#Jesse Cosplay Costume
non-un-topo · 8 months
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costumes-hub · 7 months
Jesse Pinkman Costume
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Get the full guide here!
Jesse Pinkman’s distinctive costume and appearance have become iconic elements of his character, making him a popular choice for cosplayers and fans of Breaking Bad. Jesse’s attire reflects his rebellious nature, youthful energy, and affiliation with the drug trade. Recreating his costume accurately and authentically is an essential aspect of Jesse Pinkman’s costume.
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doctorsiren · 2 years
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So originally, I was gonna be a noir detective for Halloween, but on Thursday night I changed my mind and decided I was gonna be Jesse Pinkman
Unfortunately, my package was delayed and so I didn’t get my stuff for his fit until I was already done with doing everything I was gonna do today (I’m not doing anything tonight except for HW haha), and so I went as a sort of version of Star Butterfly + some other cosplay stuff I had in my closet
I had fun nonetheless :)
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cadestrange · 2 years
So my friend Zac and I went to Baltimore Comic Con yesterday. I went as Sans Undertale and he was James Pokémon. I don't think he has a Tumblr but he's @/bannedfromwawa on Instagram
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We NEED FlowerByte: Addressing the lack of Black Girl Representation in ATSV -
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[a MEDIUM length essay addressing how FlowerByte IS NOT a threat to GhostFlower, and how the ship is actually NECESSARY to the ATSV fandom]
and examining the criticism against Miles x Margo:
Remember there's nothing wrong or desperate about people shipping FlowerByte. It's natural, fine, and to be expected.
Because - if you have doubts about FlowerByte - have you ever considered how there's no black girls other than Margo in ATSV? That ISTV features no black girls as reoccurring characters?
That the only two POC female characters - Jess and Rio - are adults in nurturing positions, shown only ever taking care of others?
Up until this point, have you noticed how much black girls are missing from ATSV?
Or did you not realize? Most don't. But black girls do.
Because black girls are one of the only demographics not shown or supported in the ITSV series.
As we know it, we have no young black girl characters that have more than maybe 10 lines. So far we have Gwen's bandmates and Margo.
Black girls are probably the only demographic NOT seeing themselves swinging around.
The only two black women characters are grown women, specifically MOTHER FIGURES. Characters written to aids others through their arcs, saving and comforting in times of need.
That's why I wrote Diane's background as it is. She's a born and raised Black Panther Party member, raise in the meeting house of her local chapter.
She's a black radicalist, and that's the center of her world and character. From her mirroring black disco divas like Diana Ross, to being a Black Panther, I wanted Diane and her world to be unequivocally black.
There's never any scene of a black girl in a Spider-suit, swinging around or saving the day. Not once.
And it's never been mentioned. To most people, it's not a concern.
To most people, the sad reality is - black women aren't a concern. Just side characters.
And that shows. Not only on screen, but in fandom as well.
At no point in ITSV are young black girls given a character in which they can see themselves - not even as background characters, let alone as a romantic interest.
You make think that FlowerByte is silly, because 'they don't really have chemistry, right?'
But there is nothing wrong or silly about black girls wanting to see Miles calling them pretty, or admiring them, or dating them.
Margo truly is the only black girl we even see Miles have a conversation with for the entirety of ATSV - for the entirety of the SERIES thus far.
And chances are - most people reading this didn't notice this. But black girls DO.
Imagine seeing multiple characters of the same race, but different gender as you - but NONE of your gender (nb peeps know what I mean)
Never being called cool, or strong. No gifsets of cool black girls fighting. No black girls in the fanart. Left off posters. Never seen as pretty, never shown as desirable, never having male counterparts consider them.
The message - and damage - it sends to young black girls is clear - even in ATSV.
'You're not a person to be desired or admired. You are a plot device and nothing more.'
It sends the message 'You are not an actual person. You're there to save Gwen, and let Miles escape. After that, get off the screen. Your character will be judged based on how you serve the characters around you. We don't have enough time to flesh you out any further. And we know no one will ask about it.'
Black girls notice how they're one of the only ones who doesn't get a character to wear as a Halloween costume, or as a cosplay. They notice when they see merch and there's none of anyone that looks then them. They notice when their only options are 'genderbent' Miles and Hobie, because most don't see Margo as a main character.
They notice when none of their favorite characters give black girls a second glance, or have crushes on black girls. They notice when the only black women aren't actually stories about BLACK WOMEN. They're stories about white women - with the character being drawn or cast as black.
Example: You'll never see MCU MJ talk about racism or something. Because she's not written as a black girl first. She's written as a MARY-JANE first - and the basis of her story is that and nothing more. Anything about her black identity is seen as at best unnecessary or worse, contradictory to the character of MJ - so her race is left as only a visual element, only a feature of casting, and not a true aspect of her character.
There's literally nothing wrong with Flowerbyte and I admire those that are making works for them.
Black girls deserve every bit of love, and ffs they're CUTE together.
Hobie and Noir get shipped together all the time and they don't even know each other (yet). No one cares. People think it's cute.
But Miles and Margo get shipped together - and suddenly theres a discussion on how 'unlikely' or 'forced' that ship is.
The same with Hobie x Black!readers, or Miles-42 fics - it's often when black women seek to fill their own lack of representation that others even consider them apart of the conversation. And even then - it's to force them back into their place.
'Miles is meant to be with Gwen. That scene meant nothing. They don't have chemistry. You just hate Gwen. You just want them together because she's black'
YEAH, AND? Liking FlowerByte doesn't mean they have it out for Gwen. It means they're desperately looking for representation.
YOU should be calling for that representation. Now that you know, doesn't this lack of representation disturb you? If it doesn't, but FlowerByte does, then I can't help you.
But yeah. Just a friendly reminder, FlowerByte is good for the soul and the fandom.
We as fans of ATSV have to be candid in admitting that the series SEVERELY lacks representation of young black girls, which is A HUGE problem.
The one black female Spider-woman they have had to be CREATED as black, from a white rendition of the character.
So far, Margo is the one and only original black Spider-woman in ATSV.
That needs to change. But until then, let FlowerByte sail on. If you're a Gwiles shipper, you can always double ship. Nothing wrong with it. I suggest maybe you check out some FlowerByte stuff. Maybe you'll like their dynamic, or understand why writers write it a bit more, if not 🤷🏾 hey, you tried.
I think we can all agree though - Miles' got the rizz.
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Remember to support black women today. BYE.
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raphael-angele · 6 months
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@tatawitchred I couldn't answer it for some reason but anyways...
I haven't posted in a while cuz it's my first year away from home and it's been hell lately.
This took me a week to make and I'm so glad with the way it turned out
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I'm giving you 5 seconds to figure out who is who.
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This is arranged by age btw
Jacqui as Wednesday Addams. I wanted her to be a witch but I couldn't find any good references on Pinterest, or one that's easy for me to draw. She was also the last one I drew and the hardest one out of all of them. I was looking for witch costumes and saw the dresses I could use then I thought of Wednesday so I said fuck it, she'll look pretty either way
Gigi as a Pirate. Gigi was actually originally supposed to be a werewolf but I couldn't bring myself to draw fur. She was the 2nd to last drawing I made and when I finished, I realized that I had no particular movie or series or character to base her off. So I just went with Pirates of the Carribean.
Jess as The Headless Horseman. I wanted Jess to be a ghost but I didn't just want them to drape a sheet over them. Their character is based off of the game, Mystery Legends: Sleepy Hollow, where a headless horseman with a pumpkin head terrorized a small town.
Raven as PHANTOM OF THE FUCKING OPERA. Phantom of the Opera has been on my FYP lately and since Raven (original) is canonically into literature, I knew this would be the perfect character for him to cosplay.
Talia as Crowley. I wanted to pair up Laurel and Talia so much. I kept on thinking of pairs that would be perfect for them then it hit me...Good Omens. It's perfect. Unfortunately though, I'm not really satisfied with how she turned out. The more I drew her, the more she looked like Talia al Ghul.
Troy as Dracula. Second hardest one to draw. I'm not colorblind; I know Dracula's aesthetic color is red. Same as Gigi, I didn't have a certain basis for him. When I thought of Dracula, I already drew him in blue and I'm not fucking going through the process of recoloring him. So I just settled to put in a blue aesthetic
Klarienne as Emily the Corpse Bride. I am so fucking proud of how she looks here. I always love to draw her with red eyes. The blue hair was a small touch added by Laurel.
Laurel as Aziraphale. I just thought it would be the perfect cosplay. I don't have to explain this one.
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findurfuture · 7 months
In Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep; Ventus (voiced in Japanese by Kōki Uchiyama and in English by Jesse McCartney) is one of the main characters. Long before Sora, he was keyblade wielder who studied with Terra and Aqua. He was also trained by Master Eraqus and a part of the trio of wielders. Similar to the style of Roxas, Ven has spike-up blonde hair and vibrant blue eyes. He wears multilayered attire along with a metallic armor patch on his shoulder that forms into keyblade armor and armored shoes. Collect all the accessories of the Ventus costume from Kingdom Hearts for Halloween and cosplay.
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sasslett · 1 year
Get to know me!
tagged by @elveny, let's see if I can get this done before I have to get out of bed (someone play me the world's smallest violin)
Share your wallpaper: So my PC is set to cycle through my XIV screenshot folder as its wallpaper, so here's my Chromebook (where I do all my writing) and my phone (where I do all my blogging) wallpapers instead!
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A lovely comm from thetictactician on Twitter on my Chromebook!
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and this amazing comm on my phone from Hollycircling on Twitter, I can't believe she indulged me and went this fucking hard but she did this. In a week.
The last song you listened to: Warrior by Beth Crowley (this is such a Jess song tbh)
Currently Reading:  Ok... so... I actually haven't read any sort of published novel since... 2011, with A Storm of Crows I think? So I used to read a shit ton, but it was 11th grade and my friends were like 'You're still reading kids books? Read something for grown ups instead' (I was rereading Percy Jackson at the time, my beloved). So I gave it a try with a 'grown up' fantasy series and... fuck GoT it was awful and I decided if that's what adult literature was like, I didn't want any part of it. So I quit reading entirely.
Last Movie: Bullet Train, months ago. I don't like watching movies - I'm huge into the behind the scenes stuff, cinematography, lighting, direction, costume design etc etc so it makes it hard to watch movies when my brain won't stop analyzing and criticizing everything (honestly modern cinema is so full of people just 'sending it' for the next big paycheck, the heart is just gone). But my husband insisted I watch this one and you know what? It was actually really well made, I was impressed.
Craving: More time. More time to finish these cosplays (Twelve have mercy the con is in a week and a half), more time to write, more time to decompress. Also craving a Chromebook/laptop/portable writing device that doesn't freeze when I type more than 5 letters in a row...
What are you wearing right now: My nightgown! (still in bed) It's got penguins on it and it's fucking adorable.
How tall are you: 5'5, idk what that is in the rest of the world. Americans, y'know.
Piercings: None, but I bought some super cute Ascian earrings last year and I've been really tempted to get my earlobes pierced.
Tattoos: None, not my thing but totally cool for everyone else!
Glasses? Contacts?: Lasik! Totally worth if you can do it.
Last drink: Choccy milk (I am an adult)
Last show: Last narrative-focused show? Uhhhhhh.... I watched the first season of The Walking Dead in 2012 and I legit can't think of anything more recent. I just don't enjoy watching things much, I'd rather be doing something, and I'm such a snob when it comes to screenwriting/characters that most things just don't appeal to me. Other than that the last non-scripted show I watched was Restaurant: Impossible.
Last thing you ate: An oatmeal chocolate chip cookie my sister made last night.
Favourite colour: Wine/burgundy! That deep, dark, blood red with just a hint of purple (in case you couldn't tell since it's the color my WoL wears in every outfit)
Current obsession: FFXIV lol
Unrelated Obsession: Unrelated? I'd say writing but that's kind of related... So, horses? I mean that's just always my obsession.
Any pets: Uh... yeah. I myself have two horses. And then... we have a shit ton of cats. So in 2020 strays kept showing up at our house and then they'd have babies, eventually we managed to catch them all and get them fixed and now some of them have chosen to move in. Shelters are full all across the state, rescues and fosters are full. So now we have... 10 cats that live inside (it's a large house) and then another six/seven that are still feral outside but fixed at least. Nothing much we can do about it, but keeping them inside keeps them safe and saves the wildlife outside, too.
Do you have a crush on anyone: An eternal crush on my husband. He's just amazing. Soft. Adorable. Handsome. Perfect. Goofy. Gorgeous. Smart. Creative. Loving. So many more words. 12 years together in May!
Favourite fictional character: Assuming player characters/WoLs don't count, Elena Fisher from Uncharted. She was the first female character I encountered who was just... normal. Not a token female, not sexualized eye candy, not walking boobs without a personality, she was... a real person, a real character in her own right, whose gender didn't change who she was. And I fell in love with that back in 2007 (I was in middle school then, so it was kind of a big deal for me). She only got better as the years went by, I still love her.
The last place you traveled: Depends on your definition of 'travel'. On a literal sense probably Portland, but since both that and Seattle are practically in my backyard I don't really count those. Other than that, Philadelphia I think, for a wedding.
TAGGING! Oh so many people should do this. Off the top of my head, if you'd like to... @ainyan, @mimble-sparklepudding, @boggleoflight, @tallbluelady, @humblemooncat, @dragoon-mid-jump, @otherworldseekers, @aethericfist and now I'm out of time and have to get ready for work so anyone else who sees this! Sorry I was tagging in a hurry, I know a lot of you are character/RP blogs so feel free to ignore.
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itsmiguel2099 · 1 month
Message from: ????
{Is there a spider here that’s female,5’3 with glasses,black hair,and looks like they belong in a retirement home? No,I’m not describing Jess,she’s taller than that and younger.. oh he’s going to kill me for mentioning her.. but does that description seem familiar? Their costume doesn’t even scream spider -man.. er.. spider woman. It screams cheap cosplay or disguise to fool people.}
-they made a face at that. That question sinks into their mind…why does that description seem so jamn familiar?-
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midorisudachi · 2 years
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"Thanks for bringing this back to me, Jesse." - Aiden (MCSM Season 1, Episode 5 "Order Up")
Here is another Minecraft Storymode fan artwork I had created for my son. Thank you so much to everybody who has liked & shared my last MCSM fan artwork! I am happy to see that there are quite a few of you out there that like the series. As I had mentioned in my previous post, my son really loves MCSM. (We also play Dungeons, too.) I enjoyed both seasons & wish there was another season, but I am happy with what we got. I've probably seen both seasons at least 7 times (since my son requests it every other month or so), ha ha!
It was a lot of fun drawing the "Blaze Rods" in this style. They caused quite a bit of trouble for Jesse and his friends, eh? Especially at the end of episode 5. Truly archenemies!
This was drawn with Sakura Pigma Micron pens & coloured in with a mix of Copic Markers & Ohuhu Markers. The textured background was done in Photoshop Elements.
I may create more MCSM in the near future. There are a lot of characters in the series & it's been fun to draw them in my style, to see how they might look in a semi-realistic style (though my style is more manga/graphic novel, I suppose). At the moment, I am pretty busy with settling into an apartment unit/flat, I work full-time, there's my son with his homework & other needs, and I'm working on a costume for the Santa Fe Ren Faire (which is the 17th & 18th of this month). If you want to see my cosplay/costumes, feel free to follow me at my Instagram.
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miraculousfanworks · 1 year
Fanfiction Prompt
When Ladybug landed on the rooftop of their meeting spot for patrol, she wasn't expecting... whatever this was. "Chat, what- what are you doing?" Chat turned around, any attempts to seem cool and in character thwarted by the massive grin he wore. "Howdy, partner!" he greeted. "What do you think of my costume?" He had the same giddy energy that Adrien had after movie night on Saturday with her, Alya and Nino. Coincidentally... "Are- are you dressed up as Woody from Toy Story?" she asked, and his tail swished happily. "Yes! My friends watched the movies with me for the first time, and we decided to come up with costumes from the movie to wear to a convention that's coming up, and I thought I'd show you my prototype! I made it all myself!" he said proudly, turning around in a circle so she could see it from all angles. "I can't wait to show it to Ma- my friend!" His enthusiasm was absolutely adorable, but what was blaring in her mind was that she and her friends had made the *exact same decision* on Saturday when they had an impromptu Toy Story marathon upon hearing that Adrien had never seen it. Watching his reactions to all the iconic moments was like reliving all the emotions she felt watching them the first time. If Chat were *any other person,* this cute little tidbit would have been completely identity safe, but if she was right... she couldn't unsee it now. "Looks wonderful, Chaton," she said with a smile. He positively beamed. "Thank you, m'lady! My best friend and his girlfriend are going as Buzz and Jesse, so I'm hoping to convince my other friend will be Little Bo Peep!" he said. *Does he realise that he just admitted that he wants us to cosplay as... a romantic couple?* Ladybug thought, her cheeks warming at the idea. She had been planning on doing a human version of Bullseye as her character, but if her Chaton, if Adrien really wanted her to go as Little Bo Peep... "Great idea! You should ask her before she makes something else!" (Pls tag me!)
via SeasOfSilver
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rachelsfav-queer · 5 months
Cosplay trio idea:
Barbie: Barbie, Gloria & Sasha
Gotham Sirens: Haley Quinn, Catwoman and Poison Ivy
Superwoman: Supercorp
Toy Story: Buzz Woody and Jesse!
I’m in love with the idea of Wednesday in a Catwoman costume and oh Enid as Harley and Yoko as Ivy 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
But Wednesday would absolutely love to be Jessie from Toy Story cause y’know, lil Cowgirl Wednesday!!!
These are all so cute!!!!
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cluelesspigeons · 11 months
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Cp’s drarry microfic masterlist
February 2023
✨February 3rd: Empty bed✨
Prompt (song): Our Deal by Best Coast
Wc: 71
Most important tags: post-fight / regret / Harry messed up
✨February 7th: Full of fish ✨
Prompt: thalassophile
Wc: 219
Most important tags: memory loss / scorpius malfoy / aquarium
✨February 10th: Take it slow ✨
Prompt (song): We Don’t Have To Take Our Clothes Off by Ella Eyre
Wc: 142
Most important: slight nsfw / suggestive / kissing
✨February 14th: Cosplay party ✨
Prompt: role play
Wc: 187
Most important tags: cosplay party / costumes / kavetham / genshin impact reference
✨February 17th: That other guy ✨
Prompt (song): The Other Guy by Jesse McCartney
Wc: 83
Most important tags: break up / unhappy ending
✨February 21st: Breach of trust ✨
Prompt: breach
Wc: 110
Most important tags: insistent Harry / trust / angst / unhappy ending
✨February 24th: Coming back ✨
Prompt (song): Coming Back by Robin Loxley & Smudge Mason
Wc: 143
Most important tags: parental death / grief / comfort
✨January masterlist✨
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scarlettohairdye · 2 years
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A couple days ago I thought, "What if I did a soft butch Team Rocket Jesse cosplay for no particular reason?" This morning I remembered that the jacket and shorts from my Batman: The Animated Series costume were basically already a soft butch Team Rocket cosplay, and all I needed was a red crop top with an R on it. So, an hourish later:
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Book signing: Marissa Meyer Cursed
Post by: Jess Ryno On November 12th 2022 I went to see Marissa Meyer on her Cursed tour. The event was hosted by Main Street books and the St. Charles county library. They team up to host a lot of great authors. So they started the event with a cosplay/costume contest. There were a few simple Scarlets and Cinders and then there was a very elaborate Cath/ queen of hearts. Lol Marissa wouldn’t…
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rfaromance · 2 years
Ahh to gaze at Saeyoung adoringly and tell him how beautiful he is whenever he wants to cosplay or get dressed up c’:
Honesty as a genderqueer bitch myself… obsessed with the idea of having a Jesse and James dynamic wherein we constantly take up the “opposite” gender rolls in eccentric matching costumes.
He is always who I think of when I see those “he’s my wife 😤” type posts. Love of my life, fr.
You get it, anon! Saeyoung and a fem-presenting MC are the peak Jessie & James duo. Put Saeyoung in the dress, MC in the tuxedo, and tape a coin to Meowy's head!
Someone tell Saeyoung that his tiddies look amazing in that sweetheart neckline! And I'm going to tell you that the sportscoat makes your waistline look SNATCHED! Leave some gender for the rest of us!!!
I constantly refer to Saeyoung as my wife. He has wife energy. He's a little guy like you'd call a wet cat a little guy, but he's totally a wife. You know who else has wife energy? Loid Forger, from Spy x Family.
You know what else? Saeyoung would look amazing as Thorn Princess.
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