#well. anyway. off to dinner eheh
segretecose · 2 years
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subhumanselflover · 20 days
hello mar I would like to request a Testament x reader oneshot where the two cuddle on the couch please.
note: hello, coming right up anon! i can very much channel testament into my writing today bc i had a tea party today (well. yesterday as i prepare to actually post this), ehehe :3 also i'm throwing references to testament having a job in this one bc i think it's so funny that they're canonly a construction worker. okay anyway please enjoy!
Testament x Reader, Cuddle-bug.
If there was anything on Testament's mind throughout their day today, it was you. All through their work day, they found themself humming a song that you had showed them a while ago. When you told them that the song had reminded you of them, they fell in love with the rhythm almost as fast as they had fallen in love with you. All they wanted to do was curl up with you in their arms.
So, when the time came that they were able to leave work and come home to you, they quickly made their way to your residence. You had the day off, so you spent a good bit of the day cleaning your space, which left you a tad tired. Keys jingled outside the door, and the sound of the door opening alerted you to Testament's arrival.
As they came to find you, you were swiftly greeted with a gentle embrace and a quick peck on the lips. "Darling of mine, I missed you so." The greeting was so dramatic that it would have sounded insincere from anyone else, but in that loving tone, they truly meant it. You couldn't help but giggle, nonetheless. They had already placed their bags down and slipped their shoes off, and in one of the bags, they had brought home takeout for you both. With knowing that you planned on busying yourself today, they knew that you wouldn't quite feel like cooking tonight, and frankly, neither did they.
"I shall be right back, my dear. Oh, dinner's on the kitchen counter, feel free to eat without me if I take too long," They stated before shuffling off to the bathroom to go take a post-work shower and change into comfortable clothes. You kept yourself occupied as you awaited their return, listening to the flow of water, and the muffled music that they listened to while they showered.
Coming back to the living room in a much more comfortable, yet still elegant-looking outfit, they were surprised to see you hadn't eaten yet. "Dearest, you didn't have to wait for me," They almost seemed to pout as they said this, and it was a little cute to you. A piece of evidence that someone who was once so cold had become so warm. You shrugged, and supposed aloud that you were fine to wait, as long as it was for them.
You ate at the kitchen table, chatting, sharing a meal, taking pieces of each other's meals of choice, talking about each other's days. It was domestic, comfortable..
And now that you both found yourselves comfortably full, you were curled up on the couch together. It had been their turn to pick a movie to watch, so here you were, criticizing a B-movie together. But as the movie's mediocrity proved itself, they wanted to pay more attention to you. The two of you had already been curled up together, with you sitting on Testament's lap, held gently in their arms, their nails tapping against your skin every so often.
Shifting themselves carefully, they pulled you closer, their carefully toned arms wrapped around your waist. Warmth radiated between the two of you, as the movie you were watching slowly turned into a droning sort of background noise. Their was an undeniable calm in this moment, a comfortable silence taking over between you two. There were no words, but there didn’t need to be.
Holding you close to them, Testament moved a hand to run their fingers through your hair, lightly scratching over your scalp. Stopping for a moment, they cupped your face and held it. With not much of a choice, you looked at them, making a curious noise, wondering what this was for.
“You are so, so very precious to me. I love you,” Their tone was laced with genuine affection as they held your face. Leaning in, they gave you a loving little kiss, then patted the side of your face, before pulling you to their chest. You couldn’t help but feel lucky as you shared their warmth, and shared this space with them.
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nokacchan · 2 years
Here i am~ so the first idea was inspired by this video (I'll link it below if you want to see it's worth it i promise) and i was thinking of a dad!chan with his kid(s) and the parent/mom!reader like.. not very focused 💀
The rest is up to you eheh bbye ofc you are free to ignore it maybe you don't like it I'll love u anyway
The video! https://www.instagram.com/reel/CkmxDmorqyx/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Variety Show With Dad!Chan
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pairing : bang chan x fem!reader
genre : fluff , dad!chan, attempt at humor (I would rate myself -1/10)
w.c 0.6
📎rei’s notes : I hope this is good enough >-< a special request for my bestie inki <3 😤
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“Okay, be safe and behave well, alright? Don’t give your dad a hard time”
Your kids hugged your leg before running back to your husband’s side.
“We will! We love you mummy! Bye-bye!”, your older son spoke as he got into the car. Chan buckled your two sons in their respective safety car seats.
Chan quickly made his way to your side after closing the car door. He looked at you with a smile on his face. You cupped his cheek as he looked down at you. “Make sure you drive safely”, you reminded him. He nodded while laying his hand against your hand that was on his face. He kissed your palm before leaning to leave a peck against your lips then your forehead.
“I will. Make sure you take your time to rest up. I’ll pick up your favourite later for dinner”, he replied.
You nodded your head, pulling your hand back to your side. “Okay…you need to go now before you’re late for the shoot”. Chan let out a chuckle, pecking your lips once more before running to his car. “Love you!!!~”, Chan yelled, making a smile appear on your face. 
“Love you too chris! Come back home soon!”, you waved goodbye as your husband and children drove off to their awaited distination.
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Chan was invited to be part of a variety show which focused on Korean actors/idols who are fathers, doing challenges with their child(ren)s. In Chan’s case, he was required to bake some bakery goods with his children.
Initially he was a bit worried about exposing his children to the media but then you reassured him that it was alright. After all, your children did love watching the variety show that he was invited to be part of.
“Why is the camera so big? Can we see space through that?”, your older son pointed to the cameraman holding the camera near him. It made the staff there burst into laughter.
Your son only blinked blankly before helping Chan to shape the dough. Your younger son was making a mess which made Chan panicked. Noah, who was only 1 years old, only let out a cute laugh, unbothered by the mess he had made.
“OH NAURRR NOAH!!..your mom is going to kill me”, Chan pulled the bag of flour away from your son.
*cue chan’s cries*
“Dad? Why would mom kill you? Doesn’t she love you?”, your older son, wolfy blurted out. Chan looked at wolfy then Noah then back to the camera. “Help me”, he mouthed to the camera. Chan knew he was for sure going to get memed so badly after this episode went live. The fandom wasn’t going to let dad!chan panicking and running away without memeing him first.
After an hour, Chan managed to get himself together. The cookies he made with his children may not look tasty but it was sure edible. “Just add sprinkles and you can barely taste the burnt part”, Wolfy talked to the camera. Chan covered his face in embarrassment.
“We should have uncle felix as a guest star for this episode. He makes better cookies than dad”, Wolfy added on which made everyone in the room burst into laughter.
“WOLFY! SHH”, Chan covered wolfy’s noisy mouth. Noah giggled, making grabby hands to pull his older brother’s hair. “Wooo-fi!!”, Noah called out. Wolfy hugged Noah who sat on the baby chair with a cookie in one hand.
“Yes Wolfy?”
“Please wash my hair when we get back. I think Noah sprinkled cookie crumbs on my hair”
Chan looked at Wolfy and Noah -_-’
“Yes son”
Let’s just say that Chan fell asleep almost immediately after he got home with his kids. That was probably the last variety show he was going to accept to be part of, if it involves cooking/baking.
The End.
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chaotic-orphan · 9 months
Delirious Villain x Hero Caretaker, part 3:
Read part one Here
Read part two here
TW(for all parts): panic attacks, sick villain, delirious villain, sick Whump, villain hates being sick, fear of being sick, past whump, older brother whumper, PTSD, family Whump, sibling Whump, forced to vomit, graphic depictions of fever and illness and hallucinations, panicked whumpee, hero caretaker, villain doesn’t want help, graphic depictions of throwing up, sweat, heavy manipulation
I know it took me a million years to upload this part, but I finally understand the writers WIP jokes now better, so, ahaaaah… eheh… ahem, anyways.
They wiped their eyes on their sleeve, eyebrows knitting together as they settled down again, lying on Villain’s shoulder, tucked up next to them cozy.
“Yeah Hero?”
“The… your brother beating you… it doesn’t explain why you hate being sick,” Hero said. Villain laughed a little and Hero felt the vibrations on their cheek.
“Right, yeah. After a while, when we were older… I think I was thirteen, he was sixteen. We all got a takeaway from the local Chinese place. We were eating it at the dinner table, and it was all fine and good. Then after Brother told me to come with him. I remember I didn’t want to at first, but my mum insisted I do, so I did.”
“He walked up the stairs to the bathroom and when I got in he locked the door.”
“Did you enjoy your food?” Brother asked, arms folded across his chest, leaning against the door. The years had only made him taller, more handsome and broad. High school had turned him into an idol around town and everyone knew his name.
“Yeah, I did,” said Villain. “It was nice. Did you enjoy yours?”
“Yeah, I did,” said Brother, black eyes locked on Villain’s. His mouth twisted up into a pondering pout. “But I mean, I’m allowed enjoy unhealthy food because I work out a lot. You don’t.”
“I do,” Villain protested. “I work out everyday after school, and I’ve been eating well, the diet you gave me I’ve been doing it all to the letter, Brother, I swear.”
“Okay, so if I check your school bag downstairs I won’t find chocolate bar wrappers will I?”
Villain froze at the question. Brother pushed off the door, looming over Villain, backing them up until Villain’s legs hit the side of the bath and they sat on the edge of it, shrinking down small, but Brother kept crowding them.
“That’s what I thought. It doesn’t matter how much you work out or what diet you follow if you’re still going to eat junk food. You are what you eat, Villain. People who eat takeaway and junk food get fat. Do you want to be fat?”
“No, no, I don’t Brother. I’m sorry. I’ll stop. I pro—“
Brother’s hand shot out, wrapping around Villain’s throat and hurtling them back against the wall of the bath, their legs flying up as they fell.
“I am so sick of you and your fucking promises, Villain. They mean nothing. You know why? Because you are nothing. Yet you keep trying to worm your way out of the consequences. My patience is running thin.”
Brother squeezed Villain’s throat harder and Villain gasped and flailed, trying to escape to get air to breathe. Brother was stronger than them though, and held them there a moment longer before letting up and walking to the bathroom sink with a long, drawn out sigh.
“I’m sorry,” Villain gasped, hand’s going to their throat. “I’m sorry, Brother.”
“Sorry isn’t good enough,” Brother said, gripping the sides of the sink and staring into the mirror. “I have tried with you, Villain. I have tried so hard to make you better. To make you perfect, likeable, loveable, anything more than this pathetic thing you are, but you make it so hard! Why can’t you just be better? Fucking god fucking damn it!”
Brother turned to face Villain in the bath, walked over to them and grabbed them by the collar of the shirt yanking them out. The motion was too quick for Villain to register, they couldn’t get their legs under them in time. Villain’s legs folded against the edge of the bath as Brother dragged them out, their knees hitting the bathroom floor with a heavy thud.
“Even your body knows where it belongs,” Brother hissed. “So why don’t you?!”
Brother dragged them to the toilet and flipped up the seat, dragging a struggling Villain to it. “No! Get off me! Mum! Dad! AGH—“
Brother laced his fingers through Villain’s hair and slammed his head against the toilet bowl. Villain bit his tongue with the impact, the taste of iron flooding his mouth and nose as his body was becoming more loose and struggles ceasing slightly.
“Look what you make me do! Just obey! Obey and all this will be easier on you, Villain. I’m doing this to help you! To make you better. Stronger, and you fight me the entire way!”
Brother let go of Villain’s hair and left them kneeling in front of the toilet. Villain spat some of the blood into the bowl in protest.
“What do you expect me to do?” Villain asked, the fight gone out of them. They just wanted this beating to be over with as soon as possible. They wanted to sleep.
“You’re going to throw up your dinner.”
Villain turned their head to Brother, eyes narrowing into a glare. “No I’m not.”
“Yes you are.”
Villain put two hands on either side of the toilet bowl and stood up. Brother grinned, though his eyes betrayed the emptiness of it. The malice behind their smile. The sick twisted enjoyment of Villain being defiant.
“Getting brave now, are we?” Brother hummed, head tilting as they regarded Villain. Fists balled by their sides and that hatred fuelled glare told Brother he was in for a fight. Good. “You’re throwing up your dinner tonight, Villain. The choice is whether you want to do it, or I do it. Either way you’re not getting out of here until you do.”
“Hope you’re ready for the long haul then,” said Villain and they struck first. Brother hummed as Villain’s fist connected with their jaw.
“Maybe you have been working out,” said Brother, and he swung his fist. Villain ducked under Brother’s arm and used his momentum to shove him forward. Villain didn’t wait to see if he fell or how far, he turned to the door, unlocked it and bolted out of it and down the stairs.
Brother’s footsteps followed close behind, haunting Villain as they desperately ran to the front door, unlocking it and yanking it open. A hand slammed it shut above their head and Villain yanked at it with all their strength but it barely budged open again before clicking shut.
“Kids!” Dad said from the kitchen and Villain ran to them. To help them, save them. Brother yanked on the hood of Villain’s jumper, choking them but Villain scrambled out of the stupid jumper and kept running, fixing their t-shirt as they ran into the kitchen.
“Why are you two—“
“Brother has been beating me,” Villain all but screamed. He panted as his lungs tried to catch up with him, swallowing air like it was free pizza at the arcade. “He’s been beating me, all the time. That’s how I get the bruises. That’s how I get the cuts,” Villain said, showing them his patchwork arms that he hid beneath his hoodies and long sleeves.
Well not anymore. No more hiding. Screw that. Screw protecting their psycho older Brother.
Brother walked slowly into the room, crossing his arms and leaning against the doorframe, Villain’s jumper in his fist. Black eyes watching Villain as they spoke. Completely unfazed.
“That’s why I’m wearing jumpers in July. That’s why I haven’t worn shorts all year. He has been beating me, cutting me, hurting me— and neither of you ever lifted a finger. Ever noticed how much he was hurting me, but you know now, so please… please…” Villain begged, tears flooding his eyes and streaming fat and fast down his face. “He told me I have to throw up the Chinese we just ate. He locked me in the bathroom with him and told me either I did it or he would make me. Make me throw up.”
The more Villain spoke, the louder the silence became as their parents looked both shocked and horrified at what Villain was telling them, but didn’t say anything about it.
“Please,” Villain sniffed. “Please say something. Tell him to fuck off. To stop hurting me please. I can’t live like this, I can’t.”
“Oh sweetheart, come here,” said Mum and Villain ran straight into her arms. She wrapped him in the warmest, tightest hug he had ever had and shushed him as he cried. Running gentle fingers through his hair. “It’s okay. We’ll sort this out, okay?”
Villain nodded against her shoulder.
“You want to explain what Villain just said, Brother?” Dad asked and Villain felt warmth flood through their chest as they realised that mum and dad believed them. They actually believed them, despite what Brother had told them all this time.
Brother let out a sigh. Villain turned to face him, stepping out of their mum’s arms and slightly in front of her. Inky black eyes followed Villain’s movements and settled on their face as they spoke.
“Villain is out of control,” said Brother, voice calm. “Ever since we were kids he has been picking fights with kids for no good reason, so I’ve been trying to help him out since he came into secondary school. He doesn’t… he just doesn’t listen. Everyone else, listens! He just again and again refuses my help.”
“Your help is making sure I can’t wear proper clothes anymore you dick!” Villain yelled, a hand on their shoulder calmed them as their mum shushed them.
“See what I mean?” Brother said, gesturing at Villain. “They have these outbursts all the time! I tried to reason with them for years, and I’ve just grown impatient. The only thing that Villain responds to is violence. It hurts me as much as it hurts them, but it’s just a fact.”
“That doesn’t give you a right to hurt them,” said Dad and Brother shook their head with a scoff.
“It does. Do you know how hard it is to be perfect? I have worked my arse off trying to make you both proud of me. Trying to be the best, I just want to help people, you know this. I want to be good, and join the Hero program. I want to make the world a better place.”
“That still doesn’t explain cutting and punching your brother, Brother,” Dad scolded, glancing back at Villain’s arms. “You have left them with scars!”
“That was the last resort, Dad! That was after they got into another fight at school with a teacher no less.”
“What fight?” Mum asked and Villain stiffened under her comforting hand.
Brother sighed again, more dramatically this time and ran his hand down his face, before finally stepping into the kitchen. Villain took an instinctive step back, their back hitting Mum. Brother didn’t even smile like they usually would at Villain’s fear. It sent a shiver up Villain’s spine.
“I think you should sit down,” said Brother, tone somber and heavy. He pulled a chair out for himself and sat down. Mum and Dad shared a look then did the same. All in their usual places. Mum and dad sitting across from each other. Brother and Villain sitting across from each other.
Brother threw Villain’s hoodie onto the table and Villain took it back hesitantly, before throwing it back on.
It felt like one nail in their coffin.
“Ever since we were kids,” Brother began, looking at Villain. “I have been protecting Villain from getting into trouble as much as I could. Which means, if he got into a fight with another kid I would smooth talk the other kid until I knew they wouldn’t tell a teacher or their parents or anything.”
“Why?” Dad asked.
“Because…” Brother said, throwing his hands up in a useless gesture. “I had built this pristine reputation. Everyone liked me. Everyone wanted to be friends with me, and then Villain comes along and gets into fights left and right, I didn’t want people to think bad of us. Or for either of you to be troubled by Villain’s fighting.”
“Is this true, Villain?” Mum asked, and Villain’s heart sunk to the bottom of their stomach.
Villain swallowed helpless, looking from Mum to Dad to Brother. “I— yes, but I wasn’t fighting for bad reasons! I promise!”
“How many fights did you get into?” Dad asked and Villain was quiet. “How many fights a week, then, Villain?”
“I—“ Villain said with a sigh, shoulders sagging. “I didn’t keep count.”
“There was that many?” Mum asked and Villain shrunk in their seat.
“There was about three fights a week,” said Brother, and Villain glared at him.
“No way there was three!”
“You just said you didn’t keep count,” said Brother matter of factly.
Villain turned to their parents and said: “I wasn’t fighting just to fight. I was fighting like how Brother fought. For people being bullied by other people. And sometimes even for brother—“
“Punching a bully only makes you a bully, Villain,” said Dad, shaking his head.
“Say that to the people being bullied! I was a bully, but I was a bully of bullies!” Villain protested. “The bullies were afraid of me, so they left other people alone.”
“There’s no need to raise your voice, Villain,” Dad chastised and Villain bowed their head and said: “sorry.”
Dad turned back to Brother then. “And Brother, you didn’t need to take this on board for us. You should have let those kids call home so we would know what is going on with Villain as it happens. We are the parents, not you.”
Brother had the audacity to look humbled by the reprimanding. “I’m sorry dad. I just thought… I’m Villain’s big brother. It’s my job to protect them. To help them. To guide them through the troubles of High school and now that they’re older they can’t think fighting solves everything. Especially not fighting with teachers.”
When Dad turned to face Villain again, and Mum was looking at Villain too, Villain saw the way Brother’s repentance morphed into a twisted grin. As if they already knew that they had won Mum and Dad over.
“What was the fight with your teacher about, sweetheart?” Mum asked gently.
Villain frowned, foreboding settling on their chest like a breezeblock, as they realised, it didn’t matter what they said. Somehow brother would twist the story and make themselves look good. They needed to be convincing and tell the truth.
“They said that Heroes were stupid, that they ruined our city and brought all the psychos and Villains into the spotlight, said we were wasting our taxes on them when they destroy our buildings and roads with their fighting.”
Even retelling the words that stupid teacher used made Villain’s hands curl into fists by their sides, how dare they say such a thing. Bet they wouldn’t be so cocky if a Villain was holding them hostage and a Hero saved them.
“And what did you do?” Dad asked.
Villain raised their head, chin jutting in the air and said: “I told him that it was very rude of him not to appreciate how hard the Heroes work to keep us all safe. Then he got mad at me and—“
Brother snorted from across the table. All heads turned to face him. Brother had the audacity to look innocent, but their eyes held that same knowing stare, twinkling with confidence that they could win their parents to his side.
“That’s not what I heard happened,” said Brother and Villain nearly lunged for him, but with the table in the way they wouldn’t be able to reach over and punch him. “I heard you called the teacher an idiot and caused a riot in your class over Heroes and Villains and where teachers fit into the spectrum.”
“That’s a lie,” Villain hissed, slamming their hands on the table. Brother beamed at that.
“See? Villain has issues, anger issues! They can’t even handle me telling the other side of the story.”
“The other side of a story you made up in your head, Brother! You’re lying!”
Brother sat back in their chair, smug, and scoffed. Folding their arms across their chest they said, “fine. All Mum and Dad have to do is call the teacher and they’ll tell them what really happened.”
“And?” Hero asked, voice gentle and soft and safe.
Villain hummed, a wry smile on their lips. “They went to fact check Brother’s story.”
“And what happened?”
“In the time it took them to make the call, Brother had me upstairs, wheezing, winded and over the toilet, spidery fingers down my throat.”
“Christ, Villain!”
“I know,” Villain said with a small laugh. “I guess the fear started there… and Brother… they knew how much it got under my skin, more so than the cuts and bruises, so he kept doing it. In school, out of school, on the way home. He was relentless.”
“And where is he now? Brother, I mean.”
“He was here earlier but I think he’s gone now, I think, shit, I must have been hallucinating or something,” Villain said, eyes widening slightly.
“Let’s just hope you start feeling better tomorrow, Vil.”
“I better. I’m looking forward to your chicken soup,” Villain hummed and Hero laughed.
“You just spent the last twenty four hours throwing up and all you can think about is food?”
“I’m a simple person, Hero, and your soup is like a miracle cure.”
“You’re putting a lot of hope in this soup,” said Hero and Villain laughed, cuddling closer to Hero.
“No, I’m not. I just— Hero… thank you for everything today.”
“You’ve done it for me before,” said Hero, “remember the food poisoning incident? That was not pretty.”
“Just take the compliment, crime fighter,” Villain murmured sleepily. Hero just smiled and kissed Villain’s head and said: “okay, Vil. I’ll take the compliment. Go to sleep.”
Villain’s soft, even breaths was Hero’s answer, and they smiled, and closed their eyes as well. Holding Villain closer than they ever have before.
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moonbyunniee · 2 years
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genshin characters on your birthday
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cw ➵ fluff
characters ➵ ayato, thoma, venti, xiao
a/n ➵ enjoyy!! btw i'm gonna be reposting my old headcanons here bc for whatever reason i deleted them...ty for still following me after my hiatus (in which i said i would be leaving but like...ehe)
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k. ayato - 神里綾人 ➵
ayato, as we all know, is a very busy person with lots of responsibilities
however, he does of course make time for his one and only, you!
ayato wakes up very early, earlier than usual, to finish all of his work in time for you to get up
once you get out of bed and are ready for the day, he greets you with beautiful flowers
"so, my darling...where to on this fine day?"
ayato will try to relax for you - it doesn't take much effort for him, since being around you always makes him relaxed anyway
ooh and flowerpicking!
ayato takes you to where all the best flowers are, fresh for picking, and the two of you make flower bouquets together
in the evening, he goes through his work from the day with you sitting on his lap, until he notices that you're getting tired
then the two of you go to bed together, resting your head in his chest and letting his warmth guide you to sleep
"i love you so, my precious. happy birthday."
thoma - 托马 ➵
thoma is amazing with these kinds of things!
of course, he wakes you up with breakfast in bed
he does all the cleaning and decorates the house especially for the occasion
birthday cake? he's already made it. higher than even his standards for his beautiful y/n's special day!
"i hope you'll enjoy this cake! it's my own recipe, i know you'll like it!"
he's also written a card for you and everything <3
more about cooking, he's made you gourmet meals for lunch and dinner
all your usual chores are all done by him too of course, what did you expect?
thoma also takes you out to look around at the street vendors' stalls, grabbing things to eat here and there
when you're sleepy, he takes you to bed with a mug of warm milk and hums you to sleep, sleeping right by your side with his arm around you
"happy birthday, y/n...you really are one of a kind."
venti - 温迪 ➵
ahh - kinnie! <3
this little bard will 100% wake you up with kisses all over your face
he'll already have written several songs to sing to you
and he performs them at diluc's tavern ehe~
be prepared for the onslaught of giggles, kisses and cuddles coming your way the second he senses you're awake!
he'll let you braid his hair in bed
and then he'll turn around and braid yours as well just like his, if you want to
"ehe sugarboo, today's gonna be a wonderful day! why? because you're here, of course! and it's your special day~"
he'll take you anywhere - i repeat, ANYWHERE - you want to go in teyvat.
just say where you want to go
and he'll carry you in his arms, a strong blow of wind lifting the two of you up and away, to where you want to go!
on another note, you didn't expect him to make a birthday cake
we all know the cute little bard isn't a great cook so let's just let the absence of cake and food slide -
well anyway, he makes up for it with a whole bunch of the most delicious, freshest apples picked from windrise just for you <3
at night, he'll take you to diluc's tavern and the two of you can drink to your heart's content (i mean, not wine if you don't drink but you can have apple cider or whatever else you like to drink)
he'll carry you back to you guys' home and cuddle you in bed, whispering sweet things into your ear as you drift off with a smile on your face
"ehehe~...i love you, y/n! you're a gift to me, and i hope to be the same to you <3"
xiao - 魈 ➵
the mighty adeptus, alatus, will make sure everything goes to plan on your special day
he himself doesn't understand the importance of something so trivial
since he's lived for so long, of course
but he understands that it's important to you, and that's all the self-persuasion it takes for him to plan your entire day out
he wakes you up softly, shaking your body in the sheets until you wake up and yawn, stretching
poor boy is immediately flustered and forgets the entire plan for two seconds, but of course he doesn't show it
"ahem...happy birthday, y/n."
he wonders whether he should tell you he loves you now, but he thinks for too long and his moment is missed
you hug him, making him blush. he doesn't hug you back, but you didn't expect that from him
he's not used to loving physical contact, what do you think
after you're dressed and ready for the day, he puts the rest of the plan in action
xiao, like ayato, surprises you with a bouquet of flowers
he also takes you out to wangshu inn to eat
the two of you share some almond tofu together <3
every little thing anybody does to you, xiao makes sure he studies your every movement carefully to make sure you don't feel down in any way possible
if anyone so much as tries to hurt you, well...he'll turn into angry adeptus xiao and hunt them do-
at night, xiao sleeps by your side (even though he has no need for sleep as it's for mortals in his words) and holds you close.
he's lucky it's dark, otherwise you'd be able to see his blushing face
"i'm right here for you, y/n. i'll always be here. happy birthday. i...i love you, my angel."
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tinysillylemonman · 2 months
Enjoy a bonus chapter of Just Barely There, but written three years late and based off my very foggy memory of the show. :D
It’s amazing what one could do when armed with explosives. Guards? Royalty? Citizens? Nothing a little explosives and armed criminals can’t fix.
Paved streets became littered in rubble and a choking alabaster dust, homes were caved in to reveal what would’ve been quaint dinner tables and gardens. People were left in shock, all the easier for their capture and the handy reuse of prison cells. The queen and king were tied to the same fate, just a few levels below their people, left to count the etches on the walls and smell the iron of dried blood.
In short, after a few quick witted words and total domination of the kingdom he hated, Andrew was doing much better than he had been two days ago. He and the Saporians were on top of the world, so what if they had to carry around a mentally unstable kid too? They’ve gone through worse in pursuit of their ambitions. Andrew just wished that the kid would keep his mouth shut.
“…And when we find him? I’m gonna make him realize just how wrong he was about me! That’s right Flynn Rider, I’m on top of the world right now! Well, uh- we. We’re on top of the world. Eheh… Anyways, I’ve been thinking that I should have facial hair, y’know to match the whole look we’ve got going on…”
Good Sun could this kid fucking talk. Kai was the appointed listener while they picked through the rubble of what might’ve been a marketplace? Eh, the specifics didn’t matter, just finding what the kid needed for their next step did. They’d quickly found that they didn’t need to restrain the kid or anything to keep him close, he latched onto Andrew as quickly as a baby duck, which suited Andrew’s purposes all the better. Shuffling through the rubble took time, which made Andrew nervous. The what ifs of outside support or unfound citizens catching up to them was in all senses illogical, but he couldn’t help it. This was too easy to be this good.
“Hey Andrew! We found something!”
And it kept on getting better.
Andrew ambled over to where Clementine and Juniper stood, eagerly awaiting praise or reprimand. People were just so easy to control, he couldn’t help but chuckle to himself. Just give them a dollop of approval or a look of disappointment and they would fall all over themselves to do whatever he asked. Tell them that it’s for a good cause, that surely if you work a little harder and listen to me more the people will forgive you, or Saporia will rise, and they are as docile as sheep. Bracing himself on fallen lumber and jumping over bricks, he made his way to see what the girls had found. Hm.
“Varian!” He barked, interrupting the kid from his ramble and turning his attention back to the container found. The kid stumbled towards him, eager like a puppy and nervous as a fawn. “What’s up Andrew?” Oh how he loved that fragile sense of causality, “Take a good look at this kid”. Andrew smiled at him, not warmly like a father appraising a job well done, but instead like the cat that got the cream, wolfish and not unlike a predator. But Varian didn’t know the difference at this point. The object found was a woven container made of wheat straw, labeled simply with “luminescent powder”. Andrew didn’t much care for this container, but rather what it meant. This particular site was the remnants of some sort of alchemy shop, and held precious resources for the Saporian cause.
Varians eyes were the size of saucers, oohing and ahhing at the prospect of new materials. At least the kid caught on quick. “Wha- are these- I mean…can I use these?” Varian’s mouth was in a comical gape, gazing down at what would be the first of many new and expensive materials. Andrew had him hook…line…
“Of course Varian! Why do you think we were degrading ourselves to scavenging for Coronan goods? Don’t be shy, take whatever you need, we’ll even help you carry it all!” He could feel the disgruntled looks from his compatriots burning into his back, but that could be soothed later. Varian whipped his head back towards Andrew, who surely looks liked some sort of saint providing for the poor and needy fourteen year old criminal. The boy’s face was split in half with a look that hadn’t graced his visage in a very long time, a beaming, gap-toothed smile.
And sinker.
Hugo hates slayer wolves with a burning passion, he’s decided. Of course Flynn fuckin’ Rider’s ego could get bigger, why hadn’t he known that fact sooner? Silly him! It was Flynn Rider’s hubris that led to Hugo being held upside down by some magically inclined tree branch, displayed like a jester vying for the king’s laughter. The king in this case is the culprit himself.
“Ok, yeah, laugh it up Rider. This is truly the peak of comedy!” Hugo shouts, and no dear reader, the heat in Hugo’s face is not due to embarrassment, he’s far above something like that. He’s just suffering from his body’s content of blood heading straight for his head. Rider is on the ground, in such a grand fit of laughter that he could be mistaken for a man attempting to imitate a ship in tumultuous seas. His girlfriend is standing next to him, smiling warily and waiting for her partner to return to sanity. The peanut gallery is standing to the side and actually trying to help Hugo out of his predicament. They’re not making very much progress on that front unfortunately.
“You’re damn right this is! Sun”, a choked wheeze interrupts Rider’s bout of clamor, “I think we should just leave you there! maybe you’ll get smarter from all that blood going to your head!” Hugo growls and swings himself closer to where Rider is. “We’ll at least I’m not a pathetic pampered lap dog who can’t even find his way around a-“ Hugo is cut off by the last person he thought would stand up to Rider, the princess. Oh this would be good. “You two need to stop fighting, we can’t get anywhere with you two quarreling constantly! Sure, you’ve screwed each other in the past, but none of that matters now! We’re all working together so I’d like you two to act like it!” The man with the earring hoots from his spot by the offending tree’s base in support or agreement, or maybe even both.
And to Hugo’s surprise, Rider listens. Maybe you can teach an old dog new tricks. Rider picks himself up and cuddles up to the princess, apologizing. But Hugo knows that he’s not genuine. The grin on his face when the princess is satisfied and hugging him is evidence.
“As beautiful as that moment was, unfortunately the power of friendship will not get you very far here.” A husky and confident announces from above- and is that a RACCOON???
Now dear readers, we of course know that this woman is set up to be our knight in furry armor, Adira, accompanied by her newfound companion Ruddiger. But our starring cast of misfit found family is none the wiser to this notion. Because we have the knowledge of who this remarkable figure is, I’ll spare you from the details of her introduction and in the spirit of brevity, inform you that our current narrator Hugo is an astute follower of the idea that “an enemy of my enemy is my friend”.
Hugo is quickly becoming very fond of this Adira. Sure she’s a bit odd and confusing, but he’s worked with worse when on prior assignments. The caravan is being pulled slowly along the path of the “Forest of No Return”, Adira is at the head of this odd procession, followed by Hugo, who is trying to learn about this new ally in annoyment as much as possible.
“What’s the rat’s name?”
“If you’re talking about the raccoon, then I’m sorry to say that I do not know”
She slashes stray branches with her (super fucking cool) sword and takes a left turn into an identical looking portion of the forest. Hugo scrunches his nose at this acknowledgment and continues his jog in pursuit of her. “What, the all-knowing Adira doesn’t even know the name of her animal companion? Hm, I guess that you’re not as wise as you let on.” Hugo knows this song and dance like the back of his hand, banter is his second nature and his most used tool. Annoyance is just another result that gives him entertainment and intel. But Adira is stoic, smoothly keeping her pace and not batting an eye. “It is not in my knowledge that rodents are able to communicate their names to people. This fellow came to me well-fed and groomed, I am sure that he has a home and name somewhere, maybe even multiple. I however am not keeping him around long enough to require that sort of connection. I may not know his name but call him Bandit, much like how I call each of you a nickname. I find that terms based off of physicalities are much more useful than learning everyone whom I meet’s name.”
Hugo perks up at the mention of nicknames, “Hey now, you can’t just mention that you have nicknames for all of us and not tell me what they are! What am I- Actually no better question what’s Riders?”, he grins devilishly. Adira chuckles and decides to indulge in his childish curiosity. “You my fellow are Stringbean,” she points at Rapunzel who floats curiously closer and closer towards the duo, not-so subtly eavesdropping, “she is Sundrop”, Adira points at Lance, “he is Earring”, she points at Cassandra, “she is Short Hair” and finally she points at Rider, “he is Fish Skin”.
An indignant yell comes from Rider, who hilariously falls all over himself to contest the (aptly chosen) nickname. Hugo gets a good laugh in, and when it’s later just him, “Bandit”, Rider, and Adira left to find the lost caravan, he decides that the little guy deserves a proper name for the time being.
“How about…Smokey?” The raccoon shakes its head.
“Freddy?” Rider offers, to which the vermin actually hisses at.
“Hector?” Adira muses, again with another head shake.
“Ok! Lighting round! Theodore, Clifford, Gadget, Pluto, Alastor, Dill, Bones, Fin, Pippin, Stew, Chase, Bard, Rufus, Ricky, Wallace, Ruddiger-“, the raccoon perks up and starts chittering excitedly, making admittedly adorable cheering motions. Hugo grins and lifts the newly named Ruddiger off of Adira’s shoulder and cradles it in his arms. “Ruddiger? I feel like I’ve heard that name before.” Rider moves his hand to pet the raccoon’s fur, but is swatted at and promptly denied any further proximity. “Well I’d hope so,” Hugo snarks, “any good fan of the ‘Adventures of Flynn Rider’ knows the con-man shopkeeper Ruddiger Jordan, Flynn Rider’s reluctant father figure and-“ he’s cut off by a man with the very same name. “His grumpy mentor, yes I know. I guess that’s where I heard it from. No need to lecture me kiddo”. Hugo sneers at the interruption and drops the raccoon to stare at Flynn directly. Does this guy wanna go? Because he can GO and he’d actually hit a growth spurt recently so he is feeling good about he chances-.
Adira and Ruddiger exchange eye contact and sigh.
This kid is fucking ridiculous. After having praised him, tucked him into bed, read him a story, and KISSED HIS FOREHEAD, he’s finally asleep. Andrew is so glad that it’ll only be a month or two until he can drop the kid and get into the real crux of his plan. Of course he wasn’t going to just settle for taking Corona, no, a man with as much charisma and as good of looks as him was meant for bigger better things. Next he could take Koto, or Ingvarr, or maybe even see if that wife's tale about the Dark Kingdom is true. Yes, Andrew is going to dump Varian, and he is going to enjoy every moment of the betrayal.
Fuck did he get that luminescent powder on himself?! The kid’s hair is glowing for Sun’s sake! Andrew turns over in bed and covers his head with a pillow. This will be a long night.
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razzlee-meow · 1 year
the fic where hank has no idea what tickling is and everyone is happy to show them.
i made this up in like, five seconds.
deimos and sanford are telling a story. the whole room goes silent, however, when hank has no idea what the hell they're talking about. hilarity ensues afterward, along with a cute sight they'd never seen before.
ehehe lee!hank.
i'm sorry, i love when stoic men are really ticklish. i think it's the cutest thing in the world. you know what i love even more? HAAAANK. anyways have more lee!hank.
(i might write some modern au and some more 2b eventually. for now, have the baby that could kill me in two seconds flat.)
2 fics in one night?! what's up with me?!
"S-So, Sanford and I were on a mission, right?" Deimos announced, looking at the three that were gathered around the lounge eating dinner after a long day of back-to-back missions. Sanford groaned loudly as he turned his head in shame, immediately recognizing the story that his boyfriend was telling. "You ass, you don't need to tell this story," he remarked, pursing his lips as he took a sip of his soda. The storyteller only chuckled at that, giving him a wink before continuing.
"Anyways, we were on a mission. It happened a few days ago, yeah? Sanford got himself into a bit of trouble with the automatic door... a-and..." Deimos couldn't help but burst into giggles, closing his eyes as he hid his face in his hands. The other two, Doc and Hank, only stared on in amusement as they both listened to the story. The technician quickly gained his composure back as he continued telling the story.
"Sanford's pant leg got caught in the automatic door. So, I pick him up under the arms and pull him..." Deimos shot a snarky grin toward the one in question. "And he lets out the most high-pitched squeak known to man. It shocked me for a minute, but that shit was so funny," Deimos cackled, leaning backward into the couch he was sitting on.
"Shut up! Everyone's ticklish, dumbass," Sanford responded, with a light pout and a scarlet face, clearly embarrassed by the whole situation.
"...uhhh, what the hell are you two talking about?" Hank piped up, their eyes flicking between the two. The couple turned to face him, raising both of their eyebrows. "What do you mean? Do you mean what mission we were on? Well, it was the-"
Deimos was cut off by them shaking their head.
"No, I mean, what the hell is 'tickling?'"
The whole room went silent, and all eyes were suddenly on Hank. They were all giving him a look of confusion like he'd just shot every single one of them with no remorse. They couldn't help but wonder if they had said something wrong. He looked over to 2BDamned, who was also giving him the same look. Hank tilted his head. "What? Why are you all looking at me like that?"
Deimos was the first to speak. "W-Wait, so you're tellin' me," he paused for a moment, eyeing both his boyfriend and the doctor, "that you've never been tickled before?"
"No, I have not. What is it?" All of their expressions changed from confusion to smugness, smirks decorating each of their faces. It seemed like they were planning something but how was he supposed to know what they were going to do? Were they going to tickle him? ...whatever that meant, they thought. Hank was suddenly cut out of his thoughts as Doc locked his arms underneath Hank's own, essentially immobilizing him.
"H-Hey, what are you d-doing?!" Hank suddenly grew confused. Were they about to hurt him? Why else would they need to restrain them?! He struggled in the other's grasp, kicking his legs out as if that would do him any good. They forgot how strong Doc exactly was, considering that they never really went out to fight that often. Sanford and Deimos were slowly creeping over to him, a slightly evil grin on both of their faces.
"Oh, Hank~," Deimos spoke softly, his sharp teeth visible with that childish grin on his face. "You have no idea the situation you've put yourself in, huh?" There was a moment of silence between the four of them, with Deimos and Sanford exchanging glances every few seconds. The mercenary could feel anxiety bubbling in his chest yet kept that cool exterior on. It would soon be broken the minute they laid their fingers on his exposed torso, however, watching as Hank's eyes widened.
He honestly didn't know how to react. Whatever they were doing to him was definitely working, as he felt the electric-like sensations shoot through all of his nerves. Hank struggled to keep it together, only barely keeping a straight face as they writhed in Doc's grasp. "W-What.. t-thehehe hell?" Hank choked out, accidentally letting out a soft giggle.
The other two only grinned wider, applying more pressure to the spots they were focusing on. Deimos was applying pressure to the mercenary's ribs, focusing on drilling his slim fingers into the sensitive bone. Sanford had dropped a little lower, focusing on the other's legs, squeezing his kneecaps with just enough force. All the while they did this, they were talking back and forth, teasing the poor man out of his mind.
"Y'know, for Nevada's Most Wanted, I didn't think you'd be this ticklish. It feels kind of... hm, out of character?" Deimos muttered, his nails scraping against the cloth. Hank let out an honest-to-God squeal, throwing their head back as loud, gruff cackles rang out into the area. "W-WhahahaHAHA-! S-StohohoHOHOP! D-Dohohoc, lehehEHEheT MEHEHE GOHOHO!" Hank tried to struggle out of his grip, but with the sensations and Doc's brute strength, they were too weak to do anything.
"It does feel out of character, Deimos. To be so unbearably ticklish like this. Hey, they might be worse than you," Sanford chuckled, nudging the other in the side. Deimos only grumbled as he huffed, continuing to dig deep into the other's ribs, slowly lowering down to his toned belly. Hank couldn't even think straight - the only thing on his mind was getting away from these tickly sensations, the feeling driving him absolutely mad. "AHAhahahAA- sTOHOHOHOP! I c-cAHAHAN'T!" Hank cackled out, shaking their head as the cloth around his mouth started to fall down.
"Aww, look at him," Doc muttered, their eyes lowering down to the other's cute noises and reactions. "I'm sure he just loves what you're doing to him~." Their teasing only made it tickle more, for whatever reason. Deimos and Sanford only continued on their torturous touches, making them jerk and squirm around in the other's arm. It wasn't long before the cloth on Hank's face fell down to his neck, and the cutest sight was seen before them.
Both Sanford and Deimos stopped in their tracks, their eyes widening and their faces turning a bright red as they saw Hank's face. Although he was missing the bottom part of his jaw, and it was replaced with metal casing, the smile that he had was ... a little pure for someone like him. They panted, trying to regain their breath as they felt the phantom sensations crawl up their nerves.
"W-What... ihihis it?" Hank let out another soft giggle, looking up with tears pricked at the corner of his eyes. Everyone avoided eye contact, their whole faces bright red. It wasn't until Doc pointed the obvious out. "Your...uh, mask, Hank," they spoke softly as they stared at his beautiful, scarred face. His eyes widened as he pulled it back up, being released from the other's grasp.
"...if it makes you feel any better, you're really cute!" Deimos teased, as he watched the mercenary stand up suddenly. Sanford laughed a bit at that comment but didn't notice the sneaky look in Hank's eyes.
"Oh, you want to laugh, huh?" Hank muttered toward Sanford, rubbing at his sides softly. "I'll give you a good laugh."
Needless to say, Deimos and Sanford definitely got what they deserved. Doc could easily tell that Hank didn't mind the affection, considering none of them were legitimately killed yet, and the fact that he could've easily struggled out of that if he wanted. ... it wasn't like they were holding him that hard, anyways.
But that would be their little secret... to exploit for later.
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bluethude · 2 years
i loved your genshin x anemic!reader headcanons !! if it's okay, may i please have headcanons of loid forger (spy x family) with an anemic!partner ? thank you!
Hi there ! Oh thank you for this compliment ! I was somehow sure I messed up big time with it, eheh.
But, sure ! I got the eighth tome in the collector edition the day it got out, honestly, I love so much the entire thing, it's so cute (I wished there was some stickers in it but I'm already happy about it) ! No spoil, but I'm amazed by Yor and I'm excited for the next tome !
Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy this one as much as you enjoyed the Genshin x Anemic!reader !
Requested : Yes
Characters : Loid Forger (main), Anya, Bond and Nocturna (secondary)
Summary : Loid Forger with an anemic!partner, featuring Anya, Bond and Nocturna !
Word count : 1187 words
Warning : Since I don't know what the anime is covering from the manga, there's some spoilers ahead
​​​​✉️​Asks are open​✉️​
✨​Let's go ! ✨​
Given the context of the story, I assume you and Loid married for convenience, much like Yor and Loid in the original story. Your anemia prevented you from finding a partner willing to take care of you and help you with your illness and your neighbors were getting suspicious of you. And he, well, needed a partner to take care of Anya and for his mission.
Since he stole the files from the town hall, he knew about your anemia, but he didn't care much. If anything, people would find it sweet he was willing to take care of an anemic partner.
So he married you, and you moved in, with Loid and Anya.
Loid went to the library and took all the books available on the anemia and how to treat it. He has the cover of being a psychiatrist, so people could easily assume he had a patient with mental issues and anemia.
Loid explained what anemia is to Anya, who imagined it was some kind of bad guy out there to hurt you.
Once Anya knew anemia is an illness and you needed mostly rest and some calm, she said she would be a good girl and your protector when Loid wasn't there !
She makes some drawings of her with Loid and you. You watch her favorite show together, while Loid is watching from the corner of his eye. He finds this spy show a bit ridiculous but seeing you and Anya being happy together by watching it makes him feel good.
You often played with Anya and Chimera. You even sewed a friend for the pink and green plush !
You also help the little girl with her homework. Honestly, most of characters think she's dumb or unable to learn, but it'll all in the method as she proved a few times through the manga/anime, she's quite smart. Since you spent a lot of time home with her, you were finally able to crack the code and you started to make her study for her school !
With Anya's ability to read minds and Bond's ability to see in the future, the second you start to feel bad and notice it or if Bond has a vision of you being unwell, she'll immediately go to Loid saying you feel weird. If he's not there, she'll call him, on the phone, right at the hospital. Well, you had to enter the number but Anya would make the call herself because she wants you to rest and because she’s a big girl !
Once Loid is warned, he'll go immediately to you (or leave work as soon as he can), to see what's wrong. He knows you can handle it, but he really wanted to protect you for the mission, he thinks at first.
Despite him knowing you could handle your own condition, he's still worried about your wellbeing and is quite afraid at the idea of you hurting without him knowing it. He won't tell it, but Anya will know and that's why she doesn’t waste time in telling him when you start to feel bad.
If you're worried about him being stressed over your illness, he'll reassure you and will tell you he knows you can handle it, but he wants to be a good husband to you and be there to help you, no matter what the anemia can bring you.
You both can cook. Usually, you cook lunch and he'll cook dinner. But sometimes, on his days off or when you feel well enough, you both cook something together. Anya would try to help you but since she tends to mess everything up (in the cutest way of course), you'll give her something to do as a distraction.
At first you don't sleep in the same bed, as you were each a bit flustered to be this close, especially with a marriage done in such context, but as your relationship progressed, you grew more and more comfortable around each other and you eventually started to sleep in the same bed, making your relationship more credible to the rest.
Loid knew anemic people were cold, but he never thought it would be this cold, especially in bed.
Of course he'll warm you up with hot towels, socks or just hold you close to him, to give you a bit of his warmth. He will also give you his hand or let you hold his arm, if it makes you hands warmer.
There's a lot of homedates, but when you'll feel well, he will take you on dates outside at restaurants, museums, movies or whatever you want, to make up to you about the times where he couldn't be there for you as it might or might not have started some rumors about him having an affair and it made him feel bad about it. Most of the dates are made with Anya though, so you three look like a real family.
Twilight or Loid's colleague, Nocturna, or Fiona Frost per her civil identity, will see you as a bother. She'll clearly think you are too weak to be Loid's partner and wonders why Loid chose such an ill person for a mission this important. You should give up and go back where you came from and let her be Mrs.Forger. She loves Twilight and she's ready to actually pick an indirect fight with you to get his attention.
Of course, Anya will hear those thoughts and will be very clingy to you and make extra efforts to help you and to let you help her, to show you're the perfect parent for her !
You might notice Nocturna is not thinking well of you, especially since she told you Loid complains at work that his partner isn't very capable.
But since Loid is honest to you about your abilities and how you are doing as Anya's parent, you knew it was Nocturna's invention or at least a bad interpretation of Loid's words.
So you accepted the challenge, to show Nocturna you were capable and strong enough to take care of the Forger family.
Loid told you you weren't obligated to do it, as he knew what Nocturna can do and was worried it would hurt you in some way. But he encourages you and assures you whatever the outcome is, you will still be Mx.Forger and you’ll always be Anya's parent.
Despite your illness, you managed to beat Nocturna's challenges and she eventually had to give up (for a while) because Loid was getting upset at her and Anya clearly disliked her. And also because the Strix operation could be in danger with her and her antics.
Overall, you all three (four, counting the dog) form a nice family who won't shatter under any circumstance and you will be safe and taken care of no matter how hard it can get.
"I am sorry I couldn't be there for you this week. But what about we go on a family trip next week-end ? If you think you would feel well enough for the trip, of course."
"You're the best parent Anya could have asked for, so don't worry, Father and Anya will protect you no matter what !"
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poems-of-a-lover · 1 year
nick watches spiderman. again.
i have done this so much. the first movie was so long. this ones even longer. by like ten minutes but still. ANYWAY LETS GET GOINGGGG IM SO EXCITED
it should be noted that i spent thirteen dollars on this film and its so worth it
the opening music is SOOOO GOOD
this little motif that plays here is played a few times thru the movie and i love when movies do that sjdhfksjd its so fun to have little music cues that carry over thru the film
i heard someone say this was their least favorite spiderman and it breaks my heart i love it sm
anyway. richards killing things.
so basically hes killing the little spiders they worked on and just kinda running off rn
this is a surprise scene thatll help us later
i know what hes doing and why hes doing it but its a secret so i wont say until it comes up
he was recording a little video diary thingy =]
okay droppin him off at mays weve seen this part already
i know its important but cmon. places to be.
yippee mary and richard on the plane!!!
"we're going to spend the rest of our lives looking over our shoulders, never feeling safe. we cant do that to him." funny u say that richard
okay mary is off to the bathroom. in walks flight assistance guy.
i feel like i gotta explain every little detail of this film bc it means so much to me and i need u guys to understand KJGHSKJDGH
flight assistant guy is washing his hands off and theres a little bloodddd on himmmmm yikes
richard sees but doesnt say anything bc obv
oops flight assistant has a gun. and hes locked mary in the bathroom. and he has a parachute. and he stole richards laptop. AND HE HIT MARY WHEN SHE ESCAPED.
fight sceeeene marys down
this scene is fun but theres no way in hell richard parker would be able to fight AND WIN
the planes going down they shot out the window
flight assistant guy is now out of the plane JKGSKJHGJK richard and mary go down with it but marys already gone before they crash, richard dies in the crash as far as i know, like thats whats implied
parents dead. time for spiderman.
FUN FACT the movie made a mistaaaake and i caught it like my first watch. so theres this truck carrying plutonium that was stolen from oscorp that peters abt to go catch, right? and they say that plutonium is highly explosive. WELL ITS NOT. PLUTONIUM 238 IS BARELY A DAMN FISSILE ISOTOPE. SPIDERMAN. ITS USED AS A SOURCE OF HEAT AND ALPHA EMITTERS FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH. STUPID MOVIE. and look they couldve just taken the name or something bc it sounds cool but cmonnnn its wronggggg
yeahhh the driver of the stolen truck is aleksei sytsevitch. remember that itll come back later.
this chase music is so good i love the score for this film
another motif here while hes swinging that comes back later ehehe
we are nine minutes in. argh.
"hey, mr criminal? hey, my names spiderman, you can call me webhead, you can call me amazing, just dont call me late for dinner, you get it? not a shaker, areeee you a hugger?" "i am killer!" "woah, okay!"
makes me laugh every time its so dumb
peters banter is so fun in this movie i love it so much
omg max dillonnnnn okay so hes walking with all these blueprints and they fall into the street and no one helps him but peter. guess if thatll come back later.
peter catches all the vials of plutonium. except for one. hes a bit dumb.
okay so peters o the front of this cop car and he looks over into the cop car next to him and who does he see but mr stacy! from the first film! "nick thats impossible hes dead" oh just wait GKHSKJDGHDSKJ
HIS RING TONE IS THE "spiderman, spiderman, does whatever a spider can" AND I LOVE IT
oh yeah theyre graduating today and peters late bc hes in a high speed chase. if i was allowed to decorate my cap it wouldve been spiderman themed.
HER SPEECH AGH im not gonna quote t bc its so long but it means the world to me
oh yeah aleksei sprays peter with the windshield wiper water thing i love that
gwen stacy the woman u are
again i love how they did gwen like they didnt just make her a basic love interest like in tobys films they actually gave her depth
theres a deleted scene here where the graduates are with their families where flash runs up to them in his cap and gown all excited and he tells gwen like "i made it i knew i could bc u believed in me" and they shouldve kept it bc it makes me so happy
"i know the next thing your unvle ben would say, dont just follow the path, make your own trail" "ralph waldo emerson" "no" "what do you mean, no?" "ben told me he made it up!" I WISHHHH BEN WERE HERE
ugh the way they both laughed over ben i love these two
aunt may says that she wishes ben were here and peter goes "yeah, and my folks" and mays smile drops a bit, her demeanor changes ever so slightly and she just "...yeah" THIS DOESNT SEEM IMPORTANT AND ITS NOT BUT IT MAKES SENSE LATER
im gonna finish this scene then continue in a rb this is getting long
i love that may tries to take a photo of peter and gwen and gwens like "cheese!! =D!" and peter is so awkwardly stood there like "cheeeeeese 😐"
she invites him to dinner with her family and she says shes gonna do her speech for him "over and over again, all night long" bc he missed ittttt aghhhhhhh
THIS. THISSSSSS. he watches the stacys take their family photo and then mr stacy appears in the background, and we flash back to the first film, his death, where hes telling peter to leave gwen alone. i am soooooo sad.
okay this dinner scene is devastating so! next post! i love this movie i have so many thoughts and were only 17 minutes in
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zhongrin · 1 year
nii-chan really is a good listener!! he really doesn't mind at all (in fact thoma encourages it) to vent and not bottle it in. fgshdhsh oh no :')) i'll make sure gorou and tighnari groom their tails properly so they dont shed as much! (tighnari gives me an attitude abt it ofc smh /aff) anyways true! tho gēge gives it away thru his actions and gives a smile eheh. yee!! dad says he's very lucky to have u as well /gen ^^ ohh so it'll take haitham a while to pick up on things? :0 ~Lycoris
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yes!! healthy communication goes a long way in all relationships <3
lmao imagine you coming home after briefly playing with a stray dog on the way and tighnari + gorou sees the fur on your clothes that aren't their fur's colors and be like 👁️ wHO DID YOU GROOM-
hskdjskdjslj tell your dad he's such a sap 🙈
he needs time to learn the patterns and behaviors of someone especially if they don't react within the 'normal standard' but once he does you're an open book to him (with the occasional errors bc no human is perfect and human behaviors are as tangled as a hundred balls of loose yarn packed together) or at least this is my hc about him lmao-
he's most definitely swayed by kisses despite acting like he doesn't >:) if i'm feeling generous i'll add on the promise of accompanying him to the secondhand bookstore so he can go 'now that's an interesting offer'.
do your men know how to read your moods and what do they do to bring your spirits up? :3
hahaha aww klee and collei playing the best wingwoman <3
holidays hmmm... man, it's been a while since i properly celebrated christmas and new years, i feel. personally i'd be content to just spend the day offs indoors, all snuggled up with zhongli or al haitham while we just talk over tea or read books or play some games. go grocery shopping with them pushing the cart and me cackling everytime i add something that's not in the grocery list. make simple dinner over a recipe i found in pinterest. order a little cake for us to share after dinner. simple things <3
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polyphonial-old · 2 years
reki for the hc game? :]
for your knowledge i've watched 2 and a half episodes so. this may not be that detailed and canon compliant sorry eheh <3
realistic hc - maybe not THAT realistic but i think he puts a lot stickers on his skateboards!! so many that they overlap actually <33 some of them are from super long ago so they're all yellowed but he keeps them on anyway bc they hold memories that are dear to him.
while it may not be realistic it is hilarious - i haven't seen much of miya so far, but if they do end up on friendly-ish terms i think miya teases reki about langa a lot. he keeps calling langa reki's boyfriend and constantly joking about how they're in love to piss reki off. one time while reki's complaining about this to himself his younger sisters overhear and tell it to his mom. she probably tries to nonchalantly mention this at dinner but he ends up almost choking on his food while trying to convince her he's NOT in love with langa AT ALL!! she just nods and tries to pretend she believes him on that but it's kind of obvious she doesn't buy it. every time langa come over after that reki's sisters always spy on them and gossip really loudly in the next room. reki is constantly trying to convince langa that they're just trying to be annoying! langa belives it but doesn't really understand why reki gets so defensive and blushy over it <33
heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends - i think struggles with self-worth a LOT. being the eldest sibling (i think he is right?) can be really hard, and pair that with the fact that he basically doesn't have any friends at the beginning and you get perfect angst potential. being a trans neurodivergent kid and finding friends is really hard as well so he probably has abandonment issues + an inferiority complex that he hides behind humour </3 (and it only gets worse when langa turns out to be really good at skating. reki hates himself for it, but he can't help a little relieved every time langa falls down bc it serves as a reminder he's better at skating at least. he's jealous not only of langa's skill but probably of other people paying so much attention to him. on one hand he just wants a friend to himself, but also wants that kind of attention to be focused on him instead. he knows how wrong it is and suppresses it but it makes him doubt if he really is a good person like other people claim him to be sometimes. (bonus points for him getting jealous of people calling langa a 'prince' because of the gender dysphoria))
unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own - trans bi king w adhd and tourette's baby!! sorry not sorry have you seen him??? you're telling me this boy is cishet and neurotypical????? (big ty to corey for introducing me to ts reki i love him sm and it's canon to me now <33)
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droughtale · 2 years
Lily's Saga (Droughtale's Prologue)
Note: everything you will read about here is relevant to the plot. This is a six-chaptered mini-series we literally just finished writing the last chapter for, and it is the official prologue for Droughtale as a story.
Hope you enjoy!! Comments, likes, and (most importantly) reblogs are appreciated!!
PS: There is a lil bit of art sprinkled in towards the end. Four pieces of art in all hehe. So look forward to that~
CHAPTER 1: Living A Nightmare
Lily could say, with confidence she was sure no other human had, that she was never going to enjoy seaweed again. She could list with confidence over a thousand reasons why seaweed is the worst food to have disgraced the planet.
It is too salty. Too scratchy. Too dry. It makes you feel dehydrated. Even when it is wet, it sticks to your teeth. Sticks to your throat. Sticks to the singular piece of sanity you have left.
Sanity. Now that is a term she laughed at. What does sanity even mean?
But, of course, it’s the cheapest option. 50 cents at the gas station for a box of twenty. Not even noodles were as cheap as that, and it wasn’t like she had money to spare. She hadn’t even landed a fucking job, despite seemingly every damn place in the city being available for hire.
So, she begrudgingly bought it, along with the cheapest pack of water available. A quick snack that fills her stomach, even if it makes her want to throw herself into the road for the next passing car to smash her brains in.
She really should have thought it through when she decided to pay for herself. But how could she keep leeching off of her poor, elderly parents? They needed the money for their personal health and to buy that cabin in the woods they had always dreamed of. Its what they deserved, for being such loving and graceful people, towards both the strangers and neighbors around them, and towards their idiotic waste of a daughter.
God, why was she having an internal meltdown in the waiting room of some big-time company? Even if this interview went well, and she did land a job that let her afford better things to eat for breakfast and lunch (hell, maybe even for dinner), it was sure to be boring. Probably some mind-numbing office job no sane person would want to spend their free time on.
“Lilian Sephone?”
The voice of a young lady – probably in her early twenties, like Lily herself – snapped her out of her internal crisis. She shot to her feet, almost stumbling over herself (God, what a great first impression) and – of all things – saluted in her panic.
If God is real, he definitely didn’t bless her today.
“E-eheh- that’s me!” she exclaimed, awkwardly switching her salute to a head-scratch.
The lady raised an eyebrow, chuckling, “I will assume you are nervous? Well, don’t be! This interview should be rather short. Four questions long, actually!”
That, to say the least, took Lily by surprise. What kind of job only asked four questions? Regardless, she decided to give a shot. Anything to stop eating that damn seaweed. So, she nervously shrugged (what kind of response is that, anyways?) as she followed the lady into the office for her interview.
Reluctantly, she fumbled her way into the seat across from the interviewer, and smiled awkwardly, showing off her stupid braces and goofy teeth. God, she probably looked like the dumbest dork of all time. This interview was going splendid.
“Alrightie! Before I ask you the actual questions, I need to confirm the information that you gave me online, just so I know I do not need .”
“O-Okay!” Lily responded, probably forcing herself to sound a little too enthusiastic. The interviewer didn’t seem to mind.
“Your name is spelled L-I-L-L-I-A-N S-E-P-H-O-N-E. However, you prefer the nickname Lily?” she asked, staring down at a device that was built into the table. Lily would have been more intrigued if she weren’t so distracted by the question.
She could barely even remember applying for this job online. In fact, she didn’t recall ever applying. But that was probably just her exhausted college brain, considering she applied to many jobs online. Its not like they would have reached out to her to come in if she hadn’t applied first, anyways.
“Y-yes, that’s correct,” she cleared her throat, trying to stop the tremble in her voice. The lady smiled, pushing her glasses up her nose and a strand of her black hair behind her ear.
“Great! And you also said you are unemployed and are taking classes at the local university?”
Lily, for some reason, was beginning to feel creeped out. Its not like she had any reason to. These were probably being asked for scheduling purposes…but the way the lady was staring at her, the intensity in her eyes…it made Lily’s heart race.
“Yes. I am unemployed and am taking classes at Ebott University,” she laughs, probably as a fear-response, “how many other things did I say online?”
The interviewer leaned forward, just enough to make Lily uncomfortable, but not enough to be openly creepy. “Just that. Are you ready for the actual interview?”
Lily nodded, just wanting this to be done as quickly as possible. She really could go for some quiet time by the lake after this.
“Fantastic!” the lady clears her throat, making eye contact with Lillian, “Do you have any disabilities, disorders, or other conditions we should be aware of?”
An understandable question. They cared for her health (or at least wanted it to seem like they did, on the outside.) So why did it make her feel personally invaded?
“I have diagnosed depression and social anxiety, but nothing that should keep me from working hard, Ma’am.”
The lady laughed in response, “well, thank you for telling me! Are you on any medication or have any medical accommodations we should be aware of?”
“I am on Fluoxetine. 60 milligrams total, ma’am.”
The lady began typing on the device, probably keeping note of it, in case she passed the interview. Lily laughed awkwardly, impulsively splurting out, “Hope being mentally ill isn’t a dealbreaker!” The immediate embarrassment that hit her was soul-crushing, but the lady just laughed, shaking her head lightly.
“It may cause difficulties, but it definitely isn’t a dealbreaker of any sorts! Only two more questions left! Hope that isn’t too overwhelming for you,” she joked in response, to which Lily forced a laugh. This place really pulled every lever of discomfort for her. She couldn’t wait to leave the building and probably never come back.
“Do you live alone?”
The calm way of which she asked such a stalkerish question made Lily’s entire body shudder with goosebumps. It was such an unnatural and unnecessary question to ask a potential employee. Why would that be any of their business?
Lily wasn’t having this. She stood up, shoving the chair away, her instinct to flee stronger than her internalized manners.
“I-…I’m sorry, I don’t think- I’ve changed my mind- thank you for the opportunity, but-“
She tried to open the door. To her dismay, it was locked. The terror building in her chest caused her to begin hyperventilating, tears building in her vision. She wanted out and she wanted it now.
“Lily, you must calm down. This is by no means meant to be an uncomfortable conversation for you, but-“
“No, no, GET ME OUT, I WANT OUT! HELP!” she screamed, voice cracking in desperation. She was sure now, positive from the deepest depths of her soul that she did not ever apply here. They tricked her, they knew she was applying for jobs, and they lured her in- was it a cult? A sex-trafficking ring? She should have paid more attention, this building was clearly a façade, it was clearly made to look appealing to lure her in.
The woman approached. She screamed louder, begging God himself to save her.
The woman’s hand reached out towards her arm, brushing against her skin-
Lily awoke in tears, drenched in sweat. The taste of seaweed rested bitterly on her tongue, her throat feeling awfully dry.
Why did she keep having nightmares like that? Always a different person, in a different scenario, somehow finding their way to her. A date. A stranger at a coffee shop. A “new student” at college. And now, an interviewer.
They always came in nightmares related to her real life struggles. But she just couldn’t understand why she was having nightmares like that. She had never been stalked, harassed, or anything like it. Her life had been conveniently normal, asides from that strange sense of Déjà vu that seemed to haunt her constantly. But something as strangely useless as Déjà vu definitely didn’t warrant nightmares like that.
Perhaps, it was something she needed to contact a doctor over. Perhaps, she just needed to hear gentle reassurances from her parents over the phone.
She hopped out of bed. Perhaps starting her day early would ease her mind.
Her chest filled with warmth. Today would be better. She was determined for it to be.
CHAPTER 2: Whispers
Lily had never quite understood it when people said they had inner monologues. A voice inside of someones head sounded like an oddity to her; an abnormality that crazy people had.
She had never once experienced any voice in her head. And, originally, she had assumed if she did it would be her own voice.
So it was quite reality-wrenching when the voice of a child echoed in her mind. All the more terrifying that she could only just barely make it out, like a whisper in the distance. It was so faint, in fact, that she couldn’t even understand what it was saying to her. Or maybe it wasn’t even talking to her; maybe it was talking to itself, or someone else.
She had been terrified. The nightmares she had been having lately rang in her heart like alarm bells, and she could feel her heart pounding so hard that she (irrationally) feared it would break out of her chest.
She searched every room in her house expecting a hidden intruder. She checked the outside of her apartment at least forty times. She climbed the roof (to which her neighbors yelled, but she was too paranoid to care). She checked all her devices to see if a recording or video was playing somewhere. She ripped open her ceiling and floor boards, unscrewed lightbulbs and opened couch cushions, expected something, ANYTHING to reveal where the noise was coming from.
And then, only when she yelled out a frightful (and, to be honest, somewhat pissed) “WHO ARE YOU?!” did the voice abruptly stop. As if it really was a child, startled into silence.
It didn’t restart for the rest of the day. Nor did it begin again the next morning, after she failed to sleep.
Lily got herself a cup of her emergency coffee (only to be drank during the most important of times, as to save money) and grabbed her car keys, ready to surprise her psychiatrist with an extra visit.
She could use the counseling over spending her day in class anyways. One day missing from her college record wouldn’t destroy her future. Insanity would, though.
CHAPTER 3: Stir-Fry
“Schizophrenia: A mental disorder that affects a person's ability to think, feel, and behave clearly through hallucinations, delusion, paranoia, or a combination of these factors. Antipsychotics may work as treatment.”
Lily couldn’t stop re-reading that paragraph on her phone screen. It felt as though it were taunting her; laughing and mocking her for her confusion.
It just didn’t make sense. The words felt meaningless to her, confusing and contradicting. Her psychiatrist just…didn’t understand it when he had suggested it as a possibility. He didn’t understand just how detrimental the implications of this were to her life.
Now, Lily had nothing against people with schizophrenia. She herself had mental illnesses. But she already had too much on her plate, dammit!
But at the same time, it would explain so much. It would explain the paranoia, and the nightmares, and that voice that she could only hear in moments of dead silence.
Voice? More like voices. It always changed between sounding like a little kid, to a grown adult, and the occasional garbled sounds of what she could only assume was a drowning demon.
The part that bothered her was that she couldn’t make out a damn thing the person – or people – were even saying. She wouldn’t be so paranoid and anxious all the time if she knew they were discussing dinner or their day at work. For all she knew, the voices were planning genocide or arson!
No, no. This is stupid. The voices aren’t real. The psychiatrist is right; you probably are suffering from yet another mental illness.
She took a deep breath. In and out. At least the voices weren’t speaking right now. At least she had some kind of explanation to turn back on when all of life wishes to tear her to pieces. She took a sip of the iced tea her psychiatrist had so kindly bought her during their meet-up at the Café earlier that afternoon. The sweet lavender flavor blessed her tastebuds and helped her relax further.
Setting down her cup, she stood up to walk to her kitchen. No seaweed right now; she deserved to treat herself to a stir-fry. She opened the freezer, welcoming the cool breeze. It felt good. Reminded her of her childhood of sneaking popsicles during the night. Damn, were those popsicles good, and damn was she a brat. She really should have obeyed her parents more.
No time to dwell on it, though. She pulled out frozen peas, carrots, and green beans. Sure, they wouldn’t be as tasty as fresh veggies kept in the fridge, but…those veggies would go bad sooner, and she didn’t have the money to afford that.
She set the frozen veggies on the counter, moving on to open up the cupboard and pull out some noodles to boil. As she reached for the nearest box, though, a peculiar feeling arose in her chest. Her heart felt as though it was slowing.
Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, her vision going white, before-
She woke up with a start, yelping and slamming her head against the bar of her bed. Rapidly, she looked every which direction.
No, no, no! This didn’t make any sense! There was no nightmare! She never went to bed! How did she even get here?
She sprang out of bed, rushing to the kitchen. If she had somehow fallen asleep and made it to bed, that would mean she left out her frozen veggies and tea!
…The counters were bare. Perhaps she never actually got out veggies? Perhaps, she had fallen asleep before that, and drowsily walked to bed, before dreaming of eating because of her hunger? That would mean her tea would be on the table, though…
The table was bare, too, for everything except her phone. It just didn’t make sense. She yanked it up, opening it with her finger print, and pulling up the internet. When nothing but Google showed up, she decided to see her search history.
The last thing it said she had searched was “jobs hiring near me.” There wasn’t a single trace of her browsing of schizophrenia. Not any evidence of her searches for medication. Not any evidence of all the blogs she read by schizophrenics describing their experiences. Nothing, nothing, there was just fucking NOTHING!
She collapsed onto the couch, burying her face in her hands. She wanted so badly to bash her head in. A headache was already forming, anyways.
Wait, no. This had to be the nightmare. Not all the other stuff. Clearly, she had passed out while getting the noodles, and now she’s dreaming! All she has to do is wake up.
“Wake up,” Lily murmured, “please, please, wake up. Wake up, wake up, wake up. I have food to make. I have things to read. Just wake up.”
She closed her eyes, waiting. Nothing but silence. Who knows how long she kept her eyes shut for; a minute? Ten minutes? An hour? She didn’t even care. She was terrified she would open them, and be somewhere even worse than before. That she would open them, and all those people stalking her in her nightmares would be surrounding her.
But, as her stomach grew more and more desperate, growling in hunger, she could take it no longer. She opened her eyes, the light of the open windows blurring her vision. Her eyes slowly adjusted and…
…Nothing had changed.
Lily couldn’t stop herself from sobbing.
“Maybe,” she thought, “I am crazier than I thought.”
She hoped someone could hear the cries and drag her out of this mind-twisting purgatory. In fact, that’s exactly what she needed. Someone to talk to.
She grabbed her phone, and began to dial the number of her parents'.
CHAPTER 4: Haunted
Disclaimer/note: The part about Soul-Conjoinment is PURELY MADE UP for the context of Undertale, but all other forms of plurality mentioned (DID, OSDD, UDD, Endogenic) are REAL things. Please PLEASE do not treat them as fiction! Only the soul conjoinment is fictional!
Also, keep in mind that its like…2430, which is 400~ years ahead of us, so society has become generally more accepting. Ableist/racist/queerphobic assholes are WAY less common.
Lily scoffed down her newly-cooked stir fry and drank more of her emergency coffee. Despite the fact that she had mysteriously awoken in bed earlier, she still felt exhausted.
How many days had she missed of college? One day? No days? A week? She couldn’t tell. She didn’t even care to tell. She couldn’t sit in those classrooms, in those hard chairs that made her back and bottom ache, and act as if everything were normal right now. No, right now, she needed some solace. Some evidence that she was still alive and in reality.
As she ate and searched on her phone, she began falling down a rabbit hole she wasn’t sure she was fond of. She clicked on an article recently published by a popular psychologist.
“Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID): a condition in which ones mind forms alternate identities, typically to cope with traumatic events. These identities may have their own names, ages, genders, sexual orientations, races, appearances, and may even have memories of ‘other lives’ they have lived. Dissociation, time loss, and memory loss may occur upon switching control of the body.
Certain forms of OSDD (Otherwise Specified Dissociative Disorder) or UDD (Unspecified Dissociative Disorder) may also result in plurality. Non-disordered plurality (also known as “Endogenic Systems”) are still being researched.”
God, she did not want to have other people in her body. Perhaps that were offensive to plural people out there, but its not like she was judging them. She just didn’t want it to be happening to her specifically.
Then, in the recommended articles, she saw one titled “Soul Conjoinment: Fictional or Historical?”
Despite her anxiety of what it may entail, she clicked on it.
She had heard of souls once before; her Grandpa had told her all about her great-great-great-grandparents, and how they fought in “the war of Humans and Monsters.”
Apparently, souls are supposed to provide magic of some kind. And apparently that magic could only be activated in humans, by being around Monsters, because they were “made of magic” or something along those lines. She couldn’t remember it all in detail. She just knew that “true magicians do not exist anymore” because of the monsters being locked away.
Frankly, she didn’t believe him, even as a child, because no history books ever mentioned monsterkind. But according to him, any mention of Monsters and Magicians were cut from history books on purpose. Just as many history books used to cut out mention of queer people, people of color who played large roles, or women who played large roles…it had been done and done again and again, and Monsters too were a victim to it.
She still didn’t quite buy it, and teased him for being a liar at the time, but…
She began reading the article.
“Soul-Conjoinment is a long discussed and debated topic amongst the plural community. Someone who claims to have soul-conjoined siblings states that it is ‘like conjoined-twins’ except that there is ‘only one body and the souls are what is conjoined instead.’
Mainly claim this to be ‘ridiculous’ and ‘just an over-complicated way to describe endogenic systems’; however, historian Alina Maleway and biologist Marko Johnsan have come forward to give statements regarding this phenomenon.
Alina states, ‘Humankind has been trying to reject the idea of souls ever since the war against monsters occurred. Humans have accepted many types of people – people of every race and culture, the queers, the disabled, the neurodivergent – though they still face difficulty accepting that Monsters existed, and likely still exist, in the prison we shut them behind.’
Marko followed up, stating, ‘Souls are very much real – we just haven’t been in touch with ours since we rejected Monsterkind, and thus, rejected magic.’
Lily could hear the voice in the back of her head laughing. It was so distracting she couldn’t keep reading. Lily could do nothing but burst into tears, which pathetically dripped into the remainder of her stir-fry.
It was so stupid that the very thing she was looking for an explanation for was the same thing distressing her to the point she couldn’t read.
She banged her head against the table in front of her. It was sure to leave some bruises on her forehead, but she honestly could care less. She just wanted this to be over.
…she was taken aback when, despite her eyes being closed and her phone being out of her view, the voice continued reading the article. It was the first time the voice had been loud enough for her to actually understand its words, and she jolted up in surprise, gasping aloud.
“Humans need Monsters for their souls to work – blah, blah, blah, tons of professional garbage – red souls are the rarest souls-“ the voice laughed aloud, as if that were amusing and ironic somehow, before continuing, “every soul has seven forms of magic, but whatever color it is, is the dominant trait – blah, blah, blah- Jesus, you couldn’t have found a more boring article, could you?”
Lily shot to her feet, batting at the air around her. The remaining stir fry (that had been sitting in her lap) splattered on the ground, and the bowl smashed into pieces. Lily yelped in surprise, scrambling up onto the couch.
She was hyperventilating. She was delusional. She was psychotic. Something, God, anything had to be wrong with her, because there wasn’t a chance this was real!
The phone began scrolling down, as if someone was browsing. She could – just barely – see the incorporeal form of what looked to be a young man – or, perhaps, a large doll? – holding her phone with one hand. A black aura radiated around him, and he seemed to have a red outline…
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The man half-glanced at her. His face morphed into an equal amount of surprised and amused, and he asked with a tone of snarkiness, “Wait a sec…you see me? Well, I can’t say I expected that, but now that we’re here, we-”
The shock and stress was too much. Her vision went dark, and she collapsed to the ground, passing out as she did.
When she awoke not in the living room, but rather in her bed the next day, she screamed into her pillow, all the while fantasizing about jumping out of the nearest and tallest building.
She worried that leaving her room may lead her to confronting whatever spirit was just in her living room, and she decided she was not down for that right now. So screaming she would continue.
However, in her mind, only one thought echoed.
“Some drinks with a bit more than just caffeine would really hit the spot around now…”
CHAPTER 5: Haunting
TW: mentions of child-abuse + dollification, thoughts of murder, touch-starvation
God, waiting for her to open her eyes was so boring.
Michael hadn’t been so bored since his time incacipated as a doll. The silence was mind-numbing, eating away at his brain like maggots in a rotten fruit. It didn’t help that his phantom companions were off on their own stupid “missions” to watch over loved ones, so he had no one to talk to. Not even his alternate selves – GK and Redacted_A – were around.
Why did this girl have to pass out so much? He mentally ticked off the amount of times he had witnessed it happen. This was the 47th, wasn’t it?
He chuckled to himself. Did most of those times even count anymore? Does an event stop counting as “real” once it’s been reset?
Should it even matter to someone like him, trapped in a literal lack of reality?
He paced around her house for the umpteenth time. It was kind of funny that she hadn’t caught on and realized that this day had already happened ten times. Then again, her schedule was so boring and redundant, that it was unsurprising she wouldn’t notice.
It did prove how much attention she paid at school, though, since she didn’t notice that the teachers were teaching the same lessons.
“I probably wouldn’t have noticed either,” he thought aloud, before laughing at himself. When he was a child, he used to feel so ashamed and stupid for being unable to focus on school; oh, how that had changed. He honesty found it hilarious how much confidence he lacked back then, compared to himself now.
Back when his father was still around, he beat him and locked him in the closet for hours if he got a bad grade. And then when his father “left”, Michael’s shame lingered with him, and his mother berated him. Her abuse was with words and not actions...at least, until the day she stripped him of his personhood and free will.
Why had he ever let his parents hurt him, anyways? He could have easily turned them into just numbers in his LV and EXP. They were bigger than him, sure, but he could have got them while they were sleeping. It would have been so easy. A single bullet to an unsuspecting Monster’s soul during their sleep would have done plenty of damage. Even if it didn’t kill them immediately, they would have been weakened enough to finish the job...
He giggled into his hands, clenching his eyes shut in amusement. If only. He would have never been stuck here in this void, without the touch of another living being. Would have never been violated and stripped of his rights. Torn to pieces by both his mother and his well-meaning siblings and stripped of true affection…
He would never say aloud just how badly he ached for affection; how badly he ached to be touched. His body had surely become sensitive to every sensation after such a long time without anyone (or much of anything, for that matter) to feel.
He deserves to be touched. He knows that now. He deserves to be hugged, held, kissed, caressed- he deserves intimacy. He doesn’t deserve the empty chill that he faces, day after day, hour after hour, second after second, sending shivers and goosebumps up his skin and through his poorly-sewn stitches, leaving him feeling hollow, leaving him to hold himself and pretend that it wasn’t his own arms, but the arms of someone else.
It was a lonely experience, to be certain, and he could admit that to himself. Just not to the people around him. Never to them. He refused to be infantilized – or worse, objectified – again.
He was taken out of his thoughts when he finally heard muffled pillow-screaming from Lily’s room. What a relief. It was offensively hilarious to think that seeing him could have knocked her out from shock. This was something he was definitely going to tease her about at some point.
He floated into her room, quietly phasing through the door and settling by her bed. She didn’t seem to notice him, not that it surprised him; she was hiding her face, after all.
“Mornin’, beautiful.”
Lily screamed, jumping out of bed and wacking her head against the wall. Michael couldn’t stop himself when he burst into laughter; something about those panicked, blood shot eyes got him feeling excited...which probably isn’t a normal reaction, but...
“I know I’m a looker, but I didn’t think I was good enough for you to scream~ At least...not until we’ve had some alone time~”
“WHAT THE FUCK, WHAT THE FUCK, OH MY GOD!” Lily backed against the wall, body trembling. Michael, however, was captivated by the terror and confusion laced in her eyes. The way her fear made her lips tremble. The softness and chub of her cheeks and arms...
A warm tingling feeling rocked through his chest, and despite everything, he felt an overwhelming desire to kiss her.
‘Guess being alone for so long made me a pervert...’
Now that thought made him chuckle again.
He waved his arms in front of him in a ‘relaaax’ motion, and brushed some of his hair out of his face.
“Relax, Lily. I’m not here to hurt you. On the contrary, I’m here to help you.”
“Who...w-who are you?” Lily asked, her voice dipping up and down from a whisper to a half-hearted shout.
“Michael,” he answers, without hesitation. Once in a lifetime, he would have hated being called by a name his poor-excuse of a father had shared. But now...the name felt powerful. It delighted him to know that the same man he was named after died at his childhood hands - albeit unintentionally, but still...it was him that killed his father.
“N-no I mean who are you?! L-Like...WHAT are you?? Why are you here? How are you here? A-are you the reason my life is a NIGHTMARE?? Cuz if you think this is funny, t-then we’re going to have some problems!”
Despite how clearly desperate she was to seem intimidating, he could easily tell she would (metaphorically) piss herself if he so much as moved too fast. It made him want to jump out and scare her. She would probably have a cute reaction...but now was not the time for that.
“I’m a phantom. A monster. A doll. All three, honestly,” he shrugs, “Basically, I’m not supposed to exist anymore, and you’re the only person I’ve found outside of the shithole I live in who can see me. As for your life being a nightmare...eh. That’s your magic doing that, not me.”
Lily fell into complete silence, staring at him as if he were spewing nonsense. Her mouth was slightly agape, her eyes half squinted as if staring at him hard enough would make things make more sense, and her eyebrows were scrunched together. He couldn’t stop the snort and snicker that came out of him at her expression.
Humans really had become so dumb and lackluster when it came to teaching these things in school. And for what? Just to forget about the monsters they had gladly tossed away like garbage?
“Okay, listen up, sweetheart,” he backed away from her, going to the doorway, “How bout this. You go get yourself some breakfast and coffee, and meet me on the couch. For someone as strong as you, you sure are dainty, and we just can’t be having you on an empty stomach for this.”
A moment of silence passed, before a look of concerned realization washed over her face.
“...’for this’? What the hell do you mean ‘for this?!’ F-for what!?” she half-yelled, half-whimpered. He had to bite his lip to stop himself from laughing at her.
“I’ll explain once you’ve gotten some food in your system. Now stop diddle-daddling around, and get the hell out of your bed. It was boring waiting for you.”
She gasped, shooting out of bed and approaching him with clenched fists.
“Excuse me!? Its not my fault you CHOSE to stalk m-HEY!”
Once she got close enough to him to touch, he slammed the door in her face, using his phantom-powers to lock it and keep it locked. There wasn’t any chance he was going to let her touch him; not when he wasn’t 100% positive he would be able to keep his cool, after so long without so much as a handshake being possible. Especially not when he was sure she was going to slap him or strangle him.
She slammed her fists against the door repeatedly, and continued shouting at him – most of it being profanities – but he just ignored her and settled himself on the couch. She would wear herself out eventually. And if she decided to do something drastic, like jumping out of her window, then only she would be at fault for whatever injuries would come with a fall like that.
He picked up her phone, turning it on and entering in her password – he had seen her put it in plenty of times by now – and began scrolling through her contacts. Luckily, she only had ten or eleven people’s numbers, so it wasn’t hard to find the one he was looking for.
Her Therapist. He deleted and blocked that contact with 0 hesitation. That lady may have been a therapist, but she sure wasn’t open to monsters and hybrids. In other words, she was working for the Humans Against Monsters Association.
He realized it when he saw her slipping in some strange powder into Lily’s iced tea. His suspicions were only confirmed when she passed out in her kitchen while attempting to cook stir-fry, and the world rewinded, proving that it was poison that had killed her. He was sure that if she hadn’t re-loaded, he would have witnessed members of HAMA show up to take her body away, and frame it as a “death of natural cause” or frame it as a runaway.
Luckily for Lily, dying meant that she had gone back to her SAVE point – which was before she had told her therapist any of the sketchy things going on with her life. Not that she even realized that; she hadn’t exactly caught on to her time manipulation yet. Which was fine – he would explain that to her once she stopped going ballistic screaming and trying to break down her door.
He put down her phone, and slumped back into the couch, closing his eyes. It was easy to tune out the noise; having his paralyzed dollified body dragged around by his screaming toddler siblings had trained him well.
He felt his eyelids grow heavy. Perhaps a short nap was due; it would give Lily plenty of time to waste her energy away, and give him plenty of time to recuperate for their talk.
CHAPTER 6: Conclusion
TW: extreme touch-starvation, knife-threats, injuries, masochism, referenced dollification + child abuse
It had been a very long time since Michael had felt weight on him. Actually, it had been a long time since he had felt anything on him – he hadn’t felt anything physically besides himself for 462 years. So feeling a weight on his lap – a warm one, at that – was jarring enough to wake him up immediately.
When his eyes met Lily’s gorgeous multicolored masterpiece of eyes, he tried (and failed) to keep himself from trembling. There was a girl. On him. A girl he could feel. A girl he could touch.
...She was also trembling from head to toe with a knife at his throat, but that was beside the point. The point was he could feel someone. And if Goner Kid and Redacted_A weren’t using their soul-link to stop him, he would have hugged her immediately, regardless of the danger that would potentially split open his neck.
Lily was trembling, in a mixture of exhaustion, fear, and most of all, anger. She growled at him, her voice worn-down from the yelling she did while locked away in her room.
“You absolute bastard. You absolute shithead. You absolutely fucked-up sicko. You have a HELL of an explanation to give me. And you better have a FUCKLOAD of money to pay for my GODDAMN THERAPY.”
Michael wanted to make a snarky response. In fact, he 100% would have, if only Lily’s thighs weren’t wrapped around his legs. If only her face wasn’t close enough to touch his. It took everything in him not to lean forward and attempt to kiss her, and his soul pounded so violently it made him nauseous.
He was going insane holding inside the pure euphoria of physical touch. He wanted to cry, to scream, to laugh. He wanted to burst into hysterics. It’s what he expected would happen, after such a long time without this basic necessity.
But, somehow, he couldn’t push any of the emotions boiling and steaming within his soul out of his chest and stomach. Maybe it was the result of literal centuries of psychological numbing and undermining of his own trauma.
Or maybe it was that crippling fear of rejection. After all, expressing his emotions is what got him trapped in this Godforsaken body in the first place...
‘Whatever. Not the time. Stop thinking about it.’
“I’m kind of impressed that you not only got out, but have the gall to use violence. Didn’t think you had that in you.”
Lily’s face, neck, and ears went red from rage and humiliation, and she violently grabbed his chin with her free hand.
Michael decided it was time to get out of this situation. He concentrated on his energy, before teleporting – which always hurt a bit, since the molecular structure of an erased-being wasn’t exactly built for it – and, for the first time since he was six-years-old, began a battle.
The world around them faded to black, and Lily screeched, dropping her knife in surprise at both his disappearing act, and the entering of the void.
“Okay, on a more serious note, it seems you’re ready to talk. Your adrenaline is perfect for this.”
“THE HELL DO YOU MEAN- OHHHHMMYyyggoooddd?” Lily’s eyes went wide as her SOUL came forward and began to glow. Michael couldn’t stop the grin that tugged at his face; it was a beautiful sight for him to behold, even after seeing it many times before.
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“Thats your SOUL. The culmination of your being. Where all your magic is stored.”
Lily reached out, taking it into her hands. Her eyes grew even wider upon contact, and small giggles emerged from her throat, subconsciously. The presence of her own magic was calming her down...not that Michael was complaining. It would hopefully make this easier.
“Yeah, you better appreciate it. Cuz that soul is a one-of-a-kind. It would be shocking to find any other person on earth who’s got a soul like that.”
Now that made Lily pause and look back up at him. Instinctually, she held her soul closer, as if trying to protect it. She seemed to be trying (and failing) to think of something intimidating to say, but was getting distracted by the pure energy radiating in her hands. Michael couldn’t hold back a laugh.
“Chillax, gorgeous. I’m not here to steal your soul or kill you or something. I’m just here to tell you what exactly you’re capable of...as well as what you are.”
Lily’s head snapped up, staring at Michael with eyes that could very well bore a hole into his brain.
“W...What do you mean...? I...I’m human...”
He sighed, and stepped forward. Lily’s immediate reaction was to attempt to swipe the knife back up from off the floor, but Michael grabbed her wrists with his tail, holding her arms gently but firmly, “None of that. I’m not threatening you, so there's no reason for you to be threatening me. Capiche?”
Lily’s soul sparked with energy, electric shocks radiating from it, and zapped Michael’s tail. He instinctively pulled his tail back, shaking it a few times, but didn’t feel bothered by the pain. In fact, the pain was just a pleasant reminder that he’s alive – which made him giggle.
Lily, on the other hand, gasped and squeeked in horror upon seeing what it had done to his tail. It was as if vines were growing underneath his skin, and attempting to escape, throbbing and bubbling.
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“HOLY SHIT! Did- DID I DO THAT?! FUCK! GOD! I’m so, so, so sorry-!” she rushed forward, waving her arms around in a panic, as if internally panicking over whether to grab his tail or not.
Michael simply snorted, raising his eyebrows in amusement as she panicked. It hurt so badly that whimpers subconsciously emerged from his throat – it felt as though someone was boiling water inside his tail, and the hot bubbles were trying to escape from his skin – but, in all honesty, it wasn’t much worse than the injections his mother had given him all those years back.
“Ch-,” his sentence was interrupted by another whimper escaping his throat, of which he promptly ignored and continued on, despite the horror on Lily’s face, “Chillax. T-this is exactly the reason I’m here.”
“YOU’RE HERE SO I CAN HURT YOU!?” Lily cried hysterically, dropping to her knees and carefully pulling his tail into her arms, cradling it like it were an injured child. He could barely hold back from melting – the palms of her hands were so much softer than he imagined...he blushed, looking away, and forced himself to sputter out his defense.
“N-No, dummy! Im here s-so I can help you! Like I've been saying! Your soul is unique, which means it is dangerous! I’m here to help you control it!”
Immediately, despite her gentle and compassionate touch on his tail, she sneered. She shouted at him, “Then why have you been STALKING AND TORMENTING ME!?”
His patience was running low. He clenched his fists, snarling his teeth. She had to be the most aggravating person he’d ever latched onto...
“FOR FUCKS SAKE!! I HAVEN’T! BEEN DOING ANYTHING TO YOU! All I have been doing is trying to get your attention! Everything bad that’s been happening to you has been either your own LACK OF CONTROL over your magic, or the people trying to kill you! I’m here to HELP you so that STOPS HAPPENING!”
Lily fell silent, gaping at him, eyes wide. She slowly let go of his tail, which he promptly pulled into his own arms, holding it close like a lifeline. It still hurt like hell, but it no longer felt like it was boiling; just like the aftermath of a severe burn.
A minute of silence went by. It felt deafening. Despite everything, guilt settled in Michael’s chest – he couldn’t blame her for thinking he was the source of her problems. If he were in her position, he would probably assume the same thing...still, it was aggravating that she hadn’t been listening to what he was telling her, so he also couldn’t blame himself for snapping at her...
He realized she hadn’t stood up, and was still on her knees. He sighed, and cautiously kneeled down, to be face-to-face with her. He slowly and gently put a claw on her shoulder, to which she stiffened momentarily, before slowly relaxing.
“Look...I’m sorry for yelling at you. I get it. Weird situation, right? I must seem like a massive creep.”
“...It doesn’t help that you keep making weird comments...” Lily grumbled, looking away. Michael sighed.
“Okay, yeah, I can see why that makes it worse, but you’re the first girl I’ve talked to in 462 years, and the last one I talked to was my mother when I was seven, so I can’t exactly say I have experience wi-”
He stopped talking when he saw the look of suspicion and concern on her face.
“What?” he asked, a bit of annoyance slipping into his tone. Lily looked like she might cry. He couldn’t understand why.
“You said earlier I’m the only one who can see you...” she stated, biting her lip in anticipation.
“Yeah, and?”
“So...you’ve been alone...that whole time...?”
Those words hit him like a punch to the gut. He thought about that all the time, but hearing those words from someone else...hearing them from her...
His throat went dry. He pulled his claw away from her shoulder and shamefully looked away.
“I...guess. I have a few people to talk to...sometimes...but its not like I can touch-” he stopped himself when he heard the soft gasp that exited Lily’s throat. He almost didn’t want to look back at her...but curiosity got the better of him.
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He immediately regretted looking, and ripped his gaze away, staring at his feet instead.
“...W-what’s that look for?” he asked. He tried to sound aggressive, but he knew it sounded forced. Lily slowly put both of her hands over her mouth, totally horrified.
“...oh my god...you...” she half-whimpered, half-whispered. Michael felt his cheeks growing hot in humiliation. He hated being pitied. He’s not weak. He doesn’t need pity or sympathy.
He doesn’t need anyone’s help.
He burst to his feet, stepping back from her. He decided to ignore the clearly-disturbed look in her eyes, and spoke up. He pretended not to notice how his soul was aching, and how hers was trembling...
“Back to what’s IMPORTANT! Your SOUL. You are a hybrid of Monster and Human. And before you ask, its your mother’s side that’s monster. I checked your parents’ souls for you, when you visited...uh...fifteen resets ago, I think.”
He cleared his throat and decided to pause for a minute, to see if she would say anything. She didn’t; just stared at him like a kindergartener learning algebra, and as if he was teacher insane enough to try to teach it. Strangely, that encouraged him to continue. Probably because it made him feel smart (for the first time in a long time.)
“Anyways, Grandp- ehm, I mean, Dr. Gaster, a very intelligent scientist who is in the Void with me, has determined that your mom is 1/16ths monster. So, she probably doesn’t know either; basically, one of your great-great grandparents was a Monster, and your parents and grandparents probably weren’t aware...or kept it a secret for future generations.”
He paused again, waiting to see if she would say anything. He grumbled a bit in annoyance,
“Do you understand so far?”
She slowly nodded, though he could see the doubt in her eyes. Regardless, he continued.
“Okay, so, Gaster told me that the easiest way to explain this to you would be like this; you know how sometimes, two black parents have a white baby, or vice-versa? Cuz the genetics were in them all along, and science is funky like that? Yeah, that’s basically what happened here. Instead of being born with a human soul – like you were supposed to – you were born with a soul that leans more towards the side of monster, instead of human. Basically, you look human, you sound human, you bleed like a human, but if you died, you would turn to dust, like a monster. And, most importantly, you can use monster-magic. Like you did a minute ago. You can create magical bullet-patterns.”
Lily looked at her soul, with a look of both fear and amazement. He couldn’t help but smile.
“You see how it's an upside-down heart-shape? Human souls are right-side up. However...Monster souls are normally white, and human souls are normally one color – orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, or rarest of all, red. And from what Gaster has told me, monster-human hybrids usually only have two colors – three at most.”
He gave another moment of silence. For the first time since he started, Lily spoke, holding her soul as gingerly as one would hold a baby.
“...but...mine has...all the colors...”
He snaps his fingers, finger-gunning her, “Exactly! Your soul has all the traits – both human traits, and monster traits. And while that sounds cool – and is definitely pretty impressive – it also comes with some pretty bad side effects. Souls like yours, which have been recorded less than a dozen times, have always met the same fate; self-destruction. Once enough magic has built up in your soul, and your soul becomes active, it will begin to output that magic uncontrollably. Meaning attacks like this-” he lifts up his tail, “will become not only common, but uncontrollable for you.”
Her jaw dropped so hard, it took everything inside of Michael to hold back from laughing. He continued, although a small snort escaped at the beginning of his sentence.
“And no matter how much magic it outputs, it will keep re-filling, since that’s what souls do – they replenish magic once its been used. But your soul will replenish faster than you output- meaning it will overfill, and then...well. Death. For you, and everyone around.”
“...Are you saying I’m gonna DIE?!” Lily hisses, sounding absolutely terrified and baffled. Michael shrugs.
“You will die, hypothetically, unless you can empty all your magic at once, leaving behind only the DETERMINATION needed to live.”
“Okay, so lets do that, and quick!” Lily squeels, squeezing and caressing her soul as if it were a stress-ball. Michael waves his hands at her, as if telling her to ‘chill.’
“Thats exactly why I’m here. I have the perfect solution. As you’ve probably heard in legends and ‘myths’, Monsterkind is trapped under Mt Ebott.”
She nods slowly, seeming unsure of where this is going. Michael takes that as encouragement to go on.
“They are sealed by a magical barrier. One that requires seven human souls to break free of...or the equivalent to that.”
Her eyes sparkle with understanding, and she springs to her feet, snapping her fingers and finger gunning him this time.
“I can empty my magic into the barrier! A-and free monsterkind!”
He jumps to his feet, clapping, “Yes, yes! At the very least, it would be a HELL of a lot of magic, and weaken it a bit! It’d save you from impending death-”
“And get monsters a step closer to being free from their prison!”
Without thinking, Lily grabbed Michael’s hands, and spun him around. His hands tingled comfortably with the touch...and despite himself, he laughed. She laughed with him.
“Then your powers would stop fucking up your life, and you could go back to your everyday routine!”
“If you subtract the seaweed from my schedule, then I am so down!”
Lily stumbled over Michael’s foot, and the two fell into a pile on the floor. They burst into laughter. Despite the oddness of their situation, it felt good to let loose.
“God. Now I am glad you’ve been stalking me,” Lily said, through strained breath and giggles. Michael snorted, winking at her.
“And I am glad a babe like you can see me~”
She smacked his shoulder, albeit gently, with no harmful intent, “This is the weird comments I was talking about!”
“Well, don’t expect me to stop, cuz its just the truth!”
That made them both laugh once again. His cheeks were warm. Her cheeks looked warm, too. He wondered if she felt anywhere even remotely similar to how he felt.
“You know-” he snickered, “I am wondering, have you figured out that you were in a time loop?”
She gasped, looking at him with wide eyes. Slowly, realization dawned on her face.
“THOSE NIGHTMARES I HAD ABOUT BEING STALKED AND TRICKED BY PEOPLE WERE REAL, WEREN’T THEY?! OH MY GOD!! WAIT! Is that why I kept waking up in bed?! Holy shit! Were those people- do the- were they trying to- did they kill me because they knew I’m not-”
“Human?” he finished for her, sitting up, “yeah. We have lots to talk about. And don’t you worry, I’m not planning on going anywhere away from you for the time being. So how about...” he stands up, offering a hand to her, “we continue this conversation while we get you packed and ready for Mt. Ebott?”
Without hesitance, she took his hand.
“Sounds like a deal to me.”
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arealcrow · 1 year
ehehe 😍 + 💐 + 💌 for sloan? :3c
😍 : What does your OC find irresistible in others?
he likes someone who's sturdy and grounded, someone he could throw his whole weight into (physically or emotionally) and not knock over. warmth is a big thing, again both physical and emotional. anything to drive off the lingering coldness undeath has left him with.
in a more practical sense: teasing and attentive things like remembering things he likes really get under his skin.
💐 : What is their courting style? How would they woo someone?
he would woo someone slowly and meticulously, usually without meaning too. sloan has a habit of acting on his feelings before he realizes he has them, which is part of why he's become so restrained. but when he's got feelings for someone.. well.. they always come through in small ways anyway.. stuff like making sure that theyre living comfortably and taking care of their health, often being a bit overbearing and potentially overstepping if he thinks they need his help lol
💌 : How would they plan a romantic evening for a significant other?
he's a pretty lowkey guy, so while he could definitely be dragged out for more exciting things, when he was planning it would be something simple but personal. in the old days, maybe a show in whatever town he's passing through and a ride out to somewhere nice afterwards. now that he's got his shop & apartment he'd be very into intimate little dates like movie nights and special dinners. i think he'd be great at cooking, even though he wouldn't be eating any of it
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usersasaki · 1 year
YA!! hoping we both survive this year's semester even though the blanket nest is much more preferable :'D also yes!! i'm giving u my sweet dreams big sib (°▽°) FGSGD ALSO YES!! I AM NOW YOUR LITTLE SISTER BY BLOOD EHEHE /aff. anyways ghshdgs when i read you single-handedly taking down criminals in neighborhoods im like "does that mean you're fighting crime with cyno now?" i also thought of spiderman for some reason too EHFHAGAXN /lh ~Lycoris
i am here a week late and i just got ur other ask too, which i will answer under this one ^^ my bb sis yes <33 well after that i did have some weird dreams but now i don't remember them by the time i wake up so,, improvement,,? OK BUT THANK U FOR MAKING ME THINK OF THAT DREAM IN THIS WAY??? SPIDERMAN AND CYNO CHEF'S KISS??? i love both of them sm crying T~T
the rest under cut ↓
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i also wish i could confidently say i was doing well but the truth of the matter is i'm literally alr pretty done with the semester even tho it's only been a week 😭 the workload is no joke and i've got to go in to uni for classes even on saturdays which really doesn't help my case,, but i do hope that tho this week was crap for the both of us, we can see better weeks ahead of us! i'm sure our favs like albedo and thoma would be proud of us for making it through this week like champs <3 and they'd cheer us on for the next week too in their own lil ways hehe
i'll leave u with a lil hc before i head off to bed since i've got class tmr: albedo notices the lil changes in ur mood really fast and so when he sees u down after a day at school, he pulls u down beside him and gets u ur favourite drink and snack and just quietly sits there as emotional support or listens to u if u wanna talk abt it <3
and thoma would give u a big bear hug before asking u if u wanted any food in specific because that will be ur dinner ^^ food therapy >>> and taroumaru also snuggles up to u and thoma would set up maybe a movie night to help distract u hehe
0 notes
noctumbra · 4 years
summary ─ “you planned,” he murmured. his eyes were dark, aroused and sparkling. you nodded mutely. “we’ll eat first,” he stated. “i want my dessert after my meal.”
pairing ─ chubby!bucky barnes x housewife!reader
warnings ─ smut, +18, table sex, praise kink, kissing, stupid pet names, bucky is so in love holy moly, slightly dom!chubby!bucky
a/n ─ i’m coming behind, i know but y’all are and will be getting your smut until i’m done with these tropes ehehe (what this means: i will write all the tropes, but i’m going slow now bc i don’t wanna do an ass job by forcing myself to write it!) thank you all for the comments you leave on the previous shots! ik i don’t return to you but i read every single one of them, even the tags! thank you <3333 hope you like this one, too! please leave a comment if you do! <3
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KINKTOBER DAY SEVENTEEN: chubby!bucky + housewife!reader + table sex + praise kink
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You were humming to yourself as you prepared the table for tonight.
Bucky usually came home very tired; his job at Stark Industries was a desk one and it was constantly giving him back pains. He had also put on… a little weight ever since he had accepted this job. Sometimes he did feel self-conscious about his now chunky thighs, chubby cheeks and protruding belly. He used to be a very fit man with six packs and bulging biceps.
You didn’t mind, though. You took pride in it, to be honest. You were keeping him happy and fed, and the proof of it was standing before you; all soft and huggable. More place to grab and love on, you always told him whenever he got a little shy about his body. It always eased him out of his restlessness.
You straightened up and fixed your summer dress. Checking the clock, you knew he’d be home soon─ You chuckled when you heard his keys clinked. Right on time, you thought, nice.
“Babylove, I’m home!” You heard your husband call out to you softly. He was being careful just in case if your little one was asleep already. He didn’t need to worry for tonight, though; you had made sure of that.
“Hello, honey,” you greeted him with a kiss on the lips and took his jacket. He smiled at you cheekily when you pulled back. “How was work?” You asked and hung his jacket as he toed his shoes off, untying his tie. Bucky sighed.
“Tiring, as usual. Tony was around so today was a little fun,” he shrugged. You hummed. “He mocked with Rumlow and sort of annoyed the hell out of him in the middle of everyone, and Rumlow couldn’t do anything since he’s the boss, y’know?” Bucky chuckled. “That bit was fun. Steve imitated Rumlow after he left.” You grinned; you could see Steve doing exactly that.
“Well, I’m glad,” you said and hugged him briefly. Feeling his soft tummy against your body, inhaling his so familiar cologne, you sighed happily and buried your smile into his chest. Bucky scoffed a surprised chuckle but hugged you back immediately. He was resting his cheek on your head, arms around your waist, he swayed you from side to side. You giggled.
“Go change,” you told him when you pulled away a little. “Dinner’s ready.” Bucky hummed and leaned in for a kiss, but stopped just before your lips met.
“Kiss me first, order me around second,” he whispered, making you giggle again. You nodded and tightened your arms around him. Bucky smiled as your lips met for a passionate kiss. His soft and wet ones stroked yours perfectly; tongue poking your bottom lip, licking a flat line over it, you moaned, giving way to his playful tongue. Bucky chuckled darkly into the kiss as he deepened it.
“Mmm, fuck, dolly,” he murmured when he pulled back. “You got some fire in you tonight,” he added, eyes glinting with desire under the lights. You felt your cheeks heating up at the pet name and nodded. “Mmm,” he hummed again. “I’ll be in the kitchen in two minutes, honey.” He pulled back and made his way to the bedroom.
Just before you stepped into the kitchen, you heard his curious voice: “Hey, where is Charlie?” You felt your cheeks heating up even more at the question.
“Um, he’s at your mother’s,” you answered. “He’s gonna stay the night.” There was silence for the next couple minutes, and you fidgeted at your place by the fridge. Then, you heard him chuckle darkly, and he walked inside, his work outfit still on him.
“You planned,” he murmured. His eyes were dark, aroused and sparkling. You nodded mutely. “We’ll eat first,” he stated. “I want my dessert after my meal.” Gasping softly, you nodded one more time and moved towards the counter to get the food on the table.
You ate your dinner in silence. Bucky’s eyes were finding yours constantly across the table. His hand was on your bare thigh, squeezing the soft skin there from time to time. He’d comment on your cooking skill between his bites, moaning and making sounds of approval. Every single sound he let out got you even wetter in your flimsy panties that you bought just for this occasion. The urge to rub your thighs together was too strong, but the hand on your thigh was stopping you from doing so.
“Dinner was delicious, dolly,” Bucky complimented as you were washing the dishes. There were only a few plates and a couple utensils. Rest of the food was for tomorrow night. You thanked him quietly. Bucky just smiled at you, not moving from his seat on the table. He opened the first few buttons of his shirt, though.
You were drying your hands with the small towel when his arms sneaked around you and he plastered his body against yours, caging you against the unforgiving counter. His nose was nudging your hair at your nape; his whiskers were tickling the sensitive skin there. One of his hands moved towards your dress skirt. Hiking it up just a little, he sneaked his hand upwards. Bucky hummed thoughtfully when his fingers came in contact with your lace underwear.
Inhaling deeply, Bucky groaned. “You’re teasing me ever since I came home, babylove.” He kissed your neck, slipped his fingers in your panties. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed the way you leaned over the table so that I can see those gorgeous breasts of yours.” His free hand grabbed your breast, squeezing it softly, his fingers flicked the nipple that was visible through the thin fabric of your dress.
“Are they aching still, honey?” He asked. His arousal-deep and raspy voice was hitting every single button you have. You nodded.
“Yes, Bucky,” you answered. He hummed, and his hands left your body for a second. Just before you whimpered with the loss, you felt his fingers moving the straps of your dress down from your shoulders. You shivered at the feather-like touches. Bucky kissed your now-bare shoulder. He helped you get your arms out of the straps and turned you around. Caging you even more, Bucky pulled the front of your dress down to expose your braless breasts.
“Lemme soothe the pain, dolly,” he murmured before he closed his lips around your aching nipple. You moaned, sharp and loud at the sudden pain mixed with pleasure. Bucky hummed around the swollen areola, sucking it hard. You still had milk, still breastfeeding your little one; Charlie was only two years old anyway. So, it wasn’t a surprise when your milk flooded into Bucky’s mouth. He moaned loudly around your nipple, causing you to throw your head back and moan, too.
“Fuck, fuck! Bucky─” You gasped when his teeth grazed the sensitive skin. Bucky ignored your pleading; he focused on only the amazing ambrosia that was having his taste buds sing at the moment. Bucky pulled back only for a second and a short breath, and closed his mouth around the other nipple. You cried out, your fingers slotting themselves in Bucky’s short hair and you pulled on them harshly. Bucky sucked hard on your nipple, sort of forcing the milk to leak into his mouth. “Bucky, ‘m─ Shit, ‘m close!” You couldn’t believe that you were about to come just because your husband was feeding himself with your milk.
“Oh, shit!” You cried out as you came, legs trembling, hands flying to grab at his shoulders to stay upright. Bucky pulled back from where he was suckling with a loud ‘pop’ sound. He held you against his body, his tummy supporting you gently.
“Sssh, honey, you’re fine,” he murmured. He placed a kiss to the valley of your breasts and trailed kisses to your neck and face and eventually kissed you on the lips chastely. You hummed as you tasted your milk. “’s good, isn’t it?” He arched a brow and smirked. You stayed silent because you didn’t need to answer his question.
Bucky turned you around with him, making you walk backwards. Without getting a chance to see where he was leading you, your thighs hit the table you just had your dinner on. You looked at Bucky, eyes wide and brows high on your forehead. Bucky just smirked devilishly, hoisting you up by your thighs, he laid you down on the table. He still had some of his old strength, and it made him feel good about himself a little.
“I told you I’ll have my dessert after the meal, dolly,” he murmured against the bare skin of your inner thighs and inched upwards. “’s what I’m doing right now.” You felt your face heating up. “Mmm, you smell amazing baby,” he praised as his nose nudged the soft hair that was dusting over your pussy.
“Bucky,” you whined, eyes closed. Bucky hushed you and dove in. His tongue licked a flat line from your slit to your clit and sucked your clit for a second, causing you to moan loudly. His lips closed around your clit as he sucked softly, and he slipped two of his fingers inside your already dripping wet pussy. “Fuck,” you moaned, face pinching with pleasure.
“Fuck is right, honey,” Bucky groaned, “You taste and smell so fuckin’good. Lookit this, dolly, you’re fuckin’ dripping, holy shit.” Bucky groaned again and kissed your inner thighs. You pawed his shoulders. All the compliments he gave you were getting to you slowly.
“Please,” you mewled. “Bucky, please.” He hushed you once more and stood straight. His fingers were still pumping in and out of you at a steady pace.
“Come for me one more time, and I’ll give you my cock, dolly,” he ordered. “Come on, do it and you’ll get it.” His fingers were making obscenely slick sounds because how fast the pace got. You moaned. Your thighs started to tremble around his waist and you knew you were close. “Gim-mee,” Bucky sang, pressing his thumb on your clit and that was it. That all it took.
You cried out as you came on his fingers, barely noticing that he had unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out. He slid inside of you while you were still riding your orgasm. You shouted when you felt his cock in you and bucked your hips against him. He pressed down your stomach, keeping you still. Bucky moaned when he felt your slick and warm walls ripple around his hard cock.
“Fuck, dolly, you feel so fucking good,” he breathed. His hot breath against your neck made you shiver violently under him. You panted wildly beneath his body. Finally coming down from your orgasm, even though slowly, you mewled softly. “There ya go, honey love, sssh.” His hips started to move a little, slow.
You whimpered at the oversensitivity. It was at the point of being too much, but it wasn’t. It was exactly how you loved it, and Bucky knew this already. You grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him down for a kiss. Chuckling, Bucky went with it. His lips found yours easily, sliding over yours, stroking them, he kissed you passionately, lovingly. His hips were still moving slowly.
“Faster, please,” you whispered against his lips, and Bucky promised you that he would, too, obey in your wedding vows, so he complied. His pace got faster, inching the table up for an inch with each thrust, and you moaned, pulling back from his kiss. “Yes, yes! There! Mmm, please!” You bared your throat to his mercy. Bucky grunted at the sight before him and let his hips move even faster. His balls were threatening him to empty at any second, and he had to give in at some point, so he brought his fingers to your clit. He started to rub it fast and jerky moves, going with the same pace he had set with his thrusts.
“Bucky!” You exclaimed. “Fuck! Oh─” You moaned.
“Yeah, baby,” Bucky hummed. “You’re doing so good, dolly. Come for me, yeah? Come for me and I’ll give you another pup, c’mon,” he moaned. You screamed. Your orgasm had sunk its teeth earlier than you expected, you realized as you got lost in the pleasure. Bucky groaned loud and deep as he, too, lost himself in pleasure. His cock twitching as it emptied itself into you, Bucky hid his face in the valley of your breasts.
“Fuck,” you gasped, chest heaving. Bucky chuckled and kissed the available naked skin just under his lips. “Oh my God, we just had sex on the kitchen table.” Bucky chuckled again, but this time it turned into a full belly-laugh. “Shut it, Barnes!” You pushed him by the shoulder, giggling slightly.
“Don’t tell me you hated it,” he said. “I bet you find it hot, didn’t ya, Mama?” You felt your cheeks heating up, traitors, and shrugged. Bucky grinned cheekily. “Though, I would love to have the second round on the bed. My back has been killing me these days,” he murmured. Then, his eyes found yours. They were sparkling dangerously. You narrowed your own, looking suspicious.
“What?” You asked. “What is it that you’re planning?” He smirked darkly.
“Wanna ride me, beautiful? Hm?” You moaned accidentally. “Yeah? You would, huh? Gonna ride me hard? Gonna let me feed your hungry womb with my come even more?”
“Bucky…” You breathed. He hoisted you up, helping you wrap your arms around his neck after he stepped out of his pants.
“Yeah, you will,” he concluded as he walked towards the bedroom, you in his arms and his cock still in you.
Tonight was going to be a long one, you decided.
Plan accomplished. 
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kanjukucompany · 3 years
【A3! Translation】 Ikaruga Misumi SR: Sweet Temptation (2/2)
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the summer troupe ship contest begins! kind of!
(translation under the cut)
GO! GO! Triangle Speedboat
GO! GO! Triangle Speedboat
Tenma: They look more like ships when they're in a plastic pool like this.
Misumi: Amazing~, it's a fleet of triangles~!
Kazunari: Me first! This is the "S.S Rainbow Neo Party People", I painted it rainbow!
Kumon: This is mine, the red "S.S. Dragonic Flame"! The dragon part is the flame-like sail!
Muku: I wanted to make a ship with a happy feel, so I chose the name "S.S. MANKAI Flower", which is covered in flowers!
Tenma: Mine has a summer-like feel with images of the sun and white clouds, it's name is "Midsummer"!
Misumi: What a cool name for your ship, Tenma~!
Yuki: So he's the only one who didn't use "S.S.", huh.*
Tenma: What sort of name did you give yours?
Yuki: I didn't give it a name.
Misumi: Eh~, really!?
Muku: Let's name it together!
Kumon: Like, "S.S. Galaxy Neptune"!
Yuki: That makes zero sense.
Kazunari: Then, what about something like, "S.S. Pinky Bare-Prime"?
Yuki: Absolutely not.
Tenma: How about--.
Yuki: Rejected.
Tenma: I haven't even said anything!
Izumi: W-Well, I guess it's fine to exclude names in the judging.
Izumi: Um, then the last one is--.
Misumi: It's me~! This is my "Triangle Speedboat"!
Kumon: It actually looks... pretty normal?
Muku: The design is simple, isn't it. I was expecting a ship covered in triangles...
Misumi: Fufufu.... My ship is amazing! Here, look look!
Misumi: Press this button and.... GO~!
Kumon: I-It's moving!? Awesome, it looks just like a real ship!
Tenma: Those kits we used, they were originally just to decorate them. There wasn't a power source, right?
Yuki: How did you make this.
Misumi: Hehe, Chikage taught me how~!
Izumi: (So, when they were first building the ships, did Misumi-kun learn how to set up a motor from Chikage-san?)
Izumi: Ah! So when you came out of Chikage-san's room just now...
Misumi: Chikage lent me the parts and tools~.
CHOICE 1: You're pretty skilled, huh
Izumi: It's really fast and well-made.
Misumi: Ehehe, it's amazing!
Misumi: I thought it would be cool if it could move, so I made sure not to make it too heavy~.
Izumi: I see, so that's why the design looks pretty simple.
Misumi: But, I still put a lot of triangles in it~!
Misumi: See, here, here, over here... And this one too, it's hidden!
Izumi: You're right, wow...! As expected of Misumi-kun!
CHOICE 2: Was it hard ?
Izumi: Was getting it to work hard?
Misumi: Nope. Chikage is a good teacher, so it was easy!
Izumi: Fufu, really now.
Kumon: Awesome~! I want mine to be motorized too!
Misumi: Okay~ I'll teach Kumon too~.
Kazunari: Me too, me too!
Muku: I also want to learn...!
Tenma: Then, to be fair, should we start over once everyone adds a motor?
Yuki: Fine with me. But, if we plan on having them move instead of just float, isn't this plastic pool too small?
Misumi: Then let's use the bath!
Kazunari: Great, let's do it!
Izumi: (Everyone got so excited, they forgot about the judging. I guess it's break time then.)
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Kumon: ...Then something like that~.
Omi: Heh, that's amazing. So did they work?
Muku: Yep! All six ran correctly!
Tenma: I'll devise a new plan and make a ship that moves even faster...
Yuki: Ah, you did get totally defeated in last place, huh.
Tenma: That was completely by chance!
Tsumugi: Anyways, I'm glad the dorm bath was big enough.
Sakuya: The huge communal bath is one of the dorms best features, after all.
Sakoda: Good work everyone! Sorry for the intrusion!
Omi: Come to think of it, Sakyo-san did mention Sakoda was joining us for dinner today.
Kazunari: But, why isn't Frooch-san with you?
Sakoda: Oh yeah, about Boss--.
Sakoda: He was out all day and sweat a lot, so he said he wanted to bathe and wash all that off before it drove him crazy.
Summer Troupe: Eh.....
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Izumi: E-Everyone, don't you think...
Yuki: This is bad.
Misumi: Sakyo~ Wait~!
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Sakyo: ......
Kumon: Sakyo-san is standing so intimidatingly....
Yuki: We're too late...
Sakyo: What the hell is this.
Tenma: What are you talking about....
Muku: Isn't this just the same bath as usual?
Sakyo: Don't play dumb. I'm asking what the hell are these model ships floating in the bath.
Muku: U-Um... These are...
Misumi: Summer Troupe's handmade Triangle Fleet! They're motorized, see?
Sakyo: Huh? Triangle Fleet?
Misumi: Yeah!
Kazunari: No, Sumi, this is...
Yuki: This opponent is too tough.
Tenma: Let's get out of here before the lecture starts---.
Muku: Let's escape...!
Kumon: R-Retreat!
*everyone else uses the suffix ~号 (gou) which is used for naval/war ships. tenma uses ~丸 (maru) which is a more endearing term commonly used for merchant ships
*misumi also uses ~号 (gou) but i felt this translated better than like.... "S.S. Speed Triangle"
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