#I never 100% was into mega man
s735 · 1 year
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happy74827 · 6 months
Bittersweet Blunders
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[Mike Schmidt x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: In what was supposed to be the "perfect date" turns into an absolute dumpster fire of a night. Fortunately for Mike, you couldn't care at all about it.
WC: 4295
Category: Mega Fluff
So it seems that a lot of people like my Mike fics (yay), so I wrote another one because why not. At this point, my entire masterlist will just consist of this man, and I'm 100% here for it. Also, I don't know why fluff is the hardest for me to write, but this is my attempt at a full-on cuteness overload without a drop of angst (I apparently live for the drama), so we'll see how this goes.
You were a very bubbly, cheerful person. You always thought that it was one of the best qualities that someone could have, and while it wasn't always the case, it always helped you in the past to brighten up anyone's day, as well as the other way around. You were always the life of the party, and you'd always make sure that everyone had a great time whenever you were with them.
It was probably one of the reasons Mike had liked you so much, though it had taken him quite some time to admit it to himself. He didn't want to believe it at first; after all, Mike was usually the guy who kept his feelings in, but as time went on, he couldn't keep denying the fact that he liked your presence and always wanted to be around you.
For him, you were a ray of sunshine in his otherwise very dull life. Sure, Abby had been a joy, and still is, but you... you were just special in a way that Mike couldn't explain. You had a certain quality about you that he couldn't describe, and he's never been able to figure out what it is that made you stand out so much to him. You were the complete opposite of him. His black clothes, your bright smile. His gloominess, your cheerfulness. His silence, your bubbly voice. His abrasive demeanor, your kind words.
Even though you were completely opposite of him in personality, there was one thing that you both shared in common. You were both attracted to each other in a way that you couldn't explain, even to yourself. But it was a feeling that you were sure of, and the fact that you're finally together made you realize why.
When he had started dating you, it had been like the clouds parted for him. The sky cleared up, and everything felt right again. He felt like his life was finally stitching itself back together, and suddenly, he and Abby were a lot closer, too. It was almost like a weight was lifted off of his chest, and he was finally able to breathe again.
Your relationship was very new to him, as you were the first relationship he'd ever had. But now that you were with him, he wouldn't have it any other way. You were just... you. You made him happy in a way that no one else had, and he was determined to make sure that you felt the same way.
Of course, you felt the same way.
For you, Mike was your best friend. He had been the one person who'd been able to make you smile in your worst moments. He was always there when you needed him, and you'd always made sure to do the same thing for him. He was your ray of sunshine despite him not acting much like one. You loved the little things that made him tick, like his strange fascination with coffee and the fact that he always had a blanket in the car with him, just in case he was tired or cold. It made him feel like home to you.
And it was exactly how Mike felt with you, too, obviously for different reasons, of course, but all the same. He loved every single thing about you, no matter what. Your personality, your voice, even the way you walk, he loved every single bit of it. The first time you two had kissed, it was almost as though fireworks were going off all around you both, and Mike could've sworn he heard angels sing as well.
You were a ray of sunshine to him, and now that you were in his life, he couldn't see himself without you. He loved you more than he could say, and he was determined to show that to you, always.
That's why he decided he would take the day off of work to plan out the perfect date for you two. He didn't know exactly what you were into; you always seemed to be good with anything, but he knew he had to try and do something nice. After all, you were worth it. You were the most special person in his life, second to Abby, of course, but special just the same.
So he set off to find you a nice place to have dinner, a thing neither one of you had done since the start of the relationship. You had usually just eaten at his place or gone somewhere that served coffee (somewhere more in Mike's price range), but he wanted something a bit fancier; after all, today was special, and he saved up enough to make it happen. He wanted you to have a nice day out, just like you always did for him whenever he had a bad day.
He eventually found you a place, a fancy Italian restaurant that he thought you would like, and made reservations for a place with a nice view of the sunset, just so you could watch it with him. It was going to be a great night.
Of course, it had been the complete opposite of what Mike had thought it would be. Two hours before the planned evening, the person covering his job for him just had to cancel on him at the last minute, leaving him to panic. He hadn't told you the surprise for the evening at all, so he had to make several, several calls just to find a replacement for his job and then to find a babysitter for Abby. Max... Well, Max wasn't around much anymore, and since you were the usual babysitter for Abby, it took Mike a while to find someone who was available, and even when he did, it took nearly twenty minutes for them to show up.
But he got it fixed and done in good time. His car was a little bit messy, and his "nice" shirt might have been a little wrinkly for the occasion, but to see the smile on your face when you got to his car made it worth it.
"You're wearing a tie," you commented, your face full of surprise as you hopped inside
"What can I say? It was a spur-of-the-moment kind of thing," Mike replied, turning the ignition and starting the car. He looked back at you, the smile on your face making his heart flutter just as much as it had the first time he'd laid his eyes on you. "Did I, um... You look great."
You were wearing a very nice dress, something that Mike had always loved on you, and it fit you very well. It was a light pink color, with a flowy skirt and a short-sleeved top, but it complimented you so well that he wondered why he hadn't seen it on you before. It made you look stunning, in his opinion.
"Thanks," you replied. "You look pretty handsome yourself, Mikey."
Oh, how he loved that nickname. It was one of the few things that Mike loved hearing you call him, even if it was in a joking matter. It made him feel special when he heard it, like you were just so happy to be around him that it was just another way of saying so. He smiled as he pulled out of the driveway, the engine rumbling below his feet. "So, you hungry?"
"Oh, yeah," you said, "I could totally eat."
Mike smiled. "Good ‘cause I found us the most amazing Italian restaurant, and I think you'll love it,"
Mike was right, of course. You did love it. The atmosphere was perfect, and the scenery was divine, with the sun setting in the distance and the colors it created splashed across the sky. Mike had even thought ahead to get a table right next to the window to give you the perfect view. Unfortunately, the sight from the entrance was the only view you got to see.
When it got to the hostess, it turned out that they had accidentally given his reservation to a family with four kids, and you and Mike were now stuck in between a large family with several children and the bathroom. The food had already been ordered and delivered to your table, but you didn't even get a chance to start your meal before you heard the sounds of a crying baby. And when you looked up, you were faced with a crying child who seemed to be a year or so younger than Abby, sitting on the table in front of you.
You tried to ignore it at first, hoping that they would fall asleep and stop crying, but the baby didn't seem to be willing to stop any time soon, and it seemed you weren't the only one who was annoyed by it. You glanced over at Mike and you realized that he looked about one second away from punching the baby and throwing it across the restaurant.
You decided to take action before he could do that.
"How's... uh, work going?" You asked, trying to make conversation as you sat up a little bit straighter and began to wipe your fingers clean, preparing yourself for whatever came next.
Mike didn't answer, instead choosing to grunt.
You decided to try and lighten the mood just a little bit. "It can't be that bad. You're still alive."
Just as the words left your mouth, the baby started crying even louder. You looked over at the family that was sitting in front of you and noticed that none of them looked like they were planning to do anything about it. Great parenting
"That baby might not be," he grumbled, not even bothering to keep his voice down anymore. "Even Abby and her tantrums don't make me want to run into traffic, and they're on a whole other level,"
"A crying child is not going to make you run into traffic, Mike," you replied.
"It might," he argued. "I might."
You laughed, shaking your head at the man sitting in front of you. "Have you always been this dramatic?"
Mike was quiet for a moment before shrugging and letting out a sigh. His annoyance allowed you to take a look at his features for a moment, something you hadn't really done for a while. Usually, when you two hung out, he was always so busy that you didn't really get to notice the difference in expression and stance he would usually have, but now that you were finally able to look at him, you noticed a slight change in him. He looked... tired, you'd say. Tired, but at the same time, happier than he usually was. You couldn't exactly tell how he was feeling at the time, probably complete annoyance because of the crying baby, but he did look like he was smiling just a bit more than usual.
And you loved seeing it. You loved seeing him happy, even if it wasn't the happiest situation that you two could've been in. You still wanted to see his smile, and you couldn't help but smile yourself at how happy he looked when he was around you, even with all the surrounding annoyance.
"Do you remember," you began, "when we first started dating? You were so nervous, and you were scared that you were gonna mess it up, and I said to you that there was no way you could ever do that, right?"
"I mean, it's not like you were lying," he shrugged, leaning back against his chair, picking up a glass of water, and taking a small sip. "I was a mess."
"Well, you still are a mess, a hot one but still... you got over it, didn't you?" You smiled.
Mike paused for a moment, placing his glass down on the table again. He was silent before he glanced up at you. His eyes were wide, and he almost looked... stunned. He was definitely surprised.
"It's not rhetorical, Mikey, but I'm going to take that as a yes," you continued.
"That was... that was different," he said.
"Well, yeah, of course it was," you replied. "That was a few months ago. Now it's a crying baby who you believe is ruining your life,"
He rolled his eyes and sighed, clearly annoyed by the whole thing. You knew that he wasn't actually upset; however, if he were, you'd have felt him shift in his seat like he always did when he felt uncomfortable or uncomfortable. But he hadn't moved a single bit. He wasn't even fidgeting. He just sat there and kept staring at you.
Mike never said anything, though, and neither did you. You just kept staring at each other, even when the baby eventually stopped crying. For a moment, there was peace, a sort of silent bliss that you couldn't exactly explain, and then the peace was suddenly ruined again.
Mike had wanted a refill of his drink, and when the waiter returned with a pitcher and many other drinks from various tables, the serving plate somehow made its way down Mike's shirt and all over his clothes, the various liquids from water to alcohol all splattered on his clothes. And Mike? Mike didn't even flinch. He closed his eyes and sighed, gritting his teeth and tensing up a bit, and you saw that he was clenching the sides of his chair with his hands, but otherwise, he didn't make any other movements, no reaction at all. Then, to make matters worse, the baby started crying again.
Mike and you both stared at each other again, your eyes wide and your mouths slightly parted. You knew exactly how Mike was feeling, and you wanted nothing more than to do something about it, but you didn't know what to do.
"Mike, do you—" you began, feeling really bad for him.
"I need to... go to the bathroom," he interrupted you, and you nodded in response. He stood up from his seat, walked around you and the other family, and then headed towards the bathroom. You were left to sit in your seat, staring at the family in front of you as they ate and chatted amongst themselves. You didn't say anything, but you weren't exactly happy with what was happening, either.
You glanced over to the bathroom door, hoping that Mike would come out of there soon so you could ask him if he was okay, but you were unable to leave. The waiter came back a few minutes later with a towel to help Mike clean off the liquid from his clothes, and once he had it in hand, you found the strength to leave your seat and follow Mike into the bathroom.
You didn't step inside, however, instead choosing to lean against the wall by the entrance. The bathroom was a lot emptier than the restaurant was, and it seemed a lot quieter, too, the only sound that you could hear coming from the faucet by the sinks. You stared at the door for a moment, just a moment, before calling out to the man inside.
"Mike, are you okay in there?"
It took Mike a moment to respond to you. "Uh... Yeah. I'm fine."
"You don't sound fine," you replied.
"Well, I am," he replied. He sounded annoyed.
"You don't sound like it," you commented.
"Well, what do you want me to say?"
You paused for a moment, glancing around the room as you thought of a response. You decided to just tell him what was on your mind. "Do you want to leave? We can go."
You heard the bathroom door open, and Mike stepped out from it, standing in front of you, his eyes staring straight at your own. He was soaked despite all the paper towels he must've used to dry himself off. You handed him the small towel you'd been handed, and he took it from you with a small nod. He ran it through his shirt and thighs for a moment before looking at you.
"You sure?" He asked with a pinch of hesitation in his voice. He looked nervous. No, he didn't look nervous. He looked... guilty. His eyes were sad, and he seemed worried about something. He looked like he wanted to say something, but he couldn't find the right words.
You had a feeling what was going on in his mind, so you just took the lead for him. With a smile, you both returned to your seat momentarily to pay the bill and tip the waiter before making your way out to the parking lot. You climbed into the car, and Mike started the engine. He still had a very noticeable frown on his face as he turned to you.
"It looks like it's going to be a great night," he sighed, letting out a heavy sigh. His eyes shifted upwards to the clouds, and you noticed the very visible storm that was brewing in them. "Sorry. I guess I just... It didn't go the way I thought it would."
"It's still early," you replied, placing your hand over his. He looked back at you with wide eyes, clearly not expecting you to be as calm as you were. You smiled at him, squeezing his hand gently. "And I have the perfect idea of what we could do."
He raised a brow at you, his eyes suddenly looking curious. The frown was gone now and replaced with a small, barely visible smile. You had to resist the urge to hug him right then and there.
"Yeah? What is it?"
"You'll find out when we get there," you whispered and smiled, leaning in to press a kiss to his cheek. "Just listen to my directions. I'll be your personal navigator."
Your navigator skills were definitely off the charts that night, and even you were surprised you didn't get lost. You made some accidental wrong turns and had to double back once or twice, but other than that, you were able to get you and Mike to your destination just fine. The night sky was still covered with clouds, and there was a very faint sound of thunder in the distance, but you figured you had at least a good hour or so.
The view, though. You couldn't have picked a better spot to have. There was a tree right next to a small, grassy hill that you sat at, the only place where Mike and you could be comfortable while you stared up at the sky. You had Mike's emergency blanket, and he had his hoodie (that might have smelt like utter hell, but he refused to wear anything else after the incident earlier that night), and the stars. It was like the clouds had separated just to show you the beauty of the night sky, and the two of you were lucky enough to witness it. The sun was long gone, and the moon was peeking out from behind the clouds, its bright glow casting a shimmering reflection onto the grass below. It was a moment that you'd never forget.
"How's the date going so far now?" You asked Mike with a smile as you sat next to him. "Think this is an improvement?"
Mike shrugged. "Maybe I should stop planning the dates, and let you plan them from now on."
You smiled at him. "I like it when you plan the dates, Mike."
He frowned for a moment, but the look on his face suggested otherwise. "Really? Because there had been not one good one in the past... I dunno, two years? Even when we were still trying to work out the friendship to the relationship thing."
You shrugged, moving closer to him. "What can I say? I like the surprises, and you never were that spontaneous on your own."
"Is that what you like about me?" He asked. "My non-spontaneity?"
You glanced up at him, smiling as you took in his features again. You loved looking at him. He was handsome. And you loved the look in his eyes. They were filled with adoration, and they were looking straight into yours. He leaned down a bit and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
"You have other qualities, too," you replied. “Good ones.”
"Like what?" He asked, his lips ghosting over your skin as he spoke.
"You make a great cup of coffee," you began, letting out a small giggle as he continued to kiss your forehead, moving slowly down towards your jaw. "And you're good at taking care of Abby. You can be funny if you try hard enough, and you're really cute when you smile."
Mike moved down towards your ear, gently nibbling on the lobe. His breath fanned over your skin, and you couldn't help but lean into him just a little. His hand slipped under your chin and gently pulled your head up, forcing your lips to meet with his in a soft kiss.
The first kiss was always special, in Mike's opinion. You were always so soft, so gentle, but also so firm, so loving. It was one of his favorite feelings, and he was so lucky to have you in his life, he couldn't believe it.
When you pulled away from the kiss, you didn't move too far away from him, resting your head against his shoulder instead. You closed your eyes and let out a sigh of contentment, and he leaned his head against yours, his hand resting gently on your knee as you both gazed at the moonlit sky.
"Mikey?" You asked after a moment, your voice soft and gentle as you spoke. You felt his head move in response, and you felt him take in a deep breath.
"Yeah?" He asked.
You looked up at him, smiling as you did. "I think this is our best one yet."
He didn't say anything for a moment. He stared down at you with his usual blank expression, but after a few seconds, the corners of his lips quirked up, and he was finally able to break out into a smile, one that was so much brighter than the one that he had earlier.
He kissed you again, and you couldn't help but melt into the kiss. Your hands went to his shoulders, and his hands wrapped themselves around your waist as he pulled you closer to him. You never wanted to leave his side.
You loss track of time from there. You both were lost in the moment, in the stars, in the blanket, in each other, and before either of you knew it, you felt the slight raindrops pelt against your skin, and the wind was growing stronger. Your hair whipped in front of your face, and smacked Mike in the cheek, but he didn't seem to care much, too caught up in kissing you.
You eventually pulled away, looking at the man in front of you. "We should... we should get going. You brought the umbrella, right?”
“Yeah, it’s right here," Mike nodded, grabbing it from the other end of the blanket and placing it above the two of you as the raindrops grew heavier. The thunder was louder now, but you and Mike were far too engrossed with each other to really notice it.
At least, not until tragedy struck when he went to pull up the blanket. One big strum of thunder and a burst of wind from above caused Mike to lose his grip on the umbrella, which went flying through the air and out of his grasp. You both watched it as it soared in the air, almost like you were in a daze, and then you realized the horrible thing that had happened.
The umbrella was gone. You and Mike were in the rain, and there was nothing around you to provide you any sort of protection from the downpour. The blanket was soaked within seconds, as were the two of you.
Well, technically, Mike already was.
Mike's smile had disappeared from his face when the umbrella had flown away, and now his frown had returned, only this time, it was quite humorous. He was absolutely dumbstruck, and he was just staring at the umbrella as it flew away into the night. You tried to hold back your laughter, but it was difficult, especially with the look on Mike's face.
“Great. Just great," he grumbled, grabbing your arm while making his way back towards the car. "That's just the icing on the cake."
“It’s like we’re in a rom-com," you commented as you followed him, laughing even more. "You're the oblivious man, I'm the funny girl who helps you figure out your feelings. It’s the climax of the movie, we're both drenched, and then we kiss in the rain,"
Mike glared at you, but the look was not genuine. You could tell, and it only made you laugh even more. "Yeah, yeah, let's just get to the car."
The two of you ran towards the car, and Mike jumped inside the driver's seat. You quickly got into the passenger's side before the door shut closed, and you let out a sigh of relief. You took a moment to catch your breath, and then you turned to Mike, a smile playing on your lips.
“Just so you know, those are my favorite type of rom-coms.”
Mike rolled his eyes. "And just so you know, I hate rom-coms."
You leaned over to kiss his cheek, letting out a soft giggle. "Better buckle up then, Romeo. After we find a towel and get home, we're watching the best rom-com of all time."
He rolled his eyes again, but you could tell that the small smile on his lips was genuine this time. "Let's just go before the car floods,"
You smiled, leaning back in your seat. "Sounds good, honey.”
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milkyst4rs · 1 year
BF headcannons
Diluc, Kaeya, Scaramouche, Xiao, Zhongli x GN reader
Fluffy floof☁️
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Though some might think otherwise, dating Diluc is SO FUN.
I feel like Diluc would like to tease his s/o a little? He wants to see you all smitten and flustered ya know?
Will get you tiny trinkets that reminds him of you. Bro doesn't care about the price ofc, he loves your reactions to his tiny gifts.
Diluc prefers to be the big spoon but won't mind if you wanna hug him too.
When y'all are in bed, he is the type to sling his large leg over yours so you can't go anywhere while y'all sleep.
Gets SOOOO happy when you come visit him at the tavern (he doesn't show his excitement tho cause he though like that💯🔥)
Is the biggest softie for you behind closed doors. He's just a little shy outside, don't worry.
SUCH a tease oml. He always does his "oh?~😏" whenever you speak.
He doesn't care if you both are in public or not, he will always try to make you flustered somehow.
Loves kissing you. Your soft lips on his just makes his heart go KDNDHDKWKHDISOW
Like Diluc, he also prefers to hold you while you both are sleeping. But he won't argue if you want to be the big spoon.
I feel like Kaeya is a light sleeper, so if he has trouble falling asleep he'll just admire your pretty face till he does close his eyes.
He loves tracing your features leaving small pecks afterward.
He knows he can trust you so he seeks you out for comfort when he is feeling down :(
Immediately feels 100% better after being in your embrace tho.
Mega-tsundere 1000. Boss level.
Absolutely loves holding your hand. (Secretly though ofc)
Scaramouche is a big mean guy so he doesn't have time for romance!😡 (Except, he is extremely touch-starved so please PLEASE hug him)
Both of you are honestly shocked that you are still in the relationship and are loyal to him.
He slowly realises that you genuinely love him and are not trying to betray him or hurt him in anyway, so he warms up to you.
Likes kissing your forehead. Whenever he sees you, you are going to have a peck on the forehead 100%.
He finally can feel some form of happiness with you.
Mega-tsundere 1000 boss level #2.
He probably has never gotten intimate with anyone ever before so he is a nervous wreck. Which leads to him panicking and resorting to throwing insults at you.
Obviously he doesn't mean it, he just doesn't know what to say when you kiss his cheek! You know he means well, so the "you have no respect for the adepti" insult goes in one ear and out the other.
Eventually warms up to you and tries to be romantic by bringing you flowers and such,(with the help of hu tao and friends^^).
Likes to watch the sunset with you on the roof of Wangshu Inn. His hand always finds its way to intertwine with yours.
He probably doesn't sleep so he keeps watch and makes sure you are safe irl and in dreamland.
Zhongli...what a gentleman.
Boyfriend material ON PAPER‼️
Helps carry your bags, showers with you, reads with you. He just loves being by your side.
He can sense that you truly love him so he lets himself go and his walls crumble for you.
Most people would be bored of Zhonglis constant talking, but not you no sir. He appreciates that you genuinely listen and add in your own sentences in his story telling.
Loves to pamper you!!!!! Making you delicious tea, date nights, skin care routines, you name it.
Both of you are probably named 'Liyue's #1 power couple' by locals who often see the two of you hand in hand walking by the pier.
His kisses are always soft and gentle, each one reminding you of how much he adores you and loves you <3
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cherubfae · 3 months
Hello! I'm not sure if you do single characters or not but What if the reader (who's a big fan of horror) wanted to show Alastor some classic horror movies. Their reasoning? "So you can make fun of it," If you do a collection of characters, then it can be like a movie night for the hotel.
Hiya love!! Yes, I do! In fact I'm currently working on a longer Alastor fic at the moment :)) it's like this request was made for me bc I 100% will force Alastor to watch the Scream franchise with me 😭 it's my fave. I'm a mega horror fan, haha! Maybe I'll have to write for slashers again like I used to! I'll just write Al since he deserves some love for himself!! Pls excuse me bc now I'm gonna be thinking about 1920s GhostFace Alastor 😩😩🩷💕
What's Your Favorite Scary Movie? || Alastor x reader
tags: fluff, gn!reader, Alastor critiquing horror media, plot to the Scream franchise, my horror obsession might be showing lmao
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Getting Alastor to have anything to do with post 1930s technology was a task and a half. He might've made a deal with Vaggie not to have anything to do with such frivolous technology, but you weren't Vaggie. You were his sweet, dear partner. And he'd never admit just how tightly wrapped he was around your finger.
He seemed to genuinely enjoy the first few Halloween movies as well as the first Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Alastor took a great of interest with Hannibal Lector from The Silence of Lambs. He was deeply considering watching the television series you told him of. He thinks Freddy Krueger is a piece of shit and wished he could do him in with his own hands.
The next movie, however, seemed more susceptible to being torn to pieces by his ever-watchful eye.
"So the point of this picture show is what... Billy is angry because his mother abandoned him and he doesn't know how to deal with those big feelings at his age?" Alastor gives an indignant snort, looking bemused at the old television screen currently playing a VHS of Wes Craven's 1996 slasher classic Scream. That's as new of tech as Alastor would allow, so you made do.
Snorting out a laugh, you lean against his arm. Alastor's crackling gaze flickers to you his smile softening around the edges. He did very much adore your laugh.
"That about sums it up, yes," you grin, biting down on the corner of your chocolate bar.
Alastor leans his back against the sofa, pulling the blanket wrapped around you two closer. "I don't know how that Macher boy thinks that peer pressure is a justifiable defense for murdering people." He unwraps his own piece of bitter chocolate and pops it into his mouth. "Own up to your choices, for Heaven's sake. And people find these two attractive? Are they not in love with one another? Surely anyone with two good working eyes could see this."
The sixth Scream movie damn near has Alastor foaming at the mouth, each and every movie felt as repetitive as the last with slight twists and changes. He was polite to keep most critiques to himself, eyeing how much you clearly enjoyed showing something so near and dear to your heart. While the plot was rather lackluster, he had to admit he was interested in the severe brutality of the sixth and despite his opposition to new media, felt that it was a decent enough film. With such a repetitive storyline, he didn't really expect that sort of twist.
"There's one more we can watch!" You grin, holding up your copy of Scary Movie. Alastor's eyes look ready to pop out of his skull as if to say 'Oh god, another??' "I don't think you'll guess who the GhostFace is!"
"Is it the man called Doofy?"
"What the fuck-- how."
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pinkmirth · 1 year
Bertholdt being shy about how big his dick is has me kicking my feet n twirling my hair <33
He would 100% roll his hips against yours when you’re making out with him n then get shy when you’re surprised because you can feel how big n heavy his cock is sjfjakcnkand
𝓈𝓎𝓃ℴ𝓅𝓈𝒾𝓈: based on this post! a teensy-tiny drabble for bertl! my sweet big boy 💘
𝒸ℴ𝓃𝓉𝒶𝒾𝓃𝓈: (700+ words of . . .) aged up!bertholdt hoover x fem!reader (black coded), nsfw/smut, bertl has a mega size kink, handjob, oral (m!receiving), penetrative sex, mention of bertl’s big bawls, lowercase intended, explicit language, minors shoo!
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omfg sandie!!! now this is everything to me! there’s nothin’ like a giant man who can’t truly grasp just how large he is.
bertholdt is well aware of his height— since his earliest memories he’s towered over others, standing head and shoulder above them. but when it comes to size-size? bertl doesn’t fully register how big he is. this bashful man don’t got a clue in the world!
your reaction to bertl discarding his underwear is what gets him to finally understand. to you, he already looked fairly large when wearing his boxers, but witnessing the real thing proves to be a stark difference. you unashamedly observe your boyfriend’s fat dick as it throbs lewdly, free of any confines. he can feel your keen eyes fixate on him.
“you’re fuckin’ huge.” you release the airiest whisper.
to that, bertholdt’s breath catches in his throat, adam’s apple bobbing. he gets self-conscious, even more so than usual. a stream of questions swirl about in his head. is he too big? will you be able to handle him? are there even condoms in his size?
his worries quickly dissipate once you begin to wrap your dainty fingers around his cock. you stroke whatever you can manage to reach, touching down his shaft and twirling your hand over the precum-smeared tip. you gaze at his endowment with lust-blown eyes, seemingly appreciative of what he has to offer.
“how big are you, baby?” he doesn’t know. hell, he’s never cared to check or measure before now. your assumption is nine whole inches, maybe ten.
“i— fuck,” he lets a foul whine slip past, bringing a hand to cover his mouth. he shyly speaks through his slender fingers, “i-i’m not sure...” with a stammer, bertholdt instinctively rolls his hips, bucking against your hand. his pale-green eyes stay trained on how you can barely close your fingers around the base of his girthy dick. in that very moment, within the depths of his mind, he can practically hear a switch flicking— that’s the size kink he never knew he had, officially turning on.
following that experience, bertholdt’s shyness considering his length doesn’t get any better. he’s easily flustered, but also more self-aware than he’s ever been. bertl starts to notice how wide your plush lips stretch around his cockhead when taking him into your wet, pliant mouth. he finds it amusing; how you can’t mutter a word when he fills up your throat, weighty and pulsing against your tongue.
he admittedly likes to give himself a rush during sex, by sizing you up— placing his rigid cock onto your tummy, just to make an estimate of how far he’ll reach. before long, he brushes past your folds and pushes into your velvety cunt. you clamp down fervidly, eager to take all of him.
he’s settled in your womb. you’re so fucking full. “it’s big,” you brainlessly mewl. bertl interlocks his fingers with yours, cheeks dusted red. he makes slow, impassioned thrusts forward, swiveling his hips to plunge into you just right.
“is it too much, love?” bertholdt’s words spill out shakily, wavering breaths dropping from his agape mouth. dark shaggy bangs fall across his forehead. you thread your hand through his hair to help him brush it back. faint traces of sweat trail down his forehead. “uh-uh. it’s perfect, baby,” you reassure with a soothing smile, pressing your lips to his. he returns the haphazard kisses, immodestly groaning into your mouth.
you’re always given generously thick loads when he finishes, because his balls are fat and heavy, too. bertholdt is slowly, but surely, learning how to use his imposing size for your benefit.
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prettyrealm · 3 months
current events: han sohee vs lee hyeri
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what does han sohee think of lee hyeri?
han sohee thinks hyeri is delusional and wants her man back, she doesn’t think hyeri is over him at all. she feels threatened. she thinks hyeri isn’t backing off. she thinks hyeri is manipulating the public and is even more manipulative behind the scenes (even with how she treats people in general). she really thinks hyeri is a wolf in sheep’s clothing and hides behind an innocent demeanor, but she’s actually really sneaky with a lot of red flags. she 100% believes the instagram story was about her, not ryu junyeol. she doesn’t think hyeri will let him go easily at all. she think that hyeri is well liked, but it’s all superficial and if you really got to know her you wouldn’t like her (she might not actually know hyeri and this is just what she’s learned/been told from ryu junyeol as I’m getting she really thinks hyeri is a crazy ex). she thinks hyeri is super connected and has a lot of friends and uses that to hold power over people and gets what she wants. han sohee is a bit worried about what could happen to her due to hyeri’s connections as well. this whole situation has left sohee feeling like she’s had no time to catch her breath.
what does lee hyeri think of han sohee?
hyeri definitely thinks han sohee was/is the “other woman” and was sleeping with ryu junyeol while they were still together. i think possibly even to the extent that hyeri and ryu junyeol had discussed it in the past and decided to work on it/move past it, but now that they’re officially together she’s thinking about how this could have happened, (though it could be that they had also dealt with cheating in general in their relationship). worried that han sohee is more compatible with him than she was (she can give him what he wants like a family, children). i also get that she thinks han sohee is a lot prettier than she is. she’s actually worried that ryu jun yeol is serious about her and that hurts her a lot. she thinks han sohee has looks and money, but no manners and is extremely unclassy. she also doesn’t like that han sohee is who ryu junyeol has chosen to date because she knows that han sohee has had a pretty promiscuous past and doesn’t think that she is “serious” material. overall, hyeri feels very insecure right now.
what do han sohee & lee hyeri think of ryu junyeol?
han sohee - “ayo they could never make me hate you” vibes. she thinks he’s a really good person, loves him to pieces and thinks he’s the best boyfriend she has had and wants to start a family with him. (she could be a very intense person, don’t necessarily expect them to get married) she likes him to the point where she feels she genuinely needs him in her life and sees him as super protective over her. he just “gets” her in her eyes and she feels a lot of people don’t. she’s also mega attracted to him.
lee hyeri - she thinks he’s a major liar, but also that he’s smarter than her and that he’s really good at making her feel sorry for him. she thinks he was never true to his word, in a sense that he would never do things all the way, he was never nice but he was also never mean, he wouldn’t forget anniversaries but he would get her a lackluster gift (as if he had a habit of never doing things right but also never wrong) . he just never went above and beyond. she does still have feelings for him, but I don’t think she wants him back. if he were to bring it up she would consider it, but I don’t think she’s actually trying to get back with him. for the most part, she does want to move on from him and she really was just hurt in the moment when she made the story. she kind of finds them both embarrassing.
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megamindsecretlair · 3 months
WIP Wednesday
Thank you for the tag @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin , im never sure if ppl look forward to whats upcoming from me, but these keep me honest 🤣😭
Step one: Post snippets of the fics you're working on (can be a summary if there's no snippet)
Step two: put them in a poll and let people vote on which one you should work on, then prioritize the one with the most votes.
Step three: Ask me about my WIPs! Don't be shy, I love talking about my fics! We don't create or share in a void, we want to hear from you lovelies!
Well, Mega, what can we look forward to 👀
1) Beauty and the Beast Inspired Stunna: I have severe Yahya Abdul Mateen II brainrot and baby, 🥲 the way I want to write literally everything for him. This will be a precursor to a novella I wanna write with original characters and lots more action, but Id love extra feedback for it. It will have vampires, toxic staff, and naughty bits.
2) Mea Culpa: I have been debating how much time I wanna dedicate to rewriting that monstrosity of a movie 🤭 okay, thats not fair. The idea was there, the execution wasn't because TP wouldnt know what's sexy if it slapped him in his face. Who am I fooling? I won't be satisfied until I write the whole thing and satisfy my brain. So yeah, prepare for a rewrite according to what I would've done. Think corruption kink, think court drama, think Zyair being the toxic mess we know and love.
3) Mob Boss Tyrone: I feel like ive been teasing this for years 🥲😭🤣 and thats because the ask was specifically for a one shot and I plotted out 7 parts 🤭🤣 at this point, yall know how I am. I tried to conform to short fics for my sanity and I just cant 🤷🏽‍♀️ some ideas require one part, some require several. It will include hella angst, hella smut, hella toxcity, but at the end of the day, hes always going to love his baby girl. I also think im going to switch it to Fontaine chuz thats a prettier/grittier name and would suit the story better.
4) A Watchmen fic for Cal (Yahya): lissen, ive finally went back to finish Watchmen. Not because it was a bad show, but because it requires 100% of my focus and I aint had it. But for Yahya? Ill make the time. I feel like that is 100% a soft dom and I just wanna be his cute lil princess, sue me 🤷🏽‍♀️ I love a man I can't tell what to do 🤣
Theres more but for the sake of brevity, Ill keep it at the 4 most occupying my brain at the moment. Soooo, which one yall want first? And yes 🥲 im aware of how many series I need to update 🥲
No pressure tags: @nerdieforpedro @harmshake @notapradagurl7 @ellethespaceunicorn @miyuhpapayuh
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lotstradamus · 27 days
inspired by the manchester anon haha but do you have any tips and suggestions for visiting leeds? 🩷
I've lived here for 2 years now (!!!) but somehow I still don't really know my way around and just go to the same 5 places and use google maps to get anywhere else. it's sad. but here's some shit I love:
Grindhouse - cheap drinks, loads and loads of seats, never too full, music a reasonable volume, and they project 80s movies on the back wall. we once sat in here for 2 hours cos Stand By Me was on. one time we watched the bar staff earnestly tell a group of women on a hen do that the bar was closed and they weren't serving any more drinks, at 7:45pm. 10/10.
Rudy's - only 9 cities* in this fair nation have a Rudy's, so I'm going to keep reccing it for everyone else. perfect Neapolitan pizza. *Leeds, Manchester, Sheffield, Birmingham, Nottingham, Durham, London, York, Liverpool - if you live in one of these places and haven't been to Rudy's yet, sort it out.
Neon Cactus - go here on a Wednesday and order wings, and you'll get half price margs. lots of great Mexican scran. don't take anyone too picky or over 50, because the price for the great food and vibes is that at least one thing you order will be incorrect. but roll with it. half price margs, man.
Empire Cafe - book in advance if you want to sample the delights of Empire Cafe, cos there's like 6 tables max. everything is seasonal, changes on the daily, and is insanely delicious. if you want to experience heaven, order the steak and chips with salsa verde. there is NOTHING like it.
Stuzzi - another seasonal, small plate sort of place, but Italian. amazing food and a gorgeous restaurant. go with a big group and order one of everything.
Eat Your Greens - ANOTHER seasonal restaurant! this one is farm-to-fork and organic. I can’t speak to the quality as I haven’t actually been, but I am a frequenter of their GREENGROCER, which is MEGA. last time I think I left with natty wine, pâté, some insane tinned fish, a jar of harissa and a bag of sunset potatoes. if you like food, go here.
SARTO - fresh, handmade pasta and picky bits. another great place to go with a group and order all the starters. I had a celeriac pasta there last year that I think about on a fairly regular basis; I picked it cos it was the weirdest sounding thing on the menu and it was fucking mouthwatering. good quality and good people! and it's next door to The Wardrobe, so perfect for a pre-gig tea.
Santiago Bar - like Grindhouse (alternative, casual) but the music is louder and you'll find yourself doing tequila shots at 1am and screaming along to, like, Don Broco. it's the best.
Blue Collar Boys - as a rule I hate 'vintage' clothes shops (overpriced, ugly, everything is XXS), but this place seems to specialise solely in American t-shirts and sweatshirts from the 90s in exactly my size, and everything is £10. this is amazing and a huge bargain if you find something like vintage Wranglers and a Playboy bomber jacket (£20, my wife) but not so amazing or a bargain if you find 3 t-shirts with holes in (£30, me). we've never been without finding shit we love. they only open on random weekends, and they always seem to have more stuff than they could possibly ever sell. it's a freaky vintage alternate universe.
The Corn Exchange - a big gorgeous ol' building full of little businesses. vintage, handmade, tattoos, coffee, jewellery, independent brands, yarn, shoes, a barbers, a bookshop, they've got it all. very easy to spend £100 and 6 hours. every so often they have a market on the bottom floor. perfect tiny representation of Leeds: quirky, independent, delicious, cool.
Silver's Deli - this is a 9-minute train ride away in Bramley (my ends!) but has become THEE buzzy foodie spot recently. go on a sunny saturday morning (cos you will probably have to sit outside) and order the everything sandwich. thank me later. if they have scotch eggs or sausage rolls on, I beseech you, order both. and if you want the sunday special prepare to get there at 11 and fight.
Against the Grain - if you've come to Bramley for Silver's, you may as well trundle 10 minutes up the road and visit the best bar in Leeds. cosy, casual, full of locals, hidden in Swinnow Mills. it's a sit-around-and-chat-to-people sort of place, with bonus charcuterie boards AND a pizza van on weekends. we are here A LOT, because Gray's Salon and Rose and Thorn Tattoo are both in the Mill, and we give them all our money. oh! and dog friendly. sooo many dogs.
Project House/Galleria - if you've gotten the train out to Bramley for Silver's and ATG, jump on the 72 back to town and get off at Project House to eat MORE food. Galleria is a great place to get breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and Project House has EVERYTHING (depending on the day). yoga! gigs! vintage fairs! a bi-annual tattoo convention meets makers market with food vendors called Hand of Glory! check what's on and head on down to support local!
Kirkstall Bridge Inn - another one local(ish) to me, but worth travelling out of town for; a PROPER pub (i.e. no tv, no sports, no shite) that does roasts upstairs and lets dogs in downstairs. outdoor seating right by the canal, and every so often they put something on and the car park turns into a tiny festival. Kirkstallpalooza is a highlight. great place to finish a nice canal walk (who am I?!).
tl;dr sorry that this is obnoxiously long, I love Leeds
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time-woods · 4 months
Previous Sidus fashion ask anon here; couldn’t agree more w/ ur in-canon prismo tag thoughts there.
I, for one, think it’s inspiring and amazing of your lore to acknowledge prismo’s canonical tendency!
…which is obviously his vicarious outlet for making fashionably boobied OCs as a flatter-chested ahem ‘2D’ wishgod wall-being.
Totes unrelated to all your amazing queer rep art and how much MEGA appreciation you deserve for feeding us, but imagine someone lookin @ the source of characters like Ice Queen, Hana Abadeer, Fiona, or Lord Monochromicorn and somehow still doubting if canon Prismo is queer-coded.
LMAOO couldnt be me dude. bro be giggle flustered over a little furry dude’s “i love u prismo” on 1st meetup so hard he immediately snuck a secret note in afterwards asking about getting that 2nd date-er, super casual offer to hang again, I mean.
Definitely not thinking about how your “THE party” comic makes for perfect headcanon juice as to why Prismo could’ve developed a mild over compensation coping technique for preventing repeats in missed social connections w those who he would’ve liked meeting again later. They might’ve enjoyed hanging out together again too and he’d never know! Maybe he really could’ve been too much on someone like that one time at the party and needs better awareness. Were they just chirp shy?… :’ (
No worries to be had if you simply supply the right non-verbal resources to reach out again at their own comfort and someone just happens to choose not to! Better confirmation on messing up upsetting others too. You lose 100% of the shots you don’t take! :’D
Gives Jake all his available contact info, his total openness in schedule for home visits, and just a wee little home cooking incentive for added insurance. Low key interested in learning a cool instrument too after talking. might even offer to jam together later if he’s feelin cute idk.
No conditional romance requirements for remaining openly affectionate, loving, and kind w friend crushes even if they were dating someone else and expecting kids.
Classic heteronormative Prismo. /J
thankyou ! !
and god yea whats up with this wallsticker man like theres no way he aint queer . . .
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mamaspeckles · 4 months
Would it be okay to request some velvet x blind!reader headcanons? Can be SFW or NSFW, whatever you’d rather write!
Hello my love I am so sorry for such a long wait! Of course I can do this for you! I am partially blind(I have low vision but I can sorta see) and seeing this request just pulls at my heart strings❣️ I hope you enjoy reading this because I enjoyed making this! PS! I only wrote SFW Headcanons because I got brain rot near the end so no NSFW for this one sorry:( but if you request for NSFW again I will work on it!
Velvet x Blind!Reader SFW
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-when it comes to velvet, she can be quite the aggressive and straightforward- she has always been stubborn and hardheaded, and often at times struggles to comprehend you being blind. Sometimes, she finds it extremely stressful and difficult to find the right words to console you. She feels the need to walk on eggshells with you around in case she says the wrong things.- but as time goes by and she sees your overpowering determination, she grows respect for your will to strive.
-velvet had went from 0 to 100 in a one month- she had become territorial over you and had grown a strong urge to protect you and baby you for your disability.
-once you started dating the pop-star, she made it her number one goal to do everything for you, no matter the circumstances. You want to cook something? Oh, don’t be ridiculous, velvet will kick you out of the kitchen and make you a delicious meal! She doesn’t want her lover accidentally burning themselves or setting the house to ablaze.
-velvet had paid a professional to fix your apartment to make it look nicer for her eyes but also to furnish it for your safety- she had every sharp corner or dangerous object in the apartment changed and basically baby-proofed your home.
-velvet is a show-off, especially because of her career of being a mega-star in Mount Rageon.- but when it comes to her showing you off in front of the flashing lights and fans, that is a big no-go.
-“velvet?” “Yes, babe?” “Are you embarrassed to be with me?” “What makes you say that?” “You never introduced me to your friends or family..”
-velvet’s face dropped at your words; she could start to taste the vulnerability seething off your body and lips. She felt terrible that you felt that way. - she cursed herself in her mind for making you think and feel like you were embarrassing to be with. “No no, babe..I’m not embarrassed! I just wasn’t sure if you even wanted to meet anyone from my side..they can be..overbearing..”
-but she would do anything for her beautiful partner to be happy, and with all the guilt velvet had felt, she made a mutual agreement with her family to have you meet them- when you went with her to her family’s house, you were greeted by veneer, who you had met countless times before, and he was very pleased to see you with velvet at his house.- later that evening, you met velvet’s mother and father. Velvet had described her mother as a old women with dull blue eyes, pale skin, and faded out green hair whilst her father as a old man with dark green hair with dull ice blue eyes.
-I should add that when velvet said her family is overbearing, she meant it as they are too helpful- her parents and even veneer were quick to offer you help and even a tour around the house.- they had trailed you around their house and started describing your surroundings in the most abrupt way possible.
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Rating Hazbin + Helluva Boss Characters based on if I could tell what animal/creature they’re supposed to be:
DISCLAIMER: This is not an attack on the creators or artists/designers for either show. I already went over the purpose of this on my first post here—I just like to review stuff.
Part 2!
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Yeah that’s a snake, man.
While I find some of Pent’s design elements cluttered, he’s actually one of the stronger designs in my opinion. I think the having his cobra hood act as his hair is fun and cleaver. It’s very easy to tell he’s a snake. Not sure why he has eyes on his tail/body? I think they could have just made them red spots but eh.
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Bee’s a weird one for me b/c while her design is super super cluttered I can SEE how it could work, and I really do like fun cute fox and wolf girls. The ONLY reason that docked points is b/c she’s supposed to be a fox/bee hybrid (I believe?) but her “bee” elements are so minute that if I hadn’t seen her in a big beehive, I would have just assumed she was as a fox with fairy/insect elements—I wouldn’t have thought she was connected to a honey bee at all. It’s a weird case where she is VERY obviously a fox but it’s not obvious at all that she’s a bee/honey bee. I did want to give a little extra half-point tho b/c I do like her little antennae ears. They’re pretty much the only thing that screams “insect” to me.
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I think I may be going a little easier on the Helluva cast b/c overall they’re easier to figure out what animals they are. I’ve heard that Stella is supposed to be a Swan but I’m not 100% sure. This one is def more on me, but I initially thought that she was either a secretary bird due to her long lashes and the way her hair is styled, or a peafowl (which would make sense b/c her brother is apparently a peacock?) at least I can tell that she is a bird and her colors are accurate for a swan’s. I think the reason I would never have thought of her as a swan is mostly due to her beak size and color. But yeah b/c I can at least confirm that she is in fact a bird I wanna give her a higher score.
I would rate Pilot Stella too, but I don’t think at that point she was meant to be a swan, just a vague bird demon lady. At least I hope not.
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So. Like Angel Dust. The only reason I know that Mammon is a spider is because he was shown sitting on a giant spider web.
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I really didn’t think he was a spider/spider-ish looking at all and I still don’t. Even the extra eyes they add to him sometimes didn’t immediately make me think “Spider!” just that it was a demon thing. He really just looks like a jester with extra arms.
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His full demon/mega form also doesn’t look very spider-ish tbh, and was what made me wonder if he was actually supposed to be a centipede? I was really disappointed by his “final form” because it’s pretty much the same as his regular form but with more eyes and what I assume is SUPPOSED to be a spider abdomen ?? But then he does kinda scuttle like a centipede at the end so maybe he is supposed to be???? But then why does he have a big spider web???
Also, and I’ll be honest, this is just me being needlessly nit-picky and it’s a small thing but it just irks me personally b/c I don’t understand the reasoning behind this but like. I HATE that his extra eyes DO NOT stay consistent.
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The first time we see his extra eyes it gives him a total of 8 so I was like “oh okay yeah so maybe just his final form will be a spider/spider-like BUT THEN HIS EXTRA EYES KEEP OSCILLATING BETWEEN 3 and 4 EXTRA EYES?
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These shots are only a few seconds apart like why did they give him MORE eyes when he got farther away? They’re so small that they barely seem distinct? Like if he IS supposed to be a spider you don’t have to keep giving him eyes!!! Stop, stop, he can already see!!! 😭
Maybe he IS a centipede tho? B/c he DOES seem to have the little centipede butt horns (which apparently are just their very hind legs in real life)
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And he def seems to move like one in that form. Man idk. Why even HAVE him in a spider web then???
Being an arthropod lover and not being able to figure out what the fuck kinda guy that’s supposed to be is driving me wild tbh 😅
Honestly if Mammon was just supposed to be a clown/jester I would have given him 5/5 b/c yeah that was immediately obvious. But it’s him being a jester-spider-centipede-thing that muddles things for me.
I would put Loona in here but I ran out of pictures for this post talking about Mammons eyes. She gets 5/5 cause. Yeah that’s a classic wolf girl.
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prodigal-explorer · 7 months
the sides as pokemon gym leaders
roman -> the first gym leader, fire type. the youngest gym leader, being only thirteen years old. very hot-headed, only uses attack moves (never uses status moves). still has a lot to learn, but is a very powerful pokemon trainer. gives all of his pokemon beautiful shakespearean names. believes in himself and his pokemon. naive, slightly spoiled, and an incredibly sore loser. his partner pokemon is fennekin.
patton -> the second gym leader, normal type. an older man in his late 50's who looks perfectly harmless. notorious for having very, very long battles because all of his pokemon are mega tanks that have a lot of defense but not a lot of attack. smiley, cheerful, always cracking jokes. tries to run your patience thin enough to convince you to forfeit. something about him doesn't seem quite right. his partner pokemon is chansey.
logan -> the third gym leader, ground type. around middle age, 30's, with a didactic energy. very neat and put together, but also a little bit wild. cares a lot about the rules and honor, and he will yell at you if you break the sleep clause or any other rule that prevents unfair advantage. prioritizes strategy over strength, and only uses moves that have 100% accuracy. his partner pokemon is sandslash.
janus -> the fourth gym leader, psychic type. an older teen, clearly a bit of a prodigy. very calm under pressure, and manipulative. the opposite of logan in the sense that he is very dishonorable, breaking every unspoken rule and clause there is at every given opportunity, thus making him a very tough opponent. his downfall is that he gets cocky if he finds himself winning, and he lets his guard down. his partner pokemon is deoxys.
remus -> the fifth gym leader, fighting type. roman's age, since the two are twins, but is a few minutes older. similar to his brother in the sense that he's very powerful, but he is more skilled when it comes to strategy. he tends to take in pokemon that a lot of people label as "ugly". he is a very hard hitter, but he is a big one-trick-pony. all of his pokemon are pure fighting types, which make him very easy to defeat if one is familiar with type advantages. his partner pokemon is machamp.
virgil -> the sixth gym leader, ghost type. a young adult. comes across as a timid mumbler, but if one ever manages to come close enough to hear what virgil mutters under his breath, they will find out that he's actually very sassy. the most skilled trainer out of all the gym leaders. doesn't say a word to other trainers while battling them. has all dual types, with very unexpected move sets on each one. basically, whether or not you're gonna get out of virgil's gym battle with a conscious pokemon is completely up to chance. his partner pokemon is gourgeist.
(i know technically that pokemon games have eight gym leaders and a final boss but i only felt like writing about the six sides LMAO)
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vampireopossum · 4 months
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@dash-n-step ok . youve given me an excuse to infodump about the forbidden megamind lore
to start off, the Doom Syndicate . originally they were going to be in the main film , but they didnt have enough runtime to develop each one's plotline so they scrapped all but Tighten . the members that appear in anything other than concept art include:
Destruction Worker: just a big guy with a traffic cone on his head and demolition tools for hands
Hot Flash: an old lady who can fly and ostensibly wields fire, though in the game i played, she just summoned goons
The Conductor: supposed to be the leader i think? never played his game and i have no idea of his deal
Judge Sludge: a court judge made of slime . thats it
Psycho Delic: my personal fave . a skin tight purple dude dressed like a pimp who runs a sewer disco . can turn into a cloud of toxic gas (he's voiced by King Andrias from Amphibia and Dr Facilier from Princess and the Frog!)
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they serve as the main antagonists of three spinoff games. two are plot-identical i think, but are played very different due to platform limits, and one is a sequel.
starting with the home console games bc idk that much about them: the first is Megamind: Ultimate Showdown. a serviceable title, the Doom Syndicate blows up a building and kidnaps Hal out of prison, infusing him with metroman AND megamind dna, turning him into the super-strong super-smart Blue Tighten (his costume is the same, his skin is just blue now).
its worth noting that , after his defeat, hal has no memory of his time as Blue Tighten , and he seems more concerned than upset at his loss. this is important because of the next entry: Megamind: Mega Team Unite . the dumbest title ive ever heard. in this one, metro man and tighten are playable characters, as are each of the villains as you defeat them. because of the prior game, hal being a hero makes some amount of sense because of his unwilling role as the head of the Syndicate .
ok . now i get to talk about the weird fucked up ds game i love so much.
the title of this game befuddles me. the cartridge and box call it Megamind: The Blue Defender. The title screen, on the other hand, calls it Megamind: Bad. Blue. Brilliant.
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so thats off to a great start , but it gets better and worse from here. the plot is identical to Ultimate Showdown but the gameplay lacks robot segments because its the ds.
megamind has a set of voice lines that have a random chance to play every time he takes a variety of actions, unfortunately including jumping. this set is very small and he is fully able to say the exact same line back to back . hooray!
one of the game's collectibles is pngs of the film . except one of them is a png of megamind doing finger guns, only found in a trailer . i have no idea why its there.
the credits of the game are astonishingly short, and it only credits four voice actors: those playing Megamind, Tighten, roxanne(?), and Metro Man. this is a problem for a few reasons. first, it fails to credit the misc actors for the goons, the main villains, and minion(may have swapped minion and roxanne) . secondly, and much funnier, it credits metro man, who has zero lines in this game. hooray!
anyway . this game sucks and you should play it . there isnt a 100% reward but the musics a jam and sometimes megamind just gives you a bloodcurdling scream when he falls or gets hit. ok bye
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felizusnavidad · 2 months
as an avid listener of both lmm and taylor, it's interesting to me that my interest and affection have gone down for taylor and remain constant for lin - when arguably the past 2-3 years have never been a better time to be a taylor swift fan, and never been a worse time to be a lmm fan.
both are mainstream and have mega viral songs. both have different struggles in the public eye - taylor being a woman (the 2010s were absolutely vile to her), lmm being latino (i will never shut up about how people would be so much nicer to him if he was a conventionally attractive white man). both arguably have recognizable styles that some people really don't like.
and yet. in the past few years i've grown less and less enthusiastic about taylor's music, and i think it's because she doesn't treat it like music. does that make sense? her fans aren't real people making time from their day for her, they're consumers. her album is content for sale. maybe this is unfair and just because of her marketing strategies or whatnot, but that's how i feel. and i've never been invested in her personal life, so it has nothing to do with that.
for all the heat that people give lmm, some of it justified, i don't think you can say that he doesn't care. does he act "cringey"? sure! and idgaf, because i much prefer raw, unfiltered enthusiasm than a cool idgaf attitude especially in today's age of microtrends and media. i don't think you can listen to the man talk about his projects without realizing how much he cares about what he's made.
and i dunno, that's bled over a lot to the point where i'm excited for his future projects whether or not i think i'll like them. there's trust that even if it's not to my taste, i'll be able to tell that it's been made with something, not shipped out of a factory. and i'm even moreso excited about his new musical because as much as i enjoyed moana and encanto, he's the type that really shines when he's fully doing what he wants, i think. something as nerdy and niche like an alexander hamilton musical, for example.
anon, i've been thinking about your message the whole day & i literally have nothing else to add, i agree with you 100%
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wave-man · 8 months
i love how like every mega man adaption is never 100% satisfying theres always missing potential either cuz they didnt do much with it themselves or it ended way too early sometimes both
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kayrockerqog · 6 months
okay this is gonna be my general reaction post for episodes 2-4 of the reboot, so spoilers are UNDER. THE. CUT.
okay so one: I have never been more conflicted about a ship in my fucking life
this is ripaxel specific, because of course it is, what else would we be talking about here
on the one hand, no, not in a million years, what are the writers thinking, what insanity is this, I'm so confused and not in a good way at all
but on the OTHER hand...he did opt for using something she liked in a unique way to get her attention, and was like, mega cringefail about it but it still worked??? SHE liked it??? that's the important part.
so???? i'd have to see further how they progress with this before I decide, because oh god was the secondhand embarrassment horrifying during these past few episodes
now, two: caleb and priya
three: rajbow + Wayne and the in-game cheating
again, never been so conflicted in my life, me and Bowie are twinning
on the one hand, I am SO glad he's like actually conflicted and doesn't like lying to Raj. Again, surpassing my expectations on behalf of the writers because I would've 100% expected them to make him lean into cheating without repercussions
on the other...Raj and Wayne being upset about cheating actually makes ME kinda upset despite how much I adore MK and Julia's antics!!! like!!!! the boys just want a fair fun game!!!!! how can you say no to those faces???? they're like puppies I stg
i AM relieved this is like, a cheating in the GAME plot and not a cheating in the RELATIONSHIP plot because that is ALSO a TD Taboo and I was afraid, they're still adorable and have an actual narrative, god bless
four: mkulia
canon, it's canon, idk what else you want me to say man
also, very important MK image
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look at her go... i love her actually
five: sha-lightning round
Millie and Damien's entire feud and make-up was surprisingly well done!! and despite the fact she got eliminated that episode it was still a happy ending that fit really well with both of them!! I'm glad Damien's actually getting some play this season so far :D!!
Zee with Olivia Von Trashpanda is by far the best thing I've ever seen in my life, I love them sm
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the besties,,,
i wish I was Emma in the scene where Axel ran her finger by her chin threateningly (I'm shameless I know but come ON I WISH THAT ME!!!!!)
Nichelle getting to slay is the best thing ever lowkey???? I'm so proud of her!!
Chase getting kicked out second was the best, get dunked on loser!!!
Emma has also been returned to my good graces for dunking on him, thank you girly
Chris missing Scary Girl is so real, I miss her too man :<
and, well
I now know I never want to participate in would you rather challenge irl, those questions were horrid
except the one with Axel and poetry, that's a really nice character touch despite what it leads to
and...yeah! general thoughts dump. I'll still be making separate posts and I actually feel motivated to draw canon for once..back on my total drama bullshit? /pos
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