#I actually met her at a con a few years ago
ANJALI. Do not apologize for asking questions. It is how we learn and how we get better. You are amazing and I love you
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randomshyperson · 1 year
The List - Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Summary: Wanda shouldn't be sneaking off to your bedroom during the farewell party, and she certainly shouldn't be reading a list of pros and cons about the women you care about. Inspired by ‘Friends’ but make it Ross’s list something actually thoughtful.
Warnings: (+16) Some implications but nothing explicit, very brief angst of relationship going wrong and other lovers, implied friends to lovers, some Yelena x Reader and Vision x Wanda ‘cause they made bad choices, drinking, feelings talks, making out, getting back together, attempt to poetry and a hella of self-insert stuff. | Words: 3.052k.
A/N-> The author should be working on the last two Skam series but is doing midnight one-shots instead (self-criticism). This is short and dramatic and I just wanted something about one of the most popular scenes in Friends. Hope you like it.
General Masterlist | AO3 | Wattpad
A full tower meant Wanda would be locked in her room. Or at least, that's how it used to be.
Tonight, however, there is a 'Good Voyage' banner in the middle of the room filled with friends and guests, each with their own glass of drink, wanting to celebrate your last night as an Avenger. Technically, this party was also for Wanda. In official terms, she didn't leave the team, but she had a room booked at the Harkness Residence and no belongings in her old room. For the two of you, this was the last night in the tower.
This is why Wanda was wearing a party dress and wasn't locked away from the celebration as she would have been years ago when she was a new recruit and you would sneak out of appointments to keep her company.
She tried to avoid staring so much. Whether it was the lost smiles between you and Yelena, or the lingering hugs and complicit whispers. There was nothing official, yet Natasha had commented that you had been sleeping in Lena's apartment for many weeks and that you were probably the only number saved on her secure cell phone beside the older widow. 
"Would you like me to get you something to drink, Wanda?" Vision's voice made her jump in fright softly. She stared at him, and for a moment couldn't say anything, still getting used to the synthesizer's new appearance. Sometimes she missed the red, it was less intimidating than the full white.
"N-no, Vis. Thank you." She manages to reply when he looks at her curiously towards the silence. Wanda risks diverting her attention to you again, catching the moment when Yelena entwines her arm with yours and rests her head on your shoulder. It is so domestic that she feels sick. How many times has she made the same action? Swallowing dryly, she lets the robot beside her know, "I need some air. "
She left him before he could say anything else; and missed the moment he exchanged a glance with Natasha across the room as if asking her oldest friend for some kind of assistance.
Wanda lied - It wasn't her intention, she thinks, but her feet made their way alone. She went up the elevator in silence, offering nothing but forced smiles to any stray guests she met in the hallways to your old bedroom.
The place was dark and full of boxes ready for the move. All your belongings would be shipped the next day to somewhere in Europe, where you and Yelena continued on the mission to free the rest of the Black Widows, the personal operation that had to be paused for a few months with all the problems the Mad Titan brought to earth. With the victory of the Avengers, who were outnumbered for some time, everything needed to undergo some kind of reform. No one ever wanted to be caught as unawares as when Thanos appeared, and everyone had work to do. Wanda, and her growing magical power, included.
She let her fingers trace through the closed boxes, a red sparkle doing the work of turning on the lights at the entrance. Her mind was haunted by memories of a friendship long forgotten, glimpses of movie nights under those covers, stolen touches at breakfasts, and promises sealed with kisses that would be forgone and impossible to keep when reality fell on your heads.
When Wanda thought of you, she felt a pang in her chest. Missing you hurt her physically, and even with only a few rooms between you now, she felt as if the distance she had placed was much greater. She knows she would start to cry if she kept thinking about it, but there was no avoiding it, not when there were still some of her belongings scattered on your study desk and some of these were polaroids taken by Peter Parker with his intention to keep memories of his adventures with the Avengers.
She traced the photographs of younger versions of herself smiling beside you, but at the current moment, her smile was much more whiny than happy. She took her attention away from the pictures to the computer that turned on as soon as it recognized movement, and let her fingers play with the keys for a second.
"Welcome." FRIDAY's sudden greeting made her eyes widen softly at the fright. "Little witch."
She bit the inside of her cheek at the nickname she hadn't heard in a while. She lifted her finger to touch the colorful stickers you pasted on the device but bumped into the screen and was surprised by the automatic unlock. Her shock at still being allowed to access your belongings had to be forgotten because the open file was much more relevant than overthinking about this.
There were two columns in one document. Her name and Yelena's, below each a list of items. 
The witch swallowed dryly and turned her face to the door. A peek at something that contained her name couldn't hurt...
Complicated friendship.
Complicated everything.’
Frowning, the witch felt something in her stomach sinking. When she read Yelena's first item 'It happened as it was supposed to' she understood that it was a list of pros and cons and she immediately regretted starting to read this at all.
But there was no stopping herself now. She needed to know where this was going.
‘Just because she was my first love, she doesn't have to be my last.’
Sniffling slightly, she looked at the next item on Yelena's list.
‘I don't have to fall in love with her just because everyone else thinks it makes sense.’
Wanda froze. A mixture of conflicting feelings surged through her chest. She wanted to be only upset by how distressed you felt, but she couldn't help the thread of hope arising from hearing your doubts regarding your feelings for Yelena.
Clicking to advance to the next lines, she held her breath without realizing it. The formatting of the list changes, taking away the bullet points for paragraphs that pull and bring the air out of her lungs with each sentence.
“Wanda only wakes up after all the alarms have gone off, I can always watch her sleep because of this.
Yelena never sleeps, and I can never fully relax knowing she's awake and haunted by horrors I can't take away.
They're both shorter than me, and they look adorable when they ask for help picking up something high up. Yelena kicks my ankle if I get too cocky about it. Wanda slides her hand under my clothes and turns me into a complete mess at her mercy, taller or shorter, she’s the boss.”
She pauses in her reading, a smile playing on her lips. She remembers doing the latter so many times. The memories hit her hard, and she had to take a deep breath to push them away and focus on reading again.
“Wanda feels so much that she explodes.
Yelena sometimes thinks the Red Room just left an empty cocoon behind.
I think I'm in the middle.”
Wanda pauses, thinking she hears someone approaching. With her heart racing with guilt and fear of being caught, she checks the door, but it's just her mind playing tricks on her.
“Wanda invades frequently. Privacy is a problem, especially because of her telepathy. I can never keep secrets from her, much less emotions. She gets so close that sometimes it suffocates.”
The witch pauses the reading with tears in her eyes. Guilt and shame burn her chest, and she takes a deep breath. She wonders how old the list is, or if the version of her that you have of it in your head is just the young girl who tentatively stumbled over her own feelings and traumas and hurt you even though she had no intention of doing so. 
She sniffles again and controls the threat of crying before reading the next item.
“Yelena goes so far away that sometimes I wonder if she was ever here at all.”
The witch needs to stop; She has for a moment, the realization that perhaps, you are better off alone. For the way she and Yelena, even if in different ways, hurt you.
And the next part of the list does not make her feel better about this. In cursive letters, and repeated for three more paragraphs, there's the name of the person responsible for putting an end to the fragile relationship that you and she used to have.
She notices a machine but she cannot notice me. 
She loves a piece of tin, but not the one who finds pairs of socks for her cold feet at night.
She loves the tin-man who signed the agreements that say she should be locked up, and not the person who would fight the whole world for her.”
Wanda sobs, and has to sit up in her chair to keep from falling to the floor. She cries for a moment, all the emotions that seem to have built up since the whole impasse with the Avengers two years ago hitting her all over again. 
You've got it all wrong. If there was a way, she would have gone back and done everything differently. She would have told her stupid young self that you were hurting like her, and that you always noticed her like she pretended not to be doing. 
That forcing yourself to invest in Vision was hurting you like it was hurting her.
Taking a deep breath, Wanda tries to stop crying to finish the list at once. It seems to be ending at least.
There is one note crossed out, and she needs to make a change and remove the underline to read it.
“Yelena never seems as happy with me as she is around Kate Bishop. She always diverts from the subject when I try to bring it up. It reminds me of Wanda when I would ask about him, and she would say they were just friends.
I wonder if I will ever be someone's first choice.”
Wanda shakes her head in indignation. You are her first choice. And her second and third. You are everything. You've always been too precious to risk losing. How can you not know this?
"People say that Yelena and I are very similar while Wanda is my opposite. Peter has been helping me try astrology and everything from Hogwarts houses to numerology.
I liked the phases of the moon where Yelena matches mine while Wanda is the part I am missing.
While Yelena mirrors me, Wanda completes me.
They say that the former is more important: That real, routine life is better with someone who resembles you. Yelena and I like the same pizza and the same movies. We never fight over silly things.
Every time I argue with Wanda I want to make her scream for another reason. She always looked so pretty moaning my name-”
The witch jumps to the next item, her face burning just like under her dress. She clears her throat quietly, fighting other memories that try to rise into her mind and which most likely would take away her ability to read anything.
‘I could write pages and pages of this, but this would be just me, running away from the truth. There is only one answer to your question, Captain Rogers.
Yelena can read me like a book, but Wanda is the only one who can edit the words.
I will meet a hundred people, and none of them will be like Wanda.
You told me that in order to make this decision, I needed to think about something simple. Who would I miss more if I had to lose in life, Wanda or Yelena? It was not so simple.
Because Wanda left me first and I had to get used to the pain day by day. But Yelena will never let me in enough to miss her. Not when she also knows that I'm always looking back, just like a little kid, waiting for the moment when Wanda Maximoff will have a spare piece of attention to trade with me.
I know I can survive missing her in my life because it is a feeling I am used to.
I just don't want to lose her again. I don't want to survive without her, I want to live with her.
I will tell her. 
I will.
"Having fun, Maximoff?" The witch jumps out of her chair at your sudden arrival. It is a mixture of shock and embarrassment, she cringes like a child being caught and her face burns even more at your relaxed posture, waist resting on the doorstop and arms crossed. Her favorite smile on your face.
"I-I was just..."
"Snooping." You complete, but you don't sound the least bit angry, just provocative. You uncross your arms to reach for the cell phone in your jeans pocket. "Yeah, I got a notification of a small change in my drive. I guess I was right about the boundaries issues topic..."
Wanda steps forward, almost desperate. "I didn't mean to! I-I accidentally clicked on it, and when I saw my name, I couldn't help it-"
You chuckle, nodding in her direction as a sign that it was okay. "Relax, I'm just teasing you." 
Wanda chuckles nervously, aware that you were getting too close. She holds her breath but you only lean toward the computer, humming in confirmation that it is indeed your list that she has spent the last few moments reading before turning your attention back to her.
"I'm really sorry." She murmurs embarrassedly, looking down at her own feet. Wanda really expects you to yell at her, to be angry at her for breaking your privacy and invading what is clearly a very personal vent. But you just stare back at her, and completely tear her apart as you take one of your hands to her hair, gentle fingers tracing the loose strands behind the nape of her neck to the front.
"I didn't get a chance to say that red really suits you." 
"T-thanks." She risks a look into your eyes, and her heart explodes at the intensity she finds.
"Actually I didn't get a chance to say much at all." You continue, a small smile appearing on your lips. Wanda tries to focus on your next words and not on your hand playing with her hair. "You ran out of the party. I was planning to ask you to dance."
She swallows dryly, trying to calm her own nerves. She's tired of games; they've hurt you both enough.
"I don't understand your list." She retorts in an affected voice, her gaze in a mix of hope and fear. "You say...you say you're going to tell me, but you're leaving-"
"We both are." You retort as if you are reminding her. Without stopping smiling, you use your free hand to search for something in your coat pocket. "It turns out, Nat and Lena really do have a lot of time catching up to do. And well, I know you do magic portals now, but I still trust planes."
In your hand are first-class tickets to Central-Southeastern Europe. You let Wanda hold them, appraising the item in shock as you clarify:
"Agatha mentioned that you need to find out more about yourself, and I thought, there is no better place than where it all began. Unfortunately, Sokovia no longer has an airport, but we can stay around. And get a car..."
She looks at you with watery eyes. "And y-you want to come with me?"
You smile at her so tenderly that she would have burst into tears if she weren't already doing so. Your hands find her cheeks, gently wiping away her tears as you clarify:
"Isn't it clear yet, Wanda? I'll go wherever you want me."
Something mixed between a sob and a relieved laugh escapes her; You have a very similar expression, and as you wipe away her tears, you kiss her cheeks and the tip of her nose to reassure her.
Wanda sighs, closing her eyes for a moment. 
"Detka, I'm so scared." She confesses in a whisper. "We've hurt each other before. I don't want to ever hurt you again."
You nod and wait for her to stare you in the eyes. 
"There is no such thing as a perfect relationship, Wands." Your tone, while firm, is also tender. "And we're both complicated. But I want this, us because I'd rather work on our differences than start anything new with someone else. You're the only one I want."
She stares at you trying to absorb all the sincerity in her words. For a second, even with the list, she takes a chance:
"But Yelena?"
You give her a small smile, holding her hand in yours at the height of your heart. "She could tell even before me that there was no one but you. Lena will continue the mission with Natasha, as it should be. And I will stay with you if you choose me."
She laughs tearfully, nodding. "Of course, I choose you, idiot." She assures. "I love you." And Wanda repeats and repeats until you kiss her.
It seems ridiculous that Wanda has gone without it you when your lips meet again. The worst part is that she only realizes how much she has missed you once you touch her again. The needy sounds that escape her are almost desperate, full of passion, and tugging at your clothes, trying to bring you closer than is humanly possible.
You give her everything. Your mouth, your tongue, your hands. She is pressed against the table, kissing you as if she wants to make up for all the time wasted in a single night.
There is a ripping of clothes, her dress will end up in a pile on the floor. No hesitation: Wanda gives you the green light as she snaps your belt off. There’s a promise of a future together that she can’t wait to live in the way you worship every corner of her body that night.
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littlemochabunni · 9 months
I’m Sooo Sorry for Your Loss. ~ pt.1
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Toji x fem reader (black coded) ft. Toji’s wife?!?!?!
summary: Toji ain't shit and his past comes back to bite him in the ass.
a/n: This was inspired by a anon I got awhile ago so this is because youuuu sweetheart 💋🫶🏽🫶🏽 Definitely not proofread apologies.
part two
wc: 580
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You’ve been dating Toji Fushigruo for almost 2 years now. You’ve gone through every hot and cold shoulder he’s given you, loved every moment of him spoiling his “hard-earned” money on you, you moved in together, and you’ve met his kids! Been the shoulder he needed when he cried to you about the deaths of his ex-wives explaing why he didn’t want to get married a third time. Y’know just been the well-rounded understanding girlfriend any man would deeply appreciate. 
Yet the woman standing at your door telling you a very different story. “I- I'm sorry.... You said you’re Toji’s wh-what???” She steps inside your apartment- her apartment actually, “I’m his wife. The second wife to be exact.” Stunned, you stand there trying to process this information, so she closes the door for you and walks to the kitchen to pour you guys a drink. “Is he here?”  
Dragging your feet to the kitchen to follow the very not dead wife Toji told you about and swallow the glass of wine she poured for you immediately before speaking. “W-we have a date at this rest- what the hell happened between you guys?? He told me you died?!?” She scoffs dryly and pours you another drink, “It’s more like he left me stranded in Vegas with no phone, no money, and no passport to get home.” You stare at her wide-eyed by his, very true to character, actions and stammer completely bewildered by what she went through with him. “Yeah, and he did all that because I got lucky at a few tables, he assumed that the dealers and I were fucking.” 
“That man is so fucking petty and sick for that! What the hell??? A-are you okay??” She finishes her wine and chuckles as she pours another glass for herself, “Oh yeah, I’m great, that bastard ran off after I told him that I wanted a divorce and that I felt bad for the next poor woman he cons into a relationship... Oh right...” Fuuuck you’re that poor woman..... And man did he conned you good. “I’m gonna call him, tell him I’m pregnant or some bullshit.” She snickers softly with no objections to your plan on getting him home quickly, so you pull your phone out and call him. Preparing yourself to put on your next best act to faking an orgasm (lets be real you ain’t never fake an orgasm with this man I-) as the phone rings on speaker. “What’s up baby.”  
“Mmm I miss you T... was just thinkin’ that we could skip dinner and get straight to dessert y’know...” You both can practically hear the smirk form on his chapped scarred lips “Oh really? Well, ‘m on my way home then baby.... Keep her nice n wet f’me.” Rolling your eyes to the deep depths of your soul knowing all his thinkin’ is done with that worm of his. “Of course daddy, anything for you~” He chuckles smugly before hanging up the phone, you and his wife start laughing and groaning at this grown ass man fuckboy little boy antics. “I’m gonna start packing my shit cause-” she shakes her head while she still recovers from her laugher, “No no we’re packing his shit and putting it outside where it belongs.” Finishing your second drink, you nod in agreement. “You’re right, I think I hear the streets calling for him.” 
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a/n: I could be persuaded into finishing part 2 if you ask me nicely 🤭 just sayin’ some little bondage, face riding, whimpering Toji, and wax maybe possibly involved. Who knows?
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toasttt11 · 18 days
new beginnings
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September 18, 2021
Sidney frowned as they were almost at the Bedard’s apartment, it would be the first time his daughter was completely living away from him.
Cameron scratched the top of Mr. Mack’s head excited to see her best friend soon.
Cameron had met Connor a few months ago at the Canada U-18 and they were roommates and line mates and they are both so similar in personality they just clicked extremely easily.
Cameron was then drafted to the Regina Pats and Connor immediately offered for her to stay with him and his mom in Regina. Sidney felt more comfortable with her staying with a friend rather than a new teammate even though he has done it before.
Sidney parked the car in front of the apartment building and his frown deepened.
“Hey.” Cameron nudged her dad’s arm, Sidney looked over at his daughter who seems to be growing more and more every time he blinks, “I’ll be visiting all the time.” Cameron reminded him, she was sad too and felt unsettled at the idea of being away from her father more than usually.
“I know.” Sidney nodded and he leaned forward and rested his forehead as his hand cupped the back of her head, “You can come home whenever you want okay.” Sidney remaindered her as well.
Cameron closed her eyes as she rested her forehead against his, “I know Dad.” Cameron pulled back and gave him a shaky smile.
Mr. Mack nudged Cameron gently knowing his Cameron is sad.
Sidney and Cameron shared a look and knew they needed to head inside, Cameron tapped her shoulder and Mr. Mack climbed up Cameron’s arm and laid across her shoulders.
Sidney grabbed Cameron’s hockey bag and her big suitcase and Cameron grabbed her back pack and small suitcase.
They walked through the apartment building lobby and to the elevators and clicked on a floor.
They walked out of the elevator and done the hallway looking for the number on the front door and when they found Cameron knocked on the front door.
Connor opened the door and smiled softly as his best friend and her dad and opened the door all the way letting them walk into the apartment.
Cameron set down her bag and was pulled into a hug by Connor.
“Hi Camers.” Connor softly mumbled hugging her tightly, he has never had a friendship like he has with her and has never felt so comfortable with someone before and so quickly as well.
“Hi Con.” Cameron mumbled softly, she was really excited when she met Connor and they started becoming friends and not just teammates, she is use to having good relationships with her teammates but never really becoming this good of friends.
“Hi Mr. Mack how are you.” Connor softly spoke starching Mr. Mack on the head, who was still laying on Cameron’s shoulder.
Mr. Mack purred lightly and rubbed against Connor’s hand, Connor is Mr. Mack favorite person that isn’t Cameron and it’s probably to do with the fact Connor and Cameron are very similar and Connor is always getting treats and toys for Mr. Mack.
Sidney shook his head still surprised that Mr. Mack actually really likes Connor.
“Cameron!” Melanie beamed as she walked in the living room and saw her and walked over pulling her into a gentle hug.
“Hi Mel.” Cameron hugged her back.
Sidney fist bumped Connor and Connor still shook his head at the fact he knows Sidney Crosby personally but he also realizes Sidney is just a person too but more specifically Cameron’s dad.
Melanie led them down the hallway to the room for Cameron and left Sidney and Cameron alone so they can unpack some of Cameron’s stuff before Sidney has to leave.
Sidney smiled bittersweet as he picked up her stuffed penguin that she has had her whole life from her godfather and he set down on her bed, that they made with her light purple flower bed sheets and comforter.
Sidney looked over at Cameron as she was putting her clothes away in her closet and he frowned not liking she’s moving out for most of the year.
They are use to Sidney being gone for road games but usually they aren’t apart for long. They would now have times they are going to be apart for a while and they never have before.
“I’m proud of you, you know.” Sidney spoke up making Cameron look over at him.
“I know.” Cameron softly nodded, the two aren’t always big for putting their emotions into words but she knows her dad is proud of her, she has never thought otherwise.
“Good.” Sidney nodded back and walked over pressing a gentle kiss to the top of her head.
He looked around the room and she was all unpacked and settled into her new room.
“Come here Cam Bug.” Sidney opened his arms up and pulled her into a tight hug, “I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too dad.” Cameron softly mumbled burying her head on his shoulder, “You gonna use your phone to face time me.” Cameron teasingly mumbled against his shoulder. Cameron has always found it funny how much her dad hates technology and she is one of the few people he talks to using it.
“Yes i will.” Sidney agreed fondly rolling his eyes.
“Good.” Cameron pulled away and sent him a smile.
Sidney walked over to Mr. Mack who was laying on the bed, “Watch out for our girl for me.” Sidney mumbled and Mr. Mack rubbed his head slighty on Sidney, the only time when the two will get along is when it involves caring for Cameron.
Sidney stood up and walked back to Cameron.
“Walk with me to the car?” Sidney asked wrapping an arm around her shoulders wanting to spend a few more moments with his daughter.
Cameron nodded and they walked out of her new bedroom and saw Connor and Melanie in the kitchen chatting together.
“I’ll take care of her i promise.” Melanie whispered as she hugged Sidney, they have become quite good friends watching their kids playing together and Sidney does trust her with Cameron.
“Thank you Mel.” Sidney whispered back and stood back and pulled Connor into a hug as well.
“We’ll take care of her.” Connor quietly promised and Sidney smiled slightly always finding it very sweet how much Connor is just like his mother.
“I know.” Sidney pulled back and clapped Connor on his shoulder before walking towards his daughter and heading out of the apartment.
Cameron grabbed onto her dad’s hand clinging tightly just as she always use to when she was younger, she still does just not as much.
Sidney smiled sadly and squeezed her hand back as they waited for the elevator to take them down the to bottom floor.
Sidney and Cameron walked in silence to his car and both had identical frowns.
“I’ll see you in a few weeks.” Sidney softly spoke and Cameron looked up at her dad with shiny eyes and he immediately pulled her into a tight hug feeling her little sniffles she was trying to hide and the shakes in her shoulders.
Sidney gently rubbed her back knowing that calms her down when she is upset and let her cry a little, Sidney felt his eyes filled with tears as well he held onto his little girl tighter.
Cameron calmed down and sadly pulled away from the hug and wiped away any of the evidence of her tears besides the red around her eyes.
Sidney kissed her forehead once more and sent her a soft smile as she nodded before getting into the car and starting to drive away. They both knew if they said anymore words they would both start crying again and Sidney wouldn’t be able to leave.
Cameron titled her head up avoiding anymore tears from falling and headed back inside into her new home.
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hawkins-losers · 2 years
hello!!! what about 51 & 53 with steve harrington, please? like he haves this really masive crush on the reader, but he's in denial because he feels this person it's not into him. however he gets really jelous of the growing friendship between the reader and eddie? idk i just imagine steve being insecure about his feelings and robin keeps pointing them out, lol. hope you can write them!
(‘’Your jealousy is showing.’’ + “God. You’re such a simp.”)
A/N: I’m not sure if I like this one... 
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‘’You like her,’’ Robin pointed out after you left Family Video with your weekly stack.
Steve frowned, faking denial. ‘’What? I do not.’’
‘’You do! I know the way you look at her. It’s the same way you used to look at Wheeler two years ago.’’
Shit. He was caught.
Having a best friend that knows you like the palm of their hand has its perks when giving gifts or picking movies for a movie night, but also its cons like being unable to hide a crush from them.
‘’Admittedly I did like her, it wouldn’t matter. She’s dating Eddie the freak Munson,’’ Steve said with bitterness in his voice. He didn’t have a tooth against Eddie, but he was closer to you than Steve would ever be.
‘’First of all, they aren’t dating. Y/N would’ve told me. They’re just friends.’’
‘’Just friends?’’ Steve shook his head, not believing Robin. ‘’I doubt that. He opens the door for her and they have movie nights every Saturday. I saw them going to the pizza parlor across the street last week. He fed her fries. It’s couple behavior.’’
Robin chose to ignore his own stalker-ish behavior. ‘’Secondly, your jealousy is showing, Harrington.’’
The following Saturday, Robin was determined to have Steve make a move on you. Now that he had admitted to having a crush on you, Robin figured it was only fair to help him since he was helping her about her crush on Vickie.
She was scanning the returns at the register counter, preparing for the busy night ahead - Saturdays were always the busiest day - while making date suggestions.
''You should take her to see Dirty Dancing at the drive-in. There's a special showing next Friday. She's rented it a few times, I think she likes dancing movies.''
''So she can drool over Patrick Swayze instead of giving me attention? No thanks.'' Steve took a stack of tapes Robin just scanned and brought them to the shelves to put them back. ''And I didn't say I would ask her out. I said I might ask her out...if she shows signs of being into me because how embarrassing would it be if she says no, you know?''
‘’Worst case scenario, it's gonna bruise your ego. You'll recover.’’
As if his ego didn’t get bruised enough when he was working at Scoops Ahoy last summer. The hat completely ruined his best feature. That’s its fault Steve didn’t get any dates.
‘‘What about you? How is it going with Vick-’‘
'’Oh, here she comes!’’ Robin screeched, nodding at the large window right before you walked in, warning her co-worker of your arrival.
Steve’s back was to the window so he didn’t see you come in.
All he heard was Robin greeting you. '’Hey, Y/N! Any movie in particular you're looking for? I'm very busy at the moment, I gotta scan all these returns and...pass a little broom too, but Steve here can help you. Right, Steve?''
He nodded, a part of his thankful for Robin’s input but also cursing her for her terrible excuses. Passing a little broom? She’s never touched the broom since working at Family Video.
‘’What are you looking for today? We got a few new releases this week. We got When Harry met Sally, Ghostbusters 2- What genre do you prefer? I forgot to ask.’’ 
You shrugged. ‘’Eddie is out of state with his uncle so I can pick whatever I want.’’
Steve would usually grimace at the mention of Eddie, but this was a good news. This was perfect. His eyes shifted to Robin, who gave him a thumbs up.
He rubbed the back of his neck, then went for it. '’Do you want to go to the drive-in? Movie watching is better on a big screen, don't you think.’’
'’I actually love the drive-in, but you need a car and I unfortunately don't have a license so...’’
'’I have a car and a license. I could take you?’’ he suggested smoothly. ‘’If you want.’’
You raised an eyebrow. ‘’You’d go to the drive-in with someone you barely know?’’
Steve shrugged. ‘‘You come here every Saturday and you’re Robin’s friend. That’s enough for me.’‘
‘’Well, there’s a double feature of Grease tonight. I've seen the first one a thousand times and know all of the songs, but the second just came out. I doubt it's your kind of movies-’’
‘’Grease it is! I actually enjoyed the first one.’’
Your eyes lit up. ‘‘Really?’’ 
Steve smiled. ‘’Yeah. It’s a date.’’ 
‘’So, you’ll pick me up at eight?’’ 
‘’Eight. Yes. I’ll be there at eight.’’
After you left, Robin snickered behind the counter. ‘’God, you’re such a simp.’’
‘’Shut up.’’
Taglist: @broadway-or-noway @violetsleftfist @thelaststraw3  @cursedandromedablack  @Slashersimpfor  @savagejane1   @wh0reforbucknasty   @eddiemunson-slut   @slvdsjjk  @hehehehannahthings  @dreamdancers-world  @grace-loux  @iamharrystyleslover  @matildavol6  @Original_babababoo  @eddiemunsonbby  @notbeforelong  @lexi-2004 @violetrainbow412-blog  @tatespillows  @alwayslexii  @lilygreennn   @milkiane  @imahomeslice  @bunnygrl16 @cwritesforfun
Steve Harrington taglist: @dylanstilinskiposts  @captainbuckyyy12  @valevalentyne  @yourfavoriteakutagawakinnie  @heizenka  @eddie_munsons_girlfriend @scarlet-kazuha @uhidklol-26 @magicalchocolatecheesecake @swiftbyul @Fandomfaeryreads @harrys-tittie  @tinfoilhat2719 @straycatarang @wayfaring—-stranger @starstruckspring @fourlokiss @mi-amoree1111 @starshipsxx  @ghoulishlygrey  
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soleminisanction · 24 days
Got the time and focus to start digging into some of the DC trades I picked up at the con a few months back, starting with Wonder Girl: Homecoming.
It's interesting to see the parts of this series that are almost certainly remnants of the original intent for Yara to be Wonder Girl only on the CW and for her comics incarnation to be the 5G Wonder Woman. Like, Yara's 21 -- does mean she's older than Cassie? Based on the early design from her original announcement, I'm guessing she was initially going to be younger. And it's never actually mentioned in the book that she "grew up in Boise," it's only on the blurb in the back. After the first two pages or so, that part of her life is just kinda forgotten entirely, at least in this first series.
If it wasn't for the first two pages where she's show saying goodbye to her aunt and uncle -- whose place in her backstory, as of the end of the trade, have not been explained either -- I'd kinda be expecting the twist that Yara was transported onto that plane to Brazil by magic after being secretly hidden away in a pocket dimension for thousands of years. It would certainly make the timeline involving her mother make more sense, as well as the "everyone dramatically senses her arrival" spreads (side note: I laughed very hard at them including Bitewing in that scene for some reason).
Overall though, I'm glad this is what we got instead. Yara's quite interesting. "Brash" is an accurate descriptor, and she's also got a good heart, and her design is great -- all of the Esquecida's designs are great, honestly. And having Cassie along as... not quite a deuteragonist, but something very close (especially since she's the one who ultimately resolves the big conflict at the end, and the only one who actually gets called Wonder Girl) was a good call, since it helps soothe the ruffled feathers of people (like me) who resented her and Donna getting shoved to the side without taking the emotional spotlight off Yara.
That said, I do think the emotions in the book suffer a lot from "informed attributes." Like, yeah, there's only so much space to tell the story, but it takes a lot of the punch out of being told that Yara doesn't have a place in this world and feels like an outsider until she finds her people again when she just, tells us that, instead of getting to see it, even in flashback, y'know?
And it honestly gets silly with the love interest. So much of the drama hinges on Yara being head-over-heels in "true destined love" with... a bus driver that she met completely at random like a day ago. Like, it makes perfect sense how he would be in love with her because he clearly thinks she's hot and then sees her being a heroic badass who rushes out to save lives like it's instinctual, but when she turns around and is like, "Thank god... I thought I lost you...!" in issue 3 it's like... Jeez, girl. At least with the Eros side of that love triangle there's the magic arrow excuse.
Still, not a bad start all things considered. Interesting that Diana only a one-panel cameo. I'll have to make sure to grab Trial of the Amazons when I get a chance.
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aikaterini-drag · 2 months
Chapter 16 Reminiscing
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Warnings (whole series): Violence, Non-Con Abduction, Explicit Sexual Content, Fluff, Enemies to Lovers, Sexual Tension, First Time, Emotional Sex, Protective Bucky, Angst with a Happy Ending, Soft Bucky Barnes, Bucky Barnes Recovering, Barnes Gets all the Love he deserves.
Find more chapters of the "Fading Scars" Series here ♡
Grace stirred in her slumber, distressed murmurs escaping her lips as tears traced their way down her cheeks. In her nightmare, she was running, struggling to evade a relentless barrage of bullets. Smoke, screams and pain were all around her. Her eyes were blurry, her voice hoarse from screaming. It was unbearable. She wanted it to stop, but with every passing second, the vision became more and more brutal.
More details carved deeper into her consciousness. She witnessed her mother's death, she heard her cries, her screeches. She also saw Silas, her own father, as he plunged the knife into her stomach, again and again. Her sweet mother begged her to leave while crimson blood bubbled from her lips and stomach. Grace could practically feel the sticky blood drenching her skin.
Through the veil of her nightmare, she also sensed a dark figure lurking in the shadows. The unknown presence coiled its arms around her, catching her in his arms. The person forced her away from the carnage as more gunshots rang out and she shrieked, fighting to free herself. Grace realized that the person was actually protecting her. Using the smoke to his advantage, he guided her away from the chaos and as she turned to face him, she met nothing but a pair of striking blue eyes.
She could never forget these eyes.
She knew this man.
A scream ripped itself from her throat as she woke up, eyes flying open, her face covered in tears. Panic clawed at her chest, an invisible vice constricting her lungs. She struggled to get air in her lungs and glanced around, realizing that she was in her room. The moonlight poured in from the panels of Stark Tower, setting light on her pale features.
An aching pain shot straight through her mind and she curled up in pain, clutching her head in agony. The trauma had yet to leave her and more details made it in, so vivid and terrifying that her whole frame shook. Memories and flashbacks resurfaced, every piece assembling full pictures in her mind.
Her hand shot out to the bedside table, her fingers fumbling in search of her inhaler. The plastic container finally met her grasp, and she pressed it to her lips, inhaling the restorative medication. Her heart hammered erratically against her ribcage as she processed the events one by one. As she refueled her lungs with air, she realized that James had been her savior all along. The loss of her mother had traumatized her, overwhelming stress causing her to forget his existence. Another wave of tears rolled down her eyes, her breathing heavier than before.
"Grace?" Natasha's voice sliced through the room, the agent poised with a weapon in hand. "What's wrong?"
It took Grace a few fleeting moments to respond, "I—I had a nightmare. It's nothing, really."
"You were screaming." Natasha set her firearm aside with a guarded intensity. "And you're crying," she observed. The evidence of Grace's turmoil was etched upon her face – red, swollen eyes tainted with shadows.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up," Grace managed, her voice wavering as she hastily brushed her tears away with the back of her hand.
"I'll fetch the doctor."
"No, please, it's not necessary. I've been on edge with recent events. I'll be fine."
"You can't take this lightly—"
"It was just a nightmare," Grace interrupted gently. "But it felt so vivid like I was reliving it."
"What happened? Do you want to talk to me?" Natasha said, her voice soft.
"James, he saved me five years ago, right??" Grace said, her own words bringing another layer of tears to her eyes.
Natasha let out a heavy breath. "Even I don't know how he did it."
A suffocating silence took over but was soon broken by Grace's next question. "Can you tell me what happened?"
"Silas led a group of eight men, including James. Their objective was to eliminate you and your mother." The spy paused, her gaze briefly connecting with Grace's. "I intercepted them but I got wounded, lost consciousness. I'm guessing that in the haze of the blood, you awoke something humane in the Winter Soldier."
Grace scrunched her brow. "And how do you know all of this?"
"For quite some time, Steve and I had kept a watchful eye on him. Hydra repeatedly brainwashed Barnes, but he always managed to prevail. It was during one of his missions as the Winter Soldier that he and Steve reconciled. From that day on, they communicated secretly, forging a plan that would end Hydra once and for all."
"James chose to hide the truth from me..." Grace muttered and slowly rubbed a hand over her chest, soothing the erratic thrumming of her heart.
"He held back because he didn't want to overwhelm you. He wanted you to remember on your own."
"Or perhaps he wanted to make sure that there were no bonds connecting us," Grace responded firmly.
"Please don't think that way," Natasha implored, her hand reaching out to gently rest on Grace's forearm.
"If only I had remembered earlier..."
Grace resisted the urge to cry, the thought of James and their shared past perching her heart like a dagger. The need to reunite with him, to thank him, to save him and come to his aid was stronger than before. He had saved her twice already and despite the torment he treated her with utter tenderness.
"Don't trouble yourself. The fact that you recalled the past is a good thing," Natasha consoled in the softest of tones.
"Yes, but now I'm hurting even more..." Grace said, her voice cracking under the weight of her emotions.
"Use that pain to save him."
"Thank you, Natasha." Grace embraced her tenderly before drawing back with a faint smile. "You should go back to sleep. I've troubled you enough."
"Alright. I'll be here if you need—" Natasha's sentence was interrupted by an abrupt knock on the door. She narrowed her eyes at the sight of Braylon's head peeking through the opening. "What are you doing here?"
"I heard screams," Braylon replied matter-of-factly. "I'm Grace's bodyguard, remember?"
"Seems you arrived a bit late, Mr. Bodyguard," Natasha quipped, arching an eyebrow.
Braylon smiled. "You were talking and I didn't want to interrupt."
"I'm alright, Braylon. Go rest," Grace told him with a gentle smile.
"Not before I've made sure of it." Braylon insisted. "I brought you some milk. It'll help you relax."
"You really didn't have to go through the trouble," Grace mumbled as he approached, handing her the warm mug. "Thank you."
Braylon glanced at Natasha and suggested, "You can go ahead. I'll keep her company."
"Guys, I'm fine. Really!" Grace said, awkwardly clutching her warm milk.
"You still look a bit pale," Natasha said but a heavy yawn escaped her.
"And you're clearly sleepy. You yawned wide enough to fit a bike wheel!" Grace retorted, unable to hold back a laugh.
"Quite the comparison, I must say." As she slowly exited the room, Natasha rubbed her eyes and added, "Well, now that Braylon's here, I can rest easy."
"I'll stay for a few minutes," Braylon said, crouching beside the bed.
Grace looked down at him, eyes wide. "You're treating me like a child."
"And you should drink your milk like a good young lady," Braylon remarked nonchalantly.
"Alright, alright!" Grace said, taking big sips from her milk. "I'm almost done."
He chuckled. "No need to rush. Take your time."
"I hope Tony's paying you enough," she muttered. "You're doing far too much for me."
"I'm happy to do so." Braylon flashed her a grin. "Plus, I'm handsomely paid. More than you can imagine."
"Got it, got it," Grace smiled. "You really do love to boast."
"You smiled. Good. I wanted to help you forget... if only for a moment," Braylon's tone was stern before returning to its customary gentleness. "Your nightmares are tied to him, to the Winter Soldier."
"It's not his fault," she said. "And his name is James. James Bucky Barnes."
Braylon shrugged. "Even so, he's a fool to let you slip away."
"Are you here to gossip?"
"Delving into your personal life is one of my favorite pastimes," he quipped, offering a smug smile.
"Enough teasing. I care about James. I won't abandon him."
"But he abandoned you."
Her eyes darkened. "You wouldn't understand, and that's alright."
"Alright... I don't want to press you further. Sweet dreams, Grace." With some reluctance, he stood up. "See you tomorrow."
When she was left alone, Grace dragged the covers up to cocoon herself, curling her limbs. She felt cold and lonely. She missed the feel of his arms around her, his fingers brushing against her skin, his soothing whispers chasing away her fears. She yearned for the warmth of his touch, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, the sense of security he brought with him. Without him by her side, the night felt empty, and the silence seemed to heighten her restless thoughts.
She lay there, a solitary figure in the darkness, caught in a silent battle against her own thoughts. And as the night stretched on, her longing for his warmth and scent only deepened, a constant reminder that sleep would not visit her without James there to hold her close.
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romaine2424 · 1 year
Daily Blog June 27, 2023
Arg! I'd hoped to spend sometime planting the pretty flowers I bought yesterday but to my dismay I discovered an invasive weed was mixed in with my Shasta Daisies, which are just about to bloom. The kind of weed that attaches to your clothes and skin. Gloves came out and two hours later, I made a huge dent. Flowers tomorrow.
I had mentioned there were would be additional categories I'd throw into the mix and today I have one I've been anxious to get to. I'm going to call it Magical Elves. They are the people who help make fandom run. I mentioned @phoenixacid in an earlier post, who has been hosting @hd-fan-fair for ten years. This category will cover folks like her and that do even more...yes, even more...
What I'm reading:
On the Discord Drarry Fans Writers and Artists there is a channel for recs. I stole this one from there but then discovered I'd already read it. However, it was long enough ago that I don't remember all of the details. I think I read it when it first came out and before I hopped back into fandom in spring of 2021. The Ordeal of Being Known (146k) by @lou-isfake. I'm only on chapter 3 right now but I just love this Draco and his Oscar the Grouch house-slippers and his house-elf Timsy. The writing is so fresh and clever, I find myself smiling most of the time. Here's the summary, which I think gives you a flavor of the writing style I'm talking about:
When Auror Potter is anonymously cursed with silence by being forced to hide his own voice inside his mind, there's unfortunately only one person in the country with the qualifications to fix it: Certified and Licensed Healer Legilimens, Draco Malfoy, specialist in Mind Curses and Afflictions. It's obviously a terrible idea, a disaster waiting to happen, but Draco's never been able to back down from a challenge... especially from Potter. Features fuzzy cartoon slippers, devious house elves, 90s music, and lots—LOTS—of memories. Ron is annoyingly hot, Hermione sees right through you, Harry is a powerful idiot, and Draco is a reclusive masochist that would buy an entire city if it would make a kid happy. (And Pansy is "5'2, I wanna dance with you, and I'm sophisticated fun.")
Go read The Ordeal of Being Known on AO3.
Hit the Keep Reading!!!!!
Magical Elves:
The first person I want to highlight in this category is actually someone I've met in person at HP Cons and we've stayed in touch over the years in real life. *hugs darlin* You've probably seen @sassy-cissa's name as an author or maybe an email asking you about a fic for a fest but I'm betting most of you have no idea how much she's done for fandom for more than a decade and half, especially for Drarry fandom.
Let me list the ways in how awesome she is:
Current modding responsibilities:
25 Days of Draco and Harry (started in 2009) What 2009 ? Oh my! And do you know she reads each and every story posted for the fest and comments, too! HD Mpreg Fest – (started in 2011 – I've been modding since 2018) HD Fan Fair/Career Fair – co-modding since 2019)
Previous modding responsibilities:
Co-mod for H/D Erised from 2014 to 2018 Moderated the H/D Prophet from about 2016 to 2021
See that last one H/D Prophet. Take a look at the link just for a moment. Every Drarry WIP that was updated that week was listed, fests' status, drabble prompts, etc...Every single week. The prophet soon closed down after a few more months due to lack of participation (fandom had moved away from LJ).
Communities owned and/or Maintain:
On LJ: Slythindor100 and HarryDraco Mpreg On Tumblr: H/D Mpreg and Slythindor100
In addition, why yes there is more, Sassy writes, too, and beautifully! Sassy-Cissa (on AO3). Over 109 stories, mostly Drarry, some Hermione/Severus and a few Harry/Ginny...but as she put it....(but they usually end up divorced or Ginny dies). *snicker*
And she's on FanLore! And she also betas for some of the best.
So I know this is long but I just want folks to be aware of those working in the background, making our experience here in fandom enjoyable and filled with lovely content. They truly are magical elves. Sassy doesn't post much on Tumblr or on Discord but she does pop-in now and then. Next time you see her name, you'll now know who she is.
Tumblr Tidbit:
Did you know that you can edit the text below the Keep Reading line on your post and it will make the changes to all reblogs of your post. Edit above and sorry the reblogs will show the original. This comes in handy if you're making a Masterlist of works or something else that has lots of links or needs to be updated frequently.
Happy Tuesday and Sorry this was so late. My ancient computer decided to crash multiple times. Rom
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izumi-07 · 5 months
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Yan!CollegeRoomates Atsumu and Kiyoomi x OC [Anika Saddar]
Crushes are cute when your young and breaking into the scene but Anika always knew her luck would hit a wall eventually but shacking up with your overly sweet roommate and his all too perfect boyfriend should have been the height of her romantic endeavors killed for the semester but when things begin to unravel before her, her perfect crush and his perfect fiancé may be hiding more then just a few innocent dirty rumors behind their names
TW! non-con/dubcon, intimidation, blackmailing, bullying, forced proximity, domination, cunninglus, extremist traditionalism.
"Sorry sweetheart just needed that glass", he says as a hand lands on my waist pressing my backside to the very obvious bulge hidden beneath grey sweatpants.
"Was an accident baby you know I’m shit at laundry", a grin moulds conniving lips into something sultry as he hands me my dirty underwear back knowing full well, I had seen him inhaling the material like it was oxygen a few minutes ago.
"Tsumu’ and I had a fight...thought it would be fine if I just slept here", he says through lazy eyes and a morning voice that shouldn't be reserved for me as the light shines down across his face arm thrown over my torso and his hand is still settled beneath my shirt.
"Thanks for taking care of me doll, I really appreciate it", he says as he casually forgets he had gaslit me into staying beside him when it had been obvious, I had a date planned to take my mind of things.
"Ah right I just thought I’d take care of it myself you were sleeping so peacefully I didn’t want to wake you up", he says unfazed by the horror in my eyes at the fact he had stripped me naked and bathed my unconscious body with the excuse of it being my period, so it was completely fine for him to undress me I was certain that I couldn’t have possibly slept through it but he asserts he had tried to wake me up several times.
Once maybe I could have just brushed it off, given the circumstances that kept me tied to them I could ignore a lot of things the average person wouldn’t, twice possibly even it could be a mistake, but it just kept happening over and over again even after the deal we made it all seemed to replay in my head like a humiliating cycle like I somehow deserved it and for what? A stupid crush. A year ago I had been living a relatively dreamlike life studying forensics at Waseda University, it should have been the height of young naïve college girls dreams achieved but as an added godsend I was bunking with one of the most beautiful men I had ever had the pleasure of being in the presence of it was too perfect of a setup, Miya Atsumu was late to get into accommodations and opted to get his own place had I not grabbed the chance back then so hastily I probably would still be figuring out how to cram my entire life into the cabinet space that consisted of a dorm on campus grounds.
Atsumu needed a roommate to split the costs and I had jumped at the opportunity eager and ready to escape dorm life, he’d been ecstatic and for some time I loved the routine we had a selfish part of me liked to pretend he was more than just my roommate who wouldn’t want to pretend when the man was so sweet, handsome and ever so accommodating? When he took care of me beyond what a normal roommate let alone friend would do it was easy to let yourself get wrapped up in a fairytale, he had never said he was single or seeing someone I was too innocent to trust the actions of a man I hardly knew, I wanted to work up some courage to just ask him even if things got awkward I was prepared to risk my perfect daydreams for a shot at dating him, it had been around the end of our first semester of junior year and I had actually taken the time to get myself all dolled up only to look and feel like a complete idiot when I met him. "Oh, doll I forgot to mention we’d be having an extra guest meet my fiancé Sakusa Kiyoomi”.
Of course the first guy that seemed to have an interest in me turns out to be taken and by the most impossibly perfect boyfriend that looked as painfully beautiful as Sakusa Kiyoomi who could blame Atsumu? because really, anyone with half a brain could see how perfect the two fit together and it didn’t stop there in fact if I hadn’t been insecure about myself before I definitely knew I had no chance when Atsumu told me all about his fiancé. Sakusa Kiyoomi was a prodigy athlete who’d gone to one of the most prestigious high-schools in Japan, he made it to nationals every year since he was fourteen and had three consecutive wins under his belt, he then got accepted with a full ride scholarship program of his choosing to the private university I’d been rejected from twice that was exactly two hours away from the one I attended with Atsumu, he cooked; baked and was immaculately tidy and even gave amazing massages from what Atsumu said anyway, he had a relatively amazing social media presence despite how conservative he came off but with the way he looked I figured it wasn’t rocket science why he was already verified without even giving much interactions to his loyal followers.
Did I mention he was a model? for professional brands as a side job? I felt drained just looking up every growing list of reasons Atsumu's boyfriend seemed to be pulling out of thin air as to why I would never even seem like competition at all in comparison when you had a life like his insecurity never found its way past the boundaries, awards I didn’t know existed, family all well connected and extremely rich might I add. It was....humbling to say the least. After a weekend of moping, I decided it really wasn’t worth crying over, I tried to look at the upsides of my hot roommate’s boyfriend in my everyday life now that he was getting ready to move in.
I didn’t have to deal with any awkward accusations.
He was relatively tidy and kept to his own schedule.
I had the apartment to myself more often with the two having date nights and meeting friends of their own.
I had space....lots of space and time to do well....what I usually always did. Keep myself company.
Things had been going well since Kiyoomi moved in with us permanently, I couldn’t complain about much at all, having him around was easy as it had been with Atsumu but despite my acceptance I had a really unnerving feeling when Atsumu wasn’t around to melt the atmosphere into comfort, he watched me more intensely especially when Atsumu was around like everything I did was put on a magnifying glass under his dark eyes, Atsumu being Atsumu was generally a very touchy person which was the complete opposite of Kiyoomi, I assumed his staring was his way of showing he was deeply upset or uncomfortable with the way I behaved with Atsumu he had every right to be so, I decided that with Atsumu's annual physical check-up just around the corner it would be the best time to just confront the issue and move on.
But I had underestimated just how wrong I’d been about what I had assumed to be true. Kiyoomi had been making dinner and I’d mustered up the courage to just spit out what I felt needed to be said. "Hey Sakusa-san, lunch smells great is there anything I can help with?", "Not really everything’s just about done, grab a seat and I’ll serve us up". He looked unfairly perfect as usual without his signature face mask he insists using out of the house, seeing his bare face seems like a novelty in some ways to get to see all his sharp features displayed so strikingly. He was dressed casually so I assumed he would be staying in today, I hadn’t planned on that, the white sundress I had on was new and I’d hoped it wasn’t a risky choice for a blind date because for the first time I would be subjecting myself to being hooked up so to speak via friends of friends, sorting stuff out with Kiyoomi would probably be a little boost of confidence for the date I’d been planning for almost two weeks now that is to say everything went well.
"Actually, I was just heading out, and I just wanted to get some stuff off my chest if you have time of course?”, his eyes did that drag down motion, brows arching at me like he was amused more than judging, “You can talk to me about anything Anika and please once again…just call me Kiyoomi”, I laughed a bit awkwardly as I tugged at the hem of my dress, “Okay yeah so….this is going to sound so weird, but it’s been bothering me for a while now and I just thought sorting things out would ease my mind", he looked up from serving the second bowl and set it down with a somewhat eerie sort of calmness. "I don’t follow, have I done something wrong?", "No! Of course not I actually just assumed you might think I had been....gosh this is so embarrassing to say", my cheeks were so hot and now he was staring at me, "Anika if I truly have done something to offend you it’s really okay to tell me-", "I’m sorry", I blurted it out surprising him his features softening as he observed me now completely confused, “Look....I know you’ve been trying to give me signs that I need to back off a bit with Atsumu and I totally understand in fact I wanted to tell you that you don’t have to worry one bit, Atsumu is just being his usual friendly self and I would never-", his laughter the rich sound never ceases to make my bones quiver whenever he laughed, but for some reason his laughter made me feel embarrassed childish.
"Sweetheart, Oh Anika......your absolutely precious really I had been wondering why you seemed to be so on edge around me lately and now hearing you admit why leaves me at ease", I didn’t like the way he was acknowledging me he wasn’t even taking what I said seriously and then he walks over to me even in the yellow caged ankle heels I had on with their six inch lift it did absolutely nothing but elevate me to just below his chin. He folded his arms across the white shirt he had on, the veins in his arms were straining with his defined form and then I was looking at him eye to eye there was a cynical sort of look in the way he was surveying me now, "Baby I’ve known my boyfriend for a really long time, long before you walked into his life strutting your tight little ass around his apartment like you owned it, you think I didn’t know about your little puppy dog days before I showed up here? We tell each other everything sweetheart everything and before you think 'well maybe I’m not good enough for him' baby I know what he likes and what he doesn’t, how he likes to be fucked in the early mornings before practice down to the scars on his body and how he got them, we've met each other’s families, we have aligned paths in life like many couples do shortly before marriage becomes the endgame and I also know that if and I do mean in a hypothetically fucked situation if Miya Atsumu had to pick between loving me and choosing you I think we both know who’s taking priority after all-".
I bit back embarrassed humiliated angry tears meeting him eye to eye refusing to give him the satisfaction of backing down as his arm stretches out to hook around my waist, I lose the battle when he bunches my sundress up and melds our fronts together forcing me to plant my hands on his body his hand is dangerously close to a place I never wanted him or any other person for that matter to be much less without my consent. "-do you honestly think someone like Atsumu would be into someone as desperate as you? I mean honestly Anika; I thought you were cute when Atsumu told me about all your antics, but the sundress is a bit much isn’t it? And would you look at that-", he catches me in a bind and reverses our positions till I’m being forced towards the dining room table, he bends me over it easily as I struggle to keep my legs up. "-No panties? Maybe I should snap a picture and send it to Atsumu show him what a whore you really are beneath that pretty little good girl façade?", I’m mortified at his words his hand wraps my hair around his fist as the other bunches my dress up, I can’t let him get away with this even for him it’s too cruel. "Where the fuck were you even going dressed like this huh? No underwear, your wearing make-up and got all dolled up for what?", I wait till he’s close enough to slap him but he’s too fast and soon I’m getting shoved onto the table by him his black eyes are raging, skin turning a rosy hue from our struggling.
"You keep moving your legs and hands and I’ll tie you up like a fuckin hog till Atsumu gets home and I’ll make him walk you around this entire apartment on your hands and knees would you like that? Answer me!", I go stalk still and cover my mouth with my hands my entire body is shivering my make up is probably ruined and he’s about to do something that will change everything, I want to beg him not to but deep down inside me I feel so aroused my pussy hasn’t stopped clenching since he started touching me and the more, he shoves me around the wetter I can feel myself become. "Good girl now hold your legs up let me see you", I lift my legs up as high as I can raise them till he spreads them apart and groans at the sight of me, his actions contradicting everything he had been spouting just a few minutes ago. "Oh baby look at you, better than just getting to feel you when you sleep so fuckin pretty", he bends down to press a heated kiss to the flesh covered by material an insignificant barrier my body shivers at the action and then he takes a seat, his eyes are darker than they’ve ever been he maneuvers me till he can throw my legs over his shoulders and then his fingers tease my entrance, "You've never been with anyone have you?", I shake my head too afraid to be dishonest.
"Nothing to be ashamed of princess I know you’re a little virgin, you touch yourself just to get off and be done with it but that’s not how your supposed to pleasure yourself, Atsumu and I had each other to learn from but you didn’t have that, from now on I’ll teach you how to touch yourself but if I so much as hear someone else has been so much as kissing your cunt that isn’t me or 'Tsumu I’ll chain you to a bed for months naked and wanting for cock like a streetwhore for us to pump full every day, are we clear pretty girl?", I nod out of fear and horror and let him push two fingers into me I hiss at the intrusion I’ve never put my fingers inside myself like this, too embarrassed or just afraid Kiyoomi’s are long slender things that stretch me out and purge noises I didn’t know I could make from my throat. He has a hold on my thighs, lapping up my pussy like he’s starving and I can feel the end nearing I can’t help arching my back off the table my hands find their way into his hair as I swerve my hips onto his tongue it feels like my body is combusting like I was going to explode and I do so all over Sakusa Kiyoomi’s face, he doesn’t stop till I’m quivering and his kitten licks turn to kisses as he stands and leaves one last kiss to the side of my ankle.
"I’m so glad we had this talk Anika, really it makes me so happy to always come to a good compromise with you, now get off the table go wash yourself down and come have lunch like I asked you too when Atsumu gets home things are going to change and if you so much as try to run like I know your pretty head is contemplating doing, I have little memoirs stored for safe keeping of your gorgeous body all exposed and dolled up with our hands all over you, those pictures and videos will be sent directly to your chauvinist relatives I know your family has never wanted you to have this sort of life so imagine what they’ll do when they find out you’ve been sullied by not one but two men?", he doesn’t give a shit that I’m crying or that I’m horrified and scared he likes it he absolutely loves it and he licks his fingers off to further taunt me before turning his back on me.
After lunch I locked myself in my room and didn’t come out for hours, I didn’t know what I was going to do what was Kiyoomi's game? Was Atsumu like him as well? If he really did violate me while I slept and had pictures couldn’t that be used as evidence of sexual abuse? But I hadn’t fought him when I was on that table, I let him have his way even begged him for it. Suddenly the dreams I had looked forward to for so long were being slowly tainted by this new ugly grim reality, “Anika....baby girl its Atsumu, yeh mind opening up for me?", I can’t trust him I shouldn’t open the door but what else was I going to do? I couldn’t escape so long as Kiyoomi had those photos and I still didn’t know what he could want from me to even blackmail me into staying in the same house as them, "Just a second!", I got up and dapped at my tear streaked face with cotton pads soaked in cleanser, I needed to figure out the differences between these two and how I was going to delete those pictures and escape them for good.
I forced a smile onto my face when I finally opened the door hoping he just assumed everything was fine and he didn’t know what went down between Kiyoomi and I but by the look on his face he definitely knew. "You look all cosy sweetheart I hope I didn’t wake you up", he was barefoot and wearing his jogging outfit so he must have either come back from his night run with Kiyoomi or from late practice, “No, I was just lying down is something wrong?", he smiles and shakes his head,"Nah not at all I just wanted to ask if you wanted to come get some milk from the convenience store with me we’re almost out", I was about to decline when his hand latched onto my wrist his thumb calloused as it was massaged the inner joint of my hand his face was neutral but his eyes conveyed something like he was pleading me to just say yes, it wasn’t a demand it was like he genuinely wanted to speak to me,"Yeah I could use the fresh air give me a sec to get my shoes", he smiles and nods before leaving I couldn’t trust him I didn’t even have weapons just expired pepper spray one of my friends mom had given to me when she’d heard I lived with a male roommate, it wasn’t much but it was all I had as a safety precaution.
As I stepped out of the room, Kiyoomi was leaning against the kitchen counter watching me from behind the rim of the glass of milk he was drinking his eyes dark and seared into my soul like he was memorizing every inch of me,"Hey Omi we’ll be back in a few minutes you need anything else?", Atsumu catches hold of Kiyoomi kissing him pointedly on the lips but this time Kiyoomi keeps him in place deepening it I look away as I always have but there was a warning, whatever he said a few hours ago was just dirty talk he didn’t share and I’d be stupid to take anything he said as an invitation now more than ever did I realize how unsafe I really was. "Stay safe", he curved his lips into a cruel smile that I couldn’t bring myself to return and headed out the door after Atsumu.
"He really didn’t mean it, whatever happened it’s just Kiyoomi being an ass", we didn’t get milk, the second we got into the car his whole demeanour changed it was terrifying watching the mask fall apart he told me to empty my pockets my pepper spray was gone and then he took my phone. We drove at least two hours away from the apartments and to the shadiest looking strip bar I’d ever seen, to be fair I’d never been to that many strip bars and seen this much skin flouncing in my face wherever I turned, tight perfectly proportional bodies of every colour and woman under the sun eyed us expectantly, passing by like salacious sirens coupled with the random choruses of moaning and shitty music playing in the background drowned out the fact that this was not how I expected to spend an average Wednesday , "Does he really have...pictures of me?", he’s been nursing a negroni for the past five minutes and sighs before pulling out his phone and sliding it to me, "I wouldn’t recommend looking but I figured you would want evidence before we get to the part of your options after we leave this bar".
It was as degrading and yet not nearly degrading as I thought it would be, there were various videos of my body and face being displayed whilst the two of them dressed me in lingerie I would never afford let alone could imagine having the nerve to wear, I was partly lucid between awake and drugged, strange collars and other adornments you’d see in pornos with more budgets then others the kind with low lightning and interesting camera work, the pictures were angled to show them doing lewd things to me sometimes at once and as I finally slid the phone back I was afraid to ask the one question ringing loudest in mind most of all, “Nothing else happened doll I’m a monster but I want you awake when I’m inside you”, He expects the slap and smiles like it was light work despite the reddening side of his face, as I watch the bar resume from the short silence that had erupted from the outburst it was more prevalent now more than ever that he could easily choose to harm me and no one in here would bat at eye, he swallows another mouthful of alcohol, “I know it looks bad the idea was the make it all convincing but even Kiyoomi isn’t that much of a bastard, he needed enough to keep you in your place for what comes next that’s if your still going to listen", "I don’t have the choice to object do I?", he gives me a look one that tells me he’s tired like he could understand what I’m going through and it makes me angrier, "That's for you to decide darlin’ after you hear what I got to say".
It wasn’t a long story, Atsumu and Kiyoomi were from prominent families the sort of families that had questionable pasts and methods of living, the ones with perfect little suburban dreams and behind all that carefully convoluted existences they ruled the real work happened underground hoarding up all the blood money that put sons like Atsumu and Kiyoomi into the best schools in the country, empires of corruption built from the promises of a country that could barely take care of the people in it, Atsumu talks about his mother the woman he begged for years to leave their father who reigned over their family like some sort of monster in the shadows and as Atsumu grew he became jaded more eager to appear normal and wear the skin of someone with a perfect life then accept the reality, Kiyoomi for a time had been his saving grace some sort of angel so far from his grasp but also so perfectly understanding in his ways till he too became a shadow of the men who made them into what they were, golden hues of his eyes seem sorry like he means what he says and I falter when I know I shouldn’t, it was hard for them to be together almost an impossibility when born into that much burden and power to become two different versions of yourself.
"Kiyoomi won’t back down not even when the elders demanded he start looking for a wife", of course that was expected given their situation I was surprised that they were even openly dating in a world so careful with how they acted love like theirs was an outlier a problem, “He had alluded that your parents were fine with it though so why do the elders decisions matter so much?", "Our parents could care less who we loved they never were traditional so to speak maybe church every now and the, our mothers sore attempts at repentance while their husbands laid bodies in the streets but they sort of knew? They were even relieved we had said anything to begin with, but they aren’t the problem when you build an empire you go into debt lots of it and communities are hard to control with such a big aging population of backward elders who lorde over their descendants to horde wealth they ironically stole; cheated or fucked over to get their hands on, our fathers don’t have complete control over the clan successions, the elders have always had the last say of who led next so as long as they’re breathing Kiyoomi and I have to either abide by tradition or give up our right to a lot of inheritance that our father’s gave up too much to leave to someone else’s bastards to inherit by default, it’s all very archaic darlin' trust me I wouldn’t be askin you this if I wasn’t desperate".
That brings us to the reason why Kiyoomi had those blackmail incentives, "We need a wife and since bringing more than one woman into this mess just ain’t gonna cut it, Omi figured you’d be perfect for the role until he figured out how to get those geezers to shut up permanently", "And those pictures and videos get sent out if I don’t comply correct?", he turns to me his eyes surveying me for the first time tonight stretching back till his sweats stretched across thick thighs, "It won’t go anywhere if you could hypothetically speaking play a role for the next four years....give or take", give or take indeed and they were taking a lot, “It’s not really negotiating if your holding something over me to get me to agree is it?", "Then what will it take for you to agree...willingly", "Delete the photos and videos", he grins licks his lips like he wants to hide the secrets on his tongue, "Omi’s got them sugar, locked up in places he doesn’t even tell me about and hell I would delete them if I could always knew it was a shit idea and I personally rather not keep incriminating nudes of a random foreigner no matter how delicious she may look in lace”, he winks at my disgusted expression calling for the bill, “But he’s never giving that up unless you got something to exchange it with".
"Not even a box of milk really?", I'd wagered with Atsumu the only thing I could possibly give in order to gain what little freedom I still had that didn’t end with my naked body being broadcasted over the Internet forever. "Omi come on just listen to her", his dark eyes cast over Atsumu with a knowing gaze I felt like I shouldn’t be seeing, "I want the pictures and videos deleted", he looks at me and then to Atsumu a grin plastered on his face, "What? You eat her out too and suddenly you’re ready to be the moral saviour ‘Tsumu?". I feel the crushing grip before I can back away and I don’t dare look up at the blond probably fuming, “Oh relax ‘Tsumu, I did say we could share besides I’m sure our little Tsuma-to-be can accommodate her new grooms before the wedding?", he teases walking towards us cupping the side of my face as Atsumu's grip tightens. "I want it deleted Sakusa I have another proposition for you", "Oh? I didn’t know you were in a position to make demands?", "I’m not but your curious to hear me out anyway, right? For a laugh if nothing more?", his eyes survey me sparking with that same tinge of interest I knew he could never resist and then we had a long talk one that went into the early hours of the morning till he finally relented, and my four years of service began.
To ensure I would keep up my end of the deal there had to be something I was willing to part with in order to have those pictures and videos deleted so I handed over my documentation among the most important things like my passport and my physical ID all to Kiyoomi to keep until he no longer needed to keep up this act that kind of freedom was a risk to give up but it was one or the other and there was nothing more I could offer to his situation then that if I had any hope of escaping someday rather than being forced into a void of life I would never survive the weight of. The engagement would begin a long arduous process that tip-toed the edge of what would show the elders Kiyoomi and Atsumu were serious about this arrangement which did not technically violate the ideals of tradition given that taking a woman between them indicated more would come and thus more hypothetical heirs which secured their places as the next heads of their respective clans that already agreed to ally, I hated those visits especially because of the way those old assholes spoke of me like a baby machine that needed to be vetted before they deemed me worthy of honoring their lineages it just made my self-hatred for my failure to stand against Kiyoomi increase tenfold it was amazing how I was able to hold it all back behind complacent doormat smiles.
I didn’t like being around the apartment and since the lease didn’t renew for another six months, I only ever left my room for classes, essential runs, and the bathroom I had become very in-depth to the confines of my living space having spent a third of the semester inside of it. I didn’t speak much to my new captors not unless I needed to be ready for a family dinner, reunions or other clan sensitive events that were necessary for my presence to be at. We kept out of each other’s way, and I could see the next four years going smoothly if this was the new norm until things got weirder then usual and I suddenly found myself once again trapped between two roommates that probably had the means to kill me if they wanted to.
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roppongi-division · 6 months
Zakari's Thoughts on Third Members
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Saburo Yamada
"Saburo's another good friend of mine, though I'm not as close to him as I am to his older brothers. Still, it's kind of a shock that he's only in middle school considering how smart he is. It also doesn't help that he's the youngest person in the D.R.B., or that his birthday comes late in the year, like mine. But he's still a cool guy, despite his personality. I'm actually teaching him how to play games of chance. He's pretty good! Unlike Jiro, he's got a killer poker face!"
Rio Mason Busujima
"I met Rio while exploring Yokohama once. Normally, I try to keep within the city. Venturing on the outskirts is a bit boring since there aren't a lot of high places to jump from. But curiosity got the better of me, so I decided to head towards the woodlands. I certainly wasn't expecting to find someone living, least of all a former army official. He was pretty nice, though. We played a few card games, and he was surprisingly good. I don't know if he played before, or if he was good at keeping a straight face, but he actually beat me a few times. To thank me, he gave me some of his homemade food. I know it looked gross, but it actually tasted pretty good!"
Dice Arisugawa
"Ugh, I wish my parents would get off my back about Dice and me being friends. He and I are one and the same, so it's no surprise we're cool with each other. Apparently, they're afraid that he's going to drag me down with him. But how do they know it's not the opposite? How do they know I'm not the one dragging him down? But this is just one of those topics where the three of us agree to disagree. My dad says I can do what I want, but he's not responsible for what I do as a result. Gee, thanks pop."
"Besides that, it's because of Dice that I was able to meet Lucille. I know she was frustrated that I beat her, but now... well, we'll pretty happy with each other, even if I do know that she's probably biding her time to try to trap me in something. But hey, I'm looking forward to it!"
Doppo Kannonzaka
"This guy... he both infuriates and worries me. Why? Well, for one thing, I've seen what this guy can do when he's pissed off. He's got a surprisingly hot temper. So what I want to know is, why the hell doesn't he use that temper to knock the people who are bothering him at his job, huh?! I mean, if someone was bothering me as much as those folks at his job do, I would have gone off a long, long time ago! But no, he chooses to just go through with it! It's no wonder his boss and co-workers walk all over him! And then he has the gall to get upset at Dice for trying to earn money an easy way! Why don't you try changing you work environment before you judge someone, you cowardly piece of crap!"
"...Anyway, that's why this guy infuriates me. But the reason he worries me... it's because I'm afraid that I may have to become like him someday: a regular officer worker making minimum wage, doing the same crap every day. Sorry, but that's not for me. If the choice is between living like Doppo or living like Dice, I'll take Dice's way of living any day of the week."
Rei Amayado
"...I'll just say it plainly: I don't like this guy. I don't know what reason he has for abandoning his own sons, and I don't care. There is no excuse in the world for it. And then, after revealing yourself to your sons, instead of apologizing to them, you choose to just go back to doing what you've been doing, being a lapdog for the government, while conning people out of their funds. I know I bitched at Doppo, but at least that guy is working to earn his money, no matter how bad his work environment is. You should take a page out of his book, pal."
Hitoya Amaguni
"I don't know Hitoya all that well. When I go to Nagoya, it's mainly to hang out with Kuko and Jyushi. Hitoya sometimes joins in, but it's more out to keep an eye on us than actually trying to participate. He reminds more of a grumpy uncle than anything. ...I wonder what would happen if Kuko and I started calling him that. Oh, the look on his face! We've got to try that out sometime!"
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nellie-elizabeth · 3 months
Grey's Anatomy: Keep the Family Close (20x02)
"Discretion is my middle name. Actually, it's Elaine." Yasuda, I love you. Let's dive in!
Schmitt and his patient Dante call it "The Great Bake-Off" instead of "The Great British Baking Show" or "The Great British Bake-Off" and I'd just like to lodge a complaint on that. What the hell? Who says that?
Link and Jo's subplot this week is about Link being more romantic and sentimental, and a somewhat joke-y exchange where Link is offended that Jo doesn't remember the details of how they met. In the end, Jo makes a romantic meal and lights candles to reinforce that she appreciates the romance in their relationship. There's nothing offensive about this necessarily, but it just feeds into the worst vibes I have about this pairing. It feels forced, it feels proscribed, it feels like they need to come up with over the top sappy moments to try and convince the audience that they're really in love. And I'm not convinced. I did kind of like the Amelia and Jo scene, though. I think it's sweet that Amelia clocked the relationship issue and took a risk by saying something.
I love the concept of the interns having to complete a bingo of basic procedures to earn their spot back in the OR. It adds a level of comedy and competition to them, carrying through a theme we've seen with these five interns since the beginning. But it also gives an opportunity for our characters to grow. Of the five interns, I think Blue is still distinguishing himself as my favorite. It's an easy but effective trick, to have him be seemingly callous and disconnected from the humanity of his patients, but then to learn his lesson and speak to the family of a young man who got shot, with such compassion and care. Bailey clocked that growth in him; it seems like Kwan is one to keep our eye on.
Teddy is, as always, far more tolerable as a character when she's not partnered with Owen for her scenes, and Yasuda is so dang charming that I actually ended up really liking the stuff with the two of them in this episode. Teddy insisting that she's totally okay and then bursting into tears when prompted by Yasuda to really register the reality of her near-death situation, was both funny and touching. I also like Teddy trying to help Yasuda with her check-list of procedures on the sly. It doesn't really work out in Yasuda's favor, but it's cute idea, having the Chief of Surgery trying to give her a leg up.
One last note on Yasuda: her and Helm going at it to open the episode made me smile; happy for these two! I hope we can give Helm more to do as a character this season, she feels perpetually just off to the side of the main action. I also loved the contrast between them going hot and heavy, and Amelia talking to her cat.
Schmitt is still the cutest character to me. I really liked the vibes with Dante, and I hope that can maybe turn into something for him! It was fun to see Schmitt being so cool and professional about the HIV diagnosis while also creating a personal bond. He's grown so much from the baby queer who was kissing a man for the first time just a few years ago. I'm excited to see where this goes.
It was so good to see Ben, I feel like it's been forever, since he's off doing cool stuff over on the spin-off that I refuse to watch. I liked him giving advice to Bailey that these interns might be different and stand up for themselves more than she's used to. And I liked the conclusion, too, that Bailey is the one who has changed, actually. But Ben makes an apt comparison between being a parent and taking over the residents: Bailey has done it before, and she knows when to put her foot down, and when to hold a hand.
I honestly really liked the Lucas and Simone scene at the end. Because I totally get where Simone is coming from, she's been through such a lot of chaos recently and she's genuinely trying to do the right thing by backing off and letting Lucas know that now isn't the right time for them. But... the second Lucas gets mad, you realize that he's... kind of right. Like, extremely right. Simone has been very selfish throughout this rough patch and has not appreciated how much she's been hurting Lucas by jerking him around and then turning to him when she needs some comfort. It's a complicated situation: I agree with Lucas that Simone has behaved poorly, but I don't hate her for her behavior either. They agree on one thing, that she definitely needs to get her shit together. Lucas claims he won't be waiting for her when she does, but I suppose only time will tell.
I got actually emotional about Amelia reaching out to Winston. Like I teared up a little bit. I've realized recently that an easy emotional trigger for me in fiction is when characters are lonely and bravely try and form connections with those around them. (Let's not analyze why this might hit me particularly hard lol). And this was just a prime example of that: Amelia calling Winston her family, acknowledging their rough patch but hoping that they can stay family anyway. Winston agreeing to go eat at Joe's was a lovely little capstone as well. I'm proud of Amelia for realizing she's having a rough time and making concrete moves towards improving that for herself.
Generally speaking I think Jules ranks last for me in terms of my interest level in the new intern characters, but I did like the general plot of this big extended family and their wacky and dangerous baseball game. It's so unrealistic to have a doctor suddenly snap and tell a family to get their shit together, but whatever, it made for a fun moment from Jules, and I liked her grudging acceptance and low-level horror at being named the MVP for speaking the truth.
As always, lots of plot threads going on, plenty to keep me interested. I hope we can see some romances blossoming between Schmitt and Dante, and more with Yasuda and Helm: love to see those queer relationships on this show, and also it means we can focus on love stories less boring and aggravating that Link/Jo or Owen/Teddy.
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remimibanana · 11 months
AVCon Day 1 2023 Report
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I had the opportunity to go to AVCon this year, a convention in Adelaide that made its return this year! It was my first ever anime convention, and it was a whole load of fun!
I went with Pie @piedivide, a good friend of mine! He cosplayed 9S, you’ll see him throughout the report hehe ^^
The report is under the cut!
Since I was going to a convention, I thought I should cosplay! When else would I have the chance to after all?
There were so many characters I wanted to cosplay, but at the end I chose…..
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Bocchi-Chan from Bocchi The Rock!
Here is my beautiful pose I did because I couldn’t think of any other pose lol
Her wig was an absolute nightmare though, it was always so tangled even when I brushed it out, I’m definitely going for a character with shorter hair next time.
Exhibit A:
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See that mess lol
But regardless, let’s actually get into it!
I got my butt up at 6am in order to get ready, since I wanted to get to the convention around 10am (spoiler alert I did not manage to get there by 10am).
I tied my hair back here because I was worried about sitting on the wig and pulling it off, but honestly I probably didn’t need to lol
Since the convention is in the city, I had to catch the train.
In full cosplay.
It didn’t help I forgot the timetables change on the weekends so I had to wait like 30 minutes at the station for the train to come with my mum lol
People were staring which was understandable, I was Bocchi after all with her bright pink hair and colourful costume lol
Lucky for me, there was a Yuyuka cosplayer and a few others also in cosplay so I felt less embarrassed.
The Yuyuka cosplayer actually sat behind me on the train!
Once I got to the station, I went straight to the bathroom to brush out my wig because it was a hot mess.
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Still was a hot mess here actually lol
Con Time!
I met with Pie after my attempts of fixing the wig and we headed to the convention! So we got there like after 11am!
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There was a okay line and we waited, and of course me being me, instantly started freaking out about all the cosplayers and pointing out who was who lol
Like right when we got to the line, I saw a Kagamine Rin cosplayer and I freaked out lol
There was a very pretty Mona too and I freaked out again lol
I did a lot of freaking out okay. That’s just how I am. You can’t expect me to stay calm at an anime convention! That’s like…impossible.
We were holding our phones with the QR code for our tickets and it was hard to believe we were here.
Pie and I sort of spontaneously decided to go like 8 months ago and I never thought the day would finally come. As we got closer and closer, it became more and more real.
Once we got in, we got our passes and we headed straight into the food hall (only because we had no idea where was what and we couldn’t be bothered getting out the map so it was a fun adventure lol).
I'm so glad we got passes! I thought we would get the paper tag but no! Real passes! Felt so cool!
Continuing straight, we arrived into the Video Games Hall, which had a giant stage and a lot of laptops! And right on the side was….handhelds?!
Whole bunch of games and consoles for sale, ranging from the N64 to the Wii! PlayStation 1! 3DS! DS! I was surprised, I didn’t think that I’d see any Wii games at the convention.
My hard drive I use with my Wii actually stopped working so I’ve been buying physicals of the games I really like ;;
And lo and behold, they had Mario Kart Wii. The one game I’ve been looking for since like….2021? Now I can play CTGP and mods!!
Instantly bought it along with Wii Sports Resort because I love Wii Sports Resort. Been wanting to play it.
And it was right there and I couldn’t resist okay
Already managed to spend money and I just got there lmao
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It is what it is.
Anyway, we continued through the hall, admiring all the games. It was just all so cool! I saw Street Fighter 6 and went :O
There was also a giant Game and Watch System!
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I was mostly in awe the whole time. I also continued my freaking out lol
Then we exited to the Artist Alley. The holy grail of art. There were over 90 artists there.
Hoo boy I dropped money here lmao
We beelined to Kamaniki’s booth (I freaked when I saw their name on the map lol), but also taking the time to walk and see all the art! Everyone is so talented, it’s incredible!
We found Kamaniki’s booth and we each bought two prints. I got Pyra and a Bocchi the Rock one!
Pie and I decided that we had to buy a print with our respective characters on it, and we did! Pie got a Nier Automata one that had 9S on it.
We then continued our trek, and then I bought more prints because I couldn't resist lol
We then went to the Exhibition Hall which was full of anime merch! There were stalls everywhere.
We saw Callie and Marie plushies and guess what we did….
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We bought them instantly lol
I got Callie and Pie got Marie!
Then we walked around some more and oh my god they had Hololive gacha. Volume 4 and 5. I made this screech and Pie laughed his head off lmao
I love Hololive okay
I thought we needed coins for it (which I did not have) but we had to buy tokens (which I could with the power of my card). I bought two rolls and did each Hololive gacha!
I tried to predict who I would get but I was very wrong haha, but I didn’t mind who I got. I like everyone in Hololive!
I got Lui and Marine! Love them so much.
Pie did a Spy X Family one and a Hololive one too. He actually nearly did the wrong gacha until I yelled at him not to lol (you’re welcome Pie lol).
I saw a stall that was operated by my Uni (they’re a sponsor) and it made me think about the fact I had Uni the next week ;;
Then we walked around some more! It was so cool seeing so much merch in one place! Had to resist buying stuff, I already spent quite a bit at this point aha
After we decided to go get some food because we were hungry.
We wanted to try Takoyaki but they ran out, all they had left was Karaage Chicken. It was really good!
We had to wait for like…20 minutes for it which was fun. I was 47th and they only announced like...30…..
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Us waiting lol
Someone actually came up to me asking for a photo during that time and I was really happy!
Never thought I’d get asked for any photos honestly. It made me so happy! Pie got asked for photos too, it was so cool!
Actually someone came up to Pie and said “Hey I really like your 2B costume!” which was really hilarious lmao
Of course Pie was kind and stuff and said thank you but still lol
And Pie also asked for photos as well!
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Love the poses here hehe
I had the bright idea to torture myself by using chopsticks. I know how to use them, but I’m absolutely crap at using them.
I also had a fork so I could give up at any time. Like halfway through, I decided to just use my fork. I reached out to grab it, thinking I would be saving myself all the struggle.
But tragedy struck.
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I was forced to use the chopsticks the whole time and Pie just watched me suffer
I’m a chopsticks failure……
After I finally finished, we went to get some photos together! For this occasion, I bought a tripod! It came in handy!
We took a lot of photos!
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Some of the ones I like (I would put them all but no space sadly, Tumblr limit ;;)
My eyes also decided to kill themselves half way through and I had to retreat to the bathroom. I looked like I was crying when I wasn’t ;;
My eyes like to do this thing where if something irritates it, it starts tearing up immediately. It’s very fun (T_T)
I think it was after this, I saw a Mizuki from Arknights cosplayer. Didn’t expect to see Mizuki here but I freaked out of course lol
I love Mizuki.
And I really wanted a photo. But I was too shy to ask.
So Pie did for me (thank you Pieeeee)
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Namie-mama I did it!! They were so kind!
Then we just walked around for the rest of the con pretty much, though all the halls. Bought some more prints and simply enjoyed our time!
When it was nearly the end of the con, we decided to buy each other one print that the other would like. We split off, and I went bounding down the left side of the Artist Alley.
I didn't even go that far when I saw the perfect print. It was a beautiful BOTW print with Link riding a horse. It screamed Pie so I bought it immediately.
The artist even offered another print for another $10 but I declined because we were only meant to get one print for each other.
So I sat and waited at the area we agreed to meet at since I already found the perfect print quicker than I anticipated.
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Picture I took while waiting.
More people asked me for photos actually to my surprise, there was this little kid who wanted a photo with me and it was so adorable. Made my heart warm hehe ( ◠‿◠ )
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Like so! I heard "Bocchi" from behind me and I'm like "Huh??" “That’s me!”
I honestly wished I got more pictures with cosplayers, I was too shy to ask like anyone lol, next time I really want to ask people! Got to be more confident!
But I did admire them from afar! Staring a bit creepily but that’s definitely what Bocchi would do lol
There were these Genshin cosplayers that looked amazing, especially this Yaoyao and this Arlecchino and Columbina!!
And I saw Mew Ichigo too!! Apparently they made their cosplay themselves which is sick.
I didn’t take that many pictures of the convention itself, since I was mostly just experiencing everything, taking it all in. Next time I want to take more!
And make a vlog too!
Definitely want to go to another convention again! And spend way too much money (I refuse to look at my bank account, I don't want to know how much I spent lol).
Thanks for reading my report! ^^
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Bocchi is having a crisis
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lifetimeshipper · 3 months
Life's New Adventures and Secrets
Chapter 20
The next day, Steeljaw got up and went out to get everything settled for his and Strongarm's anniversary, "Soundwave, you still got the coordinates to the place I told you?" Steeljaw asks as he walks up to the Alchemor where Soundwave is. Soundwave nodded, showing him the coordinates, "Good, now to get everything there and all set up for tonight."
Soundwave left to get everything ready before stopping for a moment to glance at Razorclaw who was standing at the doorway, "Is there anything I can do?" Razorclaw asked.
"Yeah, you can help us carry the stuff over," Steeljaw tells him while handing him a couple of things to carry.
Razorclaw looked at the items before following Soundwave, "What is this stuff?"
"A blanket and a few light rods."
"For what?"
"For a romantic picnic I got planned for me and Strongarm. It's our fifth anniversary and I want to do something romantic."
"Why plan a picnic? What's an anniversary?"
"An anniversary marks the day when we got together, we mated on this night five years ago, and it's not really a picnic. We'll just be sitting on the blanket while drinking Energon and looking at the stars."
"Oh, that must be nice."
"Yeah, just don't tell Strongarm, it's a surprise."
"OK. How did you two meet?"
"We met in some woods. I was looking for other 'Con criminals to join me because I wanted to build an army so I could take over this planet and I came across a pod with one still inside. I was getting ready to slash it open and free him when Strongarm came across me and yelled at me to put my claws in the air, that's when we first saw each other but she was trying to arrest me and I was trying to stay free."
"That's an interesting way to meet someone," he chuckled.
"Yeah," he said with a chuckle, "We did get into a fight, I attacked her and knocked her out then took her captive and tried to get her to tell me about her base and the other Autobots."
"Did you try sweet-talking her like you would with other femmes?"
"Of course, but she didn't fall for it so I was left with attacking her instead."
"Then what happened?"
"Sideswipe and the human Russell came and while Sideswipe pretended to be a 'Con to distract me Russell released her. I chased Sideswipe through the woods and when we went back to where she was she did a surprise spin kick, kicked me right in the face, and knocked me into a tree."
"Ow, that had to hurt. Did they capture you?"
"No, I got away, and I got into other fights with them where I tried to dispose of Bumblebee, Sideswipe, and Grimlock."
"You never tried to dispose of Strongarm?"
Steeljaw thinks for a moment, "Actually, no I didn't."
"Why not?"
"I think I always kind of liked her ever since our first meeting, it intrigued me that she didn't fall for my sweet talk and charms as all other femmes did. There was one fight we had where one of the 'Cons I was with was supposed to dispose of her but failed."
"That is interesting. And you've been together for five years?"
"Yep, and the one time I tried to dispose of her myself was when I started falling in love with her because she beat me and outsmarted me." Razorclaw stared at Steeljaw in awe, wishing that he could find someone for himself. Yes, he had other mates but he wasn't even attached to them like Steeljaw was with Strongarm. "You alright?" Steeljaw asked.
"Y-yeah, I was just thinking."
"About what?"
"Almost all of you have someone special, something that brought you together. Me? I have nothing."
"You'll find your special one, trust me I never thought I would settle down with a mate, never thought I would ever fall in love until I met Strongarm. You'll find the one to help you settle down as well."
"Is this everything?"
"Yeah, this is everything."
They walk through the Ground Bridge to head back to the scrapyard and are greeted by Strongarm, "What are you guys doing? I heard you've been going through the Ground Bridge a lot."
"Nothing, just patrolling in different areas," Steeljaw replied as he pecked her on the cheek.
"Sure you were. So, what are we doing tonight?"
"You'll see," he whispered before heading out of the scrapyard.
"Why must he keep this a secret?"
"Not sure," Razorclaw replied.
"Anyways, how are you doing Razorclaw?"
"I'm alright, I'm not sure what I should be doing. I feel like everyone doesn't trust me. Rightfully so."
"No, not everyone here trusts you or wants to be around you, but just give them time. Steeljaw, Thunderhoof, and Soundwave had trouble fitting in at first too. In fact, Steeljaw and Thunderhoof were only accepted because they're mates with me and Metalsound. But don't worry they'll all come around eventually, until then you have me and Steeljaw."
"Thank you."
"No problem," she smiles at him before walking off.
"Guys wait for me!"
Razorclaw moved out of the way as the boys ran past him, but he was quickly knocked over by Emberwing who was in her beast form, sending both of them to the ground. "Hey, are you alright?"
"I'm okay. I'm sorry for running into you," Emberwing replied as she shook the dust off of her.
"No worries," Razorclaw says getting up and dusting off.
"What's your name?"
"Razorclaw. What's yours?"
"Nice name."
"Thank you. Oka-san said that it's a combination of both of my grandfathers' names, Emberstorm and Dreadwing."
"Oh, cool."
"How did you get your name?"
"I think because I have razor-sharp claws."
"I have sharp claws too, see," Emberwing lifted one of her paws showing him her two claws, "Best of all I can make them longer if I want to."
"I think all Wolf-Cons can do that."
"Emberwing! Where'd you go?" Seajumper called for the femme.
"I'm over here," she replied.
The boys run over to where she is, "You're the new Wolf-Con," Seajumper stated.
"His name's Razorclaw," Emberwing introduced the new mech to her friends.
"Cool name. I'm Nightback and this is Seajumper," Nightback introduces.
"It's nice to meet you two."
"Nice to meet you too."
"What were you doing anyway?"
"We were playing a game."
"What kind of game?"
"It's called tag, it's a human game we learned."
"Yeah, it's a game where you run after each other trying to tag them."
"Would you mind if I watched? I would like to know how this game works."
Before any of them could answer they heard a snarl, "No." They all looked over to see Metalsound walking over to them. She tries to be vicious toward the mech but he can see her trembling slightly, "I'm gonna ask that you stay away from my daughter."
"Metalsound, I'm sorry for what my brother and I did. I hope that one day you and your mate can accept my apology," Razorclaw says before walking off.
Metalsound watched him walk away before transforming into her bot form, "What were you three doing being near him?"
"What? We were just talking to him, he seems nice," Nightback replied.
"Even though he seems nice you still have to be careful," she told the three sparklings, "He's done some bad things."
"So has my dad and Thunderhoof and Soundwave but they're different now and more accepted among the group," Nightback states.
"Just please stay away from him until we get things sorted out," she countered as she walked off, beckoning her daughter to follow. With her helm hung low, Emberwing whispered goodbye to her friends before following her mother.
"I'm sure Razorclaw can fit in, he just needs to do something to show that he can be trusted," Nightback tells Seajumper.
"Yeah, but what?"
"Not sure."
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densi-mber · 1 year
Meant to Be
A/N: I’m taking advantage of this prompt to continue yesterday’s story. Once again, suggested by @mashmaiden.
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“What’s next on the agenda?” Kensi asked, peeling down the paper wrapping on her burrito. She sat beside Deeks, Rosa on his other side as they peered at the very thorough plan he’d arranged for today’s college visit.
They’d set up a little picnic outside the same fountain she’d stopped by during her own visit so many years ago. A lot had changed since then, but the park and fountain remained the same.
“After we finish eating, I want to show Rosa the pre-law department and introduce her to a few faculty,” Deeks replied. He was practically radiating excitement, which seemed to be transferring to Rosa. Over the course of the morning, she’d become more enthusiastic, and even opened up more about her career preferences.
“Not the one who called you a worthless hippy, right?” Rosa checked, a little apprehensively.
“Definitively not. He retired years ago, thank god.”
“Oh good.” Rosa sighed in relief. “That sounds fine. Then maybe we can visit the art department.”
“We can definitely do that. Ooh, and we have to stop off for ice cream before we leave,” Deeks said. “So what do you think, you want to come here, right?”
“Babe, don’t pressure her,” Kensi protested, lightly smacking his shoulder with the back of her hand.
“It’s ok,” Rosa assured her with a smile. “I’m making a list of pros and cons for every college we visit. I promise I won’t make any hasty decisions.”
“Well in that case, my alma mater is pretty good too. I bet I could get you a private interview with the president.” Kensi gave Rosa a pointed look.
“True, but I’d argue the law program isn’t quite as good,” he argued.
“You know, I actually thought about coming here,” Kensi shared. “I got as far as writing my acceptance letter.”
“What made you change your mind?” Rosa asked curiously.
“I received a full-ride scholarship to Cornell.” She shrugged. “I couldn’t really afford to turn it down.”
“Miss Fancy Pants,” Deeks teased with a fond wink. “I only got tuition covered. Which I’m of course very grateful for.” He shot Kensi a warning look, probably just in case she felt compelled to mention how he closed the financial gap.
They were quiet for a few minutes while they dug into their food, and Kensi continued to look around the campus. It felt strange to think that she had ever been as young as Rosa, or the students scurrying around, making decisions that would impact the rest of her life.
“The day I came here, I got really lost,” she reminisced.
“Kensi Marie Blye admitting a weakness? Shocking.”
“Shut up. I was 17 and the map they gave me was awful.” Turning to face Deeks, she continued. “I bet you got lost your first day too.”
“Maybe,” Deeks allowed. “But by my second semester, I was a tour guide and I learned all the secrets. I was like a muggle Fred and George Weasley.”
“It’s funny you should mention that, because a tour guide helped me out.”
Deeks frowned, a look of dawning realization crossing his face. “Wait, what did this guy look like?”
Kensi had to force her mind back twenty or so years. “Uh, tall with long blonde hair, blue…no.” Kensi dropped to a shocked whisper, staring at Deeks in disbelief. “You were the guy.”
“And you were the girl who almost hit me,” Deeks finished.
“Why did you try to hit him?” Rosa cut in, sounding intrigued.
“I did not almost hit him, and if I did, it was because he surprised me.”
“You also flirted with me.”
“That was just me being friendly,” Kensi insisted.
“You know what, I think we should talk about that hair.” She turned to Rosa. “It was shoulder length.”
“Ok, that’s a bit of an exaggeration and long hair was in style.”
“Do you have any pictures?” Rosa asked eagerly.
“No, not from around then,” Kensi said with a hint of regret. “But I’m sure Roberta does.”
“That is absolutely not necessary,” Deeks said, taking a long drink from his cup. He shook his head. “I can’t believe I forgot I met you before.”
“Well, it was only for a few minutes, and we never exchanged names.” She leaned over and smoothed a tiny speck of hot sauce off his cheek, kissing the corner of his mouth. “The fact that you took the time to help out a lost teenager just further proves what a good guy you’ve always been.”
“It’s almost like it was meant to be,” Rosa mused with a dreamy smile. “Fate.”
“I can work with that,” Deeks said, tipping Kensi’s chin to kiss her in earnest.
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utilitycaster · 2 years
I really liked the metaphor you used to explain the whole Imogen/Laudna situation. I was wondering for a while why these two characters who clearly cleared for each other felt lacking in a way and your explanation really clicked. Everything was IMPLIED and nothing was SAID and sometime you need to SAY what's IMPLIED. Do you think there's a narrative way to solve this? I keep thinking all they really need is to actually say and maybe give an example of how important they are(mayhap a flashback)
So actually...I feel like the problem is that everything is being said, but there's none of the little implications to back it up! It feels very "tell and not show" to me - we see Imogen and Laudna yelling each other's names in anguish and saying they're best friends, but there's no inside jokes, no little anecdotes of this one time when they were in a little village a few days outside of Jrusar, no "oh, right, you don't like pickles." None of the little things that signal "these two people know each other, and have for some time."
Think about how Molly talks about how Yasha's always leaving for a bit and coming back; or how Nott and Caleb had the list of all of the cons that they could run with code names; or how Jester asks Fjord when he'll stop talking like Vandran. Those are all more implications than outright saying "these two people have history" - but that's what's missing from Imogen and Laudna. Because history isn't just the big story beats of "We met in Gelvaan, we hit it off really well, Laudna knows about Imogen's dreams, Imogen knows vaguely about Delilah, and a few months ago we made it to Jrusar, helped out Zhudanna, and became her tenants"; it's also the nearly two years that are a complete blank. What were some of the things they talked about in their travels? Did Laudna ever sew up a tear in Imogen's skirt? Did Imogen calm down a horse that was on the loose on the road and the farmer let the two of them stay in his barn as thanks? Was there one town that they really enjoyed staying in? Why? Did Imogen distract people while Laudna stole, or vice versa, or did they switch off? Imogen says she's "still" not used to Pate; what was it like the first time Laudna brought him out?
I don't think a full flashback would make sense, but it's something that isn't too hard to fix! If Laura and Marisha have a list of inside jokes or little things they knew about each other like the things I suggested above, and they just haven't brought them up, introducing those things gradually would do a lot of work towards making the relationship seem much more realized and earned. And, to be honest, if they didn't, that's just as easy to fix by taking a few hours and coming up with that list now; we, the viewers, won't know the difference.
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theteablogger · 2 years
The Wal-Mart Parking Lot Sex Incident
That’s a hell of a subject line, isn’t it?
I’m working on the timeline again for the first time in five fucking years. The last time I touched it, I got through the aforementioned incident and then needed a  mental health break. I did not intend for it to last this long. But a lot of big, complicated real-life things happened that kept me very busy, and when I did have any free time, sitting down with my latest embroidery project and a true crime podcast beat slogging through Andy’s old Tumblr posts hands down. I always intended to come back to it, though. Andy wrote and did some pretty fucked-up things from 2013 onward, and the fact that it was so long ago and much of it happened on Tumblr doesn’t mean that it isn’t important to know about now. There’s dogwhistle racism, rape apologism, transphobia, lies and fauxpologies galore, abusive behavior toward friends, creeping on much younger people, and more. I’m trying to be as concise as possible, but it isn’t easy. 
As sort of a preview, and to show that Part VI of the timeline really is underway, here are the entries for the Wal-Mart Parking Lot Sex Incident of March 2013. NSFW. Contains fatphobia and lookism.
2013 March 16 Andy writes that his “big problem with no” has caused him to have sex with a person he met at Wal-Mart, to whom he was not attracted in any way—in fact, he didn’t even want to talk to this person and hopes never to see her again. He says he did it “because [he] felt too guilty about how behind [he is] on [his] fanfic obligations and the fact that…[he] can’t call [his] friend when she’s sad.” This is, in my opinion, a passive-aggressive means of making people feel guilty for wanting anything from him as a writer or a friend. He claims that he has a history of doing things like this not because he needs validation, but because he selflessly wants to validate other people and give them pleasure. This story is questionable, to say the least.
Andy receives two anonymous asks that point out that he’d never mentioned his alleged history of ill-judged one night stands until he started watching SPN and started over-identifying with Dean. He responds by taking offense on Dean’s behalf and his own, invoking Brittany’s murder, and claiming that the sexual encounter at Wal-Mart was “in fucky consent territory”.
When an anon asks why Andy feels that the sexual encounter at Wal-Mart was not consensual, he replies, “Because I said yes but I didn’t actually want it. It was consent, but not good consent.” It is unclear whether he means that the other person was in some way responsible for this. He then guilt-trips the anon as if they had accused him of lying.
As he begins to receive more critical asks about the Wal-Mart story, Andy attempts to shame people into shutting up and leaving him alone. He gives a litany of reasons why he’s having a hard time emotionally, including
the loss (six months ago) of the box of his and Brittany’s “important things” that he left in South Dakota and made no attempt to retrieve for over two months
his failure to finish writing A Peccatis
not many people reading his DAYDverse fics anymore
having his phone cut off because…
he gave all his money to a friend (guilt trip!) and can’t pay the bill
two of his family’s cats died within the last few months and his fish also just died
he’s supposedly banned from GISHWHES and conventions because someone told Misha’s “people” and Creation Entertainment that he’s a con artist
his sister is visiting
he’s having a hard time writing SPN meta at the moment
He also expands on the story, saying that he performed oral sex in the parking lot, on a person “[he] could hardly stand to look [at] who stank and oozed stuff under their gut fold”. This is quite a troubling description, coming from someone who claims to be “pan-aesthetic” and to have love and compassion for literally everyone in the world. It hits on three very harmful stereotypes: that fat people are ugly and undesirable, that they stink, and that they have terrible hygiene. This is fat-shaming, and it’s all the more disturbing given that he has a number of close female friends (current and former) who are plus-size. Andy also alleges that this mystery woman thought he was sixteen, which would indicate that she is an ephebophile. It’s worth noting that he seems to have a preoccupation with looking young (sometimes complaining about it and sometimes boasting), and has said that “no non-ephebophilic woman in [his] own age range would consider [him] a sexual being.”
March 17 CFC reassures Andy that he can still get back on the “no wagon” and move on with life. He responds that at least he did “make someone feel more worthwhile and valued,” glossing over the fact that according to his story, he was violently repulsed by this woman during the whole of their interaction, and afterward fat-shamed her on the internet. If the story is true, then at best, what he gave her was disgusted pity.
In response to an anon challenging the veracity of the Wal-Mart story, Andy provides more detail, which only makes the story more implausible and makes him look worse. Allegedly, a conversation about non-dairy milk substitutes turned into a grown woman, a stranger, pouring out her heart to Andy, who immediately told her (not “asked”, told) that they were going to have coffee right then and there so she could tell him more. While an earlier post seemed to indicate that this woman thought he was sixteen when they had sex, he now says that she made the comment about his age before they had coffee together, and he told her he was about twice that age. He says, “She felt unwantable, like…she’d never be someone who someone else could desire.” So Andy, the savior of women’s self-esteem, had oral sex with her in the parking lot in order to “make her feel like she mattered.” Then he came home and informed the internet that she was right, and the whole time he was with her, he secretly thought she was hideously ugly, smelly, and unwashed. “Happens to me all the time,” he says.
March 18 Someone calls Andy out for fat-shaming the woman he allegedly had sex with at Wal-Mart. Andy tells them that actually, the story wasn’t fat-shaming at all, and he immediately suggests that the anon is truly at fault. But the anon doesn’t say that a bad smell and “stuff oozing from under their gut fold” are “inevitable on larger women”, or that Andy “find[s] larger women gross”—Andy brings those ideas up on his own. This, and his patting himself on the back for finding some fat women attractive, are meant to shift attention away from the fact that Andy is the one who used harmful stereotypes to describe the Wal-Mart lady in the most unflattering terms possible.
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