#i’m 100% willing and able to work to keep someone in my life. i’m just not going to work against myself to do that for someone.
ghostphys · 8 months
Update after a week of doing this:
So it’s finally update time! Thank you all for the support on my post about this, it really meant a lot!!
I’m going to list the pros and cons of my little experiment, then add a summary/TLDR at the end of the post. This is probably going to be quite a long post as it was definitely an interesting 5 days. P.S, if you have any questions please ask! I’m 100% willing to answer.
• My time spent studying over doubled this week. This was the most obvious pro (and the one I was kind of hoping for the most) and I’m so proud of myself for how much I managed to get done. I studied for an average of 4hours/day, whereas before I was only doing 2.
• Studying felt so much more relaxing and productive at night. This probably contributed to the increase in studying; I found I enjoyed studying more, was able to pay attention for longer periods of time, and it started to feel less like a chore, and more like a hobby.
• I started to feel more present in the moment, especially on the bus travelling to/from uni. This wasn’t something I was really expecting, but I think also was partially a result of me deleting social media (which i can totally make another post on if that’s of interest). But where I used to sleep on the bus, or even just daydream, I started to read books, look over notes, and just feel a lot more present in general, which was a fresh of breath air honestly.
• I actually felt a lot less tired while at uni. I think this is most likely due to having been awake for a while before even travelling, so I had plenty of time to wake up. As someone who suffers from both physical and mental health issues, this was really important to me and i was so so much more focused during lectures and just generally wow it was amazing.
• Although I found it easier to study, I dedicated a lot less time to keeping my room/study area tidy. I’m not sure exactly why this was, I think maybe just moving around to tidy up at 2/3am felt a bit wrong as I was scared to make too much noise? I think the way around this would be to just tidy right before sleeping at around 6pm, but this was probably my least favourite of the cons:(
• No time for social life outside of uni. Unless your friends are all also borderline nocturnal, then yeah if you are a person who loves going out etc then this is not the schedule for you. Fortunately for me my friends already know i sleep a lot, so most of our socialising happens in between lectures during uni time. (And by that I mean going to cafés and doing even more studying).
• It was kind of hard to figure out mealtimes? Eventually I settled on only having two meals a day, but just increasing portions sizes, and having more snacks in between. This is just what worked best for me, and this wasn’t a huge con tbh, just kind of confusing at first.
• It was so much easier to just hit snooze on my alarms. Because I didn’t have to worry about a bus to catch or anything forcing me to wake up, I found myself saying ‘just five more minutes’ way more times than I should have. I definitely slept in one day sadly. I think this is definitely preventable, I’m sure there are special alarm apps to help with this sort of thing, and i’ll probably be checking that out.
Summary/TLDR: This was such a fun experience for me, I’m really super proud of myself for trying this out and for improving my studying! All in all I definitely found this to be a positive experience, obviously that’s a personal thing so please don’t take my word to be truth! But just in my experience I really found it to help my mental aspect of studying as well as just physically doing more. Although my room got a bit messier, and I kind of just got disoriented about the time of day sometimes, I definitely think these are things that could have been fixed.
Disclaimer: I only tried this for a week which is definitely not enough time to fully change your sleep schedule, and I am obviously not a professional in this field or in research. This was just a fun little experiment and a chance for me to talk about my personal experience. I’m not encouraging this behaviour or saying it is healthy. (I am not informed about the effects on health this would have long term). Do not take some random person on tumblr’s experience as a holy grail of truth or something like that.
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unhappytimeleaper · 10 months
Hii can I request yandere Mika hcs please?
requested by anonymous
Word Count; 4,200
Okay, so requests for just general headcanons are hard for me because usually there is just so much I could go off of. I tried my best to whittle down this to where it wasn’t overwhelming but still enough to capture the main points of what I wanted. I ended up cutting out some ideas because I couldn’t keep writing; I wanted to edit and finish this. I’m sorry. 
Also p.s. I’m a very small account with less than 150 followers. I only get notes occasionally, and I say this because I still regularly have minors interact, and I will instantly be able to see that and block you. I’m 100% aware the bigger accounts grow, the harder it can be for one person to check, but none of you are being sneaky, and I don’t care about likes/reblogs enough to let it slide. Go away. I don’t like you if you are actively a minor trying to save my work. If you can read all 4,000 words of this, you can read where it says don’t interact if under Seventeen. Even while getting ready to post this I had an ageless blog like my last post like no.  
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Kagehira Mika; Unedited. Gender Neutral Reader.
CW; this is a clusterfuck. Yandere everything. Stalking, jealousy, unsolicited photography, stealing, manipulation, violence [against Mika, not reader], isolation, potential kidnapping, power imbalances, paranoia, other characters enabling yandere’s actions, and dismissal of feelings. Some moments can be read with lewd intentions, though never explicitly stated. Seriously it just has it all.
This blog is 17+ please have your age in your bio or tagged; any ageless blog and below the age asked for will be blocked at the end of the week.
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For a general setup, Mika is. Well, a contradiction in many ways. The best way to put it is just as how others describe him, cat-like. It’s never to say Mika thinks he’s above you, consistently battling himself with the idea of being human over something like a doll, but for someone so ‘below’ you metaphorically, he pulls the strings. In the case of you, his extent of creepy actions, his stalking tendencies, and overall jealousy trap you in the strings of the marionette this time. For someone so below you as he claims, why does he have the power? Why does he not listen to you if he claims you have control over him? Cat-like— pets who rely on humans to bend to their needs and take care of them but still are more of a type to “run a household” rather than wait for the owner to come to them. 
A good example is, say, isolation; you explain to him keeping you alone with little interaction outside of him (and maybe minimal time with Shu or Ritsu) isn’t good; it isn’t healthy. Just a little time together in public, you don’t even need to go alone, just need to stretch and feel the bare sun on your skin even for a few moments; he loves you, right? He cares for you, so this would be better for both of you. He’s so weak-willed and eager to please you for a moment you think he’d easily comply, but it doesn’t work. It sends him more into a panicked frenzy, clinging and cuddling, making all sorts of claims that move too fast to rebuttal. It’s dizzying, and in the end, he remains the one truly in power despite his remarks about being only for your needs. 
Of course, the main this is despite his contradictions in power, overall, he does genuinely often seek to please you. Make no mistake that despite being the one with the upper hand in terms of your future, you still can easily live a life of semi-normalcy if you play your cards right. And even if things get to the extreme, like fully isolated, Mika will bend fate to bring you nearly anything you would ask for. And if he can’t get it, he’ll try anything he can to make it. 
Now to argue, the reasoning behind Mika’s tendencies is pretty apparent. The rooted abandonment issues are a crucial factor, it drives most of his fears and creates logic as to why he feels the need to lock onto people so intensely. He’s a rooted stalker, a mix between being extremely open with it and completely hidden, taking photos constantly without your knowledge, willing to collect all sorts of trash or items he can get his hands on, break-in, and more. There basically isn’t a stone unturned where Mika hasn’t been. Even more part of this comes in despite a fear of talking to strangers; he will threaten them for being ‘too friendly’ and say you two are together even if you aren’t, almost always driving people away from you. This can be found in Mika’s delusional nature of having conversations which he thinks are you giving advice or others telling him, much like how he fantasizes about conversations with Shu when looking for answers to projects. Some of this is attributed to Mika being well aware his emotions are almost always in control. 
Regarding you and others interacting, Mika primarily runs on autopilot. He might not even recall what he says to them; it’s a mix of emotion and adrenaline running the show. The final reason for his tendencies is trying to break out of being a doll. He does have feelings, wants, and desires that he should work to fulfill rather than always being just a doll told everything. It’s a lot of weight and pressure, and one of the things that comes with that is the human desire for love. For attention and validation on a deeper scale, something that the human side eventually craves from you. No longer does he just want to be a doll that falls into the corner waiting to be molded; he knows that as a human, these are things that come with it— even if profoundly misplaced. And as away the human side doesn’t take away from his more meek, submissive attitude that came with a doll mentality, at least not entirely, but it is what makes him realize more the nature of his desires. 
And as mentioned, Mika is… well, gross. Not in a literal sense, okay, maybe slightly literally in the thoughts and extreme hoarding of items he might be willing to take, but it’s more than that. Mika pushes the acceptable bounties; he has little and runs purely on emotions and whims— they control him. His actions are horrendously creepy at times, and his delusions push him to do things that just come off as disturbing. The tragic downside is ES isn’t an ordinary place with ordinary people. The majority of those around him come off more as enablers or too busy to care in the hustle of idol life. Examples being are Shu, Ritsu, and Arashi, all being helpless enablers to Mika and doing little to genuinely help you if it means Mika’s happiness. Cosmic Productions doesn’t care; as long as Valkyrie brings in revenue, then you’re just collateral damage and other companies at ES have little awareness of the reality going in the department. Not to mention I don’t think Crazy:B or Eden has the best members to speak on the subject, with 2wink being the most reasonable you could go to, but often they have enough going on it’s hard to seek solace in them.
And the last main general note is that while things would never be easy and life would always have some level of undertones of there being something wrong seeping from under the surface, Mika is one where you could get away with not being kidnapped and isolated. This doesn’t remove any general problems or underlying creepiness, it might even make it worse, but the idea of available yet moderated freedom might be better than nothing. Nearly all of your attention still needs to go to Mika, and if you would be to play the role of a partner to him, having the chance to still semi-function outside of being locked in some rooms might be a better alternative. This does stems from the fact Mika is willing to bend for you, as long as you comply with parts of his affection even for show. It also doesn’t dilute any aspects like stalking or stealing. But unless there is only full-out rejection of everything, would Mika likely turn to Shu or Ritsu for advice which would supply kidnapping as an alternative route (those little shits). It’s not easy for Mika to transport you to the dorm or Shu’s apartment to keep you locked up, and as mentioned, once isolated, getting Mika to let up and let you leave is nearly nonexistent even if you begin to return his advances (both for show or genuine). Overall, this is to say kidnapping is never a guaranteed ending with Mika, unlike with many others but not ever out of the question either. It can come very suddenly and always a looming presence if you aren’t willing to give into Mika’s fantasies. 
Okay, so that is the central portion. Now some more miscellaneous items. 
For one, Mika genuinely doesn’t mind if you use violence against him. Not saying he wants it necessarily; it’s not some masochistic desire to be hit, kicked, and generally beaten by you. But it doesn’t serve as a functional way to get him to stop or go away. He is essentially any attention is still attention. You’re mistaken if you think that while he is crying, clawing at your legs and hips for attention, a quick slap or kick to get him to let go will work. It might somehow many him latch on harder, claiming that it’s okay, you can do it again, it helps you calm down, just let him stay. Keep giving him the attention, the validation. And even worse this behavior is something Mika is willing to do in public if pushed or called out enough. Any terms of thinking you’re abandoning or leaving him creates an overdrive in him, quickly transforming into someone willing to beg to keep you around. In public, it’s made worse because not only does he look like the one being hurt by you— he’s an idol. Well-known one too, and if something terrible happens to him, it will only come back and hurt you. Either through die-hard fans or the company scolding you. Violence not only spurs Mika more but damages your livelihood in the bigger picture, making it null any tactic to help with the burden of Mika’s tendencies. 
However, this extends to one important thing. Your actions don’t really hurt Mika? Even on a physical level. It’s well noted Mika has an extremely high pain tolerance and that it would take a lot for him to acknowledge something hurting him in a way that would temporarily take him out. He doesn’t mind being physically hurt not only because it has some power dynamics and he’s doing anything to please you, but even in the case there is that contraction of him still having the upper hand. He gives you the permission to hit or kick him, likely because he has an awareness of being able to take it without it limiting his hold on you and still giving that outlet to you. Even if these are subconscious choices, it’s unsettling how much control he still has between his physicality benefits, idol career, and connections. Mika truly is a powerhouse in this way, and violence to him practically cannot solve anything as a means of escape, even if he offers it as stress relief or punishment to himself. 
Another big thing for Mika is forgetting the past and focusing on the future. There was before you, and then there is now. Anything before does not matter, and in a sense, he sort of expects this from you as well. Ex-partners, ex-crushes, ex-situation-ships; none of those matter now that he is here, and you better feel the same of these things being ‘dead.’ Photos or any other sentimental item need to be wiped away, and your mind shouldn’t need to wander back to them because you have something more now and forever. This idea of focusing on the future/now also relates to how many delusions and ideas for how things will work out between you in the long term. Marriage, starting a family, domestic life as a whole— Mika spends much of his time picturing and creating pieces that inspire him of this future as well as daydreaming of what life could become no longer attached to his past. 
Some more quick round-head canons; Mika will fill up notebooks and writing your name and his name. Pretty much any cross-over you can think of. Just your name with hearts, your name and his name with hearts, your first name and his last name, his first name and your last name, a teased ship name given from Arashi— the list can go on. It’s scribbled messily, and other times written with such extreme care. It’s only loose papers and trash, on his sketch designs and doodled with his finger on tables. Not only does he do it as a practice of his handwriting and the love of seeing your name written with that, but the combinations he can make feel like a validation of the closeness he has. Much like any early crush, it’s some comfort level of daydreaming— regardless of the actual proximity you have with one another. Also yes, he will lose loose pages and if you don’t know what he’s doing it’s very creepy the first few times. Or hundred. The amount of times he writes your names together is beyond comfort; very heavily boarding on obsessive. 
Mika is also not great at conversations, with mostly everyone but the awkwardness is pushed even more with you. There is too much pressure, and his feelings run in such high control that it often comes out as a mix of self-deprecating, worshipping you, and trying to act like a normal mess. It’s almost always awkward even if you try to ease him and are kind, and it does kinda become worse the longer it goes on because this is when his stalking, photography, and niche personal things become apparent in conversations. If you didn’t think he was stalking you beforehand or at least didn’t catch him, you’d be given many hints the more he talks to you. This extends from the fact he does everything possible to get materials and content he knows interests you. Even if you think it’s something knows one would know you like, Mika does somehow and will in passing bring it up in the weirdest form of trying to have a casual conversation. Books, CDs, and TV shows and stuff are all a part of his hoarding connection about you simply because you like it.  Even if it never would be something he’d look up on his own, he’d do anything to connect and relate even more to you. There never is any proof you can’t call him out other than having suspicions which, once again, little to anyone would take seriously, but you can’t help but feel Mika knows more than he is truly letting on. 
Will do any and everything for you if he can; carrying items, buying you things, cleaning stuff— of course, be careful asking him for this because he might take advantage of you letting him get this close to such personal tasks— but there never is anything he doesn’t offer to do. Idol work might get in the way, though, he can’t neglect his job, but any other time he is on your heels, waiting to do anything he can for you. And sure, at first, it’s nice. It lifts some burdens or comes off as Mika being Mika offering to give more than needed to anyone. But buying you things often comes off with a strange energy radiating off of them, even if there is seemingly nothing wrong. Him cleaning or doing simple domestic tasks, such as laundry, ends up with some things being missing or damaged. You notice so many other weird things in your apartment if he offers to clean. And carrying items,  while seemly harmless, still just makes your stomach churn. He fully just shows up out of nowhere on the most random shopping tasks offering his help and pushing closer and closer to you. What once was Mika feeling like his strange but overall kind, sweet nature stepping up to help an overworked staff member turns exhausting, skin-crawling offer. Even if he usually looks all sweet and innocent offering. Damn, the fact he does have some cuteness charm regardless of his actions. 
Arashi coming in clutch again being an enabler to Mika!! Upon teaching Mika about selfies and the momentum of photos… Mika gets a little too on board with this. He takes photos whenever he can, both blurry and crisp, highly focused or landscape of you, anywhere and everywhere. There are so many pictures he has and collects, often finding it hard to delete any one of them because there is something special attached to each one. Selfies and other photos he can get with you, either to your knowledge or without it are probably the most important to his collections. The second ones are those that either are from dates or situations that Mika dates. He is willing to print them off and keep them all over, even having dedicated spaces and boxes of printed photos or simply made posters. There would probably be some specific photo he becomes horrendously attached to as well, much like having one of Shu he constantly uses to talk to or seek advice from. 
The reason to account for the photos is because, as I’ve touched on, Mika is a filthy hoarder. He will legitimately take whatever he can get his hands on if he thinks it has some value to you. While I think depending on the item, particular trash isn’t seen as valuable or limited value others have much more. For example, plastic utensils aren’t valued at much; you used it once and then got rid of them, which has very little value to you. But say a silverware from your kitchen, chopsticks/spoon/whatever you use daily, has that value level and is worth wanting to keep for his own use. If you wear makeup, an empty lipstick/chapstick tube will be more sentimental or valued than a used tissue. This can also be found in the fact he’s mainly sharing spaces. While he still is a hoarder and does his best to keep his collection out of the main sight or in a place that isn’t easily accessed, there is always a chance someone could come to clean out those spaces. Something like a tissue is more likely to get loaded and thrown away, while Mika could better justify a chapstick holder as being able to be kept. This doesn’t change the fact that he is able and willing to collect a lot of gross things, such as well willing to have a container of bath water of yours if he could easily get it or an old notebook you might forget about. Even if it’s just work notes, he’d take it. And Mika might sometimes try to get rid of parts of his collection until he can secure a long-term and connected relationship with you, such as living together; it’s hard for him to part with anything of yours. These items are fucking everywhere too. His dorm, Shu’s apartment, the sewing station, and his area at CosPro. You might even see things you thought you lost just lying around and be able to “steal” them back with how prolific his hoarding is scattered. 
Clothing is the one thing; sadly, you will probably never get back, or at least if you could not in its original form. Mika loves, even obsessively, uses scraps and parts of your clothing in his. Even in the costumes for Valkyrie if he can, so there is a piece of you on stage with him. His use for upcycling extends back to his past, needing to take clothes and items from the trash to even have things of his own to wear, but now it feels much more special. This is rewriting all of the stigma and pain he carried of having nothing more than trash clothes— discarded by people just as he was. Sure, this clothes was stolen and didn’t have your permission to use, but it has the comfort woven into its threads. It smells like you and has the texture from how you cared for it when you washed it. It has the stains and memories of you, the feeling of someone being so loved by you it’s clearly ready to be thrown out finally, so it’s perfect if he repurposes it. He never takes too much, and if you have a clear favorite item Mika knows not to take it; maybe steal it from the wash pile and use it as a pillow cover for a bit, but always have it returned as well. At that time he’d fantasy the domestic life of being together, where he could openly wear his upcycled material of your clothes patched together [and you can wear them too!]. Or where he can take your clothes and wear them without shame or worry of getting them back on time, and the comments you’d make seeing him in your stuff. All of the fantasies turn him bright red, and even the next day, when you greet him, he looks a little more flushed than usual around you.
However yes, many things go missing, but they are often just as much replaced. Simple things are replaced with Mika spending his own money and then finding ways to either customize or make it so the item is uniquely tied to the two of you. Certain things also have trackers in them, but most are just decorative in some way. You remember how you lost your favorite pair of chopsticks when you brought your own lunch that one day. Weirdly enough the next day a new pair ended up in your bag but one bejeweled on the handle to match a particular sewer’s aesthetic while the other matched yours. Or hair clips that you once got as decorative jokes for a photo you and your friends had been planning; you figured you just misplaced them but these new ones you found are nothing like the previous ones aesthetic… If you look too long in a shop at clothing or accessories Mika might not always be able to buy them due to expenses buts he’s well quick to make them, even with the added benefit of it being tailored now specifically to how you prefer. They always end up at your desk so neatly packaged, many coworkers assume it’s perhaps brands trying to get cozy with you for future deals with idol groups but these aren’t the same as what you saw in the window. No, these are too perfect for you to be just any run-of-the-mill store item. The even more unsettling part is how this person managed to get your measurements so spot on if not for measuring you in your sleep. 
There is also one specific way Mika would get caught for the more,, creepy actions. You’d know he could be a bit of a stalker. He has his moments where it’s oblivious he’s following you or others but those always come off more like a kicked puppy trying to follow someone home rather than malicious. Like he wants to interact, but internal conflict holds him back so much he forgets where he is until he is slightly too far behind and stumbles to keep up. If he really wants to stalk, Mika can keep himself hidden. There are other times all his other more ‘bizarre’ actions are qualified as Mika being Mika, like being fatigued after bouts of practice and finding his way to your desk out of habit in hopes to see you rather than going and getting medical attention/rest, or coming to hover around your desk for inspiration like a cat. If you aren’t there, usually you see cheap candies on your desk as a reminder he was there and is probably off looking for you or went back to the workstation much more disappointed than before. For the most part conversation with Mika, you might not lead to believe anything is deeply wrong with his infatuation levels. He’s always spoken weirdly with his doll-like commentary and the idea of letting others “control” him such as Shu and you. Or that his comments tend to come from a lack of understanding rather than outright trying to harm, so you do your best to guide him in topics. You’ve always known his emotional state can be complex, and his childhood likely made it hard to process feelings, resulting him them dominating his sense of self and backfiring into making them more unsettling than maybe he intended [of course while Mika’s perception of the events being vastly different]. All of these would change when you awake in the middle of the night hearing stumbling in your apartment. The first few times you hear a thump or grunt, you believe it’s just your sleepy brain making up stuff. It’s unsettling, and you always can feel your heart rate spike, but you don’t have anything to assume there is something wrong. But it often continues and you’re getting worried. Everything comes rushing into a close of an era when you manage to shake yourself awake one night, hearing a whine from the floor by your bed only to see a mass of dark hair and clothes. None other than Mika, watching you in your sleep— or well trying. 
See while Mika would love to use the nighttime to stalk around your apartment and get things done… his case of night blindness makes it much harder. Walking into walls or furniture, tripping over a bag that wasn’t always there, or simply leaning in too close that he bonked his head into your trying to look at your face before diving under your bed as to tousle around. It never really hurts, but he does let out a startled noise, or the falling is enough to cause a loud sound. But now, you’ve caught him in the act. And many questions are bound to follow in the morning, ones neither of you can escape from. Finding out Mika’s habits won’t change the outcome for him too much; what will is how you choose to follow but it doesn’t matter. He’ll find a way to be around in your life more no matter how you respond. 
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Genuinely worried, not a troll ask. Is TNR bad in all situations? I’m in an extremely rural area and have been working to TNR the local cat colony for about six years now. Most are feral, so it literally is ‘trap’ in that TNR and then handle the trap with puncture proof gloves, etc. I’ve managed to bring their numbers down from the mid twenties to about eight with only one litter born this spring, that I managed to catch and get to a shelter three hours away before they were too feral to handle.
Basically if I didn’t do TNR here, we’d just have a ton of feral cats and no birds at all? There are no resources. I’ve been trying for years to find someone willing to work with this area and we’re too far out in a zone with no resources in the one county shelter.
Hey there anon! I don't know if TNR is bad in all situations, I can just speak to what I've heard/read about and how it personally makes me feel. I'm glad that the method worked for you in your area and you were able to get that last litter to a good home! Regardless of my own feelings I'm glad it worked for you.
Below the cut are my thoughts on TNR. I don't mean it personally anon, I think that your care for the cats in your area is very honourable even if I don't quite agree with TNR as a whole. This is more of an explanation as to how TNR makes me feel than anything else.
Environmentally, you're still reintroducing the cats back into the ecosystem (just neutered). If TNR works exactly as it's supposed to and the cats don't die prematurely that's still years to potentially over a decade of dead birds killed by cats. There have also been studies shown that TNR doesn't always work as successfully as in your situation. People often see feeding stations as a safe place to dump unwanted pets, or else other intact strays can move in to fill in the gaps of deceased TNR colony members. [1] [2] [3]
My biggest concern with TNR though is the welfare of the cats. To use your colony as an example, in the course of six years you lost 15-20 cats. Some friendly kittens might have been adopted out, but what happened to the other ones that weren't adoptable? We keep our pet cats indoors to keep them safe from harm, but there's no way to keep ferals safe from disease, parasites, injuries, traffic, weather, or wildlife. Without an owner they're left wandering out there without vet care after being hit by a car, or getting frostbite, an infection, illness, etc. When they do die stray cats usually die pretty gruesome deaths, and personally I'm uncomfortable condemning a cat to that by rereleasing them with TNR. Even if TNR was a 100% effective way to minimize cat populations to me it seems kind of... cruel.
My sort-of jab at the author of that book was related to my feelings on those cats. Alley Cat Allies and other TNR groups often argue that if a cat is a part of a TNR colony it shouldn't be adopted out. TNR groups often advocate for these "community cats" to be left alone. Here's a screenshot from Alley Cat Allies in an article titled "5 Ways to Advocate for Cats in your Community":
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Knowing that these cats can be injured/killed so easily and painfully and that they're being denied a safe, happy, and healthy life with a human owner just doesn't sit right with me. Not every TNR group advocates for this kind of practice, but it's enough of a pattern that I'm wary of them. It seems like the author of that book thinks it's better for your cat to be "happy and free" outdoors rather than inside.
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uhohbestie · 5 days
I really love you guys art and writing!
Can I get nice advice for writing in general or for writing arguments? I’m kinda stuck on that part and I really enjoy you guys writing!
Heyy, thank you so much! 💫 ;w; We love getting messages like this, it's such a mood booster! (Lock: literally I sent this to Key last night and was like "I'M SO EXCITED TO ANSWER THIS" lmao)
We raaaaaambled, so Writing Advice is beneath the cut :3
As for writing advice, in general and specific both, I think a key component is to really get into your characters' heads. I like to think of it a bit like acting--when you write, you're not just someone keeping a record of events that have occurred, you're the actor playing every role on stage. You should know the characters you're trying to pen inside and out; what makes them happy and sad, what makes them frustrated and angry, what scares them and what they aspire to. Or, more simply put, you have to filter a character down to what makes them tick. Give them a Fear, give them a Motive, give them things that drive them to push forward, and things that hold them back. Above all, make sure that you know how those things for one character are different from another, because that's where the conflict arises.
Which brings us to arguments! It's easy to just write angry words and cussing or insults but, while those might add to an argument, substance is what's important. Even in real life, arguments happen because two people strongly Believe In Something. Whether that's some huge disconnect between morals and lifestyles or just a simple "I'm right and they're wrong." So give your characters a clear Belief about the topic they're fighting about, and then lean into your "actor" role and pull up how they feel in detail. And I'm not talking 'I feel upset' or 'I feel mad,' I mean how honest do they feel they should be while fighting? Are they passive aggressive? Are they holding back their words? Are they deliberately trying to make things worse? Are things falling out of their control and they just don't know how to stop?
Really embody the character you're writing--if you were them what would you do to hide/protect/fight for something? What are your limits? How low are you willing to go?
And then, after you've got that substance--the meat, if you will--of the argument down, everything else is just embellishment! So go crazy with descriptions! How do their voices sound? How hot do their bodies go? Are their faces flushed? Is someone angry crying? Is their heart racing? Do they feel like they're going to vomit?
Describe in and around them and really make the reader feel immersed in the scene, like if they try, they could feel all the same things your characters could.
Annnd, that's all I got 😂 I'm sure there's plenty more advice out there that's more specific than mine, but that's generally how my thought process works so there you have it hehehe
I hope you're able to find something worth implementing within it, and good luck with your writing!! 💜
(Lock here chiming in to say: editing is good! read what you wrote out loud to yourself (if possible). Find what you like to write (I love to write people talking about their feelings, especially when they get emotional!) and dig in shamelessly, even if it feels like overkill! A good piece of advice I got once was to think of writing like getting dressed to go out: put everything on, and then remove one thing. I don't know why, but that really clicked for me. ALSO, when you edit: never delete anything. Copy out the parts you're removing and save them in a different file, you never know when the scene/conversation/exchange that didn't fit that moment will suddenly find a home several pages later.
A big thing I always try to keep in mind while writing is: every character thinks they're right, even (especially) when they're 100% wrong. Not even to a villain degree-- everyone every day is thinking "I'm doing my best." (Which is what makes catastrophic mistakes or miscommunications even worse!)
Also, when writing arguments or conflict: never be afraid to let your characters sit in their feelings and be miserable for a while. A lot of things in life take a long time to work themselves out, and sometimes a character needs to go to bed angry, or go no-contact for a week, or take a five year break where they completely reinvent themselves before things are ever properly resolved.
Also good luck and have fun <3 writing is fun )
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this-is-golddust159 · 6 months
He texted me this weekend.
The last time he texted me was October 4th, which was also the last time I saw him. He’s sent the occasional facebook or instagram message since then, but no actual texts. That of course made me assume he was trying to hide contacting me.
And then he texted me at 2:48 AM on Sunday with a BS picture from work and all it said was “buuuuusy night”.
I ignored it until today because I didn’t know what to do with it. I was equal parts annoyed he reached out, especially considering the time he sent the text, and terrified of what would happen if I did reply. I was also confused because he recently updated his facebook relationship status to “in a relationship”, so why would he need or want to reach out to me?
I finally ended up sending back something like “hope it ended up going by quickly”. To his credit (which he doesn’t deserve) he then asked how I’ve been, to which I responded with a vague “good but busy”. In hindsight, I should have never replied because it seemed like that was the opening he was hoping for. He then started telling me about all the pets he now has, giving me names. I recognized all but one of the names, so I asked for clarification action on that one. Big. Mistake. This was the interaction:
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The only way I could interpret that response was that he’s living with her. The girl he ended our exclusivity for because he just had to be able to see (*cough* sleep with *cough*) her. For the entire YEAR we were seeing each other, he kept telling me he’d never live with someone again after his ex. And then he just casually drops that he’s living with her.
And then he had the audacity to send a little sad face at my generic response?!? Exactly what did you expect me to say? “Awww congrats!” I don’t think so.
I shouldn’t have been surprised, really. But the whole thing felt like yet another reminder that I didn’t mean anything to him. Alongside the whole “not wanting to live with someone else thing, he kept saying he wasn’t ready to be in a relationship after his ex. Clearly he just meant a relationship with me. Mostly, I’m annoyed with myself for still hoping that he’d prove not to be a complete piece of shit, and would realize he missed me in his life and would try to win me back. I know that’s my emotional damage from childhood talking, but it doesn’t make the hope or hurt any less real. Naive, sure, but still real.
Perhaps even more than that, though, I’m sad for her. He was still sleeping with me until 2 months ago. So at best, they’ve been exclusive for 2 months. And really, before that his focus was split. And if he’s still concerned enough about me to try contacting me, how serious is he about her? He’s also someone who uses people… I should know, he did it to me some. But I know she co-signed on the apartment he ultimately got evicted from recently, which is how they came to live together. After that, I’m honestly baffled she was still willing to help him. But she is only 25 to his 33, so maybe she’s just more easily manipulated than someone closer to his age.
I was so damn close to being over him and everything he put me through, and then today happened. And now I feel like I’ve moved backwards about 12 steps. All I know is that I need to move on now. I need to block him everywhere, and quit letting him occupy space in my mind and heart. I deserve someone who wants me - 100% all in. Not someone who wants to toy with me just to keep me on the hook.
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creedslove · 1 year
I completely understand what you mean with the reader always forgiving Pedro so fast!! Sometimes I’m just like “wait.. that’s it???” With stories haha. But I am also very good at holding grudges and staying mad lmao.
Personally I am a sucker for happy endings bc life is already too sad for me so I hope if you continue the story, they will eventually work things out. But I’m 100% on board with things taking time. Especially after he left her like that to fuck someone else. That was honestly so cruel..
Like you said, he knows how she feels. And he did all that just to break her heart all over again. Just because he’s being selfish and doesn’t want to lose her as a friend.. that really is fucked up! I definitely think he needs someone, like his sisters or Sarah, to be like “what in the fuck Pedro????”
So I would love for Pedro to realise how badly he hurt her and feel a bit of that hurt too. I also really love the “she falls first, he falls harder” thing.
I don’t know how many parts you would want to write but I would love for the reader to kinda “mean up” and just straight up be like “you’re a fucking asshole and I don’t want to see you” to Pedro. Like don’t take that kinda shit from a guy! And especially not someone that calls himself a friend..
That’s actually another thing, Pedro wanted to take her as a thanks for always supporting him and being a great friend etc.. but he’s not really being a good friend to her at all.
So yeah, that’s one thing I would love to see. Reader standing up for herself and realising she doesn’t deserve to be treated like that and making sure Pedro knows that. And I want him to feel bad lmao
But pedro is being an idiot and still tries to keep going like normal but reader is like fuck that and distances herself and pedro slowly realising that he fucked up pretty bad and is completely losing her
Idk, like I said. Personally I love happy endings because real life already sucks enough but that’s of course completely up to you! This was just some ideas, maybe something will spark the writing inspiration. But I’m super glad you’re willing to do a part 2! Hope you have a good day!! :)
I agree 100% with everything you said!
I mean, we all love Pedro and that's why some people choose to have a happy ending fast, but I don't like that, I mean, I love happy endings too, but honestly, I love the hurt and angst more, lol!
I want a happy ending, but it's unfair if reader just forgives him and let him give her his crumbles just because he doesn't want to let go of their friendship. He knew damn well what he was doing, I mean, even if he didn't know reader had romantic feelings for him, or even if she didn't love him at all, it would still be so rude of him to just ignore her and send her home alone in order to go fuck someone else. It gives that 'i found someone better than you' vibe, you know?
I really like your ideas and I was thinking something similar, but the thing is, if I go along with it, then there's gonna be more than just the second part 😉 and Pedro will have to be even more of a dick to reader...
And if I'm being honest literally just five minutes before my shift started I began writing the second part. It is still some loose ideas but, it's something right? Even if I am able to work more on it, I still have a Javier Peña work to post before and then we'll see how it goes. I will also officially open my requests for Pedro and Javier (and Joel when I start tlou) later this week, because I don't want to accumulate a lot of work.
But if you have any other ideas, let me know, I really love those!
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tacosaysroar · 2 years
There aren't many constants in life - but one of them is that capitalism will find a way to fuck working people. Solidarity friend. Hope the chat with your manager goes okay, or at least that you get to have fun lighting the fire when you walk out in a few months?
Oof. So very, very true.
I was waiting until after that chat to post this, and I’m delighted to report it went as well as I could’ve hoped.
It won’t be an option to stay 100% remote, which I knew going into it. (They just made the person who changed that policy the official — vs interim — CEO, so no one’s going to be able to opt out.) My shoot-for-the-moon ask was to be able to only come into the office for core hours on the required days (T, W, TH). Core hours would be 10-2. That’s a compromise I thought I could live with because it means . . .
I won’t have to get up much (or possibly any) earlier
Adelaide definitely won’t need to get up earlier
I’ll have time to come home, walk Teddy, have our morning standup meeting without having to rush to my desk for it, and miss commuter traffic hours before I head downtown
Leaving at 2:00 gives me enough time, even if there’s traffic, to pick Adelaide up at school dismissal
I won’t be caught in commuter traffic when I need to be cooking dinner or working out
My manager agreed it was a perfectly reasonable request, and he’s going to talk to his boss about it (so technically it could still fall apart) but he doesn’t see any reason why they wouldn’t compromise to be able to keep me.
OBVIOUSLY I’d rather stay 100% remote, but this is the next best thing. And I like my job enough that I’m willing to at least attempt a compromise. I’ll try this schedule out for a couple of months (starting in January) and if it doesn’t work for me — or someone higher up decides they have a problem with it and I have to stop — then it’ll be time to start looking for another job.
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thatcrazycrowgirl · 1 year
What do you think 💬 about Jacob's wife would be like? From appearance, personality, assassin or not? I feel like she would be both_ don't know how an assassin and Normal job at the same time but yeah I love that idea :>
(*All of the is purely personal opinion; proceed with caution and take it with a truck full of salt.)
If I’m 100% honest, this is a tough question to answer across the board, and a lot of it is due to personal bias - whether conscious or not. I have my own ideas of who I think Jacob would be compatible with, be physically attracted to, and later fall in love with, and to continue to be honest, a lot of those ideas were taken into consideration when I began crafting my Syndicate OC several years ago. This does not mean others will think the same way, though.
However, since you asked, I’ll share a few thoughts.
In terms of personality, I see the woman Jacob falls for to be, at least at base level, capable, compassionate, adventurous, and able to match his wit with her own sharp mind. (And in my mind, his future wife is also someone who can hopefully cook better than Jacob or they’re both screwed.) Perhaps too, someone who is willing to go along with some of Jacob’s outrageous ideas, but call him out if what he’s plotting is too dangerous or insane for anyone’s good - same goes for calling out Jacob on any of his BS, as well. As much as I imagine he would deny it, Jacob is the type who needs some sort of anchor/voice of reason - at least to some degree - just so he doesn’t impulsively fly off the handle with some things - as we’ve seen him do, when left completely unchecked.
Again, that being said, just because *I* believe Jacob would fall in love with and marry a certain kind of woman (specifically the one I described above), doesn’t mean other people may do so, as well. Some may argue that a woman who is 100% the complete opposite of Jacob may be the sort he’d fall in love with. Some see him marrying another Assassin - some, a Templar - some, a civilian - some, even one of his own gang members. All of those opinions are valid and possible, because we don’t know what exactly happens between the years of 1869 - 1886. That's 17 years more or less unaccounted for, so heaven knows what all Jacob got up to during that time.
I know you had asked for my personal opinion, but I feel like bringing light to the closest thing we may have to a “canonical answer” might make for an interesting, additional footnote. If you are interested, there was an interview from a few years ago, where Paul Amos (Jacob’s VA) gave his brief opinion on Jacob’s “perfect love interest”/the sort of woman he would marry:
“Well, I don’t know, because they established that he has a daughter, right? In the future, because his granddaughter is in the sequence... So, it’s obviously a very strong woman, somebody who can put up with Jacob and keep him in check...much like my own wife, really...” (From this clip)
(You might notice that this lines up a lot with my own opinion, but I had no idea this interview existed until fairly recently - so there was no influence from it. Just wanted to put that out there.)
In regards to Jacob marrying another Assassin and whether or not she could be both an Assassin and still lead a civilian life, it could be a tricky balance, but not wholly impossible, in my opinion. Two good examples of this are with Jayadeep Mir (a.k.a. Henry Green) being an Assassin, but also owning a curiosity shop, and Arno Dorian, another Assassin, who owns and operates the Café Théâtre. Yeah, these places are most likely a cover, but they're still running actual businesses. Now, going back to Jacob's love interest, I think the biggest catalyst of how well leading that “duel life” could work is how large of a role she has within the Brotherhood, and how the amount of people in that city’s faction. If she doesn’t rank high in the organization and there are a good amount of people to share the work, then leading a more “normal” life could be more manageable, in my opinion.
Now, in terms of appearance, I’m afraid this is one question I couldn’t answer with any sort of certainty or without bias, as we never get any canonical evidence, via Jacob’s own words, as to what he finds physically attractive in a woman. (Yes, I know he’s bicurious/bisexual, but since this post is specifically asking about Jacob’s future wife, I’m focusing on the side of his sexual orientation that is attracted to women.) We see him get a little flirty with women on two occasions (a bit with Pearl and with those two unnamed women in “The Last Maharajah” DLC), but that doesn’t give any solid indication on a specific type for him. Like I've previously stated with other aspects, I had my own ideas that I considered that were later implemented into my OC, but that doesn’t mean other people will agree with them. (And that’s perfectly fine.) So, for the sake of keeping the peace, I may leave this question off the table, if that's alright.
So, there’s my answer, I guess? Sorry if it’s kind of messy and vague in parts, but again, when you’re quite ingrained into this fandom, answering something like this with a neutral eye is borderline impossible.
I still appreciate you shooting me a message, though, and thank you for your patience in receiving my response! :)
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polyamorouspunk · 2 years
So light advice thing for sleepover friday ig, but I'm polyam and in a relationship with my life partner [also polyam]. Me and my life partner have different needs and it's one of those things where I'm going stir crazy over it and they feel bad\uncomfortable about it even if it's okay our needs don't match up.
But every time I go out and try and meet other folks to date I feel like I only meet folks who willingly ignore certain parts about me [like i could be Trans or in a relationship or willing to date more than 1 person in an existing polycule but not all three at once] OR I meet the absolute most Bizarre Folks who go from like "haha happy nice flirting" to like "and then in gonna beat you up because I like beating people up :)" with no context or warning [actual example] and I feel like I'm going nuts trying to find relationships, I feel like just giving up, but should I? Are there ways around this? I've only really dated my life partner even though I'm 'prime dating age' [early 20s] so is this like a me problem??? Do I just need to learn how to date folks???
That is never a you problem.
If you don’t like people you shouldn’t be dating them. I’ve had a few people I met on a dating app that have been interested in me and I feel guilty for not going out with them but I don’t like them and quite frankly most of the time I don’t even like talking to them but I’m so lonely I’m literally settling.
Last guy I dated was great, said I was a bit much sometimes which hurt but really seemed like he would have accepted me being everything I am just you know he moved away to get his kid and get his divorce and started dating someone else there who he broke up with because she didn’t want him to keep his kid and I ended things with him because I’m also not looking to date someone with a kid and can’t have a FP be polyam and dating someone other than me because of bpd issues, which he was also working on understanding for me.
Like shit just doesn’t work out sometimes. I also had a life partner but like you know they dumped me and then decided they never wanted to speak to me ever again. I certainly feel like I should just give up on the dating front but like I don’t even have any friends so it’s not even like “well at least I have my ldr partner who loves me” it’s like “the only people that care about me hardly talk to me which is fine because they have mental illnesses that keep them from being sociable but they’re reliable” and like. That’s it. I have one coworker who I’m sort of friends with. The rest aren’t huge fans of me it feels like. I try and work in the back so I don’t have to feel like everyone hates me. Yeah mostly it’s just sometimes we all have bad days and we get snappy at each other and that 100% includes me but I’m desperately trying to get back into college to try and make friends and it’s been so up and down I thought today was the last day that I was going to be able to get in but I guess it’s the last day for sign ups and now it’s registration and those are two different things and ugh I’m like so close to crying right now and my point is NO we can’t give up. We can’t give up trying because you never know if, say, the love of your life decides you’re too much and doesn’t ever want anything to do with you ever again and then we’re left with nothing. We need backups. We need to keep going. We need things to live for even if it’s hard to find them. Because if we don’t have them we have nothing and there’s no point in staying alive.
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zorilleerrant · 2 years
if the Batkids were Green Lanterns: based on my knowledge of Green Lanterns, which, did you guys know they come in other colors??? I’m not sure which ones but I’m making a list anyway
Damian: one time I saw a Green Lantern that was like. a Norwegian Skull Metal Lantern instead. I don’t know if that was canonical and if it was I don’t know if it was a special case, but I definitely think Death & Darkness as an aesthetic makes a lot of sense for Damian, who grew up pretty much controlled by that. if not, then I think he’s primarily driven by a desperation to make his parents and mentors proud. is there an Anxiety Lantern? because he would be that
Duke: this guy is driven by pure Determination. he’s like. someone’s got to fix shit and I guess it may as well be me. he has a vision. anything that stands in his way he will literally just walk around. because his city is on a grid pattern so he can do that. he’s willing to try anything as long as it has a shot at working, and if it doesn’t, he will make it work. I think this is actually just the normal green ones so he would have the normal powers. except I thought Duke already had those powers so now I’m sorry if that’s a boring choice
Cass: Hope. I know that’s a real one because I see it all the time. she is an eternal optimist, driven entirely by thinking about how, piece by piece, she can take all the bad parts of the world and fix them. even when she was at her lowest, she saw how things could get better - not just for her, but for everyone! - and she pursued that. even her strict no killing policy is based on her eternal hope that people will see the error of their ways, something she puts into practice over and over again.
Steph: like Damian, Steph is driven by a desire to prove herself. but unlike him, it’s not about finally proving to the people around her that she’s worth knowing and liking - Steph is already pretty sure about that. it’s herself that she’s trying to prove herself to; she wants to know that she’s doing her best, but she also wants to know that she’s never letting herself backslide, and always making efforts to do more. stubborn, dauntless, and unrelenting, she’ll keep going even when hope is lost. which is closest to Perseverance? is that just the green one again
Tim: he’s entirely driven by empathy and compassion. to a fault, even. he’s always trying to be where he’s supposed to be, for his family, his team(s), and his city. also his boyfriend which comes into conflict with that a little. he’s constantly skipping over his own life and his obligations and promises to various people because he ran into someone in need, or because he saw something urgent in someone else he loves. he’s a caretaker. he wants to fix people, and he wants to fix things for people. is there a Sympathy or Protectiveness? maybe a Nurturing?
Jason: 100% this man runs on fear. when he was Robin, he was afraid of not belonging and not being accepted and not being competent and not being able to save his loved ones, but he pushed that aside. as Red Hood, he honed his fear into a weapon, and he lives by it. he’s afraid for his city and his family and his people, and above all, he’s afraid what happened to him will happen to somebody else. and there’s no way he’s going to let that happen. so whichever is either Fear or Bravery. or possibly Overcoming Difficulties
Babs: Anger. I’m pretty sure this is a real one, too. this woman runs on whole bean unadulterated rage. she wants nothing more than to lay waste to anything and everyone who threatens her family. she is angry about the dangers in her city, and the corruption in the people who are supposed to fix it, and how the people she loves have been hurt, and everything that has happened to her herself, and everything that might happen to anyone in the future. she knows that pure destruction isn’t useful, so she tempers it, but if she snapped, she would definitely be the most violent of them all.
Dick: I want him to be the slutty one
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yurious-george · 1 year
"my family isn't rich" and your family literally had hired help around the house. girl my family is poor as shit and we have never once moved to a foreign country and enlisted locals to clean our house ok
Have you heard of this fun thing called “being middle class”
Genuinely, we just got lucky. The company covered the vast majority of our expenses, and a thousand Ugandan shillings is like, 30¢. Not 30$, 30¢. Obviously my dad being paid a USA salary went a long way over there. I’m pretty sure housekeeping was covered by the company as well, until we moved from Kenya to Uganda (Info my bio is not 100% accurate, i lived about a year and a half in Kenya and the remaining three ish in Uganda. Gotta keep ‘em guessing.) anyway, if $30 is enough to feed someone for a week, you have no dishwasher and a house that regularly gets coated in iron-rich, staining Ugandan dust, and people are willing to work, why not pay them to make your life a little easier? They get money, we get a clean house, what’s the downside.
Cannot stress enough that $30 in USD, aka more than 10,000/= in USh, was enough to feed someone for a week, or at least several days. 20 pounds of bananas was equivalent to $5 USD. Don’t be like this man
I will say we were objectively much richer in east Africa than we ever were in the United States, especially because our permanent US home is in a very expensive city. We can’t afford a regular housekeeper here, in east Africa we had two and helped one of them pay for college. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ conversion rates & buying power
If you want to make up a narrative of me secretly being the top 1% I can’t stop you, but you would appear severely uneducated. I have the incredible good fortune of never risking homelessness or food insecurity, and to be able to afford to make other people’s lives better financially in a very poor country. That doesn’t make me upper class. I’m never gonna be able to afford a private mansion in this life or the next, or a billion dollars, or even regular opera tickets (TT_TT) - I think the class divide in the USA has gotten so severe that people can’t recognize when a middle class family got lucky. Like, when I was a kid middle class families could afford this stuff. A trip overseas every few years, college, the occasional big donation, owning a house, companies paying major finances for the good of their employees, etc. that doesn’t exist anymore. I’m sitting in a house that is currently worth 1.5 MILLION usd, that wasn’t half that much when my parents bought it 20 years ago. We do not have a million dollars. No one in my family has ever had a million dollars. I probably won’t be able to have the life and financial security my parents have, and tbh? that frightens me to hell.
I think my parents know that too. We hope for better times, live comfortably within our means, and try not to talk about it.
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unedited-me · 1 year
Dear Xxxxxxx
Before I left for Norway, we had a conversation about us and where this is going. A conversation that we both agreed we needed to continue when I got back, since we didn’t really reach a conclusion. I have been trying to give you time and space to sort through your thoughts and come talk to me about it when you’re ready, but I’m at a point where I just need to know.
Before I properly ask you, I want you to understand where I’m at. I’ve told you I like you, but I don’t feel like I’ve been super clear on what that means for me. I know and respect that you aren’t ready for a relationship, but you treat me like we’re already in one. Having the knowledge that I have/am developing feelings for you and still not respecting the friendship boundary that you’ve set feels like you’re exploiting my emotional vulnerability for your own personal comfort. I honestly don’t think that’s your intention; however, if you only think of me as a friend, I need you to treat me accordingly. I don’t want to be in a position where I develop feelings for someone who is either unable or unwilling to ever reciprocate those feelings. And I can’t wait in limbo for you to decide that I’m worth more than a friendship. That being said, if you do see the same potential in me that I see in you, I need you to be able to verbalise that to me. We can explore what that means for us at whatever pace feels comfortable moving forward. Just to be 100% clear, I am not asking you to jump into a relationship. I’m not even really asking you for a commitment. I’m just asking you to take a position.
In the spirit of full transparency, I’m coming from a situation where my partner didn’t make me feel chosen. He didn’t respect my time, value my emotional vulnerability, or understand how to communicate with me effectively. You’ve told me that you don’t have time for a relationship because of the time commitment you have at school. While I admire that you know that relationships take time and effort and energy, I’m not trying to monopolise your time. I’ve told you before, I value communication over everything else. I don’t require a huge time commitment. Especially right now because I know you’re in school and working long hours, and your education should come first. I want you to put that first, but I also want you to know that I am willing to support you through that process.
At the end of the day, I want you to know that I appreciate you as a person, I value our friendship, and I want you in my life. I just need you to tell  me at what capacity I can keep you here. I just want to know where you stand, so we can have a clear understanding on how we navigate this moving forward. 
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nox77 · 2 years
Chronology, Archaeology of Woods Canyon Pueblo
Growing Self’s dating coaches are completely different. Views, people watching, and window-shopping are free; additional restaurant and bar tabs. Provide name tags for participants (first name only or first name and last initial), as well as clipboards, pens and comment cards so that daters can keep track of the people they meet. נערות ליווי בהרצליה Finally, remember to share, like, tweet, and comment below. Now, nearly everyone I know has met someone online, and I’ve been to a number of weddings where the couple met on apps. “I’m divorced-after marrying pretty young-so it was mildly horrifying to try out dating apps for the first time in my late 20s. But I learned from that first marriage that I didn’t want to waste time on anyone who didn’t reach out often enough. That’s why we reached out to 12 real women from all over the country who were able to do it successfully and asked them for their best online dating tips. Over time, ionizing radiation is absorbed by mineral grains in sediments and archaeological materials such as quartz and potassium feldspar.
It might take him a while to choose a partner or accept a date, but when he does, you can expect him to give 100 percent. If you don't want to permanently delete Facebook Dating, you can take a break instead with that specifically-named option. So, if we know how much of the nuclide was originally present, and how much there is now, we can easily calculate how long it would take for the missing amount to decay, and therefore how long it’s been since that particular sample was formed. Maybe someone you know is going through the same thing or has an ‘I can top that’ terrible date story that will make you laugh. We don’t know who said "opposites attract," but that’s usually just when you’re talking about magnets. So whether you’re just getting back into the dating game or have been dating for awhile with little luck, just remember: what you’re looking for is out there. I think going on dates is great, and you should go on dates if you’re interested in the person you’re messaging with, but if they don’t message you back in a timely way, just move on.
You live and work in Phoenix, so you don’t need an opportunity to meet with someone to only have enough time to ask him or her about where they live and what they do for work. These stubborn, loyal bulls fall fast and hard, often falling for people who don’t even deserve it. Taurus’s seventh house of relationships is Scorpio, so in one-on-one connections, their top priority is intimacy, even if it comes at their own peril. They’re not shy about asking questions and can disarm even the most introverted person enough to get their life story. Plus, the in-depth profiles and "ice-breaker" questions encourage meaningful conversation, making this app perfect for those looking to start serious relationships. A few times I spent weeks messaging or texting with someone I hadn’t met, and then by the time we did meet up, it felt like we had done all the getting-to-know-you questions online, and it inevitably fell flat.
Seeking Arrangement can connect you with partners willing to pamper you like the sugar baby you are. Index fossils are fossils that are known to only occur within a very specific age range. Something that immediately attracted me to my fiancé was that, after a couple of messages, he asked me out right away with a specific place and time. Franz and I dated for almost three years after that, then got married just last month! Beyond that, it might be best to trust your unconscious feelings too as your implicit "gut reactions" can have a big impact on attraction. So, such computer-mediated communication may have an artificial and unemotional quality. Matching: Online tests may not be able to tell you your perfect match, but they can help narrow down the options. Long introductory emails may be counter-productive and off-putting too. Add to that our dislike of forced socializing, penchant for quiet, and strong need for meaningful interaction, and finding a partner can feel downright impossible. In particular, such testing often identifies potential daters who would be a poor relationship partner for anyone.
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myunicornsdontlie · 2 years
Imagine to be a part of a family that wants nothing less than to be a part of you.
I truly felt like I was connecting with my family. We were doing things together, hosting little parties, singing, dancing, wine, cheese, drinking, family parties.
I was very much starting to “feel” like I was wanted around. But that was never the case. I find myself getting more and more unhappy with life because I do want family. But I don’t want to create my own. And a part of me realizes I need to just get over that part that will die with me. But I feel guilt. Shame. Unhappiness. When my mom died a piece of me died with her, and that was the “reason” for it all. We never got to work through our issues, we never learned to be better humans together, I never got to say goodbye. How could I want to bring other life into this world if this is a possibility? This horrible feeling of unresolved and unhappiness that just sits there. Like it kinda doesn’t even bother me but it bothers me enough to crave a different life. It makes me crave that family that doesn’t want anything to do with me.
(And maybe that all sounds dramatic and maybe that’s not ACTUALLY how they feel on a surface level. But they only see what’s in front of them and that’s not me. Despite me telling them I am able, willing and eager to drive 2 & 1/2 hours back home for events. That I am willing to go out of my way to finish up whatever work stuff I have to do immediately in order to go see them. They never call, text, or INVITE ME, despite me always being around. AND to top it off, my dads always invited. But that’s another way my family is. Only a “They” are allowed.)
And maybe from that parenthesis’d paragraph you’ll see that it’s more than just something that doesn’t bother me. I’ve said my peace a thousand times and I know THEY will never change, maybe one person but not ALL of them. And I just wish I could get past these feelings of resentment and anger that boil to the surface of jealousy and sadness when i feel and get shown that I am not WANTED.
And a part of me wants to be a bitch. A part of me wants to just call them on their shit and just say something. But I am not that person. I don’t stand tall, I talk shit too. Just like them. I am more powerful with numbers and maybe that’s what I feel? No power? No control? An NPC? I don’t know. And maybe me saying I don’t know is that I just don’t want to get into it.
I just know that I talk to one family members literally almost everyday and I’ve explained how them not inviting me makes me feel. And then they legit stopped inviting me? I’m so confused and so hurt It doesn’t make sense.
I wish someone would tell me WHY. So I don’t get a chance to fix it? You’re just done? You’re just not going to try? You just gave up? You won’t give me peace of mind like everything else in my life??
My mom is dead.
My sisters a crackhead
My brothers a pedophile
My dads vulgar and misogynistic and an alcoholic.
I am loud when I drink & messy.
So? Because 1% of the time I mess up versus who I am as a person isn’t “correct” for that time the other 99% is thrown away? When they are like that 100% of the time without apologies??? It just fucking sucks!!! Do I have to be like them to be seen??? What about the first one?? Will that make me seen???
I’m getting angrier just thinking about it. I might have even harnessed more anger versus dispensing it like I thought this post would have done. Because I’ve thought about it. I’ve processed a little. I’ve actually dived into my brain that I keep on autopilot and “lol”. Because it’s truly not autopilot and “lol” behind everything I do. It’a a process, determination, and fear of becoming like them.
Imagine having the thought you would wait til your father passed away to get married? To wait til he passed away to get the house you deserve and kick your low-life siblings out of? Give them a taste of all the shit you’ve been feeling since you were a kid? The good girl didn’t have a room, she had a couch. The good girl didn’t get trust she got mistrust. I never drank until college, I never went to parties until college. I waited and waited and waited and waited to do things at an appropriate age and when I felt it all boil to the surface.
I didn’t get my own privacy until I was 18. And I know I’m painting my immediate family in bad light but the very first couple of paragraphs I was talking about my extended family of my dads. Hell even my moms if I’m being honest but I don’t crave their company. They’re weird and republican in the worst way possible, just white power and military. Real trumpies. But my dad family, except one is not like that. And even that one family member isn’t really like that. And even if they ARE they don’t force their beliefs or conversations or thoughts onto others like my moms family does. Because they are white. And they feel like they own the world.
gosh this post got so out of hand. I’m tired and I’m not getting to the damn point.
All in all. I crave a family that doesn’t crave me. And that’s a weird way to put it but they just don’t care. If I died they’d go to the funeral and then be doing the same thing they’re doing now. And maybe some of them would be happy. A lot of them are religious but literally all, and I mean All and every religious person I ever met just believes in order to be forgiven. DONT forgive yourself. Hold yourself accountable, be a better human that you preach to become. Because if you keep forgiving yourself for certain things, you’ll just end up oblivious to those you’re actually massacring around you.
Thank you for coming to my extremely long winded Ted talk.
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mammonswhore · 3 years
Heyo! How would the Obey Me brothers react to MC being a teenager/younger gen Z? Like, the paper-work got mixed up somehow, and said they were like 26, when they were actually like 16? Also (you don't have to include this), what if the teen MC was actually really interested in demons and angles before coming to devildom, so they're really nervous, but also really excited? If you don't wanna do it, that's fine tho :) Have a great day/night!
I love this prompt! Have a great day too,love🖤
Brothers reaction to MC being a Gen Z teen. (Platonic)
He can already picture himself struggling with you.
Six brothers to take care of + a TEEN? Man is about to loose it.
If you are an introverted he will like you automatically and feel relieved that you will not always get into his brothers shenanigans.
If you are an extroverted (or just a curious one tbh) he will keep an eye on you 24/7 so you won't get into Mammon schemes or Satan's nerves and get yourself in trouble.
Really amused if you like demons and angels, will curse himself for misreading but will not hate himself too much since you are not that scared.
Gets tired of you quickly if you make too many questions and will always send you to ask Mammon or if it's something that he doesn't know himself he will ask Diavolo and tell you later but he will (of course) act all high and mighty as if he already knew the answer to such question.
Will practically adopt you and spoil you a lot because hes is big brother.
Overprotective. Oh you met a lesser demon and you want to go on a date with them? Haha he won't let you.
You will be the only person who gets in trouble and leaves with just a warning.
Also you are totally his soft spot. Man can't resist your sad face and will do anything to make you happy even if he doesn't like to admit that.
Totally lost when it comes to TikTok/memes references and will ask about it a lot.
He is amazing. Not only does whatever you ask him to but also has the best ways to get you out of boredom.
He will teach you how to scam people and how to be a good thief even if you don't need it or want it.
Teaches you about demons and angels without even knowing. Sometimes he drops random facts but it's not until he realizes you write down what he says that he stops doing it just to hear you ask him things so he can act all smug and smart.
If someone breaks your heart he will be ready to throw hands,no one hurts their little siblings.
Like Lucifer,he adopted you and always claims to be "the one you choose to be with you first" making sure his brothers hear him.
He will help you make your homework. Even if he doesn't understand he will try his best.
Please refer to him sometimes as "big brother" he will die.
When he saves your ass from getting killed by lesser demons he will be ready to receive the biggest hug ever and is absolutely ready to be praised.
If he saves you and you say "thanks,big brother" now you have a problem. He will brag about it for a week (at least).
Will steal things from you to keep them with him when he is going thru an episode. It reminds him that someone thinks of him as worthy and love deserving.
Will die for you,you are not only family now but his favorite person.
Will compliment you in the best brotherhood way he can "looking good today,kid", "your hair looks nice,brat" and "You are the best looking sibling after me of course" are his go to compliments. Mostly does it because you compliment him back and because he knows his comments make you feel closer to him and boy loves it.
If you are an introvert like him you can expect him to go out of his room more often just to see you or talk to you.
If you are not he will try to make you an indoors person but if he can't he is might be willing to take a risk and go out once a week but just to the manga store and back,don't expect more,normie.
If you like any thing he likes he will try to test you and prove he is better than you,he doesn't give a fuck you are practically a child he can't loose.
If he wins he will be very happy and more open to you to open up with some things.
If he doesn't win he will cry when he is alone and call himself an ugly unworthy idiot who can't even be considered an otaku but relax my dude,MC will go to you and reassure you you know better than them and that they will love to hear what you have to say (even if they don't mean it,they love you and will love to see you happy again).
Knows the basics about demons and angels so he is not the best to go to if you have too many questions. That's the only time he will let his envy go away and tell you to go to Satan or Lucifer since they know more than him.
He does not takes his duty as a big brother as something serious since Lucifer is always there but if you call him "big brother" he is going to take that role serious but for you and you only.
Will 100% find siblings cosplays and gets you to do it with him.
If you ever said something like "I'm lucky that my big brother is also my best friend" he might tear up a little since he has never been considered someone's best friend ever.
If any of his brothers try to get you to call him "big brother" he will go on a rampage unless it's Lucifer. Boy is envious not dumb.
If it was Lucifer he will go to him later and ask you if he can stop trying to get you to call him that way because that's they way you call him and it makes him feel special. Lucifer will probably agree because he knows Levi doesn't feel special often so he might give in; if he doesn't Levi will start an argument and won't stop until Lucifer cuts him off or agrees.
Keep calling him big brother, he adores it.
As grumpy as he is,he loves to have yo by his side. Not because he loves company but because he likes to be able to answer all your questions.
Ask him anything about demons or angels and he knows it,fuck he is smart.
Will get you a notebook so you can write what he says and will give you books to read as "extra homework" it's kind of a bad deal if you think of it but it's his way to show love.
The only person who calls him "big brother" often is Asmo and got used to it coming from him and him only. If he hears you calling him that way he will probably jump out of happiness when he is alone but for know he will just answer to that name name and act like nothing happened.
You don't want to do your homework? Fine you can copy mine but just this once.
If you struggle with anything he will solve it for you,no cap.
He will get you cat themed items like pencils, notebooks,necklaces or rings.
Matching is a must. Not because he likes the concept of being associated with a part of someone but because he will love to brag with his brothers obviously.
Will definitely get mad if you ask any type of demon/angel related thing to others.
Names a cat after you but it's the cats middle name so he won't get mocked. Won't tell you tho.
Very very protective but good at hiding it. He might be following you down the street but you wouldn't even know. Kinda creepy? Yes. Have you ever got eaten? Nope.
Yes! Exactly what he was waiting for.
You are part of his experiments. You don't like makeup? Well now you do. What type of clothes do you have? Do you have an aesthetic? No? Well now you do.
He is always there when you need him to. Best of them all to give advise when needed.
Definitely will be annoyed by all of your questions but will try to be as gentle as possible to tell you that.
Can help you to become really good at comebacks,believe him he knows best than anyone.
He is the one making sure you are educated when comes to sex. Simple but worthy lessons such as "sex is about experimenting and finding what you really like but you always need your partners consent" or "always have a safe word,even when you have vanilla type of sex" or the best one yet "if they want to fuck with you that's fine but always remember to use protection because I will not like to see you having a child so young or having an abortion" because yeah that's what big brothers do.
If you hit him with the "you are the best,big brother" he will jump into your arms and say that he knows he is the best but that hearing that was way too magical,do it again!
He is very aware of insecurities and will try to be the shoulder you cry on if you need to,he is always there to wipe of your tears (or wipe off the ones who hurt you).
Not as protective as the others but keeps an eye on you because your curiosity might hurt you.
Will be crushed if he sees you suffering from the most minimal thing. That lipstick does not fit your skin color? Fuck that lipstick! We are getting new ones,go get Lucifers card!
Spoils you way more than any other because he wants to create a brat. He needs to have someone like you who will cling into Lucifer and beg him to let you do dumb things because you know Lucifer can't say no to you. He needs your power and is not afraid to tell you that
Constant reassurance. He always calls you by cute nicknames and as long as you call him "my beautiful big brother" every time he is amused.
Baby is ready to give you life lessons. Don't stab anyone,drink enough water and be patient with the ones you love.
Yes,he learned the "don't stab anyone" from talking to Belphie.
Is very lost when it comes to you being so interested in demons and angels because he is not used to be the one answering the questions but making them. Bare with him, he is trying to get a good answer.
Will ask for advice on how to answer you, probably goes to Lucifer but mostly Belphie.
Soon you two start doing things together that involve learning from humans and angels. Maybe you are walking down the street working out and when you both start chatting about demon life and suddenly everything stops.
Beel is clueless when it comes to comforting someone about an insecuritie since he was the one being comforted most of the times but will give you space if you need to or do whatever you feel comfy with.
If you call him "big brother" he will hug you like no one has ever hugged you before. Teddy bear hugs are a must now.
Will die for you and is not afraid of telling you such. "MC I will die for you" "whAt?" "As your big brother I may protect you with my life" "Please don't."
Tells you how much he wants you to be happy and constantly asks if you have any type of dreams or goals.
If you do have goals or dreams he will encourage you to go get it. Beel is there to support you no matter what.
Absolutely fucking not.
Why is everyone spoiling this stupid brat and not me? I hate them.
But hold on there,he doesn't completely hates you he just hates the attention you get.
If you go to him with a soft attitude and ask him if you can nap together he will say yes and will enjoy the moment a lot .
He has never been someone's big brother so it kinda hits him if you call him like that and will try to act confident and smug about it but it's kinda terrified.
What if he doesn't catch up on the big brother thing and fucks up? He doesn't want to disappoint you or make you feel awkward. So he copies his big brother and tries his best,believe me he does.
You need help with something? Ugh well I will help but you owe me one (you don't owe him anything really,he just doesn't wants to be seen as soft for you). Oh did someone caused you problems? No biggie,I will take care of it.
Spoiler alert: he is very overprotective with you,he doesn't want to lose you.
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Can u make mc is the actual owner of Cerberus when he was a pup but villagers killed him because they thought that he was a monster and what how would the brothers and the undateable react to that when mc started to cry when she saw Cerberus headcanons
Oh Beans! I totally spaced when reading this and only have the brothers.
I'll post what I have here right now, but this will also be on AO3, so if you keep checking/subscribe there, you'll get a notification when I've added the undateables! It might not be for a while though, since I'm about to start school again ^-^;;
Who's a Good Boy?
The Guard Dog of the House of Hades. A vicious, three-headed hellhound that only the fallen Morningstar himself could command. Unfathomably massive. Devourer of demons, angels, and humans alike. Notoriously difficult to groom.
That is Cerberus, Lucifer’s extremely volatile pet named after a figure from Greek mythology for reasons no one truly understands. The creature has struck fear into the hearts of its housemates, and the Devildom at large, for what feels like ages.
So when MC cries upon seeing the wolf-dog for the first time, none of the brothers are especially surprised. How could a human cross such a monster’s path and live, after all?
Except those who weep in fear usually don’t then barrel full-tilt into one of the monster’s furry legs, babbling incoherently about how they thought they’d never see him again.
One of Cerberus’ heads leans down to the human, and the brothers panic, fearing the worst. It opens its mouth, revealing razor sharp fangs—
And licks MC’s entire body in a saliva-filled canine kiss. Now covered in tears and drool, MC laughs as they shake themself off, teasing the hellhound by saying that they already showered today, thank you very much.
“So, did you miss me as much as I missed you?” they ask, giving Cerberus’ central head some under the chin scritches (the only part of its head they can currently reach).
Cerberus boofs loudly, enormous tail waving back and forth at an increasingly hazardous pace.
Lucifer is dealing with a Lot right now. He almost lost the exchange student to his own dog, except apparently Cerberus used to belong to MC?! How?!
He orders Cerberus to back away from the human, part of him still convinced that this is somehow a combination of MC being mistaken and Cerberus playing with its food, but the hellhound actually growls at him and picks MC up by the back of their shirt, tossing them onto its back.
MC, in response, finds new places to scritch.
He stares at the scene for a few minutes, unable to process what his life has become.
Later, once Cerberus finally agrees to let MC leave, they explain to him that Cerberus used to be a puppy in the human world.
Obviously, he was immediately noted as strange due to his three heads, and the people of MC’s village believed him to be an omen of death. MC themself didn’t care, and just saw “lil’ Cerb” as a puppy like any other, albeit an exceptionally drooly one.
He used to be more or less normal dog-sized, but it quickly became obvious that Cerberus was growing fast, and would be much larger than even a wolf by the time he was done. He also became harder and harder to hide.
Unfortunately, one night they awoke to poor Cerberus being chased out into the night by a mob, never to return.
They assumed the worst, mourned, and got on with their life as best as they could. But seeing Cerberus— they knew it was the same dog as soon as they saw him — brought all those emotions right back to the surface.
It’s not hard to adapt to these strange circumstances. Lucifer is actually quite relieved to have someone who is both willing and able to safely help him in caring for Cerberus, and both MC and the hellhound delight in each other’s company.
Lucifer also won’t deny the pride he feels upon seeing MC, the one he loves, getting along so well with his son dog.
The P A N I C of seeing MC within bite-chomp-murder-kill distance of Cerberus nearly killed Mammon.
What the hell is he supposed to do against that furball?! MC’s dead meat, a chew toy, he can’t save them again—
Torn between passing out from fear and yelling about how brave and cool HIS human is!
So he kinda just… stands there, slack-jawed, as MC finds a spot on the creature that makes it thump its leg so hard the ground shakes.
Already he’s cooking up ways to use MC’s Cerberus-taming powers to get into all kinds of Shenanigans
Except he quickly learns that while Cerb is much more gentle with MC, it won’t let them distract it from its duties.
Has this resulted in MC semi-unwillingly riding Cerberus as it chases a terrified Mammon throughout the Devildom? Possibly~
Though when MC explains to Mammon how Cerberus used to be their dog, and what had happened to him… He can’t help but feel a touch more sympathetic to the hellhound.
Only a little bit though. It still does try and tear him apart whenever he gets too close, after all.
Levi’s fear metamorphoses into awe much faster than the others’. MC LOOKS SO COOL!! Riding the mighty Cerberus like a steed!
He desperately wishes he had the art skills to capture this iconic moment forever. But alas, a camera will have to do.
It’s a pretty good picture, the comparatively small human sitting on Cerberus’ back like something straight out of a fantasy novel. Levi even has a shot of them accidentally scritching a spot that makes Cerberus breathe fire (like a furry dragon!)
100% gets super emotional when MC tells him how they originally had— and lost— Cerberus as a puppy. It reminds him of his precious Henry 1.0 in some ways…
Begs MC to let him post the photos he took, along with their story as the caption. It’s just too good! It’s exactly like that arc in My Adventurer Boyfriend Keeps Adopting the Monsters He Beats in Combat and Now We’re Running Out of Space to Keep Them!
Like Mammon, Levi also quickly learns that just because he unlocked Cerberus’ tragic backstory, doesn’t mean that the hellhound will treat him any differently.
But sometimes, after a long “walk” with MC, the massive creature will be mostly asleep. And then, his hand shaking, MC will guide Levi to pet Cerberus’ flank. Its tail swishes softly, Levi’s own swaying in response.
He shakes his head and laughs, torn between relief, awe, shock, and lingering horror for MC’s safety. Of course they can tame even the ferocious Cerberus…
Guess all sorts of angry monsters like MC, huh?
He definitely wants to hear the story of MC owning Cerberus in the past, but first he’s going to drink in the absolutely dumbfounded expression on Lucifer’s face.
Toooootally doesn’t cry upon hearing MC’s story with Cerberus. No way, he’s still a cat person, he swears!
...No one is allowed to comment on Satan’s various burn injuries that occur over the next few weeks.
Not if they don’t want to be left with worse.
OH SHIT!! Also, ewwwww
Once the fear for MC’s safety subsides, Asmo can appreciate the cuteness and hilarity that is MC with Cerberus. Truly no one is immune to their charms it seems, and their affections know no bounds.
...Is it that same quality that allows MC to continue to care for him and his brothers despite their past actions?
Asmo claims that the smoke from Cerberus’ fire breath is getting into his eyes, prompting him to leave. He has a good long stare-at-a-wall crisis for a bit.
Learning MC and Cerberus’ story only makes him mushier. Their tragedy got a happy ending after all!
As much as he loves MC’s charms, he still insists that they de-drool themself before touching him or any of his things. It stinks like brimstone!
Now if they need any help getting clean… That he can oblige~
As one of the physically stronger brothers, when Lucifer’s not available it’s Beel’s job to groom Cerberus. He knows how dangerous that mutt is.
But apparently not for MC “Knows No Fear” over there!
As Cerberus continues to remain docile in MC’s presence, Beel starts to appreciate the cuteness of a human and their giant hellhound.
Unabashedly mushy upon hearing MC’s story about Cerberus. The themes of losing a loved one, only to find them much later in a new form… it kinda hits a little close to home for him.
(It’s not a perfect analogy: Beel knows MC isn’t Lilith, but having them as part of her legacy is undeniably cathartic. It’s why he doesn’t share these exact feelings with them, since he knows they’re uncomfortable with being compared to her excessively. Still, he can’t help but note the comparison.)
Naturally, he’s also very happy to have a very useful partner for grooming Cerberus. That living nightmare turns into an overgrown puppy whenever MC’s around. It’s much easier, and much safer, to work with this way.
Plus, it means he gets some quality time with MC! And there’s nothing quite like the fond smiles they share with him during these moments.
He has got to be dreaming. No way is this actually happening— nope, Mammon just stepped on his foot, and that hurt, he’s awake.
Does MC not fear death? Is that it? Did that part of their brain just completely shut down when he killed them?!
Unlike the others, he can’t really shut down his panic. Sure, right now Cerberus is acting all cuddly, but that could change on a dime. That dog only listens to Lucifer, and right now all Lucifer is doing is staring gormlessly at it!!!
He nearly loses his hand trying to pull MC away from the creature (which it naturally did Not appreciate).
“Belphie, wait! It’s okay,” MC reassures him even as smoke blows out of Cerberus’ nostrils.
They explain their history with the hellhound, how they rescued it as a puppy and then lost it to the angry and frightened people of their village.
Belphegor can’t help but recall their expression when he told them about his imprisonment, the outrage there mingling with a much older emotion. Is that why they were so quick to help him?
He’s still wary of Cerberus. He refuses to be fooled by any facades the creature may be putting up.
But one day, MC invites him to one of their “playdates”. Cerberus watches him like a hawk, growling when he first approaches, but MC just shushes and soothes the monster until it allows him closer.
And maybe, after a few tense minutes, the pair begin to relax around each other.
And maybe, Lucifer has a picture of MC and Belphegor curled up in Cerberus’ fur as the three take a mid-afternoon nap.
And maybe, Belphegor lets him keep it.
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