#Tales from Echidna
sesshaxiii · 3 months
Got bored before class, and drew some maps for 2 of my stories. One for Tales from Echidna and one for one in the works called Rust and Dust, enjoy!
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ministry-twilight · 7 months
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((More things change...))
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tylermileslockett · 2 years
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Theseus series #8 "The Abduction of Persephone" illustrated by me
For many years Theseus reigns in prosperity over Athens and has many more adventures. He battles against the centaurs at Perithous’ wedding; the battle known as the Centauromachy, and joins the many heroes in the hunt for the Calydonian boar. In these years, King Theseus meets and marries the Amazon warrior Antiope, or some say it was her sister, Hippolyta. Some say she was abducted, others, that she betrayed her matriarchal clan, and went willingly. With Hercules also having stolen the Amazon Queens Hippolyta’s magic girdle for his ninth labor, the Amazon warriors cross the Aegean and invade Athens, resulting in the Attic war.
Years later, With the true audacity of a demigod, Theseus assists his friend Perithous, into the underworld, some say to rescue, others to abduct, Persephone, wife of Hades. But they are caught by the God of the underworld and imprisoned upon the “chairs of forgetfulness”. Here they meet the ghost of Meleager, the hero of the Calydonian boar hunt, who admonished them for such a foolish plan. Luckily for Theseus, Hercules, on his twelfth labor to kidnap the guard dog Cerberus, comes upon his cousin and, imploring Hades for mercy, is able to frees Theseus. Unfortunately, Perithous is left behind, or, as some say, he was brutally ravaged by the hound of Hades; Cerberus.
Cerberus purpose was to guard the exit gates of Hades, to prevent anyone from scaping the underworld. According to Hesiod, the hound had fifty heads and was the offspring of the titaness Echidna, the “mother of all monsters” a half snake-half woman creature who drove enemies crazy with her venom, and Typhon, a hundred dragon headed creature who was defeated in battle by Zeus. It’s later that playwrights like Sophocles and Euripedes describe the hound as having three heads. Cerberus appears in a few other scenes in notable myths. As mentioned, he is retrieved by Hercules for his 12th labor, with Persephone providing assistance. When Orpheus enters the underworld searching for his lost love Eurydice, the musician lulls the hound to sleep on his lyre, allowing him to enter. And in the Roman poet Virgil’s Aeneid, Aeneus and the Sibyl throw the hound bread laced with honey and herbs, inducing slumber, and allowing them to pass.
DId i miss any important information about this part of Theseus tale? Or Cerberus? please let me know below. :)
Thanks for looking! to see more of my greek illustrations, click my linktree: https://linktr.ee/tylermileslockett
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paganimagevault · 2 years
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Scythian horse frontlet with serpent woman (Echidna?) from the Tsimbalka kurgan 4th C. BCE. Possibly of Greek manufacture for a Scythian buyer.
"The origin of the Scythians remains enigmatic and since antiquity has been the subject of varied and sometimes contradictory interpretations. Thus, Herodotus gives three different accounts of early Scythian history, which were partly illustrated in so-called "Greco-Scythian' decorative art. First, according to Greek tradition, 'Heracles, driving the cattle of Geryones, came to this land, which was then desert, but is now inhabited by the Scythians'; 'there he found in a cave a creature of double form that was half damsel and half serpent', with whom he had intercourse; 'from Scythes son of Heracles comes the whole line of the kings of Scythia'. Second, the Scythians themselves maintained 'that their nation is the youngest in all the world, and that it came into being in this wise. There appeared in this country, being then desert, a man whose name was Targitaus. His parents, they say - for my part I do not believe this tale, but it is told - were Zeus and a daughter of the river Borysthenes' (the modern Dnieper); 'he had three sons, Lipoxais, Arpoxais, and Colaxais, youngest of the three'; 'Lipoxais, it is said, was the father of the Scythian clan called Auchatae; Arpoxais, the second brother, of those called Katiari and Traspians; the youngest, who was king, of those called Paralatae.' The third story, to which Herodotus in common with modern scholars gives the greatest credence, is that the Scythians moved from Asia into Europe by way of the great steppe corridor. A generally similar account was given in the first century BC by the Greek historian Diodorus Siculus, namely that at first the Scythians lived along the Araxes river but later migrated to the foot of the Caucasus and the northern Black Sea region, and ultimately 'extended their power as far as the Nile in Egypt'."
-Scythians warriors of ancient Siberia - The BP exhibition - The British Museum, pg 23
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mama-qwerty · 3 months
The Last Time
Inspired by this drawing by @spoiledskullz
He didn’t know.
The whole village had been preparing to march and face the owl. That final owl warrior, the one who had to know where the Master Emerald was. The end of the generations’ long quest of the echidna tribe could finally be near.
The boy had been so excited. He’d grabbed his training spear, and the wooden mask he’d worked so hard on, and rushed out to join the warriors as they marched.
His father had stopped him. Refused to let him join in on the tribe’s greatest victory. To fight in what would likely be their most triumphant battle. One they’d sing songs of, tell grand tales of over the village fire.
He didn’t know.
At first he’d been disappointed his father had seen him as too young. Prevented him from being part of such a historic occasion. His father explained that this wasn’t his time to honor their tribe, and had tried to rest his forehead against the boy’s but the little one was upset. He rushed off before the tears could brim and run down his cheeks.
He was hurt. And sad. And frustrated.
He didn't know.
But then he’d gotten angry. Yes, he may have been the youngest in the tribe, but he was a warrior! Just like his father and his father before him! He had trained and practiced and become strong! He was no weak child, he was the son of one of the greatest warriors in the clan! He could have helped! Why did his father not believe in him??
So the boy stewed. He pouted and festered and raged in the home he shared with his father. It was just they two, his mother had passed a few seasons before.
He didn’t know.
It wasn’t fair. It just wasn’t fair.
He would show his father. When the tribe returned, he would prove to his father just how strong he was. How brave. How great of a warrior he will become. He would be the greatest warrior their tribe had ever seen. The greatest warrior in the whole world. They’ll see.
He didn’t know.
Time passed. Too much time.
They didn’t come back.
The sun dipped lower in the sky. His belly grumbled.
They didn’t come back.
Twilight descended, and the little boy who’d become the most dangerous warrior in the galaxy ventured to the edge of the trees surrounding his village.
Searching the trees for his tribe.
For his father.
His voice was soft, and there was a shake there that no warrior should have.
He didn’t know.
He didn’t know this would be the last time he ever saw his father.
He didn’t know.
He wished he did.
He placed his hand on his forehead, right where his father would rest his.
It brought him no comfort.
He didn’t know.
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A response to the “Athena is a victim blamer and hates women” crowd
The idea that Athena punishes victims of rape is very popular in today’s culture because of how famous Ovid’s retelling of the Medusa myth has gotten. It hurts me that people think that Athena hates assault victims because of 1 (one) story written by a man who hated authority figures and wanted to slander the gods.
Before Ovid’s Metamorphoses (which is part of Roman mythology, not Greek mythology fyi), all of the mythology regarding Medusa said that she was born a monster. She wasn’t a beautiful woman who was assaulted and no one transformed her. She was a sister of Echidna, a monster born from a family of monsters. Ovid’s tale of Medusa is a fictional story that has no basis on greek culture and that he wrote to push a political narrative. If you want to learn how Athena acted in actual greek mythology, here are some stories for you:
- When Ajax The Lesser raped Cassandra at a temple of Athena, Athena punished him and the greeks who failed to chastise him by sending a storm that sank their fleet. Ajax was shipwrecked and drowned, while his people, the (historical) Opuntians, were told by Apollo that to appease the goddess they would have to send maidens to the Trojan land for the next 1000 years, when the maidens arrived there they became priestesses of Athena.
- In Hyginus’ Fabulae, when the princess Nyctimene was found crying in the woods because her own father had raped her, Athena transformed her into her sacred owl and appointed her as her animal companion.
- In Ovid’s Metamorphoses (I’m only using this as a source to show how selective people are), Coroneis, princess of Phokis, was chased down by Poseidon. She cried out to Athena and the goddess transformed her into a crow to save her from the rape.
- For Hera’s sake, Athena IS a victim of attempted rape. In mythology, Hephaestus tried to force himself on her and she fought him off. The myth explicitly says that she felt disgusted by this.
Besides Ovid’s Metamorphoses Book 4, in every other myth about Athena and rape she is completely against it, protects the woman in danger and punishes the rapist.
Also, let’s talk about how in ancient times the cult of Athena was a escapeway for women. “The cult of Athena provided women in ancient Greece not only with a purpose outside the home and childbearing but a significant role in the life of the city. In the Athenian culture, which regularly suppressed feminine energy, even while celebrating it through their patron deity, Athena’s cult was an opportunity for women to express themselves, be recognized, and contribute to the religious and cultural life of the city.” (World History Encyclopedia, Joshua J. Mark)
In the Parthenon, a famous temple of Athena, there was a statue of Pandora, the first of womankind, where she was honored. (Pausanias, Description of Greece 1. 24. 5)
It’s worth noting that 99% of the sources that we have about ancient greece were written by aristocratic men, we have little to no idea of how women viewed and worshipped the gods. To sum it up, before y’all call Athena an anti-feminist, a rape enabler, or a victim blamer PLEASE read actual mythology and put some respect on Athena Axiopoenus (the avenger against injustice)’s name <3
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Other names:Ἄνουβις, Inpu, Inpw, Jnpw, Anpu, ⲁⲛⲟⲩⲡ
Major cult center:Lycopolis, Cynopolis
Domain:Judgment Halls of Duat
Symbol:mummy gauze, jackal, flail, nwA or nwt blade tool, Seated dog, Wadjet eye, Sekhem scepter, imy-wt a fetish of leopard skin hung from a pole often made of wood and set before the kings throne
Parents:Nepthys and Set, Osiris (Middle and New kingdom) or Ra (Old kingdom). His fourth son
Alternative parentage:Ra and Hesat (early manifestation of hathor), Set and Nephytys, Nephytys and Ra, Bastet
Siblings:Wepwawet, Horus (step brother when osiris and isis are parents), Anput sister (when parents are Set and Nephytys, Bata (in the tale of the two brothers)
Consort:Anput, Nephthys
Offspring:Kebechet, Wapwawet (sometimes) son, Ammut (sometimes) daughter
Greek equivalent:Hades or Hermes
Roles:Master embalmer, Inventor of embalming, Cheif physician, Watcher, Guardian of the dead, Phychopomp 'guide of souls', Master of the scales in the Hall of Amunety, Naturr god of twilight and dawn, Tribunal of Wesir, Sirius star, Personification of the summer solstice
Hybrid gods:Hermanubis/hermes anubis
Connection to other gods:Hermes (roman), Cerberus (parents echidna and typhon), Garmr or Garm (norsr) rag (old norse), Nibhaz (hebrew)
Anubis is the god of death(psychopomp), mummification, embalming, the afterlife, cemeteries, tombs, and the Underworld, in ancient Egyptian religion, usually depicted as a canine or a man with a canine head.
Like many ancient Egyptian deities, Anubis assumed different roles in various contexts. Depicted as a protector of graves as early as the First Dynasty (c. 3100 – c. 2890 BC), Anubis was also an embalmer. By the Middle Kingdom (c. 2055–1650 BC) he was replaced by Osiris in his role as lord of the underworld. One of his prominent roles was as a god who ushered souls into the afterlife. He attended the weighing scale during the "Weighing of the Heart", in which it was determined whether a soul would be allowed to enter the realm of the dead. Anubis is one of the most frequently depicted and mentioned gods in the Egyptian pantheon, however, no relevant myth involved him.
Anubis was depicted in black, a color that symbolized regeneration, life, the soil of the Nile River, and the discoloration of the corpse after embalming. Anubis is associated with his brother Wepwawet, another Egyptian god portrayed with a dog's head or in canine form, but with grey or white fur. Historians assume that the two figures were eventually combined. Anubis' female counterpart is Anput. His daughter is the serpent goddess Kebechet.
As jmy-wt (Imiut or the Imiut fetish) "He who is in the place of embalming", Anubis was associated with mummification. He was also called ḫnty zḥ-nṯr "He who presides over the god's booth", in which "booth" could refer either to the place where embalming was carried out or the pharaoh's burial chamber.
In the Osiris myth, Anubis helped Isis to embalm Osiris. Indeed, when the Osiris myth emerged, it was said that after Osiris had been killed by Set, Osiris's organs were given to Anubis as a gift. With this connection, Anubis became the patron god of embalmers; during the rites of mummification, illustrations from the Book of the Dead often show a wolf-mask-wearing priest supporting the upright mummy.
Protector of tombs
Anubis was a protector of graves and cemeteries. Several epithets attached to his name in Egyptian texts and inscriptions referred to that role. Khenty-Amentiu, which means "foremost of the westerners" and was also the name of a different canine funerary god, alluded to his protecting function because the dead were usually buried on the west bank of the Nile.He took other names in connection with his funerary role, such as tpy-ḏw.f (Tepy-djuef) "He who is upon his mountain" (i.e. keeping guard over tombs from above) and nb-t3-ḏsr (Neb-ta-djeser) "Lord of the sacred land", which designates him as a god of the desert necropolis.
The Jumilhac papyrus recounts another tale where Anubis protected the body of Osiris from Set. Set attempted to attack the body of Osiris by transforming himself into a leopard. Anubis stopped and subdued Set, however, and he branded Set's skin with a hot iron rod. Anubis then flayed Set and wore his skin as a warning against bad people who would desecrate the tombs of the dead.Priests who attended to the dead wore leopard skin in order to commemorate Anubis' victory over Set. The legend of Anubis branding the hide of Set in leopard form was used to explain how the leopard got its spots.
Most ancient tombs had prayers to Anubis carved on them.
Weigher of Hearts
One of the roles of Anubis was as the "Guardian of the Scales."The critical scene depicting the weighing of the heart, in the Book of the Dead, shows Anubis performing a measurement that determined whether the person was worthy of entering the realm of the dead (the underworld, known as Duat). By weighing the heart of a deceased person against Ma'at (or "truth"), who was often represented as an ostrich feather, Anubis dictated the fate of souls. Souls heavier than a feather would be devoured by Ammit, and souls lighter than a feather would ascend to a heavenly existence.
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Symbols:jackal, canopic jars, mummy gauze
Anput is a goddess in ancient Egyptian religion. Her name is written in hieroglyphs as jnpwt (reconstructed in Middle Egyptian as /ʔan.ˈpa.wat/ or /jan.ˈpa.wat/).In English, her name also is rendered as Anupet, Input, Inpewt, and Yineput. As the female counterpart of her husband, Anubis, who was known as jnpw to the Egyptians, Anput's name ends in a feminine "t" suffix when seen as jnpwt.
Draconian-Egyptian Grimoire-Asenath Mason
Anpu, also known as Anubis in Greek, was the original Egyptian Lord of the Dead before the death of Asar (Osiris) that occurred with the rise of the Asar cult. As the stories go, Anpu vacated the spot as a sign of respect for Asar, and became the lord of the embalming process, funerals, graveyards, the weighing of the soul in the hall of Amenti, and ferrying the souls into the land of the dead. Highly shamanic, Anpu is a guide that can help us find the correct path when we seek his wisdom. Different myths have different lineages associated with them, but the oldest myths say he is a son of Ra. However, through the centuries his lineage changed several times, and drastically at that, as did his role as can be seen above. In his book "777," Aleister Crowley corresponds him to Hod on the Qabalistic tree of life, which is also where Mercury and Ilermes are placed, due to their psychopomp natures. However, since that was a later addition to the legend of Anpu, there would be a different Qabalistic correspondence for him that would correspond to our work. We will be working with him to guide us to deeper into the draconian mysteries of ancient Egypt that time has forgotten. We should also remember that the role of psychopomp attached to Anpu rose during the early Hermetic era, and didn't reflect earlier Egyptian periods and teachings.
──────⊰In Workings⊱──────
*Please know basic protections and energy work before attempting any deity work.*
*It is important to note that everyone's experiences are different and will work with spirits for different reasons. Some people may like a spirit while others will not and that's okay. Ask these spirits what they will work with you on as well as ask them if they can help you with whatever it is you need.*
Anubis had male priests who sported wood masks with the god's likeness when performing rituals. His cult center was at Cynopolis in Upper Egypt but memorials were built everywhere and he was universally revered in every part of the nation
Ideas for honoring and working with/worshiping Anpu/Anubis
Anubis being a psychopomp deity he can ensure dead loved ones safety in the afterlife. He can also protect the practitioner from harm. He may also be good help in necromancy.
Create an altar/sacred space for performing rituals and giving offerings to Anpu/Anubis.
⬩An altar cloth
⬩Black and gold candles(you can use any color)
⬩Incense and an incense burner
⬩Offering bowl
⬩Statue of him or jackal
For more information on basic altar setups and deity work check out the deity work post.
Offerings:Antique keys, Bandages, Black coffee, Bones, Cinnamon , Feather, Frankincense, Hermatite, Phantom quartz, Puzzle boxes, Mastic/arabic gum/yemen gum (used in food and embalming), Myrrh, Pumpkin spice, Scales, Skulls, Smokey quarts, Vanilla,
Ideas for rituals may include
For any ritual you are doing for Anubis you can wear a mask in his likeness. Ideas for rituals may include calling him for
⬩Helping the dead cross over
⬩Honoring the dead
⬩Honoring the life you have
⬩Funerary rites
⬩you can ask him what he will work with you on⬩
Evocation to Anpu/Anubis(made by me)(credit my Tumblr if used)
Anpu/Anput, Protector of the dead.
Guide of souls, I call to you
Find no wickedness in me, I shall bring you truth
I ask for your protection, I ask for your guidance
Overseer of the dead, I ask your alliance
Please accept my offering, Dua Anpu
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For more content relating to other practices/religions or pantheons follow my main blog for updates.
If you have any more questions or wish to join a community feel free to join my 18+ discord server
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watermelonhedgie · 6 months
Flip! Dread headcanons? I personally headcanon him to be more of a regressor-leaning flip.
flip!knuckles the dread headcanons
ill do my best!! aaaughh he was rlly sweet in season one so im just gonna think abt season one dread becuz season two dread was so meeannnn...
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dread is energetic on both ends!
he loves playing active games like tag and hide and seek, whether it be with his little or his caregiver
he's one of the few littles that's taken care of by black and rusty
sometimes gets batten to play w him when he's little
one of dread's favorite ways to show affection to his baby is piggyback rides!!
loooves dancing and singing, especially when he's little!! sometimes the entire crew will have a dance party to entertain the little echidna<3
as a caregiver, something he does at random is just plop his hat onto his little!! it's absolutely a showing of affection from him!!
has a million worn down pacis and teethers, he chews through them really fast
at first, only black knew about his regression becuz he was really ashamed and embarrassed :(
also putting dread to bed is TIRING you need to chase him around and tickle him and wear him out for him to sleep
he cuddles his little to sleep, telling tales of the sea to lull them to sleep<3
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glaucophane · 1 year
I'll be up front. I don't like the kind of fan speculation that tries to tease out some deeper, hidden meaning to throwaway lines. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, so to speak, and not necessarily an indicator of some hidden truth.
What I do like is when that kind of speculation takes a more comedic turn, which is why I spent a good 45 minutes retrieving screencaps from a 17-year-old game this evening.
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I want to take a sec to emphasize the throwaway nature of these two lines from the first dungeon in Tales of the Abyss. They have absolutely no relevance to the broader plot, they don't provide much insight into the nature of the animalistic monsters of Auldrant (they have a more persistent problem with monstrous humans making monstrous decisions), and mostly come off as very clunky exposition in a scene that already has some problems with maintaining a good story pace. You, the player, can safely forget about them the moment that the boss fight that they precede starts.
I can't. These lines have hooked into some part of my brain that I can't shut off, and I think I know why now. Abyss spends so much time on explaining its world in a no-nonsense, almost scientific manner that it feels less like a fantasy story and more like a sci-fi story that's dressed up to look like a fantasy story. The world has had any mysticism stripped out and replaced by cold, and oftentimes harsh, scientific realities. Magic adheres to strict and unforgiving rules. There are no angels, no elves, no extranormal beings that can swoop in and instantly fix a broken world. The story wants to be treated with the same seriousness in its worldbuilding as the hardest of hard sci-fi. So I really don't have a reason to not treat all of its worldbuilding with the same level of seriousness.
Which brings us back to egg-laying monsters. More specifically, to fur-bearing, warm-blooded monsters that lay eggs. I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this.
In real life, we call animals that fit these traits - with a few more, but these are the big two - monotremes. There are currently only four living species of monotremes, though they have a fossil record going back at least 100 million years and estimates put their origins as far back as the Triassic. You may be familiar with the platypus and the echidna, the living descendants of this weird, basal group of animals.
A couple of throwaway lines in a clunky scene that don't matter to the plot could be interpreted to mean that Bamco accidentally made a world that's populated by animals so weird and basal that we still don't have a complete picture of their evolutionary history. Is it a stretch? Sure. But it's a stretch that I find hilarious. The idea of this soaring drama about self-determination and free will being set against a backdrop that accidentally includes monotremes delights me in a way that I'm not sure I can properly articulate.
And if it was, we'd be able to call Mieu by the cutest name for a baby animal there is - a puggle. :)
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tinystepsforward · 4 months
Everyone seems to say that poetry should be personal, that it is primarily a format to expand of the fullness of your emotional or psychic interior, but what does it mean when all the poetry you're good at writing isn't that. When poetry is more about storytelling or thinking about things unrelated to you or just about the words your mind makes when it decides it wants to, then about yourself?
this is a really interesting question with a bunch of moving parts! the short version is that i think all poetry has an interiority to it, and that the subject of the poem does not need to expose that interiority explicitly to the cold outside air.
i think that no matter what story you are telling ⁠— no matter what you are communicating, at all, ever, in almost every non-corporate context and then some ⁠— you are saying something about yourself. you are saying that you enjoy the way certain words feel in order on your tongue, behind your teeth, in your ears or mind. you are saying that you think about certain things, that stories follow a certain arc, simply that you like to write and want to write enough that you sat down and did it.
(you, specifically, have followed me long enough on here and on twitter to get a sense of the ways i communicate as a person. every tweet i make, my cadence and the vocabulary i have ⁠— that all tells people a lot about me, i think. how i think. how i share myself with the world.)
i think poetry is often portrayed, especially in younger or queerer circles, as a vent outlet ⁠— as the medium you go to when you have feelings too big for full sentences, more or less. and maybe that's what you mean! but the thing about poetry that anchors it to reflection or emotion is that it is a form which is about being willing to feel, as the reader. to be presented with something that is not communication in the other ways we're used to it ⁠— coherent stories and missives arrayed as grammatically correct sequential sentences ⁠— and to have the structure and sense of it come into being in our hearts as we look at it, or as we excise it from ourselves.
many, many poems move me not because they are autobiographical excisions of personal grief or joy or trauma, but because of what they tell me about my own emotions. here's a random assortment which are ostensibly about things unrelated to their authors, or which tell tales, and which move me not despite this but because of it:
Is it cruelty? by Rebecca Hawkes
[Kills bugs dead.] by Harryette Mullen
Let's not build a film museum by Zoe Higgins
Two Sewing by Hazel Hall
the entirety of essa may ranapiri's Echidna but here's one poem by them: Hine-nui-te-pō & the Dominant Species
i could go on and on but i'll actually answer your question, as far as i understand it! what does it mean to write poetry about things that aren't the inside of your mind?
it means you're a poet! everything and anything is within the scope of poetry, within the scope of your wandering mind thinking: this is something i want to bottle, this is something wonderful, this is something that just is and i am writing it down. and that's the music of it, the joy and splendour of it ⁠— discovering a new poet's voice, and seeing something through their eyes that i'd never seen before. and feeling something move in me, too.
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reliaofdreams · 1 year
The Taylor Hebert – Ryoka Griffin Connection(tm)
Warning: Extreme Spoilers for Worm and The Wandering Inn (TWI)
Things these two have in common (Worm/TWI):
• Physically tall with long, dark hair and a tan and are often depicted with green eyes (Uncanon/Canon)
• Has telescoping weapon (Baton/Faeblade)
• Started running away from problems as a hobby, ended up running away from problems as a job (Supervillain/Courier)
• Bullied by a Mean Girl (Emma/Persua) at the start of their tale and MUCH later has an interlude where the bully comes to terms with how they weren’t nice way back when
• Have emotionally neglectful parents, in part because the father is a somewhat influential figure in politics (Dockworkers Union/Senate)
• Intelligent and would have gone to a good school (Arcadia High/Colombia Uni) if not for the inciting incident of the story
• Leaves a body part (Hair/Feet) exposed in their costume and it becomes Their Thing, though later on their friend (Dragon/Nama) of another species (AI/Brownie) make them a super-costume (Tinkertech Armor/Faeland Footbindings)
• Trains their weak extrasensory power (Bug control/Wind control) over the course of months and become (in)famous for a novel application (Eating eyeballs/Acrobatic Flip)
• The brooding superhero nickname every stranger calls them by (Skitter/batman) was chosen on a whim (Residual bugs-in-windpipe paranoia/Residual interdimensional-kidnapping paranoia)
• Risks their life to save a young girl (Dinah/Mrsha) with physical infirmities (Non-congenital crack addiction/Congenital muteness) from near-certain doom (Coil/Goblin Lord) through prophecy shenanigans, and the girl has one family member who is a warrior (Triumph/Prha) and another a politician (Mayor Christner/Chieftain Mrell)
• Hatches insane plot to get arrested based on the words of a precog (Dinah/Ivolethe), while there they get a silly nickname (Weaver/Windy Girl) and their boyfriend and company (Undersiders/Five Families minus Reinhardts) tries to save them not knowing of said plot
• Anti-cop due to perceived trauma before and during the early story but later join the feds (Protectorate/Five Families) and its awkward for their old anarchist pals (Undersiders/Wandering Inn) when they reunite
• Makes wrong move (Not swearing off villainy enough/Admitting to liking icecream) when first meeting with an uncharismatic addict cop (Armsmaster and Efficiency/Magnolia and Sugar) and proceeds to get chased by them for several arcs via half-misunderstanding and half-stubborn-protag-energy
• Gets weaker yet still evil clones (Echidna’s Battle Royale/Valeterisa’s Magical Funhouse)
• After doing a good deed (Overconsumption of dragon penis/Magical CPR to kid), gets sucked into a rocky relationship with a physically gifted male love interest (Brian/Tyrion) who is socially stunted by family drama (Abusive parents/Wife getting assassinated) and gets a sidegrade powerset (Power Copying Slow-mist/Youth-for-Levels Scheme) in an unfair fight against a girl (Bonesaw/Dioname) with a time-altered body
• Constantly dealing with the foolishness of their love interest’s younger immediate family member (Aisha/Sammial) with a superpower (Forget-me-Aura/You-better-not-forget-me-Aura) and crush on an equally scandalous young royal in slacks (Regent/Oesca)
• Finds self in lesbian situations every five minutes its completely coincidental we swear y’all (Kissing Rachel and half of her first meetings with female characters/Fierre and Ailendamus Knight Orgy)
• Loses fingers (Scion and Garotte/Goblin Lord) and gets fingers (Amy Dallon/Dead Things and Azemith)
• Single-minded obsession with saving the world from dimension-hopping, ghost- consuming, world-devouring, [Bracket-Obsessed], lonely-as-heck gestalt `deities` (Entities/The Six)
• Their last name (Hebert/Griffin) gets mistaken for something else (Slur-for-Jewish-People Found in Colony 15.3/The mythological creature or the dog breed or the adventuring team)
• Gets shot by a supernaturally spry older person (Contessa/Ferin) several times at the end of an internationally broadcast challenge (Kill the last god we know/Deliver cough drops) for the greater good which nobody expected them to try and then succeed at
• Best friends with a snarky supernatural exposition dump (Tattletale/Ivolethe) whose penchant for running their mouth off gets them in mortal trouble with a man (Jack Slash/Faerie King) who has control of The Plot
• Good friends with a short-haired young woman (Rachel/Erin) with a supernaturally unorthodox relationship to emotion (Pack mentality/Like fire, memory) and the gumption to fight her enemies tooth-and-nail the moment they threaten those she loves (Dogs and Taylor/Goblins and not-jerks)
• Work friends with a dragon (Dragon, based on Random-Access-Memory/Teriarch) on their plan to save the world, and almost killed another dragon (Lung/Eldavin, based on Recalling-Ageless-Memory) in a sneak attack because of how the dragon endangers kids’ lives (Undersiders/Earthers in Ailendamus War)
• Looks to the story of the Faerie Queen (Glastig Uaine/Titania) as a source of knowledge for The Plot but can’t speak Fae like the (Prop!/Idiot!) they are so the readers have to do all the deciphering themselves
• Brutally murders a being who would otherwise live forever (Aster/Fithea) then spends 0.5 seconds in penance themselves and an infinite number of seconds in penance via memes (Worm community/Rhissy)
• Disses great food (Hemmorhagia’s Chili/Popcorn with Yeast) for her own twisted, inconceivable purposes
• Seeks aid in great quest (To kill Slaughterhouse 9/To revive Erin) from a seemingly normal doctor who is actually a monster of a woman (Panacea/Healer of Tenbault) and botches the life-saving surgery (Victoria, intentionally turns into lesbian contempt of mankind/Erin, unintentionally turns into gay contempt of ant-kind)
• Less than stellar relationship with cellphones (Texting while driving kills mom/A keynote speaker in world’s first zoom meeting, then phone gets stolen by the 398th murderhobo with a hit out on her)
• Irreligious even before they took an oath against the gods
• Started a grass-roots campaign to promote height amongst the youth (“Drugs are great!”/Flying children into the air with only a bedsheet and wind)
Feel free to repost wherever lol
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sesshaxiii · 4 months
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Tales from Echidna Ch.2 Pg.18
Fairies are hardy, but not invincible, still hard to hit though!
First page — Tales from Echidna Ch.1 Pg.1 Last page — Tales from Echidna Ch.2 Pg.17 Next page — Tales from Echidna Ch.2 Pg.19
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ministry-twilight · 7 months
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((Knuckles made a mistake. Not done with malice.))
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tylermileslockett · 1 year
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Protogenoi 5: Echidna; Mother of Monsters
As mentioned in the previous section, The deep and mysterious ocean deities Phorkys and Ceto give birth to Echidna; a half-nymph half-snake creature that lives in a cave and comes to be known as the “mother of monsters.” Echidna mates with another fearsome creature called Typhon, a storm giant with hundreds of snakes heads and fiery eyes. Together they bear many famous beasts:
Orthrus, is a two-headed dog, with serpents for tails, who guards the red cattle of Geryon, a three-bodied warrior giant. Heracles, in one of his 12 labors, defeats Orthus and Geryon, and takes the cattle back to Greece. (*see
Cerberus is the guard dog of the gate to Hades in Underworld. Hesiod describes the dog as having fifty heads, but later depictions portray the dog with three heads. In one myth, Cerberus eats Theseus warrior friend Perithous when they attempt to kidnap Queen Persephone from the Underworld.
Hydra is a nine-headed swamp serpent of Lerna who is raised with spite by Hera for her hate for Heracles. To defeat it, Heracles, with the aid of Iolus and Athena, cauterizes the stumps of the necks before the new heads can grow back.
Chimaera is a three headed beast; near the front a lion, in the middle a fire-breathing goat and a serpent for a tail. The hero Bellerophon, with the aid of the flying horse Pegasus, defeats the Chimaera.
Sphinx is a female creature with the body of a liom head and torso of a woman, eagles wings, and serpent tale. Sphinx is sent to punish Thebes by devouring those who fail to solve her riddle. When the hero Oedipus solves it, she casts herself off a mountain in self destruction.
Nemean lion, is a lion creature raised by Hera and defeated by Heracles in his first labor, and after skinning it, the hero proudly wears the impervious hide ever after. 
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clairegregoryau · 6 months
As an Aussie, I can’t resist- Echidna Trafficking please? (Because anything to do with those spiky boys sounds like it has to be painful)
Hey fellow Aussie! Echidna Trafficking is one of two short pieces I'm writing for an upcoming collaborative fic based on this glorious Blackbeard Wanted Poster.
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Here's a peek!
Life moves a little differently on Frenchie’s Revenge. Now and again on their visits, the crew ask Stede to read an evening story, but very often they just heap themselves onto the deck in tangles of blankets and limbs, passing fragrant cigarettes and sharing sweets, while they take turns to tell a story.
On occasion, someone tells a tale that has Ed’s head snapping up, and Stede’s always on the lookout for those moments, because they’re a key in the lock to understanding more.
“And so,” Frenchie finishes dramatically, “by means unknown to anyone, all the animals disappeared from the prince’s private gardens, armadillos and echidnas alike, and were never heard from again.”
Echidna trafficking. He’s seen it on the list of Blackbeard’s crimes, and he shifts carefully to look up at Ed, where Ed’s pressed behind him, chin on his shoulder. “And what exactly is an echidna?”
Ed looks startled for a moment, and then his face shifts toward shrewd suspicion. “You know what an echidna is, mate.”
He lets his own expression linger on neutral. “Some kind of animal, I presume. Is it… round? Long? Scales or fur?”
The eyebrow goes higher. “You don’t fucking mean that.”
He shrugs a little. “If only I had someone with knowledge of echidnas, who could tell me more about how one might… acquire such a thing, and transport it where it needed to go…?”
All eyes are on both of them, and Ed sighs. “Fine. Yeah. I might’ve acquired an echidna or… ten. For reasons.”
Ed’s reasons are the best part of every single one of these stories. “I’d love to hear them.”
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taradactyls · 25 days
Since Ao3 seemed to like my lizard story I figured it might deserve being more than just an author's note.
So, here is the tale of a writer and the lizard which should not have been in her living room.
A lizard got into the house while I was writing this week – a decent sized skink – about 30cm head to the tip of the tail. I was typing away, and there it was, scrabbling forlornly at the glass door wondering why it couldn’t get outside. I said out loud, very shocked and in the half-second as I assessed whether it was a snake, “What the fuck??” and the lizard froze.
Thus began the chase.
At first the kids’ toys scattered around were a hinderance to both our goals (which were of course aligned in getting the lizard OUTSIDE, but you try convincing a lizard of that) because they provided a maze for it to hide in and I couldn’t corral it anywhere, but eventually it went to ground under the sliding door. Which was incredibly stressful for a while, because I COULD NOT GET IT OUT from there. But then I decided to try a new tactic, and I used fluffy toys, a blanket, a box of blocks, etc, to make a pathway from the lizard’s only exit to the open door. Armed with my trusty toy broom, I began banging on the other side of the door in hopes it would emerge. It SHOT out of there and followed the pathway until almost the very end – then it jumped over – CLEAN OVER – my foot and into the pile of toys behind me. But it could see freedom from beneath the fluffy echidna, and I had the extra reach of my broom and was able to startle it from the opposite direction, and then WHOOSH, out it ran. I cannot overstate how fast this lizard was moving at the end, I could barely see it, and I don’t know which direction it went once outside. My last clear vision of it was as it took a running leap out the door with its little lizard legs spread wide.
Anyway, best wishes to that lizard. And I now believe my mother, who is paranoid of snakes (even for living in Australia) and has always insisted that the tiny chunk missing from our back garage door is big enough for snakes to get in. We will seal it up.
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