#And now it's yet another birthday in 2 weeks or so hahaha
lil-grem-draws · 1 month
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Will has a hard time believing that Elland has feelings for him, especially after crushing on the Hufflepuff for 2+ years. And if Will isn't willing to listen, Elland is taking the wheel 🧡💚 There are way too many scenarios in my head as to how they'd finally get together so I don't limit myself in AUs. I like Dark!William one; Yule Ball "going as friends"; adult AU with ministry official Will and Auror Elland tasked with protecting him; a bunch of modern AUs like spoiled brat Will and hit way too patient bodyguard Elland (sense the pattern); Spy Elland and his Q William... I'll never get tired of them.
Thank you @kallynnekmi for drawing this commission and @kiwiplaetzchen for enabling this whole thing 🥹💚
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purplesurveys · 8 months
Would you rather visit The Eiffel Tower or the Egyptian Pyramids? I'd love to go see the pyramids, even though Reddit has heavily implied to me that Egypt isn't the most tourist-friendly place on Earth. Would be a cool thing to tick off my checklist though.
Would you be surprised if your most recent ex called you tonight? Yup, that will never happen so it would be extremely surprising.
Do you need to lose or gain weight? I think I'm at more or less the ideal range now, but for the most part I've needed to gain as I'm often underweight.
Do you think you have a disorder but haven’t been properly diagnosed yet? I'm almost certain there's at least one mental disorder hanging around in there - most likely ADHD.
What is the population of the city you live in? A little under 900,000.
How many pairs of jeans do you own? Somewhere over 10, which is already too many for me tbh haha. I like having choices.
When did you last vacuum your room? Couple of weeks ago.
Have you ever put on or lost a significant amount of weight? The last time either one of these happened was when I lost a lot of weight post-breakup. I've deleted all photos of myself that were managed to be taken at the time because I could hardly recognize my own face and body.
On a scale of 1-5, how often do you curse? Probably a 4 because while I do it frequently, I'm also watchful of the situations I do it in. I wouldn't curse at work or in super public places.
What is the worst thing you’ve ever smelled? Rotten eggs or that infection I got on my foot when I was 11. What’s your favorite social media platform? Reddit.
Name someone with brown eyes. Almost everyone I know has dark brown eyes because, well, that's just how Filipino genes roll.
Do you know what your next injection will be? Most likely just another round of Covid boosters if it comes down to it. I have nothing lined up any time soon though.
Does anyone call you darling? If so who? Nope. That's not a common term of endearment where I live.
If you had to have a cartoon character tattooed to you what would it be? I could go with Pluto so that it can be dog-related.
You have to dye your hair two colours, what do you choose? Pink and orange, just like Hayley Williams in 2013. I've *ALWAYS* wanted to try out that half-and-half style that she did but I'm just way too cowardly to actually push through with it hahaha.
If you could would you look at your future self? Yes. I hate uncertainty and being able to see how my future self would be doing can fix that for me.
Who was your first serious relationship? My first and probably last ex.
If you had to cut a parent out of your life who would you cut out? I hate this question.
If you had to get a piercing right now what would you get done? I would get a nose or lip ring.
Who is the #1 person/thing in your life? I'd put myself at the top of my priorities, honestly.
What are two things you wish you never did? 1) Stop talking to Sofie in college and 2) be an ass of a teenager.
Would you rather have three personal wishes or world peace? I'd get the wishes; I'm a bit pessimistic when it comes to the concept of world peace in that I don't think it will ever be achievable.
What were/is your high school colors? Gold, white, blue.
When someone sneezes, do you say “Bless you,” or “God Bless you?” Just bless you, if I do catch myself greeting someone post-sneeze. I usually just ignore.
Do you ever look at someone cute, and automatically make a move? No.
What are two things you are excited to do in the near future? Get my year-end bonus and use said bonus to go Christmas shopping, hehehe.
Do you live in a house, apartment, or another type of arrangement? I live in a house with my family.
Are you one of those people who like to spell out numbers? Not because I like it but because that's the rule that journalism sets, lol. It's why I spell out one to ten, but use numbers for the rest.
Who was the last person (if anyone) you said Happy Birthday to? Kleo and Leigh, who have consecutive birthdays.
Do you have Photoshop? If so, how often a day do you use it? I don't have Photoshop; I never learned how to use it lmao.
Do you watch any shows that you know your parents wouldn’t approve of? I know they never understood why I like wrestling so much so maybe that, yeah.
Leggings with denim shorts; yes or no? Let's leave those in the past.
Do you plan your meals in any way? No tbh I just eat whatever I want. I've never been watchful which I know isn't the healthiest thing to do.
Were you in the scouts when you were young? No.
How many people could sleep in your home? (Not counting floor space; beds and couches only) I would say 7 is the maximum before it starts feeling crowded/not comforable.
Have you ever made a hole-in-one at mini-golf? I've never even played any sort of golf besides on Wii Sports.
What genre was the last song you listened to? Who provided the vocals? K-pop. It was a song by Seventeen.
Truthfully, is there someone you used to date that you miss? No.
If you could go forward in time and see your life 5 years from now, what would you hope to see? I'd start simple and just hope I see myself still alive by then.
Are you more comfortable with men or women? Women.
Who came over last? A friend of my sister.
Has one of your friends ever tried to “hook you up?” No, they know better than that.
What is your card game of choice? I don't have one. Cards confuse me lol
What is your favourite books series? I never really had one.
If you eat oatmeal, do you add water or milk to it and what’s your favorite flavor? Oatmeal is so gross. I had to eat it everyday at a certain point as a kid that I just want to avoid that lumpy bland mess now.
Was the last video you watched on YouTube a music video and if not, what was it of? No. It was a compilation of Friends scenes because Matty Perry.
Has anyone you know personally ever won the lottery and if so, how much did they win and would you or have you ever played the lottery? I don't know anyone who has and I personally never would. Better safe than sorry.
What was the last thing someone has sincerely thanked you for? The second to the last Grab delivery staff who came to our house had seemed genuinely surprised and thankful for the tip I gave.
What band, celebrity, etc. do you know the most information about and who would you like to learn more about? Probably Audrey Hepburn. I'm not interested in knowing more about anyone else's life.
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ready-to-obeyme · 4 years
[OM!] Demon Brothers panic-buy MC a last-minute birthday present
Prompt: You drop the fact that your birthday is in a few days, much to the demon brothers’ surprise. They don’t have a gift for you prepared-- panic ensues.
Note: gender neutral; :) i just like seeing them get flustered
“Ah, your birthday? Of course I knew. You thought I didn’t?”
He didn’t know-- not until you told him just then a mere DAYS before your birthday
Internally panicking but he will NOT have you know that he missed this rather important detail
Casually asks you in the next few days if you’re free to go out with him because “he wants to spend more time with you--” which he DOES but he has ulterior motives such as hoping you’d point out something you like when you go out so he can gift it to you
Will watch your movement and gestures like a hawk trying to gauge what sort of present you would want from him
Money isn’t really a concern of him; he just wants to make sure that his gift is something you actually want and is thoughtful enough
If he’s unlucky and you are in fact NOT free in the few days leading up to your birthday, he paces a lot in his room, trying to remember if there was something you mentioned from a past conversation because he has too much pride asking you what you would want for your birthday
...but eventually caves in and asks his other brothers (probably Asmo or Beel) what they think you would like because his love for you >>> his pride
He has seared your birthdate into his mind now because he’d rather not have a repeat of whatever happened this year
“Your birthday? Hahaha of COURSE I knew your birthday was in a few days… IN A FEW DAYS--?!”
He blurts this out but you tell him it’s fine but he won’t have it
He’ll try to cover it up, pretending he knew, but he sucks at lying and the fact he suspiciously walks out of your room to find a quick job listing to get enough money for a present is telling enough
First ideas most likely include rummaging in his room for anything valuable or shiny that you could possibly want
Considers giving you his car for a second in his panic but realizes you’d probably freak out at the extremely extravagant present
Will definitely try to snoop in his brothers’ rooms in search of things and collectively tells them (and makes them panic) about your birthday as well
Eventually sucks it up and works at Hell’s Kitchen, literally diving underneath counters and tables to avoid having you see him working
Terrible at making excuses to you about where he is so you probably know he’s working, and he feels bad that he has to avoid hanging out with you-- but he loves you and this is for you, after all, so he bears it
Buys you something he finds value in and thinks would like nice if you wore it; after all, the Avatar of Greed wants the best he can afford for you
You tell him your birthday is coming up soon while he’s playing something and the only thing he says first is “oh nice”
Then he realizes
He died on the screen, which you point out, but his eyes are wide and a little pleading
Asks you directly what you want for your birthday and he will literally search it up for you on Akuzon right there and then (it’s wild seeing online shopping on several screens)
“How about this one? Wait, no-- that’s terrible quality and the reviews are horrible; let’s check out this one.”
Makes you tell him everything you could have possibly wanted in the past few months so he can compile a list of things he can search up and select from
If he’s manic for the next few days, know that he hasn’t been gaming (has not since you dropped this very important detail) but has been vigorously searching up all the online shopping sites he can find to get the things you wanted down to its detail and quality
Definitely enlists his online friends for recommendations, but regardless will buy you matching gaming headset on top of whatever you wanted because he wants you to know you’re his Player 2, even if you don’t game
All the presents come on the same day (Mammon grumbles that it’s blocking the walkway) and he shoos you away as he carts everything up to his room to wrap it
Wishes he had more time to make you a present instead of buying something but hey there’s always next year
“O-Oh. Your birthday is in a few days, huh?”
Satan stares at you for a few moments too long as if he wants to say something but decides against it and gives you a benign conversation starter like “You must be excited for another year done”
Inwardly, he’s trying to calculate in his head when he has time to research for things you want, if going on a cat cafe date is too indulgent to be a gift to you, if he should just ask you what you want for a present-- all while holding a conversation with you
Not a great conversation, mind you-- you can tell he’s a little preoccupied, but you’re more worried about how his sentences trail than anything
Pops up randomly in the next few days in your room just to chat, looks around your room, and then leaves again (like a cat)
He’s trying to find a present that you’d want to use-- something practical-- but also something you’d also enjoy having (he’s setting up high standards, but he wants his gift to be good enough for you)
Low-key stressing a lot over this that he’s a little distracted at all times
Ends up combining all his gift ideas by setting up a date for you to spend some quality time with him AND buy your gift when the two of you are together AND has a gift ready for you just in case nothing catches your fancy on your date (he is anything if not prepared for all scenarios)
The gift he gets you is something he’d think you’d enjoy or reminded him of you (and hopes for the best)
Asmo is almost offended that you didn’t tell him about your birthday-- how is he supposed to set up a extravagant birth week celebration if your birthday is in a few days?
But no matter-- he’s not that discouraged and is determined to rock your socks off with a present anyways, even though he would have definitely had your birthday celebration as a tag for the entire month if he had the time (now it’s only a week-long trending tag, but he’ll make do)
Will definitely coyly offer up himself as a present (and if you say yes, he will be at your mercy) but thinks he has more creativity that than to make you special day great
Takes you on a shopping spree where he dresses you up in the fanciest of clothes and things that you have always adored and refuses to let up until you let him buy you a gift
On the day of your birthday, he offers up his room as an entire spa day-- pedicure, manicure, whatever-cure you would ever want! Massage, face mask, bubble bath-- if there’s anything that can let him show how much he appreciates you, then tell him! He is at your mercy today!
Takes you out on a spin in town, buying you drinks and dancing with you at clubs if that’s what you want; but the night is yours, hun!
You tell him when he’s eating something and his face morphs from surprised, delight, to sadness
“I… didn’t get you a present yet…”
You reassure him that it’s completely okay, but you know your words aren’t working because he still has that forlorn expression that reminds you of a kicked puppy
Asks you directly what you would want and if you tell him he’d be more than happy to get whatever it is you requested, even if it’s a physical gift or if you want to spend the entire day with him
It is your birthday and he already feels bad for not being able to really prepare for it properly, so he’ll do anything he can to make you happy
If you don’t tell him what you want, you better be strong enough to resist looking into his eyes to not cave into just telling what you want
Eventually settles on giving you something thoughtful and quickly hand-made-- like a set of coupons that say things such as ‘I will do your chores for a week’ or ‘I will make you dinner’
The coupon book has a lot of food-related things than anything, but you know his love language is basically food-- he loves you lots, okay?
Other than that, he’s super indulgent to you on your birthday. You want a lift? No problem. You want him to carry you bridal style to school? Sure, he can’t see why not!
“Wait, seriously? You waited until NOW to let me know?”
Kind of annoyed about the fact you dropped this detail on him now and decides to immediately punish you by trapping you in his embrace in a forced snuggle even while you laugh (so honestly, you have no regrets)
Tells you he’s not getting you a present
He’s getting you a present though, regardless of what he says, but now he has the element of surprise on his side (assuming you believe that he’s not getting you something)
Hangs out with you per usual in the next few days, paying more attention to what you would want in a present and asking low-key questions about possible gift ideas-- he’s real sneaky about it, so you honestly won’t pick up on it at all
Goes out of his way to help you study and help you out because it is your birthday, after all, and he’s pretending like he didn’t get you a present
Probably casually drops off a gift at your desk on your birthday, and if you’re surprised, he’s a little smug-- but if you’re not, he’ll be a little embarrassed but will tell you to just ‘open the present already’
Gift is most likely to be something that he’s noticed that you have continually needed but never had the thought or time to get-- just to make your life a little easier
Tells you to go nap with him as compensation for the work he’s done trying to think up of a gift for you
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angel-riki · 3 years
Dazed & Dreaming {Ch. 4}
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summary: Y/N's life was always quite normal, some may even consider it boring. However, Y/N enjoyed her simple life and the little pleasures it brought. Unfortunately, that all changed the day she found out her best friend's biggest secret. Her discovery leads her down a rabbit hole of a new and confusing world she never knew existed. She must now navigate this new life filled with love, fear, and the supernatural. What awaits her down this path?
pairing: enhypen x reader (vampire au)
warnings: light swearing
words: 1,409
chapters: [Ch.1] [Ch.2] [Ch.3]
You stood at your locker while stuffing all of the books needed for this weekend's homework into your backpack. You tapped your chin while scanning your locker. Hmm I think that's everything I'll need. You looked down at your phone to check the time. However, the date caught your eye instead as the realization hit you. Oh my god. Jake's birthday is tomorrow. You had completely forgotten. Jeez I'm a terrible friend, you sighed. There had just been so much going on recently, it had completely slipped your mind. You hadn't even gotten him a present yet. You stood there contemplating what to get him when suddenly, almost as if on cue, Sunoo appeared.
"Hey, Y/N!" He said with a cheerful smile.
"Oh, hi Sunoo!" You smiled back, although you were a bit confused. You and Sunoo had never really talked much before. You just met him for the first time last week, what business could he have with you?
"Sorry to bother you Y/N, but I just had a quick question for you," he began.
"Oh sure, what is it?" You ask. His eyes lit up as he continued.
"Sooo, it's Jake's birthday tomorrow and we were thinking of throwing him a surprise party! And since you're one of his closest friends, I was wondering if you'd like to help plan it with me and the rest of the boys." You were caught off guard by his request, it was almost like he knew that you were just thinking about Jake's birthday. What a funny coincidence. Regardless, you were excited to help out.
"Oh, that's a great idea, I'd love to help!" You replied.
"Yay! This is gonna be so fun, I can't wait!" He was full of excitement as he spoke. You chuckled. Cute. You and Sunoo continued discussing the party for a few minutes and it was decided that you were going bring the cake. You loved to bake so you were more than happy to do so. Shortly after Sunoo went off on his way, Heeseung approached you.
"Hey, Y/N," he said warmly. "Sunoo told me that you're in on the surprise party now, and I was actually going to grab some supplies after school so I was wondering if you'd like to come with me,"
"I'd love to," you said, smiling at him.
"Great," he replied, seeming quite happy that you accepted his offer. He didn't know what it was about you but as soon as you became friends, he wanted to be around you all the time. Something about you was just so addicting to him.
You and Heeseung stood in the party aisle staring at the huge array of party supplies and decorations.
"Wow, there's quite a lot to pick from," you said. Heeseung nodded in agreement. Eventually, you both decided on some simple streamers and balloons as well as some birthday themed plates and napkins. Everything was black and ivory colored since those were Jake's favorite colors.
"This'll do," Heeseung said, satisfied.
"Yeah, let's go pay," you said while interlocking your arm with his. He had a difficult time keeping a smile from creeping onto his face as you did so.
You decided to go to the self-checkout since you were only buying a few things. You scanned all the items before putting them into a paper bag. The total appeared on the screen as you reached for your wallet.
"Oh don't worry about it, I got it," Heeseung said while pulling out his card.
"Don't be silly, I owe you for driving me around all the time. Let me pay, please?" You asked, although it was more of a command.
"Nope, I'm not letting you." He said with a teasing grin.
"Well, you're too late." You said as you beat him to the card slot. You faced him and stuck out your tongue. He rolled his eyes as you both laughed.
"I'll pay you back later." Heeseung said, not wanting to give up.
"Whatever you say," you retorted.
After you left the store, you headed back to the parking lot. Heeseung unlocked the car and put the bag in the backseat (he insisted on carrying it). He then shut the door before turning to you.
"Have you gotten a gift for Jake yet?" He asked.
"Uh, no not yet..." you answered. You were a bit embarrassed to admit that you still didn't have a present for him when his birthday was tomorrow.
"Perfect, I haven't either actually. Do you wanna go look around some shops and see what we can find?" He suggested.
"Oh, yeah. That sounds good," you said, relieved that you were both in the same boat.
You decided to check out the nearest clothing shop. After entering the store, you began looking around for something that Jake might like. Heeseung began his own search as well. You were looking through a rack of coats when you saw a huge faux fur coat. You giggled at the thought of Jake wearing it. You slipped it on and called out to Heeseung.
"Oh this is totally up Jake's alley, dontcha think?" You asked while striking a pose in the ridiculous coat. Heeseung snorted at you and nodded.
"Totally." He agreed sarcastically.
You continued to look through the rack a bit more before you found another hideous jacket. This one was neon green and covered in random zippers and buckles. It was incredibly tacky. So of course, you put it on.
"Gosh I look terrible in this. Then again, I don't think anyone would actually look good in it." You chuckled. Heeseung laughed along and shook his head.
"I think you'd look nice in anything," he uttered under his breath. Thankfully, you didn't hear him because if you did, your heart probably would of burst.
After looking around a bit longer, you eventually settled on a brown corduroy jacket and a bottle of cologne that you thought fit Jake's taste. Heeseung had picked out a nice pair of sneakers and a small ring. You both checked out before making your way back to the car. It had gotten rather chilly outside as you shivered and rubbed your hands together in attempt to keep them warm. Heeseung noticed you shivering and set both of the shopping bags down (he insisted on carrying them again) before turning to you and wrapping his hands around yours. You were caught off guard by his gesture. Your heartbeat picked up rapidly. He kept his hands around yours for a moment before looking back up at you.
"Better?" he asked with a kind smile.
"Y-yeah, thanks," you were definitely much warmer now, considering how hot in the face you had become. Luckily, it just seemed like your face was flushed from the cold. At least that's what you hoped Heeseung assumed. You made it back to the car and quickly climbed into the passenger seat as Heeseung put the rest of the bags in the back. He then returned to the driver's seat and immediately turned on the heat.
The ride home was pleasent as you both chatted and sang along to the radio. You were surprised to find out that Heeseung has a lovely singing voice. Could he get any more perfect?? You were a little bit sad when you arrived at your house, not wanting your time with him to end. You thanked him for taking you shopping as you climbed out of the car.
"No problem, thanks for coming with me. I had fun." He said happily.
"I had fun too," you said. You smiled and waved goodbye as he drove away. After heading inside, you went to grab your phone out of your jacket. As you stuck your hand in your pocket, you felt something else in there along with your phone. It felt like paper of some kind. You pulled it out to see what it was. It was a $20 bill. You stared at it in confusion before you realized where it came from. Oh my god, how and when did he even put this here?? You rolled your eyes and giggled. Heeseung did promise to pay you back after all.
Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I didn't intend for the shopping trip to take up the entirety of it, but here we are hahaha. Regardless, thank you for reading and supporting the series, it really helps me stay motivated! :)
~Elle <3
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m1zu · 3 years
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*Sugawara*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Suga’s Special Day ~ Sugawara x Reader ~
Short Stories
a/n: Sugawara is by far my favourite boy in Haikyuu!
I felt like trying something different this time! Besides, Suga deserves more than just the usual for his special day <3
Birthday scenarios with Suga! Which one will you choose?
⊂ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ⊃❤️← More Than You’ll Ever Know
⊂ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ⊃🎇← Light Up My World
⊂ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ⊃🎁← An Unexpected Gift
‘More Than You’ll Ever Know’
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: none ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
w/c: 682 - - - Reading time: 2:05min (roughly)
Today is June 12th, and everyone on the Karasuno Boys Volleyball team knows what that means…
“SUGAWARA-SANNNNN!!!” Hinata and Noya scream while running towards the setter. With that speed, anyone would think they're about to trample over the poor guy.
“Woah there, slow down you two.” Suga chuckles lightly. “You never stop, do you?”
“TOMORROW! IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY RIGHT?” Hinata jumps and practically flies over Sugawara’s head.
“Yeah! Your gettin’ pretty old now aren’t ya? Noya jokes, a large grin painted on his face.
“That’s right” Suga replies. “It’s the last I get to spend with you guys, so I guess it’s pretty special!”
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“Y/N-SANNN!!!” Hinata yells, running towards you even faster than he did with Suga.
You were close by, and heard two familiar voices screaming your boyfriend’s name. So, naturally you wanted to see what the fuss was all about. Suga looks up to see you running towards them in the distance and immediately brightens up. “Hey y/n!” He calls out to you. “Whatcha been up to bab-”
“SHOYOUUUU! HAHAHA” Noya calls out and runs to catch up to the orange flash.
“Oi!” Suga calls running after the two of them “Don’t run her over!”
You abruptly stop at the sight of them all running towards you, a worried look on your face hoping they would take it as a sign to slow down.
Thankfully, they did.
The two bullet trains stopped just before hitting you and began springing up and down, as if they hadn’t just been running.
“y/n? Are you okay?” Suga pants, having caught up just moments later.
You manage to slip out a few sentences despite your heart still racing. “Yeah, i’m fine babe” you smile, “How have you bee-”
“yy/nnn!! You know what tomorrow is, right?” Hinata interrupts “It’s your boyfriend's birthday!” he jumps up even higher than before, seemingly having endless amounts of energy.
“Hinata, don’t interrupt y/n please…” Suga huffs.
“You’re gonna get him a cool gift right?! Or maybe even something else..?” Nishinoya jokes again.
A blush immediately comes over your face,”I have a few things planned…” you reply shyly, turning your head away embarrassed. Suga blushes slightly at your words before snapping himself back to reality. “Alright guys, that’s enough… Shouldn't you be using your energy for practice?”
“Oh yeah” says Hinata. “Suga-san, can you throw me some tosses?”
“Sure thing” Suga reaches out for your hand.
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“You know I play better when you're watching.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
After Practice
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“Hinata, nice kill!” praises Suga while high-fiving the tiny giant.
“That was a good one Hinata! You really will fly high” you smile running towards the two of them.
Hinata beams at you, eyes shimmering like the sun “One more!”
“That was the last one Hinata, I gotta take y/n home now.” says Suga sounding rather worn out.
“I wouldn’t mind if you continued, but Suga looks tired, Hinata. Wouldn't want him to be tired on his special day.” you press, winking at Hinata.
“Ohhhh! Gotcha. Well, see ya tmrw!” He replies, waving you two off.
You both wave back before grabbing your belongings, ready to set off home.
“Thanks for that, y/n.” Suga says gratefully, a small yawn escapes his mouth.
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You can’t help but giggle at how adorable he is. “You know, you don’t always have to tough everything out you know. It’s okay to take a break sometimes! You put a lot of pressure on yourself when you don’t need to.” you stop walking and look up at him, his beautiful hazel eyes giving you their full attention. “Because you’re amazing, Koushi!”
The setter’s eyes widen and it’s hard to see, but a heavy blush covers his face. His heart pounds in his chests and before he has time to think about his actions, he puts a hand on your cheek, another on your waist, bends down, and kisses you passionately. Your hands reach up to hold him as his other hand drops to your waist. He pulls back for a minute and holds your chin up so your eyes meet. “I love you, y/n. More than you’ll ever know.”
‘Light Up My World’
Genre: Fluffy fluff
Warnings: none ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
w/c: 528 - - - Reading time: 1:58min (roughly)
“Make sure your eyes are closed babe!” your call out to Sugawara from the kitchen.
“I’m closin’ em” he calls back, seated eagerly on the living room sofa.
You smile at his words and begin to walk towards him, birthday cake in hand and vocal chords ready! This wasn’t just any birthday cake, it was Koushi’s favourite. About a week ago, he treated you to an expensive cafe that specializes in desserts, knowing full well how much of a sweet tooth you had. Ironically, it seemed like he ended up enjoying himself more than you were. It’s not that you were ungrateful or didn't like the food, no, it wasn’t anything like that.
He just happened to try this cake, your cake, and it was ‘superb’.
“Babe, You have to try this! This cake is delicious!” you squeal to your bf.
“Yeah? It’s really that good huh? Then I guess I gotta try.” You placed some on your fork and gestured him to open his mouth so you could feed him. His eyes widen at the taste, “Wow! This cake is superb y/n!” he beams at you, bringing a smile to your face.
You can tell he wants more, but he wouldn’t dare ask. So you offered for him. “You want some more?”
Suga shakes his head. “It’s for you y/n, I can’t just take your cake…”
“But you do want some more?” you tease. He nods shyly, making you chuckle. “Looks like someone has a new favourite cake.” you add.
So thanks to that new discovery, you knew the perfect cake to get him for his special day.
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“Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Koushiii, Happy Birthday to youuuu!!!” you positioned yourself in front of him, “open your eyes!” Sugawara gasps, switching his gaze from the cake to you for a few seconds before finally being able to speak.
“y/n… You didn’t…” he says breathily, still in shock.
“I did…” you tease.
“I can’t believe it!” he looks up at you, face slightly switching. “You forgot the candles!”
What? (whadidhesayyyyy) you stood there frozen, the look on your face was indescribable.
Sugawara bursts out laughing at your reaction and stands up, bringing both of his hands to cup your face. “That was a joke y/n” he giggles “you should see your face right now.”
“You’re hilarious Koushi..” you sigh and look up at him, trying to fight off the smirk appearing on your face.
“Thank you for the cake, love. That was really sweet of you.” he smiles down at you, placing the cake down on the coffee table before scooping you up into his arms, giggles escaping your lips.
“Did you want some candles? We do have some in the cupboard.” you joke looking up at him.
“Hmm.. Now that you mention it, they would be a nice touch.” He turns away from you dramatically, “but who needs em’ - - -"
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then looks back "- - - when I have you to light up my world.” he pulls you back in and nuzzles his head at the base of your neck.
“That was really cringy Kou..” you giggled. “But you light up mine too.”
‘An Unexpected Gift’
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: none ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
w/c: 443 - - - Reading time: 1:33min (roughly)
Pov. Karasuno’s manager
“Daichi? Have you been getting enough sleep lately? Your eyes look heavy.” you rush over to the captain, who looks like he’s at death’s door.
He looks over at you and smiles, ”I appreciate the concern but there’s no need to worry. I'm just fine y/n, I promise.”
“Those eyebags are probably from dealing with Hinata and Kageyama” Suga says sarcastically while entering the gym. “Honestly, I don’t know how he does it.”
“Suga-san!” You jog over to greet the setter, water bottle in hand, jumping up and down. “Happy Birthday!!”
“Hey y/n! Wow, you remembered huh? That makes me feel pretty special.” He laughs, one hand nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
“You are special Suga!” you state before your mind can process the words that left your lips.
Then they hit you.
You see, being Karasuno’s manager meant you took care of all the guys! And honestly you loved it. The team felt like a family! Being able to witness Karasuno in their bubble was something you were forever grateful for.
Along with this, It was clear (to everyone except you that is), that you and Sugawara liked each other. You were a scholar student, not dense in the slightest. Yet somehow, his feelings and your own had evaded you leaving you completely oblivious.
At least up until recently…
Sugawara wasn’t so much shy with his feelings, he just wanted to make sure things were mutual, in fear of scaring you off and losing the friendship you had built up. If he was confident in that, he would have no problem making the first move.
Naturally, he told Daichi about his feelings for you. So this interaction you were currently having was rather amusing.
Although over the past few weeks, you've started to become more conscious of your feelings too… (took you long enough,, thinks Daichi. ft the entire team)
“Wait- that came out wrong- im sorry!” you splutter, choaking with embarrassment.
Sugawara laughs and hands you back the water bottle you gave him. “Did you really mean it though?” he inquires.
Of course you meant it. He is special. Does he not know this? You thought.
You look up at the setter to see his confused eyes searching your face for an answer. So he really doesn’t know?
“Of course I did, Koushi” you reply, scanning his face in an equal manner. Then you add “especially to me.” and watch the setter’s eyes pop out of his head. You could practically hear how loud his heart was beating.
There's a moment of silence. Suga decides to break it.
“Yes, Koushi?”
“C-can I kiss you?”
Another moment of silence. Which is now your job to sever.
No words leave your lips, instead you nod slowly while being pulled into his embrace.
You feel his warm smile greet you as he says, “What an unexpected gift.”
~The End~
a/n: hope you enjoyed! once again, Happy bday to our favorite Haikyuu mom ;) sorry if there were any mistakes and that the stories progressively got shorter haha I do continue to check on my stories post being uploaded so I'll edit anything I spot.
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🍒 CH-CH-CHERRY BOMB! 🍒 |     [CHAPTER 2]
pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; cam show, masturbation, dirty talk, sir!kink, tiny jealous!seungcheol. Wow! Thank you all so much for your interest in Cherry Bomb and our very favorite simp! LMAO 😆 And thank you all for being so patient! I know one week drags on when ur waiting for content so thank you so so so so so much for your patience! 🥰🍒 also, some new characters in this, am sorry if ur not a fan but the rest of svt r also simps in this so we had to expand a bit 🤪 HAHAHA HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEUNGCHEOL!!!
chapters; 1 - 2 - ? 
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It’s 10:05AM when Seungcheol makes it to work, tossing his things in his employee locker before pocketing his phone and heading out to the floor for the day.
He’d gotten approximately 3 hours of sleep and the giddiness was still eating him up when he greets Jeongguk; the tall male that works at the concession stand at the roller rink.
“Hey Seungcheol-hyung! Whoa, you look like you didn’t get any sleep, what happened to you?” The two share a laugh; Seungcheol ruffling his own hair as he sighs. “I couldn’t sleep last night, I was just too… Uh, excited about w-work…” He stutters out, Jeongguk’s eyebrow raised almost immediately at the blatant lie.
“Hyung, we’ve been working here for months. No offense, but nobody gets excited about coming here. Yoongi-hyung is hiding in the restroom as we speak.” Jeongguk deadpans, eyes rolling as he passes Seungcheol a water bottle. “Did you get laid?”
Not really, but kinda? But no, Seungcheol thinks.
“Nah, I just, I got a new PC game and I stayed up all night playing. You know how it is!” Jeongguk nods in understanding.
Seungcheol checks his phone for the umpteenth time since he’d woken up and you still hadn’t texted him. Not that he entirely expected to be woken up to a text message from you, but he perhaps had dreamt of it; waking up and scrambling to find the device while he shook the sleep from his eyes.
Sighing, he pockets the device, swiping the water bottle off of the countertop before he shoots Jeongguk a fixed stare. “When does Namjoon-hyung get back from his vacation?” Namjoon was one of the managers who’d gone on an extended vacation recently which left Seungcheol picking up extra shifts. 
On normal occasions, he would’ve politely declined but seeing as it meant extra cash, he practically begged to take them.
“Mmm, dunno. Maybe like a week?” Seungcheol mentally cheers; that meant one more week of extra pay even if he dragged his tired body home every night. He would finally be able to buy you that Sybian that he’d been saving up for. You never asked for one but Seungcheol liked to spoil you and quite frankly, he wanted to see you fall apart on it while you thought of him.
“Cool, well, I’ll be disinfecting the rollerskates. Tell Yoongi-hyung to come help me if he ever emerges from the restroom.”
“You got it, hyung!”
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In the time between leaving Jeongguk at the concession stand and the fourth pair of skates he’s disinfected, a party of ten show up at the roller rink; loud and obnoxious as they set their things everywhere. He sighs, knowing exactly that he would be the one to clean up the mess afterwards.
Seungcheol watches the gaggle of teens fumble all over the rink, a sigh on his lips as he sanitizes another pair of skates. He contemplated every single day if it was worth working at the old and usually empty rollerskating rink, but he had to admit, it paid obscenely well. Nobody wanted to work there so his boss basically paid him double his old wage; silent screams running through his head as soon as he realized that meant he can afford to spoil you with more gifts. That had been hard when he was working at the diner down the street.
“Hey ‘Cheol, some kid broke the wheels off of his rental skates. D’you think you can go handle it?” Yoongi drawls, eyes glued to his phone as he waits for Seungcheol’s reply.
“Sure, let me just finish cleaning these.”
Yoongi nods, walking off. Seungcheol sets the old pair of skates down, dusting off his work pants as he stands up. He feels his phone vibrate in the pocket, fishing it out to check what it is.
[cherry_clouds has gone live!]
His vision goes red; pupils shaking when he sees it. You never went live this early in the day. He can feel his throat going dry, panicked screaming in his head when he realizes his break isn’t for another hour and a half and your shows usually lasted at least 45 minutes on a short day. But Seungcheol can’t miss this; not after the two of you had spoken last night.
Seungcheol’s teeth clench as he glances around the loud room, seeing his co-workers on the floor. He just needed to catch your show for at least 15 minutes and he swore he’d be fine.
“Fuck them kids.” He mutters under his breath, beelining for the employee restroom.
Seungcheol says a thankful prayer, locking the door behind him as he sits on the countertop. Just a few minutes; 20 tops. He lowers the volume so nobody can hear your voice except for him.
tangerine_kwan: whoa, a morning show?
alphagyu97: for once, i’m glad i wake up early
xcaliburDK: honestly, same
You giggle on screen, wiping the sleepiness from your eyes as you stretch out on your bedsheets. Seungcheol smiles appreciatively; you’d slept in the cute sheer lavender babydoll he’d sent you when you first hit 5k subs. “I know… it’s really rare, huh? I woke up and I felt so needy… I was so wet when I woke up…” He watches with bated breath as you tease yourself, running your hands from your torso down between your legs.
artist8hao: oh? what’s on your mind, doll?
universe_WZ: what did i miss
“I was just thinkin’, y’know? I couldn’t sleep last night after I finished all the important stuff I had to do~ ‘n you didn’t miss anything yet~” You tease, fingertips pressing into your soaking panties as you moan.
dom.cheol: i couldn’t sleep either… too busy thinkin’ about you ;)
Seungcheol feels the adrenaline pulsing through his veins, checking how much time has passed since he holed up in the restroom.
dom.cheol has donated $50
therealchan99 has donated $25
therealchan99: all the insomniacs are probably cryin rn
sleepy_wonu: speak for yourself, i’m deadass in the middle of my forensics lab with headphones on and the screen dimmed to hell
“Oho~ Is our sleepy_wonu trying to be a forensics scientist?” You giggle, biting your lip cutely as you stare into the camera lens.
sleepy_wonu: ya, maybe i can buy you gifts if i ever start getting paid big bucks
Seungcheol’s eyes narrow at the comments, jealousy bubbling up at one of your other regulars. He typically tried to keep his jealousy in check, knowing that just because he showered you with gifts didn’t mean the two of you were exclusive or that you owed him anything. And he especially knew you always liked to engage with your viewers and ask them about themselves.
“Hmm~ Our dom.cheol seems quiet this morning~ Everything okay, sir?” Seungcheol feels the arousal pouring over his body and he tries to will it away;  after all, he still needed to get back to work once you were done.
dom.cheol: everything’s ok, sweetheart. you’re very cute in the morning
Your eyes pierce the camera and Seungcheol can momentarily feel his breath stop; fingertips clutching his phone for dear life.
“Mmm, I went to sleep last night dreamin’ of nice and strong hands pinning me down to my bed ‘n fuckin me into the sheets…” You pause, slipping the sheer babydoll over your head which left you only in your lace panties. “And there was a really really really dominating voice making me cum and tellin’ me to take all of his cock and oh~ god, it’s like I could feel it!” You finish, slipping your soaking panties off before you spread your legs wide for the camera.
You don’t waste any time, plunging two fingers deep into your pussy as you keen, toes curling against the sheets as you start fucking yourself.
“Ngh, fu--fuck, ‘n they made me cum over and, hah, o-over, fucking my pussy ‘n my ass… ‘n then cumming down my throat… Mmh and I still wanted more even when they filled me up with so much cum~”
Seungcheol’s throat is drier than a desert, almost dropping his phone as he listens to you. There was absolutely no way you weren’t talking about him.
tangerine_kwan: holy shit
dom.cheol: what else, baby
You curl your fingers, barely able to touch your g-spot and it makes you wonder for a second how well Seungcheol could finger you and how much of his cock you could take.
“A-ah, and--mmh, and I--I kept begging ‘Sir, p-please fuck me more!’ ‘n I felt so f-full… God, it felt so real~ I really needed to cum when I woke up so I turned on my cam~” You whine, thumb pressing down onto your clit. You hated to admit it but thinking of Seungcheol’s deep voice and obscenely handsome good looks was enough to make you cum once more before you even went to sleep and now even your subconscious seemed to crave the devilishly handsome male.
alphagyu97 has donated $75
dom.cheol has donated $250
artist8hao: those cute ‘lil fingers enough to satisfy your greedy pussy?
Mewling, you start rubbing circles on your clit, chasing the quickly growing urge to cum. The sound of donations flood your ears but all you can think of is Seungcheol’s deep voice groaning and growling into your ear. “No~ I want m-more but… but I came so much last night too! Maybe I am a ‘lil greedy, huh?” You tease, adding a third finger as you moan loudly. The stretch felt good; head imagining Seungcheol’s fingers as you fuck yourself faster.
dom.cheol: why don’t you cum? I can see you want to, sweetheart.
“Mmm, is it okay, sir? Can I cum already?” You ask shyly, batting your eyelashes at the camera as Seungcheol grits his teeth, cock throbbing in his work pants. He would definitely need to take care of this before he stepped back out onto the floor.
dom.cheol: cum, babygirl, you deserve it.
Your eyes snap shut right after you read Seungcheol’s comment, biting your lip as you race to your orgasm. The sound of your fingers fucking into your wet pussy and your moans are all Seungcheol can hear, pupils blown wide knowing you just came thinking about him, probably. Or so he hoped, at least.
You can feel your legs shaking, threatening to snap shut as your orgasm crests; the sound of rapid fire donations battering your ears as you cum hard on your own fingers. Choked sobs and cries are all you can muster, shapes dancing behind your eyelids the entire time the pleasure washes over you.
xcaliburDK: well goddamn, good morning to me
sleepy_wonu: fuck
universe_WZ: i… speechless
Seungcheol smiles smugly to himself, mentally patting himself on the back.
“Mm… ‘m so tired…” You murmur, slipping your wet fingers from inside your pussy as you moan at the emptiness. Seungcheol watches as you lick your fingers, cleaning them off before you lay on your side facing the camera.
universe_WZ: i think u deserve a nap
alphagyu97: yea, cuz holy shit fuck that was hot
therealchan99: god i love it when u dirty talk
j__min has donated $400
j__min: me too, dollface ;)
Confusion crosses Seungcheol’s face at the newcomer, blood draining from his body at how much they seemed to donate on the first go.
“Huh? Oh! Do we have a new regular?” You inquire, sleepiness lacing your voice. A nap was definitely needed after the last 24 hours of your life.
j__min: ur quite cute, might need to keep my eye on u princess ;)
dom.cheol has donated $450
That’ll show them, Seungcheol thinks. He didn’t often think of himself as competitive either, but goddamn, would he go the extra mile for you.
You giggle tiredly on camera and he can see the sleepiness in your eyes, watching with fondness as you answer a few more comments, yawning cutely as you stretch out on the bedsheets again. He mentally thanks you for not giving the newcomer any extra attention.
dom.cheol: take a nap, sweetheart.
Nodding, you yawn once more. “Okay, everyone~ I think I’m gonna take that nap you all seem to want me to take, hehe~ ‘n then I’ll probably wake up and get some food delivered ‘cause I’m still really tired after last night… But I just can’t help it, y’know? Sometimes I just wanna be fucked nice ‘n hard by a real cock~” Winking, you say your goodbyes, thanking them for their donations and support; blowing the camera a kiss before you end the stream.
Seungcheol lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, body slumping atop the counter. He had loads of questions now that you were off air. Firstly, were you thinking about him? Secondly, who the fuck was j__min?
Shaking the thoughts from his head, he checks the clock. 45 minutes. He groans. At least nobody had come looking for him.
Seungcheol places his phone down onto the counter, biting his lip and palming himself over his work pants before he thinks, screw it.
A satisfied groan spills from his lips as soon as he wraps a hand around his throbbing cock, not wasting another second before he starts a quick pace. He imagines your tight pussy and your face contorting in pleasure as he fucks you into your own bedsheets, thrusting up into his clenched fist as the images linger in his mind. Licking his lips, he thinks about your sweet moans as you beg him for more, stray tears slipping down your cheeks when you call him ‘sir’ through choked sobs.
And it doesn’t take long before Seungcheol is cumming, teeth biting into his bottom lip to keep his noises in as the euphoria washes over him.
He sighs, sated, as he slows down his strokes, thankful he didn’t get any cum on his work pants.
Seungcheol gives himself a second to catch his breath, shuffling off of the countertop to get cleaned up before he steps back out. He grimaces when he meets his own eyes in the dingy mirror; he’d just gotten off at work while you did an extremely rare morning show. Granted, it wasn’t the lowest he’d ever felt but definitely was a contender.
Shaking his head, he steps back out, the outdated pop music hitting his ears as soon as the roller rink comes back into view.
The gaggle of teens are still on the floor, Jeongguk looks unbothered and Yoongi sits by the skate rental booth; not a single one of them even noticing he was missing for the approximate hour he was in the restroom.
He really loved his job.
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That night, Seungcheol trudges home more tired than he usually is.
You still hadn’t texted him, which was fine. But he had checked his phone every second he had free, zoning out when he saw no new notifications.
Seungcheol toes his shoes off once he crosses the threshold of his studio apartment, making his way to the sofa before he flops down onto it. He scrolls through a few apps, mindlessly reading a few things before his stomach growls.
“Guess I should eat…” He mumbles to himself, placing his phone onto his chest before he closes his eyes for a second. Sighing, he relaxes, almost falling asleep. It was generally really loud at work with the people and the music always blaring, so he liked to bask in the quietness whenever he had the chance to.
This time, however, the peace and quiet doesn’t last long when his phone vibrates on his chest, alerting him of a text message. He grabs his phone at lightning speed, eyes wide when he sees a text message from an unknown number. Quickly opening the notification, his pupils shake as he recognizes your typing style almost immediately.
Unknown Number: Cheollie~ ><;; ‘m sorry I didn’t text sooner… i was kinda shy… and i slept so much too hehe~ oops~ i hope i’m not bothering you? i didn’t know when it was a good time…
Seungcheol shakes his head at his phone, sitting up as the excitement blooms within him again. He take a moment to figure out the best response, typing and erasing the same sentence three times before he sends it.
‘Not at all, sweetheart. ;) How was your nap?’
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scone-lover · 3 years
Happy Birthday to Holding Out For a Hero!!! ❤️
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art by @subparselkie
I published the first chapter of my longest and most popular fic just about a year ago! And I bet you always wanted to see some shitty outlines. Right? Just giving the people what they want. My brain is chaos and now you all have to be subject to it. Strap in, boys. 😂 Everything’s below the cut!
Read Holding Out for a Hero on AO3
This fic was born because I saw a tumblr post about a hero and villain who are roommates and I just had to Snowbazzify it. I had so many random ideas in my brain, and I’d been engaging with fan content for the CO fandom for a few months now.
So I started off by opening a blank document and writing the Prologue, featuring Shep. I had a few basic facts in mind: Shepard’s a reporter, Simon’s a hero, Baz is a villain, Mage is an evil mayor. And that’s. Literally it. I made it up as I went along. I actually still do that with fics, even though I do try to outline in more detail now—I have to write a scene or two that’s been bouncing around in my head to get a feel for the story, then I can give it a direction.
The document is 337 pages on google docs, LOL. 
Here’s the first ever set of notes I had. I wrote this on March 29, 2020, directly after typing out the Prologue! 
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Like I said, absolute chaos. The third Simon bullet point originally said something like “also I’m a superhero and only Penny knows,” then the following day I changed it to “but he’s so handsome? what do???” 
I didn’t publish the prologue until writing 5-6 additional chapters, but I think the only major change was going from Baz being “The Vampire” to just “Vampire.”
Chapter 1 was originally called “not a bloody avenger” before I decided to do the rhyming thing. I actually decided that because I wrote “counter spray and earl grey” down for chapter 2, unintentionally rhyming it, and then @ashspren-writes was like, “you should make them all rhyme”... so I did. 😂 For 25 more chapters.
I have a section labeled “quickie backgrounds” in which I finally sat down halfway through writing Chapter 2 (the blade/vamp fight) and said to myself, okay, maybe they should have backstories or something. Or like, reasons for being the hero and villain. Right, yeah, those would be good to make this into a coherent story. In the first version of that, Simon was a sports coach on the side, not a baker, and Baz was an English teacher. LOL. 
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Once I had all that, I literally just wrote for four days. There’s a weird kind of magic to your first-ever fic for a fandom. All your ideas and thoughts and wishes for these characters comes to a head as you suddenly have an outlet for the first time. It’s why I think people’s first works are often their best or most creative or most profound. The first couple chapters took some time and a couple 1am epiphanies, but once I got into a rhythm it was quick going. I wrote a lot of it in a linear manner, but after writing the first Simon/Baz scene (watching the news together in the flat), I doubled back and added Simon going to Penny’s house after meeting the Mage so that I could work her in as a character earlier.
Fast forward to April 5, I had 5-ish chapters written? I thought this fic would have like... 10 total. And be less than 20k. Haha. Ha. I asked @ashspren-writes to beta read for me - I’d been bouncing ideas off her since the beginning - and then I started brainstorming titles. 
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The list actually started with that second one. It took a whole 24 hours to decide on the final title. 😂 I thought it might be too cheesy. But hey, it worked out -- now I can’t open AO3 without the damn song getting stuck in my head. 
I worked a LOT with my friend @ashspren-writes on this fic - we were friends long before fandom, and she was the only person I knew at the time who had read CO and was involved in the fandom. I didn’t even have a tumblr at this point, I interacted mostly through Instagram and AO3!
On April 6, right before I posted, I realized that if I was going to actually put this on AO3 I should probably know where the story was going. So I made sure Chapters 1-6 were complete, then I wrote one bullet point per chapter up until 12 or so -- you can read those below.
Then I texted ashspren THIS mess:
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Some silly notes:
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Then I have a section that says “Why do they even have roommates?” because it was a few chapters in and I hadn’t justified richboy Baz and superhero Simon... living together. Cool cool cool
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I also did this cool little writing experiment I want to share. Remember that line in Fangirl that’s like—“Once Cath wrote what she thought was a swordfight, and Wren turned it into a love scene.” (Or maybe it was the other way around? LOL.) Anyway, there’s swordfights in this, AND love scenes, so I wanted to do a play on that for two alternate ways Simon might figure it out.
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I have a huge Deleted Section in which I wrote an alternate version of Simon and Baz finding out about their secret identities. I have one version where Baz figures it out first—it’s a very tropey yet angsty scene where Simon comes home totally wrecked from a fight, and Baz realizes as he’s helping with the wounds that he caused them. I actually like it a lot, but it ended up not quite fitting with the vibe of the fic (and I rather like them finding out through kissing better). :) I also had an idea where Simon figures it out because Vampire smells like cedar and bergamot, but it really just wasn’t interesting enough. 😂
Now onto... Outlines. 
I say that hesitantly because I think these are literally a disgrace to outlines everywhere. These are the baby ones I wrote on April 6 right before posting. Some are more detailed than others, clearly...
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Gotta live up to my username somehow. 
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We do love to see it. ​
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I love this next one: 😂 CHAOS, SCONEY.
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THEN, I wrote this as a very long text to ashspren, when I realized no sconey, this is not going to be under 20k words. LOL. 
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And then I did A Dumb Thing and I put it on AO3, having absolutely NO CLUE WHERE THE STORY WAS GOING. 😂 
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This is my favorite heading on the document.
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Another one of my favorite notes in there.
This next part wasn’t even divided into chapters yet, it’s just a word vomit. I’m so sorry you have to read this mess.
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Hahaha, once upon a time there was angst in this story. 😂 
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And then I realized my true calling: bakery fluff.
Then and only then, I actually decided to divide into those things called Chapters. This is the point where I made the admission to mr scone (boyfriend, not husband lol, we just call him that) that I write gay fanfiction, whoops, and can he please help me because he’s a HUGE DC comics fan and knows everything. And of course, he was super chill about it, and he did. He really did. He’s the genius behind Egghead!!! And also the entire Mage-Humdrum-Supercomputer/Politics plot. I’m serious. I did none of that.
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I can’t even say I’m trying anymore. “Flort”??? I AM LITERALLY NOT TRYING.
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Why yes sconey, so very specific. �� 
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This is what qualifies as a “good” outline for me, that heading was just for my betas. Isn’t it fabulous to see that some of this actually made it in and I’m capable of planning in advance? 😂 
Get ready for the shock of your life, though -- I actually have a SUUUUPER detailed outline for the two finale chapters. Because, well, it’s the finale. Wrapping up loose ends does actually require planning, WHO KNEW. Also I’d been writing and posting for a couple months at this point and it had been several more weeks in quarantine so maybe I’d regained some sense of reality? It’s like two pages but still shittily written, so I’ll just share a couple tidibits.
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That bullet point is extraordinarily cracky BUT actually, Baz shooting up from the cloud like an awesome fucking hot dramatic person was one of the very first scenes I envisioned for this fic :D 
I hope you enjoyed this glimpse into my writing brain! It’s a terrifying place. I love all of you that say Holding Out For a Hero is a well-crafted masterpiece, but respectfully, no ❤️ 
(Though I swear I AM super, super happy with how it turned out - it’s still my favorite thing I’ve ever written. Read it here!!!)
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world-a-to-z · 3 years
🍄Ayumu Shinonome🍄 - 2020 Special Story
Ayumu Shinonome
17th of July
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Well, it’s understandable.
This kind of thing is so uncharacteristically of me.
But, I am definitely the one who thought about this surprise
After all, this event only happens once a year
Today is Ayumu’s birthday~
To celebrate it, I want to share with you guys the summary of Special Story from last year. (A translation will be provided too!!! 😉) This is a free story in 100恋+, everyone who voted Ayumu in year 2019 General Election will get access to read the story!
So without further do, here we go~
(This story will be told from Ayumu’s POV)
District S— (A popular downtown area in Tokyo)
2 P.M.
Student 1 “look, that person…”
Student 2 “Right, as expected!”
Student 1 “It’s a host, right.”
Student 2 “Definitely a host!”
The story started with Ayumu dressed in a formal suit, but there was a misunderstanding by a group of students. They thought Ayumu is a host (T/N: LOL!!! 😂)
After that, MC arrived and couldn’t help but admired Ayumu in his suit. And that just added the misunderstanding, the students thought a customer had arrived (aka. MC). Soon after that, Ayumu fled the scene and left her MC who hadn’t get to change her shoes yet. MC tried to catch him while plead to hold hands together.
We got flashback to two weeks ago in Ayumu’s Apartement. It’s all started because MC want to celebrate her birthday by having a date in formal suit. At first Ayumu thought it didn’t make any sense but later at Office Canteen (we got another flashback) Toru brought the topic that nowdays in SNS a ‘Man in Suit’ has an increasing popularity. Toru even offered to teach Ayumu how to do it, which was immediately turned down.
Toru Kurosawa “I don’t know who the other person is—“
Toru Kurosawa “But to prevent a rut, it’s important to do something different occasionally.”
Ayumu Shinonome “….”
Toru Kurosawa “I really don’t know who the other person is—“
Toru Kurosawa “As for woman who likes this kind of thing, I am sure she will be happy—“
That made Ayumu think that his MC certainly would like it so he decided to do that but he quickly regretted it. (T/N: 🤣)
For the next destination, they were going to a restaurant located on the 38th floor. MC was so ecstatic by the view and she is more excited by the afternoon tea set because the tea stand was five tiers high. But Ayumu didn’t seem to amused by it.
Flashback, Office Canteen. It was continuation of flashback with Toru. Now, they were talking about luxury afternoon tea at restaurant placed on the top floor. The tea stand was five tiers where usually it’s only two or three tier. Ayumu wasn't really convince when suddenly Soma chipped in which he though that there’s high possibility woman would love it. Especially if the woman loves food she would be curiou and would be happy just by having a five-tiers tea stand .
Present day, Restaurant. So we back at the present where MC had doubt if she could finish all the foods. Ayumu said that he was not worry about it at all, he said that if it’s her she would definitely finish everything. Later, Ayumu ordered afternoon tea set for two people and with original tea blend.
Ayumu Shinonome “Noisy”
MC “Eh.. I’m not…”
Ayumu Shinonome “Your stare”
Ayumu Shinonome “You’re staring intensely since a while ago”
MC who got caught staring at Ayumu then tried to explain herself, that because Ayumu is so handsome so her eyes were drawn to him. (T/N: I love how easy it’s for her to say it out loud. LOL) Ayumu wasn’t buying the excuse so MC explained it further that today was more special because Ayumu wore the suit for her. It made him 30% cooler, she was so happy and want to look at it again and again.
Flashback, Office Canteen. We got another continuation flashback, but now It was Toru gave out an advices about the importance of giving compliment on your partner’s clothing. Because if Ayumu wear a suit so his partner would be expected to wear a formal dress too. Since woman took longer time to put on makeup and do their hair so it’ll be good to praise them for the effort.
Ayumu Shinonome “If it’s about styling the hair, mine took longer (time)…” (T/N: Laugh 🤣)
Present Day, Restaurant. Ayumu took Toru's advice seriously so tried his best to compliment her.
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Firstly he would compliment MC nonchalantly and casually but before he could said anything she had abruptly stand up and saying that she would excuse herself to change her shoes. She thought that Ayumu would make a comment at her shoes so she would changed her shoes right away. Unknowingly to her, she just missed Ayumu's attempt to praise her.
Ayumu was so perplexed, he thought he just missed his one in million chance to praised her. He tried to convince himself that it’s just Toru’s opinion and beside that her girl wasn’t really asked for a praise.
Present Day, Intersection. Although Ayumu said that he wouldn’t tried to praise her anymore but he kept thinking on how to compliment her. He was glad that MC loved the food and all but he still couldn’t figure out how to praise her. He thought that the dress was not bad, the heels went well with the dress and it’d been a while since he seen her in makeup. While Ayumu got worked up to praise MC, MC probably still had her head full of the afternoon tea. (T/N: Hahaha, MC please have mercy to this poor boy)
After that, they were talking about their next destination was and Ayumu pulled two tickets from her pocket. Those were tickets for Opera play.
Flashback, Office Canteen. It’s another continuation flashback where Toru made a list about places to go to in a formal suit. He suggested a luxury brand store, because when you go to luxury store in a suit you’d be treated politely and your woman companions would also feel like a celebrity. The other places are either a hotel restaurant or a bar with a nice night view where you could get close to each other with your partner. (T/N: Toru’s imagination is so wild!)
Actually, the one who came out with Opera play was Tsugaru. He recommended it thinking that it’d be a perfect date going to an Opera wearing formal wear.
Takaomi Tsugaru “However…”
Takaomi Tsugaru “Ayumu-san‘s partner may not understand what opera is though.”
Present Day, Intersection. So we go back to the present. Ayumu asked MC whether she knew what an Opera is. MC admitted that she didn’t really know much about it and probably never see one before. So that would be her first time to go to an Opera play. She was so excited to go to Opera for the first time and on top of that she was going with Ayumu.
Suddenly there was woman screaming that her bag got snatche. Before Ayumu could confirm what was happening, MC had already made a move. MC tried to block the thief but he escaped into back alley.
Present Day, Back Alley. While MC ran after the thief into the back alley, Ayumu choose another route. He predicted that the thief would go to his way, so Ayumu hoped that he and MC could trap him. As predicted the thief showed up and get trapped between Ayumu and MC. Little did the thief know, he turned around and ran toward MC. It happened so quickl that while the thief charged toward MC, she quickly catched his right hand and twisted it then she put her weight on him. (T/N: Love it when MC is in action)
Present Day, Intersection. After turning the thief over then hey went through interrogation. After finished it, they barely had enough time to go to Opera play.
Then there were whispers talked about MC’s clothes. The dress was tattered and there were holes in her stocking which probably she got that when she straddled the thief. She blabbered about changing his clothes or maybe buying a new one but the time was too tight. MC was so flustered. (T/N: Nooo, I am sad for her 😢)
Ayumu Shinonome “It’s alright, just leave it”
Strangely enough, the word just spilled out from me
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Ayumu Shinonome “It’s not bad”
MC “Eh…”
Ayumu Shinonome “Today, you’re not too bad.”
She was so stylish before but now she is tattered.
But both of them are ’MC’
“It’s really not bad”
I tucked in her disheveled hair to make it tidy.
My girl looks up bewilderedly.
MC “Hm… Ayumu-san…?”
Ayumu Shinonome “Let’s go”
Present Day, Park. Later we know that they were going to a park. Actually they would go to the park after done with Opera play but the schedule was moved ahead of time because of the incident. MC was worried about her clothes but Ayumu assured her that it was okay because the park was already reserved. (T/N: Yup, Ayumu reserved the entire park for this occasion) That left MC in a daze.
Ayumu Shinonome “Hand”
MC “What…?”
Ayumu Shinonome “Left hand. Give it to me”
MC “Y—Yes..”
Ayumu then escorted her to the center of the park and they stop in the middle of gazebo (?) stairs.
Actually, this is the hardest thing to do for today
Well, it’s a birthday
It’s a special event so..
Ayumu Shinonome “3..2..1..”
As Ayumu snapped her finger, a lot of balloons started floating up. While MC was focus on the balloons, Ayumu picked up the hidden bouquet.
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Ayumu Shinonome “Happy Birthday”
My girl opens her mouth in surprise
Well, it’s understandable. This kind of thing is so uncharacteristically of me.
But, I am definitely the one who thought about this surprise
After all, it only happens once a year
This is something that my girl would love
After that Ayumu asked MC about what her thought on the surprise. When MC didn’t answer him, Ayumu got panicking and thought that he had failed. (T/N: Uuugh my heart!🥺) It wasn’t the case tho, MC was so happy that she cried while hugging Ayumu. MC even started babbling about how much she love it and she wanted to stay together with him for a long time which Ayumu claimed that he didn’t understand what MC was saying. (Well, she was talking while crying hahaha 😂)
But later, we got to see that Ayumu actually understood what she was talking about.
That’s a lie.
Actually I perfectly understand it.
So please stay with me
Stay with me for the rest of your life.
Please don’t leave me.
I do things I don’t usually do and that’s because you've changed me.
Later Ayumu asked MC what she wanted to do. MC wants a kiss from Ayumu! That took Ayumu in surprise ’cause out of all things she could ask for, she asked for a kiss. He was reluctant at first because MC had just finished crying but then he surrendered to her and gave her a kiss.
Although it was salty from tears, Ayumu kinda liked the kiss. He thought that there must be something wrong with him. (T/N: no Ayumu. There isn’t anything wrong with you. You’re just whipped!🥺)
After kissing, MC declared that on she would do a surprise event on Ayumu's birthday which soon was declined by Ayumu.
Ayumu said that he don't need anything for his birthday. Then, MC started listing all the things she would do such as make Dinosaurs out of balloons, make 3D Dinosaurs Pancake or she might rent a museum. Ayumu then stopped her rambling with a kiss. (T/N: uugh MC and Ayumu are so adorable. I love them 😍 )
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I don’t really need something like a surprise
If you’re there
You’re there, like you’re here now by my side—
If I can kiss you like this
That is enough.
So that’s all folks
The special story concludes the series of Peach Fanclub (2020). I miss him 😢
This special story just make the CGs 100% better!
I was crying with Mc when Ayumu give her congratulation on her birthday. My heart was fluttering when Ayumu tucked in MC’s hair then when he asked for her hand! I almost thought that he would be asking MC for ‘the hand’ (in marriage, LOL). There’s so many little gesture that I like in this story.
I really like his flow of thought and how adorable he is when he was awkwardly trying to please MC. I love it whenever he lower his tsun facade and show us his true sincere heart. I hope he could be more open to his MC. But it’s okay, one step at a time.
Props to our MPV, Toru Kurosawa! He gave all guidance for our tsundere mushroom throughout the story. Honorable mention to Soma and Tsugaru too!
Ayumu-san Happy Birthday! 🎉🎂🎉
I wish for many more story of you and your mc in the future too!
Lastly, I hope you all enjoy it!
Have a great day everyone ~ 😉 💕
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hazygrains · 3 years
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May was pretty eventful and looooong. I felt like the days were dragging or maybe it was because of the two-week off time I got before I started working with my new employer. So during the 2-week break, I was planning on creating more mugs, but unfortunately, I was not feeling it. I was too lazy to do pottery and I honestly forgot what I did during that break. Anyway, here are the highlights and lowlights of May:
May 1 - Finally had my physical medical examination after years of not getting one. It was one of the pre-employment requirements I had to do. The results were all good.
May 11 - My Oppo F1S phone gave up one me. It was my phone for 4 years. It was a gift from Asis on my 24th birthday.
May 12 - My work equipment came. Didn’t expect the monitors to be that big, so I had to adjust and arrange everything on my table. But the wires and cables! Oh my, it was such a struggle. Asis even bought these adhesive wire cable management clips to somewhat organize all the tangled messy wire/cables. Also, I was amazed with the Nuc CPU that the company provided. It was so compact and it was my first time using/seeing one. Receiving the equipment made me excited to work! I will no longer use my own personal laptop with work-related stuff. I now have more memory space!
May 15 - Asis bought me a new phone (Samsung S20 FE). Well technically, we both bought it since he only paid almost 70% percent of the total. Hahaha! We also bought stuff needed for our home. Also, we had to buy a new fan and AC for our room because the heat was just crazy even at night.
May 17 - First day at my new work! The first weeks were just full of meetings and watching training videos on PluralSight. I still didn’t have any tasks to do so I learned the basics of Javascript, ReactJS, and Gatsby JS. I also had a hard time adjusting to my new working hours. I will never get used to getting up before 6. (⁎˃ᆺ˂)
Highlights and lowlights of June:
June 1 - Experienced the worst cramps ever. I was having cold sweat and was writhing in pain for god knows how long. I was even ready to go to the hospital. I already drank a pain reliever but the pain was too much. My partner told me to wait for a while and see if it will subside. It actually did after a little while and after I drank another pain reliever that tito Ed (Asis' father) bought for me. He even bought me Pocari Sweat drinks and fruits. I was really grateful for them. I don’t wanna ever feel that pain again. It was really terrifying. (⊃д⊂)
June 3 - Received a milk tea from my team member, Ferly. Pawelcome drink daw. :)
June 2 & 5 - My niece received her 2 sets of storybooks. This is one of the incentives of our company. A small gift to all the employees every month. For this month it was to bring out the inner child in us or we can share it with our kids, nephews, or nieces. Our options were coloring books with pens, DIY resin art, paint by numbers, story books, and board games. So yea, I wanted to give something to my niece so I had to choose story books.
June 11 - Got our first dose! We got Gamaleya Sputnik V. The side effects for me were malaise, muscle pain, and headache, while my partner also felt all these, and also chills and high fever. // I also won the Avatar game in our company. The prize was a feast for my family.
June 17 - I stupidly broke my laptop screen. I have to connect it to a monitor if I want to use it. I still have no plans yet to buy a screen replacement. This monitor setup will do for now.
June 19 - My brother’s birthday
June 20 - Went home to my parents’ place after 2 months. We celebrated my brother’s birthday and also father’s day. I used the feast prize I got from work for this day.
I also got my printed film photos from @tinyprintroom. The quality of the paper used was really nice! ♡
Highlights and lowlights of July:
July 1 - Met up with my BFF Kaye, and Darrel. Ate at Mister Kabab because we were craving their food for so long now, and also went to High Grounds Café.
July 5 - Got this month’s incentives. For this month, it was to channel our inner zen. Our choices were plant growing kit, self-care/pamper kit, humidifier with essential oils, scented candles, and back massager. I chose the self-care/pamper kit. I got this Katinko pain and itch relieving ointment set.
July 13 - Cultural Event for the Proptech Hub Manila, and also a get together before our team lead leaves the company--he and his family are about to migrate to Canada next month. I was scared to join, to be honest, since I’m always paranoid that I might catch COVID, but I took the risk. Our company arranged a VIP room with 2 bowling lanes and a buffet in Studio 300. It was really nice to meet the team. Had a fun time! // I also received the company’s ergonomic chair gift! It was so nice and comfy. I love the teal color. No more back pain while working. I'm truly grateful to be a part of the EG family. The bosses are so giving and all my teammates and colleagues are really nice.
July 17 - Got our second dose! The side effects are still the same for me and Asis, but I felt more body heaviness and pain for this last shot.
Mama found my stuff--Holga camera, GoPro dome, handwritten letters, memorabilia, pressed flowers, and many other important things. I thought I lost all these when we were moving places years ago. Glad I got it back!
I sold 2 of my ceramic mug works. I was really happy that people on Instagram still bought the pieces even though they all have cracks inside. I know they can’t use it as a drinking vessel but it can be a table décor! Grateful for their supports! (•‾⌣‾•)و ̑̑♡
I’m also grateful that most of my family members are now vaccinated. ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ
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purplesurveys · 2 years
[chasingghosts @ bzoink]
What was the best vacation you've ever been on? My East Asian cruise! My parents gave me a trip to China, Japan, and South Korea for my 18th birthday and it remains to be my favorite time abroad. I wasn’t a fan of anything Korean yet but I enjoyed the trip all the same, and I’m pretty sure I went to one museum per country so that was nice too.
What would you buy first if you won the lottery? Give a substantial portion to my parents then put most of the remaining money into savings or like insurance.
Did you grow up in the city, the suburbs or somewhere more rural? I’ve been in the suburbs all my life. I did have a taste of the city as a newborn as my parents briefly had an apartment in Manila – but then they realized it wasn’t the best place to raise a baby so they moved back with my mom’s family in the suburbs by the time I was like, 2.
Describe the bag you use most often. It’s a white shoulder bag from Nine West. Million pockets, which is convenient for me since I pretty much treat my bags as my second home lol.
What languages did you learn in school? I very informally learned French in elementary school when my teachers wanted to start a thing where they teach us random French words every week lmao. It never really caught on and I didn’t take any more language classes throughout my education. I took a Korean class last year, though.
What has been the happiest time of your life so far? I will say I felt extremely happy during my previous relationship, but knowing how toxic things really were I could just be looking back at it with rose-colored glasses; that said, I don’t even know what to make of that time in my life anymore, so I’d rather move past it as if nothing happened. 
Another high point in my life was in my whole journey of moving on (also from the same relationship) because in entered a chain of happy events that made life exciting for me again. I got into BTS, I gained new friends because of BTS, I became closer with my friends at work...last year was a lot of fun for me and I can easily say it’s one of the best years I’ve lived through.
What do you usually order when you get Chinese food? Just yang chow fried rice and spring rolls. I rarely get Chinese food for myself so I never change my usual orders.
Have you ever had a crush on a celebrity? Who? Who hasn’t LOL. I have had so many celeb crushes, but my current would have to be Kim Taehyung. < dgjkdfhssdJHVHGVUYRew8gibVSY$&^*YHSGDYUSXM
Do you have any fears you would rarely admit to anyone? I used to be afraid of catching commercials at night because the graphic effects freaked me out so much as a kid hahaha but I’m super over it now. I’m not opposed to mentioning it with friends if it comes up in a conversation, but it’s never happened so no one really knows about that past irrational fear of mine.
Name one thing you always have in your fridge. Besides water, we never run out of eggs.
What website do you spend most of your time on? Google Suite, if it counts. I use it all the time for work.
What was the last music you listened to? According to my phone it was 28 by Yoongi, as Agust D.
How did you feel when you woke up today? I felt well-relaxed since it was a Sunday morning and I got to sleep in a bit, but also slightly annoyed because I knew I had to attend church with family first thing in the morning and I wouldn’t be able to relax in my bedroom.
What would your dream house be like? I want those modern houses that just look like giant squares lol. Design would be minimalist with a giant couch and TV in the living room to entertain friends. I’d love my own office too, to have that place where I can just focus; but the main bit I’ve always wanted was my own (wo)mancave where memorabilia of all my main interests are framed and hung up and stuff and where I can go to escape the world for a bit.
Do you own any clothes with polka dot patterns? I have a dress with a polka dot pattern but the dots are heart-shaped instead, if that counts. Otherwise, I don’t have anything that’s strictly polka dots.
Have you ever been orienteering? Nah. This was offered as a PE course in my university but I never enrolled in it.
What class in high school did you struggle with the most? Chemistry, trigonometry, and calculus were my Achilles heels. I don’t think I ever got a grade above 85 in those classes.
What did you have for dinner last night? I had fried eggplant and rice.
Would you change anything about yourself? Right now I just wish I had a stronger initiative to switch jobs and see where else I could thrive.
Do you like musical theatre? Mmmm not really, apart from Miss Saigon. It’s my mom’s favorite musical and we frequently listened to the soundtrack every time we were in the car.
What was the last party you went to? It may have just been a family Christmas party last December.
Do you like to make lists? Sure.
What could you talk about for hours? Topics that trigger nostalgia. Shows from my childhood, funny stories from grade school, clashes with my parents as a teenager...my cousin, sister, and I literally had a conversation of this nature an hour ago and we were able to cover so much, hahaha.
Are there any slang words/sayings that you just hate? My Gen Z self wouldn’t say so because I use most of the popular slang anyway, lol.
Do you have a lamp beside your bed? I do, but I turn it off when I finally turn in.
If you were in a band, what kind of music would you play? I’d probably be doing stuff behind the scenes. I can’t imagine ever being the main character, especially in the context of being in a band.
What was the first cell phone you owned? It was one of the Nokia phone that came with Snake and that space-y game.
What's your favourite ice cream topping? Chocolate chip cookie dough bits.
Is there something big you're currently saving for? BTS concert. I’ve stopped spending big on things for now just in case a world tour announcement is around the corner.
Who can you be your true self around? Angela.
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kirstinmaldonado · 4 years
Chapter Six 2.0 Vanilla Cupcake Recipe
Hi, friends!
Hope you all are doing well this week! Apologies for the late post, but I have a sweet surprise to make up for it! Two, actually!
I’ve been keeping busy this past week writing and recording new music and then brainstorming fun video concepts with Ben! The week has flown by, it’s been so fun! We give you theatrics! Humor! Cupcakes! Musical theatre!
Yes, the first song from our homemade mini musical will be debuting #soon! 
Aka…tomorrow. You know I wouldn’t do that to you guys…
Jokes aside, it’s been so nice flexing that creative muscle and collaborating with my boyfriend’s strengths as well! I’ve even started work on my own muscles again!
I…am out of shape, hahaha! But it’s okay! I’ve put that on the back burner and now I just have to get through the adjustment period of my body realizing it’s moving faster than a slow gait to the kitchen and we’re on our way!
The body is such a wonderful instrument! I am consistently in awe with what our bodies go through and can handle overall. Fascinated by where we hold our stresses, how we rebound, how the body heals itself. 
Since I never was a true, full-fledged athlete, I never connected with or understood my body fully besides vocal health; but from breaking my ankle in 2018 to working with Annie (PTX personal trainer and physical therapist) within the last year, I’ve become so much more aware of my overall body and health! It’s time we start implementing that in to daily life, no matter the setback, yeah? :) Goals are still goals! Setbacks (Corona) may knock you back a few pegs, but it’s never a reason to give up!
I have a little over two weeks until my birthday and while I’m definitely not in the shape I had anticipated (y’all I was ROCKING IT in January), there’s no better time than the present to kick back in to gear!
That being said…I have been indulging in some sweet treats lately! Between birthdays and this new video Ben and I have been working on, my sugar intake has been sky hiiiiiigh. Just yesterday I had an enormous mouthful of cupcakes for our video… You’ll see ;)
Now that I’m getting back in to working out and I’m, to be honest, a little cupcake-d out, I probably will be cutting down on the sweets. 
HOWEVER, just because I may not be enjoying them doesn’t mean YOU GUYS shouldn’t enjoy this AMAZING recipe!!!
I’ve used this recipe multiple times now and it is perfect every time!! The consistency of the cupcakes is super springy and light but without lacking flavor or depth! The recipe for icing is attached as well, but honestly these cupcakes are so good naturally you don’t even really need it!
I personally loved using them as mini cupcakes as they are deliciously sweet, but they can be used normally as well!
To make the cute LGBTQ+ colored cupcakes, I separated the batter into however many colors I wanted and used the desired food coloring to get the shade I liked! The measurements will vary depending on the size of your cupcakes and how many colors you use!
Have fun with it! Enjoy! Tag me! Send me pictures ;)
Shoutout to John Kanell at PreppyKitchen! If you have any other questions, please make sure to check out his recipe on his site PreppyKitchen or try any of his other recipes! I have yet to try his others but I have no doubt that they all look delicious, and no better time to try out a new recipe than now!!
For the Cupcakes:
1 2/3 cup all-purpose flour 213g
1 cup granulated sugar 200g
1/4 tsp baking soda
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp kosher salt
3/4 cup unsalted butter 170g, melted
3 egg whites
1 tbsp vanilla extract 15mL  (I always use more vanilla in all my baking recipes so use your own discretion based on taste preferences)
1/2 cup sour cream 120mL
1/2 cup whole milk 120mL (I used 2%)
For the Vanilla Buttercream:
2 lb confectioners sugar 900g
1 lb unsalted butter 450g, room temperature
1 tsp vanilla extract (I always use more vanilla in all my baking recipes so use your own discretion based on taste preferences)
1 tbsp heavy cream
1 pinch kosher salt
1 tsp whole milk (I used 2%)
For the Cupcakes:
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Place cupcake papers in a cupcake pan.
2. Sift the flour, sugar salt, baking soda and powder into a large bowl, and whisk together.
3. Separate the yolk from the eggs. The yolks can be discarded unless you’re using them for a different icing.
4. In another bowl, whisk together the wet ingredients until combined. (The batter may be clumpy, do not worry!)
5. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients. Mix until combined.
6. Distribute the batter evenly into cupcake papers, filling each paper with about 2/3 the way up. They will rise to the top and if you put too much batter they will overflow slightly after finished baking!
7. Bake for about 18 minutes or until centers are springy to the touch. The toothpick in the center check always works like a charm!
For the Buttercream:
1. In a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the room temperature butter on high speed. 
2. Add in the confectioners sugar in two batches. 
3. Add salt, milk, cream and vanilla. Mix until fluffy.
4. Now you’re ready to ice your cupcakes! Use food coloring, use a piping bag to decorate, or just slab some on with a spoon! But enjoy!
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ichika27 · 3 years
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Already Day 4 and it’s just episode 2! I mean, I knew they were gonna rush it but this is really rushed. Is this just 12 episodes? They should’ve doubled it cause the story... but they’re trying to finish this up before the release of NTWEWY so...
I thought last week “I’ll make the next TWEWY anime post after each game weeks.” but I need to vent so here I am! Spoilers for the game below cause I can’t just not say anything.
To anime-only watchers, please play the game or watch someone’s gameplay of it! The story is way better told in the game.
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Here’s the gang hanging out together. They do talk about some stuff about themselves with Neku telling them he likes it that no one can see him in the UG. Rushed but at least it’s here. Rhyme also mentions that she has no dreams for the future and Beat’s outburst afterwards hints at what Rhyme’s entry fee was. If it’s vaguely hinted in the game, this scene makes it a bit more explicit.
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No Reaper Creeper. They didn’t adapt it probably to save time. Shiki used imprinting to help Ai and Mina talk to each other so the scene went by fast. Also, the surprise for Ai instead of 2 Tin Pin Slammer tickets are 2 tickets to a performance of 777′s band. It’s also a birthday gift (that Makoto is also aware of) unlike in the game where Mina gave her the tickets to help her get close to Makoto seeing as Ai has a crush on the guy.
The tickets are a little change but I guess this may also mean they’re not adapting Tin Pin Slammer in the anime. *cries* B-but Children’s card Tin Pin game is serious business!
Joshua loves playing that game, too... (I was hoping for an OVA version of “Another Day” after the series ends but who knows?)
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Instead of helping Makoto make the Red Skull Pins popular, they gave the job to the Prince, Eiji, who gives them away at his little show. The mission this time is to make everyone look up at the Q building screen since they hear some guy tell Makoto to help him make everyone watch their video (instead of the commercial for the pins) to be displayed on there at the same time stated on the text message. Neku uses imprinting to make Eiji advertise it for them.
I guess this means Makoto gets less screentime and character development (even if he does have a little arc in the game). Him being the one whose job is to sell the pins and make them trendy is what gave him a confidence boost to change for the next weeks.
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I didn’t notice this before... was it shown properly in episode 1? I was out of it for the most part due to excitement so I might have not noticed.
Anyways... 777 gave Shiki a freaking keypin that’s only to be used by Reapers and players obviously can’t have them. I get it though... the sidequests were cut off from the show to save time but giving them a keypin? It’s a big deal since 777 was erased after he gave them a keypin to help them in the final week.
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This appears at the time the commercial should be on and some weird light destroys the other players. What was that?! That was more than just foreshadowing to what the Red Skull Pins are!
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And Joshua stops it before it could make things worse and get to Neku and Shiki.
They also foreshadowed Joshua’s abilities! Are they trying to make the anime watchers catch on to who Josh actually is before even his week starts? I mean, I like that I’m sorta seeing Josh here but still!
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Neku and Shiki having a little pep talk. It’s not as great as the game’s but at least it’s still here. Even if it’s rushed and stuff.
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Eri is animated! The scene where Shiki hears about Eri’s thoughts on her is emotional with both girls crying and all unlike in the game which makes sense cause Shiki had just recently passed away. Some stuff to note:
-Eri is in a school uniform. They can afford this cause they don’t have to use the same sprite as what Shiki has in the game.
-Her uniform plus the fact that it’s a random character with her and not Mina means they probably go to a different school than Ai and Mina.
-This is where the reveal happens for Neku (and the audience) that all the players are dead instead of it being revealed by Higashizawa. I’m okay with this somewhat since it’s not really weird for Shiki to be the one to reveal it especially since they already gave her the roles of giving Neku the game explanations.
Also, we’re nearing the ending of Shiki’s week but Rhyme is still okay. I’m guessing they’re gonna have her and Beat attacked next episode instead of on Day 4 like in the game.
Oh yeah, since the planned OP for this was scrapped, they replaced it with something else. “Twister” is now the OP! I’m okay with that! Super ok! I’m sure there are other fans of the game who probably feel the same way since they were also hoping they use Twister as the OP. Glad they did this! I still feel the planned OP went to waste though.
“Calling” is officially the battle song. I wish they would also use “Someday”.
They also revealed the ED! The song is good (”Carpe Diem” by Asca) and the accompanying video is beautiful and it showed out main cast doing the same fighting poses they had in the game but with the anime’s art style (which is close to the game with only a little difference). They did some little foreshadowing again due to how they showed Joshua (seriously... did they want the anime-only watchers to suspect things this early? Week 2 hasn’t even started yet!).
I’m happy Ani-One is able to post the episodes on Youtube (which means I’m not watching this illegaly hehe) but the subtitles they have are off. They tried subbing the songs but they don’t seem to fit the actual meaning. Like there are parts of “Twister” and “Calling” that are in English (like, full sentences) but they “translated” those parts and the meaning is different. They also refer to Makoto as “Shin” in the subs which doesn’t make any sense. They misspelled Eri’s name as “Ari”. I hope they fix it.
I still enjoy the fight scenes and Neku using his psyches.
This would’ve been better with more episodes so they could focus on the story progression but I guess this’d have to do. I kinda realized this might be the case since the adaptation for “Devil Survivor 2″ with the same “7 days or it’s the end” plot but unlike DeSu2 which takes place for like, a week only (so 13 episodes wasn’t that bad) TWEWY’s entire story is worth an entire month. 12-13 episodes won’t cut it especially if they plan on adapting the “A New Day” scenario and since they’re trying to connect this series to NTWEWY, that’s probably what they’re gonna do. Oh boy...
Anyways, I guess this’ll be a weekly thing with me venting haha. I’d probably be fangirling when Joshua finally shows up on Week 2 though. I wonder if they’re gonna put JoshNeku ship tease in there like in the game? I’d be disappointed if they don’t since it’s Joshua’s thing lol plus DeSu2 did it for YamaHibi so I’m kinda... I now have standards hahaha.
Thanks for reading!
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nanachingu · 4 years
Drama Review: Go Ahead (Chinese Drama)
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Wow! An achievement for me. Writing a review for Chinese drama. Never thought that this time would come. Actually, I watched many dramas from many countries, like I watched a little Japanese drama and Thai series too. I always search for Chinese drama if I need drama who have light, fun, cheesy romance vibe, and didn’t have too much bad characters in it. That’s always my mindset for Chinese drama. This few weeks or month? I didn’t found any K-dramas that interesting and I was too reluctant to watch any Kdramas. So I was trying to watch several Chinese Drama that got into my bucket list and starting available in Netflix. Several dramas that I watch before this were Go Go Squid (before found this drama, I think this is the best Chinese drama I’ve ever watched), Le Coup de Foudre, Wait My Youth, My Girl, etc. Till I found this drama on Youtube. Go Ahead not a cliche drama that I can guess where it’ll be heading. Many characters who really bad, tragic fate, heartbreaking story, but also warm family story, friendship, and love. 
First impression from the cover on thumbnail, hm interesting. good. handsome. Picture below was my first impression. What happened with 2 dads and 3 kids? 
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Turns out it’s a story about 2 family with no mothers (of course look at the picture!) cared for them, and their dads start to take care of each other and took their 3 kids into siblings with no blood related. Let me introduce you the biggest Gēgē (brother), Ling Xiao the tallest, second Gēgē, He Ziqiu on the right, and little Meimei, Li JianJian, with Ling Dad sitting on the left and Li Dad on the right. Ling Xiao and his parents (yes his Mom) moved into Li family neighborhood. Li JianJian mother’s was dead so Li Dad needs to take care of Li Jianjian by himself. AND he DID really really great job as a father and mom for her. Li Dad was an angel I swear. One day, He Gēgē came to Li’s family because of the circumstances and Li Dad make a decision to take care of him as his own son. Ling Gēgē also left by his mother because of their family problems and I think their mom personal problem. Really, something wrong with his mother’s mind and attitude. I hate her. Because of Ling dad who always busy as a policeman, Ling Gēgē always playing and take care by Li Dad and they agree to take care and treat each other as a real families. It’s become Li Jianjian’s dream for having a big brother and now she got 2 instantly.
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They grew up together, really taking care of each other, everytime and everywhere. You’ll get a warm hearted by watching their flashback story. A happy family eventhough they don’t have a mother. I really admire Li Jianjian how she always been cheerful and never feel so little in front of other people. It’s because she already have 2 big brothers that really love her and treasure her. No it’s not over, it’s just starting. When the problems always coming and make this sibling must separated and become far away. JianJian really broke my heart when saw her crying and can’t accept that both her Gēgē will leave her alone. After all this years they’ve been together, how they take care each other, and love each other, they must back to their family who abandoned them. Why she must through this hardship and accept that when it’s the outsiders who left her brothers since they were little. They really separated for a long time, for years, and when they reunited it’s become really awkward moment for them. They become a strangers after all this years. 9 years. When the communication slowly dissapeared. When they didn’t know what to talk about and just send wishes on birthday, new year, and certain events. They also already becoming a grown up. Ling Gēgē is a dentist, He Gēgē is a pastry chef, and Jianjian is a wood sculptor. Interesting, the brothers job was inspired by their Meimei. Jianjian really loves sweets that made her teeth bad. But at the first place they’re family, they just need a little time and space to accept that they’re together again, get used to it,  to become like they used to before. 
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I was crying when they need to be separated, when Ling Gēgē must through so much problem that makes him become adult really fast. I love how they potray the character when they were teenagers and after becoming an adult. I can see their growth from the pain and many things. I think the brother’s life were really tragic. They were both abandoned by their mothers, and even one of the mother is really selfish. I really love how they put this story one by one, how their relationship growing into another, like yeah two of the siblings decided to change their relationship to lover. This drama is not just about romance, I think not cheesy romance at least but I love Song Wei Long hahaha. But it’s focused on mental health too. How Ling Gēgē in a mental pressure, nsomnia, and anxiety after all the things he must through in his life, far away from Jianjian and his loved family, how He Gēgē always think that he’s owe all his life to Li Family, always worried as he’s not their real families, and all his fear and worries buried by himself. But I love that they have 2 Dads that always support them, always love them without any condition, and it’s funny when the Dads knew that 2 of them are together in love relationship. 
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But one thing that really make this drama more complicated is the loveline really. It’s like the main role and the support role can’t like each other. (IT’S SPOILER) Ling Gēgē likes Jianjian, Mingyue (Jianjian friend) likes Ling Gēgē, He Gēgē friend likes Mingyue, and Tangcan (Jianjian friend) likes He Gēgē friend. It’s like a relay. Why this drama can’t make the supporting role like each other character?! It’s too sad to see a several times broken heart in this drama. Even He Gēgē intend to marry Jianjian, but I think it’s not because he really loves her as a woman, but it more because he really want become a real family legally with her and Li Dad. I’m happy that Jianjian can handle this situation well. But I like it because the siblings are back together eventough it needs 9 years to reunited but they still the same as long time ago.
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Overall I really love this drama because of the conflict, story, and have many messages that we can took from this drama. Especially family problem. I’m sure it will make many people crying because the story focused on family problem and how to deal it as you are getting mature and know that life as an adult is not easy especially if you have a selfish mother haha. For the first time I really love the OST in Chinese drama. Like I said, because of the story I think I’m just too immersed to the OST too. I love the acting too. They can portray their characters really well, especially He Gēgē, I always pity him because he got too many crying scenes hahaha he always sad, he deserves to be happy! Ling Gēgē too. I really fall in love with my first Chinese actor. Okay Song Wei Long you’re in! I’m shocked when I knew that their age difference in real life. Their little Meimei in the drama actually a big sister for the brothers. And the biggest Gēgē in this drama is maknae!!! Song Wei Long is born in 1999. OMG even he’s younger than me hahaha. But they can portray their characters well even I can’t see their age gap in the drama. I wrote this when the drama isn’t over yet. So I hope this drama will find their happy ending and I can’t wait and I can’t guess how’s the ending.
For you who bored for Kdramas or wanna trying something new and wanna try Chinese drama, I think this drama is a must for you! You’ll be no dissapointed. I’ll give this drama rating 4.5 out of 5 stars because I haven’t watch the finale and curious to see how they’ll packed up this drama.
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selfcareparker · 3 years
LMAOO I WAS GONNA BRING UP FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLIDER BUT I WASNT SURE IF YOU WERE WATCHING IT HSKAJ (are you liking it? i know it’s only the first episode but ya know, another one tomorrow night- well tomorrow night for me, and did you like wandavision?? i loved it!!)
oh my goodness i’m watching lion king while writing this and i haven’t seen it in a while and i am..... emotional. but anyway, i love that streaming services think that imma pay for them while they charge $50 a month. like yes of course i have that kind of money and i am going to give it to you to watch tv 🙄 that $50 is budgeted to sims thank you. (ALSO SIMS!!! i’ll get to that in a minute) now see if i don’t google levidia right this minute LMAOO, not that i’m gonna use it.. just for the research...
AND HDKSHS SEND THAT CHAOS WALKING LINK LMAO i saw it for the third time with a different one of my friends and she wasn’t the best one to see it with? she literally was on her fucking phone and i was like ok whatever her loss not mine, and idk if you’ve read the books or if you’ve seen it by now, but by the end of the whole movie, after they’ve confirmed THE THING throughout the whole movie she asked the dumbest question and i’m like diD YOU NOT WATCH THE MOVIE, and i guess she didn’t. so. this sounds so vague but i don’t wanna spoil the movie for you just in case lol.
THE STORY LMAOO, so A DIFFERENT FRIEND LOL, like my oldest bff, we had a day together and we wanted to go see chaos walking. and i honest to God thought that no one would be seeing this movie. like NO ONE. every day, i checked the theater seating and no one was there right? plus i really wanted us to have the theater to ourselves. so we sit in the wrong seats, the row in front of us, STILL THINKING WE’RE ALONE. and then these 3 older people came in AND IM ABOUT TO SCREAM FHSJSH AND IM LIKE “are we in your seats?” and they we were like uh yeah, AND IT WAS SO BAD LMAOO , we’re moving and everything would’ve been FINE but my friend’s reclined seat was going down so slow and as it’s going shes LITERALLY SAYING ALOUD “awkward awkward awkward” so she thinks forget it, lemme just get up. HER BAG GETS CAUGHT ON HER CHAIR AND HER FRIES AND THEY SPILL ALONG WITH HER HONEY MUSTARD 😭😭 ALL OVER THE FLOOR! so i’m trying not to laugh lmao but those aren’t even our seats and we just made a mess, so naturally, i get on the floor and start cleaning it up with my napkins (this is going for too long) AND MY FRIEND IS STILL SAYING “awkward awkward awkward awkward” and i’m really abt to crack up bECAUSE LIKE SHUT UP HAHAHA and we’re cleaning it and shit and the oldest lady is gonna say “yeah you’re not gonna make an old lady get on the floor, are you?” AND I WANTED TO LAUGH AND SCREAM AT THE SAME TIME BC DID WE ASK YOU TO, NO, so then i had to get the manager and she helped us clean it, we got new fries and everything was fine, it’s just a crazy story bc LITERALLY WE COULDVE AVOIDED IT AND EVERYTHING BUT THESE ELDERLY PEOPLE HAD TO COME AND SEE THIS MOVIE😭😭 at least the gentlemen was nice.. he helped us clean. but then his wife was like “i aM nOt siTTiNg tHeRe” and at first i thought she was a teenager bc of her stink attitude but her husband was nice. and it’s not like we weren’t cleaning it up, we were!!! like i was so apologetic- anyway.
about sims! do you play console or pc? wait,, you already told me you play pc bc your computer was broken, i’m glad you can play now though :’)) litetally when i read in the tags that you’re playing sims !!!! and are you hyped for bunk beds? i have cc so i’ve had them for a bit, but they were glitchy... but i’m so excited we have them now! i should really play sims today...
GURL IM SO PROUD OF YOU 🥺🥲 i know you aren’t fluent in everything and you aren’t a linguistic genius LMAO but it’s still soooo amazing :’) here i am reading the captions while ur just going hahah, yea i tried duolingo but.... i didn’t stick to it HDJSH talking to you though makes me so interested because you know all these languages, not even studying them like that, but you have this foundation and ahh it’s just super cool. LOL YOU DONT SOUND LAME HAJA IM TELLING YOU ITS SO SO COOL, i’m loving this lesson btw oh my goodness- HSKAJS YOU THOUGHT I WOULD ALREADY KNOW THAT??? HDYSJHS MY ONLY ENGLISH SPEAKING ASS??? HAHAHAHHAH i find that word (Rindfleischetikettie- i’m not gonna write the whole thing i’m sorry) very interesting... like... wow. did you have to google that or did you just know lmao
OKAH THE WATER THING HDKDJDKS UR GONNA TERRIFY ME HAHAH OH MY LORD- first of all CROATIA 😍😍 but thinking about it like that, I WOULD FREAK OUT TOO HAHSGSG i never go that deep into the water, or if i do i have my dad with me lol and i kind of hold onto him bc ive seen/heard too many things about people being dragged into the sea. but i loveee the water (i wanted to be a mermaid soooo bad ohmigosh)
I DONT UNDERSTAND HOW ONE CANNOT LIKE MUSIC ITS AWFUL !! lmao yeah i haven’t even listened to harry’s his first album, everyone says they love it more. I WAS GONNA SAY IMMA LISTEN TO ONLY ANGEL BUT THE WAY YOU DESCRIBE IT HUHAHAH also i have never listened to anything by mgk (i actually had to google who he was IM SORRY😔) i’m tempted to listen tho lol PLEASE JUSTIN BIEBER- I PROMISE IM NOT LAUGHING AT U IVE JUSY NEVER HAD SOMEONE SAY THAT B4!! like i don’t know many people who’ve liked him bUT NOW IM GONNA LISTEN & the cardboard cutout- okay. 😭😭😭
oh my goodness to see the vamps live 🤧 TO SEE ANYONE LIVE PLEASE JJDGSHAHGD and little mix is so good oh my goodness- i actually haven’t been to that many concerts.. i was at my first one, elsie fest (it’s like a broadway thing really) in uhhh october of 2019, yea i took my mom for her birthday bc she loves darren criss and i’m obsessed with glee lmao OH MY GOODNESS YOUVE BEEN TO SO MANY!!! and those are such great artists 😩😩
LMAO UR FINE, hamilton is a musical that lin manuel miranda wrote and i think generally made? i’m obsessed, but basically it was on broadway and then recorded and put on disney+ ... idk i guess it counts a film bc it’s like a movie really cuz it was recorded but in what 2018 or 2016? i don’t remembers the date that is on disney+ but it’s strange how i got into it, a lot of my friends were obsessed and i was like uhh why? and while researching it and watching it, trying to figure out why people love it... i fell in love with it LMAO but the music is FANTASTIC and lin is incredible😭 but yes yes yes i loveeeee high school musical!! my dad actually took my cousins to see it on ice or something (i absolutely forget lmao) but i don’t know how people don’t know hsm. it upsets me.
OKAY IM DOWN TO THE BOTTOM HAHAHA (it takes me so long to respond, now i’m on lion king 2 WHICH IS SO GOOD PLEASE FHHSSHHSHSH) i could respond in chunks but i kind of enjoy responding like this? it feels a bit like a letter but if this whole thing is overwhelming i’ll cut it up lol
+ yes that was me about your fic and sleep and everything lol but it was so good😭 i don’t understand how you write peter so well like you have this ability to capture his.. everything? i’m crine. all the time. over your fics. & i cannot describe my happiness for youuuu :’) i’m so happy you’re writing again 🥺🥰 the thing about how you only want to write the long peter fic but you don’t know how to continue... i feel that so so so hard, i don’t think i told you but ughh i was so blah bc of that feeling of having pent up inspiration for only one fucking thing and not being able to write it. it’s so frustrating 😭
not to add more to this but i need to vent a bit? the situation is definitely different bc with your major it obviously requires for you to ya know, know english lol, but uhm bc i’m homeschooled ive been cheating on all my work SHSHDHSJ like i google the answers but i’m still learning! it’s just..... i find it so unnecessary, like going for an audition no one is gonna say to me “i want you to chanel the knowledge within yourself of the centripetal force of the circle that is the table on this stage” like tf??? there’s literally no point. i’m gonna be getting into voice lessons again soon and i’m already doing dance, AND i’ll be doing this summer camp program (more hamilton lol) and thinking about school is only making me stress more, like i haven’t been able to rehearse dance at all this week bc of it...... so
hahaha reading your tags, lonely anon would still be accurate HAHAHHAHA // another add: yea i love ur current theme, i’ve gotten used to “seeing you” like this, but anything will look super pretty :)) ALSO HOW IS IT STILL SNOWING THERE, i swear it’s getting warmer and warmer by the day here 😭🤧
these long ass posts, my gosh🥲 lonely lovely anon <3
Omg yes it does feel like a letter sldkdj and then the few days of waiting also make more sense okay i love this ❣️💕❤️💓❤️💞🧡💜💘(wtf)sksjhz
Dear lovely anon,
ALSKSJVKD yes i‘m liking falcon and winter soldier dlkdh i haven‘t watched the second episode yet but i‘ll watch it tomorrow! but i didn‘t watch wandavision........ eidislskks i was going to but idk i wasn‘t that interested in it and watching series is already too much of a commitment (what can i say i‘m a Sagittarius—🤧 (no i’m joking i actually know NOTHING about starsigns)) didjj that i couldn‘t force myself to watch it, ALSO i hate (idk if this is an unpopular opinion) when every episode is like a whole hour. i‘m rewatching an old series today (it‘s german so i won‘t even get into it) and the episodes are 25 mins each and i‘ve already watched 8 episodes today ridlndjdjd,,, and i feel like if the episodes were an hour each i wouldn‘t have gotten past episode 2 today like idk.... even if series had the same length in total, i prefer when the individual episodes are shorter idk why tho tbh (so yeah i already wasn‘t 100% convinced about watching wandavision so i just couldn’t make myself watch a bunch of 1hour episodes— i‘ve heard that it‘s good tho- but i‘m not much of a series person so. Dldkk (have we talked about this already??? sorry i don‘t remember what i said lol and i couldn‘t find my own post anymore so dkdjsh) (WAIT I JUST CHECKED THE WANDAVISION EPIOSRDES ARENT EVEN THAT LONG??? Okay wait i might watch it now - did you like it? let me know if i should watch it— why did i think they were 60minutes???)
okay another confession i‘ve never watched the lion king????? i mean i watched it when i was a child but i was too young to actually pay attention to any kind of plot i just liked the songs lol sldkdj i‘ve been meaning to watch it for years tho 🦁 (idk it just felt appropriate to put a lion emoji lmoaoo)
OH MY GOD THE CHAIS WALKING/CINEMA STORY AHSJSKKS😭😭😭😭 NOOOOO (very fitting that there was so much chaos when you were watching a film that has chaos in the title loool) and the “awkward awkward awkward“ SAME SKSKSLSKDJ, that‘s literally me 24/7 ahajshshhshshsh. Like i was so skdjdjdkdllsldksnsnsnsb while i read what you sent me djslslsjdjdbdn why are old ladies always so grumpy btw 🥲🥲🥲 at least the man was nice tho! and wait did i read that right... you have fries (which, to me, are called chips dusuusldk) at your cinemas?? (Movie theatres sorry sksjsh) we just have popcorn and nachos and drinks i want chips too when i‘m watching a film what😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺
Also i still haven’t watched it so thanks for not spoiling it!!! (idk when i’ll watch it i’m so bad with films and even worse with series💀💀💀- same with cherry. i literally forgot all about cherry, i was SO hyped when the trailer came out like i’ve never been so excited about a movie... and then it came out... and i still haven‘t watch it like what‘s wrong with me???? Dkdjdjdjdklsl i feel like i‘m not gonna watch it anytime soon tbh, but i wanna watch chaos walking i just have to find the time
Okay and @ your other friend who wasn‘t paying attention like why are you even watching the film then???? but ok (omg this sounds so mean i‘m sure she‘s very nice but in this situation just like❔❔❔)
SIMS ahhh, BUNK BEDS, ahhhh sdljdjdjdkdkdldksj i actually haven‘t played it since the update 🤧🤧 i made both of my sims (enisa (bestselling author already, thank you) and michael (aspiring doctor)) go to university and bro it takes so long 😭😭 and you can‘t do anything else if you want them to do well so literally the last three times i played sims i was just constantly clicking their homework and computerd to write their assignments (i play it in german so idk what its called on the sims) and do their presentations and do them all over again so that they get better or whatever for HOURS, but imma play again soon
also i‘m living my fanfiction life loool, so i made my two sims neighbours (on the same plot tho but i made two small separate houses lol, i still wanted to control both of them at the same time but i made sure they didn‘t interact before i wanted them to skdjdjdk). and first they both experimented and got some experience in the love department you know (all genders, cause i have to live my sexuality even in a pc game slskdjh— wait, i‘ve never lived my sexuality irl like i‘ve done NOTHING nothing with guys nothing with girls (🥲) but maybe that’s why i want to do it even more in the sims) and then they met at uni and realised like hey we‘re neighbours and now they‘re together (but michael accidentally had an alien baby with another woman (who was an alien which i was not aware of) cause i wasn‘t paying attention like i said woohoo not try for baby like michael why is your pull out game so weak tf LSHDDHDJDJSKKDKSKDKS okay but making out and flirting and doing all the fun stuff in the sims turns me on way more than it should PFAHAHHAHSH) so idk why i told you this but I’m creating that neighbour!au in the sims lmaoooo
i did not have to google Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsübertragungsaufgabengesetz (just did it again😌 sisjshhs) but i might have mixed up the words überwachung und übertragung or i might have even forgotten a word skskks but in the end it doesn‘t matter (by linkin park- ok i‘m so sorry it‘s 2 am and i have a headache from having waveformers in my hair all day but i still wanted to reply to this now so sorry if i‘m not making any sense right nowbahahshah)
i wanted to be a mermaid too dldjdksksj like h2O and all those series convinced me i could be one like. i remember i‘d always go in the deep pool and attempt to swim like them in all the series with that wave motion i must have looked so crazy with my goggles as well dkdjsksöksj (i was like twelve but still)
so mgk has two sides one is hip hop/rap which is like ~~~~ idk he has good and bad songs, but his latest album is like punk pop snd I LOVE IT SO SO SO SO SO MUCH, so if you like punk pop I’d recommend his album tickets to my downfall (i don‘t blame yoj if you don‘t like it tho like about a year ago i would have HATED that type of music dkdkdkkd)🥴
Okay talking about music, there‘s this german rapper and he is... not a good person. he‘s literally a criminal and extremely sexist but to me he‘s still hot???????? he‘s even cute at times even tho he has tattoos everywhere and is like 6‘5 and is super aggressive but i see him and i‘m like 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 my heart beats only for you💘💘💘💘and he released a new song today and i watched the video and i‘m wondering wtf is wrong with me 😃 (he did look particularly cute cause he was high so idk he wasn’t really aggressive in this one) 😭 so i thought i‘d share that LMAO IDK
(not saying tattoos aren‘t cute btw i LOVE tattoos imma get some soon, but you know he looks like someone your grandma would be afraid of (and in his case rightfully so💀)
okay wait i‘m getting so tired it‘s 2 am i think i‘ll have to do the rest tomorrow but i wanted to do it now😭🥺🥺 see you tomorrow
it is now 3:42 am and i couldn‘t sleep so here we go again
girl you can laugh at me for liking justin tho skskks i wanna laugh at myself idk, like i said i really really really liked him a few years go, basically my life was at least 50% justin and then he went on a break for a while and released an album last year which i hated 🥴 but this album is wow. (Still weird to me because it‘s literally the definition of pop and i don‘t ever listen to pop?) and it‘s so weird because i used to know so much about justin and had so many friends who loved him as well and now it‘s like I’m listening to someone new? Don‘t get me wrong i never KNEW justin and i never will and i‘m aware of that shahsh but yeah i used to be soooo used to him and it‘s like reconnecting with an old friend and you realise you don‘t know that friend anymore- like you don‘t know them anymore at all. I mean justin is weird nowadays 😂😂😂 so pls laugh at me tbh dskksjsjsh
awww it‘s so wholesome that you gave your mom tickets to the concert 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i gave my mum tickets for pink like 2 years ago and she loved it so much and i was like 🥰🥰🥰 (i went with her) AND OMG GLEE ok so unfortunately i barely remember glee, but i used to watch it too!!!! And it‘s actually on my list of series i wanna watch (again) so youre making me want to watch it even more (but like i said i‘m bad with series so 😩😩😩 who knows when i‘ll rewatch it)
When all this pandemic shit is over (let‘s be hopeful <3333) then you need to go to as many concerts as possible!!!!! i‘ve been to SO MANY and it‘s literally one of the things in my life i‘m the most grateful for, concerts are some of the best experiences i‘ve ever had in my life especially the ones that are in smaller concert halls where you can feeeel the vibe and everyone‘s energy (and that sounds awful thinking about it mid-pandemic 😐) anyway—
Okay omg you‘re absolutely making me want to watch hamilton right now like omg i WANT TO WATCH IT NOW but it‘s 4 am sodndkdldl
what you said about my peter fics🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺like omg i love these emojis they literally just describe how i felt when reading what you said so, yes, 🥰🥺 + thank you :) it really means a lot <3
and no omg i totally get the studying thing. like last year before i graduated .. was that last year? yes wtf omg okaykdjdj, so the last three months before i had my final exams we were just in a lockdown and we didn‘t even have online classes. We had nothing except one teacher who left our group chat (😭) because she was mad at us (?) and one maths teacher who did an online ““lesson““ once a week. he‘d ask: so does anyone have questions. us: . Him: okay, bye then. So. Yeah dndldldj. But we had one online test and it was in german and like i read the book wee were supposed to read? but the questions on the test were all unanswerable (is that a word?) and i had to google everything (got an A tho 🤪 but only because i googled everything so i was so scared that i wouldn‘t be able to get a good result on the final exam because what if i‘d gotten used to just googling everything and i couldn‘t do it by myself anymore? anyway it was all fine in the end but yeah at times i couldn‘t even study because i had so much anxiety about studying and yeah- like this whole annoying cycle. but you said you‘re still studying———- okay wait 👁👄👁 i forgot what i was going to say??????????????????????????????????????????????????? Like wtf. Is wrong with me? And i‘m reading what you wrote again and i just don‘t know what i was going to say? Like i get what you‘re saying obviously but i‘m like? Idk 4am brain ayeee, please vent more if you need to and elaborate further because right now i‘m???? Too dumb to respond to this right now wtf. I‘m so sorry lmao ddlkdjdjd what is even going on like i‘m sitting here open mouthed just like ? But btw the fact that you have Voice and dance lessons is like SO FUCKING COOL like oh my god that is sosososos cool wtf, i was thinking that when you first talked about it too
And “i want you to chanel the knowledge within yourself of the centripetal force of the circle that is the table on this stage” ODHDKSLDBDJDOFIDKDNDLDK
Yes i know about the weather dkdkdkjd but it‘s getting (a lot) warmer here too and where i live we kind of get a weird type of wind called föhn (which literally means hair dryer but idk if that‘d the reason why it‘s called that, i‘m too tired to think of whether it makes sense rn) and it gives me headachesssssss and the changing weather is also giving me headaches 😭😭😭😭 so this season right now is just headache season and i hate summer so i wish it would just snow again lmao (okay it‘s getting so late that it‘s early already snd i can hear this bird chirping so fucking loud wtf i‘m also getting a headache 🤧🤧🤧) but at least i can do my new theme soon (i hope it‘ll look good🥺 and omg thank you for what you said about my current theme- i always feel like i‘m so bad with aesthetics, i obviously like my theme but i feel like every single person on tumblr has a theme that is prettier than mine so it was very nice to hear you say that you love it👉🏼👈🏼 (i‘m so used to it by now that i actually hate it lmao so it‘s getting yeeted soon and i‘m making megan thee stallion my pfp 🤪 (if the graphics and shit works out skdjdjdj)
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janellion · 4 years
1,2,10 and 13 for the self-ship thingie!!! hehe
HI EM BB ILY HOW ARE YOU??? tysm for sending this in!!! I’M SORRY IT’S COMING LIKE A WEEK LATE KJHSDG ya girl has been stressed and managing time poorly ajkdf but HERE IT IS!! 
1. where was your first date? 
i’m going to answer for canon since i don’t think i’ve done that yet! bo as himself (ofc) and me as nekoma’s manager! bokay’s first date was not so much a date date so much as going out with the nekoma and fukurodani teams after a practice match one day where both of the teams were trying to get us together by pulling the most OBVIOUS STUFF and we were both too flustered and embarrassed and IN DENIAL to notice 
kuroo saying that everyone has to sit at one table except us? because “there’s not enough room for you two to sit here, you can sit over at that table” as he points over to a tiny table tucked in the corner of the restaurant
me: “but kuroo there’s two more seats at that table?” 
lev, stretching out like the giant lanky boi he is to take up 4 chairs instead of one as konoha throws his body across the table: “no there’s not enough room sorry” 
yaku silently rolling his eyes at the antics but also giving me a gentle push toward the table like, “PLEASE, you’re going to have a better time over there anyways” 
akaashi just gives bo a look like: “they’re not going to stop unless you do it” as he gives him a light nudge on the shoulder toward the table 
SO THEN we are at this tiny table and awkwardly not making eye contact as kuroo sends over one drink with two straws and we have 20 eyes trained on us like: 👀😏
anyways, we end up finishing the free drink (THANKS KUROO) and booking it out of the restaurant, laughing as the teams splutter and protest, and wandering around town for the rest of the afternoon, finally relaxing now that we’re not around everyone
we spend a lot of the time talking about how silly the teams are and pretending not to realize what they were getting up to at the restaurant, but also just enjoying each other’s company 
we don’t realize how much time has passed until the sun is starting to set and we sort of just look at each other in surprise? but there’s another practice match coming up the next week so we make plans to ditch the teams afterwards and have an actual afternoon that we spend together 
we never call it a “date” BUT when we meet back up with the teams we DEFINITELY BOTH SCREAM about how I HAVE A DATE WITH THEM!!!! FINALLY!!! 
and if bo plays extra well the next week? and if i maybe try and look a little nicer? the teams try and bite their tongues and not tease us about it bc they rly want it to work out and not embarrass us (they’ve been SO FRUSTRATED FOR AGES ABT US NOT DOING ANYTHING so they’re so ready for it to finally come to an end) 
(oml that got so LONG I’M SO SORRY)
2. who normally plans the dates?
tbh we don’t really plan dates so much!! they sort of just happen? one day we’re sitting at home and we look at each other like, “you know what sounds good? KOREAN BBQ” and then 10 minutes later we’re on our way to KBBQ, with me calling to see if they’re open and have any availability, and bo driving and smiling, talking about how hungry he is and how excited he is to go, one hand trying to hold mine as he drives while i’m like “BO BABE I’M ON THE PHONE” but smiling at him regardless
for big events like anniversaries, bo will plan dates!! we sort of take turns planning, so i’ll plan his birthday and he’ll plan my birthday, and then we alternate anniversaries! but he also likes to try and surprise me, so he’ll call akaashi and talk to him about ideas and then one day i’ll come home to him naked and covered in flower petals HAHAHA JK,,,, but not really 👀 in a suit with a huge smile on his face like “WE’RE GOING OUT!! GET CHANGED!!” and i’m standing there bbq sauce on my tiddies tired from work but honestly the smile on his face is all it takes for me to feel ready to stay up all night which we usually end up doing before bo passes out akdfha
10. what do you think their first impression of you would be?
that’s it probably. he would rly notice how short i am bc ya girl is SHORT
i don’t wanna say a bunch of nice things abt myself bc it makes me uncomfy but i think he would think i have a really nice smile and that i’m cute and am a rly kind person 
13. who initiates physical affection more?
he initiates most of the physical affection!! not bc i don’t want it, but it’s rly not my style to be physically affectionate outside of my so and my family so it would take me some time to get used to it!! he likes to grab my hand and play with my hair and give me hugs from behind where he rests his head on the top of mine. he’s a big thigh grabber and waist grabber and i am HERE FOR IT, i just don’t know how to initiate it as much 
getting more comfortable with it, i’ll initiate things more by holding his hand or playing w his hair ALSO GRABBING THAT ASS  but generally bo is the one that initiates physical affection more 
I’M SO SORRY THIS GOT SO LONG AHHH but thank you for sending it in!! i’m gonna be answering the rest of them tonight before i go to bed hopefully!! 
🌻 bokay taglist (also my faves): @deadontheinsidebut @stcrryskies @sstardusty @zoni @kuronekomama @anianimol @the-kool-aid-man-is-real @nekoma-hoe @sugacookiies @churochuu @shoyosun @achoohq @miel-meraki
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aaronhart93 · 3 years
text || alison & aaron
Discord text thread featuring: aaron & @alison-haynes
When: december 16
Mentions: @quentindelancret​ @ronnieroy @wtf-eden @lemonkiaiyo
Description: aaron spills his guts about quentin to alison and alison asks aaron for advice about lemon 
TW: -
I know you’re spending the night Christmas Eve, so we can do Christmas morning together. Do you want to stay for Christmas dinner? Or are you heading to your moms?
maybe I’ll ask my mom and Ireland to your place?
by the way. Eden and Ronnie are staying with me for a bit. Just so you know who’s here when Des is here. Ronnie’s apartment was broken into and Eden needs some space from her boyfriend
yes, that’s fine with me! I’d love to have them here.
I love Eden and Ronnie. Thanks for letting me know though. Are they both doing okay?
Ronnie is shaken up and Eden is just stressed. I think it’s good for them to be together though lol they’re something else when they’re together
Well they are lucky to have you helping them out
I have another thing to tell you
like get off my chest
don’t judge me plz
oh boy
go for it
so I um
remember when I told you about Quentin and how I wanted him to meet Des and you told me to figure out how I feel about him
it unfortunately hit me up side the head after the holiday party. I know he’s in love with me and I’m pretty sure I’m in love with him. Thing is...last night I took him out for his birthday at throuple. Some of our friends were there including Roman and I snuck off to get drunk and flirt with Roman AT Q’S BDAY PARTY. And I feel soooo terrible about it
*ugh emoji*
if you’re in love with him, do you want it to turn into something,
hey I told you you couldn’t judge me
I’m not sure.
no I like being single
I’m not judging
How do you love someone and not want to do something about it?
a lot of reasons
I love my freedom and being single
and I don’t want to hurt him. I think it might be better for us to just stay the way we are and not put any restrictive label on it
I don’t know. If I loved someone, i think it’d probably hurt more to not be together.
but it’s a relationship between you guys, you know what’s best for your two
i don’t know. But I haven’t exactly told him how I feel
and at the holiday party...we were getting really intimate. Like. We’ve had sex before obviously but it felt so much more intense this time
and then I pushed him off of me like a dick because I couldn’t handle it
are you going to tell him how you feel?
Yikes...that’s tough. Have you been intimate with him since?
if you count drunk sex as intimacy then yes
and no. i mean...i dont know...if i do things will change with us
I feel like things are going to change either way
with what happened at the holiday party, I feel like that could happen again. If you love him, sex is going to be intense and what if you just can’t have sex with him anymore?  Maybe if your feelings are out there it will make things easier
i cant imagine a world where i can't have sex with him lmao
well it’s happened once before, it could just get more intense
just trying to be honest with you
i know
thats why im coming to you with this
ultimately it’s your decision, I just feel like if your feelings are on the table it might be better.
im afraid of admitting that to him though
are you afraid of it destroying everything? Or afraid of what might come of it?
I think you should think about it. Like truly think about it. Telling him might have a better outcome than you think it will
ugh okay i hear you
doesnt mean im gonan do it though
at least think about it
i hear you, respectfully disagree, but hear you
you were scared to start a relationship with Eden when that started up, and that went well. So just remember, relationships aren’t terrible.
it went well bc we acted more like best friends than lovers
think about it
but you're right it wasn't a terrible relationship
ellie is gonna take Des to piano today btw. am i picking her up or are you
I can pick her up
also can we talk about that weather on Sunday? Did you know it was supposed to snow?
no clue
hope you stayed warm lmfao
I did
I was not expecting to be locked in all day on my birthday though
yeah but im sure you loved an excuse to stay in
im just glad the babysitter was able to keep Des for longer
It was a nice day for sure. Best birthday I’ve had in a while
I thought the same thing about the twins. I was stresssing over the thought of the nanny bringing them home in the storm
im glad they're okay
were you alone....or
no I wasn’t alone
Lemon wanted to walk me home from the party, and when we got back I invited him up for coffee and we just talked.....and talked and talked. Next thing I knew it was morning and we were snowed in together
ya'll had cofffffeeeeeeee after a party at a bar?? lmao
yes yes we did
no judgement Aaron
No judgement
just a questionnnnnn
it was a great cup of coffee
but speaking about lemon, I need your advice on something
hahaha okay hit me!!
1. Do you think I should make a move and ask him to maybe be official? Or should I wait to see if he makes that move?
2. I should keep Christmas gifts for him not too crazy, right? You know I love to spoil people at Christmas
you just met this man like two weeks ago. Less than that. Are you sure you’ve gotten to know him well enough to make it official? What if hes like a murdered or something?
definitely don’t make it crazy. Especially since you’re well off and he’s not. But you could probably buy him some nice things!!
Alison.BOTToday at 3:00 PM
Has it really only been a couple weeks? It feels like it has been longer than that. I can’t explain it Aaron, but something feels right about him. Like, there is something there that I didn’t even feel with the twins father. I know it’s fast, but I just have these feelings that I know I won’t be able to shake anytime soon. Also, he’s too sweet to be a murderer so I’ve ruled that option out. Plus, the world already thinks we’re together, someone shared a photo online of us kissing at the holiday party and paps caught lemon coming into my pent that night
I’m struggling to come up with good ideas for him. I’ve written something for him, and he was telling me about this flower from his native island,  I was thinking about doing research and trying to get him some of those flowers. Is that weird? It’s probably weird.
I don’t want to weird him out
okay well you can't really fairly compare him to the twins' father. he sucks. for like 2345 different reasons. so that not really a great comparison. the pap photos don't surprise me though. have u talked to him about that? like...ngl getting papped for being alison haynes' life takes a lot of getting used to. even for me, and i already had some exposure with rich kids. what did you write for him???? i wanna hear. i think the song and the flower would suffice as a christmas gift, especially considering he might make something for you too ya know?? the flower thing isnt weird, it's really really thoughtful.
but I didn’t think he was a tool when I dated him. I thought he was the person I’d spend my entire life with. We all know the truth behind him now. But there is just something I feel for Lemon that I need to explore. We talked a little bit about it at the holiday party after he kissed me, but I did text him today about all of it. Because we’re trending on Twitter. I told him I’d make a public statement and shut it down if that is what he wants. But I’m waiting to hear back from him. I really hope it doesn’t scare him off, but I do know we need to talk about it because it is a lot. I haven’t recorded it yet, but I’ll play it for you next time I see you. You think so? I just don’t want to seem weird.
i think you need to see how he feels about that honestly...because that could be a big thing for him. especially since he grew up so modestly...hes so not used to that
the flower is probably way more thoughtful of a gift that i would ever think of
I know. Of course I am going to talk to him about it before I do anything crazy. I'm just nervous it's too much, its too much for a lot of people.
it is, yeah. but i really hope it works out
im gonna have to have a stern talking to him though
i do too
oh boy, not the big bad aaron stern talk
tell him to be afraid lmao
i'll warn him
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