#❖ ooc: hey who's writing this stuff anyway!? ❖
hail-to-the-quinn · 1 year
Hail to the Quinn, baby!
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Indie Harley Quinn RP Blog, penned by Draig
BTAS/Arkhamverse/Headcanon Based
OC, Crossover, Multifandom, AU, Shipping Friendly
Literate/Semi-Literate Friendly
Be advised, will contain themes that are 18+ and NSFW, minors DNI
Please read rules before interacting.
❖ Rules Doc / Tumblr Version (includes note about shipping) ❖ About ❖ Mun ❖
❖ ooc: hey who's writing this stuff anyway!? ❖ ❖ ic: it's my story and I'm tellin' it! ❖ ❖ memes: oh oh i love games! ❖ ❖ starters: swing batter batter swing! ❖ ❖ dash games: bonk, pass it on ❖ ❖ visage: still looks like the same ol' me in the mirror ❖ ❖ aesthetics: sugar, spice, and busted kneecaps ❖ ❖ musings: it's like mama used to say ❖ ❖ headcanons: the harley files ❖ ❖ answered: the doctor is in! ❖
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allysunny · 5 months
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Bale!Batman Scenarios and Fluff Alphabet
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Words: 8k words
Warnings: Mentions of violence, mentions of blood, mentions of death, mentions of suggestive and adult themes, mentions of panic attacks, hopefully not OOC Bruce (literally the second thing I've written for him). I wrote this with female pronouns in mind, but aside for the word "girlfriend" which appears twice, and the word "mother" which appears once, I think it can be gender neutral as well - I'm sorry, I don't know how to write for gender neutral yet!
A/N: Hey everyone! I've had this in my drafts for like two days, and I thought today was a nice day to post it hehehe! This is another one of my Bruce requests, I'm so happy about it! I didn't know what "alphabet thing" you wanted, so I went with the Fluff alphabet, which was what I thought you meant. I used both the coldest goodbye's and snk warriors templates because I loved them so much, so credit to them! I took a few entries from each because I couldn't simply stick to one.
This was supposed to be short and small and sweet but I think I'm unable to write short stuff, and that's how I ended up with a 8k "short drabble"... I actually forgot people usually pick A FEW letters from the alphabet and write for them... So I ended up writing for all of them... Oops... Sorry... But on the other hand, there's not nearly as much Bale!Bruce content out there, and I want to change that! So! 0 Regrets!!!
(You can also notice as the alphabet entries get shorter and shorter because it was getting super late and I refused to go to sleep... Oops!)
Anyway, I had a fun time writing this! I love this man so much oh my god... I hope you guys enjoy it!
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It’s not rare when people tell you “You hit the jackpot” when it comes to Bruce. Whenever he’s nearby, he’ll quickly swoop in and correct whoever was talking to you. “Actually, I’m the lucky one,” he says in that ever so charismatic voice of his, making you blush.
Both statements are true. Yes, you landed Bruce Wayne. The Bruce Wayne. Billionaire, ex-playboy, philanthropist, and lover of fine things in life Bruce Wayne. Bruce “I have a car for each day of the week” Wayne. Bruce “You fly coach? That’s funny, I have my own private jet” Wayne. Bruce “My vacations are on the West Wing of my manor because it’s so god damn big” Wayne.
But he’d landed you. Selfless, caring, funny, you. “I don’t need anyone’s protection” You. “I don’t care if you’re filthy rich, we’re staying at my place and eating noodles for dinner” you. “My feet are so sore, please carry me back to the mansion please?” you. “No – you’re going to stand up right now and learn how to do the dishes properly Bruce Wayne, this is unacceptable, how old even are you?” you. He was the lucky one. He managed to find someone who loved him for him. Not for the money, not for the fame, but him.
You preferred catching the train and walking over getting lifts in his fancy cars. “It attracts too much attention – I don’t need the whole entire world knowing I’m out with you.” You’d mumble, and that was the end of it. You enjoyed lazing around in his Manor, but in a “holy fuck this place is so comfortable I’m going to take a nap, I’ll see you in two hours” rather than a “I need to let everyone know I’m currently staying inside Wayne Manor, they will not believe it!” You treated it like home, splaying yourself on couches when tired, cleaning up after yourself and decorating bit by bit – Bruce loved that you were leaving your touch in his home. It meant that, somehow, it was also yours.
You’d change simple things really. Wayne Manor was beautiful as it was, and you had no need to replace it or turn it into something new – no. You got yourself some fluffy towels, replaced a bathroom rug that had seen better days, bought a shelf for the living room. It was his home, yes, and the home of his family before him, but he loved you and wanted you to feel comfortable and wanted you to leave your traces all around his home.
That’s not to say he won’t spoil the hell out of you. He loves your casual dates. Picnics in your living room or his, lazy Sundays spent looking at the clouds in his vast gardens, night spent in each other’s arms, the air cackling with silent promises and love confessions. But he’s Bruce Wayne. He has the means, and Gotham be damned if he wasn’t going to spend them on you.
You still weren’t very comfortable with going to charity galas with him, but Bruce still loved seeing you wear whatever dresses he got for you. So, he’d make reservations at fancy hotels, get a private table, and enjoy a quiet dinner with the love of his life. Away from prying eyes, you could finally be your usual self, cracking jokes and flirting with him.
“Anything interesting happen today at that dreadfully boring job of yours?” You asked him one night, toying with the fork on your hand. He finished drinking from his wine and gave you a comical look. “Not really. Just more of the same. Boring papers, boring meetings, boring people trying to steal my job and my company. The usual.” He said it so matter-of-factly, it almost seemed like nothing you should worry about. But you knew better. “I wonder when they’re going to stop trying. Should we be worried, Bruce?” “Not at all,” he drank again. “My father worked hard to build this company and get it where it is today. It’ll take more than a few angry petty businessmen to take it away from me.” You still eyed him curiously. “My love, I promise all is okay. Everything’s under control.”
You weren’t worried he was going to lose all his money and stop spoiling you. You’d be happy to live in a one apartment studio with no furniture and no money if it meant you could have him with you. But you knew how greedy people could be. You’d watched as some very sketchy men tried to take Bruce’s company away from him, over and over again, trying to destroy what Thomas Wayne had worked so hard to get, and it hurt.
“Fine. But if something ever happens, you just let me at them. I’d have a thing or two to say!” Bruce smiled at you, leaned over the table to caress your cheek, and continued eating.
On date nights in which you end up snuggled up in the couch watching a movie, you two already have assigned positions. Either he’s sitting with his legs spread on the couch, and you’re lying on top of his chest, or you’re sitting normally while he lays with his head on your lap. No one can tell, but Bruce is completely whipped by you. Sometimes, all he wants is to fall asleep on your lap as you gently massage his scalp. You two take so long picking movies, it’s insane. Sometimes, Alfred makes popcorn and you’ve both finished it before you’ve picked a movie, because you’re both stubborn as hell.
You know he is Batman. He told you, but you were able to figure it out a few weeks into your relationship. Not like it was that hard – he was often “busy” with work, although everyone had left the company and he was the only one there at around 4am, the bruises all over his chest and back (Bruce hated polo. He’d never pick it up), the tiredness he displayed in some of your dates and his fucked up sleeping schedule. One time he cancelled dinner on you, and a few hours later, the TV was covering a Batman chase.
You weren’t that dumb.
You were going to confront him, when found the Batcave by accident. You’d found this random ass room you could’ve sworn you’d never seen in your entire life with a piano. And just like every kid when they see a piano, you sat in front of it. If you do know how to play the piano, it wasn’t deliberate, but at the same time, it kind of was. You were playing some scales, warming up your fingers, and doing silly little exercises you’d been taught as a kid when you struck those three notes.  
If you don’t play the piano, well, you were just hitting keys at random. You played a few high notes, a few low notes, and then, in true child fashion, just hit some random notes in the middle, pretending you were the next Mozart or Beethoven.
When the bookshelf in front of you opened, you nearly jumped. Why was a bookshelf opening. How was that possible? What sort of thing was Bruce hiding that was so, so secret, he had to keep it behind a secret passageway?
Instead of leaving the room, calling for Alfred or even Bruce, you decided to do what any great adventurer does, you stepped inside the passage and into the elevator. When you reached the bottom, all you could do was stare. Holy shit. Was this some sort of cave? You walked around a bit, curious but also far too scared to actually touch anything. You weren’t getting yourself killed today, nuh-uh.
What even was this place? Was it some kind of weird sex dungeon? Heat rushed to your cheeks at the thought – Bruce had never told you anything about it. Was this a torture room? Did he take all his victims here to kill them? And then eat them? Oh God. Were you his next victim?
“Honey?” you heard behind you, and your first instinct was to place a protective hand in front of you.
“Stay back!” you shouted, “I took three karate classes, I can knock you down unconscious!”
Bruce’s expression was one of confusion.
“I’m not going to hurt you, just –“
“Your charm doesn’t work on me Bruce; I will take you down! You can’t kill me and eat me!”
“I don’t care if this is your torture room, I will kick your ass!”
 Bruce then proceeded to laugh. How dare he?!
“It’s not funny! Do you always laugh before murdering your victims?!”
“I don’t murder anyone. This isn’t a torture room.” He approached you slowly, hands coming up. “I’m not going to hurt you. Can you please leave that stance? You’re going to hurt yourself if you try to punch me like that. Your legs aren’t balanced, you’re going to trip and fall face first.”
You stuck your tongue out and returned to a normal standing position before he ran a hand through his head and sighed.
“So. You found it.” he mumbled.
“Found what, exactly?”
“My cave.”
“Oh my god. Is this the Batcave?!” You were so excited; you didn’t even realise the words that had left your mouth before it was too late.
Bruce’s eyes widened and he looked at you intently.
“What did you say?”
Your next sentence started with,
“So. I know you’re the Batman –“
He had a lot of explaining to do.
He was surprised you figured it out so quickly, but of course, in true Bruce Wayne fashion, he did try to drive you away to keep you safe. He tried everything. Telling you he wanted to break up, ignoring your phone calls and messages, refusing to leave his Manor whenever you wanted to talk. Except, it never worked. You loved him far too much, suit and all. One time you’d visited him, and it started raining. Always worried about your health, Bruce rushed downstairs and opened the door, inviting you in. You told him you weren’t giving up on him. He said you should – he had to keep you safe. You said you wouldn’t. You’re in this together. He said you weren’t. You denied it.
It was a bit of a back and forth between Bruce realised what he had to do. Just before he could finish saying “I don’t love you,” you cut him off with a kiss. Instinctively, his hands snaked around your waist, and he brought you closer. “Never say that. Please. Don’t shut me out.” You whispered against his lips, hands cupping his jaw with such delicacy, Bruce was sure you believed to be holding the entire world in your hands – which to you, you were.
All he could do was nod against your lips and bring you inside. He didn’t push you away ever again.
Things were hard sometimes. There were times when Bruce had to postpone your plans. You’d spent a few nights on your own, blanket comfortably wrapped around your body as you watched a movie by yourself and lamented the absence of your boyfriend. Alfred had found you many times laying on your shared bed, clutching his pillow tightly, hoping his scent would bring you comfort. He quickly shared this news with his master, who, although heartbroken, couldn’t find a permanent solution. You needed him, but Gotham did too.
That’s not to say he didn’t try.
He really did.
Some patrol nights he’d end early, just to be able to get a few hours curled up against you in bed. He’d take days off from his job at Wayne Enterprises to take you on dates and just hang out with you and remind you of just how important you are.
But he’s not entirely perfect – we’re talking about Bruce Wayne in here. Bruce “I grew up with staff and butlers and maids around me, do you actually think I can cook an omelette or clean up after myself?” You had to teach this man how to clean (in general), had to give him some cooking lessons and make sure he didn’t get himself killed whenever you or Alfred weren’t home.
“No, Bruce, you need to stir the rice, otherwise it’s going to –“ You flipped the pot upside down and the burnt rice refused to fall, bending gravity to its will. “Burn. It’s going to burn.” Bruce looked at you with the eyes of a wounded puppy, and as much as you wanted to get mad at him, you just couldn’t. “I’m sorry,” he said, “I’ll do better next time.” With a sigh, you started scraping the burnt mess into the trash. “You better. Otherwise, you’re eating it.”
He has a terrible habit of throwing some of his clothes on the ground. He’s so used to having people pick up after him, he can’t help it. Sometimes, when he’s in a rush, he’ll throw his clothes somewhere and rush to the batcave. You hate it that Alfred has to pick up his clothes as if he were a reckless teenager, so you’ve started making Bruce be more careful, place them on the dirty clothes hamper or do his own laundry.
“It’s what I pay Alfred to do –“ “It doesn’t mean you can’t help around just a bit. You wouldn’t be that cruel, would you?” He sighed. Bruce would never be able to say no to you.
You hate it when he leaves in the middle of chores to go put on a suit. Can’t villains and criminals wait until your movie is done? Until you’ve finished dinner? Until dinner is over? Sometimes he can’t be helped – hostage situations, fires, explosions – all normal things in Gotham. And you get it, you really do. But you hate it when he must leave because of other, more avoidable reasons. Like when he has to go to the office to go check some sort of new suit technology that Fox is working on. It sucks.
To make up for that, he always lets you tag along whenever he has to leave on business trips. It’s bad enough the two of you have to be apart because of Batman – he’s not about to have you two be apart because of Bruce Wayne. You love flying in the jet – often you joke that that is the only reason you’re dating him, because you get to fly in his private jet. (He’ll always refute you, but sometimes, you can see it in his eyes he is afraid you mean it. When that happens, you place a kiss on his lips and promise him you’re joking. His mood instantly changes.)
You especially like the privacy of the luxury. No, you weren’t with him for the money, but Bruce liked spoiling you and sometimes you liked to be spoiled. But being spoiled in public attracted too much attention, too many people peering and trying to get a glimpse of your personal life and his wealth. The jet made it easy for you to allow yourself to be spoiled, and for Bruce to dote on you all he wanted.
In these trips, Bruce always books the fanciest rooms at the best hotels, and you have a blast exploring them and just overall enjoying the experience. Bruce thinks it’s endearing. You’re used to his wealth by now, but it’s sweet to see how genuinely dazzled you still are by all of the luxury and extravagance. He especially likes how you make it your mission to try on and christen every single bathtub in the suites he books – and as established before, when has Bruce been able to refuse you?
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Fluff Alphabet
A = Affection
How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?
Bruce wasn’t a very affectionate person at first. He wasn’t used to the gentleness of affection; all he knew was the roughness of combat and hate and revenge – but you came along and changed everything. At first, he was a bit wary. You’d touch him and he’d flinch, quick to get on a more alert stance. It was only after he saw who it was that he’d relax. It took a while, but he eventually got more into it. And he became very affectionate. I mean, look at him. This is one hell of a touch starved man.
He started out slowly, by gentle touches here and there. Maybe a caress in your arm, or a hand on your thigh while you two watched a movie. Perhaps he’d link his hand with yours while you walked, or he’d bring you close whenever you kissed him. Gesture after gesture, he became more comfortable around you. He likes always having his arms around you. Not only he gets to touch you and know you’re there, but he can also protect you. It’s an affectionate gesture as much as it is a way to keep you safe.
He likes to have you close to him when you’re in bed. Sleeps with an arm firmly around your waist, be it when you’re spooning, or when you’re facing his chest. That’s his way of saying “I’m going to protect you, I promise you”. He feels like it is his job to keep you safe and conveys that through touch and affection.
B = Beauty
What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He thinks you’re the most beautiful person to have ever graced this earth. He loves you. He laid his eyes on you and was starstruck.
He likes the way your eyes sparkle whenever you’re talking about something you like. He feels like every inch of your body just radiates warmth and excitement once you start ranting about your hobbies and loves how passionate you are. Loves staring into your eyes. His favourite colour has become the shade of your eyes, and he loves waking up to them. It’s his favourite part about you, probably. Mostly because they never regard him with hate or disgust. Even if you’re mad at him, he knows your eyes will never betray you or your heart. They’re the windows to the soul, and to his heart.
He loves whatever birth marks and freckles you might have on your body. If you feel insecure about them, he’ll just remind you of how special you are, and how unique they make you. “If you had one less freckle, it wouldn’t be you. And I love you. See this one right here? If it was gone, the person standing in front of me wouldn’t be you.” Needless to say, he makes you melt every time.
C = Comfort
How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He’s had to deal with quite a few of those as a child after his parents’ murder, so he knows to give you space whenever you have panic attacks. He’ll stay close by and give you all the time you need, as well as space to breathe. If you need him and call for him, he’ll be there next to you, helping you through it, speaking in a soothing voice and just making sure you know you’re not alone. If you need his touch to calm down, he’ll wrap his arms around you and slowly rock you in his lap, talking you through everything.
One thing about Bruce is, he is always there for you and gives you either the space or the attention you need. He is also very vocal, should you need some grounding. Talks to you about his day, lists the furniture around you, names countries the two of you have visited or he’d like to take you to. Just overall very considerate.
As for cheering you up, it takes a while before he knows what to do – he’s not the best with emotions after all. He tries not to say much and just show that he’s there for you through simple gestures. Asking Alfred to cook you your favourite dish, bringing you your favourite ice cream, bringing you to the living room to watch a movie you like. At first, he’s not good with his words, but he’s learning, and you appreciate that the most.
D = Dreams
How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He’d like to live out a long life by your side. That’s it. As lame as it sounds, that’s all he wants. For Gotham to become a safe place for you to grow old with him and be together forever.
There’s something inside of him that doesn’t want to let the cowl and the cape go. Batman is who he truly is, Bruce is merely a vessel. But there’s another one that wishes he can finally give it up. Giving it up would mean Gotham is safe, that the people are doing fine and there are no real danger and threats looming around the corner, just waiting to hurt him.
Whatever happens, cowl and cape hung up or not, he does see a future with you. He’s never been a big fan of dreaming about what’s to come; Bruce didn’t think he had a chance at that, to see what is to come. But ever since you came into his life, his views have changed. He sees the both of you strolling around the Manor hand in hand.
If you want children, he’ll be a bit apprehensive at first. He doesn’t want to drag any more people into his life, too afraid to hurt them, or have others hurt them. But if you do mention that you would like to have children (or adopt!), he would eventually come around to the idea. If you want to have children, he’d definitely like the idea of continuing his blood line, of seeing you carry his child and becoming the mother of his children. And would be absolutely whipped for you (more than he already is!).  If you want to adopt, he would come to love the idea of providing guidance, love, and a safe home for a child – being an orphan, he knows how dark and gloomy things can get, and how hopeless everything might seem at first. He’d want to give back.
E = Equal
Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
This is a very hard question, because I can definitely see him being both.
I can see him being the big bad scary wolf who takes care of his partner, gets down on his knees to tie your high heels and kiss your ankle softly, who will carry you in his arms when you’re far too tired to walk, who will make you weak at the knees, who will tell the waiter you ordered your burger with no pickles and make you feel safe, protected and cared for.
But at the same time, he doesn’t mind being a bit passive. He likes seeing you make decisions for him. There’s so much on his mind already, with Wayne Enterprises and Batman, sometimes he just needs to sit back and relax, and let you take the wheel. Which you do wonderfully, taking a huge weight off his shoulders. So, it’s a bit 50/50 and honestly depends on the day and his mood.
F = Fight
Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
He loves you far too much to stay angry at you for long. In fact, he’s usually the one in the wrong. But fuck it if he won’t fight for your forgiveness. He’ll go the whole nine yards and be as sappy as possible. Send you bouquets of flowers while you’re at work, showing up unannounced and giving you chocolates, whatever. When the fights are silly and over dumb matters, he’ll do those overly romantic things, knowing you’ll most likely find them funny and accept his apology. If he’s willing to embarrass himself like that for you, it means he loves you. Truly.
But if the fight is something more serious, he’ll stop with the jokes. He’ll nearly beg for your forgiveness. Most fights happen because of the elephant in the room: The Dark Knight. Batman. Gotham’s Vigilante. Sometimes you accuse him of loving the symbol of justice more than you and are afraid he’s succumbing to it. You storm out of the Manor, far too angry to look at his face. In those cases, he’ll have to win you over slowly. He’ll give you some time to cool off and then invite you over to talk – there’s no way he’s discussing something like this over the phone. He’s not dumb. You’re far too important to be a mere phone call or a few messages.
Overall, I think he would fight extremely hard for you, be it in general (in life) or after arguments, and that he’s somewhat forgiving. Unless you really really really screwed up – then he’ll be a bit harsher. But that is only if you truly fucked up. Took advantage of him for his health, hurt Alfred, exposed Batman, whatever.
G = Gratitude
How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He’s so grateful. He knows all you do for him and appreciates it very much. He knows you’re doing your best to take care of him, patch him up, make sure he’s fed and healthy and sane, and he loves you so much for it (and many other reasons).
He’s sure to let you know just how much he loves you, be it through words or actions. Maybe he tried to cook for you and prepare you a nice breakfast in bed. Maybe he bought that new perfume you’d been in love with for quite a few weeks. Maybe he took the day off and whispered sweet words into the crook of your neck in the mornings, sheets and limbs all tangled up.
He knows he struck gold, and he will always be grateful for it.
H = Honesty
Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
He is Batman.
Enough said.
No, seriously now, this man has more secrets than the White House.
And he doesn’t share them all.
You know he is Batman, and you know what he does, but there’s things he just can’t bring himself to tell you. The things he sees, people, women, children dying and being tortured, the things he sometimes has to do. It can get pretty overwhelming, and he finds these topics far too dreadful. He doesn’t want to worry you with matters like these, so he doesn’t. Of course, you get worried. You beg him to confide in you, to tell you what’s wrong, to trust you.
And he does – trust you. It’s just hard for him to share with you the roughest parts of his nights. When this happens, he’ll lay his head on your lap, as you run his fingers through his hair.
Rough night, he silently says.
I’m here, you silently reply.
I = Inspiration
Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
It’s no lie you’ve helped him become a better person.
He adores your goodness, your kindness and selflessness. He’s become a more genuine person himself thanks to you. He’s become more open, more caring. He’s become more trustful of those that truly care about him, and you’re to blame for it. You’re the reason he gets up in the morning and goes out dressed in black at night. You make him want to keep this godforsaken city safe and make you proud.
He’s changed you too, of course. Taught you there’s nothing bad with enjoying life and the finer things in it. Taught you that you do deserve to treat yourself occasionally. He’s taught you that being brave is not only putting on a suit and fighting crime, and that sometimes, but the smallest of steps can also be enough.
Safe to say, you’ve both changed each other, and for the best.
J = Jealousy
Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Oh, boy.
This is what everyone’s been waiting for, isn’t this?
Bruce Wayne is the son of wealthy philanthropist Thomas Wayne and his wife Martha Wayne. He is worth billions of dollars. He’s grown up with a massive silver spoon (or rather, gold) in his mouth. Long story short, Bruce Wayne does not know how to share.
Neither does he like to do it.
Especially when it comes to you. He can be extremely petty.
He’ll see someone flirting with you and immediately get possessive. Once, at a party, he saw a man trying to make you laugh, and succeeding. He was next to you within seconds, hand possessively wrapped around your waist and lips covertly touching the column of your neck.
“Who are you speaking to, my love?” asked Bruce, fingers softly tapping against your waist.
“Oh, this is Mr. Norton. He’s –“
“Mr. Norton, what a pleasure to meet you. And may I ask what your intentions with my girlfriend are?” Bruce took your hand in his, making it a point to showcase the silver band in your finger, a promise ring he’d given to you as a gift.
“Oh – Mr. Wayne, I wasn’t – I was simply – “ Poor Mr. Norton tried scrambling for words, but was clearly dumbfounded.
“Which is it? Were you, or weren’t you?” Bruce lifted his head from your neck and gave you a soft peck in the lips, before turning to the other man. “Mr. Norton, I am a very busy man, and you should imagine I don’t like repeating myself – “
“Yes, of course, Mr. Wayne, of course –“
“Stay away from my girlfriend. Are we clear?” He gave Mr. Norton one of his most charming Bruce Wayne smiles (full of “look at her again and I’ll break your legs” undertones) and led you away. Later, you would tease him about it, and how jealous he got.
But he can’t help it.
You’re his. You’re the love of his life, and he can’t just stand by and watch as other men and women throw themselves at your feet, begging them for an ounce of attention. He’s not afraid of causing scandals, of making scenes, if it means other people will leave you alone.
In fact, I can recall a very important party of his that ended up with you pressed against the door of a broom closet, and him all over you. Later, you’d return to said party and be confused as to why nearly ever women in the room looked at you in horror. A woman on good terms with you handed you her pocket mirror, and you watched in disbelief as the column of your neck was covered in reddish-purple bruises. You shot Bruce a look, and he only winked at you, mouthing “Sorry” with his mouth.
No other men approached you that night, far too scared of your boyfriend to approach you. They got the memo. You were his.
K = Kiss
Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Bruce has just enough experience with kissing that he’s not completely lost. I think he would be the type not to actually bed the women he went out with for show (before he met you, of course), but has sometimes kissed them, and ended up getting a bit of experience.
Your first kiss was a soft, shy thing. You’d revealed your feelings for him and were afraid he was going to reject you. He lifted your chin with his thumb and kissed you most delicately. It was a kiss full of hope and promises of what was to come, and you were dazzled ever since.
Now, you can’t get enough of his kisses, and when you’re feeling particularly needy, you spend hours kissing them, while watching a movie or just lazing about.
L = Love Confession
How would they confess to their s/o?
He told you he liked you back when you did it, right after kissing you.
But his love confession?
Oh, that’s a story for the ages.
He’d returned from a particularly bad patrol at night, was bruised battered and blue, and thought something in his body had broken. In the middle of the fight, he got scared. What if he couldn’t make it home to you? What if you were waiting up for him and he never made it? What if something happened to him and all you heard next were the news of his death?
He rushed up the elevator and to your shared bedroom, where you were still in bed, reading a book. You often did that; wait up for him. On one hand, he didn’t want you to give up your sleep for him. On the other, he was glad to have someone waiting for him when he got home.
Seeing you there was enough to break him. He limped next to you and fell on the bed, his whole body burning with unbearable pain. You took him in, suit, cowl, cape, all of him.
“Bruce?” Your breath hitched and you touched his head softly.
“I love you.” It had been the only thing in his mind during the ride home. He loved you. Loved everything about you. The way you clung to him after waking up, the way you washed his hair in the shower, the way you sang along to the radio while cooking. He needed you to know just how much he loved you.
You widened your eyes, starstruck. Here he was, Bruce Wayne, your boyfriend, bloodied and bruised, holding onto you for dear life, saying he loved you.
“I love you too, Bruce,” you whispered softly. You had known it for a while. You loved this mess of a man far too much to keep it hidden. You’d always dreamt of a big confession. Flowers and a sunny day with clear skies. Maybe some birds. But this? This was perfect.
Bruce smiled into your lap. He loved you. He was going to show it to you every day.
M = Marriage
Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
At first, he wasn’t very into the idea.
He’d tried so hard to keep his playboy persona, it was hard to accept the idea of marriage.
If you want to, he’ll do it. Absolutely, he will. Would plan the perfect evening, take you out to your favourite place (no matter what that might be), then would take you for a stroll around your favourite places in Gotham. He wanted it to be perfect, and while it might be a little bit cliché, Bruce is classy. He will make this the most wonderful and magical evening of your life, dropping down to one knee in the Gardens of the Manor, surrounded by all the greenery and the pretty flowers.
The wedding would be small and intimate. It was expected that Bruce Wayne invited hundreds, millions of people to watch him tie the knot, but for once in his life, he forewent all of that stupid rich boy persona shit he’d had to create. No one other than the people closest to him were allowed to participate in what would be one of the happiest days of his life.
And yes, he would shed a tear watching you walk down the aisle. Alfred would too, happy to see the child he raised as his own finally settle down.
If you don’t want to get married, then that’s okay. He won’t pressure you and is content to simply being with you for the rest of your lives, no papers included. After all, you’re all that matters.
N = Nicknames
What do they call their s/o?
He’s classy.
Let’s not forget this is Bruce “I was raised by proper gentleman Alfred Pennyworth” Wayne. He keeps it simple and classy.
“Sweetheart, could you come here for a second?”
“Darling, you’re looking rather beautiful tonight. All of this for me?”
“My dear, I don’t think Alfred will die from just a cold. There’s no need to take him to the hospital.”
“Honey, where is my super suit have you seen my brown jacket?”
“You know I’m always here for you. Don’t you, my love?”
There’s something timeless about these, and Bruce loves using them with you. (Also, just imagine Christian Bale saying these I…. I’m deceased….)
Aside from that, he also calls you Bunny quite often. After all, you were dating famous womaniser and playboy Bruce Wayne. And, well, this playboy needed a Bunny, didn’t he?
Although the origin of the name might not be the most… elegant, you still find it sweet whenever he calls you by this nickname.
“I told you, Bunny, I’m working late today, but I took tomorrow off. That alright with you?”
“Which one of those did you like, Bunny? I’ll buy it for you. No – no arguing. Think of it as an early Christmas gift.”
Makes you swoon every time.
O = On Cloud Nine
What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Everyone knows Bruce is in love just by the way he looks at you. If his nearly heart shaped eyes aren’t enough, then maybe the way he holds you and talks to you will do the trick. It’s obvious you’ve got him wrapped around your finger (and he has you around his, of course).
He’s more himself when he’s around you. More playful, more cheerful. There’s no need to pretend he is someone he isn’t, so he can be his true self. He can laugh (although a rare sight, it does happen) and crack a few jokes and tickle you until you’re crying from laughing and begging him to stop.
As said before, although he might not be very good with words, he shows his love through actions. But that’s not to say he doesn’t outright tell you he loves you. He’s very eloquent and often makes you swoon with his words alone. The thing is, this man has a billion-dollar education, he’s studied at the best academies, learned with the best professors, and yet he can’t find the proper words to convey how he feels about you. Unbelievable, isn’t it?
Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Bruce is a private man, and he likes to keep his life and romance the same.
But that’s not to say he won’t show you off and brag about you in public. Most of the times he’ll keep to himself, content with having a hand or an arm around you somehow. You’re next to him, you’re his, everyone knows it. Other times, he likes to show you off, buy you the prettiest of dresses and brag about the wonderful girlfriend he has. You’re so beautiful, how can he not show you off?
That’s not to say you’re some accessory to be worn on his arm though – no. Never. He’s just so proud of you, that he wants the world to know that he’s taken, and by the loveliest of people: you.
He also likes the quick rush of sneaking in kisses here and there. At parties, galas, events, whatever. He likes kissing you when no one’s watching, making you blush when no one is paying attention – it’s like your little secret, and he loves it.
Q = Quirk
Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
This man is Batman.
He has the stamina of a god.
Let’s just say it can be very, very beneficial in your relationship. Especially when he’s been gone for long and you’ve both missed each other like crazy. You are far too familiar with the phrase “Just one more for me darling, will you? I know you can do it. You’re doing so well.” And many others of the sort.
If, however, you’re not into that sort of thing (if you are ace, don’t experience sexual attraction, or simply aren’t that much into sex), then that’s where his status comes in handy. Come on, this is Bruce Wayne! Do you know how many times you were able to get your free fries for free, simply because of who he was? How many times people have told you your favourite ice cream was “out of stock” but were quick to reconsider this once he walked up to you.
“Oh, I’m sorry miss, seems like we don’t have your number anymore.”
“Darling, did you find what you were looking for?”
“O – oh! I meant – we don’t have it here – my colleague will pick it up from the storage as soon as possible.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t think we can find a table for you.”
“That’s alright, we’ll go somewhere else. Won’t we, beautiful?”
“Mr. Wayne! Oh! What a surprise! I’m sure I can squeeze you in, yes, yes, please do come in!”
R = Romance
How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He can be creative when he tries to, yeah. And very romantic. Alfred has taught him a lot, of course, and he also knows you like the back of his hand, so he often just knows what to do. If you like flowers, he’ll have a new bouquet delivered every Monday, ensuring you start the week on a good note. If you’re more into sweets, he’ll bring macaroons every so often, to make sure your days are sweet.
He does little gestures here and there that remind you why you fell for this man. He’s very attentive, and if needed, will go all out. Fancy restaurant, dressed to impress, the whole nine yards. Not afraid to pull all the corny movie stuff, like dancing with you under the stars, or having a romantic picnic. For you, he’ll do just about anything.
S = Security
How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?
He’s very protective of you and will always make sure you’re safe. Doesn’t want you to get all tangled up with any of his Batman shenanigans, so will leave you in the dark when it comes to the nitty gritty details. He’s given you a little bottle of pepper spray and a small taser (a special taser of his own concoction) to keep yourself protected in the streets of Gotham, as well as taught you a few self-defence moves. If he’s not with you, he wants you to be able to take care of yourself.
But when he’s with you, you can absolutely bet he will be doing whatever he can to keep you safe and sound. He’s willing to fight off people, and has, in the past. Once, a petty thief threatened to stab you. Bruce beat him until he was unconscious. You didn’t like the sight of it and told him never to do something like that in front of you ever again. He complied, but was quick to tell you, “I won’t hold back if someone ever tries to hurt you”.
T = Try
How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks? 
He tries. He tries so hard. We’ve already discussed how he often has to miss dates, dinners, important days because of either his job or Batman, so whenever he can, he will make up for it. Long days at the office? He’ll bring you flowers. Missed date? How about a weekend together, hidden away in some cozy cottage?
And he’ll always try his best to remind you just how much he loves you, just how important you are to him. He doesn’t want you thinking you’re not pretty enough, not classy enough, not whatever enough, because to him, you are, and every day he tries his hardest to remind you of that.
He is trying. Please cut this man some slack.
U = Understanding
How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He knows you like the back of his hand, and although he might not be empathetic to anyone else, he is towards you. He’s learned to sense when something is wrong and is quick to try and make you feel better if that is the case.
He’s very understanding as well – never belittles you for your choices or decisions, will always let you explain yourself and take you and your reasonings seriously. He loves you and wants you to feel safe. Even if you’re asking him what would be considered a stupid question, or if you make a mistake, he will never blame you for it. Hell, he knows he makes far too many mistakes, so he would never give you a hard time.
V - Value
How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
He values your relationship very much.
He knows he’s become a better man thanks to you and holds that in a high regard. Bruce hasn’t got much. Sure, he’s got his family’s fortune, a huge company, he dresses up as a bat and fights criminals, but still, he doesn’t have much. He doesn’t consider his true self to be Bruce Wayne, and no one knows him under his mask. It can get nerve-wracking sometimes, but he has you to keep him grounded.
There’s a reason he likes to keep you safe, after all. He won’t lose you.
You’re everything to him.
W = Whole
Would they feel incomplete without you?
As mentioned before, he would. He absolutely would. When you refuse to stay at the Manor because you two have had an argument, he is in shambles. He’ll mope around and play dead for a few seconds when Alfred tells him dinner is ready. He’s a big baby.
When you’re not at the Manor (maybe you’re at work, or went out with his friends), Bruce acts like he’s lost all purpose in life. He’ll ask Alfred if you called every five minutes, send you pictures that he found funny (Bruce Wayne does not understand memes), all to get you to talk to him.
 He cannot function without you. Once again, you’re everything to him, and he just functions better when you’re around him, because you bring out the best in him.
X = Xtra
A random headcanon for them.
He often jokes about wanting to run you and Alfred over with the Tumbler (the first time he said this was because you’d called it “the Batmobile”. He hated that name.), but secretly loves the duo you’ve become. His witty humour and your quick quips make for a very funny combination, and he often finds himself thinking if other people are usually this funny, or if it’s just the two of you.
And let’s not forget, Alfred is his family. He is the closest thing Bruce has to a father and loves and cares for him deeply. So, to know the love of his life gets along so well with his father figure makes him smile. You two are quite literally the most important people to him. So he can joke all he wants about how “he’s going to throw you two in Arkham just so he won’t listen to your dreadful jokes anymore”, he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Y = Yearning
How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He will try to keep a clear head, but ultimately can’t deny that he misses you like crazy. Will want to hear your voice, just to make sure everything is alright. He’ll call and check in on you and ask you how your day went. He doesn’t need to talk – all he wants is for you to keep talking. He loves the sound of your voice.
He has, well…. Relieved himself a few times in your absence. What can he say? He misses you. Misses the feel of your skin against him, of your laughter ringing in his ears, of your presence. He’s only human, after all.
Alfred makes fun of him all the time, which is an hilarious thing to witness.
Z = Zeal
Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He’s willing to go the distance.
He will do just about anything for you.
Except for killing.
I am a firm believer in the fact that he couldn’t be able to kill someone because of you. If you’d been hurt, he would find prison and a lifetime of solitude a much more fitting destiny.
If someone dared to hurt you, however tempted he might be, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Simply because he knows you wouldn’t want him to be that kind of person. He knows you wouldn’t want him to become like the people he fights against.
But he would do anything else if it meant putting a smile on your face. He will buy every hotel, every yacht, every store, every book, etc. He would fight anyone, endure every storm, climb every mountain, swim across every ocean if it meant you’d be safe and sound. Nothing is too expensive, nothing is too hard, nothing is too dangerous.
Because, as we have stated before,
Bruce Wayne loves you.
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A/N: That's it! I hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! I wish everyone amazing holidays! Please stay safe, drink water, and have an amazing day ahead! <3
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mchlgayser · 1 year
─── HIS DISTURBANCE ft itoshi rin ( ✮ )
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synopsis: it's one of the days where your boyfriend got a day off from his hectic life as a superstar footballer, and what better way to spend it than to annoy his ass?
warning: not a part
daily note: i randomly had this idea while i stroll the mall with my family. one of my favorite moments is when a random idea popped up in my head whenever but settling down to write smh. btw this is short and kind of ooc-ish rin. happy reading. (this can be used for any gender. no use of pronouns is mentioned)
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Rin is inside his practice room like usual, doing his morning yoga when you entered to give him a mug of coffee - and to annoy his non-humorous ass.
You subtly open the wooden door to see him sitting down, legs crossed and his eyes packed, doing what they call meditating.
'Hey, cutie pancake!' You intentionally yell to startle him. Rin opens one eye looking at you with one brow furrow 'What you called me?' You smile at him but play dumb, tilting your head 'What do you mean? Anyway, I got you your coffee!' You give him the coffee and he thanked you.
'I got to go, got an assignment. See you when you are done lil' burger!'
You could practically hear him groan to himself, obviously knowing what you were up to.
Once you are done with your work you stroll to the kitchen seeing Rin - surprisingly with a headphone on, and doing his breakfast. You mischievously smirk and shrug to yourself 'Oh! What's this?' Rin mentally jump at your voice 'I didn't know you enjoy music now, baby booger?' He fasten his hand to smother the peanut butter on his bread and dash out to the living room. You watch him leave with a pursing lip and finally bursted into a fit of laughter.
You two are currently out to a supermarket since you are out of groceries 'I'm gonna go check the dairy section...' You inform as he whizzes, strolling away with the trolley.
You turn your heels around and get stuff you listed and met up with Rin after you was done. Rin on the other side is pooling with his sweats under his hoodie. He knows what type of a person you are and right now he feels nothing but afraid for his own life.
The two of you lined up at the cashier to pay and then you finally said 'Oh shoot, I forgot my almond milk. I'm gonna be back, sugar-booger.' Rin froze in a trance realizing that the cashier, the person in front of him, and the person behind him - they all can hear you, one stifling a laugh, and the other with a comical sweat on their faces.
When you came back, you shoot Rin a smile but one stare your way is enough to assure you that you are dead meat.
'That was so embarrassing, you know? I don't mind you calling me that at home but in public too? Gosh, I hope none of them catch my face.' You watch his back heaving up and down with an unsteady breaths 'Rin-'
'Next time, do that only when we are at home.' He suddenly turns around, point finger pointing at you accusingly. You stifle a laugh but failed and ended up snorting. He groans in frustration 'I mean it Y/n. Don't. Do. It. Again. Ever.' He punctuated like a mother who scolds their child. You firmly nod with a pursing lip.
'I promised. I won't do it ever again!' You emphasized the word 'ever' making him nod.
He pulls you towards him to hug you
'Aww, you can't stay mad at me huh, hot boy?' He broke the hug and left you frowning and chuckling to yourself.
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daisies-and-domming · 2 years
Hey!! Would you do a sub!billy hargrove/dom!reader smut? Thank u <3
Boy Next Door (NSFW)
S3 spoilers in my author’s note, and vague reference to how S2 ends!! 
Summary: You’ve lived in the trailer park nearly your entire life, long enough to know that nothing in Hawkins was ever normal. So when the new king of the school starts dropping by your trailer at ungodly hours, you don’t even blink - why would you? Weirder shit’s happened here, and you’re certainly not complaining either, not when the king decides to get on his knees for you.
Warnings: swearing, smut, dom!reader, reader has an undefined hole, p in said undefined hole, sub!billy, oral (reader receiving), frottage(?), edging, praise, little bits of degradation (reader calls billy “slut” and talks condescendingly at some points), unsafe sex (wrap it before you tap it kids!!), a lil bit of a breeding kink, billy likes when reader pulls on his hair <3
Let me know if you think I missed anything!!
All characters are over 18 :)
Oh my god anon I didn’t know I needed sub!billy until you sent this in and now I’m scouring the website for more… I’m a whore for subby men, what can I say 🤷 He’s a little ooc but I firmly believe that billy is secretly a soft with people he trusts - sure, he’s mean to max, but I think that’s because he doesn’t want her involved in his life of alcohol and flirting - and I’ll die on that hill. This is set between S2 and S3, but in my universe billy doesn’t die during S3 anyways because I’m the author and I said so >:O Anyways, I had so much fun writing this, thank you for the request!! It takes like 1000 words to get to the smut, I’m so sorry ;-; But the smut is like 2000 some words, so hopefully that makes up for it ahaha I went batshit
– – –
You’ve lived in this dinghy trailer park in the middle of nowhere, Indiana, your entire conscious life. When your parents were really drunk (which, in all honesty, was far more often than you were willing to admit) they would talk about their “golden days”: when your parents were something other than full-time alcoholics, living in the suburbs of Cleveland in a nice neighbourhood. You were told you were born there, in that nice suburb house near the coast of one of the great lakes, but you’ve never had the nerve to ask what happened that landed them here, in Hawkins. 
But Ohio was none of your concern now. There were supernatural beings practically on your doorstep and the only people that seemed to care were the children that your friend Steve seemingly adopted, which would make for a good movie. But the fact that a ragtag bunch of kids were the ones saving your very real world left a nauseating pit in your stomach. Sure, the angry buzz cut kid who they called “Eleven” put an end to the last thing that came after Hawkins, but something tells you this was just the beginning. No matter. At the moment, you had bigger things to worry about. Like the fact that there’s a soft knocking on your door, despite the little analog clock reading a blinking “2:34am”.
Peering through the peephole, a clearly drunk Billy Hargrove stood, wobbling slightly. You’d seen him around school - it’s hard not to when he drives a flashy car and insists on poking at Steve - but certainly hadn’t spoken to him before. Opening the door slightly, you make eye contact with the man in question.
“Hi,” you say, tentatively. “Can I help you?”
“l/n!!” he slurs, eyes lighting up. “What’re y’doin in my trailer?”
You frown at him. “This is where I live, dipshit. Your trailer is more than a few down.”
“Mmm, I don’t think so,” he said, nudging at you. “Lemme in, will ya?”
You stood firm, skeptical. “Why should I?”
“Because,” he drawls. “You’re pretty, I’m pretty, we should do pretty people stuff together.”
You snort, but move to the side. You didn’t know what his home life was like, but, nevertheless, sending him away in the middle of the night, piss drunk, was dumb. If he had gotten hurt on the way back to his trailer because you had sent him away you would never forgive yourself. Sure, he seemed like a pretentious douchebag, but even pretentious douchebags deserve a chance. Besides, the ‘rents were out, which meant there wouldn’t be any “did you use protection?” or “you aren’t pregnant, are you?” questions the following morning.
“l/n,” Billy whined out, making you turn in time to see him flop onto your couch. “Why aren’t we doin’ pretty people stuff yet?”
You shut and lock the door, plopping yourself down on the floor in front of the couch in an attempt to set an unspoken boundary. “Because you’re drunk. You’re welcome to come over here sober some time and try this whole song and dance then, but I believe in full consent when doin’ that tango. You’re inebriated, so no ‘pretty people stuff’ for you tonight.”
He whined dramatically. “But that’s half the fun of getting drunk!!”
“God, you’re really drunk,” you say, wrinkling your nose at the smell. “We can talk if you want, but you’re not getting any tonight, lover boy.”
“Ooooh, you wanna hear about the crazy shit that Tina did at the party today??” – – – 
This became a recurring event. Billy would go out and party, then come over, drunk out of his mind and strangely soft. You had learned a lot about him - about Max (who he seemed to truly care about, despite how he acted when sober), about his dickhead father, about his mother, about why he drowned himself in people and alcohol all the time. You weren’t sure why he chose to keep dropping by, but you weren’t too perturbed. In any other situation, you might even consider him your friend. But, you remind yourself, he’s always drunk or high or some combination of the two. You don’t make friends when you’re drunk. And you certainly don’t fall for them, either.
A knock resonated at your door and you froze, staring at the clock. It was 3:24pm on a Saturday afternoon, unless Steve had decided to give you a surprise visit there should be no one at the door.
“l/n! Open the goddamn door,” a voice rang out, one that you recognized immediately. “I don’t have all goddamn day!”
You stumble to the door, opening it embarrassingly quickly. “Hi???”
“Hey,” he said, shoving his way past you.
“Wait wait wait,” you said, spinning around to him. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“What I normally do, dickbag,” Billy said, refusing to make eye contact. “We gonna talk or what?”
You close the door gently, clicking the lock almost tentatively. “You’re sober.”
A flash of hurt crossed his face, but he quickly covered it up. “Am I not allowed to be?”
“That - that’s not what I’m saying!” you exclaimed, exasperated. “I just - I kinda figured you didn’t want to talk to me, normally. I’m not exactly your usual crowd.”
He groaned, running a hand over his face. “Look - how do I say this? I… don’t think you’re that shitty, or whatever. Sure, Tina’s a hot piece of ass, but if I tried to actually, I don’t fucking know, talk to her, she’d just laugh and tell me to ‘shut up’ or somethin’.”
“I don’t think you’re that shitty, either,” you say, slowly. “Is that all you wanted to talk about…? We could’ve done this on the porch.”
“It’s a trailer, there’s no goddamn porch,” he deadpans, rolling his eyes but still not making eye contact with you.
“You’re dodging,” you say, walking over to him and crowding him a bit. “What’s up, buttercup?”
“I don’t want to go back home,” he said bluntly, still dodging your prying eyes. “Deadbeat dad is on a rampage again. Dropped Max off at the arcade and found myself here.”
You blink up at him and back up a bit, feeling awful for prying. “Shit man - sorry I pushed you. You’re welcome here whenever you want to escape your place, sober or not. Or if you just want to come over. You can bring Max, too, she seems nice!! My ‘rents are never around, like ever, and even when they are they’re drunk and hiding in their room, and there’s a key under the doormat in the back if you need an escape and I’m not here - though I’d be careful about my parents, they get pretty drunk sometimes too, it’s not pretty. That’s not the point though! Point is, you’re always welcome, I’m sorry for prying-”
He pushed you to the couch, a small smile on his face, and were his eyes a little teary?? “Shut up, loser. I got it, I’m welcome to be here. Not shocked, though, people love me, of course you’d want me around.”
You roll your eyes at his smirk, trying to tug him down to the couch. However, you hadn’t anticipated him resisting, and your knee jerk reaction was to just yank. He stumbled and landed on top of you, knees straddling your legs. He blinks at you, owlishly, face flushed and pupils beginning to dilate.
You grin up at him, jokingly winking. “Just where I wanted you, baby.”
“Can I- can I take you up on your previous offer?” he said, voice lacking its usual bravado and confidence. 
“Previous offer as in…?”
“Sex,” he said, straightforward. “You said if I was sober we could fuck.”
“What eloquence, Mr. Hargrove,” you said. “And I believe we referred to it as ‘pretty people stuff.’”
“That’s a yes, yeah?” he said, hands resting on the couch on either side of your head.
“Aw, look at you, asking for consent,” you said, grinning up at him deviously. “Mmm…maybe if you beg me.”
He looked at you, incredulous. “If you think I’ll ever beg for something, you’ve got something coming-”
You cut him off, pulling him down into a harsh kiss. He groaned into the kiss, grinding down into your clothed sex. When he pulls away, he smirks down at you, cocky.
“You’re going to be the one begging for me, babe,” he said, head tilting. “So how ‘bout we hear it, hm?”
Well that wouldn’t do. Using all your strength, you flip your positions, grinding down on him once you’ve settled above him.
“If we’re doing this, baby boy,” you said, sultry. “We’re doing this my way, got it?”
You could see the struggle in his eyes, and began to grind down on him lightly. 
“Come on, sweet thing,” you murmured against his lips, rolling your hips in a way that had his eyes rolling back. “You can be good for me, can’t you?”
“Mm- yeah, yes, I can be good for you,” he groaned. “Now get on with it, will you?”
You frown at him, faux pouting. “Thought you were gonna be good. But that’s fine, we can play that game, I don’t mind.”
He opened his mouth to object but was cut off when your grinding turned harsh and fast, his words turning into a breathy moan. He slapped a hand over his mouth but you weren’t having it.
“Listen here, Hargrove,” you growled. “You’re going to let me hear those pretty little sounds or you’re not going to come. Understand?”
“No way in hell-”
You reach a hand down to his straining cock and squeeze, hard, revelling in the way his head rolls back and his hips jerk up into your hand. His mouth opens and closes uselessly, and you lean your weight onto your knees so you can shove your fingers that aren’t cradling his cock right down his throat. He gags, eyes glazed and unfocused.
“God, look at you,” you groan, voice strained. “Made for this, made for me to use, huh?”
He tries to respond but all that comes out are choked moans, drool dribbling down his chin as he gags on your fingers. You other hand kickstarts, rubbing him not-so-nicely through his pants. He looked gorgeous like this: choking on your fingers, eyes unfocused, hips bucking uncontrollably into your harsh touches. God, you just want to drown yourself in the feeling of the power you had over this man, this man who insisted on so much control in his everyday life. But here he was, on your couch, gagging on your fingers like he never wanted anything else. 
His bucking gets more erratic and his breaths get shorter, signalling an incoming orgasm. You paw at his cock a little harder, removing your fingers from down his throat so you could hear him when you tear his orgasm away from him.
“You wanna cum, baby?” you coo, letting your hips take over for your hand and grinding down on his clothed erection. “Wanna cum for me?”
“Yeah - gonna cum, gonna cum, let me cum-”
His hips jolt upwards as you lift yourself from his lap, chasing after your heat. You smirk sadistically at him, chuckling at the glare he gives you in exchange for your denial.
“What the fuck?!” he yells, hands clenching at his sides (but not moving to change his predicament, you noted). “I was so fucking close, why would you-”
You put a finger on his lips, shushing him. “You were a brat earlier, so I’m treating you like one. Maybe if you get me off I will consider letting you come.”
“Yeah?” he said, still panting from his lost orgasm. “Yeah, I can fuckin’ do that.”
“Good,” you say, getting up. “Get on your knees in front of the couch.”
He snorted at first, but his face contorted when he realised you were serious. “You’ve got to be kidding me, right? You’re not going to get me on my knees, sweetheart.”
“Then you’re not going to cum,” you said matter-of-factly. “Eat me out on your knees like the little slut you are or you don’t get to cum.”
His nose scrunched up angrily but he moved to get down in front of the couch. “There. That make your sick little heart happy?”
“Maybe if you weren’t such a mouthy brat we wouldn’t be here in the first place,” you said, discarding your pants and undergarments god knows where. “Don’t touch without permission, m’kay?”
He growled but kept his hands obediently at his side. In spite of all his back talk, Billy didn’t ever make a move to take control. He wants this, you realise, but he doesn’t want to admit it.
“How cute,” you coo, pinching his cheek as you settle yourself in front of him. “Now eat me out - no hands though, baby. Just put your pretty little mouth to better use for me, mhm?”
He begrudgingly folds his hands behind his back and buries himself in your hole. Your head rolls back, a low groan escaping your mouth. If he wasn’t drowning himself in you he might see your composure slipping, but he seemed just as out of it as you. Hips jerking up into nothing, hands clasped behind his back, face red and teary, Billy looked like so fucking good that you felt yourself clenching around his tongue, rolling your hips into his lapping. 
“God… so good with that tongue, baby, shit - keep doing that, y-yeah, just like that,” you blabber out, a hand flying to grip at his hair. You give an experimental tug and grin when he moans, breathy and high. 
“Y-yeah? You want me to tug on your - ngh - hair? Shove you deeper into me?” you say, chuckling lowly when he nods into you. “Your wish is my command, sweet thing.”
You could feel your orgasm drawing nearer as Billy’s talented tongue ruined your insides. His movements were precise, even without the use of his hands, and when he nicked your sweet spot you came, clamping your thighs around his head as you tugged harshly on his hair. 
Panting, you try to regain enough composure to address Billy. “God, sweetheart, your so fucking good with your tongue.”
“Yeah?” he said, tone cocky despite the straining bulge in his jeans. “You gonna let me use you now? I know you want it darlin’, you can’t keep pretending to have contr - mph!”
You yanked him up in a kiss, effectively shutting him up. Your legs were a little shaky from your previous orgasm but you were stubborn: there’s no way in hell after all this you would give Billy the satisfaction of fucking into you.
“Get on the goddamn couch,” you said, panting as you pulled away. “I’m going to ride you until all you can think of is me.”
“Fuck, pretty thing,” he groans, dropping onto the couch. “You better hold true to that or I might have to take over.”
“If you think you have a say in how this goes you’re dead wrong,” you said, straddling his hips. “You don’t cum until I say, got it baby?”
“Easy peasy,” he said, ever the fucking brat. “Think you can hold it sweets? Because I can guarantee that you’ll be creaming around my cock in no time.”
“Mhm,” you murmur, unimpressed as you help him wiggle out of his jeans and underwear. “Whatever you need to help you sleep at night.”
“You scared you can’t take it - shit!” he moans, cock twitching as you sink down on him in one slide. “Fuck, you gotta give a man a warning-”
You don’t. Bouncing up and down on his cock at a harsh pace, your trailer is filled with the lewd sound of skin slapping skin. You’re sure the neighbours can tell what you two are doing - hell, the whole trailer park probably knew - but you didn’t have the heart to care. His cock stretched you wide, so goddamn girthy that every bounce had white bouncing at the edge of your vision. 
Billy wasn’t much better. He had a death grip on your hips, finger-shaped bruises already forming. Tongue sticking out, eye half-lidded and staring up at you reverently, Billy was a fucked out mess already and you’d just started.
“Mmngh, feelin’ good, pretty boy? God… just look at you, takin’ - ungh - t-takin’ it so goddamn well, shit,” you said, still slamming yourself down on his cock like your life depended on it. 
“Mmm, fuck, please, please please please-” 
You couldn’t even tell what he was begging for anymore. “What do you - ngh - what do you need, babe - fuck, just like that pretty thing - huh? Got to be specific, darlin’ - god…”
“Cum,” he moans out, eyes shut tightly as he bucks into you. “Need t’ fuckin’ cum!”
You clench around him as he bucks, eyes rolling back a bit. “Ngh, yeah? You wanna cum? Wanna fill my pretty little hole - ahn, do that again, jesus - fill my pretty little hole with your cum?”
“Yeah, shit. Gonna let me?”
“Mhmm, I don’t know…” you said, pretending to ponder like you weren’t desperate to feel him fill you up. “Have you been - jesus fucking christ - have you been good?”
“‘ve been good!!” he wails, eyes teary as he stares up at you. “Been so good, such a good boy, please let me cum, please, jus’ wanna be you good boy, please please please!”
Your eyes roll back. Fuck, you hadn’t expected him to beg in return. Slowing down a bit, your bounces send him slow and deep, causing you to clench. His eyes cross and his grip on the couch turns his knuckles white, trying so goddamn hard to hold himself back.
“You can cum,” you groan, his cock rutting against your sweet spot just right. “You can cum, baby, cum with me, want you to cum with me-”
Your vision goes white and you clench, gripping his cock harshly. He near screams, fucking himself up into you as he came. You both melt into each other, a panting, post-orgasm mess tangled on the couch. When your brain was finally back online, you winch, gently sliding his softened cock out of you.
“Fuck, really did a number on me,” Billy murmured, ragdolled on the couch looking like he never wanted to move. “Didn’t know you had it in you.”
“Fuck off, Hargrove,” you say, trying your best to walk (or waddle, rather) your way to the kitchen to start cleaning off.
“You love me and you know it!”
You roll your eyes, grabbing a washcloth and dampening it. God, he was such a doofus. You couldn’t believe that the rest of the school considered him the king, but maybe your friendship was something special. You sure hoped so - you were certain he wasn’t just submitting himself to anyone, after all. 
“Where the fuck did you go, dickhead? The great Billy Hargrove demands cuddles!”
God, he was such a dork sometimes. You snort, but make your way back to the living room, water bottle and damp washcloth in hand. 
“Have patience, great Billy,” you said, handing him the water bottle before gently cleaning him up. “Great things come for those who wait.”
“Oh shut up,” he said, melting into your touch. “I didn’t come here for you to philosophise.”
“Course, course,” you say, jokingly. “Okay, all done. Let’s pick up all our shit and go to my room, yeah? Really don’t want my parents to come home and find us naked in the living room.”
“That’s ‘cause you’re boring,” he jokes, wobbly as he stands to help you grab your discarded clothes. “Half the fun is getting caught.”
“Perv,” you shot back.
“Says the one who rode me on their parents' couch.”
“Ew!! Don’t fucking say that, I don’t want to think about my parents in the afterglow!”
“You’re the one who brought them up!” “Yeah, because I don’t want them involved in my post-orgasmic haze!!” you say, exasperated. “Cmon, this way.”
Dumping your clothes unceremoniously on the floor, you lock the door and drag Billy towards your bed. Wordlessly, the two of you melt into each other. You’d worry about sneaking him out under your parents’ radar later - right now, you had much more pressing concerns.
Word Count: 3374
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shaunashoochiebae · 5 days
you should write nat and lottie kissing after practice <333
Locker Room
Word count: 524
Warnings: established relationship (lottienat), precrash/no crash au, brief mention of jackieshauna, nickname use (babe), also probably a little ooc and kinda sucks. sorry 😭🙏
a/n: SO SO SO sorry this took me so long to write i haven’t been motivated recently agh anyway! i hope u enjoy x
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The girls were getting cleaned up in the locker room after a quick practice. Just another average practice, preparing for nationals.
Lottie came over to her locker, grabbing her hairbrush as she towel dried her hair, “you were good out there, Nat,” she told the blonde who was standing opposite her, getting dressed. Natalie smiled to herself and nodded, “thanks, Lott. You were, too.” They shared a brief moment of eye contact before Shauna came over, “Jackie’s asking me to go do something later. I think she wants me to go rollerblading,” she boomed. Lottie rolled her eyes, “sounds fun,” she replied sarcastically, brushing her hair. “Oh, yeah. Have fun,” Natalie added, a smirk on her face.
Shauna quickly waved them goodbye and left the locker room, it was just the pair now.
Natalie looks over at the taller girl, “What were you saying? How I was just so amazing and perfect on the field today?” she asked teasingly, sauntering over to her girlfriend. Lottie chuckled at her words, “don’t flatter yourself, babe. You were okay at best.” Natalie nodded, leaning against another players locker, “sure, sure, okay. You were fine,” she shrugged, poking fun at Lottie.
Lottie tossed her towel onto the bench, not daring to look away from her girl. “Don’t be rude, Nat,” she returned, pushing her locker closed. “You know I was good,” she added, a smirk creeping up onto her lips. Natalie’s nose scrunched in thought, “Hmm.. maybe just a little.”
Lottie chuckled and moved to her girlfriend, her hands gripping around her waist, “yeah, you think?” she asked in a whisper, placing a kiss onto Natalie’s temple. Nat nodded, her arms shaking around Lotties neck, trapping her there.
“Not only that, I stopped about a million goals, how’s that for good?” Lottie continued, planting gentle kisses along her girlfriends jaw.
Natalie melted into her touch, humming along to Lotties words like they were a lullaby.
As soon as Lottie’s lips made a tiny bit of contact with Natalie’s, Nat pushed her face up against the taller girl’s. Lottie quickly understood what she wanted and brought her hands up to Natalie’s head, impossibly deepening the kiss. Nat smirked to herself, shifting slightly to sit on the bench next to the pair. Lottie followed, sitting with her without breaking the kiss. The two were just about to get comfortable when they heard a banging sound, causing them to push themselves away from each other, “the fuck was that?” Natalie asked in a low tone, looking around them. Lottie just shrugged when the noise came again and a loud voice spoke.
“Hey, pack it in ladies! Gotta close up the locker room in a minute!” It was coach Scott. Natalie rolled her eyes, realising who it was and stood up from the bench. She held her hand out to Lottie to help her up. “Let’s get our stuff,” Natalie decided, grabbing her soccer uniform from the ground. Lottie nodded, picking up her towel she threw earlier, “He’s such an ass. Can’t even make out in peace,” she mumbled jokingly. Natalie chuckled, playfully hitting Lottie in the shoulder, “shut up, you loser.”
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lu-lus-duckies · 3 months
@huskers-bar x @nunalastor chapter 2
Tags: enemies to lovers, angst?, eventual fluff, yearning?, soft huskers-bar, both mods are separate people, no beta we die like i do in this fic (not yet though), minor character death, ooc, au: hellaverse (hazbin hotel), nunalastor is head of the marketing department of the hazbin hotel (lucifer grabbed them randomly), jealousy?, huskers-bar is an employee at voxtek, lulu as a villain, lulu is a dog, huskers-bar is a liar, secret dating?
chapter: 2/? / chapter Word count: 1852 / total word count: 3283
Featuring: babygirl anon and @xxx-angie . eventually will feature solis, the oc of @soliac-snecc
nunalastor as a single entity is nunalastor, traumatized mod dickmaster and cursed mod nun. and huskers-bar just husk. babygirl anon will be babygirl anon. I will be lulu. Angie will be angie but is meant to be read as angel dust.
A/N: I am a little drunk while writing the start of this, forgive me for any weird mistakes and stuff. bit of a change to the script, angie will no longer be a villain, but an obstacle and yes. I am currently the only true villain. the font size joke was very much forced in
this chapter is huskers-bar focused
"Ugh... Fuck"
The growly and gruff voice of Huskers echoed throughout the empty room. They winced as they rolled over in bed, accidentally knocking over a pile of empty bottles. The sound of their clinking was giving them a headache. One shattered at the side of the makeshift bed of their small private room-
Which you can only get at voxtek, come and become a part of the family! Voxtek, trust us with your employment and living quarters-
Ugh, they must be hallucinating... They squinted their eyes, trying to make sense of their surroundings. The migrane wasn't helping. Huskers stared at the ceiling, a little more dazed than usual. They tried to recall what happened, but the past few hours were completely wiped from their memory. It must've been one of those days. They look over at the clock.
It'a about time they get to work...
With one groan they get up, dragging their hands on the floor as they reach for their keys and phone. The room still spun a little, but it's not like they had a choice. They headed towards the door, less than ready, and finally left their sanctuary.
"Where the fuck is my cameraman?!" The angry shouting of Val could be heard from behind closed doors. Vox can already hear the glasses breaking and his precious voxtek equipment getting destroyed. The frustration of dealing with that mans temper never stops. Who does he think he is anyway?! Making all these expensive equipment costs money! Precious money! And it doesn't help the fact that he always demands the highest quality cameras too. Besides, why does he need them?! His eyes see in 144p anyway!
It was right at that point when a knife cut through the wooden door and broke yet another piece of expensive furniture. Great. All these were custom made god damn it.
Vox sighed heavily, trying to pinch an imaginary bridge of his nose, before his fingers were met with the flatness of his screen. It was the thought that counts.
"Hey huskers" vox called out with casual annoyance, like he'd rather not be dealing with this right now.
Huskers who had been loading up the latest voxtek equipment paused and turned their attention to Vox. "Yes?" They asked.
"I need you to take over the cameraman duty, our regular isn't showing up on time" Vox explained, already making his way to the door and waving his hand dismissively, muttering something under his breath about killing their regular with a five headed spear later.
Huskers, hurried to put away the box, which they assumed was filled with weird sex toys, and hurried over to Val's door. The knife sticking out of the door was concerning but it wouldn't be the first. Carefully they opened the door, readying themselves to dodge any attack thrown their way. Luckily for them, Val seemed to be distracted with another employee.
"Hi, I'm a stand-in for the cameraman" husk said, sliding over to the cameras sneakily. Val of course noticed and angrily shouted. "Fucking finally! That slut finally sent a bitch. Now chop chop!"
The job of a cameraman was not an easy one, especially when the scene in front of you is ridiculous. Not intentionally of course, but husk had to keep it in if they valued their life. Val didn't seem like the type of person who would take that kind of "disrespect" lightly.
"Oh daddy, please don't stack all those donuts on my penis!" Came the overly sexual and whimpering voice of Angie, who finally had gotten that line down without breaking character. A fish demon groaned, both for the act and because this stupid scene had finally been recorded after attempt number 69, much to everyone's relief. Val was getting antsy and would murder some poor employee any second.
Husk didn't know how angie took any of it seriously, even the sexier scenes. The whole scripted aspect felt very silly and goofy.
They guessed it didn't matter though, their job was finally done and they can fuck off from the studio. Husk would not be missing this place. They got up off their chair and just as they were about to head out, Angie, the one and only, had stopped them with an arm on the shoulder.
"Hey there new kid, pleasure-" he said, moaning out that specific word like a bitch in heat "to be doin buisness with ya" he said, offering two hands to shake husks one. Angie leaned against one of the lamps, nearly knocking it over in the process and started eyeing them up and down. "So, what brings ya to this studio?"
Huskers was visibly a little put off by the directness, but they should've expected as much. Everyday an event just reminds them that they are indeed in hell and that only the worst of the worst live here...
Ah, yes the question. "I'm just a stand-in for whoever was here before" They answered, pointing vaguely at the outside world. "Vox asked me to, and honestly doing camerawork is a much lighter load than what I was doing before"
Angie quirked a brow at this, either confused or not expecting that response. It could've honestly been both. His demeanor changed quickly though. "yeah. say, whatchya doin later?" biting his lip, he wiggled his eyebrows in a manner that would make grown men cum on the spot.
"Drowning down my sorrows with liquor" Huskers deadpanned, not biting at that fruit angel was so provocatively dangling in front of them. A scoff from him was expected. what wasn't expected though, was that the scoff was more amused than offended.
"you remind me of someone. say, how do you feel about redemption?"
"And these are the cockroaches that won't stop breeding! and this is the wall with a record breaking repairs done to it, and here's Angies dildo collection and-"
"babe, we've talked about this, you don't have to show them everything" Vaggie said, patting charlies shoulder hoping to ease or at least slow down the excited vibrating of her dearly beloved.
"Right, right! Sorry!" Charlie was quick to snap out of it, offering a small kiss to the back of Vaggies palm as an appreciative thank you and returning her attention back to Husk.
Husk was very much overwhelmed. All the energy in the room was making their brain sort-circuit and start buffering. They felt like they were under a microscope and being prodded with electric wires and it was... strangely pleasant. "Uh... Yes hi?"
A very mischievous chuckle came from nearby, one very much at a higher pitch of frequency and- Wait, is that the radio demon?
"Pardon my intrusion, but what is that on your wrist?" Alastor the radio demon said, bending his slutty waist to lean down at Husks eye level. "I believe there's a strict 'no voxtek products' policy here. Did you not bother to read the sign?" Alastor pointed his cane over to the whiteboard, which read:
no Voxtek
no Vox
Jambalaya every friday
One of those sexy tentacles reached out, unclipping and retrieving the watch. He held it up in the air in front of everyone to see.
A collective gasp echoed through the room as Vaggie swiftly retrieved her spear from behind her back, pointing it menacingly at Husk "Not another one of these idiots" Vaggie growled, now in her defensive position. Angie and Charlie both flew to husk's defense, meanwhile Husk remained frozen in place. This was how they double died wasn't it?
"It's okay guys, they just work at voxtek. They're okay, I would know. They're harmless" Angie used one set of arms to shield husk and the other to gesture for everyone to ease their guard. The tension did die down a little, but that was fine. The tension in the room slowly began to dissipate, but Angie knew that Charlie would soon work her magic and convince everyone to give Husk a chance, as per usual.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
"nun get out! I need to take a shit" dickmaster banged on the hotel's currently singular clean bathroom. The force of their knocking was definitely excessive and damaging to their hands, but it got the desperation of the request-no-demand across.
"you said to help answer asks, so I am doing that... in the toilet" Nun yelled through the door, not even bothering to look towards the door, currently blocking access to Dickmasters relief.
"I doubt that" Dickmaster crossed their arms, and legs. Their bladder was about to fucking explode. Just at that moment a ding went off on their phone.
'nunalastor just posted: anonymous asked...'.
guess they were actually answering asks in there.
"Okay fine but I still need to shit! Do your answering outside!"
"I'll get out after one more ask" Nun chuckled, knowing full well, they weren't about to stop the torment anytime soon.
"Your eyesight is piss poor. I doubt you can even read anything on your phone"
"You'll just have to wait and see~"
And of course, as any normal sane person would do in this situation, Dickmaster decided to start banging on the door until either nun had enough and left or until the door broke and they murdered nun themself.
"I bet your phone's font size is 230%-"
All that banging attracted the attention of Husk, who had been wandering around the room with Angie. They weren't walking together, but their paths were the same.
"What's that noise?"
"Oh that? That's just our marketing team doing their job"
"Sounds like fucking... Are they fucking?"
"HA, doubt it..." there was a pause, both in the speech and in the walk. "Maybe, sex sells afterall" Angie shrugged and continued walking forward.
"seems counterproductive for a place made for rehabilitation..."
Husk couldn't help but be curious. This hotel had turned out to be everything they hadn't expected from Hell. The residents were surprisingly pleasant, and even the staff, though weird as fuck, weren't as unbearable as the other sinners in Hell. Now that they thought about it, Charlie never mentioned a marketing staff. She seemed so excited to share about the hotel and it's people. One would think she wouldn't forget to mention them, right?
unable to resist the curiousity, Husk had to know who they were. They quietly sneaked towards the source of the banging. They rounded the corner and was met with an... Interesting visual. One demon, black eyes with yellow pupils desperately pounding on a door.
Dickmaster paused their relentless banging, a feeling of being watched washing over them. Their head snapped immediately in Husk's direction, locking eyes with them. Their expression displayed emotional as well as physical constipation.
Husk froze, their body stiffening like a board. Had they interrupted something? Should they make a break for it? The state of being caught in such an awkward situation was undeniably terrifying. With a rigid and awkward wave, Husk managed an awkward smile. And then they realised-
"Are you nunalastor? You look just like your profile picture"
FUCK, they're going to get accused of being a stalker.
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khoipyan · 2 years
First of all, love your writing (*´▽`*)
Feel free to ignore this if i'm direspecting your rules or anything.
I got a funny idea for a request: imagine playing octatrio with Adeuce. Ace is Floyd, Deuce is Jade he is trying his best and Reader is Azul. And then, for their horror and cringe, actual octatrio walks in. Fluff for Jade, Azul and Floyd.
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are you me?
adeuce + gn!reader playing around as the octavinelle boys, only for the actual trio to come along.
warnings; no warnings. but i’ve never written for deuce so he might be a bit ooc??? i hope either nobody notices (yippee!) or doesn’t mind…
also if you’re one of those people who don’t get embarrassed easily from this type of stuff, that’s good! but reader will get embarrassed in this ^_^
notes; wake up, check tumblr, see this request, proceeds to start a draft. this idea is so funny in my head, TY ANON omg💀 imagine ur playing somebody and they walk in and ask tf you were doing I WOULD DIE. also i may have wandered off og idea too much so im sorry if its not to ur liking 🙁 also i wrote this in school so its not proofread (i say that as if i proofread any of my works…)
notes2; i hate mint this was not relevant at all i just wanted to say IM THE WORLDS BIGGEST MINT HATER 🤬 don’t ask what i brush my teeth. idm toothpaste but i still don’t like the mint flavour. i like charcoal toothpaste bc it's less minty…. (helix if u saw this no u didnt RAAGR GRGWGRDS)
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leading up…
“i can’t believe you broke 3 of the dishes, ace. and why is this mop so hard to use?!” you sweat as you push the mop harder across the ground.
ace paused with his own mopping, “it wasn’t my fault! deuce asked me a question which was distracting, and then YOU bumped into me while i was carrying a tray of food!”
“hey, hey. i think we’re all sort of at fault here.” deuce sighs, “doesn’t matter anyways, we’re still stuck with cleaning duty.”
"azul was like," you mimic the action of azul pushing up his glasses, "’i'm going to land you into a weekend of cleaning because even though i can just buy three more plates, i'll just make you suffer.’"
ace grinned, "oh? we're doing impressions now? well in that case," he clings onto you, and you both tumble to the ground. "’shrimpyyy! i'm SOO happy you're here. come entertain me. i’m SOOOO bored!’ come on, deuce! join us, do your best impression of jade."
you laugh, trying to get ace off of you. "trappola, please- you're squishing me!"
"ah, well.. er, if you insist." deuce clears his throat, "’how many i be of assistance to you...?’"
ace shook his head, "no way! he's more confident and scarier than that! seriously, have you seen that guy smile? it's like he'd bite you."
"listen, i'm trying my best, okay?“
when suddenly—
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azul ashengrotto
"what exactly are you three doing?”
oh, he’s absolutely just as embarrassed as you are. if not, even more. it's especially not helping how floyd is laughing in the background, using azul's shoulder for support.
you sweat, "oh— err... not really—! it was just, y'know, a more dramatic impersonation of you...?"
"are you saying i'm… dramatic?"
you walk up to him, taking note of his expression. "not at all! look, i'm sorry, azul! please don't be upset! i'll even mop the vip room for you."
azul denied that he was upset in any way (although he was just a tiny bit).
you two awkwardly stare at each other for a few minutes, before azul pushes up his glasses (at least you got THAT part right);
"well, if you perhaps do that AND cover floyd’s shift for tomorrow, then..."
floyd interrupts, "oooo~ i get to have a break?"
"it’s not like i heard you saying you were going to skip your shift tomorrow anyways," azul mumbles. returning his attention to you, he smiles, "so? what do you say? i think i’m pretty lenient this time."
well, what DO you say? to make up for his hurtful impression of him, you have to do extra work…? since you’re embarrassed of your mistakes, you agree.
this could’ve went a whole different way and ended badly anyways, so this was okay for you.
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jade leech
jade is greatly amused by you three fooling around.
"i find that description of me quite endearing, ace. although, i believe deuce had the more correct impression."
ace gets startled and tries to play it cool, looking away shamefully as he continues mopping in the opposite direction. "err. yeah, whatever. pshh."
jade turns to you, "prefect, who do you think portrayed me better? deuce, or ace?"
still embarrassed he caught you guys playing out their roles, you're unsure what answer he desired. "...haha, i'm not sure?"
the tall eel feigns sadness, "so am i not flattering enough to have you decide on a proper response? is my personality really that dull that you're unconfident in yourself?"
"no, no! that's not what i meant. uhh, ace's description matches you perfectly...?" you didn't know what answer he wanted, so you took a guess.
ace slaps you in the back of the head (ouch), whispering, "you should've disagreed!"
"ow-!" you look back at jade.
jade smiles at you two (and the fact that ace hit you for saying the wrong answer), “i’m still hurt that you think that way, but your answer is satisfactory.”
so… is he hurt or not? knowing him, he’s probably not very offended, but who knows? you just may never find out.
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floyd leech
you heard a laugh, and it’s definitely floyd.
if he was in a bad mood or this was anybody else who worked here, he wouldn’t tolerate you at all. scary to think about.
but luckily, he’s in a good mood!
“ahaha! you guys were so funny, but i don’t think i’m like that at all!”
ace mumbles, but loud enough to hear. “well, you kind of are, actually.”
floyd turns to ace, “get to work, crabby. are you asking for a squeezing?”
“no…” trappola silently weeps while he starts mopping again.
well that was a quick change of mood.
floyd walks over to you and sighs, “i’m bored, and azul isn’t here. so,” he leans on your shoulder, “ditch the work and come play with me! i’m SOOO bored.”
you’re confused, “eh? but what about work?”
“who cares? would you rather leave all the work to crabby and macky, or would you rather play. with me!”
if this means you’ll get out of work, then…
ace and deuce are looking at you, you can already tell they’re silently begging you to stay. however, it’s not like you wanted to do the work anyways.
“bye guys, see you later!” you smile, letting floyd drag you away.
“WAIT! come back—“ deuce tries shouting to you, however you’re already gone.
there’s a long pause of silence and mop noises, before ace speaks up,
“see deuce, my impression was TOTALLY right!”
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— due to be edited at anytime —
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hey! can i request the tokyo revengers characters reacting to a gn!reader who is as strong as yor forger (from spy x family)?
Hello hello!
I'm back again! It might be a bit OOC! bc it's been a while since I finished the manga 🥲 I really loved it if you're not reading it I would reccomend to read that rather than watching the anime but if you're more into animated action then anime is good too ✨
So I'll do
Toman members + Bonten members reacting to gn!reader who is as strong as Yor from spy x family
Mikey: When he found out that you were as strong as him, maybe even stronger... he was hyped. Even tho he already showed you off to his friends, he does it a lot more now. And even tho he knows that you're strong, he's still worried about you, since Toman has a bigger name and there are a lot of gangs out there who would do everything to take Toman especially Mikey down. Anyways let's get away from the dark stuff. I guess if you were a closer friend of his than he would practice fighting with you time to time, but if you're his s/o then he would teach you some cool moves that can help with defending yourself.
Draken: I guess this man was shocked, you didn't really seem to be the type to be a fighter, especially not this strong. He would feel nice about someone backing him up in some fights if you guys get attacked, protecting eachother's backs. He would be too protective of off you, either you are his s/o or a closer friend of his.
Takemitchi: I think this guy would legit ask you to help him get stronger. So the two of you would work out almost on a daily basis. This man wouldn’t be that worried about you beacuse you’re a lot stronger than him so it would be the other way around. I think he would genuienly would try to compare your strenght to Mikey’s, but the two of you have quite different fighting styles and you don’t fight eachother either so he won’t be really sucseeding.
Mitsuya: Our favourite designer... even tho he knows that you’re hella strong, he’s protective about you. He doesn’t really likes seeing you fight, since you can get hurt anytime if you come across a stronger opponent, which I don’t think would happen but who knows. If you get injured while fighting he’s going to be the one to patch you up and scold you for getting hurt.
Pah-chin: I guess he would be impressed by your strenght and would also be very supportive. And he too would be very protective off of you (remember back when he wanted to take revenge bc of his friend and his friend’s gf).
Baji: It would suprise him when you guys get attacked by a smaller gang and the two would fight back. When he sees thst you're knocking out the people by just a hit to their stomach or just a kick to their neck and they are out... Like out-out. "How the hell did you get this strong... And when?" - he asked. "What do you mean?" - You asked back.
Chifuyu: Just like the others he's an impressed bby too. He's very very proud of you that you're that strong. He would show you off to Baji beacuse he's so proud to have you as his friend/ s\o. But Baji would tease Chifuyu about it for not being at your level.
Peh-yan: To be honest 🥲 I don't really know what to write for him. He didn't really stuck with me but I'm sure he would show you off to others, especially Pah-chin. And also the two of you would make a good fighting combo.
Kazutora: He would be suprised and impressed at the ame time when he sees you fighting, since you’re around Mikey’s level of strenght most likely even stronger. He would love it if you join Valhalla with him to get revenge on Mikey. You know guys, ‘It’s all Mikey’s fault.’ But anyways... sometimes he wihes that you’d beat Mikey’s ass up for him. (If we are in the “original” and not final timeline).
Hakkai: He would be impressed, proud and would become a fan of yours. He is a big cinnamon roll so sometimes you gotta protect him, and would stand embarrassedly as you beat up someones ass.
Smiley: He would laugh at your oponent for getting beaten up by you so easily. Would just sit back and watch you from the back as you beat up people (if its not a gang fight ofc).
Angry: Now this bby... he's suprised that you're stronger than him when he starts crying. But he would love it tho. You're stronger than him and his brother so he's impressed, but also would dislike seeing you fight.
Koko: I feel like he’d be jelous. Since you’re a (bit) stronger than Taiju and Mikey. If you’re the same gang as him he probably wouldn’t really mess with you if you’re hot headed. He feels safer with a a nice distance from you. But if you’re the innocent type than its over for you. He will tease you non-stop.
Sanzu: Now this man... wouldn’t belive his eyes when he sees you fighting. SInce his a bit obsessed with Mikey (beacuse of his trauma if we’re in that timeline) he would be stalking you to see if you’re actually stronger than Mikey. And he wouldn’t stop untill he confrims who’s the stronger. He would start admiring you too beacuse of your strenght (If you’re a Haru simp like me then you have been blessed). If you’d catch him stalking you he would probably either comes up with a lie or just walks in another direction.
Kakucho: Pretty much like Mitsuya, he would take care of you if you'd get hurt, and wouldn't really like to see you fight even tho he knows you can protect yourself, so if you go to him with injuries then be prepared to get scolded by him. When he first saw you fighting... he was amazed, since he didn't think that there was a stronger person than Izana.
Ran: Now him... A 100% teasing machine, even more than Koko I feel like. Also would flex on his brother for him to have such a cool person in his life. Wants to see you fight with his baton to see how much damage can you do with that. Would be watching you fighting almost everytime and would take videos off of you too.
Rindou: Even tho he teases you and also would flex on his brother a bit he's pretty much the opposite of his brother. He doesn't really have a problem with seeing you fight, he's not that worried for you as Chifuyu, but also helps you patch yourself up if you get hurt.
Takeomi: The other 'mom' friend/s\o next to Mitsuya. 100% that he hates to see you fight in front of him. He's worried for you everytime you go to him, and you have some bruises. Even tho he seems collected and calm, on the inside he's panicking a bit. Didn't actually think that there is a stronger person than Shin or Mikey untill he met you.
Mocchi: As we know he loves fighting and he most likely heard about you before you guys met. He challenged you to fight him beacuse he didn't belive that you were as strong as the rumors said. And obviously he lost. After that day your life was ruined by him. He always went back to you and challenged you hoping that he would defeat you one day.
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reptisoil · 1 year
"Im stuck.." || Chris Kratt x GN! Reader ||
Summary: When Y/n finds themself in a sticky situation, Chris seems to be the only person they can think of to call for help.
Notes: This is my first time writing for Wild Kratts so... Yea, sorry if Chris is too OOC. I think this is also the longest fic I have up at the moment..? Word count is 875 exactly, nice. Anyways, enjoy~
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Y/n, the usually more introverted person on the Tortuga, finally decided to get out and go on a mission with the Kratt Bros. It was simple, just find a squirrel to observe its daily activities and see what they do when nobody is around. But, since they weren't used to this stuff (being out in nature with the brothers), they got distracted and decided to climb a tree to look for a squirrel.
Not a bad idea at face value so they went for it. They climbed a big oak tree with a small hole, perfect for a squirrel to exist in! They went branch by branch, small handhold by small handhold, anything to get to that hole they thought would have a squirrel.
Sitting on top of a nearby branch, they watched the hole for a good half an hour at minimum. They stood as still as possible, waiting for a squirrel to appear. After another half an hour with nothing, they realize a squirrel probably wasn't going to show up so they decided to get down.
Looking down to map out a path between everything the tree had to offer, they realized they couldn't find one that would work. Their first thought was to wing it and just go but then they remembered all the times Martin did that and it didn't work out in his favor - ever. They couldn't think of what to do besides call for help but they could only think of one person, Chris, who was currently busy with his brother on the squirrel thing. This mission really made Y/n dislike squirrels...
After a minute of not thinking of anyone else who could possibly help them, they sighed, "Welp, sorry Chris but Im stuck so.." and rang him on their creature-pod. He picked it up almost immediately.
"Hey! Where'd you get off to? You saw something then disappeared! Got m- us worried!" As Chris spoke, Y/n saw behind him, he was back at the Tortuga so they assumed the squirrel mission was a success.
"Oh, um, I am stuck... In a tree." They nod a tiny bit after their sentence. Chris looked at them with concern and slight shock. "How did you get stuck in a tree, Y/n?"
"Well, I saw this oak tree had a hole in it that looked good for squirrels so I climbed it, not really paying attention to where I was putting my hands and stuff. Im up the tree and can't find a path down..." They explained, now having started hugging the tree while on the call still. Koki spoke in the background, "I've got their coordinates, sent them to your creature-pod, Chris!"
"Okay, thanks Koki!" He turned back to his creature pod, "I'll be right there, Y/n, don't worry, and don't move!" The call ended before Chris could hear their remark, "Wouldn't if I could."
After a few minutes, Chris comes into Y/n's vision. He looked around for a while before they yelled out to him to get his attention. He looked up at them, shock filled his face, "How in the world did you get up there?!"
"I thought a squirrel would be in here!" They let go of the branch they were hugging with one of their hands to wave it around while talking to make a point. After they stopped talking and started to slip, they embraced the branch even harder than before. Chris sighed and quickly climbed to meet them near the hole in the tree, remembering his path so he could guide Y/n down after calming them down.
"Look, I just climbed up, it's not that hard to go back down the same way! Just follow me, and I'll show you! And I promise to catch you if you fall." He gave a reassuring smile and waited for them to sit up on the branch rather than laying on it whilst hugging it. He slowly made his way down the tree and they started after he reached the bottom, following every single thing he told them and trying to remember where he put his foot or hand and when.
Even with being this careful, Y/n managed to slip about three-quarters of the way down. Chris lunged forward to catch them, just like he promised. They smiled at him in a silent thanks for catching them but after he set them down they mumbled a verbal thanks. "What was that?"
"I said, thanks for coming all the way out here just to rescue me from that tree and catching me.. Thanks." A small amount of color dusted their cheeks as they made eye contact with him. He was smirking. He did hear them the first time. Upon realizing this, they lightly punched his arm and he chuckled. "Let's get back to the Tortuga, yea?"
As the two made their way to the flying Wild Kratts HQ, a comfortable silence filled the air. Just before entering, Y/n gave Chris a kiss on the cheek and then walked in as if nothing ever happened. Chris stood there blinking for a solid minute, Martin had to come out and drag him inside but not before he mumbled something. "Im never washing this cheek again..."
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hail-to-the-quinn · 11 months
// slowly coming back here! will catch up, sorry for the unannounced stress hiatus!
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potofstewie · 1 year
Deja Vu
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The low down: History is repeating itself and for once, Kyojuro is tired.
The things to know: Reader uses she/her pronouns, Absolute angst (I kind of got teary eyed while writing this), mentions of blood, character death, this mostly takes place before mugen train , ooc shinjuro but he's a nice guy promise, Venting, sobbing kyojuro, like literally this ray of sunshine is BROKEN, a peaceful and sober Shinjuro, Y/N is literally a bg character lmao sorry, daddy issues
Pairing: Kyojuro x Reader
Words/phrases to know:
Monstuki Haori Hakama: Traditional formal garment that would be worn as simplified attire by people in the Samurai Society (during the Edo Period)
A/N: Hey you guys, I'll come clean. This one is a doozy not necessarily in length but in the emotions I tried my best to display in this one. It's true, reader is nothing but a background character and I kinda apologize for that. I really wanted to write a fic that portrays a new leaf in Kyojuro and Shinjuro's relationship and what better way than with sacrificing Y/N? Anyway, I finally made a pinned post linking my masterlist and other stuff for my mobile users. I plan on posting this and my other stuff on AO3 probably tmr as well. I hope you guys enjoyed and DO TELL ME YOUR FAVORITE PART
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It was happening again. 
Kyojuro laid wide awake within his futon, puffy and reddened eyes burning the ceiling with his intense gaze. The calming silence of the night was occasionally interrupted with your pained coughs erupting from the other room. Kyojuro ran a tired hand through his disheveled mane, completely fed up with it all.
The coughing, the wheezing, the piles upon piles of tissues that were stained with spots of blood and phlegm. The never ending servings of soup, the countless doctor visits that always ended on the same confusing and irritating note. 
“It’s only a matter of time.”
Kyojuro didn’t hate a lot of things in the world, but that sentence he hated the most. “It’s only a matter of time.”
A matter of time until what? Until she gets better? Until she becomes the second one to leave them? What the hell did it mean? The situation weighed heavily on the Rengoku males, tension forever present within the household. At the beginning, all three of them would listen intensely to whatever orders and updates the doctors gave. They would each take turns administering medicine and delivering soup, massaging sore muscles that grew tired of being idle under a futon. Now, however, it was only Senjuro who listened. Kyojuro, as well as his father, continued to serve your every need despite giving up on worshiping the vague and aggravating words of the doctors.  
Your lover tried to keep his cheerful façade on display as usual, but as the days went on and the coughing grew louder and longer, his smile would falter and heavy sighs would take the place of his boisterous laughter. The bubbling fear and anger within him replaced his ever so optimistic and happy demeanor. There was no doubt that his family took notice of his change no matter how hard he tried to hide it, you included. Any time he would be with you, you would always ask the same things:
“How have you been, honestly?”
“Have you been eating?”
“Are you taking care of yourself while you’re away?”
“Something is on your mind, my love. What’s upsetting you?” 
You were easily satisfied with the simple “I’m alright, don’t worry about me.”, “yes” or “nothing is wrong my dear, honest.” You’d always give him that smile which he loved dearly before turning your back to him, returning to the warm embrace of slumber. Kyojuro’s beaming smile would always dissipate immediately when your eyes were no longer on him, fatigue tugging at his spirit. Of course something was bothering him; you were crumbling away right in front of him and he was absolutely powerless to do anything. 
On the days he would be free from pillar duties, all he could do was roam the house aimlessly like a ghost who couldn’t pass on properly. Even at night when sleep couldn’t find him, he would wander the halls. His frame would always buckle and slide against the walls, silent tears covered his cheeks every time as he curled in on himself. This all felt like Deja Vu to the flame hashira, every second he experienced was just another second he had already gone through. However this time he would be the grieving partner. He was grateful, though, that instead of turning to alcohol like his father did once upon a time, he stuck to wandering like a stray dog. 
Kyojuro grew to envy his father when your illness took a turn for the worst. He took notice of the lack of sake present in the house and the ever growing moments he and Senjuro would catch their father outside his room. He took note of how attentive his father was to your every beck and call, even to those that didn’t require him or ask of him in the first place. Even without being told he would do his damndest to ensure his would be daughter-in-law is alright. Opening the Shoji to let the sunlight flood into the room, cooking hot meals for the house and giving you the largest servings, taking up extra chores so Senjuro could keep you company. All these things Kyojuro wished he had the enthusiasm for. He loved helping you, truly, but his determination had depleted almost completely. 
Rubbing his eyes, Kyojuro sat up, a heavy sigh leaving his dusted red nose. The corners of his mouth twitched, heavy with sadness as a revelation dawned upon him. His father was probably doing this out of habit, out of fear. He faintly remembered what it was like when his mother was sick, his father doing everything he could when he had the time to be at home. He supposed that maybe doing all of these things and more was a way for his father to cope with the haunting truth that another person he cared about would die due to unchangeable circumstances. Maybe, just maybe, his father hoped that things would get better and that he wouldn’t have to relive the same pain he had once experienced; even if it wasn’t him who would take it the hardest. 
A single tear escaped Kyojuro’s fiery eyes, his hand quickly erasing it as he sniffled softly. No, the one to bear the pain the most would be him. It was his turn now, and no amount of soup and small conversations his father offered to the family’s source of light would change that. Getting up from his futon, Kyojuro wondered if there had been a curse placed upon his family. It couldn’t be a coincidence that this same situation would happen twice. Did a demon from his father’s past place a curse on the bloodline as it died to his blade? Damning every Rengoku to suffer absolute heartbreak?
Entering the dark hallway, Kyojuro silently stalked his way to the entrance, mind lost in sorrow. Staying in bed couldn’t help him and wandering the halls wasn’t something he was up for. Instead, he aimed for the fresh, crisp night air to fill his lungs and clear his mind. Oh, how he wanted so badly to purge the sickness in you and toss it to the farthest reaches of the earth. He wished to take you out to all your favorite restaurants again, to go on a picnic with you again, to bear witness to you playing with Senjuro under the cherry blossom trees again. He missed being able to kiss you during the cold winter nights that only a lover’s embrace could heat up. He could no longer give you the sweet kisses you had once pleaded for, your illness putting a stop to most intimate tokens of affection you were both accustomed to. 
As a heavy sigh left his lips, Kyojuro opened the shoji and blinked in surprise. His father, broad back facing the house and his eyes focused on the sky above, was sitting on the engawa. Legs hung over the edge, a half empty cup sitting next to its owner. Shinjuro turned around slightly, acknowledging his son.
“I couldn’t sleep.” He explained softly, turning his attention back to the dark sky, the bright moon the only thing decorating the endless dark abyss. Kyojuro closed the shoji behind him and took a seat next to his father, burning eyes gazing at the cup in suspicion before looking at his father in silent question. Shinjuro picked the cup up and slightly turned it. “It’s just water.” He said simply, resting the cup on the other side of him before resting his hands in his lap. 
“I..couldn’t sleep either.” Kyojuro said softly, hesitation ladened in his sleep-deprived voice. Although things within the house had gotten better since you entered his life and the lives of his family, Kyojuro still had a slight problem conversing with his father. You managed to change his father for the better, instead of heaps of sake littering the house only one or two bottles were kept in the kitchen before his father made the decision to get rid of it entirely once you fell ill. He started to eat with the family, although he barely spoke, only talking when answering a question or giving Senjuro or you his praises for the meal. He started training Senjuro in simple hand to hand combat, leaving the sword work to Kyojuro. He even had daily, lengthy conversations with you about an array of things; from what Ruka was like to how happy the birds seemed to be that day. 
It wasn’t easy but progress was slightly made between the father and son. His father started returning any greetings he was given, he waited alongside you and Senjuro when Kyojuro finally arrived home from a grueling mission and even confessed to him that he was proud of him being a hashira but still preferred it if he turned away for his own safety. But, all of that still didn’t quite quell the nervousness Kyojuro had when it came to him. 
“I know. That’s why you’re here, Kyojuro.” He remarked quietly, taking a sip of his drink. If he focused hard enough, he could’ve sworn that there was a twinge of tease hidden in his father’s voice.
“R-right.” He replied, voice barely above a whisper. For a few pensive moments, there was a cold silence between them. Kyojuro furrowed his wild eyebrows slightly, oh how awkward this all was! He didn’t know what to say to his father, even if he did he still wasn’t sure if he should voice it. He was in an intense battle with himself and by the looks of it, it was going to end in a draw.
One part of him wanted to vent to his father, to tell him all of his frustrations and woes about the depressing situation all of them were currently in. He wanted to bawl and curl up by his father, have his hot tears soak through the clothing on his father’s shoulder. He wished to be a little boy again, to trip and scrape his knee and have his father pick him up like he used to and comfort him. To hear him say: “It’s alright little one, you don’t need to cry anymore. I’ll patch you up, good as new.” like he used to. To plant a loving kiss on the top of his head and rock him in his arms. To call him a big boy when he was finally at ease and say how proud he was for being brave. All that he wished to have again.
The other part of Kyojuro, however, wanted to keep the peaceful silence between them. To just gaze up at the moon with his father and bottle up his emotions; to burn through it all passionately as he usually would. But even Kyojuro knew that would end in failure. He wanted to be as strong as he could, to bear it all on his tired and weakened shoulders. To give hope to his father -and to himself- that things would be alright and that you would bounce back better than ever. That you would play with Senjuro again, that you would do morning stretches with his father again in the garden, that you would plant millions of loving and passionate kisses all over Kyojuro’s face. 
As the young man sat in silence, mind ravaging with his thoughts, Shinjuro broke the silence with the clearing of his throat. “I..think it would be best for the two of you to get married as soon as possible.” Kyojuro turned his head to his father, his puffy eyes blown wide as his father continued to stare at the sky. “It..would be best for all of us if there was one last good memory to hold onto.” With that, he finally gazed at him, tired eyes drinking in the clear signs that his son was crying earlier.
“Oh, um, yes. You have a point…I’ll bring it up with Y/N tomorrow morning.” Kyojuro muttered, calloused hands slightly gripping his yukata. Kyojuro’s gaze lowered to his lap as he tried to figure out how to pose his question. “Um, father?” He called out. Shinjuro answered with a gruff hum, taking another sip of water.
“Father, Y/N..isn’t going to get better, is she?” Kyojuro could feel his ears heat slightly at his question. He sounded like a small child that couldn’t grasp the concept of someone he cared about dying. He reminded him of himself once upon a time. Shinjuro grunted again, looking at Kyojuro.
“She won’t, Kyojuro.” He answered simply, flaming eyes once more concentrating on the moon. Kyojuro’s bottom lip twitched at the obvious confirmation, a painful lump slowly forming in his throat.
“Father?” He started again, picking at the hangnail that resided on his pointer finger. Shinjuro sighed softly and leaned back on his palms. 
“Yes, Kyojuro?” He answered patiently, completely understanding the heavy task he was assigned once Kyojuro sat next to him. He knew how fragile his son currently was and he knew just how painful it was. Nobody was by his side when Ruka fell ill but he’d be damned if he wouldn’t be the lighthouse for the ship his son sailed on, horrible waves from the daunting storm threatening to capsize him. 
“It’s all useless, isn’t it? The doctor visits and the soup.” He started, worry taking the reins and causing him to talk faster. “A-As well as the medication and the massages and-”
“Kyojuro.” Shinjuro interrupted sternly, shocking the young man and causing him to look at his father with worry plastered on his face. An iron gaze was focused on the young man’s sorrowful features. A sigh flew from the older man’s lips as Kyojuro looked back down at his fingers, eyes covered in a sheen film. “It may all seem useless, hell, it might actually be. But those things..bring her ease. It brings Senjuro ease. It gives them hope and it would be cruel to just stop it and force them to face the grave truth.” 
“Right, I apologize.” Kyojuro said meekly, lolling his head back to keep from sniffling. A tender yet battle-worn hand rested on the top of Kyojuro’s head, giving him a slight pat before leaving his messy hair. 
“It’s alright, Kyo.” Shinjuro reassured softly, sitting up straight again. He dithered, unsure of how to say his next words. If one thing Shinjuro wasn't good at, it was being reassuring. But, his son needed him and he truly didn't want to let him down this time. Never again, he silently vowed to himself as he took a deep breath, lips parting slightly.
“It’s okay to feel this way. I don’t have to tell you how hard this all is and how awful everything feels. But just know that I won’t leave your side for any of it. I’ll be there to hold your hand through it all and I’ll make sure that you don’t end up like I did. I promise you, Kyojuro.” He finished, a small yet reassuring smile resting on his lips. Kyojuro looked at his father in both bewilderment and comfort. For the first time in a while, Kyojuro was finally receiving the love and care that he had longed for from his father for a long time. With a slight nod, Kyojuro once more looked down in his lap, fingers tightly woven. A single tear finally broke through, leaving a small dot on his clothing.
“Father, I..I’m so scared. I don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t know if I can keep being cheerful anymore. I’m so tired, father. I feel like I'm lying to her, lying to myself. And I can't stand it, I just-” And with the last word to leave his trembling lips, a struggling wail escaped Kyojuro’s throat. Rapid streams of tears left his screwed shut eyes as his shoulders convulsed, rough hands frantically trying to wipe away the stains on his crimson cheeks however they just kept coming even stronger than before. Large hands grabbed the side of Kyojuro’s head and shoulder, pushing him into a tight hug. Soft hushes filled the heavy night air as Kyojuro’s wails grew louder and became filled with incoherent babbling. 
“I don’t wan’ to lose her, I hate it. I hate it all! I-I wanna save her but- but I can’t!” Kyojuro spoke through an agape frown, drool beginning to leave his mouth while his hands gripped the back of his father’s yukata tightly as Shinjuro’s hand rubbed his back. “P-please, Papa, help me, Please!” He pleaded, voice muffled as he buried his head further into his father’s embrace. Shinjuro’s lower lip twitched slightly before burying it on the top of his son’s head, placing a soft kiss in the blond tresses. 
“I know, Kyo, I know. I’ll help you out, don’t worry. It’s okay, my son...I promise.” Shinjuro whispered as the gut wrenching sobs left his son’s lips. Shinjuro hated it all too. He hated seeing the memories of Ruka’s final moments every time he visited you. He hated seeing Kyojuro slowly turn into a shell of his former self, he hated looking into the mirror that was his son. He hated seeing younger Kyojuro within Senjuro, always trying his hardest to raise everyone’s hopes and quietly asking him if Y/N will for sure get better; always being met with vague answers. It was all Deja Vu to the older man, as if he was watching the past play out right in front of him but ten times worse. They hadn’t even gotten married yet, let alone have one or two children. Shinjuro could feel nothing but the sorrow and anguish within his battered heart beating loudly in his ears as Kyojuro finally succumbed to his emotions. 
Shinjuro started to slightly rock his son side to side as burning tears soaked through his clothes. He didn’t mind not one bit. He would have all of his clothes drenched in the salty tears of his children if that is what they needed. He would rock them and comfort them as many times as they requested, no matter how big the issue was or how old the children were. It was his responsibility as their father to do so, as well as something he owed to them for all the years of negligence. 
Kyojuro’s wails died down to occasional sniffles and heavy breathing. His grip on his father slightly loosened as he partially uncovered his bloodshot eyes, gaze resting on nothing in particular. “What..am I going to do? I love her so much, it hurts. It hurts so bad. I feel like I can’t breathe, my lungs are burning. I-I’m so tired, Papa.” Kyojuro mumbled, no longer caring about how childish he seemed calling his father “Papa”. That’s what he was after all, Papa. Papa the Brave that chases the demons away every night before bed and when he’s away from home. Papa the Strong that can carry both his children and his wife on his body, carrying them throughout the house as tiny, sweet giggles filled the air. Proud Papa that teaches his sons how to hold a sword and praises them when they beat the air with wooden swords. Loving Papa that coats Mama in sweet kisses when he comes back home. Helpful Papa that saves little boys with snakes from sorrowful places and wipes his children’s faces every meal time. His Papa. 
Shinjuro sighed softly, rugged hand traveling in his son’s hair. “I’m sorry, Kyojuro. There isn’t much you can do but be there for her. Love her as much as possible no matter what. Try to make her happy every day, even if you feel like giving up. And when you do feel like giving up, find me. And I’ll carry you.” 
Kyojuro sniffled as his body felt the brunt force of fatigue. His wild eyebrows furrowed as he began to succumb to the sweet luls of slumber. “Okay, Papa..” Softly leaving his lips as he finally slept, Shinjuro kept his steady rhythm of rocking until the morning sun crested the horizon, birds singing their wake-up songs to the once still Earth.
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A warm, gentle breeze traveled throughout the lively forest as boisterous laughter filled the air. Shinjuro chuckled softly as he watched his two sons walk briskly ahead of them, jokes and funny stories exchanging between the two. Kyojuro laughed loudly again as Senjuro entertained him with a funny face in the middle of his story, swinging the picnic basket in his hand.
“Kyojuro!” Shinjuro called out, his sons giving him their attention. “Try not to laugh too hard, remember? You’re still healing.” He reminded the young man, gesturing to the bandages that were wrapped around his torso, hidden underneath his Monstuki Haori Hakama. Kyojuro gently rubbed the eyepatch that rested on his face, a habit he started to pick up when in thought, a beaming smile shining at his father.
“Don’t worry, I feel good enough to laugh. It doesn’t hurt, promise!” He assured before joining his little brother that was already ahead of the both of them and underneath the tree. Heaps of food sprawled out on the red blanket once Shinjuro finally caught up to his children, a bento and chopsticks already out for him. He sat down carefully next to Senjuro, content eyes soaking in the picturesque view that laid before him. Many trees danced with the gentle summer wind, birds swooping and diving into the canopy for their lunch. A nearby stream sang its song elegantly as the two sons conversed with each other. Shinjuro took a deep breath in, the sweet scent of the manju and flowers filling his nose. 
“She would’ve liked this place, right Aniue?” Senjuro said softly, snapping his father from his silent appreciation of nature. Kyojuro lowered his chopsticks, a small smile plastered on his face. He rubbed his stomach gingerly, before turning his attention to his little brother. 
“She would have. Both of them would, I reckon. However, they’d probably yell at us for being late.” He chuckled, producing a large smile from Senjuro, a smaller one from his father. “Not to mention, we didn’t make Y/N favorite food to bring with us.” He finished, laughing loudly as Shinjuro released a soft snort. 
“She’d be mad at you, not me and Sen. I told you we should’ve made some but you insisted on rushing.” He retorted, Senjuro giggling softly at his father’s remark. Kyojuro chuckled sheepishly as he rubbed his neck. His father was right, of course. But you would forgive him, Kyojuro knew you would. 
“Then let’s make some when we get home and give it to her. Now hurry up and eat before I end up taking everything.” Senjuro warned before quickly snatching up a mitarashi dango, eliciting a shocked and hurried response from his brother as well as a scoff from his father, joining in the competition. 
Things hadn’t been fair to the Rengoku family and although things would forever change for them, one thing was for sure; no sorrowful bouts of Deja Vu would visit them. And if they did, Papa the Brave would be there.
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ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴛʀᴀɴꜱʟᴀᴛᴇ, ꜱᴛᴇᴀʟ, ʙɪɴᴅ ᴏʀ ʀᴇᴘᴏꜱᴛ ᴀꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀꜱ. ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛꜱ ɢᴏ ᴛᴏ ᴘᴏᴛᴏꜰꜱᴛᴇᴡɪᴇ™ 2022
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1moreff-creator · 6 months
(02) Arturo Giles - First Trial (DRDT - Milgram AU)
Hey there! Back again with the AU, sorry this one took a bit, I’ve been busy. Anyways, today we have Arturo, with his VD Varicose Veins and his MV Wilting. It is pretty hard to write Arturo btw, I just hope he’s not too ooc. Anyways, attempt at a thumbnail!
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I struggle a bit with what to do with the CWs, since I feel they can be a bit spoilery. What I'm doing for the moment is just putting warnings for stuff that explicitly happens in the MV and the VD, not things which are implied. If you think I should do something else, do tell me!
CW Hospitals and plastic surgery, angry confrontation, Arturo Giles (so intense prejudice based on appearance)
VD: Varicose Veins
Es: Hey the-!
Arturo: Ugh. Do I really have to be judged by someone this ugly?
E: … Excuse me?
A: Are you deaf? If you’re going to baselessly accuse me of being a murderer, and trap me inside a ridiculous prison filled with people so ugly I’d rather not breathe the same air as them, the least I was expecting is that you would be beautiful enough to justify it. 
E: …
A: And stupid. You really don’t have anything going for you, do you?
E: Okay, you know what? Let’s start over. *Shuffling* My name is Es! What’s yours?
A: Arturo Giles. Get your hand away from me, I wouldn’t shake it even if we were wearing three pairs of gloves each. 
E: *Deep breath* Alright. *Shuffling*Alright! Alright… It’s nice to meet you, Arturo! If you don’t mind, could you tell me a bit about why you seem so averse to… uh, what you call “ugly” people? It’s not nice to judge people on appearance, you know. 
A: Tch. *Whispering* As if I care about being “nice” to you. *Full volume* Anyone who interacts with as many ugly people as I have would understand why I cannot stand them.
E: What do you mean? How have you interacted with so many so-called ugly people if you despise them so much?
A: I’m a plastic surgeon. Do you know how many truly hideous people come to me regularly, asking me to fix their unsalvageable appearance? It’s only natural I would eventually start seeing every one of the masses’ imperfections. 
E: Uh, right. But that doesn’t answer the question. Why be so judgmental about something so superficial?
A: If given the option, would you rather spend your time with an ugly person, or a beautiful one?
E: That depends on who the people are. Appearance doesn’t have any weight on people’s worth.
A: Wow. You are either stupid, blind or delusional, maybe all three. Have you ever stepped outside? Ever tune in on the news? Looked at social media at all?
E: Not that I remember. 
A: Beca- Wait, what?
E: All I can remember is being the Warden of this prison.
A: ...
E: There’s books here, though!
A: …Alright, so maybe you’re just ignorant. Let me enlighten you. *Dreamy sigh* There’s a special type of people, the most successful, the most important people in the world, who are a marvel to look at. These are truly beautiful people! The ones who would only need me to enhance their splendor! The ones I actually want to operate on!
E: … *Sounds of someone struggling to form words* Okay, okay, so. Before, addressing… any of that. You do realize plenty of people have been successful without being conventionally attractive, yes?
A: And? Plenty of people have been struck by lightning, but you don’t see me staying inside just because of some rain.
E: *Pause, their voice grows frustrated* Even then, you do realize success doesn’t necessarily make someone a better person, right?
A: Ugh. It’s the same thing as before. Would you rather spend time with successful or unsuccessful people? With someone important or a complete nobody?
E: … Don’t- Don’t take this the wrong way, but do you know what a friend is, Arturo?
A: Tch. This is a waste of time. At this rate, I don’t think you’ll ever come to your senses. 
E: *Sigh* Right, sure. We just think way too differently.
A: Good. Are we done here now? 
E: Huh? No way! We still haven’t talked about the thing this interrogation is supposed to be about! 
A: *Groan* Are you serious? What is this even supposed to be about, then? 
E: The thing all of you are here for. The murder you committed. 
A: Hmph. Right, that nonsense. I'll have you know, I've never murdered anyone. I don’t know why you seem to think otherwise. 
E: Are you certain? Milgram considers you a murderer, and there is no doubt in my mind that is correct. 
A: I know my life far better than this mockery of a prison ever could. I haven’t done anything that could be considered murder, not a single thing. 
E: Are you certain? Do you mean to tell me you aren’t responsible for anyone’s death? I find that hard to believe from the mouth of one of Milgram’s prisoners.
A: No, I- I, well… *Whispering* I mean, there is... no, no, that wasn't my fault. That isn’t murder. 
E: Oh? Is something coming to mind?
A: I- Look. If- Let’s say something I did… led in some way to someone’s death. But I didn’t do anything, I never wanted them to die. That doesn’t count as murder. Right?
E: In the eyes of Milgram, perhaps it could. 
A: Hk- Are you serious?! This is ridiculous! I never laid a hand on her, you have no right to call me a killer!
E: Her? This doesn’t sound like a hypothetical anymore, Arturo. 
A: Agh! Ugh, you little-!
*Chair sliding, a thump, mystical noises*
A: Huh?!
E: Oh… wow. I didn’t know that was a thing! I guess prisoners can’t attack the Warden. 
A: Really? I guess you feel confident behind this stupid… barrier thing! But that still doesn’t make you right! Her death is not my fault! If you were in my place, you would have done the same!
E: Can I ask who you’re talking about? 
A: That’s… irrelevant, you nosy parasite!
E: *Sigh* Look, Arturo. I’m sorry if it upsets you, but we need to talk about this in more detail. It’s for your own good! If whatever happened really isn’t your fault, then I’m sure I’ll… I’ll…
A: You’ll Forgive me, right? That’s-
E: ... You really are presumptuous, Zero Two. Milgram has deigned you a killer, and thus there is no doubt in my mind you hold some responsibility for your murder. 
A: Are you serious?! I’m telling you, I didn’t do anything wrong!
E: You make me laugh. Do you really think I will Forgive any prisoner who asks for it? You’re delusional. 
A: !
E: As the Warden, my verdict is mine to make. Your opinion makes no difference. Withholding information will not help you either; I will learn the full extent of your sin, whether you want it or not. 
A: What’s with this sudden change in attitude?
E: As if you have any right to complain about that, Zero Two. 
*Machinery whirs*
A: Huh?!
E: The time has come. Any other comments, sinner?
A: Yeah. Whoever you are, you’re ugly, too. 
E: I will take your words into consideration. 
A: …
E: I have considered them and determined I don’t give a shit. 
A: Gah!-
E: Prisoner 02, Arturo Giles, sing your sins!
Trial 1 Cover: Paradise by QueenPB
Music Video: Wilting
(By the way, I hope I'm not horrendously misusing all these medical terms. I literally got them out of glossaries for plastic surgery lol)
[The song starts slow, with sparse instrumentals, then gets more energetic. The instrumental throughout is a pretty standard synth pop song, it sounds sorta wistful]
A solemn duty to fulfill my dream. A life of beauty hanging just out of reach. (I)  Attempts are filed yet I can’t succeed. (II) And all the while my patience wilts (III) It’s wilting (IV)
(I) The video opens on a shot of a bouquet of flowers on a yellow background with a pattern of orange circles. The bouquet has red roses, purple orchids, and pink tulips. 
The camera slowly pans out, revealing the image is being displayed on a TV screen. It switches to another bouquet, this one on a dark blue and green striped background, with purple zinnias, gloxinias and pink camellias. Behind the TV, thorn bushes fill the background.
For reference, this is sorta what I'm talking about, except imagine it brown instead of green.
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(II) The shot turns around to show Arturo, sitting cross-legged on a couch and watching the TV with half-lidded eyes. He’s wearing a dark blue long sleeve shirt, which has black stripes around the chest area. He’s also wearing the canon surgical gloves, grey pants and a black face mask covering his mouth. He’s slightly hunched over, and on his left hand, he’s holding an orange amaryllis flower. The background is again filled by thorn bushes.
(III) The shot changes to look at Arturo from the side, but he’s out of focus at first. Instead, the camera is focused on a flower pot on the couch beside him. It has these flowers:
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(Flower names in alt text)
The sunflower is facing Arturo. After a moment, the camera focuses on Arturo as he leans down and puts his right hand on his face, appearing exhausted. 
(IV) We zoom in on the orange amaryllis Arturo is holding, and after the line is said, a single petal falls off. 
[Instrumental. Somewhat slow, synth sound. Very artificial]
The petal flutters down, as the background brightens and turns into the hospital corridor from the thumbnail, except upside down. The camera flips, so now the corridor is upright and it looks like the petal is going up, until it leaves the view of the camera. That’s when we see the thumbnail image. 
Through the day and night, through life’s ugly swamp, (I) the beauty I deserve, (II) no one can satisfy… (III)
(I) We get a side view of Arturo as he walks forward. The corridor is still filled with weeds and vines, which grow thicker as he walks. We see him move past a grey set of double doors, then a sign showing fire escape routes, until he finally arrives at another set of double doors. He turns to it. 
(II) We get a close up of Arturo grabbing the doorknob. 
(III) The door is now open, we get a side shot of Arturo standing in the doorway, staring down at a hospital bed with a big pile of grass and algae resting on it. The room is very dark aside from the light from the corridor, shining on Arturo’s back. There are multiple weeds and vines hanging around the walls, which partly cover a mirror on the wall.
Hideous, face the facts, I won’t change my mind, (I) No matter what I try,  It’s ugly all throughout… (II)
(I) A few close-ups of Arturo cutting up the grass with a scalpel, and removing the algae from the bed. 
(II) Taking a step back, we see the pile of grass has turned into a vaguely human shaped bush, with a dandelion flower crown. 
[Pre-chorus, the music speeds up a bit]
Abid to my discretion (I) And appeal to my “obssession” (II) Will not settle for corrections  When I only seek perfection, no! (III)
(I) We cut to Arturo frowning while still looking down at the bed.
(II) He throws his arm out, basically slapping the air, and the greenery goes flying off the bed. 
(III) A side profile of Arturo’s angry face, and the shot focuses on the mirror to his side, still covered in vines. The reflection is upside down, and shows the same thorn bushes background at the start, as well as Arturo staring at the Arturo in the hospital room, wearing the same clothes he was wearing in the beginning, and still holding the orange amaryllis. The camera flips upside down as “no!” is sung. 
A solemn duty to fulfill my dream. (I) A life of beauty hanging just out of reach. (II) Attempts are filed yet I can’t succeed.  And all the while my patience wilts (III) It’s wilting (IV)
(I) Back at the room with the thorn bushes, Arturo is still staring at "us". The screen “blinks”.
(II) We see this, except it's behind a bunch of thorn bushes.
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(Flower names in alt text)
(III) Arturo grabs one of the thorny branches and moves it a bit to see the flowers better. We see his face, and he’s frowning.
(IV) He startles and looks down.
For obsolescence, bring forth novel things. (I) Break down the essence like a chemical peel. (II) Macular stains which ought to be fixed. (III) Replace epidermis ‘til the hideousness wilts (IV) It’s wilting (V)
(I) We zoom in on the flower pot from the beginning, the one with the sunflower. It’s now on the floor, the forget-me-nots wrapped around Arturo's ankle. The sunflower is facing up at Arturo. He’s wearing simple black dress shoes. 
(II) Back at Arturo’s face. He’s looking down with narrowed eyes. 
(III) Arturo kicks the pot, a few of the petals of the flowers scatter around. The sunflower still faces Arturo.
(IV) A forget-me-not petal flutters down, falling into a puddle of water. The reflection shows the hospital corridor. The petal lingers on the surface.
(V) The screen glitches for a moment. Right after the words, the camera flips and brightens, and now we’re staring at the floor of the hospital corridor. The petal is still resting on top of a puddle of water, but now the reflection shows the room with the thorn bushes. 
[A bit of instrumental]
The shot lingers on the petal on the water, before Arturo’s foot steps on it as he walks. 
An ugly truth indeed, the life I’m forced to live. (I) A simple wish to flee,  now is it wrong to dream? (II)
(I) Now in his canon clothes again, Arturo walks through the hospital. We see his feet as he trudges through a large amount of weeds. He stops.
(II) A close up of the fire escape sign from before. There is a bouquet of red roses under the section marked ‘EXIT’.
Boiling varicose,  a neoplasmic growth. (I) Yearning in my soul, will I ever know control? (II)
(I) We see the back of Arturo’s head, and his gloved hand touches the bouquet on the sign. 
(II) We get a side shot of him, still with his hand on the sign. The background is pure white. Arturo pulls his hand away, turns to the white background, and startles. 
A full manifestation of intradermal intentions (I) Will not settle for corrections When I only seek perfection, no! (II)
(I) We see the end of the hallway, an open double door with ‘EXIT’ written on top of it. On top of a blinding white background, we see a table, on top of which rests a bouquet of pink camellias and red roses. 
(II) Back to Arturo’s feet (I hate myself for writing that sentence), he’s still for a moment, before he starts slowly making steps forward. The steps soon turn into a full sprint. Right on the last word, Arturo steps on a puddle of water, the reflection of which shows thorn bushes, and the camera flips with a flash. 
A solemn duty to fulfill my dream. (I) A life of beauty hanging just out of reach. (II) Attempts are filed yet I can’t succeed. (III) And all the while my patience wilts (IV) It’s wilting (V)
(I) Back at the thorn bushes room, you know which clothes Arturo is wearing. He’s on his knees, leaning down to look at a puddle of water, the reflection of which shows the hospital. The orange amaryllis is off to the side, and he’s crushing it with his palm. His eyes are wide and they almost seem to sparkle, fascinated by what he sees. 
(II) He leans down further, putting his face closer to the water.
(III) He startles, sits with his legs away from the puddle, and looks behind him. The flower pot with the sunflower is there again, though a few of the flowers’ petals are noticeably gone. Once again the forget-me-nots are holding onto Arturo’s ankle. The sunflower still faces Arturo. 
(IV) Back to Arturo’s face, and he frowns. 
(V) With his free leg, he kicks the pot again. Petals go flying again. Even as it flies back, the sunflower still faces Arturo. 
For obsolescence, bring forth novel things. (I) Break down the essence like a chemical peel. (II) Macular stains which ought to be fixed. (III) Replace epidermis ‘til the hideousness wilts (IV) It’s wilting (V)
(I) Arturo stands up and grabs onto the thorn bushes. 
(II) He begins to push past them, moving the branches out of the way and crouching down to pass. 
(III) Back at the floor, the fallen over sunflower is still staring up at Arturo.The other flowers are out of frame, but the forget-me-nots are still tied around Arturo’s ankle. Arturo lifts his foot to walk away, ripping it free from the forget-me-nots with ease. 
(IV) We focus on Arturo’s chest as he gets out of the thorn bushes on the other side.
(V) We see the bird of paradise (flower) from before. Arturo is staring at it, with gleeful eyes.
[Y’all motherfuckers want a key change?! (/reference)]
May my future justify the past (I) Lest the stretch marks spread way too far! (II) Where once was darkness, now hope for the bright (III) Since old spotlights always wilt too fast (IV) They’ve wilted (V)
(I) Screen glitches, and now we’re in the hospital EXIT from before. Arturo grabs for the flower bouquet, but it turns to smoke when his hand reaches it. We see Arturo look surprised at this development.
(II) Screen glitches again, and we’re back at the thorn bushes outfit., although the thorn bushes are still behind Arturo. He still has his hand out as if trying to grab the bouquet which has disappeared. He looks up.
(III) We see Arturo reach out as the bird of paradise and milkweeds begin moving away from him. 
(IV) The camera positioned in between the thorn bushes, we see the back of Arturo’s head. He turns around, and his expression turns from surprised to horrified. 
(V) We see the sunflower set of flowers again, but they’re all completely withered and shriveled up. 
MonoTV: Fun fact! Red carnations are an official symbol of Doctor’s Day!
Es: Oh? That’s kinda cool. 
M: So why the hell isn’t this guy represented by red carnations?! I say you should vote him Unforgiven just because of idiotic symbolism!
E: I mean, do you really think a flower representing love and devotion really fits that guy? 
M: … Shut up! You’re not allowed to make sense!
E: ???
M: Anyways, forget all that! It’s… 
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T̵̬̰̦͖̀͂̍̋̚h̴̫̿̈́̾̍̍i̷̡͚̯͠s̵̡̩̹͔̥͓͙̋̀̎͒̽͗̕ ̸̢̙͛̽̾̈́̆̄t̵͎̬̱̀͆h̷̭̤̞̖̹͠į̴̢̨͉̩̝̾̒n̸̨̪͆̈͑͗͠g̸͙͇̼̬̘͈̃́̿̔̂̓͐ ̸̡͙̺̝͍̾͛͛̽̈́͘ǫ̷̏n̸͉̲̖̖̺̄͂̀̑?̶̩̫͖̰͍̮͂̀̉̚ ̶͖͍̦̻͛̉́͛͐͒̃Ḣ̶̛̯͝é̴̘͓͓͐͐̿͗̚͜l̸̬̳͔̽̕l̴͔̥̯͉̼̭̕͝͝ǒ̸͎?̷̛̖͚̼̭̿̚ ̴̯̤͙͙̏̈̇̂̾͘͘ͅĤ̶̡̦̥̝̑͊͂̕e̸̟̙̗̮͚̫̋͗̕l̴͉̘̺̯̻̝͚̏̇̈́͐͆͠l̸̮̦̹͌̈̈́̈́̐o̷̥̲̭̗̯̟̣̕ ̸̢̜̟̪͕̏̓̉̊͂̎̾͜Ĥ̶̨̢̩̝͆̽̓e̸̛͕̫̽̈́͊͛̑l̸̡͖̗͚̭͎̣̅̄̀͘͝͝l̷̨̪̯̣͚͍̆̀͛o̴̢̗̩͖̮̰̯̓̿̊̋?̸̧͗̐̃̓̒?̷̭̹̓͊
O̵̖̝͔͗͑h̴̝̰͒̈́̽ ̵̨͈̠̌́̚ű̵̝̙͍̅̃h̶̹̗͛̇ ̶̟́ȯ̸̝̇k̷̖̩͗̋ͅả̷̢̞̗y̷̡̓̚͝.̴̙̮̃͠.̵̬͈̪̊̂.̸͔̬͌I̸̝̥̾͜ ̷̝̉̇̽t̴̞̲̏h̷͈̘̃̚í̶̪̓n̶̙̬͕̍ḱ̴͍̩̼ ̸̛͇̥̖͂Í̷̛̜ ̴̼͈̃ģ̴̤̦̐ö̶̡̙̤́ṫ̵̛͕̕ ̷͇̋̋i̷̮͂̃t̴̫͓̂͛
W̵o̵r̷k̵ ̴p̸l̸e̴a̵s̶e̴.̵.̴.̸
Hey uh....okay...I think I got it working-
Hello??? Okay...sweet...
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Stephen stills
Position: leader(Ex-talent???)
"Goddamnit GODDAMNIT"
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Thank God the power is still going...probably because there isn't alot of people using this damn website anymore...
Fuck...uh...they told me writing out my feelings would be...a...okay idea so...here I am! Plus, maybe there's some survivor's out there who can talk to us...
It's been...God how many months? 3 months when Todd...you know...rolled over Neil's head, 4 months when neil got bitten and died...8 months when we first started hiding so...around 10 months since this all started, Jesus...
Anyways I'll be running this blog...sharing my feelings and stuff...not like anyone would be alive to see it so yeah-...bye?
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Ships asks are allowed, depending on the character ofc and if it's legal
My other blogs:
@making-noodles-png (main blog)🍜
@themp3player (joseph rp blog)🎧💽
@hardcore-alcoholic (other scott rp blog)🍾
@dr-teddyholmes (oc rp blog acc)🩺💉
@cyb3r-calix (lmao, fropsona rp acc)🔬🧪
@notyoung-neil (young neil blog) 🎮📹
@noodle-sketchez-mp3 (doodles and sketch acc)🍜🖋
@robes-and-margaritas (old wallace blog)
Asks are much appreciated!!! I love getting sent questions and answering to them in character sooo yeah!!
NO NSFW ASKS- please qwq you can flirt, you can fuckin Rizz up the depressed ass dad but there's a few questions I'm okay with but it depends on the context
If your one of the SP asks blogs or anyone in general, interact if you wanna lol. Shoot a ask or a dm and I'll do my best to respond.
As for asks in general I'll respond to the best of my ability and to keep in character. Honestly everyone is busy with thier own lives and I hope you all can understand, thank youu
THIS AU IS BASED OFF OF @pepperpom 's scott pilgrim apocalypse AU and it takes place AFTER Neil's death so uh...angst? Ig?
Speaking of which IDK HOW TO PLAY STEOHEN WELL SO QWQ IM SORRY I dunno much abt the lore (even though I've read the notes and all-) and I dunno how specifically stephen is supposed to act so I'll just...try andmake him sound depressed as possibllleeeeeeee SORRY IF ITS NOT PLAYED WELL AJDJKWKXJWKXM
I'm also designing some of the minor character design for example Joseph, hollie, other scott, Joel and Mobile so yeah :DDD
ALSO ALSO CREDIT TO @anxiousfrogdj2566 FOR THE PFP STEPHEN. I EDITED IT SO IT CAN LOOK MORE ✨️yassified✨️ so :)))(
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#Stephen rambles
#Stephen goin crazy
#Stephen lore
#Stephen asks
#Stephen interacts
Anonsssss YIPOIE
🐢 turtle anon
🫧 bubble anon
Concerned goober anon⚡️
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giaourtopita · 1 year
but does he know you call me when he sleeps?
warnings; poly fem mc, angst, implied drunk sex, feelings, not very good writing, cheating(?), a little ooc
finally, my silly little fanfic is done shout out to @strawchocoberry for helping me edit this beast‼️🫶🏻
word count; 5.7k
MC had been in the Devildom for about three years. She loved being there, truly, living there was probably her most cherished experience. Learning about everything magic was so fascinating. She knew she could never go back to the human world without longing for the Devildom and specifically for a few of its residents. Well, not exactly few but seven, seven demons who were so beloved to her. She never wanted to think about how her life will be once she goes back to the human world for good. Of course, she was friends with the others involved in the exchange program but the human is much, much closer to the seven brothers; after all they were her housemates and she also had pacts with them. She wanted to stay permanently but she knew convincing Diavolo would be hard. Even so, she wanted to give it a try anyway.
She waited for the RAD council meeting to end to talk to him again.
"Hey, can I talk to you in private for a little bit?", she whispered to him.
The prince nodded and immediately she grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into a spare classroom.
"Diavolo, I wanted to ask if you could reconsider about me going back to the human world. Please, I can't go back…", she pleaded.
The truth is she didn't have a home to go back to. Ever since her first stay in the Devildom as an exchange student, she knew she never wanted to go back. Her house wasn't home anymore, she felt suffocated there. The only person she could go back to was terrible to her, it was her brother who would create hostile situations out of nowhere. And despite certain situations she went through during her first year in the Devildom, she still thought she was better off there.
"I suppose I should think this through better. Even if I send you back, you'll be back again soon, so sending you there in the first place would be for nothing… Barbatos won't like this but then again he's not the prince right?", he joked.
"Thank you!", she said before pulling him in a bear hug.
MC was hanging out with Levi in his room when she got a message from Diavolo. He was just making small talk but she just knew he wanted to tell her something else.
Do you want to stay over at the castle tonight?
She was surprised at first but she ended up saying yes. She didn't know what to think about it but knew it would be fun. Plus she wanted to get over the feelings she had for the brothers; having feelings for all of them and wanting to be with all of them was just unrealistic. She hoped that as long as she got over them, things could still work out. After all, she loves and cares about them either way. She thought maybe Diavolo could help her get rid of those feelings.
As she was getting ready to leave Levi's room, she gave him a kiss on the cheek to tease him. She always does that and yet he always acts surprised.
"Hey, normie! Don't do stuff like that out of the blue…", he yelled at her while trying to hide his obvious flushed face.
She chuckled and walked away. She went over to Asmo's room, she wanted to ask if he could do her makeup. She might have feelings for him right now, and it does make her feel bad asking him to help her with her date, but he is an expert and she knows the demon loves doing her makeup.
The makeup he did on the human wasn't heavy at all, the Avatar of Lust just made sure to accentuate her beautiful features. How he longed to kiss that face… For the very first time someone he's attracted to has managed to make him so flustered he's unsure of what to do. Most humans seem to lose their minds over him and yet this one is different, she treats him differently. Not like someone that is put on display for everyone to objectify, but as an actual person. Sure, physical affection was his thing but it was nice to be heard. Being with her felt more intimate than most - if not all - his other physical relationships. Sure, he'd love to get physical with her too but that's for her to decide. Besides, he can tell there's something between her and his brothers as well.
MC went to Lucifer's office to let him know she's staying at the castle for the night.
"Hey, Luci. I'm going to the castle. Don't wait for me, I'll stay there. We're having a slumber party with Diavolo!", she said while smiling at him.
He was expecting something like this to happen, but the reason why he wouldn't just talk to her about his feelings wasn't just his pride. During her first year in the Devildom, with him, she never listened to him even if he was right and since then she got into numerous dangerous situations which has made him worried and hesitant about telling her how he feels. Wouldn't him being the Avatar of Pride make her even more of a target? He keeps replaying scenarios in his head, thinking about how to make things work with her. He knows she cares about him just as much as he does for her but to him her safety is more important than his feelings. He has done the same with Lilith and his brothers. Which is why her potentially dating the prince feels off to him. He's worried, he's always worried but at the same time he wants what's best for her…
"Wait, come here, I have something for you", he motioned her to get in the room. MC sat on his desk and waited for him to respond. He started chanting something in the demon language.
"It's a little protection charm. I know you think it's unnecessary but-", before he managed to finish his sentence she cut him off.
"I think it's really sweet, thank you Lucifer!"
He was glad she appreciated his gesture without asking too much about it.
"The castle is twenty minutes away, are you sure you want to go on your own? I can drive you there if you want, I'd prefer that if we're being honest", the demon said.
"I guess you're right, it's always dark and I'm human…", she played along with him. He knows this human isn't weak, but he also loves pampering her and keeping her safe.
She got on the passenger seat next to him. They didn't say much but she had had her eyes locked onto him during the entire ride. He was looking on the road, so beautiful like always. All she wanted to do was kiss him but she knew things could never work out; she doesn't have feelings just for him. If she ever got into a relationship with one of the brothers, her feelings for the others would interfere with it.
Lucifer knew Diavolo had feelings for her. He never actually told him but he could just tell. He was sure the prince knew about his feelings for MC too. It was like they had an unspoken agreement to never talk about it. Diavolo is his boss and more importantly the future king of the Devildom. He is used to getting what he wants, so addressing it would be pointless. And it seems like he's finally getting what he wants…
They finally arrived, he parked near the castle entrance, they both got out of the car. Lucifer obviously wanted to stay with her as long as he could.
"You don't have to do this", she looked up at him while telling him.
"It's okay, I want to see you getting inside and then I'll go home", he said while giving her a pat on the head.
A guard opened the gate. Once Lucifer saw Barbatos waiting there, he told her goodnight but before he was able to leave, she pulled him in a hug, thanking him.
MC had stayed in the castle a few times before this but this time it was her first time staying there without any of the brothers.
"The Young Lord is having dinner, you should too", Barbatos said as he was extending his arm for her to grab on while escorting her to the dining room.
The human had visited the castle many times but going there alone really made her take a look around; she would just pay attention to the seven brothers, so she never actually saw what was around her there. Once MC arrived at the dining room, Diavolo dismissed everyone so they could hang out in private.
There were only two chairs in the room, one was the one the prince was sitting on and the other one was across from him. She moved the chair next to him, then her plate and finally sat down.
"So what's the plan for tonight?" She didn't really think about what the two would do once she got there; usually they just hang out at RAD so she didn't have anything in mind.
"Oh, I was thinking we could sneak out to the amusement park! Barbatos doesn't really like when I sneak out but that just makes it even more fun to me.", he answered.
"Won't you be recognized? You're basically a celebrity you know"
The demon is really recognizable. Ever since he became in charge of the Devildom, everyone knew who he was. There's no demon that doesn't know what the prince looks like.
"You have a point but I can just use glamor. To you I'll look the same but to everyone else I won't. We have to go MC! Ever since the new attractions were brought in I've been itching to go but I was always too busy..."
"That's handy. Well, we should finish dinner so we can stay there for longer!", MC said while stuffing her mouth with food, signaling him to do the same.
The two finished their dinner within ten minutes and went to the movie room to "watch a movie"; they were actually planning how to sneak out. Barbatos usually tails the prince so sneaking out isn't as easy as it sounds. The butler hates when the prince sneaks out; he believes that if he uses his time more efficiently, he won't have to sneak out but no, the prince has to have it his way.
The best plan they could come up with was to just go to Diavolo's room and then sneak out from the balcony. The prince has wings so he could just fly up with MC to avoid Barbatos and the other servants until they're out of their sight.
"So that's what we're doing?", he asked one more to make sure.
"You bet we are!"
He switched to his demon form and picked her up. He's way too strong to find her heavy so she didn't impact his flying at all. After a little while, Diavolo stopped at an alley and did the glamor spell on himself. He wanted to do it just before they arrived at the amusement park to get the most out of it.
The two went on all the rides, tried every snack available and got so many prizes from the mini games there. MC was having so much fun, she had so much more than she expected. He was nothing like he was at RAD or the castle. Could she really have been that oblivious?
After that unofficial amusement park date, Diavolo confessed his feelings to the human. They began dating despite her still not being completely over the demon brothers. She thought that in time she'd get over them for sure. And Diavolo is her friend so their relationship is going pretty smoothly. It's been about three months now since they began dating. She still lives at the House of Lamentation but she stays over at the castle a lot.
MC still mostly hangs out with the brothers as her boyfriend is a lot busier than them. He doesn't want her to be alone so it works out. However, ever since she announced her relationship to the brothers, they haven't been as rowdy as they used to be. For example, Belphie and Satan toned it down with their pranks on Lucifer and Mammon has managed to slightly reduce his expenses. What happened?, she wondered. Even Levi attends more RAD classes compared to before, when he would just do online classes instead…
She wanted to ask but wasn't sure the answer she would get would be one she'd like hearing. Tonight, she's having a sleepover with the twins so she'll get a chance to observe them more closely…
Currently she had to make a potion with Levi and Satan. Things were all going smoothly until Mammon's potion exploded in his face. Lucifer, who was the one actually in charge of making that potion, scolded Mammon for not being careful enough with it. At least these two seem normal, she thought.
After their classes were over, MC headed back to the House of Lamentation with the brothers. She went to her room, which had been her room ever since she first arrived in the Devildom, to see none of her things were where they're supposed to be; in fact everything hers was missing. The door was locked when she first came in and her room doesn't have a window so there's no reason to believe she was robbed.
She went to check the other rooms only to find out her room was the only one with practically nothing in it. The human looked for Satan, she wanted to ask him if there's a chance she touched something she shouldn't or is cursed…
"MC, I don't sense any magic on you… Whatever happened must've been done either by someone powerful or it wasn't magical to begin with", he told her, disappointed that he couldn't help.
"It's okay, I'll figure out what happened!", she reassured him.
"I'm sorry I couldn't be of help to you, I could help you look though"
"It's fine really. I might have an idea of what happened but I'm not too sure yet. I'll go investigate more", she said as she was walking away but before she did, she gave him a small peck on the lips. Both of them looked at each other shocked. She ran away immediately, her heart was pounding. Why do I do this to myself?
She practically ran to Lucifer's office to ask him what had happened; he has to know right? As she opened the door, she found Diavolo there talking to the Avatar of Pride. She greeted both and asked what happened.
"Ah, you saw my surprise. I was hoping I'd be there but you came here early… I suppose I'll have to do something even better next time!", he said.
"This was a surprise? Where are my things? I'm supposed to stay here tonight…", the human was furious to say the least but she remained seemingly calm. Lucifer didn't look much better than her either but as she did, he didn't react to the prince's actions in a negative way.
"I had your things moved at the castle so you can stay with me full time. You can still have your little sleepovers but tonight I want you to stay with me…", the prince looked at her as if he was begging.
"Dia, I would've canceled my plans if you had asked me to and now I will. But next time please talk to me…"
She left the office to tell the twins she couldn’t stay with them for the night. The human was so conflicted; on one hand, her boyfriend had her things moved so they can spend more time together, but on the other hand, she won't be able to spend as much time with the brothers. At this point she wanted to disappear just for a little while just so her feelings would finally deflate, just so she's not so confused…
She arrived at the castle with Diavolo, the servants looking at them as if they had never seen them together before. After they reached the hall, Barbatos showed up.
"MC, you should come check your new room. You could also inform the staff of any changes you might need for it.", Barbatos signaled at his hand so she could get a hold of it while he showed her where it was.
"My room? Won't I be sharing a room with Diavolo? He's been my boyfriend for a while you know…", she complained.
"Ah yes, the Young Lord is pretty busy. So we figured a room of your own would be a better fit. Plus it's royal protocol, you can't share a room with him at the castle unless you want to marry him but it's way too early for that", he explained.
When she finally arrived at her room, which was on an entirely different floor from his, she couldn't help but be disappointed. What was his plan? He's too busy most of the time, that's why she spends more time with the brothers, that's why she only used to come over at the castle and that's also probably why she was even able to stay with him in his room…
She changed into different clothes as she was still wearing her RAD uniform and went to the dining room as it was about time for dinner. Already prepared food was something she loved about the Demon Lord's Castle, but then again she also loved cooking for the brothers…
She once again noticed that her chair was too far from Diavolo's as it was on their first date. She moved it once again and sat next to him. The food was exquisite as it always is but she felt like something was off…
"Can we hang out in your room after this? We could watch a movie or play a game or something", she suggested.
"I'm sorry, my darling, I'm pretty busy tonight. Tomorrow I'm yours though…", the demon promised.
Disappointed, she finished her food and headed back to her room. Why would he do all this and then not even spend time with her? There's always tomorrow, she thought.
The next day passed quickly, Diavolo was busy at RAD again for some new event this time. Luckily the brothers were there so she wasn't alone. She and Satan acted like everything was normal but both knew something was up, neither of them said anything though…
She headed to the dining room but Diavolo wasn't there this time. She looked around to see Barbatos.
"MC, the Young Lord had an emergency meeting with the House of Lords. It was something about feral demons on the southern part of the Devildom if I'm not mistaken. He won't be home until late. The Lords always keep him there for a ridiculous amount of time", the butler informed her.
"Well, can you have dinner with me then? I'm not used to having dinner alone…", she pleaded.
The demon stayed with her until she finished her, the two didn't say much but this made her realize something; her relationship with Diavolo wasn't one that would last…
After she headed back to her room, alone once again she remembered that Diavolo is fine with her sleepovers. Immediately she thought which of the brothers would drop everything immediately to be with her; the truth is all of them would. So she just called the ones that would be awake or not busy at this hour.
Immediately she sent a message to Mammon and Levi, the second and third eldest brothers arrived at the castle so fast that she wondered if they teleported. She let them into her room. Levi had brought with him a USB stick containing a few of his favorite anime for them to watch. Mammon had no preference on what they'd watch as long as he sat next to the human so it all worked out.
The Avatar of Envy plugged in the USB stick and selected one of the anime on it. He was happy he could spend some time with her, and his older brother but you'd never catch him say it outloud. The three used to spend a lot of time together in the House of Lamentation before she started dating the prince. Could things have played out differently if he was just a little bit more confident?, the demon was overthinking, not paying attention to an anime was rare for him. All he could think was what could've happened…
MC could sense something was off with Levi, Mammon too, but she could feel Levi was on the verge of a rampage… She paused the anime to see if the demon would react.
She waved her hands in front of his face with not much of a reaction…
He started transforming to his demon form when she grabbed his face and asked him what happened, reducing him to a sobbing mess in the process.
"It's just that you started dating Diavolo and now you moved out too and we don't spend as much time together anymore… I don't like that you're dating him…", Levi sobbed as he was trying to hide his face, Mammon looked as if he agreed too.
The human didn't know how to respond but this did further solidify her realization about her relationship with the prince. Instead of saying something, she pulled both of them in a warm hug. After this heart-to-heart, none of them wanted to watch the anime Levi put on, rather they spent the whole night talking each other’s ear out.
Eventually the three fell asleep in MC's bed. When it was finally time for them to wake up, she found herself right between Levi and Mammon, cuddled by both. Almost like their bodies longed for her, just as she did…
A week went by and Diavolo was still just as busy, the feral demons issue has to be what's keeping him away from her. By the looks of it, the prince has to find a way to put a stop to this soon or someone might get hurt. Well, even more seriously hurt than before.
Once again she went to the dining room and once again she was disappointed to see she would be dining alone. That was until Barbatos came in and informed her that the young prince had a surprise for her in his room. She headed there immediately. Diavolo wasn't busy. He would finally spend time with her after a while. She was so excited…
He was there, he had a table full of her favorite food set up for her, candles lit up and flowers scattered all over the room.
"I had all this prepared for my favorite human, I hope you're hungry", he told her as he was pulling the chair behind so she could sit.
"Starving!", she told him excitedly.
There was even human world alcohol there. He really did put an effort into this. Human world products weren't all that common as not every demon can teleport freely there. The only ones allowed to go there without permission are Barbatos, Lucifer and himself. He's also far too strict with the permit, so chances are it was either the Avatar of Pride or the butler that bought it since he couldn't be the one to get it, he's far too busy to go grocery shopping…
Thinking one of her beloved demons could've helped with this surprise made her a little uneasy, her appetite was affected too. She forced some food down so she could drink some of that alcohol. It had been a while since she drank alcohol from the human world and she kind of missed the feeling of being numb from the alcohol. Demonus tasted good but had absolutely no effect on her, so it was rendered useless.
Diavolo picked up on her wanting the alcohol, he poured some for her and then poured a little demonus for himself as well, careful to not get drunk as he tends to get drunk easily. She missed it but because she hadn't had a drink in a while her tolerance was basically non existent.
Soon enough, both of them were drunk and started getting touchy with each other. The human started caressing the prince's chest as if she's inviting him to do the same and he did. The prince laid her on the bed, bodies grinding on each other. This was a mistake and she knew it but it felt too good to stop. His kisses were hot and passionate, he needed this. Soon after he moved lower to her neck, kissing the sensitive skin over and over… Then he started moving lower and lower…
MC woke up naked and alone. She felt as if her head was going to split apart and once again he wasn't there. She has to put an end to this. This relationship is only causing her harm. Disappointed, she got up, put her clothes on and went to her room. She took a warm bath as if to wash away the touch of the prince, got dressed and headed to the library. She wanted some time away from everyone, including her thoughts, so she picked up a few books Satan had recommended to her a while ago.
She spent her whole day in the library, so focused on her books she failed to notice the time or her growling stomach. She went over to the dining room once again ready to dine alone but to her surprise Diavolo was there. The two made small talk and ate until she received a message from Belphie, the youngest of the brothers just told her that Beel had an accident during his fangol practice. Immediately she got up, let Diavolo know she's leaving and teleported to the House of Lamentation.
She showed up inside the house right next to Asmodeus.
"I came as soon as I found out, how is he?", the human asked the fifth of the brothers.
"He's alright now. Really, you worry too much. He's been through this before. His ankle is wrapped up and Satan just gave him a pain relief potion so he should be fine for the next few hours…", the demon updated her on his brother's condition.
She nodded and got in the twins' room to check on Beelzebub.
"Hey, Beel", she greeted him and looked at him almost as if she was examining him herself. She sat right next to him and gave him a snack she sneaked out from the castle.
"I know you'll ask so I'll just tell you what happened. I was on defense and this other demon launched himself at me and I guess I put too much pressure on this leg… So yeah, I'm fine though, this will be fully healed in like two weeks. I'm not human, remember? I heal faster!", he reassured her.
"Beel, can I do anything for you?", she asked.
"Can you just stay with us? I- We all need you here. And I can tell you need to be here too… MC, please tell me what happened. I might be quiet but I'm not oblivious. I can tell something has been bothering you for a while. I promise I won't judge you. Just please, talk to someone. It's like this thing has been eating you alive…", the Avatar of Gluttony expressed his concern for the human.
She explained everything to him, he listened without saying anything. His face showed nothing but concern.
"And there's also this thing-", she said but before she could finish her sentence Belphegor and Satan stormed into the room.
"MC, go on, we've been eavesdropping the whole time", said the youngest. Satan nodded to reassure her.
Here goes nothing, she thought. She took a deep breath before mouthing the words.
"I've had feelings for all of you for the past couple years and I have no idea what to do. Because if I only date one of you, then my feelings for the rest would destroy that relationship, just like what happened to my current one. Diavolo isn't the only one to blame… But I used him to hopefully get over all of you, which didn't work and now everything is a mess…", she said while trying not to start sobbing uncontrollably.
"I knew it! So that's why you kissed me the other day?", Satan asked, the twins looked at each other and then their older brother in shock.
"Well, I think I speak for everyone when I say that we would rather see you happy than not.", he exclaimed, while looking at his younger brothers for confirmation, both of which simply nodded.
"I mean, if I had to choose between causing Lucifer slight inconveniences and keeping you happy, I'd choose the second option in a heartbeat", said Belphie in a cheeky tone.
"Do you have a plan about what to do? How to break things off with Diavolo?", asked the Avatar of Wrath, his mind running in circles, trying to help his beloved.
"I'll do that tomorrow. Now I just want to stay here, with you all…", the human said.
Satan looked at Belphie's bed and signaled him to help him push it next to Beelzebub's. After both beds were pushed together, MC made herself comfortable on Beel's chest leaving a little bit of space between them for Belphie who would in turn make himself comfortable on the human's chest, ready to fall asleep. Next to her lay Satan who instead of sleeping played with her hair and looked at her, his eyes focusing on her face, almost like he's lost in thought.
This was the best sleep she had in a while, she almost didn't want to wake up but she knew she had to.
"Good morning", she said to Beelzebub as she gave him a quick kiss on the lips, the demon not being fully awake yet smiling at the feeling.
"Good morning to you too", she said to Belphie who was already puckering his lips in his sleep.
"Good morning MC", Satan smiled at her as he was the one to kiss her this time.
She stayed for a little bit in bed with the demons, until she had to get up. Didn't Beel need to take another dose of the potion? She thought she could just bring it to him and also get him breakfast. As she was heading to the kitchen, she went into her room out of habit to notice her things were back. Did Diavolo realize what happened? She should probably explain herself to him…
"Lucifer, where's that potion Beel is supposed to get for the pain? I'll give it to him", she asked as she was preparing breakfast for the three demons she spent the night with.
"Oh, he drank the last dose earlier. He should be free of pain by the afternoon, no need to worry, MC", she just smiled at him.
"Also you should probably talk to Diavolo, I saw your belongings were returned and you spent the night with Beel, Belphie and Satan so-", the human interrupted him by kissing him. Finally, he thought to himself.
"MC, I…", the man was left speechless.
After briefly explaining everything, Lucifer agreed with what Satan told her, that all brothers just want her to be happy.
She gave him another kiss as she took a tray full of food back to the twins' bedroom. Immediately Beel was wide awake, already salivating. Belphie, Satan and the human took their usual portions and left everything else to be devoured by the Avatar of Gluttony.
"I missed your food, MC", said Beel. She wasn't even gone that long from the House of Lamentation but her absence really impacted the brothers.
"Ah, here you are, darling! Come on now, we have skincare to do~", Asmodeus stormed and practically picked MC up. He took her to his room, so he could spend some time alone with her.
"So, MC, you're back, right?", he asked, anxious for her response. He took some face creams and masks out of a mini fridge he keeps in his room, picking and choosing which one is the best.
"Yeah, I missed you and well, I guess Diavolo no longer wants me in the castle…"
Asmo's eyes lit up, ignoring the second part of her answer completely.
"You didn't miss just me though, right?", the demon asked. "What? You thought I wouldn't know? I can feel the lust you feel through the pact, especially when we're close. I can tell something is going on, and you can tell me. Hey, I'm like the least judgemental out of all the demons living here!", he reassured her.
She proceeded to explain everything once again. Asmo might look superficial but he's actually a great listener. He really made her feel understood and well, everything felt more possible…
After her talk with the Avatar of Lust, she went to the Demon Lord's Castle. She felt bad but she also knew she wasn't the only one to blame. Luckily, this time, Diavolo wasn't busy, he was just having tea in the garden. She practically stormed there, wanting to talk and apologize.
The atmosphere was awkward to say the least. The human and the prince avoided looking at each other.
"I'm sorry, Diavolo, for everything. It wasn't my intention to hurt you, but I'm sorry that I did. I used you and it wasn't fair"
"It's alright, I apologize too, I guess I didn't think of your needs and wasn't communicating enough. I hope we can eventually put this whole thing behind us and stay friends and I have arranged for you to stay here permanently if that's what you still want…", the prince said, anyone could tell he really was sorry as she was.
"Yes, I'd love that, thank you. I should go but it was great that we were able to talk about this…", she said and soon enough left the castle.
She was officially dating five out of the seven brothers now, which meant she would be even busier than before; but all she ever wanted was to be busy with the brothers so it all worked out. Leviathan and Mammon were the ones she couldn't do anything with yet. It makes sense though. One is the physical embodiment of envy and the other wants her all to himself. Luckily she was optimistic since they seem to get along just fine when she's around…
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slutterhaus · 11 months
AN: Started this during lunch and finished it now before bed so it might be rushed lmao just wanted to write something kinda sweet with and older Adam. Ngl I’m extremely rusty and sick (also very tired lmao) so this may be clunky to read. Anyways, go show @you-and-him some love. CWs: None. However, a small talk about toxic relationships does happen. Also mentions of dropkicking someone lmao. Other: Fluff, Second Person POV, AFAB!Reader, Female pronouns are used. Not proofread. Probs ooc Adam. Under read more because it's around 1k words.
Adam peacefully washed the dishes while he listened to you help your daughter with some homework. Both of you chatted about random things every once in a while when you needed a break, and even though he wasn’t really paying attention, the background noise gave him a sense of calm that brought a smile to his face. Life with you had been everything he could’ve dreamed of and more. Hell, he never would’ve imagined something like this before he met you, before going through everything. Sometimes he wondered what good he had done to deserve such a loving and happy life after everything he put you through.
And while it was all in the past, some guilt lingered whenever he was too caught up in his own thoughts.
It wasn’t until he heard you let out a chuckle that he turned around, watching your daughter pout and puff out her cheeks when it was time to get back to work. He knew that face, the look of dread when she had to write for English class. Neither of you knew why she hated it so much considering she enjoyed reading just as much as the two of you did, though he couldn’t help but wonder if she was just growing up to be too critical of herself.
You both gave her a sympathetic look, and Adam was quick to turn back around to fetch her favorite snack from the fridge, along with some canned green tea with ginseng and honey for you while you tried to reassure her doubt.
That was going to be a topic both of you would have to discuss later seeing as she was eleven and too young to be worrying about anything other than being a kid. For now, however, Adam slid into the seat next to you at the dining table, where you playfully bumped shoulders with him and giggled. He smiled sheepishly, a soft blush dusting his cheeks even after all the years together. “What’dya have to write about, kiddo?” He asked.
“Free topic. But I dunno what to write about.” She sighed. “I’m not good at coming up with things.”
Both you and Adam took an instinctive glance at one another before you spoke up. “You can't rush or force yourself to make something. School doesn’t determine how creative you can be when you got six more classes cramming stuff into your free time.” You genuinely tried to make her feel better, but the look on your face let Adam know you needed some reassurance yourself when it came to your parenting skills. He brought an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close to squish your sides together and give you a big smooch on your temple. “Your mother’s right, you know.”
For a moment, your daughter was silent, staring at the two of you with a focused look. Both of you could see she was thinking deeply about something, almost as if she was embarrassed to ask. “How… did you and dad meet?”
Adam tensed at the question, and you choked on your drink. How were you going to explain that to your kid? How would that conversation even go with anyone?
So, you cleared your throat and tried your best. “Well… Dad didn’t like me too much when we first met.” You started and Adam seemed to feel a cold sweat coming on, only relaxing a bit when your hand gently placed itself over his. Your daughter gave you a look that blatantly expressed how much she did not believe that. “With how mushy you two are? Doubt it. Dad follows you around like a puppy.”
She wasn’t wrong, but it was a bit embarrassing to hear from his own kid.
“It’s true. People grow and change over time depending on who you surround yourself with. Some people aren’t good for you, no matter how much you love them, because they don’t want to change, and there’s nothing wrong with taking care of yourself by distancing from them.” You began, squeezing Adam’s hand to reassure him you didn’t say it because of him. “And sometimes they break whatever chains held them back from changing. You never know what someone’s been through growing up, so always be kind while sticking up for yourself and for others.”
Nobody had given either of you a parenting manual, but a small smile came to Adam’s lips as he looked at your daughter. She was quiet, taking what you told her and processing it. “Besides, mama would dropkick anyone who touches you.” You added, trying to give the conversation a lighthearted touch. “And dad’s going to bail mama outta jail.”
The table was silent for a moment before the three of you broke into a round of laughter. Adam reached over and ruffled the head of brown hair that wasn’t unlike his own when he was younger. Granted, he had forgotten how it looked on him long ago with how he still rocked his purple mop into his 40s, but it was healing to him in a way. Your daughter only grinned, surprising the two of you when she picked up her pencil and quickly started writing on the composition paper in front of her.
Adam could faintly make sense of the title from his seat, tilting his head slightly to angle and accommodate his gaze to the upside-down writing. However, as he followed the sentences, he pulled you close once more and rested his head on top of yours while you rested on his shoulder.
'My parents love each other very much, and they love me very much. They’re embarrassing and dorky sometimes, but they mean well. When I grow up, I hope I have friends that I love and protect just like they do each other…'
As she scribbled away, Adam got up and stretched, but not before giving the both of you a quick peck on top of the head. “You two finish up, I’ll get started on dinner.” He began. “And I’m not dorky, your old man’s still a rockstar.”
“Uh huh.”
With a snort, you got up and wrapped your arms around him, humming contently. “And the light of my life~”
Adam groaned in embarrassment at your addition, his face heating up as he dragged you with him toward the fridge to grab some ingredients.
He really wouldn’t have his life any other way.
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moontail13 · 2 years
I have delayed this LONG ENOUGH
It is time
For the world(outside of the TMNT g/t Server)to know.
About the Scrap Metal AU
essentially this Au is just: Borrower Donnie
I’m writing a short(pun intended) fic for it (Donnie is extremely ooc mostly cuz I haven’t taken the time to analyze the characters in rise and take notes on how to portray them, BUT that’s not the point)
Anyways in the meantime take some doodles and silly little details abt the au:
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(Not all of these doodles are mine btw, it’s a combination of doodles from me and an online friend on a whiteboard)
Donnie’s battle shell is made of exclusively purple legos that he melted together.
He was separated from his bros when Draxum’s lab exploded and Splinter thought he’d lost his fourth son (nOPE, he is still alive)
He wasn’t a borrower at first, the first few years of his life he grew up on the streets of the hidden city, stealing food and whatnot from street vendors to stay alive.
He found a mystic crystal one day and upon touching it BOOM tiny
Eventually after getting lost in the sewers in the human world, he finds the lair (and the other turtles/Splinter), and decides to stay there.
About 8 or so years pass by before they find out about him
He ends up ABSOLUTELY DESTROYING ALL OF LEO’S HIGH SCORES in the arcade one night and that’s how the name Don comes about (before that he just went by Purple)
April is the one who has the idea to call him Donatello (like the artist… LIKE HIS BROTHERS)
Anyways a little while after seeing how angry Leo is about this mysterious Don character beating all his Highscores, Donnie starts to get more cocky and eventually straight up gets caught.
Leo is the one who catches him
He doesn’t know what to do with the lil guy so he just kinda puts him in a jar
“Hey Bros look what I found”
He’s a borrower so SHIT BE LOUD so he made little noise canceling headphones to make shit quieter
His scarf is something he first found in the hidden city, it’s how he got the name Purple (the scarf was purple, and whenever he stole food from street vendors they would always curse him out and yell stuff at him using the name Purple)
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