#I can't believe I'm getting back into AA
evalevaeva · 7 months
rival | yeon sieun
warning : death
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Yeon Sieun wasn't just a schoolmate. You wouldn't have considered him a friend or someone you hate. The two of you acknowledged each others existence, knowing that the other person existed simply because of one piece of paper that was pasted on the signboard of Byuksan Middle School's notice board every few months.
"First : Yeon Sieun," That was what the board would read every month from the first year of school, but somehow by the third test of the fourth year, yeon sieun's name was not first.
"Did you hear? Yeon sieun got knocked off first place!" Students began gossiping as yeon sieun stood in front of the noticeboard, face blank, but his eyes showed anger.
To say he was angry would be an understatement. He aas furious, his heart pumped faster and he could hear ringing in his ears as he walked back to his seat, acting as he would on a normal day as the students in the class looked at him, muttering and whispering to each other.
"Congratulations! I can't believe you did so well for the mock exams! You'll definitely ace the exams by CSAT year!" The sound of female students congratulations caught Sieun's attention as he raised his head to look at the window in the corridor.
You were walking with four other female students, a large smile plastered onto your face as you shook your head at your friends' words, shy from their compliments.
For the first time in a long time, Sieun felt the feeling of inferiority creeping up his neck like a silent monster. His grip on his pen became tighter as his eyes were glued onto the notebook in front of him, not wanting to think about the result slip on the noticeboard.
"Sieun," You called out his name as you held your tray of food. The boy looked up from his English textbook as he looked at you, his earpieces still in his ears as you exhaled, feeling the awkwardness creeping up your arms.
"Could I sit here? I wanted to talk to you about certain subjects because I'm still not at my best," You asked until you realised that he was ignoring you, eyes glued back onto the text on the book in front of his face as you sighed, turning to walk back to the table with your friends.
That was over a year ago, and by the actual examination, sieun was back on top, with you being in second. That didn't bother you. You weren't aiming for the top, just high enough to get into a good school later on in life.
By the last year of school, the teachers saw that both of you were high academic achievers, which led to their decision to make both of you seatmates.
The air was tense at first. You never knew if you should talk to him or wait for him to start a conversation. You chose the latter, thinking back on your only other encounter with him the previous year.
Over the course of half a year, you were still struggling with Additional Mathematics, and you could never really understand it. You would've asked your classmates but only one other student took Additional Mathematics with you, and that was, lo and behold, Yeon Sieun.
It was break time, and on a usual day, you would've been at the snack bar with your friends deciding what to eat, but today wasn't the case. You had to figure out how to do the hard questions before the exams, and you were still struggling. The teacher was no help, simply telling you to check with Sieun. If you could, you would've.
"The shoelace method."
You lifted your head up from the paper as you turned to see sieun still writing in his notebook, despite you having just heard his voice.
"The shoelace method...?" You questioned him again as he turned to you, his face with his signature cold look, but he was offering help, who were you to reject that?
Sieun adjusted his seat as he moved slightly closer to your table, his chair slanted in your direction.
"I assume you already know the formula?" Sieun asked, not looking at you as his head was tilted slightly, reading the question carefully as he clicked his pen, writing down in blue ink as he explained.
"Take the points in the anti-clockwise direction. The first point chosen must be repeated..." Sieun explained as he wrote down the formula and numbers for the polygon.
You should have been focused, but somehow... having yeon sieun so closd to you made your heart jump. You gulped as you blinked, hard, focusing on the problem at hand.
"You can use the numbers in the motion of a shoelace, x1 with y2, so on and so forth, and eventually, you'll get this answer," Sieun wrote down the final answer as you looked at him, feeling starstruck.
Everyone knew he was smart, but getting to experience his academic ability first-hand made you feel a newfound respect for him. He knew his work, and he made sure he did.
That single event with both of you led to a more comfortable atmosphere as the days passed. Sieun didn't act like you didn't exist, and you could talk to him easily, most of the time.
A simple 'good morning sieun' and a nod back was a more usual occurrence between the both of you and the teachers were more than elated by that.
On that particular day, you didn't seem yourself, even sieun could see it. You didn't speak nor look at anyone in the class as yoj entered, head hanging low as you sat in your seat. You took out your books and placed them on the table, placing your head on them as you closed your eyes, feeling the lack of sleep beginning to seep in.
Your situation at home led to your current state, but you couldn't tell anyone. It's normal academic pressure, it was nothing to worry about ; you chose to believe it. Your grades were beginning to slip, slowly like a snake creeping up with its venom. Your parents weren't happy, a screaming match ensued the moment you arrived home at the start of the week and it was already Friday. You were exhausted. Emotionally and physically, you were done.
"Wake up. The teacher's here," Sieun muttered as he tapped on your shoulder, causing you to flinch as you woke up from your five minutes of sleep.
"I'll be announcing the winner of the additional mathematical olympiad competition that was held recently," The homeroom teacher spoke, but you were to busy beginning to doze off as the teacher's sudden mention of your name caused you to wake up once again.
"Congratulations, this prize is awarded to this student for achieving first place in the additional mathematics olympiad." The teacher announced as you stood up, walking to the teacher to receive the certificate, before plopping down on your seat once again.
"Yeon Sieun, second place," The teacher announced as loud gasps were heard around the room.
You opened your eyes as you saw Sieun at the front of the class, taking the certificate half-heartedly as he gave you the same glare he had given you a year ago, over the mock exam results.
"Now, now, settle down class," the teacher shouted over the muttering and chatter in the class while you were trying to grasp a few more minutes of sleep.
Everyone had gone for their lunch, and it was just you and sieun in the classroom.
"Was it fun?" Sieun suddenly asked, he was seated, facing the board as you turned to him, confused and exhausted.
"What?" You questioned back as sieun turned to you, his eyes glaring at you ad he continued, "Did you just want help because you wanted to surpass me? To get first place?"
You were too tired for this. Everything was becoming a blur in your head.
"Look, if you wanted to win that math olympiad, you could've said so. I didn't even want to take part in it, the teacher in charge signed me up," you muttered as sieun suddenly slammed the desk with his arm, causing it to turn red with each second that passed.
"You're lazy, and all you do is leech off of others. You ask me for help in everything, but can't even do such a basic concept like polygons." Sieun scoffed as you turned to him, eyebrows furrowed at his sudden aggresiveness.
"What is wrong with you? Just because of a stupid math competition, you're attacking me? Watch your mouth yeon sieun," You spat back at him as he turned to face you, his anger reaching its limits.
"You're pathetic," Sieun stated heartlessly as you stood up, grabbing your textbooks, shoving them into your bag, not caring if the covers or pages were bent. You made your way out of the class, walking down the hallway as you made your way to the main office.
"I'm not feeling well. I need to go home," you told the receptionist as she handed you the form to fill out to leave school early.
Sieun's words were echoing in your head as you thought about his harsh words. He was just like everyone around you. Your parents, always telling you to work harder, unsatisfied with everything that you did for your academics.
You walked down the path from the school gate to the bus stop as you quietly wiped away the tears that were threatening to fall. Floodgates were about to be released, but with the many people at the bus stop, that would be embarrassing. Your vision was still blurry from the lack of sleep, but you kept repeating in your head that it was nothing to worry about.
That was until your legs gave out, and the next thing you knew, you were on the floor, your head facing the road as you felt people calling out to you. They sounded mumbled, as if you were underwater. The world seemed to become a whirlpool as you inhaled deeply, before blacking out, the last thing being the sound of the ambulance.
The next week came, and Sieun walked into the classroom, waiting patiently with a box of milk, patiently waiting for you to arrive. He had thought about his actions over the weekend and realised he had lost his cool over something minor, and he had definitely hurt you. He tried to convince himself that he did the right thing, but he couldn't. Remembering how you looked at him, face full of hurt and hands trembling, he couldn't.
The bell rang, and the boy looked up from his notebook to see the seat next to him empty. You didn't arrive. Maybe you were late? He told himself as he placed the milk under your desk for you to see when you arrived.
"I have news to share with all of you," the teacher started as she walked into the classroom with a vase of white flowers, the atmosphere becoming heavy. The teacher was barely ever serious unless something bad happened, and that wasn't a good sign to sieun.
"Our classmate has passed away on Friday. I would like everyone to remember our dear friend as someone who was hard working and could be relied on."
Sieun's ears seemed to ring. A high-pitched ring with a buzzing feeling in his head as he turned to look at his classmates. Only your seat was empty.
"Sieun," the teacher called him as he snapped out of his daze, realising she was standing beside your table.
"I hope you're alright. I know the sudden news shocked you seeing as the both of you were quite close," The teacher said as she placed the flowers on your desk, leaving it as sieun couldn't help but stare at it.
You were gone, and the last thing he called you was 'pathetic'. He was so caught up in his inner turmoil that he was so blind as to not see you suffering right in front of his two very eyes.
Sieun reached out his hand, his hand grazing the clear vase as he thought of when he'd pat your head when you'd sleep in class. He didn't expect that the next time he'd see you, you would be in a casket, with a large potrait of your school photo in front of it.
"You must be yeon sieun." a voice called out as sieun turned to see an old woman in a black hanbok, a chief mourner badge around her arm as sieun nodded.
"You were always spoken highly of. My grandchild would always come home and excitedly tell me about how she talked to you more with each day that passed." the old woman told sieun as he looked to the ground. He felt ashamed, as if he shouldn't have been there. Even in death, you'd still find a way to clench his heart.
Sieun sat at his desk at home, staring at the wall. He felt as if his soul had been removed from his body. He always felt void of emotions, but somehow, he felt like there were too many emotions.
One drop, two drops.
Sieun felt his tears running down uncontrollably, not being able to keep himself together. Sieun never had many friends, but somehow, he always found you sneaking into his heart as someone dear to him, as someone he'd want in his life.
But it was too late. You were no longer a rival, but a friend.
also the math part was kind of entertaining to write other than the fact i couldn't write the formula in so pls imagine it
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miscreantroses · 8 months
Drinking game (OP Live Action Zoro x Reader)
A/N: There might be inaccuracies because I haven't watched the live adaptation. (I'm sorry but being a corp slave is draining me haha.) I've watched the first few episodes and there was one scene that I liked. (Rereads the request again... oh they asked for a romantic one. Huh... Guess I might do another one.)
genre: fluff
Night falls and you, Zoro, Nami and Usopp are at the Baratie's bar having a drink. Luffy was made to be a choreboy because he can't pay the meal that you guys had.
You stared at your wine glass and see Usopp drinking a cocktail at a fast pace.
"This doesn't taste like it has alcohol." He smiled.
"Last time I said that I woke up face down under the table." Zoro warned him as Usopp continued to down his drink.
"He'll be having a major headache by tomorrow." You chuckled as you take another sip from your wine.
Nami and Zoro started to have a drinking game. Believing that Zoro might know a thing or two about Nami. Unluckily, Nami made him to drink since he doesn't know a thing or two about her. Nami walks away to have go grab another drink at the bar. Zoro looks at me and pours me a drink.
"Zoro, I already have mine." You smiled and showed your glass of wine still half full.
"You and me, drinking game." He smiled at you. "If I get it right, you drink. I can't, I drink." You smiled and put down your drink and faced him.
"Looks like you want to get to know me more." You chuckled. "You're on."
Zoro smirked and started. "Well, I bet you're from a village."
I smiled and told him to drink. "Nope, actually I'm more of a city girl." Zoro cursed in his breath and took another shot. "My turn, you didn't have a family growing up. And yes, swords does not count as family."
"Well, I didn't really know who my parents are." He grabs another drink. "Speaking of family, you grew up in a loving home."
I shook my head. "No, I barely knew my parents. I was practically living alone majority of my life." I handed him another drink. "Drink up."
He smirked. "You agreed because you wanted to know me better." He asks which caught me off-guard.
"Sounded like a statement rather than a question." I chuckled. "But..." I grabbed the drink and only took half of a sip.
"I got it right. Finish the whole thing." He stared at me, giving half of the glass.
"Well, it is true. But you didn't got the whole thing." I smirked. "Drink up." It was true you wanted to get to know him more because you liked him for a while. It has only had been days when you met him but you can't seem to get Zoro out of your mind. He's been in your thoughts constantly as wanted to strike up a conversation with him.
You smirked decided to ask a very risky question. "Well.. Do you happen to like someone?" Which caught him completely off-guard. "I ran out of questions to ask. Just answer it."
"Well, to be honest." He stared at you and cursed under his breath. "Who am I kidding." He grabs the drink and took another shot.
You laughed as Zoro pours another shot. "Same question, do you happen to like someone?" You snickered and grabbed the shot glass and drank it.
"Now, this is interesting." He smiled but aa he poured for another shot. The bottle was empty.
"Seems like we have to end our little game here." You smirked.
Hours had passed and only Zoro and you were the only ones left at the bar. You stared out to the sea.
"I'm really curious on that little crush of yours." You turned your head to Zoro who was staring at his glass.
"What? Jealous?" I joked it off and he just shrugged.
"Why would I?" He laughed and stared at the starry night. "As if -" As he tries to finish his sentence you cut him off.
"You." Those were the only words that you said outloud. "I like you, Zoro." You stared at him while he was in complete shock. You stared back to the sea. "I've been having a crush on you for quiet sometime."
After your little confession. Everything turned silent. You continued to look out to the sea. Not expecting for him to like you back. You were pirates afterall, and having crushes or be in a relationship was not in a list of priorities. You heared Zoro sighed and you looked back to him and you saw him smile.
"Guess that makes us even." He replied. "I like you too, Y/N."
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joonies-delights · 2 years
Hi baby! How you're doing? Can I request something?
I'm between a one shot or a ot7 reaction, so I'm gonna let that up to you!
For the one shot something like Jimin going slow but hard on you, in a way to make you just.. completely out of your mind.
Or a ot7 reaction to overstimulating the hell out of you.
Thank you! ❤️
A/n: I'll go with the reaction one since no one had requested for one yet! And i like the idea of it!❤️
BTS Reaction to Overstimulating Reader!
Genre: Reaction
Pairing: Ot7 x Reader
Treats: Overstimulating, Oral (receiving), squirting, degrading, praising
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You were a moaning mess. You whined and screamed loudly as you clawed and gripped onto the bedsheets that had your juices stained all over it.
"D-Daddy-AH! Please I can't take it a-anymore!" You begged for Namjoon to pull the vibrating dildo out of your pussy but he strongly refused.
"You've come four times so far. Cmon give me more of your cum. It'll be disappointing if you make me stop now." He scoffed as he continued to fuck the dildo in and out of you hole. "Please. Please. Please. I-Its too much!" You continued to beg. But Namjoon took no pitty. "You wanna be a dissapointment to Daddy? You don't want him to have some fun with you, huh? What a waste~~" He sighed.
"W-What? No D-Daddy I-" Before you could even respond to Namjoon, he took his lips and started sucking and swirling his tongue on your clit. "Ahhhhh fuckkk!~" You moaned and squealed.
"Come for me again you whiny bitch." He growled. Your legs started to shake for him, as you reached your high, and came all over the dildo for the fifth time.
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Jin had his tongue sucking on your wet cunt. Slurping up all of the juices that endlessly leaked from your pussy.
He knew you were sensitive after cumming all over his mouth twice but he couldn't get enough of the taste of your pussy.
"J-Jinnnn ahh it's too much!" You tried squeezing your thighs shut, and pushing his head away with your hand, but Jin would simply stop for a moment to harshly spank your clit with his hand. "I'm not done yet! Stop complaining and cum for me again." He groaned before focusing on your clit.
You felt so sensitive. Your face was heating up, and you were fucked out. But Jin believed you didn't have enough yet.
He gave long licks from your pussy all the way to you clit. Before taking his index and middle fingers and easily sliding them into your wet cunt.
"Ahhhhhhhhhh Jin!~~" You moaned before you reached your high and came all over his fingers.
Jin took his fingers out of your pussy and licked your cum off of them. Before putting his lips on your cunt sucking up the remaining fluids. "Round 4?~" He smirked while looking at your fucked out face.
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"Fuck!Fuck! Fuck!" You moaned as you rode Yoongi's cock for him. "That's it, ride my dick like the slut you are." He moaned while he watched your breast bounce up and down.
"I-Its too much. S-So sensitive!" You whined as your movements got sluggish. You came three times on his dick so far, but Yoongi wanted more of your juices flowing all over his dick. It made him feel good and he couldn't get enough of it. Plus he loved seeing how fucked out you looked from cumming all over his cock.
"Ride this dick bitch or I'll make you regret it." Yoongi said as his eyes burned holes through your body. "B-But Yoongi- AH!" You squealed as Yoongi took his hands and held you still by your waist, before thrusting his hips upwards, slamming his dick into your cunt. His cock abused your g-spot, and your eyes rolled back into your head. "Always fucking complaining. Why can't you shut up and ride this dick!" He growled.
"Fuck I’m cummingggg." You moaned loudly as your back arched and you came all over his cock.
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Hoseok pulled on your hair as he fucked you from behind. Your hands tried to push him away, but he'd slap your ass signaling you to stop.
"Stop trying to run away bitch, I'm not done with you yet." He spanked you aas again. "Ho-Hoseok please its enough!" you begged. "Well not enough for me!" He snapped back.
Hoseok let go of your hair before bringing your back closer to his muscular toned chest. He kept his rhythm as he fucked your cunt in and out rapidly.
Hoseok then took one of his hands and wrapped it around your throat before taking his other and rubbed it on your clit.
You were a moaning mess and you could hardly hold yourself up on your knees as Hoseok’s cock hit your g-spot mercilessly. "Come for me baby. You can give me more, I know you can. Don't hold back." He started kissing on your neck, as he rubbed your clit faster and fucked your pussy harder.
"Come all over this cock. Fucking wet it with your juices." His grip on your neck tightened. And just like that, he thrusted a few more times before you squirted all over his cock. Hoseok moaned from the feeling of you coming on his dick and moved his hands from your throat and clit, to watch your exhausted body fall onto the bed.
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You felt the pressure of Jimin's body on you as he wrapped you in your arms. Your legs were wrapped around his lower abdomen allowing him to get his cock deeper into your soaking cunt.
"Oh fuck! You wanna come on this cock again? Hmm? Or are you too tired." Jimin's words purred in your ear. You did nothing but moan and whine. "I-I can't. I-Its too much please!" You stuttered as his cock abused your sweet spot.
"Awww~~ Well that's too damn bad." He teased before moving his lips to your breast and sucked on one, as he groped the other one with his hand.
You tried pushing him away since you felt overwhelmed from the feeling. "Don't push me away darling I know how badly you wanna cum." Jimin's words were right. You wanted to cum but it was too much.
Jimin loved seeing you struggle in his arms. He saw how heavy you were breathing and knew how sensitive you felt. He loved how he felt in so much control.
Jimin felt your pussy tighten as you clawed at his back. "I-Im cominggg fuckkk!" You squealed as you let your juices once again coat Jimins dick.
But Jimin didn't stop there. "Fuck that felt good. I want more!~" He giggled.
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"Mmmmm." Taehyung hummed as he was amused from the sight of your fluids smothering all over his fingers.
"T-Taehyung I feel like I’ll pass out if I c-cum again!" You whined, as you breathed heavily. Your clit was so sensitive, but Taehyung still played around with your pussy like it was nothing. You came 5 times, and it still wasn't enough for him.
Anytime you tried to push his fingers away, he'd slap your hand, or your titties as payback.
"I don't care if you're tired. Cum again for me. Come till you pass out. That's when I'll know you're realy tired." He teased, as he quickened his pace with his fingers fucking your pussy.
Taehyung wanted to see you struggle. Which is why overstimulating you was pleasing to him. You whined and moaned from the sensitive yet blissful feeling. Taehyung then took his thumb to rub your clit in circles as his long slender fingers pumped inside of you, reaching all of the sweet places inside like it was nothing.
Your toes curled, and your back arched as he did the 'come here' motion with his fingers. "F-Fuck! Taehyung! AHHHH!" You moaned loudly for him, and just like that you easily came all over his fingers. Your eyes rolled back before they closed shut. And you were breathing heavily before passing out.
Taehyung took the fingers out of your pussy and started to suck on the sweet juices that came all over them.
"Well done baby~"
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"Don't move away from me!" Jungkook demanded as he held your thighs down with his arms, to keep your pussy sat on his face.
Jungkook was eating you out as if it were his last meal. You came seven times on his face, and you were practically trying to crawl away from him at this point. But Jungkook didn't want to stop, as he showed no remorse, and had zero plans on letting you escape.
"Fucking cunt tastes so damn good. I want more. Cum all over my face baby. I want every last drop out of this pussy." Jungkook growled as he swirled his tongue over your cunt and clit. Your legs were shaking. His tongue worked wonders on your pussy. It'd go inside your wet hole, and suck on your clit.
Jungkook loved it when you sat your pussy on his face. Because he could easily hold you down whenever he wants with his muscular arms.
"Ahhhhh Jungkook!" You moaned loudly. "I'm cumminggg!!" You squealed before arching your back, and allowed your juices to cum all over Jungkooks mouth.
Jungkook then slapped you ass and continued to eat you out.
"More!" He demanded in a greedy way as he sucked up all of your juices from your cunt.
A/n: Mmmm that was too good💀
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spacefinch · 1 year
Pokemon Incorrect Quotes: Sinnoh Edition
Team Galactic Grunt:AAAAAAaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAaaaaaaaAAAAaaaaaaHHHHhhhhh!
Looker: Why are you running? WHY ARE YOU RUNNING?
Dawn: I'm in me mum's car, vroom vroom.
Johanna: Get out of me car!
Dawn: Aww.
Barry: *handing out Drifloons* I have no soul. Have a nice day!
Cyrus: I don't have one either.
Dawn: *filming*
Professor Rowan, walking into his lab every day: 
Lucas: See this man? He’s a magic man. He’s gonna touch this hot fire.
Flint: *touches electric fireplace*
Lucas: Oh man, he’s a magic man.
Looker: Why don’t we just relax, or turn on the radio? WOULD YOU LIKE HAM, OR—
Fantina: Hi, I'm Fantina and I'm your freestyle dance teacher.
Looker: *slides down a ramp* Good evening.
Dawn, Lucas, and Barry (gathered around a lettuce): Cabbasu, cabbasu, cab-a-su, LETTASU, LETTASU, LETTASUUUUUU!
Barry: We actually have the chip reader now.
Lucas: Oh yeah? *pulls out Dorito* hmmmm….
Barry: Oh it’s not gonna work with that kind of chiiiiii…….
Transaction completed.
Barry: I go to Home Depot
Barry: I eat the tools
Palmer: Stop it
Barry: Crumch
Cynthia: I swear, the next one of you to say "weird flex, but okay" is going to regret it.
Bertha: …
Flint: … 
Aaron: …
Lucian: Preposterous boast, but alas.
Cynthia: *facepalm*
Lucas: Early to bed, early to rise, Burger King burger with Burger King fries
Dawn: Later to rise, later to bed, Burger King burger on Burger King bread
Barry: Eat at morning, eat at night, I participate in a Burger King fight
Volkner: Normalize replying to emails with "what."
Lucas: Hey did you hear that Joe contracted ligma? They had to do a surgery on his updog.
Professor Rowan: Who’s Joe? What’s ligma? What’s updog?
Lucas: *inhales*
Dawn: Non-binary people don't owe you androgyny.
Barry: One does owe me money, though.
Dawn: No offense but…
Istanbul was Constantinople
Now it’s Istanbul, not Constantinople
Been a long time gone, oh Constantinople
Now it’s Turkish delight on a moonlit night
Every gal in Constantinople
Lives in Istanbul, not Constantinople
So if you’ve a date in Constantinople
She’ll be waiting in Istanbul
Even old New York was once New Amsterdam
Why they changed it I can’t say
People just liked it better that way
Lucas: asadsfjdsglgjlks
Professor Rowan: What is that?
Lucas: It's a keyboard smash
Rowan: How do I do that?
Lucas: Just press any key lol
Rowan: 7
Barry: How long does someone have to be dead before it's considered archaeology and not grave robbing?
Cynthia: As an archaeologist, I find this a VERY AWKWARD QUESTION.
Barry: Answer the question, grave robber.
Barry: Before you leave the house, think of the acronym "WOWEE:"
Egg (backup)
Volkner: You don’t have to "ship" things… just a reminder.
Lucas: Yeah, you could deliver them inste94q0ugpwsb nglsjki/rrhxbijbvnldkzOLHLNF>O(PJFVD
Volkner: Poor thing… walked right into an electrical fence while speaking…
Looker: *banging on door* OPEN UP, IT’S THE POLICE!
Lucas: It’s okay, I’m innocent.
Lucas: *looking down at sandals over socks* Oh no.
Fantina: Spirits, if you are here, speak to us.
Volkner: *reading AA battery label* Aaahh.
Volkner: *reading AAA batteries: AAAAAHHHH.
Palmer: Barry, go put those popsicles back.
Barry, grabbing all the popsicles and sliding away: YOU CAN'T MAKE ME DO ANYTHIIIIIING
Cyrus: We all die someday.  You either kill yourself or you get killed.  Whatcha gonna do?  Whatcha gonna do?
Barry: Really? EVERYBODY was kung fu fighting? I find that hard to believe. Stop feeding me these lies.
Lucas: Well it was really hard to see if it was everyone, you see they were as fast as lightning.
Dawn: And to be honest, it was a little bit frightening.
Lucian: Coca Cola can remove rust from metal, imagine what it’s doing to your body.
Byron: Pfff, getting rid of the rust, idiot.
Byron: Hmm... I've been drinking cola and my body's rust free... not sure where you're getting your facts from...
Cyrus: Team Plasma is going to change the world.
Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars: For the better?
Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars: . . . For the better, right?
Flint: We can bake these cookies at 400 degrees for 10 minutes, or 4,000 degrees for 1 minute.
Cynthia: No, that's not how you make cookies.
Volkner, zipping into the room: FLOOR IT!
Flint: How about 4,000,000 degrees for 1 second?!
Cynthia: You're GOING to burn the building down.
Volkner: DO IT!
Cynthia: NO.
Roark, in front of a fence with Cranidos behind it: Even the babies are some of the most dangerous animals in the world, so I built this cage to keep them secure and there's no possible- OH MY ARCEUS
Byron: *hands Barry a harmonica*
Byron: you play it, you get a million Pokedollars, but a million people will die-
Barry: *furiously plays harmonica*
Byron: BARRY NO-
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sapphyreopal5 · 2 months
thank you for answering, no I didn't see that post thanks for recommending it to me I'll check it out.
I don't know what an aa is but I am a Jensen fan who likes jared but hate his fans because of their double standards and because they have only one job in this world, to twist every thing Jensen does and make it look wrong and malicious.
like tge person in the comments, they are the most hateful person anyone has ever seen and on top of that they are so dumb they can't understand anything and just go off on people like an attack dog.
i know Oscars are for movie you looney, it's a metaphor for how he thought walker was going to be the next best thing.
and when that didn't work he started to go back to sing about spn and the repot.
he's an actor, his livelihood is working and making money for his family and future, it's not wrong, but when Jensen thinks about his family and future and money, suddenly he's greedy basterd.
like the winchesters for example, so what if he did for money?
what's wrong with that?
the pads are selling their kids and dogs and their own anniversaries and birthdays are ads for money (nothing wrong with that)
but the double standards are overwhelming.
btw Jensen not telling jared about the prequel was not wrong he's entitled to do his business as he sees fit, that tantrum on the other hand was just embarrassing.
and that's why you all hate Jensen, because he did something for himself and his wife and didn't include jared and therefore made jared embarrass himself.
Anyway thank you for replying to me you are too generous, most of my ask was to reply to the comment who decided to insult me on someone else's post like the entitled loser they are.
Hello Anon thanks for coming back with some clarifications on things. I did feel like you were attacking my blog for a second, so I apologize if I came across rude. I'm open to any discussion criticizing my stuff if I'm in the wrong and the conversation is civil. I enjoy a debate every so often but I don't care for arguments that turn personal if that makes sense. I don't "stan" any of the actors or their significant others just because. I have my criticisms of everyone and my praises for at least some of them ha ha. No one escapes criticism from me overall, but I also can see at least some positives in a lot of people. I actually don't hate Jensen even if some of my more recent posts seem to make it seem so. I withhold alot of things I feel, believe, etc. from my blog for my own reasons but have discussed more with some people in PMs.
As far as TW goes, I have reasons to believe Jared knew SOMETHING was possibly in the works with TW but not a whole lot of details. I think it's fair he felt excluded from it. I can say that from a spirutual. divine blueprints point of view, things played out this way for a reason and it was for Jared's benefit not his detriment. Therefore, I don't chime in to the ongoing debate of who is right or wrong in this respect. As for the other stuff you said in the list ask about the Pads' marriage and the other things, I am open to a PM provided things are civil (which I will say the first ask did not come across as). I get what you mean about double standards however. I'm not one of those people that you can easily put in a box ;)
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laracrofted · 5 months
happy new year, dear ames! and here we goooo (I don't know if there is an ask limit but I'm here to find out):
first things first, i have to give love to @gretagerwigsmuse and @sometimesanalice for the simple reasons that they let me go into their messages, drop a bomb of fic, run and hope for the best. they are the best, helping me get fics over the line, critiquing, editing, offering suggestions, overuse of caps, commas and exclamation points and in general, just squeeing with me. but not only that, as you know, they are beautiful writers themselves. i'd rec fics but their masterlists are seen to be believed. I couldn't pigeonhole a singular fic.
my love @pisupsala one of the first real multichap writers I got into. Mila knows I live and breathe for her writing and she is just the sweetest and kindest. I would pay for her words.
@jupitercomet king of the AU, we love big bradley in this house and even in my fics, i can't see him below 6'5 and blame Bugs wholly for that.
@bobfloydsbabe one of my first fandom friends and I just adore Helena - she knows I'd go to war for her. And seriously: I would.
@a-reader-and-a-writer Vee, I simply love you. There is nothing else I can say except talent and sweetness wrapped in a bow of rainbows x
@butaneandthebeast I will write you sonnets if you let me.
@daughter-of-aphrodite & @lizziespidiepridie my timezone queens. What are the flavours tonight, ladies?
@ryebecca makes us most beautiful moodboards. she knows the affection i have for bradbrad and she happily delivers him to my messages to let me know when she has dropped another beautiful incarnation so I don't miss it being on the wrong side of the planet.
@thedroneranger Bradshaw baddie and creative to boot.
@laracrofted Ames, I simply adore you.
some people who make my heart a-flutter with their support, reblogs, comedy (and I'm sorry if I've forgotten anyone, I'm writing on stolen time, the dog needs a walk and I've got freeloaders here tonight for NYE): @na-ta-sh-aa @idontwannanamethisthing @crustyhoneybadger @yuckosworld @tvjunkie08 @babycallmyname @fanficfandomlove @roosterforme @perfectprettypisces @teacupsandtopgun @shhoooketh @nouis-bum @senawashere @eli2447 @shanimallina87 @tgmreader @mak-32 @elusive-honeydew @blue-aconite @beyondthesefourwalls @hangmanssunnies @ofstoriesandstardust @mothdruid @wintercap89 @rae-gar-targaryen @dissonannce
Happy New Year and here's to the TGM fam in 2024! 🍾🪩🥹
what a wonderful note, cass 🤍 happy new year, and i adore you right back!
end of the year positivity night 💌
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2036sator · 1 month
hiiii :3 what r ur opinions on the characters in the cgvl and lha? Character wise, design wise, etc... (including freedom guy 🤭) I'm just really curious :3
[[ AA dude i’m gonna go so in depth w/ this !!!! this is personally from what I recently discovered from these characters so , i am kinda new to LHA and CGVL ,, not freedom guy tho lolol ]]
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[[ Let’s start with LHA ^_^ ]]
> FREEDOM GUY - design wise … absolutely cool i can’t really explain how much i enjoy doodling him no matter what design he has , always loved the old design !! Red scarf is iconic to him and made him stand out even if its a bit plain… but other than the old design, new design kitt recently has made im ssooooooo inlove with how he became so …. HE LOOKS SASSY AT ONE POINT LOOOKING AT HIM FOR HOURS . his old design with his iconic hands on his hips pose already made me think he was all shiny sassy star that everyone praises of lllolololol 7_7 character wise by personality is great overall , he’s a code yet he is so , humane that being the therapist plus saviour is tiring even for a code sobbbb ilove gushing about freedom guy if u can’t tell
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> FROST - design wise ? Love it . I would say that I love drawing Frost as well as much as I love to draw Freedom Guy :3 Character wise … very kewl…. I need to see more of frost stuff ………
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> TANGERINE - DESIGN WISE AAHHHH OHMYGOD I have something for orange sticks idk why but she looks so cool i never actually noticed she even had like scars until i went thru deep into the LHA bloggers just to noticed she has like two or three scars like WHAT !!! Character wise , If she went to my school I would wanna be her friend tbh she seems fun to be around ^_^
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> CION - Design wise is just… chefs kiss , I love drawing her marble head and drawing her in my design where she has like kind of maybe water ish? Or fire ish blob around it just bc I can’t see her with hair so instead I just made blobs that made to look like she has hair el o el ,,,overallll!! Super cool I love cloaks … Character wise is yes , just yes . Ilove the looks can be deceived like how Cion and Tangerine is the same just different fonts
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> LUCKY - hhhahah lucky block…. I made Lucky’s head more not circular bc srsly I would totally believe lucky if xe told me xe was birthed from a lucky block. So it’s more geometrical? Character wise ilove xem ilove hackers and I don’t know much of Lucky ,,,still xe’s super cool either way
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> SCRIBBLES - from what ive seen im surprised this is actually and technically the leader of cgvl and its just , a little scribble stick ( in a positive way not insulting ) , probably my favourite... ( i cant decide with scribs and rose ) ,,, character wise!!! ive seen a little bit of scribbles story and im cheering so hard scribs is so cool and with the programmer lore and everything going on is super interesting and all overall really cool character , easy to doodle when im bored in school
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> VIX - oh jeez . can we get vix neutered . / LIGHTHEARTED JOKE ... Unique creature , i love the head design even though it sometimes confuses me when i try to doodle the back of vix :9 ., character wise .. freaky .... you a freak girl!!! also!!! I LOVE cannibal characters when they're all actually attached to a person then they soemtimes can't get over the thought of eating them ( filling them with guilt ) i love when cannibals feel bad for what they are ( technically its a parasite for vix's case but still!!! )
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>ROSE - ohhhhhhhhh i almost tripped when i saw rose , pink characters save me ... shes so pretty by the design wise category .. made me jealous of her gender smhhhh.... character wise , mischievous thief and i would let her steal my whole house if she wanted to
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> GEO - i wanna squeeze geo but i cant :( character wise by what ive seen from like interactions(?) and lore , its really interesting and really cool ( reminds me of another interest i have but who cares ) still i understand how frost would baby geo
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> ENTI & BUG ( NO IMAGE NOOOOOO MY LIMIT NOOOOOO ) - big guys so cool they would absolutely obliterate me . i dont know them much but i wanna know more about them .... i need itt...
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enigma-im · 8 months
Once Bitten, Twice Shy
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Vampire x F!Human Warning: blood phobia, vomiting, passing out, AA meeting for vampires, some sex
Word count: 2,762
a short story about a vampire with a blood phobia
"My name is Cecil, and I'm a vampire," I say into the circle. The crowd seems bored at my introduction but follow along.
"Hi, Cecil," the group answers back in unison.
"Where to begin," I rub my palms on my pants," I was bitten in 1943, a classic case of wrong place wrong time. Was bit at 21 and It has really been hell ever since."
"Why has it been hell," another- Barnabas, I believe- asks. He invited me to this gathering, I presume him to be the leader of this...event, as he was the one to greet everyone as we gathered in.
I take in a deep breath," well. It's mostly this crazy phobia I have, had it since I was small. It's called Hemophobia, or the fear of blood...
I watch intently as my date dances around with the others. Her dress sways and swings with the lively music. I truly try to enjoy myself, to ignore the intent nagging in my skull. Though it remains persistent. I just need to focus on the music or the way everyone is singing along with great big smiles. It's a great vibe, all the people on the dancefloor are hooting and hollering like drunk fools. Their hearts beat so quickly, pumping their blood throughout their bodies so they can jump around without a care. I find myself a little too focused on how that all works. How those soft veins can hold back rushing fluids that are so important.
I wonder what it would taste like?
"Cecil," my date plops down beside me with a huff," don’t feel like dancing tonight?"
I take a gulp, wiping the sweat from my brow," I can't say I'm feeling all too well."
"Still not feeling great after last week? I was sure you were in high spirits just yesterday," she leans over to touch my forehead," Oh dear, you are just freezing." I choke up on the smell that hits me, I find myself utterly focus at the moment. Transfixed even, driven.
"Let's get out of here," I say with a choked breath. My stomach tightens and rolls, I'm starving.
I lead her out into the cold air, holding her hand a bit too tight. I find myself needing somewhere private with my date. Taking her to the alleyway for some polite attention.
I can't even bother to pay a second thought to anything as I pull her close, backing her against the brick wall behind her. I'm enraptured by her scent, her heat. I press a simple kiss to her throat.
"Oh, Cecil," she coos," what has sprung this on?"
I can't even listen as I'm licking at her pulse. Just a little nibble, who would know? I take a timid bite, and she melts in my arms. I press a little harder, and she squirms. Before I can press a bit more she shouts.
"Ow," she pushes me a bit, " damn bottle."
An intoxicating smell takes me away from her neck, pointing me toward her coddled hand. Bright red pools at her palm as a piece of small glass sticks from her hand.
"Caught some shrapnel," she teases, but I hit with a rush of adrenaline. My head goes light, vision is fuzzy. I catch myself on the wall behind her as a wave of nausea threatens my well-being. An urge enters my head to drink said blood and that completely overwhelms me.
I vomit onto the floor, my date rubs my back before guiding me to the ground as I lose my balance. I catch another sight of her bleeding hand and I'm out like a light.
"Afraid of blood," someone- some lad with a newspaper cap- in the group chuckles," I don't mean to be rude but how the hell have you made it this long?"
Everyone looks to me expectant, it's a fair question.
"it was trouble at first, just the idea of it anywhere near me was torture. Then I got the genius idea of tricking myself into eating food that look like it. Kind of like feeding medicine to a child or dog," I answer.
"Like putting pills in rolled-up cheese," the same man scoffs.
"Yes," I answer embarrassed," but I do it with more subterfuge than a pill in cheese...
I set the plate of grilled cheese beside the bowl of tomato soup. Garnishing the dish with some basil. I sit, tucking a napkin into my collar. Ready to dig in.
I hold the spoon over the, darker than normal, tomato soup. My gut rolls.
"Let's start with the sandwich," I mumble as I set aside the spoon. I take a bite of the sliced grilled cheese, quite enjoying the flavors it provides. Though dulled with vampirism, it's still very yummy. I try to ride the high by encouraging myself to dip the sandwich into the soup for a nice combination of flavors. I tilt towards the bowl, hovering once again over it.
"It's just soup, delicious tomato soup," I grumble," Just take a dip, it's definitely not blood mixed with soup," I growl in frustration.
I toss the sandwich onto the plate before banging my head onto the table with an exaggerated groan.
I bolt upright with regained vigor," ok, ok, I got this. One more try! Easy-peasy" I snatch the bowl and slurp up a few gulps, eyes clenched shut as I focus on the tomato taste over anything else. I finish off the bowl, setting it down with a proud grin.
"I did it," I stand, fist in the air," I drank blood."
At the realization my stomach lurches, the contents falling out of my mouth and onto the floor. My throat burns and my eyes water. I see the blood-red liquid splattered on the ground and hurl again. I have to look away to stop the awful cycle. My legs give out as I fall to the floor near my mess. It takes a moment to collect my breath, rein in my thoughts, and center myself.
"That could have gone worse," I mumble.
"This is embarrassing," someone says under their breath.
"This is fascinating," Barnabas says," you just have to trick yourself every day?"
"Not every day," I correct," It's just once a week, thank Christ, so it's not awful. It's at a very minor detriment to some of my powers but I don't really need to be able to turn into a bat or hypnotize groups of people. I mean we only really need to do it once in a while anyway. Not an issue."
"What about the urges," the woman beside me asks," I know if I go just a few days I'm practically foaming at the mouth to bite my coworker." The group mumbles in agreement, a bit more engaged after the question.
"It's not a huge deal but it has come up," I rub the back of my neck," I can say it's easier with age....
Abagail is just amazing. She is so sweet, fun, smart, and downright hilarious. I can't help but watch her every time she enters a room. It's like she demands my attention. Like right now, just in her PJs and wet hair I can't stop staring.
"Hey, dork," she teases," you want some popcorn?"
I look at the bowl she offers as she plops down beside me. I shrug, grabbing a fist full. When in Rome, I'm just glad I had a plate of healthy "strawberry jam on toast" this morning. Totally 100% strawberry jam.
We sit on her couch for movie night, her cuddled up in my arms. This is bliss, this is what I truly crave. Speaking of cravings...
I slip a hand under her shirt, no longer interested in the movie she has put on. My fingers slide up her tummy, over her ribs, and cup her sweet breast.
"What are you doing," she asks without real concern. I ignore her in favor of massaging her chest, scooting down to kiss up on her neck. "You're missing the movie," she tries to complain. It's fought out when I tweak her nipple. I know I have her when she turns around to slap a fat kiss on my lips.
This woman.
I whisk her away to the bedroom, the movie forgotten as more- ahem- important tasks have popped up. She laughs as I toss her onto the bed, climbing in after to kiss up her body before taking her lips for mine. God, she tastes so good. She is as horny as I am as she tosses her shirt to the side, sneaking her pants off between us as I take her nipple into my mouth. I watch her squirm with delight.
Reaching down between her legs I slip a finger into her, finding her partially slick. She is so warm, so inviting. I stretch her with a second finger as I steal another kiss from her. That devious little tongue prods, I meet it with delight.
"Get in me," she gasps between kisses.
"With pleasure," I answer back. I throw my clothes off with amazing speed, grabbing her legs and spreading them wide for me. Looking over her brings a delicious tingle down my spine and up my cock. I grab myself and press into her. I hold my breath as the first prod is tight, her slick hole dragging me in so beautifully.
As I bottom out I fall to my arms and press sweet kisses around her face. I begin my slow gyration, utterly raptured by this woman. As I find my stride I pick up the speed, slamming into her hard enough for her tits to bounce around. I feel them brush against my chest before she wraps her arms around my back and presses me closer.
She nibbles and kisses up my neck and shoulder, scratching my back as she whimpers in my ear. How lucky I am. I wish to see her.
I pull away from her to sit upright, only faltering in my impetus for a moment. I watch her get fucked by me. Her hair is strewn across the pillow, mouth slightly agape. She smiles when I meet her eye, reaching out to hold my thigh though she just barely can. Her cheeks are flushed, so pink from the blood rising up.
Suddenly all I can hear is her heart. Time slows as I notice every detail of her, the sweat beginning to form on her skin, the way her breath hitches at every upthrust. I can hear her blood flowing through her veins, and see her pulse on her neck. I fall to my hands once more, my focus elsewhere. My teeth ache as I lower my mouth to her neck. I lick at the slightly salty skin. Just a bite? A quick nibble...
NO. I can't pull myself back, all the private sins of a man coming together into one intoxicating concoction made just for me. A little bite to finish off the bliss? It's no harm, I will only drink a little. Pump her full of me while I drown in her? A fair trade.
NO! Think of the blood! It will be everywhere, including your mouth! My stomach rolls at the thought. You want to drink that? Disgusting, blood is terrifying. How could you forget? I bite back bile, my throat burning.
I bolt up, pulling out of her and running for the bathroom. I slam the door shut before I can even hear any of Abigail's protest. I run to the shower, turning on the water, and dive into the cold. It's a shock to the system and enough to bring me back. I'm soft and disgusted with myself.
There is a knock at the door," are you ok?"
I groan, sitting down in the shower," Sorry, I'm not feeling well."
There is a short pause," That's ok. Do you need anything? Can I come in?"
Abigail, just too damn sweet for someone like me.
"You have a human girlfriend," the older woman in front of me exclaims," you really love torturing yourself."
"It's not like that," I defend," We've been together for a year now and things couldn't be better."
"So you haven't tried to bite her," she asks.
"I didn't say that," I object.
Another chap chimes in," Does she know?"
"Yes," I answer proudly.
"How'd you tell her," Barnabas asks.
"Funny story, I didn't have to...
I'm sitting across from Abigail in her apartment, enjoying a lovely meal she made for us. Though the red of the sauce gives me a bit of PTSD, it takes a bit to remind myself it isn't my cooking. I swirl up a bite for myself as Abigail stares. I look at her confused, slurping up the noodle before wiping my face.
"Something wrong," I ask around a mouthful.
"I think you're a vampire," she answers, resting her chin on her hand. I nearly choke.
"excuse me," I cough," what gives you that idea?"
She shrugs before eating," Minor things mixed with a gut feeling."
I try to put on a humored face to hide the utter terror hiding beneath," and what would those minor things be that turned you to the conclusion so preposterous as this?"
She ponders a bit, rocking her head back and forth," Well the first one was the garlic aversion."
"Because I'm allergic to garlic," I scoff," that's not really my fault."
"It was a joke but it led me on a path," she continues," then it was the sun stuff."
"I can go into the sun," I deadpan.
She points her fork at me," Not for very long. You burn up like a marshmallow in a fire! We can't even go play mini golf without your sun hat or umbrella."
I drop my fork with a huff, crossing my arms. "Farcical."
"Then sometimes when we make love you are a bit too jumpy, especially after that time you got sick."
"I'm sorry I'm more cautious. I nearly threw up on you. I can't imagine either of us find that too sexy," I try to convince. She is too smart for her own good, or maybe I'm too dumb?
"The final nail in the coffin- pun intended- is the fact you don't show up in mirrors," she adds so blasé.
Oh... I guess I am too dumb.
"You are an enigma I don't care to figure out," The woman beside me says. The group nods in agreement, having had enough of my turn for the group.
"Truly a hell of your own making," another man adds.
"But you seem happy," Barnabas smiles. I can't help but smile back.
The group goes around with their much less interesting stories of feeding frenzies and blood orgies. Perhaps I started with the wrong vibe.
Everyone disperses as Barnabas ends the meeting. I wait out front for Abigail, looking at my phone as people walk by.
"Great session," Barnabas clasps my shoulders from behind. I startle, twisting out of his grasp.
"Uh, yea," I answer only partially truthful.
"You think you will be back next week," he asks as he shoves his hands in his pockets," It's hard out there for us, I like making a little place to be able to vent and rely on others."
"Yea, yea," I answer noncommittally," it's great. That woman, Ta'tyana, seems to be making strides. I mean she used to be a leader of a cult? Now she runs a daycare, great stuff."
A car honks, grabbing our attention. A person waves towards Barnabas and I. I awkwardly wave back, unsure of the situation.
"Hey, that's me," he says as he taps my shoulder," hope to see you again."
"We will see," I wave as he trots off. He hops in and rides off, leaving me with the few stragglers left. Before I can grab my phone again a familiar car pulls up.
"Pick up for Cecil," Abigail calls out the window. I chuckle at the comment, getting into her car. I lean over and give her a quick kiss.
She drives off before asking," Did you have fun?"
I shrug," I don't think I'll be coming back but it was nice for the one time."
"Well there are always positives," she smiles at me. I watch her for a moment, taking in her lazy appearance on this fine Friday afternoon. Dressed to the 9s in her sweatpants stained with stubborn curry spots and an oversized t-shirt.
"That there is," I hum back.
Hello! Hope you enjoyed the first of my spooky month releases. I only have 3 total, so look out for the next two!
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citnamora · 6 months
pls tell me more abt ur arospec ace attorney headcanons. my personal fav is lovequeer aro phoenix wright 4 loveless aro miles edgeworth.
Lovequeer Phoenix makes me SO happy!!! AND YESSSS LOVELESS ARO EDGEWORTH!!!!!! Aro4aro Narumitsu is hands down my absolute favorite flavor of the ship!! Oh my goodness!!! ARO4ARO SO TRUE!!!! Two aros absolutely demolishing amatonormativity with their level of trust and devotion to one another <33
Seeing this ask got me so excited to indulge because I'm aro so obviously I love projecting my community's, and my own, labels onto my favorite characters! But AA is something really special because there's very little canon romance which means lots of room for interpretation!!
(So a lot of my headcanons are a result of them just looking like the flags because the arospec community is full of beautifully colored flags I can't help but see everywhere)
Phoenix is recipro to me because any time he's shown romantic interest in someone it's pretty much always been when they hit on him first. Like the idea doesn't even cross his mind until then!! From what I've seen from recipro individuals this is a really common experience which is why it Makes Sense to me! I'm generally open to any and all arospec Phoenix headcanons because they just click with me (for obvious reasons, LOL)
For me, Iris is demiro because her whole story with Phoenix just screams it to me. She probably went in only hoping to get the necklace back from her sister's next victim and then she gets to know him as this kindhearted guy who would do anything for the people he loves and she falls HARD. I don't think they were "dating" the whole time which I'm pretty sure was confirmed by Iris herself but I honest to goodness believe they were lovey dovey in those last weeks or months leading up to Dahlia stepping in! I should also confess I'm a Feenris shipper, haha, so I'm biased on that front. Demiro Iris just means A Lot to me
Maya is aroace lesbian in that she thinks girls are really pretty!! And also in how she kept moving between the aroace and lesbian labels to the point she decided she'd label herself both. This one was mostly inspired by her going "omg that girl was so pretty" to just about every girl she meets which feels very, very sapphic LOL. I hc she's romance indifferent in the sense she doesn't mind dating but it's not something she actively seeks out! Though I think she'd love the meals that come with dinner dates- she's got food on the brain 24/7 after all (just like me for real)
Mia is pan angled aroace, more specifically greypansexual aro! Because she gives me romance repulsed aro vibes at first but her relationship with Diego (and possibly with Lana) would point to her being more romance ambivalent. Pansexual Mia is a headcanon I've had for a looooong time as far back as my first AA hc document while greysexual is a recent development. She's always been aro to me! Aro plant mom <3
Franziska is quiromantic to me. I mean, she's the palette of the platoniromantic flag! This headcanon only came about because of that 4koma comic where Phoenix makes Franziska flustered by telling her Maya's being strong for her because she sees Franziska as a dear friend. I just got the vibes. Also, the colors! I honestly don't think she'd see the appeal of romance with or without the feelings she can't distinguish. She enjoys her independence and I can't see her "settling down" in the slightest
Now, I've bounced around with where I think Edgeworth is on the aromantic spectrum. But I know damn well he belongs there! Lately I've considered Edgeworth being lithro gay, whether he loses feelings upon entering a relationship or doesn't want to act on them in the first place I'm honestly not sure. (Edgeworth is an interesting case for me because I flip flop between him having feelings or being omniaromantic lol) Probably never getting married regardless. Even before the lines about it I had my doubts! I like the idea of him marrying for tax benefits but outside of that.. I can't see him ever entering a traditional marriage let alone traditional romance. It feels out of character for him
There are others but these are by far the most developed ones! Recipro Phoenix and aroace lesbian Maya are my favorites because they feel the most accurate in regards to canon but pan angled aroace Mia is also up there. I'm probably going to post more arospec headcanons as I come up with them because y'all seem to really like them and I like talking about em!!
Thank you so much for asking!
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rattusn0rvegicus · 2 months
Honestly I'm finally starting to make genuine connections and form relationships within my community and it's insane. I'm so far from the isolated, paranoid person I was as a young(er) adult. I can't believe I used to be someone who was usually too terrified to even leave their bedroom to go to the bathroom or eat. How many nights I spent curled up, alone, with my back to the wall, suicidal, feeling like I was being watched by a million unseen eyes, and thinking it would never get any better.
It's all been so gradual, too. It took me four years to get my AA and I almost got kicked out of school due to failing grades twice. And then I finally got my AA. And then I got into a long distance relationship. And then I moved to the Midwest, and aside from my bf and his friends, was still very isolated - but not alone. And then I worked a few jobs and always felt like such an odd one out with my coworkers. Never socialized behind that, but always longed for it. A couple years later, I started volunteering. Started going to a trans support group and met a few folks there. Then started working on my BS last year.
Now I'm meeting this amazing, incredible group of coworkers and everyone is so passionate about what we're doing. I've never had a job so in alignment with my values, a job that so deeply inspires me to improve. I've never felt this way, not at school, not at work, ever. I've had tiny tastes and glances of it in piecemeal events.
I'll finish my BS sometime between 28 and 30. And that's okay. (the idea that I'd even have a chance to make it to that age was so foreign to me for most of my life) I'm not like a lot of friends and people I know who are already in grad school or working on their PhDs or graduated already. I had a different lot in life and that's okay. I'm meeting so many people with a similar story.
And we can build each other up.
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Hey yall, I’m back, ummmm from what I’ve been seeing a lot of stuff is happening and littles? Like, more than I remember? Would someone be so kind as to give like a quick summary cause I’ve been gone for like a couple months I think and that’s a lot of scrolling. Like maybe a list of who all now regresses or is currently regressed, what was happening with AA (vaguely remember seeing a post with a pot?), quill? Who’s quill?, and like an explanation of blood and crow, I think I left for a bit right after or right before they were introduced. Last thing I remember was crumpet was hanging with KC and the bloodmoon twins merged. Sorry that’s a lot I’m asking about, I’m just confused
//Alright! I'm going to try and give you a rundown, but I'm sure others will add in any details I miss. This is kind of long, so stap in!
Current Regressors, as well as if they're currently regressed or not:
Sun: regresses, is not regressed
Lunar: regresses, was briefly regressed and panicked for a bit when he thought Solar would need to use a pair of pliers to fix a small injury, but is now big again and helping clean the daycare. Calls Ghost 'Sissy' when small
Solar: regresses, regressed when Midnight/his Moon came in and threatened him. Nothing was explicitly stated, but it's implied that he was going to do 'repairs' or hurt him somehow.
Ghost Anon: regresses, is currently regressed. She's adopted Solar as her 'Papa'. Currently calling Solar 'Bubby' since they're both small
Star: regresses and is regressed.
Crow Anon: possibly???
The basic events that have happened so far:
Anonymous Anonymous accidentally got injured during an interaction with Crow Anon. They ran off and may have been reacting out of trauma.
Mun God is now their/her own entity. She is very protective of her family, and they got very upset when they learned that AA was upset and injured.
Mun God became upset when they realized that they've been helping put more pressure on AA, as well as hurting them themself by being too harsh.
Crow Anon and Mun God made ammends and Mun God healed AA's hand. They also gave AA the power to repair and heal organic things.
Side-note: Quill is a self-insert of the writer (still can't believe I did that lol). She/they are Mun-God's ex-partner and totally doesn't want to get back together with them what are you talking about
The story itself:
Lunar regressed after accidentally getting hurt and thinking that Solar would have to use pliers to fix it
Solar took care of Ghost, Star, and Lunar while they were all regressed
Sun came and saw Solar taking care of the littles and stayed to help.
Bad Moon/Midnight came and threatened Solar, saying the daycare was a mess and he wasn't doing his job. Solar tried to hold it together, but regressed and clung to Sun.
Sun is currently taking care of Solar, Ghost, and Star. He doesn't know anything about Poppy, but he's doing his best
Lunar's cleaning the daycare with everyone else
I think that's everything? Or at least the main points. If anyone else sees something I didn't include, please add to this!
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rockbottomwithashovel · 11 months
Tw suicide
Hey guys. I'm just posting this to say why... And to say I'm sorry. I don't know what to say, I suck at goodbyes. I just don't think I can do this anymore. It's like the universe is giving me more reasons to die each day.
I never wanted it to be this way. I started to think I could actually recover, live a long and happy life. But that moment was so short. I just can't do it.
I haven't been able to be happy for more than a minute since I was 10. I was just a child, and I had already gone through so much. But it was only just starting.
When I was 7 or 8 I was sexually assaulted. It was around this time that I started to more or less live on pot noodles as I wasn't allowed to make anything, but my mum mentally couldn't either.
When I was 10-13 I was emotionally and mentally abused. I was bullied for years, they made me do things and if I didn't I'd be the one with the bruise. The guilt eats me every day. There are rooms and memories from that time and school that don't make sense and I can't remember. I don't know why. The bullying even came from teachers. This was a private Christian school.
From when I was 10 I had to spend most excursions at home as we nearly lost the house, and I had to miss days of school to stay home and look after my mum, who was suffering from depression and needed support. This was when the household chores all fell on to me and my twin.
When I was 13 my mum tested me against my consent for aspergers syndrome (now called ASD). It came back positive. She told me when I didn't want to know. This caused a chaotic and unstable household. I was suffering ptsd that I didn't understand. My parents made me feel crazy. I was running away and coming back, missing school, not sleeping. Asking for affection but only getting attention if I was a problem. There was so much screaming and fighting and I was all alone, no friends, no family helping me through, even my twin was against me.
When I was 15 I told my best friend of 10 years that I have ASD. She never spoke to me since.
When I was 16 I was groomed by a man online, leading to me seeking out more aggressive and manipulative people online to make me feel good about myself. The shame lasted longer than anything else. Then the pandemic hit. My friend tried to kill herself. She left most people notes... Not me. She doesn't really speak to me now. I don't know what I did wrong.
By 18, I had tried to kill myself more times than I could count, never getting far (I was only 13 when I first attempted).But things started to look up. I had survived school.
Now, at 19, I've been to aa, the mental ward twice in one year for suicide attempts, I have depression, anxiety, ptsd, insomnia, atypical anorexia, suicidal thoughts, I self harm so much I could never wear short sleeves again. And I'm having psychotic episodes. I don't know what it is, I'm scared to be diagnosed, but my therapist has suggested a few things. As someone (if you've looked closely at my blog, you'll know who) once said, it's a living, breathing nightmare.
Maybe I am a coward. Maybe it's just too much and I'm too weak. But it hurts so much or I can't feel at all. I can't keep doing this.
People say they love me, that I'm important or they'd miss me. But I just don't know if I can believe that. People call me pretty but the mirror makes me want to hurt myself. I'm ugly. Unlovable. I'm just a burden and a waste of space. I'm so sorry if I am important to you. I don't want to traumatize anyone or hurt anyone but this just hurts so fucking much I don't know how much longer I can be strong. Maybe I'm just not meant for this.
I need you all to know I love you. You mean so much to me. I'm so fucking sorry if I hurt you. I'm so sorry. If you're struggling, please get help. You deserve happiness, hope, love. I believe in you. It will get better. If you see someone struggling, please look after them, even just a stranger on the train with leaking eyeliner. Just ask if they're OK. You could save their life.
I've got pierce the veil on the 27th. I'll do it after that. I'm not sure if I can hold on that long though. I'm so sorry for any pain I'm causing. I hope you're all OK <333
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SR Kalim Al-Asim Gala Couture Personal Story: Part 1
"It makes me a little sad"
Part 1 (Part 2)
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[Scarabia Dorm – Kalim's Room]
Kalim: Snoooore…. Snoooore…
Kalim: Rrnnnnhh…
Kalim: …Mmm?
Kalim: …Aa…Aaa…
Kalim: AAAACHOOOO!!!!!!!
Kalim: ….It's so cold!!!
Kalim: Why's it so cold!!!???
Kalim: The room's heating isn't working… Is it on cool for some reason!?
Kalim: I gotta change the settings… No, wait, the temperatures in the dorms are all magically set by the Headmaster, right.
Kalim: It's way too cold, no matter how many blankets I use… There's no way I can sleep in this…!
[knock, knock]
Jamil: Kalim, are you awake?
Kalim: Ja-Ja-Ja-Ja-Jamil…!
Kalim: Th-Th-Th-The room's AC's acting up… [shivers]
Jamil: Then don't be walking around in such light layers. Here, put on a jacket.
Kalim: Th-Th-Thanks…
Jamil: But now I'm stumped. I can't believe it's affected the Dorm Leader's room, too.
Kalim: …Eh? Does that mean that your room's this cold too, Jamil?
Jamil: …In any case, you should come with me.
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[Scarabia Dorm – Lounge]
Kalim: Eh!!!
Kalim: Why are all of you gathering together in the lounge like this?
Scarabia Student A: That's because it's so cold that we all woke up…
Scarabia Student B: We all brought are blankets so we can try to stay warm.
Jamil: It seems the AC in Scarabia is completely broken.
Kalim: Eeeh!? That's a huge problem!
Kalim: Our dorm is smack dab in the middle of a desert, so it gets freezing cold at night.
Kalim: If we don't have heat, catching colds’ll be the least of our problems.
Kalim: This'll be bad if this keeps up. We need to go talk to the Headmaster!
Scarabia Student C: Dorm Leader! Vice Dorm Leader! It's a disaster!
Scarabia Student D: The entrance to the dorm is completely buried in snow and can't open at all!
Kalim: Oh, then if I jump on the magic carpet, I can leave through the window.
Kalim: I'll go and fly all the way to the main campus!
Jamil: Ah, Kalim, wait!!! Don't just do things on your own…!
Kalim: …
Kalim: SO COLDDDDD!!!!
Scarabia Student B: Ah, the Dorm Leader's back.
Kalim: Th-The carpet's frozen stiff… I can't make it to the mirror like this!
Jamil: …Once morning comes and the sun rises, it should be relatively warmer than now.
Jamil: We should wait until dawn breaks to go outside.
Kalim: Yeaaah, that sounds better.
Scarabia Student A: [shudder, shudder]…
Scarabia Student B: [shiver, shiver]…
Kalim: But… At this rate, everyone's gonna catch a cold.
Kalim: Isn't there some way we can stay warm?
Jamil: We've collected as many blankets as we can.
Jamil: We can use fire magic, but we won't be able to keep it up all night…
Jamil: What else can we do…
Kalim: Ah! Oh yeah!!
Kalim: What about that soup that you make all the time in the winter, Jamil?
Jamil: Hm? …Aah. The one with pepper, ginger, and cinnamon.
Kalim: Whenever I drank that soup, I felt super warmed up right away.
Kalim: Let's make it for everyone else, too!
Jamil: …Well, I guess that's better than doing nothing.
Jamil: Okay, then I'll head to the kitchen and make it, so you wait here…
Kalim: No way. I'll come with you!
Jamil: Huh? No, the Dorm Leader should watch over the rest of the dorm students.
Kalim: I can't just shove all the hard work onto your shoulders, Jamil.
Kalim: 'Cause, we're friends, aren’t we!?
Jamil: We're not friends.
Kalim: But we promised that we'd talk through things as equals, didn't we?
Jamil: That and friendship are two completely different things.
Kalim: This isn't anytime to be acting shy. It's a dorm issue, so let's work together as friends to overcome it!
Jamil: I've already told you, we're not friends… Are you listening to me!? Don't follow me, Kalim!!!
Kalim: …It's starting to get light out.
Scarabia Student A: Thanks to that soup, we somehow made it through the night without freezing.
Scarabia Student B: Thank you very much, Dorm Leader Asim, Vice Dorm Leader Viper!
Kalim: Yep, yep. Jamil's soup is the best, right?
Jamil: …The sun's up.
Kalim: Okay, then let's head towards the main campus and ask the Headmaster to fix the air conditioning!
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[Hall of Mirrors]
Kalim: Alright!!!
Kalim: Here we are at the main…
Kalim: campus…
Kalim: …
Jamil: …
Kalim/Jamil: …......
Kalim/Jamil: TOO HOTTTTTTT―――
Jamil: Wh-What's with this heat!?! It's hotter than midday in the desert!!!
Kalim: My… My throat hurts whenever I breathe…!
Kalim: Is the AC in the Hall of Mirrors also broken!?
Jamil: No idea. …But I think it's safe to say the indoor temperatures are all over the place.
Kalim: Let's hurry and go find the Headmaster!
Part 1 (Part 2)
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Requested by @errrrorrrrrrrrr-blog.
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alexadru · 2 years
White Knight Month - Nora's fault
It was a day like any other for our freshly appointed Huntsmen and Huntresses. Taking daily assignments had become a normal thing for them and often they would wander the halls of Atlas Academy as they would come and go after completing them. 
It was part of their new routine. However, if that was the case, then why was Jaune Arc feeling so nervous at the moment as his long legs carried him through these very halls? 
If he was being honest, it had primarily to do with who he was accompanied by. Namely, Weiss Schnee herself. Not only that, but it was also related to something Nora had told him the other day. Something that he had a hard time believing.
N: "You can't train and go on missions all day, you big lug. Go relax sometime too or at least talk with people. Oh, I know! Why not go ask Weiss out!?"
J: "Weiss? I think that bridge crashed at Beacon." 
N: "A bridge that crashed can be rebuilt! And it can be better than ever. Besides, it's not like you don't want to spend time with her, right?" She gave him a knowing look.
Jaune blushed a bit and scratched his cheek.
J: "I… don't dislike her if that's what you want to know."
N: "Which means that if she says yes it'll make you happy. Give it a shot, you might be surprised. If you want my advice, try to be direct. Not in the dumb way with the guitar, but show her your serious side. Maybe pin her to a wall or something." Nora then laughed at his face, which had turned red at the suggestion.
That discussion still lingered in his mind and now that he was alone (technically) with her, Jaune could not help but feel nervous as they walked together. Without intending to, his eyes would steal glances at her and immediately feel himself become breathless. He had not told anyone, but since Beacon he thought that she had become even more beautiful, not to mention more open with him. It wasn't good for the feelings he thought he had buried. 
Maybe it was those feelings that pushed him to act now, years after Beacon. So, as they were walking together on one of the long halls of Atlas Academy, Jaune made his move. 
J: "Hey, Weiss." He called to her.
W: "Yes, Jaune? What is it?" Her head tilted his way, looking up so that she could see his face. 
What he did next surprised both of them. Weiss was stopped from her walk as he pushed his hand in front of her, blocking her way. His palm reached the wall and the girl was pushed, gently, until her back was against the wall.
Weiss found herself with no escape as he hovered over her, his much larger height and mass towering over her petite form. Big blue eyes looked at him in shock. From this angle she looked absolutely breathtaking.
Problem was, Jaune did not know what to do next. His confidence had run out. It had come like a burst, but it left just as swiftly and now he found himself in a spot he didn't know how to get out of. Briefly, Nora's advice rang in his head that he should ask her out.
J: "W-would you… want, I mean like… to… uhh, if you're not… not that I'm forcing… and…"
Words came out in a stuttering mess aa the boy was unsure what to say in this situation. His cheeks burned having never imagined he would be in this position with the girl.
Weiss, after the initial surprise, saw him try and fail to be assertive and just giggled quietly. Seeing as his 'bold move' had come at a standstill, she took matters into her own hands and she grabbed him by his shoulders. With a little help from her Semblance, her and Jaune had now effectively swapped places. 
Jaune was now on his butt on the floor from the sudden move, his back against the wall he had previously pinned the girl against. He thought she was upset, but then a familiar heel dug right next to his head on the wall and Jaune saw a smirking Weiss looking down on him with a very suggestive look in her eyes. He dared not look lower than her face.
J: "W-weiss...?" He stuttered, slightly scared, but also... excited?
Said girl didn't answer, instead she licked her lips and leaned closer towards his.
In a game of assertiveness, Jaune arc had completely lost and for some reason, he knew that all of this was Nora's fault.
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TA: I can't hear him anymore, what's going on over there
TA: Is he okay?
TA: Gamzee
TC: Yeah, I'm okay
TA: No, not you, kk
GC: Gamzee, how's Karkat?
TC: I dunno. Haven't seen that motherfucker in a while
TC: Maybe he kicked the motherfucking wicked shit
TC: Isn't that how the weird decease alarm thing works
GA: You're not with him
GA: Why did you go together if not to keep an eye on him
TC: He can handle himself
TC: Besides I thought that was the plan
TC: If some motherfucker's meant to get at our good bro Karkat it's not us what's going to all be stopping that from happening
GA: When you put it like that, the plan doesn't sound very
GA: Sound
GA: Or benign for that matter
TC: Hold on, getting snacks
CA: Snacks? You have to go check on him what if something happened
CA: He's not answering.
TA: Fuck it, I'm on my way
GC: Don't
GC: If you can't hear him anymore then that's it
GC: He's gone
AG: I can't believe he actually
AG: I mean, there has to be something we can do
AG: Aradia can hear ghosts, we can hunt his down and bring him back. Right?
AG: Right????????
CA: And then what? He would still be dead wouldn't he?
CA: I knew we should have taken him away when we could
AG: Excuse me for not being all in for kidnapping the loudest guy in town
AA: He was set to die soon anyway
AA: One can escape fate only for so long
CC: Whale, what do we do now? It'd be nice to at least have closure or somefin.
AT: I would suggest reminiscing but um, he erased himself from pretty much everything we could have used for that.
[CG has been invited to board]
[CG has joined memo]
CG: Hey, guess what
CG: I'm still alive
CG: Moreover, I plan to outlive each and every fucking one of you bastards
TC: Man, that's not what you said earlier.
CG: Shut up, don't ruin this for me
TC: Oh, alright.
TC: Is any motherfucker looking to buy some embezzled beetle grubs?
CT: You are both a discredit to our people and should have been terminated upon conception
[AC has banned CT from responding to memo]
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
First of all, I‘m in love with your work and overall everything you write- like, you‘re reallyyy talented! I started following you because of Scara but now I‘m kinda here for Chrollo tbh.
I just wanted to ask, what’s your favorite yandere? Like out of all characters you have ever written, who do you like writing the most?
(So sorry if someone already asked that)
Have a great day!!
AA thank you so very much <33 please have a lovely day as well!!!
let's see... my favorite yandere to write for... this'll come as a surprise to no one, but i'd have to say it's chrollo. there are times when i'm writing a yandere version of a character that i'm sweating because you kinda have to stretch your suspension of disbelief. however, it's perfectly plausible imo for chrollo to act the way he does as a yandere. we already see his distorted morality in the canon material.
also, since i've been writing for him for like... what would it be... seven ish years now? i think i have a decent grasp of his character. i feel more confident exploring certain concepts with him because of that. a lot of my yan chrollo stories have a dialogical format, where it's essentially him and his darling debating their various viewpoints.
chrollo's beliefs are the complete antithesis of mine. i love people, believe that everyone has inherent value/worth, and loathe the thought of trampling over others to get something you want. i feel i learn more about myself whenever i write chrollo, because i want him to make solid points too, which basically entails me forcing myself to think in a way that's completely against my nature. it's a really interesting experience. this is what i referring to in that post from a while back when i said 'my goal when i write characters like chrollo is to hurt my feelings with their dialogue.' 😭
i just think he's neat. he has this quiet charisma, this undeniable pull that you can't help but feel drawn in by. yet at the same time, he genuinely loves and cares for his fellow troupe members (founding members especially), to the point he considers his own survival unimportant if it means the spider lives on. there's so much to explore with him it's unreal.
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