#I am working on it with someone (s) who has some knowledge of the system
The way substance abuse has been handled on the show thus far genuinely upsets me and reeks of writers who either 1.) don't understand the subject matter they're presenting and haven't done even the bare minimum to research it or, worse, 2.) simply don't care.
Apologies for the slight rant incoming, your comment about how it has been mostly "handled" off-screen got me going because that's 100% true and in that truth is such a missed opportunity for the show. The way it has been handled winds up feeling incredibly shallow and juvenile at the end of the day, especially for a piece of media that is attempting to present itself as "adult" and navigate multiple incredibly sensitive topics. I'll try not to get into my own personal experiences and will speak broadly, but the show uses substance abuse more as a cheap character flaw to poke fun at or something to magically handwave away when it is inconvenient, rather than the life-altering, debilitating illness that it is.
Nothing about Angel's use is ever meaningfully explored. It's so (apparently) unimportant to his arc and development that one rude comment from Husk (a character who ALSO has a problem with gambling and alcohol that is never addressed) is all it takes for him to suddenly "resist temptation" and be shown as "recovered" (unless I'm misremembering). Or was he suddenly going to counseling off-screen too and its just another thing that will be told to us rather than shown? And how does Charlie even handle that at the Hotel (I'd be really interested in this as a moment for her character to have to grow/change too)? Does she even understand substance abuse and the many unaddressed systemic factors that can influence it? Or is the entire recovery process just shame based (because that works so well /s) combined with some more corny trust exercises? Why is this incredibly serious topic relegated to the background as if it's unimportant?
Recovery is hard. It is emotional and exhausting. Withdrawal (depending on what you're coming off of) can sometimes mean excruciating, unimaginable pain and in some cases people literally die. It is not a funny "ha-ha I take drugs because I'm chaotic and wild" quirk to be adored or glorified and it definitely should not be presented as something that can be wrapped up in a month or two off-screen without any development whatsoever. That's just insulting.
When you approach a topic like substance abuse and recovery, I personally feel you need to take in all sides of it. All the missteps that come with it (two steps forward one step back - mistakes are expected and okay), the self-loathing, the guilt and shame, the joy, the sense of freedom, the loss, and the best part of all: the incredibly difficult but liberating journey that is rebuilding your life and learning to love yourself and your body again, once you've chosen to be free and to live life.
Mad props to anyone who has ever battled this disease. You are strong, you are worth it and you are valued. Lol I am so sorry for going off here but I so appreciate you calling out the lack of exploration on this topic in the show. I guess I didn't even realize how annoyed and upset it was making me feel (praying this is coherent...).
This was absolutely coherent don’t worry!! Im really glad to see other people talking about this. I myself have not struggled with drug addiction but I have struggled with other kinds and as someone that studies a bunch of medical junk, I’d say I’m decently knowledgeable.
I’m mainly going to focus on Angel for this since he’s the main character I write for, but I assure you other characters addictions are also handled in my rewrite.
During the actual canon show, we don’t see Angel actually abusing substances that often; there’s a few times, most notably in episode 4, but from the rest of the show onward we hardly see anything. Yes in episode 6 they mentioned relapsing, which, mind you, was done horribly, but I digress. They touch on relapsing; Angel relapses, and then… what..??? What happened from that? I don’t feel upset or second hand guilt of any kind from this scene because we haven’t seen Angel’s attempts to stay sobre and off drugs.
His name is fucking Angel Dust. You don’t, I dunno, think that’d entail a higher dependency on drugs? Why do you think he named himself that?
About his name before anything else, the show has so much potential later on to talk about Angel picking out his drag name and why he chose that specifically. So much potential to explore how he views drugs and himself. He sees them as an escape and something “fun” to take his mind off of his actual life. When you die in a fucking coma and wake up in hell as a spider you’re going to want an escape. You will want to ignore reality. I am fully convinced Angel picked his name once he started performing because thats what he needed at the time. He needs to be like that to survive in hell. Angel is an incredibly mentally ill, troubled, traumatised, and unstable person, and being surrounded by so much intense negative influence only amplifies his current problems. I don’t mean to drag Vox in here but in my last redesign post I mentioned how very mildly bad people can become even worse people in hell because of the environment and this is no different for Angel. He’s been surrounded by crime and drugs his entire life and unable to live comfortably because of his sexuality. He has very likely been struggling with substances since he was a teen. Possibly even younger. He is not going to suddenly get over his addiction because of something like this. It could pave the way to him looking into dealing with it, but things like this can take years. I don’t remember when my addiction started; I’ve been clean for 2 1/2 years now I think, but the amount of relapsing and anguish I experienced while working towards that isn’t something that can be done in a few days or months. I still struggle with feeling like I deserve to say I’m recovering.
I’m hoping they tactfully handle this as they should, but my hopes are low. It’s okay to show a character relapsing. It’s okay to show a character feeling guilty. What matters is that the struggle is there to signify they’re trying. For a character with a song called “Addict” you really don’t see much of it. Drug and alcohol addiction is not a silly thing to just twiddle your fingers with and be like “well I guess thats over!” It’s incredibly insensitive to do so.
Whenever I write about Angel’s struggles with addictions, I focus on how small they can feel until you realise what’s actually happening. Just me talking about my rewrite again, but to get my ideas out here: Angel smokes often. He smokes at the studio when he’s stressed, he smokes at the hotel when he’s stressed, he smokes at in alleyways when he’s bored, there’s almost no location he won’t, but sometimes he tries to smoke less. His lungs aren’t the same as humans and technically he has 2 pairs of lungs, but smoking causes him to cough. This is painful in general and especially painful for Angel since he has barbs going down the back of his throat. Imagine choking on sandpaper, kind of like that. It’s painful, he doesn’t like the sound, Fat Nuggets REALLY doesn’t like the sound, and it’s an overall inconvenience, so he tries to stop smoking as much. Periods like this usually go fine for him until the stress returns or he starts to feel the withdrawal. Withdrawal from any sort of addiction is terrible, and in Angel’s case, just from not smoking it worsens his mental state further. He becomes irritable and stressed and that stress leads to wanting to smoke again to calm down. He may resist a few times and those times should be praised, but he gives in eventually. One cigarette to calm down becomes two, then three, and before he can process himself getting carried away, the entire pack is gone. It’s things like this that make addiction horrible. It’s something that deeply scared me when I was struggling. When I was struggling I was still in the mindset of “I can stop when I want to” and then being so suddenly hit in the face with the realisation that I’m not longer in control of this is terrifying. I could not stop when I wanted to. There were even points where I didn’t want to stop. Even just getting the smallest glimpse of this in an incredibly serious manner with Angel Dust would surprise me. To think the bar is this low on a show that seemingly prides itself on tackling such sensitive topics like you said is appalling. Your show shouldn’t have to be told how to write itself.
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sleepynegress · 8 months
If you ever find yourself in the position of living in the home of a parent who is disabled and requires full-time care and you are their primary caregiver for at least 2 years, and they intend to leave their assets to you after they pass, make sure to transfer ownership of their assets, home/land in your name ASAP...or they will require you to pay back any benefits received and claim those assets even out from under you, as soon as your loved one passes. This is yet another way that generational assets /wealth are easily taken out of marginalized communities. It is a loan.
And the sharks circle as soon as your loved one passes. Here's an article about it:
Decided to add context. I don't like to talk about it here, because ehh, social media is for my vapid entertainment thoughts for me. It's a hobby/getaway/ place to get semi-social with strangers and online friends with shared interests, but I don't want anyone else to go through what I am... Of course, this applies specifically to the U.S.'s broken healthcare system. So, for those who don't know, my mom passed recently. I am an only child with no siblings or children. My whole life during that time was 24/7 care. She had insurance, but it wasn't enough to cover everything that she needed, so Medicaid was the obvious solution, right? The government takes care of our disabled elderly who have worked until retirement, right? It seemed like the routine thing to do, I had never heard anything during the process about having to pay it back,but sure enough, less than 12 weeks after her passing, I was hit with a warning (which I followed up on and was told I would NOT be charged because of my caregiver status) and then 2 weeks later the "bill". The lady I spoke to, totally changed her attitude from the first time I spoke to her to the point where I felt scammed. Out came a patronizing voice certain people use with children, that measured whiny thing (it's always a red-flag to me and makes me instantly dislike you if you do this even with kids, btw... speak to kids like PEOPLE). I feel like an idiot. I have been doing this for over a decade and didn't think to transfer any assets of hers during that time because it *was* hers. I wanted her to feel as empowered about that as possible.
Not a single soul said I should transfer those assets to keep this from happening and now I'm facing down what feels like some kind of weird conspiracy to take the land and house.
FYI, there have been weird inquiries, the census came to mark down my mother's death literally *immediately* after she passed...and odd timing called the day of the notice to "help", with all the southern Christian signifiers (bless your heart we'll be praying for you).... It feels so seedy. Anyway, all this to say if you find yourself in a similar position....
TRANSFER THOSE ASSETS INTO YOUR NAME 2 years into caregiving or they will take them from you, house etc..
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copperbadge · 1 year
Watching Twitter implode, as an outsider who has hated Twitter for an extremely long time, is absolutely fascinating. I had a twitter account, now deleted, which I checked about once a month and posted to every few years, usually in a vain attempt to acclimate myself to a system I felt was hostile to any method of communication I was capable of. For about a year now even checking my notifications has been pointless, since I was quoted in a tweet by some corporate account that the spambots got hold of; literally all I saw in my notifications for a very long time was ads for various things attached to my name, retweeting that fucking train quote.  
I understand the importance of twitter particularly in uplifting marginalized voices and chronicling major historical events in first-person witness accounts; I know people personally whose small businesses are absolutely fucked because they depended on twitter for almost all their PR and a vast portion of their sales, and that truly sucks. It’s easy to glibly say “and nothing of value was lost” but a lot of value is being lost. 
But I also just hated everything about trying to use twitter. I can understand its importance and still hate it. I also don’t like the Mountain Goats even though they are vitally important to the emotional stability of like, half the people I know. 
The upshot of this is that I eventually had only a dim understanding of the way twitter culture evolved, since I wouldn’t go near it with protective gear on. So I was absolutely dumbfounded to read articles about the Verification badge being put up for sale and to see people saying, “Well, if Twitter’s no longer trustworthy, why be there?”
It blew my mind to realize that in introducing verification in the first place, Twitter had given its entire userbase explicit permission to abandon critical thought when they saw that alluring blue bird. Because twitter verified people, it seems a huge number of users thought they didn’t need to question anything on the site and, because of the way most social media works, the site also quickly became a series of personal filter bubbles. 
It makes the last few years make sense, in a weird way -- it’s not just that a massive chunk of culture abandoned critical thought, it’s that they were told that was okay to do, every day, every time their eyes hit the site. And Twitter is structured to offer diminishing returns on a hard dopamine hit, so a lot of people were on it a lot. I’m not throwing stones -- I’m physiologically constantly a quart low on dopamine, so I’m on Tumblr for much the same reason. And I’m not saying that anyone who is Chronically On Twitter has no critical thinking skills. But I am saying that it appears the vast majority of people who let their online critical thinking skills go slack did so because Twitter said it was okay. Twitter said, we’ll do the questioning for you. 
(Watching Twitter implode as someone familiar with the psychology of D/s relationships is....also fascinating.) 
The coverage of the Lilly tweet in particular is interesting in relation to this because it doesn’t seem like anyone is asking who made the tweet. Perhaps there’s no way to find out, but I don’t even see threats or attempts. Eli Lilly is suing Twitter and doesn’t seem even inclined to ask about the human who did it; nobody at Twitter, to my knowledge, has vowed to find and punish the perpetrator, which is hilarious given what Musk clearly wants to do to the people mocking him personally. No major media outlets seem interested in reporting on people discussing the question, let alone asking the question themselves, which indicates to me that nobody’s gone looking. If people are asking, they are not asking loudly or visibly. 
And don’t get me wrong, I don’t want us to find the person who tanked Eli Lilly stocks en route to reopening the discussion about price-gouging in the healthcare field. I wish there was a way to buy them a beer and/or a vial of insulin. But the fact that nobody seems to even be asking the question is weird -- until you remember it’s twitter, and nobody asks questions when it comes to twitter. Why would you? Twitter does the asking. 
And absolutely vitally -- where the fuck is Donald Trump? 
(Questions you never think you’ll ask.) 
Elon Musk promised to reinstate him; even if you claim staffing issues, he’s managed to kill all advertising on the site and switch off two-factor authentication, but he couldn’t flip the switch on Trump’s twitter account? Or personally offer him a new one under the aegis of the freest of speeches? Less than a day ago Trump was still trying to get the courts to give him his bluebird back. I don’t want him back on twitter, lord knows, but I’m perplexed that he’s not, because that was part of the package deal Musk was pitching. 
It’s almost like Musk knows what the bridge too far is. And nobody is asking about that either.
I hope people who come here from twitter find joy here. I hope the ship of twitter is righted so that my friends who love it can go back to it, so that the artists and writers I know can get back a vital tool for their creative self-support and the activists I know can regain a great tool for effective organizing. Twitter is a huge part of the cultural landscape and I hope it ends up okay, and I hope the staff still there can get some rest. 
But I also hope that this sharp cultural shock has been a reminder that letting someone else ask the questions means letting someone else control what answers you get.
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wildissylupus · 8 months
So, I don't exactly know if you've discussed this, but I think it's clear about what this current season is going to lead up to, and why I think it's so important to be adamant and weary about Null Sector's plans.
The evidence is there, and the claim?
Null Sector is trying to start another Omnic Crisis.
However, this one is less 'a glitch in the system'
And more, 'hitting the factory reset button and installing a virus intentionally right after.'
As we know from story missions, Omnics are being subjugated and indoctrinated across the globe, all at once, in almost every part of the world by Null Sector and those helmets that quite literally place them under a catatonic state and wipe the Omnic's memories.
Torbjörn's analysis on the helmet is very clear when he brings up a very important piece of information:
"I don't know...this device is a nasty piece of work. I think I can get it off, but the bigger problem is, I'm not reading anything in the Omnic's memory banks."
"He's still alive, but it's like the essence of who he is,...is gone."
Now, when we say essence, I'm pretty sure we're saying the Iris, or Aurora's essence that was implemented during the awakening. Now I get what you're thinking. 'Ok Anon #324, but if the Iris gets removed, then why is Ramattra talking about Iris? During the Toronto mission?'
And to you- I say- oh ho ho, my dear, that's exactly what we should be fearing. Let it tie into the fact that there's also one of these Voicelines from Ram when talking about his favorite animal:
"Ants. They build marvelous structures and cooperate when threatened. I find them... Inspirational."
Toronto mission, hell, even the humans are terrified. Everyone is swarming in groups. It's not just gameplay either, when Sojourn is directing the groups of scared Omnics onto the ferry boat, it only proves Ram's point more. People are scared, people are grouping together to fight back, hide, run, and that's exactly what NS wants.
Not only is Null Sector wiping the Iris and awakening out of the Omnics altogether, they're creating a brand new version of the 'Iris'...let's call it 'Pink Eye' cause from what I've seen it's highly contagious. Not only from wiping memories, but also using the memories of strong fighters as well. Human's memories. (*Cough Cough* Ana.)
Have you heard Ram talking during the Toronto mission? He specifically states:
"Together, our one minded purpose. We will make this world, our paradise."
"We welcome you into the Iris."
You let me know what you think about this. I wanna hear some raw thoughts. Big brain mode, no idea is a bad idea. I'm hungry for knowledge.
All I know is that, a couple of things could happen.
If those helmets are taken off, someone is going to have to sacrifice their memories either to bring back the original Aurora awakening and reinstall essence to the Omnics. Wonder who.
If NS ends up indoctrinating a major part of the Omnic population, many will die when and if those helmets do something else. If they can send out a location signal, who knows what else they'll do.
If sentience is reestablished into Omnics and possibly other software coding, this'll be one hell of a trip for all those Null Sector bots.
Man you had a brain blast and I. AM. LOVING IT!
Honestly I love your theory and I don't think there is much to add! It also is a good way to bring in the Junkers cause apparently he found the secret to Omnic life in the Australian omnium-
That could be a way to bring all the omnics back, the Australian Omnium was the place where Aroura was built after all. They could end up brining a second awakening, some residual of Aroura left in the Omnium. It could also lead to the sentience of the Null Sector drones, specifically the bots that are based off of actual people.
Like the C-455 Sharpshooter, P-900 Warhead, S-900 Sentry, A-7000 Wargod and K-2000 Blademaster. If they all have the same glitch that A-7000 has them that is one hell of an identity crisis they're going to have.
All that aside, I want to present my own theory. A counter theory if you will.
And that is Ramattra doesn't know that those helmets are erasing Omnics, he just thinks they are in a catatonic state. There is no indication that Ramattra knows what the subjection helmets are actully doing to Omnics.
If you look back at Ramattra's short story there is no implication of Ramattra wanting to create a new Omnic society through hitting a reset button;
Tumblr media
There is an indication of imprisonment, of taking away other Omnics choices in order to make them listen, but that is very different from hitting a reset button. Essentially killing the soul of Omnics. It's something I don't see Ramattra doing knowingly. However, there is a group of people who would not only do this, but has tried to do this before.
Something I remember from the Story Missions is Torbjourn saying that the helmets put an Omnics mind in a loop. It's something I didn't think much about. Until I read "The Hero of Numbani".
In that book Sombra hack and installs a virus several Omnics around Numbani. A virus that locks Omnics in a constant loop, and gradually corrupts the Omnics memories.
Sound familiar? There is also the fact that a part of Doomfist's beliefs that are presented in that novel are anti-omnic.
Not only that but I always found it strange that Dommfist, someone who wants conflict, would help someone who has the motivation of "Peace at any cost". Ramattra goal has and still is, for freedom and peace. Something that if he were to gain, would go against Doomfist's want for conflict.
Unless Doomfist is just using Ramattra and Null Sector as a tool to create conflict, adding either an updated version of Sombra's virus (or what he thinks is an updated version), to remove Omnics souls and create a true Second Omnic Crisis.
Not only that but that could also lead into an explanation on what "The Conspiracy" is, maybe it's another God AI who wants to do what Anubis did but has learned from the mistakes of the first Crisis and is trying to make it so they are guaranteed to win.
Either way I am excited for both of these theories, with the first one it's going to be interesting to just explore that aspect of Null Sector, if they get Omnics back are they going to still have their memories, their souls? Are they going to resort back to their basic programming, are they going to go back to being under Anubis's control?
In the case of the second theory, how will Ramattra react if he truly doesn't know what the helmets are doing? Will he stop the invasion? Will he double down? Will he go after Talon?
It's all so interesting!
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dead-dog-dont-eat · 3 months
fan kids for goth polycule?
if you have no presh
Oh, yes! I do! Three kids; two boys, one girl. All related from three different parents. One of them I am working on a bit in personality and characteristic wise, but the other two I mainly gotten down.
-He's the elder child, being the firstborn. He is Viktor and Kuphulu's son. A bi-species child of Transylian and Thep Khufan.
-He would be voiced by Christian Borle (aka Vox's VA from Hazbin Hotel) and have a bit of a same personality as Vox as well (minus the manipulative personality). His role isn't necessarily a protagonist, but not as much as an antagonist--but somewhere as a deuteragonist.
-His goal is mainly to convince Anur Transyl to be modern and up-to-date on technology. He also is a believer in Anur Transyl along with the other planets of the system to be as an independent system that isn't ruled over or taken over by a species of their own and to be equal. He learned this through learning about his fathers being assistants to Zs'Skayr, along with Anur Transyl's past history of being taken over by Vladats and also his disliking of the Ecto-Lords.
-Much like his fathers, Viktor and Kuphulu, he shares a knowledge of history and a tech engineer. He is a professional about technology (both past and modern). Though, seeing how Anur Transyl is very, VERY old-timey and somewhat Victorian, hence to why he wants them to be up-to-date, he wants his home planet to be able to know modern technology and learn it as well. BUT, he still likes Transyl the way it is--just wants to upgrade the technology.
-Unlike some citizens and locals, Hector is open-minded, smart, and sort of gruff and serious-minded like Viktor. He is very spoken about his views. He is multilingual in German and Arabic along with a bit of Hebrew in the mix. However, when someone is speaking negatively towards him, he isn't afraid to argue back and state facts and logic.
-Like his other dad, Kuphulu, he is also arrogant. Another reason why he had personal beef with the Ecto-Lords is how they disagreed with Hector on his views with Transyl's technology and how they didn't like how he has opposing views to how Ecto-Lords rule over the Anur System. (Note: in the Wiki for the Anur System, it stated that Ectonurites used their powers to slowly rule over every planet, meaning that there are Ecto-Lords who rule over each planet of the system - just so there is no confusion). Hence, why he also dislikes Ecto-Lords. However, he isn't negative towards the local Ectonurites whom some of them he is friends with.
-As much as Viktor is supportive and loves how his firstborn is very smart and knows his views, Viktor has to consistently warn him about getting on the Ecto-Lords nerves.
-She is the youngest child; being the daughter of Viktor and Crüjo. A bi-species mix of Transylian and Loboan.
-She is named after her late grandmother, Viktor's mother, as she bares a resemblance of her.
-Her voice actor would be Natasia Charlotte Demetriou (aka Nadja from What We Do In The Shadows and Calamaria from The Cuphead Show). She is smart, strong-willed and serious-minded, and has a knowledge in mechanics and science. She doesn't distinguish much personality characteristics like Crüjo, but is more so kind of a copy of her Transylian father. She also has a heavy German/Romanian accent.
-Because of her knowledge of science and mechanics, she is able to invent stuff. Her first invention when she was 10 was a biomechanical arm that connects to her nerves and system (she was created without a left arm, and the prosthetics made were none to her liking). She also helps Hector with his inventions as well.
-She is very supportive of her brother and what he is trying to do for his community, but like her father she does warn him about setting off the Ecto-Lords.
-She is very strong (can pick up heavy objects and throw them, also knock down large and sturdy stuff), but can be annoyed when messed with or someone does something stupid. She is also protective.
-While she is a girl, she doesn't wear dresses or makeup (reason is sensory issues and also because she doesn't like makeup as a preference). She also has thick long brown hair that she sometimes wears in a bun.
-Other info is a WIP
-WIP; but is the middle child, the second son. He is the child of Crüjo and Kuphulu. He is a bi-species mix of Loboan and Thep Khufan
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xehanortsreport · 1 year
Please tell me about the JUSTICE BROS au I am curious.
CRACKS KNUCKLES I'm so excited to talk about this I went and whipped out my good keyboard.
Alright so, firstly, this isn't comprehensive because I plan to expand upon the details in future artwork. Secondly, because it's been a few years, my DR lore knowledge may not be completely accurate on some of the timeline details. Please forgive me for this, and just take it as part of the AU haha.
The core of the JUSTICE BROS (tm) AU forms during DR:0, or its equivalent. I always found it very intriguing about how Ishimaru repeatedly and rather bluntly expresses that he expected to enter Hope's Peak with his classmates as his enemies; his hatred of the way the gifted are lifted up and excused his primary driving force. Naturally, while this is resolved in canon, I find it makes a very good base for a Mastermind AU, and also gently roasting the idea of Meritocracy as Ishimaru thinks of it.
Within this world, the very first Killing Game amongst the student council takes place, though without Junko as its catalyst. The primary perpetrator remains Izuru, and I think I may make it a ploy by Jin to test the talents of his beloved new Hope gone terribly wrong, for whatever reason. This part isn't very solidified lmao. Anyway, as Morals Committee president, I feel that Ishimaru would be well aware of the activities of his seniors in the Student Council, and most likely kept close contact with them. The tl;dr is that he figures out early on that something went terribly wrong, attempts to figure out what happened, and discovers the cover-up being run by the Steering Committee.
He enlists the help of Yasuke Matsuda to retrieve the memories from the comatose Student Council president under the nose of the wider faculty, and upon learning that Izuru Kamukura is even a thing, is horrified.
This acts as the tipping point for an Ishimaru who was already thoroughly put off by the very existence of the Reserve Course as being used as nothing but batteries for the Main Course - finding out that even the Main Course were naught but pawns to the faculty, too? Oh, that was simply too much. In this universe, it is Ishimaru who rallies the reserve course against the school, encapsulating the disgust against a system that openly abuses them for the sake of a privileged few. In true Danganronpa fashion, this manifests itself in a very devoted cult of personality, especially since Ishimaru's "campaign" for lack of a better word, promises one thing above all else: Justice.
No one is above punishment. Not the Main Course, not the Headmaster - no, not even the society that created such social division in the first place. The system itself must be wiped away and restarted from scratch, everyone judged for their sins equally, and only those willing to repent and work hard for a better world allowed to exist. After all, if even Hope's Peak, the ultimate symbol of hope for the world, is corrupt, there is nothing left than the most extreme of purges.
And so we enter DR1's Killing Game. Unlike Junko's game, Ishimaru's goal is not only to serve as a warning and an example, but also a legitimate courtroom and reformatory; offering his classmates the chance to be "redeemed" and escape death is his ultimate show of love, and is meant to inspire the greater populace. Those who do not submit to Justice will be destroyed without pity, but those who do will be welcomed with open arms! It is a fair system! And to show its fairness, not even his beloved friends are above his law!
Isn't it wonderful? Isn't it glorious? Isn't it fair, and just, and pure?
Anyway, mind wiping happens. Idk if he enlisted Matsuda's help in this or if he decided to grab someone else's assistance in this who has neurological abilities, but away the game goes. The motives and goals are simplified, mostly being variations on "here is a sin you committed; will you repent, or will you continue to sin to cover the truth? Will your classmates find what you've done so disgusting that they will take your fate into their hands? Either way, justice will be done." There is much more of an emphasis on group think in this one, straining bonds, and high emphasis on the prisoner's dilemma.
Vote to block your sin from being revealed to the audience (all of Japan) by choosing a sacrificial lamb. Or perhaps you might attempt to kill instead to buy the headmaster's silence? Unlike our DR, I think this AU might feign that anyone who murders is simply released, but in actuality they are executed in front of the live audience outside and the students are completely unaware of this fact until the end. Why murder? It's a DR, man. There's a hard time limit as well. The rest of the game has yet to be devised by me...apologies if it's hard to follow...
Anyway that's the basic outline! More information about our other major characters, like our protagonist Chihiro, our mole Mondo, and our sidekick/detective stand-in Ryoko, will be further revealed with art! I hope it's interesting!
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motsimages · 6 months
This is going to be a bit long but I feel linguistical today. This will be an article about languages, leave aside all political questions because this is about language acquisition, focused mainly in the use of singular and plural. I am also using English as an example (with some other languages for comparison) because it is the lingua franca of the internet and because, well, I am writing in English.
I am using the example of the sentence "Inuk is singular, Inuit is plural" because I see it very often and I think people will be familiar with it. It belongs with the misconceptions of "Ha, silly English speakers saying chai tea, they don't know other languages". However, this is not exclusive of English speakers because, as I will explain later, languages tend to do that. I have read full articles in Spanish about how you should say paparazzo in singular, and not paparazzi, but it is pointless because now, the Spanish word for it is "paparazzi" and its plural is "paparazzis", it is not Italian because the moment it was used in Spanish for the first time, it was Spanish.
It is virtually impossible to have one set of grammar rules for everything and then, randomly, sometimes, for a very new and specific case, another. In English, suddenly bringing greek plurals out of the blue makes native speakers doubt or even say it "wrong" and this is why. It doesn't fucking make sense and it is very hard. They have to artificially remember "what is the plural for octopus?". And everyone who has studied English as a foreign language has had to specifically study many irregular plurals (foot-feet, mouse-mice, etc.) and probably still gets it wrong. There may be some hidden English grammar intuition behind man-men but, unless you study it or develop it, it will just be two random words that for some reason are related.
When people say "Inuk is singular, and the plural is Inuit" seems like it is simple and easy if there is 1 singular and 1 plural, more or less like English does. We tend to assume that's how it works for most languages so yeah, no problem. Plus, we have seen that English has irregular plurals, so what?
Thing is languages are fucking hard, they are very complex systems that require a lot of memory, deduction and inference. It is not as simple as "the singular is patata, and the plural is the same with an s, so patatas". For that to happen, you have to actually learn two different words, the grammar rule for how the plural is formed (and what plural means) and remember when each one of them is used. It is easier if you use it often, if you see it often because it loads the mental database of examples but if you don't use it, it's just not there, all those skills are not used. Think of babies. How do babies speak when they are one or two? Do they even have full sentences? Do they use the plurals at all? When do they use the plurals? Which plurals? Do you think that because someone is 43, their knowledge of a language they have never been exposed to is better than a native speaker aged 2? (Hi to you, learners of foreign languages being frustrated because that language doesn't make sense).
And I used a very easy example with Spanish. It seems logical, right? Singular = no s, Plural = -s. Much better than whatever is going on in English with ox-oxen or sheep.
Russian has declinations (like verb conjugations but for nouns, pronouns and adjectives). When you count, the declinations change depending on whether it's 1 thing; 2-3-4 things or 5+ things. This gives Russian "two plurals" (so to say). There is also a whole set of endings for singulars and plurals, just like in Latin, depending on the syntactic part of the sentence. Are you expected to know this when using Russian words in English? Is every single English speaker in the world forced to study Russian so that they can specifically use the correct plural according to this rule? I don't think I've ever read about "bolsheviki" in English (plural for more than 5) or even less so "bolshevika" (for 2-3-4 of them) or any other of the plural cases (bolshevikov, bolshevikax, bolshevikami) that could be used because it would require actually knowing Russian and because it wouldn't make sense in English (sometimes the syntax would have to be changed too, it would be a mess), people would be confused if they were reading about Russian history and suddenly were faced with "Two bolshevika met here" or "A lot of bolshevikov marched to the palace". How did it feel reading this? Very likely, many people would think it is a different type of bolshevik or that there is something they don't know (I mean... there is, but it is irrelevant in English).
Now let's look at "person" in English and the plural "people". I guess you could use "persons" but who uses that and when? One person, many people (not "many persons"). Let's make a rule out of this. Imagine that is the only information that you have about English. One deduction could be "if person is singular and people is plural, and they both share "pe-", it means that "pe-" is "person" and "-rson" is the marker for singular" and "-ople" is the marker for plural." So when faced the word "apple", I could think that the singular is actually "applerson" and the plural is "applople". Or I could get very confused and create a new rule: "the singular is the word as it is, and there is another different word for the plural, so I only know the singular for "apple" and if I had to say "more than one apple", I wouldn't know how to". In this case, how do I know which one is singular and which one is plural?
All of these deductions, btw, are automatic the moment you are faced with new information about other language. I am making them explicit but if you think of your foreign friend who makes some mistakes when speaking, or any toddler you've met, you will notice that this is the usual in language acquisition.
Again, what is the plural for "octopus"? Why? Did it come naturally to native speakers or did they have to artificially learn it? And in languages that are not English? If you have to deduce what is the plural for "pulpo" based on the English rule for "octopus-octopi", what would be the plural? And based on the Russian rule I gave above (assuming those endings are the only endings)?
All of this if we sit to figure out singulars and plurals. But if, like with paparazzi, I'm only faced with plural because they're often seen together in groups, how can I know the singular?
And since you all like so much to complain about naan bread and how silly the English are:
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The answer is: I just don't know the singular (think of the deduction I made about person-people). I take the plural as is and use it in English, with English rules. It will now become an adjective.
With nationalities, it can be a noun, but isn't a group of people plural? Isn't it more likely to speak about "the Inuit" than "the Inuk"? Isn't it more likely for people to hear about all of the people who are affected about the same thing? When would it be used in singular? Probably, with less frequency than the plural. People will make a rule out of what they know. When English speakers say "this Inuit singer", the English word might actually be "Inuit" which is coherent with the grammar and syntax of the whole sentence "this Inuit singer will hold a concert on this date". They are, after all, speaking in English, not Inuktitut, so they could very easily create "Inuits" and that would be correct... in English. Of course, it is interesting and important for many people to show that that is not the Inuktitut way, but it is linguistically counterintuitive so it will be hard to incorporate. Also I may know the difference between Inuk and Inuit, but if nobody else around me does and I speak of "an Inuk village", they might logically assume it's a different group of people with the knowledge that they have. They will be inferring this information based on other similar phrasings they have actually been exposed to like "a Russian village", given that in English adjectives do not show difference between plural and singular. "A Russian village" and "Many Russian villages" so, logically "An Inuit village" and "Many Inuit villages" OR "An Inuk village" and "Many Inuk villages".
And this is all just the very simple concept of one vs many, that I think most cultures have. We can see, like in Russian, that there are different manies (many-s? manyes? what's the plural and why?) or different ones, but overall everyone has been faced with one thing and with more than one thing so generally speaking, it's easy to grasp and adapt to your native language. However, some languages, even when faced with several things do not have plural and have to find alternative ways to show that.
In short, while it is fun to mock colonialists for whatever the reason, please remember some things are not done on purpose out of pure evil, some things come along with how the brain is wired to understand it and to adapt to it, with more or less cultural influence. And while some people will use this as an excuse, most people are really just not linguists and not aware of all these processes. Think of your own native language and you will probably find examples of weird turns like this too, with foreign words.
I also hope that this article shares some light into why some people struggle to even acquire language and to communicate with more than just some words.
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the other side of memento mori
(Written for @flashfictionfridayofficial​‘s prompt FFF185: The Birth of A Star. Enjoy!)
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 She reads intent in the clumsy characters scrawled in blood along the edge of the circle. And then she looks at the face of the girl who summoned her and everything shifts.
          “Garden?”         She waves a hand, stepping out of the circle easily, feeling a couple of emotions shift within her as her eyes widen and she scrambles back. “Call me Aldhafera when I’m in this form, Odile dear. You might as well.”
          Something strikes the girl as her gaze flickers almost unwillingly back to her. “So you did know my name this whole time. You didn’t need to ask me.”
        “Would you prefer me to call you Diana?” she replies, eyebrow arching. “It’s all the same to me.”
        She swallows. “Odile works.”
        She nods, cocks her head, taking in the creaking pipes and the water damage along the walls. The circle itself had been scrawled amidst the dusty grooves of the carpark floor, the humid weight of the night weighing heavily on them. “So this is what became of your one month of leave to resurrect someone.”
          Odile shakes her head. “You wished me luck. And teased me about it not being up my alley.” She swallows again. “Are you- are you a demon? Or a devil?”
          “Not quite.” She shrugs easily, letting the gardening gloves fall and her clothing shift. “I’m a star.”
        Her eyes widen. “But they say all the stars are dead.”
        “They wish. They wish dearly enough, but if any of the fallen stars have managed it, I have yet to hear of it.”
          She reads confusion in her eyes, and sighs. It’s true that she’s always had a soft spot for the sorceress, after having taken her in after that whole mess with her father. She’s never quite understood the human desire for power and riches, and more than that, she’s never quite understood why someone would discard someone as powerful as Odile is. “Once, I was powerful enough that the entire universe was part of me, as I with it. I knew everything there was to know, everything that the universe herself knows, every speck of dust, every life form in all the planets across the system. There are planets where the impossible is every day, and there are places where life explodes, and there are places where there is nothing at all. And my duty, as with all stars, was simply to protect the stories, to care for life forms.”
          She laughs bitterly. “And then I failed. And I fell.” She shakes her head. “The place where I landed is now a great lake in the middle of some forest. I saw it in a painting once.”
          “Do you know what it’s like to have all that knowledge suddenly stripped away from you? To be left, with barely a speck of who you once were, torn away from everything you’ve ever known, ever loved?”
          “The pain would destroy you.” She shakes her head, gazing at the ceiling. “Madness… it follows, as easily as the thunder follows the lightning.”
        “But you’re not mad.” Odile whispers, staring up at her.
        She scrunches her nose. “I did end up managing an international circle of assassins and intelligence agents out of a flower shop. And moonlighting as- whatever this is. So you tell me what the boundaries of madness are because I certainly don’t know.”        
        “All this time- you’ve just… been here?”
        She sighs again. “Don’t make me out to be more than I am. I have watched empires rise and fall. I have watched the seas recede, and the forests turn to deserts. I have watched my compatriots trick kings and scholars alike, and I have watched nobles laugh as plagues steal the breath from entire villages. And all this, knowing what I could once have done, and not being able to do it.”
          Something seems to strike her. “Does that mean you can’t raise the dead?”
        She shakes her head. “I can bring forth a shade of whoever has passed on, but nothing more.” Her voice cracks. “If I could bring the dead back to life, I would be able to die myself, you see.”
          “So you’re not born.” Odile murmurs. “You’re—”
        “I’m no angel or demon, or devil, whatever you may call it.” She pokes the circle with her foot. The whole thing about blood had been something she had mentioned offhand to a scholar centuries ago. As if anything iron-based would be able to bind an entity which gives rise to iron. “Merely myself.”
          “So what do you want?” She asks the girl. “You might as well. It wouldn’t do for one of my best assassins to be seen reneging on a contract.”
          “So is necromancy actually possible?” she asks, “Or is it merely tricks. There’s a young man, who’s asked me to resurrect his beau, who is a seer of some sort. I’ve just realised that the seer was right enough that I’ve been… stuck here. They caught me.”
        “True necromancy? Yes. I’ve heard of it. But it can only be done by someone alive.”
        The girl glances upward at the low rumble of the ceiling. “Then can you help me? I—I want to help you, but I don’t know how.”
          She shakes her head mournfully. “There was a garden once. All that once was, all that will be, located at a single spot at the edge of the world.” She closes her eyes. “I would like to visit it, one last time.”
          “Then I’ll help you.” There’s steel in her voice. “Then I’ll try and get you there. Or—my magic deals primarily with illusion, but I can… recreate it? If you tell me how?”
          And this is the strangest thing. She actually believes her. This angry, heartbroken girl she had known for years, she knows that she is possibly capable of all the things that humanity does not know of.  
          She smiles down at the girl. “Well then, my dear Black Swan, we have a deal.”
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sleepy-shutin · 2 years
8, 19, 25?
8. Do you have a(ny) fictional introject(s)? What is that like for you?
not any true fictional introjects, no, not to my knowledge. most of them are just fragments or loose splits that latched onto the identities of various fictional characters, and don't have a super strong attachment to source. some do have pseudomemories, i think.
i think one of the only true introjects we have is the abuser introject of our mother, who doesn't seem to front often or really interact with the main system right now.
19. How do you experience gender?
with great difficulty.
25. What is a piece of misinformation about DID/OSDD do you want to clear up?
just one?
putting it under a cut because this got long, lmao.
i'm gonna be honest, if you think you have 100+ alters at, like, 15 after only knowing about your system for a few months, and especially if your only reading into DID info has been carrds and twitter threads, you don't have 100+ alters. i hate to break it to you but you're probably making the same mistake i did at 15 and getting what is and isn't an alter very confused, and accidentally inflating your alter count.
this isn't fakeclaiming, this isn't an attack, nor am i saying this with anyone in particular on my mind, this is just genuine advice that i think the younger parts of the DID community really need to take to heart; please be careful when trying to figure out if you have new alters. don't speedrun it, take it slow. i know a lot of the community may make you feel like you have to know everyone in your system within a few months and have perfect communication, and while that may be the reality for some people, that tends to be, more often than not, the reality of people in DID therapy and/or out of their traumatic/abusive home environments, and not kids without dissociative specialists who are still living in shitty homes.
please, for the love of god, take it from someone who made these exact mistakes due to misinformation in the DID community: read some books about DID, learn the differences between alters and daydreams, kin-related feelings about fictional characters and mood swings, and stop thinking that you have to split at every minor stress, because you don't and you won't. do this and you might realize that you don't split as often as you think you do.
because the thing that many teenagers with DID fail to take into account is the entire teenage puberty thing. mood swings, hormones, trying to figure out your identity in the world, experimenting with phases of interests and aesthetics, becoming sexually active (in most/many cases), realizing romantic/sexual feelings, realizing that you've been treated badly/unfairly in the past, especially by parents, etc. all of these things related to teenage years can make finding out whats an alter and what isn't, *especially* when you add maladaptive daydreaming on top of that, where some things can feel very real or affect you very hard, and might seem out of your control, so many might just assume that it's an alter when it isn't.
especially with the way social media works, many younger people just tend to take whatever they see online as pure fact without looking into it, especially if it's presented in a semi-professional and confident fashion, which is a HUGE weakness in younger parts of the DID community. many assume that just because a person with DID said it could happen, that it's definitely true and never misinterpreted symptoms or even that the person in question could be lying on purpose. having DID doesn't make you an expert on DID, it makes you an expert on your own experiences with DID, and you can't speak for *anyone's* experiences except for your own. even then, you have to be willing to understand that you may be interpreting parts of your disorder incorrectly, especially when other disorders are involved that may cloud your symptoms somewhat.
i am desperately begging younger parts of the DID community to do some actual reading into the disorder that's more than just tiktoks, twitter threads and carrds without sources. please figure out how the disorder works, how it's actually formed, and make sure what you're saying about the disorder is as accurate as possible. i will even find a way to hand you any DID-related book you want *for free* if you're actually serious about doing the research.
i'm just so tired of misinformation in the DID community being spread by people claiming to have 250+ alters after knowing about their system for 6 months or less and having done no substantial reading into the disorder. if you don't know something about the disorder, if you realize that you are limited in your understanding of it because you haven't read primary, scientific sources on the subject of DID, then it is completely okay to say that and refer a person's questions to someone else who *has* done the hard reading. it is okay to say "i don't know" and have someone else answer the question, you do not have to be a walking encyclopedia of knowledge about DID, and thinking that you do or that you are an expert just because you have DID does a whole hell of a lot more harm than good.
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mochipon-vt · 22 days
so here's the deal...
i really really really hate coming on anywhere and fussing, ranting or lamenting about things but… i'm extremely stressed, frustrated and upset.
my main pc is fucked, apparently. for the past 3 months, i've been working off of my old, dinosaur aged pc (it's 10+ years old, barely works, has trouble booting etc) ever since my newer pc started having serious issues. over this past weekend, i was finally able to take it the shop and get it looked at. they informed me a day later that one of the ram sticks was bad (as my partner had already suspected) and i was charged 100 bucks for this discovery, that i had to borrow from my parents.
they voicemail that i had received informing me of the issues found, that if i wanted repairs, it would cost 40 bucks alone for install + whatever price i chose to spend for new ram stick(s), however, once i visited the store to actually SPEAK to someone (their phone system is trash and no one would answer/return my call), i was told any parts install would cost SIXTY bucks instead and offered new parts costing from 100-120 in range, which would ultimately make the total cost + the 100 for diagnosis, close to 200 bucks.
my partner says that's a ridiculous price to pay for something that can be popped in and out to replace but unfortunately, i'm not very knowledgeable about hardware and hardware installation so i don't feel confident in going in there myself and replacing it/them even if i got my hands on new parts and we are also long distance so he's not able to do the install for me.
what i thought should be 'thankfully', the shop took out the 'bad' stick and i was told i should be able to bring my pc home and use it RELATIVELY normally without replacing it at this time, it just would not be able to run at the same capacity as it could have if it had both sticks of ram installed. at this time, it's worked for a total of.. a day and a half normally and without issue before having the same major issues again; web browser/tabs crashing, apps fully crashing or not operating (discord is currently a blank/grey window for me right now and i have to use the browser app to even use it), inability to install anything and finally, a full blue screened pc crash; so now i'm assuming BOTH sticks were bad and the brand installed is trash. (i do not know the brand of any parts installed in my pc as my ex purchased them all months before our relationship ended)
so what's the point i'm trying to get to?
i'm in desperate need of some money. i'm a disabled, unemployed person who my parents basically resent for needing their support for survival and i've been trying VERY hard to work towards making ANY kind of income from my creative skills in order to start saving up to attempt to move out of my parents' home and across several states to live my partner as, after being kicked out and left by my ex, has landed me in yet another home that doesn't respect or treat me fairly and takes a toll on my mental health/stress and motivation/focus on a daily basis. the added daily stress of not knowing if my (EXPENSIVE) devices are reliable and functioning has made it extra difficult to stay focused and motivated to keep moving towards my goals.
i currently have no financial nor food security as my parents often (intentionally) leave me out of meals, don't allow me any cash to go shop for myself and tell me to get a job, on the rare occasions i do happen to ask for 5-10 bucks for some dinner, same as they did when i asked for them to help me repair a device that COULD be a job for me if i could just get it back to working condition.
i am VERY new to doing commissions and i understand it does take some time to establish a good work flow + trustworthy reputation as a commission artist but i am determined to work hard and as efficiently as possible to provide clients with the best possible work i can produce. i am NOT, however, new to the art market world as i've had many mutuals and friends who have had commission shops or have gone on to produce their own physical merchandise so i've had many years of observing the processes and progressions.
at this current time, i'm considering setting aside my plans for vtuber development i had for this year which would have included working on small, 'mini' debuts leading up to a larger, legit debut as i progressed to learn to make my own environment overlays and assets + relearning live2d skills to rig my own model, to solely focus on constantly making art to showcase my skills for hire. i am also considering, after polishing up my commissions page more, including smaller, bonus arts with larger piece purchases as a small thank u for people helping me gain work and funds for my needs.
i'm just.. really drained and tired of prolonged issues taking a toll on me, both general life things i've experienced most my life and now these frustrating tech problems that i hope would have been non-existent with a newer pc as i had been experiencing many troubles with my old pc for years (this new pc is only a year old). i'm ready to be able to have peace in my life and to focus on things that are fulfilling to me and bettering skills that bring me joy.
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natchitoches · 4 months
Well actually I did have something else to add before below I mean. I forgot. Someone reminded me.
I’m also interested in a new theoretical source of energy I am developing all by myself. It is hugely archaic and prehistoric: as in the things I have no choice to believe in as old as a Martian I claim to be in the solar system surroundings and that energy was once not so much nucleic/atomic but chemical/substantial and in factoring the quanta of elemental material mass substances which could be compounded and made usable and also produced for interactive energies: I think this theory of energy preceded the ideology that fire was something constant besides the air — for some reason fire had many natures before it became eternally opposed to air— so it was made in many forms of interactive elemental material mass to create both energy and itself.
So finally it was the the dirt, the soil(s) from which shales were extracted to create many fires, — oh yes! this was in the solar time (sol may have lived before the time and way people claim; I think the account is wrong but it was over beyond Orion and still held to its place with the giants do it was this sol and it had a rebirth in falling to a large promise of redemption: for some reason I think I live in the times of sol’s redemption without too many others… ) — so it was that Shoel wasn’t that place of fallen souls; I also think to make hell shoel is an attempt of murderers to find a hiding place, since, shoel is found many places and is not hell or heck. But it has to be what corruption says or we can’t be unhappy. Who wants happiness? It’s a burden! (I’m hugely sarcastic.)
Well they chose or had to; I think I was child when I saw these shaman masters working in their sciences and may I say they were many people, large people but many, many kinds — all the people that the most ancient Latin historians like Diodorus,my favorite now, tell we’re dead just before he could claim their record — and hear this! literally visit them! — wow! right? — well; but he couldn’t, be damned! He couldn’t because of all the terror that had been placed into the world then and all things were changed then, he says, waiting for the big day — he and his professionals were referring to now I think. But. They were not Romans per se but though they held the mastery of the Latin teachers, they were Arabs — and this was a sad dealing to Rome and this time, to lose their knowledge. They tell us to be so sorry for ourselves we have no need to think there’s something to be sorry about: even that our dreams once had a plan of salvation. The gentiles also once preached this in the Greek empire: their gods were so benevolent. But —. (I have my own work to do and I’ll keep it to myself. Period. There are too many evil forces to my person and no benevolence. This is true. So let there continue to be no story for me but the good folklore I have just now and even that is sad bitterness. Better that. Because when the lord says “you won’t harken my words,” I know I remember how sad the old men were when you wouldn’t harken because they meant goodness but you can’t taste goodness and don’t want to learn how. But I say you know— you have to hear what I say…. Let’s go on.
So they took nitrogen and put it to the source as the source substance to cause that it’s nature could be given to transform to them without fire in their hands and exhaust to vapor and something like salt, spark energy in the vapors.
I’m finding this old folklore to be more and more true as I’m forced, with a team of few others, mostly Latin histories who can read shaman chemistry without going crazy — (I also don’t believe in witchcraft as anything but a sloppy selfish lazy lifestyle); — to study the waste factors of nitrogen exhaust in oxide air content in the over ozone air layers — I know I can’t talk that way with anyone without hanging however, I just have! So I say — there’s oxide everywhere in every planet by altercating containments of non-oxide materials with natural material made interiors and discovering interior (or alternate) space; by separating out astrophysical dense chemical quanta anywhere, oxide content can be found. So on. Eventually a ceiling height is found. Nitrogen is a minor carrier source, like also helium, to many oxides.
So then I say, even then there’s terrible room because — all the prophesies of these times happen. And the oxides are poisoned with many other astrophysical particles and the nitrates and heliums also, and I have to add salts (everyone complains about this and I do too), are resolving the debris particles pretty well.
So I’ve been thinking it has to do with chlorophyll reactions to all oxides and also the factor I call the acrylic factor, that I take on all my solar travels and everywhere — and I’ve set out my group of Latin historians and wine sellers from France— to help me keep focus on the factor that we’re losing not only chlorophyll resources but also the possibility for nitrogen source energies — you know — out of particle oxide reactions; I’m still thinking it through. I don’t really want to destroy myself in the process of it.
So I’m also heavy with the hope of that while the green energy in crypto becomes specially standard to you know: a hopeful “noobish” kind of ordinary take for granted given and happenstance and also with the success meriting; that nitrogen energies might become more ordinary than what will then be biomass-chlorox solutions for nuclear or astrophysical waste!
But…. I had something else to add too. Just thought of it! Instead of always #-hashtags, could it not be wonderful to place things into other punctuations? Like for instance behold my own example:
<Energy&Crypto> or else [Energy&Crypto] or else {Energy&Crypto} or else %^Energy& Crypto^% or else *+Energy&Crypto+*
So that, you’d be able at least to dump all this tag nonsense that really doesn’t help much: I think it’s turning social networking to garbage somehow; and, so every TAG-line will go to a TAG-line program dump warehouse under its particularly allowed program marks: but with a beginning snd end and they must be manually typed in not prompted like a carnival coupon. Sorry, I just despise the # universe because — I’d rather not say really.
So once you place a TAG-line onto anything — it means you’re doing something with it! Either you’re going to connect it the post or whatever it is, to your TAG-line account, if it’s not actually already made there of course, and then also once there! giving it an enterprise range of related social or other accounts where you’re attacking the specific connected line. It connects from an origin or from your private TAG-line entries (separated section in the webbie) — and then to wherever else the origin is assigned on the TAG-line account. I’m not sure therefore if you could also choose to post it to your TAG-line public/private walls. I’d seriously doubt that because: as I’m understanding the multi usage of the TAG-line program, at the foundation point of your own TAG-line account, THERE and only THERE, you’d have a private workshop to develop the TAG-line itself into greater work or not at all; so I’m not sure if all the workshop website blocking would allow you or anyone to reclip and repost the tag itself because it’s only point there is to keep yourself to work with and then to post to other places and else to a show-wall page after a workshop phase. But the actual tag line only gets sent by program to your workshop where then you address its public usages.
Instead of that these tag lines simply fester doing absolutely NOTHING.
Anyway. Someone says to me — all of this. I might be a younger person after all. Okay.
(But yea! I’m not very old thank you and I don’t intend to waste my life on other peoples poor opinions on me as a project in comparative literature about the ages. It’s kind of sad my alibi I think is excellent. But as I said. You might be talking to no one too. So if it’s all relevant — to contradict me — then it’s probably a waste of time to read me as well. But thank you as usual, to remark who does, I’m not that old. I’m not. I can’t live with the inhumane burden.)
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ziasia · 1 year
Chapter 5 Fieldwork: Race and Racism
What is racism? According to the textbook's definition racism is the thoughts and actions that create unequal access to power, privilege, and resources determined by differences among groups. I feel like racism is never going end. There are always going to be people that'll continue to encourage and teach racism. As a kid learning about racism has always boiled my blood and I never understood why some people treated black people and people of color so horribly just because of our skin color. I always asked myself what the color of my skin has to do with me as a person. I've watched so many movies based on racism. There are a lot of examples for me to choose from, but I'm going to choose the movie "Remember the Titans". Remember the titans is basically about integration in the 70's. A football team of white and black players have to work hard to accept each other, learn about each other, and play football. To add on to what I said in the previous sentence, they were coached by a black man which many people didn't like and didn't want to accept him.
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What is microaggression? Microaggression is a way of treating someone negatively based on their gender, race, sexual orientation, and religion.
How can it affect others?  Microaggression has been an issue for a long time now, but the only thing is I’m just now finding out about the term. I know for a fact I’ve called out a group without thinking about how it could affect them going forward and no it wasn’t anything too crazy.  I remember in middle school I had this friend.  Corinne was cool and we talked a lot in our chorus class.  We even got closer to each other, and I started calling her “fwg” which stood for favorite white girl. Years later I started thinking if she felt a way about that, although she is white, I didn’t have to label her as my “favorite white girl”.  As humans we make mistakes and say things without thinking them through. We have to remind ourselves that just like our own person has feelings, other people have feelings as well. Microaggressions that you personally encounter in the classroom might seriously affect your mental health. Other kids can be cruel, especially when you're young. To stay on subject, middle school was the worst because of the bullies, the cruel "friends," and my lack of knowledge about middle school life. I experienced intrusive thoughts frequently as a result of the derogatory things that certain kids would say to me. I was baffled as to why people would address me in that manner. They could have thought it was a joke or a chance to show off, but to me it was never just a joke. People are impacted and affected by words, whether in a positive or negative way. Being called out of your name and being bullied for your race is something I wouldn’t wish on anyone. Talking about my personal experience with microaggression brought me back to middle school and it doesn’t affect me now. I know who I am and back in middle school I was just figuring out who I was. Microaggressions can happen anywhere and microaggression has been an issue for a long time now.
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What is race? Race is a flawed system of classification with no biological basis, that uses physical characteristics to define people and put them into groups. For an example people can be defined based on their physical features on their face, their hair, and their eye color. I noticed on social media that a lot of people use people's features to determine the race of that person. I've seen non-black people (white people specifically) have really curly hair. Most people assume that they're mixed with something else, but in reality, they just have nice curly hair.
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What is white supremacy? White supremacy is the belief that whites are superior and above all other races. The KKK is a prime illustration of white supremacy. The Ku Klux Klan has been tormenting the black community for years. I still get scared whenever the Klan is mentioned. Because they believed they were superior and had the power to do so, they bombed churches and retaliated against black people. They travel in large groups and hide their bodies or their heads, making it scarier.
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What is Jim Crow? Jim Crow was a law made in the South that legally forced segregation. Jim Crow rules actually provided whites the upper hand over black folks. They were only permitted to do certain things and travel to particular locations. I can't even begin to imagine how trapped they felt, and even with the little things they were permitted to do, the Klan was still attacking them because they felt superior.
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What is hypodescent? Hypodescent is called the "one drop rule". It basically means kids that are mixed race are grouped into a category. For instance, even though I'm a black person, some of my cousins are mixed-race white and black people. That fits the one drop rule, in my opinion. Several people were startled to learn that Disney star Cameron Boyce is truly mixed race. In particular, I believed he was white but in reality, he was born to a black father and a white mother. Same with Barack Obama he was also born to a black father and white mother.
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wiw3 · 2 years
Celibate’s Lament
Fuck pussy, am I right, fellas?
No, but seriously. I wanted to take some time to analyze something a coworker had said to me because it really stuck, it really made an impact. Whilst manning my register like a good little $14/hr scarecrow, I made a new friend! This friend is a little simple-minded, and something of a himbo, but I like him well enough, and he’s certainly the coolest person I work with at the moment.
Though his brain’s still a bit old-fashioned, in the sense that when I tell him that my sexuality is “nothing”, he gets confused, in that cute boy way where they make a face that just says that you’re invalid and don’t deserve to exist in the same world as him, but with his eyes.
That invalidating gaze made me squirm a little bit in a way that makes me feel like I’m watching Jeepers Creepers with full knowledge of the actions of Victor Salva, not in a good way, to say the least.
In his head, a world cannot exist without straight, gay, or all of the beautiful, beautiful expressions between. Sexuality is not a spectrum, to him, but rather, binary, on the TI-82 calculator running equations in his head. So when I tell him that I’m nothing, a barrage of questions follow, but I answer them all in quite a similar and telling way.
I’m celibate until I have the career I want.
This might be one of those entries that make me wince or cringe after I let this marinate on the blog for a while, then go back to read it, but I think it’s important to break this down for anyone curious.
I’m nothing, and I have no plans to be anything in the immediate future. I’m a person. I like who I like, I have characteristics that I find attractive, but none of which are conclusive enough quite yet to form what Cosmo Magazine would call a “type”.
I don’t even know if Cosmo’s still being written, anymore, to tell you the truth.
But it doesn’t matter. Magazines I don’t know about, aside, I still wish to put my individuality, my identity forward, who I am as a person, rather than what I’m attracted to and what I like. I’m more than a summation of those things and I refuse to be boxed inwardly, and I exist to be confounding to the human mind.
I don’t like sex, at least in the general sense. I find it so ridiculously impossible for my own self to be wanted like that, that I just shudder at the idea of anyone seeing me like that, that exposed, that intimately. I don’t fear intimacy, I’ll hold hands and look at the love of my life in the eyes and say as many endearing things as I possibly can. I fear sticking my dick where, even if they say it belongs, I feel as if it doesn’t. I don’t know if that will necessarily track or make sense, but it’s where my heart is at.
Then he just settled for calling me gay, because that was easier than admitting that I was more actualized than he was. It was easier to relabel me and force me into a box that I do not belong in, rather than admit that there was someone out there who had a mind more complex than his. Keep in mind, I didn’t say superior. I hate feeling smarter than other people. I’d like intelligence, emotional or otherwise to simply be a part of who I am, rather than something I pissing-match-compare to others’.
It could be that I’m just not getting any, right now, that’s what the internet has been trying to convince me of since I first “came out” for lack of a better term, and admitted to living a tacitly heteronormative lifestyle. If you’re not having sex in your 20′s, then there must be something wrong with you. If you’re not married in your 30′s, then there must be something wrong with you. 
If you aren’t X in your Y’s, then there must be Z wrong with you. It’s all bullshit, anyway. Fuck the system of saying that we have to adhere to some kind of tradition. Fuck what’s “always worked” for us. It doesn’t work for me, I don’t fit into a box, forced or otherwise.
My identity transcends boxhood.
I claim to have sworn off dating until I have the career I want, justifying it as “I don’t want to share my life with someone until I actually feel like I have something to share.” Without fishing, I simply want the career that I want before I start trying to be appealing to anyone romantically or otherwise, again. Maybe I’m just terrified of being in love. Maybe I’m terrified of the idea of loving someone more than I love myself. Maybe I’m terrified of generalized love. Maybe I’m terrified. Petrified, mortified, stupefied by *love*.
Oh well. It’s 2:20 in the morning, and I feel as if I did this little subject justice. I’m going to pass out, world, and wake up to another mediocre morning of needing to just relax.
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radioactivedotcom · 2 years
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Hello, hello! It is I, RDC. As I am relaunching the Nemesis (*cough* after a two-year hiatus *cough*), I have made some changes to the Nemesis system. Below is an updated summary of the new system. You don’t know what Nemesis is? No worries, you can catch up on it right here!
Not only that, but I am launching [ The_Nemesis_Logs ]!
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Before you click on the link below, please note that you cannot leave or read comments if you do not have an account. You DO NOT have to make an account though. There will be a pop-up telling you to sign-up, but just close it and you’ll have full access to the boards. If you do make an account, be careful to not use your full name, as everyone will see it if you leave comments! (although, you can do whatever you want, I ain’t the boss of you)
[ The_Nemesis_Logs ] (CLICK HERE!) are for YOU. They contain the passenger’s info, notes from Nyx, the coroner’s reports, additional clues, daily logs from the passengers, etc. This is made to help you on your journey to unmasking the Cylons. You can leave comments if you have ideas or discover something, or have suspicions about certain passengers, to share the knowledge with all. I will be moderating, however, for... well, stupidities. And if you don’t want to bother reading through the logs, that’s totally fine too! The story posts will still contain what’s needed to follow the story along, this is just for those who like going into detective mode and looking through the nitty-gritty details.
The logs are basically a beta-project thing. We’ll test it together, see if the platform works properly. So if it’s a complete mess, I might change the platform later down the line. Please be patient with me, I haven’t tried this before!
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A day aboard the Nemesis cycles through three distinct rounds. It starts with the Rec Round, then the Night Round, and finally the Day Round. Please do check out the rules if you’re unsure what this all means.
[ VOTE ] Before the Rec Round starts, you vote for the night and day skills that will be used in the coming rounds. I will then throw a dice to determine the next victim(s) of the Night Round, and create the plot of the Rec and Night rounds. This may take me a few days, bear with me.
[ VOTE ] To start off the Rec Round, you vote for 2 locations aboard the Nemesis where passengers will interact.
[ STORY PROGRESSION ] And we finally see what happens in those 2 locations! But remember, interactions will happen in all the locations during the round (including those you didn’t vote for), and passengers’ relationship levels may change even if you didn’t witness it! Why does it matter? Read the relationship’s page!
[ STORY PROGRESSION ] We then enter the Night Round, where, most likely, someone will die. RIP. The round ends with the discovery of the body/bodies. Again, RIP.
[ VOTE ] The Day Round starts with another vote. Nyx has done her investigation and has it narrowed down to 3 suspects, but which one should she put in the Brig? To find out why she chose them, you should check out the [ The_Nemesis_Logs ]. All the clues will be assembled there, and it may help you pick who you’d like to investigate more thoroughly.
[ VOTE ] Once you have a suspect picked, you will vote for a method of investigation.
[ STORY PROGRESSION ] And finally, Nyx will put someone in the Brig, and maybe punch them too, who knows. She’s jumpy like that. She’ll do her investigation and record everything in the logs. Now, there’s only one thing left to do…
[ VOTE ] Should the suspect stay in the Brig during the upcoming Rec Round and Night Round, or should she space him (RIP)?
[ STORY PROGRESSION ] Either we see some super dramatic, cinematic masterpiece, tearjerker shots of someone getting spaced, or we watch them yell at Nyx as she leaves them to rot in jail for the next twenty-four hours. Fun times!
And then on to a new day aboard the Nemesis with fewer passengers! Shiny!
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What else has changed?
Well, this post has been updated, and the last few posts of the story were deleted! We’ll be picking up the story at the first Day Round vote; which of the three suspects should we arrest? So look out for that post on the 7th!
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Also! The discord server is pretty dead at the moment, I won’t lie, but you are welcome to join it at any time and give it a grand revival! We are friendly folks who like to chat about murdering beloved characters, as one should. It is, however, 18+.
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fuck-customers · 3 years
Okay, this is like a fuck management but also a confusing/exciting moment for me. In 2019 I got hired at a mid-tier jewelry franchise that starts with a P, I was super excited cause I had one of their charm bracelets and I love jewelry. I was told I was being hired on part-time permanent by the then manager, T. T was… a piece of work, she barely scheduled herself, never worked on the floor, didn’t interact with customers, she sucked, she also lied to me. She gave me a contract for part-time seasonal and said she’d change it after Christmas just because it was faster to get me into the system that way, I was sus but needed the job so I agreed. I was the model employee, I was good at what I did, knew the product, repped the brand well, and was super friendly with customers and I made good sales, I never got written up, never got reprimanded, never had an issue. So one night in January I go into work, and I get told by T that that night would be my last shift because she “”didn’t have hours for me”” and said they’d call me when things picked up again, I argued with her that I needed the job and that she had said I’d be moving to permanent and she just said it was too bad and I had agreed to seasonal which was clearly her plan the whole time. Two months later our mall closed for the beginning of the summer seasonal period because of COVID. Bear in mind, I was never given termination papers, and I never quit, I was just told they’d call me when they had hours.
Now, I made a really good friend while I worked there, J, who quit because of T in November 2019. Last Christmas (2020) she decided to reapply for a Seasonal position for a bit, but left right after because the new manager sucked. Now, it should be noted that a few of us, me, J, who was a key holder, and another coworker/key holder, L, all wrote emails to HR about T and her bullshit, which included her no call no showing, changing schedules with no warning, never being on the floor, and refusing to contact corporate to have our jewelry cases and store gates fixed, and this resulted in T being fired from her position, and replaced with someone else.
This year, another new manager has taken over, and J applied to work there again for some extra cash, and the atmosphere is insanely good, the new manager is amazing, the coworkers are good, everything runs so much smoother now, it’s great, and she said they were hiring again and asked if I wanted to come back. I was a little sceptical so held off.
Well! About two weeks after she gets rehired J calls me to give me ALL the tea! Turns out, T was stealing from the safe and potentially pinching product, which is why she refused to contact corporate to come fix the problems in the store. Not only that, but APPARENTLY she teamed up with the 2020 manager to keep doing the same shit!!! Stealing cash and possibly product which got THAT manager fired as well! It’s absolutely insane! They had to install a manager from their corporate offices to be certain T couldn’t try the shit again!
So yesterday, J texts me and tells me she mentioned me to the new manager, S, and told her what happened to me, that I was “ let go” but potentially never terminated. S is trying to rebuild her staff from the ground up to keep possible T loyalists out of the staff, and I am very much not the 1, the 2, or the 3 to be loyal to T. J told me she talked me up, told S about how good I was when I worked there, and about what happened. S wants to make sure she has people on staff who know the merchandise and how the store works, which I do well since I was nearly a key holder back in 2019. This is all to say that S is apparently VERY excited to meet with me, and I may potentially get back one of the BEST jobs I ever had. I’m going into our mall on Tuesday to drop by my resume and have a chat with her. I’m not sure what exactly is going to happen, but since I was never (to my knowledge) formally terminated, I might be able to go right back to how things were at a job I really enjoyed and get to work with my friend again! It feels kind of fake I’m ngl, but I’m really hoping it goes well.
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wnnbdarklord · 3 years
EDIT: so I started writing this like a week ago, but honestly the finale killed any desire in me to interact with this show in a fannish way. So have these half assed notes. I think it's obvious where I lost steam. These ideas are free for use for anyone who wants them in fic, have at you. As it is, I don't think I'll interact with this show as a fan any further than this.
How I would write a Loki show in bullet points (and a mishmash of short scenes and dialogue, let's be honest) for my sanity!
Presuming some disney exec came down from on high and forced the inclusion of EG!Loki and the TVA (because otherwise it'd be IW!Loki that survived and it'd be all about him finding his best life away from Earth, Asgard, Thor and the whole Thanos/EG situation. Or if I only had to include the TVA, it'd be IW!Loki dealing with the TVA, not EG!Loki):
Fair warning: this will likely be a mess since I'm not entirely motivated to not have it be so. 
[cut for length]
- Loki escapes to Nidavelir and uses the tools there to get rid of the chains and muzzle. A CONTROLLED use of the Tesseract, thankyouverymuch
- the TVA comes for him and Loki is wary and on the alert, exhausted from the whole Avengers thing so he immediately makes a clone to interact with the TVA and observes from afar
- the TVA fall for it when they try to bitchslap him like in the show, but immediately regroup when it goes through the illusion and start a search pattern. Their tech can scan for his temporal aura and they close in on Loki quickly (show the TVA as at least somewhat competent or they're shit antagonists for Loki)
- Loki, who still has hold of the Tesseract, portals out of there
- what follows is a quick chase scene across multiple planets and realms, but the TVA are always on his heels. The longest time they take to find him is during an ongoing apocalypse on a random planet that's enough for Loki to get a quick breather. but you know, disaster's on the horizon, so he has to leave eventually. but this is the first clue both we as an audience and Loki get about potential hiding places.
- when an exhausted Loki finally turns to fight, he manages to take several minutemen out  (justifying B-15's hate on for him) before one of them gets in a lucky shot and freezes him
- "Who are you people?" [short flash of Loki's eyes flashing green and the entire scene getting a strange cast, floating energy swirling around everything. It's beautiful, but the TVA people's energy is out of sync, out of touch and strangely jagged compared to their surroundings]
- they slap the collar on him and march him into the TVA
- Loki immediately tries to pull the same illusion trick but it doesn't work cause no magic in the TVA (maybe some visual indication of what he's trying to do, but it doesn't go past his skin. You know, like Sylvie managed in ep 3 -.-)
- he doesn't wildly panic, but we see his breathing speed up and he immediately looks at his left hand and relaxes when he sees it isn't turning blue. 
- okay so the TVA have caught him, he's on their shit list, no magic, exhausted, no idea what's going on, who these people are or how powerful they are - he chooses to play nice for now and bide his time
- the whole intake process is spent in quiet observation mode, only speaking when spoken to
- discomfort at being out of his clothes, but maybe only a wry joke about them wanting to strip him naked (making him a participant in all the thirst jokes)
- he doesn't ask if a lot of people don't know they're robots like a child wanting validation and he's not visibly afraid. Instead, we see him look at his hand again and try for wry humor when asking. But he steps into the device without much hesitation. It's death vs certainty and we already know he's chosen death once before.
- the propaganda cartoon is much shorter and plays in the background so we can see Loki's incredulous eyebrow raise at it. the ticket thing gets an eyeroll, but ready compliance since it's not worth it to argue
- when he sees the other guy get "pruned", he immediately reaches for the ticket to reassure himself it's there, but doesn't wave it around triumphantly, just sighs in relief
- trial can stay mostly unchanged, just no stupid magic attempt in the middle
"It's not your story, Mr. Laufeyson, it never was" (AND THIS SHALL BE PROVEN FALSE, you know, unlike in the show where it turned out to be their fucking mission statement) also, Loki gives her murder eyes for calling him that
- in fact, instead of trying magic, Loki holds up the controller he stole from  B-15 as she was escorting him to the trial and waves as he disappears through a door backwards
After that scene is the church scene with bodies, establishing Mobius as a hunter of dangerous variants. Someone is killing TVA officers
Mobius gets called back as in canon, but arrives too late to stop our Loki from leaving
Sidenote: Loki still has the tesseract since it was in his pocket dimension during the fight the TVA nabbed him in
Ep 2:
- it's now a few days/weeks later. Loki is back in his own clothes, a simpler outfit not geared for war. He's in the biggest library in the universe, the depository of almost all knowledge, looking for information about the TVA. there is Nothing, suspiciously so
- once again, the TVA shows up and he has to run yet again. maybe he kills this team too, to buy himself more time. he steals a melt stick and more time pads and reset charges
- he needs more information and the only place he'll get it is at the TVA it seems, so he shapeshifts into his female form, dressed as one of the many paperpushers at the TVA and we see her being relieved that the spelled clothing is holding once she passes through the time door
(another aside, but ideally the female form is more like Eva Green or Katie McGrath. AND NOT BLONDE)
- acting like she belongs, Loki effortlessly manages to snoop around the TVA for a few hours
- there's only one close call with C-20, but Loki manages to deflect suspicion by parroting the motto at her, which Loki reads from a nearby propaganda poster (cause Loki is good at lying, manipulation and flying by the seat of their pants)
- eventually, she ends up at the archive area and begins researching. We see that Loki is competent at this and is quick to pick up the filing system. the variant number from the papers she signed the episode before becomes relevant to finding the appropriate files
- before she can dig too deep into her own life story as laid out by these people, just as she finds the Ragnarok Report, Mobius finds her (maybe there was a silent alarm triggered by unauthorized access or something. Slightly more competent TVA)
- there is a scene where Mobius and Loki play a game of chicken and manipulation, wordplay and lying until it becomes clear Mobius knows who Loki is (actually establishing some camaraderie)
- Loki gets a little hoisted by their own petard since they're enjoying the banter so much, the backup Mobius called for catches them a little off guard, collared again
- since info gathering is still the name of the game, Loki doesn't try to get away just yet
(during this entire scene, Mobius is the same offhandedly condescending prick he is in canon, but it's very obviously framed that way)
(also featuring confirmation of the genderfluidity thing because fuck you disney)
M: "Nice disguise. Really had me fooled for a second there."
L: "It's hardly a disguise. I am always myself."
[Loki shifts back to male, though the clothes remain the same (shifting =/= magic)]
M: "Yeah, well, next time you want to go undercover at the TVA, maybe don't choose a face we already have from several other of your variants."
[Loki twitches a little, since that wasn't a form he openly wore a lot (even when he wanted to) cause Asgard is a dick about shifting genders] 
L: "And how does that work exactly?"
M: "Got your entire life on file, buddy. But you know, sometimes Asgard isn't a complete stick in the mud the day you gather enough courage to show up to dinner in a dress. We usually have to prune those timelines quickly."
[Loki's grin is more like a snarl, frozen on his face, since he picks up the implications loud and clear (the implication being that him being too happy is not allowed in the Sacred Timeline)]
M: [picks up the files Loki was looking at] "Come on, I've got something to show you."
-cue time theater scene
-that little scene of looking out at the TVA does not feature Loki being impressed or awed at the TVA's tech. It features him being scared/uneasy because the TVA is completely dead to his senses. Loki's eyes do the same flash as before, but everything is completely dull, no energy anywhere. He can barely see some swirls on his own arms]
-Loki asks why this charade, Mobius tells him the TVA is willing to come to an agreement with Loki for his help
"You're not the only one running around messing up the Sacred Timeline. Come on, job interview time."
(it's really really not)
- Mobius tries the same schtick as before, but it's both less and more effective. Less cause Loki has had a bit more time to collect himself since the invasion, more cause he's more aware of the TVA's power and has been chased by them for a while now
- we see Loki being affected by the Frigga thing BUT he also picks up how edited the reel is
- still, he lets Mobius do the "only thing you're good for" bit until we see him look up with murder in his eyes, even through the tears
- "I am going to burn this place to the ground and I am going to start with you. That is my bargain."
"Yeah, cause your "bargains" [Mobius full on air quotes here] work out so well for you," he says, offering Loki a hand up
-cue alarm and Mobius rushing out
-Loki grabs the files Mobius left behind, and also the tape in the hologram projector and escapes
- no infinity stones scene, cause Loki still has the Tesseract and doesn't go to look for more
- cut to the TVA running around in a panic, multiple branches forming on the displays. It's the same bombing plot as in the show, but now serving as a distraction for Loki to get away
- when they figure this out, Ravonna: "You should have just pruned him when you found him. There's a reason we don't reset Loki variants. Our luck always runs out eventually with them. Fix this, Mobius. Or you'll have to answer to the TimeKeepers."
- back to Loki, he steps out into chaos as something explodes behind him. He's in another apocalypse. During his running from the TVA, he noticed it takes them longer to find him whenever there's a lot of chaos around him, death and destruction. He finds a still intact building, seems high tech. Everyone else has already evacuated
- he takes the Tesseract out and blue and green energy surges around him and engulfs the building. It's suddenly quiet and we see outside the windows are pitch black 
- Loki quickly looks away
"Finally, some peace and quiet."
He slumps down to the floor, files scattered around him, tesseract nearby and curls up, dejected and exhausted 
Side note: Loki doesn't need to worry about recharging tempads since he has the tesseract, which was established in Avengers as able to provide infinite energy
Ep 3:
- he finds out about the variants in this episode, maybe goes looking for other variants before the TVA finds them
-how Loki finds out the TVA are all variants: he'd knocked out B-15 for a bit to interrogate her
-they're found by another team of minutemen, led by B-16, who is wearing B-15's face. Several of the other minutemen we've seen Loki kill in earlier episodes as well. They attack *both* of them cause they assume B-15 is compromised. Loki and B-15 work together and kill the whole lot, staring at each other incredulously
"You're Variants! You're all Variants!"
[B-15 collapses to her knees in shock] 
End episode
EDIT: My basic idea for episodes 4 & 5 were Loki and B-15 working together and travelling through various timelines trying to get to the TimeKeepers, but realizing something was wrong the further they went. Time begins breaking down, paradoxes are all over the place and the TVA keeps pruning some specific place so much that sometimes two teams are on top of each other. Stuff like that. 
I also had a few scenes where Loki meets other variants (that aren't him), but who actually like and even love him. Men, women, variations thereupon, and one or two who would mistake Loki for their Loki. So we get bi confirmation without actually including romance in the show itself, because 6 episodes isn't enough to develop that along with everything else that's going on.
Vaguely outlined here: 
My "how to include the bi thing without the main story being a romance and also indicating that Loki is able to be liked and loved by people who aren't just variants of himself, please and thank you":
(note to self, rewrite this so it makes sense lol EDIT: lol, don't feel like it so this is all you get, folks!) 
a variant significant other, male: kisses Loki
Loki: You are clearly my type, but I'm sorry. I'm not him.
[heartbroken expression on the variant]
from another timeline Loki visits:
woman holding a sword to his head after looking at him suspiciously: Change back!
Loki: Into who?!
woman: Her!
[Loki shapeshifts into his female self]
woman lets go of the sword
"You escaped! When Odin took you away, I thought he would kill you. Why did you never come back to me, my love?"
EDIT: My "twist" ending was that the Time Keepers were dead, not that they never existed. Some sort of mcguffin exists to just break the whole TVA and free the timelines. Idk, maybe the TVA was just a test to see if it'd work, but the system just kept perpetuating itself after the power hungry losers kept it going beyond the bounds of the experiment. Either way: 
villain plot twist: the time keepers are long dead. the TVA is a terrible system that perpetuated itself on its own, only a few judges were aware that the timekeepers had ever died. The entire System Has To Go (lol like disney would ever go there)
The system is literally Killing the Universe, since the universe's natural state of being is a multiverse. But the system don't care, system don't give a shit. System only exists to perpetuate itself, system's survival is the most important, catastrophic universal failure need not apply
(this is way too on the nose for disney, but since this rewrite's motto is Fuck Disney, it shall stay)
EDIT: this was how I imagined the climax of the series.
Mobius or Ravonna (i never decided): "All the chaos, all the possibilities? How can you stand the uncertainty? How can you believe the world will be any better than it is now?"
Loki: "Because it has to be!" [smashy smashy TVA]
series ends with the timeline breaking free
we see various scenes of the variants in their former lives, happy
and AU scenes of the previous movies:
Loki gets pulled up on the bridge
Loki accepts Thor's offer during the Avengers
Loki gets up on Svartalfheim, bleeding heavily, but doesn't go to Asgard but to Thor
Loki tricks Thanos during IW
Loki as an Avenger
Loki as a kid
Loki as a girl
Loki on jotunheim, fully jotun
Loki on Asgard, jotun
faster and faster, all sorts of different AU scenes until the screen goes dark and we see our Loki, smirking
"But...well, those are stories for another time."
and he steps back into the shadows.
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