#all headcannons are accepted
vroomvroomwee · 6 months
I love the way the show in regards to Ed and Stede's relationship is so casual about the topic of sex and how there isn't such a taboo feeling around it because queer relationships are so often depicted as sinful or dirty or not appropriate or whatnot. That's why. Mmhm. Definitely not because now, seeing how clearly the type of relationship they have is depicted, I'm all the more affirmed in my ace headcannon for Good Omens. Definitely not that no no no
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hi-i-love-u-bitch · 11 months
Okay I see your "if Hobie and Noir meet they would be besties and punch nazis together" and I totally agree with that! But also consider:
Hobie is Spider Noir's biggest fanboy!
Like in the comics he's like a HUGE Gwen Stacy stan and he's such a goofy little dork about it. In ATSV him and Gwen's relationship is more like chill friends, and I'm okay with that. But I think it be so funny that when Hobie was recruted into Spiderverse society and Miguel was showing him all the other universes with the different Spiderman variants he pauses by the computer screen with that one gritty black and white universe cuz he just saw some guy in a fedora and trench coat PUNCH A FUCKING NAZI!!! WHO IS THAT GUY?!?! HE'S SO COOL!!!
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He asks Miguel a million and one question about the guy and when the old grump annoyingly shoos him away he asks Peter as he briefly met him during that one incident in Miles is dimension. When that still isn't enough he asks Lyla to tell him everything she knows on Noir. Now obviously Lyla has no obligation to do this but she's also never seen Hobie this giddy and excited over something other then music. Its adorable, he's almost like a little kid wanting to know everything about their favorite cartoon. Also she low key likes to annoy Miguel and Hobie's rebellious spirit that gets under her straight laced boss is skin which is hilarious.
You know when Gwen first met Hobie she was a bit intimated cuz he just had that "too cool" vibe about him. But as soon as she mentions that she has worked with other Spider people before, which includes Noir, he did a whole 180 and became a complete dork!
Hobie: Get out, you actually met him! 🤩
Gwen: Uh, yeah?
Hobie: How was he like? What did he say? Did he talk about fascist corruption that not only plagued the system back then but even now as well? Was he super cool during the fight?! 😃🤩💫😻
Gwen: ..........He was nice.
Hobie: That's so rad! ✨️🤟🤩
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I also feel like, aside from Miles, Gwen keeps in contact with the other Spider peeps from the first movie and tried to recruit them into the Spider society but obviously Noir and Porker didn't join. Porker because he’s a cartoon that follows "toon logic" and Miguel's ideologies are too serious for his taste. And Noir because, and I quote: "The last I heard of a secret society designed to 'keep the peace for the greater good of humanity at any cost' a whole world war came about it. I know fascism when I see it, kid."
Gwen relays that message to Hobie when explaining why Noir isn't joining and Hobie's response to that is: "He gets it! He just like me fr! 😭💕"
I think it be really cute that in the next movie when they finally meet Hobie is kinda awkward and shy. Like this guy has never respected an adult in his life (at least not any that didn’t deserve the disrespect) and with Noir his all like "Hello sir" "How are you sir" "It's very nice to meet you sir!" And Noir is actually just a really nice guy if a little broody but he's heard so much about this kid from Gwen and how much of a good friend he's been to her so Noir already likes him on principle.
Hobie: Uh Mr. Noir-- Parker, sir! It is such an honor to meet you! The work you do in your universe is amazing and I hope to learn more while working alongside you however briefly.
Noir: Ah, Peter is just fine really, or Noir if it gets to confusing. No need to be so formal, we're all on equal footing here. I've heard a lot about you and your world as well from Gwen. Although it does sadden me that such a young man has to take on the burden of saving the world from such a corrupt society yet again, you're going about it quite well. War is hard and ugly and violent but you are amazingly brave to be able to stand up for what is right in the face of it all. If anybody is honored here it is me, for being able to meet such a remarkable young man like you. And knowing that my friends have made such honorable allies in the midst of all this chaos.
Hobie, externally: Yeah, it's whatevs 😎
Hobie, internally: Dont cry dont cry dont cry dont cry dont cry dont cry dont cry dont cry YOURE GUNNA LOOK SO UNCOOL IF YOU CRY IN FRONT OF HIM NOW 😭💕😭💕😭
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I just think it be really cute if they had a wholesome father-son sort of relationship where they shit talk corrupt government systems and punch fascists together. You know, regular father-son bonding!
(Also I think that's another reason Miguel didn't invite Spider Noir to the Spiderverse, cuz he knew that both of these menaces together would cause a bigger headache than its worth 🤣🤣🤣)
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happy autism awareness + acceptance month!!!!
anyways heres some charicters i think would be on the spectrum :D
Mabel Pines: and ADHD((?) Idk i'm dont have ADHD so i cant really speak for that but ive seen some headcannons)
Dipper Pines: Autism!!!!!! He is so me fr fr
Pacifica????? : I think she has the vibes and could be conditioned to severly mask & and like to think she'd acually really like all the 'rules' in high socioty because they make her life ten times easier
Snork: So hes a little creature. Aren't we all in the grand scheme of things?
Sniff??? : Just an idea lmao i think it'd be cool :P
Any of the 7: ADHD why not Autism????
Meg McCaffrey : even though she was probs REALLY sheltered, I think she would be accidentally mean, espeshaly when really little
Magnus Chase: source: hes just like me fr fr (mostly lie)
Ferb: Cannon? I think???? Gotta hit up my buddy Dan (also Phineas??? perhaps autism + adhd????)
Nurogivergent charicters make up most of the Phineas and Ferb universe tbh
Hilda: 'she grew up in the woods! ofc she wouldn't know that stuff!' shut
Frida: relate to her so much acually
David: an autism trio is unstoppable and also hilarious and i think theres some hints -
All of the Muppets,: look me in the eyes and say their nurotypical. I fucking dare you
will most likely re blog cause i cant think of this many off the top of my head :D
(these r just headcannons!!!!! pls dont hate, just my opinion :(((()
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dipplinduo · 4 months
Not S&S D HC (just a scene with flirty Juliana which i want to use for a one shot but my english is terrible)
Juliana: You know Kiki... yesterday i was reading bout how moles are the places where our soulmate will kiss us, or kissed us in a past life.
Kieran: A-ha? *gets nervous*
Juliana approaches with a feline look, pushing him against the wall.
Juliana: Well, see that i did a good job last time, but i will make sure that this *slightly touches the mole on her neck* continues in your next life, or maybe I could add more.
Kieran passes out while everyone who saw the scene was jaw-dropped
LOOOOOOOOOL someone give her some lemonade-
(Also no worries, regular headcanons are always a thing on here and don't have to do with my fic writing)
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spark-gem · 1 year
Random Thought #16
A fun chaotic little scenario I came up with….Fuegoleon learning how to tell jokes via Dad jokes in books. Something so stupid and so good to my little brain.
He’s always looking for a way to improve himself so why not his sense of entertainment. Humor is simple right? He just reads the joke and people laugh right?
Well he’s mesmerized the jokes and people laugh, but it’s because they’re so enamored with his deliverance. Fuegoleon tells the joke correctly, confidences d excitement in his voice, but it’s also said with the same serious approach he has with most situations.
So he has the same stern look on his face while he tells you a dad joke.
Who wouldn’t laugh from how cute he is.
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hollowisthyname · 2 years
ocean o'connell rosenberg has verbal shutdowns . she doesn't like telling people- feels like it doesn't fit her whole "in charge of everything all the time" vibe , and she hates being seen as weak- but sometimes the world is just too much , even for the most ambitious girl in town .
the first person who realized was constance , of course . before even ocean knew what was happening , constance had noticed her struggling to get words out and mentioned it one time when ocean's voice just wouldn't cooperate . and after a few , painful hours of coaxing to convince a still-unable-to-speak ocean into slowly , slowly being able believe that this wasn't a weakness or a personal failure on her part , ocean finally had someone she could trust to help her when she needed it .
from that point forward , constance began to speak for ocean when she couldn't , covering for her whenever she was around people who she didn't want to notice anything strange (which was , perhaps unsurprisingly , everyone except constance) . she would memorize ocean's speeches so she could step in at a moment's notice if she had to , and take over for ocean when they were talking in a group or find her a way out of there . the choir noticed the change in the normally-quiet constance , of course , but they didn't think too much of it- those two had always been a finish-each-other's-sentences kind of pair . they thought it was kind of nice that constance was speaking up more .
they started learning sign language together so they could communicate better when ocean wasn't speaking- bff telepathy only goes so far , and games of charades took too long and just made ocean feel embarrassed . and consequentially , when ricky joined the choir , they were the only ones that he could really talk to . maybe the only ones in the entire school- saint cassian's was not known for its inclusivity . ocean responding a question he signed was how he got into the choir in the first place- she was the first person who had responded with anything other than blank stares or "stop waving your hands around , you'll hit someone" , let alone actually understood and could sign back . he desperately needed someone he could talk to , and so the choir got a new member .
the already-multilingual mischa picked up sign quickly as soon as he understood how it worked , and though noel wasn't quite as skilled at languages with the help of the choir he was learning at a steady pace . constance's not-so-subtle hints for ocean to tell the rest of the choir about her fluctuating verbality when asked how the two of them already knew so much sign were resolutely ignored , ocean blurting out something about a languages club she'd dragged constance to last year before rushing out of the room with a mumbled excuse that even constance couldn't make out .
ricky was the second to notice . being the only member of the choir who couldn't sing , he had a lot more downtime to observe the others . more time to notice the concealed signs to constance that she repeated , the subtle questions from constance to ocean if she was alright to keep going , the way ocean's voice sometimes got shaky and strained before she stopped talking altogether and constance stepped in , and he began to put the pieces together . one day after rehearsal he just .... asked , if she was sometimes like him , not able to talk ? and he comforted her the best he could when tears welled up in her eyes and she just sobbed , out of relief and fear and all the emotions that come with someone finding out the secret that you keep closest to your chest , when that someone is like you in a way that no one has ever been like you before , when you didn't even know anyone else could be like you . ocean and ricky walked home together that day , signing rapidly at first about all the shit that comes with not being able to talk that neither ricky nor ocean had even been able to talk about , and eventually about .... anything , really , as long as it was with each other .
and then there was penny . penny the enigma , the one none of them could quite figure out . she had the most beautiful , haunting voice when she sang , yet outside the songs she hardly talked at all , mostly repeating things the others had said back to them . sweet penny , unsure of what to do to make the choir members happy but trying hard with her strange facts and offers of hugs and the dolly she always carried around because that's what always comforted her . watchful penny , paying attention to everything and everyone not in a malicious way , she's just so curious . intuitive penny , able to make connections that no one else would . penny was the third .
"you're not talking today ." it was a statement of fact , not a question or an accusation . still , it froze ocean in her tracks , not least because the room had appeared to be empty just seconds before . in the few days since penny had joined the choir , ocean had gotten used to her popping up seemingly out of nowhere- disappearing was a talent of hers , it seemed . casually pointing out things that people tried very hard to hide was a new one , though if ocean stopped to think about it , not entirely surprising . ocean was not , however , thinking about the many talents of penny lamb . her thoughts were rapidly spiraling down the path of no no no she's going to tell everyone , the choir leader has to be able to speak they're going to kick me out and no one will ever respect me again , who even does this why am i like this how did she figure it out- she felt two stiff , but not unkind hands touch her own , jolting her out of her thoughts and gently removing her hands from where they were scratching grooves into her arms . she heard a sweet , melodic voice saying something- what was it saying ? "breathe . 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ." ocean took a breath . she hadn't even realized she was hyperventilating . "hold . 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ." she held it , feeling her heart rate begin to slow . "out . 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ." as she exhaled , penny dropped her hands and stood back , seemingly unsure of what to do now that she had calmed ocean down . she just stared with those green , doe eyes of hers , head tilted to the side in worry and confusion , and ocean knew she couldn't leave without offering an explanation . so , slowly , unsure if penny would even be able to understand her , she began to sign . yeah . sometimes i .... can't . it's not all the time , i mean , obviously , and most people don't know , just constance and ricky and you too now and please please don't tell the others , i don't know how they'll react and i .... ocean took a shuddering breath , hands going down to her sides as she tried to work out what she wanted to say next , and i'm scared . i don't want them to treat me differently , or think i'm weak or fragile , or anything like that . i know i can't keep this from them forever , but i just .... i need to do it on my own time . i'm sorry , penny , you're the new one i'm supposed to be helping you not dragging you into my problems like this , i'll make it up to you i promise- i'll take you to the fair , it's fun there i'll show you all the best things- she shook her hands out abruptly , stopping her nervous rambling before she got too far off-track . anyway . i'm sorry . just , please don't tell them for me . promise you'll let me do it on my own . ocean lifted her eyes from her hands , looking at penny for the first time since she started explaining . she half-expected to see a blank , confused stare on the girl's face and have to write all of that down or force herself to speak it out loud . what she got instead was an expression halfway between sympathetic and amused , clear though penny's face never changed much . the softened eyes and barely quirked lip gave it away , things you would never notice unless you were looking closely . and ocean was , because she had to know what penny was thinking and feeling . for her standing with the choir , but also with this girl , this strange girl she'd only known a few days and yet knew more about her than almost anyone else in her life . this girl looking at her with such warmth in her eyes , and before ocean could start to think about what that might mean , penny lifted her hands and signed two words . i promise . and then ocean was enveloped in a warm , tight hug , and released so quickly that she was still processing it when she realized penny was nowhere to be seen .
she told them the next day , because ocean o'connell rosenberg does nothing in halves . when she glanced over at constance , ricky , and penny during her announcement , they were looking at her like they were more proud than they'd ever been and she nearly broke down crying . noel lamented his lack of proficiency in sign language and promised to double down on it , for both ricky's and her sake . mischa congratulated her on being able to be vulnerable with the group . by the time she was done , she was definitely crying .
being overwhelmed with acceptance was a new feeling for ocean , who had never felt quite like she fit either in the commune with her parents or at saint cassian's . she'd tried so hard to mold herself into what she thought people wanted her to be , and it had never worked . but now , telling the choir something about herself that she had tried to hide for so long for fear of rejection and being met with nothing but acceptance and love ..... ocean finally realized she didn't have to do that anymore . here , here were people who cared about her for who she was , not how well she could conform to their beliefs or do something for them . she finally had people she could trust . she finally had a family .
she didn't remember falling asleep after collapsing into sobs , but she woke up surrounded by the rest of the choir , everyone piled on top of each other , all fast asleep . she shook her head , fondly exasperated , and fell back asleep to the low , soft breathing of the choir .
ocean walking into a rehearsal , interrupting whatever's going on with two loud claps , and immediately launching into one of her signature speeches in sign is a normal occurrence now . so is her sitting in the back with penny , the two quietly taking in everything around them and calming down from how overwhelming the world can be . ocean's still the leader , certainly , but she has less of a need to have everything in a chokehold all the time . they're all .... really happy . things go wrong , as they always do , but they help each other through it . because they're family , and they care about each other more than anything in the world .
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loving-delusions · 10 months
Nightmare and Dream are born from a tree.
Therefore, they are fruits. aka Nightmare and Dream are naturally a part of the LGBT.
Thank you.
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Regulus ‘because I hate all my habits but I happen to love you’ Black
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twicethetrouble · 2 years
Leo Valdez give off strong Aromantic vibes and I love him for it.
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durenjtmusings · 1 year
Found on Facebook….
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Ok so I am ABSOLUTELY reaching in every possible way for any information about what Jamie did on Christmas BUT
In the little claymation Christmas short there is a moment at the end where everyone is on FaceTime and seems to be at their homes/events - but Jamie is still in the locker room at Richmond.
So now I’m imagining Jamie just being alone at the club all night running drills or working out in the weight room or maybe even just sitting quietly by his locker and snacking on some biscuits that Ted brought in earlier. He knew he was going to be alone because his mom didn’t have time to drive all the way from Manchester for an afternoon and he didn’t have time to go up because of the game the next day. But he couldn’t bear to be home alone at his house - maybe because he was afraid James might show up or maybe because it just didn’t feel like home. So he stayed at the next closest place that felt like home - Nelson Road.
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sstrawberrywaferss · 1 year
if you know the Lemon Kid fic. Regressor ranboo stim hcs please??
🍓 rocks back and fourth when anxious
🍬 stretches a bunch
🍓 taps his fingers on the nearest surface when bored
🍬 walks in circles, especially when talkin
🍓 quite a few vocal stims actually !! says "beep" "bap" and "meck", usually repeated several times
🍬 chews everything, nothin is safe
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maladaptive-maniac · 1 year
If anybody is willing to tell me the lore of Sky: Children of the Light I will happily listen because all I know is like.
Powerful dude saw a neat rock and wanted to make it important in his kingdom but his friends saw that it was Actually Killing People and said no and he got pissed and turned his area of the map into a death trap while occasionally sending more of the neat rocks down into his kingdom. Also his friends are really old. And the neat rocks turned a bunch of whales into (frankly awesome-looking) dragons. Oh and also their god is a bird
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espytalks · 2 years
just wanna hop on to say that lately ive been watchin the original drgon ball lately with my brother, and while i have a lot of issues with some characters (apparently old perv is a trope or smthn in old anime. it's gross), young goku is fruckin precious. absolutely adorable. my son. my precious blorbo. and an ace ICON, guys, he's such a big mood and it's sorta played for laughs, but also very genuinely hashtag relatable.
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alexandersimpleton · 2 months
Au where the CPC learns that they should accept Frederick the way he is and somebody (maybe Lance?) sings this to them
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critterbitter · 4 months
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It’s everybody’s favorite lantern! Ingo's partner pokemon's very chaos incorporated. Inspired by the very enthusiastic asks in my inbox, which I’ll be responding to under this cut ;0 Wanna see more? Check out this submas masterlist.
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@euos-the-cat AAA thank you! I took one look at that waxy gremlin and thought "huh. I can do something with this."
@eventhetiniestbugs Yo. YO. HEADCANNON ACCEPTED. Litwick really is sort of a beatrice, isn't she? Being Ingo (and in part, Emmet's) unwilling guide. Reluctant friend. Best found family.
@answrs Thanks!!! I love sneasler and I need to draw her more. It wasn't on purpose, but it seems I've accidentally wrote myself into a Sort Of chronological posting (oops!) But sneasler WILL appear later (hopefully BEFORE my hyperfixation fizzles out haha)
@raynavan AhHEhEHEHEH. I usually don't dabble with too much angst, but yeah. On the plus side, uh, more chandelure emmet interactions! On the down side, well.
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@blueisquitetired You learn to like rice. It's a staple in your diet, and while you may think its bland and boring, it becomes something you can always rely on during meal time when things get dicey. Or, well. It was.
@moothebloo ...DEFINITELY SAVING THAT FOR LATER. CHANDELURE ANGRY SHARPIE BROWS LETS GOO. (Idk if you're into rottmnt, but uh that's some donnie behaviors that I definitely approve of.)
@gender-nuteral-nut-boy First of all, amazing user name. you get all the gender. second of all (points at picture) she's doing finnee! She's doing So Great. Don't Worry About It. ((She has emmet, and later the gear station, and even later maybe even elesa. But Ingo's Hers, and that's a wound that can't be easily staunched.)) @ghostlykryptonitenight Ah,, you see, your first mistake is thinking she'll Remember. : )
Head cannon: ghost pokemon are not a direct reincarnation of a dead soul, and are more like… say, the mold that grows from a coffee mug left out for too long. But they have fragments of memories and dreams of cherished ones. Chandelure knows Ingo’s alive thanks to their bond. She vaguely knows her propagator probably knew Ingo’s identical great uncle or something. But those pieces don’t really connect until Emmet’s research, and she’s tired and faded and the simple act of trying hurts.
(She would leap through space and time for ingo. Chandelure and Emmet would do anything to get their muppet back, even if it means to salt the earth and unearth gods.)
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