#all very good things when on the same wavelength with someone
pussy-ache · 1 year
i wish i was able to give more of myself but i can’t. or i don’t want to. i can never tell which
#as emotional of a person as i am i’m constantly falling into patterns of distance in a relationship#i don’t actually crave romantic connection as much as i prefer emotional connections#but even then. as long as i know the emotional connection is there and is solid i don’t need it to be acknowledged often/shown attention#relationships require this part of me that i hate giving. i isolate myself in very specific ways#half of it’s my personality and the other half is major depressive disorder and a disdain for being alive#it’s not even a ‘’i settle for scraps’’ situation either. i just do not need much to be emotionally satisfied#and i don’t want to be touched often so i don’t need physical anything either#and i can tell this confuses him because of the ways in which i love. i can tell he needs more from me and of me#i have no desire to give anything more#and ​i’m not going to sacrifice myself to provide that for him#at least not when it’s something i’m not actively desiring myself#i don’t mind sacrificing in a relationship as part of the push/pull give/take. it’s the whole point actually.#but even when i’m committed to someone i’m also consistently analyzing patterns of communication as we develop unique patterns/dialects#and he’s foundationally misunderstanding that whether it’s states away or a block away#the parts of myself that i do not want to give will not be given. even if he is willing to offer up the same in return.#i have a love/hate relationship with the way relationships meld two people together. i think it’s beautiful and calming and sweet.#all very good things when on the same wavelength with someone#but they also (by default) constrict individual freedoms by nature of forced involvement with another person at all times#tiny little adjustments to the sense of self over time add up until you end up just looking at the other person#and wondering how you even got to the place you’re at from where you began#it requires monitoring and for 2 people to be able to just blatantly admit uncomfortable truths. i do not have the energy or the desire.#if i have the desire the energy naturally flows. i know this of myself already. it’s effortless for me when there’s active desire.#the fact that it’s this hard this early is a pretty big warning sign for me and what i know about my lOvE lAnGuAgE#i’m 100% willing and able to work to keep someone in my life. i’m just not going to work against myself to do that for someone.
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bamsara · 4 months
I'm new to this blog, what's dream lamb and dream narinder?? They're cool but I do not understand I wish to comprehend
Dream Lamb (And Dream Narinder) is exactly as the name implies; dream versions of the counterpart that only appears within Narinder's (Or Lambert's) dreams at night.
They are a visual manifestation of the subconscious, they are not real individuals. They can reflect what Narinder/Lamb's true feelings are about something/someone, or torment them about things that they perceive to be true.
One example is that Dream Lamb often makes Narinder remember how fondly he thinks of the Lamb ("You think of them so poetically" + all prior friendship he had with them in the gateway) or pointing out how his words contradict his actions; behaving and believing them to be a traitor and insufferable but doing things of his own will (resurrecting the crab, not killing their flock because it makes them upset, allowing Leshy to live, ect ect).
Dream Lamb ALSO points out the complicated feelings with his siblings; ie reminding him of how he used to help raise his youngers, and the mixture of emotions he feels towards individuals who he claims he despises.
Dream Narinder (Who is not into written form yet and is only in comic form as of this post) who instead of tormenting the dreamer with confrontation of feelings being denied, instead sews doubt and guilt. The Lamb feels even though they stayed true to themselves, they cannot help but feel like their perceived betrayal has damaged the friendship between them and Narinder beyond repair. Despite that grief for the loss of friendship, they'll accept what little companionship they can have from their best friend left over.
Dream Narinder fuels on this, often echoing their worst fears and worries ('You've done a good job as my vessel, so I no longer have a need for you.") So he acts non-nonchalant and often mocking/teasing, or even indulgent with the acknowledgment that none of it is real. Where as Dream Lamb confronts Narinder with feelings he's wanting to push back, Dream Narinder goes the opposite route, and calmly and casually reinforces what they believe to be the reality.
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Dream Lamb represents Denial of the Truth, While Dream Narinder is the Acceptance of a Lie.
Because they are corrupted visuals of the subconscious, but still their subconscious nonetheless, this means that these behaviors can change or be different depending on how the dreamer thinks/feels, and how they're processing their emotions in relation to something. Especially when they're confronting it.
In other words, the closer Narinder gets to accepting his feelings and understanding the Lamb's reasoning for their 'betrayal', and the closer the Lamb gets to realizing Narinder's care for them still persists, the more accurate and truer the dreams become.
Like in this comic, where Dream Narinder is tormenting the Lamb, but after their snap back that Narinder would not say something so cruel to them, despite his outward attitude, they are practically rewarded with a praise for it.
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For Dream Narinder specifically, his eye remains closed....but opens a little more the closer and closer the Lamb gets to believing how Narinder truly feels about them, whether the real cat has accepted it or not.
As for Dream Lamb, they go from being very aggressive about their confrontation to something more docile, eventually as Narinder starts to process everything.
Another thing: the Dreams are linked. Not always, but they have to be on the same...wavelength for it. An understanding, perhaps. But they do affect each other, sometimes.
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The dreams can be nice too, depending. That's why they're not always nightmarish. Meaning, with enough push and pull, eventually:
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Why all of this dream and nightmare stuff is happening? Yet to be revealed.
Remember guys if you avoid your feelings in real life they might hunt you down in your dreams, and possibly bluetooth you to the object of your affections dreams as well if you're nice about it
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nicromancytarot · 4 months
This is a general reading based on a collective of people. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. If you don’t feel the pile resonates with you, don’t be scared to try another, if it still doesn’t feel right, that’s ok! Maybe our energies aren’t as connected and my readings are not for you.
I do these strictly for fun and educational purposes. I don’t change for these readings and I do not fake readings. I would tell you the cards I got but I pull like 20-30 cards each reading and that just slightly a strenuous task to write them all down lmao.
I asked my spirit guides what the person you’re thinking about would do to you if they could, this was crazy so pick a picture to find out!
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Pile 1 ———> Pile 2 ———> Pile 3
Bro’s fantasising, I put my music on shuffle and got this one song which triggered a memory of when I had a crush on this girl and sat in the car staring out of the window creating scenarios about her to the song lmao, so I feel as though your person may be on the same wavelength as me.
My entire body hurt during this reading, I was having full body channeling which was crazy for me, but as soon as I wrote down that my back and stomach were killing me, the pain went away, so your person may want to metaphorically break your back and possibly even get you pregnant, I was also randomly sweating like crazy so it’s gonna be steamy when they get to have you, I feel like you guys will be going for multiple rounds until both of you are absolutely exhausted and can’t take anymore.
Not going to lie, I see this being someone from the past? #Fuckexes. (Not literally.)
Firstly they may stalk your social media or keep tabs on you, I notice someone gasping at the others breasts if you have those, if they have breast than I’m pretty sure you love them, this is the type of conversation when someone can’t stop looking at the others breasts and is barely paying attention to the conversation.
They wanna watch you play with yourself, they may even want you to send them a video of you touching yourself.
For some of you I can see that they like butt-play, and they like having from behind cus they really enjoy your butt and shoulders, they may like to leave kisses or hickeys on the back of your shoulders. They may also only really see you in a room full of people romantically, but I do get senses that this person may have or might cheat if you were or get into a relationship.
They wanna wine and dine you prior to having sex with you, and I think that they also want to learn what you’re into and have a long winded conversation about both of your boundaries. They also really enjoy your breasts, or you enjoy theirs, I can see that either of you may want to leave a lot of kisses or hickeys there; maybe even for other people to see if you or they enjoy wearing low cut shirts and dresses.
They seem very gentle and worry about your pleasure more than their own, they do want to do some type of butt stuff with you. (What is it with the butt stuff today?) They want to eat the booty or go the full way with it.
At the end they want you to reward their hard efforts with some good ole’ head.
They want to offer a relationship before having sex with you, I do get the vibe that this could be a future spouse who picks you up after heartbreak as we have both the 4 of wands and the 3 of swords. This is the tile of sex that has you forgetting about all the bad things in your life and in the world.
There’s only one card in the spread where she’s not covering her stomach and it’s while she’s watching him count his money so you may only think about getting pregnant after you know they have enough money to sustain you and the baby (they do, they live a life of luxury.) Or you may show them that you have enough money before they think of allowing you to get them pregnant.
They want to take you from behind, finally we have a pile that doesn’t refer to butt-play (amen.) They’re pretty masculine so they would want to take over all of the masculine roles.
You may find them sneaking a glance at your breasts when you first meet.
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alicerosejensen · 7 months
Warning: unhealthy relationship; Dark; not a yandere Leon but almost; the reader has no family and friends; Rescuer syndrome (if you look really closely at the very beginning); mentions of alcohol; Dom!Leon; fem/reader; Older!Leon; Mentions of pregnancy;
Summary: He will love you until his death. You are his and no one else's.
A/N: English is not my native language, so I apologize for any mistakes. Also I don't approve of this crap in real life and if it triggers you, please look at the warning again and skip it. Just because I write doesn't mean it's cool in real life. Build only healthy relationships based on mutual love, trust, compromises without violence.
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If you look closely, neither of you two were healthy enough to build a relationship.
Of course you're not a pet. Even if you is devoted to him like a dog whose owner is drowning on the Titanic, and Leon has long been sinking. Of course, he does not consider you an animal and he is sincerely sorry that because of your injuries you cling to him, and he, in turn, succumbs to the selfish desire to keep his girl close to him.
You were so young and alone that, apparently due to your childhood traumas, you sought love from someone who tried to cope with his traumas with the help of alcohol. Leon didn't think he should have touched you at all. In his opinion, everything he touches turns to shit, and he didn't mean to hurt you at all. Besides, he believed that seducing such a young girl, even if you are of age, is almost a crime, however, he could not stop being drawn to you. My God, he’s already turning 40 and you’re a little over 20. Do girls your age hang out with such old men? You should find a young guy with whom you can do all sorts of stupid things while being on the same wavelength, and not cling to his back like a lost child. But in general, it’s not really a fact, but just an observation, but lonely people often have pets to while away their unbearable loneliness. Leon does not have the opportunity to get a dog or a cat, his job means that he spends little time at home, but...
At night, you sleep soundly, throwing your leg over him and reaching out with your arms to hug him. Leon catches himself thinking that he likes to listen to measured breathing and feel the soft skin on his body. His sweet girl... in your sleep you feel how other people's fingers are drawing patterns on your back and you fucking like it. Don’t care about studying, which can open the door to the world of a good career with a decent salary, love into which you dive headfirst is the most beautiful thing that has happened in your life.
And you are ready to hold on to him until the last... Well, actually, just like he does to you.
It’s deep night outside, the bedroom is in wireless darkness, which Leon is so afraid of because of painful memories, but why is he calm now when you’re sleeping so quietly next to him.
"Bunny?" Leon rarely calls you that, but those cute pajamas of yours with the bunny ears on the tank top make him smile, kissing your forehead because your sleep, unlike him, is quite sound.
In fact, he feels like a son of a bitch who sleeps with a girl half his age and, to Leon’s own horror, it’s not even lust. He himself doesn’t fully understand what kind of crap is happening to him, but the point is that he really feels for you... high feelings. At least every day it becomes more and more difficult to let you out of his arms.
But you're sleeping. An absolute angel and Leon wonders if he can mistake your compassion for love? Or do you just have daddy issues? Thinking about this, Leon grins, burying his nose in your hair. He has his faithful “Matilda” in his bedside table, and, in theory, he has nothing to fear, but he is unlikely to be able to live with such crap as before 1998. You planted an obsession for him, gradually nurturing and strengthening it, like a caring gardener painstakingly working on his favorite flower. You yourself cling to him, adjoining him, you are even ready to give up all prospects for your future life for the sake of him alone.
Leon kisses you and strokes your cheek with his thumb, pressing you to his chest, finally closing his eyes and falling into sleep.
Actually, Leon thinks that it’s all your fault. Who if not you?! It’s like you’re deliberately making him worry by putting the phone on silent or calling him back too late, which is why he gradually seems to lose his mind if he can’t be sure that everything is okay. He screams and you cry and apologize to him because you are afraid that he will leave you alone. This is your biggest fear, even if Leon had nothing like that in his thoughts. For heaven's sake, he really hates your tears and he hates feeling guilty about it even more.
"Just don't make me worry anymore" He asks in a soothing tone, pressing your trembling body to him.
And you nod your head, feeling how painful your stomach is from the stress you have experienced and your conflict with him.
"I'll never again...I swear"
You are a stone on his neck, which he in theory can throw off but does not want to. What's going on with you two is clearly not normal. This is immediately noticed by Claire watching how you loyally sit next to him and seem to be interested in nothing but Leon. Seriously, of course, few people from her inner circle like a secular reception, but Claire really thinks it's very strange.
"She's…" Redfield notices your discomfort when Leon walks away to talk to her. However, he himself constantly turns around to look after you while you are nervously sitting at a table with a half-empty glass looking at him with deer eyes. "How old is she? In my opinion, you don't really look like a guy who…indulging in young girls"
Leon squints into Claire's eyes. In truth, part of him realizes that she is saying a clever thought and the other begins to howl unbearably, because you are really the nicest thing that has happened in the last years of his life. So why the hell should he constantly give up his human happiness just because it allegedly does not fit into the worldview of other people?!
"I'm not keeping her forcibly next to me," he replied rudely, and Claire shuddered at the unusual cold tone, "She can leave if she wants to, but she doesn't want to."
Well, who will look after you if even all your loved ones have abandoned you?
The Redfields look disapproving, and when Leon returns to the table in a bad mood, they both see you clinging to his hand, anxiously flapping your eyes, calming down only when he quickly kisses you on the cheek and runs his palm over your back. However, Leon has never really hurt you. After a while, Claire even gets used to this abnormal connection between her friend and his young girlfriend, only rolls her eyes when she sees that Leon constantly sends you messages, checking how well you took care of yourself while he was away.
"She has problems with dad" is a fair conclusion, which Leon deliberately ignored, without commenting on it in any way.
And it wasn't even untrue. With Leon's help, you unconsciously compensated for what you were not given as a child, in turn, Leon himself treated himself with your presence. Because he knows for sure that when he wakes up, you will be next to him in bed, and you will not run away while he sleeps, leaving a paper airplane with traces of scarlet lipstick on his lips and a short signature "See you later", along with the fading scent of perfume in the room. He doesn't need to worry about where you are in the evening, because you are either in the living room watching TV, or in the bedroom, or in the kitchen. No matter what you are doing, the main thing is in his field of vision. If he need to call out to you, then you will respond, and this is the most important thing for him - to know that you are always in close proximity to him.
With each passing year, his control grows, building strict rules.
There is no point in listing them, and Leon knows that you would not violate anything even if you knew nothing about them. Mostly it was just for peace of mind. You walk only with him, don’t lift weights, communicate with strangers to a minimum and... yes, you don’t go to college anymore, because he doesn’t always have time to pick you up from there after classes, well, you can’t say that you were completely against it . There were already enough missed classes for this to become a problem. Anyone's problem but not yours, because...
“I will support you perfectly. My credit card is at your disposal, buy whatever you want or wait for me, sweetheart"
You weren’t a shopaholic, but sometimes you indulged in expensive purchases. Leon never objected.
They took care of you, you didn’t have to study or work, you could sleep until lunchtime, the only important thing was to remain an obedient girl for your Leon, who was too fixated on you. No normal person would consider what was happening to be normal, when you literally cannot leave the house without someone else’s permission. Should you walk to the store for groceries or just a short jog in the morning? Strictly prohibited! Of course you can with Leon, because in his opinion he is a guarantee that everything will be fine with you as long as he is around. You won’t be attacked by some crazy person or a rabid dog, he will carefully check the expiration date on the packages so that his bunny doesn’t get poisoned and other little things that were completely absurd.
It’s remarkable that you were an obedient girl, because your subconscious said that if you make even the slightest mistake, the retribution would be terrible, only the fear was not because of physical violence (no, he doesn’t beat you at all) but because you were afraid that Leon would find yourself another girlfriend, leaving you to choke on your own love or even kill yourself.
Although Leon didn’t threaten to break up with you at all. All lovers quarrel, but you were literally shaking with fear that everything would end, as if the sky would fall to the ground or the sun would stop shining, destroying all living things. No, of course Leon wouldn’t leave you, because his love is no less sick than yours. So his fear is that you'll probably realize he's too old for you, as Claire tells him, and leave for a younger guy. Leon simply cannot tolerate this shit, so he locks you in his house. And still you don't mind.
Leon knows everything his angel likes, from food to your favorite color, which can change depending on your mood. Unlike you, he himself was quite secretive, but you knew well some of his preferences and how to behave when his self-esteem fell through the roof after yet another death at work. Sometimes it was necessary to sit quietly in the next room, but more often just sit on his lap, stroke his head and kiss him. Kiss a lot.
And yet Leon was afraid that you would find a replacement for him.
Therefore, it was necessary to tie you to him so that no one could ever take you away from him. And the only option that Leon saw was to become a father.
“Are you serious?! Damn it, what’s happening to you?! Did she really so calmly agree to conceive a child with you?!”
For God's sake, the way Claire screams makes Leon's ears pop. In fact, only he planned, with only one goal to make you stay with him and fulfill his old dream of a family. But he will say that this was discussed with you and, in fact, you and he even managed to argue about names and what color you would decorate the nursery, which of course was not true, but Claire and others don’t need to know about it.
Leon didn’t even bring up this topic of conversation with you, he just pierced a few with a condoms and, fortunately for him, the result did not take long to arrive. With the first signs, Leon immediately knew that the pregnancy tests would show a positive result and yet he takes care of you when vomit turns your stomach. Like a caring daddy who collects your hair at the back of your head while you spew out everything you’ve eaten and strokes your back, supporting you. A warm blanket, a dim light, a pat on your stomach? It's all for you, baby, and for this little pea inside of you. Leon suppresses a grin, believing that his plan has worked... which is really the case.
"Oh, sweetheart, I hope it's tears of joy, because you don't have a single reason to cry anymore," Leon says when he looks at you crying sitting on the toilet lid, hugging his shoulder, and a positive test is lying on the floor next to you.
Complete shit, but you were crying literally because you were afraid that he would definitely leave now. Fortunately, luck, as you naively believed, has not left you.
Leon did everything to ensure that his little American dream and family were safe under his complete control. Firstly, he immediately said that his child needed more space, although the apartment was spacious enough and the three of them could live here in peace, especially since there was a park nearby, but Leon needed a house. The one that no one will stick their nose into, although in fact, despite the quarrel with Claire and the others, he is thinking of inviting them to the birth of a child. And he's not going to completely isolate you from others. Courses for young mothers, the same walks with a stroller near the house, it was necessary, especially since the baby and mom need fresh air.
You are required to obey and strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations as before. Of course, Leon takes you to all prenatal appointments to make sure that everything is fine, it gives him an unprecedented delight to be next to you at the first ultrasound. Damn, baby, you have to give him a girl! Although he wasn't against the boy.
It is noteworthy that you have never said a word against. After all, everything was fine with you: huge care, a new big house with a small extension for a playground in the backyard, which hinted at the obvious fact that this is your first child with Leon, but not the last. However, how much love he gives you while you are pregnant compensates for all the ailments!
And when you finally give birth, Leon, of course, next to you meets his sweet girl, whose fate, as he thinks, can only be envied. At least now you won’t leave him anywhere, but will forever remain with you and next to you, cherishing your little girl whom he is going to spoil just like her mommy. Leon will put the crib next to the bed, make a new schedule and take a million photos of his happy family.
He adores you and that's all you need. In the end, Leon even admits to himself that he didn’t need the child as much as you, and only Claire and Chris seem to see how abnormal this relationship is.
Only Leon doesn't care anymore.
And you too.
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plutosunshine · 1 year
How to improve your self-esteem?
Venus in the houses
Venus is our self-esteem and values. The house Venus sits in can show us hints on how to help ourselves to build healthy strong self-esteem. Let’s go!
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Venus in the 1st house
Of course, the main key here is your appearance. I don’t mean that you must be always gorgeous and pretty. However, it is very important for you to feel that you fit at least your standards. Hair and make-up play a big role. You feel more confident when you like your look. NB!! Not others, but you! Also, your self-esteem grows when you socialize and show your identity in group settings. Don’t hide all the gorgeous talents you have! You MUST show them to the world. Be assertive when it is necessary because achieving goals and being the best is the number one key to your self-confidence. One more thing: aesthetics. Since Venus is in the first house, which makes this planet rising, that means that the qualities of Venus are important to express as well. Aesthetics, art, beautiful things, music, poetry, acting, and everything where you can show your talents. Also, although the first house is ME and my identity, Venus requires peace and balance. It is not easy, but you have to find a balance between showing yourself and being on the same wavelength as others.
Venus in the 2nd house
Here Venus is in its own house. Meaning that the themes of this house are emphasized. Your self-esteem improves when you feel safe and all is set: you have a nice place to live, you have a good salary, and your surroundings are harmonious. Defining your values helps to gain self-confidence. It is totally okay to express your material desires. They make your self-esteem improve. This is the essence of the 2nd house. Save money to have a backup but don’t be strict with yourself. If you really want something, just get it! The key to your self-esteem is your well-being. When you are fed well, dressed well, and generally feel good, you are confident. Any aesthetic activity that makes you feel calm and satisfied is good. Art and other creative areas also may help you because it develops your sense of beauty and allows you to express your talents.
Venus in the 3rd house
Your self-esteem is growing when you feel that you are an interesting companion. The worst nightmare is when people call you boring. That is why sometimes you are trying too hard to attract attention. However, it is only because of your insecurities. I think the key here is to allow yourself to be outgoing and funny personality which you are. Express your interest in communication and exploration. Your self-esteem improves when you feel knowledgeable. You need to constantly receive and share some interesting information. Also, learning something will increase your self-esteem as well. It can be anything: from cooking to science. You just need new knowledge to feel your self-worth and it is okay because it is the way your Venus feels at home. Don’t be afraid to show your knowledge, and make new friends and connections. Also, writing is very good for you. For example, you can express your feelings on paper. It might help you to build a strong relationship with yourself.
Venus in the 4th house
Your self-esteem improves when you are in touch with your emotions and your subconscious needs are met. It is very important not to suppress emotions and feelings. Also, helping and understanding make you feel needed. Sometimes it is not so good thing to seek this feeling, but for Venus in the 4th house supporting and helping someone is beneficial. Every field and place where you can express your ability to FEEL will be useful. For example, psychology, astrology, volunteering, etc. Also, as you know, the 4th house = home. Meaning that you MUST have your own safe place to restore your energy resources. Decorating and cleaning are helpful for your Venus because on a subconscious level you perceive this home as welcoming and safe.
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Venus in the 5th house
One word — self-expression. As simple as that, your self-esteem improves when you express yourself and your talents. If you don’t show your creativity, it will grow inside you and turn into poison. So it is so important to express that! Even if you think that the idea is stupid, please just try! Because it is not only about the result but also about the process. Also, showing others your warm and generous side will help your Venus a lot. Be yourself and don’t hide even weird and unusual sides of you because it is still you. Love yourself and respect your desires, enjoy life, and be optimistic about the world! Also, your self-esteem improves when you are the best at something. It shouldn’t be something great, it can be just a little thing that is only yours.
Venus in the 6th house
Your self-esteem improves when you build your plans and fulfill them. Yes, the 6th house here is all about working on yourself. You feel fulfilled when you follow your own rules and routines. It makes you feel like everything is in its place. Sometimes others find your little habits weird but it is who you are. Also, healthy nutrition and sport will make you feel more confident. Being healthy and put together improves your self-esteem. In addition, helping others helps you as well! The 6th house is all about service and when you help someone you feel fulfillment. It is just your essence so don’t hide it!
Venus in the 7th house
Venus here is in its own house but this placement is kind of tricky. Sometimes your self-esteem depends on your partner and you can’t find solid ground for your own personality. It can be so frustrating that you may feel even empty without a partner. However, this situation is not healthy because Venus and the 7th house are all about balance. Yes, Venus in the 7th house screams PARTNERSHIP, but you need to find balance. Give and take equally, respect each other and find harmony in this relationship. This is the main lesson for Venus in the 7th house. Your self-esteem improves when you and your partner find balance and peace in your relationship.
Venus in the 8th house
The 8th house is all about transformations so sometimes having Venus in the 8th house feels unbearable. Your self-esteem transforms constantly. Sometimes you almost don’t feel it but sometimes it breaks your heart. However, it is the essence of this placement. You need to transform yourself and the perception of your values. Life will give you a lot of critical situations that will test your values and self-confidence. Yes, this is not an easy placement to have, but this tough experience makes your self-esteem unbreakable and solid and you become wise and unstoppable.
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Venus in the 9th house
Your self-esteem improves when you get new experience and share it with others. It is so important for you to explore the world and build your own philosophy in life. You need to dig deep into the definition of the word «freedom». Your self-esteem improves when you feel no pressure and when you can do whatever you want with your life. Advice-giving is so good for your Venus. You have a lot to share with others so do that! Also, any kind of exploration of other cultures is good, whether it be a new language or travel. Your self-esteem improves when you can help others using your own experience. That is why you would be a great couch!
Venus in the 10th house
Your self-esteem improves when you are the best of the best in your field. You need respect and admiration from others. However, it is important to mention the difference between dependence on someone's opinion and deserved admiration for hard work. The second case is about Venus in the 10th house. Your self-esteem improves when you work hard on your goal and it doesn’t matter how big it is. You just need to build a plan and follow it until your goal is reached. Your self-esteem NEEDS to have a goal. It can be something small but also don’t shy away from big ones!
Venus in the 11th house
Your self-esteem grows when you are not afraid to express your authentic self and show your weird sides to the world. It is extremely important not to think about the opinion of others when it comes to your self-expression and creativity. Sometimes your ideas may seem strange but it is where the real innovation lies! Your self-esteem improves when you feel that your life is fully yours and you can do whatever you want. Also, like-minded people give you confidence because you know that you are not the only one. In addition, participation in some social activities helps your Venus to feel better. For example, charity or fighting for someone's rights.
Venus in the 12th house
Your self-esteem improves when you can express your deep emotions through creativity. Whether it be music or theatre, you need to find a way to free your endless feelings. It can be something small! Also, your self-esteem improves when you help those who are in need. However, be careful! Your sweet soul sometimes doesn’t understand when people take advantage of you. Everything must be in balance. Also, you need to find a field where you can use your empathic gifts to help others. For example, psychology, astrology, therapy, etc.
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aimbutmiss · 4 months
I feel like Roger loved both Buggy and Shanks equally, it’s just that he REALLY saw himself in Shanks and less so in Buggy, which made Buggy feel like the less loved child, just because he didn’t quite have the same “Oh wow we are just immediately on the same wavelength” like these two
If you asked Roger though he would have spoken about both of them with equal pride. He may see himself in Shanks but Buggy is … Buggy is just his own entire thing and sometimes Roger is kind of stupefied at this young pirate just putting so much into showmanship and being FLASHY and by god this is a greedy little shit but that just means he is just always going after something.And once he gets it he’s gonna show it off in the flashiest way possible that’s just so infectiously joyful to witness. Also- bombs?! Who taught him that?! Rayleigh did you teach him that? He didn’t teach him that! How’d that boy get so crafty! Hey guys check it out Buggy made a BOMB! Haha, hey may never know quite what’s going on with this brat but what a lad! His little firecracker…
Buggy wasn’t unloved but he was a massive causality of Shanks “chosen one” status (another one of these is Shanks himself imo but that’s getting into theory corner), because in his eyes that didn’t leave him to be anything else.
Yessss I do agree that Roger didn't really have a favourite, just different approaches to the kids. If there was any favouritism it would be unintentional, like I've said before. Because I really don't think Roger was that type of man. He loved those kids, they were basically like his sons.
I also agree that he saw himself in Shanks. And he saw something completely different in Buggy. Not just in the way that he was different from himself and Shanks, but he was different from everyone. Roger has never met someone like Buggy before and that fascinated him. This little kid was so... flashy, as he put in his own terms. And he was a go-getter. Roger was convinced that kid had the potential to flip the world upside down if it would get him what he wanted. And there's something so refreshing about that kind of unending determination. The only thing that stood in the way of that was his inferiority complex. And oh did Roger try to make it better. He tried his best to treat him and Shanks equally. Always told them both they could do anything they put their mind to, and that he loved and cared for them deeply. But it just didn't seem to penetrate through Buggy's thick skull. Him giving his hat to Shanks did NOT help. I think that small action was truly the catalyst for the "chosen one" complex you talked about. I mean the effects of it are still very much present, with Luffy and all...
I don't think Buggy was really a casualty in Shanks and his "chosen one" status (at least not as big of a casualty as Shanks himself) because he didn't let himself get stuck because of it, like Shanks did. He knew he couldn't reach his full potential in his friend's shadow, so he left. He started a new life because he refused to be stagnant. And he had a goal, a dream, that did not match what Shanks wanted. So of course he left, because Buggy always goes after what he wants. He chose to go forward, but Shanks stayed there. He could not move forward. He was destined to be forever that little boy on Oro Jackson, the pirate king's chosen one, and that teen Buggy left in Loguetown. (Taylor Swift - Right where you left me, literally)
On a lighter note... those damn bombs!!! Who taught him???? Literally no one. I'm convinced he just threw shit together. And honestly, Buggy is very smart. He figured how things work very quickly at a young age, and he was always good with his hands. It's another thing Roger always felt proud about him. "His little firecracker..." Anon shut up right now I will cry 😭😭 that's so cute
Thank you for this!! Sorry for replying late, I knew I was gonna write something long so I wanted to do it when I had the time
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sleepysnk · 1 year
sorry!! i know you’re not taking requests rn but thoughts on hanma being envious over reader and draken’s relationship and then him comforting (😉) reader after their breakup!!!!!
a/n: i saw this.. and my brain went to work mode. thank you for sending this in!! i hope you enjoy <3!
pairings: hanma shuji x fem!reader
warnings: college au, angst, cheating, mentions of draken x reader, breakups, nsfw, oral sex f!receiving, use of pet names (baby, doll, babydoll, princess), jealousy, possessive behaviors, choking, unprotected sex, breeding kink, some mentions of after care, mentions of cigarettes.
moth to a flame ft. hanma shuji
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Hanma Shuji was the kind of man who could wrap any girl around his finger.
In some ways, Hanma was every girl’s dream man. He was standing at six foot four, had golden eyes like the rays of the sun, and gorgeous black and blonde hair that sat atop his head. The addition of the kanji on his hands only gave him more attention from the women he saw at parties or in his classes. He was no doubt a handsome man. Every girl on campus fantasized being in bed with the male. Some even got lucky and spent an evening with him. Their recounts were all the same. He was a blessing in the sheets and he worked wonders with his body to make a woman feel good.
Hanma knew he was an attractive guy. He was often called cocky or self centered by the insecure men on campus who were envious of the man’s popularity. It’d earn a couple laughs from him and he usually shrugged off such comments, because to be blunt, he didn’t have a single care in the world for any guy who came off as insecure. They could dream all they wanted. They would never be Hanma Shuji.
When he began his sophomore year of university, he figured he’d be used to the familiar routine he had his previous year. He would go to parties, indulge in some alcohol, and smoke cigarettes with the friends he had made prior. It was supposed to be an average year of dreaded assignments and waking up at the crack of dawn to get ready for class. He knew the routine. 
However, as with some routines, they begin to get disrupted by things out of their control.
That’s exactly what you did to Hanma’s usual college routine. You destroyed that wavelength he was riding on for the past year, and he was not a fan of that sudden shift. 
Hanma’s very first encounter with you occurred at a fraternity party. His honey eyes were searching for someone to hook up with that evening. He was already so exhausted from his classes that he needed some sort of release from the problems he was facing. There were many options in front of the man, but you were the jewel that shined behind them all. Hanma found it hard to believe that a woman as beautiful as you wasn’t paired with another man. Your glittery skirt that twinkled like stars on a dark night was what really stuck out. Though, it was your beauty that completely cultivated the man who was sitting just one room away from you.
The cigarette between his chapped lips almost slipped away from his mouth from how intensely he was staring at you. Could someone like you really be real? It was almost as if the gods themselves designed you like you were meant to be the perfect human being. 
What a woman he thought to himself. 
However, with that beauty brought disappointment to the man who had desired you. Hanma’s once excited heart had slowed when another man had draped his arm around your shoulders. He had bitter emotions when he realized that it was Ken Ryuguji that had accompanied you. How could that asshole pull a fine dime like you? He was well aware that Draken was a relevant man on campus. He was also known for his looks and his friendly nature towards his peers. Despite that, Hanma disliked the other man. He just couldn’t place his finger on why he couldn’t stand him.
Hanma eventually dropped the idea of trying to make a move on you, and moved on to some other random girl who had caught his attention. He let it go. It’s what he had to do. 
Unfortunately, that didn’t last long for him. 
Hanma didn’t know what it was, but you had infected his brain like a parasite and you refused to leave. He had barely ever seen you on campus except for the occasional chance that you were in the dining hall at the same time he was, but otherwise, you two hardly ever interacted with each other. What the fuck was his reasoning for thinking of you so much? You had a boyfriend. He was never the type to cross those kinds of boundaries, especially with guys like Ken Ryuguji around. He knew that’d lead to some unfortunate events that Hanma wasn’t looking to get involved in.
It didn’t take very long for Hanma to hear about the details of your relationship with Draken. He’d see the two of you all the time around campus. Sometimes you’d exchange kisses before heading to class, or Draken would hold your hand whenever he walked you back to your residence hall. Hanma despised seeing the two of you in such a romantic manner. He never liked relationships to begin with. He had enough sour run-ins with other girls in his past, so the idea of one made him physically ill. He also strayed away from them simply because who genuinely wanted a serious relationship in college? Many people his age were only there to have sexual relationships and nothing more than that. He was just another soul who trailed along with the bandwagon.
He often rolled his eyes whenever he saw social media posts about you and Draken. He’d see you two posing in different photos and your smile would be so wide that he was surprised your cheeks didn’t hurt afterwards. Hanma did his best to filter out those images from his mind, but they always flooded in at the worst moments. He just didn’t understand it. Why was he so perplexed by you? What did you do to him? 
“You like her, idiot.”
When his best friend Kisaki mentioned that to him, Hanma couldn’t help but chuckle. He honestly thought his companion was just messing around, but that laugh quickly faded when he saw Kisaki’s expression remain unchanged. He didn’t think he was genuinely serious, but he was. Hanma would never have thought that he liked you. It didn’t seem plausible whatsoever. He was practically one of the school’s playboys. Why would he of all people begin to fall for a girl that had hardly even looked his way? 
Denial was a great emotion and it was clear as day that Hanma was living through it.
He didn’t want to believe what Kisaki was saying was truthful. Hanma just thought you were a pretty girl, but if you were just a pretty girl, why were you on his mind? None of it made sense, nor did it add up. He wanted to believe he was just going through some odd phase and he’d be over it within a week or two. 
Weeks turned to months and here he was a year later. 
Hanma had completely pushed you out of his mind. He went on with his sophomore year and he ended up finishing it up faster than he had ever expected. He would occasionally see you roaming around campus with your friends or with your boyfriend, but otherwise, he completely avoided your presence. It sort of worked too. He had a completely opposite schedule than you did, and he was thankful that those emotions he once felt had fizzled out. He felt as if he could return to his normal routine he had his freshmen year. Hanma was beyond relieved to feel a sense of freedom.
Now entering his junior year, he had many things to look forward to as a third year in university. 
Being an upperclassman, his twenty-first birthday, and most of all, spending it with the people closest to him. He was beginning to look forward to the new beginnings that his junior year had to offer. He just couldn’t believe that he was already one year away from graduation. 
Though, this brought many stressors. 
Hanma had to figure out what the fuck he wanted to do with his life. He couldn’t keep fucking around and living his life in bliss. His academic advisor had warned him that things were about to get serious for the man, and he was somewhat afraid of that fact. He was growing up. One day, there wouldn’t be any more parties or hang outs with his friends. He couldn’t lie that it scared him shitless at times whenever he thought about it too much. He also had parents to impress while in the process. It took his mother a shit ton of work to even cough up the cost for his education. He didn’t want to disappoint anyone, let alone the one person on this earth that helped him get to where he is now. 
It burdened his mind so much he had to go out and take a breather. 
Hanma had picked up his smoking habit as a teenager. He remembered one of the kids in his high school handing him one inside of their car, and he never stopped since. His mother often scolded him for involving himself in that kind of lifestyle. Smoking sort of killed his lungs and now he can hardly go a day without pulling out one of the cancer sticks from his pocket. It wasn’t made any better when he was stressed from school, or just random shit in general that gave the man a problem.
The situation was no different now. He was roaming the sidewalks of the empty campus that was usually buzzing with life, but since the sun had gone down just an hour prior, it was pretty much a ghost town aside from him. He had one of his cigarettes between his teeth with the end burning, letting the strong stench of smoke fill his lungs with every breath. It was a quiet evening. The moon was bright and full in the night sky with an occasional cotton like cloud blanketing its surface. The lights that illuminated the campus walkways were beaming their usual yellow glow, revealing nothing but the grass or random bushels that were planted along the concrete. It was slowly turning into fall, but the air was sticky with humidity suffocating it. It didn’t seem to bother Hanma much, though. He just allowed the air to envelop his skin. 
Hanma had one of his hands inside the pocket of his shorts. He fished and twisted the lighter between his fingers while he walked the path of the walkway. It was a Friday evening, so many of the students were on the way to parties or they were heading home for the long weekend ahead. Hanma wasn’t doing either of those things. It was kind of a bummer, considering he always looked forward to getting intoxicated until the sun came up the next morning. He was just too exhausted to even think about staying up that late. 
Was this what being an adult felt like? 
He blew smoke through his nose, his eyes searching the surroundings. He could have sworn he saw a stray squirrel running through the trees, but he wasn’t too concerned about it. He just wanted to finish his walk and head back to his dorm where he’d probably just go straight to bed. None of his friends were around to hang out anyway.
Hanma’s body was about to turn down the other walkway, but he was halted when his eye caught the shadow of a person in the distance. To be honest, it scared the shit out of him at first. From where he was standing, it honestly looked like there was a ghost sitting on the bench underneath the light. Hanma knew of weirdos that would camp around campus looking to cause trouble, but that was fucking creepy. Any normal person would have minded their own business, but Hanma was curious. He wanted to know who was there and what they were up to. He was aware of a handful of parties occurring that evening, so he wondered if it was someone waiting for an Uber or someone who wandered away while drunk.
He flicked the end of his cigarette, then began creeping closer to the figure in the dark. They seemed unmoving and quite still, but Hanma could somewhat make out their features. It was a woman, and she seemed to be focused on something. He really hoped that deep down it wasn’t some kind of horror movie scenario where the curious guy gets murdered by the lady under the streetlight. 
As he grew closer, his vision began to become clearer and the cigarette between his lips almost went slack. 
Hanma’s heart quickened inside his chest when he realized that the person sitting underneath the light was you. Many questions bubbled inside his mind. Why were you alone out here? Why did you seem visibly upset? What was going on? He honestly didn’t know what to do. Hanma knew that any cautious woman wouldn’t be so easy going when it came to random men lurking around campus after hours. He wasn’t trying to give off the impression that he wanted to harm you, or do something bad. Hanma had the utmost intentions when it came to you. He’d never do something disrespectful or completely out of pocket to someone.
He hadn’t seen you since last semester. This was his first time seeing you in a few months. Not much had changed really. You still had that jaw dropping beauty that could make even him fall to his knees. It was almost as if those familiar feelings he had prior had somehow resurfaced, hitting him like a tidal wave. 
Hanma hadn’t realized how close he had gotten until you had lifted your head and stared at him like a deer in front of headlights. He wasn’t sure what to say, nor do. The cigarette he had previously lit was now burning, allowing some of the ash to split apart and trickle down onto the concrete near his feet. He was frozen there in front of you. What was he supposed to say? Being honest, it looked kind of awkward to have him standing there with a blank expression on his features. There was so much silence that he could practically hear the sound of cars roaring to life in the distance.
One thing was clear about your expression, and that was that you seemed off. You didn’t have that familiar smile he was so used to seeing on a daily basis. If anything, your mood seemed sour and you honestly seemed full of sorrow. He couldn’t see much detail due to the position of your head, but he knew something was wrong with you. 
“I’m sorry.. do you come here often or something? I can leave..”
Holy fuck. He was at a loss for words. Hanma had heard you speak before, but your voice was much softer now. It sounded apologetic, almost as if you were afraid to speak to the taller man. He had to admit, you had every right to be cautious around him. He was a six foot four man out in the evening with just a cigarette in his hand. That sort of reaction was deserved, but it only made him more curious. You were alone for a reason. You were usually such a social butterfly with someone by your side, so why was there a sudden absence.
Hanma swallowed, trying to find a response that seemed valid. He knew it was best to be as honest as possible with you. The very last thing the man wanted was to scare you or put you in an uncomfortable position. “No..” he cleared his throat, trying to remove that lump that had formed. “I was just takin’ a stroll.. and I saw you in the distance, so I was curious.” 
You remained quiet where you sat. Hanma tried to not stare too hard at you, but he wanted to try and read you. It was incredibly difficult though because he had no idea what your thoughts were or what was going through your mind. He figured he would just leave your presence, but there was another side of the man that told him to stay and watch you. You were by yourself out there. The night always brought out the bad in people and it’s when the creeps usually started lurking. He didn’t want something bad to happen to you out there. 
Hanma was surprised to see you shift around on the metal bench. You maneuvered yourself so your feet were now on the bench, and your knees were close to where your face was. Basically, you were in a fetal position, but you were sitting up. You sniffled, which caught his attention. It wasn’t cold outside, so you must have been crying. “I just needed to clear my head.. that’s all.” you stared at the specks of grass just a few feet before you. “I doubt telling a stranger would do much good..” 
Hanma frowned at your last sentence. He knew you probably had no idea who he was, which was a bit shocking because of his reputation, but that wasn’t exactly important right now. He didn’t like intruding in the business of those he didn’t really know much about, but you were clearly upset about something. He could see it in your body language and by your tone. 
Much to his dismay, he had no clue what to respond with. He couldn’t necessarily force you into speaking about whatever issue was on your mind. 
He took another hit of his cigarette, which was now nearing the end of its life. He released the smoke through his mouth upwards towards the sky, watching it disappear within the night. He just couldn’t bring himself to make eye contact with you. He didn’t know what it was. Hanma Shuji had spent his entire life making everyone around him fall to their knees, yet here he was now doing the same exact thing he swore he’d never do for someone else. “I see.. seems we’re in the same boat.” he finally spoke, averting his gaze to the sidewalk. “I hope your troubles get better, though.” 
Hanma flicked the end of his cigarette into the grass, then turned around to head back towards the dormitory he resided in. It was kind of a bummer, to be honest. He thought that maybe he’d have a chance to speak with you one on one for once in his life, but he seems to never reach that side of luck. 
His footsteps paused at the call of your voice booming behind him. Hanma’s head turned to look at you. You were still sitting atop the bench he had previously met you on, but your feet were now on the ground. He grew curious at your sudden outburst. Was there a reason for it? He wanted to know what was going through your mind, so he took a step back in the same direction you were in. 
Hanma could tell you seemed hesitant to speak to him. That’s what bothered him the most. The unknown is what made him anxious about the whole thing. He had no clue what might come from your lips. “I know it sounds dumb.. but.. I really need a friend right now. My roommate went home and I just..” you trailed off for a moment, seemingly thinking of your next reply. “I know we aren’t friends by any means, but someone to talk to would help me. I have so much on my mind, and I.. I don’t know what else to do.”
A tug formed in his chest at your voice. You sounded like you were in distress over something. It was almost heartbreaking for the man to hear. He knew what the sound of vulnerability was like, and you were almost a perfect image of that. Hanma knew it all too well when he had hit rock bottom several years ago. Being backed into a corner with zero help whatsoever was one of the most draining experiences he had ever had. It was also one of the loneliest and he wouldn’t wish that upon another human being.
Hanma figured he’d do what nobody else did, and he would listen to you. Even if venting to a stranger didn’t do much, you could at least say someone out there sat down and listened to your problems. 
He slowly walked over to the other side of the bench. Despite the temperature of the air being quite warm, he felt a chill from the metal of the seat he was sitting on. Hanma wanted to keep as much distance as possible from you, because he feared the chance of you growing uncomfortable with him being too close. The last thing he’d want is for you to make a dash back to your residence hall to report him for inappropriate behavior. “Go on, I’m listening..” he placed his elbow against the armrest of the bench, placing his full attention onto you. 
Your eyes flickered from the floor to where Hanma was sitting. Not gonna lie, it was kind of nerve wracking to sit next to him. He seemed a little intimidating by his stature and overall nature. Most people would think you’re crazy for sitting on a bench with a random guy you just met in the dark, but you were willing to take your chances. “Um.. this is odd to ask, but what’s your name? I’m (Y/N)..” you figured it wouldn’t be awkward to ask that kind of question, considering he was nice enough to know what you wanted to talk about. 
“Hanma Shuji.. it’s nice to meet you.” he glanced at you briefly, trying his best to make sure you were comfortable with him.
You nodded. His name sounded familiar. You could have sworn there was a classmate of yours that spoke of a Hanma, but you couldn’t exactly place your fingers on it since it was so long ago. “Likewise..” you softly smiled, but that smile soon faded into a frown when your mind reminded you of what had happened to you just a few weeks prior. 
Hanma toyed with the small box of cigarettes in his pocket. He almost wanted to offer you one in case you smoked, but most people denied him that. Not many people were fans of the toxic sticks that caused health issues in human beings. “So.. what’s bothering you? You don’t gotta say all the details.. but I’m more than welcome to listen to you.” he felt somewhat nervous in your presence. Knowing him, he would probably say the wrong thing to you, so he decided to be fragile with whatever words came out after your explanation. 
Silence wrapped around you two. The only sound that could be heard was the soft breeze that danced through the trees around you. 
You had no clue how to begin with your issue. So much had happened in the last few weeks that it completely messed with your head, and your mental health. To be honest, the kind of story you were about to tell could come off as embarrassing. While people validated your emotions constantly and tried to assist with the pain of your breakup, you still found yourself with somber thoughts that never seemed to end. How could they? You were with Draken for a whole year. That’s a lot of time to date and spend with somebody else. All of that time meant nothing after what he did to you just a few weeks after the semester had begun.
You remembered the details fairly well, considering how crazy that night went down.
It was one of the first parties of the semester. You and your friends decided to go with one another as a group. It was supposed to be a night of fun and drinking for your group. Draken had told you he was staying in that night because he had some extra homework assignments to do, and you thought absolutely nothing of that. It wasn’t the first time he had done that. However, if you knew then what you knew now, you would have called Draken on his bullshit. You wished you weren’t such an idiot for believing him that evening. 
Draken had cheated on you that night.
You weren’t sure why or what his reasoning was for cheating on you, but you discovered it because one of your friends had seen a girl leaving his dorm that night. When you confronted your now ex-boyfriend, he denied the entire thing. He said you were being delusional about it, and that’s what angered you the most. You had genuine proof of this interaction and why would a friend of yours lie? You knew better than to believe what Draken was saying to you, and you eventually broke off your relationship. He betrayed your trust and completely ruined you as a person. How could he do this to you? You gave him nothing but clarity throughout your entire relationship, so why couldn’t he do the same for you? 
You turned your body to face Hanma. He was seemingly waiting patiently for you to begin what you wanted to say. It was difficult to explain it without that familiar lump forming in your throat. You were sick of crying about it, but how could you not? He hurt you. “It may sound stupid.. but I was cheated on by my boyfriend.” you finally broke the silence around you. 
Hanma’s blood went cold when those words left your lips. He could hear the heaviness in your voice once again, and it made his stomach twist with guilt. Someone like you? Cheated on? That’s disgusting and absolutely unnecessary. Hanma could say he understood how you were feeling. He had previous relationships with girls who decided to sleep with others because they weren’t satisfied with what Hanma was offering them. He never usually let it get to him, but to anyone else that’s an extremely sickening experience to live through. Nobody deserved to get cheated on. Sure, there may be exceptions, but for no reason? That was ridiculous. If he wanted to cheat, he’d break off his damn relationship before he’d put someone else through that pain.
It also made him somewhat angry. He never felt the greatest vibes from Draken of all people. He assumed this was the exact reason he had been searching for. The guy just seemed to be too nice for Hanma’s liking. Though it was somewhat shocking, he always assumed that your relationship with him was perfect. Draken seemed to be in love with you, but guys like him could switch up anytime they wanted. It was just unfair to you. 
He started searching his mind for a response. He was very curious as to who and if there were other details you’d be willing to share. Hanma wasn’t going to force you of course, but he was itching to know what other information was there. “That’s not a stupid thing.. no one deserves to be cheated on, (Y/N). I could see why you’re upset about that..” he began. “Do you know who it was? Please don’t tell me you stayed with that asshole.” 
You shook your head. Not knowing who it was kept you up at night, but you didn’t even have the desire to figure out that factor. It’d only make that ache in your heart worsen. “N-No.. and personally, I don’t want to know, and I broke it off when I found out. I just.. I don’t get it. I gave everything to him and he just fucked me over..” you could feel tears welling in your eyes, blurring your vision from the stinging sensation. 
Hanma could see the hurt on your features. It only became worse when he saw tears streaming down your cheeks. He felt so so bad for you. Nobody deserved to go through such a heartbreak like that. Sometimes, a relationship coming to an end hurts more than any physical pain. 
He wasn’t sure if there were any words or phrases he could say to fix what happened to you. Well, to be real, there was nothing he could do. Healing from a breakup took time. You had to be patient with yourself and let the pain run its course. Hanma didn’t want to say the wrong thing as well. Your mind was fragile and could break like glass at any wrong movement. He struggled to find some kind of response, but saying absolutely nothing was worse than saying something that wouldn’t patch the wound in your heart. Hanma wasn’t the greatest with advice. Hell, he wasn’t the best man to tell a breakup about, but he knew if it was him he would want somebody else to offer something.
He knew offering pity wasn’t the greatest idea in the world. Some people disliked the idea of “i’m sorry” but it’s all he could come up with. “I’m sorry.. (Y/N). I’m not sure if you’ll ever find out why, but you didn’t deserve that. Your feelings are completely valid, though.” he finally looked at you for the first time since he sat down. 
Feeling embarrassed, you wiped away the stray tears that rolled down your cheeks. You had heard plenty of apologies from not just Draken, but your friends as well. You were used to it by now. You couldn’t get angry with the man in front of you for feeling remorse. Some guys would probably say it’s your fault and that you should forgive Draken, but you were relieved that Hanma actually had a brain unlike some of the other men you’ve spoken to on campus. “It’s fine.. thank you for letting me vent, Hanma.” you tried to force a smile, but it didn’t really last since you were still facing the emotions still.
There was that silence between the two of you again. Hanma wasn’t sure what else he was supposed to say, but he knew it was starting to become late. It had to probably be around nine o’clock now. 
Hanma didn’t want to stand up and just leave you by yourself. He recently recalled that you mentioned your roommate had left for the weekend, so you were alone. There also wasn’t a single soul out on the streets of campus right now, but he knew that the night brought out some strange people. He didn’t want you to walk home by yourself, so he figured he’d offer you something. “Look.. um, it’s getting late and I wanted to ask if you’d want me to accompany you on a walk back to your dorm? Only if you want.. no force.” he was cautious with his words, because he didn’t want to give off the wrong impression.
You chewed on your bottom lip. You were aware of how dark it was outside right now, and there were probably zero people out right now except for those who were going to parties. Hanma seemed to have a nice vibe to him, so you stood up and nodded your head. “Sure.. thank you, Hanma.” you smiled, looking at him.
Hanma sat up and removed himself from the bench. He was much taller compared to you, so you had to kind of look up when he came beside you. Even Draken could be called short next to this guy. “No problem.. lead the way.” he then placed his hands in his pockets, nodding his head forward towards the residence halls that were along the paths.
The two of you then set off away from your original start point. 
You and Hanma were sort of awkward at first. Besides the hidden fact that Hanma knew you, you didn’t seem to know him. He was okay with that, of course. It gave you both the opportunity to ask questions about each other, and that’s exactly what you did. He was a very curious man and you were a curious girl. It was a nice match. You two asked about each other’s hobbies, your majors, what year you were in, and other things of the sort. Hanma was able to learn a lot about you in such little time. He was even able to crack a giggle from you when he responded to one of your questions about his hobbies. It made him smile. You seemed comfortable and less stiff around him, and that’s exactly what he wanted. 
It felt nice getting to know someone all over again. Lately, you had little to no distractions and your mind was full of chaos. Speaking with Hanma and having the chance to hear something from someone else’s perspective gave you that ease you desired for so long. Sure, spreading your business to others may have not been the greatest choice since he was a stranger, but you could care less. Draken was the one who fucked you over at the end of the day.
The two of you both paused when you reached your residence hall. Hanma stood in front of you underneath the awning. The light above you flickered occasionally, showing the bulb’s age. It was just the two of you now. There wasn’t anybody else near the residence hall, except for the people inside. Hanma was sort of bummed to see that this conversation was coming to an end, but all good things must come to a close. The two of you would probably never speak again, and this would just be a distant memory. It was sort of a sour feeling for Hanma, but he was well aware that he could never force something like that between you both. 
You glanced up at Hanma. A smile formed on your features at the sight of the polite man. You were thankful that he didn’t pull anything that might have made you regret walking with him. He genuinely seemed like he had pure intentions. “Thank you.. for walking me back. I appreciate it!” you reached inside your pocket for your keycard that gave you access to your building. 
Hanma nodded. “No problem, (Y/N).”
Once you found your keycard, you weren’t sure why you couldn’t just let Hanma walk away. He had this drawing aura that led you to him for some reason. You started thinking to yourself if what you were about to ask would possibly leave you with regrets, but your friends constantly told you to take risks. It’d be friendly, nothing more than the two of you hanging out with one another. It was also a Friday evening. Your roommate was gone, and it’s not like any of your friends were around to hang out with you. They were probably drinking and getting high at a party at that very second. 
“Wait, Hanma.” 
He paused in his motions when you called out for him again. He turned his body around to face you, and his head cocked to the side. He wondered what you wanted to say to him. Hanma could visibly see the nervousness written on your face. Was he really that intimidating that he made you nervous? In some ways, he understood that. He was taller than most guys in his grade and he often gave people a scare, but he never liked it when it came from people he was associated with. 
You took a deep breath when you noticed his eyes lingering on you. You figured the worst thing Hanma could say was no, so fuck it. “Do you.. do you want to come up to my dorm? I have no one else to talk to.. and I doubt you do either.” you fidgeted with the card between your fingers, feeling somewhat anxious.
It was his turn to be shocked, once again.
Hanma never imagined you would ask him such a question. The two of you barely just met about ten minutes ago, and you were already inviting him up? He had nothing but good intentions with you of course, but still, he could hardly believe that you wanted to hang out with him. Hanma honestly thought you were too good for him. However, your words were very much truthful. He had nothing else better to do tonight. He’d probably go back to his dorm and just smoke until he was tired enough to fall asleep. Maybe hanging out with you would do some good for him.
He then turned and began to walk towards you where you were standing. “Sure, why not?” he shrugged, taking his hands away from his pockets.
You were quite stunned at how quick of a response you received from the man. Though, you were relieved that he didn’t think of you as some weirdo or something. Some people weren’t the nicest when it came to this kind of stuff, so thank god he wasn’t them. “Okay..” you replied, turning to the small lock box next to the large doors.
Reaching over, you pressed your keycard onto the box. You heard a small beep and the doors in front of you clicked, allowing you to open them up. The two of you entered the residence hall and began to make your way to your dorm room. Hanma thought it was quite ironic, because he had been in this dorm hall a few times his sophomore year. He had a fuck buddy he used to hookup with frequently that year. He was a bit surprised to see that you lived on that specific floor, but he was going to keep his mouth shut about it. It was a year ago, and not really his place to share. 
The two of you paused once they reached the door that belonged to you. Hanma eyed the decorations that were scattered along the material of the wood. There were random pieces of construction paper cut into different shapes, or stickers that were a plethora of colors. He thought it was kind of cute. The girls on campus always knew how to properly style their doors. The guys never really participated and thought it was genuinely stupid. Call him corny, but he'd decorate his door if Kisaki was down for it.
You unlocked the door and pushed it open, revealing your dorm and items inside of it. “Sorry if it’s messy..” you stepped inside, rearranging a few of the random objects you had on your desk. 
Hanma took a second to scan the room. Your living space was quite nice. There was the occasional random food wrapper on the vanity near your bed, but he didn’t see that as much of a problem. He knew guys on his floor that barely knew how to do their own laundry. Your stuff was all organized and well kept. Hanma was impressed if he was being honest. Your roommate also seemed to keep her side of the room fairly nice as well. Her bed was made and there wasn’t a single thing out of place. Maybe he’d consider living in your dorm for a little while. 
Kidding, but a nice thought.
Hanma watched you plop down on your bed. He wasn’t sure where he could sit, but he figured he’d just stand. He learned a while back that just popping a squat in someone’s home without permission would earn lots of side eyes. He wasn’t trying to invade your space, or act like he had some obligation to live there or something like that. 
“Oh! You can sit here.. don’t worry.” you patted the spot on your bed. It was near the end of the mattress, but Hanma could care less about that. 
Hanma sat down just a few feet in front of you. He was combing his brain to try and find something to talk about. He didn’t want this to be awkward, because to be honest, Hanma never liked the idea of awkwardness. It made him uncomfortable and it was always so embarrassing sometimes. “You got a nice place here..” he complimented, shifting his gaze towards where you were.
Despite it being a small one, you smiled at his nice gesture. You’ve had people in the past comment about your dorm and how it was pretty nice. “Thank you! My roommate and I spent a lot of time working on it together.” you crossed your legs, moving a bit closer towards him.
Hanma stared at you for a brief moment. His eyes took in the sight of your beautiful features. He liked your smile, a lot. He had met plenty of beautiful women in his life. Hell, his own mother was a gem, but you were just so gorgeous. It’s no wonder Hanma was attracted to you the second he laid his eyes on you almost a whole year ago. He just had so many questions for Ken Ryuguji. How could you cheat on a woman like that? He hated to be that guy, but he would never ever cheat on you. Let alone any woman he’d be in a serious relationship with. Being unfaithful was such an ugly quality, and it was always the beautiful down to earth women that had to suffer with those assholes who couldn’t stop themselves. 
Hanma may have had a reputation on campus as a guy who had sex with many girls, but he still had a moral compass unlike some people. He’d never play with someone’s feelings, and he was always one hundred percent with anyone he came across. 
He wasn’t sure what made you do what you did next, but before he knew it, your lips were on his. 
A small, but savory kiss was shared between you both. For a second, Hanma had the urge to grab your jaw and deepen the kiss. Your lips were so smooth and soft. It was almost as if he was kissing a nice piece of jelly candy. He could almost faintly taste the chapstick you wore, and it only made him want to do more. However, despite this trance he may have been in, Hanma came back into reality and realized what was happening. You two shouldn’t have been doing this. 
Hanma pulled away, splitting your lips apart from one another. He quickly averted his gaze onto you. He could see a mix of shame and embarrassment rushing onto your features. He could tell that you probably didn’t want to do that. He wasn’t angry, no, he could never be angry about something as small as a kiss, but he knew this wasn’t right for you. “(Y/N).. we shouldn’t do that. I have nothing against you.. believe me, but you’re going through a really hard time. I don’t want you to have regrets.. and I shouldn’t do anything since you’re in a bad state.” he sounded serious this time. For the first time in his life, he was actually placing someone else before himself. That’s never occurred before. 
You let out a shaky sigh. You knew kissing Hanma was a bad idea the second you leaned in to him, but he was staring at you in such a way that made you feel butterflies. You missed feeling those kinds of emotions around someone else, but he was right. You were in a bad state. You were just cheated on not even a couple weeks ago. 
But, god, you needed a distraction from all of this. You were so fucking tired of thinking about Draken with someone else. It drained you all the time, and all you wanted was a little escape. You knew a simple orgasm wouldn’t make up for the endless amounts of tears you wept for Draken, but it was a start. Maybe not the healthiest option, but it gave you temporary relief from all of the bullshit you’ve had to deal with. You wouldn’t make Hanma have sex with you, and you honestly felt like an idiot for trying to initiate it that way. 
You avoided his gaze as much as you could. You then placed your hand on your temple, pinching it in frustration at how dumb you looked. “I’m sorry.. Hanma.” you shook your head. “I just.. I really want this with you, Hanma. I need a distraction from all of this. I can’t stop thinking about him being with that girl.. it eats me up.” 
Hanma understood completely why you wanted to do that with him. That familiar feeling of guilt plagued his heart once again. He had seen this sight before on many people he knew. Using sex as a coping mechanism to fix your broken heart. For some, it did the magic, but other times it didn’t do anything. It did a lot more damage than any breakup ever could. Hanma couldn’t necessarily relate to that, but he knew it was a personal battle that drained a human being. Seeing you suffer in such a way made him angry, but also sorrowful. 
He knew no amount of words could fix you, but if you wanted to go through with it, he wouldn’t deny you of that. 
Hanma let out air through his mouth. He knew the silence was probably killing you inside, so he figured he’d better say something rather than nothing. He needed confirmation of your thoughts. “Are you sure?” he raised his eyebrows. 
You reached forward to touch one of Hanma’s hands. He was a bit surprised to feel your hand against him. “Yes, please, Hanma.” you replied, sounding confident in your response.
He could hear the sincerity in your voice. That’s exactly what Hanma was searching for in your reply. If you sounded unsettled or unsure, he wouldn’t have trusted your words. He didn’t want you making a decision that you still had zero clarity on. He wanted you to be comfortable. He then thought of another idea to make sure you were at ease. “If you want to stop, tell me.” he then placed your hand on his right shoulder. “Tap me here, twice. We’ll stop this and there will be zero questions asked, got it?” 
You looked briefly at his shoulder, then at Hanma. You nodded your head, understanding what he told you. “Okay,” you responded. 
For a few moments, neither of you were sure who would make a first move. Hanma didn’t want to seem so insistent. He thought that maybe you would take the lead, but considering what happened a few minutes prior, he wasn’t sure that would even happen. He decided to initiate it this time. He did inform you of what you had to do in order for him to stop, so he trusted that you would do so if you were uncomfortable. 
Hanma leaned in, catching your lips onto his own. Those same familiar feelings he had a while ago slowly returned. He felt your lips reciprocating against his own, which was somewhat relieving for him. You liked this. He would be more worried if you were unmoving, but you weren’t. He started to slowly deepen the kiss with his tongue. He swiped his muscle along your bottom lip, allowing you to part your mouth so he could slip into you. Fuck, it was too good. He started moving towards you on the bed, which in turn led you to lying down so he was hovering over your body. The kiss between you stayed connected. You placed your hands on his face, then moved them around his neck. His skin was smooth, there wasn’t a single imperfection on the man above you. 
The hand with ‘Sin’ tattooed on the back began to trail down your side. His fingertips glided and touched at every curvature on your body. He almost groaned from how soft and sweet your skin felt underneath his hands. He could feel all the blood rushing to his cock. It was honestly hard to believe that you were getting him all worked up already, but he didn’t have a single complaint about that. It only made him more excited for what was about to come. 
A small moan left your lips when Hanma’s hand ghosted over your breast. Your nipple hardened immediately from the touch of his hand against the flesh. Your body was heating up. It was almost feverish against Hanma’s colder hands. Is this what you had been missing? The touch of a man? Hanma could care less if calling Draken a boy offended others. No “man” would ever cheat on his girlfriend. 
Hanma lifted his head, disconnecting your lips from one another. Your once smooth lips were now puffy and a little swollen from all of the kissing. They were also glossy from the spit. You had this seductive expression on your face. It made him so hard to see it. He couldn’t help but smirk, but he also had other thoughts. How could Draken ever cheat on such a divine woman such as you? You were like a goddess that Aphrodite herself worked on. He wanted to see every little part of you. He knew that you were beautiful inside and out, that was something he was absolutely sure of. 
His fingers wrapped around the fabric of the loose t-shirt you wore. He shifted his golden eyes towards you. “Can I..?” he questioned, searching your face for any signal of hesitation or fear. 
You felt the brief touch of his fingertips against your navel. You nodded your head, feeling relieved at his care for your comfortability. “Yes..” you lifted yourself up so Hanma could remove your shirt from your body.
Hanma did exactly that. He pulled your shirt over your head and tossed the fabric somewhere onto the floor of your bedroom. Hanma stared in absolute awe at your body. It almost made him blush for a brief second. There wasn’t a single imperfection on you. Your pretty breasts, down to your waist, and the curves of your hips. Everything was so beautiful to Hanma. You were beautiful with clothes on, but without clothes you were stunning. “Pretty..” he leaned towards you again, pecking your lips again.
He started to trail kisses along your jawline, then towards your neck. Hanma could feel your pulse against his lips as he nipped at your flesh. Whimpers slipped from your mouth at the sensation of his warm tongue swiping against your sweet spot. God, those noises made him harder than a rock. He liked every little thing about you. There was so much to like and enjoy. Hanma wished that he had made a move on you first. It’d save you from all of the shit that Draken put you through. Hanma could treat you a million times better than he did. He knew relationships were never on his mind, but he knew regardless of having one he’d do so much more than Draken did.
Hanma then began moving downward towards your chest. His lips left wet kisses along your breasts and in the valley between them. You gasped several times when his tongue would stick out, wetting your flesh. It only encouraged Hanma to keep going. 
He paused when he reached the band of where your shorts were. He looked up at you. Your breathing seemed heavier now and you were watching him with desire in your eyes. “Can I..? I promise to be gentle, baby.” he nodded, raising his eyebrows at you. 
You found a sense of comfort in his sweet tone of voice. His eyes were so genuine. It was like you were almost melting in his hands from how good he made you feel. For so long, you were completely under this impression that there was something wrong with you. Insecurity followed you around like a ghost constantly haunting every single thought you had. Hanma was like the priest, banning the ghost away from you and allowing you to live with ease. It was like a weight was being lifted off of your shoulders. Like you could genuinely breathe again.
However, you grew very shy. This was the first time someone other than Draken was going to see the parts of you that were concealed from others. 
There it was again. Those intrusive thoughts that really brought you back to square one. You didn’t want to believe that Hanma would make you insecure. It wasn’t his fault, but you had a hard time wanting to believe that he genuinely liked what he saw in you. Draken told you so many things that turned out to be fat lies at the end of the day. What if Hanma was going to be exactly like Draken? He could very well be playing this facade. You disliked that thought and it almost made you want to stop. 
Hanma didn’t fail to observe that unsettled expression on your features. It made his stomach twist with nervousness. Had he gone too far this time? He was taking his time with you, or so he thought he was. “Is something wrong..? Do you want to stop..?” he looked at you with concern written on his face. He rubbed small circles on the plush of your thigh to soothe you. 
You bit the inside of your cheek. You grew worried that your words might make you look stupid. “I.. I just feel a little shy..” you looked away for a moment. “I don’t want you to not like what you see.. you know?” 
Christ, Draken really ruined you didn’t he? Hanma could understand that you had your reasons for feeling the way you did. Breakups make people question their self worth all of the time, so it was no wonder you were so nervous to be naked in front of him. Hanma didn’t want for you to feel that way in front of him. He truly saw so much beauty in you that it pained him that you weren’t treated properly. You deserved to have the best treatment from someone. 
He lifted his eyes to look into your anxious ones. He had to reassure you. Hanma didn’t want you to feel scared of him, or to feel nervous at what his opinions may be about your body. “You don’t need to feel that way.. you’re already so beautiful to me, (Y/N).” he kissed at your thighs, causing goosebumps to litter your skin. “We don’t have to continue like this.. I wouldn’t hold it against you.”
You smiled to yourself at his gestures. You felt this sense of comfortability washing over you again. It was a nice feeling. Your chest swelled with warmth swirling around through it. “I-It’s okay.. Hanma. I want to do this with you..” you nodded, reassuringly.
Hanma’s worries were washed away at your confident voice returning once again. He was feeling great, knowing that he was able to relax you properly. He found it quite surprising that a woman like you would feel insecure, but knowing you were in a relationship with tons of invalidation, he knew it was understandable for your feelings to be upside down. “Okay.. I’m going to take these off now, doll.” he hooked his fingers underneath your shorts, along with your underwear. Hanma then began to slowly pull them off of you. They traveled down your thighs, then towards your calves, and lastly your ankles where they slid off nicely.
He felt your body shiver as soon as the rest of your clothes came off. Hanma’s mouth instantly watered at your pretty pussy on display for him. Your cunt was visibly wet, almost soaked. He barely did anything to you and you were already a mess? He was going to have so much fun with you. Your puffy clit was practically calling his name and it made his cock even more hard inside his shorts. 
Hanma opened your thighs just a bit wider. He watched you with lustful eyes to see for any signs of discomfort. When he didn’t see any, he stuck out his tongue and began to drag it along your folds. A whine erupted from your mouth at the contact he made with your pussy. Hanma took that as a sign to continue going, so he started to lap at your slick. The taste was just as divine as you were. He rubbed your pretty thighs while he started to suck and lick at the most sensitive parts of your clit. He could do this for hours if it meant he got to hear you say his name like a prayer. Fuck, he wanted nothing more than this for so long. He was almost like a little kid at a candy store right now. You were so sweet.
He started swirling his tongue over your pearl, earning several loud whines and gasps from your throat. Hanma was so turned on. His cock was painfully aching inside his shorts. It felt like his own boxers were beginning to suffocate him from how hard he was. 
He used the hand with sin on the back to rub small circles on your clit. His thumb moved so slowly, yet it gave you so much pleasure. Hanma smirked to himself at your reactions. The heels of your feet began to dig into his shoulder blades, and you could hardly keep yourself quiet. You were such a fucking sight. He couldn’t keep his hands off of you. There was always something new he discovered, and he couldn’t get enough of you. 
Your fingers laced themselves into his wavy hair, nails digging into his scalp. Hanma’s eyes flashed upwards towards where you were lying down at. Your face was twisted with pleasure. Your mouth was also parted open with such needy cries coming from it. “H-Hanma! Ohh! So good..” you whimpered, looking down at him with half-lidded eyes.
The way his name rolled off your tongue made his cock twitch. He could feel the pre-cum sticking to his boxers. It was taking everything inside of the man to not completely fuck your brains out. He believed a woman like you deserved the princess treatment, but he really wished he could go all out. Maybe some other time, if you were ever open to that. He was just enjoying the pretty little view he had. He could eat your pussy for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You were just too fucking good for him. 
The tip of Hanma’s tongue poked at your entrance, causing you to jolt upwards. He liked that. Your reaction made him smirk as he slurped at your pussy. “Like that, princess..?” he pulled away for a brief second. His voice was quite raspy from how long he had been eating you out. “You taste as good as you look.”
Warmth spread across your cheeks at his comment. You began to giggle at it. It may have sounded corny, but it was probably one of the nicest things you’ve heard in a while. Hanma really knew how to turn your sour mood into a much happier one. He was also very talented with his mouth. It turned you on so much. You didn’t think a simple stranger could do so much for you. “Yes.. I love it, H-Hanma..” you nodded, a smile appearing on your features. 
He chuckled, then returned back to your cunt that was even more messier than before. Hanma took some of the spit inside his mouth and let it coat all over your swollen clit. He loved giving messy head. It was one of his favorite things to do whenever he went down on a girl. You seemed to be enjoying it as well. Your grip on his hair had tightened and your thighs were trembling in his hands. He started running his tongue over your sensitive bud at a vigorous pace. Your head was thrown back in pleasure now, and your breathing became quite rapid from the intensity of his actions.
Hanma kept his hold on your thighs tight as he swirled his tongue. Your voice rang in his ears and he thought it sounded so lovely. He was becoming desperate himself. His cock begged to be freed from his boxers. He had to practically rut his hips into the mattress to feel some sort of relief from the ache. He just couldn’t wait to have himself buried inside of your sweet pussy.
There was a pit forming inside your stomach that was growing larger every minute. Hanma could sense that you were heading towards your climax, but he didn’t want you to fall apart for him just yet. As much as he would have adored seeing such a erotic sight, he wanted you to experience the full thing. He wanted your first orgasm of the evening to come from his cock, not his mouth. He could experience that some other time, but for now, he wanted to take a pause and give you both some of that euphoria you had been desiring the entire night.
Hanma removed his mouth from your soaked pussy. A whine came from your lips at the missing feeling. You wondered what he might have been up to, because it wasn’t fair to you. You were so close. “W-What are you doing..? I was close..” you almost pouted from how upset you were over your denied orgasm. 
He sat up from where he was positioned between your legs. Your slick and a mixture of his spit had covered his chin and his lips. Hanma shifted around so his face was now just a few inches from yours. A sly smirk had written itself on his features. “Because the only place I want you to cum is around my cock, baby..” he then captured your lips within his, allowing you to taste yourself on his tongue.
Hanma then pulled away, untying the loops that held his shorts up. He also took the second to remove his shirt as well. You watched him pull down his shorts, along with his boxers. His cock sprang free, slapping against his abdomen with droplets of pre-cum leaking down his pinky tip. Hanma felt so much relief being out of his boxers for once. He thought he was going to explode if he went any longer. 
Once he was fully undressed, he hovered over you once again. He was a very well built guy. Despite being sort of lanky, he had enough muscle to have you gawk at him. He was handsome, so fucking handsome. 
Hanma realized very quickly that he didn’t have a condom on him. That horror wasn’t great to feel, considering the two of you were just about to get your business started. He figured he’d ask for your permission because he wasn’t the kind of guy to go in raw without the okay from another person. “I don’t have a condom..” he looked down at you. “If you don’t want to.. it’s alright.”
You shook your head, reaching up to cup one of his cheeks. “It’s okay.. I want you, Hanma.” you smiled, reassuringly.
Hanma was relieved to hear such words. He would be okay with either answer you gave, but going home with blue balls would have probably hurt him. He pushed all of those thoughts aside and placed his focus onto you. He positioned the tip of his cock at your entrance. He began to rub himself against your slick. He groaned slightly at the feeling of your pussy gliding against him. You were so fucking wet. He could probably slip inside you with zero effort needed.
He then pushed himself inside your cunt. A sharp gasp filled the air from you as his cockhead split you open. Fuck, he was so big. Hanma groaned from how tight your walls were. You practically sucked him in with such ease that it took almost all of his strength to not start fucking you right then and there. After several seconds, he completely bottomed out. His cock stretched out your pussy to almost its limit. Oh how badly you needed each other. Hanma began searching your expression for possible signs of discomfort or signals that told him to stop, but instead, you were staring at him with these hazy eyes that made his dick twitch. He took that as a sign to move and he began to slowly thrust into you. You were like Heaven itself, so perfect and pretty.
Hanma kept at a leisurely pace. He feared possibly going too quick for your liking, so he wanted to take his time. Besides, he had all of the time in the world to take care of you. He wanted exactly that. He could hardly maintain himself, though. The sight before him was like no other, and your pussy was driving him insane. 
Your moans grew somewhat louder. You lifted your hands away from your chest and placed them on his shoulders. Your touch on his skin made Hanma quicken himself just a bit. It was like silk, so soft and almost addictive. “H-Hanma..! ‘So good.. fuck!” your eyes stared at where his cock was filling you up. It honestly made you even more turned on.
He smirked at your words. Hanma could feel the way your walls fluttered around his cock while you looked at him. He didn’t think he was that much of a turn on for you, but there were no complaints there. “Yeah..? It’s good, princess? We’re just getting started..” he winked, trailing his fingers along your waist.
The pace Hanma was going at was good, but you felt as if you needed more of him. He was sparking so many things inside of you that all you wanted was to burn for him. You needed him. He was by far the best man you had slept with in a long time. In some aspects, you were curious about what else Hanma could do for you. He was experienced, clearly, so what else was he capable of? You wanted to know. “More..!” you gasped, looking at Hanma with desperate eyes. “N-Need more, Hanma..! Please!” 
The word “more” flowed into Hanma’s ears like a nice song he could never get enough of. He was a little taken back at your request. Your voice came off so whiny and full of need that Hanma swore to god he could have cum right then and there from it. He originally wanted to be careful with you. He knew you were fragile, but that idea completely fell out the window at your desire for more from him. Hanma was more than capable of showing you what else had had up his sleeve. He did claim that you were both just getting started here, so why not get things going properly? Who was he to deny such a thing from you? The most pretty girl ever? Heh, he wasn’t going to leave you hanging. 
The hand with ‘Punishment’ tattooed on it went to wrap around your throat. His grip was firm and quite tight. Your cunt lightly squeezed around him. Heh, you were so fucking easy to read. You were a little freak, and he knew that now. Hanma could show you all kinds of things. “Alright, baby.. just hold still and let me do it all for you, okay? I’ll give you it all..” he smooched your lips, then adjusted your legs so they were now around his waist. 
Hanma’s pace quickened, almost relentless against your cunt. Your eyes rolled behind your skull at his assault on your insides. Your body was completely on fire now. There was sweat beginning to form on both of your bodies, giving a small shine to your skin. Nothing else mattered to you right now. You were in complete and utter bliss underneath him. 
He could feel himself getting lost within you. You were so so perfect. He had that thought cross his mind many times that night, and how could he not? It was true. Hanma hadn’t felt something like this in such a long time. Having sex with someone he truly felt connected with was unlike any of the other hookups he had. He vaguely recalled trying to swallow down that envy he felt whenever he saw you with Draken. If he knew then what he knew now, he would have stepped in to warn you. He knew you’d probably never have the heart to believe his words, but if it prevented the heartbreak you had experienced he’d do anything to prevent that. 
The palm that was around your throat squeezed and prevented the flow of blood to continue through to your brain. “You like that, babydoll..? Fuuucckk, yeah, I know you do. Can feel you clenchin’, baby.. you like it when I fuck you? Fuck you better than he ever did, yeah? ‘Gonna make you cream all over this cock.. you want that, princess?” he stared down at you with a smirk.
Your head was dizzy, but you managed to get a nod as a response. Hanma released his hold on your throat, which allowed that hazy feeling to disappear from your brain. He loved seeing you in such a state. “Mmm, Hanma.. need you..” you whimpered, reaching forward to wrap your arms around his own neck. “F-Fuck me good.. please..”
Hanma loved hearing the desperation in your sweet voice. He could listen to it for hours and never get bored of it. He’d grant you every desire you may have. He didn’t care about the cost. You deserved the world and he’d be the one to give you it. Hell, he’d give you a part of his own to make up for the one you lost due to that asshole. He would make you forget about him. He didn’t deserve you in the first place. 
Using sin, Hanma used the pad of his thumb to rub small circles on your puffy clit. Bolts of electricity danced along your belly from the increased pleasure he applied to your cunt. There was so much going on around you. You could hardly handle it. Hanma switched his angle and began to thrust into you at that same quick pace. However, this time, he was able to find that spot inside you that made your vision fill with white stars. Your cries were much louder this time and you couldn’t help but tremble at his actions. Hanma quickly picked up on your behavior. He grinned to himself knowing that he found the button he had been searching for all evening. He continued fucking it and kissing it with the tip of his cock. You were on cloud nine. Every time he hit it, you were almost on the verge of tears. He was too good.
He smirked at the faces you made. Your jaw went slack and those gorgeous eyes of yours were cloudy. You were almost completely fucked out by his cock. “Look at you.. – shit – lookin’ so pretty while taking my cock..” he cooed, his tone smooth like honey. “So perfect.. so good, doll.”
The familiar knot inside your belly began to tighten and make itself known with each rut of Hanma’s hips. Your pussy was fluttering and tightening around his dick. Hanma knew you were close. He was beginning to get excited at the thought of your cunt making a nice mess around him. With each thrust, your pussy squelched and made all kinds of delicious noises that made him only want to increase the pace he set himself at. He wanted to give you the best orgasm you’ve ever had. He desired to be so much better than your fuckhead ex-boyfriend. 
Hanma placed his hand on your chin, forcing you to look up at him. He gritted his teeth as he pounded into your hole. Your moans were almost like screams now from how loud your voice had become. “You gonna cum? Yeah – jesus – fuck! Gonna make you cum for every time he broke your pretty little heart, babydoll.” he started grunting when he realized you finally reached your high. Your walls spasmed around his cock, creaming and leaving a nice ring around the base. Your body was trembling and shaking and all you could call out was his name. “Yeah.. that’s my girl.. good girl, (Y/N)..”
You looked at Hanma through your eyelashes. Your body was completely going through such great ecstasy. You hadn’t expected your high to ripple through you so hard, but he just fucked you so good it was no shocker. “Y-Your girl, Hanma! All yours..!” you blubbered, digging your fingernails into the flesh of his shoulder blades.
Hanma couldn’t help but bear a smile at those words. You were so right about that. You were his now. He wasn’t going to let anybody else hurt you, especially Draken of all people. He was going to absolutely make sure of that from here on out. “Yeah.. that’s right, princess. You’re my good girl..” he glanced downward for a brief moment to watch his cock slip inside you. 
His own orgasm was upon him as well. His cock was twitching and his groans had become much deeper than they did before. The hold he had on your body was tightening. He didn’t want to let go of you. Hanma had the urge to fill you up. He wanted to know if that was something you’d be into. He wouldn’t care if you weren’t, but fuck, filling that pretty cunt to the brim with his cum sent him into overdrive. It only turned him on more when he thought about it seeping out of your little hole. His cum, nobody else’s. He could even massage it back into you so it stayed nice and warm inside your womb. 
Hanma peered down at you. Your eyes were still fixated on him hovering right above you. “Where do you want my cum, baby? Tell me..” he leaned down towards your ear, nibbling on the shell of it.
His words processed through you and you wondered what was the best option. Not gonna lie, you were in the mood to have some more fun, so you figured you’d give him that opportunity to let him breed you. It’d only happen this once, and you were on the pill anyway. “I-Inside me, Hanma..” you whined. “Cum inside me, please.. please..!”
You were so fucking nasty, but he loved it. Your voice begging for his cum was enough for him to start fucking you with that vigorous pace once again. “Fuck.. gonna fill you so good, baby. Don’t you worry about – fuck – a single thing.. you’ll be full..” he pried your thighs apart to have an even greater access to your pussy. 
With one final thrust, Hanma’s cock twitched and his balls tightened up inside you. A groan rumbled in his throat from the effects of his climax washing over him. Thick and hot ropes of his cum began to paint your velvet-like walls, seeping into your womb. He gritted his teeth at the sensation of his high. You let out a few small whimpers when you felt that warmth spreading across your belly. It was so nice. 
Hanma panted. A few strands of his black and blonde hair clung to his forehead from the sweat that had formed on his skin. There was a light pink flush on the apples of his cheeks. The room’s temperature had gradually increased, which was expected. He was feeling the post orgasm effects. Despite that, he didn’t have a single regret about the activities you engaged in that evening. He was proud of you. He hoped that maybe your mind would be taken off your situation for just a little while. It may have been temporary, but it was nice to get away from it all for just a small amount of time.
Your thighs relaxed around him, letting your feet fall flat against your bed. Hanma was still buried inside you, making sure that his cum didn’t leak out and cause a mess on your sheets. He leaned down to your face and pressed a gentle kiss on your lips. The kiss made your cheeks burn, but you gladly put your hands on his face. Your thumbs brushed against his warm skin that was still a baby pink. It was sweet. It made your heart jump for joy. 
Hanma abandoned your lips for a brief moment to stare into your eyes. Your noses touched and your lips were now just inches apart from one another. “You feeling alright, doll?” he breathed against your mouth, his breath tickling your skin underneath it.
You shook your head, brushing a few of the hair follicles away from his eyes. He was so much more ethereal up close like this. His golden eyes that mirrored a sunset were too pretty to look away from. “Yes.. thank you, Hanma.” you smiled, pressing your lips against his once again. This time it was just a small peck. 
Hanma questioned if he should stay with you that night. He wasn’t sure if your intentions were to have him sleep there. Staying for the evening would possibly cause attachments, and Hanma didn’t usually indulge in that. It was always wrong to stay and cuddle up with somebody you had zero intentions of being with. However, Hanma felt as if he could do that for you. “Do you.. want me to stay? No pressure.. I just don’t want to make you uncomfortable..” his eyes flickered from your neck to your face. 
His words stunned you a bit. Usually, hookups never really stuck around and they dipped after having sex like this. Though, Hanma was gracing you with an offer. Maybe this once. “Just once.. I don’t want to be alone tonight..” you felt embarrassed with your reply, but it was true. You didn’t want to be by yourself. 
He chuckled, kissing your lips again. “Fine with me, babydoll.” he then lied down beside you, pulling out in the process. 
Hanma placed one of his large hands around your waist, bringing your body close to his. Your chests were now pressed together and your head was tucked underneath his neck. He smelled good, despite just having sex with you a few minutes prior. Your heart relaxed and you began to find comfort in him. He was someone you wanted to see again. It didn’t matter if it was just a hookup or as his friend. There was something that drew you to Hanma Shuji, and you just couldn’t put your finger onto what that exact thing could be. 
He was like a bright flame, burning in the middle of the night. You were the moth fluttering around that flame, endlessly. 
“Thank you.. for helping me.” you spoke into the silence, not looking up at him.
Hanma’s chin rested on the top of your head. He was just doing what he felt was right. He knew you needed that distraction, and he was happy to be it. “No problem..” he began to play with the strands of your hair with his fingers.
You smiled to yourself, melting into his embrace. You hoped you would see more of Hanma Shuji in the future.
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antimony-medusa · 1 year
This is verging on discourse, but I have to say, as someone aroace with the emphasis on the aro, it's a trifle disheartening to ever try to look for queerplatonic relationships that look like mine within this fandom. QPRs can cover a broad spectrum of experiences, and it always seems that within MCYT what a QPR looks like has calcified into this one depiction that is very close (but not actually crossing the line) to shipping, just without kissing or sex! With emotional connections that are very similar (but not quite) to romance, hitting many of the same beats. And that just doesn't reflect my experience at all. Personally, I have more fun reading about straight ahead romance than a qpr that hits almost all the same notes, but just doesn't quite go there, that never digs into an aro or ace experience that I recognize, and that is always what I seem to find when I go cruising the tags.
For one thing, QPRs are not just an ace thing, and they definitely don't have to be a sexless thing! You can be aroallo and in a QPR and have sex, or you can be ace and in a QPR and have sex for the sake of your partner, or just for fun! Sex is fun for a lot of ace people, including those in QPRs, and using QPR eternally to mean "sexless" cuts off a large swath of the population that DOES have sex, for whatever reason. And there are tons of ace people who are extremely fine with kissing, including people who are sex adverse, so using a QPR are a shorthand to mean "sexless and also kissless" is only depicting a very narrow slice of the experience.
And QPRs in practice often look very different from romance, including with people who are romance-adverse, and who don't want any of the trappings that normally come with romance (marriage, specific terms like "love" or "darling", metaphors or positioning like "half of my heart" or "soulmate"), and I just never get to see that. A QPR can be two people who sleep in seperate rooms co-parenting a kid! (Or more than two people!) A QPR can be people married together and sharing a bed and holding hands at the movies and calling each other "darling", or it can be people who signed legal paperwork together who call each other "bro", and those are BOTH valid QPRs. But I only ever get to see the one that looks so close to romance that it's alienating to me, while people tell me that I should be happy to be depicted. (I'm not depicted.)
And I'm also frustrated because I have read QPRs that are sharing all the same hallmarks-of-romance-but-no-sex that I would theoretically have a problem with, but they also ring as true to me because people actually talk about what the relationship is and isn't to them, and I go Yes! Not me but I am on a similar wavelength! But so many people just go "QPR" but never unpack the actual ace/aro/aroace experience, so again I'm left with something that is using all the romance and affection tropes that I've come to expect over decades of living in an amonormative society, just slapping a "but it's platonic" on it at the very end. Where's people making assumptions about your relationship that you have to consider whether to correct or not? Where's the inside jokes? Where's the intimacy negotiations and teasing each other about what you want in terms of touch+? Where's the doing life together in a non-romantic way? Where's the epic friendship? Where's the aro experience? (If we're mutuals, you probably write all of these things, and I'm not complaining about you, you're good.)
And it's hard to escape the feeling that at least some of these people are writing QPR because they're afraid of shipping, as I see the tags scroll endlessly by, not because they actually want to depict the a-spec experience.
Some of it is just people not used to writing affection outside of the romance tropes in our society, and some of it is that so many guestures of affection in our society get romance-coded when like, holding hands is not inherently romantic, I know. But sometimes, man, I want to tell people that it's okay to romantically ship, they don't have to keep it platonic, if they're going to write something that is so similar to shipping but has a giant "don't worry, these guys don't fuck" stamped on it.
I don't know, maybe there are even less people like me than I thought. Or maybe the people like me aren't writing fanfiction (lol).
I don't know. QPRs are more varied than they get depicted, and the a-spec experience is special to me and I wish it got written in its diversity. It's frustrating to see only ever one type of QPR, one that is exclusionary to me. I wish I could see the tag and not know exactly what that relationship looked like, or saw something that I felt was strongly influenced by what the characters are, instead of the same sort of sexless romance-lite every time.
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teeny-tiny-revenge · 1 year
We don't talk about the insane amount of chemistry Stede and Ed have enough. Like, anytime they're on screen together they just fit. Honestly that's what sold me on this ship, like, immediately. I was late to the party; I knew they were a romantic pairing when I started watching. I'm also very ace, and romance in shows often just loses me, because they like to focus on how attracted the characters are and nothing else and it makes my brain bluescreen. But this? Have you fucking seen them? From their first actual conversation in Episode 4 on, they just click. They have so much chemistry. It bowled me right the fuck over. "Oh, it's this type of relationship, one of those magical times when you meet someone and you're just on the same wavelength." Two puzzle pieces slotting right into place. From the get go, they just bounce off each other. They compliment each other just right.
I love the way they had Mary describe love to Stede at the end of the season, because, yeah, that's it, but also, that's been what they were written and acted as all the way from the beginning. Mary's speech clicks with Stede because that's exactly what his relationship with Ed was from the start. We've seen several episodes of them representing this description perfectly. They understand each other, find things about each other charming and interesting that turn other people in their acquaintance away. They enjoy a lot of the same things, yes, but they also just... enjoy things in the same manner. That's part of what I mean by they're on the same wavelength. They are delighted by Stede's model ship and his fancy fabrics and his hidden closet, and by the theatrics of a good fuckery. They have fun together, and they have fun because the other one has fun. This is a couple who genuinely enjoy each other, who can just hang out and talk for hours about inane things and weirdly specific niche interests, and that's my jam right there. You can just see them enjoying spending time together in all areas of life, and that's so rare to see?
It also makes me more optimistic for whatever will happen in season two, because yeah, things look bleak right now, and yes, they hurt each other and they'll have to heal and regrow their trust and all that, but this foundation of just being so good together, this two perfect puzzle pieces chemistry, that's still there, and they'll find that again once they move a bit past the hurt. It's very very difficult to stay mad with someone who is this much on your frequency, who finishes your thoughts and sentences and almost effortlessly just gets you.
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ninjakk · 1 month
I recently saw someone claim that Wei Wuxian was starved of conversation on his journey to Yiling with Lan Wangji and Wen Ning and so board he needed to chat to people before they ascend the mountain. I hadn't really noticed this until it was mentioned. What do you think of that scene?
I love your meta and fics btw. You use your understanding of the novel in your writing and it's just *chef's kiss*
Hi anon 👋🏻
Personally, I've not seen any comments regarding the above - but we can certainly look at the text in question 😊
Let's take a look at the scene in question:
Several days later, they arrived in Yiling.
The Burial Mounds were less than five kilometers ahead of this small town. Although they didn’t know exactly what awaited them there, Wei Wuxian had a feeling it wasn’t anything good. But Lan Wangji was right by his side, his gait steady, his gaze cool. Wei Wuxian had never been one with any sense of crisis to begin with, and with the way Lan Wangji looked, he was even less likely to get nervous at all.
Passing through the small town of Yiling, he was awash in the sounds of the local accent. It was invigorating and incomparably endearing. While he wasn’t planning on buying anything, he couldn’t help but strike up conversations in the local dialect with the street vendors. Only after he’d had his fill of socializing did he get down to business.
“Hanguang-jun, you remember this town, right?”
7S translation
So the scene opens with WWX gushing over how safe and happy he feels around LWJ. He's just so thankful to have someone by his side, someone he can fully depend on and is there for him, should he need it. This very much echoes his thoughts from when they began their descent from the Cloud Recesses, at the start of their journey here. For someone nearing the place he met such a gruesome end at previously, he seems incredibly content and calm - all thanks to LWJ. So straight away, we are reminded of how WWX feels around the other man. It's there for a reason, to set the scene. WWX is relaxed and enjoying himself because he's with LWJ.
They have just arrived in a city he is very familiar with. It's the place he both lived as an orphan and frequented as a man while residing at the burial mounds. He is surrounded by the accent of his "home" for the first time in over 13 years and it's making him feel sentimental. I also think it's a great parallel between when WWX finally visits Lotus Pier in the coming chapters and how desolate and subdued the place has become since JC became sect leader.
I think the above reaction is very normal considering the emotional impact it obviously had on him. WWX has already stated on numerous occasions that LWJ makes him happy and he enjoys his company, but he's also very sociable and likes to look around markets and chat with vendors - there's even a scene in the novel which states as such and many other examples. Although WWX is running around chatting and exploring the stalls, LWJ is still by his side. Doing so does not subtract from his obvious enjoyment of having LWJ's unwavering presence.
We see more than enough evidence that WWX happily chats to LWJ and that he, in turn, even responds and asks questions also. There seems to be this mind-boggling misconception that LWJ literally doesn't speak, and if he does he's like some caveman that can't communicate effectively, when it's the exact opposite. LWJ talks when necessary and is very succinct with his words - he's a true gentleman of their time. Of course, in comparison to WWX, he's much less chatty - but when he does talk it's sincere and relevant. WWX loves this about him! He's also an incredible listener and doesn't miss a single thing WWX says, which WWX also appreciates! Hardly anyone listens to all his ramblings and holds them all so dearly!
It's funny, because although WWX chats to anyone and everyone, it's obvious he enjoys conversing with LWJ the most. He treasures the fact they are on the same wavelength and understand each other implicitly 🥰
Aww! Thank you so much anon! I'm glad you are enjoying my meta and fics ❤️
I hope I managed to answer your question! Have a lovely day 😘
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yuu-kumeii · 8 months
A/N : I swear this is just a Kiyoomi drabble, the set up just got a tiny bit too long
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Ok so imagine the MSBY 4 having to make a 'day in the life of' type vlog for a promotion for an upcoming game, event, or collab. Where everyone can take turns holding the camera and vlog about their individual days and routines, so the whole video would be like a compilation vlog showcasing the team in their purest form.
Shoyo and Koutaro will absolutely just ramble on camera about every little thing that happened to them, often getting distracted when it's their turn with the camera. At times both are just going on about their mornings when either one of them holds the camera while the other 2 members just walk in silence behind them.
Being able to capture moments like Kou forgetting he's supposed to put the camera on the bench to get good enough shots of their practice, so the shots of their practice were from far away with a clear blur to it or when Shoyo accidentally dropped the handheld, picked it back up quickly and immediately apologized to the coach while offering to pay for it despite nothing being actually broken. All caught on camera, blurry figures and a lot of fast camera shakes.
Out of the 2, Kou is the one who most likely forgets the next thing he's going to talk about because he was focused on the current topic. He may be older but that doesn't mean he changed all that much, it's still ok though, the marketing department in charge of the editing said it makes him look all the more approachable.
Meanwhile, Shoyo is the 'golden boy' of this vlog. He's energetic, humble, kind, encouraging and he has just the type of face that screams 'We look forward to your support! I promise we won't let you down!'. He also does the same things Kou does, but he gets visibly flustered when he forgets. Everyone would find that cute, the marketing team just knew it.
He and Kou are on the same basis in terms of the 'pure and lovable one people just can't help but support' but they're on different wavelengths.
Kou appeals to the crowd that just craves this type of whimsy and fast paced energy, someone who forgets to think before he does most things but will be the most visibly sincere about apologizing that you can't help but forgive him.
While Shoyo appeals to a more mellowed out side, much like Kou but he's a bit more aware of his actions and surroundings. He does have his moments though and that paired with his pure hearted nature just makes it sweeter to watch.
On the other hand, you have Atsumu and Kiyoomi. Two very different players with very different appeals on camera, yet able to have some of the best back and forths throughout the vlog.
Atsumu, to no one's surprise, will try to capitalize every part of the screen. Whenever it's his turn to hold the camera, it's his turn. So much happens in such a short amount of time that it felt like he was on a multi-week reality show and not a one day vlog, he would go on and on about himself and his life story that it's hard not to feel like you've known the guy your whole life at that point.
Not to mention the amount of mishaps he tries to shake off is enough for his fans to make an entire compilation video. It's so much fun to see Atsumu trip, stagger that clearly shows he was caught off guard, then going back to vlogging on camera like nothing happened while the others laugh behind him. Other notable things were Kiyoomi 'accidentally' serving a ball straight into the back of Tsumu's head while he was explaining his routine on camera and Atsumu also accidentally dropping the camera but instead of admitting it he just pretends nothing happened.
Too bad the editing crew decided to keep that little moment in the video.
One last tidbit that showed Atsumu being just as caring as the sunshine pair was his 'attempt' at subtly promoting Onigiri Miya throughout his parts, emphasis on attempt. Because he would say things like,
"I like ta' go to Onigiri Miya sometimes, cause' I gotta brag to Samu' about another win ya' know? The food 's also good,"
"Is this an ad for Onigiri Miya?"
Yeah, no one believes him. But it's so cute, watching him deny every accusation that he wants to brag about his twin's accomplishments as much as his own. Samu definitely put in extra fatty tuna in Tsumu's onigiri for that, don't tell him that though.
And lastly Kiyoomi, your boyfriend and very captivating volleyball player of the MSBY Black Jackals.
Every time he's on-screen, it's just a whole different energy. Calm and collected with minimal words, a drastic difference from the many life stories you get from the others, Kiyoomi prefers to be as vague and general as possible. However, even if his talking is minimal, he still manages to have some of the funniest shots in the video. Courtesy of the other members helping to fill Kiyoomi's segments.
Though the one moment you can say will stick with you, and him, til the day you probably get married (hopefully, fingers crossed). So, each of the boys have a little clip that encapsulates each of their characters and dynamics with each other. Those moments include Shoyo and Koutaro having a little game of rock-paper-scissors in the corner of the gym, everyone trying to imitate Kiyoomi's bendy wrist, 3/4 of the MSBY 4 getting reprimanded by Meian while the rest just watch with smug looks.
All the best moments that show how close they are in a little montage. The moment you're referring to, is this clip of the Jackal's gym. Empty and quiet, the lights are still on and everything is in its place. There, in the corner on a bench, is Kiyoomi sitting by himself. Munching on some dried plums from this little white packet, just sitting there.
It's not something you can explain but seeing him there alone, not to mention the way it was shot that made him look teeny tiny, just about did it for you. The second that clip was shown, you were gone, sent to the sky never to return.
He just looked so small and alone, it's so sad but it's so funny to you. It gives you the uncontrollable urge to coo at him and kick your feet a little, the b roll of the shot just slowly panning towards his little big figure on that bench minding his own business.
He's so little, so cute, so by himself in that gym and he's so going to be your fiance because you want that clip played in your guys' engagement party as one of your reasons to marry him.
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kaliforniahigh · 8 days
I decided to write a HC about Noah dating a girl with ARFID (Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder)
This is solely based on my experience. Even though I'm not professionally diagnosed, all the evidence and my selective eating points to ARFID.
And I just know he would be the sweetest.
Let's start with the first date. They were always nerve-wracking for you, because he told you he would be picking the place. But what if it had no options for you?
Other dates had gone south because of this. You hearing things along the lines of "why are you such a picky eater?" "you're an adult, you should eat everything!"
It goes without saying you've been out of the dating scene for a while. But something told you that Noah was different. He was very kind and caring, it was difficult for you to picture him being an asshole to you like the other ones.
Once you get to the restaurant, you start to scan the menu, hoping he isn't one of those people who like to order for each other.
Salmon, fish, oyster... as you keep reading, the fear gets worse and worse, because sea food is really NOT your thing.
But then you get to the kids menu and your eyes finally land on the chicken and fries plate.
Noah obviously notices this, and he obviously thinks he fucked up because why the hell would he not ask you if you liked sea food before picking the restaurant??
"You don't like sea food, do you?" He asks with a shy smile.
"It's not that I don't li-" "You can say you don't like it, it's totally fine, I won't be upset or anything" so you tell him that it's actually not your preferred food.
He stands up from his seat and extends his hand for you to take "c'mon, let's go eat something we're both going to enjoy. I'm not gonna let us have a shitty first date"
You're honestly shocked, because he is going out of his way to make sure you enjoy tonight.
The months pass and he notices habits you have. Like pushing aside some things on your plate, or checking your burger to see if everything is ok. And he really wants to ask, but he doesn't know how. And he doesn't want to offend you.
The day he really can't help it is when he invites you backstage to a show he is performing. In the rush that is everything before a concert, he really doesn't notice you don't eat anything from the catering table.
You give him a kiss for good luck and take your place side stage to watch him.
Towards the end of the concert, he notices you're gone. But he just thinks it's a bathroom break or something of the sort.
He thanks the fans, they throw the towels and guitar picks and he heads backstage when someone stops him. "Hey, man. You should check on Y/N, she doesn't seem like she's very well"
He frowns and runs to where you are, noticing that you are, in fact, very pale, your hands are shaking and cold.
"What happened, baby?"
"I just need to eat something, I'll be fine"
"When was the last time you ate? Here, we have food around here, grab a plate" He starts to look around but notices you're not on the same wavelength as he is with this.
So you have no other option but to tell him. The hard time you had as a kid, the never eating from the school cafeteria, or your parents not being able to go to restaurants because you don't eat anything there.
The patronizing looks you got when you told people you don't eat hot dogs. Or soup. Or sushi. Or sea food.
After this, he always makes sure he walks around with a safe snack for you. He calls hotels to make sure they have safe options for you to eat for breakfast. Checks every restaurant menu beforehand. Talks to his tour management about food options for the catering they have.
But he also encourages you to eat different things. So he always buys things he thinks you're going to enjoy. He says it's a win-win situation, because if you don't eat it, then he can have it himself.
I would like to write more on this topic, so if you have suggestions, you can send them!
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copiouscouples · 3 days
So this is another type of post I don't usually make, just because it's weird and cringe. But sometimes you just want to chime in especially when people dismiss things others are seeing and you want to be like "I don't think they are, but I can see why people may think that."
Do I think Nicola and Luke are dating? Probably not. There's a significant age gap and I don't think either of them are their usual type. I get the sense that they're good friends.
That said. I don't think what we're seeing is all "just PR." I feel like there's stuff that they do that gives people plausible reasons to think they might be together. Like I don't think people are crazy for thinking these two might be dating because their actions are kind of sending some mixed messages.
Are the photos and the interviews and the sexy talking points PR? Most definitely. I do roll my eyes a bit when people gush too much over their photo shoots as proof that they're together. They're acting for the camera. It's not natural. They're adorbs, but it's all a show.
Do I think some of Luke's mannerisms are nervousness or anxiety? Yes. I think him touching his lips is just a habit of his. And while I thought their handholding was super cute, I do think it was him seeking out emotional support.
But you can't fake or act the body language, natural chemistry and flirtiness of these two.
People act like this is just run-of-the-mill press for a show. And I'm like, no. If it is, it's promo on steroids. If someone is behind the scenes directing them to act this way for PR's sake, it's too much.
And not to call Luke out but he's taken more than one peek at her boobs at different events/interviews. I cannot find a platonic explanation for that.
And they're always like 3 cm apart. Unless PR is telling them to do it, which is weird, because I don't see any other celebs doing it while promoting their projects. It may be a friend thing but I can't think of any friends that I almost sit on top of when there's plenty of seating to be had elsewhere.
Their flirtiness/natural chemistry can definitely be explained by being friends. I particularly loved their creating dating profiles, reading tweets, and regency pick up line videos. You saw how well they feed off of each other. They're on the same wavelength and build upon the gag or each other's jokes. They're very in sync.
Plus, I feel like Nicola uses a different, softer voice when she talks directly to Luke than when she talks to others. It's more reassuring and caring. It could harken back to her role as emotional support.
Word is he has a girlfriend, but all this post is to say is that I don't think it's absurd that some people are questioning if he and Nicola have a thing based on how they act towards each other. I can't think of any other celebs that have acted the way they have when promoting their show. It's not normal PR things. They're a unicorn. And it was a treat to see them doing this together.
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lynxgriffin · 7 months
"I think what Kris may have lost with Dess's disappearance is less innocence, and more self-confidence. I think their primary problem (and why they sought out being possessed in the first place) is that they feel indecisive and lack courage. They withdraw from people and refuse to participate in regular life less out of a lack of kindness, and more out of the mindset of "Why bother? I'll just screw it up anyway." (Which is probably part of why they feel kinship with Susie…they feel like they're on the same wavelength there.)
And Ralsei aggravates that position for them because, aside from his kindness and optimism, he is very insistent that specifically Kris should be the decision-maker. He pretty much tries to always make Kris feel good about their decisions, even the ones that he clearly doesn't like. If Kris's primary problem is they lacking the courage to make their own choices, Ralsei seems laser-focused on convincing Kris otherwise. Which, I feel makes Ralsei being a manifestation of Kris's soul all the more interesting…that for all Kris believes that they aren't capable of that courage, there is a part of them that does believe they're capable, and that's the part that has taken on a life of its own. Just! I think that could end up being pretty powerful!
Sorry, I know this is kind of a tangent from your original tangent, but it is a thing I enjoy thinking about, so thanks for the opportunity! "
I'm glad that people and in particular you, Lynx, like this topic. So I'm here again to share my thoughts :D
I want to talk about Kris's injuries, and that line "Why bother? I'll just screw it up anyway."
It's like a learned helplessness injury, if I'm not mistaken. When many bad events happen in a row in a person’s life, and no matter how hard they try, they cannot influence them. Kris faced enough problems that they began to consider themselves completely helpless and unable to influence the world on their own. Dess's disappearance, Asgore's dismissal from the police, parents' divorce, brother's departure to college. Having finally lost faith in their own strength, they decided to give control of their body to someone else. This sounds very logical.
Ralsei, in turn, seems to be really focused on restoring Kris's faith in herself, and the belief that something can still be done even without the player's participation. Progress in this direction is noticeable already at the end of the first chapter, when Kris, seemingly lost in everything, without the player’s command, independently, being wounded, protect Susie from the King’s attack. Susie is also an important figure here. Unlike Kris, on the contrary, she is extremely strong-willed and self-confident. She will break through the wall, demolish everything in her path, but achieve her goals. She even violated the mechanics of the battle just out of spite, took it and learned how to act, and even gave this option to her partner. There's a bit of Undyne from UT about her. DETERMINATION :D Susie for Kris is the same image of the ideal as Asriel. Only Asriel was a model of friendliness and success, Susie was a model of confidence and determination to act, something that Kris now lacks. That's why they probably like her.
As a result, we see that Kris is now positively influenced by two characters. Ralsei is focused on supporting and regaining self-confidence, while Susie says less, but with all her appearance shows that believing in yourself and your strengths is cool. And not only will Kris become more independent as the chapters progress, but Ralsei, with Kris’s condition improving, will be able to focus more on personal problems and the questions “who am I?” It's very interesting where this will all lead in the end.
Now something else occurred to me. Throughout the game we are told that the choice does not affect anything. What if this appeal is not to us, but Kris’s appeal to themselves?? Their entire childhood was not influenced by anything, they could not choose who they would be born with and suffer from it, they could not choose what would happen to Dess, they could not choose whether their parents would be together or not. And will my brother go to college? All their lives their choices didn't matter. And this is exactly what we will hear before the first chapter.
The player’s choice, in turn, has weight, because the player can go for murder (they don’t survive after freezing the entire body, I verified). Kris, on the other hand, doesn’t try very hard to resist the player, because they don’t believe that they can. We don’t know for sure, but I assume that extracting a soul from a body is possible not only in the light world. Then, if the Kris believed in themselves enough, they would try to interrupt the battle with Berldy, force Noelle to ignore the creepy voice (which continues to sound even if Kris is defeated), and give everyone time to get out of sight.
But I don't blame Kris, they need some more time to gain the determination to act and interfere with the player's actions.
Now at the time of two chapters we have the following diagram: Kris is convinced that their decisions don't matter. The player's decisions matter and can significantly impact the world.
The further we move, the more the influence of Susie and Ralsei will affect the will of Kris. And if they don’t like our decisions, we will be thrown out of the body more and more often, and perhaps they will learn to choose options for us by moving our hearts against our will. If Kris see that we are doing our best and really want to help, they will give us more freedom of action. Now we don't just control Kris, but they decide when to give us the right to control them. Now we obey.
Another interesting thing is that during the game you can sometimes come across dialogue options that would suit the character of Kris. For example, posing for the camera, we can choose a rude gesture, I think this is what they would choose. Or when Susie asks whose side Noelle is on, we can jokingly answer that she is our enemy.
If future chapters are released as an installation package along with the first two chapters, then it is possible that part of the code of the first two chapters will be supplemented and all information about our elections will be saved and used in the future, even if we did not take cruel paths. For example, like in UT when Toriel remembers our flirting at the end of the pacifist, Kris if they ever talk to us, they can remember how we made them hug Ralsei. We can choose what we want throughout the game, or we can choose what we think Kris would choose, and our decisions will influence dialogues or events in the future. We have already seen how the decisions from the first chapter influenced the second; in the battle with the capture of the Rouxls houses, Kaard uses exactly the same structure that we assembled in the first chapter. Also, for some reason, the game stores information about which vessel we collected at the very beginning.
Ultimately, we can either find common ground with Kris or make them hate us. If hatred leads to a battle, then against all three at once, Susie will be just happy to thrash someone bad, and Ralsei will never leave Kris and help them. But my intuition tells me that this will not be a battle, but something else, I don’t know why, the battle would be too obvious or something.
If you’ve read this, thank you) I love to think, and it’s especially nice to do this when there are people with similar interests.
Thank you again for sharing your thoughts!!
My thoughts on Kris's feelings towards their actions (again, may be art coming for this soon!) is that they feel a degree of responsibility for the bad things that have happened in their life, stemming from the incident with Dess. It could be like a learned helplessness, but I also see it as a "I cannot be trusted to make the right choices" kind of conditioning. Being the only human in a monster town, I can see them even pinning the blame on their humanity for their mistakes, since well…it's clearly the thing that's always made their life harder, anyway.
They do need their friendships to help set them on a path to self-acceptance and self-reliance, and the Dark World is facilitating that, which is why I think they are more and more focused on going back there!
In regards to the whole "your choices don't matter" theme, which people seem convinced applies to both the player and character…I think it's actually a lot more subtle than that. After all, the theme of Undertale is not "kill or be killed," even though an authoritative character tells you that at the start of the game. I actually think that the second voice at the end of the goner maker sequence saying "no one can choose who they are in this world" IS Kris speaking, because that's the mindset that they're currently in, and it's one they need to learn how to grow past by the end of the game. All of the main characters feel, in some way, that they are trapped by their own identities. Breaking free of these roles they feel they have no choice in is, I think, a narrative thoroughline we'll get through the whole game.
And I have a whole long twitter thread about this, but yeah, I do think that it's inevitable that we'll be cut off from controlling Kris at the end, because that feels like the natural conclusion to Kris's character arc. Kris starts out feeling like they can make no good choices, so someone needs to hold their hand. So by the end, it feels appropriate that they come to realize that they can act on their own, and that they don't need anyone holding their hand…not even the player controlling them. Whether that parting is on good terms or bad ones depends on how the player treats them and their friends…Ralsei does say that how we treat others can make all the difference!
I know this is just rambling on top of your rambling, but I appreciated reading yours, so I hope this rambling is appreciated, too!
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alicerosejensen · 1 year
A little discussion about Leon and the young Reader
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These are just my headcannons, which may differ from yours. I must say right away that Leon is generally my favorite character, but the favorites are Vendetta, RE6 and ID, so all my headcannons are related to the fact that he is already 35-40 years old. And no, I don't think he's old! This person is like a good wine, it only gets better over the years!
- Firstly, the initiative in the relationship does not necessarily have to come only from you. Leon may be ten years older, and the question of age will not bother much if he is really attached to you.
- At first it may be another attempt at light flirting, to which you can react positively (Leon is the god of flirting, I'm sure) or you can just let him know that you are uncomfortable with this behavior. If excessive flirting causes concern, then Leon will calmly take it and continue to be more restrained in communicating with you, although you can still hear a compliment from him that will make you blush, but nothing obscene!
- Leon will be touched if you're small. He will specially put a box of your favorite cookies on the top shelf to watch you try to get it. In the end, he will still give you everything you need by making a sarcastic comment like, "Hold it, my little goblin.”
- He will be happy if you are on the same wavelength with him.
"Leon may laugh at you, but it's never offensive. He loves you and, having offended you even accidentally with a careless word, will thereby harm himself. Damn it, this man will blame himself for what he said for a long time and try to make amends.
- It's unlikely that this man will ever become a daddy, but he definitely likes to spoil you. Seriously, the DSO pays him too well for taking risks at work, so he will happily buy you what you like to please you. New boots or a handbag that you saw in the window, but can't afford? no problem. You'll get them. In addition, Leon will bring you cute souvenirs that reminded him of you during the mission. He makes gifts completely unselfishly, but loves to get a response. Just kiss him.
- The best gift for him will be taking care of him.  He will never talk about it, but he likes it when you massage his head or shoulders. Smear the bruises with ointment? be sure to kiss the sore spot, and he will die of happiness and love for you! He feels awkward, but he is pleased with your attention, let it be small things, it means a lot to him.
- Leon likes to listen to your heartbeat. It calms him down after a mission with a bunch of zombies. He's very afraid of losing you.
- Leon has a problem with alcohol, but he would never drink in your presence unless you have a romantic dinner. However, it will upset him if you come drunk from a party with friends. For the most part, he is worried that you may be taken advantage of in this state, so he tries to take you away from such events.
- And punch that freak in the nose who has the nerve to molest you.
"Leon doesn't mind dancing with you at home when you're drunk.
“Just go to sleep, baby. Tomorrow morning won't be so fun anymore”
- The absolute god in caring for a partner. He knows the hangover syndrome, so he will do everything to make it easier for you.
- Since you are younger than him, Leon is not always up to date with current trends. Sometimes he may not understand modern slang, but he is not averse to learning something new if it is “something" within reason.  
- He's not usually jealous, but sometimes he worries that you might find someone younger than him. Most often it happens when you talk to guys from your college or at parties where you dance.
- Of course, he will never accuse you of communicating with friends, but there will be moments when your male friends will annoy him.
- Sometimes Leon Scott Kennedy is a real possessive .
"Sleep with him in your arms?" Get ready for the fact that you will be securely and firmly pressed to Mr. Kennedy's chest while his head is on top of your head, and no, he will not let you go unless you urgently need to go to the toilet.
- You sleep in his shirts.
“It's all right. You can take my clothes, angel.”
- Leon will teach you how to shoot a gun. Seriously, he's so worried about you that he'd rather play it safe again and teach you basic self-defense skills if he's not around to protect you. It's okay if you misunderstood something. He has enough patience to teach you everything you need.
- Leon loves hugs.
- Most likely, he does not know how to cook, so he will be glad if you take this responsibility on yourself. Homemade food is something that reminds him of his childhood and the few happy moments he had.
"He likes that you smell like his cologne." He will specifically hug you for a long time so that the smell persists as long as possible.
- He feels younger with you. No, Leon doesn't consider himself too old, but he definitely remembers that young guy who recently graduated from the police academy. This helps him not to fall into melancholy.
- I don't think he will tell you about his work. It's not that he feels any distrust, he just wants to keep you away from all this shit.
- You are the sunshine for him.
"Take a shower with you?" He has neither the strength nor the desire to refuse you.
- A thousand and one cute nicknames for you? No problem!
“Angel, princess, sunshine, sweetheart are the most favorite.”
- This person cares about his loved ones, so if you, oh my God, are sick! be prepared for excessive guardianship. Leon will buy you all the necessary medicines and even pay for the services of a doctor.
- Seeing you cry hurts him. He will do everything to find the reason, but he won't put pressure on you if you don't want to talk about it yet. Most likely, he will gently direct you to a conversation, but if you don't trust him for some reason, then it will hurt him again.
- It won't be difficult for Leon to watch a stupid talk show or a banal movie with you. Just be prepared for the fact that he will not be too talkative while watching, and then throw out a whole bunch of comments about the stupidest moments.
- He is not verbose, especially after completing tasks. Don't get angry and don't judge him. Just stay close to him: pat him on the back, press your whole body against him and say something affectionate. This will cheer him up, although he may not show it.
- You can be calm - this person will never hit you. Hell, he'd rather put a bullet in his head, but he wouldn't let himself or anyone else hurt you.
I apologize in advance for the mistakes made. English is not my first language, but I love Leon too much and I never have enough content about him.
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scraftyisthebest · 5 days
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Thinking about how the Explorers contrast the Rising Volt Tacklers in several ways. Namely, they are both groups with one the protagonists and the other the antagonists, but the Rising Volt Tacklers are a group of friends who have known each other for years (at least the adults are veterans) and are all good at a particular task. They have no insecurities or desire to be more than what they are, know who they are and what they're good at, and trust each other and their skills. Their talents and skills complement each other well to the point where they work together, trust each other, and the teamwork between them is so good that they make a very effective unit. This supportiveness extends to their care for Liko, Roy, and Dot, who they treat as their children and give them a loving and nurturing environment to allow them to grow into the people they're supposed to become. Meanwhile the Explorers are a more dysfunctional group where they're all only really together on a professional level, and the admins all have some clear desire to be recognized and validated for their talents but see each other as threats and don't have an environment where anyone truly supports or cares about each other, and they're all more focused on trying to one up each other rather than work together. They don't have a good environment to help them either, as Hamber and Gibeon are both very detached from everyone on an emotional level, Hamber clearly picks favorites with Amethio being his "favorite", and Gibeon outright states the group all exist purely to serve him.
And then you have certain admins having close relationships with certain characters on the RVT. Coral and Sidian are developing a close rivalry with Liko and Roy specifically, with Coral and Liko in particular having a relationship slowly becoming more personal between them. Spinel and Dot have an indirect relationship of animosity between them as Spinel has repeatedly gotten in Dot's way when it comes to technology and info gathering. Amethio and Friede also have a long standing direct rivalry between them. Chalce is an enigma since she's done the least so far and has no direct relationship with anyone on the Rising Volt Tacklers so far, though as time goes on we may see that with someone, though I'm not sure who yet: notably she's strongly implied to be an intellectual and a researcher.
Within those relationships, each Explorers admin really comes off as a foil and contrast to the character on the Rising Volt Tacklers who they are setting up to have the closest relationship with.
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Liko and Coral contrast each other because Liko is very kind and selfless to an extreme, always prioritizing other peoples' feelings over her own and caring more about other peoples' happiness, while Coral is very selfish and prioritizes what she wants over all else, even disobeying orders from Hamber in order to do whatever she pleases and gets very angry when things don't go her way. They've started interacting one on one more often and Liko tries to console her and try to make things better for her, and Coral tends to lose it anyway, but because of this contrast there's definitely a one-of-a-kind relationship between them forming.
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Roy and Sidian don't really have that much of a contrast between each other beyond their personalities, which is a basic contrast since Roy is very energetic and upbeat while Sidian is more stoic and serious. But it does also contrast their duo relationships with Liko and Coral. Especially since as duos their relationships are evidently close but different. Liko and Roy are often on the same wavelength and get along extremely well while Coral and Sidian clearly do care about each other but butt heads a lot and outwardly can't stand each other. Liko and Roy show their friendship and mutual care for each other in a very healthy way, they acknowledge they care about each other and appreciate each other. Meanwhile Coral and Sidian likely do value each other deep down but seem to be unable to show it in a positive and constructive way, on both sides since Sidian is somewhat overprotective of Coral in an overbearing way that she finds annoying.
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Then you have Dot and Spinel who are both relatively reclusive and stay in a closed-up space by themselves most of the time and are very tech-savvy and web-savvy and use that to their advantage. Both are very good at gathering intel and info about things but while Dot very liberally shares the information she gathers to the rest of her teammates, to their benefit, Spinel keeps himself privy to information he considers valuable without sharing it to his fellow Explorers, keeping it solely for himself, which is evidently going to be to their detriment long term. Spinel so far has been rather dirty playing and refuses to show his face or get involved in the action himself, letting others do the work for him, while Dot has been trying to get out of her shell and put herself out there. So far their similarities have led them to butt heads in a way where they've never met face to face, but Spinel has used his skills to interfere with Dot's work and get in her way through interference and misdirection, and Dot has some personal hostility towards him as a result.
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And the longest standing dichotomy and relationship so far is between Friede and Amethio, who are active rivals. The dichotomy is that Friede is a very strong Trainer, a natural leader, and wise Professor, and he's good at what he does. He doesn't demand respect from anyone, but naturally commands it by his presence and skill and is revered by his peers, including the three kids who look up to him and respect him. Meanwhile, Amethio struggles with self-esteem and a desire for respect. He clearly wants respect from others for his strength: that seems to be the one thing he really wants, to be valued and recognized as a strong Trainer. Yet he struggles to get that from his peers, as his fellow admins don't like him or want to work with him and have absolutely no respect for him. It's implied they do recognize his strength as a Trainer but are jealous of him and feel threatened by his presence in the group. All he has is his two grunt subordinates Zirc and Onia who are devoted to him, but that doesn't seem to be enough to relieve him of his own insecurity over the lack of respect he gets from the rest of his peers. It especially comes to a head when Friede actively toys with him and eventually, Amethio learns Friede could've effortlessly beaten him from the start but chose to play around and never took him seriously.
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The only one who is currently an enigma so far is Chalce, aka Agate. She's the biggest enigma of the group so far since she's had so little screen time and has done very little in the midst of action, and she has had no personal interactions with anyone on the Rising Volt Tacklers so far. From what little we can piece together; she seems to be the intellectual of the organization and a scientist or researcher, since she was in a lab with Spinel who the latter disclosed some information to, and she disguises herself as a teacher at Naranja Academy right now. So far Chalce hasn't really had a personal relationship with anyone on the Rising Volt Tacklers, but I do think at some point as we see more of her she will. It will be interesting who she becomes ironically close with among the RVT and how she will contrast them, given how little we've seen of her character so far.
Anyway my long neurodivergent ramble aside, just some thoughts on the interesting foils the two groups share, especially now that we've seen more of the Explorers' admins and more of their characters, and how they foil certain other characters who they're starting to become oddly close with.
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