#XD Games
fluffyartbl0g · 4 months
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Yes, they are all housemates or roommates (except for Vivi who's discord calling in another country RIP)
Part 2
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viejospellejos · 2 years
What the duck?
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greyhands · 8 months
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I wanted to try something different, with a bit of Art Nouveau vibes✨ (The flowers are white carnations)
Do not use/reupload, thanks
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ilikedetectives · 29 days
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Minthara Baenre
Baldur’s Gate 3 (2023) by Larian Studios
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kitsch-kun · 1 month
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Both teens stumble upon an old abandoned factory, the boy keen for adventure was insistent to explore while the girl was reluctant as she felt something, off, about the factory. In the end, the duo went in the desolate building, not realising what awaited for them.
I just love putting my OC’s in different AU’s of the fandom, it’s fun to put them these kind of scenarios. Especially this one, DogDay had such a short part but he’s already become my fav!
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inesvazquezart · 11 months
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Just discoverd this outfit from the game and looked too fun not to draw ( probably not game accurate) Seriously the art in totk is insane and so inspiring.
Last pic is a color experiment :/
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savingcontent · 1 year
Torchlight: Infinite battens down the hatches for a new season on January 12th with "Blacksail"
Torchlight: Infinite battens down the hatches for a new season on January 12th with “Blacksail”
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sun-e-chips · 5 months
Are we supposed to ignore that Sun can do LITERAL MAGIC in help wanted 2!!!
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It’s canon
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bashzzey · 30 days
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I really love the note from devs that Nesting Guide secretly loves making blanket forts 💖
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hehe silly Nellie <3
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gazkamurocho · 20 days
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Happy 60th Birthday to our old man and my favorite character ever 🎂🎉
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shokujin-art · 8 months
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This man cursed me, his possessivness has become canon to me. He's the only L demon I've managed to get.
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firefly-party · 2 months
"You clean up nicely, Stevie"
cw: mentioned blood and gore | mafia/mob AU | steddie pre-murderhusbands relationship big thanks to @dapandapod for beta reading and improving my poor attempt to write sth
Steve Harrington is good at his job. He's quick, he is thorough and most importantly, he doesn't ask questions.
There's nothing that could shock him anymore. He's seen everything.
Steve doesn’t mind severed limbs, gore, blood and body fluids, sometimes creatively mixed in more ways than are pleasant to imagine.
He's used to it, and cleaning it is what earns him a nice living as a crime scene cleaner.
Or just... scene cleaner maybe.
He doesn't work with the police or authorities. No, his specialty lies outside the law, which means he arrives before a mess becomes a nuisance. He cleans until there is not a speck of blood left, until there is nothing to indicate that something happened there. Was there ever a crime committed if there is no crime scene?
The money's amazing by the way. Of course cleaning the remains is a shit job but if you add the hush money on top, well, ain't that a nice bonus.
Again, Steve doesn't ask questions. He doesn't care. It's none of his business.
Eddie's shoes are squeaking in the puddle of blood he tried and failed to not step into.
He flips the business card around and squints at the hurried scribble of a phone number that was added right under the name "Stevie".
He trusts Chrissy's background check.
They were in a dire need of a new guy after the previous one decided to catch a bullet with his face after snooping one time too many. 
Eddie looks up to the blood stained walls and ceiling and dials the number on the card.
"Watergate Street 53", is all Eddie replies.
"How many?", Stevie asks.
"Uhm, five?"
"You sure? Might wanna go check again?", Stevie laughs into the phone.
"It's five." Eddie answers, annoyed.
There's a low whistle. "Alright, I'll be there in 20. Payment upfront. 50k."
Then the line goes dead. Eddie rolls his eyes, pockets his phone and looks around for a clean spot to sit while he waits.
It's exactly three hours and thirty two minutes later when Stevie empties his water bucket for the last time.
Eddie watches curiously as Stevie takes off the gloves, mask and safety glasses he arrived in. Eddie didn't mean to stick around but he's not trusting this new guy yet (he's also curious, sue him). 
His gaze turns into a stare when the other man pulls down the zipper of his squeaky yellow biohazard suit, throwing back the hood and running a clean hand through his sweat soaked hair. He has a strong jaw and long, mole dotted neck that Eddie just wants to taste.
Eyes wide, Eddie’s not able to hold back the sharp intake of breath as he watches in horror the moment Stevie's eyes lock with his and -
Stevie's lips curl into a smirk.
Eddie is so fucked.
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speakergame · 3 months
Progress Update - 3/4/24
Hello and happy March!
It’s been a while, hasn’t it? 😅 Well, I finally have some good news for you this time: I have some actual news!
I'm happy to be able to announce at last that an update is on its way! I’ve still got some assets to make and code cleanup and testing to finish, but I should finally have something to show you soon.
I’ll put a cut at the end of this and go into more detail about the what and why of what I’ve been working on during this long and unintended hiatus, but the tl;dr is that I hope to have an update out by the end of the month, and that said update will break any saves made in Chapter 4. Unfortunate, but unavoidable, since Chapter 4 had to be recoded from the beginning 😞
I just want to thank all of you once again for sticking with me through my extended silence! Especially to my patrons who’ve put up with me putting everything on pause month after month while I dealt with my real life shit, and to everyone who’s sent me kind and supportive messages to let me know Speaker hasn’t been forgotten. It really means a lot to me.
Okay, enough of that sappy shit! I’m gonna get back to work finishing this up 😁 I’ll put out another update later this month once I have a more definite release date.
Thank you all for reading! I hope you’re having a fantastic 2024 so far, and that the rest of the week treats you kindly. See y’all soon! 💙💙💙
(For those who want a more detailed breakdown on what’s been happening and what to expect, hit the readmore)
I won’t go into the personal life stuff I’ve been dealing with this past year that has slowed down my work, but as far as the actual game goes: 
To put it simply, I just wasn’t happy with it. Some of it could be because of how many times I had to reread the same section while I was coding the scenes that would’ve taken place after the last update, but no matter how much I edited or rearranged it, I didn’t like how that scene turned out. There was something… formulaic that had been happening with the way I always laid out scenes, and a bit of stagnation in the story, character, and relationship development that bothered me.
So I rewrote it. And when I still didn’t like it, I rewrote it again. And I still didn’t like it. I thought about scrapping the whole thing on more than one occasion as I struggled to get out of the corner I’d written myself into.
Inspiration finally struck at the beginning of this year, thanks in part to another interactive novel I follow, and I really like the direction I’ve taken it now. 
Instead of the RO split scenes happening where the last one left off, Speaker, Seer, and Gavin are gonna have a chat about Things™ to move the next story arc forward. Then Speaker will get some downtime, by themself at first and then in an extended scene split with the RO of their choosing. 
All the Big Plot Things that were going to happen in Chapter 4 will be moved to Chapter 5 instead, and 4 will be a bit more of a filler episode. A deep breath before the plunge, as it were.
This split won’t just be a quick conversation/reaction from the RO, but a full on different direction for the rest of the chapter based on who you choose. Most of them will involve leaving the house; all of them will involve actual one-on-one time (or one-on-two time, as the case may be) away from the others. And though romance isn’t required, all of them will have the potential to really move the romance forward if you so choose. One or two might even have a lock-in choice (maybe. I’m not 100 percent on that, so don’t hold me to it) 
These scenes won’t be in the next update, because they’re all very complex, but the update will definitely have the Seer chat and at least some of the by-yourself stuff. The update after will have the rest of the alone time stuff (including the clothes/body CC you’ve all been waiting for), and then the one after will start the RO scenes. I think.
I may actually split the RO scenes into separate updates, and let my darlings over at Patreon vote for the order they’re released. That way I can focus on one at a time instead of trying to split my attention six ways at once.
Okay, that’s enough rambling for me today. Time to get back to work! Still got a lot to get done before this is ready, but it’s so close now.
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evol-astraea · 29 days
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Riveder le stelle.
Inspired by Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto XXXIV, line 139.
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inesvazquezart · 11 months
Tears of the Kingdom alt ending comic *SPOILERS* *SPOILEEEERS* Imma say it again *SPOILERY SPOILERS*
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foxtamer113 · 1 year
Anya: I’ll add on to your “a” to make “at”.
Yor: Okay, I’ll add on to your “at” to make “rat”.
Loid: I will add on to your “rat” to make “biostratigraphic”.
Yuri: [flips the table]
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