#what was the point of the mom even thinking he had no future w her son just for that to not be resolved anyway
susie-dreemurr · 2 years
Okay I didn’t want to mention this before but I’d feel like a part pooper especially because Dead End is so good with lgbtq rep and all but the parents episode and the finale episodes suck sorry
(Spoilers in tags)
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kentopedia · 8 months
my girl dad dazai post but now i’m thinking abt pm boss dazai as a dad …
he knows the mafia is no place for a child, but then you get pregnant, and he realizes just how badly he does wants to be a dad (even if he thinks he’ll bad at it)
he swears to himself he’ll protect her from all the bad things in the world, but it’s not just him … she’s got everyone in the port mafia wrapped around her little finger. so dazai feels a little better, knowing he’s got a handful of the most powerful ability users looking out for her <3
and she can get away with anythinggg. there is a lot of “just don’t tell your mom” happening (from dazai & everyone else). she loves that everyone has a special ability, but chuuya’s is her favorite bc he can float anything ! and she is dazai’s child so don’t doubt she is a menace !! if chuuya won’t fly her in the air, she’ll start tearing up bc she knowssss it makes him feel bad >:)
dazai has a lot going on with the port mafia, but nothing is more important than you and his daughter. he puts everything aside for the two of you !! the most devoted husband and father
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dazai stops, mid sentence, looking up at the sound of the door slamming shut, little footsteps sprinting across the room. he’s in the meeting room with the execs, discussing the foreseeable future of the mafia.
“daddy! daddy!” she shouts, running with something waving wildly in her hand. you’re two steps behind, her but she’s far too quick, too excited about her newest creation to stop. “look what i made!”
and though dazai is in the middle of an important meeting, his entire body language changes, and he’s turning towards the little girl, a big smile on his face. “what did you make today, cutie?” he asks, picking her up to pull into his lap.
“mommy showed me how to paint!” she shoves the canvas into his hand, a proud grin on her face as dazai brushes away her tangled hair. “look! it’s all of us!” she says, but her l’s still sound a little like w’s, and dazai can’t help but marvel at the fact that this sweet little girl has been raised by him.
she points to herself, a stick figure with an odd-shaped head, and nothing more than two lines of dark hair. “that’s me! and there’s you and mommy!” there’s a heart painted between your heads, and it makes dazai melt, the fact that even your daughter can see all the love you have for each other.
he wants to kiss you so badly, overwhelmed by affection for the two most important people in his life.
but then his little girl is pointing to a chaotic block of red and black, painted in splatters in the corner of the canvas. “and there’s uncle chuuya!”
dazai stares at it, blinks, then bursts into a fit of laughter that has his stomach aching. there’s a little hat on top of the mess of paint, and it sends dazai into another spiral.
“let me see that!” chuuya says, grumbling as he snatches the canvas out of dazai’s hand.
“what?” your daughter asks, frowning as she pokes her dad in the face, trying to get him to stop his laughter. “is it bad, uncle chuu?”
and chuuya, who previously had a grumpy expression, softens, not wanting to break the poor girl’s heart. “no, it’s real good,” he promises, even if he’s a bit offended by the portrayal, when she made her own family look so sweet. “it looks just like me!”
dazai chokes, but finally stops laughing to himself when you flick the back of his head.
“yay!” your daughter says, throwing her arms up high, grinning at chuuya’s praise. she’s so adorable that dazai has half a mind to squeeze her tight and never let her go. “see, mommy i told you they’d like it!”
you sigh, and take her from dazai’s arms. “you were supposed to show them after the meeting.” she’s still making grabby hands at her dad as you hold her, a pout forming while she squirms in your arms, trying to escape. “sorry, ‘samu. i know you’re busy today.”
dazai leans up, standing halfway out of his chair to kiss the frown off your face. “don’t apologize, darling.” he caresses your cheek softly, before looking back at his daughter, who just wants to be nosy and listen in to the adult conversations. “i always have time for my two favorite girls.”
you smile, softening as dazai ruffles his daughter’s hair.
“i want to stay here with you!” the little girl says, and dazai laughs, closing up her fists with his palm gently as she tries to climb onto him.
“i’ll be done in just a little bit, sweetie. then, how about we have a tea party? i’ll go get you some ice cream too! but you have to listen to your mom until then, okay?”
“i’ll listen, i promise!” she squeals in excitement, and then sobers, leaning back into your arms with a serious expression. “can you bring a special guest again? maybe akutagawa this time? he hasn’t been to a tea party yet!”
dazai’s lip twitches, but he doesn’t let the smile break free. still, the mere thought of akutagawa pouring tea for his daughter is enough to have him complying with her wishes. “sure, honey. i think i can arrange that.”
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corroded-hellfire · 1 year
Well, since it's this weekend… what about Ryan and Luke giving their favorite baby-sitter something for Mother's Day? Either after Eddie officially gets the girl, or before… I bet Brittany would loooove to find out that her kids made something for Mother's Day in school, and gave it to the baby-sitter instead of her. 😏
I love, love, love this. @munson-blurbs and I came up with a little sweet and spicy tale. Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there except Brittany 😘
Warnings: smut, p in v, unprotected (wrap it up), oral f!receiving, mild choking, Eddie’s breeding kink is loud and proud
Words: 4k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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“Okay, next we need a cup of water.” Eddie hands the glass measuring cup to Ryan, nodding towards the sink. “Fill ‘er up and then—carefully—dump it in the bowl.” Ryan does as he’s instructed, and Eddie proceeds with the recipe. “Now, Luke, you’re going to gently mix it all together.” 
Luke takes the directions a bit too seriously, circling the spoon around the bowl at a painstakingly slow pace. “Like that?” he asks proudly. 
“Liiiiittle faster, bud,” Eddie says, holding his thumb and forefinger apart slightly to emphasize his point. “I’d like to get these made before Father’s Day.”
Once the waffle batter is completely combined—Eddie had to help out before the milk curdled—he ladles it into the waffle iron, inhaling the cozy scent of homemade waffles. It’s what he’s always wanted: family dinners where he and his boys cook. Getting to spoil his girl with love and breakfast food. 
His girl. He still can’t believe that you’re his girl. 
“Did you guys make anything for Mom at school today?” Teachers usually have the kids do some sort of Mother’s Day craft, and Eddie wants to make sure that it gets to Brittany before she can accuse him of withholding her gifts. 
Ryan and Luke share a look that Eddie is unable to decipher. “Um, nothing?” Ryan says meekly, though it comes out as more of a question. 
Eddie frowns. “No art project this year? Not even a macaroni necklace?” He sets the timer and leans back on the counter, crossing his arms over his chest. “Neither of you?”
“No, we did,” Ryan admits, “but we were talking, and…we don’t wanna give them to Mom.”
“Yeah,” Luke chimes in, an unmistakable smirk spreading across his face, “we wanna give them to your giiiiiiirlfriend!” 
“Luke!” Ryan scolds, but his eyes tell Eddie that he had the same idea. “Is that okay?” he asks his dad. 
Eddie nods. “Of course. I think she’ll love that.” He starts to wipe down the counter before turning back to his boys. “You still need to give Mom the gifts that we bought her, yeah?” Not that she deserves them, he thinks bitterly, but she’ll have my head on a platter if they come over empty-handed. 
“Okay,” Ryan says as he puts the milk back in the refrigerator. “And the cards we bought, too.”
“Oh! And we made cards to go with our gifts tonight!” Luke adds. 
“Did you now?” Eddie asks, raising his eyebrows at his youngest son. “You got a future working for Hallmark?”
“Daddy, you know I’m going to be a monster truck driver.”
“Right, how could I forget?”
A key turns in the lock of the front door and an instant smile appears on Eddie’s face. Ever since he’d given you the key to his apartment, he’s been locking the door more just because the sound of you unlocking it when you come over makes him happy. Both boys scurry in that direction and Eddie follows behind at a leisurely pace. 
You’re barely able to put your keys back in your bag before being enveloped in two sets of small arms.
“Oof!” You toss your bag over on the closest chair and wrap your arms around the boys. “This is a nice welcome. Ooh, and what smells so good in here?”
“Happy Mother’s Day!” both boys cheer. 
It takes you a moment to realize that they’re saying those words to you. They are wishing you a happy Mother’s Day. 
“W-What?” you ask, slightly stunned. 
“We won’t see you on Sunday, so we wanted to have Mother’s Day with you now!” Luke says as he takes one of your hands in both of his. 
“Yeah!” Ryan agrees. “And we made your favorite breakfast for dinner. Waffles! Daddy helped.”
“Helped?” Eddie mumbles under his breath, but it goes unnoticed by both kids. 
“This is so sweet,” you say, the wide array of emotions hurtling through you. Dropping to your knees, you tug the Munson children against your body so that you can give them a proper hug. “I love you boys so much.”
“We love you, too,” Ryan says. 
“Let’s go get the presents,” Luke says to his brother.
“Ah-ah, not until after we eat,” Eddie pipes up.
Luke sighs and lolls his head in the direction of his father. “We can’t just go get them?”
“Fine, go ahead. There’s about to be some kissing anyway, and I don’t think you wanna see that,” Eddie teases. It works. The boys head down the hall to their rooms and as soon as you get back up on your feet, Eddie pulls you into his embrace. “Hey there, gorgeous.”
“Hi, handsome,” you say as you loop your arms around his neck. Tilting your head up, your mouth catches against your boyfriend’s and you sink into the kiss. A loud rattling noise and a shout of I’m okay has the two of you breaking apart. “Was this your idea?”
“Nope,” Eddie says, popping the “p.” He rubs his hands up and down your back as he gives you a smile that’s full of pride in his sons. “They asked me just yesterday if we could do this—have the waffles for dinner. And I didn’t know about the gifts until about two minutes before you walked in.”
“I’m getting spoiled tonight,” you muse, pressing a kiss to his stubbled cheek. You start to walk towards the table, but he pulls you back to him. 
“Oh, you have no idea,” he murmurs in your ear, squeezing your ass. “As soon as they leave, I’m going to—”
“Is dinner almost ready?” Luke whines as he thunders into the room. “I’m starving!”
Eddie races to him, crouching down and placing one hand on either of Luke’s shoulders. “Do you think you’ll make it?! Hang on, Luke! Don’t go into the light!” He ruffles his son’s curly hair. “Yeah, it’s ready. Go sit down at the table.”
Luke giggles as he takes his seat, and Ryan trails behind him. 
“How was school?” you ask them, putting waffles on plates and setting them at their places. “Learn anything new?”
Luke nods enthusiastically. “My friend Todd bounced a hot dog on the ground at lunch, and it almost touched the ceiling!”
Eddie shrugs. “I guess that’s science, kind of? What about you, Ry? Conduct any food experiments?”
“No, but we started learning about fractions today,” Ryan says, taking a bite of his dinner. “It was tricky at first, but then I got it.”
“That’s my boy!” Eddie high-fives him. “Munsons don’t give up when things get tough.”
“Is that why you took senior year three times?” you tease him, and his jaw drops in mock offense. 
“Hey, Daddy?” Luke interrupts, grabbing the syrup bottle and positioning it over the waffle and drenching it in the sticky-sweet sauce. “Can we do presents now?”
“When dinner’s over,” Eddie reminds him, taking the bottle before Luke can empty it. “And, no, that’s not permission to shove the entire waffle in your mouth at once.”
“Fine,” he concedes, turning his attention to you. “So, who’s your favorite: me or Ryan?”
You shake your head, cutting your waffle into neat little squares. “I can’t answer that. I love you both equally.” You glance at your boyfriend for confirmation, but of course, he’s no help. 
“That means you must fight for her love and affection!” he roars, deepening his voice to a raspy growl. “Men, grab your armor!”
You roll your eyes at his antics, but there’s a smile on your face the whole time. 
Unsurprisingly, Luke is the first one finished with his food. He sits in his chair, fingers beating a rapid rhythm against the tabletop. The patience of a five-year-old can only go so far, though. Eddie tries to hold in a chuckle because it looks like his youngest is near wetting himself. 
“Okay,” Eddie caves with a sigh. “Get your presents ready.” 
“Yes!” Luke cheers as he grabs his gift and the homemade card made of red construction paper. Eddie stands and clears away the plates while both boys take a seat on either side of you with their respective presents. “Mine first!” Luke slides his towards you. 
First, you pick up the card and grin at the flower smiling back at you on the cover. On the inside, Luke has written in his adorable boyish handwriting: “Happy Mother’s Day! I 🖤 you! Love, Luke.” You ruffle Luke’s curls and press a kiss to his forehead. 
“Here’s the gift I made.” Luke points at it. Picking it up, you see it’s a Shrinky Dink that Luke has written his name on and someone—presumably the teacher, put it on a key ring. 
“This is perfect!” you exclaim as you look over your new keychain. “I use my keys every time I drive or have to get into my house, so I’ll always see your name and think of you.”
Luke grins and throws his arms around your neck. You chuckle and maneuver him into your lap so he’s not hugging you from an uncomfortable angle. 
“Thank you, Luke.”
“Now me!” Ryan hands you his card, designed on purple construction paper. It says: “I am happy that your with Daddy now because that means I see you more and I like seeing you. Happy Mother’s Day! I love you! Ryan.”
“That is very sweet, Ryan.” 
“Thanks! This is what I made you,” he says. A heavy lump of what you can only assume is clay is placed in your hands. Tilting it to inspect the blue ceramic piece, you realize it’s the shape of a hand. Ryan’s hand, to be more specific. His handprint has been molded into a small ceramic dish. “It’s for jewelry! To hold it.”
“Oh, that’s perfect! I’m going to put it right next to my bed for when I take my jewelry off at night.”
“It’s like I’ll be holding it,” Ryan says with a giggle. 
“I know it’s in safe hands then,” you say, reaching over to boop his nose. “Thank you both for the thoughtful cards and gifts. I’m very lucky and grateful for you two.”
“Ahem,” Eddie cuts in with a dramatic throat clear. “No love for me? I’ll have you know that I’m the only one here who knows how to use the waffle iron, thank you very much.”
“You’re right,” you sigh, but when he leans in for a kiss, you just boop his nose as well. “Here, let me get the dishes.” You stand up to start towards the sink, but he playfully tugs you back down.
“Not a chance,” he says with a wink. “The Munson men are on it! Boys, I’ll need all hands on deck.”
Luke and Ryan begrudgingly follow their dad, dragging their feet as they walk to where Eddie’s flicking on the faucet and rinsing the dirty dishes. “Can we at least listen to music?” Luke grumbles, grabbing the sponge.
“Can you ask that without whining?” Eddie nudges him, but his tone is serious. “Try again.”
Luke plasters a giant fake smile on his face. “Can we please listen to music?” he asks.
“Of course, my wonderful, perfect second-born.” Eddie goads, clicking the dial to his usual rock station. 
And when she knows what
She wants from her time
Your head perks up and your eyes widen at the familiar Billy Joel song. Eddie throws you a grin over his shoulder before stepping back from the sink and wiping his hands off on a towel.
“Our song, baby,” he says, holding out his hand as he approaches where you’re sitting. “Boys, take over. Ryan wash, Luke dry.”
“I thought this was a Munson man chore,” Luke grumbles, which Ryan nudges his brother’s shoulder for.
“Shut up,” Ryan hisses under his breath.
Luke huffs and snatches the towel up from where Eddie tossed it on the counter. “What does that mean?” he asks his older brother. “That it’s ‘their song.’”
Ryan chuckles as he grabs a plate and holds it under the water. He looks over at the two of you and watches as Eddie practically yanks you out of the dining chair until your chest is pressed up against his. 
“It’s the song they smoochy-smooch to,” Ryan says.
Luke spins around to look at the pair of you as well, making kissy noises as he awaits a plate to dry.
“I’d start washing those dishes unless you want to see us start smoochy-smooching,” Eddie calls, never taking his eyes off of you. You giggle and wrap your arms around his neck, hugging him even closer.
“Maybe I wanna smooch now,” you say, batting your eyelashes at him. Eddie doesn’t hesitate to fill your request. He leans in and just as his lips are about to brush up against yours, there’s a jarring knock on the front door. 
“I’ll get it!” Luke shouts, taking any opportunity he can to get away from the dishes.
“Good,” Eddie mumbles before stealing a kiss from you anyway. Just as you tilt your head up to continue the kiss, an irritating ahem sounds from behind you. 
Turning your head, you have to fight to keep the sneer off your face when you see who’s standing there.
“Mom’s here,” Luke calls to Ryan as he jogs back into the kitchen.
“Hello, Brittany,” you say, sidling up next to Eddie. You go to grab his hand in yours and he’s quick to give it a reassuring squeeze. Play nice for the sake of the boys, you tell yourself. Those seem to be the only semi-pleasant words that ever go through your head when she’s around. 
“Hi,” Brittany says, the words somehow sounding like a scoff. 
“Boys,” Eddie says, forgoing greeting his ex-wife altogether. “Go get your backpacks and the gifts you bought for Mom.”
The mention of gifts has a slight smirk appearing on the bitchy blonde’s face, and you can hardly say you’re surprised. As materialistic as she is, she’s probably more interested in seeing what she’s getting than seeing her own children. Eddie had already told you what the boys had picked out at the store and all you could hope was that Brittany was able to fake enough enthusiasm so as not to hurt the boys. 
Luke emerges from his room first. He puts his bag down on the table and picks up the keychain and jewelry holder that you had gotten from them. “Mom, look what we made!”
“Good job. Thank you.” She couldn’t sound less excited if she tried. But you don’t care because you know Luke is about to correct her.
“Oh. No, your gift is in my backpack. These aren’t for you.”
Brittany’s face hardens into steel, the forced smile looking more like a disfigured grimace than anything. Come on, look up at me, you think to yourself with a gleeful smile on your lips. Eddie tugs on your hand and you glance over to see him wearing a matching grin of satisfaction. 
Ryan comes in as Luke puts your gifts back on the table, and Brittany’s head finally lifts. You swear you can literally see her face turning red as she locks eyes with you. You raise an eyebrow slightly, as if saying, yeah, that’s right. Those are for me.
“Whatever,” she spits, ushering the boys out of the apartment. “Pick them up Tuesday night. Don’t be late.” 
Before she can slam the door behind her, Ryan and Luke call out to you, “Happy Mother’s Day!” You can see her entire body clench with anger.
As soon as she’s gone, Eddie lets out a huge exhale.
“You okay?” you ask, pressing your chest against his and resuming your position. You can feel his heart beating, and it’s immediately soothing.
Eddie nods slowly. “Yeah, she doesn’t really bother me anymore. ‘S just…” he pauses, searching for the right words, “...I hate not being with them, y’know? And I hate having to send them to their mom’s when they’re happier here. But what am I gonna do, tell her that she can’t have them on Mother’s Day?”
“You’re doing the right thing,” you murmur, rubbing his bicep comfortingly. “And once custody is figured out, I know you’ll be able to see them more. Those boys absolutely adore you.”
He tilts your chin upwards and kisses you, softly and gently. “They adore you, too,” he says with a small chuckle. “I had to convince them to buy stuff for Brittany and not you.”
Your jaw drops, making him laugh harder. “No way. You’re kidding, right?”
“‘M dead serious,” Eddie promises, making an X over his heart. “And speaking of gifts…I have one for you, and it’s in the bedroom.” He waggles his eyebrows, and you hook your finger into his belt loop as he leads the way.
You lay down on the bed as he climbs on top of you, trailing kisses down your body. “This–kiss–is for–kiss–being the absolute–kiss–fuckin’--kiss–best.” He sits up suddenly, taking in the gorgeous view before him. “I love you so damn much.”
“I love you, too,” you whisper against the soft plush of his lips.
“You know,” Eddie mumbles against your mouth, “I was thinking.”
“Uh oh,” you tease. In retaliation, Eddie lightly nips at your collarbone, making you giggle.
“Mhm. About your ass.” He gives it a little squeeze as you laugh harder. “Well, that, and how goddamn gorgeous you’d look having my baby.”
“You mean ‘our’ baby?” you ask, arching an eyebrow. 
“Of course,” Eddie says. He starts to move down your body with kisses again. “Round belly making a home for them.” He pushes your shirt up to the underwire of your bra and places soft kisses around your belly button. 
“Not to mention my bigger boobs.”
“Oh don’t worry, I hadn’t forgot about those,” Eddie says, looking up at you with a smirk. “Shit, I can picture it so well.” His fingers fumble with the button on your jeans as his lips press gently against your skin. “But before that all happens, there’s something I’ve gotta do.”
“And what’s that?” you ask, your eyes never leaving his hands as you watch them work.
Eddie presses one last kiss just above the waistline of your jeans before looking up at you through his enviably long eyelashes. “Fuck a baby into you.”
A whimper leaves your lips, both at his words and at the urgency in which Eddie is pulling your pants off with. Your panties aren’t far behind, but you reach up and tug on his shirt before he has time to undress you any further. Your hands begin to work on his belt, and Eddie lays one hand on your shoulder to keep himself balanced, and the other hand trails along your jaw. Slowly, he swipes his thumb over your bottom lip.
“You want me to make you a mommy, sweetheart? Want to spend next Mother’s Day with the little baby we made?” 
“Uh-huh,” you nod breathlessly, moaning when two of his thick fingers slide into your pussy. “M-Making me regret taking my pill this morning.”
Eddie laughs, pumping his fingers in and out of you as he speaks. “S’okay, babe. We can just practice tonight, hm?”
You nod, unable to speak as you watch Eddie lower his head and attach his lips to your clit. With a breathy whine, your head drops back on the pillow as he gives a harsh suck to the sensitive nub.
“Fuck,” Eddie says once he finally releases it. “Never get used to how good your pussy tastes.” He gives you no time to respond before he dips down and licks at your leaking hole. One of your hands fists the sheets, while the other reaches down and grabs onto your boyfriend’s curls. “Feel good?” Eddie mumbles against your folds.
“So good, Eddie,” you moan. “Fucking love your mouth. B-But I want your cock.” 
“All you had to do was ask, my love.” He looks back down at your pussy and gives it a quick kiss. “I’ll be back for you later.”
You don’t have time to process the fact that he’s talking to your genitals before he’s pushing inside of you with a delicious stretch. “Fuuuuuck, Eddie,” you whine, adjusting to the fullness. “Feels s’good. Always feels s’good.” Your words slur together, already drunk on his cock. 
“Only the best for this tight, perfect pussy,” he growls. He brings his thumb back to your clit, making deliberate circles. “Can’t wait to fill you up with my cum. Gonna fuck it into you s’deep. Gonna knock up my princess, make her a mommy, holy shit!” He cries out when you move his hand from your swollen bud up to your neck, placing it around your throat. “Y’want me to choke you, baby?”
“Yes, please,” you manage, body trembling with pleasure as you feel the pressure from his grip. He’s rocking into you at an immeasurable pace, the ridge where the tip meets the shaft hitting all the right angles. “Keep g-going. ‘M gonna cum.”
Eddie throws his head back. “Good girl, good fucking girl. Cum on my cock, fuck, fuckin’ cream it. Make a mess on me, my good girl.”
One hand still gripping the green sheets below you, the other wraps around Eddie’s arm where he braces himself up against the mattress. Little moans and whimpers are slipping past your lips as Eddie brings you up to the brink. 
“I’m—fuck—I’m coming,” you say, hand tightening around Eddie’s arm as your pussy tightens around his cock. You hit your peak just as he does, an expression of ecstasy on his face. 
“Take it, fuckin’ take it, take all my cum. Want it dripping out of you.” You feel the hot, thick ropes coat your walls as he finishes inside you, leaving you both panting and speechless. 
The two of you lie there with each other for a few moments, letting your bodies relax and come down from their highs. Begrudgingly, Eddie pulls out and you both hiss at the loss. He’s quick to grab a warm washcloth from the bathroom and clean the both of you off. As soon as he tosses it in the hamper, he’s climbing back into bed and pulling you up against him beneath the covers. You eagerly snuggle up against him and rest your head in the crook of his neck.
“So, how was that for a Mother’s Day present?” Eddie asks, his fingers gently tracing patterns on the bare skin of your back. 
“Perfect,” you respond with a lazy smile. “You Munson men spoil me.” 
“Cause we love you so damn much,” Eddie says as he presses a kiss into your hair. When you stay silent, Eddie’s brow furrows in confusion. When he feels your body start to tremble in his hold, he pulls back to look at you. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
Shaking your head, you wipe the fallen tears from your cheeks. “Nothing’s wrong. I just…I wasn’t expecting any of this.”
“Is it too much?” Eddie asks, worry creeping into his voice. “Because I can talk to the—” 
“No,” you say kindly but firmly. “It’s just overwhelming. The food, the presents. Them wishing me a h-happy Mother’s Day. Eddie, I…” You’re unable to keep the tears from falling even as a joyful smile spreads across your lips. “I’ve never felt so loved before.” 
Eddie gazes at you with an adoring expression on his face. He gently tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear and presses a kiss to your forehead. 
“Well, get used to it, baby,” Eddie says. “Because you have the hearts of all three Munson men and we’re all suckers for showing affection.”
Shifting yourself so your head rests next to Eddie’s on his pillow, you still can’t wipe the smile off your face. 
“They think of me as a mother figure.”
“Sweetheart, you’ve been there for them when their own mother hasn’t. Many, many times. Of course that’s how they see you. You’re everything a good mom should be, and they see that. They needed that in their lives. And then you come along; perfect, wonderful you. Who we all were missing, we just didn’t know it yet. But now that we have you, you’re stuck with us.”
You giggle as Eddie nuzzles his nose against yours. “I needed you guys, too. I always will.”
“I love you, my beautiful girl.”
“I love you, my handsome man.”
“Happy Mother’s Day, baby.”
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rowretro · 3 months
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✧taglist✧: @baevsxii @nikisdubblchococake
✧warnings: Yandere themes, toxic themes, unhealthy love, mentions of blood, a little goofy w won
♡synopsis: Nishimura Riki. The Robot created by Yang Jungwon himself, a robot that is insanely human like, inside and out. No one could tell he was a robot. However, the Robot had possessed demonly powers, from Satan himself. So I guess you could see it's a half robot. Yang y/n, the younger sister of Jungwon finds herself stuck to this robot 24/7 no matter what she tried, he will always be by her because she's his muse, his world, his love, his obsession.
(PART 2)
Jungwon gasped seeing Riki carry inside the unconscious, somewhat bloodied body of his sister. "NI-KI BOT NO! HOW COULD YOU FUCKING KILL MY FUCKING SISTER?! HOW DO YOU CALL THIS LOVE?!!!" He exclaimed, mad as he searched for a weapon. "No no master Yang... she fainted. She saw me take the life of another human and fainted... nothing to worry about, I ran a body scan she was just stressed..." The robot male simply said as he softly laid her down.
Riki eyed her up and down, oh how peaceful she looked when sleeping. He cleaned himself up, taking a human shower. Even Jungwon was in utter shock seeing the robot act so human, not one bit effected by the water. Riki dried his hair as he glanced at Y/n. The girl still dressed in the bloodstained, sweaty clothes. Riki approached her unconscious figure. His hands making it's way to her shirt.
He slipped it off, Then her trousers, as he threw them in the laundry. "NI-KI bot. I need to run a test on- AH WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY SISTER... I DON'T EVEN KNOW IF A ROBOT IS ABLE TO MAKE A BABY, BBUT I KNOW MY SISTER CAN'T CARRY A CYBORG CREATURE INSIDE HER." Jungwon yelled as the robot ignored him, clean clothes at hand. "Do robots even have hormones?... hey I need to run a few tests on you so hurry up and don't hurt my sister." Jungwon warned.
The robot remained silent, carrying her to a very fancy, and wonderfully scented bath tub. "God fucksake what did I fucking create... who's the fucking mom- why does it have human parts-... did he steal someone's heart literally- what the fuck is fucking going on-" Jungwon mumbled to himself. Eventually, Y/n woke up. She was clean, dressed in one of her nightgowns and tucked into her bed comfortably. Maybe she was just having a nightmare?
The clothes in her laundry bag said otherwise. Y/n walked down the hallway and glanced into Jungwon's lab. Sitting there was Riki himself a few wires connected to him as Jungwon ran through a few things on a few computers. "It's fucking unbelievable... he's half Man half robot... practically- but that's impossible..." Jungwon mumbled as Y/n stood there, creeped out by the way Riki turned to her. "W-won... you're doing a really bad job as a brother... Either you're careless, irresponsible and shit at science, or you're so over protective to the point you wanted to make my future husband." Y/n said.
"Well... I don't know what you want me to do... if it was a robot completely- I can turn it off, dismantle it and melt it with acid or some shit..." Jungwon started as the robot turned it's head to Jungwon. "B-But- he's not just robot so I can't... a-also I think he's a great guy- he literally dressed you and didn't even hurt you or yknow... glaze your donut?" Jungwon added as y/n stared in shock, throwing her small teddy bear at him.
"OH MY GOD. BAD BROTHER BAD BAD BAD- FIRST YO U LET THAT MURDEROUS LAB RAT FREAK OF NATURE TOUCH ME AND YOU'RE LETTING HIM GET AWAY WITH THIS???" Y/n exclaims as Jungwon scratched his head. "Sis... I tried EVERYTHING. He's just impossible to get rid of trust me..." Jungwon added as Riki stared at him "HEY I'M TRYING TO SUPORT YOUR CASE HERE-" Jungwon yelled, raising his arms in defence.
"HIS CASE? HE IS MEANT TO BE JUST A HUMAN LOOKING LAPTOP." "OH MY GOD Y/N, NI-KI BOT LISTEN. I'M JUST TRYING TO CO EXSIST AND NOT GET MURDERRED. PLEASE." Jungwon finally yelled as y/n sighed. Riki got up when the wires were removed, his hand resting against the wall, his face leaning into hers. "So beautiful up close... Never seen something so beautiful, you can check my database for proof if u want." He simply said as Y/n rolled her eyes.
"You want to feel my kiss? boy you can't touch this." She simply said, her hand softly pushing his chest away. The robot found her cute, following her around everywhere, watching as she pours herself a glass of water, staring in the mirror, pouting and twirling her hair. Or even when she's just randomly working out, or making a snack. "Can you like stop staring?" she asked annoyed as he blinked. Riki then took a seat beside her. "Why don't you love me?" The robot asked as Y/n rolled her eyes. "NI-KI bot.... You're creepy, weird, a robot and in no world is it ever normal for a human to love a clunk of metal." She simply said.
"So you're saying, it isn't love because I can't shed blood for you?... It isn't love because when we kiss there won't be saliva?... Technology's improved darling... and My name is Riki do not call me NI-KI bot." He said, his voice going a whole octave deeper as he slit the skin on his arm, real blood dripping out the slit, the cut itself looking like a human's. "Now should we test with the kiss?" he asked his head tilted a little, as he stared intensely at her. "N-No NI-KI- I-I mean Riki.... you just stay here..." Y/n simply said as she ran off into her bedroom.
Y/n checked that he didn't follow her, and shut her room door. She made her way to her bedroom window, opening it as she looked down. The coast is clear. So she jumped, expecting to have a fairly painful landing that'll be less impactful by the bushes. However, her landing was a little softer. She found herself, staring directly into Riki's eyes as she was indeed in his arms. "Where we off to pretty baby?" The robot man asked, his eyes darkening as he carried her in.
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frogboy0 · 2 months
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So first off, we got a redesign for the Exorcist Angel armor. I wanted to keep the colors light so they stand out when in Hell. I was also hugely inspired by Crusades armor, since the Crusades fought for religious territory, I thought taking inspo from there made sense.
Then we have Lute, Emily, Sera and Adam's designs. I'll explain it all under the cut if you're interested!!!
LUTE!!!!!!!!!! Sorry guys but she's basically a different character with the same name at this point
So I think that Lute was like a mentor figure to Vaggie, she was the closest thing Vaggie had to a (sorta) mom but it's defiantly like a student-master relationship.
I think that Vaggie trusted and cared for Lute deeply, she devoted all her time and energy into training in order to make not only Heaven better, but to make Lute proud. Lute was a HUGE driving force Vaggie's martyr complex.
But they were close!!!! The care wasn't just once sided, I think Lute did love Vaggie. I think they both care for each other SO much, that's why it will hurt SO MUCH when it's LUTE as the one to de-wing and banish Vaggie. She LOVED her, she TRUSTED HER!!!!!
Trust that I will be delving deeper into this in the future ✊✊✊
So Emily and Sera's designs and roles in the story are pretty much the same, I liked them in canon! They were fun and offered an interesting addition to the show!!!!
The main thing I chose to change was basically their hair and skin color tbh. I understand what the show was TRYING to do, w the fact that they're supposed to be black (and apparently those are supposed to be dreads in Sera????) but.......... It wasn't good.
With their canon skin color, I know a lot of angels have gray skin but to me, it looked like the designers didn't know whether to make Sera and Emily (especially Sera) gray or flesh colored, which then resulted in them trying to meet it in the middle and left us with this,,,, really ashy looking black skin in some shots which I didn't like.
I decided to just make them a darker gray so they can both be seen as black and also keep consistent with angels having gray skin :)
(I think the ship is cute but personally, it's not for me ^^)
And finally..... ADAM!!!!!!!!!!!
So like Lute, Adam is basically a completely different character with that same name just slapped on.
I REALLY didn't like him in the show to be honest. I think we was an enjoyable character at times but he's totally like my second to last fav character (with my LEAST favorite being Lucifer LOL). I think it was an interesting take on Adam definitely!! To see him so cocky and full of himself bc of his title but....... It was just very...... Viziepop with the whole "original dick" thing......
Adam is the literal FATHER of humanity!!!? He is EVERYONE'S FATHER!!!!!! I don't understand the point of making him mean aside from the fact that he's supposed to be an opposing force in the show, but even then, just because he's the opposing force, doesn't mean he's gotta be a huge jerk!!!!!
I think it could be more interesting and add more nuisance to the story is Adam WAS this sweet, caring guy who, like the protagonists, is only doing what he thinks is right!
I'll delve more into Adam in my next post BUT everything he does is out of his trust in God and the Seraphims, he trusts them wholeheartedly and despite the fact that the Sinners of Hell were once his children too, he does what he must because his flaw isn't that he's egotistical or an asshole, it's that he cares and trusts with his entire being.
He's also best friends with Kris Kringle
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glitterinmyveinss · 6 months
// say yes to heaven //
johnny knoxville x reader
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authors note: Johnny goes by PJ, some things might be innacurate apologies in advance, mentions of homophobic slurs (i can say it)
❥༄ It's a warm july evening, the sunset sky looks like cotton candy, the kids are still out playing, and me and pj are on the steps of his trailer drinking some cold beers. i've known pj ever since me n my mom first moved to Tennesse at age 5. i ponder back on that moment, the memory still fresh in my mind.
❥༄ "y/n! get your boxes from the back of the uhaul girl!" my mother shouted. i sighed and made my way from the empty field to the back of the van we came in while my mother put her belongings inside our new home. a boy around my age with dark chocolate hair, warm brown eyes, and a horrendous haircut came up to me. "are you my new neighbors?" he asked enthusiastically. i nodded shyly. "cool! i'm pj by the way. my trailers right there." i glanced over to where he was pointing. i noticed a brown trailer with white stripes, white steps, and various beer cans and cigarette butts littering the patch of grass in front. i turned back to him and introduced myself back. "my names y/n. my parents divorced so we moved here." "mine are divorced too! wanna be friends?" we've been inseparable ever since.
❥༄ i set down my can with a sigh and put my hands in my hair. i've lived in the same trailer ever since, things never really got better for me and my mom. i started working at the local jcpennys working the beauty department but that's it, and Pjs been working with his dad at his auto repair shop ever since we were 13. pj turned to look at me, his brows furrowed and his eyes fixated on me. "what's troublin' you doll?" i picked my head up with a sad smile. i loved when he called me that. "whens it gonna get better peej?" i let out a dry chuckle. "i mean are we just gonna stay in this town our whole lives? living pay check to pay check?" he huffed and turned away from me. "i don't know y/n...why are you bringing this up?" "because i don't want that to be my life pj. maybe it was good for our parents but...don't you want different?" he took another sip from his can and a long drag from his cigarette and was quiet for a while. "of course i want different but it's not that simple y/n...plus the world needs workers like us and our parents anyway." i couldnt belive what he was saying. it was so out of character for him. he was never one to conform to society despite us growing up in the south where you'd get called a fag for just about anything. but people didn't care when it came to pj. he could be wearing a tutu and still look cool. that's why i didn't understand why he was giving up his future to stay in a town like this when the world had so much more to offer him, to offer us. "you know, i don't get you sometimes pj." i threw my can on the porch and sat up. "when are you gonna wake up y/n?" he shouted at me. i looked at him wint utter confusion painted on my face. he stared back at me with those piercing dark eyes. anytime i looked into them, it was like i was stuck in place, and like the rest of the world was no more, just me and pj. "w-what do you mean?" i spoke. he scoffed at me and continued, still shouting. "do you think it's that easy? that we can just leave this all behind and start a new life like that?" i huffed in frustration and crossed my arms, "that's not what i meant and you know it. i just meant that we both have dreams pj. what about your writing?" he turned away from me and shook his head, his eyes were even darker now due to his mood. i noticed there were imprints on his can due to his grip on it. "what about my writing y/n? you heard my dad." a while ago, pj shared with his dad his dreams of being a writer, and how he wanted to write for this magazine in LA, just to get his foot out the door. his dad didn't take it well at all and said he better get the wrench he asked for because writing won't pay the bills. i stayed quiet, not knowing what to say. pj got up to stomp his cigarette out. when he was done he locked eyes with me. he stared at me with such intensity, it made my knees buckle and my stomach flip. maybe it's a good thing he wore shades 99.9% of the time. i wanted nothing more than to reach out and hug him, let him know that anyone who doubted him didn't know what they were talking about. that me and him could make it on our own. but we were just friends. and he was even more stubborn drunk than he was sober. he turned to go inside then stopped. "you better get home y/n...it's getting dark." i felt the tears sting the corners of my eyes, like bees in the summer time. this wasn't the first time we fought like this, but it's the first time he didn't invite me in afterwards. usually he'd say something along the lines of sorry, or how he has some left over apple pie he needs help eating, really he would say any excuse. but this time, it was like he wanted nothing to do with me. "you're a coward philip and you know it." i shouted. "you have just as much potential as anyone else in this world to do something great, but you're scared!" he stayed with his back towards me, his fists clenched and his head low. "leave y/n."
❥༄ i stared at him until my vision became blurry with tears, which didn't take long. i've always been emotional. i ran away from him, in the direction of our old elementary. i always went there when things became too much to handle and i just needed somewhere to escape to. once i got there i sat on the old rusty swings that squeaked each time you swayed. i felt like shit. maybe i was too hard on pj. it's just that all i wanted was for me and him to have a good future. maybe the reason why i got so mad was because i imagined our futures would be us as lovers, not best friends. i wish i brought one of those beers before i left. i heard rustling coming from my left side and when i turned to look, i saw pj. i turned away and stared at the ground. it was quiet for a while while he sat on the swing beside me. "i'm sorry doll. i didn't mean to yell at you like that, you know how i get when i drink coors." i began to sob as i spoke, "no peej i'm sorry, i was too hard on you." i put my head in my hands and hid my face. pjs eyes scrunched up as he began laughing at me. "oh come on y/n, no need to bring out the water works. we're all good girl" he moved his hand and began rubbing my back. i sniffled and picked my head up, turning to him with a small smile that he returned.
❥༄ it was like that for a while. just me and pj swaying back and forth, till he spoke up. "you know i'm not a coward y/n..." i faced him and frantically began explaining myself. "i know pj i'm sorry it's j-" he cut me off. "the only reason why i'm not doing what i want is because... i wanna keep you close to me." i stayed staring at him. my eyes wider than usual, and my lips tucked between my teeth. "the magazine i wanna write for is based in LA. that means i would have to move there." i remained quiet. he turned to look at me. "come on y/n say some-" it was probably the alcohol more than me, but out of no where, i decided to kiss him. his lips were warm snd soft, i could still taste the cigarettes and coors on his breath. i felt euphoric and nauseous all at once. i pulled away awkwardly and faced him. "i'm sorry peej, i don't know-" he cupped the side of my face and pulled me in for a second kiss. after a minute we pulled away, but we were stuck staring at eachother, like one would disappear if the other dared to look away. "i'll go with you." i spoke, barely above a whisper. pj scrunched his face in confusion. "pardon?" i rolled my eyes at him. sometimes he was such an airhead. "i'll go with you to LA. just say the word and i'll go pj." he stared at me with a goofy crooked smile and picked me up from the swing. i squealed as he threw me over his shoulder. "let's start packing then. we'll get the first flight out as soon as we're done." even though i was upside down and felt dizzy, i couldn't be happier.
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narrans · 9 days
My Borrowed Son | 24 | A Waking Nightmare
Chapter Twenty-Four | A Waking Nightmare
Parker couldn’t believe how awesome this new place was. There were so many big spaces and new areas to explore. No longer was the kitchen connected to the living room which was connected to the dining room. The bedrooms were upstairs instead of on the same floor as all the others.
There was a separate spot for Parker’s mom to have an office instead of her having to use part of the living room or her office. There were carpeted parts of the house as well as tile and hard wood. There were two whole bathrooms and even a balcony that overlooked a back yard.
All of this was new and amazing for Parker.
Sure, he still had his space that he would be staying in, but Parker was already making plans to make some transportation structures for easy access from his room to the kitchen and bathroom.
One of those things included an elevator that he would get put into the wall. It would be a simple cut out from the floor to part of the wall in the kitchen. The actual mechanism would be inside of the wall.
Parker knew his mom was probably going to have some objections to it overall just because she probably didn’t want holes cut into their new home and Parker would be designing the pulley system himself. Still, he was confident that he could persuade her if he pointed out he would be climbing the stairs manually.
She didn’t like when he climbed too high.
It was an open and shut case.
So, as Parker helped unload all of the various cables and started setting up his area, he began scouting the floorboards and the rooms for the best place for him to put some of the contraptions he wanted to include in the home.
As he did, there was an odd feeling in the air that he couldn’t quite place. It was like the same sensation he got right before his mom entered the room or the sensation that overwhelmed his mind when he woke up from his reoccurring nightmare, which was happening more frequently recently.
It was the same dream every time, though some of the details changed from time to time.
The dark clouds. Some kind of boat. Someone calling to him as he was suddenly dragged under the waves. Not being able to breathe. Fear. Cold. Darkness.
Just the thought petrified the young teen.
Parker had to remind himself it was just a dream. He had actually posted about the dream a few times on his blog and a few people suggested it might be more of a memory than a nightmare, but Parker couldn’t remember anything like that in his lifetime. He did have to acknowledge the fact that some studies he read up on about dreams said that dreams couldn’t pull from information a person didn’t already have.
It was weird, and the more he thought about it the more it made Parker’s head hurt. Putting the dream aside, there was something about this house that set Parker’s senses on edge. It almost felt alive. Every time he approached the walls while hooking up his cables, Parker felt like a magnet drawn to steel.
Perhaps it was just his adventures that one night into the walls that compelled him to venture into the walls again. Perhaps it was just natural curiosity that drew him to explore what was unknown. Or, as another crazy thought, perhaps Parker wanted to compare the walls of his old home to his new home to see what differences there were.
He remembered the interior walls next to the drywall being unusually tidy and the little sketch mark still had no official translation. Were there marks like that in this house too?
Parker kind of wanted to know.
But did he really?
Conflicted, Parker continued hooking up all of his wires until, finally, his space was fully operational. Other than the water, which his mom hooked up after he informed her everything else was in place, all Parker had to do was help organize the drawers and chat with his mom.
They talked about everything while they worked. School. Future study plans now that midterms were over, and Parker would have to start thinking about what he wanted to study in the spring semester. They also talked about Lyn and how she was doing.
It made Parker just the slightest bit uncomfortable that they were talking about her simply because his body started doing funny things when he thought about his female classmate. Sure, she was a couple years older than him, their group of friends celebrating her sixteenth birthday just last week, but there was something about her that made Parker feel warm and tingly, excited and nervous, confident and seen.
It wasn’t until the movers came with all of the other furniture that Parker noticed his mom act a little strangely. She quickly ushered him up to his room and told him that she didn’t want him to get hurt.
“I’ll be okay, mom,” ensured Parker. “I’ll be on the counters and on the windowsill. They won’t hurt me. They’re not kids.”
“Parker, I would rather you not be out and about while they’re bringing everything in. There’s going to be so much movement and things swinging around and possibly falling. I would just feel better if you just took a break and relaxed in your room. Don’t worry. You’ll be able to help put everything when you want it when they’re done,” countered his mom.
Parker wanted to continue the discussion but ended up complying with his mom and retreating back to his room. There was something in her tone that sounded panicked and uneasy. It was like she didn’t want him to be seen and didn’t want him to talk to the movers.
That’s weird. I know she’s protective, but I thought it would be different now. I’m older. I’m almost fifteen. I can look after myself. I’m careful.
Parker huffed a huge sigh and flopped down on his bed where he found himself daydreaming about meeting Lyn for the first time. He thought about what she would say about his height, which he already had some lines for, or so he thought. He imagined what it would be like to hug her. He even dared to think about what it would be like to kiss her.
This brought about a whole range of emotions that made Parker squirm uncomfortably. He wasn’t sure where that thought came from, but he quickly shook himself out of his fantasy and turned his attention to his books and finishing setting up his room.
It was hours later when the sound of thumping and talking voices finally subsided. There were a few times when the voices sounded close to Parker’s door, but no one entered his room. In fact, Parker felt his hair stand on end and he actually retreated further into his space when he heard the voices.
It was another weird sensation of wanting to talk to new people and meet them but also wanting to retreat and hide away.
It made his head hurt, but he didn’t spend time dwelling on it. Too much time had already been dedicated to it in the past, and Parker didn’t find any use thinking about stuff he couldn’t solve. There were too many other books and subjects for him to learn about anyway.
Parker eventually emerged from his room, actually soldier crawling under the door to get out of his bedroom and climbed down the stairs. He wasn’t sure where the idea came from, but he snagged a few thumb tacks and taped them to his shoes and the used the carpet fibers as solid handholds as he climbed down each individual step.
The young teen was rather pleased with himself by the time he made it down to the bottom step and carefully took off his shoes before walking into the kitchen where he saw his mom unpacking plates and bowls.
“Hey mom,” Parker called. She stopped moving immediately and scanned the floor for Parker, smiling when she found him.
“Hey there, sweetheart. Were you calling for me? I’m sorry. I just thought I’d put these things away really quick before coming up to see what you wanted to eat for dinner,” said his mom as she knelt and extended her hand.
“No worries. I just got down here,” said Parker. Amanda glanced down at her child as she lifted him onto the counter.
“How did you get down here?” the thought that entered her mind changed Amanda’s expression to one of worry and disbelief. “You didn’t climb down them, did you?”
Parker sat quietly and averted his gaze bashfully. There was no denying what he had done, so he decided now was as good of a time as any to bring up his idea about the elevator.
“Um… well… I did have to climb, but I was really careful!” Parker insisted. His mom gave him another worried look and shook her head. “No! I really was! I used some thumb tacks on my shoes and made sure I had a tight grip on the carpet before coming down. Which! I actually had an idea for. Since I’m on the top floor and my room is across from the kitchen, I could implement my elevator idea.”
“I know you’re worried about the idea, so I decided to draw up the plans and try it out on the desk. All I need to do is build it and then you’ll have a chance to see that it’s a solid design,” insisted Parker. Amanda sighed heavily as she set her hand onto the counter. Parker could see his mom would need far more convincing. The reluctance was tangible.
So instead of pressing the issue, he decided to start dragging away the paper and stuffing that was in between the dishes while he listened to yet another safety spiel his mom had rehearsed. It was a conversation he had dozens of times before, especially when it came to him climbing and experimentally inventing contraptions. She was usually very supportive of everything else except for the two specific topics of certain climbing inventions and visiting friends in person.
Honestly, he tuned out most of what his mom had to say simply because he had heard it so many times before. Parker instead diligently worked and nodded, agreeing mindlessly. He would have continued to do so except something caught his attention that made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end.
Just for a moment, the teenage boy could have sworn that he saw the electrical cover on the other side of the counter move on its own. It didn’t shift down as if falling. It shifted up – as if being shifted back into place.
He shook his head as his heart skipped a few beats. He felt like he was on pins and needles. Everything felt electrified in his body. His head swirled uncomfortably as if he was about to pass out, which Parker had never done before.
“Parker? Parker?” His mom’s voice shook him out of his temporary stupor. “Is everything okay? You look a bit pale.”
Parker looked over at his mom and then back to the electrical cover.
“I… sorry. I thought I saw the electric cover move,” Parker said in a daze. There was immediately a look of concern on her face as she looked over at the island behind her. Before Parker could say anything, his mom walked over and jiggled the cover. Sure enough, it was a bit loose and actually came off.
“Well, that’s not good,” she muttered. “I’ll have to screw that in tighter.” There was something about seeing that electrical cover open that drew Parker to it once more. Though the island was a place he definitely couldn’t reach, Parker suddenly found himself on the edge of the counter looking down at the sheer drop beneath him. The sensation was thrilling and terrifying as he looked down at the vertigo inducing distance.
“Anyway, what do you want to have for dinner? You get to pick,” said his mom as she snapped the cover back into place and turned to face him.
“Um… Chinese? It’s been a while since we’ve had it,” suggested Parker.
“Wonderful. I’ll go ahead and order it. And to watch after dinner?”
Parker decided he wanted to watch The Matrix. It was a bit of an adult movie, but he had been allowed to see it before while his mother censored some of the “naughty” bits. The concepts of defining what was and wasn’t real while also delving into the technology that existed in the world was fascinating to him.
Parker thought it might be fun to get into computer programming simply because he wanted to be able to write code and maybe create mods for the games he enjoyed playing. Lyn evidently knew a little bit about programming and mod creation, and Parker was more than eager to pick her brain about it.
The thought of what made the electrical cover shift slowly faded in the teen’s mind as his mother occupied him with other chores and preparing for dinner. The movie and the food were both phenomenal, but during both Parker couldn’t shake the feeling that he was being watched. Something kept drawing his eyes upward toward the trim at the ceiling or by the other electrical covers around the room.
There was something that felt alive about this house, and Parker didn’t like it. When it came time for bed, Parker actually brought it up to his mom.
“Do… you feel weird in the house? Like… are you getting a weird feeling?” asked Parker as his mom came in to wish him a good night. Amanda had been getting a weird feeling, but it wasn’t until Parker said something that she fully elected to acknowledge the sensations around her.
“Well, a little, but I think that’s normal. This is a new house. Maybe we’re just not used to it yet,” suggested his mom. Parker sighed and nodded as he tugged at the hair on the back of his neck and rubbed just beneath his hairline. “Do you feel uncomfortable? Like you don’t want to be alone?”
“Maybe,” he muttered. Amanda, seeing her son’s discomfort, had an idea.
“Here. One second.” She went down to the living room and retrieved the old baby monitor that she and Parker used. It was something she hadn’t used in years, but it certainly aided her when she couldn’t be near Parker. When she brought it up, Parker recognized the contraption immediately.
“The baby monitor? Mom, I’m not a baby,” grumbled Parker as his cheeks warmed with embarrassment.
“I know you’re not, but the radio still works. If you need anything, you can just shout, and I’ll hear it in the other room. Just for now until the feeling goes away. Sound good?” asked Amanda. Parker considered the electronic device for a minute before deciding to relent. It was a good idea, and it was more of a radio than anything else.
The teen agreed reluctantly, and Amanda quickly set it up in the hallway just outside of his room for relative privacy’s sake. Then, with a kiss, Amanda wished her son the best dreams and went off to bed herself.
Parker curled up into bed and stared at the ceiling for what felt like hours before feeling an inkling of being tired. There was something about this place that made him uneasy. Perhaps it was just the relative unease of moving to a new home. It was the first time he had moved before after all.
It was these thoughts that Parker eventually fell asleep to.
Sadly, his dreams were not the best or the sweetest one he was asleep.
The nightmare appeared once again, but there was more to it than last time.
Parker could feel the chilling rain surrounding him. Someone’s arms were wrapped around him and telling him that they were going to be okay. Walls of water surrounded him, and he clung to the person tightly. He couldn’t describe it, but he trusted whoever it was that held him with all of his heart.
Another wall of water crashed over him. The darkness of the sky lit up just in time for him to look into the faceless features of the person who held onto him so tightly. All at once, he was dragged away, swallowed by the wave of water and spat out in the mud and leaves.
He turned in time to see the person being held back as they too were dragged under the waves of endless water surrounding him. Someone called out something to him that he couldn’t hear.
Primal terror.
Parker clutched something to his chest as the dark shadows surrounded him. He whimpered and tried to get away, but one shadow emerged and grabbed him. He threw out his arms and tried to push it away, but immediately Parker knew something was off.
For one, he registered that his hands made contact with something. Times before in his dreams, there was never resistance.
Most unnervingly was the fact something – someone – said his name.
“Parker? Shush and wake up!”
Wake up? What on ea-…
Parker opened his eyes and, to his horror, spotted a shadowy figure looming over him. From the sound of the voice, it was a girl speaking to him. For a second, Parker thought this was still part of the dream.
Vision sharpening instantly and sleep banished from his eyes, Parker pulled his legs free from his blankets and kicked, launching the figure across the room. She grunted in pain and gasped for air with the wind knocked out of her. Parker was on his feet in an instant and practically threw himself at his touch lamp, smacking it unnecessarily hard as the room illuminated.
There, standing up with difficulty, was a teen about the same age as him, possibly younger. Her hair was dark brown, and her eyes were basically black. She had mismatch pieces of fabric for clothing as well as a collection of weird contraptions at her hips. Her hair was in a low ponytail, which only kept her hip length hair out of her face. She forced herself to her feet and gasped for air again as she glared at him.
“You kicked me!” she hissed accusatorily. “Whatever. Come on! We have to go! Now!”
Parker knew two things.
One, he was drenched from his nightmare.
There was no way this was a dream. The way his heart pounded and the sensation of landing not one but two solid blows on the girl. His entire body trembled violently, and nausea immediately punched him in the gut.
What was this?
What was going on?
Panicked at seeing this stranger, let alone one his size, standing right there in front of him triggered an instinctual response that Parker couldn’t begin to understand.
He started to shout.
“M-mom! Mom! There’s someone here! Someone’s in the house!”
He wasn’t sure why he started shouting. Perhaps it was the instinctual fear and the involuntary need to be saved, but his body acted on its own as he called out to his mom.
The girl’s eyes widened, and she shied away immediately, retreating into the shadows of the next room.
“Dude! Shut up!” she hissed. “The human will hear you!”
“H-human? What?” Parker asked. His head swirled again and he staggered to the wall, leaning heavily against it. He gasped several times for air that left his lungs unsatisfied as his vision by the girl blurred.
“Are you coming or not!?” The girl didn’t wait for more than two seconds before turning on her heel and running toward the stairs. The sound of her retreating footsteps summoned Parker’s attention, and he chased after her.
“Wait! What? Where are you going?” Parker shouted. The girl stopped on the stairs and glared at him.
“Stop shouting, you moron!” she chastised as she continued running. Parker’s mind was running wild, but he spotted the baby monitor and did the only thing he could think to do. His mom couldn’t hear him here, but she could with the monitor.
He darted forward and threw his weight into the button and shouted as loud as he could.
“Mom! Mom! Come here! Quick! There’s someone in the house!”
He heard the girl curse as she left his house. Parker barely made it to the window in time to see her give one more fateful glance upward toward him, briefly making eye-contact, before vanishing off of the side of the desk.
Moments later, Parker heard his mother’s footsteps thundering through the hall and into his room.
“Parker? Parker!” she called as she rushed over to the desk, practically ripping the hinges as she threw the door open to look into Parker’s space. Parker shakily staggered toward his mom, mindlessly pointing toward the backside of the desk.
“Mom! There… th-there… there was a girl! There was a girl here in my room! She… sh-she… she was… l-like me. She was little like me!” Parker ran his fingers through his hair as he staggered toward his mom’s open hands. He was heaving in breath after breath, choking back the urge to vomit.
“Is there anyone else here, Parker?” asked his mom as she looked wildly around the room and back over her shoulder toward the stairs leading downstairs.
“W-what? No. I… I don’t think so. B-but mom. Sh-she was my size. She…” Parker let himself fall into his mom’s hands as he tried to calm his breathing. Everything hurt, especially his head.
Amanda, seeing Parker in such a state, looked at the state of his clothes and glanced around his space. Nothing looked disturbed or different. Parker was drenched from head to toe. She had to wonder if he actually saw someone or if it was just a bad dream.
“Parker, are you sure you saw someone? Are you sure it wasn’t a nightmare?” asked Amanda.
“No! Mom! Check by the desk legs! I know what I saw!” shouted Parker. Amanda did as he instructed and looked at the legs of the desk and the electrical covers nearby.
Nothing looked out of place.
Was it just a dream?
Could it have been a dream?
Honestly, what were the chances of there being a small girl living here in the house with them?
Then again, Parker existed, so couldn’t someone else?
What were they doing here?
Were they here for Parker?
Why? Why would they be?
And, Heaven forbid, what if they tried to talk to Parker before she could?
She didn’t want to distress Parker further and decided to compromise for the time being.
“Parker, I don’t know how much searching we can do here in the dark. Come to my room and get some rest. We’ll take a thorough look around in the morning,” said Amanda. Parker, still visibly shaking, looked back at his space. Doubt began to fill his mind.
Did he see what he saw?
Was it a part of his imagination?
No… it couldn’t have been….
And there was something else too…
There was something in his mom’s tone that made Parker the slightest bit uneasy. Did she believe him? And, if she did, why wasn’t she doing something about it now? Was she trying to dissuade him from looking? Was she trying to hide something from him?  
Head throbbing, Parker tentatively agreed to stay with his mom for the evening. He wanted to sleep without the threat of waking again; but he wouldn’t forget this sensation.
He needed to do some of his own investigating tomorrow first thing when he got the chance.
Tomorrow… he would try and find his own answers.
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torhues · 2 years
miya atsumu.
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w : female reader, mentions of pregnancy, somewhat emotional idk, tsum makes his entry at the end but we still talk ab him throughout this helppp
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faint aroma of the thyme tea resting in front of you keeps you from getting bored while waiting for atsumu. it's not that he has left you somewhere alone, in fact you're at his mother's place, but you still wish he would come home a bit early, especially since the weather is getting cold as the sunset caves in.
a part of you wants to discard the tea.
"are you nervous?" atsumu's mother— your mother-in-law, of course, interjects just when you were about to get up from the chair.
"sort of," your fingers dance around the hem of your dress, a lazy smile fluttering on your lips; amidst the cold winds, you find comfort within the warmth provided by the minimal sunlight offered by the setting sun. "i wonder if i'll be a good mother,"
it's the fifth time you're visiting your mother-in-law throughout your seven month long pregnancy, though you wished you could just stay at her place for the rest of the time left. something about her presence makes you forget all of your worries, even if it's just for a few minutes. she resembles a mentor, despite being your husband's mom, while on other days, you see glimpses of your mother in her eyes.
"how was it, raising 'tsum and osamu?" the question slips off your tongue before you even know it. you've been thinking of asking her for a while now, thinking, nothing more, before the words decide to escape on their own, knowing you would never voice them out.
"i don't know," it's an indifferent reply, you think. perhaps, you anticipated something more, something that would give you an insight into motherhood, but she doesn't spare you a glance, continuing to arrange the photo albums and frames. "i had them when i was quite young, and was scared i would do something wrong, that i wouldn't know when they are hungry. i was scared of all the worst scenarios i had in my head but, when i held them in my arms for the first time, i was relieved. i didn't know how i'll do it, but i knew it would be fine,"
there's a photo frame on the corner table with a picture of the twins in her arms. you've seen it a lot of times, often pointing out how different atsumu looked back then, even if it's only reasonable, while admiring them the other times. you've imagined yourself in her place— with your twins in your arms and atsumu by your side. looking through the photo album earlier, you had pictured yourself with your kids, thinking about all the things you would do to give them a memorable childhood.
all the concerns and plans you had, without a doubt, made you nervous.
"i thought, i wouldn't do things right," she continues, hands busy with cleaning all the frames that had captured atsumu and osamu's childhood together. "but, one look at them and i'd know what they need. it was like a miracle, to wake up from sleep exactly when they were hungry, or needed me to change their diapers. i think it's something you get after becoming a mother,"
and most of the people have told you the same, even your own mom. you're scared, but behind your fear, you imagine atsumu with his twins, doing everything that him and osamu did as children. you picture your kids wearing matching pajamas like any other siblings. at some point in future, you image them cooking with their father, perhaps an outdoor barbeque, since atsumu loves it.
you image atsumu teaching them volleyball and playing with them every evening. you already know he would be on cloud nine the moment they start praising him for being such an amazing volleyball player. you image going to little picnic dates with your family, or maybe, to the beach during the summers, making sand castles and playing by the shore. you image atsumu sleeping on the couch with your kids at noon after a tiring day at morning practice.
you imagine your kids holding onto atsumu's fingers while trying to walk, ultimately taking their first steps that make him burst into tears. you imagine him taking them to grocery stores and buy them every candy they lay their eyes upon— which is a little too much but the atsumu you know would do that. he would do anything for the two mini him-and-you running around the house, and you would too, without any compromises.
"was it hard raising them?" you ask again, this time with more interest in hearing her experience as a mother, or maybe, you simply wanted to hear about things atsumu and osamu did that kids.
"a little, but again, it's not easy to handle kids," her lips curl into a smile before they morph into a slight frown, "but atsumu gave me a hard time,"
"he would start crying the moment i took my eyes off him, always being able to find chocolates no matter where i hid them. you might not believe, but atsumu was somewhat of a shy kid to begin with. while osamu would make friends at the playground, he would hide behind his father,"
osamu once told you how in middle school, atsumu had the hardest time making friends because the two of them were assigned different classes. other times, osamu would introduce atsumu to his friends, but middle school taught him to depend on himself rather than having someone else to lean upon all the time, and made him into who he is right now.
it was hard to believe that the atsumu you know, miya atsumu, the one who has such a bit mouth, was once introverted. he's someone who announced it in the whole school when you became his girlfriend in middle school, the one who announced his marriage to you on twitter account before even talking to PR team and got scolded about it, the one who threw a party when he found out he was going to become a dad.
"gosh, i feel sad now," her words pull you out of your thoughts as a slight wave of guilt dwelled upon your shoulders for not focusing on her words and being lost in your own world.
you shift a little closer to her, "mom, did something happen?"
and silence is all you receive as a response. you notice the dull grimace masking her face, one that makes her someone so unknown because no matter the situation, she has always been the person to smile the brightest amidst a crowd.
"time flies by so quickly," she chuckles softly, "it feels like yesterday, he was a kid toddling around me all the time, and now, he's about to become a dad,"
between silence and fleeting steps of nostalgia in the room, you hear the door click, and the next thing you know is atsumu has returned from his little gathering with highschool friends. the room doesn't feel lonely anymore, and maybe it's because of his presence that's loud in itself, or the way he crouches in front of you, smiling at your belly and telling his kids how much he has missed them, and that he wouldn't leave them alone with you for hours ever again in case they grow more liking to you.
you could hear distance city noises as the night caved in, and by the time osamu came back, you had been planning to depart. although, a part of you wishes you could stay with them a little longer, you know atsumu shouldn't miss his practice since he's already planning to take a long leave once the twins are born; and there's no way he's leaving you at his mother's place all alone.
"so, what did you and mom talk about?" he asks, breaking the comforting silence that has been accompanying you through the car ride.
"not much," you slide your phone inside your purse, "just tales about how much of a trouble you were to your mom," atsumu laughs bitterly, and it's just a show because by this time, he knows that leaving you alone with his mom would result in discussions about his childhood. stories will be shared and secrets will be spilled, and atsumu would rather watch a soap opera than have his own mother tell you the embarrassing stuff he did as a kid.
you steal a glance at him. both osamu and atsumu are splitting images of their father, from tip to toe, but atsumu has his mother's eyes. perhaps, it's too late for you to notice this now, and maybe, he would be salty that you never noticed this, because he has always taken pride in resembling his mother, even if it's in just one feature.
"remember when you asked me if you would be a good father?" you slide your hands in atsumu's, wiping off all the doubts that have been seeping through his fingers, "our kids can't have a better dad, tsum,"
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alexalessandro · 12 days
These are just my jumbled thoughts about the fantasy high junior year finale so you know they won’t be in order. They won’t be linear. here we go. (T-T-TAKING OVER TEENAGE REBELLION)
So first of all, I am fully satisfied with the junior year finale.
My main concerns were the character arcs for the intrepid heroes- for the bad kids. I was worried about the bad kids and I wanted their arcs to be resolved (I never really gave a shit about the rat grinders sorry not sorry).
I’m glad that all of the rat grinders except KipperLily Copperkettle got redeemed (I actually hated that bitch). Glad that she was the truly evil one out of the group and like Osin and Ivy were not great but just got worse because of the shatter star (and they now have a second chance with Jawbone which is nice, we might have some interesting dynamics with Ivy and Aelwyn THINK ABOUT THE TOXIC LESBIANS GUYS AELWYN WAS MISSING EVERPETAL)
We got Maryann back so hell yeah W on the board and Buddy was just fucking hilarious. Love that he stayed a stooge right to the end even after the shatter star he just changed beliefs that is the funniest shit ever.
I’m actually very satisfied with the finale for the rat grinders very satisfied that KLCK was not a complicated woman, but just a fully evil woman that killed her best friend Lucy Frost blade and was fine because she willingly got shattered to have her best friend be dead forever.
Let’s just let that sink in everybody: KipperLily Copperkettle that was very fond of Lucy and Lucy was the only person on her team that really liked her, and she killed Lucy in a HEARTBEAT to get power and was fine with her staying dead, so let’s sit with that. Let’s rationalize that really KLCK was NOT a complicated woman just fucking evil all right, the rat grinders are better off without her sorry girlies
Now going back to the bad kids I am very satisfied with everyone. I am really glad that figs arc was to be a school dropout and to find that centeredness within herself and realizing that the unsteadiness that she felt was the fact that she really wanted to keep her friends, but she felt like dropping out of school would mean losing them. I’m really happy that she got to the conclusion of you got to center yourself. You can do things for other people but you deserve to get help and part of that realization was “I don’t need school”.
I don’t wanna be in school but I can still have my friends- and like honestly honestly, at this point, the bad kids are all fucking related. There is no way that they’re splitting up OKAY? The family polycule is getting bigger by the day.
Kristen tried to poly-pill Gertie with it. Maybe she can get Jawbone to help (I don’t know appropriate that is) but hey the future is Poly so that’s amazing actually.
Oh and getting to Kristen the fact that she now doesn’t have the sole responsibility to be the bearer of keeping Cassandra alive in this world? the fact that the pantheon might fuse into one religion? amazing.
The main thing with Kristen was the fact that she’s just a 16-year-old girl with the weight of the world on her shoulders and it’s a very similar arc to figs in a way because Kristen‘s whole Thing this season was recognizing and finally asking for help.
She is 16 and she shouldn’t have been doing this all alone, so the fact that her pantheon (like she might be the priestess and of a pantheon and not necessarily just single Goddess), the harbringer of the age of the lesbians with Cassandra and Ankarna and Ruvina and Galacae making a pantheon of just lesbians. I love that, that is amazing. That is what I want. Thank you.
And Adaine and Aelwyn are finally gonna kill their mom! finally! finally killing off that one loose thread that has literally been haunting their lives with like the allowance and all the other shit that Adaine had to deal with this year because of the fact that her mother is still alive glad that that’s hinted at being resolved.
Glad that like Gorgug finally got Mariann-pilled. That was amazing.
Glad that Fabian finally got a healthy relationship with a girl that Isn’t toxic. Hopefully Mazey will get him to talk to Jawbone a little bit and get over his number-one-nemesis his baby brother, though I think it is a very fun even (if tragic) dynamic for him to be nemesis from day one with his baby sibling. I think that would be a really funny bit thing to have.
And Riz! Riz finally taking a break (although brief) you know fuck unnecessary stress, fuck it let’s get some tea. Let’s chill out. I feel like Riz is someone that needs to be in constant motion but it’s nice that now he knows that he doesn’t have to be ON all all the time you know? It’s a marathon not a sprint.
There can be times when you get tea and times when you need to get the coffee, but the fact that he doesn’t feel like it has to be coffee all the time, the expectation that Sklonda put on him thrown out the window and in a beautiful way it mirrors Fig’s arc this season.
fig realized that school wasn’t what she needed what she really needed and wanted was her friends and she didn’t need to go to school for that and riz realized the same thing that he doesn’t have to keep a white knuckle grip on things and get his hands bleeding each time. A more casual hey let’s see how life goes like that’s a very beautiful character moment for both of them.
realizing that you don’t have to see the same people every day like the reality of things is that you drift apart and you drift away from the people in high school, but there is also the thing where I still keep in contact with my high school friends. it’s further and far in between because we weren’t really close in high school but had we been closer in high school maybe we would be seeing each other every day you know like I know a lot of my high school friends that have kept really close contact afterwards and became uni friends so like it’s not impossible.
In the end I’m fully satisfied this finale. It leaves the bad kids lives in a better place from where we found them and you know like junior year did what junior year does. I think a lot of the bad kids realize what they want what they needed what they were lacking and the steps that they needed to take to achieve what they wanted and I think that’s beautiful. I really like the place where the bad kids ended up as a group And you know it might be my brain screaming that they will not drift apart, but also the family tree is on my side so you know we’ll see. 

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eerna · 3 months
hello! this ask ended up becoming a very long tangent so feel free to ignore it lmao. just had some thoughts on tpt and idk who else to rant to
i feel like i generally enjoyed tpt but also agree w a lot of criticism ive seen about it (was definitely put off by wrens lack of agency and so disappointed that we didnt see her reunite w her parents…that phone call w her mom was the most emotionally evocative scene for me in the first book and lowkey made me cry).
idk if someone already brought this up but a small thing that bothered me was that the thistlewitch’s bargain with oak never came back to bite him or was even mentioned again. specifically the exchange where she asked him to grant her a request upon becoming king, and he agreed since he didnt plan to be king anyway even though she implied she’d seen otherwise in his future. i get that this is foreshadowing ultimately that oak would become a king through marrying wren rather than inheriting, but it surprised me that the ramifications of him thus having to put his money where his mouth is re:thistlewitch never actually come up when he has the whole ‘oh i’d still be a king by marriage’ realization in tpt.
like it seems like it should be plot relevant that oak is now indebted to a hag who is somewhat implied to be conspiring (or at least affiliated) with mother marrow / bogdana, given that he specifically questions why mother marrow sent him off to the thistlewitch to get info, when she already could have told him that wren had melliths heart. idk was that part ever explained? i listened to the audiobook so if it was i might have zoned out or something, but i lowkey kept expecting that piece to be revealed as part of the hag conspirators’ plan
i guess that its just a red herring having finished the book now, but i was still confused that oak never even reflects back on it in his inner monologue at some point, especially when he realizes that he is still on track to becoming a king when he marries wren? like the book just ends with him being like ‘i guess ill be a king :) for you :)’ so i suppose hes either forgotten about the thistlewitch or doesnt care
maybe i read far too much into this one interaction or just missed something. but idk it just seems like a missed opportunity and/or dropped plot line to me and i really feel like that red string corkboard charlie day meme just thinking about it.
thank u for reading if you got through it all :,)
No worries, I enjoy reading ppl's takes in my inbox, be it positive or negative~ SAME the Thistlewitch was the BACKBONE to all my TPT predictions and then she ended up irrelevant. Then when the entire consort VS king/queen topic popped up I was like OH SMART, this could be a good middle ground. But no. Despite all his best attempts at avoiding it, he is still getting a crown, hence the hags can still collect that boon one day. And what if the boon is "Reignite the Court of Teeth's insurgence and march against Elfhame and put your hag bride on the throne". What then.
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avatarmerida · 1 year
Sweet Things
Writing pointless huntlow fluff in preparation for For The Future, indulge me.
“Wow Willow, you really went all out with the florals!” Luz exclaimed as she opened the door for the plant witch and her impressive selection of dahlias in every possible color.
“Thanks!” Willow said brightly, setting them down to go prepare a vase. “They reminded me of your mom’s tablecloth I found in the hall closet so I thought it would be a fun addition to our special dinner for tonight!”
“It’ll be like an explosion of color!” Luz exclaimed, examining the colorful folded fabric Willow had placed on the counter. “We haven’t gotten to use that tablecloth in awhile, it’s got a huge rip on the side from when I tried to use it as a parachute.”
“Oh, I didn’t even notice,” said Willow, making a mental note to ask about that story later on. “Well, I bet Hunter could fix it.” She finished filling the case with water and called out to the next room. “Hey, hon?”
“Yes?” Came Hunter’s voice, quickly followed by him sticking his head in the doorway.
“Do you think you could fix the tear in the table cloth for me? I wanna make the table look fancy and it matches the flowers I made for the center piece perfectly.”
“Of course!” Hunter said brightly, walking over to take the fabric from the counter. He gathered some sewing supplies from the drawer in the kitchen and set up at the kitchen table as he accessed the work that needed to be done.
“Yay! Thanks so much,” said Willow with a smile, placing the flowers in the vase and admiring the presentation. “I’m gonna go finish up some things outside then I’ll be back to help set the table.”
As Hunter and Willow went to carry on with their tasks, Luz said at the counter wondering if she had misheard Willow. As Hunter focused on his repair work, Luz looked at him with confusion as though an explanation was in order. After a minute, he looked up to find her eye on him and offered her his own look of confusion. “What?”
“Willow just called you ‘hon.’” She stated as though he wasn’t aware.
“Yeah?” he said, not seeing her point. “It’s short for Hunter, like Hun-ter.”
“Are you sure it’s not short for ‘honey?”
“I mean, she calls me that sometimes too,” he said nonchalantly. “But, I guess that’s not technically short for Hunter since it’s the same amount of syllables.” 
“Hunter, Willow is not calling you honey because it’s short for Hunter.”
“I know, I just said it’s the same amount-.”
“No dude, I think she means honey likes actual honey.”
Well, maybe? I guess it’s probably because my hair is yellow which is the same color as honey.” Hunter reasoned. “I mean, her palisman is a bee so it makes sense she would know a decent amount about that.”
“Hmmm maybe,” said Luz, not convinced. “But I think it’s because she thinks you’re so sweet just like honey.” She reached out to pinch his cheek and used the baby voice she would speak to King with. “Aww, look at you! Willow’s widdle honey baby boy.”
“Stop that!” he said, turning his face away from her. “It’s probably just because she really likes bees-.”
“Or because she really likes yoooou.” said Luz, not convinced or willing to be wrong about this. “Alot of people call someone honey when they’re, ya know, more than friend.”
The tips of Hunter’s ears turned bright red at the suggestion.
“W-w-well that’s just silly!” He said, not sounding like he believed his own words. “I’ve never heard you and Amity call each other that!”
“No, but she calls me her batata which means sweet potato,” said Luz.
“Do... all terms of endearment have to be food related?”
“I mean, I guess not?” said Luz. “But honey is a pretty common one.”
“What are... other common ones?” Said Hunter clearing his throat, trying to seem like he was focused on his sewing and internally hyperventilating about how oblivious he possibly was.
“Whyyyy?” Asked Luz with a smirk that seemed to read his mind.
“No reason, just curious,” he lied, as there very much was a reason.
“I dunno like ‘sweetie’ I guess?” Luz racked her mind for a list of examples.
Hunter squeaked. Luz looked over and saw he had stabbed himself with a needle, as though something about what she said had distracted him.
She gave a little gasp. “Does she call you sweetie?” Luz asked, raising her eyebrow.
“She calls me a lot of things!” He said, sucking on the tip of the finger he has stabbed. “I mean, okay, she calls me flower names-.”
“What? Like what?!”
“She calls me daffodil, sometimes...” Hunter said quietly, the redness from his ears spreading to the rest of his face. “And like, sunflower I guess. But it’s not-.”
“Well you can’t deny that Willow loves flowers,” teased Luz with a smirk. ”Awww, are you her little flower?”
“Wellmaybeiamandyourejustjealous.” Hunter mumbled quickly and almost too quietly.
“What was that?” Luz joyfully inquired.
“Maybe I am and you’re just jealous,” repeated Hunter, not looking at her as he tried to focus on threading his needle. “I mean, you can’t expect me to believe that Willow doesn’t give nicknames to anyone else.”
“There’s a difference between a nickname and a term of endearment.”
That much Hunter did know. He knew what titles commanded respect and which ones were meant to ridicule. The only other nicknames he had received had been negative or ironic, two things Willow was definitely not towards him. He knew the nicknames she gave him came from a place of admiration, but he never dared to dream that it was such a... unique admiration. 
“So like, someone would use these terms for someone they... liked?” Hunter asked carefully. 
“More than just liked.” Luz said. “Like, liked-liked.”
“Sometimes like which times?” Hunter asked urgently. “Like, is it possible it’s just a coincidence and it’s just purely platonic because Willow just has a vast knowledge of plants that resemble my hair color?”
“I mean, some people use them that way, yeah,” said Luz trying to hide the delight she took in Hunter’s panicked expression. “But I’ve never heard Willow call anyone else ‘honey.’ In fact, I think that’s what her dads call each other. Ya know, her dads who are in looove.”
“So that could be... why.” Hunter said slowly, unable to deny that it made sense. Unable to deny that he was kind of glad that it did.
“Do you have any nicknames for her?” Luz asked, putting her hand under her chin as she took delight in watching Hunter process this new possibility.
“I mean, I call her Captain but that’s more her title than a nickname,” said a Hunter, searching his mind. “Should I have one for her?”
“I mean, if you want to, yeah,” said Luz. “It’s not like a requirement or anything but it could be a cute way to let her know that you like her too.”
“I’m not... very good nicknames,” admitted Hunter and Luz noted happily that he did not deny the implication that he liked Willow. “Most of the ones I've given have had more literal connotations and not in a nice way. And I’ve never really had a reason to use a term of endearment, what are some good ones?”
“My dude, you’ve come to the right place,” assured Luz, pulling out her phone where she kept a list in her notes for just such an occasion.
Hunter sat at the table looking down at his hands as he practiced what he wanted to say in his head. When Willow walked through the door he stood up, holding the folded tablecloth close to his chest as she reentered the kitchen, trying to seem relaxed.
“Oh, uh hi!” He said as though he had not been waiting for her to return. He held the result of his labor out to her. “I finished the tablecloth. Good as new.”
“Oh no, it’s even better!” She smiled, taking it from him to admire the skillful repair. She unfolded it and twirled around the kitchen with it like she had just been given a gown for the ball.  “Now it’s got that special Hunter touch, thanks so much buttercup!”
“Of course!” He said, taking the use of the word as a sign to test the waters. “Anytime... babe.”
Willow stopped spinning as her ears perked at the word and she quickly turned her head from admiring the craftsmanship to looking at him in slight disbelief. “What did you say?”
Hunter gulped. Maybe she really just hadn’t heard him?
“I said, uh, anytime babe.” He repeated quicker, leaning against the doorframe hoping it sounded more natural this time as he landed the sentiment with finger guns. He tried not to linger on the word so it wouldn’t seem like her was trying so hard but he did want her to notice so she would notice that he noticed that she-
“Oh, yeah,” Willow cleared her throat. “That’s uh, that’s what I thought you said.” Her voice seemed labored, as though she was trying to adjust her breathing. “Well, uh thanks again... uh Hunter.”
Just Hunter? No marigold? No honey? Not even dandelion? Titan, he had ruined everything! Why had he listened to Luz? Willow hadn’t been calling him those things because she liked him more than a friend! She was just being creative! 
“Of course, of course,” he said, now seeing it was his turn to steady his breathing. “Maybe we should uh, start setting up the table? Camila will be back with the take out soon.”
“Yeah, I wonder if we’ll need any sugar.” Willow pondered, still learning when sugar was needed and when salt was meant to be put out. 
“Any what?” Hunter asked as though she had not finished her thought.
Willow looked at him with a raised eyebrow before she understood what he thought he had heard her say. “Oh no, I meant actual sugar,  like for the table.” Willow clarified, a soft crimson dancing across the bridge of her nose as she realized he had a reason to be confused; she had called him that numerous times.
“Right, right yes of course,” said Hunter, embarrassed trying to look busy as he fetched the plates from the higher cabinet. “But um would you... like if we put sugar on the table? Like, would you say that you... like sugar?”
“Well yeah, I like sweet things,” she said as she gathered the forks and knives. She looked across the table at him, meticulously placing the plates an even distance from each other. Clover flew over and sat atop his head, resting peacefully like Hunter was the sweetest smelling flower she had ever come across. Hunter was so used to this action by now that it did not deter his focus and he subconsciously reached up and scratched her head with his finger and the palisman nuzzled against it affectionately. “You of all people should know that.”
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tojikai · 8 months
Hi Kai how are you doing? Hope you are doing good
I have a couple of questions about Mr Gojo and his first wife and Satoru bitch mother.
Was mr Gojo and his first wife arranged marriage?
When did mr Gojo start seeing Satoru bitch mother?
Does Satoru mother really loves his father? Or is it what he can provide for her?
What are the things that Satoru bitch mother did to mr Gojo first wife that had her and her kid disappear from her husband life.
How did mr Gojo first wife find out about satoru bitch mom?
What were the reaction of mr Gojo family and his first wife family of the whole situation? I mean the affair, the pregnancy, mrs Gojo taking their kid and disappear from his life etc
What does mr Gojo family through and opinion on satoru mom?
Did mr Gojo really love Satoru mom?
When did mr Gojo stop feeling love for Satoru mom?
Did Satoru mom know that mr Gojo regrets and his plan? I mean his regret about their relationship and was planning to raise Satoru with his first wife.
What does Satoru mom family think of her actions?
Does mr Gojo know that Satoru mom did the same thing to him?
Don’t worry about answering all them if they spoiled any future chapter or are going to answer in a upcoming chapter.
Ps I forgot Satoru mom name.
ooh hi hii, let me answer this one by one !!
1. nope, not arranged marriage but their families are close.
2. he started seeing 'satoru bitch mother'😭 like a few months after he got divorce w his first wife.
3. satoru's mother really loves his father 💔
4. satoru's mom made her feel like they're ruining his father's new family. says things that make her feel like she's just forcing her and her son in their family, esp when satoru's dad isn't there. she once told her that she should just let satoru's father have full custody bc they're very uncomfortable when she's around. (satoru's father doesn't know about it.)
5. she was properly introduced by his dad as his new girlfriend.
6. there's no affair, but the family of satoru's father was disappointed that they didn't work if out. their families are friends, his relationship w satoru's grandparents got strained and only got better when satoru grew up. they tried to contact the family of his first wife but they wouldn't give away her information as per her request. satoru's father didn't want to give up but the family told him to respect it bc that's the least he could dk.
7. gojo family doesn't act hostile towards his mother at all but they are indifferent. they weren't involved so much w her.
8. he did at some point, but it's not the same as how he loved his first wife.
9. When Satoru told him about how she was involved w the thing w Naomi. He had always had love for her, just not the type of love he has for hist first wife. but when he found out that satoru's mom played a part in putting satoru in that situation, he stopped caring about her.
10. She does know. And that's why she's doing everything to make him love her like even a bit
11. Her family isn't that much involved w her either, just happy that she got married to a rich man :''))
12. she didn't intentionally do it. his father is aware but w his first wife gone, he thought the only right thing to do for his remaining son was to marry his mom.
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celestiall0tus · 30 days
Tales of Bloody Bug and Chat Noir - Chapter 37 - Unsafe
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            Gallic Chick and Porcelet escorted Adrien into his mansion. They crossed the parlor to the stairs when Gabriel cleared his throat. They stopped and stared up at him.
            “Thank you for bringing my son home. You may leave,” Gabriel announced.
            “Sir, with all due respect, we need-,” Porcelet started.
            “Leave. Now. I won’t ask it again.”
            Gallic Chick opened her mouth, but Porcelet stopped her. They exchanged glances before they turned and left. Adrien gulped and turned to Gabriel.
            “Father, please. They helped me. You can-.”
            “You’re not leaving this house again, Adrien.”
            “What? Why?”
            “Why? Why? Are you that daft? There is a villain out there that took you from the school with ease. A villain that was using you to get to the butterfly man. What makes you think I’d let you back out there with such a villain running around?”
            “You certainly had no problem with it after those girls assaulted me! You had no issue with assigning me a bodyguard with the ulterior motive of her being my fucking betrothed without my consent! Is anything you actually do meant for my safety? Do you even really care about me?”
            “Adrien! What has gotten into you? I am your father. You will not use such language or tone with me.”
            “That’s what you’re concerned with? Nothing else? Does this really mean that you don’t care about me?”
            “How could you ask such a question? Of course I care. I will always do what is best for you whether you like it or not.”
            “What’s best for me, or what’s convenient for you?”
            “Adrien, how could-?”
            “You haven’t done what’s best for me in ages. You kept me caged here after Mom died. You refused to let me go to school and be with other people my age. You blamed me for those girls, that were supervillains, assaulting me. You made a deal for a bodyguard to also be my future wife without my consent or care about what either of us wanted. Now you want to cage me again because there’s nothing stopping that villain from getting me at school or at home. So, what difference does it make at this point? Does anything even matter at all?”
            “Enough! Nathalie, take Adrien to his room. He is not to leave this house ever again!” Gabriel roared.
            Adrien watched Gabriel storm off while Nathalie nudged him forward. He sighed and obeyed Nathalie’s silent instruction. He headed up to his room with her behind him. He plopped down on his couch and glared at the blank TV screen. Nathalie closed the door and leaned against the couch.
            “Bold move there, Adrien. When did you get such a bite?” Nathalie asked.
            “Why do you care?”
            “Because you seemed like you wanted to talk, but I’ll leave you alone if-.”
            “What is his problem? Doesn’t he see that it doesn’t matter where I go or what I do, I’m in danger? Does he honestly believe me staying here is the best thing when it puts everyone else in as much danger?”
            “Would it not be the same if you stayed in school? Would your new friends be in just as much danger? If it came down to it, who would you want to put in that danger? Your friends, or Gabriel and the rest of us?”
            Adrien grimaced and looked away.
            “It’s not an easy decision, Adrien. No matter how you look at it, someone will get hurt. This way, should trouble find itself here, Gabriel can have a say in trying to keep you safe, not that he really could in the end.”
            “But why? What does he care? He didn’t care before.”
            Nathalie chuckled and headed for the door. “Make no mistake, Adrien, Gabriel does care. He just needs his eyes opened a little.”
            “How can I make him see then? How can I get him to listen?”
            “Just keep doing what you’re doing. I’m sure that’ll wake him up before long. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to oversee dinner preparations.”
            Adrien watched Nathalie leave before he turned back to his TV. He pulled his knees close to him as Stompp plopped onto his shoulder.
            “So, what do we do now?” Stompp asked.
            “I don’t know, Stompp. I don’t want to stay here, but Nathalie has a point. If I head out, be with my friends, would I not be putting them in just as much danger? Even if they’re heroes, would I not be putting them in compromising positions just to ensure my safety?”
            “I mean, most likely. The only time you’d be safe is if you’re out as a hero, but even that can be risky. Not saying you shouldn’t, but just be prepared before you head into battle.”
            “How so?”
            “Like Master said, with my power, you will be safe from the commands of the peacock, however that power will only last for five minutes at your current stage. Which can be enough time providing you outsmart the peacock woman. Because, no offense, but she seems smarter than all of you. Almost like those sciencey research types. You know, the kind that do anything for the pursuit of knowledge.”
            “So, I’m screwed no matter what?”
            “Uh, well, maybe? But it should be fine! At least, I hope it will. I’m honestly not sure what’ll happen and it’s kinda scary. I’ve not seen a human like this since the Mage.”
            “The Mage? What was he like?”
            Stompp looked in the distance as his eyes glazed over. “I don’t completely remember the whole thing. There are just… splinters. His determination to discover new things, push the boundaries, and make something new. It was intoxicating… but terrifying.”
            “Terrifying? How so?”
            “I just… I remember such a whole feeling. A sense of togetherness. It was warm, lavish, and everything. Then there was hollow, crushing loneliness. Like I was torn away from it and cast out. After that, we woke up as we were and in the possession of humans under the supervision of the Mage. We seemed to be doing good things at the time, but before long, we were contained again. When we woke up again, we were in the hands of the Order.”
            “The Order?”
            “That’s right. The Order of the Guardians. It’s who Master was affiliated with before the temple vanished, along with all the other miraculous jewels.”
            “Woah! What happened?”
            “We don’t know. We just woke up and the temple was gone. We tried to ask Master when we had chances, but we never got an answer. But that was also when we learned about Duusu and Nooroo missing.”
            “Duusu is the peacock, right? Who is Nooroo?”
            “Yes, and Nooroo is the butterfly. We lost them both after that incident. We never knew what happened to them, until now. They’ve fallen into, well, I suppose evil hands.”
            “You suppose? I don’t understand. They seem pretty evil to me.”
            Stompp shook his head. “Something doesn’t seem right. The Hawkmoth one is just an idiot. Even I can see he’s not devoted to his villainy. Oh, let’s send out a villain once a week, maybe every other week. Oh, I’m so scared! Pitiful. But that peacock… don’t underestimate her. I fear if you do, it’ll be your undoing.”
            “What should I do then? If I can’t fight her, and she may come for me again, what can I even do?”
            “Assess the situation. Comply, and I don’t mean with her. Comply with your father.”
            “What? Why?”
            “Think about it. Out in the city, the peacock could attack from anywhere. Here, there’s control. You know the ins and outs, who comes and goes, and more. You truly are safest here. Here you have a fighting chance, as little as it already is.”
            “That’s a bittersweet sentiment. I mean, yeah I’m safe, but I don’t want to be stuck here the entire time.”
            “Well, how about when you head out, you are as a hero. You still have me after all. You aren’t completely benched.”
            “But what if Mayura takes you? What then?”
            Stompp considered. “I don’t think she will. If she knew, I don’t think she’d pass up on the knowledge it could bring her. But that is only if she knows. Keep it hidden, and you shouldn’t have to worry about it.”
            Adrien smiled and nuzzled Stompp. “Thank you.”
            “Hey, I do what I can. It may not be much, but I do what I can.”
            “Hey, what do you say we go pay a visit to our friends. Let them know what’s going on.”
            Stompp grinned. “You know what to say.”
            Adrien nodded. He messaged the others to meet at Le Grand Paris. He slipped his phone into his pocket and stood.
            “Stompp, charge ahead.”
            Stompp disappeared into the nose ring. Adrien’s clothes transformed into a blue gray jacket with a dark blue collar and rolled cuffs with gold studs, multicolored blue layered strap shirt, pants, blue gloves with light blue fingers, and blue boots with light blue ox -styled toes. A pair of dark blue belts with gold studs wrapped around each of his thighs and a similar belt around his hip with an ox head buckle. The look was completed with a pair of golden ox horns atop his head and a blue ox tail.
            Adrien grinned and headed out to Le Grand Paris. He landed on the rooftop where he saw Gallic Chick and Porcelet waiting. They waved him down as he joined them.
            “Check out the new threads on you!” Gallic Chick cooed.
            “You look amazing!” Porcelet praised.
            Adrien blushed and looked away. “Oh, it’s nothing much. Just thought I’d try something a little different.”
            “It’s a really good different. And perfect for the designers of Paris,” Gallic Chick commented.
            “What do you mean?” Adrien asked.
            “You know that Heroes Day nonsense? Well, I might have overheard Mother talking about how uninspiring our designs were and these whole fashion lines were going to be an utter disaster. I then went to Daddy and ask him about it, and that’s when I learned he commissioned the elite designers of Paris to create special hero themed clothes lines. Oh, and something about a contest for newbie designers to get their big break and have the heroes model the winning designs.”
            Adrien’s eyes widened. “That’s amazing!”
            “Right? So, and I shared this with Bloody Bug shortly, but I was thinking we ditch the lame supersuits for something way cooler. Give the designers something more. Like what you’re doing, uh, what do we call you?”
            Adrien hummed. “How about… Taureau?”
            “I love it,” Porcelet cheered.
            “It works,” Gallic Chick remarked.
            “Oh, and speaking of Bug, where is she?” Taureau asked.
            “I dunno. When I messaged her all that, she posted to the group chat that she’s currently preoccupied, but she informed our temp cat about this meeting. So, we should be meeting your temp replacement,” Gallic Chick answered.
            Taureau frowned and opened his mouth when a chill ran up his spine. He felt a shadow hover over him that disturbed the air. He moved to turn when a pair of hands gripped his shoulders. He screamed and tore himself away as a girl cackled like a witch. He hid behind Porcelet as he got a good look at the girl.
            The girl was as tall as Juleka and shared her pale skin. She was draped in a black, hooded cloak with black gloves, boots, and pants with shifting ghastly green ghost mist and lights. Her eyes matched Chat Noir’s, but her mask covered her mouth with a hissing cat mouth etched onto it. Beneath her hood were bands of black hair with dyed green tips. A cat tail wagged behind her that betrayed her mirth.
            “And just who are you?” Gallic Chick challenged.
            “I am Death… Death Noire.” Death Noire spoke in a hushed, chilling tone.
            Taureau shuddered and gulped. “Y-you don’t say. Uh, pleased to, uh, meet you.”
            Death Noire darted around Porcelet to Taureau. “So, you’re Chat Noir, eh? Pleasure to meet you, cat to, well, ox.”
            Taureau forced a smile as Porcelet moved between him and Death Noire.
            “Pleasure to meet you, Death Noire. I’m Porcelet.”
            “Pleasure is all mine, little piggy. And you, rooster girl, must be Gallic Chick, right?”
            Gallic Chick flipped her hair. “The one and only.”
            Death Noire hummed as she looked around. “I’m missing something. I had a plus one. Where did… ah ha!”
            Taureau raised a brow as he watched Death Noire dart past Gallic Chick to the patio railing. He tilted his head when he saw the tip of white rabbit ears. He watched as Death Noire grabbed Harlequin and tossed him into the middle of everyone.
            Porcelet cooed. “Bunny!”
            “Wait, how long have we had a rabbit?” Gallic Chick demanded.
            “It’s long and complicated, but the short of it is he was given a kwami first, then the miraculous thingy by Bloody Bug,” Death Noire answered.
            “So, he’s not really part of the team, right?”
            “Oh, he is now.”
            “And who are you to make that call?” Harlequin demanded.
            Death Noire got in Harlequin’s face and stared him dead in the eyes. “Because you need to get out from your doom, gloom, and self-loathing. I’m tired of listening to your pitiful ‘woe be me’ songs because you don’t have the balls to break up with your girlfriend that doesn’t love you anymore and hopelessly pines for short-tempered red head.”
            “Wait! Wait! Luka?” Gallic Chick screeched.
            “What? How’d you know?” Harlequin asked.
            “Because Gallic Chick also has a crush on a short-tempered red head,” Porcelet commented.
            “Porcelet!” Gallic Chick screamed.
            “Wait a minute. Chloe?” Harlequin asked looking at Gallic Chick.
            “Huh, I thought I recognized that hatred,” Death Noire remarked.
            “Excuse me, what? How could anyone hate me?” Gallic Chick asked.
            “You bullied me for years until I snapped off at you promising to offer you up as a ritual sacrifice to the ancient horrors bound to the land. I also claimed that not even the devil would want your soul and you’d be forced to wander the Earth as a forgotten soul, bound to become a horror. You didn’t believe me until I started bringing materials to school to perform what you thought was a satanic ritual.”
            Gallic Chick’s face twisted in confusion before it twisted in disgust. “Juleka?”
            Death Noire bowed.
            “Oh! That makes sense. Luka wouldn’t be caught away from Juleka. We never saw Luka on the field, but now that Juleka is, we’ll see Luka too. Brilliant!” Porcelet mused.
            “And, at a guess, Chat Noir is Adrien, and Porcelet, I’m guessing you’re Sabrina.”
            “Woah! How’d you figure it out?” Porcelet asked.
            “You’re never far from Chloe as Luka is never far from me. And Adrien here is the only person that had been recently threatened and was also the first person Alix really got close to. Which should mean nothing if I didn’t already know who Bloody Bug is.”
            “She told you, didn’t she?” Taureau asked.
            Death Noire nodded.
            “Well, I’m glad we could get this sorted out, I guess. Should make things easier, right?” Porcelet commented.
            “Close. We still don’t have Bomb Bee,” Taureau commented.
            “Bomb Bee? Where are they? I was told I’d get to meet the whole-.”
            Death Noire stopped as she leaned back. She turned as Bomb Bee jumped onto the rooftop with them.
            “What’s up girls? Oh, and guys,” Bomb Bee cheered.
            Death Noire raised a brow then squealed. “Alya!”
            Bomb Bee smirked. “Oh, who told you about little ol’ me?”
            “Me. I’d recognize that familiarity anywhere. Just like Mylene and Alix. I’d say Rose too, but she’s more than you three. No offense.”
            Bomb Bee grinned. “Wait, Juleka? Is it really you?”
            Bomb Bee and Death Noire squealed as they twirled each other around.
            “This is amazing! We just need Rose and Mylene, then we’ll have the full squad!” Bomb Bee exclaimed.
            “Full squad? You won’t bring in Marinette, will you?” Porcelet asked.
            “No,” Bomb Bee, Death Noire, and Harlequin all said.
            Gallic Chick, Porcelet, and Taureau all exchanged glances.
            “Uh, may I ask why? You all seemed the best of friends. As close as me and Gallic Chick,” Porcelet asked.
            “She’s… changed. And this isn’t blaming you, but it really started with Adrien,” Bomb Bee admitted.
            “What do you mean? How am I the cause?” Taureau asked.
            “She just… she kept saying how much she was in love. It was… I don’t know. It was strange, but I just thought she was madly in love. You know, that true love stuff we’re always fed in stories. We all just brushed it off as that and tried to help her get close to you,” Bomb Bee admitted.
            “Until Bee told us about the day at the Louvre. We, uh, may have also suggested she date someone else to get her mind off you. That’s when Rose and I sorta pushed Luka to ask her out. We honestly expected her to say no, but she accepted,” Death Noire added.
            Taureau trotted over and sat beside Harlequin. “How’s that been?”
            Harlequin shook his head. “I hate it. I can feel the love in her heart, but only when you are mentioned or seen. But once I’m around, it’s all gone, but she puts on a show. She pretends to like me, but her eyes are still on you.”
            “Why don’t you break up with her?”
            Harlequin sneered and shot to his feet. “You think I haven’t tried? You think I haven’t reached out to her, wanting to talk? Wanting to break it off? I’ve even texted her that we’re done, but she ignores me. She continues to put up her act that I’m her boyfriend when her heart is only for you, and I hate it. I hate listening to it. I hate being near it.”
            “Near what?” Porcelet asked.
            “Her heart’s song. It was beautiful before, but now it scares me. It’s like the beautiful serenades of people in love, but twisted and bastardized. But not just that. There are loud undertones I’ve heard in other softer, sweeter melodies. But it’s far from soft or sweet. It’s ravenous, unfulfilled, and wanting. A hunger that can never be sated.”
            Taureau gulped and hugged himself. Porcelet placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile.
            “I’m here,” Porcelet whispered.
            Tears fell from Taureau’s eyes as he hugged Porcelet.
            “Hey, so, this may be a bad time, but what happened that day? You know, with Volpina and Heart’s Design?” Bomb Bee asked.
            “Bomb Bee, please, leave him-,” Porcelet started.
            “They assaulted me,” Taureau whispered.
            Bomb Bee covered her mouth, Harlequin flinched, and Death Noire’s eyes widened.
            “That explains a lot,” Bomb Bee whispered.
            “More than a lot. Chat Noir, we promise, we’ll do everything we can to keep her away from you,” Death Noire whispered.
            “No, it’s fine. I don’t want to be what ruins your friendship with her, please,” Taureau whimpered.
            “I think there’s nothing left to salvage at this point,” Death Noire hissed.
            “If… if that’s the case, can you do me a favor?” Taureau asked.
            “Anything. Name it,” Bomb Bee said.
            “Marinette wanted to talk with Bloody Bug, and Bug agreed. Can you be there to keep an eye on Bug? I don’t know what will happen, but I’m scared something will.”
            “Why not just tell her not to go?” Gallic Chick asked.
            “Well, hold up. It would be a chance to really see what Marinette is after. Furthermore, it gives us a chance to snoop,” Porcelet pointed out.
            “Go on,” Bomb Bee urged.
            “Well, with Gallic Chick’s powers, she could become invisible and take a look around while Bloody Bug speaks with Marinette. See what evidence we can find to build a case against her and keep her away from Adrien.”
            “I like the way she thinks,” Death Noire purred.
            “Same. Let’s do it!” Bomb Bee exclaimed.
            “You know I’ll do anything to keep Adrikins safe,” Gallic Chick boasted.
            “Perfect. When is the meeting?” Death Noire asked.
            “Two nights from now at nine in the evening,” Taureau answered.
            “Excellent. See you all then?” Bomb Bee asked.
            “Yes, yes. I will need you lot added to the group chat. So, you can give me your numbers now or I can get them from Bloody Bug. Your choice,” Gallic Chick remarked.
            Bomb Bee and Death Noire sighed as they gave Gallic Chick their numbers, including Harlequin’s. They said their good-byes and headed off. Taureau sighed and stepped back.
            “I should probably head home. I meant to bring it up, but Gabriel is restricting me to the mansion again,” Taureau whispered.
            “What? Absolutely not! I’m going to-!” Gallic Chick started.
            “No! Please. It’s safer this way. For me and you guys,” Taureau said.
            “Did he tell you that?”
            “No. Nathalie and Stompp did.”
            Gallic Chick relaxed a little, but crossed her arms.
            “Are you ok with this?” Porcelet asked.
            “No, but I get it. I don’t like it, but the last thing I want is for any of you to get hurt, or put yourselves in a compromising position just for me. Your safety is just as important as mine and I can’t recklessly play with that. Especially knowing Bloody Bug,” Taureau explained.
            “Yeah. You should have seen it earlier. We had to gag her as we dragged her away so she wouldn’t transform in the middle of the schoolyard. It was… it was unpleasant,” Porcelet admitted.
            Taureau grimaced. “I don’t want a repeat of that again.”
            “Ok, but promise me something.”
            “Message us immediately if you’re in danger. If you feel anything, tell us, please. Your safety is just as important as ours.”
            Taureau blinked, then smiled. “I will. As long as it’s in my power, I’ll let you all know.”
            “Thank you. And we’ll be sure to visit, right, Gallic Chick?”
            “Well, of course. Who are we? Gabriel?” Gallic Chick retorted.
            Porcelet smiled. “Be safe, Kitten.”
            “You too, Rin.”
            Taureau and Porcelet planted a kiss on each other’s cheeks, then rubbed their noses together. They giggled and shared a hug before Taureau headed home.
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tocupid · 1 year
﹒ sung hanbin love timeline!
nonidol!shanbin x reader  warning ﹕fluffy fluff! + cussing oops edit status  ﹕not edited ..  word count   ﹕813 words  previous  ⠀  next (n/a currently)  ⠀    ⠀masterlist
thank you. at this point you had been sighing and grumbling, crouched in the corner, continuously staring at the phone that had been thrown in front of you on your bed. should you text him? what if he didn’t respond? what if he was busy and you were just adding onto his burden? god why was this so complicated. at this point you were dead shit tired and just wanted to get it over with, so you snatched the phone and just messaged the contact. 
strange man❔ it’s the bitch from the beach .. r u free . 
staring at the phone for a few moments, you just sighed and turned off the phone. why the fuck were you so impatient and why the fuck did you think he’d actually respond so quickly. clearly you failed to notice the grey typing bubble because you fucking jumped up feeling your phone vibrate and a notification from the contact you had just texted pop up. 
ofc! sung hanbin at your service! do you have a place in mind?
service? damn now things were just starting to get conflicting because it was like oh my god are you wasting his time and making this seem like a job or god damn did he say that to sound cute because oh my fucking god it’s working. running to get ready after you saw his response to you replying he could choose, you were honestly quite excited to see what would happen today. 
surprise surprise! he bought you to the café he works at ! 
“you work at a café?”  “it’s only part-time while i go to university! i want to become a teacher in the future.. but as of now, this helps me earn a bit of money while helping out my parents here at the same time!” 
parents? god were his parents working here too? did that mean they would also be here.. lord you weren’t ready for this. too bad god had other plans clearly because the second those thoughts rose into your head you heard hanbin let out a little yell and wave up to the people you were already terrified of seeing at the moment. 
“mom! i brought a friend who’s staying here for a while!” 
running up to her and giving her a tight hug was a sight to see. it was absolutely adorable but at the same time seeing her turn to you after he let go of her gave you chills down your spine, enough to make you crawl back into a shell. the only reason you even let out a breath was seeing her give you the exact warm welcoming smile her own son had with open arms coming up to you, giving you a surprising but definitely not unwanted hug. 
“welcome! it’s a pleasure to meet you! thank you for keeping hanbin company!” 
spending the day with hanbin in the little comfy café was so comforting. he treated you to amazing food that was just as good as a family’s own homecooked breakfast, and self-made drinks that felt like you were being hugged by him back at the beach once again. watching him work and being just as kind and generous as he was to you towards customers was amazing. he really was like this to everyone and you couldn’t help but envy him. after serving and completing someone’s order he would always take a glance at you before mouthing the words ‘are you okay?’ to which you would always give a slight smile back and nod before mouthing back ‘of course i am’. whenever he was on a break he’d bring two slices of cheesecake and two warm coffee’s, the way you both liked, learning yours from when you two talked earlier as he prepared your drink. even though he hadn’t been able to directly speak to you, the overall day was calming and somehow able to help you destress. 
even though you insisted you could walk back home on your own, hanbin finally got permission to walk you back in the end. you couldn’t tell if it was consciously or not but he held your hand type the whole way and you would never lie and say that it didn’t make you feel safe and cared for. on the way back he never failed to show engagement in the conversations he would start and let you lead. all you could think of when seeing this man in front of you was that he was a complete gift from the heavens, and all you could say while he wished you a good night, hugging you tight, before letting go and giving and you a small wave and bright genuine smile, was thank you. because you doubted he would ever know but sung hanbin saved your life. and all you would ever be able to tell him was thank you.
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undead-potatoes · 5 months
COUNTERSPELL ASK!!!!!!!!! (unless you already answered this (I couldn't find it) or it's already in your inbox)
If New Year's resolutions were a thing in Faerûn, would Jay or Aurora be the kind to make any? What kinds of resolutions would they make? Would they ever be able to keep any of them? Are there any resolutions they'd keep making over and over again, but always fail?
Bonus, because I kind of answered it in my post: What are their plans post-BG3?
I did get a similar-ish ask, but it also had like 4 other questions baked into it, so I'm answering this particular question here (also hi Nonny, if you're reading this I'm working on your ask too!)
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Jay is totally the kinda guy to make resolutions every year, and then fail horribly at keeping any of them. He'll get better at sticking to his planned schedules, he'll get home earlier so he can sleep more and better, he'll set aside time to work on his hobbies, he'll take a vacation for the first time in his life.
And then he never does any of those things, just keeps going as he always has while telling himself "last time I can be bothered with this, I swear". The resolutions mostly stay the same because his life does, and because he never manages to see any of them through.
I think he likes the idea of new beginnings, a fresh start to do things right, but it's of course a romanticized idea more that anything else.
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Aurora is more pragmatic about it, and while new beginnings is a central theme in her journey, she doesn't see the point of waiting for a particular time of year to do so.
She might say she'll do something just for fun, but it's not serious at all, and she rarely even tries to follow through.
If she did do them, they'd probably be things like "spend more quality time with loved ones" and "be kinder to yourself" (something she really needs to work on).
Cult!Aurora wouldn't do any resolutions either, and thinks it's even more stupid than post-tadpole Aurora. She has shit to do, she doesn't have time to sit around and promise herself she'll do all the things that needs doing like that.
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I think I mentioned this in another ask at some point, but Jay's plans for life post-game is essentially:
1) Finish all business in Baldur's Gate 2) Go to Waterdeep to live with Gale 3) ??? 4) Profit
He doesn't have any concrete plans for his future for the first time in forever, and it does him well to just vibe for a while and have Gale pamper him a bit, a gesture which he eagerly returns in kind. They're holding off on marriage at first, giving both a moment to settle into each other's lives, and just learning to know each other better in a less life-threatening situation.
Jay also needs time to feel like he actually belongs in Gale's life, especially among his wider social and familial circles (which luckily works out in the end, I hc that Gale's mom and wider family are actually pretty nice and welcoming cause I need that W for my guy).
Eventually he starts up his business again, operating out of both Waterdeep and Baldur's Gate with the help of a portal set up between the two cities (that would surly be within Gale's capabilities yeah?) I'm sure the wizards of Waterdeep would love a funky little guy who can get a hold of all sorts of weird stuff that they need.
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Aurora's plans depend largely on Shadowheart's ending. In my first playthrough I let her choose the fate of her parents, which meant they died and Shadowheart was free to live life on her own. But I'm not sure if that is my final canon, now that I know both Jay and Aurora would admit to wanting to save them if they were their own parents.
If her parents die, it's simple: Aurora, Shadowheart, and Astarion travel around Faerûn, seeing all sorts of things and getting into way too much trouble, again. They eventually plan to settle down somewhere, with both Aurora and Shadowheart keen to live a more normal life for once, and Astarion finding his own place in that life I'm sure.
If her parents live, Shadowheart stays behind to make up for lost time, while Aurora and Astarion go to the Underdark to help sort out the hoard of unsupervised vampire spawn they unleashed down there. Maybe Shadowheart eventually joins them, traveling around much like when her parents are dead, or Aurora and Astarion occasionally travel around on their own, while Shadowheart stays behind with her parents.
Either way, she has no real interest in a future where she's separated from either one of them for too long at the time.
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oc-aita · 4 months
AITA for doing the right thing for the wrong reasons? (TIME SENSITIVE)
hi sorry for typos i’m tryping this while having a mental break in my dead friend’s bedroom in the middle of the night while my alive friend is asleep but!! my evil evil dad gave us till february 3rd to settle this so i don’t have much time
none of you will know this cause he’s been real sneaky about it but this year my (M16) dad (M36) took over reality and insterstated his own cringe utopia over it. he brought dead ppl back to life (not my dead friend tho) amd he brainwashed every bad person into being a good person, he abolished the prison system and made gay marriage legal and now the economy’s real good ig??? (idk anything about the economy but ok) everywhere you go there’s happy ppl everywhere and it creeps me out
ugh i’m doing such a crappy job at explaining why this is a bad thing. i SWEAR he’s doing it to spite me cause he knows no one will ever believe me fml
we just found out he literally brainwashed my alive friend (ig i’m calling her that now. F16) into thinking she was my dead friend (her twin sister) so she pretended to be her for a YEAR cause he thought that would make her “happy” i guess?? i’m telling you he’s CRAZY. sorry that word stimatagzes mental illness. i mean he’s seriously bonker balls.
you HAVE to trust me. this man has been living wth me for fifteen years and he doesn’t even know what’s good for ME so how would he know what’s good for the world?
so my friends and i agreed to fight him so everything goes back to normal. and they all made such good points talking abt why this is important to them, cause they want freedom to learn and grow and decide their own futures, and they don’t wanna forget the work they did to get where they are now and obvs i agree w all of that stuff but i feel so stupid cause this is my dad and idk--
he already abandoned my mom and now he’s abandoning me too? he even made my friends’ wishes come true but he didn’t do anything for me. i’m his son but i’m like the only person in the world whose happiness he doesn’t care about. idk what did i ever do to him. i hate him so much dad if you’re reading this i hate you no matter what happens
wow it’s embarrassing. everyone’s got these grand ideological reasons to fight him but all i can think about is how i don’t wanna be the child who has to suffer so everyone else gets to be happy. the only one who’s as pissed as i am is this guy who’s llike our team’s sasuke who is infamous for wanting to kill many dads (M18) and he says we should kill my dad. but obviously i don’t wanna do that. i did all of this so i wouldn’t have to lose family ever again and now i’m feel like i’n abpt to lose him forever. i know things can get better for us but we’ll nevr have the chance if he dies yknow?
anyways i always had such a hard time controlling my emotions and i’m scared i’m letting my emotions get the best of me again cause if i really cared abt this i’d be willing to do whatever it takes to make things right yknow? but i don’t want my dad to die. so maybe i AM being selfish. maybe ppl really ARE happy and i’m just being paranoid and irrational like everyone said i was. maybe we should be putting this up to a vote, idk
please give it to me straight (cause i’m not!!!! LMAO),
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