#[ just wanna get this out in tandem with the other ask! ]
bkgml · 1 year
sleeping on katsuki while he works!
katsuki liked to jump the gun on a lot of assignments, he’s not a slacker. so when aizawa announced a final assignment before graduation, you bet your ass he was going to finish it the day it was announced.
he locked himself in his room after school, even though you were whining that you wanted to spend time with him.
the next time you saw him was dinner, he came downstairs to eat with you before heading back up to his room.
“bye, sweets. ‘m gonna go back to work.” he kissed your cheek.
“wait!” you ran up to him and held his hand.
“can i sit in your bed until you’re done? wanna sleep in your room.”
he thought about it.
“alright. if you make a bunch of noise you’re getting fuckin kicked out.”
the two of you walked to his dorm, hand and hand. as you entered his room you ran and jumped on his bed, getting comfy in the sheets with your phone.
“if you’re going to watch something with sound, use my headphones, kay?” he went to sit in his desk chair.
“okay.” you said, grabbing his headphones from his nightstand.
he worked for a couple more hours, driven by his motivation to be the best.
you were getting sleepy though and wanted him to hold you. you didn’t think he’d work for this long.
katsuki assumed you were already asleep, surprised at the lack of noise coming from his bed.
you took his headphones off and stood from the bed, walking to him.
you ran your fingers through his hair and he looked at you. your eyes were drooping and your movements were sluggish.
“hey, baby. why are you still awake?” he questioned.
“i wanna sleep with you katsuki. how much longer are you going to work for?” you say, rubbing your eyes.
“i still have a couple more hours of work in me.”
you whine and he runs his fingers against your cheek.
“can i sit with you? miss you.” you lean into his touch.
“yeah, come on.” he turns his chair towards you, hands grabbing under your shoulders and lifting you into his lap, guiding your legs through the arm rests.
now you sit chest to chest with him, cuddling into his form.
‘well this is distracting..’ katsuki thinks, but he can’t help not caring. he wanted to be with you too.
he forces himself to continue working, determined to finish this assignment by tonight.
as he works he occasionally presses sweet kisses to your temple, caresses your cheek and slips his big hand under your shirt to trace your spine.
there’s a portion of the assignment that requires him to watch a video, so he opens the video and is met with a full blast intro from some stupid sidekick.
he jumps and pauses the video, his eyes wide and glued to you.
you whine, trying to hide your face in the comfort of your boyfriends neck.
“i know, sweet girl, ‘m sorry.” he kisses your cheeks.
“just go back to sleep, yeah?”
you blink the sleep out of your eyes, it’s late.
“kats, why are you working so late? can we go to bed now?” you ask sweetly.
he threads his fingers through your hair.
“i’m on the last part, just 20 minutes.” he reasons.
you wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him, lips moving in tandem and he groans softly.
“don’t overwork yourself, it’ll still be here tomorrow.” you drag your hands down his arms soothingly.
“come to bed.” you say into his jaw before pressing a kiss to it.
“fine, let’s go to bed.” he gives in and you smile into his skin, kissing it again.
he surprises you by standing with you still wrapped in his arms.
he propels the two of you onto his bed with a jump. you squeal, hiding your face in his neck.
“katsuki!” he laughs.
the two of you land with him under you to cushion your fall.
once your heart rate returns to normal after the scare he gave you, you wrap your arms around him and press your cheek to his chest.
the moment gets cut short and your heart rate spikes once again when you hear a knock at the door. eyes wide and looking at each other, the silent question stains the air…
‘is that aizawa?!’
you’d be expelled on the spot if the two of you were caught in katsukis room alone. the two of you decide to just stay silent in hopes of him giving up and walking away.
“yo bakugou!!” you hear a whisper-shout followed by more knocks.
katsuki groans and you laugh, getting up and walking to the door.
“hi kiri.” you say as you open it.
“hey yn! can i sleep on the beanbag tonight? i just watched the scariest movie ever made.”
“no!” katsuki shouts from his place in bed.
“yes, you can.” you say, sending a half assed glare to katsuki.
kirishima grins.
“thanks yn! you’re the greatest.” he says while running and jumping onto the massive beanbag in the corner of katsukis room.
you sigh sleepily and walk to katsuki, climbing into bed with him. he turns towards the wall and you accept it, he’s probably worried about showing pda. you end up turning away from him too, moving your foot back to rub against his calf affectionately.
“guys, you know ive seen you act lovey dovey before right? i’ll turn away so you guys can cuddle.” kirishima smiles.
“don’t worry about it kiri-“ you start.
“fine. do it then.” katsuki says, rolling over. he didn’t stop working for nothing! he wants to hold you!
kirishima grins at you before turning away.
you turn to look at your boyfriend. he presses his face into your neck and inhales. shifting to wrap his arm around your waist and put his other arm under your head as a pillow. he pulls you close to his chest. you look up at him and lift your hand from underneath the duvet to stroke at his cheek.
“i love you.” you whisper, quiet as a mouse as to not disturb kirishima.
katsuki grunts in response. you know he means ‘i love you too’ though, he’s just not ready to say it in front of kirishima.
“i love you guys too!” you hear from the beanbag in the corner and you laugh while katsuki grumbles about his friend, still hidden in your neck. he’s breathing deeply, trying to get every drop of the perfume you wear that wore of during the day. he can smell your lotion and the shampoo you use. he thinks he’s never smelt anything as good as you.
he kisses your neck before drifting off into a deep sleep, still tired from the hours of schoolwork he did.
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levshany · 7 months
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Tandem, this is an AU in which the Collector possesses Philip, and there are a lot of things happening afterwards. but now we’ll just retell how it basically started
@angstyhikka drew a couple of arts and helped me with coloring
This is an alternative development of events after the ending of the fanfic “At The Dawn of The Light” (it's not finished yet, but there is already an AU from the ending, yes). The idea belongs to @lasymit, and I (Lev) picked it up :3
Before King's Tide, all events take place according to canon. And then the following changes occur: the witches capture Philip and lock him in a cave in the Titan's skull. The draining spell is stopped without the help of the Collector, but he himself is not found. His mirror remains lying at the bottom of the pit.
For 10 years, Philip was under a sleeping spell. Everything would be fine, but when the Hexside squad wakes up Philip to make him help them with one super important problem, not only does he become mischievous but he also has problems in his head now. Luz and the team think that Philip is manipulating them (you can't blame them for this, Philip is Philip, even with a leaky memory and a leaking roof, he manages to be such an asshole), and therefore they torture him to force him to cooperate with them.
While Philip was sleeping, a cozy corner appeared in his head, in which there was nothing but a green hill, a small house and an apple tree. There, Philip, in his child form, lives with Caleb, who is a figment of his sick mind. During his 10 years in this mindscape, Philip convinced himself that this was reality. And the Boiling Isles, the cave and the witches who torture him are an endless nightmare. Because, on the Boiling Isles, he sometimes remembers that he killed his brother. But this simply cannot be reality.
At some point, Luz and Hunter realize that Philip is not pretending that he is seriously ill and no matter how much he denies it, he needs help, and they soften towards him somewhat. Although both have rather mixed feelings towards their dementia grandpa.
Even in the moments when Philip remembers himself fully enough, his attitude towards the Boiling Isles, Luz, Hunter and even his own mission has changed greatly in any case. He no longer cares about the destruction of witches and revenge for his brother. Philip is tired. Deadly tired. All he wants to do is sleep. He slept for ten years, and this was perhaps the first time in decades of his life that he felt peace and happiness.
While he is in this state, it happens that he encounter the Collector. This is a difficult meeting for both of them, but it all ends with the forgiveness of all grievances. They both don't want to lose each other now. The collector is still locked in the disk, but Philip has the opportunity to let his friend into his subconscious. Seeing the deplorable state of Philip's mind, he decides that he must help - after all, Philip is still his only friend. Collie asks Philip not to go to "sleep" forever, but Philip replies that he has no joy in waking up here. All he dreams of is never returning to the world of the Boiling Islands. The collector, frightened that his only friend is about to leave him, possesses Philip and promises him that he will get them both out of this nightmare.
This is how Tandem's story begins
a huge amount of detail has been omitted to avoid spoilers for "The Dawn". if you wanna learn more go check the fanfic *wink wink*
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peachsukii · 4 months
bf!Bakugo comforts you (fem!reader) while you're in a vulnerable state. 『 ♡ - k.bakugo x fem!reader 』 tw/cw: 18+ themes | depression/intrusive thoughts, sex (but not smutty) ⋆ ˚ʚɞ — This thought just soared into my head and I needed the comfort because damn, it sucks when this happens. -`✧ katsuki bakugo masterlist 
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There it was.
That familiar numbing feeling.
It followed you wherever you went, waiting idly in the shadows of your mind for the moment to strike. You could control it from time to time, sure, but that didn't mean it wasn't able to act against your will in the blink of an eye.
You shouldn't be spacing out right now, lost in the bottomless abyss of empty thoughts. You need to be present and not watching yourself from the outside - the intrusive droning voice in your head repeating negative commentary on an endless loop as a distraction.
It's as if you can feel the light drain from your eyes like water running down a drain. The chemical reaction in your body fights to keep you engaged in life, fighting an endless war with your inner demons. It was exhausting, especially when you didn’t have a reason to pin the blame on.
A gentle touch to your cheek drags you back into your body, a faint gleam returning to your dulled irises.
"Y'okay, peach?" Katsuki asks, eyes aflame with affection and sweat glistening through the blonde strands on his forehead.
The embarrassment that floods your body is fierce and settles in your nerves. You bite your lip, desperately holding back the tears that threaten to stain your cheeks.
His body was sweltering hot against you, chest heaving in tandem with your own. Katsuki slows his pace to a pause, gazing down upon the flush spreading over your body.
“Hey, ‘s okay, baby,” he whispers, leaning into the crook of your neck to plant multiple soft kisses to your skin.
“Do you want to stop? We can stop.”
“N-no, sorry,” you say meekly. “I’m okay.”
You weren’t, and Katsuki knew that. He can tell by your mannerisms and the touch of your fingers aimlessly roaming his back. You’d been a space case since coming home from work earlier in the evening. He was shocked when you asked for sex in the first place, but obliged after your insistence that you were okay.
“Really, it’s not a problem if you wanna stop.”
“Please don’t. I need you,” is all you can manage to say before choking back a sob. You needed him to fill you with a warmth only he could offer, stoke the fire inside of you to bring light to the darkness fogging your brain.
Katsuki cradles your cheek in his palm for a second time, thumbing away a stray tear as it falls from the corner of your eye. It pains him to see you struggle with these things because he didn’t quite understand it, but he did his damndest to give you what he could to help. Whatever you needed, he was more than willing to give if it meant getting to see your radiant smile.
“Okay, just keep your eyes on me, baby. I’ve got ya.”
Katsuki’s voice makes the butterflies in your stomach return, violently fluttering at his words of encouragement. You follow his praise, focusing on all of the tender devotion he’s serving to you - the sensual tempo of his thrusts, how he lowers his body to meld the two of you together as one, the delicate ways he touches your skin. All of it, and all of him, release the demons you clung to moments prior.
Your soft sobs evolving into hushed gasps fuel his desire, assuring him that you are no longer occupied by the looming clouds swirling in your head.
“I love you,” Katsuki sighs into your ear, breathless as his rhythm quickens. “So goddamn much.”
Your hands are clamoring to his hair, grasping at the roots as you squirm beneath his hold. He swoops down to steal your lips, swiping his tongue along your bottom lip to beg you to invite him into your mouth. And you do, letting him consume you in a passionate kiss as you feel your body tense, the fire in your core ready to explode. Your moans entangle in each other's mouths as you simultaneously reach your limit together, orgasms wracking your bodies collectively.
Katsuki breaks your kiss, panting with swollen lips as he pushes his hand through your bangs, separating the wisps of hair to place a kiss to your forehead. He kisses your lips again briefly before nuzzling into your neck.
"I love you, too. Thank you," you say, monotonously dragging your nails on his scalp in your blissful state. He shivers at the sensation, growing sleepier by the minute.
"Sweets, I gotta clean up before we sleep," he protests, struggling to gather enough energy to do so.
You smile into his hair. "Aw Kats, just one more minute, please."
Katsuki doesn't budge, accepting his fate as his eyes flutter closed.
"Fine, just because y'asked nicely."
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gay-dorito-dust · 3 months
Can you do a fluff hurt/comfort dad Jason’s 4 year old daughter has a nightmare and Jason is there to comfort her?.
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‘Kira is defiantly your child.’ You said as Jason brought you into his chest after you had made yourself comfortable, kissing the top of your head, smiling sleepily. ‘Oh yeah? I wouldn’t have guessed.’ He replied sarcastically and so you bit his bicep in retaliation, causing Jason to jolt in surprise. ‘Ow! What was that for you bitty little shit?’ He cried out, looking down at the bite mark you left on him. It wasn’t deep but it was evident that you did indeed bite him.
‘Watch your mouth, Kira is in the other room! She could hear you!’ You hissed, not wanting Jason’s crudeness and fondness for profanities to rub off on your daughter but if the way she acted before you tucked her into bed was anything to go off by, she was already on her way of being a miniature version of her father in every sense of the word.
Jason raised his brows at you. ‘Says the one who just insinuated that she’s already just like me, so what’s a bit of swearing going to do?’
‘Jason.’ You warned and he immediately backs off, knowing when to stop while he’s ahead.
‘Alright, alright I’m sorry chipmunk, I didn’t mean to be a right dickhead.’ Jason apologised and kissed your forehead but before you could scold him again, the door to yours and Jason’s bedroom burst open as Kira’s silhouette could be seen from the doorway. ‘Princess?’ Jason called as he and you sat up in bed in tandem, worry taken over as you both got a better look at your sweet little girl, the same sweet girl who’d smile so widely you swore her smile could stretch for miles.
A sniffle is all you or Jason could hear and it immeditly sent you into protective mode.
‘Baby are you okay?’ You asked, feeling your heart break even further for every sniffle that escaped your beautiful baby girl.
Kira looked as though she had been crying from the tear streaks on her cheeks, she was holding onto her plush of RedHood tightly against her as though she was scared to relinquish it’s comfort for anyone. ‘I-had a nightmare.’ She hiccuped as one of her tiny hands rubbed away the tears from her eyes. ‘Come here baby girl.’ Jason said softly as he pulled aside the covers for her, and without hesitation the little girl had burrowed herself between you and Jason, trying to cuddling up to the both of you in search of comfort from her parents she was certain would protect her from the monsters.
‘Your safe sweetheart,’ Jason reassured, picking Kira up and placing her on top of his chest, laying a hand against her back and began rubbing soothing patterns, ‘the monsters won’t get you whilst your with daddy, you wanna know why?’
‘Why?’ Kira asked tiredly, feeling instantly comforted by her father’s warmth. Jason smiled and said ‘because the monsters wouldn’t dare go after you when you daddy’s here, they’re scared of me but I know that they’re also scared of you too peanut.’ He booped her on the nose, making her laugh which lightened your heart. ‘That’s why they’re trying to scare you to hide the fact that they’re absolutely terrified of the powerful Kira Todd.’ Kira raises her head to look at you. ‘Is daddy lying?’ You gasped, raising a hand to your chest. ‘Your father? Lying? Heavens no!’ Kira giggled at your dramatics as Jason silently used his free hand to pull you towards his chest, where you placed a kiss against it and Kira’s forehead and smoothing out her hair. ‘You’re a powerful being princess, the monsters in your nightmare are just jealous and envious of how much of a better person you are.’ You told her.
Kira yawned, struggling to keep her eyes open. ‘I am super strong Kira Todd, like my daddy and monsters fear me because they wish they were me.’ She muttered sleepily as she rested her head back down on Jason’s chest, clutching his sleep shirt tightly in her firsts. ‘So very very strong is my little girl.’ Jason murmured as he pressed a kiss to her head. ‘I’m so proud of her, so very proud.’ You smiled gently at the soft interaction between your daughter and Jason, finding yourself falling in love with him all over again as if you hadn’t already fallen deeply enough the first time. ‘Sweet dreams sweetheart, we’ll join you in there soon.’ You whispered, kissing her forehead as you both watch her yawn one more time before drifting off into a deep slumber.
You were the next to yawn and Jason couldn’t help but laugh as he pressed a kiss to your forehead, holding your head against his chest. ‘Alright I think it’s time that you get some sleep yourself chipmunk.’ He told you but instead of agreeing with him, you decided to be stubborn. ‘No, I’m not…I’m not sleepy yet. Nowhere near..’ you trailed off as sleep began to fog your mind and make your eyelids heavy. ‘Nope, off to sleep with you lovely.’ Jason replied as he began to stroke the back of your neck, knowing it’s the easiest way to get you to relax and go to sleep.
‘Okay.’ You murmur and with a few neck rubs later, you were out like a light against Jason’s chest as he watched over the two most precious people in his life. ‘I love you both, so fucking much that I’d do anything for you both…I hope you both know that because if not I’m not doing enough to prove it as a father.’ He said to no one in particular as he tightened his protective hold on both you and Kira as he soon joined you both in the land of dreams, protecting you both there as he did in reality.
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dumplingsfordays · 7 months
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that can be arranged...
jing yuan x fem!reader
genre - smut
summary - pure smut
cw!: nsfw (sexual themes), size kink, virginity loss (reader), praise, pet names (doll, baby, darling, princess, etc), begging, swearing, mutual masturbation at first, c in p, reader has female genitalia, missionary, creampie, implied relationship
note - he's so 😩. literally I would die for his man titties I can't
art credit!
and as always, thank you for reading :)
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
He thought that it was so cute when you tried to bring yourself to orgasm. Your fingers plunging in and out of your pussy, covered in slick, made his mouth go dry and cock strain against the material of his slacks. He had you splayed out on the bed, surrounded by pillows to make you as comfy as possible while he sat in front of you, transfixed on your furrowed brows and swollen lips and that beautiful clit of yours.
His hand squeezed harder at the bedsheets that he was grasping when you let out a whimper at a particularly pleasurable intrusion.
"Jing Yuan, please help me," you pant. "Help me come, wanna feel you, please-"
"Just a little more, darling, can't have you take my cock unprepped," he rasps in return, moving a hand up to his bulge and starting to palm it gently, at which your eyes immediately shoot down to the dark outline of his cock. You start fingering yourself harder, faster, anything to reach that peak that you so desperately crave. He's fixated on your hand, too - seeing it move like that has his face redden further.
You start rutting your hips up now in desperation and your whines and small moans fill the bedroom as you near your orgasm. His jaw clenches and eyes half-lid - it takes all the restraint that he has to not pounce and shove his dick into your soft pussy. He does wonder how it'll feel, though, but not for too long - he'll come embarrassingly quickly if he gets any closer to your trembling form.
"Keep going, doll," he coaxes with a lazy smirk, "you're almost there. Come for me, know you can do it. Fucking come on your pretty fingers for me."
Your moans get higher and higher in pitch as he beckons you until you finally cream around your fingers, moving your hips in tandem with his palm. He groans when you reach your first climax of the night, endless praises of "good girl" and "so beautiful, darling" pouring from his mouth like a river. You flush when you pull your sticky fingers from your cunt - when Jing Yuan notices, he lets out a huff of pure desire as his eyes lock onto yours.
"You feel ready, pretty?" he asks, removing his hand from the pretty obvious bulge in his pants in favor of resting it on your bare, warm thigh.
"'M ready, Jing Yuan," you whine, "please just fuck me, please, need to feel your cock inside me."
He lets out a shaky breath at your desperate words - your eyes always look so innocent and yet you say the filthiest things. He remembers when you had a conversation about consent a few weeks back and you practiced giving it (at first you couldn't even say 'please fuck me' fully because you always stopped before the expletive), and now look at you. Glassy-eyed, lips bitten to crimson, and pleading for him to just finally put it in - his heart swells with love and lust when you look up at him like this.
"Alright, darling," he says as he gives an appreciative squeeze to your thigh. "You know what position you want me to take you in?"
"Mm, I don't," you whisper, "you can pick for me."
He nods and pushes you down gently into the pillows so that you're at a small incline and lifts your legs over his shoulders, kissing your ankles as he unbuckles his belt and frees his aching cock.
You can see that it's twitching from time to time in impatience, standing up real tall and warm. Jing Yuan, ever the tease, grinds himself against your wet cunny, coating his cock in your slick before leaning in to kiss you. He's passionate and sweet, cradling your face with one large hand as he lines his fat cock up with your pussy with the other.
"Tell me if at any point you want to stop and I will," he warns as his golden eyes meet yours. "There's no shame in it, yeah?"
You wiggle your hips against him and whimper. "Okay, but just please put it in, can't wait anymore."
He nods and leans down to kiss your neck while he bullies his hard cock into your dripping hole. You arch your back at the sensation - even his tip fills you so perfectly and as he inches the rest of it in little by little, groaning into your skin as he does so, you raise your hands to claw at his back. The stretch is unimaginably pleasurable, and even with you having come once, you're still sensitive, so taking a cock of this size is making your head spin.
"So tight, baby," he praises with gritted teeth, "doin' such a good job. Just a little more to go."
You sob as he finally bottoms out, gliding your hands across his heaving back. He's practically shivering from euphoria - his half-lidded eyes roll back and he places both of his heavy hands on your hips. Jing Yuan leans back and, finally, begins to move.
His thrusts are slow at first. He doesn't want it to be uncomfortable or painful, so he's holding back on ramming his cock into you until you say that you want more. Even as he rolls his hips into yours cautiously, Jing Yuan checks in on you - he caresses your ruddy cheek, asking if it feels good, to which you reply with eager nods and drawn-out moans. His snow-white hair tickles your skin as you breathe slowly. It makes you feel so full, you think, as your toes curl when he hits a particularly good spot. You might choke on his cock and it isn't even between your lips.
"Feels so good, Jing Yuan," you praise with a half-moan, half-sigh, "think you can go faster."
He shudders and his hands grip your hips tighter. He's so unimaginably turned on right now - there's something different, and so absolutely alluring, about it when you praise him than when he praises you.
His brows furrow and he stares deep into your eyes, trying to burn the image of your gorgeous face into his mind. Lips parted in a sigh, eyes lidded, cheeks dusted with pink - he wouldn't trade this sight for anything in the world.
"Of course, doll," he finally replies in that soothing baritone of his. "You're so fucking good for me, gotta repay you."
You feel yourself bounce as he pistons his hips harder and harder into you, the whole bed shaking and creaking under your combined weight. Jing Yuan resumes kissing your neck, this time more sloppily and uncontrollably, and one of his gruff hands reaches your breast, kneading it almost hungrily. You throw your head back with a silent scream at the sudden change of pace - this feels so foreign but so delicious, so blindingly amazing that your eyes roll back.
He's purring into your neck, muttering dirty talk and praises that has you seizing up around him.
"I'm makin' you feel s'good, yeah? That pretty pussy's clenching around me like a vice, doin' so - mmh - well... gonna fuck you dumb, sweetheart, you'll see how good it'll feel to come on a thick cock for the first time."
You whimper and shake below him. Your orgasm is so close, just so close, you can't take it anymore, the sweat and kisses and groans and his fat cock splitting you in half is enough to send you over the edge into violent, ruthless pleasure. You sense Jing Yuan twitch inside you, your walls squeezing and milking him for all he's worth as he reaches a similar, quivering climax. He nearly growls as his warm cum fills you up to the brim and with a final thrust into your wet hole, he pulls out and collapses onto the bed beside you.
"Did so well, princess," he smirks once again, turning his head to look at your fucked-out expression. His shaggy bangs are still stuck to his forehead and you brush them off with a tired giggle. You nuzzle into his neck and wrap your arms around his chest in a hug.
"Felt so good," you reply with a lazy smile, "can't wait to do this again."
Jing Yuan's eyes widen for a split second and then darken as he crawls down to kiss your glistening cunt. "That can be arranged."
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choism · 8 months
Choism's Kinktober 2023 | t.d.wl
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dom!trafalgar law x afab!reader
Impregnation Kink: Being sexually aroused by the idea of impregnating someone ; getting someone pregnant turns you on, having an impregnation kink
Genre: smut, fluff
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: impreg kink (duh), breeding kink, unprotected sex (dont), fingering, making out, slight body worship, lots of dirty talk, petnames: baby, sweetheart, slight mommy kink? kind of, mating press, kind of feral sex
A/N: Hello and welcome to the first fic of kinktober! I decided to post this one first because as most of you know, I have been so feral for this man lately. I hope you all enjoy!!! Remember to leave feedback in the tags by reblogging <3
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Today had been a long day for the crew. A long battle that had lasted seemingly forever taking up all of your energy and causing you to feel drained once back on the submarine. All you wanted was to take a shower and curl up in bed with your beloved captain, for a well deserved rest. But Law had other plans for you. 
You enter his quarters after washing up and see he’s relaxing on his bed. You dry off and slip on one of his shirts, plopping yourself next to him, “Today was a lot,” You mumble into his neck, kissing it and pulling away. “What do you wanna do before we go to bed? I was gonna play some games with the rest of the crew but it seems like we are all too tired.”
Law lays back and pulls you on top of him, hugging you tightly. “I dunno, just want you tonight.” He kisses along your neck. “We had a long day… We should just relax more.” You melt into his touch as his hands roam your body underneath your shirt, smoothing up and down your sides.
“Well, what did you have in mind?” You giggle and kiss him on the lips, setting a slow, intimate pace. Law moves so the both of you can sit up, each other's lips not leaving until he pulls apart to take off his shirt. Law kisses from your lips down to your chin, then down your neck. He lifts up your shirt a bit and you take the hint, pulling away to take it off. He takes a second to eye your torso,
“Just want to make love to you baby, let me take care of you.” Even though you have been together a while now, you feel your heart flutter. Law flips your positions so you are on bottom and he’s positioned on top. Leaning down to take a few pecks, he lifts back up and reaches over to grab the lube he stashes in his nightstand, squirting a fair amount in his fingers and warming it up. Law uses his other hand to take off your underwear as you lift your legs to help. He discards them somewhere to the side before he leans down to your center, pecking a kiss over your clit then leaning back up. You shiver under his touch and feel his thick fingers prod at your entrance, lubing up your hole before slowly entering two fingers. 
You let out a gasp at the welcome intrusion, feeling his fingers fill you up. Law leans forward and kisses your chest, suckling and biting and leaving hickeys everywhere to show off his love for you. You writhe and moan beneath him as he fucks his fingers into you, soon adding a third to open you up properly and prepare you for his cock. Law licks a stripe up your neck and kisses you once again, deeply, before pulling out his fingers, 
“Gonna fill you up so good sweetheart, wanna make you feel good.” 
Law back up to take off his boxers, his large cock springing free from its confines and bouncing towards his stomach. His tip already flush and leaking precum, he spreads it around before pouring some lube onto it, spreading it down his shaft. You observe as he jerks himself off slowly, preparing to enter you. “Ready for me?” He asks gently, pecking you on the lips.
“Yes, please Law I need you.” Law smiles at you, lining up with your hole and entering slowly, making you feel nice and full. You both moan out at the sensation in tandem. He rocks in and out of you shallowly, letting you get used to the feeling of his cock. You wrap your arms around his neck and lightly claw at his nape, the feeling of him stretching you out so good.
He kisses your forehead before moving more fluidly, now fucking you deeper, slower. You let out little moans as he works you open. Over time his thrust quickened, not too fast but just enough to get you to see stars, rolling out that heat that’s started to build in your abdomen.
“Can’t wait to fill you up, fuck you full of my cum.” He groans in your ear as he fucks into you deeper, “God, you’re so perfect, want to fill you with babies so bad.” He moans louder and lifts your legs over his shoulder now, his hips pressing deeper into your pelvis. You don’t know where this is coming from, but you like it. You moan loudly as he fucks harder, more feral now.
Law places his hand over your stomach and presses down so you can feel his cock hit near your cervix with each thrust. “I bet you would look so good as a mommy, filled up with my cum huh? Want me to make you a mommy? Fuck you full with my kids?” His filthy words bring you closer to your orgasm. Law brings your lifted legs forward to your chest, pressing down hard with his body and locking you into a mating press.
“Fuck Law, please it feels so good, wanna be a mommy, want your kids,” You moan out in overwhelming pleasure, his hips rocking into you relentlessly feels so good. 
“Gonna cum, want to cum inside of you.” He pants out, hips never slowing. You can feel your orgasm creep up, a white hot flame building in you about to burst. It builds and builds until you still and feel it pulse, you cum on his cock and you cum hard. A few more thrusts and he follows soon after, spilling inside of you. It feels like it goes on forever, it’s so hot and wet you feel like it’ll never stop but it feels so good that you don’t want it to stop. 
Law soon pulls out of you, the mixture of cum dripping your of your hole and onto the sheets below, “Fuck, you’re so good for me baby, that was so good.” He gets up to grab a towel and clean up the mess the two of you made. He comes back soon and gets to work quickly so the two of you can change back into your pajamas and sleep soundly.
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© Choism 2023. do not repost or translate.
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sluttywoozi · 1 year
Out Of The Woods Pt. 2 of 3
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Rating: M (18+) | WC: ~2.9k
Part One
Warnings: nongraphic descriptions of minor injuries and first aid, dirty thoughts, pining yunho, jealous yunho, swearing, food mention, suggestive thoughts
Reader notes: gets carried by San for like 5 min, subject of minor injury
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The splinter is stubborn, but so are you. You work at his hand, tongue caught between your lips in concentration, as you try to pull the splinter free. It takes four attempts, but you exclaim victoriously when you finally yank it out, holding the thin sliver of wood up to the light so Yunho and you can glare at it. 
He massages the meat of his palm where the splinter had lodged itself, the flesh still stinging even as he squeezes it hard enough to turn the skin white. He’s sure he should disin-
“We should disinfect that,” you offer, holding your own hand out as if he needs you to lead him straight to the first aid kit. He prickles, doesn’t really like being told what to do even if he’s already had the thought himself, but he remembers how he’d treated you earlier and decides to be better. Placing his hand in yours, he follows you to the kitchen and tries to pretend he didn’t think the medkit was in the bathroom. 
Apparently, it’s in the pantry on the top shelf and it occurs to him that you must have scouted the place when you got here if you know exactly where it is. You’ve always been so smart and responsible, and he really misses the time where that didn’t annoy him. Of course, now he knows it’s because he finds your intelligence and resourcefulness attractive, but that doesn’t mean it’s not frustrating. 
A chorus of, “Good morning!” floods the kitchen as you both enter. You flash the boys a quick smile as you’d already greeted them and continue to the pantry. Yunho sticks around a bit longer, trying not to get roped into the waffle v. pancake debate by saying that he’d happily eat both or either. It’s a copout, he knows, but he simply cannot be caught in between San and Wooyoung or  he’ll lose his mind. 
“Why don’t we make just eggs and bacon instead,” Seonghwa offers shortly, already at the end of his rope with the bickering. 
Woo and San freeze, staring at each other in a stalemate before they slowly offer up their hands for a shake, deciding to put the debate to rest for now. The inhabitants of the kitchen heave a collective sigh of relief just as you return, first aid kit in hand and sweet smile on your face. 
“Have we come to a breakfast decision?” you ask hopefully but tentatively, making your way to where Yunho has settled on a barstool. Seonghwa holds up the bacon and eggs he’d just retrieved from the fridge with a pleased grin, making the tension bleed out of your shoulders and bringing a matching grin to your face. 
“I can make my special bacon!”
Yelling follows, as do exclamations of joy and a flurry of movement as everyone rushes to get ingredients out. You don’t make your special bacon often but the boys are obsessed with it, so whenever you offer, they snap to attention. It’s funny how seriously they take their breakfast, but you can’t complain when it means at least one out of your four to five meals a day (you eat like Hobbits) is always delicious. 
You’re quick to mix the sriracha, brown sugar, and maple syrup together, Yunho handing you ingredients one by one. You work in tandem to coat and lay out the bacon on the baking sheets, the oven set to preheat by a softly smiling Jongho. It’s a simple recipe and there’s nothing stopping the guys from recreating it, a fact of which you’ve reminded them (multiple times). They claim it wasn’t as good when they tried it themselves and that they were so disappointed, they vowed to never make it without you again. You rolled your eyes at their dramatics but inside, you were happy your special bacon got to stay special. 
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“Okay, who’s down for hiking to the waterfall later? I know I am… not. I wanna sleep,” Hongjoong asks, naturally taking charge of the vacation which truly was in need of a leader. 
Yunho notices that you’re first to raise your hand, practically bouncing in your seat as you do, and vows to himself that he won’t ruin this for you. He’s been enough of a dick without an apology, and you’ve been so sweet to him this morning, he can at least let you enjoy the hike in peace. 
And that’s why he doesn’t raise his hand, even though he does want to go. He thought you’d be happy but you furrow your brows when you notice he’s just sitting there, your arm and your smile falling just a bit as he avoids your gaze. Hongjoong finishes counting and it appears that just him, Joong, and Mingi are sitting out, making him feel a little bad for staying behind as he knows Mingi probably wanted to work on music with Joong while they were all gone. Yunho could always take a nap, stay out of their hair, but... he also could go on the hike. 
It’s not like Hongjoong’s headcount is official and binding, he could go just as easily as he could stay. The problem is whether or not he can keep himself in check, because hiking means sweating and sweating means you’ll be all dewy and breathy, and then you’ll probably want to swim in the waterfall and you’ll likely be wearing a bathing suit and then he’ll be able to see so much of you. And-
“Yunho, you sure you don’t want to go?,” Seonghwa offers, unknowingly sapping the last of his resolve. 
“Actually, yeah, I will come with,” Yunho responds, mentally shaking off the images still floating around his head. 
He can do this. Everything will be fine. 
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Everything is not fine. Everything is, in fact, very, very bad. 
The group is almost all the way to the waterfall when you trip over a hidden root and fall, scraping your knee and scuffing up your hands in the process. Everyone is quick to rush to you, but Yunho gets there first, having been intentionally walking just ahead of you. He didn’t want you to think he was avoiding you but he also knew he couldn’t last the whole hike with you in front of him. The guilt stabs at him as he examines your broken, dirty skin. If he’d just walked next to you like a normal person, maybe he could have stopped you from falling in the first place.
“Should we go back?” Yeosang asks, concern clear in his tone and in the hands that hover above you, wanting to help but not knowing what to do. 
“No! I still want to go to the waterfall, and I packed the first aid kit. You guys should go ahead and I’ll catch up,” you offer, as if they’d ever leave you behind, injured or not. 
San voices exactly that, adamantly crossing his arms and continuing to say something that would make Yunho’s blood run cold. 
“I’ll carry you the rest of the way, it’s only a few minutes and I want to get some lifting done on this trip anyway. You’d be doing me a favor,” he winks flirtatiously. Yunho bristles, his mouth opening to object before the small, smart part of his brain reminds him this is a good thing. He can’t give away his jealousy, and he definitely can’t offer to carry you himself. Being that close to you just isn’t a good idea right now, and what little of his mind that isn’t clouded by you knows that. 
He has to look away as San lifts you into his arms, his throat tightening when he hears you laugh and his jaw clenching when San walks past him and he catches a note of your shampoo. His mind flashes back to last night and what he did in the shower, and the pit in his stomach grows deeper. 
He doesn’t want to think about that, can’t think about that, or he’ll want to do it again. That would be the worst thing that could happen to him right now, right when he’s about to strip in front of his best friends. 
He stays there, kneeling on the forest floor as the group gathers behind San and starts back on the trail they’d deviated from. He’ll follow in a second, when fear isn’t adding another terrible, awful layer to the guilt he already feels about not being there to keep you safe. He shouldn’t be thinking about you like this, especially not right now when you’re hurt and in the arms of one of his closest friends.
Rising to his feet, he brushes off his dirty knees and takes in a shaky breath when Jongho asks if they should wait, before calling out, “No, I’m coming!” and immediately cringing. 
He stays a little bit behind the rest of the way, not far enough to raise questions but with enough distance he doesn’t have to see San making you laugh. 
When he breaks into the clearing, San has already set you down on one of the cleaner rocks and you’re rifling through your backpack for the first aid kit. He’s still standing next to you, but he’s wrapped up in a conversation with the rest of the guys, giving Yunho a window. 
It’s only right that he helps you, you’d patched him up this morning and he hadn’t even gotten to say thank you.
He makes his way over, crouching down next to you and offering up his hands for you to place items in, making your unpacking go a bit faster and stay a bit neater. 
“How bad does it hurt?” He asks tentatively, watching as you triumphantly tear the red bag free from the mess of snacks and spare clothes. 
“Not too bad, my knee is the worst but it’s more of a sting.” 
Before you can open the bag, Yunho reaches an upturned hand out, “Can I?”
You freeze, looking down at him over your injured knee, wondering why he’s being so nice to you after how he behaved yesterday. You are friends though, so you nod with a smile and try to stretch your leg out in front of you. 
The scrape on your knee isn’t as bad as he thought it was, he realizes as he cleans it as gently as he can with the antibacterial wipe, brushing away the dirt and debris to get to the small cut underneath. 
“You guys good? We’re gonna get in,” Wooyoung checks, wandering over with his head turned the other way so he doesn’t have to see anything. He’s not the best with injuries, especially when it’s his friends who are hurt, so he’s itching to get away and into the waterfall, knowing Yunho will take perfectly good care of you. 
“Yeah, go ahead! This won’t take long,” you assure Woo, smiling softly as he bolts over and immediately jumps into the pool underneath the waterfall. It must be freezing because he howls like a wet cat, rushing to get out before San belly flops onto him. He doesn’t make it, and now San is shouting too, but in maniacal glee as he scoops water onto Wooyoung’s head and swims away before he can catch him. 
Yunho watches you watching them, taking in the fondness in your eyes and the near maternal quirk to your smile, as he carefully smooths the antibiotic ointment onto your knee and covers it with a bandaid. You hold many roles in the group - friend, protector, caregiver, menace - and Yunho wonders if there’s room for you to hold one more, or if you’d even want to. He knows he can’t ask, not right now at least, when things are still so weird between you and, even worse, when you’re trapped in a lodge in the forest with seven of your other closest friends. 
But he can lift you down from the rock. And help you over to sit on the edge of the natural pool. And make sure none of the guys splash you or try to pull you in or flirt with you too much, San. 
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It’s growing late, the sun making its way across the sky to sink below the horizon and the forest coming alive with cicadas. The group decides to call it a day before the sun can fully go down, not wanting to be caught in the woods in the dark. 
Yunho helps you back to the cabin, one of his arms around your waist and your body close to his so if you stumble, he can help you. He’s sure you’re confused, sure you don’t understand why he was so off with you yesterday and why he’s so on with you now, but he doubts you’ll ask. Your primary objective is almost always keeping the peace (or winning), so you probably won’t want to risk starting anything by making him explain himself. 
He’s thankful for it, knowing that he doesn’t want to lie to your face but that he also can’t tell the truth. It’s a delicate balance, one that’s already exhausting him, and he breathes a sigh of relief when the lodge comes into view. The guys all race inside, knowing they’ll need to fight for the hot water, but you and Yunho trail behind. You’re walking pretty slowly with your knee and while Yunho doesn’t want to rush you, he’s also starving and in need of a shower. If things were normal, he’d just carry you the rest of the way. 
But things are far from normal, so he continues on the path with you and tries to tell himself a cold shower will be just as good. 
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After a long, draining day at the waterfall, everyone decides a movie night is in order. This, of course, includes hauling all the bedding from upstairs to build a blanket fort, everyone pitching in to make it much larger than it needs to be. Snacks are brought in, as are drinks, and Yunho builds a fire in the hearth just for some extra ambiance. The room is lit up in glowing oranges and yellows just in time for the movie to start, cheering coming from the nine friends buried under a mishmash of blankets as soon as the title rolls across the screen. 
By unanimous vote, you’re watching Cabin In The Woods, because where better to watch such a film than in a literal cabin in the woods? Yunho didn’t realize but you’re right next to him, your body heat radiating into his and your head resting against his shoulder. He tries not to freeze, tries to keep his muscles untensed and his limbs relaxed, but it’s difficult with you so close to him. He glances around, scanning the room for the culprit of this seating arrangement, and his eyes catch on Hongjoong, who’s smiling his evil little grin, the one he thinks no one knows about. 
But Yunho knows. Yunho knows very well how devious Hongjoong can be, and this is just another piece of evidence. Yunho can be devious too though, can drink all of the salted caramel hot chocolate because it’s Joong’s favorite, can take the sherpa blanket back to bed even though he knows Joong brought it from home, can hide his favorite writing pen so any lyrics he writes just aren’t the same.
You jump next to him, a little gasp escaping your strained form, and he realizes it’s coming to one of the scarier parts of the movie. He’d watched it years ago but didn’t have the heart to tell the group, they were too excited about how relevant it was to their situation. He probably should have warned you about the jumpscare though, considering how well he knows that you aren’t one for scary movies. You can tolerate them, sure, but you don’t really enjoy them. 
You’re always making sacrifices like this. Going to a restaurant you don’t love just because they want to eat there, seeing a movie you’re not excited for just because they want to see it, buying beer you don’t like just to have it there for them. They really should thank you more, take better care of you, and as soon as these vexing feelings fade away, Yunho will be the first to lead the cause. 
He’s not sure when that will happen though, because it seems like the feelings are only growing stronger. The movie definitely isn’t helping -  every time you flinch, he wants to pull you into his arms and every time you gasp, he wishes it was against his lips. 
It will be over soon enough, but the problem won’t end there. He still has to share a bed with you, still has to sleep less than three feet away and feel your body heat and smell your shampoo and hear your soft, sweet sounds as you dream. 
And if he wakes up with you buried in his arms and your ass pressed against his cock again, he just might lose it. 
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Part 3
My Masterlist
Out Of The Woods Taglist
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Taglist: @yuximoon @seongfury @babiestarrcandy @doggopepper @ayoo-bangtan @nuitrhodes @choisansnotsolegalwife @chngbnwf @gyulfriend @sherituhhh @huachengsbestie01 @cutesince2000 @buffbluebaby @woomyteez @prettylikepeaches @2seokstrashcan @whiteteadreams
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samaraannhan20 · 5 months
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw Imagine: I'm Off to Save the Queen
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A/n: this imagine is inspired by this tik tok, enjoy!
Warnings: mitchell!reader, age gap, deployment, I think that's it
“Baby,” I hear from somewhere in my room as I begin to slowly emerge from slumber. 
“Mmm,” I mumble, wanting Bradley to know I am semi-awake, but not fully awake. 
“Hey, you said you wanted to get up by now,” he tells me, sitting down on the edge of our bed. I reach out my hand, allowing him to take it and gently rub circles into the top of it..
“I lied,” I say, snuggling further into the blankets. 
“Honey, you have to take me to base in a few hours for deployment. Don’t you want to get up so we can have brunch one more time before I leave?” he asks me, and I sigh heavily before sitting up. 
“Okay, I’m up,” I say, and lean over and give Bradley a gentle kiss, before turning and swinging my legs over the edge of the bed and standing. “Wanna take one last shower together?” I ask, holding my hand out for him to take. 
“Okay. We have the stuff for french toast, pancakes, or waffles. Bacon is an obvious must. Do you want eggs?” Bradley asks me as he stands in front of the fridge, starting to grab items. 
“I want french toast please. No eggs, but yes bacon. Obviously. Can you hand me the strawberries? I can cut some up for our toast.” He laughs and hands me the case of strawberries, and I cross over to the sink to wash them off. We work in tandem and silence for a few minutes, occasionally laughing when I cut a strawberry and pop a piece in my mouth, or in his mouth. 
“I’m going to miss this,” I say, stopping cutting in order to turn and look at bradley. 
“Me too honey,” he says, also pausing what he was doing to look at me. “But if you really think about it, this is one of the shorter deployments I’ve been on. Only five weeks and I’ll be back.”
“I know, but that's still five weeks where  I’ll be going to sleep and waking up alone. Plus, when I’m working with my mom I won’t be able to look forward to you coming to the bar,” I respond, stepping to him and wrapping my arms around his waist. 
“I know,” he starts, and kisses me on the forehead before pulling away to get back to cooking breakfast. “But I’ll call you anytime I get phone time. And who knows, the mission could get moved up and it could only be three or four weeks. Plus, if you get really lonely you could go stay with your parents and sister.”
I pick up the knife and start cutting strawberries again and then after a moment of silence I laugh and say, “or I could go kidnap my sister and make her stay here.”
“Or you could do that,” he replies and we both chuckle.  We work together in silence, and after I finish cutting strawberries I grab whipping cream out of the fridge and head over to our mixer and start the process of making whipped cream. I hear him grab plates out of the cabinet and set them at our seats on the other side of the island as I watch the mixer. I turn for a second and watch him as he grabs serving spoons and a fork for the strawberries, whipped cream, and french toast, before turning back to watch the whipped cream. After a minute or two, I feel Bradley come stand behind me and wrap his arms around my waist, resting his chin on the top of my head after kissing the top of my head. “Can I have a taste of that?” he asks just as I stop the mixer, and I laugh. 
“In two seconds it will be on top of your french toast,” I say, turning in his arms to look at him.
“Yeah but I want to sample it first,” he says, and I chuckle under my breath. I turn slightly and stick my finger into the whipped cream, and then turn back to him and hold my finger out. He stares into my eyes as he grabs my wrist and brings it up to his mouth, taking my finger into his mouth and sucking the whipped cream off. He pulls my finger out of his mouth with a small pop, and then leans down and kisses me intensely.
“Brads,” I say when we pull apart, both breathing heavily. “We need to eat our breakfast. It’s going to get cold.”
“I would say I don’t care, but it’s our last meal together, we should eat,” he replies, before pulling me in for another kiss, lifting me, and from what I hear the bowl with whipped cream in it, and carrying me over to the other side of the island, setting me down in a seat. 
“Strong,” I say with a laugh when he pulls away, and he just smiles down at me. 
“You know it baby.” He turns and opens a drawer, grabbing a spoon and some silverware for us, before coming over and sitting next to me. He stabs a piece of french toast and places it on my plate, before adding another one, and then putting 3 on his plate. 
“Hey Roo,” I say after a few minutes of chewing and small talk. 
“Yeah sweetheart?” he says around a mouthful of food, looking up at me from his plate. I laugh when I notice the whipped cream on the side of his mouth, and stretch my hand out to wipe it off. When I’m done I lean forward and give him a kiss, and then pull back to ask him my question.
“Can we make a tik-tok today? I saw this one the other day that was sad, but I loved it, and I want to recreate it with you.”
“It’s sad?” he asks, looking at me with a questioning look. 
“Yeah, but it’s fitting for our situation. Here, I’ll show you,” I tell him, and cross over to him, sitting on his lap and pulling the app up on my phone. I watch the video once, and then show it to him, and watch his face as it morphs from laughter, from knowing the sound is from Bluey, which is the show I turn on when I have anxiety, to sadness as it starts over again and he really begins to realize what I’m asking of him. 
“Baby, you do know that this is going to make you even more sad than you currently are, correct?” he asks as the video ends. 
“Yes, but then I’ll be able to watch it while you’re gone, along with the other videos we have made together at this point. And my students love Bluey, so I can show it to them and they will enjoy it, not realizing that it is sad, and their joy might make me feel better.”
“Okay. We can make it after we finish breakfast and I get dressed in my khaki,” he responds, and then we sit there and eat our breakfast making small talk throughout. 
“Okay, my phone is set up and ready,” I say as I wipe tears off my cheeks after we listened to it a few times and practiced. “Do you remember your lines?”
“Yeah honey. Are you sure you want to do this?” he asks me one more time, reaching over and wiping another tear off my cheek.
“Yes. I do. Let’s do it before we have to leave,” I say, and reach out in front of me to start the timer. As soon as the countdown finished Bradley starts mouthing his first line. 
“I’m off to guard the queen. That’s my job.”
“Ooh, I’ll come too,” I mouth my first line as another tear falls down my face. 
“No, you can’t guard the queen,” he mouths, and I see the first tear fall down his face. 
“Why not?”
“You’re not good at it.”
“I am. Really, I am,” I say out loud, my voice cracking as I say it. 
“No, you better stay home,” he says this part out loud, following my lead, and I lay my head on his shoulder before mouthing my next line. 
“But I’m a guard, just like you.”
“Yes, but you’re not a proper guard like me,” he mouths, quieting again. 
“Oh, okay then,” I whisper, before turning burying my head in his neck. The sound stops shortly after, meaning the video ended, and we both sit there silently with our arms wrapped around each other and my face buried in his neck, both of us with silent tears streaming down our faces. 
“How come it never gets easier?” I say after a few minutes of us sitting in silence. 
“I remember one time when I was young my mom and I were at your mom’s house one time when your dad was deployed. She had just found out she was pregnant with you, and she was crying because he had to leave again. I remember my mom told her this. She said ‘Pen, it doesn't get any easier because you fall for him a little more with every passing day.’ And I believe that goes with us as well. We spend every night together, and we learn new things about each other everyday. Even if it’s small things. It never gets easier because the closer we get the deeper we love,” he says, and then presses a kiss to my forehead. “It’s just five weeks,” he says after a moment. 
“That’s true. Last year you were gone for like 6 months at one time. That was awful. Spent a lot of time with my parents. And Nat,” I say with a small laugh, finally unburrowing myself from him. “I guess we probably need to go soon.”
“Yeah, probably. Were you going to post that before we left?” he asks, nodding to where my phone sits because we haven’t moved it since we stopped filming. 
“No, not today. Maybe tomorrow. I want to keep it just for myself, at least until you’re actually gone. I feel like if I posted it now my phone would be blowing up the entire rest of the time we had today, because everyone is a sucker for a good military story,” I say with a small chuckle, before grabbing my phone and standing up. “One last smoothie run and stop at Hard Deck?” 
“Okay guys. You are the last class I haven’t played this for yet,” I say a week later to the last class that I had yet to show the video of Bradley and I. “You guys love Bluey right?” I ask, and a chorus of yes’s and cheers erupt. “And you remember my fiance Lieutenant Bradshaw, right?” 
“Yeah, he came on career day,” one of my students says, and I laugh.
“That’s right he did. Well he had to go away for a little bit but before he left we made this video together. Do you guys want to see it?” I ask, and they all cheer. I get them to quiet down and then I press play. 
“I love you,” I whisper as the video comes to an end.
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lacontroller1991 · 2 years
Bull Ride (Rick Flag x F!Reader)
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Main Master List || DC Master List
Warnings: SMUT 18+, language, dirty talk, sexual suggestions, drinking, innuendos, girl on top, unestablished relationship, unprotected sex (wrap it up folks), creampie, uncovered feelings, tipsy sex with consent
Inspired by a conversation with @a-reader-and-a-writer a long time ago.
Rick looks over his shoulder for the ninth time in a row, his hands gripping his mug a little tighter each time as he watches you laugh in amusement, a smile never leaving your face as you watch man after man get tossed from the mechanical bull. Rick grumbles at the sight, swirling his beer around before downing it and making his way over to the crowd.
Tapping on the announcer's shoulder, Rick asks to be next as he catches your eyes from the arena, a perfect brow raised in question.
"Alright folks, our next contestant is Rick!" The crowd cheers around him but his ears tune out all the others, only focusing on the way you cheer his name. The man places a worn cowboy hat on Rick's parted hair before giving him a slap on the back. "Good luck." Rick nods as he hops over the barricade and straddles the mechanical bull. Gripping onto the handle with one hand, Rick holds onto the hat as the bull slowly begins to move. After picking up pace, Rick's body flows with each rough thrust of the bull. People around him cheering and screaming in support as Rick manages to stay on the bull longer than most of the previous riders.
You, on the other hand, can't help the way the blush slowly blooms under your skin as your eyes fixate on his posture and how it moves in tandem. And his hips. His damn hips. "Hot damn." A girl next to you mutters as she twirls a finger in her hair, her heated gaze watching Rick's body. You roll your eyes in annoyance as jealousy creeps in. It's not like he's yours. He's merely a friend, a coworker, but damn you wish he was yours. You take another sip of the drink in your hand as the bull starts to slow down.
"Alright, easy there cowboy. Don't wanna show up everybody now," the announcer jokes as the bull comes to a complete stop, allowing Rick to slip off with grace and make his way over to you, a shit eating grin on his face, but before he can make a comment, the girl from earlier steps in.
"Howdy cowboy. Wanna take me for a ride?" You have to resist the urge to kick her ass into the floor as Rick lightly places his hands on her arms and pushes her to the side, unveiling you.
"Enjoy the show?"
"Oh for sure. You were definitely entertaining," you comment, plucking the hat off his head and placing it on yours, a sudden surge of confidence flowing through you. "Though I'd like to see what else those hips could do, Colonel."
Rick chuckles, taking the drink out of your hand, the adrenaline from the ride and alcohol coursing through his veins and giving him the courage to flirt back. "Well darlin', that's if you can handle the ride."
"What makes you think I can't, Colonel?" Rick blushes as your manicured hand traces down his covered abdomen. "I don't think you could handle the rider."
Rick takes a step closer, walking into your touch and you can't deny the pure energy that flows between the contact. "Why don't we get outta here and find out?" Your previously hooded eyes shoot wide open as you take in the meaning of his words and for a second you can see the regret in Rick's eyes at the bold suggestion. "I mean, we don't actually have to. I was just flirtin'. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable." He mentally beats himself up as his eyes roam the room, finding interest in a random hole on the wall. He knows he shouldn't have said anything. He knows he should've stuck to just keeping things professional but a hand on his forearm stirs him from his thoughts as he looks down at you, sporting a soft smile.
"No, no." You're quick to reassure him. "I could go for a ride."
You and Rick kiss each other with a blind passion, teeth clanging against each other as he backs you and him through the door to his apartment. Falling onto the couch, Rick's hands fall to your hips and drag you on top, your legs straddling either side of his legs as his hands roam around your body.
Breaking away, the two of you pant as you hastily get undressed, dying to have full skin on skin contact. Slipping off his lap, you shove your pants and underwear off before yanking your shirt off, sitting naked on his couch as he shoves his pants down enough for his cock to spring out and slap against his stomach, precum leaking out of the tip. He immediately grabs his member and gives himself a couple of pumps as you reposition yourself over his lap.
"Are you sure about this, we can stop." You shake your head, pushing his hand away and grabbing his member, running the tip over your wet folds.
"1000%. You have no clue how many times I've thought of this." Rick smirks at your comment, his hands falling to your hips.
"Is that so? You think about this? About us?" You nod, jolting forward slightly when his tips nudges your clit. "How often?"
You don't know if now is the time to be admitting your feelings for the colonel, but judging by the way he's looking at you with hope in his lustful eyes. Might as well. "Every night."
Rick resists the urge to break out in a big grin and hop from his chair in excitement at your proclamation of attraction, after all, it means that he has a 99.9% chance that you would say yes to a date if he would ask and he likes those odds. Instead, he hangs his head and smiles softly, a perfect ash blond lock falling to his forehead and you immediately push it back, causing him to look up at you from his position. "How about we take this to the bed?"
"I think I'd like that." Rick nods his head before standing up and carrying you to his bedroom as your hands mess with his short cropped hair. It doesn't take long before he is laying you out on the bed and slotting himself between your legs, his large frame covering yours.
"Are you absolutely sure?" His normal hazel eyes now seem a dark brown in the dark of the night as he stares down at you, looking for any sign of hesitation.
Smirking, you wrap your legs around his waist and flip him over to where you situate yourself on top, breasts heaving with each breath causing Rick to drool. He always knew you like to be in charge, in fact it sometimes causes arguments between the two of you, but now? Rick doesn't think he minds you in control. "I did say I was gonna ride you, didn't I?"
Taking control of the situation, you grab ahold of his member before lining him up with your sex and slip him in as the both of you groan at the sensation. You had always fantasized about how Rick would feel buried in you, fantasized about how big he is, but in comparison to the real thing, your fantasies severely underestimated how it would actually feel. "Fuck darlin'. You're so tight."
Blush blooms underneath your cheeks as you hesitantly roll your hips, watching his face and gauging for a reaction. Much like on the field and in the office, Rick shows little to no expression at the movement of your hips. Normally you would pass off his stoic behavior as just him keeping to himself, but you really don't think now is the time for him to be silent. Stilling yourself, you place your hands on his chest, being very careful to avoid the angry scar down his left pec. "Y'know Rick, my job would be easier if you gave me some sort of clue as to how you feel."
Rick honestly didn't realize his stoic behavior. If he's being honest with himself, he's just trying to keep his cool and to not cum in you. If he did, he doesn't think he would be able to forgive himself for embarrassing him in front of you, especially during sex. Instead, Rick's large hands place themselves on your hips as he guides you along his member, sitting up and sliding deeper into you, the tip of his member hitting your cervix, causing you to gasp while Rick smirks. "Trust me darlin', I feel amazing." He captures your lips against his, your hips moving in tandem with each other as he slides in and out of you with ease. "Don't think I'll be able to last much longer with the way you rock those hips."
If you thought he already had a southern accent, the alcohol and the lust make it ten fold and if you didn't know who you were with, you would probably assume that you weren't with Rick. Still, his accent, his scent, the way he feels in you, the heat of his skin, and the way he holds you in his grasp has your orgasm approaching. Knotting your hands in his hair, you let mindless fingers pull at soft tufts as your pants get louder, spurring the colonel on. "That's it, darlin'. Use my cock to make you cum."
One more thrust is all you need before you're letting out broken moan into the night as your orgasm crashes over you, waves of pleasure radiating down from your head to your toes as Rick continues to thrust up into you with the sole intent of bringing his orgasm. Noticing how his hips start to falter, you grab his chin and turn it towards you, a different kind of ferocity in your eyes. "I want you to cum. I want you to cum in me, Rick. Make me yours."
"Fuck." Rick's eyes roll back in his head as he spurts his hot cum in you while you rock your hips against his to coax him through his orgasm. After a minute of collective breathing, he gently picks you off his lap and sets you down beside him on his bed as his hand finds yours. "I want to do that again."
"Right now?" You question with a giggle as he brings your had up to his mouth, pressing a gentle kiss to your knuckles that sends butterflies to your stomach.
"Well, I'll need a couple of minutes before round two, but I'm talking about permanently. Would you like to go on a date with me?"
Smiling, you roll onto your stomach and rest your chin on his chest. "I think I'd love to. But now," you drag a finger down his chest, twirling a strand of his happy trail between your fingers, sporting a grin that has Rick's cock twitching, "I wanna do that again."
Author's Note: So this is the first full length Rick fic I've posted in a while but I hope you guys enjoy!!!!!!
General Tag List: @marvelousmermaid @himbovillain-anon @babblydrabbly @a-reader-and-a-writer @fairchildflag @infatuatedjanes
Joel Related Tag List: @aestheticallywinchester @loverhymeswith @xoxabs88xox @t-i-n-y-d-i-n-o @witchygagirl @the1redrose @ratcatcher2world @green-socks @weallhaveadestiny @yourjacketisnowdry @rachelh1992 @a-girl-who-loves-disney @knivesareout @bubblegloopswampwitch @waspswidows @burntghoost @katjnordstrom96 @bb-skyrunner @11thstreetvigilante @yespolkadotkitty @heresathreebee @madkovacs @wxr-zxne @wtfobiwan @alieninoklahoma @sociiallydiisoriiented @violetmuses @neon-supernova
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randomgoosegame · 8 months
Let me show you
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Request - Hi this Is my frist ever request. I love your chapters and your writing is amazing. I wondering if you could write were Bakugou is in love his best friend since childhood but he never told her since she is Izuku cousin. But when she gets asked out multiple times he gets jealous and shows her how much he loves her.
Disclaimers/ Warnings - Friends to lovers, smut, unprotected sex, spanking (happened like once)
Bakugou scuffed to himself as you were stopped again by another student asking for your number. It was lunch and Bakugou usually waited for you before he ate.
He usually was to yell at people to leave you alone but if it wasn't for the fact you were already walking past the person towards him.
"Sorry, I'm eating." You said bluntly with a smile and patted them on the head, directing them to the side gently. Bakugou snorted and continued walking with you in tandem with him.
"How many is that now?" He questioned jokingly drawing a chuckle from you. It's not like he didn't already know, he counts every one of them and remembers their face so he could smash them in later for even approaching you. You shrugged and sat next to your cousin.
"Hi Y/N!" Izuku waved and smiled brightly at you. You hummed softly and smiled at him.
"Hey, guys." You waved at the small group of your friend. Bakugou grumbled and sat on the other side of the table from you.
"How many is what Kacchan?" Midoriya asked Bakugou as you silently enjoyed your cup of noodles.
"Mind your own business shitty nerd." Bakugou barked at Midoriya causing you to defensively kick him in the shin. Bakugou grunted and looked at you with narrowed eyes. You looked up at him through your lashes with an innocent smile. 
"O-okay." Izuku chuckled nervously and started eating his food again. You shook your head a bit and went back to your meal. Bakugou silently started to pick at his food, seemingly in deep thought. You hummed softly and turned your attention back to your food.
∆ Lil Time Skip ∆
As you walked out of your last class for the day you were stopped as someone grabbed your wrist. You smiled thinking it was Bakugou you turned towards him.
"Hi, Y/N right?" Someone, not Bakugou asked. You pulled your wrist out of their grasp.
"Uh yeah that's me can I help you?" You asked with a practiced facade.
"I wanna take you on a date if that's alright with you." They smiled and grabbed your arm again. You shook his hand off your arm.
"Sorry, I'm not looking for a relationship at the time." It wasn't a complete lie, you were looking for a relationship but with Katsuki, not some random guy. 
"Come on, ill make it worth your while." He tried to put his hand on your waist but you smacked it away.
"And I said no so back off." The mask you had on fell away and your eyes narrowed to emphasize your statement.
"Don't be like that." He rolled his eyes and stepped closer to you. You huffed and turned to walk away but he grabbed your wrist once again.
Your fists clenched and you turned ready to push them away or worse. A smile threatened to spill onto your face as you spot a head of blond spiky hair in your peripheral. You blink and almost jump as you forgot about the person holding your wrist.
"You don't gotta run, I'm not that scary baby." You cringed at the way they called you baby, it made you want to throw up.
"Like I would be afraid of you." You snorted and rolled your eyes. "I just have better things I could be doing than talking to you." You said bluntly and yanked your hand from their grasp.
They growled out in irritation and stepped into your face. You backed away from him in surprise and stumbled into an arm across your shoulders. 
"What the hell is taking you so long?" Bakugou growled out to you. Your body relaxes automatically and you back up next to him.
"Nothing, just some friendly chit-chat..." You smiled up at Bakugou hoping that he would just leave the boy alone so you both could leave.
"C'mon I wanna go home before Izuku eats all the snacks." You try pulling on Bakugou's sleeve to make him follow you but the boy couldn't keep his mouth shut.
"Listen, man, I was here first, she was just about to give me her number." He grabbed your upper arm and pulled you away from Bakugou. By this time almost everyone had left to go to their dorms, leaving just the three of you in the hallway.
Bakugou's body stiffened up and his arm dropped from your shoulders. You sighed and wrote a number that was not yours on a piece of paper and tossed it at him.
"Now leave me alone." You grumbled and harshly pulled your arm from them. You walked up to Bakugou and tiredly wrapped your arm around his. "Can we go now?"
Bakugou rolled his eyes and removed his arm from your hold. You rolled your eyes and you both walked back to the dorms quietly. Bakugou looked angrier than usual as you guys enters the dorms.
"Bakugou hey, what's wrong... Did something happen?" You asked at the door before he opened it.
"No." He gruffed out and left you standing there. You sighed and went to your dorm room.
∆ Another Lil Time Skip ∆
A knock on your door breaks the silence of your room and your studying mood. It was late and you didn't think anyone else would be awake except for you. You stretched and open the door for whoever it was.
"Hey..." Bakugou stood there leaning on the door frame.
"Hey, what's up Katsuki?" You crossed your arms over your chest and shifted on your feet.
"I'm- sorry..." He grumbled under his breath and avoided meeting your gaze.
"Sorry, what was that, I couldn't hear you?" A smile grew on your face watching as he grew frustrated with your actions.
"I said I'm sorry!" He practically shouted. You laughed and pulled him into your room.
"I know I'm just messing with you. But I don't know what you're apologizing for." You chuckle and sat back down on your bed near your textbooks. Bakugou followed close behind and sat beside you
"About being a jerk to you today..." He sighed and lay on your bed. You smiled and ran your fingers through his hair. Bakugou sighed a little and closed his eyes.
"What was going on today?" You asked but Bakugou hid his face in your blankets instead. You poked his side, back, and shoulders. Bakugou huffed and smacked your hands away making you giggle.
"You can talk to me you know." You poked him again and rubbed his back. You could feel the tension in his muscles.
Bakugou's head tilted as he looked up at you.
"Why did you give that guy your number?" Bakugou asked quietly.
"I gave that guy Mineta's number." You laughed and wrapped your arms around your stomach. Bakugou snorted and a small smile graced his face.
"Why do you have Mineta's number?" Bakugou's smile faltered for a moment.
"For just that reason. I've been giving away his number for so long that I automatically tell it to anyone who asks." You smiled and lay on the bed beside him.
"Why are you giving it away and not your own?" Bakugou's eyebrows frowned as he looked over at you.
"Why are you asking so many questions?" You shot back with a chuckle. Bakugou sighed and rolled to his back, his shoulder and hand brushing against yours due to the small size of your bed.
"I'm joking, I'm joking." You snickered lightly and after a pause, you continued. "But really, what's with the sudden interest in my dating life?"
"I- I just hate when people bug you like that," Bakugou whispered almost like he was talking to himself. You looked over at him and took in the hard look of concentration on his face.
"Are you jealous Suki?" You smiled and sat up so that you were leaning over him. Bakugou pushed you aside and covered his blush by laying his arm over his face. You chuckled and rolled over onto your stomach.
"What... What if I am?" You gasped silently hearing his whisper. Bakugou lifted his arm and looked over at you trying to read your expression.
"I would ask if you were delusional if you thought I would want anyone else besides you Katsuki Bakugou." You smiled softly at him and watched as his vermilion eyes grew wide. A hint of a smile grew on Bakugou's face as he nuzzled himself into your chest.
You both stayed wrapped up in each other before Bakugou started to pepper kisses along your exposed skin. He sucked lightly on the skin drawing a gasp from you.
Bakugou grinned against your skin and bit down where your neck and shoulder meet. Your breath hitched in your throat and you tangled your hands in Bakugou's ashy gold-colored locks. You gently pulled on his hair, Bakugou grunted in response and trailed his kissing back upwards.
Bakugou's lips latched onto your own in a heated kiss. His hands drifted up and down your sides as you pulled him deeper into the kiss. You moaned softly and tugged on Bakugou's bottom lip with your teeth.
"Been wanting to kiss you like this for a long time, to hold you like this." Bakugou breathed out and looked down at you with hungry eyes. Your stomach did flips as Bakugou's hands slipped under your shirt and slowly tugged it over your head.
Bakugou moaned out and pawed at your braless bust. You moaned as he swipes his tongue around one of your nipples. Bakugou switched between your fleshy mounds, making sure to pay equal attention to them both. Your back arched as Bakugou ground his hips into your own, making you feel how hard he was.
You bit your lip as Bakugou pressed kiss after kiss on your abdomen, trailing down to the hemline of your shorts. His bright eyes flutter up to meet yours through his lashes. You bit your lip looking down at him.
"Can I show you how much you mean to me, baby?" Bakugou kissed you right below your belly button. You smiled and nodded your head not trusting your voice. Bakugou's eyes lit up with hunger and he pulled down your shorts and underwear with haste.
"Oh, you look fucking divine baby." Bakugou groaned and licked his lips with hunger. His hands grasped your thighs and pulled them open further. You moan loudly as Bakugou swiped your slick around and pushed a finger past your folds and into your tight walls.
"Katsuki!" Your back arched as Bakugou placed a harsh suck on your clit. You buried your hands in his hair and carefully scratched Bakugou's scalp. Bakugou moaned and trusted a second finger into you.
Bakugou lapped at your clit while curling his fingers deep in you and hummed sending vibrations through your bundle of nerves. The action pushed you closer to your first climax of the night. Your thighs quaked around Bakugou's head as his fingers speed up their thrusting.
"M'gonna cum Suki!" You moaned loudly practically riding his face now. Bakugou pressed a third finger into you, stretching your walls with a slight burn that had you coming around his fingers.
Bakugou drank up your release while continuing to pull and push his fingers in and out of you at a steady pace, prolonging your climax. You whimpered as Bakugou removed his fingers from you and placed them in his mouth, cleaning them of your cum.
"Taste so good too, can't believe it." Bakugou groaned and licked away the remaining juices on his lips. You groaned at the sight and pulled him into a kiss by his shirt. Bakugou's tongue invaded your mouth and pressed against your own heatedly as you slowly removed his shirt.
You ran your hands up and down Bakugou's sides, using your nails to lightly drag across the skin. Bakugou shivers and he bit down on your lip.
You moaned and pulled him closer after tasting yourself. Bakugou moaned into your mouth as you rolled your hips up into his, and ground yourself on his erection. Bakugous hand flew to your waist and pressed himself harder into you.
"Katsuki I need you please!" You moaned out. Bakugou bit down on your shoulder and ground himself harder against you, pressing directly into your clit.
Bakugou's hands left your hips and he started to remove the rest of his clothes. You let out a soft moan taking in Bakugou's appearance. His hair was disheveled and framed his flushed face and swollen lips that matched the tip of his cock.
Bakugou had his lips back onto yours in a slower kiss that you followed happily. You wrapped your arms around Bakugou's neck and played with the small hairs at the back of his neck. Bakugou's hands ran down your sides and grasped your thighs tightly and he started to ease himself into you.
You let out a small whimper as Bakugou stretched you out. His hands pushed your thighs further apart to give himself more room to nestle into your tight walls. Tears pooled in your eyes and your nails dug into Bakugou's shoulder blades.
"So good baby, you're doing so fucking good," Bakugou grunted out and kissed your shoulder. You kissed the side of his head and ran your fingers down his back, taking in the scent of sweet caramel.
Bakugou shuddered and started to drag himself through your walls so only his tip was in you before he slammed his cock back to the hilt. You both moaned out each other names as Bakugou thrust his cock through you.
"Katsuki more please." You whined in his ear. Bakugou grunted and held your thighs tightly before he started to rapidly thrust in and out of you. Your back arched into his chest, pressing your body into his.
Bakugou moaned into your neck and bit down on the soft skin there. You moaned at the mix of pain and pleasure, and your walls clenched tightly around Bakugou. A small grunt left Bakugou as your walls rippled and pulsed around him with each thrust.
"So great Y/N!" Bakugou moaned out and raised one of your legs so they rested on his shoulder while the other leg wrapped around his waist. You moaned loudly as he slipped deeper inside of you.
"Katsuki ngh-" Bakugou cut off your moans by placing two of his fingers in your mouth and slapped your ass with his hot hand.
"Shhh don't want anyone stopping us do you." Bakugou quizzed with a grin but shoved his fingers deeper into your mouth causing you to gag.
You moaned around his fingers and tightened your walls as Bakugou dragged his cock over an overly sensitive spot within your cunt. Bakugou removed his fingers from your mouth and replaced them with his lips
Bakugou's hips picked up their pace as he bent your legs over your torso so your knees touched your chest. Strangled groans fell from Bakugous lips as he fought off his arriving climax, trying to wait for you.
"Suki 'm so close." You mewled and writhed in the bed below him.
"Me too baby. Cum with me, please. Milk my cock baby." Bakugou grunted as your walls gripped him like a vice during your release. Bakugou came right after you as he fucked you harder into the bed to prolong each other's climaxes.
You both caught your breaths slowly and basked in each other embrace. Bakugou had his head on your chest with his eyes closed and a small smile pulled at his lips. You giggled softly and wrapped your arms around his torso keeping him close.
"Will you stay here tonight Suki?" Your breathless voice broke the quiet and caused Bakugou's head to raise from your chest.
"Aww baby, I'm not done with you yet," Bakugou said in a fake pout while pushing your hair off your sweat-soaked forehead. You chuckled tiredly and patted his shoulder. You got up from the bed and hazardly pulled a random shirt on with your shorts.
"Alright, let me go get a drink first." You smiled and pecked his lips. Bakugou nodded and pulled you onto his lap to deepen the kiss. You giggled and pulled away from him.
"I'll be right back Bakugou." You kissed his nose and left for the kitchen.
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joannasteez · 10 months
lavender based
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pairing: roman reigns x black reader summary/warning: you've catered to his bruises long enough he thinks, wanting desperately to have you in his arms. | smut. hints of fluff. minors do not interact. explicit descriptions, 18+ word count: 2k music inspo: comfortable by h.e.r
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it was a massage. sure tender hands running into his skin with a deep enough pressure to lull him into the fondest sense of security. a sweet burning incense curling up free and lavender oil smooth over reddened tawny welts and some day old scars. and if he could, he'd reach up, flex his core easy and push his lips up to yours to kiss the pout of them away. but you're determination proceeds any of the more amorous wants plaguing him. a feverish rush simmering through the run of his blood. its a fast sure course through his fingers to the steady hardness between his legs. and you can feel him there, stirring excited, more impatient by the second. it was a massage, but you weren't sure how long he would last.
he's smooth and clever, stains his fingers with the memory of your skin, palm coaxing a throbbing in your spine as it takes the journey to your nape. roman rests on the strength of an elbow. whisper's "c'mere", and revels in the leisure burning brown haze of your eyes. 
he moans, your tongue licking at the seam of his lips till they pass to push against his own. and it's funny, he thinks he has you, as you take to a sloppy kiss. something light and pitchy singing from your throat when he bites. tenses his teeth to tease your bottom lip. he thinks he has you good, stowed away in the hard set of his arms, your breath hurried and impatient when he breaks from you just to rush in again. but its all game and tactic. the slowest dance. 
your nails run a little with pain at their tips, trailing his neck till his own spine throbs in their wake. but nothing feels better than the wrap of them about his throat. barely pressured but your hand there all the same, feeling his pulse, as the other cradles his head. 
a short tug at the root and he's a mess of groans. clawing further into your waist till you're grinding into his lap. 
your lips break but stay just close enough to share breaths. 
you tsk. "this was supposed to be relaxing. your body is still healing"
he hums. falls, bringing you with him into a nest of pillows. palms slipping slow over exposed supple skin, meticulous, till something flares in the brown of his eyes, and then he's clawing in till you're roughed into him further. "you touch me the way you do and expect me to behave". 
your thumb reaches to soothe slow over tempting lips. a sweet caress as the lavender coaxes you to settle further into his embrace. "i just wanna see you better. hate it when you get hurt like this". 
"i'm alright", and you think he's never been so sure of anything. kisses against your fingers, your palm, and then back to your mouth. simple and sweet as he rolls over to continue. tongue and lips working in tandem till you're moaning and melting into the fluff of the sheets. " 'm alright enough to touch you", his tongue curling before it runs flat to lick your at nipple. “taste you”. lips catching to suck gentle. and the feeling is good to him, the bud rolling over easy. more so even when you pull his head in gentle for more, as if you'd ever have to ask. you'd never have to plead even, unless you wanted to. and just after he breaks, he pulls at the bud, teasing with his teeth. "alright enough to hold you". and he finds himself just at the other side, his tongue soothing over wet and more persistent than before. bordering closer and closer to that fine line of feral-ness. 
he hadn't seen you in sometime. constantly on the go, in cars, on planes, from city to city, till he was done, and then after that he was out of country and that distance only made the ache for him worse. and the ache for you just as unbearable. 
so you understand the burden, that wild edge to his touch. pushing and prying at your hot skin, hands ripping at the dainty sodden fabric of your panties. and you smell good, his nose breathing in, followed by the run of his tongue just at that plain of skin where your inner thigh folds. and something like possession corrals in him, forces his mouth to water and his tongue to taste. ardent and masterful, measured, like he's remembering you. a firm wet slip up till he's catching the nub of your clit. and then he remembers, why he aches so much, in hotel rooms across the country and the sea, flits his eyes up to see what a sweet mess he's made of you so far and remembers everything. 
"baby girl, you're beautiful y'know that?" 
he breathes warm over you, and it has you clenching about nothing, his words slipping a silly grin into your lips. "if i didn't, i know now". 
"need you to know it everyday". 
wet kisses at the underside of your thighs, thumbs holding at the bend of your knees till he's back where you need him most. 
and fuck is it perfect. an untainted bliss. his tongue a firm caress as his mouth closes in to suckle. raven hair like a veil as it falls around him. groans harsh. desperate and chest deep, resonating till it rides the course just under your skin. beard rubbing your flesh raw, and your spine throbs again, so much so till an arch fights its way there and you cry. whispered chants, fuck fuck fuck, your nails finding their way to the hair at his nape, tugging but pushing, overwhelmed but needing more. 
your hips roll into his mouth. a slow grind that catches his steady rhythm. 
you sob just slightly, releasing the tightness in your chest, but it seems inefficient when he pushes your legs further apart. breaks only to lay his fat tongue at your slit. the tip curling artful, pushing into a rhythm of gentle strokes against slick walls. a soft savoring as he traps your clit between his thumb and fore finger to remedy the pulsing ache. 
the drive of him is more methodical than not but forever underscored by a ready to burst primal urge. him, the rhythm, it's something dynamic and it shakes you down till you're quivering hard. 
and theres the beginnings of a soreness in your throat. a raspy moan that forces his hips to rut against the sheets. searching for some mild form of relief. 
"mhmm, please rome", a mewl, and it's featherweight, disjointed. surges into his nerves this restless need to see you undone. 
you tremble, a harsh bursting that treks over nerve and skin. a white heat that falls, a rushing in and a pulling away fast. release beating hard and unforgiving into your blood. but still his tongue swipes, along your slit till it flicks its way to the fat of your clit. a slow sweeping roll before he's pulling up and away to kiss wet at your mouth. less measured and lazy. his hair wild, your fingers pulling away fallen strands as you lap at his tongue to have a taste. it makes him rut again, clothed but hard still. painfully so as you continue to lap and suck at his tongue. teeth tensing the seam of his lips the way he does as often as he can.
he grows sloppy in the kiss, seemingly more needy, less attentive to the natural ways he controls the pace. your legs take to wrapping around his waist just as you break from his lips, a thin silky string of spit the only thing connecting raw, kiss swollen mouths. he licks out to take it in, that fine wet connecting string , till its riding the seam of your mouth again, waiting for access. 
and he's huge, strength more fierce than you remember it being, but he's sure to remind you as he pulls up to sit his knees into the bed. a relaxed kneeling position as you wrap secure about him, waiting for more of whatever he has to give you. and he steels his breathing, pushes at the constraints of his underwear till he's free and stiffening more against the cooler air. a single arm holding you up high along his chest and the other pulling hard strokes at his cock. a groaning "fuck", flowing between the both of you as he teases the dripping head at your clit. 
"missed this", you give him. words falling into the freckles at his cheek as he teases the slick mess of your slit, hands nailing into the fat of your ass, a hard grip, as he grinds your pussy against him. marveling wild at the slipping sensation, a mess and a half of moans, till he's too ravaged to take more teasing done by his own hand. but your at his ear still, whispering. "missed you fucking me". 
" 'm here now", he roughs out. widens the part of his knees. for more stability, more room to take you. 
"mhmm", uncontrolled and sweet from your throat. realizing just what he's doing as he grips his hands tighter before bringing you down for a vicious stroke. 
and the easy slip of you makes his chest huff deep, skin taking a sticky wet mold to his as he digs in and stretches you to take to the hilt, a milder form of a roughing as he feeds hard into you. teetering still on that line where patience ends and primal urges begin, as you cling to him. wet and warm, and so good for him. each down swing he moves your hips into birthing the sweetest lewd smacking at his skin. the hard front of his waist and lap soaked, pelvis hitting just right at the open spread of your slit enough to catch a dragging at your clit. 
and it goes like this for some time, both you stewing in the heat of the day as he lays claim to you once again, after so much time and distance, and you to him, biting at the tough skin of his shoulder for some sort of reprieve from the building tension.
your clit flutters. ready for another release. a small cry, the well of a single tear, and hes nudging firm, catching sweet at the spot that leaves you moaning and breathless. an unshakeable stir in your core, nails tempted to indent the wide set of his back, but your settle for a lazy swing of arms around his neck. not wanting to injure him more than he is already. 
"ahhaa fuck". breath catching with another release. 
a tight drooling spasm against his cock. his hips rutting desperate for more, a firm clench against him again that nearly drives him to swoon. " that pussy gets so messy when you come", he growls.
and you hum, long and weak, flexing against him again. taut enough to stir the coiling in his core. lips taking his into some slow disjointed kiss. molding together till it's broken apart for breath, leaving you to suck and tease at him. 
the sheets grow sodden, more as he ruts his hips and drags deep. digging into you hard, fire in the heat of his hands. fingers pulling, tugging and spreading, slipping lower to cup against the undersides of your thighs to pry your pussy open and over him. a mean growl toughing up out his chest as he fights to keep that steady downward stroke of your hips. 
"you're good for me baby girl", words falling along your skin. "so good". 
he stirs, roughs you into a grind as he comes undone. mumbling and groaning incoherently. curses and praise s that flow natural into a breathy silence. 
he works to still the raging in his chest. breathing into your neck and falling into the smoothening your touch gives the wild shuddering that takes to his nerves.
you fall with him, a gentle bounce as you lay atop him along the sheets. dripping in you still with a growing softness. skin sticky and hot to the touch but sated. air breezy and cool as it curls in, pushing past the sway of curtains. 
he can smell the lavender still on your skin, at the tips of your fingers as he kisses them. folds his fingers into yours, soothing over the patch of skin there. 
it was a massage. something better now. 
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musings-of-a-rose · 4 months
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I'm having a Sparks and Benny thought here. Based on this pic. Both of them arrive at home from a Xmas party at Will's. Things got hot really quick.
Note this was supposed to be in your ask box. I messaged ya this thought. My bad! Holiday brain!
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The Party
Pairing: Benny Miller x “Sparks” f!reader
Word Count: 1300+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: I miss the HELL out of these 2 so please continue to send in anything! Also I’m changing this up to a New Year’s Party because I couldn’t finish it in time for Christmas. And then I was even more late! Thank you for being so patient and waiting!! (This was not beta read)
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❤If you enjoy the fic, please consider giving me a warm beverage! (It is not required in any way!)
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Main Masterlist
Light Me Up Masterlist
Benny Miller Masterlist
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“Did we really have to dress all fancy?” Benny whines, rolling his shoulders to shift the suit jacket a little. 
“It’s Will and Makayla’s first New Year’s living together and they wanted to be fancy,” I explain as I knock on the door to Will and Makayla’s place.
“I guess.”
“Plus, it’s my first as Mrs. Miller and I wanted to look pretty.”
Benny’s eyes soften as he looks me, the edges of his gaze darkening. “You’re always gorgeous, Mrs. Miller.” He grips my hips and pulls me to him, releasing one hand to tip my chin up, kissing me softly, the heat slowly warming.
“Get your own porch, asshole.” Will had opened the door and was standing there smirking. 
“You’re right. I’ll just take my wife home then,” Benny pulls me in the direction of his jeep. 
“Nice try. Makayla would kill me if you guys didn’t show up. Come on in.” He opens the door wide and motions for us to enter, fist bumping Benny as he walks past. 
Makayla had gone all out, everything sparkling in silver, gold, and black, like a modern day Gatsby party. People had already arrived and Benny steers me towards Frankie and Monica, Santi off in the corner making out with a girl, whom I shockingly recognize. 
“Is Santi with the same girl he brought to the bar a month ago?” I whisper to Frankie and Monica. 
She nods. “Yeah! I think this one is sticking around, surprisingly enough.”
We chat with them for a bit, Makayla flitting over for a few minutes before being whisked away on a champagne emergency. The music is going, some people getting up to dance. Will recruits Benny to help him with something in the kitchen, so I pull Monica onto the dance floor, whispering to her that we’re going to be menaces to our respective husbands. 
We start dancing to the upbeat song, hands on each others hips as we sway and move to the song, her spinning me around so my back is flush with her front. And that’s when I see him, Benny, emerging from the kitchen and freezing, his eyes on me as I dance. Judging by the light chuckle in my ear from Monica, I’m guessing she caught Frankie’s eye too.
“Wanna torture them some more, Sparks?” She says close to my ear.
“Hell yeah.”
I follow her lead, moving my body as she guides me, our hips moving in tandem as she pulls me closer to her. For good measure, I lift my arm, wrapping it around the back of her head, trying not to giggle when she squeezes just a little too much on my inner hips. And then the song ends, Monica and I laughing as she hugs me.
“That was way too much fun, Sparks.”
“Yeah it was. Did you see their-”
Suddenly, Monica was ripped from my grasp, Frankie’s hand firmly clamped around her upper arm, a smirk and a wink tossed my way from her as he steers her away through the group of people. 
“You think you’re so funny, don’t you?” Benny had snuck up behind me, his hands now on my hips, his nose nuzzling in my hair as he speaks low in my ear. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I was dancing, good sir.”
He chuckles and it makes goosebumps pop up down my arm. “Yeah. Dancing. Sure.” He  makes to pull me away, to find some secluded spot but then Will clanks a spoon on a glass and everyone turns, Benny groaning a little too loud so I elbow him softly in the ribs. 
Will puts his arm around Makayla next to him before speaking. “I just want to thank everyone for coming. We’re so excited to share our first New Year’s Eve with everyone we love and we’ve been working hard- ok. Makayla has been working hard. I just do what she says,” laughing flits around the group as Makayla playfully slaps his chest, leaving her hand on his toned pec. “But seriously. Thank you guys. Here’s to another great year!”
The toast was had, the ball was dropped, the midnight kiss was a little too risque between you and Benny, Will not so covertly throwing an empty Solo cup at Benny’s head. 
“Ugh I’ve been dying to take these shoes off all night!” I groan, kicking my heels off and plopping down in one of our comfy chairs. 
“You looked hot though.”
“That’s the price of fashion. Pain.”
He chuckles as he removes his jacket, revealing that he wore a simple, plain black shirt underneath it, the fabric stretching and pulling as he tosses the jacket on the back of the couch and sits with a sigh. I look over at him, feeling warm watching his movements.
“Did..did you really wear a black t-shirt under your dress jacket?”
Benny looks down at his shirt, his eyebrows pulled together. “Should I not have?”
“No, no. I think it works.”
He brushes his chest and I almost come unglued. “Good.”
“Wanna see what’s under mine?”
His big blue eyes snap to mine. “Fuck yeah I do.”
I get up, standing in front of him as I pull my dress over my head, hearing his sharp intake of breath as I reveal his favorite lingerie set on me, complete with black garter belts.
“You…you had this on the whole time?”
I nod, moving to straddle him. He grips my hips, sliding his hands up to my ribs as he kisses my chest, his mustache tickling my skin causing me to chuckle. But then he grips me tight, standing abruptly and sets me in the chair, draping each of my legs over the arms of the chair. He kneels, his eyes dark and all-consuming as he stares between my legs. 
“Can you buy new underwear?”
“I think so.”
I barely get my reply out before he grips my panties, ripping the part that covers me, tucking the ripped ends up. His large hands squeeze my inner thighs and before I can say anything, his mouth is on me, warm and lapping, my legs trying to squeeze around him. He holds me open, his fingers digging deeper into my skin as I moan his name, electric sparks rolling over me as his tongue changes patterns. One of my hands grips the chair and the other moves to his hair, tugging hard and whining when his growl vibrates me. 
“Oh fuck! Ben, I -” The sounds he pulls from me are loud and grateful, Benny leaving his mouth on me to work me down. But I don’t have time to relax as he stands, pulling me up only to spin me, pushing my upper back down, the sound of a zipper loud in the quiet apartment. He drags himself through the wetness between my thighs before pushing and I slap the chair, trying to find something, anything to grip.
“Can’t believe you were wearing this the whole night and didn’t tell me,” Benny pants behind me, setting a rougher pace just hear the panted whines tumble from my lips. 
My hands scramble, still trying to find purchase as he presses harder, faster, but then he folds himself over me, engulfing me from behind, his large hands sliding down my arms, his fingers lacing with mine, holding my hands as he continues to push in further. I turn my head to the side, feeling myself hurtle towards the edge again as he brushes against that spot at the back of me. 
“Oh fuck, Benny! Please..please!” I come, tightening around him, his breaths panting out across my neck as he buries his face, turning his head slightly to bite my shoulder as he comes, his hips pushing in a few more times as he releases. His bite turns to kisses, nuzzling into my hair before he whispers.
“I love you, Sparks.”
I manage to finally catch my breath. “Don’t you mean Mrs. Miller?”
“Fuck!” He pulls out but stands, picking me up to throw me over his shoulder with a squeal as he stomps down the hallway, spending the next few hours showing me exactly what being called Mrs. Miller does to him.
General Taglist:
@frankie-catfish-morales @chaoticgeminate @janebby @astoryisaloveaffair @balekanemohafe @greeneyedblondie44 @hoeforthefictional @marvelousmermaid @hauntedmama @giuliarogers @icanbeyourjedi @wretchedmo @sunnshineeexoxo @livingmydreams13 @adventures-of-a-noodle @sara-alonso @theewokingdead @punkerthanpascal @giggly-otter @f0rever15elf @phandoz @dirtytissuebox @gallowsjoker @lovesbiggerthanpride @sarahmilesbendrix @booksarekindaneat @mrsudontknowme @swol-bear @charlispersonallyhell @xoxabs88xox @amneris21 @gooddaykate @alindeluce @avengers-fixation @paintballkid711 @harriedandharassed  @ladykatakuri @marrianena  @practicalghost @withakindheartx @batdarkladyvampir @justanotherkpopstanlol  @mermaidxatxheart @alexxavicry @ichigodjarin @justreblogginfics @sullyosully @kmc1989 @veryprairieberry @mysterious-moonstruck-musings  
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
sundress season (3tan) | myg
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drabble: sundress season | chapter: post-anytime pairing: 3tan!yoongi x reader(f) series: masterlist | three tangerines | fireworks | house party | basketball | stay | sidewalk talk | friends | dalo | like that | anytime  rating/genre: m (18+) ; fluff , smut ; brother’s best friend au, implied age gap au summary: you’re wearing a what.   warnings: language, his texts might need their own warning, yoongi on the phone, mentions of sexual acts, this gd outfit note: this takes place between 3tan8 and the upcoming 3tan9. if you haven’t read anytime or any of the three tangerines series yet, i highly recommend reading those first! it will make so much more sense lol note 2: again..... this literally happened bc of this post so it’s everyone’s fault lmaooo.. but since the goal was p big, i didn’t wanna slack on this one, so that’s why it took a bit longer to finish. i hope y’all know how much ily ! starting off the bday month with a bang. mood: wet dreamz - j. cole (sry lol i had to)  word count: 4.8k  release date: august 13th, 2022, 2:47pm est
“No, dude. Outta your league.”
“Fuck you, Chim.”
“I’m just saying.”
“What do you even mean? Hey, Yoong, look at this.”
Barely having paid attention, Yoongi only gets a bright screen shoved into his face before he retreats with a squint. “The fuck? What.”
“Shit, sorry.” His friend lowers the light before showing at a more acceptable distance, the only thing visible a photo of someone with her friends. “The one in the middle. I got a chance, right?” 
It only takes one good look to see that he probably doesn’t. “No.”
“Wow. Both of y’all can fuck off.”
“You asked,” Yoongi points out before taking a sip from his glass, the sounds of multiple conversations bustling around their table. 
It’s surprisingly busy for a Monday night, especially on this side of town. But who knows. Maybe this is their normal; he doesn’t come around here often. 
Besides, he’s only doing what he was told. Upscale hasn’t really been Yoongi’s thing, but Jimin’s newest way of cheering people up is to drag them to high-end, expensive as fuck restaurants. A bit different from inviting them over for drinks and a smoke. 
Tae probably has something to do with this.
Whatever. He’ll deal. Not like he has to eat anything. Frankly, he’ll shock himself if he ends up getting anything other than an overpriced cocktail. “If you really wanna know, just find out on your own.”
“Easy for you to say.”
Beside him, Jimin shrugs. “He’s right, Shiv.” 
“That’s because you both—People just—Look. This shit isn’t easy for me.” 
As soon as Yoongi says “we know” in tandem with Jimin, he huffs into his drink hearing the latter’s laughter. But this dude has been striking out lately, so he decides to soften the blows. “Just chill. You’ve been trying too hard.” 
“Yeah, I know. It’s just been rough since we split up.” There’s a big swig before Shiv continues. “Like if being myself caused that, then—”
“Nah, fuck that.” The thick leather of his chair pushes against him as he leans back. “Don’t let that get to you.”
“Just because she left doesn’t mean it was all you,” Jimin tacks on, bottle limp in a few fingers. “Especially when she dipped out of nowhere.”
Yoongi stares into his glass, unblinking as he peers through the dark amber liquid inside. “Exactly. She’s been wanting out for a minute.”
A scoff is all they get. “Is this your way of cheering me up because…” Shiv’s words fade out, but it isn’t until he says something else that his attention is given
“I fucking love summer.”
The hell is he looking at?
When Yoongi turns to look, all boredom and sense leaves his body. And everything else leaves his brain.
Because he spots you. Draped in a dress that feeds every goddamn fantasy he’s had since last week—maybe even longer than that.
What are you doing here? Was he always clutching his drink this hard? Shouldn’t he not be looking this long? Why does he frankly not give a fuck if he is or not?
You have to know how attractive you look right now. There’s no way you walked outta that house thinking anything else. 
And to think he almost stayed home.
Although, Yoongi’s a little regretful that he didn’t. Because seeing you without being able to do anything else has him on the brink. The edge. An edge he’s fucking close to ignoring because your ass looks even better than he imagined it would. 
You aren’t even doing anything. All you’re doing is waiting to be seated, your entire party talking and occasionally roping you into their conversation. 
And he can only stare. Knowing damn well he shouldn’t.
So damn beau—
“Oh, wait. That’s…” His friend that’s still very much present cuts into his thoughts. “Damn. Wait, that’s her? She looks a lot different now.”
Before Yoongi says anything he’d regret, Jimin goads, “Yeah? Different how?”
The dark, inward laugh that threatens to spill out of Yoongi’s mouth is potent, his tongue shoving all thoughts and responses into his cheek. 
Yeah, you’ve certainly matured. And sure, you look hot as fuck right now. 
But he guarantees that, above all, it’s your confidence that’s drawing everyone in. 
Calm. Unbothered. Staring right at everyone’s eyes as if they’re the most important people in the room.
You’re gonna be someone someday. 
And it terrifies him.
Suddenly, Yoongi hears your name leave his best friend’s lips, and it’s taking all of him to hope that you don’t hear him fuck you heard him. So damn loud…
But he laughs to himself in the end.
Because after all this time, you’re still so cute, with your looks of shock that are admittedly some of his favorites. 
Especially when he knows the main reason for them. It’s too easy to get a reaction out of you, and he’d be lying to himself if he said he didn’t fucking love it.
The only thing is: he can’t do anything. Absolutely nothing as you make your way to their table hold up why are you walking over? What the hell are you looking at—
Fucking Park. 
Of course.
“Hi,” you address in a sweep, looking even better up close. 
To Yoongi’s despair, it’s much easier to see how you accessorized yourself. And how well you fill that damn sundress that he still can’t believe you’re wearing. 
Of all the things to see you out in… 
Is there someone out to get him? Is this karma for all the shit he’s thought about? Or the way he had you on the phone last night?
He needs to not think about that, either. Not when he’s already dealing with you in the present. There’s no way he can handle both at the same time, especially since he’s already forcing himself to stay the fuck in his seat. 
At least he gets you tomorrow.
Wait, isn’t your interview tomorrow? Don’t you have work early, too?
Jimin’s compliment cuts through his realizations as it floats above the table, “You look nice.”
“Thank you!” 
Yoongi gives Shiv a once-over as you turn to greet him, and when you thank the guy for saying you look pretty, he hopes that you don’t face him next.
But you do.
And you give him a greeting that’s much to shy, for his heart does something stupid before he offers his own.
“Didn’t expect to see y’all here,” you comment, thankfully sparking conversation around him instead of with him. 
Which is for the best. He probably shouldn’t stare while thinking about how those nails would feel digging into his back. Or how you would react if he pulled you into a stall, one palm clamped over your mouth while the other can’t decide where to start. 
Another sinful laugh threatens to spill. 
Fuck, how he would ruin you if you let him.
Feigning nonchalance, he takes a slow sip from his glass while his eyes inevitably linger, finally tuning back in when you observe,
“It’s so busy right now.”
“Happy hour. It’s why we’re here,” Jimin responds before pointing at Shiv. “Cheering this guy up.”
“Excuse you?”
God, he can’t do this. Your small, innocent pout is enough to break him down, which should never, ever be the case. 
If you ever pull one of those on him… 
Nope. He doesn’t wanna know.
In a dumb attempt, Yoongi fishes out his phone as you turn to add your own encouragement. Because of course you would. 
“You okay?“
“Yeah. Just a breakup.”
“Oh, damn. I hope you feel better.”
“It’s nothing, sweetheart.”
He pauses.
What did Shiv call you?
The look on your face says it all. Yoongi has to fight his lips from spreading any wider, your sorry attempt to hide your expression way too adorable to ignore.
He’s definitely gonna give you shit for that.
“Well, umm. That’s good,” you offer before looking over a shoulder he wants to kiss. “I should go.”
And Yoongi offers a bye along with the others, clenching his jaw when you walk off because what the fuck.
He might damn near groan.
Forget tomorrow. You need to be bent over his couch right fucking now. 
If he were younger, and if you were anyone else, there’s no telling what he would’ve done to you in those bathrooms near the back. Or in his car after he swerved off the road.
But on the same token, there’s another emotion lingering in his chest. Something deeper, fuller, more important than the outright attraction he’s hoping to god isn’t so obvious.
How can he have that in someone that isn’t his?
Is that normal? How he feels watching you walk with your chin up and a new sway to your hips?
He’s seen that same walk hundreds—thousands—of times. So why does it seem fresh and brand new when it’s you?
He huffs from his nose before staring into his glass.
Showing you off would be too easy. 
Whoever gets to do that better do it right, and often.
“Was that too much again?”
Yoongi lowers his eyes to his phone before scrolling in his lap. “Sounded fine to me,” he lies.
There’s a tinkle of laughs while the guy laments, “I knew it. I’m so bad at this now.” 
“You wouldn’t’ve gotten that one anyway,” Jimin chides with one more chuckle. “Let’s keep going.”
Yoongi officially checks out when they discuss other potential matches. Because he may or may not have noticed that your table is easily visible, and he may or may not have decided to not leave you alone just yet.
Not like he’s going anywhere soon.
He can’t even stand up if he needed to anyway.
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Tonight is supposed to be a fun, celebratory party for Dom. You put on a nice, comfortable dress, and freshened up more than you have in a long time. Feeling great is an understatement.
But seeing Yoongi throws you off in every which way possible and inside you feel like a wreck.
While you’re delighted that he gets to see you done up, you want nothing more than to mount his lap and ride him until he tears you apart.
Because holy fuck, he looks so fine.
It’s decided. You’re sure of it. The universe is testing you and you haven’t studied a single thing.
Did he have to have his hair like that? Did he have to look the most dressed up you’ve ever seen him? Why did he follow this restaurant’s dress code and not opt for a more casual fit instead? 
Just don’t think about it. Any of it. Especially the way his hair would look between your—fuck!
Tonight is for Dom. 
When everyone situates around a multi-table setup, you tell yourself to not be distracted. Yes, there are a bunch of people—most of which you only semi-know—but you still can’t get too sidetracked by his frame in that suit. By the chains on his neck. By the spread of his—
Just try to converse. Be social. At least Reia and Yuri are in front of you.
That’s when you feel a vibration.
And you already know who it’s from.
Attempting to appear normal, it’s a wonder you only choke internally when you view what he said.
Yoongi [8:03pm]: Hey sweetheart :)
Goddamn it.
It’s a struggle to not smile like a fool. Admittedly, you didn’t exactly hold back your expression at the stranger’s forthcomingness. Which is exactly why you’re getting this text.
If you weren’t mistaken, you’re also pretty sure you saw Yoongi react. Which was way too attractive in itself, but you don’t wanna give him even more unspoken praise. 
You [8:04pm]: oh my god
You [8:04pm]: was my face that obv
Yoongi [8:05pm]: Lmao
You [8:05pm]: 🥴 
Why is he texting you now? Aren’t you both in public? Surrounded by people you know?
Yeah, your brother isn’t here, but Mr. Sweetheart could know him. 
Then again… What does Yoongi have your contact saved as? Is it your name? Something else? Just your number and no name at all? 
There’s still so much you don’t know about him, and it excites you as much as it pains you.
Before you can mull over it more, he keeps the conversation going.
Yoongi [8:07pm]: Afraid he’ll never recover
If he’s gonna keep texting… 
Why not lean into it?
You [8:07pm]: damn
A couple minutes go by without anything, and you’re pulled into a discussion. When a few other moments pass with no texts, you assume that’s the end of your thread.
So much for leaning into it. You definitely spoke too soon.
Probably for the best that it’s already over, though. There’s no telling how future texts would go, with the thrill of him being here and looking like sin.
Fuck, he looks handsome.
And quite frankly, you look pretty decent, too. 
Hummingbirds flit about your stomach when you know Yoongi got to see you tonight. Because all the other times he’s seen you, what you’ve worn has mostly been casual. Comfortable. Dalo was the only exception, but you assume neither of you wanna count that night. 
You briefly wonder what he thinks about your dress before a road trip talk materializes.
“I haven’t been on one in awhile,” Reia sighs as she places arms on tablecloth. 
When Yuri agrees before facing you, you already know what she’s gonna suggest. “We should go. It’s summer!”
“I have work,” you groan, frustration pursing your lips. With this interview also hovering over you, there isn’t much thought you can pour into something like that. 
“No fun!”
“Sorry, y’all.”
Although… You start thinking about how one with—
Another vibration pulses in your lap, and you check to see who it could be. 
Yoongi [8:12pm]: Wdy look so cute for?
What is he doing!
The other texts were harmless. What the hell is he thinking sending this?
You [8:12pm]: 😳
You [8:12pm]: be serious
Yoongi [8:12pm]: K
You snort when you see the curt reply, knowing that if it was anyone else, you would’ve been mad as hell. But it’s so him that you can’t help but laugh.
At least he came to his senses quick. Gotta stay safe someho—
Yoongi [8:13pm]: Wdy look so fucking hot for?
Your foot abruptly slides forward, shoe clunking against the middle table leg in your shock. 
Everyone around you doesn’t notice, but Dom eyes you with a cocked brow from the head of the table. How did she know that was you? 
You wave her off before taking a sip of your drink to cool down.
You [8:13pm]: ……..
Yoongi [8:14pm]: :) 
In your haste to just reply and get this over with, you discover that he can make you flounder even over texts. 
You [8:14pm]: don got promoted !!
You [8:15pm]: don*
You [8:15pm]: dom**** fuck
Yoongi [8:16pm]: Lmaooo
Why the hell did you ever respond? 
You don’t know how it’s possible, but just his texts are enough to make you sweat. Beneath your dress, both of your legs slowly shift, your thighs rubbing against each other a bit too often.
If anything, Yoongi certainly knows how to compliment someone.
Distraction comes in the form of servers, getting everyone’s orders and gathering menus. A bit thrown by a potential vibration in your lap, you don’t even remember what you got and you hope to everything that it was a relatively cheap option. 
More conversation sprouts around the table, and you try to listen to what’s happening on either side. Some are talking about work troubles, others are lamenting the down period for sports. But they’re all lively and let you feel included, just like the one that invited them all.
You feel a little bad when you keep checking your phone, but at least they don’t really know you. To them, it would just look like you’re…
What? Talking to someone you like? Someone you may or may not be seeing? 
Where were you going with that?
Glancing down, you do see another text. And its contents affect you just as much as the notification.
Yoongi [8:30pm]: Isn’t your interview tomorrow?
You [8:36pm]: mmhmm. i’m dd🙄
Why are butterflies mingling with the hummingbirds? And why do you feel like smiling like an idiot in front of all these people?
Maybe how last night ended is still staying with you. Because you feel pretty damn good right now, and knowing that you have Yoongi’s attention like this in a public space makes you feel something dangerous. 
There’s another reason why you decided on your outfit today. Since you left that part out, you allow yourself to slide another message up, riding this wave as far as it will go.
You [8:39pm]: but yeah it’s sundress season !
Yoongi [8:39pm]: My favorite :)
You [8:41pm]: ofc it is
Yoongi [8:44pm]: 😊
You [8:45pm]: don’t even 
Yoongi [8:45pm]: Haha
Yoongi [8:50pm]: But I’m serious. You look nice.
That’s where it should end.
A natural close. 
Just say thank you and move on. 
…But what if you do something else?
Be it the thrill of doing this in a public space, or the fact that you want to jump his bones right now, you don’t know. There’s just a tiny flame you see in his words that you want to stoke.
So you do.
You [8:55pm]: how nice
Of course, you sometimes forget who you’re dealing with.
Because your plan completely backfires when his response comes way too quick.
Yoongi [8:56pm]: Meet me in a stall and I’ll tell you
What the fuck!
You can’t even pick at your food. Not when he’s giving you plenty to choke on already.
You [8:56pm]: ???? 
You [8:56pm]: here?(?
He’s not serious, is he? No. 
Even if he was, that would be crossing multiple lines. Texting is already pushing it, but it would be glaringly obvious if the both of you were absent from your tables for too long. 
Yoongi [9:01pm]: I’m kidding 
Yoongi [9:01pm]: But I’d be down
You [9:05pm]: no !!
Yoongi [9:06pm]: You don’t wanna? :((
You hate how much you like this side of him. Or maybe this is just him, and you still can’t believe that you get to witness him in his natural, lethal state.
If you told yourself from a year ago that things would come to this, you wouldn’t have believed it for a second.
But if you also told yourself that you’d grow in ways you didn’t even consider, you wouldn’t have believed that, either.
You [9:10pm]: i do
You [9:10pm]: but i’d rather go home with you..
Looking back, much has changed.
But when you glance over to see him lift his eyes your way, your heartbeat concludes that some things will always stay the same.
You don’t ever think you’ll get over him. 
Which is fine, because you don’t want to.
Yoongi [9:11pm]: You don’t want that lol
Of all the responses that he could’ve sent, that certainly wasn’t the choice you were expecting. Cocking a brow at your screen, you respond. 
You [9:12pm]: i do🥺
Yoongi [9:13pm]: Promise you don’t
You [9:13pm]: why not?
What the heck does he—
You hear your name being called, and it takes all of you to not react like you’ve been busted. “Hmm?”
“The party’s this Friday, right?” 
“See,” Dom directs to one of her friends. “Busy.” 
A small smile is offered on your end before impatience ropes you back to your phone. You’re sure the song that’s playing above your head is nice, and you can guess that the giggles in front of you are about Rohan. 
But your full attention is on an answer you’re zero percent positive about. 
What the hell does Yoongi mean? And why is he so damn enticing even over texts? 
Yoongi [9:14pm]: Just cus 
Enticing, your ass! 
You [9:15pm]: wow
Yoongi [9:15pm]: :)))
It’s like that, huh… 
This guy is something else. 
Questioning why you started texting him in the first place, you put your phone down to take a few more sips. Because you’re thirsty. Certainly not to cool yourself down. 
“Damn, where’s our dessert?”
“I was wondering.” 
Now that people mention it, you agree. It’s been quite awhile since you all ordered, and you feel a bit bad that your party is so big. Damn Dominique and her brilliant way of gaining friends and keeping them. 
She looks positively radiant as she tells another work story, and you laugh a little when you know exactly which one it is. 
Not many people can say they had a tough conversation with their CEO and came out unscathed. But when you save your company a bunch of time and money, no one can really do anything except let it slide. 
Well, and promote you. Which is why all of you were invited to a place like this.
What would she tell you to do now? How would she tell you to respond? 
Probably to press the man for an answer. 
Following sound advice that you manufactured, you go back to your device and start typing.
You [9:22pm]: tell me🥺
He probably won’t, given his stupid, short track record. But damn it, you wanna know! 
The only solace you get from minutes of no texts is that you can always hound him tomorrow. You know exactly where to poke him to make him flinch, after all. 
Yoongi [9:27pm]: Can’t. Heading out now :) 
Forget poking.
The both of you are gonna fight.
You [9:29pm]: RUDE???
You [9:30pm]: ok🙄
After you slip your phone back into your bag, you turn just in time to see him walking away with the others. When he playfully shucks Jimin off at the exit, you wonder if it has something to do with you.
You blink.
Why do you feel so… peaceful? Like life is okay and there isn’t anything that can bother you except the man strolling out the door? It’s such a serene feeling that you feel like smiling for no reason.
For the first time in a long while, the sky in your mind is spotless.
Thunderclouds can’t be seen for miles, and there lies an abundance of soft grass and flowers at your toes—a stark difference from the thick, muddy sludge you’ve been trudging through for days. Weeks. Months. 
And something else drapes over you like a warm blanket, a feeling from the night that you kissed under moonlight. Another time Yoongi blatantly disregarded where you were and simply did what he wanted. 
You craft the scene from memory, staring and realizing that those two have no clue what they’ll go through in the coming days. How the uncertainty between them is going to wither and fade, bit by beautiful bit.
And then you leave them alone.
You join the present with newfound tranquility. Everything around you rings clear, from the voices around the table to the clinks of glasses around the restaurant. The summer breeze announces its presence through open windows, and you wonder if it’s been trying to get your attention for awhile now.
Everything’s good.
Observing a decorative clock on the wall you never noticed before, you can’t believe that you’ve been texting Yoongi for over an hour. In public.
If only you could sit next to him next time. Or maybe even… 
A text comes through.
And you figure that things are fine as they are now. 
Yoongi [9:40pm]: So are you 🤕
Shit, you know you’re beaming but you honestly can’t help it. You truly didn’t know he’d like your outfit this much, and this new information makes you feel more than a bit dizzy. 
Suddenly shy, you text back and hope he sees it when not being orbited by his friends.
Dessert finally arrives a couple minutes later, and it isn’t until ten minutes after that when you get a reply.
You [9:42pm]: i wish i knew you liked them. i have a lot.
Yoongi [9:55pm]: Show me sometime 
You intend to. 
You [9:57pm]: if you behave🥴
Yoongi [9:59pm]: Haaaaa
The giggle you let out is the one that gets you caught. 
You raise your eyes to Yuri and Reia, the two of them giving you smug as fuck looks. “Huh.” 
“You’re so gone, dude.”
“I told you!” 
Swatting their comments down, you give them sheepish lips before muttering, “Shut up.” 
“You are!” 
“Why didn’t you invite him!” 
“She wants to keep him to herself, look at her.” 
“Stop!” you playfully grit. “I told you, we aren’t a thing.” 
“But you’re married?” 
You outright groan through a grin, feeling bashful and elated and giddy all at once as you laugh with them right after. 
“Go on, keep sexting your man.” 
“I’m not!” 
“Sure you aren’t.”
“Uh huh.”
When they mercifully let you go, you chuckle to yourself before texting back your reply, thrums of doves invading your stomach when he immediately responds. 
You [10:05pm]: jk. i will☺️
Yoongi [10:06pm]: Thank fuck
It should be a crime how attracted you are to this man. 
Well, no.
That isn’t the real issue. While attraction and lust are certainly problems, they aren’t the feelings you’re really worried about. 
Yoongi [10:08pm]: Have fun doll
The scarier feelings are the ones you have to sequester to the innermost parts of your heart. Because your finish line seems a bit too much in reach right now, and you don’t wanna trip right before you can cross it. 
You [10:08pm]: see you tomorrow<33
As soon as you click your phone shut, your head shakes with a tiny smile.
Because somehow, seeing him makes you more nervous than your interview does.
And you’re determined to make the most of both.
You can’t.
You can’t leave this alone.
What did Yoongi mean? What did he have on his mind?
After everyone’s made their way to the standing bar, you sneak away to lock yourself in a stall. Inhaling, you ring him up, hoping that Jimin or the other guy aren’t around. 
Thankfully, he answers.
“You okay?”
“I wanna know.”
Your voice comes out in a whisper, even though you know you’re alone. “What you would do. If you could’ve taken me home.”
The soft chuckle on the line makes you weak.
“You’re in the bathroom, huh.”
“Maybe so.”
“You’re stalling.”
“Maybe so.”
Suddenly, some people walk through the door, the sounds of the restaurant a lot louder for a few seconds. After perking up, you realize it’s some of Dom’s friends. 
Do you think they’ll care? Would they even know who you’re talking to? 
Have any of them been with Yoongi before? 
It’s that one stupid question that convinces you to keep quiet. 
“Mm. Can’t talk?”
“I—” Your voice is hushed. “Yeah.” 
“Poor baby.”
You almost think about hanging up on him, but the deep, knowing laugh that strokes your ear renders you useless.
“I’d blow your fuckin’ back out, doll.”
Breaths turn ragged in a second. Vision is somehow blurred.
You weren’t ready. Fucking hell, you were not prepared. 
“Make you sit on my face until you come.”
You almost moan his name, and you have to press a palm against your mouth to keep it in. 
“Is that what the baby girl wants?”
“Yes,” you whisper, impossibly small and undoubtedly hoarse. 
”What was that?”
“I said fuck you,” you grit a tad louder, lowering your phone volume when Yoongi outright laughs through your speaker. 
“Please do. But get your pretty ass back out there.”
Why the fuck is he so perfect? 
Sighing, you shudder out before obliging. “Okay.”
“And good luck tomorrow.”
It’s not the interview you’re worried about anymore. While you feel prepared for that, you don’t feel ready for what’s to come after it in the slightest. “I’m more nervous to see you.”
For some reason, Yoongi chuckles again. And you don’t have a damn clue know why. 
“Don’t say that.”
Why not? “It’s true.”
“Always so cute.”
Well, you figure you’ll find out either way tomorrow. 
Maybe you’ll think of some preemptive revenge, as well. 
“Bye, babe.”
“See you soon.”
Everything goes silent again, only the ambiance of the bar and the music in the speakers accommodating the space. 
When you stare at your dark screen, you realize a few things. 
One, you’re alone again. Two, you call him babe way too easily. 
And three? 
Whether in secret or not.
You’re seeing someone. 
For real. 
And it’s Min fucking Yoongi.
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A/N: DID YALL SEE HIS SELFIES TODAY?? HOW TF DID HE KNOW HE’D LOOK FANCY.. anyways, i dunno what else i can say other than this is hopefully a part that was worth waiting for! i’m just glad i could swing it between anytime and 3tan9. did i expect for it to be this big? no lol. but i figured that i would spoil y’all. it’s bday month! i’m feeling pretty good, what can i say skfjlshf but seriously, i love you all so much and i hope this was okay! A/N 2: this is not the end of sundress scenarios >:))) so stay ready  ++ feedback box: ⇥ of course, any reblogs/comments/messages are appreciated! ⇥ for the ones that are too shy to reblog with a review, comment on this, or send a message, i went ahead and made another anonymous form where you can send in what you think! ⇥ no emails collected, no need to put in a username. it’s literally just a comment dropbox :D feedback can be as short/sweet or as long as you’d like! ⇥ here! ++ ⇥ masterlist
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cleoluvrr · 10 months
Smarty III (Rafe Cameron x OC)
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SYNOPSIS: smart girl isn’t as smart as rafe cameron.
WARNINGS: mature content; dark!rafe, toxic relationship, domestic violence, verbal abuse, blackmail, jealousy, general violence, manipulative behavior, explicit language, substance abuse & addiction, use of guns, mentions of past crimes, obsession
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Rafe’s lips against my neck did nothing to distract me from the irritation that settled deep in my stomach.
I stared mindlessly at the wall as the man below me trailed warm, wet kisses over my skin, the silence in the room filled with the sound of his lips connecting to their target. The hand that rested on my waist gripped tightly, fingers kneading the flesh beneath them as he moved our hips against each other.
“What the hell is your problem?” The blonde groaned out from beneath me, my unresponsiveness to his touch starting to become obvious. 
I let my eyes fall to meet his, lids low from arousal and staring right back up at me. Mixed with the desire was annoyance, eyebrows meeting together so slightly that you’d miss it if you blinked.
My eyebrows raised at the question as I feigned cluelessness, shoulders rising in tandem with the shaking of my head to add to the act.
“Are you still mad?” 
“Mad?” I asked, tilting my head to the side like a lost puppy. “Why would I be mad, Rafe? It's not like you went behind my back to get me fired…”
I’d been sitting in the house for days, my schedule filled with blank spaces that never ended. I had been sentenced to the prison that was the four walls of my room after I got a call from my boss that I was being let go. He didn’t give a reason, and I didn’t ask because I already knew exactly why. 
Pissed was an understatement; a word far too simple to describe the anger I felt towards Rafe. I had no doubt in my mind that he called the Island Club and gave them some bullshit reason as to why I couldn’t work there anymore; he was the only person that had any motive to do so.
When he texted me earlier today to declare he was picking me up to bring me to his house, I had no excuse as to why I couldn’t. My parents were at work, my friends were on vacation for the summer, and I was now unemployed. Me being upset with him wasn’t a good enough reason–he didn’t care enough.
He threw his head back into the couch we were sitting on and groaned loudly, the soft leather material cushioning the fall.
“We already had this conversation, Laia. You–”
“I’m aware, Rafe.” I say, cutting him off before he could continue the argument we had over a week ago. “That doesn’t make me any less irritated than I am right now. If you wanna do stupid shit, then you can deal with the consequences.”
The strong hands that previously held my waist fall to my thighs limply, the warm skin repeatedly moving up and down the bareness of my legs. His stiffness beneath me hadn’t gone down, and I could tell it was hard for him to focus on anything else.
“Baby…”Rafe spoke to me softly, the sweetness in his voice doing nothing to move me. I fought the urge to roll my eyes at him, mouth twitching in annoyance. “Can we not do this right now? I just wanna spend time with you, I don’t wanna fight.”
“I’m not fighting with you. You asked if I was mad and I answered your question.” I shrugged again, hands falling from his shoulders to rest in my own lap.
The blonde kisses his teeth loudly, eyes glaring up at me in annoyance as I stared back down blankly. After a few seconds of our locked gazes battling against each other, the man beneath me all but tosses me off his lap.
I watch him stand up from the leather couch and walk out of the room, low grumbling barely audible as he slams the door behind him. My lips purse at the wooden frame across the room, the sound of the bathroom door down the hall slamming just a few seconds later.
“What a drama queen…” I whisper to myself.
The vibration of Rafe’s phone catches my attention, the rhythmic buzzing loud against the fabric of the seat next to me. 
My eyebrows furrowed together at the sight of the contact lighting up on the screen, the name completely unfamiliar to me. I watch the device ring, and ring, and ring until it goes dark again. The reflection of my puzzled face staring back at me as I look down at the inky black of the screen. A few seconds of pure silence go by before the phone is brought back to life by another notification of a missed call from the “Fiona” contact.
I picked up the phone and entered the passcode, my birthday, fingers immediately taking me to the messages app at the bottom of the screen.
My face felt stuck in a perpetual state of confusion, brows drawn together in the middle of my forehead as I scrolled through the months worth of messages with the stranger.
“I had a great time last night :)” “Can’t wait to see you again” “Did I leave my lipgloss at your place” “Those were my favorite pair, Rafe! You’re paying for new ones!” 
I didn’t think my jaw could drop any further as I scrolled through the countless explicit exchanges taking place over the months I was gone for school, the most recent being a couple weeks before I returned for summer break. 
Blankly staring down at the screen of my boyfriend’s phone, I feel the gears in my brain stop turning for a moment. It’s as if my mind had completely frozen at the sight of the text messages. It felt as if my heart stopped as well, the only thing keeping my body from completely dropping being the anger that rose from the soles of my feet to the ceiling above me.
The sound of the bathroom door opening down the hall snapped me out of my trance.
Jumping to my feet, I could feel myself practically levitate to the office door, Rafe’s phone gripped tightly between my fingers with the messages still open. I could feel my body shaking in both shock and rage as I waited for him to open the door and face me, not even sure of what I’ll say to him when he does.
As soon as the door opened wide enough for his face to be in my line of sight, I acted instinctively. I watched as the device flew across the room in his direction, the speed and momentum of the throw not allowing Rafe enough time to dodge the flying object. 
It hit him on the side of his jaw, and by the sound of the thud it had to have hurt almost as much as it did to read the messages. The phone falls to the floor loudly, screenside down.
“Who the fuck is Fiona?” Is what leaves my mouth without thought, the volume of the question surely loud enough for the entire house to hear if we weren’t alone. 
“What the hell is your problem?” He ignores my question, hand raising to sooth the section of his face that I assaulted with his own phone. “Are you insane?”
“Rafe, who the fuck is Fiona?” I repeated myself. “Why is she calling your phone, and why are there pictures of your dick in her phone?”
Rafe once again ignores my questions, instead leaning down to pick his phone up from the floor. His eyes flash back up at mine with a look I wasn’t expecting as he looks at the open messages on the screen.
“Did you go through my fucking phone?” He wears an expression of irritation and I almost lunge at him, fingers twitching from my lack of action.
“Did I go through your phone…” I repeat to myself in disbelief. “Yes, I went through your phone. Now, why is there some random white girl calling your phone and talking about how much she misses you in your messages?”
The blonde stares at me in silence, my questions sitting heavy in the air between us. 
“I haven’t spoken to her in over a month.” He finally says after a minute of stillness in the room. “You were the one that said we were on break, so why are you mad?”
I scoffed at him and threw my hands up in the air out of frustration. Why am I mad? Is he stupid?
“I know we were on break, Rafe! That doesn’t mean you can go out an fuck other girls and have them calling your phone like they know you, or something!” 
“Then what does it mean, Laia?” He steps away from the open doorway and towards me. Rafe’s broad frame looms over me as he stares down at me expectantly. He tilts his head to the left as he awaits my answer, eyebrows lifting just the slightest amount. “Did you think it meant that only you got to go out and explore other options while I sat in the house being bitter and jealous for nine months?”
My lips felt glued together and unable to part for a response. He was kind of right and it was killing me inside.
I was the one who said we should go on break. I was the one that said he shouldn’t feel trapped by some girl living hundreds of miles away. He didn’t even want to go on break, but I gave him no other opinion. It probably wouldn’t have happened if I never forced us to do such a thing, but that didn’t make me any less angry.
I don’t know what he assumed I meant by “break,” but it definitely wasn’t that. I didn’t give any guys my attention while I was away because I knew I had Rafe at home, I just didn’t want an extra thing to worry about while I was trying to focus on my studies and campus social life. I surely didn’t have sex with anyone else; something I was expecting Rafe to refrain from as well.
“I’m aware of what a break is, Rafe. I never expected you to sit here being miserable waiting for me to come back, but I definitely wasn’t expecting you to fuck other girls and think I’d be okay with that?” 
“I don’t really care if you’re okay with it or not.” He says, shoulders rising and falling nonchalantly. “We were on a break–at your request, by the way. We talked, we fucked; now it’s over. What’s the problem?”
“You fucked her, Rafe!” I exclaimed, exasperation filling my voice as I refrained from pulling my own hair out. “You fucked her, and you still have her number in your phone. You say it’s ‘over,’ but she’s still calling you. So either, you never told her that you have a girlfriend and she still thinks you’re available to do whatever, or you’re still fucking this girl. Maybe, you’re waiting for me to go back to school so you can call her up and get your dick wet when I’m not there!”
Rafe shoves me back violently at the sound of the accusation and I nearly trip over my feet as I try to catch myself. The older man barely gives me time to recover before advancing me into the wall behind us, a large hand reaching up to grip my soft cheeks.
His blue eyes were stormy as he stared down at me, jaw just as tight as the grip he had on my face between his fingers. I could feel his nails leaving creasents in the skin but he doesn’t let up, the sight of me wincing leaving him unmoved.
“I’m a lot of things, Laia.” Rafe sounded eerily calm as he spoke, but the undertone of darkness did not go unnoticed. “You can call me a piece of shit, a drug addict, unstable; I don’t care. But thing you won’t call me is a fucking cheater. Do you understand?”
I was unable to speak or nod my head as he gritted out the last three words, the grip on my face leaving me immobile. 
“You don’t get to be mad at me because of a choice that you made for the both of us. Maybe I’m an asshole for fucking her, but you don’t get to be mad about it and you don’t get to accuse me all this shit just because you don’t like it.”
“Block her.” I raised my hand to yank his own away from my face. I pointed down to his phone which had finally gone dark from inactivity. “Block her and delete her number right now.”
Rafe stared at me blankly for a moment before raising his phone into his field of vision. I watched as he deleted her number and blocked her on every platform they’d become friends on. 
Shoving the device back into his pocket, he returns his sights to me. I crossed my arms in response and leaned back into the wall behind me. 
“You are an asshole for that.” I pointed to the diamond ring on my finger as I spoke, the gems glistening in the sunlight shining through the open windows around the room. “We made a promise to each other, Rafe, and you broke it. Break or not, that isn’t okay. We haven’t even taken that step yet, but you’re doing it with other girls? I’m allowed to be mad about that.”
Pushing past him, I take long strides to exit the study. I hear Rafe curse behind me but he doesn’t follow, the only set of footsteps echoing throughout the manor being my own.
In the years that Rafe and I had been together, we never had sex. Sure, Rafe had done it before we started dating, and clearly has been doing it recently, but that was with other girls. He was the first guy, and only guy, I’d ever spoken to. I haven’t lost my virginity yet simply because I’m not ready. We’ve done a lot of other things, but that was one thing I hadn’t crossed off. 
As much as I love my boyfriend, I just can’t do something like that with him yet. I’ve promised myself to him fully, and I don’t regret that, but I don’t want to regret giving him something so important to me when he thinks doing things like that is okay.
I shouldn’t have to question whether I trust him enough, but I do, and it scares me. 
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
so glad you're accepting some requests! i've loved your work for so long now. pls feel free to ignore if this doesn't strike your muse, i'll read basically anything you write.
i must ask for my fav ASOIAF boys: Stannis, Roose, Jorah, Jaime, and Sandor (you can pick and choose between this list, im definitely not expecting ALL of them 😭)
my prompt is awkward/untimely moments when they confess their love for the reader OR moments that make them soft for their lover (again, you can pick which interests you more....)
SORRY IF THIS IS A LOT, please feel free to pick and choose what you wanna do, if you wanna do any of them at all! thank you and have a nice night!
oh thank you!! Im glad you enjoy my silly blog so much. I thought the "moments that make them soft" was just super cute and made me think a lot, so I picked that one. Your chosen characters are at the front, and I added a few more for my own self indulgence
No warnings, Reader is implied to be married in most. Also, Roose is Roose.
Stannis - There are many things Stannis gets sentimental for, not that he could think of them on the spot. It's all things that happen in the moment.
When he's at a social function with you and someone's infuriating him, it grounds him when you gently touch his hand. You might say you aren't feeling well, and of course it's a husband's duty to take you away from the crowd and make sure you're alright... then he realizes you just feigned feeling faint for his sake. 
Another time is when you defend him, especially against the criticisms of other lords. He can handle himself, and he always has, but there's something different about you coldly (and politely) telling them off. The harsher your words, the better.
Gentle touches on his jaw when he grinds his teeth, a touch on the shoulder when he's totally absorbed in something and isn't hearing your call, and wanting to take his arm when you both have to appear before the public. While he's averse to most touching, the fact you're considerate of that instead of criticizing means a lot.
Also, appreciating his attempts to please you, and saying so! Appreciation is not something Stannis gets a lot of, even when his best is put forth. Bringing up something sweet he did a while back will actually get a blush and grumble out of him. 
And while it may not seem like a lot, generally just supporting him in court politics means more than he can say. You aren't just performing an expected wifely loyalty, you genuinely want the best for him and House Baratheon. Being on the same page and working in tandem brings such emotions - relief, gratitude, affection - it can be difficult for Stannis to express with words or actions, but he's absolutely soft for it.
Roose - This can be tricky for his partner to discern unless they're paying close attention or it's been a long time in the relationship. Roose does not wear his emotions, positive or negative, openly. The most obvious emotion one might see is pleased contempt for someone he's just intimidated or screwed over.
Any softness would first come from his wife willingly touching him, usually when she's doing something simple. Adjusting his cloak when it's a little askew, taking his arm when visiting other lords, touching his hand during a meal when you're trying to make a point. He's told himself he doesn't care what your feelings are, he just needs a wife to secure an alliance and an heir, but ... well, it is easier if you're fond of him ... 
He's such a suspicious and careful person that overt affection may be seen as an act, so it's little things where you forget yourself that he thinks of most. When you lean into him as you both speak, or gasp in spite of yourself when he grasps you. The satisfaction of making you "forget" yourself is stronger than if you're doting at the start. 
Sometimes, if Roose catches you being affectionate with any children you both share, he'll watch for a few moments. Again, he tells himself it's simply that he "won" over you and that's the only reason he's so pleased.
Jorah - Tbh it's easier to list what doesn't make him soft for you
The biggest one is when you're fussing over him! Jorah is always the one who puts your needs before his own, so you insisting on caring for him and spoiling him a bit just gets him weak in the knees. It's hard to say what he likes best, but making his favorite meal followed by tons of affection is enough to wash away any fatigue.
Showing him off and being obviously proud of being his partner is another thing that gets him fluttery. He already gazes at you adoringly on a regular basis, but now he looks like you hang the moon when you take his arm and happily introduce him as your's.
And, he can't help but melt when you're sweet with kids. Wether you're helping a little one up after they fall or teaching how to do something, he just has to watch from a distance. Yes, he'd want children if you wished for them, but it's moreso he appreciates the compassion you show those smaller and weaker than you. It's sweet how children seem to rely on and cling to you, knowing you're someone safe - and obvs, if these were children you had or adopted together, it made him even more sentimental and emotional.  
Jaime -First, it's tough to know when Jaime is having feelings because most of the time, he's hiding it. If he's caught gazing fondly at you, he'll brush it off with sarcasm.
The easiest way for him to catch feels is just you being honest with your intentions and feelings. When you tell him how much you adore him, or you appreciate something he did - especially after you both were intimate and you're cuddled up, and you just state how you feel with no manipulations or strings attached, it does something to him. He doesn't respond at first, just quietly contemplating your words long after you've fallen asleep.
Another time is when you see through his arrogance and bravado. When Jaime's trying to assure you he's fine and he's dealt with it, and he isn't bothered by what happened at all actually, and you just quietly listen. That bravado wavers just so, and it just takes a few well-placed questions before he finally just caves and tells you what's actually going on (how do you and Tyrion do that so well?). The fact you listen and don't judge or admonish him is something that occurs to him much later. He can go to you with a problem, and that's a rare vulnerability for the disgraced knight.
Sandor - He is far more affected by you than he wants to admit to himself, especially at the beginning, but after being years of being together, anyone with eyes could see it.
First of all, you're so damn gentle. You always talked to him with a kindness and politeness he wasn't used to, and while he initially brushed it off, the annoying thing is you were genuine. You'll even touch carefully or be considerate of things that may upset him, like he needs to be protected, the huge "knight" that everyone is terrified of. It completely affects Sandor and for a long time he didn't know what to do with himself. Now he just quietly accepts it, allowing himself to be vulnerable and cared for instead of immediately crushing those feelings.
On the same lines, it used to trouble Sandor how you'd hold him so tight. It didn't matter if it was after sex or just an embrace out of nowhere (the latter is a bit more startling), and it almost sent him into a fight-or-flight response the first few times you did it. He's far more comfortable with it than before, but now embraces tend to send him into something of a "reset". Any anger or darkness that was clouding him will fade just slightly, and he'll lean into you and let his guard down.
Brandon - Though he carries plenty of bravado and confidence, it's pretty easy for others to tell when he's being soft on you, especially his family members. The easiest way to get him feeling fluttery is to rely on him. Yes, even if you're clearly teasing or messing with him, you like to have him carry you over water or lift you up on your horse or "protect" you while you both go on a walk in the late hours. It's like he's a boy with a crush again, and he likes to show off his strength.
There's also the simple things that get him every time, like when you take his hand and entwine your fingers out of nowhere. You won't say anything, you'll just do it, and when you kiss his hand and knuckles it gets the big man oddly flustered.
Asha - While she's certainly felt all sorts of soft around you, it's not immediately obvious. As much as she loves you, she doesn't go on about grand gestures or proclamations. It's just not her style. So when you do something just so damn cute and charming - like rambling on about something you love or ranting about someone who pissed you off - she just smiles.
An outsider might think she's just amused, but those in the know have never seen such an expression of adoration on her. When you finish your tirade, she just teases you with a kiss and a pull of the cheek. You ought to stop being so damn cute. Another thing she likes is when you're frank with her. When you honestly tell her how much you love her, or how happy you are - even if she didn't have doubts, it's nice to hear it.
Victarion - First, he doesn't think he's capable of such "weak" feelings and vulnerability. If anyone brought it up, they'd be punched. If his family brings it up, he grumbles and scowls. If you do, he just frowns and turns away. It's not expected of an Ironborn, so obviously he doesn't have any softness toward you. None.
Not even when you've managed to get him in your arms and have him rest on your chest - not an easy feat, this is always after sex and usually when he's drunk - and he can feel your skin and heartbeat. You touch his rough, tangled hair, and his scarred face, and his even more scarred back, and the huge man is like putty. He's heavy, sure, but it feels warm and safe. Later when he's awake and sober and going about whatever he does during the day, he'll think back on that embrace, and odd feelings he can't describe just pick at him.
A smaller thing is when you approve of something he does, regardless if it's an action or words. Even just glancing at him and nodding - even if subtle, he notices. It's like a thrill going through him and Victarion wonders why for a solid minute. Maybe he should do that thing more, or say those words again? Why does he care about your reaction anyway, and why does he want it again? It's even worse when you leave without explaining what exactly it was that pleased you. Asha says he'll figure it out eventually.
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plussizeficchick · 2 years
I saw this Monster High edit and it got me thinking about werewolf!Bakugo who has a crush on vampire!chubby reader :( 
He didn’t mean for it to happen, but you’re just so fucking pretty. Your full figure filling out your corsets deliciously. The way your tits spill at the top, he couldn’t help but wonder what they’d look like covered in his seed. 
And you’re so sweet. You don’t bat an eye to his hulking figure. He’s 6’5 and is a mountain of pure muscle. He’s mean, brash, yet you look at him like he’s hung all the stars in the sky. He doesn’t get you, but he has to fuck you.
It’s taboo for vampires and werewolves to be together. Hundreds of thousands of years your kind spent hating each other, but that doesn’t stop you and Bakugo from fucking like rabbits whenever you get the chance. The sex is always so hot, intense. Like each time might be the last. Yet you and Bakugo can’t help but lust after each other, the idea of someone finding out about your relationship, turning you both on that much more.
He’s got you on all fours, your body jiggling in tandem with his rough thrusts. He wraps a hand around your throat and pulls you to his chest, his other hand reaching down to rub fast circles on your clit. “‘re fucking soaked.” He chuckles, rubbing harder. You whine, the stimulation overwhelming . You already feel him in your tummy, every time he pulls out before snapping right back to hit your cervix. “What’s wrong, princess? Too much?” He mocks, nipping at your neck with his sharp teeth. You shake your head vigorously, it’s never too much. You tighten up around his cock, pulling a sharp breath from him. “Fuck, baby. Keep doing that.” He urges, thrusting harder, faster. You tighten around him as best you can, though it's not hard when your orgasm washes over you, milking Katsuki’s orgasm from him. He shoots deep into your womb, coating it in his potent seed. 
He slowly pulls out of your spent body, and as the rush of cum leaves your cunt, Katsuki is quick to push it back inside. When all is said and done, he presses a quick kiss to your cunt before leaving to get something to clean you up. He returns soon with a damp rag and cleans you up. It’s this that makes it hard to leave, the aftercare. He just makes it so easy to fall in love with him when he treats you so delicately.
The next time Katsuki was waiting for your scheduled meet up, you burst through the doors sobbing hysterically. “Don’ wanna. Don’ wanna do it, ‘Suki.” He calms you down as best he can, the rumble in his chest slowly calming you. “What happened?” He grunted, using his claws to scratch at your scalp. “My parents are forcing me to get married. They said it’s going to happen in one month. I don’t want to get married to someone I don’t love, ‘Suki. I’m scared.” Bakugo knew that he should tell you how he felt, knew that he should fight for you. But what if this guy was better for you? What if this guy knew how to be soft, attend to your needs in a way that he didn’t? 
He couldn’t stand in the way of that. 
So, with a heavy heart, he tried to make you feel better. “Don’t be so negative, idiot. The guy might not be too bad. You never know.” He shrugged. You give him a tight-lipped smile. Yeah, but he won’t be you. 
A few weeks go by and slowly, your feelings eat away at you. When you get married, your relationship with Bakugo will have to stop completely, so, you figured that you’d tell him how you’ve always felt about him, just to finally get it off your chest.
You enter his room as you usually do for your sessions, however, you stay at the door instead of preparing yourself. “What, you forget our routine all of a sudden? I fuck you too hard last time?” He chuckles, a smirk making its way to his face. “We have to talk.” At the tone of your voice, the smirk drops. No. 
Katsuki’s throat closes up as he asks, “About what?” “About us.” You answer. He looks up at you, urging you to continue. “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and I think we should end this.” Katsuki feels his heart drop to his stomach. “When I get married, I don’t want to cheat on my husband. I may not love him now, but like you said, I’ll never know. But what I do know right now, is that I’m in love with you. I know you don’t feel the same, seeing as that was the whole point of our arrangement, but I couldn’t help it. I’m glad I was able to finally get this off my chest.” You chuckle airily, feeling a weight being lifted off of your shoulders. “Well,” You sigh, “I’ll leave you to it. Thank you for everything, Kat.” You turn to leave, but you don’t even get the chance to open the door before you’re pushed against it. You gasp, feeling his broad chest against your back. “You can’t- you can’t just say something like that and leave.” He grunts into your ear as he turns you around to face him, hands grabbing the fat of your thighs to hoist you up against his door. “Do- do you think we could still be together?”    
Taglist: @xogabbiexo @pervysenpaix @dabilovesme @sintiva@blkchxrryblyss @tenyaiidasslut @luna-indigoduh @bookwormsenpai @bl--ankhaeji @thicksimpx @namjoonswifeyy @nasty-quillz @haikyutiehoe @musicisme333
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