he snorts.
“ ten bucks neither one of them’s the father.”
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tingerbun · 28 days
idk how to write the caption so uhh hav some varigo memes ig
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btw here’s the og for the second pic (idk how to use tumblr is this actually work 😭?!)
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infernal-lamb · 8 months
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more doodles, since I've been so busy! Sketched out Shamura finally....along with exploring the idea that Shamura's prophecies also appeared in abstract webs they've weaved along the years....I think its just Neat(tm)
also: when ur vessel keeps dying just to stare at you with unyielding saucer-like eyes filled with an indescribable bloodlust silently. just fucked up lamb things
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francy-sketches · 2 months
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weird little guy
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rozugold · 3 months
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I love you…
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pokimoko · 9 months
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haunting the narrative -> haunted by the narrative -> haunting the narrative -> haunted by
#adventure time#fionna and cake#simon petrikov#betty grof#petrigrof#fan art#fanart#art#digital art#my art#just a lil something something i did for fun#adventure time has always been the show that makes me want to draw (i have SO many AT drawings from 2015 it's ridiculous)#but now I'm coming back to that ye olde passion with new digital art skills and many more evil tragic thoughts (thank you fionna and cake🙏)#i couldn't get the thought about them haunting and be haunted by the narrative out of my head so I had to make some art for it#the caption for this was almost: so who wears the haunted by the narrative in the relationship?#they take turns of course because damn these guys really do be having that tragic romance huh. hot potato cursed existence#never quite on the same wavelength. always out of reach. their love the very thing that dooms them to be apart. a love defined by absences#like two ships in the night passing each other by. except they keep trying to seek the other out. and so end up going in circles#the tragic dance of madness and sadness. lead on and i shall follow. ....so anyway...these two amiright?#/might/ have to write something at some point...maybe...#because like... ghosts are my thing. and these two...well. even when they aren't haunting the narrative they are still ghosts#never let themselves live in the present and okay I'm going to stop now. enjoy the art byeeeee#...AND they'll never be at peace because they'll always be reaching for a version of each other that no longer exists and—#(i am dragged kicking and screaming from the room before i can devolve into a full blown meta)
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bpdohwhatajoy · 7 months
Being autistic is just people constantly violating your boundaries you already struggle to maintain
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taardisblue · 6 months
ok so I think I might just be really sad about all the Doctor Moments™️ we’re not going to get with 15? you know, with a new doctor there are all these Things you get: running around in the old outfit, the wooziness of the post-regen period, the first “I am the Doctor”, the first time they see their new tardis…… and here it was all. david tennant? I’m not even going to go back on the 13’s clothes situation bc everything has already been said but 15’s first moments having to do with comforting 14? 15’s first “I am the Doctor” moment being in response to 14’s? showing 14’s reaction to the new tardis instead of 15? idk man. feels bad.
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garlandedspirits · 1 year
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