#...so if you are a young trans person: know that people care. a lot. you are seen
aiura-stan · 3 days
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I love the idea that Teruhashi might be thinking this. (I know she isn’t Teruhashi, but still.) It’s so outright aggressive and mean, instead of her more low key “Saiki should be obsessed with me!” thoughts as in canon proper, lol.
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Also notable that the first mention of Saiki being markedly different from other people is here: “If a normal person heard them he would undoubtedly have a mental breakdown after three seconds.” Maybe it’s true, probably an exaggeration on Saiki’s part, but it definitely highlights that what he deals with, mentally, is on another level, and he is able to deal with it.
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LMAO. this one made me laugh… it’s like yikyak but worse!! like yikyak but including things people wouldn’t even say on there, read out loud… phewww.
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Saiki says his powers are “in the wrong” rather than peoples’ thoughts. However, the way he words the second part about how you can’t dress up what’s on the inside strikes me as odd. I was trying to think of the reasoning behind this sort of sentiment that Saiki expresses here, because it repeats later in the manga proper. And I think, it boils down to this incorrect assumption he has, that people’s thoughts are their true feelings. My guess on where comes from is probably either Kuniharu or Kuusuke, who both express a lot of resentment for him. In each of their cases, that really is how they feel, and they make no effort to change it, and there’s not a lot of positive emotion thrown in there either. At least as a child, Kuusuke spent a lot of time actively trying to hurt his brother. And Kuniharu probably did too, if we take all of the examples of him trying to get “revenge” on Kusuo into account.
So it never occurs to him at first that people might have intrusive thoughts, or have thoughts they don’t necessarily believe pass through their heads, or thoughts they ultimately challenge and thoughts that directly contradict their behavior.
Okay angsty rant over lol
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‘nother thing that strikes me as funny, not in a good way this time… really now. I have never met a girl who was that jealous of another girl’s boobs. If anything, I’ve met girls who got them too young and wished they hadn’t because of teasing.
Maybe it’s a cultural difference, maybe it’s the fact that a male author wrote this who doesn’t really know (or care) about accurately depicting teenage girls’ concerns in a comedy… anyways.
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I beg to differ Saiki… that IS an incredible tattoo and I want to see it… I want that tattoo.. haha. And who cares if some people are bald?? and trans people exist?? Saiki likes to complain about things that do not matter at all. I guess he probably feels like it’s a burden to keep other people’s secrets, or something. He is just a teenager after all.
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tbh I kind of wish that Asou had kept this if only for dramatic effect
come on… look at this…
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Sigh. I love examples of Saiki interfering with fate just to help someone.
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Okay, that’ll do it for part one of this post. Part two in a bit. 💕
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euniexenoblade · 2 months
since we're talking about call outs lately, i've been called out many times, most of which are made from lies and sometimes by altering screenshots, but the most effective call out i ever got was like, in early 2015 there was a tumblr user everyone knew was a terf, but she would say "actually i support trans women" this was before crypto terfs were as talked about so the language wasn't really there to say "hey this person is a crypto terf." but yeah some people put posts of this woman on my dash and i made a random post on my blog "why do yall reblog her shes a terf" and of course she searches her own name daily, found my post, and replied to it that me calling her a terf was racist. that was it. no other interaction. but she went on all night talking about me being racist and just making things up as she went "oh i bet she says the n word all the time irl" kind of shit that had, like no basis? But her follower base took it 100% and i literally had thousands of anons telling me to kill myself, trying to goad me into being racist (didnt work), and the most concerning thing was i got hundreds of anons being like "what was the point of doing hrt if you still look like that, you should kill yourself." It was like, violent and overwhelming. and on top of it I'd get random young teenager trans people who followed her and bought into her bioessentialism showing up in my messages being like "you give trans people a bad name" "you're why transphobia exists" etc etc it was fucking crazy.
but i lost like, no followers because everyone around me understood, this woman was a terf. this all set up the real one though.
later in the year a teenage "communist" trans girl made some snarky comment about me being racist on a post of mine blowing up. i ignored her cuz like, who cares it's just some random teenager. but i guess people were looking for a reason to hate me cuz that blew up, lots of people just took that at face value no need to investigate. when someone finally did send the girl an ask being like "hey how is she racist" she replied "I dont remember but I know she is" and even more people just took this as 100%. the thing is, i do remember her being one of those "you make trans people look bad" terf following young trans people, it's not that she didn't remember, it's that she didnt want to admit she followed a terf and she believed a terf just saying shit. I lost like 3/4s of my followers, i had a lot of people i thought were my friends just stop talking to me, and going forward every time i got a call out there would usually be a line of like "also she's racist, everyone already knows this" all cuz this girl needed to make a snarky comment cuz she just loves terfs.
the thing about the "i dont remember" bit is it made some weird game of telephone. "I dont remember" became "oh she's racist, i think she says the n word" which became "she called black bloggers the n word" like people just made shit up about me and connected it to this call out. and when id be like this isnt true id be met with a "this is just known, youre a known racist" and it's like, to this day i will still find people be like "hey good on you for growing as a person and not doing that any more" and its like I NEVER DID IT TO BEGIN WITH
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johannestevans · 10 months
I came out as trans at about fifteen or sixteen, changed my name, and I’ve lived as a man since. As a young man doing my A-Levels, going to university, and working afterwards, I was out as a man, using he/him pronouns, using my actual name —
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Two pictures of me, one at age 16, the other at age 19.
To people who had no idea what a trans man looked like, it was pretty easy to give people a funny look and say, “I’m a man,” in a tone that made them suddenly flustered and nervous, because cis people feel extremely guilty about misgendering another cisgender person in a way they don’t when they know you’re trans.
I was thin, had a lower-toned but still not masculine voice, didn’t have much of a chest — I got gendered correctly automatically maybe 30 or 40% of the time, and maybe up to 50% if I employed shame in the right way, implied I was cis with a hormonal imbalance, or if people assumed I was still a teenage boy rather than an adult.
To people who did know what a trans man looked like but weren’t trans themselves, talking to them was fucking excruciating.
I remember once when I was selling house alarms and some hideous cis girl asked, “Are you transgender?” and I immediately told her, “Nope,” as she kept questioning the point. Another time, I was in the back of a taxi when a man asked if I was trans, although thankfully when I told him, “Nope, just low testosterone,” he seemed to immediately believe me and back the fuck off.
It’s one of the reasons I feel conflicted about trans visibility — it’s great for other trans people to see a variety of trans representation, but cis people knowing what trans people are is a double-edged sword, because cis people are entitled, invasive, and often just straight-up weird about gender, most of all when they think they’re being allies.
When I started working at a hotel, my immediate boss was a very abusive woman — she was petty, vindictive, and because she had poor organisational skills and frequently got flustered by her own workload, she would take this out on any staff around her, whether that was her juniors, other management, or sometimes guests.
Her being abusive in the workplace wasn’t that unusual. Now and then the managers would misgender me, and I’d correct them, and they’d brush it off as they apologised, that sort of thing.
Because this manager identified as an ally, she flipped her fucking lid.
She went off on a tirade for some ten minutes about what a great ally she is, and how much she knows about and cares about trans people, and how a lot of people wouldn’t hire a trans person, and she volunteers with local queer groups (she was at the time a mediocre DJ, and frequently DJed at a local gay club), and all this bluster.
Over one (apparently needed) correction.
All she needed to do was not misgender me — a quick “sorry” might have been nice. A ten-minute rant about how she was a saint for hiring me?
Not really necessary.
Cisgender people hate trans people — and I know some cis people reading this are immediately raising their hackles and about to go “well not ALL cis people — “ because they’re allies, and it’s important that I know that they’re a good one, actually, and they’re a real ally.
But the reason that cis people have a knee-jerk negative reaction to trans people, intersex people, and any person that they have decided is gender non-conforming, the reason they respond so punishingly to our existence or to mild misbehaviours on our parts — such as demanding respect or correcting their mistakes — is because our very existence is an interruption to their worldview, the ideologies and biases by which they live.
They should know what a man is just by looking at one, and if they get it wrong, that’s embarrassing for them — because to cisgender people the binary male-female divide is crucial to the way they respect or disrespect others, people that interrupt their thinking on it can trigger a lot of rage and upset. A trans person represents a frightening challenge — what if they accidentally treated a man with the casual disrespect that is rightfully allotted women? What if they sexually objectified a man thinking he was a woman, and it made them gay for a moment?
If they think you’re cisgender and heterosexual enough, any of these things are their fault, and they feel very bad about them.
But if you’re trans?
Well, it’s your fault for existing that way, right? You’re the one doing genders wrong — they’re not the one that made the error!
There’s a particular rage reserved for trans men, lesbians, and any other trans or GNC person that’s perceived as being “biologically female” — because society feels the greatest gender-based entitlement over these people’s bodies, in large part due to institutional misogyny, we’re perceived as gender traitors.
Cis men hate us because we’ve ruined what they perceived as a resource for them — a source of sexual gratification and aesthetic pleasure, a breeding vessel for birthing babies, not to mention a mother with all the domestic labour that comes with; cis women hate us because they perceive us as gaining all the privileges of being male, of gaming the system, and at the same time breaking what they sometimes feel is a sort of sacred trust of femininity.
In order to cope with institutional misogyny, some cis women effectively craft a further gender-based bioessentialism — if you have a uterus and are perceived as a woman by society, you’re not just physically capable of birthing a child. You must also innately have the traits of an ideal mother — you must be nurturing and lovely, you must be caring, you must have the correct emotions, you must be submissive in the right way. But also, a woman like this must be cleverer than a man, and if she effectively parents or cares for the men in her life, she just does that because she is so smart, and men are so stupid.
Again, trans people represent an interruption to that mode of thinking. If trans people are real, and we’re the genders we say we are, all of that ideology is nonsense.
If I, a trans man, can just “choose” to be a man, doesn’t that mean that every woman that experiences misogyny is just “choosing” misogynistic abuse?
The fact that as a trans man, I experience abuses that are linked to misogyny is irrelevant — that I’m at a higher risk of sexual abuse, that medical professionals dismiss my symptoms as soon as some of them realise I’m “really” a woman and cease my treatment or cease treating me with the respect due a man; that people dismiss me and dehumanise me, either because they think I’m transgender, and therefore a lesser being, or an ugly and not sexually available woman, and therefore a lesser being.
If I’m a trans man, I must experience male privilege — why else would I choose to be trans?
And if I don’t experience male privilege in every situation, because people don’t always consider me male or legitimately male, or if male privilege in any given situation I experience is actually complicated by other factors, such as race, disability, sexuality, and so on, then I must be lying.
Passing privilege isn’t the same as male privilege — passing privilege generally refers to the privileges a transgender person experiences because they reliably pass as cisgender.
I don’t think that it’s universal — “passing privilege” assumes that everyone passes in all situations, and while I would say that I pass very reliably in a lot of mine now that I’m several years on T and my second puberty has been very good to me, this doesn’t apply everywhere.
When I’m in the hospital, for example, or otherwise seeing a doctor, I get treated with even more hostility — partially because most cis doctors practice misogyny-based medicine and are more likely to dismiss women’s symptoms or generally give them worse medical care, especially male doctors treating women. In my experience, cis female doctors are more likely to punish me for being transgender than a cis male one is.
I’ve noticed multiple times going to see a doctor, being treated as a man with all my pain or symptoms being treated as a concern, and then abruptly there’s a sudden withdrawal of care and concern when the doctor either realises I’m transgender and/or realises I’m “really” a woman.
But the thing is?
I’m pretty sure that the reason I suddenly receive such aggressive negative response is because I pass so well. When cis people realise that I’m trans, they feel even angrier and more personally betrayed, because I’ve so thoroughly “tricked” them by being a man without their permission.
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Me at 24, about a year on testosterone; me at 25, about two years on testosterone. Same blouse, same vest.
But in general, day-to-day life — yeah, I’m perceived as a cis man.
Notably, a cis gay man.
Regularly, other trans guys and some butches tell me that as they began to present in ways perceived as more masculine, they noticed that women in public responded to them differently.
If they were out at night and a woman was walking alone nearby, she might cross the street to be a bit further away from them; she might choose to sit elsewhere rather than be near them on a bench; a woman alone might not want to share a lift with them.
I thought this was interesting the first few times I heard it — I hear it all the time, and it still strikes me as curious, because I don’t experience the same thing at all.
I’ve never had a woman walk away from me, or be careful not to be alone with me. Frequently, women strike up conversation with me in public, they chat to me on buses the way they might with other women — a little while ago I was waiting for my boyfriend to pick me up from the airport, and a young girl of 19 or so actually came up to me to ask if she could hotspot off my phone for a second and to ask me for directions.
It’s not that women alone shouldn’t strike up conversation with men, or shouldn’t be alone with them — but just to avoid any potential discomfort or risk of being harassed, many of them understandably avoid it.
But a lot of women see me in the street or in public places, and when they perform their internal risk assessment, I don’t prompt a red flag.
Part of it is that I’m skinny and white, sure — I’m not very physically intimidating in terms of my size, and I’m not racialised in the way many Black and dark-skinned men and boys are. Sometimes, I’m using a mobility aid like a cane, and that makes a difference, too.
But as a rule, I’m pretty. I wear make-up — I often wear face stickers and have visible “tattoos”. I’m fussy about my hair, and it shows. I dress in bright prints and florals, I wear silks and satins, I wear waistcoats and high-waisted jeans, I wear block heels.
When I walk, I sashay my hips. I hold my hands in a delicate way — I gesticulate freely, and I move my fingers when I do so in an effete way. If they hear me talk, people often guess from my accent that I’m English rather than Welsh, and that I’m more educated than I am, not to mention significantly posher.
The average cishet stranger in the street absolutely sees me as a man — and they exclusively see me as a gay one. No one ever mistakes me for a straight one, and that absolutely affects the way I’m treated.
I couldn’t possibly pose a threat of sexual harassment in many women’s eyes, because I’m obviously gay, and many cis straight women feel very comfortable with — if not entitled to — gay men’s companionship, especially white gays with effete mannerisms.
When talking about gender-based privileges for trans men and mascs, we don’t tend to consider any impact that perceptions of our sexuality can have, but because of the way gay men are sorted into a different subclass of cis masculinity than straight men, there’s a noticeable impact.
Straight people sometimes roll their eyes or look amused when they think I’m being particularly dramatic or gay; occasionally straight men wolf-whistle at me or make comments about how gay I look; people strike up conversations with me about RuPaul’s Drag Race, start chattering to me about drag, because they just assume that’s the sort of thing I would be into. I get looks sometimes on the bus if I’m chatting with friends or on the phone, or sometimes if I’m just there in front of them and I look very gay.
Most of this isn’t incredibly malicious — is it homophobic? Sure, sometimes. A lot of it is just straight people trying to understand what they think is gay culture the best way they know how.
Parents with kids actually make me the most nervous — not because there’s any danger posed by the kids themselves most of the time, but because parents can be the most vicious when it comes to homophobia. They’ll accuse gay men of being paedophiles just for existing in public and seeming a bit fruity, or they’ll get nervous about how gay someone looks in case their kids ask questions about it.
And kids do find how I look interesting — all the time, I’ll be out in public, and a kid will notice that my nails are painted or that I’m wearing high heels or that they see tattoos on my face, and they’ll ask their parents about it.
It’s anxiety-inducing for any parent when their child starts acting about a stranger’s appearance where the stranger can hear them, because they get worried about the potential impoliteness — when that stranger is a faggot, some of them get angry at me, because once again, even without their knowing I’m transgender, I’m interrupting their worldview of what the correct gendered behaviours are, forcing them to think about it, forcing them to explain aberrations to their kids.
A “normal”, “real” man is straight, after all, and does straight men’s things, like dress badly and sexually harass women and get ugly haircuts. It’s confusing, if I’m out on the streets looking fuckable.
The last time I was travelling, I was sitting in a restaurant in the airport, and some boys at the next table were staring at me.
“Dad, why is that man wearing makeup?”
“I don’t know, some men wear it.”
“How come?”
It is a truth universally acknowledged that wherever a faggot goes, little boys will be asking their mildly homophobic but well-meaning and liberal parents questions about that man’s physical appearance.
A classic response, and one that I overhear often, was this man’s retort: “Why don’t you go and ask him?”
Sometimes teenagers and kids laugh at how I dress, especially if they’re in groups together — and especially, too, if there’s a bunch of us visible queers together.
One thing I’ve noticed about wearing crop-tops is that some people get het-up about how hairy I am and the hair visible on my belly, or under my arms if I’m wearing a vest — because some straight people see a white twink and want to reclassify him as being part of the woman subcategory instead of the man subcategory (based on his assumed sexual availability to men), they then apply women’s rules of physical appearance to him.
After all, if I’m wearing makeup and high heels and high-waisted jeans and a crop-top, that’s like how a woman dresses — and if I’m going to dress like a woman even though I’m obviously a man, I should be held to the standards a woman would be too. I should be hairless and odourless, like a sexy child, because “sexy child” is the ideal for an attractive woman, right?
Some cishet women also hate how I dress and instead of laughing or grumbling about it in the way that cishet men do, they wrinkle their noses and get really quite scornful about it.
Some of those women’s husbands are secretly on Grindr (I know because I have sex with them), and I believe this is the closest they get to facing their suspicions as to their husbands’ bisexuality.
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A photo of me from earlier this month, age 26.
I started taking testosterone some months before the pandemic started, but experienced the bulk of my second puberty’s physical effects over the course of the following years.
Subsequently, when I went to a queer event being run after about two years on testosterone, many people there hadn’t seen me out in some time. I got a lot of looks and a lot of interest, especially from other queer men, in a way I never had before — I always got a lot of engagement and looks, but many cis gay men would take a little while to warm up to the idea of me as a man if they knew or suspected I was trans.
Maybe it’s just because I’m hotter, though, right? I’m hardly the only person to go through a glow-up on HRT, and I certainly feel more attractive.
Except that several of the older men looking at me were men I’d known casually for years — and a bunch of them came up and introduced themselves. Said hi, what’s your name, I’m x, it’s nice to meet you, are you new to the city?
Because up ’til then, they really hadn’t much looked at me in much detail. Many of these men had heard me give talks, had talked to me in queer bars, had met me at one event or another, and I just hadn’t stuck in their minds — they certainly hadn’t come up and spoken to me before, let alone with such enthusiasm.
And I do want to say, like —
None of these men would call themselves anti-trans — they’d try to use the right pronouns, they’d say that there should be trans events on, and so on. But there’s still going to be unconscious biases there — whether up ’til now they saw me as a woman (and therefore just looked past me) or saw me as trans (and therefore just looked past me), suddenly I was a fully realised human being. Maybe I was attractive and fuckable to some of them — but crucially, I was also another gay man, and therefore real and worth talking to.
And I will say that this isn’t all older gay men in my community or even like, a massive majority of them — but it was enough older gay men to be noticeable.
Even entering into new gay spaces, queer men tend to be friendlier to me than they used to, more outgoing in conversation, chattier, etc.
That’s obviously not necessarily because I’m trans — like I said, I’m also hotter than I used to be, I’m older, more educated, I dress better and more confidently, etc. There’s other factors at play, and I’m not comparing friendliness to cruelty or coldness — I’m comparing it to polite apathy, which was often mild enough that I wasn’t hugely affected by it pre-T.
Some men do treat me a little coldly, but from what I can tell it’s not usually because they suspect or know I’m trans — a lot of the time it’s actually because I’m so faggy and effeminate, or they just don’t trust that I’m gonna be cool because I’m so young.
Mixed queer spaces can be another story.
Other queer people my age have often found me intimidating — I’m a pretty outspoken person, my politics are more aggressive leftwing than many people’s, and as a autistic, I speak plainly and directly in a way that a lot of people don’t care for, or can find scary and overwhelming.
Now, though?
The response to my perceived aggression is a lot more dramatic and avoidant — because now they assume I’m a cisgender man.
People often interpret me as angry or aggressive when I’m not — I can sometimes be somewhat flat in my affect, I can be a very blunt communicator, I don’t tend to beat around the bush when it comes to my opinions. All of these are pretty standard as an autistic guy, and a lot of other people have experienced the same thing I have — the interpretation of those personality traits as aggressive or argumentative.
But it’s been interesting experiencing the negative response ramp up so much as soon as I’m perceived as “really” male, even by other transmascs, queer people, and trans men.
It can be strange at times navigating broader trans spaces as someone who doesn’t look trans in the way even other trans people expect you to, where they just assume that you’re cisgender, or that as someone who already passes and has therefore “finished” your journey as a trans person, there’s less reason for you to be in community with other trans people.
Especially when it comes to trauma like…
There is an assumption by many young queer people that cis gay people are just fine now, that homophobia doesn’t impact them in the traumatic way it did older generations, or that homophobia is no longer an active impact on people’s lives — I obviously am transgender, but to be brushed off with the assumption I haven’t experienced the same extent of bigotry or negative experience because I appear cisgender always strikes me as fucked up when of course a lot of cis men have had similar life experiences to me, or worse.
I will say that again, the negative responses are from a minority, just big enough to be noticeable, and the more people talk to me, the more they relax a little about the whole thing.
It’s still funny though, like —
I met some trans friends of a partner recently, and I came downstairs without a shirt on because I was hurriedly multitasking, and watched her do a double take at my chest.
I laughed and was like, “Did you not realise I was trans?”
And she went, “No!” and we had a giggle about it.
Most of the time meeting other queer people across the board, I’m extended care and compassion and love — it’s just weird, I think, being so aware of the gendered differences in how people speak with and apparently perceive me, and how things have and do change, especially because people assume transmasculinity means a one-way journey to Male Privilege, and all the benefits it can come with.
As with any and everything else, these matters come with nuance and layers, and nothing is as simple as A to B with no complications.
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tocomplainfriend · 3 months
VIV is constantly criticized by her own fault.
TW: Mention of: SA, Rape, Transphobia, fat phobia, Antiblackness.
(Hey, i'mma probably do a post eventually about episode 4. Btw, awfully shit, worse than I thought it could be... BIG TW OF R-PE AND SA IF YOU'RE GOING TO SEE IT. AND TW of the minimization of those topics too.)
BUT I NEED TO CALL ATTENTION TO THIS! One of the reasons I criticize a lot of Viv specifically is because of how much she puts herself out there. She sees something she posts on Twitter about it a shit ton (even on "threads" lol). AND because of how lacking of improvement she has being. (I personally know people I have considered terrible when we were teens, but I have seen legit improvement from them in recent years. They seem like people who struggle, but got to grow up and made up for any problems (or pain caused to me or others). People have the ability to change and become better. Something that matters at pointing out issues or discussing-is the idea of creating change on others. It is better to get someone to change for the better than to cast them into the forever jail of nothingness (unless, IDK, they Sexually Assaulted someone, for example). Specially when they are young people. Doesn't mean YOU have to stick with other people that hurt you, no. Doesn't mean people get to do what ever and get away with it.
BUT All of this problem I have seen from Viv are from age 19-30. (you can change at anytime btw) And see constantly repeats herself and her actions. Seems to have never accepted criticism (said by herself too), and never able to see her own faults. The fact that is a continuous behavior is a problem, how she always responds is awful. My post of "Viv has being transphobic for 10 years", was to signal that. If she really had changed over those 10 years to a genuine thing- I could've taken that! But no, the shitty double standard against trans men... the weird treatment. THE MANY STORIES OF EMPLOYEES GETTING MISGENDERED HEAVILY, TOO.
(I know people who were transphobic [When they were teens mainly], that Genuinely improved and changed their beliefs. Now they treat trans people with respect and care! And still learning about gender-fluid people, too!)
It just seems to be further and further away from getting better! The fact that she only decides to take in account voices from SA victims that agree with her- it's painful as a victim, my self!
And yes, people who sent gore or dumbass shit to Viv (or the team) don't help. And go get help why you're looking and sending Gore to anyone. (Also, stuff like this does lead to people not listening to others people genuine callouts). The fact that I criticize something doesn't mean I agree with the people that go and do shit like the thing I just mention above.
This drawing was created by DollCreep. BUT ALSO FUCKING REMEMBER this was done in response to the shit that Viv drew of him.
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If you didn't know Viv drew a transphobic caricature of DollCreep using the name Jojo (his old nickname). This put together with a shitty anti-sjw meme video. DollCreep is a transman, Viv drew a character based on him. A furry wolf girl, If you can see in the image the main thing listed below the character name is the fucking "Sex=♀️". SO ON PURPOSE, CHRIST. Like... AND YES-is shitty from both to have drawn this (even if it was in respond) mainly immature in DC part. But that, or any toxicity coming from DC, doesn't delete the transphobia here. (imagine drawing a racist caricature of a poc person, because they are shitty to you). THE POST LINKED ABOVE SHOWS THE SITUATION, and in the end of the day. Viv says that DC is an abusive shitty person to her, but never realizing her own faults or anything she could'be possibly done wrong! (and again, any wrong done by DC in general can not be deleted by the fact of having being treated badly. If he did shitty stuff himself, that doesn't delete the wrong done in general to him or to others by viv)
Here about transphobia:
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(this is like 8yrs old too)
Again, she never acknowledges anything that she might have done wrong. "She is a thoughtful person, that wants tor write queer and disabled characters! She wants to tell empowering stories of..." It doesn't even feel close to that when people bring up actual problems in her writing that are stereotyping or bad, and she just yells and cries. It all feels like empty sticks she is only interested in in the surface level, she doesn't want to actually deal with.
When she says "This characters is black guys ♡♡♡" and then the fucking 7th, a grayish character with zero black features. She can not actually try and draw a black person with a different hair texture, she'll faith is hair isn't straight and spiky (has done this so much too). She is all for positivity and diversity (can not draw more than 1 character that isn't a fucking stick with the same stupid face).
She can not write relationships in general. She cannot do gay couples, then don't lean on the stupid old uke uwu defenceless x big rough seme protector stuff. Again, all the interactions with Husk and Angel are sexual harassment. They are already a revealed future couple (and episode 4 is terrible for them, specially with that song). Stolitz is toxic, and predatory. That is not acknowledged, and all Stolas's predatory behavior and power dynamics are put in the background, cause- "look how sad Stolas is :(! HIS DAD IS SOOO MEAN, HIS WIFE IS A BITCH". All her gay characters are in pure surface: over-sexual twinks that are assholes, which also fit into the top/bottom as personality boxes.
Any other point includes sexual harassment as a joke. BUT KNOW SHE WANTS TO BE LIKE "GUYS SA STORIES MATTER, LOOK AT WHAT I WROTE" as if she didn't lean back into the problem of the diminishing of SA and r- (in general and done to men) with her jokes in HB. With all the sexual harassment that Angel Dust puts on Husk and others. (AND YES THERE IS NO WARNING IN EPISODE 4, FOR ITS HEAVY TOPICS! I do believe all series/movies with this need it. SPECIALLY IF IT'S SO GRAPHIC! "Sexual content" is not the same as a warning for SA or R-pe. An adult can see a movie with sex or sexual nutidy- when they see that- but it's different to get straight assault on screen. Victims can watch movies/series with sex in them all good, you cannot just group consensual sex in the same assault or R-pe...)
The thing where Mammon (the only fat character that isn’t from the fucking background.) is like FIZZ YOU NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT. AS IF SHE COULD EVEN DRAW ANY DIFFERENT BODY SHAPE WITHOUT DYING. Like there is only Mimzy (hasn't appeared yet, not given any importance. In the female lead show). Mammon the piece of shit (does the same as Blitz, but he is actually fully bad.) His design is done with 80 fucking layers on top. Like all the test of the skinny character's clothes suck up to their body except for Mammon. His body is hidden in layers upon layers of clothing (that's all you got?). All you main guys need to fill "the skinny have nothing men" and "skinny woman with big hips and legs, but no fucking stomach"?
AND YES! VIV DOES DO THE FUCKING, "FAT = FOOD LMAOOO". You know the thing HH fans and hater where like the "Bee needs to fat thing is bad, cause of fat = food (only food) is reductive and shitty"
(Can I refer to how the show Bojack H, make Diane gain weight cause of anti depressants- and it wasn't a joke! And she was happier too?)
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(mine, from post right below)
... like is a bundle of issues. And Viv will never accept that she might be /or is wrong. That's why it hits the fan with stuff. -And again I liked many of the little concepts and stuff in HB and the original pilot of Hazbin. Shit- I still like Sir Pentious and Nifty. I do like Mammon as much as he is a pack of problems to call out, I fucking love the piece of shit Australian jester- The artist work hard on it, and I'm happy it's an openly queer! (as limited as it gets, too....). I liked Huni-cast, I loved the original voice cast! -and that happens! I could be writing this about other stuff too, not only Hazbin... if I created this blog earlier- IT WOULD ALL BE ABOUT RWBY, DANGANRONPA, even svtfoe...Ladybug... or Agretsuko's ending too. So yeah, sorry for the long post (as if all my post weren't)
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autisticlancemcclain · 3 months
What’s your most hated fandom characterization for each of the main 7?
hoo boy am i glad you asked. although i’m gonna be real, my issue is less with fandom characterization, because you do you i don’t give a shit, and more with how people go batty if you personally are not a fan of fanon characterizations.
like, lemme be obvious and talk about my biggest example. i am a brown eyed lance truther. we know this. the amount of weirdo comments, weirdo DMs, and weirdo asks i get is atrocious. i post a lot of them bc they’re so stupid they’re funny but the amount of people per week that tell me to kill myself is lowkey wild. the amount of people that love to say some variation of “i liked your fic but you ruined it by making lances eyes brown! his eyes are blue!” and i’ve checked other brown eyed truther’s fics — either they delete their comments better than me, or they do not get the same thing. idk what the deal is lol.
i will concede to the point that i’m a contrarian and annoying about it, but a list of the following non-fanon headcanons/characterizations i hold that have been commented on in some derisive way:
- bitchy hunk (lol)
- non “cinnamon roll too pure and baby and good for this world” hunk*
- allura is a good character (🤡)**
- allura is a sweetheart
- allura is not a drill sergeant
- kuron was a good iteration of shiro
- red paladin lance/black paladin keith/blue paladin allura
- retired shiro
- pidge is not cruel
- pidge is not an infant and can handle things a regular 14-15 year old can handle
- small details are irrelevant (think lances family, exact prekerb details, etc)
- keith gyeong and lance sanchez
- fucking brown eyed lance. i’m saying it again
- tall keith
- non omega keith***
- readmores
- autistic lance
- adhd keith
- non asshole/cruel keith
- comphetting gay lance****
- shallura
- bi shiro, demi keith, essentially any sexuality headcanon that isn’t mainstream
- hunk who isn’t food obsessed
- that’s about it
*stop infantilising hunk
**the allura hate is ridiculous and largely rooted in anti-Blackness. it should not be a fight to say that she had a reason to feel betrayed by keith’s heritage, that she did not “get in the way” of klance, that her death was stupid and ridiculous, that she is often pushed over in favour of klance (not as in she’s less popular, but that her/her death are used as a plot device to further klance), and that she is as interesting, nuanced, and multifaceted as the rest of them.
***people, inevitably, feminize characters in fandoms (largely because many people in fandom are young women, i know i feminize characters simply bc i’m making them like me and i’m feminine lol), and my issue is that people (in the general sense, not everybody) love to feminize keith and then get really mad if anyone else is feminized. this is not about fem or trans woman keith btw. this is about people omega-ifying him and then losing their MINDS if i don’t share that headcanon.
****i literally only wrote this once and then never again because people lost their minds. but as much as i love bi lance, i think it’s interesting that usually, when we see “boy crazy” or “girl crazy” characters, especially if they have a lot of chemistry or homoerotic tension with a same-gender character, people are like oh ya that’s comphetting. that character is desperately trying to outrun the gay thoughts. but with lance, who was definitely girl crazy and cared more about having a girlfriend than actually dating and falling in love (think “mrs blue lion” — he didn’t give a fuck about who he was marrying, so long that it was a girl), calling him gay will have people saying you’re erasing bisexuality. as if he was not fucking straight in the show. so.
sorry this is so bitter and ranty lol. been in a mood
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lovelybrooke · 6 months
how do you think the strawhat's would react to reader coming out as trans? (Specifically ftm) I think sanji would have the most interesting reaction honestly
You're writing is awesome btw
(Yandere Strawhats with Ftm reader).
In my fics, I try to keep everything gender neutral, but I really like the idea of this. Most of there reactions are kinda the same, so this is short. Keep in mind that I am not trans, so if I get anything incorrect please tell me.
Also, I've finished Water 7, so this will be the first headcanons including Franky, yay!
Since you mentioned him, I'll talk about Sanji first. Like I said, I write my fics with a gender neutral reader in mind, so I've avoided writing Sanji as a complete simp. Rather, I try to write him as a caregiver who just wants to see you happy and taken care of.
That's how I think Sanji would act. He'd be honestly kinda overwhelming, constantly making sure no one disrespects you. Sanji isn't the complete image of masculinity, he cooks and cleans, but he also provides and protects and I'd like to think he'd remind you that there isn't a right or wrong way to be you. He doesn't care how you identify because that doesn't really change his opinion on you.
Because of this, he fully supports you being trans because he cares about you. As long as you're safe and happy, none of that really matters to him.
Luffy is a very carefree person and does not care at all if you're trans. His behavior can come off as him not comprehending what you're telling him, but that's not the case.
A lot like Sanji, Luffy does not care about your gender, he cares about you being safe. I like to think that Luffy doesn't really take things like that into account, you know? Like he respects you and is proud you feel comfortable telling him that but also nothing really changes with him. He's still insanely protective, possessive, and demanding of your time. He doesn't see a point in changing how he, you're still the same you.
Zoro is a little different. Zoro is much more aware of his masculine energy, how people perceives him as a man and how that affects the way he's treated by other people. A lot of people think Zoro is stupid, but I think he'd be aware that people are more likely to respect him because he's a "manly man."
However, he wouldn't have a problem with you coming out. Zoro from a young age was forced to face the reality of gender roles, and how gender roles affect people and how they perceive themselves. As a child, he was very one note, believing woman were weak and defenseless. But very quickly that changed, and it's why he's so cool with you coming out now.
He never once thought less of you when you were a woman, and like Luffy, didn't really care. When you come out to him, his opinion of you doesn't change. I actually think he'd become a little bit more protective, because like I said, Zoro understands the complexity of gender and knows there are people out there who won't respect you. Whenever there are bad days, he reminds you that he'll always be there for you, that the'll all always be there for you.
Nami is very supportive. She honestly doesn't really know how to react, but quickly realizes the venerability of the situation and attempts not to overwhelm you too much.
She really just wants to be there for you. She wants you to know that she can help you with anything, getting new clothes, offering to cut your hair, anything that would make you more comfortable.
Like the others, she's super protective. Less of the "I'll cut your tongue out if you misgender them." but more of the "I'll literally curse you and your entire family out in front of your children if you look at them wrong." She knows she isn't the strongest, but that doesn't change how much she desires to keep you safe.
Robin, the same as Nami, is very supportive and very protective. I think since Robin is literally a genius (she's such a queen, I'm jealous) her and Chopper are the one's who understand things like gender dyshoria the most. She understands that she'll never completely understand what you're feeling, but is sympathetic and offers herself as a person to talk to if you're feeling alone.
Like I've mentioned, she's just as protective of the others, but doesn't show it in front of you. She understands that you're in a venerable state, and that you're most likely overwhelmed with how everyone's been acting. So, she keeps civil in front of you, for your sake.
Chopper is a doctor, and so he takes a more medical approach to everything. He'd never imply that you need things like gender dysphoria to be trans, but will also be a reliable person to go to if you do feel that way.
He's the one who makes sure you're always safe, especially if you're in the process of transitioning. For example, if you chest bind, then he makes sure you're doing so safely. He also remind you that medical procedures aren't always needed, and he doesn't want to push something onto you that you don't feel comfortable with, especially if you're already confident in yourself and your gender.
But other than his professional side, he's also a really good friend, and is happy to help you feel more happy in your own skin. He's always the first one to ask if you're doing okay, especially in public situations where people aren't always as nice.
I feel like out of all of them, Usopp is more lighthearted. He doesn't pretend like he understands everything, and definitely doesn't want to speak over you and your own experiences. So, he tries to lighten the mood by making tasteful jokes, never at your own expense. It's a good reminder that nothing has changed between all you, that they're all still your friends.
However, somethings Usopp feels stupid, upset that you don't come to him whenever you're feeling down. He tries to go to Robin or Chopper and asks them to teach him about everything, until he has a very rare big brain moment and realizes he can just ask you.
He likes when you teach him about aspects of yourself, because it makes him feel as though you're closer than every other person on the crew. Again, however, he doesn't try to cross any boundaries, and won't ask about anything he knows you're uncomfortable with.
Finally Franky, who's like Luffy, he doesn't really care. He's smart, he understands what you're going through, but it doesn't change what he already thinks about you.
He cares deeply for you, and does everything he can to make you happy. He's like a mixture of Zoro and Usopp, he's protective but also jokey. In a way, he's also like Robin, where he's happy-go-lucky and supportive in front of you, but fiercely protective of you when it's just him. He can't stand people being rude to you, mainly because he doesn't really understand it. He doesn't get how people could be rude to you, especially about something that doesn't really affect anyone other than you.
A/n: I didn't mention anything like hormone therapy and surgery because I didn't know how to include it in the headancons, and because I'm cis and don't want to get anything wrong. Sorry if that disappoints anyone. Please tell me if I got anything incorrect so I can fix it, thank you.
(Also sorry this wasn't really Yandere, I tried).
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olderthannetfic · 7 months
re people regretting transition or detransitioning.
My little cousin experimented with gender for a bit in her late teens before deciding that she was a cis girl after all. The experiment involved clothes shopping, a haircut, and asking her friends to call her by different pronouns, and lasted for maybe two months tops.
Some of my our family members are generally supportive of that, and view it quite reasonably as a young person exploring various options before finding herself. The dumber and meaner ones, on the other hand, say she detransitioned and is proof that trans people are just playing around and that anyone teen who transitions will come to regret it.
And then they turn around and say they're happy for me and proud of my transition. Because I didn't get anything figured out until I was well into my twenties, and I didn't get to start HRT until I was past 30. These family members are actually dumb enough to think it's an age thing, and that my having to suffer for decades was somehow a good thing.
If the "worst" that happens as a side effect of trans acceptance is a bunch of teenagers getting dumb haircuts and wasting a few hundred bucks on clothes they won't wear again, I don't see how that's a negative side effect at all. That's just what teenagers do.
Grrr. Fucking assholes.
A lot of the "Oh noes, what if you regret it?" stuff comes with a huge side of "What if your WOMB is no longer able to make BABIES after you POISON yourself?" nonsense too. I see plenty of transphobia of all sorts in all directions, but the specific fretting over transition is so, so, so often about how every uterus should be used as a baby factory. People say this shit with a straight face who would never support that idea if you forced them to face the subtext of what they're saying.
There are, genuinely, rare people who do regret it, but it's way more common that someone either experiments with entirely reversible things or takes hormones for a while and then decides to stop taking hormones without actually characterizing it as "regret" themselves.
It's usually other people imposing that narrative from the outside, aside from rare cases where there was some level of coercion to do medical procedures the person was never that into in the first place (e.g. transitioning in order to be legally allowed to change pronouns on ID or getting a boob job at a partner's behest—a thing that afflicts cis women too).
I remember a friend from school years ago going "What if I'm wrong?" and even at the time, I was like "But what if you're right and then spend 20 years waiting to be sure while being miserable?"
In this, as in most other big life decisions, I think you should take your best shot, not second guess yourself, and if you change your mind years later, you can deal with that then. But yes, so many people think there's some sort of virtue in decades of misery as you either can't figure out what's wrong or know what's wrong and are denied access to medical care.
I questioned my gender in my teens back in the 90s. I just didn't do anything that made other people particularly aware of it at the time and ended up deciding that gender is a big lie and who cares. This is probably more common than people think.
The main upshot was that I ended up reading an incredibly dense book of journal articles on third gender roles that was a bit of a headache for a 14-year-old.
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andscene-if · 3 months
Move over, LIs, I am all about MC here! Big MChead over here and I have QUESTIONS!!
How old is MC?
Do they have siblings?
Did their parents keep them out of spotlight or was MC always around at premieres, red carpets, etc.?
Did MC willingly get involved in their parents' films? Or did they try to avoid appearing in them first before realizing no one else is willing to hire them for (insert reason here)?
Related to #4, did MC have a say in appearing in the family films?
Did MC have non-acting experience, like modelling, singing, backstage work?
Does MC use their normal name when acting or do they have a stage name?
Did they go to a performance/filming school?
Did they act in indie films?
How will MCs that normally wouldn't fit into the mold of a "Hollywood Movie Star" be treated? Like queer MCs, trans MCs, male MCs who are small and/or feminine, female MCs who are muscular and/or butch etc. Or for the sake of the story, will such things be ignored, which is more than fair?
wait, we're kinda in sync cause i've got an MC article queued haha
i imagine them in the 20-22 range, so relatively young
yes, one older sister and their age gap is 8 years, so you had slightly different childhoods. when MC was only 1/2 years old is when things really started picking up in your parents' careers, so you've never really experienced the "struggle life" per se. bc of this age difference MC and their sister tend to clash, especially if you're someone who parties 24/7. but your relationship can improve or worsen even more over the course of the story
they did take you to premiers, events, galas, and such. MC quickly got used to that, because they raised MC at the beginning/height of their career, so that's definitely a world MC knows very well
all their film creds were in their early/mid teens, so i'd say MC was pretty excited to be invited onto their parents' set as a legit actor, just bc i think lots of kids would be. and it was a calculated move on their parents' part to get MC's foot in the door. so, it's not bc people wouldn't hire them, they actually got plenty audition interest, but your parents were adamant on finishing school first + it's not like they were dependent on MC for money
maybe some films they were less ecstatic about, but it's not like they were casted as the lead/main ones. it was kind of like the Apatow family with their kids, where you play a minor role, get your name out there, and then have something to show off your acting experience
they received lessons in the big 3 (modelling, acting, and singing) during their childhood!
you can decide but that doesn't mean the media/public will respect that! (lots of them drop your parents' name when reporting on MC)
nope, the nearest performing arts private school was too far, so they decided on weekly lessons, and a private school within the area, so that their busy schedules didn't put too much of a strain on family time together
yes, a couple, after highschool. some they made with friends, unpaid and for fun, and others they were hired to do. but people don't really care about all that; they hear "nepo baby" and see the family production creds, and immediately stamp you as "undeserving & talentless". so only very few people know of those films in which MC actually performs quite well in
tbh, there might be a few comments here and there, but majorly it will be ignored for story purposes, as it would be very hard to add something unique to every person!
hope this gave much more insight!!
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arimiadev · 4 months
recommendations of visual novels on sale for the steam winter sale 2023
steam's winter sale just started and will run for the next two weeks, so if you're looking for a new visual novel to try (or want to get into them), here's a lot that I've played that are on sale on steam.
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umineko when they cry
the ushiromiya family returns to the family head's home on an isolated island for their annual conference with the intention of settling how his vast amount of wealth is divided. instead, though, a letter is left from someone claiming to be a "witch". with the ushiromiyas dropping left and right, the mystery behind everything remains to be solved.
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I can't make a recommendation list without mentioning umineko. it's life changing. it might even trans your gender. it's hard to describe umineko, but just know that it's absolutely deserving of the "cult classic" tag.
kinetic/linear - no choices
VERY long
divided into two games on steam - Questions Arcs is the first 4 episodes and Answers Arcs is the last 4 episodes (8 episodes in total, play Questions Arcs first)
created by Ryukishi07, creator of Higurashi
fantasy mystery
ace attorney
follow phoenix wright as he embarks on his career as a lawyer to help people. meet a variety of clients and prove their innocence by collecting evidence, interviewing witnesses, and exposing lies in court.
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ace attorney is one of the classic mystery visual novels, being a blend of point-and-click elements via investigations and visual novel storytelling. the steam port is a massive collection, combining the first 3 games (the original phoenix wright trilogy) as 1 game.
investigative gameplay segments, a good chunk of the story is point-and-click parts
VERY long for the whole trilogy- each game is around 20 hours long and the steam edition is 3 games
modern mystery with supernatural elements
ai: the somnium files
play as detective kaname date as he hunts down a serial killer using a cutting-edge technology which allows him to "psync" with a person, diving into the memories of others to solve crimes in a limited amount of time with the help of his AI assistant/eyeball Aiba.
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aitsf is a lot. it's probably the raunchiest non-eroge game I've ever played and despite my low tolerance for dirty jokes I found most of it to be laughable and a fun experience, though I did play this with friends. if it's a miss for you, it's gonna miss you by a wide margin, but if it's a hit for you, you're going to be recommending it nonstop. either way you'll want to hit kaname date with a car.
long, around 25-35 hours
this game heavily relies on going back to prior choices via their branching menu to try other options in order to get the full story (and true ending). there are several endings to this game but you're meant to play through them all, not just one or two.
a lot of gameplay and interactive segments
sci-fi mystery
english voice acting
witch on the holy night
aoko aozaki is a highschooler who has to balance her class president, perfect grades life with her secret afterschool life of being a mage—a secret she has to keep at the risk of death. keeping this balance already isn’t easy but one day she gets a wrench thrown into it with the introduction of a transfer student, soujuurou shizuki, a country boy so out of touch that he’s never seen electricity before.
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I love witch on the holy night so, so much. it's one of the most beautifully directed visual novels ever made with so much love and care put into each frame. the cast is wonderful (touko my beloved) and it's a must-read for anyone who likes modern-ish fantasy.
kinetic / linear - no choices
long, around 25-30 hours
originally written by kinoko nasu, one of the co-founders of type-moon and creators of fate/stay night. has some relation to tsukihime and garden of sinners but you don't need any knowledge of those going in
modern-ish (1980s) fantasy with lots of talking about magic
a snowy town filled with "ghosts" is where the young woman sayako finds herself trapped, feeling like she doesn't belong and wants to leave this town where no one dies.
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it's hard to describe ghostpia. it's a surreal-ish story about "ghosts" where every character is quirkier than the last but every part is made with so much heart behind it. you never really know where the story is going, but unfortunately only 1 season is currently out on steam.
medium length, around 10 hours
very innovative and unique use of visuals and paneling
surreal-ish (sometimes violent) fantasy
please be happy
as a shapeshifting fox called a "gumiho", miho has traveled the world in search for a traveler who showed her kindness many years ago. afraid of sticking around in one place for too long, miho has never stayed anywhere for more than a few nights- but all of that changes when she arrives in wellington, new zealand and meets the barista/writer aspen and the vampire archivist juliet.
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okay okay I had to recommend at least one visual novel I worked on. please be happy was a labor of love for our team that took over 3 years to make and is a slice of life story about love, trust, and what it means to be human.
medium to long, about 20 hours
2 romanceable ladies, aspen and juliet, and a plethora of side characters to meet via a map system
modern slice of life fantasy
english voice acting
find yourself back at summer camp with all the queer religious horror of it.
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WE KNOW THE DEVIL is a short, atmospheric and slightly surreal story about 3 teens at a religious summer camp waiting for the devil. if you want something that feels familiar and otherworldly at the same time, this is right up your alley.
very short, about 2 hours
3 endings and 1 true ending
isolation, psychological horror
this is just a handful of recommendations of visual novels I've played and enjoyed that are on sale right now on steam.
some of these titles, like please be happy and WE KNOW THE DEVIL, are also available on itch.io which is a website for indie games! they're also currently having a winter sale so a lot of indie visual novels are on sale over there too, if you want DRM-free versions of games while also giving a better revenue split to devs.
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If you think that "Gender affirming care" IE: Sex changes for people that involves surgery and chemicals and life long medical treatment, is perfectly reasonable and safe should people that push people to identify as trans (where they ruin their body, or deal with long term psychological harm) Should you be able to put people in jail if they sue later in life?
Long story short (As short as I can make it) let me explain where I am coming from with this.
There are people straight up saying that minors can decide to get life altering medical procedures and life altering chemicals. Because they "Just know". Meanwhile not allowed to drink, get a tattoo, or have consensual sex due to being ya know.....CHILDREN.
As such the point I take from this is if you are an adult, and you, in any way, push a kid to destroy their own body, and they end up doing it, you, the doctor, the shrink, and anyone else that okayed it should be put in PRISON. Why? Well if it's so safe and regrets are rare why wouldn't you be ok with that? It's safe right? Minors "Just know" what the long term consequences of cutting off their body parts and taking cross sex hormones are right?
Oh? And for the Doctors and shrinks that do this, their assets should be liquidated fully and given to the life they destroyed. *With a minor exception of the family of said professionals. They should get enough to get by for a year or two.* The rest should 100% be used to try to correct what has been done to the best of medical science, and then after that the rest is just restitution.
Is this an extreme point of view? Yup. Is it crazy? Nope. If all of you are SO SURE that there are "No loopholes" etc, then what are you scared of? Frankly I'd love to even see influencers who teach people how to get under the table hormones or offer to bring young minors to get the surgeries charged with kidnapping, trafficking, and inappropriate conduct with a minor.
Also share this around. I know a lot of people will hate it but I'm making a point. What do you have to be scared of if everything is just "A-OKAY!"?
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niiwa-angel · 1 year
@dylan mulvaney post, im sorry tras are backing who?? What child murderer?? Is this chris chan
Recently, there was a school shooting in Nashville that resulted in the deaths of three children and three adults. The children were all nine years old, not even double digits yet. The adults were older and in their sixties.
The shooter was 28 year old Audrey Hale, a trans identified female who had made maps of the school and done surveillance of the building long before she actually attacked. Police found two assault weapons on her person and two shotguns and other weapons in her home on later investigations. She also had plans to go to another school when she was done with that one.
Since the killing of six innocent people, half of them literal children and the other half older people, all of them being harmless, trans rights activists have only been concerned for themselves and how it makes them look. Nothing for the grieving families, nothing for the traumatized children, hell, not even remorse for the children who are dead. It's all about them. If you search Trans Day of Vengence on Twitter or Tumblr, you'll find horrible displays of trans rights activists calling for violence against 'cis' people, mostly women.
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Twitter has had to crack down on those posting using the tag trans day of vengeance because they are inciting violence.
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The trans rights activists are now trying to make Audrey a martyr for their community, claiming that she was killed because she was trans and not because she was shooting up a school.
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There are even groups of trans activists rallying their followers together to get fire arm training. Literally days after school children were killed.
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Also lots of images like these are circulating.
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Yes, those are assault rifles. Yes, they have gained popularity after the slaughter of school children in their classrooms. But don't point out that it's incredibly gross to be making the focus yourself after a member of your group killed six people or you get tweets like these
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There is so much more and it's frankly disgusting. I know some of my fellow Radfems have already made multiple posts on this and you really should check them out but the fact remains, six innocent people were killed by a trans identified female and all the trans community cares about is themselves. Now, I'm not going to pretend that I like Christianity, or any religion for that matter, but the fact is that nobody deserves to die because of their faith, or their parents faiths as these kids were too young to believe in anything except Santa.
The trans community has rallied around a child murder, who shot up one school and had plans for another. They wound up canceling a protest at the supreme court they had scheduled because they were concerned about bodily harm coming to their protestors. Not because it would be incredibly insensitive after one of their members killed people, but because of possible threats to them.
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mxboxlocks · 8 months
PLEASE can we see some of your HC designs? (Also yay, finally gained the confidence to turn off anon lmao)
I don't think you're aware of how mentally ill I am about soldier, and when I see that you've posted something new about him MY GOD I'm feral.
(This is to say I think you're great and you feed my delusions about a 40-something year old man fantastically well)
TF2 Headcanon designs, part 1/4
part 2
I HAVE THEIR EYES !!! which i think mostly encapsulates them pretty well. i also have quite a few doodles
here's the most complete ref i've made of them
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their eye color, skin tone, nose shape, and favorite colors!
i'll do the rest of my hcs in order. i usually try to stay close to what i see in canon visually, my hcs are more background and personality-driven. but there are some differences here and there!! starting with scout below the cut:
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(ft. spy)
he and spy have a very similar face and nose shape, as i'm sure you'll notice in the third image. they also have a similar eye color, with scout's being a little paler. i've decided his full name is Jeremy Valentine, because of course it would be. he's fairly tan, not only because of his ethnicity but because he's out in the sun a lot. he's trans FtM and his parents are fully supportive of him with very little fuss coming from either side. though, spy was more keen to treat him the same, just with a different name.
next is soldier!
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obviously, this is the merc i have the most examples of :3
starting right off the bat i draw his hair longer than it's kind of supposed to be. i know a lot of people say and think that soldier is very strict on his self-care, and while i do think that is true, i think it can coexist with his adhd and his inability to remember things a lot of the time. oh btw he's audhd lmao
he's mixed race latino/white, his mom being mexican and his dad being from all over europe. he had a sister that passed young. he doesn't remember his family, or his real name (legally his name is Thomas Anthony Mason. he's on file at Mann Co. as Jane Jamison Doe). he knew he was trans at a very early age, before his sister was born, and his father in particular was very elated to hear he would have a son to join the military. said father was unattentive and clumsy, and his mother was a little on the manic emotional side. his sister, named Betty-Ruth (but she would scowl at you if you called her anything other than Ruthie) was a very kind and patient little girl. the two used to get along great, before the incident that permanently changed soldier's life course. being he was kicked in the head by a war horse at an independence day reenactment. L bozo.
also he's deathly scared of clowns, so the team has him convinced they're not real. pyro likes to tease him about it
ALRIGHT! next up is pyro! i'll have to do it in another post because tumblr mobile is HOMOPHOBIC so stay tuned for that
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red-hibiscus · 2 months
BL characters I relate to most as a mentally ill gay trans man
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Daisy from SCOY
Surprising no one, I, a trans person, relate to Daisy. They're outgoing and seemingly don't care about how people view them. They know they're visibly queer and they normally don't mind it (from what I see). But at the end of the day, society does affect them. They're hesitant to believe Touch genuinely cares and is attracted to them despite Touch being an absolute green flag who is very direct with his flirting. Even after, Daisy was worried about people would view their relationship with Touch and tried to become Day, a more masculine version of themself. Impossible of course and they broke down emotionally exhausted. I feel that so much because I also don't believe it when people, especially cis gay men, are attracted to me. I've caught myself trying to change my behavior to be more masculine (as I'm a bit on the nonbinary side of things). It's bad, but I know how Daisy feels.
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Wang from 180 Degree Longtitude Passes Through Us
As a 26 year old trans gay immigrant in a country that doesn't want me, I have a shit ton of pent up anger that has been building up since I was a child. I've calmed down over the years, but I can still be stubborn and argumentative when it comes to politics and human rights. I'm also a linguistics major, thus an academic.
Wang is so much like myself and like a lot of people around me. Like me and Wang would be close friends irl I know it. We're young and stubborn. We're angry at the older conservative people around us, too much sometimes. So he lashes out. Many of his points are correct, but they're not hitting. Partially because the people he's talking to don't want to change, partially because he himself is stubborn. People like us yearn to be free, to be ourselves and to learn. Wang has a passion for the humanities like myself. Yet he knows society really only cares about STEM fields. I've compromised and am getting a master's in computational linguistics. Even though really I just wanna learn as much as I can about sociolinguistics.
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Karl from Gaya Sa Pelikula
I haven't watched GSP in a hot minute, but I do remember feeling very seen.
So in the show Karl has his gay awakening, tries to internally and externally deny it, and eventually let himself be free to feel everything and be himself (at least in private).
Now I didn't have a gay awakening, but I guess you could say a trans awakening. In middle school I felt different, I suspected maybe some flavor of LGBT, but wasn't sure and I was too afraid to think about it too hard. Come high school I secretly wanted to join the LGBT club, but was afraid. Then I was essentially adopted into the LGBT club and dragged into the friend group during lunch because I was a loner like everyone else. At the time still "identified" as a cishet woman. As time went on people started to suspect. "Why are you in the club?", "why did you cut your hair", "why do you dress like that?", "your voice is low for a girl haha", etc. Much like Karl, I was not ready for any of that. I was still struggling to make sense of it all and come to terms with it myself. So I kept rejecting it and every time it hurt.
I kept rejecting it until I couldn't. Until someone I resonated with so much came out as trans and it clicked. My trans awakening was complete. I became able to be more myself, but only in private safe spaces. I wouldn't come out and live as a man until after high school and it was terrifying.
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Adachi from Cherry Magic
I've only watched the jpn ver, but I'm sure that character remains the same.
I'm anxious and used to be quite shy. Now I'm just awkward. I'm really bad at seeing the good in myself cause I feel like I'm wandering around aimlessly in life. Not that impressive. So when people compliment me I think "haha they're just being nice" (refer back to me never believing people are actually attracted to me).
Adachi is the exact same. He has the same routine every day. Just going through the motions and not really thinking anything of himself. But then Kurosawa comes along and the ability to read minds. Adachi then realizes "wait, someone I respect so much actually loves me? And thinks I have a lot of good qualities? Makes me wanna cry." And me too Adachi. I'd be the same.
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Jared from 7 Days Before Valentine
Jared, my precious baby, is described throughout the show as kind, but weird and different. We later learn that he has dyslexia, and honestly he seems to be somewhere on the autism spectrum. Even if he isn't, he has a behavioral difference people pick up on and then shun him for it.
I too was seen as kinda weird growing up. Maybe it was the autism, maybe it was the social anxiety. Probably both. And then of course there was the gnawing feeling that I was different than everyone else and it turns out it's because I'm trans.
So when Jared said that people didn't talk to him because he wasn't like other people it hit me so hard.
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Myungha from Love For Love's Sake
The whole show is sad yet cathartic for me. Myungha is depressed yet spends his time comforting others. He has a hard time loving and receiving love. If you give him a fictional character who is very similar to him he will love them and see all the good, but he doesn't see it in himself. Relatable as hell.
I have an incredibly hard time being honest with my emotions and letting people love me and express attraction. Mostly in a romantic/sexual context. Dpdr is cockblocking me. So dating is hell, but I'm lonely and yearn to not be.
Probably if you put me in a situation like Myungha I'd also go "yep, that right there is my blorbo" and then not realize that all the things I like about the person and make me care about them are things I have.
Honorable mentions:
Both Akk and Ayan from The Eclipse
Nozue from Old Fashion Cupcake
Oh-Aew from I Told Sunset About You
Cher from A Boss and a Babe (I headcannon him as autistic)
Amber from DNA Says Love You
Uea from Bed Friend
Mitsuomi from Restart After Come Back Home
Jao from SCOY
Maybe I'll make another post for those later
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
my little sibling (12) recently came out as bi + transmasc and has found a lot of queer spaces both online and offline, which seemed to be great for him, but im worried their queer friend groups are not a healthy environment. like, recently he’s been making “jokes” about how women are beautiful and men are ugly and they wishes he was only attracted to women, or how boys are the worst. ive known they were learning a lot of “men suck” rhetoric already since he told me that shit when i came out as transmasc, but now im recognizing that rhetoric is leading to them having internalized transandrophobia + biphobia and i think he needs healthier friends, except they 100% will not listen if i tell him who they should hang out with. idk what to do but i want him to get out of that toxic transandrophobic environment before he internalizes too much of it. advice would be appreciated.
I think what I would do in this situation is start by introducing them to healthier, positive views on men & masculinity. Things like queer men talking about their attraction, positive takes on transmasculinity, stories about men being good people & healthy masculinity, even just people being unashamed about being attracted to men. Maybe showing him things in bi history that talk about bi masculine people & bi love for masculine people, as well as transmasculine history which talks loving transmasculinity. Having a solid, positive connection to masculinity makes it easier to feel how antimasculism hurts people. You could also bring up in conversation ways in which "men suck" rhetoric has been hurtful- maybe specifically start with butches, transmascs, trans people who were amab, because those are groups trans-positive people with antimasculist views tend to view with more sympathy, and it makes it easier to not get derailed with "cishet men aren't oppresed!" arguments and focus on the most impactful harm antimasculism does. You could mention how you've been hurt by it, or how others have repressed their identity because of it, or maybe send them Jennifer Coates' essay which heavily discusses the impact of antimasculism from a closeted trans woman's perspective.
In general, I'd avoid approaching them from the angle of "This Is Bad", and try to naturally produce a conversation where he can, for themself, question those antimasculist views and how they hurt people he cares for, as well as themself. I've mentioned this before in other scenarios, but interacting with other transmascs personally is so helpful for dealing with internalized transandrophobia. Idk what their friend group is like, but introducing him to transmasc-specific/centered spaces (online or offline) that talk positively about masculinity would not only help challenge those beliefs, but also make potentially dropping friends less intimidating because there would be other people they know would support him. Ik a lot of people have been very in that mindset from a young age and changed a lot as they grew and questioned & grew their views on gender, so if nothing else, making sure they have a source of positive masculinity in their life could be helpful in giving them the exposure they need to question those views themself.
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clownhousemargarita · 18 days
Could you do shy trans! Male reader nsfw headcanons with Widowmaker? Reader has had top surgery but is still waiting to get bottom surgery and is slightly insecure about having female genetalia
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------- Summary: Personal head-canons of Widowmaker and her transgender boyfriend. Pairing: Widowmaker x (TRANSGENDER) MALE! Reader Warnings: NSFW, Angst, Bondage, Strap use. Enjoy. -------
You were a very closed off guy, decently shy, and introverted. This was just who you were, not because you were insecure of who you were, you were just simply always like that. You realized you were a boy at a young age, eventually growing up to transition and it made you feel 100x better about yourself, something finally felt real.
You met Widowmaker as Amelie Lacroix, you had become friends with her through Talon which was very unfortunate, but also fortunate. You two became close quickly, you two fit like puzzle pieces.
You knew about her husband, comforted her through that death and attempted to help her to move on. Throughout these times you fell in love with her, and she seemed to reciprocate these feelings eventually as well. Took her time, but they happened.
Amelie never cared for sex too much, but she still liked it to be an option to be open with whoever she was romantically involved with. You felt the same way, but your problem was downstairs. 
She knew of your biology, though that didn’t matter to her. She had no preference, she loved you for every bit of you. Including the parts you hated, because she knew you loved all of her as well.
When she brought up the idea of sex, you immediately felt a wave of guilt wash over you. You couldn’t satisfy her with what you had, right? Isn’t that what makes a man so desirable? The piece you’re missing.
“Even if you had nothing between your legs at all, I’d still be asking.”  She said, lifting your head up with her hand under your chin.
You push yourself to just go through with it, push yourself out of your comfort zone. You trusted Amelie, you knew she’d never see you as a woman, or even tell people about your biology. She’d never backstab you, it was just your anxiety. ---
You asked Amelie to take the lead, knowing she’d probably like that anyway. She’s a decently dominant woman, enjoys having control in the relationship and in the bedroom. 
When she’d suck your dick, you’d never look down. You always kept your eyes up as tears rolled down the sides of your cheeks. They weren’t from comfortability, but from actual joy that you were actually able to experience pleasure in ways you thought you never could.
It seemed like she’d been fantasizing about this a lot, because she had a lot of ideas the moment you gave your full consent to her.
She loves tying you up with her webs, leaving marks all over you and tightening the webs enough to make red string marks all over your body.
She’d buy you a strap, and you found it to be your comfort to wear during intimate acts. You found it as a placeholder until you’d get your bottom surgery.
Amelie loved riding you, making you whine and cry and beg for her to slow down because it was too much for you. (she had a viberator for you, just so you felt pleasure with her as well)
You learned how attractive you found her accent to be in bed, she gave you orders, degraded you, praised you in her thick French accent. When you brought it up to her, she laughed -- making sure to use and abuse that fact when she got the chance.
You’d wanna fuck her from behind, pulling on her hair while slamming into her like there was no tomorrow. Even then, she’d ask you, “Is that all you can do? Toi, pauvre garçon.” (You poor boy.)
She was very cocky in the sheets, and you enjoyed a woman who didn’t double down despite getting her pussy drilled into.
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I’m going to be honest straight away. I think “Gender Critical” people* are radicalised and I think there is a lot of danger for many cis people on the periphery to follow them down that rabbit hole. I’m writing this essay in an effort to prevent radicalisation of any feminists looking in on the situation who haven’t made their minds up yet. I’m speaking to people who consider themselves feminists and don’t consider themselves transphobic. I’m speaking to people who don’t spend time accusing trans people of having fetishes, who don’t think selfies with Proud Boys are excusable, and who don’t think soup is worse than Nazis. If that’s you, I hope you read on and consider what I have to say in good faith.
Here’s what else I know for sure. Trans people are real people. Their lives are not hypothetical. While we are discussing this topic on Twitter like it’s a theoretical game, they are truly scared for the future of their rights. So far in the UK there has not been significant legislative change, but we’ve seen hundreds of anti-trans laws proposed in the US, from threatening to perform genital testing on young women in high school sports to revoking the medical licenses of doctors who provide affirming care to threatening to take kids away from parents who even socially affirm their child’s gender. These are real children. They are not fodder for us to argue over. How many trans people, adults or children, do you know in person? And what aspects of their well-being are you willing to risk for a theoretical argument?
I don’t think I’ll have to work very hard to convince you that whatever so-called values Tucker Carlson, Matt Walsh, Jordan Peterson or ACTUAL NAZIS have do not align with the values of radical feminists. I would suggest that the reason they are interested in the issue are because they see something you don’t. Right-wingers recognise women’s liberation when they see it, because they hate it so much. They have never been on our side. They never will be on our side. They do not respect our right to our own lives, our own bodies, or our own minds, so if they are agreeing with you on an issue of women’s rights, THERE IS A PROBLEM. You might be thinking that you and Tucker don’t see eye to eye on the basics of the issue: he is pro-gender stereotypes and you are against them. But where does this all end up? It pains me to point out the right is very often several steps ahead of us; the devastating destruction of Roe v Wade shows us that. What is in it for them? They get to divide the left, something the gender debate has been extraordinarily effective at. They get to distract feminists from real issues (again Roe v Wade, the cornerstone of American feminist achievement, has fallen). On this very trip, Posie Parker has been spouting anti-abortion sentiment for the minors who need abortion and birth control the most, and since becoming radicalised, she’s claimed that lesbian mothers weren’t really mothers, and that trans men (whom she views as women) should be forcibly sterilised. They get to paint the left as the real agents of hatred, as the real homophobes, as the people really trying to shut down debate. They get to watch as lifelong feminists start criticising women’s appearance and behaviour for not being feminine enough. They get to watch as lifelong feminists start to argue that male violence is not a product of socialisation, of entitlement, of broken legal systems that do not view women’s bodies as their own, but as something inherent to men. Something they can’t help. Something we shouldn’t even try to change. And they get to recruit you. And they are doing that with remarkable success.
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