#this was a bitch to edit but its okay i did it
so-mordor-itis · 2 years
Lost & Found
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Synopsis: Taking place after the events of season 4, Eddie is still wanted despite the gates splitting open half of Hawkins. In order to prevent him from being arrested, you offered to drive him to your vacation house in Nashville, Indiana. Though, being there forced you to confront your own demons.
Word count: 9.3k
TW: Season 4 spoilers ahead!
A/N: Hey y'all, I'm very proud of this. This fic has been my baby and one of the biggest projects I've ever worked on. I hope you enjoy it!
This fic is entirely based off this Stephen King quote from IT: "Calling it a simple schoolgirl crush was like saying a Rolls-Royce was a vehicle with four wheels, something like a hay-wagon. She did not giggle wildly and blush when she saw him, nor did she chalk his name on trees or write it on the walls of the Kissing Bridge. She simply lived with his face in her heart all the time, a kind of sweet, hurtful ache. She would have died for him."
I would also like to tag these lovely individuals, who cheered me on and supported this fic from day one: @flamingo-writes​ , @inaflashimagine​ , @gonuclear​
The car ride had been long. You offered to drive, knowing you were in a better mental state and the idea of Eddie driving your car made you nervous. He was known for his reckless driving habits, and while you wanted to trust Eddie with many things, some things were off the table.
You took a glance at the passenger’s seat. Eddie was slumped over, his eyes closed. He had fallen asleep. The trip from Hawkins to Nashville, Indiana had been about 3 hours. He deserved the rest, if anything. The poor guy didn’t have much to do besides talking to you about recent events for the first half-hour. He did fidget in his seat a few times, but it felt as if he was holding back his complaints. Throughout everything, it seemed he didn’t want to come across as ungrateful. 
The rest of the trip had been in total silence, which you didn’t particularly mind. (Dustin also promised to keep you two updated about everything going on in Hawkins, but his last update was an hour ago. Eddie probably looked forward to hearing the freshman’s ramblings.) 
The aftermath of the Upside Down took its toll on everyone. Even poor Erica Sinclair had a defeated look on her face for a good chunk of time. 
The reality of it all came crashing down when you realized there was still an important detail: Eddie. Dustin had visited the community center, and found a wanted poster with his face on it–though it had been covered in graffiti. Clearing his name became a milestone. 
When it came to a place to stay, Eddie didn't exactly have many options: Mike couldn't let him stay in his basement. Karen Wheeler became more and more alert since the earthquakes–and remembering Mike was in Hellfire. You recalled him explaining the monstrous scolding he received. Dustin's was absolutely a no; his mom became so paranoid she almost wrapped him in bubble wrap. Lucas's mom would beat the shit out of Eddie the first moment she saw him. (Lucas was more focused on Max at the time. He visited her almost daily.) El did try to offer him a place on Jim Hopper's couch, but Eddie refused. Saying it didn't feel right. He barely knew her, and Hopper didn't exactly hide his distrust in Eddie in the past. The latter he didn’t outright say, but the look on his face suggested it.  
"You can stay with me, for the time being." You offered. Eddie shook his head. 
"Don't you live smack dab in the middle of town? I'd get noticed immediately." 
"I can sneak you in for a few days," you said stubbornly, getting ready to argue it was possible. Which it was. Challenging? Absolutely, but doable.
"Wait, (Y/n)," Nancy uttered your name in a serious tone. You almost jumped. 
"Didn't you say your parents bought a vacation house in Nashville?" 
You took a glance at your watch, 4:30. 
Right on que, the walkie-talkie Dustin gave you started making a fuzzy, static-filled sound. 
“Hey, Eddie, (Y/n),” Dustin called. You were about to reach for the device, but realized you were driving. 
“Are you guys there yet?” 
Since your hands were currently preoccupied, you leaned over slightly towards Eddie. “Hey.” 
No response.
Still nothing. 
The man staggered, sitting up immediately. “Huh–what?”
“Please don’t tell me you guys got into an accident.” Dustin’s voice sounded so concerned, so desperate, you felt a ball of pressure fill your chest. Ever since Eddie’s encounter with the bats in the Upside Down, Dustin grew more attached to him than ever. You could tell he felt guilty for the attack; saw it right in his eyes. 
“Answer him before he has a heart attack.” You told Eddie. “I would, but I cannot.” You took one hand off of the steering wheel to make a gesture. Eddie took the walkie-talkie and pressed a button.
“Hey, hey Henderson,” Eddie spoke gently, “We’re okay, dude.”
“Oh thank God!” 
“I fell asleep sorry man, the trip has been…a bit boring.” 
You suppressed the urge to roll your eyes. 
"At least you're safe. The fact you're bored relieves me actually."
Eddie hesitated for a second, then fell silent. He couldn't argue with him. 
"Anything going on at Hawkins?" You asked.
"Nothing too noteworthy, but we've been coming up with some theories. And, uh, none of them have been too great." 
"Don't tell me," Eddie sighed, rubbing an eye with his free hand. "The weird gate thingies are now gonna spread outwards?" 
"Do you want the good news or bad news?"
"Bad news first, just get it out of the way," you responded, Eddie nodded in agreement, not realizing Dustin couldn't see him.
"Vecna definitely wants the gates to spread. It wouldn't make sense otherwise." 
Eddie glanced at you with what seemed to be pure anxiety, you matched his gaze with a glance to the side. Why else would Vecna need four gates instead of only one? Of course, he wanted them to spread. 
“Should we go back?” You pressed, and your grip on the steering wheel tightened.
“No. It would only waste your guys' time since you’re nearly there already.” 
“Henderson–Dustin–come on dude,” Eddie said, astonished, “What if you guys need some extra backup?”
“Eddie, the police here are still after you,” Dustin replied, his voice now irritated. “I overheard them saying they’re going to report to other stations to look for a male, long brown scraggly hair, with a t-shirt that says “Hellfire Club”.” 
Eddie glanced down at his current outfit: leather jacket- t-shirt combo, the t-shirt having their very club logo. He was still wearing the same thing since Monday. 
“Guess we have no choice,” you told him, still peering ahead. "If anything comes up, though, we’re heading straight back to Hawkins.”
“Roger,” Dustin said, you wanted to imagine him saluting, or doing something else dorkish. Anything to bring some positivity to your thoughts. 
"What's the good news?" Eddie asked.
"The good news is, no Demogorgons or Demodogs have entered Hawkins yet." 
"So the apocalypse hasn't started yet." You commented. Eddie furrowed his brow and mouthed 'Demodogs?' with confusion. You shrugged. “Don’t look at me.”
"Did Mike or Lucas not explain anything to you–ah, I gotta go guys. Something came up."
"Report back soon, Dustin," Eddie said sternly. 
"I will. You guys stay safe yourselves. I don't want to have to say I told you so." (You rolled your eyes at that.)
You both shared a glance. ‘That kid.’
“Great,” Eddie grumbled, he slouched in the seat. “More sitting around, twiddling my thumbs.”
You didn’t know how to respond, knowing all too well trying to be positive would only rub more salt into his wounds. 
The vacation house your parents bought in 79’ was painted white. It used to be a more beige color, but your dad had explained your mom couldn’t handle it so they hired painters to give it an entire makeover. It definitely was bright. Almost like a beacon. Once you had parked and gotten out of the car, it was practically written all over Eddie’s face how he felt about the house. 
“Bright?” You finished his sentence, “Yeah, I know.”
“Are you sure this is the best place to hide someone who’s wanted basically all across Indiana?” 
You shrugged. “That's all we got for right now. Besides, I think we’ll be okay.” You also tossed him a look. “And you’re not wanted all over Indiana.”
“Police stations spread like wildfire.” 
“Only in the movies. In real life, they’re lazy as hell. Remember Ted Bundy?” 
“They still caught him.”
“Yeah, only like 4 years later.” 
Your true crime discussion ended right after you opened the trunk. With only a little amount of time, you and he managed to get a few things. Eddie had brought up his trailer, but Lucas told him because of the gates, his trailer had been completely demolished. The man looked devastated. 
(“My uncle’s okay, right? Right?” Eddie paced back and forth. “For the love of God tell me he’s okay!"
Dustin held up his hands. “Eddie, Eddie, he’s okay. He’s at the shelter in town.” 
Eddie looked so relieved you were sure he would’ve started crying. You knew how close he was to his uncle; the man fought tooth and nail for Eddie. He could easily replace the items he lost, you knew that, but his uncle would be irreplaceable. 
“I have to let him know I’m okay,” Eddie continued, he had his face in his hands. “Is there any way I can go talk to him? Like at all?”
“I’ve already told him you were okay,” Dustin said. “It’s all taken care of.”)
You went on ahead, glancing backward at Eddie a few times. He was limping–his leg got bitten up quite a bit. "You okay?" 
"Hurts, but I'll be fine," Eddie remarked. He finally caught up, rolling his suitcase behind him. 
"We'll have to change your bandage soon."
Eddie's expression immediately dipped into dread. His lips curved down into a frown. "Yippee."
“Sorry, Ed,” you gave him a sympathetic look, not even realizing what you called him. 
“Wow,” He coughed, surprised.
"Nothing…it's just been a while since you've called me that." 
You wanted to give an excuse, but the reality was the name slipped out. It had been nailed into your subconscious, and despite how much time went by, it still stuck. 
"Yeah, well," you mumbled, fiddling with your keys trying to remember which one belonged to this house. "This trip is full of nostalgia, I guess." 
The noise of the lock clicking behind the door was enough to give you a flashback: You were carrying a beach ball, had just put on new roller skates you got for your birthday, and your mom had been wearing a pink summer dress with sunflowers on it. Your dad wore this weird white t-shirt he claimed was in style at the time. ("We'll be staying for a week at least," you recalled your dad saying. Weeks felt like months back then, months felt like years.)
The inside of the house was the exact same as it was when you last left it. White cloths cover the furniture to prevent dust, and withered flowers still in the planters. Leftover Christmas lights still hung from the railing of the staircase. You nearly smiled at that, your mom didn't exactly like having to take those down. She liked Christmas all year long. Even if it bugged you that it was currently on the tail end of March, you wouldn’t have the heart to remove them. 
"Fancy place," Eddie commented from behind you.  
Attempting to lighten up the mood, you curled your arm a little like a butler shown in movies. "Would you like a house tour?" You will admit, it was awkward. 
Eddie caught on to your charade and snorted. It relieved you to see him smile, even if it was just a little. He had been wary; finger fiddling with the hem of his sleeve, his foot tapping aggressively. Anxious, waiting. Eddie was anticipating more bad news from Dustin, and it showed. 
You knew the feeling, and distractions proved to be the best medicine. 
"Why of course, it's rare to see the (L/n) vacation house in action." He responded, following along, albeit somewhat hesitantly. You nodded. Eddie took off his jacket and placed it on the coat hanger, only to reel back his hand when it got caught in a spiderweb. "After one hell of a cleaning montage, Jesus Christ."
You bit your lips to prevent a laugh from escaping. Eddie's expression became exasperated. 
"Hey, listen, spiders are evil creatures of the night." 
"I think that's just your DnD brain talking."
"I'm just saying–one bite from a black widow and I could be a goner." Eddie had glanced back at the spider web-filled coat hanger. "I could turn into a giant bug, or…become a demodog…? Is that what Dustin called it?" He then shook his head. "What in the hell type of name is that?"
Eddie had been right about a cleaning montage. You opened the fridge only to find 5-year-old cans of soda, moldy bread–which made you gag, and some cans of beer you were sure would make you start seeing things if you were to drink it. (Eddie said he'd take one for the team, but you only gave him a look that said 'Don't you dare.’) 
Nancy had hypothesized you two would only be there for a week, maybe a little bit more if they could plan out a way to clear Eddie's name. Robin had definitely voiced her doubts, which made you nervous. You packed a bit extra while no one was looking. Canned foods, TV dinners that probably had melted but you didn't care. The freezer was working. Eggos (courtesy of El, she said they always helped her feel better. You took her word for it.), and beer that wouldn't make you see things. After this week, you knew you'd need a can or two. 
Eddie had taken a look around the living room, announcing his displeasure about more cobwebs. You had checked if the place still had running water. It did, thankfully. 
The tour took you two upstairs, four rooms awaited: the master bedroom, your old room, and two bathrooms to accommodate each. You offered Eddie the master bedroom thinking he’d want to sleep in an actual bed, but he dismissed your offer, stating he’d feel more comfortable on one of the couches. 
“It’s a bed though,” you argued, eyebrows raised to get your point across. 
Eddie exhaled loudly. “Yes, I know it’s an actual bed, but it’s an actual bed your parents slept on. I would feel so fucking weird.”
“You know what, that’s fair.” 
“Yeah,” Eddie proclaimed, he nodded intensely.
He approached your room, but you didn’t let him in. The last time you were there, you were 12, and your tastes were…different than now. The last thing you wanted him to see was a pink bed, with pink covers and a pink blanket that had cupcakes on it, the cupcakes even had unicorns. Eddie looked at you suspiciously. 
“What, do you have a Tom Cruise poster in there or something?”
“Well, you’ll never find out will you?” You said, walking away from the room, hoping to God above he wasn’t rebellious and opened it anyway. 
He did. 
“You do have one!” Eddie announced. He had opened the door just a tad to at least peek in. 
“Munson!” You snapped, your face was suddenly on fire, eyes blown wide. You couldn’t believe him. Always a troublemaker. 
“Sorry, sorry, I let my curiosity take over. Nice blanket by the way.” He winked as he passed you on the staircase. Your face got even warmer somehow. 
“I’m gonna kill you.” 
“I’m serious! Cupcakes–” 
“Stop. Not one word.” You pointed a warning finger at his chest. He held his hands up in surrender. 
While you were annoyed about his peeping, a strange feeling formed in your chest. 
Talking to him felt nice. 
You had decided to sleep in your old room that night. Not purely for nostalgia, but to look out on the ground below in case anything looked suspicious. You wanted to be positive you weren’t followed by police cars for those long hours. Though, it could’ve been your anxiety gnawing at you–telling you to look for shadows that weren’t there. This time you let it win. Sleep didn’t want to come easily, anyway. Not with Eddie right downstairs. 
You two had met in middle school. It was 8th grade, and the talent show in February had just been announced. You wanted to skip it, despite your mother's constant pleading. She wanted you to make friends, or at least try, you recalled her stating loudly. 
“If you watch the other kids, you might get curious and want to meet one!” She followed, frying pan in one hand, and non-stick spray in the other. You rolled your eyes; she had never met any of the kids at that school. They were stuck-ups who thought they were better than everyone else. You were positive you didn’t want to become friends with people you wanted to punch in the jaw. (Jason Carver was on the top of your hitlist. He was only a 6th grader then and still had that high and mighty attitude. Steve Harrington had some potential, but you also wanted to give him a smack.) 
The talent show itself was being held after school at 6:00 sharp. Your mom dropped you off at 5:45–a push (more like a shove) forward you could say. 
Eddie and his band: Corroded Coffin, was out front, making sure to sign in. The teacher who had the checklist–Mrs. Berry–had a weird look on her face. Eddie had a buzz cut then, his other bandmates the same besides one who had a small ponytail. It seemed Mrs. Berry was hesitant to let them play; every teacher was hesitant around Eddie. Even when he was 13 and had a baby face that was just starting to sprout pimples. (It still made you laugh, thinking about it. A middle-aged woman intimidated by a 13-year-old with acne.) 
You don’t remember exactly when he approached you, or when you approached him, yet the next thing you knew, you were listening to him play the guitar on stage. He wasn’t half bad either, had some talent in him. While you didn’t recognize the song–Metallica maybe? Eddie Van Halen?--you still nodded along.
If only everyone else saw him the way you did that night. 
Eddie invited you to hang out after the show ended, and you found a friend. 
He was the rockstar, and you were his biggest fan. 
That is, until the summer of 81. 
Your parents had divorced, just as you turned 14. You figured something was wrong; your dad had been a little too nice to you that entire week, even offering to buy a new poster for you despite previously protesting you were too young to have a poster of a celebrity. Your mom had been distant, avoiding any topics relating to your dad. She offered you ice cream even after you got a C- in Math. 
“You’ll be living with your mom, but you’ll still see me on weekends.” Your dad told you the week the divorce had been finalized, he had a pained look on his face. “If you’re confused, honey, tell me.”
“I’m not confused,” you told him, eyes foggy. “I’m just disappointed.” 
The look on his face became more painful. He hugged you tightly, before saying goodbye. Your mom squeezed your shoulder as you watched his truck drive down the road, not realizing how much harder things would become. 
Your dad died a year later, in a nasty wreck. He had been in the hospital for a week before the doctors had to declare him brain dead. 
The second your mom answered that phone call, everything shifted. You no longer could smile without feeling guilty. 
The last time you had talked to Eddie Munson, was the day your mom drank a full bottle of whiskey. He had a worried look on his face. 
“Everything okay, shortie?” 
You only nodded. “Yeah.”
High School passed in an awful blur, and you found yourself with two jobs, helping your mom pay bills. The vacation house bills included. 
You had only encountered Eddie when you saw him at lunch, or heard about Hellfire Club.
You didn’t even realize you had fallen asleep. Sunlight peeked from the hill over yonder, forcing you awake. Spots of yellow and orange attacked your eyes.
Groaning, you lifted your head up, noticing your neck felt stiff. It only hit you then–you didn’t sleep on the pillow covered in pink cupcakes. Your head slept on the wall near the window sill. Sometime between watching outside for police cars and going through possible scenarios you dozed off. 
You remembered your father’s face, and you sighed. It surprised you: the last time you had dreamt of your dad, it was senior year, and you had graduated. You remember looking out at the crowd, trying your best to look ecstatic about your future. Your mom wasn’t there. That night you forced yourself not to cry. 
You rubbed your eyes in an attempt to distract yourself. It wouldn’t do any good to feel sad now. Eddie needed positivity in these times. Your troubles would only make him feel worse–that’s the kind of guy he was. He acted silly and held his chin up high to look intimidating, but he was a true softie deep down. When he cared, he cared.
“Everything okay, shortie?” 
Taking a deep breath, you removed the covers. You took one more look outside before moving downstairs. 
Eddie was still asleep. You guessed he passed out cold as soon as you said goodnight, his snores echoed throughout the quiet living room. You sighed through your nose–he would be the type to snore. 
Scrambling through the cabinets, you found a toaster, miraculously. You didn't even want to ponder about how old it was. You just wanted to know if the damn thing still functioned. 
After blowing some of the dust out, you plugged it in, took two of El's recommended Eggos out, and plopped the bad boys right in. The toaster didn't start smoking, at least. (Syrup would’ve been nice.)
When the Eggos were done, you took them out and placed them on one of the plates you found in the cabinets. You half expected to hear Eddie wake up from all the noise you were making, but he slept like a log. 
Before you took your meal upstairs, you grabbed the walkie-talkie Dustin gave you. It was still early, but maybe someone would answer. 
Sitting on the floor of your room, you put the plate down and took a bite from an Eggo. You pressed a button on the walkie-and-talkie right after. 
"Hello? Anyone there?" 
No answer. 
"If anyone can hear this, it's (Y/n). Eddie and I are safe." You took another bite of Eggo. 
Nothing. You guessed everyone was asleep.
"(Y/n)?" A groggy voice came through. It was Nancy. "It's Nancy." 
"Hey Nance," you responded, relief in your tone. "Eddie and I made it to the vacation house okay." 
"Okay, good to hear."
"Any progress on clearing his name?"
You heard Nancy sigh, probably in thought. She had been dealing with a good chunk of pressure herself. She admitted to you her doubts about Jonathan, and then about what Steve said. She claimed she wanted another person's perspective. You looked her straight in the eye while stating she was in a love triangle. 
"Nothing yet. It doesn't help that Jason Carver's body was never found in the rubble of the Creel house." 
No. No, it did not. 
"How's Eddie been holding up?" Nancy questioned.
"He's been nervous. I frankly don't blame him."
"Neither do I. I can only imagine how he's feeling." 
"Yeah," you said, remembering the look on Eddie’s face the day prior. "Hey, you should go get some more rest. You sound exhausted."
"Was it that obvious?" 
"I mean, considering the apocalypse is threatening to start, Eddie is still wanted, and you're currently going through what seems like a love triangle…yeah." You said bluntly. 
"It's…It's not a love triangle," Nancy argued. A shuffling sound was heard in the background. 
“Nancy is that (Y/n)?” It was Dustin’s voice. 
“Yeah, here,” More shuffling could be heard before Dustin’s loud voice echoed through. 
“Hey Dustin, you wanted to check in on Eddie right?” You asked, a small smile on your features. “He’s asleep right now. Down for the count.”
You heard Dustin scoff. “Alright.” He sounded so disappointed. 
“When he wakes up I’ll be sure to tell him you wanted to talk. It’s sweet how much you care for him.” 
“What’s up?” His tone of voice made your hands clammy. 
“Thank you for driving him there. For helping him.”
Your smile widened a bit. “You don’t need to thank me, Dustin.” 
It was the least you could do, anyway. 
The next few days were brutal. Without much to do, Eddie was becoming antsier. He became glued to the walkie-talkie, desperate to hear Dustin tell him anything about his uncle, about how clearing his name was going. Anything. You felt he would even be happy just to hear the freshman speak. 
It didn't help that you were quiet most of the time. Despite the little quips you two shared, you were hesitant to say anything. What was there to say? "Hey Eddie, it's been at least 5 years since we've actually spoken. Wanna catch up?" The idea of talking to him about the past made your stomach churn. 
It had been a while since Dustin’s last update, and you found yourself growing anxious. There was too little to do–besides the books you had brought with you, nothing was satisfying your boredom's hunger. Eddie had it even worse. He was limping as he paced back and forth. 
You couldn't take it anymore. 
Taking a deep breath, you gathered the courage to walk into your father's study. Even during vacation, your dad brought his work along with him. He took files, notepads, anything he could to at least keep up with whatever project he was scribbling about. 
It's also where he kept his old TV. 
Walking through the door frame, your heart fell to your stomach. His portrait was still there, and it was enough to make your chest ache. You recognized that warm look in his eyes; you were told by your mom consistently that you had his eyes as if you stole them right from him. She used to say it teasingly, but after a while, the statement turned bitter. 
You avoided eye contact with the painting and peered around the room. It felt like a miniature library with how many books he stuffed onto his shelves. 
Curiously you grazed your fingers along the spines of a few that were right beside you. Stephen King. You let out a small snicker. Of course, he'd grab a few of King's books. A writer often gravitated toward him for inspiration after all. 
"There you are," Eddie's voice caused you to stumble over, knocking over some of the books. 
"Jesus Christ, Eddie!" You hollered. "Warn me next time." 
"Sorry, sorry," The poor guy looked so guilty you couldn't stay angry at him.
"It's okay, I'm just jumpy." 
"What even is this room, anyway?" 
"My dad's old study," you explained. "He was a writer, and often fell into his work even during vacation."
"He had a study? A study? All to himself, in a vacation house." He had a look on his face that was a mix of jealousy and shock. You fidgeted. 
"Don't look at me like that, we weren't rich. We were…comfortable." 
"That's…" He stopped himself from saying anything and you felt your shoulders slump in relief. "Anyway, what are you doing? You suddenly vanished on me and I had a damn near heart attack." 
"I'm sorry," you mumbled. "I was looking for his old TV. I wanted to see if the shitty thing still worked." 
"Oh thank God, I was wondering where your TV was." Eddie sighed. 
"My mom didn't want me getting too attached to one, but my dad bought one in secret." You wanted to chuckle. That probably didn't go down well if she had already discovered it. Yet your dad was a risk taker. 
"Oh, this old thing?" Eddie asked, he approached your dad's television with a slight limp. He examined it from the sides, and then up and down. "Should still work if we give it a few smacks."
Fortunately, it did indeed work after the 15th smack. You both let out a cheer when the static-filled screen changed to a news station. The bad news was it mostly covered news from Nashville. Nothing from Hawkins. The good news is it did play Happy Days. 
"At least we have sitcoms." You offered. Eddie just sighed. 
"I guess it's better than twiddling my thumbs waiting for Dustin–the shithead probably forgot to clock in." 
Eddie was right, it had been a few days. 
An idea began to form in your brain while you grabbed a Salisbury steak TV dinner for lunch. Would it be harmful to go out to get food? To do some shopping? Your supply was really starting to run low, even after skipping a few meals. You did also have some spare cash on you…
It was a lot of back and forth between your thoughts, your stomach added itself into the discussion when it growled. You took a deep breath before rubbing the sides of your temple. 
"Hey, Eddie," you called to him, "How do you feel about, uh, going out?" 
You watched as he turned his head to you, the look on his face was bewildered. He thought you were insane, you knew it. 
"Did you lose your mind somewhere as we were driving up here?" He remarked, you looked at him unenthusiastically. "I thought by hiding me here we were trying to get ourselves not discovered." 
"Real news, smart-ass, is that we're running out of food," you told him, his face sagged in realization. "No food equals starving." 
"Goddammit," he mumbled, "For fuck's sake!"
"So, we can either do one of two things: One, you stay here while I go. Two: We both go." 
"Honestly, (Y/n), the idea of sitting here in this house by myself makes me want to go nuts." 
You shrugged, standing up from your seat. "There's a new mall that just opened in town. Guess we've got that plan." You glanced back at his hair, and Dustin’s warning echoed in your head. "Male, long, brown scraggly hair with a t-shirt that says "Hellfire Club."
Eddie’s hair could prove to be an issue. 
"One problem," you said to him. 
Eddie looked confused. 
"Your hair, Eddie," 
"What about it?" 
"You're not gonna like this but we might have to cut it," 
"What–no. No way." 
"Either that or stuff your hair inside a hat." 
"You're joking, right? There's such an obvious choice here."
Stubborn, as ever. Deep down you knew you missed his flare for the dramatics. He always had a witty remark somewhere. 
"Here then," you told him. You began to trek up the stairs, a goal in mind. You searched your room for a hair tie, before rummaging through the master bedroom for a hat. You paused after seeing your dad’s old baseball cap. It was worn through, possibly eaten by moths, but it worked. 
The moment you reached his spot on the couch, you tossed them both to him. "Let's go." 
You made sure to bring the walkie-talkie with you, just in case Dustin made an impromptu check-in. Like the car ride up here, Eddie kept it close by–on the floor next to his foot. You could hear Dustin scolding the two of you for risking everything, however, you were prepared to counter his fit with, "You try surviving off of TV dinners and Eggos for a week, Dustin." 
The car ride was not too long, this time. Eddie had been facing the road, a bored expression written on his features. Being so used to his wild hair covering the sides of his face, seeing him with a ponytail felt strange–as if his face was completely exposed. 
You pulled into the parking lot of the mall, anxiety increasing once you spotted a police car parked directly outside. "Are you kidding me?" 
"What?" Eddie asked, you nudge your head towards the car shining red and blue. He goes pale. 
"Well that's just fucking great." 
"You might have to stay in the car, Eddie." 
"And do what? Watch other people go in?" 
"I have a few books in my glove box." You gestured towards the compartment. "You read sometimes right?" 
Eddie looked at you like you said the stupidest thing. "I run a DND club, of course I read." 
You gave him an embarrassed smile. "Alright, alright. Quit looking at me like that." You waved your hand at him before closing the door. He watched your figure walk into the mall until you disappeared through the sliding glass doors. 
Eddie sighed through his nose before opening the glove box in front of him. A lot of junk welcomed him. Letters you haven't opened, gum wrappers, he raised an eyebrow seeing a lighter–you smoked? 
Something made him pause his rummaging. A book with a used spine, so used it could've fallen apart in his hand right then and there. 
The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien. 
"No way," said Eddie in awe. He took a second to examine the novel. It felt like a used library book, but didn't have the markings like one would. You bought this, possibly years ago. "You shithead." Eddie smiled, before opening the book. 
He didn't mind reading it again. It was one of his favorites.
You were taking a long time, you knew you were. Luckily there was a mini mart in front of the mall; you grabbed more eggos, some TV dinners that weren't Salisbury steaks, and paid for them in cash. 
Just as you were heading out, you spotted a bookstore: Barb's Books. You bit your lip. No. I don't need to go look. Eddie is literally waiting for me.
You went in. 
It wasn't a big bookstore, relatively small in comparison to the size of the mall. It probably only took up a small corner.
What am I doing?
"Can I help you, dear?" An older woman asked. She was sitting at the register, a Danielle Steel book in her hands. You shook your head. 
"No thank you, I'm just browsing." And getting ready for Eddie to kick my ass.
"Oh, okay." She smiled at you, then went back to the pages in front of her. 
You gravitated toward the sci-fi and fantasy section, noticing a little stand for Stephen King and Margaret Atwood. 
When your eyes landed on a copy of The Lord of The Rings, you remembered Lucas telling Eddie his trailer was destroyed after the gate split open. You weren't hesitant to grab it off the shelf. 
A small apology, you thought. 
"There you are," a voice hissed. You turned around to see an annoyed Eddie. He had his hands on his hips. You blinked at him.
"Are you insane you fucking moron?" You whispered to him, hoping the sweet old lady at the register didn't hear you. Eddie gave you the same expression you were giving him. 
"Am I insane? You're the one who said you'd be right back 45 minutes ago!" 
"I just…" you glanced at the book sheltered under your arm. "I needed to grab something." 
Eddie rubbed his forehead. "Okay, okay I'm sorry. I'm just on edge right now." You had to hold back your surprise that he didn't kill you on the spot.
"I don't blame you," you handed him your grocery bags. "Here, can you take these while I pay for something?" 
"What am I, a butler?"
"Eddie," you gave him a pleading look. 
"Alright, alright fine," he snatched the plastic bags kind of aggressively. You warned him not to break the bags before he walked to the entrance of the store. He looked both ways and then not-so-subtly walked out. 
The older lady gave you another smile as you paid for the book. You wanted to tip, but you had to save every penny. You just gave her a smile in return. 
On your way out, you heard her say, "That young man cares about you." 
He was in the car when you approached it, arms crossed. Eddie had been known for his impatient streak. 
You opened the driver's side door, smiling awkwardly. "I'm sorry." You slid into the seat, he eyed you with annoyance, but also a bit of curiosity. 
"What book was so important you needed to take a detour?" 
You licked your lips before handing over the plastic bag with the "Barb's Books" logo on it. "It's not for me." 
Eddie glanced at the bag, then at you, then at the bag again. He fiddled with it before taking the contents out. 
You scratched your cheek, unable to look him in the eye. "I heard what Sinclair said about your trailer and…I don't know. I felt like you could use another copy." 
Eddie peered at you in disbelief, the disbelief turned to awe. "Thanks, shortie." 
You mirrored his disbelief. 
("Everything okay, shortie?")
You felt yourself smile, you tried to stop it but you couldn't. "No problem."
(”Also,” Eddie added, later on. “The Hobbit?”
You went a little pale. “Yeah...? What about it?”
“I found it in your glovebox. The thing was in shreds.”
You gnawed at your lip. “I’ve read it a couple times.”
“Just a couple?”
“Just a couple.” You parroted. You peered at him from the side, to see a small smirk on his lips.)
"And why did we suddenly stop?" He tilted his head. He definitely had a more puzzled look on his face than annoyed or angry. You shrugged. 
"The river is pretty this time of year." 
The stream in front of you glistened in the afternoon sunlight. Your dad took you here one morning, while your mom was asleep. It was only for a little bit, but he taught you how to skip stones, and told you if you wished hard enough something good and grand might happen. 
You recalled wishing for a Wonder Woman comic book, and your dad snorted.
"Wish for something more meaningful, sweetpea." 
Eddie must've recognized the longing look in your eye. He didn't pry, nor did he beg and plead to go back to the house. You figured he was just as reluctant to go back as you were. 
You wordlessly got out of the car, taking a deep breath as you got closer to the water. Not too close, of course, but close enough to wear you could hear the roar of the stream. 
The sounds of crunching rocks and a door slam told you Eddie exited the car. 
"My dad took me out here to skip rocks a couple times," you explained. "Nostalgia trip, I guess." 
Eddie didn't say anything at first. You watched with wonder as he picked up a flat stone and threw it. It skipped twice, landing in the water soon after with a small splash. You raised your eyebrows, pleased. 
"Not bad." 
"Would you mind showing me the ropes, champion of skipping rocks?" 
You scoffed. "Champion?" 
Eddie shrugged his shoulders, he knelt down in a squat. 
"You must've had some practice, right?" 
You resisted rolling your eyes at him. Picking up a semi-flat stone, you flicked your wrist, and the stone glided, skipping four times before landing with a splash. Eddie clapped, impressed. 
"See, you are the champion.
"It only skipped four times." 
"Watch as mine skips five." 
This man was 20 years old, challenging you to a rock skipping contest. 
You couldn't refuse.
The two of you went at it until the sun started to set. You warily took a glance at the sun, and then to your car. "Time to head back," you told Eddie. 
"Hey uh," he stood up at the same time as you did. "You look tired, let me drive." 
"No." You didn't hesitate. Eddie pouted, a disgruntled look painted itself on his face. 
"Why not?" 
"Dustin told me of your driving habits, Ed." 
"That little shithead doesn't know what he's talking about." 
"I'm pretty sure everyone in Hawkins knows how you drive at this point. Like a maniac." 
"I'm just eccentric." Eddie said. You weren't impressed. 
"Do you know how expensive this car was?" 
"Yes, and I won't wreck it." 
He was giving you the puppy eyes, and you hated it. 
"Why do you want to drive so badly?" 
"...To do something besides sit around. I've been practically sitting around this whole damn time." Eddie confessed, he kicked a stone out of frustration. It didn't quite land in the stream, but it came close. 
You closed your eyes, and then grabbed your keys from your pocket. You tossed them to him. "Don't wreck my car."
He caught the bundle of keys and fist pumped the air. "I won't." 
He nearly did. 
Eddie's way of driving was, to put it lightly, reckless. He drove the way you would expect him to: no cares in the world. 
You held onto your seat harshly, wishing your seat-belt could be tighter. "Eddie, slow down for fuck's sake this is a small road, not a race track." 
Eddie smiled, like an idiot enjoying life. You wanted to take a picture, despite the annoyance in your chest. He had a great smile, when it was genuine. Your face flushed when you realized you were staring. 
Did it really take this long for you to realize you missed him? 
"You okay, shortie?" Eddie asked, he took a glance at you before gazing back at the road ahead. You rolled your eyes. 
"Not really, and you can stop calling me that, you know. We're not in middle school anymore."
Eddie grinned again, and you had to bite your cheek to prevent yourself from grinning back. "That's just how I remember you. Short, sassy as hell–which I never got tired of by the way. Honestly, when you called me Ed a bit ago, I said shortie to get back at you because why else would I call you that? Now, I can't stop. I don't wanna either." 
You smirked, hiding your face by looking out the window at the trees gliding by. "So this means I can keep calling you Ed?" 
"Fuck yeah," Eddie didn't hesitate to respond. "Are you kidding? You're the only one I'd allow the privilege to call me that, anyway."
"Special circumstances, huh?" You heard him click his tongue. 
"That's definitely one way to put it." 
Eddie pulled your car into the front lawn harshly, earning him a glare from you. 
“You’re never driving my car again,” You scolded. 
Eddie only snickered. “Aw, come on, was it that bad?”
“You nearly rammed us into a tree! Twice!” 
“Simple trial and error.” 
“Fuck off.” 
Eddie only laughed, it echoed in your ears, and your heart flipped. 
As you tried to exit the car, Eddie stopped you. “Hey, uh, can we talk for a second?” 
Your heart dropped. “Uh, yeah, sure. What’s up?” The car door closed with a thump. 
Eddie hesitated, he appeared to be nervous, picking at the crevices of his fingernails. 
“We haven’t really, uh, talked about anything since we came here.”
“What do you mean?” You asked with faux confusion. You knew exactly what he meant, you just didn’t know if you were ready for this discussion. 
“You know what I mean, (Y/n),” Eddie inquired, his voice low. "Why you suddenly disappeared, why you've been looking at me with this weird awkward guilt that's been bugging me since this whole fucking thing started."
You were stunned. 
"It's been, what, 5 years?" 
"Eddie…we–we don't need to" You stammered, the words were caught on your tongue. 
"Yes. Yes, we do," his voice suddenly became serious. "We've been dancing around it for 2 weeks now."
When you didn't respond, he continued. "This trip out–this little excursion we went on–it honestly made me realize how much I missed you. Missed this. Us."
You almost flinched at how his tone shifted. He didn't sound mad, just hurt. Passionately hurt; he's been holding this in for so long. 
You would've preferred if he was just mad. 
("Everything okay, shortie?") 
He was so desperate for answers. You didn't blame him, but some part of you wanted him to stop. It was as if he shoved himself inside the closet of your mind and pulled out the skeletons. You felt exposed. 
Though, you couldn't argue he deserved an explanation. 
He kept talking. "I had wondered what I did for so long. I came up with the theory you hated me, that I must've done something. Why else would you–"
"I don't hate you," The words fell out of your mouth so fast. That wasn't what you wanted him to feel, not at all. Your eyes became misty at the thought. You had to look away, he couldn't see you cry. "I couldn't hate you, even if I tried."
"Then why?" Eddie was shaking his head rapidly. "Why hide for so long if it wasn't something I did?" He placed the blame on himself. 
Hiding behind a wall wasn't an answer anymore. 
"I…My parents divorced that summer," you said quietly. The words tasted like venom. You let out a shaky breath, the handle of your car looked too tempting to grab. Your body urged you to run away, but you knew you couldn't run anymore. "They had put up this charade beforehand, taking me here, being too nice. They were awkward as hell; they didn't think I'd catch on so quickly. After we left, they finalized it, and my mom got full custody of me. I could only see my dad on the weekends." 
Eddie had remained silent, so you continued. "The last day of summer, you asked me if I was okay…and…" you bit your lip. "I don't know what happened, I just fell off. It was as if my brain turned on autopilot.
My dad died in the middle of winter break. A truck had hit him head-on…and…he was declared brain dead at the hospital. My mom started drinking after that. I had to work two jobs to help her out." You played with the fabric of the car seat. 
He still hadn't said anything, which made you more nervous, but you felt obligated to keep going. 
"I don't hate you," you whispered, your voice frail. "Never have, not even a little. Not even when you accidentally dumped soda in my lap during 5th period. Or when you tackled me from behind causing me to fall into Lover's lake. If anything, it made me like you more. I just couldn't smile without feeling guilty about it." 
You didn't even realize you had started crying. "I'm sorry, Eddie," you sobbed. Fuck, you hated crying. Hated it so much that you wished there was another alternative. “I’m so–”
You jumped once he scrambled out of the car, slamming the door after he left. For a second you thought he had stomped away without saying anything before he opened your side door, pulling you into the tightest hug he could muster. If anything, the gesture made you cry harder. 
"I'm sorry, shortie," his voice faltered. "I'm so fucking sorry." 
You wanted to gawk at him. "Why the fuck are you apologizing?" You let out a cry when he put a hand on your head in a comforting way. 
"Because I didn't know. God, I wish you had told me." 
"You were dealing with your own shit."
Eddie scoffed. "So? We all deal with our own shit!"
"You're too selfless. You always put other people before you. Always. It doesn't matter who it is. You've got to stop doing that."
It had been too long since someone held you like that. It reminded you of your dad. He held you just like this before he drove away; it felt as if he didn't want to let go, that he wanted to glue himself to you. It was only after your mom gave him a warning that he finally released his grip. 
Eddie held you for what felt like hours until your sobs were reduced to mere sniffles. You found yourself glancing towards his leg, which was wobbling slightly.
“You shouldn’t stand on your bad leg for too long,” you advised with a sniff. “You might make it worse.”
He somehow held you tighter, letting out another scoff. “See, that’s what I mean! You’re over here crying your damn eyes out, still worried about me.” 
“Well,” you countered, “You were bitten by monstrous bats from another dimension so–” 
“Just shut up, okay?”
You laughed. “Okay.”
A sudden weight lifted off your shoulders. You laughed. "Guess we have 5 years of catching up to do, yeah?"
You found yourself sitting on your old bed that night. It was comforting, being around the pink sheets and cupcake-covered pillows. It made you think you were back in 1980 when your parents took you back here for an impromptu trip. Your mom had felt like getting away, and your dad didn’t want to tell her no. Later that day you found yourself in the backseat of your dad’s cavalier. You remember the leather seats being so hot you didn’t really like sitting on them in the summer. 
“Hey,” Eddie’s voice dragged you out of your thoughts. 
You gave him a glance. “What’s up?”
He kicked the carpet under his good foot. He had a pillow under one arm and a blanket in another. “I don’t know, I just…I had a weird feeling, and I wanted to come to check in, I guess?” 
You smiled a little. “I’m okay, just looking outside.”
“Checking for spooky monsters?” He asked sarcastically. 
“Yeah,” you rolled your eyes, “Totally checking for spooky monsters.”
Silence rolled between you two before Eddie spoke again. “I had been thinking.”
“About what?”
“About everything you told me. And, not gonna lie, the idea of leaving you alone after you basically poured your whole heart out to me made me feel like an asshole.”
You let out a breathless laugh. “You don’t have to do that.”
“Nope,” Eddie stated, flopping the pillow and blanket on the ground next to your bed. “I’m already here, and walking up and down those stairs with this leg? No.” 
“Ed,” you were giggling, “What is this a middle school sleepover?” 
“I just don’t want you to be alone.”
“You might as well just hop on the bed.” You patted the sheets next to you, your face heating up slightly in the process. It was definitely an interesting suggestion, but you didn’t want him ruining his back. Eddie tilted his head.
“Me? Sleep next to you, in the same bed, with our history?” He gestured to the space between the two of you. You snorted, wanting so badly to tease him. 
“Because you got high that one time and tried to kiss me?” 
Eddie blinked rapidly. "Yeah, but I don't remember being high for that."
"I'm pretty sure you were, you smelled like weed."
"I think I always smell like weed." 
"Yeah. I had heard about that, something about you selling pot in school?"
"A side business, yes, but back to the point," Eddie tried brushing the subject off, even making a hand gesture telling you to stop. "Are you sure you'd even feel comfortable with me up there? Next to you, in the same vicinity–"
"Eddie, if anything I'd feel safer," You confessed, immediately looking back to the window. There was nothing much outside, but maintaining eye contact made your stomach twist weirdly. You fiddled with your thumb. "That was weird, sorry." 
He didn't respond before flopping himself on the spot next to you. "I guess I could. Cupcakes are real metal, you know what I mean?" 
"I swear to God if you bring that up one more time, you will be smothered with a pillow." You said playfully. 
"Though, this bed is fucking tiny." 
"Yeah, sorry if I kick you."
The night had grown so quiet, you were positive Eddie had fallen asleep beside you. You figured sleep would take longer to arrive, so you decided now would be a good time to read. 
Even though you were hesitant to take a book off of your dad’s shelf, you thought it would be wasteful to leave all those books unread, unused. Though, reading a Stephen King book at night was unwise. 
"Stephen King, huh?" 
You jolted, eyes tore off the page to look at Eddie. He was rubbing his eyes, indicating he probably did fall asleep. "You're brave reading one of those at night, especially this late." 
You glanced at the cover, the large print font yelling "The Dark Tower". You simply shrugged. "It's only The Dark Tower. I wouldn't read Cujo at 1 in the morning if that's what you're implying." 
"Still has the spooky undertones." 
"You've read King's stuff?" 
"Oh hell yeah, love him."
"He's gonna release a new one this year." 
"Is he now?" 
You gave him a look. "Go back to sleep, dingus." 
"Not until you do," Eddie scrunched his nose. 
"Just…one more chapter." You nervously glanced back at the page. Groaning when you realized you lost your place. "Great, now look at what you've done. I can't find my place!"
"And that," Eddie said in a matter-of-factly tone, "Means you should go to bed." 
You huffed, placing the book on the window sill before softly landing back on the bed. "Happy?" 
Your eyes closed and you felt the bed shift as he moved. For a small, twin-sized bed, it wasn't too bad. Though, it also meant you'd feel his every toss and turn and you weren't sure how you felt about that. 
"I wasn't high," Eddie muttered out of the blue. 
You opened your eyes. "What?" 
"You said that when I tried to, ya know, kiss you that I was probably high…I wasn't." 
Your heart began to pound, and you really hoped he couldn't feel it. 
"You're telling me this now?" You coughed out. It was hard to concentrate with the way your mind began to spin. He wanted to kiss you. He wasn't just high off his ass. 
Now you're hating yourself for not knowing. 
"Well, I don't know, with the gates and the fact I'm wanted for murder and…the fact you're here now. It kinda felt weird to keep it in." 
"Does that mean you liked me back then?" You will admit that was a stupid question. Wanting to kiss someone isn't exactly platonic. 
Eddie turned to face you, and though you were hesitant to do the same, you could feel his eyes on you. "Who said I stopped?" 
The seriousness of his tone nearly made your heart stop. First in the car, now here. "You're tugging at my heartstrings here, Munson." 
"You really think I'd joke about something like this?" 
"You joke all the time." 
"Fair point, but not this time." 
You still couldn't look at him. Not when he's telling you this when you know the look on his face is softer than you've ever seen it. It would've been too much. 
"Look at me," he said, not demanded, but it obviously wasn't a request. "Please, sweetheart."
You couldn't resist the pet name. You turned your head to him, face burning as his warm, chocolate brown eyes glittered in the moonlight. "Yeah?"
"You mean more to me than you think." 
His face was closer now, and while you glanced at his lips, you thought about everything that happened up until that moment. Anything could happen. You could lose him to prison, or to murderous beings whose masters invaded the minds of others.
Fuck it. 
You kissed him, albeit shortly. Eddie still had his eyes closed, as if he wanted more. He raised his eyebrows before opening his eyes again. "Definitely wasn't expecting that." 
"Sorry," you said instinctively. Eddie grabbed your face with one hand, you could feel the cold bite of the rings that adorned his fingers. 
"Stop apologizing, shortie." He kissed you in return. 
It felt like a weird dream, this trip. Parts being nightmarish, parts holding you together. Whatever happened next, you at least had him. 
And he had you. 
It wasn’t until later that morning, that trouble in Hawkins would arise once again.
"You guys? Hey! Uh, we might have a slight situation..."
One problem was, you two had left the walkie-talkie in the backseat.
Also tagging @masterofmunson​ because their fics inspired me greatly! Thank you for writing such amazing works!
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orbiyoo · 6 months
my half finished clown :] happy halloween
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bittwitchy · 3 months
the best engagement i get is w.illiam a.fton and specific h.atter gifsets when they look slutty (affectionate) so logistically i should make more of those, but ima do what i want which is why theres been sm general h.atter n a lot of d.anielle— also bc big gifs receive more traction for some reason i’m gonna redo those s.eb in a bathtub scenes in big form at some point
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redlipsanddaydreams · 2 years
hi idk who needs to hear this but eds and body dysmorphia will literally have you not fucking understanding who or what you’re looking at when you look in the mirror bc nothing seems right, your eyes literally deceiving you bc hard reality feels nearly impossible to reconcile with your reality. mayhaps it’s just me projecting here but i saw the point wasn’t to be scared of being fat or to make a negative remark about the body itself bc it wasn’t about the number on the scale in any way but rather showing how your own mind will literally gaslight you into perceiving your current state is not what it is in a twisted way to justify or motivate the continuing of the unhealthy behavior, probably from a concept perpetuated by ✨society✨
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highvern · 6 months
Pairing: Kim Mingyu x fem!reader
Genre: smut, friends to lovers, established relationship, fluff at the beginning
Warnings: bathroom sex, kissing, groping, fingering, dirty talk, dom/sub dynamics but they’re both actually switches (Mingyu is a service top), cumshot, Mingyu is still obsessed with titties, hair pulling, choking (hand around throat but no breath play), doggy style, unprotected sex (not endorsed by author), praise kink and strength kink go burrrrrr, there's a little bit of fluff/angst at the beginning (care/comfort) because she had a hard day at work, porn with feelings
Length: ~3k
Note: Drunk Goggles couple's bathroom scene mentioned in Discovery! the first third is so cute i actually had to close my laptop and step away while editing it so please enjoy my brain rot lol. its implied reader is on birth control and Mingyu knows it but still wrap it before you tap it guys. This was drafted as "Champagne Confetti" but i couldn't post it with that title with a straight face
ALSO stream Mamamoo Wheein's new album In the Mood! Aphrodite was a huge inspiration for the sweeter parts of this fic
read more here
The knob of your bathroom cabinet is digging into Mingyu’s shoulder uncomfortably and his ass freezing on the hard tile, but neither register in his mind much. His sole focus is on listening to you vent about how shitty work was as you wash up behind the flimsy curtain only a few feet away.
“Oh and then she had the audacity to say I should have been more prepared for the meeting! As if she didn’t send me the info an hour before!” You babble, head popping out to look at him. 
Mingyu tries and fails to stifle the laughter bubbling at the sight of your shampoo Mohawk.
“What a bitch!”
“Right?!” You move back into the spray and out of sight.
“She’s just mad because you’re better at her job than she is.”
“I wouldn’t be if she actually did her job.” You sigh.
“I’m sorry baby.”
“‘s not your fault Gyu.”
“Do you want me to beat her up?”
“Yeah, because sending my gigantic ass boy toy after her is gonna get her off my back.” You call, closing your eyes as foam rinses from your hair down your skin.
“The correct term is boyfriend.”
“The correct term is baby daddy.”
“You’re fucking nasty.”
“You love me.”
God, I do.
But it’s too early to say those words with the level of earnestness he feels so Mingyu bites his tongue.
Steam and lavender soap tickle his senses as you wash away the evidence of your previous distress. Your manager is number one on Mingyu’s incredibly short shit list.
Mingyu had barely waltzed through the door of your apartment after work, excited to spend the evening cuddled on the couch with a movie like you do every Thursday. He nearly shit himself when he found you sitting at the kitchen counter, tears staining your face and eyes rimmed red. You dove into his chest and cried for an over hour, unable to speak as wretched sobs escaped your throat. He’s never felt so helpless as he sat there, stroking your back as he held you, whispering gentle affirmations into your hair. It was his idea for you to hop in the shower once you calmed down enough to assure him you weren’t injured and “no, no one died.” 
The entire time, Mingyu sat close by listening intently, chiming in occasionally with agreements. He hadn’t follow you into the stall, void of the desire to worsen your mood. Shared showers were not a favorite in this household. Either it ended after two minutes to move to the bed or one of you hopped out, annoyed that the other was hogging the hot water and leaving them in the cold. Mingyu wanted you to relax but the only way he could relax was to make sure you’re actually okay. Which is why he is planted on the ground near the door like a guard dog, keeping an eye on you in case the tears returned; numb butt and sore shoulder be damned.
The squeak of the faucet signals the end of your bathing, echoed by the ruffle of the curtain as you push it aside to exit the tub. He keeps his eyes trained on your face, a smile spreading at the glow radiating from the apples of your cheeks void of the earlier splotchy dullness. You already look a million times better than when he entered your home.
Mingyu is trying very hard to be a supportive boyfriend while you continue to rant; but it’s challenging when the actual woman of his dreams is standing only feet away, completely nude and soaking wet, skin flushed from scrubbing and glistening in the warm glow of the light above the mirror. It takes all his might to ignore the swell of your breast and gentle the sway of your hips, or the curve of your thighs as you stretch for your towel on the rack above the toilet. The movement sends droplets falling in staccato from your hair plastered against your head onto your shoulder before trailing down your front, tracing dizzying patterns across your skin. His very own Aphrodite, exiting the sea to fill his heart.
“I hope she gets fired soon. I know I didn’t look like an idiot in that meeting, it was all her.” 
“No one thinks you’re an idiot.” He looks down at his hands playing with the cuff of his sweatshirt to distract himself from how you start twisting to towel off, body bending and stretching suggestively as you concentrate.
“She definitely does but who cares.”
“Feeling better?”
“Yeah, actually.” You smile, towel wrapped around you snugly as you step away from the tub and towards him. “But I could still really use a hug.”
“I can do that.” 
Mingyu jumps up from his place on the floor, beaming at the soft look on your face as he tangles you in his arms. He plants peck after peck across the crown of your wet hair, nose filling with the scent of your shampoo as he squeezes you against him tightly. The remaining moisture on your body is wicked away by the soft fabric of his sweater, covering him in wet spots along his front and down his arms.
“You’re the best.” You sign into his chest as he leaves a kiss on your hairline.
To distract himself from what he really wants to say, Mingyu blows a wet raspberry against your forehead.
“Nope! Never mind!” You squeal, trying in vain to break out of his strong grip. “Get away from me!”
“But baby you just said I was the best!” He counters, arms tighten to prevent you from wiggling lose.
“No, you’re gross and I hate you!”
You can only roll your eyes at your boyfriend's dramatics.
“You hate me? I wipe your tears, clean up your snot, order us take out, and you hate me?” Voice rising in pitch, he gapes at you.
“You ordered take out?”
“Focus on me! I’m hurt. Devastated!”
“Oh no, what will I do?” You deadpan, but the twitch of your mouth betrays your amusement.
It’s a dangerous game given you’re still locked in his arms and his penchant for being over the top.
“I’m deeply deeply wounded missy. So there’s only one way I’ll forgive you.”
“And what’s that?”
“Kiss?” He says with puppy dog eyes and puckered lips that makes him look like a fish.
“Oh my god!” You cackle at his ridiculousness.
“Oh, there she goes again! Do you not care about me at all?”
His question is punctuated by him collapsing against you and fake crying. Laughter bubbles in your chest like champagne. Mingyu makes you feel better without even trying.
“Alright, come here you big baby. Let me give you a kiss.”
Matching smiles meet in a sweet kiss. In your relationship, one kiss frequently becomes ten or twenty so there's no shock when you keep planting pecks against his lips before moving to tickle them across his cheek, brow, and tip of his nose. Mingyu is all smiles and giggles under your lips as you move back to his mouth.
The short kisses become heated swiftly. You wipe the smile off his face easily enough, thanking the universe it takes almost nothing to get Mingyu started (not that you’re any better). You’re impressed he didn’t jump you when you stepped out of the shower in all your naked glory. Honestly, you’re a little disappointed he didn’t. But now with your towel unraveling from your tussle, pressed against his solid frame as you nip his lips, you know it’s a matter of seconds before Mingyu crowds against you and makes you feel a lot better.
Like clockwork, a simple hum in the back of your throat paired with your nails trailing down his chest sets Mingyu off. He turns with you still in his hold, lifting you up and depositing you on the cool marble of the countertop, pushing your legs apart to make room for himself. Clumsy hands push your towel away, giving him access to play with your chest. When the nail of his thumb scratches your nipple, you arch against him with a sigh. The shift breaks your lips apart and Mingyu wasted no time diving for your throat.
Apparently tonight is one of the few nights Mingyu wants to be a little more demanding with you. The hand not plucking your chest moves the tangle itself amongst the wet hair at the crown of your skull, giving a firm tug that has your spine arching, stretching your neck with a whine to give more space to bite along your throat. Teeth scratch against the cords of muscle, but his tongue soothes the abused skin immediately after; even when he’s rough, he treats you like a princess. You feel yourself clenching around nothing at the maddening combination of sensations.
“Please, Gyu”
“Please, what?” He asks, not budging an inch from where he latches to your collarbone.
“Touch me.” You whimper.
His mouth replaces the hand pinching your chest, sucking your abused nipple into his blistering mouth. The hand that was on your chest, skates down between your thighs, pushing your legs further apart, letting your foot find purchase on the handle of the cabinet next to you to spread you wide.
He starts slowly, middle finger parting your downy lips to trace from your entrance to your mound. The calloused pad of his finger nothing more than a gossamer touch against your heat, maddening as it teases you. Curling your hips upwards, you give him more space to circle your entrance before he dips his middle and ring finger inside, thumb stretching to caress your swollen clit.
“So wet already.”
“If you had a boyfriend that treats you how you treat me, then you’d understand why.” You pant into his hair.
“Think I understand plenty.” He replies, moving your hand to caress his dick where it sits tented in his shorts.
The bathroom is filled with shameless whines and puffs of breath as you work each other up. You’ve successfully gotten a hand into his underwear, fisting the head of his cock in a tight rhythm just how he likes. The other busies itself scratching down his back as he preps you for what's to come by twisting two fingers inside you, heel of his hand grinding against your clit with every thrust.
“Need you inside.” You whisper into his mouth.
“Yeah? Want me to fuck you?”
“Mhmm,” your tone is verging on pathetic but his reaction washes away any embarrassment.
“Then be a good girl and turn around.”
Mingyu steps back, giving you space to quickly jump off the counter to turn your back to him. He busies himself with removing his sweater while you settle on your elbows, ass pushed out in front of him teasingly. It gives him pause, easily distracted by the arch of your spine and the subtle jiggle of flesh as you rock from one foot to another. You watch in the mirror as he blinks lazily, using one hand to push down his pants while the other cups a cheek, squeezing it in his palm. When his shorts are finally pooled around his ankles, he steps closer to let his length rest on your ass.
You can feel his leaking tip brush your tailbone, leaving a faint trace of dampness across your skin as you roll on to the balls of your feet to grind back on him. The rigid velvet of his shaft has arousal dripping down your thighs crudely.
You watch his face with rapt attention in the mirror. He’s hypnotized by how his cock looks pressed snug against your rear, resting hot and heavy in the valley of your cheeks. His throat bobs with a harsh swallow; hands wrapping around your sides, lazily tracing the curve between the bottom of your ribs to your hip bones. Mingyu’s hips move of their own volition, rutting across your ass as his cock continues to drool on your skin.
“Fuck,” he whispers.
“Come on baby, I had a hard day. Need you to make me feel better.”
Mingyu's eyes find yours in the mirror. You know the pout on your lips will get you everything you want. Mingyu knows it too.
“Condom,” he prompts. 
There’s a stash in the drawer to your left but Mingyu is fully aware he lacks the will power to reach over and grab one when his hands are filled with something so much more enticing right now.
As you shake your head with a mischievous quirk of lips, he’s pretty sure you’re playing a cruel joke on hum.
“Shit,” He curses. “Are you serious?”
“Fuck me, Gyu.”
Palming his cock, Mingyu recites a silent prayer that he doesn’t blow his load immediately. This is the first time he gets to fuck you raw and goddamit if it’s short lived. Tracing his tip through the mess between your legs, he collects your arousal to lube him up. He can feel how soaking you are at the idea of him fucking you without the barrier of latex, inner thighs smeared with your essence. Hopefully you’ll come as quickly as he probably will.
“You’re so dirty, letting me stuff you with my cock like this. Aren’t you?”
“Yeah,” you gasp when he nudges your clit. “Your dirty girl.”
“That’s right, my dirty girl.” He growls as he pushes inside you.
The first inch has you both closing your eyes, vision filled with stars. As nice as he feels bare inside you, it’s the mental is getting you off more than the physical. Every time Mingyu stretches you out on his cock is a treat, but the knowledge that the flared head of his cock pressing deep inside is leaving traces of his seed along your walls has you breathless. You’ve never let anyone else fuck you like this and a part shielded in your chest hopes he’s that last to.
Mingyu is more or less losing his shit behind you. The scorching wet clamp of your silky inner muscles that he’s only felt on his tongue or fingers is better than he could ever imagine. Your pussy gushing to coat his cock as he splits you open has him on the verge of tears. When he’s settled in, your ass pressed firmly to his pelvis, you wiggle against him.
Mingyu responds by pressing forward, pinning your hips to the counter harshly to prevent you from moving again. You’re clenching around him so hard, it takes all of his self control not to cum. 
“Fuck, you feel so good.” You mewl.
You’re really not helping.
“Calm down.” He grits out, both to himself and you.
“Need it.”
“Oh you need it?” He chides, delivering a bruising thrust.
You reward him with a sharp whine.
“Calm down baby, I'll give it to you. Always do, don't I?”
One hand circles the base of your throat, not squeezing; just resting the curve against his palm as his thumb trails along the side of your neck. It stops your breath anyway. But then Mingyu leans down to press his chest with your back, face coming into view right over your shoulder to whisper in your ear while looking you in the eye through the mirror.
“But you gotta be a good girl and spread it for me.”
You heave at his words, afraid you might pass out. Hands scramble to grab your own ass cheeks, pulling the flesh apart so he has a clear view of your pussy sucking him in as he starts curling his hips inside you.
The way he’s fucking you is vulgar. Hand wrapped around your throat as the other moves back into your hair, your own brushing the tops of his thighs as he cants against your ass, balls slapping against your pussy with each thrust. Mingyu leans back to watch himself disappear into your cunt, pulling you up into an arch. The feel without a condom is melting his brain but the visual absence of latex is doing incredible damage to his psyche too.
You both are a mess of sweet whines and rough groans, bathroom echoing with the clapping of skin and wet squelch of your full pussy. Breaking his focus on the way your entrance stretches to accommodate his thick cock splitting you open, Mingyu looks in the mirror to watch the way your tits bounce in time with his hips; your mouth open in a silent scream, eyes misty with delirium as you watch him watching you.
“Feel so fucking good like this, shit.” He pants. “Hear how wet you are? Fucking love it don’t you?”
Your head falls forward pathetically, only stopped by the palm still resting around your throat. When Mingyu gives a tentative squeeze, you whimper a quiet agreement. He watches as you force a hand between your thighs, fingers rubbing your clit in tight circles to push you closer to the edge.
“Gonna come,” you whine.
“Yeah?” Mingyu asks, excitement clear as day. He tilts his hips to fuck deeper, stretching you just a little bit wider on his cock to send you home.
“Fuck!” You sob, tensing as your orgasm washes over you. 
Every muscle in your body ignites, squeezing impossibly tighter as electricity snaps through your nerves, licking your veins and exploding your field of vision in a blinding white. Like a taunt bow string being released, you curl in on your chest as you clench around your boyfriend’s cock, gushing down shaky thighs. Your free hand grips the edge of the sink, holding on for dear life as you twitch in his hold.
“Where do you want it?” Mingyu cries, two seconds behind you and using his last functioning brain cell to not piss you off by assuming he can finish inside despite wanting nothing more. “Gotta tell me where you want, Y/N.”
“On me, wanna feel you on me!” You cry, still playing with your clit as you pry open teary eyes to watch Mingyu from the mirror.
A bright red blush spreads across his chest and up his neck, glistening with beads of sweat and condensation from the steam clogging the air. His bottom lip swollen from where it's locked between clenched teeth, neck straining and biceps bulging from his harsh grip on your body. He has enough sense of reality to slip the hand around your throat into your hair, gathering the strands in a makeshift ponytail to keep it out of the way of the mess he’s about to make.
He pulls out with seconds to spare against a tsunami of pleasure that begins to surge through his body, beginning in his balls and crashing outward to swamp his nerves. It ripples across his skull, raising goosebumps in its wake as it ebbs through his blood stream. Mingyu’s abdomen flexes as he fists his cock still slick with your combined arousal over your ass; thick streaks of his seed rushing forward. You feel a hefty rope land between your shoulder blades, the sticky heat intoxicating as it trickles down your back. A few drops sputter on the dip of your spine and your hand still spreading you wide, decorating you in his own diamonds.
Mingyu can’t help the way he stares at your hole, obsessed with how you clench around nothing like you’re missing something. He wishes he was watching you squeeze around his dick, his cum dripping out of you with each pulse of muscle. Maybe someday he’ll get to.
As your orgasms subside, weariness circles on the edge of your senses. Two sets of eyes flutter shut, chests heaving and hearts beating in time. Unwinding his hand from your hair, Mingyu lets it gently rest next to your hip on the counter, preventing him from collapsing against you and into the sticky residue he’s left. He can’t feel his legs, head empty of coherent thought. Unconsciously, his thumb traces the dimple at the base of your spine, the gentle caress grounding him to his body. 
The quiet of the bathroom is only disturbed by the hum of the overhead fan. You both are spent, muscles weak and nerves fried. Occasionally a deep breath interrupts but it's peaceful as you bask in each other's presence. 
“Oh my god,” you pant, breaking his trance. 
“How did you get cum on the mirror?”
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miralunawritez · 4 months
Here are some dating hcs for Velvet and Veneer yall can eat up while I work on requests
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Absolutely PRAISES you
You ate today? Praise. You picked out an outfit? Praise. Posted on social media? PRAISEEEE.
Spoils the FUCK out of you
You own items from every designer brand you can think of. New iPhone model? Consider it bought.
100% blows up your phone with tiktok videos of weird millennials, cat videos, and edits of him
"Veneer, its been 30 minutes and you already sent me 68 videos?"
Definitely looks at your face to see if you're watching the videos he sent you
"Did you see the one of the cat?" "Baby theres like 46 videos of cats in here"
He wants everyone to know your his so you guys match everytime y'all go out together
Writes songs with you (______ by Veneer (ft. Y/N) or vice versa)
You guys have about 5 songs with both of yall in it
Clingy as shit
Anytime he gets he will cling to you, hugging you from behind while you do your makeup, holding your hand while you get dressed, arm around your shoulders while y'all walk around in public, etc.
Listens to all of your songs and is the first to hear your new ones
"This is amazing (Y/N)!" immediately added to his playlist
Posts you all over his socials, this boy is so proud of himself for having the privilege of being your boyfriend
"Look (Y/N), this picture of us got 4 million likes!"
Uses pet names like my love, my angel, baby, sweetheart, darling
"I love you so much my angel"
Cant stand up for himself for shit but will fight a bitch for you
"Veneer..its okay, all they said was they dont like me" you say as he finishes flaming the person
Like I said before, he plays the piano for you while you sing
He cherishes moments like this, being able to listen to your voice while he plays the music for you
Velvet (fem reader):
Spoils you HARD
You glance at it for a second? You have 3 of the same item now
Acts like she gets annoyed when you cling to her but she secretly loves it
She scoffs as you hug her but immediately pulls you back in once you let go
Unlike Veneer, she likes to keep y'alls relationship on the low (the people find out anyways)
"Velvet why dont you ever post pictures of us?" "Theres some weird people out there (Y/N)"
Once the people find out she posts you nonstop
"Which picture should I post? This one...orrrr..this one? Fuck it, I'm posting both"
Like Veneer, she loves to match so you guys match all the time
The people eat it up, loving every outfit you guys put together
Makes sure you are safe when at her shows
"Velvet, is this necessary?" you say as 4 bodyguards surround you
Writes songs about you and plays them for you before performing them
"Do you like it?" "Velvet I-" "Of course you do"
Not big on PDA but will cling to you when you guys are alone or just around Veneer
She will hold your hand in public though to make sure you are safe and dont leave her side
Gets jealous really easily
She HATES it when you give Veneer any over your attention, even if its just you passing him a makeup brush. She also gets really jealous when you are featured in other peoples songs and when you perform with other people.
She hated you at first, absolutely despised you
"I actually hated you when I first met you so I wouldn't test your limits if I were you"
Does your makeup for you and you do hers (matching, duh)
"Dont we look so cute?" she says as she holds you face against hers while looking in the mirror
When you guys performed together she kissed you at the end of the show
The crowd went absolutely wild, so did the paparazzi <3
Bonus hcs that I thought of and thought they were funny and wanted to add
Sits outside the bathroom door while you use the bathroom
Like deadass sits on the floor outside of the bathroom door (occasionally shoving his fingers under the door)
Ticklish as fuck
Shows you the dances him and velvet made up as kids
Favorite show is Family Guy
Never learned how to swim
Poor baby still has to use a ring floatie
You guys die of laughter while going through each others tiktok drafts
He has a few videos of him using the bold glamour filter in there
Has the windex bottle laugh (contagious as fuck, has you rolling on his bed and kicking your feet while laughing)
Really good at character impressions and faking accents
Lowkey athletic, he's really good at baseball
Velvet (fem reader):
You guys play fight A LOT
She initiates its every single time
She can pinch with her toes
Pinches your legs with her toes every chance she gets (leading to play fighting and wrestling)
SUPER goofy when yall are alone
This girl has you cracking up
Likes to do funny challenges with you
Doing each others makeup blind folded, trying to guess what the other person is saying while having music blasted in their ears, etc.
Looks you right in the eyes with a very serious face before charging at you and pinching you (with her fingers)
Has that demonic wheeze laugh (the one that sound like goose and it's contagious as fuck)
Her laughs have both of yall rolling, like face turning red, eyes watering, cant breathe, and smacking the closest thing to yall
Smacks you repeatedly when you lay on her hair, not stopping until you get up
You guys cant take anything seriously when yall are alone and its past 10:30 at night
Seriously, just looking at each other has y'all pissing y'alls pants from laughter
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sunshinevanfleet · 11 months
karma - j. kiszka
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pairing: jake x reader
a/n: hello! i'm gifting you all some enemies to lovers jake smut <3. i worked really hard on this one so i hope it's okay. this one is college!au jake. it's not edited so pls forgive me for any silly mistakes. also if you're sensitive to bullying (not really but? if you squint) then pls don't read. ok love u all!!!
genre: smut (18+ ONLY, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT), enemies to lovers
word count: 4.6k
summary: the reader is locked out of her dorm room late at night, with no way inside. her only escape is the man she can't stand, jake kiszka.
warnings: mentions of alcohol, swearing, oral (m receiving), unprotected sex, explicit sex scenes, etc.
Karma sure was a bitch. 
Sitting in the hallway floor of your dorm building, well past 2 AM on a Wednesday morning, you were beginning to wonder what you did to deserve this. Soaking wet from the rain, missing a shoe, and locked out of your dorm room, you were pleading with every force in the universe for your roommate to somehow miraculously return early from Spring Break to let you into the room. Your phone and keys were locked in the bar that you and your friends left hours before, and you were effectively locked out until you could get in touch with the housing office in the morning. What a wonderful time to be alive. 
You debated it in your head; maybe it was the time you laughed at your roommate for falling down the stairs. Or when you refused to give your brother twenty dollars for gas money. Most prominent in your thoughts, though, was when you’d become fed up with your neighbor and hammered on his door to scream at him over the endless noise he made day-in and day-out. Maybe if you had a smidge more patience, you would be able to knock on his door and at least ask for a towel, considering he was the only other person on your floor that stayed at school for break. 
A heavy sigh departed your lips as you shifted, leaning your head back against the wall. You closed your eyes, though it did little against the fluorescents in the hallway. A headache pulsed dully at your temples, your mouth dry and your limbs starting to ache after the long walk back to campus. Sitting here, abandoned and helpless was its own unique form of torture. You knew your out. The door beside yours stood there, the thin wood taunting you in its frame. The man behind it, Jake Kiszka, was your natural enemy. The complete and utter bane of your existence. It wasn’t only that he was a pest of a neighbor– fucking and shouting and playing music at all odd hours– he was also argumentative, arrogant, and an absolute fuckboy.
Even before you’d marched to his door and practically beat a hole in it, his reputation preceded him. The amount of girls in your lectures you heard whispering about him was unbelievable. He was the campus heartbreaker. True that he was fantastically attractive, and a talented musician. But from what you heard, and experienced… he was a complete asshole. You’d had your share of questionable interactions with him, and wanted absolutely nothing at all to do with Jake Kiszka. 
The last hour sitting in the hallway gave you plenty of time to think over your situation. It was hard to believe that you weren’t getting your divine retribution. Your only escape from sitting in this misery for the next six hours was the guy you absolutely despised. As you sobered up, you understood clearly that you were being bullheaded. Bratty. Stubborn. Wouldn’t it be worse to have to grovel at Jake’s feet?
As you were weighing your options, the sound of footsteps jostled you from your thoughts. You peeled your eyes open, blinking at the brightness as they adjusted. Standing before you was exactly the person you didn’t want to see. Jake peered at you, lifting an eyebrow as he examined your disheveled frame crumpled on the floor. 
“What are you doing?” he asked, sounding halfway concerned. 
You laughed humorlessly, running a hand over your face. You refused to meet his eyes, instead focusing in on his booted feet. You were sure you were being punished now. This was no coincidence that you were literally at his feet, having to ask for help.
“I’m locked out,” you muttered, voice bitter. “Left my fucking phone and keys at some shitty bar. What are you doing?” 
The challenge in your voice didn’t go unnoticed. The corner of his mouth quirked up, a flash of amusement flickering behind his dark eyes. He took a step back, leaning against the wall across from you. His arms flexed as he crossed them over his chest, muscles stretching beneath the skin. You tore your eyes away. 
“It’s spring break,” he said, as if that explained it all.
“Hmmm,” you said, nodding. “Off fucking some sorority sister, then?”
Antagonizing him was the last thing you should be doing right now. You were actively aware of that, and didn’t care. A dark chuckle left his lips. 
“What’s it to you?”
You shrugged. “Just glad it was in someone else’s room, this time,” you conceded. “Would’ve been a good night for me to get some sleep.”
He laughed again, shaking his head. Jake maintained his cool facade, seeming unbothered by your digs. 
“Well,” he sighed, “not that it’s any of your business, but I took a day trip to see my family.”
You swallowed hard. You almost felt a little bad for assuming he was off ruining another girl’s life. You huffed, wringing your hands in your lap. His eyes bore into you, dark irises still flashing amusement as he stared at your pitiful form on the ground. He was pleased, as you knew he would be. He expected the universe to repay you this retribution, and here he was to witness it all. 
“Can’t you just leave me alone?” You broke the silence, skin crawling with discomfort.
“Why do you hate me so much?” he wondered. A rage-inducing smirk spread over his lips. You gave him a dark look.
“You really don’t know?” A frown settled on your features. It wasn’t entirely the fact that he was the campus playboy, nor that he was obnoxiously loud with his nighttime escapades, but also that he had humiliated you in front of a dozen people. It was a touchy subject, and there were very few people you brought it up with. Of course, he didn’t remember it as vividly as you did. He was popular, well-liked, and not interested in the likes of you. 
“No, Y/N, I don’t,” he said. He sounded truthful, and that made things worse.
You laughed, the hollow, bitter noise echoing through the empty hall. “You made a fucking joke out of me last year, Jake,” you said darkly. “Back at that stupid fucking frat party.”
“You do realize how many frat parties I’ve been to, right? You’re gonna have to be more specific…”
“That Lambda Omega Phi Halloween party,” you muttered, face flushing at the memory. “I don’t know why I even went in the first place. Somehow, Maddie convinced me, and look at me now…” 
He frowned, looking seriously confused. “I still don’t follow,” he said. 
You forced your gaze up to meet his eyes, shaking your head. You’d cried over the humiliation before, but now there were no more tears. Only anger. You knew he could be an asshole, but you had never expected him to do anything to you of all people. You always kept to yourself, minding your own business. 
“It was late,” you began, “pretty much everyone had gone home. There were maybe ten or fifteen of us left. Someone suggested we spin the bottle. Make it a sort of spin the bottle, seven minutes in heaven situation. I was uncomfortable to begin with… Imagine how I felt when you looked at me for a second, and laughed. You said, ‘We can’t invite this one to seven minutes in heaven. Little birdie told me she’s still a virgin.’ Everyone laughed.”
“I don’t want to hear your excuse, Jake,” you said, cheeks burning. “You asked me why I hate you, that’s why. And after you said that about me, in front of all of those people, I have to come home and be your neighbor. I wish you knew how that felt.”
He stared at the ground, shaking his head. When he looked back up, the amusement in his eyes was gone. His lips were set in a flat line, expression almost remorseful.
“I was drunk, Y/N, really,” he said, his voice soft. “That was wrong of me to say. Really, I feel like a piece of shit. I only remember bits and pieces.”
“That doesn’t make it any better.”
“I know… I can’t say anything to make things better. I will say that I’m sorry, and I mean that.” 
“Okay,” you replied. You didn’t want to talk about it anymore. Talking about it made it more real in your memory. It made things come flashing back: the sound of the laughter around you, the teasing smile on Jake’s lips, your stomach dropping as you realized you were once again the butt of someone’s joke. Once you graduated high school, you thought you were completely done with bullies, but you’d learned the truth that night. You would never be able to escape being teased for your timidity. 
“Really, Y/N–” he was almost pleading, his voice much lighter and softer. Strained, as if he were in pain.
“Enough,” you said, “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“No,” he argued, “it’s not fair. That I treated you that way. Maybe I had a reason, though…”
You glanced up at him, your brows furrowed together. What reason could he possibly have for embarrassing you like that? You’d rushed out of the party, tears pouring down your cheeks, mortified. There was no reason to justify that. 
“I hope it was a really fucking good reason, Jake,” you hissed.
He laughed sheepishly, brushing his hair back off of his face with one hand. “It wasn’t, still isn’t,” he sighed. He refused to meet your gaze, instead staring down the empty hall. “I just– I’d seen you around campus, sat a few rows behind you in Intro to Anthropology, hell, I’d heard you talking or laughing through the dorm wall, and I… I liked you, Y/N. A lot…”
Your eyes widened as he spoke, confusion jumbling your thoughts. Embarrassment bloomed further throughout your body. You practically gaped as he continued, pouring his heart out to you.
“You’re so clever, and you always shared interesting opinions and offered perspectives I hadn’t considered in class… I saw you at that party, and you looked beautiful– hell, beautiful doesn’t even describe you. You were like… some kind of art, just walking around casually. I saw other guys looking at you, noticed them getting excited… What was I supposed to do? I didn’t want any of them to have their chance with you in spin the bottle…”
“You could have just told me,” you said, breathless.
“I realize that, now,” he continued, “but I was drunk. I was jealous. So I did something stupid, and believe me when I tell you I regret it. So much.”
“Even after I tried to break your door down?” you laughed, unable to process the information he was telling you. He liked you? It was surprising enough that he didn’t hate your guts back, but to actually like you? Romantically? He was dropping bombs on you tonight.
He grinned, “Even more,” he admitted. “All those girls I brought home… None of them were anything compared to you… I’m not proud to say that I pictured you more often than not… writhing underneath me, your perfect little blushing face.” He flushed at the very thought, pressing his lips together.
Your heart threatened to burst from your ribcage, beating rapidly. No one ever spoke to you this way. Embarrassment warmed your cheeks, the tops of your ears, and you tried to hide the satisfied little smile on your lips. The situation unfolding around you was surreal. None of your friends were going to believe this when you recounted it to them in the morning.
You didn’t know what to say, so your mind settled on one burning question.
“You really think I’m a virgin?”
He blinked at you, taken aback. For a few beats, the two of you were silent. Then, he finally stuttered out a reply, “W–well, maybe. I don’t know. I just said it to keep those guys away from you.”
A real laugh broke the quiet in the hall this time, and you smiled. The reality had yet to fully wash over you; Jake Kiszka liked you? Of all people. That was something… You shook your head, taking a deep breath.
“Well, I guess I won’t spoil the surprise,” you said, voice teasing as you shrugged. “Too bad I’m stuck out in this hallway,” you continued, “I’m sure you really would like to get to know me…”
Your eyes flicked up to him, a tiny smirk playing on your lips. He rolled his eyes, scoffing as he stepped past you to unlock the door to his dorm room. 
“If you wanted to come in, all you had to do was ask,” he said, trying halfheartedly to sound annoyed at you. A satisfied chuckle left your lips, and you stepped inside at his gesture.
“Why would I do that?”
“What? Ask for what you want?”
You nodded.
He smiled innocently. “That’s what good girls do, Y/N.”
You were relieved that your back was facing him. The flustered look on your face would have thrown your game completely off had he seen it. 
“Good girls, hm?” you mused, peeling off your damp jacket and tossing it on his desk chair. He flicked on the lamp in the corner of the room, illuminating you in a faint amber glow. His eyes sparkled in the light, watching your movements. 
He said nothing, observing you. You glanced around the room, admiring the messiness of the room. There were clothes scattered around, books laid haphazardly on the floor, posters pasted crooked on the wall. Your roommate would never allow your room to look like this. Something about the clutter made it cozier; it just made sense that his room would look this way.
“So this is where you bring all those good girls, huh?” You looked at him expectantly.
He lifted a hand up, scratching at the nape of his neck. He shifted beneath your inquiring gaze, then took a step forward to drop his keys on the desk behind you. You stared up at him, though the glint of his belt buckle at eye-level was rather enticing, you wouldn’t give in so easily.
“You know,” he said, his voice dropping an octave. His fingers traced the line of your jaw, slowly coming to lift your chin. “You look really fucking good from this angle.”
Your tongue darted out to moisten your lips. You tilted your head to the side innocently, fluttering your lashes at him. “You think so?” One of your hands trailed up the inside of his leg, tracing over the denim of his jeans lightly. He shivered slightly beneath your touch, his gaze latched onto yours with an intensity you’d never seen from him before. 
“Mmm,” he grunted his approval, then breathed out a few more words, “but I could think of a thing or two that’d make this angle even better…”
“And what would that be?” you teased, fingers inching closer to the bulge straining against his pants. He groaned as you traced the outline with a single finger, barely ghosting over it. 
He chuckled, shaking his head at your antics. “God, you’re a fucking tease.”
“Would you rather a tease or a virgin?” you wondered aloud, still fucking with him. Your hand finally palmed his bulge completely, eliciting a lewd sound from deep within his throat. Your eyes widened, saliva pooling in your mouth at the thought of making him whimper and writhe at the faintest touches.
“Fuck,” he grunted as you fiddled with his belt buckle. “What kind of question is that?”
You breathed an amused breath through your nose, shrugging, “Just a question.” A devilish smile danced on your lips. You peeled down the waistband of his jeans and boxers, eyes still on his even as his cock sprang free. His breathing deepened as you wrapped a fist around the base, stroking it with a light touch.
“You’re never gonna let that go, are you?”
“Probably not,” you replied. “You might be able to make it up to me, though…”
Without waiting for his reply, you took the head of his cock between your lips. You let your jaw go lax, your tongue doing all of the work as you took him deeper into your mouth. His fingers pressed into the skin of your neck as he guided your chin over his cock. Jake’s mouth hung agape, eyes almost blank as he watched you suck him off.
A shaky breath stole from his mouth, “Ah, god, you’re fucking good at that…” His irises darkened considerably, going from deep amber to nearly black as lust shrouded his gaze. His lips glistened with spit, mouth open as he tried to steady his breathing. A few grunts and choked moans broke the quiet in the room, accompanied by the slick sounds of your mouth on him.
You pushed yourself further down to the base of his cock, your nose nearly brushing his pubic hair as you took him into your throat. He pulsated inside of your mouth, something like a whine tearing from his throat as you gazed up at him through wet lashes. His other hand tangled into your hair, both of them now guiding you as he gently rocked his hips into your mouth. You bobbed your head in time with his rhythm, relishing in the musical sounds of pleasure coming out of him. As the tip of his cock brushed the back of your throat, you tightened the muscles around him. He growled, the sound sending shivers straight to your center. 
You took him deeper, your throat squeezing around the head. He sucked in a sharp breath, and you hummed around him. Tears spilled from the corners of your eyes, saliva dripped over your chin, but you didn’t care. The look on his face was intoxicating; his eyes clamped shut, mouth hanging open in an expression that almost made him look pained. 
“Fuck, Y/N, I’m gonna–”
You pushed even further, gagging around him as your nose finally brushed his skin. He gasped, the hand in your hair tightening as he pulled you away unexpectedly. A string of saliva followed your mouth before dripping down your neck. Your chest heaved as you panted, the air cooling the mess on your chin as you stared up at him.
“Made a mess of that pretty little face,” Jake whispered, thumb dragging through the slick on your mouth before dipping in between your lips. You swirled your tongue around the digit, bleary-eyed and lightheaded. His cock jumped in your hand, a sigh escaping his lips at the feeling of you slowly pumping him. 
“Mmmm,” you hummed around his finger, bobbing as if you were still sucking him off. He watched you for a moment, transfixed by the filthy sight of you below him. Mascara smeared beneath your eyes, spit glistening on your swollen lips, your cheeks flushed. 
“Pretty girl,” he mumbled, “wanna see how pretty you look riding me… C’mon…”
You stood, legs shaky already. He lifted your shirt over your head without hesitation, fingers expertly unhooking the back of your bra. You shivered, exposed to the cool air and his salacious gaze. His eyes drank in your figure for a second. They dragged over your messy face, down your clavicle, and to your exposed chest. He wasted no time in leading you to his bed, your back pressing into the sheets. His lips enclosed around one nipple, fingers tweaking the other as you arched up into his touch, sighing. 
His thigh notched itself between your legs, the denim rubbing deliciously against your needy core through the thin layer of your shorts. You rocked against him, desperate for any contact. He smirked against your chest at this, breaking contact for a second. “Needy angel, aren’t we?” 
“Please–” you breathed. You bit down on your bottom lip, watching the way he sucked and nipped at the skin of your chest, leaving dark marks on the skin. The throbbing in your center was becoming unbearable, the friction from his leg not enough to satisfy the desperation spreading through your veins. You needed him, now.
“Please what, angel?” He looked up at you, deep brown eyes through a shade of lashes, and your heart fluttered. You had to close your eyes, holding back the moan that threatened to spill from you just at the sight of him. His lips were a swollen, sanguine shade of red from the friction, shining with saliva. His eyes shone dark brown, honeyed like molasses. Damp pooled between your thighs, gluing the fabric of your panties to your soaked core. 
You swallowed hard, and managed to gather your bearings. “Please, I need to feel you…”
A genuine smile found its way to his face at this, the cocky look playing in his eyes making you want him even more. If you were in your right mind, you would have scolded yourself for letting him charm you. But it was so easy to fall for Jake Kiszka, especially when he was perched between your legs, looking so eager to please.
“Okay,” he muttered. He leaned over you, lips finding yours in a surprisingly gentle kiss. His tongue delved into your mouth, his breath sweet and addicting as your lips moved together. “Feel me, then, angel. Take what you need…” His breath fanned against your lips, and the two of you switched places. You took a second to peel off your shorts and panties as he quickly undressed.
He watched through hooded eyes as you straddled him. Your thighs were sticky with your arousal already, glistening tantalizingly over your skin. He tugged his bottom lip between his teeth as you pivoted your hips over him, slicking his cock in your juices.
“Don’t be too long,” he whispered. The look in his eyes sent a shiver down your spine; it was as if he were watching his very life-force, the need in his eyes burned hot behind those irises. 
A deep breath fanned out of your nose as you finally sank down onto him. You threw your head back, a piercing moan came from you as he filled you to the brim. Tears pricked your eyes at the stretch. 
“Jake,” was all you could manage as you adjusted to the feeling of him inside of you. 
“Take it, angel,” he said, voice deep and saccharine, “Go on, take what you need.”
You balanced one hand on his thigh as you began to grind against him. Your other hand gathered your hair into one hand, cooling the burning around your neck and chest. He dragged against your walls, the feeling sending sparks all through your body. You squeezed your eyes shut as your clit bumped against his pubic bone. Jolts of pleasure shot through you.
He breathed hard, one hand splayed over your thigh while the other rested behind his head. Low pants and moans spilled from his lips. That attentive gaze drank you in, every little detail carved out of soft flesh and muscle. You saw the way he admired you, and wondered how you didn’t notice it before. 
Shifting positions, you lifted yourself up to bounce on him, and he breathed a small whimper. You smiled, leaning over him as you began to lower yourself once again. You maintained a steady pace, fingers hooking through the necklace hanging around his neck to pull his lips up to yours. You panted, sharing breaths for a second before you connected your lips. Bracing yourself against his chest, you increased your pace until you were making your own head spin. He was hitting all of the right spots, stars blooming in your vision as you hastily approached orgasm. 
The muscles of his abdomen trembled beneath you, and he groaned as you pulled away from the kiss to breath. “God, fuck, Y/N.”
You smiled, chest heaving with every breath. “I’m almost there,” you whispered, using every bit of self-control not to cry out his name over and over again.
“Shit,” he hissed, as you swirled your hips at a different angle. “I am, too. Let go, for me, yeah?”
You nodded your agreement, fingers pressing into his chest as you lifted up. The room filled with breathless moans and the sound of skin slapping together. You brought your other hand down to your clit, toying with the bundle of nerves as you hurdled towards your orgasm. Your mouth fell agape, pornographic noises ripping through the room around you. Your thighs shook and ached as you rode him through your release, milking every ounce of pleasure out of the man beneath you. He cried out your name in his velvety tone, his body tensing as he reached his own orgasm.
His fingers dug into your thighs as he held you in place, eyes locked onto yours as his release coated your insides. 
“Don’t stop,” he muttered, hips jerking into yours as you continued your pace. The muscles in your legs tightened, though the pleasure pulsing through your body shadowed the pain. 
“Jake, I can’t—” you mewled, body weakened from your orgasm.
“You can, angel, I know you can…” he whispered, leaning up to grasp your face in one hand. “Keep going…”
“It’s too much–”
“One more, Y/N. Just give me one more.” He pressed his lips against your throat, biting softly against the skin. His fingers dipped between your bodies, rubbing your clit fervently. Your entire body seized, hands holding onto him for dear life. “Come on, baby…”
You cried out his name, moisture pricking your eyes as you rocked against his hand. He was softening inside of you, your walls clenching around him as he coaxed you through your second orgasm. Burying your face into his neck, you whined at the feeling. 
“Almost there, baby, I know you can do it,” he cooed, lips ghosting over your jaw, up your hairline, onto your forehead. “Oh, you’re so good for me…”
He made a pleased noise as your release washed over you again, black spots clouding your vision. The sounds coming from you were animalistic, and unrelenting as you sobbed against him. He pressed gentle kisses against your temple and forehead, easing you through the overwhelming pleasure. Your body finally stilled, body going lax against him as you struggled to catch your breath.
“I knew you would be a good girl for me,” he said. He brushed the hair off of your face and neck, gently separating the two of you and laying you down on the bed. You sprawled over the sheets, the air cooling the mess between your legs as you lay there trying to slow your heart rate. 
“That was…”
“Mind blowing,” Jake finished for you, pressing a gentle kiss against your lips before pulling away and standing up. He pulled his jeans back on, rummaging around in the room as you laid an arm over your eyes. You let your body relax, muscles aching from the effort of riding him. 
After a second, you hissed at a cold feeling between your legs. You pushed yourself up on your elbows, watching as Jake wiped the mess from between your legs.
“Sorry,” he muttered, “didn’t wanna run down to the bathroom…”
“It’s okay,” you relaxed back into the bed again. It was a tad amusing that he kept a pack of wet wipes in his room, but you said nothing. You were too exhausted. 
He tossed the soiled wipe into the trash bin by the desk, then flicked the light off. He passed you a t-shirt that smelled like him, and you pulled it over your head. His bed was more comfortable than your own at this point, your mind drifting away already after only a few seconds. 
“You all right?” he asked, concern coloring his voice as he settled into bed beside you. You threw one arm over his abdomen, slipping closer to him in the darkness.
“Mhmm,” you replied.
“All right sleepyhead,” he mumbled. He pressed his lips against your temple softly. “I’ll take you to get your shit from the bar tomorrow.”
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cherryrainn · 6 months
I saw you're interested in angsty asks and this idea has been brewing in my head for a while.
headcanons or short scenario, whichever you prefer (if you're interested in the idea)
G/n reader who works at I.M.P and is Blitzø's s/o gets seriously injured while fighting striker during the events of the Western Energy episode
No pressure to write this one. Take care 💜💜
━━ ✧ 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐬 ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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─ ✩ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ; blitzø x reader
─ ✩ 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ; OMG I LOVE THIS IDEA THANK YOUU (edit; i was copy and pasting the pairing thing and accidentally wrote fem reader, sorry abt that yall 😭i fixed it!)
─ ✩ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ; violence, injury, medical situations
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the air was thick with the scent of gunpowder and lingering danger. you were part of the team that faced off against striker, and unfortunately, you bore the brunt of the confrontation.
as the impromptu battle reached its climax, you found yourself in the line of fire, striker's relentless assault leaving you seriously injured. moxxie and millie, your fellow team members, did their best to help you, but the damage was done. wounds marred your form, and the pain was etched across your face.
in the aftermath, moxxie and millie carefully carried you back to i.m.p headquarters, a mix of concern and urgency etched on their faces. the atmosphere inside the office was tense as blitzø paced anxiously, his usual bravado momentarily replaced by genuine worry, looks like one of them called him about it already.
when moxxie and millie brought you in, blitzø's eyes widened at the sight of your injuries. he rushed forward, his usual nonchalance replaced by a rare display of genuine concern. "what the fuck happened out there?" he demanded, his voice betraying a hint of vulnerability.
moxxie explained the confrontation with striker, detailing how you had bravely faced the danger head-on. "we tried to cover them, sir," moxxie added, his usually calm demeanor tinged with a sense of urgency. "but striker was relentless. they took a beating for all of us."
blitzø's expression darkened, guilt evident in his eyes. "i should've been there," he muttered, his tone laced with regret. "i should've protected you."
you managed a weak smile, your voice a mere whisper. "it's not your fault, blitz, you weren't even there. we took on striker together."
blitzø's gaze softened, and he knelt beside you, careful not to worsen your injuries. "you're damn fuckin' right you did," he replied, his bravado returning, though there was a genuine warmth in his eyes.
moxxie and millie excused themselves, leaving you and blitzø alone in the quiet aftermath. the imp-turned-mercenary took your hand gently, his touch surprisingly tender. "you scared the hell outta me, you know that?" he admitted, his usual barriers momentarily lowered.
you chuckled weakly. "sorry for stealing the spotlight."
blitzø's laughter, usually boisterous, was subdued. "you're gonna be okay, got it? we'll patch you up, and then we'll get back to causing chaos together."
despite the pain, you couldn't help but smirk. "looking forward to it."
blitzø, typically one to deflect serious moments with humor, surprised you by maintaining a quiet vigil. his fingers traced absent patterns on the back of your hand as he watched the makeshift medical team bustle around, preparing to mend the wounds inflicted on you.
the imp's expression shifted from attempted reassurance to a quiet rage. he clenched his fists, knuckles turning white as his gaze fixed on your battered form.
"that son of a bitch," blitzø muttered under his breath, the air around him crackling with an uncharacteristic intensity. "if i ever get my hands on that shitbag, i'll make him regret laying a finger on you."
despite the pain, you reached out to gently touch blitzø's arm. "blitz, don't do anything reckless. we can handle this together."
he looked at you, his eyes reflecting a mixture of frustration and determination. "he's not getting away with this. hell, i'll drag him through every fuckin' circle just to make sure he pays for what he did to you."
your heart swelled with gratitude for blitzø's protective instincts. "just focus on getting me patched up, okay? we can deal with striker later."
blitzø's anger simmered beneath the surface, but he nodded, a promise etched in his eyes. "we'll deal with him, alright. no one messes with my crew but me and gets away with it."
you couldn't help but laugh, despite the soreness in your body. "well, you're the exception, aren't you, blitz?"
he chuckled, a little smile forming. "damn right. i'm the only one allowed to cause chaos in this place."
you two continued to banter, even in the aftermath of a fierce battle. as he continued patching up your wounds, the imp's laughter mingled with your own, creating a moment of shared resilience amidst your pain.
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ginger-berrie · 12 days
So firstly I of course have to say this musical is fucking phenomenal and if u havent seen it even on youtube you HAVE to. onne of the best musicals ever wrutten. ignore any typos in this my hands r still shaking and im not editing htis. OKAY.
The actors. It was a college level production but the actors were so so talented. My favorite performances were from Mendel and Jason, who both pulled off their roles INCREDIBLY. Mendel was like a carbon copy of Brandon Uranowitz he had his mannerisms DOWN. All the nervous ticks, touching his face, being generally so awkward all the time, even his face was just perfec t for the role. And Jason was played by an adult femme-presenting person but they were so good as him!!!!! their voice fit him perfectly and she also perfectly encompassed Jason;s awkward childlike nature. The entire cast was incredible but those two really stood out to me!!!! Everyone's singing voices as well were fantastic, especially Trina's—she KILLED the high notes and even sung up the octave on a few lines !!!! including the "but still the bastard divorced me" and she still belted the "you must exorcise a devil" even AFTER Im Breaking Down. In fucking sane.
THAT BEING SAID THOUGH. Even though i enjouyed every second of it I do wanna make some more analysis-related directing critiques because im fucked up and evil about this show . im so sorry just let me speak here meaout. Stating right now though I've only seen the 2016 revival (about 2 dozen times) and not the original 90's version (been meaning to watch it just havent gotten the chance) so i reserve all TRUE judgement until after I see it!!! maybe some of these choices were in the original but tbh if they were i still like how the revival did it better. okay i swear im not just one of those ppl who is like "tHaTS noT hOw ThEY dId iT On BroADwAy" calm down. thanks <3
First of all. Some of the scenes lacked energy !!!!! Thrill of first love had no homoerotic choreography!!!!! they just kinda sat there on the couch looking morose and barely looking at each other as if they truly just hate each other and feel ANYthing towards each other anymore at all. But thats not the point!!!!!! They dont fully hate each other theyre just lacking the excitement that they once had and it's been replaced with nothing but disagreements and sex. When Whizzer and Marvin do their gay little dance theyre not just dancing and being gross and sexual theyre also FIGHTING!!!! they still care about each other they just dont know how to act!!!! and marvin's a bitch of course. Marvin was still very much a bitch. But because of the lack of energy in this song there was a bit of a lack of chemistry between the two as well, which carried through the whole show. I feel like it's important to see just how gross fucked up n nasty these two are about each other to see how its truly affecting the other people in Marvin's life. Even their chemistry during the chess game was lacking. They just kinda felt like they really hated each other. Which isnt the pointtttttt. Guh
Trina (or the directors idk) also made some choices I wasn't 100% on board with but they were more subtle. Mostly in her tone about Mendel. Up through Please Come To Our House she seemed to really really like Mendel. Like it was clear she was attempting to woo him. But then when he was proposing, and when they were maknig their home together, she just seemed. Unenthused. I know Trina truly doesn't really love her life, and just needs the stability of a nuclear family, but it was odd to see her not even attempt to keep up the facade on her own. Her and Mendel were similarly lacking in a lot of chemistry because of this, which, maybe to some of you makes sense but to me i do want to see them be close even if Mendel isn't absolutely the best.
LAST CRITIQUE OKAY. This one is BIG SPOILERS if u havent seen it yet but probably if ur reading this far youve already seen it okay. The fuckign bar mitzvah!!!!! There was no acknowledgement from Whizzer to Jason as he was reading his Torah !!!!!!! He just layed there in the hospital bed, facing AWAY from the audience so we could only see the very top of his head (which was on purpose for a quick change but) and he didnt get up at all to thank Jason or even acknowledge him :( for all the audience knows maybe he didnt even see Jason get bar mitzvahd. screaming crying throwing up.
OKAY IM DONE W BEING MEAN HERES A BIG CHANGE I REALLY LOVED !!!!!! as well as some smaller changes that i also really liked or were jsut neutral things i noticed
For most of act 2, up until Days Like This, They had this really cool circus imagery? Now once again idk if this is in the OG, but they had a picture of each cluster of characters set up on either side of the stage, and each of them was doing some sort of circus act both in the pictures and on stage, especially during A Day in Falsettoland. When a character was having their point in the song, they'd sometimes cut the lights briefly and suddenly the characters would be struggling to perform their little circus act, and each of them had a differnt one respectively and they all represented their immaturities/flaws/struggles:
Jason was on stilts, representing his need to grow up and perhaps his perceived mental maturity compared to the other characters
Trina was balancing/spinning plates on sticks, representing her need to keep balance and order in her life
Marvin + Whizzer were fencers because of their lingering animosity, yet newfound respect, for one another. Fencing isnt a dangerous sport, like you dont actually hurt your opponent in it, but it;s still a fight and youre still pointoing a weapon at them. guh. (AND BTW they did this during the racquetball scene and HOLY SHIT. I just gotta describe this one. Racquetball number 1 They had their little racquets as they were singing to each other but then when they got really into the game the lights would cut and then theyd be FENCING each other instead!!!!! and then the lights would cut again and itd go back to racquetball!!!! BUT THEN in the racquetball number 2 when it cut to them fencing ONLY MARVIN HAD A SWORD. WHIZZER STILL HAD HIS RACQUET. GIUUHUHGGHGHGHGHGH.;..,.,/;;'.';.;'[[[.)
Then the lesbians from next door were like a duo balancing/acrobatics act where they were always leaning on each other and picking each other up which was cute but also like. Charlotte would start falling in one direction and Cordelia would have to scrambke to catch her. I always hail them as the healthiest couple in the show but sometimes i forget they have problems too, like Cordelia;s insecurity and Charlotte's stress over the virus of course.
And finally Mendel!!!! was the fucking ringmaster!!!!! He had a hoop and a top hat and every time he was trying to calm down Jason (Everyone Hates His Parents), or Caroline, or Trina (A Day in Falsettoland), he would appear with his hoop and top hat, to show that HE is the one who needs to "control" other people's lives, or at least he feels the need to direct them. Mendel of course needs to feel like he's smarter than everyone else and like he's the only one who can help people. It really drove that home and it was an insane realization to come to. Phenomenal directing choice idk who came up with that but. bravissimo to you
Now miscellaneous stuff i liked or noticed!!!
They didn't have the big ol foam block. just some couch ends that they moved around to be diff pieces of furniture. If you've ever seen Waiting In The Wings' analysis on falsettos you might have seen a comment in the youtube section discussing how in the set design for the revival, the lack of real furniture through most of the show represents the lack of maturity of the characters, and as things get serious for them, more real props and set pieces get added. Like the chess board, the decor for Mendel + Trina's home, Whizzer's suitcase, the whole hospital room, etc. They didn't lean into that with this but i think that's fine! its not a necessary detail in my opinion and they did their best with what they had!!
Marvin didn't hand whizzer the suitcase after the chess game. He just grabbed it, and packed it himself. I was waiting for him to slam it into whizzer's chest or something. but no. Whizzer just picked it up and walked off. okay. Neutral bad change imo
Marvin's performances of What would I do and What more can i Say were. Breathtaking. Marvin actor if you're out there reading this your voice is lovely and carries so much emotion in your solo numbers. I Did Cry. a little bit
god their group number harmonies were AMAZING. All of the cast members' voices blended together so well and it was absolutely beautiful. the whole show was beautiful and i adored it i swear. I jsut need somwhere to put my feelings
Okay its getting late now and im fading quickly BUT IF U READ THIS FAR UR INSANE. This is for me and nobody else i just eneded to feelings dump. tl;dr: i fucking lvoe falsettos this was one of the best nights of my life i love you actors i love you pit i love you lighting i love you run crew i love you sound crew i love you musical theatre
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chrissv4mp · 1 month
tornado warnings 🌪⚠️
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warnings: vulgar language, maybe gets a little sexual but not real smut, getting back with an ex (don't do this seriously its the WORST decision you'll ever make)
author's note: GUYS i am so obsessed with sabrina carpenter so i js HADDDDD to make a matt oneshot based on one of her songs!!
edit: yall are getting this early bc i couldn't wait to post it & i also just hate having stuff in my drafts!!
"matt," you laughed, stumbling over your own feet as you tried to make your way to him.
"c'mon, just a few more steps. don't fall now, darling." he joked, and you swear you felt nauseous at the thought of it.
your eyes glanced to the ground, and you forgot how high up you were. was the alcohol just making it seem higher?
you took the last few steps with caution, and right at the last one, you stepped on your shoelace, causing you to stumble forward.
"shit," matt gasped, grabbing your forearm tight but gentle enough that it wouldn't hurt. he pulled you back, the both of you falling on your asses on the roof.
matt laughed at your shocked expression, acting as if you hadn't almost broken bones. he was always like this, never feeling anything. and even if he did, he would just find it funny.
"what the fuck?" you gasped, and before you could even yell at him, you started to laugh. his laughter was contagious, everyone would agree.
his hold on you didn't last long, quickly pushing you out of his arms and getting to his feet.
your smile faded as you watches him crawl back into the house through the window, leaving you by yourself.
what kind of boyfriend does that?
you shook your head, fending off the bad thoughts and quickly thinking of how many other guys were worse. matt wasn't even a bad boyfriend.
he just... was a little scared of relationships. it was the commitment, he always said.
sighing, you stared up at the ceiling of the office, the only sound in the room being a pen writing on paper and your quiet breaths.
"so, back to what we talked about last session, your boyfriend?--"
"ex." you corrected, looking back in your therapists direction.
"oh, i'm sorry ms. y/l/n. uhm, you said you felt unwanted, but that you still believed he had a good heart, is that correct?" the man asked, looking down at the paper in his clipboard.
"yeah, yes, that's right." you breathed, fidgeting with your hands as you looked around the room.
"you also said that you planned to breakup with him, cut off all communication. have you spoken to him since said breakup?" he tilted his head, looking up from his clipboard.
"no, no i haven't. never saw him. never kissed him." you said, your voice growing quiet as you said the last words.
if he didn't see it, it doesn't exist. he doesn't have to know.
the man sighed, taking his glasses off before placing them on a table to the side, "ms. y/l/n, this is a safe space, you know that. we've been doing these sessions for a little over 7 months now, and i'm sure that you know everything you tell me in here is private and is never spoken of outside this office."
"i know, i do feel that this is a safe space. and i swear to you i'm telling the truth. im over that son of a bitch. he's the worst." your lips curved into a reassuring smile, and unsurprisingly it hadn't helped your case.
"okay," he sighed.
you glanced at the clock on the wall, sitting at the island in your kitchen as you finished up some work on your computer.
your phone was left untouched next to your mouse pad and you silently prayed that it remained silent.
the screen lit up, and an array of messages suddenly blew up your phone.
great, just what you wanted!
you didn't take your eyes off the computer screen, but as soon as you saw matts contact name in the corner of your eye, you couldn't help but grab the phone.
matt🫀: 'can i come over???'
matt🫀: 'nvm im already On my way!'
matt🫀: 'bringing snacks btw, we should watch a movie if ur down'
matt🫀: 'was gonna ask what u wanted but u take centuries to reply soooo coke and kit-kats it is :)
"what?" you whispered, chuckling quietly at his texts.
no, you can't laugh. none of this was funny, and he knows that he's crossing your boundaries right now. why does he always do this?
you: you js keep gaining red flags every day, we're not playing capture the flag, ykw that right?🚩
matt🫀: we're always playing capture the flag, the only flags i collect r green tho!💋
he couldn't be serious. was he even real?
you: sassy man apocalypse has started yet again😱
matt🫀: you take the man out of the sassy apocalypse, not the sassy out the man🤷‍♀️
you: your the worst
matt🫀: you're*
your thumb hit the power button, and not even a minute later, the doorbell rung.
having forgotten about your laptop, you quickly jumped to your feet and ran to the door. a smile was plastered on your lips, and you couldn't seem to get rid of it.
why must you always fall for his tricks. he's such a dick.
"hey, darling," he smiled, his backpack hanging off one shoulder and a plastic grocery bag hanging off the other.
his pet name caught you off guard, and you swore your knees almost gave out. no man has ever made you as weak as matt has.
who does he think he is?
"hi, matt." you smiled, and he didn't hesitate when he leaned down to kiss you.
your hand went to his chest, pushing him back and moving your head to the side even if your hand kept him back.
he scoffed in fake offense, pulling away, "you're no fun, y'know?"
"i'm fully aware." you laughed before moving to the side to let him in.
he went straight to your room, having known your house so well since he had been living with you for a while before.
all doubtful thoughts were thrown out the window as you made your way to the bedroom. you caught matts eye as you made you walked in.
"c'mere," he smiled, gesturing you over with a wave of his hand, "what movie should we watch?"
you couldn't help but smile, almost forgetting all the prominent red flags that he had. he was the worst.
or maybe he wasn't as bad as you thought. maybe it was just you.
he was good for you. he kept you on your feet, kept you grounded.
"baby." he said, his voice breaking you out of your thoughts, "come here,"
matt smiled as he patted the empty spot next to him, and you wasted no time in getting on the bed and situating yourself beside him.
his hand grazes your thigh as he reaches over you for the remote, turning the TV on before scrolling through endless amounts of movies.
"superhero movie?" he asked quietly, looking over at you as you shook your head.
"wow, surprising." he joked, clicking through some more movies that didn't catch either of your eyes.
matt ditched the remote on what used to be his nightstand before he rolled over to face you.
his eyes were still that deep blue that you loved, and the smirk on his face didn't help as you tried to look away.
"i missed you," matt muttered, his voice soft as his fingers danced along the skin of your arm.
your breath hitched as his hand found the hem of your shirt and went under it, that stupid smirk on his face making it impossible for you to deny him.
"matt, we can't--"
"shh," his lips were dangerously close to yours now, and you didn't even want to question how he got so close to you in just a few seconds.
"there's not a rule that we can't, and we both know you need this. just let me relieve your stress, yeah?"
what the fuck is matthew sturniolos secret.
his hand traveled further up your shirt until it landed on your breast, and you couldn't help the gasp that escapes your lips as he squeezed it.
with his free hand, he propped himself on top of you, knees on either side of your body as he leaned down to your lips.
you couldn't resist him, not now that he was corrupting all your senses. all you knew was him now.
"no, matt." you muttered against his lips, your hand gentle against his chest as you tried but failed to push him away.
you couldn't do this anymore. it was killing you. he didn't want anything more than just a fuck-buddy and you both knew that.
so why was it so hard to push him away?
"matt," you gasped as you felt his lips on your neck, his smell intoxicating as your eyes fluttered shut.
no, you wouldn't do this anymore.
"matt, get off." your gentleness was gone now as you pushed him with real strength, he didn't give a single fuck about you, really.
the boy didn't hesitate to stop, quickly climbing off you before plopping right back next to you on the bed.
"shit, i'm sorry, baby." he muttered, real worry in his voice.
you shook your head, sitting up as you covered you face with your hands.
"please, just leave. we can't do this anymore. seriously." you sighed, tears pricking in your eyes.
"but--" matt tried, but you cut him off just as he was about to start begging.
"get out, matt." your hands went back to your sides, but you didn't dare look at him.
he would only reel you back in.
the boy sighed, frowning as he collected his stuff slowly.
he stopped when he reached the doorway of your bedroom, turning back to look at you, and this time you looked back.
"i do love you, y/n." he said quietly before leaving, shutting the door gently.
your lips parted as you took in the words that had just left his mouth.
no, it was a lie. it always was.
it wasn't true, right?
this was just another red flag to add to the list. all the lies he'd say.
fuck, he drives you crazy.
. . .
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cabinet-man-colors · 2 months
my first ever animatic- and its gay lawyers. you know how it is.
siblings of mine who will see this! maybe dont watch yet? i know you guys havent seen the full trilogy and i dont wanna spoil it for you- i know i showed aloe the sketch version but thats bc i forgor and it also wasnt super legible so its fine probably.
uhhh spoliers for phoenix wright, ace attorney trilogy (including the last case of the third game. so be warned!!!)
a little bit of info about the process below, i guess?
this project was a bitch to work on, and yet i somehow made it in less than a month. i drew a rough draft on paper (ft: chibi phoenix and edgeworth lmao) before moving it into clip studio, where i dont have the ability to animate for more than a few seconds, so i drew each picture seperately, with 4 frames per layer, then slapped it into an editing software and cropped it so it was just one frame visible, then slowly matched the frames to the lyrics.
and then i decided "actually i wanna refine this more" and went back into clip studio and refined the sketches a lot more. and then i decided to color it. and that took a while. and then i had to replace each frame in my already edited version (that hadnt been exported yet thank goodness) and then i added subtitles.
this sucked to make but im like. okay with how it turned out tbh. im proud of it i think. i did get better at drawing these two nerds so- thats a plus! they change throughout the animatic because i made this over the course of a few days, and i changed how i was drawing them midway through, but i didnt wanna redraw them for some scenes, so the two frames before the last one look a lil wonky and the last frame doesnt match them at all but like its fine! i had fun and thats what matters.
i did it poorly but i did it. and thats what matters.
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thottybrucewayne · 4 months
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Every zionist, duh, but esp yall who screenshot perfectly reasonable posts and go "Um, the look at this idiot who thinks genocide is wrong" yall make my ass itch and nobody takes you seriously, MOVE. 2. The entire U.S. government but esp Joe Biden that old ass man gettin spit roasted in hell (AND NOT THE FUN KIND!) 3. DIDDY AND EVERY SINGLE PERSON THAT PROTECTED AND DEFENDED HIM. 4. Tory Lanez whole family, his mama, his daddy, his dog? All them. 5. The nonblack people who run those Rap House Tv type blogs that are clearly trying to be shade room clones. 6. People who get all their news from the Shade Room and Whatsapp, sorry auntie, I'm sick of you tellin' me COVID can be cured by sticking cloves of garlic up my nose :/ 7. Every single one of you dirtbag leftist ass people, yall do nothing for nobody except you thousands of adoring "former nazi" fans that need to be told it's okay that they still say the n word in private. 8. N.O.R.E and every single hiphop "journalist" 9. Charlemagne Tha God and Dj Envy, they know why. 10. Everyone who made Ike and Tina jokes after Tina past away. Grow up. 11. You fanfic girlies. So many of y'all are seeing the lake of fire, But esp if you donate to ao3 or own ao3 merch. Like, that is just embarrassing. 12. It's 2024, If I see you coming up here saying shit like "Miku wroke harry potter!" or " Hello Kitty wrote Ofmed, actually" I'm sending you to hell myself. 13. Booktokers? This is yall the second year on this list, tighten the fuck up and stop being weird about strange men on the internet, now. 14. People who do LITERALLY NOTHING yet try to tell other people how to be activists. You contribute nothing to any conversation you're a part of, suck my dick from the back. 15. People who stopped masking because other people were making them feel bad. Fuck your mama not being able to see your smile, PEOPLE ARE DYING???? 16. Lana Del Ray and Taylor Swift. They know exactly what they did. 17. Every white girl on twt who tried to jump me cause I said the Barbie movie is white feminism at its finest. 18. Elon, you raggedy bitch. 19. Every single man who hit on me this year who isn't one of my friends. 20. People who don't know what transmisogyny means and make that everyone else's problem. I need yall to start reading so bad it's not even funny. 21. You "goth is a feeling" people. You gonna be "feeling" that hell fire nippin' at your ass, NEXT 22. You 35 defending fanservice of high schoolers in anime/manga all day every day...yeah, just get on down there, big fella. They waiting on you. 23. Cishet Black men on tiktok and twt who make it their life's mission to make an ass of themselves for minor ducats. You are a one-man modern-day minstrel show and you will be dealt with. 24. White Tyler The Creator fans. Y'all know what you do.
Dishonorable mentions: Shojo fans who never talk about the fucked up shit in the manga they recc you because "At least its not as misogynistic as shounen!" (yes, yes it is) Fashion tiktokkers I hate so many of you its not even funny Every person who put the image of T.D. Jakes getting his doonies beat down at a Diddy party in my mind. Like I literally never needed to think about that. My dad <3 and all my friends' dads. Patricide NOW!!!!! People who are still whining about having to boycott shut upppppp god damn. People who stare at me in public. You got a fuckin problem?????
That's a wrap! Here are the lists from last year and the year before feel free to add more in the tags <3
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rainthespiritual · 1 month
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pt 1 , pt 2
Pre-death Tate Langdon fic PART TWO
btw some trigger warnings for the series as a whole are deffinetly: drug abuse, depression, suicide, and topics similar to that even if they don't show up in this specific part THEY WILL EVENTUALLY so I just want yall to be warned ty
TRIGGER WARNING : Tate langdon is a tw tbh and American horror story in general, smoking, talk of abusive dad and family slightly(it'll be talked abt more in other parts), angst, this part is more tame that the other parts will be, and alot of talk on bullying and angsty teen bullshit yk the drill
summery: Tate invited you to his house and talked to you about wanting to be friends again!
sorry if this is bad I didn't get to edit it cuz im using my phone PLZ ENJOY LETS GET INTO IT YUH
"Meet me here again tommorow, same time."
His words have been repeating in your head since yesterday. I mean yeah almost being caught by a teacher scared you shitless... and you didn't want it to happen again but it seemed almost worth it. the way he makes you feel is worth it. I mean this is the most validated you've felt in months.
You are pulled back to reality, to the smell of musty books and to the sound of the library, "___ you aren't listening again." sighing at your so called friend. you almost snap at her but she continues before you can knowing she now has your attention again. the sound of a distant clock ticking puts you more at ease as you try not to get too deppressed. The library is usually a nice safe space for you but sometimes you are followed, but you just have to deal with it. she goes on for a while before saying something that actually causes you to look up at her,
"Do you see that guy staring at me." she waves her head and your eyes meet Tates. he's sitting down at a distant table with a book in his hands but it's clear he isn't reading it. He smiles when you notice him and its also clear he isn't looking at your friend. He's staring at you.
"Yeah I do Heather.." you break eye contact with him hoping the hotness you feel in your cheeks isn't them turning red. Tate also stops looking in your direction and his attention goes to the book.
"I mean he's cute but he's all quiet and weird, ya know? ..kinda like you." she smiles as you sigh. you aren't quiet she just won't let you get a word in. You look back to the table where Tate was at but he is gone, you look around wondering if he was still in the library but there is no sign of him. not even the book he was reading, he must have taken it. it is common for kids at your school to take books to the tables and leave them if they weren't interested or more likely if they were just trying to seem busy. Tho it being frowned upon it happens quite alot.
"I've gotta go." You gather your things and start to stand.
"..where do you have to go?" Heather your friend scoffs slightly thinking you have nothing better to do.
"I've gotta go to the bathroom actually so.. And class is starting soon, see ya." with that you leave almost as fast as you did yesterday, mostly to avoid more questioning and bitching.
It almost being time to meet Tate you make your way to the bathroom you both were at yesterday. its pretty early but it's nice to have some thinking time. you stare at the door listening making sure no one is coming your way. you'd get questioned deffinetly, especially class starting so soon.. you fidget waiting for the bell to ring but it feels like time is going by way slower than it is. After thinking for a while and the bell not ringing still you decide to go in early, I mean maybe no one's in there? like Tate said almost no one ever comes this way. or maybe Tates there early too? maybe that's why he left the library so soon..
"Tate..?" you walk in slowly praying no one other than Tate is in this bathroom. You cautiously have your eyes closed just incase.
"___?.. You're early, hey." you open your eyes to find a nervous looking Tate.
"Hey yeah I am... is- is that okay, or?" you take a deep breath, the bathroom smells like harsh chemicals and it slightly irritates your nose. "Yeah no its fine, just surprised me is all." what he says makes you feel better and you look up to see him smiling at you, his eyes are red and watery and hes repeatedly wiping his nose.
"is there anything wrong?" you ask genuinely concerned. You seem to notice a wave of sadness on his face, or maybe it was just the smell of this bathroom you felt it irritating your eyes so maybe the same was happening to him? or maybe he was sad, he did tend to look sad. remembering all the small times you looked at him in the halls or at him if he was in the same room as you, he was sad. or atleast not smiling.
"Nothing at all, now that you're here." he walks closer to you, looking down at you.
"me? what do you mean?" you knew exactly what he meant, it just felt so surreal that this tall blonde good smelling guy that just so happened to go to school with you they you also used to be friends with could say this. I mean who would have known. all the boys you were used to interacting with never payed that kind of attention to you.
"I just mean I'm glad you're here. what else would I mean?" you smile again enjoying him saying these things. the validation you felt made you feel great, and he knew exactly what to do to make you feel special. not to say he was lying or anything, he wasn't. His confidence radiated off of him and he knew just what to say.
"well you could mean alot of things." he smirks at your response before pausing.
"Here, sit with me again." He climbs up on the sinks, making sure they aren't wet with his sleeve first. you notice a brownish red stain on his sleeve and decide whether ot not to bring it up. you choose to ignore it climbing up next to him. you take a deep breath noticing how your nose is now used to the harsh chemical smell that is all around the both of you.
"I'm surprised you came," he states looking into your eyes, a weird wave of guilt builds up in your stomach remembering how well you two got along. you truly regret not talking to him and hope you can make up for all the time you two have lost together.
" you know... I think about you all the time." he pushes a section of your hair behind your ear, admiring your face again.
you smile wider at him focusing on his pretty brown eyes. They are so dark and mysterious its not even funny. you also take notice of how dark his undereyes are, he must be tired.
"Is that why you were looking at me earlier? " you nervously smirk watching as he gets up off the counter to stand infront of you.
"we should go to my house." he places his arms on the counter making it so he is looking down on you slightly.
"your house?" you gulp.
"yep, my house," he nods, "we'd have fun I swear. I mean no one's even home." this catches you off guard. I mean a boy inviting you to his house was the last thing you expected to happen. Especially at school, a boy is not only inviting you to his house hes inviting you to ditch school with him at his house.. while no one's home.
"Sure, fuck it!" He leaves first making sure no one is around, you sneak out thanking God no one is around. and somehow you guys make it out without being caught. He leads you and you start to get nervous.
"is- is your house close or?" you gulp feeling a tad bit guilty. You've never missed school on purpose before.
"Actually I was thinking of going somewhere first.." he smirks and puts his hand around your shoulders.
"oh.. where?" the ideas of where he could bring you excited you slightly. The air was clear and the sun was hiding behind some clouds. its a gloomy day yet you were glad you were getting to spend it with Tate, something about him hypnotized you and made you feel ways you never felt before.
"The beach, trust me it's cool. especially on days like this.." he smirks more putting your hand in his, his warm soft touch made you blush. You never felt this way about anyone, he made you feel special.
You both walk in silence just enjoying eachothers company until you make it to the beach. You both sat in the sand admiring the ocean and the gloomy sky.
"do you play hookey alot?" you ask smiling already knowing he often does, you just didn't know what else to say.
"just when I get bored, or sad I guess.. I like to come here, y'know when everything gets too much? I come here.." he sighs looking off into the sea, his eyes are shining with the water and you can't help but to admire his beauty.
"No, I totally get that. I get sad alot too, thats why I go to the library. Usually no one follows me." he frowns looking away in the distance making you unable to look in his eyes anymore.
"y'know.. I don't get why you hang out with those assholes, it's clear they give zero shits about you. all they care about is themselves, even I can tell you that." you frown along with him, you want to tell him off but you can't bring yourself to because in the end... he's right. they don't and never cared about you. they never listen to you about your problems or your feelings. It's always about them them them.
"I know.. that's exactly how it is.. but I have no one else, I'm too scared to be alone." you open up a bit to him about how you feel hoping he will actually listen.
"you wouldn't be alone ___, I'd hang out with you. I mean trust me I'm cooler than all those bitches combined!" he laughs knowing he made you smile.
"then I guess I won't be hanging around them anymore. I got you now." you both smile walking the rest of the way to his house, talking about your past and goofing off.
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lillylvjy · 1 year
hello my beloved lils, i haveth a request for thee. okay hear me out on this one . so, yk the acting stream with jack, wilbur and tommy yeah? yeah that but you're there and wilbur keeps flirting with you every chance he gets and you aren't sure if he's doing it for a bit or if he actually means it and at the end when youre all about to go home you kinda pull him to the side and ask him like "what was up with that bit you kept pulling lmao" and he goes "what bit?" and you say "you kept flirting with me!" and he smiles at you and goes "oh, that wasn't a bit." ill let you come up with the rest runs away sosorry its so long and if it doesnt make sense dm me and ill try to explain it better ily mwah mwah
I love this so much mwah mwah ilym
Warnings// two sexual jokes, swearing!, teasing, flirting, it’s all fluff!, a little hint at jealous Wilbur…., tell me if I missed anything
Not edited and 4.8k words:-)
In other words ( until the end of time)
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^^it’ll make sense
Wilbur, Jack, and Tommy all agreed to do the acting challenge stream they did a year ago, but in an actual film studio. You honestly don’t know how you got dragged into this, but all you know is being spammed by the trio and being asked to be in the stream. You obviously said yes. I mean, why would you say no! Three of your funniest friends wanted you to be in the stream!
Jack picked all three of you up and of course Tommy called passenger seat. So you and Wilbur were in the back. You don’t know what was up with him, but he kept brushing his hand against yours when it was on the seat. Kept sending you songs random songs throughout the car ride. Don’t get me wrong, you loved it. But it was just strange.
Once you got to the studio, all four of you got hooked up and ready to go. The production crew got the stream up and running as you asked Wilbur how you looked.
“Like an angel darling. Don’t worry about how you look, you always look good.” He said pulling you into a hug and kissing your forehead.
Hmm. Again… what is he doing?
I mean, yes he’s done it before to you but not just in general. The last time he did it was almost a year ago when you found out your ex-boyfriend cheated on you and he was there to comfort you. But you can’t lie, you did enjoy it. Made you feel safe and loved.
“Ok camera on in 5,4,3,2,1! And we’re on!” A lady said.
“Good luck, darling.” Wilbur quickly whispered.
You smiled at him as Wilbur and Tommy both stared out into space like they were bored or something.
“Welcome to the stream! Everybody. Hello, we are in a film-“ Jack started but got distracted by Tommy’s facial expression.
“What the hell are you two doing?” You asked both boys. Wilbur sent you a glare and kicked your leg. “Ow! you bitch.” You said back to him as you flicked his forehead. You knew he was in pain by the way his face faltered for a moment but he quickly went back to a stoic facial expression.
“We’re in a film studio. As you can see around me, there are lights-“ Tommy and Wilbur looked around the room like they’d been in a horror movie. You just stayed standing, your arms crossed as you waited for Jack to be done with the intro.
“Cameras that you can’t see-“
“I‘ve been staring at the edge of the water-“
“Oh looks a shark!” Tommy exclaims, bringing up his mic that’s connected to his shirt to his mouth and starts making shark sounds.
“Jesus Christ, can we get this on with please. Chat I was forced to come here!” You yelled at the camera.
“No! You came at your free will!” Jack argued. You just stuck your tongue out at him and wrapped your arms around his shoulder.
“If you can’t tell-“ Jack started, but Wilbur cut him off.
“For the improve bit, we weren’t improving. You just started-“
“What the hell do you mean improve?!” You exclaimed at Wilbur.
“Did you guys plan a bit?” Jack asked.
“Yeah but like, he just kind of did it….” Wilbur said. You looked at him with a puzzled expression, silently telling him to go on with what they were going to do, but Jack beat him to it.
“Guys! We’re in a green!”
“Guys! We are in the forest!” Tommy exaggerates.
“We’re in the big green and what we’re going to be doing is, a year ago, Wilbur did a stream, uh, we’re we came up with improve scenarios and acted them out, uh, and that was it! We just sat in a big discord call because it was Covid and I thought what if we did that but in a green screen studio with costumes and props and another lovely person because that would be better. Everyone give it up for Y/n!” Jack said as everyone started clapping for you.
You looked into the camera with a straight face. “Help me. Please. I need help.” You said as Wilbur put you in a head lock. Tommy and Jack started laughing as you fell against Wilbur. Wilbur quickly picked you up and held you from behind.
“So you won’t fall this type love.” He said. He knew you were faking it, but it still felt nice to hold you like this. To be this close to you and to be near you.
Wilbur’s thoughts got interrupted as Jack continued. “So essentially, I did his idea but better.” Jack concluded as Wilbur started to do that weird dance he does. He stands back up and acts like nothing happened.
“So! How’s life in the green? Very good, uh, it’s, it’s almost unsettlingly one color uh and I can’t wear green clothes, which is my favorite color of clothes.”
“That’s just not true.” Wilbur concluded.
“You don’t know that!” Jack got defensive
“That’s not true.”
“How do you know?” Jack challenged
“How much of your merch was green? You’re telling me you didn’t use your favorite color for merch?” Wilbur said back.
“Yeah. Two of the, two of the items were green. no other item was, no other color-“ Jack got cut off as Tommy made noises in his ear and as Wilbur leaned in and grabbed his cheek, as if he were going to kiss him. Damn do you wish that was you… anyways!
“That was not improvised! Actually is was but it was uncomfortable.” Jack said as Wilbur laughed.
“No, I’d only fully commit if it was Y/n.” Wilbur confessed as he sent you a wink. Your eyes widened and you covered your face from being shown. You knew your were red from the heat radiating off of your skin.
When you looked up, Wilbur cooed at you as chat pointed it out.
“Aww look at the little baby!” Wilbur said as patted your head. You sent a flat his way and punched his forearm.
“So!” Tommy started but didn’t know what else to say.
“So what are we doing jack?”
“Yeah. What are we doing?” You asked, genuinely not knowing what you were supposed to to.
“You big dominant man! Tell us what to do.” Tommy finished.
“He keeps saying this! He keeps saying you’re so dominant and we’re, we’re not.”
“Breed-able.” Wilbur finishes for jack.
“Speak for yourselves. I’m more dominant than any of you bitches. That’s just a fact.” You said. Tommy looked at you, mortified. Wilbur had a stupid smirk on his face and Jack was confused.
“Hm. Would you like to show me darling?” Wilbur asked. Again. You got flustered and punched his shoulder.
“Absolutely not!” You yelled at him. Your voice muffled from your hands covering your face. Wilbur just stood there laughing at you.
After chat made fun of Jack’s height. And Wilbur and Tommy getting distracted. You guys finally started the improvising.
The first scenario you and Wilbur were cows. As Tommy and Jack improvised you and Wilbur kept crawling around everywhere. As you passed him by, Wilbur bumped your hip and made you fall over.
“Asshole.” You whispered at him as you kicked his leg. He laughed and just kept crawling as you stayed there.
“Honk! Do the classic honk special! Throw him off!” Tommy said to Wilbur as he fell down on top of you.
“Oof!” You said, as Wilbur exchanged all his weight onto you.
He rolled off of you and faced you. “Look at that love. I fell for you. Hard you could even say.” Wilbur teased. You rolled your eyes and looked up at Jack who was pointing the gun at you both.
“But not this cow, this is my prized cow!” Tommy said pointing at Wilbur’s.
“Ok, what the fuck about me you bitch!” You said at Tommy as you and Wilbur started to crawl again.
“Ahh! It’s talking!” Tommy exclaimed. You rolled your eyes and continued crawling.
Jack went over to Wilbur and pointed his gun at him.
“Any last words?” Jacks asked.
Wilbur slowly stood up and grabbed the gun and walked towards the camera.
“Beef is one of the most inefficient meats you can eat. Hundreds of acres of land are used for the production of beef stock. Milk, every kind. Go Vegan today to save Honk.” Wilbur concluded his heartfelt speech.
You scoffed. “Yeah. And you just had a burger before we came here, so what does that make you?” You challenged Wilbur as they all started laughing.
“Y/n is after you today.” Jack said to Wilbur.
“If you love being vegan as much as I love falafel….” Tommy said but never finished. Everyone started laughing at that comment and agreed to go to the next scenario.
You guys did a couple more scenarios, until something more chaotic appeared.
The sims scenario.
Tommy and Wilbur started as sims and you and Jack were the players. You controlling Wilbur, Jack controlling a Tommy.
You and Jack ran to get chairs and sat them next to each other.
“Wilbur, you need to shit. Like right now.” You said to Wilbur as he turned to go to the bathroom. “Actually cancel that! I need the relationship status on you two to go up.” You said as you watched Wilbur and Tommy act like fools.
“Go play tennis together.” Jack insisted.
Wilbur and Tommy stomped around the small space as they “made their way” to the tennis court.
You and Jack looked at each other and started laughing as they started to play the tennis game.
“What the fuck is going on?!” You whispered to Jack.
“I don’t fucking know, but I’m enjoying it for sure!” He laughed back.
“Wilbur, you have to shit now. Go.” You said as Wilbur walked to the bathroom.
“Tommy go cook Mac and cheese.” Jack said.
Tommy started to sing a tune as he “made” Mac and cheese. Wilbur kept walking and ran into you. He kept running into your knees until you grabbed his waist, turned him around and and pushed him back over to Tommy.
“Wilbur, no. Cancel that and wash your hands.” You said as he was about to go to the bathroom again.
“Now save some of that for Wilbur.” Jack said as Tommy gagged up some of the Mac and cheese.
“Ok what the fuck!” You yelled as you grimaced.
“Wilbur go eat some Mac! You’re hungry.” You told Wilbur.
Wilbur walked over and looked like he had no clue where to go. He eventually waved his arm around in a greeting manor as you and Jack absolutely lost it.
“Wilbur. No. Cancel that! Stop going to the bathroom!” You yelled at him. “Walk into the living room.” You concluded.
“Tommy. Go use the oven.” Jack demanded.
Wilbur crouched down and ate his Mac and cheese, as Tommy used the oven very poorly.
“Wilbur go pick up the cat. Go play with you.” You told Wilbur. He turned to you and walked over to you. You looked at him, confused as to why he was coming over to you, until he picked you up bridle style. You squeaked and wrapped your hands tightly around his neck as you both looked at each other. You both held eye contact as you stared into each others eyes. There was something in his eyes you couldn’t quite read. Longing? Security? Desperation? You didn’t know, but all you knew was that you didn’t want this moment to end at all. You loved his eyes and how you could get lost in them at any moment.
Your thoughts soon got interrupted as Tommy started petting your head. You looked over at Tommy and narrowed your eyes at him.
“Aww” Tommy cooed as Wilbur gently put you back down in your seat and walked over to the bathroom again.
“No Wil! Cancel.” You told him.
“Play a practical joke on Tom, Wilbur.” You instructed Wil.
Wilbur crept up behind Tommy and pretended to scare him.
“Booooo! That sucked!” You yelled at Wilbur attempted at scaring Tommy.
As Wilbur was going to the bathroom, Jack instructed Tommy to go speak to him.
“Tommy insult his girlfriend.” Jack told Tommy.
Tommy did some motions and pointed at you, which made you a little confused.
“You fucking what?” Wilbur suddenly got serious. “What did you just say to me?”
“I said… I called her out on the street,” Tommy started, but soon got pushed back by Wilbur.
“What the fuck is wrong with you.” Wilbur said, in a hushed, serious tone.
“I said she was hot!” Tommy said to Wilbur. You don’t know if anyone else caught it, but you saw a slight change in Wilbur eyes. Something like jealousy? Rage? You couldn’t tell exactly, but it surprised you. Was he actually mad at Tommy for calling you hot? What is going on?
“Look up there.” Wilbur pointed. Tommy looked up as Wilbur “slapped” him.
“Wilbur go to the bathroom.” You pointed.
“Tommy go take a shower” Jack instructed Tommy.
Tommy went into the bathroom as Wilbur quickly came out.
“Wilbur sit down on the coach.” You told Wilbur. Once he was in front of you, you rubbed his shoulders and whispered in his ear. “What was that over there? Were you actually mad?” You asked him. He ignored you and continued looking forward.
“Tommy the showers made you feel flirty.” Jack demanded.
Wait, hold on. I’m done.“ Wilbur said while laughing.
Tommy put his arm around you and wiggles his eyebrows as you looked up at him and laughed.
“At this point we swap.” Wilbur told you and Jack as Wilbur picked you up and threw you over his shoulder.
“Wilbur. Put me down, you’re gonna drop me!” You screamed at him, grilling his waist tightly.
“You think that lowly of me darling? I wouldn’t drop you in a million years.” He set you down on the floor and cupped your face, out of the cameras view. “I mean that. In every way possible.” Wilbur said to you as he rubbed your cheek bones.
“I’ll be in charge of Jack!” Tommy yelled, and yet again, interrupted the scene.
You couldn’t remember anything after that. All you could think about was Wilbur’s words and his eyes.
After everything was packed up and stream ended. You couldn’t get his words out of your head.
“I mean that. In every way possible.”
What does he mean by that?
He surely doesn’t like me, right? He can’t like me. The last time I checked he was swooning over someone else.
“Hey would you guys want to get something to eat while we’re out?” Jack asked, taking you away from your very loud thoughts.
“Yeah why not!” You said in return.
As everyone began to leave, you quickly grabbed Wilbur and pulled him to the side.
“Hey, what you said early, that was a bit right?” You asked him.
“A bit?”
“Yeah. All that flirting and shit. You were just joking correct?” You asked a little more firmly now.
“Um, no I wasn’t.” Wilbur concluded as he frowned at you.
“What?” You asked to no one in particular.
“Love, everything I’ve said, is true. I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember and I’m finally at my breaking point. I can’t hold back my feelings any longer or pretend that I don’t feel something for you every time I see you laugh and smile. I could go on a whole rant about how much I love every part of you, inside and out, but no words could ever suffice my feelings for you. Y/n, I love you. With everything in me. And you don’t have to respond now or at all if you don’t even feel the same. I would understand completely. But I just wanted you to know, that I will always love you. No matter what you chose or feel.” Wilbur concluded.
You looked into his eyes, tears threatening to fall out as you looked up at the man you’ve loved for, jesus, forever! You couldn’t speak or do anything. The only think you could think to do is kiss him. So that’s what you did.
You grabbed Wilbur by the back of his neck and pulled his lips down onto yours. The kiss was slow, yet full of desperation and love.
Wilbur pulled you in closer to him by the hips as he deepened the kiss, still not fully believing that you were kissing him.
His crush was kissing him!
“Ah!” Wilbur and you both pulled apart and knocked out of your thoughts, as you both looked over and saw Tommy looking at you with a mortified look and Jack was looking at you both with a smirk on his face. “Why is it always meeeeeeee! I need therapy now! Tommy complained as he walked out of the studio to the car.
Jack walked over and oat Wilbur’s shoulder. “After 5 months, you finally got the balls to do it. I’m proud of ya’” Jack said in a joking tone as you winked at you both and left to go see how Tommy was doing.
“What’s does he mean by ‘after 5 months’?” You ask Wilbur, confused with the sudden timeline change.
“Wait? You didn’t realize?!” Wilbur stopped you.
“Realize what?” You exclaimed back at him, even more confused.
“For the last 5 months I’ve been flirting and giving hints to you that I liked you. I thought they were obvious but clearly you are oblivious and didn’t catch them!” Wilbur said as he started walking again.
“Hey! I’m not that oblivious. Only when it comes to flirting. I suck at it.” You said.
“Yeah you do.” Wilbur agreed as you slapped his shoulder.
“You aren’t supposed to agree dumbass!”
“What?! you are!” He exclaimed.
You grabbed his hand and linked it with yours. “Well maybe you have to teach me?” You said, looking up at him.
“Gladly darling. My place after dinner?” Wilbur asked, a smirk on his face as you walked to the car.
“Oh absolutely.” You looked up at Will as you both stopped in front of the car. You went on your tip toes and pulled Wilbur into another kiss.
“Ok, nope. Not here and definitely not now! I just got over my trauma!” Tommy exclaimed. Wilbur scoffed at him as he hit the back of the younger boys head.
Jack came over to the two of you after Tommy got in the car. “He doesn’t want to admit it, but he’s happy for you both. He was rooting for you since the day Wilbur told him he fancied you. Stubborn child that one is.” Jack concluded getting into his side of the car.
“Ok, once we get to your apartment we are cuddling and watching movies. No getting out of it.” You told Wilbur as you walked to your side of the car.
“I couldn’t try to even if I wanted to love.” He told you before getting in.
You truly did love him with all your heart. Or as Arctic Monkeys say:
“In other words, until the end of time”
taglist: @deadphantomsociety
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pixiecaps · 1 year
okay so what i got from that fight is that the eggs for some reason cannot leave during fights with the entity. this is not the first time the eggs have not been able to teleport. leo just put down a sign saying she could not teleport and that the wrap stone is broken. it seems when the entity is there the wrap stone breaks for the eggs. foolish tested it and he could teleport but leo could not. though the entity is gone now and the stone is still not working for leo. important to note it was working previous to the fight.
the entity appeared and attacked once vegetta logged off. foolish was teasing the entity before the attack calling it a bitch and it hit leo and all them with lightning. as well as spawning mobs around them without appearing. it was that specific moment that vegetta logged off that the entity appeared and physically attacked. so we know that it targets parents when they are alone. just like it did with phil and roier yesterday. specifically attacking when they were alone as well.
the entity also appeared to not be able to die. or at least it may have a lot of hearts. it was on fire, getting critical blows, shot with the gun, and hit with the security turrets and still did not go down once in that fight with foolish and leo. this is widely concerning for the parents. it seems to be buffed or even immortal
another thing i noted was that every time theres an attack with this entity lately there is an increase of lag. this could just be the server being silly cus of all the fighting it lags but i just thought that was curious since it happened yesterday and today with this attack. if it is the server being dumb i hope they fix that soon considering lag could be a death sentence for the eggs in a unfortunate moment. if its intentional that this binary entity attacks and is able to cause lag. thats bad ass
i was typing this and not looking at the stream but supposedly according to chat spamming foolish there was a black sign that said “last warning”
here is what happened in foolish’s words. he wrote this in three books for cellbit, bbh, and maxo.
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here is what the signs looked like:
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clip of the fight
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honeybeefae · 11 months
Eris Breeding Kink SP
Minutes passed as you watched yourself in the mirror, rubbing the pillow as if it were real. You were so lost in your fantasy that you didn’t hear the heavy footsteps of your mate or the door opening.
“What are you doing?” His voice pierced through your imagination, making you jump and turn towards him.
“Eris, I-” You flounder over your words, cheeks heating up as he stares at you with furrowed brows. “I was just, I mean, Eris I’m sorry…”
“Is that a pillow?” You couldn’t tell if he was teasing you playfully or if he was genuinely upset. Either way, the embarrassment made you want to be swallowed by the floor. Quickly you yanked the pillow out from underneath your dress and held it behind your back, looking down at the floor.
“I know you don’t want kids. I know you don’t want to talk about it. I promise this isn’t a trick or anything I just wanted-” You explained, tears wetting your eyelashes as he came over to you and lifted your head up. 
“What did you want, my lady?” Eris murmured, amber eyes softening at how upset you were. “You can tell me.”
“It’s nothing. I don’t want to pressure you into anything.”
“Y/N.” His voice was stern, knowing that wasn’t the truth. 
“I just wanted to see what I would look like pregnant.” You whispered. “It was silly.”
“Do you want to be pregnant?” He asked you lowly, catching your eyes once more. “Is that what you want?”
You felt the words stuck in your throat as he stepped closer to you, caging you in his arms. When he had found you thought that he was going to be angry or disappointed but this reaction was completely unexpected.
“My advisors have been hounding my back nonstop over this…prediciment of  ours.” Eris continued on, the corner of his lip turning upwards. “Day after day, night after night. I had been worried you weren’t ready, that you would be terrified, and yet here I catch you doing this.”
“I-” You tried to interrupt but quickly shut your mouth when he grabbed your hips roughly, turning you around so that your back was to his chest and you were staring at yourself in the mirror.
“You what? Hm?” He taunted, intertwining your hand with his and slowly dragging it down your body. Goosebumps rose on your skin as his smoldering eyes never left yours, his pupils blown wide with desire. “You want me to fill you up with my cum, little fox? To pound into you like a beast takes his bitch? To breed you?”
Eris loved to talk like this in the bedroom and you weren’t ashamed to admit that you also loved it. The control, the domination, of his words made you melt and want to please him. And with the words he was saying about breeding you…it was no surprise that your pussy was clenching in antcipation.
“I asked you a question, Y/N. I expect you to answer.” Eris reprimanded, his lips ghosting the shell of your ear as his other hand came to circle around your throat. “Is that what my lady commands of her lord? To fuck an heir into her?”
Whiplash was the only thing that you could describe as feeling with how things were turning out. It was like a flip had been switched in him but you were already too drunk on lust to question it, nodding your head and whimpering.
“Yes, yes, sir.” You answered, groaning when he untangled his hand from yours and squeezed your breasts through your dress. “I…I want you to fill me up.”
“Breed you. You want me to breed you.” He corrected, pinching your pebbled nipple which had you squirming. “Say it.”
You swallowed thickly and looked at him through the mirror. 
“I want you to breed me, my lord.”
Eris grinned wickedly and turned you back towards him, wrapping your hair around his hand and pulling your neck back until it was almost at a ninety-degree angle.
“Well then, I suppose we better get started. Now.”
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