#wants you to draw fluid motions
msxq · 2 months
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thekittyfox2999 · 2 months
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wynnyfryd · 8 months
Trailer Park Steve AU part 3
part 1 | part 2
(tw: guns, accidental death)
Robin’s already in full panic mode by the time Steve pulls up to her place, flinging the passenger door open and throwing herself into the car with so much force that the car bounces on its wheels a little. “Drive!!”
“Jesus Christ, good morning to you, too.”
Steve starts to drive.
Beside him, Robin flips the visor down to look at her reflection; groans and scrubs her hands down her face in misery at whatever she sees. Steve doesn’t really get it. He thinks she looks beautiful, with her hair gently moving in the breeze from the open window, with her freckles lit up by the early morning sun.
“Ugh,” she says, turning to look at him, “I can’t believe I look like a zombie and you’re gonna make me late to the first day of school.”
“Wow.” Fuckin’ ingrate. And when he was just being so nice to her in his head. “How about a thank you, huh? ‘Thanks for picking me up, Steve. Thanks for bringing my backpack, Steve. Sorry you almost got shanked by your neighbor, Steve.’”
“You what???”
“Doesn’t matter.”
“Um, yes it very much does matter, what the—”
“—I’m just saying, a little gratitude? Wouldn’t hurt you.”
He licks at the corner of his mouth, spritzes wiper fluid to clear the bugs off the windshield. Robin’s eyes are bulging out of her head, but he really doesn’t want to talk about how he still feels the ghost press of steel against his throat, so: “You’re not even right, by the way; I don’t know why you’re complaining.”
“School started yesterday. I’m making you late for the second day of school.”
“Yesss,” she draws the word out like he’s stupid, rolling her wrist in a hurry up and get it motion, “but everyone knows that syllabus day doesn’t count. The first pep rally is the real first day of school.”
Ah, there it is.
Steve steals another peek at his best friend while they’re on a straightaway, notes the nervous twitch of her hands as she goes back to fussing at her reflection; the way she’s clumping her lashes together with seven coats too many of some drugstore brand mascara. She’s wearing lipstick. “This is about Vick—”
“—Don’t talk about—”
“—It’s about Vickie, isn’t it?”
“Ughhhhh.” Robin folds forward and thunks her head against the dash. “Fine, okay? Fine! Yes! This may have something to do with a distressingly cute fellow marching band member. Are you happy now?”
“Oooh, big word for you, Steven.” She swats him on the shoulder, face all twisted up in offense. “Stop laughing!”
“Stop hitting me,” he laughs. “I’ll dump your ass out on this highway.”
She gasps and narrows her eyes at him. “You wouldn’t.”
Steve eases his foot onto the brake.
“Okay, okay! Mercy! I’m being an asshole, alright? I’m sorry. I’m just— I’m stressed! Being gay is very stressful.”
The knife incident pops back into his mind. “Yeah,” he mutters, “I imagine it is.”
He catches himself slouching down into his seat a bit when they pull up to the school. Has to force himself to sit upright, hears his mother’s tutting in his ear about bad posture and the message it projects to the world.
It’s not that he’s embarrassed to be here; really, he isn’t. He’s just hoping to avoid being spotted by the nuggets now that they go here, too, lest he be accosted for evading his chauffeur duties.
Dustin’s nerd shit is infecting his brain.
Robin grabs her bag out of the back seat, plants a parting peck on Steve’s cheek as she gets out of the car. “See you later?”
“Yeah, I’ll pick you up for work.”
“Love you, dingus.”
And then he’s alone again.
With Robin gone, Steve finds himself driving. Wandering and aimless, like a ghost who doesn’t know he’s gone. It’s not like he has nothing to do — he’s supposed to be out finding a second job, finding a way to support himself and his mom, because he’s the man of the house now. Because his life has turned into one of those shitty, overcomplicated word problems from math class.
If a recently widowed mother works no hours and her minimum-wage son works as many as Family Video will allow, how much mold-riddled dogshit housing can they afford?
Not much.
Inevitably, he finds himself circling the scorched bones of Starcourt, driving tired loops around the barbed wire perimeter. His ghost likes to guide him here; can’t shake the place where he shook off the mortal coil.
He didn’t know it at the time, but Steve Harrington died the day the mall burned down. Embarrassing, to not hear the death knell as his family name went up in smoke.
It was hard to hear much at all that night, between the concussion and the fireworks and the shrieking of a monster being torn apart, but the memory caresses his mind now in cruel whispers: the headrush of victory; the blood and the sweat; the relief that they’d won, they’d done it, it’s over, they won.
Steve tugs at his bad ear ‘til the ringing subsides.
Some fucking grand prize.
The thing is, you can’t go around exploding an eldritch horror without alerting the US government, and the US government can’t go around letting major investors in a hostile commie invasion keep their assets once they find out about their treasonous schemes. It happened fast: the arrest, the bail, the impending trial and the seizure of property. Richard Harrington was once a small town god on an invisible throne, making deals with devils in shadowy boardrooms, and suddenly he was looking at life in a cell.
Maybe it was a blessing he died before his reckoning was due. Maybe it was no accident at all.
The second, and perhaps more important, thing is: stray bullets don’t care about your looming court date.
Dad had a habit of cleaning his guns while he was drunk, nursing a whiskey in one hand while he polished the gleaming barrels with the other. Pointless, really, because the guns were always pristine to begin with. Dick Harrington didn’t hunt. Didn’t shoot. Claimed the pistol was for home defense, that he kept it loaded in case anyone ever tried to hurt his family, but Steve knew the truth.
His dad just liked to flirt with death. Liked to handle pretty, deadly things, stroke his fingers over ruthless metal and feel the rush of power when he walked away unscathed.
He didn’t walk away that night.
Didn’t even face death standing.
Sliced through his femoral artery and rolled right out of his chair.
They found him lying on the ground in a dark, sticky puddle, gasping like a fish as blood spurted from his thigh. Crazy how fast it happened. Steve had been in his room when the shot rang out, and he barely managed to reach the bottom of the stairs before the gurgling noises stopped. Just boom! whizz! bang! and Dick Harrington was gone.
Maybe it’s a good thing, too, that they lost the house.
The image of his mother in the hallway that night — shellshocked in the doorway, one pale hand shaking in front of her open mouth, features wide and wet with waking horror as she stared into the room — was enough to make him never want to step foot in the place again.
So now they live in a rundown piece of shit on the wrong side of town, with hideous burnt orange carpet and wood paneled walls, with cracks in the ceiling and cigarette burns in the walls, some parting gifts from whatever feral hick lived there before them, and it feels like another cruel, cosmic joke. Like the universe is delighting in the Harringtons’ comeuppance; like the blackened beams and brick rubble of Starcourt are all twisting to form one great, mocking mouth; the better to smile and laugh at their misfortune.
You bought your bed, now you have to lie in it.
He didn’t even know that the Harringtons owned Forest Hills until it was the only asset left to their name.
He’s pretty sure his dad bought it more as a joke than a genuine investment. Meant to teach Steve a lesson, like how he used to bring home Waffle House applications whenever Steve got a C on a report card. This is your future if you don’t straighten up, son.
Kill yourself, dad.
Oh, wait.
You already did.
part 4
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moonlightsolo · 1 year
can you write neteyam and human reader you’re exploring in the forest and ends up losing you and when he finds you after searching for a long time you’re actually having so much fun gathering things and running around and it’s all cute and protective! ^.^
i looove nete n human reader it’s my weakness … i hope u like this!!!
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“nete! c’mon!” you call out to your boyfriend as you run amongst the trees. you giggle as you leap over a fallen log in one fluid motion, somehow landing on your feet over the other side.
“hey!” your boyfriends accented voice cackles from behind you, but your feet refuse to relent. obviously, if he really wanted to catch up to you, he would. his long legs give him the advantage. your head dodges branches, and vines, and your legs hop over rocks as you sprint through the foliage.
something bright catches your eyes next to your swift feet, stopping you in your tracks. you’re finally able to take a deep breath as you slowly backtrack. right at the base of a tree trunk, three bright pink flowers sit buried in the dirt, rustling slightly in the wind.
a fwäkìwll; a mantis orchid.
the huffing and puffing boy catches up to you, his usual unruly braids are secured behind his head. with two that must’ve escaped that frame his face perfectly, “you’re nuts, you know that?” he laughs breathlessly.
“look!” you bend down to examine the flora, admiring the softness of the petals, “oh my, it’s so beautiful.”
neteyam can’t help but giggle at how you gawk over a simple little plant. something he’ll never understand, but he will always appreciate your fascination.
your hands reach into the small bag slung across your body to pull out a notebook, flipping to an empty page to sketch a rough draft of the flowers.
his large four-fingered hand rests on the top of your head to softly rustle your hair, pressing his fingers into your skin to slightly massage your scalp. your head angles up to look at him, smiling wide at your boy before stuffing your head back into your book.
your pencil scratches satisfyingly against the lined paper; instinctively bringing your lip between your teeth as you focus.
“i’ll be right back, okay? stay here, my love.” neteyam pats your head as you nod, but truly his words went in one ear and out the other. it was something about him leaving, but your attention is taken up by the flower.
once you have a few key points labeled on your little picture, you finally close the book. your eyes dart around to seek out the blue skin of your na’vi boyfriend, but something else catches your eye.
behind a wide tree trunk in the distance, you see the edge of a plant. the loreyu; also known as the helicoradian!! you excitedly spring to your feet, and creep toward the giant plant. ducking under thick vines and swatting at buzzing bugs.
on the way there, you stumble upon a small stream that has glittering rocks and gems under the water. obviously, you can’t help but snag a few and store them in your bag— but you can’t let yourself get too off track, so you continue forward.
the salmon-colored spiraled plant is almost twenty feet high, which is ginormous compared to your tiny human body. as you grow closer, you realize the one loreyu is surrounded by clusters of smaller and even bigger ones.
“oh my god.” you breathe out in shock as you carefully weave between the helicoradia; already having the knowledge that if they’re merely brushed against, they’ll retract into the ground.
you mindfully sink to your knees, folding your legs underneath your body as you lean back on your heels. you unlatch the notebook from being pressed against your chest, flipping through the used pages to find the one you’re looking for.
you’ve already observed this plant elsewhere in the forest, so theres a few notes and drawings written down already. you decide to perfect the previous drawing you have in the middle of your page, even sketching a close-up of the edge of the leaf.
you tuck your pencil into the crease of the book before closing it and sliding it back into the safety of your bag. you glance up into the sky, but you can barely make out the blue color from the plants that tower over you.
it’s so serene and peaceful; you’re hidden amongst these intimidating plants that are five times the size of you. it seems like nothing could ever hurt you, as if you’re shielded from the unforgiving environment of pandora.
you carefully lay down against the grassy soil. once your back hits the warm ground, you suck in a deep breath— mentally wishing you could breathe their air to be able to smell the fresh dirt.
although the oxygen mask is your key to survive, it’s also so suffocating. one of the biggest problems it gives you is that you’re unable to kiss neteyam whenever you want. only able to get inside the privacy of your room in the scientists shack, but even he needs his own mask.
wait, neteyam. where is neteyam?!
you abruptly sit up in your spot, suddenly feeling as if you’re claustrophobic from the menancing plants that surround you in every which way. oh god, you’re gonna throw up. your feet scramble to stand as you panic, causing your shoulder to brush against the tendrils of the plant.
with a pop, it sucks itself into the ground. the movement creates a chain reaction that triggers the entire field to recoil into the dirt. you watch as each plant disappears, waiting until the area clears entirely. everything around you looks the same, and absolutely nothing looks familiar.
something firm grasps your upper body from behind, strongly spinning you around to face them.
your frozen expression is met with wide, worried eyes that belong to neteyam, “what are you doing?!? where were you?” he lectures as arms tug you tightly into his chest. he briefly embraces you before pulling away just as fast to stare back down at you.
“i told you to stay where you were! why did you walk away?” his voice cracks from his raw emotion, his honey-colored eyes dart frantically over your face.
“i’m—i’m sorry, i- i didn’t realize i walked so far away… i was just taking notes and… drawing.” your voice stumbles over itself.
his shoulders drop slightly from your anxious voice, his eyes watch how your quickened breath slightly fogs the glass of your mask.
coldness washes over his body when he realizes just how harsh he sounds and the points of his ears droop from his realization, “you scared me. i thought i lost you.” his sharp voice has softened and his tight grip loosens on your shoulders.
you take a step forward to stand in between his feet to wrap yourself around his body, smooshing yourself into the warm skin just above his navel. “i’m sorry i won’t do it again.” you whimper out, your apology slightly muffled.
his hand soothingly cradles the back of your head as he holds you against him, “don’t be sorry.” he tsks, “it’s my fault. i shouldn’t have left you.”
your head angles up to gaze at him, giving him a soft downturned smile, “well, i should’ve listened to what you were saying.”
“s’okay. you’re with me now, that’s all that matters.” his fingers toy with the elastic band of your oxygen mask, itching to rip it off and kiss you; but he knows that he can’t.
“oh! i uh- i found some crystals! i think you can use them for your clothing and your hair beads, ‘n stuff.. do you wanna see?” your hand wiggles your bag persuadingly with an excited grin.
neteyam stares down at you in awe and nods his head, “‘course i wanna see, ma yawntu. show me.” he nudges his nose in the air for you to continue.
your hands rummage through the weaved sack on your hip, pushing past your notebook to the little bag at the bottom filled with the rocks. you pluck it out to dump the contents into your palm, admiring how the multi-colored crystals sparkle under the sunlight.
“those are perfect. i must make you some jewelry out of them.” his eyes brighten from the idea, “what would you like? a necklace or somethin’ else?” one of his fingertips roll the rocks in your palm to examine them, careful not to push them off into the grass.
“really? you‘re gonna make me something?” your voice sounds surprised, which is shocking to him. of course, he is going to make you something; you’re his mate, his muntxate.
when he first courted you, he gifted you a handmade bracelet — which you’re currently still wearing and have no plans to take it off, and the weaved bag that never leaves your side.
“yes, for you, silly. who else would i make jewelry for?” neteyam rolls his eyes at you playfully, a sneaky smirk crawling it’s way onto his lips.
your eyes flit over his face, still surprised, even after all this time, that you’ve bagged yourself a tall, gorgeous, blue alien. something comes over your body, a sudden rush of adrenaline as you suck in a deep breath of your oxygen to hold your breath.
confusion twists over neteyams features as your hand grips the lower part of your mask to push it over the top of your head, “what are you-?” his question is cut off by your hands reaching up to grip the edge of his waist adornment to tug him down to you.
he happily obliges with a pearly grin, ducking his head down to your height to urgently pull you into a kiss. you smile when his lips move against yours and his hand presses into the small of your back to lean your body slightly backwards.
even though kissing him is a rare occasion in itself, it still feels like the first time— every. single. time.
his tail curls around his back to wrap around your upper thigh to hold your body in place, as if his hands aren’t strong enough to do so by themselves.
neteyam reluctantly pulls back, staring down to admire your beauty without something separating him from you. his hand sits heavy on your neck with his fingers curled up under your jaw. his thumb swipes down the bridge of your nose, and over your plump lips before pulling the mask back over your face.
your human features are so soft, and delicate; he can’t help but touch you without your mask whenever he gets the chance.
once the mask is firmly fitted over your face you suck in, a definitely needed, sharp breath. your chest expands as your lungs inhale the air, giving neteyam a small sad smile. “i love you.” you whisper once you’re finally able to talk.
neteyam’s face lights up from those three words, his lanky arms wrap around your tiny frame to lift you into the air to his height. it’s nothing new to express your love to each other, but whenever he hears those words it feels surreal to him.
the sudden change in height makes you squeal, and wrap your arms around his neck for support, “i love you.” he replies and presses his forehead to the glass, which you instantly lean forward into.
“let’s head back to camp. we can get some food, and just hide in your room and do nothing for the rest of the day?” he offers as he lowers you back down to the ground.
when your feet hit the softness of the grass, your hand reaches out to grab his. neteyam’s fingers practically engulf yours, so you decide to hold onto him the best you can.
“sounds like the best idea you’ve had all day.” your voice hums with a content grin.
neteyam gives you a little nod, before looking around to see which way he should go. he begins to walk to lead you back to his ikran, mindful to go slow since his legs are much longer than yours.
but not without his tail wrapping protectively around your leg. this time, he’ll make sure you won’t stray away from his side, not even a little bit...
stop this is so cute i’m in love w this 😭
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lxndonorris · 3 months
Chocolate- Charles Leclerc
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Y/N x Charles Leclerc Theme: Smutish, Teasing, light touching Charles is your best friend and you're joining him in Australia. However, Pierre pranks the two of you with some spicy chocolate x word count: 1930+ taglist: @game-set-canet mentions of Pierre :P requested by anon :) feel free to request in my askbox gif by me
The scorching Australian sun beats down on the bustling Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit, where the roar of Formula 1 engines fills the air. Among the throngs of racing enthusiasts, you stand nervously, your heart pounding with excitement. Charles, your best friend and Ferrari's star driver, invited you to spend the weekend with him at the track, a dream come true for any racing fan.
As you stand inside the Ferrari garage, Charles flashes you a mischievous grin. "Ready to cheer for me?" he asks, his eyes sparkling brightly. 
"Absolutely," you reply, barely able to contain a giggle. "I can't thank you enough for this opportunity, Charles." 
"That's what friends are for, right?" He says, running a hand across his chest to button up his racing suit, getting ready to jump into his race car.
He zooms out of the garage and onto the track, while you watch the screen with a mix of excitement and nervousness. To calm your nerves, you brought yourself some chocolate from Charles' motorhome. He told you he got them from Pierre earlier today, and both of you enjoyed a bar before this training session—it tastes so good.
As you wait for Charles to finish his last training session for the weekend, the anticipation bubbles within you, heightened by the thrill of the fast-paced racing world.
Clad in his Ferrari shirt and cap, you feel a strange sense of exhilaration coursing through your veins, mingling with the nervous excitement that pulses beneath the surface.
When Charles finally emerges from his car, his presence seems to command the entire paddock. His aura is magnetic, drawing you in with an irresistible force. In one swift motion, his helmet and balaclava come off, revealing a face flushed with exhilaration. 
He exchanges a few words with his mechanics, his focus on the training still evident in his demeanor. But then, as if drawn by an invisible force, his gaze finds yours.
His expression softens slightly as he runs a hand across his chest firmly, stroking himself through his racing suit. Charles licks his lips before turning his attention back to the conversation.
A tingling sensation erupts in your belly, sending shivers down your spine when he approaches you. As Charles closes the distance between you, palpable energy seems to radiate from him, his every movement infused with a magnetic charm that is impossible to resist. Time seems to slow down; everything around you is out of focus; just Charles remains the center of attention.
A confident swagger in his step, he exudes waves of effortless allure, seemingly pulling everyone's eyes on him. With casual grace, he runs a hand through his tousled hair, the strands falling back into place with practiced ease.
His touch lingers on his beard, his fingers tracing the sharp lines of his jawline before trailing down to his chest, where they linger for a moment longer.
You can't tear your gaze away, captivated by the sight of him and the way his features seem to be sculpted by the very hands of a divine artist. His confidence is intoxicating, drawing you in like a moth to a flame.
"How was I?" He asks, his words washing over you in a warm embrace. 
"Simply amazing." You smile as your skin heats up rapidly. Your face flushes with color, nearly as bright as your Ferrari shirt.
"Thank you; the car was so good." Charles remarks with a coy smile forming on his lips. "It felt amazing, like it let me do all that I wanted."
Despite your best efforts to concentrate, your attention keeps drifting, drawn inexorably to every nuance of his being. His lips move with fluid grace, forming each word with precision, and you can't help but be mesmerized by their subtle curve.
His beard, perfectly groomed yet with a hint of ruggedness, frames his jawline with an undeniable allure. As his fingers trail along it, you feel a surge of longing wash over you; the desire to reach out and touch the softness bristles alomst overwhelming.
But it is his hands that truly capture your attention—strong and calpable yet gentle in their touch. Every movement is deliberate, and each gesture imbued with a quiet confidence.
And then there are his eyes, pools of endless depth that seem to hold the entire universe within their gaze. They sparkle with warmth and mischief, drawing you in even closer.
Then, however, he leans in to whisper in your ear. "You look so good in that shirt," he breathes, his voice low and husky, sending shivers down your spine. "Almost as good as me out there on track, huh?" 
You chuckle nervously, the air crackling with tension as you struggle to keep your composure. Charles' newfound flirtatiousness is both exhilarating and unnerving, stirring emotions within you that you had never dared to acknowledge.
His hands brush over yours before he separates himself, a knowing smirk forming on his lips as his eyes roam all over you again.
One of his mechanics calls him over, leaving you alone with your thoughts. Charles has been your friend for years now, and you can't deny the attraction you feel to this beautiful man, but this comes out of nowhere.
Later, you make your way back to his motorhome. The atmosphere grows increasingly charged, thick with unspoken desire. With each step, you find yourself drawn to Charles, unable to resist the magnetic pull that draws you closer together.
Inside his quarters, the air was heavy with anticipation, the silence punctuated only by the sound of your racing hearts. The scent of his cologne is all around you as Charles moves with fluid grace, his movements mesmerizing as he sheds his racing suit.
You watch, transfixed, as he lets the upper half of his suit hang down his waist, exposing his tight fireproofs that hug his form. Like a second skin, its fabric clings to his skin, and you can't help but admire the way they accentuate every contour of his muscular physique. Despite their attempt to conceal his strength, his powerful frame is unmistakable.
With causal ease, he flexes his arms, the fabric stretching taut against the bulging muscles beneath. You gasp silently as he stretches and moves, showing off his beautiful form.
But it is when he runs a hand over himself, stroking firmly along the curves of his chest and abdomen, that you find yourself unable to tear your gaze away. The sight is hypnotic, a tantalizing display of masculinity that leaves you breathless with desire.
Caught in the act of staring, you feel a blush creep into your cheeks as Charles' eyes meet yours. But instead of embarrassment, there is a playful twinkle in his gaze.
"Like what you see?" He winks, a mischievous grin quirking the corners of his lips as he teases you with a knowing look.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." You raise your hands slightly, but he doesn't mind you watching him.
"I don't know. I'm so horny right now." He lets out a low moan that gives you goosebumps. 
Unable to suppress the surge of desire that courses through your body, you close the distance to him, your hands trembling as they reach out to touch him.
His body is warm beneath your fingertips, eliciting a soft gasp as your boidies collide in a frenzy of longing. As your hands venture forth, a hesitant yet undeniable curiosity guiding its path, you feel warmth and a tingling sensation run through you. 
Charles stands before you, his chest rising and falling with each steady breath, the fabric of his fireproofs offering little resistance to the exploration that lies ahead.
With a tentative touch, you allow your fingers to trace the contours of his chest, feeling the firmness of his muscles beneath the thin barrier of fabric. Each ridge and curve elicits a soft gasp from you and an even softer yet guttural moan from him.
Charles breath hitches at the touch, his gaze locked with yours in a slient exchange of longing and desire. Emboldened by his response, you press your hand firmer against him, reveling in the sensation of his warmth seeping through his clothes.
His muscles ripple beneath your touch, a testament to the strength and athleticism that define him as a professional racing driver. And yet, beneath the surface, there is a vulnerability, a rawness, that speaks of the humanity within him.
"It feels so good," he growls, and places his hands on your waist, holding you close.
In the heat of the moment, you lean in, and your lips meet in a hungry kiss, the world around you fading into insignificance. But just as your passion reaches its zenith, a sudden sound shatters the intimacy of the moment.
Startled, you break apart, your gazes locking in shared disbelief as you turn to see Pierre standing behind you, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. His laughter echoes through the motorhome, mingling with the stunned silence that envelopes you.
"It looks like someone's been busy," Pierre teases, unable to contain his amusement.
Embarrassment floods through you, your cheeks burning as you struggle to find the words to explain the situation. But Charles simply chuckles, his arms wrapping around your waist in a protective gesture.
"Thanks for the chocolate, Pierre," Charles says with a wry grin, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Looks like they had quite the effect."
Confused, your gaze shifts between them, trying to make sense of the situation. Then, you notice him brandishing a box of chocolates with an impish grin. 
Pierre's grin widens, a twinkle of mischief dancing in his eyes. "My pleasure," he replies. "I must say, if I weren't taken, I'd be falling for either of you. You both look so good."
You can't help but giggle at his remarks, even though you're still slightly confused, as the warmth of embarrassment creeps into your cheeks.
"Oh, Pierre, you're naughty," Charles chimes in, his laughter joining yours. "But I suppose I can't argue with you there."
Pierre approaches you, the box of chocolates held out in offering. You accept it, and your eyes fall on it right away. 
"Spice up your life with our new aphrodisiac chocolate bars." You read to yourself and pout, "Really, Pierre?"
Pierre's hand lands on Charles' firm chest, a playful pat that elicits a low growl from him.
"Aren't you just the heartthrob of the paddock?" He teases, his hand stroking Charles' chest a few times, before Charles nudges him with his elbow.
"You're unbelievable, Pierre," he says, shaking his head with a shy smile. 
Still feeling the effect of the chocolate coursing through his veins, Charles can't resist the urge to indulge in a bit of self-admiration. With a smirk, he strokes his own chest, his movements mirroring Pierre's teasing gestures.
Sensing the playful energy in the room, you join in on the fun, nudging Pierre playfully as well. 
He giggles in response, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he returns the gesture.
"I think I should leave you to it then." Pierre licks his lips. "You can keep the chocolate." He smirks and shrugs before leaving the motorhome.
As his laughter fades away and you are left alone once more, a comfortable silence settles between Charles and yourself.
Finally, he breaks the silence, his voice soft yet filled with sincerity. "You know, it felt good to hold you close like that," he admits, his gaze meeting yours with a hint of vulnerability.
You nod, feeling a warmth spreading through you at his words. "Yeah, it did." You agree, unable to suppress the smile that tugs at the corner of your lips.
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ode2rin · 10 months
if his tendency to spend all of his money on you (not that any purchase could make a dent in his massive empire) wasn't annoying enough, reo had developed another endearing yet infuriating habit—one that left you torn between feeling adored and wanting to throw the nearest pillow at his face.
said man is currently in the kitchen with you, attempting (albeit with some struggle) to be useful by following your every move. tired of his constant hovering, you assigned him a simple task to keep him busy: taking out the groceries from the paper bags.
here came his habit again. the first time he did it, you brushed it off, assuming he hadn't heard you well due to the distance. the second time, you noticed his subtle perks and pouts. now, for the third time, you were determined to catch him.
“reo…” from where you’re standing, you could see how he perks up at your call, “can you pass me the apple?”
you’re right. you tried again, just to be sure.
another beat of silence. this one followed by an affectionate sigh and a wry smile on your face.
“love, can you pass me the —”
almost instantly, reo materialized beside you, a beaming smile adorning his face, looking at you like his gaze meant to say, ‘yes. i am love, that’s me.’ he extended the requested fruit with a graceful motion, his fingers gentle as he offered it to you.
this man, really. “so, you can hear me properly after all, huh?”
“yeah? my hearing is fine.” 
“oh, is it? i couldn’t tell because i called you twice, and you weren’t responding. why is that?” you teased, a fond smile gracing your lips as you start slicing the apple you washed.
he pouts, his go-to theatrical gesture that's hard to ignore. “you know why,” he mumbles.
of course, you do. you had used that endearment once, and now, suddenly he insists on being called by nothing else. it had been a slip of your tongue, a phrase that felt like it was custom-made for him and him alone. looking at how his smile nearly outshines the sun when you address him as such, you can't help but consider that maybe love—both the word and the emotion it embodies—is all about him, for you.
you love that smile more than anything, so if it means a simple endearment could paint it on his face, you're happy to oblige. well, not without a few playful teases first.
“what if i’m on the brink of danger — like a crocodile is chasing me, and i’m about to die, and i call out your name like ‘reo!’ are you still going to ignore me? because i didn't call you love?” you turn to face reo briefly, then return to your task of slicing apples, the motion fluid and familiar. 
it's always been the scene – you doing kitchen work and him watching you, because your boyfriend is a little helpless when it comes to knives, pans, and a stove. or in simpler words, anything to do with what a kitchen is for.
“first of all, that's an incredible imagination and such a realistic situation, given that we live in a city far from any vicinity of swamps, marshlands, brackish waters, and wherever the hell crocodiles live,” reo counters, his voice amused and suddenly defensive. 
as he was about to start explaining his second point, you interrupt by placing a sliced apple into his mouth, a light-hearted gesture of “shush” as you hear him out.
but reo is not reo if not stubborn, so even with a muffled voice, he continues. “second, is that what you think of me? you know i will come flying to you!” now, that’s an honest and valid point.
“and lastly, you call everyone a cute pet name. last week, you called a kid sweetie. yesterday, you called a stray cat darling and lovely. then you’re here calling me reo? just reo?” his tone is laced with disbelief, his volume slightly lowered, revealing a hint of embarrassment at his little rant.
a chuckle escapes you as he concludes his argument, prompting you to turn around and draw closer, your arms finding their place around his neck, while his arms encircle you instinctively, holding you close against him.
“reo is my favorite word, though. it’s too bad that you don’t like it.” you murmured.
reo knows what you’re doing. “you’re distracting me.”
“is it working?”
of course, it does. reo isn’t just helpless in the kitchen, but he is a much worse case of helplessness when faced with your warm gaze and soft charms.
he nodded in affirmation, his fingers tracing gentle patterns along your back, “have i told you i love you?” he asks, swiftly changing the matter.
“only everyday, love.”
reo began again, ever stubborn and persistent, always eager to prove his point. “that’s not enough. i think i should do it every hour—”
“i love you.”
another beat of silence, again, for the third time. 
if it wasn't evident before, it's undeniable now – reo is really helplessly in love with you. such testament to that is him now gaping and at a loss of words for your sudden declaration.
reo needs you to go back to your usual teasing self; your affectionate version might just give him a heart attack.
smiling to yourself because you caught him off guard, you took your chance. “now, go there and sit. as much as i love having you around, you are an awful cook, let alone an assistant.” you gently pushed his chest, guiding him toward the couch.
“that's not how you speak to your loved one, though.” he mumbled in response, seemingly recovered from your sudden i love you that almost knocked the air out of him.
“are you saying something?”
“i said, off the couch i go.”
you shook your head, a fond smile gracing your lips as you watched him, before heading back to the kitchen to prepare dinner.
your loved one, huh? that’s him, definitely. 
reo and love, to you, it’s the same thing.
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note. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY LOVER (i swear i planned something better pls forgive me) i'm late i know but it's still august 12 here :P i don't know what this is but pls take it away from me. reo i love you i love you i love—
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dilfstrap · 3 months
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the patient fisherman
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trans ! will graham / top male reader
afab will graham, riding, choking, hair-pulling, spanking, overstimulation
his hand found your throat easily, wantingly. it was will graham's way, always, to keep his violence at the ready. as much as he was your rude southern gentleman when you were sipping cheap whiskey on the porch, he had teeth that craved to tear at flesh and gnaw bone; especially now, sat on your thighs with his shirt open and falling off of his otherwise bare body, rising and falling slowly enough to match his breathing. he was a fisherman, willing to wait for a snap, even with gasping moans being drawn from him near unwittingly with each stab of your dick inside him.
nails, trimmed short, raked up his back and fisted into the hair at the back of his neck. curls tangled across your fingers. a ragged grin slashed its way across will's face and he grunted, moving faster and clenching around your cock. he fell forward, movements devolving into frantic humping in an attempt to reach his climax. his own nails dug into the sides of your throat and seemed to try to draw blood.
you kept one dextrous hand playing with his clit, thumbing over it in easy, fluid, motions even as pain spiked through your system. your other hand fell hard from his hair to hit hard against his ass cheeks, bare and bouncing as he rode you, suddenly desperate. will cried out and ground down further against your other palm at the slap, squeezing deliciously around your cock; the tight, deep heat fluttering before pressing hard. his legs, coarse with hair, pressed hard into your outer thighs and he grovelled in your ear, 'I'm going to cum, keep going, fuck —'
his whole body tensed up and he whined, loud and clear even over the suddenly unsteady rhythm of the rise and fall of his chest. his hole clamped around you and his teeth dug into your shoulder to muffle his cries as he came with a rush of slick.
the body weight on top of yours went slack and will turned into a mess of tears as you continued to use him, lifting his hips to keep him moving even after he stopped. the patient fisherman was selfish after he caught his fill, but you wanted your take as well. his hand around your throat tightened as you pushed his peak further and further past its edge. it was the lightheadedness paired with the clamping of his walls around you that finally pushed you over your own edge and will pawed at you as you came inside him, pumping him full and holding him down against you.
he panted, that same knife slash smile back again, shameless with his head tilted back, still panting softly, 'I'm gonna start to think you like it if you keep letting me choke you like that.'
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strawberri-blonde · 11 months
Spoiling the Prince - Neteyam
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Photo credits to the talented @cinetrix
Summary: You treat Neteyam to a picnic and something else😏
Warning: Smuttt just Neteyam getting the blowjob he deserves.
Happiness filled every bit of your body as giggles escaped your heart-shaped lips while tugging an excited Neteyam along. Your four-fingered hand intertwined with the Olo’eyktan’s oldest son, and you pulled him eagerly along the forest floor. "Yawne, calm down." As Neteyam’s voice rang through your ears, you didn’t pay him much mind as you were looking for the landmark that you carved into a tree to guide the both of you towards the little surprise that you had set up just hours ago. "Where are we going?" This time, you stopped in your tracks once you saw the tree.
Turning around, you grabbed Neteyam's other hand with your own and pulled it up towards your lips, littering his palms with kisses. Of course, his once-blue cheeks turned a slight purple from your affection. "Nete…" You pulled his hands into your chest and looked up to his golden eyes with so much love that it had the boy purring. "I know how much your training takes up your time." Hearing those words, Neteyam's ears flattened, feeling guilty that the two of you haven't had that much time together. Seeing this expression, you let go of his hands to cup his face into your grasp. Standing on your tiptoes, you pressed your lips against his.
Neteyam couldn't resist pulling you closer to his strong, lean body. This week had been tough because his dad had been pushing him hard during training, especially since he's next in line to be clan leader. But right now, as Neteyam deepened the kiss by parting his lips and running his tongue across your bottom lip, it took everything in you to pull away. "I have something planned for us," you trailed off to caress his face one more time before dropping your hands to your waist, where his hands were drawing small, intimate circles. "I really set this all up for you." This made Neteyam's tail sway back and forth with curiosity.
The young man didn’t protest as you pulled him towards the tree that grew near a rock wall. “Just trust me.”
"Always Y/n," Neteyam said with a smile, which made you smile too, as you both climbed up the tree with ease. His movements were confident and fluid, as if he had climbed the tree before, even though you both knew he hadn't. As you reached the last thick branch, you held Neteyam's hand while you both walked down it, feeling the rough bark against the souls of your feet. The branch was secure against the flat top of the rocks, which had been smoothed over time by the elements. You both jumped onto the tall wall of rocks, which had molded together over the years, forming a natural barrier. As you walked across the moss-covered boulder, feeling the softness of the moss under your feet, you still held Neteyam's hand, feeling safe and secure with him by your side.
“It's this way," you said, approaching what looked like a bed of leaves, but it was actually a covering you'd woven together to hide the large opening of the rock. Neteyam barely saw the bottom of the hideaway from the darkness. "I wanted to keep it a secret," you said, holding onto the blanket and motioning for Neteyam to venture through the cave.
The young man gazed at his mate, and seeing the excitement on every part of your face, Neteyam didn't second-guess his trust for you. He carefully squeezed through the narrow opening and used the existing rocks that resembled steps to enter the dark cave. Leaf litter, along with broken twigs and moss, covered the cave's floor. Surprisingly, a sliver of light hit the rock walls, giving the boy a nice view of you covering the opening with the disguise you had crafted so beautifully. Noticing the wet leaves that he somehow managed to avoid while entering the cave, he sprang over to you, gripping your elbow to help guide you down. This, however, had you swooning. "Ma Neteyam, I've been here before." Both of your laughs echoed in the cave as the boy watched you carefully as you hopped down from the last step, pulling him closer to you.
“Obviously.” His mocking tone had you giggling before mimicking him back.
“Obviously.” Pressing your face into his warm chest, you both took an inhale of each others scents that meshed so well together; tree bark and grass.
Neteyam inhaled your wonderful scent before pressing kisses onto your hairline. “I can’t believe you found this place.” This cause another giggle to escape your lips.
"Oh, you don't think this is it, do you?" you ask, making the boy look down at you with confusion. You smile widely as you pull back but still hold onto his hands. You love holding Neteyam's hands. They are so strong but so gentle with you. "Where do you think the light is coming from?" This has Neteyam tilt his head, making a huge grin appear on his handsome face, exposing his teeth.
"Yawne-" you turn around, reaching your hand behind you, not bothering to look back, knowing that he'll grab onto you. As his soft but calloused hand grabs you just beyond your elbow, you reach the end of the cave and press a hand on the dewy surface. Neteyam's hand caresses your skin as it slides down to your hand, entangling your fingers together, making it so your palms are touching.
"Look," you say, gesturing upward towards the corner of the rocky wall where a faint light illuminates his handsome features. “It looks like it's a hole by the way the light shines..." You pull the boy to your side as you begin to walk sideways with your front still facing the back wall. "But really," you both reach the end, and you squeeze through a small opening from where the wall doesn't meet the existing rock. With his tall height, Neteyam ducks through the oval-shaped hole, letting you lead him through. "It's just trying to hide this treasure." Neteyam's eyes first hit yours before trailing along the grove. His golden eyes widen in awe, and his thin lips stretch out in a small gap, causing you to immediately fill up with pride.
“Ma Y/n,” as you step in front of the boy and tugged him towards the beautiful pond, that’s when his words began to stumble. “Where did you find this?” He laughed in disbelief as he saw a woven mat that clearly had to be made out of razor palm leaves; near the sandy bank. Nestled on top of the beautiful woven art piece was a lovely picnic, set up with a vibrant color scheme with delicious, fresh fruits. The blanket is covered in flower petals arranged in the shape of a heart, creating a beautiful and romantic atmosphere. The fruits are arranged in a colorful display, with juicy yovo fruit, ripe lionberry seeds, and sweet spartan. The colors of the fruits pop against the green mat, and the sweet aroma of the fruits and flowers fills the air. The set up was quite beautiful and only adds to the magic of the moment. “And what is this about. I didn’t forget anything did I?”
You toyed with his fingers that were still intertwined with yours. With a playful shake of your head, you spoke, "No, my prince, this is for you like I said earlier." Your doe eyes caused the boy to visibly melt. "I wanted to surprise you and let you know how much I love and appreciate you." Your soft, velvety voice made its way through Neteyam's ears, rendering him speechless. Without hesitation, he brought your hands to his chest while keeping a strong hold on them. He kissed you with all the passion he could muster up.
Your brain short-circuited as you felt his soft lips against your own. When his tongue poked at your entrance, you slowly opened your mouth and lightly bit down on the muscular organ that made its way into your warm, wet mouth. Neteyam's hands dropped down to your waist, squeezing them in need, while his rough fingers slipped along the thin fabric of your loincloth. "Teyam," you moaned out, frustrated with yourself as you pushed him away, not allowing him to ravish you where he stood. This was about him.
"Ma'Y/n." His tone was teasing, but the desperation could be heard clearly. You nudged your nose against his, pressing tender kisses on his face out of your own selflessness. He had the best face to kiss.
“Ma’teyam let me feed you.” Neteyam’s cock hardened at your innocent words being turned into the dirtiest thoughts.
"Yawne, let me have my meal." You grab onto his strong jaw in your hands as he leans down to press an open-mouthed kiss on your neck, right in that spot that makes you lose control. Feeling your loincloth get damp, you shook your head, pulling yourself together.
After you said, "Neteyam, I'm serious," he mumbled a 'me too' that had you giggling like a young Na'vi chasing after a beautiful-winged insect. You pulled him towards the woven mat and immediately sat down on the bright purple evanescence flowers that were soft to the touch. You helped guide him down by criss-crossing his legs. Then, you stood on your knees to shimmy closer to him before plopping down, basically leaning all over his body.
Neteyam wrapped his left arm around your waist as you pulled away from him for a moment to grab the end-grain wood cutting board that shows all the beautiful tree-rings. The wooden tray displayed the various fruits, making Neteyam's mouth water for more than one reason. "It's all your favorites, yawne." You picked up the cut-up piece of spartan fruit, letting its sweet sticky juices run down your fingertips. "I gathered them all for you, even this spartan fruit. It was hard to find-"
"Since it's been too hot and the fruits have been drying up before they even ripe," he cut you off, with pure happiness and joy shining through his amber eyes. You smiled proudly as you pressed the purple and blue fruit to his lips, allowing him to open his mouth and consume the sticky sweet fruit. As his teeth sank into the juicy spartan, the nectar dripped down his chin. The sweetness of the fruit was almost overwhelming, and the stickiness of the juice made Neteyam's desire for you grow. Since you both mated just over a year ago, spartan had been his favorite fruit. Each bite was a burst of flavor that left him yearning for the nectar that resided between your legs.
"I looked for hours," you mumbled as you licked away the juices from his chin, only to place another piece of fruit into his mouth. This time, he licked your fingers clean, making your heat throb and clench around nothing but need. "Only the best for my big, strong mate," you said, and the growl that rumbled in his chest caused goosebumps to scatter across your blue skin.
After Neteyam said, "Yawne, you can't say such words and not expect me to kiss you," he pulled you into a kiss. Your lips moved freely against one another, but you eventually pulled away after lifting up a lionberry seed to bring it to his mouth.
"Patience Teyam, we have all day, even into the evening," you said. This caused the Omitikaya warrior to lift an eyebrow, letting you continue to feed him. "Lo'ak is entertaining your father while Kiri is with your mother."
“Yeah but-” you pushed another lionberry seed into his mouth shutting him up.
Speaking with nothing of pride you admitted, "I even bribed Tuk." Neteyam's eyes widened, and he let out a laugh.
“Not my little sister.” You let out a chuckle yourself, watching as Neteyam grabbed another piece of spartan then reached for the yovo fruit.
"All it took was agreeing to a sleepover next week, and I have to make another wooden Ikran, specifically a purple and turquoise one," you said while setting the wooden circular tray on the mat to grab Neteyam's hand, licking off the juices finger by finger. "But it was worth it," you added, looking into his eyes. Neteyam groaned in response, and you giggled, feeling a rush of affection for him. You leaned in and gave him a quick peck on his velvet lips, "because my prince needs to be pampered and a little spoiled."
Neteyam was overcome with desire as your words filled the air like a fog. His heart pounded wildly, and he felt an animalistic instinct surge through him. He wanted you, and he could feel his body responding to his desire. Without hesitation, he pulled you into his lap, pressing his hard, toned body against yours. Wrapping his arms around your waist, he held you tightly as he kissed you passionately. Your breathing became heavy as you circled your hips to meet his greedy thrusts, and you felt his tongue explore your mouth. Gripping his shoulders for support, you felt a sense of pleasure as he pulled away from your lips to leave open-mouthed kisses on your neck.
As he placed soft kisses on your neck, you let out gentle moans, feeling the pleasure of his touch. You yearned for more, but the reality of the moment reminded you that you both couldn't continue here. You wished to take care of him as he takes care of you every day, despite his busy schedule training to become the next clan leader. To him, making you his wife was the easiest job on the planet, and you felt grateful for his love and devotion. “Teyam.”
As you pulled away from the passionate moment, you felt a deep connection between you and him. You slid your hands from his shoulders down to his chest, and let out a soft moan. You looked into his eyes and said, "Come on." Gently pushing his chest, you took his hands in yours and led him towards the blue waters of the hidden cove.
"You're killing me, yawne," Neteyam said with a smile as you guided him to sit on the large, smooth rocks covered in soft moss that you had put in place to provide a worthy throne for the next in line.
"Who would have known that the mighty warrior is such an impatient child?" you asked. Neteyam's face heated up at your words, and his ears flattened against his head as he continued to settle into the soft, lime-green moss.
"Only for you, my mate," Neteyam whispered sweetly. His words made your heart soar, and your body throbbed with need. You pushed him back gently, as his legs were sprawled out with the water barely reaching halfway up his thick thighs. Without hesitation, you kissed his entire right thigh, loving the sound of his low grunts. "Thata girl," Neteyam said, using an English phrase that he must have learned from his father. Strangely enough, he never let it escape his lips until it was something intimate like this, and you loved it. If you weren't already a slave to his manly charms, you would have fallen under his spell like a woman in heat.
You pulled away from his legs and cupped his handsome face in your hands, giving his mouth sensual, open-mouthed kisses. "I'm gonna be your good girl," you whispered, the desperation and rawness of your voice making Neteyam's cock throb with desire. Kissing him again, you nibbled on his bottom lip and pushed into his chest, gliding down his body until your bottom half was covered in the warm water. "I'm going to be the prince's good girl, his most loyal servant," you said, your voice full of promise.
Neteyam's gaze was so intense that it felt like a bolt of electricity, sending shivers down your spine and making every nerve in your body tingle with desire. You were already on your knees for him, but his lustful look had you feeling like you could collapse at any moment. The intensity of his desire and need was almost overwhelming, and your body couldn't help but react with a surge of pleasure. The warmth of his gaze spread like a wildfire. You could feel your once blue skin turning a soft lavender hue. As your breathing became heavy and mind clouded with his fog, you felt myself melting into his embrace, completely consumed by his passion.
"I thank the Great Mother for you every morning," Neteyam rasped, his voice pulling you out of the fog of desire, but only for a moment. Gripping his thighs, you offered your mate a sweet smile before kissing, licking, and even sucking onto his skin that rested on his lower abdomen. You went so low that your chin was becoming irritated from the material of his loincloth. "Every evening," Neteyam moaned as his hips thrust forward, trying to find some kind of release, but you just kept going. "Every waking moment, my love," he continued, his confessions filling your heart with emotion.
"Teyam," you moaned against his warm skin, pulling away to capture his lips in yours once more. "Help me untie you." Without question, Neteyam leaned forward to begin untying his loincloth. As he did so, the pond's water began to form ripples which then softly turned to little waves that only managed to make the both of you wetter. Neteyam almost had his cock on display, but before he could reveal it to you, you pushed him back with one last kiss to the lips. As you returned to eye level with his crotch, Neteyam snuck in a sensual forehead kiss. "You're such a strong, loving mate who provides," you whispered, and the truth was that the boy felt like he could just cum from your words alone. You made sure to take your time as you kissed the junction of his legs that met his groin, trailing your act of love towards his abdomen. Meanwhile, your right hand couldn't help but stroke his covered member ever so slowly. "I just want to thank you," you said, lifting the material slightly and offering Neteyam your innocent doe-eyes. "Can I do that, Teyam? Can I make you feel good like you make me feel everyday?"
"Fuck," the Omatikaya warrior fell apart just like that. "You really are some angel, aren't you?" You didn't respond; you just pressed an open-mouthed kiss along his clothed cock. "Y/n, please," he begged. You squeezed his massive cock in your hands, pressing the still-covered tip to your lips. "Please, Y/n, touch me."
"That's my prince," you whispered, finally pulling away the soaked garnet that somehow managed to hide his massive size. "Soo big," you moaned, throwing the material on the dry side of the bank, then collecting his cock in your hands, making them look small. "I’m so lucky," you kissed the tip, wanting to have his taste in your mouth. However, this made the man jerk his hips from the sensation sending water droplets splashing your face. "Don't worry, Teyam." Twisting your hands in opposite directions around his pulsing member you pulled away to hold him in your right hand, then applied open-mouthed kisses along the whole length. "I promised, I'd take care of you."
You licked a straight line up from the base of his balls to the tip, making sure to give it the attention it so desperately needed. “Fuck.” You pulled back with a pop, only to go right back to work licking up and down his cock loving the taste of his pre-cum. Your hands scratched down his thighs while you took him in your mouth fully. Neteyam’s breathing became louder and more passionate making you want to hear more. So, you cupped his balls in your left hand, giving them a good squeeze, then jerked his cock in a steady motion. You opened your mouth, tapping his purple tip on your tongue a few times before taking him as far as you could until his thick cock touched the back of your throat. “Yawne, you’re so good at this.” You let out a hum, sending vibrations along his member, making Neteyam drop his head back, letting out low and throaty moans. “Great Mother.”
Humming again you pulled away with a load gasp but quickly covered it up with your words. “Praying for me Teyam?” You continued to jerk him off then leaned down to lick his balls. “Praying for this tight pussy.” Neteyam couldn’t help but reach forward to grabbed onto your braids, bring your face more towards him. You opened your mouth wider, swallowing around the soft but hard round skin.
You fumbled them only for a brief minute before licking up his shafted again to take his tip in your mouth sucking on it hard. ‘Oh yeahs,’ left his swollen lips as you took him as far as you could. “Thata girl.” Hearing those words, you stayed put swallowing around him, to only pull away in a gagging fit. Giving yourself a brief moment to recover you gave his cock long and hard tugs. You loved how wet his cock was from your salvia although some might say the pond water also played a big part in that factor.
Returning to work, you began to kitten lip his tip, then started to bob your head up and down his member. You felt the tightness of his grip in your hair and the way his legs were struggling to stay still, which would always have you thinking of this moment when you hear any kind of water splashing. He was enjoying himself, and if your bottom half wasn't in a pool of water, you're sure that your loincloth would've been soaked with your own juices. With hollow lips, you could taste his precum on your tongue, which sent your pussy clenching around nothing. "It tastes oh so good," you mumbled, taking him deep in your mouth again, making the Prince thrust into you a few times, then held you in place, letting you pull back with a gasp. "Fuck my throat so good, yawne."
“Do I?” This had Neteyam hold you down with both hands gripping your head as his eyes roll back at the feeling of you chocking on his dick. “Fuck, yawne you’re gonna make me cum.” Breathing through your nose, you could feel tears swell in your eyes but you didn’t care.
You pulled back with a choked moan and wrapped both hands around his throbbing member, twisting them nice and firm. "Give it to me," you said in a sultry tone, which made Neteyam tighten his fist and let out loud grunts that sounded like music to your ears. "I need your cum, Neteyam. It's so good." You kissed the tip of his cock one last time before taking him into your mouth, loving the way he bruised the back of your throat.
"That's right, baby," Neteyam moaned, feeling nothing but pure ecstasy as he was surrounded by the water of the pond. He could feel the tightness of your throat and the way your hands felt on the rest of his shaft and balls. "Don't stop," he panted out, feeling you moan around him, encouraging him to continue. "Right," he moaned, feeling the familiar tightness in his abdomen. "There." The strained, raw tone in his face had you still your movements, letting the blue man fuck in your mouth. And with just a few more thrusts, Neteyam had his goodness shooting down your throat, the passion of the moment almost too much to bear.
You didn't move a muscle until you knew your mate was done riding out his high. You popped off him with a satisfying moan, opening your mouth for your prince to show him the mess he made. "So good, Teyam," you said, jerking his sensitive cock, making him squirm. "Tastes like my favorite treat. Puffball tree leaves, salty," you licked him clean, making the boy caress the side of your cheek. "But sweet."
"Give me a taste." Without waiting for your response, Neteyam wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you up out of the water until you were sitting on his lap, then he pulled you into a deep kiss. A cold breeze danced its way across your warm bodies, making the atmosphere humid. Through the tense and hot air, the boy let his hands roam your body, while yours remained on his jawline, closer to his neck. Neteyam slipped his tongue into your warm mouth, exploring the taste of himself on your tongue. Moaning at the taste, you felt vibrations shiver down your spine. "It's not as good as you," you moaned as his confession causing you to slowly starting to grind on his semi-hard cock. "Let me show you." Feeling him pull away to kiss down your neck, you almost let yourself be swept away in him, but you weren't done with your surprises. This was about him.
“Nete,” you let out a high pitch moan as he moved your decorative chest pieces out the way to suck on your tit. Why was he making this so hard?
“That feel good, yawne?” Your mouth opened wider not even being able to breathe properly.
"Wait, Neteyam," you moaned, slipping your fingers into the back of his head, pulling him slightly to signal him to look up. "I'm not done."
He smirked up at you. "Yeah, me neither." Then, his hot mouth moved over to the other nipple, making you squirm in his lap.
"But this is about you. I wanted to spear a fish to cook for you, to feed you, my prince." The man's desire was clear as he bit down on your mound, sucking firmly, then pulled off to press it an open-mouthed kiss. He felt lucky to have someone like you, who only wanted to take care of him, but he was hungry for something else.
"Y/n, you know what would make your prince happy?" Your breathing became irregular as Neteyam lifted you up with ease, then set you gently down onto the soft moss. He kissed down your neck, kissing your nipples again before continuing. "You not denying me for the second time on devouring my favorite meal." And who were you to deny the future Olo'eyktan of the Omaticaya clan?
Hoped you guys liked it!
~ Caroline
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babygorewhore · 3 months
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Dirty girl
Rafe Cameron is your favorite porn star and you’re determined to make your fantasies come true. Even if that means sneaking into one of his parties.
Thank you to @xxbimbobunnyxx for helping me with this one!!! And the divider! Also idk what happened to me but the horny demon decided to show up and possess me. So enjoy this filth 😌
Warnings! Male and female masturbation! One mention of breeding kink! Daddy kink! Oral! Fem recieving! Unprotected sex! Not proofread
Your crush on Rafe Cameron led you to do crazy things. Follow him around school, graduation and now you look at his posts like a puppy following their master on his only fans every single time he streamed. It wasn’t a secret that he was a porn star, everyone knew but it wasn’t openly discussed. When you saw him there weeks ago, your panties got damp from how hot he looked jerking himself off while he wore that SnapBack of his. His creamy fluid coating his large hand, fingers slick as he continued pumping.
“That’s my fucking girl,” He moaned and rolled his hips to the pace of his strokes. Your own fingers were buried inside your cunt, curling them upward as you wished they were his while your vibrator was glued to your clit mercilessly.
“Fuck, baby girl. You’re so good at this,” And then…
His said your name.
You immediately stopped for a second. Gasping for air but then he said another girls name. It wasn’t directed at you, another girl with the same name who requested the praise. You laid back down from leaning on your elbows, returning to your motions as your digits found their way inside your pussy, vibrations pressing tightly against your swollen center.
You bucked your hips as Rafe started grinding on his bed, his thighs caging the pillow while his dick slapped against the material. “Fuck, you feel so fucking tight. Baby, let me cum in you. Wanna fuck a baby in you.”
You whimpered at his dirty words as you continued fingering yourself, drawing close to the edge when Rafe let out a throaty moan and that made your orgasm hit you like a crashing wave and you threw your head back, covering your mouth with your other hand to stop yourself from waking up your roommate in the next room.
As the seconds went by, you pulled out your fingers and wiped them on your bare hip. Rafe was breathing heavily, just like you were and it made your hole tighten when you saw his naked chest heaving as he recovered from spilling on the sheets. You needed him so badly it hurt but more than that.
You wanted him to fuck you. You didn’t want anyone else. You wanted him and you were determined to get him.
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Every weekend, Rafe threw a party at his house. Your friend Barry usually provided him coke for the entertainment and that could be your opportunity to get an invite. Which is what you were currently trying to convince him the next day.
“Come on. Let me give it to him.” You pleaded and he gave you a condescending look.
“For what? So you can fuck him? Nah. He’s the one who pays me. It’s my business.” You huffed and crossed your arms. Your sneakers were sticking to the floor of his house.
“Barry. Come on. I’ll owe you if you do this. I won’t bother you for a whole week.” You offered and he snorted, running a hand through his dark hair.
“Yeah, right. Make it a month. No favors. No ‘borrowing’ my shit without giving it back. And you buy your own stuff. A whole ass month.” He replied and you stuck out your hand.
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And that’s when you snuck into the party, booming music, laughter, fucking disguised your lack of invitation as you tried to find your target. You were surprised he wasn’t at the center since he loved attention but instead, when you went up the stairs, he was sitting down counting cash. You swallowed your nerves away before approaching him. You wondered if the money was cashed out from his Only fans. Which in turn made you clench at the memory.
You walked over, your heels clacking against the wood floor and Rafe’s head snapped up. But instead of criticizing you as a stranger, he stood up with a smirk.
“Hey, haven’t seen you before, baby.”
You swallow your nervousness and give him a little smile. “I’m here to give you the goods. Barry wasn’t able to come.”
Rafe furrows his brows slightly. “Doesn’t sound like him. Maybe you should tell me why you’re here, baby girl.” He says and wraps his hand on your hip, tugging you close until you’re pressed against him.
You shrugged but put your hands on his chest, rising up a little so you can press your lips to his ear. “Maybe I want you to fuck me like you do in your little videos, baby.”
Rafe quirks his eyebrow before gesturing with his head to the right. “Hmm, maybe I can give it to you. But first you have to ask me nicely, baby. Use good manners.” He teases.
“Please fuck me, Rafey. I want it so bad. I want you to stuff me with your cum.” You press your hands together in contrition. “I promise I’ll be good and take it.” You pout slightly.
Rafe gently takes your arm and starts walking to the right, taking you down a dimly lit hallway and passing people who are grinding against each other. He finds the last door, opening the wooden entrance and you see a modern style bedroom. With sleek furniture and a wide bed to accommodate his large frame.
He turned and smashed his lips to yours, sucking your lower lip and sliding his hands to your ass. He squeezed and pulled you against him, grinding against you, you felt his hard cock and you reached down, palming him and he groaned. “Did you just come here to be a cum slut?” He asked and you nodded as you slipped your tongue in his mouth.
“Mhm, just wanna fuck you daddy. Maybe make our own video.” You smirked against his mouth and he chuckled darkly, pulling away.
“I’m gonna fucking ruin you,” Rafe growled and pulled out his phone, turning on the record button. “You won’t be able to touch yourself without thinking of it right now. With my cock inside you. Without my tongue and fingers inside that pretty little pussy.”
He reached forward and grabbed your hair, yanking you to the bed on your back. He wasted no time, pulling off your panties and lifting your short skirt. Rafe moaned at the sight of your sticky cunt. “Mmm, so wet for me, aren’t you baby girl?” He said before sinking to his knees.
He shoved his face against your pussy, licking you with a flattened tongue on your clit and you gripped his hair. Rafe bobbed his head up and down before pushing his tongue inside you, fucking you with it as he made you whimper and grip harder.
“Fuck, daddy, it feels so good.” You whined as he sped up, bobbing his head up and down as the flash of the camera was on in his free hand, his other holding you down by your left hip.
“Who’s pussy is this?” He grunted, lapping his tongue and you breathed harder, feeling your stomach coil.
“Yours daddy!” You cried out and he smirked against it.
“Fucking right. One more time?”
“My pussy is yours, Rafe.” You said against and he smacked your ass before lifting up, crawling on top of you and unbuckling his past. His chin dripping with your slick as he shoved his boxers down his thighs and off, throwing them to the side.
Your eyes widened at his size, his red tip leaking with precum as rubbed it against your clit before sinking inside you, “Fuckkk.” He moaned and leaned down, his face in the crook of your neck. “Such a tight little cunt. Sucking me in like a fucking slut.”
Your legs wrapped around his waist and his hand wrapped around your throat, squeezing lightly while he kissed your skin, sucking in to leave a mark. “Everyone will know I fucked you. No one will touch you. You. Are. Mine.” He said as he thrust, deep in you hitting the good spots. You huffed out pornographic noises and humped him animalistically.
He continued his pace for minutes before speeding up as he saw your eyes roll back as your belly tightened and you spilled all over his dick, giving him more slick as he pounded into you and he slammed his lips to yours, teeth and tongue and you tasted yourself.
He came in you, dripping and ropes of cum leaked onto the bed and he moaned loudly. You matched his volume as you clawed at his back.
He stayed there for seconds before pulling out and scooping you in his arms, laying down. “I’ll clean you up in a minute…fucking hell baby girl.” He chuckled and you nuzzled against his chest.
“I think you did ruin me now.” You whispered with a sly grin.
“Give me fucking five minutes. And I’m gonna turn that camera off. You’re really going to cream over me.”
Tagging! @rafescurtainbangz @drewstarkeyslut @rafesthroatbaby @slvt4jamesmarch @marchsfreakshow @take-everything-you-can @emsgoodthinkin @oceandriveab @voyeurmunson @impmunson @redhead1180
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ellethespaceunicorn · 1 month
Don't Kill My Vibe
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Title: Don’t Kill My Vibe
Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors - DNI
Pairing: Clark Kent x BestFriend!Black!Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.7K
Summary: You help Clark ease the pain of his broken heart.
Warnings: mention of a breakup, recreational drug use (marijuana), friends-to-lovers trope, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected p-in-v sex, creampie, mention of bodily fluids
A/N: This is an AU where Clark Kent is not superpowered and Superman does not exist. Unbeta’d, we die like people who tried their best.
Dividers by me
Support/Reblog banner by me
Cover Art by me
My Masterlist
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It wasn’t the first time Clark asked to try some bud, but it was the most pathetic. His gorgeous blue eyes were puffy from crying over that woman. As much as you wanted to say, “I told you so," you didn’t want him to feel any worse about the failed relationship with his reporter beau, Lois Lane.
And yet again, you think to yourself, ‘Fuck Lois Lane’.
When he showed up at your place an hour ago in sweatpants, sneakers, and a button-up pullover, you were surprised to see he opted for something other than his normal flannel and jeans. His hair was mussed, and he avoided eye contact with you. Something was wrong.
You dragged him into your apartment, turning down your Spotify playlist on the Bluetooth speakers so you could talk over the mellow tunes. While you flopped down on your couch, Clark sat down slowly and sighed.
You were already elevated, having taken a couple of puffs from your blue and red glass bowl earlier, so you were struggling to pay attention to everything he was saying. You tried to put on your “I’m not high” face and nod enough, saying “Oh wow” occasionally. But, in actuality, your eyes were as red as the Devil’s dick, and Clark wasn’t stupid.
His eyes looked from yours to the tray on the coffee table that held your various assortments of smoking apparatus, grinder, lighter, and stash box. Leaning forward so his elbows rested on his knees, he motioned his chin toward everything and said, “I know you’ve said no a million times, but I could use an escape. And before you say no again, know I’ve tried all the tricks in the book to get over somebody, and nothing is working.” 
“I have a feeling there’s another thing you haven’t tried either, but whatever,” you rattled on, waving off his confused expression. “Fine. It should be illegal for you to use those puppy eyes when asking me for something, by the way.”
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So here you are, preparing a strawberry cone for you and Clark to share. You were always weird about people using your favorite bowl. You also figure that for a first-timer, it would be the easiest for him to start with. Twisting the end after filling the cone, you reach for the lighter and ashtray.
“First things first,” you purr, using your phone to turn the music up. “Now, watch what I do. I’m going to draw the smoke into my mouth and then hold it for a few seconds, or as long as I can, before blowing it back out. Ready?”
Clark nods as he turns toward you, tucking one leg under the other. Now that you have his full attention, you suddenly feel flustered. Casting your eyes downward, you take the cone into your mouth and light the end. You inhale deeply and take it out of your mouth. Savoring the citrus flavor of the strain, your tongue licks your lips, and you exhale. 
You close your eyes and take a few breaths. After a moment, you hear Clark’s voice breaking through your haze: “Everything good?”
Your eyes pop open, and just like nothing happened, you perk up. Handing him the cone, you blink as he holds it like someone who has never smoked. You’ve known Clark long enough that you have a suspicion that is probably true for him. 
He’s polite, almost to a fault. He screams Boy Scout, altar boy, and ‘promise ring’ all at the same time. What can you say? Clark was a good boy. And you were getting him high. You little devil! 
Clark takes a short pull from the pink-colored joint and manages to hold it for about two seconds, then attempts to exhale. A small plume escapes his mouth, he inhales sharply and has a coughing fit. You take the joint back before he drops it and sit it in the ashtray.
Rubbing his back, you try to talk him through catching his breath. You grab your water bottle and hold the straw to his mouth when he nods his thanks. He sips the water, then clears his throat loudly, burping up a bit of smoke. He laughs quickly as he sees it exit his mouth, reminding you of a little surprised dragon.
“That was fun,” he sputters, his voice deeper than usual.
“It gets easier, Clark. Trust me, coughing is normal. And most of the time, coughing gets you higher,” you laugh, picking up the joint to take another hit.
You inhale, exhaling into the air, and hold it out for Clark to take again. He sips from your water bottle and gives it to you in exchange for the joint.
Holding it between two fingers, he brings it to his lips. You watch his mouth curl around the tip, and your brain conjures up the vision of what else that boy’s mouth can do. He takes the joint out of his mouth, holding his breath for a few seconds, then blows it out slowly. He gives it back to you and leans back against the couch.
“I don’t think I feel any different yet. How long does it take to kick in?” he asks, crossing his arms and pouting.
It being his first time, he is completely unaware that he is already high. His body language is different; Clark Kent doesn’t slouch even a little. He also certainly doesn’t fidget; his hands suddenly become very interested in the material of his pullover.
“You’ll feel it sooner than you think,” you mumble, the joint between your lips as you speak.
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Twenty minutes later, Clark tells you exactly what the last straw was that ended his relationship with Lois. He pauses to take a hit, handing it back to you as he exhales. “But it was always whatever she wanted. I treat her like a queen. And she goes and blows Jimmy-fucking-Olsen. Then she lies about it after Jimmy comes clean to me. I…,” he trails off, looking over at you and shaking his head as he laughs.
“What?” you question when you realize he stops talking.
“Nothing. I just… I think I’m high,” he giggles, the corners of his eyes wrinkling when he smiles at you.
“Besides being high, can you describe how you feel?” You press, wanting to know just how high he is.
“I feel lighter. Clear…er? Is it clearer or more clear? Whatever. I think I also just figured out how I want to finish that article on The Wayne Foundation,” he explains, leaning back so he is lying on his back with his head on your lap. “Is this ok? Your lap looked so comfortable,” he wonders aloud, looking up at you.
That’s when you realize three fundamental truths at the same time. 
1. Clark is single. 
2. Clark is literally in your lap.
3. The crush you have on Clark is swiftly turning into lustful infatuation.
Bringing yourself back to the present, you smile at him and say, “Yeah, of course it’s ok.” You focus on the heat radiating from your best friend as he makes himself comfortable so close to your thirsty pussy. 
“You are the best,” he replies, closing his eyes as your hand finds its way into his curls.
“This cool?” you dare, hoping that you can continue to push the boundary between friendship and something more.
As if the groan from the back of his throat wasn’t enough, he voices his satisfaction. “More than cool. I love having my hair played with. Feel free to go to town on me.”
Oh, the importance of phrasing.
This man is not going to make it easy on you.
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You’re explaining to Clark about that episode of Bob’s Burgers where Bob and Linda accidentally get high after eating cookies laced with marijuana at their accountant’s office. “So, anyway. Bob, Linda, and the accountant build a pillow fort from the cushions on his couch, and somehow it makes them feel safer which I get because pillow forts were the height of safety when we were kids. And sometimes, people feel safer thinking about the simplicity of their childhood,” you rattle on, leaning forward to grab your water bottle and forgetting about Clark’s head, which is still very much in your lap.
An oomph is spoken into your boobs, and you shoot straight up to a standing position and knock Clark off your lap and onto the floor. 
“Shit!” he cries from his spot on the floor.
“Fuck, Clark! I’m so sorry! Are you ok?” You cringe, your hand touching your forehead as you watch him pull himself up.
“Hey, hey. It’s cool, I’m fine,” he reassures, his hand grabbing yours to take it away from your face. With the other hand, he grabs your chin between his thumb and forefinger. Tilting your head up, he smiles and counters, “Are you ok?”
Yeah. Fine. My tits were just thrust into your face for a bit there. Oh, and you have no idea that I like you. And that pesky curl is falling into your pretty eyes again. And your handsome face is close enough to-
One second, you’re staring at his smile; the next second, you’re attacking his mouth with yours. His lips are just as pillowy and soft as they look. At first, the kiss is timid. Surprise gives way to need as he deepens the kiss. His tongue seeks solace as it slides against the seam of your lips. Granting him entry, he licks into your mouth like an explorer discovering new lands. 
His hands find their way to your hips, bringing you impossibly close. He feasts on every whimper that leaves you, peppering in some moans of his own. This is the kiss of a man waiting for a moment like this. At least, that’s how it feels.
Begrudgingly, you slowly break away from Clark. His kiss-swollen pink lips beg to be reunited with yours, but you must prove this is real. You look up into his dilated eyes, noting how blue is almost completely taken over by black. 
You open your mouth to speak, but Clark beats you to it.
“Unless you are about to tell me you don’t want this, please just kiss me again,” he breathes, resting his forehead against yours. “I don’t know what’s more intoxicating. This drug or having you so close to me.”
Instead of worrying about what this means, you throw caution to the wind. Tilting your head, you slot your lips with his, devouring the subtle whimper that escapes him. From nervous to commanding, you feel Clark’s demeanor change as his hands wander over your body.
He picks you up by the waist, your legs instinctually wrapping around him. With you in his arms, he walks blindly to your bedroom. Once he lays you down, he covers your body with his. The hard length against your mound gives you pause, but you quickly recover as you angle your hips to meet his.
Clark breaks the kiss to sit up and remove his pullover and shirt. A pink hue dusts his cheeks as he watches you scan his torso while you bite your lip. Leaning down, he tugs at the hem of your shirt, wanting you to get rid of it. 
You oblige, now topless in front of your best friend for the first time. You don’t have time to freak out over that information because Clark hooks his fingers in your leggings, his eyes begging for permission. You raise your hips, and he pulls them down your legs along with your underwear. 
You sit up as he chucks his sweatpants, his heavy erection now visible. Your first thought is, “Now that is a pretty dick.”
“Thank you,” he says, a smirk playing on his lips.
“I said that out loud, didn’t I?” You wonder aloud, already knowing the answer.
Clark smiles, nodding at you before coaxing you to lay back. He sinks between your legs, holding them open to kiss your thighs. He teases you a bit, licking and nipping at your mound and outer labia until you wiggle your hips and whine. 
“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Patience, please,” he cautions, shaking his head at you. He winks at you, diving fully into your snatch and sucking your clit between his lips. 
You throw your head back in ecstasy as his tongue slides over your swollen button. Humming while sucking on your nub is a fucking power move, and your hands tangle in his hair. You dig your heels into his back as he laps up the juices that accumulate at your entrance. Looking down at him as he worships at the altar of your body, you are taken aback as he peeks up at you over your mound.
With your eyes locked on each other, he watches as he tips you right over the edge. He groans into your pussy, his mouth and chin soaked, as your walls contract around nothing. The euphoria of being high mixes with the joy of being with someone new for the first time.
But this isn’t just anybody; this was your best friend. Warmth and comfort exist between you, allowing you to feel safe enough to fall and that Clark will catch you.
You come down as he plants a kiss on your mound, grazing his lips up your tummy. When he is back above your face, he runs the tip of his dick across your wet folds. He maintains eye contact while he slides in for the first time. 
Once he is fully seated inside you, he lets you adjust to his size before he withdraws slightly and thrusts forward. The wet squelch of your pussy and the smack of your bodies against one another are music to your ears. Clark’s grunts as he fucks into you only fuel your impending second climax.
“Fuck, you feel so good. Too good. Not going to last long,” he warns, sitting up on his knees as his hands go to your waist. Throwing his head back, he growls and picks up the pace, using your body like his personal fucktoy.
Your back arches as he repeatedly hits that hidden bundle of nerves. A searing fire erupts in your belly as your cunt clamps down on his dick, spasming and coating it with your cream.
“Good girl! That’s it. Fucking come for me, just like that,” he encourages. “Oh, shit. I’m right fucking behind you. Fuck, fuck, fuuuuuuuuuck.”
You lock your legs around his waist, keeping him right where he is as his dick spasms and fills you to the brim. Your hands smooth down his big chest, feeling the muscles ripple as he comes down from what is probably the most intense orgasm he has ever felt. He stills soon enough, breathing back to normal as his softening length slips from you.
Flopping down next to you, Clark wraps an arm around you. You curl into his side, an arm across his stomach, and a leg thrown over his. Contented silence fills the room as you both take in this unforeseen turn of events.
Clark’s hand makes idle patterns on your back as you lay on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. You close your eyes for only a moment, missing Clark smiling at you. He gives you a quick peck on the top of your head, causing you to tilt your head to meet his eyes.
“You hungry?” you guess, feeling a bit peckish yourself.
“Yes!” he exclaims.
“Good. I know a great place down the street that makes the best samosas. Does Indian food sound good?” you ask, already tasting the rich spices of the food.
“Sounds perfect,” he says, picking up his arm to let you get up from the bed to grab your phone, watching your hips sway as you walk out to the other room.
Once back in bed, you order various dishes for the both of you. While you wait for the food, you pass a joint back and forth and steal a kiss or two. You decide there is plenty of time for you and Clark to talk. There is no use in killing the vibe for heavy stuff.
With the way Clark is looking at you, there’s not much to talk about anyway. 
🍃The End🍃
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A/N: I would love to know what you think!!! Feedback is appreciated!
**Tag List**
@deandoesthingstome @cakesandtom @brattymum96 @ambinxe @avengersfan25
@kebabgirl67 @thabiddie23 @sweetandgentlecreature @foxyjwls007 @art2emily
@titty-teetee @princessaxoxo @astheskycries @enchantedbytomandhenry @rebelangel1102
@toooldforobsessions @carrie80reads @mayloma @mollymal @posiemax
@identity2212 @alwayzmsbehavn @cardierreh15
Let me know if you wanna be added (or removed) 😁If your name is crossed out, I couldn't tag you. For some reason, I could tag everyone this time....if you are tagged, but were not notified, please let me know.
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brainrot-of-a-thot · 9 days
or, you just really need each other, featuring: jo togame
a/n: okay I swear this started out as ‘caught mid lip-lock’ but uh, I was writing togame’s part first and… let’s just say it turned very quick. in return, I do plan to make similar one-shots for sakura, umemiya, and suo.
c/w: explicit sexual content, fem!reader, reader is wearing a skirt which provoked toga 🤭, unprotected p in v, creampie, quick sex, needy sex, semi-public sex, dirty talk, sloppy makeouts, needy!togame, pussydrunk!togame, bigdick!togame, general filth
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god, you needed him so bad.
and considering the desperation in which he gripped your hips and devoured your lips, you knew he needed you too… there was just one teensy problem —
“togame,” you murmured between wet lip strokes. “how much time do we have?”
“enough.” togame husked back, using his hold on your hips to guide you backwards until your rear touched the edge of the stage. you knew it was risky to do this kind of thing in the middle of the theatre — ludicrous, even — but you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
togame’s hot hands against your clothed flesh and his soft lips against yours were quickly draining all coherency from your brain, and when he prodded the seam of your lips with a slick, insistent tongue, you gave up on the notion of attempting to retain any entirely.
you opened your lips and accepted his skilled tongue easily, initiating it in a fluid, familiar dance — one rehearsed many times.
small mewls and pants were swapped between your mouths, growing in both volume and quantity when togame slipped his large hands beneath the hem of your shirt. long fingers danced up your ribcage and teased the underwire of your bra, shooting anticipation straight to your gut. god, you just wanted his hands on you.
you wanted togame on you. or, more preferably, in you.
“togame,” you interrupted the lip-lock once more, needing to physically draw your head back when togame chased your lips in an attempt to capture them again. “d-do we have time to—?”
“god, yes.” togame cut you off before you could even finish your question and dropped his hands from beneath your shirt in favor of reaching them down to hook behind your thighs. in one fluid motion he hoisted you up until your ass was planted firmly on the stage, your body pulled forward just enough for his large frame to slip in between the plush flesh.
with speed that you hardly got to witness from your laidback boyfriend, he pushed your torso down until your back met the wood of the stage; he placed one quick hand behind your head to cushion it, and the other tapped against your thigh as he commanded, “legs around me.”
your body was quick to obey, slick pooling between your folds as the position allowed togame to press his crotch snug against your clothed cunt; fuck, he was so hard.
“shit, toga,” you whined, pushing your hips against his body in an attempt to garner a better feel of his cock. need rooted deeper into your core at the mere promise of what was to come. “I want it so bad.”
a soft groan followed your statement.
“holy shit, baby, don’t make me bust yet.” togame drawled, leaning down to connect your lips once more. the kiss was far less coordinated this time, sloppy and wet and more open than closed, but the sheer desperation within had you reeling and frothing for more.
there was no time to waste — normally, you’d indulge in each other for far longer, and togame would work you up slowly until you were quite literally crying for his cock; but given your current situation, indulging in that would lead to more complications than your sober mind could handle.
togame’s sweats dropped faster than you’d ever seen them do, and you couldn’t even delight in the sight of his cock springing out of his boxers because of the speed in which he shoved your panties to the side and wedged himself between your legs.
your breath hiccuped in your throat when his hot tip pressed between your folds, and the only warning you received was a breathy “breathe” against your lips before togame was pressing himself inside.
dual sensations of pain and pleasure ripped through your body as togame sunk himself in inch by inch, not giving your body much time to adjust to his size before he was rapidly thrusting inside.
“sorry, baby,” togame murmured in between hot pants. “you’ll have to bear with me for a bit, I can’t — fuck — can’t hold back right now.”
all you could do was nod, thighs tense and ankles locked around his gyrating waist; it felt so unbelievably good, but togame was so large that it stretched you to the point of pain — which was exhilarating in its own right.
each sharp thrust was like a punch to the gut, his tip crushing against your cervix and shooting sparks all the way up to your ribs. one large hand gripped the meat of your thigh while the other held your waist in place by the hip, keeping your body positioned just the way togame wanted it as he ravaged your insides.
slick squelches, slaps, and moans reverberated around the theatre, and if you weren’t currently being fucked stupid you probably would have worried yourself sick by the volume of the sounds; anyone just outside the doors of the theater could no doubt hear the activities taking place within.
“god, yer so fuckin’ tight.” togame slurred, fingers digging crescents into your bare thigh. his eyes were hooded and dark, his fringe a mess and sticking to his head by sweat — he looked about as fucked out as you felt.
“‘s like it won’t lemme go. you love my cock, don’t’ya?” togame growled, hips snapping into yours at a velocity that you were sure would leave bruises behind. you felt as though you couldn’t speak; every time you opened your mouth, all that would come out were mewls and moans — it seemed as though togame didn’t expect you to actually answer, however, as he leaned down capture your lips in a sloppy kiss.
it wasn’t so much a kiss as it was a mere meeting of mouths — open and loud, with your tongues only meeting by occasional grazes. it was sloppy and uncoordinated, but when paired with togame’s thick cock stretching you open and touching every sweet spot within your walls, it was a catalyst that pushed you to the brink faster than you could blink.
you couldn’t even warn togame before your orgasm was crashing over you, fluid gushing around the base of togame’s cock as he fucked it back in with every thrust. your walls constricted and fluttered around him, pulling various groans and curses from togame that were broken apart by husky praises.
“tha’s it, baby — fuck, so good. make a mess on my cock…such a good girl…”
you couldn’t even truly come down from your high, not with the way togame continued to ruin you through your high. your sensitive walls could detect the faint throbbing of his cock, and your heart soared at the implication — togame was close too.
“fuck, I’m about to — where do you want it, baby? hurry, tell me, I can’t — can’t hold out much longer.”
you weren’t sure what possessed you, but without explicit permission from your brain your ankles tightened around togame’s waist as if to hold him in place, and your voice was barely stronger than a croak when you whined, “i-inside, toga — wan’ it insiiiide!”
togame cursed deep in his throat and pressed his face into the dip of your neck, his sharp teeth pinching the sensitive skin as he thrusted sharply once, twice — and then his hips were stilling, dick pressed deeply into your soppy cunt, twitching as he groaned against your throat and released himself inside.
warmth filled your chest and cunny as togame rocked his hips slowly, milking his cock with your walls until there was nothing left.
eventually, togame’s hips stilled completely, and with the subtraction of movement that fog in your head began to dissipate; coherency was slowly leaking into your brain once more, but as togame pulled away from your neck to flash you that lazy, content, fucked out smile, you couldn’t bring yourself to do much else but return it with a small, airy giggle.
a haze of contented afterglow settled around your bodies as your highs faded in tandem, bodies still connected, breathing shallow and harsh and skin coated in a sheen of sweat — truthfully, it would have been perfect if it weren’t for the shrill, indignant voice that ripped through it —
“the stage isn’t for that type of brawling, you know!”
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tbh needy pussydrunk boys are my kryptonite.
also, this was written in one sitting, so i apologize for any rushed-ness/mistakes. the togame thirst hit reaaaaal bad and my fingers just took off with it
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simonrillleyyysss · 7 months
soap x housewife!reader
warnings; not proofread,IMPLIED YALL LIVE IN SCOTLANDDDD OR EXPANSE OF THE UK,minor kissing,soap is sweet, toddler mentioned, implied fem reader but not confirmed, just cute stuff,uk slang / terms?? baby is like 4-5? maybe?,simon mentioned, petnames, reader is called sugartits
note; ever seen those babies with a scottish accent on tiktok??
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two and a half weeks;
thats how long johnny has been away for, almost three weeks—and each day was as tiring, more draining and fear ridden, the tip of the pink marker crossing over the calendar labelled, ‘halloween’ caught your attention, lips sealing together as you listened to your darlings footsteps gently patter around downstairs.
throwing on your robe, you slowly left your bedroom—johhnys, bedroom. slumping down the stairs to the living room, where your beloved daughter had managed to lift a box of cereal, taking small handfuls of cheerios, smiling at you contently.
‘get your own brekkie?’
you chirped, kissing her forehead.
‘aye!’ got it.’
she nodded, accent fusing with her high voice, your hand gently combed over her messy hair, her pumpkin themed jammies barley hanging onto her body, chewing on the cereal.
‘come on, let’s get you proper meal.’
lifting the wiggly child, you wrestled her onto the table, setting her down atop it as you lifted a peppa pig themed bowl, filling it with cereal before pouring a bit of milk into it, handing the bowl to her as you lifted the spoon.
‘say ‘aahhh..’
‘don’t wan’et!’
the curly headed girl protested, whining as she gestured to her candybag with desperation, a sigh leaving your lips.
‘not good for you in the morning, honey.’
‘i want them!’
‘need to save some for daddy.’
‘when’s daddy back?’
‘soon, gorgeous.’
you reassured silently, helping her eat the cereal.
three weeks and two days;
that’s how long johnny has been gone, no word from him or his peers whatsoever.
you knew this could happen, he’s busy—in the military, no time; and that you shouldn’t overthink it, but it’s a natural thing that can’t be controlled or tamed, yet you had to accept it.
the soft buzz of the tv in the background was more comforting than that of the silence of your bedroom upstairs, busy sliding the school cardigan over her shoulders, you wiped her skirt down and gave her a soft smile.
‘look so pretty! you excited for your first day back?’
‘not really, nawww.,’
she shook her head, pigtails bouncing with the fluid motion.
‘gonna walk you to school today, okay?’
you gently hoisted her small frame into your arms, her bright eyes and toothy grin was a double of soap—sighing, you gently moved her fringe out of her eyes and kissed her chubby cheek, closing the front door behind you.
four weeks, and finally an update;
there was a knock at the door, around 7 or so— you had just finished cleaning the dinner plates from earliers feast, daughter busy drawing at the kitchen, you quickly threw off your gloves and walked to the door, slowly sliding the bolt across and opening it.
there, stood mactavish—a broad figure stood behind him, blonde hair buzzed with scars covering his face, but your attention was diverted onto soaps arm, wrapped in gauze and hanging from a sling.
you mewled weakly, arms wrapping around his neck in a flurry of emotions, sniffling into his neck; sighing and gently kissing his jaw.
‘what happened?’
‘idiot thought he could play superman on the field, shot in the forearm. fine, though.’
the blonde replied gruffly, slowly blinking.
‘broughta’guest, well…didnae’ really hava’ choice, came t’help mae’ with me’ gear.’
johnny shrugged, ruffling your hair and stepping inside the house, letting the stranger step behind him.
he introduced himself briefly, nodding his head in acknowledgement before setting soaps gear down at the frontdoor.’
‘big’ol lad ere’ practically saved mae’ arse!’
the hawked man boasted, nudging his side with his sound arm.
‘thank you…for putting up with him.’
you smiled softly at simon.
an hour and 11 minutes;
simon , or ‘ghost’ was sunk into the soft cushioning of the sofa, listening to the child infront of him introduce the toy horses to him.
‘an’ this one’s..this ones dakota.’
‘dakota is..a lovely name, innit?’
she nodded, reaching out to trace her fingers along his crooked nose, scars covering the pale skin of his face.
‘wha’ happened?’
you gasped in embarrassment, slapping her hand away from his face and pulling her back to you as you were walking past, just after lifting johnnys empty mug to dump it into the sink, now heading to tend to soaps needs again.
‘where on earth did your manners go?’
‘don’t worry—it’s fine.’
he reassured, waving you off with clear dismissal before lifting the small child to place her on his knee, bouncing it slightly as he explained.
meanwhile, johnny was sprawled across the sofa with exhaustion, eyes shut as his vision barely fixated onto the screen of the tele infront of him, pink blanket laid across him.
‘feeling any better, honey?’
you cooed gently, hand rubbing over his cheek dotingly, sat at the edge of the couch in worry as he mumbled, nodding slowly.
‘aye’..feelin’ much better, bonnie’…missed ye’, ye’knoe at’, right?’
‘i know that.’
‘good..didnae’ want ye’ te’feel like shite.’
with a wince, he shifted as you swatted his forehead—before your hands moved to comb over his mohawk, gently kissing his jaw.
‘may be sore, but you know you’re not allowed to curse when she’s awake.’
‘aye.. i know, lassie’.
two days, 23 minutes;
his hand free was slung over your bare hip, stirring as his lips connected with the back of your neck affectionately, gently kneading the plush of your stomach, his other hung by his stomach, wrapped in bandage.
you whispered, slowly spinning over to stare up at him, hands cupping his face tenderly, stubble itching your lips as you pressed your lips against his, nuzzling into his chest.
a hearty chuckle followed, dragging his teeth up your bottom lip, grazing the soft skin.
‘or wha’?’
‘you have a sore arm, can’t.’
you insisted, kissing his collarbone.
‘course ye’ can, jest’ use your hand, besides—me’ good arms fucked, innit?’
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dambaepuff · 12 days
Could you do a morning wood verison for the maknae line
Morning Wood (maknae line)
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☆Paring: BTS!MaknaeLine x GN!Reader
☆Genre: reactions/headcannons, smut
☆Warnings: male anatomy, unspecified reader gender, bodily fluids, depictions of sex
☆Word count: 0.8k
☆Summary: the maknae line reacting to waking up with morning wood
☆A/N: thank you so much for requesting anon!! I probably wouldn’t have gotten around to writing this if it wasn’t for your request so I appreciate it <33 (also I didn’t feel like making little banners for each member forgive me)
Park Jimin
This man has absolutely no shame
If he has a boner and the chance to take care of it, he WILL do it
He feels smug knowing you’re laying right next to him as he touches himself through his clothes
We all know he’s quite vocal so he won’t hesitate to moan if he feels good
The moment you wake up your eyes land on him, sprawled out on the bed, cock in hand as he plays with his nipples
Your mouth waters at the sight, he gives you a lazy grin and asks if you want to fuck (ofc you do)
Too lazy to get into a proper position he’ll just pull whatever clothes are in the way to the side
He’ll do his best to hover over you, but he just ends up sort of laying on you while he humps into your hole like there’s no tomorrow
He pushes your shirt up so he can mark along your stomach and tease your nipples
You can’t tell who is more horny out of the two of you at this point
You buck your hips up into his and meet his thrusts, both of you trying to reach your orgasm desperately
Places his elbows next to your head so he can lean on them while caging you in
He slows down and starts thrusting as deeply as possible, pressing into your g-spot with every sloppy movement of his hips
Kissing along your neck he nibbles on your jawline, making sure to moan in your ear for good measure
He draws out both of your orgasms with the most painfully slow movement
When you do cum though, he makes sure it’s hard
He toys with all of your most sensitive spots while fucking his load into you, it leaves you shaking and blissful
Kim Taehyung
He’s so polite and well manner he just couldn’t do anything that could make you uncomfortable
He wakes you up gently and asks if you can help him with the sweetest look in his eyes
Without hesitation you lift your hips off of the bed so you can pull off your underwear and pajama pants in one motion, spreading your legs and giving him an inviting look
He scrambled to get between your legs, his hands shaking in excitement as he places them onto your knees
You leisurely begin to play with yourself, looking him in the eye while your fingers glide over your most sensitive spots
He pulls out his dick, immediately starting to pump himself
Pushing your hand away he replaces it with his own, beginning to jerk the two of you off at the same time
As the morning sun casts warm rays onto his face, you sigh in delight
When he feels as though he can’t wait any longer to be inside of you, he spits down onto his cock to wet it and begins prodding at your entrance
He glides in with one swift motion, his dick fitting inside of you perfectly
He stays at a steady pace the whole time, preferring to draw out your orgasms slowly
Even though it takes a while to cum this way, it makes the moment more about feeling each others warmth and love than just cranial desire
When you do cum though, it spreads through you in waves, taking over your whole body till you’re clenching and squirming
He loves seeing you get like this, just staring down at your pretty face as you cum on his cock
Jeon Jungkook
His brain is so fuzzy from sleep and being horny he doesn’t even process searching for your body through the sheets
He just grabs onto you and starts humping
No thought process or decision behind it, just pure instinct
They don’t just call him a bunny because of his appearance wink wink
And who are you to deny the poor boy an orgasm?
You mad been awake when he started humping you, so you helped him by holding his hips and guiding him
Once he wakes up and realizes what he’s doing he gets really flustered
Hiding in the crook of your next and mumbling apologies as he places soft pecks onto your skin
You just shush him and continue making him get off with your body
This certainly isn’t the first time you make him cum in his pants nor the last
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Hershey Kiss
Word Count: 518
Warnings: None
Idia Shroud x Fem!Reader ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶
In the dimly lit room filled with the soft glow of computer screens, you found Idia, the reclusive head of Ignihyde, engrossed in his latest gaming conquest. His fingers danced across the keyboard with a fervor that only a true gamer could muster. You watched him for a moment, a smile tugging at your lips at his intense concentration.
You watched him from the doorway, a fond smile playing on your lips. Idia, ever so engrossed in his virtual battles, rarely noticed the world around him. It was one of the things you adored about him—the intensity of his passion. But today, you wanted to draw him out of his digital cocoon, if only for a moment.
Stepping quietly, you approached him from behind, your presence unnoticed until you were right beside him. In one fluid motion, you sat down on his lap, disrupting his gameplay and shattering his focus.
Idia’s reaction was immediate; his body tensed, and his hands froze above the keyboard. “Hey, you want a kiss?” you asked, your voice tinged with mischief.
Idia’s eyes widened, the vibrant color of his hair almost paling in comparison to the deep flush that spread across his cheeks. “What???” he exclaimed, his voice a pitch higher than usual, a mix of shock and bewilderment.
Your laughter filled the room, a sound that seemed foreign in the usually quiet space. You held up a small piece of chocolate between your fingers, the foil wrapper catching the light. “The chocolate, relax,” you said, still chuckling at his adorable overreaction.
Idia let out a sigh of relief, his shoulders slumping as the tension drained from his body. His arms, which had been hovering uncertainty, now wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer in a snug embrace. “You really shouldn’t scare me like that,” he grumbled, but the corners of his mouth twitched upwards, betraying his amusement.
You leaned back against him, feeling the warmth of his body and the steady beat of his heart. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist. But you have to admit, it was a little funny,” you teased, tilting your head to look at him.
Idia huffed, his gaze softening as he met your eyes. “Maybe just a little,” he conceded, the ghost of a smile finally breaking through. “But only because it’s you.”
As the two of you shared a comfortable silence, enjoying the closeness and the shared chocolate, you couldn’t help but notice the softness in Idia’s eyes. It was a look that you rarely saw, one that spoke of trust and a bond that went beyond words.
With a smile, you reached up and gently turned his face towards you. “Idia,” you said softly, “thank you for being you.”
Before he could respond, you leaned in and placed a tender kiss on his cheek. It was a simple gesture, but it held all the affection and gratitude you felt for him.
Idia’s entire face turned a brilliant shade of red, even brighter than before, and for a moment, he was completely speechless. Then, with a shy smile, he whispered, “You’re welcome. And, uh, thank you too.”
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ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused · 8 months
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DAY TWELVE: Shower Sex w/ CDC!Daryl Dixon
a/n: Omg y'alls tags on your reblogs of my posts make me giggle. There's an equal amount of thirst to yall just being plain old funny! I love all my silly little gooses!! Thank you for the support!
masterlist | kinktober masterlist | AO3
TAGLIST: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @fandomsarelifee @theendofthe70s @nomajdetective @mgg-theprettiestboy @phoenixblack89 @murdadixon @hallecarey1 @zippertwat @alixwriter @dixonzzgirl @violettavirus
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At first the CDC just felt like a fantasy, a great idea, but unreachable. But there was something about the way in which Rick spoke about it that sparked the last bit of hope that had been residing in your chest.
The fall had taken everything from you: you parents, siblings, relatives, a job that you had worked your ass off to get; but the worst part is, it put your relationship with Daryl on hold. You knew it was only because he was afraid of losing you, but it was like you missed him even though he was right there. So, when an opportunity to be a couple again arose, you took it.
"Why haven't ya showered yet?" He asked while walking in your shared quarters — which had been Daryl's insistence when you tried to claim one for yourself. 
You looked up from the book you were reading on the miniature sofa in the room. "I figured we could shower together. I tried to find you while everyone else was, but I didn't know where you were." He only grunted, chewing on a hangnail nervously. 
"Ya wanna shower with me?" He asked sheepishly. You smiled softly, setting the book face down and standing up to take his large, callused hands in yours. "Of course, babe. Why wouldn't I?" He just shrugged his shoulders. "I dunno… figured ya wouldn' want me to see ya… ya know… like tha'." 
"Just because it seems like we aren't dating doesn't mean you're not my boyfriend." You reassured the archer. "Now c'mon before there's no more hot water left." 
He allowed you to lead him to the showering quarters where you had begun to remove your clothes. He looked away bashfully, the tips of his ears turning red. 
"D!" You giggled. "It's nothing you hadn't seen before. Now strip!" You commanded playfully. You kicked off your pants and panties, stripping off your shirt and sports bra before standing bare before him.
He had stripped down to nothing as you approached one of the enclosed showers. You twisted the knob and hot water sprayed down your sweat and dirt covered skin, drawing a blissful sigh from between your lips.
"Oh, Daryl! This is wonderful! You gotta get in here!" You cheered, standing under the head of it. You allowed the water to soak the front of your body, your head tipped back in relaxation. 
You felt his warm body before you heard the door slide shut. You smiled gently when you felt his hands land on your plush hips, the hunter placing his chin in the crease of your neck. You squirmed at the feeling of his beard tickling your skin.
"It's been too long since we've been alone, huh?" You asked carelessly. You reached up an arm to massage at his scalp and he purred in delight. "Mhm." He agreed with a hum.
He let his hands wander up and down your body, his fingertips skimming over your nipple. You knew he didn't mean too, that he was just simply worshiping your body without any lustful intent behind his touches, but God, it's been so fucking long.
"Do that again. Please." You plead breathlessly. "Okay." His voice was gruff and deep as his palms cupped your breasts, twisting your nipples and teasing them just the way he remembered you liked. 
You moaned softly, head falling back on his shoulder as he placed sweet kisses all up and down your skin. Your body heated up unashamedly, core dampening with each twist of his skillful fingers.
"'Missed you so much. Missed this." 
"Missed ya too, sunshine." His hands descended down your torso to your weeping cunt. The rough pads of his fingers teased your labia, stroking it up and down in fluid motions before sinking two digits into you slowly.
"Ah! — shit." You gasped at the stretch of the intrusion. Your hips jolted out in an attempt to fuck yourself on his fingers; but with him, you never had to beg. He'd give you anything you'd ask for and tenfold.
"I gotcha, I gotcha." He cooed, lips settling near your ear so you could listen to his ragged breathing. 
The only thing that could be heard over the splashing of the water was the squelch of your cunt followed by your ecstasy ridden moans. His fingers continually curled against your g-spot. You felt your stomach tighten, your grip on his hair tightening as well.
"I'm gonna cum, Daryl!" You gasped. You were on the precipice of pleasure, but you needed just a little bit more to push you over the edge. As if reading your mind, he inserted a finger and the pad of his thumb circled your clit.
"Cum f'me, sunshine." He demanded softly, a light rasp following his words. "Fuck!" You cried out, body quivering as your orgasm overtook you.
You could feel his hardness poking your back as he resumed his soft kisses to help bring you back down from your high.
"Don' gotta keep goin' if ya don' wanna." 
"I wanna keep going, D. Please. 'S been too long." You begged, pressing your ass on his hard-on. He choked on a grunt, palms squeezing your wide hips. "Okay." He said thickly.
He turned you around, your arms instantly wrapping around his neck. He walked you back barely even a step before your back touched the surprisingly cool tile.
"'Wanna see ya." There was a sheepish look on his face at his own admission. "I wanna see you too, baby." You agreed, bringing your lips to his as they joined together in an amorous embrace.
He wrapped one of your legs around his hip, his tip poking at your folds. He reached a free hand down to guide his cock to your entrance where he slowly penetrated you.
You broke the kiss by your head falling back, your jaw slightly dropping at the intrusion.
"Fuck." You both called out in tandem when he bottomed out inside of you. 
You spent a few moments catching your breath, but as need twisted in your gut, you squeezed down on him, pulling a bellowing groan from him. 
"Please move, Dar." 
You didn't need to tell him twice. He pulled out, before slamming into you, a loud slap resounding throughout the showers. You were glad that you decided to wait for him. 
He tried to keep up a slow pace, but your noises and gummy walls beckoned him, sucking him greedily in an attempt to take him for all that he was worth. 
You knew you'd be sore later with every smack of his toned hips to the insides of your plush thighs. 
"Ya feel so good, sweetheart." He growled, his tip prodding at your g-spot with each thrust. "You feel good too!" You repeated back to him. "God, I missed you so much." You recalled once more, pulling the man to your body so there wasn't an inch of space left between the two of you.
"Missed ya too, sweetpea. 'Gonna make you cum real good, alrigh'?" You nodded fastly in excitement. "Need it." Your response was simple, but he knew it held a heavier meaning behind it.
You knew that you were going to cum soon, and if Daryl's dick twitching was any consolation, he was right behind you.
"I want you to cum with me, baby." He nodded, "I will, I will." He repeated breathlessly.
Your bodies worked in sync to bring the other to their climax, and when they were successful, Daryl was quick to pull out of you, jerking off before he exploded on the floor; whilst you rubbed your clit to completion.
"You okay sweetheart?" He asked. "Yeah," You responded with a heaving chest. "Just a little worried about the fact that the water feels a little chilly."
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dark-and-kawaii · 1 month
୨♡୧ Betrayal ୨♡୧
Zevlor x F!Tav/Reader
₊˚⊹♡ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇꜰᴜꜱᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴛɪ��ꜰʟɪɴɢꜱ, ʀᴇꜰᴜꜱᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ᴢᴇᴠʟᴏʀ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙᴇᴛʀᴀʏ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛᴜʀɴ ʜɪꜱ ʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇᴍ… ʜᴇ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴅᴏ ꜱᴜᴄʜ ᴀ ᴛʜɪɴɢ, ʀɪɢʜᴛ?
₊˚⊹♡ Notes: ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴏɴᴇ ꜰᴏʀ ᴘᴜᴛᴛɪɴɢ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴍᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ!! ɪ ᴡᴀɴᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ꜱᴜʀᴇ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴘᴇʀꜰᴇᴄᴛ ꜱɪɴᴄᴇ ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ᴍʏ ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ ɪ'ᴠᴇ ᴡʀɪᴛᴛᴇɴ ꜰᴏʀ ᴢᴇᴠʟᴏʀ ꜱᴏ ꜰᴀʀ!!! ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʟʟ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ɪᴛ ᴀꜱ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴀꜱ ᴍʏꜱᴇʟꜰ. ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛᴏ ᴍʏ ᴅᴇᴀʀ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ @eurydia ꜰᴏʀ ᴘᴜꜱʜɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ɪɴꜱᴘɪʀɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ᴛʜɪꜱ <3
₊˚⊹♡ Major Angst | Angst | Injuries | Blood | Zevlor Harms You | Hurt/ Comfort | There's A Major Twist | Happy Ending? Maybe? Sad Ending? Possibly? | ♡
Prt 2.
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His grasp around your throat was tight and unforgiving, your body held aloft like a ragdoll, and you could feel his nails digging into your skin, his claws drawing pinpricks of blood. You always knew Zevlor was strong, but this strength was...unimaginable.
He wasn't letting up on the pressure at all.
"Z-Zev-lor... pl-please..." You choked out, “Y-ou… You kn-know m-me- Ah!”
His nails sunk further into your flesh, his eyes glaring, and for a split second, you feared that he might snap your neck right there and then… You didn’t want to believe the other tieflings, didn’t want to believe that Zevlor turned his back on his people let alone you… He’d never do such a thing.
Would he?
Your hands grasped his forearm and you could feel your strength dwindling, your eyes closing, your body growing weak, your heart beating a million miles a minute…
“Y-you- you don’t-“ you gasped, struggling for air, “you don’t wan-t t’do- th-this…!”
The tiefling paladin growled at you, the sound guttural and low, eyes narrowing with anger and hate. His tail flicked out from behind him, the pointed end lashing against the air… None of this felt real… Did the absolute truly have such a hold on him? Your precious Zevy?
Suddenly, a loud cry filled the air, followed by the sound of your back hitting the ground… hard. The wind was knocked right out of you, your hands still grasping his arms… You coughed, hacking up a bit of blood, the taste bitter on your tongue, your lungs burning. You were so delirious that you hadn’t notice how Zevlor reached for his blade until it was already too late.
With a single fluid motion, the tiefling paladin drove his sword into your shoulder, pinning you down to the ground like a bug in a glass case. Your pained screams echoed throughout the chamber, his sword sinking deep into the earth beneath you, and tears sprang from your eyes, blurring your vision.
“Zevlor!!” You cried, your hand grasping his.
You looked up at him with tears in your eyes and begged him to stop, pleaded for him to see reason. You didn't want to hurt him, and you knew deep down he didn’t want this either. That the absolute was poisoning his mind, corrupting his soul. You knew him… And this wasn’t him… He loved you, dammit! 
“I know- I know you’re st-still in there, Zev-vlor, I kn-now it-. I know it’s been hard… -! But, Zevy, ple- please-!! I lov-ove y-you! I-I won’t ever lea-leave you be-hind- I won’t-,” tears spilled freely from your eyes, the pain you felt didn’t come from your wounds but rather the heartache of knowing why he fell victim to the absolute… With little strength you had left, your shaky arm reached up to caress his cheek, “my- my swe-sweet handsome… Z-Zevlor…”
Tears welled up in his very own eyes and his brows furrowed as if confused, like he was coming to, as though the absolute lost its grip on him...
His gaze met yours, and he whispered your name, “T-Tav?”
Your face softened, the corners of your lips tugging up into a small weak smile, “Th-there he is…..”
He quickly released your neck from his grasp and let go of his sword… 
Gasping and sputtering, you tried to regain the oxygen in your lungs. Your fingers grazing over your bloody neck… The tips of your fingers tracing over the marks his nails had left behind… 
Stumbling back, Zevlor fell to his knees, his hand covering his mouth. He stared at you in horror, his eyes wide as his shoulders trembled, “By the gods what have I done..?” He saw how his blade was sheathed within your shoulder, how it pinned you to the ground, and the way your blood trickled down the edge of the blade… The tiefling’s eyes trailed to your neck… Your lovely beautiful neck now covered in smeared blood and puncture wounds… He did that…
The tiefling had been a fool. Blinded by the absolute, the power it promised, the protection it offered, and the hatred it gave…
Zevlor quickly reached for his blade and yanked it from your shoulder, causing you to cry out once more.
“Hsss!!” You grit your teeth, hissing in pain.
Zevlor cast the blade aside, the sword landing with a clank. He then was immediately on his knees beside you, his hand resting atop of yours as you pressed into your wound. 
He whispered apologies, each word tinged with despair, "I'm so sorry, I... I didn't know. I couldn't see. Forgive me, please."
Your breaths were shallow, each inhale a struggle against the pain, but you managed a nod. "Zevlor, it's... it's not your fault. The Absolute... it- it twisted your mind."
He shook his head, tears streaming down his face, mingling with the dirt and blood that stained his skin. "I was weak," he choked out. "I allowed it to take hold, to use me against those I care most about. Against you."
You reached out, your hand trembling as it brushed away his tears. "No, Zevy. You are still so strong.” The pain in his eyes were so evident, you wish you could take it away, “Everyone has moments of weakness, especially when faced with powers that promise us something good.”
Zevlor's gaze lingered on your face, his eyes searching for forgiveness and strength. He helped you sit up, carefully avoiding your injured shoulder. "We need to get you to a healer. There isn’t much I can do..."
“Zevlor, please don’t fret-“ you could feel yourself start to fade in and out of consciousness… “I-we’ll be… o-ok-“
Everything felt heavy, and it became increasingly hard to keep your eyes open. You tried, you tried so damn hard to fight it, but the pain and loss of blood had gotten to you… Fuck, you didn’t want to leave him on his own with his thoughts… But- but… Your eyes finally shut and everything went dark… You could faintly hear Zevlor call out your name, begging you to stay awake.
He carefully lifted you into his arms, his movements gentle, as if you were made of the most fragile glass. Every step he took was cautious, ensuring not to jar your wound further. The Last Light Inn was not far, but with every step, the urgency of your situation weighed heavily on him.
As he approached the inn, he could see the faces of the other tieflings who had once trusted him. Their expressions turned from surprise to shock, and then to anger as they saw the state you were in and the remorse etched deeply onto his features.
“Zevlor! What have you done!?" Lakrissa cried out, stepping forward with pure fury in her eyes.
He shook his head, tears threatening to spill down his cheeks. His voice broke, his gaze dropping to your limp form, “I- i was misled, corrupted by the Absolute. But no more. Please, she needs a healer. There's no time-“
“You are the reason some of us are dead and now you’re almost the reason for her-“ she points at you, “the one person who had faith that you didn’t turn your backs on us! The girl who saved us from those Druids and goblins!!”
Zevlor's face crumpled under the weight of Lakrissa's fury, his guilt and regret manifesting as a visible shudder that ran through his body. He knew she was right; his actions, influenced by the Absolute, had nearly cost the life of the one person who always believed in him. He dared not look at the other tieflings, their eyes burning with a mixture of disappointment, anger, and betrayal.
Lakrissa's expression faltered, her eyes drifting between the two of you, her anger turning to sorrow, but not for herself, for you.
She gestured towards the door of the inn, leading him inside, “Place her on the bed, Halsin is here I just need to fetch him…” Lakrissa stopped just before the doorway, glancing back at the paladin, "This will not undo the wrongs you've committed, and I’m only doing this for her sake."
Zevlor's expression was solemn, "I am aware, Lakrissa…”
Without another word, the tiefling slipped through the doorway and vanished, leaving Zevlor alone with you.
He carefully laid you down on the bed, taking a moment to gently push the hair from your face, his hand finding yours. Gripping it tightly as if holding onto it was his only anchor left in the world.
It didn’t take long for Halsin to arrive. The Druid an old acquaintance, a fine healer…
The large elf took one look at you and got to work immediately, his hands hovering over your wound. A soft light emanated from his palms, “How did such a fate come to pass?”
Zevlor bowed his head in shame, his words caught in his throat. He swallowed thickly, trying to find his voice, "I... I was corrupted by the Absolute and she, she paid the price for it."
“I see.”
You remained unconscious, your breathing shallow but steady, a testament to the healer's skill and the resilience that had always defined you.
Halsin was quiet for a few moments, the druid focused on his task, until his hands fell back to his side, the light fading, his healing almost complete.
“I cannot apologize enough. For everything. I have failed her, my people, and myself- and I will never forgive myself- nor do I expect it from anyone else.”
Zevlor’s hand tightened around yours, his gaze lingering on you for a few moments longer. He had been so close to losing the only person he ever cared for. The thought alone was enough to break him, his thoughts running wild about how he could possibly do it again and find his blade in your back… 
He didn’t want to release your hand, but it was inevitable, and with a final squeeze, he stood up and turned heading towards the exit, "I believe I’ve overstayed my welcome. She’ll be better off without me, nor do I deserve a place among my people. Thank you Halsin, truly, for all you have done.”
Your weak call, "please..." had halted him, a simple plea laden with so much need. When he turned, expecting perhaps to see you awake, he saw how you were still unconscious- your arm hanging off the bed as if reaching out for him…
“They’ll both recover, old friend. She just needs time to rest.”
The elf's eyes landed on the paladin, a simple warm smile gracing his face, "Go to her, they need you."
“They?” Zevlor whispered, his brows furrowing.
"Yes, her… and the child she carries?"
Zevlor was stunned, his mind processing the information. The druid's words replayed in his head, “A child... She is with child?” The walls of the room seemed to close in around him, “Oh gods...” the shadows lengthened as the burden of his knowledge grew. He nearly killed you and his unborn child. The realization was a cruel knife twisting within him. 
The room spun around him, each turn a montage of his failures, his betrayals, the lives lost, the lives almost lost because of his decisions. How could he consider himself worthy of being a father, of standing by you, when his hands were so stained?
“I- I didn’t know. I wasn't aware. If I had known- if I had been stronger... This would not have happened... I would have- I should have protected her. Gods above, what have I done?”
He wanted to run. To escape the truth of his actions and the reality of his newfound parenthood-
A gentle hand on his shoulder pulled him from his thoughts, the druid's kind eyes meeting his, "You are not the man you were yesterday, nor the one from a week ago. We change each day, this is just as life is. You can become the person they both need, the one I know you can be. Do not let the past define your future, do not allow it to define their future. The absolute may have swayed your mind, but not your soul.”
The tieflings eyes flickered towards you, his gaze lingering on you, watching every subtle rise and fall of your chest as you lay there, the steady rhythm of your breathing a quiet symphony in the otherwise silent room. Zevlor felt the weight of his past actions, but also the potential for rebirth, for growth. He realized that while he could not change the past, the future was still his to shape, that’s only if you allow it so. 
He approached your bedside, his movements hesitant, as if afraid to shatter the moment, afraid to find this all an illusion, a cruel dream his subconscious would torment him with and that you’d be lying in a casket instead of a bed… 
He reached out and took your hand in his, the warmth of your skin against his was an assurance that you were real, that he was here, that you would both be okay.
Taking a seat beside you, he watched over you with a mix of awe and fear. Fear of the unknown, of the new life he would now be responsible for, and awe of the strength and resilience you embodied, even in unconsciousness. He always found himself unromancable, yet you loved him. Despite the many faults he possessed, you loved him.
His thumb traced small circles on the back of your hand, a silent prayer of forgiveness, a plea for second chances, a promise to never be blinded by the absolute again.
Hours passed before your finally stirred, the world around you a haze of confusion and pain. Your shoulder felt like it was on fire, and your neck throbbed, every small movement an exercise in pain management.
The sight of you waking was like the dawn after the darkest night, and Zevlor held his breath, waiting, hoping.
When your eyes finally opened, they met his inferno one. A faint smile curved your lips. "Zevlor." your voice was weak, but to him, it was the most beautiful sound.
"I'm here," he replied, his voice thick with emotion. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm so sorry. For everything."
You reached out, your hand finding his cheek. "No more apologies," you whispered, stroking his skin. "No more blame.You are so kind, my Zevlor. A shield for those that are in need of protection. Please, none of this was your fault, my love.”
He pressed his hand over yours, leaning into your touch, he could see there was not arguing with you, your stubborn nature, and strongheaded ways were something he loved.
His gaze then shifted, resting on your still flat stomach, "I was told that you were with child, and that I would have the privilege of being their father."
He looked back up at you, a nervous smile tugging at his lips.
With a simple nod, you confirmed it.
“Truly?” He asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Truly," you replied.
In a split second, the paladin wrapped his arms around you, his face buried in the crook of your neck.
And in that moment, the world fell away. There was no absolute, no judgement, only the two of you and the promise of a brighter future.
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