alwaysinnerkryptonite · 2 months
Valorant brainrot.
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flynnriderishot · 3 months
this may be a lil crazy but can you do a vinnie fic where reader is one of the sturniolo quadruplets? maybe like the fandoms colliding, the “triplets” fans all collectively fake bullying vinnie (I truly feel like if they had a sister she’d be like everybody’s girl crush like maya hawke) and just how they’d be such a cute internet power couple
a/n: i’m so in love with this idea it’s kind of insane 😭 the second i saw it, i started writing. def not the best but i did what i could :)
exposed - v.h
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vinnie leant back in his gaming chair as he stared at his screen. he had taken a pause on his game of valorant to focus on the questions or comments his viewers had for him.
one in particular caught his eye
who’s your celebrity crush?
“i don’t really have a celebrity crush. i mean, you guys know how i feel about margot robbie but if i had to pick someone else, i think i’d say yn sturniolo. she’s freaking gorgeous.”
lmaooo 😭
bro get in line
don’t tell him to get in line, he might as well cut to the front 🙄
she’s so pretty
YN ?!?!
“i take it you guys know her?”
know her⁉️ we love her
that’s bae right there😪
love of my life fr 😫
vinnie stifled a laugh as he eyed the way his phone lit up with a text almost immediately after what he said.
yn 💋
oh, how generous 😔
he had unknowingly made a habit of responding to your texts as quickly as he could. so without much thinking, he reached forward to grab his phone and respond.
vinnie 🤭
gorgeous, beautiful, stunning, absolutely perfect
i can keep going
yn 💋
please do 😌
i’m kidding. pay attention to your stream, your fans are getting curious
he looked up from his phone, his cheeks flushing a bit at the idea of you watching him. his eyes trailed over to the chat,
what’s bro smiling about?
what are the odds he’s actually messaging yn right now?
zero. bro has no game^^
“bro has no game.” he repeated, chuckling slightly, “you’re not wrong. i’ll play one more game of val and i’m off.”
he placed his headphones over his head, shaking his head slightly, hoping he was nonchalant enough to push away their wonders.
you sat in the backseat of the car with your brother, nick as he spoke to the camera set up on the dashboard.
you could hardly pay attention to what was being said with the way chris kept pushing his seat back against your knees.
“stop!” you hit the seat, instantly getting him to start an arguement.
“you stop yelling!”
matt sighed, he had grown used to yours and chris’ banter, having dealt with it for his entire life. he chopped it up to the two of you being the youngest siblings of them all.
though, with the banter came the closeness between you two, so he knew you were only joking. however, the loud groan nick let out told him to get involved before the argument could escalate to anything more.
“leave her alone, chris.”
“she’s messing with me—“
“no, i’m not.” “no she’s not.”
“shut up! question is: who’s your celeb crushes?”
“i don’t think i have one.” matt shrugged,
“i’ll play it safe and say jacob elordi.”
“i’ll go vinnie hacker.”
chris frowned, turning in his seat to look at you, “that’s not your crush, that’s your boyfriend—“
“um— shut the fuck up?”
“dude, what the hell?”
“just cut it out, nick.” he waved off the eldest triplet, turning his attention back to you, “you can’t say your boyfriend is your celebrity crush, that doesn’t count.”
“they don’t know he’s her boyfriend, dumbass.” matt pointed out.
“just say someone else, we’ll re-film it.”
“no, because then it wouldn’t be authentic.” nick rolled his eyes, “i’ll cut her clip out. way to ruin it.”
“shut up! i was confused.”
“you’re always confused.” you scoffed, earning an offended look, “turn around.”
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vincenzohacks WHAT⁉️ @/lovelyyn you seeing this?
| lovelyyn i’m seeing it 🤔
yn.sturniolo bro…
liked by creator and 24,454 others
mattxliamneeson WTF HAPPENED TO HAVING NO GAME 💀😭 @/vinniehacker
secretlysturn not nick exposing them 🌚
| nicksgiraffehat it was technically chris…
>>> secretlysturn ‘it was technically chris 🤓’ nick edited the video 😒
vinniehacker huh
liked by creator and 42,397 others
| letstrip123 this kind of annoys me 🌝
hackerslovevin it’s the way nick and chris exposed them and have yet to comment 😭
| nicolassturniolo we messed up… @/christophersturniolo
>>> christophersturniolo yeah…
yn.sturniolo @/matthew.sturniolo have i mentioned how you’re my favorite brother?
| matthew.sturniolo once or twice 🤷‍♂️
| christophersturniolo it wasn’t my fault 🙄
| @/yn.sturniolo @/vinniehacker sorry ?
vinniehacker made a post !
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comments on this post have been turned off.
yn.sturniolo made a post !
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comments on this post have been turned off.
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taglist: @hearts4chris @timmyandsturniolo @mayhem-72 @luvsturns @knowingnothingnoel @mrsmattyb @itzdarling @julliaaaaaaaaaaaaa @dracoflaco @heartsforchrisandmatt @lily-strnlo @alliehansson @stinkytwinkwinky @mstarniolo
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spacedace · 10 months
Reluctant War AU Part 3
Part 1 Part 2
More of the brain worm that has taken me over, gonna probably post it to Ao3 here before too long. Already got another part started and so many ideas for additional stuff, someone please send help I've been consumed by this thing lol
Sorry if Waller seems out of character, outside of fandom I'm mostly familiar with her through Justice League the animated show & Justice League: Unlimited and her vibe there has always struck me as "deeply incredibly unlikable character that also kind of has a point but also has done so much fucked up shit in the name of her goals that you don't really care about her point anymore." So you know, complicated lol. If she's completely unrecognizable let me know, but I'm hoping she feels at least somewhat like Waller.
Forgot to say this in the last update, but still feel free to use all this as an overly long prompt if yall want. Literally anything I throw out to the void should be treated as a prompt lol If there's anything at all interesting to you in any of this nonsense go for it <3 <3 <3
Amanda Waller was someone who did what needed to be done.
Ruthless, heartless, vicious, cruel.
She’d been called it all. Wore the words thrown as insults as a badges of pride and valor. Because at the end of the day, when it came to the problems she was given to face, the issues she was meant to solve, those words meant she’d done what others had been too squeamish or cowardly to do. Life was a never ending slog of trolley problems and she the only one unshakable enough to pull the levers that needed pulling.
It wasn’t so simple as a matter of greater good.
Greater good was what the weak willed muttered to themselves after having feelings over doing the bare minimum. A justification used by people on all sides to do what they wanted with fractured, faulty logic thrown around like truth was a thing immutable. To assuage their guilt when they were forced to make a call they didn’t want to.
It wasn’t a matter of greater good. It was a matter of preservation. Of protection. Of digging through the filth to find the threats skittering beneath and crush them with ruthless abandon. Of facing a god and not blinking because if you did it could cost the world.
Of doing what needed to be done, no matter how underhanded or atrocious it was.
Hands dirty.
Hands red.
Hands wrapped tight around the throat of something that could threaten to destroy it all.
When the Ghost Investigation Ward had been shoved her way with it’s sucking wound of a budget, it’s bloated incompetent staff, its asinine methods she’d seen a rotted limb in need of hacking off. It hadn’t been until she’d been conducting her inspection, digging through the trash for a few pearls of effective agents she could snatch up and put to work elsewhere, that she’d truly seen what they were working on. The potential.
Potential to better arm themselves with in the forms of the strange new weapons being created.
Potential for threats far greater than anything even she had thought possible before.
The GIW as it had been when she’d first come across it was a fetid waste of time and resources. A laughing stock agency only secret because no one took them seriously enough to look. Made stupid and useless with its own conceited delusions of importance it didn’t actually have. Yet.
She went to work on it. Hacking away as she’d originally intended, but this time with a different goal in mind. She ripped out the weeds with bare, calloused hands and planted proficiency and loyalty in their place. She took over as director herself, tossing the self-aggrandizing fool that had been running the place into the ground to the dogs as the culprit for misappropriate spendings, saving the agency by tweaking things until their ballooning budget was pinned neatly onto the former director as an embezzling charge.
Then she got to work.
The Fentons were brilliant, if entirely insane. But Amanda could work with that. She’d reigned Harley Quinn in - more or less - she could do the same to the two deranged scientists that so eagerly wanted to be apart of the fight against the dead. Especially when the benefit came in the form of the inventions they threw together so easily, especially when those inventions were weapons.
It took very little to get them on board with her plans for the GIW. Keeping their focus could be a chore, at times, but she didn’t even have to really do much in the way of pressing to get them back where she wanted them. They craved knowledge and understanding nearly as much as they craved the eradication of the entities themselves. Letting them have the first look at a new subject here, free reign over a vivisection there, it took so little to fuel their fervor and keep them busy working on the projects she set for them.
Things had been going smoothly.
For a time at least.
Until Phantom.
He’d been the main focus of the previous director’s attention, the big fish he’d so desperately wanted to catch and put up on his wall. Amanda wouldn’t lie and say it wasn’t a tempting prospect, but not one she’d put above the other projects she had set in motion since taking over. No, Phantom was powerful, enough to be a real problem one day, but she could the awkward youth in the way he held himself, the inexperience in how he handled situations. She had time to get everything else in order before focusing on getting Amity Park’s would-be hero brought to heel.
And he would be brought to heel. One way or another.
Hands dirty.
Hands red.
Hands wrapped tight around the Core of a fledgling god and bending him to her will.
An artifact, old an powerful, recovered with some effort. A means of controlling specters, of chaining them to the will of the artifact’s wielder. Dangerous in the wrong hands. Dangerous in the right hands.
It was shattered, and even whole and functional Phantom was resistant to its power. But Amanda Waller prided herself in her ability to see the potential in things. It could be repaired, be made better. Even gods could be bound, be made to kneel, with the right pieces, with the right application of force.
It was just a matter of time to gather everything needed.
Phantom didn’t know he could single handedly destroy every last member of the Justice League. The baby fat, the innocent eyes, the split-second hesitations when he fought. He knew enough to be confident in fighting the usual ghosts that haunted Amity Park, but he still very much saw himself as a little fish. Maybe it was the part of him that was still Daniel Fenton, gangly teenager not quite sure what he was truly capable of yet.
She had time before the Fenton’s son truly became an issue. Time to judge if his parents’ obsessiveness would overcome their - rather shoddy, by Amanda’s estimation - parental instincts and continue to hunt him once they knew the truth. Time to get as much out of them as she could before hand, should they falter at the idea of attacking their own son. Time for the staff to be repaired and returned to working order, to get the other items needed for the truly big fish hidden on the other side of the veil between worlds.
She had time.
Until she didn’t.
Pariah Dark had not been something she thought she’d have to account for - not yet, at least.
If he wasn’t already dead, she’d ring the Ghost King’s neck with her bare hands. His arrival had opened Phantom’s eyes to what he was capable of, of just how big of a fish he was. Worse still, Phantom’s defeat of the war mongering King changed the state of play. Phantom was no longer an impressively powerful half dead teenager.
He was King Infinite.
He was an Ancient.
He was getting on her last damn nerves.
Phantom’s rogue gallery were now firmly under the boy’s control. Still distinct nuisances around Amity Park, but no longer considered true concerns. They were loyal to their boy king, delighting in ruffling his feathers but never crossing the line into treason or attempted regicide. Which meant that the GIW was the only thing that held his attention.
Amanda took the time to send a care package to the former GIW director in his tiny, dank prison cell. As thanks for his carelessness in revealing to the entire town - both living and dead - of the agency’s existence and their intentions. Had he stuck to standard protocol, Phantom would have been none the wiser to their presence. Would have scratched his head and shrugged his shoulders at the ghost that went missing upon occasion. Would have been boredly uninterested in the people his parents had begun working with. Would have been taken by surprise when they finally came for him.
But no.
No that self-obsessed, fame chasing imbecile had to go and announce to everyone and their dead mother that the GIW existed and exactly what it was they were in Amity Park to do.
Phantom knew what they were there to do.
They could only count on his naive certainty that he could broker peace with them for so long.
Peace. As if he and his people weren’t the invading force, the monsters slipping in through the cracks between worlds, the latest threat that had to be accounted for. As if he himself hadn’t rent their world asunder himself in another world, another time. No. Peace was not something they could hash out with this baby-faced monarch with his too-big crown. Peace was the assurance of safety, security. Of control of the situation.
There could be no peace.
The higher ups were somehow surprised when Phantom took that to mean there would be war.
Amanda Waller was not.
The Fentons, as suspected, took the right side when all was revealed. Steady hands and flinty eyes as they crafted the weapons that would be needed for the coming fight. Minds even sharper in their maddened grief, hearts set on revenge for the son lost and the entity that stole his face and friends and sister in his garish pretense at humanity. They were blinded to the reality of the situation in its entirety, the potential in what their son truly was, but at the end of the day it didn’t really matter. They did what she needed them to do, they could believe whatever it was they wanted so long as they did.
By the time the boy king and his armies marched upon the Amity park facility, preparations had been put into place. The base in Amity had been stripped back to bare essentials, everything of importance moved to more secured locations.
The weapons labs.
The artifact.
The girl.
All tucked well away from the front lines where Phantom and his motley crew could not reach. Their time to be put in play would come, but not yet. First she needed to gauge what Phantom and his people were capable of, what they were willing to do in the name of what they wanted. Amity Park was a pawn well sacrificed on that front. As were the other facilities she’d left easy to find.
The problem with making children gods, with giving them crowns and calling them King and giving them armies to play with, was that they thought there should be rules. That even in the trenches tearing apart their enemies, there was a certain level of playing fair that everyone was held to. They thought there was a way the world worked, of how things should be that blinded them to more effective options even as time stretched on and desperation set in.
It was the Dead’s problem though, not hers.
She reached out to the Justice League. Sour faced, unhappy, bitterly reluctant to accept that she needed their help. Stone faced and barely containing their rage at what little they knew of the situation, they agreed to a meeting.
She didn’t let herself smile until she was well and truly alone in her office.
Greater good. A lie people told themselves. A fairytale told to children. A means of convincing the weaker willed that they had no choice, that they had a noble duty to bend to. A belief that could be wielded like a weapon if the fantasy of the idea had dug in deep enough. And there were few it had dug into so deep as the members of the Justice League.
Amanda Waller was someone who did what needed to be done.
Hands dirty.
Hands red.
Hands clenched tight on a victory long in the making.
Part Four
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mllenugget · 6 months
Hello I mcyt fandom-ified la Team du Lundi members and wrote a shit ton of text about it
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After exhausting myself on trying to catch up on the current QSMP lore I got a sudden craving for a more familiar and fast paced kind of minecraft content and ended up rewatching all the Team du Lundi's SMP best of's I could find
And while doing so with my brain still hazed in fandom brainrot, I started picking up on minor details or info the players casually dropped, and drew parallels to the French speakers' QSMP counterparts This is going to be a long wordy post I don't even know what I am rambling about and for. Three things you need to be aware of about la Team du Lundi before reading :
Baghera, Antoine and Etoiles are the only QSMP players that are part of la Team du Lundi
As far as I remember the only two elements that suggest that la Team du Lundi's SMP could be canon to QSMP are Antoine being pressured into building another Tower of Shit, and Baghera's infamous fountain being mentioned when she was asked if her character remembers anything from her past before the island
La Team du Lundi's SMP was NOT a roleplaying server, it was just a private survival server for a small circle of friends casually playing together. So whenever I quote someone in this specific post, it is the streamer : there is no character other than the persona the streamer is usually showing on stream, but I just thought it would be fun to interpret certain situations while keeping in mind the QSMP lore. And here goes :
Baghera claims that when she was a kid she strongly believed that she could breathe underwater. The others joke about her having fins
Antoine jokingly tells Baghera he doesn’t need oxygen at all
Antoine claims he will still be alive thousands of years forwards
Antoine’s voice shifts when he wants to appear creepy
Baghera built an aquarium at her place, then helped Antoine build one at his tower, then built a giant swimming pool, then a fountain, then a waterslide- do you see a theme ?
Baghera knows that her skin is actually that of a chick and not a duckling, and calls it so here
Chat said that Baghera has a middle child syndrome, justifying that she bullies Angle Droit because Etoiles bullies her in the first place (Etoiles has also called her « little sister » in a derogatory way)
Etoiles has repeatedly asked people to play Valorant with him at least once
Here's a clip of Etoiles getting languaged in french and owing "a gifted sub in the swear jar"
Unrelated random clip of Etoiles because it creates happy hormones in me brain
Etoiles is regularly refered to as "the warrior"
Etoiles guided the whole group during an expedition to the End and he was literally glowing doing so (enchanted arrows effect) Everyone called him "the guide"
Baghera was the one who gave the final blow to the Enderdragon (and died from magic right after)
Etoiles spent most of his time adventuring in order to bring stuff and gear back to everyone for their builds
Etoiles asked Aypierre for help in order to design a redstone door for his cave which could only open upon solving a puzzle (which was egg & arrow related) (Aypierre was not a member of the server)
Etoiles built a nightclub with the walls and ceiling covered in wardenblocks making it look like a starry sky. He also rehomed Allays holding golden apples inside claiming them to be the souls working for him and that they lived there peacefuly
Etoiles jokingly talks about Antoine acting jealous and violent towards him because Etoiles told him he wanted to go and visit Kameto (who also was not a member of the server)
Baghera (along with Horty) had a rivalry with Joueur du Grenier (host of the server with admin powers) after he decided to build a massive parking lot right next to their house. They countered by covering the whole thing with dirt, followed by JDG building a factory and the two parties went back and forth. Baghera argued that it was stupid because they didnt even have cars to begin with (which is a sentence she reused when talking about Forever's roads) Also she tells JDG that he could've built a seaport instead, which makes JDG contemplate the thought of building an airport (and though he ended up never building it, I am side eyeing the French's plane crash)
At some point JDG wonders about what a roleplaying minecraft server would look like (RPZ 2), to which Baghera replies that she has a hard time picturing the thing "We'd all just build things you see ? I don't think we'd create stories, we would all just be like "I'm a builder, ah you too ? Well awesome, builders, cool"" and I find this to be hilariously ironic (fun fact : Baghera had no idea that QSMP was a roleplaying server when she first joined and often claims she would've taken a different approach with her character had she known right off the gate)
As I was finishing to write this down, these fuckers (/lh) decided to host a closure night for the server as they've never really officially did it, everyone just sort of deserted the server after a while. Baghera, Etoiles and Antoine kept referring to QSMP throughout the night, mostly talking about how weird it felt without mods. Among other meta commentary things
They mentionned Cellbit and Bad multiple times as the group was trying to solve enigmas. Antoine talked about "the cultural sharing" between communities as he taught insults to each others with Mike, Roier and Maximus in their respective languages Multiple more players were namedropped (including eggs) while Antoine was talking about how the server functions
Yes, Baghera and Etoiles kept their QSMP skins. Etoiles with his code corrupted purgatory one, and Baghera with her fading pink disheveled hair (with the addition of her cubito wearing Horty's merch)
Baghera admits that going back to this small familiar vanilla server feels like coming back home to your family during the holidays
Team du Lundi's cameos in QSMP :
Though Pomme has never canonically met JDG (even though most of her parents have talked about him to her at least once), she occasionaly breaks the 4th wall to refer to him. She once compared one of BBH's "vacation" flower shirts with his, and when Foolish and Bad asked her to elaborate (obviously not getting the reference) she proceeded to play JDG's music theme with the flute instead (Also I really feel the need to once more point out how mindblowing it is for your average french speaking viewer to have JDG's intro theme being added to the mod they use in the QSMP because of how anchored it is within french internet pop culture. Like this shit has been existing for 14 fucking years, it's part of the childhood of a lot of us, so to find a clip of British hardcore player Philza peacefuly listening to Mexican egg admin Tallulah play this theme on her flute feels like a multiverse fever dream)
Horty has been on Quesadilla Island through cc!Baghera's account, but neither of them really wanted to justify it RP wise. Baghera just wanted to give her best friend a tour of the island. Horty only got to meet Richarlyson who gave her a tour of Cellbit's castle and made her pick a room (she chose Chaos). She also chatted with Etoiles who tagged along for a bit and (this is obviously justified by it being a one-shot out of roleplay filler episode kind of night) they both already knew each other and were on friendly enough terms to bicker with one another Also she was part of the French speakers Quackity reached out to to invite on the server, but she had to decline because she was very busy at that time (and also not interested) Also also she was Baghera's teammate for that Formula 4 event, and Baghera has discussed it and showed pictures to a couple of islanders, including Richas who was very hyped about it
Another player the viewers were hoping to see on Quackity's server is Mynthos. He exists within the server with the picture of him that hangs in Pomme's art gallery, the cursed animation video that used to play in La France, as well as with Aypierre's health potion factory that bears his name
Angle Droit and Zerator are sometimes namedropped when the French speakers talk with their chat. Angle Droit frequently raids Baghera's and Antoine's streams, and though it has never been confirmed, a lot of viewers theorized that she was the +1 player Baghera and Etoiles wanted to invite on the server had they won the elections.
As for Zera, Etoiles went AFK on QSMP a couple of times in order to test some of Zerator's TrackMania maps (which he later discussed with Pac). I also remember a very trivial conversation Etoiles had with Mouse and Aypierre where he laughed about hurting his back very badly after carrying a fellow streamer during a caritative event, said event was hosted by Zerator (he's also the one judging them with concern from his desk)
I'm done.
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Bonus alternative design for Angle Droit because at first I thought she was a fox then it turned out she was a corgi but then she changed it again to a fox and woop
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imlovewithpixels · 1 year
How does Quackity met you?
- Fem!Reader x Quackity little imagine
Pov: You became viral on TikTok for the wrong thing.
(( Remember that my request are OPEN - Spanish or English))
This is my first thing in english for the streamer community even if I see more content off the Hispanic Streamers
Also, If you like my work, check out my Masterlist . I need to update my fandoms <3
-  English is not my mother lenguaje, please be nice if I had any grammatical errors.
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You were just streaming Minecraft. It was a pretty chill and cozy stream where you were decorating your mushroom house and talking with your chat. You had a little community in Spanish and English but your viewers were around 1k per stream. 
Your calm voice was accompanied by the background music on Minecraft while you were mumbling to a song that was stuck in your head since last week. 
And then you saw your Twitch display.
Quackity was on stream…¿he was going to play garthic phone? 
You NEEDED to see that. 
— Okay…ma babies, I will end this stream right here.— You said, laughing a little bit. 
A lot of comments started to pop up. “Why???” “noooo pliss :c” “I just started watching TT” “mi casitaaa, don't go” 
— Well…you know, Quackity …he…he just started a Spanish stream and I want to see it. — You whisper to the microphone fast. Your cheeks were red from embarrassment. “So, all of you should go. We have one rule in this place, "If mi casita is streaming, go to see it” After a silly tone of voice you smile at the camera and wave a little wave. “Babays”
“She had a crush on him, umm. Our mommy is gonna leave us. TT” A last-time donation came up in your scream and the robotic voice read it. You open your eyes surprised and completely flutter. 
— I-I, I don’t, mierda. wHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS? — Your chat started calling you cute and being dramatic for leaving them when you turned off the camera. Your hot face and silly but cute expression were the last images that you gave them. 
Then, you went to the other stream, and continued with your Minecraft real, while listening to a lot of Spanish swearing. 
It only took one week to blow off. 
That little clip of your last stream kinda became viral on TikTok.
 “The girl that ends up her stream for Quackity” 
Oh god, oh my god. 
This was so embarrassing. On one side, you didn’t mean any of this but your account kinda blows up with a lot of new people and subs. But, there was also a thing that you have never dealt with before, haters. Who said that you only wanted attention, that you were just a fangirl who wanted to meet him. Just pick me.
That makes you uncomfortable, you didn’t know how to deal with all that shit, but still tried to look calm like always on your streams. With 5k viewers on you, it was a little hard to read all the comments while you were playing Valorant, but you could see a lot of comments referring to the Mexican streamers.
You’re nervous. You didn’t mean any of this, and first of all, you did not want to disturb Quackity. 
You just hope that this incident just passes like any other TikTok and were replaced.
“Have you seen the girl who just turned off her stream for you? Such a pick me” 
The robotic voice was heard after the donation and Quackity just could give a confused look. His chat seemed to know about the topic, and they started spamming his discord with certain TikTok. 
— What are you talking about, guys?  — He opened one of them and your voice filled his stream.
Quackity saw your relaxing face while singing, your brown eyes lit up when she saw something, and you had a cute little smile. And your wavy hair follows your head movements when you face the camera with an embarrassed expression. 
“Well…you know, Quackity …he…he just started a Spanish stream and I want to see it. “ 
He knew he had fans, a lot of them actually, but that little clip of you just ending your stream for him makes him kinda happy. His heart warms up while you shout to your chat, like, and intern joke. His cheeks feel a little hot and the smile across his face captures the chat's attention.
“She’s cute”
“New ship, new ship”
“She just wanted fame I think.”
“I follow her, pure mommy vibes”
“She has been harassed on her last streams for this, what a shame. “
That little comment took him back to the earth. 
— “Guys, you know that I don’t support any of this behavior. Please, if you comment shitty things to this pretty girl, you’re not part of my community” — Alex didn’t notice the pretty on his lips when he called you and almost immediately went to your stream to follow you. 
Little did he know that you were on a drawing stream, too focused on your work to look at your chat. Your live face was so beautiful, even if you were with a messy bum and frowning in concentration. 
He donated to you right away.
“Quackity had donated 10 000 bits. And applause for the sugar” Your alert claimed.
“ I like that drawing, I could request a commission someday. I’m sorry for any uncomfortable comment from my community, I thought that your gesture was really funny and sweet :) “
You just drop your pencil for the amount of money and then, when you see the username, your face goes from pale to red in two seconds. 
Shit. Shit. 
Did he just…. know that you fucking exist for a TikTok?
— “I-I…. Yo…deje mi comida en la estufa. Gracias por la plata. Sleep well chat. “ — And with that, you went off stream. 
Quackity blinked two times and then he just bursts off in a laugh. 
That was so funny, you were interesting. 
“You suck flirting.” 
— I was not….I didn’t mean to…fuck off, chat. Let’s enter the server. — He said, rolling his eyes, trying to distract himself from thinking about your last expression and how you couldn’t manage to erase the shy smile off your face. 
Did he have that effect on you? 
How cute. 
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fuxuannie · 1 year
↳ pairing(s) : (seperate) omen, chamber & jett x gender neutral reader
↳ synopsis : sleep was almost impossible of the three, but with you, it was almost effortless.
↳ authors note : happy pride month!!! :: i think to stop writers block i have to actually start writing of different fandoms,, sorry hsr fans, hello valorant ones (pls exist)
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OMEN didn't really.. need to sleep. He doesn't need most things that humans did actually, and preferred to spend his hours of the night knitting or working on a few plants.
So he didn't really know how to feel about 'falling asleep together', an idea suggested to you after a few months of dating and wanted to be cuddling your partner before falling alseep.
You can imagine how awkward he is when he first gets into bed, how he's unsure on how to put his arms around you in a way that you feel comfortable or even the sensation of being so close to someone for 8 hours. You didn't really mind, just letting him experiment and try to figure out what felt right.
However after a few minutes, oddly enough and almost like a cat, Omen warms up to this feeling. If he could smile, he definitely would be. He's content with the position you both settled with, your back against his chest with his arms and legs over you. You could say he's the big spoon and you're the little spoon, not that it was really surprising considering the shadow man was quite tall.
"You okay?" You'll whisper, looking up at him and watched as he nodded back slightly. "I.. like this feeling." He replies, his voice soft despite the usual hoarse coming from it. "I'm glad." A smile is evident on your expression and that makes Omen happy, his grip around you tightening slightly as you two finally drift off.
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JETT's lack of sleep usually came from how often she wanted to train. Of course, having a best friend like Phoenix always meant wanting to one-up the other person in every single way, and Jett was making sure she remained on top no matter what.
When you expressed your concern for her lack of rest, she briefly brushed it off and said she could handle it because of how often she went days without sleeping.
That didn't make you feel any better.
So here she is, begrudingly laying in bed with you by her side. Jett has her back turned to you, hugging herself as she grumbled every now and then.
"You know, neither of us are going to fall asleep if you act like that."
She can't see you, but the sound of bedsheets shuffling are enough of an indication that you turned to face her. "I know.. that you're not the best with people.. but you can try for me, can't you..?" You asked quietly, almost a whisper, you loved Jett with all your heart and you couldn't dream of ever forcing her to do something ahe didn't want. And so you just waited for an answer.
To your surprise and in a swift move, Jett turns around to wrap her arms around you and pull you close to her. Head resting into the crook of your neck as you're left to be stunned for a few seconds, before beginning to chuckle softly and return the gesture with your own arms engulfing her into a cuddling position.
You hold back a few giggles at how quickly she fell asleep in your embrace.
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CHAMBER was a man who prioritized his own interests above everyone elses, so for many years he had grown used to sleepless nights either for weapon making or business reasons, whichever one he felt like prioritizing first. (Which was always the weapon making.)
At first, he found it cute whenever you tried to stay up with him until he'd grow tired and just go to bed but it didn't last long whenever he saw you tired around HQ and felt guilty for your exhaustion.
The man loves you far too much, so the day after he wanted to try and finally sleep early just so he wouldn't have to see you barely make it through work with 3 hours of rest.
However, with his body so used to staying awake, the French Marksman struggled in finding an ounce of a tired feeling in his body. His mind racing with thoughts of anything else he could be doing at the moment, until he feels you bury yourself closer into him to feel his warmth.
Maybe he was madly inlove, maybe the several hours of sleep he missed was getting to him, but it was like that a single touch from you had him in a sleepy trance.
You're already asleep, just your body naturally wanting to be closer to the man you loved most, but Chamber plants soft and quick kisses on your nose, cheek and lips while whispering a 'Thank you.' after each one. Eventually falling asleep in the comfort of your warmth.
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decepti-thots · 1 month
while i'm talking about Whirl, one thing i've been meaning to talk about for ages just in a 'i am aware some people may not actually know this, and it hardly gets mentioned in fandom' is that Whirl in Interiors talking about briefly trying to change his name when he was a flight instructor at the flight academy is a reference to a passage in Bullets, which is in retrospect very obviously him:
Jetstream had taught him to recognize his inherent worthlessness. In front of the other cadets he'd always been supportive, but in private he would berate him for showing off and for getting ideas above his station. “You think you're something special?” he used to say. “You think you’re better than the rest, better than me, just because you can turn a few tricks? On a good day - on your best day - I’d say you were unremarkable.” Rotorstorm’s only response to Jetstream’s verbal abuse was to make jokes. If you can make light of the situation, he'd think, it can’t be as bad as it seems. Over time, Jetstream’s verbal abuse... evolved. On one occasion, Rotorstorm was pushed against a wall. On another, he was punched to the floor. Before long, he was on the receiving end of sustained and entirely unprovoked beatings. The worst day of Rotorstorm’s life - worse than the day war was declared; worse than the day of the Simanzi Massacre - was the day the IAA installed a Cryogenic Regeneration Chamber. He couldn't remember what he’d done to deserve that night's battering, but as he lay on the floor of the aircraft hangar, his torso freshly pummeled, his spinal strut bent at a right angle and his face reduced to a shallow bowl of oil and splinters, he saw something he would never forget: Jetstream was standing over him, fists clenched and head cocked, coolly appraising his options. And the look of exhilaration on his face as he wondered where to place the next punch had been terrifying. Rotorstorm had passed out before Jetstream had finished shoveling him into the CR Chamber, and had woken up the next day without a single scratch on his body. Jetstream had left overnight; he moved to a training facility in another province and later changed his name. Since then, Rotorstorm had seen him only once: he'd been sitting in the front row when Rotorstorm had been awarded the Novic Medal for Outstanding Valor, and he’d been clapping and cheering more loudly than anyone else.
and this is a really fascinating thing to consider for me because if you just describe the whole thing briefly in the abstract, it's gonna likely sound like one of two things:
whirl tried to turn over a new leaf with a new name, and it worked for a time but ultimately he couldn't and went back to his old life
whirl tried to turn over a new leaf with a new name, but he couldn't and was just as much of an aggro wildcard as ever so gave up
but this is... kind of not either of those, including the last one? whirl IS acting like the violent, bitter, unpredictable asshole we come to meet in MTMTE and know he was during the war, to an extent, but he's also clearly succesfully keeping up something of a facade of really inhabiting that 'not Whirl, nope, i'm a Normal Flight Instructor' in public. it's only to rotorstorm he's not, seemingly. (and even then, the way rotorstorm describes him here is... really cold and deliberate in a way that feels kind of different to what we see later.)
obviously it's. i mean it's SO deeply unpleasant, very effectively communicated in terms of how awful and traumatising that kind of thing is btw a+ but also Jesus Fucking Christ, but it also suggests to me a very specific experience Whirl is having in this period of his life that isn't quite either of those obvious choices. pokes at it. god. what the fuck is going through your head you terrible helicopter you.
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king-nyx · 3 months
I'm actually so fucking sick of the Valorant fandom. I'm so fucking sick of the queerphobia and the misogyny. I'm so fucking sick. Fuck everyone who has ever referred to Clove as she/her despite it being abundantly clear that they use they/them. Fuck everyone who is ignoring the fact that KJ and Raze are a canon lesbian couple. Fuck everyone who has hated on women in this game. Fuck everyone who has harassed someone in this fucking game.
And, before anyone says some stupid ass shit like "it's a fps game what did you expect"
Fuck this game actually.
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algebraicpizza · 1 year
If the Straw Hat Pirates were on social media:
this has probably been done before but idc
Luffy doesn't have an account (he doesn't know how to use a phone) but Nami and Usopp run a tiktok where they take videos of him getting into street fights, climbing on top of statues in public, or running all-you-can-eat buffets out of business. He has no idea he's become popular online. There's a subreddit that compiles every sighting.
Zoro streams his workouts on insta but often forgets to turn off the stream, leading to everyone seeing his completely empty apartment. His chat is full of simps but he doesn't actually know how to open it and never connected it to his bank account to receive donations. He's been invited onto various podcasts but has never responded to any of their emails. Most of his workout advice is just to lift heavier weights.
Nami is actually not a hot tub streamer, but she constantly jokes in her just chatting streams that the next stream will be one. Clips of her raging in Valorant have gone viral several times in spite of how she preaches kindness and respect, but she's always managed to get away with an apology video. She secretly posts on 4chan to argue with her haters.
Usopp is a variety streamer who's an absolute god in every shooter he plays. He trash talks like crazy in voice chat and several of his questionably true rants about how he's the best player ever or going to show up at his opponent's house have become memes. Sound clips of his terrified screams while playing horror games have become memes as well, and he hates it. He's actually active in his community discord, and frequently reacts to its meme channel.
Sanji posts recipe videos, clips and screenshots of which regularly do numbers on twitter for how amazing they look. The restaurant he works at requires reservations six months in advance because of how much he's boosted it's profile. A reality show once did an episode on him that revealed not just the way he belittles chefs who fuck up, but the biased treatment he gives to women. He can't shake that reputation, but is trying to be better. He's recently moved to tiktok and gotten a brand new boost of fans.
Chopper first appeared as an expert guest on various podcasts, and then started youtube videos explaining basic medical concepts. But somehow, fan comments convinced him to start making videos like "Doctor Plays MINECRAFT for the first time?" He believes every single fake rumor about Herobrine.
Robin posts her history lectures online and is beloved by students around the world for how understandable she makes complex topics. Her videos are very popular as unintentional ASMR. Otherwise, she mostly avoids social media, but you'll occasionally see her networking on academic twitter and vagueposting about how hard she works and how much she wishes things were easier. Secretly, she's active on AO3 and is known for her hundreds of angsty hurt/comfort fics in just about every fandom you can imagine.
Franky runs a DIY engineering youtube channel where he posts the most insane inventions. His titles are all along the lines of "POLICE SHOWED UP AT MY HOUSE? SUUUUPER TRUCK WITH MOUNTED CANNON BUILD!!!" He does AMAs on reddit every year and ends every single comment with SUUUUUUPER.
Brook is a popular musician online, but doesn't have a youtube channel of his own. He's known for rock covers of classical pieces and his concerts sell out completely, but the only videos of him are posted by fans. The only way he actually communicates with fans is on facebook, where he's active to this day, mostly to post puns.
Jimbei hosts a political podcast where he talks primarily about minority rights, but he takes on guests with a variety of views for the sake of open debate. He's ratioed political figures on twitter many times. He travels frequently and posts about it on his blog.
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doomsdaydicecascader · 3 months
my problem with postcanon jade was that it said she was a cis girl before fusing with bec. i took it as the same "true in a transmisogynist way" troll as transmasc roxy
like, truly, i miss transfeminine roxy every day, and my house is fairly glass when it comes to things here considering i'm writing The Butch Lesbian Jane Comic, but like. the way homestuck fans exert ownership over the text of homestuck is fundamentally what the homestuck epilogues and post-canon are about. act 7 is about the dead calliope saying "fuck canon" and making her own, and she does not know how to care for the characters in question. i genuinely believe reconciling these facts, that what homestuck wants to be and what fans want homestuck to be are tangibly, ideologically opposed, is what post-canon is about
"fans read this character as X identity" is fine and good but that's paratext at best, and making demands of a text that has no obligation to respect them at worst. the epilogues are cashing in that desire to not respect them. homestuck has always been shaking off its readers who exert too much ownership, feel too comfortable with it. this goes way back as far as act 5 act 2 - the author commentary describes switching between walkaround sprites and hussnasty mode in such close proximity as a means of saying "if you always get what you expect, you will become complacent and that's no way for a reader to be", the "come in, go away" routine of homestuck is so repetitive now that i'm surprised basically nobody's caught on - homestuck is always doing insane flips to try and shake people off of it.
and now homestuck is doing that with your headcanons. like, this is a thing i see genuinely, all the fucking time in fandom over the past 15 years or so, people hype themselves up on paratexts and pretend the paratext is the source. the worst i ever saw of it was people having full blown self-harm threatening panic attacks because klance was not endgame in voltron legendary defenders. genuinely, i remember this so well - i think there were still two more seasons of the show after that event too, but i didn't watch it.
i only looked on from afar because what i saw of season 1 wasn't especially novel. castiel was never gay, no matter how many times he was caught leaking omegamusk in walmart or whatever, i'm stealing valor with this joke i was never a superwholock omegaverse girlie. there's so many fandoms i'm not a part of, it's unreal.
anyway, my point is people get really invested in their reads on characters and pretend it's real for the same reason a normie's sports team is gonna go the distance this season. and when they don't, they riot. this is literally just sports fandom 101. we may as well be talking about fucking inflategate here. i also don't go to sports. it's basically just homestuck for me these days.
i imagine this is what it's like to run my little pony before bronies came along: the show was negligible in relevance beyond its capacity to show off the new toys to play with. but the difference is that my little pony is about the toys, it's about encouraging that kind of play, it's fundamentally a set of toys they made a show about, as opposed to homestuck, which was always niche art for webcomics weirdos that caught on, quite literally, with the brony audience. i remember the first time i ever saw dave strider was on fucking ponychan, chronologically it would have been mid-act 5 act 2. it was an image of dave ransacking the lohac stock exchange, which is an a5a2 thing, it was before season 2 started, etc etc.
this is one hell of a tangent to say as far as the text of mspaintadventures is concerned, problem sleuth characters have gender signifiers that are more similar in nature to drag and performance of gender roles than any actual sexual dimorphism. homestuck characters are built atop the gender expression of problem sleuth. jade was a 13/16-year old girl, and that's the only information there was. over time, this changed.
this was an explicit change, too - it's in the change to act 6, passing through the fourth wall, that these characters, who fundamentally are game pieces, that homestuck starts to contend with the fact that people are emotionally invested in them as people. people don't like dave or vriska in the same way that people care about problem sleuth or nervous broad, and this comes out in the text. we get a lot of the best stuff in homestuck out of that change, too, like. the retcon only works because of that emotional investment, and i go so hard for the retcon. the retcon is the coolest thing ever.
and with that change, now, in 2024, she is explicitly a 39 (? i think she's 39.) year old woman with a penis. she didn't go from "cis woman" to "trans woman", she went from game piece to human person. there is no "cis jade" to be overwritten. you're assuming a "cis is default" worldview of a team of transgender and/or nonbinary people and thats just like. its not ideal, really
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prokopetz · 2 years
Do you have any recommendations for TTRPGs that emulate JRPGs well, or have a very JRPG-like setting? I find the unself-conscious mixing of fantasy, sci-fi, and steampunk elements that's commonplace in JRPGs very appealing, as well as the inventive combat and advancement mechanics (for reference I am playing the first Trails in the Sky game right now and I am enjoying it very much).
You've got several distinct questions there, though you may not realise it, and I'm going to tackle them in order.
First, with respect to emulating JRPGs and JRPG-like settings at the tabletop, it's hard to go wrong with, well, actual tabletop JRPGs. While English localisations of Japanese tabletop roleplaying games are admittedly thin on the ground, there are a few of them out there, including official translations of Double Cross, Golden Sky Stories, Ryuutama – Natural Fantasy Roleplay, Shinobigami, and Tenra Bansho Zero, as well as the odd partial fan-translation, of which Meikyuu Kingdom and Nechronica are probably the most notable. (No direct links to the latter two because fan-translation is technically piracy, though I'm sure you can chase them down on your own if sufficiently inclined!) There are a lot of cultural assumptions about what an RPG is and how it ought to work that aren't going to come across in an Anglophone author's attempt at genre emulation, so you'd be well served to go straight to the source.
(I vaguely recall that there are also a couple of Japanese indie RPG authors self-publishing their works in English via itch.io, though it’s late and names escape me at the moment – if anyone reading this can point us in the right direction, please do!)
Second, with respect to emulating the steampunk science-fantasy settings that Western fandoms often associate with JRPGs (though they're far from universal within the genre – their apparent prevalence is more a reflection of what gets localised than of the genre as a whole), the above-cited Tenra Bansho Zero will give you that in spades, though it's also one of the most rules-heavy entries on that list. If you have a specific desire to play in a game where the party consists of a cursed samurai, a child mecha pilot, a Shinto MiB, an oni Jedi knight, and Robocop, that it'll do.
If you'd prefer something less crunch-heavy, or more American-style in its game design approach, you might alternatively have a look at Anima Prime. It's not a localised title, but its lighter and more familiar approach may be an easier sell for your group than dropping Tenra Bansho Zero's seven hundred page rulebook on them. Aesthetically, it sits somewhere near the RWBY-meets-Final Fantasy XIII intersection.
Finally, with respect to emulating the combat of The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky specifically, that’s a tough one – I don’t think any Japanese tabletop RPGs with proper grid-based tactical combat have workable English localisations at the moment, even taking fan-translations into account. In terms of non-localised games, I’d probably go with something like Valor; it’s basically an anime-themed Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition clone, but then, most games that focus tightly on grid-based tactical combat are to varying degrees these days – D&D4E is extremely good at what it does, the protestations of certain vocal grognards who don’t approve of what it does notwithstanding.
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
Recently left a fandom, and one of the weirdest things about that fandom was the behavior of Readers on social media. One of the biggest aspects with the tiny community situation we were in, is everyone kinda sees/knows/knows of everyone else, so when you say something negative in public, we all see it. And sure, that happened, but that wasn't the weird thing. So. For context. People were not leaving feedback, positive or negative on fics in this community for a while, but several people seemed to do this weird Vague Posting thing about the works they were actively reading. Talking about plot points. Expressing their opinions and theories or paying compliments to the writers, all around gushing *on their twitter feed* - most of this was work that was easily recognizable to me, and other writers, through context because we were all really familiar with each other/friendly. Sometimes these works were mine, and it just struck me as really really bizarre that these people were doing this like Live Tweet Reaction to fic they clearly liked but never bothered to: 1. Even say what the title of the fic was let alone link to it or 2. Leave any of those nice words on AO3 for the writers of said fics. And it really only just struck me today that this might have been an attention thing. Like commenting on AO3 doesn't give them a public enough audience or something so they've gotta preform their reaction on social media. It almost felt like stolen fandom valor, that people got all this engagement from others commenting on their reaction to the fics while the authors got crickets. It was so... Weird. But what I'm curious about is if other people have encountered this? Is this becoming a common thing? (If so, ew.) Or if maybe it was just a strange isolated behavior in this tiny community. In other fandoms past and present I've seen people posting about fic on socmed, before but never this strange Positive Vague Posting.
I don't hang out on twitter enough to see this, but it reminds me of years ago when I knew people offline who'd eagerly share fic with each other and get social clout for discovering a new great one. They'd even make icons about in-jokes from other people's LJ comments and shit.
I remember this one time when I was like "Dude, that icon is from a picture I posted, and that fic author lives like five minutes from all of us..." But to them, it was like the actual sources of fic were as distant as a TV network, and Fandom consisted of the social interaction with their friends who read fic of the same thing.
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misha collins is the gift that keeps on giving. apparently when asked if he and dean should have kissed, he said "if the CW had not been so homophobic, we would have been balls deep for sure... I fucked you hard and raised you from perdition"
i'm jokey about it and I imagine that it's very confusing for misha himself, but there is nothing better for our society than his confused relationship to his sexuality being totally fucking okay. the man has been questioning for a decade, i am not sure he's ever going to stop, and it's not just fine, it's GOOD FOR YOU.
he isn't stealing gay valor, he isn't lying, he isn't getting carried away by the desperate shippers of the spn fandom. he is publicly questioning his sexuality, and in his confusion/fear of public homophobia, maintaining a schroedinger's bisexual situation for years on end. forcing us to BE OKAY with the FACT that we don't really know what's going on with him, we don't have a right to, it actually doesn't matter either way, and this is exactly why the q in our alphabet soup stands for both queer and questioning.
because it takes a long time and it's really scary (especially with eyes on you) and whether you come out the other side firmly and confidently straight or a newly hatched baby gay, you deserve our protection and community while you explore.
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incognito-duo · 20 days
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The turtles and Splinter all call him Da Vinci, hated it at first but then grew to love it.
Loves watching Octonauts, and made a video essay about it.
Likes going to Walmart
Watches Vine compilations at 2 am when he can’t sleep
Color codes his candy, for example, only eats all of the red Skittles then the purple ones then green, etc.
Cried over Roblox VC once, and his brother verbally harassed a 5-year bc of it.
After Scumbug got with Splinter, Leo tried to encourage his family to learn the language she spoke. He is the most fluent, but as good as Splinter.
Even though he's a snitch, Leo has blackmail/secrets that are brothers only. (Some things are sibling code fr)
Favorite Dcom is Z-O-M-B-I-E-S, and looks up to Zed.
Loves cheesy Rom-cons, and has a Tubi account just for it.
Head of movie nights, mostly watched anime movies but tried to find one the whole family would love.
Has his tent because he owns a bunch of merch, and needed a place to put it.
Simon, from Alvin and the Chipmunks, kinnie. Had a massive childhood crush on Jennet.
Def a Disney Kid, TOH, Molly McGee etc.
Got into Anime, and other fandoms, bc of AMV's.
Fandom wiki user, and a Tumblr user.
Studio Ghibli GEEK!! Made many video essays.
Chapped as hell lips, carries small Vaseline around (Forgets to use it)
Owns a diary
Info dumps and long study sessions a lot
Only wants bubble tea for the pearls
Had a small wig era... failed, and never did it again. (He only wears wigs in secret)
Has the best handwriting
He could wing a test if he paid attention in class because IMPROV!!!
HAS to sleep near one of his brothers, hence why he has a bunk bed.
Has glow-in-dark stick stars on his wall!!
Number one hypeman when you wanna ask your crush out. Definitely helped Leo with April
Writes in orange glittery pen
Likes to style his mask in bows or fun edges
Over thinks with giving others gifts, decorating, and hosting parties
He HATES the dentist
He is actually a big softie and dork (like we all know), so he yaps a lot with April, his brothers, and the people he's REALLY close with
Likes a few musicals because of Mikey, like CryBaby and Ride of the Cyclone
Loves to show off, mostly to impress people
Plays Valorant with Casey
Bullies little kids on Roblox voice chat
Childhood crushes were on Liv from Liv and Maddie, and Cat from Victorious
Likes to munch on waffle cones when bored
He's too loud or too quiet when speaking during certain times without knowing
Owns a journal, and has the most outrageous handwriting
Kids still bully her, but a lot have stopped after the events of the movie
She slowly learns how to get over her stage fright
the CUTEST handwriting when taking notes, the aesthetic school notes with the pastel highlighters
Doodles during class, and tends to doodle Leo when working on her newspapers (AprilNardo>>>)
Lowkey hated Casey before they became BFFs
Goes to her apartment roof when she needs to relax, or when bored
Listens to Lofi Girl when studying
Likes to make small, silly comics for the school newspaper
Loves tot bags, or duffel bags!
She is an only child, but loves to hang out with her parents and relatives. Every weekend, she goes to IHop with her family and invites the turtles and Irma sometimes
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sofoulandfairaday · 9 months
Do you have any Peter hcs? There's not a lot of content with him so I wondered if you had.
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Sorry for the late reply anon(s).
Truth be told... not many. I think Peter is a fascinating character but not one I spend a lot of time thinking about beyond his role in the canon, ergo it's hard for me to have headcanons about him. This is more of a meta post really, or at least a mix of meta & headcanons & general thoughts.
He always had a mean streak. I hate when he's portrayed in the fandom as someone who was super jolly good, a lovable bumbling idiot, or worse a clueless innocent little guy whom Voldemort just happened to bamboozle, or even worse a suave, smooth-talking ladies' man with even one (1) ounce of charisma. Much like Remus, he always feared his position inside their group, unlike Remus he really was the lowest in the pecking order. As such, he would always look for someone weaker than him to make up for it. This is very clear in SWM when he's described as laughing (roaring with laughter) and looking on with a look of avid anticipation and hungrily at Snape's humiliation and sexual harassment by his two popular friends.
He isn't academically brilliant, but that doesn't mean he's stupid. He was called dumb his whole life, by friends and foes alike... There is literally not a single character in the whole book series who doesn't talk to him condescendingly: Voldemort openly mocks him and shows him even less respect than he does to his fellow Death Eaters, Snape treats him like a servant, his own best friends call him dumb:
"How thick are you, Wormtail?" said James impatiently. "You run round with a werewolf once a month-" and "Put that away, will you?" said Sirius [...] "Before Wormtail wets himself from excitement". Wormtail turned slightly pink but James grinned.
And yet, he (1) does manage to become an Animagus, even though we can mostly ascribe this to James and Sirius' help; (2) blows up a street, killing twelve Muggles and framing Sirius for murder; (3) helps revive Voldemort at his weakest - which, I mean, Voldemort was definitely giving the orders and detailing how to make the potion etc, but this is an unusual level of competence, seeing what the standard for the Death Eaters in the second wizarding war is (DoM anyone? Twelve of Voldemort's best Death Eaters vs six Hogwarts fifth years? Pathetic display if you ask me)
Was definitely a bit of an errand boy for Sirius and James.
His best subject was Charms (12 Muggles, you guys) and his worst was Potions. My funny little headcanon is that he was so bad at it that Voldemort had a bad time trying to guide him in brewing that Rebirth Potion - the actual reason it took them a whole year.
Asked the Sorting Hat to be placed in Gryffindor. Peter Pettigrew is canonically a Hatstall between Gryffindor and Slytherin (source). My headcanon is that he asked the Sorting Hat to be placed in Gryffindor. Perhaps it was because the kind boy he had met on the train (Remus Lupin) had already been sorted into Gryffindor before him, or maybe it was because he was always attracted to greatness and Gryffindor is the House of valor after all.
He wasn't forced by Voldemort to give up the Potters' location or become a Death Eater. He went of his own accord. He started feeding Voldemort information a whole year before the Potters' death and he did so because Voldemort was winning the war. He had all but won. In my headcanons, 1979-1980 is his we are on the edge of a golden world moment. It all goes downhill from there. Peter was probably one of those people who fell inside Voldemort's web of charisma/intimidation. He was in equal parts scared and morbidly attracted, just like everyone else on that side.
I like the headcanon that Peter did most of the sketching on the Marauder's Map. It goes along well with my headcanon that he's a talented drawer and he made some mean caricatures of most students and faculty during his time at Hogwarts.
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liyawritesss · 4 months
ᖴᒪOᗯEᖇᔕ Iᑎ ᗷᒪOOᗰ
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Hello lovelies! It’s been a while since we’ve had an event around these parts, so with the new year in commencement and with February coming up, I wanted to do something special to celebrate all the accomplishments I have achieved on this account with the lovely people who follow me! Therefore, to commemorate Valentines Day, Black History Month, and the milestone of reaching 3,000 followers, I have organized this event titled “Flowers in Bloom” to bring in the new year!
The event will have a total of three categories; Valentine Drabbles, Match-Making, & Love Letter Requests. These three categories will ensure that everyone gets the chance to read and/or request something they like, and I get to challenge myself writing wise and time-management wise!
Check out the categories, rules, and fandoms included in this event below!
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ᖇᑌᒪEᔕ & ᖴᗩᑎᗪOᗰᔕ
The general rules surrounding this event are as follows:
The Valentines Drabbles are specifically for black characters. These will be posted every day for the month of February, and will not be substituted. The Valentines Drabbles are 500-700 words each based on a prompt list provided, so you’ll have an idea of what will be written that day!
The Match-Making segment will span all the fandoms that I am in! How it will go is that you will send in a little entry about yourself, including whatever you want to include to describe yourself as best as possible so that I may give you the best match possible! These descriptors can include: your name, likes/dislikes, interests, etc.
Love Letter Requests are like any other request that one would submit to their favorite fanfic author; except these will be limited to 500 words for time and efficiency, but you will be able to ask for a character of your choice from the fandom list provided!
The Fandom List Includes:
My Hero Academia
Arcane: League of Legends
K/DA / True Damage
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Avatar: The Legend of Korra
Marvel’s Black Panther
Marvel’s Ironheart
Marvel’s Spiderman
Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse
Insomniac’s Spiderman (1, Miles Morales, & 2)
Mortal Kombat
Resident Evil (2-4 (Remakes Only), 5, 7-8)
Assassin’s Creed (All Main Titles)
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ᐯᗩᒪEᑎTIᑎE ᗪᖇᗩᗷᗷᒪEᔕ
The Valentine Drabbles will be the drabbles I post every day for the month of February, according to a prompt list I’ve formulated. The list of characters are all black characters from the variety of fandoms I write for, to center these black characters and their stories from their respective source of media. The said fandoms will include games, television series, anime, cartoons, and movies.
Prompt List:
Day 1 - Diamonds
Day 2 - Friendship
Day 3 - Flowers
Day 4 - Cheek Kisses
Day 5 - Secret Admirer
Day 6 - Acts of Service
Day 7 - Star Gazing
Day 8 - Chosen Soulmate
Day 9 - Promises
Day 10 - Gift Exchange
Day 11 - Chocolates
Day 12 - Devotion
Day 13 - Carnival Date
Day 14 - Secret Relationship
Day 15 - Love Letters
Day 16 - Situationship
Day 17 - Dinner Date
Day 18 - Gift Giving
Day 19 - At Home Date
Day 20 - Confessions
Day 21 - First Kiss
Day 22 - Music
Day 23 - Quality Time
Day 24 - Cuddles
Day 25 - Pictures
Day 26 - Notes
Day 27 - Matching Outfit
Day 28 - Soft Launch
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As stated above, the Match-Making section of this event is fairly simple: send me a brief description of yourself, including a name, likes/dislikes, interests, aesthetics, etc, so that I may pair you up with the best possible option for you! With the Match-Making, you will get a general synopsis of what I think you two will fit well together, and a few headcanons/scenarios that would describe the dynamic between the two of you! Who knows, maybe you might score a date with your lovely match!
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ᒪOᐯE ᒪETTEᖇᔕ
You can send in requests for the event like you would normally send in a request to any other author for your favorite character, and you will receive a cute love letter for said character! This will either be in the form of an actual love letter gifted to you from the character of your choice, or a brief storyline consisting of you and your chosen character. Both will be limited to 500 words, but you may also choose a prompt from the given prompt list in the Valentines Drabble section of this post if a scenario doesn’t come to mind for you!
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All things pertaining to this event will be tagged with #flowersinbloom🏵 so that it may be easier to find on my account. I hope everyone has fun here for the month of February, and remember; Black Lives Matter, black characters in entertainment media matter, love comes in all shapes and forms, YOU are loved, and that I am forever grateful to each and every one of you who make writing and fandom a comfort and loving experience for me.
Happy Black History Month and Happy Valentines Day folks! 
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