#Athena Orpheus
mochi-bella · 1 month
When worlds Flourish
Where it all started
Arc 1 Chapter 1
Living in a world where half the population has special abilities is nothing new. However if you were to ask Zen, he’d tell you it’s annoying. Xavier Zen Lucero is among the population that has a special ability, he is able to teleport anything and anyone he wants. His family also has special abilities. His father has speed, his older sister is a special case because she has both support which allows her to enhance other people’s abilities and heal others which is very rare. His twin brother is able to crest objects he’s either touched or knows how to make, and his younger brother can create electricity which he loves to prank everyone with by shocking them.
How people decide to use the abilities they are given is up to them. There are organizations made to help protect the people from those who choose to use their abilities for selfish and violent purposes. These organizations stay secret and work in ways that don’t alert others of their existence. Even though the workers are trained professionals, it doesn't always mean they are good at their job. Their number one rule is to make sure no other human finds out about their existence, that rule gets broken the night two brothers find themselve looking after a friend's family owned business late at night.
Atop the roof of an old museum lies Zen and Kaden Lucero, why are they there you might be wondering. Well one of their friends asked them to see if they could catch these trespassers that have been breaking into the museum for the past three days.
“Tell me again why we couldn’t bring the others?” Kaden asked, looking slightly annoyed.
Zen looks up towards him, “You know why, Angelica would have talked us out of it or make us sit through another one of her speeches about playing hero,” Zen lifted his hand to make air quotes for “hero,” “and Erasmus would’ve been too distracted by anything and everything, which would somehow lead to him getting hurt and all of us going home not having solved anything.” After rushing through his little speech Zen goes back to looking through the glass ceiling to see if anyone’s broken in yet.
Kaden looks at Zen for a minute before taking a breath, “Wow. Are you sure you don’t need to talk about any…well I don’t know, stress maybe?”
“Nope! Cause everything’s fine,” Kaden gives him a knowing look, “Okay maybe I’m a little stressed about something but it’s nothing unusual.” Zen turns toward his twin sitting criss cross with his hand placed inside his lap.
Kaden looks slightly nervous picking up his phone to distract him, “I’m going to guess it has something to do about our upcoming initiation as Angela and dad put it.”
The so-called initiation is what the family calls, coming of age, when a Lucero family member reaches the age of 18 they are given full access to their power and being able to summon their family symbol. Their father had told them all stories about what a big deal it was, claiming they’ll understand what their purpose is once the initiation is over.
They had asked Angelica what had happened during her initiation since no one but their dad and sister were allowed in the room when it happened. Something about it being a private ceremony that very few are to take part in. Angelica had told them she wasn’t allowed to say anything as per their father’s request.
Zen looks down at his hands, “Okay yeah maybe I’m overthinking things-”
“Like usual” Kaden sighs.
Ignoring his brother Zen continues on, “but I mean you can’t tell me you haven’t thought about it too.”
Kaden hums thinking for a bit.
“THERE YOU TWO ARE!” A voice yelled from across the roof.
Zen and Kaden both wip their heads towards the voice to see their older sister Angelica, walking towards them with her arms crossed and their younger brother Erasmus, waving to them from behind her.
Both brothers scramble up, standing to face their angry approaching sister, Zen raises his hands up smiling tightly, “Angelica! Hey.”
Once she reaches them she jabs her finger on the twins chest, “Don’t you “Angelica, hey” me.” She folds her arms back shifting her stance looking like a mother yelling at her kids. “You lied to me. And before you try to come up with some dumb excuse, know that I already contacted Alex and he told me exactly where to find you both.”
“So why exactly did you bring Erasmus?” Kaden questioned, specifically raising his eyebrow and folding his arms to mirror Angelica. Zen glances at Kaden and folds his arms as well, pouting slightly.
Angelica turns towards Erasmus dropping her hands to her waist. Erasmus answers Kadens question for her, “For one I didn’t feel like being home alone, and two it's always fun watching Angie yell at you two!” He exclaims with a smug look on his face.
The three older siblings all look at him and each other, Zen sighs, “Whatever, back on topic.” Zen looks at Angelica keeping his arms folded and face serious, “Alex asked us to see if we could stop these criminals, and I’m not going back home until this problem is solved.”
Angelica opens her mouth to speak when the generators buzz out, and they all turn to see the power has gone out inside the museum. Kaden then logs into the security system and shows Zen that they are now offline. Zen uses his binoculars to look inside only to see nothing.
He pulls back, lowering the binoculars and turns to his siblings, “Uh, false alarm?” He put his arms up in a questioning manner. When a bright light appears somewhere inside the building.
The four siblings all lean up to the window to get a better look, what they find is a bright red portal being opened and four people stepping out. Three of them are all wearing similar outfits, two boys and one girl. The last person is wearing a different outfit with similar colors as the other three, blood red and black, but she was also wearing a long cloak with her hood up. The only thing they have in common with their outfits is the fact that they all are wearing face masks that cover their nose and mouth. The one wearing a cloak points in multiple directions to each of the other people. They all start moving things around as if searching for something.
“Zen,” hearing his name startled him a little, he looked over to see Kaden staring at him questionably. They then both turn to look at Angelica. Her and Erasmus both are looking at the intruders. They all have the same question in their minds, ‘What do we do?’
Their problem gets solved when the window they were all leaning on creeks open and they all start falling. Zen quickly grabs Angelica and Kaden’s hand hoping Angelica has a hold of Erasmus and teleports them to the ground. However he miscalculates and teleports them on top of empty boxes that immediately break upon their landing creating a loud crash.
Zen sits up and groans rubbing the back of his head, “Well that could have gone down differently.” When he looks up he sees the intruders all staring at them with swords drawn in a fighting stance, all except the girl wearing a cloak. She's standing closest to them with no weapon or fighting form, but a murderous look in her eyes.
The other three siblings all slowly sit up to see the trouble they are now caught in the middle of. Kaden stands up looking slightly worried but also annoyed, “Uhh, hi. I’m pretty sure this museum is closed so I don’t think you’re supposed to be here.” He finished with a strained smile and shrugged shoulders, while Zen, Angelica, and Erasmus stand up.
“If that's true then you all shouldn’t be here either.” The other female intruder comes forward with a smug tone. Stopping to lean on her sword standing next to the cloak girl who still has a murderous look, “Besides unlike you all, we used the door instead of crashing through the roof.”
Erasmus puts his hands on Angelica's right arm peeking out from around her to address the intruders, “Hey, we didn’t crash through the roof. The roof's window opened and we fell.” The other siblings turned back and gave him a look.
Kaden turns back to the intruders with a stern look on his face, “Who are you and what are you doing here?”
The female intruder speaks again, straightening her stance, “We are members of the Orpheus clan, and we are on a very important mission.” She grabs her sword and points it at the Lucero kids, “And don’t you dare get in our way or you WILL become an enemy of the Orpheus clan.”
All four Lusero kids stand there in confusion, Zen blinks before yelling in confusion, “The what clan?”
The girl lowers her sword, sagging her shoulders, eyebrows furrowed, she turns to look at the cloak girl next to her who stops glaring at the Luceros and instead looks bored and possibly annoyed. Cloak girl then turns her back and gestures towards the Luceros with her palm up as if telling the other girl to do what she wants. Little do the Luceros know that that hand gesture is a command to kill them.
The girl holds her sword up with a sinister look in her eyes, as she chargers toward the four siblings. They all try to get out of the way while Kaden makes a wooden staff to block the girl's attack. What he didn’t realize was how strong this girl was, even though she's significantly smaller then him she was still able to push him a good two feet back.
“Kaden!” Zen yells frantically, running to him, but everything slows down as Zen watches Kaden try to block the new blows the girl is throwing at him. In the corner of his eye Zen sees something move in a flash to the right of him, as quickly as he could he moves to duck under the sword that was swung at him. Heart pounding in his chest Zen continues to run towards his brother, “Kaden! Weapons!” He yells, raising his right hand in the air.
In response Kaden manages to kick the girl in the stomach, hearing the girl grunt from the impact. Buying him enough time to make multiple wooden staffs and passing them to Zen, Angelica, and Erasmus, who Zen notices are also dealing with another one of the intruders.
Zen catches the staff and swings it behind him to hit the clan member, not paying attention to where exactly he's aiming. The clan member was able to block Zen’s attack with his sword, “You never really did answer our question.” Zen huffs out a breath, moving the staff to block the hits being thrown his way. “Who exactly are you people? And why are you here?”
The clan member strikes at Zen one last time before jumping back and landing steadily on his feet to gain some distance between himself and Zen. Speaking with a cold tone, “Who we are exactly is no concern of yours, because you will soon be dead.” He swings his sword around with a determined look in his eyes before he goes to charge towards Zen again.
Zen gets pushed back enough to be back to back with Kaden, “Man these guys are persistence!” Kadens voice is laced with annoyance.
“Hey Kaden.” When Kaden turns to look at him, Zen continues, “What do you say we take these guys down,” He holds up his hand forming it into a fist, “Twin stye!” He smirks looking at his twin with confidence and trust.
Kaden looks back at him for a moment before holding up his hand and fist bumping Zen turning back towards the two intruders chuckling lightly to himself, “That is still a terrible name for our attack, or any attack really.”
They both charge at the two clan members, Zen now going after the girl and Kaden with the guy. Zen blocks the three strikes the girl thrusts at him, aiming up with his staff only for the girl to block his attack and goes down swinging her sword under his legs. As quickly as he could he jumps up striking down on the girl, she rolls across the ground aiming her next hit upwards to which Zen blocks putting more pressure down on the staff to overpower the girl.
They have the same grimacing look on their faces, both breathing hard when the girl's eye widens for a split second before going back to a glare. She grabs ahold of the end of her sword and rotates it causing Zen to lose grip of his staff. The girl is able to get out from under Zen moving to be a few steps away from him. Zen charges back towards her striking her once then switching hands to strike lower, the girl uses her sword to get under his staff to pull it up and takes a hold of it.
Even with her mask covering her mouth, Zen can clearly see that she is smirking. He lets out an angry huff before pulling his leg back and kicking as high as he can, hitting the girl somewhere in the face causing her to drop her sword. Zen moves quickly, catching the sword, and pulling back, leaving the girl with his staff. She takes a few steps back bringing her hand to wipe at her face.
Zen notices the girl looks slightly uncomfortable holding the staff, Zen however enjoys the feel of the sword in his hand, being trained more using a sword, he rushes forward striking the girl with a quick motion. With an unsteady hold on the staff the girl struggles to hold herself, Zen takes advantage of this by moving the sword in a way that causes the girl to lose grip on the staff, turning his body and kicking the girl in the stomach with a lot more force than he intended.
The girl goes flying past the cloaked girl who doesn’t even flinch when two other bodies get thrown towards her. Only then did Zen realize Kaden, Angelica and Erasmus were able to defeat the other clan members. They all get closer to each other looking over to the last remaining intruder who's looking at her allies.
Zen watches as she closes her eyes and lets out a sigh, but what surprises him is the look on her face. He expected to see fear but instead saw only annoyance as she slowly walked towards them.
“Heh,” the guy Angelica and Erasmus were dealing with sat up looking smug for someone who got their butt kicked. “You’re about to be in a world of pain, should’ve left when you had the chance,” he muttered, sounding weak from pain.
The other girl Zen kicked also sat up holding her stomach, “Yeah! You’re about to feel the wrath of the Orpheus clan's very own Command and upper rank number 2, Athena.”
Before any of them could ask any questions the cloaked girl, Athena, ran to them jumping up and kicking Zen straight in the face. She then goes to grab Kaden by his arm and swings him into Angelica causing both of them to fall to the floor both letting out a grunt in pain. Erasmus, in shock and fear, tries to run away from Athena but she grabs him kicking his feet to make him lose his balance and moves to pin him to the ground.
“AAHHHH” Erasmus' cry pushes Zen into action, immediately jumping to get Athena off his little brother. She moves out of the way causing him to run straight into a wall, he can vaguely see Angelica go to Erasmus side to check on him.
Zen watches as Athena picks up the sword he had dropped when she first kicked him and walks towards him holding it in her left hand staring down at him with angry squinted eyes. When she gets close enough she raises the sword over her head looking ready to swing down at him.
Zen's eyes widen realizing what will happen if he doesn't get up and move, but his body refuses to listen to his brain so all he can do is watch as Athena starts to swing the sword down.
“ZEN!” Multiple voices yell.
Having all his focus on the girl in front of him he notices when her eyes shift to the side before quickly jumping back several feet as a new figure lands in front of him.
Standing up taller the new person speaks in an enraged tone, “Don’t touch him.” The moment he hears that voice he realizes who is standing in front of him.
“Aunt Ray?” Zen whispers staring up at the woman in front of him. Rachel Philomena, their fathers best friend who's helped the kids for as long as they can remember, which is why she was given the title of their Aunt even though she is not related to them.
She turns her head back to look at him, then turns her head back to keep her eyes trained on Athena who's thrown the sword she was holding to the side, sliding across the floor in front of a glass case. “Are you kids alright?”
Kaden comes up next to Zen holding his hand out to help him stand. Angelica was still sitting on the floor next to Erasmus. “We’re okay. For now at least,” Angelica called out, voice slightly strained.
Rachel balls her hands into fists and starts to walk towards Athena speaking softly, “Kids, I want you to stay back.” After addressing the kids her tone shifts to one more threatening, “I should have known you would be here, after I heard about some break in,” She then pulls out a dagger that turns into a spear running to Athena with anger all over her face, “Athena!”
Zen can only watch as his Aunt starts fighting with Athena, his aunt using an interesting weapon but Athena fighting with only her bare hands dodging all of Rachel's attacks. To Zen it looks as if Athena is trying to mock Rachel, that or she's trying to buy time.
Athena ends up pinning Rachels weapon to the ground with her foot when another voice yells, “Commander! I’ve got it!” All eyes turn to the girl who is now holding up something glowing despite it being wrapped in a rag.
Athena then looks back at Rachel lowering her eyebrows and kicking Rachel in the chest, hard.
“Aunt Ray!” Zen yells as he watches his aunt fly past them hitting the wall.
A bright light appears in front of them watching as the intruders all go through a red portal, the girl holding the rag turns back, “Later losers!” walking backwards next to Athena before disappearing into the portal that closes after they've fully entered it.
“Are you okay?” Angelica looks at Rachel, hands hovering over her worriedly. The others are also surrounding Rachel looking at her with concern and confusion, not having processed half of what has happened.
Rachel looks around at each of the kids taking in their injuries which are not severe, it will probably only leave bruises. She holds onto her chest standing up as straight as she can, putting her hand on Angelica's shoulder with her free hand, “I’m alright, but you all need to get home and go to bed.”
Zen interjects, “But what about what just happened?” When Rachel looks at him he continues, “What was that about? You’ve obviously met those guys before. And what is the Orpheus clam?”
The other three siblings share a look towards Rachel hoping for answers to Zen's questions. However instead of receiving an answer Rachel looks away pulling something out of her pocket. Within her hand is a small orb that glows a soft purple. Before any of the kids can ask what it is Rachel tosses it in front of them and a purple portal opens up big enough for them to pass through.
Rachel guides them all through the portal leading to the front of the Lucero house. She clears her throat after all four kids make it through the portal. “I promise I will explain what happened tonight, just not right now. You all need to head inside and go to bed.” She turns to close the purple portal which turns back into a purple orb only for her to open a new portal most likely leading to her house. “I will see you all tomorrow morning, goodnight.” With that she steps through the portal leaving the kids to stand there in shock.
Word count: 3,486
Masterpost >< next
Thanks for reading!! I know it was a lot.😅
If you have any questions or found any errors feel free to let me know. Corrective criticism is always welcome. 🤗
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soumarhea · 10 months
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Edit: [Part 2]
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meggydolaon · 4 months
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those strays sure can god
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diioonysus · 10 months
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roman & greek gods + art
#souls on the banks of acheron by adolf hieremy-hirschl: hermes#the triumph of bacchus by diego velazquez: bacchus#diana the huntress by guillaume seignac: diana#jupiter and juno mount ida by james barry: juno & jupiter#apollo by charles joseph natoire: apollo#pallas and the centaur by sandro botticelli: pallas/athena#prometheus bound by peter paul rubens & frans snyders: prometheus#jupiter enthroned by heinrich friedrich fuger: jupiter#head of mars by unknown: mars#the birth of venus by sandro botticelli: venus#the abduction of psyche by william adolphe bouguereau: eros & psyche#venus adonis and cupid by annibale carracci: venus#diane the hunter by giuseppe cesari: diana#venus demanding arms from vulcan for aeneas by charles-joseph natoire: vulcan#hermes and athena by bartholomeus spranger#athena and pegasus by theodoor van thulden#orpheus and eurydice with pluto and proserpina by peter paul rubens#the apotheosis of hercules by francois lemoyne: neptune#allegory of air by antonio palomino: hera & iris#iris by john atkinson grimshaw: iris#morpheus awakening as iris draws near by rene-antoine houasse: morpheus#flora and zephyrus by jan brueghel the elder & peter paul rubens: zephyrus#a song of springtime by john william waterhouse: flora#justice and divine vengeance pursuing crime by pierre-paul prud'hon: nemesis#night and sleep by evelyn de morgan: nyx & morpheus#hemera goddess of the day by william-adolphe bouguereau: hemera#eos by evelyn de morgan: eos#selene and endymion by ubaldo gandolfi: selene#thetis bringing the armour to achilles by benjamin west: thetis#bellona with romulus and remus by alessandro turchi: bellona
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dazeddoodles · 1 day
Edas dress looks like it’s bouta pop a tit out
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the-gender-vendor · 3 months
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Recently made a ton of new frames, thought I’d make some icons to show them off, in case anyone had any requests to use them!
Icons are F2U!
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persona-game-info · 16 days
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P3 Artbook- Character Personas
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theyabooklover · 8 months
I just finished reading the new Mark of Athena graphic novel, and I needed to share this panel with y'all. That's right. It's the ironic Jason and The Brick moment! BRASON! And what I find funny about this panel is that the brick SHATTERS???? My dudes... Jason's skull... is so hard... that is shattered a brick...
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ancientgreekheroes · 3 months
Ancient Greek Heroes - Songs of Orpheus
Ancient Greek Heroes – Songs of Orpheus Available now from Amazon!
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athenasmoodboards · 2 years
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I saw Hadestown last night and now I'm reobsessed
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manitr0ll · 2 years
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SUMMER CONCERT Pandora, Milo, Sasha, Orpheu, Sorento.
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soumarhea · 9 months
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Alternate take for Orpheus,
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yea I cheated with the "c" so what
[Part 1]
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kultofathena · 1 year
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antipodeanwriter · 7 months
Orpheus v2
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st-just · 5 months
Honestly my biggest pet peeve with how greek mythology gets portrayed these days (besides please pick any of the hundreds of stories that aren't Persephone/Orpheus/Medusa/Troy is on thin ice) is white-washing, like, literally any of the Olympians as progressive in the modern sense (trans-friendly feminist anti-racist whatever) benevolent figures.
Anyway acceptable portrayals of modern Athena are 1) CEO of Predator Drones and 2) super-intense wargaming nerd who starts rolling her eyes when someone tries to bring politics into her hyperdetailed Vietnam War counterinsurgency sim.
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sovereignsimmer · 8 months
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SS23 Orpheus Notebook: Personalization at its Best! [Simblreen 2023]
Greetings, fellow simmers!
Ever since the release of Discover University, I've been using "MyComputer UoG X19 Athena". While the Athena laptop has its charm with its assortment of stickers, they mainly revolved around universities and soccer—a hobby I don't personally share, neither do my sims. That's when inspiration struck, leading me to create something new and exciting: the SS23 Orpheus Notebook.
The SS23 Orpheus Notebook offers a world of customization with its three base colors (black, grey, and white) and a whopping 25 sets of unique stickers. In total, you'll have access to a stunning array of 78 swatches, allowing your sims to express their individuality through their customized computers. While crafting these swatches, I took great care to include a wide range of hobbies and interests, catering to every sim's preferences. Whether your sim is into music, cooking, plants, pets, science, or art, there's a sticker set that suits them. And for those who embrace the supernatural, fear not—I've ensured there are plenty of options for vampires, werewolves, ghosts, witches, and more.
Preview gif is under the cut!
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But that's not all! The Orpheus Notebook comes with an ACTUAL SIMLISH KEYBOARD, adding an authentic touch to your sim's computing experience!
You can locate it under the Electronics / Computers category in build-buy OR simply head to the search box and use keywords like "sovereignsimmer," "laptop," or "notebook." It is very affordable; reliability is not the best but not the worst either. Despite its low-poly design, the textures are high-quality. When you adjust your graphic settings accordingly, you'll be able to appreciate all the intricate details.
UPDATE 2: Fixed tuning, it is now BGC & added live-drag functionality. Please redownload & enjoy!
Download Here
[Patreon, Always Free ♥ But your donations are greatly appreciated!]
PS: I've also made an override for Discover University notebook, upscaled its textures with AI. In case you want it, I'm dropping link here. Xx
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