#God of the Moon
chinesehanfu · 7 months
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【Historical Artifact Reference】:
Tang Dynasty Painting 《八十七神仙圖/The Eighty-seven Immortals》 By 吳道子(Wu Daozi ,680-759), Wu Daozi.
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[Hanfu · 漢服]Chinese Immortal Traditional Hanfu Refer to Tang Dynasty Painting 《八十七神仙圖/The Eighty-seven Immortals》
【God of the Moon in Chinese Mythology-太阴星君/Tàiyīn xīng jūn】
Yesterday(9/29) was the Mid-Autumn Festival/中秋节(Zhōngqiū jié). I believe many people have heard the story about the Goddess of the Moon-Chang'e/嫦娥.
But there is another god of the moon in Chinese mythology that not many people know - 【太阴星君/Tàiyīn xīng jūn】
Folks often think that the 太阴星君/Tàiyīn xīng jūn is Chang'e/嫦娥, but scholars usually think that she is not or that she is Chang Xi/常羲, the wife of Emperor Jun/帝俊.
Changxi (Chinese: 常羲) or Changyi (Chinese: 常儀) is a Chinese lunar goddess worshiped in the traditional Chinese pantheon. Known from ancient times, the earliest historical information on Changxi can be traced back to the Classic of Mountains and Seas (山海经). She is the wife of Di Jun(Emperor Jun/帝俊) and the mother of twelve moons.
The earliest known mention of Changxi is made in the mythic text The Canon of the Mountains and Seas, romanised as Shan-hai Ching. A single line in it reads: "The Di Jun married Changxi, who gave birth to twelve Moons
The God of the Eastern Sky Di Jun had three wives, including Changxi, who was regarded as his first wife and Xihe(羲和)'s western counterpart; while Xihe(羲和) gave birth to the ten suns, Changxi bore twelve unique moon daughters that would complete a full journey across the heavens every day. She bathed her children in a water pool. Described as an "important early goddess", her significance amongst the deities gradually waned and she was eventually "demoted to a minor position"
Together, Xihe(羲和) and Changxi (常羲)are a representation of yin yang(阴阳). Xihe and her ten suns, and Changxi and her twelve moons represent the Chinese solar and lunar calendars respectively. Changxi is often confused with fellow lunar goddess Chang'e.
👩Recreation Work & Hanfu :@鹤庐汉服_则宁
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evermore-grimoire · 1 year
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The Evermore Grimoire: Egyptian Mythology
Khonsu (also known as Khons) was a god of the moon and time in Egyptian mythology. His name meant ‘traveller,’ which could’ve relate to the perceived nightly travel of the moon across the sky. Along with Thoth (god of knowledge) he also marked the passage of time. Khonsu was instrumental in the creation of new life in all living creatures. At Thebes he formed part of a family triad (known as the ‘Theban Triad’) with Mut (queen of the gods) as his mother and Amun (king of the gods) his father. In art, Khonsu is typically depicted as a mummy with the symbol of childhood, a sidelock of hair, as well as the menat necklace with crook and flail. He also had close links to other divine children such as Horus (god of the sky) and Shu (god of the air). Khonsu is sometimes shown wearing an eagle or falcon's head like Horus, with whom he is associated as a protector and healer, adorned with the sun disk and crescent moon.
artwork by Yliade
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1rabong · 8 months
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I gave another child to Borosai
His name is Chandra and he is not in good terms with his brother
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The First MoonKnight
Summary: We're familiar with Khonshu's well-known Avatars, such as Marc Spector and Arthur Harrow, but have you ever wondered why there are so many? While other gods typically have just one Avatar from the beginning or none at all, what happened to Khonshu's first Moon Knight? Who was that enigmatic figure?"
Word count: 2.3K
A/N: English is not my first language and I really hope y'all like this because it is my first fanfic :)
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Khonshu's P.O.V.
Chapter 1
As the desert sands yield to the fertile embrace of an oasis, I approach the village that was built around the source of that fertility—a solitary beacon amidst the vast expanse of the wilderness. The moon hangs overhead, casting its silvery light upon the humble dwellings below. The air is alive with the sounds of life—the laughter of children, the chatter of villagers, the timeless rhythm of existence echoing through the night.
Drawing closer, I observe the village. Each building is a testament to the resilience of humanity, weathered by time yet standing strong against the ravages of nature. Smoke rises lazily from chimneys, carrying with it the scent of home-cooked meals and hearth fires—a comforting reminder of the warmth that lies within.
As I enter the village, I am met with the villagers going on with their usual routines. Women cooking, men coming back from a tough day in the fields, and children running around and playing with one another. I observe them as they go about their lives—their joys, their sorrows, their hopes, and their dreams. Each face tells a story—a story of struggle and triumph, of love and loss, of the eternal dance between light and shadow.
Its mud-brick buildings bathed in the ethereal light of the moon. Shadows dance upon the walls, casting intricate patterns upon the sand-strewn streets. Lanterns flicker in the night, their warm glow illuminating the faces of the villagers.
At the heart of the village lies the oasis—a shimmering pool of moonlit waters that reflects the celestial canopy above. Date palms sway gently in the breeze, their fronds rustling softly in the night. Crickets chirp in the darkness, their rhythmic song blending with the murmur of the nearby stream.
As I walked up to the shore of the small water body and looked at the crescent moon I sighed.
I’ll find the right one soon… I feel it… I thought to myself.
When my eyes drifted upwards ready to continue my search I noticed a magnificent structure rising from the desert sands—a temple. Bathed in the soft glow of torches and lanterns, its towering columns and intricate carvings stand as a testament to the craftsmanship of the Egyptian people.
The temple's facade is adorned with hieroglyphs and reliefs depicting scenes of celestial splendor—a celestial procession of gods and goddesses, their forms illuminated by the radiant light of the moon. At its entrance, two colossal statues flank the doorway, their stern visages gazing out into the night with unwavering vigilance.
This will be interesting.
I muttered to myself as I approached the scared temple curious to see who this temple is devoted to. The moment I walked closer I stopped dead in my track as my gaze met with a statue of me next to one of Ra.
This already got too interesting.
Carved from polished obsidian, the statue of me towers over the temple's entrance with an imposing presence. Atop a slender neck, the head of a falcon is sculpted with meticulous detail, its piercing eyes gazing out into the infinite expanse of the cosmos. The falcon's beak is sharp and proud. Adorned with a headdress of gleaming gold and lapis lazuli.
Great. Another falcon-head statue of me. Why is it so hard for them to get that I am not a damn falcon?
I shook my head in mild annoyance and disappointment.
I protect them and they cannot get one thing right.
I sighed again as I walked into the torch lighted halls of the temple. In the hallowed halls of my temple, a young priestess moves with graceful purpose, her footsteps echoing softly against the polished stone floors. Draped in robes of white linen adorned with intricate hieroglyphs that shimmer in the dim light, she carries herself with an air of quiet reverence as she goes about her sacred duties.
Well, that’s new.
I thought as I kept observing the female priest, a rare sight within the sacred confines of my temple. As far as I could recall, almost all of the priests who tended to my sanctuary were males—stoic figures, their voices resonating with the weight of ancient rituals and solemn prayers. Seeing a woman being devoted to me was... odd.
Yet, as I watched her move with fluid grace through the temple's hallowed halls, tending to the sacred relics and preparing for the midnight ceremony, I couldn't help but feel a stirring of curiosity. There was a quiet strength in her demeanor, a sense of purpose that belied her tender years. I couldn't help but marvel at her dedication and sincerity. There was a quiet resolve that spoke volumes of her faith and commitment to my teachings. Despite the rarity of her presence, she seemed undeterred, her spirit undiminished by the conventions of tradition.
And yet, beneath my curiosity, there lingered a sense of apprehension—a nagging uncertainty born of unfamiliarity. How would the other priests react to her presence? Would they welcome her with open arms, or would they view her as an outsider, a disruption to the established order?
As she moved about the temple, her movements fluid and purposeful, there were moments when she turned towards me, her gaze searching the shadows with a mixture of reverence and curiosity. Though she could not see me, hidden as I was in the veil of darkness, I could feel the weight of her gaze upon me—a silent question lingering in the air, begging to be answered.
In those fleeting moments, I felt a strange stirring within me—a longing to reveal myself, to offer her the reassurance she sought. And yet, I held back, cloaking myself in the cloak of invisibility, unwilling to disturb the delicate balance between mortal and divine for now.
And so, I watched from the shadows as she continued her sacred duties. Each glance in my direction was a silent invitation—an invitation to reveal myself.
As the moments passed I let my gaze linger on the priestess who seemed to possess an ethereal beauty that seemed to radiate from within, casting a luminous glow upon her delicate features. My mind immediately thought that her parents must have consecrated her to Hathor, there must be no other explanation.
Her skin, kissed by the desert sun, bears the warm hue of burnished bronze, illuminated by the soft light of torches and lanterns that line the temple's walls.
Her eyes, almond-shaped and the color of rich amber, sparkle with a wisdom that belies her youthful countenance. They hold a depth of emotion—a reflection of the countless prayers and offerings she has witnessed in her role as guardian of the temple.
Her hair, a cascade of ebony curls, frames her face in a halo of darkness, accentuating the graceful curve of her cheekbones and the soft contours of her jawline. Adorned with delicate ornaments of gold and precious stones, her hair shimmers like the night sky, a testament to her status as a servant of the divine.
Her robes, woven from the finest linen and adorned with intricate hieroglyphs and symbols, drape elegantly over her slender frame, flowing like moonlit silk as she moves about the temple.
Soon people started to enter the main hall where the altar was filled with the offering that the priestess had placed. I moved closer to the altar to have a look at the goods they were offering. They had wine, beer, bread, honey, fruit and vegetables. They even offered salt and essential oils.
I guess I will stay a bit longer.
I stayed in the back of the hall as the ceremony started. I could hear and feel every little prayer, every small plea from all the people. At times, the sensation is one of overwhelming gratitude—a deep sense of appreciation for the faith and devotion of those who seek solace in my divine presence. Their prayers are like offerings, imbued with the sincerity and purity of their intentions, filling me with a sense of warmth and fulfillment.
Yet, there are also moments of solemn reflection—a recognition of the weight of responsibility that comes with the power of divine intervention. Each prayer carries with it the hopes and dreams of those who utter it. Many mortals had accused me of neglecting their wishes but those people are the ones who do not understand that you cannot be given something because you asked for it. You have earned it, to work for it.
As the ceremony went on the prayers continued to come into my ears but even if I was in a room full of believers who prayed to me I could still hear hers loud and clear. Like something is making her pleas and prayers stronger than the rest. Like something is trying to tell me to pay close attention to her.
Once an hour passed after midnight the ceremony came to an end and people started to leave the temple while some chatted with one another and some mothers were scolding their children. Everyone had the left and only the priestess stayed back to take care of the rest of the after-ceremonial duties. I stayed back too for some reason as something deep in me wanted to observe her more.
As the silence of the temple enveloped me, a cry for help shattered the peacefulness of the night—a desperate plea that echoed through the hallowed halls with a chilling urgency. My divine senses prickled with awareness, the sound stirring a primal instinct within me—a call to action that could not be ignored.
With a silent command, I willed myself to the temple's threshold, my divine form passing through solid stone as though it were air. Outside, the night sky loomed overhead, a tapestry of stars that bore witness to the unfolding drama below.
Beneath the moon's watchful gaze, the priestess emerged from the temple, her eyes wide with concern and determination. In her hands, she clutched a torch as she rushed in the direction of the cry.
As the priestess hurried on the grains of sand, her senses heightened by the urgency of the situation, she heard the unmistakable sound of a struggle ahead—a desperate cry for help that cut through the night like a knife. With a sense of dread gnawing at her heart, she quickened her pace
Rounding a corner, her eyes widened in horror as she beheld the scene before her—a woman, her face twisted in terror, clutching a small child to her chest as a hooded figure loomed over them, brandishing a gleaming dagger with malicious intent.
Without hesitation, the priestess sprang into action, her voice ringing out with a command that brooked no argument. "Hey!" she cried, her words infused with the authority of divine conviction. "Let them go!"
What is she doing? She will get herself killed. I thought as I watched the scene unfold in front of me.
The thief turned towards her, a snarl twisting his lips as he sized up this unexpected adversary. But she stood her ground, her eyes blazing with righteous fury as she took a couple of steps towards him.
With a curse, the thief lunged forward, his dagger gleaming in the dim light. But she was ready, her movements though were sloppy and unsure. She tried to dodge the attacks of the thief. It was obvious that she didn’t know how to fight but she kept trying.
Her attempts though were not successful since the hooded man managed to stab her left side. She let out a loud cry of pain as the metallic blade pierced through her robes and her delicate skin. The man pushed her back and she fell on the ground bleeding.
The thief let out some more curses and he turned back to the mother who was now sobbing at the sight of the blood-covered knife. I was ready to interfere to stop the thief and save the two women and the child. But before I could even take a step forward the young priestess was back on her feet and she crushed a big stone that was lying nearby on the man’s head. His head started to bleed and he fell unconscious on the sand below.
I was stunned.
The mother let out yet another cry before the young woman whose robe was damped in her own blood stumbled over to her and placed her hand on her shoulder.
“Are you hurt?” she asked, her heart heavy with concern for their well-being even though she was clenching the stab wound on her side.
The woman nodded, her eyes brimming with tears as she clutched her child tightly to her chest. "We... we are unhurt, thanks to you," she managed to say, her voice trembling with emotion.
The priestess offered her a soft smile even though she was clearly in pain. She helped them up and she bit her lip to silence a whine that was threading to escape her lips. "You are safe now," she said, her voice reassuring. “Go into the village and say that you will be my guest, priestess Marwa's. Whatever you need you can ask for it. We will take good care of you and your child.” she pointed at the village that was across the oasis.
Marwa? That’s an interesting name.
“But you are bleeding. Don’t you need anything? To help you get to a physician? Or call someone to help you?” The mother asked in concern at the sight of the blood on the white robes.
“I am good. You can go and I will follow you soon after.” Marwa said. The other woman obviously wanted to object and help the young priestess but she just nodded before turning around and heading to the village.
I stayed and watched Marwa as she stood there bleeding and looking at the woman with the child in her arms entering the village. Then I thought that she would follow and go somewhere to treat her wound but instead, she turned towards the temple again. 
What is she doing?
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steven-with-a-vee · 2 years
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“Ermmm, question. If I need a wee while I’m in the suit, but I’m fighting and can’t stop to have a piss, if I piss myself, will the suit clean itself, or am I pissing my actual trousers?”
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“It’s a valid question.”
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wannab3-nob0dy · 1 month
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e-offering to Khonsu 🌙
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cryptcreechur · 1 year
Deity Blurb 02 - Máni
Máni is heathen god of the Moon. He is both the personification and charioteer of the Moon. He is the brother of Sól, goddess of the Sun.
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Just like Sól, Máni's origins in the myths are disputed. I've already gone over them in the post about Sól, which can be found here.
Máni is said to be chased by the wolf Hati Hrođvitnisson, son of Fenrir. Máni will be consumed at Ragnarök by Hati.
Within my personal experience of working with Máni, he presents himself as a soothing and calm presence. Máni is gentle and kind, but he is not afraid of fighting for things he believes must be fought for. He loves children dearly. I also understand Máni as being a trans man.
Offerings to Máni may include:
beaded jewelry
blue sea glass
One may decorate an altar to Máni with dark blue, silver, black, or purple ribbons or buttons, Moon imagery, lavender, an open offering bowl, white, black, or blue candles, stone circles, time pieces or calendars.
Some devotional acts to Máni may include volunteer work or donations that benefit the mentally ill or abused children, having patience with small children, shadow work, and spellwork involving increase or decrease, or even healing magick.
Some kennings of Máni include Man of the Moon, Charioteer of the Moon, Son of Mundilfæri, Hati's chase.
Hail Máni!
image sources: maria klugh, tales from the far north; r/spaceporn; pinterest
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kingdomofdrawings · 6 months
Norember 2023: day 2: Sun and moon
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Hope you like it!
Thanks to @noremmacorner for hosting this event once again!!
Comments, Likes and Shares are really appreciated Please do not repost without permission first and without giving credits
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Name: Castor Age: 2mil Species: shapeshifter Gender: unknown, but seems to go by he/him and they/them Power: can control the moon, give and take bad dreams, grant protection, and grants sleep God: moon, bad dreams, protection, and sleep Rank: ambasdor of the moon Children: none Neieces: none Nephews: none Grandchildren: none Partners: none Siblings: Halo, Ryven Lives: in the moon palace Sacred Animal: Moon Angel-Fish
Tag for Castor is Moon Message
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realjuxtice · 2 years
omg hi birb
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enyter · 10 months
Fight me on Artfight! >:D
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He is Zayne, the God of the Moon,my oc
Feel free to attack me here
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theshadowsong · 8 months
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Soooo... yes small preview? Or rather test? Idk what to call it. I'm trying out a lot for my final thesis. "World of Illdur" an encyclopedia. The creation of a world that has existed in my head for quite a long time is now slowly taking shape and although there is still a lot of writing, drawing and layout to be done, it is a lot of fun to work on it. All this is still a huge work kn progress, so: Criticism and suggestions are more than welcome.
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movietimegirl · 2 years
Thor: So, you're the god of the Moon, huh?
Khonshu: God of Thunder.
Marc: ...
Jake: ...
Steven: I think I sense great tension between you two.
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The First MoonKnight
Summary: We're familiar with Khonshu's well-known Avatars, such as Marc Spector and Arthur Harrow, but have you ever wondered why there are so many? While other gods typically have just one Avatar from the beginning or none at all, what happened to Khonshu's first Moon Knight? Who was that enigmatic figure?" Word count: 1.4K A/N: English is not my first language and I really hope y'all like this because it is my first fanfic :) Also, this one is a bit shorter...
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Marwa's P.O.V.
Chapter 2
 As I watched the woman and child vanish into the safety of the village, a wave of relief washed over me, fleeting but welcome amidst the chaos that had just unfolded. Yet, as the adrenaline began to ebb away, I couldn't ignore the searing pain emanating from the wound in my side—a stark reminder of the danger I had faced.
Clutching the fabric of my robes, I felt the warmth of my own blood seeping through the pristine white linen, staining it crimson. Each heartbeat sent a jolt of agony coursing through me, but I refused to submit to the pain.
Turning my gaze back to the temple, I took a hesitant step forward, the world spinning around me as dizziness threatened to overwhelm my senses. But I steadied myself, drawing upon the inner reserves of strength that lay deep within my being. With each step, I made my way back to the temple.
Like early today, even before the midnight ceremony started, I could sense a pair of piercing eyes burning holes through me but whenever I tried to find the source of it I found nothing. There was no one in the temple with me nor anywhere around it.
And now there they are again. I can feel the heavy gaze on me as I walk -or at least try to walk- back into the temple. This time I don’t bother to look behind me since I know that most likely there would be no one.
As I reached the temple steps, the pain in my side intensified with every movement. But I gritted my teeth and continued.
With a final surge of determination, I pushed open the heavy wooden doors, their creaking protest echoing through the silent chamber. The interior was bathed in a light glow, the flickering candlelight casting dancing shadows upon the stone walls. This place always helped me relax even as a little girl but not this time.
The temple seemed eerily empty, yet I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Summoning every ounce of strength I possessed, I dragged myself across the threshold and into the sanctuary of the temple. Collapsing onto the cold stone floor, I took in some deep breaths trying to calm my nerves and pain.
A small whine of pain left my throat as I shifted my position on the cold floor in order to be on my knees. I slowly lifted my eyes toward the vaulted ceiling, feeling the weight of the moment pressing down upon me.
"Oh, Khonshu, guardian of the moon, I offer my humble gratitude unto thee," I whispered, my voice barely audible in the solemn stillness of the temple. "For it is by thy divine grace that I stand here today, battered and broken yet still alive."
"Thank you for granting upon me the strength to fend off the thief who sought to plunder that which was not his own," I continued, my words infused with reverence and awe. "Thank you for lending me the courage to face adversity head-on, to stand firm in the face of danger and uncertainty."
"As I lie here, wounded and weary, I beseech thee, oh Khonshu, to grant me the resilience to endure the trials that lie ahead," I prayed, my heart heavy. "Watch over me, oh mighty god, and guide my steps along the path of your righteousness."
"With every breath I take, with every beat of my heart, I pledge my devotion to thee, oh Khonshu." I vowed, my words, a solemn oath to honor the divine entity that I had devoted myself to.
I remained still, nestled against the chill of the marble floor, savoring the solemn hush that enveloped this sacred space. Each breath I drew caused a sharp ache to radiate from the wound in my side, a reminder of the violence that had unfolded. I briefly shut my eyes, seeking the strength to get up. I had to go back to the village, to check on that woman and that child, to take care of my wound…
Gods, I wish you could help me…
I gritted my teeth and slowly stood back up making my way back to the village across the oasis.
All the familiar faces that I was seeing every night and day in the temple during ceremonies, the faces that were living peacefully in this forgotten place, were all looking at me as I walked towards the physician’s house.
I could hear the small gasps as people noticed the blood on the side of my ceremonial robes. Some of them tried to help me get to my destination but I motioned them to step back.
I knew I needed help and those people were genuinely worried about me so they offered assistance and had no ill thoughts behind it. But I could not accept it. I am their priestess, the one that was supposed to be strong and guide them through their difficulties, I cannot be weak. I need to keep my head up and show no weakness.
As I was approaching our physician's Akil's house I felt a soft tug on my clothing. I turned to see the source of it and I saw a young girl, Heba.
Oh my, I thought the kids would have been asleep by now.
“Are you feeling well, my priestess?” The girl asked politely but with worry and concern in her eyes as her eyes were glancing from mine to the blood on the fabric.
I managed to smile softly at her.
“Yes, my sweet child. It is nothing that you should worry about.” I spoke slowly in an attempt to keep my voice steady. I placed my clean hand on her head reassuringly as I offered her another smile.
Her worry lessened at my words and I was somewhat relieved, the last thing I wanted was to scare the children. As I looked at her eyes again I could see that something more was troubling her.
“Will you be healed till the morning? For the morning offering?” She asked me as the minor anxiety was still visible in her slightly frowned brows.
I wish I was, my child…. I wish I was...
“Of course I will, my dear Heba. The offering will be done as always. There is no reason to keep you little mind troubled. Now, go to your mother and get ready to sleep, it’s late.” I spoke softly and as steadily as I could with my side still throbbing from the pain.
She nodded at my words and gave me a small sympathetic smile as she walked away back to her home.
The rest of the people had witnessed the whole conversation and I could see the doubt they had about my words in their eyes. They knew that it would not be healed till the morning, that it would be best for me to not do the ceremony. Gods, I knew that too. But also I knew that there was no one else to take my place and seeing the distress in Heba’s eyes about not doing the offering and probably enraging the gods. I can’t let that happen. I cannot let down the people nor the divine entities from above.
I am responsible for ensuring the earth and heavens remain as the gods created them.
I cannot let anyone down.
I have no room for weakness nor mistakes.
I took a deep breath in and continued my way to find Akil. Once I reached his door and knocked he opened after some moments. Upon seeing me he smiled, oblivious of everything that had happened. But when he saw the signs of pain painted in my features his smile dropped and as his mouth opened to say something his eyes landed on the crimson color that my white robes were stained.
Without saying a single word he rushed me in and closed the door behind him. He also considered covering the windows so no one could see me like this before turning to face me.
“What happened?” He asked as he started to prepare every needed to treat my wound.
Tag List: @alittlechaotics-blog
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steven-with-a-vee · 2 years
Okay, but the whole time Steven was trying to stay awake, Khonshu was there waiting for him to fall asleep so he could wake Marc up.
Like, imagine Khonshu sat on Steven’s couch, spinning his staff in between his hands, narrating along to the self-help tape because he’s heard it OVER, AND OVER, AND OVER, AND OVER while Steven tries to stay awake.
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daughter-of-inkart · 9 months
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𝔥 𝔞 𝔶 𝔢 𝔰, 𝔤𝔬𝔡 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔪𝔬𝔬𝔫 & 𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔤
The god of the moon, the first born, keeps to their stars most of the night. They lay the stars out in constellations for the mortals’ amusement, keeping them company through the night- the rabbit hopping over the lake they overlook is their favorite. Once arranged, they sit outside in the cool night air, feet barely grazing the surface as they dip down into the water. All around are rabbits splotched with the black night sky, their tears given life, little glistening stars reflecting the god’s own paleness like fire licked gems. 
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